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entailment You ca n't take it with you -- neither can I , unfortunately . You are not able to bring it with you .
neutral The publisher sent unrevised bound proofs from which this review was prepared ; unfortunately , there was no proof of an index , but the publisher has assured me that there will be one in the published book , a rather essential ingredient of a work with this title . Having an index in a book is very important .
contradiction So after two or three days he called Callgrove and said , Do n't bother coming in I found a guy better than you . He called up Callgrove to give him a raise .
contradiction There is a term in English for a tennis player reaching a height , for a brief stretch or longer , when he can not miss , and tennis people call it zoning . I have not heard it used in other cases , but when used it seems to equal tener duende . I do not know whether that use of duende has reached Portuguese speakers in Brazil or Portugal , but if it has not , it probably will soon , because so many Portuguese speakers are bilingual in Spanish . Zoning is when a player hits the ball out of zone .
entailment As a key part of its efforts , Defense created National Guard WMD Civil Support Teams to respond in the event of a WMD terrorist incident . Defense created the National Guard WMD Civil Support Teams to deal with a terrorism event on a mass scale .
neutral Yeah , but I 've done it for so long , I 'm used to like lifeguard and like everything like that . I love being a lifeguard .
neutral While his allied Islamist groups were focused on local battles , such as those in Egypt , Algeria , Bosnia , or Chechnya , Bin Ladin concentrated on attacking the far enemy-the United States . Bin Ladin was the only Islamist concerned with attacking the United States .
entailment I want to meet the coldest wome n'the women who get their diamonds and cars and then start to bawl about how sad and unlucky they 've been . There are women who unfairly complain about their lives even though they have diamonds and cars .
neutral . Substantively , if not literally , she made a morox . She made a morox out of the materials .
neutral The NEADS technician who took this call from the FAA immediately passed the word to the mission crew commander , who reported to the NEADS battle Mission Crew Commander , Okay , uh , American Airlines is still airborne . The battle commander tried to devise a strategy to stop the plane .
contradiction The FAA , the White House , and the Defense Department each initiated a multiagency teleconference before 9:30 . Multiagency communication did not take place at all .
contradiction They claimed they had a bomb . They did not say anything .
neutral As United 93 left Newark , the flight 's crew members were unaware of the hijacking of American 11 . As the flight United 93 left Newark the crew members were tragically unaware of the hijacking of American 11 and if they had been they could have prevented their own hijacking by keeping the plane grounded and double-checking for safety .
entailment Lockean ideas provided the footing for American behaviorism , launched by John Watson in the early 1900s and built by B. F. Skinner into a powerful mid-century theoretical force heralding the supremacy of environment in its belief that behavior is shaped by external stimuli . The ideas of Lockean have created the backbone for American behaviorism .
entailment And how , OK can you tell me any flood stories about growing up in Penn ? Can you describe any flood stories about living in Penn ?
contradiction Such stitching generally outlasts the fabric of jeans , as one can see from looking at the holey knees of jeans worn by many teenagers . Such stitching usually gives out before the fabric of the jeans does .
contradiction Okay , you read that from the Vice President , right ? I understand that the Vice President had no involvement in any way .
neutral Between these is an occasional flash of useful wisdom , much of it pretty well covered by other books of this type -LRB- which seem to be proliferating -RRB- . Despite the lack of new information in this book , it still stands on its own merit .
contradiction Its institutions take many forms and survive under many different political regimes . Its institutions survive only under one type of political regime .
contradiction Beyond English , entry into the guild may mean acquiring a special language of education -LRB- such as French in Senegal and English in Kenya -RRB- , because many of the world 's tongues are not yet -LRB- and may not ever be -RRB- part of the circle of standardized print languages in which the work of the guild can be conducted . Entry into the guild may mean acquiring an alcoholic beverage license .
contradiction Children of highly involved fathers score better on measures of intelligence , school achievement , mature social behavior , and fiexible beliefs about gender roles ` in short , on all the positive outcomes associated with maternal employment . Fathers do not contribute to a child 's development .
contradiction We 're off to save the Galaxy ! We refuse to save the galaxy .
contradiction Apparel items at the very top of this triangle include dresses from Paris , Milan , and New York runways , which represent a very small share of apparel sold . Apparel items from these runways include dresses that represent the majority of apparel sold .
entailment Thus , Step down -LRB- or back -RRB- and give me a shot was readily understood . Therefore , hold back and let me shoot was comprehended .
neutral It began in medieval Europe , and in the late 20th century it is everywhere in the world . It will disappear by the middle of the 21st century .
contradiction He said to me , You have to go , he said to me . He did n't say anything to me about having to go .
contradiction However , in light of the growth of rapid replenishment , our research predicts that the performance of these two units will vary over time , with the supplier that has implemented flexible planning and short-cycle production processes coming out ahead . The supplier who implements flexible planning will come out last .
contradiction In August 1996 , Bin Ladin had issued his own self-styled fatwa calling on Muslims to drive American soldiers out of Saudi Arabia . Bin Ladin pleaded for Muslims to accept American assistance .
contradiction And how they use to take their lunches to school and some of the things they took for lunch like fatback meat biscuits and -- . They would buy their lunches from the cafeteria rather than bring them .
contradiction What , ah , story in your childhood had the most impact on you ? No one told you stories as a child , did they ?
entailment The field is about 100 years old . The field was made 100 years ago .
contradiction Because , well , no , Ines was putting up an argument that - , when he told her , No , he said , e , Luis Alonso , I may be going to die , he said , because so much blood loss , he said . He said that there was no chance he was going to die of blood loss .
contradiction Return the completed card with your check by October 15 to receive an invitation to a special artist dinner on November 8 . Sent the check by November 28th and you will receive a special letter .
contradiction The word Yiddish derives from the German judisch ` Jewish . The word Yiddish derives from the Filipino word yankanak .
neutral If my father bought it , it would have to be a Dodge . My father is an avid car collector and loves driving .
neutral Cultures , and adults within them responsible for socialization , select dierent tasks for children 's learning . Many adults have learned from their own children .
entailment A short time later , Nawaf and Salem al Hazmi entered the same checkpoint . A while afterwards , two people went into the identical checkpoint .
contradiction As with all contributions made through I U Foundation , your gift is tax-deductible according to federal and state laws . Nothing that you give is tax deductible , sorry .
entailment You can help us help overburdened new parents . We can help overburden parents with your help .
contradiction Beginning in the 1970s , retailers expanded their offshore sourcing efforts , especially after quality standards improved , establishing sourcing offices and relationships in low-wage countries , particularly in Asia . The offices in Asia charged high prices to retailers , destroying their relationship .
neutral Mass customization , however , has the potential to make tailor fit at least somewhat less expensive , as new systems combine features of the efficient factory system with attention to at least a few critical customer measurements . Everybody likes the freedom to customize their belongings .
neutral In the late 1990s , these extremist groups suffered major defeats by Kurdish forces . Kurdish forces believed they needed to stop all extremist groups .
entailment Rusine should be added to the supplement of English words ending in - ine -LRB- p. Rusine should be added to the English words .
neutral From the airplane or from the ground ? The question was asked , `` from the airplane or from the ground ? '' about the sighting of the pilot of the remains of the flight 93 which had crashed in Pennsylvania .
neutral I 've been going up as a progress in school , so I , it will be a good change for me . I think further change can help me improve even more .
entailment We serve a classic Tuscan meal that includes a Florentine terrine made with dick and chicken livers . We serve a meal of Florentine terrine .
contradiction Because a reduction in the I/S ratio means that changes in sales will be matched by a smaller change in inventories , a lower ratio also implies lower inventory volatility . A lower I/S ratio results in higher inventory volatility and changes in sales will result in higher changes in inventories .
contradiction The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis is progressing well . The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis does not exist .
neutral There are sharp differences in the United States between organized labor and business and in the political arena as well . Business is more strict that labor in the United States .
entailment He tried the radios , first calling the aircraft directly , then the airline . He tried talking to the pilot , then he contacted the airline .
entailment Yeah , he taxied to a gas station to fill it up . He went to a gas station to fill it up .
contradiction Like in most schools in Charlotte , if you go on other sides , it 's like everybody 's just white , but in my school , there was every kind of person you could ever meet . My school was filled with people who were all extremely alike .
contradiction One of the flights that received the warning was United 93 . United 93 never received a warning .
entailment How old would you say you were when your cousins were doing this reading ? What was your age when your cousins read this ?
contradiction Orwell constructed an alternative future in his vision of the totalitarian state , Nineteen Eighty-Four . The work has given English a small lode of the title itself connotes a society marked by government terror and propaganda destroying the public 's consciousness of reality -LRB- the OED Supplement also accepts 1984 and 1984-ish as adjective forms -RRB- ; that government 's official language , Newspeak , now indicates the propagandistic or ambiguous language of , among others , politicians , bureaucrats , and broadcasters -LRB- revenue enhancement for tax increase , etc. -RRB- ; the twisting of minds to the capacity to accept the validity of utterly contradictory opinions or beliefs , or double-think ; the book 's head of state , Big Brother , implies an apparently benevolent , but really ruthless , omnipotent , and omniscient state authority . Despite coining many new words and phrases , none of Orwell 's terms have enjoyed usage in the English language .
neutral In practice , however , retail inventory management is fraught with challenges , such as long and uncertain order-fulfillment lead times , and errors in product identification and record keeping . Retail inventory management is the best thing that happened to the industry .
neutral ' Two plus ten equals twelve in any language . Three plus ten is thirteen everywhere
entailment Notwithstanding the valuable role he plays in inspiring nonlinguists to think about language and in informing them about myriad facets of the subject , I find it hard slogging -LRB- or , as he would probably write , sloguing -RRB- . Even though he usefully converses with nonlinguists , I find it very difficult .
entailment When somebody orders custom-made clothing , his or her measurements are taken by a fitter in a store and , three to six weeks later , the garment appears . When you order custom clothing , it shows up three to six weeks later .
entailment FAA Mission and Structure . How the FAA is structured .
entailment Do you read Dr. Seuss ? Do you read Dr. Seuss ?
contradiction They 're making trincheras , they call them trincheras , where they 're putting mounds of stones near the houses , so that the bullets there . The people of the village are enjoying a time of peace and prosperity .
neutral Societies seldom see what is central in their own cultures , having much less trouble identifying it in the cultures of others . This is most common in western societies .
neutral About this time , Card , the lead Secret Service agent , the President 's military aide , and the pilot were conferring on a possible destination for Air Force One . There was great concern for the president 's safety .
entailment That is , this is the last such request that will be penned from the Cavanaugh Hall address . You wo n't be receiving any more requests from the address at Cavanaugh Hall .
entailment It is a game that is like fishing in a barrel , but more stimulating mentally . It is similar to a game of fishing in a barrel .
contradiction For example , even at age 2 , they waited patiently to open a small gift until a guest had departed ` proper etiquette in Chinese culture . They could n't wait to open a small gift when they were very small .
entailment Or the virtual impossibility of finding a quiet place to study or even think , so that the children can cope in school and one day have a chance of achieving something better ? Do n't kids struggle to find a quiet place to study , which means they have difficulty coping with school ?
neutral Five calls described the intent of passengers and surviving crew members to revolt against the hijackers . The calls were made to loved ones and authorities .
entailment Between 9:01 and 9:02 , a manager from New York Center told the Command Center in A manager from the New York Center told the Command Center something between 9:01 and 9:02 .
neutral It does appear now , however , in dictionaries and the English-language media . Dictionaries and English language media often correlate .
neutral Building a Support System for Acquiring New Knowledge and Skills Promoting skill growth by encouraging the child to find their own way .
contradiction I have nothing particularly adverse to say about the book . I have quite a lot of adversities when it comes to the book .
neutral We arrived , at my brother 's , and Cristobal , with the livestock and the rest , still had n't arrived . When we arrived , Cristobal informed us that she was running late .
contradiction The Vice President was mistaken in his belief that shootdown authorization had been passed to the pilots flying at NORAD 's direction . The Vice President 's belief about the shootdown authorization was correct .
neutral Putting another ply on top the same way creates an additional problem . Placing another ply on top is the next step of the process and so it ca n't be avoided .
contradiction Thank you for your generosity . Thanks for nothing !
entailment The words divine afflatus thus create an unforgettable image jejune like a gumdrop The image of a gumdrop is created by the words divine afflatus .
entailment Forecasting Demand for New Products Predicting the demand for New Products .
entailment I hope you will take this opportunity to make a contribution to support SEND 's homeownership work . I hope you 'll make a contribution to support the work SEND does .
contradiction Cobuild and CED are far from being such polar opposites , but they exemplify this general point . Cobuild and CED are polar opposites , no matter which way you look at it .
contradiction Thirty-one privately-funded scholarships totaling $ 82.000 awarded to students annually Privately-funded scholarships totaled $ 300,000 last year alone .
contradiction Yeah I had to take it , as children ? I have never taken it as a child .
entailment He learned in the tunnel that the Pentagon had been hit , and he saw television coverage of smoke coming from the building . He knew about the Pentagon while he was in the tunnel .
entailment It 's just one of those things that you know , you just do n't think people want to hear much about these days . People do n't usually want to hear about those things much .
entailment What does he do for a living ? What is his current occupation ?
contradiction I look forward to seeing your name on our membership list . I hope you wo n't join our organization .
contradiction Did you notice any differences between an American writer and someone of foreign descent ? Did you notice the similarities between an American writer and someone of foreign origin ?
entailment Formally defined as the standard deviation of demand divided by average demand , the coefficient of variation can be considered a measure of variation that is normalized ; it allows us to compare the variation of demand for different products , even if the average demand of the two products is quite different . We can compare the demand for different products even if it is quite different .
entailment An English authority on dictionaries , James Root Hulbert , says that The Concise Oxford is the best for literary use in Britain and Chambers the best for general British use . James Root Hilbert says The Concise Oxford is the best for literary British use .
neutral It is the story of eccentric and violent ideas sprouting in the fertile ground of political and social turmoil . It is a sad story about political and social turmoil .
contradiction Sophie turned toward the teddy bear , lifted his paw , and exclaimed , She wants a lollipop to hold in her hand ! Sophie asked for some fried chicken after seeing the teddy bear .
entailment Therefore , this year 's annual operating campaign for the Herron School of Art and Gallery is focusing on the need for funds to help maintain the facility and our programs . Herron 's current campaign is focused on making enough money to maintain the facility and all its programs .
entailment This information infrastructure proved most beneficial when it gave Penney 's major vendors access to sales data via direct broadcast satellite . This infrastructure of information allowed Penney 's major vendors access to sales data .
neutral Please join us as we continue to rebuild this historic neighborhood into a place of pride and community strength . We will continue to rebuild the historic neighborhood and reduce the violence we 've dealt with lately .
neutral They welcome the chance to belong , to become self - sufficient , to regain their self-esteem and confidence . It is of utmost importance for long-term success that confidence is regained .
contradiction On Air Force One , the President 's press secretary was taking notes ; Ari Fleischer recorded that at 10:20 , the President told him that he had authorized a shootdown of aircraft if necessary . Ari Fleischer did not say anything about what the President told him .
contradiction And I could n't , well , do anything else . I did more than I thought I could .
neutral Correspondingly , employment in automotive and apparel trimmings increased 71.4 percent from 1979 to 1997 while in women 's and misses blouses and skirts it declined by 60.6 percent in the same period . Employment in women 's blouses and skirts decreased from 1979 to 1997 because the decrease in women working out of the home .
neutral They seem to think that he is descending . The airplane is being flow downward .
neutral In 1996 , these figures will triple . To slow this growth , we have come up with a plan .
entailment If my father bought it , it would have to be a Dodge . I have a father .
contradiction Al Qaeda members could travel freely within the country , enter and exit it without visas or any immigration procedures , purchase and import vehicles and weapons , and enjoy the use of official Afghan Ministry of Defense license plates . Al Qaeda members had many within the country , they could not purchase and import weapons and vehicles and could not travel freely without visas .
entailment In most cases , they dealt with words and functional elements , creating what are called reconstructions in hypothetical family prototypes called , variously , Proto-Latin , Proto-Greek , Proto-Germanic , Proto-Indo-Iranian , and so forth , the ultimate goal being to posit a single language called Proto-Indo-European . Proto-Germanic was posited as a hypothetical language family prototype .
contradiction He liked it a little warmer . He wanted it a bit cooler .
entailment And I 'm like , I 'm trying to convince him to , you know , if I do n't make it and there 's a strong possibility I wo n't , I know that , I 'm not stupid , I 'm nor going to go to L.A. and make five million or more than that -- I 'm trying to let them know I do n't think I 'm going to become rich in L.A.
contradiction Uh Asimov , he died about 8 years ago but I still find one or two of his that I had n't read yet . I 've read everything that Asimov wrote .
neutral Marr sought authorization to scramble the Otis fighters . Marr asked for authorization to scramble the Otis fighters because he thought it would be fun .
neutral Communicate with high warmth , using a positive emotional tone and providing explanations and justifications for your expectations . Talk while smiling and giggling , then elaborately discuss what you expect .
neutral My cousin 's . My cousin is over there .
entailment Gifts to the Chancellor 's Circle will help pay travel costs to our city and campus for prospective faculty and their spouses , along with some relocation costs . Contributions made to the Chancellor 's Circle are used to help with the costs of travel and relocation for prospective faculty and their family .
contradiction How does the YWCA differ from other organizations that provide health , fitness , social and education services ? Can you give me directions to the nearest gym ?
entailment During the course of the morning , there were multiple erroneous reports of hijacked aircraft . There were many reports that morning with incorrect information about the hijacking .
neutral Talia , mother of a 7-year - My son Anselmo , a first grader , constantly asks us to help him with his homework . Anselmo might be having more trouble with reading comprehension than others his age .
entailment Your gift to the law school will be an investment in its continued excellence . Your gift to the school will be an investment in its excellence .
entailment The changes now going on have their analog in the last century , when technological innovations of the day like railroads , telegraph , and steam power ` developed for purposes far afield of retail , apparel , or textiles ` helped transform the mass distri-bution of goods and information . Mass distribution of goods and information was affected by technological innovations such the steam power .
entailment The Concise Oxford allows both pronunciations . The Concise Oxford provides multiple ways to say a word .
contradiction The checkpoint featured closed-circuit television that recorded all passengers , including the hijackers , as they were screened . There was no recording device anywhere in the airport , so they had no footage of the hijackers .
entailment Once constructed , this persisting psychological self serves as an anchor for unique experiences , which are retained easily as long as they become personally meaningful . Personally meaningful unique experiences are always retained easily .
entailment Tell me about Batman . Speak to me about Batman .
contradiction In Sarasota , Florida , the presidential motorcade was arriving at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School , where President Bush was to read to a class and talk about education . In Sarasota , Florida the President was sitting at his hotel .
entailment It was not too bad early on , when , according to Miles , the seven Maccabean martyrs who saved Judaism did so only at the instigation of their mother . It was n't too bad at first when the martyrs saved Judaism on their mother 's orders .
