recognasumm /
phpaiola's picture
d995568 verified
license: mit
- summarization
- pt
- pt
- pt-br
- summarization
- abstractive summarization
- news
pretty_name: RecognaSumm
- 100K<n<1M
# RecognaSumm Dataset
## Introduction
RecognaSumm is a novel and comprehensive database specifically designed for the task of automatic text summarization in Portuguese. RecognaSumm stands out due to its diverse origin, composed of news collected from a variety of information sources, including agencies and online news portals. The database was constructed using web scraping techniques and careful curation, re sulting in a rich and representative collection of documents covering various topics and journalis tic styles. The creation of RecognaSumm aims to fill a significant void in Portuguese language summarization research, providing a training and evaluation foundation that can be used for the development and enhancement of automated summarization models.
## News Categories
| Category | # of news|
| :-: | :-: |
|Brazil | 14,131 |
|Economy | 12,613 |
|Entertainment | 5,337|
|Health | 24,921|
|Policy | 29,909 |
|Science and Technology | 15,135 |
|Sports | 2,915 |
|Travel and Gastronomy | 2,893 |
| World | 27,418 |
| **Total** | **135,272** |
## PTT5-Summ Model
We also trained the [PTT5]( model on this dataset and made it available on HuggingFace. [Click here to access](
# Citation
### RecognaSumm: A Novel Brazilian Summarization Dataset (PROPOR 2024)
title = "{R}ecogna{S}umm: A Novel {B}razilian Summarization Dataset",
author = "Paiola, Pedro Henrique and
Garcia, Gabriel Lino and
Jodas, Danilo Samuel and
Correia, Jo{\~a}o Vitor Mariano and
Sugi, Luis Afonso and
Papa, Jo{\~a}o Paulo",
editor = "Gamallo, Pablo and
Claro, Daniela and
Teixeira, Ant{\'o}nio and
Real, Livy and
Garcia, Marcos and
Oliveira, Hugo Gon{\c{c}}alo and
Amaro, Raquel",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - Vol. 1",
month = mar,
year = "2024",
address = "Santiago de Compostela, Galicia/Spain",
publisher = "Association for Computational Lingustics",
url = "",
pages = "575--579",