7 values
607-1865 or so), as a first-year grad student only 3 months beyond my B.A. He gave us loads of authority to make up our own supplementary readings of primary sources (in "Course Packs" as they used to be known.) I personally found the Jonathan Edwards cringeworthy, but as you say, it was a hit with the kids. Best Beeman story ever: Steven Conn (of Ohio State and lately Miami University) was a fellow TA for that class, and then went on to TA for Walter Licht in the modern U.S. survey course. Steve was such a gifted and thoughtful teacher that he had students follow him from the early class into his sections in the modern U.S. class. For those of you who don't know Walter, he's a labor historian, whereas Rick was the last of the Whig political historians. One of the students who had been with Steve all year came up to him sometime midway through the second semester with a stricken look. The kid said, "I don't know what happened! At the end of last semester everything seemed to be going so well!?!" Rick was a Whig historian in another sense: as Merril D. Smith notes above, he was a very affable, smiley, cheerful person. I think that's why he remained so youthful, even boyish. Now I'm not trusting my own memory and wondering if indeed "blacks" were crammed into that one week in 2005. Because now that I think about it I doubt there was a whole week devoted to African American history. Eeek. Still, Steve Conn's story about the survey students going from Beeman to Licht is amazing! And while I never saw his reenactments, I gotta say I admire any professor willing to be such a ham. I think ultimately that's why the kids loved it. I hate to offer a third comment, especially when I'm in the main post, but Andrew's reference to "ham" jars loose a story that has to be told. One semester Rick allowed maybe a half-dozen "Philadelphia Center" dissertation fellows and others to observe his American Revolution undergraduate (lecture) class, for curiosity sake, and for ideas for syllabi or hopefully job interviews. He was teaching in one of those elongated lateral rooms upstairs in Bennett Hall, across from the current Center. There was an old wooden table in front of the board, with a lectern on it, which he never used. One of the wooden legs of the table was separating from the top–you could see the twisted nails between the two pieces of wood. Rick came in (not in costume) and went into an over-the-top dramaturgic account of Ebenezer Macintosh leading the mob against Thomas Hutchinston's House in Boston in 1765. (He wasn't all-whig, all-the-time). He paced around the table, and occasionally sat against its front, leaning back into it. You could see the nails pulling loose from the tabletop. You could hear them squeak and groan (at least I thought I could). You could see the sophomore in the front row, three feet in front of the prof., wide-eyed, waiting for the impending disaster. The whole class was growing increasingly restive, but transfixed by the events in Boston. The North and South End rioters were drinking Hutchinston's Madiera, and smoking his Havannah segars, just prior to torching the whole house. The class observers were wondering, did Rick have this table especially engineered and milled for this exercise, or are we really going to have to call 911? Somehow the class ended in one piece. George III sacked another Prime Minister, calling back William Pitt as Lord Chatham, I think. Life went on. Second best Beeman story ever. Don't try this in your classroom. Great story! I bet that's one those u'grads, now in their 40s and 50s, recall now & tell their own kids about their legendary college days– Randolph Scully I was really saddened to hear this news. Beeman wasn't one of my advisors, but he shaped my grad experience in the 1990s in all sorts of ways–I TAed for him twice, did an independent study on the Revolution with him (he
[ 0.3455887095681733, 0.9564639509016203 ]
[ 0.6604531326543994, 0.5601779321010553 ]
[ 0.3846154489517664, 0.125918864362571 ]
[ -0.0815578587647795, -0.11537567225206699 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29953, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29947, 29953, 29945, 470, 577, 511, 408, 263, 937, 29899, 6360, 4656, 8368, 871, 29871, 29941, 7378, 8724, 590, 350, 29889, 29909, 29889, 940, 4846, 502, 15376, 310, 14329, 304, 1207, 701, 1749, 1914, 1462, 944, 653, 1303, 886, 310, 7601, 8974, 313, 262, 376, 29907, 10242, 18744, 29879, 29908, 408, 896, 1304, 304, 367, 2998, 1846, 306, 22345, 1476, 278, 20983, 29174, 2181, 292, 809, 2072, 29891, 29892, 541, 408, 366, 1827, 29892, 372, 471, 263, 7124, 411, 278, 413, 4841, 29889, 13, 25353, 1522, 11422, 5828, 3926, 29901, 24703, 1281, 29876, 313, 974, 15821, 4306, 322, 301, 2486, 23740, 3014, 29897, 471, 263, 10404, 323, 29909, 363, 393, 770, 29892, 322, 769, 3512, 373, 304, 323, 29909, 363, 10705, 365, 1428, 297, 278, 5400, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 18994, 3236, 29889, 13981, 471, 1316, 263, 19797, 287, 322, 2714, 1319, 15703, 393, 540, 750, 8041, 1101, 1075, 515, 278, 4688, 770, 964, 670, 13926, 297, 278, 5400, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 770, 29889, 1152, 1906, 310, 366, 1058, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 10705, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 263, 10212, 27629, 29892, 13452, 24218, 471, 278, 1833, 310, 278, 806, 335, 8604, 3603, 5834, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 8041, 1058, 750, 1063, 411, 13981, 599, 1629, 2996, 701, 304, 1075, 1047, 5410, 7145, 1582, 1549, 278, 1473, 3031, 4156, 411, 263, 851, 21475, 1106, 29889, 450, 26397, 1497, 29892, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 9559, 29991, 2180, 278, 1095, 310, 1833, 3031, 4156, 4129, 6140, 304, 367, 2675, 577, 1532, 29991, 29973, 3850, 13, 29934, 860, 471, 263, 806, 335, 27629, 297, 1790, 4060, 29901, 408, 341, 3127, 309, 360, 29889, 7075, 11486, 2038, 29892, 540, 471, 263, 1407, 2756, 519, 29892, 1560, 15168, 29892, 22794, 1319, 2022, 29889, 306, 1348, 393, 29915, 29879, 2020, 540, 9488, 577, 12397, 1319, 29892, 1584, 8023, 728, 29889, 13, 10454, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 9311, 292, 590, 1914, 3370, 322, 9873, 565, 6200, 376, 8517, 29879, 29908, 892, 2181, 28913, 964, 393, 697, 4723, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29889, 7311, 1286, 393, 306, 1348, 1048, 372, 306, 7404, 727, 471, 263, 3353, 4723, 24600, 304, 11715, 3082, 4955, 29889, 382, 29872, 1416, 29889, 12074, 29892, 13981, 1281, 29876, 29915, 29879, 5828, 1048, 278, 18994, 8041, 2675, 515, 1522, 11422, 304, 365, 1428, 338, 21863, 292, 29991, 1126, 1550, 306, 2360, 4446, 670, 337, 264, 627, 1860, 29892, 306, 2355, 941, 1827, 306, 7336, 533, 738, 12251, 17762, 304, 367, 1316, 263, 16366, 29889, 306, 1348, 18973, 393, 29915, 29879, 2020, 278, 413, 4841, 18012, 372, 29889, 13, 29902, 26277, 304, 5957, 263, 4654, 3440, 29892, 7148, 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 297, 278, 1667, 1400, 29892, 541, 11571, 29915, 29879, 3407, 304, 376, 3391, 29908, 432, 1503, 23819, 263, 5828, 393, 756, 304, 367, 5429, 29889, 3118, 3031, 4156, 24218, 6068, 5505, 263, 4203, 29899, 1867, 2256, 376, 4819, 309, 11165, 16271, 7817, 29908, 766, 1940, 362, 8379, 1242, 322, 4045, 304, 14111, 670, 3082, 14595, 1090, 5105, 27240, 313, 781, 545, 29897, 770, 29892, 363, 27742, 16563, 29892, 322, 363, 7014, 363, 9878, 645, 19266, 470, 27581, 4982, 1006, 7406, 29889, 940, 471, 18819, 297, 697, 310, 1906, 560, 549, 630, 2678, 284, 19600, 701, 303, 7121, 297, 4111, 20764, 6573, 29892, 4822, 515, 278, 1857, 7817, 29889, 1670, 471, 385, 2030, 27278, 1591, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 7613, 29892, 411, 263, 13081, 824, 373, 372, 29892, 607, 540, 2360, 1304, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 27278, 21152, 310, 278, 1591, 471, 2903, 1218, 515, 278, 2246, 29994, 6293, 1033, 1074, 278, 3252, 12652, 302, 2234, 1546, 278, 1023, 12785, 310, 8112, 29889, 24218, 2996, 297, 313, 1333, 297, 3438, 2017, 29897, 322, 3512, 964, 385, 975, 29899, 1552, 29899, 3332, 8541, 1337, 29887, 293, 3633, 310, 26302, 1600, 3298, 4326, 524, 10578, 8236, 278, 22458, 2750, 5569, 379, 10519, 2611, 265, 29915, 29879, 5619, 297, 12115, 297, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29953, 29945, 29889, 313, 3868, 9007, 29915, 29873, 599, 29899, 1332, 335, 29892, 599, 29899, 1552, 29899, 2230, 467, 940, 22906, 287, 2820, 278, 1591, 29892, 322, 23025, 3290, 2750, 967, 4565, 29892, 20793, 292, 1250, 964, 372, 29889, 887, 1033, 1074, 278, 302, 2234, 28420, 23819, 515, 278, 1591, 3332, 29889, 887, 1033, 8293, 963, 269, 802, 557, 322, 4071, 273, 313, 271, 3203, 306, 2714, 306, 1033, 467, 887, 1033, 1074, 278, 269, 3021, 290, 487, 297, 278, 4565, 1948, 29892, 2211, 6900, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 2600, 1696, 9377, 29899, 1032, 287, 29892, 10534, 363, 278, 2411, 2548, 766, 1901, 29889, 450, 3353, 770, 471, 15678, 10231, 368, 1791, 573, 29892, 541, 1301, 20227, 491, 278, 4959, 297, 12115, 29889, 450, 4644, 322, 4275, 2796, 10107, 327, 414, 892, 13748, 292, 379, 10519, 2611, 265, 29915, 29879, 4104, 8311, 29892, 322, 1560, 17223, 670, 21480, 812, 801, 2377, 1503, 29892, 925, 7536, 304, 4842, 305, 292, 278, 3353, 3699, 29889, 450, 770, 5366, 874, 892, 9873, 29892, 1258, 24218, 505, 445, 1591, 7148, 6012, 14561, 322, 2316, 839, 363, 445, 15058, 29892, 470, 526, 591, 2289, 2675, 304, 505, 304, 1246, 29871, 29929, 29896, 29896, 29973, 3834, 3525, 278, 770, 9698, 297, 697, 8424, 29889, 5122, 4786, 269, 547, 287, 1790, 15512, 7668, 29892, 5432, 1250, 4667, 18727, 408, 6171, 678, 493, 314, 29892, 306, 1348, 29889, 4634, 3512, 373, 29889, 6440, 1900, 1522, 11422, 5828, 3926, 29889, 13, 10310, 29915, 29873, 1018, 445, 297, 596, 770, 8345, 29889, 13, 25120, 271, 5828, 29991, 306, 1010, 393, 29915, 29879, 697, 1906, 318, 29915, 5105, 29879, 29892, 1286, 297, 1009, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29879, 322, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29879, 29892, 17386, 1286, 669, 2649, 1009, 1914, 413, 4841, 1048, 1009, 15983, 653, 12755, 3841, 29994, 13, 29934, 392, 22138, 317, 1810, 368, 13, 29902, 471, 2289, 14610, 1145, 287, 304, 8293, 445, 9763, 29889, 1522, 11422, 9007, 29915, 29873, 697, 310, 590, 25228, 943, 29892, 541, 540, 528, 10501, 590, 4656, 7271, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 297, 599, 23551, 310, 5837, 29994, 29902, 323, 29909, 287, 363, 1075, 8951, 29892, 1258, 385, 7417, 6559, 373, 278, 14595, 411, 1075, 313, 354 ]
didn't teach any actual grad seminars the whole time I was there, I don't think), and interim directed the Philadelphia/McNeil Center for a year when I was around. The Revolution course was frustratingly traditional–I sat in on his undergrad lectures and then did outside readings and wrote a big paper on Gordon Wood vs. Joyce Appleby on republicanism and liberalism or something like that. Turned me right off of that historiographical clusterfork. It was especially frustrating because I had really loved The Evolution of the Southern Backcountry, and was moving towards a topic closely related to that, but by the '90s Beeman had kind of backed away from the anthropological/cultural stuff he had worked on with Isaac and settled into a comfortable (for him) political/intellectual/institutional approach. I learned a lot about teaching from Beeman, both positive and negative lessons. He was really good about managing TAs… we had weekly meetings that were substantive and supportive, and he gave us pretty free rein over the reading list for the sections, even though he didn't do anything to change his lectures–he was comfortable having the discussions be almost a kind of counternarrative to his part of the course. (And I definitely heard that Steve Conn story at least once… I may have recycled it myself a couple of times.) Beeman's hamminess was also mostly restrained… he maybe did Edwards once (and I thought he got him all wrong, honestly… too fire and brimstone/modernist in his presentation). But we had fun at one point in a lecture on class, politics, and deference having the TAs shout him down and install Billy Smith as the lecturer for that class. So I didn't always (or often) agree with Beeman's take on history, and when he took the deanship it made sense given my understanding of his career trajectory… but his energy, enthusiasm for history, and generally positive support for graduate students (even though he seemed to strongly prefer teaching undergrads) made a real difference in my actual experiences of grad school. Beeman also told a great story about the way the job market worked in the '60s. He was working on his dissertation, and Daniel Boorstin called Beeman into his office. "Rick, have you thought about where you'd like to teach?" "Well, all things being equal, I think I'd really like to go back to California and find a position there." "Rick, when it comes to early American history, all things are never equal in California. There's a job at the University of Pennsylvania, and I think you should take it." To clarify…he interim directed the MCEAS when I was around… Thanks for your great stories here, Randolf. I forgot that Rick was a California surfer dude–he definitely retained that look long after moving to Philadelphia! He would have fit in perfectly at Berkeley, but then, that's not the only thing Boorstin was wrong about, eh? (My grad students & I just read Past Imperfect by Peter Hoffer, so just last week I was thinking a lot about Daniel Boorstin, someone who just doesn't come up a lot in my intellectual life except when I read that book.) professorsusan As someone who did not know Beeman, I'm loving these stories. And I wonder if we've lost a bit of the theatrical approach to lecturing that he appears to have had. I certainly don't ham it up in the classroom, and I don't think any of my colleagues do either….(Not meaning to change the subject, but just an observation.) I don't think we're as idiosyncratic either. Beeman's dramaturgic turn, it should be noted, was modest and modulated in scope in the larger scheme of his teaching and public exposition of history, although described by all observers, including an appreciative obituary today in the _Philadelphia Inquirer_. At the opening seminar of the McNeil Center this afternoon, the paper presenter, Kathy Brown, his colleague at Penn, noted that Rick moderated her first paper at the old Philadelphia Center, perhaps twenty-five years ago, with care and precision. He was neither aloof nor immune to the flow and ebb of "new" histories that shaped his years in the academy. In 1977 he made an early and nuanced effort to summarize and evaluate the explosion of "community studies
[ 0.7756667942737839, 1.0989101955174914 ]
[ 0.459902731547711, -0.0038700710115061425 ]
[ 0.6940368540486472, 0.9730233668409168 ]
[ 0.35287097603345213, -0.28316405455437804 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3282, 29915, 29873, 6860, 738, 3935, 4656, 3031, 262, 1503, 278, 3353, 931, 306, 471, 727, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 511, 322, 1006, 326, 10624, 278, 18292, 29914, 27297, 8139, 309, 7817, 363, 263, 1629, 746, 306, 471, 2820, 29889, 13, 1576, 14595, 3236, 471, 1424, 4627, 1218, 368, 13807, 29994, 29902, 3290, 297, 373, 670, 1090, 5105, 13081, 1973, 322, 769, 1258, 5377, 1303, 886, 322, 5456, 263, 4802, 5650, 373, 16965, 10180, 7186, 29889, 26515, 346, 12113, 1609, 373, 23925, 273, 1608, 322, 26054, 1608, 470, 1554, 763, 393, 29889, 9603, 287, 592, 1492, 1283, 310, 393, 3603, 29875, 19711, 9867, 29888, 548, 29889, 739, 471, 7148, 1424, 4627, 1218, 1363, 306, 750, 2289, 18012, 450, 382, 4068, 310, 278, 14234, 7437, 13509, 29892, 322, 471, 8401, 7113, 263, 11261, 16467, 4475, 304, 393, 29892, 541, 491, 278, 525, 29929, 29900, 29879, 1522, 11422, 750, 2924, 310, 1250, 287, 3448, 515, 278, 24612, 1336, 5996, 29914, 29883, 499, 3631, 6433, 540, 750, 3796, 373, 411, 28156, 322, 17141, 964, 263, 25561, 313, 1454, 1075, 29897, 8604, 29914, 524, 295, 781, 950, 29914, 2611, 5008, 284, 2948, 29889, 13, 29902, 10972, 263, 3287, 1048, 18819, 515, 1522, 11422, 29892, 1716, 6374, 322, 8178, 3109, 787, 29889, 940, 471, 2289, 1781, 1048, 767, 6751, 323, 2887, 30098, 591, 750, 4723, 368, 5870, 886, 393, 892, 20446, 573, 322, 2304, 573, 29892, 322, 540, 4846, 502, 5051, 3889, 15561, 975, 278, 5183, 1051, 363, 278, 13926, 29892, 1584, 2466, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 437, 3099, 304, 1735, 670, 13081, 1973, 29994, 354, 471, 25561, 2534, 278, 5353, 1080, 367, 4359, 263, 2924, 310, 2613, 725, 2749, 1230, 304, 670, 760, 310, 278, 3236, 29889, 313, 2855, 306, 11630, 6091, 393, 13981, 1281, 29876, 5828, 472, 3203, 2748, 30098, 306, 1122, 505, 1162, 11078, 839, 372, 6142, 263, 7303, 310, 3064, 1846, 1522, 11422, 29915, 29879, 16366, 1195, 404, 471, 884, 11149, 1791, 22042, 30098, 540, 5505, 1258, 29174, 2748, 313, 392, 306, 2714, 540, 2355, 1075, 599, 2743, 29892, 15993, 368, 30098, 2086, 3974, 322, 1506, 326, 12734, 29914, 1545, 824, 391, 297, 670, 24329, 467, 1205, 591, 750, 2090, 472, 697, 1298, 297, 263, 29197, 373, 770, 29892, 22661, 29892, 322, 316, 1659, 2534, 278, 323, 2887, 21272, 1075, 1623, 322, 2601, 18299, 7075, 408, 278, 13081, 9945, 363, 393, 770, 29889, 1105, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2337, 313, 272, 4049, 29897, 8661, 411, 1522, 11422, 29915, 29879, 2125, 373, 4955, 29892, 322, 746, 540, 3614, 278, 316, 550, 4034, 372, 1754, 4060, 2183, 590, 8004, 310, 670, 6413, 23324, 706, 30098, 541, 670, 5864, 29892, 23644, 3173, 29885, 363, 4955, 29892, 322, 6892, 6374, 2304, 363, 10591, 403, 8041, 313, 11884, 2466, 540, 6140, 304, 13818, 5821, 18819, 1090, 5105, 29879, 29897, 1754, 263, 1855, 4328, 297, 590, 3935, 27482, 310, 4656, 3762, 29889, 13, 3629, 11422, 884, 5429, 263, 2107, 5828, 1048, 278, 982, 278, 4982, 9999, 3796, 297, 278, 525, 29953, 29900, 29879, 29889, 940, 471, 1985, 373, 670, 766, 1940, 362, 29892, 322, 8432, 1952, 272, 303, 262, 2000, 1522, 11422, 964, 670, 8034, 29889, 376, 29934, 860, 29892, 505, 366, 2714, 1048, 988, 366, 29915, 29881, 763, 304, 6860, 3026, 13, 29908, 11284, 29892, 599, 2712, 1641, 5186, 29892, 306, 1348, 306, 29915, 29881, 2289, 763, 304, 748, 1250, 304, 8046, 322, 1284, 263, 2602, 727, 1213, 13, 29908, 29934, 860, 29892, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 4688, 3082, 4955, 29892, 599, 2712, 526, 2360, 5186, 297, 8046, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 4982, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 16636, 29892, 322, 306, 1348, 366, 881, 2125, 372, 1213, 13, 1762, 15544, 30098, 354, 1006, 326, 10624, 278, 341, 4741, 3289, 746, 306, 471, 2820, 30098, 13, 16894, 363, 596, 2107, 15874, 1244, 29892, 17468, 4369, 29889, 13, 29902, 9640, 393, 24218, 471, 263, 8046, 1190, 571, 868, 311, 29994, 354, 11630, 26060, 393, 1106, 1472, 1156, 8401, 304, 18292, 29991, 940, 723, 505, 6216, 297, 7970, 472, 2292, 27279, 29892, 541, 769, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 278, 871, 2655, 1952, 272, 303, 262, 471, 2743, 1048, 29892, 321, 29882, 29973, 313, 3421, 4656, 8041, 669, 306, 925, 1303, 19793, 12607, 3647, 491, 5310, 15599, 571, 29892, 577, 925, 1833, 4723, 306, 471, 7291, 263, 3287, 1048, 8432, 1952, 272, 303, 262, 29892, 4856, 1058, 925, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2041, 701, 263, 3287, 297, 590, 29762, 2834, 5174, 746, 306, 1303, 393, 3143, 1846, 13, 23221, 404, 943, 375, 273, 13, 2887, 4856, 1058, 1258, 451, 1073, 1522, 11422, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 12355, 292, 1438, 15874, 29889, 1126, 306, 4997, 565, 591, 29915, 345, 5714, 263, 2586, 310, 278, 278, 8141, 936, 2948, 304, 13081, 3864, 393, 540, 5692, 304, 505, 750, 29889, 306, 8959, 1016, 29915, 29873, 16366, 372, 701, 297, 278, 770, 8345, 29892, 322, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 738, 310, 590, 23056, 21628, 437, 2845, 30098, 14030, 3664, 6593, 304, 1735, 278, 4967, 29892, 541, 925, 385, 15500, 1846, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 591, 29915, 276, 408, 1178, 2363, 2720, 29878, 2454, 2845, 29889, 13, 3629, 11422, 29915, 29879, 8541, 1337, 29887, 293, 2507, 29892, 372, 881, 367, 11682, 29892, 471, 878, 342, 322, 878, 7964, 297, 6874, 297, 278, 7200, 11380, 310, 670, 18819, 322, 970, 429, 3283, 310, 4955, 29892, 5998, 5439, 491, 599, 5366, 874, 29892, 3704, 385, 5108, 1230, 704, 1981, 653, 9826, 297, 278, 903, 4819, 309, 11165, 16271, 512, 339, 381, 261, 5396, 2180, 278, 8718, 3031, 18220, 310, 278, 4052, 8139, 309, 7817, 445, 17724, 29892, 278, 5650, 2198, 261, 29892, 19663, 29891, 9817, 29892, 670, 23056, 3437, 472, 349, 2108, 29892, 11682, 393, 24218, 17768, 630, 902, 937, 5650, 472, 278, 2030, 18292, 7817, 29892, 6060, 10081, 29899, 20818, 2440, 8020, 29892, 411, 2562, 322, 16716, 29889, 940, 471, 9561, 394, 29877, 974, 3643, 5198, 1540, 304, 278, 4972, 322, 321, 1327, 310, 376, 1482, 29908, 3603, 583, 393, 528, 10501, 670, 2440, 297, 278, 263, 9567, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 540, 1754, 385, 4688, 322, 4948, 8362, 7225, 304, 19138, 675, 322, 14707, 278, 20389, 291, 310, 376, 23834, 11898 ]
" that launched the "New Social History" tsunami of that decade [_American Quarterly_, 29 (Autumn 1977), 422-443]. Seven years later his _Evolution of the Southern Backcountry_, a product of his scholarly connection with Rhys Isaac, as Randolph Scully notes above, took that mostly northeastern subgenre and methodology into the interior Virginia-Carolina borderland frontier. All that said, political and constitutional history were his genuine calling. The _Inquirer_ obituary reports that there will be a memorial service for Rick on Monday, September 26, at the National Constitution Center, of which he was a trustee, at 525 Arch Street, Philadelphia, at 5:30 p.m. Troy Thomas I have such fond memories of Rick when I was putting together our documentary "Liberty & Slavery: The Paradox of America's Founding Fathers'. He was so gracious to us with his encyclopedic knowledge of America's founding era. We shot 43 interviews for the documentary and Rick's ended up being my favorite. Not only was he vital to the story but when another location for his interview fell through, he offered up his own house for the interview. Of course, he was brilliant in the interview. He was indeed a very likable and accomplished man. Troy, thanks for sharing your memories here. He was very generous. Lawrence Kenney Its Christmas Day, December 25th, 2018. I am in Bradenton, Florida with my companion dog, Otto, sitting on the porch in a bundle of 'long and long' with a hot cup of Ovaltine in hand. Chilly evenings and wonderfully crisp mornings stimulate many of us here in Florida to adjust our life styles in ways that bring new challenges to knotty knees, not so spry ankles and calves, and, Oh! those stiff vertebrae! Up late on Christmas Eve, roaming the house with my two copies of Rick's great book, Plain Honest Men, tucked under arm, I decided to do some checking on an unsure detail that would certainly be verified up in Phillie. Long to short, my computer search brought me to the sad discovery of Rick's obituary which has left me hollow all this night. The morning is less joyous, the Ovaltine less sweet, my heart less enamored by the beauty of this splendid days beginning. Rick and I had many shared interests and when we spoke it was always fun, always diverse, always enlightening, always too short! We never physically met yet we knew each other and knew the order of things. He was both my mentor and friend. Although six years my senior and far more accomplished, we did similar work in different arenas, with the same zest and passion. We shared a similar love of the learning and teaching of history. Well over a decade ago, he learned of one of my presentation aspects and gave me great encouragement to expand and enliven my creative work to motivate middle schoolers to higher levels of participation and enjoyment of 'learning', of history, of science. He always knew how to target in on the heart of a problem, to get me on the right track, to lift my spirits, to encourage me to pursue new creative programs, and to stand tall in the face of persecution from various sources. Through my American History Series, I am often rejected by school administrators for my recitation of the Declaration of Independence, The Gettysburg Address, and portions of the Constitution. Much like Rick would do for his students, I go to schools in period costume with realia materials to stimulate my audiences with a taste of 'the moment'. Rick's advice and encouragement always got me where I needed to be. For that I have been forever grateful and am so glad I got to express my appreciation to him directly, even if only by phone. Now on this Christ and family focused day, I am remembering him with that special affection of a colleague, with that acceptance and regret over an immutable loss, and the delayed mourning for a friend I may never meet. His writings and his voice have been so valuable, so enriching, so personal, that as I clutch these two books to heart I know we shall still be connected forever. It is a very different Christmas for me this year! Goodbye, my friend! Let me have it! Cancel reply Archives Select Month April 2018 November
[ 1.0769953886535113, 1.455025807057169 ]
[ 0.8466785051106102, -0.6843089319091992 ]
[ 0.5520073566271282, -0.003429427932026747 ]
[ 0.31645179227791176, -0.6102660425819575 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29908, 393, 15241, 278, 376, 4373, 10307, 5298, 29908, 260, 11445, 4479, 310, 393, 316, 6332, 23160, 14689, 751, 4254, 368, 3383, 29871, 29906, 29929, 313, 6147, 1227, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 511, 29871, 29946, 29906, 29906, 29899, 29946, 29946, 29941, 1822, 26647, 2440, 2678, 670, 903, 29923, 4068, 310, 278, 14234, 7437, 13509, 3383, 263, 3234, 310, 670, 21344, 368, 3957, 411, 7861, 952, 28156, 29892, 408, 17468, 22138, 317, 1810, 368, 11486, 2038, 29892, 3614, 393, 11149, 302, 441, 354, 11530, 1014, 1885, 276, 322, 1158, 3002, 964, 278, 13290, 11653, 29899, 8179, 324, 1099, 5139, 1049, 4565, 631, 29889, 2178, 393, 1497, 29892, 8604, 322, 16772, 284, 4955, 892, 670, 29120, 457, 5432, 29889, 450, 903, 797, 339, 381, 261, 29918, 704, 1981, 653, 13676, 393, 727, 674, 367, 263, 2626, 9020, 2669, 363, 24218, 373, 27822, 29892, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 472, 278, 3086, 20063, 7817, 29892, 310, 607, 540, 471, 263, 9311, 3905, 29892, 472, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29945, 2595, 7103, 29892, 18292, 29892, 472, 29871, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 13, 29911, 4727, 5569, 13, 29902, 505, 1316, 6299, 2626, 3842, 310, 24218, 746, 306, 471, 10594, 4208, 1749, 1842, 653, 376, 29931, 12347, 1017, 669, 317, 433, 1201, 29901, 450, 1459, 912, 29916, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 7460, 292, 383, 19467, 4286, 940, 471, 577, 2646, 8802, 304, 502, 411, 670, 427, 8798, 4757, 7486, 7134, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 1476, 292, 3152, 29889, 1334, 10322, 29871, 29946, 29941, 1006, 7406, 363, 278, 1842, 653, 322, 24218, 29915, 29879, 9698, 701, 1641, 590, 25448, 29889, 2216, 871, 471, 540, 27131, 304, 278, 5828, 541, 746, 1790, 4423, 363, 670, 15593, 8379, 1549, 29892, 540, 12520, 701, 670, 1914, 3699, 363, 278, 15593, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 540, 471, 27592, 297, 278, 15593, 29889, 940, 471, 6200, 263, 1407, 4188, 519, 322, 24799, 767, 29889, 13, 29911, 4727, 29892, 3969, 363, 19383, 596, 2626, 3842, 1244, 29889, 940, 471, 1407, 1176, 681, 29889, 13, 29931, 1450, 17540, 10015, 3801, 13, 29902, 1372, 17661, 8373, 29892, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29945, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 306, 626, 297, 15862, 296, 265, 29892, 13813, 411, 590, 18708, 11203, 29892, 13832, 29892, 16246, 373, 278, 1277, 305, 297, 263, 11846, 310, 525, 5426, 322, 1472, 29915, 411, 263, 7375, 18002, 310, 438, 791, 29873, 457, 297, 1361, 29889, 678, 9403, 1584, 886, 322, 4997, 3730, 2181, 11936, 286, 1398, 886, 20436, 5987, 1784, 310, 502, 1244, 297, 13813, 304, 10365, 1749, 2834, 11949, 297, 5837, 393, 6963, 716, 18066, 267, 304, 889, 327, 1017, 17905, 267, 29892, 451, 577, 7689, 29891, 385, 29895, 793, 322, 1208, 1960, 29892, 322, 29892, 6439, 29991, 1906, 380, 2593, 24241, 2634, 29872, 29991, 5020, 5683, 373, 17661, 382, 345, 29892, 696, 11500, 278, 3699, 411, 590, 1023, 14591, 310, 24218, 29915, 29879, 2107, 3143, 29892, 349, 7420, 7906, 342, 7567, 29892, 260, 2707, 287, 1090, 5075, 29892, 306, 8459, 304, 437, 777, 8454, 373, 385, 9644, 545, 9493, 393, 723, 8959, 367, 26834, 701, 297, 21856, 347, 29889, 6242, 304, 3273, 29892, 590, 6601, 2740, 6296, 592, 304, 278, 14610, 20699, 310, 24218, 29915, 29879, 704, 1981, 653, 607, 756, 2175, 592, 298, 2952, 599, 445, 4646, 29889, 450, 7250, 338, 3109, 15331, 681, 29892, 278, 438, 791, 29873, 457, 3109, 14225, 29892, 590, 5192, 3109, 427, 314, 4395, 491, 278, 15409, 310, 445, 29528, 3841, 6763, 29889, 24218, 322, 306, 750, 1784, 7258, 20017, 322, 746, 591, 12707, 372, 471, 2337, 2090, 29892, 2337, 16984, 29892, 2337, 427, 4366, 8333, 29892, 2337, 2086, 3273, 29991, 1334, 2360, 4824, 1711, 1539, 3447, 591, 6363, 1269, 916, 322, 6363, 278, 1797, 310, 2712, 29889, 940, 471, 1716, 590, 6042, 272, 322, 5121, 29889, 8512, 4832, 2440, 590, 16336, 322, 2215, 901, 24799, 29892, 591, 1258, 2788, 664, 297, 1422, 9455, 294, 29892, 411, 278, 1021, 503, 342, 322, 15935, 29889, 1334, 7258, 263, 2788, 5360, 310, 278, 6509, 322, 18819, 310, 4955, 29889, 5674, 975, 263, 316, 6332, 8020, 29892, 540, 10972, 310, 697, 310, 590, 24329, 21420, 322, 4846, 592, 2107, 18443, 882, 304, 7985, 322, 427, 29880, 5428, 590, 907, 1230, 664, 304, 17385, 403, 7256, 3762, 414, 304, 6133, 11174, 310, 27577, 322, 13389, 358, 310, 525, 21891, 742, 310, 4955, 29892, 310, 10466, 29889, 940, 2337, 6363, 920, 304, 3646, 297, 373, 278, 5192, 310, 263, 1108, 29892, 304, 679, 592, 373, 278, 1492, 5702, 29892, 304, 13777, 590, 26829, 29892, 304, 13731, 6617, 592, 304, 12359, 434, 716, 907, 1230, 11104, 29892, 322, 304, 2317, 15655, 297, 278, 3700, 310, 639, 3471, 918, 515, 5164, 8974, 29889, 17044, 590, 3082, 5298, 10488, 29892, 306, 626, 4049, 22225, 491, 3762, 6343, 4097, 363, 590, 1162, 7018, 310, 278, 3826, 23838, 310, 28052, 663, 29892, 450, 402, 1803, 952, 3074, 16428, 29892, 322, 2011, 1080, 310, 278, 20063, 29889, 18927, 763, 24218, 723, 437, 363, 670, 8041, 29892, 306, 748, 304, 12462, 297, 3785, 3438, 2017, 411, 1855, 423, 17279, 304, 20436, 5987, 590, 12990, 819, 778, 411, 263, 21779, 310, 525, 1552, 3256, 4286, 24218, 29915, 29879, 9848, 322, 18443, 882, 2337, 2355, 592, 988, 306, 4312, 304, 367, 29889, 1152, 393, 306, 505, 1063, 22296, 28656, 322, 626, 577, 10932, 306, 2355, 304, 4653, 590, 5108, 362, 304, 1075, 4153, 29892, 1584, 565, 871, 491, 9008, 29889, 2567, 373, 445, 2819, 322, 3942, 21309, 2462, 29892, 306, 626, 6456, 292, 1075, 411, 393, 4266, 22832, 310, 263, 23056, 3437, 29892, 411, 393, 3544, 749, 322, 28883, 975, 385, 5198, 9246, 6410, 29892, 322, 278, 29801, 286, 473, 1076, 363, 263, 5121, 306, 1122, 2360, 5870, 29889, 3600, 2044, 886, 322, 670, 7314, 505, 1063, 577, 21114, 29892, 577, 427, 4018, 292, 29892, 577, 7333, 29892, 393, 408, 306, 1067, 10519, 1438, 1023, 8277, 304, 5192, 306, 1073, 591, 4091, 1603, 367, 6631, 22296, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 1407, 1422, 17661, 363, 592, 445, 1629, 29991, 7197, 26966, 29892, 590, 5121, 29991, 13, 12024, 592, 505, 372, 29991, 1815, 2242, 8908, 13, 13197, 3145, 7605, 23471, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 3979, 29871 ]
This pasta was the first place winner of our Gaming Creepypasta Challenge. Congratulations to moonlit_cove! The second and third placed winners will have their stories uploaded on the 20th and 21st. Thanks to everyone who participated! A small orb of orange light quickly illuminated then faded back into the darkness as Paul Donovan took a draw from his cigarette. He sat slouched in a plush chair in his living room, the hand that held the cigarette now dangling over the armrest. When he exhaled, the smoke rose and hovered near the ceiling, though it was impossible to see it in the darkness. After a brief moment of questioning his willingness to continue, he picked up the TV remote in his free hand and pressed the power button. The solid blue screen initially caused his dilated pupils to ache – so much so that he winced and glanced away from the screen for a few seconds. Once his eyes adjusted, Paul swapped the TV remote for his wireless game controller. He pressed and held the start button until the system booted up. After taking one final draw of his cigarette, he snuffed it out in an ash tray that was resting on a nearby end table. The disc reader inside his console whirred as it spun up to load the game data. Continue to Level 3? The dialogue box gave him one last chance to change his mind. He initially used the controller stick to highlight the "No" response, and lingered there while contemplating the possible consequences of playing on. But he had to finish what he'd started, and he hoped that by completing the game he could put an end to this madness. More importantly, he wanted his son back, and he was prepared to do whatever was necessary in order to get him home safely. He returned the cursor to the "Yes" option and confirmed his choice. Chameleon01: If you guys are looking for a scary game, I've got one for you. I'll bet no one on this board could even finish it. GamerGabe: PFFFFFT!! Yeah right! We've played everything there is. What's the name of it then, newbie? Dark-Shadow957: Low post count + outrageous claim = troll. 00Raven00: Well, what game is it? RevengeofSephiroth: Let me guess, a Pokemon game? Dark-Shadows957: TROLL! Come on guys, don't feed the troll! Chameleon01: It's called Willow Creek. 00Raven00: I googled your little game. It doesn't exist. Nice try though. Buh-bye now. Chameleon01: It's a pre-production bootleg. It's not supposed to be out until next year. 00Raven00: We still would've heard of it as an upcoming release. Besides that, how would you even get a hold of such a thing? Geez, some people! Chameleon01: I work for the developer. That's all I can say. Do you want to play it or not? Chameleon01: PM me. I'll get you the version for whatever system you need. The more Paul read into the depth of the thread, the more his interest was piqued. He wondered whether or not 00Raven00 had gone on to request the game from this stranger. He hovered his mouse over the link to Chameleon01's profile, then clicked it and began composing his own private message to the unknown user. He was hesitant at first to give out his home address, but he rationalized it away by telling himself it wasn't any different than the hundreds of random strangers using eBay that had already obtained his personal information over the years. A yellow padded envelope with no return address arrived in Paul's mailbox four days after he sent the private message. Inside was the game disc in a paper sleeve. On the disc, crudely written in ink, was: Willow Creek: beta v. 1.0. A young boy came running into the kitchen where Paul stood looking over the rest of the day's mail. "Who you talkin' to, dad?" the boy asked. "Oh, no one, Scotty. Just myself." He shuffled through the bills and junk mail. Scotty was ten years old
[ 0.004539527747481893, -1.1035278943125153 ]
[ -0.4998741880342982, -0.6914714462344381 ]
[ -1.012853356034966, -1.2284338431926287 ]
[ -1.2573772200150832, -1.4056553253054975 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 910, 4940, 29874, 471, 278, 937, 2058, 19576, 310, 1749, 402, 11500, 315, 929, 29886, 1478, 5427, 27211, 29889, 6005, 3605, 8250, 304, 18786, 19411, 29918, 29883, 994, 29991, 13, 1576, 1473, 322, 4654, 7180, 281, 16697, 674, 505, 1009, 15874, 20373, 373, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 322, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 29889, 1834, 304, 14332, 1058, 25223, 29991, 13, 29909, 2319, 19528, 310, 24841, 3578, 9098, 4486, 9735, 630, 769, 285, 11932, 1250, 964, 278, 23490, 408, 3739, 3872, 10471, 3614, 263, 4216, 515, 670, 29507, 10474, 371, 29889, 940, 3290, 2243, 3222, 287, 297, 263, 715, 1878, 11774, 297, 670, 8471, 5716, 29892, 278, 1361, 393, 4934, 278, 29507, 10474, 371, 1286, 270, 574, 1847, 975, 278, 5075, 5060, 29889, 1932, 540, 429, 29882, 7943, 29892, 278, 25158, 11492, 322, 16758, 287, 2978, 278, 2257, 6504, 29892, 2466, 372, 471, 9301, 304, 1074, 372, 297, 278, 23490, 29889, 13, 13555, 263, 11473, 3256, 310, 1139, 292, 670, 17762, 2264, 304, 6773, 29892, 540, 18691, 701, 278, 5648, 7592, 297, 670, 3889, 1361, 322, 15385, 278, 3081, 2826, 29889, 450, 7773, 7254, 4315, 12919, 8581, 670, 21749, 630, 23449, 2719, 304, 263, 1173, 785, 577, 1568, 577, 393, 540, 5401, 1133, 322, 3144, 8362, 3448, 515, 278, 4315, 363, 263, 2846, 6923, 29889, 13, 26222, 670, 5076, 10365, 287, 29892, 3739, 2381, 17280, 278, 5648, 7592, 363, 670, 26677, 3748, 4701, 29889, 940, 15385, 322, 4934, 278, 1369, 2826, 2745, 278, 1788, 1045, 5715, 701, 29889, 2860, 5622, 697, 2186, 4216, 310, 670, 29507, 10474, 371, 29892, 540, 5807, 3096, 287, 372, 714, 297, 385, 23723, 260, 764, 393, 471, 1791, 292, 373, 263, 20810, 1095, 1591, 29889, 450, 2313, 9591, 2768, 670, 2991, 377, 381, 1127, 408, 372, 805, 348, 701, 304, 2254, 278, 3748, 848, 29889, 13, 1323, 14150, 304, 21597, 29871, 29941, 29973, 450, 7928, 434, 3800, 4846, 1075, 697, 1833, 8825, 304, 1735, 670, 3458, 29889, 940, 12919, 1304, 278, 4701, 12070, 304, 12141, 278, 376, 3782, 29908, 2933, 29892, 322, 301, 5621, 287, 727, 1550, 640, 16305, 1218, 278, 1950, 27721, 310, 8743, 373, 29889, 1205, 540, 750, 304, 8341, 825, 540, 29915, 29881, 4687, 29892, 322, 540, 24936, 393, 491, 1614, 1259, 278, 3748, 540, 1033, 1925, 385, 1095, 304, 445, 10395, 2264, 29889, 5853, 4100, 368, 29892, 540, 5131, 670, 1487, 1250, 29892, 322, 540, 471, 13240, 304, 437, 6514, 471, 5181, 297, 1797, 304, 679, 1075, 3271, 23511, 29889, 940, 4133, 278, 10677, 304, 278, 376, 8241, 29908, 2984, 322, 16725, 670, 7348, 29889, 13, 1451, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 29901, 960, 366, 18239, 526, 3063, 363, 263, 885, 653, 3748, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 2355, 697, 363, 366, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 1010, 694, 697, 373, 445, 7613, 1033, 1584, 8341, 372, 29889, 13, 29954, 4183, 29954, 4302, 29901, 349, 22098, 7818, 6824, 15011, 1492, 29991, 1334, 29915, 345, 5318, 4129, 727, 338, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 278, 1024, 310, 372, 769, 29892, 716, 10993, 29973, 13, 29928, 935, 29899, 2713, 6986, 29929, 29945, 29955, 29901, 17511, 1400, 2302, 718, 714, 6617, 681, 5995, 353, 260, 1245, 29889, 13, 29900, 29900, 29934, 3496, 29900, 29900, 29901, 5674, 29892, 825, 3748, 338, 372, 29973, 13, 1123, 854, 479, 974, 2008, 2876, 307, 386, 29901, 2803, 592, 4140, 29892, 263, 21747, 9857, 3748, 29973, 13, 29928, 935, 29899, 2713, 23626, 29929, 29945, 29955, 29901, 323, 1672, 2208, 29991, 16760, 373, 18239, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 8343, 278, 260, 1245, 29991, 13, 1451, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 29901, 739, 29915, 29879, 2000, 2811, 340, 15594, 29889, 13, 29900, 29900, 29934, 3496, 29900, 29900, 29901, 306, 27304, 839, 596, 2217, 3748, 29889, 739, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1863, 29889, 20103, 1018, 2466, 29889, 5373, 29882, 29899, 26966, 1286, 29889, 13, 1451, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 29901, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 758, 29899, 24601, 6579, 1397, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 7424, 304, 367, 714, 2745, 2446, 1629, 29889, 13, 29900, 29900, 29934, 3496, 29900, 29900, 29901, 1334, 1603, 723, 29915, 345, 6091, 310, 372, 408, 385, 701, 11506, 6507, 29889, 19065, 393, 29892, 920, 723, 366, 1584, 679, 263, 4808, 310, 1316, 263, 2655, 29973, 1879, 6096, 29892, 777, 2305, 29991, 13, 1451, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 29901, 306, 664, 363, 278, 13897, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 599, 306, 508, 1827, 29889, 1938, 366, 864, 304, 1708, 372, 470, 451, 29973, 13, 1451, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 29901, 11278, 592, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 679, 366, 278, 1873, 363, 6514, 1788, 366, 817, 29889, 13, 1576, 901, 3739, 1303, 964, 278, 10809, 310, 278, 3244, 29892, 278, 901, 670, 4066, 471, 2930, 339, 287, 29889, 940, 4997, 287, 3692, 470, 451, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29934, 3496, 29900, 29900, 750, 7695, 373, 304, 2009, 278, 3748, 515, 445, 26507, 29889, 940, 16758, 287, 670, 9495, 975, 278, 1544, 304, 678, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 29915, 29879, 8722, 29892, 769, 11484, 372, 322, 4689, 5541, 292, 670, 1914, 2024, 2643, 304, 278, 9815, 1404, 29889, 940, 471, 19066, 277, 424, 472, 937, 304, 2367, 714, 670, 3271, 3211, 29892, 541, 540, 17903, 1891, 372, 3448, 491, 14509, 3654, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 738, 1422, 1135, 278, 21006, 310, 4036, 851, 13873, 773, 321, 29933, 388, 393, 750, 2307, 7625, 670, 7333, 2472, 975, 278, 2440, 29889, 13, 29909, 13328, 282, 23959, 427, 21367, 411, 694, 736, 3211, 11977, 297, 3739, 29915, 29879, 10524, 1884, 3023, 3841, 1156, 540, 2665, 278, 2024, 2643, 29889, 22804, 471, 278, 3748, 2313, 297, 263, 5650, 12844, 29872, 345, 29889, 1551, 278, 2313, 29892, 2181, 566, 873, 3971, 297, 297, 29895, 29892, 471, 29901, 2811, 340, 15594, 29901, 21762, 325, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29889, 13, 29909, 4123, 8023, 2996, 2734, 964, 278, 29181, 988, 3739, 8389, 3063, 975, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 2462, 29915, 29879, 10524, 29889, 13, 29908, 22110, 366, 5193, 262, 29915, 304, 29892, 270, 328, 3026, 278, 8023, 4433, 29889, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 694, 697, 29892, 11032, 1017, 29889, 3387, 6142, 1213, 940, 528, 3096, 839, 1549, 278, 289, 6090, 322, 432, 2960, 10524, 29889, 13, 4421, 327, 1017, 471, 3006, 2440, 2030 ]
, an above average student, but a typical boy all around. He loved playing the seemingly endless stream of video games that his father was constantly bringing home. They had partnered up for many adventures on most of the multiplayer games (unless Paul deemed the game to be too mature for Scotty), and even when games were single player, Scotty loved to watch as his father solved all the puzzles and defeated the toughest bosses. Paul knew that Scotty's mother would probably not approve of all of the games that they'd played together, but she hadn't had a say in the matter for nearly a year now. "We got a new game," Paul announced to his son, holding the disc out toward Scotty. Scotty took it from him. "It looks fake," he said. Scotty hung his head as he placed the game disc on the kitchen table. "Alright," he replied in a resigned voice, remembering how much homework awaited him that evening. It was getting late when Scotty finally finished his school work and came barreling into the living room, begging his father to play the new game. Scotty's excitement boiled over as he grabbed the game disc and booted up the console. He handed his father the first player controller. After a brief title screen, there were three level options listed from top to bottom. The only option that was active was "Level One". The remaining two levels were grayed-out. In the background, behind the text, was the still image of a closed door depicted from inside a dark room with light radiating from the gaps at its edges. "What's this about?" Scotty asked. After a few seconds of load time, a cut scene appeared. Paul and his son watched the animated footage – a first-person perspective as the protagonist entered a door with a frosted glass window into an antiquated office environment. On the window, decaled in thick black lettering, was "Detective Charleston". Somber ambient music droned in the background. The scene reminded Paul of the way many of the classic film noirs he'd seen over the years had begun. Right away he realized that this would be more of a puzzle solving game. An intellectual's game. Paul caught on to the gist of the game relatively quickly. He played as Detective Charleston, traveling all around the virtual town of Willow Creek and finding clues that could be pieced together to advance the storyline. In level one's mystery he was introduced to the story of James Braxton, a man that worked the third shift at the Willow Creek Steel Mill. One night while having an argument with a coworker, James was pushed into the blast furnace. The perpetrator left the scene and there were no other witnesses. It was up to Paul to find all of the evidence and have the murderer convicted. During one particularly realistic cut scene of the murder, Paul had ordered Scotty off to bed. Scotty protested at first, but soon relented. Paul finished solving the case by himself, and was pleased with his work when the police finally slapped the handcuffs on the murderer in the final cut scene of level one. The game automatically saved his progress. Paul's phone rang. He looked at his watch – 12:37. "C'mon, you're going to wake up Scotty," he whispered as he reached for the phone. He answered it. Paul pulled the phone away from his ear to glance at the screen – unknown caller. "Who is this?" he demanded. Paul was taken aback. He glanced at the television screen which now displayed a dialogue box, beaconing: Continue to Level 2? "Where did you get my number?" Paul interrupted. "What the…" Paul trailed off as the phone slipped from his hand and landed with a thud on the carpet. His mouth slacked open in disbelief. He looked down at the phone. The illuminated screen stared back up at him. He could still hear the muffled voice at the other end. He grabbed the phone and shut it off as quickly as he could. Paul's heart was racing and drops of sweat began to form on his brow as he switched off the game console and the TV set. He was bathed in silence and in the darkness of his living room. After a long moment to gather his thoughts and to allow his pulse to settle, he quietly snuck into Scotty's room where he watched his son sleep peacefully for several minutes. Paul was not able to
[ 0.4277692353080989, 0.051108492333439746 ]
[ -0.36020515869214015, -0.1632360147480711 ]
[ 0.17664368487025636, -0.09727034587124471 ]