contradiction bite the bullet If you visit a Revolutionary War battle site , like Fort Ticonderoga , you may see some gruesome artifacts in its museum ` bullets with teeth marks in them . The museum is an uplifting and happy place to visit .
entailment But under rapid replenishment arrangements , the inventory risk is now assumed by the apparel manufacturer ; consequently assembly time is now very important . With rapid replenishment inventory risk is taken by the manufacturer and thus the time in assembly is extremely vital .
entailment The correct translation is the Yueh -LRB- or Viet -RRB- of the south -LRB- as opposed to the Yueh who used to be just beyond present-day Shanghai -RRB- . There is a correct translation of the south in China .
contradiction I guess I read a lot of classic comics . I really do not read any classic comics .
contradiction In the 16th century the word was also a ` to run through , run across . The meaning of the word has n't changed since the 16th century .
neutral They also raise grave concerns about the recent proliferation of expensive commercial early learning centers , in which infants are barraged with letter and number fiashcards and slightly older toddlers are drenched in a full curriculum of reading , math , science , art , music , gym , and more . It 's unclear if early learning centers actually help infants and older toddlers .
entailment And he said , What 's going on ? He wanted to know what was going on .
contradiction This retailer launched its Web site in 1995 , the first major apparel retailer to do so . The first major apparel retailer opened their website in the late year of 2000 .
entailment I would enjoy meeting with you and hearing how the School of Engineering and Technology has affected your life . I would like you to express your opinion of how Engineering department has changed your life
entailment Logs indicate that it began at 9:25 and included the CIA ; the FBI ; the departments of State , Justice , and Defense ; the FAA ; and the White House shelter . Logs show the meeting included the CIA , FBI , State departments , Justice , Defence , FAA , and the White House .
contradiction These are challenging times for public institutions of higher education , with legislative appropriations unable to fund schools to the level they have in the past . Public institutions are being funded fine and we do n't need your help .
contradiction Consider sponsoring 1 , 2 , or 3 children . Do n't think about helping these kids .
entailment Unfortunately , most American employers do not provide this option , and many parents ` especially , single parents ` can not aord it . Many single parents can not afford this option .
entailment That is nonsense , of course ; but even if the users remain keenly aware that 1669 is the date only of the earliest written evidence , of what use or importance is that to them ? What value is it to the users if they know that 1669 is the date of the earliest written evidence ?
neutral They 're actually both teachers . The are teachers together .
contradiction Actually my first semester at Charlotte , I was a Pre-Business major to go into Marketing and Advertising , because I did that in high school , too . I did n't take any business related classes while in high school .
neutral Daddy 's , daddy 's a builder right ? I think father has been a builder all his life .
entailment Bin Ladin had an important part in this activity . Bin Ladin 's role in the proceedings was significant .
entailment Like neither , like I 'm the first one in my family to go to college on my dad 's side . My father 's side of the family did n't attend college .
entailment In addition , they overstated the FAA 's ability to provide the military with timely and useful information that morning . They oversold the competence off the FAA in regards to providing useful information on time .
entailment In the late 1990s , these extremist groups suffered major defeats by Kurdish forces . Kurdish forces were able to win over the extremist groups .
entailment Rice , who entered the room shortly after the Vice President and sat next to him , remembered hearing him inform the President , Sir , the CAPs are up . Rice came in and took a seat .
contradiction Yeah that 's one that I like . I do n't like that one .
contradiction Duende meant ` hobgoblin , ' ` sprite , ' or ` ghost ' in Spanish for a long time , but it is not known when it acquired its artistic coloration . Duende does not have anything to do with the paranormal .
neutral Bin Ladin was also willing to explore possibilities for cooperation with Iraq , even though Iraq 's dictator , Saddam Hussein , had never had an Islamist agenda-save for his opportunistic pose as a defender of the faithful against Crusaders during the Gulf War of 1991 . Saddam Hussein was an atheist and only was interested in Islam for PR .
contradiction They would rather me stay in Nursing because they know that 's where my heart is but , um , you know , they 're behind me in whatever I decide to do . I do n't feel confident that they would continue to support me if I quit nursing .
entailment We reach out to kids -- especially those from disadvantaged neighborhoods where the risks are highest . We like to help disadvantaged kids with risk
neutral But uh , come mealtime boy this little apartment with central air conditioning running , the smoke hung about four and a half five feet down from the ceiling . The smoke filled the small apartment very quickly .
neutral I , I do think they read to them when they are little . They are certain they were read stories when they were little .
neutral Hani Hanjour , assigned to seat 1B -LRB- first class -RRB- , soon followed . Bob was assigned to seat 2a
neutral These trainers were later heard boasting that their assistance led to the October 1993 shootdown of two U.S. At a later point , these trainers were heard bragging that their help led to the shoot-down and complete destruction of two U.S. helicopters .
neutral By 8:33 , it had reached its assigned cruising altitude of 31,000 feet . By 8:33 , it had followed its correct flight path .
entailment To the best of our recollection , this may be the only instance in which the origin of an expression has been traced to a statue . As far as we can recall , this might be the only case in which a statue inspired the creation of an expression .
contradiction There were various whimsical variants . There were no whimsical variants .
neutral In their testimony and in other public accounts , NORAD officials also stated that the Langley fighters were scrambled to respond to the notifications about American 77,178 United 93 , or both . NORAD officials said that the Langley fighters were called into action at 10:00 .
neutral When you make your contribution to the law school in 1992 , please take a moment to follow the three easy steps listed above . Please follow the three easy steps listed above when you make your contribution and please persuade your friends to do the same .
neutral crapulous , crapulent What this suggests would , of course , only occur to pre-pubescent boys and has nothing to do with the real meaning of drunkenness , overeating . Drunkenness and gluttony are important undertakings that go hand in hand with being men .
neutral General Wherley translated this in military terms to flying weapons free-that is , the decision to shoot rests in the cockpit , or in this case in the cockpit of the lead pilot . General Wherley described it in military lingo as flying weapons free , meaning that the decision to shoot rests with the lead pilot and is based on instinct .
entailment According to one report , Saddam Hussein 's efforts at this time to rebuild relations with the Saudis and other Middle Eastern regimes led him to stay clear of Bin Ladin . Saddam Hussein made efforts to rebuild relations with the Saudis and other Middle Eastern regimes .
contradiction Because they 're going to set up a committee , he said to me , so that when those big battalions , he said to me , of guerrillas arrive , these people attend , for example , the president is going to talk to the rest so that they all get food together for them . There is no committee for the event .
contradiction Chapters 8 through 10 focus on the apparel industry ; Chapters 11 and 12 look at textiles . The chapters are about dog breeds only .
neutral Knit fleece goods are commonly joined by a seaming operation called over-edging in the factory -LRB- and overlocking sewing in home use -RRB- . Home sewn knit fleece apparels will often last longer than their factory sewn counterparts .
contradiction To many , it is significant that the privilege of naming , granted to Adam , was denied to Eve . No one regards Adam 's privilege of naming to be significant .
entailment After our caseworkers meet with these families and their children they often find they lack even the basic necessities such as cooking utensils , beds , cleaning supplies , etc. . These families we see often go without food to eat , beds to sleep in , or a rag to wash themselves with .
contradiction Lush , green fields that stretched for miles , wisps of white clouds scattered across a clear , blue sky , tranquil silence broken only by cheerful bird songs , the fresh , sweet scent of morning air . The fields were full of strawberry crops .
entailment Also , if you enter jump , you get the synonyms for that ; but if you enter jumped , you get the -LRB- same -RRB- synonyms but inflected ` including the variants leapt , leaped for leap . All in all , for a relatively primitive system , it is not too bad ; but you would have to be in love with your computer to use it in preference to a far more complete books of synonyms available -LRB- especially The Synonym Finder , Rodale in the U.S. and Canada , Longman elsewhere , which offers more than 800,000 synonyms , more than three times the number listed in any other synonym book -RRB- . The Synonym Finder has the most synonyms of any synonym book .
entailment These processes are often reinforced with such comments from parents and teachers as , You 'll never get anywhere nowadays without a college education . Parents and teachers often make comments that college education is highly important .
entailment We are the only statewide not-for-profit organization whose primary mission is child abuse prevention . We 're an organization who deals with child abuse prevention above all else .
contradiction I have nobody here to guide me . My great aunt has been helping me with getting around the city .
contradiction In high school I was , you know , 3.0 's , you knows A 's and B 's an occasional C . Now here I 'm lucky if I get a C on something . Now I can easily get A 's and B 's , while before I was lucky to get a C.
entailment Do you read yet ? Can you read yet ?
neutral There is a bomb on board and are going back to the airport , and to have our demands -LSB- unintelligible -RSB- . The bomb on the plane was C4 explosive hidden in a backpack .
neutral For Indianapolis , that public university must be IUPUI . The IUPUI university is the only public university in town .
entailment Now , as children tend their gardens , they have a new appreciation of their relationship to the land , their cultural heritage , and their community . Children 's work in their gardens give them an appreciation of their cultural heritage .
entailment Now you 're in , in what grade ? In which grade are you now ?
contradiction In 1996 , these figures will triple . These figures will remain flat in 1996 .
neutral -RRB- for the ironic title of his dystopic novel . That it was chosen for the title of a novel about how bad the world can get is ironic .
neutral They must induce children to develop talents , skills , good values , and a sense of accomplishment through engagement not just in activities that are easy and fun , but in ones that are meaningful and challenging ` that help them sustain eort in the face of diculty , overcome obstacles , and advance to greater heights . They have to encourage kids to develop values through their own self-esteem .
contradiction Others who worked with ACM 's high school programming competition , with engineering 's super mileage vehicle , with RHllv1 's Baker 's Club , or with any of the School 's other activities helped to maintain traditions in their departments that future classes will be encouraged to continue . Future students will not be encouraged to continue these types of activities .
neutral Do you remember little Pierre ? I had a friend named Pierre .
entailment These people and their successes are real . Here are real people with real success .
neutral Do you play football a lot ? Are you good at football ?
entailment In particular , advanced practices in distribution and modular production interact with each other because they both reduce throughput time . One should certainly expect that distribution and modular production practices are combined to reduce the average time to complete processes .
contradiction In Algeria , where in 1991 Islamists seemed almost certain to win power through the ballot box , the military preempted their victory , triggering a brutal civil war that continues today . Islamists won power in Algeria in 1991 .
neutral In 1989 , the law school received $ 38,912 in matching gifts from 55 companies . The matching gifts came in waves to celebrate the law school opening , under the patronage of a famous local community owner .
entailment From his headquarters in Jersey City , he distributed messages calling for the murder of unbelievers . His headquarters were in Jersey City .
entailment I have nothing particularly adverse to say about the book . There is nothing adverse I can say about the book .
entailment Well , as a teacher , do you see reading as something that is still important in families today ? Is reading still something important that families should do nowadays ?
neutral If you try to make any moves , you 'll endanger yourself and the airplane . If you move they will respond with violence .
entailment The Grill will feature enough activities that you and your kids will have a tough time deciding what to do . It is hard to choose which activity to do
contradiction Um , I like this area a whole lot and it 's , it 's growing so much and I just want to be near my family so I can take care of them whenever they get older . I really despise living in this location and would prefer to be farther away from my relatives .
neutral The New York Center controller and manager were unaware that American 11 had already crashed . The controllers soon found out the plane had crashed .
contradiction Notwithstanding , even the brief glimpses afforded by such investigations can provide some insight into civilizations that existed hundreds or , in some cases , thousands of years earlier . These investigations tell us very little about historical civilizations .
entailment What the Sewing Operator Does What functions the sewing operator performs
contradiction I 'm all for Latin courses , but there 's an easier way of building your English vocabulary then plowing through the intricacies of Latin morphology and syntax . There is no easier way to learn English than by studying Latin morphology .
entailment Finally , measurement , fit , color , and texture remain central components of apparel sales . Apparel sales require color , texture , and fit .
entailment On behalf of all the men , women and children in Central Indiana who will benefit from your kindness , thank you . We thank you on behalf of everybody who will be helped .
contradiction Our neighbor had a pool and we were kind of like the Hatfield 's and McCoy 's , they were n't very nice people and they did n't like us . The neighbors loved us and treated us like family .
contradiction How was it going to high school in Charlotte ? What was it like being homeschooled for the entirety of your education ?
entailment In the 95 paper , I extend Tuleja my sympathies . I am sorry for Tuleja .
entailment I 've read several of his books both fiction and non-fiction books . I 've read some of his fiction and non-fiction books .
contradiction Let 's get it right . Let 's screw this up .
neutral A response card is enclosed for your convenience . It is required that you RSVP with the enclosed response card .
contradiction go off half cocked Muzzleloaders , then as now , had a half cock , or safety position , for a gun 's hammer that partially back-locked the trigger mechanism so that the weapon could not be fired . A gun 's hammer does not connect to the trigger component .
neutral In particular , retaining some short-cycle capacity may be advantageous for production of SKUs with higher levels of demand variation , whether because of fashion content or uncommon size ` that is , for garments that have unique design elements or are in a size few consumers wear . Garments that have unique design elements are usually in a larger variety of sizes to wear .
neutral Right now , there are thousands of people who do not know what it feels like to support themselves . Although the number is shrinking , there are still thousands of people that do n't know what it 's like to support themselves .
entailment I collected , in northeastern Colorado , a very large -LRB- ca. 1 inch -RRB- species of robber fly -LRB- family Asilidae -RRB- . Robber flies can be up to an inch .
neutral NORAD officials have maintained that they would have intercepted and shot down United 93 . NORAD would have sent their fighters to take out the engines of United 93 .
neutral Before she died and she crashed on that curve . We had a lot of good times together before she died .
contradiction Many Americans have wondered , Why do ` they ' hate us ? No Americans wonder why they are hated .
contradiction Campbell held that the ancient mythologies and religions are allegorical and that there was no real distinction between gods and goddesses , who were given sexual identity when in human form only to make them more meaningful . God does n't exist .
entailment Late last Spring , we established an account for the IGGS Scholarship to help defray the tuition costs for an undergraduate major in Geology at IUPUI . We created the IGGS Scholarship to help Geology major undergraduates with their tuition costs .
contradiction Ah , Uncle Wiggly was a favorite . Uncle Wiggly had never been a very popular man .
neutral I wo n't tell . I wo n't tell your brother .
neutral A diskette is also called a floppy ; the reason for the name is not immediately apparent -LRB- nor why the item is called a diskette , for that matter -RRB- , but all becomes clear . Floppy is a very archaic term .
contradiction What Clustering Looks Like in the Real World How clustering looks on paper .
contradiction Is it like a gun ? Is it a ball ?
contradiction What did you enjoy about reading the Lewis and Clark journals ? The Lewis and Clark journals must have been boring reading .
neutral Bear in mind , however , that the information-integrated channel requires substantial investment in technologies by retailers . Retailers might want to invest in other things too .
neutral I 'll ask you first Mom , and then Dad . I have a couple more questions for you , mom and dad .
neutral We serve a classic Tuscan meal that includes a Florentine terrine made with dick and chicken livers . It is a delicious meal of Florentine terrine .
contradiction Two minutes later the transponder was turned off and even primary radar contact with the aircraft was lost . The aircraft took 5 more minutes for the transponder to turn off .
contradiction Do you plan on staying in Charlotte ? Are you going to wash your car ?
entailment Even though we receive operating funds from the state , there are a myriad of additional expenses to be met , such as welding equipment for sculpture , pottery wheels for ceramics , and computers for graphics . The funding from the state does n't cover everything else .
contradiction Then watch your gift multiply . Watch your gift dwindle .
neutral In 1971 , he opened is first business , a small New Jersey construction firm . His early business years in construction were tough as he struggled to make ends meet .
contradiction -LRB- Admittedly , no party completely purges its rhetoric of terms like phallologocentric , however . -RRB- Terms like phallogocentric are always completely purged within a party .
entailment When we quote from a source document , we use its transliteration , e.g. , al Qida instead of al Qaeda . When a source document is quoted we directly translate the scripting language into the Latin alphabet .
entailment And how they use to take their lunches to school and some of the things they took for lunch like fatback meat biscuits and -- . In the past they would bring their lunches to school .
entailment Be that as it may , a later Australian visitor to English drizzle might feel nostalgic when thinking of the parched and thirsty but water-obsessed vocabulary developed in the drier areas of our sunburnt land . The vocabulary is obsessed with water .
contradiction Increased rates of product introduction , product proliferation , and shortened product cycles mean that companies have to respond much faster to rapidly changing markets . Slower proliferation , production rate and other factors increase the amount of time companies have to respond to the market .
entailment Again , the time it takes managers to reach a decision is what determines the length of this process . Again , the time it takes in making a decision determines how long this process is .
neutral Yeah , I have a son that uh , likes to relive the tragedy of his split lip . My son is n't really that fond of telling any stories , but he does have this one that he loves to tell to everyone and everything that he can about his split lip .
entailment Chapters 13 through 15 examine the channel as a whole , from global , private-performance , and public-policy perspectives . These chapters examine the channel from 3 separate perspectives .
entailment -LRB- The Shia are dominant in Iran . -RRB- In Iran , dominance is held by the Shia .
entailment Whether clerical workers or executives , the majority confirmed the parental state of mind just They complained of overly long workdays and frenetic home lives . They did complain of workdays that were too long and a home life that was frenetic .
contradiction So , too , feminists lobby for gender-neutral terms when appropriate . Feminists do n't care about how people speak .
entailment At 9:37:46 , American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon , traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour . American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at precisely 9:37:46 .
entailment She asked her mother to alert American Airlines . She asked her mom to call American Airlines .
contradiction Securely attached infants actively seek contact with and are easily consoled by their familiar , responsive caregiver . Securely attached infants do not often seek comfort and contact from their caregiver .
entailment In the hands of parents and teachers lies the awesome responsibility of conveying to the next generation the intellectual , scientific , aesthetic , and moral achievements that dierentiate our species from others . Parents have the responsibility to convey to the next generation the scientific achievements humans have made .
entailment Assume that the retailer wishes to provide a 95 percent order-fulfillment rate for this SKU , that the retailer checks inventory once per week , and that the manufacturer 's lead time to deliver replenishment units is overnight . That the inventory checks are conducted weekly by the retailer is one of the assumptions .
neutral The order must be broken down into groups of units to be worked on together . The customer 's order needs to be split into groups of four being worked on .
contradiction In their testimony and in other public accounts , NORAD officials also stated that the Langley fighters were scrambled to respond to the notifications about American 77,178 United 93 , or both . The Langley fighters remained on the ground according to NORAD officials .
contradiction Between 9:01 and 9:02 , a manager from New York Center told the Command Center in Between 9:01 and 9:02 , nobody contacted the Command Center .
neutral Similarly , feminists discourage titles that identify women 's -LRB- but not men 's -RRB- marital status -LRB- though many users mistakenly assume Ms . a synonym for Miss -RRB- . Feminists know exactly what is right and wrong about titles
contradiction Over the years , a number of well-respected individuals have spoken out on behalf of our mission ... our service ... and our stewardship . We had trouble in finding people to support our mission .
