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The end of car culture around the world. Cities around the world are banning driving for weather conditions or for experimental purposes. In German suburb driving has been forbidden as well as street parking, driveways and home garages. People have been selling their cars just to move to Vauban, Germany. The limiting of car usage has been a great factor to help the enviroment, and to excersize. The end of car culture is coming to an end because many people have been leaving their cars at home and taking the bus or walkin to work. People are driving less, and the youth have are not excited to be driving. Sociologists believe the decrease amount of driving is due to the fact that we are able to connect with our friends over the internet and no longer need to see each other in person. In many cities around the world are banning driving because of enviromental purposes. In Colombia, there is a car-free day where cars are being banned with only taxis and busses permited. The goal is to promote altenative transportation and reduce smog. In Paris driving was banned due to the amount of smog. They blamed the smog on diesel because 67 percent of the cars use diesel. Although cars were banned in Paris, congestion decreased about 60 percent in the capital of France, after the five-days of smog. The limiting of car usage can benefit everyone. This is because around the world everyone drives, nobody thinks twice about it. Driving has been a huge part of the America can life, but it seems it is coming to an end people are relying more on walking and riding a bicycle or taking the bus. Car limiting benefits everyone because it will help people stay healthy and hike or bike to point A to point B. People are becoming more enthusiastic about not driving. Parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout cities; uneven sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rudh-hour restrictions have cut traffic dramatically; and restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The end of car culture is upon us, people have been selling cars, countries have been banning driving, and cities are forbiding street parking, driveways and home garages. The amount of people driving has decreased dramatically since 2005, in the United States. People are taking the bus, hiking, biking to get from A to B. The limiting of cars can help improve your health and help improve the enviroment.
If I was arguing with some one that the face on mars was not real and that it was some thing that just happend on its own I think that it could go both ways and that it could of been an alien but it really just probly happend on its own. We could argue and argue about this subject but if I was a scientist I would make a camera that could go farther and depper into mars outmasphere so we could see what was going on for some days to mounths to see what would happen if nothing happend then I would be right if we seen aliens there then he would be right. But it would be alot easyer said then done to make that camera that can go that far into space to see that much for that long it would not be a easy task. But for the sack of seeing if aliens were real then it would be worth making to see if aliens are real or not. Because that would change every thing that we now about a different life force then use. It would blow up I would become famus nowing im the one that made the camera. But I would also be famous if i was the one that found out that it was just a big joke and it was realy just like sand and rock. So there would not be a big comspeisy of it. And not even that i would prove that guy in the lab wrong that it is not even aliens that it is just sand and rock. But It would be pretty cool to see aliens and we only seen this way back in 1976 I wonder how long it has been there it could be billions to only 40 years old. But i would get to work to see if i could build the camera to send to mars and see what was going on on mars. And if I was to build it and if it would work I would keep it there on mars untill it ran out of battries and if there was yto be nothing then I would be right but if there was to besomething then that guy from the lab would of been right. But that is what i woud do if I was a sientist that worked for NASA abd there was a big argument about what it was then that is what I would do to see just make a camera to see which one was right me or the guy in the lab. Hopfully I would even be able to build that if i was a scientist that worked for NASA.
there are many thing in life people want and need such as money, families and fame. but what people dont understand is that most of what they want is stuff they dont need and they would be better off without it. cars are beginning to be something people dont need. all it is doing is causing more problems then solutions. Major people are starting to notice,presidents and governements, and are  acting apon it. limiting car usage would bring a lot of advavtages such as more pocket money, more excrises and less harm to the earth acorrding to Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota by Andrew Selsky, Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer and the end of car culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal. Cars are defined as a motor vecheil that provides fast transportation for more then one person at a time. thats what most people veiw it as, what that dont know and relize is that it give people a lot more stress to deal with because of either car payments, repairs, or even runing out of gas.  acorrding to Heidrun Walter in the passage in german suburb, life goes on without cars she said that when she had a car she was always tense and now that she doesnt have a car sge is more relaxed and is better off without it. she doesnt have to pay for insurance, car payments, repairs on the car and not even gas. that will leave her with a lot of stress free moments. cars do not only stress out people but they are pulloting the earth. almost all cars run on gas which is put in the car and releases pullotion into the earth. paris had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of pullotion.... that is how much damage it is doing to the earth. it took five days the smog finally rivaled beijing, china which is know as one of the most pullated cities in the world. this could have made people go to the hostiptal because they could have gotten sick or even die from the pullotion. many countries are banning cars for a couple of days each year because of this global problem. according to car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota in colombia they have a program that bans cars a for a day which leaves people to walk, hike or even bike to where they need to go. its a good way to take away stress and lower air pullotion said carlos arturo plaza. furthermore not only does it help the envirment for limting car usage and gives relief to peopl. it will also make people healther because they would then have to walk, ride or hike to work or any other place thay need to go. this will strength peoples bodies by doing everyday things more often.  it would require more work to walk to a destiantion rather then to sit down in a car and press on the brake and gas pedal with our foot. limting car usage will not only make people helthier but it will make people less lazy. for example if a person was lazy and had no food in his/her house they would just easly get in there car and drive to a local fast food restruant to get food. on ther other hand if they did not have a car they would have to walk all the way to the grocery story burning off lots of caliores and buying lots more food rather then stoping at a fast food place just to get a quick meal. in clonclusion limting car usage would be a more beifical thing to do rather then a problem due to the stress reilf, envimental saftey and healther citzens.
Dear state senetor i am writing this letter to state my point of veiw on the Electoral Collage. First of all i would like to say that is to the people. Because the poplar vote dosent allways win it is in the hands of the Electoral Collage. so our vote is pretty much just a suggestion for them. In a article i read there was a short paragraph about what was wrong with the Electoral Collage wich was by Brandford Plumer. It talks about how under the Electoral Collage voters vote for electors but not the president. Even though there is a great advantage there is also a great disatvantage to the system. I think that the electoral collage is vary unfair to voters as would most people if they knew they where voting for voters to vote for the president. May i state that it is vary outdated like lots of old things in amarica they are forggoten or we move on, but this is still a problem that needs solving. On that note i hope you take this letter into consideration and think about how this could help us in the future.
Although not having driveless cars seems more safe, Im for driveless cars. Im for driveless cars because it could be making driving more fun. Driveless cars sounds dangerous but its really safer than regular cars. The driveless car has many more good advantages than a regualr car. Im for driveless cars because it has good advantages such as there a senors that are advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or roll-overs. Regular cars does have some good advantages too but driveless cars has been driven more than half a million miles without being crashed. Even though driveless cars uses half of the fuel of today's taxis, it's making driving fun in a new way. Driveless cars may not sound safe but really its safer than regualr cars. Regular cars dont have senors to tell when danger is near and reguar cars are boring. This idea would bring people out more and experience the world with a nice car. Driveless cars could be the best invention ever!
The author claims that Venus is a worthy pursuit because it holds a lot of value. Even though its cold and it makes it hard to study, it is still like earth and can hold life. And anything could be on it, and the fast that it can hold human life gets people's curiousity going. The reason why i say this is because the many details and such it includes in the artical such as rock, gas, or whatever that's on that planet we can't get to. And knowing that Venus holds some features of analogous to Earth makes it very interesting and wondering that life could exist. Some details from the artical that helps us know that life could exist on venus is that it has some features of analogous to those on earth. Also knowing that it could've has oceans, it has right now a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. And even though the possible dangers of trying to get to it, so much research has been done on the planet and our technology has advanced, and we could possibily find a way in the future to reach this point to see what venus really holds and what it can hold.
Driverless cars can be a bad thing and a good thing for the world. Driverless cars would be a bad idea when it comes to the saftey of people. Driverless cars could also be a good thing for the econmy and earth. Driverless cars would not be such a good idea just because you dont really know if the technology is actually gonna work and be safe for people. Most technology if not all technology have probles sometimes. Just think of a car driving its self down the road and all of the sudden something goes wrong with the car and the car causes and accident where a few poeple got hurt or die. If something like this happens whos fault is it? The person in the vehicle or the people who desighned the vehicle? We've been creating computer driven cars that also have a feature that the driver in the vehivle can take over and control the vehivle at any time. Apple reciently is making a car that drives its self but can also be driven by a person controling the vehicle. In my opinion thats ten times safer than a car that drives on it own. Most newer cars these days have features like Antilock breaking systems or sencors that make a vehicle back into an area or parking spot on its own. Ford Reacenlty came out with a truck that back itself up to hook onto a traler insted of the driver having to do it. During this period of the truck hooking to a traler by its self the driver has an option to use that feature or do it manualy. In this passage it talks about BMW having a car with a feature called Traffic Jam Assistance witch is that the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, and it also has special touch sencors to make sure the driver keeps ahold of the steering wheele and is alert during this time. As of right now I dont belive we have and cars that copletely drive them selfs, but alot of newer cars these days have features that can help assist you in stituations when needed. Some cars stop on there own if your getting to close to another vehicle and the driver is not paying attention. Those are the type of vehivles we need. We dont need cars that can drive themselfs that coud have something go wrong with the car and cause a reck or endager lifes. Even in some states it is illegal to test computer driven cars. I wonder why? It's probably becase they might not be sucha good idea. Now there are positives to drivelss cars. People would save money by not having to buy or use there cars when they have cars that can drive them around. The driveless cars would be good on gas so money would be saved on gas. Also not using much gas is good for our enviorment because it would be less polution to the earth if everyone started switching to using driveless cars. I think there are more negatives in this situation then positives. To sum all of this up Im not sure if drivless cars are sucha good idea or ever will be a good idea untill later in the future after the technology has been tested for many of years and advanced to the fullest to where it has the capability of hadling a driveless car.
Cars are an easier form of transportation and can benefit anyone that knows how to drive. The use of cars in the United States is bigger than the use of cars in any other country. On the other side of the world mostly in Europe and also South America they are trying to get rid of cars because of many different reasons. Cars can be beneficial but they can also harm us. Everybody thinks that cars can be helpful if an emergency happens and yes that is right but the pollution of cars can also harm nature and mess with the air we breathe and it can lead to everyone dying slowly. Take Germany for example. In the German Suburbs they are going completely car-less in a city called Vauben. Here, if you want to have a car, you need to either buy a space in a large garage for $40,000, along with a home or you can just move out. They are trying to make the streets better by improving them and all cars do is harm everything. In this city, 70 percent of families don't own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move here. All you hear in this city are bikes and people talking which drowns out the car noises in the far cities. Now lets take a plane to Paris and see what goes on there. In Paris, France there has been a ban in driving cars and whoever disobeyed this law was going to be fined 22 euros. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to this fine. All of this happened because of the smog coming from Beijing, China. The warm days and cold night caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions and diesel fuel was blamed. Paris normally has lots of smog, but this time they decided to get rid of the cars which make the smog worse. Public transportation was free of cahrge because of how many people had to leave their cars. Since the smog cleared up after a couple days, they unbanned some of the cars. Bogota, Colombia has a car-free day every year. This has been going on for 3 years now due to the fact that cas are polluting too much air. The only thing people could use were bikes, buses and taxis. The goal for them is to reduce smog and promote alternative transportation. The violators were fined $25. The rain wouldn't stop and that was an excellent way to take away stress and lower air pollution. This year, two other Colombian cities joined the event. This also promotes broad and smooth sidewalks for people to walk on. In the United States, just a little above Colombia, President Obama says that we might go car free too since people are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. In New York the bike-sharing program reflect there new priorities. People now a days would rather take a public transportation than buy a car, they don't even bother to get a drivers license anymore. Most people now actually like to walk and get some good exercise or just take a bicycle wherever they go. The number of car use by young people went down 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 which shows that young adults would prefer to walk or ride a bicycle wherever they go. Overall, cars are being used everyday less and less and all this is mostly because of pollution. Not using a car can benefit us in many ways also. Walking is a good source of exercise for anyone and after a while you can even find yourself to be a little more fit than you used to. Riding a bicycle is also good for your health because it is another way of exercise and promotes a healthier body. The use of public transportation is only helpful if you go somewhere far that you can't exactly walk to or ride a bicycle to. The less gas-powered vehicles we uses, the less pollution we have and the healthier the air will be for us. Imagine living in a pollution-free place where the air is cleaner than ever, wouldn't that make you feel better? It can also stop many diseases from runnig through the air because of the dirty oxygen that  we breathe.
In the article they are talking about a new technology called Facial Action Coding System where the computer can identify human emotions. I think that this new technology can be very valuable for teachers in schools to know when a student is sad or upset. The computer can help a teacher/adult to understand when a student is in need of a talk or needs to express their emotions. This is also very valuable because it could potentially save a life in bad situations. The computer facial coding system is valuable in my opinion for various reasons as you may see in this essay. This system can alert a teacher or anyone when there might be something wrong with a person, whether it is good or bad. To be able to understand how a person feels may be one of the best new technologies created. Knowing when a person is feeling sad, angry, happy, etc, can really be great for if they need someone to talk to. It could make things better or make things not so good. Just having those options of emotions to be recognized is something very amazing. Even though this system can't contol your emotions or thoughts, it can really help to understand when there is something good or bad going on. In the conclusion to figuring out if this new technology system is valuable, it most certainly is. It can be useful in many ways. I think another use for this could be in hospitals to detect if a patient is lying about their emotions. Even though a patient in a hospital may not like this because it can see their true emotions, it might be able to help them in the long run. If this technology can help manage what another person is feeling then it can make them see whats really going on, even if they lie about it. The computer will construct a 3-D model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit." Dr. Paul Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. All of humans show the same facial expressions but maybe some at different times. The Mona Lisa demonstration is intened to bring a smile to our face, while it shows just how much this computer can do.
The development of these cars would be a good idea. They have not had any crashes while using their cards. Their cars have many good things in their cars that would help the world to discover thiefs and killers. They have not create any harm or dangerous things. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Which is good because they were being safe and the materials created in their cars also helped them. They are being so safe that when you were to pull in and our of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, they would take over for you because of safety. Their cars have position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver and and inertial motion sensor. These things help you keep track of your destination and how far you drove. These also help you to mimic the skill of a human at the weel. The sensors detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on the wheels and reduce power from the engine, making far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. So when you were driving in this car and were to have an accident, you could easily be safe because of the sensors. The development of these cars should be allowed. These cars can help you get to your destination faster with safety and help you control the vehicle. It will improve your skills for driving.
in this passage it gives many examples on why driverless cars are good and it also gives many reasons why it is not. Honestly im on the no go side. There are a few reasons why. there is that when there are no drivers that means you dont get to enjoy family time. Another reason is that what would happen if something glitched and went out of control and killed someone who would get blamed for that the manufacture or the owner. the third reason is kids my age wouldnt get to enjoy driving for the first time or getting their permit. Those are the reasons why I dont think driverless cars are a good idea. What I mean when I say family time is that when my family and I go on a trip we try to have fun playing the license plate game where you try to find the alphabet by going in order from a to z on peoples license plates. I would think that there wouldnt be as much fun if there was someone driving. another thing is everyone would get tired of eachother if no one was driving because everyone would be looking at eachother playing games and after a while it gets boring. If there was a driver the people that are getting annoyed with eachother can switch with the driver and then problem solved until someone needs to switch again. I think that it would not be smart to get driverless cars cause of malfunctions glitches and other problems with electronics. Imagine that you are in your awesome new driverless car and you put your desination in and it goes, so your just sitting there and a malfunction happens and you hit a family thats on a walk would you be the one to blame for it or the manufacture. That would be something that would be a lot of trouble for the person who hit the family if they were driving there would be no malfunction or glitch that would happen. I understand the reason people want driverless cars but what happens if stuff like that happens how would the people with that car feel. People buying the cars have to think of all the posibilities that could happen if something in the car goes wrong. I'm not sure how other kids feel about driving and getting their permit but I know I love driving anytime I can I will because the fact that I am so close to be able to drive around on my own, not having to ask people to take me places it makes me feel independent. If driverless cars come into play then kids wont get to feel that rush and the feeling of being independent cause it's going to go back to you asking your car to take you places not people. I know that not all teens my age want to drive or even like driving but the teens my age who do will miss out on it and it will suck and how will they feel if something goes wrong with the car. All of the reasons I mentioned are because its all true just think on all the things it would take away from our society today. Kids wouldnt have as good of personalities as they do. Malfunctions would happen people could die and it would take tolls on the people who owned the car. The other kids my age wouldnt get to feel the rush of driving on their own. These reasons would change the society for the worse I think its better to have cars run on electricity not gas but not to where it drives on its own.
Driverless cars are new, advanced forms of technology. Manufacturers seem to be getting closer and closer to an improved and completely driverless car. They have different advantages and are very convenient. This may be the new innovation that everyone raves about. I think having driverless cars is a great idea and a huge milestone. Driverless cars have come a long way, and sensors have become more advanced with time. The sensors can now detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. This is very beneficial to the driver because he or she may not know how to respond or react to these kinds of dangerous situations. The sensors enable the car to apply brakes on the seperate wheels and decrease the power from the engine, which allows a better responce and more control than the human driver could manage. More improvements on this technology will bring safer and more durable cars, which will increase the number of driving taskes on their own. Even though most cars aren't completely driverless, many improvements and innovations allow the driverless cars to evolve and become more intriguing. For example, BMW developed the "Traffic Jam Assistant." This car could handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph. This car also had special touch sensors to ensure the driver holds onto the wheel. Having cars that aren't fully driverless allows the driver to remain alert, so they can take over when there is a situation. This is a great thing about these cars. There are driver seats that vibrate when the car is in danger of backing into something. The Google car announces when the driver should take over. Other cars might have flashing lights or other signals that warn the driver to take control of the vehicle. Driverless cars have come a long way and are still in the process of being perfected. New, developed features have different advantages such as the advanced sensors that repsond to dangerous situations and the signals that allow the reader to remain alert. Overall, I think that driverless cars are a major innovation and can be very effectful and beneficial for drivers.
