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My fellow scientist thinks that there is life on Mars because of the "human face" that was found on Mars in 1976, but I can give him three reasons why there isn't any life on Mars and that the Face of Mars is just a natural landform. One reason is that the "face", based on the 2001 photo, looks a lot like landforms on Earth. My second reason is that if there was any chance that there was life on Mars NASA would keep it to themselves. My final reason is that Cydonia has many other known mesas, why would this one be special? In 1976 and 1998 I do admit it does look a little bit like a face, but in 2001, with the better graphics, the "face" looks nothing like a face. In 1976 it was very popular because it made people believe in life on Mars, but with the enhanced graphics the popularity of this "face" went down because people started realizing that it was not a face. Also, it looks almost the exact same as the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. If this "face" was made by aliens, NASA would more than likely keep it to themselves. If NASA were to tell this to the public saying that it was an extraterrestrial made landform, the whole entire world would freak out. They would most likely be terrified of the aliens. Another reason is since the United States' NASA found this they wouldn't want other countries to know about this, so we could be the ones to discover life on Mars beforwe the rest of the world. In the region of Cydonia on Mars, there are a lot of other mesas and buttes. Why would this one be any different? If Martians made a mesa that looks like a face, why would they put it around other mesas. They would most likely put in a region that doesn't draw attention to keep there life a secret. In conclusion, the "face" on Mars is just a natural landform because it looks like landforms on Earth, Cydonia has a lot more known mesas, so this is another of its many mesas, and last but not least, NASA would never tell the world that there is extraterrestrial life on Mars.
The Declaration of Independence granted us the right to control our government. Thomas Jefferson once stated, "When a nations government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of its people to abolish it and establish a new government." After viewing the articles Source 1:"What Is the Electoral College?" by the Office of the Federal register, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and  Source 3:"In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner it seems clear that the Electoral Colleges have lessened the power of the people in our nation. With the Electoral College method of selecting our nations new president the people of our nation become less empowered, they may cast their vote but the choice of president is never truly theirs. The Electoral Colleges drive people away from voting because they see the election as if their vote will not matter. To further empower the citizens of the United States the Electoral Colleges should be abolished. Throughout our nations history the majority vote has lost due to being outvoted when it comes to Electoral Colleges. Because of the majoity vote losing out to Electoral Colleges, people have come to believe their vote will not matter in the long run. In Source 2 Plumer declares, "faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate". With this method of selection for our country's president, the vote is never certain. The slate of electors that the people essentially vote for may or may not stick to the original plan. This ties back into people losing hope that their vote will not matter because they trust the electors to vote their canidate into office, when the electors could go either way. Another key point is, the canidates may not campaign in states that have a lower number of electoral votes. In Source 1 the Office of the Federal Register also asserted, "Most states have a 'winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate". Due to the Electoral College system being based off population some states have more of a say than others. Whenever a state decides their votes for Electoral Colleges the state typically contributes every vote it has to one canidate. When this occurs the state's people may be misrepresented. Electoral Colleges do not reflect the democratic style of government we have had for hundreds of years. In Source 3 Posner states, "it is the electors who elect the president, not the people". Ever since the United States has been around our lifestyle has been purely democratic. The people are supposed to the empowering body of our government and their voice is the one that should be heard. But since we have the Electoral College the voice of the people has become muffled. No longer is the presidential election a democratic event, but one that is decided through the votes of only a few chosen American citizens. Plumer observed in Source 2 that, "During the 2000 campaign, 17 states didn't see the canidates at all". If the people of America are truly part of our governing body then they must see the canidates and hear what they have to say. The Electoral College has driven canidates away from states that will not have much say. These states are then left to make a decision for themselves and decide based on their personal preference, they are never able to truly hear what these canidates may or may not have to offer. On the other hand, Electoral Colleges do have a lack of uncertainty. As Posner said in Source 3, "the dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible but it's less likey than a dispute over the popular vote". The Electoral College provides the American people with a certainty of outcome. Whenever a state decides where its Electoral votes are going the canidate typically wins by a landslide electoral-vote victory. Although the Electoral College has a few appealing qualities, it is mostly an unfair system for the United States. The colleges should not have the power to decide the president, that should be the people that reside in the country's choice. Thomas Jefferson spoke of the people taking control of their country's government and the citizens of America should do just that if they are ever to escape the grasp of the Electoral Colleges.
Is the Face a natural landform or not? No one will ever know. Yes the Face in a natural landform. If you think that the Face was alien made than your wrong. This was not made by aliens it is a natural landform that has shadows that cause the lanndform to have such apperences as a nose, mouth, and ears. The Face is just a landform because in the passage is says that with newer technology they would have been able to see other things on Mars. The passage says that the picture really shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. The MSG had the best camera on it taking the best photos. Each of the pixels spans 1.56 meters compared to the 4 meters the best Viking photo that was ever taken. After the first Viking photo was taken it instatly appeared on the JPL web site. When the photo appeared they noticed that is was just a natural landform and that there was no alien statue after all. In paraghraph three of the passage it states that "Although few scientist believed the Face was an alien articfact". That right there prove that the Face is not an alien articfact. The Face is not an alien articfact. In the pasaage it states clearly in several different paragraphs that scientist dont believe that the Face is a alien articfact. Many people believe that the Face is just a natural landform. The eyes, mouth, and nose are all thought to be caused by shadows.
Driveless cars would change the world because, There would be less crashes, they wourld use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. Driveless cars still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on indiviual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manange alone. Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own. Telsa has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive by themselves by 2020. Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems will be solved.The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day.
The Facial Action Coding System (FACS)is a recent innovation in facial recognition software. It can deciper what a perosn may be feeling by analysing muscle movements and facial structure. While the technological impact of FACS is revolutionary, can a sytem like it be used in schools to give insight into the emotions of a student? The value of FACS in schools has the ptoential to become great, but as of now, FACS still has many challenges to face in order for it to become a practical and valuable part of the education sytem. Currently, FACS can only recognize "...six basic emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness...". While this abilty is a great acheviment, FACS would have to be able to read many more expressions, such as confusion, boredom, or understanding to become useful in a classroom enviornment. If implemented in its current state, FACS might look at each student's face and would be able to pinpoint only the happy or suprised students, but typically, the happy students are not be the ones who need help. Without the capabilities to recognize more emotions, FACS would serve little purpose in this setting. The artical also states that " Your at home PC can't handle the algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." Many school comtuters are out of date and wouldn't be able to run FACS either. So, in order to correctly use it, a school would have to spend large amounts of money to purchase machines with the computing power to run FACS, an investment that may not pay off for years. This expense would only be made greater by the cost of the software itself. So, while the Facial Action Coding Sytem has the ability to become an integral part of the education sytem, with its current capabilities, it would seem that FACS is not yet ready to assume the role of a valuable tool in classrooms arcross the country.
Owning a vehicle or lisence is not what it used to be. Today, people all across the globe have given up driving for the many benefits that come along with alternative methods of transportation. These methods can reduce pollution, be cost effective, and even improve people's well being and happiness. First of all, there is a surprising amount of options if you don't want to drive a car. Public transportation such as trains and buses exist in most major cities, especially in America and Europe. San Francisco is a busy city with many young residents, and many of these residents are not interested in getting their liscenses. ". . . They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends." Because so many options exists, many people don't feel the need to own a car anymore. Similarily, some cities and towns have been made specifically to be navigated by foot, like Vauban Germany. Towns like Vauban are tailored to fit its resident's needs in everyway. ". . . In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main streer, rather than in malls along some distant highway." In Vauban, necessities are convieniently placed so that the town's inhabitents may acsess them with ease, rather than driving around the town. However, alternative transportation methods are not the only reason to give up your car. By not driving a car, air pollution can be decreased drastically. In Paris, France's largest city and international destination, driving was temporarily illegal because of heavy smog in the city. ". . . Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog." It did not take very long for traffic and smog to clear up once the ban was put in place, and the famous city began to look like itself once again. People are also happier when they do not drive cars. ' "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," sais Heidrun Walter.'  
"THE IDEA" Venus Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it Presents. Venus is our next Planet howerer it has prove a very challenge place to examine more closely. The author supports this idea by all of the information given in the article. Everytings the author saying in The Challenge of Exploring Venus are not easy but they are survivable for humans. venus is a planet it's pretty close to Earth and Humans want to study about it, to know stuff about it but at the same time is a danger but people can't let's the danger stop them. Like NASA did she's working on other approaches to studying Venus, we knows that is a danger but don't forget the danger can change into a good thing, imagine how beautiful it is for people living in venus. The idea of sending humans to study Venus is not a bad idea but is a very challenging idea. The author did a pretty good job in the article, i am really enjoy it.
Throughout the world countries are becoming more aware of the harmful effects of green house gases. This is evident in Bogota, Columbia an many other major Columbian cities. In Bogota there has been a car free day for the past three years. Even famous cities like Paris are getting into the act. There is a neighborhood in Germany where cars have become relatively extinct. These countries have figured out the advantages that come with limiting car usage. The capital city of Bogota is the home to seven million people. One day a year the city goes "car-free". To make sure everyone follows this rule, violators are fined $25. The turnout for this event was large despite the gray clouds and occasional rain showers. This just shows how much people are willing to give up in order to save the environment. In the smog filled streets of Paris, France a driving ban has been enforced. Due to days of near-record pollution, citizens with even numbered license plates were orderes to leave their car at home or face a 22-euro fine, which amounts to 31 U.S. dollars. This fine was then enforced the next day for vehicles with odd-numbered plates. This rule not only helped the environment it also led to congestion going down 60 percent. Upon first look the german suburb of Vauban may seem normal, but upon closer inspection one might realize that there is a major difference. In this neighborhood cars are not used. Things like street parking, driveways, and home garages are generally forbidden, there are only a few streets at the edge of one community, and only two parking garages for those who own cars. Vauban has been so succesful that other neighborhoods might try to model themselves after it. To conclude, the limiting of car usage has been very succesful in other parts of the world. This ranges from France, to Germay, and even all the way to Columbia. People have been willing to give up their cars for several days, and for those in Vauban they've been willing to give up their cars for the rest of their lives. If these ideas were to spread throughout the world it would lead to cleaner air and a healthier environment.        
My thoughts on driverless cars are, i think they would be cool but they could also be dangerous. Some things they could be nice for is it would be something new for everyone in the world. Some risks there are is if one would crash and you would have to pay for it not the company that made the car. Another thing is what if you turn it with the stearing weel and it doesnt work. Another risk is if you set the car up to go somewhere and it does something else. I think it would be really exspensive for a driveless car. Also i think there does need to be new laws if they start selling driveless cars because i feel like people would take advantage of it and maybe even use it in a negative way. I think if someone is in a driveless car going to a destination in they get in a crash and get injured it should be the companies fault because people dont know how to wrok them.
The idea of driverless cars sounds very fun, cool, and interesting, but I feel that this idea of driverless cars do not sound safe. My position on the idea of driverless cars that, I am against driverless cars only because, I feel that having driverless cars on the streets would be very dangerous with other drivers and pedesterians walking or driving across the streets. In paragraph 6 of the article, it states that having a driverless car means that the cars will drive themselves and, even with the antilock brake system, the passanger of the driverless car and pedestrianas would be in danger if the passanger in the car wouldn't be able to take control of the wheel as quickly and easily as if they had a car where they were allowed to drive on their own without taking control of the car from the car being in charge driving itself. So, what I mean by saying this, is that driverless cars are the not the safest things to consider. Driverless cars should not be allowed out on the streets because, first off it sounds very dangerous, secondly, it sounds like too much of a hassal to worry about getting all of the technology checked out everytime something doesn't work in the car. Lastly, the last reason why I think that driverless cars should not be allowed is because, the cars and all of the different technologies could potentially be very expensive in the end. To conclude my agrument on driverless cars, I do not think that driverless should be allowed out on the roads ever. I believe that driverless cars would always be a hassal trying to make sure you wouldn't hit anything or anybody while the car is driving and not you. I also feel that having a driverless car means that if your driverless car all of a sudden couldn't warn you about someone or something coming in your pathway and you do not see whatever or whoever is in your pathway, then you could potentially get in an accident and either severly injure,damage someones property, or even kill yourself and the person(s) you collided with. My last reason to conclude my essay is that, I believe that in the end, these so-called "driverless" caars will turn out to be very expensive to pay for, and keep getting all of technology checked out and made sure everything is functioning correctly, so you don't need to get more or new technology parts installed in your car. These my reasons why I think that driverless cars should not be allowed to be driven out on the open roads ever.
I beileve that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports the idea of studying Venus because the author says that Venus could have been the most Earth-like planet in the solar system and the curiosity researchers have to Venus, but thinking about the dangers and doubts that can occur. In paragraph 4 it says, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." The author talks about how NASA has a idea for sending humans to go study Venus and has a possible solution to do that, but it will be risky. In paragraph 5 it says, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Vernusian landscape. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." Another reason, the author talks about how NASA and researchers are working on other ways to study Venus, doing innovations to contribute the knowledge of Venus, and doing comparsions on how it will affect them or improve on while thinking of studying Venus. In paragraph 7 it says," Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditons. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparsion, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." In conclusion, the author explains some of the ways researchers think about when wanting to explore Venus. They also think about the consequences, but really thinking on how to overcome them. This is a challenge and also a valuable way to gain curiosity and information about Venus. In paragraph eight it says," Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" This is why I believe that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents with the supporting details of the author.
Do you think its time to get rid of Electoral College? Or change to election by popular vote for the presdient of the United States? An Electoral College constist of 538 electors but a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. To win so easily by just getting Electoral votes just seems really unfair. We should change to election by popular vote for the president of United States because it seems like a more fair challenge to earn the title of President of the United States. Each candidate running for presdient in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generaly chosen by the candidates poltical party, but state laws vary on how the electors are slected and what their responsibillites are. What the electoral college system does is you dont vote for the president, you vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. As an example of Electoral college system , Stated in paragraph 10 "If you lived in Texas, for instance, And wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, You'd vote for slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to kerry. On the off-change that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to cocngress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes". The electors can be anyone not holding a public office. That just doesnt sound fair to win an election just by having more electoral votes, when you have less popular votes. Basically the Electoral College is unfair to voters, because of the winnter-take-all ssytem in each state. Candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. 25 if the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the prsidency in the hands of a few swing voters Ohio, They have yet to make it. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. It doesnt make sense to have such a thing for out presidents. They should win by popular votes because it will be fair to let out people choose who should win not only 270 electoral votes, out of thousands of people that want to vote normally.
There are alot of good advantages on limiting car usage and the limit on cars usage should be something enforced more often worldwide .Cars are helpful and very useful when it comes to transportation but cars can also be harmful to the earth. Cars are contributing to the pollution of the air and is one of the big reasons why the number of cars used in communities should be reduced. There are many advantages on limiting car usage for examle if we start limiting the usage of cars there will be less worries about smog. According to the article "Paris bans driving due to smog","Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog...diesel was blamed ,diesel makes up sixty-seven percent of vehicles in france". This evidence proves that cars are harmful to the air and will eventually become a problem for the people. Bogota, Colombia has a program where people hiked, skated, biked, or took buses to get to and from work. According to the article car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota the goal of this program is to "promote alternative transportation and reduce smog". Most people would probably say that there should be no limit on car usage because people are very dependent on cars for their transportation but are not aware of the pollution and dagers that cars bring to the community. according to the article "recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licences as each year goes by". Our president Barrack Obama has a goal to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Its not hard to see that the advantages we have on limiting car usage are abundant, and we all should help to contribute to the reduction of cars used everyday. Like ive stated cars are very useful but can also be harmful and with the evidence previously given we should all help limit the number of cars used everyday.         
