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Today in the world, are you happy? Happy with how the world is growing up and acting or ashamed on how it is pleading to those who live in it to finally change for the better which isn't happening. Yet some children of mother nature or of the universe do believe that only living off of the non-materialistic ideas in life can help you get farther. However many people take pride in indulging on the sins that used excessively can't get them out of the hole they were forced into. Sterotypical people who contradict themseleves or those whom tend to be hypocrytes for that they don't understand always fail to stand for the better. I believe, that in all honesty, no one should be happy with the location of where they stand in society. Due to how far technology has gotten not even within the past two centuries, it must be stopped as a whole. Now let's actually discuss our main objective to throw out the window. The topic to fully dive into, based upon facts and personal opinions, Can stopping the mechanical reproduction of automobiles truly help the world out? Just think about it, what are the possibilies that are being entitled within this topic in particular; but most importantly is there any way the upcoming generations can switch everything or everyone around, to change the mindset of all of the billions of people living on the planet to make it up for the better since we all know the way we are heading is not the place we should go? How fast or slow can this idea be put into place? The world we now know is indeed needing to be resureccted based alone on how much harm we have caused within the past few centuries. If you rely on technology too much doesnt that hurt yourself even more in the long run? Strategies or new found plans should be taken into consideration based on the facts presented and dismissed in the past because the way we are living and teaching those those who are newly born, should know that the world around them isn't right anymore, and direly needs help to improve. The society we are now dealing with, needs to play a new game or the world will end in more corruption than originally thought would happen. In all, isn't it good sometimes, to think about what is wrong and what you could do to help out? Now just sit and think to see where your own mind could lead you. Down the path were the world is once again healthy and happy? Or the path of destruction? The path of destruction can lead to many implications based on health, or survival of the fittest, based on social status or skills gained in a hard cold world mostly dependent on how or when you grew up, due to how society changes over time. Scientists know based on their own work that the atmosphere can only handle so much pollution until it gives out and the world as we do know, learn, and live with can die. Do you want to see the slow demise of where you live, the place where is the only home known to man of the human species? Seeing death upon the streets due to failing natural health means, does it not actually hurt the heart to see such things? Plus car's do take too much space needed for other necesisties such as more room or storage to live a basic daily life in. Yes we may have the technology to fix natural things artificially but does it make it right to think that it will work? Cars cause pollution, pollution cases for health issues, health issues lead to over crowding at the hospital with disease, work load increases and those who work will tire and then eventually get sick themselves for which the most able to achieve end for this ongoing process could be death. Now do you understand where I might be getting at? Being sick mentally or physically is just the first step into a change in mind where all can go to hell and break loose or done in a good way, could change the future generations to restart where we all began. This is all just the basics of the wrong path imagine what could happen if nothing is done to stop the hurting and resume the healing. Although that is the begining of an era that could happen due to stupidity or greed could you do us all a favor and imagine a realistic dream of what could happen if we dropped technology as a whole? All the metals could be recycled for greater purposes! Cars will lead us to see a whole new or happier society where socializing could be the end of all problems. Our health will be in tip top shape, everyone will finally understand what it could mean to live in harmony. Money not spent on transportation could be saved for greater purposes similar to expenses for your child's college maybe even for the advancement of useful environmentally friendly sciences to be learned or help funded or whichever other purpose you can think of. Yes one bad point is that many jobs could be lost but there is always back up plans that you could create for the worst case scenario. However, otherwise society will be happy and health issues should decrease if many of us chose to instead walk or use a bicycle to our destination, so isnt that a better dream to dream? "Keep Moving forward" as stated by Walter Disney, can that dream not be achieved by any means to increase the chances of a world where anything is possible to demand or chase after? Failure doesnt mean to give up but to rather keep trying to improve the ratio of failing to succeding. Cars may be important now, but in an alternate universe, what if they were never invented? In conclusion these familes who are giving up their main source of transportation unless required, they are doing the right thing by taking the first step into a new way of life. Giving up cars is giving up the chance to accidentally hurt those by made a bad desicion. Althought depleting these choices of actions will or should decrease if this topic remains to be included as a new trend for a lack of better word majorly helpful to whose with crime records of the possibility of earning. Fighting with reason is better than to not fight at all. If your standing and doing nothing to help the environment around you, then don't you think you should consider the consequences for future generations down the road? Consider both sides of the argument, which is right or which is wrong to proceed with? The happier life versus the hurting of the world? I can only do nothing but act upon myself to show that what is going on is a coincidence merely to the fact that you are here reading my words. Can my words help from afar or not at all can only be determined by yourself. So be wise and consider, do you chose left for healing or right for hurting?      
FACS, or facial action coding system, is the use of computers to recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel. The use of this technology would be very helpful in classrooms to read students' emotional expressions. This technology would be extremly effective in classrooms. Dr. Huang states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a studenrts is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor". If a classroom computer was put in every class, it would make learning more fun. Not only would it make classes more fun, but it would also be a more effective way of teaching. If you start to doze off in class the computer would change the lesson to keep you interested. The computer would keep students attention due to their facial expression like it is forcing you to learn by keeping your eyes glued to the screen. This kind of technology will grow a brighter generation. The use of FACS would be very helpful in all classes. It would make a teachers job easier for them and more helpful for the students to learn. The value of using of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions would be highly appretiated.
My position on driverless cars is that I think it would be a good idea. Considering how many car wrecks they're are in everyday life. The idea of driverless cars couldnt have came soon enough. Losing lives is a big thing on car craches. Car crashes come from humans silly mistakes now if the car can drive by itself no silly mistakes. Humans have an intendicy to not pay much of attention to the road like they ae suppose to. Humans get distracted easily by anything. Plus for Semi drivers that have to drive through the night for a delivery, that crash because they are tired wont have the problem of crashing because the semi could drive itself. Theyre would still have to be check ins but just the right idea is that there will be no more car wrecks. A big issue with car wrecks is drinking and driving and texting and driving. Yes the person still has a choice while intoxicated to get in the car or not and put down his destination but its better than him/her being in control of the vehicle.Texting and driving, well you wouldnt have to worry about it anymore because again the person won't be in control of the car. Those are some details that help support my position in this draft. Mainly for car crashes not people's needs. The death rate might go down some more if driverless cars were to come. It is something that society can't say no to.
The authors support of the idea of going to Venus is not very well known, we can only infer whether they are for it or against it because they never fully specify. The author give some pros and cons to the exploration of the planet but does not pick one side more than the other. I believe that they author is against the idea of Venus exploration. The authors pros and cons list combat eash other because, the author gives a pro on the exploration of Venus but instantly combats it with another con to weigh it out. One example of this is in paragraph 5 when the author states that the conditions of floating above planet Venus would be difficult but survivable for humans. However, right after making that statement, the authors first sentence in paragraph 6, combats the idea that it is survivable for humans because the article states, "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and vidoeography ineffective." From that statement we can infer that the author doesn't really see the exploration of humans going being very useful but, we can only infer because the author never specifies, for or against. Another way we can infer that the author is against it, is by looking at paragraph 3 when the author is talking truthfully about the planet. The author explains that planet Venus has a thick atmorsphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and that the planet's surface temperature averages out at over, 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The way that the author describes Venus, is not in a way of much liking or making it sound like a good planet to send our people to. The author explains how dangerous Venus is by listing the weather barreries like "...erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lightening strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.", all in paragraph 3. By listing how dangerous the weather is, listing how hot and unlivable it is, and by saying that the lightening frequently strikes the probes trying to get into the planets atmosphere to land, we can only infer that the author doesn't really think that the dangers of humans being out into this kind of situation, is worth it. Additionally, one last way we can infer that the author doesn't favor the idea of Venus exploration is that when in paragraph 2, the author states, "Each previous mission is unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." That statment really pushes the idea that the author defiently doesn't not favor the idea of the exploration using man and spacecraft. But once again, we can only infer because the author never gave a clear personal opinion. In conculsion, I believe that the author does not favor the exploration and does not think that the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit depsite the dangers it provides. The pros and cons weigh each other out, the planet is too dangerous with the heat, the weather, and the obsticles on the surface. The overall thought of the author shows no favor towards the exploration of Venus.
Dear Citizens, I wanted to inform you that there is a limit for driving a car there has been some changes during this few years. Its not only in America that is going on its in other cities and also in states, where people have been droping there adavantages to drive around and dicide to walk instead or to ride a bus to get to other places, they also do that to save money for the gasoline especially if they drive long distance. For example in German Suburb they have forbidden street parking, driveways and home garages, new district on outskirts of freiburg, near the French and Swiss borders. There's a place called Vauban's and its a total Car-free, 70% of vaubans don't own a car and 57% sold thier car to move here. In Paris, they have banded driving due to smog, can ya'll believe that?;they have done because after days of near pollution paris inforced partial driving to clean the air of global city. people that drived with a even-numbered license plate they were charged a 31 dollars fine almost 4,000 drivers were fine according to Reuters. Now the "smog" came from Beijing,China which is one of the most polluted city in the world. Paris typically has more smog then other European capitals, but eventually the smog cleared enough for The Ruling French party. There's was also a Car-Free day in Bogata and it was a big hit, Colombians usually hiked,biked,skated or even took buses to work during the car-free day if you left early people avoid traffic jams. and there goal is to promte alternative transportation and reduce smog it was a good ways to take way stress and lower air pollution. there's parks and sports centers that have bloomed throughout the city; uneven pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad,rush-hours have dramatically cut traffic. The End of Car Culture, where president Obama ambitious goal to curb the United States greenhouse gas emission,unveiled last week. Americans are buying fewer cars and driving less, but also getting fewer licenses as years go by. theres a question that says 'Has America passed peak driving?"i mean am not sure how to explan ,but am sure america ids the the same as it use to be and now that they are talking or writing a articule about it means that alot of people are driving less and buying cars. A study has shown that young people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009.
Florida State Senator, The Electoral College is a crucial part of the United States's election process. There are some negatives to the Electoral College but the positives outweigh them by a landslide. The certainty of the outcome and having a president that the majority likes are key beneficial factors to the Electoral College process that would be lost if we changed the election by popular vote for the president of the United States. With the Electoral College, there is a very rare chance that there would be a tie in the nationwide electoral vote. However, according to In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner, "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible--it happened in 2000--but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." A clear winner will always be produced with the slight innormality of a tie. In 2012's election, Barack Obama received 51.3% of the popular vote compared to the 61.7% of the electoral vote. If the election process was by popular vote, it would have been a much closer race between Obama and Romney. To win the Electoral College vote, each region must like you. You cannot have a presidential candidate that favors one region and only one region favors that candidate. In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner states, "...a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president." In contrast, The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer claims that even "at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states." What Is the Electoral College? by the Office of the Federal Register says, "The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President." Because of the number of electoral votes each state has is based on population, meaning Texas has more votes than Rhode Island, every presidential candidate focuses on winning over the big states. The big states are a better representation of our nation's opinion. The Electoral College process should not be replaced by the popular vote due to the extremely rare chance of a tie. It should remain because an outcome is certain and majority of the population would like the president.
In Vauban, Germany many people have given up thier cars. Residents saying that they find that there are many advantages to not owning a car. Such as reducing the gas emissions from tailpipes, saving money, and being much happier. For instance, an advantage of not having a car is a decrease in gas emission. In the article "Car Free Cities"  its sites "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in the United Stated." This shows that cars are infecting our greenhouses with gases and potentionaly harming us. Furthermore, not owning a car will save you money. In the article it states "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." That statement shows that it's not really reasonable to own a car when you have to pay to park. Lastly, people in the article say they are much happier after they sold thier car to live there. There a woman named Heidrun Walter who says "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." this statement shows that residents of Vauban like separating suburban life from auto use. To conclude, there are many reasons why the residents of Vauban, Germany have given up there cars. They benefit from many advantages such as reduced gas emissions, saving money, and being much happier in their life. in the end there many advantages to living in Vauban.
Luke Bomberger reasons to join were. He was working two part time jobs at the grocrey store and the bank and. It was a opportunity of a life time so he had to take it his life was just begning When his freind wanted him to join.He was only 18 whe he was drafted to be a seagoing cowboy. Luke also made fun aboard with when they unloaded they played fun games like. Baseball, Volleyball ,Table Tennis tournements , Fencing , Boxing , Reading, Whittiling and alot more.But they also had hard work to do like the dangers of the sea. One day luke was night watchman he had to check on all animals every hour one night he fell and almost landed in the sea but he cought. Himself before he did but even though he was happy to be alive he suffered an injury from cracked ribs. Luke is more than Mr.Bomberg he is a hero and opend up the world to other people. Around the world so that's why Luke wanted to become a seagoing cowboy.
I, Luke Bomberger, think that it would be wonderful if you participated in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I have three great reasons why you should participate. You would be able to take care of horses, young cows, and mules. You would get to sail overseas. You would be able to have free time on your way. When I say that You would be able to take care of horses, young cows, and mules I mean that there would be 335 for all the types of animals. You would also get to have the chance to sail over the seas and have fun because you would be able to sign up with your buddy and travel together. The last reason is that you would be able to have free time to see things that people may never get to see in their lifetime. After reading these reasons that I stated I hope that you consider joing the Seagoing Cowboys. These are the reasons why I think that you should join. You would get to take care of horses, young cows, and mules. You would also get to sail over the seas with you buddy or even by yourself if you want. The final reason is that you would get free time along the way to see things that people may never get to see in their lifetime.
The face on Mars is actually just a natural landform. The "Face on Mars" has became a pop icon, it has starrd in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows and even haunted grocerys tore checkout lines for 25 years. Its the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. " It reminds me the morst of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." When, NASA unveiled the image for all to see, the caption noted a "huge rock formation, which resembles a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth." The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. Though, When Mars Global Surveryor flew over the Cydonia for the first time, Michael and his Mars Obiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting, revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all For example: As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see where they were." The picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. Although, some people people think it was created by aliens or that few scientists believe the face was an alien artifact, but actually its just a natural landforms common around the American West.
Imaging getting hit by a driverless car and not knowing how is to blame. "Driverless Cars Are Coming," talks about the development of driverless cars. It goes into detil about how they work, their function, and how soon they should be avaible for purcuse. Having driverless cars can negtivity effect people because they can be dangerous,not many laws for them, and they takes a important live skill for teens. Driverless cars can have a negtivity effect because they can be dangerous, not many laws, and they takes a important live skill for teens. These cars can be dangerous becaus they don't have the fast reflexes like humans. The sensors are also unpredictable,"they needed a whole lot of sensors" (Driverless Cars Are Coming"). With a lot of sensors who knows when one will fail, or how bad it is. Automakes made antilock brakes they, "used speed sensors at the wheels,"(Driverless Cars Are Coming") these sensor can faill. Leading to why some antilock brakes do not work proprely."human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). If all the sensors worked it would only be a matter of time before someone hits something becasuse their car didn't warn them soon enough. By not having to drive you have already lost some of your alertness. Being told you need to drive and having to take over just like they, is bound to cause problems. With the transsion from computer to driver, the driver need to have enough time to esses the sution and make a decition on what they are going to do, If the car is going too fast, then the driver will not have time to decied. In the article it says "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). Without anylaws to control these cars, or how and what is developed in them they are most to be more umpredictoble. Without any laws they have to follow the creators of the cars can do crazy things. These driverless car can take a impotrant life skill away from teens. The childeren are the future, with driverless cars on the horision, people will think, they don't need to drive this young. There for raising the age for being able to drive so they will have less experence when they do start driving. Is having driverless cars really a good ideal because they are dangerous, there are not many laws for them, and they take away a important life skill for teens. The development of these cars contune today, some componeis even plan to have a car ready by the year 2020. With that inmind we will have to change some current laws. Do you think this is really worth out time, money and effort?
Driverless cars are a good idea. The fact that cars could be changing the world is pretty interesting and oddly cool. There are positive and negative ends to having cars that can drive on their own. Positive aspects are that the car isn't really driving on its own because it does get assisted, and the car has sensors that can actually help the car and driver actualy drive. A negative aspect could be that there has to be a law to make it leagal for these cars the drive on the streets and in traffic. A computerized car can do a lot on its own. It is liable to drive without getting in wrecks and is capable of avoiding wrecks. Televisions and movies have been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves. Humans can now have that ability to do it on their own. They can experience assisting a car without having to do all the work. Cars now these days all have sensors. Most of them beep or stop or something if it gets too close to an object. This makes the cars smart. Smart cars are much more capable of avoiding accidents than humans are. These computerized cars may be the new start of technology, on a whole other level. Technology fails a lot of people now and days. Having a law to restrict the computerized cars could be a positive and negative thing. Driving a car, one wants to be safe, and if the car shuts down while someone is driving it then anyone around it could possibly be in danger. Before the law could be made to actually have computerized cars on the streets, the glitches and other small problems in technology has to be fixed before hand. New inventions always spark new ideas. The inventions always either fail or make it. Computerized cars are capable of finding its way through the hard laws, like everything, it has to pass. Weather the car has sensors and can drive on its own or has assistance driving or even can't get passed in the law right now, there will be a use for the cars later on in the future, and someone will get the invention going all the way, at its full potential.