[ -0.8359552365581159, -0.6408524664391496 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29892, 385, 2038, 6588, 8368, 29892, 541, 263, 15662, 8023, 599, 2820, 29889, 940, 18012, 8743, 278, 2833, 11687, 1095, 2222, 4840, 310, 4863, 8090, 393, 670, 4783, 471, 21003, 20794, 3271, 29889, 2688, 750, 18096, 287, 701, 363, 1784, 17623, 1973, 373, 1556, 310, 278, 2473, 9106, 8090, 313, 28952, 3739, 316, 22580, 278, 3748, 304, 367, 2086, 286, 1535, 363, 11032, 1017, 511, 322, 1584, 746, 8090, 892, 2323, 4847, 29892, 11032, 1017, 18012, 304, 6505, 408, 670, 4783, 7484, 599, 278, 20285, 793, 322, 16235, 278, 260, 820, 342, 289, 2209, 267, 29889, 3739, 6363, 393, 11032, 1017, 29915, 29879, 5637, 723, 3117, 451, 2134, 345, 310, 599, 310, 278, 8090, 393, 896, 29915, 29881, 5318, 4208, 29892, 541, 1183, 27222, 29915, 29873, 750, 263, 1827, 297, 278, 4383, 363, 8886, 263, 1629, 1286, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 2355, 263, 716, 3748, 1699, 3739, 9326, 304, 670, 1487, 29892, 13587, 278, 2313, 714, 11183, 11032, 1017, 29889, 13, 4421, 327, 1017, 3614, 372, 515, 1075, 29889, 376, 3112, 3430, 25713, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 4421, 327, 1017, 18757, 670, 2343, 408, 540, 7180, 278, 3748, 2313, 373, 278, 29181, 1591, 29889, 376, 2499, 1266, 1699, 540, 10352, 297, 263, 620, 12961, 7314, 29892, 6456, 292, 920, 1568, 3271, 1287, 7272, 287, 1075, 393, 11005, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 2805, 5683, 746, 11032, 1017, 7146, 7743, 670, 3762, 664, 322, 2996, 2594, 276, 1847, 964, 278, 8471, 5716, 29892, 25945, 292, 670, 4783, 304, 1708, 278, 716, 3748, 29889, 13, 4421, 327, 1017, 29915, 29879, 29163, 1045, 2356, 975, 408, 540, 2646, 1327, 287, 278, 3748, 2313, 322, 1045, 5715, 701, 278, 2991, 29889, 940, 29692, 670, 4783, 278, 937, 4847, 4701, 29889, 2860, 263, 11473, 3611, 4315, 29892, 727, 892, 2211, 3233, 3987, 9904, 515, 2246, 304, 5970, 29889, 450, 871, 2984, 393, 471, 6136, 471, 376, 10108, 3118, 1642, 450, 9886, 1023, 11174, 892, 16749, 287, 29899, 449, 29889, 512, 278, 3239, 29892, 5742, 278, 1426, 29892, 471, 278, 1603, 1967, 310, 263, 5764, 3050, 1401, 18186, 515, 2768, 263, 6501, 5716, 411, 3578, 17937, 1218, 515, 278, 330, 2547, 472, 967, 12770, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 29915, 29879, 445, 1048, 3026, 11032, 1017, 4433, 29889, 13, 13555, 263, 2846, 6923, 310, 2254, 931, 29892, 263, 5700, 9088, 7470, 29889, 3739, 322, 670, 1487, 20654, 278, 17524, 3661, 482, 785, 263, 937, 29899, 10532, 18520, 408, 278, 15572, 391, 7802, 263, 3050, 411, 263, 14671, 16470, 12917, 3474, 964, 385, 9418, 339, 630, 8034, 5177, 29889, 1551, 278, 3474, 29892, 1602, 7943, 297, 12003, 4628, 5497, 292, 29892, 471, 376, 6362, 522, 573, 2896, 29880, 21496, 1642, 6254, 495, 25040, 4696, 270, 1617, 287, 297, 278, 3239, 29889, 450, 9088, 1083, 513, 287, 3739, 310, 278, 982, 1784, 310, 278, 22037, 2706, 694, 12935, 540, 29915, 29881, 3595, 975, 278, 2440, 750, 23580, 29889, 10428, 3448, 540, 16387, 393, 445, 723, 367, 901, 310, 263, 20285, 280, 17069, 3748, 29889, 530, 29762, 29915, 29879, 3748, 29889, 13, 18275, 12624, 373, 304, 278, 330, 391, 310, 278, 3748, 13774, 9098, 29889, 940, 5318, 408, 5953, 522, 573, 2896, 29880, 21496, 29892, 9850, 292, 599, 2820, 278, 6901, 4726, 310, 2811, 340, 15594, 322, 9138, 1067, 1041, 393, 1033, 367, 5036, 1133, 4208, 304, 6564, 278, 5828, 1220, 29889, 512, 3233, 697, 29915, 29879, 29236, 540, 471, 9129, 304, 278, 5828, 310, 5011, 5032, 486, 265, 29892, 263, 767, 393, 3796, 278, 4654, 9500, 472, 278, 2811, 340, 15594, 2443, 295, 8649, 29889, 3118, 4646, 1550, 2534, 385, 2980, 411, 263, 21282, 548, 261, 29892, 5011, 471, 18760, 964, 278, 1999, 579, 15252, 815, 29889, 450, 25722, 29878, 1061, 2175, 278, 9088, 322, 727, 892, 694, 916, 16277, 267, 29889, 739, 471, 701, 304, 3739, 304, 1284, 599, 310, 278, 10757, 322, 505, 278, 13406, 261, 7602, 18186, 29889, 13, 29928, 3864, 697, 10734, 1855, 4695, 5700, 9088, 310, 278, 13406, 29892, 3739, 750, 10372, 11032, 1017, 1283, 304, 6592, 29889, 11032, 1017, 10021, 287, 472, 937, 29892, 541, 4720, 1104, 14927, 29889, 3739, 7743, 17069, 278, 1206, 491, 3654, 29892, 322, 471, 22301, 411, 670, 664, 746, 278, 10974, 7146, 8370, 2986, 278, 1361, 29883, 3096, 29879, 373, 278, 13406, 261, 297, 278, 2186, 5700, 9088, 310, 3233, 697, 29889, 450, 3748, 6336, 7160, 670, 6728, 29889, 13, 18275, 29915, 29879, 9008, 19120, 29889, 940, 5148, 472, 670, 6505, 785, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29941, 29955, 29889, 13, 29908, 29907, 29915, 3712, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 281, 1296, 701, 11032, 1017, 1699, 540, 21039, 287, 408, 540, 7450, 363, 278, 9008, 29889, 940, 7699, 372, 29889, 13, 18275, 20043, 278, 9008, 3448, 515, 670, 2326, 304, 21798, 472, 278, 4315, 785, 9815, 24959, 29889, 376, 22110, 338, 445, 3026, 540, 24432, 29889, 13, 18275, 471, 4586, 633, 547, 29889, 940, 3144, 8362, 472, 278, 11456, 4315, 607, 1286, 8833, 263, 7928, 434, 3800, 29892, 367, 23074, 292, 29901, 2866, 14150, 304, 21597, 29871, 29906, 29973, 13, 29908, 11921, 1258, 366, 679, 590, 1353, 3026, 3739, 27803, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 278, 30098, 29908, 3739, 1020, 2356, 1283, 408, 278, 9008, 20662, 2986, 515, 670, 1361, 322, 2982, 287, 411, 263, 266, 566, 373, 278, 1559, 10963, 29889, 3600, 13394, 269, 2364, 287, 1722, 297, 766, 6596, 2575, 29889, 940, 5148, 1623, 472, 278, 9008, 29889, 450, 4486, 9735, 630, 4315, 380, 1965, 1250, 701, 472, 1075, 29889, 940, 1033, 1603, 8293, 278, 286, 3096, 839, 7314, 472, 278, 916, 1095, 29889, 940, 2646, 1327, 287, 278, 9008, 322, 12522, 372, 1283, 408, 9098, 408, 540, 1033, 29889, 13, 18275, 29915, 29879, 5192, 471, 28965, 322, 4441, 567, 310, 7901, 271, 4689, 304, 883, 373, 670, 3347, 408, 540, 26263, 1283, 278, 3748, 2991, 322, 278, 5648, 731, 29889, 940, 471, 289, 14139, 297, 15142, 322, 297, 278, 23490, 310, 670, 8471, 5716, 29889, 2860, 263, 1472, 3256, 304, 11705, 670, 13133, 322, 304, 2758, 670, 9505, 344, 304, 3604, 280, 29892, 540, 25970, 5807, 2707, 964, 11032, 1017, 29915, 29879, 5716, 988, 540, 20654, 670, 1487, 8709, 10776, 3730, 363, 3196, 6233, 29889, 3739, 471, 451, 2221, 304 ]
fall asleep himself until nearly 4:00AM. He could not shake the uneasy feeling of the phone call. His last thought before finally drifting off into slumber was how useless he was going to be at work later that day. Paul sighed and felt like such a failure as a father. It was in moments like these that he wished Laura were still there. He missed her in so many ways, and her penchant for organization, though annoying at times, was something he undeniably needed in his life. Paul stared into blank space as he relived in his mind the accident that took her. Once he snapped out of the vision he decided to call in sick to work. Afraid to turn on his cell phone, he made the call from his land line. After a quick breakfast, Paul debated with himself about whether or not to continue the game. He finished off a cigarette as he rehashed the events of the previous night. As unnerving as it had been for him at the time, it now seemed like nothing more than a strange coincidence with a wrong number. A very strange coincidence, but how else could it be explained? Besides, Paul was never one to back away from a challenge. He had to finish the game. The console booted up, the disc spun, and the title screen gave way to the dialogue box: Continue to Level 2? Paul confirmed the "Yes" selection. The second case for Detective Charleston was that of a housing developer who had dug up human remains while leveling a lot for construction. The site of the discovery was roped off and it was the objective of the player to properly collect all of the evidence and determine who the remains belonged to and what had happened to them. Paul was meticulous in his actions and was careful to think of every possible piece of evidence. He collected samples for DNA testing. He interviewed the former landowner, the construction foreman, and the equipment operator who had made the discovery. He pored over photographs of the crime scene. Little by little he pieced together the story of a woman that had been kidnapped and murdered. She had been carjacked and a fiery accident was staged to cover up the disappearance. She was then held captive by her abductor until he finally did away with her and buried the remains. The case was solved in its entirety when the DNA test results came back. There were two DNA profiles in the samples – one for the perpetrator, who turned out to be a known troublemaker in Willow Creek – and the other for the victim, Laura Donovan. Paul threw the controller aside. His pulse immediately increased to the point that he could feel his neck throbbing. His ears rang and he began shaking. "There's….no way." He choked on the words. Tears welled up in his eyes as he recalled the circumstances surrounding Laura's death. The car had burned beyond recognition. The funeral was closed casket. Had something more happened to her? Had she not died at the scene as this game was suggesting? "What are you?" he screamed at the television, his face dark red. There was no answer, just the ever-increasing throbbing of his pulse, now audible in his ears, and the prompt on the screen: Continue to Level 3? Paul rushed over and unplugged the game system. The TV screen shone solid blue. With the exception of the pounding rain outside, silence enveloped the house. He paced around the living room, wrestling in his own mind for answers. How was this possible? There's no way it was all a coincidence! The sound of the mechanical bell was jolting, threatening to split Paul's head in two. He agonized at the thought of the caller's identity. Most people did not have his home phone number. "No! Please, no! Don't do this to me!" His initial reaction was one of terror, but what if it really was Laura calling? What if he'd somehow released her from the clutches of the game just as James claimed that he'd done in his case? Ridiculous! Paul thought, She's dead! He made his way over to the phone mounted on the kitchen wall. "Hello?" Paul said this with great caution, the way an intimidated child would approach an angry parent. "Paul Donovan?" It was a woman's voice. Paul was at a loss for words. There was a pause of confusion before Janice delicately replied, "Yes sir, we found it odd since he rarely misses a day. So we wanted
[ 0.9674213543336104, 0.3647641655741559 ]
[ 0.345302502343889, -0.5804524741932355 ]
[ 0.19186113102256197, -0.5232003230717154 ]
[ -0.2779613140178723, -0.23503870459169968 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 6416, 408, 5436, 3654, 2745, 8886, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29900, 29900, 5194, 29889, 940, 1033, 451, 528, 1296, 278, 1597, 8995, 11223, 310, 278, 9008, 1246, 29889, 3600, 1833, 2714, 1434, 7146, 4192, 24377, 1283, 964, 2243, 2807, 471, 920, 19315, 540, 471, 2675, 304, 367, 472, 664, 2678, 393, 2462, 29889, 13, 18275, 269, 25398, 322, 7091, 763, 1316, 263, 10672, 408, 263, 4783, 29889, 739, 471, 297, 19462, 763, 1438, 393, 540, 20024, 21671, 892, 1603, 727, 29889, 940, 13726, 902, 297, 577, 1784, 5837, 29892, 322, 902, 6584, 13775, 363, 13013, 29892, 2466, 12327, 5414, 472, 3064, 29892, 471, 1554, 540, 563, 11344, 2197, 4312, 297, 670, 2834, 29889, 3739, 380, 1965, 964, 9654, 2913, 408, 540, 1104, 2347, 297, 670, 3458, 278, 11423, 393, 3614, 902, 29889, 9038, 540, 5807, 17280, 714, 310, 278, 18551, 540, 8459, 304, 1246, 297, 17319, 304, 664, 29889, 10393, 12240, 304, 2507, 373, 670, 3038, 9008, 29892, 540, 1754, 278, 1246, 515, 670, 2982, 1196, 29889, 13, 13555, 263, 4996, 26044, 29892, 3739, 2553, 630, 411, 3654, 1048, 3692, 470, 451, 304, 6773, 278, 3748, 29889, 940, 7743, 1283, 263, 29507, 10474, 371, 408, 540, 337, 8568, 287, 278, 4959, 310, 278, 3517, 4646, 29889, 1094, 443, 1089, 1747, 408, 372, 750, 1063, 363, 1075, 472, 278, 931, 29892, 372, 1286, 6140, 763, 3078, 901, 1135, 263, 8515, 22819, 5084, 411, 263, 2743, 1353, 29889, 319, 1407, 8515, 22819, 5084, 29892, 541, 920, 1683, 1033, 372, 367, 10824, 29973, 19065, 29892, 3739, 471, 2360, 697, 304, 1250, 3448, 515, 263, 18766, 29889, 940, 750, 304, 8341, 278, 3748, 29889, 13, 1576, 2991, 1045, 5715, 701, 29892, 278, 2313, 805, 348, 29892, 322, 278, 3611, 4315, 4846, 982, 304, 278, 7928, 434, 3800, 29901, 2866, 14150, 304, 21597, 29871, 29906, 29973, 3739, 16725, 278, 376, 8241, 29908, 9262, 29889, 13, 1576, 1473, 1206, 363, 5953, 522, 573, 2896, 29880, 21496, 471, 393, 310, 263, 27261, 13897, 1058, 750, 270, 688, 701, 5199, 9242, 1550, 3233, 292, 263, 3287, 363, 7632, 29889, 450, 3268, 310, 278, 20699, 471, 696, 9795, 1283, 322, 372, 471, 278, 12091, 310, 278, 4847, 304, 6284, 6314, 599, 310, 278, 10757, 322, 8161, 1058, 278, 9242, 28911, 304, 322, 825, 750, 9559, 304, 963, 29889, 3739, 471, 1539, 12906, 681, 297, 670, 8820, 322, 471, 16010, 304, 1348, 310, 1432, 1950, 8424, 310, 10757, 29889, 940, 16531, 11916, 363, 25348, 6724, 29889, 940, 15593, 287, 278, 4642, 2982, 20348, 29892, 278, 7632, 363, 11422, 29892, 322, 278, 21083, 5455, 1058, 750, 1754, 278, 20699, 29889, 940, 1277, 287, 975, 17739, 29879, 310, 278, 17268, 9088, 29889, 13, 29931, 1992, 491, 2217, 540, 5036, 1133, 4208, 278, 5828, 310, 263, 6114, 393, 750, 1063, 26397, 29876, 17280, 322, 13406, 287, 29889, 2296, 750, 1063, 1559, 21452, 287, 322, 263, 21334, 29891, 11423, 471, 380, 4063, 304, 4612, 701, 278, 8796, 21711, 29889, 2296, 471, 769, 4934, 4332, 573, 491, 902, 633, 2199, 272, 2745, 540, 7146, 1258, 3448, 411, 902, 322, 18550, 278, 9242, 29889, 450, 1206, 471, 7484, 297, 967, 4152, 1017, 746, 278, 25348, 1243, 2582, 2996, 1250, 29889, 1670, 892, 1023, 25348, 28723, 297, 278, 11916, 785, 697, 363, 278, 25722, 29878, 1061, 29892, 1058, 6077, 714, 304, 367, 263, 2998, 12111, 1031, 5790, 297, 2811, 340, 15594, 785, 322, 278, 916, 363, 278, 28985, 29892, 21671, 3872, 10471, 29889, 13, 18275, 18318, 278, 4701, 17786, 29889, 3600, 9505, 344, 7389, 11664, 304, 278, 1298, 393, 540, 1033, 4459, 670, 18873, 20961, 1327, 292, 29889, 3600, 22827, 19120, 322, 540, 4689, 528, 5086, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 29915, 29879, 30098, 29889, 1217, 982, 1213, 940, 521, 12504, 373, 278, 3838, 29889, 323, 15451, 5476, 839, 701, 297, 670, 5076, 408, 540, 337, 13998, 278, 14209, 18830, 21671, 29915, 29879, 4892, 29889, 450, 1559, 750, 12138, 287, 8724, 19679, 29889, 450, 2090, 13537, 471, 5764, 274, 7896, 29889, 14302, 1554, 901, 9559, 304, 902, 29973, 14302, 1183, 451, 6423, 472, 278, 9088, 408, 445, 3748, 471, 26233, 29973, 13, 29908, 5618, 526, 366, 3026, 540, 885, 1633, 287, 472, 278, 11456, 29892, 670, 3700, 6501, 2654, 29889, 1670, 471, 694, 1234, 29892, 925, 278, 3926, 29899, 262, 1037, 5832, 20961, 1327, 292, 310, 670, 9505, 344, 29892, 1286, 12990, 1821, 297, 670, 22827, 29892, 322, 278, 9508, 373, 278, 4315, 29901, 2866, 14150, 304, 21597, 29871, 29941, 29973, 13, 18275, 364, 15392, 975, 322, 443, 572, 688, 3192, 278, 3748, 1788, 29889, 450, 5648, 4315, 528, 650, 7773, 7254, 29889, 2973, 278, 3682, 310, 278, 282, 12449, 17251, 5377, 29892, 15142, 427, 1830, 287, 278, 3699, 29889, 940, 22906, 287, 2820, 278, 8471, 5716, 29892, 24613, 1847, 297, 670, 1914, 3458, 363, 6089, 29889, 1128, 471, 445, 1950, 29973, 1670, 29915, 29879, 694, 982, 372, 471, 599, 263, 22819, 5084, 29991, 13, 1576, 6047, 310, 278, 28310, 22623, 471, 432, 324, 1259, 29892, 20616, 292, 304, 6219, 3739, 29915, 29879, 2343, 297, 1023, 29889, 940, 946, 265, 1891, 472, 278, 2714, 310, 278, 24959, 29915, 29879, 10110, 29889, 7849, 2305, 1258, 451, 505, 670, 3271, 9008, 1353, 29889, 13, 29908, 3782, 29991, 3529, 29892, 694, 29991, 3872, 29915, 29873, 437, 445, 304, 592, 3850, 3600, 2847, 19848, 471, 697, 310, 15115, 29892, 541, 825, 565, 372, 2289, 471, 21671, 5432, 29973, 1724, 565, 540, 29915, 29881, 10431, 5492, 902, 515, 278, 1067, 329, 6609, 310, 278, 3748, 925, 408, 5011, 17049, 393, 540, 29915, 29881, 2309, 297, 670, 1206, 29973, 390, 333, 12906, 681, 29991, 3739, 2714, 29892, 2296, 29915, 29879, 7123, 29991, 940, 1754, 670, 982, 975, 304, 278, 9008, 19239, 373, 278, 29181, 10090, 29889, 13, 29908, 10994, 3026, 3739, 1497, 445, 411, 2107, 5777, 918, 29892, 278, 982, 385, 938, 326, 333, 630, 2278, 723, 2948, 385, 26230, 3847, 29889, 13, 29908, 18275, 3872, 10471, 3026, 739, 471, 263, 6114, 29915, 29879, 7314, 29889, 13, 18275, 471, 472, 263, 6410, 363, 3838, 29889, 13, 8439, 471, 263, 19957, 310, 14679, 1434, 2627, 625, 628, 293, 2486, 10352, 29892, 376, 8241, 8889, 29892, 591, 1476, 372, 7736, 1951, 540, 23703, 3052, 267, 263, 2462, 29889, 1105, 591, 5131 ]
to check…" She trailed off. "He left for school as usual this morning," Paul said, "I mean, I was sleeping, but…" He realized that no matter what he said next it would make him sound like a negligent parent. He began to weep and tried his best to hide this from Janice, but she was able to pick up on it. No longer attempting to hide his sobbing he managed to blurt out, "Yes. Please!" then wept uncontrollably, dropping the phone receiver. It hit the kitchen wall with a hard thud and swung there by its cord as Paul sank to the floor. Paul spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening at the police station. He answered a barrage of questions from multiple officers and detectives. He filled out endless amounts of paperwork. He pleaded with everyone he encountered to stop wasting time and find his son. The officers convinced Paul that they would do everything in their power and then persuaded him to go home in case Scotty returned. "That's how many of these cases resolve themselves in the early stages," one officer had told him. The rain had subsided by the time Paul returned home, leaving wet streets and walkways. He unlocked his front door and entered the darkness. The house was silent. "Scotty?" he called, standing in the doorway. "Are you here?" But there was no response. Paul knew that if he were to simply sit around the house waiting he would go insane, so he booted up his computer to revisit the message board thread about the game – and to give this Chameleon guy a piece of his mind. As the computer was starting up he gazed at a framed photo on the desktop. The picture was of himself, Laura and Scotty taken at a family reunion during a much happier time in their lives. He fought tears again and then turned the photo face down on the desk. The computer was ready. He navigated to the message board and found the thread. He noticed two things that had happened since he had last been there. First, the user Chameleon01 was no longer listed. Everywhere he had posted, his username was replaced by an icon with the text No Longer A Registered User. The other item of interest was that the tread had been locked by moderators after the argument about the mysterious game grew much more intense. As Paul was reading the heated exchange he heard the front door open. A sigh of relief washed over him and an impossibly large smile crossed his face. Paul stopped dead in his tracks when he turned the corner to face the front door. Scotty had not come home. But Laura had. Even though she had lost weight and appeared sickly, Laura's embrace felt like home. It was comfortable and familiar, although it had been almost a year since Paul had experienced it. They lingered in the doorway in that position before either of them spoke. "It's really me! You freed me! It's so good to be home." Paul was awestruck as they resumed the embrace. They kissed passionately for several minutes. Once the disbelief of her presence lessened, Paul led Laura over to the couch to question her about all that had happened. Paul nodded and listened intently. Paul's stomach sank and his brow creased as he tried to make sense of this. The gravity of this hit Paul like a ton of bricks. He rubbed her back. Paul sat in the dark living room and stared at the prompt on the screen. Continue to Level 3? After selecting "Yes" and while waiting for the case to load, he closed his eyes and hoped beyond measure that the case he would be presented with was Scotty's. Laura watched silently from the couch. The familiar cut scene played showing the entrance into Detective Charleston's office. Once Paul had control of the game, he opened the last case file and began reading. He nearly burst into tears of joy when he read about a missing ten year old boy. His objective was to find the boy and have the kidnapper brought to justice. "It must update through the internet connection," Paul said to Laura. "The disc is just a gateway into the game. I'll bet if I went back to level one again it would not be James' case, but something new – one of Chameleon's latest victims." As Paul was saying this, he had the sudden realization that this would never end. He would be compelled from then on to spend every waking moment of his life playing this game, lest someone experience a gruesome death that he
[ 0.3346313061361832, 1.1427398092454517 ]
[ -0.8221873326700475, -0.15920710044012423 ]
[ -0.5387744281182156, -0.16828509458200425 ]
[ -0.7826271460589318, -0.4223373639059073 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 304, 1423, 30098, 29908, 2296, 1020, 2356, 1283, 29889, 13, 29908, 3868, 2175, 363, 3762, 408, 9670, 445, 7250, 1699, 3739, 1497, 29892, 376, 29902, 2099, 29892, 306, 471, 8709, 292, 29892, 541, 30098, 29908, 940, 16387, 393, 694, 4383, 825, 540, 1497, 2446, 372, 723, 1207, 1075, 6047, 763, 263, 3480, 3473, 296, 3847, 29889, 940, 4689, 304, 591, 1022, 322, 1898, 670, 1900, 304, 9563, 445, 515, 2627, 625, 29892, 541, 1183, 471, 2221, 304, 5839, 701, 373, 372, 29889, 13, 3782, 5520, 15661, 304, 9563, 670, 577, 1327, 292, 540, 8745, 304, 1999, 4227, 714, 29892, 376, 8241, 29889, 3529, 3850, 769, 591, 415, 443, 1285, 1245, 2197, 29892, 4441, 3262, 278, 9008, 19870, 29889, 739, 7124, 278, 29181, 10090, 411, 263, 2898, 266, 566, 322, 2381, 686, 727, 491, 967, 13793, 408, 3739, 269, 804, 304, 278, 11904, 29889, 13, 18275, 10398, 278, 21162, 310, 278, 17724, 322, 11005, 472, 278, 10974, 5073, 29889, 940, 7699, 263, 2594, 6617, 310, 5155, 515, 2999, 13049, 322, 6459, 3145, 29889, 940, 10423, 714, 1095, 2222, 26999, 310, 5650, 1287, 29889, 940, 5644, 11932, 411, 14332, 540, 18169, 304, 5040, 471, 1259, 931, 322, 1284, 670, 1487, 29889, 450, 13049, 25617, 3739, 393, 896, 723, 437, 4129, 297, 1009, 3081, 322, 769, 20408, 11932, 1075, 304, 748, 3271, 297, 1206, 11032, 1017, 4133, 29889, 376, 7058, 29915, 29879, 920, 1784, 310, 1438, 4251, 8814, 6053, 297, 278, 4688, 22950, 1699, 697, 12139, 750, 5429, 1075, 29889, 13, 1576, 17251, 750, 11684, 2618, 491, 278, 931, 3739, 4133, 3271, 29892, 10124, 7990, 19756, 322, 6686, 1994, 29889, 940, 443, 29113, 670, 4565, 3050, 322, 7802, 278, 23490, 29889, 450, 3699, 471, 17436, 29889, 13, 29908, 4421, 327, 1017, 3026, 540, 2000, 29892, 13407, 297, 278, 3050, 1582, 29889, 376, 17506, 366, 1244, 3026, 1205, 727, 471, 694, 2933, 29889, 13, 18275, 6363, 393, 565, 540, 892, 304, 3763, 7845, 2820, 278, 3699, 10534, 540, 723, 748, 1663, 1662, 29892, 577, 540, 1045, 5715, 701, 670, 6601, 304, 23484, 277, 278, 2643, 7613, 3244, 1048, 278, 3748, 785, 322, 304, 2367, 445, 678, 420, 280, 265, 1410, 29891, 263, 8424, 310, 670, 3458, 29889, 1094, 278, 6601, 471, 6257, 701, 540, 12642, 287, 472, 263, 1424, 2795, 15373, 373, 278, 14616, 29889, 450, 7623, 471, 310, 3654, 29892, 21671, 322, 11032, 1017, 4586, 472, 263, 3942, 337, 13094, 2645, 263, 1568, 2250, 631, 931, 297, 1009, 12080, 29889, 940, 20722, 20190, 1449, 322, 769, 6077, 278, 15373, 3700, 1623, 373, 278, 553, 29895, 29889, 450, 6601, 471, 7960, 29889, 13, 3868, 12402, 630, 304, 278, 2643, 7613, 322, 1476, 278, 3244, 29889, 940, 10548, 1023, 2712, 393, 750, 9559, 1951, 540, 750, 1833, 1063, 727, 29889, 3824, 29892, 278, 1404, 678, 420, 280, 265, 29900, 29896, 471, 694, 5520, 9904, 29889, 7569, 3062, 540, 750, 8059, 29892, 670, 8952, 471, 8611, 491, 385, 9849, 411, 278, 1426, 1939, 6242, 261, 319, 12577, 287, 4911, 29889, 450, 916, 2944, 310, 4066, 471, 393, 278, 260, 949, 750, 1063, 22822, 491, 17768, 4097, 1156, 278, 2980, 1048, 278, 22277, 2738, 3748, 13631, 1568, 901, 17818, 344, 29889, 1094, 3739, 471, 5183, 278, 540, 630, 14523, 540, 6091, 278, 4565, 3050, 1722, 29889, 319, 269, 1141, 310, 18892, 471, 17143, 975, 1075, 322, 385, 7275, 29879, 14981, 2919, 17819, 21692, 670, 3700, 29889, 13, 18275, 11084, 7123, 297, 670, 16257, 746, 540, 6077, 278, 11155, 304, 3700, 278, 4565, 3050, 29889, 11032, 1017, 750, 451, 2041, 3271, 29889, 1205, 21671, 750, 29889, 13, 29923, 854, 2466, 1183, 750, 5714, 7688, 322, 7470, 17319, 368, 29892, 21671, 29915, 29879, 953, 13842, 7091, 763, 3271, 29889, 739, 471, 25561, 322, 9985, 29892, 5998, 372, 750, 1063, 4359, 263, 1629, 1951, 3739, 750, 18860, 372, 29889, 2688, 301, 5621, 287, 297, 278, 3050, 1582, 297, 393, 2602, 1434, 2845, 310, 963, 12707, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 2289, 592, 29991, 887, 3005, 287, 592, 29991, 739, 29915, 29879, 577, 1781, 304, 367, 3271, 1213, 3739, 471, 3773, 342, 10857, 408, 896, 620, 21571, 278, 953, 13842, 29889, 2688, 20057, 287, 15935, 2486, 363, 3196, 6233, 29889, 9038, 278, 766, 6596, 2575, 310, 902, 10122, 3109, 6419, 29892, 3739, 5331, 21671, 975, 304, 278, 274, 3222, 304, 1139, 902, 1048, 599, 393, 750, 9559, 29889, 13, 18275, 18778, 7176, 322, 29616, 938, 2705, 29889, 13, 18275, 29915, 29879, 380, 290, 496, 269, 804, 322, 670, 3347, 907, 1463, 408, 540, 1898, 304, 1207, 4060, 310, 445, 29889, 13, 1576, 20953, 310, 445, 7124, 3739, 763, 263, 15243, 310, 1506, 7358, 29889, 940, 14051, 2580, 902, 1250, 29889, 13, 18275, 3290, 297, 278, 6501, 8471, 5716, 322, 380, 1965, 472, 278, 9508, 373, 278, 4315, 29889, 2866, 14150, 304, 21597, 29871, 29941, 29973, 2860, 18851, 376, 8241, 29908, 322, 1550, 10534, 363, 278, 1206, 304, 2254, 29892, 540, 5764, 670, 5076, 322, 24936, 8724, 5645, 393, 278, 1206, 540, 723, 367, 9132, 411, 471, 11032, 1017, 29915, 29879, 29889, 21671, 20654, 4047, 2705, 515, 278, 274, 3222, 29889, 450, 9985, 5700, 9088, 5318, 6445, 278, 19546, 964, 5953, 522, 573, 2896, 29880, 21496, 29915, 29879, 8034, 29889, 9038, 3739, 750, 2761, 310, 278, 3748, 29892, 540, 6496, 278, 1833, 1206, 934, 322, 4689, 5183, 29889, 13, 3868, 8886, 20887, 964, 20190, 310, 15331, 746, 540, 1303, 1048, 263, 4567, 3006, 1629, 2030, 8023, 29889, 3600, 12091, 471, 304, 1284, 278, 8023, 322, 505, 278, 26397, 29876, 23239, 6296, 304, 15426, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 1818, 2767, 1549, 278, 8986, 3957, 1699, 3739, 1497, 304, 21671, 29889, 376, 1576, 2313, 338, 925, 263, 28646, 964, 278, 3748, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 1010, 565, 306, 3512, 1250, 304, 3233, 697, 1449, 372, 723, 451, 367, 5011, 29915, 1206, 29892, 541, 1554, 716, 785, 697, 310, 678, 420, 280, 265, 29915, 29879, 9281, 6879, 9893, 1213, 1094, 3739, 471, 5934, 445, 29892, 540, 750, 278, 8327, 1855, 2133, 393, 445, 723, 2360, 1095, 29889, 940, 723, 367, 752, 14356, 515, 769, 373, 304, 18864, 1432, 281, 5086, 3256, 310, 670, 2834, 8743, 445, 3748, 29892, 301, 342, 4856, 7271, 263, 4500, 14151, 4892, 393, 540 ]
Music was my perfect therapy Published: 7:57 AM March 12, 2009 Updated: 2:12 PM October 10, 2020 Emma KnightsThey say music is great for the soul, but for Norfolk solicitor and composer Lydia Dyer it is a vital lifeline which helped her through a gruelling battle with breast cancer. She tells emma knights about the concert she is putting on at Norwich Cathedral to help others with the disease.Emma Knights It was composing music that helped Lydia Dyer through her battle with breast cancer, and now she hopes to use the melodies she has created to help ease the pain of other sufferers. Later this month, she will put on a special concert at Norwich Cathedral, showcasing some of her work, but more importantly raising money for two charities close to her heart - Norwich Breast Cancer Resource Fund and Breast Cancer Care. Mrs Dyer, a solicitor from Santon Downham, who will be performing under her maiden name of Lydia Kakabadse, has persuaded some high profile guests to support her, and is promising an inspiring night for those who attend. 'Composing is not only a passion for me, but also a lifeline. It kept me positive and focused right through my various cancer treatments. Now I really want to help so many of my fellow sufferers because it is such a terrible disease,' said Mrs Dyer, who has a degree in music from Royal Holloway, University of London, and plays the piano and double bass. It was in summer 2000, while living in Hertfordshire, that she first noticed a lump in her left breast. After the lump was removed tests revealed it was cancerous and she was told the terrible news that the cancer had spread through the rest of her breast. 'I was so shocked when I was told I had cancer. I just remember looking out of the window and it was pouring with rain and I thought this cannot be real,' she said. Just six months later, in February 2001, she found herself preparing for an operation to have her left breast removed. 'I have read a lot about how traumatising it is for women losing their breasts but all I thought about was that the operation was fundamental for me to live,' she said. 'If I did not have that breast removed I could have died in two years. I did have tears but that just lasted a couple of days and then I just got on with it.' For five years Mrs Dyer appeared to have beaten the cancer, but a check-up in December 2007 revealed it had returned and spread to her lymph nodes. The tumour was the size of a golf ball and attached to Mrs Dyer's arm muscle. Before surgeons could operate she had to endure a gruelling course of chemotherapy to shrink the tumour and, after the operation, she had another tough bout of treatment last spring, this time radiotherapy, to get rid of cancerous cells. Along with the trauma of the treatment Mrs Dyer also suffered the upsetting side effect of losing her hair but, determined to stay strong, she sought comfort in composing and performing. Among the work she completed during her treatment were the second and third movements to a string quartet called Arabian Rhapsody Suite, and an extension of her musical theatre piece The Mermaid, which is based on mythology and tells the story of a mermaid captured by pirates. In March last year, during a break from her treatment, she put on a concert in London, wearing a wig to cover her loss of hair and long sleeves to cover unsightly veins on her arm caused by the chemotherapy. In June, she began planning the concert at Norwich Cathedral. Mrs Dyer, who now has check-ups every six months and says everything is 'so far so good', said: 'It was the music that kept me going because I did not know what was happening, and whether I was going to survive, especially as it was second time around and more serious. 'I got great support from my family, friends and work but the music helped me on a more spiritual level and my mind focused on something else rather than the treatment.' The concert, entitled An evening of musical theatre and chamber works, includes Mrs Dyer's own compositions and the last two movements of Schubert's Trout Quintet. The event will also feature a number of performers including Kit Hesketh-Harvey, one half of the Kit
[ 1.1427398092454517, 1.422153596761199 ]
[ -0.6735651604213408, 0.10893952961100613 ]
[ 0.3034557361394698, 0.4150503412563777 ]
[ -1.1351128174071976, -0.30267433156627466 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 6125, 471, 590, 4922, 29220, 27580, 13, 21076, 3726, 29901, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29945, 29955, 13862, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 25723, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29901, 29896, 29906, 11278, 5533, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 6026, 655, 8360, 5861, 15597, 1827, 4696, 338, 2107, 363, 278, 10752, 29892, 541, 363, 4186, 17976, 26978, 2105, 322, 18422, 365, 2941, 423, 360, 7598, 372, 338, 263, 27131, 11747, 5570, 607, 9213, 902, 1549, 263, 4500, 7807, 10555, 411, 24207, 23900, 29889, 2296, 10603, 953, 655, 889, 5861, 1048, 278, 13135, 1183, 338, 10594, 373, 472, 4186, 16416, 315, 21471, 304, 1371, 4045, 411, 278, 17135, 29889, 6026, 655, 8360, 5861, 13, 3112, 471, 5541, 292, 4696, 393, 9213, 365, 2941, 423, 360, 7598, 1549, 902, 10555, 411, 24207, 23900, 29892, 322, 1286, 1183, 26926, 304, 671, 278, 9232, 397, 583, 1183, 756, 2825, 304, 1371, 16326, 278, 6788, 310, 916, 8812, 414, 29889, 13, 29931, 1008, 445, 4098, 29892, 1183, 674, 1925, 373, 263, 4266, 13135, 472, 4186, 16416, 315, 21471, 29892, 1510, 29883, 5832, 777, 310, 902, 664, 29892, 541, 901, 4100, 368, 29263, 6909, 363, 1023, 1373, 1907, 3802, 304, 902, 5192, 448, 4186, 16416, 5826, 579, 1815, 2265, 18981, 13249, 322, 5826, 579, 1815, 2265, 10057, 29889, 13, 29924, 2288, 360, 7598, 29892, 263, 26978, 2105, 515, 4169, 265, 9943, 3391, 29892, 1058, 674, 367, 15859, 1090, 902, 611, 3615, 1024, 310, 365, 2941, 423, 476, 557, 20143, 344, 29892, 756, 20408, 11932, 777, 1880, 8722, 28865, 304, 2304, 902, 29892, 322, 338, 2504, 5921, 385, 8681, 8491, 4646, 363, 1906, 1058, 14333, 29889, 13, 29915, 1523, 1066, 292, 338, 451, 871, 263, 15935, 363, 592, 29892, 541, 884, 263, 11747, 5570, 29889, 739, 8126, 592, 6374, 322, 21309, 1492, 1549, 590, 5164, 23900, 7539, 1860, 29889, 2567, 306, 2289, 864, 304, 1371, 577, 1784, 310, 590, 10404, 8812, 414, 1363, 372, 338, 1316, 263, 16403, 17135, 5501, 1497, 6285, 360, 7598, 29892, 1058, 756, 263, 7426, 297, 4696, 515, 7021, 379, 2952, 388, 29892, 3014, 310, 4517, 29892, 322, 13582, 278, 11914, 322, 3765, 12760, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 297, 11801, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 1550, 8471, 297, 379, 814, 4006, 11750, 29892, 393, 1183, 937, 10548, 263, 301, 3427, 297, 902, 2175, 24207, 29889, 2860, 278, 301, 3427, 471, 6206, 6987, 17845, 372, 471, 23900, 681, 322, 1183, 471, 5429, 278, 16403, 9763, 393, 278, 23900, 750, 9677, 1549, 278, 1791, 310, 902, 24207, 29889, 13, 29915, 29902, 471, 577, 19253, 287, 746, 306, 471, 5429, 306, 750, 23900, 29889, 306, 925, 6456, 3063, 714, 310, 278, 3474, 322, 372, 471, 1671, 292, 411, 17251, 322, 306, 2714, 445, 2609, 367, 1855, 5501, 1183, 1497, 29889, 13, 14084, 4832, 7378, 2678, 29892, 297, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29892, 1183, 1476, 8735, 10223, 292, 363, 385, 5858, 304, 505, 902, 2175, 24207, 6206, 29889, 13, 29915, 29902, 505, 1303, 263, 3287, 1048, 920, 1020, 398, 271, 5921, 372, 338, 363, 5866, 19035, 1009, 2078, 19416, 541, 599, 306, 2714, 1048, 471, 393, 278, 5858, 471, 15281, 363, 592, 304, 5735, 5501, 1183, 1497, 29889, 525, 3644, 306, 1258, 451, 505, 393, 24207, 6206, 306, 1033, 505, 6423, 297, 1023, 2440, 29889, 306, 1258, 505, 20190, 541, 393, 925, 1833, 287, 263, 7303, 310, 3841, 322, 769, 306, 925, 2355, 373, 411, 372, 6169, 13, 2831, 5320, 2440, 6285, 360, 7598, 7470, 304, 505, 367, 2579, 278, 23900, 29892, 541, 263, 1423, 29899, 786, 297, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 17845, 372, 750, 4133, 322, 9677, 304, 902, 301, 962, 561, 7573, 29889, 13, 1576, 21622, 473, 471, 278, 2159, 310, 263, 29416, 8287, 322, 10959, 304, 6285, 360, 7598, 29915, 29879, 5075, 2301, 2841, 29889, 10949, 1190, 479, 787, 1033, 21994, 1183, 750, 304, 1095, 545, 263, 4500, 7807, 3236, 310, 8950, 1228, 27580, 304, 14653, 682, 278, 21622, 473, 322, 29892, 1156, 278, 5858, 29892, 1183, 750, 1790, 260, 820, 25927, 310, 14502, 1833, 6709, 29892, 445, 931, 17937, 1228, 27580, 29892, 304, 679, 8177, 310, 23900, 681, 9101, 29889, 13, 2499, 549, 411, 278, 1020, 10859, 310, 278, 14502, 6285, 360, 7598, 884, 17654, 278, 24081, 300, 1259, 2625, 2779, 310, 19035, 902, 11315, 541, 29892, 10087, 304, 7952, 4549, 29892, 1183, 18365, 13016, 297, 5541, 292, 322, 15859, 29889, 13, 6833, 549, 278, 664, 1183, 8676, 2645, 902, 14502, 892, 278, 1473, 322, 4654, 24147, 304, 263, 1347, 10256, 300, 2000, 10387, 713, 390, 4252, 1486, 2166, 568, 29892, 322, 385, 6081, 310, 902, 9636, 24520, 8424, 450, 4702, 655, 333, 29892, 607, 338, 2729, 373, 22082, 3002, 322, 10603, 278, 5828, 310, 263, 2778, 655, 333, 15468, 491, 21625, 1078, 29889, 13, 797, 4779, 1833, 1629, 29892, 2645, 263, 2867, 515, 902, 14502, 29892, 1183, 1925, 373, 263, 13135, 297, 4517, 29892, 591, 4362, 263, 281, 335, 304, 4612, 902, 6410, 310, 11315, 322, 1472, 12844, 29872, 1960, 304, 4612, 9644, 523, 368, 2453, 1144, 373, 902, 5075, 8581, 491, 278, 8950, 1228, 27580, 29889, 512, 5306, 29892, 1183, 4689, 18987, 278, 13135, 472, 4186, 16416, 315, 21471, 29889, 13, 29924, 2288, 360, 7598, 29892, 1058, 1286, 756, 1423, 29899, 14340, 1432, 4832, 7378, 322, 4083, 4129, 338, 525, 578, 2215, 577, 1781, 742, 1497, 29901, 525, 3112, 471, 278, 4696, 393, 8126, 592, 2675, 1363, 306, 1258, 451, 1073, 825, 471, 10464, 29892, 322, 3692, 306, 471, 2675, 304, 10503, 573, 29892, 7148, 408, 372, 471, 1473, 931, 2820, 322, 901, 10676, 29889, 13, 29915, 29902, 2355, 2107, 2304, 515, 590, 3942, 29892, 7875, 322, 664, 541, 278, 4696, 9213, 592, 373, 263, 901, 20954, 3233, 322, 590, 3458, 21309, 373, 1554, 1683, 3265, 1135, 278, 14502, 6169, 13, 1576, 13135, 29892, 23437, 530, 11005, 310, 9636, 24520, 322, 24171, 1736, 29892, 7805, 6285, 360, 7598, 29915, 29879, 1914, 5541, 2187, 322, 278, 1833, 1023, 24147, 310, 1102, 431, 814, 29915, 29879, 1605, 449, 29223, 300, 29889, 13, 1576, 1741, 674, 884, 4682, 263, 1353, 310, 2189, 414, 3704, 26240, 379, 8488, 621, 29899, 21972, 6950, 29892, 697, 4203, 310, 278, 26240 ]
Bigger India UK Home Secretary Puts on Hold Removal of Immigrants Over Tax Records UK Home Office Photo: UK government website UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid said that he has asked Caroline Nokes, the UK immigration minister, to carry out a review of cases under section 322(5). By Little India Desk | May 31, 2018 UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid has put on hold action being taken against immigrants who had been facing deportation due to discrepancies in taxation documents, the Financial Times reported. In a letter sent to Yvette Cooper, the chair of the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, that was released on May 29, Javid also wrote that he has asked UK Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes to carry out a review of cases. "I can confirm that all applications potentially falling for refusal under the character and conduct provisions of paragraph 322(5) have been put on hold pending the findings of the current review," Javid wrote in the letter, dated May 25. The Home Office was also dealing with 226 inquiries from citizens of Commonwealth nations who were denied entry into the United Kingdom after visits abroad even though they had the right to remain in the country, Javid revealed in the letter, according to the report. Section 322(5) of the Immigration Act was formed partially to address terrorism and people who are assessed as threats to the security of the United Kingdom, and has reportedly been misused to target immigrants over trivial issues. In response to the letter, Cooper welcomed the decision made by Javid for reviewing all the cases and putting the decisions on hold, the report said. Javid stated in the letter that as part of the review of these cases, individual case records will be checked to identify any applicants who were removed having been refused Indefinite Leave to Remain under paragraph 322(5). "We have identified 19 individuals who were refused Indefinite Leave to Remain(ILR) and subsequently made voluntary departures from the United Kingdom. One has since been issued with a visa to return to the United Kingdom," he added in the letter. Between Jan. 1, 2015 and Dec. 31, 2017, a total of 238 applicants sought to challenge the refusal of an application for ILR in the Tier 1 (General) route through a Judicial Review, of which 189 were against a refusal on paragraph 322(5) grounds, Javid stated in the letter. "I am clear that all the operational teams within the Home Office must have the resources they need to run an efficient and effective migration system, tackle illegal immigration and keep the United Kindom safe," Javid wrote in the letter. He also said that further data regarding other individuals who were refused ILR after applying under the 10-year Long Residency provision and who were previously in the Tier 1 (General) route is being analyzed. This is being done to determine how many people might have been refused visa under paragraph 322(5) and were subsequently removed or made voluntary departures from the United Kingdom, according to the letter. The Tier 1 (General) visa route was aimed at attracting highly skilled migrants to the United Kingdom. In order to apply for an ILR, an applicant needs to complete a period of five-year stay in the United Kingdom. As many as 20 Members of Parliament (MP) of the United Kingdom and a member of the House of Lords earlier said that they would form separate pressure groups to convince the UK Home Office to stop the deportation of highly skilled migrants. Many MPs and immigration experts have earlier condemned the use of the controversial Section 322(5) of the Immigration Act. According to experts, highly skilled workers, including teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and IT professionals, are being declined indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the United Kingdom after accusations are leveled against them of lying in their applications — for either making small and legal modifications to their tax records, or for having inconsistencies in the income they have declared. Related ItemsBritainSajid JavidUnited Kingdom Conservative Party Defends London Mayoral Candidate Under Attack Over Anti-Hindu Comments in UK UK's New Immigration Plan to Bring Fresh Hurdles for Indians Delay in
[ -0.46388946897009414, -0.2728197466247671 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 350, 3567, 7513, 13, 19960, 8778, 17719, 349, 8842, 373, 21771, 5240, 10611, 310, 1954, 26983, 1934, 6811, 17847, 7983, 13, 19960, 8778, 11367, 13, 25971, 29901, 10261, 5874, 4700, 13, 19960, 8778, 17719, 317, 1175, 333, 435, 16093, 1497, 393, 540, 756, 4433, 26980, 405, 23195, 29892, 278, 10261, 5198, 16783, 11050, 29892, 304, 8677, 714, 263, 9076, 310, 4251, 1090, 4004, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 467, 13, 2059, 11143, 7513, 2726, 29895, 891, 2610, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 13, 19960, 8778, 17719, 317, 1175, 333, 435, 16093, 756, 1925, 373, 4808, 3158, 1641, 4586, 2750, 5198, 4481, 1934, 1058, 750, 1063, 14870, 21455, 362, 2861, 304, 766, 1037, 8357, 2478, 297, 8818, 362, 10701, 29892, 278, 4231, 273, 1455, 10277, 8967, 29889, 512, 263, 5497, 2665, 304, 612, 29894, 2353, 21851, 29892, 278, 11774, 310, 278, 5619, 310, 3468, 8778, 26049, 7605, 12930, 29892, 393, 471, 5492, 373, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29892, 435, 16093, 884, 5456, 393, 540, 756, 4433, 10261, 1954, 29885, 16783, 7668, 26980, 405, 23195, 304, 8677, 714, 263, 9076, 310, 4251, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 508, 9659, 393, 599, 8324, 19998, 20327, 363, 2143, 375, 284, 1090, 278, 2931, 322, 7512, 1326, 12112, 310, 14880, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 29897, 505, 1063, 1925, 373, 4808, 28235, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 1857, 9076, 1699, 435, 16093, 5456, 297, 278, 5497, 29892, 29797, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29889, 450, 8778, 11367, 471, 884, 16743, 411, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29953, 297, 6578, 2722, 515, 18363, 310, 27094, 19079, 1058, 892, 17935, 6251, 964, 278, 3303, 12626, 1156, 1998, 1169, 28177, 1584, 2466, 896, 750, 278, 1492, 304, 3933, 297, 278, 4234, 29892, 435, 16093, 17845, 297, 278, 5497, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 3461, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 29897, 310, 278, 1954, 29885, 16783, 3185, 471, 8429, 22039, 304, 3211, 15115, 1608, 322, 2305, 1058, 526, 1223, 11517, 408, 12455, 1446, 304, 278, 6993, 310, 278, 3303, 12626, 29892, 322, 756, 8967, 368, 1063, 3984, 3880, 304, 3646, 5198, 4481, 1934, 975, 12604, 5626, 29889, 13, 797, 2933, 304, 278, 5497, 29892, 21851, 5476, 510, 287, 278, 10608, 1754, 491, 435, 16093, 363, 9076, 292, 599, 278, 4251, 322, 10594, 278, 1602, 12112, 373, 4808, 29892, 278, 3461, 1497, 29889, 13, 29967, 16093, 8703, 297, 278, 5497, 393, 408, 760, 310, 278, 9076, 310, 1438, 4251, 29892, 5375, 1206, 6475, 674, 367, 7120, 304, 12439, 738, 15576, 1934, 1058, 892, 6206, 2534, 1063, 15964, 1894, 1389, 262, 568, 951, 1351, 304, 5240, 475, 1090, 14880, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 467, 376, 4806, 505, 15659, 29871, 29896, 29929, 15724, 1058, 892, 15964, 1894, 1389, 262, 568, 951, 1351, 304, 5240, 475, 29898, 6227, 29934, 29897, 322, 17602, 1754, 27081, 653, 5840, 1973, 515, 278, 3303, 12626, 29889, 3118, 756, 1951, 1063, 16610, 411, 263, 1998, 29874, 304, 736, 304, 278, 3303, 12626, 1699, 540, 2715, 297, 278, 5497, 29889, 13, 29933, 300, 1452, 2627, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 322, 3826, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 263, 3001, 310, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29947, 15576, 1934, 18365, 304, 18766, 278, 2143, 375, 284, 310, 385, 2280, 363, 17674, 29934, 297, 278, 29088, 29871, 29896, 313, 15263, 29897, 5782, 1549, 263, 8660, 5611, 13957, 29892, 310, 607, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29929, 892, 2750, 263, 2143, 375, 284, 373, 14880, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 29897, 25502, 29892, 435, 16093, 8703, 297, 278, 5497, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 626, 2821, 393, 599, 278, 1751, 1288, 10907, 2629, 278, 8778, 11367, 1818, 505, 278, 7788, 896, 817, 304, 1065, 385, 8543, 322, 11828, 20332, 1788, 29892, 22002, 280, 27302, 5198, 16783, 322, 3013, 278, 3303, 13187, 290, 9109, 1699, 435, 16093, 5456, 297, 278, 5497, 29889, 13, 3868, 884, 1497, 393, 4340, 848, 11211, 916, 15724, 1058, 892, 15964, 17674, 29934, 1156, 15399, 1090, 278, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 6360, 6242, 2538, 3615, 1270, 25161, 322, 1058, 892, 9251, 297, 278, 29088, 29871, 29896, 313, 15263, 29897, 5782, 338, 1641, 29537, 287, 29889, 910, 338, 1641, 2309, 304, 8161, 920, 1784, 2305, 1795, 505, 1063, 15964, 1998, 29874, 1090, 14880, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 29897, 322, 892, 17602, 6206, 470, 1754, 27081, 653, 5840, 1973, 515, 278, 3303, 12626, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 5497, 29889, 13, 1576, 29088, 29871, 29896, 313, 15263, 29897, 1998, 29874, 5782, 471, 12242, 287, 472, 13978, 292, 10712, 2071, 24455, 9725, 1934, 304, 278, 3303, 12626, 29889, 512, 1797, 304, 3394, 363, 385, 17674, 29934, 29892, 385, 15576, 424, 4225, 304, 4866, 263, 3785, 310, 5320, 29899, 6360, 7952, 297, 278, 3303, 12626, 29889, 13, 2887, 1784, 408, 29871, 29906, 29900, 341, 13415, 310, 13212, 313, 3580, 29897, 310, 278, 3303, 12626, 322, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 5619, 310, 365, 4339, 8859, 1497, 393, 896, 723, 883, 5004, 12959, 6471, 304, 7602, 1239, 278, 10261, 8778, 11367, 304, 5040, 278, 21455, 362, 310, 10712, 2071, 24455, 9725, 1934, 29889, 9267, 16379, 29879, 322, 5198, 16783, 2902, 1372, 505, 8859, 24905, 9571, 278, 671, 310, 278, 19341, 616, 9779, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29906, 29898, 29945, 29897, 310, 278, 1954, 29885, 16783, 3185, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 2902, 1372, 29892, 10712, 2071, 24455, 17162, 29892, 3704, 27335, 29892, 437, 14359, 29892, 4307, 29891, 414, 29892, 6012, 414, 322, 13315, 6351, 1338, 29892, 526, 1641, 4845, 1312, 297, 25476, 568, 5967, 304, 3933, 313, 6227, 29934, 29897, 297, 278, 3303, 12626, 1156, 26142, 800, 526, 454, 345, 839, 2750, 963, 310, 19214, 297, 1009, 8324, 813, 363, 2845, 3907, 2319, 322, 11706, 26278, 304, 1009, 8818, 6475, 29892, 470, 363, 2534, 22435, 8244, 2478, 297, 278, 17869, 896, 505, 8052, 29889, 13, 9662, 630, 25085, 29933, 768, 475, 29903, 1175, 333, 435, 16093, 2525, 1573, 12626, 13, 1168, 2140, 1230, 9173, 5282, 1975, 4517, 2610, 11251, 315, 5380, 403, 7634, 6212, 547, 6811, 18473, 29899, 29950, 19910, 461, 29879, 297, 10261, 13, 19960, 29915, 29879, 1570, 1954, 29885, 16783, 8402, 304, 1771, 292, 383, 3781, 379, 18245, 793, 363, 17072, 13, 24996, 297 ]
third among tight ends with 32 receptions, was ninth."Mig Most who heard the disturbing audio that emerged only an hour before the draft began on Thursday night have concluded that whatever defect of character caused Chiefs receiver Tyreek Hill to assault a then-pregnant Crystal Espinal in December 2014 still lingers. And many began to call on the Chiefs to take decisive action as to Hill.Three days later Mecole Hardman Jersey Womens , the Chiefs haven't cut him. But they've made it clear that he won't be with the team, at least for "the foreseeable future." It's expected that the team and the league will take some sort of additional action this week. Although the NFL typically does not invoke the Commissioner Exempt list in the offseason, the best outcome for now could be to put Hill on paid leave (there's no pay to be earn) until the renewed criminal investigation ends, and until the NFL makes a decision on any type of league-imposed punishment.While the Chiefs also could cut Hill, keeping him or cutting him means nothing from a professional standpoint, if he's on the Commissioner Exempt list. From a personal standpoint, it could make plenty of sense for the Chiefs to officially keep Hill on the team.Go back and listen to the audio. Hill's relationship with Espinal can easily be described as dysfunctional, and given what happened more than four years ago if fairly can be regarded as combustible. So if the Chiefs, a franchise that endured the sudden and shocking Jovan Belcher tragedy in 2012 Mecole Hardman Kansas City Chiefs Jerseys , were to sever ties with Hill in the immediate aftermath of a secretly-recorded audio that was made by Espinal being leaked to the media, the Hill-Espinal relationship could become even more combustible.Given that Hill choked and beat Espinal while she was pregnant, and in light of his chilling "you need to be terrified of me, too" threat caught on audio, it's not an unreasonable concern.And that's an important angle to consider, at a time when many are demanding that the Chiefs do the right thing and move on from Hill. In time, perhaps they will. To the extent that the Chiefs hope to avoid throwing rocket fuel onto a fire that already seems to be raging, there's no harm in waiting. Especially since Hill currently isn't, and won't be Kansas City Chiefs Jerseys Stitched , with the Chiefs. Rob Gronkowski is a difficult man to stop.Just ask the Kansas City Chiefs.The latest example was Sunday night, when the Patriots tight end had two key catches in the fourth quarter as New England edged the Chiefs 43-40.He has caught 76 TD passes from Tom Brady in his career."He made a big play. He's been making a lot of those his career," Brady said. "I'll keep throwing to him in the biggest moments."Because of his knack for coming through when needed most, Gronkowski was the runaway choice as the NFL's top tight end by a panel of 10 football writers for The Associated Press. The All-Pro received eight first-place votes in balloting released Friday."He hasn't played in all 16 games since 2011, but when he's on the field he's still essentially unstoppable," said Minnesota-based AP Football Writer Dave Campbell.Kansas City's Travis Kelce was second. He has 33 catches for 468 yards and three touchdowns for the Chiefs, who are off to a 5-1 start entering Sunday night's matchup against Cincinnati."Kelce is already just a notch behind Gronkowski and could top this list soon while playing in Kansas City's high-flying offense with Patrick Mahomes throwing him the ball," said New York-based AP Football Writer Dennis Waszak Jr.Zach Ertz of the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles was third. He leads tight ends with 48 catches for 480 yards."One wonders if Wentz-Ertz will be a household combo along the lines of Brady-Gronk five years from now," said Dallas-based AP Football Writer Schuyler Dixon. "It's lofty company Mecole Hardman black jersey , but the pieces are in place."Green Bay's Jimmy Graham was fourth.