Every day, technology is becoming more and more advanced. From new games on a phone all the way to new advances in medical technology. Some people might even say that in the future, everything will be run by computers. Though, some of this amazing new programming, such as the Facial Action Coding System, is unnecessary. Even though this programming is very cool and sounds like a revolutionary new thing, there are still a few problems with the idea. One problem being that a bunch of people probably won't agree to use it because of facial recognition databases and government conspiracy theories. Another problem is that computers are just computers and human emotions are much more diverse and complex than six basic emotions which happen to be portrayed differently by every human being. For example, in paragraph 6 it is stated that, ' "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson..." '. This, in itself, sounds like it could be super helpful to alot of students. However, computers do not have brains and can not think for themselves, and even though there is some super advanced software involved, modifying the lesson based on a student's face has alot of loop holes. Faking a convincing facial expression really isn't hard to do, so students could manipulate their lesson quite easily, keeping them from learning necessary things. Also, not a lot of students constantly enjoy their lessons so modifying the knowledge based on if a student looks bored isn't very smart. On the other hand, the article does say that, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive - for video games or video surgery." This shows that this type of software really isn't useless, it's just that using it to read students' emotional expressions isn't really a necessary thing. To conclude, this type of programming could be useful if used in the proper way, but it most likely won't do too much for students. If students have found ways to get out of or cheat on homework before, then there's nothing stopping them from breaking the rules of this facial recognition software either.
Debates are going on about whether driverless cars should be developed. I support the development of driverless cars because they're safer, more affordable, and will be more effective than today's transportation. To begin, driverless cars will be much safer than normal cars because they don't cause accidents. Paragraph 5 states "Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers". Another reason as to why driverless cars are safer than the ones we have today is because they keep the drivers alert, even when they aren't driving. Paragraph 8 says "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern". Driverless cars are also way more affordable than the cars we have today. Sergey Brin, Google cofounder, sees a future where driverless taxis use half the fuels that today's taxis use, as stated in paragraph 1. Since driverless cars are much less likely to get in a car crash, they are more affordable for the customer as well. Paragraph 1 also states that driverless taxis will offer more flexibility than a bus, so owning a driverless car will be more affordable and get you to your destination quicker. Not only are driverless cars safer and more affordable, but they can also get you to your destination sooner. Paragraph 5 states that sensors have become more advanced and will respond much quicker to danger, such as out-of-control skids or rollovers. Paragraph 2 states "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash". Also stated in paragraph 1, the author stays that driverless cars are more flexible and efficient than buses or taxis. Even though driverless cars are proven to be more efficient and safer, people debate about whether they should be developed. I believe that they should be developed because they are cheaper, safer, and more effective than todays transportation methods.
Luke's point of view is convincing others to participate in the seagoing cowboys program. His experience with the program had opened up the world to him and he has experience some exiting events. As seen in paragraph 9 it says '', It opend up the world to him". It also says ''it made me more aware of people of other cuntries and there needs". I like that Luke had aggread to go on the trip and that he is engoing it after he broke his ribs because that means he has a good spirit. I did injoy this story and people shuld participate in the program. Luke's participation in the progran hays allowed him to experince adventures and visits to many unique places. Such as when he saw the Acropolis in greesce was special. He also saw Europe and China. There took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Luke also saw Italy with streets of water. He is a lucky person to see those great places. Luke is likes the program good all its good things. So i whould go and other people shuld to.
I believe that we have seen a face on mars is not true, why because i believe it could be just the shape of it and make it look like a head shape figure and then in pargraph 3 it said that, it noted that it was a huge rock formation giveing the shape of the head and plus the shadows that make it seem like these eyes and nose to the head on mars. Over the pass could of years the face on mars has change it really didnt look like a face to meand thats in 1998. But by 2001 it just look like a mount of dust, and it really dont look like a face at all to me and the story also said it could be the artifact of aliens doing, well theres no such things are alines and thats what my agrument more reasonable tp believe and prove its just a huge rock that on mars and have shadows on it to make it seem like has eyes,nose and a mouth. This is why i believe it not a face on mars and not the work of alien doing.
This passage is talking about cars an how it's polluted. Then how we "diving ban to clear the air of the global city."(10)How many cars are on the roads? "Almost 4,000 divers were fined, according to the Reuters. Twenty-seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine."(12) "That's easier to imagine than a car-free Champs-Elysees."(13) "congestion was down 60% in the capital of France,after five-days of intensifying somg. Rivaled Beijing,china,which is kown as one of the most polluted cities in the world."(14) The gasoline that was blamed was diesel fuel."Since France has tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67% of vechicles in France. Compared to a 53.3% averagof diesel engines in the rest of Westen Europe,according to Reuters."(16) "Car-free dayis spinning into a big hit in Bogota."source(3)Millions of Colombians hiked,biked,skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday,leaving the streets of this of capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams."(20) To me that's a good idea. With only buses and taxis permiited for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. This goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violattors faced $25 fines. The End of Car Culture. Out of  all that I care about what's going on in the world. We all should this is a place we live,breath,eat,sleep nad play on. Do the right thing try to make a differentes in the world around you."With all these changes,people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit."(36) Finally I think sould happen peolpe should stop polluting the air that we need to breath. Because it's harmful to atomhisphare. If that gose we all will go with it. Everyone should do something nice for are mother earth. Witout  her we all wouldn't be here today. How much do you care about her? 
In this artical, Driverless cars are coming, tells us about the technological development that we are able to come up with today. My standpoint on the driverless cars is that I am against them. Not only are they dangerous, but they can also be deadly. they can easly crash, they can put people out of jobs, and they would also take a lot of money to build firstly, the driverless cars can easly crash. If the driver is not paying attention, the car would not be able to navigate by itself, therefore causing a possible accident. The driverless car is still technically not a driverless car, it still needs human help, like backing out of driveways, navigating in difficult traffic construction, and also navigating through roadwork. if the driver is not alert, then the cr would not be able to turn itself. secondly, they would put millions of taxy driver and other people out of work. if the problems are worked out of the car, them they will soon be on the road. the taxi services and other car makers will soon be out of work because then would the people of the usa want to drive themselfs around when they could just sit back and relax while the car does all the work. thirdly, they will be a lot of money to build. Just to build one of them would cost millions and millions of dollers. this would then put the economy at risk because it is being taken out of state taxes. this would cause the government to start taxing everything to help get the taxes back up. with all of the sensors and technology put into the driverless car, nobody would be able to buy it, maybe millionairs. in conclusion, the driverless car seens to be a good ides, but thinking about it now, with all the new styled technology bring put into it, you just have to weigh the risks and the good things involved with owning it. its a great idea, but it still seems to have some gliches.
Do you want to be a seagoing cowboy? I was once, and I think that the experience is very fun-filled and educational. You will meet many different types of people on your journey. Does it sound fun? Well, here are some reasons that you should decide to become a seagoing cowboy. First off, you will find that there is always something to do on board the ship, I found that there are many things to do so you can pass time. I played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed on return trips after the animals were unloaded. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games were some of the activities that we did. Also, when you are off the ship and you need something to do, you can explore the surrounding area. On my trips, I toured an excavated castle, saw the Acopolis in Greece, took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. There are many things to see and do anywhere you are. Lasty, you always know that the things that you do help many people in many ways. I always loved seeing the smiling faces of the people that I gave my time and energy into helping them. The people that we helped were survivors of World War II. Their belongings were destroyed, and most of their countries were left in ruins. We gave them food supplies, animals, and more. So, do you want to be a seagoing cowboy now? If you do, thats great! The experience lets you remember that what you did changed peoples lives forever. If I had the chance to become a seagoing cowboy again, I would take it. This made me more aware of what life was like for other people.
Driverless cars are coming thats no good! Since 2009 google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions. Thier cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless. The Google cars still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues. In my opion driverless cars are pretty dangerous and stupid. I think that becasue drivers would try to play on their phone more and do other things that will not make them keep their eyes on the road or their surroundings. Just because the cars are "driverless" doesn't mean they cant mess up or have a glitch when they are driving and when they are playing on their phones. Having driverless cars is a huge mistakes they will put peoples life at risk and so many people when end up wrecking and dieing because they are more worried about their mobile devices. My second reason I think "driverless" cars are stupid is becasue people will not pay attention to their surrounding. People will pay attention to the things that are inside the car and not the things outside the car like other cars around them or even other object around them. People driving the car will be more focoused on the radio or all the cool features that come with the car like the new bluetooth radio or the new settting on the radio. The new cars will have so many new featrues that people will not even realize they are on the road. My last reason I think the cars are stupid is becasue what are people gonna do when the car breaks or glitches up. The first batch of cars will have issues just like the first batch of everything that is new. The car could glitch up at any moment when the car is in motion and some one is in it. What are people gonna do when they are driving and the car just stops driving itself and runs off the road into oncoming traffic or runs off a mountain. What are the people gonna do when their family memebrs die because of the cars glitching up and killing their brother,sister, or cousin. The first thing they are going to do is blame the company and sue them for everything they have. That is why I think "driverless" cars are stupid and dangerous. People will not pay attention they will car more about their phone. People will not pay attention to their surrounding they will pay attention to things inside the car. And the cars have a high chance of glitching up and killing the driver or maybe another person in the street or on the sidewalk. That is why I think they are very dumb and dangerous.
The "face" on mars is indeed not actually a face at all and it was not created by aliens. Many people may think it was. Based on all of the facts that we have gathered here at NASA, the claims of this rock formation being created by terrestrials is simply not true. Here at NASA we have the equipment to tell us if it is terrestrial or not. One thing we discovered in our research was throughout the years that we have taken these photographs that the "face" has started to just look like a big rock. It was due to the shading that the "face" looked like it had eyes and a nose. We also discovered that the rock formation is much like some of the formations here on Earth. All of the Earth formations were caused naturally and not by aliens. The fact that it was a cloudy season when the last picture was taken is true. Although in the picture we can see that it was clear. In conclusion with all of the facts we have found this is indeed not a face created by aliens. There is enough evidence to tell us this. If it was an alien structure then we would benefit from it. We could learn about how advanced they were, but this was not created by aliens. It was simply just a messa or rock formation that looked like a face do to the sunlight that caused the shaded regions.
Should the Facial Action Coding System be used in a classroom environment? Would being able to tell a students emotions help with giving them the lesson? I think it would for a few different reasons. I think the Facial Action Coding System should be used inside and outside the classroom. It would help the teachers know what is going on inside the students heads. In which then they could give the lesson in a way that the students could feel better about their work. This also would help the teachers know what may be happening in he students lives. The Facial Action Coding System could also be used to look at pictures of people and see what their emotions were when that picture was taken. The Facial Action Coding System could and should also be used at everyday jobs. It would let the employees boss/bosses know what emotions they are feeling while working. Which would then let their boss/bosses know whether to fire them or change their work environment. Which in the long run would lead to happy, not as upset, or any other positive emotions the employees could have. The Facial Action Coding System should definitly be used in classrooms, and even in the workforce. I think this technology should be released to the public as soon as possible. Even though most people can read others facial expressions just by looking at their face.
The use of cars has always affected society greatly. There are plans constantly being added to better the environment without the use of cars. Vauban, mentioned in Source 1, can be the start of the car-less world we want to live in. As this expiriment becomes noticed by the world, communities will realize how beneficial this experiment could be. Think about a world with no cars. There would be less pollution and less gasses being emitted into the air. For example, Pairs has just banned driving due to heavy smog. After about five days, car traffic was down 60 percent. Limiting car usage should be implemented heavily because of the greenhouse gas emissions and the happiness of the citizens of Vauban. To begin with, cars cause many problems and the most important being the emissions of greenhouse gasses. As seen in Source 1, some of the car fillled cities of the United States suffer from up to 50 percect of greenhouse gas emissions. Well-populated cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago could be in great danger. A highly populated city in Colombia, has a "Car-Free" day. The goal of this is to allow people to open their eyes and realized how many alternative ways there are to go to work. The implimented a fee of 25 dollars to anyone who violated. I think that by adding a fee, the outcome would be greater and more people would participate. This is a great idea that would open people up to other options. For example, on the third year of the car free day, two other cities joined Bogota. Sometimes we have to open up the eyes of others to really see the change. Also, parks and recreational areas have opened up, uneven sidewalks have been referbished, and most importantly the city has less traffic. Continuing with pollution, Paris had a near-record of pollution, seen in Source 2. This led to the ban of driving. The ban of driving could be refered to as the limiting of driving. They set up a plan in which cars with even-numbered license plates couldn't drive on Mondays. The same occured for the odd-numbered license plates on Tuesday. They heavily enforced this by implimenting a fine of 22 euros if they used their cars. This idea could work here in America. It would open up carpooling and lessen the amount of cars on the road. People such as David Goldberg, mentioned in Source 1, are pushing for citites to be less dependent on cars. Mr. Goldberg mentions the hybrid car. Even though buying a hybrid does not reduce the amount of cars, it does reduce the amount of green house gas emissions. Seeing the happiness and comfort that the people of Vauban allows us to see what our society could look like. We could live in a society just like theirs, filled with nature. In the United States, the number of licenses has been going down each year. Now, this does not automatically mean that American citizens want to "be green". It could be simply because of the fact that cars are expensive, and because we are living in a rough situation. In conclusion, I believe that we should limit car usage for the advantages of less pollution and less greenhouse gasses.          
I whole heartedly believe driverless cars are becoming the future and I can agree with that but its just not that simple. The author raises a great point in saying that the drivers and the car need to work together as a team instead a car just taking the riens of driving. Thats anti-fun and not enjoyable. Additionaly you can see some other flaws as well What will road conditions do to this self drivin cars. If a situation arises that requires a human driver and the car is driving its self or worse the human can even control the car. What could occur then? A car accident is not uncommen in these situations. The law however is even bigger of an issue! the law states that self driven cars are illegal in some states! The law either needs to be updated or the car manufactures will need to find a way to get around this. As in stands today in this day and age, Self driving cars are STILL a thing of the future.
I think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you join the program you can take care of animals,play games on your free time,and go to new or exciting places. When I was a Seagoing Cowboy I did those things. Being a Seagoing Cowboy means that you would have to be on a cattle-boat going to different places. On the cattle-boat I had to take care of some animals. I took care of horses,young cows (calfs),and mules. Sometimes, I have to check on the animals every hour as a night watchman. I have to feed the animals two or three times a day. I had to clean the animal stalls too. On the trip, I would get free time. When I get free time I found some fun things to do. I did these things:table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,and whittling. Other Cowboys played baseball and volleyball I played those too. While sailing I went to lots of places. I went to places like Venice,Italy and China. Going places is part of being a Seagoing Cowboy. I went to places in Europe too. In summary, I took care of animals,played games,and went to different places all around the world. It takes some work to be a Seagoing Cowboy but,it is worth it. I'm glad that my friend asked me to go to Europe with him as a Seagoing Cowboy. I didn't just get to feed cattle the whole time I went to places all around the world.
