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I belive we should have driverless cars for many reasons. One reason is becuase like it said in the article " the he cars he foresses would use half the fuel of today's taxi" so we would using way less fuel so that would be saving people money. Also people wouldn't have to buy cars anymore so people would be saving even more money then since we won't be buiyng cars anymore we won't have to worry about paying to get them fixed when they break down. With less peo[le driving thier would be less wrecks becuase people wouldn't be doing stupid things like speeding and not paying attention. You also wouldn't have to worry about going to fast or going to slow. Many compine are working on making driverless card but they aren't totaly driverless. They have made cars that can back out for you and BMW has made a car that can drive it's self but also sometimes need human help for certain situation. One of the main problems with getting driverless care is that its against the law to test them in some states. They would also have to get a law passed decinding wether the company or the person in the car is for blame if the car wrecks. i belive that we will have driverless cars one day.
What makes this a valueable tool to students? Can this tool be used on cell phones? Can we make this tool worldwide for all schools? what will the outcome of students emotional expressions if this tool is valuable? What makes this a valuable tool to students? This would actually be wonderful tool in schools everywhere. A student can use this tool for many differnt reason in school. A student could have really big exam, test etc. the student may believe their ready. this would system would detect if the student is really ready or not. Instead of going to computer lad, waiting on your teacher. A good way to keep this system in route. It should be an app on your celluar device to use this tool. with this being on your cell phone,it makes it easier way for a stuidents that has a friend thats always in differnt moods. With this tool we can detect that friends mood. What will it take for this tool to make it worldwide? It will half to have many great response. this This tool should be used many other places than schools. It will be awesom for police officers, doctors etc. Once one school has great feedback. It make other school try it out. The outcome of this system is wonderful. I done used this system over a millions times at school. It has actually worked great at othere school to. Now we have a great way of dectecting someone else emotions.
No they should not use the technology in class rooms because thats a invashion of pricicy. And they dont need to know every little thing going on in our lives. Becouse every one need there privicy and if schools use that technology there taking that away completly. And why would you use that in a class room any way to spy on people thats a little creepy you know and also why would the teacher even what that becouse thats looking at them too. So there for in my choice the technology is not valuale and should not be put into classrooms or anywhere for that matter becouse every needs that privcy and no one will be able to get that if that technology is around. Another reason we should have it is becouse why would you want people to know your exact emotions anyways if they can read your emotions they can pretty much tell what your thinking by that. So that is the reaons I think we should not have the facial action coding systems.
I think that the use of this technology in a classroom would be very hepful. In the article the author suggests that it would be helpful to a class. The computer could see what the teacher can not. In the article the author said that the technology could see if a student is confused. Sometimes if a student is confused they are to afraid to say anything. As a student, I know from experience that kids can be really shy when it comes to asking a teacher a question. With this technology teachers would know if a student is confused and can talk to them without everyone else making them so nervous about it. A teacher can also help if the computer saw that something was upseting someone. Maybe this technology could help with the bullying that happens in schools by showing that a student is upset or depressed. The teachers or cousiler can talk to the student about whats upseting them. So yes, I think that this technolgy would be valuable in a classroom. I think that the technology could help with a lot of problems in schools. It would be helpful in a lot of places and with a lot of problems.
I believe that the use of this technology would be valuable, as long as students sign off or allow their emotions to be detected by this software. It could be valuable to find learning plans and lessons for all students, so their learning is more interactive for them and more interesting. It could also help detect things such as depression and try report that to a parent or counselor to try and improve their situation. Eventually the software could become so advanced that it could detect suicidal thoughts, in which case, could save lives. But alas, students would have to be okay with this technology being used on them, otherwise it's an invasion of privacy. A professor by the name of Dr. Huang at Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois is working in collaboration with Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang taught a computer what facial muscles equal what emotion. If this software was implemented into school computers, I wouldn't see a problem with that. By implementing this software students could have a more interactive learning environment or a more interesting learning experience overall. But there are still flaws in this software, a student would be able to manipulate the software into only teaching them about a certain subject that they partcularly like. So the software needs more advanced fake emotion detection, and needs to teach things that "seem" boring because its still vital information humans need to live. If someone were to dislike math, but really like science and they were never taught math at all, the person would be unable to succeed in life due to this software failing. If this software is implemented, it should not be used often. Although it can help the learning environment it can also hurt it. While I support the software being used in a learning environment, I do not condone this being put onto personal computers for financial gain or marketing purposes.
I think that they should not change the Electoral College because it tells us what kind of president we will have in the future and what kind of changes he will make. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. You see this is something that happened a long time ago the founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. This is a system that makes sure that we know what kind of president we are putting in the white house and what are things to make this state a better state to live in and to have a good job. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the district of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the Electoral College. The electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The president only haves four years, it is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. When you vote for your state they have a thing called winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation. When the election is done they have a thing they do called Certificated of Ascertainment it lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Ascertainments are then sent to the Congress and then to the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. In the article of The Indefensible Electoral College its trying to ask you why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong and it tells you why. What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? They were trying to abolishing the electoral college and they were not alone, according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore thanks to the quirks of the electoral college won thwe popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This is the thing that can not be changed because this is a system that we can pull up see what they were elected for and why they were voted president and how many times. It helps us how we can choose the right president or the right vice president. In 1960 in Hawaii, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was president over the senate, validated only his opponents electors, but he made sure to do so without establishing a precedent. This happened a long time before i was born. You see only one state can casts only one vote in Wyoming,representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California,who represent 35 million voters. In 1968,a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election;in 1976, a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 voters on Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. In a article i read it says that there are five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president. There are called Certainty of Outcome,Everyones President,Swing States,Big States, and the final one is Avoid Run-Off Elections. Each one tells us how choosing the president and shows us a map how it works and we can see which state shows a breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state. This is something that can help us understand how to vote and how long they will be the president or the vice president i think that we should not change the Electoral College because how would it work without it and how would we pick the next president. This is a hard thing because it would take time to discusses it with the senators and it would take a lot of votes to agree or disagree to the idea. This is why i think that they should not change this because its been around longer before i was born.
With Tesla, Google, and a myriad of companies working hard to create the future of driverless cars the present, many problems have arised whether or not this is a good direction to go to. Already, several manufactures have included elements of driverless driving into cars they create, from self parking to driving on the freeway. Driverless cars are a good idea as they would increase the ability of public transportation, make for easy travel for the user, and increase the potentional of stores and shipping. One of the many reasons that driverless cars are a good ideas is that it would lead to a more energy effiecent public transportation system. As the article, Driverless Cars Are Coming states, replacing a taxi system with a group of driverless cars would use half the fuel of the taxis, along with being much more flexible than normal transportation systems. This along with electric cars soon being a easy to access option would revolutionize the public transportation world. This would easily lead to fleets of driverless cars roaming around cities and picking up anyone who needed a ride to go somewhere almost immediately, which companies such as Uber are trying to accomplish, and using the possiblity of wireless charging, would allow these cars to travel almost indefinetly which would redefine the public transporation system. Although such a system seems too complicated to be possible, new public transporation companies such as Uber and Lyft already are trying to implement many of these elements, such as having the drivers roam around near city hotspots where people are in need of rides often, in order to be as energy efficent as possible. Another reason that driverless cars are a good idea is that it would make for very easy travel for the user. Imagine a car which you could climb into on a late friday night, tell the car to go to a city which would normally take 3-5 hours to travel to, and waking up the next morning at the destination. Although this exact scenario still has several years to be a reality, car manufactures are attemping to do things related to this. Already, Tesla has implemented a self driving system to make a morning commute to work very easy. The car can open your garage door, leave your house, and then close the door with no human interaction. Once you start driving and hit a busy freeway with bumper to bumper traffic during rush hour, you can set the car to drive itself, while being completly aware of its surroundings, braking when the car in front of it is too close, and accelerating when there is a clear path. Although this may scare people as people could think that the driver could not be paying attention to the road, many cars like this have a feature to make sure the driver has their hands ready to be on the wheel, and that the driver is alert as to what is happening. Once the car reaches your office's parking lot, you can find an open spot, and have the car park itself into the spot, even if that means having to parrallel park. Lastly, one of several reasons driverless cars are a good ideas is that driverless cars would drastically increase the potentional of stores and the shipping of their goods. Companies in Europe have already made driverless trucks which can ship goods across the country, which could soon be implemented into the United States. In the U.S., there are severeal services which involve the user using an app to notify a person what goods you want to get at a certain store or two, having that person go to that store and buy whatever goods you requested, and having the person drop off the goods at your front door. This could easily save time for the workers by having a driverless car pick up the goods that you requested, and having that car drive to your house and drop off the goods, all while the worker is helping another customers. Overall the future of driverless cars would redefine the world we live, making everybodies life much easier. Driverless cars are a good ideas as they would increase the possiblity of public transportation, make for easy travel for the user, and increase the potentional of stores and shipping.
Hi, my name is Lucas and I had an amazing experience by being a sea cowboy. I got to visit many places that back then many people cound not visit. Also I made a lot of good friends. When my trip with the animals was over my friends and I would kind of have a party we would play games like volleyball, fencing, baseball ext. Like I said this opportunity opened the world up to me. I am glad that I now understands other countries needs and the people from those countries. When I was done being a sea cowboy my family and I had like foriegn exchange students stay with us. I could also teach my family about the foriegn exchange student. Like what his country was like and what animals I brought to that country. Like I said this opportunity had a lot of good effects come out of it. So if you would like to travel the world and learn what different countries needs I suggest being a sea cowboy.
If humans were to use this technology, who is to say we would not advance it, and take it much further. That could be problomatic. Reading someones facial features could be a good thing, but also a horrible mistake. If we were to use FACS in a school setting, it could be used to show if someone is lying or cheating, because it would read their expressions. Then what would happen would be that students may try to cover the senser or camera to block the machine, making it outright pointless. Not to mention, it would be ripping the users confidentiality away from them as it may record what the user does to more easily tell their emotions. Now it recording the emotions is not bad, but the people who could get their hands on it are. It does state in the text " 'The facial expressions for each emotion are universal.' " This may be true, but if that is the case, why cant we just read emotions ourselevs, instead of making a robot do it for us. There is nothing wrong with asking if someone is sad or mad, but there is someting wrong with telling them how they feel. If compaired to anyone who makes the same expressions, how are we to be certin that they are our emotions, and not someone elses. Yes we all frown, and we all smile, but; what if some of our ways to show our smile are different, then it may be computed incorrectly, causing someone or something to go wrong when using this program. This is why we should not use FACS in any place. It just rips away our own thoughts, replacing them with a genric persons emotions.
When people grow up they have choices to make and they have to decide if something is worth the risk for the outcame they may or may not recieve. In this article the author discuss's why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports the idea of studying Venus with, Venus will lead to new discovery's with the help of technology, still having more to explore, and being able to learn things we have never known or seen before. NASA still has more opportunites to make new technology. With new techology NASA will be able to land on Venus and discover new things, "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's suface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This advancement in technology may allow people to be able to land on Venus and allow us to discover Venus. The author shows that studying Venus is not far along with the technology. Venus still has more to be explored; Venus is a planet that we have been on the edge about, because NASA is unable to land on Venus. "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." This shows that we have not been able to land and explore Venus as we would like. Which is not allowing us to explore Venus liek we have done with the other planets. Venus is a planet that we know about but have been unable to explore and find out its unknown things. The author discuss's how we still have more opportunities to learn about Venus. The authors gives reasons on why we cannot land on Venus, which doesn't allow us to study Venus like we should. We are not able to find out Venus's truths. "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challening planet for humans to study, despite its proxmity to us." This shows that since we have not been able to get to the surface we still have alot of unknown things to learn about Venus. And that we are needing to keep studying Venus despite its dangers. In this article the author discussed why we should keep studying Venus. We should keep studying Venus to learn new things, we still have more opportunites to discover with the use of advancemnt in technology, and we still have more to explore about Venus. NASA can finds its truths that are hidden to us. Being able understand Venus is worth the risks.
Companies should stop the development of driverless cars. I believe there should not be driverless cars because they are no safer than or better than people driving the cars. If there are driverless cars there may be more accidents, the driver won't have complete control so they cannot try to prevent accidents from occuring, and people still do not know who to blame for when an accident does occur. Driverless cars may cause more accidents to occur. They may cause more accidents because the cars cannot sence or see everything around them. People can see when someone is backing up at the same time as them in a parking lot and know to wait their turn, but a driverless car cannot. The car may also not be able to know if a car is backing up in front of them or not. The article mentioned that in a driverless car the car will let the person in the car take over if need be. The problem with this is that the person may not be paying attention and may not take the wheel in time. This would then result in an accident since no one would be driving. Another thing is that driverless cars cannot see everything. They do have sencers, but the sencers could fail. If this were to happen then the car would not know about anything coming towards it or anything that could possibly be in the way. It would be like a drunk driver. Another reason there should not be driverless cars is because the person in the car will not have complete control. This is a problem because then they will not be paying attention. It is mentioned in the article that drivers will probably get bored. Being bored may result in falling asleep, which will then run into the problem of accidents again. This is because the person will not be able to take control of the car in time if need be. In the artilce they mention that the passenger still has to be holding on to the wheel. With this in mind it seems that it would just be easier for the passenger to drive themselves rather than a car drive them. Lastly, no has decided on who to blame if an accident were to occur. The do not know if the car manufacturer should be blamed or if the passenger who owns the car should be blamed. This is a big question because if there is an accident, liability has to be covered. It is especially important to know who to blame in an accident if someone is injured. Some might think it would make more sence to blame the passenger because they were in the car when it happened. Others would blame the car manufacturer due to the fact that they made the car and the passenger was sitting in the car without any control. It may seem that driverless car are the way to go but they are really no better than what we have today. If anything they may be more dangerous. I believe there should not be driverless cars because they are no safer than or better than people driving the cars. Driverless cars may cause more accidents, people will not have control over the car, and there is a big question on who to blame for an accident. So while it may seem like a great idea and alot of fun, driverless cars shoud not be developed because they are dangerous.
In the article Making Mona Lisa Smile, the ariticle states, " She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, 2 percent angry." The value of using the technology to read read students' emotional expressions is a good thing. in the the text it states, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." Each muscle has a different job to do in the artical one of the examples that is given it the orbicularis oris muscle. This muscle is aroound your mouth and it tightens when you get angry. "Eckaman has classifiied six basic emotion- happiness, surprise,anger, disgust, and sadness- and then associated with characteristic movements of the the facial muscles." All muscles are different, each muscle controls a different part of the face. In the article, " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model musr move like human muscles." People show various amount of facial expressions and by using this technology researchers can tell what peoples emotions are. In this study of facial expressions researchers found out that there are many types of facial expressions. The subjest of Leonardo da Vinci's painting of Mona Lisa during the Renaissance is a major topic of this research. Mona Lisa shows four emotions: happy, disgust, fear, and anger. The software that Dr. Paul Eckman has created known as FACS which stands for Facial Action Coding System. The FACS can recogmize all of Mona Lisa's emotions.
I myself am agaisnt the idea of having driverless cars. One reason we should not allow this is the simple fact that, what if someone finds a way to hack into the cars systems and kill millions of lives; who takes the fall for that? Or say that the cars somehow go ballistic, and turn against the owners of the mobile and purposely crash. There would not be any way to prevent it from happening because the car has no way to be self controlled. For example in paragrah nine it states " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?". Another reason why I do not agree with driverless cars is the fact that would it even be fun to drive in a car anymore. That fifteen or sixteen year that just now got there permit doesn't even get the chance to experience driving in the sense that they are not even able to control the car. They would simply sit in the drivers seat waiting for a beep or a flash signaling them to take control for a few minutes, then the funs over. For example in paragrah eight the author asks the question " Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" I completly argree with the answer yes to this question. Who wants to wait their turn to drive? I am sure the teen wants to control the car on their own and have fun while doing it. My final reason in why I do not agree with driverless cars is that, say every state allows driverless cars and they release these mobiles. I am sure that the media will indulge in the idea and it will become big. But what happens when the first accident happens? The whole world will know. Do the companies shut down the manufacturing that cost millions of dollars and years of hard work. Or do they just allow the citizens to keep driving until there or more fatalities. The price of the cars would be very expensive I am sure. So say I buy one for lets just say the estimated price of 60,000 dollars. The following week the car is working fine, therefore, I am loving the new technology. Then in the middle of driving down I-65 the car shuts completly down and I cannot control it nor start the car back up. What do I do? Just risk getting out and asking for help, or stay in the car and eventually back up traffic for miles? Also, I will not forget the fact that I spent most of my saving on this car and sold my reliable station wagon I bought last year. So I am in a bind and have no way out of it. Who do I blame? Myself for making the decision, or the company that promised me a reliable, safe driverless car? So before you jump to conclusion, think about every possible outcome before you make a world changing decision.