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 4654, 4249, 19932, 10614, 411, 29871, 29941, 29906, 25647, 29879, 29892, 471, 17081, 386, 1213, 29924, 335, 13, 29924, 520, 1058, 6091, 278, 29543, 292, 10348, 393, 11176, 3192, 871, 385, 7234, 1434, 278, 18195, 4689, 373, 498, 1295, 3250, 4646, 505, 22834, 393, 6514, 23503, 310, 2931, 8581, 14546, 29879, 19870, 9656, 7285, 9143, 304, 29159, 263, 769, 29899, 1457, 5138, 424, 22121, 11195, 5984, 979, 297, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 1603, 16850, 414, 29889, 1126, 1784, 4689, 304, 1246, 373, 278, 14546, 29879, 304, 2125, 22442, 573, 3158, 408, 304, 9143, 29889, 28575, 3841, 2678, 341, 687, 1772, 10999, 1171, 14500, 399, 290, 575, 1919, 278, 14546, 29879, 7359, 29915, 29873, 5700, 1075, 29889, 1205, 896, 29915, 345, 1754, 372, 2821, 393, 540, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 411, 278, 3815, 29892, 472, 3203, 363, 376, 1552, 363, 968, 29872, 519, 5434, 1213, 739, 29915, 29879, 3806, 393, 278, 3815, 322, 278, 13225, 674, 2125, 777, 2656, 310, 5684, 3158, 445, 4723, 29889, 8512, 278, 25167, 12234, 947, 451, 15928, 278, 11444, 261, 1222, 3456, 1051, 297, 278, 1283, 25682, 29892, 278, 1900, 21957, 363, 1286, 1033, 367, 304, 1925, 9143, 373, 12530, 5967, 313, 12711, 29915, 29879, 694, 5146, 304, 367, 2326, 29876, 29897, 2745, 278, 23011, 287, 22161, 22522, 10614, 29892, 322, 2745, 278, 25167, 3732, 263, 10608, 373, 738, 1134, 310, 13225, 29899, 326, 4752, 6035, 18310, 29889, 8809, 488, 278, 14546, 29879, 884, 1033, 5700, 9143, 29892, 12515, 1075, 470, 28967, 1075, 2794, 3078, 515, 263, 10257, 2317, 3149, 29892, 565, 540, 29915, 29879, 373, 278, 11444, 261, 1222, 3456, 1051, 29889, 3645, 263, 7333, 2317, 3149, 29892, 372, 1033, 1207, 20947, 310, 4060, 363, 278, 14546, 29879, 304, 22444, 3013, 9143, 373, 278, 3815, 29889, 8120, 1250, 322, 11621, 304, 278, 10348, 29889, 9143, 29915, 29879, 9443, 411, 5984, 979, 508, 5948, 367, 5439, 408, 270, 952, 2220, 284, 29892, 322, 2183, 825, 9559, 901, 1135, 3023, 2440, 8020, 565, 12558, 508, 367, 17878, 408, 4145, 504, 1821, 29889, 1105, 565, 278, 14546, 29879, 29892, 263, 23272, 895, 393, 1095, 2955, 278, 8327, 322, 19253, 292, 435, 10471, 3741, 4630, 1020, 3192, 29891, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 341, 687, 1772, 10999, 1171, 20029, 4412, 14546, 29879, 5677, 344, 952, 1919, 892, 304, 2775, 260, 583, 411, 9143, 297, 278, 16800, 1156, 755, 310, 263, 7035, 368, 29899, 11651, 287, 10348, 393, 471, 1754, 491, 5984, 979, 1641, 454, 12535, 304, 278, 5745, 29892, 278, 9143, 29899, 15784, 979, 9443, 1033, 4953, 1584, 901, 4145, 504, 1821, 29889, 29954, 5428, 393, 9143, 521, 12504, 322, 16646, 5984, 979, 1550, 1183, 471, 758, 5138, 424, 29892, 322, 297, 3578, 310, 670, 521, 8873, 376, 6293, 817, 304, 367, 1935, 29878, 2164, 310, 592, 29892, 2086, 29908, 28469, 12624, 373, 10348, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 385, 443, 23147, 519, 5932, 29889, 2855, 393, 29915, 29879, 385, 4100, 10696, 304, 2050, 29892, 472, 263, 931, 746, 1784, 526, 9667, 292, 393, 278, 14546, 29879, 437, 278, 1492, 2655, 322, 4337, 373, 515, 9143, 29889, 512, 931, 29892, 6060, 896, 674, 29889, 1763, 278, 15834, 393, 278, 14546, 29879, 4966, 304, 4772, 17452, 696, 3522, 26413, 11480, 263, 3974, 393, 2307, 2444, 304, 367, 1153, 3460, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 10311, 297, 10534, 29889, 3423, 25009, 1951, 9143, 5279, 3508, 29915, 29873, 29892, 322, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 20029, 4412, 14546, 29879, 5677, 344, 952, 624, 2335, 287, 1919, 411, 278, 14546, 29879, 29889, 6417, 402, 1617, 7000, 2574, 338, 263, 5189, 767, 304, 5040, 29889, 14084, 2244, 278, 20029, 4412, 14546, 29879, 29889, 1576, 9281, 1342, 471, 16340, 4646, 29892, 746, 278, 23168, 1862, 19932, 1095, 750, 1023, 1820, 4380, 267, 297, 278, 11582, 12616, 408, 1570, 5408, 1226, 3192, 278, 14546, 29879, 29871, 29946, 29941, 29899, 29946, 29900, 29889, 3868, 756, 12624, 29871, 29955, 29953, 323, 29928, 14517, 515, 4335, 1771, 3714, 297, 670, 6413, 1213, 3868, 1754, 263, 4802, 1708, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 1063, 3907, 263, 3287, 310, 1906, 670, 6413, 1699, 1771, 3714, 1497, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 645, 3013, 17452, 304, 1075, 297, 278, 24842, 19462, 1213, 29933, 5658, 310, 670, 889, 547, 363, 6421, 1549, 746, 4312, 1556, 29892, 402, 1617, 7000, 2574, 471, 278, 1065, 21694, 7348, 408, 278, 25167, 29915, 29879, 2246, 19932, 1095, 491, 263, 9451, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 5733, 23550, 363, 450, 6853, 630, 5254, 29889, 450, 2178, 29899, 1184, 4520, 9475, 937, 29899, 6689, 18952, 297, 8287, 11427, 5492, 28728, 1213, 3868, 22602, 29915, 29873, 5318, 297, 599, 29871, 29896, 29953, 8090, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 541, 746, 540, 29915, 29879, 373, 278, 1746, 540, 29915, 29879, 1603, 13674, 443, 7864, 407, 519, 1699, 1497, 20994, 29899, 6707, 12279, 8914, 399, 5385, 17841, 22163, 29889, 29968, 13353, 4412, 29915, 29879, 3201, 1730, 27326, 346, 471, 1473, 29889, 940, 756, 29871, 29941, 29941, 4380, 267, 363, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29947, 17454, 322, 2211, 6023, 3204, 29879, 363, 278, 14546, 29879, 29892, 1058, 526, 1283, 304, 263, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29896, 1369, 18055, 16340, 4646, 29915, 29879, 1993, 786, 2750, 315, 3742, 2559, 2219, 1213, 29968, 295, 346, 338, 2307, 925, 263, 451, 305, 5742, 402, 1617, 7000, 2574, 322, 1033, 2246, 445, 1051, 4720, 1550, 8743, 297, 20029, 4412, 29915, 29879, 1880, 29899, 29888, 5890, 1283, 1947, 411, 14875, 10082, 290, 267, 17452, 1075, 278, 8287, 1699, 1497, 1570, 3088, 29899, 6707, 12279, 8914, 399, 5385, 27974, 12547, 29114, 13843, 29889, 29999, 496, 1425, 17559, 310, 278, 5670, 27207, 8064, 18292, 382, 351, 793, 471, 4654, 29889, 940, 11981, 19932, 10614, 411, 29871, 29946, 29947, 4380, 267, 363, 29871, 29946, 29947, 29900, 17454, 1213, 6716, 281, 18452, 565, 399, 296, 29920, 29899, 2110, 17559, 674, 367, 263, 22329, 419, 833, 3412, 278, 3454, 310, 1771, 3714, 29899, 29954, 1617, 29895, 5320, 2440, 515, 1286, 1699, 1497, 27043, 29899, 6707, 12279, 8914, 399, 5385, 1102, 8631, 1358, 360, 28778, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 658, 3312, 5001, 341, 687, 1772, 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[ 628, 14803, 953, 2354, 8080, 29877, 15373, 5321, 482, 2136, 261, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29953, 2989, 26755, 269, 25458, 952, 298, 650, 962, 6150, 7618, 895, 5188, 1974, 12203, 2989, 26755, 338, 29877, 694, 18290, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29954, 341, 2172, 399, 533, 2222, 660, 29956, 1001, 15631, 7670, 3377, 25992, 28675, 8305, 363, 9609, 2216, 19273, 5669, 5648, 11773, 3154, 9026, 6054, 7670, 3377, 411, 28675, 8305, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29900, 29947, 6054, 12951, 390, 29943, 399, 533, 2222, 341, 2172, 7670, 3377, 29871, 29906, 29889, 13, 11843, 278, 24839, 310, 3575, 317, 677, 9609, 29871, 29906, 1952, 520, 21267, 1820, 373, 474, 8305, 12247, 701, 304, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 383, 1901, 315, 14044, 322, 24778, 2178, 476, 12772, 310, 9609, 2169, 27637, 5790, 21775, 362, 5920, 26755, 1820, 1885, 7797, 1820, 26229, 29889, 13, 12300, 29907, 3035, 12037, 2166, 568, 10117, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29953, 29955, 29943, 29896, 29889, 14279, 384, 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29892, 2499, 29885, 332, 328, 709, 29892, 29968, 29885, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 29940, 29899, 5667, 29889, 450, 916, 1197, 20850, 3160, 15891, 287, 3497, 15477, 5417, 29871, 29955, 21235, 1820, 17152, 20549, 8533, 338, 26552, 363, 29871, 29896, 1629, 29889, 393, 2360, 9559, 363, 592, 1207, 1854, 393, 28536, 1889, 304, 1095, 2745, 2186, 29889, 910, 2560, 29889, 450, 6221, 3271, 3488, 363, 278, 6770, 29965, 29899, 1204, 29745, 10317, 310, 20972, 9184, 29877, 322, 5757, 2035, 1044, 29871, 29896, 9088, 29871, 29896, 1820, 11839, 10513, 16888, 22557, 29889, 13, 29903, 296, 515, 590, 317, 29954, 29950, 29899, 29911, 29929, 29947, 29929, 739, 338, 925, 278, 2560, 3414, 310, 772, 3262, 385, 15531, 323, 1027, 934, 15477, 5417, 29871, 29955, 21235, 1820, 17152, 278, 1027, 21497, 322, 1045, 290, 1205, 10816, 304, 825, 366, 526, 3063, 1820, 21793, 298, 309, 880, 17643, 24799, 338, 445, 12362, 260, 29929, 29947, 29929, 443, 908, 853, 908, 3439, 29899, 29903, 28935, 5208, 26825, 3940, 1944, 363, 383, 21661, 8707, 3738, 29934, 2303, 29928, 13976, 373, 317, 28935, 5669, 24323, 29871, 29945, 1820, 1885, 6047, 363, 479, 410, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29900, 10760, 775, 2767, 15400, 29891, 269, 29906, 1027, 3889, 269, 28935, 15400, 29891, 269, 29941, 1027, 3889, 29889, 13, 4013, 3455, 383 ]
SwansCast Matches & Team News AFL News The Swans Blog The number one Sydney Swans fan site Menu Scroll Down Swans News Matches and Team News Longmire fronts the press ahead of Eagles clash Justin Mitchell's Picture By Justin Mitchell | 11 April 2017 | 2 min read News, AFL News, Sydney Swans, Press Conferences, AFL, Swans News, Seniors, Matches and Team News, Senior Players, Injuries, Players John Longmire has fronted the press today ahead of the do or die Eagles clash on Thursday night. With the crucial clash ahead, he's just not that interested in September yet. The Swans are winless and in 16th position, after two losses at home to Port Adelaide and Collingwood, and an away loss to reigning premiers, the Western Bulldogs. This has prompted many in the media to declare that Longmires' streak of finals appearances is in jeopardy. But with a tough trip west and an important Sydney derby in round 5, there's every change that the Swans could be 0-5, making the top 4 an all but impossible task, not that Longmire is looking that far ahead. "We can understand outside discussions about where we sit (on the ladder) and our opportunities at the end of the year, but internally it's very much about (putting) one foot in front of the other, and getting that right. "Getting our training sessions right and getting our preparation right and getting our games right at this time of the year, because the results at the end of the year tends to take care of themselves if you get your performance right from week to week. "We know we need to play better, that's our immediate aim, and we've got confidence that we can do that, but we need to get going, clearly." Tippett is one of several missing Swans players that could be available for selection. When asked about Tippett, he said they would know today if he would be available for selection. https://twitter.com/sydneyswans/status/851577934867382272 When asked about youth and inexperience, Longmire said that he will continue to pick an inexperienced side, so long as the younger players were in form and could handle the physical demands of regular senior football. "You saw the way they were running around on the weekend, and particularly in the last quarter … those young boys kicked a couple of important goals," he said. "(Will) Hayward looked nice and lively and was giving (the side) plenty of energy, so whilst they're in that frame of mind, the signs are pretty good. "We're looking at players that are playing well at the moment, and a lot of those young players have earned their spots in the team. "We're not just in the habit of giving games to the young kids for the sake of getting their numbers up, and we still think there's a couple more that could come in as well." The Swans are due to welcome back Jarrad McVeigh (calf) and Isaac Heeney (glandular fever), who'll join Tom Papley (knee) and Gary Rohan (back) training in the main group, pushing for selection in the next fortnight. Like what you're getting? Want more Swans Blog, and the chance to have your input into our site and what we create? We have additional content weekly on our Patreon Service. This is your avenue, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and get more content like this. If you'd like to support us, you can head over to our Red Bubble Swans Blog Shop, and purchase one of our hideously overpriced mugs, stickers or notebooks. Help keep The Swans Blog alive. dismiss x Since you're here... ... we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading The Swans Blog than ever, but we don't accept advertising, and don't want to do so in the future. Unlike many other news and media organisations, fan forums and fan media, we haven't put up a paywall, or displayed ads - we want to keep our content as open as possible. The Swans Blog is an independent fan blog and community platform. Our content takes
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3925, 550, 15738, 13, 9652, 267, 669, 8583, 10130, 13, 5098, 29931, 10130, 13, 1576, 3925, 550, 350, 1188, 13, 1576, 1353, 697, 16198, 3925, 550, 13524, 3268, 13, 6823, 28797, 9943, 13, 10840, 550, 10130, 13, 9652, 267, 322, 8583, 10130, 13, 8208, 29885, 533, 4565, 29879, 278, 3965, 14432, 310, 382, 351, 793, 1067, 1161, 13, 14084, 262, 26676, 29915, 29879, 28908, 13, 2059, 26408, 26676, 891, 29871, 29896, 29896, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 891, 29871, 29906, 1375, 1303, 13, 29328, 29892, 319, 10536, 10130, 29892, 16198, 3925, 550, 29892, 5254, 1281, 10662, 29892, 319, 10536, 29892, 3925, 550, 10130, 29892, 5811, 18930, 29892, 14514, 267, 322, 8583, 10130, 29892, 24260, 7412, 414, 29892, 512, 29926, 14886, 29892, 7412, 414, 13, 11639, 6242, 29885, 533, 756, 4565, 287, 278, 3965, 9826, 14432, 310, 278, 437, 470, 762, 382, 351, 793, 1067, 1161, 373, 498, 1295, 3250, 4646, 29889, 2973, 278, 7618, 1455, 1067, 1161, 14432, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 925, 451, 393, 8852, 297, 3839, 3447, 29889, 13, 1576, 3925, 550, 526, 5401, 2222, 322, 297, 29871, 29896, 29953, 386, 2602, 29892, 1156, 1023, 28495, 472, 3271, 304, 3371, 2087, 3100, 680, 322, 1530, 1847, 6115, 29892, 322, 385, 3448, 6410, 304, 20913, 292, 21426, 29892, 278, 10504, 8313, 430, 12099, 29889, 910, 756, 9508, 287, 1784, 297, 278, 5745, 304, 9607, 393, 6242, 29885, 2658, 29915, 12243, 557, 310, 2186, 29879, 21712, 338, 297, 1444, 459, 538, 29891, 29889, 13, 6246, 411, 263, 260, 820, 17487, 5833, 322, 385, 4100, 16198, 589, 1609, 297, 4513, 29871, 29945, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 1432, 1735, 393, 278, 3925, 550, 1033, 367, 29871, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29892, 3907, 278, 2246, 29871, 29946, 385, 599, 541, 9301, 3414, 29892, 451, 393, 6242, 29885, 533, 338, 3063, 393, 2215, 14432, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 508, 2274, 5377, 5353, 1080, 1048, 988, 591, 7845, 313, 265, 278, 11979, 672, 29897, 322, 1749, 28602, 1907, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 1629, 29892, 541, 25106, 372, 29915, 29879, 1407, 1568, 1048, 313, 649, 1259, 29897, 697, 3661, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 916, 29892, 322, 2805, 393, 1492, 29889, 13, 29908, 2577, 1259, 1749, 6694, 21396, 1492, 322, 2805, 1749, 10223, 362, 1492, 322, 2805, 1749, 8090, 1492, 472, 445, 931, 310, 278, 1629, 29892, 1363, 278, 2582, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 1629, 29867, 304, 2125, 2562, 310, 6053, 565, 366, 679, 596, 4180, 1492, 515, 4723, 304, 4723, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1073, 591, 817, 304, 1708, 2253, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 1749, 16800, 12242, 29892, 322, 591, 29915, 345, 2355, 16420, 393, 591, 508, 437, 393, 29892, 541, 591, 817, 304, 679, 2675, 29892, 9436, 1213, 13, 29911, 8377, 1803, 338, 697, 310, 3196, 4567, 3925, 550, 10769, 393, 1033, 367, 3625, 363, 9262, 29889, 1932, 4433, 1048, 323, 8377, 1803, 29892, 540, 1497, 896, 723, 1073, 9826, 565, 540, 723, 367, 3625, 363, 9262, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 24946, 29889, 510, 29914, 29879, 2941, 484, 952, 29893, 550, 29914, 4882, 29914, 29947, 29945, 29896, 29945, 29955, 29955, 29929, 29941, 29946, 29947, 29953, 29955, 29941, 29947, 29906, 29906, 29955, 29906, 13, 10401, 4433, 1048, 12397, 322, 297, 735, 546, 5597, 29892, 6242, 29885, 533, 1497, 393, 540, 674, 6773, 304, 5839, 385, 297, 735, 546, 819, 1133, 2625, 29892, 577, 1472, 408, 278, 20023, 10769, 892, 297, 883, 322, 1033, 4386, 278, 9128, 1261, 4167, 310, 4943, 16336, 5733, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 4446, 278, 982, 896, 892, 2734, 2820, 373, 278, 4723, 355, 29892, 322, 10734, 297, 278, 1833, 12616, 16088, 1906, 4123, 12544, 413, 17840, 263, 7303, 310, 4100, 14433, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 29898, 12984, 29897, 11389, 1328, 5148, 7575, 322, 301, 3598, 322, 471, 6820, 313, 1552, 2625, 29897, 20947, 310, 5864, 29892, 577, 21109, 896, 29915, 276, 297, 393, 3515, 310, 3458, 29892, 278, 18906, 526, 5051, 1781, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 3063, 472, 10769, 393, 526, 8743, 1532, 472, 278, 3256, 29892, 322, 263, 3287, 310, 1906, 4123, 10769, 505, 20591, 1009, 805, 1862, 297, 278, 3815, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 451, 925, 297, 278, 4760, 310, 6820, 8090, 304, 278, 4123, 413, 4841, 363, 278, 16563, 310, 2805, 1009, 3694, 701, 29892, 322, 591, 1603, 1348, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 7303, 901, 393, 1033, 2041, 297, 408, 1532, 1213, 13, 1576, 3925, 550, 526, 2861, 304, 12853, 1250, 435, 2749, 328, 4052, 29963, 29872, 1141, 313, 1052, 29888, 29897, 322, 28156, 940, 264, 1032, 313, 29887, 1049, 1070, 1238, 369, 511, 1058, 29915, 645, 5988, 4335, 8579, 2330, 313, 29895, 484, 29872, 29897, 322, 23529, 390, 1148, 273, 313, 1627, 29897, 6694, 297, 278, 1667, 2318, 29892, 27556, 363, 9262, 297, 278, 2446, 5162, 11147, 29889, 13, 27552, 825, 366, 29915, 276, 2805, 29973, 399, 424, 901, 3925, 550, 350, 1188, 29892, 322, 278, 8825, 304, 505, 596, 1881, 964, 1749, 3268, 322, 825, 591, 1653, 29973, 1334, 505, 5684, 2793, 4723, 368, 373, 1749, 4121, 276, 265, 6692, 29889, 910, 338, 596, 263, 9947, 29892, 825, 526, 366, 10534, 363, 29973, 9954, 701, 9826, 322, 679, 901, 2793, 763, 445, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 29915, 29881, 763, 304, 2304, 502, 29892, 366, 508, 2343, 975, 304, 1749, 4367, 350, 23232, 3925, 550, 350, 1188, 1383, 459, 29892, 322, 20590, 697, 310, 1749, 9563, 5794, 975, 558, 7612, 286, 16926, 29892, 12070, 414, 470, 451, 19273, 29879, 29889, 22305, 3013, 450, 3925, 550, 350, 1188, 18758, 29889, 13, 29881, 28303, 921, 13, 23036, 366, 29915, 276, 1244, 856, 13, 856, 591, 505, 263, 2319, 15381, 304, 2244, 29889, 5853, 2305, 526, 5183, 450, 3925, 550, 350, 1188, 1135, 3926, 29892, 541, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3544, 18811, 5921, 29892, 322, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 437, 577, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 853, 4561, 1784, 916, 9763, 322, 5745, 17459, 800, 29892, 13524, 363, 6762, 322, 13524, 5745, 29892, 591, 7359, 29915, 29873, 1925, 701, 263, 5146, 11358, 29892, 470, 8833, 594, 29879, 448, 591, 864, 304, 3013, 1749, 2793, 408, 1722, 408, 1950, 29889, 13, 1576, 3925, 550, 350, 1188, 338, 385, 7417, 13524, 12618, 322, 7881, 7481, 29889, 8680, 2793, 4893 ]
French farmer finds rare coin featuring Charlemagne just before his death By Laura Geggel The portrait confirms that Charlemagne had a short neck. This rare silver coin shows a portrait of Charlemagne that was made during his lifetime. (Image credit: Stadt Aachen/Route Charlemagne) A rare 1,200-year-old silver coin featuring Charlemagne — one of the only known portraits made of the emperor during his lifetime — was recently rediscovered and promptly taken on a wild journey from a farm in France, to the bidding grounds of eBay and, finally, to a museum in Germany. The coin's modern travels began when a man in France wanted to build a house but was short on cash. He remembered that he had inherited a coin collection from his grandfather, a farmer in the Paris region. After going through his grandfather's collection, the man discovered the Charlemagne coin, known as a denarius, and he put it up for auction on eBay. "We have here some experts that regularly check what is on eBay concerning archaeology," said Frank Pohle, director of the Route Charlemagne, a group of municipal museums in Aachen, Germany, that focus on cultural history. "One of them told me 'Hey, there is a piece of money in eBay France that could be a real denarius of Charlemagne." The museum decided to enter a bid. To their relief, they got the coin depicting Charlemagne and his imperial title: IMP(erator) AVG(ustus), a reference to Emperor Augustus, the first Roman emperor and a title used by the many emperors of the Roman Empire, whom Charlemagne was trying to emulate. (Pohle wouldn't reveal the coin's price, but said, "It was not that expensive. We are very content.") Related: Amateur freedivers find gold treasure dating to the fall of the Roman Empire Charlemagne (ruled A.D. 768 to 814), also known as Charles the Great, was king of the Franks and became the first ruler to unite Western and Central Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. Due to his political power, military might and close relationship with the Vatican, Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Romans on Christmas day in A.D. 800 (opens in new tab). So, perhaps it's no surprise that, in this coin portrait, Charlemagne "presents himself really as Roman emperor," Pohle told Live Science. "He has the laurel on his hat, which is quite unusual for Frankish kings. He is wearing a dress like a Roman general." The portrait also reveals that Charlemagne had a round face, a mustache and a short neck, the latter a detail noted by Charlemagne's biographer Einhard, Pohle said. Putting his portrait on the 0.7-inch-diameter (1.9 centimeters) coin "has something to do with his ambitions," Pohle told Live Science. "That type of coin is quite a good copy of what the Roman emperors did in their times … to use money as a piece of their own marketing purposes." There are only about 50 individual denarii coins bearing a portrait of Charlemagne created in his lifetime. "Most [denarii] only have his name on it, no portrait," Marjanko Pilekić, a numismatist and research assistant at the Coin Cabinet of the Schloss Friedenstein Gotha Foundation in Germany, who is not involved with the newfound coin, told Live Science. The back of the coin features a building, which has a Christian cross on it and looks like a mix between a Roman temple and a church, Pohle said. The back of the coin features a mix between a Roman temple and a church. (Image credit: Stadt Aachen/Route Charlemagne) When was it minted? Museum experts have determined that the 0.5-ounce (1.5 grams) coin was likely minted in Aachen due to the city's importance, as that's where Charlemagne was possibly born and later died. But the date of its minting is unclear. After being crowned Roman emperor, he didn't immediately use the title "Emperor Augustus" found on the coin. "Although he was already crowned in 800, he didn't use that title [until] 812," Pohle said. "It had something to do with his
[ 1.422153596761199, 1.038644476641546 ]
[ 2.6516321150708064, 1.9353806825469189 ]
[ 1.1962125770747325, 0.9527334386378428 ]
[ 0.2904380895953829, 0.4933449705191079 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5176, 2215, 1050, 14061, 10812, 19480, 23425, 2896, 18453, 925, 1434, 670, 4892, 13, 2059, 21671, 21163, 7467, 13, 1576, 21760, 12388, 1516, 393, 2896, 18453, 750, 263, 3273, 18873, 29889, 13, 4013, 10812, 13283, 19480, 3697, 263, 21760, 310, 2896, 18453, 393, 471, 1754, 2645, 670, 25423, 29889, 313, 2940, 16200, 29901, 5587, 319, 18762, 29914, 12085, 2896, 18453, 29897, 13, 29909, 10812, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 13283, 19480, 23425, 2896, 18453, 813, 697, 310, 278, 871, 2998, 2011, 336, 1169, 1754, 310, 278, 953, 13651, 2645, 670, 25423, 813, 471, 10325, 29825, 11911, 287, 322, 9508, 368, 4586, 373, 263, 8775, 16342, 515, 263, 17888, 297, 3444, 29892, 304, 278, 289, 2205, 292, 25502, 310, 321, 29933, 388, 322, 29892, 7146, 29892, 304, 263, 19133, 297, 9556, 29889, 13, 1576, 19480, 29915, 29879, 5400, 9850, 29879, 4689, 746, 263, 767, 297, 3444, 5131, 304, 2048, 263, 3699, 541, 471, 3273, 373, 274, 1161, 29889, 940, 21832, 393, 540, 750, 23878, 263, 19480, 4333, 515, 670, 4595, 22212, 29892, 263, 2215, 1050, 297, 278, 3681, 5120, 29889, 2860, 2675, 1549, 670, 4595, 22212, 29915, 29879, 4333, 29892, 278, 767, 10943, 278, 2896, 18453, 19480, 29892, 2998, 408, 263, 972, 19563, 29892, 322, 540, 1925, 372, 701, 363, 782, 428, 373, 321, 29933, 388, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 505, 1244, 777, 2902, 1372, 393, 25704, 1423, 825, 338, 373, 321, 29933, 388, 19813, 3190, 3660, 3002, 1699, 1497, 4976, 349, 1148, 280, 29892, 8881, 310, 278, 12034, 2896, 18453, 29892, 263, 2318, 310, 11677, 19133, 29879, 297, 319, 18762, 29892, 9556, 29892, 393, 8569, 373, 16375, 4955, 29889, 376, 6716, 310, 963, 5429, 592, 525, 29950, 1032, 29892, 727, 338, 263, 8424, 310, 6909, 297, 321, 29933, 388, 3444, 393, 1033, 367, 263, 1855, 972, 19563, 310, 2896, 18453, 1213, 13, 1576, 19133, 8459, 304, 3896, 263, 21000, 29889, 1763, 1009, 18892, 29892, 896, 2355, 278, 19480, 1401, 919, 292, 2896, 18453, 322, 670, 26990, 3611, 29901, 306, 3580, 29898, 261, 1061, 29897, 16884, 29954, 29898, 504, 375, 511, 263, 3407, 304, 18075, 3111, 375, 29892, 278, 937, 5917, 953, 13651, 322, 263, 3611, 1304, 491, 278, 1784, 953, 546, 943, 310, 278, 5917, 13378, 29892, 6029, 2896, 18453, 471, 1811, 304, 953, 5987, 29889, 313, 29925, 1148, 280, 7656, 29915, 29873, 10320, 284, 278, 19480, 29915, 29879, 8666, 29892, 541, 1497, 29892, 376, 3112, 471, 451, 393, 19390, 29889, 1334, 526, 1407, 2793, 23157, 13, 9662, 630, 29901, 1913, 7289, 3005, 287, 1536, 1284, 7684, 2578, 3745, 270, 1218, 304, 278, 6416, 310, 278, 5917, 13378, 13, 5914, 18453, 313, 582, 839, 319, 29889, 29928, 29889, 29871, 29955, 29953, 29947, 304, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29946, 511, 884, 2998, 408, 5322, 278, 7027, 29892, 471, 6989, 310, 278, 1352, 2039, 322, 3897, 278, 937, 364, 8584, 304, 443, 568, 10504, 322, 8068, 4092, 1156, 278, 6416, 310, 278, 10504, 5917, 13378, 297, 278, 18615, 6462, 319, 29889, 29928, 29889, 16809, 304, 670, 8604, 3081, 29892, 9121, 1795, 322, 3802, 9443, 411, 278, 478, 271, 2185, 29892, 2896, 18453, 471, 20844, 287, 953, 13651, 310, 278, 6033, 550, 373, 17661, 2462, 297, 319, 29889, 29928, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 313, 22156, 297, 716, 4434, 467, 13, 6295, 29892, 6060, 372, 29915, 29879, 694, 16671, 393, 29892, 297, 445, 19480, 21760, 29892, 2896, 18453, 376, 4569, 1237, 3654, 2289, 408, 5917, 953, 13651, 1699, 349, 1148, 280, 5429, 10782, 9327, 29889, 376, 3868, 756, 278, 425, 545, 29880, 373, 670, 3056, 29892, 607, 338, 3755, 22910, 363, 4976, 728, 413, 886, 29889, 940, 338, 591, 4362, 263, 10714, 763, 263, 5917, 2498, 1213, 13, 1576, 21760, 884, 10320, 1338, 393, 2896, 18453, 750, 263, 4513, 3700, 29892, 263, 1818, 1829, 322, 263, 3273, 18873, 29892, 278, 7480, 263, 9493, 11682, 491, 2896, 18453, 29915, 29879, 4768, 1946, 261, 2694, 6800, 29892, 349, 1148, 280, 1497, 29889, 13, 22908, 1259, 670, 21760, 373, 278, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29899, 22466, 29899, 29881, 2829, 1308, 313, 29896, 29889, 29929, 1644, 326, 2699, 29897, 19480, 376, 5349, 1554, 304, 437, 411, 670, 3181, 2187, 1699, 349, 1148, 280, 5429, 10782, 9327, 29889, 376, 7058, 1134, 310, 19480, 338, 3755, 263, 1781, 3509, 310, 825, 278, 5917, 953, 546, 943, 1258, 297, 1009, 3064, 16088, 304, 671, 6909, 408, 263, 8424, 310, 1009, 1914, 9999, 292, 11976, 1213, 13, 8439, 526, 871, 1048, 29871, 29945, 29900, 5375, 972, 1306, 29875, 1302, 1144, 24638, 263, 21760, 310, 2896, 18453, 2825, 297, 670, 25423, 29889, 376, 29924, 520, 518, 1145, 1306, 29875, 29962, 871, 505, 670, 1024, 373, 372, 29892, 694, 21760, 1699, 1085, 29926, 804, 29877, 349, 488, 1984, 30063, 29892, 263, 954, 1608, 271, 391, 322, 5925, 20255, 472, 278, 3189, 262, 11680, 10157, 310, 278, 21013, 6662, 264, 5465, 22883, 29874, 10606, 297, 9556, 29892, 1058, 338, 451, 9701, 411, 278, 716, 11940, 19480, 29892, 5429, 10782, 9327, 29889, 13, 1576, 1250, 310, 278, 19480, 5680, 263, 5214, 29892, 607, 756, 263, 6111, 4891, 373, 372, 322, 3430, 763, 263, 6837, 1546, 263, 5917, 17567, 322, 263, 6586, 29892, 349, 1148, 280, 1497, 29889, 13, 1576, 1250, 310, 278, 19480, 5680, 263, 6837, 1546, 263, 5917, 17567, 322, 263, 6586, 29889, 313, 2940, 16200, 29901, 5587, 319, 18762, 29914, 12085, 2896, 18453, 29897, 13, 10401, 471, 372, 20559, 287, 29973, 13, 29924, 5021, 2902, 1372, 505, 10087, 393, 278, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29945, 29899, 21543, 313, 29896, 29889, 29945, 867, 2232, 29897, 19480, 471, 5517, 20559, 287, 297, 319, 18762, 2861, 304, 278, 4272, 29915, 29879, 13500, 29892, 408, 393, 29915, 29879, 988, 2896, 18453, 471, 10075, 6345, 322, 2678, 6423, 29889, 1205, 278, 2635, 310, 967, 20559, 292, 338, 20871, 29889, 2860, 1641, 20844, 287, 5917, 953, 13651, 29892, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 7389, 671, 278, 3611, 376, 6026, 13651, 3111, 375, 29908, 1476, 373, 278, 19480, 29889, 13, 29908, 2499, 3592, 540, 471, 2307, 20844, 287, 297, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 29892, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 671, 393, 3611, 518, 29305, 29962, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29906, 1699, 349, 1148, 280, 1497, 29889, 376, 3112, 750, 1554, 304, 437, 411, 670 ]
The Corbett National Park trip this year in November 2012 was an awesome one and I am at loss of words here as I find that there is no room for narration owing to the overwhelming and enthralling feeling. This was the longest feline sighting I ever had in all these years ever since I enrolled myself as a student of nature and choose the Corbett National Park as my classroom on the subject of 'Tiger' (Panthera tigris tigris). Accompanied by three friends, all novices when it comes to wildlife and nature, but equally inquisitive about my wildlife enthusiasm, we entered the Jhirna gate in the evening of 15th November 2012 and spent an eventful night at Jhirna forest house. The following day on the 16th November 2012, post afternoon, we entered the Bijrani beat to proceed for the Malani forest house deep inside the beat. This was destined to be one of the longest tiger sightings of my life. Leaving behind the Bijrani check post and canteen which is 7 kms deep in the forest from the main gate, we drove deeper into the forest for about 15 minutes till we came across a bend that concealed a shallow flowing nallah behind the high rocks. From this point onwards the next 22 minutes were no less than poetry on nature as we sighted a young tigress elegantly stepping out of waist high grass from the left side of the track in the cold & bright November evening on the track beaten up by the forest vehicles in the picturesque sunlight that seemed to spread gold dust on the grass. My driver Faheem, turned left to negotiate the bend and manoeuvred through the shallow nallah with fast flowing spring water. Faheem, instantly pulled up the brakes to allow us to grab our cameras. Like soldiers pulling out swords from the belts on the battle ground we armed ourselves with cameras. The gallant young tigress, who I reckon was around 3 years old, looked stunningly beautiful in her bright and fresh coat. Ignoring us with her 'I don't care' attitude, the elegant feline jumped across the nallah in a single bound and landed on the other side. Walking a couple of paces, the young tigress stopped and gave us a chilled look over her shoulders for a few seconds. Turning back she stooped down on her forelegs and sipped water from a small puddle next to the nallah, then resting her haunches she again drank and finally stood up to resume her walk up the vehicle track. Fortunately for us she resumed her majestic gait in the direction that we were bound. Professional driver that he was, Faheem needed no instructions as he ignited the engine and began to follow her slowly maintaining the needed pace and distance. Following her for about 200 meters through a couple of bends on the track, we watched her climb a steep 4 feet high uphill track with ease. This small uphill climb is located on a junction where our vehicle track divided itself into two different tracks, one going straight and other turning to the left. Unlike our walking beauty, we faced some difficulty in negotiating the climb and as my driver throttled hard to gain some power for the vehicle to overcome the difficulty, the young queen stopped, turned around, raised her tail and gave us a low agitated growl in a stance that warned us of a charge from her. I asked Faheem to cut the engine out and stop the vehicle. For about 20 seconds she stood that way chilling us down to the bone and then lowering her tail she turned around to resume her walk on the track straight ahead. Reigniting the engine we resumed following her next 600 meters or so as she walked gracefully. She presented us will all the shades of feline behaviour as time and again she paused to check in and over the grass, sniffed the air, crossed over from one flank to the other on the track, stopped to peep & check the tracks that left the main track, raised her tail to spray scent marks on a high thick grass stack and lowering her tail she turned back in the direction she was walking. All the while she totally ignored us and continued writing poetry on elegance. As this aura continued, she twice stopped for a minute or so and stood motionless as if she was a frozen. She had noticed something that was walking parallel in the high
[ 1.4002387898972186, 1.5207702276491095 ]
[ 0.6962657042805939, 0.08028947231005064 ]
[ 0.00671553616951033, -0.2329592407293031 ]
[ -0.5556575901538676, -0.5988240780426889 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 2994, 29890, 1803, 3086, 4815, 17487, 445, 1629, 297, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 471, 385, 29663, 697, 322, 306, 626, 472, 6410, 310, 3838, 1244, 408, 306, 1284, 393, 727, 338, 694, 5716, 363, 15474, 362, 8152, 292, 304, 278, 975, 1332, 295, 4056, 322, 875, 1092, 27855, 11223, 29889, 910, 471, 278, 27217, 285, 5570, 11126, 292, 306, 3926, 750, 297, 599, 1438, 2440, 3926, 1951, 306, 427, 24476, 6142, 408, 263, 8368, 310, 5469, 322, 6755, 278, 2994, 29890, 1803, 3086, 4815, 408, 590, 770, 8345, 373, 278, 4967, 310, 525, 29911, 4087, 29915, 313, 23684, 721, 29874, 260, 335, 3780, 260, 335, 3780, 467, 13, 10644, 2388, 273, 1000, 491, 2211, 7875, 29892, 599, 2420, 1575, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 8775, 19264, 322, 5469, 29892, 541, 18018, 297, 7680, 3321, 1048, 590, 8775, 19264, 23644, 3173, 29885, 29892, 591, 7802, 278, 435, 29882, 381, 1056, 12417, 297, 278, 11005, 310, 29871, 29896, 29945, 386, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 322, 10398, 385, 1741, 1319, 4646, 472, 435, 29882, 381, 1056, 13569, 3699, 29889, 13, 1576, 1494, 2462, 373, 278, 29871, 29896, 29953, 386, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 1400, 17724, 29892, 591, 7802, 278, 20942, 661, 29875, 16646, 304, 8469, 363, 278, 3792, 3270, 13569, 3699, 6483, 2768, 278, 16646, 29889, 910, 471, 2731, 1312, 304, 367, 697, 310, 278, 27217, 260, 4087, 11126, 886, 310, 590, 2834, 29889, 951, 5555, 5742, 278, 20942, 661, 29875, 1423, 1400, 322, 508, 9404, 607, 338, 29871, 29955, 413, 1516, 6483, 297, 278, 13569, 515, 278, 1667, 12417, 29892, 591, 26603, 25871, 964, 278, 13569, 363, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29945, 6233, 3428, 591, 2996, 4822, 263, 289, 355, 393, 10628, 7943, 263, 4091, 340, 4972, 292, 302, 284, 8083, 5742, 278, 1880, 23150, 29889, 13, 4591, 445, 1298, 373, 2935, 278, 2446, 29871, 29906, 29906, 6233, 892, 694, 3109, 1135, 22309, 373, 5469, 408, 591, 11126, 287, 263, 4123, 260, 335, 1253, 10618, 10835, 1886, 3262, 714, 310, 11324, 391, 1880, 17455, 515, 278, 2175, 2625, 310, 278, 5702, 297, 278, 11220, 669, 11785, 3979, 11005, 373, 278, 5702, 367, 2579, 701, 491, 278, 13569, 24413, 297, 278, 14956, 802, 6575, 4366, 393, 6140, 304, 9677, 7684, 19786, 373, 278, 17455, 29889, 1619, 7156, 7748, 354, 331, 29892, 6077, 2175, 304, 27214, 403, 278, 289, 355, 322, 767, 7297, 4090, 1127, 1549, 278, 4091, 340, 302, 284, 8083, 411, 5172, 4972, 292, 6709, 4094, 29889, 13, 14206, 354, 331, 29892, 26232, 20043, 701, 278, 4105, 10794, 304, 2758, 502, 304, 17229, 1749, 3949, 18464, 29889, 8502, 13936, 28420, 714, 269, 9303, 515, 278, 1339, 1372, 373, 278, 10555, 5962, 591, 23926, 20278, 411, 3949, 18464, 29889, 450, 11798, 424, 4123, 260, 335, 1253, 29892, 1058, 306, 25527, 265, 471, 2820, 29871, 29941, 2440, 2030, 29892, 5148, 380, 27389, 368, 9560, 297, 902, 11785, 322, 10849, 24296, 29889, 18076, 8253, 502, 411, 902, 525, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2562, 29915, 26309, 29892, 278, 19232, 285, 5570, 12500, 287, 4822, 278, 302, 284, 8083, 297, 263, 2323, 3216, 322, 2982, 287, 373, 278, 916, 2625, 29889, 13, 29956, 2235, 292, 263, 7303, 310, 282, 3302, 29892, 278, 4123, 260, 335, 1253, 11084, 322, 4846, 502, 263, 521, 24455, 1106, 975, 902, 26671, 363, 263, 2846, 6923, 29889, 9603, 292, 1250, 1183, 6258, 28605, 1623, 373, 902, 26839, 1397, 29879, 322, 1354, 2986, 4094, 515, 263, 2319, 282, 566, 29881, 280, 2446, 304, 278, 302, 284, 8083, 29892, 769, 1791, 292, 902, 447, 3322, 267, 1183, 1449, 270, 10003, 322, 7146, 8389, 701, 304, 620, 2017, 902, 6686, 701, 278, 19716, 5702, 29889, 7236, 348, 2486, 363, 502, 1183, 620, 21571, 902, 10067, 15931, 330, 1249, 297, 278, 5305, 393, 591, 892, 3216, 29889, 20031, 7156, 393, 540, 471, 29892, 7748, 354, 331, 4312, 694, 11994, 408, 540, 5330, 1573, 278, 6012, 322, 4689, 304, 1101, 902, 14205, 7344, 292, 278, 4312, 27725, 322, 5418, 29889, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 902, 363, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 27881, 1549, 263, 7303, 310, 289, 1975, 373, 278, 5702, 29892, 591, 20654, 902, 10784, 29890, 263, 1886, 1022, 29871, 29946, 6900, 1880, 318, 561, 453, 5702, 411, 16326, 29889, 910, 2319, 318, 561, 453, 10784, 29890, 338, 5982, 373, 263, 432, 651, 988, 1749, 19716, 5702, 13931, 3528, 964, 1023, 1422, 16257, 29892, 697, 2675, 7812, 322, 916, 14712, 304, 278, 2175, 29889, 853, 4561, 1749, 22049, 15409, 29892, 591, 20050, 777, 14656, 297, 27214, 1218, 278, 10784, 29890, 322, 408, 590, 7156, 20961, 698, 839, 2898, 304, 11581, 777, 3081, 363, 278, 19716, 304, 25688, 278, 14656, 29892, 278, 4123, 26624, 11084, 29892, 6077, 2820, 29892, 10425, 902, 12464, 322, 4846, 502, 263, 4482, 946, 22731, 6548, 29880, 297, 263, 380, 749, 393, 1370, 9571, 502, 310, 263, 8323, 515, 902, 29889, 306, 4433, 7748, 354, 331, 304, 5700, 278, 6012, 714, 322, 5040, 278, 19716, 29889, 1152, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 6923, 1183, 8389, 393, 982, 521, 8873, 502, 1623, 304, 278, 289, 650, 322, 769, 5224, 292, 902, 12464, 1183, 6077, 2820, 304, 620, 2017, 902, 6686, 373, 278, 5702, 7812, 14432, 29889, 13, 1123, 647, 11407, 278, 6012, 591, 620, 21571, 1494, 902, 2446, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 27881, 470, 577, 408, 1183, 17096, 17659, 3730, 29889, 2296, 9132, 502, 674, 599, 278, 528, 3076, 310, 285, 5570, 10468, 408, 931, 322, 1449, 1183, 28454, 304, 1423, 297, 322, 975, 278, 17455, 29892, 5807, 2593, 287, 278, 4799, 29892, 21692, 975, 515, 697, 1652, 804, 304, 278, 916, 373, 278, 5702, 29892, 11084, 304, 1236, 1022, 669, 1423, 278, 16257, 393, 2175, 278, 1667, 5702, 29892, 10425, 902, 12464, 304, 805, 764, 885, 296, 17997, 373, 263, 1880, 12003, 17455, 5096, 322, 5224, 292, 902, 12464, 1183, 6077, 1250, 297, 278, 5305, 1183, 471, 22049, 29889, 2178, 278, 1550, 1183, 14909, 17262, 502, 322, 7572, 5007, 22309, 373, 10618, 749, 29889, 13, 2887, 445, 263, 2002, 7572, 29892, 1183, 8951, 11084, 363, 263, 11015, 470, 577, 322, 8389, 10884, 2222, 408, 565, 1183, 471, 263, 14671, 2256, 29889, 2296, 750, 10548, 1554, 393, 471, 22049, 8943, 297, 278, 1880 ]
A journey through the past in the latest issue of Guitar Legends exploring the history of Neil Young's long and distinguished career. Guitar Legends issue covers Young's work with CSNY, Buffalo Springfield, Crazy Horse, Pearl Jam and many others. Gold Rush: The complete story behind the making of Neil Young's Archives Volume 1, 1963-1972, the most ambitious music anthology ever created. Ragged Glory: From his beat-up Les Paul to his vintage amps and effect pedals, Young's stage rig is a road-worn tribute to his timeless sounds. Nils on Neil: Guitarist Nils Lofgren recalls his time playing with Neil Young on After the Gold Rush, Tonight's the Night and beyond. Jam Session: On 1995's Mirror Ball, Neil Young and his Pearl Jam protégés find that haste is much to their musical taste. In His Element: Neil Young comes home with his 2000 acoustic gem, Silver & Gold. Four Play: In this in-depth interview from the fall of 1999, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young discuss the trials, tribulations and jubilation of reuniting one of rock's greatest bands. Meet the Family: Neil Young introduced his 2003 concept album, Greendale, with a series of solo acoustic performances. Rider on the Storm: Young tells how he braved illness and tragedy to make the brilliant 2005 album Prairie Wind and looks back on a lifetime of acoustic guitar playing. His Old Guitars: Longtime Neil Young guitar tech Larry Cragg talks about his boss' acoustic gear. Super Sonics: Solo? Absolutely. Acoustic? Hardly. With the help of producer Daniel Lanois, Neil Young plugged in and turned up on 2010's shape-shifting Le Noise. More on Guitar Legends Magazine back issues. So why exactly is Neil Young a guitar legend? Just picked up this issue on a whim when I saw it at the drug store. There are some amazing photos in there that I've never seen before, and what looks to be some great articles within. Can't wait to get home tonight and do an in-depth reading. Wish I could find this in the UK - any ideas anyone? Wow, that's a GREAT photo of Neil. I guess it's from the Ragged Glory days. Kind of a refined, stylish version of that ragged hippie look he had going twenty years prior. This might be his manliest look ever, in fact. He looks like a lumberjack dressed up for a night out with the ladies, in that cool jacket and swift orange shirt. But all man, man. 100%. Looks like the 'unplugged' beard and jacket period just after RG. Hi Avalanche, I wish I knew! If I find out where it`s available I`ll let you know. Man, don't you just love it? Neil on the cover of Guitar Legends Magazine! Anytime I'm at a magazine rack, the first thing I do is thumb through all of the music orientated magazines looking for anything Neil related. But to see him on the cover instead of Hendrix or Page or Clapton just makes my heart flutter just a bit. It's a fine line between ones recognition for accomplishments and over exposure, of which has never been an issue for Neil and his fans. Neil's fan base has thrived on word of mouth and from a fan turning on a friend to his music. It certainly hasn't been from radio airplay or promotion from his label. Neil has never had the 'payola blues', neither has Elliot ever been guilty of 'whoring out' his client. For Neil to be acknowledged at this level is based solely on his achievements as an artist that can't continue to be ignored. I'm sure that even his peers have asked "what about Neil?". Independant of the 'Media Machine', Neil has long ago achieved 'Super Star' status with a loyal fan base that I'm certain has made other artists green with envy. All of this came as a result of Neil staying true to himself and following his 'muse' regardless of whatever trend the other sheeple were chasing at the time. Now, as a
[ 1.044123178357541, 0.7373158822618187 ]
[ 1.362379536527809, -0.2381066723040837 ]
[ 0.43026778740868327, -1.0940130688472625 ]
[ -0.45160277942375227, -1.3640334010134514 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 319, 16342, 1549, 278, 4940, 297, 278, 9281, 2228, 310, 2088, 3673, 5682, 1975, 3902, 8253, 278, 4955, 310, 29334, 10443, 29915, 29879, 1472, 322, 20660, 6413, 29889, 13, 29954, 3121, 279, 5682, 1975, 2228, 18469, 10443, 29915, 29879, 664, 411, 315, 19296, 29979, 29892, 22274, 7003, 7206, 2671, 29892, 14279, 1537, 6912, 344, 29892, 21265, 29880, 16131, 322, 1784, 4045, 29889, 13, 29954, 1025, 390, 1878, 29901, 450, 4866, 5828, 5742, 278, 3907, 310, 29334, 10443, 29915, 29879, 28320, 16934, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29906, 29892, 278, 1556, 626, 2966, 2738, 4696, 24612, 3002, 3926, 2825, 29889, 13, 29934, 351, 3192, 8467, 706, 29901, 3645, 670, 16646, 29899, 786, 2664, 3739, 304, 670, 325, 524, 482, 626, 567, 322, 2779, 8939, 1338, 29892, 10443, 29915, 29879, 7408, 12912, 338, 263, 6520, 29899, 29893, 1398, 260, 2666, 304, 670, 5335, 6393, 10083, 29889, 13, 29940, 2719, 373, 29334, 29901, 2088, 3673, 391, 405, 2719, 365, 974, 20378, 1162, 4293, 670, 931, 8743, 411, 29334, 10443, 373, 2860, 278, 6650, 390, 1878, 29892, 17812, 523, 29915, 29879, 278, 11554, 322, 8724, 29889, 13, 29967, 314, 16441, 29901, 1551, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29915, 29879, 11612, 729, 13402, 29892, 29334, 10443, 322, 670, 21265, 29880, 16131, 17512, 2445, 743, 1284, 393, 756, 371, 338, 1568, 304, 1009, 9636, 21779, 29889, 13, 797, 3600, 10619, 29901, 29334, 10443, 5304, 3271, 411, 670, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1274, 18291, 293, 7055, 29892, 16466, 669, 6650, 29889, 13, 29943, 473, 7412, 29901, 512, 445, 297, 29899, 19488, 15593, 515, 278, 6416, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29892, 315, 1883, 1609, 29892, 624, 6090, 29892, 24848, 669, 10443, 5353, 278, 3367, 1338, 29892, 9434, 8250, 322, 432, 431, 8634, 310, 337, 5441, 292, 697, 310, 7679, 29915, 29879, 14176, 22706, 29889, 13, 6816, 300, 278, 14662, 29901, 29334, 10443, 9129, 670, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 6964, 3769, 29892, 4122, 355, 744, 29892, 411, 263, 3652, 310, 6651, 1274, 18291, 293, 21637, 29889, 13, 29934, 1241, 373, 278, 24444, 29901, 10443, 10603, 920, 540, 4105, 1490, 4486, 2264, 322, 1020, 3192, 29891, 304, 1207, 278, 27592, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 3769, 9002, 24135, 17311, 322, 3430, 1250, 373, 263, 25423, 310, 1274, 18291, 293, 11210, 8743, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 8198, 2088, 277, 1503, 29901, 6242, 2230, 29334, 10443, 11210, 734, 305, 26977, 315, 1431, 29887, 5969, 2039, 1048, 670, 289, 2209, 29915, 1274, 18291, 293, 330, 799, 29889, 13, 19111, 5791, 1199, 29901, 29687, 29973, 1976, 2929, 11579, 29889, 7255, 18291, 293, 29973, 10999, 368, 29889, 2973, 278, 1371, 310, 14297, 8432, 365, 1562, 275, 29892, 29334, 10443, 18665, 3192, 297, 322, 6077, 701, 373, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29915, 29879, 8267, 29899, 845, 24377, 951, 1939, 895, 29889, 13, 20761, 373, 2088, 3673, 5682, 1975, 17880, 1250, 5626, 29889, 13, 6295, 2020, 3721, 338, 29334, 10443, 263, 11210, 15983, 29973, 13, 14084, 18691, 701, 445, 2228, 373, 263, 377, 326, 746, 306, 4446, 372, 472, 278, 15721, 3787, 29889, 1670, 526, 777, 21863, 292, 20612, 297, 727, 393, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 3595, 1434, 29892, 322, 825, 3430, 304, 367, 777, 2107, 7456, 2629, 29889, 1815, 29915, 29873, 4480, 304, 679, 3271, 15243, 523, 322, 437, 385, 297, 29899, 19488, 5183, 29889, 13, 29956, 728, 306, 1033, 1284, 445, 297, 278, 10261, 448, 738, 7014, 5019, 29973, 13, 29956, 340, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 263, 402, 1525, 1299, 15373, 310, 29334, 29889, 306, 4140, 372, 29915, 29879, 515, 278, 390, 351, 3192, 8467, 706, 3841, 29889, 13187, 310, 263, 2143, 1312, 29892, 15877, 1674, 1873, 310, 393, 1153, 1505, 287, 7251, 407, 347, 1106, 540, 750, 2675, 10081, 2440, 7536, 29889, 910, 1795, 367, 670, 767, 20409, 1106, 3926, 29892, 297, 2114, 29889, 940, 3430, 763, 263, 301, 2807, 21452, 27121, 701, 363, 263, 4646, 714, 411, 278, 22281, 29892, 297, 393, 12528, 28015, 300, 322, 12086, 24841, 528, 2728, 29889, 1205, 599, 767, 29892, 767, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 15543, 13, 14959, 29879, 763, 278, 525, 348, 572, 688, 3192, 29915, 367, 538, 322, 28015, 300, 3785, 925, 1156, 390, 29954, 29889, 13, 18567, 319, 791, 20372, 29892, 306, 6398, 306, 6363, 29991, 960, 306, 1284, 714, 988, 372, 29952, 29879, 3625, 306, 29952, 645, 1235, 366, 1073, 29889, 13, 2517, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 366, 925, 5360, 372, 29973, 29334, 373, 278, 4612, 310, 2088, 3673, 5682, 1975, 17880, 29991, 3139, 2230, 306, 29915, 29885, 472, 263, 14853, 1153, 384, 29892, 278, 937, 2655, 306, 437, 338, 28968, 1549, 599, 310, 278, 4696, 7769, 630, 2320, 834, 1475, 3063, 363, 3099, 29334, 4475, 29889, 1205, 304, 1074, 1075, 373, 278, 4612, 2012, 310, 17973, 2126, 470, 9305, 470, 6015, 12533, 925, 3732, 590, 5192, 20287, 925, 263, 2586, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 2691, 1196, 1546, 6743, 19679, 363, 12709, 1860, 322, 975, 14060, 545, 29892, 310, 607, 756, 2360, 1063, 385, 2228, 363, 29334, 322, 670, 24909, 29889, 29334, 29915, 29879, 13524, 2967, 756, 266, 1150, 287, 373, 1734, 310, 13394, 322, 515, 263, 13524, 14712, 373, 263, 5121, 304, 670, 4696, 29889, 739, 8959, 22602, 29915, 29873, 1063, 515, 7155, 4799, 1456, 470, 22360, 515, 670, 3858, 29889, 29334, 756, 2360, 750, 278, 525, 10472, 2963, 1999, 1041, 742, 9561, 756, 26656, 327, 3926, 1063, 27719, 310, 525, 1332, 8253, 714, 29915, 670, 3132, 29889, 1152, 29334, 304, 367, 24084, 3192, 472, 445, 3233, 338, 2729, 14419, 368, 373, 670, 27012, 4110, 408, 385, 7664, 393, 508, 29915, 29873, 6773, 304, 367, 17262, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 1854, 393, 1584, 670, 1236, 414, 505, 4433, 376, 5816, 1048, 29334, 29973, 1642, 14784, 5818, 310, 278, 525, 10572, 6189, 742, 29334, 756, 1472, 8020, 14363, 525, 19111, 7828, 29915, 4660, 411, 263, 28108, 13524, 2967, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 3058, 756, 1754, 916, 17906, 7933, 411, 8829, 29891, 29889, 2178, 310, 445, 2996, 408, 263, 1121, 310, 29334, 7952, 292, 1565, 304, 3654, 322, 1494, 670, 525, 29885, 1509, 29915, 17126, 310, 6514, 534, 355, 278, 916, 1183, 29872, 552, 892, 521, 5832, 472, 278, 931, 29889, 2567, 29892, 408, 263 ]
Anime Review Attack on Titan Volume 1 Ian Wolf • 14th September 2014 "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." – Isaac Newton Finally, one of the most anticipated anime releases of the year is out. Attack on Titan was almost certainly the top anime of 2013. This magnificent horror was one of the most gripping, thrilling and shocking series to come out of Japan for a long time. Even watching it on Blu-ray or DVD you realise just how scary it can be at times. The big question is whether or not this new release lives up to both the original manga by Hajime Isayama and to when Crunchyroll streamed the anime first time around. The answer is: "Almost." For anyone who has not come across the series, it is set in a post-apocalyptic future in which most of humanity 100 years prior to the story was wiped out by a race of man-eating giants known as "Titans". These monsters are seemingly unstoppable, the only way to kill them being to slice through the nape of their necks. What remains of the human race now lives in a giant settlement surrounded by 50 metre high walls. Humanity has not been attacked since then, but then one day a "Colossal Titan" as tall as the wall strikes. Along with an "Armoured Titan" it breaks the outer wall, resulting in hordes of Titans entering the settlement and humanity remembering the sheer terror of the Titans. Amongst the survivors is a boy named Eren Yeager, his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman, and their close friend, the highly intelligent Armin Arlert. Eren, so enraged by the terror caused by the Titans which includes eating his mother, decides that he will wipe out every single Titan. Eventually all three decide to join the army, hoping to go for the Survey Corps, aka the Scouts, which specialises in going outside the walls and investigating more about the Titans. Thus they begin their crusade against the Titans, with Eren being the most passionate, Mikasa the master soldier, and Armin the brilliant strategist. This first collection of episodes covers the original Titan attack, Eren's army training, and the whole of the Battle of Trost. In terms of the content of the anime itself, it is brilliant. For most of the time it is really scary and gruesome. There are scenes of people being eaten by the Titans which are truly shocking. For example one scene features someone being eaten, but their arm is sticking of the mouth, so when the mouth shuts the arm flies across the screen. Makes you wince in horror. Then again there are moments of action, moments of humour, and moments of elation. Aside from the gigantic situation, the characters in Attack on Titan help to make it such a wonderful anime. It is not just the main trio, but all the side characters too. Every viewer will have their favourites, whether it is brilliant solider and cleanliness obsessed Captain Levi; the scientist of ambiguous gender Hange; or comic glutton Sasha Blouse (responsible for the creation of anime's most famous potato). However, while the content of the anime is great, there are certain aspects of the release of this collection that seem questionable. The scene selection seems all wrong for starters, and then there is the issue of the translation. For example, while the manga and the Crunchyroll subtitles refer to the "Survey Corps" and sometimes refer to it as the "Scouts", in this script provided by Funimation it is only referred to as the "Scout Regiment" for some odd reason. Other translations just seem out of place if you are already familiar with the script. One scene during Eren's training sees him falling over in special training harness used in the fighting (the "Vertical Maneuvering Equipment"). While Eren is hanging upside down the drill sergeant yells at Eren in the manga and the Crunchyroll sub: "What are you doing, Eren Jaeger?" But in this release it becomes: "What is your major malfunction, Jaeger?" Were all the translators busy watching Vietnam War films while working on this? One thing that will not be short of in this collection however is bonus features. Aside from episode commentaries there
[ 1.0769953886535113, 0.5619974273499774 ]
[ 1.032903877566821, 0.542271646287958 ]
[ 0.4962100540686743, 0.21215105922563612 ]
[ -0.25584966673772275, -0.30267433156627466 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 530, 603, 13957, 13, 4165, 547, 373, 323, 8929, 16934, 29871, 29896, 13, 29902, 273, 10441, 10266, 29871, 29896, 29946, 386, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 13, 29908, 3644, 306, 505, 3595, 4340, 372, 338, 491, 13407, 373, 278, 26671, 310, 4005, 1934, 1213, 785, 28156, 19017, 13, 12881, 635, 29892, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 23483, 630, 385, 603, 27474, 310, 278, 1629, 338, 714, 29889, 6212, 547, 373, 323, 8929, 471, 4359, 8959, 278, 2246, 385, 603, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29889, 910, 29154, 296, 23026, 471, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 330, 374, 3262, 29892, 1468, 8873, 322, 19253, 292, 3652, 304, 2041, 714, 310, 5546, 363, 263, 1472, 931, 29889, 7753, 21217, 372, 373, 3164, 29884, 29899, 764, 470, 15191, 366, 1855, 895, 925, 920, 885, 653, 372, 508, 367, 472, 3064, 29889, 13, 1576, 4802, 1139, 338, 3692, 470, 451, 445, 716, 6507, 12080, 701, 304, 1716, 278, 2441, 286, 12686, 491, 379, 1175, 603, 1317, 388, 3304, 322, 304, 746, 6781, 3322, 29891, 1245, 4840, 287, 278, 385, 603, 937, 931, 2820, 29889, 450, 1234, 338, 29901, 376, 2499, 3242, 1213, 13, 2831, 5019, 1058, 756, 451, 2041, 4822, 278, 3652, 29892, 372, 338, 731, 297, 263, 1400, 29899, 481, 542, 14997, 23000, 5434, 297, 607, 1556, 310, 5199, 537, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 2440, 7536, 304, 278, 5828, 471, 281, 666, 287, 714, 491, 263, 8175, 310, 767, 29899, 29872, 1218, 4005, 1934, 2998, 408, 376, 29911, 277, 550, 1642, 4525, 1601, 23080, 526, 2833, 11687, 443, 7864, 407, 519, 29892, 278, 871, 982, 304, 12088, 963, 1641, 304, 22780, 1549, 278, 1055, 412, 310, 1009, 452, 4684, 29889, 1724, 9242, 310, 278, 5199, 8175, 1286, 12080, 297, 263, 28396, 16493, 22047, 491, 29871, 29945, 29900, 1539, 276, 1880, 14603, 29889, 12968, 537, 756, 451, 1063, 22630, 1951, 769, 29892, 541, 769, 697, 2462, 263, 376, 1625, 2209, 284, 323, 8929, 29908, 408, 15655, 408, 278, 10090, 19492, 267, 29889, 838, 549, 411, 385, 376, 27429, 14076, 323, 8929, 29908, 372, 16706, 278, 11420, 10090, 29892, 9819, 297, 298, 536, 267, 310, 11810, 550, 18055, 278, 16493, 322, 5199, 537, 6456, 292, 278, 1183, 261, 15115, 310, 278, 11810, 550, 29889, 13, 6833, 549, 303, 278, 10503, 440, 943, 338, 263, 8023, 4257, 382, 1267, 10134, 1875, 29892, 670, 9332, 573, 9883, 13803, 11290, 319, 384, 3504, 29892, 322, 1009, 3802, 5121, 29892, 278, 10712, 13052, 296, 826, 1195, 826, 29880, 814, 29889, 382, 1267, 29892, 577, 427, 1431, 287, 491, 278, 15115, 8581, 491, 278, 11810, 550, 607, 7805, 321, 1218, 670, 5637, 29892, 1602, 2247, 393, 540, 674, 281, 15705, 714, 1432, 2323, 323, 8929, 29889, 6864, 1474, 599, 2211, 11097, 304, 5988, 278, 9987, 29892, 17231, 304, 748, 363, 278, 23218, 16408, 29892, 263, 1335, 278, 2522, 17718, 29892, 607, 4266, 4637, 297, 2675, 5377, 278, 14603, 322, 7405, 1218, 901, 1048, 278, 11810, 550, 29889, 6549, 896, 3380, 1009, 2181, 375, 1943, 2750, 278, 11810, 550, 29892, 411, 382, 1267, 1641, 278, 1556, 15935, 403, 29892, 13803, 11290, 278, 5835, 20767, 29892, 322, 826, 1195, 278, 27592, 16650, 391, 29889, 13, 4013, 937, 4333, 310, 23238, 18469, 278, 2441, 323, 8929, 5337, 29892, 382, 1267, 29915, 29879, 9987, 6694, 29892, 322, 278, 3353, 310, 278, 12788, 310, 8316, 303, 29889, 512, 4958, 310, 278, 2793, 310, 278, 385, 603, 3528, 29892, 372, 338, 27592, 29889, 1152, 1556, 310, 278, 931, 372, 338, 2289, 885, 653, 322, 4500, 14151, 29889, 1670, 526, 20407, 310, 2305, 1641, 321, 2579, 491, 278, 11810, 550, 607, 526, 19781, 19253, 292, 29889, 1152, 1342, 697, 9088, 5680, 4856, 1641, 321, 2579, 29892, 541, 1009, 5075, 338, 12070, 292, 310, 278, 13394, 29892, 577, 746, 278, 13394, 528, 8842, 278, 5075, 285, 3687, 4822, 278, 4315, 29889, 341, 6926, 366, 281, 1239, 297, 23026, 29889, 13, 11760, 1449, 727, 526, 19462, 310, 3158, 29892, 19462, 310, 3165, 473, 29892, 322, 19462, 310, 560, 362, 29889, 1094, 680, 515, 278, 19340, 7716, 6434, 29892, 278, 4890, 297, 6212, 547, 373, 323, 8929, 1371, 304, 1207, 372, 1316, 263, 20695, 385, 603, 29889, 739, 338, 451, 925, 278, 1667, 3367, 29877, 29892, 541, 599, 278, 2625, 4890, 2086, 29889, 7569, 6316, 556, 674, 505, 1009, 15381, 3246, 29892, 3692, 372, 338, 27592, 899, 1241, 322, 5941, 1915, 404, 20881, 11517, 10842, 951, 1403, 29936, 278, 9638, 391, 310, 22363, 681, 23346, 379, 927, 29936, 470, 419, 293, 3144, 1851, 317, 26840, 3164, 1709, 313, 26679, 1821, 363, 278, 11265, 310, 385, 603, 29915, 29879, 1556, 13834, 3104, 1219, 467, 13, 17245, 29892, 1550, 278, 2793, 310, 278, 385, 603, 338, 2107, 29892, 727, 526, 3058, 21420, 310, 278, 6507, 310, 445, 4333, 393, 2833, 1139, 519, 29889, 450, 9088, 9262, 2444, 599, 2743, 363, 5810, 2153, 29892, 322, 769, 727, 338, 278, 2228, 310, 278, 13962, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 1550, 278, 286, 12686, 322, 278, 6781, 3322, 29891, 1245, 12059, 277, 793, 2737, 304, 278, 376, 18498, 6950, 16408, 29908, 322, 6041, 2737, 304, 372, 408, 278, 376, 4421, 17718, 613, 297, 445, 2471, 4944, 491, 13811, 7715, 372, 338, 871, 12992, 304, 408, 278, 376, 4421, 449, 17982, 29908, 363, 777, 7736, 2769, 29889, 5901, 5578, 800, 925, 2833, 714, 310, 2058, 565, 366, 526, 2307, 9985, 411, 278, 2471, 29889, 3118, 9088, 2645, 382, 1267, 29915, 29879, 6694, 18553, 1075, 20327, 975, 297, 4266, 6694, 4023, 2264, 1304, 297, 278, 17770, 313, 1552, 376, 29270, 341, 1662, 29884, 369, 292, 11243, 666, 358, 2564, 5806, 382, 1267, 338, 298, 9776, 24081, 680, 1623, 278, 4192, 453, 724, 479, 424, 343, 10071, 472, 382, 1267, 297, 278, 286, 12686, 322, 278, 6781, 3322, 29891, 1245, 1014, 29901, 376, 5618, 526, 366, 2599, 29892, 382, 1267, 14021, 387, 261, 3026, 1205, 297, 445, 6507, 372, 7415, 29901, 376, 5618, 338, 596, 4655, 4439, 2220, 29892, 14021, 387, 261, 3026, 399, 406, 599, 278, 5578, 4097, 19587, 21217, 18444, 3362, 12298, 1550, 1985, 373, 445, 29973, 13, 6716, 2655, 393, 674, 451, 367, 3273, 310, 297, 445, 4333, 3138, 338, 28920, 5680, 29889, 1094, 680, 515, 12720, 3440, 4314, 727 ]
Home / Articles / 2013 / Time Is Crucial for Oil & Gas Producers Automation Fair / Fieldbus / Optimization Time Is Crucial for Oil & Gas Producers Around the World, Energy Companies Are Leveraging Rockwell Automation Technology to Trim Project Schedules and Speed Decision-Making By Walt Boyes Walt Boyes has more than 30 years of experience in sales, sales management, marketing, and product development in the automation industry both for sensors, devices and control systems for industrial and environmental controls, including Executive Committee and Board experience in several companies. Walt currently is serving as Editor-in-Chief of CONTROL and www.controlglobal.com. See ControlGlobal.com on Google+ and Walt Boyes on Google+ For energy companies presenting at today's Oil & Gas Industry Forum at the Automation Fair, presented by Rockwell Automation this week in Houston, saving time is of the essence. Forum attendees learned how Petrobras is halving delivery time for its floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) ships; how SINCI is helping speed decision-making on offshore rigs; and how ConocoPhillips is compressing small projects schedules using front-end engineering and design (FEED) methodologies normally reserved only for large-scale efforts. Petrobras, the Brazilian energy company, is planning on spending USD$106.9 billion on development from now until 2017 and much of that will be spent on the Santos Pre-Salt region, offshore. As part of this effort, it will be constructing 12 new FPSOs, of which eight are "replicant" ships—barge-like units that are identical and standardized. The remainder of the FPSOs will be located at the "transfer of rights" fields. "Petrobras uses the MAC [main automation contractor] and EPC [engineering procurement contractor] techniques to optimize the different aspects of control systems on these FPSOs," said Paulo Cezar Vogel Cintra, equipment engineer- electrical at Petrobras. "Petrobras uses a single automation solution, and we standardize on equipment, modules, solutions and suppliers. In this case the supplier is Rockwell Automation," Cintra said. "We procure several packaged systems by Rockwell Automation for things like compressors, as well as the hull electrical and topsides instrumentation." "We insist on a sizeable amount of local content in these systems, and we intend to use Integrated Architecture in new projects so we can gain the benefits of fewer interface issues and faster start-up times," Cintra said. "So far we've had excellent results with Rockwell Automation." Read Also: Connectivity Helps Automakers Pick Up the Pace "We expect to lower costs and reduce construction time from 134 days in 2006 to fewer than 70 days today. Easier qualification of the new systems will make us more competitive, and new technologies like CO2 separation and re-injection will save carbon emissions," he said. Speedier Decision-Making "We intend to use Integrated Architecture in new projects so we can gain the benefits of fewer interface issues and faster start-up times." Paulo Cezar Vogel Cintra of Petrobras discussed how the use of Rockwell Automation technology is making it faster and easier to integrate the many subsystems that go into its FPSO vessels. Next, Hiram Sánchez Pantoja, IT project manager for SINCI, a Rockwell Automation information and solution provider, discussed a FactoryTalk VantagePoint visualization project for three offshore platforms. "The platforms had OSI PI and Process Book historians and visualization, and sometimes the data collection was done manually, with about a two-week delay," Sánchez said. The project was intended "to reduce decision time, with updated information and make the information easy to access using a web-based secure solution," Sánchez said. The customer wanted a robust architecture with distributed collection of data in a network that was fault-tolerant. It also wanted a maintainable and scalable system. The data is sent over a subsea network to the customer's onshore offices. "We used FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition for the high-speed data collection because we didn't have to use an additional PLC, and we sent the data straight to OSI PI servers. We used the FactoryTalk Historian's