Twenty five years ago the Viking 1 spacecraft was taking pictures of Mars, when the spacecraft got a picture of something that looked like a human face, they named it the Face. Scientist from NASA have done futher research on the Face and think that it is a mesa, but others think that the Face was created by aliens. The Face on Mars is simply, a natural landform, and was not created by aliens like some people think. When the scientist discovered the Face they were very excited because they thought it was something special, but the feeling was short lived. The scientist figured out it was a Martian mesa, which is very common around Cydonia. To better describe the Face would be to say it is: a huge rock formation that respembles a human head. A mesa is a rock formation and rocks can look like all kinds of things, even a human head. Pictures were taken of the Face in 1976, 1998, and 2001 the resolution on the pictures getting better as technology advances. If one simply looks at the pictures they could tell that the Face is just a rock and it was not alien-made. In 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time and took pictures that were ten times sharper than the original pictures, it was then that the scientist decided that the Face was a rock. The people were still in denial, so NASA set out to get more pictures in 2001. When the pictures came back it was clear that the Face was still just a mesa and was not made by aliens. At this point the scientist were satisfied, the Face was just a Martian equivalent to a butte or mesa. One scientist even compared it to things on Earth. Scientist Jim Garvin said, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". The Face is a mesa that was formed naturally just like a mesa on Earth. They both look the same and were not created by aliens. The Face that was found on Mars in 1976, was not made by aleins and is just a mesa that was formed naturally. Multiple pictures determined that it just happened to look like a human face and upon closer examination was not alien-made. The Face has been compared to things on Earth like a butte or a mesa multiple times. This proves that the Face was not made by aliens and is a natural Martian mesa.
The "Evening Star" or otherwise known as Venus is a very dangerous planet. Despite the planet being close to us, we haven't sent any spacecrafts there in the past 30 years. The reason has alot to do with the fact that a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide covers Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere. On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which means that its alot of times hotter than the surface of our planet. The atmospheric pressure is also 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Also Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. With all that being said, why would we want to go back there. The reason is because Astronomers think that the Venus was once an earth like planet. They believe that Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Adding more into this is that today, Venus has some features such as mountains and valleys. NASA has come up with an idea on how they would live in Venus safely and productive. The idea is to allow scientist to float above ground. About 30 miles to be exact. With them hovering 30 miles above ground they should be safe from the ground conditions. With that, NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus; such as an device that was used in World War 2 that calculates under high pressure of heat and does not require electricity. I love the idea of going back to Venus and exploring because we are humans and we have an unlimited imagination. If we want to truly be a civilization, We should be at least a two planet species. Innovating and learning is how we got here. 100 years ago we made the first car. Imagine what life wil be like in 100 years.
if our sister planet is so inhospitable why are scientists even discussing futher visits of it surface.Astronomers are facinated by venus because it may well once have benn the most probaly covered largely with ocean and clound could supporte various forms of life just like Venus still has some a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys mountains and craters furthermore recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit a crucial consideration given the long time frames os space travel the value of returning to venus seems indisputable but what are the options of waching such a missions both and scientifically productive. The national aeronaustic and space administration NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus NASA of possible solution to the hostile condition on the surfaceof Venus would allow scientist to float above the roiling venusian landscape.Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditionsby staying up and out of their way.thirthy plus miles above the surface temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degress fahrenheit but the air pressure would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth levels not easy condicion but survivable for humans however peering at venus from a ship orbiuting or hovering safely far above planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light canoot penetrate the dense atmosphere rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective more importantly researchers cannot take samples of rock gas or anthing ele from a distance therebefore Venus wold need to get up close and challenges many reseachers are working oon innovation that would allow our machines to last long anoungh to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus stiving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself bul also because human curiosyti...
Imagine being a top scientist at NASA and Viking 1 spacecraft "spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." A lot of people thought of alien life possibility, but others thought it to be just a natural landform. What would your thoughts be about the image? The face of Mars is a natural landform. There's similar landforms on Earth, high pixel photos taken, and not enough reliable information to support the alien life theory. To begin, there are similar landforms on Earth to the one on Mars. As stated in the text, "what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West." Also stated in the text is Garvin giving his opinion, "it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Another issue with the alien life theory is the fact that NASA has high quality cameras. Quoting the text, "each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." In the result of having high quality pictures you could see small details clearly. As stated in the article Garvin said, " 'so, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!' " Concluding that statement nothing other than the landform that had resembled a face was seen on Mars. Finally, there wasn't enough evidence to support the claim of alien life on Mars. The first pictures were blurry and had haze or cloud coverage. This theory was more popular on the online world than in the science world. As stated in the text, "the 'Face on Mars' has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows-even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!" This proves that this might be just for publicity and attention. There has been many conspiracy theorists. Ultimately, the face on Mars is just a natural landform. There's similar landforms on Earth, high pixel photos taken, and not enough reliable information to support the alien life theory.
Dear Senator, I am writing this letter to discuss the Electoral College. I have read some interesting facts about the Electoral College and I believe changes need to be made. The people of the United States of America should be in control of who is elected. It should not just be a group of people from each state that is allowed to pick. I am not the only one that feels this way. In the source "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" it says, "According to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortley after Al Gore-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." It is wrong to have the people vote for people to vote for the president. If someone wants a certain president to be elected, but they don't know who the electors are going to vote for then how do they know which elector to vote for? In the source "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" under the "What's wrong with the electoral college column" it says, "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." In conclusion, I say abolsih the electoral college! I am not the first person to say that either. Bob Dole also said"Abolish the electoral college!" It is not a fair system to use. There is plenty of evidence to show that the majority of the American people are against the electoral college.     
In the passagae "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" ,The auther supports the detail really well he gives valeis information about the story and about if venus is closer to the sun and it goes around the surface. It also talks about how humans ay be able to live on it someday and make it a earth like planit. but more importantly sciencetest cannot take rock our gas from it because it is impossible for them to do it. Like us NASA is working on other studyes to try to get us to go over there and stay there to make it a earth like home. They want to send a human into space to go to venes but the surface friction there is supper high. And Venes is the twin to the sun. An the secound name for Venus is "Evening Star". because it brights up the sjy at night time.
My position on driverless cars is that it is a dumb idea. It is not likley we will have them, right now they can only get up to 25 miles per hour. That is not a very fast car or at least not fast enough. We would have to change the speed limits, people would not be able to get to work on time. These are reasons I think the idea is stupid. 25 miles per hour is not a very fast car or at least not fast enough. Think about this, mostly all of our speed limits get up to 30 to 35 miles per hour. so what i am saying is that all the construction that would have to take place would be over whelming. In the text it said the car has a warning system to alert drivers about construction or wrecks. the system would be going crazy. People would not be able to get to work on time. When a car we use now verses a "smarter" car the problems would be reliability and speed. In a modern day car we can sync our phones to them and have gps tell you where to go. If a modern car runs out of gas on the highway you can pull over, locate and walk to the nearest gas station with a gallon container and get more gas, then you could walk back to your car and put the gas in your car. Now with a "smarter" car it comes with a gps system, sure. If the "smarter" car however runs out of energy your navigation system will not work, and you would have to, in some way shape or form, get your car to a charging station then you will have to wait a while before its charged up and ready to go. In conclusion those are the reasons I toatly dissagree with people that want "smarter" cars on the road. You can not rely on them . They are dumb and will not be able to function properly in todays society.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming." it talks about how its expected to have cars that drive theirselves very soon. Humanity has always dreamed of seeing self driven cars or flying cars. It has been portrayed in movies and television shows, but is it really a safe thing for humans? In the artice the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Driverless cars should not be developed because, they do not really drive on their own, people would get bored of these driverless cars, and new laws would have to be developed. There really is no such thing as a "Driverless Car". In the article it states that in 2013 BMW announced that they developed something called "Traffic Jam Assistant", which means that the car can manage driving itself to speeds up to 25 mph. Except they can't really continue driving theirselves all the time. The author states that "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." If the car is still notifiying the driver to take charge at times then the care isn't really a driverless car. The author also says "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the drivers attention". A driverless car should not have to get the drivers attention if it is suppose to drive by itself, the driver should be able to remain safe and calm in a driverless car. Another reason why driverless cars should not be developed is because people would get bored of not being able to drive their own car. Yes the driverless car would relieve a lot of the stress that you get knowing you have to drive but not driving at all seems boring. In the article it says "'The psychological aspects of automation are really a challenge,' admits Dr.Werner Huber, a BMW project manages driver. 'We have to interpret the driving in a new fun way.'" This shows that even the ones manufacturing the driverless cars beleive it would be boring for people to not drive all the time. Next reason to why driverless cars are not good for being developed is because new laws would have to be developed. The development of new laws is not easy and according to laws now its only safe when an a actual person is driving the car. In the article it states that "traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars." This shows that if driverless cars are developed then new laws would have to be developed and some laws would have to be changed too. It is possible that it could change safety laws aswell. In conclusion driverless cars should not be developed because, they do not really drive on their own, people would get bored of these driverless cars, and new laws would have to be developed. Although it sounds like a fun thing the outcome of driverless cars is never known. These autonomous cars could change the world in a negative way. The old fashion driving we all know wouldn't be the same.
My Claim About The Author Idea That Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite it's more important because it's the closest planet next to Earth and it gets more attention then the other planets because it's closer to us humans I jus feel like that's the more important planet & it's value, but my explantion about my claim in this article. In the article it says Venus is referred to as Earth "twin" and it's the closet to Earth & the also call Venus the "Evening Star" its the brightest light in the night sky and a another fact I can say it's in between the Sun and The Earth and I think thats why it make it so special even though Mercury is Closer Too The Sun and in the text it says "Venus has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in the solar system and Venus haves features that are analogous to those on Earth so in my opinon Venus has almost alot of things to do with or deal with Earth.
NASA's mars globe surveyspace craft revealed the face of mars is a mesa (intro) ,scientists found it was just another martian mesa(2). A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a “huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.” The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars(3). on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.(7) Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001—a cloudless summer day in Cydonia—Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. “We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,” said Garvin. “Malin’s team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera’s absolute maximum resolution.” Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo(10). What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West. “It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,” says Garvin. “That’s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.”(12).therefore there is no alien life forms on other planets.
Education is continuously changing, as all educators and students know. Though schools think they have done everything they can to make the school experience more beneficial to everyone; such as having ipads so students no longer have to be burdened with excessive books, or putting more electives out that students actually enjoy. Education is in a very revolutionary era right now, but everyone is thinking, what else could they really do? That is when facial expression technology comes into play. Facial expression recognition technology is still a fairly new idea, so it may be a long time before we see it in any classrooms yet, with that being said, it is a revolutionary idea that helps computers recognize how a human is feeling. Dr. Huang is the creator of this technology along side Prof. Nicu Sebe of the university of Ansterdam. This technology was made so that computers and humans could have better communication, in paragraph 6, the reader is presented with the idea that if you saw a web ad that you disliked your computer could recognize that by the frown on your face and not show something similar to that, and vice versa. So what could this technology do for schools? Students would be able to express they needed help without even raising a finger. The author displays in paragraph six that they too have thought about the idea that this could really change schools, for example, if a student is watching a video online for help and isn't understanding still, the computer could recognize the students unhappiness and switch the learning style of the video until the student is satisfied. With that in mind, teachers would also no longer have to worry about embarassing a student by asking if they need extra help, or worrying that a student is too scared to ask for help in fear of its peers, that will be eliminated with this technology by recognizing the smallest sign of discomfort. Technology is the future, and with this invention it shows that the education system will not fail and only get better as time goes on, not only in America, but universally. "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" Dr. Huang explains in paragraph four, proving that this would be able to be used everywhere. The entire world could use this technology without needing to wait for their countries version to come out because there would be no language barrier,it is working off of nonverbal cues that are universally known and never-changing. technology like this would spread like a wildfire and schools all over the world would find use for this, if not in the everyday classroom, then the advanced and special needs classrooms. Though it is crazy to think, one day teachers may no longer be needed because of technology like this, making the learning experience more personal and less guarded at all times, which every student wants. Technology is the future, it will always be there and will constantly keep evolving. With new inventions such as the facial expression recognizer it shows that technology will continue to make life easier and learning better. In years to come it is hoped that we will have these revolutionary machines in every school universally, anything to make learning better for the students.
Throughout the years, technology has improved greatly. It has gone from big bulky phones, to small compact phones, from giant room-sized computers, to computers that fit on your lap. So, why can it not go from cars the rely on people, to cars that literally drive themselves. The idea is really not that far out and it would help improve a lot of things. Cars that drive themselves would improve how convient cars are, how safe cars are, and technology in general. If cars were to be able to drive themselves, the world would be such a convient place to live. Just imagine getting in a car, turning it on, and just letting it drive itself through all the twists and turns the road may trow at it. A person would still have to pay attention while on the road, but it for sure would take some stress off the driver. Think about a car at a stoplight, the light is red and suddenly it turns green so the car takes off, at the last second a car runs the light that just turned red. In today's time, the car that ran the red light would drill into the car that had the green light, but if cars drove themselves, people would not have to worry about other people speeding and even if there was almost a wreck, if the car drives itself, it could apply the breaks before anything happened. This would intern take stress off of some drivers and allow them to relax while on the road. Some people say that a car that drives itself would make the world even lazier than it already is. This statement may be somewhat true, but no completely true because the driver would still have to pay some attention to the road. However; this is not the only thing driveless cars would help. If cars could drive themselves, the world would be a much safer place. There would no longer be worry of people speeding or doing something else stupid that endangers someone else. If cars could drive themselves, people would no longer have to worry about drunk drives or people texting as much because the driver would no longer be in complete control of the car. This would not take all the worry out of course because the driver still has to pay attention, but it would help greatly. People may say that having driveless cars would make the roads more dangerous because less people pay attention, but once again this is not comepletely true. One thing this passage states is that even though the cars drive themselves, they still make sure the driver is paying attention to the road by using cameras. Safety is very important these days, but it is not the only thing that driveless cars would help with. If people could make a car that could drive itself, where do the possiblities end. A driveless car would only open more pathways open up. If people in today's day and age have the intelligence to design a car that could drive itself what else could people do. They could find a cure for many diseases or even design a bike that could drive itself. The possiblities are endless. People have made great strides over the years towards making a car that drives itself. There would be many benefits to this if it were to be done. It would improve how convient cars are, it would help improve safety for people, and it would help technology in general take a step forward. No matter how many negative things people come up with for drivless cars, there is always a positive thing that out weighs it. Please, lets take the danger out of driving.
I dont think the use of the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because, students should at least have the right to there own personal thoughts. Students are in a building all day with other students and teachers that they might not trust, like, or let alone even know. Students have no freedom in school, teachers make or tell students what to do everything is watched, students are constantly told what to do by adults that they dont know, let alone trust. So i think students should have the right to keep there personal thoughts, opinions, and emotional expressions as private as they want them to be. Unless you know the student is in danger that students personal thoughts, emotional expressions, and opinions should be kept as private as they wish until they are ready to talk about whatever the situation could have been.
The car is one of the most important inventions, but it's taking so much in our life style The car is one of the most important inventions on the human history, they give us a big adventage in the second world war, and after that, they do our life more easier, because with they we can travel big distances and be fast in other places like work or malls etc, but in the actuality is so nessesary. In the "world of today" the cars are an obligation to everyone, because the people can't go walking to every site because today all the paces are so far from our houses, the people who lives in the suburbs just can't go to anywhere walkin they need a car or take the public transport, so they need other way to go anywhere without a car, like in the city of Vauban Germany, the people in Vauban goe's to the soccer games to the mall leave theyr childs in the school and everithing whitout a car!, the people in Vauban don't have a car because it's so expensive have one, in Vauabn if you want a house with a parking site you need to pay $40.000 dollars!, that's so much money and as a result of this the 70% of the Vauban's families don't have car, and a 57% of this families sold his car. As a result of the experiment in Vauban's, the suburb's goes more small and more closely to everything doing the people more happy with this new life style, maybe we can lear something with this people.      