Intro: I know some people would love not to have to drive cars around and that's all well and good, but what people don't understand is that driverless cars are dangerous in my opinion. I would rather be safe driving in a car, than to be riding in the car with no driver Body: Let's just say that if someone driving a regular car and someone were in a driverless car, it would be the person in the driverless cars fault. Why? Because they don't think they did anything wrong and that they're following the driving laws. I don't think the person that was actually driving in the normal car is at fault, they may seem old fashioned but at least its safer. Being the cofounder of the Google company doesn't mean you know everything, especially about transportation. This is just an idea but it doesn't mean it should actually happen. I understand that some people love cars that drive for them now but at least they still have steering power. I do however like that cars can brake for you when you're not paying attention. And I know that even driving in normal cars is dangerous, but its much safer being behind the wheel than to be just sitting in the car doing nothing. Driving shouldn't be fun. It should be about learning, and to me learning isn't very fun. Driving to me should be a symbol of growing up not so you can go pick up your friends and go out. Maybe on some occasions, but overall its just a means of transportation from one place to another. But hey, this is just my point of view. Conclusion: Some people may not agree and call me crazy, but at least I know I'll be safe when I'm actually being the steering wheel. I would rather not see so many people in the hospital or dead because they wanted to not have to drive to their destination on their own. Driving isn't a terrible thing, it's when people start getting fed up is the terrible thing.
Driverless cars can make a big impact on today's society. These cars seem to change the world and seems to help out drivers during certain situations. Driverless cars can have positive or negative features about it, but it would defintely help today's society and cause a lot less accidents and wrecks if drivers are careful and follow the law. These cars can also reduce stress on a driver. It's all thanks to sensors. First of all, sensors are what seem to make driverless cars successful on the road. Sensors pretty much do most of the job for drivers. Each one of these sensors are preventing wrecks, less stress for the drivers, less stress for a driver trying to stop or accelerate, sensors are great notifications for work zones, or a reminder for the driver to pay attention to the road and drive following the law. Although, sensors aren't nothing new, these sensors are just being put into these cars. A rotating sensor on the roof can be very important to the Toyota Prius out of any of the sensors that are also on the Toyota. "This sensor uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." This can show everywhere around the car and the driver would have a less likeable chance of hitting someone from behind or even just barely missing the edge of another car and then having to pay for that damage that the driver did. With that being said, "sensors have positively impacted cars from out of control skids and rollovers." This also indicates fewer wrecks or accidents. Also, these sensors are great notifications for drivers that don't exactly pay close attention to what they are doing or don't have a grip on the steering wheel. "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." Sensors can function without a pedal or gas brake, but still need the driver to keep a grip on the wheel while driving. Sensors are what is making driverless cars successful while on the road. This all helps drivers with their driving just by keeping it simple and not having to worry about stopping or accelerating or being worried about wrecking because you can't see the person from behind. Sensors are making each driver aware of what they are doing and to check for their surroundings. It's a good way to stay alert for a situation that might be coming up. Without these sensors, driverless cars would be pointless because that's what is making these cars more advanced and what makes everybody love these cars. The same amount of wrecks and stress would still come into play. Driverless cars are a successful way to drive to prevent injuries, accidents, and stress with these sensors.
Today there are many reasons why we should and should not have car. One of the main reasons is air polution so many people are bying cars and all these cars are creating all this polution. The United States Enviromental protection agency is promotting cars to be reduced. After near record polution, Paris baned driving to clear some of the air. I do believe cars cause a huge disavantage to our clean air but i do not agree with banning people from driving gassed cars, But It would be better for the environment if people would start buying electric cars (hybrid) because some dont run off of gas and some use very little gas. Using these electric cars will benifit everyone because it cost less instead of buying gas and it leaves cleaner air in our environment. Even if lets say forty percent of United States citizens used electric cars that would still leave a huge roll in having cleaner air for us to breath, But if we all do switch to electric cars then cities need to provide cargers for cars like this so that if we are out for a while and our cars battery dies we can charge the car, I think people dont use these cars as much because they think well what happenes if my cars battery dies then there screwed. So i believe if they came out with chargers and bigger cars for families then more people would want to participate in joining an electric car, Because this wont just be saving them money this is also saving some of the air that we breath.
Driverless cars are soon to be the future of the world. People in this world have different views on the driverless cars. Some people think it is a great idea for there to be driverless cars and other people do not think so. The writer of this essay does not agree with driverless cars. The driverless car seems to be a great new invention of the modern time. It appears to the writer of this essay that it is a wrong move for this generation. The move to driverless cars seems to be the wrong idea. The driverless car is not the best option for a mode of transportation. Yes people are getting lazy and do not want to drive themselves, however, the car can only "handle driving functions at speed up to 25 mph[.]" The driverless car seems pointless. If people want a driverless car, then people need to think of ways to get around by not driving themselves. Who wants a driverless car that still has to have a driver. It is meaningless to have one then. The only reason people would get one of these new cars is because of the new "entertainment and information systems" in the cars. The driverless cars are not allowed to even be tested is most states. In the states of California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia, they have allowed limited use of these new cars. It seems pointless to only have these in ceartin places if they are not even going to be driven that much. Even with the few states allowing them, it would be hard for people to even get one with the new laws for driving them. With the new cars come new features of steering, sensors, and handiling. However is something goes wrong with the car and it causes and accident, who is to blame? Will it be the owning company of the car, the driver, or some outside force of some kind? This would cause a heated battle in a court room. It should seem pretty simple. Should company owners risk thousands of lives to make thousands of dollars, of should they not make the cars at all and carry on with the cars the people already have. In conclusion, the use of driverless cars seems pointless. The driverless car should not be produced because of the point of having a "driverless car" that still needs a driver. They should be taken out of production and testing to help possibly save the lives of thousands.
When NASA first saw a face on mars they could not believe it .lot of people thought that it was created by aliens and that it was a sign that their was life on mars.It was untill that NASA found out the truth about the face on mars.That it was not created by aliean. They first picturer was taking in 1976 NASA was amazed they also thought that their was life on mars.It was until they took a picuturer agin in 1998.They stared to see that the face cloer and see who it realy looked.But lots of people still believe that that it was a sign that their was life on mars.They keep trying to givee them evidance to say that their is no life on mars.But the captin of NASA noted a "huge rock fromation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows given the illusion of eyes,nose,and,mouth." But people still though that it was life on they more people stareed to believe that it was not a sign that their was life on mars.Them they took another picture of the face on mars in 2001 and that is when people stared to believe that it was not,that it was just an illusain that made it look like it was a face on mars. since that last picture that they took of it the people started to people that it was an illusain.And that their was no sign on mars.
Persuading a person involves tons of effort and time. You have to know your facts and have tons of background knowlege on the subject. Do you personally believe in aliens? The so called "face" provided in the image is what I believe a natural landform, although some peoples thoughts differ. If you look at the image that was revealed by NASA you will see there are no realistic features to it. Do you ever come across a person with a square or retangular head? Well, I have not. Aliens aren't realistic. The presents of aliens are said to be there, but realisitcally have you ever personally came across a alien or even evidence to a aliens presents? As we come to unmask the face on Mars the gravitational pull has formed the "face" on Mars by waste build up. Aliens are fictional creatures that live in movies and tv shows, not in the real world.
Dear, State sentaor Juding by this artical "Does the Electoral College Work?",  readers would agree that electoral colleges should be changed. This artical explains what electoral colleges are, how they help voting, and how they are bad. These three things give the reader the opion about this artical. Source one "What is the Electoral College Work? " by the Office of the Federal Register explains what an electoral college is " The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the president by vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens". The founding fathers intended to help with elections but later people want it to go away so their votes matter. Since electoral colleges have been formed they have been disliked because they are thought of as "an anachronism, and a non-democratic method of selecting a president". Another is "The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational". In most of the passage it talks about how the readers demise the electoral college. To sum up this passage the readers would agree electoral colleges are unwanted, and not need. This is supported by many quotes in all of the sources. The best quote to prove this point is " Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense ... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people.                        
People in America vote for a candidate running for president believing that their vote counts, but in reality it all comes down to the Electoral College. According to "The Indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election tot he kind we have now." We, as a country, need to change to election by popular vote for the president of the united states in order to have fair competion instead of the people of America voting for a potential president only to find out the vote was worth nothing. To begin with, majority of the nation wants to abolish the Electoral Congress because it's an unfair process. Bradford plumer states, "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." It should be that the voters vote for the president, but we are just voting for electors so they can vote for the president putting our nation's future in danger. The Electoral College used to be the the right way of election but now it's known as something from the past. Traditionally, the Electoral College was "a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens, (paragraph 1, by the Office of the Federal Register)" in which the founding fathers established this process of election knowing that then it was the correct way. But now, this process is "outdated (paragraph 14, Bradford Plumer)" and there needs to be election by popular vote. Another key point, former presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, agree with "abolishing the electoral college (paragraph 9, Bradford Plumer)" as do Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO, and the Gallup poll in 2000. Majority wants to get rid of the Electoral College in order to lets the popular vote decide who become president. also, voters cant always control who their electors vote for. Bradford Plumer notes, "The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century." The Al Gore election is an example of the unfairness that the Electoral College is pursuing. Al Gore won the popular vote against George W. Bush nationwide, which means the people wanted Gore, but he did not recieve enough electoral votes to win the election. In the Electoral College's defense, the Electoral College, as illustrated by Richard A. Posner, "restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution," meaning that a presidential candidate will give more attention to a larger state than a smaller state. Without the Electoral College, the president wouldn't have "trans-regional appeal (paragraph 19, Richard A. Posner)," meaning that no one region has enough electoral votes to elect a president so the Electoral College requires the "trans-regional appeal." To conclude, our nation needs to change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States instead of election by the Electoral College because this process of election is unfair to the voters of this nation. Also, majority wins and the majority of the country wants to repeal the Electoral College then we should make a change. If we want this nation to be the strongest it can be then we need to make choices that will positively affect our country and the people of our country.      
Limiting car usage nowadays is very well for the enviroment. Not using cars so much lowers polution, and is a great way for humans to start interacting with one-another again. The "Car-Free cities" started in the suburbs of Germany. Almost everyone completely gave up their cars. P2 L1-2 states that stret parking and drivewats and home garages are generally forbidden. If you are not completely car-free you pay $40,000 to buy space to park you car(s) along with a home. Statistics say that 70 percent of families d not own cars anymore, and 57 percent actually sold their cars to move to Germany. Heidrun Wlter stated "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way". In Paris, due to near-record pollution, they enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On certain days motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a $31 fine. the other days same rules apply to odd-numbered license plate owners. The more cities that start doing a ban on driving cars' or use more enviroment healthy cars are helping reduce pollution and other toxins in the air. p43 states that the Ford company is already making changes to their cars/trucks to make them more enviromentally safe. The rate of Kids and aduts between the ages of 16-39 getting their licenes and permits have dropped drastically within the past few years. With communication the computers and telephones, teens and alduts feel connected by talking on these devices and don't feel the need as much to drive to go see a friend and find it easier to stay intouch. In Bogota, Colombia millians of people hike, bike, skate or took buses to work durin a car-free day. It was the third year that cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Wihout Cars in the city. The turnout was large, despite the occasional rain they ecieved, that didnt stop the colombians for doing what they did.  "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said Carlos Arturo Plaza. Two other Colobian cities, Cali and Valledupar, joined the Day Without Cars event. The citites are generation a revolutionary change in the world. Parks and sports centers have bloomed throught the city, sidewalks have been repaired and rush-hour has been cut. The United states' has realized a drastic change in driving. Fewer people are getting their licenses. as of 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in 1995 (P32 L9-12).
Driverless Cars Are Coming Why do people think its good to drive cars thats drive them places? Cars can put you in so much danger that you wouldn't expect your self to be in at the time you are drive. So many thing can happen while you are in the car and you wouldn't even know. You can end up going to the wrong place and the car wouldnt even know. so have a driveless car nah i wouldnt want it im all the way against that. Have a driveless car can be very dangerous you can be in so much danger when you are in a driveless car like in the passage it say that "within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers". How would you know if that is true? Wow by someone telling that it is or somebody testing your car out before you drive it. People dont always tell the truth about there brand you see they siad in the passage that " within 10 years " key words 10 years all of the things they done put ion there cars in 10 years you wouldnt know if the car was good or bad for you. It can turn around in put you im so much danger and you wouldn't even expect that from a car that the dealer told you so much good about. So much thing can happen while you are in that car. People fall asleep while drive all the time. Some people just dont watch the rode, they be to busy on there phone. Now what if your driveless car was just ride and the machine shut off and have you start drive out of no were. You wouldn't even no because the machine had cut off and it didn't even say anything before it had cut off. An you was just in your car relaxing and on your phone and then BOOM a big crash would happen, that would be your life. You wouldn't want a machine that messes up your life its better off get a car that your can drive on your own 24/7. So much things can happen in a driveless car. While have a driveless car you can put in a destination and they will end up send you to a spot that you didnt even want to go. You could be going on a road trip and wanted to go to texas and the driverless car just sends you some were else and you would be so anger. You could let a friend brorrow your car to go to a doctors appointment and they wouldn't know how to frunction your car when they see a rode bllock a head like in the passage it had said " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigation through work zones and around accidents. This means ther human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires". and your friend wouldn't even know. So have a driveless car nahh im okay so many things can happen that people diont even think about. It can put you in danger. You wouldn't know what will happen and plus it can send you to the wrong destination. So why do people want driveless cars i really dont know but i wouldn't take that chance at all. The ones who do buy it have fun the ones who don't good thinking.
Dear Mr. Senator, I am not in favor of the electoral college because it doesnt allow the peoples vote to be sincere "we the people" is what our country is based off of and by having the electoral colloge set in place we cannot be the people. We are endowed certain rights and freedoms by the government and getting a vote is one of them but with this electoral college propaganda we cannot not give our sincere vote that counts. Truly I do not understand the electoral college to an extent that some do but i dont have to. I know enough to know that this system of voting is unethical and not right. Anyone in there right mind will know this is a terrible system of voting. For example barrack obama should not have won and wouldnt have won the second time if it werent for this scrub system of voting. Much like taking this test we are waisting our time. We are endowed by our creator certain unalianable rights that cannot be taken away. There is a lot wrong about our government and elecoral college doesnt strike the surface. It is foolish to think electoral college is the biggest problem america has. Not just america but the world. The world is falling apart and all these hypocritical media people are freaking out over the electoral college. They need to grow a pair and take off their mini skirt and open their eyes a little bit. Riches on earth mean nothing. Moth, famine, and thieves destroy here. But riches in heaven is what matters. This country would never even have became independent if it was run by the people who are running it now. First of all this country was founded on God and now the government wont even allow us to have a Christmas party in schools because the word CHRIST is in it. They want us to have a "holiday" party instead. they will all see one day. On judgment day. All we can do is pray for them because thats all that can help these distranged men. Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfullness Gentleness and Self-control ol ol. Love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-contol o ol. Ok i am missing weightlifting class to write some bogus essay that doesnt even count.  really  you are really making us do this?  this school district sucks and everyone knows it. everyone. its time to let go of the mini skirt and grow a pair. and become a school district that actually allows us to learn. 
The authors claim supports the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despites the danger becase their are conditions that they have to be careful with. My first reason is that not many people survive for hours. My second reason is that the conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. My third reason is that technology tends to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. " Each previos mission was un manned, and for good reasons, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." When they are flying and trying to land carefully, and they are in the ground the spaceship might end up exploting. " Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades." So they can tell why it didn't land safely to venus. " ... such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." If you go way to deep in the ocean you would liquefy many metals." ... weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." This can couse many different weathers. " Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." If you do a physical condition something can happen to you. " By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." If you have something mechanical part around you it can melt in your body and it will burn yor skin. In conclusion, all of the conditions that they said that can happen to you can couse you to die. When you are in a spaceship try to land carefully so nothing bad happens to you.