[ 0.011387904892475695, -0.11941609857690592 ]
[ 0.5100403318243831, 0.7535658188825048 ]
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[ 8778, 847, 12952, 847, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 847, 5974, 1317, 11263, 1455, 363, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 7138, 22543, 13, 28451, 362, 13822, 847, 8989, 8262, 847, 20693, 326, 2133, 13, 2481, 1317, 11263, 1455, 363, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 7138, 22543, 13, 1433, 618, 278, 2787, 29892, 24836, 3831, 273, 583, 4683, 951, 369, 6751, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 17968, 304, 1605, 326, 8010, 1102, 287, 2540, 322, 24839, 3826, 2459, 29899, 29924, 5086, 13, 2059, 399, 1997, 1952, 3582, 13, 29956, 1997, 1952, 3582, 756, 901, 1135, 29871, 29941, 29900, 2440, 310, 7271, 297, 16538, 29892, 16538, 10643, 29892, 9999, 292, 29892, 322, 3234, 5849, 297, 278, 3345, 362, 13661, 1716, 363, 4771, 943, 29892, 9224, 322, 2761, 6757, 363, 18408, 322, 29380, 11761, 29892, 3704, 28841, 12930, 322, 12590, 7271, 297, 3196, 14582, 29889, 399, 1997, 5279, 338, 16330, 408, 14059, 29899, 262, 29899, 1451, 2575, 310, 8707, 29911, 1672, 29931, 322, 7821, 29889, 6451, 10945, 29889, 510, 29889, 13, 13393, 11264, 12756, 29889, 510, 373, 5087, 29974, 322, 399, 1997, 1952, 3582, 373, 5087, 29974, 13, 2831, 5864, 14582, 2198, 292, 472, 9826, 29915, 29879, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 12157, 719, 29474, 472, 278, 15854, 362, 13822, 29892, 9132, 491, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 445, 4723, 297, 24327, 29892, 14238, 931, 338, 310, 278, 3686, 663, 29889, 29474, 472, 841, 311, 267, 10972, 920, 5879, 307, 15863, 338, 8870, 1747, 28289, 931, 363, 967, 16526, 5802, 29892, 8635, 322, 1283, 13234, 313, 26353, 6156, 29897, 13968, 29936, 920, 317, 1177, 8426, 338, 19912, 6210, 10608, 29899, 28990, 373, 1283, 845, 487, 12912, 29879, 29936, 322, 920, 1281, 6235, 4819, 453, 4512, 338, 27122, 292, 2319, 9279, 28598, 2540, 773, 4565, 29899, 355, 21639, 322, 2874, 313, 16359, 3352, 29897, 1158, 11763, 12891, 21676, 871, 363, 2919, 29899, 7052, 14231, 29889, 13, 29925, 29551, 15863, 29892, 278, 16078, 713, 5864, 5001, 29892, 338, 18987, 373, 805, 2548, 3148, 29928, 29938, 29896, 29900, 29953, 29889, 29929, 24464, 373, 5849, 515, 1286, 2745, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 322, 1568, 310, 393, 674, 367, 10398, 373, 278, 24813, 4721, 29899, 29903, 1997, 5120, 29892, 1283, 845, 487, 29889, 1094, 760, 310, 445, 7225, 29892, 372, 674, 367, 3386, 292, 29871, 29896, 29906, 716, 383, 29925, 6156, 29879, 29892, 310, 607, 9475, 526, 376, 3445, 506, 424, 29908, 13968, 30003, 1646, 479, 29899, 4561, 10340, 393, 526, 13557, 322, 3918, 1891, 29889, 450, 21162, 310, 278, 383, 29925, 6156, 29879, 674, 367, 5982, 472, 278, 376, 3286, 571, 310, 10462, 29908, 4235, 29889, 13, 29908, 29925, 29551, 15863, 3913, 278, 26750, 518, 3396, 3345, 362, 8078, 272, 29962, 322, 382, 9026, 518, 10599, 3241, 9580, 545, 358, 8078, 272, 29962, 13698, 304, 24656, 278, 1422, 21420, 310, 2761, 6757, 373, 1438, 383, 29925, 6156, 29879, 1699, 1497, 16038, 315, 6096, 279, 20797, 295, 315, 524, 336, 29892, 21083, 22055, 29899, 3546, 16888, 472, 5879, 307, 15863, 29889, 13, 29908, 29925, 29551, 15863, 3913, 263, 2323, 3345, 362, 1650, 29892, 322, 591, 3918, 675, 373, 21083, 29892, 10585, 29892, 6851, 322, 1462, 27801, 29889, 512, 445, 1206, 278, 1462, 4926, 338, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 1699, 315, 524, 336, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 9580, 545, 3196, 4870, 4063, 6757, 491, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 363, 2712, 763, 27122, 943, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 298, 913, 3546, 16888, 322, 304, 567, 2247, 11395, 362, 1213, 13, 29908, 4806, 1663, 391, 373, 263, 2159, 519, 5253, 310, 1887, 2793, 297, 1438, 6757, 29892, 322, 591, 24042, 304, 671, 17100, 630, 28333, 297, 716, 9279, 577, 591, 508, 11581, 278, 23633, 310, 28145, 5067, 5626, 322, 8473, 1369, 29899, 786, 3064, 1699, 315, 524, 336, 1497, 29889, 376, 6295, 2215, 591, 29915, 345, 750, 15129, 2582, 411, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 1213, 13, 6359, 3115, 29901, 14971, 2068, 6162, 567, 15854, 21079, 23868, 5020, 278, 349, 815, 13, 29908, 4806, 2149, 304, 5224, 21544, 322, 10032, 7632, 931, 515, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29946, 3841, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 304, 28145, 1135, 29871, 29955, 29900, 3841, 9826, 29889, 382, 294, 631, 4021, 2450, 310, 278, 716, 6757, 674, 1207, 502, 901, 5100, 3321, 29892, 322, 716, 5722, 11763, 763, 4810, 29906, 23683, 322, 337, 29899, 262, 6929, 674, 4078, 22004, 953, 6847, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 26539, 631, 3826, 2459, 29899, 29924, 5086, 13, 29908, 4806, 24042, 304, 671, 17100, 630, 28333, 297, 716, 9279, 577, 591, 508, 11581, 278, 23633, 310, 28145, 5067, 5626, 322, 8473, 1369, 29899, 786, 3064, 1213, 16038, 315, 6096, 279, 20797, 295, 315, 524, 336, 310, 5879, 307, 15863, 15648, 920, 278, 671, 310, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 15483, 338, 3907, 372, 8473, 322, 6775, 304, 22782, 278, 1784, 1014, 5205, 29879, 393, 748, 964, 967, 383, 29925, 6156, 24479, 29889, 13, 9190, 29892, 20417, 314, 317, 29064, 349, 5361, 1764, 29892, 13315, 2060, 8455, 363, 317, 1177, 8426, 29892, 263, 8027, 5872, 15854, 362, 2472, 322, 1650, 13113, 29892, 15648, 263, 27561, 29911, 2235, 478, 8501, 5228, 7604, 2133, 2060, 363, 2211, 1283, 845, 487, 21796, 29889, 376, 1576, 21796, 750, 438, 5425, 349, 29902, 322, 10554, 6726, 3603, 5834, 322, 7604, 2133, 29892, 322, 6041, 278, 848, 4333, 471, 2309, 7522, 29892, 411, 1048, 263, 1023, 29899, 18448, 9055, 1699, 317, 29064, 1497, 29889, 13, 1576, 2060, 471, 9146, 376, 517, 10032, 10608, 931, 29892, 411, 4784, 2472, 322, 1207, 278, 2472, 4780, 304, 2130, 773, 263, 1856, 29899, 6707, 11592, 1650, 1699, 317, 29064, 1497, 29889, 13, 1576, 11962, 5131, 263, 16424, 11258, 411, 13235, 4333, 310, 848, 297, 263, 3564, 393, 471, 12570, 29899, 25027, 261, 424, 29889, 739, 884, 5131, 263, 7344, 519, 322, 8716, 519, 1788, 29889, 450, 848, 338, 2665, 975, 263, 1014, 344, 29874, 3564, 304, 278, 11962, 29915, 29879, 373, 845, 487, 25222, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1304, 27561, 29911, 2235, 4731, 713, 6189, 17138, 363, 278, 1880, 29899, 19322, 848, 4333, 1363, 591, 3282, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 671, 385, 5684, 349, 12182, 29892, 322, 591, 2665, 278, 848, 7812, 304, 438, 5425, 349, 29902, 12424, 29889, 1334, 1304, 278, 27561, 29911, 2235, 4731, 713, 29915, 29879 ]
e-ISSN: 1306-3065 | International Journal of Environmental and Science Education - IJESE Sign in Indexing Info Published Issues Special Issue - (2016) Volume 12 Issue 4 (2017) Criticism and study of the astrology of the Eckankar based on the teachings of Islam Abdolreza Mahmoudi, Maryam Shamsaie, Hashem Kakaei pp. 817-840 | Article Number: ijese.2017.057 Published Online: May 29, 2017 Article Views: 538 | Article Download: 568 Full text PDF Citation In-text: (Mahmoudi, Shamsaie & Kakaei, 2017) Your Bibliography: Mahmoudi, A., Shamsaie, M. & Kakaei, H. (2017). Criticism and study of the astrology of the Eckankar based on the teachings of Islam. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 12(4), 817-840. In-text: (Mahmoudi, Shamsaie and Kakaei, 2017) Your Bibliography: Mahmoudi, A., Shamsaie, M. and Kakaei, H. (2017). Criticism and study of the astrology of the Eckankar based on the teachings of Islam. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 12(4), pp. 817-840. In-text: (Mahmoudi, Shamsaie and Kakaei 2017) Your Bibliography: Mahmoudi, Abdolreza, Maryam Shamsaie and Hashem Kakaei (2017). "Criticism and study of the astrology of the Eckankar based on the teachings of Islam". International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 12 (4):817-840. The subject of astrology in the School of Eckankar has two main bases of Karma and reincarnation. Karma or the very law of action and reaction can be called the moral basis of the Eckankar. The totality of this law is accepted by the reason and tradition. But yet what casts doubt and therefore a serious damage to this law would be a tight connection between Karma and Incarnation in the School of Eckankar. This is because the ECK believes that Karma is incarnated through the transmigration, and moves from a birth to another one and this long way is continued up to the constellations. Therefore, in this writing and while explaining the Karma and accepting it in its totality, various typed of incarnation are explained ,and then it will be studied and criticized based on the teachings of Islam. Keywords: astrology, Karma, transmigration Al Andalusia, Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Saied Bin Hazm, by Mohammad Ibrahim Nasr and Abdul (1995), the Chapter on Nations, Thoughts and Schools", research by Mohammad Ibrahim Nasr and Abdul Rahman Omeire, The House of the Generation, Beirut,. Avicenna, Hussein Bin Abdullah, (1363)"Healing",, introductions by Ibrahim Madkoor, research by Al- Qanavati, and Saied Zayed, Nasir Khosro, Tehran, the solar year. Avicenna, Hussein Bin Abdullah, (1347)"The paper of Limitations", the Publications of the Iranian Society for Philosophy, Tehran, the solar year. Avicenna, Hussein Bin Abdullah, (1339)" The Evidences and Warnings",, Tehran University, Tehran, the solar year. Baghdadi, Abu Manzoor, (1417)"The Groups among Groups",, introductions, notes and translation by Mohammad Javad Mashkoor, Eshraq, Tehran, , the lunar year. Chatter Jay, Sates Chandra, Data, and Drina Mohan, (1383)"An Introduction to
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 321, 29899, 29902, 13429, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29900, 29953, 29899, 29941, 29900, 29953, 29945, 891, 4623, 8237, 310, 16738, 284, 322, 9327, 13151, 448, 306, 29967, 29923, 1660, 9954, 297, 13, 3220, 292, 22140, 13, 21076, 3726, 16982, 1041, 13, 24780, 26246, 448, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 24679, 29871, 29896, 29906, 26246, 29871, 29946, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29907, 768, 293, 1608, 322, 6559, 310, 278, 8717, 307, 1188, 29891, 310, 278, 382, 384, 804, 279, 2729, 373, 278, 6860, 886, 310, 16427, 13, 4920, 29881, 324, 276, 1362, 10082, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 6182, 314, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 29892, 11874, 331, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 13, 407, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29947, 29946, 29900, 891, 21746, 9681, 29901, 474, 29926, 968, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29955, 13, 21076, 3726, 13542, 29901, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 13, 9986, 2512, 4533, 29879, 29901, 29871, 29945, 29941, 29947, 891, 21746, 25553, 29901, 29871, 29945, 29953, 29947, 13, 13658, 1426, 11328, 315, 7018, 13, 797, 29899, 726, 29901, 313, 29924, 801, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 669, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 10858, 3351, 5275, 29901, 10082, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 319, 1696, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 29892, 341, 29889, 669, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 29892, 379, 29889, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 15976, 293, 1608, 322, 6559, 310, 278, 8717, 307, 1188, 29891, 310, 278, 382, 384, 804, 279, 2729, 373, 278, 6860, 886, 310, 16427, 29889, 4623, 8237, 310, 16738, 284, 322, 9327, 13151, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29898, 29946, 511, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29947, 29946, 29900, 29889, 13, 797, 29899, 726, 29901, 313, 29924, 801, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 322, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 10858, 3351, 5275, 29901, 10082, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 319, 1696, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 29892, 341, 29889, 322, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 29892, 379, 29889, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 15976, 293, 1608, 322, 6559, 310, 278, 8717, 307, 1188, 29891, 310, 278, 382, 384, 804, 279, 2729, 373, 278, 6860, 886, 310, 16427, 29889, 4623, 8237, 310, 16738, 284, 322, 9327, 13151, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29898, 29946, 511, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29947, 29946, 29900, 29889, 13, 797, 29899, 726, 29901, 313, 29924, 801, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 322, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 10858, 3351, 5275, 29901, 10082, 29885, 2736, 29875, 29892, 17860, 324, 276, 1362, 29892, 6182, 314, 1383, 2232, 29874, 347, 322, 11874, 331, 476, 557, 3660, 29875, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 376, 29907, 768, 293, 1608, 322, 6559, 310, 278, 8717, 307, 1188, 29891, 310, 278, 382, 384, 804, 279, 2729, 373, 278, 6860, 886, 310, 16427, 1642, 4623, 8237, 310, 16738, 284, 322, 9327, 13151, 29871, 29896, 29906, 313, 29946, 1125, 29947, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29947, 29946, 29900, 29889, 13, 1576, 4967, 310, 8717, 307, 1188, 29891, 297, 278, 4523, 310, 382, 384, 804, 279, 756, 1023, 1667, 22561, 310, 3467, 655, 322, 337, 3742, 2753, 362, 29889, 3467, 655, 470, 278, 1407, 4307, 310, 3158, 322, 19848, 508, 367, 2000, 278, 14731, 8405, 310, 278, 382, 384, 804, 279, 29889, 450, 2025, 2877, 310, 445, 4307, 338, 9259, 491, 278, 2769, 322, 11399, 29889, 1205, 3447, 825, 4320, 29879, 7404, 322, 5480, 263, 10676, 18658, 304, 445, 4307, 723, 367, 263, 19932, 3957, 1546, 3467, 655, 322, 9266, 2753, 362, 297, 278, 4523, 310, 382, 384, 804, 279, 29889, 910, 338, 1363, 278, 382, 7077, 1339, 17180, 393, 3467, 655, 338, 5528, 2753, 630, 1549, 278, 18750, 16783, 29892, 322, 16229, 515, 263, 12060, 304, 1790, 697, 322, 445, 1472, 982, 338, 7572, 701, 304, 278, 1040, 514, 800, 29889, 7857, 29892, 297, 445, 5007, 322, 1550, 24232, 278, 3467, 655, 322, 25967, 372, 297, 967, 2025, 2877, 29892, 5164, 13033, 310, 5528, 2753, 362, 526, 10824, 1919, 392, 769, 372, 674, 367, 12399, 322, 11164, 1891, 2729, 373, 278, 6860, 886, 310, 16427, 29889, 13, 2558, 9303, 29901, 8717, 307, 1188, 29891, 29892, 3467, 655, 29892, 18750, 16783, 13, 2499, 1126, 28716, 423, 29892, 10785, 27662, 319, 7184, 328, 27662, 5701, 1000, 27662, 25606, 29885, 29892, 491, 12929, 4850, 328, 306, 2634, 26994, 22318, 29878, 322, 17860, 352, 313, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 511, 278, 23040, 373, 18269, 29892, 498, 1774, 29879, 322, 4523, 29879, 613, 5925, 491, 12929, 4850, 328, 306, 2634, 26994, 22318, 29878, 322, 17860, 352, 16790, 1171, 438, 1004, 533, 29892, 450, 5619, 310, 278, 28203, 29892, 1522, 381, 329, 7671, 13, 12810, 293, 264, 1056, 29892, 24287, 24195, 27662, 17860, 352, 8083, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29953, 29941, 5513, 3868, 12818, 613, 29892, 4547, 1953, 491, 306, 2634, 26994, 4104, 2901, 272, 29892, 5925, 491, 838, 29899, 660, 273, 485, 2219, 29892, 322, 5701, 1000, 796, 388, 287, 29892, 22318, 381, 12217, 359, 307, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 12810, 293, 264, 1056, 29892, 24287, 24195, 27662, 17860, 352, 8083, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29946, 29955, 5513, 1576, 5650, 310, 9628, 24182, 613, 278, 22865, 310, 278, 14883, 713, 7765, 363, 16407, 29891, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 12810, 293, 264, 1056, 29892, 24287, 24195, 27662, 17860, 352, 8083, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29941, 29929, 5513, 450, 7298, 333, 2063, 322, 399, 2753, 886, 613, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 3014, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 23544, 16440, 10129, 29892, 1976, 29884, 2315, 2502, 272, 29892, 313, 29896, 29946, 29896, 29955, 5513, 1576, 1632, 4410, 4249, 1632, 4410, 613, 29892, 4547, 1953, 29892, 11486, 322, 13962, 491, 12929, 4850, 328, 435, 485, 328, 341, 1161, 2901, 272, 29892, 382, 845, 336, 29939, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 1919, 278, 25081, 279, 1629, 29889, 13, 1451, 2620, 19556, 29892, 317, 1078, 678, 10738, 29892, 3630, 29892, 322, 4942, 1099, 12929, 273, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29941, 5513, 2744, 27576, 304 ]
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[ -0.5145674598430483, -0.9939538599926145 ]
[ -0.4891304165464399, -0.31499178701406977 ]
[ -0.05922673049048067, -0.5872404089626682 ]
[ 0.602602521785729, 0.23320794369381947 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 278, 16407, 936, 4523, 29879, 310, 7513, 613, 20512, 491, 383, 2753, 834, 11409, 261, 796, 1943, 476, 3504, 29892, 660, 290, 29901, 278, 7817, 363, 278, 16972, 322, 10550, 373, 4931, 1080, 322, 317, 522, 29879, 29892, 278, 937, 12203, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29950, 2017, 29892, 4755, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29955, 29929, 29897, 376, 450, 26176, 16221, 1080, 310, 278, 2787, 613, 29892, 20512, 491, 17860, 352, 16790, 326, 402, 586, 801, 29875, 29892, 278, 11367, 363, 278, 5236, 362, 310, 278, 16427, 293, 14062, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29924, 1175, 793, 29875, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 6000, 29939, 261, 313, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29941, 511, 376, 1576, 365, 5861, 310, 922, 294, 613, 1919, 450, 6440, 22865, 29892, 278, 5619, 363, 278, 11459, 2410, 2133, 310, 278, 10387, 293, 14062, 29892, 1522, 381, 329, 29892, 278, 25081, 279, 1629, 29889, 13, 13695, 294, 29892, 2259, 3457, 29889, 313, 29896, 29941, 29955, 29955, 29897, 376, 1576, 422, 1457, 29882, 6270, 5298, 310, 16221, 1080, 613, 29892, 20512, 491, 10785, 1094, 29939, 279, 940, 29895, 2922, 29892, 278, 17081, 386, 12203, 29892, 278, 23753, 928, 29892, 23287, 6938, 310, 22865, 1919, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29903, 328, 336, 838, 341, 866, 284, 492, 11222, 1383, 3055, 2526, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29955, 29947, 29897, 376, 1576, 5057, 15756, 3129, 297, 278, 12458, 341, 13703, 435, 473, 484, 952, 613, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 29892, 838, 940, 333, 1306, 22865, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29903, 328, 336, 838, 341, 866, 284, 492, 11222, 1383, 3055, 2526, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29953, 29900, 29897, 376, 1576, 4910, 457, 7298, 333, 2063, 297, 278, 399, 1036, 310, 278, 435, 473, 484, 952, 613, 5925, 29892, 11486, 322, 4547, 1953, 491, 922, 28133, 435, 284, 284, 1094, 400, 19881, 3270, 29892, 450, 7817, 363, 422, 1457, 29882, 6270, 22865, 29892, 1522, 381, 329, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 2713, 388, 6249, 29892, 360, 653, 1878, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29953, 29906, 29897, 376, 1576, 16221, 1080, 322, 16407, 936, 4523, 29879, 310, 7513, 29908, 1919, 6833, 381, 20533, 381, 17745, 1919, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29903, 711, 29882, 3270, 29892, 435, 2142, 279, 313, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29896, 511, 29908, 450, 3002, 9162, 660, 290, 29892, 278, 7765, 310, 278, 1920, 496, 414, 310, 660, 290, 9444, 3821, 29892, 278, 5619, 310, 16427, 293, 22865, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29903, 1148, 13478, 18015, 29892, 25897, 370, 838, 15651, 612, 25613, 3457, 1976, 1161, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29953, 29953, 5513, 1576, 15756, 3129, 310, 1174, 4366, 358, 613, 22865, 310, 1920, 29882, 661, 3014, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 1762, 8156, 29892, 12217, 8339, 22318, 381, 838, 15651, 1919, 313, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29955, 5513, 1576, 1976, 4151, 428, 310, 278, 3741, 2575, 613, 1919, 278, 4523, 363, 278, 16427, 293, 10343, 1919, 278, 4818, 363, 25964, 29892, 660, 290, 29892, 278, 25081, 279, 1629, 29889, 13, 1762, 8156, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 27662, 27558, 273, 29892, 313, 29896, 29946, 29896, 29946, 5513, 1576, 1222, 9018, 362, 297, 278, 4124, 19819, 362, 310, 278, 12555, 273, 613, 29892, 450, 5619, 363, 278, 11459, 2410, 2133, 310, 278, 10387, 293, 14062, 29892, 278, 25081, 279, 1629, 29889, 13, 29911, 487, 29875, 2918, 29892, 383, 557, 1092, 14445, 15651, 306, 11197, 12929, 4850, 328, 313, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29945, 511, 376, 450, 2191, 300, 886, 310, 278, 7803, 922, 294, 613, 1919, 278, 832, 12356, 310, 620, 20503, 428, 29892, 278, 4818, 363, 25964, 322, 1226, 2187, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29911, 15104, 29892, 379, 3504, 29892, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 5513, 29950, 19910, 1608, 3467, 655, 613, 11045, 3351, 1946, 583, 13542, 7671, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 1919, 3739, 1919, 313, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29900, 5513, 450, 2803, 2153, 310, 278, 5307, 310, 12790, 613, 20512, 491, 341, 1789, 826, 29920, 11895, 29892, 20512, 491, 341, 1789, 826, 29920, 11895, 29892, 28389, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29955, 29929, 5513, 1576, 5307, 310, 278, 7335, 655, 613, 20512, 491, 341, 1789, 826, 29920, 11895, 29892, 9070, 2002, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 313, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29900, 511, 29908, 530, 4124, 1493, 411, 278, 9082, 29908, 869, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 15230, 363, 13730, 29892, 796, 4568, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 511, 29908, 382, 384, 804, 279, 13343, 29892, 9805, 261, 8408, 9735, 630, 5307, 9805, 261, 7671, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 313, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29947, 511, 2178, 1048, 382, 384, 804, 279, 29892, 9805, 261, 29901, 382, 384, 804, 279, 7671, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 313, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 511, 450, 1383, 1306, 29891, 271, 785, 1984, 29899, 29903, 688, 19581, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29892, 9805, 261, 29892, 382, 384, 804, 279, 7671, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 313, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 511, 450, 1383, 1306, 29891, 271, 29892, 448, 1984, 29899, 29903, 688, 19581, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29892, 9805, 261, 29892, 382, 384, 804, 279, 7671, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 313, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29906, 5513, 1576, 7670, 304, 278, 10213, 2787, 29879, 613, 9805, 261, 29901, 382, 384, 804, 279, 7671, 13, 27418, 2335, 514, 29892, 3739, 29892, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 5513, 29943, 279, 15456, 613, 9805, 261, 29901, 4486, 9735, 630, 982, 3965, 12985, 4333, 29901, 15968, 3489, 7671, 13, 29963, 3615, 20378, 29892, 1879, 29877, 29892, 313, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29955, 29897, 376, 2517, 29875, 322, 3600, 1920, 496, 886, 613, 20512, 491, 1939, 29920, 2455, 14795, 29874, 3423, 11225, 3270, 29892, 278, 7817, 22865, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 278, 21635, 1629, 29889, 13, 29999, 774, 2742, 29872, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 27662, 12929, 4850, 328 ]
excerpts of secret instructions from the founder Kiko Arguello . . . I want to say something important to safeguard the unity of the Catechumenal Way. God, whether we like it or not, even if some one might call me presumptuous - is acting through a series of persons to whom He is giving charismas and services, in this Way. ... the door to the Kingdom is very small; only the children and those who make themselves like children can pass through it. THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMES WITH US. Jesus is passing by and may be He will never pass again. Take this opportunity now and cry out to Him now that He is passing - Jesus will stop. Jesus is passing: WITH US JESUS IS COMING. And who does Jesus cure? THOSE WHO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY ARE BLIND. JESUS IS PASSING BECAUSE HE IS COMING WITH US. But maybe you don't believe that the one that is passing is Jesus, because you don't believe that an imbecile like me can bring Jesus. What is necessary in this Catechumenate? TO PRAY. What happens is that we don't know how to pray. Do you have big problems that Jesus Christ has not solved? Then go out into the street because Jesus has nothing for you. If Jesus Christ has not solved your problems do you know why? Because you have not asked Him. And do you know why you have not asked Him? Because you don't believe. It is very simple. YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST HAS THE POWER TO FREE YOU OR SOLVE ANYTHING FOR YOU. You must ask. I assure you that if you had faith enough to stay a whole night asking "Jesus have pity on me", really believing that Jesus has the power to cure you, that same night you would be cured of whatever it may be, healed from any vice. But what happens? That we think that praying is to say "Our Father...or to be in front of the tabernacle while our imagination wanders off elsewhere. Do you know why God doesn't help you? Because you don't pray to Him. Do you know what happens if God helps you without you asking Him to do so? That you believe then, that it was you who did it. For this reason, He cannot do anything without you asking Him to do so. Otherwise you steal His glory. And no one can steal God's glory. If you give God's glory to yourself you immediately become a Pharisee, because you judge everyone. What is the Catechumenate? A time in which mud will be thrown in your eyes. It is Jesus Christ who does this. Because you do not know that you are blind. You don't know that you are dirty and for this you don't want to wash. Jesus will cover your eyes with mud so that you will feel uncomfortable and have to go to wash in the waters of Baptism, to cleanse yourself of your sins. Here arises the question of the signs of faith. We must find a presence of Christ wherein faith is not necessary, where a man who is a pagan, an atheist, a desacralized man, a technical or pragmatic man, who does not have faith in Jesus Christ and who no longer comes to Church, by seeing this presence, this sign may come to know Jesus Christ. What are these signs? There are two kinds of signs: one is that of physical miracles. At the gates of the Temple there is a paralytic, begging for alms. St. Peter looks him in the eye and says to him: "In the name of Jesus crucified, I say to you: get up and walk." This miracle is a sign which gives power to the word of the apostle. On seeing this the people are astonished and they see that Jesus has the power to make a paralytic get up and walk and they believe in the preaching. You too are paralysed by your sins. St. Peter says it and I'm saying it to you: in the name of Jesus, get up and walk. And if you believe in my preaching you can invoke the name of Jesus and get up out of your paralysis, not through your power, nor because of your merits, but through the power and merits of Jesus Christ. But Jesus can do nothing for those who do not believe in Him. As the Gospel says: Jesus went to Nazareth but the people laughed at
[ 0.15109479865034925, 0.5537793747759848 ]
[ -0.9117187617355335, -1.1230129343300803 ]
[ 0.001643054118741791, 0.5012825361194428 ]
[ 0.17077505725575026, 0.25401890583984255 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 429, 2265, 16485, 310, 7035, 11994, 515, 278, 25331, 476, 10349, 11842, 2491, 417, 869, 869, 869, 13, 29902, 864, 304, 1827, 1554, 4100, 304, 9437, 24024, 538, 278, 20107, 310, 278, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 284, 5307, 29889, 4177, 29892, 3692, 591, 763, 372, 470, 451, 29892, 1584, 565, 777, 697, 1795, 1246, 592, 2225, 398, 415, 17269, 448, 338, 16684, 1549, 263, 3652, 310, 12407, 304, 6029, 940, 338, 6820, 1373, 1608, 294, 322, 5786, 29892, 297, 445, 5307, 29889, 13, 856, 278, 3050, 304, 278, 12626, 338, 1407, 2319, 29936, 871, 278, 4344, 322, 1906, 1058, 1207, 6053, 763, 4344, 508, 1209, 1549, 372, 29889, 6093, 476, 4214, 22141, 8079, 402, 13668, 4810, 2303, 29903, 22659, 3148, 29889, 13, 29967, 267, 375, 338, 6819, 491, 322, 1122, 367, 940, 674, 2360, 1209, 1449, 29889, 11190, 445, 15130, 1286, 322, 10901, 714, 304, 18136, 1286, 393, 940, 338, 6819, 448, 13825, 674, 5040, 29889, 13825, 338, 6819, 29901, 22659, 3148, 435, 2890, 3308, 8519, 23353, 4214, 29889, 1126, 1058, 947, 13825, 274, 545, 29973, 3446, 29949, 1660, 399, 8187, 319, 7077, 6632, 29956, 20566, 1692, 3446, 1299, 6093, 29979, 319, 1525, 350, 29931, 22255, 29889, 435, 2890, 3308, 8519, 17687, 1799, 4214, 20700, 5454, 17171, 17714, 8519, 23353, 4214, 22659, 3148, 29889, 1205, 5505, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4658, 393, 278, 697, 393, 338, 6819, 338, 13825, 29892, 1363, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4658, 393, 385, 527, 915, 21873, 763, 592, 508, 6963, 13825, 29889, 13, 5618, 338, 5181, 297, 445, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 403, 29973, 7495, 349, 22800, 29889, 1724, 5930, 338, 393, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 920, 304, 12475, 29889, 1938, 366, 505, 4802, 4828, 393, 13825, 2819, 756, 451, 7484, 29973, 1987, 748, 714, 964, 278, 11952, 1363, 13825, 756, 3078, 363, 366, 29889, 960, 13825, 2819, 756, 451, 7484, 596, 4828, 437, 366, 1073, 2020, 29973, 7311, 366, 505, 451, 4433, 18136, 29889, 1126, 437, 366, 1073, 2020, 366, 505, 451, 4433, 18136, 29973, 7311, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4658, 29889, 739, 338, 1407, 2560, 29889, 612, 27269, 360, 1164, 29915, 29911, 20700, 5265, 29923, 12064, 3446, 1299, 435, 2890, 3308, 5868, 3960, 1254, 379, 3289, 6093, 349, 9806, 1001, 7495, 383, 21661, 612, 27269, 6323, 317, 5607, 12064, 13764, 29979, 4690, 4214, 15842, 612, 27269, 29889, 887, 1818, 2244, 29889, 13, 29902, 1223, 545, 366, 393, 565, 366, 750, 10847, 3307, 304, 7952, 263, 3353, 4646, 6721, 376, 29967, 267, 375, 505, 28875, 373, 592, 613, 2289, 1339, 15387, 393, 13825, 756, 278, 3081, 304, 274, 545, 366, 29892, 393, 1021, 4646, 366, 723, 367, 274, 2955, 310, 6514, 372, 1122, 367, 29892, 540, 7943, 515, 738, 11289, 29889, 1205, 825, 5930, 29973, 2193, 591, 1348, 393, 12475, 292, 338, 304, 1827, 376, 29949, 332, 17852, 856, 272, 304, 367, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 4434, 824, 6436, 1550, 1749, 28038, 24706, 414, 1283, 17551, 29889, 13, 6132, 366, 1073, 2020, 4177, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1371, 366, 29973, 7311, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 12475, 304, 18136, 29889, 1938, 366, 1073, 825, 5930, 565, 4177, 6911, 366, 1728, 366, 6721, 18136, 304, 437, 577, 29973, 2193, 366, 4658, 769, 29892, 393, 372, 471, 366, 1058, 1258, 372, 29889, 1152, 445, 2769, 29892, 940, 2609, 437, 3099, 1728, 366, 6721, 18136, 304, 437, 577, 29889, 13466, 366, 1886, 284, 3600, 26080, 29889, 1126, 694, 697, 508, 1886, 284, 4177, 29915, 29879, 26080, 29889, 960, 366, 2367, 4177, 29915, 29879, 26080, 304, 7535, 366, 7389, 4953, 263, 1963, 279, 895, 29872, 29892, 1363, 366, 16833, 14332, 29889, 13, 5618, 338, 278, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 403, 29973, 319, 931, 297, 607, 17439, 674, 367, 12005, 297, 596, 5076, 29889, 739, 338, 13825, 2819, 1058, 947, 445, 29889, 7311, 366, 437, 451, 1073, 393, 366, 526, 16842, 29889, 887, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 393, 366, 526, 26616, 322, 363, 445, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 471, 29882, 29889, 13825, 674, 4612, 596, 5076, 411, 17439, 577, 393, 366, 674, 4459, 443, 510, 3921, 519, 322, 505, 304, 748, 304, 471, 29882, 297, 278, 19922, 310, 23759, 1608, 29892, 304, 5941, 344, 7535, 310, 596, 269, 1144, 29889, 13, 10605, 564, 4637, 278, 1139, 310, 278, 18906, 310, 10847, 29889, 1334, 1818, 1284, 263, 10122, 310, 2819, 988, 262, 10847, 338, 451, 5181, 29892, 988, 263, 767, 1058, 338, 263, 10203, 273, 29892, 385, 472, 354, 391, 29892, 263, 553, 562, 1705, 1891, 767, 29892, 263, 16905, 470, 282, 1431, 29885, 2454, 767, 29892, 1058, 947, 451, 505, 10847, 297, 13825, 2819, 322, 1058, 694, 5520, 5304, 304, 6291, 29892, 491, 8790, 445, 10122, 29892, 445, 1804, 1122, 2041, 304, 1073, 13825, 2819, 29889, 13, 5618, 526, 1438, 18906, 29973, 1670, 526, 1023, 17690, 310, 18906, 29901, 697, 338, 393, 310, 9128, 286, 3055, 7799, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 29341, 310, 278, 18057, 727, 338, 263, 610, 284, 3637, 293, 29892, 25945, 292, 363, 394, 1516, 29889, 624, 29889, 5310, 3430, 1075, 297, 278, 10977, 322, 4083, 304, 1075, 29901, 376, 797, 278, 1024, 310, 13825, 7618, 29883, 2164, 29892, 306, 1827, 304, 366, 29901, 679, 701, 322, 6686, 1213, 13, 4013, 3737, 10792, 338, 263, 1804, 607, 4076, 3081, 304, 278, 1734, 310, 278, 18115, 280, 29889, 1551, 8790, 445, 278, 2305, 526, 24293, 3276, 322, 896, 1074, 393, 13825, 756, 278, 3081, 304, 1207, 263, 610, 284, 3637, 293, 679, 701, 322, 6686, 322, 896, 4658, 297, 278, 758, 9733, 29889, 13, 3492, 2086, 526, 610, 284, 952, 287, 491, 596, 269, 1144, 29889, 624, 29889, 5310, 4083, 372, 322, 306, 29915, 29885, 5934, 372, 304, 366, 29901, 297, 278, 1024, 310, 13825, 29892, 679, 701, 322, 6686, 29889, 1126, 565, 366, 4658, 297, 590, 758, 9733, 366, 508, 15928, 278, 1024, 310, 13825, 322, 679, 701, 714, 310, 596, 610, 284, 4848, 29892, 451, 1549, 596, 3081, 29892, 3643, 1363, 310, 596, 2778, 1169, 29892, 541, 1549, 278, 3081, 322, 2778, 1169, 310, 13825, 2819, 29889, 1205, 13825, 508, 437, 3078, 363, 1906, 1058, 437, 451, 4658, 297, 18136, 29889, 1094, 278, 402, 26265, 4083, 29901, 13825, 3512, 304, 11409, 598, 386, 541, 278, 2305, 19090, 472 ]
Him and He couldn't perform miracles because they didn't believe. So if there is someone here who does not believe in Jesus, Jesus can do nothing for him. So you see how physical miracles help to give power to the word of the apostle and made it possible for the people listening to His preaching to have faith. But then you can say: Hey, man! So now we know what's wrong with the Church today: there are not any miracles, that's why things are going so badly. But hang on a minute. If we read the Acts of the Apostles we shall discover something very important: that miracles occur very rarely, and in definite moments to give credibility to the word of the apostle. I can give you a personal experience of mine with regard to this. When at Vingone (near Florence) we saw that the people did not accept our preaching, we began to think that we needed God to make us work miracles. There was a paralyzed man and we were ready to say to him, "In the name of Jesus Christ I say to you: get up and walk." so that all these people may be confused, since they don't believe in our preaching. And we would have done this because Christ said: "Go and heal the sick." Jesus gave the apostles the power to heal the sick. But the physical miracle wasn't necessary because, thanks be to God, a small group of those listening to us believed in our preaching. And through this small group of old ladies today in Florence there are communities in 5 important parishes of the city. Physical miracles are not a sign of God's mercy toward an individual, but they are signs which support preaching. Because we run the risk of thinking that the important thing is that a man without legs should have them. Because since we all have legs it seems horrible to us to be without them. But that does not give you happiness. Thus miracles happen in very small doses and with great care. ... there are a lot of people who no longer come to Church. And we must think of them, because the Church cannot be stopped, she must see how to call back these brothers who have gone away. Thus, these catecheses are not Lenten lectures, but something much more serious: we are about to form in the parish a Christian community that may be a sign. This community will end up by changing the pastoral work and the structure of the parish. ... if one of you is giving a sign against the community, let him know that he is destroying the Church. And everyone realizes this and says, "Ah! I already know these communities ... I know one of them - what an awful person." For this reason, in the primitive Church when someone gave scandal he was sent out of the community and he had to withdraw, because all the brothers felt themselves publicly judged on the basis of what that brother did. Thus we arrive to a new type of parish, an atomical parish, made up of small Christian communities all in a way of conversion, on a Catechumenal Way, reliving the Baptism in a Christian community. Don't think that this is utopian. Even if you have very poor communities and you don't see it yet, believe that this is true, because we shall arrive at this. The signs of faith are much more powerful than you can imagine. It is clear that you cannot invent the signs of faith. Either they exist, or else they don't. Thus, in many of your communities, it may be that there is Jesus Christ, or maybe not. This doesn't happen only because you give catecheses; it happens if it happens. Jesus Christ is where there is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Who knows this? The Apostle. The primitive Church knew this very well. It is not you who know if you are Christian, if you are still in the Catechumenate. Perhaps what you think to be signs of Jesus Christ are only a sign of your honesty, of your human qualities, which a Marxist can give as well or better than you. Moreover, during the Catechumenate, you cannot give the signs of an adult faith. It is the apostle, the catechist, the one who leads you in the Catechumenate: it is he who must watch over the Way, as an elder brother, given that it is supposed that the Bishop has recognized him in this charisma, to bring you to the faith. Without doubt this brother is the one who knows. So we ask God for this Spirit. We shall sing the hymn of Pentecost, because this Spirit has already come to the earth, because the Kingdom of
[ 0.5784335324979625, 0.8742834251616947 ]
[ -0.6449151031203854, -1.0370627624272137 ]
[ 0.7041818181501843, 0.5520073566271282 ]
[ 0.1967887599382791, 0.784698440563431 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 18136, 322, 940, 8496, 29915, 29873, 2189, 286, 3055, 7799, 1363, 896, 3282, 29915, 29873, 4658, 29889, 1105, 565, 727, 338, 4856, 1244, 1058, 947, 451, 4658, 297, 13825, 29892, 13825, 508, 437, 3078, 363, 1075, 29889, 13, 6295, 366, 1074, 920, 9128, 286, 3055, 7799, 1371, 304, 2367, 3081, 304, 278, 1734, 310, 278, 18115, 280, 322, 1754, 372, 1950, 363, 278, 2305, 19866, 304, 3600, 758, 9733, 304, 505, 10847, 29889, 13, 6246, 769, 366, 508, 1827, 29901, 18637, 29892, 767, 29991, 1105, 1286, 591, 1073, 825, 29915, 29879, 2743, 411, 278, 6291, 9826, 29901, 727, 526, 451, 738, 286, 3055, 7799, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 2020, 2712, 526, 2675, 577, 28042, 29889, 1205, 13958, 373, 263, 11015, 29889, 960, 591, 1303, 278, 3185, 29879, 310, 278, 22468, 793, 591, 4091, 6523, 1554, 1407, 4100, 29901, 393, 286, 3055, 7799, 6403, 1407, 23703, 29892, 322, 297, 24860, 19462, 304, 2367, 6625, 4127, 304, 278, 1734, 310, 278, 18115, 280, 29889, 13, 29902, 508, 2367, 366, 263, 7333, 7271, 310, 7903, 411, 4880, 304, 445, 29889, 1932, 472, 478, 292, 650, 313, 28502, 23998, 29897, 591, 4446, 393, 278, 2305, 1258, 451, 3544, 1749, 758, 9733, 29892, 591, 4689, 304, 1348, 393, 591, 4312, 4177, 304, 1207, 502, 664, 286, 3055, 7799, 29889, 1670, 471, 263, 610, 284, 12339, 287, 767, 322, 591, 892, 7960, 304, 1827, 304, 1075, 29892, 376, 797, 278, 1024, 310, 13825, 2819, 306, 1827, 304, 366, 29901, 679, 701, 322, 6686, 1213, 577, 393, 599, 1438, 2305, 1122, 367, 9613, 29892, 1951, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4658, 297, 1749, 758, 9733, 29889, 1126, 591, 723, 505, 2309, 445, 1363, 2819, 1497, 29901, 376, 8120, 322, 540, 284, 278, 17319, 1213, 13825, 4846, 278, 18115, 793, 278, 3081, 304, 540, 284, 278, 17319, 29889, 1205, 278, 9128, 3737, 10792, 9007, 29915, 29873, 5181, 1363, 29892, 3969, 367, 304, 4177, 29892, 263, 2319, 2318, 310, 1906, 19866, 304, 502, 13112, 297, 1749, 758, 9733, 29889, 1126, 1549, 445, 2319, 2318, 310, 2030, 22281, 9826, 297, 23998, 727, 526, 23507, 297, 29871, 29945, 4100, 610, 17006, 310, 278, 4272, 29889, 13, 25847, 936, 286, 3055, 7799, 526, 451, 263, 1804, 310, 4177, 29915, 29879, 2778, 1270, 11183, 385, 5375, 29892, 541, 896, 526, 18906, 607, 2304, 758, 9733, 29889, 7311, 591, 1065, 278, 12045, 310, 7291, 393, 278, 4100, 2655, 338, 393, 263, 767, 1728, 21152, 881, 505, 963, 29889, 7311, 1951, 591, 599, 505, 21152, 372, 2444, 4029, 11710, 304, 502, 304, 367, 1728, 963, 29889, 1205, 393, 947, 451, 2367, 366, 22722, 29889, 6549, 286, 3055, 7799, 3799, 297, 1407, 2319, 3248, 267, 322, 411, 2107, 2562, 29889, 13, 856, 727, 526, 263, 3287, 310, 2305, 1058, 694, 5520, 2041, 304, 6291, 29889, 1126, 591, 1818, 1348, 310, 963, 29892, 1363, 278, 6291, 2609, 367, 11084, 29892, 1183, 1818, 1074, 920, 304, 1246, 1250, 1438, 21383, 1058, 505, 7695, 3448, 29889, 6549, 29892, 1438, 274, 403, 6609, 267, 526, 451, 365, 19889, 13081, 1973, 29892, 541, 1554, 1568, 901, 10676, 29901, 591, 526, 1048, 304, 883, 297, 278, 19373, 263, 6111, 7881, 393, 1122, 367, 263, 1804, 29889, 910, 7881, 674, 1095, 701, 491, 6480, 278, 4940, 11251, 664, 322, 278, 3829, 310, 278, 19373, 29889, 13, 856, 565, 697, 310, 366, 338, 6820, 263, 1804, 2750, 278, 7881, 29892, 1235, 1075, 1073, 393, 540, 338, 8174, 292, 278, 6291, 29889, 1126, 14332, 1855, 7093, 445, 322, 4083, 29892, 376, 17565, 29991, 306, 2307, 1073, 1438, 23507, 2023, 306, 1073, 697, 310, 963, 448, 825, 385, 28893, 2022, 1213, 1152, 445, 2769, 29892, 297, 278, 19269, 6291, 746, 4856, 4846, 885, 24258, 540, 471, 2665, 714, 310, 278, 7881, 322, 540, 750, 304, 28679, 29892, 1363, 599, 278, 21383, 7091, 6053, 970, 368, 6577, 3192, 373, 278, 8405, 310, 825, 393, 8099, 1258, 29889, 13, 1349, 375, 591, 18331, 304, 263, 716, 1134, 310, 19373, 29892, 385, 12301, 936, 19373, 29892, 1754, 701, 310, 2319, 6111, 23507, 599, 297, 263, 982, 310, 11301, 29892, 373, 263, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 284, 5307, 29892, 1104, 4357, 278, 23759, 1608, 297, 263, 6111, 7881, 29889, 3872, 29915, 29873, 1348, 393, 445, 338, 318, 3332, 713, 29889, 7753, 565, 366, 505, 1407, 6460, 23507, 322, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1074, 372, 3447, 29892, 4658, 393, 445, 338, 1565, 29892, 1363, 591, 4091, 18331, 472, 445, 29889, 450, 18906, 310, 10847, 526, 1568, 901, 13988, 1135, 366, 508, 14034, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 2821, 393, 366, 2609, 11817, 278, 18906, 310, 10847, 29889, 20370, 896, 1863, 29892, 470, 1683, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 29889, 6549, 29892, 297, 1784, 310, 596, 23507, 29892, 372, 1122, 367, 393, 727, 338, 13825, 2819, 29892, 470, 5505, 451, 29889, 910, 1838, 29915, 29873, 3799, 871, 1363, 366, 2367, 274, 403, 6609, 267, 29936, 372, 5930, 565, 372, 5930, 29889, 13825, 2819, 338, 988, 727, 338, 278, 20799, 310, 13825, 2819, 29889, 13, 22110, 9906, 445, 29973, 450, 22468, 280, 29889, 450, 19269, 6291, 6363, 445, 1407, 1532, 29889, 739, 338, 451, 366, 1058, 1073, 565, 366, 526, 6111, 29892, 565, 366, 526, 1603, 297, 278, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 403, 29889, 11637, 825, 366, 1348, 304, 367, 18906, 310, 13825, 2819, 526, 871, 263, 1804, 310, 596, 4207, 14596, 29892, 310, 596, 5199, 4021, 1907, 29892, 607, 263, 28579, 391, 508, 2367, 408, 1532, 470, 2253, 1135, 366, 29889, 12808, 29892, 2645, 278, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 403, 29892, 366, 2609, 2367, 278, 18906, 310, 385, 16157, 10847, 29889, 739, 338, 278, 18115, 280, 29892, 278, 274, 403, 305, 391, 29892, 278, 697, 1058, 11981, 366, 297, 278, 315, 403, 305, 14170, 403, 29901, 372, 338, 540, 1058, 1818, 6505, 975, 278, 5307, 29892, 408, 385, 27008, 8099, 29892, 2183, 393, 372, 338, 7424, 393, 278, 16880, 756, 14831, 1075, 297, 445, 1373, 275, 655, 29892, 304, 6963, 366, 304, 278, 10847, 29889, 13932, 7404, 445, 8099, 338, 278, 697, 1058, 9906, 29889, 13, 6295, 591, 2244, 4177, 363, 445, 20799, 29889, 1334, 4091, 1809, 278, 298, 12050, 310, 22901, 687, 520, 29892, 1363, 445, 20799, 756, 2307, 2041, 304, 278, 8437, 29892, 1363, 278, 12626, 310 ]
The importance of taking care of the 'friendly' bacteria in our guts has featured regularly in our articles. Probiotics: trust your gut for better health, is a good example, while guest writer Shakur Abdullah, Co-Founder and Director of MicroInventa, a specialist in the human gut microbiome, wrote the excellent How microbes can save lives. As Shakur pointed out, research has shown that our diet can change the diversity of our microbes. Our gut diversity is decreasing, with the western diet, known for high levels of fat and refined sugars, but low in fibre, a major contributor to our decreased microbial diversity. Studies have also found that a poor diet not only reduces diversity, but the changes can become permanent after 4 generations. Bearing in mind the decrease in gut bacteria due to antibiotics either directly, or through our food via livestock, we face one of the swiftest losses of gut diversity in human history. Yet as if this wasn't bad enough an article recently published in the New York Times by Moises Velasquez-Manoff, The Germs That Love Diet Soda, sheds an even more disturbing light on the health risks associated with eating too much processed food. This piece focuses on some of the potential unintended side effects on our microbiomes of additives that extend the shelf life and improve the texture of these processed foods. The fear is some of the substances may actually feed 'unfriendly' bacteria, causing illness and even death. The rise in cases of clostridium difficile, or C. diff, a potentially deadly infection of the gut is a case in point. C.diff can cause severe inflammation of the colon. Microbiologist's researching why the more virulent strains were thriving in our guts found these nasty little guys were getting better fed than others, with two of the most problematic C. diff strains possessing a unique ability to utilize a sugar called trehalose. The results of the investigation were published in the journal Nature, and the implications are extraordinary. Trehalose is a sugar consisting of two molecules of glucose. It occurs in small amounts naturally in foods such as mushrooms, yeast, honey and shellfish, among other things. It is now found industrially in foods such as nutrition bars, chewing gum, dried foods, frozen foods, jams, fruit fillings, instant noodles and rice, white chocolate and fruit juices, amongst others. Historically expensive to use, in the late 1990s a new manufacturing process made the sugar cheap. As it helps stabilizing processed foods, keeping them moist on the shelf and improving texture, since the early 2000's it's been widely used in the US. The researchers contend that this has inadvertently helped cultivate the most toxic C. diff strains, driving what has become a scourge of hospitals. The timing of recent C. diff epidemics is put forward as evidence: virulent strains existed before 2000, but they didn't cause as many outbreaks. Only after large quantities of trehalose entered the food supply did they become so widespread and deadly. It's important to note that while the findings are correlated, causation has not been proved. However, the research adds to a growing body of evidence indicating that common food additives can push our microbial communities in unhealthy directions. In simple terms, they help 'unfriendly' bacteria push out the 'friendly' bacteria, encouraging diseases like obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. By potentially aiding the emergence of new pathogens, we are entering much more disturbing territory. The New York Times article goes on to warn of the potential microbiome dangers associated with artificial sweeteners like sucralose and saccharin, found in diet sodas and "sugar-free" snacks, which it seems the microbes inhabiting our colons can metabolize, again potentially to our detriment. While the microbiologists continue their investigations, there are some easy steps we can take to help our friendly bacteria – and cut the support for the unfriendly varieties. Foremost, of course, is becoming more mindful about what we eat and drink. Cut down on fiz
[ 1.2358777384173674, 0.8523686182977145 ]
[ 1.7205052527897529, 1.7061802241392752 ]
[ 1.7541856026592717, 1.3280971103947146 ]
[ 0.940780656658604, 0.7066573325158444 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 13500, 310, 5622, 2562, 310, 278, 525, 18326, 368, 29915, 289, 5761, 423, 297, 1749, 330, 8842, 756, 15000, 25704, 297, 1749, 7456, 29889, 1019, 5365, 327, 1199, 29901, 9311, 596, 22341, 363, 2253, 9045, 29892, 338, 263, 1781, 1342, 29892, 1550, 17838, 9227, 1383, 557, 332, 17860, 352, 8083, 29892, 3189, 29899, 9692, 261, 322, 15944, 310, 20140, 797, 794, 29874, 29892, 263, 4266, 391, 297, 278, 5199, 22341, 9200, 5365, 608, 29892, 5456, 278, 15129, 1128, 9200, 5707, 508, 4078, 12080, 29889, 13, 2887, 1383, 557, 332, 11520, 714, 29892, 5925, 756, 4318, 393, 1749, 652, 300, 508, 1735, 278, 6894, 537, 310, 1749, 9200, 5707, 29889, 8680, 22341, 6894, 537, 338, 9263, 5832, 29892, 411, 278, 15782, 652, 300, 29892, 2998, 363, 1880, 11174, 310, 9950, 322, 2143, 1312, 29746, 1503, 29892, 541, 4482, 297, 18755, 276, 29892, 263, 4655, 17737, 3406, 304, 1749, 9263, 1463, 9200, 29890, 616, 6894, 537, 29889, 16972, 505, 884, 1476, 393, 263, 6460, 652, 300, 451, 871, 26830, 6894, 537, 29892, 541, 278, 3620, 508, 4953, 17667, 1156, 29871, 29946, 1176, 800, 29889, 23606, 292, 297, 3458, 278, 23806, 297, 22341, 289, 5761, 423, 2861, 304, 3677, 747, 24414, 1199, 2845, 4153, 29892, 470, 1549, 1749, 9687, 3025, 7294, 342, 1698, 29892, 591, 3700, 697, 310, 278, 2381, 361, 1688, 28495, 310, 22341, 6894, 537, 297, 5199, 4955, 29889, 13, 29979, 300, 408, 565, 445, 9007, 29915, 29873, 4319, 3307, 385, 4274, 10325, 6369, 297, 278, 1570, 3088, 10277, 491, 4546, 4637, 12019, 294, 24661, 29899, 29924, 1562, 600, 29892, 450, 7287, 29879, 2193, 8155, 24315, 317, 8887, 29892, 528, 5779, 385, 1584, 901, 29543, 292, 3578, 373, 278, 9045, 5161, 2039, 6942, 411, 321, 1218, 2086, 1568, 19356, 9687, 29889, 13, 4013, 8424, 8569, 267, 373, 777, 310, 278, 7037, 443, 524, 2760, 2625, 9545, 373, 1749, 9200, 5365, 290, 267, 310, 788, 277, 3145, 393, 10985, 278, 528, 761, 2834, 322, 11157, 278, 18459, 310, 1438, 19356, 9687, 29879, 29889, 450, 8866, 338, 777, 310, 278, 5960, 2925, 1122, 2869, 8343, 525, 348, 18326, 368, 29915, 289, 5761, 423, 29892, 10805, 4486, 2264, 322, 1584, 4892, 29889, 450, 14451, 297, 4251, 310, 17184, 710, 333, 1974, 2923, 25123, 29892, 470, 315, 29889, 2923, 29892, 263, 19998, 7123, 368, 297, 20309, 310, 278, 22341, 338, 263, 1206, 297, 1298, 29889, 315, 29889, 12765, 508, 4556, 22261, 4414, 4850, 362, 310, 278, 8104, 29889, 20140, 5365, 19915, 29915, 29879, 5925, 292, 2020, 278, 901, 10636, 352, 296, 5312, 1144, 892, 266, 1150, 292, 297, 1749, 330, 8842, 1476, 1438, 11777, 29891, 2217, 18239, 892, 2805, 2253, 21242, 1135, 4045, 29892, 411, 1023, 310, 278, 1556, 1108, 2454, 315, 29889, 2923, 5312, 1144, 22592, 292, 263, 5412, 11509, 304, 3667, 675, 263, 26438, 2000, 2578, 4077, 852, 29889, 450, 2582, 310, 278, 22522, 892, 6369, 297, 278, 8955, 17677, 29892, 322, 278, 2411, 5795, 526, 28163, 29889, 13, 29911, 276, 4077, 852, 338, 263, 26438, 19849, 310, 1023, 13206, 21337, 310, 3144, 1682, 852, 29889, 739, 10008, 297, 2319, 26999, 18180, 297, 9687, 29879, 1316, 408, 286, 1878, 18901, 29892, 8007, 579, 29892, 298, 4992, 322, 6473, 15161, 29892, 4249, 916, 2712, 29889, 739, 338, 1286, 1476, 21136, 635, 297, 9687, 29879, 1316, 408, 18254, 29878, 654, 22306, 29892, 923, 16958, 330, 398, 29892, 270, 1255, 9687, 29879, 29892, 14671, 2256, 9687, 29879, 29892, 432, 2232, 29892, 15774, 5445, 886, 29892, 14426, 694, 397, 793, 322, 19408, 29892, 4796, 521, 542, 23167, 322, 15774, 3623, 1575, 29892, 22611, 4045, 29889, 4731, 1711, 19390, 304, 671, 29892, 297, 278, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 263, 716, 12012, 3864, 1889, 1754, 278, 26438, 28773, 29889, 1094, 372, 6911, 16160, 5281, 19356, 9687, 29879, 29892, 12515, 963, 2730, 391, 373, 278, 528, 761, 322, 4857, 1747, 18459, 29892, 1951, 278, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29915, 29879, 372, 29915, 29879, 1063, 17644, 1304, 297, 278, 3148, 29889, 13, 1576, 5925, 414, 640, 355, 393, 445, 756, 297, 328, 1765, 2705, 9213, 18834, 403, 278, 1556, 304, 27375, 315, 29889, 2923, 5312, 1144, 29892, 19500, 825, 756, 4953, 263, 885, 473, 479, 310, 29418, 277, 1338, 29889, 450, 28750, 310, 7786, 315, 29889, 2923, 9358, 680, 29885, 1199, 338, 1925, 6375, 408, 10757, 29901, 10636, 352, 296, 5312, 1144, 22856, 1434, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 541, 896, 3282, 29915, 29873, 4556, 408, 1784, 714, 8690, 29879, 29889, 9333, 1156, 2919, 26855, 310, 2578, 4077, 852, 7802, 278, 9687, 11421, 1258, 896, 4953, 577, 281, 2247, 29886, 949, 322, 7123, 368, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 4100, 304, 4443, 393, 1550, 278, 1284, 886, 526, 8855, 630, 29892, 3269, 362, 756, 451, 1063, 11827, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 5925, 12778, 304, 263, 15678, 3573, 310, 10757, 23941, 393, 3619, 9687, 788, 277, 3145, 508, 5503, 1749, 9200, 29890, 616, 23507, 297, 443, 354, 4298, 29891, 18112, 29889, 512, 2560, 4958, 29892, 896, 1371, 525, 348, 18326, 368, 29915, 289, 5761, 423, 5503, 714, 278, 525, 18326, 368, 29915, 289, 5761, 423, 29892, 18443, 292, 10267, 2129, 763, 704, 267, 537, 29892, 652, 370, 10778, 322, 4414, 314, 2922, 706, 12580, 295, 17135, 29889, 2648, 19998, 263, 4821, 278, 11176, 10238, 310, 716, 2224, 468, 575, 29892, 591, 526, 18055, 1568, 901, 29543, 292, 20123, 29889, 450, 1570, 3088, 10277, 4274, 5771, 373, 304, 29383, 310, 278, 7037, 9200, 5365, 608, 270, 13873, 6942, 411, 23116, 7901, 6302, 414, 763, 8630, 1705, 852, 322, 7067, 3090, 262, 29892, 1476, 297, 652, 300, 20892, 294, 322, 376, 29879, 688, 279, 29899, 9021, 29908, 5807, 26514, 29892, 607, 372, 2444, 278, 9200, 5707, 14117, 11407, 1749, 784, 787, 508, 1539, 19388, 675, 29892, 1449, 19998, 304, 1749, 1439, 29878, 2073, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 278, 9200, 5365, 1189, 2879, 6773, 1009, 7405, 800, 29892, 727, 526, 777, 4780, 6576, 591, 508, 2125, 304, 1371, 1749, 19780, 289, 5761, 423, 785, 322, 5700, 278, 2304, 363, 278, 443, 18326, 368, 1197, 20850, 29889, 1152, 331, 520, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 338, 14171, 901, 3458, 1319, 1048, 825, 591, 17545, 322, 13748, 29889, 13, 29907, 329, 1623, 373, 285, 466 ]
CNBC: Biden Interior rule targets methane from public lands drilling Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, argued that federal methane regulation should be handled by the EPA. "The issue is not as cut and dried as this regulation would make it seem as there are many reasons to vent and flare gas, such as safety concerns and connectivity issues," Miller said. "Of course, it will always be in the best interest of a producer to capture and sell a commodity on the marketplace when at all possible." Reuters: U.S. seeks to limit flaring and methane leaks from public lands drilling. An oil and gas industry group said federal methane regulation should be handled by the Environmental Protection Agency, which has been crafting its own rules. "The issue is not as cut and dried as this regulation would make it seem as there are many reasons to vent and flare gas, such as safety concerns and connectivity issues," Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in an email. "Of course, it will always be in the best interest of a producer to capture and sell a commodity on the marketplace when at all possible." Wall Street Journal: Energy companies expect more friends in D.C. as new Congress set to begin Some oil-and-gas industry supporters say the pressure from Republicans in the House could help secure a regular schedule of sales of oil-and-gas drilling leases on federal land and the seabed. Without such a schedule, many oil producers won't want to go through the time and expense to put together a bid package, said Daniel Naatz, chief operating officer for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group for smaller oil developers. "The process has now gone catawampus," said Mr. Naatz. "If there's no guarantee or certainty—not that you're going to find oil and natural gas, but that the regulators are going to work with you—that throws a huge amount of uncertainty for our members to operate under." Wall Street Journal: Biden Announces Restrictions on Methane Emissions at COP27 The American Petroleum Institute, which represents U.S. oil and gas producers, said it is reviewing the proposed rule, adding that federal regulation that built on the industry's own efforts were helpful in accelerating emissions reductions. The Independent Petroleum Association of America, a Washington, D.C., trade group representing smaller producers, said it is also watching closely, citing "a need to assure that the regulatory structure is cost effective and technologically feasible." E&E News: 4 questions answered about Biden's oil strategy Shortly before Biden's remarks Wednesday, the head of the Independent Petroleum Association of America called on the White House to recognize the importance of domestic oil and gas production. "Any other country in the world would embrace the natural resources that America has underground," said Jeff Eshelman, IPAA's chief executive, in an emailed statement. "This administration will not acknowledge our vast reserves and how it helps consumers, our military or economy." Forbes: President Biden's Dangerous Use Of The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil companies in the U.S. are making big profits right now — that is certainly true. And U.S. producers could do more to increase their production levels as Biden says. There are various reasons why they haven't been doing that, many of which have to do with Biden's own policies. Jeff Eshelman, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), put it well in a statement: "The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is meant to protect consumers against emergency supply disruptions, not politicians during an election year. [Biden's withdrawal] not only reduces our capacity to protect ourselves in case of a true emergency in the future, but also increases America's reliance on the politically volatile countries that currently provide most of our oil." Wall Street Journal: Biden Says He Will Keep Tapping Oil Reserves "The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is meant to protect consumers against emergency supply disruptions, not politicians during an election year," Jeff Eshelman, president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in a statement. Mr. Eshel
[ -0.45430174096710285, -0.21529337860681913 ]
[ 0.288002387741978, 0.19668033009518235 ]
[ -0.08458914074432336, -0.000893186906642478 ]
[ 0.11354491135418682, 0.09273394920816375 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 315, 29940, 5371, 29901, 350, 3615, 4124, 1611, 5751, 22525, 286, 621, 1662, 515, 970, 12625, 4192, 8873, 13, 29924, 497, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 28705, 393, 17097, 286, 621, 1662, 1072, 2785, 881, 367, 16459, 491, 278, 382, 7228, 29889, 376, 1576, 2228, 338, 451, 408, 5700, 322, 270, 1255, 408, 445, 1072, 2785, 723, 1207, 372, 2833, 408, 727, 526, 1784, 9590, 304, 9712, 322, 285, 8663, 10489, 29892, 1316, 408, 15332, 21838, 322, 4511, 2068, 5626, 1699, 16498, 1497, 29889, 376, 2776, 3236, 29892, 372, 674, 2337, 367, 297, 278, 1900, 4066, 310, 263, 14297, 304, 10446, 322, 19417, 263, 844, 397, 537, 373, 278, 9999, 6689, 746, 472, 599, 1950, 1213, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1074, 2039, 304, 4046, 1652, 4362, 322, 286, 621, 1662, 454, 10327, 515, 970, 12625, 4192, 8873, 29889, 13, 2744, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 2318, 1497, 17097, 286, 621, 1662, 1072, 2785, 881, 367, 16459, 491, 278, 16738, 284, 14409, 428, 29353, 29892, 607, 756, 1063, 25554, 292, 967, 1914, 6865, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 2228, 338, 451, 408, 5700, 322, 270, 1255, 408, 445, 1072, 2785, 723, 1207, 372, 2833, 408, 727, 526, 1784, 9590, 304, 9712, 322, 285, 8663, 10489, 29892, 1316, 408, 15332, 21838, 322, 4511, 2068, 5626, 1699, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 4876, 29889, 376, 2776, 3236, 29892, 372, 674, 2337, 367, 297, 278, 1900, 4066, 310, 263, 14297, 304, 10446, 322, 19417, 263, 844, 397, 537, 373, 278, 9999, 6689, 746, 472, 599, 1950, 1213, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 24836, 14582, 2149, 901, 7875, 297, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 408, 716, 11559, 731, 304, 3380, 13, 9526, 17182, 29899, 392, 29899, 25496, 13661, 1462, 272, 2153, 1827, 278, 12959, 515, 8063, 550, 297, 278, 5619, 1033, 1371, 11592, 263, 4943, 20410, 310, 16538, 310, 17182, 29899, 392, 29899, 25496, 4192, 8873, 454, 2129, 373, 17097, 2982, 322, 278, 409, 370, 287, 29889, 13, 3047, 449, 1316, 263, 20410, 29892, 1784, 17182, 1391, 22543, 2113, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 748, 1549, 278, 931, 322, 1518, 1947, 304, 1925, 4208, 263, 21000, 3577, 29892, 1497, 8432, 4465, 4101, 29892, 9087, 13598, 12139, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 263, 11302, 2318, 363, 7968, 17182, 18777, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1889, 756, 1286, 7695, 274, 532, 29893, 1160, 375, 1699, 1497, 3237, 29889, 4465, 4101, 29889, 376, 3644, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 18818, 470, 3058, 1017, 30003, 1333, 393, 366, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 1284, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 29892, 541, 393, 278, 24378, 4097, 526, 2675, 304, 664, 411, 366, 30003, 5747, 8026, 263, 12176, 5253, 310, 25812, 363, 1749, 5144, 304, 21994, 1090, 1213, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 350, 3615, 8081, 1309, 778, 11654, 4146, 1080, 373, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 6847, 472, 315, 4590, 29906, 29955, 13, 1576, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 607, 11524, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 372, 338, 9076, 292, 278, 7972, 5751, 29892, 4417, 393, 17097, 1072, 2785, 393, 4240, 373, 278, 13661, 29915, 29879, 1914, 14231, 892, 8444, 297, 15592, 1218, 953, 6847, 3724, 1953, 29889, 450, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 263, 7660, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 1696, 11302, 2318, 15783, 7968, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 372, 338, 884, 21217, 16467, 29892, 7537, 292, 376, 29874, 817, 304, 1223, 545, 393, 278, 24378, 7606, 3829, 338, 3438, 11828, 322, 5722, 1189, 1711, 28326, 1821, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 29871, 29946, 5155, 7699, 1048, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 17182, 13705, 13, 21322, 368, 1434, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 29360, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 278, 2343, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 2000, 373, 278, 8037, 5619, 304, 18720, 278, 13500, 310, 21849, 17182, 322, 10489, 5802, 29889, 13, 29908, 10773, 916, 4234, 297, 278, 3186, 723, 953, 13842, 278, 5613, 7788, 393, 6813, 756, 1090, 2057, 1699, 1497, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 9087, 22760, 29892, 297, 385, 321, 655, 2356, 3229, 29889, 376, 4013, 17517, 674, 451, 18145, 5485, 1749, 13426, 620, 20098, 322, 920, 372, 6911, 11233, 414, 29892, 1749, 9121, 470, 26504, 1213, 13, 2831, 5707, 29901, 7178, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 360, 4600, 681, 4803, 4587, 450, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 13, 29949, 309, 14582, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 526, 3907, 4802, 2600, 1169, 1492, 1286, 813, 393, 338, 8959, 1565, 29889, 1126, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1391, 22543, 1033, 437, 901, 304, 7910, 1009, 5802, 11174, 408, 350, 3615, 4083, 29889, 1670, 526, 5164, 9590, 2020, 896, 7359, 29915, 29873, 1063, 2599, 393, 29892, 1784, 310, 607, 505, 304, 437, 411, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 1914, 24833, 29889, 13, 29967, 12352, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 1925, 372, 1532, 297, 263, 3229, 29901, 376, 1576, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 313, 5550, 29934, 29897, 338, 6839, 304, 12566, 11233, 414, 2750, 11176, 14703, 11421, 766, 582, 1980, 29892, 451, 2832, 14722, 2645, 385, 8271, 1629, 29889, 518, 29933, 3615, 29915, 29879, 28679, 284, 29962, 451, 871, 26830, 1749, 13284, 304, 12566, 20278, 297, 1206, 310, 263, 1565, 11176, 14703, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 541, 884, 16415, 6813, 29915, 29879, 12536, 749, 373, 278, 2832, 1711, 1700, 24285, 10916, 393, 5279, 3867, 1556, 310, 1749, 17182, 1213, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 350, 3615, 317, 1036, 940, 2811, 19152, 323, 20304, 438, 309, 2538, 20098, 13, 29908, 1576, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 313, 5550, 29934, 29897, 338, 6839, 304, 12566, 11233, 414, 2750, 11176, 14703, 11421, 766, 582, 1980, 29892, 451, 2832, 14722, 2645, 385, 8271, 1629, 1699, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 13, 20335, 29889, 382, 845, 295 ]