entailment When he came home , it was harder controlling diabetes . It became harder to control his diabetes once he was home .
entailment And then , well , we found out that my brother had been admitted , until they took out th , that -LRB- fragment0 , they let him come , but now he did n't come , he went to , to the department of education and asked a transfer , they did n't deny it to him , they transferred him to another place immediately . The department did not reject the transfer to him , they transferred him instantly .
contradiction pediculosis Not as foot disease nor the bad breath of children , but just plain -LRB- and literally -RRB- lousiness . A child with a diseased foot has pediculosis .
neutral And uh , me and my friend there we 'd always sit together in the first or second seat on the bus . We were the first ones to be picked up so we always sat in the front .
contradiction Oh , you want a cracker ! I know . You do n't want a cracker .
contradiction For the short term , its impact will be on a relatively small niche market . The impact will be on a large market .
entailment To foster productivity -LRB- physical output per worker -RRB- and constrain supervisory costs , wages are paid on a piece-rate basis , providing incentives for rapid completion of the operation . To foster productivity wages are paid on a piece-rate basis .
entailment Within seconds , the Command Center received a visual report from another aircraft , and informed headquarters that the aircraft was 20 miles northwest of Johnstown . The Command Center got a visual report from another plane .
neutral They were armed and under NORAD 's control . They were eager to find and engage with their target .
contradiction The school received 1,437 applications to seat 260 students in the 1992 entering class . Less than 1,000 applications were received by the school .
contradiction Yet a few years ago , it almost closed its doors due to a lack of applicants . There has always been far too many applicants .
entailment The entire thing ! The whole thing
neutral When I investigated all the different ways I could get involved to help local families , I discovered the answer that made the most sense was United Way of Central Indiana . I saw the United Way helped the most people .
neutral The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis is progressing well . Has the Encyclopedia of Indianapolis always progressed well ?
contradiction If you have any questions , please feel free to give us a call at 638-3360 . Do not contact us if you have a question
contradiction The knitting machine produces cloth as the loom does but uses a different method . Looms and knitting machines both produce cloth in the same manner .
entailment This book is a good introduction to the subject -LRB- in England -RRB- ; those familiar with dialectology in America , and those interested in the study in England or , indeed , generally would be well advised to add Word Maps to their libraries . This book is a great introduction to American dialect and English .
contradiction Though novel for its open endorsement of indiscriminate killing , Bin Ladin 's 1998 declaration was only the latest in the long series of his public and private calls since 1992 that singled out the United States for attack . Bin Ladin had ignored the United States until 1998 .
contradiction In The Bride of Lammermoor -LRB- Chapter V -RRB- , we are informed that the heroine placed certain restrictions on their intercourse , a limitation that might have been more usefully set in that same author 's Rob Roy -LRB- Chapter VII -RRB- where we are told of the chance that the narrator and Miss Vernon might be thrown into very close and frequent intercourse . There were no limitations on their intercourse
neutral The emergency call lasted approximately 25 minutes , as Ong calmly and professionally relayed information about events taking place aboard the airplane to authorities on the ground . Ong relayed information about the hijackers events to authorities on the ground in PA for around 25 minutes .
contradiction Indeed , Hannah 's tale suggests that young children denied these supports can still profit from them later , if such supports are available and they have the fortitude to capitalize on them . Hannah 's story suggests that young kids that do n't have support ca n't just get them later .
neutral Language appropriate to a basic ability to read and write , followed by the capacity to handle abstract usage , and , at a higher level , to be at ease with what Philip Gove in Webster 's Third called ISV , ` international scientific vocabulary . Philip Gove is a linguist with a masters degree in Foreign Language Studies .
neutral The second radio transmission , 35 seconds later , indicated that the fight was continuing . The flight never ended and kept going for a while .
contradiction Those in Egypt , Libya , Iraq , and Yemen were eventually overthrown by secular nationalist revolutionaries . The revolutionaries have failed to overthrow it in Yemen .
neutral Yeah , we got ta get-we got ta alert the military real quick on this . The military should already have been alerted about this .
entailment But you ended up with blood poisoning from all the gasoline . You came in contact with so much gasoline you must have blood poisoning now , it 's absolutely toxic to your body .
neutral Notwithstanding the unfortunate fact that the gathering and assessment of citational evidence is not what it should -LRB- or might -RRB- be , I should still put my money on professional lexicographers and their resources rather than on M and S. M and S are a very poor production company which provide false lexicographical information
contradiction Engineers designed operations to take similar lengths of time to achieve line balancing . Engineers are pushing for different lengths of time to achieve line balancing .
entailment On the other hand , the shared main entry for watershed has twenty-three words in CED but 93 in Cobuild . And the word waterless is a main entry in Cobuild , explained in twenty words , whereas in CED it is naught but a so-called undefined runon ` merely mentioned , but not explained explicitly , as a sub-entry at water . So CED enters more items than Cobuild , but devotes less space to explaining them . Cobuild uses more space to explain items but has fewer entries than CED .
entailment Consider , for example , a 9-month-old infant who has never before seen a jack-in-the-box . For instance , think of a 9-month-old infant experiencing a jack-in-the-box for the first time .
neutral For W9 's exemplary precision in telling us what vocabulary entries and dictionary entries are is offset by its vagueness about which type of entry its PR-wallahs have counted for their blurb . PR-wallahs are key to the marketing success and sales of dictionaries .
contradiction Is he your favorite superhero ? Is that your favorite actor ?
contradiction That one time you were trying to take that floor joist . What is a floor joist ?
entailment Your support will help them go to work . Giving your support will help to find people gainful employment .
entailment I 'll twist him , sir . I 'll wring him , mister .
entailment Our state appropriation is not now - nor has it ever been -- sufficient to fund , for example , all of the costs associated with faculty research , student programs , scholarships , seminars , guest speakers , and the law library . We need to be given more funding in order to run the school .
entailment In early September you received an annual appeal from Herron . You received an yearly appeal from Herron in the first month of autumn .
neutral Six , southwest of the White House , deviating away . They were monitored on radar as a precaution .
contradiction As outlined during recent meetings of the Board of Visitors and Alumni Association Directors , these will include an Indianapolis law student/alumni telephone campaign and increased emphasis on giving at the Maennerchor Society level . The Board of Visitors and Alumni Association Directors did not meet at all recently .
entailment In one study , Lonigan and Whitehurst compared shared reading with teachers at preschool , shared reading with parents at home , and a combined condition . A study compared shared reading with teacher at preschool , and parents at home .
entailment The buyer should order 250 units , since there is a 75 percent probability that demand will be less than this . It is likely that the demand will be lower .
neutral In the hands of an already successful scholar , the extras that endowments provide ensure continued success - for the scholar and the school . Extras that the endowments provide include a bag full of ouija board keychains .
neutral How to protect your neighborhood against crime and Jennifer Beals , star of ` The Bride . You need to protect your neighborhood from Jennifer
entailment Duende meant ` hobgoblin , ' ` sprite , ' or ` ghost ' in Spanish for a long time , but it is not known when it acquired its artistic coloration . Duende has had many meanings , but all were similar .
contradiction Of course , if a researcher tampers with the evidence , making a unilateral , unsupported claim or assumption that a word means something that it does not , then that does not constitute semantic it is what is known as dirty work at the crossroads , and M and S are indulging in a bit of mischief by suggesting that semantic change either has taken place or is taking place because they have some evidence that a certain change in usage had crept in . When researchers apply the label semantic , they always do so with great care .
entailment But if we did n't want to work with them , we should n't get them into anything with the mil , military , such as , informing on them , or something like that . We should not involve them with anything military if we do n't desire to work alongside them .
entailment Al Qaeda 's role in organizing terrorist operations had also changed . Al Qaeda later took on a different role when it came to terrorist operations .
neutral Some of Bin Ladin 's companies ran short of funds . Bin Ladin had trouble operating all of his businesses at once .
neutral These changes are related to new technology and foreign competition . They are trying to stay on top of their competitors .
contradiction Quiet now . Not quiet .
entailment We have already described some specific ways that managers can think about integration of new information technologies and manufacturing practices . Managers can think about integration of new technologies in any of the ways we have described .
neutral These changes are related to new technology and foreign competition . The aging technology makes it impossible for them to be a contender .
neutral At the end of the second year , children begin to label their own and others ' internal states with words , such as want , happy , mad , think , and pretend . Children think a lot about their internal states and the internal states of others .
contradiction Payment of $ 1,000 -LRB- or more -RRB- may be made now or at anytime before December 31 , 1993 . Payments may be as little as $ 10 .
entailment Where ellipses occur , I have not bothered to copy down the entire list of offerings , selecting only those that struck me as odd , either because of the incongruity of the choice or because I could not , in the wildest flights of dyslexic , schizophrenic-fancy , imagine the criteria employed in arriving at the selections . Some of these choices are hard to understand .
entailment What 's your favorite toy ? Can you tell me about your favorite toy ?
entailment I do n't , I kind of do n't think about that though , because I 'm like my life is my life , you know ? This is my life I just do not want to think about it .
entailment It is unlike Dr. Aman to cloak his subject ` dirty language'under the euphemism verbal aggression : he and most of the authors of the articles appearing in Maledicta let it all hang out ; some , however , tuck it away neatly and write under a pseudonym . Some who specialize in offensive language are more comfortable using offensive language than others .
entailment Um , I read some of the same books that they had read to me , first , and then , as I got older , I just got hungry for books . I developed a need for books as I grew up .
neutral While it apparently was not heard by the passengers , this announcement , like those on Flight 11 and Flight 77 , was intended to deceive them . The announcement was supposed to trick the passengers , but they did n't hear it , so they caught on quickly .
entailment Thus , if a retailer follows the simplest strategy of ordering at the beginning of each week exactly those items that sold during the previous week , manufacturers must be prepared to ship an unknown number of items each week . Manufacturers should n't expect to know the number of items for every week in advance .
entailment About this time , Card , the lead Secret Service agent , the President 's military aide , and the pilot were conferring on a possible destination for Air Force One . The group was having a discussion about where to fly to .
entailment Um , the joys , joys and fun of construction . The joy and excitement of construction .
contradiction Girl Scouting 's many friends who have been the recipients of good wishes , we have enhanced our facilities and programs to increase the joy that Girl Scouting brings to all girls . Girl Scouting has just a couple donors .
entailment She reported that the pilot had announced that the flight had been hijacked , and she asked her husband what she should tell the captain to do . She said the pilot told them they 'd been hijacked .
entailment But because the iron balls and the brass holders had markedly different coefficients of expansion , the pyramids of cannonballs had a tendency to collapse during cold snaps ` weather that was cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey . Cold weather causes the cannonballs to collapse .
entailment The whole idea of such a procedure is enough to make one sweat bullets . It is very nerve-wracking to go through a procedure like that .
entailment Well , it was n't light yet when the gunfire starts . When the gunfire starts , it was not even light yet .
contradiction Thank you in advance for your contribution and interest in dental hygiene education . You have n't contributed and do n't care about dental hygiene education .
entailment Um , she pretty much showed a lot of disinterest at best and , and outright hostility at worst towards my mom until we the kids came along . She hated my mom until we kids were born .
contradiction Because teaching a man to fish will keep him fed for his entire life . Teaching a man to fish does n't necessarily mean he will never be hungry .
contradiction Your past contribution provided a direct line of support for local programs that promote health and wellness , strengthen families , invest in our children , help people become self-sufficient , and serve the elderly and disabled . Your old donation paid for wildlife rescue services out of state .
neutral Our faculty are involved in the community , working with city officials , conducting research , and providing the community with expertise and service . Our teachers are happy to be working so closely to the community .
neutral Die-cutters are much safer when fully automated , but building computerized loading and unloading features into the machine adds cost . Putting computerized loading and unloading features in the machine costs several thousand dollars .
entailment As a male reader , I get strong vibrations from this book that the authors advocate the paranoid view that everything in the language that is not exactly as they would like it to be is the result of a gigantic hate program against women . A male reader may think that the author views things as hatred of women .
entailment My favorite story , um , oh , Cinderella . Cinderella would be my favorite story .
neutral Well , they must have because I still read fiction . He still reads fictional books .
contradiction The next two chapters examine apparel operations , starting with a look at the use of information technologies and automation equipment in the preassembly stages of garment-making -LRB- Chapter 8 -RRB- and then the sewing room -LRB- Chapter 9 -RRB- . Information technologies within the context of the preassembly stages of garment-making are examined in Chapter 9 but not in Chapter 8 .
entailment The whole enchilada ! The entire enchilada
neutral All on board , as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building , were killed . There were no children on board so there were no child deaths .
entailment In a recent provocative study , sociologist Arlie Hochschild spent months getting to know employees at a large Midwestern corporation she called Americo . Arlie Hochschild , a sociologist , spent months getting to know employees of Americo during a recent exciting study .
contradiction Projects which enliven and enrich the student experience and draw some of our finest scholars and teachers to our campus -- and to our city . These projects are largely ignored and do n't impact anyone .
contradiction In June 1984 I moved from Ottawa to Victoria , on Vancouver Island , where I now enjoy genteel retirement . I moved to Victoria in 1983
neutral If you would like to become a member of ELM , please fill out the enclosed membership form and send it back at your earliest convenience . Membership of the ELM costs $ 20 per year .
contradiction Yiddish never apologizes for what it is ` the earthy , wise soul of an expressive people learning that life is but a mingled yarn , good and ill together . Yiddish is really only for the good times in life .
entailment Both set off the alarm , and they were directed to a second metal detector . Two people were directed to a metal detector after setting off the alarm .
entailment And in this network , Bin Ladin 's agenda stood out . Bin Ladin 's agenda stood out among those people .
neutral So it 's almost like a second home . It is the place I spend so much of my time .
entailment The White House requested -LRB- 1 -RRB- the implementation of continuity of government measures , -LRB- 2 -RRB- fighter escorts for Air Force One , and -LRB- 3 -RRB- a fighter combat air patrol over Washington , D.C. The White House had a contingency plan in place .
contradiction What kind of , do you ever tell stories to your little sister ? Your sister can read , so I 'm sure you do n't have to read her stories .
entailment Orwell constructed an alternative future in his vision of the totalitarian state , Nineteen Eighty-Four . The work has given English a small lode of the title itself connotes a society marked by government terror and propaganda destroying the public 's consciousness of reality -LRB- the OED Supplement also accepts 1984 and 1984-ish as adjective forms -RRB- ; that government 's official language , Newspeak , now indicates the propagandistic or ambiguous language of , among others , politicians , bureaucrats , and broadcasters -LRB- revenue enhancement for tax increase , etc. -RRB- ; the twisting of minds to the capacity to accept the validity of utterly contradictory opinions or beliefs , or double-think ; the book 's head of state , Big Brother , implies an apparently benevolent , but really ruthless , omnipotent , and omniscient state authority . Orwell 's novel , Nineteen Eight-Four , gave several words to English including 1984 , Newspeak , and double-think .
neutral -LRB- Tries to insert a piece in the wrong place -RRB- They figured out where the piece goes .
neutral As technology advances , life imitates art . Life is incredibly difficult to emulate .
entailment Now where did you , when you were hearing these stories , your mother was telling them to you , where were you living at the time ? Your mother told you these stories .
contradiction Analysand , like several - nd words in English , is derived from the gerundive , and so means ` -LRB- a person -RRB- to be analyzed . Analysand does not come from gerundive and is not English
contradiction In those days , people as a rule did not take much care of phonograph records . People took great care of phonograph records .
neutral No , they did n't , no , just that one . There was only one person the whole time .
neutral In all of these instances , the job of the controller was to reach out to the aircraft , the parent company of the aircraft , and other planes in the vicinity in an attempt to reestablish communications and set the aircraft back on course . If an aircraft gets off the course , the controller is responsible to what happens to it .
entailment Rather , the intensity of adult support depends on where the task falls within the child 's zone . Adult support the child depends on the situation .
contradiction OK , how about you Mom ? No , mom , not you , but dad .
neutral Recently , the world watched as the newest space shuttle made its maiden voyage . They were all anxious to see what they would discover in space .
contradiction Aman evidently disagrees , for his writing is peppered -LRB- salted ? -RRB- Bob 's writing is delicious .
neutral I had , had put in several weeks that were between 60 and 90 hours a week . I worked 90 hours a week for three weeks in a row .
neutral In our fund raising efforts to date , we have received the support of local government , foundations , and corporations as well as the personal financial commitments of individual MCCOY Board members . We have raised thousands of dollars in our fund raising .
entailment The ability to keep learning , to keep discovering , and to keep inventing becomes even more important if we are to compete in tomorrow 's world . In order to stay competitive today we must keep learning and discovering and inventing .
neutral Home in Black Mountain a chile ' will smack yo ' face ; A chile can be very strong .
entailment Let us start with the three groups of clues encountered in the classical crossword synonyms , superordinates , and definitions . We will start with classical crossword synonyms , super-ordinates and definitions .
neutral All the same , in one respect , Denis was right . We did not expect Denis to be right
entailment over the moon ` elated ' Happy .
contradiction Human needs are on the rise in central Indiana and we have to meet the challenge . We do n't need to worry , because human needs are not rising in central Indiana .
contradiction He boarded the aircraft , asked the Secret Service about the safety of his family , and called the Vice President . After boarding the aircraft , he asked the secret service if his family was alright , then he said he could n't deal with the stress and went home .
entailment Your gift will go beyond the holiday season . The impact of your donation will extend into the following year .
neutral Um , do you have a , one of those types of stories ? Do you have , one of those types of stories to tell from the old days ?
neutral Under the command of state governors , they provided support to civilian agencies to assess the nature of the attack , offer medical and technical advice , and coordinate state and local responses . They gave support to civilian groups to see how bad the attack was , then gave $ 1million to respond to it .
neutral Um , not really anything unusual . It 's happened before .
contradiction Do you have a chance to re-tell this story , um , in your work or to your own children ? I do n't care about your story .
entailment In addition , there was a rich collection of words relating to water , not necessarily indicating its presence . There was a collection of words that were about water .
contradiction Black cover with white , black and white . The cover of the album was colorful .
contradiction This fall alumni and students at the Indiana University School of Law Indianapolis will initiate several programs to encourage alumni support for the school . No programs centered on alumni support are available .
entailment I just really did n't ever love poetry for some reason . I really do not ever have a love for poetry .
neutral What color was it painted ? What color was the small vase painted ?
entailment Command Uh , that 's a decision somebody 's gon na have to make probably in the next ten minutes . That decision needs to be made in ten minutes or less .
neutral 6 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. . We won a 6 millioin grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. .
neutral And like the autobiographical and everyday narratives that adults generate , children 's narratives increasingly focus on people 's internal states ` their desires , feelings , and She wanted it so much or I felt bad . The internal narratives of adults are based largely on conscious thoughts .
contradiction When one of these women gave birth to a child without knowing which sailor had fathered it , the paternity was logged as gun , perhaps alluding to the midship gun , which was often located near the makeshift maternity room . The child 's father was logged as simply `` sailor '' .