People all through out the world are realizing the problem we are having with emissions and smog problems. If we dont act soon enough we could lose our lives, maybe even our home(the world). Be like germany and some of the other parts of the world that are taking action to the smog and emission problems. Limting car usage can have a positive affect on the world. Instead of hearing the sounds of motors constantly running, we can hear the sounds of active kids and bicycles. Over the past few decades, germany and in other places in the world are trying out the idea of limiting the amount of cars that are allowed in areas. In upscale areas in germany such as the district on the outskirts of Freiburg, the streets are "car-free" except the main throughfare where the tram for downtown runs. One way they enforce this is that to live in these area, you can either buy a parking space for $40,000 along with a home. 70% of the families that live in these areas dont have a car because of this. Transportation may be lower, but with the use of parking spots and garages eliminated, everything can be in walking distance rather than in a mall miles away. As the greenhouse affect continues to grow, cities with major car emmission will literally be choking themselves to death. France had a very serious case involving the smog so in order to clear the smog, they enforces a partial driving ban to clear the air. "On Monday motorist with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The sane would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." close to 4,000 drivers were fined. the smog cleared enough on monday the ban was lifted on tuesday for the odd-numbered plates. as the smog cleared up enough for this to be possible. In the past few years Obama has said that the car usuage has dropped for the passed few years steadilly since our peak in 2005. Since then scientist and observationalist has seen that people between 16 and 39 haven't got there liscence as much as before. Scientists don't know if this is a last affect or will it go back up one the people have kids. There have been offered different alternatives to lower emissions, improve safety, conserve resources, and to save time. Only time will tell what happens. If people were smart enough to just learn to ride a bike or walk to work in the mornings and afternoons, we wouldnt have this problem. we wouldnt have to be so worried about our atmosphere if less people were to drive in a car, and more started doing something less expensive and less harmful to the enviorment. not everybody will listen but if the majority of the people listened to this, we could all breathe fresh air and not be so unhappy with all the conjested roads.
Go Anyway? In the article "Challenges Of Exploring Venus" ,the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit.He thinks that despite the dangers the planet is worth studying and going to.But did the author present the informantion well? The author brings up many reasons that going to and studying Venus is reasonable .One being "If our sister planet is so inhospitable,why are scientist even discussing furthur visits to it's surface"(paragraph 4).The author feels like the planet is some what safe and reason like to go to because scientist still want to visit it.Though that is not the case because, if you go there you can burn to death and many other cases. Another reason the author considers going to Venus is because of austronomer talk.The article states that,"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well oncehave been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system"(paragraph 4).Just because Venus maybe somewhat earth like nothing has ever survived there or has even been there in three decades,says paragraph 2.The author isn't putting out good enough reasons or even safety tips that Venus is a planet human kind should visit.He also should've used more facts as to why the planety should be visited,but was Venus once like earth? The author also seems to keep explaining how Venus was once like earth in (paragraph 4). He says "Today venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth".But how can he be sure if he keeps on saying "long ago" and "astronomers".He isn't full of facts as of now and no one really knows what Venus is like because ,no human has yet to visit.Not once did he say it's aproven fact about anything or show evidence as to what he was putting out. Overall the authors arguement to suggest "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents",was a fail.He used past tense so many times through the article and didn't have factual evidence.
This essay is on if I think the use of technlogy to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable . I believe It is valuable and heres why . I believe the use of tehcnology to read students expressions is valuable because as a studnt myslf i know how it feel to have to do a computer assignment and not get whats going on or its moving to fast so u get frustrated or angry .If they were able to put that in school computers i feel more kids will do better in school . Like if my facial exprassions are showing a teacher some they cant really get it because they are humans ad they cant really read faces s good as a computer could . Now on the other hand you have this computer that when i look confused it is willing to slow down or break things down more simplier for me and me only . I feel sometimes thats all kids need is extra help because honestly im a student that needs extra help thats only a little bit of the reasons why i think that is valuable . Students facial expressions show everything you need to know you just have to get something to catch them . Of course they are going to have to make sure its spot on . What if i completely understanding everything and then they start to break it down then what ? Because tehcnology is not perfect . That is a counter arguement someone can make . What if my facial expression is showing one thing but im feeling a different way . Technology always has a bug or something that nees to be fixed . So whoeer makes this needs to make sure that it is perfect . Thats why i think this ablility to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable .
In this passage the author supports his/ her idea by explaining that there are so many risks that will be taken if you land on Venus unprepared. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by saying, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent cardon dioxide blankets Venus", which means that Venus is covered in a dangerous acid that basically covers the whole entire planet. In the text i chose this quote because it explains one of the many dangers to going to the planet Venus ans why it is very dangerous and risky because lives could be on the line. In summary you should not go to Venus because the author has made a great point about how dangerous it is and he is trying to persaude you not to go but not only that but he is also trying to expalin to you in detail the pro's and con's of going to Venus.
Dear Senator, We should change to the election of popular vote. I believe we should do this because, it'd be more fair to the person who got the most votes. If one canidate gets the most votes, but doesn't become president, is extremely confusing, and down right unfair. If you're having the whole United States vote for who we want to be president, but have the electors choose who's president is pointless, it just shows that you don't care what our opinion is for our leader. If the voters have to waste their time to vote for someone who probably be elected is, like I said before, pointless. Let's say you were running for president, and you got the most votes, but the electors, their almighty wisdom, voted for someone who got the least amount of votes, would you think it's fair for that person to become president? I don't think so. I think you would be able to be president because the people who voted for you would rather have you as president than the others who ran against you. You would've been the best choice to those who voted for you. Therefore I think we should change to the most popular votes for electing the president. I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter. have a wonderful day.
A 3-D computer is a model of the face all 44 muscles and its called an "action unit". The Dr. Huang relies to work on of psycholoists and Dr. Paul Eckam, the creater of FACS (Facial Action Coding System). Dr. Eckman classified six basic emotions suprise, anger, happiness, fear, and sadness. Then he made associated each with charatcteristic movements of the facical muscles. Dr. Huang smiling broadly " even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression". Huang using video imagery, new emotion-recognition software tracks these movements in a real face or the painted picture of Mona Lisa. The weighting the diffeent units in the software can be even identify mixed emotions. Even each expression can be compared against the neutral face. The humans perform the same impressive "calualtion" every single day. if we can probably tell our friend how they're feeling because by the way look on there faces. But most of us would have trouble describing each facial.
Venus is a challenging plant to explore but who doesn't like a challenge. However Venus is the second plant from our sun which makes it a little challenging to expoler. but also Venus nickname is a evening star becuase of it bright light points in the night sky. Now why wouldn't you want to explore Venus? Venus is Earth twin because of the camparison about how the size and density are the same. also that Venus it the closest to the earth. Venus speed is different from the Earth because of how the Earth, and Mars orbit around the sun sometimes the earth gets more closer to Mars than to venus which causes the speed difference. Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space. So our NASA friends had sent several spaecarfts to land on venus which none of the survived execpt for a few hours or some didn't even make it. but it also makes Venus more interesting to explore the plant and how to make the spacecarft last longer then a few hours. The NASA sent somes humans to study Venus about their hostile conditions on their surface by hovering or a ship orbiting over Venus. Venus limited the ship to insight the grounds conditions so they wouldn't get rocks, gas, or anthing else from distance. so the scientists are trying to seek conduct mission to understand Venus but there are risk they have to take but they are not go to think of them as risk but challenges. NASA is working on study Venus by building the ships to last for three weeks or more. so they are looking back at their own old mechanical computers and trying to fix what they did wrong. They can now build ships that flexible, powerful, quick, and they can handle the strong physcial conditions down there. Venus is a challenging plant to explore but who doesn't like a challenge espcially when they came up with more ideas and built better ship to explore Venus. Venus has this curiostiy about it so i dont see why wouldn't want to explore Venus even if there challenges you have to face.
In the Article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", author Nick D'Alto claims that the United States should start using their new technology equipment called "FACS". This new technology FACS is a new computer software that allows computures to identify human emotions. In the text it states, "The facial expressions for each emotions are universal." Meaning that the computer will recognize almost any facial expression that a person makes. In the text it states, "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." This is how this computer all started and began in the making of a facial expression computer. This computer will one day be able to know how you are feeling that day based of off how your facial expression is. The facial expression computer will also help college studies and labs all over the world. In the text it states, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions as it did in Da Vinci's masterpiece, each expression is compared against a neutral face." By using this technology studies have came to the conclusion of how Mona Lisa was feeling in Da Vinchi's famous artwork piece. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" Nick D'Alto talked about this newley developed technology, that allows computers to recongize human facial expressions. I am for the use of this new technology becuase it can lead to greater opportunities in the technology world and the whole world. This technology will unlock new ways on how people look and study the life of human beings.
No, i do not agree with America creating "driverless" cars . Depending on a machine to navigate the roads and sucessfully take you to your destination is an accident waiting to happen litterally. Who would be at fault if a wreck were to accure? Would you really be able to have piece of mind while letting your car do the driving? First, you have to think about who would really be at fault if an accident happened. In the article it states that "if technology fails and someone is injured who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" Well it would be challenging to understand that fully, because if something were to happen with one or more sensors malfunctioning, than how can you blame the driver in that case? The maufaturing companies would have to run numerous tests and double check to insure that all of the sensors and gadgets on the vehicle are in working order and stay that way so they deliver a safe product on their part. At the time of the wreck, you will have to take into concideration what each driver was doing, and the steps leading up to the event to come to a conclution of who fault it is. Secondly, the cars arent 100% driverless, you still have to take over the wheel when need be. When in these cars, the driver has to give his/her full attention at all times, so you might as well be in an ordinary vehicle. A quote from the text states "their cars have driven more than a million miles without a crash but sofar, Google's cars arent trully driverless; they alert the drivers to take over the when pulling in and out of drive ways or dealing with complicated issues, such as navagating through road work or accidents." Having to take over when their is a contruction zone or driveways etc, is not the deffinition of a full driverless car to me. lastly, the cars have fancy sensors and other tools and whatnot , but these cars still call for human skills. Driverless cars are intelligent but may not be able manage a situation if you were to look down at your phone quickly or something else along the lines of that. The information states that "they can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road requires human skills. You have to stay focused on the road and guide the car if needed in a situation. if you want to not stay locked on the road and do another thing while in the car, these vehicles are not for you. In conclusion, i do not approve of these inventions until it is proved that they are 100% safe and until you dont have to pay attention to driving the whole time. Driverless cars still need the skill of a human behind the wheel, they arent fully driverless and something may not work in proper order, and also you have to think about who would be at fault if a wreck happened. These are all things we need to take into concideration before going out and purchasing one of these new vehicles.
Venus is the brightest points of light in the night sky, and second planet from our sun. Venus has some dangers to it but all planet does too expect earth. Venus is by far the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Both Earth, Venus, and Mars, orbit the sun at different speeds. Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin", it's also occasionally the closet in distance too. In the paragraph, it said "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely" if it has been approved a very challengeing place to examine more closely, why not challenge it and give it a try. Yes, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar sytem but Venus has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Scientist should do more further investigation in Venus because it can lead to something tremendously that no one would've thought of. However, Venus had been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. In paragraph 4, it said "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have been supported various forms of life, just like Earth." As you can tell by that sentence, Venus probaly still has some features that are similar to Earth. It also had features such as valleys, moutains, and craters. Those features could have supported various forms of life. It also recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary vist. It may be dangerous at some point but Venus is most likely like earth. Furthermore, it had said that NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Addministraction ) are working on approaching to studying Venus. Despite the risks, they should think of them as challenges. Scientist and researcher should never give up on discovering more about Venus because you never know until you try. If they do more discovery, they could possibly find out more things that they didn't know existed. On paragraph 5, it said "Nasa has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus." This sentence described that NASA are really trying hard to discover more about Venus. They also have simpified electronics made of silicon carbide which had been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three week in such conditions. They also have mechanical computers. They have many equpiment that can be very useful in descovering more about Venus. Since, modern computers are enourmously powerful, flexiblem and quick, they can be useful in many different way. All in all, Venus is a planet after all and it should not be treated like any other planet because it's a planet where you can discover many new different things. Scientist, researchers, and NASA should never give up on compelling new idea for Venus because they never know what they can discovered. They shouldn't have doubts and not be worry about the danger and the consequences because they can lead to something that humans are curious about. Also they should value the insight of the planet itself because they should get out of their comfort zone and explore the very edges of imagination and innovation that they never thought they would find out about.
The Seagoing Cowboys is a great program, but being one is better. The cowboys go to fun places like China and Europe. But it is also a lot of hard work too, Luke had to care for the animals during crossings, the animals had to be fed and watered two to three times a day, bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. After the animas had been unloaded the cowboys would had some freetime to play volleyball and baseball. They also play table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing to help pass the time. When they have a long trip and a lot of freetime they visit places, like when Luke toured an excavated castle in Crete, and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. Seagoing Cowboys could go basically anywhere. They went to China, Europe, Greece, and Crete. At the age of 18 Luke could be drafted for military service, but since he was on a cattle-boat trip, they told him he could do that for his service. So if your a Seagoing Cowboy it counts as being in the military service. My conclusion is being a Seagoing Cowboy can "open someones eyes" to the needs of animals. Like Luke said, "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." Seagoing Cowboys are very persistent, and if you like animals you should join this program. Because when Luke fell and slid on the ship, he almost fell off because he was helping the animals. And when Luke cracked his ribs on the ship, he didn't quit, he kept being a Seagoing Cowboy, and continued to help the animals. The Seagoing Cowboys care more about the animals than they do themselves, and that is great. Because it might be hard work but the animals need all the help they can get.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it has due to many reason many reason. One of the reason why is because the Venus is referred as Earth twin since it the closest planet to Earth in the Solar sytem. Another reason is that Venus might have been the most Earth-like planet. Therefore Venus is a great planet for the human which will one day could live if study well and successfully. Venus was often referred as the Earth twin due it similar with the Earth and it likeness with the Earth.Through the author suggest to study Venus since it's very dangerous like it say in passage 3 "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather than anything humans encounter on Earth" saying that it very hot due the increase of 800 degrees and 90 time greater of pressure on earth which make it harder for astronomers to land it and study it. Due that since you can't really study Venus from the distance. Furthermore the author beileve it important to the Venus and study it. If studying Venus success it would be very worthy even after all the hardship that would have awhile trying to study it. Since Venus have been earth-like planet meaning if we study and learn about it there might a chance of living there and most of the problem on earth would be solve which can lead to human succes as. In conlusion the author believe studying Venus is worthy even thought there are many hardship and that it would lead to better life and change in human kind due the Venus, planet which was once have life and features that are analogous to on Earth.
In the article "The challenge of exploring venus" The author does a great job of supporting the idea. I think anyone who is adventuruse and likes to learn about space would agree with the author. Such as my self, I like learning about our facinating solar system as well. How ever there are some pros and cons of exploring venus. Theres alot of factoring that goes into something like exploring another planet. You need to plan for everything and make sure yor ready. In the artile the author does a fantastic job of convincing the reader to believe that exploring venus is a good idea. He also states that "not a single spaceship has touched down on venus, This makes the reader want the integrity to do it even more. He also states the harsh conditions of venus and how no human could survive on venus. But yet comes up with a solution of how we can still go to venus wthout dieing. He purposes that you could use a "blimp like" plane to fly 30-40 miles above vensus and the tempuratres are bareable. However he doesnt propose whos funding it, how much it cost, or when this will take place. These things could lead the readr in a different direction when reading this. By now im pretty sure you have a good understanding of what the author was trying to get across. You may ask why would people still want to explore in such harsh conditions, but the author does a great got of stating reasons why people such as astronoust still explore these harsh places. This gives good opportunity to discover something new and be credited for it. You never k ow you could be the next.