man, whose group represents thousands of typically smaller and midsize exploration and production companies, said the SPR release is a "short-term fix for prices at best." "It not only reduces our capacity to protect ourselves in case of a true emergency in the future, but also increases America's reliance on the politically volatile countries that currently provide most of our oil," he said. Odessa American: OPEC's machinations decried Citing the Wall Street Journal, IPAA President-CEO Jeff Eshelman said the Biden administration has leased fewer federal acres for oil and natural gas drilling than any administration in its early stages since the end of World War II in 1945. "The comment period for the new leasing plan is scheduled to close on Friday, months after the Obama administration plan expired, and it will likely be several more months before another off-shore sale can be held," Eshelman said Wednesday from Washington, D.C. "Worsening this 'trickle,' the Department of the Interior recently again missed the deadline for announcing on-shore lease sales in the third quarter, meaning there will likely not be another sale until at least the end of the year if not 2023." … Daily Energy Insider: IPAA urges Department of the Interior to continue offshore leasing for oil, gas production The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) reached out to the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) to stress the importance of continuing offshore leasing to help the United States remain in control of its own energy future. The comments came in response to the Department of Interior's 2023-2028 "Proposed Program" for the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program (National OCS Program). … MoneyWise: Biden says he'll release 10 million more barrels from the dwindling 'oil piggy bank' after OPEC's production cuts — but this is the big risk with more withdrawals The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) stated back in Nov. 2021 that it strongly opposed tapping into oil stockpiles to counter gas prices. The group's concern was that depleting the emergency reserve could put the U.S. at risk if the global or domestic oil supply reaches dangerously low levels before the supply can be brought back up. The IPAA recommends ramping up domestic natural gas and oil production instead, although oil producers are already dealing with supply-chain issues, limited capital and investor pressure to boost returns. Odessa American: Oil & gas prices, who knows? And from Washington, D.C., Independent Petroleum Association of America President-CEO Jeff Eshelman said producers "are price takers, not price makers. "As we approach winter, an annual season of increased demand, we urge the Biden Administration to remember that prices are controlled by commodity markets, not producers or refiners," Eshelman said. "IPAA encourages the administration to convene with producers and discuss pathways for adequate supply for Americans and our European allies instead of making political attacks." Boston Herald: Woodward: Despite energy crisis, Biden cuts oil, gas leases – report Jeffrey Eshelman, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, is also concerned. "The Biden administration's federal lands policy is undermining U.S. energy production and global energy security," Eshelman said. "And surprisingly, this administration doesn't recognize the importance of federal land leasing to America's revenues." Odessa American: Record oil production forecast Steve Pruett, CEO of Elevation Resources in Midland and vice chairman of the Washington, D.C.-based Independent Petroleum Association of America, said conditions are generally encouraging, but there are serious problems. "The Permian Basin's independent oil and gas producers are doing all we can to increase production as we have economic incentives to do so," Pruett said Wednesday. "However, headwinds caused by skilled labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, service and tubular goods inflation and adverse federal executive and legislative branches and federal agencies charged with curtailing oil and natural gas development will constrain growth in Permian and domestic production. … Financial Times: Oil industry condemns first US fee on greenhouse gases
[ -0.20707532603282658, -0.07079262084744993 ]
[ 0.3202337022055529, 0.6891031899553549 ]
[ -0.40859393173716374, 0.05997659770257998 ]
[ 0.1655723167192445, 0.3060463112049002 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1171, 29892, 5069, 2318, 11524, 17202, 310, 12234, 7968, 322, 7145, 2311, 3902, 12418, 322, 5802, 14582, 29892, 1497, 278, 317, 10593, 6507, 338, 263, 376, 12759, 29899, 8489, 2329, 363, 26094, 472, 1900, 1213, 376, 3112, 451, 871, 26830, 1749, 13284, 304, 12566, 20278, 297, 1206, 310, 263, 1565, 11176, 14703, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 541, 884, 16415, 6813, 29915, 29879, 12536, 749, 373, 278, 2832, 1711, 1700, 24285, 10916, 393, 5279, 3867, 1556, 310, 1749, 17182, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29949, 29881, 9297, 3082, 29901, 438, 4162, 29907, 29915, 29879, 7672, 262, 800, 316, 699, 287, 13, 29907, 11407, 278, 14406, 7103, 8237, 29892, 5641, 6344, 7178, 29899, 4741, 29949, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 756, 454, 1463, 28145, 17097, 23931, 363, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 4192, 8873, 1135, 738, 17517, 297, 967, 4688, 22950, 1951, 278, 1095, 310, 2787, 3362, 1944, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 3440, 3785, 363, 278, 716, 454, 5832, 3814, 338, 21467, 304, 3802, 373, 28728, 29892, 7378, 1156, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 3814, 1518, 2859, 29892, 322, 372, 674, 5517, 367, 3196, 901, 7378, 1434, 1790, 1283, 29899, 845, 487, 14686, 508, 367, 4934, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 15050, 4515, 3250, 515, 7660, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 13, 29908, 29956, 943, 8333, 445, 525, 509, 860, 280, 5501, 278, 10317, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 10325, 1449, 13726, 278, 7123, 1220, 363, 7475, 3277, 373, 29899, 845, 487, 454, 559, 16538, 297, 278, 4654, 12616, 29892, 6593, 727, 674, 5517, 451, 367, 1790, 14686, 2745, 472, 3203, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 1629, 565, 451, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 1213, 16088, 13, 29928, 8683, 24836, 13377, 1241, 29901, 5641, 6344, 5065, 2710, 10317, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 304, 6773, 1283, 845, 487, 454, 5832, 363, 17182, 29892, 10489, 5802, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 7450, 714, 304, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10317, 310, 4124, 1611, 313, 3970, 29902, 29897, 304, 22884, 278, 13500, 310, 3133, 292, 1283, 845, 487, 454, 5832, 304, 1371, 278, 3303, 3900, 3933, 297, 2761, 310, 967, 1914, 5864, 5434, 29889, 13, 1576, 6589, 2996, 297, 2933, 304, 278, 10317, 310, 4124, 1611, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29947, 376, 1184, 4752, 7835, 29908, 363, 278, 4451, 261, 2866, 25270, 1383, 761, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 951, 5832, 7835, 313, 27325, 438, 9295, 7835, 467, 16088, 13, 29924, 4992, 29956, 895, 29901, 350, 3615, 4083, 540, 29915, 645, 6507, 29871, 29896, 29900, 7284, 901, 2594, 2674, 29879, 515, 278, 11988, 513, 1847, 525, 29877, 309, 282, 335, 1927, 9124, 29915, 1156, 438, 4162, 29907, 29915, 29879, 5802, 5700, 29879, 813, 541, 445, 338, 278, 4802, 12045, 411, 901, 28679, 1338, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 8703, 1250, 297, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 393, 372, 13818, 15869, 260, 20304, 964, 17182, 10961, 29886, 5475, 304, 6795, 10489, 26094, 29889, 450, 2318, 29915, 29879, 5932, 471, 393, 316, 552, 1259, 278, 11176, 14703, 23986, 1033, 1925, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 472, 12045, 565, 278, 5534, 470, 21849, 17182, 11421, 22170, 9703, 5794, 4482, 11174, 1434, 278, 11421, 508, 367, 6296, 1250, 701, 29889, 13, 1576, 5641, 6344, 5052, 1975, 364, 1160, 292, 701, 21849, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 2012, 29892, 5998, 17182, 1391, 22543, 526, 2307, 16743, 411, 11421, 29899, 14153, 5626, 29892, 9078, 7483, 322, 13258, 272, 12959, 304, 14505, 3639, 29889, 13, 29949, 29881, 9297, 3082, 29901, 438, 309, 669, 10489, 26094, 29892, 1058, 9906, 29973, 13, 2855, 515, 7660, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 1696, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 7178, 29899, 4741, 29949, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 1391, 22543, 376, 598, 8666, 1850, 414, 29892, 451, 8666, 2136, 414, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 591, 2948, 13851, 29892, 385, 17568, 4259, 310, 11664, 9667, 29892, 591, 5065, 479, 278, 350, 3615, 23303, 304, 6456, 393, 26094, 526, 20704, 491, 844, 397, 537, 2791, 1691, 29892, 451, 1391, 22543, 470, 2143, 262, 414, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 29889, 376, 5690, 6344, 18443, 267, 278, 17517, 304, 9973, 29872, 411, 1391, 22543, 322, 5353, 2224, 1994, 363, 19967, 339, 403, 11421, 363, 23035, 322, 1749, 7824, 394, 3687, 2012, 310, 3907, 8604, 16661, 1213, 13, 29933, 11253, 2439, 2741, 29901, 10180, 1328, 29901, 19454, 5864, 24161, 29892, 350, 3615, 5700, 29879, 17182, 29892, 10489, 454, 2129, 785, 3461, 13, 29967, 12352, 8903, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 338, 884, 15041, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 350, 3615, 17517, 29915, 29879, 17097, 12625, 8898, 338, 563, 837, 2827, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5864, 5802, 322, 5534, 5864, 6993, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 29889, 376, 2855, 26800, 368, 29892, 445, 17517, 1838, 29915, 29873, 18720, 278, 13500, 310, 17097, 2982, 454, 5832, 304, 6813, 29915, 29879, 20957, 1041, 1213, 13, 29949, 29881, 9297, 3082, 29901, 14164, 17182, 5802, 29821, 579, 13, 7789, 345, 349, 582, 1803, 29892, 14645, 29949, 310, 382, 2608, 362, 27562, 297, 13370, 1049, 322, 11289, 28942, 310, 278, 7660, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 9229, 6707, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 5855, 526, 6892, 18443, 292, 29892, 541, 727, 526, 10676, 4828, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 20894, 713, 4886, 262, 29915, 29879, 7417, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 526, 2599, 599, 591, 508, 304, 7910, 5802, 408, 591, 505, 17407, 297, 1760, 3145, 304, 437, 577, 1699, 349, 582, 1803, 1497, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29889, 13, 29908, 17245, 29892, 2343, 29893, 12772, 8581, 491, 2071, 24455, 10212, 3273, 1179, 29892, 11421, 9704, 766, 582, 1980, 29892, 2669, 322, 23131, 1070, 22535, 4414, 362, 322, 594, 3901, 17097, 22760, 322, 13332, 1230, 14202, 322, 17097, 946, 15942, 20139, 411, 3151, 18237, 292, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 5849, 674, 1040, 6038, 14321, 297, 20894, 713, 322, 21849, 5802, 29889, 16088, 13, 12881, 273, 1455, 10277, 29901, 438, 309, 13661, 24905, 1983, 937, 3148, 27684, 373, 7933, 8697, 330, 2129 ]
However, Lee Fuller at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents big and small oil and gas producers, said the administration was going after them while turning a blind eye to emissions from agriculture, another significant source of methane. "This is really just targeting our industry for purposes of targeting our industry — as a way to try to further argue that oil and natural gas is a bad product," he said. Houston Chronicle: Texas is expected to see $67 billion in clean energy investment under Democrats' inflation bill The legislation will not only provide increased incentives for electric cars, likely shrinking oil demand in the decades to come, but it also includes a tax on the methane emissions that escape during oil and gas drilling and increases royalties on wells located on federal lands and waters. "The IRA adds costs and regulations to producers when the federal government should be taking actions to support increased American energy production," Barry Russell, president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in a statement. "This bill will exacerbate supply concerns at a time of high crude and gasoline prices; it will not bring greater stability nor help Americans with inflation." Natural Gas Intelligence: Oil, Natural Gas Industry Reaction Mixed as Blockbuster Climate, Spending Bill Heads to Biden's Desk Other industry groups, such as the American Exploration and Production Council and the Independent Petroleum Association of America, joined API in opposing the bill. API, along with nearly 60 other trade groups, sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) voicing their concerns. They expressed issues with the corporate minimum tax increase, the Superfund tax and the methane fee. Oil & Gas Journal: House Democrats approve budget bill with higher costs for oil, gas Industry groups criticized the bill in a joint letter Aug. 11 to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). The letter was signed by the American Petroleum Institute, the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, and dozens of other associations. The industry letter lamented "considerable tax increases and new government spending" in the bill. It singled out a new minimum tax of 15% on corporations with adjusted income of $1 billion or more; an "$11.7 billion tax on crude oil and petroleum products," a reference to reinstated and increased Superfund taxes; higher fees on domestic energy production; and a "new $6.3 billion natural gas tax," a reference to the methane emission fee system E&E News: Would the climate bill slash methane? It depends The Independent Petroleum Association of America opposes the fee, calling it a tax that singles out energy producers. But a spokesperson for the group, Jennifer Pett Marsteller, acknowledged that "freezing the application threshold at 25,000 [metric] tons/year should largely exclude smaller producers." Investing.com: U.S. Inflation Reduction Act Will Have Mixed Impact On Oil, Gas Markets Smaller oil and gas companies don't have money to spend on fanciful initiatives that may not ever be profitable, so they won't be able to take advantage of these tax breaks the way Big Oil can. This is relevant to traders and investors because independent oil producers produce 83% of U.S. oil and 90% of U.S. natural gas, according to the Independent Petroleum Association of America. This legislation will make it even more difficult for smaller companies to compete and for new companies to enter the market. U.S. oil production could also suffer. Bloomberg: Big Oil Sees Upside of Climate Bill As Small Drillers Brace for New Fees, Taxes Smaller producers see little in the legislation to like, said Dan Naatz, executive VP at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. The bill will "reduce investment," and cause "long-lasting changes to the industry and long-lasting changes to the ability of our guys to get out there," Naatz told Bloomberg. Texas Tribune: Texas Democrats in Congress balance climate concerns and fossil fuel constituencies as they consider landmark bill "The tax changes being proposed will further
[ -0.11684795714753325, -0.21734789175031727 ]
[ 0.47780901736080816, 0.5852467322393913 ]
[ -0.02118311510971663, -0.09980658689662897 ]
[ 0.34766823549694637, 0.4933449705191079 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 13, 17245, 29892, 9371, 14846, 261, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 4802, 322, 2319, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 278, 17517, 471, 2675, 1156, 963, 1550, 14712, 263, 16842, 10977, 304, 953, 6847, 515, 18032, 545, 29892, 1790, 7282, 2752, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 2289, 925, 3646, 292, 1749, 13661, 363, 11976, 310, 3646, 292, 1749, 13661, 813, 408, 263, 982, 304, 1018, 304, 4340, 27754, 393, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 338, 263, 4319, 3234, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 10319, 338, 3806, 304, 1074, 395, 29953, 29955, 24464, 297, 5941, 5864, 13258, 358, 1090, 14189, 1446, 29915, 4414, 362, 11118, 13, 1576, 13332, 362, 674, 451, 871, 3867, 11664, 297, 1760, 3145, 363, 12646, 18647, 29892, 5517, 14653, 18159, 17182, 9667, 297, 278, 1602, 3076, 304, 2041, 29892, 541, 372, 884, 7805, 263, 8818, 373, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 393, 10169, 2645, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 322, 16415, 20258, 1997, 583, 373, 1532, 29879, 5982, 373, 17097, 12625, 322, 19922, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 306, 4717, 12778, 21544, 322, 1072, 8250, 304, 1391, 22543, 746, 278, 17097, 5874, 881, 367, 5622, 8820, 304, 2304, 11664, 3082, 5864, 5802, 1699, 23032, 20679, 29892, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 4013, 11118, 674, 429, 562, 23936, 403, 11421, 21838, 472, 263, 931, 310, 1880, 7618, 311, 322, 10489, 26496, 26094, 29936, 372, 674, 451, 6963, 7621, 25806, 3643, 1371, 23035, 411, 4414, 362, 1213, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 438, 309, 29892, 18385, 19141, 12157, 719, 830, 2467, 341, 11925, 408, 15658, 29890, 5402, 2233, 6490, 29892, 1706, 2548, 6682, 940, 7925, 304, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 2726, 29895, 13, 16107, 13661, 6471, 29892, 1316, 408, 278, 3082, 1222, 572, 12418, 322, 19561, 8831, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 8772, 3450, 297, 9209, 292, 278, 11118, 29889, 13, 8787, 29892, 3412, 411, 8886, 29871, 29953, 29900, 916, 11302, 6471, 29892, 2665, 263, 5497, 304, 5619, 5013, 5790, 24190, 15549, 8156, 313, 29928, 29899, 5454, 29897, 322, 21987, 537, 951, 1664, 19323, 4052, 8179, 21155, 313, 29934, 29899, 5454, 29897, 992, 18499, 1009, 21838, 29889, 2688, 13384, 5626, 411, 278, 17266, 403, 9212, 8818, 7910, 29892, 278, 5670, 27159, 8818, 322, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 5619, 14189, 1446, 2134, 345, 23562, 11118, 411, 6133, 21544, 363, 17182, 29892, 10489, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 6471, 11164, 1891, 278, 11118, 297, 263, 14002, 5497, 22333, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 304, 5619, 5013, 5790, 24190, 15549, 8156, 313, 29928, 29899, 7856, 361, 1846, 322, 5619, 21178, 951, 1664, 19323, 4052, 8179, 21155, 313, 29934, 29899, 7856, 361, 6250, 450, 5497, 471, 8794, 491, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 278, 3082, 383, 2491, 322, 5879, 307, 14969, 936, 2315, 9765, 332, 414, 29892, 322, 437, 29920, 575, 310, 916, 27733, 29889, 13, 1576, 13661, 5497, 301, 1166, 287, 376, 3200, 1241, 519, 8818, 16415, 322, 716, 5874, 805, 2548, 29908, 297, 278, 11118, 29889, 739, 1809, 839, 714, 263, 716, 9212, 8818, 310, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29995, 373, 17266, 800, 411, 10365, 287, 17869, 310, 395, 29896, 24464, 470, 901, 29936, 385, 3908, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29955, 24464, 8818, 373, 7618, 311, 17182, 322, 5697, 12154, 398, 9316, 1699, 263, 3407, 304, 337, 2611, 630, 322, 11664, 5670, 27159, 8818, 267, 29936, 6133, 1238, 267, 373, 21849, 5864, 5802, 29936, 322, 263, 376, 1482, 395, 29953, 29889, 29941, 24464, 5613, 10489, 8818, 1699, 263, 3407, 304, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 25477, 27684, 1788, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 10878, 278, 23622, 11118, 24765, 286, 621, 1662, 29973, 739, 7111, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 9209, 267, 278, 27684, 29892, 5432, 372, 263, 8818, 393, 22102, 714, 5864, 1391, 22543, 29889, 1205, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 2318, 29892, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 1085, 14640, 29892, 24084, 3192, 393, 376, 9021, 19583, 278, 2280, 16897, 472, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 518, 16414, 29962, 23864, 29914, 6360, 881, 18425, 19060, 7968, 1391, 22543, 1213, 13, 797, 10147, 292, 29889, 510, 29901, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 512, 1579, 362, 4367, 29884, 428, 3185, 2811, 6975, 341, 11925, 14305, 627, 1551, 438, 309, 29892, 19141, 4485, 1691, 13, 12636, 12572, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 6909, 304, 18864, 373, 285, 4564, 6845, 14511, 5056, 393, 1122, 451, 3926, 367, 2600, 8270, 29892, 577, 896, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 2221, 304, 2125, 10631, 310, 1438, 8818, 16706, 278, 982, 7997, 438, 309, 508, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 8018, 304, 3534, 414, 322, 13258, 943, 1363, 7417, 17182, 1391, 22543, 7738, 29871, 29947, 29941, 29995, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 322, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29995, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5613, 10489, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 910, 13332, 362, 674, 1207, 372, 1584, 901, 5189, 363, 7968, 14582, 304, 752, 2650, 322, 363, 716, 14582, 304, 3896, 278, 9999, 29889, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 5802, 1033, 884, 8812, 29889, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 7997, 438, 309, 922, 267, 501, 567, 680, 310, 2233, 6490, 6682, 1094, 18285, 4942, 453, 414, 5032, 346, 363, 1570, 5169, 267, 29892, 17847, 267, 13, 12636, 12572, 1391, 22543, 1074, 2217, 297, 278, 13332, 362, 304, 763, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 478, 29925, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 1576, 11118, 674, 376, 17469, 13258, 358, 1699, 322, 4556, 376, 5426, 29899, 4230, 292, 3620, 304, 278, 13661, 322, 1472, 29899, 4230, 292, 3620, 304, 278, 11509, 310, 1749, 18239, 304, 679, 714, 727, 1699, 4465, 4101, 5429, 11447, 290, 2552, 29889, 13, 26887, 294, 16855, 1540, 29901, 10319, 14189, 1446, 297, 11559, 17346, 23622, 21838, 322, 21983, 309, 26413, 10719, 15942, 408, 896, 2050, 2982, 3502, 11118, 13, 29908, 1576, 8818, 3620, 1641, 7972, 674, 4340 ]
cut domestic production and endanger domestic refining capacity while increasing demand from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries," the Democrats wrote to House Democratic leadership on Sept. 13. Cuellar and Gonzalez also signed the letter, along with Allred; Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Houston; and then- Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Brownsville. Several of the biggest oil and gas industry groups, including the American Gas Association and the Independent Petroleum Association of America, sent a similar letter to congressional leadership about the methane fee the same day. Newsweek: Schumer-Manchin Bill Fuels Battle Between Oil and Environmental Interests Drawing on an estimate compiled by industry trade association groups, Senator Lankford said the bill could see the cost of natural gas increase by 17%. In September 2021, in wake of discussions around the Build Back Better Act, 28 trade associations, including the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), wrote a letter to congressional leadership stating a methane tax in that bill would lead to this 17% spike. An outreach arm of the IPAA made this claim again regarding a similar provision in the new bill. Hart Energy: Why Savvy Capital Providers Have Oil and Gas on Their Minds If there were any thoughts about U.S. oil and gas producers shrugging their shoulders, giving up and disappearing sheepishly into the night at the hands of challenges from environmentalists and elected officials, think again. Speakers and attendees on hand at the International Petroleum Association of America's (IPAA) annual meeting on July 21 at The Broadmoor said it's time to tighten their bootstraps and get to work setting the record straight—to the public and investors—about the importance of fossil fuels to modern and future society. PolitiFact: Democrats, including President Joe Biden, "stopped domestic drilling" for oil, driving gasoline prices higher. Once a company has a lease in hand, it can take a while to start drilling, since companies have to contract rigs to drill the wells and build a sufficient inventory of permits before rigs are contracted, said Jennifer Pett, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group representing oil and natural gas producers. Because capital investments are involved, companies want to feel confident that their upront outlays will be paid back with sufficient revenues. In a sector with prices as volatile as energy, this sometimes leads them to adopt a wait-and-see attitude rather than jumping right in. FOX Business: Biden administration report shows massive fossil fuel industry job losses "The DOE jobs report is not only reflective of the broader pandemic slowdown, but also highlights an Administration that has worked overtime on restricting American natural gas and oil production," Independent Petroleum Association of America spokesperson Jennifer Marsteller told Fox News Digital in an email. "We are confident in our sector, and in the work oil and natural gas employees do to bring energy safely and reliably to our country and the world," she continued. "We urge President Biden to get on board with that same made-in-America pride in our workers." Midland Reporter-Telegram: Industry associations urge Biden to visit US oil and gas facilities As President Joe Biden packs his bags for his trip to Israel, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia, 27 of the nation's oil and gas associations have sent him an open letter urging him to visit US oil and gas facilities beforehand. Agreed Jeff Eshelman, IPAA's chief operating officer. "It would also provide an opportunity for the president to educate himself about America's number one energy source, its positive benefits to communities nationwide and the measures the industry has taken to protect the environment. For some reason, Administration policies do not recognize that renewable and traditional sources can coexist and should be part of an all-of-the-above energy approach. A visit would send a strong signal that he's willing to listen and learn from the nation's largest American energy resource base," Eshelman said in a statement. E&E News: DOE touts oil industry dialogue without deal on energy prices While the signatories said Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia is important, the trade groups added, "U.S. energy reserves — produced to among the highest environmental standards in the world — are the answer
[ -0.40499342552314743, -0.12181303057765376 ]
[ 0.5780842179141524, 0.27367735909150026 ]
[ -0.2291548791912267, 0.19186113102256197 ]
[ 0.3268572733509233, 0.040706543843106055 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5700, 21849, 5802, 322, 1095, 4600, 21849, 2143, 2827, 13284, 1550, 10231, 9667, 515, 278, 9205, 2133, 310, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 1222, 637, 292, 3917, 2722, 1699, 278, 14189, 1446, 5456, 304, 5619, 19083, 26001, 373, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 10406, 514, 279, 322, 27536, 744, 29920, 884, 8794, 278, 5497, 29892, 3412, 411, 2178, 1127, 29936, 10088, 29889, 19628, 6071, 7455, 1512, 29892, 360, 29899, 29950, 283, 7352, 29936, 322, 769, 29899, 10088, 29889, 3497, 3712, 478, 3100, 29892, 360, 29899, 29933, 798, 1983, 4909, 29889, 13, 29903, 1310, 284, 310, 278, 24842, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 6471, 29892, 3704, 278, 3082, 19141, 7993, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 2665, 263, 2788, 5497, 304, 378, 11476, 284, 26001, 1048, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 278, 1021, 2462, 29889, 13, 29328, 18448, 29901, 1102, 4680, 29899, 2517, 24338, 6682, 11871, 1379, 12788, 21674, 438, 309, 322, 16738, 284, 4124, 9197, 13, 16327, 373, 385, 12678, 13126, 491, 13661, 11302, 15477, 6471, 29892, 27623, 365, 804, 4006, 1497, 278, 11118, 1033, 1074, 278, 3438, 310, 5613, 10489, 7910, 491, 29871, 29896, 29955, 15543, 512, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 297, 281, 1296, 310, 5353, 1080, 2820, 278, 8878, 7437, 26965, 3185, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29947, 11302, 27733, 29892, 3704, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 5456, 263, 5497, 304, 378, 11476, 284, 26001, 23659, 263, 286, 621, 1662, 8818, 297, 393, 11118, 723, 3275, 304, 445, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29995, 805, 9345, 29889, 530, 714, 276, 496, 5075, 310, 278, 5641, 6344, 1754, 445, 5995, 1449, 11211, 263, 2788, 25161, 297, 278, 716, 11118, 29889, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 3750, 9583, 13308, 25343, 1019, 29454, 6975, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 373, 11275, 341, 12772, 13, 3644, 727, 892, 738, 13133, 1048, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 528, 582, 1505, 292, 1009, 26671, 29892, 6820, 701, 322, 25417, 292, 29735, 728, 368, 964, 278, 4646, 472, 278, 6567, 310, 18066, 267, 515, 29380, 2879, 322, 11467, 24921, 29892, 1348, 1449, 29889, 13, 10649, 21079, 322, 472, 841, 311, 267, 373, 1361, 472, 278, 4623, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 17568, 11781, 373, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29896, 472, 450, 12046, 4346, 272, 1497, 372, 29915, 29879, 931, 304, 19932, 264, 1009, 6579, 4151, 567, 322, 679, 304, 664, 4444, 278, 2407, 7812, 30003, 517, 278, 970, 322, 13258, 943, 30003, 12717, 278, 13500, 310, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 304, 5400, 322, 5434, 12459, 29889, 13, 7713, 4812, 20738, 29901, 14189, 1446, 29892, 3704, 7178, 11131, 350, 3615, 29892, 376, 7864, 2986, 21849, 4192, 8873, 29908, 363, 17182, 29892, 19500, 10489, 26496, 26094, 6133, 29889, 13, 26222, 263, 5001, 756, 263, 454, 559, 297, 1361, 29892, 372, 508, 2125, 263, 1550, 304, 1369, 4192, 8873, 29892, 1951, 14582, 505, 304, 8078, 12912, 29879, 304, 4192, 453, 278, 1532, 29879, 322, 2048, 263, 8002, 11817, 706, 310, 3635, 1169, 1434, 12912, 29879, 526, 8078, 287, 29892, 1497, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 29892, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 263, 11302, 2318, 15783, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29889, 13, 29933, 5658, 7483, 13258, 1860, 526, 9701, 29892, 14582, 864, 304, 4459, 24332, 393, 1009, 318, 558, 609, 714, 29880, 1036, 674, 367, 12530, 1250, 411, 8002, 20957, 1041, 29889, 512, 263, 17535, 411, 26094, 408, 1700, 24285, 408, 5864, 29892, 445, 6041, 11981, 963, 304, 9332, 263, 4480, 29899, 392, 29899, 4149, 26309, 3265, 1135, 12500, 292, 1492, 297, 29889, 13, 5800, 29990, 15197, 29901, 350, 3615, 17517, 3461, 3697, 20364, 21983, 309, 26413, 13661, 4982, 28495, 13, 29908, 1576, 11662, 29923, 17643, 3461, 338, 451, 871, 9432, 573, 310, 278, 2545, 1664, 7243, 24552, 5232, 3204, 29892, 541, 884, 12141, 29879, 385, 23303, 393, 756, 3796, 975, 2230, 373, 9250, 292, 3082, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 1699, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 23774, 9633, 1085, 14640, 5429, 14802, 10130, 15918, 297, 385, 4876, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 526, 24332, 297, 1749, 17535, 29892, 322, 297, 278, 664, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 22873, 437, 304, 6963, 5864, 23511, 322, 12536, 2197, 304, 1749, 4234, 322, 278, 3186, 1699, 1183, 7572, 29889, 376, 4806, 5065, 479, 7178, 350, 3615, 304, 679, 373, 7613, 411, 393, 1021, 1754, 29899, 262, 29899, 29048, 24967, 297, 1749, 17162, 1213, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 12157, 719, 27733, 5065, 479, 350, 3615, 304, 6493, 3148, 17182, 322, 10489, 23330, 13, 2887, 7178, 11131, 350, 3615, 4870, 29879, 670, 289, 810, 363, 670, 17487, 304, 11996, 29892, 278, 3122, 10253, 322, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29955, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 10489, 27733, 505, 2665, 1075, 385, 1722, 5497, 5065, 3460, 1075, 304, 6493, 3148, 17182, 322, 10489, 23330, 1434, 3179, 29889, 4059, 276, 287, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 9087, 13598, 12139, 29889, 376, 3112, 723, 884, 3867, 385, 15130, 363, 278, 6673, 304, 6320, 403, 3654, 1048, 6813, 29915, 29879, 1353, 697, 5864, 2752, 29892, 967, 6374, 23633, 304, 23507, 5233, 8157, 322, 278, 15366, 278, 13661, 756, 4586, 304, 12566, 278, 5177, 29889, 1152, 777, 2769, 29892, 23303, 24833, 437, 451, 18720, 393, 23011, 519, 322, 13807, 8974, 508, 1302, 28997, 322, 881, 367, 760, 310, 385, 599, 29899, 974, 29899, 1552, 29899, 27215, 5864, 2948, 29889, 319, 6493, 723, 3638, 263, 4549, 7182, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 17762, 304, 11621, 322, 5110, 515, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 10150, 3082, 5864, 6503, 2967, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 11662, 29923, 5646, 29879, 17182, 13661, 7928, 434, 1728, 5376, 373, 5864, 26094, 13, 8809, 488, 278, 1804, 1061, 583, 1497, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 6493, 304, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 338, 4100, 29892, 278, 11302, 6471, 2715, 29892, 376, 29965, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5864, 620, 20098, 813, 7371, 304, 4249, 278, 9939, 29380, 20801, 297, 278, 3186, 813, 526, 278, 1234 ]
in the global quest for reliable energy supplies." Jeff Eshelman, chief operating officer with the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in an emailed statement that a visit to U.S. energy facilities would indicate that Biden is "willing to listen and learn from the nation's largest American energy resource base." The Daily Caller: Biden Admin considers banning all offshore drilling as energy crisis worsens: REPORT Jeffrey Eshelman, Chief Operating Officer of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that a ban would only further restrict the supply of fuel, driving up prices and hurting Americans nationwide as roughly "20 percent of the nation's natural gas and oil production comes from America's offshore boundaries." Eshelman pushed back on Biden's call for more oil drilling and refining as a ban on offshore drilling would reflect his "true policies and progressive Green agenda." Eshelman further said that it is an understatement to say that the Biden administration is "out-of-touch with the nation's pressing issues." The DCNF reached out to the Department of the Interior for comment, and a spokeswoman for the Interior replied that "the proposed plan hasn't been published yet." Reuters: Greens say vacate 3,500 drilling permits in new climate change lawsuit The Interior Department declined to comment on Wednesday. But Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, defended the BLM's environmental review process, saying it "takes years to complete" before a permit is issued and production can begin. "To allege that over 3,500 (drilling permits) were approved without a close eye on impacts is ludicrous," Miller said in an email. PolitiFact: No easy answers on reducing U.S. gas prices, despite political ads' claims Sometimes, companies must obtain rights-of-way from landowners near the leased lands. They also work on plans to contract a rig in a way that will be economically advantageous for the companies, among other things. Companies also weigh whether it makes more financial sense to drill quickly, or wait. Jennifer Pett Marsteller, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents oil and natural gas producers, said companies "have every incentive to develop the resources they win leases for," so penalties won't speed up drilling. "It's a much more complicated process than simply having a lease issued and starting drilling," she said. Midland Reporter-Telegram: IPAA leader says industry is doing a lot to address energy concerns Energy-related issues are gaining significant attention in the nation's capital, and that's compelling industry associations to increase their vigilance. "There's so much going on in D.C.," observed Dan Naatz, senior vice president, government relations and political affairs with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. There is a lot of rhetoric and talk about obscene profits, price gouging and implementing a profits tax and price controls. That talk may not be gaining much traction, he said, but if it's being discussed in Washington, D.C., the IPAA and other associations need to ensure they don't happen. Houston Chronicle: U.S. moving to raise rent on non-producing oil and gas leases Oil and gas companies have long resisted changes to the current system, arguing that the bureaucracy involved in drilling on federal lands is particularly burdensome. "There's so many different levels you need to get check-offs on," said Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "It can take a number of years for companies to get leases together in a parcel, for it to make economic sense. It's not as simple as get a lease, go start drilling." Oilman Magazine: Petroleum Industry Activity Shows Growth The Oil and Gas Journal reported the Independent Petroleum Association of America repeatedly tried, without luck, to engage the Biden administration in a discussion of how federal policies and oil and gas companies can together provide energy supplies to the public. "They've had no interest in talking about how we can work together to address these needs," Dan Naatz, senior vice president at IPAA, said. "It's frustr
[ -0.5830512312929863, -0.3310309523572144 ]
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[ -0.3128508330289076, -0.07190793561740201 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 297, 278, 5534, 21126, 363, 23279, 5864, 28075, 1213, 13, 29967, 12352, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 9087, 13598, 12139, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 321, 655, 2356, 3229, 393, 263, 6493, 304, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5864, 23330, 723, 12266, 393, 350, 3615, 338, 376, 29893, 8873, 304, 11621, 322, 5110, 515, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 10150, 3082, 5864, 6503, 2967, 1213, 13, 1576, 23331, 8251, 261, 29901, 350, 3615, 10229, 1136, 11376, 289, 9450, 599, 1283, 845, 487, 4192, 8873, 408, 5864, 24161, 281, 943, 575, 29901, 5195, 15082, 13, 29967, 12352, 8903, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 14546, 6607, 1218, 28288, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 450, 23331, 8251, 261, 10130, 10606, 393, 263, 9892, 723, 871, 4340, 9250, 278, 11421, 310, 26413, 29892, 19500, 701, 26094, 322, 12166, 1259, 23035, 5233, 8157, 408, 20928, 376, 29906, 29900, 10151, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 5304, 515, 6813, 29915, 29879, 1283, 845, 487, 24371, 1213, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 18760, 1250, 373, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 1246, 363, 901, 17182, 4192, 8873, 322, 2143, 2827, 408, 263, 9892, 373, 1283, 845, 487, 4192, 8873, 723, 9432, 670, 376, 3009, 24833, 322, 6728, 573, 7646, 946, 8395, 1213, 13, 29923, 845, 295, 1171, 4340, 1497, 393, 372, 338, 385, 1090, 20788, 304, 1827, 393, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 338, 376, 449, 29899, 974, 29899, 16747, 411, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 24795, 5626, 1213, 450, 13681, 22498, 7450, 714, 304, 278, 10317, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 363, 3440, 29892, 322, 263, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 363, 278, 4124, 1611, 10352, 393, 376, 1552, 7972, 3814, 22602, 29915, 29873, 1063, 6369, 3447, 1213, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 4122, 575, 1827, 11757, 403, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 4192, 8873, 3635, 1169, 297, 716, 23622, 1735, 4307, 29658, 13, 1576, 4124, 1611, 10317, 4845, 1312, 304, 3440, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29889, 1205, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 822, 2760, 278, 350, 26369, 29915, 29879, 29380, 9076, 1889, 29892, 5934, 372, 376, 29873, 6926, 2440, 304, 4866, 29908, 1434, 263, 14257, 338, 16610, 322, 5802, 508, 3380, 29889, 13, 29908, 1762, 394, 4424, 393, 975, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 313, 7707, 8873, 3635, 1169, 29897, 892, 23454, 1728, 263, 3802, 10977, 373, 10879, 29879, 338, 21615, 293, 29878, 681, 1699, 16498, 1497, 297, 385, 4876, 29889, 13, 7713, 4812, 20738, 29901, 1939, 4780, 6089, 373, 27668, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10489, 26094, 29892, 15020, 8604, 594, 29879, 29915, 16726, 13, 29903, 14618, 29892, 14582, 1818, 4017, 10462, 29899, 974, 29899, 1582, 515, 2982, 776, 414, 2978, 278, 454, 1463, 12625, 29889, 2688, 884, 664, 373, 13900, 304, 8078, 263, 12912, 297, 263, 982, 393, 674, 367, 7766, 1711, 10631, 681, 363, 278, 14582, 29892, 4249, 916, 2712, 29889, 3831, 273, 583, 884, 591, 1141, 3692, 372, 3732, 901, 18161, 4060, 304, 4192, 453, 9098, 29892, 470, 4480, 29889, 13, 29967, 2108, 9633, 349, 1803, 1085, 14640, 29892, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 14582, 376, 17532, 1432, 297, 1760, 573, 304, 2693, 278, 7788, 896, 5401, 454, 2129, 363, 1699, 577, 6584, 1997, 583, 2113, 29915, 29873, 6210, 701, 4192, 8873, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 1568, 901, 12092, 1889, 1135, 3763, 2534, 263, 454, 559, 16610, 322, 6257, 4192, 8873, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 5641, 6344, 11822, 4083, 13661, 338, 2599, 263, 3287, 304, 3211, 5864, 21838, 13, 29923, 1089, 1927, 29899, 12817, 5626, 526, 11581, 292, 7282, 8570, 297, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 7483, 29892, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 752, 7807, 13661, 27733, 304, 7910, 1009, 14877, 309, 749, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 29915, 29879, 577, 1568, 2675, 373, 297, 360, 29889, 29907, 1696, 29908, 8900, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 29892, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 1670, 338, 263, 3287, 310, 364, 9188, 272, 293, 322, 5193, 1048, 19726, 1600, 2600, 1169, 29892, 8666, 330, 692, 292, 322, 16049, 263, 2600, 1169, 8818, 322, 8666, 11761, 29889, 13, 7058, 5193, 1122, 451, 367, 11581, 292, 1568, 1020, 428, 29892, 540, 1497, 29892, 541, 565, 372, 29915, 29879, 1641, 15648, 297, 7660, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 1696, 278, 5641, 6344, 322, 916, 27733, 817, 304, 9801, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3799, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 8401, 304, 12020, 23990, 373, 1661, 29899, 5498, 3277, 17182, 322, 10489, 454, 2129, 13, 29949, 309, 322, 10489, 14582, 505, 1472, 9241, 287, 3620, 304, 278, 1857, 1788, 29892, 1852, 26420, 393, 278, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 9701, 297, 4192, 8873, 373, 17097, 12625, 338, 10734, 6866, 21518, 608, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 29915, 29879, 577, 1784, 1422, 11174, 366, 817, 304, 679, 1423, 29899, 22450, 373, 1699, 1497, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 3112, 508, 2125, 263, 1353, 310, 2440, 363, 14582, 304, 679, 454, 2129, 4208, 297, 263, 610, 2242, 29892, 363, 372, 304, 1207, 17407, 4060, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 408, 2560, 408, 679, 263, 454, 559, 29892, 748, 1369, 4192, 8873, 1213, 13, 29949, 309, 1171, 17880, 29901, 5879, 12154, 398, 12157, 719, 13414, 1383, 1242, 402, 798, 386, 13, 1576, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 8237, 8967, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 28424, 1898, 29892, 1728, 9885, 29892, 304, 3033, 482, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 297, 263, 10679, 310, 920, 17097, 24833, 322, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 508, 4208, 3867, 5864, 28075, 304, 278, 970, 29889, 13, 29908, 15597, 29915, 345, 750, 694, 4066, 297, 9963, 1048, 920, 591, 508, 664, 4208, 304, 3211, 1438, 4225, 1699, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 472, 5641, 6344, 29892, 1497, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1424, 4627 ]
ating." Bloomberg: Methane leaks from small oil wells spur call for stiffer U.S. regulation The Independent Petroleum Association of America said the group's assessments of emissions from small wells suggest that most of the leaks come from storage tanks and separator vessels "that can be managed without the expensive leak-detection-and-repair programs demanded by environmental lobbyists." "Specifically targeting small American producers with expansive new regulations is the wrong approach when prices at the pump are at record highs and the Biden administration is calling on the industry to expand domestic production," IPAA spokeswoman Jennifer Pett said by email. S&P Global: Methane from low-producing US oil, gas sites equal to 88 coal plants: study "Our assessments of emissions from small wells have suggested that the predominant sources of emissions are storage tanks and perhaps separator vessels that can be managed without the expensive … programs demanded by environmental lobbyists," Jennifer Pett Marsteller, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, wrote in an email. "Targeting small American producers with expansive new regulations is the wrong approach when prices at the pump are at record highs and the Biden administration is calling on the industry to expand domestic production." E&E News: How Biden drilling plan affects oil, climate politics Dan Naatz, executive vice president for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, echoed Macchiarola. "It's just another political action by the administration," Naatz said in an interview. He added: "Now they've come up with a plan they say is going to have a significant impact. When you're reducing the acreage by 80 percent, you're increasing royalties by 50 percent, that doesn't seem to be a formula for robust action on federal lands. Our members are certainly very skeptical. But it doesn't seem to be a plan that's going to have a major impact on onshore federal land production." NewsWest9: Petroleum expert discusses ending of moratorium on federal land drilling leases (Watch) "First of all, it's a long time coming and so we'll give the administration some credit for at least holding a lease sale," said Dan Naatz, Executive Vice President of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "But, if you look back all the way back to candidate Biden, he said that he would stop leasing on federal lands and he did that the first day in office, and there hasn't had any since they came into office." New York Times: Biden Plans to Open More Public Land to Drilling Those moves drew a tepid reaction from the oil industry. "It's a mixed message and strangely incoherent," said Jeff Eshelman, the chief operating officer of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, an industry group. "This administration has begged for more oil from foreign nations, blames American energy producers for price gouging and sitting on leases. Now, on a late holiday announcement, under pressure, it announces a lease sale with major royalty increases that will add uncertainty to drilling plans for years." NBC News: Biden administration to resume leasing for oil and gas drilling on federal lands Jeffrey Eshelman, chief operating officer at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, accused Biden of putting out a "mixed message" on energy policy. "This administration has begged for more oil from foreign nations, blames American energy producers for price gouging and sitting on leases," Eshelman said in a statement. "Now, on a late holiday announcement, under pressure, it announces a lease sale with major royalty increases that will add uncertainty to drilling plans for years." USA Today: Will gas prices ease with Biden's release from strategic reserve? Experts say it's not enough The Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents oil and gas producers, also took issue with Biden's characterization of oil and gas companies sitting on unused leases. "Independent oil and natural gas producers do not sit on leases they acquire on onshore and offshore federal lands," said Dan Naatz, the group's executive president, who stressed that it's in a company's best interest to develop the leases it acquires. Companies pay rent on federal leases until they are in production,
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[ 0.03810517357485317, -0.1309838938615843 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1218, 1213, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 341, 621, 1662, 454, 10327, 515, 2319, 17182, 1532, 29879, 805, 332, 1246, 363, 380, 8349, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1072, 2785, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 278, 2318, 29915, 29879, 24809, 1860, 310, 953, 6847, 515, 2319, 1532, 29879, 4368, 393, 1556, 310, 278, 454, 10327, 2041, 515, 8635, 260, 1331, 322, 28128, 24479, 376, 5747, 508, 367, 8745, 1728, 278, 19390, 24993, 29899, 29881, 2650, 428, 29899, 392, 29899, 3445, 1466, 11104, 24432, 491, 29380, 658, 1327, 29891, 2879, 1213, 13, 29908, 10299, 928, 635, 3646, 292, 2319, 3082, 1391, 22543, 411, 1518, 550, 573, 716, 1072, 8250, 338, 278, 2743, 2948, 746, 26094, 472, 278, 282, 3427, 526, 472, 2407, 1880, 29879, 322, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 338, 5432, 373, 278, 13661, 304, 7985, 21849, 5802, 1699, 5641, 6344, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 1497, 491, 4876, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 29901, 341, 621, 1662, 515, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 3148, 17182, 29892, 10489, 11840, 5186, 304, 29871, 29947, 29947, 17148, 18577, 29901, 6559, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 24809, 1860, 310, 953, 6847, 515, 2319, 1532, 29879, 505, 7829, 393, 278, 758, 24130, 424, 8974, 310, 953, 6847, 526, 8635, 260, 1331, 322, 6060, 28128, 24479, 393, 508, 367, 8745, 1728, 278, 19390, 16088, 11104, 24432, 491, 29380, 658, 1327, 29891, 2879, 1699, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 1085, 14640, 29892, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5456, 297, 385, 4876, 29889, 13, 29908, 8667, 292, 2319, 3082, 1391, 22543, 411, 1518, 550, 573, 716, 1072, 8250, 338, 278, 2743, 2948, 746, 26094, 472, 278, 282, 3427, 526, 472, 2407, 1880, 29879, 322, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 338, 5432, 373, 278, 13661, 304, 7985, 21849, 5802, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 1128, 350, 3615, 4192, 8873, 3814, 6602, 29879, 17182, 29892, 23622, 22661, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 2916, 287, 4326, 4161, 279, 2963, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 925, 1790, 8604, 3158, 491, 278, 17517, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 29889, 13, 3868, 2715, 29901, 376, 10454, 896, 29915, 345, 2041, 701, 411, 263, 3814, 896, 1827, 338, 2675, 304, 505, 263, 7282, 10879, 29889, 1932, 366, 29915, 276, 27668, 278, 263, 1037, 482, 491, 29871, 29947, 29900, 10151, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 10231, 20258, 1997, 583, 491, 29871, 29945, 29900, 10151, 29892, 393, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2833, 304, 367, 263, 7063, 363, 16424, 3158, 373, 17097, 12625, 29889, 8680, 5144, 526, 8959, 1407, 18109, 415, 936, 29889, 1205, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2833, 304, 367, 263, 3814, 393, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 505, 263, 4655, 10879, 373, 373, 845, 487, 17097, 2982, 5802, 1213, 13, 29328, 16128, 29929, 29901, 5879, 12154, 398, 17924, 5353, 267, 17140, 310, 3036, 1061, 1974, 373, 17097, 2982, 4192, 8873, 454, 2129, 313, 24709, 29897, 13, 29908, 6730, 310, 599, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1472, 931, 6421, 322, 577, 591, 29915, 645, 2367, 278, 17517, 777, 16200, 363, 472, 3203, 13587, 263, 454, 559, 14686, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 28841, 21400, 7178, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 6246, 29892, 565, 366, 1106, 1250, 599, 278, 982, 1250, 304, 14020, 350, 3615, 29892, 540, 1497, 393, 540, 723, 5040, 454, 5832, 373, 17097, 12625, 322, 540, 1258, 393, 278, 937, 2462, 297, 8034, 29892, 322, 727, 22602, 29915, 29873, 750, 738, 1951, 896, 2996, 964, 8034, 1213, 13, 4373, 3088, 10277, 29901, 350, 3615, 1858, 550, 304, 4673, 5853, 5236, 3172, 304, 4942, 8873, 13, 1349, 852, 16229, 15010, 263, 734, 5935, 19848, 515, 278, 17182, 13661, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 12849, 2643, 322, 851, 574, 873, 297, 1111, 2276, 296, 1699, 1497, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 278, 9087, 13598, 12139, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 385, 13661, 2318, 29889, 376, 4013, 17517, 756, 25945, 287, 363, 901, 17182, 515, 9117, 19079, 29892, 1999, 1280, 3082, 5864, 1391, 22543, 363, 8666, 330, 692, 292, 322, 16246, 373, 454, 2129, 29889, 2567, 29892, 373, 263, 5683, 8753, 22394, 7475, 13561, 29892, 1090, 12959, 29892, 372, 7475, 778, 263, 454, 559, 14686, 411, 4655, 15150, 1017, 16415, 393, 674, 788, 25812, 304, 4192, 8873, 13900, 363, 2440, 1213, 13, 29940, 5371, 10130, 29901, 350, 3615, 17517, 304, 620, 2017, 454, 5832, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 373, 17097, 12625, 13, 29967, 12352, 8903, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 9087, 13598, 12139, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 28886, 350, 3615, 310, 10594, 714, 263, 376, 29885, 11925, 2643, 29908, 373, 5864, 8898, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 17517, 756, 25945, 287, 363, 901, 17182, 515, 9117, 19079, 29892, 1999, 1280, 3082, 5864, 1391, 22543, 363, 8666, 330, 692, 292, 322, 16246, 373, 454, 2129, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 10454, 29892, 373, 263, 5683, 8753, 22394, 7475, 13561, 29892, 1090, 12959, 29892, 372, 7475, 778, 263, 454, 559, 14686, 411, 4655, 15150, 1017, 16415, 393, 674, 788, 25812, 304, 4192, 8873, 13900, 363, 2440, 1213, 13, 27019, 20628, 29901, 2811, 10489, 26094, 16326, 411, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 6507, 515, 16650, 293, 23986, 29973, 28224, 1372, 1827, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 3307, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 884, 3614, 2228, 411, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 2931, 2133, 310, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 16246, 373, 443, 3880, 454, 2129, 29889, 13, 29908, 2568, 1022, 3906, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 437, 451, 7845, 373, 454, 2129, 896, 1274, 1548, 373, 373, 845, 487, 322, 1283, 845, 487, 17097, 12625, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 278, 2318, 29915, 29879, 22760, 6673, 29892, 1058, 851, 11517, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 297, 263, 5001, 29915, 29879, 1900, 4066, 304, 2693, 278, 454, 2129, 372, 10695, 2658, 29889, 13, 6843, 273, 583, 5146, 23990, 373, 17097, 454, 2129, 2745, 896, 526, 297, 5802, 29892 ]
with rental rates that escalate over time, Naatz said. Although the Biden administration wants to make the public believe exploring for oil and natural gas on federal lands is a simple process, "nothing could be further from the truth," Naatz said. "Our industry is heavily regulated, and there are various factors that cause companies to wait to explore and drill wells," he said. "Because of the uncertainty of operating on federal lands, companies must build sufficient inventory of permits before rigs can be contracted. They must acquire the proper rights of way and ensure they have the proper pipeline infrastructure to ensure the oil and natural gas can be delivered to markets safely and efficiently." Fox News: Oil and gas groups call out Biden: 'We would love to produce more, bring gas prices down' (Watch) Independent Petroleum Association of America Executive Vice President Dan Naatz said gas and oil companies are "frustrated" with the Biden administration's "relentless assault" on American oil and natural gas producers over the past year. "Increased regulations, talk of taxes, our members get frustrated when the administration, Jen Psaki just seem to say, now that we are facing an energy crisis, go out and produce like the snap of a finger. It is just not possible and as we face this relentless attack, we will have to do a lot of work. And you want to start a dialogue with the administration to address the challenges," he told host Ainsley Earhardt. Video – Fox & Friends: Oil & Gas Companies Send Letter to Biden to Lower Gas Prices and Strengthen National Security IPAA Executive Vice President Dan Naatz and Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma on letter sent to President Biden. Washington Examiner: Environmentalists want SEC to remove wiggle room from emissions disclosures Oil and gas trade groups criticized the administration's treatment of the industry and accusing officials of "maligning our motives" and telling lies about how companies operate. "The worst mischaracterization of all by you and your administration is when you have said that you are doing nothing to hold back energy production. That is just not true," industry representatives said in a letter sent to the administration last week and made public yesterday, signed by 10 industry groups, including the Independent Petroleum Association of America and the Western Energy Alliance. It also includes an exhortation that President Joe Biden "pick up the phone" to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to urge her to see through the approval of more drilling permits and that he recognize that oil and gas are strategic assets "necessary for providing the United States and its allies with energy security now and for decades." Natural Gas Intelligence: Will Russia-Ukraine Crisis Prompt Biden Administration Reset for Natural Gas and Oil Policy? Jennifer Pett Marsteller, Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) senior public relations and communications director, told NGI that ramping up production involves more than simply turning on a spigot. Oil and gas "producers must acquire capital for new drilling investments, and parts and labor are not easy to come by," she said. "The industry faces the same supply chain and workforce issues that plague many other industries in America." Politifact: The oil industry has "9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year." The president suggested the onus is on the industry to start drilling. But it's not as simple as Biden made it seem, because there are some steps before companies begin production. Companies have to contract rigs to drill the wells, and build a sufficient inventory of permits before rigs are contracted, said Jennifer Pett, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group that represents oil and natural gas producers. "Producers also have to put a drilling plan together, secure rights of way and work with state and private landowners," Pett said. National Review: Profits Are Not the Problem for Oil Companies That's right, oil companies are having a hard time attracting investors now because they were perceived to have supplied too much oil and made too low profits over the last ten years. Most of America's oil drilling is actually done by relatively small, independent firms, not by Big Oil. From the Independent Petroleum Association of America: The U.S. In
[ -0.27966812376976086, -0.11393739686091088 ]
[ 0.3381399880186501, 0.6210593038655856 ]
[ 0.04729539257565864, 0.12084638231180245 ]
[ 0.19158601940177333, 0.3060463112049002 ]