Did you know about 25 years ago a funny face has appeared on Mars? Did you also know that the funny face became a pop icon? The funny face has appeared on lots of things. It became popular after the scientists and researchers found out about it. It went on tv shows, movies, magazines, and stuff like that. Some scientist think that it was some kind of alien artifact, even though aliens do not exist. Some of the scientists or the Mars Orbiter Camera took a lot of pictures to get a really good picture of it. The scientists did this because they wanted to be able to study a lot better and they would get a better view of the face, if they get a really good picture of it. It took a while for them to get the picture on this JPL web site. It turns out that the face was not an alien's artifact after all. The scientists wanted to get another picture of the face on Mars. They wanted to have a second look at it, to make sure that can get the right information on it. Like where the face is, what degrees it is at, which it is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude. They wanted to find good information about it. They wanted to get better pictures of it so they could study it more, so they could get research on it. Some people think that the face on Mars looks equivalent to a butte or mesa, which is a landform commom around the American West. So now people know what it looks like. Some people might think it still looks like a face to them but other people might not think that anymore. They think it looks different now that the scientists figured out what it looks like. The scientists figured out that the lava dome, isolated the form mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. The scientists might still be trying to figure out how this face appeared on Mars how it got there. Some people are trying to figure out what the face looks like, even some people think that the face on Mars doesn't even look like a face. Scientists might look at this differently now. They might as well keep trying to figure it out if they want to.
Student Emotion Reading Argument Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, and Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam study better ways to find out human emotions faster. These two Professeor's have created a computer that makes a 3D model of your face and it calculates your emotion by the way your facial muscles are being used. Many people are asking "could this kind of technology be valuable in schools for students". The use of this technology should not be allowed in schools class rooms. Thats not the teachers buisness wheather an student is feel happy, surprised, fearful, angry, or sad. If the student wants someone to know how they are feeling they can go to the teacher and tell them. They could even go to the gidance counselor, or the priciple. Basically I am saying that i student show be able to expresss their feelings if they want to without everyone knowing. Then this kinda has an up side to if this kind aof technology was in schools. Teachers could help student more if they are angry, or sad. Therefor I kinda see why the question is "should this kind of technology be in classrooms?". In conclusion i feel that this kind of technology should not be in classrooms. If it is in classrooms for the school to use it on a child they should have parent parmission. Also notify the parent that they are gonna use it before doing so.
I think using technology to read students emotional expression in the classroom won't be a good idea because it will make many students feel uncomftorable,ruin the teacher lesson plans and takes away talking and communicating with other people. Many students will feel uncomftorable having a computer in their face all day monitoring their emotions. It will become hard to stay focus in class. They will try changing their emotions and facial expressions on purporse just to get a reaction out of the computer and that can mess up a lot of things with the program and the teacher. Teaching a lesson and knowing how the students are feeling about it is good but it has a few cons. It's great to tell whether their struggling or not paying attention but it can also be embarassing. If your teaching a lesson and a student is making a confused faced,the lesson is ruined and you have to help that student out and make them feel bad for having a confused expression. Talking to friends and family or the people you love is how everyone in the world communicates. For example if someone is having a bad day they wouldn't want to talk for awhile and when they do it's with a friend. Or if someone just found out their relative just died they would want to speak to someone outside of class because they know their education is much more important,or someone can even be overly depressed trying to work in class and get the best grades possible.Since they have computers to know how their feeling it takes away the communication of speaking to another human being if their upset about something and don't want to show it. In conclusion haing computers in a classroom to tell how students are feeling is not a good idea. It makes them uncomfotorable like a computer can just tell everyone how their feeling.It ruins teacher classes to know when a student is confused about their less. And it exposes their feelings their having in class about things going on at home.
Here are some reasons people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You get to move cattle,travel places,help people. Traveling would be fun and here are some reasons why. Places, you could go to asia and see their art, or Europe and meet the people. Food, you could try exotic things like goat or fresh Polish sausge. People, you could meet new people and hang out with your new best german buddy eating goat. Moving cattle would be fun ecpecially if you grew up doing it just like Luke did. You could get smarter by doing this you would know how much of what to give a horse or a cow for feed, and you would know how to clean a stall. If you ever retired you could go into cattle from this experience. If you did this you could have the experience of traveling and cattle but the best one would be knowing you helped all those people stay alive milk and meat from the cows meat from the goat. everyone would love you for giving them food and milk to eat and drink to keep them alive. In conclusion those are the reasons why people should become Seagoing Cowboys. It would benefit you and those people who need food and water.
Pollution is a pestering problem worldwide and the biggest investor to this type of un-seen pollution is the automobile. wich can account for the first explanation why there several advantages for reducing and limiting the amount of car usage ,first to reduce emmissions, pollution and greenhouse gases. secondly being that there is plenty of other more peaceful means of commuting to where you are getting to. To thrust this arguement forward that limitng car and automobile usage will have significant advantages over the world wide pollution problem is the first evidential excerpt in source four paragraph thirty four it quotes "it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment since transportation is the second largest source of americas emissions just behind power plants" this section implies that cutting down are vehicle and transportive uses will benficially affect or pollution and emissions problem cutting it down drastically. the second jerking piece of evidence is that in source two paragraph ten states that after days of near record pollution paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. this goes to prove that drivng , cars , and automobiles can significantly have a huge impact positively for our pollution and has contributed so much that we have pollutio almost like never before. Another reason for needing car usage limited is that it will lead to a better life. in paragraph 24 it states that this is a good oppurtinity to take away stress. what this means to imply is that by taking away the stress using this method it will lead to a better more peaceful life as stated in the original claim. A secondary source of evidence is in paragraph 28 when it say parks and sports centers also have bloomed . these kinds of things happening because of the lack of car usage can sometimes make peoples life more fun and when life becomes fun life can beocme better demonstrating that the lack of car usage can implant in most people, a better life. whether life becomes  better or pollution goes there is a wide range of advantages to cutting our vehicle and motor usage to a minimum.
Hello my name is luke soon after I graduated My best friend asked me to join a program were we help victims of World War II.My first impression of the ship was that it did not look good but as soon as I got in it was pretty nice there was a man waiting for us to give us the keys to our rooms and work clothes. The first trip I went on I had to feed the animals, wash their pins, and check on them on the hour. The job I had was not as bad as it sounds their pins were actually clean the majority of the time so I really did not have to do much work, beside handing out food and checking on the animals. In our free time on the ship we could play baseball, volleyball, widling, and basketball. when we get to our stop we get off deliver the animals to the victims of the war. After were done with that we get back on the ship for another three weeks to go back to America. When we get back we spend two to three months at home then we go on another trip. When they called me to notify me about the next trip and that the boat was leaving in three days I had to hurry up and get my stuff packed. I got my friend Don from his house and we drove New Orleans and boarded the SS Charles and headed of two see this time aboard I had night watch duty so I had two check on the animals hourly and see if they were okay. when we were done with helping people we had free time so Don and I went to visit some national landmarks. It was a wonderful experience for me I had a lot of fun helping people and seeing the landmarks like the Panama Canal, an excavated castle in Crete, and I alsogot to take a gandola ride in Venice,Italy. that is why I think you should go on the tour it is a fun time helping people and it is a great experience to tour the world. that is why u should join.
Dear State Senator, I believe that the electoral college works and that its a problem solver. Since our electoral college was established by our founding fathers, according to the article, "what is the electoral college? " Since the electoral college consists of 538 possible Electoral votes, i believe that the majority being at 270 electoral votes is more than enough to being able to decide our United States President. The best the thing about to the electoral votes is that it has a certanty of an outcome, according to the article, " In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our method of choosing the President " by: Richard A. Posner, which also states that another thing thats good about the electoral college is that it avoids having run-off elections. As said in this aricle this means that it "avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." There are so many things that electoral college does right and thats why i beleve it should stay. On the other hand, there are also things that the electoral college does wrong. For example, us voters don't vote for the president but for the slate of electors who later vote for the president, accordingto the article " The indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong. " Another thing that is wrong with electoral college is that its a disaster just waiting to happen. Its a disaster just waiting to happen because in the year 2000, it was most likely the biggest election crisis in a century, as stated in the aritcle "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong." The last and final reason why electoral college isn't the beat thing for choosing the president of the United States is because the electoral college is unfair to voters. For example, the winner-take-all system, senators only focus on what they care about and not whtas important. In conclusion senator, i still belive that the elcetoral college should stay becuase it was worked all the way up to now so why will it all of a suddent stop? From, PROPER_NAME
I don't think its Aliens, it has to be the way the land formed its self. My space partner totally disagrees with me, saying that it is aliens. Some people believe in Aliens unlike me. We have not discovered any site of Aliens for a very long time, intill we discovered this face. How could Aliens even do this? Did the Alien just die and sit there for 10,000 years? It is very possible for landform to make a odd looking face. My space patner thinks that Aliens made the face by dieing and sittig there for s long time. He thinks that they are so smart they made that face to drag humans into Mars. Some Alien maybe had to make a sacrifice? I think that landform and the sun had something to do with it. The sun probably melted some land, or maybe it moved just right to make this face. The fact that "The Face of Mars" got popular and got out there suprised me. I would be kinda shocked though, if I was someone at home and someone comes and tells me "They descovered a Face on Mars". I would defentely be a little curious. Me and my partner have came to a conclusion that it was landform. That there is still no site of Aliens. That dosen't mean we woun't stop looking.
Not being able to exactly calculate what an individual is feeling is not always simple. Imagine being able to immediately detect another person's emotion. The Facial Coding System has the ability to do that. This is a recently invented software that can identify one's emotions by tracking facial movements. There are many great aspects to this new invention. The use of the Facial Coding System in classrooms to read the emotional expressions of students in our classrooms, should be put into action. This software will make learning less stressful, and more efficient for the student. According to the article, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". By putting this software into play, one can avoid being "confused or bored". It will postively influence the student's education since it will have the ability to "modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." Not only the student will benefit, but also the teacher since it can be time-saving for them. In the article it also stated that, "Empathy (feeling someone else's emotional state) may happen because we unconciously imitate another persons facial expression." This demonstrates how we "unconsciously" can come to the conclusion of what someone's emotional state is. Most teacher's do not know why their student is acting or responding the way they are. By the use of this invention teachers and students can avoid many debates and students could gain emotional aid. Learning will be successful. We need this in our classrooms. We have heard and experienced lots of negatuve aspects from computers but this is why experts are developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate, like the Facial Action Coding system. Who would not want to see students more engaged in learning?
The author supports his theory of going to venus is a worthy pursuit by having creative ideas and sources that supply him with evidence to back up his claim. Venus has earth like features, its extremely hot and its 97% carbon dioxide. In the article the author claims that venus has earth-like features "Astronomers are fascinathed by venus because it my well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." this statment gives details on how venus my have looked like earth a long time ago. In the article the author claims that venus is very hot "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything human encounter on earth;such an environment would crash even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." in this statment the author gives many specific details on how venus has the hottest surface tempature than any other planet in our solar system. In the article the author claims that venus is 97% carbon dioxide " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of higly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere."in this statment the author explains venus's atmosphere. in conclusion the author did a very good job explaining and education on how venus is a good planet to study despite the many dangers it has.
The "Face on Mars" is a a butte/mesa landform on Mars, that has started a huge controversy between skeptics and Nasa, because it depicts a human face. At first we were skeptical about the validity of this landmark, and we were not sure about what it really was. Some of our other scientists got on the case and according to paragraph 12 of the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" article, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West. People were not going to easily accept this easily. According to paragraph 5 in "Unmasking the Face on Mars" article, "It has starred in a Holywood film,. appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows--evne haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!". This transformed and fueled people to start being skeptical about wheather or not it was a sign of life or not. They started to deny that me and other scientists at NASA were telling the truth and even thought that we would rather hide it then tell anyone. I can prove that the "Face on Mars" is just a landform on Mars because, we have taken high quality pictures on a clear day of the landform, we would share with the world if their was life on Mars, and we have studied it enough to see it is just a rock, thats shadows that make it appear as a face. The first piece of evidence of this Face just being a landform is that we have taken the highest quality pictures possible, and we even did it on a clear day. The pictures were way more high quality then the original pictures, and accoriding to passage 10 "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. This showed clear as day what the "Face on Mars" really looked like. We then even took more pictures on a clear day because people started to speculate and according to passage 8 "The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze." Us scientists decided we had to take it on a clear day, so we did and now we can tell you that is 100% what the landmark looks like. The second piece of evidence for the Face only being a natural landform is that if we knew their was life on Mars we would tell the people. We would make a lot of money and we would be able to keep NASA going and get enough money to keep funding us. According to passage 5 "Some people think that the "Face on Mars" is a bona fide evidence of life on Mars--evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists." This just proves my point of we would tell the people, and we would let everyone know because their is no reason for us to hide this from the people, and we would make a lot of money and would be able to keep funding NASA. The last piece of evidence about the "Face on Mars" just being a natural landform is that we have observed the landform for long enough, and according to paragraph 12"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West." This proves my point of us being able to identify just from the picture that it is a butte or a mesa, and it is easy for us to know, because we already have some all across the American West. We also know according to paragraph 3 that "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." This shows that we have observed this landform for long enough and taken enough pictures that we can identify that it is just a landform that has shadows that just make it portray a human face. In conclusion me and other scientists at NASA know what we are doing, and would like to inform everyone that the "Face on Mars" is just a landform. We would tell the people about this as quick as possible if it really wasn't, and we would not try to hide it from the public at all. I hope all skeptics understand that we have enough evidence to believe that this is not a human face, that is just a landform, that we have taken enough pictures to understand what it is, and that there is nothing to worry about.
The Facial Action Coding System is an invasion of privacy and should not be used in classrooms or on students. Students should chose when and to who they reveal their emotions, and this system deprives them of that freedom. As stated in by Nick D'Alto, most human communication is not verbal. Meaning that people express their emotions by their looks or their actions, but they chose when to do this. The Facial Action Coding System takes away this freedom from students, they do not have the choice when to express what they are feeling if anyone can just use a face scanning system on them. " Imagine being able to detect exaclty how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions (D'Alto 1)," this first sentence perfectly shows how it takes away peoples freedom of when they want to express certian emotions tocertian people. Every human has naturaul rights, and in America everyone has the right to freedom of speech. But part of that right to speech is having the choice not to speak. The Facial action Coding System would take away people's freedom of facial expression or emotion. People should have the right to chose to who and when they express their emotions, and this system takes away these rights.
As you may know many people believe that a aliens have created this "face". I am here to inform you that it is not. First of all if aliens did create it w ewould have seen some in the picture/s, secondly there just isn't any/enough evidence to prove the accuisation, and lastly we, as NASA have plenty of evidence that this was not created by such cretures. First of all there is not way that this face was created by living creatures. If they did we would have evidence like seeing forms of some type of homes or just the creatures themselves should have shown up but indeed none did. Like in the passage "Unmasking the Face on Mars" it includes "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" But in fact there was nothing like this noticable in the close up photograph. The text also includes "that it was a natural land form. No monument at all." Secondly, people with these conspiracys have little to no evidence that there could be any living life on face/mars. They wouldn't stop with their theories so NASA took it into consideration and went out there again, even though it is beyond hard to find it. But it was on a sunny day. Still, there was no sign of living creatures nor aliens. However In the passage it states "Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars-Evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists." Which I could see why some people would believe that NASA would want to hide amazing information like that. They could think that the people of Earth are not ready to quite that out yet. Then again thats just a bunch of non-sense. If scientist did find another place where living creatures could live, that would be a big discovery. Too big to even hide. Lastly NASA has a lot more evidence to prove that it is jsut a natural landform other than a hidden alien planet. Like one thing from the article is "A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illision of eyes, nose, and mouth. The authors believed it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." Also the author includes "Scientist figured it was just another Matian mesa, common enough around Cydona, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like a Egyptain Pharaoh." So there is much more evidence to comply with NASAs theroies than the conspiracys. In conclusion its pretty obvious that this is just a natural formation made to just look like a human face. The evidence makes it a clear choice. So this "face" is just a landform and we all have to come together and learn how to accepted what it gives us because no matter what its not like we can change it.
This story about driverless cars, shows why or why not we will end up having them in the future. It lets us readers and individuals have an opionion for if we feel comftorable about this action taking the world to a whole new level or not. There are very good points and reasons taking up on both sides of this arguement. A few reasons why this shouldnt happen on the road has better points than what we would think. When we hear about driverless cars, we get excited because that means less for us. But we dont worry about ther consequenses it will cause. These cars still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, suach as navagating through the roadwork accidents. They want to make new roads which would cause years of traffic. Some goods about it when it gets all figured out is that wreck percentages may be minimized and it could take you somewhere youd need to be like the hospital or something important that you arent capable of driving to. Also sensors would be more advanced then what they are in regular cars. Now, these are some facts and solutions to this arguement. whether driveless cars should be brought to consideration in the future or if they shouldnt.
