conceptnet /
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pretty_name: relbert/conceptnet

Dataset Card for "relbert/conceptnet"

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

The selected subset of ConceptNet used in this work. We removed NotCapableOf and NotDesires to keep the positive relation only. We consider the original test set as test set, dev1 as the training set, and dev2 as the validation set.

  • Number of instances
train validation test
number of pairs 583082 1184 1187
number of unique relation types 28 20 19
  • Number of pairs in each relation type
number of pairs (train) number of pairs (validation) number of pairs (test)
AtLocation 69838 230 250
CapableOf 71840 124 144
Causes 34732 52 45
CausesDesire 9616 15 5
CreatedBy 534 1 2
DefinedAs 11048 2 1
DesireOf 28 0 0
Desires 8960 20 8
HasA 19234 43 41
HasFirstSubevent 7350 2 1
HasLastSubevent 5916 5 0
HasPainCharacter 2 0 0
HasPainIntensity 2 0 0
HasPrerequisite 47298 116 109
HasProperty 36610 63 70
HasSubevent 52468 82 83
InheritsFrom 112 0 0
InstanceOf 138 0 0
IsA 71034 197 211
LocatedNear 6 0 0
LocationOfAction 6 0 0
MadeOf 1518 10 14
MotivatedByGoal 23668 17 8
PartOf 5402 19 22
ReceivesAction 20656 15 11
RelatedTo 178 0 1
SymbolOf 328 2 0
UsedFor 84560 169 161

Dataset Structure

An example of train looks as follows.

  "relation": "IsA",
  "head": "baseball",
  "tail": "sport"

Citation Information

  author = 	"Li, Xiang
        and Taheri, Aynaz
        and Tu, Lifu
        and Gimpel, Kevin",
  title = 	"Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion",
  booktitle = 	"Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for      Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)    ",
  year = 	"2016",
  publisher = 	"Association for Computational Linguistics",
  pages = 	"1445--1455",
  location = 	"Berlin, Germany",
  doi = 	"10.18653/v1/P16-1137",
  url = 	""