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The author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by stating facts about Venus and stating how humans are curious about studying Venus. The author states why people are fascinated about studying Venus at first in the text. The text states in paragraph 4 line 2-4 " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-liike planet in our solar system." This shows why astronomers want to study Venus in the first place. Then, the author states interesting facts about Venus in paragraph 3 to show how dangerous but intriguing Venus is. The text states in paragraph 3 in lines 2-3 "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." The text also states in paragraph 3 in lines 3-6 " On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This shows how the author uses facts about Venus to show how interesting the planet is. Finally, the author shows that NASA is having problems and is trying to find a way around Venus and its hostile atmosphere to uncover more knowledge about Venus. The text states in paragraph 6 lines 1-5 "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective," and in paragraph 6 lines 5-6 state "More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock,gaas, or anything else, from a distance. The text also states in paragraph 6 lines 9-11 "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." This shows how tough it is and how hard they are working to study Venus and uncover it's mysteries. This shows how the author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by stating facts about Venus, stating how humans are curious about studying Venus and how well the author supported this idea.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about the idea that venus is worth studying despite the dangers on the planet. venus is the seconed planet from the son making it close to earth. Acording to the author venus was often referred to as earth twins acording to the text it states "Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". The author also states that venus has proved to be very challenging place to examine up close. For many reason like "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxid". Even more challenging reasons is clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere and temperatures over 800 degrees fahrengeit. Are just some of the reasons that it would be hard to explor venus. The author mainly just states the reasons its hard to vistit venus and the author really doesnt state why it would be worthy to go and study venus. Except for samples of rocks and gases. Inconclusion it wouldnt be that worthy to visit venus its just to risky and a waste of time instead we could study other planets like mars. Which we already know alot about.
The author wants to suggest that studying Venus is worthy because in the article it talks about how Venus is a curios planet as we know Venus is the closest in the distance of the erath. venus is the "twin" of or planet because is the same density and size. Venus is sometimes arounf the coner really close to Earth. Humans have sent numerous spacecratf to land on this cloud-draped world to a mission to see Venus but all this "previous mission was unmanned ands for a good reason" the article says. numerous factors contributre to Venu's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study, despite its proximity to us. Venus is 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Even more changelling are the clouds of hugly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. on the planet surface, temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. in conclusion i think that authors shows a lot of details to suggests taht studying Venus is wortly. Strivinv to meet the chanllenge presented by venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally.
By the year 2020, I am sure we will have multiple car dealers with driverless cars. Many people think that the self driving car is dangerous, and is putting the driver and everyone else at risk. In some cases those people are right, but when you level out the pros and cons, the pros overrule. I am for self driving cars because when on the road, so many distractions can accur inside one's car. Maybe the driver is putting on makeup, eating, or even on the phone. These actions occur everyday whether one is in a self driving car or not. Having a self driving car will eliminate the accidents caused by putting on makeup, eating, or talking on the phone. However, if at any point the car can not control the road conditions, the driver must be ready to take over. It may come as a surprise to the drivers when they are in the middle of putting on makeup and suddenly they have to steer through road construction. It can get exhausting when one is sitting behind the wheel waiting for their turn to drive, but the driver must always be alert. The driver should do whatever they can to stay focused and not get too distracted so that when the time comes they are ready to drive. Legally many teenagers get their license at age sixteen. Some of those teenagers are not comfortable or are not confident in driving in the open road just yet. With the self driving car, one can gain back that confidence and let the car take them wherever they want. Now other drivers do not have to worry about young drivers getting in accidents because the self driving car will prevent the child from danger. However when the time comes to drive itself, the young driver must be able to take control and not get scared. Many accidetns today happen because people are not paying attention or they get nervous and do not know how to act on the situation. Teenagers especially, with little experience, have no clue what to do when faced with an obstacle. They panic and do not stay calm and handle the situation. Those who have injuries are restricted to their driving. It depends on how severe the injury is, but the driver will be notified if driving is safe for them. With the self driving car, the driver can sit back and relax knowing that the car will do everything for them. When one is injured it is hard to stay at home and not get things done. With the self driving car, the driver can still get around town and get things done without the injury being a conflict. Yes the self driving car is fantastic and benefits many, but it does not mean that the driver should slack off and not pay attention. The driver is still at risk for any accident that may occur while on the road. No excuses will be tolerated because the driver knows that if at any time they should take over. The driver's focus should always stay on the raod and be alert to anything that may harm or become an obstacle of the car. I look forward to 2020 when the self driving car is made known. I hope that the rate of accidents goes down with the assistance of driverless cars. As technology grows everyday, I look forward to when life is made simpler.
Although some sciencetists belive the face was an alien artifacet photograpging cydonia. NASA when marz global surveyor became a priority. The nasa people though it was a good idea beacuse of the tax payers. Nasa photograph the face as we could get shot at. Mosly the land form was owned by allies. The capition noted a Huge rock. NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The face on marz has became a pop icon. It has starred in a hollywood film. There must have been a drgee of suprise among missions contollersback at the jet propulison lab when the face apperared on their montions. RAdio talk shows says that the alies haunted the gorgoey stores checkout lines 25 years, some people think it wasnt always haunted. Missson again its not always easy to spot a face on the surfce. The people think when people go to space the alies thake them and put there faces on the surfsace and makes it all stay there. Most people dont belive its the aliens that are doing this. in 2001 the image spans. 1.56 meters comapred to 43 meteres per pixel in the best viking photot. Most pictures you bring back often shows but mosly they never do the alies dont wnat people taking back what they did. On april 8th 2001 a cloud lesss summer day in cydonia marz golbal surveyor drew close enough for a second look. we had to roll out the spacecraft 25 dreggs to the center of the filed view. The team capturd an extardoiary photot using a good camra. I think that its kinda cool that people go out there to see the faces on the plants. I would aloso like to see hown they would do that. i would bring home so many pictures of all the faces on the suface. It would rally be cool if they picture really shows. some people would really like to see the faces on the earth or surface. The most biggest of the people are when the people bring back lots of the pictures to show and to sell. when you look on the website to see what people had said about it when they went to see it. Most people lie about the alies but you never know what you would see when you to up with NASA.YOu never know what you are going to see.
Being able to read the emotional expressions of students can be innovating. Many student can have problems, but with this technology it can be solved in minutes. The use of this technology is valuable to read the emotional expressions of students because if the student is having problems the teacher can help them with their problems, the teacher is aware of what her students emotional expressions are, and other students can help other students according to what emotional expressions they show. The use of this technology is valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because if the student is having problems with their emotions the teacher can help them out. According to the passage it states " Shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This means thats as the machine shows the emotinal expressions of the student the teacher can see what he or she is lacking in and maybe help with that. The use of this technology is valuabke to read the emotinal expressions of students in a classroom because the teacher is aware of what the students emotional expressions are. Accoridng to the passage "there is new computer software that cna recognize emotions." This means that the teacher is going to be aware if what her students emotionak expressions are going to be. The use of this technology is valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because other students can help other students according to what emotional expressions they show. According to the passage this machine can detect facial movement to see what the emotional expression is about the student. Therefore this means that other students can help other student if, lets say for example if a student is 90 percent disgusted, then other student can help her to feel better. This technology could be innovating to many schools in the world. It can help detect if students could be depressed, or have trouble at home, it can help teachers to help their students out. All in all this tchnology is valuable because it can help a lot of kids from suicide or many more things because if the machine detects that they are depressed the teachers can help.
Is the face on Mars alien or just another natrual landform? Do we know if Mars isn't crawling with extra-terrestial beings? Yes. Yes we do. In the following paragraphs I will prove the fact that the face on Mars if in fact just a natrually formed landform. Then I will say why many people speculate if it is alien. To begin with, many people say the face on mars could be a sign of alien life and that extra-terretial beings are calling out to us with their mound-like pyramids. It can't be possible. First, it is proven that there are no signs of any alien markings on it. The text says,"As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger that pixel size. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were." Second, it has been proven that it is similar to many mesa or buttes in the western united states. The text says," what the picture actually shows is the Martian equizelant of a butte or a mesa- landforms common around the American West." Lastly, the face has been taken over and over again and every time it becomes clearer and clearer every time. This is because the technology has started getting better so the world can stat proving things to be false. One example, is the Martian face. To conclude, many speculations have been made this is resonable because the picture wasn't originally clear and the second one was taken with clouds in the Martian atmosphere, but still the third picture shows that scientifaclly it is only a landform on the palnet of mars.
I do not think that driverless cars are a good idea. Many things could happen with the car that could lead to accidents and popele getting hurt. You have to stay alert at all times and I do not think all people all people are willing to do that. In the article is says "The driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." The article is saying that the driver must be ready at all times if the car needs the driver to take control. What if the drivers hands are full and can't take control as soon? If the driver could not take control of the car as soon as needed, that could easily cause a wreck. The article also says "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault---the driver or the manufacturer?" The article is saying that if something were to happen, who would get blamed? The driver or the person who made the car. But how would we know who's fault it was? The car could have not been correctly made or the driver could have not been alert. We would never possible know which one it was, and someone could get blamed even if it wasn't their fault. These are my reasons as to why I do not think driverless cars are a good idea. There are too many negatives that over power the positives in my opinion. There are a some positives with the driverless cars, but is that really worth taking the risk of all the things that could possible go wrong?
The Facial Action Coding System is a system that will construct a 3-D computer model of the face and use muscle movements to figure out what you are communicating emotionally. With that being said, will this information given by the system be valuable in a classroom? Here are my reasons why I believe it would be valuable to both the students and teacher in the classroom. In a classroom, you have a wide range of personalities. Students may feel shy or uncomfortable asking questions. If a teacher asks how well the class is dealing with the subject, a student may say they are dealing well with the subject when they really are not. Dr. Huang says is,"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication...So computers need to understand that, too." A teacher in a classroom can understand verbal communication but maybe only slight emotional communication. Having a Facial Action Coding System (FACS) in your computer can help it to understand the majority of what a student may really be feeling about the subject. A lot of times today classrooms are packed with students, also giving a wide range of abilities. This range of ability doesn't allow teachers time to help the struggling students. In paragraph six Dr. Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." If we had this technology, it could help students to keep up with the rest of their class by changing how the lesson is taught depending on the individual. This technology would have the capability to figure out more easily the emotions of a student and be able to relay that back to the teacher. A teacher may think that a class is enjoying the subject based on what they say or what they act like, when in actual fact this may not be the case. According to the text, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." This technology can understand if students are not relating well with the style of teaching that is available and then make this information available to the teacher. The teacher can then look at what the students really feel like in their class, and then adapt the style or structure of class to facilitate more engagement and interaction from the students. Therefore I believe that the use of this new technology would be valuable. FACS would be able to help struggling students do better than they are in their subjects by changing the lesson depending on their emotions. It would be able to modify the lesson for a student so that they may more easily understand. It would be able to help teachers to understand how their students feel in the classroom and so they can more easily facilitate the students different learning styles. This system would help the whole classroom function more effectively.
In this article called "The Challenge of exploring venus." The author suggested that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports his idea well because there are so many dangers that can happen in Venus and its a worthy pursuit, but we shouldn't be scared. Some of my evidence that can support my claim is that humans will have curiosity on what will likely lead us into many eually intimidating endeavors. By what I wrote here is that us humans will like to know what is going down in Venus, and how its like. Also, in paragraph eight is says,"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers dn doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." I might conclude that this is trying to say that we should not be scared on the dangers of Venus but we should be ready to meet the edges of imagination. Another evidence that supports this idea is that NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Studying Venus can lead us to the dangers that it presents, but we shouldn't be scared for so many reasons. We never knew what Venus was like because in paragraph four it says that,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." NASA wants to send humans to Venus, so they can study whats it like. Like I said when I was explaning the evidence for the claim about how NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. They are working on machines to last long enough up in Venus, so they can see whar its like in Venus. The author supports his idea well because he is talking about how we should be not be scared of Venus because its dangers. We should be timid of we think of Venus because we don't know what happens in Venus, and us like human are so curious and think about how its like. He also talks about sending people to to Venus so they can study how its like, and by doing that they also want to build machines that last long enough. Then in paragraph seven it says,"Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computer." The temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure of the atmospheric pressure is more than 90 time, and that is what we experience in our own planet. In conclusion these were my reason on the article called "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." On how we should not be scared what Venus bring and what it has. LIke I said plenty of times in my essay we should only be scared on what we think and what Venus revels to us through time. Also, because we never knew what it was like in the days, and that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by explaining what the planet has to offer. The author explain why humans are so interested and drawn toward the planet. He informs the readers how Venus has its up's and down's but is still worth discovering. "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system." Knowing this information is what is drawing people to make the decision of discovering Venus and its secrets. Through out the story the author is telling the readers how Venus is a place worthy to explore no matter how dangerous because of what its was and could be. Venus can be discovered and be a place where humans could survive. The planet also is a place full of secrets that no one can seem to get to. Having something so close and not being able to understand it draws more interest into learning more about Venus despie the dangers. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." This evidence from the passage tells how Venus once was and how people would be encouraged to take their time to explore what could be and what was on this planet that is so close but the information about it is so close. In conclusion, the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers very well. He include why people haven't been able to get much information from the planet to why people keep striving to learn more about the planet. He explained how to study the planet both safe and scientifically productive. "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for the planetary visit, a crucial considerstion given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?" The author made sure to put his knowing of the planets capablities of what the planet can offer humans in the long run.The planet Venus is a dangerous study but as the author stated "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Meaning don't let the obstacle of fear and danger get in the way of great exploration.
Since our very first President George Washington our founding fathers have created a system of how a President shall be elected. For many years this system has been proven to be effective. This system or process of electing our Country's President is known as the Electoral College. The Electoral College was used to elect our very first President George Washington and our current day President Obama. This process is full proof and has yet to let our Country down. The Electoral College is a process created by the founding fathers to make the choice that the people want. After all this is the peoples Country. According to the Source "What is the Electoral College?", written by the office of the Federal Register,The Electoral College process consists of the selection of electors. There are a total of 538 members in the Electoral College. If a candidate has more than 270 votes then they will be our new President. The number of how many members depends on the number of members in its Congressional delegation. There is a total of one each for every member in the House of Representatives and two each for every member in the Senators. When a person votes for his or her Candidate they are actually also voting for thier candidates electors. After the election everything is certified and sent to the National Archives as part of the offical records of the presidential election, also stated in "What Is the Electoral College", by the Office of the federal Register. More than 60 percent of voters would like to abolish the Electoral College and just have a direct election. This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency, states "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong", by Bradford Plumer. Not alone have 60% of our voters agree upon giving the Electoral College a boot but so has Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Voters don't feel close enough to the process by which who leads are Country. When voters vote they feel as if they are voting for Electoral members and not the Candidate himself. Voters can not control  whom the electors vote for, after all electors can always defy the popular vote and choose a candidate of their liking. More then half of our voters think that the Electoral College is unfair, out of date, and unpredictable. If the people voted for the President directly then states with a larger population would always win. That would be an outrage, states like Texas would get a better chance then states like Florida. The Electoral College is a full proof plan that avoids run on elections by insuring that no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. Although others want to abolish the Electoral College, there is no better system for choosing our President. The Electoral College requires a presidentail candidate to have trans-regional appeal, says "In Defense of th Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President, by Richard A. Posner. The Electoral College restores the pull that large states have over smaller states. The Electoral College also Avoids the problem of elections where a candidate receives a mojority of the  vote. The Electoral College provides a clear winner. Although many people feel that the Electoral College is uneffective, unfair, and outdated it is a great way of chossing our country's greatest leader. Our founding father have created an effective method that has avoid many problems that may have occured if this process was created. Every four years a President is elected correctly thanks to the Electoral. Many have seen the harm the Electoral college has provided but they do not see the harm that it has helped to avoid.       
Hey state senator, I'm writing this letter because I want to change the elections by popular vote for the president of the United States. In the passages say "The Electoral College process consists of selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and Vice President, and the counting of electoral votes by Congress." (Source 1, by Office of the Federal Register) I think the people should vote for the president they want to rule the country, also i think is unfair because people have a voice and they can choose for whoever they want. "Under the electoral college system, voters voe not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president" (Source 2, by Bradford Plumer) Why voting for slate electors when you can vote for the president right away, it is a wate of time. As the passage was saying "The Electoral College is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." (Source 3, by Richard A. Posner) This means that Electoral College prosses is out of age and non-democratic. Some people might think that the Electoral College is right. "The Constitution as a compromise between electon of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." (Source 1, by the Office of the Federal Register) This shows us that the electors are better qualified than ordinary people, they know what the country needs and who is better to rule it. Indeed, the Electoral College is unfair and a waste of time. who will know what is better of the country than the people who walks in it everyday, who has seen what is going on and who is fighting for making this country a better place for the future. "It's official: The Elrctoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Source 2, by Bradford Plumer) That is why I think it should be abolish the electoral college.  