There are many advantages of limiting car use. Have you ever thought of just how much gas we use and how bad it is for our air. All the driving we do as teenagers is a way of showing our freedom for most, others just need a ride. I drive myself but i do have to say i couldnt give up my car, i dont live close enough to anywhere so that i could ride a bike or walk, otherwise its a great idea. Some advantages are not as much greenhouse gasses are emmitted into the air. I also see that without driving some can get more excersize that is well needed and it also gives people the chance to see the things they dont see everyday because they are in such a hurry. It can aslo help use save our resources that have been having shotages. In america not many people are worried about driving and getting thier liscences as there use to be. Another advantage is that we can save money that could be used for other things. Some places are having days rthat people cannot drive and if caught the get fined. I think its neat seein g a community coming together and doing stuff together. It shows just how are humanaty works. Anothe advantage iss that you can slow down, and see those around you that you havent seen before or in a while. I could go a day without driving, maybe even two. Could you ?
Who would have thought that our world would be where it is today in the automobile feild. We started out with simple horses and buggies, and now we're sporting driverless cars. The future is here, and i'm super thrilled to be a part of the generation of technology. Apparently, Google has developed a car that literally drives itself! Who wants to worry about puting the car in drive, and wondering if you're driving'll always be driving great! The google cars "have driven more than half a million miles without a crash," which absolutely amazes me. Safety is a very important issue that I personally worry about often, but with this out of this world invention, I wouldn't ever have to worry about crashing, to an extent. Also, since these cars are basically crash proof, you'll always have a designated driver if you're unable to succesfully drive yourself home. You always hear about crazy people driving recklessly under the influence, and taking thier lives, taking others lives, and harming themselves and the well-being of innocent bistanders. With this breakthrough car, drunk driving rates would hit rock bottom. People wouldn't have to put others, and themselves in any sort of danger, because you're not the one driving, your car is. Again, safety really plays a gigantic role in these vehicles. These wonder machines also have sensors, so that if for some reason traffic is too much to handle for the smart car, the car will send a vibration through your seat to alert you to take over. To me, that's the only problem...the cars aren't fully in control. Evidence from the article states, " Google modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an internal motion sensor." Seems like alot of sensors! I would really love to nap at the wheel, but it seems as though I would be unable to proceed in doing that. So that is something I would definetely encourage manufacures to sensors, just pure driverless cars. These cars are nothing short of amazing, and I can't wait to own one for myself one day. They are safer than your typical car, and also super cool and intereesting. So if you want more safety, and more reliablity, definelty go with the Google cars.
Senator <blank>, I would like to express my opininioun on keeping existance to the Electoral Collage. The Electoral Collage Creates a dicided ground; as whell as, equal and justified representation. Abolishment of the Electoral Collage would not give power to all states and, would highten potential for bias political leaders. The presedental election enables citizen to vote for any idea and share a final one.  For instance: you and your 3 friends are deciding on a what they want for dinner you have more athority because you are driving. You have a conflicting mind; part of you wants mexican food, american, and the another an asian style quisine.  Your friends all have up their mind; 1 mexican, 2 asian, you still are un-decided.  If a  system similar to the Electoral Collage was established you could use majority to dicide on mexican food.  Without part of your mind (state delegations) all deciding on one thing you would either: try to comprimise by inconvieniocing your party to stopping at 2 restaurants or decide that you all would not eat. Many argue that without the Electoral Collage equal power would be given to the people and that "most people worry is the prosepct of a tie in the electoral vote"-source 2.  Even a equal representation or the "equal voting system" would create clear distinction having asian won. "Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors"-source 1. The Electoral Collage also prevents State from having more power than one another. In the example previous; you could dicide that since you were undicided or the party was undicided, you would not dine.  This could happen; however, the election should operate more on the the principals of the Electoral Collage to prevent this.  In example: "The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes."-source 3. In the event that only Texas, Florida and, California voted yes and the rest of the country voted no, The vote would be no.  Without Electoral Collage the country would been towards the choice of largely populated states not swing states that carry only 1 vote. "if an electoral tie seems unlikely,"- source 2. The Electoral Collage keeps the contry functioning not on the popular majority of voters to prevent comprimise.  Having a decided union prevents seperation that tour our contry apart in the Civil War.  We should keep the Electoral Collage; because, the only real flaw in the system is uneducated voters.
If i was a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens i would tell them that it was a huge rock formation giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. I would also say to them that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos which can prove that i was just a landform. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing. . . a natural landorm. And to add to the conversation i would tell them that the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West. Then tell them how can aliens create a landform. In conclusion, I would show them pictures of the landform on the monitor then zoom in and prove to them that its just a landform with an illusion. Then after telling them this information they should understand why its just a landform with and illusion but aliens did NOT make the landform
Personsonaly, I think that being able to read students emotion would help in the classroon more for the teacher than the other students. It may show when the student is unhappy, tred, mad, or sad. Believe it or not i think this is huge especially in a classroom. In the exerpt it says that Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. Two minuets ago i would have never guessed that, but it's a good thing to know that. If it were to be a student, to knwo that he/she is maybe angry is very helpful in that it shows that we cant push them or tell them to do something the same way we normally would. We need to descelate the situation and make this person more on the happy side before we do anything else. Yes it is a little odd to think that a humans facial structure can be generated on on a comuter, but at the same time it was only amatter of time before this would happen. in fact, this happens all the time for movies and video games. The face has 44 muscles and the computers generatin of the face must have the same exact 44 muscles in it in order to read and produce a human like analyzation of a face. Weather what we have right now is that acurate, i'm not sure, but what i do know is that it is impresive. People like Dr. Huang relie on the work of a psychologist like Dr. Paul Eckman who is the creator of FACS which stands for Facial Action Coding System. The exerpt says that Eckman has descovered the following emotions due to the muscle movements. Happy, sad, angry, disgust, fear, and sadness. The example given in the text is the frontal pars lateralis muscle or above your eyes rise when you are suprised. Overall i do believe that this would be helpfull to read a students emotion to show how to aproach him or her and to show what to say and how to say it. Everything is dependent on how you say things nowadays. If you say one thing wrong that person may go off on you or may take it really well you just never know, but if that person is angry then you may want to aproach that person with care instead of just going at them full speed.
Do you ever wonder why the world is becoming so much warmer by the minute? Not many people stop and realize what's the real problem. Us humans are the major problem in this situation, we don't see that we are taking what we have to an advantage. To our factories, cars, or even trash. The main one that is causing our greenhouse gases to rise is our Power plants, but following behind the power plants are vehicles. Cars have become a major impact in our lives, from hurting one another, to hurting the place we live on. Car-free cities are going to help make a big, helpful change in peoples lives. In the city of Vauban, Germany 70 percent of the families do not own a car. Vauban is called a "car-free" place, cars aren't allowed on the streets of vauban. Many people sold their cars to live in vauban, all around vauban wants a healthy way of living. Vauban allows car ownership, but the cars are only to be parked in two places which are the garages. "When I had a car i was always tense, I'm much happier this way," Heidrun Walter said. It is a much healthier and less stressful way of living, new ideas will always come in handy. The United States Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "Car Reduced" communities. Hopefully they get someone to tag along with this promotion, and get supporters to enforce it. Bogota, Colombia is going on their third straight year of a "Car Free" city. They are wanting to reduce smog, so buses and taxis are permitted. "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," Carlos Arturo claimed. There was a consequence to the ones who didn't follow the rules, which was a $25 fine that they had to pay each time. Eventually, Two other Cities in Colombia, Cali and Valledupar, latched on to the idea of a "Car reduction." You see many people walking, running, riding bikes or skateboarding. A lot of people like this new idea that people are going by,  it's an great way to step foward to save the earth and its problems. Over time, Americans haven't been buying cars, driving less, and over years less people get their license. America is hitting its driving peak, The number of miles driven peaked in 2005 and then decreased signifigantly since then. Not many can afford a brand new car, or the insurance, most people are unemployed and dont work at all. Cars have been around for a long time, but over that time period it has caused major life impacting issues. "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift," said mimi sheller. Many people aren't aware of this "Car Free" idea, which is an disadvantage.  If this idea was spread through televison, newspapers, or even social media many people will pick it up and take it into consideration. In an overall sum up, it is better to live "Car Free." You wouldn't have to stress yourself out about gas prices, fixing your cars, or your world becoming a big ball of heat. If Transportation and power plants are the two major impacts in our lives, we need to knock one out. Until, we can get some second options on power plants our best choice is to forbid cars. We have many other options to get around our city, running, walking, riding bikes or etc. The "Car Free" idea is very creative, not many people would take inisuative to help make the world a better and safer place. With an exception of a few, buses and taxis will be there for long distance trips. Cars caused a huge impact on our lives, but hurting us and our home which we call earth. The business plan is "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve saftey." Think of all the advantages cars have given, but think about all of the disadvantages the cars have showed. Which one out weighs the other? Cars aren't always there to help us, life is all about choices, it's time to make yours.
Dear senator, I favor in changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states. I am writing you this letter saying that I want to change ther election by popular vote for the president of the United States because under the electoral college system voters vote not for the president but for a slate elector, who then turn elect the president. Sometimes the electors vote but the voters cant always control who they vote for. Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy so that the popular vote for Kennedy wouldnt have acutally gone to Kennedy. Electors have often occasionally refused to vote for their partys canidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. I think that the electoral college is unfair to voters. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. They said the Electoral college is widely regarded as an anachornsim. Probably changing to election by popular vote it would be more fair to the people than the electoral college. The single best argument against the electoral college is what they might call the disaster factor. When you vote for a presidential candidate youre actually voting for a slate of electors. Thats why i think you should change to election by popular vote for the president. I think choosing to change to election by popular vote would be more in my opinion because it'll be more fair and they vote for whoever they want and the one with the most popular vote wins, unlike the electoral college that seems unfair to me because when you vote it goes to the electors and the elector then goes and chooses who he wants to pick and he may pick a wrong candidate. But i believe if choosing to change the election by popular vote for the president of the United States it would be more fair to the people because they could see by the popular vote. Thats why i believe by changing to election by popular vote for the President of The United States it would be much better for people. Also Electoral college is unfair to voters because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they have no chance in winning. Durning the 2000 campaign seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all. Thats why i think you should change to the popular vote for the president of the United states i think thats only fair for the people and the states. Thats why they think its unfair and outdated and irrational Sincerly, PROPER_NAME                                                    
The electoral college system has been part of America for many years. At times, this system has proved to be a good thing for our country, but in most times, it has not. I am in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I am in favor of changing to a popular vote because of the unfairness, faulty aspects, and electors in the electoral college. To begin, the electoral college is fair in some ways, but mostly not. One may understandably say that "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate recieves a majority of the votes cast" (Posner, 22). The electoral college has proved to be a balance to the political weight of the large states, but regardless of the size of the state, it should be a citizen right to vote directly for their president. "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states" (Plumer, 13). This quote shows the unfairness to the voters, those in the smaller/more insignificant states don't even matter because of the electoral college! When voting, citizens also become confused with the electors, and potentially vote for their opposing party. Not only is the electoral college unfair for the voters, but for the presidental canidates as well. We as citizens vote for electors whom we must entrust to vote for the party's nominee. This trust is rarely betrayed, but " is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral bote will not win the national popular vote" (Posner, 16). In 2000, the election with Al Gore and George Bush, Gore won the popular vote, but did not win the electoral vote. The people wanted Gore to be the president, but he did not win, due to the unfairness of the ellectoral college. Another reason I am in favor for the popular vote, is because of the faulty aspects of the electoral college system. A counterargument may be that the electoral college has held our country together, making the voting system a lot easier. But in my opinion this is not true. With popular vote, the citizens would just vote for the president, and whichever canidate recieves the most votes would win. But in the case of the electoral college, states cast only one vote for the entire state! ".. the single representative from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California" (Plumer, 12). The reason this is such a big deal is because, let's say that 10,000 people voted in Wyoming. 5,001 were republicans, and 4,999 were democrats. The electoral college would pick the elector representing the republican candidate. Thus, Wyoming's vote goes to the republican canidate. Without the ellectoral college though, those 4,999 votes would count, and would go toward helping the desired canidate win. Voting is an individual effort, and the electoral college does not allow for this. As well as this fault, another fault is the fact that the electors could be anyone. "They can be anyone not holding public office... Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always" (Plumer, 10). Although in most cases the electors vote for the correct party, an elector still may not be trustworthy, or loyal. They may even be bias and vote for a different candidate. The electors do not campaign. Only the presidental canidates do. When we vote for the president, we are actually voting for the electors. Voters normally know little, to nothing about the electors. This makes for an even faultier voting experience. To conclude, electoral colleges are not the way the voting system should be. With popular voting, there will be an assurance that the right candidate will win, the unfair ways of the ellectoral college will be diminished, and there will no longer be any faulty aspects of the voting system. Citizens vote to be heard, and with the electoral college, the people aren't heard as loud as they should be. Voting is a right and priveledge of an American citizien, and popular voting will ensure this right.
Imagine having a piece of technology tell you how you're feeling. I do not think that the use of technology to read our emotions would be valuable in a classroom. If they were used, the students may get mad, it could be a bother to the teacher, or it would be costly and takes regular upkeep. If technology was used in classrooms, it would not be valuable. The students in the classrooms sometimes want to hide how they feel about someone or something, and having a machine track what they feel, could trigger them. A student can sometimes hide their anger about a student or assignment, but if this was applied, it would be obvious. Another reason they wouldn't be valuable is because if it reads the wrong emotion of someone, they person's anger or emotion may rise and become an even larger ordeal. Someone can already tell what is felt just by looking at someone's face for the most part, as the author stated in paragraph 5, so there is no point to have to have a machine do the same thing. A friend would be also able to see if you are faking a smile or hiding what you really feel. The teachers also are another reason they wouldn't hold any value. A second reason that the machine is not worth it is because of the teachers responses. A teacher may now see how a student feels about something and this could lead to more disiplinary issues. The teacher may feel annoyed if the students become amused and there would not be a point to teaching. In paragraph six, it says, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." and this shows that they are becoming like a teacher and this could lead to a decrease in available jobs, kind of like what is happening with robots. The placement of these machines in classrooms could cause more stress on teachers and more to worry about on top of the student's needs. They aren't only a bad idea because of the teachers and students, but also the upkeep. The final reason they should not be placed in classrooms is because of the price and upkeep. The machines would not be a cheap purchase and the schools have better items to buy for the school. The school my have to hire more people to make sure they are always working and this is also using more of the schools money. The device would be like any other piece of technology and would also require updates. The "Da Vinci Code" would not be totally accurate every time, and that could lead to a disruption. Nick D' Alto says, "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." which shows how complicated the machine is and how easily it could misinterpret emotions. In conclusion, the placement of technology in classrooms would hold no value. They would be a distraction to students, have negative effects on teachers, and entail a large cost and major upkeep.
Every four years there is an election held for the next president. Citizens across America vote for the canidate they best see fit to be president. Many may not know but there is another process other than voting to select a president. When people vote for a president, they are actually voting for a elector. That elector then votes for the next president, and this is called The Electral College System. The Electoral College System should no no longer be part of the election process, but instead have election by popular vote for the president of the United States. When a president is elected it does not just effect the government, but also the people of America. The president that is chosen makes decisions for the people, and that is why so many people vote on who will be making those decisions. The Electoral College System greatly effects that vote of presidency. In The Indefensible Electrol Collage: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Pradford Plumer states that "Voters vote not fo the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the persident". People are not getting the chance to vote, because the electors are the ones voting for them. The people should have a turn to vote for the next president. Many people today are all toward the Electoral College System. People think that it is a great way and very helpful when it comes to the elections. The Electorical College seems fair to some people, even if the president most voted for was not elected like back in 2000. The electors to them help find a new president with other electors in Congress. The electors even have the chance to vote for the other canidate even if the people do not vote for that canidate. However many people may be towards the system, but others are also against it. The electors go to Congress and vote for the next president. It is even possible that the canidate most voted for by the people could not be voted for by the electors. The electos haave the finall sya, even if that means not voting for who the people are voting for. This is an issue that should no longer be, but instead have popular vote. The Electoral College Sysytem should be removed from the presidential election, and replaced with popular vote. The Electoral College System does not help, but prevents the canidate most voted for to be ellected. Popular vote from the people should decide who the next president of the United States should be.                                  