" The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article about Venus. The article gives us infromation about venus and the conditions of it as well. It also includes infromation from NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administartion). Even though after reading the passage, Venus sounds like a huge death trap, the author still suggetsts that Venus is a planet worth investing in and gathering informationon. However, the author doesn't include enough deatil about why Venus should be explored and researched. In this essay, I will use evidence and or informtion to suggest that the author does a poor job with naming reasons why Venus should be looked at. To begin, the author states that Venus would be a challenge to study. " While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." This statement suggests that Venus could result in seroius injuries if one was to make its way over to the planet. Also stated in the article, "no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours," meaning that death would occur more often than not at all. Also, the environment of Venus indicates that there would be trouble if someone actually managed to survived the landing. Erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes as well as a temperature of 800 degrees fahrenheit provides us with enough information that humans wouldn't be able to stand the extreme conditions. In conclusion the author did a poor job. The author did a poor job with explaining how worthy the pursuit of Venus would be to explore. The author offers more reason as to why Venus should be left untouched. Venus is really challenging planet to explore. The conditions are far too extreme for any human. And the percentage on losing your life is high. Think about it, is Venus really worth it?
Driverless cars are pretty helpful, although they have some flaws but that doesn't stand away from the good points of driverless cars being invented. The idea of cars that can function without a driver doing anything whatsoever is something that has been dreamed of since the first invention of cars, next to the whole flying cars ideas. Cars operating with barely any human involvement of touching the steering wheel is creative. The idea also lets the driver be able to handle things without having to stop the car. Plenty things would be made easier in the driving world due to this invention. Cars like the Google car are very helpful by stopping accidents from accuring. The car warns the driver when the vehicle is in trouble for example: backing into an object, upcoming highways, and even if a car crash is ahead. Speaking of warnings, the car gives notifications to the driver when they need to take over. Tthe car is an excellent way to prevent accidents that may happen. There was also be less problems of texting and driving because the car will do most of the driving. The thought of self-driving cars have always been around so why throw away the chance of it becoming reality? The cars have been in the making since the early 2000s and even beforehand but the technology wasn't developed enough for the plan to become reality. After all these years of waiting to create driverless cars it has finally been created. The car that could only be thought of in dreams are now existant in reality. With the car being able to function without the need of a human unless an emergency is coming then the driver can pretty much relax. If the driver has a baby then they can tak care of the baby while the car is going. The driver will have less chances of stress with a car that can dive itself. Even if the car does get into an accident, it won't be your fault therefore you will have no worries of having to pay off the accident, most of the fault will be on the manufacturers. Traveling will be made much easier by the help of self driving cars. You can travel for hours and you won't have to worry about getting tired from the constant wheel turning when your car does it for you. Adding on to traveling with the car you won't have to pay hundreds of dollars like you would if you decided to go by plane or train. The only payment you would have to use would be to refill the gas tank. In conclusion, creating the driverless cars would be a big movement for the car and driver world. The car could prevent car crashes which would make the driver have to spend hundreds of dollars on repairing the vehicle. Traveling would be made 100% easier and faster with the self driving car. The car crash rate would also go down quite the bit. Self-driving cars would be an amazing addition to the car industry.
The culture of the car has been coming to an end. With many people now choosing to have other forms of transpertation. Now in Germany they are making cities where they help banned car usage. In the romantic city of Paris,France they are now starting to banned cars due to the overload of smog. The city of Bogota,Colobia is having a special day where they banned cars and see the effect of now having cars for a day. The car usage is now being observed to do damage around the world and due to that now cities all over the world is now banning the car usage. This will help to have a healthier earth and healthier people. The benefits of banning cars is going to help everyone and even our beloved earth. In Germany the people have made a city where they have given up their cars. The city I believe has a better way to maintain a healty and cleanier enviroment than other cities in Germany. The banning of cars has been a great sucess with now people using bikes or walking as their means of transportation. Even though car ownership is permitted,the problem is that there are only two places to park which cost about 40,000 dollars along with your home. The result of that actions is that 70 percent of people do not own a car and 57 percent sold the car to live in the city. One person states "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" says Heidrun Walter. The citizens of this city have been feeling better about having no car you dont have the stress to have to drive you have the calm relaxing time by walking or biking. did you know that "passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 perecent in car intensive areas in the United States."The greenhouse gas has been a problem ever since the development of motor power cars. Now that we are able to stop it lets take that chance to help stop the greenhouse gas and to make cleaner and healthier cities. The romantic city of paris is having a bit of a problem its that its beautiful city is now being coveres in smog due to the overuse of cars. now that Paris has enforced a partial driving ban to help clear the air they can't help to notice that when there are fewer cars being operated the smog begins to clear up. The smog has always been a problem for Paris it usually has more smog than in any European country. The article states that "Paris has 147 micrograms of perticulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London,Reuters found." The romantic city of Paris cant be as wonderful if it always has a problem with having too much smog I believ that the cars are the ones to blame for this matter that if the city of paris bans its cars that the smog will decrease and become a the romantic city that it is. The article states that "diesel fuel was blamed since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France compared a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of western Europe." That means that it is in fact the motor cars that are the ones causeing the overflow of the smog. If the the cars are able to to be banned in paris we will see a drop in the smog and Paris will return to the romantic city that it is. The city of Bogota,Colombia has been celebrating the day without cars for over three years straight. The car free day help leave the streets of the capital city without any traffic jams. One problem of the road that many countries have in their capital city is that they have to many cars because of the tourist and the huge number of people who live there which causes traffic jams leaving cars in the streets for hours on end. They have the same problem in Brazil where they have one of the worlds worst traffic jams in history. The ones who delevoped the car free day was trying to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Someone states in the article "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" says businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. The stress of having a car in a countries capital can be stressful to some people and that bikeing or walking is a way to help calm someone after a busy day at work. Due to the car free day the city states that "uneven, pitted side walks have been replaced by broad,smooth sidewalks, rush hour restirictions have dramatically cut traffic."The car free day i feel is benefitting everyone from getting rid of traffic jams to clearing up the smog. The replacing of cars for bikes and walking is not so much a bad idea if it will help benefit evryone around you. In conclusion, the car culture is now coming to its end. That nations all over the world has seen the great benefits from banning cars. The greatest effects that banning cars has is that they are helping to get rid of air pollution,stress,and the grreenhouse gas. These are all benfits for everyone it helps the ither people beside u and the environment. The romantic city of Paris was covered in smog due to cars. In Germany where they have developed a city where there is no car in sight and has everything within a walking or bike distance. The city of Bogota,Colombia making a holiday that has been going on for three years straight to have no cars for a day. The people have been seeing that the effects of having no car is wonderful and that we should all do it to better ourselves and to better out enivornment.
Dear senator, Today in class, we were discussing if we should keep the process of the Electoral College. Now this got me thinking,why should we keep the Electoral College? Well,since there are more pros than cons i'll go with the cons. Firstly,the Electoral College is unfair and secondly it is a non democratic way of selecting a president. Well,where do i start! The winner take all system is definetly unfair. Because of this system, most canididates won't spend any time at all in a state that they know they have no chance at winning in. People in South Carolina said that they never even saw a capaign ad for the canididates;or for that matter the canididates themselves. The Electoral College is by far a democratic way of selecting a president. For example,when you go to the assigned palce to vote in your area,you vote for a slate of electors. See, its the electors who vote for the president not the people. How in any way is that democratic? And, have you ever brought to thought the possibility that the winner of the electoral vote will not achieve the national popular vote. It happened in 2000 what's stopping it from happening now? We should not keep the process of the Electoral College. The winner take all approach is just a crumb from this totally unfair and biased system. And,this system is galaxies away from being democratic in any way. So,how about we give the people what they deserve by terminating the Electoral College.
You should join the seagoing cowboys. We have fun, travel, help people, and deliver animals. One reason is because we travel. We have gone to China, Italy, and even Greece. We will go so many more places to maybe even England. We would be able to go to a lot more places. With you. We also deliver animals and food. Our animals include horses and young cows. We need help caring for all of our animals. Caring for our animals means making sure they have been fed and watered every hour. Also we help people. We give them food and animals. They need that after wars. Its such an adventure. Just because we help people and do work doesn't mean we don't have fun. On our trips back we play table tenis, baseball and, vollyball. We also do fencing and boxing. Thats why i think that you should join us. I hope we see you on our next trip.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Sergey Brin, the Google cofounder, sees i a time in the future where no one will no longer need a car. In the article, the narrator uses concession to argue both negative and positive point of views. Driverless cars may not be a good idea after all. Driving a driverless car can come with a lot of complications. The price of a driverless car would cause you an arm and a led due to the fact that it has to come with many different technologies inside of it just for it to be driverless. Video cameras, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor are some of the technologies that the car would include. Although, being able to finally text and drive without much worry would be a great thing, it still can cause an accident. The driverless car wouldn't be 100% driverless because anything can happen while driving. The manufactering can glitch and while you're on your phone texting and not paying attention to the road, you wouldn't be able to notice in time and get into an accident. Will the accident be your fault or the manufacturers fault? If the car is not 100% driverless and something goes wrong you would still then have to pay attention to the road because you never know when it's going to be your turn to kick in and have to drive. The development of driverless cars will be a bad idea. A car that comes with many different technology devices will also come with a price. You may want to text and drive, but protecting your life is far more important than sending a text. Driverless cars that are operated by technology can come with glitches and can glitch while you are driving and if you're not alert then you could cause an accident and cause a life. Overall, you would have to deal with the problem of not knowing if the accident is your fault or the manufacturers fault.
Twenty- five years ago something happened around on mars. Nasa viking spacecraft #1 was circling the planet taking pictures of possible landing sites for the Nasa spacecraft #2 when it plotted a showdly likeness of a human face A few days later Nasa uvelled the image for all to see.the caption notes "A huge rock formation...which resembles a human face". If it was an alien why would they choose mars?Why would they make a human face on mars instead of their own kind? I do not believe that this piece of rock on mars was made by aliens Although few scientist believe the face was an alien artifact .photographing Cydonia became a priorty to Nasa.When Mars Global Surveyor arrived at the red planet in September 1997, eighteen years after the viking mission ended.They found the face of mars once agaim Nevertheless,on April 8,2001 a cloudless summer day in Cydonia Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look.Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution.What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa landforms common around the american west.This landformed rock was not made by aliens.This rock is a natural artifact to mars.
People should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is a program that takes care of: horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. The Seagoing Cowboys were hired by UNRRA. The program started when World War 2 was over in Europe in 1945. You should join the program, because it helps the lost animals. Another reason is you get to explore more of the world and meet new animals. When you are bored or have nothing to do for a while just join the Seagoing Cowboys. If you do this it would be generous to the animals who did go through all of this pain. That is just a few reasons to join just think of the other posibilities you can do to help animals. In conclusion, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The UNRRA hired us and we need to help them. You get to help lost and injured animals either in the ocean or on land. This program first started in 1945, the year that World War 2 ended in Europe. Can you consider joining the Seagoing Cowboys programs?
Driverless cars, what a great idea. Untill some small, young, inocent child is mowed down in the streets by a dfriverless car. Cars should not have a mind of their own. A human with commen sence and instinct should be behind the wheel at all time to make sure nothing wrong happens. Let me tell you why in the following paragraphs. The technology used in todays' driverless cars is not strong enough to deliver a safe and secure driving enviorment to other drivers or pedestrians walking. The technology and sensors are only acuret at low speeds, and are not capable of preforming all the task nessisary to drive with human drivers lives at risk.This provides a safty risk for all who are on the roadway or near them. Another large problem with the self-driven automobile is who is to blame. Do we blame the company for the error made in the design. Or do we blame the owner of the car because it is their proporty and responsobility. This could lead to major conflict in the court systems. Which could cost the owners of cars and companies money, lots of money. More than the problem is worth. Will I be owning a self driven car any time in the near future? No way, I will stick to the man behind the wheel as long as I can. As cool as it sounds to have a self-driven car, the room for error in these mechines are very large. The risk out-way the rewards in personal eyes. There is no way I will be trading in my truck for a self-driven car.
The author talks about the dangers of exploring Venus, he also talks about much safer ways to explore the planet. Paragraph 2 says," These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus" This means that being able to determine where the spaceship is headed would be quite difficult considering the act that it may take a while to get there and the chances of Venus moving are pretty high. Lastly the paragraph also states," Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survuved the landing for more than a few hours." The author says that Venus is the closest planet to being the most Earth-like because of its familir features, for example, Venus has valleys, mountains, and craters. In Paragraph 3, it says not only are there "clouds of highly corrosive sufuric acid in Venus's atmosphere" but there's a thick atmosphere of about 97 % carbon dioxide "blankets" Venus. Paragraph 3 also states,"On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." At last, the passage states," also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." All of this information is important to have in mind if NASA were to suggest we leave planet Earth to go to Venus for a planetary visit just so we know what to expect and be aware of the precautions we should take.
Do you wonder why the program is good well some resons are they help countries recover there food supplies, there animals, and more. They also take care of a lot of animals like horses and young cows. They also take care of the mules that get ship overseas. In paragraph 1 it states that luke was wotking two part-time jobs in a grocery stare and a bank. Then his friend Don invited him to go to a Europe cattle boat. Luke in paragraph 1 it says he couldn't say no. And then in paragraph 2 it talks abou them helping countries with there food supplies and with animals. UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" so they could help with the horses and mules the were shipped overseas.And then after Luke and Don heard about that they signed up to take a shot. Then they started going out to sea. In August 1945, they went to New Orleans. And when they arrived in New Orleans it was August 14th. Did I tell you that Luke turned 18 before they got to Greece, which for him that means he could be drafted for military service. Luke said that "The cattle boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy." He also said that helping people was the best part.And he said that he had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China.He saw lots of places like Italy and China and Europe. They also had to cross the Alintic ocean to get to China and It says in Paragraph 6 that it toke a month to get to China.Also for Luke he loved taking care of the animals so that toke up most of his time during the crossing.He also helped out his Aunt whenever he could get the time so he could prepared for hardwork. But not fot the dangers of the sea. Even though he was working alot he still had some fun on the boat. He did fencing, boxing, reading, whittling. And games let him pass through time. He also played baseball and volleyball. And did I say that he couldn't work for a couple of days because of cracked ribs. Well I just told you and he was lucky to be alive.Luke even said he was lucky for the opportunity. He also said it made him more aware of other people in countrie and thier needs. He never gave up and he kept going even though sometimes it hurts.
In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" it tells us about a "face" that was found by a NASA Viking 1 spacecraft. Many may belive this "face" was created by aliens on Mars. However I will prove to you using text evidence that this so called "face" was actually just a landform. In this artice on May 24, 1976 a NASA spacecraft was circling Mars searching for a place for the Viking 2 to land on the planet when it came across a landform that looked like a face. However, it could not have been a face due to the low quality of a picture the blurryness made the image look like it had shadows that gave the face a nose, a mouth, and some eyes. In order for NASA to prove to the Americans that this was not a landform created by aliens on Mars they took another picture in 1998. By looking at this picture and another picture from 2001 in these higher quality pictures it does not look like a face at all. Another reason other than physical evidence, is the fact that NASA would not lie about life on Mars. If the U.S. found physical evidence of life form on any other planet than Earth they would most definetly spread the news. Finding life on other planets would be a huge accomplishment and a very exciting thing. One landform from a blurry photo that looks like a face will not prove there is life on Mars. "It's not an easy target Cyndonia,' says Garvin.'In fact it's hard work." A quote from the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars". Why would NASA put in hard work to prove that the landform was not an artifact made by aliens? Because its not an alien made artifact. They took time and a lot of money to see if it was just a landform so they made absoute 100% sure it was just a landform so that they didnt waste money on chance. In order for aliens to be able to survive on Mars, they would have to have food, water, plants, and shelter. All of these things Mars does not have. How is an alien supposed to survive without the natural resources it needs to live? How would an alien even be able to make a huge artifact on mars without any tools? In conclusion, the landform found on mars was indeed not made by aliens. They have picture proof, if they actually found evidence for life on Mars they would tell the world,they spent lots of money making sure it was just a landform, and Mars doesn't have the resources that an alien would need to survive. If NASA ever finds life on Mars they will tell us but for now Mars is a big empty planet.