Driverless cars are a great new form of technology to help society, but can also contain many negative aspects. There are many positives such as the benefit of not having to actually drive and being transported from place to place. The negatives of this however can be that they may cause many accidents, there not fully functional, and they do not work one hundred percent of the time. The postives to having a self driving car are that you would not have to drive the car. It would be much more convienient to have a car that could take you places without having to stress about driving to a place in a certain time. With the technology that would be provided in a self driving car, it would be extremely likely that there would be a minimal amount of traffic. Also there would be almost no car crashes, according to google, and it would use half of the gas we use in our cars. However I personally don't see how a self driving car would be any different than a normal form of public transportation such as a subway. The are also many negatives of having a self driving car. So far in our advances of self driving cars, there are not many that could fully drive someone from one place to another. Therefore the car would have to alert the driver to drive the car which could put them under a stressful situation and possibly cause an accident. Another issue that I believe people would have is putting enough trust in a self driving vehicle. Most people would probably not trust a computer software with their life. Also many people like to drive, such as myself, and I feel that a self driving car would be useless to me. I would not trust a car to drive me that had possible computer glitches and was not totally reliable. There are many positives and negatives to using a self driving car. To me it seems that the negatives outweigh the positives. There are just too many things that could go wrong with a self driving car in this time. I would not use one of these cars if i was given the chance.
I would just like to start off by saying that the reason why the author thinks that we should keep studing Venus no matter the dangers is because his words "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". Other reasons we should study Venus is because there is so much more that people today do not know and I personallly feel like as long as we are here on Earth we should be currious about why only our plannet is the only plannet that has humans on it or at least they say. In the article they said "Venus may well once been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system ". We as people should be and should want to be more nosey. Not only do we people want study Venus but Venus wants us to study it. It is one of the easiest stars to see in the night sky. As the article says "Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star", is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot". I also would like to add that it would not be a bad idea to study Venus more bc we already have many facts about this planet so it is not like you would be starting completly from scratch. Some of the facts that we already know that was given to us from the article is "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus", "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit", and "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system". Lastly I would just like to say that I hope from reading this essay I was able to draw you in and hopefully make you more currious and questionable about Venus like would'nt you want to know what is out there or at least what used to be out there or even better what could possiabley going to happen out there.
If you would paticipate in the Seagoing then you would explore a lot and go to different places. A Sea going is a person who takes care of horses,cows,young cows,and mules. I can explain a couple of reasons that you should be a Seagoing. My three reasons to become a Seagoing is that you can explore,working with animals,and it can change your life. Now lets talk about how you can explore if you join Seagoing so when you would join you would have to get to that place meaning travel and when you are traveling you get a chance to see different sightings which is really cool. When you would join a Seagoing you have to take care of animals on a farm and so you would be feeding the pigs or maybe bathing a horse and other but taking care of a animal is a lot of work but it is worth it. Becoming a Seagoing can change your life like it did to Luke maybe you don't have a good job but not a bad job and so if you join the Seagoing right now then you would be free out in the wild and would have the best job because working with animals and a farm is somthing that I want to do right now. So now I gave you three reasons you get to explore,working with animals,and it can change your life so now while your reading this I hope that you decide that you do want to be a Seagoing and I hope that you will enjoy exploring to different places,feeding and taking care of animals,and finally I hope that Seagoing will change your life.
People who like to travel and love horses and cows should join Seagoing Cowboys because they travel all around the world with horses and cows. The Seagoing Cowboys travel on ships going on the Ocean. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you will need to feed over 300 horses and young cows. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys you will be on the ocean for about 2 weeks crossing some parts of the sea. If you join Seagoing Cow boys you will need to treat the workers and the animals with good respect and care for them. When being a Seagoing Cowboy you will need to check on the animals every hour, but when its wet or raining be carefull going down the ladders on the ship beacause you might slip and get really ingured or could die. When going across the ocean you can also have fun stuff to do on the ship. When feeding and giving the animals water you need to give them food and water 2 or 3 times a day so they can be healthy. Some places you might go to on the ship is China, and Europe. When going to places like that you might see something you had never seen in real life or had ever seen. You can be 17 and older to join Seagoing Cowboys. So join the Seagoing Cowboys.
Countries have started to limit the usage of cars. the limitation of cars can be very benifitial. evidence from the articles can show that limiting cars can benifit us citizens. Their advantages to limiting car usage. For example, evidence from the article says "Vauban's streets are completely "car-free"-except the main thoroughfare, where the tran to downtown freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the cummunity". this shows you that if people are willing to give up their cars it can benifit the cummunity. Information from the article shows "On Monday motorist with even-license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine". Limiting car usage can really help the enviorment so when people drive their cars on a no car day they do get fined. evidence from the text shows "In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday". If we let car usage be limited it can be a safer place in the streets without no traffic and less cars. according to the text "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve saftey". This evidence shows that limiting the use of cars can make the enviorment safer in pollution and in health wise becaus epeople wont be getting into car accidents as much. many countries have limited the usage of cars. limiting car usage can be benifitial in many ways. Evidence from the text shows that limiting car usage is for the better not for the worst.
Driverless cars are supposed to be the big idea of the future, but are they really that safe? I personally do not think that driverless cars are a good idea for three main reasons. The first reason is that even though technology has advanced incredebly over the past decade, it still isn't safe enough to trust with our lives. The second reason is that most driving laws focus mainly on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, which won't happen if we continue to work on driverless cars. For the last and final reason, we should not continue to make and produce driverless cars because if somebody is injured or there is a wreck, who would be the one at fault? Technology has advanced incredibly over the past couple of years from iPhones to Macbooks, and even hoverboards, but creating driverless cars is going a bit overboard because of certain safety regulations. In the passage it says that "the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern" which I am sure they want to be correct, but can one truly trust that that statement is honestly correct? Think about how many lives would be put in danger if the driver of the vehicle wouldn't have to do anything but trust that technology would take control for them. A person that is manually driving themself is way safer that driverless cars as it says in the passage: "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." The passage also supports this claim by stating, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." In some states such as California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia it is even illegal to test computer driven cars. The last reason that driverless cars should not be legal is because if somebody wrecks and has an injury or dies, who would be the one at fault? If car companies continue to try and invent this type of car, many changes must be made in order to keep people safe. In the passage it suggests that, "Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident." If one were to get into a wreck and kill somebody or some people because of driverless automotives, they would end up being taken to jail because of murder, and they would also have to live with the fact that they ended someone's life for the rest of theirs. Driverless cars may seem like a great idea in technology advances at the moment, but when one gets out onto the road with this type of vehicle anything can happen, whether it is a glitch in the system or a malfunction of some sort. I personally do not think that driverless cars are a very good invention because they do not seem safe at all, laws focus on driver, passenger, and pedestrian safety, and if someone was to be injured in a wreck of some sort then nobody would know who or what was at fault. Technology has advanced so much over the past decade, but instead of taking the technology we do have and making something so creative but yet so dangerous, we should just simply make somthing that would or could not possibly end lives.
Although alot of people and states think that driveless cars are a bad idea. I think that they could be a great addition to our lives. Driveless cars can help when you are busy with your children, they are handly when you have to much to handle/do, and can assist you on long trips. Driveless cars can come in handy when you have children. Driving while you have children can sometimes be hasel. When you have a baby things get harder. Babies need to be changed, fead, and or need some attention. With the drivless car you can fead, change, and give your new one some attention. Little ones are not the only ones that you have to worry about. Sometimes the older ones can be a big handfull. Kids can get upset or angry at one another and do things that might not be acceptable. With the driveless care you can talk and help your kids get along. Cars that drive themselves can be a great thing when you have a busy life. We all have those days where you have to go from one place to the next, pick up coffee for the people at work, drive the kids to soccer pratice, band rehersal, pick up groceries, finish your work that you brought home from work, help make copies for the kids school play/fundraiser or just have to much on your plate for that day. Think of all the things you can do while your car is driving itself. You can finsh the work you brought home while on the way to the kids soccer practice. Your kids will not be upset with you because you dont have the time to take them to their after school activites because your getting your stuff done at the same time that you are on the road. You know that you hate to disapoint your kids and with a driveless car you wont have to. Lastly but not certainly not the least. The driveless car can assisnt you on those long trips that we take in the car becasue we cant or do not want to spend money on plane tickets. Those vacations that we take in the car can be so much easier. This car drives its self so you dont have to worry about you falling asleep on the road and having something horriable happen to you or and your family. Drivers do get tired after a few hours of non-stop driving. Think of all the famliy bonding moments you and your family can have when you have one less thing to worry about. Think of the safty because you arent going to fall asleep on the road. A car that drives its self could be a great addition to our lifes. It can help when you have a new born or just have kids that are starting to learn from right and wrong., It can be a great stress reliever when you have to much to jugle for the day, and it can make long family trips so much easier and fun. However for know we have to drive ourself to the destination that we desire but hopefully technology will catch up and allow us to acess these wonderfull automobiles
The idea of cars that can drive themselves is truly fascinating. Just being able to sit back and relax while a car takes you to your destination sounds incredible. But a question that must be asked is: Will these driverless cars be 100% safe? Though the idea sounds cool, I personally am against the development of driverless cars because they may not be completely safe, and they also will lead to laziness and inattentiveness. The first and most important reason that driverless cars should be made with caution is the possibility of them being unsafe. If these driverless cars require human assistance in some situations, then humans need to be paying attention at all times. In the article the author mentions that cars will be coming out that are supposed to be driverless 90% of the time. This is worrisome because humans are likely to get bored the 90% of the time they aren't driving, and may not be ready to take over in a sudden hazardous situation if they haven't been paying attention, which could result in disaster. If these cars require drivers to be focused on the road, than in my opinion they are pointless. If drivers have to stay focused anyway, why not just have them control the car at all times? If driverless cars will never be able to handle any situation, than they are pointless to pursue. The second reason I think driverless cars shouldn't be developed is that people would use the time they would normally spend driving, distracted. People would use their phones, watch television, or play games, instead of being attentive and using their brain. These driverless cars would lead humans to be even more lazy than they already are. Driving is a way to exercise your brain, and most people do it every day. In a future of only driverless cars, people would miss out on the daily opportunities do mentally exercise by driving. It has yet to be seen if these proposed driverless cars will become reality. Personally, I think driving is fun, and I wouldn't be thrilled to see a future where everyone sits in their cars preoccupied with their phone or some other electronics, while they are shuttled to their destination.
Changing our ways on how we use cars for the better? Is it just so happen that people are using there car less than usual? In many places like Germany, Paris, Bogota are changing the ways to use cars. To reduce every little problem cars are causing. Traffic jams, smogs, and reducing greenhouse gas emmisions, people are getting smart about using there cars everyday. Maybe people are tired of using all cars of the time. When people buy car, it gives them alot of freedom knowing they area able to go where ever they're heart desires. Lately people aren't feeling the whole waiting in traffic if theres an accident or just to much cars. Bus rides, trains, taxi are helping reduce this. People can go somewhere without waiting that long just for a little price. In Germany there are new laws where they put a prices to put cars and there is only certian places you can put there cars at. 70% of families in Germany have do not own cars and 57% sold there cars because of this new law? You  would think thats people would complain about having cars and having no place to put them. But many people are accuatly happy that they put this new type of law. Many people prefered to have this happen. Smogs? what are smogs? smogs are grey clouds that hurt is in ways we dont even know. Cars emmit these deadly gases and we dont know it. Cars arent the only one who emmit they clouds of grey smoke, factories emmit this also. Which is not helping our ecosystem at all. In Paris they had an order to help redude this problem. On mondays motorists with even-numbered liscense plates were ordered to leave their cars at home which on the following day people with odd numbered liscenes plates were doing the same thing if they did not follow this ruling they were have to suffer a thirty one dollar fine. This helped alot with the smog. Places like Germany and Paris arent the only one who are changing the ways. In Bogota they have a car free day which only allows you to take a bicycle, taxi, buses or whatever you want but do not take a car or suffer the rath of fine. Going on for three years now people are saying they enjoy these types of days because everything is more relaxing it reduces stress and air pressure which is a really good thing. Even when it rains it doesn't stop people from participating from this. There is even a 118 mile bicycle path that shows how much people want to change the way they use cars. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city: uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, snooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." Many sciencetists are believing that the car culture is coming to an end. Cars sales have drop alot. People are taking the bus, taxis, and even trains to avoid traffic. "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn." Younges ages don't even drive till the age of 21 or they don't even care till then. They can usually care poll to places like partys, mall and the beach. They don't need a seperate car for each person when they are all going to the same place. Which is feel its a good and bad things. Its good because poeple are caring more that were causing harm to our own home and that they know that they can do all they want together and still have fun. It causes harm to busineses many stores could go out of business. It does not matter if we try to stop using cars or not we are always hurting in some other way. Traffic jams, smogs and reducing greenhouse emmisions are just the begining of this all. We can do way more if we put out mind set to it.
Limiting car usage would be great for both you and the environment. If we didn't use cars as much, we would get more exercise, save more money, and limit the amount of air pollution we produce. We would start to notice changes for the better in our health, our budgeting, and the condition of the environment. I have gathered evidence from a few different sources to back up these claims. "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Botogta", and "The End of Car Culture" all go into detail about the benefits that did happen or could happen while we limit car usage. One advantage of limiting car usage is the increase in exercise it will give you. Did you know that 70% of America is overweight? An advantage to walking or biking places that driving doesn't have is that walking or biking will get you active. It will help you burn calories and it will give you the self-confidence of being in good shape. Sure, it might be hot out when you walk or bike places, but this problem can be solved by simply dressing appropriotely for the activity. Wear something that you know you'll be comfortable getting excercise in. One business man riding a two seat bicycle with his wife (instead of driving), said, "It's a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution", (Source 3). Walking or riding your bike to get places rather than driving to them will give you more time to think. If you think too much on the road, something dangerous is bound to happen. Walking to places is a great alternative to driving not only for your body but for your mind, and this, to me, is a strong advantage of limiting car usage. Another advantage to limiting car usage is you will start to save money. Gas bills start to add up, especially considering the constant inclination of prices. Not only gas, though, but other costly needs such as getting your car's oil changed or tires replaced can also turn out to be expensive. Cost plays a huge role in whether or not teens and young adults will get a car when legally eligable. "There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting a license", (Source 4). A large amount of teens just now getting their licenses are unemployed, making the car expenses impossible for them to pay on their own, making them rely on usually a parent or relative. Money has always had a significant effect on how people transport from one place to another. Limiting driving all together would save you gas and repair money, and saving money could never be a bad thing. Finally, a significant advantage of not driving as much is that it would limit the amount of air pollution on this earth. "...a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Europe", (Source 1). Though we may not notice it, air pollution is constantly contaminating the earth. Air pollution is extremely harmful to inhale, almost like how smoking is extremely bad for your lungs. Reducing the amount of driving that we do would reduce the amount of air pollution we produce with it. Walking or biking does not pollute the earth the way driving can. Advantages of limiting car usage are not only good for the environment but are good for us both physically, mentally, and financially. If everyone started to limit the amount of time they spend driving per day, just imagine the change we might start to see in the community. We could start by walking to the grocery store or our friends' houses instead of driving, and then maybe bring on a long-term change, such as walking to school if it's close enough, or walking to the bus stop so you can ride the bus with other kids instead of driving your own car, creating more air pollution. There are other advantages to limiting car usage, but these are the top three advantages we will begin to notice if we act soon enough.
No, we should not have diverless cars. One reason we should not have them because they are dangerous. Someone could die from a malfunction and they would loose their life because of the company. My next reason we should not have them because they cost too much. We are barley affording to pay teachers let alone have money to pay for reaserch and materials. My final reason is because they are just pointless. Without drivers that would put so many people out of a job. My first reason is because they are dangerous. Anything can go wrong and end up killing innocent people. Technology has malfunctions everyday and sometimes we dont know why. No person or people should loose their lives because people are too lazy to drive their own vehicals. My next reason is because they cost too much. Here in Richmond, Indiana we are barley affording to pay for schooling and teachers let alone driverless cars. Driverless cars should be the least of our worries at the moment. Instead of focusing on driverless cars, we should focus on how to lower the cost of an education. Education should be our number one priority. My final reason is because they are pointless and would put many people out of a job. With driverless cars, taxi drivers, bus drivers, and many others would be out of a job. The passage says " Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore?" That statement proves that many jobs will be lost because people are getting too lazy and too pre occupied to drive on their own. In conlusion i do not think that driverless cars are a good idea. Our poverty rate will go up, and children and familys will starve. Where will we get the money to pay for the reaserch? We would have to take away even more jobs just to pay for the reaserch. We should not have driverless cars because they are dangerous, they cost too much, and they will put many poeple out of a job that they actually need.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author give a few reasons why it would be worth to study Venus. The author brings up how we would use this experience in other ways. The author brought up how Venus was once like Earth and how it had inhabinants. The author brings up ways that we could explore venus. The author brings up how it the successful and unsuccessful knowledge would help us in other situations. We could use this experience for mars which would seem a lot easier to tackle if we can successfully land on venus and study that planet. We could use the information on how they built the shuttle for submarines, So we could go deeper and not have to worry about the hull being damaged as easily. The information we get on how to properly land on venus would make all of space travel a little easier. The piece states that Venus could have been just like Earth once. " Long ago, Venus was probaly covered largely with oceans and coudl have supported variuos forms of life, just like Earth." That exclamation shows that it's possible that there can be life out there that not from earth. The are also features that are also on earth, like mountains, crater, and valleys. What we could learn for why that ecosystem failed could help us in the future. The author tells us that people are thinking of ways explore Venus. One idea is that we float in a blimp like craft above the hostile conditions. We still couldn't get the the ground without some challenges but it is a start. The author also brings up how we could bring computers that are made of gears and levers that would work better in harder conditions. Venus is possible to explore we just have to look at it in a certian angle. We have ideas of what to do but we either don't have the means or can't figure out how to do it. We could float above the surface. We could use a more sturdy time of mechanical computer. The information we learn for landing on Venus and from Venus itself could help us in so many ways.