How can you compare a painted woman's emotions to a 3-D printer? Copying somone's face with a 3-D printer can't tell you their emotions. This is one big guess, this device can't tell you what facial musscles they're using because its not possible. What would the need for teachers be if a computer notices when someone gets bored? Why are we spending an outragous amount of money for a big waste of time? In the first paragraph the author mentioned "shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". I think this is very false evidence because how can a printer detect what facial musscles Mona Lisa used. Mona Lisa is a painting so how did she use any type of facial musscles. This is one of the many grey places i have with this topic. If people acually have some depresson problems a fake smile won't be able to cheer them up. If somone is just sad in genral then you won't be able to detect what their emotion is because they could be using their real smile but still be hurting deep down. Most of the artist in our history were "mad" meaning they went crazy. Artist that were like mentally ill are crazy, you never know what was brewing through their head at the time of the painting. what is the need for teachers? With the new technology why would we need teachers in the class. a computer that can detect if im board won't stop me from being bored. Anyone can slap something interesting in front of me but what about the kids who do nothing in school. This is why i think its all a bigh waste of money. Mentally ill artist, depressed kids, and kids that do nothing in school, these all are scenarios of why not to get these Facial Action Coding Systems. This Facial Coding System can't detect what went through the artist head when he made the masterpiece. Teachers are always going to be a need in this world and we don't have the time to get rid of them. This Facial Coding System is a big chunk of money not well spent.
Have you ever wonder how it would be like to live on another planet ? or if there was another planet that was like Earth? Well now you can. Scientist have benn trying to reaserch on Venus and how many years ago. Scientist belived that Venus was covered with large oceans and that it may have supported various forms of life. Why cant humans or other form of life live there, scientist have been studing venus for a long time. Venus average weather is up to 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the air pressure is 90 times greater than the one on earth. Our sister planet still has some features that resembled rocky sediments and features valleys, and moutains. Why studing venus is a important ideas. Studing Venus is important because if there is another planet that reasembles Earth so that it wont be overpopulated and see if there could one day be a way to live in another planet. In conclution it's a very smart choice that scientist keep studing earth and see if one day it could be a planet to live on.
If you join the Seagoing Cowboys you will experance some awesome things. Like ittly's linging tower of puzza. I wus a Seagoeing Cowboy for selvel years of my life and i loved it. Takeing care of anmales that i love to differnt conyerys. It's a big opturanty to some thing great with your life. The best thing about being a seagoeing cowboy is seeing that you are making a differance in some bothys life. On the way back from your joney thay have lots of activets. thars boxing in the pen's of anmails if you win you will get braging rifhts in tell some one bets you. There wus also lots of other things to do like the table tenaces turments thear wer soo fun to do to try to beet the best on the boat. There wus also Baceball,Volleyball,Reading,Whittling,Thease games helped to pass the time on the way back. Thats why i think you shold joine the seagoing cowboys. Its alys fun on the way back to the U.S.A. .The Seagoing Cowboys is more than just an adventure for any one its a story. going the seagoinging cowboys is a once in a life optunaty it's fun but also dangeras and a hard working job. thois are some reasins why you shold joine the Seagoing Cowboys.
I belive that using the Facial Action Coding System can value to students in many ways. in the classroom. It seems that it can beused to look at the muscles of the human face. they can be used to represent emotions such as fear,sadness hapyness,disgust and even anger. to me it all make sense becuase back then schools didnt use many laptopsao back then it wouldve been useless. In the article it explianshow using this in school it can show if people are stressed and bored as well as tired. it can be used to base ur lessons depnding on ur mood as it is being scanned students can use this to help study or get help on things in school that they dont understand. it could as well improve on grades wwhen testing comes around. this famous new kind of technology has been used on a old painting the mona lisa. she is a famous painting that has a grand total of 83%happyfe 9%disguted. and 2% angry in lifethis technology csn be useful yo us
Who do you vote for.? or what whould you do if there was no president?. well i think we can find out. But not to worry most states have a "winner-take-all"system. It's for giving awards to electors to the winning presidental canidate., But every canididate has its on electors & if u are becomeing the president then u have every 4 years then you have to be relected. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors.,And a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. But even so your state's entitled allotment of electors is equal to the numbers of its congressional delegation, for each member in the house of Representatives plus 2 for senators. Each candidate running for president is your states has his or her own group of electors, But"Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral college. You can help choose your state's electors when you vote for president because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. After the presidental election, your governor prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment". It lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also delcares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of electors in december of the election year. Under the electoral collage system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote, for (John) Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Demorcratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the state wide election. But 34 electoral votes go to Congress and kerry whould get 34 electoral votes. But who are the electors., You might ask we will never know because it can be anyone not holding public office. But back on the electoral college. The single best argument against the electoral college is what is call the disaster factor. The american people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century;. The system allows for much worse. Lets consider something, Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that thoes electors could always defy the will of the people. Back in 1960, segregationists in the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors Electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please Oh, and its happend before a state send two slates of elsecotrs to Congress., It happend in hawaii in 1960. Luckily, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, validated only his opponent's electors. The Electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism, A non democratic method of selecting a presdent that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. The advicates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense            
New technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. Hold on! Can we actually "calculate" emoitons---like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel? Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit". In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on his or her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of of "Da Vinci Code"! I'm for the new technology Facial Action Coding System. I think is a good idea for computers to know if there owner is happy, mad, sad, and ect. I know I will try the new tech. Heres a qoute from the article " even thought individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).
Most likely im in a car every day of my life and the odds are so are you. But What if cars were never invented how many lives would be saved? how much money could we save? And over all how much better and cleaner our world will be. These things are just some of the advanatges that pertains to limiting our car usage. Have you ever heard of the good out weighs the bad? well in this situation the good defiantly out weighs the bad. Our life source is breathing we need to breath air and at that fresh air, but we never are, not with fumes from millions of cars roaming around. Stated in (source3 par24) "Its a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution". That to me sounds like two gains already, whats better than fresh air and less stress. Things just as simple as car pooling makes the world better but what really would is not useing you'r car daily. No, i dont mean walk every where you could use bikes, eletric operated golf carts which are all fun but much better for the air. By useing these we have fewer fumes in the air which makes for better air. If we all began useing these instead of cars in just towns it would become normal to ride bikes and, golf carts rather than big bulky air killing machines. For an example in (source4 par29) "Americans are buying fewer cars and driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by". It just starts with one to make something drastically change. Now i know were not gonna take family bike trips all the way from florida to georgia or drive a golf cart that only goes to 40mph,but thats when it would be decent to make a "car trip". Im not saying stop useing cars completely just only when its not neccassary. Just think about the world you live in the world that God has created is being pulluted every day, but we can all change that. Money, money ,money Seems to be the big talk in America weather its the money were making, the money were loseing ,or the money we just dont have. But Wouldent you rather put your money towards the mouths of your family or the roof over your head, rather than in your gas tank ? Useing less cars would give us more money on more important things in life and, would cause more people to become happier . Just by useing things like bikes can make things more smoother in your every day life for an example(source3 par28) "Rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic". No one i know loves sitting or, nearly wrecking during traffic with this mehtod of less cars we could cut deaths and, stress in half . And i know you would say, but millions of people would lose jobs big money by car usage being reduced,but think of all the new things they could make their money from . People are always looking for the next big thing , well this is it. Dealerships that promote this could now turn into safer mobility shops and, make nearly as much. Stated in(source4 par32) "Americans could not afford new cars and the unemployed wernt going to work anyway". This goes to show that were already leaning towards the idea of less cars we just need to be pushed. All the new inventions that will arise weather its cute bicycle covers to built in tops to block the rain people will be gaining and saving just as much. But what were really gainig is the saftey of people. Kids fall off their bikes everyday and probably get hurt but, a scrape is better than taking your last breath. We all gain from this , and our human nature is to want whats best for yourself, well this is surely better for every one. Almost every day im in a vehicle, but maybe that could soon change. We could gain so much from losing just a little bit of driving time. We would absolutley gain lives,money,and happiness from useing less car usage. Im a firm beliver in useing this method i couldent imagine a better world of things going just so smoothly all of the time. But It takes getting on that bike or walking to the corner store to strike a revolution like this. So get out of your cars and, go make a better place for you and for the world.                                
The electoral college should be stopped. The electoral college takes away peoples rights. The electoral college takes away from peoples rights. The people of the United States should be the one who decides what our president, not our senators. The votes that us citizens put in should be counted and not the senators votes. In my opinion, it should not matter what the size of the state/population for a number of votes to be put out. In the end we are all a whole. If youre voting for the president, why would you vote for the slate of electors? A big argument there is, is called the disastor factor. Some electors have refused to vote for a certain candidate. This is why the people should take responsibility and vote. There is also less likely to be a tie if you let the people vote for the president and not the slate of electors. There is an even number of people so there could be a tie at any point. The state population shouldnt depend on how many representatives are given to the House of Representatives. As to the candidates, they cannot spend time in states they have no chance in winning in. They mostly worry about the 'swing' states because either one could win in it. But it shouldnt be up to the slate of electors, but up to the people. Maybe one day this electoral college will be abolished, but until then we have to live with it. It should be up to the people and not the states. It is unfair to the candidate and the people of the United States.
The face is just a natural landform and it couldnt have been made by aliens for certain reasons and here is why. There were no living creatures to be found anywhere on mars. Even in the last paragraph it said it reminded Garvin of most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars." Garvin also said about the Face. Natural landforms are usually formed by Natural events. Probably the same thing that happened on Mars. When Mars Gloval Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, it snaped a picture ten times sharper than the original viking pictures and all it revealed was a natural landform, no alien monument. Although some said that the alien markings might have been hidden by haze, there still was no alien markings to be found after the next picture they took on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia. It was the best 1976 Viking photo and still no sightings of life on Mars. I do too think there might be forms of life or "aliens" on other planets but just maybe not Mars. After all, Mars is not completly suitiable for life to live on even though its called Earths twin. If we just do enough research, soon we just might find more interesting things to lead us to other forms of life on other planets.
To begin with, the development of driveless cars is going to have a really well efficent outcome in the future. First off, in the article it talked about how driving a driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. Secondly, the article explains how there hasn't been a crash when driving a driverless car. Lastly, the driver who drives a driveless car would also have the opportunity to drive the car when there is an accident ahead, or when there is a traffic jam. First off, in the article, it talked about how driving a driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibilty than bus. This option would be excellent for the people who have a job far away from where they live. Therefore, they wouldn't have to waste time getting up early in order to go to the gas station to load gasoline, because their driverless car would safe more gasoline than what cars today do. People would also save more money and wouldn't have to worry about it. By driving a driverless car, the conductor wouldn't have to worry about going anywhere because the driverless car can drive any destination at the speed up to 25 mph, that it if you own a BMW. Secondly, the article explains how there hasn't been a crash when driving a driverless car. This is a wonderful benefit and relief because with less car accidents, there would be fewer people getting injured and less problems with the police. Also, if driving a driverless car means there would be fewer accidents, that also means that the roads wouldn't be a chaos and people will be able to get to where they need to arrive in a much safer and faster way. In that case, people would be allowed to drive with no hesitation since the cars can steer, accelerate, brake themselves, and are designed to inform the conductor when the road ahead requires for a human to take control. Lastly, the driver who drives a driverless car would also have the opportunity to drive the car when there is an accident ahead or when there is a traffic jam. For example, if the driver is talking on the phone or is not paying attention to what is occurring ahead of them, the driverless car has the right equipment to warn the driver when a problem occurs, as implied in the article. As mentioned in the article, GM has developed driver's seat that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing up into an other object. Therefore, there would be less injuries and less problems. In conclusion, the driverless cars have a great future ahead of them. First off, driving a driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than a bus. Secondly, there would be a greater chance that there would be less crashes and accidents. Lastly, driving a driverless car would allow the driver to take control of the vehicle if the car requires human control.
Many students go to school with different facial expressions. What if it was possible to know exactly what they were feeling. Well now there is new technology called Facial Action Coding System. I believe that reading emotional expressions with this system will be valuable to schools. The Facial Action Coding System is a computer software that can recognize emotions. This could be really helpful in the classroom. In the passage it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This is saying that if the comuter recognizes you are becoming confused or bored it will switch the lesson up so that you are more interactive. This would also help the students so they can stay on track and pass their classes. If schools could know what the students are feelings I think that it would be so much easier too teach. I believe that the Facial Action Coding System is needed in schools. It should honestly be used all over the world.
Using this new facial technology would be vastly benefital in the classroom. Students sit through seven hours of school a day and not every class is going to be their favorite, with this technology the school can figure out what lessons, classes, and teachers are making students the happiest and are the best. Many emotions go undetected, they cause bad grades, lack of motivation, and depression. Not only can the program detect emotions but can alert the teachers if a student needs help. It can prevent self harm, school targeties, and safety hazards. The system would not only help education wise but mental health wise, and create a safe environment to learn and grow as people. Everyone has a different learning style, and if a teacher can see that that student is struggling and adjust the lesson for them, it would be very benefital for eveyone. Dr. Huang says, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication". Many teachers ask thier students to ask questions as they are learning new content, but no questions are ever asked and bad tests scores come back. This could of all been avoided if the program could have seen the bored expression on a students face and a teacher could have changed it to prevent him from falling asleep. Or the confused look on a girls face, so the teacher could have come to help her instead of her asking for help from a friend who misinformed her. The computer program can take all the error out of emotion calculation, "most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect."(5). We would become far more accurate as a whole group, eveyone learning in school could become more inteligent, and we would become happier people. If the computer could detect a worried or sad emotion, the people around them could resolve the issue much faster and prevent anything bad from happrning. Our society as a whole would be far more advanced and left off better if we integrate this new advancemnt into our everyday lives. School could be turned into a place every student wants to go, and the success rate could also be increasing, with the new lessons and teaching styles being integrated for students. The computer program would make schools a more efficient productive place.
Thomas Huang has created an software that can recongnize your emotions from an computer and I dont think its a good or bad idea. Here are some why its not valuable. People shouldnt always know how others feel. They shouldnt have to be worried about if a computer knows there sad or not. Most students come to class to get away from there emotions so why would you bring them back up? Although this computer could be valuable in some ways like helping your friend feel happy. As they said in the passage " it could recognize when a student is becoming confused and bored" which would get them back on track. It also modifies the lesson for you. Making it easier on the person that is on the computer. So is the emtional expressions of students in a classroom valuable? I would have to save thats all up to you. Some people would like others knowing if they are sad or not. Personally I woud not like them knowing I was sad all the time.
do you think that car should be able to drive by their self? I don't think that cars should. Now I Know many people might disagree with me, but hear me out. I don't think that driverless should be develop because of reckless driving, car start to mafunction, and why would you need a driverless car if someone still have to drive the car. there are many reckless driver out in the world today. when people are on the rode they think that they wouldn't have to look at the rode because their car is driverless. That car can stop working at any point of time, so why risk it. In a passage, I recently read, it say " the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times, so why make the risk of an accident go up. Next why do you need a driverless car when you still have to driver the car. you are better off buying a cheeper car that works just as well. You wouldn't be able to take a quick nap if you wanted to. In the passage it say you would get bored waiting on your turn to drive the car. that can make accident happen. I think that cars should not be driverless because of reckless driverss, stop working, and why drive a driverless car that someone still have to driving. It just not important to me as food and water is, so I'm saying no to driverless cars.
I think driverless cars would be a very cool thing to have. Also its outside the box not every car can be driverless but some can. Just look a lamborghini or ferrari they dont have as much technology as some of the newer middle class cars do. But your paying $500,000 for some thing that doesnt have as many features as a prius or a smart car. But also driverless cars arent really driveless if some has to take the wheel and go around some things that means the cars not really driveless I would rather drive my car than let a computer beacuse technology will always have problems and errors and if that happens gonig down a highway at say 70mph and your car has a problem and you aren't ready for it you may end up in the hospital. Driverless cars will happen one day but not anytime soon cause some states say they arent even legal to drive a computer operated car.