Dear Senator, the election is coming up soon and so is voting. The Electoral College and the popular vote get to select the president of the United States every year. I want this year to be a little different. This year I would like to see only the Electoral College vote for the president. The Electoral College knows all about thinking if the president is good enough for the country, and if he can be a good role model, or also a commander in chief. That is the reason why I would like to keep the Electoral College. I would like the country to keep the Electoral College because they make good desiciosns, know if the candidate person is the right president, and last but not least they might think if the citizens would like this president based on his promises that he would like to keep. For example there are two candidates fighting to be president and it's time to vote and the Electoral College might look over  to see if the president looks like he can keep his promise to keep the coutnry safe, to make this a better country or not . That's what they look for in a president. That's the reason wwhy we should keep the Electoral College. When the citizens want to vote for the president as well, they think of the same thing, if he's good enough for our country, and if he is going to keep us safe. The Electoral College knows a lot about picking the right president and they've been doing it for a long time. "The Electoral College consits of 538 electors and a  majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. That's enough electors to vote wether or not the president should be this person or that person.              
Dear Senator, I feel the need to eliminate the Electoral College process of voting and just have a regular election where the President with the most votes wins, as simple as that. Each vote counts as one, and there will be more or less votes depending on the state and its size and population. Just like Source 2, I feel "The Electroal College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. " "Abolish the electroal college!". When you vote, you vote for "a slate of electors, who in turn elect the President" (Source 2, Paragraph 2). Why can't it just be a regular election where you either bubble your democrat or republican representative instead of being so complicated and misleading. This can get people confused, and get them to vote for the wrong candidate without them even realizing! "Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." (Source 2, Paragraph 2). In the 2000 campaign, 17 states didn't even get to see the candidates in a campaign ads; they focus on the "bigger" and more important swing-states to win. Each person should count as one, and each state should be as important as the other, just varying in the number of voters they had. In Source 1, it says how "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." You're electing electors instead of just who you want for President. To top it off, you can't even control who your electors vote for! So people can vote for an elector thinking that he's going to vote for the Republican party but then he votes for the Democratic party. This process can be very misleading. "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.". The disaster factor as mentioned in Source 2 could aways occur. Some counter-arguments might include the certainty of outcome, and how the Electoral Vote might be greater than the Popular Vote. But at the end of the day, the people are nominating their president, they don't want others to do it for them. The Popular Vote representing our country as a whole with all individual votes added up should be the deciding factor. A tie is almost impossible in that circumstance also, because what are the chances out of millions of citizens the number would be perfectly split in half. If a president appeals for a region, then  let them vote for who they believe is the better candidate. At the end of the day, the majority wins. Swing states won't have to be a factor without the Electoral College, and big states are just counted them same, one point per vote. Run-off elections won't be necessary if the highest percentage president wins, even if its not majority. So, hopefully you see my view on this issue and the Electoral College can be eliminated. Sincerely, Gabe
The Callenge of Exploring Venus Venus is the second planet from are sun . Venus is like earth twin it's the closest planet to Earth . Venus has been a challenging place to examine more closely . People have tried to study venus since t's so close but it has not always worked out. So we have Earth , Venus , and Mars . those all have differeces in speed meaning that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times Venus . since Venus sometimes s right around the corner .humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the planet . every previous mission was unmanned , no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. This is why no spaceship has touched on Venus in more than three decades . This made it hard for humans to study . Venus has temperatures of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit the atmospheric pressure is 90 times higher then what we experience on are own planet. These conditions are extreme . in the story it say's that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any plant in our solar system, the wearther erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface . That's why when we tried to land on Venus are craft got distroded . Venus used to be like earth but mostly not anymore . since Venus is like what its like we can't take samples from rocks,gas etc. we would have to dig deeper into are work so we can find out why Venus is the way it is. Its good that they are working to better are craft to find out more about Venus .NASA is working on something that's seem like it would work well for Venus . Venus is worthy of studying despite the dangers because if we stop we will never know what it's really like why it does the things it does . If we keep trying we will have the best craft and it will work . I know everybody wants to know if we can have life on a planet and Venus might just be the one . although Venus made it hard for humans to study it also gave them light weight on how to make the craft better and to know that it is dangrous so they know now that they need better craft.
Dear,State Senator The Elelction of our country's leader is a huge deal. I am writting to you regarding the Electoral College and why it should remain as part of our Presidental election process,The Electoral college allows balance in our elections,As well forces candidates to have regional appeal,and gives people the power. What if there was no majority vote or if there were to be a tie? the likeliness of this happening with the Electoral College is very low compared to the likeliness of this happening in a Popular vote. Electoral College vote likely exceeds that of the Popular vote.(source 3 paragraph 18)The Electoral College also gives the Larger states a chance to balance out what they've lost in representation in sanate by the constitution meaning they get to express the peoples voices better maybe as well as the small states who have the right amount of senate per population. Balance is very important in all things for a succesful country if the states aren't happy with the amount of voice and say they get in the federal government then we as a country may face instability as a whole. Presidental canidates are to earn their place and prove why it is that they have what it takes to succesfully run our country. Candidate must earn regional appeal, although no region as the power of Electoral votes to decide the election,it is important that the candidate has is liked by all regions. trans-regional appeal increases the chances of a succesful president, a president who shows intrests in all of his countries interest is a succesful president.(source 3 paragraph 19) A candidate has to seek electoral votes in all states but espeacially the key ones where the voters actually understand their responsibility and actually listen to the campaigns. This countrys strongly believes in the peoples voices and their input in how their country is ran. the Electoral college gives that power to the people, it allows the people to express their opinion on who thei leader should be. Even thoguh the voters are actually voting for the electors and not the candidate it still gives the people enough control over their government which prevents a tryranny. Many may argue that some voters aren't well educated and don't have the knowledge need to make the right choice and that they might get confused and make the wrong choice. But this isnt always true because the candidates make sure to focus on the Toss-up states which  can define an election, and these are the people who really focus on the camppaign and unedrstand their resposibility to make the right choice as a state. The Electoral college with out a question should remain in our countrys system, it keeps the balance in all states and strengthens us as a coutry, forces all candiates to have regional appeal to become succesful presidents, and follows our countrys basis a government for the people and by the people. We must keep the Eletoral college!     
The Electoral College is not a fair system for voting and shouldn't be continued because of a few major flaws. There is no guarentee that the president with the highest votes will be elected. Also, the system isn't balanced among all of the states. Because some people know these things, potential voters have decided it isn't worth it if who they elected isn't gaurenteed to win. People vote because they want to be able to choose who will be their president, however the Electoral College doesn't allow the elective with the highest votes to become the president. "Voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." Also, just because the people vote for electors for a certain president, the elector can still vote for whoever they want to. "'Faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." The system also is not fair to different states. "The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes." The larger states give more votes so they are usually given more attention by presidential candidates. Lastly, the people who know that their votes are just suggestions have been turned off from voting. Maybe they know they have a candidate "who has no hope of carrying their state." I have noticed that some citizens are not qualified to vote because there are some who vote carelessly and do not carefully construct all of the things the electives are saying and how it could benefit or harm our country. However, there are some people, like the one's in the "toss-up states", who, in turn, "are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign--to really listen to the competing candidates--knowing that they are going to decide the election." Just because some people choose not to take it seriously does not mean you should take the right away from everyone. These three reasons are key points as to why I think we should take out the Electoral College and begin letting the people decide who will be the president. It's not a fair, balanced system. There's no guarantee that the person with the highest number of votes will be elected, and, because of that, it can turn off potential voters from having their say on who the president should be.
I like this feature. I'd consider it very helpful on both computers and robots. Regarding robots, I wonder if Baymax from Disney's "Big Hero 6" had something like it. He was like a robotic nurse as explained by the main character. However, it wouldn't work in concrete tunnels. Regarding computers, if the feature could have come out a bit sooner, then Nickelodeon could've used it for a non-animated TV show they came out with, called "I Am Frankie". I'm still waiting for the show to continue. In one of the last two episodes of this show, one of the judges for this competition that was like a quiz show said that computers can't feel human emotions, but a girl who was part computer proved her wrong. I like this show because it gives me proof of how smart computers are. In conclusion, this feature should be used in all computers. I'd like for it to be used in robots too, that way robots could take the expression and mimic it. I'm pretty sure the "Transformers" movies have something like it too. If the "Transformers" movies and "Big Hero 6" use it then it was probably already thought of. With computers, someone could type into the computer "How am I feeling today?" and the computer could respond with an emotion like said computer has ESP.
Luke went on the trip to Europe because he wanted to help other. So luke took some time off of work to help the city that had been messed up from World War 2. In the passage it says that,''Luke and Don sign up to help Europe by shiping supply and other goods over sea. luke worked with the (UNRRA) helping with supply. luke and Don were known as a Seagoing Cowboys in the program. In my opinion luke did the right thing because he's helping other people in other places. In the passag it says that,''In China luke help and took care of animals. Luke went to Greece and brought 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. So luke is helping people,animals,and he is helping with supplys. Luke is travling from sea to sea helping people and working very hard. So these are my reasons on why I think that luke did the right thing. Also when luke took a trip to help people he also help countries who left in the ruins. In the passage it says that,''It was 1945,World War ll was over in Europe,and many countries were left in ruins. luke and don sign up to help people in those areas. Also Luke did what he needed to do to help.
The positive of driverless is the car can be use until it crash or the owner doesn't wanna to use it anymore. The negative of driverless car are accident, and broke down middle of the road. I agreed with the systems that they put on GPS receiver because many people that are using car have got lost in many places or get into an accident, and does people could get help if they have that on their car. The danger about driverless more advanced to detect and respond the danger out of control skids or rolloevers. The good thing about driverless are inidividual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Further improvements in computer software to help driver safer and also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving task on their own. I don't agreed with the driverless some people won't notify the danger until they really see or get into one. I don't think it a good thing that people can drive and text at the same because they won't don't be able to control the wheel and it could end up with a big accident. I don't agreed with the automakers about who fault if the car and the owner was in accident, I think both have a problem with their own or the car was not working because the wheel couldn't turn and boom it crashed. In the conclusion, I think it bad and good at the same time but the car could help people get to places where they wanna go without walking. The bad it people could get in a big accident or broke down in the middle of road.
Cars are a very big part of our lives, we rely on the to get us from point A to point B. But what if we had no need for cars anymore? What if all we needed was a good source of public transportation. Cities aroud the world are doing just that, private motor transportation has a lot of cons. Smog in big global cities is building up more and more enviormental issues are becomeing big problems due to the rutine use of cars. Traffic jams and overcrowding of roads is also another big problem. There are many ways us as humans are trying to cut down on our use of private motor transportation that benefit us in so many ways. When everyone in a big city such as Parris for example uses their own cars to go from place to place they put harmful gasses into the atmosphere. After a while of everyone driving in a big city like paris the gases and smog build up and polute the air. Parris is one of the cities trying to dramaticly cut down the use of cars and provide easy to use and affordable public transportation. Public transportation cuts down the amount of people on the road and positively impacts the enviorment and the air aroud the city. Traffic jams and overcrowding of road ways prevents the use of cars to acheive its full potential. For every person that uses public transportation that is on less car on the roads if everyone in a city such as Bogota, Colombia where to stop all useage of privte motor vheciles the amount of traffic jams and overcrowding would decrease dramaticly. People in Bogota, Colombia are doing that very such thing every year the city bans all non public transportion vheicles and requires all residents to find their own way to comute to where they need to go this has been going on for three straight years now "It's a good opportunity to tke away stress and lower air pollution" says businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. We as humans are always on the move but some of the ways we get from place to place may not be beniffical to us overtime. The good thing about this is that goverments in cities and countrys around the world are finding bennifical ways to comute other than driving your own vheicle. Since 2005 the amout of people on the road in the U.S has droped significantly and continues to drop every year. Public transportation and better laid out city plans are helping this drop in the usage of cars. Cars get us from place to place but it would be nice if one day we wouldnt have to worry about the usage of cars i our world. With all of the banifits of not continuisly driving the world would be such a better place. One day this dream for many will become the way we all learn to live. Non reliant on private transportation.
Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is a good thing to be in. They help countries in need and can save peoples lives. This writing promt will be about why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys are helpfull for countries in need. Luke and Ron helped out countries that were destroyed by World War Two. They did that by dilivering animals to the destroyed places. If they didn't do that a lot of people might have died. Thats why peaple should join. They could have a chance to become heros and save lives in countries in need. Also peole can have the advantage to see cool sights. Luke and Ron went to Acropolises in Greece, and went to a castle in Crete. They also looked at the Panama Canal on their way to China. Becoming a Sea Cowboy gives you the chance to go around the world. Being a Sea Cowbay isn't a dangarous job either. Luke only endered one injury on the job from what the story said. There's also a chance to have fun on board. When Luke went on return trips all the animals were unloaded. The crew was able to play games like table tennis, fencing, and boxing. They also read and whittled to pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than going on an adventure. It opens up the world for people who have never been to a lot of places. Luke was very gratefull for the opportunity to be a Sea Cowboy. It makes people more aware of the things that need to be stopped in the world. The awarness stays with you to. Luke went on to host a lot of international students and exchange visitors for the next coming years. After the last paragraphs it makes it pretty obvious to become a Seagoing Cowboy. It makes a lot of good becoming one also. There is also new experiences to be made to. So if there's nothing working out for you maybe becoming a Seagoing Cowboy will fit yourself and give you a chance.
Driverless cars would be a bad idea in my opinion. There has been a lot of television shows and movies about cars that could drive themselves. There are not any truly driverless cars yet. Google cars still alert the driver for problems like pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues. Other problems may occur such as complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents. Now a days cars have senors. They detect and respon to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. They apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. Accidents could still happen even with these advancements. Human drivers couldn't manage to stop or slow down alone. These senors do not stop the drivers to get into accidents. In the US, the states California, Nevada, Florida, and the Distract of Columbia have allowed limited use of semi-autonomous cars. Manufacturers beieve that more states will follow when they prove that cars are reliably safe. Most states focus on the law that keeps drivers, assengers, and pedestraians safe. Lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. In most states it is illegal to even test computer driven cars. To have computer driven cars, manufacturers would have to go through a lot of work with the people and the government. If the technology fails and someone is injured, they would not know who is at fault. That would be a lot of money wasted for the driver or the manufacturer. If traffic laws change then new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. A lot of people wouldn't like going through change and would just rather depend on thierselves. Driverless cars would be a waste of time and money. It would change the way people live and how depandable they are on technology. Drivers should be able to be in control of thier car. They should remain alert and be ready to take over when situation requires. No truly computer driven car has existed. Humans should not be that depandant on technology.
I think that driverless cars are a great idea. Driverless cars would prevents many wrecks and accidnets do to unskilled or careless drivers. They would also make traveling more effecient and fun. The advancement of driverless farm equiptment already exists and is very useful and efficeint for big time farmers. They can plant and plow fields throught the use of GPS and an automated oporating system. Driverless cars could be used the same way, but instead of planting a field they would take you to your friends house. With driverless you wouldn't have to worry about directions, all you would have to do is put in your destination and the cars would find the quickest route by itself. You wouldn't have to worry about being distracted because the car dives itself. The only time when you would need to be paying attention is when there was hazards or construction areas. In the future I think everyone will have self driven cars and driving will only be as useful as reading a book: you need to know how to do it, but there is no need to. This future is getting closer and closer every day. I think that in ten years these cars will be cheap enough that people will consider buying them instead of a normal car. I think that the roads will be much safer and more fun. I think that in 20 years everyone will have them and driving will be a thing of the past.
I strongly disagree they sound not use a computer to express how people feel, I think if a person wants you to know how they feel they will tell you. As the passive provides, "Empathy ( feeling someone ele's emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions" (Nick D'Alto). This showes the readers that really anyone can change there emotions and make you think they feel this way because we have the ability to change just how we feel, we have self control over it. people can creat a facial expression like how they do in acting when they computure reads your face. So if i person wants to express how they feel wth other they will tell you, but you dont need technolgy to have a person tell u how they feel." For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face" ( Nick D'Alto). This showing that a human eye can detect the emotion by a facial expression." Imagin a computer that knows when you're happy or sad" ( Nick D'Alto) First off that would be creepy but, most important can a computure change the way you feel by telling you how you feel? Wouldnt you know how you feel? " A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confusted or bored," DR . HUnang predicts. If you look at a students face you can tell by they way there face expression is that they are confused or bored. Plus you in school most likley your bored. If a student is confused they are also able to ask any questions. Most students feel stupid when they as what something is or what it means, but not asking doesnt help. So you can truly tell how people feel.
In America cars are the number 1 means of transpertation they also making up for 50% of the polution in America. Using a walking tranzit instead would obviously be the easiest and most immediate solution to this problem, but what about the people who can't get where they need to go without it. This solution also could help America's obesity problem. The practice of banning automobiles is obviously obserd, but is the easiest to tackle the growing obesity problem and pollution problem at the same time. On the border of sweden and Europe there is a close-nit community called Vauban and in this community there is a ban on vehicles. This pollutant free community and high density is essentially what we should be shooting for. The city/town needs to be built for this kind of transportation obviously you can't have the general store 12 miles away and not have an automobile to get there. Cars are the most affordable means of automatic transportation it really is hard to the habit you have already forged over a century ago, But the fact remains thats why the air is so polluted and why kids are so fat tyhese days. In America the natural use of automobiles is going down without the implication of any bans on automobiles. This is belived by sociologist in paragraph 34 to be because the decrease in employment and income of citizens in America. European countries have set the stage for the automobile revolution it is only a matter of time until we stop letting cars own us. The atmosphere and money income will improve naturally, Because we will spend less on cars and mind more to to Earth.
I know some people don't like to go to school and they just want to stay home and play video games or sleep. Rather than going to school, but your parents still force you to go to school. And teachers look confused and saying whats wrong with our students. And don't know what to do. And most teacher are tired of students sleeping and thinking its a waste of their time and most quit. Professor Thomas Huang from the Beckham Institute for Advance Science at the University of Illinois and many more. Are working with this computer that can identify your emotion without showing them and they tested with famous painting the Mona Lisa and the results were incredible. And what if the teachers can use this computer software on us so they can get some feedback and fix the problem why do students don't want to come to school and I know this machine could be very useful to others schools and be useful to the cops or any force. By helping them what they are and justing getting to know a little something about the bad guy. So this could be a huge impact to everyone.