How can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we fell by the emotions,Dr. Paul Eckman, creat a program of FACS(facial action coding system.)Eckman has classified six basic emotion happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, in a real face or in the painted of Mona Lisa the different units of software can even indentify mixed emotions as in da Vinci's masterpiece, each expression is compared against a natural face showing no emotions. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, woh can this computres can do that? Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. In fact, these are the intructions for a face that looks happy. It's all about some differnt masso in your face. They even indicate the differnce between a genuine smile and a forced smile. In the real smile, the zygomatic major muscles that begin at your cheek bones can lift the corners of your mouth. that's instruction #1. Meanwhile muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's feet around your ayes. That's instruction #2. By the way, did making a happy face in this expriment also make you feel slightly happy.
Dear Senator, i am not in favor of keeping the Electoral College. I would much rather have the presidency based on the popular vote. With the Electoral College, voters aren't even voting for the presidential canidate, they are voting for a slate of voters. This slate of voters will then go put the number of electoral votes that the state has in. For example, in Florida, the voting slate is twenty-nine. So which ever canidate wins the popular vote in Florida, receives twenty-nine electoral votes. The popular vote method would take longer, because more votes would have to be counted and added, but I truely beleive it would be more effective. In 2012, Obama received 61.7% of electoral votes but only 51.3% of popular. Either way he would have won, but the popular vote is more of what the actual citezens want. in 2000, Al Gore dominated the individual popular vote, but when the electoral votes were counted, Gore came up short with 266, wheras Bush had 271. So you can see that if the popular vote was what counted (as it should be), Gore would have won the election. During the election campaign, some states may not even see the canidates. For example in the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the canidates. The reason behind this is because of "swing states". Canidates don't want to waste time in states that they have no chance of winning. Instead, they focus only on the tight runs in the "swing states". Voters in twenty-five of the largest media markets didn't see the first campaign ad during the whole election. In conclusion, the Electoral College is over-rated, and somewhat inaccurate. The reason I say that it is somewhat inaccurate, is because the people are voting for the presidential canidate that they want to have in office. Instead, they are actually voting for votes. Sounds a little weird but it is true. In reality, the popular vote makes little difference, and that should change.    
Being a teen, half a year from getting his license, getting a car is the one thing that benefits being sixteen. But is a car really such a good idea. There are many reasons why having a car is a good idea, but is it possible that the cons of having one out weigh the pros? First things first, a car is the most efficient way to get from point A to point B. It travels fast and most cars now a days have saftey features that prevent serious injuries from an accident, unless the car was being missused in such a way that death is a possibility. So why could it be possible that people are rethinking their decision at buying a car? Well the most reasonable answer of course... money. The amount of money spent on a car each year from insurance to physical damage or new parts is outrageous. So much money could be saved from using bike or bus to get where ever need be. Who doesn't like saving money, this year alone there are millins of people unemployed and can't afford a car so why get a job just for one? That is one of the biggest reasons not getting a car could be a possibility. Another reason to not buying a car could be to keep the body and the enviroment healthy. Not using car to go everywhere would definitily leave the possibility of getting more in shape. Using bike, skate board, and even walking/running. Obesity rate in america is at an all time high. Not only because of cars but because of fast food places and other junk foods possible. Keeping the body in shape is a great pro to not having a car. Also keeping the enviroment healthy is a great factor to not having cars. As seen in source two smog is an over developing threat to the enviroment due to the carbon and diesel left by cars. This not only hurts the enviroment that needs to be protected but causes an inconvieneince to the population due to the smell of the gas and hte wat it blocks light. This is something that needs to be stopped. In conclusion, cars not only cause an inconvieneince to the enviroment but can harm the body as well. Also saving money could be a factor in not buying a car due to insurances and mechanics not having to be paid. Think right America, this could be the savior.
Venus often reffered to as the Earth's twin is a close panet like Earth. It has about the same density and and size of Earth too. So Venus should be a worthy pursuit to explore. If anything ever happens to Earth the closest planets to explore and possibly populate are Mars and Venus. But there are some dangers to exploring these planets. For example on Venus a single rover has only lasted a couple of hours on the planet. So we dont know much about the planet. But that does not mean we cant explore and gain new information about the planet that mey help us out in the future. But the reason scientist and astronomers are looking more into the planet is because in paragraph 4. It states that Venus was probally a planet like Earth that had oceans and could have supported life. Another plus to explore Venus is the chance to figure out what happened to the planet. In the articel it says it used to be just like Earth in a way. So our natural assumption is to asume that our planet will end up just like Venus. But if we take some time and continue exploring the planet we might find some new information and could possiblly save all of humanity in the future. In conclusion the option to explore Venus still remains untuched but the positives and possibilities that could come out of this exploration are vast compared to the dangers it represents.
In the world of technology there is a new FACS. This is where computers can identify human emotions. Although this could be in away very use full, people take there emotions serious and isnt something to use as a learning tool. Schools having the ablity to read us is a push to far into more personal area. I do not think that this technology is valuable for school. Yes true that understanding how someone feels can better help you understand the situtation and what to do in such a situtation. "imagine being able to detect exacly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." The best way to understand is privacy. There should be things that we keep to are selves. Money could be a facter in this as well. IN schools all around the country, there are schools with more money then others. This new program take into consideration "a home pc cant handle the complex algorithms used" could the school aford to have the reqierments needed to have this exessable? Faces dont lie. You can tell alot for someones face. Anything that you do could express something about yourself. Having myself known at any given time is unusaul to prosess. One that I couldnt see taking place. How people feel have a big impact on others, people imitate others expressions and emotions. Not everyone feels the same but having your own feelings is improtant and people should have a choice to keep that to themselves.
The use of this technology to read the emtional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable for many reasons. Some might say its envasion of privacy but think about it, it can help the teaccher see if the student is understanding something or not. To see if the student is upset and the teacher could help out the student a little more. The computer constructs a 3-D model of the face which reads all 44 major muscles. " Eckman has classified six basic emtions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness...accociated each with charateristic movements of the facial muscles." The computer can read the facial expressions and sort them into differnt emtions. The computer can also classify an emtion even if the person isn't really showing it. " Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." This shows that even if the person tries to hide their emtion the computer knows the persons emtions. Which could be a good tool for when the teacher doesn't know if the student is feeling well or if the student isn't understanding something. Even us somtimes can't tell what a friend is feeling because we might not be able to sort their facial expressions out. " Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect." Sometimes we don't know if the person is feeling fear or happy because they are somewhat smiling, and the computer can tell because of the persons facial muscles. " Image a computer that knows when you're happy or sad." The comupter can help with how things pop up on the comupter. If an ad pops out and you smile another similar ad might pop up later on. Same thing goes for if you an annoyed face when an ad shows up so that the next time a different type or something different might pop up. The computer can also notice when a smile is real or if its being forced. " In a false smile, the mouth is streached sideway using the zygomatic major and a different muscle." The muscle that is used when the smile is being forced is one of the major muscles which is why it is easy to know if the smile is real or it's forced. "These muscle clues are sometimes used to pot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." Even without the computer people can see when a person is faking a smile. To finish off, yes I do think that having these kind of computers at schools would be helpful. For the fact that it can help teachers change some of their lessons so that some students who are confused can understand that lesson. It can also help the teachers to know if a student is having a good or bad day so that they can help that student out so that the student can learn what they have to that day.
Dear Senator, We the people, of the United States of America..... These are the first words written upon the Declaration of Independence. This is our very earliest document showing our democratic tendencies, and how we act as one. It also shows how we make decisions among ourselves as a people, as opposed to having other make decisions for us. This leads me to what I wish to discuss with you. Others do not vote for us. We vote for ourselves. We decide who leads us, who will help us get to a better place, who will decide what to do about the national debt, who will pass laws concerning immigrants and the minimum wage. We do. Not you, not the House of Represenatives, and most certainly not the Electoral College. Which is why there should be no Electoral College. The Electoral College is a group of people whom elect the president(2). How many for each candiate there are is decided by us, the voters. But heres the thing- most voters think they're voting for the president. They dont even know what they're voting for! And even if some do, its easy to get confused and accidentally vote for the wrong candiate(10). While one vote may not skew the entire election, a couple thousand can. Many who support the Electoral College will say that voting by popular vote is a bad idea becuase of the possibility of a tie(18). But in reality, it is just as easy to tie in the Electoral College. Its happened recently too, in 1888 and again in 2000(18). This isn't the only thing thats broken about the Electoral College. The possibility that a president could win by popular vote, but lose the campaign due to the electoral vote is filthy. It is unfair to the people, and far from democratic. The Electoral College is an anachronism(15). It reminds me of the Roman Republic really, and we are not romans, and this is not a republic. Or, at least, its not supposed to be. Something else that is unfair to the people. Due to the Electoral College canaditates only focus on large states, or swing states(13). Voters in small states, such as Wyoming, will never see the candiates and may see only one or two camaign ads. They can't get to know the candidates and make an informed decision. And even in the regional states, democrats should always be trying to convert republicans to their side and vice versa. But becuase of the large swing states, this rarely happens. The possibilty of corruption among the Electoral College, is also a present danger. I'm sure you remember form history class how party bosses took advantage of naive immigrants. I can imagine republican electors being paid off or threatened so that they vote democrat. Can you really trust the electors? According to a poll in 2000, 60% of people want to activate a popular vote system. Popular soverignty worked well for awhile when it came to the topic of slavery, why won't it work for us now? And why would anyone want such an outdated system like the Electoral College in place? Think upon my words Mr. Senator. The Electoral College needs to end. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
What do you thing about driverless cars? Driverless are can be a good thing for this world becasue it would save more gas, there wont be any more gas to polute the air slowly like cars are doing now. Driverless cars would be better on traffic cause it wont cause any accidents if the car is smart eneough to knoe its surroundings. Driverless cars would be safer to use then regular cars drivin by humans. If we are driving the car is more of a chance of an accident happing then there is if the cars are driving them self and have technology to know there surrounding. The cars knowing there surroundings make it safer beacause the car would know what to do and what not to do while is in motion. Having cars that run on electricity would be better beacause gasses would polute the air and have cars that no longer uses gas is a plus becasue there would be less air polution. The less air polution there is the healthier the earth would be without gasses. Driveless cars would save you a lot more money then having a car that runs on gas. maybe having a drivelesss car would cause less accidents to happen. Or maybe the insurance pricess would lower becasue there would be less accidents happing so they wont have a choice but to lower the price. That is why I believe that having driverless cars would be better in the future. Saving more lives, having less air pulution.And not only that but also people would be out more if its safer to own a car maybe car companies will make more money then what they make now. Less clumbsy driving less peoeple get hurt while driving. so maybe dirverless cars can be a good thing to the future.
New development for cars would be a great idea because the world is constantly changing. People who are developing new things like cars are making the world more advanced. It would be a great to have new technology so people can live easier. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author talks about both the pros and cons of having new devolopment for cars. They discuss types of cars that are newer, and how they could be better for the environment. Later the author talks about sensors. The author tells the readers that "within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers." That proves that even old technology can advance itself within short amounts of time. New developments are amazing things that happen in this world because the smarter, and more advanced the world gets the easier people can live. Scientists should go beyond car and phone advancements, and move on to bigger subjects like finding more cures for diseases. Overall, new deveopments are a great idea, and should keep being pursued.
You should be a seagoing cowboy because it is an adventure because you, get to go to diffrent places.Another reason why you should be a seagoing cowboy is because you get to see diffrent people and diffrent countries.In the text it states that being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger.The text also states that the cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling,and games also helped pass the time.That is why you should become a seagoing cowboy that rides the waves. The other reasons why you should be a seagoing cowboy is because you get to see new oceans.You also get to se other islands that you never seen before.Being a seagoing cowboy helps you get more aware of how other people need help to. The text states it made me more aware of people of other countries and his family to host a numbeer of international students and ,exchange visitors for many years. When you are a seagoing cowboy you get sail on a boat alote.The other reason why you should become a seagoing cowboy is because when you are a seagoing cowboy,you can make people lives better by helping them.Getting to be a seagoing cowboy helps you change it makes, you want to do better things for other people.The text states he knew it was an opportunity of a life time.
In the story making mona lisa smile the author talked about some very intersting new technolgy for computers. the new technolgy can tell if someone is happy or sad. the new technolgy would be very valuable for school class rooms in this day and age. there are alout of ways that the new technolgy could help both studnts and teachers. the main things that are inportant are in paragrapgh six and also paragraph nine. The resone paragraph six is very helpful it talkes about how the new computer technolgy can tell if a student is becoming confused or bored or also if the student needs help. the way it can help students is by making the lession less or also giving more exampls to help the students understand. also as a student this would help alout since some students are kinda shy when it comes to school. there are not alout of students that like to ask for help. the resone some students dont like to ask for help is becuse they may not know what or how to ask the qustion or if they need help. this is where the new technolygy can come into play. this can get the student help or also make the lesson shorter. The resone paragraph nine is so important is that is talkes about the diffrent emotion adds can make us as humans fill. it also talks about the difrrent adss that can be shown. lets say if it sees that your sad it will show you a funny add to make you happy. that is one resone that it can tell if your happy or sad. this would also make alout of people have a good day if they didnt have the best day to start out with. that is how the new technolgy can help and also make people have a better day. This new technolgy should be on all school computers. the resone why it should be on all school computers is that this could make the students in the schools better at learning and also happy. that is why this is a possitive and also very helpful system to have on computers. this would help the shy satudents that dont like to show emotions or also that dont like to ask qustions. so lets put this new computer technolgy to work and lets put it on every school computer.
There are many people that love driving for the fun of it or for family bonding or even friendly bonding. There are companies that want to start making driverless cars so that we don't have to drive and I don't think that should happen because obesity and laziness is a huge problem in america already, these cars I believe are unsafe, and I don't think the laws will even allow this. Driverless cars should'nt be made and in these paragraphs I will tell you why. The first reason I have is that obesity and laziness is already a huge problem in America. I have read many articles and heard many stories on the news about America being obese. If these cars are made this will only add to the problem and I say that because if people don't have to drive anymore then most will go home and sit on the couch to watch some tv. And when doing that they usually have a bite to eat while doing it. When driving you have to walk out to the car, move your foot when your driving, move your hands to steer, and also get out the car and walk to where your going. These are all ways of getting some type of excercise. The world needs it's excercise. The second reason I have is that it appears to be unsafe. In the article it states that, " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--- the driver or the manufaturer?". This is why I think it is unsafe if the car as some type of disfunction or mishap while on the road with other human controlled cars it could hurt someone really bad or maybe even kill a person. If that happens the world would be very angry at the particular company who is making these cars. So why even put yourself in that prediciment? If the company can't assure that this driverless vehicle won't hurt anyone then they shouldn't be on the road at all. The third and last reason I have is that I doubt the laws will even allow this to happen. In the passage it states that, " Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers". This shows that it would be very difficult to even make these cars without being illegal because it goes against all the laws of driver safety. I think the laws should stay the same and not allow these cars to be on the streets because they can be very dangerous if misatkes were made. You need alert drivers on the road so less crashes happen. In Conclusion, I believe that driverless cars shouldnt be on the road because obesity and laziness is already a big problem in America, driverless cars are unsafe, and the laws will not let these cars get on the road anyway because they don't reflect the laws already made. That is why I think driverless cars should not be made or on the road.
I think people should stop relying on their cars so much for three reasons. I hope this can change peoples minds about using the vehicles for everything. Even going to the corner of their block just for a bite they use their cars. The opening reason why I think people should really limit their car usages is that it causes less pollution in the atmosphere. If drives don't give a limit to their uses of their cars we might end up having global warming. That's not gonna be great. For example before when cars were rarely seen we had no global warming problem, but now that cars are seen all over the places, global warming is near of arrival. The following reason why I think people should put a limit to their car usage is that it would benefit everyone because there will be less traffic. Having no traffic at all is a common dream for many drivers that drive to work using the expressway every morning. Unfortunely people have to be stuck in traffic everyday because they don't want to let go of their cars. They should experiment other ways to get to work or to even the corner of their block. They should try bike riding to their destations. That's double the benefit. They get to excercise their bodies and not damage the environment with deadly gases that can cause global warming. In the second source by Robert Duffer he states that "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France". My next reason why I think drivers should limit their car usues is because they are basically killing themselves with fatal accidents almost everyday. There's a lot of causes for fatal accidents, one of them is texting and driving. That's the main cause of fatal car accidents. Drunk driving is at close second. None the less, if people would just pay attention while they are driving there would be less car accidents, or even better they stop using their cars as often to avoid car accidents. Even when knowone is distracted while driving there are still a few car accidents. Most of the time that's just a regular accident with knowone losing their lives, but it happens many tims because the streets are so compacted with drivers eager to move. That's why I think people should stop relying on their cars so heavily. To decrease the death rate to a  normal level. In conclusion, all these three reasons why I think people should limit the usage of their vehicles are the reasons why the world isn't at it's normal levels of natural events in traffic. If citizens would rely less on their vehicles, we would see a change in the air we breathe and less chances of having global warming, less traffic in city streets, and less fatal car accidents with less people being killed.        