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[ 411, 364, 13703, 19257, 393, 831, 1052, 403, 975, 931, 29892, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 10753, 304, 1207, 278, 970, 4658, 3902, 8253, 363, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 373, 17097, 12625, 338, 263, 2560, 1889, 29892, 376, 28450, 1033, 367, 4340, 515, 278, 8760, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 13661, 338, 20365, 1072, 7964, 29892, 322, 727, 526, 5164, 13879, 393, 4556, 14582, 304, 4480, 304, 26987, 322, 4192, 453, 1532, 29879, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 29933, 5658, 310, 278, 25812, 310, 13598, 373, 17097, 12625, 29892, 14582, 1818, 2048, 8002, 11817, 706, 310, 3635, 1169, 1434, 12912, 29879, 508, 367, 8078, 287, 29889, 2688, 1818, 1274, 1548, 278, 1571, 10462, 310, 982, 322, 9801, 896, 505, 278, 1571, 16439, 22035, 12425, 304, 9801, 278, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 508, 367, 20115, 304, 2791, 1691, 23511, 322, 29497, 1213, 13, 29943, 2251, 10130, 29901, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 6471, 1246, 714, 350, 3615, 29901, 525, 4806, 723, 5360, 304, 7738, 901, 29892, 6963, 10489, 26094, 1623, 29915, 313, 24709, 29897, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 28841, 21400, 7178, 3951, 4465, 4101, 1497, 10489, 322, 17182, 14582, 526, 376, 1341, 4627, 630, 29908, 411, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 29915, 29879, 376, 2674, 296, 2222, 29159, 29908, 373, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 975, 278, 4940, 1629, 29889, 13, 29908, 797, 1037, 1463, 1072, 8250, 29892, 5193, 310, 8818, 267, 29892, 1749, 5144, 679, 1424, 4627, 630, 746, 278, 17517, 29892, 21116, 10144, 9940, 925, 2833, 304, 1827, 29892, 1286, 393, 591, 526, 14870, 385, 5864, 24161, 29892, 748, 714, 322, 7738, 763, 278, 15101, 310, 263, 19917, 29889, 739, 338, 925, 451, 1950, 322, 408, 591, 3700, 445, 1104, 296, 2222, 5337, 29892, 591, 674, 505, 304, 437, 263, 3287, 310, 664, 29889, 1126, 366, 864, 304, 1369, 263, 7928, 434, 411, 278, 17517, 304, 3211, 278, 18066, 267, 1699, 540, 5429, 3495, 319, 1144, 2330, 5290, 25603, 29889, 13, 15167, 785, 14802, 669, 11169, 1975, 29901, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 3831, 273, 583, 15076, 2803, 357, 304, 350, 3615, 304, 27723, 19141, 1588, 1575, 322, 3767, 1477, 264, 3086, 14223, 13, 5690, 6344, 28841, 21400, 7178, 3951, 4465, 4101, 322, 10504, 24836, 29855, 7178, 19663, 280, 264, 317, 4283, 373, 5497, 2665, 304, 7178, 350, 3615, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 16738, 284, 2879, 864, 3725, 29907, 304, 3349, 281, 335, 6234, 5716, 515, 953, 6847, 766, 11291, 1973, 13, 29949, 309, 322, 10489, 11302, 6471, 11164, 1891, 278, 17517, 29915, 29879, 14502, 310, 278, 13661, 322, 1035, 4746, 24921, 310, 376, 29885, 2520, 292, 1749, 3184, 3145, 29908, 322, 14509, 12185, 1048, 920, 14582, 21994, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 17322, 286, 783, 279, 5761, 2133, 310, 599, 491, 366, 322, 596, 17517, 338, 746, 366, 505, 1497, 393, 366, 526, 2599, 3078, 304, 4808, 1250, 5864, 5802, 29889, 2193, 338, 925, 451, 1565, 1699, 13661, 2755, 5056, 1497, 297, 263, 5497, 2665, 304, 278, 17517, 1833, 4723, 322, 1754, 970, 22600, 29892, 8794, 491, 29871, 29896, 29900, 13661, 6471, 29892, 3704, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 278, 10504, 24836, 29855, 29889, 13, 3112, 884, 7805, 385, 429, 29882, 441, 362, 393, 7178, 11131, 350, 3615, 376, 23945, 701, 278, 9008, 29908, 304, 4124, 1611, 17719, 7089, 5952, 11627, 304, 5065, 479, 902, 304, 1074, 1549, 278, 2134, 791, 310, 901, 4192, 8873, 3635, 1169, 322, 393, 540, 18720, 393, 17182, 322, 10489, 526, 16650, 293, 21608, 376, 15107, 653, 363, 13138, 278, 3303, 3900, 322, 967, 394, 3687, 411, 5864, 6993, 1286, 322, 363, 1602, 3076, 1213, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 2811, 12710, 29899, 29965, 29895, 12096, 29524, 275, 9705, 415, 350, 3615, 23303, 2538, 300, 363, 18385, 19141, 322, 438, 309, 25219, 29973, 13, 29967, 2108, 9633, 349, 1803, 1085, 14640, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 16336, 970, 5302, 322, 7212, 800, 8881, 29892, 5429, 405, 29954, 29902, 393, 364, 1160, 292, 701, 5802, 20789, 901, 1135, 3763, 14712, 373, 263, 805, 335, 327, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 322, 10489, 376, 5498, 22543, 1818, 1274, 1548, 7483, 363, 716, 4192, 8873, 13258, 1860, 29892, 322, 5633, 322, 10212, 526, 451, 4780, 304, 2041, 491, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29889, 376, 1576, 13661, 17240, 278, 1021, 11421, 9704, 322, 664, 10118, 5626, 393, 715, 3437, 1784, 916, 6397, 2722, 297, 6813, 1213, 13, 7713, 277, 7060, 29901, 450, 17182, 13661, 756, 376, 29929, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3635, 1169, 304, 4192, 453, 1286, 29889, 2688, 1033, 367, 4192, 8873, 1492, 1286, 29892, 22600, 29892, 1833, 4723, 29892, 1833, 1629, 1213, 13, 1576, 6673, 7829, 278, 373, 375, 338, 373, 278, 13661, 304, 1369, 4192, 8873, 29889, 1205, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 408, 2560, 408, 350, 3615, 1754, 372, 2833, 29892, 1363, 727, 526, 777, 6576, 1434, 14582, 3380, 5802, 29889, 13, 6843, 273, 583, 505, 304, 8078, 12912, 29879, 304, 4192, 453, 278, 1532, 29879, 29892, 322, 2048, 263, 8002, 11817, 706, 310, 3635, 1169, 1434, 12912, 29879, 526, 8078, 287, 29892, 1497, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 29892, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 263, 11302, 2318, 393, 11524, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29889, 13, 29908, 23665, 22543, 884, 505, 304, 1925, 263, 4192, 8873, 3814, 4208, 29892, 11592, 10462, 310, 982, 322, 664, 411, 2106, 322, 2024, 2982, 776, 414, 1699, 349, 1803, 1497, 29889, 13, 27325, 13957, 29901, 6175, 1169, 4683, 2216, 278, 11583, 363, 438, 309, 3831, 273, 583, 13, 7058, 29915, 29879, 1492, 29892, 17182, 14582, 526, 2534, 263, 2898, 931, 13978, 292, 13258, 943, 1286, 1363, 896, 892, 17189, 2347, 304, 505, 19056, 2086, 1568, 17182, 322, 1754, 2086, 4482, 2600, 1169, 975, 278, 1833, 3006, 2440, 29889, 13, 29924, 520, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 17182, 4192, 8873, 338, 2869, 2309, 491, 13774, 2319, 29892, 7417, 13734, 1516, 29892, 451, 491, 7997, 438, 309, 29889, 3645, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29901, 13, 1576, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 512 ]
ternal Revenue Code section 613A(d) defines an independent producer as a producer who does not have more than $5 million in retail sales of oil and gas in a year or who does not refine more than an average of 75,000 barrels per day of crude oil during a given year. There are about 9,000 independent oil and natural gas producers in the United States. … Newsweek: Have Biden Administration Policies Reduced U.S. Oil Production? "Our members believe that the administration's attack on American oil and natural gas, starting with Day 1 has been relentless," Dan Naatz, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told Newsweek. "They really had the goal of shackling the industry with increased taxes, increased regulations and limiting access on federal lands both onshore and offshore to allow our members to get out and operate." Daily Caller: Ukraine Crisis Proves The Need For Domestic Fossil Fuel Production, Industry Groups Say The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), also stressed the need for domestic production, saying it would benefit both the interests of the U.S. and its allies. "The United States has shown its global energy dominance over the past decade. Unfortunately, this has been threatened by the current Administration's policies against domestic natural gas and oil production," IPAA COO Jeff Eshelman told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement. "Make no mistake, natural gas and oil production here at home benefits not only our nation, but also our worldwide allies. For America, it means less reliance on oil imports from unfriendly countries." Eshelman added that greater American energy production means "freedom from hostile nations" for people across the world. The Hill: Working like the devil to lower energy prices Op-ed by Dan Naatz, IPAA EVP and Kathleen Sgamma, President of the Western Energy Association Last week, President Biden said he would "work like the devil" to bring down gasoline prices. Somehow, after more than half a year of watching him beg Russia and OPEC to increase their oil production while making it more difficult for American oil and natural gas producers, we're skeptical. But here are a few simple ideas to help the president channel his inner Lucifer and reduce energy prices. Washington Post: Opinion: Divestment doesn't make greener energy Letter to the editor by Jeff Eshelman, IPAA Chief Operating Officer Divestment contradicts today's climate finance trend. Chris Ailman, chief investment officer at CalSTRS pension system, stated the obvious: "Divestment doesn't reduce greenhouse gases." He doubled down on the fund's commitment to finding the right climate solutions through working closer with the industry. Endowment and pension fund managers have a fiduciary responsibility to make prudent investment choices, not political decisions such as divestment, which has no measurable impact on emissions reduction or environmental progress. Energy Intelligence: Private Equity Grapples With 'Impediments' to Exits How PE cashes in on its oil patch investments is changing, a fact noted by executives at the Independent Petroleum Association of America's recent Private Capital Conference. Gone are the days when a PE backer could rely on an IPO or trade sale a few years down the line to cover the costs of its investment in an oil company. "If I'm going to go put $400 million dollars into something and sell it six years from now, I need to make my money along the way. I really can't count on some massive exit to cover it," Joseph Small, head of US Oil & Gas Acquisitions and Divestitures (A&D) at CIBC, said. Politico Pro: Interior eyes 50 percent hike in onshore oil drilling royalty rates Oil companies have been expecting Interior to raise rates and limit acreage, said Dan Naatz, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group. But doing so could cut into onshore oil production and end up costing the government money overall, he added. "It's not surprising," Naatz said "But it's going to have the reverse impact than what they're saying about increasing royalties. You're going to drive down production." Rigzone: Oil Groups Aren't Happy with GOM Lease
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1890, 830, 9947, 5920, 4004, 29871, 29953, 29896, 29941, 29909, 29898, 29881, 29897, 17645, 385, 7417, 14297, 408, 263, 14297, 1058, 947, 451, 505, 901, 1135, 395, 29945, 7284, 297, 3240, 737, 16538, 310, 17182, 322, 10489, 297, 263, 1629, 470, 1058, 947, 451, 2143, 457, 901, 1135, 385, 6588, 310, 29871, 29955, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2594, 2674, 29879, 639, 2462, 310, 7618, 311, 17182, 2645, 263, 2183, 1629, 29889, 1670, 526, 1048, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 7417, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 29889, 16088, 13, 29328, 18448, 29901, 6975, 350, 3615, 23303, 2043, 293, 583, 4367, 29884, 1133, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 438, 309, 19561, 29973, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 5144, 4658, 393, 278, 17517, 29915, 29879, 5337, 373, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 29892, 6257, 411, 8373, 29871, 29896, 756, 1063, 1104, 296, 2222, 1699, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 10130, 18448, 29889, 376, 15597, 2289, 750, 278, 7306, 310, 528, 547, 1847, 278, 13661, 411, 11664, 8818, 267, 29892, 11664, 1072, 8250, 322, 4046, 292, 2130, 373, 17097, 12625, 1716, 373, 845, 487, 322, 1283, 845, 487, 304, 2758, 1749, 5144, 304, 679, 714, 322, 21994, 1213, 13, 29928, 8683, 8251, 261, 29901, 23961, 29524, 275, 1019, 1960, 450, 20768, 1152, 7809, 15931, 383, 2209, 309, 383, 2491, 19561, 29892, 12157, 719, 1632, 4410, 14891, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 884, 851, 11517, 278, 817, 363, 21849, 5802, 29892, 5934, 372, 723, 14169, 1716, 278, 20017, 310, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 322, 967, 394, 3687, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 3303, 3900, 756, 4318, 967, 5534, 5864, 8022, 749, 975, 278, 4940, 316, 6332, 29889, 11511, 29892, 445, 756, 1063, 29513, 491, 278, 1857, 23303, 29915, 29879, 24833, 2750, 21849, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 1699, 5641, 6344, 4810, 29949, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 5429, 278, 23331, 8251, 261, 10130, 10606, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 9984, 694, 10171, 29892, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 1244, 472, 3271, 23633, 451, 871, 1749, 5233, 29892, 541, 884, 1749, 3186, 8157, 394, 3687, 29889, 1152, 6813, 29892, 372, 2794, 3109, 12536, 749, 373, 17182, 24802, 515, 443, 18326, 368, 10916, 1213, 13, 29923, 845, 295, 1171, 2715, 393, 7621, 3082, 5864, 5802, 2794, 376, 10745, 11607, 515, 3495, 488, 19079, 29908, 363, 2305, 4822, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 1576, 9143, 29901, 24176, 763, 278, 29754, 304, 5224, 5864, 26094, 13, 11746, 29899, 287, 491, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 5641, 6344, 382, 18510, 322, 19663, 280, 264, 317, 4283, 29892, 7178, 310, 278, 10504, 24836, 7993, 13, 8897, 4723, 29892, 7178, 350, 3615, 1497, 540, 723, 376, 1287, 763, 278, 29754, 29908, 304, 6963, 1623, 10489, 26496, 26094, 29889, 3834, 3525, 29892, 1156, 901, 1135, 4203, 263, 1629, 310, 21217, 1075, 1812, 12710, 322, 438, 4162, 29907, 304, 7910, 1009, 17182, 5802, 1550, 3907, 372, 901, 5189, 363, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 18109, 415, 936, 29889, 1205, 1244, 526, 263, 2846, 2560, 7014, 304, 1371, 278, 6673, 8242, 670, 6426, 10315, 9633, 322, 10032, 5864, 26094, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 6461, 262, 291, 29901, 4910, 342, 358, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1207, 1395, 759, 5864, 13, 12024, 357, 304, 278, 6920, 491, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 5641, 6344, 14546, 6607, 1218, 28288, 13, 12596, 342, 358, 27877, 29879, 9826, 29915, 29879, 23622, 1436, 749, 534, 355, 29889, 12821, 319, 309, 1171, 29892, 9087, 13258, 358, 12139, 472, 3037, 10810, 29903, 282, 2673, 1788, 29892, 8703, 278, 6924, 29901, 376, 12596, 342, 358, 1838, 29915, 29873, 10032, 7933, 8697, 330, 2129, 1213, 940, 3765, 29881, 1623, 373, 278, 5220, 29915, 29879, 9063, 358, 304, 9138, 278, 1492, 23622, 6851, 1549, 1985, 17649, 411, 278, 13661, 29889, 13, 5044, 340, 358, 322, 282, 2673, 5220, 767, 18150, 505, 263, 25947, 29884, 455, 653, 23134, 304, 1207, 544, 10385, 13258, 358, 19995, 29892, 451, 8604, 1602, 12112, 1316, 408, 1933, 342, 358, 29892, 607, 756, 694, 7540, 21115, 10879, 373, 953, 6847, 20376, 470, 29380, 6728, 29889, 13, 29923, 1089, 1927, 3159, 28286, 29901, 12230, 11243, 537, 4989, 407, 793, 2973, 525, 24192, 287, 7862, 29915, 304, 1222, 1169, 13, 5328, 349, 29923, 274, 1161, 267, 297, 373, 967, 17182, 13261, 13258, 1860, 338, 6480, 29892, 263, 2114, 11682, 491, 6704, 3145, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 7786, 12230, 25343, 16377, 29889, 402, 650, 526, 278, 3841, 746, 263, 349, 29923, 1250, 261, 1033, 19104, 373, 385, 5641, 29949, 470, 11302, 14686, 263, 2846, 2440, 1623, 278, 1196, 304, 4612, 278, 21544, 310, 967, 13258, 358, 297, 385, 17182, 5001, 29889, 376, 3644, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 748, 1925, 395, 29946, 29900, 29900, 7284, 17208, 964, 1554, 322, 19417, 372, 4832, 2440, 515, 1286, 29892, 306, 817, 304, 1207, 590, 6909, 3412, 278, 982, 29889, 306, 2289, 508, 29915, 29873, 2302, 373, 777, 20364, 6876, 304, 4612, 372, 1699, 6936, 18285, 29892, 2343, 310, 3148, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 7255, 7680, 2187, 322, 4910, 342, 277, 1973, 313, 29909, 29987, 29928, 29897, 472, 25781, 5371, 29892, 1497, 29889, 13, 7713, 277, 1417, 1019, 29901, 4124, 1611, 5076, 29871, 29945, 29900, 10151, 7251, 446, 297, 373, 845, 487, 17182, 4192, 8873, 15150, 1017, 19257, 13, 29949, 309, 14582, 505, 1063, 16120, 4124, 1611, 304, 12020, 19257, 322, 4046, 263, 1037, 482, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 263, 11302, 2318, 29889, 1205, 2599, 577, 1033, 5700, 964, 373, 845, 487, 17182, 5802, 322, 1095, 701, 3438, 292, 278, 5874, 6909, 12463, 29892, 540, 2715, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 26800, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 376, 6246, 372, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 505, 278, 11837, 10879, 1135, 825, 896, 29915, 276, 5934, 1048, 10231, 20258, 1997, 583, 29889, 887, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 7899, 1623, 5802, 1213, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 438, 309, 1632, 4410, 826, 264, 29915, 29873, 28569, 411, 402, 6488, 951, 559 ]
Sale Court Ruling Responding to the ruling, the Independent Petroleum Association of America's (IPAA) EVP Dan Naatz told Rigzone, "IPAA is disappointed with the court's decision and hopes the Biden Administration will appeal this misguided ruling,". "Offshore oil and natural gas production plays an important role in America's energy picture and is done in a safe manner that protects the environment. At a time when the world needs the United States to continue to be an energy superpower … [this] decision only clouds the energy picture at home and abroad," Naatz added. Washington Examiner: Oil and gas industry rallies against environmentalist Biden Fed nominee Oil and gas industry groups are coming out strongly against a top Biden Federal Reserve nominee who has called for the financial sector to pull investment away from fossil fuels. Forty-one trade associations told Senate Banking Committee leadership on Friday that policies favored by Sarah Bloom Raskin, who is up for vice chairwoman for supervision at the Fed, would "wreak havoc" on the U.S. economy if enacted. "Oil and natural gas provide the feedstock for thousands of products used every day, from anything with a computer chip to the COVID vaccines that have saved millions of lives across the globe," the groups wrote Chairman Sherrod Brown and ranking member Pat Toomey. The trade groups include the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the Western Energy Alliance, and the Appalachia-based Marcellus Shale Coalition. Washington Post: Biden outpaces Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands Dan Naatz, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in an interview that the administration "should be credited with moving forward with the drilling permits." Still, Naatz said, he anticipates challenges ahead for the small and midsize oil and gas companies his group represents, including stricter regulations and a possible hike in federal royalty rates. "But we want to work with them," he said. Hart Energy: 'ESG Now Impacts All Access to Capital,' Energy Consultant Says ESG has transcended being a checked box for oil and gas companies. Now investors are looking for improved disclosure of ESG-related issues supported by quantitative data to garner capital, according to Daniel Romito, director of ESG strategy and integration at Pickering Energy Partners. "ESG now impacts all access to capital…your insurance, your banking and your equity, is all heavily influenced," Romito said at the Independent Petroleum Association of America's Private Capital Conference on Jan. 20. "Now, it's not the end all be all, but it is heavily influenced by your ESG profile." Energy Intelligence: Conventional Assets a 'Honey Hole' for Private Equity Conventional oil and natural gas assets are becoming more attractive to privately backed buyers in the US as output continues to decline in unconventional basins, finance executives said Thursday at the Private Capital Conference sponsored by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Hart Energy: How Oil and Gas Can Survive the Energy Transition "We're no longer an allocation today. We stunk it up. We had a big, huge red problem. We lost a lot of money. We've got the green problem … that we're going to have to deal with," said Chuck Yates, podcast host and panelist at the International Petroleum Association of America's recent Private Capital Conference. "If you're sitting there with an oil and gas company and you want capital, do not sit there and go, well, 'I've got PDP and PV-10 … All those old rules are out the door. You have to walk in to an investor and show how you uniquely can make money." Washington Post: A historic push, but an 'existential' problem remains "That's basically, in my opinion, the story of this first year. It's an inconsistency within the administration over what its true objectives are," said Lee Fuller, officer for environment and general strategy at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Much of the rhetoric of the administration has been fast-paced moves to get off fossil energy that I just don't think are realistic." Hart Energy: Barry Russell – "A Bridge Between Energy Sector and Education" What is the 'why' behind
[ -0.18772866059821908, 0.32093455184619557 ]
[ 0.288002387741978, 0.4205089027588972 ]
[ -0.31538707405429184, 0.46577516176406303 ]
[ -0.07375374796002085, 0.3996956408620041 ]
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[ 317, 744, 9245, 390, 19478, 13, 1666, 2818, 292, 304, 278, 364, 19478, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 382, 18510, 3951, 4465, 4101, 5429, 390, 335, 8028, 29892, 376, 5690, 6344, 338, 23451, 287, 411, 278, 8973, 29915, 29879, 10608, 322, 26926, 278, 350, 3615, 23303, 674, 25530, 445, 3984, 2543, 2618, 364, 19478, 29892, 1642, 13, 29908, 6880, 845, 487, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 5802, 13582, 385, 4100, 6297, 297, 6813, 29915, 29879, 5864, 7623, 322, 338, 2309, 297, 263, 9109, 8214, 393, 12566, 29879, 278, 5177, 29889, 2180, 263, 931, 746, 278, 3186, 4225, 278, 3303, 3900, 304, 6773, 304, 367, 385, 5864, 2428, 13519, 16088, 518, 1366, 29962, 10608, 871, 27091, 278, 5864, 7623, 472, 3271, 322, 28177, 1699, 4465, 4101, 2715, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 13661, 364, 284, 3687, 2750, 29380, 391, 350, 3615, 17972, 2245, 457, 29872, 13, 29949, 309, 322, 10489, 13661, 6471, 526, 6421, 714, 13818, 2750, 263, 2246, 350, 3615, 14879, 27811, 2245, 457, 29872, 1058, 756, 2000, 363, 278, 18161, 17535, 304, 8206, 13258, 358, 3448, 515, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 29889, 13, 29943, 441, 29891, 29899, 650, 11302, 27733, 5429, 18148, 10253, 292, 12930, 26001, 373, 28728, 393, 24833, 5025, 4395, 491, 19235, 11447, 290, 390, 1278, 262, 29892, 1058, 338, 701, 363, 11289, 11774, 29893, 2480, 363, 2428, 4924, 472, 278, 17972, 29892, 723, 376, 29893, 276, 557, 20771, 542, 29908, 373, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 26504, 565, 427, 627, 287, 29889, 13, 29908, 29949, 309, 322, 5613, 10489, 3867, 278, 8343, 17712, 363, 17202, 310, 9316, 1304, 1432, 2462, 29892, 515, 3099, 411, 263, 6601, 29830, 304, 278, 19937, 325, 5753, 1475, 393, 505, 7160, 14746, 310, 12080, 4822, 278, 15482, 915, 1699, 278, 6471, 5456, 24193, 1171, 17375, 5964, 9817, 322, 24034, 4509, 4121, 1763, 608, 29891, 29889, 450, 11302, 6471, 3160, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 278, 10504, 24836, 29855, 29892, 322, 278, 2401, 284, 496, 423, 29899, 6707, 1085, 3729, 375, 1383, 744, 3189, 284, 654, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 350, 3615, 714, 22459, 27504, 297, 17759, 292, 4192, 8873, 3635, 1169, 373, 970, 12625, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 393, 278, 17517, 376, 9344, 367, 6625, 1573, 411, 8401, 6375, 411, 278, 4192, 8873, 3635, 1169, 1213, 13, 855, 453, 29892, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29892, 540, 23483, 1078, 18066, 267, 14432, 363, 278, 2319, 322, 7145, 2311, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 670, 2318, 11524, 29892, 3704, 851, 293, 357, 1072, 8250, 322, 263, 1950, 7251, 446, 297, 17097, 15150, 1017, 19257, 29889, 376, 6246, 591, 864, 304, 664, 411, 963, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 525, 2890, 29954, 2567, 14305, 627, 29879, 2178, 11028, 304, 25343, 5501, 24836, 2138, 499, 424, 317, 1036, 13, 2890, 29954, 756, 1301, 29883, 2760, 1641, 263, 7120, 3800, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 29889, 2567, 13258, 943, 526, 3063, 363, 16710, 766, 25071, 310, 17956, 29954, 29899, 12817, 5626, 6969, 491, 4323, 23378, 848, 304, 7171, 1089, 7483, 29892, 5034, 304, 8432, 6033, 2049, 29892, 8881, 310, 17956, 29954, 13705, 322, 13465, 472, 23868, 3241, 24836, 3455, 8397, 29889, 13, 29908, 2890, 29954, 1286, 10879, 29879, 599, 2130, 304, 7483, 30098, 8066, 1663, 18541, 29892, 596, 9124, 292, 322, 596, 1592, 537, 29892, 338, 599, 20365, 28482, 1699, 6033, 2049, 1497, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 12230, 25343, 16377, 373, 2627, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29889, 376, 10454, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 278, 1095, 599, 367, 599, 29892, 541, 372, 338, 20365, 28482, 491, 596, 17956, 29954, 8722, 1213, 13, 29923, 1089, 1927, 3159, 28286, 29901, 1281, 794, 1848, 1094, 7224, 263, 525, 29950, 4992, 379, 1772, 29915, 363, 12230, 11243, 537, 13, 1168, 794, 1848, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 21608, 526, 14171, 901, 13978, 573, 304, 5999, 2486, 1250, 287, 15649, 414, 297, 278, 3148, 408, 1962, 18172, 304, 4845, 457, 297, 443, 535, 794, 1848, 2362, 1144, 29892, 1436, 749, 6704, 3145, 1497, 498, 1295, 3250, 472, 278, 12230, 25343, 16377, 21955, 4395, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 1128, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 1815, 6298, 29894, 573, 278, 24836, 4103, 654, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 694, 5520, 385, 24082, 9826, 29889, 1334, 380, 2960, 372, 701, 29889, 1334, 750, 263, 4802, 29892, 12176, 2654, 1108, 29889, 1334, 5714, 263, 3287, 310, 6909, 29889, 1334, 29915, 345, 2355, 278, 7933, 1108, 16088, 393, 591, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 505, 304, 5376, 411, 1699, 1497, 678, 2707, 612, 1078, 29892, 2532, 4384, 3495, 322, 9451, 391, 472, 278, 4623, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 7786, 12230, 25343, 16377, 29889, 376, 3644, 366, 29915, 276, 16246, 727, 411, 385, 17182, 322, 10489, 5001, 322, 366, 864, 7483, 29892, 437, 451, 7845, 727, 322, 748, 29892, 1532, 29892, 525, 29902, 29915, 345, 2355, 349, 11191, 322, 349, 29963, 29899, 29896, 29900, 16088, 2178, 1906, 2030, 6865, 526, 714, 278, 3050, 29889, 887, 505, 304, 6686, 297, 304, 385, 13258, 272, 322, 1510, 920, 366, 20498, 873, 508, 1207, 6909, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 319, 22879, 5503, 29892, 541, 385, 525, 28997, 2556, 29915, 1108, 9242, 13, 29908, 7058, 29915, 29879, 8830, 29892, 297, 590, 9426, 29892, 278, 5828, 310, 445, 937, 1629, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 385, 22435, 391, 3819, 2629, 278, 17517, 975, 825, 967, 1565, 1203, 3145, 526, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 12139, 363, 5177, 322, 2498, 13705, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 29924, 987, 310, 278, 364, 9188, 272, 293, 310, 278, 17517, 756, 1063, 5172, 29899, 29886, 562, 287, 16229, 304, 679, 1283, 21983, 309, 5864, 393, 306, 925, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 526, 1855, 4695, 1213, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 23032, 20679, 785, 376, 29909, 16230, 21674, 24836, 317, 3019, 322, 13151, 29908, 13, 5618, 338, 278, 525, 14606, 29915, 5742 ]
our outreach to students? It really comes down to ensuring the energy industry attracts the brightest minds over the next decade as the number of jobs in STEM industries, including oil and natural gas and renewables, is expected to grow 50% faster than in non-STEM industries. Our outreach to students empowers them to take control of their future by reassuring them that they belong in our industry while simultaneously introducing them to available careers and encouraging them to reach high to achieve their dreams. Hart Energy: Nonprofits, Energy Companies Partner to Promote STEM Education The Independent Petroleum Association of America's Energy Workforce Education Center considers itself the bridge between education and the energy sector, particularly oil and natural gas, according to Anne Ford, the center's senior vice president. The energy industry nonprofit started in 2006, partnering with the Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (now called the Energy Workforce & Technology Council), to strengthen students' STEM skills and spread awareness of the energy industry. Since its beginnings at a Houston area high school, the program has expanded in scope and blossomed to serve nearly 163 schools nationwide, reaching about 20,000 students. E&E: 'It's grotesque': Inside the Hill methane fight "We've been opposed to it from the get-go," said Daniel Naatz, senior vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, echoing every other significant oil and gas group in the country. That opposition is partly because oil and gas is facing heat on multiple fronts. The reconciliation package could also include a suite of federal oil and gas reforms, including royalty rate hikes and royalties on methane that's released into the atmosphere through venting or flaring. But industry groups say they also oppose the methane fee because of how it's arrived: packaged in the reconciliation deal with little debate or revision. "There were no hearings on this legislation. The tax-writing committees didn't look at it. There was no discussion," Naatz said. "And so, there's so many questions about even how this would work." The Daily Caller: Key Climate Provision In Biden's Spending Package In Limbo Leading energy industry groups, meanwhile, have come out in stark opposition to the methane fee in the House-approved version of the bill. In September, the Independent Petroleum Association of America and American Gas Association wrote a letter to Congress along with several other groups, advocating against the methane fee's inclusion in the legislation. "New fees or taxes on energy companies will raise costs for customers, creating a burden that will fall most heavily on lower-income Americans," the letter said. "These major new costs most likely will result in higher bills for natural gas customers, including families, small businesses, and power generators." E&E: Industry slams oil and gas reforms in bid to sway Manchin A coalition of fossil fuel industry groups directly asked Sen. Joe Manchin yesterday to reject proposed increases to royalty rates for oil and gas leasing on federal lands, a potential warning sign for yet another climate provision in the Democrats' massive social and climate spending package. Addressed only to the West Virginia Democrat whose swing vote status could make or break the future of the reconciliation bill in the Senate, the letter targeted a larger suite of reforms to the federal oil and gas program contained in H.R. 5376, the House-passed, $1.7 trillion measure. That included banning oil and gas drilling in the Pacific, Atlantic and Eastern Gulf and creating new annual pipeline fees. "We seek to be constructive partners in the development of thoughtful and balanced national policy to address climate change," wrote the fossil fuel groups, among them the American Petroleum Institute, National Ocean Industries Association and Independent Petroleum Association of America. "However, punitively targeted provisions … will hinder, not help this effort." Washington Post: Democrats want to prevent new oil and gas drilling in most U.S. waters. Their plan might work. In a letter to Manchin yesterday, industry groups took issue with the offshore drilling provision and other policies that they said would stifle domestic energy production. "Such impacts on domestic production threaten to result in greater reliance on foreign production from nations with weaker environmental standards as compared to production from
[ 0.29080169240822284, -0.059150379700960466 ]
[ 0.5673404464262941, 0.4527402172224721 ]
[ 1.1353427924655102, 0.11070141821026537 ]
[ 0.1967887599382791, 0.5713860785666944 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1749, 714, 276, 496, 304, 8041, 29973, 739, 2289, 5304, 1623, 304, 5662, 3864, 278, 5864, 13661, 13978, 29879, 278, 11785, 342, 27656, 975, 278, 2446, 316, 6332, 408, 278, 1353, 310, 17643, 297, 317, 4330, 29924, 6397, 2722, 29892, 3704, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 322, 23011, 1849, 29892, 338, 3806, 304, 6548, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29995, 8473, 1135, 297, 1661, 29899, 1254, 12665, 6397, 2722, 29889, 8680, 714, 276, 496, 304, 8041, 3710, 340, 414, 963, 304, 2125, 2761, 310, 1009, 5434, 491, 337, 465, 3864, 963, 393, 896, 6852, 297, 1749, 13661, 1550, 21699, 4547, 3277, 963, 304, 3625, 2562, 414, 322, 18443, 292, 963, 304, 6159, 1880, 304, 6176, 1009, 12561, 29879, 29889, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 10050, 23221, 1169, 29892, 24836, 3831, 273, 583, 3455, 1089, 304, 9705, 866, 317, 4330, 29924, 13151, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 24836, 5244, 10118, 13151, 7817, 1136, 11376, 3528, 278, 12945, 1546, 9793, 322, 278, 5864, 17535, 29892, 10734, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 29892, 5034, 304, 10558, 14601, 29892, 278, 4818, 29915, 29879, 16336, 11289, 6673, 29889, 450, 5864, 13661, 1661, 771, 9202, 4687, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29892, 18096, 292, 411, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 11243, 666, 358, 669, 15538, 7993, 313, 3707, 2000, 278, 24836, 5244, 10118, 669, 17968, 8831, 511, 304, 9324, 264, 8041, 29915, 317, 4330, 29924, 25078, 322, 9677, 3773, 8326, 404, 310, 278, 5864, 13661, 29889, 4001, 967, 1812, 2559, 886, 472, 263, 24327, 4038, 1880, 3762, 29892, 278, 1824, 756, 17832, 297, 6874, 322, 1999, 2209, 27067, 304, 9080, 8886, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29941, 12462, 5233, 8157, 29892, 20888, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 8041, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 29901, 525, 3112, 29915, 29879, 4071, 2167, 802, 2396, 22804, 278, 9143, 286, 621, 1662, 8589, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 345, 1063, 15869, 304, 372, 515, 278, 679, 29899, 1484, 1699, 1497, 8432, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 2916, 292, 1432, 916, 7282, 17182, 322, 10489, 2318, 297, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 7058, 19626, 338, 22669, 1363, 17182, 322, 10489, 338, 14870, 12871, 373, 2999, 4565, 29879, 29889, 450, 8265, 29883, 2638, 362, 3577, 1033, 884, 3160, 263, 9460, 310, 17097, 17182, 322, 10489, 337, 9514, 29892, 3704, 15150, 1017, 6554, 298, 29379, 322, 20258, 1997, 583, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 393, 29915, 29879, 5492, 964, 278, 25005, 1549, 9712, 292, 470, 1652, 4362, 29889, 13, 6246, 13661, 6471, 1827, 896, 884, 4575, 852, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 1363, 310, 920, 372, 29915, 29879, 11977, 29901, 4870, 4063, 297, 278, 8265, 29883, 2638, 362, 5376, 411, 2217, 27836, 470, 26554, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 892, 694, 8293, 886, 373, 445, 13332, 362, 29889, 450, 8818, 29899, 16554, 844, 5388, 267, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1106, 472, 372, 29889, 1670, 471, 694, 10679, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 2855, 577, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 577, 1784, 5155, 1048, 1584, 920, 445, 723, 664, 1213, 13, 1576, 23331, 8251, 261, 29901, 7670, 2233, 6490, 1019, 4924, 512, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 1706, 2548, 22029, 512, 9628, 833, 13, 29931, 1479, 292, 5864, 13661, 6471, 29892, 2099, 8000, 29892, 505, 2041, 714, 297, 18561, 19626, 304, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 297, 278, 5619, 29899, 9961, 1490, 1873, 310, 278, 11118, 29889, 512, 3839, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 3082, 19141, 7993, 5456, 263, 5497, 304, 11559, 3412, 411, 3196, 916, 6471, 29892, 22545, 1218, 2750, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 29915, 29879, 28694, 297, 278, 13332, 362, 29889, 13, 29908, 4373, 1238, 267, 470, 8818, 267, 373, 5864, 14582, 674, 12020, 21544, 363, 20330, 29892, 4969, 263, 6866, 1145, 393, 674, 6416, 1556, 20365, 373, 5224, 29899, 262, 2763, 23035, 1699, 278, 5497, 1497, 29889, 376, 1349, 968, 4655, 716, 21544, 1556, 5517, 674, 1121, 297, 6133, 289, 6090, 363, 5613, 10489, 20330, 29892, 3704, 13175, 29892, 2319, 5381, 267, 29892, 322, 3081, 1176, 4097, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 29901, 12157, 719, 2243, 2232, 17182, 322, 10489, 337, 9514, 297, 21000, 304, 269, 1582, 2315, 24338, 13, 29909, 17148, 654, 310, 21983, 309, 26413, 13661, 6471, 4153, 4433, 5811, 29889, 11131, 2315, 24338, 22600, 304, 12560, 7972, 16415, 304, 15150, 1017, 19257, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 454, 5832, 373, 17097, 12625, 29892, 263, 7037, 9177, 1804, 363, 3447, 1790, 23622, 25161, 297, 278, 14189, 1446, 29915, 20364, 5264, 322, 23622, 805, 2548, 3577, 29889, 13, 7061, 287, 871, 304, 278, 3122, 11653, 4432, 16909, 5069, 24500, 11719, 4660, 1033, 1207, 470, 2867, 278, 5434, 310, 278, 8265, 29883, 2638, 362, 11118, 297, 278, 18148, 29892, 278, 5497, 3646, 287, 263, 7200, 9460, 310, 337, 9514, 304, 278, 17097, 17182, 322, 10489, 1824, 11122, 297, 379, 29889, 29934, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29941, 29955, 29953, 29892, 278, 5619, 29899, 3364, 287, 29892, 395, 29896, 29889, 29955, 534, 453, 291, 5645, 29889, 2193, 5134, 289, 9450, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 297, 278, 14328, 29892, 19948, 322, 16162, 402, 16302, 322, 4969, 716, 17568, 16439, 1238, 267, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 16508, 304, 367, 3386, 573, 22056, 297, 278, 5849, 310, 2714, 1319, 322, 6411, 8362, 4797, 8898, 304, 3211, 23622, 1735, 1699, 5456, 278, 21983, 309, 26413, 6471, 29892, 4249, 963, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 3086, 21091, 12157, 2722, 7993, 322, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 17245, 29892, 282, 5441, 3598, 3646, 287, 1326, 12112, 16088, 674, 298, 4995, 29892, 451, 1371, 445, 7225, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 14189, 1446, 864, 304, 5557, 716, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 297, 1556, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 19922, 29889, 11275, 3814, 1795, 664, 29889, 13, 797, 263, 5497, 304, 2315, 24338, 22600, 29892, 13661, 6471, 3614, 2228, 411, 278, 1283, 845, 487, 4192, 8873, 25161, 322, 916, 24833, 393, 896, 1497, 723, 380, 361, 280, 21849, 5864, 5802, 29889, 13, 29908, 29903, 987, 10879, 29879, 373, 21849, 5802, 20616, 304, 1121, 297, 7621, 12536, 749, 373, 9117, 5802, 515, 19079, 411, 591, 5790, 29380, 20801, 408, 9401, 304, 5802, 515 ]
U.S. federal waters and comparable regions onshore," the groups wrote. The letter was signed by industry heavyweights including the American Petroleum Institute, the Independent Petroleum Association of America and the National Ocean Industries Association. Forbes: Biden To Tap Into Strategic Petroleum Reserve To Lower Gas Prices CHIEF CRITIC The Independent Petroleum Association of America, an oil and gas industry lobbying group, released a statement last week saying it "strongly opposes" any use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to "manipulate gasoline prices," calling on the president to instead eliminate regulations on the industry. Capital.com: Oil prices rise despite release of reserves: Here's why "Today's announcement reflects the President's commitment to do everything in his power to bring down costs for the American people and continue our strong economic recovery," the White House said in a statement. "At the same time, the Administration remains committed to the President's ambitious clean energy goals." Biden's announcement goes against domestic oil producers, with the Independent Petroleum Association of America denouncing opening the SPR in this instance as a way to "manipulate" the market. Washington Examiner: Biden opens Strategic Petroleum Reserve to blunt gas prices The decision came in spite of opposition from domestic oil producers, with the Independent Petroleum Association of American deriding opening the SPR in this instance as a way to "manipulate" of the market. Industry groups have demanded Biden ease up on policies restricting fossil fuel exploration and encourage production instead. Resorting to the SPR is something of a turnaround for Biden, who downplayed the effects of opening it in a CNN town hall last month. "I could go in the petroleum reserve and take out and probably reduce the price of gas — maybe 18 cents or so a gallon. It's still going to be above $3," Biden said. E&E: Energy prices are surging. What can Biden do? Last week, the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents independent oil and natural gas producers, said, "We strongly oppose the use of oil stockpiles to affect gasoline prices." "Market interference makes us all more vulnerable and is counterproductive to long term adjustments in the marketplace," IPAA Chief Operating Officer Jeff Eshelman said in a statement Tuesday. "A better solution is to enhance, not stifle or shut-down, America's leadership in natural gas and oil production." Upstream Online: US Gulf of Mexico production rebounding as Biden ponders tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) came out in opposition to a sale from the reserve, saying in a statement it was contrary to the reserve's real purpose. "We strongly oppose the use of oil stockpiles to affect gasoline prices. Market interference makes us all more vulnerable and is counterproductive to long term adjustments in the marketplace. A better solution is to enhance, not stifle or shut down, America's leadership in natural gas and oil production," the IPAA said. Politico: SPR SPILLS OVER Independent oil companies are protesting a possible sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that the Biden administration has floated as a response to high gasoline prices. "If the government regularly released SPR oil for sale each time domestic fuel prices rose, we could reduce our ability to address a situation with the potential to seriously injure the U.S. economy," the Independent Petroleum Association of America said in a press release. Oil producers worry that adding supply to the market now would slow down companies who are still trying to restart the drills they stopped during the pandemic. E&E News: How EPA methane rule hits energy, from pipelines to politics Some industry leaders thanked EPA for taking its concerns into account on flaring and small, low-producing operations, often called "stripper wells." Several groups have asked EPA to wait for the results of an Energy Department study on small wells' emissions before regulating them. "The agency has tried to be responsive to our concerns for improved cost-effective monitoring technology and recognizing the importance of addressing small business challenges," said Barry Russell, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents independent producers. Wall Street Journal: World
[ -0.607705389014964, -0.32555225064121934 ]
[ 0.0068737004763521695, 0.1930990729325629 ]
[ -0.5774124749893041, -0.20632870996276828 ]
[ -0.11017293171556122, 0.027699692501841636 ]
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[ 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17097, 19922, 322, 5734, 519, 12786, 373, 845, 487, 1699, 278, 6471, 5456, 29889, 13, 1576, 5497, 471, 8794, 491, 13661, 9416, 705, 5861, 3704, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 278, 3086, 21091, 12157, 2722, 7993, 29889, 13, 2831, 5707, 29901, 350, 3615, 1763, 323, 481, 512, 517, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 1763, 27723, 19141, 1588, 1575, 13, 3210, 8673, 29943, 15600, 1806, 2965, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 385, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 658, 1327, 5414, 2318, 29892, 5492, 263, 3229, 1833, 4723, 5934, 372, 376, 1110, 368, 9209, 267, 29908, 738, 671, 310, 278, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 304, 376, 1171, 666, 5987, 10489, 26496, 26094, 1699, 5432, 373, 278, 6673, 304, 2012, 27399, 1072, 8250, 373, 278, 13661, 29889, 13, 12415, 2410, 29889, 510, 29901, 438, 309, 26094, 14451, 15020, 6507, 310, 620, 20098, 29901, 2266, 29915, 29879, 2020, 13, 29908, 29911, 397, 388, 29915, 29879, 7475, 13561, 9432, 29879, 278, 7178, 29915, 29879, 9063, 358, 304, 437, 4129, 297, 670, 3081, 304, 6963, 1623, 21544, 363, 278, 3082, 2305, 322, 6773, 1749, 4549, 17407, 24205, 1699, 278, 8037, 5619, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 4178, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 278, 23303, 9242, 19355, 304, 278, 7178, 29915, 29879, 626, 2966, 2738, 5941, 5864, 14433, 1213, 13, 29933, 3615, 29915, 29879, 7475, 13561, 5771, 2750, 21849, 17182, 1391, 22543, 29892, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 972, 1309, 3277, 8718, 278, 317, 10593, 297, 445, 2777, 408, 263, 982, 304, 376, 1171, 666, 5987, 29908, 278, 9999, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 350, 3615, 13246, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 304, 1999, 1657, 10489, 26094, 13, 1576, 10608, 2996, 297, 21100, 310, 19626, 515, 21849, 17182, 1391, 22543, 29892, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 3082, 589, 4821, 8718, 278, 317, 10593, 297, 445, 2777, 408, 263, 982, 304, 376, 1171, 666, 5987, 29908, 310, 278, 9999, 29889, 12157, 719, 6471, 505, 24432, 350, 3615, 16326, 701, 373, 24833, 9250, 292, 21983, 309, 26413, 3902, 12418, 322, 13731, 6617, 5802, 2012, 29889, 13, 1666, 441, 292, 304, 278, 317, 10593, 338, 1554, 310, 263, 2507, 11316, 363, 350, 3615, 29892, 1058, 1623, 1456, 287, 278, 9545, 310, 8718, 372, 297, 263, 29696, 4726, 12713, 1833, 4098, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1033, 748, 297, 278, 5697, 12154, 398, 23986, 322, 2125, 714, 322, 3117, 10032, 278, 8666, 310, 10489, 813, 5505, 29871, 29896, 29947, 274, 1237, 470, 577, 263, 11798, 265, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1603, 2675, 304, 367, 2038, 395, 29941, 1699, 350, 3615, 1497, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 29901, 24836, 26094, 526, 1190, 3460, 29889, 1724, 508, 350, 3615, 437, 29973, 13, 8897, 4723, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7417, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 29892, 376, 4806, 13818, 4575, 852, 278, 671, 310, 17182, 10961, 29886, 5475, 304, 6602, 10489, 26496, 26094, 1213, 13, 29908, 9802, 300, 1006, 1659, 3732, 502, 599, 901, 23180, 519, 322, 338, 6795, 4704, 573, 304, 1472, 1840, 10365, 1860, 297, 278, 9999, 6689, 1699, 5641, 6344, 14546, 6607, 1218, 28288, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 323, 1041, 3250, 29889, 376, 29909, 2253, 1650, 338, 304, 26371, 749, 29892, 451, 380, 361, 280, 470, 12522, 29899, 3204, 29892, 6813, 29915, 29879, 26001, 297, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 1213, 13, 3373, 5461, 13542, 29901, 3148, 402, 16302, 310, 12568, 5802, 337, 9917, 292, 408, 350, 3615, 282, 18452, 260, 20304, 278, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 2996, 714, 297, 19626, 304, 263, 14686, 515, 278, 23986, 29892, 5934, 297, 263, 3229, 372, 471, 21138, 304, 278, 23986, 29915, 29879, 1855, 6437, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 13818, 4575, 852, 278, 671, 310, 17182, 10961, 29886, 5475, 304, 6602, 10489, 26496, 26094, 29889, 28794, 1006, 1659, 3732, 502, 599, 901, 23180, 519, 322, 338, 6795, 4704, 573, 304, 1472, 1840, 10365, 1860, 297, 278, 9999, 6689, 29889, 319, 2253, 1650, 338, 304, 26371, 749, 29892, 451, 380, 361, 280, 470, 12522, 1623, 29892, 6813, 29915, 29879, 26001, 297, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 1699, 278, 5641, 6344, 1497, 29889, 13, 7713, 277, 1417, 29901, 317, 10593, 317, 2227, 2208, 29903, 438, 5348, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 17182, 14582, 526, 10021, 292, 263, 1950, 14686, 310, 17182, 515, 278, 3767, 1845, 293, 5879, 12154, 398, 27811, 393, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 756, 5685, 630, 408, 263, 2933, 304, 1880, 10489, 26496, 26094, 29889, 376, 3644, 278, 5874, 25704, 5492, 317, 10593, 17182, 363, 14686, 1269, 931, 21849, 26413, 26094, 11492, 29892, 591, 1033, 10032, 1749, 11509, 304, 3211, 263, 6434, 411, 278, 7037, 304, 25798, 10899, 545, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 26504, 1699, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 297, 263, 3965, 6507, 29889, 438, 309, 1391, 22543, 15982, 393, 4417, 11421, 304, 278, 9999, 1286, 723, 5232, 1623, 14582, 1058, 526, 1603, 1811, 304, 10715, 278, 4192, 6090, 896, 11084, 2645, 278, 7243, 24552, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 1128, 382, 7228, 286, 621, 1662, 5751, 19572, 5864, 29892, 515, 8450, 24210, 304, 22661, 13, 9526, 13661, 20251, 6452, 287, 382, 7228, 363, 5622, 967, 21838, 964, 3633, 373, 1652, 4362, 322, 2319, 29892, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 6931, 29892, 4049, 2000, 376, 303, 374, 2496, 1532, 29879, 1213, 21882, 6471, 505, 4433, 382, 7228, 304, 4480, 363, 278, 2582, 310, 385, 24836, 10317, 6559, 373, 2319, 1532, 29879, 29915, 953, 6847, 1434, 1072, 18099, 963, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 946, 3819, 756, 1898, 304, 367, 5544, 573, 304, 1749, 21838, 363, 16710, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 29652, 15483, 322, 5936, 5281, 278, 13500, 310, 3211, 292, 2319, 5381, 18066, 267, 1699, 1497, 23032, 20679, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7417, 1391, 22543, 29889, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 2787 ]
Leaders Vow to Cut Methane Emissions A smaller industry trade group, the Independent Petroleum Association of America, previously raised concerns about the plan, saying rules that effectively require advanced technologies like optical leak-detection systems would be too costly and complicated for low-production oil and gas wells. The group said Tuesday that it was reviewing the proposed rule but was "encouraged by its initial analysis of EPA's proposed regulations—the agency has tried to be responsive to our concerns for improved cost-effective monitoring technology and recognizing the importance of addressing small business challenges." Natural Gas Intelligence: Biden Administration Says Slashing U.S. Oil, Natural Gas Methane Emissions to Cost 'Pennies' Per Mcf The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) said it also supported the proposal and would study its details. "IPAA is encouraged by its initial analysis of EPA's proposed regulations – the agency has tried to be responsive to our concerns for improved cost-effective monitoring technology and recognizing the importance of addressing small business challenges," CEO Barry Russell said. "IPAA will be reviewing the 284-page rule and the regulatory analysis and awaits the findings of the Department of Energy's study on marginal well emissions that will be completed ahead of the EPA's comment deadline." Pennsylvania Business Report: Gas industry groups call on Congress to withdraw methane fee from federal budget The American Gas Association (AGA), American Petroleum institute (API), Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), and Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) say the focus should be on driving down methane emissions without adding new taxes. Barry Russell, president and CEO of IPAA, pointed out that natural gas and petroleum account for nearly 70 percent of energy consumption in the U.S. "These new taxes will not only impose a burden on industry and consumers generally, they are specifically designed to impose a new burden on small businesses. This costly policy will send both jobs and greenhouse gas emissions to other countries," Russell said. FOX 34: Arrington leads letter to EPA on postponing emissions guidelines The study was scheduled to be completed at the end of Sept. 2021, with public release scheduled for Dec. 2021. The Biden administration has stated they hope to see the new regulations in the next few weeks, but Arrington and the other signers are asking for the findings of the study to be considered in any new regulations. "Since this study will report on the sources of emissions at low production wells, it should be included in developing any emissions guidelines. Proposing Emissions Guidelines to meet an arbitrary political deadline while disregarding important new scientific information would be inappropriate," said Lee Fuller of the Independent Petroleum Association of America in a news release. The Daily Caller: America Is Becoming More Dependent On Foreign Oil Under Biden The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), another industry group representing energy producers, has pointed to regional hurdles for constructing pipelines to explain why oil and gas imports have recently increased in the U.S. The group has also argued that California's denial of fracking permits for climate change reasons has made the state more dependent on foreign energy. California depends on foreign nations — mainly Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Mexico — for a plurality of its oil despite having vast resources of its own. "As global energy consumption grows, the U.S. natural gas and oil industry, governed by commonsense, effective regulations and public-private partnerships, can ensure that America and nations worldwide will have a reliable energy supply to power their homes, businesses, and critical services," IPAA COO Jeff Eshelman said in a statement to the DCNF. CEO Dateline: IPAA retools high school workforce development program The program is in its second year, but this time around IPAA expanded its scope and is working with renewable energy companies to inform students about a wider range of energy careers, Barry Russell, CEO of IPAA and co-chair of the IPAA Energy Workforce Education Advisory Board, said in a statement. "We believe that access to this information should be free and encourage a variety of incentives for educators and students to get involved," Russell said. World Oil: IPAA Energy Workforce Education Center
[ -0.25227461518978567, -0.1435780291915872 ]
[ 0.3560462738317473, 0.7177532472563105 ]
[ 0.24765843358101589, 0.7244717463532585 ]
[ 0.0823284681351522, 0.07712572759864643 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 951, 24574, 478, 340, 304, 315, 329, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 6847, 13, 29909, 7968, 13661, 11302, 2318, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 9251, 10425, 21838, 1048, 278, 3814, 29892, 5934, 6865, 393, 17583, 1996, 12862, 5722, 11763, 763, 27070, 24993, 29899, 29881, 2650, 428, 6757, 723, 367, 2086, 3438, 368, 322, 12092, 363, 4482, 29899, 24601, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 1576, 2318, 1497, 323, 1041, 3250, 393, 372, 471, 9076, 292, 278, 7972, 5751, 541, 471, 376, 3977, 283, 1431, 287, 491, 967, 2847, 7418, 310, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 7972, 1072, 8250, 30003, 1552, 946, 3819, 756, 1898, 304, 367, 5544, 573, 304, 1749, 21838, 363, 16710, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 29652, 15483, 322, 5936, 5281, 278, 13500, 310, 3211, 292, 2319, 5381, 18066, 267, 1213, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 350, 3615, 23303, 317, 1036, 14866, 1161, 292, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 438, 309, 29892, 18385, 19141, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 6847, 304, 9839, 525, 29925, 2108, 583, 29915, 2431, 4052, 29888, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 1497, 372, 884, 6969, 278, 24963, 322, 723, 6559, 967, 4902, 29889, 376, 5690, 6344, 338, 18443, 287, 491, 967, 2847, 7418, 310, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 7972, 1072, 8250, 785, 278, 946, 3819, 756, 1898, 304, 367, 5544, 573, 304, 1749, 21838, 363, 16710, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 29652, 15483, 322, 5936, 5281, 278, 13500, 310, 3211, 292, 2319, 5381, 18066, 267, 1699, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 5690, 6344, 674, 367, 9076, 292, 278, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29946, 29899, 3488, 5751, 322, 278, 24378, 7606, 7418, 322, 263, 2766, 1169, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 10317, 310, 24836, 29915, 29879, 6559, 373, 15276, 979, 1532, 953, 6847, 393, 674, 367, 8676, 14432, 310, 278, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 3440, 7123, 1220, 1213, 13, 29925, 264, 14912, 423, 15197, 13969, 29901, 19141, 13661, 6471, 1246, 373, 11559, 304, 28679, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 515, 17097, 23562, 13, 1576, 3082, 19141, 7993, 313, 10051, 29909, 511, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 832, 12356, 313, 8787, 511, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 322, 4124, 3859, 18385, 19141, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 4214, 6344, 29897, 1827, 278, 8569, 881, 367, 373, 19500, 1623, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 1728, 4417, 716, 8818, 267, 29889, 13, 4297, 719, 20679, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 5641, 6344, 29892, 11520, 714, 393, 5613, 10489, 322, 5697, 12154, 398, 3633, 363, 8886, 29871, 29955, 29900, 10151, 310, 5864, 27430, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 968, 716, 8818, 267, 674, 451, 871, 2411, 852, 263, 6866, 1145, 373, 13661, 322, 11233, 414, 6892, 29892, 896, 526, 10816, 8688, 304, 2411, 852, 263, 716, 6866, 1145, 373, 2319, 5381, 267, 29889, 910, 3438, 368, 8898, 674, 3638, 1716, 17643, 322, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 304, 916, 10916, 1699, 20679, 1497, 29889, 13, 5800, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29901, 25681, 4885, 11981, 5497, 304, 382, 7228, 373, 1400, 1112, 292, 953, 6847, 1410, 10652, 1475, 13, 1576, 6559, 471, 21467, 304, 367, 8676, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 411, 970, 6507, 21467, 363, 3826, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29889, 450, 350, 3615, 17517, 756, 8703, 896, 4966, 304, 1074, 278, 716, 1072, 8250, 297, 278, 2446, 2846, 11405, 29892, 541, 25681, 4885, 322, 278, 916, 1804, 414, 526, 6721, 363, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 6559, 304, 367, 5545, 297, 738, 716, 1072, 8250, 29889, 13, 29908, 23036, 445, 6559, 674, 3461, 373, 278, 8974, 310, 953, 6847, 472, 4482, 5802, 1532, 29879, 29892, 372, 881, 367, 5134, 297, 14338, 738, 953, 6847, 1410, 10652, 1475, 29889, 1019, 1066, 292, 2812, 6847, 2088, 10652, 1475, 304, 5870, 385, 11472, 8604, 7123, 1220, 1550, 766, 1727, 20272, 4100, 716, 16021, 2472, 723, 367, 297, 932, 6649, 403, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 297, 263, 9763, 6507, 29889, 13, 1576, 23331, 8251, 261, 29901, 6813, 1317, 1522, 11506, 5853, 10034, 3906, 1551, 19358, 438, 309, 7634, 350, 3615, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 1790, 13661, 2318, 15783, 5864, 1391, 22543, 29892, 756, 11520, 304, 14014, 12166, 29881, 793, 363, 3386, 292, 8450, 24210, 304, 5649, 2020, 17182, 322, 10489, 24802, 505, 10325, 11664, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 13, 1576, 2318, 756, 884, 28705, 393, 8046, 29915, 29879, 972, 616, 310, 5227, 384, 292, 3635, 1169, 363, 23622, 1735, 9590, 756, 1754, 278, 2106, 901, 14278, 373, 9117, 5864, 29889, 8046, 7111, 373, 9117, 19079, 813, 14364, 382, 26719, 29892, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 21375, 29939, 322, 12568, 813, 363, 263, 715, 332, 2877, 310, 967, 17182, 15020, 2534, 13426, 7788, 310, 967, 1914, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 5534, 5864, 27430, 25088, 29892, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 13661, 29892, 4095, 287, 491, 844, 787, 1947, 29892, 11828, 1072, 8250, 322, 970, 29899, 9053, 22056, 14587, 29892, 508, 9801, 393, 6813, 322, 19079, 3186, 8157, 674, 505, 263, 23279, 5864, 11421, 304, 3081, 1009, 17774, 29892, 5381, 267, 29892, 322, 12187, 5786, 1699, 5641, 6344, 4810, 29949, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 304, 278, 13681, 22498, 29889, 13, 4741, 29949, 13373, 5570, 29901, 5641, 6344, 337, 8504, 1880, 3762, 664, 10118, 5849, 1824, 13, 1576, 1824, 338, 297, 967, 1473, 1629, 29892, 541, 445, 931, 2820, 5641, 6344, 17832, 967, 6874, 322, 338, 1985, 411, 23011, 519, 5864, 14582, 304, 1871, 8041, 1048, 263, 25734, 3464, 310, 5864, 2562, 414, 29892, 23032, 20679, 29892, 14645, 29949, 310, 5641, 6344, 322, 1302, 29899, 305, 1466, 310, 278, 5641, 6344, 24836, 5244, 10118, 13151, 2087, 1730, 706, 12590, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 4658, 393, 2130, 304, 445, 2472, 881, 367, 3889, 322, 13731, 6617, 263, 12875, 310, 297, 1760, 3145, 363, 6320, 4097, 322, 8041, 304, 679, 9701, 1699, 20679, 1497, 29889, 13, 14058, 438, 309, 29901, 5641, 6344, 24836, 5244, 10118, 13151, 7817 ]
provides content to high school classrooms across the U.S. "Because of our longstanding relationships with both educators and industry professionals our Foundation is uniquely positioned to help both tomorrow's energy professionals and our industry, said Barry Russell, Co-Chairman, IPAA Energy Workforce Education Advisory Board and President and CEO, Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Recently, we expanded our scope and began working together with renewable energy companies to provide students with information about all forms of energy and in doing so empowering them to make an informed decision about their bright futures." Houston Chronicle: In Texas high country, Biden's effort to expand federal water protection meets resistance Likewise, in the oil and gas fields around Midland, drilling oil and gas nearby could suddenly become more burdensome and costly should those dry creek beds become federally protected, said Lee Fuller, an officer with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "You have to install equipment, berms, liners, to keep oil from spilling into the waterway," he said. "You're going to try to live with whatever's there, but it really changes your timing and your cost. At some point you get into a situation where the jurisdiction threatens your ability to drill." E&E News: Oil lobby targets Democrats in fight against tax plan Dan Naatz, executive vice president at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said the group is communicating with lawmakers of both parties on the issue. "Independent producers across the country are really concerned that the action will decimate American oil and natural gas producers," he said. "When you talk about taking away intangible drilling costs, percentage depletion and add in a lot of other fees and costs, it really would have a negative effect on the ability of our members both to operate onshore, offshore, on federal land, on private land." He said that critics couch the provisions as "giveaways" to the oil and gas industry, but that the provisions are designed to encourage reinvestment. "We're trying to talk to Democrats who are willing to listen to the consequences of passing these provisions, including significantly reduced American production, unstable consumer prices, loss of manufacturing jobs, the revenue to states," Naatz said. He said the focus of those discussions have been Texas Democrats in the House, but also members of Congress in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado and New Mexico, where there is considerable production, along with West Virginia. "I won't say that everybody has listened to us and said, 'You know, we agreed with you,' but we're going to continue to advocate because we believe it's that important for the industry and for the nation," he said. Daily Energy Insider: Gas industry groups express concerns to Congress over methane tax proposal Several gas industry groups, including the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and the American Gas Association (AGA), wrote a letter to congressional leaders expressing their concerns about a proposed methane emissions tax in the budget reconciliation legislation being negotiated in Congress. "The industry is committed to continuing its efforts to minimize methane emissions across the U.S. economy. However, the methane fee framework currently being considered would introduce a regressive tax on low-income and fixed-income Americans, ignore existing and anticipated federal regulations on methane emissions, and lessen available capital for our companies' ongoing investments in further reducing methane emissions," said the Sept. 7 letter to U.S. Senate and House leadership that was signed by 27 organizations representing the gas industry, as well as others. Washington Examiner: Biden details plan to resume oil and gas leasing in response to court ruling The Biden administration is taking steps beginning this week toward restarting oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters as it complies with a ruling by a federal judge that found its pause on new auctions to be illegal. Oil and gas industry groups called Interior's resumption of leasing a positive step but called for the administration to release its delayed report. "America's oil and natural gas producers have been left in the dark by Interior for most of the year with no idea when leases would resume," said Dan Naatz, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Companies need to know if the administration plans to make substantial changes to regulations that govern development on public lands." Rigzone: Oil Groups