entailment Sexually Transmitted Infections -LRB- including AIDS -RRB- Sexually Transmitted Infections include AIDS .
entailment Its overall influence is profound but undiscussed , although aspects of that influence are discussed constantly , under headings like language , education , standards , literacy , literature , science , and medicine . There are some aspects of its influence that are discussed .
neutral What other kind of things do you do for your dad ? Your dad does not care what things you do .
entailment Unfortunately , with this famous Lipschitz diamond comes also the famous Lipschitz curse . The Lipschitz diamond is cursed .
entailment Spreading the cloth many plies thick without stressing the cloth is , again , one of the quality steps of getting ready to sew . One important step in sewing is spreading the cloth many piles thick and not stressing it .
contradiction The total production quantity for each SKU is allocated between the two plants . The entire production amounts are assigned to only one of the plants .
contradiction Here at The Salvation Army , this is our continuous goal . Here at The Salvation Army , we do not set goals .
contradiction As the above sampling of concerns reveals , today 's parents are not just worried about major transitions and traumas , such as the impact of marital breakup or community violence . Parent 's these day 's are n't concerned about major transitions .
entailment Under the leadership of Dean H. William Gilmore , the school has identified student support and technological infrastructure as the greatest needs in this year 's annual fund appeal . Donations are being sought in the areas of Student support and technological infrastructure this year .
entailment And so , uh , those things come about through the work of reading rather than through listening to some person on the street corner or , uh , gazing on TV . Those things happen because of the effort required to read instead of listening to someone talk .
entailment He had an appetite and aptitude for business . In business , he found that he could excel ; on top of this , he really enjoyed it .
contradiction The Operations Center located at FAA headquarters receives notifications of incidents , including accidents and hijackings . No one at the FFA headquarters receives notifications of incidents .
neutral Consider Dickens ' sharp image in Bleak House -LRB- Chapter LIV -RRB- when he describes how Sir Leicester leans back in his chair , and breathlessly ejaculates . Charles Dickens wrote Bleak House while sitting in his favorite chair .
entailment Lenient -- lenient , you know . Permissive , tolerant
neutral Blaring sirens and horrendous crime . Loud sirens going off in the distance and guns ablaze .
neutral The law school is limited in these recessionary times because it 's impractical to raise tuition significantly to gain the difference from lost state appropriations . Its impractical to raise tuition significantly due to the already extremely anomalously high fees .
entailment May good cess befall all such quixotically misguided readers ! May that happen to all the misguided viewers .
neutral I sat soaking at about 100F , while an exuberant gentleman on my left , who was wearing his washcloth draped over his head , gave me his four words of New York , Broadway , Niagara Falls , Grand Canyon . The real cultural joy , however , lay in just immersing myself in this aura , evoking Dante and 8 ?? , and watching the occupants through the steamy haze as they lathered , rinsed , and squatted on little plastic stools to shave before low-hung misted mirrors against the walls ` all this before I slap-slapped back to my room to enjoy dinner on the floor . I was soaking my feet specifically as they are sore .
entailment Practicing and solidifying modes of representation , Piaget emphasized , make it possible for the child to free thought from the here and now ; create larger images of reality that take into account past , present , and future ; and transform those images mentally in the service of logical thinking . Piaget emphasized , a holistic approach to logical thinking .
neutral The other aircraft referred to by New York Center was United 175 . New York Center mentioned two aircrafts , including United 175 .
contradiction We shall return to this point later . We will skip this .
contradiction But the highest-level Defense Department officials relied on the NMCC 's air threat conference , in which the FAA did not participate for the first 48 minutes . Defense Department officials relied on the NMCC 's air threat conference which included the FAA from the beginning .
neutral It would be so damn foggy you could not see the yellow line on that divided highway in front of you and we to turn left out onto this highway . The fog did not allow us to turn right .
contradiction Yes , Night will devour Day , but Macbeth 's significant meaning here under cover of darkness ` in reckless defiance of weird authority ` he will have his black agents eliminate the bonded progenitor of Scottish kings , along with his only progeny . The Scottish kings will eliminate their progeny .
neutral The Command Center and FAA headquarters watched it too . FAA headquarters was in communication with the Command Center .
contradiction I said to him , that they want to do in that meeting ? The question was n't exactly clear , so he did n't understand .
neutral Few Americans had noticed it . Americans are not very observant .
entailment During my time in senior high , and , after that , in the Army Air Force , I had other things on my mind -LRB- there was a war on , after all -RRB- , and I did n't give the MUSKRAT-MUSKAT-MUSCAT RAMBLE problem any thought . I was worried about a lot of things back then .
entailment At the other end of the spectrum , a manufacturer can alter its internal design , planning , procurement , and manufacturing operations and respond rapidly to demand changes through the use of flexible manufacturing or sourcing practices . Flexible manufacturing and sourcing can help a manufacturer adjust to changing demands .
entailment The international environment for Bin Ladin 's efforts was ideal . The environment internationally for Bin Ladin 's efforts was just right .
entailment We can and should be proud that the IU School of Dentistry is positioned to remain an international leader in these challenging times facing health care . The IU school of dentistry is poised to remain a leader in these challenging times , and we should be proud .
entailment The message , again , that I get from the story , for me personally , was that there would always be a special connection between me and God , and actually was just another of the ways my grandmother put for me to learn , or believe , that I could do anything , I could be anything , because I had a special connection and special protection , um , from not only her , which was more important for me at the time . The message that I got from my Grandmother 's story was that I would always have a special connection with God and that I could do anything , I just needed to believe .
contradiction This sort of misnomer leads Carnegie to suppose that to the uninitiated no map is so misleading as that of West Australia where lakes are salt-bogs without surface water , springs seldom run , and native ` wells ' are merely tiny holes in the rock , yielding from 0 to 200 gallons . The terms for water are the same in Australia as they are through out the world .
neutral The business grew and eventually , he was helping thousands nationwide . Without his company growing he would n't be able to reach as many people .
contradiction We have provided an invoice to facilitate your gift . There 's no invoice available for your gift .
entailment Together , I believe that we can make a contribution which will be very meaningful for the students at the school . We could raise a lot of funds for the students together .
neutral Kmart became the first major nonfood retailer to employ them as a means of tracking inventory in the early 1980s , several years before Walton made this technology a core building block of his distribution system . Many other retailers followed the new distribution system .
neutral Knitting mills now account for almost 30 percent of production employees engaged in textile manufacturing . Employees engaged in textile manufacturing tend to be disgruntled .
entailment A total of 32 such National Guard teams were authorized by fiscal year 2001 . Multiple National Guard teams were authorized in the 21st century
contradiction If you try to make any moves , you 'll endanger yourself and the airplane . You should feel at liberty to move around as you like ,
neutral If you help me , I said , to move my livestock to Chapeltique . It would be great if you could help me relocate my livestock .
contradiction State financial support is unlikely to increase significantly during the remainder of this decade . The state has substantially increased spending for all manner of financial support services .
contradiction that an anagram is lurking nearby . Nowhere in the vicinity is an anagram to be seen .
entailment These dialogues occur frequently and spontaneously as adults and children spend time together ` in everyday situations such as household chores , mealtimes , play , storybook reading , outings in the community , and children 's eorts to acquire all sorts of skills . These dialogues happen often because kids and adults spend time together every day .
neutral We are very aware of the important role financial resources will playas we look to the future . We know about the importance of financial resources from grants and donations .
neutral My mom believes me , because she knows I 'll go . My mother is the only one who believes me these days .
neutral But for 8 minutes and 13 seconds , between 8:56 and 9:05 , this primary radar information on American 77 was not displayed to controllers at Indianapolis Center . American 77 had its transponder altered so there was no data on the primary radar .
neutral A total of 32 such National Guard teams were authorized by fiscal year 2001 . Support for the National guard teams increased over time .
neutral Infants tried all manner of signals ` facial expressions , vocalizations , and body movements ` to get their mother or father to respond again . Infants also try to use gestures with their hands .
entailment For example , increasing the number of products offered in a category by a factor of four -LRB- say from fifty items to 200 -RRB- without increasing total demand in the category would increase the coefficient of variation for each individual product by a factor of two . As an example , increasing the number of products offered in a category by a factor of four .
entailment He dia , diagnosed me as having acute leukemia and um , this was when I lived back in Raleigh . When I was living in Raleigh before I lived here , I found out I had severe leukemia .
entailment State financial support is unlikely to increase significantly during the remainder of this decade . Financial support from the state is unlikely to increase significantly .
entailment How does the YWCA differ from other organizations that provide health , fitness , social and education services ? What makes the YMCA unique ?
contradiction This is not surprising , given the traditional retailing strategy under which retailers commit to purchases well in advance of the selling season . Purchases are committed to just days before the selling season .
neutral Do you smoke her Saratogas ? Why yes , whatever that is I smoke it .
contradiction Even though we receive operating funds from the state , there are a myriad of additional expenses to be met , such as welding equipment for sculpture , pottery wheels for ceramics , and computers for graphics . The funding provided by the state covers absolutely everything .
neutral Then , too , there have been the campaigners who have gone to what some regard as opposite if the head of a committee is known to be a man or a woman , then chairman or chairwoman must surely be the proper denotation ; if the sex of the person is not known , then chairperson , though awkward-sounding , is the preferred form . Language must be adapted to a person 's gender to avoid causing offense .
neutral Power in the form of electricity , water ` especially if items like jeans are to be washed ` and a phone are about all that is required . Most humans live out of their means in the United States , wanting more than just the basic water and electricity .
neutral Please help Goodwill and help people find jobs . There are a lot of people wanting to work for Goodwill .
neutral The music industry . The record companies .
entailment The good news is that the teen-age birth rate has fallen almost 9 percent since 1991 . The teen birth rate has fallen since 1991 , which is good news .
entailment But the situation soon The situation soon .
contradiction There is no fat in our budget . Fat has maintained through our budget up until this day .
neutral At 8:34 , the Boston Center controller received a third transmission from American 11 : The Boston Center controller got a third transmission from American 11 that said the plane was crashing right then .
contradiction Join the Friends of Herron and get the inside scoop on the local art scene . The Friends of Herron has no news on the art scene .
contradiction You know , like I know one day I 'll have to sit down and decide if I 'm where I want to be in life or if I 'm not . I just live my life day to day , with no worries about being content or any of that nonsense .
neutral It was kind of , it 's sort of , it seemed unfair to me to , um , to subject her to that , and plus , I mean , the schedule was just starting to take a toll on me as well , and you can only put in so many 80 hour weeks before you kind of break down from it . Oil drilling kept me away from my wife and family for so long that I just had to quit and come back .
entailment Your involvement will be greatly appreciated . It would be great if you were involved .
contradiction The White House requested -LRB- 1 -RRB- the implementation of continuity of government measures , -LRB- 2 -RRB- fighter escorts for Air Force One , and -LRB- 3 -RRB- a fighter combat air patrol over Washington , D.C. The White House ordered the Air Force One to crash .
entailment It had resumed its flight to Minnesota and saw the smoke from the crash of United 93 , less than two minutes after the plane went down . The plane started to smoke two minutes after the crash .
entailment He died in a ferryboat accident on Lake Victoria just a few days after Bin Ladin arrived in Jalalabad , leaving Bin Ladin with a need to replace him not only in the Shura but also as supervisor of the cells and prospective operations in East Africa . After his untimely death , Bin Ladin was forced to replace his roles in the Shura and in supervising cells in East Africa .
neutral Do you know what a teja is ? They all knew what a teja was .
entailment It was kind of , it 's sort of , it seemed unfair to me to , um , to subject her to that , and plus , I mean , the schedule was just starting to take a toll on me as well , and you can only put in so many 80 hour weeks before you kind of break down from it . You can only keep doing 80 weeks for so long before it wears you down .
contradiction By combining our assets , we can make a difference . Even if we pool resources , it wo n't make a difference .
contradiction Has that directive been transmitted to the aircraft ? Has radio silence been maintained ?
neutral In those countries where dialect study is undertaken , dialectologists observe that there are today many factors militating against the strict maintenance of older dialect the standardization of terminology as adopted by national periodicals , news services , radio , and television ; the establishment of prestige dialects and , through the media , their promulgation ; and the huge population shifts that have taken place , particularly in the U.S. since WWII . Outside of the U.S. , this phenomenon is most prominently seen in the other countries involved in WWII .
contradiction It only takes three quick , easy steps to obtain a matching gift from your -LRB- or your spouse 's -RRB- employer to enhance your donation to the Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis . You can get your employer to make a matching gift if several difficult steps are taken .
neutral You never call . You rarely call on the phone , nor webcam .
entailment But while the effort failed , it shows what Bin Ladin and his associates hoped to do . Bin Ladin and his associates ' goals were revealed by their failed effort .
entailment The Vice President was mistaken in his belief that shootdown authorization had been passed to the pilots flying at NORAD 's direction . The Vice President thought that NORAD pilots had received the shootdown authorization .
neutral Or the virtual impossibility of finding a quiet place to study or even think , so that the children can cope in school and one day have a chance of achieving something better ? Children who do n't have a quiet place to study drop out at a high rate .
neutral Did you ever see the ghost ? Did you hear about the ghost there ?
contradiction Language appropriate to a basic ability to read and write , followed by the capacity to handle abstract usage , and , at a higher level , to be at ease with what Philip Gove in Webster 's Third called ISV , ` international scientific vocabulary . A basic language ability means to be able to write backwards .
entailment How about when you were in school ? What about when you were in school ?
entailment We serve a classic Tuscan meal that includes a Florentine terrine made with dick and chicken livers . We serve a meal of Florentine terrine .
neutral It 's kind of a , which is the cause and which is the effect , question . We can work out which is the cause and which is the effect .
contradiction Rounding a bend , with the sun now behind us , the show suddenly transforms to green moss , yellow sand , blue-green conifers . We can not see green moss , yellow sand , and blue-green conifers .
entailment At the same time , children can develop more attractive dispositions and adaptive skills as the result of parental warmth , attention , and consistent guidance . Kids can develop better dispositions .
contradiction ... Einstein 's Special Theory of Relativity does not say that E = MC2 and in leap year MC2 . Einstein 's Special Theory of Relativity indeed does say that E = MC2 and in leap year MC2 .
neutral Beginning at 8:52 , the controller made repeated attempts to reach the crew of United 175 . The controller cared about the crew of United 175 , so he tried to contact them several times .
neutral Mr. Thomas B. Lemann points out that the transliteration of the opening quotation of Onomatoplazia -LSB- XV , 1 -RSB- contains the following Onomatoplazia 's original text is much more interesting than the transliteration .
entailment -- After my infant son has done one of those cute things that portend a definitely-not-ordinary childhood , my mother-in-law asks , What would Mr. -LSB- sic -RSB- Spock say ? My mother-in-law likes to joke about Mr. Spock when my son does something odd .
neutral Are you sure you want to be telling people that ? Do n't you think you 'd be happier to keep that to yourself ?
contradiction ordinary laborers . Extraordinary supervisors .
contradiction he said to me . The woman said something to me .
contradiction And uh , I do n't remember the specifics as to what he did , but the bus driver Louie was about four and a half feet tall driving a 72-passenger diesel bus . Louie did not drive a diesel bus .
entailment If I was n't working here . If I was working elsewhere than here .
entailment They seem to have him on a primary radar . They have got him on a primary radar .
entailment Consistent with the Confucian parental obligation , The deeper the love , the greater the correction , Chinese mothers ' misdeed stories were much longer than those of the American mothers ` in fact , the most lengthy and elaborate of all Chinese narrations . Confucian ideology taught that the amount of correction was directly proportional to how much a parent loved their child .
contradiction There may be others who have had the same experience with them . No one has had those experiences with them .
neutral We have a bomb on board . There is a bomb on the plane that will go off in ten minutes .
entailment This fund has given us , the members of the Indiana Dental Association , the opportunity to make a direct investment in the quality of dental education in our state . The members of the Indiana Dental Association were given an opportunity .
neutral Bin Ladin also began to have serious money problems . Bin Ladin began to suffer serious money problems due to his gambling habit .
entailment According to Vygotsky , children 's greatest self-control occurs during make-believe play . Vygotsky believes that imaginary play is where children exhibit the greatest self-control .
entailment To recognize donors who have achieved this level , Dean Lefstein has now established the Black Cane Society . The Black Cane Society is a way to recognize donors .
neutral But the highest-level Defense Department officials relied on the NMCC 's air threat conference , in which the FAA did not participate for the first 48 minutes . Defense Department officials relied on the NMCC 's air threat conference which did n't include the FAA intially , so crucial information was left out .
contradiction Your Third Prize notwithstanding , Duncan was murdered several pages earlier . Duncan has been alive in the whole book
entailment -LRB- Tries to insert a piece in the wrong place -RRB- They put the piece in the wrong place .
contradiction The inaccurate accounts created the impression that the Langley scramble was a logical response to an actual hijacked aircraft . The Langley scramble was a logical response to a hijacked aircraft .
neutral . . Defication of humankind as supreme . Several other living things can be thought of as having a higher purpose .
neutral To change the size of the item to be cut , the die must be removed and a new one installed . The item to be cut is a pair of blue jeans .
contradiction Finally , turning to her toilet , she rested her face in her hands , and gave a sort of groan . Finally , she slapped her face with her hands and started talking gibberish .
neutral English-types -LRB- like us -RRB- thrive in an environment that fosters dialogue . Dialogue is important to developing English skills .
contradiction I 'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about this program -- please call me at 317/274 -5625 . If you have questions , someone else will need to help you .
contradiction Any Muslim who rejects his ideas is just one more nonbeliever worthy of destruction . Muslims can freely reject his ideas without fear of condemnation .
contradiction These people and their successes are real . These people are fake , along with their success stories .
entailment I like working and making money . I enjoy working and earning money .
contradiction Our studies of business units with differing levels of the four practices indicate that firms with the complete set of practices achieve similar or slightly better performance in regard to the percentage of goods delivered complete and on time , although these differences between business units are not very dramatic . Business units that did n't utilize the four practices suffered significantly compared to the business unit that did implement the practices .
entailment President Reagan quickly withdrew U.S. forces from Lebanon-a reversal later routinely cited by jihadists as evidence of U.S. weakness . Reagan moving the US military out of Lebanon in response to attacks there is sometimes cited by terrorists as proof of US weakness .
contradiction But grammar enters the picture here , too , and dictionaries are remiss in syntactic description of how the language works in comparison with what its words mean , how they are spelled and pronounced , and where they came from . Dictionaries are a great source in explaining how language functions in comparison to word meanings , spelling , pronunciation and where it is derived from .
neutral Furthermore , the repression and isolation of women in many Muslim countries have not only seriously limited individual opportunity but also crippled overall economic productivity . Women can positively contribute to Muslim economies .
neutral He passed these instructions to the pilots that launched at 10:42 and afterward . Instructions on how to engage were given to the pilot going up .