The unmasked face? Some say it's aliens, but i have proof that it is just a natural platform. Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times better than the original vikings photo. The picture revealed that it was just a natural platform. Thousands of web surfers were waiting to see the image. They waited just to see there was no alien monument after all. Which made a lot of people unsatisfied. Few scientist believed the face was an alien artifact. Which made photographing a priority for MGS. And thats what they did. It was winter in April '98, so it was a cloudy time of year on Cyndonia. The cameras on board MGS had move through clouds to see the face. So they thought maybe alien marking were hidden in the haze. April 8, 2001, a CLOUDLESS summer day in Cyndonia. MGS drew close enough for a second look. Malin's team captured an "extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. The picture actually shows that the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. Which is a common landform around the American West. This "face" had became a pop icon. It starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books, magazines, radio talks. It even haunted grocery store checkouts for 25 year! Some people think the face is a bona fide evidence of life on mars. Evidence that NASA would rather hide. Defender of the NASA wish there was an ancient civilzation on Mars. The unmasked face? Or should i say the butte or the messa?
Today I'm writing about The Challenge of Exploring Venus. Venus is sometimes called the "Evening Star". Its one of the brightest points of light in the sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. In our solar system, Venus is the second planet from the sun. While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. First, there's a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On the planets surface temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrenheit, and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we expreinced on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liqefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather presnt additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. However, peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atomosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to out knowledge of Venus. Last, NASA is working on other approches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important rolein the 1940s during World War 2. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Finally, I'm talking about all the things i talked about in my paragraphs. I talked about Venus and it's nickname, the amosphere percent, orbiting and hovering and then the NASA.
Luke had no idea that his life was about to change. He has two part time jobs at a bank and a grocery store. His friend Don had asked him if he wanted to go on a cattle boat to Europe because after World War II it left most cities in ruins. Luke had no choice but to say yes. So in August of 1945 Luke and Don went to New Orleans to take apart in helping families. After getting their papers from the seaman they went and borded the SS Charles W. Wooster, they headed for Greece with a cargo of 355 plus horses and enough hay and oats to feed them. Luke ended up turning 18 before arriving at Greece. Luke realized that he could be drafted for military service but everyone just told him to what he's doing now as his military service. On his second trip he served as night watchman after doing his hourly report to the captian it was a rainy night and the ladders were slick and Luke slipped down the ladder on his backside and almost feel feet first out of the ship into the dark Dark Atlantic Ocean. But a small piece of metal caught and saved him. He was happy to be alive. But he couldn't do anything for a couple days because of some cracked ribs. Luke said it's more fun on the way back because when they drop off the animals the stalls are empty and they can play games like baseball, table tennis, and volleyball. They all say it's one thing that cuts time off the journey. Luke also made nine trips the most anyone has ever made. THat is why Luke likes being a Seagoing Cowboy.
Dear state senator, Im in favor of keeping the electoral college. This process might take a while but not as much as election by popular votes for the president of the united states. The election by popular vote is saying that the electoral college is unfair, outdated and irrational. Well I think its not, it's widely regarded as a thing that seems to belong to the past but also not to fit in the president. The electors are the ones who elect for the president not the people. When we vote for a presidential candidate we're basically voting for a slate of electors. The residents of the other regions are most likely feel that their votes don't count and that the new president will have no intersts, also that he really isn't  their president. Keeping the electoral college is the best idea. Some people might not like it but some would. Others might not like the idea of voting by popular votes for who can be president. Also under the amendment of the constituation, the district of Columbia is allocated three elctors and treated like a state of purposes of the electral college. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. Unlike the others. They just vote by how big the state is and by how many repesenitives there are. The electors are picked by depending on the states which makes it fair enough. Back then the louisiana legislature barley succeeded in getting rid of and getting new democratic electors. If the election was a tie it would be handed over to the house of representatives, where state delegations vote on the president beacuse each state casts olny one vote. The winner of the take all method of awarding electral votes as a couples years ago. Election focuses their campagin efforts on toss up states. the voters in the toss up states are more likey to pay attention to the campaign, knowing their going to decide the elections. but the most thoughtful voters should be the ones the decides the elections not the electors.
I dont think that the electoral college should decide the president of the united states, i think that the overall vote of the americans should determine the president of the unites states. I have certain reasons, and a good explanation of why the popular vote matters way more than the electoral vote first is why would they even have a popular vote if there not gonna go by it? Also the popular vote has mostly everyone in the united states voting on it, the electoral vote has only a couple people, they are way outnumbered. And lastly its not fair at all to the american people. Firstly, why would you want the whole united states of america to vote on something if what they vote, and what they say isnt being heard. Whats the point of it? in my opinion what the people say how the president should be determined. If they want it any other way why would they not have changed it by now? no one really likes having to take time out of there day to go vote, if there votes arnt even going to be seen, or heard by people? whats the point of making them do that? Secondly, the united states has billions of people in it, and the electoral college only has a few people in it. You think thats very fair to anybody ??? everyone votes, results are in, you think you have a winner, then all of a sudden theres no winner, you know why? because of the electoral college!!! these extra people make the final decision and thats not right. If thats the case of it to me it seems like they have the answers, and no one can decide but them, so why even have a vote? its really pointless the author states that most states like the idea that the overall vote wins, theres only a couple that dont like this idea. So by rule they should just make it the popular vote wins the election, and thats who tthe president becomes. Why they havnt done it? I have no idea! And my final reason of why popular votes should just determine who wins is because they go out and vote and they feel like it doesnt matter. Because the electoral college decides then the united states gets really mad when they vote and the popular vote doesnt win! Of course they get mad, who wouldnt? there votes mean nothing at all. And they need to change this electoral college policy, more people want it gone thaen the people that dont. And thats mostly why america is usually never satisfied with the president of the unites states. Because of the fact that the united states didnt put them and the votes first, they put the electoral college ahead and thats not how it needs to be!!! They should make a vote for the united states saying that who wants to keep the electoral college and who doesnt! i bet that they will say that they want it gone. Because its already been voted out before so why will they keep something that no one is satisfied, or pleased with? Hopefully they will see this soon enough!!! In conclusion, this electoral college stuff just needs to go, and the people need to be happy with there vote that they want, and they should be! they have been living in the state there whole life, if not most of it. And they want to make sure that someone they like, and know and trust will be there leader and wont let them down, and will change the problems that are in america. So go ahead and keep the electoral college even if barely any one likes it. Cause that doesnt make any sesnse!!!! the people need to vote on there counties leader not a few people for each state, and or place. its not right, and no one really likes it. So this should be a change in America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Can a computer recognize the subtke facial movements we humans use to express how we feel? This text is explaining how technology is identifying humans facial expressions and if it is valuable or not. The use of technology to read emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuble because in the text it states, "Infact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect. Dr. Huang new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps his emotion algorithms are a different sort of "Da Vinci Code"! The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you are happy or sad. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Based on all of this information, this is basicaly telling me all the benefits this new software computer can do. In my own personal opinion, I think it would be a great idea to have software like these to have at school. Ideas like this one could actually end up helping a very long way. In conclusion, a software identifying human emotions is a great idea to bring into this world. Throughout all of the sadness, the happieness, and all of the aggressiveness, it could help people a long way.
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system so what made it able to sustain life in the past or even have the qualities that it did? Many scientist ask themselves this question but realize it is too dangerous to find the answer. This author believes that if technology keeps advancing like it is and the innovations keep coming, that one day we will be able to find ways to explore Venus. The author in this article states all the reasons on why we should explore Venus. The author states that, "Venus is earths sister," he says this because of how closely in shape they are to each other and how close they can become during orbit. Venus has many earth-like qualities that makes us think that it wasn't always as dangerous as it is today. Scientist believe that Venus used to be able to sustain life just like earth and the author gives a great job at telling everyone about it. With new technologies and innovations scientist will one day be able to see Venus up close. Even though the planets temperature is over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit, scientist believe that we should still explore it because of testing that we can not do from a distance. They believe once we find more out about one planet the more history we will learn from it. We all hope that one day we can finally find the answers so many people are looking for about Venus. Future innovations will help us in testing when we find a way to figure out all the mysterys of Venus. According to the article, it is extremely dangerous to be close to venus because the atmospheric pressure is 90 times stronger than what we are used to but we still need to find a way down there. No challenges we can not face when it comes to the future because of the advances everyone makes in technology.
Throughout reading this article I thought it provided very good and extensive research. Although I did see some major issues with the leading point of the passage. This author provided very good research but the research and evidence throughout the entire article controdicted their main message. To make this article better, more evidence on why studying venus is benefical should be provided to support their claim. In this article the evidence they use for example: "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals" and also "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" supports the controdicting claim that going to Venus is too dangerous with too many complications. Throughout the whole passage the author states many reasons on why it's too dangerous to go to Venus and all the complications that would happen if going there. They also show all the major problems with NASA's idea of a solution, but never came up with their own possible idea of a solution. This leads you to believe that the author is against going to Venus. I dont disagree that going to Venus will gain us insight on the planet, spark imagination, and create innovation but the author's claim needs to be more supported and obvious throught the passage. Some good things about this passage is that they do provide great evidence and research. They provide input from NASA and NASA's insight on the whole thing and a possible solution. They also provide facts about the atmosphere and about the conditions of the planet. Them providing all this evidence helps the reader themselves have almost enough information to come up with their own opinion on the topic. Although I still stand by this article needing much more information on why and how we could go to Venus safe and affectively. Overall this article's information and research was great and really did inform me about the planet, but the conclusion ruiened it all. The whole time (paragraphs 1-7) the author lead all the readers to believe that going to Venus has too many dangers and isnt in our best interest, yet the conclusion stated that going to Venus would be a great oppurtunity and that "Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". If the passage had evidence all throught that going to Venus is beneficial, it would be a perfect article but i was all around confused when I found out the author was all for going to Venus and it ruiened and confused the whole article.
Dear,State Senator I think it should stay as a electoral college. It would be more reasonable if people in the electoral college voted for the people. Most people who vote don't even know what the person is planning to do with the u. s. Therefore it would make much more sense if people who know what they're doing and have knowledge about the person running for president or vice president to vote. Most people vote for the presidents off of looks or to follow what other people are voting for without even knowing what the person is going to do with the future of this country. I'm hoping this country doesn't change from electoral college to an popular voting system. It would be way easier for the people,and it'll be better for the country cause then we wouldnt have people voting for someone who wants to possibly destroy the u. s. Certainly i wouldnt want someone to destroy this country but i wouldn't know if they're trying to. People in the electoral college possibly have that information of a good possible president or a bad one. Lots of people in the u. s are too lazy to look up,or figure out if the new president is a good or bad person. It's better for you to vote for the prsident because you have experience and know way more about thwe government and the future president then i do. You've gone to school for it and have the ability to find out the person who is running for president is a phony or not. I know that you are capable of not letting the country down by voting for the wrong person. If the United States voted for the president by a popular vote. Then how would they know if the person they're voting for isn't gonna mess up the country. So then mostly everybody that is voting has to look up the backround and see if the running president can promise what he says. Most people wouldnt cause they're busy or are to lazy thats why we have senators and people to do that for the people. In conclusion it should stay as an electoral college and not become a popular vote. sincerely, Phonsit Sisavat
Whats the Facial Coding System you asked ? What does it do ? how does it help ? there are many questions for this new software that was invented by Dr. huang. The FACS is a software that dectect the feelings that a person have at that moment from their muscles. Many people have more questions to ask about the FACS that will be answered later in the story. "Shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". How did they find that out it starts off when the comuter creates a 3D model of the face and its speaks about what is going on throught that persons head. The software can identify mixed emotions cause each expression is compared against a nuetral face which is showing no emotion. Do you think that the FACS could be used in a classroom ? is it a good idea? I honeslty feel like it would be a waste of time because i dont see how determining feelings have anything to really do with school. I feel like its losing money when there are things that the kids could use on the laptop and computers that will further their education in being better in a subject. We are all humans all of us make the same facial expressions not much of our expressions change from one another. By us just looking at a close friend we know when theres a problem when they happy, mad and sad so why would we need a system for it to tell us that. " most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" says Dr. Hang so if we could have emotional communication can the comuters have the same thing. Communication is always key but having to use a system to detect a persons feelings when they could just tell us. The FACS in school I just dont see where does it fit in with education. If FACS was to be in schools what would it be teaching children? will they find it interesting. the things that are taught in school are taght for a reason and a software that just shows emotions I dont see anything that the kids will be learning from that. I feel like if FACS on a school computer or laptop on a software it should be more of a activity than something they are just learning. I think the kids would enjoy for it to be a activity for high school it would be a big difference because people have careers and finding out emotions and what people are thinking would be a great idea to use FACS as a software. "humans perform the same impressive calculation everyday" although we do have the same expressions when we do things but a person dont even know when their showing an emotion when doing it. only your close ones would really know how you would feel about something but moral of the story i feel FACS would be great for high school for those who would like to have a career that involves more with knowing a persons feelings. But other than that I do not think it would be very valuable.
Yes i think that the technolody to read the emotinal expressions of students in a classroom is valuble. One reason why i feel like this is a good diea is because it lets you help the student out if they are deprssed or something. Because not alot of students may not say anything because they dont want their business out there in public. And iIf you use this technology then youll be able to come talk to that student 1on1 as a techer face to face to solve the problems they they are delaing with. Its basically a 3-D computer model that scans your whole face. And all 44 major muscles in the model must must move the exact same just like human muscles should. It has 6 basic emotions which are happines,surprise,anger,disgust,fear, and sadness. So its like a software and you scan your face and it shows your emotions and you are basically having the human traits when it comes down to emotions. Us humans preform the same task when it comes to trying to paint sculptures of peope and paintings. For example Mona LIsa she was a human that alot of people know about because of the well known Painter Da Vinci ended up making a famous painting of her. Her painting made alot of people smile when they seen her cause it showed different types of emotions when looking at her. But now people are starting to benfit the future as technology is only going to improve as we live life. For example say that you smile when a web ad appears on your screen because it may be something that you are interrested in. But alos say that what if a different type of ad shows up and then you have a sad or different type of expressin or emotion. Then the screen will go to a different ad because it bascially scaneed your face. And it seen how you reacted so it made up some changes. But if i was to judge i think this is a good use of technology. aAd i feel like we could use this not only in a psoitve way. But to help benefit the next geneartion of people in the future.
I am Luke, I served as a Seagoing Cowboy. I think you should join this program because there are a lot of perks to it. My favorite part of being a Seagoing Cowboy would probably be helping people. I went out and looked for people in distress. I tried to help them as best as possible. I adored helping people even before I joined this group so I loved this part. When I wasn't helping people I would treat my self to some site seeing. I loved seeing the Acropolis in Greece. That was my favorite! I also saw Europe, China, I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, I saw an excavated castle in Crete, and the Panama Canal. I also had a few scary times like one time I was just about to fall overboard on my night-watch, but this little piece of metal stopped me. When I was on my way home and we had already loaded off all of the animals, I would play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. I also read! I kept going on these amazing trips and now I feel as if I have been everywhere! I'm sure that if you take this offer and join the Seagoing Cowboys then you will have plenty of stories to tell children and relatives. Remember that all of this was a huge oppertunity for a small town boy like me. I was just a boy dreaming of changing the world and now I have lived that dream. Now it is time for me to help you live your dream!
Electoral college unfair, outdated, and irrational. There are quirks and many disputes on outcome of votes, it is perfered by 60 percent of voters that there should be a direct election but the the big thing is that it needs to be placed there. Its stated that their are many reasons to retain the Electoral College despite those reasons, Electoral College is there for ceranity of outcome. some say that the electoral college votes are not counted and that there is no need for it, but direct vote can lead to a president who has no real will to the state. The electoral college consists of 538 electors with only 270 votes requiered to elect there is no need to worry about a tie. With the Electorial College still up and running there are no reasons for voting to fall apart each state is entitled allotment of electors this equals to the members in the Congressional delegation there is one each for the House of Representatives plus two for your senator. For example the Electoral College is there to make sure that there is always a vote due to the fact that only one half of the eligible voters in florida actually votede in 2012. The people placed in the Electoral college are people who want to express a politaical preference so that there isnt a probblem of a single vote deciding the electon and no ties for another realecting,so its better off. Another great example is the Electoral College is the best way to go is that Each canidate in your state has its own group of electors and each state has a law that varys on how electors are selected with there own responsability leaving it fully cappable of its duties to properly elect a president by populer vote with the use of fully qualified citizens. So Electoral college irrational or rational qualified and equiped keeping the despised method un voted.  
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be part in the Seagoing Cowboys program? Well here are some things to show you how fun it would be to be part of it! These are the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, You would be able to travel around the world all the time and explore the places you would want to go to. If you like taking care of animals then that would be the perfect place for you to join because you get to feed and care for animals all the time and clean up after them, you also get to look out for the animals at night to make sure they're okay. Another reason you should join is because you get to help people in need from war without doing so many things. You can experience the problems in the world and help solve them. But overall, at the end you can have all sorts of fun with the other workers and animals because you can play many games in the places where they kept the animals and play games like baseball, boxing, reading etc. These where the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program!