The author claims that exploring Venus despite the dangers is a worthy pursuit. Which it may or may not be. They tell us about the dangers in pressure and heat on the surface of Venus and how it may stop us from getting to there physically. The author also explains how we could explore our sister-planet, Venus in a couple ways and tries to put it into perspective for us. The author starts with talking about previous missions to reach Venus that ended unsuccessful due to Its harsh surface and atmosphere. The atmosphere of Venus is almost 97% carbon dioxide and to add onto that the clouds carry highly corrosive sulfuric acid. Making it difficult already to get a human or anything really through just the atmosphere living. The surface of Venus can average over 800 degrees farenheit along with the atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than our own. These conditions are far too much for a human to make it to the surface of Venus which can set back this exploration of Venus. Moving on further the author states "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?" He/She answers this question with the thought that long ago Venus may have been just like the earth we live on now. Covered in stable land and oceans, supporting many lifeforms, and maybe vegetation. Reason for thinking this is even today Venus has some features that are similiar to Earth. The rocky sediment surface, valleys, mountains, craters all show similiarity between Venus and earth. The author seems to want a return to Venus because we may be able to find more clues for this thought. The author sees a return to Venus as indisputable, but questions, "What are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive." They answer this question by proposing an idea by NASA to send humans to Venus. This idea would be a possible solution to avoid the hostile conditions of the surface of Venus. A blimp-like vehicle that hovers over the surface of Venus keeping them from the harsh conditions. An idea like this may work but it still seems like it would still be almost too hot for a person to be safe in. Even 30 miles above the surface of mars the temperature is still about 170 degrees farenheit. Looking down at the surface of Venus from a hovering ship may not be worth it all because you are limited on sight due to the lack of light able to penetrate the atmosphere. I do not think this idea would be worth the time and effort it would take to get there. In conclusion the author states a few good suggestions that could get us to Venus for exploration but there are also many ways that make this impossible to get a person there. The atmoshpere and surface of Venus just seem too harsh to get an manned aircraft there safely. Not only that I think that even if we did safely get a manned spacecraft to hover the surface of Venus, it would come out as not worth it over all to the lack of exploration that would be completed. I think that we should pursuit studying Venus through unmanned spacecraft simply because it would be too difficult with our technology now to get a person there and back safely.
If you go to space and see a red planet called Cydonia you'll see a face looking right back at you. Several human think that the face was created by aliens. The "Face on Mars" is not created by aliens. The "Face on Mars" is really a Martian mesa. The text says "Scientists figured it was just another Martin mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had shadows the made it look like an Egypitian Pharaoh. On ARPRIL 5, 1998 Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture of the face and web sufers waited for the image to appear on the JPL webiste and they revealed a natural landorm This means there were no aliens. The text states "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first apperread on the JPL web site , reavealing... a natural landform. There was no alien moument after all." The "Face on Mars" is not created by aliens. Micheal Malin and Mars Orbiter Camera discorverd this by taking a sharp picture and putting it on a web site. The face is a natural landform.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Final Action Coding System rnables computers to identify human emotions. Dr. Huang show varying degrees of expression not smiling nothing but Mona Lisa demostrate him is really good to bring a smille toyour face everyday she imagine how it would be to have a computer to know when you happy, sad, or angry like she says in paragraph 6 "if you smile when a Web ad appears on you screen,a similar ad might follow. but if you frown, the next ad will be different." Mona Lisa show them their is nothing to be sad or angry its much better having a happy face everyday insted of been mad everyday, your day would not be good you would be so bored and tired. so that's why is more better to be happy everyday of your life. sometimes you have problems but you need to keep going with your own life to be happy. and that's what Mona Lisa show Dr. Hung to become a happy man everyday not a sad and boring man or lonely.
I think there  would be many advantages when i come to limiting car usage. People would get more exercise when they walk espacially if they are overweight. People wouldn't have to much money on gas that often. when we drive we let out chemicals into the air that causes people to get sick. Citizens should take advantage of limiting car usage. according to robert duffer, ''after days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. this means, that by breathing in those fumes people can get vary ill or cause them to have a lung problem. also, it would cause a hazard if something were on fire. For example,''vauban, home to 5,000 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life''. clearly, they have less space for parking. obviously people may start using public transportation. Citizens should take advantage of limiting car usage. additionally,Citizens should take advantage of  limiting  car usage. for instance, ''In previous bills, 80 percent of approprations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport''. this means, that people started taking the highway instead of the freeway. this also means, that they also took  public transportation. futhermore, ''on mondays motorists with even- numbered license plate were ordered to leave their cars at hom or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)''.overall, if people brought their viechals the would have to suffer the consequences. clearly, they would have to pay out of their pockets if they bring their cars or motorcycle. Moreover,Citizens should take advantage of limiting car usage. In summation,people should decrease on driving. People may get sick from the the cars fumes. many people may have  to pay a fine if they bring their cars to a certain place if they dont leave them home .many people will probably start taking the city bus as transportation.
A lot of things have been changing with technology. Things have started to get way more advanced in the technology field. People have been coming up with all sorts of things, for instance they have robots, very advanced cellphones, among other things. Now they are trying to make a car that can drive itself? That's a little extreme. What's going to be left for humans to do on their own? Not a lot by the sounds of some of the things they are coming out with. These cars should not be allowed, they should be illegal, or not even have been made to begin with. What would happen if something were to go wrong with the car while someone was in it? These cars sound way too dangerous. The article states that "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash". That doesnt really prove anything, something could happen with the car. Even if the car tells the driver to take over the wheel if something were to happen, what if it didn't? These cars are too dangerous and technology has taken over way too much, and it's getting way out of hand. Humans need to be left something to do. Teenagers get so excited when they finaly turn 16 and are able to drive, why let a car like this take that excitement from the teens? These cars are not a good idea. A driverless taxi system would ruin a lot for some people. Think of taxi drivers, what would they do if they got ripped from a job that they have been doing most of their life? These cars are a dangerous and unnecessary invention to bring into this world. Humans are already lazy, now they wont have to drive? Driving is fun, and useful in this world, we can do it on our own. We dont need a driverless taxi system. Technology is already as advanced as it needs to be.
The used of this technology in the classroom would benifit the teachers. The teachers could teach and use the technology to see if the students were bored or confused. Another way this technology would help with is teachers could make a video teaching the lesson and use the technology to see how the students reacted. The use of this technology would be great for teachers to know if their students are confused or bored. The teacher could teach a different way each day and see how the students reacted. Then which ever way kept the students more interested and made them pay attention more would be the way the teacher could start teaching so that the teacher gets the best results from their students. If the students are confused and don't want to ask a question the teacher could see that the student is confused and then the teacher can talk to the student one on one to help the student best understand the topic that he or she is confused with. The technology could be used if the teacher was gone. The teacher could make a video teaching the lesson and the facial action coding system could see the students face and change the way the lesson is being taught to each student making the video lesson more personal towards the student. This would help the student learn the lesson how they like to learn. This would help them absorb all of the information in hope that they can retain the information for the test. The technology would be great for classrooms. It helps the students learn the lesson the way they like to learn. It also helps the teachers teach the students to the best of their abilities. It will help the teachers teach the students the best way for the students. The teachers will know if their students are bored and that the teacher need to change up the way that they are presenting the lesson to the students. It will also help the teachers know if a student needs one on one but the student won't ask the teacher for help. With this technology the teacher will be able to go to the student and help the student. These reasons are why the facial action coding system should be implimented into the classroom.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" talks about how one day humans could explore Venus despite its harsh and uninhabitable climate. In the article, the author suggests many ways we could explore Venus such as using a blimp-like vehicle to hover about 30 miles above its landscape, or the use of old-fashioned mechanical computers. The author does have some decent points on the matter of exploring Venus, but the overall idea still is unrealistic due to how uninhabitable it truly is. The main reason that exploring Venus is unlikely and out of question has to do with its unforgiving enviornment. According to paragraph 3 Venus has an atmosphere of 97% Carbon dioxide, and clouds of Sulfuric acid. Furthermore, the average temperature of the planet is 800 degress Farenheit, and an atmospheric pressure of 90 times more than our beloved Earth. Finally, the fact that even well built machines only last a few hours is enough in its self that Mankind could not survive a exploration on Venus. As previously stated while the author has noble intentions, the idea of human exploration to our neighbor Venus is still unlikely at this time. While one day it could be possible that man could come up with the technology to endure blazing hot temperatures, it is most likey not going to occur with the 21st Century. In conclusion, while the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has well thought out points, it is still flawed in its overall message.
Technology is often pushed furiously in society today,especially when it concerns students in the classroom. When it comes down to Dr. Huang's innovation, FACS (Facial Action Coding System) which is shown and detailed in Nick D'Alto's article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" , which shows in the article FACS has been shown to have the power to determine one's facial expressions and determine their mood. People are left in awe of the creation and many would like to see the extent of its power, which leaves people wondering whether FACS should be used in the classroom or not. Although the use of FACS in classrooms might be difficult to implement in classrooms at first, it would be a great boon to have use of such technology in class, due to the advantages provided. If FACS were to be used in classrooms, the applications and advantages provided would be numerous. One of the examples that was given in the article by Dr. Huang, was how facs could be used to alter the speed of a curiculum and provide feedback from the students by analyzing their emotions and expressions, by doing this the machine is able to determine whether the student or students are interested in the subject, or if they are confused or not. The data then provided adjustments could be made to the lesson to better fit the students education and help them learn better, as you can see from the statement Dr. Huang says, " "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang Predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human intstructor." . . . "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," ". From what the text shows, you can see the power of the FACS being able to determine and effectivily teach students based off facial expressions which give insight into whether a student understands the lesson being taught or if the student just does not understand the material nor care as a result of being bored. The use of the facial recognition software would speed up the process of student's educations and would be more effective since it was specifically engineered for the purpose of analyzing patterns in human faces, versus using one instructor to relying on verbal feedback to properly understand the needs of his or her students. If the FACS were to be used it would help students who need help due to the facs being able to read students emotions which are valuable since it affects their attituted towards learning and as a result of their skill. Students who feel confused, angered, nonchalant, or fearful of a subject are less likely to be able to suceed in that subject, by removing and helping qualm those emotions the FACS is able to sucessfully impact the qualtiy of said students educations. All in all, by using FACS to analyze the emotions of students and their facial expressions, the instructor of the software it's self can make adjustments to better fit the students mind and ease the negative emotions that directly impact student's ability to learn. With the corelations between emotions and ability to learn, it is a no brainer that having technology analyze emotions of the students to better augment the lesson to their needs.
Do you remember being so bored in class? Wishing that anything would be more entertaining than just sitting here, listening to a teacher drone on? Well now that may actually be able to happen. A new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), has come up and has the ability to detect emotion through subtle expressions of your face. Something like this could be a huge asset for a classroom, and getting students to engage with their own learning. The FACS system can help a classroom in a variety of ways. A quote from the article states "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions" (D'Alto). This shows how the software can recognize different emotions at the same time. By weighing which emotion is effecting you the most, the software can then modify your lesson. Another way for FACS to assist a classroom environment is the ability to modify a lesson based on your facial gestures. The article states "A classroom computer could recognize when as student is becoming confused or bored... then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor" (D'alto). This quote explains how the software can recognize when a student is confused or bored, and best determine how to modify the lesson in order to more benfit the student. Another reason, specifically for an Anatomy type class, is the software's ability to make facial gestures, based on surgery. A quote states "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery" (D'alto). This quote shows how students who are performing surgery, or are observing, can perfect their strategy to allow for the least amount of pain from their patient. These are but a few of the many benefits that can come along with FACS. Not to mention the improvements that could be made to it, should it go worldwide. However the first step should be implemented into the classrooms.
The challenge of Exploring Venus As the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, I agree with him. In the article "The challenge of Exploring Venus" explains many things from talking about Venus all the way to what it exactly is. I agree with the author because Venus is reffered to Earth's "twin" and that's one exmaple for why it's important for us to know and learn. Another example in the article, talks about how it's worth the danger it presents. In the article it says "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" this is explaing what it causes and how it's worth for us to know about, despite the danger it presents. In paragraph 2 of this article, it's explaining to us readers that Venus is often reffered to as Earth's "twin." We need to know whats by our planet and if its harmful to be near or not. Venus is the closet plant to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closet in distance as well. As well as Venus being close to Earth, there's also mars which these two are our planetary neighbors, whom orbit the the sun at different speeds. Since we have Venus being around the corner at times, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-drapped world not knowing anything about this planet. We have sent numerous people to explore this planet not knowing the dangers it presents, all though its worth knowing. With being said, a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Think of all that carbon dioxide we're inhailing just to be on that planet. We're going through all that because Venus is a worthy pursuit. Not only that but the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. That right there is why more than what we, humans, are used to. Now you're probably thinking since our twin planet is so inhospitable, then why are sicentist even discussing futher vists to its surface? The reason behind is because astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our Solar system. Even of the dangers it can pursit. Long ago, Venus was more than likely covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like our Earth. Even today venus still has some features. The value of returing to Venus seems indisputable, but think about this, what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive? Overall studying Venus is such a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it can occur to us. As I have shown some examples how its worthy but yet a worth pursuit, I think its an important planet to know about. It's important because it referred to our "twin" planet, it's has so much carbon dixoide and a high fahrenheit, and lastly it still has features today that can be providing for different forms of life that we don't know about. Venus is an important planet to all and it needs to be known.
Do you think that people would rather have the popular vote for the president of the United States or the Electoral College? If some of you guys dont know what an Electoral College is, then it is a process, not a place. The process consists of the selection of the electors, by the meeting of electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. Now that you know its basiclly like your not even getting to have a chance at what you want, and not even a chance at getting to say what you want. That is why you would agree with me on the fact that we no longer should have the Electoral College. The voters & people in our country should strongly agree with having the election by popular vote. I think this because the Electoral College is unfair to voters and also the people in our country. Their are many of reasons on why I chose for it to be changed. One reason is because letting it be by popular vote might decress the conflict between people when one doesn't get what they want also might help the election be more equal. My next reason on changing the Electoral College is because if they run close then more people would be intrested and want more to do with the public election. It might even help the states from having conflict beween each other, and that would help our counrty out alot! We could also keep up with the candidates to make sure that us "our self" is picking the right person to be our presedent of the United States. If this year goes like last year did then we might have a chance at getting to have the election by popular vote for the President of the United States. 2000 was the biggest election crisis in a century; that system allows for much worse. In 2000, seventeen states didn't see the canidates at all, also Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in twentyfive of the largest media markets didn't get to see one campaign ad. The Electoral college is too unfair, way outdated, and irrational. The Electoral College needs to be Abolished. Better sooner then never.                                         
It is not a brilliant idea making driverless cars. Why you may be asking? Well first of all cars would still need a human to drive in case of an emergency. Second, most people including me love to drive. Lastly, it would cost a lot of money trying to built driverless cars and special roads. If Sergey Brin envisions a future with driverless cars; he should probably save all that in his brain. In my opinion, this would bring a huge debat on saying goodbye to cars and saying hello to driverless cars. I am saying this because I think the world isn't ready (talking about technology of course). Even if they do find out a way in making this project work they would still need a person to be alert at all times for any emergency. Which means that you still would need a driver in a driverless car. Which is absurb because it would all be a waste of money. The majority of people in this world own a car. That mean's that there is a good chance that they also love driving. Whether it's racing or just simply going to the store. It would be completely boring if we just sat there and having absolutley no control of the car what so ever. Dr. Werner Huber mentions that they are thinking of displaying an entertainment system so the driver wont get bored. So then what's the point of all this? Lastly i think it would cost a lot of money trying to built these driverless cars and special roads. In the article it mentions that google has already made a car and a road but end up saying that it is not something you can buy at a radio shack. Im guessing it would take forever to built roads. In conclusion i think it is an absurb idea in making a driverless car. First it would still need a driver to be alert , it would be boring and lastly it would cost a lot of money.
Should one's taxes go towards funding useless and pointless projects? Most people agree that it is awful when their taxes go into unnecessary and meaningless projects. This is exactly what they are getting with the attempts at exploring Venus. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents; however, they do not adequately give reasons as to why the exporation of Venus is viable. The author fails to give reasoning as to how studying Venus benefits humanity, how research is progressing, or why Venus is a better choice than other planets. The author of this article does not give adequate reasoning as to why studying this planet is prouctive for humanity. Throughout the article, the author claims that scientists want to study the planet because it is most like Earth density wise. While it is most like Earth's density, it is not like Earth in so many ways. Venus is a lot more dangerous and deadly when compared to Earth. It has thick, poisonus gas clouds. It also has a bailing surface. While in the past it was much like Earth, currently is is much different. The similarities between Venus and Earth are very few, and that makes Venus less desirable to study. The author also does not give examples of how examining the rocks, liquids, or metals could progress humanity. The author does not contribute any major discoveries for the Venus projects. There are several examples in the article where the author states a new idea that scientists have for getting to Venus. However, most of these ideas are not solid enough. There has not been enough of a technological breakthrough for NASA to fund another trip to Venus. The text states, "...not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." This reinstates the point that, while there have been ideas, none of them are solid enough for a trip to Venus. If no signifigant progress has been made in 3 decades, why should NASA continue to fund the project? The article does not make a claim as to why Venus is a better choice than any other planet. In the second paragraph, the author states numorous challenges to exploring Venus, but he does not list the disadvantages to studying a planet like Mars. According to the article, both of the planets are fairly close to Earth. At some points, Mars is even closer than Venus. This would make it easier to travel to Mars. It also does not appear as if Mars has even close to the same difficulties that Venus has, making it a safer option. It would also mean that Mars has a higher chance at colonization. While this article provides many examples on why we should study Venus despite it's challenges, it does not do so in an adequate way. There are many glaring problems and reasonings that are just not addressed in this article. The author does not back up why the planet is so important, it's worth to humanity, or the scientific breakthoughs that warrent the project continuing. Due to those reasons, the author does not thouroughly support their idea that Venus is worthy.