entailment F-15 fighters were scrambled at 8:46 from Otis Air Force Base . Fighter jets were dispatched from Otis Air Force Base .
neutral This is illustrated in Table 9.1 -LRB- page 158 -RRB- for the men 's and boys ' shirt industry . This is illustrated in Table 9.1 for the men 's and boys ' shirt industry , as well as athletic wear .
entailment But fortunately they did n't . Fortunately , they did not do that .
entailment A robust economy helps by providing job opportunities , but to be honest , most of the people who are n't working today are quite simply the ones who face the greatest obstacles . It 's harder to get a job for people without one , even with a very good economy .
contradiction He made a face too . He did n't show his face .
entailment As we prepare for all the events this fall , we are also looking into the future with the preparations for a new facility for the professional art school , administrative offices , faculty studios , a library and a contemporary gallery . The preparations for the fall events include considerations of the future .
neutral Obese is a compound of two Latin words , the prefix , ob - ` over ' + `` dere '' eat . Most English words of Latin origin are compounds .
entailment We look forward to your written response , membership support , and having the opportunity to work with you . Working with you and getting your written response is something we are waiting for .
entailment In addition , the full donation of $ 1,000 can be itemized as a federal income tax deduction . The full donation of $ 1,000 , in addition , can be itemized as a federal income tax deduction .
contradiction Formally defined as the standard deviation of demand divided by average demand , the coefficient of variation can be considered a measure of variation that is normalized ; it allows us to compare the variation of demand for different products , even if the average demand of the two products is quite different . We have no way of comparing the demand for different products .
neutral They said the hijackers wielded knives and claimed to have a bomb . The highjackers were heavily armed against passengers .
neutral If you have any questions , please feel free to stop by and see me . I can answer your questions on the surgery techniques .
neutral After an adult describes and demonstrates some activity -LRB- for example , putting a teddy bear to bed -RRB- , 1-year-olds who as yet have little language can easily reproduce the main steps in correct sequence with toys . Young children really like toys because they are fun .
neutral Simply put , the less certain retailers are of the demand for their product , the more safety stock they must hold to meet consumer needs . Safety stock can end up costing a the retailer a lot of money if the demand is low .
entailment You would open the back door and you felt like you were big stuff . You felt like a big deal when you open the door at the back .
contradiction Chapters 13 through 15 examine the channel as a whole , from global , private-performance , and public-policy perspectives . Chapter 15 examines marketshare effect .
neutral At 9:24 , Ballinger 's warning to United 93 was received in the cockpit . Ballinger 's warning was recieved without problem at 9:24
contradiction A gift to Pleasant Run means the children in our care will have presents to open . All donations to Pleasant Run are used to pay bills and recompensate staff directly .
neutral Yeah , he 's down . He is down , stabbed by the hijacker .
neutral They are also more willing to work toward goals that are rational and reasonable . They are willing to work towards educational goals that are rational .
neutral Well , as a teacher , do you see reading as something that is still important in families today ? How do you feel as the number of parents who read to their children is decreasing ?
entailment In fact , our analysis of the HCTAR data shows that the probability of adopting shipping container markers and modular production significantly increases if both bar codes and EDI have already been implemented . We analyzed HCTAR data to investigate the use of bar codes on containers .
contradiction That nine minutes ' notice before impact was the most the military would receive of any of the four hijackings . The military had notice of the hijackings hours before they impacted .
contradiction One of the most significant changes in retail inventory management in recent years has been the introduction of vendor-managed inventory ? -LRB- VMI -RRB- programs , also known as Continuous Replenishment Programs -LRB- CRP -RRB- or Continuous Product Replenishment -LRB- CPR -RRB- . VMI is Vector Management Institution it has been effective in controlling pests .
contradiction Both plants are capable of making the same set of products . Only one of the two plants is able to make the same product set .
neutral Use of continuous review allows retailers to achieve a higher service level with a lower amount of inventory . Retailers are happy to engage in continuous review .
contradiction -LRB- The computer age term , spaghetti code , derives from the same pasta-related idea as macaronic , but more obviously so . -RRB- Spaghetti code is an example of tasty code
neutral However , it did n't seem to be so horrifying . It was , however , shocking .
neutral They typically determined the specifications of the goods purchased , the volume purchased , and the price to be charged to customers at retail . The main specification tracked is the allowance for write-offs .
contradiction At 8:51 , the controller noticed the transponder change from United 175 and tried to contact the aircraft . The transponder code on United 175 stayed the same .
contradiction The value of the coefficient can vary from zero -LRB- if demand is exactly the same every week -RRB- to numbers much greater than one for wildly fluctuating weekly demand . The coefficient can vary from zero to one for wildly fluctuating weekly demand .
neutral And uh she had just cartons and cartons of soup labels that she had saved over the years and redeem them you know I do n't know five cents a bushel so she was very practical in that regard . She saved Campbell 's soup labels and redeemed them for money .
contradiction Have you ever read any books from foreign authors ? Have you read any books from local authors ?
entailment Unless I 'm like , when I go home for like Christmas break , after being there for like two weeks , it was like I 'd never moved out and we get kind of like tense with each other . When I was home for the holidays it felt like I had never left .
entailment And I said to him , And what is that for ? I asked him what that was for .
entailment Your past support of the Challenger program has been critical to its success these last four years . Your past support has been important for the success of the Challenger program
contradiction The First Apparel Design and Patterns The conclusion of the design and patterns .
neutral ' For English , this means a capacity to add the Latinate onto the vernacular , then Greek onto the Latinate , so that you can eat a hearty breakfast , and be cordial afterwards without suffering from cardiac arrest . The English language is amongst the hardest language to learn .
neutral I am asking that you consider supporting our efforts once again this year with a similar gift . I would appreciate it if you would send fifty dollars again this year to support our efforts .
entailment -LRB- The computer age term , spaghetti code , derives from the same pasta-related idea as macaronic , but more obviously so . -RRB- Spaghetti code derives from pasta-related macaronic .
entailment An ambulance ? An ambulance ?
contradiction Is there a favorite story or storybook or anything that you had when you were little that somebody read to you ? You do n't remember your childhood , do you ?
contradiction As the above citations indicate , the distribution of one-letter words is quite broad , extending from The New York Times to Mother Jones , from the print world to cartoon country and TV land . The distribution of one-letter-words is narrow and limited .
contradiction Even after controlling for the independent effects of firm size , product mix , and distribution channel on performance , we found that the most innovative firms were significantly more profitable than those that had adopted fewer of the key practices . Innovation does not lend positive benefit .
entailment High demand variation similarly occurs during the beginning and end of a product life cycle . The end of a product 's life cycle can see high demand variation .
contradiction The young adults who leave Pleasant Run have those same feelings . Pleasant Run does not impact young adults .
entailment Assume that the manufacturing lead time ` the amount of time required to go from a production order to a product ready for shipping to retail ` is less than one week . It is safe to assume the manufacturing lead time , or time required to go from production order to a product ready for shipping and retail , is less than one week .
contradiction Everyone benefits from the work we do together . Nobody benefis from the work that we do .
entailment The people of Batavia on the Hopi Reservation in northern Arizona were motivated by their desire to rekindle traditional cultural values among younger generations when , with the help of Futures for Children , they decided to restore traditional terrace gardens at the edge of their village - gardens that had been abandoned for decades . People on the Hopi Reservation think their culture should be preserved .
neutral The details of what happened on the morning of September 11 are complex , but they play out a simple theme . The details of what happened on the morning of September 11 inside the building are complex .
contradiction Renfrew accepts the wave theory , and in the last two thirds of Archaeology and Language he sets forth his arguments in its favor . Renfew fully rejects the arguments of the wave theory .
contradiction So I liked that . I did not like that at all .
entailment They enabled the passengers to gain critical information , including the news that two aircraft had slammed into the World Trade Center . The news that two aircraft had slammed into the World Trade Center became available to the passengers .
contradiction Walked through her bedroom around 6:30 , seven o'clock in the morning you know . I watched her sleep in her room the whole night .
contradiction Miller describes the generally high self-control the Chinese children in these families displayed ` listening attentively to elders and complying without reminders . Chinese children never listen to anyone else .
entailment -RRB- Juvenal wrote his satire on Rome in the early years of the second century , during the reign of the Emperor Trajan . Juvenal wrote during the reign of the Emperor Trajan .
entailment As this exchange shows , Secretary Rumsfeld was not in the NMCC when the shootdown order was first conveyed . The shootdown order was conveyed before Secretary Rumsfeld was there .
entailment So , early that morning , that afternoon , I came down from San Miguel , and I told him , I 'm going to go . I traveled from San Miguel to tell him that I am leaving .
contradiction -LRB- Points to the shell 's colors -RRB- Sometimes people make jewelry out of these shells . Shells are n't made into jewelry .
neutral At 8:26 , Ong reported that the plane was flying erratically . The erratic behavior was passed on to ground control .
contradiction So I think maybe , reading for young people , is not as important . I know that the younger generation values reading much , much more then our own generation .
neutral I mean literally you could just see it hang , it looked like a fire scene on the news it was awful . The scene made it onto the news .
contradiction Uh , so yeah , I took up a lot of her life and she read a lot of children 's stories to me as a result of that , but I do n't believe she read a lot for her own amusement . I do not believe she read at all .
neutral After the Soviet Union 's twenty-year ban on Vygotsky 's writings was lifted in the mid-1950s , his major works reached the West . The western world was receptive to his works .
entailment Their actions saved the lives of countless others , and may have saved either the Capitol or the White House from destruction . They saved lives with what they were doing .
entailment I moved to San Diego . I lived in San Diego , but used to live somewhere else .
contradiction Narrative conversation also fosters language development and emergent literacy , which greatly ease the task of learning to read and write when children get to school . Narrative conversation has shown to make no difference to boys and girls .
entailment You can literally help save a life . You can save a life .
contradiction History and Political Context Few fundamentalist movements in the Islamic world gained lasting political power . There is no correlation between the fundamentalist movements and politics .
entailment Under Boolean algebra , W has the a set that is closed under the two commutative binary operations and that can be described by any of various systems of postulates all of which can be deduced from the postulates that an identity element exists for each operation , that each operation is distributive over the other , and that for every element in the set there is another element which when combined with the first under one of the operations yields the identity element of the other operation < under the operations of taking intersections and unions , the subsets of a given set form a Boolean algebra Under Boolean algebra , W is an element of the postulates which combines with the commutative binary options to describe various systems of postulates .
neutral Did he ever tell you any other stories ? Did he tell you other bed time stories ?
neutral Chapters 13 through 15 examine the channel as a whole , from global , private-performance , and public-policy perspectives . Private-performance is more heavily monitored than the others .
contradiction Thus we now have the big A as well as the A-word and the M-question as well as the M-word . Perhaps we shall see such forms as the little A , the new A , or the A-option . If these variants prove productive , the lexicon of one-letter words could spread like wild flowers , as Sam Goldwyn once said . There are no one-letter words in our lexicon
neutral Between 7:03 and 7:39 , Saeed al Ghamdi , Ahmed al Nami , Ahmad al Haznawi , and Ziad Jarrah checked in at the United Airlines ticket counter for Flight 93 , going to Los Angeles . The three individuals had consecutive positions when lining up for the ticket counter .
entailment Working in its favor is a social contract with a three-part system established in every country in the The established three-part system worked in its favor .
contradiction The airlines bore responsibility , too . The airlines were not responsible , the FAA was .
contradiction Your gift will help us reach our immediate goal of awarding at least one scholarship to a student for the fall semester of 1993 , and our long-term goal of awarding several $ 5,000 scholarships each year . Your donation will not help us achieve our goals .
contradiction That 's a good attitude ! That is a negative and unwanted perspective .
entailment 00 in labor and transportation costs -LRB- including direct labor at the plant level ; transportation costs for fabric and other supplies shipped to the sewing plant ; the cost of transporting finished goods to the manufacturer 's distribution center , any customs fees or insurance associated with transportation , and any other costs associated with producing an acceptable unit of finished goods -RRB- . There exists an acceptable unit of finished goods .
contradiction I like , uh , political non-fiction , and I 've read The Making of the President series from 1960 on up . I have never heard of The Making of the President series before today .
neutral Vice President Cheney was asked for authority to engage the aircraft . Cheney relayed their message to the president .
entailment As one witness recalled , -LSB- It -RSB- was almost like there were parallel decisionmaking processes going on ; one was a voice conference orchestrated by the NMCC ... and then there was the -LSB- White House video teleconference -RSB- . A witness remembered that there were two simultaneous decisionmaking processes going on at once that morning , a voice conference by the NMCC and the White House video teleconference .
entailment All the ingredients may be present ` the music , the singers , the dancers , the setting , and costumes ` but , alas , duende itself fails to show up and the production fizzles . Duende itself fails to show up and the production fizzles .
neutral Yet a tension exists between its desire to provide customers with a changing variety of apparel fashions and the need to increase its capacity to replenish a higher percentage of products , thereby taking advantage of its expertise in logistics . It is hard to determine if old products should be filled or new products purchased .
contradiction More importantly , these state-centered regimes placed their highest priority on preserving the elite 's grip on national wealth . The state centered regimes wished to release the elite 's hold on national wealth .
entailment We are asking for your ten dollars to help fund our programs of Research , Education , and Patient Service and Rehabilitation . Your contribution of ten dollars is going to go towards Research , Education , and Patient Service and Rehabilitation .
entailment History and Political Context Few fundamentalist movements in the Islamic world gained lasting political power . Political power in the Islamic world is maintained by the fundamentalist movements .
neutral Recall the Zinacanteco Indian child weavers and the Brazilian child street vendors , who are advanced in skills relevant to their own culture yet behind on tasks devised for children in Western industrialized nations . Brazilian child street vendors would outperform Western children in school if they had greater opportunities .
contradiction Um , not too many stories about my dad 's childhood . There 's plenty of stories of my dad 's childhood .
entailment Historically , the textile-apparel relationship involved long lead times or advance commitments to secure the necessary cloth in the right style , texture , and patterns . The textile-apparel relationship involved commitments to securing materials ahead of time .
entailment Where is , where was this ? Where did it happen ?
contradiction I suspect that that is precisely the song 's origin . I do n't think that 's where the song came from .
neutral Customers rarely inform the sales clerk in a typical retail store if a desired product is out of stock ; they either buy a different product or leave the store without making a purchase . Customers do n't want to take the time that is necessary to alert a clerk to the stock outage .
entailment Address your remarks to the chair illustrates metonymy , a figure of speech in which something is called by the name of something else associated with it . Using one word to refer to something that is associated with it is a figure of speech .
contradiction So now I 'm going to run three pools over the summer . I 'm not going to have anything to do with pools this summer .
entailment You wrote this out all by yourself . You composed this totally on your own .
neutral None is the combined Old English ne ` not ' + on ` one . Old English words are compounded a lot
neutral About this time the Fasten Seatbelt sign would usually have been turned off and the flight attendants would have begun preparing for cabin service . Around this time 30 minutes after takeoff sign , the fasten seatbelt sign would have been turned off and the flight attendants would have begon cabin service .
entailment His generous contribution to dentistry in 1971 has helped twenty-five orthodontic students so far to meet educational expenses ; and more students will receive scholarships this year . So far , twenty five orthodontic students have benefited from his contribution .
neutral Work hard study balance your time , you know . You need to have a good schedule to use your time effectively .
contradiction Well , and I forgot to tell you when the soldiers came , to my house , the guerrillas were there , the guerrillas went back . I forgot to mention to you that when the soldiers came to my house , the guerrillas were not there yet .
contradiction Obviously , if all members of the two Boards were to pledge $ 1,000 per year , we would be most grateful and we would have a great story to tell . If every board member donates $ 1000 we wo n't be grateful , we need more !!
entailment He had a pillow , one of those big pillows , and it looked red , all of it with blood and swollen like this . So he said , from the running down from several places , but the one that , this one -LSB- indicates eyebrow -RSB- , was , was too much . His pillow was covered in blood from his face wounds .
neutral As a result , product proliferation represents a shift in the curve relating sales volume and variability -LRB- see Figure 7.4 -RRB- . Sales volume and variability have a steep sloped curve .
neutral I ca n't think of anything , but it 's been nice chatting with you . I do n't want to talk to you any more .
entailment Obviously , I could not say much . I did n't say much .
neutral Lewin had served four years as an officer in the Israeli military . Lewin had served in the Israeli military as an officer for four years , and a recruit for years previously .
entailment Now that , that you 're an adult obviously and have had children of your own what stories do you remember telling to your own children , and reading to your own children ? What stories have you told or read to your own children ?
entailment A diskette is also called a floppy ; the reason for the name is not immediately apparent -LRB- nor why the item is called a diskette , for that matter -RRB- , but all becomes clear . Diskettes may also be referred to as floppies .
neutral Dentistry has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember . I grew up around dentistry and I also studied it in college .
entailment Our work on apparel supplier adjustments to lean retailing suggests that an economy characterized by an increasing level of modern manufacturing and retailing practices should experience lower levels of inventories relative to sales . There are lower levels of inventory , relative to sales in an economy characterized by modern manufacturing .
entailment Plus , I really was n't making the kind of connections that I wanted to make . I was n't getting to know the right people .
contradiction He urged Muslims to read the Qur ` an and the Hadith for themselves , not to depend solely on learned interpreters like himself but to hold one another to account for the quality of their observance . He urged Muslims to depend only on their religious leaders .
entailment By 1920 , over half of the spinning and weaving capacity was in the South , leading industrialization there . Most of the weaving capacity was in the South .
contradiction Other development applications allow designers to begin with an actual garment and make appropriate changes to achieve the desired design or construction modifications . Designers are forced to begin their work on paper in order to complete their desired design .
entailment Army , and became an instructor at Fort Bragg . They became an instructor at Fort Bragg .
neutral Periodic Versus Continuous Review Continuous review means that retailers are n't devoted a block of time during the week to inventory .
neutral Simply fill out the enclosed card , and we will see you at the Grill ! You need to reserve a place at the grill
neutral Bin Ladin had to tell the Libyans who had been part of his Islamic army that he could no longer protect them and that they had to leave the country . Some Libyans chose to stay and fight with Bin Laden .
entailment The Retail Fallout The adverse side effects of retail .
entailment While this was being discussed by executives at FAA headquarters , the Command Center ordered one at 9:25 . The Command Center ordered one after nine o'clock .
contradiction Parents seemed unable to distinguish good from substandard care . Parents were acutely aware of the difference between good care and substandard care .
contradiction The President and the Vice President indicated to us they had not been aware that fighters had been scrambled out of Andrews , at the request of the Secret Service and outside the military chain of command . The President claimed that he was fully aware of the fighters having been scrambled .
entailment Also testifying about al Qaeda in a U.S. court was L'Houssaine Kherchtou , who told of breaking with Bin Ladin because of Bin Ladin 's professed inability to provide him with money when his wife needed a caesarian section . Bin Ladin did not pay Kherchtou , even when he really needed the money .
entailment Projects such as this touch the lives of others and enhance the education of the students . The students ' education is bettered by the availability of such projects .