Today is the day where children are coming to tour NASA. As I am walking around, I think of questions the children might ask. "Who was the first person on the moon?", is the most frequently asked question. Then I remember that there is a new part in NASA's building. Recently, they added photos and information on the "Face on Mars". I think to myself, "This should definately intrest the children." Soon enough, a little yellow bus pulled into the parking lot. Five children came tumbling out, all excited to see what is indoors. "Asher, stop it!", a little brown haired girl yelled. As soon as they were all out, the stood in a straight line, covering their eyes from the sun while looking at the huge building. I look the children's faces. I only know one child, because another said his name. "Welcome to NASA. We are so very glad you guys could come. Please, let me introduce myself. I am Maddie, and I will be showing you around today. Follow me inside, so we can get out of this dreadful heat!", I say. The five children come chasing after me, and their teacher tells them to slow down. One by one, the children enter the building, fascinated by all the pictures hanging from the walls. Asher asks, "Are aliens really real?". As I go to respond, the little brown haired girl says, "Of course not. That's just in movies. I want to know about the Face on Mars.". I was stunned she knew about that, because it was just recently added on NASA's walls. I lead the children to the elevator, which just so happened to be across the room. "Let's go and see the Face on Mars. I think I should tell you about it first. The Face on Mars is a natural landform which-" I was then interupted by a new face. "It is not a natural landform, my sister told me that it was created by the aliens." I give her a puzzled look and respond, "We have not found any form of life on Mars, or anywhere for that matter, excluding Earth. As I was saying, the Face on Mars in a natural landform which means that it happened naturally. It was not made by any aliens". The girl looked at me, frusterated, and said, "Prove it." The elevator door opens and the children come swarming out, running up to the pictures of the Face. I say, "Here, it says that the Face is a "huge rock formation", so that means that when the universe was created, so was that rock. That rock is just shaped like a head.". All of a sudden, the young girl smiled and said, "Oh, I can't wait to tell my sister that she was wrong!" The children wrote everything I told them down in their notebooks. Shortly, we had to part and say goodbye. The kids all came up and hugged me, saying that they were thankful for getting chosen to come. They piled back into the bus this time, instead of piling out. I waved goodbye as they set off. In conclusion, the kids all realized that the Face, is just a natural landform, made when Mars was created or after. The children know that still to this day, we are looking all over the universe to find something new and exciting to share with them. I am so gald that they could come and experience this with us.
As I admit that the concept of a driverless vehicle is interesting and sounds very cool. Although, I can not agree that a driveless car would be safe for the public in any way shape or form. What if a problem comes up, and we need to take action ourselves? Would this car be expensive to produce? Do we really need a driveless car? This concept needs to be tossed away and we need to focus on the now instead of the later. Safety is a big concern we have in our country. how do we keep people safe? Driveless cars will only add to this concern. In paragraph 9 the author states "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" this statement sparks a concern for people. What if the technology fails? how will we be able to stop an accident in a car that drives it self? We need to think that if there is a mistake in the programming of the car or the production, that a person life is at stake. This is a good reason why these cars shouldn't be produced and that is for the risk that we could lose people to somehting we won't have control over. Another safety hazard is the unthinkable accidents. Anything can happen, and when somehting occurs how will this driverless car respond? In paragrph 7, the author states that the car will alert the driver to take control if there are work zones or to move the car around an accident. Those are things we can expect to happen but what about the the things we may not expect? How will the car alert us if the unknown happens? If there was a construction mishap and a beam falls down to hit the road, the car wouldn't have enought time to alert us. We wouldnt have the time to react to such an event quickly enough.\ When an accident happens, who will be at fault, the driver or the manufacturer? As a new way to get around comes out, we need to make laws for the driving speed limits and other things. If a driverless car came on to the scene, what would happen in a accident? who would be at blame for the accident. It's a serious question that needs to be answered. It cant be the drivers because they had no control. At the same time it can't be the one who made the car either, depending on the accident. This car isn't safe for us. How will we even decide the laws for driving if its a car that drives it's self? The idea of a driveless car is interesting and it's futuristic. We may someday have the capablities to even construct a car that can. Even so, There is too much bad that can happen and to many questions on how will we even react to these situations. So the idea can wait and we can focus on much more important things inour society that need fixing today.
My name is Luke Bomberger, and I'm here to tell you why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you love farm animals, pretty sights, fun breaks, and rides on the sparkling ocean on nice sunny days, this is definitly the job for you. Of course there are some down sides like storms, but if you take this job seriously, the view of sunup and sundown will make your day very happy! Reason number one is the fact that you get to to take care of all the animals! The types of animals you take care of are: horses, young cows, mules, and more! You'll feed them, give them water, and clean there pens. If that doesn't sound nice to you, reason number two will definitly wake you at least kinda want to join the Seagoing Cowboys program Reason number two was one of my favorites, the beautiful sights! On every trip, we see at the least one beautiful sight. We toured an exavated castle and it was very beautiful. Reason number three is when we arrive on land, people unload the animals while we get to play a bunch of games! We play vollyball, baseball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing and more! If you aren't into thats stuff, you can always do something yourself like reading or whittling. My last and final reason is the view of the beautiful ocean. On sunny days when the ocean is calm, you can go on the deck and just look at the way the sun shines on the ocean. Even at night the moon sometimes gives enought light to shine in the ocean, and it makes a very pretty reflection. If I had to describe the beauty two words they would be, very beautiful. If being with animals, pretty sights, free time, and the sparking ocean didn't convince you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program, I don't know what else will. To those of you that do join, good luck to you and I hope you have fun.
The Electoral College is broken, and with another election on the way, here is why the voting should be changed to popular vote for the president of the United States. Voters cannot control whom their electors are, in the chance that those electors are replaced with new electors so the votes may be rigged, as well as "faithless" electors may refuse to vote for their party's candidate and could cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. Voters don't actually vote for the president, instead, they vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. In the case that you vote John Kerry in Texas, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry. In the case those electors won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral vote. Who are the electors? They could be anyone, even if their not holding office. Who even picks these electors in the first place? Sometimes it state conventions, other times it's the state's central committee, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves. Can we, citziens of the United States, control whom their electors vote for? Not always, and that shouldn't be. In the 1960 election, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature almost succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy and make it seem that a popular vote would have not gone to Kennedy. What would happen if their was a tie in the electoral vote? The case would be thrown in the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Becasue each state counts for only one vote, a single representative from Wyoming would represent 500,000 voters, 55 representatives from California who getto represent 55 representatives would have as much say as the one from Wyoming. This cannot represent the will of the people. Now when have you changed your mind about something? Electors can do the same. Electors can refuse to vote for their party's candidate and vote for whomever they please. That can't be right, yet it has happened plently of times before. It's even unfair to the people, who sometimes don't even get to see their electors. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, they don't focus of states they know they cannot win, aiming towards "swing states." In the 2000 campaign, 17 states didn't see their candidates at all, as well as 25 of the largest media markets who didn't get to see not one campaign ad. The Electoral College dosen't hear the voice of the people, hardly plays by the rules, is something that should be erased. Even people like Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dale, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO agree, give the voice back to the people and abolish the Electoral College!
I think you should join the program and become a seagoing cowboy because you get to go to unique places and do easy and hard work. When you work for the seagoing cowboys you have a funtime. You also get to play sports like volleyball and soccer. I think you should go and become a seagoing cowboy becuse of a article I "read called A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves ". Some details that show to help support for this article are,that on line 5 it sates "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelieveable oppurtunity for a small town boy" he says. "Besides helping people I had the the side of the benefit of seeing Europe and China but seeing the Acropolis was special. this part of the text gives evidence to show that you get to go to unique places. This text also states that it took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the Eastern coast of the United States, and a month to get to the China. Carring for the animals during the crossings kept Luke busy they had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. This shows evidenece to support that some parts of the job keeps you busy, and makes the work hard too. Heres my last text evidence to show you why you should become a seagoing cowboy and this part of the text hel[ps understand how it could be casy and have freetime during work. " Luke also found time to have fun on board, espicially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table tenis tounerments,fencing,boxing,reading,whitiling an games helped pass time. This is why I think you should be a seagoing cowboy too.
The passage "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" is a really intresting passage. In the text states, that "VAUBAN, Germany-Residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms or commuting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars". This shows, that if they have to go somewhere they go walking. Also the street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbiden in this experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg. However, In Vauban's streets are completely "car-free"-except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and few streets on one of the edge of the community. But car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park, and is for $40,000, along with a house. And as a result , 70% of Vauban's families do not onw cars, and 57% sold a car to move there. Because when she had a car she was always tense. Also cars causes lazyness to do stuff, and it doesn't keep you healthty. For example, when you walk you stregh your body and and all the parts of your body are moving. But when you use car you sit down and sometimes that can cause a back problem. Forthere more, all of our development since World War II has been centerd on the car, and that has to change. In Levittown and Scarsdale, New York suburbs with  spread-out homes and private garages, were the drea towns of the 1950s and still exert a strong appel. This means, that back then spread-out homes and private garages where the dream towns. In the United States, the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities are staring to act, caustiously. Indeed, many experts escept public transporter serving suburbs to play much larger role in a new six year federal transpotation bills to be approved this year. Also in previous bills, 80% have by law gone to highways and only 20% to other transport. This means that having a car is a really waste of money but its also important to have a car.
There is great value in exploring Venus, despite the overwhelming dangers and obstacles that currently prevent us from doing so. From an incredibly powerful atmospheric pressure capable of crushing submarines to clouds of extremely corrosive sulfuric acid that can melt almost anything, Venus is an inhospitable planet that seems virtually impossible to explore. Despite the challenges that are presented, NASA believes there is value in exploring Venus such as furthering the science of space travel and research and we will recieve great insight into the planet it's self. We humans have been dreaming of one day being able to explore the seemingly endless abyss of space since astrology was born back in the middle ages. Now that we have the technology to explore beyond our planet, we have been working nonstop to reach beyond what we have once reached. Exploring Venus will be an astounding feat and will prepare us further for other obstacles we will face when we attempt to explore other planets. In paragraph 8, the author mentions, "but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This was referring to the value of exploring Venus and the experience we will gain from it. Along with getting experience for much more demanding tasks that lie ahead, we will also get plentiful information about Venus from exploring it and a better understanding of other planets as well. Stated in paragraph 8, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself," the author included this into the text because the more knowledge we have on the planet Venus, the more information we'll have on our own planet and many others. In paragraph 4, it is stated that Venus was once mostlikely like our own planet, possibly covered largely wih oceans and mountains. This is supported in the paragraph with the statement, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth." However, exploring Venus is still an extremely dangerous and demanding task. Venus' atmospheric pressure is far greater than our own along with having acid rain and a surface temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, making it completely uninhabitable. This will make exploring Venus that much more difficult. Despite the challenges we will face, advances in technology are bringing us closer to being able to explore the face of Venus. With all of the knowledge and insight we will gain form exploring this seemingly unexplorable planet, exploration of this planet is of a great value to us.
A new technology called Facial Action Coding System claims it can scan a face and tell how much of each emotion the person is feeling. There are some negatives and some positives to bringing this new technology to personal computer. The author of the passage seems to only give a positive outlook on this system, when all aspects should be explored. The negatives to this technology would not be the end all be all of this product, but they should definitely be taken into account for the creation of a better system. The Facial Action Coding System is a computer software that scans a face and recognizes what emotions are being displayed on the face. It uses codes to see which muscles are being used to move a face. For example there are certain muscles to show anger like the orbicularis oris which tightens your lips. The system uses these muscle movements to determine which emotion is being displayed and/or felt. Although there are a few negatives to the FACS, it could potentially be a useful product. The passage says that the Facial Action Coding System could be used for relevant advertisements and a more engaging classroom effect. This system could be very helpful for ad agencies that don't know how to reach their public. If a computer scanned a face the instant it sees an ad, researchers could figure out whether or not to show an ad again. For example, an ad for cat litter with a picture of a cat could potentially produce a smile or a look of disgust depending on a situation. If the person doesn't own or like cats their face would not show happiness, and the ad agency could show a different ad. This system would also aide online class courses. If it was constantly scanning a person's face, the creator or teacher of the class could modify which sections seem to bore a student. The system may be helpful, but the negative sides to it should be also considered. Because the FACS can only guess what someone is feeling by what is being displayed on a face, it could potentially be inaccurate for people that are prone to hide their actual feelings from their faces. The FACS only does an outerscan, it never sees what is happening in the brain. A scanner of the brain would be more accurate, expecially for people that can not or do not want to show their true emotions. Another possibly negative fact about this system is that it would need to constantly be scanning a person's face for accurate readings. This could become innacurate if used for a very long time. If it were used for an online course, the system would need to be running during the entire class, and the person could get distracted and show emotions for the distraction that are not relevant to the class. This is also potentially invasive, especially for a company using FACS to show relevant ads. People might not want to constantly be scanned for their emotions. There would be a paranoia of always being watched and unless the software company promises the facial recognition would never be used for anything other than for the ad display or for fixing a class, people would feel uneasy. It seems evident that the author of this passage is giving the readers a positive look into the new Facial Action Coding System, but it should be taken into account that there are negative aspects to this software. People may not always want to be watched for their emotions, and the system could become inanccurate. Although it seems that the passage points towards effective and positive outcomes, the negative criticism should be taken into account and modified for a better FACS.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an artical about how Venus an unhabitable planet thats very dangerious for human to go, dispite the bearing heat of the sun blazing down on Venus at over 800 degrees fahrenheit, atmospheric pressuses 90 times greater than earth's, with the planet also being the hottest planet in our solar system. The author suggest many reasons why a trip to Venus is not like anyother trips but also a worthy pursuit. My first reasons is how the author shows both Cons/Pros of exploring Venus, acording to to artical "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and Weather present additional empediments kike erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." (3) this show how dangerious Venus is for a humans. but the arthor also stated that " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." (4) the author stated that Venus could be Earth long lost brother a planet that once support life, and many scientist want to study Venus to answers. My Secound reason is how the author claim humans should strive to new challenges for the curisoty to the answers. according to the last paragraph Venus "Our travels on Eath beyond should not be limited by danger and doubt and should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" (8) the author that being cerious for answers it the expande to meet teh edge of imagination to it fullies. My thirth reason is how the arthor concluded different scientist working on new equitment and technology to better the trip to Venus. Although Venus is extremely dangerious with an unbearible heat and pressure enough to crush a submarine, it may be worth the danger to pursite studying Venus and it hold answers to many question with its history, while on extreme contition a nice trip to Venus might just be worth it.
Dear State Senator, We have a big conflict containing the electoral college, Im debating on what we should do. Im all in favor for keeping the electoral college, Instead of going by the most popular vote. The most popular vote can be very difficult because the citizens that are voting are just choosing mostly perhaps they dont even know whats going on. They choose based on favoritism and that shouldnt be the case, when you're choosing something so important like this, you have to know the facts about that person and what they're willing to do for us as a whole. Theres a million reasons why the most popular vote shouldn't be even recommended for this, its unnecissariy It should never be based on favoritism its about what they bring to the table. The electoral college is widely known as an anachronism. I have my opinion they have theres, their gonna give you opinions  about how unfair the electoral college is when in reality its not anything thats gonna harm you. Perhaps i think its safer then choosing someone that you have no idea about the decisions they wanna make. Yes people may no be that much interested in politics because their not involved that much. They have to do whatever it takes so our nation can be a great one. Leaving our nation in someone hands that doesnt really know what their doing is completely absurd. Do you know how bad that will make our nation look if we had one? I would be ashamed to claim this as my "Home".                
Lowering our car usage will be beneficial for all of us, the advantages of doing this will be huge, and will help the enviroment. Lately a lot of studies have revealed that one of the most eviroment-harming actions are the emissions that cars release into the atmosphere. If we lower our car usage we will help the enviroment of the planet we are living in, it only seems logical to do so. One of the reasons lowering car usage would be helpful is beacause it would significantly lower gas emissions from cars. This would greatly help our enviroment. According to the text, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.". This shows how harmful this emissions are, and why we should try to lower them. Lowering our car usage and creating car-free suburbs or car-reduced communities would help our daily life. Driving a car every day can be stressful because of trafic and road rage. lowering our car usage would help people relieve stress and even get some excercise. According to the text, "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way". This shows how stress-relieving reducing car usage could be. Also lowering car usage could be a way for the goverment to create more bicycle paths. This would be really helpful to the people who only have a bicycle as a way of transportation. According to the text,"The day without cars is part of an improvement campaing tha began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths" There are some people that do not agree with this idea, most of them say that it would hurt the car industry. Of course it will, but this is for a greater good. So let's reduce our car usage and help our enviroment.  
Imagine you were on an anlantic and it was storming and you were sliding down the ship but you did not fall because there was a small meatal strip that saved you from falling. That would be so scary and exciting so that why I think you should participate in the seagoing cowboys because I want you to have have great opportunity like Luke did and I want you to have lot of more expirences. First think of all the fun you will have. Like playing baseball and volly ball games. Also table tennis, fencing, boxing,reading,and whittling. Alot of the games you will play will pass the time. Another reason is all the places you will be visting. Like Europe, China,and seeing the Acropolis in Greece. You can take gonda rides and see the citys and streets and water of these places you see. Last reason is seeing all this animals and feeding and taking care on them. Like seeing elhpants, tigers,and horses. The resposablitile you will learn like taking care of when they sleep, what to feed them, and to clean up after them. To conclude you should join the Seagoing Cowboys because of the great opportunity and of all the expirences. You will have fun, you will be visting different places around the world, and you will see lot of different animals and you will have to take care of them.