Limiting car usage can be an advantage for every city. While there have been efforts in the past who decades to make cities denser and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs. Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six year federal transportation bill to be approved this year. All of our development since World War ll has been centered on the car and that will have to change. As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move here. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of global city, Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Dieseles make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters. Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city, uneven, pitten sidewalks, rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic, and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitous assist from incipient shift in America behavior. Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. The sociology professor at Drexel University and director of its Mobilities Research and Policy Center said that differents things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long term cultural shift. Demographic shifts in the driving population suggest that the trend may accelerate. There has been a large drop in the porcentage of 16 to 39 year olds getting a license, while older people are likely to retain their licenses as they age. In conclution it has beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment since transportation is the second largeest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants. It also has negative implications for the car industry but America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis.  
Being a seagoing cowboy is oppertonity of a lofe time. Read my three reasons why you should be a seagoing cowbaoy. You can help people in need. Like giving them food taking them to medical attetion if needed. Plus helping people is the greatest feeling in the world. Like even the little stuff like helpin an elder walk across the street picking someones books up. Just help people in need every day. You get to see and meet new people every day. Becomig friends with someone is the most wonderful thing. Helping some one in need then becoming there friend is great. You can learn new cultures in making friends. Just be nice to friend and people you don't know. You get to see expirence new things. You can see things you proably never heard of. You can see the been in chicago. You could see one of the temples in greece. Just go out there and do somthing diffiernt. Being a seagoing cowboy is just a different thing to do. If you like helping people this for you. If like going out and making new friends then be a seagoing cowboy. If you like seeing new things and adventure you would be pefect. So it is now your dission to be a sea going cowboy if you like to do all these things this is for you.
NASA's spacecraft, Viking 1, caught the first image of the "Face on Mars" while looking for landing sites. When those pictures were sent back to NASA, they saw a face staring back at them. Due to our advancement in technology, they took more pictures that were much better quality. Today, the Face is still known as a pop icon. However, a few scientists are still discussing the matter if it's just a natural landform or created by alien life. There are numerous facts that prove it to be natural. One reason why it's unreasonable that the Face was created by alien life is that there's no legit proof of alien existence on Mars or anywhere. Only myths and rumors have been heard. I know for a fact NASA has been searching for it because defenders of the NASA budget wish to find life on Mars, but there are no traces. There are just theories with no support at all. Not only is there no evidence of aliens, but it doesn't make sense that an "alien" created a face of a human with tools made for hard, rock surfaces. If humans have never encountered aliens and aliens have never encountered humans, how could aliens create something in our likeness. Although, we don't know if they've encountered us, it seems highly unlikely. It seems more unlikely for them to make a human face that looks like a Pharaoh. "Aliens" don't know what a pharaoh is as well as what it looks like. In addition to that, what tools would they have used to make a landform 2 miles long... a pick axe? On Earth, something like Mount Rushmore takes a lot of work to form even with the right tools. Along with the lack of sense of the idea that aliens can create a human face with a pick axe, NASA has research that show that that type of landform is common on Mars. The Viking 1 had taken the picture around an area on Mars called Cydonia. That's where scientists in the Jet Propulsion Lab classified the landform as a Martian mesa. "Martian mesa" is just a name for the landform, and their research displayed that those mesas were common enough around Cydonia. In conclusion, the theory that the "Face on Mars" was created by aliens lack much credibilty. The fact that it has almost no supporting facts for it to be proven true. Therefore, the Face can only exist on Mars as a natural landform.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. After reviewing this article, I have formed an opinion of being for the development of these cars. They will create a more efficient traffic system, the cars are safe therefore creating safer roads, and even though the car is doing most of the work, humans still have full control over the vehicle. Many car companies have discovered different ways to improve traffic efficiency. For example, "In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." The car can handle driving functions at speeds up tp 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This creation was designed to imrpove traffic drastically. Driverless cars are proven to be safe by many research programs. With it's motion dection sensors and human-brain-like technology, self-driven cars could not be more cautionary. A lot of the technology is very advanced, for example from Google, "it [the car's feature] uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." Creating a full view of anything the car should be aware of in it's surroudings. The thought of eventually having no control over today's advanced techology scares many people, however, with the self-driving driverless cars that is not something to be worried about. Although the car does do a lot of the work, incase of an emergency or in any case where only the skills a human mind can surpass, the people in the car have full control over the vehicle. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents," says BMW. To conclude, I believe that supporting self-driving driverless cars will improve our future for the better. Whether its because of increasing traffic efficiency or creating safer roads. Also, knowing that humans will still have access to all controls having to do with the car, why wouldn't the human race want to acquire driverless cars?
Luke is trying to convice people to be in the Seagoing Cowboys program by saying cool things that he does. For example: he is saying that he toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to china. He also said that he finds time to have fun on board. some games they played were baseball, vollyball, Table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. Luke got to vist different places and he got to go to 16 different places. Luke also got to go to the Atlantic Ocean. Luke also liked to see the animals. He would always go visit the animals and feed them. Another thing luke would do is help people that got hurt during the War. So those are a lot of fun things that luke did. He also did a lot of good things. Like feed animals, take them from one place to another, and help people that got hurt in the War. Luke shared all those fun and good things that he did to convice others to participate the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Using a car may seem helpful, but what if we limit car usage. There are many advantages in limiting car usage. Limiting car usage is becoming more common, and also reducing pollution. Being a car free city can limit a lot of the pollution. "Automobiles are the linchipin of suburbs, where middle-class families from Chicago to Shanghai tend to make their homes. And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes." as stated in: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal. In Paris, after days of near-record pollution, a partial driving ban was set to clear the air of the global city. Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate mattere per cubic meter, stated in: "Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer. Cold nightws and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions, which created a smog over Paris. Another reason for limiting car usage is because it is becoming more popular. As stated before, Vauban is a "car-free" suburb. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this was," said Heidrun Walter a media trainer in Vauban. In Bogota, Colombia; for the third straight year cars, have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars. The goal was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog, stated in: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota by Andrew Selsky. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said the Bogota Mayor. The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal says: "...recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year go by." This indicates that a new era is coming. Limiting car use has already taken action because of the dangers of pollution, making limiting car more popular everywhere. Cities already participating, are an example to others of how useful this act can be. Although limiting cars is already taking place, it is not worldwide. Only a few cities have begun to do it. There are advantages, seeing the cities that participate in a "car-free" society and realizing that the results are not bad should be a wake up call to others. After all, doing so helps save the planet a little more; and with a bit more help, limiting car usage will be worldwide.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author tell me about the technology called Facial Action Coding System. Im will being find details in the passange on how the technology identify human emotions. Frist I will be telling you what's the Facial Action Coding System how it works. It is a technology that Dr. Paul Eckman created he has classified six basic emotions on it. scuh as (happyiness,suprise,anger,disguts,fear,and sadness.) what this technology does is show the emotions that universal. the new emotion recongnition software tracks the facial movements. Now I will be arguing weather the use of the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I think this is a bad idea for the technology emotional thing to be in class room to read students emotion becuase if a student is upset for a reason and the emotional mechine read there feeling maybe the student didnt wanna tell there personal binusness about there feelings. I also think its a bad idea because what if the technology mechine tell you your feeling a suertion way but then the mechine got it wrong, then the teacher would be naging that person on about there mood. I told you all about how the Facial Action Coding System works. I told you my opinion how its bad if they have the technolgoy in the class for it to read student emotions. and how it would effect the mood if the mechine got the emotion wrong.
Automated cars are the future of driving.Driverless cars can be useful for several reasons like being safer,more efficient, and smarter. Automated Vehicles should be part of the future. They should be part of the future because they are safe. In the passage it states that " Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009 " and that "Their cars have driven more that half a million miles without a crash,but so far,Google cars aren't trully dirverless".The cars are still safe especially since they need assitance for it to drive through tough areas. Driverless cars are getting more and more advanced as time goes by.Like "In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensor at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes.".But those sensor are now being used to detect dangers of rollerovers and out-of-controlled and correcting them.There are now sensors that can tell the car to slow down and apply the brakes automatically.With each new sensor being added onto the car it makes it able to do more tasks on its own. There are several risks being taken when owning an automated car.There are many states where driverless cars can't even be tested because of the risks.If the car fails and someone gets hurt who would be the blame for the accident.there are no laws for automated cars and regulations for them either.But they are geting smarter like the google car "with four radar sensors , gps reciever...".and the BMW car the tels the driver to watch the road.
Cars are not something that have to be used everyday. Limiting car usage could be a good thing to do. Minimizing car usage gives you the opportunity to have more parks and fun places to go without the parking lot taking up all the space. Less space for parking makes everything more easier to get to which is an advantage instead of having to walk in the parking lot . For example, " . . . make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking." ( In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal, Paragraph 6 ). This explains that if you get rid of the cars theres more space to park and everything else becomes easier to get to versus having many parking spaces taking up room and causing traffic and other things. Also with not using cars theres more room for small stores and big stores to be put in different places that couldnt be put there because of cars so you could drive. For example, " . . . stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." ( In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal, Paragraph 6 ) and " Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour retsrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota, Andrew Selsky, Paragraph 28). This shows that now there's more spaces for even more stores which is an advantage because the cars used to take up that space used for bigger roads for more cars to come on but without that problem theres room for other thing's. Also it's a good way to save money because it decreases smog, and air polllution. For example, " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog." ( Paris bans driving due to smog, Robert Duffer, Paragraph 14).  This shows that after France decided to stop using cars the smog decreased tremendisely. Having no vehicles can also make the environment better because there wouldnt be a lot of carbon being produced. For example, " . . . it will have a benificial implications for carbon emissions and the environment." ( The End of Car Culture, Elisabeth Rosentha, Paragraph 34). Which is an example of how it could better for the environment. An advantage also is there will be less pollution. For example, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution . . ." This explains that it would be a good thing for us , we would have better breathing and also again a better environment . In Conclusion, Minimizing driving usage could lead to better things such as less pollution, a better environment , and lastly more room for other things . So theyre are many advantages to minimizing driving usage, it's not so bad.      
The Facial Action Coding System is useful in many ways when telling us someones facial expressions. The Facial Action Ciding System can help us indicate someones true fellings or emoions that they are felling or felling that they have torwds someone else. By looking at A computer it can indicate what your truely felling. When someone doesnt have A facial expression on thier face the Facial Action Coding System can identify what they are truely felling. Making A facial expression everyday can help you produce the expression more often. Most the time whatever emotion your felling the more this emotion will pop up in your life time. Most emotions can be detected based on your facial expression or the way you move or speak. If your around someone who is always smiling chances are you will be happy to. Based on someones else emotion you can sometimes fell the pearsons happiness, sadness, or anger torwds themself, or someone else.
I belive that they should change the elections to elections by popular vote for the president of the United States. The electoral College consists of 530 electors, tey choose the president by a vote in congress or "qualified" citizens. A majoriy of 270 electoral votes are required to elect a president, therefore in my opinion a popula vote would have mor meaning, beacause it's more people the vote would be chosen fr the mayority making the rest of the people satisfied. The number of citizens all togete versus the number of the electors at the Electoral College is superior; the people are te ones that follow the law might as well let them choose he president thats going to run the country and establish laws. The electoral college system prevents us from voting for the presidet directly, instead they make us vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the pesident. For example if you were to live in Texas and wanted to vote for a president you'd have to vote for a slate of 34 elector of that political party that are pleged to him or her, on the off-chance that those electors won the statewide elections. The electors get picked at state conventions, the states party's central committee and sometimes the presidential candidates themselves. Also electos can be anyone not holding public office. Furthermore the best argument against the electoral college is the disaster factor. Americans should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 disaster was he biggest crisis in elections that century since the system allows much worse. Consider the fact that the state legislatures are in a way responsible for piking electors and those elector could defy the will of the people back in 1960; what tells you that they stopped doing it? The electoral college system has a lo of flaws and they can choose if they want o do what the peopl think is best or just take mater into their own hands and do as they plese. In conclution its very clear that they should get rid of the electoral college and just let the peopl vote directly fo the president. That would cause less drama and would prevent fiascos in the elections.                      
The technology emotional expression is helpful because now that we have that we can look back at old pictures and wonder. What was Abraham so mad about? Or why was George Washington so happy but sad about? This experiment can change the way we look at history. This experiment can help us more understand the past. Like the Mona Lisa nobody knew she had all that emotion in her when she took that picture. Because her smile was so big it stood out. When really she was happy but had all these other emotions in her that we didn't know she had. This can help students by doing projects on the person they picked and they can research a pciture and then use the experiment to discover their emotions at the time. This new experiment can change alot of wrong discovers that were made in the past. Now we can know more with the new emotional expressions. It can also be used to tell if some one is lying or telling the truth. It's so many celebrities that put on a fake smile to the press when really there's something going on behind closed doors. This new thing can help people that have problems because we can see how they really feel. Say if we used this in the school year book and we use it on a student that does abd in school or is always in trouble. we could actually look at the emotional expression and see that he has a lot of anger in him and could cause harm. I'm glad that this was made cause it can make a lot of change. It can help in schools, businesses, police departments, etc. It's a lot of people out here that put on a fake smile but would really go and shoot up a school or could commit suicide. But now that we have this we can stop thought incidents from happeing.
In this article the author thinks that venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. And he has many reasons for thinking and suggesting it and here the way that he says that it would be worthy of pursuit is by putting facts that would be helpful in the article. Some of the advantages that the article would have is that it is very well informed and it have a lot of evidence that we could use to say that it is a study that is worthy of pursuit. In the articleit says´Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size and occasionaly the closest in distance to´.This is saying that venus is closer to us and we have more adantage of knowing more about it because more people can go on it since it is closer. It also says that ´Numerous factors contribute to venus reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study despite its proximity to us. which also means that it could also be difficult to pursuit worthy on venus because it could be difficult to study. Thats is why he says we should pursuit worthy to venus but there are also some disadantages I think that either way there are more facts about pursuing it but not all might think the same.
Most people might not know what Seagoing Cowboys are, but that dosen't mean that you hate it just because of it's name. You should at least participate seagoing cowboys once. People might not have many reasons to support there statement about "Why you shouldn't be a Seagoing Cowboy'', but I have at least some reasons as why you should join the program. One of my many reasons is if you love working with animals then your up for the job. Many of the "Seagoing Cowboys" had to take care of the Horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. On pharagraph two it states "UNRRA hired ''Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that weree shippes overseas." If you were to join the cowboys you will have to be able to go away from your family for a while. For example, on paragraph three it states "In Augest 1945", and on paragraph four it states "By the time he was discharged in 1947", what I'am trying to do is prove my point. Since you have to be away from your family, you won't be able to see your family in about three years. If you can go three years without seeing your familly then you have forund your job. Besides helping people, you are able to see awsome sighting and go to places that you've never been before. You are able to go and see Europe, China, the Acropolis in Greece, Crete, Panama, and you could go to Italy. On paragragh five it states " Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing Acropolis in Greece was special," he says "So was taking a gondola ride in Vencie, Italy, a city with streets of water." Luke also toured an excaveted castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his was to China. So, in conclusion I belive that you can, and should join the Sesagoing Cowboys. Only if you are able to parcipitate very well, and if you won't have a problem with all of those things you have to do.
Imagine if you could realize your friends emotions all the time. Facial Action Coding Systems might be our new way to know how someone is feeling. New software is being developed to better comunicate emotions. What if we had this technology in schools? To better understand our peers and know if they are okay. This would be a tremendous advance in schools nowadays. If we had this technology in school teachers could better understand their students. Teachers could find out how the student are feeling and adjust according to what the students are thinking. This machine would help classrooms everywhere because if a student is board of the lesson odds are they are not going to pay attention. A student is not always willing to talk to a teacher and tell them why they are not doing well or what they dont like about class. You cant always be perfect at guessing how someone is feeling by what you see because they could be hiding their emotions from you. People would think that the machine would not work right and it would be false information being read. The machine is constructed by callibrating it to recognize all 44 major muscles in the model to move exactly like humans move. The machine has six basic emotions happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. And along with the characteristics are movements of the facial muscles. Each one of the emotions are designed to be read of human facial movements to detect emotion. All the steps to constucting this machine are great and are taken off of human facial movement. Facial Action Coding machines could help teachers and staff stop suicidal thought or actions from occuring. Teachers are at school to help students and just the regular teacher dosen't always catch a student having a horrible day or getting bullied constantly. This machine could help teachers find the kids that are having it rough and sit down with them and talk. This machine would take away the amount of suicidal thoughts and even suicide at high schools all across the country. This machine would help in many different catigories. If teachers started using this machine and making kids feel better everyday it would make students want to come back to school and want to learn. This would increase grades and student to teacher bonds. The students would carry that home and that would help parents. Kids would do more choirs and help around the house more. They would stop being so hostile twords their parents. This machine could bring so much good to schools and communities all across the world. Although this machine would be great to have in schools it could be taken as a privacy issue. Students might not feel comfortable if a teacher or elder has a machine that can read how they are feeling. This could be an issue for many parents as well. If a parent does not want this in the school their child goes to they are more than likely to take their child out of that school. This could provoke other parents as well to get the wrong idea about this machine. The parents could see this as a danger in a school because they would no nothing about the machine or the students could be frightened from this machine. To conclude my essay I think this device would be a great thing to have in schools. It could prevent kids from being bullied, having suicidal thought or even being board in class. It would help teachers get the right idea of what to teach in class and get the idea of students that might be having a really hard time. All in all this machine would be a great tool to use in schools all across the world.