Limiting car usage in america would be a great idea! For one  it would make some of the pollution go away and for two our government can find ways for more buildings with walking space instead of parking spaces. This way we can have stores in walking distance instead of driving distance and we will be safe by doing so. By limiting our car usage we can save the planet from the pollution and saving people as well. In the article '' In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars'' it says that '' cars are responsible for for 50 persent in some car-intensive areas in the United States''. Thats alot!. If we were to limit car usage we could make that number 50 dissapear. It would be alot better for the planet . When people drive cars they dont know the damage they are doing. when we drive cars it causes pollution to exit our car and enter the air. Thats why it would be safer tolimit our car usage. in the article '' In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars'' it says that '' In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street rather thanin malls along some distant highway''. this is saying that if we limit our car usage  we can walk to the stores rather than waste your time driving to them. I do agree with them. Important people like Mr. president Obama are encouraging us to ''chill out'' on car usage.  In the article ''the end of car culture '' it states that recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer license as each year goes by. This is  showing that  people do care about their enviornment and want to help. They also support the idea of walking . That goes to show that people are wanting to do something about this pollution. Well lets face it America can use the Exersize!
Did you know that Venus was a planet and is that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit? Well it actually is and Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is sometimes called the Evening star because it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Making it simple to spot in the sky. Venus is referred to as "Earth's twin". Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size. Also it is the closest according to distance too. Earth and Venus are like neighbors. Venus was just around the corner, Humanshas sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. The previous mission was unmanned and for a amazing reason. No apcecraft have survived the landing for more then a few hours. we should send more. Despite the danger but we haven't touched venus more then three decades. The author supported the idea of studying this planet is a worthly pursuit because we have to know more about this planet then just knowing we are the closest out of all the planets. He stated,"Our travel on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". The author claims that space is an important study according to this statement.
Why would you want to explore the hottest planet in our solar system?! Well the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," trys to explain why people would want to do such a thing! In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author explains that venus is one of the hottest planets in our solar system and that humans want to explore it?! He mentions that that Venus is earths old twin. Keep in mind humans have never set foot on Venus or even taken a shuttle there, the only thing that has ever come close to Venus is a Shuttle with no one in it. Old twins? The author states,"Often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size". Later in the article he mentions how people suspect that Venus used to just like Earth,"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". The author mentions how scientist are trying to come up with ways to explore Venus seeing how its to hot for humans to get close to the ground. One way scientist have come up with ways to explore Venus is having humans go in a shuttle and stay up in the sky where its about 600 degrees colder and use light to try and shine through Venus's atmosphere and getting a view of it from way up in the sky but still not being able to set foot on it to collect samples. Would you still be interested in exploring such a hot and somewhat useless planet?! The author really goes in depth about the ways we could explore Venus and how Venus is different and simular to earth but never disscusses how much exploring Venus would be.
I think many people would love doing the seagoing cowboys program. If you are a country type of person or even a city person you could still do it. I am about to tell a few reasons you should do it. Here are some If you like animals, if you like exploring, if you want money, and even if you like to try new things, this would be a great thing for you. the first reason is if like animals you would love this job. We take care of cattle. You get to feed them, brush them, clean their stall, and even lead them off the boat. You have to take care of almost 335 horses plus hay and oats to feed them. Also if you like to explore the world around you this would be a good opportunity to do so. We have visited Europe, China, and other places. I seen the Acropolis in Greece, I took a gondola ride in Venice,Italy. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the panama Canal on my way to China. There are some other reasons to join the program. Another reason is you could get paid. You could get payed by the trip or you can get paid every hour. I do not know how you get paid or how much you get paid. All I know is if you want money then join this program. The Second to last reason you might like this is because we travel far distances. If you like to travel you should do this. It took me and my crew about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Even if you do not like long distance trips caring for the animals will keep you busy. The last reason is we can still have fun by playing games in our spare time. Me and my crew play Volleyball, Baseball. Table-Tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. I hope you read this and thought it through. I am glad you took time to read this, and hope to see you on one of my trips. We will have fun orking with the animals together. Hope to see you There!!!
The breeze of the late summer air, it's fragrance of flowers and the occasional bakery wafting into our noses. The sounds of children safetly playing amongst themselves and soft chatters of people coinsided with the smell. It seemed like an utterly new universe where we tread, thanks to no more pollution and the ruckus of vehicles beeping and swerving every now and then, the atmosphere was delightful. The advantages of banning cars or at least reducing them is that the carbon dioxide levels will decrease and business will bloom. To begin with, banning cars/reducing them will benefit our ecosystems and enviornments. Take Paris for example, they banned cars due to all of the smog and pollution it was emitting. Congestion, traffic, was down 60% after five days of intense smog; it was worst than one of the most populated cities in the world, Beijing (Source 2). That CO2 rises into the air, the atmopshere of Earth trapping all of that heat in, and it bounced back down at us. The climate would be more reasonable, there will be a less amount of traffic jams and people being late to work, and maybe some day, our Ozone Layer could replenish. Carlos Arturo Plaza from Source 3 stated, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." We as a population don't have to completely outlaw driving but more acts of car-pooling and using public transportation will immensely reduce the CO2. We can all be able to give up something for the benefit of the common good, in Bogota, Columbia it has been three straight years that cars have been banned found in Source 3; and they have a population of a wopping seven million. Michael Sivak brings up a good point in Source 4 saying, "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn." Elisabeth Rosenthal states that, "Mine (19 and 21) [speaking of her children] have not bothered to get a driver's license, even though they both live in places where one could some in handy. They are interested, but it's not a priority. They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends. Alongside with the bettering the enviornment, there is the sudden blooming of business and profit. With everyone on their feet and searching somewhere to hang , shop owners will be opening for business, and actually take part in the outside world. In Source 3, a valid point is relevant, "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughtout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restauraunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." There will be a fluctuation of revenue throughout all these newly built shops, stores, entertainment centers, and restauraunts. People will be more active with running, walking, and biking around the city/town. In Bogota, Columbia (according to Source 3) new paths have been opening up, "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city," stated by Mockus the city mayor. An ordinary person, Heidrun Walter, positively commented on the ban of cars, "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Consider all the factors of health, one will be fully exercised on a daily basis, there will be little to no car accidents where people have died either in the vehicle or on the sidewalks; DUI, drinking and driving, will not be an pestering issue anymore. In conclusion, the idea of banning cars is magnificant. There will be less pollution, less traffic jams, more businesses and shops and restauraunts opening to suit our needs, and just overall great for the enviornment. We can all join up together as a union to save our Earth, the Ozone Layer from allowing harmful objects from outer space into our atmosphere, and induce more activity amongst each other. We will all be happier and less irritated without the ruckus of cars and check-up like oil leaks, motor mishaps. Think of this new world, it could happen with one voice.          
Fellow citizens need to be informed that the advantages of limiting car use could help promote better living and hope?fully a longer life span of this planet. All Americans do is drive everywhere,they never think about how driving effects the air and the temperature of this planet. Maybe we can be like Africa and have nothing at all. Or just maybe appreciate that we actually have something. Why would we ever get rid of cars? I do not know,but i do know that getting rid of cars is really stupid. Well as i was asked im now going to explain to you how getting rid of cars is "good". One reason why getting rid of cars could be good is that you wont have to really worry about the greenhouse gases that are emmited by the exhaust pipes. Your air will be as clean as a whistle. The only thing bad about that is that those gases actually keep some places warm,but to other people it justs "melts the ice caps.". Another reason why getting rid of cars is good is that there will be less traffic and fewer accidents. So you'll get to work a little bit later than usual but you'll get there safe. You wont have to worry about about spending thousands of dollars every time you need a new ride,just a couple of hundreds. People rarely get their licences anyways so it doesnt really matter. As you can see,getting rid of cars would be very beneficial to our society. Our air will be cleaner,streets will be safer and best of all,we'll have more money to spend.
Imagine a world with less vehicles, due to a restriction on vehicle usage (And when I say "restriction", I use the term loosely, as I don't mean completely banishing automobiles, just limiting their usage). That means less hassle and less hurry, although some would argue; Some would say that it would be a great inconvienience to limit vehicle use; However there are many advantages that would come with it. Many places around the globe have already began to limit motor vehicle usage, and they have found that there are many benefits in doing so. According to an article called "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal , Vauban, Germany has already begun to give up their vehicles. Do you know why this is such a good idea? Well, first of all, it would bring a vast reduction to pollution and decrease the the amount of the greenhouse-effect in the atmosphere, causing a healthier environment for everyone. Also, there would be less fatalities caused by car accidents. Not only that, but most people would be saving a lot of money that is usually spent on fuel for their vehicle. Many regions suffer from nasty, polluted air called smog that is very unhealthy to inhale, especially when people have to take a breath of it every second of every day. Smog is a form of pollution caused by intense carbon emissions. In an article called "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, they began to fine people for using thier vehicles on certain days to prevent and decrease smog. Probably the most significant effect; limiting vehicle usage reduces pollution given off from gasoline and diesel engines through a vehicle's tailpipe, drastically decreasing the amount of carbon emissions, which would lower the greenhouse-effect in the atmosphere, including smog, causing a healthier environment for every species to enjoy. Many injuries and deaths caused by car accidents occur ever day; innocent civilians walking or riding a bicycle and families with children in a car get killed in vehicle accidents all the time. This could be avoided. Adding limits to driving could save many lives; less fatalities due to accidents, perhaps drastically decreased injury and death rates. A lot of people would save money that they usually spend on fuel for their vehicles. Some people drive to work and spend half the money they earned that day on gasoline. If people carpooled, walked, rode a bike, or used public transportation, they would not spend so much of their money on gas. As I have explained, there are many positive effects on society from limiting car usage. Pollution reduction, avoided deaths or injuries, and money saving are all very good reasons to change our ways of transportation. So, why not?                     
I think that driverless car will be pretty cool, but I don't know I would feel safe with them. Eventhrough, the human driver can take over when requires to, I still don't feel safe with a carmera being in the car and the car watching me. Also, if the car does start to break down and the signals don't go off, what will have to that humand driver and other passagers? Will ther be insurance for them? Will it happen to other cars? And what happens when other people found out what happened to the car the broke down and caused an accident? Because I doubt they are going to want to keep driving that driverless car. These are things the manufacturers have to watch out for and many others. I am not say I don't like that idea of a driverless car, I am just saying that they need to put everyting that can happen into concerteration. Not everyone is going to want a driverless car. Some people are going to want to keep their human driven cars. But I do thing it can be done and it will be done, someday in the near future. Therefore, driverless cars are not impossible, but I don't think that today is that day is the day. We need to research ever possiblity before it happens. We also need to get othe peoples oppinion on this, such as the elderly. So yes, I do think think driverless cars are a good idea, and hopefully one day soon they will be a part of this world.
I had so much fun being in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I would tell anyone to try it, and I am going to tell you why it is such a great thing to do. First, you get to help others in need. It was felt amazing being able to help those who were hurt in the war. I also got to visit beautiful Europe and China. It was unbelieveable too seing the Acropolis in Greece. Taking a gondola ride over wonderful Venice, Italy was breathtaking. I also had a tour through a castle, how great is that? I was also marveled by the Panama Canal on my way to China. If you enjoy animals, you'd love this job. While on the two week trip crossing the Atlantic, the animals kept me very busy. I got to feed and give water to them about two or three times a day. But, stalls had to be cleaned. It was always fun on board, especially on return trips because I got to play baseball and volleyball, which were held in the empty animal holds. We did many other activities, like table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. Mainly, this experience made me more aware of people of other countries. This awareness even lead to my family generously hosting some international exchange students. The Seagoing Cowboys is an amazing program. There a many reasons why I believe this, and I tried to list most of them. If you do not try this fun, great, wonderful thing, then you're missing out.
Reading a students face so that robots can choose whether to change the lesson up and make it subtible for their emotions shouldn't be done. The people should learn to be taught like they always have been. It has worked well enough and we dont need robots doing jobs for us we should do it our self and leave robots to science clubs. If we start here we may find more replacements for more jobs to make us even lazier which then will drop our ability to do somethings. We shouldn't have everything go our way anyways somethings arent meant to be fully pleasurable to all people. However, this science might be used to make better video graphics for more entertainment such as television, computer science, and video games. We could use this recourse to help create better safety object, or use to make more help for the disable to maybe fix a human. If we can manipulate the face, we could try to manipulate the body. Better movies could be made and maybe even cut down production cost and time. In that aspect it would be helpful to our society, Perhaps it may even be able to detect lies in a person for the law enforcement to find out if someones lieing. With this we could stop wrongly prisoning someone and get the right culpret put away. These all of course are just suggestions not saying any of it could be done. The claim in paragraph 7 suggest that the machine can detect what exact muscles in your face are moving. Which helps may claim on saying it can help a disabled person. It would all be done for the greater good of helping in a medical emergency. The medical use of this machine could most likely go on and on for a while. There are of course other use of this machine. But, using this machine for the use of helping people enjoy everything they do in life should not be one of them, it's not right. School is ment to be a learning session not a thrilling session. In paragraph 3 it explains how the machine can detect and make a 3-D model of the face. Putting that to the use of robots to make things and also do small task could be helpful. The way all this works may all seem as one large enigma for some. But, if we incorporate this to our lives maybe we could make ourselves just a little bit smarter. Make our life just a little bit easier and hopefully improve the normal way a human acts. All we have to do is kindle the small spark of the beginning of this.Computer science may help our everyday life within the near future, its all just hoping it works.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the auhtor did not make enough evidence and information on why it would be of great value to explore our twin planet, Venus. Most the article was relaying challenges, or risks, as some might say, and probable solutions to those risks. The part in the article on why it would be of great value to study Venus does not give us a lot of reason why. For most of the articel the author was giving was reasons why there unmanned missons to visit and why a single spaceship has not touched down on Venus in more than three decades. One reason as he explain was Venus's atmosphere. Another was the enivornment of our neighboring planet Venus. Mostly the other part of the article was soltuions to Venus's challenges. He talk about how NASA had an idea to use an blimp-like trasnportation to avoid Venus's harsh enivorment. He also explained NASA's othe plan to use mechanical computers some modern technology wouldn't burn up and melt due to Venus very humid temperatures. At the end of the article, in the last paragraph, is where the author briefly gave he reason for why studying Venus would be a good idea. He brings up recieveing insight on the planet. Also he brings up the hunger human curiosity and that it will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Based on the information explained in this essay, the reason is now known why the author did not do a good job supporting why explorating Venus would be of great value. He mainly just explains the challenges and solutions to explore Venus. Hardly anything is say on why the value of studying Venus would be of great use.
I think the rock that landed in mars was meybe because it had came from a diffrent place or maybe because the rock was to old or to heavy. The rock may have move to Mars or landed in Mars maybe because something hit it and it just went to a diffrent place and it landed in Mars. The rock maybe have laded and make or had a face shape from the way it landed. Im not so sure if it had landed like that to make a face shape. That's what I am thinking, is that it was like that from the way it had moved or it had changed. Some pople are surprised that they haved found a human face in the or in a planet. I know its kinda wierd but u never know what could happen. They say it had a human face. They say it had eyes and it had a nose and it had a mouth in the face. They should be scared because what if it was aliens that did that and that made the face. I would be scared but maybe it wasent the aliens maybe it was just regular. It just could've been Something regular or sothing natural that just happen.