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens, it is only a natural landform on Mars. It is a natural landform on Mars similar to a mesa or butte. The landform only resembles a face and was not made by aliens. Scientists have examined pictures of it and concluded it has no alien decent. The Face is a landform and was not made by aliens. The first reason the Face is a landform is that the Face is similar to an Earthern landform like a mesa or butte. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. NASA beleives this is a rock formation and not anything else. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The Mars Face is similar to Earthern landforms, thats why it can't be an alien produced object. In 1976 the camera photos weren't as good as they are now. The photo in 1976 isn't as reliable as the 2001 photo taken. In paragraph 7 it said, "revealing a... natural landform." There was no alien monument after all." This shows that this newer photo from 1998 shows more evidence than the 1976 photo. More data can be gathered from newer photos to show that the Face is a landform. If the Face was an alien monument, then NASA would tell people of the information to get an exploration going. They would have sent out another mission to investigate the Face. It said, "We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." This shows that NASA was as anxious as the people to try and discover new foreign life. This is why NASA would have investigated if the Face on Mars was an alien monument But it is a landform. Some people might say that NASA is still lying about the Martian Face being alien related. Conspiracy theorists would say things like the Face is pure evidence of alien life. In paragraph 5 it said, "the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars." The conspiracy theorists who say this are wrong because NASA has proven that it is a landform. This is why those conspiracy theorists are wrong. The Face on Mars is a landform. It is not alien related in any way. The scientists at NASA have proven it. NASA would not lie, they need money to fund anything so they would have to tell people. This is why The Mars Face is not alien related and is a landform.
I think that having electorals college is a great idea for our counries because they also help the voters with thier votes also because all the other people have candidate which makess it easy for electors who democrafts in texas because they know this will not have any effect in them otherwise they wouldnt vote but the electors need good reasons why the voters should vote for them so you would need to have specific facts and good source and why would you make a great president or why you think your better than the other elector all this questions and more you have to persuade them in any possible way but with truth no lies like if you promise the world for better oppportunities you have to prove to them youre actually willing to do this and be part of thier lives by changing the way they live not only that but you have to accomplish your goals . At the end whoever has more votes is the winner the people who voted for you are especting the best out of you bascally thier putting all thier trust in you, someone they have no clue who you are and why are the exact reason your thier or what your goals are,
Presidential elections provides the United States of America with an opprotunity of unification. The process of choosing the next leader of the United States always brings the people of the country together knowing that all of them play a role in the election. This is present in the popular vote, a vote consisting of the general population. However, the popular vote is not always accurate, as anyone of any background can vote as long as they hold proper citzenship. The electoral college on the other hand, is a process that serves as a compromise between Congress and the rest of America. The fact of the matter is, the electoral college is beneficial to the presidential election because it unifies Congress and the people of America, and is part of the country's roots. To begin with, the electoral college, more than anything, unifies the people. The electors were once, as everyone in the nation is, an average citizen. According to Bradford Plumer the electors chosen, "...depend on the state. Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves." On top of that Bradford indentifies the electors as, "...anyone not holding a public office.". Bradford Plumer illustrates better than anyone that the electors chosen are average citizens who think the same as the rest of the general population while still keeping in mind that Congress must also be represented. Knowing this, the working-class people of America, and Congress can rest easy knowing that the electoral college process will make the decision that is best for the nation as a whole. This decision making, whether directly or indirectly, unifies the country. In 2012 more than three-fourths of the nation tuned in to watch the presidential election; in the end being one of the most watched televised elections in the country's history. This number includes Congressmen. This shows that the decision making process of the electoral college brings all the people of the nation together to decide on the choosing of the coutries next leader. The general population, though average citizens, are somtimes not as qualified as Congress to make unbiased, beneficial decisions on behalf of the rest of the country. However, knowing that the next President could be a part of Congress, sometimes sways the decision in favor of a particular candidate. In this paradox of the qualification of Congress and the average citizen, the electoral college is used to fill the void. The electoral college has been used since the founding of the country. The founding fathers of America (George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, etc.)must have developed the electoral college process for some reason. According to the Office of the Federal Register, "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." More than anything the electoral college is a mutual and nuetral process that represents something inbetween the biased politics of Congress and the average citizen. The average working class person is the greatest example of American integrity. This person shows that in this great nation, if you set a goal and are willing to work to acheive that goal, it can be acheived. Why strip this moral that has represented the United States of America since its first years? While there have been a few flaws in the electoral college throughout history, this decision making process still unifies the people of America and is still, most importantly, part of its roots. More than anything, the electoral college process represents the two sides of the country: Congress and the average working class citizen. So, rest easy knowing that the next election, there is a process between Congress and average working citizens that works to make the decision that is best for the people of this great nation, the United States of America.  
In "Making Mona Lisa smile" the author describes a new technology that is called Facial Action Coding System. The Facial Action Coding System is a system that can cacualte your emotions. The technology should be valuable in a students classroom for a couple reasons. One reason is because if a lesson is to boring then it could chnage it up to where you are having fun but still learning. Another reason to why the Facial Action Coding System should be valuable is because sometimes we have to pretend like we are fine when we aren't. The Facial Action Coding System is a system that can caulate your emotions. Wouldn't it be couls if you could caculate your emotions like a math test? I think it would. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it tells us how you feel according to the face expression you do. For example, in the article its says when you raise your eyebrows it means you are surprised. The article also says when you force a smile or if you actually mean it. When you fake smile your mouth is stretched sideways. When you actually want to smile the zygomatic major lift the corners of your mouth. The Facial Action Coding System should be valuable in a students classroom because if you are trying to pay attention but it's to boring the computer will detect that and it could change it to where you are having fun but still learning. Another reason to why it could be helpful is because if you are becoming confused about the lesson or have a question about it the computer will also detect that and it could offer you extra help. Wouldn't it be nice to get extra help when you need it? I sure would like it. Having the Facial Action Coding System could help when letting your feelings out. There are some people that have to pretend like everything is fine and pretend they are happy when they aren't. Like it was said in the article people often can tell how you feel with the face expression you have but they don't kmow if you are faking it. People see you look happy so they never ask "how are you doing?" "Can I help you with anything?" so you have no one to talk to but with the new system it would be different. There are other reasons to why the Facial Action Coding System should be valuable I just said a coulpe. I think the new system would really help out alot of people and not only in school but also outside of school also.
The author believes that Venus should be able to be explored. Venus should should be explored even though there are many dangerous weather conditions and things that could interfere with a mission. The author believes this because nothing should be able to stop humans from expanding their knowledge. In the article the author describes Venus in several ways which are the similarity to Earth's size,weather type, distance, and how dangerous it is. Here is an example from paragraph 2 of how its similar to Earth and its' size. "Often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." What he is saying in this sentence is that Venus isn't very different from Earth and that they are close to each other in distance and sometimes farther apart than they normally are. Another example in paragraph 2 is how dangerous it is. Even though the author does not state the word dangerous he describes how dangerous it is by stating, "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." In this sentence he is describing that Venus is way too dangerous for a human to step foot on because not even a spaceship can surive for more than a day. An example he gives of a challenge in Venus is the weather or climate. Here is an example from the article, paragraph 5, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Farenheit, but thr air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." Here the author decribes venus as being very hot without a human touching the ground yet. All of this adds up to humans having a challenges on Venus. Humans are very strong and will find a way to survive on Venus because they have already tested some simple electronics made up of silicon and the outcome was that the electronic survived for a couple of weeks. This wouldnt be easy for a human but it would be normal difficulty.
Driverless cars are a new develpment for the future. Driving these cars is known to be a better, and safer way to drive while on the road. Many car manufatures have started to develop cars with many tools that could help drivers who own driverless cars. It is a benefit for new drivers and experienced drivers on the road. As new drivers learn the rules to the road, they sometimes get intimidated and scared of the multiple events around them. For example, there may be loud honking from cars and trucks, accidents getting cleaned up, or construction workers at work. Driverless cars can help solve this problem as more people engage in them. Although it wouldn't be required to drive in a driverless car, people are still to be cautious and alert while in the car so they could take over when things start to get challenging and out of the car's ability. Having a driverless car is safer than having a manual-driven car. Driverless cars can cause less accidents for many drivers. For example, in the 21st century, a majority of people are on their cell phones because of work or talking to a family member or friend. Sometimes they feel that they have a very important email or text message to send and the message can't wait. They pick up their phone and shoot them a quick message and by the time they look back at the road, they are too late. They had already ran into another car. Most deaths on the road are caused by texting and driving. Driverless cars are said to be safer because they have certain gadgets that help the driver know when to take over and when there is danger ahead. For example, driverless car manufatures developed dirver's seats that vibate when the vehicle is too close to an object while backing up. Having that source of warning can help the person in the driver seat know when to take over. Another example is the in'car entertainment and information system. This replaces the need to text and drive, which is something not available to people who own manually-driven cars. This develpment is safer than the cars we use today. As this new develpment is processed, there are many ways that driverless cars could help people who are in a hurry to go places and have many things to do. For example, if someone is in a rush to get to work and their tie is not tied or their make up is not done, they could just start the car and not worring about driving and waiting until they get to a stop light to finish getting ready. With all the gadgets that the driverless car has, it benefits the many people who are used to running late. Driverless cars benefit people of all ages, who can drive. New drivers will have more confidence as they go on the road for the first time and experienced drivers could finaly relax in a way that they haven't before in a car that requires manual driving. Driverless cars are in ways safer that many manual cars that are sold today. Although there are many steps to make this new develpment officialy real, and with the help of new technology, it can happen real soon.
It's very fun and educational to travel. Luke was a solider in World War 1 and he was stationed in Europe,during this time war was going on and this wasn't the best time to visit there. But it's a more safe invorment and is known for it's history including the "World War 1". When you've had a lot going on at work, just want to do something nice for the kids,or even just tired of the weather a vaction is perfect for many reasons such as the ones I've mentioned. It's also very easy to become stressed and overwheled by work and school;its just best to take a break for it all. You can just go to a beach on an tropical Island or a jungle then come back to a fresh start ready to go,before you know you'll already be planing your next trip back or somewhere esle. You'll also get to meet new people around the world maybe you'll decide to move there. These are simple reasons why its great to travel hopfully you'll concider it.
The author support this idea very well because the author talks about how close the Earth and Venus actually is. The author talks about how Venus mislead people to thinking it as a star and the author also talks about the temperature. In paragraph 1, 2 and 3 it says, "Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer spot. However, this nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. Often referred to as Eath's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." These are the brief information on Venus that the author gave which is helpful. The author talks about how venus can have a huge impact on techonology. In paragraph 5 and 7 it says, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical arts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." This would make people want to learn/study more about Venus because it is talking about how it could have an impact on scientists and technology. The author also talks about how dangerous it would be to go to Venus, but although it is dangerous, the author gave an argument by explaining the bright side of studying Venus. In paragraph 8 it says, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This paragraph talks about the bright side of studying more about Venus and how Earth and beyond shoud not be stop by dangers and doubts but should be expanded instead. This shows how well the author supports this idea.
Emotions are being expressed on the daily basis varying from happiness, saddness, and everything in between them. Nontheless, emotions can be hard to identify since most of them can be nonverbal rather than them being straight forward. Especially when using technology in the classroom, it can be hard for students to explain what the issue is with them trying to get an assignment done. This leads to the point that using the Facial Action Coding System can be beneficial in the classroom by modifying the lesson or program to the each students specific needs. Now a days more and more classrooms are going one to one meaning using more online tools with technology than textbooks allowing students to get assignments done even when the teacher is not there. Although, this can be tough without having a teacher near by to help the student understand the lesson better; or, the student can be scared to ask the teacher a question making it difficult for the teacher to know, therefore leading to the use of the Facial Action Coding System. As Dr. Huang said in the article, "'Most human communication is nonverbal... computers need to understand that, too". With most human communications being nonverbal there leads to the trouble of how a teacher can figure out if the student is having trouble with the assignment, but by having the FACS there would be no problem. The FACS will figure out that the student is looking confused and modify the assignment to be better understanding or show some examples on how to complete it. Correspondingly, another student might be feeling bored because the assignment is too easy for them and so then the FACS can change it to be more challenging for the individual. By being able to modify the assignments this will allow students to understand the lesson plan better causing test score to improve. By changing the program or assignment to a students needs when a teacher is not around can be beneficial to a classroom by using the Facial Action Coding System. Stated in the article, Making Mona Lisa Smile, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions". With this said sometimes humans can not differ the different emotions they use on a daily basis, in which this system will help many students in the classroom. Solving this problem will lead to students getting a better understanding of the lesson in which will lead to test scores being increased, all by the help of the Facial Action Coding System.
Dear Mr. Florida State Senator, My name is PROPER_NAME from SCHOOL_NAME in LOCATION_NAME, and I am writing to you addressing a matter that I have witnessed being discussed, come every four years presidential election time: the Electoral College. I am in favor of abolishing the Electoral College and changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. The method of electing our president should be changed to election by popular vote because the Electoral College is unfair, problematic, and does not represent the will of our citizens accurately. First of all, the Electoral College is unfair. Because many states are "set" Republican or Democrat, it seems like only the votes in "swing states" seem to matter. According to The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong ,"During the 2000 campaign, seveteen states didn't see the candidates at all...and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad."So, it seems that, in this system of election, only the swing states matter in voting. Though the focused campaigning is necessary in the process of the Electoral College, it would not be necessary if the voting system was by popular vote. This is unfair because it puts potential voters in the dark about what's going on. Also, Democrats in "Republican" states or vice versa cannot hope for them to help their preferred presidential candidate, as mentioned in In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President . Secondly, the Electoral College is problematic. There is much uncertainty with the Electoral College. As What Is the Electoral College states, we vote for electors to vote for the President and Vice President. According to The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , "[The electors]can be anyone not holding public office...sometimes the presidential candidates themselves." The electors may not vote for who the people wanted. An example of this would be in the presidential election of 1960. Also according to The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , "...segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors."(paragraph 11) If they had succeded, it would have meant a longer period of intense segregation and racism, which we are still fighting to this day. Another reason that the Electoral College is problematic is in a case of a tie in the electoral vote. Then, more steps are required to figure out who's president. Lastly, the Electoral College does not represent the citizens of the United States accurately. Many reasons support this claim. I think political parties are similar to "cliques" in school. People in cliques act in a certain way, dress in a certain way, only think that how they do things is right, etc. Political parties are similar. If you pick a political party to identify as, you're either "pro-life" or "pro-choice". You're either for something or against something. There's not really an in-between. In In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , author Richard A. Posner says that "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election..."(paragraph 23). Presidential candidates that don't identify with a certain party don't have much of a chance to win at all, even if they might turn out to be what's best for our country. I don't think there should be a vote for "political preference", but that's another arguement. Voters should vote for who they want to represent their country with flexible decisions, not a set cookie-cutter description, like a clique in school. In conclusion, I believe we should abolish the Electoral College and put in place a new system of voting. The process of voting should be changed to the poplular vote because the Electoral College is unfair, uncertainly problematic, and an inaccurate form of representation. We all want what's best for the country, right? So, this is how I think we should make our country better. My voice may not be much, but it only takes one to start a movement. Please consider my voice, and it could be a step to making our country the best it can be. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
I believe that driverless cars should be developed. I believe this because now and days you see that a lot of car accidents happen with texting and driving and also with drinking and driving. Now imagine how great it would be if those types of accidents would stop happening, well driverless cars are the answer. Now and days people can be very irresponsible and hurt others by their actions but these cars can help save lives and a lot of them. This can help keep pedestrians safe and even the drivers. Many deaths happen every year because of drivers not being able to be alert when driving, well with this type technology we can prevent this from happening. These cars will most likely be programmed to follow the law, as in mainting the speed limit and not doing illegal things on the road as in skipping a stop sign or a red light. These cars will also be able to help those who aren't able to drive like blind people, short people, and handicaped people these cars will be able to take them to their destination safely. These cars will be a great help to a lot of people who are irresponsible and to those with disadvantages. In conclusion I do believe they should develop these cars because it would be a great help to people.
Yes, I do think that we should use the Facial Action Coding in classroom. The reason why I say yes is because students do get bored and frustrated when doing notes or homework and even inclass work. The Facial Action Coding would allow the teachers to really see how or what there students emotions when it comes to doing there work, the teacher can change things up to making the class fun when they are doing note or work. Also the teacher can understand what's going on with his or her students in the classroom to see if they are struggling or if they get on how to do the work. I think math teachers would really would like to have this because, they would be able to tell if the students are lying to them on if they get it or if they don't get it. So the teacher would be able to help the students more that are struggling with the work. Also other classes than just math the teachers would be able to use it for helping there students in class that are actually not getting on how to do the work or if they do or don't understand the note. Like in a history class alot of time it can be very confusing and the students don't understand on how to do the teacher would be able to know if they really get it or they are just lying straight to there faces. The teachers would also know if they are having a good or a bad day, if they student is having a bad day they could some how cheer them up to make them happier in there class or the rest of the day.