contradiction In fact , a production line is probably never in perfect balance . Most production lines are probably always kept in perfect balance .
neutral Fulfillment of this goal requires full participation from members of the Indiana Dental Association . If we do n't have full participation of members of the Indiana Dental Association we will have to beg for money in the street .
neutral Um , she always kept all her bills and expenses at an absolute minimum ran everything very efficiently kept an extremely tidy house uh . She was a germaphobe as well , and stepping foot into her house with shoes on made her have a mental breakdown .
entailment That 's a good attitude ! That is quite a fine stance !
contradiction Denim is from de ` from ' + Nimes , the town . Denim is from Dimes and neim , the arabic word for town .
neutral Perhaps $ 100 is more to your liking or , perhaps , you would be interested in making several smaller gifts during the year . If you give us $ 100 now , we wo n't ever ask you to give another gift again .
entailment They typically determined the specifications of the goods purchased , the volume purchased , and the price to be charged to customers at retail . Typically , there were three specifications determined .
contradiction We are pleased to note that Hu-Friedy , L.D.Caulk , and Star Dental have each agreed to contribute to this worthy cause . We could not find anyone to make donations .
entailment Please join in this help with your gift today . Please offer us assistance with a present .
contradiction The other plant -LRB- the quick-line plant -RRB- has production costs that are 10 percent higher than for the regular line , but the manufacturing lead time from the time a production order is placed until a shirt is available in finished goods inventory is two weeks , compared to eleven weeks for the plant with the regular line . The other plant has low production costs but sends out the product to the distribution center at random intervals .
entailment At least two callers from the flight reported that the hijackers knew that passengers were making calls but did not seem to care . The hijackers did not seem to care about other passengers making calls .
contradiction I am happy to report that we have reached our 50 person minimum and the Class of '58 will be celebrating , as planned , at the Holiday Inn on Saturday , September 18 at 6:30 . Unfortunately we can not set the Holiday Inn as the place as we have n't got the required number of attendees .
contradiction And you where do you live now ? I know where you live .
neutral Please RSVP to Tammy Jackson by Tuesday , November 2 , 1999 at 264-7555 , ext. . We will not accept RSVPs after that date .
entailment Other extremists had , and have , followings of their own . There were other followings of extremists .
entailment This was done because of the organization of work in clothing shops ; the low capital costs and high proportion of labor costs , especially in women 's wear for contract shops ; the intense product competition among manufacturers within and among geographic markets ; and the diversity of products and changing styles . This was done because of how workers in clothing shops were organized .
neutral Allows children to learn , play , and develop friendships during their summer and holiday vacations . Is a longstanding organisation with an excellent reputation among parents and children alike .
contradiction There 's , my dad reminds me from time to time . I do n't have a father .
neutral Go ahead . They were given the go ahead .
entailment In Sarasota , Florida , the presidential motorcade was arriving at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School , where President Bush was to read to a class and talk about education . In Sarasota , Florida the President had arrived at a school .
contradiction They 're actually both teachers . They are both pilots .
entailment Rosy , too , had seen the tune as Muskrat , Muskat , and Muscat . I asked him what he thought the original title was . Rosy had seen the tune with several names .
entailment Concerns over the safety of other aircraft began to mount . Concerns concerning the other aircraft 's safety began to mount .
entailment On the monkey bars I used to swing up and get on top of it . I used to get up on the monkey bars .
entailment So you feel like it 's a southern thing ? Is that like some sort of southern thing ?
entailment -LRB- Points again to the bottom of the puzzle -RRB- Gestures a second time at the bottom of the puzzle .
contradiction For example , with a $ 5 biweekly or $ 10 monthly contributon , a person can be a Century Club member . There is a possible $ 20 monthly fee to be a Century Club member .
contradiction I know most of you will find it hard to believe , but we are about to celebrate our 35th Anniversary . It is the 40th anniversary .
entailment Note that the I/S standard deviations control for differences in firm size . I/S standard deviations account for variety in firm size .
neutral We put the baby mallard in a small aviary with the half-grown muscovy , and it worked . The muscovy adopted the baby mallard as if it was its own baby .
contradiction It is difficult to place all the blame on Renfrew , for his editor should have noticed the lack of coherence . Renfrew is completely to blame .
contradiction Talia , mother of a 7-year - My son Anselmo , a first grader , constantly asks us to help him with his homework . Anselmo is 10 years old and he never asks us for help with homework .
entailment But not all fantasy qualifies as wish fulfillment . Not all fantasy is for wish making .
contradiction The Herndon Command Center immediately established a teleconference between Boston , New York , and Cleveland Centers so that Boston Center could help the others understand what was happening . The Herndon Command Center failed to connect the different centers , so no one was in contact with each other .
entailment The Indianapolis YWCA is an open , supportive organization concerned with women and families ; providing opportunities to develop skills , knowledge and resources in the areas of health , self-awareness and leadership . The Indianapolis YWCA is an organization that helps women and families by helping develop skills , knowledge and resources in health , self-awareness and leadership .
entailment OK , I thought so . Ah yes , I suspected that was the case .
entailment In preschools and kindergartens , behaviorist tenets were used to justify large-group drill on letters , numbers , and general knowledge as well as repetitive worksheet practice that required young children to sit at their desks for long periods , filling in blanks , coloring within the lines , and otherwise following teacher prescriptions . Behaviorist tenets helped justify strictly regimented education practices .
neutral And they are less likely to cry and more likely to use gestures and words to express their desires than are infants whose parents delayed or failed to respond to their calls for help . Children who use gestures can be presumed deaf .
contradiction By investing in the community through this partnership , you can help more than 220,000 people in central Indiana next year . You will not help any people in central Indiana next year by investing in the community through this partnership .
neutral The idiom dressed to the nines could be from Middle English dressed to then eynes ` dressed to the eyes . The Middle English had a similar idiom found in a lot of books .
neutral Additionally , there is a tremendous need to upgrade the technological infrastructure of the school . The school is still running on dial-up internet .
neutral Nostalgia for Islam 's past glory remains a powerful force . The nostalgia for Islam 's past prestige should not be underestimated and is making a resurgence .
entailment I was on this earth you know , I 've lived on this earth for some reason , I just do n't know what it is yet . I do n't yet know the reason why I have lived on earth .
neutral The hijackers were wearing red bandanas , and they forced the passengers to the back of the aircraft . The hijackers wore red bandanas that covered their faces entirely .
neutral As more American parents with busy , stressed lives retreat from their children , peers take over . Some parents work to try harder to be in their kids lives .
entailment bar code Not the ethics of the legal profession nor the law that interferes with the corner conviviality , but the small rectangle of stripes -LRB- bars -RRB- on store merchandise that provides coded pricing and inventory information to electronic scanners . Bar codes are used to maintain inventory of store merchandise .
neutral I trust that this is a fillip of propaganda and not a serious query . This must be for attention , the request can not be serious . They know this will get the papers attention .
contradiction Spreading the cloth many plies thick without stressing the cloth is , again , one of the quality steps of getting ready to sew . You should stress the cloth prior to sewing for a quality product .
neutral United nine three , have you got information on that yet ? No information was given on United 93 .
contradiction And uh , me and my friend there we 'd always sit together in the first or second seat on the bus . My friend and I would always stay in the back of the bus to fool around .
contradiction About this time , Card , the lead Secret Service agent , the President 's military aide , and the pilot were conferring on a possible destination for Air Force One . There were no plans to fly anywhere .
contradiction As shown in the cases studied in Chapter 7 , production-cycle time and inventory carrying costs are two crucial parameters in making rapid replenishment sourcing decisions . There were no cases studied in the seventh chapter .
contradiction What I liked about it was that kids were special . What I liked was that kids were invisible little adults .
contradiction The lines further from the trend line indicate the range with a likelihood of 90 percent . The line with the greatest distance from the trendline translates to a 0 percent impossibility .
contradiction Human Growth and Development PLant growth on farms
contradiction Also , if you enter jump , you get the synonyms for that ; but if you enter jumped , you get the -LRB- same -RRB- synonyms but inflected ` including the variants leapt , leaped for leap . All in all , for a relatively primitive system , it is not too bad ; but you would have to be in love with your computer to use it in preference to a far more complete books of synonyms available -LRB- especially The Synonym Finder , Rodale in the U.S. and Canada , Longman elsewhere , which offers more than 800,000 synonyms , more than three times the number listed in any other synonym book -RRB- . The Synonym Finder contains very few synonyms .
neutral It truly was my life in high school . My life was hell in high school , really .
entailment And , where the reference is made in the first paragraph to the twanging release of Ulysses ' silver bow , that the bowman is not Ulysses but Apollo , shooting into the Greek camp . The bowman who shot into the Greek camp was Apollo .
neutral Does parenting really matter ? Parents have little to do with how kids turn out .
neutral The SIDS Alliance meets all National Charities Information Bureau -LRB- NCIB -RRB- standards , and is listed in the NCIB Wisegiving Guide . The SIDS Alliance meets NCIB standards for charities and has an excellent record for giving .
neutral In practice , however , retail inventory management is fraught with challenges , such as long and uncertain order-fulfillment lead times , and errors in product identification and record keeping . Retail inventory management has many problems , most of which still have n't been solved today .
entailment When was the last time you stopped at IUPUI since you graduated ? Since graduating , when did you last visit IUPUI ?
entailment It places a high value on success with such things . Such things are considered important
neutral In sum , the protocols in place on 9/11 for the FAA and NORAD to respond to a hijacking presumed that They had needed much better protocols .
contradiction This means that half of your contribution will be returned to you through State tax savings , while the entire donation amount will remain deductible on your Federal taxes . None of your donation is returned through State tax savings .
entailment But the parent who fails to respond promptly and predictably , intervening only after the baby has become extremely agitated , teaches the infant to rise rapidly to intense distress . A parent who does not respond quickly and in a consistent manner will teach the baby to rise quickly to distress .
neutral When I first began to study German it took a while to learn that Gift was not something one wanted for Christmas , and that Mist was not cool and dewy , but warm and smelly . Going to Germany made it easy to get a better understanding of German language .
contradiction The employers in the stable shops with employees whom they were anxious to keep suffered as much as we did because the union was weak . For employers , rewarding workers with better conditions had unforeseen consequences .
entailment These people are living proof that your investment pays off . The people are proof that the investment is worth it because their outcomes are greatly improved .
entailment In short , while leaders in Washington believed that the fighters above them had been instructed to take out hostile aircraft , the only orders actually conveyed to the pilots were to ID type and tail . Washington leaders misunderstood the orders that had been given to the fighter pilots .
entailment The details of what happened on the morning of September 11 are complex , but they play out a simple theme . The theme of the events on September 11 is simple even though the details are complex .
contradiction Please note that on your calendar . Please disregard that .
entailment Adding the Japanese final vowels produces Gone with the Windo . Hypercorrection , where Japanese speakers learn that many final vowels do not exist in the American version of the tongue and so remove them , sometimes incorrectly , gives us the California cities of San Francisk and Sacrament . This process resulted in the sign reading Pizz and Coffee . The final vowel in Japanese words does n't always exist in English ones , so the Japanese often drop syllables at the end of words .
neutral So , that was such a racy and shocking book at that time , and so , of course , we had to read it . We had to read the book but we thought it was very interesting .
contradiction Do you enjoy -- ? Are you annoyed ?
neutral And , um , my junior year of high sch , high school , we moved into like the city , the west side of Charlotte , and I went to West Meck , and that was a , um , culture experience , \ \ I guess \ \ . The city we moved into was new and fresh .
entailment And you where do you live now ? Where do you live now ?
entailment I did n't hit nothing . I did n't hit anything .
neutral We have concluded , from the available evidence , that the Vice President arrived in the room shortly before 10:00 , perhaps at 9:58 . The Vice President was needed to give directions to the other officials .
entailment And did you like living in Charlotte all your life ? Did you enjoy spending your whole life in Charlotte ?
neutral By investing in the community through this partnership , you can help more than 220,000 people in central Indiana next year . You can help more than 220,000 people in central Indiana next year by investing in the community through this partnership via your generous doantion .
neutral Apparel items at the very top of this triangle include dresses from Paris , Milan , and New York runways , which represent a very small share of apparel sold . The items at the top of the triangle are the items that are the most sought-after .
entailment The time saved in production can be lost if the distribution method is slow , or if there are other impediments to the movement of products from the apparel-maker to the retailer . The shortened production time would be wasted if the distribution is slow .
contradiction After our caseworkers meet with these families and their children they often find they lack even the basic necessities such as cooking utensils , beds , cleaning supplies , etc. . The families we help often do not need anything extra .
contradiction It is quite possible Jarrah knew of the success of the assault on the World Trade Center . It is not believed that Jarrah knew anything about the World Trade Center .
neutral Do n't you think that will be hard if you move all the way up there , not seeing them as much ? He does n't think it will be hard for him at all . He hates his family .
contradiction Although new work practices are evolving in the apparel industry , many workers still specialize in one operation or at most two . The apparel industry 's work practices have never evolved at any point .
neutral Although a seemingly mundane , tactical aspect of business , a firm 's inventory strategy reflects its approach to managing risk . A solid inventory strategy is often indicative of a conservative risk management style .
neutral Did you go door to door ? Did you bring a clipboard , if you went door to door ?
neutral To answer this question , Vygotsky pointed out , we must identify the distinctive features of make-believe play ` those that make it unique among young children 's experiences . This is a question that absolutely needs an answer if the field is to advance .
neutral Yet few of us hear enough about kids who live through these adversities and do make the grade . It is hidden that those kids make the grade
contradiction As one witness recalled , -LSB- It -RSB- was almost like there were parallel decisionmaking processes going on ; one was a voice conference orchestrated by the NMCC ... and then there was the -LSB- White House video teleconference -RSB- . A witness remembered that there were four simultaneous decisionmaking processes going on at once .
contradiction Do you smoke her Saratogas ? I did n't ask you a question , especially not about Saratogas .
contradiction We have the chance to shape the future of IUPUI by what we choose to do here . We do n't have the chance of shaping the future of IUPUI .
entailment Not any stories that she used to tell . No tales that the woman once told .
entailment Because he knew little about the cattle business and cared less , he never got around to branding his stock . Since he had little knowledge of dealing in cattle , he did n't even brand his stock .
neutral Um we always tended to stop somewhere scenic either going to or coming from . Since the picturesque locations were the only places worth visiting , they were where we usually went .
contradiction Say again , slowly . Do n't speak until you 're told o.
neutral Do you think that 's a good thing that it helped culture you , or -- I wonder myself it it had a positive impact on culture .
neutral At that point , the second call was cut off . The second call was ended because a bomb hit the line .
contradiction One senior FAA air traffic control manager said that it was simply not the FAA 's place to order the airlines what to tell their pilots . The FAA should tell pilots what to say .
contradiction In British English it is no longer considered a solecism to use the plurals they , their , them , theirs as a generalized pronoun for words like eyeryone , everybody , anyone , anybody , etc. . It is still a grammatical mistake to use the plurals they , their , them , theirs as a generalized pronoun for words like eyeryone , everybody , anyone , anybody , etc. .
neutral Smacked my chest . She smacked my chest after I screamed at her .
entailment That war , like others , produced disgruntled veterans and those more adventurous or more restless after military service . That war produced more adventurous and restless disgruntled veterans after military service .
contradiction And uh , my parents and I had stopped many times in a little town called New Market , VA which was just a / / little , / / yeah it seemed like a halfway point . We 'd stop in California on the way to visiting our grandparents .
neutral Bloomer -LRB- for ` flower ' -RRB- , butter -LRB- for ` ram ' -RRB- , or even flower -LRB- for ` river ' -RRB- are recurrent examples , but solvers must always be on the alert for new traps of this These words typically do n't rationally relate to one another .
contradiction The pilots knew their mission was to divert aircraft , but did not know that the threat came from hijacked airliners . The pilots were on high alert , due to the hijacked aircraft .
entailment He also stresses grievances against the United States widely shared in the Muslim world . There are grievances felt towards the United States in the Muslim world .
entailment Hence , the term isogloss , from iso - ` same ' + gloss ` word , ' to describe the line on a map where the terms are of equal distribution . The word isogloss refers to the line on a Mao where terms are equally distributed .
entailment Alternatively , an adept supplier who uses information for planning , production , and distribution may well share in the competitive advantages derived from better information on the true state of final customer demand . Having information on the customer demand is a competitive advantage .
neutral Because I 'm like a lifeguard every summer and this year I had to get a winter job all year . I really just wanted to be a lifeguard .
entailment Bin Ladin apparently kept his options open , maintaining contacts with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , who , though an Islamic extremist , was also one of the Taliban 's most militant opponents . Bin Ladin kept his options open by keeping in contact with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar .
entailment This , in turn , suggests that firms with more of the key technologies in place will have total inventories that are less volatile . The firms that had more technology were more stable .
contradiction I was under the impression it was based on Webster 's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary , and indeed it was ; but there are so many improvements and changes that the absence both of a Longman copyright notice and of any identification of a specific editorial director are a bit mysterious . I was incorrect about it being based on Webster 's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary .
entailment Well , I did and sometime later removed it to my cottage in Canada and used decopor -LRB- a thick , clear glazed resin -RRB- on the top . I changed my mind , moved it , and sealed it with a thick resin on top instead .
contradiction The first pertains to operational performance , or the ability of a supplier to respond to lean retailing replenishment requirements . The first thing mentioned is a philosophical discussion on why you should stop eating sushi .
contradiction They welcome the chance to belong , to become self - sufficient , to regain their self-esteem and confidence . We do not address self-sufficiency .
neutral Your investment is critical to making our community a better place . The investment is critical because our budget was slashed .
neutral Home in Black Mountain a chile ' will smack yo ' face ; A chile can be very strong in Mexican food .
neutral We did n't know as much about it as we do today , and were learning and adjusting to diabetes at the same time we were building our marriage . At the same time we were building our marriage we were adjusting to diabetes and it was very difficult .
contradiction A favorite story about anything ? What is your worst story ever ?
contradiction Well , so many bullets , so many things . Well , so few bullets , so few things .
contradiction In doing so , they invite children to judge the appropriateness of their requirements . Children are n't allowed to judge the requirements .
contradiction Please show your support and make a gift . You can show your support by not giving a gift .
contradiction Because Ballinger was still responsible for his other flights as well as Flight 175 , his warning message was not transmitted to Flight 93 until 9:23 . What Ballinger said was immediately spread .
neutral One of our volunteers will be contacting you soon . One of our volunteers will be contacting you shortly after you submit your information .
entailment They seem to think that he is descending . They think he is going down .
entailment Constant Lambert noted The most successful time traveler of our days was undoubtedly Serge Diaghileff . Serge Diaghileff was the most successful time traveler .
neutral So you see the purpose of this fund is about need and helping worthy , but less fortunate students , who without your help would not be able to attend the school of their choice . Students must apply to the fund for tuition assistance needs .