[ 0.1428767460763567, -0.5611364244290061 ]
[ 0.43125267424675545, -0.0038700710115061425 ]
[ 0.4759201258656001, -0.2786115791862199 ]
[ -0.05294278581399778, -0.25324829646946984 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8128, 2793, 304, 1880, 3762, 770, 18901, 4822, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 13, 29908, 29933, 5658, 310, 1749, 1472, 11235, 21702, 411, 1716, 6320, 4097, 322, 13661, 6351, 1338, 1749, 10606, 338, 20498, 873, 2602, 287, 304, 1371, 1716, 6454, 22396, 29915, 29879, 5864, 6351, 1338, 322, 1749, 13661, 29892, 1497, 23032, 20679, 29892, 3189, 29899, 1451, 1466, 1171, 29892, 5641, 6344, 24836, 5244, 10118, 13151, 2087, 1730, 706, 12590, 322, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 4789, 2705, 29892, 591, 17832, 1749, 6874, 322, 4689, 1985, 4208, 411, 23011, 519, 5864, 14582, 304, 3867, 8041, 411, 2472, 1048, 599, 7190, 310, 5864, 322, 297, 2599, 577, 3710, 1680, 292, 963, 304, 1207, 385, 23388, 10608, 1048, 1009, 11785, 3105, 1973, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 512, 10319, 1880, 4234, 29892, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 7225, 304, 7985, 17097, 4094, 13047, 28103, 17711, 13, 27552, 3538, 29892, 297, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 4235, 2820, 13370, 1049, 29892, 4192, 8873, 17182, 322, 10489, 20810, 1033, 11584, 4953, 901, 6866, 21518, 608, 322, 3438, 368, 881, 1906, 15589, 907, 1416, 289, 5779, 4953, 12067, 635, 6364, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 385, 12139, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 505, 304, 2601, 21083, 29892, 289, 837, 29879, 29892, 6276, 414, 29892, 304, 3013, 17182, 515, 805, 8873, 964, 278, 4094, 1582, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 3492, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 1018, 304, 5735, 411, 6514, 29915, 29879, 727, 29892, 541, 372, 2289, 3620, 596, 28750, 322, 596, 3438, 29889, 2180, 777, 1298, 366, 679, 964, 263, 6434, 988, 278, 24894, 29467, 28469, 575, 596, 11509, 304, 4192, 453, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 438, 309, 658, 1327, 29891, 22525, 14189, 1446, 297, 8589, 2750, 8818, 3814, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 278, 2318, 338, 7212, 1218, 411, 4307, 29885, 21079, 310, 1716, 13973, 373, 278, 2228, 29889, 13, 29908, 2568, 1022, 3906, 1391, 22543, 4822, 278, 4234, 526, 2289, 15041, 393, 278, 3158, 674, 1602, 6490, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 10401, 366, 5193, 1048, 5622, 3448, 938, 574, 1821, 4192, 8873, 21544, 29892, 19649, 316, 552, 12757, 322, 788, 297, 263, 3287, 310, 916, 1238, 267, 322, 21544, 29892, 372, 2289, 723, 505, 263, 8178, 2779, 373, 278, 11509, 310, 1749, 5144, 1716, 304, 21994, 373, 845, 487, 29892, 1283, 845, 487, 29892, 373, 17097, 2982, 29892, 373, 2024, 2982, 1213, 13, 3868, 1497, 393, 28431, 274, 3222, 278, 1326, 12112, 408, 376, 29887, 573, 1450, 1036, 29908, 304, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29892, 541, 393, 278, 1326, 12112, 526, 8688, 304, 13731, 6617, 15561, 10147, 358, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 5193, 304, 14189, 1446, 1058, 526, 17762, 304, 11621, 304, 278, 27721, 310, 6819, 1438, 1326, 12112, 29892, 3704, 16951, 12212, 3082, 5802, 29892, 443, 13844, 21691, 26094, 29892, 6410, 310, 12012, 3864, 17643, 29892, 278, 337, 9947, 304, 5922, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 13, 3868, 1497, 278, 8569, 310, 1906, 5353, 1080, 505, 1063, 10319, 14189, 1446, 297, 278, 5619, 29892, 541, 884, 5144, 310, 11559, 297, 15821, 29892, 16636, 29892, 21137, 322, 1570, 12568, 29892, 988, 727, 338, 15620, 5802, 29892, 3412, 411, 3122, 11653, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 2113, 29915, 29873, 1827, 393, 26077, 756, 29616, 304, 502, 322, 1497, 29892, 525, 3492, 1073, 29892, 591, 15502, 411, 366, 5501, 541, 591, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 6773, 304, 22545, 403, 1363, 591, 4658, 372, 29915, 29879, 393, 4100, 363, 278, 13661, 322, 363, 278, 5233, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29928, 8683, 24836, 13377, 1241, 29901, 19141, 13661, 6471, 4653, 21838, 304, 11559, 975, 286, 621, 1662, 8818, 24963, 13, 29903, 1310, 284, 10489, 13661, 6471, 29892, 3704, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 322, 278, 3082, 19141, 7993, 313, 10051, 29909, 511, 5456, 263, 5497, 304, 378, 11476, 284, 20251, 4653, 292, 1009, 21838, 1048, 263, 7972, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 8818, 297, 278, 23562, 8265, 29883, 2638, 362, 13332, 362, 1641, 27214, 630, 297, 11559, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 13661, 338, 19355, 304, 3133, 292, 967, 14231, 304, 6260, 675, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 4822, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 26504, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 27684, 6890, 5279, 1641, 5545, 723, 14944, 263, 337, 3663, 573, 8818, 373, 4482, 29899, 262, 2763, 322, 4343, 29899, 262, 2763, 23035, 29892, 11455, 5923, 322, 23483, 630, 17097, 1072, 8250, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 29892, 322, 3109, 264, 3625, 7483, 363, 1749, 14582, 29915, 373, 17696, 13258, 1860, 297, 4340, 27668, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 1699, 1497, 278, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29955, 5497, 304, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 18148, 322, 5619, 26001, 393, 471, 8794, 491, 29871, 29906, 29955, 25700, 15783, 278, 10489, 13661, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 4045, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 350, 3615, 4902, 3814, 304, 620, 2017, 17182, 322, 10489, 454, 5832, 297, 2933, 304, 8973, 364, 19478, 13, 1576, 350, 3615, 17517, 338, 5622, 6576, 6763, 445, 4723, 11183, 10715, 292, 17182, 322, 10489, 454, 5832, 373, 17097, 12625, 322, 19922, 408, 372, 752, 3687, 411, 263, 364, 19478, 491, 263, 17097, 16833, 393, 1476, 967, 19957, 373, 716, 782, 1953, 304, 367, 27302, 29889, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 13661, 6471, 2000, 4124, 1611, 29915, 29879, 620, 28069, 310, 454, 5832, 263, 6374, 4331, 541, 2000, 363, 278, 17517, 304, 6507, 967, 29801, 3461, 29889, 376, 29048, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 505, 1063, 2175, 297, 278, 6501, 491, 4124, 1611, 363, 1556, 310, 278, 1629, 411, 694, 2969, 746, 454, 2129, 723, 620, 2017, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 6843, 273, 583, 817, 304, 1073, 565, 278, 17517, 13900, 304, 1207, 23228, 3620, 304, 1072, 8250, 393, 4095, 5849, 373, 970, 12625, 1213, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 438, 309, 1632, 4410 ]
React to USA Call for OPEC to Do More We should be focused on growing American energy leadership, not returning to the days of relying on OPEC to meet our supply needs. Also commenting on Sullivan's statement, the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) said "under the Obama administration, prolific U.S. shale development helped keep oil prices low – the United States quite literally drilled its way to lower gasoline prices". "The Biden admin is limiting domestic production while asking other countries to pump more crude," the IPAA statement added. Midland Reporter-Telegram: Oil associations, producers defend oil-related tax provision Included in that act, which was designed to promote clean energy, was a renewed attempt to repeal tax treatments for the oil and gas industry – percentage depletions for oil and gas wells, intangible drilling costs and the enhanced oil recovery credit. Ed Longanecker, president of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, told the Reporter-Telegram by email, "We are experiencing a more aggressive, politically driven campaign targeting the oil and natural gas industry. Despite an emboldened push by some, who have little to no regard of the ramifications of these poorly conceived policies, we are hopeful that common sense prevails." Jennifer Pett Marsteller, director of public affairs and communications with the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told the Reporter-Telegram by email she does not know yet whether Senate Democratic leadership will try to bring the Clean Energy for America Act to the floor at some point down the road as a stand alone piece or incorporate it into other legislation. Washington Examiner: Biden budget would ax more than a dozen fossil fuel tax breaks Industry groups, however, say removing the tax breaks will hamper domestic production and create challenges for oil and gas companies — especially smaller, independent producers that have limited streams of revenue. "What is absolutely without a doubt is that passing this budget, regardless of company size or structure, is going to fundamentally disadvantage America's standing in the global energy space," said Ryan Ullman, vice president of government relations and political affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "We are going to produce less oil and gas." Lee Fuller, IPAA's officer of environment and general strategy, added that while larger integrated oil companies have several revenue streams, including refineries and chemicals, smaller producers don't and thus rely more heavily on the tax breaks that help them recoup their expenses more quickly. The Ripon Advance: Armstrong bill would authorize $4.7B to clean up orphaned oil, gas wells U.S. Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) on May 28 offered a bipartisan bill that aims to provide thousands of jobs in the oil and gas industry by allocating more than $4.7 billion in funding to clean up orphaned oil and gas wells around the country. The Revive Economic Growth and Reclaim Orphaned Wells (REGROW) Act of 2021, H.R. 3585, which Rep. Armstrong cosponsored with bill sponsor U.S. Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX), would amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to require the U.S. Secretary of the Interior to establish a program to plug, remediate and reclaim orphaned oil and gas wells and surrounding land, according to the text of the bill. The REGROW Act is endorsed by several groups, including the Environmental Defense Fund, the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the North Dakota Petroleum Council, the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, and the National Wildlife Federation. E&E News: 5 Biden spending proposals Congress could get behind Here are five energy and environmental policy areas expected to become law after appropriators craft the fiscal 2022 bills later this year… 5. Mine, oil well cleanups Democrats and Republicans might not be on the same page regarding energy extraction efforts, but they are likely to favor Biden's push to clean up abandoned oil wells and mines. … Outside groups rarely on the same page — including the Environmental Defense Fund and the Independent Petroleum Association of America — favor recent bipartisan legislation proposed in the Senate to authorize a $4.6 billion cleanup of the nation's 56
[ -0.17557279116585509, -0.0820924431366897 ]
[ 0.062383186496953444, 0.9827662772901488 ]
[ -0.250712927906993, 0.4860650899671372 ]
[ 0.09273394920816375, 0.11354491135418682 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 9537, 304, 8278, 8251, 363, 438, 4162, 29907, 304, 1938, 5853, 13, 4806, 881, 367, 21309, 373, 15678, 3082, 5864, 26001, 29892, 451, 7863, 304, 278, 3841, 310, 337, 5890, 373, 438, 4162, 29907, 304, 5870, 1749, 11421, 4225, 29889, 3115, 3440, 292, 373, 317, 913, 20595, 29915, 29879, 3229, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 1497, 376, 5062, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 29892, 410, 29880, 928, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 528, 744, 5849, 9213, 3013, 17182, 26094, 4482, 785, 278, 3303, 3900, 3755, 22830, 270, 4115, 839, 967, 982, 304, 5224, 10489, 26496, 26094, 1642, 376, 1576, 350, 3615, 4113, 338, 4046, 292, 21849, 5802, 1550, 6721, 916, 10916, 304, 282, 3427, 901, 7618, 311, 1699, 278, 5641, 6344, 3229, 2715, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 438, 309, 27733, 29892, 1391, 22543, 24663, 17182, 29899, 12817, 8818, 25161, 13, 797, 13347, 297, 393, 1044, 29892, 607, 471, 8688, 304, 27391, 5941, 5864, 29892, 471, 263, 23011, 287, 4218, 304, 5565, 284, 8818, 7539, 1860, 363, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 785, 19649, 316, 552, 29873, 1080, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 29892, 938, 574, 1821, 4192, 8873, 21544, 322, 278, 427, 29308, 17182, 24205, 16200, 29889, 2155, 6242, 1662, 4937, 29892, 6673, 310, 278, 10319, 25266, 7138, 22543, 322, 7021, 1017, 438, 1233, 414, 7993, 29892, 5429, 278, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 491, 4876, 29892, 376, 4806, 526, 10623, 3277, 263, 901, 946, 3663, 573, 29892, 2832, 1711, 18225, 11531, 3646, 292, 278, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 13661, 29889, 19454, 385, 7232, 1025, 6419, 5503, 491, 777, 29892, 1058, 505, 2217, 304, 694, 4880, 310, 278, 13472, 8232, 310, 1438, 6460, 368, 10628, 2347, 24833, 29892, 591, 526, 4966, 1319, 393, 3619, 4060, 12379, 2234, 1213, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 1085, 14640, 29892, 8881, 310, 970, 19469, 322, 7212, 800, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 278, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 491, 4876, 1183, 947, 451, 1073, 3447, 3692, 18148, 19083, 26001, 674, 1018, 304, 6963, 278, 315, 14044, 24836, 363, 6813, 3185, 304, 278, 11904, 472, 777, 1298, 1623, 278, 6520, 408, 263, 2317, 7432, 8424, 470, 11039, 403, 372, 964, 916, 13332, 362, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 350, 3615, 23562, 723, 4853, 901, 1135, 263, 24231, 21983, 309, 26413, 8818, 16706, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 6471, 29892, 3138, 29892, 1827, 11077, 278, 8818, 16706, 674, 16366, 546, 21849, 5802, 322, 1653, 18066, 267, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 813, 7148, 7968, 29892, 7417, 1391, 22543, 393, 505, 9078, 20873, 310, 337, 9947, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 338, 13312, 1728, 263, 7404, 338, 393, 6819, 445, 23562, 29892, 17126, 310, 5001, 2159, 470, 3829, 29892, 338, 2675, 304, 5220, 1166, 635, 766, 17263, 8501, 6813, 29915, 29879, 13407, 297, 278, 5534, 5864, 2913, 1699, 1497, 20916, 501, 645, 1171, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 2675, 304, 7738, 3109, 17182, 322, 10489, 1213, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 12139, 310, 5177, 322, 2498, 13705, 29892, 2715, 393, 1550, 7200, 23387, 17182, 14582, 505, 3196, 337, 9947, 20873, 29892, 3704, 2143, 4983, 583, 322, 22233, 29879, 29892, 7968, 1391, 22543, 1016, 29915, 29873, 322, 4550, 19104, 901, 20365, 373, 278, 8818, 16706, 393, 1371, 963, 1162, 1132, 1009, 1518, 11259, 901, 9098, 29889, 13, 1576, 390, 666, 265, 25215, 749, 29901, 8481, 1110, 11118, 723, 4148, 675, 395, 29946, 29889, 29955, 29933, 304, 5941, 701, 470, 16711, 287, 17182, 29892, 10489, 1532, 29879, 13, 29965, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10088, 29889, 21872, 8481, 1110, 313, 29934, 29899, 2797, 29897, 373, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29947, 12520, 263, 289, 27494, 21603, 11118, 393, 263, 9893, 304, 3867, 17202, 310, 17643, 297, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 491, 6643, 1218, 901, 1135, 395, 29946, 29889, 29955, 24464, 297, 5220, 292, 304, 5941, 701, 470, 16711, 287, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 2820, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 1576, 11459, 573, 12884, 293, 402, 798, 386, 322, 3599, 8342, 1394, 16711, 287, 5674, 29879, 313, 18166, 25180, 29897, 3185, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 379, 29889, 29934, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29947, 29945, 29892, 607, 10088, 29889, 8481, 1110, 274, 4705, 787, 4395, 411, 11118, 21955, 272, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10088, 29889, 365, 466, 3914, 383, 1026, 4630, 313, 29928, 29899, 28627, 511, 723, 626, 355, 278, 24836, 25219, 3185, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 304, 1996, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17719, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 304, 10127, 263, 1824, 304, 18665, 29892, 1083, 15844, 403, 322, 1162, 8342, 470, 16711, 287, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 322, 18830, 2982, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 1426, 310, 278, 11118, 29889, 13, 1576, 5195, 29954, 25180, 3185, 338, 1095, 943, 287, 491, 3196, 6471, 29892, 3704, 278, 16738, 284, 5282, 1947, 13249, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 278, 4644, 22679, 4616, 5879, 12154, 398, 8831, 29892, 278, 4124, 3859, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 3831, 627, 11444, 29892, 322, 278, 3086, 11821, 19264, 20438, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 29871, 29945, 350, 3615, 805, 2548, 9551, 1338, 11559, 1033, 679, 5742, 13, 10605, 526, 5320, 5864, 322, 29380, 8898, 10161, 3806, 304, 4953, 4307, 1156, 7128, 4097, 25554, 278, 16436, 1052, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 289, 6090, 2678, 445, 1629, 30098, 13, 29945, 29889, 26833, 29892, 17182, 1532, 5941, 14340, 13, 29928, 331, 8415, 1446, 322, 8063, 550, 1795, 451, 367, 373, 278, 1021, 1813, 11211, 5864, 4805, 428, 14231, 29892, 541, 896, 526, 5517, 304, 7853, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 5503, 304, 5941, 701, 23181, 17182, 1532, 29879, 322, 29086, 29889, 16088, 13, 3744, 2975, 6471, 23703, 373, 278, 1021, 1813, 813, 3704, 278, 16738, 284, 5282, 1947, 13249, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 813, 7853, 7786, 289, 27494, 21603, 13332, 362, 7972, 297, 278, 18148, 304, 4148, 675, 263, 395, 29946, 29889, 29953, 24464, 5941, 786, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29945, 29953 ]
,000 abandoned wells. Similar legislation has been introduced in the House. Washington Examiner: Senate Democrats propose overhauling energy tax code to combat climate change Senate Democrats are proposing to overhaul the energy tax code in favor of a trio of incentives based on emissions reductions in a move that environmentalists are lauding but Republicans say would disadvantage fossil fuels. "The provisions of this bill that repeal an array of oil and natural gas tax deductions were written solely to undermine American production," said Barry Russell, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents independent and small oil and gas producers. S&P Global Market Intelligence: New methane rules could cut key risk for oil, gas sector amid energy transition Some industry representatives are hoping the Biden administration will finalize EPA regulations that offer the industry flexibility on the technologies needed to monitor methane emissions and exempt low-producing wells from some requirements. The Obama-era rules had required the industry to use less-effective and more expensive technology to monitor for methane leaks, according to Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. His members want the EPA to allow companies to use methane-specific sensor technologies that can find emission hot spots faster and more cheaply than optical sensors used under prior rules. "It's not whether you regulate, but when you regulate you target those regulations appropriately," Fuller said. S&P Global Platts: Listen: Independent US oil, gas drillers fight higher taxes, leasing ban The White House and Democrats in Congress are looking at a number of ways to increase taxes and federal revenues from the oil and gas industry as part of their climate and clean energy agenda. They're looking at higher royalty rates on federal lands and eliminating deductions like intangible drilling costs and percentage depletion. We spoke with Dan Naatz, executive vice president for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, about how his group is engaging on this issue. We also talked about where he sees the Interior Department's leasing ban headed and the impact of Congress restoring Obama-era methane emissions. Associated Press: Louisiana gov urges feds to resume offshore leases in months When he asked whether the administration will commit to further leasing in the Gulf, Amanda Lefton, head of the Bureau of Offshore Energy Management, said only that an interim report will be out in early summer. The Independent Petroleum Association of America focused on that exchange. Lepton "would not confirm that leasing will ever resume in the Gulf of Mexico," its news release said. "This uncertainty is stifling investment for offshore energy producers, hindering not just future wells but ongoing operations," said Mallori Miller, the group's vice president of governmental relations. The Hill: Interior proposing revocation of Trump-era rollback on bird protections Meanwhile, some industry players expressed disappointment that the Trump move would be undone. "This is not a case of punishing 'bad actors' but rather a situation where companies are set up for failure," said a statement from Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America. S&P Global: 1st 100 Days: Interior sends 'clear signal' promoting wind, targeting oil, gas The Independent Petroleum Association of America, however, is "very concerned that the temporary pause turns into a permanent ban," said Dan Naatz, executive vice president. Although drillers are operating on existing leases, Naatz said, they're not able to start the long process of lining up all the pieces needed for new leases, which will create "a kink in the hose" months from now. "You have to have a long horizon," he said. "Sometimes from when you acquire a lease until you start exploration, not just production, can take years." Naatz said the regulatory uncertainty will drive some drillers away from federal lands and the offshore Gulf of Mexico altogether. "It's already difficult to operate on federal lands," Naatz said. "But as you make those regulatory hurdles so much higher, it really is a concern that it will really slow down production and people will leave." New York Times: Senate to Reinstate Obama-Era Controls on Climate-Warming Meth
[ -0.1648722018768023, -0.4200598552421338 ]
[ 0.739240790232027, 0.34172124518126956 ]
[ 0.37954296690099787, -0.14038644330277728 ]
[ 0.4777367489095906, -0.013922231790204511 ]
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[ 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 23181, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13999, 13332, 362, 756, 1063, 9129, 297, 278, 5619, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 18148, 14189, 1446, 16193, 975, 2350, 19478, 5864, 8818, 775, 304, 15499, 23622, 1735, 13, 29903, 264, 403, 14189, 1446, 526, 9551, 292, 304, 975, 2350, 352, 278, 5864, 8818, 775, 297, 7853, 310, 263, 3367, 29877, 310, 297, 1760, 3145, 2729, 373, 953, 6847, 3724, 1953, 297, 263, 4337, 393, 29380, 2879, 526, 425, 566, 292, 541, 8063, 550, 1827, 723, 766, 17263, 8501, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1326, 12112, 310, 445, 11118, 393, 5565, 284, 385, 1409, 310, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 8818, 21049, 1953, 892, 3971, 14419, 368, 304, 563, 837, 457, 3082, 5802, 1699, 1497, 23032, 20679, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7417, 322, 2319, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 28794, 3159, 28286, 29901, 1570, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 1033, 5700, 1820, 12045, 363, 17182, 29892, 10489, 17535, 28655, 5864, 9558, 13, 9526, 13661, 2755, 5056, 526, 17231, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 674, 2186, 675, 382, 7228, 1072, 8250, 393, 5957, 278, 13661, 8525, 4127, 373, 278, 5722, 11763, 4312, 304, 11819, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 322, 429, 3456, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 1532, 29879, 515, 777, 11780, 29889, 450, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 6865, 750, 3734, 278, 13661, 304, 671, 3109, 29899, 15987, 573, 322, 901, 19390, 15483, 304, 11819, 363, 286, 621, 1662, 454, 10327, 29892, 5034, 304, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 3600, 5144, 864, 278, 382, 7228, 304, 2758, 14582, 304, 671, 286, 621, 1662, 29899, 14940, 23530, 5722, 11763, 393, 508, 1284, 25477, 7375, 805, 1862, 8473, 322, 901, 28773, 368, 1135, 27070, 4771, 943, 1304, 1090, 7536, 6865, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 3692, 366, 1072, 5987, 29892, 541, 746, 366, 1072, 5987, 366, 3646, 1906, 1072, 8250, 7128, 2486, 1699, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 2391, 264, 29901, 25266, 3148, 17182, 29892, 10489, 4192, 453, 414, 8589, 6133, 8818, 267, 29892, 454, 5832, 9892, 13, 1576, 8037, 5619, 322, 14189, 1446, 297, 11559, 526, 3063, 472, 263, 1353, 310, 5837, 304, 7910, 8818, 267, 322, 17097, 20957, 1041, 515, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 408, 760, 310, 1009, 23622, 322, 5941, 5864, 946, 8395, 29889, 13, 15597, 29915, 276, 3063, 472, 6133, 15150, 1017, 19257, 373, 17097, 12625, 322, 10397, 1218, 21049, 1953, 763, 938, 574, 1821, 4192, 8873, 21544, 322, 19649, 316, 552, 12757, 29889, 13, 4806, 12707, 411, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1048, 920, 670, 2318, 338, 3033, 6751, 373, 445, 2228, 29889, 1334, 884, 24867, 1048, 988, 540, 18553, 278, 4124, 1611, 10317, 29915, 29879, 454, 5832, 9892, 2343, 287, 322, 278, 10879, 310, 11559, 1791, 8253, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 29889, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 28838, 330, 586, 5065, 2710, 285, 5779, 304, 620, 2017, 1283, 845, 487, 454, 2129, 297, 7378, 13, 10401, 540, 4433, 3692, 278, 17517, 674, 9063, 304, 4340, 454, 5832, 297, 278, 402, 16302, 29892, 1913, 5863, 19941, 265, 29892, 2343, 310, 278, 18903, 310, 5947, 845, 487, 24836, 15057, 29892, 1497, 871, 393, 385, 1006, 326, 3461, 674, 367, 714, 297, 4688, 11801, 29889, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 21309, 373, 393, 14523, 29889, 951, 12533, 376, 29893, 483, 451, 9659, 393, 454, 5832, 674, 3926, 620, 2017, 297, 278, 402, 16302, 310, 12568, 1699, 967, 9763, 6507, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 25812, 338, 380, 361, 1847, 13258, 358, 363, 1283, 845, 487, 5864, 1391, 22543, 29892, 298, 513, 3241, 451, 925, 5434, 1532, 29879, 541, 373, 17696, 6931, 1699, 1497, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 278, 2318, 29915, 29879, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 284, 5302, 29889, 13, 1576, 9143, 29901, 4124, 1611, 9551, 292, 6664, 10610, 310, 27504, 29899, 1572, 9679, 1627, 373, 11199, 3279, 1953, 13, 6816, 273, 8000, 29892, 777, 13661, 10769, 13384, 23451, 358, 393, 278, 27504, 4337, 723, 367, 563, 650, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 451, 263, 1206, 310, 6035, 14424, 525, 12313, 29701, 29915, 541, 3265, 263, 6434, 988, 14582, 526, 731, 701, 363, 10672, 1699, 1497, 263, 3229, 515, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 29901, 29871, 29896, 303, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 24728, 29901, 4124, 1611, 16003, 525, 8551, 7182, 29915, 2504, 11427, 8805, 29892, 3646, 292, 17182, 29892, 10489, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 3138, 29892, 338, 376, 1201, 15041, 393, 278, 13201, 19957, 12169, 964, 263, 17667, 9892, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 4192, 453, 414, 526, 13598, 373, 5923, 454, 2129, 29892, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29892, 896, 29915, 276, 451, 2221, 304, 1369, 278, 1472, 1889, 310, 301, 2827, 701, 599, 278, 12785, 4312, 363, 716, 454, 2129, 29892, 607, 674, 1653, 376, 29874, 413, 682, 297, 278, 298, 852, 29908, 7378, 515, 1286, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 505, 304, 505, 263, 1472, 28205, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 29903, 14618, 515, 746, 366, 1274, 1548, 263, 454, 559, 2745, 366, 1369, 3902, 12418, 29892, 451, 925, 5802, 29892, 508, 2125, 2440, 1213, 13, 13695, 4101, 1497, 278, 24378, 7606, 25812, 674, 7899, 777, 4192, 453, 414, 3448, 515, 17097, 12625, 322, 278, 1283, 845, 487, 402, 16302, 310, 12568, 19148, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 2307, 5189, 304, 21994, 373, 17097, 12625, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 6246, 408, 366, 1207, 1906, 24378, 7606, 12166, 29881, 793, 577, 1568, 6133, 29892, 372, 2289, 338, 263, 5932, 393, 372, 674, 2289, 5232, 1623, 5802, 322, 2305, 674, 5967, 1213, 13, 4373, 3088, 10277, 29901, 18148, 304, 830, 2611, 403, 4250, 3304, 29899, 29923, 336, 11264, 29879, 373, 2233, 6490, 29899, 29956, 2817, 292, 341, 621 ]
ane That prospect raises concerns for small, independent oil companies, which fear that new rules requiring companies to install methane-leak control technology could be accommodated by large companies but could saddle small companies with costs they cannot afford. "Our issue is not with the need to manage emissions," said Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "The biggest impact of regulating existing sources will inevitably fall on low-production wells. That's where the magnitude of the impact's going to fall. So the question is, what is it going to look like?" Mr. Fuller said his group intended to spend the coming months making the case to the Biden administration that the next round of methane rules should offer customized policies that differentiate between the giant oil production farms of companies like Shell and Exxon and the small, two-or-three-well operations of independent wildcatters like his members. "Our objective will be to try to make sure the regulatory process distinguishes between large and small wells with appropriate regulations for each," he said. NPR: Senate Votes To Restore Regulations On Climate-Warming Methane Emissions "IPAA supports cost-effective methane emissions management under the Clean Air Act, but it believes that specific standards are needed for small businesses and low production wells," says Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. His group says some wells produce just a few barrels a day and could become unviable with stricter regulations. The Center Square: There is a bipartisan moment for energy and climate this Earth Day Op-ed by Jeff Eshelman, IPAA COO Too often, the conventional wisdom is that we have to decide between a strong energy industry and solutions to address climate change. That false choice couldn't be further from the truth, and this Earth Day, let's acknowledge that an innovative and robust energy sector is critical to finding solutions to our environmental challenges. And each day, America's oil and natural gas industry is putting that into practice. Natural Gas Intelligence: Interior Halting Oil and Gas Leases on Federal Lands, Offshore Through June The announcement drew scorn from state and industry officials, including the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA). "Public lands belong to all Americans, not just the anti-energy extreme activists," said IPAA COO Jeffrey Eshelman. "These lands provide not only American energy, recreation and grazing, but are also one of the nation's largest revenue resources." E&E Energywire: Interior: Oil leasing freeze will continue into summer The continuation of the leasing freeze fueled existing industry outrage that the Biden administration is throttling drillers and intending a more severe ban on oil and gas activity in the future. "This action will put jobs on the line," said Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America. The pause on new sales has angered many in the oil and gas industry and incensed its allies in politics. The news that it will last through June stirred up fears about what the program review will bring. Miller said the Biden administration was evading a legal obligation and causing regulatory uncertainty for companies with rights to develop resources on public lands. "It is unfortunate that the federal government has chosen not to uphold its most basic responsibility and provide the certainty that is needed," she said. Law 360: Advocates ask EPA to regulate methane, ethane emissions The Center for Biological Diversity and hundreds of other environmental groups petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate methane and ethane emissions for their contribution to ozone, arguing that oil and gas production are worsening a health hazard. The EPA said it will review and respond to the petition. VOCs and nitrogen oxides are considered ozone precursors and regulated in part via state implementation plans aimed at reducing ozone pollution and through permitting. Jennifer Pett, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said independent oil and gas producers support "voluntary efforts by industry to reduce methane emissions." Pett said that VOC regulations imposed on natural gas and oil production facilities "also capture methane emissions." Washington Post: Congressional Democrats aim to reinstate rules on meth
[ 0.22231792095828481, -0.09750129171292576 ]
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[ 0.49113757201790575, 0.27809332588562713 ]
[ 0.3424654949604406, 0.23320794369381947 ]
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[ 1662, 13, 7058, 27289, 1153, 4637, 21838, 363, 2319, 29892, 7417, 17182, 14582, 29892, 607, 8866, 393, 716, 6865, 26795, 14582, 304, 2601, 286, 621, 1662, 29899, 280, 557, 2761, 15483, 1033, 367, 24803, 630, 491, 2919, 14582, 541, 1033, 269, 22352, 2319, 14582, 411, 21544, 896, 2609, 21750, 29889, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 2228, 338, 451, 411, 278, 817, 304, 10933, 953, 6847, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 1576, 24842, 10879, 310, 1072, 18099, 5923, 8974, 674, 297, 5750, 277, 2197, 6416, 373, 4482, 29899, 24601, 1532, 29879, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 988, 278, 18497, 310, 278, 10879, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 6416, 29889, 1105, 278, 1139, 338, 29892, 825, 338, 372, 2675, 304, 1106, 763, 3026, 13, 20335, 29889, 14846, 261, 1497, 670, 2318, 9146, 304, 18864, 278, 6421, 7378, 3907, 278, 1206, 304, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 393, 278, 2446, 4513, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 881, 5957, 2888, 1891, 24833, 393, 17473, 403, 1546, 278, 28396, 17182, 5802, 2215, 1516, 310, 14582, 763, 1383, 514, 322, 1222, 29916, 265, 322, 278, 2319, 29892, 1023, 29899, 272, 29899, 17536, 29899, 5872, 6931, 310, 7417, 8775, 4117, 2153, 763, 670, 5144, 29889, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 12091, 674, 367, 304, 1018, 304, 1207, 1854, 278, 24378, 7606, 1889, 10121, 17006, 1546, 2919, 322, 2319, 1532, 29879, 411, 8210, 1072, 8250, 363, 1269, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29940, 10593, 29901, 18148, 478, 4769, 1763, 11654, 487, 2169, 8250, 1551, 2233, 6490, 29899, 29956, 2817, 292, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 6847, 13, 29908, 5690, 6344, 11286, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 10643, 1090, 278, 315, 14044, 5593, 3185, 29892, 541, 372, 1339, 17180, 393, 2702, 20801, 526, 4312, 363, 2319, 5381, 267, 322, 4482, 5802, 1532, 29879, 1699, 4083, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 3600, 2318, 4083, 777, 1532, 29879, 7738, 925, 263, 2846, 2594, 2674, 29879, 263, 2462, 322, 1033, 4953, 443, 1403, 519, 411, 851, 293, 357, 1072, 8250, 29889, 13, 1576, 7817, 19256, 29901, 1670, 338, 263, 289, 27494, 21603, 3256, 363, 5864, 322, 23622, 445, 11563, 8373, 13, 11746, 29899, 287, 491, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 5641, 6344, 4810, 29949, 13, 1762, 29877, 4049, 29892, 278, 28557, 29714, 338, 393, 591, 505, 304, 11097, 1546, 263, 4549, 5864, 13661, 322, 6851, 304, 3211, 23622, 1735, 29889, 13, 7058, 2089, 7348, 8496, 29915, 29873, 367, 4340, 515, 278, 8760, 29892, 322, 445, 11563, 8373, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 18145, 5485, 393, 385, 24233, 1230, 322, 16424, 5864, 17535, 338, 12187, 304, 9138, 6851, 304, 1749, 29380, 18066, 267, 29889, 13, 2855, 1269, 2462, 29892, 6813, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 13661, 338, 10594, 393, 964, 6944, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 4124, 1611, 8142, 1259, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 951, 2129, 373, 14879, 3172, 29879, 29892, 5947, 845, 487, 17044, 5306, 13, 1576, 7475, 13561, 15010, 885, 1398, 515, 2106, 322, 13661, 24921, 29892, 3704, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 467, 13, 29908, 19858, 12625, 6852, 304, 599, 23035, 29892, 451, 925, 278, 9418, 29899, 27548, 18677, 5039, 2879, 1699, 1497, 5641, 6344, 4810, 29949, 12208, 8903, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29889, 376, 1349, 968, 12625, 3867, 451, 871, 3082, 5864, 29892, 28709, 362, 322, 2646, 19583, 29892, 541, 526, 884, 697, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 10150, 337, 9947, 7788, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 24836, 22376, 29901, 4124, 1611, 29901, 438, 309, 454, 5832, 3889, 911, 674, 6773, 964, 11801, 13, 1576, 3133, 362, 310, 278, 454, 5832, 3889, 911, 3576, 839, 5923, 13661, 714, 6617, 393, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 338, 20961, 698, 1847, 4192, 453, 414, 322, 938, 2548, 263, 901, 22261, 9892, 373, 17182, 322, 10489, 6354, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 3158, 674, 1925, 17643, 373, 278, 1196, 1699, 1497, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 1576, 19957, 373, 716, 16538, 756, 27343, 287, 1784, 297, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 322, 5528, 21144, 967, 394, 3687, 297, 22661, 29889, 450, 9763, 393, 372, 674, 1833, 1549, 5306, 23546, 1127, 701, 8866, 29879, 1048, 825, 278, 1824, 9076, 674, 6963, 29889, 13, 29924, 5495, 1497, 278, 350, 3615, 17517, 471, 3415, 9382, 263, 11706, 10788, 362, 322, 10805, 24378, 7606, 25812, 363, 14582, 411, 10462, 304, 2693, 7788, 373, 970, 12625, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 443, 6477, 403, 393, 278, 17097, 5874, 756, 10434, 451, 304, 318, 561, 1025, 967, 1556, 6996, 23134, 322, 3867, 278, 3058, 1017, 393, 338, 4312, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29889, 13, 29931, 1450, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29900, 29901, 25215, 542, 1078, 2244, 382, 7228, 304, 1072, 5987, 286, 621, 1662, 29892, 11314, 1662, 953, 6847, 13, 1576, 7817, 363, 3457, 5996, 360, 24974, 322, 21006, 310, 916, 29380, 6471, 5697, 654, 287, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 16738, 284, 14409, 428, 29353, 304, 1072, 5987, 286, 621, 1662, 322, 11314, 1662, 953, 6847, 363, 1009, 11896, 304, 288, 8028, 29892, 1852, 26420, 393, 17182, 322, 10489, 5802, 526, 281, 943, 8333, 263, 9045, 447, 29920, 538, 29889, 450, 382, 7228, 1497, 372, 674, 9076, 322, 10049, 304, 278, 5697, 654, 29889, 478, 20166, 29879, 322, 21767, 307, 1885, 19100, 2247, 526, 5545, 288, 8028, 8303, 1295, 943, 322, 1072, 7964, 297, 760, 3025, 2106, 5314, 13900, 12242, 287, 472, 27668, 288, 8028, 21180, 918, 322, 1549, 3635, 5367, 29889, 13, 29967, 2108, 9633, 349, 1803, 29892, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 7417, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 2304, 376, 1555, 1657, 653, 14231, 491, 13661, 304, 10032, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 1213, 349, 1803, 1497, 393, 478, 20166, 1072, 8250, 527, 4752, 373, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 23330, 376, 15189, 10446, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 6005, 29878, 15750, 14189, 1446, 12242, 304, 337, 2611, 403, 6865, 373, 286, 621 ]
ane gas emissions from oil and gas works On his first day in office, Biden ordered the EPA to write comprehensive standards for curbing methane leaks from existing oil and gas infrastructure by September. Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), which represents smaller oil and gas producers, said his group recognizes "the importance of environmentally sound, cost-effective regulations" to manage methane but cautioned against overburdening existing well operators. "It's IPAA's view that any regulatory actions should recognize the differences between these existing small operations and newly built large facilities," he said. Rigzone: Oil groups react to Haaland Senate confirmation Commenting on the confirmation, Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) President and Chief Executive Officer Barry Russell said, "we were pleased that in her confirmation hearings now-Secretary Haaland reiterated the importance of oil and natural gas and the multiple use mandate given to the Department of the Interior by Congress to manage the federal estate". "In the coming days and weeks as the department reaches President Biden's 60-day freeze on leasing and permitting on federal lands, we hope Secretary Haaland and her team consider the perspectives of the independent oil and natural gas producers working and living in the communities where natural gas and oil production are the backbone of the economy, and the role they play in both providing energy for Americans and lowering our country's environmental footprint," Russell added. Associated Press: President Biden: 'We can't wait any longer' to address climate crisis Oil industry groups said Biden had already eliminated thousands of oil and gas jobs by killing the Keystone XL oil pipeline on his first day in office. "Do not be fooled, this is a ban" on drilling, said Dan Naatz of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "The Biden administration's plan to obliterate the jobs of American oil and gas explorers and producers has been on clear display." Argus: Biden to halt most federal oil, gas leasing Industry groups say a leasing ban will disrupt economic activity and create billion-dollar budget gaps in states like New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming, where federal production has boomed over the last decade. Even a temporary leasing ban might have long-term effects, as operators shift investment budgets or lose the advance time necessary to acquire drilling permits. "It is not like renting a car. There is a lot of work that goes in ahead of time," Independent Petroleum Association of America government relations senior vice president Dan Naatz said. Washington Examiner: Industry, unions warn of job losses as Biden freezes drilling permits on federal lands Acting Interior Secretary Scott de la Vega issued a memo dated Wednesday suspending for 60 days any new permits, leases, easements and land management related to mineral production for a "targeted and time-limited" review of "relevant decisions at the Department of the Interior." Dan Naatz, Independent Petroleum Association of America senior vice president of government relations and political affairs, called the order "a misguided proposal that will decimate jobs and economic development" in U.S. communities while boosting foreign producers. Bloomberg: Biden Poised to Freeze Oil and Coal Leasing on Federal Land Oil industry advocates argue that drilling blockades do nothing to stifle emissions — just shift that crude production elsewhere. "The world is still going to need natural gas and oil under any scenario for a long time," said Dan Naatz, senior vice president with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "A leasing ban is just going to ship that production to Saudi Arabia, to Russia, where there are far less stringent environmental controls." Associated Press: Biden's climate steps could have big impact on energy firms But Biden may extend the methane regulations to older wells. That worries independent producers, especially those that operate "stripper wells" that produce just a barrel or two of oil a day, that the expense of controlling methane leaks could put them out of business. "We are very concerned about, especially for our members, our independent producers, that if there's a heavy Washington-bound approach that handcuffs the industry from finding solutions to this methane question, that would be a mistake," said Dan Naatz of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Argus: B
[ -0.166841110305988, -0.0683956888467021 ]
[ 0.6425468468413023, 0.5888279894020108 ]
[ 0.24258595153024737, 0.057440356677195714 ]
[ 0.28523534905887715, 0.4517230462270618 ]
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[ 1662, 10489, 953, 6847, 515, 17182, 322, 10489, 1736, 13, 2951, 670, 937, 2462, 297, 8034, 29892, 350, 3615, 10372, 278, 382, 7228, 304, 2436, 15171, 6270, 20801, 363, 3151, 10549, 286, 621, 1662, 454, 10327, 515, 5923, 17182, 322, 10489, 22035, 12425, 491, 3839, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 607, 11524, 7968, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 670, 2318, 5936, 7093, 376, 1552, 13500, 310, 5177, 635, 6047, 29892, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 1072, 8250, 29908, 304, 10933, 286, 621, 1662, 541, 5777, 918, 287, 2750, 975, 8399, 1145, 292, 5923, 1532, 12768, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 1776, 393, 738, 24378, 7606, 8820, 881, 18720, 278, 12651, 1546, 1438, 5923, 2319, 6931, 322, 15141, 4240, 2919, 23330, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 438, 309, 6471, 7657, 304, 5952, 11627, 18148, 9659, 362, 13, 20001, 292, 373, 278, 9659, 362, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 7178, 322, 14546, 28841, 28288, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29892, 376, 705, 892, 22301, 393, 297, 902, 9659, 362, 8293, 886, 1286, 29899, 28459, 653, 5952, 11627, 337, 1524, 630, 278, 13500, 310, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 322, 278, 2999, 671, 9619, 403, 2183, 304, 278, 10317, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 491, 11559, 304, 10933, 278, 17097, 19989, 1642, 13, 29908, 797, 278, 6421, 3841, 322, 11405, 408, 278, 14311, 22170, 7178, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29899, 3250, 3889, 911, 373, 454, 5832, 322, 3635, 5367, 373, 17097, 12625, 29892, 591, 4966, 17719, 5952, 11627, 322, 902, 3815, 2050, 278, 3736, 1103, 3145, 310, 278, 7417, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 1985, 322, 8471, 297, 278, 23507, 988, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 526, 278, 1250, 15933, 310, 278, 26504, 29892, 322, 278, 6297, 896, 1708, 297, 1716, 13138, 5864, 363, 23035, 322, 5224, 292, 1749, 4234, 29915, 29879, 29380, 3661, 2158, 1699, 20679, 2715, 29889, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 7178, 350, 3615, 29901, 525, 4806, 508, 29915, 29873, 4480, 738, 5520, 29915, 304, 3211, 23622, 24161, 13, 29949, 309, 13661, 6471, 1497, 350, 3615, 750, 2307, 10397, 630, 17202, 310, 17182, 322, 10489, 17643, 491, 23393, 278, 4813, 858, 650, 1060, 29931, 17182, 16439, 373, 670, 937, 2462, 297, 8034, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 451, 367, 7953, 839, 29892, 445, 338, 263, 9892, 29908, 373, 4192, 8873, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 1576, 350, 3615, 17517, 29915, 29879, 3814, 304, 704, 20889, 403, 278, 17643, 310, 3082, 17182, 322, 10489, 3902, 272, 414, 322, 1391, 22543, 756, 1063, 373, 2821, 2479, 1213, 13, 8559, 375, 29901, 350, 3615, 304, 25212, 1556, 17097, 17182, 29892, 10489, 454, 5832, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 6471, 1827, 263, 454, 5832, 9892, 674, 766, 6685, 17407, 6354, 322, 1653, 24464, 29899, 29881, 26810, 23562, 330, 2547, 297, 5922, 763, 1570, 12568, 29892, 21137, 322, 10167, 28826, 29892, 988, 17097, 5802, 756, 1045, 27067, 975, 278, 1833, 316, 6332, 29889, 7753, 263, 13201, 454, 5832, 9892, 1795, 505, 1472, 29899, 8489, 9545, 29892, 408, 12768, 9500, 13258, 358, 8619, 20078, 470, 14074, 278, 6564, 931, 5181, 304, 1274, 1548, 4192, 8873, 3635, 1169, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 451, 763, 23990, 292, 263, 1559, 29889, 1670, 338, 263, 3287, 310, 664, 393, 5771, 297, 14432, 310, 931, 1699, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 5874, 5302, 16336, 11289, 6673, 3951, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 12157, 719, 29892, 443, 1080, 29383, 310, 4982, 28495, 408, 350, 3615, 3889, 10947, 4192, 8873, 3635, 1169, 373, 17097, 12625, 13, 2865, 292, 4124, 1611, 17719, 8075, 316, 425, 478, 2442, 16610, 263, 2626, 29877, 29797, 15050, 4515, 3250, 8872, 2548, 363, 29871, 29953, 29900, 3841, 738, 716, 3635, 1169, 29892, 454, 2129, 29892, 2240, 4110, 322, 2982, 10643, 4475, 304, 1375, 13537, 5802, 363, 263, 376, 5182, 287, 322, 931, 29899, 29044, 29908, 9076, 310, 376, 276, 6591, 1602, 12112, 472, 278, 10317, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 1213, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 29892, 2000, 278, 1797, 376, 29874, 3984, 2543, 2618, 24963, 393, 674, 1602, 6490, 17643, 322, 17407, 5849, 29908, 297, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 23507, 1550, 14505, 292, 9117, 1391, 22543, 29889, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 350, 3615, 3929, 3368, 304, 12362, 911, 438, 309, 322, 3189, 284, 951, 5832, 373, 14879, 3172, 13, 29949, 309, 13661, 22545, 1078, 27754, 393, 4192, 8873, 2908, 3076, 437, 3078, 304, 380, 361, 280, 953, 6847, 813, 925, 9500, 393, 7618, 311, 5802, 17551, 29889, 376, 1576, 3186, 338, 1603, 2675, 304, 817, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 1090, 738, 10483, 363, 263, 1472, 931, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 29909, 454, 5832, 9892, 338, 925, 2675, 304, 7751, 393, 5802, 304, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 304, 12710, 29892, 988, 727, 526, 2215, 3109, 1347, 296, 29380, 11761, 1213, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 23622, 6576, 1033, 505, 4802, 10879, 373, 5864, 13734, 1516, 13, 6246, 350, 3615, 1122, 10985, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 1072, 8250, 304, 9642, 1532, 29879, 29889, 2193, 6365, 2722, 7417, 1391, 22543, 29892, 7148, 1906, 393, 21994, 376, 303, 374, 2496, 1532, 29879, 29908, 393, 7738, 925, 263, 2594, 2674, 470, 1023, 310, 17182, 263, 2462, 29892, 393, 278, 1518, 1947, 310, 640, 22155, 286, 621, 1662, 454, 10327, 1033, 1925, 963, 714, 310, 5381, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 526, 1407, 15041, 1048, 29892, 7148, 363, 1749, 5144, 29892, 1749, 7417, 1391, 22543, 29892, 393, 565, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 9416, 7660, 29899, 9917, 2948, 393, 1361, 29883, 3096, 29879, 278, 13661, 515, 9138, 6851, 304, 445, 286, 621, 1662, 1139, 29892, 393, 723, 367, 263, 10171, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 8559, 375, 29901, 350 ]
iden under pressure to quickly regulate methane Oil industry officials, in contrast, say the incoming administration should carefully weigh the complexities of regulating methane under the Clean Air Act, before rolling out standards they say might eventually require operators to retrofit more than 1mn existing oil and gas facilities with emission controls. "No one really knows how that would work in an oil and gas production world," Independent Petroleum Association of America executive vice president Lee Fuller said. But oil industry officials say they want EPA to incorporate lessons learned over the past four years into any regulations, such as new equipment that can detect methane at lower cost and data on methane from marginal wells. Industry officials say an ongoing two-track litigation process over Trump's rollback of the methane rules might slow down Biden's timeline for action. "I do not know that they can, in fact, step as quickly as they might like to step to pursue those rules,"Fuller said. Midland Reporter-Telegram: Crude price hits nine-month high above $46 Jeff Eshelman, senior vice president of operations and public affairs with the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told the Reporter-Telegram by email, "For the oil and natural gas production industry, optimism around a vaccine is obviously a huge positive. "A healthy natural gas and oil industry is good for America — bolstering the economy and national security. Increased natural gas production has also benefited our environment — making America a leader in global emission reductions and providing the nation with its cleanest air in 20 years," he said. "United States' dominance in oil production has made us the envy of nations — reducing our reliance on foreign and unstable countries, while reducing our trade deficit and helping our world allies. "Sweeping lockdowns in the spring aimed to stop the spread of COVID-19 contributed to crashing oil prices. The dramatic fall in prices resulted in our member companies seeking a pathway to recovery," Eshelman said. "The industry lost more than 100,000 jobs between March and August. Our optimism is cautious though, but producers and consumers, alike, should continue to seek policies that always provide access to affordable, reliable American energy." Natural Gas Week: Hopeful Yet Wary: Gas' Mixed Emotions on Biden Grappling with Biden's proposal to ban new oil and gas leasing and permitting within federal areas is a chief priority for the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), whose members include many mid-cap gas producers. It's unclear how quickly and strictly the ban would be applied, but producers are hopeful there's room for discussion. For one, a Biden administration would need to contend with legal issues. These include terms of the Mineral Leasing Act that provide a framework for energy development to be part of the multiuse strategy for federal lands, said Lee Fuller, IPAA's executive vice president. "It's a regulatory structure," he added. "Decisions have to go through the Administrative Procedure Act process, and those decisions get tested in litigation." Washington Examiner: Oil and gas group charts course to engage with green investors The Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents thousands of small- and medium-sized oil and gas producers, recently launched an ESG Center focused on environmental, social, and governance metrics that investors are increasingly applying when deciding where to put their money. The value of global assets applying ESG to their decision-making has nearly doubled over the last four years, now up to $40.5 trillion this year, IPAA said in a fact sheet about its new ESG Center, citing data from Opimas. "If you go back five years, this wasn't even really something that anyone was talking about," said Mallori Miller, IPAA's vice president of government relations. "Now, it's something that everyone's talking about." Financial Times: Oil and gas lobby moves to embrace green investors The Independent Petroleum Association of America has launched "The ESG Center," which will advise companies on "how to build an authentic and effective programme" in the ESG agenda sweeping the fund management industry. The association's thousands of members include large oil companies and family owners of low-volume wells. Financing for the sector has become scarce as banks pledge to reduce carbon emissions in loan portfol
[ 0.16479155294033687, 0.07987167634241371 ]
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[ 0.3338906284440811, -0.0642992125412492 ]
[ 0.3996956408620041, -0.12317978305682564 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3615, 1090, 12959, 304, 9098, 1072, 5987, 286, 621, 1662, 13, 29949, 309, 13661, 24921, 29892, 297, 12814, 29892, 1827, 278, 23235, 17517, 881, 16112, 591, 1141, 278, 4280, 1907, 310, 1072, 18099, 286, 621, 1662, 1090, 278, 315, 14044, 5593, 3185, 29892, 1434, 27777, 714, 20801, 896, 1827, 1795, 10201, 1996, 12768, 304, 24877, 9202, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 23521, 5923, 17182, 322, 10489, 23330, 411, 25477, 11761, 29889, 13, 29908, 3782, 697, 2289, 9906, 920, 393, 723, 664, 297, 385, 17182, 322, 10489, 5802, 3186, 1699, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 22760, 11289, 6673, 9371, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 6246, 17182, 13661, 24921, 1827, 896, 864, 382, 7228, 304, 11039, 403, 3109, 787, 10972, 975, 278, 4940, 3023, 2440, 964, 738, 1072, 8250, 29892, 1316, 408, 716, 21083, 393, 508, 6459, 286, 621, 1662, 472, 5224, 3438, 322, 848, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 515, 15276, 979, 1532, 29879, 29889, 12157, 719, 24921, 1827, 385, 373, 17696, 1023, 29899, 11294, 11872, 335, 362, 1889, 975, 27504, 29915, 29879, 9679, 1627, 310, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 1795, 5232, 1623, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 5335, 5570, 363, 3158, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 437, 451, 1073, 393, 896, 508, 29892, 297, 2114, 29892, 4331, 408, 9098, 408, 896, 1795, 763, 304, 4331, 304, 12359, 434, 1906, 6865, 1699, 13658, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 11263, 311, 8666, 19572, 14183, 29899, 10874, 1880, 2038, 395, 29946, 29953, 13, 29967, 12352, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 6931, 322, 970, 19469, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 278, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 491, 4876, 29892, 376, 2831, 278, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 5802, 13661, 29892, 5994, 1608, 2820, 263, 325, 5753, 457, 338, 12879, 263, 12176, 6374, 29889, 13, 29908, 29909, 9045, 29891, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 13661, 338, 1781, 363, 6813, 813, 15772, 2475, 292, 278, 26504, 322, 4797, 6993, 29889, 512, 1037, 1463, 5613, 10489, 5802, 756, 884, 7795, 1573, 1749, 5177, 813, 3907, 6813, 263, 11822, 297, 5534, 25477, 3724, 1953, 322, 13138, 278, 5233, 411, 967, 5941, 342, 4799, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 2440, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 2525, 1573, 3900, 29915, 8022, 749, 297, 17182, 5802, 756, 1754, 502, 278, 8829, 29891, 310, 19079, 813, 27668, 1749, 12536, 749, 373, 9117, 322, 443, 13844, 10916, 29892, 1550, 27668, 1749, 11302, 822, 293, 277, 322, 19912, 1749, 3186, 394, 3687, 29889, 13, 29908, 29903, 705, 26819, 7714, 3204, 29879, 297, 278, 6709, 12242, 287, 304, 5040, 278, 9677, 310, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 26869, 304, 8095, 292, 17182, 26094, 29889, 450, 8541, 2454, 6416, 297, 26094, 20601, 297, 1749, 4509, 14582, 25738, 263, 2224, 1582, 304, 24205, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 29889, 376, 1576, 13661, 5714, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 17643, 1546, 4779, 322, 3111, 29889, 8680, 5994, 1608, 338, 274, 1300, 2738, 2466, 29892, 541, 1391, 22543, 322, 11233, 414, 29892, 394, 9345, 29892, 881, 6773, 304, 16508, 24833, 393, 2337, 3867, 2130, 304, 21750, 519, 29892, 23279, 3082, 5864, 1213, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 15511, 29901, 7963, 1319, 15175, 399, 653, 29901, 19141, 29915, 341, 11925, 2812, 327, 1080, 373, 350, 3615, 13, 29954, 336, 407, 1847, 411, 350, 3615, 29915, 29879, 24963, 304, 9892, 716, 17182, 322, 10489, 454, 5832, 322, 3635, 5367, 2629, 17097, 10161, 338, 263, 9087, 20136, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 5069, 5144, 3160, 1784, 7145, 29899, 5030, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 20871, 920, 9098, 322, 18719, 278, 9892, 723, 367, 7436, 29892, 541, 1391, 22543, 526, 4966, 1319, 727, 29915, 29879, 5716, 363, 10679, 29889, 13, 2831, 697, 29892, 263, 350, 3615, 17517, 723, 817, 304, 640, 355, 411, 11706, 5626, 29889, 4525, 3160, 4958, 310, 278, 3080, 13537, 951, 5832, 3185, 393, 3867, 263, 6890, 363, 5864, 5849, 304, 367, 760, 310, 278, 2473, 1509, 13705, 363, 17097, 12625, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 22760, 11289, 6673, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 24378, 7606, 3829, 1699, 540, 2715, 29889, 376, 6185, 12112, 505, 304, 748, 1549, 278, 24510, 1230, 1019, 26600, 3185, 1889, 29892, 322, 1906, 1602, 12112, 679, 9528, 297, 11872, 335, 362, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 2318, 24469, 3236, 304, 3033, 482, 411, 7933, 13258, 943, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 17202, 310, 2319, 29899, 322, 18350, 29899, 29879, 1891, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 10325, 15241, 385, 17956, 29954, 7817, 21309, 373, 29380, 29892, 5264, 29892, 322, 4095, 749, 21556, 393, 13258, 943, 526, 10231, 368, 15399, 746, 1602, 4821, 988, 304, 1925, 1009, 6909, 29889, 13, 1576, 995, 310, 5534, 21608, 15399, 17956, 29954, 304, 1009, 10608, 29899, 28990, 756, 8886, 3765, 29881, 975, 278, 1833, 3023, 2440, 29892, 1286, 701, 304, 395, 29946, 29900, 29889, 29945, 534, 453, 291, 445, 1629, 29892, 5641, 6344, 1497, 297, 263, 2114, 9869, 1048, 967, 716, 17956, 29954, 7817, 29892, 7537, 292, 848, 515, 6461, 25268, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 366, 748, 1250, 5320, 2440, 29892, 445, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1584, 2289, 1554, 393, 5019, 471, 9963, 1048, 1699, 1497, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 29889, 376, 10454, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 1554, 393, 14332, 29915, 29879, 9963, 1048, 1213, 13, 12881, 273, 1455, 10277, 29901, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 658, 1327, 29891, 16229, 304, 953, 13842, 7933, 13258, 943, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 756, 15241, 376, 1576, 17956, 29954, 7817, 1699, 607, 674, 22939, 14582, 373, 376, 3525, 304, 2048, 385, 15585, 322, 11828, 19607, 29908, 297, 278, 17956, 29954, 946, 8395, 7901, 26819, 278, 5220, 10643, 13661, 29889, 13, 1576, 15477, 29915, 29879, 17202, 310, 5144, 3160, 2919, 17182, 14582, 322, 3942, 1914, 414, 310, 4482, 29899, 24623, 1532, 29879, 29889, 4231, 19985, 363, 278, 17535, 756, 4953, 21990, 346, 408, 24388, 282, 5485, 304, 10032, 22004, 953, 6847, 297, 24806, 2011, 4542 ]