I do not think that it is a good idea to develop driverless cars. Drives will get distracted more easliy if they do not have to pay anettion at all times to the road. Also the next generation to come will not know how to drive and it will soon be a forgotten skill. This will also make the unemployment rate go through the roof. Over all it is a bad idea that will hurt are nation and others finacualy and cultrally. The driverless car would be a wreck waiting to happen. Teens now a days have a short tension spand and would get easily distracted by there phones or even fall asleep if they did not have to pay attention to the road. These so called smarte cars still need the drivers to be alert and to pay attention just in case they drive in to a construction zone and the driver has to take over. Well if the driver fell asleep it would be so easy for them to get in to a car crash. If these companys are really worried about the drivers well being they would not put them in a situation where they are not only putting there own lives at risk but others too. Granted that even know driving is still dangerous, but it is one thing to have full control of your car rather than have to put your faith in a programed that can not even make its way through out a work zone with out the threat of running some on over. Having a lisonce is an importante part of growing up. It teaches your resposibiltity and gives you a feeling of liberation and freedom. If are generation startes to us driverless cars then the future generation will stop gettting drivers lisonces and driving will become a lost art. It is important that people learn how to drive. Its a sence of freedom that Google and any other companys or car manufactures should not be able to take away. Having driverless cars will break are nations back. Unemployment rates for yougth are at an all time high. Many people in big cities make there money by either being cab drivers, or bus driver. The driverless car will put these hard workers out of jobs. Making the unempolment rates of this country even higher than they all ready are. Driverless cars will only lead to destruction. Unemployment rates will shoot up so high it will be the great depression round two. Accidents will be happening left and right. Our generations attention spaned is shorter then a gould fish's. Putting use in a metal box and tell us that we do not really to drive the car but we need to pay attention just in case is a good way to cut are popullation in half. Not to even mention the fact that soon driving will be a lost art. Its a freedom that should never be stripped from us. Driverless cars are not a good idea and will only leave a trail of misery behind them.
The author supports his ideas by show and telling that NASA is working on other prouches to study Venus. In paragraph 7 telling use about how electronics played an important role in the 1940s. so more ideas of electronics would help the author study even more an get even more info about Venus. Dispite the dangers it presents if they make robots that have the mind set on studying Venus that would change the danger of othes and we will have more info of how humans will be in harm of. i just feel like that humans should have 2 planets and were more then capable of doing that so and the author has a point that our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by danger and doubts but should be expanded to meet the vey edge of imagination and innovtion. Thats shouldnt be a challenge theres so much value cause this planet will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavor.
"Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad." It is surprisingly one of the main and major functions of the Facial Action Coding System. Knowing when you are upset, angry, or happy, this new technology can change what you are viewing or doing in order to uplift your emotions. With this in mind, the use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System is valuable in a classroom for a variety of reasons. According to the passage, the text states, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This can help in a classroom because when a student is on a school computer, or any computer in general, this new technology can detect what one is feeling when viewing something inappropiate on the screen. Therefore, when the emotion is bad, the screen will automaticaly change to alter what is being seen. The text also states, "A classroom could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." With this being said, the Facial Action Coding System can really help students in focusing and engaging more on the lesson. Many students become bored or confused when a teacher isn't clearly addressing the subject effectively or in a basic, nonexciting manner, and most of the time the students are too afraid to ask or say anything. However, this new technology can detect the emotions of the students and alter the lesson to appeal to their emotions in a way that they become engaged and focused. In essence, the Facial Action Coding System being allowed to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is quite valuable. It can help avoid students from viewing any inappropiate scenes on their computer screens and help them become more engaged and excited about what they are learning. Consequently, students will learn more in classroom where not only their test scores are of great significance, but their emotions as well.
Imagine an earth simliar to ours. But it is really really really hot there that we can't live there. It had oceans and there was life on venus at some point. It is one of the brightest stars in the sky. It has valleys,mountians, and craters. It has volcanoes,earthqaukes ,and lighingstrikes. Its eath 2. Venus orbits the sun at different speeds which means that some times we are closer to mars and other times to venus. Venus 's atmoshpere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. Also the temperature on average is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Next the atmosperic pressure is 90 times greater than what we expierence on our own palnet. Even though Mars is closer to the sun venus has the hottest surface temperature of an planet in our solar system. NASA is trying to find a way to learn more about venus. By using a vehicle hovering venus. It won't be easy for the astronuts but they will live. We already know great things about venus but we want to learn more about this palnet we are curious about it and we want to find out.NASA is thinking about old technology for studying venus. Mechanical computers.They make calcuations by using gears and levers and do not require eletronics. These mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Plus America would make history by being the first nation to sending humans to venus back and forth.Though its going to take hard work and dedication I belive some day we will get there.
Is facial action coding good for students?I would say yes it would be good for students.Theres many reason why i say that it would be a good thing. I think it would definitley benifit students learning and the attitude toward school. Here are some reasons why i think its a good thing. Facial action coding for students.....? I think that it is a great idea. I say that because say a kid is in a bad mood or is sad and then the computer then figures out that the kid is sad and the computer can do something to make the kid happy and not sad.This can also help students cause if the computer detects that the student is getting bored then the computer can do something to make to were its not boring and has the kid excited to do the work. There are also some thing from the text that i thought could really help students for example"a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" Dr. Husng predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". There are my reasons on why it would be good for students. Facial action coding is a good thing as proved in the paragraph before. Facial action coding is something that can be used to change the future and chang the generations to come.This would be a good thing if it was put in to place. With the facial action coding there would be a big diffrnce. Those are my thoughts of facial action coding..... do you agree?
Dear State Senator, Currently, the Electoral College makes the final decision of who should be elected president. Some people may think otherwise, but I believe that we should change the election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America. In the Electoral College they don't vote for the president. It's also unfair to voters, and it's the disaster factor. To begin with, I think that we should change the election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America because the Electoral College doesn't even vote for the president. As the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defense of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer states.. Instead, they vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry. Moving on, I think that we should change the election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America because the Electoral College is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media marketse didn't get to see a single campaign ad. Last but not least, I think that we should change the election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America because the Electoral College is a disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those el
Limitation to car usage has had great benefits. People will have better safety, and people are happier and less tense without the usage of a car. Life with no cars are spreading to places such as, Germany, and Bogota. People will tell you how great their lifes have been without the usage of a car. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Said Heidrun Walter mother of 2, who lives in the Vauban's community. The Vauban community in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in Europe. Bogota, Colombia have limited their car usage as well. Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car free-day they have in Bogota. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode his bike to work. They've even had people come to watch the event. Like the mayor of Paraguay who said, "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders." "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shif," said Mimi Sheller, a sociology professor at Dexel University. Now a days people don't need to drive somewhere to go meet people. They just use the internet, and the use of cell phones have increased in communicating with people. With these changes, people who have stopped car commuting in the United States, may find less reason to resume the habit. But in places such as New York, with new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tools reflect these new priorities. "Pedestrian, bicyle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emmissions and improve safety." In conclusion, life with no cars would be beneficial. You'll be provided with better safety, and wont be as tense and alot happier than you were before. You'll be able to see what life is really all about. A better life.
Do you love animals? Do you love traveling the world? Do you love helping others? If so, the Seagoing Cowboys program could be the job for you. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you will have the journey of your life. You will get to travel the world, care for animals, and help others. A lot of people always dream of touring around the world. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, touring will be a normal part of life. For example, I, Luke Bomberger, got to see many sights. I was able to see the Acropolis in Greee, go gondala riding in Venice, Italy, see the excavated castle in Crete, and see the Panama Canal on my way to China. Not to mention just being all around Europe and China. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, sight-seeing will become pretty much a daily activitiy. Most people in this world are animal lovers. For these people I can say that being a Seagoing Cowboy is the lifestyle for you. Everyday that you are on the cattle boat, you get to treat animals. I was on a cattle boat with 335 horses and it was an experience of a lifetime. I got to feed, clean, and care for the horses everyday. If you are willing to take on the responsibility of caring for animals, then sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will get to help others in need. For example, at the end of World War ll, many countries in Europe were devistated and destroyed. I helped by exporting animals such as horses, cows, and mules to other countries from Europe. If you join the Seagoing Cowboy program, you will get to say that you helped people at their most devistating times. In conclusion, if you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will travel the world, care for animals, and help others. As a Seagoing Cowboy, I can say that at the time I was a Seagoing Cowboy was the best time of my life.
Luke's Point Of Veiw "Come on! Please join with me!" I begged. "It will be so much fun!" "No. I don't want to. It seems boring." Sam said. "Don and I are doing it. Wouldn't you want to help someone in need?" I said. "How about this, I will talk it over wiht my parents and see what they think, then I will make the final decision. Ok?" he explained. "Ok. Meet me at the Big Tree tomorrow at 3." The we bothed walked off. I really hoped that Sam would agree. We would be like the three muskateers! I thought. Don, Sam, and I have been best friends since I could remember. DOn had already been my neighbor, so when Sam moved in a couple houses down we decided to start being friend swith him. I'm glad we did. Don and I have been apart of the UNRRA for a while now, and we were home for a brake. Our only mission while being home is to try and get people to join. We already got a couple, but we needed more. There is always work to be done on the ship. "Hi Mom." I said walking into the kitchen. "Dinner smells good." "Good. How was your day?" she asked. "Anybody new recruited?" "Still working on Sam. He said he would tell me his final answer tomorrow." I told her. We ate dinner and then cleaned the dishes off. "Mom, is it ok if i go back out to town?" I asked. "Sure. Just be back before dark." I went to the common area because there is normally still a lot of people ther at this time eating, playing with animals, or little kids running around. I walked into the common and sure enough, people were there. As I was walking, I felt a tap on my back. "Looks like we had the same idea, Luke!" It was Don. "Yeah! So glad you're here. Have you gotten anyone?" I asked. "Yeah actually. Those men sitting over there talking." He pointed to 3 men chatting on a bench. "Good job!" I congradulated him. "Sam and I are meeting at the Big Tree tomorrow for his final decision. He said he was going to talk it over with his parents tonight." "Oh good. Let's go get some more people." he replied. "Hello." I said to a man around my age petting his dog. "I'm with the UNRRA group, the "Seagoing Cowboys" and I was wondering if you are interested in it." "Hello, and sure. Tell me about it." he said, with a kind smile. "What UNRRA stands for is the United Nations Relief and Rehabilition Administration and what we do is carry animals on ships to different places. FOr example, we went to Greece and unloaded there. We carry horses, young cows, and mules. We also have spare time on the ship. We do table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, readong, whittling, and we can play volleyball and baseball." I explained. "That sounds very exiting!" Where do I sign up?" he askeed. I handed him a paper. "Put your adress, first and last name, and age on here. We leave in a week to head bak c out, so in a couple of days someone will show up and say if you are drafted or not." "Thanks!" He said after signing the paper. It was getting dark, so Don and I decided to head home together. We talked about small things like where we might go nest, how long we will continue doing this, and we also talked about other jobs we might want. I got home and went to my room. It was a long day, so I went to bed shortly after. I woke up to the sun peering into my room through the window. The house already smelled like blueberry muffins. "Good moring, sweetie." my mom greeted. " Good morning, Mom. Muffins smell good." I said. "Eat up." She put a plate in front of me with 2 muffins. I devoured them pretty quickly. At 3 I am meeting Sam for his decison. I hope he decides to do it." I said. "Me too. It would be fun for the three of you." A little later I took the papers of all the people I have gotten to my boss. He lived right in town. It took me about 10 minutes to get there. I knocked on his door. "Hello Luke!" he said. "Hey Mr. Kyle. I brought you some more papers of people." I told him. "Great!" I will look through them right now actually." he exclaimed. "I might have one more later today also." I said, getting exited. "Wonderful. COme back and let me know, alright? he smiled. "Will do." I walked back to the sidewalk. I went to the library, the market, and the barn just to kill time. It eventually became 3, so I walked to the Big Tree. Sam was already there. "Hey Sam!" I Greeted him. "I'll do it!" he exclaimed. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah." he replied. "Great!" Let's go to Mr. Kyle." I said.
People are saying that aliens are creating human faces on mars. The face that you see in the pictures is nothing but a landform with shadows the make it appear as a face. Stories about aliens creating this are just theories. Unless it is one-hundred percent proven, it is just a theory. A story that cannot be proven. I am very aware that it looks hand made and it quite possibly could have been. I don´t know about aliens though. When people from NASA find things like this, they do research and test the possibilities. Something like the face on mars is nothing but a natural land formation, or an accident from a dust storm. Scientists have compared it to landforms here on Earth and have confirmed that it is possible for something like that to form by natural occurances. "That´s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars" (Unmasking the Face on Mars, 12).
The author supports the idea "that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents," by telling us why we need to know, how it affects us, and how we will. This is something that has been well thought out by NASA and they always know what , why and how they are doing something. The author uses insite from NASA to support his idea. By doing this the author has shown us the importance of Venus. First, the author gives us reasons why we need to know this. The author says, "Often referred at Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionaly the closest in distance to,"(paragraph 2). This means, if Venus is that closely connected and similar to Earth then we can learn and adapt. They continue to find new discoveries in order to keep our civilization in tacked, and surviving. Second, they explain how it affects us in our ordinary way of living. They answer the question of, If it is so dangerous why study more? They found that it could have been another Earth once. I know this because in the text it says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system...The planet suface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountins, and craters,"(paragraph 4). This means that by studying it no matter it's condition we can to learn about it and why Venus is in the condition it's in, maybe to even prevent it for Earth. Lastly, the author supports their idea by telling us how we are going to uncover more information without loosing more. They explain that NASA has a theory that sending anything electronic to it will die off within hours, where as sending parts from the 1800's - 1940's won't. I know this becaues in the text it states that, "NASA is studying other approches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lested about three weeks...These devices were first envisiond in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940's during the war...but, these devices made calculations by using gears and levers without electricity...By comparison, systems that use mechanical pats can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces"(paragraph 7). This means that hypothetically NASA could send older tech and find a way to uncover more information. Therefore, the author supports his idea, "that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents," by giving us multiple reasons why we need the knowlage, how it affects us and how we will accomplish that. First, by telling us that Venus is like our twin planet and learning what happened we could adapt. Secondly, by showing us that we are can prevent our own downfall. Lastly, the author tells us how NASA expects to pull this off.
There are many advantages that come with the limitation of car usage. The limiting of car useage can help bring down pollution, to help clear the air that we use every single day on a daliy basis. With the limiting of car usage, congestion drops down dramaticly. Also, it helps lower down stress and have an increase in improvement campaigns. Car usage has a big impact on air. With car usage, pollution increases in the air, but the limiting of car usage can help drop the pollution down. The author, Robert Duffer, stated "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France..." Not also does the limiting of car usage drops car traffic, but the effect from the decrease of car usage drops down polloution in the air. Improvement campaigns start to increase because of limitation of cars. Constructions start to rise and more communites understand each other more. The author, Andrew Selsky, stated "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city..." The construction of the 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin Amercian city, was made due to the limiting of car usage and its now one of the biggest ones. Also, parks and sport centers have bloomed throught the city. There have been pitted sidewalks replaced by smooth sidwalks, rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic, and as well as new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The limiting of car usage comes with many great advantages like stated. It will help drop down pollution, congestion will drop down dramaticly, and it will help lower down stress, as well as an increase in improvement campaigns.          