The first reason why I think the new technology to read the emontional expression for students in a classroom is valuable, because it will be helpful for students who are sad/depress These causing can be caused by bullying, a depresion, home issues, etc. In need of help from bullying meaning if the student is getting bullied we could help the stduents asking who is bullying them. Teachers can figure out why some students are have trouble during class time it can be causing by the bullying. It also can help to see if students are going threw a depression, so if the students are going threw a depression teachers can send their students down to the students consonlors and try to help their student by having a meeting and asking questions. The second reason why I think the new technology is vauble is because the teachers figure out students why they have a lack of communication with the teachers or why being late to school almost everyday. These causing can because of depression or of bullying. Social media doesn't help either because thats the main problem or because of cyberbullying or because of schools. The third reason why I think the FACS can help teachers figure out why student by not having suscide thoughts and etc. Being sad or lonely can lead to sucide thoughts for stduents which nobody wants. The text sates "Accroding to the Facial Feedback Theory Emotion, moving your facial mucles not only expresses the emotions but it also may help produced them." The FACS can help the teachers The new technology says what your face expression is going to be to tell if you're sad, happy, surprise, anger, disgust,fear, or depressed, etc. Dr. Paul Eckman the creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System) in the text it states that "associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." you can tell by these epressions by your facial mucles for example your eyebrows, around your mouth. Those are reasons why I think FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is valuable for schools in the classroom.
Limited car use has dramatically reduced the amount of enviromental toxins in the air in some cities. Paris, France and Bogota, Colombia have banned car use for a day and have seen the air clean up just because very few cars were being driven. One community in Germany even banned the use of cars in general. The enviroment is in dire need of help and we can help it. If everyone took one day out of the week where we did not drive anywhere and on the other six days we drove as little as possible and carpooled the air would be so much cleaner. Not driving also has added health benefits, walking or biking everywhere is a good way to excersise. A new kind of suburb has been created in Germany where cars are not allowed. There are a few roads on the perimeter of the city that allow cars to be driven but besides that residents walk or bike everywhere. There is little pollution in the air and residents are able to take a tram into neighboring cities. Seventy percent of families do not have a car and fifty-seven percent of families sold their car to live in this community. If you own a car in this community you can buy a parking spot for forty thousand dollars. One resident, Heidrum Walter, said, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier that way." Lack of cars also gives parents peace of mind, cars are still dangerous machines and in this community their kids can play without their parents worrying about them getting involved in an accident. Paris' pollution rates have been rising over the years and hit almost record level highs for a few days, so in order to reduce the amount of smog in the air there was a temporary car ban. One day anyone who has a even-number license plate was not allowed to drive. If you were caught driving you had to pay a fine that is equalivant to thirty-one U.S. dollars. The smog miraculosly cleared up quickly and people were able to drive again. Another city in Columbia, Bogota, holds a "Day Without Cars", once a year. Citizens are allowed to use public buses and taxis during this day. The government is trying to advocate for public transportation and smog reduction. Most people walk on this day and even though it has rained on this day before citizens participated just the same. When you choose to walk or bike everywhere it not only makes an impact on the enviroment but it also reduces your risks for dieseases like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Obesity rates in America are a lot higher than they should be and that's partially due to lack of physical activity. By walking or biking to work or to school you reduce that risk because your heart rate is up and your body is moving. Of course if people stop driving obesity will still exist due to our horrible eating habits but it would help a lot. If there was less driving it would also be beneficial to our health because we would be breathing cleaner air. The air we breathe is often times highly polluted and if there was less cars not as many deadly chemicals would be in the air. There would still be cigarette smoke and factory pollution but it would be dramatically less. If people in America reduced their driving time it would be better for the air and better for us. Many other cities have proposed an annual day without cars so I think cities in America should start doing it. We only have one world and although we have done a pretty horrible job of taking care of it, that does not mean we can't attempt to fix the mess we made.
Cars these day have become way more gas efficent and eco friendly. Cars are still evolving though, now cars can drive thereself you can not buy them yet though because they are not fully ready to go. I believe that driverless cars are un safe do to the fact that the driver would probably not become as focus as they should be, and feel that they really don't have to do anything. The article states that the cars are not completely driverless because don't understand how to get around traffic constructions and accidents. This forces the driver to still be alert. Therefore the car is not really driverless and if the driver feels like the car is driving it's self and they are not being defensive, it could cause them to get in recks. The new technology that the world is coming up with may not be safe and thats why the world doesn't know about alot of the new technology that we already have. That's why these car are still in testing. How can you call a car driverless if it still needs someone steering. These cars can't reverse themselfs out of driveways. They do have some cool ideas on how to keep a driver alert. BMW decided to make one of the "Driverless Cars." They say it can only steer, accelerate, and brake themself. GM(General Motors) put vibrating seats in the car to alert the driver when they are getting to close to something. Even though they haven't fully accomplished a driverless car they have made big improvements since 2009 when the project first began. Many States have banned the driverless cars because they feel that it's not very safe for a car to be driving it's self. These states consist of Califonia, Nevada, Florida, and the Disrict of Columbia. Tesla has a projected 2016 release for a car that can be on autopilot 90% of the time. Also Mercedes-Benz, Audi , and Nissan plan on having driverless cars by 2020. This new technology is going to cost more then the technology we already have, do to the fact that it has higher value. Just for these cars to work they needed lots of sensors. Google's modifed Toyota Prius uses position estimated sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof , and a video camera located by the rear view mirror , and it also has 4 automotive radar sensors, and a GPS receiver, ,andd a inertial motion sensor. The most important part of this new technology on this car is the camera that consistently uses laser beams to form a 3-D model of the car's surrounding. These cars have a lot newer technology then you're normal car you see on the street. The more new technology they use the more the price will go up. In conclusion These cars will be more expensive then the older cars and all the cars that are out now. The more technology they put on it the more expensive it will get. If every state decideds to band them then they may never come out. There is alot with holding in our future we never know when one of these " Driverless Cars" could come out and be fully operational. Time will tell though.
Lukes Point of Veiw If you join the Cattle-boat you could have the time of your life you could see thinges you never seen before you could go in caslies and see so much stuff I had a great time everyone is nice they all work together and have a good time. If we get avery thing done we could play some board games. Or when we take the animals where we need to we could play baseball, volleyball, games, table-tennis tourments, fencing, boxing, reading,whittling, and games also help pass the time. You could also hang out with me more. We could see animals we never seen before. We could go to China and go cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States whole careing animals and having a good time. We could see at night if the animals are ok and have a good time. If one of us are about to fall off the ship one of us could catch one another. So that is why I think that we could have a good time when we are working and we could have a lot of fun. Made you will come but it is up to you.
In this essay I will either be arguing whether the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable or if its not valuable. I personally think that the "Facial Action Coding System" would be benifical for the teachers and other students in the room. In paragraph one it states that "Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." the Facial Action Coding System figured out these percentages from the Mona Lisa painting. Computers do know your emotions while looking at ads just like it says in paragraph 6, "If you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar d might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." I think that if a computer can detect what your emotions are that it could possibly be doing bigger things. If you know what your students emotions were you could either change what you are teaching to make it better, or to keep doing what you are doing if their emotion is mostly happy. This is my essay on if the use of using the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in a classrom.
Out of all the plants in the universe, I didn't think that there was going to be another "Earth." Many perople are scraed to travel out side of earth. I would also be scared. There is one " Earth-like " planet. Venus has very dangerous charateristics. Venus is the closest plant to earth in terms of density, size, and in distance. Earth, Mars, and Venus all are planetary neighbors. Something Earth is closter to Mars or we are closer to Venus, it just depends on the different speed. Venus is sometimes around the corner, in space terms. We, humans, have sent plenty of spacecrafts to land on cloud-draped world. But none of the spacecrafts have survived the landing less than a day. We havent had a single spaceship land down on Venus in more three decades. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon diocide covers it. The clouds are th echallenging part because of te sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The temperature is an average of about over 800 dergrees in Fahrenheit. The atmospheric presurre is 90 times greater that what we experince here on Earth. This conditiond are very extreme for us humans can encounter on earth. It also hads the hottest surface of temperture than any plant in our solar system. The geology and weather shows us erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and constant lightning that strikes to the land of the surface. Venus is a very Earth-like plant in our solar system. It is covered with largely oceance and that could suppoort different forms of life, like our plant. It has a very rocky sediment which includes features such as valleys mountians, and craters. Venus has a lot of value. We should go out into the solar system and not be scare dof their dangers. I am sure that if Earth was empty and there were other things on Venus they would've been scared and would not want to come to Earth and do the things we are doing to Venus.
The driverless cars could still be dangerous. Maybe it stops working, or maybe something goes wrong. You can never trust a car because eventually everything stops working at some point in time. But how you know if this car is stable and good for you to drive. I guess we will find out. Yes, it tells you have you make it and that they will test drive it for you but how exactly do you know that its safe to driver. A car driving all by itself coud go wrong i mean you still have to help stere it when there's like construction or a car accident up ahead. But if the car is sepposed to drive by itself if should be able to do that to because the car drives by itself. Driverless cars are scary if you think about it because something could go wrong when you're driving it. It could stop stereing by itsef and what are you going to do nothing because you can't if a car stops it's stereing. What would you do if the wheels stops sensoring the brakes and you need to stop everything could go out and you would be able to fix it. If you stay with the cars we have now you could take it into the shop have them look at it and tell what's wrong with it, and they can help you fix it. We have enough laws as it is, added more for a car that needs a law for liability in an accident just for the car, no thank you. If you get in an accident is it your fault or the manufacturer? The manufacturer because why is it your fault when the car can stere itself answer that one for me. So why would you want a car that is not for you? You dont. Do you want to get in to an accident and them ask you if it's the cars fault or yours, cleary its the cars, because " it can driver by itself."If the car can drive by itself then why do you need to take control for construct or a accident up ahead we shouldn't have to do that, that should already be programed into the car. So i will gladly not take one in 2020.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", it tals about how scientest are working on new technology to overcome the chalanges of Venus and its complications. In the begining of the artical it talks abou how Venus isthe second closest planet from the sun and how it is one of the two most similar planets to Earth. Since it has similarities to Earths' size and density scientest have sentunmanded spacecrafts to Venus to investigate. Unfortunatlly no space craft has survived acording to the last two sentances of paragraph two. In the beginning of paragraph three it states how a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide engulfs Venus. The clouds on this planet are also highly currosive with sulfuric acid in them. The planets surface averages about 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric presure is 90 times greater than on Earth. This concludes that Venus has the hotest surface tempreature of any planet in our solar system. Venus also has obsticals like erupting valcanos, earthquakes, and frequent lightning stikes on the planets surface. With all these complications though scientest still are curious about this dangerous planet. In the second sentance of the fourth paragraph it explains that astronomers are curious because it may have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. The planet resembles a surface with rocky sediment and includes things such as valleys, mountains, and craters. In the fifth paragraph it states that NASA is coming up with possible solutions to avoid most of these issues. One of them is inventing is a small vehical that resembles a blimp floating 30 miles above Venus's landscape. Now this doesn't get the scientest what they want exactly what they want because due to the planets atmospher light doesn't peneatrate very well making it difficult to observe ground conditions. It also limits the amount that you would see in pictures and vidoes of the planet. Many researchers are working on new inventions so macheines will last longer on the harsh planet. For example in the seventh paragraph NASA states that it has been working on electronics made of silicon carbon and they have even tested it a chamber concluding that it lasted in the harsh conditions for three weeks. They are also recyclaling old ideas from the 1800's, they are trying to use a computor that does calculations,but theinvention uses gears and levers, meaning that it doesn't require any electricity to work. Scientest are working hard to accheve this goal to explore this harsh mystery planet. They accept the challanges that come with it and they strive to succeed not only to gain insight but to quench their curiosity that all humans have about this planet and the possibilities that it could lead to.
Hello Senator of the state, I think we should change the Electoral College to the election by popular vote because whats really the point in having people vote for president if it doesn't contribute hardly any to which person gets elected? The Electoral College in highly unfair to voters simply because of the winner-take-all system. Voters vote for a slate of electors to choose instead of the president him/herself. Although the electors could be anyone not holding public office. Sometimes State Convetions, State Party's Central Committee, and sometimes the Presidential Candidate's themselves choose the electors. Which also is not fair because they could choose a party who favors them and their party to win, or help the president win the election. In Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong mentions "The single best argument against the Electoral College is what we might call the 'Disaster Factor.' ... Back in 1960, segregationist in the Lousiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote would have not gone to Kennedy) Perhaps not worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote, in that case the State Delegate would vote on the president and the senate would choose the vice-president. But on the flip side there are "five reasons for retaining the Electoral College regardless of it's lack of domocratic pedigree; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons." Certainty Of Outcome - a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. Everyone is President - a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states because he wouldn't gain electoral votes in states he already won over, so he went to other regions to try to win them over to gain more electoral votes. Swing States - the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates. Big States - other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. Avoid Run-Off Elections - the Electoral College avoids problems of elections in which no candidiate receives a majority of the votes cast. It can be argued that the Electoral College is the better route to go but it could cause voters to turn away on voting for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state, and knwoing their vote will have no affect they will have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote.
Dear State Senator, The Electoral College is a system that the United States has been using to elect its leaders for many years. A large number of people have come to believe that this method of voting is fraud because not everyone's vote is truely heard. The way the Electoral College works is every four years when people go to vote, people are not actually voting directly for their desired leader, but for a state elector. Although this sounds like it would work flawlessly in theory, in some cases the number of electoral votes have overridden the number of popular votes. In the 2000 election between Bush and Gore, Bush ended up winning even though Gore received more popular votes. The nation did not know who the President was going to be until the next year becuase the election came down to only a couple of hundred votes. Although this is a rare occurance it shows how easily the Electoral College can wrongly choose a President. If the United States elected a President by taking a popular vote, this issue would not exist. All of the extra systems that are put in place are simply not needed. If the Electoral College was removed and the United States voted in leaders based on the national popular vote, this means that there would also be more people voting. Many people, especially in one sided states such as Texas and California, believe that their vote does not count becuase they're state is guarenteed to favor one party every election. If the Electoral College did not exist then knowing that every individual vote counts and that it does not matter where you live, more people are actually going to listen to what candidates have to say and are going to go out and vote. In Conclusion, although the Electoral College may sound good in theory, I believe that the United States voting system would be more legitimate if a national popular vote was taken so that everyone's voice is heard no matter where they live. Voters should be able to know that they're vote will count so that the right leader is chosen for the right reason.    
Vroom! Vroom! Is the familiar and common sound heard all across the world. Can you believe that cars can be so helpful and convienient, yet cause so many problems? The United States, Environmental Protection Agency, jumped on board with it's new promotion of, "car reduced" communities. This is a new act that will limit car usage, and help protect our Earth's environment. Motorits all over the world are contributing to the Greenhouse effect, stress, congestion, and pollution in the air we breathe. Countries such as, Columbia, France, and Germany are trying to reduce pollution, and the long term affects of cars have on the world. Middle-class families, ranging from Chicago to Shanghai, make a huge impact on our greenhouse. Up to about fifty percent in the US alone emits carbon dioxide gas, instead of trying to reduce it. According to the international agency headquarters in London, the congestion and traffic within the capital of France, went down sixty percent, after fining citizens for being on the road after five days of a near-record pollution. The smog that covered this global city had one hundred fourty seven microorganisms per cubic meter. They had blamed diesel fuel as the reason for the smog. The cold nights and warm days trapped car emissions. If we started this new idea, we would see a large improvement within our enviromnment. Beep! Beep! Traffic is such a stressful situation to be in. Wheather it is on your way to work, going home, getting lunch, or going to see a friend, the streests are flooded. This new act will promote the simplicity of transportation. This will release a lot of stress on people, and make their lives happier and healthier. People will be more connected and involved with their community and surroundings. Sidewalks are being layed out all throught cities, for people to find a new efficient way of transportation such as, walking or riding a bike. Some countries are so used to not having a car or even having a space to put a vehicle. In Vauban, Germany, people are giving their cars up more and more. They just see the positive affects this "car-free" act has on them. Today seventy percent of families that live there do not own cars. The rate of people getting their license has gone down dramaticlly as well. Car companies are scared for their business if everyone tries to conserve energy. This limitation of moterized vehichles may be just what the world needs to improve it's environment. This saves more energy, reduces pollution, keeps people healthy and stressfee. Living a life of simplicity will make you more happier.            