Looking at the factors of being able to visit Venus the author has some great points in the passage due to how dangerous it seems, The author is very correct on even asking why scientists are so drawn to visiting this unexplored planet for good reasons alone. The planet Venus has some pros and also cons. it may well once was a planet just like Earth a long time ago but that we only know. and some pros is that maybe that planet could possibly even help scientists with new possible discoveries. Elon musk is one who is also trying something beyond of what we have ever set our sights on. he is trying to find a way to colonize mars!!, yet we also have plans to visit Venus. The Author also has some very good points on why its so difficult to even get close to the planet at all. When stated "Each previouse mission was unmanned, and for a good reason" in paragraph 2 is almost forshadowing the dangers of the plannet Venus. Due to a very thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that blanket venus is one of the dangers of the planet, so looking at the factors again on why the Author thinks why Venus is very difficult to set foot on or even get close to, We can just look at the planet from a safe distance. for now.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes how a new cumputer program able to identify humans emotions. I think program could be used in the class room. There are many benifets and some downsides to the program. It can tell if your bored with the lession. It could also help with telling if someone is lying. But can't pick up on nonverbal, and emotional communication. First one of the major benifets of using the program in a classroom is seeing how the students feel about a lesson. In paragraph 6 it satates,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored".This imformation could tell the teacher what to do and no too. Paragraph 6 also states,"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." With the teacher swiching the lession students may become more active with the lesson infront of them. Secondly the program could have some improvements. In paragraph 6 it states,"most humans communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" This shows that not all emotions can be detected by the program. Also in paragraph 6 it states," So comuters need to understand that ,too" With Dr. Huang stating this he is already aware of this problem. Him being aware can fix that and improve apon it. Finally the program can help dectect lies with curtain muscles in the face. It states in Pargraph 8," But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." This shows that key muscles in your face and give away when you lie. It also states that "To and expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a ''smiling'' politicain or celebrity isn't being truthful." When you can identify those muscles a lie will be easier to spot. To conclude i believe this computer program would be useful in the classroom. It could give the teachers direct feed back on the students feeling. Also when someone lies. But can't pick up on nonverbal, and emotional cummunication. The program has more positives than negitives.So I agree this would be vary benifital.
In the article "The Challenge od Exploring Venus," the author states that NASA has a compelling idea to send humans to Venus to study it." Their solution to surving the harsh environment would be to float above the fray. Avoiding the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of thier way. In paragraph 6 it states that," Researchers cannot take sample of rock,gas or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to uderstand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite therisks." Meeaning that if they want to be able to study Venus from the ground they would have to build something to allow them to safetly gather samples and information first hand. In paragraph 7 the author mentions that looking back to world war ll they could use mechanical computers instead of using eletcronic ones. The mechanical computers could be made to widthstand the damage of acid,heat and pressure. To test the mechanical computers they can put it through the series of test that they can create in the test chambers to see if they can widthstand it. In conclusion if we wanted to get a closer look at Venus then we would have to send scientist to venus in specially made space crafts to be able to widthstand the dangers of the sulfuric acid in it's atmosphere. n
The author of the passage suggests many reasons why Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. In this essay there is going to be many reasons to help support the author. Scientist could learn more about different planets if they ca successfully study the surface of Venus. Then scientist could try to discover new planets and galaxys out in the void of space. The author explans that Venus is a very dangerous planet to study due to its surface temperature and its atmosperic pressure could crush about anything that trys to land. In the passage the author tells us facts about Venus, "a thick atmospere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." Which shows that Venus could melt any metals with ease and could crush submarines. The author also states that long ago Venus was probably like earth. In the passage it states, " the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." Which both Earth and Venus have the same kind of surface sediment, mountains, and craters. In conclusion this eassy will support the author's idea that in the furture we will be able to go to Venus for more studies. We can gain more knowledge of space and can explore more of space. Mabye in the future we could find more hospitible planets to continue human life. Thats why this essay supports the author's passage.
Have we not all thought how good it would be having a car driving by itself? But have we really thought would it be such a good idea for our future? I believe driveless cars are dangerous for our future. Its just our dreams actually being more of a nightmare when it happens. We may think its helping us but it's a dream putting our lifes in danger. Driveless cars aren't such a good idea for our future. We have to think of it in a certain way honestly. What if something goes wrong with the programing, for example the car turning off when you are driving. Would'nt that be a nightmare alright. The system could fail when you need it the most. Just imagine your car taking you to the wrong place, just times wasted when you could've done it yourself. Safety plays a big role for a driveless car. We have to think in our safety. The system in the car could go wrong and when you know it you are in a crash. You're putting your life in danger also the people who are in the car with you. You are basically letting the car have your life and other in it's power, when it could be yours. Imagine it failing to detect people around, you're going to hurt someone else for what your car did, and not you. It better to know you have control of your car and do what you want to do. It's not the driveless car is going to stop accidents, it will most likely increase car accidents. And the driveless car can't read signs, it could go wrong ways, keep on driving when the light is on red, and change lanes when you don't want it too. Is a car that drive itself even worth it? We can already imagine the price for a car that can drive itself, it's obviosly going to be expinsive. It maybe a car that does not do certain things you want it to. Like for example, will it go a certain speed, change lanes, and give services you want it too. Most importantly will it let you sleep? It will not because it most likely want you to check on it even if it's driving by itself. Like in paragraph 7 it says "While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver." It's basically saying you are still going to have to pay attention on the road. We all seem to have thought have a car that drive itself would be good but when we think about the cons of it, it makes you not want to buy it anymore. When you think about it, you are putting your self in danger. You dont want yourself or your love ones to get hurt. It's better that you who knows the road, to be in charge. A car that drives you isn't so benificial as you thought. It's better to keep it the way it is and you drive it yourself with your two hands and be caution of what happens around you, and to be safe.
The electoral college has existed since the founding fathers established it in the consistution as a way to elect a presedential canidate. What the electoral college is, it is a "compromise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens." What the electoral college does instead of electing a preseident through a popular vote, it is electing through a electoral vote, that means if you are voting your votes are actually counted towards the electors of the canidates. Each candiate has it's own slate of electors, in wich you are voting for them, and they will make the decision of deciding who is president of the U.S. A presidential canidate can have more popular votes then the other candiate, meaning votes favored by the people, but if a president has more electoral votes, which is votes by the electors then they are elected as the president. The benefits of the electoral college is this, 1. Presidents who are favored greatly in a certain region of the U.S., will most likely not have a electoral appeal. That means such as president Romney can have a strong appeal in the south, but he will gain no electoral vote. 2. " The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recevies a majority of the votes cast. For example, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College. There is pressure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast, that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presedential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invaraiably produces a clear winner." 3. "The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Consistution... The popular vote was very close in Florida nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. So other things equal, a large satae gets more attention than a small state does. We need to put an end to the Electoral College now. The reason why we need to start now is because it isn't fair for a group of electors to vote for the president, when the votes of the people are pretty much worthless. Electors of the candidates sometimes don't even vote for the their own candiate, they sometimes vote for the opposistion by betrayal! As for the popular vote it would be much easier to vote only by the people. Like our consistution says by the people for the people. Even though the problem of Al Gore and George W. Busch occuer more than a decade ago the issue can occuer again. That's why we need to place only a popular vote where we can avoid problems like in 2000 and have the people's vote count! The Electoral College is unfair because it is unfair to voters, the iea of winner-take-all system in each state candiate don't even spend time in states they know they will not gain favor in. "Focusing only the "swing states" which is a more tighter race." Worst thing that can happen if there is a tie in the Electoral College, and in that case the vote would be thrown to the House of Represenatives, and who knows what can happen in that matter. Electoral college is fair to the eye of an elector. Is it though favored by the people knowing that their popular vote is pointless of a final president?                                                                   
I think you should do the seagoing program because, you get to ride waves. If I were you I would make my own choice not my friends choice or someone elses choice. When you are doing the seagoing cowboy program you get to go out and ride waves and play games at night time. Another reason you should go is because you can learn things about the sea and the animals in it. If you already know a lot of things about the animals in the sea and the sea you should still go, because you can learn more and have fun at the same time. In the story it said " Luke got to play games at night and he got a lot of time during the day to go wave riding". If you don't go on the Cowboys program I can't even tell you what your missing out on. I understand if you don't wan't to go, trust me I probably wouldn't it's not like I'm allowed to go anyway. I woud rather stay home than being homesick so I totally understand if you don't want to go. If you don't want to go, but one of your friends are going or you don't want to go and someone is convincing you to just take some time to think about it and then make your second decision. Just remember do what you want to do, not what someone else wants to do.
There is a lot contraversy regarding the Electoral College system of voting in the United States. Some voting members would argue that the system, although flawed, has yet to make a monumental mistake, and say that the minor issues were resolved or at the very least barely effective in the overall outcome of the capmaign. However, with the flaws and holes in the system we have alerady experienced, there is bound to be many more mistakes, and it would be shocking to very few that some of those mistakes are catastrophic. We should remove the system of the Electoral College because it is questionable, problematic, and does not represent well our democracy. The Elecoral College uses a group of people from each state, numbers varying from each, to represent voters in an election. The voters mark down a candidate on a ballot. However, they are actually voting for a group of strangers to represent them. Many voters do not even realize that this is the case. In politics, there are many powerful and influential people who will go to drastic measures to ensure that their ideas somehow make it to power. Bribes and insentives could easily be given to electors in attempts to sway their vote. Speaking of, these electors can be anyone who are not in a public office position, emphasis on the anyone. Voters can never really be sure that they can trust those strangers who they did not even get to select. Once the votes have been counted, voters cannot fully control who the elctors actually vote for. There have been instances where electors have attempted to completely avert the votes cast and choose a different candidate that they want in office. It only seems logical that voters should have a direct say in the presidential election by participating in an election by popular vote. This way, there is less opportunity for scandal and confusion in the voting process. In 1960, a group of segretationists in the Louisiana legislature almost succeeded in removing electors who supported John F. Kennedy with those who opposed him. If this had happened, all of the states electoral votes would have been cast by biased electors, rather than by the actual voters themselves. In the same year, Hawaii sent two state electors to congress instead of one. It is sad that we maintain a system in our government that continues to let issues like this arise. Along with issues with the electors, why is it that the size of a state automatically gives it a bigger advantage in elections? Texas and California are the most two saught-after swing states in every election. Candidates will do everything they can to win over those electoral votes. But what about the little states? Many of the smaller states do not get visited by candidates. Some never even see campaign ads. This system we are using creates target areas in the United States that are more valuable in elections than others. This is in no way fair to the voters in smaller states, despite having the exact same rights as voters of bigger states. The Electoral College is proving to be less and less glamorous with every passing election. Slip ups like this can create a monumentally bad situation, and unfortunately, this system is only bound to create more. Many people remember the problem of the 2000 presidential election. The Electoral College had very effectively exemplified its flaws and unefficient ways of opperating. Al Gore and George Bush were running apposed, and despite winning the overall popular vote in the country, Gore lost the election to Bush. Bush had received the most electoral votes, therefore winning him the presidency. Basically, despite the fact that more citizens chose Gore to be president, Bush won out. In our constitution it is written that citizens of the United States have an unwavering right to vote and select who gets put into office. In this case, it sounds more like the number of electoral votes has an unwavering right to select who gets put into office. This goes against a democratic republic way of opperating our country and, in many ways, makes it more difficult for cititzens to take advantage of their rights. For as many frustratingly resolvable problems that are created by the Electoral College, there are certain things about the Electoral College that could possibly make it worth keeping. For instance, there technically is no region of the country that has enough electoral votes to vote a president into office, so no one area of the controls large numbers of votes. Along with this, the system helps avoid Run-Off Elections (which complicate the election process and provide a clear winner). However, having a straightforward election where the votes come straight from citizens is most constitutional and much less problematic. The process has been used for a long time in our country, but it is time to make a change. The Electoral College has proven to be more trouble than it's worth. Our country needs to decide what is within best interest for representation of our citizens, the most efficient way to opperate one of our most sacred constitutional rights, and maintain our democracy as members of our wonderful country. Remove the Electoral College system.  
Do you believe in aliens? There are many on Earth that do. During a time frame from 1976 to 2001, everyone was talking about ' The Face '. A landmark on Mars that some believed aliens made it, some believe it is naturally made. I believe that it was naturally made. The reasons why are, NASA would benefit from it being aliens, without the shadowing it does not look like a face anymore, and lastly when the photo was released in 1998, all that was seen was a natural landfrom. NASA higly benefitted from just the revealation of The Face. As quoted from the article " The ' Face on Mars' has since become a pop icon. It has starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows--even haunted grocery stroe checkout lines for 25 years." These were all examples of how The Face became known with or without internet. These were all benefits for NASA and helped it gain fame and sponsors. If there were comfirmed aliens that had built this structure NASA's profits would skyrocket, and they most liekly would have taken up that chance. Another reason that proves it as a landmark is the fact that witout shadows it does not look like a face. If we take a look at the picture taken in 2001 we can see The Face without shadwing. Only if you look close at the where the human features would be, would you be able to see a face. As quoted from the passage " ... when it spotted something with the shadowy likeness of a human face..." " ....' formed by the shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.' " This shows that the 'face' can only be seen with shadows. Lastly, when looked at in 1998, all that could be seen of The Face was a natural landform. By far the best evidence towards my claim, when taken all that was seen was a landfrom. As quoted from the article "And so on April 5, 1998 when the Mars Global Surveryor flew over Cydonia for the first time, MIchael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image frist appeared on a JPL website, revealing . . . a natural landfrim.There was no alien monument after all." This shows that there was absolutely no alien monument proving the conspiracy theorist wrong. Many people believe we are not alone on this universe. Many believe that the planet just next to ours, Mars contians aliens, and they belive that's what this structure is. However, after NASA did research this theory was debunked. The proof for this is NASA would benefit greatly from it being aliens, without the illusion of the shadows it does not look like a face, and lastly as seen in 1998 all that was seen was a natural landform and nothing else. Many believe NASA was wrong, do you?
In my opinion, Im against of the value of using technology to read students emotional expresses. Not every student wants another person nor even technology to know what their emotions are. I believe all people go threw something in life and that they just want to keep that something a secret. I also believe that in life we have to go threw a path on our own ; there would be sacrifice , tears and smiles but its apart of growing up and facing reality. Not everyone gets the same amount of help as the other person. Some people just need their worth to try living on their own. A bunch of students dont have a mom , dad or they dont even have both. Some student live their lifes without parents , who will they be able to trust ? In this article , I believe other people like this idea that their willing to help people out but some people rather just face their problems on their own. Dont get me wrong though . Its quiet an amazing work for actresses that are willing to improve their acting skills; It has quiet pontiental that they invented a 3-D computer to identify mixed emotions.
Do you believe in aliens? In 1976 the Viking 1 spacecraft of NASA discovered an eery landform that looks like a human face! Some people mainly conspiracy theorist believe it is a sign of extraterestial life on Mars. While scientists like me are finding more and more reasons to explain this strange phenomenom. Today I am only going to explain a few. The first reason why this "face" should be considered a landform and not a sign of life is because it is a huge rock formation that resembles a human head. the facial features: eyes, nose, and mouth are an optical illusion. The reason you see a resemblance of a human face is because the rock casted a shadow of one. Another reason you should consider this a natural landform is because, these type of landforms are common in the US. An example of these types of landforms is the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars. However some alien conspiratists believe that there might have been a chance of alien life. The reason they thought this was because on the second picture the clouds could have been blocking some form of alien markings or monuments. But there weren't any on the third more clearer photograph. So in conclusion the "face" on Mars was a natural landform. It is classified a landform because it is a rock formation. Also, because these types of landforms are common in the US. It should not be classified as a sign of life on other planets becausethere were no alien marking and it is an optical ollusion.
I believe that driveless cars could be a good thing for the future and a bad thing, here's why. The bad thing about having a driveless car is that if you are near a car accident or some road changes, you must be alert when that happens. Most people would be hanging around just letting the car cruise because they know that it can drive on it's own. The good things about having a driveless car is that you wouldn't have to worry unless your car tells you that you are too close to something or you about wreck. The car lets you keep touch with the wheel so that you feel when the car will stop at anytime. Driveless cars could be just like smart phones, they can have technical difficulties. I believe that driveless could be a good idea, but things can wrong. Most smartphones power down at anytime, they also can stop working just because it's too much going on at one time. I think the same thing with smart cars can happen. When there is too much stuff happening on the roads, or the cars are just backed up, they might just stop to take a break in the middle of the street. You can't control when a car has too much going, like when someone runs out of gas. The car will immediately stop because there is no gas in the car, but with smart cars it will just stop because it needs a break or to clear of everything. My opinion. In conclusion, I believe that it could be a good or bad thing. The author showed good and bads ways so it could go either way if you wanted a driveless car. He also stated that it could change that world but also keep the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. If someone was to get hurt, I don't think the driver should be punished for it, no one should. It would be the car because technology failed.
Cars today are driving closer and to being able to drive on their own. This can change the way people live and how people use tranportation in a positive way. Even though they aren't entirely "driverless" and still need a driver it's still a step in that direction. Driverless cars would take over public transportion system, create less accidents, and help people who can't drive well. Driverless cars are esstientally going to be the future public transportation. The cars will end up taking the postions of taxis and even buses. Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisons a future where these cars will offer much more flexiblity while cutting the useage of fuel by half. These self drivng cars will also be safer for others on the road reducing the chances of a crash. Car companies have taken extreme precautions with these machines fitting them with senors all over the cars. Google has taken the idea into its own hands with some companies like Toyota. They've modified a Toyota Prius and have outfitted it with a postiton-estimating sensor on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted ner the review mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. These sensors will apply brakes and reduce power from the engine so that the driver at hand can take over. Of course these driverless cars will need a passenger that a operate the car in case of an emergancy. In 2013, BMW announced a development of the "traffic Jam Assistant", which allows the cars to handle driving functions at speed up to 25 mph. Special touch sensors make sure a driver is keeping hold of the wheel at all times. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves but still need to notify the driver when it need human skills navigating through areas like work zones. On the other hand, some people wouldn't lay their lives in the hands of a self driving car. Driving laws today focus on keeping the drivers, passengers and pefestrians safe. Today, traffic laws are written with the thought of a human driver controlling the car. In most states, it has been illegal to to even test driverless car; but scientist beileve that more states will allow testing after seeing results from those states that have been doing it already. This future of self driving cars is near. Automakers like Telsa have projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving by it self 90% of the time. Other companies like Mercedes- Benz , Audi and Nissan have plans to release cars that drive by themselves by 2020.