I think that having this new technology in the classrooms would be a good thing. Many people may not agree with me but new can be good. Also many kids may think that its a bad idea but trying different things in the classroom could help many kids out. And the teachers would love that. But even if its not good the teacher wouldn't have to keep using it. In the artcle the author says, "Hold on! Can we actually "calcuate" emotions - like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to espress how we feel?" (D'Alto 2). Here the author makes a good point. Could this really would? How is it possible? Is it helpful? And there are many more quetions that I'm sure people have about it. But trying something new and seeing if technology like this could really be valuable is wroth trying out. Also this would be a good thing becasue kids would learn about art. The Mona Lisa is very famous and many people know about it. And learning more about it would be great thing for the kids in the classroom. I can see why many people wouldn't like it in thier classroom though. Maybe the teacher doesn't like art. Or maybe they don't know that much about art. But even if that's the reason for not trying this out I believe it would be good for the kids and they would learn something new and different. And that can be very imporant in the classroom and for the childen. At the end of the artile the author stats, "By the way, did making a happy face in the experiment also mkae you feel slightly happy?" (D'Alto 9). Using this technology can not only help the kids learn about the art behide it but could also help them learn more about themseleves. And to me and I'm sure to many teachers that is the most imporant thing of all.
Participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program was the greatest experience that I've ever had. You should participate in it also. There were so many fantastic things about it, that I can't list all of them. There were three main reasons that I loved the Seagoing Cowboys Program. The first one is that it was absolutely fun! The second reason is that I got to get the chance to really help others. Lastly, I got to experience a lot of amazing things. The first reason that I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is that it was so much fun! I got to tour so many new places that I had never even dreamed of getting to see. I got to see Europe, and China, even the Acropolis in Greece! That was my favorite part of the trip. Another reason that I think you should join this program is that you get to help people. I got to help so many others. During World War 2, so many countries lost everything. We helped these countries greatly. We restored food, animals, and so much more to them. I think that they are extremely grateful. The last reason I think that the Seagoing Cowboys program is a great group to participate in, is that I experienced so many new things there. War is never a pretty thing, and I got to see that. You might not want to see this, but I've realized how important it is to help the people that have lost things. After I saw the remains of this war, I realized how hard it was for the people. The Seagoing Cowboys program is fun. I got to help so many people, and experienced so many new things. These are the three main reasons why you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I absolutely loved it, and if you join I promise that you'll love it too.
In 1976, the Viking 1 spacecraft was orbiting the planet of Mars, and it was taking new pictures for all of mankind to see. As it was passing over a strip of Mars called Cydonia, it snapped a picture that would cause an uproar in space exploration. This new picture showed what seemed to be a human face. A few days later NASA reveled these pictures for the world to see; it was an instant hit. Conspiracy theorist were fast to make speculations that this was ancient alien architecture or something of the sort. But NASA said that the face was just a geograghical coincidence, and there is no alien stucture on Mars. One reason that consiracy theorist could beleive that this could be an alien stucture is that the resolution of the first picture was very low. In paragraph 10 it says," ...43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." This shows that the photo didn't give very compelling evidence that there was life on Mars. soon later NASA and their supporters claimed that this face is just an act of nature is because of the 1998 Global Surveyor spacecraft. This new spaceship passed over the red planet to take pictures of the "face on Mars". The pictures were ten times better than the last pictures of Cydonia this time. The new photos clearly showed a landform on Mars and not a man. But even after these new pictures conspiracy theorist were still bent on the idea that NASA was trying to cover something up. In spite of the new pictures people said that the day the photo was taken, it was cloudy. Therefor the photos couldn't be very accurate. In fact, these theorists were right. The day the photo was taken was in winter. It says in paragraph 8 that, " ... it was winter in April '98- a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet." These facts show that the landmass could indead be hidden by clouds. However, NASA still supported their claim that it was just a misinterpreted natural landform. While NASA never spoke negatively about the theory, they set out again to prove it wrong. on April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor came over the face on Mars, and it took photos with a resolution of 1.56 meters per pixel; the highest ever yet. What these pictures showed was what would be a butte or a mesa on Earth. These landforms are very common in Cydonia, so the pictures were very realistic. With very high resolutioned photos, it is hard for conspiracy theorists to still say that there is face on Mars. It even says in paragraph 11," So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" In conclusion, the face on mars is supported and not supported. NASA has proven with photographic evidence that it is just a natural occurance while conspiracy theorists say that it is a martian civilization. I think that NASA's facts are very believable, and they have the science to back up their claim. I hope that in the future, more people will base their beleifs off of science and not fictional conspiracy theories.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I disagree that driverless cars should be invented. Having those types of cars could put everyone in danger on the road. Under "Sensing the World" it states that the cars would have many sensors around them and a GPS receiver. The sensors could stop working one day and the driver would not even know it. Most of the time GPS would stop working, lose your location, or have a glitch in them and take a wrong turn. Why would you trust something like that with taking you where you need to be. The sensors on the car could sense something small in the road like a stick and curve off to the side of the road, or come to a complete stop causing other cars to stop immediately. In the passage "Driving or Assisting" it implies that "Traffic Jam Assistant" helps with traffic and only goes 25 mph. In paragraph 7 it says, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves." If I were in one of those cars I would not trust them with my life. The car could accelerate and the car in front could immediately stop then my car could bump the back of theirs. In paragraph 8 is states, "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays." I believe the driver should always have their eyes on the road ready for anything that is coming their way. Looking away for a quick second is even dangerous because another car can come from a different direction and hit you. In the passage "Waiting on the Law" it believes that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. I agree with that statement one-hundred percent. I would rather drive myself somewhere then to have a computerized car take me somewhere. In conclusion, I believe having driverless cars are not safe. There are a lot of unsafe drivers out in the world but having a computerized car is even worse. Computers always mess up or glitch in any way. I would rather stick to the old-fashioned human way of driving.
This article show us many emotions that each person have, and how our face expressed emotions by any situation. Also explain the most common emotions that each person used more, they are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. One example of this article is the art of Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" that explain the Mona Lisa have many emotions this is comproved by a software that show the Mona Lisa has some differents emotions. Scientifics of the University os Illinois. They are working in collaboration with another scientifics and anothers Universitys about if we can calculate emotions and all this process begin about muscles. Movement of body and movement of all the muscles this means that we are sad or happy or actually fear we can note or show to someone else. IN this article the example the how we can calculate our emotions is about the face's muscles if you are suprised the most common movement is raises your eyebrows or a smile when you are happy or also tightens your lips when you are angry. We have a lot of expresions that helps us how we feel or how exprese our emotions. This is important because we should know each person it is different and show how many people expresed their emotions by differents ways.
Dear, Mr. President I need to get something off my chest, we need to change the way we the people vote. An Electoral college isn't the right way to do it anymore. We need to change to the peoples popular vote. Because this is a country for the people, we aren't voting for the president, and because electoral vote just isnt't fair. Mr. President the first reason why we should change the popular vote is because this country is supposed to be for the people and in an electoral vote it's not. In the electoral vote its about the government and who they want as president and alot of people DO NOT like that. People of the United States of America should be able to vote and pick who they as a president of there country. It should be our right as Americans to be able to pick our own president not a bunch of old smart people in suits in Congress. I under stand that there is 538 as it says in the article What Is the Electoral College? by the Office of the Federal Register, but their is more than 300 million Americans.  So techinically we aren't even voting for you. Which brings me to my next reason, we aren't even voting for the president. When there is an Electoral college we are voting for the slate of electors in congress that will vote for the president as it says in the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the systems are wrong" by Bradford Plumer. So like I said before a bunch of old men and old women are they taking our votes away from us. For example, in 2000 Al Gore would've won the election but because the electoral vote beat him. He had the popular vote of the people but says the congress chose other wise he lost the election. According to the same article as it says above. Over 60% of people rather people's popular vote other the electoral vote. Last but definetely not least, the electoral college just isn't fair at all. Maybe it's fair for the government befoore they can basically just pick the president that they want, but it's supposed to be a country for the people. It says it in the Constitution We The People not We The Government . Also the winner takes all system, the candidates don't pay attention to the smaller states they just look and the big states like California, Florida, or New York. So technically they are cheating the electoral college because they don't pay attention to all the elected slates of those small states. According to the article " The Indefesible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the sytem are wrong" by Braford Plumer. In Conclusion, Mr. President if you care about what the people want you would abolish the Electoral college. Because this is a country for the people, we aren't even voting for the president, and because it's just not fair. It needs to be changed to the popular vote. I've been waiting to get that off my chest for a while. Yours Truly, PROPER_NAME P.s: I hope you read this and take off the electoral college.                           
Particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys program! Would you like to visit diffrent countries? People should particapate int he Seagoing Cowboys program because you will be able to help many diffrent kind of animals like horses and cows. In the text the author states that that '' more than forty four nations jioned together to form an UNRRA. The author also states that many contries were in ruins. So that shows that if you particapate you will be helping the contries thta are in ruins. One reason why you should particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys program is because you will be helping out people in need. you willl also help with the food supplies. You will get to have the oppertunitie to see new things and do new things. It will be a fun trip also you will be doing a good thing also . Thirdly you will learn new things like how to take care of animals. Another thing that is a good bennifit if you join the Seagoing Cowboys program is that you will go to many diffrent places like China ,and Greece. You will get to go on tours like an excavated castlein crete and marveled at the Panama Canal . You willl get to see many diffrent cultures from many difrent countries. Finnaly you wont have to contantly do claening and taking care of animals , you can do mant things like read play games , boxing, and table - tennis tournaments. One bennifit personally for yourself is that you will alwats have that good feeling that you helped many diffrent animals, people , and contries from World War ll. More than fort four state3s joined together to help other countries so that shows thta you should particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys
My name is Luke Bomberger, and I joined the seagoing Cowboys program, and you should too. It helps animals that might not make it otherwise live until they get wherever they are going, then someone can take care of them and make sure that they are okay. All you have to do is feed them, clean them, and clean there stalls. It is not a hard job, and there is also plenty of time for sightseeing and other things once you arrive at your destination. The seagoing Cowboys program helps animals stay healthy and alive while they are going to different places around the world. It makes sure that they get to a place where someone will take good care of them, or use them for milk, meat, eggs, and other things. The seagoing Cowboys program is very useful. All you have to do in this job is take care of animals and clean them and there stalls up. It's not a hard job. It doesn't even take long to clean there stalls if you keep up on the work. There is also sometime between pickups of the animals for yourself, or for playing with friends in the empty hold after animals have been delivered. Delivering the animals is always fun, seeing the smiling faces of the little kids riding there first horse, seeing there first cow, or anything else. It's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. There is a lot of time for sightseeing once you get to your destination , and other things, such as riding a gondola in Venice, Italy, the city with streets of water. The sights you get to see are very beautiful sometimes, and tourist attractions are always fun to go see. It's an amazing thing to be able to see all of them while your still technically working. The sights are amazing, from mountains to mansions, you have the opportunity to see it all. In conclusion, the seagoing Cowboys program is a very helpful thing, and it woul;d be wonderful if you joined. We always like a little extra muscle. It really is awesome to go sightseeing, get tours of famous places, and see all the tourist attractions that you wouldn't even have a small chance at seeing if you weren't a seagoing Cowboys. Please join us, and have some fun while your at it.
Using this technology is valuable to read peoples emotions. The doctors and prof. say that the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-d computer model of the face;all 44 major muscels in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit. Also Dr. huang observes that artists such as da vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Dr. Huang also stated that most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communication. Dr. Huang also gave some examples of what movments to do in front of a mirror. For example raise your lips at the corners of your mouth. second squint your eyes slightly,to produce wrinkling ("crow's-feet") at the corners of your eyes. Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up,toward your eyes. They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. In the real smile, the Zygomatic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth. Meanwhile,muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the Zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. So based on what i put down on this final draft my claim is that this kind of technology is valuable.
I myself are against driverless cars . I dont think this is a good idea what so ever . It may sounds like one but when you get into more detail it really isn't . There is also many reason why i believe what i am saying . I will help you understand me by giving a few examples . A car that drives by itself . Sound wonderful doesn't it ? Untill something goes completely wrong right ? Well look this why i think it isn't such an great idea . What if the car gives out on you in the middle of the road ? What if the car isnt correctly program ? What if this car put you in a very dangerous sisuation just because you were to lazy to drive on your own ? This is why i dont think its a very good idea . Sounds good but safety wise sounds horrible . I think the car should be looked into more though . Like if it can be adjusted a couple things then sure why not by a driveless car . It will help you a very lot . But i believe it needs to be worked on more n certified before there put on the market . Thats just my opinion .
Exploring Venus Is Venus worth pursuiting? This question is asked by many like the authors of this story. The author told both sides of the story. He told how Venus has dangers but did say why we should go . I think the author supported his idea well. The author did say many dangers like in paragraph 3 "over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" and "highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmoshere". He also said that venus is often referred to Earths twin and that "Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". In paragraph 4 it says "the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". This means that Venus could have once had large bodys of water and could of supported life just like Earth today. "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit" said the author in paragraph 4 but getting there is not so easy "given the long time frames of space travel". The author gave one idea from NASA in paragraph 5 that "would allow scientis to float above the fray" and aslo said "imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape". This would keep the scientists out of dangers conditions. in the sky he temperatures would be around 170 degrees but "solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth". But "orbiting safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions" said the author because of how dense atmophere is. living far above th ground could make it hard to " smaples of rock, gas, or anything else. But "NASA is working on approaches to study Venus" says in paragrph 7. "Another project is looking back at an old technology called mechanical computers" said the author in paragrph 7. "by comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces". says the author in paragraph 7 The author told both sides of the story. He told how Venus has dangers conditinos but did say why we should go. he told way we could fix and how we could go to Venus. this why I think he supported his idea.
You will like to join the Seagoing Cowboys because you will take care of the animals that are on the boat. You will get to sightsee and go to different countries that you have never been before. After the animals leave the boat you get to do things on the boat like reading, Table-tennis tournaments, boxing, and more fun activites. Everyday you maybe need to go to deliver the animals to a new country and you will get to feed them and take care of them. This boy named Luke graduatied and his life changed after he said yes to go on a cattle boat. First, Luke graduated high school and he had two part-time jobs one at the grocery store and one at the bank his friend Don invited him on a cattle boat to go to Europe he said yes and he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. When it was nineteen fourty-five World War two was over in Europe and the UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys to take care of the animals that were shipped over sea. Luke and Don singed up to be Seagoing Cowboys and in August nineteen fourty-five they received their orders to report to New Orleans and Luke says, "We arrived August fourteen the day the pacific war ended." so they both got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, that was headed for Greece. Luke turned eightteen which meant he could be drafted for the military service. By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke made nine trips which was the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. In conclusion Luke was a good Seagoing Cowboy but, he was not working for a couple of days because he cracked his ribs on a rainy night. Luke was knowed for making the most trips that a Seagoing Cowboy has ever made. Luke had a total of sixteen times that he croosed the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War two. Luke was a nice caring man who help on the ship and the people. Luke opened up the world to him and had a grateful opportunity that made him more awareof the people of the other countries and their needs.
Having your own car can be great, but it's hurting the earth. So much pollution comes from cars, about fifty percent of the greenhouse gases in America are from cars. Cities have put bans on driving causing people to find our ways to get to work, cities like Vauban, and all of the driving causes pollution. In Pairs, France, there was so much pollution and smog in the air, people with even number plates coiuldn't drive one day, and odd numbered plates the next, it was like this for five days. In Bogota, Colobmbia, there's one day every year where cars are banned, taxis and public buses arre still permitted though. "It's a good oportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said Carlos Arturo Plaza when asked what he thought about the idea of they day. Two more Colombian cities partook in the event this year. In Vauban, Germany, many people have given up their cars. Having a  car is allowed, but there are only two places to park, in a large garage, or a spot that cost $40,000 along with the home they buy. Vauban's streets are completely car-free other than the downtown area where the tram runs. 70 percent of Vauban families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold their cars to move their. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" , said Heidrun Walter, a resident of Vauban. As mentioned, about fifty percent of the greenhouse gases in America are from cars. Only about 12 percent in Europe. France is one of the most polluted countries in Europe because of it's tax on gasoline, that is not on diesel fuel. Diesels make up 67 percent of France compared to the 53.3 percent average of the rest of Western Europe. Paris has more smog than other European capitals, Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared to London's 79.7! The use of personal transportation should decrease because of how it's effecting out planet. The air is getting worse for us and we can control that! If we start driving less, or taking public transportation we can cut back a lot.     