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming, " represents both positive and negative views on the topic of driverless cars. However, driverless cars can benefit society. Driverless cars can benefit society because they are more efficient, they prevent people from purposely driving recklessly, and they have built it safety response. One way driverless cars can benefit society is they are potentially more efficient. For example, in paragraph 1, Google cofounder Sergy Brin explains his idea of driverless cars being the new public transportation system. The new driverless vehicles that would replace buses and taxis would use less fuel, and have more flexibility. This would be helpful with today's busy and fast moving society. Another way driverless cars can benefit society is they can prevent people from purposely driving recklessly. For example, people who take driving lightly are a threat to other drivers, as well as pedestrains. Paragraph 7 talks about how driverless cars can control themselves, but needs human skills in order to drive through contruction or accident sites. Driverless cars minimalize the amount of time people are in control of the car, which can potentially lower accident rates. Finally, driverless cars can benefit society because they have built in safety responses. In Paragraph 5, the author explains the use of sensors on driverless cars. Driverless cars with sensor technology can respond to danger around the car faster than a human can respond to the issue, as well as detect danger before the driver does. The sensors also control the car's brake system and engine, which allows better control if the car was about to be in an accident. With sensor technology and its response system, roads will eventually become safer for everyone. In conclusion, driverless cars can benefit and better society. They can help keep roads safer, and can potentially be more efficient than the average car today.
Technology has advanced vastly in the last few years. Most companies and people would say that they think driverless cars would be a good idea. That they would helpful in many ways. Yes driverless cars would help in numerous ways but they also have negaive aspects. Driverless cars are going to be very expensive. In the article it was mentioned that other companies have tried numerous ways to make a driverless car but they had to make adjustments to other surroundings not just the car itself. They built a new high technocal rode, if you would call it that. The car would drive driverless, but you would have to have sensors in the rode directing/helping the car while it was driving. In the article it was talking about how much money radars would cost. They would cost two hundred million dollars. That is just for radar that goes ontop of a hill. Think about how much money it would cost to rebuild the roads to put in the new sensors for the car to work. If you wouldnt go with the new rode idea and wanted to focus more on the details of the car that would cost more money. Your building a new car with many new adjustments to it. In the article it was mentioned about all of the different things you would put into the car. A video camera mounted near the review mirror, sensors in the wheels, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensor are just some examples of new adjustments made to the cars that were metnion in the article. Driverless cars are more dangerous. In the article it was mentioned that the drivers would still have to be allert during driving becuase the driver would have to take over the car during accidents or road emergencies. If the driver wasnt alert enough or was distracted by something else and the car need the driver to manual drive there would be an accident. The car would have to put something in the car to alret the driver fast enough before anything serious happened. Compianes are all for driverless cars and are still advasing technology to try and recieve a car so magnificent as a driverless car but they need to stop and think about all of the possible things right and wrong with a driverless car. The money and accidents are just a few examples of the flaws of the car.
There is many times when a student sits at a computer doing an assignment that is not the most exciting, but they can not do anything about it. The latest innovation from Professor Thomas Huang, called Facial Action Coding System can read the emotions of a human and can possibly change the way classes are run. This innovation can help some educational problems. The software Facial Action Coding System would be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. There is certain schools who have days where all their work is online for students and they do not have an actual instructor. With the new software when a student shows a face of confusion, the computer can bring up different ways for the student to be able to understand the work that they are completing. Also, a student might seem bored and is falling asleep, with this software the lesson can be modified as Dr. Huang states in paragraph 6. The modification would help keep the student out of trouble and awake in class. When doing this the student has a better chance of finishing his/her assignment while still being capable of understanding what they are doing. Often times, teachers will make students do online assignments so they have time to do other things. Depending on the class, there is often times when students have different ways of learning and are at different levels of understanding. The new software can benefit both the teacher and the student by changing up the assignment based on the level a student is at. The emotions that some students show when they do not understand what they are reading is confusion, anger, frustration, or sometimes sadness. When the new software detects those emotions it can change the lesson until the students emotion are calmed. This can all be done without being a disturbance to the teacher. The software can benefit many parts of the educational system with the students. It can help students better understand activities online to helping students stay awake during class. The Facial Action Coding System would be very valuable to students in classrooms.
Citizens in the USA , Vauban, Germany and Paris , Bogota,Colombia all have to make changes. Greenhouse affect and pollution from cars is out of proportion. Its about time to make a diffrece so greenhouse effect and pollution dont end everything. Vauban, Germany has taken extreme measures for an experimental district on the outskirts of Freiburg. Vauban streets are car free for the people who live there. People can own a car but have to pay $40,000 for a space in a garage.70% of families dont own a car; and 57% sold a car to move there. Heidrun Walter said " when i had a car i was always tense , I'm much happier this way''.Vauban has come to be a trend in Europe , United States has started to plan a movement called '' smart planning''. Experts say that ''to reduce greenhouse gas we have to drastically reduce emission from tailpipes''. Passenger cars are responsible for 12% og greenhouse gases in Europe , and up 50% in car-intensive areas in the U.S.A . Vauban has mad suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation and less space for parking. In this new approach stores are placed a walk away on the main street , better then mall in a distant highway. In paris we never really think of near record pollution we think about love but arent we wrong. Paris enfored a partial driving ban to clear the air of global city. Drivers  where order to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22- euro fine ($31). 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded. Congestion was down 60% in the capital of france after five day of intensifying smog. Smog is very rivaled in Beijing , China which is know for being the most polluted cities in the world. Diesael fuel was blamed since France has a tax  policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Smog in Paris has cleard enough for them to recind the ban for odd-number plates. Bogota , Colomia has a car free day leaving the streets emty. This was third straight year cars have been banned with only busses and taxis permitted for a day. Businessman Carlos Arturo said '' its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution''. The day without cars has started in the mid-1990s , it has 118 miles of bicyle paths for people to use. Parks and sports centers have also bloomed throughout the city . Restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The rates of car ownership per household has come down two. If this pattern persist greenhouse gas effect will go down. Transportation is the second largest source in America ; But people not buying cars will have a negative implication for car industry. Mimi Sheller states diffrent facts 1)internet makes people communicate  without driveing 2)the rise in cellphones and car pooling has facilitated more felxible commuting arrangements. A study last year found that young people dereased 23% between 2001 and  2009 . Lastly Citizens in the USA , Vauban, Germany and Paris , Bogota,Colombia all have to make changes. Thier changes have madE it less smog. People are more commute to having no cars ; the get out more and enjoy thier walk to the park to the store more then being rush to drive in traffic. When the now car day comes to America people will be mad but have to understand you cant pollute the world you need the world to live.             
Do you think driverless cars are safe?. Because I dont I feel that theres to much technology put into the cars. I feel like the speeds are going to be to fast for the car to control its self. And if there may have been a crash there would be alot of fighting over whos fault it was the cars or the drivers. These new driverless cars will be relly updated with the newest technology.But lately technology has been having alot of back fires. These cars are going to need signal every where what if your going on a road trip and you lose singal will your car stop working?. What if your going at a very fast spped and your car just shut down on you your probably going to flip over crash or something and that not safe at all. that somethin these developers should think about. When your car is going at a low spped its easy to control. its so easy that you barley have to guide the wheel. But when your going super face you have to make sure that your stearing the wheel very good because if u lose control you will be in a very bad accident." The car can handle functions at speed up to 25mph" see these cars can only drive 25 mph because its easy to control and take action if something where to happen. say road work ahead someone driving fast but when they update it and make them go faster its going to be harder to take action when it time to. Say your driverless car is drivng and it loses signal and someone was crossing the street and you couldnt stop right away and you hit them whos fault is it. Is it your or the cars will you get introuble or will the factory who made it get introuble?. Thats a tough one huh. "but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents" what if yoour not paying attention an your car warnes you a lil to late. You cant stop right away then your going to be apart of that accident as well. And this is why I think that driverless cars are dangerous. Theres to many things that can go wrong and I just wouldnt want to hear about a family who lost someone to a car who technology went wrong. And then the person who was driving being charged withe murder or something because of a car that had bad technology.
Technologies nowadays can recognize emotions. The software makes out the 44 main muscles on your face in order to identify what you are feeling. They base it off of the 6 basic emotions. Technology now is so innovative that now we may be able to use this in classrooms to tell whether or not to change a subject or not when a teacher is teaching. So all of this begins when a computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 of the major muscles in your face. In the model all these muscles move like a actual humans. Dr. Paul Echman ,creator of the FACS, classified the face having 6 basic emotions- happiness ,surprise, anger,disgust, fear, and sadness. Each thing is accosciated with its own characteristic movement. Each and every single person has the same universal emotions on there face, they are all universal. Dr. Huang said that " even tho individuals often show varying degrees of expression." The real question is tho is how this can help us when it comes to school and teachings in the classroom. What I mean by this is that teachers could know when the students are not finding interest in a subject of a disscussion anymore. This technology can scan the room and see what peoples emotions are during the subject and if they are not good then the teacher could try a different approach and if that worked then they would know that is what they need to try for the next class. Everyone learns a certain way and if you have a class that has a majority of people that learn a certain way then you know the sense of direction you need to teach based on this technology. Now that we know that everyones emotions come off the same way and that everyones reactions to things are relativly close, don't you think that this would be good in a learning enviroment? Every person learns a certain way and if you know this then why dont we use this technology in classes so the teachers know that they need to change up teaching styles or just come back to something a different way.
Self driving cars seem pretty cool. There are a lot of reasons why self driving cars can actually become something that everyone can use in the real world. For example these driverless cars can help you control the car better , help you be alert, and help keep you safe. Being able to control a car sometimes may be a bit challenging , but these driverless cars can help you control your car better. In the article it states " The sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce the power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone". This can help people have more control of their car, but this isn't the only thing that driverless cars can do. When driving you have to be extremely alert , anything can happen when you aren't paying attention, but these driverless cars are extremely smart in fulfilling this task, for example in one of the cars these futurist had made had stated " GM developed driver"s seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing up into an object". That is very useful for people who dont really pay enough attention. these driverless car also asist you in when to steer , accerlerate , and brake themselves, they are made to notify the driver when the road ahead may have work zones and around accidents , this car is being ready to quickly get the drivers attention to wherever a problem occurs. Texting and driving now in days are a huge problems and having many accidents because of this reason , but then again the driverless cars has a perfect plan for it. In the article it states , " Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over , something not available to driver trying to text with a cellphone. In this way, in the car-system is actually a safety feature , and safety is a big concern". This can help prevfent alot of accidents from happening. this is a huge reason why driverless cars are good for many people in the real world. This driverless car can help prevent so many crashes , accidents and even money for people"s car insurance , I truly believe if these cars can actually become something that people can use, it would help so much entirely.
Well, I do know that Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and that its a very challenging place to examine. I thought that Venus was one of the warmest/coldest planets in the galaxy, but it just so happens that its neither. I know that Neptune is the most freezing planet. It's the type of planet that people don't want to examine or not even explore. Even though,Venus is really simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth for the ones that like to stargaze. The article mainly talks about on how others would see the planet "Venus," I see the "Evening Star " as a the brighest of the planets of the whole entire galaxy along with the Sun(Itself). To me, I also thought that the Sun was just another type of planet,but it wasn't. Turns out the Sun was the "Biggest Star of the Galaxy." Let's not forget that Venus is often referred to as the Earth's "twin." Because Venus is after all the closest to the Planet Earth. The author would probably describe as the 2nd planet on the right, but I would describe/define it as the planet with the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it very simple for the stargazers.
Dear Senator, I feel that the electoral college should be be removed from the voting process and replaced by the popular vote. The vioce of the people is the most imprtant thingin ensuring the president elected is truly the people's president. The Electoral college is an unfair system for many voters and keeps our nation from being the demorcratic society it was meant to be. Even those who oopose this view agree that the Electoral college is a non-demorcratic system. Doesnb;t that seem like an issue considering this nation was founded on Demorcratic beliefs? I understand that some feel it's ok if the the voting is left mainly to toss up states because they seem to be the the people who are more thoughtful about the lection. The only reason this is the case is because the canidates spend their whole time in the swing states and they completely alienate the other states. In fact, in 2000, seventeen states were completely skipped over by canidates. This causes people to feel discouraged from voting because they feel as if their votes are unimportant or that they don't know enough to cast an educated vote. Also people like to argue that there is no problem with the electors because they can always be trusted. But this also is simply not the case. In 1960 the demorcratic electors were almost completely replaced by electors who would vote in oppostition of JFK. Sometimes electors flat out refuse to vote for the canidate they were elected to vote for. Cases like this completly undermine the very idea of the electoral college. Then in the case of a tie in electoral votes the election is put in the hands of the House of represenatives. Each state is only given one vote, so a state with a single represenative vote, such as wyoming, would have the same amount of influence as a state with 55 represenatives such as California. Plus people don't always vote with their party when electing people for congress so how can they be sure that their best interests will be represented in the case of a tie. Some may say that a tie is rare and has no foundation in this argument, but they would be wrong. In 1968 the outcome was only 41,971 votes away from being a tie. In 1976 it was 5,559 away in ohio and 3,687 away in Hawaii. With the Electoral college in use, a few swing voters could throw the whole election. So to summarize, the Electoral college is basically an outdated system that may have worked when the country first started, but doesn't really apply today. It's time to put the power of the election in the hands of voters directly and make the election a truly demorcratic system.
Dear Senator, I am arguing in favor of changing the Electoral College to the election of by popular vote. The process of the votes going through the various different places until it finally gets counted and determined who wins the state is unneccesary. The system is not even fair, for example in the year 2000 Al Gore had one the popular vote by 60%. Unfortunatley he lost the presidency because he did not win the the votes of the Electoral College. For a counry that is ran by the people, a vote of over 50% should always win. When you take into consideration how big the United States are, then cut that into half it is still a remarkable amount. Now picture a little over half the people in the United States voting for the same thing. This process led to the "biggest election crisis in a century" says Bradford Plumer. According to this source the system can also allow for much worse. He even says that at the most basic level the Electoral college is unfair to voters because of the Winner-take-allsystem that occurs in each state. For the purpose of common sense why would we as a republic use a system that is "unfair"? Richard A. Posner says that the method of using the Electoral College method may even restrain potential voters for a specific candidate. All because they know that they're votes will have little to no impact on the outcome of the election. This also leads to the fact that would have no logical reason to pay attention to the campaign they would've picked. Plumer quotes that " the Electoral College is outdated,unfair, and that Bob Dole was right in saying that we as acounty should abolish the Electoral College". When everything is added up  the same words such as unfair,outdated,useless, and unnessary keep coimg up on this topic. Not everybody in this country enjoys the use of the Electoral College and  I strongly feel that eventually in this country the Electoral college will be left in the past and new methods of voting will be of greater use.
This is not a valuable thing to have in the classroom. This is not valuable because when we are on the computer we are not doing things that have anything to do with how we are feeling. When we are on the computer we are usaly writing esays, taking test, and reading articles. Some times in the classroom we will wright esays. When we are righting esays they are usaly about books or historical people/events. These things have nothing to do with how we are feeling and when I am wrighting I never have a smile on my face even if im having a good day. In class we will be taking test. When your taking a test its about what your thinking not how your feeling. Your not going to have a smile on your face if your thinking about the year J.F.K was shot are you? when you are reading an article in class its rare that its funny or sad. Usaly there about politics or a historical person. You are not going to show to much emotion when reading those. That is why I think that this would be pointless to use in a classroom. This is pointless because we dont do things that provoke emotion. We read article, take test, and wright.
In the world that we live in now, many people use cars to get around like getting to work, schooling, and some just go for fun, or the experience of it. In our world, these vehicles are causing a very big issue in our lives. Cars are not great for our enviornment, without them we would be able to be more eco-friendly, be healthier, and keep eachother more safe. Cars are not the only way to get around! Using cars may help up get around more often, but notice how many accidents people get into. Running into someone`s bumper, not being carefull, and some times even driving under the influence, are all very dangerous ways you can get injured in a car. Vehicles are a way to get around quickly, but imagine being stuck in traffic for hours and only moved a mile because someone was not paying attention and ran into a street light. We were born with feet to walk. Walking short distances to the store, or market, where ever you wish to go is better than being stuck in a pile of reckless drivers. You can get there in a safer mannor than you would if you were to take a car. There are plenty of way to get around, other than cars suck as bikes, any kind of skateboards, rollerblades, unicycling, there is a whole list. Not only do these help the enviornment, but they give you a nice workout. Most do it for their health, some to help them acheive a goal. A simple walk to the store, can help with a plethora of thing that are very important to your body. While doing this healthy habit, you get plenty of fresh air, with can reduce stress, and help your body in ways that will give you a feeling a peace in mind. Let`s talk about the world, we know how to stay healthy. Does our world? It cannot take care of itself. The people who live in it are the ones who provide the maintenence. Without using cars, the gas that they realese will not bother our enviornment. As said in source 1, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of green house gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the US." 50%? That`s half! If these gasses continue to damage our enviornment, our world will be very unclean. For generations, cars were known to impress. Even now, people still have cars shows, or gatherings to display their vehicles. The better your car was, the more attention you were receiving. On the other hand, many people have chosen to take the better way out of it and find other ways to get out of using them. Car pooling is another option. Not many people do it, but when its is absolutly needed, that is one option. Keeping everyone happy and healthy, including this planet, is a very important thing that we can do.