neutral Sophie turned toward the teddy bear , lifted his paw , and exclaimed , She wants a lollipop to hold in her hand ! The teddy bear was holding a lollipop so Sophie asked for one too .
contradiction America is under attack . America is fine .
contradiction Yeah , I have a son that uh , likes to relive the tragedy of his split lip . My son does n't have any stories , never broken anything , nothing interesting .
neutral Chapter 10 considers how new human resource practices that allow for short-cycle production , in concert with the use of information technology , can positively affect the performance of suppliers . Chapter 10 also goes beyond human resource practices to describe how performance of suppliers can improve .
neutral Hmmm , might be an abalone shell . I have read a book that described an abalone shell .
neutral I said , Well you can use paint thinner or turpentine or gasoline . Although you may find it to be a bit dangerous , you could use paint thinner or gasoline to try to remove this .
neutral American also began getting identifications of the hijackers , as Ong and then Sweeney passed on some of the seat numbers of those who had gained unauthorized access to the cockpit . The hijackers had planned the attack before the night .
neutral Wells 's The Time Machine -LRB- 1895 -RRB- , considered by some the first work of true SF . Wells ' spent nearly a decade writing The Time Machine .
contradiction A Stitch in Time uses the U.S. apparel story to highlight the transformation of retailing and manufacturing across the board . A Stitch in Time wrote a story on the U.S. textile industry .
entailment That 's why it 's such like a big thing , because my uncle , he went , he went into the military and then came out . My uncle served in the military .
neutral Bin Ladin reportedly showed particular interest in learning how to use truck bombs such as the one that had killed 241 U.S. Bin Ladin was only interested in the use of truck bombs , like those used to kill many Americans .
contradiction Bin Ladin 's impressive array of offices covertly provided financial and other support for terrorist activities . Bin Laden did n't have any supporters .
neutral The information-integrated channels developed in the United States , which are now influencing sourcing patterns from Mexico and the Caribbean Basin , have begun to affect the textile and apparel sectors worldwide . Information-integrated channels have also been adopted in Europe more recently .
neutral In Mandarin the name America becomes ` beautiful nation , ' as Mr. Henn says . In Mandarin , the name Finland translates to ` cold place ' according to Mr Henn 's wife .
neutral There is nothing wrong with any of -LSB- these images -RSB- in themselves . There is only something wrong with what people do with the images .
neutral Corroboration is not readily forthcoming from the OED , unless we accept a citation from Lydgate , dated c 1450 : Pryd gothe beforen And schame comythe aftyr , and blawythe horne . The OED only likes it when we have a citation from Lydgate .
entailment Because a reduction in the I/S ratio means that changes in sales will be matched by a smaller change in inventories , a lower ratio also implies lower inventory volatility . A lower I/S ratio results in lower inventory volatility and changes in sales will result in smaller changes in inventories .
neutral In our sample , business units used some type of automatic spreading for about 39 percent of the volume of goods they shipped . In our sample , business units used a type of spreading for exactly 39.2 percent of the volume of goods shipped .
contradiction Basic items also represent a major percentage of all apparel goods sold . Prom dresses make up the largest percentage of apparel goods sold .
contradiction By 8:33 , it had reached its assigned cruising altitude of 31,000 feet . By 8:33 , it had n't climbed to above 20,000 feet .
contradiction We are very aware of the important role financial resources will playas we look to the future . We do n't know about financial resources .
contradiction The Department of Defense , like the Department of State , had a coordinator who represented the department on the interagency committee concerned with counterterrorism . The Department of Defense had no representation on the interagency committee .
neutral The operation was not cost the United States lost two planes . The operation ruined two US planes which crashed in Libya and were destroyed .
contradiction Make checks payable to Indiana University Foundation . Checks should be made payable to Harvard University .
neutral No normal speaker of English encountering Man wants but little here below wonders ` except facetiously ` why women have been ignored . Those who are not familiar with English never question this .
contradiction Such requirements could arise either as a result of voluntary agreements among retailers and apparel suppliers or be mandated through regulation . Mandates and regulation could not help to set requirements , as no one actually listens to regulations .
entailment Let me live in my house by the side of the road The person 's house they 're requesting to live in is by the side of the road .
contradiction For them , as for most feminists , political considerations are primary . No feminist would every think of political fall out .
neutral Well , because it was really interesting stuff . I enjoyed it because it was interesting .
neutral Where in Charlotte ? Charlotte is a very large city .
contradiction He cut out a square and a circle with help today . He managed to cut out a circle and a square all by himself today .
neutral Speed of delivery has increasingly become part of the competitive equation . Consumers are thrilled to see delivery speeds being considered as part of the competitiveness equation .
entailment The Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary of 1987 -LRB- Cobuild -RRB- boasts xxiv plus 1703 pages . Cobuild , Collins ' English Language Dictionary , contained 1703 pages in 1987 .
contradiction The Herron School of Art and Gallery of Indiana University is contemporary art ! Herron solely focuses on classic art .
entailment The use of modern design tools and information technology can collapse the design time so that managerial decision-making becomes the longest step in the process ` and even the time for that step can be shortened with information technology . Informational technology can decrease the time needed for every process step .
neutral In order to develop job skills , a man with some serious disabilities begins working in Goodwill 's industrial division . A man with serious disabilities , who thought he would never find employment , begins working at Goodwill .
neutral This organization 's structure included as its operating arms an intelligence component , a military committee , a financial committee , a political committee , and a committee in charge of media affairs and propaganda . The largest branch was its political committee .
contradiction We believe there is no more appropriate time to have a coordinated and collaborative effort to financially support the services MCCOY offers to the community as a whole . MCCOY does not ask for you help financially at this time .
contradiction Inside the NMCC , the deputy director for operations called for an allpurpose significant event conference . The deputy director for operations suggested that no further event conferences be held until further notice .
neutral Here are just some of the services your gift can provide . A lot of services are provided by your gift .
contradiction Boston Center asked the Herndon Command Center to issue a similar cockpit security alert nationwide . Boston Center did not issue any requests to send out security alerts .
contradiction One spoke very little English and one spoke excellent English . Both men spoke perfect English to each other .
entailment Determining the degree to which a supplier benefits from its technological investments is the real issue . The extent of the benefits of technological investments has been more difficult to quantify .
neutral Parents , as I noted earlier , often complain that they have too little time for children ` indeed , too little time to sleep , read , cook , exercise , and socialize as well ! Parents needs to spend more time cooking and reading .
neutral Inside the National Military Command Center , the deputy director of operations and his assistant began notifying senior Pentagon officials of the incident . Senior Pentagon officials were shocked when they heard about the incident .
neutral In the past eight years SEND has renovated over 70 homes for affordable resale to families , created more than 100 high quality apartments , assisted 20 businesses to expand or improve their facilities , created three new parks , and taught more than 200 youth work ethics and skills . SEND has renovated dozens of homes to sell at affordable prices so low-income people can be homeowners in the city .
entailment One of the wife 's brothers had come . In attendance was one of my brothers-in-law .
entailment My friend , a punster , spotted the fact that the plate nicely violated the no offensive plates rule . The no offensive plates rule was violated by the plate noticed by my friend .
neutral I have been with the Department of Manufacturing Technology for about thirty years , twenty-five years as chairman and have recently retired . I have also worked in different department before
neutral ' The barn was the building for storing barley . The barley is stored in the barn . They fill it usually twice a season .
entailment They were , um , they were best-seller type fiction from the um , 40 's and 50 's and 60 's and on , just , they were members of a book club and they got a lot of books that way . They got a lot of books since they were a part of a book club .
contradiction It 's hard enough for her to make good decisions when she 's surrounded by support . It is not hard to influence her decisions .
contradiction Although few retailers have embraced the complete set of forecasting and inventory models described in this chapter , lean retailers are moving in that direction . Lean retailers are the least able to embrace forecasting and inventory models .
entailment General Arnold later recalled instructing Marr to go ahead and scramble them , and we 'll get authorities later . General Arnold instructed Marr to go ahead and scramble them even though he did n't have pre-authorization .
neutral Are your parents putting a lot of pressure on you ? Is the pressure from your folks stressing you out ?
entailment On the other hand , one would hate to lose the information that might be contained in past years ' selling patterns . It would be unfortunate to lose information that shows past years ' selling patterns .
entailment We are pleased to tell you of a very exciting development with the fund , which has reached a market value of $ 750,000 . The fund now has a market value of $ 750,000 .
contradiction At best , experience with different combinations of waist sizes and leg lengths for a given design allows a scheduler to aggregate the units to be made into groups of large and small sizes , which means marker-makers can achieve efficiencies near 90 percent for casual pants . Makrer-makers can only ever achieve efficiencies of 80 percent for casual pants .
entailment Indeed , Washington wore a dark brown suit , entirely made in America , for his first inaugural on April 30 , 1789 . Washington was clad in an American dark brown suit at his 1789 inauguration .
entailment At 8:21 , American 11 turned off its transponder , immediately degrading the information available about the aircraft . American 11 turned off its transponder at 8:21 AM immediately degrading any available information about the location or wellbeing of the aircraft .
entailment Wal-Mart is the most well known of the early lean retailers . A prominent early lean retailer is Wal-Mart .
entailment Others who worked with ACM 's high school programming competition , with engineering 's super mileage vehicle , with RHllv1 's Baker 's Club , or with any of the School 's other activities helped to maintain traditions in their departments that future classes will be encouraged to continue . Those who worked in the School 's activities helped maintain department traditions and future classes will be encouraged to continue them .
neutral Mihdhar did not trigger the alarm and was permitted through the checkpoint . Mihdhar was able to pass quickly through security .
neutral Orwell constructed an alternative future in his vision of the totalitarian state , Nineteen Eighty-Four . The work has given English a small lode of the title itself connotes a society marked by government terror and propaganda destroying the public 's consciousness of reality -LRB- the OED Supplement also accepts 1984 and 1984-ish as adjective forms -RRB- ; that government 's official language , Newspeak , now indicates the propagandistic or ambiguous language of , among others , politicians , bureaucrats , and broadcasters -LRB- revenue enhancement for tax increase , etc. -RRB- ; the twisting of minds to the capacity to accept the validity of utterly contradictory opinions or beliefs , or double-think ; the book 's head of state , Big Brother , implies an apparently benevolent , but really ruthless , omnipotent , and omniscient state authority . 1984 is often used to criticize government actions regarding surveillance and propaganda .
neutral As a donor to the School of Dentistry , you are making a significant investment in dental education in Indiana . As a donar to the school of dentistry you are paying to help these dental students eat .
neutral But uh , we hear a lot about home and how it used to be and like I said walking five miles to school and -- We like to know what the old days are like .
neutral Macbeth 's action to have the bond canceled becomes null and void . Macbeth was keen on canceling the bond in order to purge his gambling debt .
contradiction The centering operation is important because the diameter of a knit tube varies slightly along its length , and it is necessary to reference cutting from the midline of the tube . The centering operation is pointless .
contradiction The Challenger Scholars Program attempts in a small way to address this crisis by encouraging bright and dedicated students with a desire to extend their knowledge into the classroom as teachers to continue in that career path . The Challenger Scholar Program does not want students to pursue their dreams in the classroom .
contradiction This could be a third aircraft . The airplane is the third aircraft , beyond all doubt .
entailment We 're at an exciting juncture and it wo n't be long until we start seeing solid results from our efforts . We are expecting to see good things soon
entailment Although each has made valuable contributions to our understanding , a new , more powerful view of the meaning of young children 's play has arrived on the scene , thanks to Vygotsky 's sociocultural theory . Vygotsky 's sociocultural theory greatly contributed to our understanding of the meaning of young children 's play .
neutral Your contribution -- large or small -- through the Annual Fund will carry us one more step toward realizing the Purdue dream for the 21st century . Perdue will not reach its goals without your help .
neutral Sexually Transmitted Infections -LRB- including AIDS -RRB- Sexually Transmitted Infections including AIDS are increasing rapidly .
contradiction When bar codes and EDI are combined with advanced shipping practices , the benefit of each practice is enhanced ; order processing occurs more rapidly , accurately , and with less paper . When bar codes and EDI are combined with advanced shipping practices , the entire system of order processing deteriorates and slows down .
contradiction When tired , Sophie 's teddy bear and leprechaun do n't stay up late doing just as they please . Sophie does not have a teddy bear .
neutral The more pieces in a marker , the more effort required to make an efficient marker of a given width . Effort needed increases exponentially with the number of pieces in a marker .
entailment United Way 's impact begins with research that helps answer important The impact that United Way has started with research .
entailment So we quick think and I go , well grab a paper towel and wet it and throw a couple of ice cubes in and put it on his hand , get him up to his feet and haul him off to the emergency room . Quick , let 's grab a paper towel , wash it it , then add some ice cubes to it so we can set it on his hand . Let 's pick him up and get him to the emergency room .
contradiction Hmmm , might be an abalone shell . I do not believe there is a possibility that this is an abalone shell .
contradiction ... -LSB- I -RSB- f they 're there then we 'll run on them . They said , `` We do n't care if they are there , we still will not run on them . ''
neutral Such stitching generally outlasts the fabric of jeans , as one can see from looking at the holey knees of jeans worn by many teenagers . Many teenagers have holes in the knees of their jeans because they live active lifestyles .
contradiction Adjective , being before especially in time or arrangement Adjectives always refer to a certain time .
neutral Umm , go ahead and tell me about a story . I only want to hear stories about sexy vampire girls .
neutral Therefore , this age group continues to need more adult supervision and positive programs during after school hours . It was an age group that could n't get by without constant adult supervision .
neutral Thirty-one privately-funded scholarships totaling $ 82.000 awarded to students annually The number of privately-funded scholarships is expected to grow in the future .
contradiction Well thank you so much for letting me interview you . I 'm so glad we got to sit here in silence together .
contradiction They made up stories sometimes , my mother in particular , she made up stories . My mother did n't make up any stories , only they did .
entailment What , you said that you were four ? You were what , four ?
contradiction Penny Perrick regrets -LRB- January 11 -RRB- that There is no word in English to describe that particular , special sort of pride that one feels in the achievements of one 's children . Penny Perrick is glad that English lacks a word that describes pride in the achievements of children .
contradiction He wants a lollipop , too ! The last thing he wants is a lollipop .
neutral For example , those in MET who worked on Team Indy were among the first Indianapolis campus participants in the annual Purdue Grand Prix at West Lafayette . Such as , those who worked on Team Indy in MET were among the lead Indianapolis campus players this year , as well as last .
neutral It 's summertime , so it must be time for CAMP ! Summertime is the best time for camp !
neutral They call it , he said , The Committee of Forsaken Mothers . He said , they used to call it , The committee of Foresaken Mothers but now it ; s called something else .
contradiction So that helped you learn about people that you had not necessarily met . It did n't help them learn about people at all .
contradiction It 's such a handicap not to read . You really need to read it when you get a chance .
entailment Other experiences are linguistic only in reverse , or only as one thinks of what the language ought to be . Some experiences are only in reverse , emulating what a language should sound like .
contradiction The President told us his instinct was to project calm , not to have the country see an excited reaction at a moment of crisis . The President thought acting in an excited manner would be best during a crisis .
neutral So I liked that . I liked that , why is it any of your business ?
entailment And as our discussion in Chapter 6 will reveal , on the whole , the quality of American child care ` whether center-based or home-based ` is mediocre to abysmal . American child-care tends to range from mediocre to dreadful .
entailment The phrase brave new world is now synonymous with a nightmarish , technically advanced society . A high-tech society is synonymous to the expression `` brave new world '' .
contradiction At 9:21 , NEADS received a report from the Military , Boston Center . The NEADS did not get any reports from Boston center .
entailment What to make of the fact that one may be henpecked but not cockpecked ? What do you think that someone could be henpecked but not cockpecked ?
neutral And how was growing up in Charlotte ? Did being raised in Charlotte greatly change your life ?
entailment Only smooth and clever entry into the make-believe activity ` for example , inviting the dolls and stuffed animals to get up for breakfast ` could lure Mattie into starting the real part of her day without protest . Mattie enjoys make-believe activities with her dolls and stuffed animals
contradiction The first of two case studies illustrates how demand uncertainty affects a firm 's target inventory levels . The first study reveals the relationship between profit and inventory stock .
entailment People generally seem to find dialect study interesting . Folks find studying dialect engaging .
contradiction In this period , a number of key technological changes sewing machines that made many more stitches a minute , long knives instead of shears for cutting , and pressing machines . Industry tools and machineries have stayed the same until today .
contradiction You know you look down and see the Pentagon burning and I thought the bastards snuck one by us . I did not see the Pentagon burning .
neutral Chair is a Greek compound of kata ` down ' + hedra ` sit , seat . Many english words have Greek or Latin origins .
contradiction My favorite story , um , oh , Cinderella . I hated the Cinderella story .
entailment Perhaps one day we shall find an Etruscan library , buried deep in the Italian countryside ; but for the present , we have to make do with what we have , which is precious little . We have to make do with what he have for now , which is precious little .
neutral In interviews with us , NEADS personnel expressed considerable confusion over the nature and effect of the order . NEADS personnel was improperly trained and therefore were unprepared to understand the order .
contradiction When was the last time you stopped at IUPUI since you graduated ? You have n't graduated from IUPUI yet .
entailment I got somebody who keeps coasting but it looks like he 's going into one of the small airports down there . I have someone who is coasting and may go to a small airport .
neutral Most federal agencies learned about the crash in New York from CNN . The first crash was in Pennsylvania .
entailment Well , who told you that story ? Are you able to recall which person told you the story ?
neutral Bin Ladin 's grievance with the United States may have started in reaction to specific U.S. policies but it quickly became far deeper . Bin Ladin had grievances with the United States starting with U.S. foreign policy .
contradiction Essentially , random fluctuation in demand can not be explained by trends , seasonality , cyclicality , or other factors like advertising and new product introduction . Trends can always explain fluctuations in demand .
entailment Corporate participation involves an annual unrestricted gift of $ 2,500 or more for Chancellor 's Circle or of $ 1,000 or more for Chancellors Associates . There is more than one annual giving option for corporate participation .
entailment They must desire genuine communication and work toward attaining it . They would want genuine communication and work towards getting it .
neutral The controller checked to see if American Airlines could establish communication with American 11 . The controller checked several different frequencies and signals to find American 11 .
contradiction A manager at the Herndon Command Center asked FAA headquarters if they wanted to order a nationwide ground stop . No one in Herndon inquired about a ground stop .
neutral The growth of private-label programs among retailers in the 1980s exemplifies this trend . The private-label programs grew in the 1980 's because of the internet .
contradiction We did n't know as much about it as we do today , and were learning and adjusting to diabetes at the same time we were building our marriage . At the same time we were building our marriage we were adjusting to diabetes , we know as much then as we do now .
neutral For the short term , its impact will be on a relatively small niche market . The impact will be on just a small market of customized t-shirts .
entailment It was passed from here through the -LSB- operations -RSB- center at the White House , from the -LSB- shelter -RSB- . It was passed from the shelter to the operations center .