Life without cars would be a world that would be much healthier. Cars are what help people get from point A to point B.But they do help kill Earth slowly. I honestly think that it is a good idea for  Germany going life without cars. Which is gonna create less traffic which is a big plus for everyone that drives. Bikes are a lot safer espicially. They are less dangerous , cars are metal which would make the impact a lot harder. Buying a car is very expensive espicially. A lot of people can't afford any type of car or insurance for cars. It does cut down a lot on pollution which is better for the environment. Every argument for someone that wants cars, there is a counter argument. There is no reason people should argue about keeping cars, at least in my opinion. If I was living in Germany or Paris or Bogota I would definetly be happy with that descison. America would also be a lot healthier. America is known as the most obeise country in the world and I agree 100%.People would start to buy a bike or start walking which is an exercise for people who are overweight. It would make America loss a lot of weight! There is no reason why the world should keep cars. All it does is create problems , causes many deaths from accidents , causes pollution , causes laziness. I don't want any kids in the future to think life is easy. Cause it honestly isn't. By keeping cars it makes things easier. Which is sending the wrong message to young ones. People are also always judging people for what type of car they have or the year it was made or how much it costs, taking out cars would definetly keep those type of people from ranking your belongings. Cause not everyone is as well off as you are. They might not make the same amount of money as you do, or have to pay more bills than you do. So you should'ny ms
I strongly believe that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because teachers never know when their students are feeling down. Also, some students can't talk about their feelings or express them because they are afraid other will make fun of them, and or they don't have anybody that they can trust. If this technology really works maybe it will help with communication and helping others being able speak up, and tell adults what's on their mind. In the article is says that "mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry" , and this shows that this technology could really tell how you are feeling. It can also tell you when you are faking a smile, and when you are really meaning it. In the article it also says that "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal", which to me means that you can't change the way your face expressions your emotions. When someone's face changes thats when you know how they are feeling, by the way they look. To sum it all up, I believe that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Not everybody can be confident enough, and some can't trust others with their feelings, because they always end up getting hurt, nobody really ever cares about how you feel, and some people just want to know what is going on to make fun of you, and or hurt you.
this is my stance for am i agaist or for using this tecnology to read students' emotional expressions. my anserw is yes we should supoort it. for futher detail on why keep on reading. this technology could be one of the most benifical things for students. A great example of how it can help is people with depression. If the technology is acurate with its calculations we can help the people that are suffering from depression and are sucidal. The only promblem is how hard is it to hid your emotions from the system. if it is easy to hide from it then it will not help at all. the best way to get the 3-D constructs of ther face would be ethier a test when they sit in front of a computer or blend it in with picture day. in the future every school sould have these so they can figure out what is going on with a student emotions to help them. that was my stance on if we should be for or agaist the technolgy to read students' emotional expressions. I suppoet this because of the promise the system shows. I hope that some people dont run it into the ground.
The author supports his or her idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents by explaining why Venus should be studied ,the reasons why studying Venus is difficult, and the solutions to the problems caused by the climate of Venus. The author supports his or her idea by stating the reasons why Venus should be explored. The author states in paragraph 4, "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." The reason stated supports the authors idea because without a reason to study Venus there would likely be very little reason to justify studing Venus without a proper incentive. The author further supports his or her idea by explaining why studying Venus would be so difficult. The author explains in paragraph 3, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." If there were no explanation on why it would be diffucult to study Venus there would be no way for scientists to figure out solutions to the various problems of studying Venus. The author then goes on to explain possible solutions for the obstacles of studing Venus. The author states in paragraph 7, "Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers." The author also states in paragraph 7, "...some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." By explaining possible solutions the author proves that there is hope in studying and that attempting to study Venus isn't a futile effort. The author supports his or her idea to study Venus by explaining why Venus should be studied, why it is so difficult to study Venus, and by explaining possible solutions to studing Venus. if there were no reason to study Venus then Venus wouldn't even be attempted study. Without an explanation of the problems of studying Venus there would be no form of figuring out a solution. With the help of possible solutions, more effective solutions can be found in the future. 3. explaining the resons wy its hard to explore
The author states that despite the challenges Venus presents in order to further explore it is worth of the danger that follows. The author states how Venus is "Often refered to Earth's twin" and becasue of this fact and how close venus is to Earth obvious curiosity sparked missions in order to try to land a spacecraft "on this cloud-draped world" named Venus. Although the author states how "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours" and there have been numerous spacecrafts that have been sent on this mission it still should not stop us from trying again and finding solutions to these challenges. This ultimately leads the author to support the idea that "studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." There are numours evdience in this article that support the main claim made in the article that "studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." First off the author states how Venus has a "temperature average over 800 degrees farrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experiance on our own planet" or earth. The author even gives an anaology to show, with imagery, what thoses numbers look like as he says, "such envioronment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of the our ocenas and would liquefy many metels." However this raises a question: If Venus is so "inhospitable" then why are there futher visits to its surface being discussed? This ties back into the origal claim the author supports as he says, " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus becasue it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus was proably covered largely with ocenas and could have have supported various forms of life, just like earth." The author is infering, because of these similarites between Eartjh, it is only crutial that an expolration of Venus happens soon, also becasue given the long time frame of the when the last spaceship tried to enter Venus's atmosphere which was three decades ago. The authorr is infering how despite how dangerous it is, like we have seen in the past attempts to fly to venus, it is more worth it to be more proactive and find options to make a "misson both safe and scientifically producitve" to futher study the unanwered question of Venus. Futhermore the author states how NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. This way " a vehicle hovering over Venus would aviod the unfriendly ground conditions." This is one possible solution the auhtor claims that NASA has come up with to at least try to get close to Venus without damaging spacecrafts. With this approch the article even states they hope to send humans to Venus too. However this approch has its down side because; "peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions." "Researchers cannot take smaples of rocks, gas or anything else, from a distance." This however supports authors claim that "studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." This is supported when he states that we should see this downside as a challenge to make it even better so we can ultimaly touch the suface of Venus even despite the dangers that come with this. The author supports this by stating that, "many resaerchers are working on inovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaninfully to our knowlegde ofVvenus. Even despite the risk that eveyone knows by now scientists and reserchers find it worthy enough to keep studting Venus and how to get a human on its surface. In conclusion, through out the article, the reader is given inshight to the dangers Venus presents on what reserchers are trying to do today which is to get a human on Venus. The author with evidence supports the idea that "studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." The author makes it clear that these dangers do not have to be looked at in a negative way but rather can be looked at as challenges to try to overcome. He claims that these challenges venus presents have value becasue of how similar Venus us to earth. The author infers his will untimilty lead to human curiosity which will lead to endevors yet to come. Futhermore the author claims how setbacks should not make us quit and how our pursuit to Venus should not be limited by dangers we find along the way. Rather we should take that uncertinity and danger and us it to make venus a a worthy persuit to further reseach in the recent years to come.
The Seagoing Cowboys program is a very beneficial group. I am Luke Bomberger, and I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is a job opportunity to help take care of animals that are shipped off to other countries that were left in ruins. When I was a Seagoing Cowboy, I helped others, took care of animals, and got to go to places all over the world. The Seagoing Cowboy program has people taking care of animals such as horses young cows, and mules that are shipped overseas. When I worked overseas as a Seagoing Cowboy, I served as a watchman on my second trip. On the boat, I checked the animals every hour, and I cracked my ribs. Even though I got hurt, it was a good experience to work on a boat with animals. Along with helping others, you get to see many other esqusite places. I got to see parts of Europe and China, but the most special place I got to see was the Acropolis in Greece. It was also special when I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. And these are just a few of the amazing places I've visited! Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a lot of work, but it sure is a lot of fun, seeing and learning things from all over the world. How did I become a Seagoing Cowboy, you asked? Well, my friend Don Reist invited me to go with him on a cattle boat to Europe, and I couldn't say no. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. In Europe, we heard about the UNRRA hiring people to take care of the livestock that was to be shipped to other countries. Don and I signed up. This decision changed my life forever. After I signed up, I got to do many things. That is my story of becomoing a Seagoing Cowboy, and now it's your turn to become one. Now that you all know about my experience, come and see for yourself how great it is to be a Seagoing Cowboy. There are lots of fun things to do, and lots to learn! Have an adventurous time being a Seagoing Cowboy!
I personally am against this development of cars. I feel as if we already have very smart drivers and this will only cause chaos.We do not need driverless cars now or ever.We will also lose our taxi drivers, leaving them unemployed. As a child I always imagined myself getting my drivers licence. If we were to get driverless cars then there willl be no point to getting one becuase the car will be doing all the work. We will not have any expirience driving and will forget how to if we dont ever get a chance to drive it. Driverless cars will cause a panic. We will never be certain if the car is functioning correctly and will doubt whether we are safe or not. How can we be so sure the car will not malfuntion and crash? Thats the thing, we cant be sure and will always be doubtful of what may happen. In passage 7 it states " But all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." By telling us this it is saying that the car is still unable to do all task that a normal human can do Why go through all this trouble when we aleady have humans who can drive perfectly safe. We will be wasting millions and millions of pointless dollars on something that we were taught how to do. Not to mention that if the car fails there can be goverment problems from people who want to sue becuase maybe the car wasnt working corrctly Overall This is not a smart idea. Not only will you waste millions but lose family time teachig your kid how to drive. If these haven't worked before, what makes them thing this will work this time? Technology is an amazing thing but it is taking over and its taking it over quickly. We can not let technology run our lifes. Just think of it like this, if your kid was in those cars, would you feel safe for him or her?
The author was talking about all off the crazy thing that venus has in common with planet earth, but it would be highly dangerous to go. When the author talks about all of the bad conditions that venus has its makes you really think how hard it would be to get to the hot lava planet. What the author is trying to get you to see is that venus has a lot of dangerous conditions, but that the scientists know how hard that would be. The author starts off with putting details of venus in our head by saying things like, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" and "On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit". By this the author is trying to tell you how hard it would be for man-kind to be in physical contact with venus. The author is putting physical details in our head about this planet. After the author starts talking about that he states the question "why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface"? The author ask this to us thinking about whats the point if there is nothing speaical its just a hot rock. Wrong, the author states how venus was just like earth it had it valleys it had its water it had everything earth has. It would be very good to know that if anything happen to earth we always have a back up planet to go to. The last thing that the author was trying to do was talk about how The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. When I read that it kinda got me excitied i was thinking we might get to see mars wow thats cool. The author states that "imagines a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the Venusian landscape". In conclusion what the author is trying to get the reader to do would be make all of the reader think about how cool it would be to be able to go to a "earth like planet". How he uses the details and the things they learned from NASA kinda gets you exicited about what will come in the future. So the author was giving us all of these reasoning about how dangerous it would be but it woukd be very good to know.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it discusses the possibility of cars that humnas do not have to drive are coming. Driverless cars are not a smart choice for drivers shoud make. There are too many risks of dangerous incidents that could happen that could caused danger to other drivers and the drivers would lose the freedom from driving their own vehicle. Driverless cars are not a smart investiment because it only prolongs the laziness of today's people. A car was made for there to be human control over it; that is the reason that the "driverless" cars that have already been created have not been completely driverless. The car needs that control from a being with feelings and not just a computer. This argument could be the same as the argument over robots; should robots be a common household item? The argument being robots having no feelings and not understnading everything humans do. Say for instance scientist and enginers do create a "driverless" car in paragragh 7 it states that, "Manufaturters are also considering using cameras to watch that drivrs are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). So even though these cars are suppose to be driving themselves they still need the driver to be able to take over at any point during the ride. That is not be a "driverless" car. Futhermore, paragraph 8 states, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). It continues on to say, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). But the question stands; why would someone want to wait on a car that at any point would need the driver to take over, which could be extremely dangerous, when they could be driving the enitre time and would not not have to worry about any of that? They would not because it makes no sense to put their life and the people around them lives in danger when they could just continue to drive their own vehicle just as they and everyone else have for centries. In conclusion, the concept of a "driverless" car should stay just that a concept. It is not a smart descion to make and it only put the lives of everyone around in danger. Driverless cars are not only driverless but they are also careless; there is not any emotion behind a streering wheel if there is not a human being behind it. A computer does not know what to do in the different aspects the roads throw at drivers, like humans do. The driverless car should not be a development that should be taken seriously any time soon because it is extremeley dangerous and the cost of hospital bills from the incidents with a driverless car are going to be well over the cost of making them.
I think the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) can prove how a person is feeling due to having a 3-D computer model, an electronic code, and a facial software. First, the FACS has a 3-D computer model to help it figure out a persons emotion. In the text it says, "all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a humans muscles." This evidence shows that a humans facial muscles shows how a person is feeling and each emotion has their own charateristics. Second, the FACS also has an electronic code which helps the system understand better the emotion just kanda how us as humans can tell if our friend is upset or happy. For example in the text it says, "His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." This evidence shows that the software has the same kind of thing that lets us humans know how our friend is feeling. Lastly, the facial software helps FACS by using human features on the face understand the emotions. In the article it says, "muscles called orbicularis oculi palpabraeus makes crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." This evidence shows that even a computer software can tell what you're feeling by your face features. I think the FACS should be used to read the emotion expressions of students in a classroom. Having a 3-D computer model, an electonic code, and a facial software sure can all help Facial Action Coding System recongize a humans emotion.
The author suggest that studying Venus is worthy pursuit the dangers it presents. The author thinks that it's worth exploring Venus no matter the dangerous a human may go through. The author did not so good in explaining his opinion. He mentions only cons through out mayority of the article. First the author mentions that Venus is Earth's twin closest plant in term of density and sizes and closest to distance too. But this hasn't been much of help, the fact that none spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours. Secondly Venus is covered in a thick atmospher of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide making it hard for us to see through a spacecraft camera. Then on Venus suface temperatures are around 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric perssure is 90 times greater than Earth's. The conditions on Venus are more far extreme than what a human can experiance on Earth. NASA has tried serval ways to study Venus, for example peering at Venus from hovering safetly far above the plantet can provide limited insight on ground conditions because the light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. Exploring Venus is a challengeing planet for humans to study. In my opinion this article does not explain why it's worth studying Venus no matter the risks. The author just talked about all the cons Venus has, the diffculties, the conditions of weather and all kinds of dangerous Venus provides. This just makes us think that just maybe it's not worth risking yourself having in mind this mission might fail as well.
dear state senator i think you should change to election by popular vote because its worked for us in the past no one can cheat on the voting. those are just some of the reasons we should change to election by popular vote  as a voting system. first of all we should change to election by popular vote. because its the easiest way of voting because if we keep using the electoral college according to source 3 its un fair because states that are bigger get more attention than smaller states. and also source 2 says "its official the electoral college is unfair outdated and irrational the best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality". second of all election by popular vote is the fairest way of voting because unlike the electoral college tjhe popular vote would make the number of votes per state even so not on state gets more votes than another. according to source 3 "the number of electoral votes depends on the size of the state in which you live so the means if you live in a small state your state gets less electoral votes than a big state". and in the electoral college some people chaet and vote more than once giving that president an even bigger chance of winning. the final reason i think we should change to the election by popular vote is its more efficient think about it would you want a voting method that depends on the size of your state i mean what if you lived in rhode island where you get 3 electoral votes versus texas which has 38 electoral votes but with the election by popular vote it counts which canidate has more votes and based on those numbers thats who gains presidency. in a nut shell the reason we should use the election by popoular vote is its more efficient more fair and easier to decide whos president. so mr senate please read this and consider it i think theese are all very good reasons we should make the change.          
Have you ever wondered how someone is feeling emotionally? Do you want to know if they are feeling sad or angry, even if they are smiling? Well according to Professeur Thomas Huang of the Beckman Instutute for Advanced Science, he believes that we can detect human's emotions by a 3-D computer model of the face by observing all of their 44 major muscles. Still, can a computer really be able to detect human emotions just by looking at muscles. I believe that this new technology called the Facial Action Coding System might not be what can actually detect human emotion. Throughout the article, Dr. Huang refers to muscles for emotions so they can observe how a person is feeling. He states that your "frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when you're suprised" (para. 3). He also relates the orbicularis oris that "tightens your lips to show anger" (para.3). What he is saying could be true but people have the ability to control their own expressions, so if someone perfoms one of those expressions, what if they aren't feeling the way they might express? Another example Dr. Huang uses is the painting of "Mona Lisa". The article states that "according to some new computer software that could recognize emotions" (para.1). In the article the introduction asks if the intended reader can imagine detecting how people are feeling, "even when they are trying to hide their emotions" (intro para.). Throughout the begining of the article they talk about what if you could dectect someone without even knowing how they are feeling, but as the article progresses, they mostly talk about certain muscles that move when you make a facial expression. So which one is it? Can we actually detect someones emotions even if they are expressing an emotion, or can we only tell by looking at their expressions directly? What I'm trying to say is, at the beggining of the article they try to give it a vibe that you can detect emotion even when the person has a different expression, but then later in the article, they ask you to try to experiment by doing different expressions in the mirror by telling you how to do these expressions and saying what emotion you should be feeling. After you make those expressions they ask if doing the expression "made you feel slighlty happy" (para.9). It later states that "moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them" (para. 9). This sentence says that it may help produce emotions. In other words they still might not know how you are actually feeling a certain emotion after doing an expression. This article might explain observations like in a fake smile, "the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomantic major" (para. 8), but expressions can vary on different people. Not all people are the same as others. Just because someone might look different when they express a emotion, doesn't mean that right away that they are expressing a different emotion. Now I know some people might say how accurate technology is, but a computer is a lifeless device that maybe could detect facial expressions, but might not know the true emotion of that person. This article to me was pretty confusing. They tried to get you to believe that researchers have found a way to detect emotion, but then talk about how trying different expressions you make as a experiment show the emotion of the person's expression they made. By doing that, they make it seem like they only know how to recognize your emotion just by the certain expressions they want you to make. So can technology really detect someone's emotions if they are trying to express it a different way?
