--- |
license: cc-by-nc-4.0 |
language: |
- en |
- fr |
size_categories: |
- 100K<n<1M |
configs: |
- config_name: default |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "*/*.parquet" |
- config_name: SCC |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "SCC/*.parquet" |
- config_name: FCA |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "FCA/*.parquet" |
- config_name: FC |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "FC/*.parquet" |
- config_name: TCC |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "TCC/*.parquet" |
- config_name: CHRT |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "CHRT/*.parquet" |
- config_name: RAD |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "RAD/*.parquet" |
- config_name: RPD |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "RPD/*.parquet" |
- config_name: RLLR |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "RLLR/*.parquet" |
- config_name: SST |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "SST/*.parquet" |
- config_name: LEGISLATION-FED |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "LEGISLATION-FED/*.parquet" |
- config_name: REGULATIONS-FED |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: "REGULATIONS-FED/*.parquet" |
--- |
# Refugee Law Lab: Canadian Legal Data |
## Dataset Summary |
The [Refugee Law Lab](https://refugeelab.ca) supports bulk open-access to Canadian legal data to facilitate research and advocacy. |
Bulk open-access helps avoid asymmetrical access-to-justice and amplification of marginalization that |
results when commercial actors leverage proprietary |
legal datasets for profit -- a particular concern in the border control setting. |
The Canadian Legal Data dataset includes the unofficial text of legislation, regulations, and thousands of court and tribunal |
decisions at the federal level. It can be used for legal analytics (i.e. identifying patterns in legal |
decision-making), to test ML and NLP tools on a bilingual dataset of Canadian legal materials, and to |
pretrain language models for various tasks. |
## Dataset Structure |
### Data Instances |
#### Court Decisions |
- SCC: Full text of Supreme Court of Canada decisions, based on the Refugee Law Lab's |
[Supreme Court of Canada Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/scc/) (1877 – present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
- FCA: Full text of Federal Court of Appeal (Canada) decisions that have been given a neutral citation, based on the Refugee Law Lab's [Federal Court of Appeal Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/fca/) (2001-present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
- FC: Full text of Federal Court (Canada) decisions that have been given a neutral citation, based on the Refugee Law Lab's [Federal Court Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/fc/) (2001-present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
- TCC: Full text of Tax Court of Canada decisions that have been given a neutral citation, based on the Refugee Law Lab's [Tax Court of Canada Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/tcc/) (2003-present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
#### Tribunal Decisions |
- CHRT: Full text of Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decisions, baed on the Refugee Law Lab's [Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/chrt/) (2013 – present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
- RAD: Full text of Immigration and Refugee Board, Refugee Appeal Division decisions, based on the Refugee Law Lab's [Refugee Appeal Division Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/rad/) (2013-present) (updated July 12 2024) |
- RPD: Full text of Immigratoin and Refugee Board, Refugee Protection Division decisions, based on the Refugee Law Lab's [Refugee Protection Division Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/rpd/) (2002-2020) (updated Dec 1 2023) Note that this is a legacy dataset as the IRB is no longer publishing RPD decisions. For more recent RPD decisions obtained via Access to Information Requests see the RLLR dataset. |
- RLLR: Full text of Immigration and Refugee Board, Refugee Protection Division decisions, as reported in the [Refugee Law Lab Reporter](https://refugeelab.ca/rllr), based on the Refugee Law Lab's [RLLR Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/rllr/) (2019 – present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
- SST: Full text of Social Security Tribunal of Canada decisions, baed on the Refugee Law Lab's [Social Security Tribunal Bulk Decisions Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/sst/) (2013 – present) (updated Apr 1 2024) |
#### Legislation & Regulations |
- LEGISLATION-FED: Text of Federal legislation in the [Consolidated Acts](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/) maintained by the Federal Department of Justice, as reproduced in the Refugee Law Lab's [Federal Bulk Legislation Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/legislation-fed/) (updated July 12 2024) |