Venus is a dangerous place for humans but what about tecnology. Acording to scientists venus is a dangerous place but they want to find out more about it. With venus beeing over eight hundred degrees fahrenheit and an atmosphere if almost ninety-seven percent carbon dioxide. Scientists still want to find out more about it. They have had many space ships go up there but they could not land them. They want to make somthing that floats 30 miles above the seface of venus so that they can study the planet more. It would be onehundred and seventy degrees fahrenheit and the air pressure would be clsoe to that of sea level on earth. The ship would be powerd by solar panels and the radiation would not exceed Earth levels. All this shows that the author supports this idea by showing that it is possible for the journy to be safe and it would get us closer to finding out more about venus. Whit the ship floating above ground it will provide little insight on the ground.conditions because most forms of light cannot penatrate the dense atmosphere. This makes standard photograghy and videograghy useless. This also means that scientist would have to get up close and personal to get rock and gas samples. NASA is working on other ways to studing venus. This mean we might not have to take a risk to get hurt or harmed in any way. They have made something out of silicon carbide and it lassted up to three weeks in venus conditions. The text states in paragrapgh eight that" stiving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also human curiosity will likly lead us into many equally intimidating endevoers". This shows that the authors ideas about figureing out more about venus are good ideas now we just have to figure out how to make it work.
Cars are one of the most important inventions that we ase human beings have created. They help in many more than just one occasion. Cars mostly help with transportation, because of this we are way to relient on them. Now we rely mostly on our cars which is a bad thing considering that fact that we in the future could possibly die from it. Cars produce smog which goes up in to he air and is bassically what  created the greenhouse affect. When people use cars they hardly dont ever think about what is actually happening while they use it, mostly whats thought about is how fast they are going or how much time they have left to get where they are going. When driving a car smog is released from the tail pipe and usually donsnt affect any on directly unless they are really close to it, but even then it is a momment of discnomfert nothing perminent. what most peoiple dont realize is that when smog is released from the car it gose directly up into our atmosphere. when there is an abundance of smog it acumulates creating a green house affect. what is needed to stop that is to stop driving ingeneral but scincde that cat be done do as paris has done and have sertain laws that prevent most people to drive on some day "On monday motorist with even numbered license plates were to suffer a 22 euro fine then the same would apply to the odd numberd plates the next day." this would make for people to stop driving so much ang just go for a walk to their location if it isnt too far. Walking isnt as bad as most people would probably think it to be. Some people already do it on a normal basis. Some people could argue that the weather is to gloomy or its raining and they dont want to get wet. As the Mayor of bogota said "The rain hasn't stopped me from participating." More states should have a day with out cars like Bogota dose and have "The day with out cars is part of an improvement" and just like that as Bogota has done "parks and sports centers will bloom", "New restaurants and upscale shopping districs will be cropped up." Americans without even realizing it have stopped driving. We have bought less cars and drivers licenses as each year gose buy. Which shows that there is a little bit of care towards the sitiation happening all around the world. Usually americans were the ones to be mostly using their cars but as the article states. "Americans love affar with their cars have began cooling down." Even thought the cars are still being used they are used much less than before. Most people instead of using cars to go to a friend house they use the internet to feel more connected with them. Using cars help people but not for the long term goals to survive. Join most of the world and stop driving soon. Most people have already done it. Tha will help out with the smog situation in the greenhouse, help some poeple with walking to certain places that they need to go, and nations are doing it .
There has been a fuss about the Elector College. Many people get confused about how it works and if they're satifyied with the whole process. Show we "abolish" the Elector College? Should we keep it? Honestly we should keep it. We the peope have more then enough control on who is chosen for the president of the United States Of America. We don't really vote for the president but our vote impacts the decision. Many citizens of the United States Of America think their vote doesnt matter, it does. Why? Well, first the government is runned by the people. Its very rare to not get the president that has the most popular votes, the last time when the president wasn't chosen was in 1888. It's less likely for the president with the most votes to lose the election. For example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the elector votes compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. Plus, almost all states award elector votes on a winner-take-it-all basis. Perhaps, there was no system. Would it be simpler? Yes it would but we have to also be fair, there is 538 electors and a majority of 270 elector votes is required to elect the president. When you are voting for the president ypu want to win,you are actually voting for your canidate's elector. How does the system work? First it's the process that has the selection of the electors , the meeting of the electors where they vote for the president and vice president , and last but not least the counting of electoral votes by congress. Obviously it is kind of confusing because it would be much simpler if the winner would be the one with the most popular votes. Did you know that the Elector College avoids the problem of elections? They do due to how much pressure the candidte can go through. It can easily complicate the presidential process. For instance, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Elector College (301 and 370 elector votes exactly). When avoiding the elections and campaigns , there a better chance of clear winner. So there you have it,three main reason's why we should keep the Elector College. We have why the process is important and why we have it. How the process work's because it was confusing to many people , so it's defined and hopefully you'll like to stay and support the Elector College. Your vote does matter.                                          
Have you ever wondered what will happen to earth once it becomes over populated? Well one soultion might be going to Venus. The reason why we could go to Venus is because its like earth and in the article in paragraph 2 it says "often referred to as Earth's twin, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too". Now it is hot on Venus yes as the average temperatures are over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth, we could still use venus as a back up planet for when our own planet gets overpopulated and we run out of room. Or we could also discover some new life who knows but we would still need a way to grow crops there and raise live stock if we wanted to survive or even grow crops on Earth and fly them over to the people who lives on Venus. Now some people could wonder if we cant even get spacecraft on the planet how are we gonna know if there is anywhere to live or if anything already lives there. Well if we send a human there floating 30 miles or so above the roiling Venusian landscape they would be above the storms and the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. But it would still be hot there so we could maybe give that person a special aircraft or suit that would not get so hot on the inside. We should try to explore Venus because you never know what could be there But also that could be a backup planet for when our Earth gets over populated or maybe even something worse but i guess we will just have to wait and see what NASA does. Hopefully they find out a way to explore Venus in a safe way because at the end of the day we all just want to be safe and never stop exploring.
The Face on Mars is just a natural mesa or buttle on mars. It was not made by Aliens or anything else, although it may seem in likeness to a human face. I know for a fact that the mesa is not a martian carving, it is too much like a mesa. The first image of it cannot be trusted, the linses are ancient compared to today's photography lenses. Although you would like to belive in the mesa, it is not clear enough to be seen in the lenses as what it really is and all that makes it look like a face are two holes and two hills. The lense from the satelite that tooks the first picture was foggy and unable to clearly make out the complete image in great detail, as someone without their glasses could easily mistake another animal for their pet. They then got new, beter quality lenses and could make out the image better. They saw the mesa for what it was, a natural rock formation, weathered by time. It was an easy mistake for the old camera, along with the distance to make the mesa out wrong. The new technology was able to provide a much clearer image of the mesa and that it was not a face. You may say that NASA faked the photo, hiding life on mars, though they have no reason to hide it. They could only benifit from a discovery such as life on another planet. It may even be found habitable to humans, given some time and oxygen. We may gain our own technology advancement through trade with the other race. NASA has no reason to hide the existance of aliens or to fake the photo, they would gain nothing. Erosion has done much to help the mesa look as it does now, shaping the land to its liking. It could have easily made the hills and caves on the mesa, also, the sun cauld have been at just the right angle, shadowing the caves. Erosion is a long process and is always going on. The face is just a happening of erosion. That is probably how the facr formed. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is little more than erosion, sunlight's shadows and a bad camera. That is all it is and can be, NASA would have no reason to hide it as anything else. The conspiracy theories are just mad beliefs of crazy people who think the world is against them. The discovery of a new race would be quite amazing, though. There would possibly be so much we could gain from the knowlege they might have.
Driverless cars are important but will be more important in the future as they are being improved. Driverless cars exist and it is important that they make laws for them. Not everyone should be allowed to drive them, they should always required a human to control them in any type of way. They could be dangerous in hands of inresponsible people .They could change our lifestyles and also the way we see the world, they are helpful if the right person uses them. If they get improved, it would be best for everyone. It is important to have laws for them if they get approved anyway as stated in paragraph 9, if an accident occurs, who would be blamed? And not only about those laws but a law that makes the manufactures of the driverless cars make every single person pay attention to the road and what he is doing because as said, the car could have a problem and the driver could possible not know abput it. It should be legal to drive a driverless car, not only because it could prevent accidents but because sometimes we get distracted when we know we should be focous on the road. The number of accidents would be lower with driverless cars even if some cars dont work as well. Is as if the driver is getting help from the car, the car is helping the driver just in case the driver messed up in a case. Not everyone should be allowed to drive a driverless car. Some people are not responsible enough to get a car like that. Often, teenagers are very inresposible just because they are with their friends. They could think that the car is going to do everything for them and in the worst case the car doesnt react that there's something wrong and it crashes, what if the teenager dies, shouldn't the teenager had to controlled the car even though he knew it could control itself? People with a certain level of maturity should be allowed to drive driverless cars. Driverless cars could be so helpful if the right person is on the wheel. The driver should always concentrate on the road, no matter if their car is driverless. It could change society if they actually used them right. Traffic would be different, we get stuck into traffic sometimes because a person drives too slow, because a person drove too fast and caused an accident, and many other reasons and with driverless cars it could sometimes prevent this, not all the time but it would lower the risk of getting in an accident. Manufactures should try to improve them at their best, not only because some people wouldn't use them right but because people sometimes messes up too. Driverless car would be the best to improve a lot of things such as traffic and accidents. If the majority of US had driverless cars, things would change for the better. They are helpful with the right drivers and with the right laws. Not every company should be allowed to drive them but companies that are being supervised and companies that are trustable. Only responsible people should be allowed to drive them since they would actually just be using the help of the car and not using the car to do everything for them. They also shouldn't be a lot more expensiv. People driving them should always take the same preventions as if they were driving a normal car as said in paragraph 7, it requires human skills.
Do you I think using, "Facial Action Coding System" in school classrooms should be allowed? Yes, most certainly that is becasue so many kids suffer in school work they do not even want to ask for help or bother to ask! I myself even have that problem in school I just dig myself such a deep hole I don't even try to get help! In all honesty when I see or let alone me start getting behind I start to feel stressed and want to just get on with the subject. The teachers never tell if you are getting behind in work or stressing becasue they are in a room with hundreds of kids coming in and out some actullay know how to do the subject they are teaching and others don't, therefor that should be one of the biggest reasons, most teachers can't read faces! Ecspecially if they keep a straight face and most of the time its pretty easy to when you can control 44 major mussels in your face. If this face cam happend there would be better chances of seeing kids sucseed in the classroom's becasue of the number of teachers that can help them out by looking at there facial motions. Also a big thing is it can point out your percent on how you feel or look! Let's say you feel 40% stressed, 50% confused, and 10% mad. I personally think this is a most definite yes it should happen it would help, "me and the hundreds of thousands of students along with teachers knowing if they need that extra help!"
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because, Venus used to have bodies of water and had many different forms of life. There are other explanations like having a surface of rocky sediment and includes valleys, mountains, and craters. So they Venus might be the only other planet that can probably support life. There are so things that can't be done. It might've supported life back then but now the average surface temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experienced. So landing on Venus is almost impossible for humans. Also Venus has the hottest surface tempature of any planet in our solar system because of all the erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and the frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Although, these conditions are pretty bad, The National Aeronatuics and Space Administration (NASA) has one compelling idea for senbding humans to study Venus. NASA possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. For example its like a jet airplane that travles at a high altitude to fly over storms. So a vehicle overing over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. However, peering above the ground from a ship can only limited insight on the ground because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers can't take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close despite the risks. Eventually will have the technology to reach Venus and study Venus a lot more closer than hovering over the planet. When we have that technology then more researchers can see if Venus can sustain life or not. But until then we'll have to study Venus from a far and ovserve as much information as possible.
Even though driverless cars are coming in the near future and have alot of postive and nagative aspects in my opinion I support the devlopement for driverless cars. To convey why Driverless cars are a good thing is becasue is can save alot of time and fossil fuel and is a lot more convient. For instance when the author states that, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and far more flexibity than a bus. This line states how driveless cars can change the world for better and are going to be more aparant then riding the bus. Some more interesting facts about the smart cars that makes me more support it is when the passage talks about the Driving and the Assisting. For instance author talks about how,"Traffic Jam Assistant." "The can handle driving functions at the speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch senseors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." I think this is a good thing becasue it makes driving more alot more safe for the driver, but at the same time does not sacrifice the drivers control of the car and it will alert you if you need to take control of the car, which I think is very important so there won't be any accidents. To argue why would you need a driverless car if you can just drive yourself is an very improtant question. Driverless Cars can be helpful and can maybe even save your life if you come across some reckless driver on the road. For example when passage states how, Some manufactures hope to do that by bringing in-car entertiainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned of instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not avabilable to drivers trying to text with a cell phone." This line describes how the driverless Cars have many safety features and can be automatical turned off just in case of emergencys, which makes it even more convenient and alot safer for the driver. To summerize my argument on selfdriving cars is that I think it's going to be a huge advancement for humanity and will improve our lifestyles for the better. The features in the passage that describes these smart cars such as the heads up dsiplay, which is entiretantment system and information system which, can be turn off automaticaly in case of emergencys. Also the Antilock brake and driver assitance, which can save a lot of lives. These safety features are going to make driverless cars a sucess. Driverless cars are going to be aparent part for the future and will imporve the way we drive and our action as well and save many lives.
The first reason is because i probabably less challenging to the people the vote reguraly because they can do i on their opinion and nobody elses. This is because how the votes are scored normally is how the people voed and how many they each have this type of voting process works where they have their opinion on what each person thinks instead of just voting. As you can see using this type of voting is a lot easier for people so it not as is as just putting and vote you can use your opinionss as well as voting. The Second source states that how and why is the Electoral College the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong. This is probably because of how much they want this system to work instead of all different types of votes they can just have it all as one as a whole which would make it a whole lot easier on all the people that do vote. Then when they do vote they know how to express why they are voting and how they are voting to see how much easier it i to vote this way. As you can see voing this way could help he cause of opinion could help people and cause people to change their ideas in many different ways. To end , The Electoral College is alot easier because it helps with easier voting and lets people state things instead of making it complicated you can make it easier and give a good explaination of why and how it makes it easier on the people that will vote with the new Electoral College to make things easier on their part for many reasons.
I feel like it would be a great idea to have Driverless Cars. Why? It'll prevent people from crashing into others and risking their lives and also it'll decrease chances of trafic on express ways. And marketing would sky rocket. Many people would love to travel places but they'll get lazy to drive, but if they have a car that can drive itself then it would make it better on the humans life aswell. Many people also agree on how bad it is. Honestly it does have some flaws and miss happs. One of them are getting sent to a different location. Just like G.P.S., you type in your address and sometimes it sends you somewhere you didn't want to go. A Driverless Car is like a driving G.P.S., it could also have a malfunctioning problem it could put your life at risk and others. At the end of the day technology will have a lot of malfunctioning problems and a Driverless Car will be one of them. So be smart and purchase one at your own risk.
Dear Senator, The reason for writing this letter is because in a recent topic brought up to the nation the Electoral College was being revised to see new changes in the way we choose our president. The Electoral college is a fundamental way on how we control the voting process for our president. In an article "What is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register it had an interesting statement that stood out. In the text it said " The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election by a vote in Congress and election of the President by popular vote...". This is telling us that the Electoral College that was established many years ago is the same thing that people are voting for now, because people today are fighting for voting by popular vote but the current Electoral College is the same thing. The current Electoral College is working fine, this is one of the reasons it shouldn't change but there are more reasons as to why it shouldn't change. The current Electoral College has worked greatly to our nation even though people don't see it that way but it has. Another reason that the Electoral College should stay the same is because many people want to abolish the Electoral College even though its helped them choose a president that is either fighting for the nation itself or fighting for the people. The reason that people want o abolish the Electoral college is in an article "The Indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer. In the article it states " It's official: The electoral college is unfair... Abolsih the electoral college!". This is telling us that some of the people in the nation want to abolish the Electoral College because they want their own system of electing a president. The Electoral College has been named man things and has been tried to change but it can't because that is the only way people as a nation know how to choose a president. In the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer it says " ...The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. and the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best..". This shows us that even the people that are fighting agaist the Electoral College are making random statements that either go for it or against it because they don't know what they are fighting to achieve. The Electoral College is the same thing people are trying to change because in the article "What is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register it states " The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect a president...". This textual evidence shows that the Constitution was actually compromising what the people are fighting for and what is already used. This also tells us that the current Electoral College is what is needed and shouldn't be changed. In Conclusion, the Electoral College shouldn't be abolished or changed to popular vote elects the president because the current system is working fine and the reason people are fighting agaisnt it is because they might not know what they are fighting to change or maybe they think that the Electoral College is changing the vote so that they government has their chosen president rather than the peoples president. All those ideas are things that people think when their favored senator, mayor, or President loses their chance. The people just need to realize that the current Electoral college was made by the fathers of this country in order to compromise what they are fighting for and what is already used. These are the reason why the Electoral College should not be changed.  