Facial Action Coding at schools? Class rooms with , Facial Action Coding , ? I think for a classroom with Facial Action Coding would not be such a good idea in a classroom. There are many reasons why it's not a good idea. There are many emotions in a student in a class room that a student wouldn't want to be recogize . For many student there always someone who is in love and does not want anyone to figure it out . In paragrahp 3 it tells readers that " happiness, surpise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness" can all be shown with the Facial Action Coding System. The student might be sad because the girl wouldn't go out on a date with him and show that emotion in class. For many students I honstley think alot of students would not like it . Another reason why it would not be a good idea to put this new Facial Action Coding System in many classroom is it might distract many of the students. Alot of classroom students are already going through alot of things like stressing, grades, finals, and credits. They wouldn't want that to be pick up by the system for a example a student could be really sad about his grades and doen't want anyone to know. Our minds are only safe place to go where anyone can't go. Other places would be a better option for the Facial Action Coding like hostiptals and nursing homes. A good reason why I think it would be a good idea at a hostpital because it can help alot of people that are sick and feeling pain. In paragraph 3 it say the system can pick up happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. At a hostpital a patient could be help out with the machine and tell if she or he is sad or happy. At a nursing home he can help out the the old folks by making sure that there not depressed or angry. What if the Facial Action Cding system shows that 50% percent of the student show that they really get the work. And the other 50% percent do not get the work what would the teacher do? Would the teacher choice be right to choose to get the same work where the 50% percent doesn't understand it and give the same work to the other 50% percent of the class that already knows how to solve the work. I think it not a good idea for classrooms to have Facial Action Coding System at schools. At schools it might not be a good idea and might be better in many other places. For many students it coulld distract them or if other dont want to show emotions because of there personal thoughts being shown to teachers. Would you want schools to have this new Facial Action Coding System at there school and on computers?
"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college!" ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). Most suporters of the Electoral College don't understand that electors are not always honest, just because people vote for the elector that is for the presidental candidate they favor of doesn't garentee the elector's vote. "What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral College!" ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). People want to eliminate The Electoral College, and change to election for President of the United States to election by the popular vote. The public is not voting for their presidental candidate, they are voting for the foisting electors, and in the case of a tie, the House Of Representatives are thrown the election, where people are not proportionally represented. Furthermore, voting for electors is not the same as voting for the presidental candidate. "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes" ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). This process called "The Electoral College" is faulty and not efficacious; people are constantly deceived that they are voting for the presidental candidate, but as shown this is not always true. Not to omit anything, voters don't choose who the eletors are, so who can garentee their loyalty, honesty, and the fulfillment of the will of the people. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (so that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). The deception and defyment can not be more evident and clear. The Electoral College is not a stable foundation to rely our country on. "In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionsally refuse to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please..." ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). Their defyment and inevinable deception is clear and pellucid; The Electoral College should not be trusted! The people should vote! In continuation, in the case of a tie in electoral votes the House of Representative would be responsible for choosing the president and vice president, but their method is just as outragous as The Electoral College. "Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters" ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). In what world in this sensible, sane, or intellegent? Well, it seems this ubsurd representation can be found on a planet called Earth, whose inhabitants claim to be intellectual beings. "Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for Congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people. And if an electoral tie seems unlikely, consider this: In 1968 a shift of just 41,971 voters would have deadlocked the election; In 1976, a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. The election is only a few swing voters away from a castastrophe" ("The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong"). People are told that "voting makes a difference", but with all these false representations, can people continue to say this without becoming a liar themselves. With all these holes in the ship, howcome The Electoral College hasn't sunken yet. The majority is in favor of switching the process of election for President of the United States to election by the popular vote. To conclude, the transition from "The Electoral College" to election by the popular vote for the President of the United States would be the best thing for this beloved country. Voting for electors is not the same as voting for the desired candidate, and in the case of a tie the House of Represenatives unproportionally represent the will and voice of the people. Voters should be allowed to vote and be represented justly, and not defied and deceived into voting incorrectly or indirectly. Let the people be heard, when they chant in unicen: "Let us Vote". The president who says he is "For the people" should be chosen "By the people".
The challenge of exploring venus is talk about the world how the sun is the venus. In the text it say that the venus is the second planet from our sun. The venus is the twim with the earth. This is a challenging planet that human need to study about. When they know that the earth have to something around it. When you study you have to know what going on with the world so you can be ready for thing. They know the earth will turn around and around and ut do not stop. The sun is the venus. The challenge can make thing happen thay people do not like and that will hurt people in life. When they see that it a eathquake they will do everything they can to make sure they are safe. If you know the eath power will make the world go around fast as it can so the wind can pick up". In the text it say on the planet surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit." The venus hae to be with the earth so we can have a sun.
The value of using facial action coding is not completely accurate. We can not rely on an computer to analyze our emotions and expression. A computer is able to recognize all fourty four major musces in the face, but what if its off by one. Computers are able to mess up just like how a human can. There are only six basic emtions that technology is able to detect such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. But we know that there are variety of emotions and feelings for humans. What if the emotion the computer gives us is not how we feel? In the text it says that humans are able to detect how someone is feeling based off the expression they have on their face. So what is the point in having a computer do it if we can just do it ourselves. Technology is not always accurate in the text the author is stating all of the information we want to hear but he is not telling what could go wrong. We dont know whehter or not the technology is functional for humans to use or if it runs by itself. The world is already letting technology rule our lives we can not alow it to control how we feel and let it share our feelings. Although this type of technology is amusing it has some flaws to it for example if someone was to use this new technology how would they know how to operate it? Even if the computer gave someone the information on how they were feeling how would that be of any benefit to the person.We will soon become lazy and unable to operate our own bodies.In conclusion there is no value in using facial action coding we can not allow technology to run and do everything for us.
Driverless cars are no longer just a facination of the human mind. In todays world, more and more people are funding and creating automomous vehicles. The advancements in technology and human understanding have come together to soon bring us the driverless car. The idea of a car without human assistance is ghostly, yet very interesting. I believe that human driven cars will soon be a thing of the past, and that the development of these new vehicles will be the new normal. Vehicles without human drivers is the next big thing in society. Already, automakers have created cars that need human assistance when in dangerous situations. These vehicles will provide saftey, comfort, and cleanliness to a world that needs it. Everyone's main goal is to stay safe when they are on the road. With these new vehicles, no one will have to worry about all of the dangers presented today. The cars will brake, accelerate and drive wherever the driver desires. Without all of the stress of long trips, people will be able to rest and be alert for whatever is thrown their way. No one will have to intervene unless absolutely necessary. Many car companies and other organizations have decided to fund a driverless car. I beieve that it is the right thing to do, and that all will benefit from the experience. At some point, many will realize that computers are smarter than humans in many ways. Even though many think that the computers will have internal failure and create issues, I do not think that is the case. Companies involved in this new technology will test the product far before the release of any of their final product. The last thing they want is to have a disaster of driverless car failure. The fact that people support these ideas rather than oppose them shows that the majority of the population will want these vehicles on the street. The advancements that are currently being made and the support of the public make a point. Completely driverless cars will be here soon, and it is only a matter of time before everyone is introduced. Autonomous cars are soon to be here, and soon everyone will recognize the new technology rolling around the streets. The acknowlegement of this accomplishment is astounding to all that try to understand it. This is the new normal, and it is sure to go on for years to come. Everyone will want to see a car that no one has to drive. This is how far technology and understanding has gotten people. Never in anyone's wildest dreams did they think of a car without a human behind the wheel. Now, people do not have to try to believe it. They are going to have to accept and understand that it is happening.
Have you ever walked to work or have you rode a bike to work? Many people dont,then again many people do. For example in New York there is a new bike-sharing program for people who perfer to ride a bicycle to get to poing A to point B. There are many other alternitives to getting to point B from point A like Mr. Sivak has said "A car is just a means of getting from A to B when BART doesen't work.". In Paris the usage of cars has lead to days of near-record pollution rivaled by Beijing,China. Paris has worked to fix this problem by banning the usage of cars on certain days acording to their license plates. For example on mondays motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars,if one did not listen they would be fined 22-euros. That day almost 4,000 drivers were fined. Due to this new ban congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France. In another part of the world in Vauban, Germany there is a suburb that has had Street parking, driveways and home garages forbiden. This german suburb is completly car free with an exception of thoroughfare. Car ownership is allowed, but it is highly inconviniant for the owners. As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. Vauban is an example of a growing trend in Europe. In conclusion, there are many alternitives to getting around place to place. Such as riding bicycles and taking publick transportation in New York, Paris, Germany.
Dear State Senator, Ever since our founding fathers established in the constitution that the president and vice president votes were determined by electoral college, the founding fathers made a good decision. Electoral College is a process where electors gather for a meeting and count the electoral votes to determine the new president and vice president. The United States should keep Electoral College to determine the president and vice president rather than a popular vote because Electoral College avoids run-off elections, and Electoral College is more fair than a popular vote. To start off, Electoral College should continue to determine the president and vice president voting rather than popular votes because electoral college avoids run-off elections. If somebody was running for either president or vice president and they recieved thirty percent in popular votes, nobody would know if the person with thirty percent popular vote would win the election. Electoral College prevents confusion by producing a clear winner. For example, in source 3, the text reads "Richard Nixon in 1968 and Bill Clinton in 1992 had only forty-three percent of popular votes but both had three-hundred and plus electoral votes which made them win the election". The president and vice president make sure our country is running well and that we as a country have no problems. If we were to determine our president and vice president by a popular vote, whoever could kiss up more to the voters would win the election even if the person running doesn't meet up to the qualifacations of the person they are running against. Avoiding a run-off election is very important because no canidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. Also, if a popular vote was how the president and vice president were decided, not as much people would pay attention to voting because voters have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign of the people running for president and vice president. Furthermore, Electoral College should continue to determine the president and vice president voting rather than a popular vote because Electoral College is more fair than a popular vote. In 2008 when Barack Obama won his election to become the 44th president of the United States, he didn't win by being the popular canadite, Obama won by his passion to make this country better than it already is. For example, in source 1, the text reads "The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electorial votes is required to elect the president". That way of electing the president is more fair than a popular vote because you need 270 electors to say yes to make you president rather than people making you president by if your popular or not. Electoral College is what keeps our elections fair. There is no other way to elect somebody president becuase no other method will be this successful than Electoral College. After all, Electoral College has been the way to elect the president since the constitution was created. Popular Voting is a bad method if were used to determine the president and vice president because somebody who is running for president can manipulate people to think he or she is a good canidate for president when they really aren't. To conclude, Electoral College should continue to decide the president rather than popular votes becuase Electoral College avoids run-off elections, and Electoral College is more fair than popular votes. Why should we change the way we elect president if this method has been working for over 200 years? Electoral College should continue to decide the presidency for years to come because it works so well. That's why Electoral College will stay as the way to elect the president. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME    
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author talks about the sister like planet to earth called venus. He makes points and observations that make the reader wonder if they think venus would be something worth investing in. Venus should be discovered more and should be thought about more because of how similar it is to are planet. There should be no reason humans can't give it everything they got and work together and explore unknown worlds. In paragraph two the author states, "Often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." This talks about how Venus is very similar to our planet and how there may be a chance of living on it or gaining unexplored resources. Venus is believed to have been like our planet long ago because of how similar it is to earth but we can't find out if we dont explore more into it. In paragraph eight the author states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This quote explains how even though theres many risks and problems to over come, humans shouldn't stop trying and keep pushing to discover. This shows how the author thinks about humans exploring Venus, the author wants people to keep fighting and invent new technology and discover what life is outside of Earth. The quotes given here explain how the author believes humans should keep shooting to explore Venus despite how dangerous and challenging it may be. The planet is so close and similar to ours people might as well take advantage of it and go out and see whats on it. Humans have never been stopped before by something challening. They work hard and help each other to get things done and can do anything they put ther minds to. This article is just the tip of the ice berg and maybe the start of something new, the start of exploring further beyond our reach.
Are you on a long trip and brought snacks but cant reach them because there in the backseat? If you reach back there with a human driven car you're very likely to crash. I have a suggestion why not try a driverless car. Driverles cars can provide you with a way to get to things you need without worrying about crashing. My position on driverless cars is their a great invention and need for society. I say this because it will cause less accidents from people trying to reach in the backseat to grab something they want.''Google cars have driven a million miles without a crash. Have you ever dosed off while driving the smart car will allow you to catch a few z's and will alert you when something goes wrong on the road.''Google cars alert you when pulling in and out of driveways,navigating through roadwork,and dealing with road accidents. With the driverless car this will allow people to be more rested but still be alert when necassery. Have you ever texted while driving or thought about texting while driving? Having a driverless car wil allow you to be hands free while in open road which will allow you to do the things you need to do.''In car system is actually a safety feature,and safety is a big concern. For my conclusion I say you should pick up a driverless car because it can allow more things to be took care of. Also it would prevent texting and driving due to the in car sysem which displays things you need or messages you want to see.
Sad, happy, angry, confused, worried, these are all emotions that humans have that can be can or can't be recognised by other human beings. But wait, now a computer system can detect emotions. The Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions, after all, faces don't lie. We can look at paintings to see how characters, like the Mona Lisa, felt when being painted by artists, create empathy, and identify how someone really feels. Humans are emotional beings but we have a hard time identifying emotions, maybe technology can help. Technology, espacially the FACS, that can identify others' emotions using facial expressions, can lead to discoverable understandings. The FACS could make it possible to interpret emotions of people who were being painted at the time. According to the passage, "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much much this computer can do". Creating empathy could be possible after moving face muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even produce them, which is what FACA is going to use to indicate emotion. According to the passage, " Constantin Stanisskavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage, as a result, Empathy may happen because we unconciously imitate another person's facial expressions". Detecting emotions in places where emotions are often expressed at different times, such as schools. According to the Dr. Huang's prediction, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". Humans may not be able to tell someone's emotions, but if a computer does, then we'll be able to have a greater understanding of one's emotions and how to predict them. Humans aren't computers, we don't know how to use emotions or analyze them in daily life. With the invention of FACA, analyzing emotion in someone or something can be put to good use. Emotions can go a long way; from being able to predict emotion to how to use them. From expression to analysis, emotions will always change as we change the future.
Companies around the world are coming up with the idea of driverless cars. Driverless cars are just what they sound like in the name, cars that don't require a driver to drive. While some are for it there are some people against, and I'm part of the people that are against it. First of all, why would people be called drivers if they're not driving? The idea of driverless cars are going to be the start of laziness. Drivers will feel as if they wouldn't have to drive then they wouldn't have to pay attention. So if they don't pay attention they're going to turn their attention to their phones or technology, which is going to be prone to accidents and recks. Manufacters haven't come up with cars that doesn't require any kind of human interaction, so therefore there will be some kind of human interaction. So drivers would still need to pay attention, but they wouldn't know that because car companies would make it seem like their cars are so smart and powerful juist so they could be ahead in the car competition. Second, if there are number of accidents there would be a ton of conflict. Law makers wouldn't be able to decide who would take the responsibility of recks. Not only just that but also a lot of money being given to accident victims and customers sueing companies. Third, driverless cars would start other ideas of major things that need human interaction to not have human interaction. Then sooner or later everything would be run by robots or com puters. So if everything would be run by technology then people would start losing their jobs and would stop making money. Also people wouldn't use their hands to eat or drink or even wipe themselves after using the bathroom. Not only that but people would also get very bored and not have anything to do. In conclusion, if companies really do go ahead with making driverless cars then they should raise the prizes sky high. I say that because if they raise the prices high no one would be able to afford them, therefore there wouldn't be a huge domino affect created.