Curiosity is a particular trait in human haracter. We seek evolution so we need to conquer and explore foreign land for beneficial items or sciences. The author claims that study Venus is worth the risk, because we get new theories and formulas that cannot be possible on Earth's atmosphere, we may have insight into what the future of earth may potentially look like,and, we are forced to challenge our imagination and mental capabilities to the fullest while on this conquest. As advanced as the earth's formulas and theories are; there are still unexplained phenomenons in this world of ours. There are unexplained answers to mysteries that dormant on earth and the answers may not even be located on this planet. "More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance" The author claims that undersanding Venus needs research, and, a success in the research could bring good tidings our way. "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" The author makes a point about how Venus may have once been like Earth with the oceans and landscape. But now Venus is not even accesible without years or decades of technological advancement at work. Understanding and conquering may hint some clues as to what triggered such an evolution in our sister planet. Knowing what triggered that evolution would be beneficial to us because then we can avoid it or we can work towards it. "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" The mind is vast and needs to be filled up. One of our most redeeming qualities as humans humans is the power of the mind or imagination. We are able to visualize things as we wish they were and that is a quality that should never be lost. With such a vast mind; why fill it up with on things we are no longer curious about. Rather, we should explore the unexplored and conquer the unconquered because our minds are on top of the food chain and they should stay at that. The author claims that the challenges and risks needed to conquer venus is well worth the risk. We do recieve and satisfy our cravings with imperialism and conquering.
There are many reasons that people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. By joining with the others, you can help people who need it after World War ll. Many countries were left in ruins. If you look in paragraph 2, it says that UNRRA, which is formed by 44 nations, helped these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. That paragraph also says that UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. It says in paragraph 5, that beside helping people, he had the side benefit of seeing Europe, China, Greece, Italy, Crete, and the Panama Canal. Not only do you get to help people, but you also are able to tour places that could be all the way around the world from where you may live. So as you can see, there are many different benefits of being one of the Seagoing Cowboys.
The face on Mars was spotted by a Viking 1 spacecraft. When the spacecraft was circling the planet and snap shotting photos of landing sites for Viking 2, it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. The face was first dicovere in 1976. The last snapshot was taken in 2001. Some people believe the face was made by aliens in Mars and aslo that it could possible be made by the atient Egypt. This face became a pop icon. The face has starred in Hollywood films and it has appeared in books and magazines. Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars. After all, the face is just a landform that the shadow had made it more like a face. There are no evidence where the face had other connections to be discovered. It was naturally formed by the land and the rock formation and also the shadows that made it look more like it.
The sea going Cowboys is a good program! It's adventurous and fun. You can do a lot of fun things in the sea going cowboy program . If you join you will have a blast ! You can learn things , and also see alot of cool things while traveling and experience unique things. Maybe I can even show you around the boat a little. One reason to join the sea going cowboy clubs is you can see cool places while traveling. Maybe even collect some cool items you find on the ship or even souvenirs from other states , countries and villages . You can also see cool statue like Statue of Liberty if we ever go to New York again . Once I got to tour an excavated castle in Crete . Second reason you should join cowboys club is you can meet new people , and make new friends . In many countries,states and villages there are different people like in age , race , and language. While rest stoping in villages some families don't have as much so you should give respect and show them you come with peace . While your in certain places you can learn different cultures , religions , tradition . According to the story our boat carrys animals because UNRRA hired us too . Taking care of animals isn't hard at all , feed them , clean them , clean there pens , and that's it three easy steps . Some animals might be pregnant so we will have to double feed them and watch them for signs of birth. The baby's will be easy to take care of most of the time because they will stay with there mothers for 4 weeks then separate them . Joinging the sea going Cowboys will be the best choice you make . You can go on fun trips learn stuff culturals from countries,city and states . Maybe learn some different languages along the way . You can get souvenirs and maybe even tells some stories to kids about all your trips , best of luck hope ou join our program .
First, I think the Face that was found in Mars was just a natural landform. I think that because there is nothing out there in the space that would make a random planet looks like it has a face. The Face was a huge rock formation which resembles a human head but people aren't sure what it really is. According to the article,"The caption noted a 'huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.' " (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) Just because it looks like a human face with human creatures, doesn't mean we should come up with a conclusion. Next, it is true that the Face looks like a human's face, but there is no prove yet. It might be other rocks in space that caused the face. If you think the Face was created by aliens, you will first need a prove of aliens existance. First, we don't know if aliens really exist. If we don't know about existance of aliens, that would make it harder for people to believe the Face was created by aliens. Also, it says over the year, the Face gets sharper. The article states, "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) and the article also states, "Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia-Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. 'We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,' said Garvin. 'Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximun resolution.' Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) Does this means, aliens had been creating the Face more sharper and clearer for humans to discover over the few years? They should also learn more about the natural landforms of the space to know more about what could create a mysterious face on Mars. I think we should think or look more further into the article for the conclusion to imerge. In a conclusion, I think the Face isn't created by the aliens. Even the article says it was not an alien who did this. The article states, "There was no alien monument after all." (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) If you think the Face was created by aliens, you should look further into it, to make your statement come true. For all these reasons, I strongly believed that the Face wasn't created by an alien.
Our country was built on the idea of giving people an influential chance on our government. The votes that matter in the Presidential election should be the popular vote of the people because the Electoral college votes are counted and not the people, and the country was formed for the thought of equal rights among the people. The Electoral College is made up of electors, who are chosen by different ways per state. This means the electors are the ones voting and not the people. The people's vote goes to these Electoral Colleges, where the electors choose what candidate they want to vote for. The person the electors send their vote to may not be what the people chose. In the excerpt from "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong," it is stated that "under the elctoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." That said, the people vote for the electors , not the president. Also stated in this excerpt is the fact of the "disaster factor." This is the possibility that the electors chosen could "defy the will of the people." This county has a reputation of being one of the most free countries in the world. It was founded to show each citizen living in it the same rights, no more or less than another person. That said, each state should have the right to vote for which candidate they choose in any kind of election. This means the vote of the people should determine which president is elected. The fact of the Electoral Colleges goes against this idea. Each state has it's own number of Electoral College votes. These votes are set determined as one per elector. The way the government determines how many electors a state has is by seeing how many members of Congress the state has. The number of members of the House that the state has, plus two for the Senators equals how many electoral votes a state gets. In the excerpt from "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President," there is a map of the United states' 48 continental states, and two seperate boxes for Alaska and Hawaii. Each state on this map has a number inside. These numbers represent how many Electoral College electors the corresponding state gets. This proves how unfair the idea of Electoral College is. Take California for example. California has 55 Electoral College votes. Now look at states like Alaska and Montana. Only three electoral votes are given to these states. Compare the populations between California and Wyoming. Even though there is a 45 electoral vote difference between these two states, it's not as big as Wyoming's 500,000 people versus California's 35 million. Not only that, the electors can choose whatever candidate in the running they want, and that's the problem with the Electoral College. Not all electors will vote for the candidate the citizens want. The vote for President isn't really up to the people, now is it? The Electoral College idea should be eliminated because the electors' votes are counted and are not biased to the people, and because the Electoral College can be described as "unconstitutional." The idea should be changed so that the people have a bigger impact on the Presidental decision. This way, America can live up to it's reputation.
Should cars drive themselves? This might be the dream of many who think of the future, but reality is driverless cars are more trouble than they are worth. Although car companies argue that driverless cars are becoming safer and safer, they fail to see many serious shortcomings. Cars shouldn't drive themselves because, they are incapable of adapting to dangerous situations fast, they can create many difficult legal problems and scenarios, and humans would not be able to pay attention whenit was needed. Moreover cars that drive themselves will never be able to replace human logic, reasoning, and intelligence. Computers, like those in driverless cars are programmed with a specific list of actions and reactions. While a human can discern when to do specific tasks, computers on the other hand can only give a reaction from a premade list. Therefore a computer can be stimulus similiar to something else, but then react to it wrongly due to them having no ability to discern or gain experience. Then there is also the legal problems that can come about from these cars. In paragraph 9 of this article it states,"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" There are many other problems that a automobile can raise so ultimately it's not worth the risk legally speaking. That is why, for good reason many states have prohibited the use of smart cars in their state. Furthermore it is hard already for people to pay attention while behind the wheel and to avoid distraction and getting bored on the road. If people wwere allowed to drive in driverless cars that only alerted them when they are getting into dangerous situations they can easily become distracted and bored, making it hard to respond when their life might depend on it. A project owner of the driverless cars even admits to it when he says, "The pyschological aspects of automation are really a challenge." Although they propose a sloution to add an entertainment system in for a safety feature, reality is the human attention span shrinks year by year so they would have to constantly update this in order to keep the car safe. Finally there are many more reasons why cars like this are dangerous. THis could possible give hackers a new to terrorize people, and the driverless cars simply malfunction and kill someone! This why despite the wonder and amazement of a car that could drive itself we want these cars nowhere, especially on our roads!
There are many factors that makes Venus a very challenging planet for humans to study. Although Venus is the closest planet to Earth, there are many risks that have made it a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is the second planet from the sun which makes it very hard to achieve missions. All of the previous missions were unmanned because no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. In the article "The Challenging of Exploring Venus," the author supports his claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by telling the reader about Venus's thick atmosphere, NASA's possible solution to Venus's hostile conditions, and all of the forms of light that it cannot penetrate. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite a challenge it presents, like Venus's thick atmostphere. The planet's surface and the atmospheric pressure is much more greater than what people experience on Earth. The temperature is so much greater that it would crush a submarne. Paragraph 3 states, "Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." There are too many risks from this planet being the hottest planet in the solar system, for people to explore it. It wouldn't be safe for people to experience this incredibly hot planet. Another challenge that studying Venus brings to the reader, is NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus. Vehicles would be hovering miles above the landscape to avoid the ground conditions by staying up and out of the way. Paragraph 5 states, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." It could be very dangerous with people many miles above the surface, along with the termpature very high. Although it's survivable for humans, it's still very dangerous. Another challenge that studying Venus brings to the reader is all of the forms of light that it cannot penetrate. Since the light isn't penetrating the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography effectively, people only receive limited insite on ground conditions on Venus. People have to look at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet to even get a little bit of insight. Paragraph 6 says, "Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." Since researchers can't take samples of things like gas, or rocks from a distance, they are working on innovations that would allow their machines to last long enought to help with their knowledge of Venus. Studying Venus has many challenges to go along with it. Although studying this planet is a worthy pursuit, some dangers were presented by telling the reader about Venus's thick atmosphere, NASA's possible solution to Venus's hostile conditions, and all of the forms of light that it cannot penetrate. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system which makes it hard for people to explore it if the pressure is so high. Vehicles hover miles above the landscape to avoid the ground conditions by staying up and out of the way. Since it's so hard to get close the Venus because of its risks, people have to look at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet to even get a little bit of insight. Although there are many dangers that come with exploring Venus, people get so much out of the result if researchers get to exploring what they needed to, to inform the rest of the people.
The culture of the cars is a easier way of transportation for the people, yet do the people know that these cars are space consumers and cause smog in most areas of the world. By just reducing the amount of cars invarious locations the amount of space would increase the therefore make town or city more accessable for the large population. this change of culture may benifit the population by just having the public transportation and biking. To begin with the space comsuming in suburbs makes it hard most people make a living in the tight area and having the certian parking areas may be the only way to have the space needed to get to where they need to be, yet its all timed. this makes people more tense when they had to worry of a parking spot. The people in Germany weren't allowed to park the sides of the road and have drive ways unless they payed an extra $40,000 along with a home. As said the text Vaban, had completed a trend of separating the car use from the surburban life, this is what they called the 'smart planning'. Aslo to include that other areas of the world such as Beijing, China, has to worry more the amount of smog polluting their air and making people ill. In Paris, France, diesel fuel was blamed for the pollution because most of the cars were made up of this fuel. they were rank the most polluted area comparedto other locations. Therefore to reduce the amount of the complaints of the lack of space and pollution the want to either rid of the cars or just buy more plug-in-cars and hybrids for cleaner air. Not to mention, that in Bogota, Colombia they completely banned the cars from their country for a day to promote an alternative transportation and reduce the smog. the voilators are faced $25 fines. As said the text, the stress level has dropped and therefore has madeit easier for the people to more around and not get so aggrevated. The authorities from other countries came to the event to see what they had in store for the this program, and as said in the text the authorites say that "these people are generating a revolutionary change and this is crossing borders. And in the United States, President Obama has "ambtious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions" Americans are buying fewer cars and are getting fewer licenses. By creating a new network that has the pedestrains have bicycles, private cars and commercial and public transportation. this to show time saved, conserved resourses, lower emissions and improve safety. by not just completly getting rid of cars but just reducing it, it may help them to have more smooth system. To conclude this, the culture of cars has been a issue for someyears and in some areas very diificult to handle therefore they have created a more effiecent way to make life easier for most people. the world has to reduce the smog and increase the space for more compact living and larger populations. By not to get rid of the culture car completly but to just reduce it can be benificial to the people and the world.     
Senator of Florida, the electoral college should continue and not change. The electoral college has helped America vote evenly on politics. This helps avoid any conflicts with candidates. Without the electoral college, we would have to try and use a new method. Using a new method is not only time consuming but, nobody is sure it can have a certain outcome. The electoral college dismisses the problem of run-off elections. Candidates wouldn't have to worry about not receiving a majority vote. "For example, Nixon in 1968 and Cliton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively)." (Posner, 22) Using the electoral college will give you certanity of the outcome. Since most states go off a certain basis, it is very likely that the state will have a win based on their electoral votes. "In [2012's] election, for example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral votes compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney.... Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state." (Posner, 18) Conversly, it can lead to another disaster. People do have the possibility of rearranging votes so a certain candidate wins. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" (Plumer, 11) Although there were problems and disasters in the past, we have grown from them. Electoral College gives us certainty. This avoids run-off elections as well. Keeping the electoral college would maintain the political balance in America.
How do you think the human race will be able to collect knowledge of Venus? Studying Venus is important and should be studied. Venus is often referred as Eath's "twin" because it contains the closest density and size along with the closest to us as well. Humans have sent multiple spacecrafts to Venus but failed to do so because of Venus's harsh environments leading to only last a few hours. How harsh do you think the environment is on Venus? Humanity has failed to study Venus becuase of how thick the atmosphere going to almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The environment worsen's becuase the avergae temperature of this planets surface reaches over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure the atmospheric has is 90 times greate than what we have ever experienced on our planet. How long do you think the harsh environments of Venus will last? Our sisiter planet maybe a challenge to observe, then why do we continue to attempt to collect research? Astronomers are breath taken by the fact that Venus may have actually been Earth-like. They believe that Venus may have actually been covered with large oceans and contained various life forms like Earth. Astronomers have noticed that Venus contains familiar chracteristics like Earth, for example valleys, mountains, and craters. What type of technology do you think we'll contain in the future to be able to safely collect research of Venus? NASA has a solution that may help. Their idea is to float 30 or so miles above Venus's landscape and collect data there, but the temperatures would still be very heigh at 170 degrees Fahrenheit, and air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth. Researchers howover say that rock, gas, and anything else would be able to be collected with this idea. What year do you think we'll be able to inhabite Venus? Nasa took this into consideration so they began to create simplified electronics made of silicon carbide. This material has been tested in a simulation chamber recreating Venus's chaotic surface and resulted to last 3 weeks in this condition. Humanity should keep trying to complete this challenge becuase who know what we'll find.
Lesser the car, the better the world will become. Life goes on without cars, Fellows citizens the advantages of limiting car usage is you are reducing pollution in the air. Fellows citizen the advantages of limiting car usage is you're reducing pollution in the air. experts say that "a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. that explains that there's effort that people are reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes."After days near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." that's showing there was alot of pollution in the air, so paris had to enforced partial driving ban so that they can clear out the city."congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog." that's showing car traffiic was reduce after a big smog in the air pollution. On car-free day people don't get in their car and drive to work, instead they ride a bike or take a bus to work leaving the streets from having a traffic jam."Bogota, Colombia in a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams."Days without cars goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. That's showing the day with cars is increase alternative transprotation and decrease air pollution."it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." That's expains it's a good idea for not driving on the road, So that you can take away stress and lower air pollution. The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign." It's saying that the day without cars is helping the campaign. In conclusion, Life goes on without car, Citizrns helping the world to reduce air pollution in the air by having a day called "A day without cars". By people taking buses, riding their bikes or walking on the side walks will benifit the world.              
Electoral College method should not be kept because it gives larger states a bigger adventege and is unfair to voters. Even though it can be argued that the Electoral College method should be kept due to avioding problems of a run-off in a election. The Electoral College consits of electoral votes that each states recieves due to the population of the state. This gives larger states like California having 55 electoral votes to have a bigger say in the election. Meanwhile states with a less population rate like Alaska only have 3 electoral votes. This turns off voters because they know that their state isn't a big deal in a election. Candidates go for the electoral votes of the bigger states with the most population to win the election. The Electoral College is a method that is unfair to voters. The winner take all system in each states makes candidates or even voters not want to spend their time on current states they know will not have a impact in the election. It ends up being the electors who elect the president, and not the people. The Electoral College method is not democratic in that perspective. The Electoral College is a lack of democratic pedigree and unfair to voters, it is impacting votes due to electoral votes being in power over the people. Due to the Electoral College method turning off voters it should not be kept.        
Diverless cars aren't a good idea. Even though Genral Motors developed a special test track to determine is these cars are working or not , when this car is sold the might still be a defect. At first the were constructing a smart road that took a lot of magnetic sensors, which cost a lot to do. So they started a smart car. to make this car they need alot of sensors. This car took alot of time an work to manufacture. The most important part of this Toyota Prius was to mimic the skill of the human at the wheel. These sensors were advanced to detect response to danger of " out of control skids or rollover". The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. Even though it allows better response for the car, what about the people in the car that might get hurt inside the car. This diverless car might be good for some, but some might think that people should still take caution in there their driving because if people use this car more, people might get to use to the car stopping on its on . They might forget how regular cars work.