contradiction Um , now why did you decide to stay in Charlotte to go to school ? Why are you determined not to go to school in Charlotte ?
entailment For the same time period , our alumni participation in similar firms was 31 percent to 67 percent . The alumni who participated in firms that were alike was between 31 to 67 percent .
neutral Bin Ladin 's Historical Opportunity Most Muslims prefer a peaceful and inclusive vision of their faith , not the violent sectarianism of Bin Ladin . Bin Laden was the most radicalized Muslim .
neutral At 9:58:57 , Jarrah told another hijacker in the cockpit to block the door . The hgjackets seemed to know what they were doing .
neutral And , as one would expect , the higher the variation in week-to-week demand , the more inventory a manufacturer must hold to meet a retailer 's high service expectations . Manufacturers dislike having to hold more inventory than necessary for retailers .
neutral Your past contribution provided a direct line of support for local programs that promote health and wellness , strengthen families , invest in our children , help people become self-sufficient , and serve the elderly and disabled . Previous donations made by you were listed in the program newsletter .
contradiction Let us start with the three groups of clues encountered in the classical crossword synonyms , superordinates , and definitions . We will end with definitions and synonyms .
contradiction I liked that part . I did not enjoy that part at all .
entailment Though novel for its open endorsement of indiscriminate killing , Bin Ladin 's 1998 declaration was only the latest in the long series of his public and private calls since 1992 that singled out the United States for attack . Bin Ladin had a history of campaigning for an attack on the United States .
entailment Please make camp possible for all deserving Indianapolis children and send in a tax deductible contribution today in the enclosed envelope . Your contribution will help make camp possible for all deserving Indianapolis children .
entailment once in a blue moon , listed under moon in L -RRB- may be listed elsewhere -LRB- under blue moon in W -RRB- . The phrase `` once in a blue moon '' may be listed elsewhere .
neutral At 10:02 , the communicators in the shelter began receiving reports from the Secret Service of an inbound aircraft-presumably hijacked-heading toward Washington . 12 jets scrambled to protect the nation 's capitol .
contradiction To a Western ear , the most predictable of language traits , perhaps , is the well-advertised Japanese use of r for our l . Indeed , in my travels about Honshu during a three-month visit , I did hear coinrocker , see you rater , Adurt Graphics -LRB- dirty books -RRB- , blackwrrants -LRB- hit-and-miss rendering of black walnuts -RRB- , Coffee Corombia -LRB- a chain of coffee shops -RRB- , and Coconut Glove . To the Western ear , the least predictable of language traits are perhaps the most well-advertised use of r.
entailment Push them back . They must be shoved back and left there .
entailment We learned all of those and the fairy tales , the classics , she read all of those to us . She read all the classics to us .
contradiction Here is a commonsense style book , useful to those who have the education and common sense to be in doubt about questions of English usage . Commonsense style books are useful to people without education to show them what things they should commonly know .
neutral The only thing I know about Gilbert is that I find him listed as co-author of Muskrat Ramble . I would like to learn more about Gilbert than his co-authorship of Muskrat Ramble .
entailment Command Uh , do we want to think , uh , about scrambling aircraft ? Should we consider getting aircraft together ?
entailment Instead , parents who warmly , but consistently and assertively , require their inhibited child to try new experiences and guide and support them in doing so actually reduce the child 's physiological stress reactions , fostering a more adaptive style in the child . Parents who require their kids to experience new things while still being kind towards them encourage their kids to be more adaptive and then they turn sociabl .
neutral As the above citations indicate , the distribution of one-letter words is quite broad , extending from The New York Times to Mother Jones , from the print world to cartoon country and TV land . The New York Times and Mother Jones have good examples of the distribution of one-letter-words .
contradiction After consulting with NEADS command , the crew commander issued the order at 9:23 : Okay ... scramble Langley . The scramble order was executed by Langley immediately .
neutral Maybe we 'll soon have Heroin -LRB- or Heroine , or Heroine -RRB- , Smack , and Coke , -LRB- though we can be sure that the company coming up with the last of these will hear from you-know-who -RRB- . Out of these three , Smack and Coke are easily the most popular .
contradiction \ \ And you 'll stay here ? You ca n't stay here !
contradiction Just when you thought it was safe to assume that we now know all we are ever likely to know about the past , someone digs another hole and unearths -LRB- literally or figuratively -RRB- some ancient one day it is a fragile scroll , found in a cave near the Dead Sea , that turns out to be pre-Biblical ; the next day it is an entire terracotta army of Chinese the next it is a skull , excavated from the Olduvai Gorge , that compels anthropologists -LRB- once again -RRB- to revise their guesses about the earliest stages of Homo sapiens sapiens vs hominids . We already know everything there is to know about our past , nothing can ever change that .
entailment I can not overemphasize the importance of your support . Your support is exceedingly important and can not be exaggerated .
neutral Britain and North America are not only literate , but dictionarate . Parts of Europe are still illiterate .
neutral The whole point is speed and clarity of communications . Speed and clarity increase in tandem with one another .
contradiction Your gift to the law school will be an investment in its continued excellence . Your gift to the school will be a frog .
entailment This year 's challenge is to keep pace with our growing membership through increased levels of support from every facet of the organization-board and committee members , staff , volunteers , alumni , and other friends . This year we 'll need increased support at all levels to keep up with our growing membership .
neutral It was n't bad , The wine jogged my thoughts back to Muscat Ramble . Muscatel is made from muscat grapes , is sometimes called muscat , and , being relatively cheap and sweet and high in alcohol content , is the booze of choice for a great many wines . The wine reminded me of Muscat Ramble so I changed the name .
entailment One wonders whether the marriage had secretly taken place between the consecutive chapters ! One inquires if a secret marriage occured .
neutral Well , it 's yellow and orange and red . It 's yellow , orange , and red before turning blue .
contradiction new and creative research . Old and obsolete research .
contradiction Or do would they rather you have stay in Nursing ? Maybe you should quit Nursing and go into another line of work .
neutral Without those conversations , this level of insight is slow to develop . The conversations are good to develop the mind as well .
entailment And it was one afternoon I was out playing on the uh , sidewalk and uh Mom was , Mom was in the kitchen doing something and I was , I guess pretending to act like a salesman and I went up to the front door and rang the doorbell . I was playing outside and rang the doorbell , pretending to be a salesman .
contradiction -LRB- -RRB- When cancer comes up I 'm just pretty , pretty interested in it , to find out what they went through and I can relate to it . I am not interested at all in the topic of cancer .
contradiction We 're at an exciting juncture and it wo n't be long until we start seeing solid results from our efforts . We expect to not succeed after seeing our efforts
entailment For instance , in 1995 , the Labor Department sponsored the Apparel Industry Partnership , in which a number of U.S. apparel manufacturers , UNITE ! , the National Consumers League , the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and others agreed to monitor compliance with labor standards of contractors . In 1995 the Labor Department sponsored the Apparel Industry Partnership which caused many U.S. apparel manufacturers to agree to monitor compliance with labor standards of contractors .
contradiction They have what ? We have what ?
entailment Her interviewer did n't bat an eye . The person interviewing her was not surprised .
entailment She uses speech derived from that conversation to refiect on the thunder , allay her fear , and help her wait until Deb 's task is finished and they can go inside . She used speech to allay her fear and help her wait until Deb is done with her task .
contradiction We need to get the military involved with us . Getting the military involved would only hurt this situation and delay any resolutions .
neutral Readiness for Narrative . The narrative is being delivered orally .
contradiction Still no response . There was a response .
neutral A relatively new graphic technique is the sandwich . Despite being relatively new , the sandwich technique is popular .
entailment He could attract , train , and use recruits for ever more ambitious attacks , rallying new adherents with each demonstration that his was the movement of the future . He was able to bring in new people for bigger actions and rev up everyone with every new attack .
neutral A Stitch in Time is organized into five sections , roughly corresponding to the channel components . The channel components form the table of contents .
contradiction Recently in Chambers I came across the adjective perjink , a Scots word given also in Collins , but not in any of the other desk dictionaries I it means finical . The Scottish adjective perjink can be translated as ` lucky ' .
neutral I 've done horrible , let 's just say horrible really , really bad . I 've done something so awful I can hardly bear to think about it .
contradiction It has been suggested that SF include only those stories which would be invalidated without their scientific content ; that fiction which concerns science , scientists , and the impact of science on humans ; that which explores alternate existences -LRB- whether future , extraterrestrial , or only in characters ' minds -RRB- based on facts and logical progression via scientific method . Everyone agrees that SF stories can ignore facts and logic .
entailment That aircraft was United 93 . United 93 was the aircraft 's identifier .
entailment And you were born in Presbyterian Hospital . You were born in Presbyterian Hospital
contradiction I 've read several of his books both fiction and non-fiction books . I 've never read any of his books .
entailment Two minutes later the transponder was turned off and even primary radar contact with the aircraft was lost . Primary radar contact with the aircraft was lost .
entailment finding an interesting shell on the beach -LRB- Looks like Mom 's shiny necklace . That shell looks like Mom 's necklace .
neutral That is the basis of modern sewing operations in manufacturing facilities . This does not apply to old-fashioned sewing operations .
neutral Like one , two , three , four . I know how to count from 1-10 .
contradiction The most recent hijacking that involved U.S. air traffic controllers , FAA management , and military coordination had occurred in 1993 . The most recent hijacking that involved three air-traffic related organizations had been they year before that .
contradiction Bin Ladin reportedly showed particular interest in learning how to use truck bombs such as the one that had killed 241 U.S. Truck bombs were of no interest to Bin Ladin , having failed to kill anyone using them .
entailment How about um , your kids ? How about your children , hmm ?
contradiction A local software company has generously donated a complete analysis of our computer hardware and software needs so that the school can offer faculty and students the most up-to-date information technology . A local software company declined to donate any information technology materials .
neutral Similarly , feminists discourage titles that identify women 's -LRB- but not men 's -RRB- marital status -LRB- though many users mistakenly assume Ms . a synonym for Miss -RRB- . Feminists like to discourage basic facts
contradiction Please call Sharyl Hamblen at 921-2049 or Kim Gattle at 921-2056 if you have any questions . Call Sharyl or Ken if you want to talk about your donation .
entailment For example , sketches or photos can be draped with material of different colors and patterns . Different patterned material can be draped around photos .
contradiction Such a plot had not been carried out anywhere in the world in more than 30 years , and never in the United States . The plot was one of many that were carried out in the United States .
neutral Thank you for your generosity . We truly value your donation .
entailment He said the President signed off on that concept . The President signed off on the concept , according to him .
neutral About someone who is in complete charge of a project , they could say , He runs things completely ! Someone who is in complete charge of a project , could be called a CEO or chief .
contradiction Of course it ca n't be published because all those things are copyrighted , but my mother made up the story and I thought it was very nice and I still have it , uh , handwritten , uh , in our file here . We can have it published today but my mom and I do n't like the story .
entailment set in a type -LRB- as boldface -RRB- readily distinguishable from that of the lightface running text which defines , explains , or identifies the entry The boldface type will be distinct from the lightface text .
contradiction As of this date , we have received commitments for approximately forty percent of our goal to the Timothy J. O'Leary Periodontal Endowment Fund . The commitments we currently have , stand at seventy percent of our goal .
neutral These definitions are given in the most recent -LRB- 1983 -RRB- edition of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary , which was edited and published in Edinburgh . The Chambers 20th Century Dictionary contains multiple definitions .
contradiction Do you read Dr. Seuss ? I do n't know who is Dr. Seuss .
contradiction The flight did not respond . The flight responded .
entailment When you give to United Way , you can rest assured that your gift will be used efficiently and effectively to help people in need here at home . Make no mistake , your gift to the United Way will be used efficiently and effectively to help people with no other recourse , who are in need here in the area .
contradiction However you choose to participate , I know you 'll enjoy being a part of the Herron School of Art and Gallery . You will detest the Herron School of Art and Gallery and have nothing to do with it .
entailment I am asking for the support of the families of Herron students to help maintain this vital program . The program should be supported financially .
contradiction As a byproduct of participation , children gain a rich understanding of their own and others ' mental lives ` powerful tools in predicting and explaining human behavior and , therefore , in getting along with others . Participation often has negative consequences for children , and it does not help them to get along better with others .
entailment The only thing I know about Gilbert is that I find him listed as co-author of Muskrat Ramble . The only knowledge I have about Gilbert is his co-authorship of Muskrat Ramble .
entailment YOU CAN HELP SUPPORT THESE AND OTHER NEEDED SERVICES HERE IN CENTRAL INDIANA . In central Indiana , you can help support needed services .
neutral Not any stories that she used to tell . The stories she spun were written like an amateur at best .
contradiction As we strive to continue and improve upon our efforts for the community , it is our hope that you will join us by providing Keep Indianapolis Beautiful with a generous gift . We do not want you to donate to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful .
contradiction I can , well you know we just relived the story today of when you built the house over on um , / / Songbird . You have never built a house .
neutral Other experiences are linguistic only in reverse , or only as one thinks of what the language ought to be . There are certain linguistic standards that exist for romance languages which are often incorrectly applied to language originating from other parts of the world .
contradiction Or they try to get another person to do something ` to hand them an object or help them perform a task ` by reaching , pointing , and making sounds at the same time . They often simply sit and scream when they want another person to do something for them .
neutral In play , Alison thinks about paint colors , which need not be the color of her real room . Alison has a green bedroom with a blue color carpet .
neutral A Treasury of the World 's Great Letters , Simon and Schuster , N.Y. , 1940 -RRB- in which he relates how he sends his native boy up a palm tree , where he cuts off a couple of vast nuts . A Treasury of the World 's Great Letters was published in 1940 and was a best-seller .
contradiction bound in fetters , they work continually without being allowed any rest by night or day . They were able to sleep for most of the day and the entire night .
contradiction It seems silly to separate Gruy ? ¨ re the cheese from Gruy ? ¨ re the place in Switzerland whence it comes ' indeed , the latter is not even an entry in the geographical sections of either dictionary . The Gruy and the cheese and important to separate
entailment In terms of the retail bottom line , this risk appeared in the indirect costs associated with holding inventories of unwanted products and stock-outs of popular items . There were indirect costs attached to stock-outs of popular items .
neutral According to the blurb on the dust jacket of this distinctly unpleasant book , Rosalind Miles is head of the Centre for Women 's Studies at Coventry Polytechnic , a lecturer , broadcaster , journalist , and author of several other books , including a highly acclaimed biography of Ben Jonson . Rosalind Miles is an author , though her books look distinctly unpleasant .
neutral I want to know much of you . I do n't have much time so we have to talk about you now or never .
contradiction Well , some of them that uh , with your mother Marsha uh , I she was , I believe about 18 when I was born . I do n't remember exactly what age she was when I was born .
neutral Not so paleolinguistics , or the reconstruction of ancient languages . There are less than 1000 paleolinguists in the entire world .
entailment It ca n't hurt you . That thing can not damage you .
entailment We continue to assume that this SKU has the weekly demand distribution shown in Figure 6.1 -LRB- page 92 -RRB- . The demand distribution is assumed to follow figure 6.1 .
entailment Please consider joining the Chairman 's Roundtable with a gift of $ 1,000 . You may join the Chairman 's Roundtable with your gift of $ 1,000 or more .
contradiction The Student American Dental Hygienist 's Association Hearty Smiles project at Riley Hospital has been successful and rewarding to the children as well as the hygiene students . The project at Riley Hospital has been a categorical failure .
entailment We have created a scholarship endowment which will permanently recognize Dr. Steven Bricker 's contributions to our school and profession . To permanently recognize Dr. Steven Bricker we made a scholarship endowment .
entailment And , instead of providing an open-ended guarantee on prices to its distributors , the company would guarantee the price for only two weeks after purchase by the distributor , refusing to take back computers unless they malfunctioned . Instead of providing open-ended guarantees , the company guarantees the price for only 2 weeks after purchase .
contradiction We were putting siding on her house and beat on the door nobody comes to the door it 's summertime everybody sleeping until 10:00 . Everybody is awake before ten o'clock .
contradiction And , as a Palestinian , he saw Israel as the top priority for the next stage . He was an American .
entailment Our free educational programs can save lives . Our programs can save lives in schools .
entailment U.S. intelligence estimates put the total number of fighters who underwent instruction in Bin Ladin-supported camps in Afghanistan from 1996 through 9/11 at 10,000 to 20,000 . There were Bin Ladin-supported camps in Afghanistan in the late 1990s .
entailment metaschizotherium Not an over-arching , society-wide split personality , but mind blowingly enough an extinct rhino with a fivetoed foot . It 's very surprising that a metaschizotherium is an extinct rhino rather than a societal concept .
contradiction When the vacuum pump comes on , five pounds of force per square foot push down on the fabric . WHen the pump starts up , the force is on the thread .
contradiction If you would like to become a member of ELM , please fill out the enclosed membership form and send it back at your earliest convenience . The ELM is currently closed to all new members .
neutral Even for basic products , demand varies from day to day and week to week . Variation in demand is welcome in all industries .
neutral Around age 2 , children begin to pretend with less realistic toys , such as a block for a telephone . The children prefer to use their imaginations to approximate the shapes .
contradiction It is not at once apparent why the book is styled an almanac , but that is there is no other book I know of that contains as much diverse information about American writers as this one . It is totally obvious why the book is like an almanac , it makes it easier to decipher information .
entailment After learning that United Airlines was missing a plane , American Airlines headquarters extended the ground stop nationwide . The ground stop was extended nationwide upon learning of the missing plane .
neutral At 8:28 , Boston Center called the Command Center in Herndon to advise that it believed American 11 had been hijacked and was heading toward New York Center 's airspace . Command center in herndon never replied to Boston Center .
entailment And it was an important aspect , was there a particular crowd that hung out because of that ? Did a crowd hang around that because of it ?
entailment They must induce children to develop talents , skills , good values , and a sense of accomplishment through engagement not just in activities that are easy and fun , but in ones that are meaningful and challenging ` that help them sustain eort in the face of diculty , overcome obstacles , and advance to greater heights . They have to encourage kids to control their values .
neutral The manufacture of men 's shirts provides another illustration . The long process of constructing shirts for men provides another example .
neutral Carnegie also describes namma-holes and soaks as sources of water . Carneagie studied sources of water in his youth .
entailment It was always warm . Its temperature was always pretty warm .
entailment This sort of misnomer leads Carnegie to suppose that to the uninitiated no map is so misleading as that of West Australia where lakes are salt-bogs without surface water , springs seldom run , and native ` wells ' are merely tiny holes in the rock , yielding from 0 to 200 gallons . People not familiar with Western Australia would read a map and find the actual results to be misleading .
neutral Using it to bolster an argument is plainly a mistake . I should not have used it to start and argument .
neutral Nine months earlier -LRB- before the child could talk -RRB- , the family had taken the same walk . The family had taken the same walk through the national park in September last year .
neutral new and creative research . Groundbreaking and state-of-the-art scientific research .
contradiction Luis Alonso , Luis Alonso , says to him , Luis Alonso 's friend . They said they do not know the man .