The use of Facial Acting Coding System would not be a practical use for the students in a class room. Many people would not want a computer looking at them to see their facial expression to determine what they like or what they dislike. Many people can often pull of a fake expression that is good enough for a computer to calculate, like in paragraph seven, which includes instructions on how to do a real smile compared to a fake smile. Most people cover up cameras on their laptops,computers, and phones for privacy and safety. Anyone who would cover up their camera would most likely not want their face constantly being scanned to tell emotion or what they like and dislike. In paragragh seven, the article briefly explains how to look happy, which anyone can do to fool an emotion scanner. Computers are often accurate, but only do what is coded and not anything else. If you were to always be happy but not look happy, the Facial Action Coding System would not be something useful for you or students in a classroom. The Facial Action Coding System can have many flaws in its design and would not be useful for students in a classroom. It may be innaccurate and not scan correctly or not be used at all for safety and privacy. there are many ways that the Facial Actions Coding System would not be useful and would not help students learn, just show how they feel about some things like websutes and ads.
In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile", we are introduced to a new type of technology. It is called the Facial Action Coding System. " The process begins when the computerconstructs a 3-D model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." Therfore, this system can basically determine your emotions, based on the movement of your face muscles. It has been stated that this technology can read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom and I think this is a very valuable sysytem to invest in. In the text it was stated that , " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" and " Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." To this day technology is being used more and more in classrooms and this is just a great addition. In schools many students do not understand the topics being teached and just need to process things more slowly to understand. If a computer could pick up the fact that they are confused and make the lesson easier for them, it would allow them to learn at their own pace. Taking things slowly rather than quickly is way more effective for many students across the world. Not only would this benefit them but benefit the schools grade averages and teaching effectiveness. The Facial Coding System classifies six basic emotions- happiness,surpise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness. This system not only can help a teacher determine when you are confused but when you are expierencing emotions that might seem off at that particular moment. For example, if you are sitting down in a classroom and the computer detects you are very sad than this will alert your teacher that you need help. You teacher can provide help by talking to you and together you guys may solve your problem. This will allow you to then focus on what is being teached in class better. Overall, the Facial Action Coding System can help you both physically and emotionally. This system can not tell what is going on in your head but can sense your physical emotions. Your physical emotions tell a lot about you. No matter if you are angry,sad,happy or surprised you can get help from other people. In a classroom full of students it is very hard for just one instructor to focus on the needs of every student. If this sytem is installed in classroom computers it can help your instructor to attend to each individual students needs personally and more effectively. The Facial Action Coding System is very valuable for both teachers and students and proves to be a good investement in the education of hundreds of students globally if used.
Dear, state senator i think that the elctoral collage should not be here anymore. In source 2 the auther states that the voters vote not for the president,but for a slate of electors who in turn elect the president. The problem with that is that the electors  can be anyone who is not holding public office. When i vote i would like to know who i was voting for not letting electors vote for me then they would just be wasting their own time.''Inthe same vein ''faithless'' electors heve occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and a cast a diciding vot for whom ever they please. Plus that winnier take all thing i really dont like because i like other people to have a chance to see what they say. Perhaps in source 1 they have a winner take all system that awards all electors to the winning presidental canidate. The electoral collage is a prosses not a place. It was established by the founding fathers in which they put it in the  constitustion as a compromise. By the way in source 3 the auther states that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the popular vote. There are five reasons for retaining the electoral collage despite its lack of democratic pedigree all are practical reasons ,not liberal or conservative reasons. The first reason is certainy of outcome. the second one is everyone's presidents. the third one is swing states. the fourth one is the big states. the fifth one is avoid run off elections. Soo yeah honestly you should listen to source number 2 he knows what he talking about so be smart choose wisely.
Have you ever wanted to know about the planet Venus? Some of you wouldnt want to study or pay attention to the planets in space. Some of you would like to pay attention to the streets or what not. It does not matter if you dont like space or planets but if you thinking about it, then now is the time to learn about the planet Venus. In the excerpt, the author explains that Venus is sometimes called the ¨Evening Star.¨ This something that you will be shocked about because I wouldve never known. He also explains that studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers. He explains the idea very well because want to welcome many people to study the world to see whats its like to know when something is gonna happen or how its gonna happen. Sometimes studying things can be real helpful because you can learn so many things about it. The article states, ¨These differences in the speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times we are closer to Venus.¨ This indicate that anything could happen if we touch one of those planets. He addresses the speed in the planets when it orbits the sun. Anything can go wrong if its always going like that. Its like having something spinning around everyday. Eventually, something is gonna go wrong and its gonna mess everything up. On the other hand, People who study space would know the answer to what will happen if they was to touch. The author basically wants others to care about the world. He wants others to see both parts of the world. It doesnt matter if something is bad you should still have respect and love in it because its here for a reason. He stated ¨ Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. This means that if we are traveling and something goes wrong we shouldnt have to stop traveling because of the dangers. We should be able to still travel to avoid giving people so much worries. Traveling should be expanded to reach like different destinations so people can see whats its like to care for the world and whats its like to not csre care for the world. In conclusion, studying the world can be a big part of helping the world understand the parts of whats going on around. What the aurthor does is he explains his thoughts on Venus and give real facts after to show that he understands some parts of Venus. Despite the fact that he is caring about the dangers that can be caused around us; he wants to take a look at both sides. Thats how he supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despte the dangers so well.
Over many years, technology has become more and more advanced. Some of this technology has become so far that it can now detect human facial expression and determine what emotion they are expressing. This technology is called Facial Action Coding System (FACS) technology, and it enables computers to identify human emotions. This technology can have a positive impact in school classrooms today. FACS can help improve the way students learn in schools, they way teachers teach their students, and most simportantly, help teachers detect when a student is feeling confused. One of the main positive impacts FACS can have in reading emotional expressions of students in a classroom is improve the way students learn. FACS can scan the facial expressions of the students in the classroom and determined if the majority of the students are confused by the leasson the teacher is teaching. FACS could then modify the lesson in a way that students can understand it and the teacher can then further clarify the lesson the way FACS shows it. As stated in pargraph six, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrctor", this shows how FACS can help teachers in the way they teach. This could also explain to teachers how to clarify even more the lesson to students that may be going through hard times. Another way FACS can have a great impact in schools all around the country is by improving the way teachers teach their classrooms. FACS can detect many expressions on students in a classroom. It can detect whether a student is perplexed by lesson or simply just bored. FACS can detect which students in the classroom are bored by analazing their facial expressions. As stated in pargraph six, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". FACS can then provide the teacher many ways in which they can make the lesson more interesting so that students can comprehand it better and in a more fun way. The last way in which FACS can greatly improve the teaching environment in schools is by recognizing when a student is depressed or sad. FACS can detect facial expressions on students faces and determine if they may be going through trouble or are depressed. As stated on pargraph six, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication". FACS could recognize when a student is not okay so that teachers can the help those students who may need help, wether that is emotional help or help with school work. FACS could even help save lifes by getting help to students who may be contemplaiting suicide. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System can be extremely valuable to schools all around the world. This computer system can help teachers improve the way they teach their classrooms by analazing students' emotional expressions towards a certain lesson. It can help teachers by modifying their lessons in sich a way so that students are not bored or confused by it. Lastly, it can help teachers know which students may be going through hard times and help those who need help.
Have you ever wished that your school work can detect if you are getting bored or distracted? Dr. Paul Eckman created just the invention to make that necessary. The FACS or the Facial Action Coding System, can detect human emotions just by scanning your facial expressions. This innovative design can help improve students' level of focus if it adapts to how they feel. The technology to read facial expression of students in a classroom is valuable because it can improve focus levels, help create more engaging exercises, and it can help teachers understand a students emotions. Because FACS can read facial expressions, this will help makes students focus more. The way that FACS can improve focus levels is giving students work that they like or relate to. This will improve focus rates because when students have work that can relate to they tend to do better. Also in the text it reads,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson , like an effective human instructor."This shows that FACS would do great in a classroom environment. Another reason why FACS would be good in school is it could create more engaging exercises for the student. If a student has a more interesting topic or assignment then they would do better at their work. Also if a student is more interested then they will perform better. The last reason as to why FACS would be effecient in schools is they can help a teacher help out a student. This would work when the computer detect sadness or anger, it would send and alert to the teacher with details about the student. The teacher would then try to comfort the student or try to calm them down. In conclusion FACS would be valuable in schools because it can improve focus levels, help create more engaging exercises, and help teacher deal with students who are down. FACS is something that can create an easier environment for students.
I do not agree with the idea of completey driverless cars. I feel that it is way to dangerous for the people inside the car and the people around the car, escpecially if people are asleep inside the car when something goes wrong. If there is even the slightest malfunction while a person is not concious, if a sensor goes out, then it could cause an accident and possibly lead to injury or death. I like that most states have banned the testing of computer driven cars, there are still a few that have not including: California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. What if there are accidents like said in the passage, who is held accountable? I think it is best to just stay away from the driverless cars. In the passage, the cars that are being tested are not completely driverless yet. The passage said that the car can only do so much without a human, if there are accidents and work zones on the road then it needs a human to control it. According to the passage, General Motors has been working on things to get the driver's attention when the car needs a human, they have been developing driver's seats that will vibrate if in danger. Some of the other options that companies have considered is to have flashing light on the windshield and some other heads-up displats. Another option is the idea where they have cameras watching the driver so that they know whether or not the driver is focused on the road. My favorite part is that most states have the testing of computer driven cars banned, with a few that have not budged yet. I think this is a great idea because if it wasn't banned or made illegal then companies and manufacturers would be testing it everyone and possibly causing accidents. If a malfunction were to happen while a manufacterer was testing the car there is no idea on what could happen especially if they do not have a human in the car. The car could swerve off of the road and hit someone or crash into a building and explode! I hope that California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia come around and ban the testing too. I believe that there shouldn't be driverless cars, there are to many things that can go wrong during a test of it. Even if manufacterers believe that they have everything fixed with the car and release it to the public, one of the sensors could go out and your car would lose sight on that side of the car. I believe it is best that we all stay away from the production of driverless cars, especially given how many things can have a malfunction.
One of the highest paying movie catagories is Science fiction, but it's just that fiction, it's fake. When you watch these movies about aliens you can never take them as one hundred percent fact. The CGI can look amazing and the props outstanding, but it's not real. Now NASA has photographed an image of what liiks like a face created by aliens, but that is not a face, and it can be proven with facts. There is a point in the article that says, it was just a messa, only this one had unusall shadows. That right there tells us that it is not anything created by aliens, but in fact just something that we even have on earth, the only difrence is that mars had lots of cloudes, wich gave it shadows, wich made the rock look like a face. The face on mars is just another hoax, another what if statment, another theroy, one that has been disproved by evidence. MYTH BUSTED. Now of course scientest didn't stop there, and they kept researching the face, trying to prove that it's alien, but they never did, because it's not alien, just another rock. Aliens have been part of our world for a long time now, but the aliens we have grown acustom too are fake, just coustumes. That is one of the reasons they have become so famous, because they're not real. yoou cant take everything you see in movies or on tv as one hundred percent fact, you need to know whare fake ends and relaty begins. The famous Face on Mars, is not created by aliens, but by clouds.
Decoding teenage emotions and facial expressions proves difficult for adults, but now there is new technology to help those students learn more effectively. The help of Facial Action Coding brings new opportunities to the classroom with prospects of working lessons around what each individual student is feeling. The system would bring better learning to students easier with help of individualized teaching by recognizing when a student gets confused or unhappy with the lesson. A computer with this coding system in its hardware could change the way students learn and how teachers teach. The learning process would be more individualized, because the computer works around what makes that specific user smile. "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." The computer will ultimately pick what to show on the screen based on one's past reactions to previous stimuli. This system would help students understand a lesson by changing the way it teaches to help the student. It would no longer be one teacher teaching a lesson broadly, it would be one computer teaching a lesson that specifically helps the student. This would lead to more efficient learning and overall better test scores. The computer with Facial Action Coding System will turn a struggling student into a more efficient and educated student. The use of this technology would be effective by using accurate ways to study students' facial expressions. Developing an accurate system is the foundation of an accurate learning environment for students. The system is a facial expression expert; it knows when you are actually enjoying something or not through studying the specific muscles you use. "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." Each muscle holds a different purpose, and the Facial Action Coding System studies each one to pinpoint which emotion is being expressed. The developers of this product have studied greath lengths over this material, and suggest that da Vinci did the same. The accuracy of their product is based off of psychologists, professors, and doctors to get an accurate description of basic human expression and muscle movement. "Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." Having an effective foundation to the software will lower the risk of inaccurate studies of facial expressions. To conclude, the Facial Action Coding System is an asset to classrooms everywhere. Struggling students can learn effectively without raising a finger; all they have to do is react as they normally would. The accuracy and development of this software helps read each student's individualized emotion such as confusion, boredom, or anger. The computer acts as an individualized instructor, acting on each emotion and reaction to new material.
Smart cars are shown to be the new thing in the future. But, are smart cars really that necessary? They can malfunction and end up worse than your dreams. Even though these cars are being tested and upgraded, they can always have a fail. I am against the development of these cars because they could be a huge danger to the world, this will only make people more lazy, and people could get distracted and not pay attention to the roads. These cars could be a danger to our world. They not only could put humans in danger, they could be a danger to pets as well. No matter how well the technology could be, there is no garuntee that there won't be a malfunction. They can upgrade the technology as much as they want, but nothing can garuntee the safety of humanity. There are many things that can go wrong. The possibility is high and the list of bad things is long. It's best not to risk lives and just stop manufacturing smart cars. These cars can be far more dangerous to the world. Making an advance in technology will only make people more lazy. They will become less interested in the staying active by wanting more advanced technology. It's not bad to have great technology and use it for amazing things. But taking advantage of it can make it dangerous. People can request to use this technology for their good. But is it really for their good if they are wanting it for chairs that can move them to where ever they want to? Soon there will be escalators everywhere, replacing every stair case there is. We shouldn't let this happen to our world. Soon we will end up lazy and fat like the people from Wall-e. They took advantage of their technology; therefore, that's something we shouldn't do. We should stop making these advancing, and stop making humanity lazy and worse. These cars will make people get distracted and not pay attention to the roads. Since the car will be driving, people will decide to relax and pay no attention to where they are going. This can cause many accidents to occur. In the article it talks about how they will install vibrating seats so that when the cars approach a working zone, the driver can instantly take over the car. Will that really work? Let's say someone is running late, they are tired and didn't get enough sleep, so they decide to take a nap on their way to work. They could have an accident for not paying attention and falling asleep. Not only that, there are many ignorants in this world. People will also get distracted on their cell phones and ignore the alerts they are receiving. That isn't the only problem, the seats could malfunction and cause the alerts not be sent to the driver. People will not only get distracted, the alerts may not be sent on time. This can be stopped before it makes people lazy. Smart cars shouldn't be used nowhere in this world. It's not safe for anybody because other than being dangerous, there are ignorant people who can buy these cars. These ignorant people are irresposible and shouldn't even own one. It could also be put in the wrong hands, making this world less safe. I am against the development of these cars becuase they could be a danger to the world, this will only make people more lazy, and people could get distracted and not oay attention to the road.
Driverless Cars seem to be something that is popular for the near future. In my point of view, the Driverless Car is an invention that could possibly be dangerous for the saftey of us citizens. Why would we possibly need a car to drive itself? The passage states that the car will still need the attention of the driver, so basically it seems pointless. The manufacturers say that there is a lot to work on, that just makes me think it is really not a good idea if saftey is a main concern. The Driverless Car is not going to completely be "driverless"! They are planning to have some sort of entertainment in the vehicle for the driver, wouldn't that be dangerous? The driver will be distracted and will not be paying attention to the road, what if the displays don't turn off and the car is headed into trouble? The driver has to be alert, and I believe that it takes away from the whole point of the driverless creation. The passage even mentions that the safest way to drive is to be completely engaged on the road with both hands on the steering wheel. There are so many things that can go wrong, I predict that the manufacturers will never be completely positive that the car is 100% safe. Manufacturers are still figuring out how to make the car better, that signifies that there are multiple things that could go very wrong. They need ways to get the distracted driver's attention so they can take over, they need emergency systems, and many more years of working on this project. The creators don't want the drivers to be bored so they are building distracting entertainment inside the vehicle, but they are also concerned with the saftey and attention of the driver. All of these things put together add up to make it seem dangerous. I agree that driverless cars are possibly our future, they do sound interersting. They catch the attention of many people, it's the type of things we see in the movies and it would change our everyday lives. We have to pay good attention on our saftey more than our pleasure. Many states are against computer driven cars, it is for the saftey of the people. It would be so simple for one small error to go in the wrong direction. In conclusion, there are many opinions and ways to view the future of our vehicles. My view is that the Driverless Car is something we could live without, it is another dangerous invention that can easily cause negative accidents. The intention of the manufactures is to make our future dream like and fun, but the cons of this invention are not good.