The electoral college has many inherint flaws that make it less desirable than a simple election by popular vote. It's only rebuttals to said flaws are weak, and provide little to no reason why the college is beneficial. So there is no real reason to have it in the first place. Popular vote stands to not only correct the errors of the electoral college, but also to refine our voting system. It would accomplish this by closer to a real democracy, and forcing the candidates to win over more people. A democracy has long been revered as one of the best forms of government. It is more liberating than a dictatorship or monarchy in which people are governed by a higher class, which is more often than not decided by someone other than themselves. In a democracy however, people are given the ability to put who they desire in office. They have the ability to be governed by the person of their choice. This, however, is impeded upon by the electoral college. Because what it does is simply insert a middle man into an otherwise democratic society. We are forced to rely on people we elect to vote for us. Which is irrational as it is completely unecessary. The extra step only sets us up for deception and betrayal. I mean why would you trust a man on the street to cast a vote for you when doing so yourself is much more reliable? Though why does it even matter if the candidate you want to vote for won't even come to your state? There's obviously no reason to vote democrat if your say will simply be overshadowed by the wave of republicans in your area. With popular vote though, candidates should be more inclined to visit as many states as possible and get their message out there. Because a 51% vote in a state no longer means a 100% victory. With the new influx of political campaigns, perhaps more people are swayed from their usual path of voting. While yes, there are neutral states that need a push either way, you're not going to increase your votes ten-fold by pushing past that 50% barrier. You actually have to earn every vote you get. There is no real reason to keep the electoral college. It serves as a pointless middle man to an otherwise great government. Popular vote requires more out of the candidates, and puts more say into the individual vote. 
When NASA found the Face on Mars, conspiracy theorists were sure that it was created by aliens. NASA did research and found out that the face was not what everyone thought it was. NASA found that the Face was just a natural landform. NASA knows that it is a natural landform because they took a close picture of it, and we have natural landforms just like it on Earth. Lots of people thought that the Face on Mars was bona fide evidence of life on Mars. Those people say that NASA would hide information like life on Mars from the public instead of telling the truth. Even after being shown evidence, the skeptics were not satisfied. They said that the alien markings may have been hidden by the haze on that day. When NASA took a picture ten times sharper than the original picture, it revealed that the Face was just a natural landform, not an alien monument. The picture shows that it is Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. The landform is quite similar to landforms on Earth around the American west. The skeptics still didn't believe NASA. To satisfy the skeptics NASA took another picture with maximum resolution on a cloudless summer day. It again showed that the Face is only a natural landform. The Face turned out to be just a natural landform afterall. Although skeptics believed that there was something that NASA wasn't telling us about the Face, NASA had proof that it was a natural landform. We know that the Face is a natural landform because we have landforms just like it on Earth and we have proof with pictures. Although the Face could have turned out to be the discovery of life on Mars, we had to face the facts and realize that it was just a natural landform.
Did you know driverless cars are being made right now? Many people are unaware of the creations that will further shape of our future. Many big companies are planning great things, companies such as Google, BMW, Tesla, Nissan, Mercedes-Bens, and Audi. Some people are against it while others such as myself are all for it. These new cars will have amazing things such as Dubbed LIDAR, innovated sensors, and assistance in Traffic Jams First off dubbed LIDAR in every car would reduce car crashes, in my opinion. Many lives can be saved. Its a special sensor which is located on the roof of the car, this sensor spins. Also it constantly updates a map of all the car's surroundings. This is done by laser beams. With this sensor the car will be aware of everything that is going on around it, reducing the chances it'll crash into something or someone. Nonetheless sensors have been around for quite some time. Since the 1980s sensors have been improving all around us. In the article, Driverless Cars Are Coming the author states "The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." Sensors such as those in the wheels are called speed sensors, they can help manage antlock brakes. Over time they have improved abundantly. Sensors can detect rollovers and out-of-control skids. But this isn't the only improvement yet. Finally a peculiar new invention that was recently added to a BMW, traffic jam assistance. Everyone faces traffic some time during their week. What better idea than to create something to assist those who deal with traffic most often. This feature was added in 2013, so not that long ago. But the driver must keep hold on the wheel for safety precausions. And the car can handle speeds up to 25mph. Its always good to be aware of what invention will be next. Things like 3-D mapping (dubbed LIDAR), sensors, and assistance in traffic jam could save everyone lots of valueable time. Many companies are getting on board with these innovations, will you?
I think they should keep the Electoral college because what's the need of changing it if it was the same way back in the day. I could be wrong but i also think many things shouldn't change like trying something different whether it's new or not. many things shouldn't change just because it feels right or it may help with your problems because 9 times out of 10 it may go all wrong when you try it but all worked out in your head perfectly. The electoral college consists of the electors where they vote for president and vice president and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. the electoral college consists of 538 electors but a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. And in my own personal opinion i think there's absoulutely nothing wrong with the electoral college i think it gives good advice and helps motivates you. the winner take all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates  to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign. I sometimes think many people are aganist electoral college because the way it seperates the votes and only half will be required to go to the election and be seen. And others may have their opinions on this but it's ok to have your own opinion also different opinions don't hurt nobody it's just that different people believe in different things.
In the pasage "Seagoing Cowboys." The article states that Luke said that "His friend Don Reist invited him to go to europe in a cattel boat,Luke couldn't say no." He also said it was a opertunity of a laftime and that he couldn't pass it.Luke thought it was a really good opertunity so he took it and he was off to being a "Seagoing Cowboy" with his friend Don.They traveled great distances across the world.He traveled across the alantic more then any other person in the UNRRA because, he loved his job. Also luke said that he got to help animals. Luke traveled around to china and a few other places to help them out because, a war had just endend.Luke was one the many people apart of "UNRRA" wich stands for "United Nations Relief and Rehabilitaion. Luke loved his job he said "besides helping people and geting to see europe and china was amazing.They took animals and people back so they could be safe and ok. They gave them medical treatment. Luke really liked being a "Seagoing Cowboy" he is an insperation and he showed that helping people is in amazing thing to do. He also show that even being from a small town with enough heart and leadership you can achieve amazing goals.He also went across the alantic ocean a numerous amout of times.He did it the most out of all the "Seagoing Cowboys". He loved to help animals and people . At the end of the day he got the job done. Luke went on this huge adventure all because he went with his friend on a cattle boat and he had an amazing adventure.
Using technology that reads emotions in a student classroom is good because its caculates emotion, recognize subtle facial movements, and can mirror a suggested emotion. According to the text, it states by weighing different units the software can identify mixed emotions. Like they use the Mona Lisa picture to measure mixed emotion and she was 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry, well at least thats what the computer software says. The software can also recognize subtle facial movements like if you smile when an ads apears they computer will send similar ads and if you frown then they will change the ad. Then it's good for students because the computer could recognize when a student is becoming bored. That means it would modify the lesson like an effective human instructor. If the computer can act like a human bein that would be good because most human communication is nonverbal. Also the computer can mirror a suggested emotion. The computer knows a face that looks happy. The computer knows the muscular action units of the face. Like the article says "you tighten your lips to show anger", that is the same angry face that could be used to a video game. So, yes this type of technology would be great to use in a school because it calculates emotion, recognize facial movements, and could mirror imagery.
The author supports the idea of studing Venus is a worthy persuit dispite the dangers because it has some similarites to earth. The similarites to eart are that Venus has valleys,mountains, and craters. They want to study venus to see if it is safe enough for a spacecraft to land and get more evidance . NASA has a possible solution to the hostile conditions on th esurface of Venus would allow scientsts to float above fray. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not be exceed earths levels. Not easy conditions but survivable for humans. To find out more important information about Venus the reseachers would have to have some type of sample but they cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else from a distance. To conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would have to get up close and personal dispite the risk. We are not yet able to land and get pieces of the planet because of some risky differences from earth that we would not beable to compet with. NASA is working on other approches to study Venus, lookig back to an old technology called mechanical computers played an inportant role bakc in the 1940s during worl war 2 these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Systems that use mechanical parts cna be made more resistant to pressure,heat, and other forces. Dispite the dangers of Venus because its diffrences from earth , our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by these dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. We need to find ways to protect our self on Venus and be able to stay alive if we were to ever land there.
I remeber through my childhood my mother would always tell me not to be lazy. i think we all grow up with our parent reminding us we have to be independent because when your an adult you have to do thing's for yourself without the help of others. Now think, if you grow up learning about this independence your going to have to have. What does it say to future generations to have such a simple task of driving removed from something they have to learn to be responsible for? Simply learning how to get yourself from point A to point B is being replaced with driveless cars. I am not for the development of driveless cars because they will make this generation and future generations lazier and hopelessly dependent on technology when we can easily figure it out on our own. In the article it says that Sergey Brin "believes such cars would fundamentally change the world" . Its clear this guy is using his head to develop this product to put us all in driverless car .But developing this product would encourage us more than anything NOT to use our own head. In this century we have technology already being something that distracts us in our cars. Things like cellphones and tablets distracting us from the road cause accidents every year. Although in the article it says "the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires". If a human already living in a technology based world is sitting in a driverless car you can imagine they'll find other ways to occupy their time while the car does all the work. Now if their is a time that a human needs to take over who says the person will actually notice ?They have all this extra time in the car you can imagine they'll be facebooking tweeting or instagraming .To distracted to pay attention...Thats the same problem that kills thousands every year. So what i this really solving? We all look forward to the scary time we are hoping and praying to pass our driver's test. future generations will know nothing of this anxiety because of this driver less car being developed they're will virtually be no point of studying day and night for your driver test. Or working extremely hard to get your first car. you wont be driving it so whats the big deal? Teenages in future generations wont have a clue how to drive. A simple skill we all realize we will have to learn weather we are afraid to get behind the wheel or not will basically become a skill we dont need. to me driving is a privledge . But the privledge will dissapear and become pointless. Finally these cars will come at a price. In the articel it said to make smart roads was"simply too expensive". So how much do you think it would cost to replace billions of cars? These cars already need a boat load of sensors just to be able to park. something a human can do effortlessly by the way so i can only imagine why we would want to spend more money. I know i sure dont. and i sure others dont either when we can just drive oursleves instead of spending thousands of dollars. In the end these drivles cars will make us lazy and clueless on something as simple as driving. i dont think that driverless cars are a good idea for anyone to pursue. Although it is tech savy it is not soething i would like to see change in favor of technologies progression. Driving is someting that has been around before me or anyone was born and it would be pointless to let a self driving car to do it for us.
The Conspiracy that aliens created the Face on Mars is a false statement. The Face is just a natural landform. The Face shows resemblance to American Landforms. On April 8, 2001 they used a Mars Global Surveyour (MGS) to take a more detailed picture of the landform. I will explain furthermore. In paragraph 3, it stated " huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." When NASA showed it to the public they hoped it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars and it certainly did. After NASA showed the public the Face on Mars it had became a pop icon. "It had starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows---even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!" The Face on Mars is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West. Garvin says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars." On April 8, 2001 they used a spacecraft called Mars Global Surveyour (MGS) and they took a picture of the landform in the spacecraft's best picture resolution. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is just another ordinary landform that is a Martian equivalent to a butte or a mesa. Also, I think that the winter conditions made some of the features on the face. For example, the picture after paragraph 5, the eyes, nose, and mouth could've been made by the rough winter conditions. In paragraph 3 it states that, " . . . formed by the shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." The word that stands out the most in that sentence is illusion becuase it makes people think that the shadows were created by aliens.
the colleg now has votes for vice presidant and there are 538 electors but 270 electors are what we are suppos to have 3 were picked by the state they have a presadent election for evry for years if you run for president you get your own group and you get alot of responsibilities and it is held evry tuseday and first monday and the winner takes it all and they have other cannidates to worrie about and the govener prepares for the presidans election and there are about 60% of voters if your the presidant you need to defened your titel back in 1960's in lousiana we almost succeeded but then they hired other electors to go agianst John F Kennedy and then evrybody was faithlessand now their are 500,000 voters and it has increased drasticly and we half to make a congress if your presidant 35,000,000 go to just pick a presidant 41,971 are in deadlock  in 1976 there were about 5,559 elections back then there are 25,000 media markets texas hade the most voters in 1987 and all of are presadents have at least 2,000 or more canadates bush hade the least votes sence 1888 61.5% of votes was compared to a voteing persentage of 51.3% and that was in the north and south 2012 they have boosted their companie and their attinstion by ads and some build boards 29 elctoral votes 3 were passed through their were 301 votes now there are 370 votes and this all happened in 1992 and there are more dimacrats in texas than there are in florida there are 20 in florida and 33 in texas and all of the elections are nation wide and voters do half of the work for just voteing and the pepole are going through the votes to see hew there new presidant is for the new year and all the votes came from Electrol colleg and all of the campains are in the small states and in texas they have turned off votes in texas and now there is less attenstion in the compainey and they do politicl votes and the pepole think that the voters should be the ones to decid the election and up state voters pay close attention to see hew wins.    
Hook: The study of stars and planets is part of the NASA and some universities. Counter claim: Some people at the collage study advance astronomy so they could work on the NASA and evoid any problems. Thesis: Many plantes in the cosmos have different characteristics than the Earth. The advantage of studying Venus is important, just like the other planets in the solar system, so the NASA can send drons to explore Venus or Mars. Unlike the atmosphere of earth, Venus is most percent of temperature and carbon dioxide, it states "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus." Studying this kinds of things help to those that look for stars planet to see the differences of Venus and Earth. It's not just the atmosphere, is also for example, the temperature. Carbon dioxide is more higher than the earth's and more plants here. one problem is that the NASA sends humans to study the all about venus just to see the hostiles conditions of the planet, considerating that there were none of them. Venus was almost like the Earth, but now is all rock and dusty with some risk there, it claims, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life, just like Earth." studying the astronomy like venus, it also show the history of other planets and how were they before. The men who travel to Venus leran about the challenges and risk because of the ground's condition, the temperature, atmosphere, anything. A most safe way is that people learn astronomy before travel to Venus. And those who retuned have make reseasch about the planet to study more. To the finish this, the author is right aboth the study of Venus, so the men could not be in danger out there on the planet. The challenges on venus are more than human being could ever live and learned and survey.
Have you ever looked at a freind and have no clue what he or she is feeling? well with the new invention the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) could tell what your freind is feeling just by reading their face. I think the technology of having a divice that could read a human emotions is a impressive and could be valuable. One reason why I think the FACS is a good thing is because it would be great for the cosulasr at the school that could help ceritain kids out if they are feeling low, depressed, sad and any other negitive feelings. a sentence from paragraph 3 says "Eckman has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, digust, fear , and sadness and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscels." Another reason why i think FACS is a good thing for studenst in the class room is it could read the studnce and if the student is having trouble or confused , the FACS could see it and make the assiment less difficult for the student wich would help alot, I thought this because in the text it says , " A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confusd or bored, Dr. Hang predicts. " then it could modifiy the lesson, like an effective human instructor" this shows that it could be useful for students . Thses are some reason of why i belive that the FACS is a good thing for students at school .