- REGULATIONS-FED: Text of Federal legislation in the [Consolidated Regulations](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/) maintained by the Federal Department of Justice, as reproduced in the Refugee Law Lab's [Federal Bulk Regulations Dataset](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/regulations-fed/) (updated July 12 2024) |
### Data Fields |
- citation (string): Legal citation for the document (neutral citation where available) |
- citation2 (string): For some documents multiple citations are available (e.g. for some periods |
the Supreme Court of Canada provided both official reported citation and neutral citation) |
- dataset (string): Name of the data instance (e.g. "SCC", "FCA", "FC", "TCC", etc) |
- year (int32): Year of the document date, which can be useful for filtering |
- name (string): Name of the document, typically the style of cause of cases and the short title for legislation and regulations |
- language (string): Language of the document, "en" for English, "fr" for French, "" for no language specified |
- document_date (string): Date of the document (yyyy-mm-dd) |
- source_url (string): URL where the document was scraped and where the official version can be found |
- scraped_timestamp (string): Date the document was scraped (yyyy-mm-dd) |
- unofficial_text (string): Full text of the document (unofficial version, for official version see source_url) |
- other (string): Field for additional metadata in JSON format, currently a blank string for most datasets |
### Data Languages |
Many documents are available in both English and French. Some are only available in one of the two languages. |
### Data Splits |
The data has not been split, so all files are in the train split. If splitting for training/validation, |
some thought should be given to whether it is necessary to limit to one language or to ensure that both |
English and French versions of the same documents (where available) are put into the same split. |
### Data Loading |
To load all data instances: |
```python |
from datasets import load_dataset |
dataset = load_dataset("refugee-law-lab/canadian-legal-data", split="train") |
``` |
To load only a specific data instance, for example only the SCC data instance: |
```python |
from datasets import load_dataset |
dataset = load_dataset("refugee-law-lab/canadian-legal-data", "SCC", split="train") |
``` |
## Dataset Creation |
### Curation Rationale |
The dataset includes all the [Bulk Legal Data](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data) made publicly available by |
the Refugee Law Lab. The Lab has focused on federal law and regulations, federal courts (e.g. Supreme Court of Canada, Federal Court of |
Appeal, Federal Court) and federal administrative tribunals (e.g. Immigration and Refugee Board) because |
immigration and refugee law, which is the main area of interest of the Lab, operates mostly at the federal level. |
### Source Data |
#### Initial Data Collection and Normalization |
Details (including links to github repos with code) are available via links on the Refugee Law Lab's |
[Bulk Legal Data](https://refugeelab.ca/bulk-data/) page. |
### Personal and Sensitive Information |
Documents may include personal and sensitive information. All documents have been published online or |
otherwise released publicly by the relevant government body, court or tribunal. While the open court principle mandates |
that court (and some tribunal) materials be made available to the public, there are privacy risks when some of these |
materials become easily and widely available. These privacy risks are particularly acute for marginalized groups, |
including refugees and other non-citizens whose personal and sensitive information is included in some of the |
documents in this dataset. For example, imagine a repressive government working with private data aggregators to |
collect information that is used to target families of political opponents who have sought asylum abroad. |
One mechanism used to try to achieve a balance between the open court principle |
and privacy is that in publishing court documents in this dataset, the relevant courts and tribunals prohibit |
search engines from indexing the documents. Users of this data are required to do the same. |
### Non-Official Versions |
Documents included in this dataset are unofficial copies. For official versions published by |
the Government of Canada, please see the source URLs. |
### Non-Affiliation / Endorsement |
The reproduction of documents in this dataset was not done in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of |
the Government of Canada. |
## Considerations for Using the Data |
### Social Impact of Dataset |
The Refugee Law Lab recognizes that this dataset -- and further research using the dataset -- raises challenging |