Venus is the second planet in the solar system from the sun that precedes Earth in the planetary order. This planet is often called Earth's "twin" and the "Evening Star" of the universe because of its brightness and relative similarity to the Earth. In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author presents facts and figures that one could use to determine whether studying Venus would be an advantageous pursuit even though it would not be very safe. The author focuses more on the drawbacks of exploring Venus, hence the title of this work. The author does not strongly support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit due to his extensive reasearch on its toxic living conditions but does acknowledge the benefits of its accessibility from Earth. Compared to Earth, the author has found that Venus in less less survivable for humans. In the early years of space industry, numerous spacecraft have embarked on missions to the planet, but they were not able to return home. Unlike Earth, Venus has an atmosphere that is "almost 97percent carbon dioxide" with a surface temperature averaging "over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" and an "atmospheric pressure [that] is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet"(Paragraph 3). Due to these extreme differences in temperature, pressure, and air content, Venus would be fairly inhospitable for humans. Usually when NASA launches missions to other planets they are trying to find alternatives habitats for the human race in the event that they cannot survive on Earth. If humans will not be able to withstand the conditions of Venus it is no longer a good option; therefore, it is not worth looking into since the author provides evidence that Venus would not be a useful living environment in the future. However, the author has also found that studying Venus could be beneficial considering its proximity and similar geographical features to Earth. The Earth comes right after Venus in the solar system, making it fairly close given the long time frame of space travel. Astronomers have discovered that it was also previoulsly one of the "most Earth-like [planets]" as it "was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life" (Paragraph 4). Venus also "has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters" (Paragraph 4). In the event that Venus became a viable option for humans to inhabit when Earth collapses (as mentioned earlier), humans would have already been exposed to some of the landscape there. Although this would make Venus more assimilable, its similarity to Earth does not outweigh the dangers that still come with the planet being an unknown land changing from its previous state. With this evidence the author provides an advantage to exploring Venus, but it does not hold up against the established points about Venus' overall uninhabitability. Throughtout the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author presents infomation for exploring Venus being both beneficial and harmful, but he elaborates more on the reasons pointing to the dangers that Venus poses. Compared to current conditions of Earth, Venus does not possess the necessary qualities that would make it a valuable reserve for potentially sustaining human life forms. The author is better able to address the disadvantages of studying Venus because of the extensive research revealing the planet's present volatile state instead of benefits from its similarity to Earth. Therefore, the author fails to thoroughly prove Venus' worthiness of exploration.
Do you think that having a computer that recognizes your feelings is a great idea? The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, so I'm going to be talking about the way this project works, some examples on how you can use it and how can your computer know which muscles you are using. The way this project works is that when a computer constructs a 3D computer model of the face all of the 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles this is called an action unit. So any movement that your face does the computer it's going to be able to recognize your feelings and it's going to tell you the way you feel and the way you can get entartain or better. An exanple is that your frontails pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when you're surprised the orbicularis oris tightens your lips and shows anger so the computer it's going to be able to recognize the way your feeling and it's going to pop up with a face doing the same thing that you're doing The way you can use it is by making weird faces moving your face muscles and smiling putting mad faces sad faces and disgusting faces. So lets say that you start laughing in front of the computer, you're basically using it because you're showing your face to the computer and the computer tries to recognize the muscles that you are using. The computer has all the muscles that your face has so it's pretty easy to recogize your feelings. For example if you are doing an eye exercise the computer will automatically recognize how are you feeling like tired bored happy mad or sad, it depends on the movements that you do with your eyes. The way the computer knows the muscles that you're using is by looking at your face and see which what parts of your face are being use. So as soon as the computer recognizes your actions you'll see faces on the computer doing the same thing that you ere doing. When you fake smile the computer will recognize whether you are foreal or not because the muscles that are supposed to be in movement are zygomatic major and the risorius, so when you fake smile your mouth stretches sideways and you can't play the computer very easily becasue the computer knows what muscles are being use. So I think that having a computer that recogizes your feelings is a great idea because imagine you're feeling happy and you sit down in front of a computer and out of nowhere the computer tells you that you are feeling sad even know you're feeling happy I think that's cool because no one else can recognize your feelings the way the computer does and you're going to be surprised when the computer tells you your feelings.
How would exploring venus be dangerous? Well first of all in the text is states that the planets surface is an average of over 800 degrees fahrenheit. Thats pretty hot compared to the temperatures that we get here in the US. Some countries may be hotter than others but no one is near 800 degrees. That would be a very dangerous trip for any one knowing how hot it is there. It also states that the atmospheric acid pressure ios 90 times greater that what we experience on pur own planet. It also states that this type of environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. Yes I agree that many people would want to see up close what things are on Venus but now in time there is no way that we could get a human up there and get samples of things mainly becuase of the pressure and the temperature. Studying Venus is a definant worth pursuit but like i said earlier the teperature and the pressure is to hard for any human to get up there. Getting even a rock from Venus would help us learn things about the planet that we may not even know about today. They said in the passage that they have gotten robots out to venus but that is still hard to tell anything because Venus is a very cloudy planet, but even with a robot it is still hard to tell anything because of the fact that robots are good but they can't always work the way that you want them to work. In the passage it asks why scientists are discussing further visits to its surface? thats a good question that I would even ask them. The answer to that question is that astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well one have been the most Eart-like planet in ur solar system. It says that long ago venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. From what people and scientists have said today about Venus it doesn't sound like it has that anymore. If it is 800 degrees on that planet all the oceans are gone and I don't think that they will return because of that. If your planet is 800 degrees all your oceans are dried up and any type of water is dried up as well. I agree with the claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. If you go to Venus you will most likely die but if you don't go how are we going to study anything from that planet, and how are we going to learn anything about the planet itself. It says in the passage striving to meet the challenges presented by venus has values, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but shold be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. In the is paragraph is is saying that even though venus would be very hard to research that we should saty with venus and one day be able to go their and study. even if it is dangerous, some sientists want to go their even for the danger that it may constist of. Going to Venus would be awesome but at the same time I don't know if going their for the risks that it has would be the smartest thing to do. You could go their and 5 minutes leater be dead. I wouldn't want to do that because I would want to live. Some people are different than me because they like adventure and getting out of their comfort zone but for me that wouldn't be the case. Going to venus would be a huge sucess but the risks that it has I don't know if going their is worth it. Being able to study everything that it has on the planet would be huge. Learing about the things that go on there would also be huge to know. In the end If you as an individual would like to go the Venus and study the planet and the things that go on their you should go for it even at the dangers that it holds. If you are the type of person that enjoys adventure and learning about new things, I would say that this is the type of adventure that you would want to go on. I say this because of the simple reason that Venus has never been searched in depth, I mean in paragraphy two it states that spacecrafts that have landed their have only been able to survive for a few hours. obviously you could explore a little bit with this amount of time but with an entire planet it would be hard to only have a few hours to explore. you could definantly get a decent way with a few hours but because its an entire planet it would be very hard to discover new things because the craft can't go very fast and the craft can't move as fast as a human would be able to with a few hours. would you rather have multiple humans go out their and research or would you rather have one spacecraft go and research only one way for a few hours. Even if the humans know that they most likely would survive for very long. they could grab somethings that they could put into the shuttle and then the shuttle would return home and the scientists would be able to study later wen the shuttle returns home with all the possible things that the astronauts found on Venus. If Humans went out on a mission to study it states that 97 perscent carbon dioxide blankets Venus, and the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmostphere. (Paragraphy3) You know how hard it would be for someone to survive in that type of weather. If you send a astronaut to go and research you are basically asking one of you men to go up there and risk his life to study what is up there. In the passage it says that Venus is often referred to as Earth's twin But I disagree with that statement. Venus is way more toxic and way for dangerous for humans to go up and study. For one thing the temperature is way to high and the amount of chemicals that could possibly kill you are things that are way to dangerous for any human to go and study. If you send a man up there you are asking him to die to research things that could be useful. if you step onto venus's land you are most likely going to die because of the difference on everything from what your used to. even is suits you are most likely going to die because of the differences. I know I wouldn't want to die.
Driverless cars should be continued. Driverless cars should be continued because we have developed so much new and imporves stuff compared to what we had in the 1900's. In the 1900's I'm sure people were scared for the development of cars thinking of malfunctions, but cars turned out to be a great help for time. I also believe that these smart cars could help us get a new, imporved road system. Time is limited. Let's say if you have a Family gathering to get to and you live in Indiana, but your family lives in California. You don't want to show up and be unrested and not be able to spend time with your family. You want to get sleep. These smart cars are a grea way for that. It's an auto pilot for cars. In the early 1900's the car was invented, thinking back they used horses. I'm sure people were terrified of the thought of the car. It has helped improve so many things for us. It makes our schedules more flexible, it gets us there fast and doesn't wear us out. If we could sleep while driving there would be so many more possibilities, we could leave at 9:00 expecting to arrive at 12:00, if we take a nap onm the way we could be there so quick and be energized for the rest of the day. These reasons support my choice of continuing the development of smart cars.
Should we keep the electoral college? No because when you vote for your canidate in the presidential election you are actually voting for his/her electors. Also because electors can be anyone not holdin up in the public office. Finally because voters cant always control their elected electoral college member will vote for the same canidate. Over 60 percent of todays voters would prefer a more direct way of electing our officials than how we are electing them now. Did you know that when you vote for the canidate that you want to be elected into office you are not only voting for that canidate you are actually voting for that canidates electors? Under the electoral college system us voters dont vote for the president but we vote for a slate of electors which in turn elect the canidate we voted for. Say that you voted for Obama in last years election you didnt actually vote for Obama you voted for his electors to vote for im in turn of you voting for them. Many people see this to be fine but say that your canidates electors turned and voted for someone else thus leading you down a road of betrayl. This is one important reason for the electoral party to be disbanded. Electors that represent a canidate in the presidential run can be anyone not holding public office. Who chooses for these electors? Not the voters of course but the state and sometimes the people who you are actually voting for the electors you havent even heard of or seen in any flyers or ads. That state chooses their officials from state conventions,and even sometimes at the state partys committee or the president has his own party of electors for himself which would in a way be cheating by having your own officials vote for you. What if the electoral party you voted for to vote for a specific canidate and they went off and changed their mind mid election and passed that countries vote for a different xcanidate in the election? You cant always control the eletors to stick with them voting for the elector you voted for but without the electoral college that group of voters who voted for a canidate would actually vote for the canidate that they actually want to win. Thus making the electoral college irrelevent because they dont need to form a party and change their vorte mid election. We should not not keep the electoral college because of all the flawls in it and the deciving image it holds up. Because you do not vote for the canidate you vote for the electorial party member representing that canidate. That the canidate can be anyone chosen by the state and you cant always control that the member of the electoral college that you voted for to vot for a different canidate that the ended up voting for during the election. This is why we dont need the electoral college to help vote for the presidents we should have a more direct way of voting.
I don't think we should use the Facial Action Coding System to read childrens emotions expressions in school because what if the student didn't want the teacher knowing how he or she is feeling for personal reason? If we did that without permission it can lead to privaticy being broken and the students would probably feel uncomfortable. I also think we should use this because the passage says if a student looks bored or confused the Facial Coding can identifiy the problem and it can make the lesson eaiser for the student. The Facial Coding could also be useful because if a student is feeling depressed the machince can identify that and the student can get the help that he or she needs. We don't want students walking around school feeling that way because that can lead to decicions that a student wouldn't usually make if they were happy. Maybe we should get the Facial Coding System in our school systems.
Cars are like beneficial disadvantages; they allow you to arrive at your destination in a short amount of time, but they add to the world's pollutions growing issue. Individuals in every single part of the world own cars and millions of cars are on our streets and highways daily. Whether it is to comute to work or visit a friend in the next town over, individuals are constantly on the road. While cars do simplify our lives today, in the near future cars will become a burden, due to the amount of pollution they produce and the stress they cause upon individuals. Limiting car usage in all parts of the world will bring more joy and persistent smiles. Cars play a dramatic role in the amount of pollution that is in our air today. Which is also essential for our survival. Limiting car usage will decrease the amount of pollution we have today and the disgusting greenhouse gas emissions. "Up to 50 percent" of green house gas emissions alone are caused by car-intense areas in the United States acknowledged by Elisabeth Rosenthal, in the article " In German Suburb, Life goes on Without Cars ". Furthermore, in the capital of France due to "intensifying smog 60 percent" of the individuals were in a severe traffic jam explained by Robert Duffer, in " Paris band driving due to smog ". The smog was caused by cold nights and warm days and the warmer layer of air enprisoning car emissions and pollutuion; pollutions being caused by over usage of cars, meaning car usage should be limited if not haulted all at once. Individuals participating in events like Car-free day and living in towns like Vauban tend to be a lot more joyful and enthusiastic. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said by an individual named Heidrun Walter, who moved to Vauban for a more jubilating experience. Cars add stress due to having to be stuck in agonising traffic and having to pay for ridiculous gas prices. Also, by limiting car usage you'll witness and hear more individuals enjoying themselves walking the street, and "the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drowning out the occasional distant motor." described by Robert Duffer, in " In German Suburb, Life goes on Without Cars ". Evenmore so, by abandoning your vehicle at home you won't have to deal with enebidable traffic and "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" brought up by Andrew Selsky, in source 3 " Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota ". Carless stress- less . Before saying cars are benefitial think of all the disadvanteges that they hold. All the disadvanteges out weigh the advantages. Pollution no matter how big or small is a humungous issue that can be prevented little by little by limiting car usage. Also, limited smiles will become persistent smiles if you limit car usage across the nation. More smiles and less cars is the way to go.
The Innovation Driveless cars are a big deal in our modern ,new and innovating society. We try to grow and improve every single and ask ourselves how we can change. Many companies such as Google, Audi and Nissan have an idea that could possibly change the world. Driveless cars are what we all have been waiting for ages. Though many people agree with the idea that driveless cars are the next big thing others simply disagree. There are many pros and cons with the innovation of this project. I agree with the idea that we should try our best get some driverless cars out on the streets. We as the people on Earth should want the world to grow bigger and better, to grow brighter and smarter. Look at us today, we would not have had many of the things we now do if we had never put so much effort on it. Forexample computers, cell phones and even the process harvesting crops. A lot of ideas have bloomed from technology. Technology plays a major role in our life, and if driverless cars are the next new idea then I fully support it. Just image how much driverless cars could impact our everyday lives. It could make public transportation so much innovative and easier. perhaps driverless cars can lower are car crash and violence rates on our roads. Driverless cars could also help out many people who are hurt or in desperate need of help in certain situations. Driverless cars could be healthier for our enviornment, but who will ever know if do not put time into this project. Although having driverless cars are great many do not agree. They believe that it is something dangerous and something that nobody should mess with. They believe that it is out of this world and we should not put any money into this project. I agree that this project can fail but atleast we can say that we tried it, right? We as human beings learn from our mistakes and as of now there are companies like Google who are already making a change. They have dedicated hundreds of hours into cars who today have driven themselves with a passenger more than half a milliion miles without a single crash. The have asked themselves that same question and now we have electric cars, cars with sensors and cameras, cars with gps. We have alerts systems in our cars now which keeps us safer. A couple of years ago we had none of these things. Driverless cars are in the near future. People have dedicated so much time and knowledge to improve are generations to come. There is always something new to improve so lets let it be cars for now, 2020 you are just around the corner.
The United States has been known for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but that's not all. It's also known for the different freedoms made available and its fair government. The electoral college is a system in which states choose representatives to vote on the president. In the past, there was a big debate on whether or not this process was fair. The electoral college is not fair or trustworthy for many reasons. Imagine that you picked a representative who said they were going to vote for the person you wanted for president. Sadly, they ended up changing their mind. You could end up with a president you don't like or believe in. Voters don't have total control over who their electors vote for. To me, that doesn't sound very fair. If everyone were allowed to vote, the people would be able to ensure that there vote counted towards the person they wanted, and not towards the candidate they were against. Based on multiple polls, a few presidents have won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote. That means that the candidate which was chosen by the people did not become president. Our founding fathers fought hard for our rights, and it's our right to a fair vote. There are more problems than just an unfair vote. It almost sounds impossible that there could be a tie in a presidential election, but it has almost happened before. In the past, votes have been so close that only a couple thousand have seperated the victor from the loser. What would happen if the votes came out to be tied in an election? Who would become president? I'm sure some people could argue that the electoral college could fix this problem, but I don't believe it could. Since there are less people making the descision during the electoral college process, it is even more likely that there could be a tie. If one person were to vote another way, it could be the equivalent of 1,000 people voting the other way. Also, during the electoral college the electors recieve rewards if their candidate wins. The people in that state, or even the whole country supported the electors and helped them make their descision, so they deserve recognition too. The electoral college is not a fair or trustworthy process. Americans have no control over which candidate their electors choose to vote for. Also, there is a better chance for a catastrophic tie. America is all about being fair and giving people the opportunities they deserve. So, let's give Americans the chance for a fair vote. z  
Argument of Driverless Cars. The article talks about the future of driverless cars which in my opinon is a good idea for people who don't like to drive or are awful at driving and should not be behind the wheel of a car, but for the people who love to drive and get a thrill out of driving this idea is a nightmare to them. In my opinion if they do make driverless cars they should still make regular cars as well. Driverless cars are a nightmare to me. I can't picture a world without driving a car because my whole life all I've wanted to do is drive! What would happen to people who race cars professionaly? Would they just sit in the car while the car did all the work? That doesn't sound fun at all, and I'm sure anyone who has ever raced a car or anyone who still does would agree with me. In the text it states google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009 and have drivenmore than half a million miles without a crash, but what happens when the car possibly malfunctions and kills somebody on the road? Who are you going to blame then? At least with a regular "man driven" car you have someone to blame it on considering your supposed to have control of your car at all times by law. The idea of driverless cars completely disobeys the law because you are never in control of your car. I do believe there can be positives for a driverless car though. If a blind person is tired of relying on everyone else to take them places they can just hop in the car and tell it where to go. If a person is handicapped they can get out of the house and view nature at its finest by getting in the car and telling it to go sight seeing. Or if someone is just a hazzard to everyone and should not be driving a regular car, a driverless car could be better for them and everyone around them. My conclusion is that driverless cars could be good and bad. I do believe that they can help with further testing, but I also believe that car companys should still make cars that people can drive if the people love the thrill of driving like I do.