I am against the driverless cars cars for many reasons and how it would affect us humas when driving or assisting the car. I am against the driverless cars becaus it will take the things or places that humans would want to do on their own instead of a car taking them there by itself. It also would get us fustrsted because we wouldn't know when to control the car or if when controling it every other time while driving. Driverless cars could also make humans not want to have the car anymore because we would want to start driving by ourselves. Also it would make us teenagers wanting the car because we aren't driving it and we dont even knwo how to control or dive a car. We don't have our license or permit yet. It would lead to the teenagers turn to drive and they don't know how to use the car which would to either a car accident or the death of a teenager because of the driverless car. The affects of haveing this car is a lot. One affect of having this driverless car is that it would need a lot of gas just for one car. Another affect is that the car it self could lose control and something bad could happen to the driver. It would also need multiple battery changes because the car driving by itself takes a lot of battery juice from the car. The driverless car could also affect us because there could be times that we would want to drive on our own and the car want let us. The car could shut down on us while it's driving. It requres massive upgrades to existing roads, as it say's in the paragraph 3 sentence 5. It also needs alot of sensors and when those sensors are in they could brake or die and it cost more money to get them and fix them then any ther normal car. When having these cars there are many reasons why we should'nt have them. Looking at the reasons ahead would at least help people realize that we don't need a driverless car in the car. As it in paragraph 9 it say's '' if the technology fails and someone gets hurt who is at fault the car or the maufacture. Driverless cars are good ideas but there dangerous to us humans.
Most people would like to think the "Face on Mars" is related to aliens in some way. However, that theory is highly unlikely. As in the in the article, the pictures from three different time periods, show different things, and each is more accurate than the other. It appears in the third picture (the most updated picture from 2001) that there is no face at all. It simply looks like a natural landform. The face was just shadows. Even with the most updated and accurate picture from 2001, people still like to argue it could be a connection to alien life. Alien life has yet to be proven and is based off of theories, just like the face on Mars. These people are just ignoring the facts. My question is, why are people still basing there theory on an outdated and poor-pixlated picture when the newest one prooves its just a landform? I would like to think it has to do with fantasy. Most people get so stuck on something they wish were true just to make there life more entertaining, and most people like a little mystery as well. The thing is though that facts over-rule theories and perdictions. According to the article, it says that with the newest picture, if there were something, we would've caught it in the picture. That is proof that it is only a landform. They even compare it to some of our landforms on earth, so I don't see how people still believe it could be something else. As I've adressed before, alien life isn't even prooven, so how could we be sure if this is connected to that all? We can't. I would also like to adress shadows. In the first picture it had been said that they were only just shadows. There have been many instances of when we've seen shadows on objects and thought it looked like something else. This case isn't any different than that. We base most things on what we see rather than what it really is. It tells us in the article people have put the face in things such as movies, books, and magazines. For some reason people tend to feed into those things rather than whats really true. That goes along with the thing I said earlier about how people will believe what they want and pick the thing thats more exiting over whats logical. There are facts and there are theories. Facts are what tell us that the 'Face on Mars" isn't anything alien related just a natural landform. Kind of a dissapointment really.
Hi i'm Sara me and my partner joe are going to tell you about "unmaking the Face on Mars." I believe that the Face is a natural land form. Joe thinks that it was made by aliens. "We all know aliens aren't real Joe" sara said. Do you think the Face was made by an alien or just landforms? Well I believe that you should keep reading for more information. I told Joe that "the Face is a natural landform and heres why." The text that I read said " it was a huge rock." This means that it is clearly just a natrual land form. Joe said I also read , " i"ll tell you why an alien made it. The text stated that "it would be a great way to engage the public and attrat attention on to Mars. "Joe told sara that "this means even if it wasn't made by aliens that people would still think it was So what do you think about the face? Me and my partner are still talking about the face. The face is a natural landform. After a while we came up with that it was a land form.
Cars are a very important aspect when you are a young ault and throughout your life. We use cars everyday to get from point A to point B, and are very useful in a heavy situation. But what if we lived in a car free world? What would it be like? How would we react? People and even cities have tried this idea out and, belive it or not, it is quite helpful to not only the enviroment but to the people that live in it. For example in Source 1, Elisabeth Rosenthal talks about how VAUBAN, Gremany dosen't use cars and if they did they would be fined. Maybe we are over using our cars and maybe not haveing them will do us some good. you would be surprized by how many people and cities use and appreciate this no car system. To begin with, in Source 1 it tells about the future of this idea and how it could be implyed with society today. In paragraph 8 it says "Some new suburbs may well look more Vauban-like, not only in developed countries but also in the developing world". This could be huge for the U.S., according to a few other paragraphs in Source 1 it says that if we are using our cars less we could sufficiently reduce gas emmitons and the amout of the pollution in the U.S. Even the Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) have actually looked in to this and putting this into affect, they say it will play a much larger role in the upcoming federal transportation bill. Secondly, in Source 3, Andrew Selsky is talking about a whole city(Bogota, Colombia) that has a "car-free day"! This is a huge step into spreading this idea for not using your cars as much. Even if the people violated this day they were fined ($25). But this day had a big impact on the city and they said they would like to do it more frequently. This was so big Colombia's other cities joind this movement. This idea on a reduced-car rule is a very good one and they plan to have more days like this and eventully turn into a  car free city. Additionaly, in Source 4 It talks about the U.S's ideas about this. President Obama is all for this idea and one of his ambitious goals was to "curb the greenhouse gas emissions". With this idea he could help achive that goal. Another point is that according to charts and studies it shows that people are driving less and each year the amout of people to get there licence is decresing. The US took this in to notice and they belive that eventually more and more place will become these car-free places. Even car companys like Ford are looking in to this, "car-reduced" plan. They seem to think its good for the people and will eventully put this plan into affect. It seems the less we use cars the better things are getting. To sum it all up, yes we do like cars and prefer to use them...we don't NEED them, we can live with out them and find out other ways to be transported without the use of gas emmition cars. Yes, Hybrid cars do do the job too but they still aren't as effective as something without an engine. Limiting car usage is a great idea and there are many advantages to it. One day we will maybe live in a car free world and walking somewhere woulding be to bad. I think we should put this plan into affect and start working torward a better future for the people and the world.
Alien's have been a question many astronauts and people from all around the world have been wondering about for ages. But do they actually exsit? A few years ago NASA discovered what seemed to look like a face on Mar's surface. Many think that the so called "Face" was created by alien's. But others think it was just created by natural causes just like how some landforms are created on Earth. How do you think that the formation was created? So far NASA hasn't discovered any alien markings or any other form of life on other planets. This is one of the reasons why the formation was created by natural causes and not by alien's. Just like on Earth we discover something new every day, such as new landforms and new natural resources. The formation couldn't of been formed by alien's because where did they get the tools to make it? If aliens exsited, i think we would have more evidence. Alien's don't exsit becuase we would have found some evidence of diffrent life on diffrent planet's by now. If their are no aliens then their are no alien made objects on Mars. Alien's probably would have found a better communication rought then sending us weird landforms that dont have much meaning at all. Why of all things would the aliens create a face? Even if aliens did exsit i don't think it is their goal in their life to scare us humans. They would probably make something more reasonable, like a house or something like a shelter. Along with the formation there are also many landforms on earth that are similar. Such as the Grand Cannon and things like that. Think if the humans lived on Mars and we came to Earth and saw the Grand Cannon we would automatically think that there must be life here since there is no other way this could have been formed. Just as we believe there is life on Mars we would assume their is life here. Untill their is more evidence about alien's we should not believe that they exsit. As it says in the artical "What the picture actually shows is the Maritian equivalent of a buttle or mesa-landforms common around the American West." This landform represents many of the already discovered landforms on earth such as the Grand Cannon and their is no official evidence that aliens exsit this is obviously a naturally formed landform and not created by aliens.
Exploring Venus seems very interesting when thinking about it. All of the beneficial things that we can study and analyze. Studying other planets have always been helpful to mankind and helps people gain insight on our solar system around us. But at the same time exploring these planets are very dangerous too. Not because of animals or humans but because of the harsh living conditions on other planets. So I will tell you why I think exploring Venus is not worth the pursuit of exploring. My first reason of why I think Venus is not worth the pursuit is because of the difficulty of exploring Venus. In paragrpah 6 it states that ships orbiting over Venus with lights can't see the ground because of the dense atmosphere. Which makes it hard for scientists because if you can't see anything you can't analyze any data that you get because of Venus's features. But it does state that NASA is trying to find new ways of exploring Venus but it's not as good as hands on exploration. Which is good but most likely not good enough to find out what they want about the planet. My second reason of why I think Venus is not worth the exploration is because of Venus's conditions and features. When reading about Venus the conditions are very extreme compared to the conditions on Earth. Such as clouds filled with highly corrosive sulfuric acid or temperatures that average over 800 degrees. Making it the planet with the hottest surface temperature even though Mercury is closer to the sun. Also the atmospheric pressure is great enough to crush an accustomed submarine that would be able to dive into the deepest parts of the ocean and liquifies metals. But having similarities to Earth such as erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and etc. So in conclusion I feel that Venus should not be a planet we heavily invest in and scientists should try other planets before Venus. Because of the harsh conditions that it would have on humans. Because of the difficulty in analyzation. Making Venus a non-reliable source compared to others. So that is why I think that Venus is not worth exploring.
A relevant topic in today's society that many people often discuss is the reduction of motor vehicle use. Limited use of vehicles such as cars, buses, and trucks can have great effects on the environment. Most of the effects are beneficial to the environment such as the reduction of smog which can ameliorate the horrible impact we have already had on the environment. According to source 1, limited use of of motor vehicles will be less harmful to the environment. Twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe come from passenger cars. This may not sound like much, but it adds up, especially when you factor in the gas emission from the United States which is more than four times what it is in Europe. Source 1 also claims that less use of motor vehicles will lower people's stress and will make children more social because they will be able to play near the streets without having to worry about being hit by a car. All of these sources claim that motor vehicle reduction will also reduce smog and greenhouse gas emissions. One source that supports this claim is source 2, not only does Paris emit more greenhouse gases than any other city in Europe, they now have two days in which people who drive their cars are subject to a 22 euro (31 U.S. dollar) fine. Bogota, Colombia is proving to be the most successful in attempting to lower greenhouse gas emission. According to source 3 car-free day has been started in which citizens may not drive their vehicles without being subject to a twenty-five dollar fine. Most citizens obey this law and the amount of traffic jams is reduced to empty streets other than public buses. The increase in amount of people riding their bikes caused sidewalks to be repaired and replaced which improves the aesthetics of the city. Several small restaurants and various other businesses saw an increased income. Along with sources 1 and 2, source 3 claims that citizens are less stressed when not driving a motor vehicle. Along with this statement. source 3 also claims that people will begin to be more socially active when they are carpooled to school and other places. Source 4 takes place not in Europe, not in South America, but in our own country, the United States of America. In the last few years, the United States has seen a decrease in the amount of people driving motor vehicles. We have not, however seen a decrease on our impact on the emission of greenhouse gases. This is because though people are driving less, many people in this country drive large, gas guzzling Hummers and trucks which emit more gases than any other vehicle. If people stopped driving those vehicles, we would definately see a decrease in greenhouse gases. We've seen it happen in Europe because large personal transport trucks are seldom driven in Europe. Many advantages will be seen when the act of driving a motor vehicle becomes rarer. These advantages include our emission of greenhouse gases, improved social interactions, people who are less stressed, and an overall more cheerful environment. Multiple sources make these claims, and many countries in Europe such as France and countries in South America have placed certain days in which citizens don't drive cars. These days have proven many of these claims that support the assertion that there are multiple advantages to limited car usage.         
Do you believe in aliens on Mars or forms of life in other plants? Have you ever wondered if there is a superior race living amoungs our solar system? If you do then I am sad to say it simply is not so. For there has not been any signs of alien civilization proven for all of man kind to see. The face,for example, was not an alien monument but a natural landform. On April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Even though thousands were waiting for the picture to appear on a JPL web site, what they found was a natural landform. There nver was nor never be an alien monument found on Mars. The Face on Mars where simply like landforms common around the American West. Garvin said " It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." In conclusion, as pictures are taken on the side of Mars there is no physical proof of an alien race on Mars to leave behind a monument. You have been disappointed but some things are better of as a story for all to hear.
I think driveless cars are a good idea. Technology is always changing and I feel like this is a right step towards the future of car technology. Just like cassets and eight tracks maybe normal cars one day will be something of the past becasue of greater technology that has prodocessed the normal driving cars that we are accustomed to today. When will this type of technology be available to consumers who knows? I can asure you that when this technolgy is available people will slowly start shifting from normal cars to self drving cars. Why is this technolgy so great you may ask. Well first off how convienent would it be to be looking at your emails while on the road. Perhaps taking a phone call without the worry of getting into a car wreck. Not only that but if everyone had a car like this then the amount of fatal crashes that we have in a year would go down significantly. This new technolgy would of course cost a lot of money not only to manufacture but for purchase. The type of technoplogy that you would be recieving would be the most bang for your buck. It would come equipped with sensors all around the car. The sensors would ensure not only your saftey but also the safety of the passangers as well. Obviously these cars wont be exceeding high speeds but they will be usefull to get your from point A to point B. These are the reasons that i think driveless cars would be a great thing to have in the near future. It would make life more practical. People would be able to do things they arent usaually able to do if they didnt have a self-driving car. It would be great step towards the future of cars not to metnion you could be using t his type of technolgy on plnaes, boats, and other types of transportation. What are your thoughts on self driving cars? Would you want them around why or why not?
Technology improves every minute and it seems like there is no stopping. Reading emotions on a persons face can be confusing sometimes, so Prof. Thomas Huang, of Beckman Institute, and Prof Nicu Sebe, from University of Amsterdam, worked together to come up wiht technology that can read human emotions. Using emotion reading computer can be useful when it comes to school, because teachers and students deal with different emotions from their classmates/ colleagues every day. The first benefit is that it will help teachers and student figure each others emotion. Second, is it will make others be more active. Lastly, it lets others know what your emotions are. First of all, because there are so many facial expressions that teachers often have difficulty reading their students emotions and lots of times that causes confusion among each other. For example, the text states that, "The facial expression for each emotion are universal," observes Dr.Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees od expression'(like not smiling as broadly)." This technology will be able to help teachers and or students have an easier way of reading each others emotion. In advance, it can calculate the different types of emotions that a person may be expressing all at once. The text states, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece)." Secondly, it will help others be more active, that meaning students will show more happier emotions if the teachers can understand them. More over, Understanding students emiotions will help teachers have more of a positive way of viewing their students. In addition, recognizing a student emotional expression when learning a lesson can help the teachers teach more effectivly with the help of the technology. For example, the text states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confusd or bored, Dr Huang predicts. "then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Third, although letting others know your emotions can sometime be scary because some emotions can mean weakness, the computer can give specific emotions that a person is expressing. When you see a friend or teacher sometimes it is very hard to tell their emotions that they are expressing, but maybe with this technology it will be easier for us to understand them. Because most human connect nonverbally, our emotional communications is considered nonverbal communication and the computer has those skills. The text says, "Most human communications is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So the computers need to understand that, too." In conclusion, using this technology in classrooms can be very useful. It will help teachers and student figure your emotions.
the author that evaluates how well the author supports the idea that studying venus is a worth pursuit despite the danger. by saying " nasa is working on other approaches to studying venus for example some simplified electronis made of silicoin carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating". This evidence support my claim because the people are studying for big things like how well studying venus is a worthy persuit. Another claim that evalutes how well the author supports the idea that studying venus is a worth pursuit despite. In paragraph 8 it says" striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has vaule. Not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself. which exsplain that studying venus is a worth pursuit despite. The conclusion I have about " the challenge of exploring venus " was . It seem like if u study it its a good thing . because its very important to nasa it says that in the reading . so maybe if u do it you would be succesful.