questions about how to balance protecting privacy, enhancing government transparency, addressing information |
asymmetries, and building technologies that leverage data to advance the rights and interests of |
refugees and other displaced people, as well as assisting those working with them (rather than technologies that |
[enhance the power of states](https://citizenlab.ca/2018/09/bots-at-the-gate-human-rights-analysis-automated-decision-making-in-canadas-immigration-refugee-system/) |
to control the movement of people across borders). |
More broadly, the Refugee Law Lab also recognizes that considerations around privacy and data protection are complex |
and evolving. When working on migration, refugee law, data, technology and surveillance, we strive to foreground |
intersectional understandings of the systemic harms perpetuated against groups historically made marginalized. We |
encourage other users to do the same. |
We also encourage users to try to avoid participating in building technologies that harm refugees and other |
marginalized groups, as well as to connect with [community organizations](https://www.migrationtechmonitor.com/ways-to-help) |
working in this space, and to [listen directly](https://www.migrationtechmonitor.com/about-us) and learn from people who are affected by new technologies. |
We will review the use these datasets periodically to examine whether continuing to publicly release these datasets achieves |
the Refugee Law Lab's goals of advancing the rights and interests of refugees and other marginalized groups without creating |
disproportionate risks and harms, including risks related to privacy and human rights. |
### Discussion of Biases |
The dataset reflects many biases present in legal decision-making, including biases based on race, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, socio-economic class, and other intersecting categories of discrimination. |
### Other Known Limitations |
Legislation and regulations do not include tables, annexes or schedules. Original sources should be consulted if these are relevant. |
Publicly available court and tribunal decisions are not a representative sample of legal decision-making -- and in some cases may reflect |
significantly skewed samples. To give one example, the vast majority of Federal Court judicial reviews of refugee determinations involve negative |
first instance decisions even thought most first instance decisions are positive (this occurs because the government seldom applies for judicial |
reviews of positive first instance decisions whereas claimants frequently apply for judicial review of negative decisions). As such, generative models |
built partly on this dataset risk amplifying negative refugee decision-making (rather than more common positive refugee decision-making). |
Due to the ways that |
legal datasets may be skewed, users of this dataset are encouraged to collaborate with or consult domain experts. |
## Additional Information |
### Licensing Information |
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International ([CC BY-NC 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)) |
NOTE: Users must also comply with upstream licensing for the [SCC](https://www.scc-csc.ca/terms-avis/notice-enonce-eng.aspx), |
[FCA](https://www.fca-caf.gc.ca/en/pages/important-notices) & [FC](https://www.fct-cf.gc.ca/en/pages/important-notices) data instances, as |
well as requests on source urls not to allow indexing of the documents by search engines to protect privacy. As a result, users must |
not make the data available in formats or locations that can be indexed by search engines. |
### Warranties / Representations |
We make no warranties or representations that the data included in this dataset is complete or accurate. Data |
were obtained through academic research projects, including projects that use automated processes. |
While we try to make the data as accurate as possible, our methodologies may result in |
inaccurate or outdated data. As such, data should be viewed as preliminary information aimed to prompt |
further research and discussion, rather than as definitive information. |
### Dataset Curators |
[Sean Rehaag](https://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/faculty-and-staff/rehaag-sean), Osgoode Hall Law School Professor & Director of the Refugee Law Lab |
### Citation Information |
Sean Rehaag, "Refugee Law Lab: Canadian Legal Data" (2023) online: Hugging Face: <https://huggingface.co/datasets/refugee-law-lab/canadian-legal-data> (updated 2024). |
### Acknowledgements |
This project draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Law Foundation of Ontario. |
The project was inspired in part by the excellent prior work by [pile-of-law](https://huggingface.co/datasets/pile-of-law/pile-of-law) (Peter Henderson et al, "Pile of Law: Learning |
Responsible Data Filtering from the Law and a 256GB Open-Source Legal Dataset" (2022), online: arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.00220). |