To this day our technolodgy has become alot more advanced. So much that even driverless cars are being built. But is it really as awesome as it sounds? Many companies are developing new ways to make the world more advanced, widescreen cellphones, smart cars, virtual ways of exercise. So much infact that the thought of driverless cars are being made into reality. It is stated that the Google cofounder envisions a future of driverless cars to offer transport and use half the fuel of todays ways of transport. That sounds like a good deal to some people, but what of the dangers they could cause? In America our lawmakers put the thought of safety in our drivers and pedestrians first. To pass a law of driverless cars wouldn't that mean they would have to be safe enough to have around people? today with our modern cars we have cautious driver in the seats able to watch the road and avoid certain issues. Would a driverless car be able to do so? Even now accidents are hard to be prevented, but in a vehichle without a person wouldn't people be even more liable? Not to mention the large amounts of money that would need to go into making each fleet of cars. Even more money than what we put into our natural cars today. In the story it also talks about having to redo our roads which would cost more than the cars! I think that driverless cars would be more dangerous than cars with drivers. Before we know it they will want to make thousands of pilotless planes. Unless they already have. We can become more advanced in differnt ways. If we were to have driverless cars could'nt they be used for special jobs instead of transportation of people? Why no transportations of goods? I personally belive driverless cars are a good idea, just not a safe one.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" argues why humans should research Venus, despite the difficulties that may follow. The author provides information about Venus and what makes it such a hard planet to explore, but more importantly, why that should not stop researchers and scientists. Through the author's compelling argument, readers are able to form their own opinion of whether Venus should be explored. The author supports the idea of studying Venus well by dicussing benefits, ways to avoid dangers on Venus, and future experiments, all while including strong evidence and interesting hooks to captivate the readers. After sharing information about Venus, the author begins to discuss the benefits of exploring the planet. The author supports their argument well by giving compelling evidence to back up their statements and opinions. It is stated in paragraph 4, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". This quote shows the value in exploring Venus, further supporting the author's argument. The article goes on to share another compelling reason; the fact that Venus is "our nearest option for a planetary visit", as stated in paragraph 4. The current limitations of space travel only allow for close visits for astronauts, making Venus a compelling planet. By discussing the benefits of exploring Venus and giving evidence to support it, the author starts off their argument very strong. Next, the author shares how astronauts can get past the many dangers that Venus presents. This acts as a refutation for any arguments that claim Venus is too dangerous to explore. In paragraph 5, the author shares an idea of a blimp-like vehicle that would allow astronauts to survive. They state, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans". There are also other approaches that can be taken that the author shares. In paragraph 7, simplified electronics are discussed because of their ability to survive on Venus. This ongoing project shows that there are ways to explore Venus and that the idea is not entirely impossible. The author also brings in evidence to support their claim by sharing the science behind simplified electronics. This shows that the statements made are not false and allows for the readers to understand how the electronics work. These refuations leave no doubt for any other arguments, creating a stronger support. The author later compels the readers with motivation and inspiration by arguing that the challenges should only bring more drive to explore the impossible. In paragraph 8, they state, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors". The author is able to finally bring to rest the argument that Venus is too dangerous to explore. More importantly, it also shows the emotion that the author brings into the paper. All throughout the article, the author uses many hooks in order to draw the reader in. This technique makes the article more approchable and altogether much more interesting. Discussing the value in exploring Venus allows readers to believe that humans are capable of surpassing the challenges, despite the odds. It also draws more interest in, as not all people who read the article will be interested in space or the importance of it. Even if someone who reads the article is not interested, they will at least be inspired at the end. The last sentence in the article states "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". Imagination and innovation appeal to everyone, allowing for a stronger arguement that will presuade anyone who reads the article. Overall, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a very presuasive article. The paper starts off with information about Venus, drawing the reader in. The author explains the reasons why humans should not be daunted by the nature of the planet, and goes on to give evidence to support their reasons. Solutions are given in order to survive Venus' challenges in order to refute any arguments against their claims. Lastly, the author uses strong hooks and compelling arguments that appeal to anyone in order to create a persuasive article that interests the reader from beginning to end. The idea that Venus should be explored is well supported in the article, leaving no one to be against it.
I am against the development of these cars. The reasons i am against it is because for one, why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver ? like they mentioned in paragraph 8. I feel like thats doing to much , if your going to invent a "driverless car" make it so that it can do everything by its self without the owners help, so that way the human can relax while the car does all the work. For two, if the owner has to still do work and take over at certain times and certain parts whats the point?, you might as well just get a car you can control fully (a normal car) not a car that controls half the stuff you could be controling while you still have to conrtol certain parts/things. What about new beginners that are just now learning how to drive ?, they need to know how to work/control the whole car NOT certain parts, what if they end up banning these "driverless cars" because its to many accidents and new beginners only know how to control certain parts because they were so used to the "driverless cars" that controlled most of the things in the car they arent used to the normal cars. I honestly feel like they should just stick with normal cars and let the owners do all the work. The owners are the ones paying for the car so why not let them control the car i could see if they werent making payments and stuff on the car and all they had to do was pay for it and its all theirs but their still going to have to make payments so why not let them control it themselves ?. What about if there is an accident the car shouldnt have to warn them anything, if the owner was paying attention to the road like your supposed to you would know if its an accident or if its about to be an accident. if someone is hurt who would be at fault the driver or manufacturer? i feel like it would be the manufacturer fault because their the ones that make these "driverless cars" thats supposed to do mostly everything and thats supposed to warn the driver when something bad happens. What if the car makes a mistake and dont warn the driver ? , they should make it safe and confortable if thats the case because their the ones making these cars not the owner. It would honestly only be the drivers fault if they were the ones controling the whole car and all the parts because if they werent paying attention to the road and they controlled the car and an accident occurs then its 100% the drivers fault for not paying attention to the road like todays car , they wouldnt sue the manufacturer they really wouldnt even do anything because its the owners fault. This is my argument for or against the development of these cars.
In our world today people have so many emtions they use on a daily basis. Emotions can help someone figure out if a friend is upset or how their day is going. On the other hand Dr. Thomas Huang of Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois wanted to decode all human emotions. The way that he could decode emtions is through a system called them Facial Action Coding System. Being able to read peoples emotions can help people under stand and learn what someone is feeling. Dr Huang wanted a better way to read peoples emptions, instead of reading every indavidual muscle in the face. Then having to figure out the emotions of thr person on their own. Having a computer system to detect the emtions is faster snd easier to detect. Dr. Huang and his collegue Dr. Sebe are "exsperts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." The computer is built to construct a 3-D computer model of the face and all 44 muscles on the human face to detect what emotions. One reason why the system was built, was for class rooms. The system would identify the mixed emotions of the students and help solve the problems. The system would observe the students to see if they are bored, upset, confused, and more. Dr. Huang states "Then it could modify the leason, like an effective human instructor. This system would help so much in the class rooms. Even tho the system would cost alot and would be awkward for it to watch your every face muscle. But the system would help in class rooms and to help the students with their problems and needs. The Facial Action Coding can help generations of people in the future and their emtions. The system can help with fixing problem for students and even passient of doctors. Even tho people normally communicate through talking, alot of our communication is from the faces that humans make. The emtion system will forever change the way scientists look at peoples emotions and the way they feel emotionaly forever.
I will be telling you about a story called "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." I think it is a good story. In the story it tells about a boy who signs up with his friend to be in a cattle boat job in the passage it said " The UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys to take care of cows,horses,mules,and more over seas. Luke and Don signed up for the job." Luke got to go all around the earth and deliver cattle. Lukes job on the boat was to check the cattle every hour. Luke got to go all around the world and see amazing places they had allot of free time so they visited many places. Luke visited greece luke got to see the Acropolis. They saw China,Europe,Italy,and more. Luke got to stay in these places and got to see many things. Luke liked the job working as cattle delivers. In conclusion Luke had allot of fun and Luke got to see allot of things in other countrys. I think it was a good story. At the end of the story Luke says "I'm grateful for the opprotunity. It mad me aware of people in other countrys." I hope that you saw Lukes point of view and it convinced you to be in the Seagoing Coyboy in the program.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. Now, is this technology needed in a classroom? It really does not need to be in a classroom, but it can be used for more important task like using it to see other old painting expressions. For most children in school they all have mixed emotions, and what does seeing how happy they are change anything. Children go to school to learn and get education. Some children are happy to be at school, while some are not happy to be at school. And thoes children already show their expressions. When a child is happy and wants to do work at school, they are the ones to always raise their hands and are bubbley. While the children that are not happy to be at school are usually the ones to not sit right, slouch, and do not raise their hands. Most schools say that they want their students to be happy at school, but with all the work that all children have to do and how they are taught to learn, they do not show the same effect on all children. Some children like things to go one way, while the other children like it the other way, so in that case not all children could be happy at school, unless they were to slit things up to make evey child happy and they still learn the things that they need to learn. In the article, it states," Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's slime. But we can write down some simple instructions that "encode" different emotions,"(paragraph 7). If our computers at home can not handle the power that is used to detect one of our emotions, how can so many more computers on one software be able to do that. Schools need to spend money on other things like maybe new floors for the gym, or new lockers, what ever it is there are more important things that need to be done before spending money on a computer that can detect wheather we are happy or not. A way that the Facial Action Coding System can be used in our schools is to see how every child likes the way they learn. Some children can be so comfused in a clas but they never ask for help because they are too embarresed to raise their hand so they hide behind a computer screen and never get the help they need. And if others can see his expressions and notice he needs help they could help out. There are children who need help but are too scared to raise their hands because then they will stand out, and maybe even made fun of. They hide behide a computer screen so people will not know who is confused or needs help. In the article, it states," By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece),"(paragraph 8). This states that it can identify if a child is confused, mad and/or sad about their issuse and their communitcation skills. It can help out the adules on the school help out the children of the school. If they had the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms, it could help a lot of children come out of their shells and maybe even change in a fantastic way. Overall, the Facial Action Coding System is an amazing thing that can identify people's expressions, it does not really need to be in a classroom, but it can definetly come in handy. Maybe just in the libraray but not in every classroom. They can be very helpful for old paints and seeing those expressions. But there are people out there that put on a fake smile everyday to show others that they are not in pain when they actually are. A lot of people put on an "act" for others, meaning that they smile and looks so happy to others, while actually they are hurting and are in pain on the inside. Most people would not notice because they only see what other only show.
Have you ever gone to school feeling sad, depressed, anxious, gloomy, alone and no one asks you about it?, have you ever just wanted someone to understand that your feeling a certain way, do you think maybe things would be different if someone could detect what was going on. Now there is way of making this happen, its called "Facial Action Coding System" it anables computers to identify human emotions just by taking a glance. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face and all 44 major muscles move like real human muscles. They create an action unit then they clasify each movement and muscle used to describe what emotion is being transmitted. Could you imagine having a computer be you're friend, I could. I think this system would improve not only the learning cuality but it would improve students to get help if they ever need it, teenage years are hard sometimes and adding school stress to them can be harsh, this computer would detect if any student ever had a problem with their mental health and we could solve those silent problems before they get out of hand. Acoording to the article "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" these features could help speed up the learning process and give every student exactly what they need to get all of their learning done. This technology could adjust to everyones needs and we could become better everyday, the future depends on the little details we need to fix, I think complementing this system would be a great way to start making a change. My argument may or or may not influence your point of view on this new technology, but after everything we all go for the pusuit of happiness.
The article " Making Mona Lisa Smile", In the text it describes how new techonology called the Facial Action Coding System can enable to identify human emotions and it's not rignt that people can use a machine to know if your happy,sad, or angry at someone that the person personnal feelings and people have no right to know what thier feeling about something. In a lot of ways I disagree on this new facial coding because it's not others people' s businesse to know how other's feel about what their doing. I am sure others would feel unconfertable knwoing that other people around know how you feel all the time. Somethimes when you feel alone or sadness and you don't want others to know because your not ready to tell them what's been going on and because of the Facial Action Coding System people would feel like they don't have their own personal space to think about themselfs and knowing how they feel about something. In some ideas I agree with the article is when in the article it said "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" I agree on that statement; to use this new technology for educational purposes as long as no student or teacher abusses it to know what are others feeling about you or something else. It also a good idea to use it when someoone is really depressed about something and if you feel something is gonna happen to the person and you can tell an adult to help with the problem. Is not right for someone else to know your feelings, people have no right to know what someone else is feeling because people can take advangen of someones feelings and use it agaisnt them and can hurt someone for ever and maybe it can affect someone's life in the future. At the end people still have no business to mess or know how someone feels becuase that's the other person personal feeling but at some point the Facial Action Coding System can be useful in school because it can detect if someone is confused or having trouble understanding the assignment or chapter their going through. The article " Making Mona Lisa Smile " has a lot bad points but in some statements they were right.
The use of technology is becoming majorly innovative as we go on the 21st century. In this article we learn about aa new "Tool" about face recongition acoording to the new software developed by Thomas Huang a professor at the unniversity of illinois. In the reeading this software claims to be a new sort of "Da vinci code " for face recongition. What this new technology does is it recongizes your emotions just by looking into your face, The tool would be able to tell how happy ,sad ,mad etc. you are. They do this by catching the movements of our face muscles to know what is going on in our emotions. Prof. Huang believes that this might be the next huge thing and can help us in our daily lives such as for example-video surgery, video games, classroom computer. The use of this technology for me for students in a classroom me being on in partciular i believe is not the most needed tool or necessary if we're being honest here. In the article it begins to state that we may use this in a classroom. I state that if a child in the classroom has a confusion or question they would ask for themselves that they are having trouble. I think that the facial recongition might be a little to personal for the students for example, They might be having a troubling day and they might get called out for being out of zone just because the facial emotons he portrays. I believe that this computer device software doesnt really have a life changing meaning to it. This might help some people if they want to know how someone feels, We are humans though will a computer really tell someone how were truly feelings inside . I think our eyes are as real or as close as it gets. What do you get having a whole software just to tell you or let you know what you already can see. Technology like this can be cool but if we really want to change the world we need to take charge and make better innovative ideas. What ever happened to verbal communication for others, This will take apart just another piece of communication we have eft towards each other by the way this 21st century is being held, All im saying is that is this tool truly necessary? With that having in mind i can get it predicting how someone can use this for other pruposes as such for video games or computer softwares so they can have a much surreal facial development for them. If we want this all over the US then it will not only be expensive but a waste of time. In the article it was stated that " Most human communication is non verbal, including emotional communication ,so computers need to understand that too" we get that we are getting used to so much advancements for us because the use of technology but seriously where does this get us ? us as humnas have such more deeper emotions than "sad" "mad" thats just surface hitting from what we actually feel and seem to show throughout our faces and body language. This is going to take away from what we can communiate with someone and try to make them feel better ,humans arent computers so we also need to understand that and stop trying to incooperate every single litle thing of technology i our lives when we dont need it despertly. In Conclusion i feel like this article from the perspective of prof.Huang can make me realize how maybe this can help game software development for a more real life like experience, But it doesnt take away how i feel that there is no such than better than our human instict when it comes to these things and we need to have more communications skills if this even becomes an ' Issue" rather than ruining it and making this computer read how we "feel". Computer technologies are not humans they might help us in other things,but it should never replace our instincts.
You should join the seagle cowboy program. why should you join? Is what you might be asking me right now, well ill tell you why you should join. you should join because you can travel a lot, you can meet new people, you can see new places, and you do lots of new stuff. you will see a lot of differnt oceans and river such as the Alantic ocean, and the Pacific ocean. Why should you listen to me? , you might be asking yourself that. Have you ever read, ''A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves''. well you should read it it'll tell you about Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist. It'll tell you what they did in seagoing cowboys program. And I promise you if you join Seagoing Cowboys program you will absolutely love it. So will you trust me, Jonica, will you join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I garantee it will change your life and it will make it the best life you ever had. Will you join today? The more people that comes, the better. The more lives that get improved. The more people that learn something new that they never knew before. When you leave seagoing cowboys program you will leave with knowledge, that you can share with many of people. If you arent able to make the seagoing cowboys program, then tell a friend and have that friend to tell his friends, and it keep spreading until everyone know how great seagoing cowboys program. I know most of you people are saying I dont want to join seagoing program because I dont have the money. We'll put your wallets away because guess what, the seagoing cowboy program is absolutely free. You don't have to pay not a dime out of your wallet. So i'm hoping this will convince you to join the best program ever, the seagoing cowboys program. I hope to see you there.
I believe the Face On Mars is just a natural landfrom because if there was life on Mars, why would we have yet to see the aliens on Mars? Years ago, on May 24,2001- Nasa sent Viking 1 to orbit around Mars looking for possible landing sites of its sister ship Viking 2 when i had seen something unusally on the surface of Mars, the landform form on Mars had the shadowy likeness of a human face. When the picture of the face had got sent to the lab back down the on Earth the sensation was short lived by scientist who figured it was just another Martian mesa. The face on Mars couldn't be created by aliens because we would've had contact with aliens a long time ago.Scientist figured it could've been the formation of mesa because Mars has no planet life nor water life for anything to live on it.With the the recent pictures studies has shown that there was no alien marking on the face to show that aliens are on Mars. The face on Mars had the resemblance of a human head formed by illusion showing the mouth,nose, and eyes. After showing the world one picture they wanted to see an up close picture they later toke another picture revealing it as a natural land form which there was no alien monument after all. It was stated in the article by an person that the land form" It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says the man by the name of Gavin. "That's a lava dome that the fotm of an isolayed mese about the same height as th Face On Mars. In conclusion, I believe that the face on mars is in all actuallity just a land formation because since discovering the face there has been no more reappearences of any other momuments. There has been no contact with alien life
Does students emotions matter in a classroom?Is using technology to see their emotions, actually useful?The answer to that is yes.The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.Students facial expressions can say a lot about how they feel or what they go through, and with the help of technology, teachers maybe able to see what works to get their students more happy.In the following, you will read why technology can actually help read students facial expressions. Humans mostly use facial expressions and emotions to show how they feel,rather than talking about them. Usually humans can tell how another person feels by looking at their expressions, but other times humans just hide it. Emotional expressions are very important in human communication, especially if a student is in class studying, because then the teacher can help and see how the student feels. That is where technology comes in.Teachers do not always know what to do when the students are bored or upset, but technology can help with that. Dr. Huang says,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor"(paragraph 6, D'Alto).This shows that the computer can help change the students emotions to help learning more interesting for them.The computer can change its screen according to how the student feels about it. Dr. Huang says," For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different"(paragraph 6,D'Alto).The author shows how the students can choose what they want to see to make learning more interesting for them, with the help of technology. Sometimes students dont want to talk about their feelings. When they have this program in their classroom, the students will have to smile at certain things so that they can watch what they want to see.Smiling helps a lot with emotion and feelings.The author writes,"According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them"(paragraph 9, D'Alto).This shows that the more students smile for the computers, the more happy they may also feel.The author writes,"Empathy(feeling someone else's emotional state) may happen because we unconsiously imitate another person's facial expressions"(paragraph 9, D'Alto). The author states how one persons feelings can affect others. The computer can also do that to a student by letting them see things that make them happy. Students may struggle with certain things that they are currently learning, so the computer can help make it easier and more fun for the student to understand. Teachers often just teach the way they know how to, and they dont pay enough attention to the students emotions and facial expressions.Technology can join the student and help teach him/her in the way that they enjoy.This can lead to good grades and more happiness.Its like a computer can have and understand human emotions, that some humans may have difficulty understanding.The author writes,"Of course most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc"(paragraph 5, D' Alto).This shows that humans are normally not capable of telling anothers humans emotions. The author writes, "...da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information"(paragraph 5, D'Alto).THis shows that the new computers have the capabitliy to see how a human is feeling, and help the students with learning. The "Facial Action Coding System" has found a brilliant way of helping students learn. Emotions can really affect how a certain student is concentarting in education, and sometimes it can even take over. Humans use facial expressions to show their emotional expressions, and when their computer sees how they feel, it can make it more fun and interesting for the student to learn.Students dont have to even mention their feelings, the computer can just see it.Students tend to smile so that they can see what they want to see. The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of a student in a classroom is definitely valueable.