The Mona Lisa's mood was never really made out to be one emotion.Looking at this painting would have anyone confused as to what was running through he r mind at that exact moment or what was going on around her.Leonardo da Vinci captured what seems to be a smirk or even a face of mixed emotions. The Mona Lisa is known for having a multi-expression face,but in this day in age it can be determined by people all over the world exactly what she felt in that exact moment. "She's 83 percent happy,9 percent disgusted,6 percent fearful,and 2 percent angry...It's the subject of Leonardo di Vinci's Renaissance painting,Mona Lisa--at least according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions." With this new amazing software it will be easier to read people and use this to analyze different types of people. This advanced technology works much like us."In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' everyday.For instance,you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face''. Not only can this new tech help with human expressions,but this software can also help with education. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...Then it could modify the lesson,like an effective human instructor." This new discovery can help the avarage student through a stressful and confusing class meaning grades would go up and students would be more succsesful in their acadimic career. Finally,this technology can change the education world and everything else for the better.Making everything easier and stressless to the world.
Self-driving cars a thing of the future that we used to dream about. With recent technology we are prettty close to having self-driving cars. Self-driving cars can be the solution to many problems that may occur during the time we are in our vehicles. However, we solve one problem but other problems will occur also. There will always be constant arguments about whether these "Self-driving" cars will be a successful impact on society. My personal opinion on self-driving cars is that they should only be driven by those who can not drive a standard car because of some physical or mental defect. For example, someone who is paralyzed for the waist below would certainly have need for car to be self-driving so they are not relying on others all the time to get them places. Once you think about if a driver is not driving their car they are just sitting around doing nothing which would lead to boredom which could lead to more things and so on. When you drive you have to be alert to the things around them, and keeps your motor skills from becoming lazy. Another debate that has probably occured is how they are able to prevent accidents with sensors that can control the breaks. What if something were to happen to the sensors and they malfunction; that could result in an accident or even a fatal one in fact. Also, people may try to blame their car for the accident and you can not truly figure out who is at fault in the situation. These are things that everyone should consider about these cars. These cars sound amazing but are they really worth it. Like I mentioned in the previous paragraph they could be extremely useful for people who have a mental or physical defect but not so much for others. Otherwise i can not wait to see what new technology will be introduced in my generation. To conclude, there will always be arguments on everything so there is not truly a yes this is good or no this is bad, but hopefully it will be a succesful impact on society.
With our ever progressing technology, smart cars are in our near future, but in the past were only seen as progressive impossibility. However, now with more advanced technologies people are really getting the idea of smart cars, with self driving systems and entertainment on the go. Regardless, should self driving cars be on the road? With concerning technologies, unsure reliability of a driver, and legal concerns, in our day and age they should be kept off the road. With our current technology we could in fact build a somewhat self sufficient car that could drive on its own, but it would not be entirely safe. Automotive radar sensors although have progressed with technology, they can not seem to fully achieve going through unexpected bumps in the road. Areas such as work zones or accidents are unable to be passed with our current technology; this could lead to several accidents if undetected and the driver is not paying attention. Our current technology, until improved, could not withstand these cars. Technology is everywhere. Cell phones and mobile mp3 devices are all around. Texting and driving is a major issue in our society, it is one of the leading causes of death in teenagers and some adults. With automated cars you would expect this problem to go away, but the somewhat self driving cars we have now need a responsible driver. The attention of the driver is needed incase of a problem were to occur with the vehicle. The prompt says that, "...the human driver must remain alert and ready..." This could be a problem if one where to drive intoxicated or even carelessy enjoying a ride on the road, problems could arise from the seams of the small manufacturing errors. Legal issues have already begun with these cars; many states do not allow them. Few states allow there to be testing; all for safety concerns. The prompt states," Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passenger, and pedestrians safe.." These laws are in place for a reason; our technology is not advanced enough to be reliably safe in these cars. Not only this, but if the device were to be the cause of an accident, who would take the blame? The manufacturer could be the reason for ones injury, but perhaps the case would settle it to be the fault of the driver. This would bring tensions between the seller and the consumer of the product. These cars should have warrantys and waivers signed by in individual in this case, rather than being surprised later on by liability towards a problem they had no control over. The idea of a new innovative idea excites everyone; but the safety concerns of the people should be adressed and issued first. Without proper ideals and checks we can not allow something to hurt our society just for the advancements. Until our technology secures safety, people entitle themselves reliable, and the laws and manufacturers address their appeal, autonomous cars should stay off the roads.
We live in a world where transportation is a must and most of the people around the world rely on themselves to get from A to B. Don't get me wrong there are some that choose public transportation opposed to privet/self transportation. They both have something in common, both are adding more pollution to the air, car accidents have the number one death rate, and they both add to taxes. Many countries are comeing up with a solution to all of these problems. Most countries are wanting to cut down the amount of automobiles their citizens are using on a day to day basis. Here are some reasons this could be benificial to you! Cutting down the amount of automobiles being used on a daily basis would take less money out of yor pocket and would be better for the enviroment, and it would be healthier and safer. More and more countries are taking action to stop the large amout of cars being used daily. One way they are doing this is by having car-resticted areas, like in Vauban, Germany, "Vauban streets are completely car-free...", (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal). By doing so, you wouldnt use your car very often or at all. This will reduced the amout of money you will have to spend on gas, car repair, or it could cut out the cost of buying a car entirely. More and more people will not have a need to buy/use a car and that will be extremely benificial to the Earth. This is because their will be less pollution and smog being produced by the running cars. Pairs, France is a big contributer to smog and they are now reducing the amount of allowed cars on their roads, "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party...",(Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog,Robert Duffer). Paris has now lowered the amount of smog in their cities signifigantly. With less pollution and smog life for the people will be a lot healthier. Just think about how much cleaner the air will be. Also, by not using a car you could walk or bike to your destinations and that will also be very benificial to your health. By not using cars, public thransportation, or just staying off the road in general you are cutting out the risk of being in a deathly car accident. By doing so life will be much safer. You will also cut out the stress and worry of driving. "...When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,...", (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal). In the end, cutting down the amount of car and public transportation being used will be very benificial to everyone of all ages because it will take less of your money to get to your destinations and will cause less pollution which is better for the Earth, and it is much safer to be off the road ,as well as, healthier to walk or bike to your destinations.
" All of our development since World War 2 has been centered on the car..." Now and days alot of countries are limiting car usage to go into a day of free car day, which basically means that no one is allowed to drive their motor running cars for a day. If  they disobey the law they will be charge a fine. Its like a when a police officer stops you for passing a red light or for speeding on a no speeding zone. Still these countries are getting advantages over these days because there will be less smog, less traffic, and more people buying bicycles rather than a expensive car. " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog." one of the advantages for limiting car use is there will be less smog to deal with in the air. this can harm not only us but our environment we live in, which is the air we breath. In france they decide to do a car ban day. The result of this event was that the " Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions". If someone was brave enough to drive a car than they will be fined 22-euro which is $31. " Almost 4,000 drivers were fined according to Reuters, people had their cars impounded for thier reaction to the fine". Less traffic was on the streets due this ban of cars, which allowed the people with bicycles to go on the streets and ride them. In Bogota,Colombia they also did this ban but they gained more advantages over limiting car usage, only buses and taxis were permitted to drive on the streets. their goal was to promote alternative transportation. Due to this event, parks and sports centers were packed throughout the city, and pitted sidewalks have been replaced by smooth sidewalks for the skateboards and bikes. " What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownerships per household and per person started to come down two to three years before downturn said Micheal Sivak". As a result of car ban people have stop buying cars which is atrocius for car companies but at the same time there is a up side to this also and is that people will now walk or ride bicycles to get to where they need. Which also leads to people being more atlethic and less people being obese or overweight. These countries are gaining alot because of these car ban which is good for removing these dark clouds in the air, less traffic, and people riding bicycles rather than cars. Its obviusly that some people think that this rule is selfish or not needed but its helps more than you think it does. And some people are just mad because of what they are getting charged or fine for driving in the streets even though you can't due to the law.
This paragraph is talking about the venus and describing what's Venus mean. Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is the closest planet to the earth, about 97% carbon diocide is blankets venus. now Venus still has features that are analogous to those on the Earth. The challenging presented by venus value, because Humman curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. That's what venus mean, I think we should learn and staudying for the Venus and sciense, becasue we can have more knoweldge about the earth and all that, I think we should not agreed with the author, and we should study the venus, study of venus will help you also in the features. Venus is very simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of the earth, it also has proveed very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. many reswarchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus.
The author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars but the negative aspects are more compelling. Driverless cars require many sensors, they would still require the help of the human driver and there is always the possibility of the technology failing and cause injury. The driverless cars that are being tested require many sensors that are needed in order to allow the car to perform the duties of drivering. As it says in the article " For starters, they needed a whole alot of sensors." It rises questions like, What if they fail? What would be the cost of replacing broken ones? It a sound too expensive to maintain. Is there an alert system to warn humans a sensor is going out? As driverless cars need sensors they still need the help of the human drivers. They claim to be driverless cars and yet they arent completely driverless; they still need the asistance of the human drivers. In the article is says " In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." and "... but all are designed to nofity the driver when the road ahead requires human skills..." In how many situations would the so called driveless cars need the human skills to operate and prevent accidents? There is still the need for human judgement. With automatives there has always been the risk of injury and death which is present in the driverless cars. But who would be at fault as the article says, "... new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accidents. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-- the driver or the manufacturer?" Car manufacturers have been in fault for car defects that have resulted in injury or death. With driverless cars the risk could go up with failures in the car. Even though the thought of having driverless cars is appealing to many, there is many negative aspects to the idea of having them. As driverless cars require many sensors, they would still require help of the human driver and is always the possibility of the technology failing and cause injury or death. We are still far from the day where people will see driverless cars as an everyday thing.
In the story The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author explains why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author says no matter how dangerouse it is we need to study it because it may well once have been the most Earth-lie planet in our solar system. The author also says that long ago Venus might have been able to support various forms of life, just like earth. Scientists also think that it used to be covered largely with oceans. Venus alos has a rocky surface with some valleys, mountains, and craiters. The author thinks that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. This is something we really have to think about given how long it takes to travel in space. It is almost to dangerouse to explore Venus on the ground so scientists are trying to build blimp -like vehicles to float above Venus. The blimp would have to be about 30 miles in the air to avoid all the storms. The only problem with this is that researchers can't get samples of rock, or anything else, from a distance. So even though Venus is very dangerouse to explore NASA is trying to find a way to explore it and get more information on itto see if thigs used to be able to live on it and maybe to see if anything could live on it today. Even though it is very dangerouse I think Venus needs to be explored. I think that if a species could live on Venus that would be great so I think we need to keep trying to find ways to explore it. It is very dangerouse but I htink that scientists will definetly find a way to explore Venus one day.
the usage of this new technology to read emotion has alot of potential for many things. It can read off your emotion even if your faking your smile, frown, etc. The use of this technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable because it can benefit the students learning, it can make learning more enjoyable and can help the student with any conflict they are facing inside or outside of school. This new usage of technology can be used to benefit many people. This new technology can benefit students by being able to know their emotional expression and how they feel that day this can lead to teachers helping cheer up the class if the majority are not doing the best. this could also detect the stress/worried emotion in a student letting a teacher now that they may be overworking their students. This is similar to how they said ¨you could probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by looking on her face.¨ if a teacher knew directly how stressed/worried you were they might slow down or postpone due dates for later dates. This new technology can make the student into a new person and change their learning expierences. This new technology to read the emotional expressions of students can make a class enjoyable. For instance if you are not enjoying a class and or the class has always been boring or you know that you struggle in that subject this new technology can change that. This new technology can sense the emotions you feel class and inform the teacher on how you feel leading to the teacher making changes to the class or how he teaches. This was best explain when the article stated ¨A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, ¨Dr. Huang predicts. ¨Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". this explains it all and how a teacher could use this to their advantage. The usage of this new emotional expression reading technology could detect emotions that could cause dangerous things. for instance they can help a student who may be dealing with something outside or inside of the school. This new technology can help prevent bullying, schoolshootings, self-harm, etc. If this technology is implanted anytime soon it could save many peoples lives. this new technology even has the power to " Indicate the difference betweem a genuine smile and a forced one.¨ this could really identify any troubled students and prevent them from doing anything risky Overall this technology could really benifit all schools around the world. They have the potential to change learning, make students happier, prevent dangerous activity and develop new ways of learning. If this tech was implanted many years we could have prevented lots of bullying, shootings and sef-harm.
Hello there, my name is Luke Bomberger, and I'm here to convince you to participate in my favorite program, the Seagoing Cowboys. To be apart of this program is an opportunity of a lifetime. It all started when the 44 nations joined together to form the UNRRA. They hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. We went everywhere, including Europe, China, Greece, and even Italy! I even have a spectacular story about me in Greece. I turned eight-teen before arriving in Greece, which ment that I could be in the military, but when they realized that I was a Seagoing Cowboy, they told me to just keep doing it for my service. Being a Seagoing Cowboy I was even the one who made nine whole trips. The most of any Seagoing Cowboy! Being apart of this, was one of the greatest opportunities for a small-town boy like me. It was helping out on my Aunt Katie's farm had prepared me for the hardwork for the animals like by feedding and water them two or three times a day, feeding the horses bales of hay and bags of oats, and the stalls even had to be clean. One thing I can say about that part, is that it did keep me busier than ever! There were too many fun times we had, but there were times that we didn't. On my second trip, I served as a nightwatchman, and my only job was to check on all the animals every hour. After I made one of my hourly reports, I slid down a very slick ladder. My heart was like a bullet beating so fast in my chest. I almost fell into the Atlantic Ocean. My ribs were so cracked, they said that they can't even work for the next couple of days, so I didn't. Although there were scary parts of all the trips, there were fun parts too! I always had fun on board, especially after the animals had been unlodaded. We would play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games all helped pass the time. It really opened up the world for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity.
The passage "Drivless Cars are Coming" have negative and positives. I would say I am against dirivless cars. Why not use cars that we can drive ourselves? Are Drivless cars actually the safest? If you were to ask me those questions I would say we need to stay with the cars tan we can drive. I would also say driveless cars are not the safest. If we continue to use the cars we use today we don't put our safety in a computer hands. I think we should stay accountable for our own safety and make our own decisions while driving. In the passage it states that in certain situation the car will alert the driver when he or she needs to take control. The thing about that is what if it doesn't alert the driver and the car keeps going and causes a car accident which can potentially kill people or put their lives in danger. Then it goes into a even bigger situation if the accident is on the driver or on the manufacturing company. It really could go either way but why even take the risk in putting your life in the hands of a computer. What if a police car or the ambulance is coming and the car doesn't pull over to the side of the road to let them have a clear passage to get where they need to go? Now you can possibly go to jail, but wait is that on you or the manufacturing company. There will be a lot of sewing of company's and a lot of fights between the people of the driveless cars and company's. The thing is we the people have a chance to avoid all of this now if we just decide not to make or buy a driveless car. The question you have to ask yourself is will you put your safety in the hands of a driveless car or will you be accountable for your own saftey? It's your choice just make sure you make the right decision.
Driverless cars are coming to the roads and that could potentially be a bad thing to have on the roads. These cars could cause accidents, hurt car dealers business, and hurt cab business. Driverless cars could cause a major increase in accidents on the roads. Autonomous cars can cause the driver to not have to focus on the road. In the article it stated that sometimes the car will be need for the person to drive like in traffic on highways or out of driveways and parking lots. So since the car doesn't need the person in the car to drive all the time the person in the car can get distracted by there phone or the radio and not focus on the road. These driverless cars could also hurt car dealerships because people will want these cars. A lot of dealerships could potentially go out of business because no one wants the cars they have. People will be buying these cars from Google. These autonomous cars could also hurt the taxi business. People will want to be picked up by these autonomous cars so they dont have to worry about there driver. These autonomous car shouldn't be made because of the increase in accidents that could happen and car dealerships and taxi companies could go bankrupt. Driverless cars are not a good thing to have on our roads.