Now you may have heard of something on Mars that looked like a huge rock formation. You may have thought it was created by aliens, but here at NASA I am here to tell you that it's just a mesa. Well in 1976 we discovered something on Mars that looked like a face! At first we thought it was something like what you think now, we thought it was aliens. The excitement was short lived for us because we ended up saying that "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa" so that made it disappointing for us. You may say that the landform is created by aliens and we're just hiding it from you, but you're sorely mistaken because this discovery would help NASA as a whole if we did reveal it. That's just one of many reasons that we aren't lying about it being a landform. Another reason that we are completely sure it's a landform is because we can't spot any sign of life on the face. As we said "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" So even if you thought we were lying saying "Oh this image is a lie they have secret ones that actually show that there's life on Mars in their building," you would have no clue that there's no reason for us to hide life being on Mars. We wouldn't have anything bad happen to us because we discovered life on Mars we would get rewarded for discovering life on Mars so why would we hide it? And the last reason is that we have factual evidence and credibility to back up that there's no life on Mars. Like we said during this speech we said that "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform." Later on we did it again in the speech "Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view," Said Garving. "Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." Now you may say that we never did that, but we have photographic evidence of that clear photo that lets you see everything on the face. So we have the evidence we need to prove that this photo is real. All together we have the proof that this special land formation on Mars that may look like aliens have built it, but it's just a simple mesa here on Earth something so common.
We should keep the Electoral College instead of changing it. One reason for keeping it is because the method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. Electoral College avoids problems for example Nixon in 1968 and clinton in 1992 both had only 43 percent of popular votes,while winning a majority in the electoral college 301 and 3 70 electoral votes. Another reason would be because some states are bigger then other and get more popular votes then others like Obama, who won the same amrgin in wymoing would net the winner only 3 electoral votes. reasons to leave it like it is are Certainty of outcome, Swing States,Big States,and to avoid Run-Off Elections. Whats wrong with the electoral vote some people seem to think its fair and more efficent. Some people might not like the Electoral College just becaues they might think that its not fair. Some States have more electoral votes given to them then other states. Such as California t has 55 and some other states only have like 3-8 electoral votes. Some people might argue about this. It should be the more thoughtful voters that are able to vote. Certainty of outcome can help. In the election between Obama and Romney Obama received 61.7 percent of the election while Romney had 51.3 percent of the popular votes because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner takes all basis, evem a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state.  
Why venus is so big? My article is "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" this article use logos (Facts) to explain more about Venus and the challenges. Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star", is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. In our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our sun. While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Often referred to as Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. (NASA) is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested is a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the in sight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. I think, we have to innovation our technology because we don't know what we are gonna find out there, species, beings livings, or something else. We need to be prepared first. It's gonna be hard, if we go right now probably we die. I think is interesting to explore more planets to find more beings livings, but some of the planets are gonna be hard to explore. by: STUDENT_NAME
Dear State Senator, I favor on changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. It is time for change to our voting system. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. five reasons for retaining the electoral college is, the certainty of the outcome, anyones president, swing states, huge states, and avoidment of run-off elections. The first reason is, in  2012's election, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vot when romney only got 51.3 percent. the peoples popular vote wanted romney to win. I beleive it isnt fair that the electoral vote has the final say, there is more of the U.S citizens than the electoral college. The second reason is, the electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have trnasreginal appeal. residents of other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised- to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isnt thir president. The third reason is, swing states. voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay attention to the campaign, so the most thoughtful voters should be the ones who decides the election. The fourth reason is big states get more attention from from presidential candidates in a campaign than a smaller state which isnt fair or equal. the electoral college favorites of of bigger states. the fifth and last reason is that the electoral college avoids the problemof elections. The electoral college method of selecting the president, may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope for carrying there state. voters in the U.S presidential election are people who are exspressing a political preferance rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.
The ideas of driverless cars a good but what would be better is a car that can drive without out a human helping at times. in the alt 1950's the idea began with general motors created a self friving car made for a smart road. the track had a eletric cable tht sent signals to a reciever on the front of the car. in the 1980's about 10 years after the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers. i think that these ideas are great and can be do with hard work. before 2000 none of these ideas would have worked because the technology was not advanced enough. it would cost 2 two hundred million dollars to put a radio divice on a hilltop and thats just to much to pay for. in 2013, BMW announced the development of "traffic jam assitant." The car can handle the driving fuctions at speed up to 25 mph, but special tuch sensors make sure the driver keeps ahold of the wheel. in my opinion these ideas really changed the way we think about car and how we drive them. we are not qite there yet but we are getting there soon.
Car free day is spinning into a big hit all around the world. Many people cant even image the advantages there is for limiting of car usage. Many countries have been doing a lot to reduced the the car usages. In Germany the government have made The ether current resident of car owning to buy a space to park their car for $4,ooo along with house. The number of usages have been lower. As a result ,70 percent of Vauban families dont own cars or use than and 52 percent have sold there car to move to Vauban Germany. An also in a other part of the wood like Paris have enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air that had been the re for days. On Monday motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or surfer a 22 euro fine. In the Colombia a program was put place on a car -free day also. Colombia had been doing this for three years and have been seeing a good results. violators faced $25 fines the turnouts was large. The limiting of car usage has also turnout to the residents of Columbia one stated "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said a businessman. The tat with out cars is a part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid 19900s. It had seen Th econstrusion of 118miles of bicycles paths the most of any Latin America city-according to Mockus the city mayor. The end of the car culture, president Obamas ambitious goals to to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions , unveiled last week will cut down the usage of cars on Us roads. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. people that thorn that car is their life have also have things to said about the world with no cars. They tend to said that they cant move to another place without a car. That they cant live without a car. With the car limiting the world will not fixed all of it problems but will hjad a great start. In a Moblile world congress last tear in Barcelona , Spian, Bill Ford layout a business plan for a world in which personal vehicles ownerships. Preposed a a plan where pedestrin,bicyles,private cars,commercial are woven into a connected network to save time.                                                              
Not everyone can affored a car and not everyone ownes a car. 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars and  57 percent sold a car to move to Vauban germany. giving up your vehicle isnt pleasent and expeacially if your streets are completly "car free". Vauban has ownly two places to park :-large garages or if a car-owner buys a space along with a home. Not everyone thinks the same about cars in Vauban/germany. A mother of two walked down the street and didnt worry about no cars coming her way or her two childrens"im much happier this way". Automobiles are the linchipin of suburbs. A huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouses. 12 percent of greenhouses is responsible do to the passengers seat in a vehicle.50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the united states. Vauban completed in 2006 a growing trend in europe to separate suburban life from auto use "smart planning". There have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser and better for walking now planners are taking the concepts to the suburbs. Vauban have 5,500 residents within the most advanced expirement in low-car suburbuan life. but their basic precepts are being adopted all around the world attepmting to make suburbs more compact to their public transportations. the united states its broad expanses and suburban had long been one of the worlds prime car cultures. protection agency is promoting"car reduced" communities. With all these changes people who stopped car commuting as a result to the recession will find less reasons to resume thir old habbits. a study last year found that driving by young adults decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. americas love affair with vehicles adjusted to the population growth the number of miles driven in the united states in 2005 had dropped steadily. april 2013 numbers of miles driven per person in the united states was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal the the country in 1995. In the next few years will be telling the lower emissions and impoved safety.     
Making Mona lisa smile The Facial Action Coding System improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of humans and detects how people truly feel even when they are trying to hide their emotions. Facial Action Coding System would be effective and valuable in reading emotional expressions of students in the classroom because; Classroom computers would be able to know when they need to modify the lesson when they notice the students look bored or confused and that could make learning more effective to students. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it would modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". This shows how learning can be made much more easier and fun. The facial action coding system would be effective in classrooms because it would make computer-animated faces more expressive when teaching. "The same technology can make computer animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery, most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication". Sometimes muscle clues might be wrong because sometimes people might not be able to indicate a genuine smile and a forced one but facial action coding system would be able to detect when students are happy and when they are lying. "Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc". In conclusion facial action coding system would recognize the subtle facial movements students use to express how they feel
Dear Florida Senator, There is a major problem in how we elect presidents. The Electorial College has to be replaced with a direct election because of how misrepresented many voters are, and how a canidate could lose the majority vote and yet still win the election. The first problem of the Electoral College is that everyone is not represented. According to Bradford Plumer in paragraph 10, "... voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president...  Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canadate? Sometimes." and because the voters cannot directly control who they vote for, the electors could choosing a different person than who they said they would, which means that the voters are misrepresented. Another way that voters can become misrepresented is because of confusion. Since voters sometimes get confused about who the electors are voting for, they could end up voting for the wrong person. Also, the Office of the Federal Register states in paragraph 7 "Most states have a 'winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canadate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of 'proportional representation'". Due to the "winner-take-all" system, many people are not represented in the electorial votes, especially in large, one sided-states. As a result of this, many of the minorities do not even vote becuase they know that their vote will not win the state. Another reason that the Electorial College should be replaced with a direct vote is because of how the majority does not get the canadate they chose. In paragraph 16, Richard A. Posner states that "It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the firs time since 1888." and because of the fact that the electoral votes are the deciding factor in choosing a president and not the majority, most of America did not get who they wanted to see as their leader and president. Even though this hardly ever occurs, it still hasto be fixed. As a result, Bradford Plumer states in paragraph 9, that "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." which would be a true democracy, unlike the Eectoral College. The Electoral College also has an even number of people in it, which means there could be a tie. However, the Electoral College "requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal" according to Richard A. Posner in paragraph 19. This is not a good thing because when a certain state or region is struggling, a transregional president will not focus their attention on that area of weakness. In a direct democracy, the voters could vote for a president that has an area of expertise in that region or state and could give them a much needed boost, leading to less weaknesses and an all-around better country. To summarize this completely, the Electoral College has to go. It is unfair, misrepresentful, and is not even a democracy. Eventualy, it has to change. The question is, when is the government going to become on the same page with it's citizens and take the next step?
There are plenty of advantages of limiting car usage, like it will help lower green house gases, it will help save money, and its a great way to get exercise. Don't get me wrong I love driving and all but it's effecting our ecosystem. Just think if one day out of every week we rode our bikes, or we car pooled, or we took the bus think of how much smog would go away. In source 2 it talks about how they enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorist with even-numbered licence plates were ordered to leave there cars at home same went for odd-numbered licence plates the following day. With in five days sixty pecent of the smog was cleared. And they only did it for five days, imagine if every city in the world did this once a month. In source one it states that passenger cars are responsible fro twelve percent of green house gas emisssions in Europe, and up to fifty percent in some parts of the United States. In source one it also talks about a city in Germany named Vauban. Vauban is a city that has banned cars. There is a main thoroughfare , where the tram runs to downtown Freiburg, and and a ffew streets on the edge of the community but ther e are only two places to park-large garadges on the outside of town. And it cost 40,000 dollars along witha home. If we had cities like this here in the U.S. it would be so much better and there wouldnt be so much pollution. By limiting the usage on cars it will help save money. Think if you walked or rode you're bike to work everyday then you wouldnt have to pay for gas. Gas is tipically three to four dollars so if you wanted to put thirty gallons of gas in you car it could cost you ninety dollars. Thats a lot of money to spend on gas and thats not even a full tank for some people. Sure if you ride you bike to work everyday you might have to fix it but you're gonna have to fix your car at some point to and bike parts are so much cheaper than car parts so you'd be saving money there too. And if you walked you would'mt have to even worry about fixing your bike. It might take you longer to get to where you need to go but think you'll be saving money and the Earth. You don't even have to ride your bike or walk, you can car pool or take the bus. You still have to pay for the bus but its way cheaper than paying for gas. If you're limiting your car usage and walking or riding your bike to work everyday, which maens you'll be getting exercise. Most people don't get the exercise they need so by limiting your car usage not only are you helping the environment you're getting the daily exercise you need. Even if you're riding the bus you're gonna have to get to the bus stop some how. And they even have a place to put your bike on the bus so if the bus does'tn take you all the way to where you need to go you can ride your bike the rest of the way. So limiting your car usage is'nt all that bad. I mean I don't know anyone who does'nt want to help eliminate green house gases, save money and get exercise while doing it.
Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars becaude nobody needs them anymore? I can't, google cofounder sergey brian envisions a future public-transport system where fleets of drivers cars from public-transport taxi system. I believe driverless cars should not be introduced to the human world. Google made a car that deives by itself but in times needs the driver to take over. When it backs out and when there is a construction issue on the roads. The driver must take control and move the car around. I believe that is dangerous because if the car's motherboard crashes what is going to happen to the car. The track which is embedded with an electrical cable that sends radio signals to the front end of the car. What would hapen if the track went down. thats a danger because id people get use to having their car drive for them and they never drive they can forget the rules of the road themselves. When they take control they wont remember what the rules were because their cars were always driving for them. THe driverless car can steer, accelerate, and break themselves but also need the driver to be alert to take over when it needs. What would happen if the cars were to give out or not catch the sensor that the pole gave them. THey would crash and the driver could be in danger or hurt. i believe that driverless cars are to dangerous for people to be driving in them. i also believe that driverless cars will makae people lazyier then they already are. therefor i believe driverless cars should never come out.
the author supports going to venus for further study bcause he wants to see if there might have had life on venus. He also thinks that venus might have been more like earth. The reason why the author would want to go back to venus is to see what happend to it but the reason humans have not been back to venus in nearly 3 decades is because the rovers cant take the preassure and heat on the planet and break in 30 or less minutes. Humans want to go so they are making prototypes of diffrent things like a blimp like vehicle that would stay 30 miles in the air that would study but the problem with tht vehicle is that no light can penetrate throw the clouds so they couldnt see anything. but they might you something called a mechinacal computer that dosnt need a battery it is operated with gears and levers so it could with stand harsh enviorments. the reason we we cant use a computer for example is because the elctronics would melt and imploud because of the emensece preassure on the surface of venus. So the auther is for going back to venus but humans need to figure out how to get back to venus saftly and effectively so that humans ca acualy do reasarch on the planet and not just send a rover that will malfuction in 30 or less minustes and see if there was once life on venus.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," many challenges of studying Venus are presented; however, the author provides many valid reasons as to why researchers should find ways to study this planet. The author describes the similarities of Venus and Earth, provides solutions to living on Venus, and expresses how researching Venus would be an advancement of the human mind. The author supports their claim of Venus being worthy of pursuit despite its dangers, by suggesting that Venus may have once been similar to Earth. The author wrote in paragraph 4, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." By suggesting that Venus could have some answers to Earth's climate, the author provides strong support to their claim. The text also states in paragraph 4, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." The author goes on to describe how Earth and Venus may have been closely related long ago. It is also mentioned that Venus is one of our nearest options for a planetary visit, which is beneficial considering the how long space travel takes. The author's claim is supported through this evidence of Venus being Earth-like at one point in time. Another way that the author suppprts their claim is by providing some solutions to studying Venus, despite the dangers it possesses. The author writes in paragraph 5, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." In paragraph 5, the author continues to explain how the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth, solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not go over the radiation levels on Earth. The solution that the author suggests helps support their claim of Venus being worthy of pursuit by giving direct evidence as to how researchers may go about doing this. Lastly, the author supports his/her claim by explaining how overcoming the challenge of studying Venus, would be beneficial not only to the insight of the planet, but also of human curiosity. The author says, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The claim is strongly supported through the author's description of how studying Venus could be beneficial to the human mind. Another detail from paragraph 8 is, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author supports that studying Venus would be worth overcoming the harsh conditions, as it would expand our views of imagination and innovation. Despite all of the author's reasons for studying Venus, he/she describes how Venus has harsh conditions that must be overcome first. The text states, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." The author expresses how Venus's conditions are far more extreme than any conditions on Earth. However, the author supports their claim by providing various reasons that support how Venus is worty of pursuit and how researchers may go about overcoming the dangers it possesses. In order to support his/her claim, the author was able to provide at least three strong reasons that show how Venus would be worth studying, even though it presents many dangers. By explaining how Venus may have once been comparable to Earth, providing solutions to current problems, and expressing the benefits of studying Venus, the author is able to strongly support his/her claim with valid evidence.
I strongly agree the auther did a great job , on supporting his idea on the suggesten of studing venus is worth a shot , despit the dangers it presents . the resaon i agree with him is becuse he has great supporting details . The reason i think he did a good job supporting his claim is because not just did he tell us intersting facts but he also gave us a bit of back round like it's name and so forth . The most important infomashion i think the author gave was talking about the atmosphere ."A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide ." found in paragraph 3 . Also telling us about the planet surface temperature and going realy indep " on the planet's suface ,temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit , and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we experence on our own planet ". "beyond high pressure and heat " . This is why i strongly support the auther on supporting his claim on the suggesten on the stupping venus will be a great idea anad also open up new doors .