There are several advantages of limiting car usgae. A couple of them are that there would be less pollution in the air and that communities would be set up different to make it easier to get to places without having to drive to these place you could just walk instead. One advantage of limiting car usage is that there would be less pollution. Source 4 says, "If the pattern persits- and many sociologists believe it will- it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions." This shows that if you cut out some of your car usage there will be less carbon in the air. Which would lead to less pollution and a better living environment for everybody. Source 3 says, "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The person who said this was talking about the car free day that occurs in Colombia. Going just one day without your car can have an impact on the carbon emissions and help bring down the amount of air pollution in that area. Another advantage of limiting car usage is new community set ups. Source 1 says, "But it's basic percepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking. In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." This shows that the government is willing to set up the community in a different way to limit the amount of car usage on a daily basis. Which also makes your shopping trips more convinant because the stores you need or want to go to are walking distance from your house. Source 3 says, "Parks and sports cneters also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been repalced by broad smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. This explains how the city is being remodeled to help encourage people to start using their cars less and to be able to walk to many places instead of driving there by bringing these places closer to their houses. There are several advantages of limiting car usgae. A couple of them are that there would be less pollution in the air and that communities would be set up different to make it easier to get to places without having to drive to these place you could just walk instead. There are several advantages of limiting car usage. A couple of them are less pollution and new community set ups.
The structure on Mars is just a natural landform. In 1976 the first picture was taken and it looked like a face. In 1998 scientists took another picture but this time with better quality, but people still believed it was a human face. In 2001 the people at NASA took another picture with even better quality that clearly showed that it is just a landform, or a mesa. It could of been created by Martians, or naturaly formed. Simlar structures are on the Earth called mesa and butte usually are seen in the American. The structure on Mars is just a natural landform, because over the years scientists have developed better cameras to get a better look at the structure. After years of studying and getting higher quality pictures, they came to the conclusion that the structure is just a landform, or a mesa. It was a big trend in grocery stores, radio talk shows, and even Hollywoof films, for 25 years! Scientists also include to support their statement that if there were airplanes, Egyptian-style pyramids, or even small shacks, that you could see them because the quailty of the camera was so good. So if you could see small structures on Mars, then you could see a giant human face. But some people to this day still believe that this could be a sign of Martians. This is why you should believe that there is no human head on Mars and it is just a natural landform.
In the world, there are people who believe in aliens or supernatural beings, while some do not. The face on Mars is an example of an occurance that causes people to believe in aliens or supernatural beings. Even though this is true, there are still many people who think the landform is a natural occurance. There are ways to prove that this theory for the landform is true. Reasons such as the landform being compared to natural, earth landforms and it has similar characteristics as earth lanforms help prove this is true. The landform was compared to a butte or a messa. This means it is quite similar to earthly landforms and may have occured due to something that happened on Mars. The face on Mars is comapared one main earth landform that was mentioned. The landform is Middle Butte, which is located in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It was a lava dome that took the form of an isolated mesa. The face on Mars had the same look and height as a Earth landform, a mesa. It is true that there is an unusual shape to the face on Mars, there are similar occurances that happen on Earth. Though this happens on Earth, people don't say that these Earth landforms were made by aliens. This landform is just like other occurances on seperate planets that resemble Earth landforms. Even though the landform resembles a human face, it doesn't mean the landform is an alien's doing. Just like landforms on Earth, there are more ways than one to prove the reason or the starting place of a landform.
The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Venus is like Earth's sister planet. It is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. There could have been life on Venus at one point. Venus has been difficult to study according to NASA. In the essay it is stated that "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system." Due to this there is erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes. Venus is Earth's sister-planet and scientists have speculated it to one have been the most " Earth-like planet in our solar system." Venus is the closest planet to Earth relative to density and size. Venus once had features like Earth, which included being covered with oceans, and could have even supported various forms of life. Venus has valleys, mountains and craters, the same as Earth does. The atmosphere of Venus and the planet itself is difficult to examine. Venus' atmosphere is estimated to be coated with 97% of carbon dioxide. The clouds are made up of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. On the surface of Venus, its temperature could average over 800 degress farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is sometimes 90 times greater that what it is on Earth. NASA has an idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's solution to the violent conditions of the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above it. A vehicle that is basically a blimp, hovering 30 miles or greater above Venus' landscape. NASA's idea for the "blimp" could possibly be a breakthrough because the "blimp" would be able to avoid the harsh conditions that is going on below. Although the vehicle would be above the surface, the temperature would still be 170 degrees farenheit. The author supports the idea that pursuing Venus is worthy. NASA's solutions to the violent conditions could help get different types of samples. Earths sister-planet could possibly be sustaining life. Despite its dangers it is important to study Venus. NASA exploring the planet from surface or above would still be a breakthrough.
The author of this article has some really good points on how the Facial Action Coding System is useful for the students in the classroom. Even though the computers could tell you how another person is feeling you could also do the same with your closest frineds and family because you kmow them so well. The computers have no idea who you are but they still know what emotion you are feeling just by how the bones in your face are working together. The computer will form a 3-D model of the face. All of the 44 major muscles have to work exactly like the human muscles in the model. They have classified six basic emotions such as: happiness, surprise, disgust, anger, sadness, and fear. Most people like to hide their emotions with thier face so people don't know that something is wrong. The computer could see right through that and see exactly what emotion is going on. In the classroom students that are shy or don't ask for help often lie to their teacher and tell them that they understand exactly whats goingon and exactly what they're doing. If we had those computers in the classrooms then the teachers could help us more by knowing the truth. The teachers could figure out a better way to teach the lesson so the kids are'nt so confused. These computers could change lives but not many people probably see that since it's just another piece of technology. Imagine using this for someone yu are teaching or explaining something to yoou would want them to learn whatever that is you're helping them with would'nt you? But if that person is scared or shy they wouldn't be so easy to tell you that they don't understand. If we used these computers properly and not just as some toy then we could change how education is taught and it not being so difficult to understand so you could recieve better education quality. Teachers already try their best to help their students but sometimes it's just more difficult than it seems. Children like to give attitude when not understanding something or when they feel like the teacher is judging them because they don't understand something. When it comes to school and work it's alot of stress and focusing but if teachers had a better way to recognize the emotions of their students it'd be easier for them to help them out instead of leaving them there and not understand anything. I feel as if teachers would like the idea of having one of these computers in their classroom because not only does it benefit their students but it also benefits them by helping their generation out and not letting their students fail but to become successful. So I think that having these in the classroom would be very valuable and helpful for everyone.
12% of all green house gas in Europe is from is from car emissions and up to 50% in the United States. The earth needs a change while it still can. Theres already many countries that are trying to do something, France; the U.S. ;and Colombia just to name a few. Taking a break and not driving cars has so many pros and very little cons. Yes, you might have to walk and might lose some wieght but it may decide how much longer humans can stay on earth. What comes out of your car, that's what you are breathing. Would you rather breath burn gasoline fumes or fresh clean air? Its your choice, every year billions of people driving cars that are releasing a gas ,CO2, into the air which is posionus to humans. What happens after the world gets full of it? I honestly don't want to see. Not only is car pooling and taking public transportation cheaper that paying for gas but it also helps keep the green house gasses down more that if everyone was driving. A recent study by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives shows that more Americans are driving less cars every year. Join your fellow Americans, you won't regret it. Soon enough cars are going to get banned and fines will be put in place that are given to people who drive gas powered cars. Do you really want this to happen? People getting fined just becasue they had to go to work or to see there family? I'm pretty sure you o don't, so lets make the world a little more car free. Then thus make the world CO2 free. Now there's a reletively new car that runs on electric. Although these cars are not exacly cheap, but they are motorless and gasless and they don't release CO2 into the atmosphere and they look nice too. If that doen't suit you there is a hydrogen powered car coming out in 2015. If you dont think you can handle that then there is always busses, taxis and bikes. Then if you still can't find something you like there's walking, humans where built with legs, use them. Think about how you want your children and there children to live there lifes and how you and the rest of the earth can effect them and how you can keep there lifes free of poisonus CO2. Consider the walk or bus ride and maybe even investing in an eletric car or a bycicle.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith get prepared for the elections, which is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. They're both really assured on who they are electing, Mr. Keen, the remarkable Republican canidate. Mr. Keen would most definitely operate in Mr. and Mrs. Smiths' favor, due to the fact that Keen offers a convinient medical insurance for they're family, opposes of abortion and is projecting sites for the unemployed individuals. Clearly, candidate Mr. Keen is a go for the Smiths'  family, but what if they're doomed of their vote not getting qualified due to the systems', such as the Electoral College? The Electoral College is a ominous process, due to the fact that voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, disvalues ones' citizenship rights and it's going to influence the country of not voting. Firstly, the Electoral College is a cynical process where not everyones' vote is taking account of. Imagine, voting in the upcoming election in vain knowing that organizations that only select the votes of one entire state, unconsious of the other millions individuals in the other surplus of the nation exist. The possibility of the one in fifty states choosing majorly one particular candidate, is highly risky for the goverment, and no one should permit putting in risk the goverment with this stubborn prefrence of electoral votes. Incontestably, the Electoral College System, is not a method of voting that should be unresposibly utilized to advantage the four years of presidency.  Secondly, voting is a stupendous privilege that allows' one to vote in the adulthood stage. Perhaps, because in the adulthood stage one is aware of all the current economic situations and one is noticable of the advantages a former president can serve them. The former citizens' privileges are unfortunately disvalued lately, with the Electoral College system. It's dreadful that the anticipation a legal individual once awaited on, can no longer be celebrated or reinacted, with this fashion of electing states, that manage the majority votes of the respective candidate. Can voters control whom their electors vote for? That results in a false and negative answer. Thence, it is more than clear that the old-fashion and benevolent method of regrouping all the cadenced voices of all the recievable votes is appropate and suitable for the public and president.  Thirdly, the Electoral college influences countries to not participate in the privilege of voting. Once the citizens, have the knowledge of these unprudent organizations, voting is going to be outlooked as an petition, that isn't necessary of taking toll of. Due to the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance in winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing'' states. The pending thought, that ones' state might be chosen out of the many, is certainly doubtful. The Electoral College, can upbring wins in the popular votes but lost in the presidency, these democracies need to be abolished because it should be a doubt that the President and the opposed public, should be uncondemed of. Clearly, the definition of this service is dooming and should be reinforced from the Constitution, to prevent the countrys' votes from going unknown. It is at time, at last, to conclude all the disadvantages of the Electoral College in one, it's ominous due to the fact that the public votes not for the president, but for a state of electors, disvalues ones' citizenship rights and influences' the country of not voting. The opression against the Electoral College, has it's witty motives. As we all know, the most popular partys are the Republic and Democrat. If the Electoral College, only selects one state out of the entire nation, that allows one states, that carries one culture of people to form the regimen of the rules of that successful party. No goverment, should suit this fashion, because it isn't right in any shape or form.
The advantages of car limiting car usage is simple. the passage" In german Suburb,Life goes on without cars ". It says the Vauban's families do not even own a car anymore ,because when I had a car i was allways tense ,but im much happier this way without a car. also passengers cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50 percent in car-intensive ares in the united states. They are also trying to change the suburbs vauban home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile. This would be the most advanced experiment in the low-car suburan life. And have been apoted all around the world to make suburbs more compact and more accessible all around the world. Next," the passage paris bans driving due to smog". Tt talks about how after days of near-record pollutins,paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air global city. even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. also congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france,after five-days of intensifying the somg. And the passage car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota. is talks about some great ways to limiting car ussage. Have a free car day is where u can just get out  have fun while doing all different types of actives like hiking ,go ride on a bike, and even go swimming,this is the stuff that millions of the colombians did some even to took buses to work during that day. End got to work early not considering the traffic jams that they us to have .The only thing that are permitted on this car free day is the buses in the taxis the gas station was even close. This day was for a good cause the goal was to alternative transportation and reduce smog. i think it alos give u bounding time with ur family. And a good way and opportunity to take away stress and lowe air pollution. Finally, in the end to a car culture ."President Obama's ambitous goals are to curb the united states'greenhouse gas emissions "a good this is that recent studies shows that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less  and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. but people are also thinking how! when the united staes is the birthplace of the model T some explanations are that .Because of the cash-strapped americans could not afford a new cars and the unemployed weren't going to work anyways.
The developement of driverless cars is an important, and significant technological milestone. Driverless cars are a perfect example of how well we have devoloped sensory, atomotive, and GPS systems. They also have extraordinary potential to make travel safer, and more efficient. They could prevent countless deaths or injuries because the majority of all car accidents are caused by human error, a driverless car would never make decisions out of haste or excitement. Instead cars would travel consistantly and safely. The developement of driverless cars could lead to several significant technological advances. Innovations inspired by driverless cars could lead to safer, or more efficient vehicles. At the same time, developing driverless cars could lead to significant inventions. Driverless cars are the solution to the biggest cause of car accidents, human error. Thousands of car accidents are caused as a result of poor, or impaired judgement. If cars could drive themselves, this problem would be effectively eliminated. A driverless car would never make the decision to speed or run a red light. In addition to being a safer alternative to human driven vehicles, driverless cars could also be more efficient. Driverless cars would never get lost because of their advanced GPS systems. They would also take the fastest, and safest routes. Driverless cars would rarely run out of gas because they would alwas be aware of the nearest gas station, and how much gas is in their tank. In conclusion, Driverless cars should be fully developed, and manufactured for public use because they are a safer alternative to human driven cars. They are more efficient, as well. Also because the developement of driverless cars would be a significant technological milestone, and they could lead to newer better tachnologies.
This face is not because of aliens it was just a landform. "Nevertheless on April 8, 2001-a cloudless summer day in Cydonia-Mars Global Sureyor drew close enough for a second look. "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degress to center the Face in the field of view," said Garvin. "Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 merterd per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." Other reasons, "as a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than pixel size," he added. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptain-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" More resins why, "What the picture actually shows is the Martain equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." These are all reasons that this is no because of aliens but it is a landform.
The technology we use today is very different from back then. People updated their software to make the pictures more clear and also to change their forms to the way people who's taking the picture. In paragraph "1" the author says "the software is the latest innovoton from Proft"," Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for Advance science at the University of Illionois" its giving an example of where did the newest software came from. In paragraph "1" its also telling how Dr. Huang think how humans and communicate. Well I believe that humans and computers are better to communicate with each other because the computer can help the human gets it's way how they want people want to work with other different stuff and switch up the picture or also move it around. In paragraph "3" the text sates " computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscules in the model must move like human muscles",the author is telling us how the computer and other techonology can scan your face and to see whos the person is. But it have to be moving around like human muscles. In fact the author stating that Dr. Paul Eckman,creator of Facial Action Coding System had classifeid six basic emotions happiness, surprise,anger, disgust,fear and sadness. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal. In paragraph "4" the author says " By weighting the different units,the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared againist a neutral face showing no emotion". In papagraph "6" it's also telling how if you frown a classrom cmputer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored. In conclusion this passage is telling me how technology changed over a few years, but it might get better over time and have more diffenent features to it.
When you vote for president you want to vote for who you choose. Thats not how it always works though. We you vote for president you are actually voting for a canadiate who will then go aand vote for president. Is that really fair? Many people dont think so. The electoral college should be abolished because it isnt always fair, who cant be sure if your voting right and it is not democracy. When you vote for a canadiate you trust they will vote for who they say they will. but is it always true? what is the canidate feels like they dont agree with that person any more and vote for a diffrent one? You and evrybody else who voted for that canadaite are now voting for an opposing canadiate. is that fair to who ever voted for that canadiate now? You can never be sure if you are voting right. what if that canadiate dose not vote like they are suppoed too. "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always." says Plumer about the chance a canadiate will vote for someone else. You can never really trust someone you have never met. Humans are very dispitefully creatures, we all lie snd decive. how can you trust a random canadite just because he says he or she will vote for who you want to vote for? wouldnt you rrather vote yourself? Democracy is giving people the rigth to help govern thre own countray. Isnt the electoral collage taking that right away? Even though this is in the Constitution it is unconstutional. "At the most basic level, the electoral college  is ufair to all voters." says Plumer. He is corect about the electoral college and its unfairness to US citizens. The electoral colleage may have had a good reasson for existing when they made the constution but that was about a 100 years ago... Dont you think we have chaged since then? The anwser is we have and so should they way our goverment works. If we keep the same goverment into the future where everything will change we will be in for a load of trouble.