The author suggest the studuing of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.In the story the author put out information on the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable.The author had put information in the article about striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value.The author expresses his feeling on the topic by writing our tavels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. In the story the author stated human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.Due to the fact that Venus may well once have been the most Earth-like planet. I believe our curiosity will make us strive to explore Venus.Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours it would be untouchable by human we couldn't last a second on venus. One of the dangers of Venus is its thick atmosphere of almost ninty seven percent carbon dioxide.Another danger of Venus is Venuses temperature.The atmospheric pressure is ninety times greater than the atmospheric pressure we deal with on Earth.The environment of Venus would crush a submarine accustomed for diving the deepest parts of our oceans. To wrap it up Venusian geology and weather are highly dangerous and cause trouble to the probes seeking to land on its surface.The paragraphes before show that the author believes the exploration of Venus is worth it despite the danges Venus presents.
"Just be fair" quotes many people everyday. In the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Rgister, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." I think that the Electoral College should be abolished and to elect a president by popular vote. The first thing to remember, is that the Electoral College is unfair and needs to be changed to the popular vote because the people should be able to vote who they want to be president. The author mentions in Source: 3 paragraph 18 that "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." This proves that with the Electoral College in place that there may be a big contreversy about who should be the next president. Arguments would also break out between the political parties that are trying to elect their canidate president. With popualar vote you could avoid all these conflicts and disputes by letting the people elect the president outright with no questions. With this in mind, there should be no Electoral College because the author suggests in Source 3: paragraph 19 that "The Electoral College requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his pularity in states that he knows he will win." A presidential canidate should be able to gain votes from his region because that is the states the canidate are more familiar with so, he will be able to campaign better in those states and if he becomes president he will be equal to all the other regions. You could avoid this with the fair method of popular vote. Another key point, is that the number of votes coming from each state should be equal in the amount of votes. The author claims in Source 2: paragraph 10 that "If you lived in Texas for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you would vote for a slate of 34 electors pledged to Kerry. With popular vote you would not have to worry about all of the votes that each state gives from the Electoral College. Popular vote lets the people deside no the Electoral College deside. If two canidates were running for president and one was from Florida and the other one was from Alaska, their state could be the deciding factor which the one from Florida will win because it has more votes than Alaska which is not fair. Truly, the Electoral College should be replaced by popular vote because there is a winner-take-all system. The author shadows in Source 1: paragraph 7 that "Most states have a "winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of "proportional representation." The thing is that with a popular vote system you would not have to worry about a winner-take-all and states that have a different system than the other states. Just let the people decide and everything will be easy and fair. On the flip side, the Electoral College should not be replaced because it avoids any type of run-off election that may occur. The author argues in Source 3: paragraph 22 that "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in wich no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." This shows that with the Electoral College it would relieve all of the stress that is put on a canidate when they are running and the stress could also complicate the process of electing the president. With the Electoral College their will be a winner no matter what happens which will clearly the most fair way to complete the process of electing the president. To conclude, after analyzing the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner I think that the Electoral College should be replaced by a popular vote system.
The driverless cars are coming is a statement that I would not like to hear. If there is going to be driverless cars on the road it is going to turn to a dangerous place. If the drivers are not driving the car themselves then they are not paying attention, could cause a serious crash, and the car could malfunction. All of these are dangerous for other drivers. If a driver is not paying attention to the road, things can go down really fast. Just taking your eyes off the road for a second, the car could run off the road and hit someone or just damage your car without hitting someone else. To drive a car you need to be sure and watch where you are going because you are not just driving for yourself, you are driving for everyone on the road. A driver must focus on the road and not anything else, or they could cause a serious crash. Looking down to read a text message can cost a life, it may be yours or someone else. There have been many crashes in the past year from careless drivers that do not pay attention to the road and have killed innocent families. The alerts on the car may not work, or they may give out. If the car was ran by technology, where does it get all of its technology? What would happen if that technology failed? There is always a question of what could happen or if it is going to happen. With a driverless car, it could be a lot worse for the driver not to be driving or it could be a lot better for all the drunks that drive. But if someone was doing something else and not watching the road, like they said the seats will vibrate if something is on the road or something wrong, if someone is not paying attention or trying to reach for something in the back they will not feel that. They could run off the road and hit something or someone. The law has not even passed so these cars can be driven because it is a disaster to think of a driverless car driving on the road. A part in the article even says, the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 miles per hour. There are not many roads where people will be driving 25 miles per hour. Trying to put a car out there that can drive itself is not a good idea because there could be many problems. With the idea of that drivers will think they will not have to drive anymore and they will not listen to the alerts and just ignore them. They will not be focused on driving and thinking about things that really do not matter. These cars are not safe to be driving themeselves on the road.
The author explains his idea very well by saying that it's worth exploring Venus. The author persuades the reader into thinking that Venus is worth exploring because the planet use to be habitable. Venus is still a mystery waiting to be solved. The author also gives scientist's solutions to every danger of Venus. The author says the planet use to be Earth's twin. Venus use to have similar features to Earth like valleys,mountains,and craters. This is why scientist still want to explore the hot planet. One of the solutions to exploring Venus the authors says is "a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." The author makes this seem inevitable because as he said "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." In conclusion the author uses and facts and his own opinions to explain his idea very well. He engages the readers into his passage by explaining all the cool aspects of Venus. Finally he supports the idea by saying "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
The Challenge of Exploring Venus Nowdays exploring new planets is not such a crazy idea as it was 100 or 1000 years ago. Exploring new planets can be our new, huge step in science. What planet should we visit first? Maybe Venuse? Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" and Mars are the closest planets to Earth. It is logical to see them as planets to visit.Earth is located between Venus and Mars. There are no common climate, temperature, content of atmosphere, its thickness and etc. We need technologies, resourses and a lot of money to sponsor this project. It would be hard to visit another planet. Hard, but possible. Should we visit "Evening star? Is this hardship worthy the result? Woud our sister planet be hospitable for us? There questions that author answers are very actual. Would The National Aerounautics and Space Administrarion actually sent humans to study Venus? Are we able to participate such a big challenge? Authors absolutelly, possitively agree that we are. Venus or the "Evening Star" absolutely worthy to visite despice the hardship.
9When looking at the world from a birds eye view, it is possible to see the beauty in the world; Even so, in certain developed and developing areas, the people are choking. The choking is not just supported by the violated environment, but along with that, society is an advocate for the pain of the people. An intrugal part of the current society is the usage of cars. With the progressing world also comes regress, and according to an article wrriten by the New york times in 2013, it was stated that in countries such as the United states of America, "Americans are buying less and getting fewer licenses as each yeat goes by." This eventually has lead to a limiting in car usage in the U.S.A. Although the car industry may suffer from this, it is essential to note that, the limiting in car usage does not really have a negative impact on the public. In fact, in the long run, the limiting of car usage will be beneficial to society as a whole. This can be seen in three major ways, with first, public benefits , second, cheaper and time-saving methods , and finally the unmatched environmental benefits . As people continue to choke from the pain, it becomes important to identify the remedy to the problem, and limiting car usage is the definately one of the best ways to reduce the harms. The public benefits can be broken down into reduced stress , more space , and increased saftey . Starting off with stress, Heidrun Walter, a mother of two children stated that she was "always tense" when she had a car. she now lives in the German city of Vauban. Here most people have given up on cars, including Mrs. Walter. As a mother of two she ultimately is a strong advocate of car usage limitation. With Mrs. Walter, businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza stated that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress". These people have already felt their stress decrease with the limitation of car usage and this is a major benefit. Moving toward space, an article written by Elisabeth Rosenthal in 2009, states in this new approach, we will have make it so there is less space for parking. With less space for cars, there is more space for people. Not only that but with the increased limit, there is a decrease in traffic. Traffic can be extremely long, and in this case it will help to increase public space. Although traffic does not pose threats to the people safety, in the long term car accidents do pose a major threat. Therefore, with their limit, there can be an increase in safety for the people. Moving back to Mrs. Walter, she as a mother of two did want the best for her children, and above all comes their saftey. Meaning that her choice can also reflect the safety that this limitation produces. Although people do want to benefit as individuals, it really comes down to the cost at the end point. But limiting car usage is actually not that expensive to the average person. In fact, by limiting cars, alternate transportation is promoted. Countries such as Colombia, have move on to bicycles. The major of Bogota(a city in colombia) said that due to the limitation of cars for a day "It has seen the constuction of 118 miles of bicycle paths". This is cheaper because the prices og bicycles are pale in comparison to cars. This means that transport would be so much more affordable. Now with the increase in bicycle travel, there would hardly be any large amounts of traffic. And although cars are much faster than bicycles, the fact that traffic will be a major factor in travel, bicycle travel will be more efficient. This ultimately means that by limiting car usage, transportation will be cheaper, and it will be just as efficient, if not more. It can be said that it would be difficult to manage bicycle travel, but David Goldberg, an offical of transportation for America said that in countries such as the U.S.A. 80% of appropriations have gone to highways. This ultimately sets the stone for the construstion of these lanes. By limiting car usage, these appropriations can be set aside for other means of transportation. Indeed in the end  Vauban is correct in calling this "smart planning". Now comes out the benefits everyone knows about: the environmental benefits. Smog has been one of the largest problems that is choking the people around the world. In countries such as China, it is elementary that those people as facing large amounts of smog, daily. But what may not be as common to people is that a country such as France has also started to see a similiar problem. Pollution in France is actually rivaled by Beijing(one of the most polluted countries in the world) as reported by the Chicago tribune on 2014. Cars have been the major cause of this, considering the fact that a large amount of carbon emission were sent out by cars. In fact an article named "The end of car culture" states that cars are one of the highest sources for carbon emissions. By limiting car usage, cities such as Bogota and Paris, faced amazing results. Overall by limiting car usage the environment benefits exponentially. In the end the solution to the people choking in the world, is simple: limiting car usage. The advantages of this limitation can be seen with benefits to socitey. This can be seen with public benefits, cheaper and time saving methods and of course the environmental benefits.                      
The article is obviously talking about the Making of Monalisa Face. It talks too about the Facial Action Coding System. It´s a program or system that knows if you are sad, mad, happy, etc. The guys who are helping now are Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe. The creator of Facial Action Coding System is Dr. Paul Eckman. The FACS can know if your sad. I need to say it is very cool. Thats how far technology is going. A computer can know your emotions. Dr. Eckman has classified six basics emotions, happines, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Its all about the movement of the muscles. In conclusion its not an important thing to have in this world but is kind of nice been able to see if the person in the pictur was happy or sad etc. Dr. Eckman is a really samrt men, Prof. Thomas and Prof. Nicu too. So if you want to know if your friend is sad take a picture of him. Do the process and show it to him Im sure he will be surprise. I really think this is a good idea, we can know if the presidents or old history people were happy or sad.
Dear Senator, I would like to argue that we should change to doing the election by popular votes not by the Electoral College. It is unfair to but the pressure of picking the right candidate on the Electoral College. We should just let it be by popular votes because it wold not be that hard to find out which states had the most popular candidate. It would be harder to let the Electoral College pick the candidates. For starters some people might want to know what to Electoral College is and they might want to send you a letter about it and what would you say? Something along the lines like they are the ones who pick the votes for the candidates? This is what I got out of Source 1: What Is the Electoral College? " The Electoral College is a process, not a place." Some people might not understand that. It also states that it consists of selections of all the electors, it is also a meeting place for the electors to vote for the President and the Vice President, and it also used for counting of the electoral votes made by the Congress. At the Electoral College also consists of 538 electors and the majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the President. Every candidate that is running for President in your state has their own group of electors. They are usally generally chosen the candidaate's party. In Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best- laid defenses of the system are wrong. They want to abolish the College becaus eit is unfair to the people that want to vote for their own candidate's and not have some college do it for them. In that source it states this "They're not alone; according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore- thanks to the quirks of the Electoral College..." This is what is wrong with the College "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." Yes, I know that there are people that think that it is ok for the Electoral College to do all the voting. To me I like it if you all would let it be the popular vote not by some college. Yes, I know that sometime it might do easier to use the college and that is ok, but I would like it if it was all about the popular votes. To end my letter I just wish that you all in the office to thank about what I just said. Also I like to argue that you should abolish the Electoral College. I just wish you all will think about everything i just said and typed to you all. Yours Truely, PROPER_NAME  
Do you want to help others? Would you like to visit some amazing places too? Then you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I, an experienced Sea Cowboy, can tell you firsthand of the amazing places you will see, and get some good karma for helping others! This is a hard job, cleaning out animal stalls, feeding animals, and being the watchman are a few things you will do. But, it is all worth it when you put smiles on the faces of the people you'll help, and when you see stunning landscapes and places. Don't worry though, caring for animals isn't all you will do! You will have time to play games with your fellow Sea Cowboys. Whittling, playing cards, reading, volleyball and other fun things can be played when you are returning the ship after the animals have been unloaded. It will be like an adventure, and for some, it will be a much deeper experience. So, what are you waiting for?! The Seagoing Cowboys program is always glad to recruit another dedicated Sea Cowboy. Join us today, and you will get the most rewarding and exciting experience of your life!
Is Venus exploration safe? "The Evening Star," although being the brightestplanet and "twin"of earth , proves to be a very challenging place to exiamine. "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," is an article written by the author explaining the reasons of why exploration to Venus is very dangerous and why it wants to be explored by scientists. The article explains in much detail the dangers and possibilities that that could happen if th exploration could happen. It also gives brief information about how Venus is made up and the history of why is an intruiging planet. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," The author supports his idea by using data based information, question and answer responses, and the history of exploration in Venus. In the article, the author uses a lot of data based information to support his claims about the challenges of exploration in Venus. One of the most mportant pieces of information being about what type of planet Venus is and why it is dangerous. The author says "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience o our own planet"(Paragraph 3). This briefly gives detail of how dangerous it is for humans to visit Venus knowing that the atmospheric pressure could easily crush a submarine that can withstand high pressures and liquefy many metals. This also supports his/her claims of why it is likely that the idea of exploring venus is impossible for these very reasons. Not only does this help support his claim; the information informs the reader about Venus and lets them know more about why it is a plant that NASA is very intrigued in. In the article, the author uses a good amount of question and answer responses that help to inform the reader and support his claims of why exploration to Venus is dangerous. A good exapmle of a question that most readers will thnk of would be "Why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?"(Paragraph 4). This question not only supports his claim but also gains the readers trust knowing that the author is very informed about what he/she is talking about and knows what the readers want to know about. Knowing that the author can recall much information about the dangers and expectations of further exploration to venus benefits his argument by gaining their trust and support on his claim. Using the history of exploration in Venus helps support the authors claims in many ways. Knowing the history falls back into the subect that the author know whae/she is talking about and also allows the reader to know more about the subject. "Vensu was probably covered largely with oceans and could have suppported various forms of life, just like those on earth,"(Paragraph 4). This piece of information breifly explains the reasons of why scientists value the research done with Venus knowing that it is very comparable to earth. This information also explains the now leading dangers of Venus because of its physical changes and leads to the possiblilities given by NASA of ways that Venus can be explored. The author supports his idea of Venus's exploration being impossible by using data based information, question and answer responses, and the history of exploration in Venus. Giving the data of how Venus's state is and the leading dangers that the planet could give if explored supports the authors claims and allows the reader to now then make the decision or to be informed if Venus should be explored or not.
As humans, our natural instinct is to look for ways of improvement. Driving is a big risk factor in our every day life, so finding ways to reduce the effects of life on the road is beneficial to all of us. If the driverless car means less accident occurance and more alertness, I am all for the driverless car. Although there are minor kinks to smooth out, that will come in due time. Driverless cars propose many good situations. With the assistance of these cars, less accidents are likely to occur. Many young drivers text and drive, which leads to a lengthy number of accidents a year. With the driverless car, the driver can actually be alerted before they reach a road block or when something pops up unexpectedly. These cars can steer, brake, and accelerate all on their own. This would mean that if the driver were to get distracted and the unexpected happened, he or she would be able to have the chance to get their mind right and asses the problem. Who wouldn't want to be able to reduce the chances of getting into an accident? When it comes to manual driving, if you look away for a second it could mean crashing into the car in front of you. It could mean backing into a hidden pole. These smart cars have many sensors and cameras that will ensure these things from happening. Google has test driven these cars 500,000 miles without a crash so far. Basically, driving with these cars would be more like performing a job with moderate supervision and an all around less stressful act. It is nerving driving on an interstate with thousands of cars flying around you. There are no room for mistakes. Having assistance wouldn't hurt. Like any new technology that falls before us, there are always problems. So far, the driverless car is not able to navigate itself through accidents or work zones, but manufacturists are already working on solving those problems! Our technology has come such a long way. We only keep making improvements. Pretty soon, our cars will be driving us safely from one destination to the next. Over all, driverless cars seem like a smart way to go. It's where we are heading. Things are improving everday. I know I would like to eliminate as many harmful things out of my life as possible, and these driverless cars would help so many problems that us new drivers will have to face everyday. Our eyes can only see and do so much. Having this car would make driving safer for everyone!