ios and fund managers such as BlackRock make climate risk central to the process of picking investments. Natural Gas Intelligence: Court Rejects Obama-Era Methane Rule on Oil, Natural Gas Leases The venting and flaring rule "wildly overstepped the authority given to the Department of the Interior," said IPAA president Barry Russell. "This rule, which aimed to regulate venting and flaring, was an attempt to create yet another regulatory hurdle for American oil and natural gas producers operating on federal lands. "We are pleased to see Skavdahl's sensible approach and rightfully see this as a win for producers." Washington Post: Trump administration scraps limits on methane leaks at oil and gas sites IPAA's executive vice president of government relations, Lee Fuller, said the changes will help smaller oil and gas companies that are fighting for survival during the economic downturn and resulting oil glut. "Those small businesses would be the people who would be served well by changes because it would allow them to keep in operation and not be pressed to shut down because of the regulatory cost," he said. New York Times: Trump Eliminates Major Methane Rule, Even as Leaks Are Worsening But smaller, independent oil companies supported the rule as a measure of relief when many are struggling to stay afloat. Those companies also point out that existing E.P.A. regulations still require them to regulate a separate but related category of gases, volatile organic compounds, and that those curbs have the side benefit of averting some methane emissions. "This doesn't shift the regulatory burden – we're still going to have the same requirements" for any new wells that are drilled in the future, said Lee Fuller, a vice president at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents smaller oil and gas companies. But lifting the methane rule does avert a far more stringent future obligation on small oil and gas companies: If the rule had stayed in place, it eventually could have required companies to repair and retrofit thousands of older existing wells – a far costlier undertaking. It is that requirement that terrifies small oil and gas drillers, said Mr. Fuller. "To compel it to apply to existing wells is too expensive. It would drive them out of business." Bloomberg: Trump eases methane monitoring rules for oil and gas operators The oil industry is fragmented over the plan. Small operators argue the extra costs of methane leak detection can eat into already tight cash flows and force some wells to be shut down. "These small business wells are a very different economic entity than the big wells they designed the original program for," said Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Washington Post: Few oil and gas companies are grabbing for the Fed's Main Street lifeline The program has been hounded for months by a slow rollout. And crucially, private banks need to participate to make the program work. But so far, few banks seem willing to do so. "The fact that the banks weren't that interested in it quelled some of the interest from oil and gas companies," said Lee Fuller, vice president of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents small and midsize oil and gas companies. Washington Examiner: EPA to peel back Obama methane controls The Environmental Protection Agency is poised to eliminate direct regulation of methane from oil and gas operations formally Thursday, teeing up a clash with big oil majors who had pressed the administration to keep the regulations intact. Smaller operators, however, have said they can't absorb the costs of methane regulations. The oil and gas sector is a "food chain industry," and the regulatory burden would fall on the smallest producers, which tend to operate the lowest production wells," said Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Fuller also said operations in most large oil and gas producing states, including the entire state of Pennsylvania, for example, would still be covered under VOC-only regulations, even if rules don't directly curb methane. Center Square: New video series tells stories of Louisianans impacted by state's extensive lawsuit climate The U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform has released a new series of videos and interviews with Louisianans about how the state's extensive lawsuit environment has impacted their
[ -0.11376618743228605, -0.23926269861429744 ]
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[ 0.1411363105148766, 0.07265780282950132 ]
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[ 2363, 322, 5220, 767, 18150, 1316, 408, 6054, 29934, 1698, 1207, 23622, 12045, 6555, 304, 278, 1889, 310, 5839, 292, 13258, 1860, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 9245, 830, 622, 29879, 4250, 3304, 29899, 29923, 336, 341, 621, 1662, 27308, 373, 438, 309, 29892, 18385, 19141, 951, 2129, 13, 1576, 9712, 292, 322, 1652, 4362, 5751, 376, 29893, 789, 368, 975, 1655, 2986, 278, 14329, 2183, 304, 278, 10317, 310, 278, 4124, 1611, 1699, 1497, 5641, 6344, 6673, 23032, 20679, 29889, 376, 4013, 5751, 29892, 607, 12242, 287, 304, 1072, 5987, 9712, 292, 322, 1652, 4362, 29892, 471, 385, 4218, 304, 1653, 3447, 1790, 24378, 7606, 12166, 29881, 280, 363, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 13598, 373, 17097, 12625, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 526, 22301, 304, 1074, 4971, 485, 29881, 4494, 29915, 29879, 25182, 2948, 322, 1492, 3730, 1074, 445, 408, 263, 5401, 363, 1391, 22543, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 27504, 17517, 24559, 567, 13071, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 454, 10327, 472, 17182, 322, 10489, 11840, 13, 5690, 6344, 29915, 29879, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 29892, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 1497, 278, 3620, 674, 1371, 7968, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 393, 526, 17770, 363, 10503, 2561, 2645, 278, 17407, 16611, 593, 595, 322, 9819, 17182, 3144, 329, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 852, 2319, 5381, 267, 723, 367, 278, 2305, 1058, 723, 367, 6766, 1532, 491, 3620, 1363, 372, 723, 2758, 963, 304, 3013, 297, 5858, 322, 451, 367, 15385, 304, 12522, 1623, 1363, 310, 278, 24378, 7606, 3438, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 4373, 3088, 10277, 29901, 27504, 1260, 8332, 1078, 11019, 341, 621, 1662, 27308, 29892, 7753, 408, 951, 10327, 4683, 399, 943, 8333, 13, 6246, 7968, 29892, 7417, 17182, 14582, 6969, 278, 5751, 408, 263, 5645, 310, 18892, 746, 1784, 526, 20042, 304, 7952, 2511, 3071, 29889, 16025, 14582, 884, 1298, 714, 393, 5923, 382, 29889, 29925, 29889, 29909, 29889, 1072, 8250, 1603, 1996, 963, 304, 1072, 5987, 263, 5004, 541, 4475, 7663, 310, 330, 2129, 29892, 1700, 24285, 2894, 293, 752, 3885, 29892, 322, 393, 1906, 3151, 5824, 505, 278, 2625, 14169, 310, 4759, 1259, 777, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 1838, 29915, 29873, 9500, 278, 24378, 7606, 6866, 1145, 785, 591, 29915, 276, 1603, 2675, 304, 505, 278, 1021, 11780, 29908, 363, 738, 716, 1532, 29879, 393, 526, 270, 4115, 839, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 263, 11289, 6673, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7968, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 29889, 13, 6246, 11747, 1259, 278, 286, 621, 1662, 5751, 947, 263, 1765, 263, 2215, 901, 1347, 296, 5434, 10788, 362, 373, 2319, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 29901, 960, 278, 5751, 750, 27661, 297, 2058, 29892, 372, 10201, 1033, 505, 3734, 14582, 304, 26032, 322, 24877, 9202, 17202, 310, 9642, 5923, 1532, 29879, 785, 263, 2215, 3438, 4926, 22332, 5086, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 393, 11809, 393, 1935, 9710, 583, 2319, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 453, 414, 29892, 1497, 3237, 29889, 14846, 261, 29889, 376, 1762, 752, 295, 372, 304, 3394, 304, 5923, 1532, 29879, 338, 2086, 19390, 29889, 739, 723, 7899, 963, 714, 310, 5381, 1213, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 27504, 321, 2129, 286, 621, 1662, 29652, 6865, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 12768, 13, 1576, 17182, 13661, 338, 9376, 287, 975, 278, 3814, 29889, 18285, 12768, 27754, 278, 4805, 21544, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 24993, 15326, 508, 17545, 964, 2307, 19932, 274, 1161, 24536, 322, 4889, 777, 1532, 29879, 304, 367, 12522, 1623, 29889, 376, 1349, 968, 2319, 5381, 1532, 29879, 526, 263, 1407, 1422, 17407, 7855, 1135, 278, 4802, 1532, 29879, 896, 8688, 278, 2441, 1824, 363, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 383, 809, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 526, 2646, 1327, 292, 363, 278, 17972, 29915, 29879, 4241, 7103, 11747, 5570, 13, 1576, 1824, 756, 1063, 298, 7261, 363, 7378, 491, 263, 5232, 9679, 449, 29889, 1126, 7618, 5584, 29892, 2024, 24388, 817, 304, 5221, 403, 304, 1207, 278, 1824, 664, 29889, 13, 6246, 577, 2215, 29892, 2846, 24388, 2833, 17762, 304, 437, 577, 29889, 376, 1576, 2114, 393, 278, 24388, 2949, 264, 29915, 29873, 393, 8852, 297, 372, 7594, 839, 777, 310, 278, 4066, 515, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 2319, 322, 7145, 2311, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 382, 7228, 304, 1236, 295, 1250, 4250, 3304, 286, 621, 1662, 11761, 13, 1576, 16738, 284, 14409, 428, 29353, 338, 772, 3368, 304, 27399, 1513, 1072, 2785, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 515, 17182, 322, 10489, 6931, 28269, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 734, 22430, 701, 263, 1067, 1161, 411, 4802, 17182, 10067, 943, 1058, 750, 15385, 278, 17517, 304, 3013, 278, 1072, 8250, 938, 627, 29889, 4116, 12572, 12768, 29892, 3138, 29892, 505, 1497, 896, 508, 29915, 29873, 6425, 11831, 278, 21544, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 1072, 8250, 29889, 450, 17182, 322, 10489, 17535, 338, 263, 376, 1181, 397, 9704, 13661, 1699, 322, 278, 24378, 7606, 6866, 1145, 723, 6416, 373, 278, 19087, 1391, 22543, 29892, 607, 10331, 304, 21994, 278, 19604, 5802, 1532, 29879, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 14846, 261, 884, 1497, 6931, 297, 1556, 2919, 17182, 322, 10489, 20811, 5922, 29892, 3704, 278, 4152, 2106, 310, 16636, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 723, 1603, 367, 10664, 1090, 478, 20166, 29899, 6194, 1072, 8250, 29892, 1584, 565, 6865, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4153, 3151, 29890, 286, 621, 1662, 29889, 13, 13409, 19256, 29901, 1570, 4863, 3652, 10603, 15874, 310, 5899, 713, 550, 10879, 287, 491, 2106, 29915, 29879, 20607, 4307, 29658, 23622, 13, 1576, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 25037, 8907, 363, 5682, 284, 23933, 756, 5492, 263, 716, 3652, 310, 19707, 322, 1006, 7406, 411, 5899, 713, 550, 1048, 920, 278, 2106, 29915, 29879, 20607, 4307, 29658, 5177, 756, 10879, 287, 1009 ]
lives. "Faces of Lawsuit Abuse," a multi-part video series called "Louisiana: The Lawsuit Paradise," provides an in-depth look at "how lawsuits threaten to ruin the state of Louisiana's economy." "Plaintiffs' attorneys, with the help of some powerful allies in government, have waged a seven-year litigation campaign against the Louisiana oil and natural gas industry," says Energy In Depth (EID), a research program of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. So far, these attorneys have filed 43 lawsuits on behalf of local governments blaming the industry for coastal erosion. Houston Chronicle: Brouillette, the energy secretary, remains optimistic about the future of oil and gas The Obama-era regulation had also been challenged in federal court, but that Dan Brouillette, who grew up in Louisiana, is no stranger to the oil and gas industry. The Secretary of Energy, who took the helm of the federal agency in December after serving as the deputy secretary of energy for two years, said he remembers a time when deepwater drilling meant reaching a depth of 200 to 300 feet under water. Today, offshore companies can hit a depth of 5,000 feet and drill horizontally for a couple of miles. Brouillette last month met with several independent energy company CEOs to hear how the industry was weathering the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic and a glut of cheap crude. The meeting, which took place in downtown Houston, was organized by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. S&P Global: Fight over oil, gas methane oversight continues, even after court ruling The Obama-era regulation had also been challenged in federal court, but that challenge got put on hold pending the California federal court's decision. Now, several western states — North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming and Montana — have filed a motion to resume the industry's challenge to the Obama-era rule in the U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming. In the July 20 motion, the states wrote that counsel for the Western Energy Alliance and the Independent Petroleum Association of America supported the motion, while counsel for the federal government did not offer a response to their inquiry. Indianapolis Star: While Indiana coal and gas firms received millions in loans, clean energy was left behind The Independent Petroleum Association of America said it has been working with legislators to ensure the industry was not excluded from participating in lending programs such as PPP. "Countless other small businesses like contractors, hotels, and restaurants rely on a functioning energy industry," said Jennifer Pett, spokeswoman for IPAA. "Radical proposals to exclude oil and natural gas from COVID-19 relief are surefire ways to ensure we won't have the energy and materials needed to combat this pandemic." Pett said many oil and natural gas companies are also producing the personal protective equipment that frontline workers are relying on to keep them safe. It's why energy workers have been declared "essential" by both Democratic and Republican governors around the country. Midland Reporter Telegram: Ernst & Young reviews energy's status at mid-year Impairments by drilling and oilfield service companies exceeded the peak seen during the last downturn in 2014-2016, Listen said, with most service companies pressured by declining drilling plans and pressure by clients to cut prices. What are known as goodwill impairments, especially in the upstream and downstream sectors, are largely because of acquisitions made in recent years, he said. A quick survey of those participating in the online discussion – presented in partnership with the Independent Petroleum Association of America – indicated that most believe industry impairments peaked in the first quarter of the year. The National Law Review: PHMSA Issues Proposed Rules for Gas Pipeline Regulatory Reform On June 9, 2020, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration ("PHMSA") issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("NOPR") to revise the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations ("Regulations") to reduce regulatory burdens associated with construction, operation, and maintenance of the gas pipeline systems. … In response to the NOPR, the West Virginia Independent Oil & Gas Association, the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association, the Independent Pet
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[ 0.009251777194894598, 0.2730208438348586 ]
[ 0.37368193817947526, 0.21759972208430217 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 12080, 29889, 376, 29943, 3302, 310, 7927, 29658, 1976, 1509, 1699, 263, 2473, 29899, 1595, 4863, 3652, 2000, 376, 25216, 3857, 29901, 450, 7927, 29658, 24829, 895, 1699, 8128, 385, 297, 29899, 19488, 1106, 472, 376, 3525, 4307, 2146, 1169, 20616, 304, 5796, 262, 278, 2106, 310, 28838, 29915, 29879, 26504, 1213, 376, 29925, 433, 524, 28324, 29915, 1098, 272, 484, 952, 29892, 411, 278, 1371, 310, 777, 13988, 394, 3687, 297, 5874, 29892, 505, 281, 4063, 263, 9881, 29899, 6360, 11872, 335, 362, 11531, 2750, 278, 28838, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 13661, 1699, 4083, 24836, 512, 10034, 386, 313, 29923, 1367, 511, 263, 5925, 1824, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 1105, 2215, 29892, 1438, 1098, 272, 484, 952, 505, 934, 29881, 29871, 29946, 29941, 4307, 2146, 1169, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 1887, 4095, 1860, 1999, 11500, 278, 13661, 363, 12180, 284, 604, 359, 291, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 1771, 283, 7324, 371, 29892, 278, 5864, 28274, 29892, 9242, 5994, 4695, 1048, 278, 5434, 310, 17182, 322, 10489, 13, 1576, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 1072, 2785, 750, 884, 1063, 18066, 287, 297, 17097, 8973, 29892, 541, 393, 3951, 1771, 283, 7324, 371, 29892, 1058, 13631, 701, 297, 28838, 29892, 338, 694, 26507, 304, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29889, 450, 17719, 310, 24836, 29892, 1058, 3614, 278, 1081, 29885, 310, 278, 17097, 946, 3819, 297, 5846, 1156, 16330, 408, 278, 20723, 29891, 28274, 310, 5864, 363, 1023, 2440, 29892, 1497, 540, 1083, 13415, 263, 931, 746, 6483, 13405, 4192, 8873, 6839, 20888, 263, 10809, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 304, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 6900, 1090, 4094, 29889, 20628, 29892, 1283, 845, 487, 14582, 508, 7124, 263, 10809, 310, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 6900, 322, 4192, 453, 4029, 6753, 635, 363, 263, 7303, 310, 7800, 29889, 1771, 283, 7324, 371, 1833, 4098, 1539, 411, 3196, 7417, 5864, 5001, 14645, 24768, 304, 8293, 920, 278, 13661, 471, 14826, 292, 278, 17407, 6416, 449, 515, 278, 25082, 485, 22693, 7243, 24552, 322, 263, 3144, 329, 310, 28773, 7618, 311, 29889, 450, 11781, 29892, 607, 3614, 2058, 297, 16611, 593, 776, 24327, 29892, 471, 19098, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 29901, 26650, 975, 17182, 29892, 10489, 286, 621, 1662, 288, 874, 523, 18172, 29892, 1584, 1156, 8973, 364, 19478, 13, 1576, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 1072, 2785, 750, 884, 1063, 18066, 287, 297, 17097, 8973, 29892, 541, 393, 18766, 2355, 1925, 373, 4808, 28235, 278, 8046, 17097, 8973, 29915, 29879, 10608, 29889, 2567, 29892, 3196, 15782, 5922, 813, 4644, 22679, 4616, 29892, 10319, 29892, 10167, 28826, 322, 4526, 1648, 813, 505, 934, 29881, 263, 10884, 304, 620, 2017, 278, 13661, 29915, 29879, 18766, 304, 278, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5751, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 7457, 9245, 363, 278, 7457, 310, 10167, 28826, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 10884, 29892, 278, 5922, 5456, 393, 2613, 2838, 363, 278, 10504, 24836, 29855, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 6969, 278, 10884, 29892, 1550, 2613, 2838, 363, 278, 17097, 5874, 1258, 451, 5957, 263, 2933, 304, 1009, 25501, 16129, 29889, 13, 2568, 713, 25332, 7828, 29901, 5806, 21817, 17148, 322, 10489, 13734, 1516, 4520, 14746, 297, 658, 550, 29892, 5941, 5864, 471, 2175, 5742, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 372, 756, 1063, 1985, 411, 13332, 4097, 304, 9801, 278, 13661, 471, 451, 429, 13347, 515, 5221, 1218, 297, 301, 2548, 11104, 1316, 408, 349, 18009, 29889, 13, 29908, 3981, 2222, 916, 2319, 5381, 267, 763, 8078, 943, 29892, 7375, 1379, 29892, 322, 12374, 1934, 19104, 373, 263, 740, 292, 5864, 13661, 1699, 1497, 23774, 9633, 349, 1803, 29892, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 363, 5641, 6344, 29889, 376, 9908, 936, 9551, 1338, 304, 19060, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 515, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 18892, 526, 480, 999, 533, 5837, 304, 9801, 591, 2113, 29915, 29873, 505, 278, 5864, 322, 17279, 4312, 304, 15499, 445, 7243, 24552, 1213, 13, 29925, 1803, 1497, 1784, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 14582, 526, 884, 20811, 278, 7333, 12566, 573, 21083, 393, 4565, 1220, 17162, 526, 337, 5890, 373, 304, 3013, 963, 9109, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2020, 5864, 17162, 505, 1063, 8052, 376, 404, 2556, 29908, 491, 1716, 19083, 322, 21178, 4095, 943, 2820, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 9699, 1393, 29901, 15969, 669, 10443, 21804, 5864, 29915, 29879, 4660, 472, 7145, 29899, 6360, 13, 24192, 1466, 1860, 491, 4192, 8873, 322, 17182, 2671, 2669, 14582, 13461, 287, 278, 19224, 3595, 2645, 278, 1833, 16611, 593, 595, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 2391, 264, 1497, 29892, 411, 1556, 2669, 14582, 3965, 2955, 491, 4845, 2827, 4192, 8873, 13900, 322, 12959, 491, 13154, 304, 5700, 26094, 29889, 13, 5618, 526, 2998, 408, 1781, 14043, 2411, 1466, 1860, 29892, 7148, 297, 278, 701, 5461, 322, 1623, 5461, 409, 14359, 29892, 526, 18425, 1363, 310, 1274, 7680, 2187, 1754, 297, 7786, 2440, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29909, 4996, 18994, 310, 1906, 5221, 1218, 297, 278, 7395, 10679, 785, 9132, 297, 22056, 4034, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 785, 18694, 393, 1556, 4658, 13661, 2411, 1466, 1860, 1236, 12535, 297, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 278, 1629, 29889, 13, 1576, 3086, 7927, 13957, 29901, 349, 29950, 4345, 29909, 16982, 1041, 1019, 4752, 390, 2540, 363, 19141, 349, 23828, 2169, 352, 7606, 23933, 13, 2951, 5306, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 278, 349, 23828, 322, 25606, 538, 681, 17582, 29879, 14795, 3305, 23303, 4852, 19689, 4345, 29909, 1159, 16610, 263, 16393, 310, 1019, 4752, 27308, 28990, 4852, 29940, 4590, 29934, 1159, 304, 6664, 895, 278, 14879, 349, 23828, 14795, 3305, 2169, 8250, 4852, 4597, 8250, 1159, 304, 10032, 24378, 7606, 6866, 21518, 6942, 411, 7632, 29892, 5858, 29892, 322, 25413, 310, 278, 10489, 16439, 6757, 29889, 16088, 13, 797, 2933, 304, 278, 405, 4590, 29934, 29892, 278, 3122, 11653, 25266, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 7993, 29892, 278, 16636, 25266, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 7993, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879 ]
roleum Association of America, and many oil and gas producers have filed comments discussing the positive and negative attributes of the NOPR. Reuters: Trump revamps key environmental law in bid to fast track pipelines, roads Energy and other industry groups applauded the changes. "The new rule updates … regulations by reducing unnecessary paperwork, setting timelines for environmental reviews and reduces frivolous litigation efforts designed to simply stall or delay vital  infrastructure projects," said Independent Petroleum Association of America President Barry Russell. Argus: US seeks to speed permits by limiting reviews The overhaul aims to simplify reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) so that federal permitting of pipelines and other projects could be done within two years. … Oil groups cheered the overhaul. The changes are "desperately needed," American Petroleum Institute president Mike Sommers said, and would "make sure that job-creating infrastructure projects get off the drawing board and into development." Independent Petroleum Association of American president Barry Russell said the revisions would provide "needed certainty" to businesses. Wall Street Journal: Universities Cut Oil Investments as Student Activism Builds The Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group, has launched a media campaign against divestment, arguing that it would cost U.S. pensions as much as $431 million in losses annually. E&E News: 2 oil states split on methane as EPA halts rule Energy companies have launched a slate of voluntary initiatives in response to demands that they take more seriously the threat of climate change. Some companies and lobby groups like API and the Independent Petroleum Association of America have insisted these voluntary efforts are enough to rein in methane when coupled with scaled-back regulations like EPA's coming rule for volatile organic compounds. Argus: US oil groups push new wastewater disposal options Oil and gas should be regulated the same as nearly 60 other industrial categories that are allowed to discharge wastewater this way, they say. "We see no science-based rationale for why the upstream onshore oil and gas industry should be regulated any differently," the American Petroleum Institute, the Independent Petroleum Association of America and other industry groups said 27 June in comments on an EPA draft study issued earlier this year. E&E News: States test new climate strategies in Big Oil showdowns Industry groups say the latest batch of climate cases is part of a coordinated campaign to target oil and gas interests. Organizations like the Independent Petroleum Association of America and Energy Policy Advocates have long decried climate liability lawsuits as politically motivated. They say states bring lawsuits to influence climate policy in the courts, even though that work should be done in other branches of government. Washington Post: Oil industry lobbies to relax bank lending guidelines due to pandemic "We're mainly trying to say: The train is moving out of the station. Let's make sure that there isn't a car at the back of the train that no one is paying attention to that could derail it," Lee Fuller, executive vice president at the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), the trade organization spearheading the lobbying effort, said in an interview. Hart Energy: Eyeing Recovery: Oil Sector Trends Indicate Improvement North American operators have cut capex by 42% to $58.6 billion, the rig count has plummeted to less than 300, wells have been shut-in and production has slowed as OPEC+ and others removed millions of barrels of oil from the market amid the continuing global pandemic. WTI fell from more than $61/bbl in January to -$37.63 in late April, rising to about $40/bbl in June. "While this felt like a lot of chaos, it actually was the market functioning very well," Bernadette Johnson, vice president of market intelligence for Enverus, said during a June 24 webinar hosted by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Albany Times Union: Letter: Leave divestment decisions to financial experts Divestment is an extremely costly and complicated process, imposing new costs for funds while losing out on the opportunity to invest in the energy companies driving our world forward.
[ -0.10999958000253945, -0.2721349089102677 ]
[ 0.8538410194358491, 0.062383186496953444 ]
[ 0.48099260791636866, -0.2684666150846829 ]
[ 0.3684791976429695, -0.026929083131468932 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 322, 1784, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 505, 934, 29881, 6589, 5353, 292, 278, 6374, 322, 8178, 8393, 310, 278, 405, 4590, 29934, 29889, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 27504, 6664, 15092, 1820, 29380, 4307, 297, 21000, 304, 5172, 5702, 8450, 24210, 29892, 25320, 13, 29923, 1089, 1927, 322, 916, 13661, 6471, 623, 433, 566, 287, 278, 3620, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 716, 5751, 11217, 16088, 1072, 8250, 491, 27668, 19039, 5650, 1287, 29892, 4444, 5335, 24210, 363, 29380, 21804, 322, 26830, 285, 1150, 324, 681, 11872, 335, 362, 14231, 8688, 304, 3763, 380, 497, 470, 9055, 27131, 29871, 30262, 262, 14867, 12425, 9279, 1699, 1497, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 7178, 23032, 20679, 29889, 13, 8559, 375, 29901, 3148, 1074, 2039, 304, 6210, 3635, 1169, 491, 4046, 292, 21804, 13, 1576, 975, 2350, 352, 263, 9893, 304, 21092, 21804, 1090, 278, 3086, 16738, 284, 25219, 3185, 313, 8186, 7228, 29897, 577, 393, 17097, 3635, 5367, 310, 8450, 24210, 322, 916, 9279, 1033, 367, 2309, 2629, 1023, 2440, 29889, 16088, 13, 29949, 309, 6471, 923, 14561, 278, 975, 2350, 352, 29889, 450, 3620, 526, 376, 2783, 546, 2486, 4312, 1699, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 6673, 12828, 317, 3011, 414, 1497, 29892, 322, 723, 376, 5675, 1854, 393, 4982, 29899, 1037, 1218, 22035, 12425, 9279, 679, 1283, 278, 11580, 7613, 322, 964, 5849, 1213, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 3082, 6673, 23032, 20679, 1497, 278, 23484, 1080, 723, 3867, 376, 484, 19226, 3058, 1017, 29908, 304, 5381, 267, 29889, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 2116, 1907, 315, 329, 438, 309, 512, 10147, 1860, 408, 15740, 21775, 1608, 8878, 29879, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 263, 11302, 2318, 29892, 756, 15241, 263, 5745, 11531, 2750, 1933, 342, 358, 29892, 1852, 26420, 393, 372, 723, 3438, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 282, 5580, 408, 1568, 408, 395, 29946, 29941, 29896, 7284, 297, 28495, 2889, 1474, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 29871, 29906, 17182, 5922, 6219, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 408, 382, 7228, 8870, 1372, 5751, 13, 29923, 1089, 1927, 14582, 505, 15241, 263, 2243, 403, 310, 27081, 653, 14511, 5056, 297, 2933, 304, 1261, 4167, 393, 896, 2125, 901, 25798, 278, 28469, 310, 23622, 1735, 29889, 3834, 14582, 322, 658, 1327, 29891, 6471, 763, 3450, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 505, 1663, 12652, 1438, 27081, 653, 14231, 526, 3307, 304, 15561, 297, 286, 621, 1662, 746, 7303, 29881, 411, 6287, 29881, 29899, 1627, 1072, 8250, 763, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 6421, 5751, 363, 1700, 24285, 2894, 293, 752, 3885, 29889, 13, 8559, 375, 29901, 3148, 17182, 6471, 5503, 716, 19863, 13405, 11549, 284, 3987, 13, 29949, 309, 322, 10489, 881, 367, 1072, 7964, 278, 1021, 408, 8886, 29871, 29953, 29900, 916, 18408, 13997, 393, 526, 6068, 304, 766, 23367, 19863, 13405, 445, 982, 29892, 896, 1827, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1074, 694, 10466, 29899, 6707, 364, 11464, 363, 2020, 278, 701, 5461, 373, 845, 487, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 881, 367, 1072, 7964, 738, 17587, 1699, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 916, 13661, 6471, 1497, 29871, 29906, 29955, 5306, 297, 6589, 373, 385, 382, 7228, 18195, 6559, 16610, 8859, 445, 1629, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 3900, 1243, 716, 23622, 16650, 583, 297, 7997, 438, 309, 1510, 3204, 29879, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 6471, 1827, 278, 9281, 9853, 310, 23622, 4251, 338, 760, 310, 263, 6615, 630, 11531, 304, 3646, 17182, 322, 10489, 20017, 29889, 13, 27356, 17063, 763, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 24836, 25219, 25215, 542, 1078, 505, 1472, 316, 699, 287, 23622, 619, 3097, 4307, 2146, 1169, 408, 2832, 1711, 17385, 630, 29889, 2688, 1827, 5922, 6963, 4307, 2146, 1169, 304, 9949, 23622, 8898, 297, 278, 28033, 29892, 1584, 2466, 393, 664, 881, 367, 2309, 297, 916, 14202, 310, 5874, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 438, 309, 13661, 658, 1327, 583, 304, 26681, 9124, 301, 2548, 1410, 10652, 1475, 2861, 304, 7243, 24552, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 14364, 1811, 304, 1827, 29901, 450, 7945, 338, 8401, 714, 310, 278, 5073, 29889, 2803, 29915, 29879, 1207, 1854, 393, 727, 3508, 29915, 29873, 263, 1559, 472, 278, 1250, 310, 278, 7945, 393, 694, 697, 338, 5146, 292, 8570, 304, 393, 1033, 589, 737, 372, 1699, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 278, 11302, 13013, 961, 279, 2813, 292, 278, 658, 1327, 5414, 7225, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 29889, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 382, 4099, 292, 3599, 22205, 29901, 438, 309, 317, 3019, 1605, 1975, 1894, 9593, 1954, 16123, 882, 13, 29940, 2072, 3082, 12768, 505, 5700, 274, 4085, 29916, 491, 29871, 29946, 29906, 29995, 304, 395, 29945, 29947, 29889, 29953, 24464, 29892, 278, 12912, 2302, 756, 715, 398, 2527, 287, 304, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 1532, 29879, 505, 1063, 12522, 29899, 262, 322, 5802, 756, 5232, 287, 408, 438, 4162, 29907, 29974, 322, 4045, 6206, 14746, 310, 2594, 2674, 29879, 310, 17182, 515, 278, 9999, 28655, 278, 3133, 292, 5534, 7243, 24552, 29889, 13, 17755, 29902, 8379, 515, 901, 1135, 395, 29953, 29896, 29914, 1327, 29880, 297, 5490, 304, 448, 29938, 29941, 29955, 29889, 29953, 29941, 297, 5683, 3786, 29892, 20493, 304, 1048, 395, 29946, 29900, 29914, 1327, 29880, 297, 5306, 29889, 13, 29908, 8809, 488, 445, 7091, 763, 263, 3287, 310, 10329, 359, 29892, 372, 2869, 471, 278, 9999, 740, 292, 1407, 1532, 1699, 6209, 328, 2353, 11717, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 9999, 21082, 363, 1174, 369, 375, 29892, 1497, 2645, 263, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29946, 1856, 18220, 17791, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 2499, 29890, 1384, 10277, 7761, 29901, 2803, 357, 29901, 951, 1351, 1933, 342, 358, 1602, 12112, 304, 18161, 2902, 1372, 13, 12596, 342, 358, 338, 385, 14154, 3438, 368, 322, 12092, 1889, 29892, 7275, 292, 716, 21544, 363, 29199, 1550, 19035, 714, 373, 278, 15130, 304, 13258, 297, 278, 5864, 14582, 19500, 1749, 3186, 6375, 29889 ]
There is a reason New York has ignored and rejected divestment time and again: While costing the state immensely in transaction and management fees and taking wide swaths of companies off the table for investment, the move does nothing to help the environment or address climate change. Let's leave financial decisions to the experts, not political activists. Washington Examiner: Fate of oil market tied to the virus Frederick Lawrence, an economist with the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said he is also bearish about supply factors. Last week saw an unexpected buildup of crude stocks, a continued signal of a glut in the market. OPEC+ extended its production cuts through July, but Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Coast countries are not continuing additional voluntary reductions beyond this month. More U.S. wells are coming back online after prices rose from the depths of their fall. "Producers have quite a tightrope to walk given all the uncertainties and variables in play," Lawrence told Josh. "The system is fragile and oil will continue to be volatile." Washington Post: Federal Reserve's changes to lending program could be boon to hurting oil companies Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), expressed cautious optimism at the Fed's announcement, noting that private banks still need to sign off on any of the Fed-backed loans. "We're gathering that access may depend on the lender and vary bank to bank," he said. "While these recent changes appear to make the scope of the program broader, the ultimate key will be the participation of lenders." Reuters: ConocoPhillips CEO Says Surprised by Swift Recovery in Oil Prices ConocoPhillips Chief Executive Officer Ryan Lance on Wednesday expressed surprise at the quick rebound in U.S. oil prices that slipped into the negative territory in April and said he expects prices to remain volatile in the near term. "We were surprised it came back this strong this quickly," Lance said on a webinar hosted by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. S&P Global Platts: 'Bumpy few months' await US industry as upstream output resumes: ConocoPhillips CEO Supply and demand are likely to be difficult to balance, resulting in temporary overhangs on both sides as oil and gas producers, refiners and consumers begin to lift fuel production and usage, ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance said during an Independent Petroleum Association of America webcast. "The question now is how fast does it (production) come back, and does demand pick up quickly enough that we don't see continued builds in storage," Lance said in a one-on-one discussion of current energy landscape perspectives with webcast moderator Jordan Horoschak, the managing director of CIBC Capital Markets. Rigzone: Texas energy extern training goes virtual The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and Petroleum Equipment and Services (PESA) are not letting unprecedented market conditions and pandemic-related physical office restrictions prevent them from offering their annual professional development and job shadowing program for Texas high school and college students. Rigzone: Orphan well stimulus would employ displaced workers An executive with the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), an upstream trade association, told Rigzone the issue of orphan wells has been a longstanding concern of the organization and its member companies. "IPAA believes that it would be useful to have a sound orphan well program to help the drilling industry maintain employment through these tough times," said IPAA Executive Vice President Lee Fuller. "It should be a program operated by the states because they have the skills to be able to run it. And, it should be endorsed by the IOGCC which is comprised of the oil-producing states." Fuller added that IPAA encourages congressional leaders to continue exploring the idea of a federally funded orphan well program and a workable solution to address the matter. E&E News: Rough economy, Trump rollbacks could hike methane emissions Tough times for the oil and gas industry, combined with a rollback of environmental regulations, could hinder U.S. efforts to reduce methane emissions and fight climate change, experts warn. But companies opposed to such a rule and lobbying groups like the American Petroleum Institute and the Independent Petrole
[ 0.040151088901449666, -0.47758622326008177 ]
[ 0.116102043936245, 0.33455873085603066 ]
[ -0.3648437740492851, -0.12009651509970312 ]
[ 0.07712572759864643, -0.047740045277492 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1670, 338, 263, 2769, 1570, 3088, 756, 17262, 322, 22225, 1933, 342, 358, 931, 322, 1449, 29901, 5806, 3438, 292, 278, 2106, 5198, 575, 873, 297, 10804, 322, 10643, 1238, 267, 322, 5622, 9377, 2381, 493, 29879, 310, 14582, 1283, 278, 1591, 363, 13258, 358, 29892, 278, 4337, 947, 3078, 304, 1371, 278, 5177, 470, 3211, 23622, 1735, 29889, 2803, 29915, 29879, 5967, 18161, 1602, 12112, 304, 278, 2902, 1372, 29892, 451, 8604, 5039, 2879, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 383, 403, 310, 17182, 9999, 21351, 304, 278, 24424, 13, 23923, 672, 860, 19520, 29892, 385, 7766, 391, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 540, 338, 884, 11460, 728, 1048, 11421, 13879, 29889, 9208, 4723, 4446, 385, 15668, 1321, 309, 20908, 310, 7618, 311, 10961, 29879, 29892, 263, 7572, 7182, 310, 263, 3144, 329, 297, 278, 9999, 29889, 13, 29949, 4162, 29907, 29974, 10410, 967, 5802, 5700, 29879, 1549, 5468, 29892, 541, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 322, 916, 402, 16302, 17700, 10916, 526, 451, 3133, 292, 5684, 27081, 653, 3724, 1953, 8724, 445, 4098, 29889, 5853, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1532, 29879, 526, 6421, 1250, 7395, 1156, 26094, 11492, 515, 278, 10809, 29879, 310, 1009, 6416, 29889, 13, 29908, 23665, 22543, 505, 3755, 263, 19932, 307, 412, 304, 6686, 2183, 599, 278, 443, 6327, 2365, 583, 322, 3651, 297, 1708, 1699, 19520, 5429, 22838, 29889, 376, 1576, 1788, 338, 13855, 488, 322, 17182, 674, 6773, 304, 367, 1700, 24285, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 14879, 27811, 29915, 29879, 3620, 304, 301, 2548, 1824, 1033, 367, 1045, 265, 304, 12166, 1259, 17182, 14582, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 13384, 274, 1300, 2738, 5994, 1608, 472, 278, 17972, 29915, 29879, 7475, 13561, 29892, 451, 292, 393, 2024, 24388, 1603, 817, 304, 1804, 1283, 373, 738, 310, 278, 17972, 29899, 1627, 287, 658, 550, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 11705, 292, 393, 2130, 1122, 8839, 373, 278, 301, 1581, 322, 13100, 9124, 304, 9124, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 8809, 488, 1438, 7786, 3620, 2615, 304, 1207, 278, 6874, 310, 278, 1824, 2545, 1664, 29892, 278, 8494, 6490, 1820, 674, 367, 278, 27577, 310, 301, 21043, 1213, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 1281, 6235, 4819, 453, 4512, 14645, 29949, 317, 1036, 6298, 558, 3368, 491, 14156, 3599, 22205, 297, 438, 309, 1588, 1575, 13, 1168, 6235, 4819, 453, 4512, 14546, 28841, 28288, 20916, 365, 749, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 13384, 16671, 472, 278, 4996, 337, 9917, 297, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 26094, 393, 20662, 2986, 964, 278, 8178, 20123, 297, 3786, 322, 1497, 540, 23347, 26094, 304, 3933, 1700, 24285, 297, 278, 2978, 1840, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 892, 18014, 372, 2996, 1250, 445, 4549, 445, 9098, 1699, 365, 749, 1497, 373, 263, 1856, 18220, 17791, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 525, 29933, 398, 2272, 2846, 7378, 29915, 7272, 3148, 13661, 408, 701, 5461, 1962, 620, 9351, 29901, 1281, 6235, 4819, 453, 4512, 14645, 29949, 13, 20182, 368, 322, 9667, 526, 5517, 304, 367, 5189, 304, 17346, 29892, 9819, 297, 13201, 975, 11895, 29879, 373, 1716, 11192, 408, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 2143, 262, 414, 322, 11233, 414, 3380, 304, 13777, 26413, 5802, 322, 8744, 29892, 1281, 6235, 4819, 453, 4512, 14645, 29949, 20916, 365, 749, 1497, 2645, 385, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1856, 4384, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1139, 1286, 338, 920, 5172, 947, 372, 313, 24601, 29897, 2041, 1250, 29892, 322, 947, 9667, 5839, 701, 9098, 3307, 393, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1074, 7572, 23315, 297, 8635, 1699, 365, 749, 1497, 297, 263, 697, 29899, 265, 29899, 650, 10679, 310, 1857, 5864, 24400, 3736, 1103, 3145, 411, 1856, 4384, 17768, 1061, 18284, 6912, 359, 305, 557, 29892, 278, 767, 6751, 8881, 310, 25781, 5371, 25343, 4485, 1691, 29889, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 10319, 5864, 3622, 6694, 5771, 6901, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 322, 5879, 12154, 398, 11243, 666, 358, 322, 15538, 313, 29925, 2890, 29909, 29897, 526, 451, 27697, 443, 1457, 1133, 14927, 9999, 5855, 322, 7243, 24552, 29899, 12817, 9128, 8034, 25091, 5557, 963, 515, 27032, 1009, 17568, 10257, 5849, 322, 4982, 15504, 292, 1824, 363, 10319, 1880, 3762, 322, 12755, 8041, 29889, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 1394, 16711, 1532, 20436, 14999, 723, 5703, 12272, 433, 1133, 17162, 13, 2744, 22760, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 385, 701, 5461, 11302, 15477, 29892, 5429, 390, 335, 8028, 278, 2228, 310, 470, 16711, 1532, 29879, 756, 1063, 263, 1472, 11235, 5932, 310, 278, 13013, 322, 967, 4509, 14582, 29889, 13, 29908, 5690, 6344, 1339, 17180, 393, 372, 723, 367, 5407, 304, 505, 263, 6047, 470, 16711, 1532, 1824, 304, 1371, 278, 4192, 8873, 13661, 7344, 5703, 358, 1549, 1438, 260, 820, 3064, 1699, 1497, 5641, 6344, 28841, 21400, 7178, 9371, 14846, 261, 29889, 376, 3112, 881, 367, 263, 1824, 19623, 491, 278, 5922, 1363, 896, 505, 278, 25078, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 1065, 372, 29889, 1126, 29892, 372, 881, 367, 1095, 943, 287, 491, 278, 10663, 29954, 4174, 607, 338, 7199, 3368, 310, 278, 17182, 29899, 5498, 3277, 5922, 1213, 13, 13658, 261, 2715, 393, 5641, 6344, 18443, 267, 378, 11476, 284, 20251, 304, 6773, 3902, 8253, 278, 2969, 310, 263, 12067, 635, 5220, 287, 470, 16711, 1532, 1824, 322, 263, 664, 519, 1650, 304, 3211, 278, 4383, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 390, 820, 26504, 29892, 27504, 9679, 1627, 29879, 1033, 7251, 446, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 13, 29911, 820, 3064, 363, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29892, 12420, 411, 263, 9679, 1627, 310, 29380, 1072, 8250, 29892, 1033, 298, 4995, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 14231, 304, 10032, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 322, 8589, 23622, 1735, 29892, 2902, 1372, 29383, 29889, 1205, 14582, 15869, 304, 1316, 263, 5751, 322, 658, 1327, 5414, 6471, 763, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154 ]
um Association of America have long held that the Obama rules were duplicative and unnecessary, as producers already have a business incentive to avoid waste. "What company wouldn't want to preserve their product?" said Nicole Jacobs of Energy in Depth, a project of IPAA, which supports the rollback. "First and foremost, natural gas is a commodity, and if it's leaking, that's money going out the door." Politico Pro: White House takes foot off gas on oil industry aid The Trump administration's plans to offer aid to oil companies at risk of collapsing appear to be waning now that free-fall in crude prices has stopped, according to industry officials. It's not clear how such a lending program would work for insolvent companies — such firms are barred from the existing Fed programs. While the industry is hopeful, it's not yet clear whether tweaks to the Fed's Main Street lending program will provide much help to mid-size oil and gas companies, said Lee Fuller, vice president of government relations with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Gauging those results will be key for determining whether more aid is needed, he said, but there's no data since the program hasn't yet begun. E&E News: Is gas really better than coal for the climate? A recent study by the Environmental Defense Fund found that 3.7% of natural gas produced in the Permian Basin leaked into the atmosphere. Energy In Depth, a project of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, has questioned EDF's use of "technology warming potential" (TWP), the environmental group's metric for measuring the climate impact of one technology versus another. Nicole Jacobs, a spokeswoman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, pointed to other peer-reviewed studies that found leakage rates of between 5-9% were needed to negate gas's advantage over coal. "EDF's use of TWP is an outlier in the scientific community to the extent that I don't think it's even an available option in [life cycle assessment] calculating software," Jacobs said in an email. Axios: Debate taking place among oil producers over extent of aid required Mike Sommers, who represents API, with more than 600 members, said broader emergency loan programs Congress has already created to help a range of troubled companies are sufficient for oil producers, too. Lee Fuller of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents smaller and more U.S.-based producers, said his group would support a specific program if that's what it would take. "We have a lot more companies in our membership that have been facing these struggles than perhaps API does," Fuller said. "We're trying to make sure they're getting a fair shot." Reuters: A week of turmoil for crude, and more pain to come The magnitude of how damaged the energy industry is came into full view on April 20 when the benchmark price of U.S. oil futures, which had never dropped below $10 a barrel in its nearly 40-year history, plunged to a previously unthinkable minus $38 a barrel. "What happened in the futures contract the other day indicated things are starting to get bad earlier than expected," said Frederick Lawrence, vice president of economics and international affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "People are getting notices from pipeline companies that say they can't take their crude anymore. That means you're shutting down the well yesterday." Bloomberg: Administration weighs support options for oil and gas industry The Independent Petroleum Association of America wants the Fed to permit oil companies to use loans under the Main Street program to pay off existing debt coming due amid the crisis. In a letter to Powell, IPAA president Barry Russell said that change would provide a "bridge to recovery for businesses that would have otherwise been able to meet their debt obligations, were it not for the virus." Administration officials have indicated they are receptive to changes. "We are working very closely together to ensure all the folks in the producing community have access to those types of loans, that type of liquidity," Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said during a Tuesday interview on Bloomberg Television. Rigzone: Survey shows energy job security concern A newly released University of Houston (UH)-led survey of energy workers concludes that more than half – 53 percent – of respondents are worried about their job security
[ -0.17642883830897932, -0.18670140402647 ]
[ 0.47422776019818874, 0.20026158725780177 ]
[ 0.07265780282950132, -0.02118311510971663 ]
[ 0.21759972208430217, -0.07895648849652662 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 505, 1472, 4934, 393, 278, 4250, 3304, 6865, 892, 5141, 506, 1230, 322, 19039, 29892, 408, 1391, 22543, 2307, 505, 263, 5381, 297, 1760, 573, 304, 4772, 19863, 29889, 376, 5618, 5001, 7656, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 19905, 1009, 3234, 3026, 1497, 405, 23249, 10968, 29879, 310, 24836, 297, 10034, 386, 29892, 263, 2060, 310, 5641, 6344, 29892, 607, 11286, 278, 9679, 1627, 29889, 376, 6730, 322, 363, 331, 520, 29892, 5613, 10489, 338, 263, 844, 397, 537, 29892, 322, 565, 372, 29915, 29879, 454, 5086, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 6909, 2675, 714, 278, 3050, 1213, 13, 7713, 277, 1417, 1019, 29901, 8037, 5619, 4893, 3661, 1283, 10489, 373, 17182, 13661, 16226, 13, 1576, 27504, 17517, 29915, 29879, 13900, 304, 5957, 16226, 304, 17182, 14582, 472, 12045, 310, 784, 14128, 292, 2615, 304, 367, 281, 273, 292, 1286, 393, 3889, 29899, 11950, 297, 7618, 311, 26094, 756, 11084, 29892, 5034, 304, 13661, 24921, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 2821, 920, 1316, 263, 301, 2548, 1824, 723, 664, 363, 1663, 324, 794, 14582, 813, 1316, 13734, 1516, 526, 2594, 1127, 515, 278, 5923, 17972, 11104, 29889, 5806, 278, 13661, 338, 4966, 1319, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 3447, 2821, 3692, 7780, 10327, 304, 278, 17972, 29915, 29879, 4241, 7103, 301, 2548, 1824, 674, 3867, 1568, 1371, 304, 7145, 29899, 2311, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 402, 2987, 292, 1906, 2582, 674, 367, 1820, 363, 3683, 2827, 3692, 901, 16226, 338, 4312, 29892, 540, 1497, 29892, 541, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 848, 1951, 278, 1824, 22602, 29915, 29873, 3447, 23580, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 1317, 10489, 2289, 2253, 1135, 17148, 363, 278, 23622, 29973, 13, 29909, 7786, 6559, 491, 278, 16738, 284, 5282, 1947, 13249, 1476, 393, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29955, 29995, 310, 5613, 10489, 7371, 297, 278, 20894, 713, 4886, 262, 454, 12535, 964, 278, 25005, 29889, 24836, 512, 10034, 386, 29892, 263, 2060, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 756, 1139, 287, 382, 4037, 29915, 29879, 671, 310, 376, 21695, 3002, 1370, 4056, 7037, 29908, 313, 16240, 29925, 511, 278, 29380, 2318, 29915, 29879, 12714, 363, 7540, 3864, 278, 23622, 10879, 310, 697, 15483, 23797, 1790, 29889, 405, 23249, 10968, 29879, 29892, 263, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 11520, 304, 916, 23533, 29899, 27828, 287, 11898, 393, 1476, 24993, 482, 19257, 310, 1546, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29929, 29995, 892, 4312, 304, 3480, 403, 10489, 29915, 29879, 10631, 975, 17148, 29889, 376, 3352, 29943, 29915, 29879, 671, 310, 323, 26433, 338, 385, 714, 4926, 297, 278, 16021, 7881, 304, 278, 15834, 393, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 372, 29915, 29879, 1584, 385, 3625, 2984, 297, 518, 19264, 11412, 24809, 358, 29962, 25202, 7047, 1699, 10968, 29879, 1497, 297, 385, 4876, 29889, 13, 29909, 29916, 2363, 29901, 7089, 403, 5622, 2058, 4249, 17182, 1391, 22543, 975, 15834, 310, 16226, 3734, 13, 29924, 9345, 317, 3011, 414, 29892, 1058, 11524, 3450, 29892, 411, 901, 1135, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 5144, 29892, 1497, 2545, 1664, 11176, 14703, 24806, 11104, 11559, 756, 2307, 2825, 304, 1371, 263, 3464, 310, 7458, 29881, 14582, 526, 8002, 363, 17182, 1391, 22543, 29892, 2086, 29889, 9371, 14846, 261, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7968, 322, 901, 501, 29889, 29903, 9229, 6707, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 670, 2318, 723, 2304, 263, 2702, 1824, 565, 393, 29915, 29879, 825, 372, 723, 2125, 29889, 376, 4806, 505, 263, 3287, 901, 14582, 297, 1749, 28512, 393, 505, 1063, 14870, 1438, 10205, 793, 1135, 6060, 3450, 947, 1699, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 1207, 1854, 896, 29915, 276, 2805, 263, 6534, 10322, 1213, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 319, 4723, 310, 7013, 4346, 309, 363, 7618, 311, 29892, 322, 901, 6788, 304, 2041, 13, 1576, 18497, 310, 920, 5625, 4063, 278, 5864, 13661, 338, 2996, 964, 2989, 1776, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 746, 278, 23513, 8666, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 3105, 1973, 29892, 607, 750, 2360, 13700, 2400, 395, 29896, 29900, 263, 2594, 2674, 297, 967, 8886, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29899, 6360, 4955, 29892, 715, 686, 287, 304, 263, 9251, 443, 386, 682, 519, 26134, 395, 29941, 29947, 263, 2594, 2674, 29889, 376, 5618, 9559, 297, 278, 3105, 1973, 8078, 278, 916, 2462, 18694, 2712, 526, 6257, 304, 679, 4319, 8859, 1135, 3806, 1699, 1497, 19769, 19520, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 7766, 1199, 322, 6121, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 15666, 1991, 526, 2805, 451, 1575, 515, 16439, 14582, 393, 1827, 896, 508, 29915, 29873, 2125, 1009, 7618, 311, 15128, 29889, 2193, 2794, 366, 29915, 276, 12522, 1259, 1623, 278, 1532, 22600, 1213, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 23303, 591, 1141, 29879, 2304, 3987, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 10753, 278, 17972, 304, 14257, 17182, 14582, 304, 671, 658, 550, 1090, 278, 4241, 7103, 1824, 304, 5146, 1283, 5923, 2553, 29873, 6421, 2861, 28655, 278, 24161, 29889, 512, 263, 5497, 304, 12265, 514, 29892, 5641, 6344, 6673, 23032, 20679, 1497, 393, 1735, 723, 3867, 263, 376, 18419, 304, 24205, 363, 5381, 267, 393, 723, 505, 6467, 1063, 2221, 304, 5870, 1009, 2553, 29873, 10788, 800, 29892, 892, 372, 451, 363, 278, 24424, 1213, 23303, 24921, 505, 18694, 896, 526, 337, 1547, 573, 304, 3620, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 1985, 1407, 16467, 4208, 304, 9801, 599, 278, 900, 2039, 297, 278, 20811, 7881, 505, 2130, 304, 1906, 4072, 310, 658, 550, 29892, 393, 1134, 310, 23904, 537, 1699, 24836, 17719, 3951, 1771, 283, 7324, 371, 1497, 2645, 263, 323, 1041, 3250, 15593, 373, 11447, 290, 2552, 22417, 29889, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 23218, 3697, 5864, 4982, 6993, 5932, 13, 29909, 15141, 5492, 3014, 310, 24327, 313, 29965, 29950, 6817, 839, 18994, 310, 5864, 17162, 378, 27722, 393, 901, 1135, 4203, 785, 29871, 29945, 29941, 10151, 785, 310, 10049, 1237, 526, 6365, 1255, 1048, 1009, 4982, 6993 ]
given the dual threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sharp drop in oil prices. Some additional results from the study, which UH conducted with the Petroleum Equipment and Services Association (PESA), Pink Petro and the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), include: 83 percent agree that their company had provided "fast and efficient" technology for working remotely during the pandemic, 71 percent credit their supervisor for working effectively with employees to overcome work-family challenges arising from COViD-19, 47 percent expressed optimism about the long-term health of the energy industry. E&E News: Judge upholds Trump's repeal of Obama-era fracking rule The fossil fuel industry scored a win Friday after a federal judge upheld the Trump administration's rescission of an Obama-era rule governing oil and gas extraction on public lands. U.S. District Court for the District of Northern California Judge Haywood Gilliam said states and environmental groups had not shown that the repeal of the 2015 hydraulic fracturing rule had or would result in harm, since the rule had not yet gone into effect. "The Court agrees with Federal Defendants that allegations of past injuries are not sufficient to show actual or imminent injury," Gilliam wrote. "Although Citizen Group Plaintiffs argue that the removal of these protections increases the risk of harm to members' drinking supply, this only points to a hypothetical, future injury." The Obama-appointed judge noted his narrow mandate in reviewing the decision to repeal the Obama-era rule. He said his role was not to determine whether he would have found the administration's argument compelling if "reviewing from scratch." "The Court's task is not to decide whether the changes the Federal Defendants seek to make will result in better or worse environmental policy," he said. "Those policy questions are the province of Congress and the administrative agencies, and policy changes inevitably result when new decisionmakers take office. "In other words, '[e]lections have policy consequences.'" The Independent Petroleum Association of America praised the court's decision. "IPAA launched the initial challenge to the Obama-Era rule with the belief that the law would be on our side and the initial rule would be overturned," IPAA President and CEO Barry Russell said in a statement. "Today, we are pleased to come full circle as the Trump rescission rule is upheld and independent producers will not be forced to comply with costly and duplicative rules while operating on federal lands," Russell said. Bloomberg: Reviving Obama methane rule would cause chaos, Industry says Oil and gas industry groups are warning a federal judge that reviving Obama-era standards for methane emissions on public lands would cause "regulatory chaos." The Western Energy Alliance and Independent Petroleum Association of America made the argument Wednesday in a brief to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers is weighing whether to strike down the 2018 regulation from the Trump administration that largely eliminated Obama-era requirements from the Bureau of Land Management. E&E News: Why isn't the Ivy League divesting? Dozens of U.S. universities have yanked fossil fuel investments from their endowments amid mounting student and faculty pressure to act on climate change. But fund managers at America's elite Ivy League schools have avoided ditching shares in carbon-intensive coal, oil and natural gas companies. The fossil fuel industry has pushed back against divestment efforts. The Independent Petroleum Association of America runs a platform called Divestment Facts that contradicts divestment activist claims and highlights anti-divestment voices on campus. "When schools decide to divest, the financial hit their endowments take is both significant and ongoing — having a very real impact on these institutions' ability to support critical student, faculty and academic programs," the website says. Nearly all the blog posts are focused on Ivy League campus divestment campaigns, and among these, Harvard takes center stage. Houston Chronicle: In Democratic primary, fossil-fuel bans rule — even for centrists Environmentalists believe the Democratic Party has finally turned a corner, willing to take drastic action on climate change. Oil and gas lobbyists, however, view the bans as typical campaign pledges in
[ -0.16059196616118115, -0.09373468428317917 ]
[ 0.6246405610282051, 0.04447690068385626 ]
[ -0.0566904894650964, -0.11248779202355032 ]
[ 0.1343558735002099, 0.12395039242719835 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 2183, 278, 14581, 28469, 310, 278, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 322, 278, 15301, 5768, 297, 17182, 26094, 29889, 3834, 5684, 2582, 515, 278, 6559, 29892, 607, 501, 29950, 18043, 411, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 11243, 666, 358, 322, 15538, 7993, 313, 29925, 2890, 29909, 511, 349, 682, 5879, 307, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 3160, 29901, 29871, 29947, 29941, 10151, 8661, 393, 1009, 5001, 750, 4944, 376, 11255, 322, 8543, 29908, 15483, 363, 1985, 1083, 327, 873, 2645, 278, 7243, 24552, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29896, 10151, 16200, 1009, 2428, 19188, 363, 1985, 17583, 411, 22873, 304, 25688, 664, 29899, 11922, 18066, 267, 564, 5921, 515, 4810, 29963, 29875, 29928, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29955, 10151, 13384, 5994, 1608, 1048, 278, 1472, 29899, 8489, 9045, 310, 278, 5864, 13661, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 26817, 318, 561, 3361, 27504, 29915, 29879, 5565, 284, 310, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5227, 384, 292, 5751, 13, 1576, 21983, 309, 26413, 13661, 15569, 263, 5401, 28728, 1156, 263, 17097, 16833, 318, 561, 2495, 278, 27504, 17517, 29915, 29879, 620, 29883, 2333, 310, 385, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5751, 14765, 1076, 17182, 322, 10489, 4805, 428, 373, 970, 12625, 29889, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 7457, 9245, 363, 278, 7457, 310, 14299, 8046, 26817, 11389, 6115, 28047, 2829, 1497, 5922, 322, 29380, 6471, 750, 451, 4318, 393, 278, 5565, 284, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 27246, 336, 352, 293, 285, 1461, 3864, 5751, 750, 470, 723, 1121, 297, 10311, 29892, 1951, 278, 5751, 750, 451, 3447, 7695, 964, 2779, 29889, 376, 1576, 9245, 8571, 267, 411, 14879, 5282, 355, 1934, 393, 16831, 800, 310, 4940, 10899, 14886, 526, 451, 8002, 304, 1510, 3935, 470, 527, 1195, 296, 24092, 1699, 28047, 2829, 5456, 29889, 376, 2499, 3592, 21353, 19642, 6431, 13494, 524, 28324, 27754, 393, 278, 28744, 310, 1438, 3279, 1953, 16415, 278, 12045, 310, 10311, 304, 5144, 29915, 13748, 292, 11421, 29892, 445, 871, 3291, 304, 263, 13752, 300, 936, 29892, 5434, 24092, 1213, 450, 4250, 3304, 29899, 932, 2461, 287, 16833, 11682, 670, 12474, 9619, 403, 297, 9076, 292, 278, 10608, 304, 5565, 284, 278, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5751, 29889, 940, 1497, 670, 6297, 471, 451, 304, 8161, 3692, 540, 723, 505, 1476, 278, 17517, 29915, 29879, 2980, 752, 7807, 565, 376, 27828, 292, 515, 22728, 1213, 376, 1576, 9245, 29915, 29879, 3414, 338, 451, 304, 11097, 3692, 278, 3620, 278, 14879, 5282, 355, 1934, 16508, 304, 1207, 674, 1121, 297, 2253, 470, 15029, 29380, 8898, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 1349, 852, 8898, 5155, 526, 278, 12291, 310, 11559, 322, 278, 19185, 946, 15942, 29892, 322, 8898, 3620, 297, 5750, 277, 2197, 1121, 746, 716, 10608, 29885, 21079, 2125, 8034, 29889, 376, 797, 916, 3838, 29892, 525, 29961, 29872, 29962, 5942, 505, 8898, 27721, 6169, 29908, 450, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 7213, 3368, 278, 8973, 29915, 29879, 10608, 29889, 376, 5690, 6344, 15241, 278, 2847, 18766, 304, 278, 4250, 3304, 29899, 29923, 336, 5751, 411, 278, 17750, 393, 278, 4307, 723, 367, 373, 1749, 2625, 322, 278, 2847, 5751, 723, 367, 975, 685, 287, 1699, 5641, 6344, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 29911, 397, 388, 29892, 591, 526, 22301, 304, 2041, 2989, 8607, 408, 278, 27504, 620, 29883, 2333, 5751, 338, 318, 561, 2495, 322, 7417, 1391, 22543, 674, 451, 367, 11826, 304, 752, 368, 411, 3438, 368, 322, 5141, 506, 1230, 6865, 1550, 13598, 373, 17097, 12625, 1699, 20679, 1497, 29889, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 11459, 4357, 4250, 3304, 286, 621, 1662, 5751, 723, 4556, 10329, 359, 29892, 12157, 719, 4083, 13, 29949, 309, 322, 10489, 13661, 6471, 526, 9177, 263, 17097, 16833, 393, 6664, 4357, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 20801, 363, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 373, 970, 12625, 723, 4556, 376, 1727, 352, 7606, 10329, 359, 1213, 450, 10504, 24836, 29855, 322, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1754, 278, 2980, 15050, 4515, 3250, 297, 263, 11473, 304, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 7457, 9245, 363, 278, 14299, 7457, 310, 8046, 29889, 26817, 612, 29894, 7293, 27536, 744, 29920, 9272, 414, 338, 591, 1141, 292, 3692, 304, 21283, 1623, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 1072, 2785, 515, 278, 27504, 17517, 393, 18425, 10397, 630, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 11780, 515, 278, 18903, 310, 3172, 15057, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 3750, 3508, 29915, 29873, 278, 306, 13308, 5165, 1933, 342, 292, 29973, 13, 29928, 2112, 575, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 4946, 1907, 505, 343, 804, 287, 21983, 309, 26413, 13258, 1860, 515, 1009, 1095, 340, 1860, 28655, 5766, 292, 8368, 322, 4024, 18857, 12959, 304, 1044, 373, 23622, 1735, 29889, 1205, 5220, 767, 18150, 472, 6813, 29915, 29879, 560, 568, 306, 13308, 5165, 12462, 505, 28305, 270, 2335, 292, 29358, 297, 22004, 29899, 524, 6270, 17148, 29892, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 14582, 29889, 450, 21983, 309, 26413, 13661, 756, 18760, 1250, 2750, 1933, 342, 358, 14231, 29889, 450, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 6057, 263, 7481, 2000, 4910, 342, 358, 26748, 29879, 393, 27877, 29879, 1933, 342, 358, 5039, 391, 16726, 322, 12141, 29879, 9418, 29899, 4563, 342, 358, 28848, 373, 24165, 29889, 376, 10401, 12462, 11097, 304, 1933, 342, 29892, 278, 18161, 7124, 1009, 1095, 340, 1860, 2125, 338, 1716, 7282, 322, 373, 17696, 813, 2534, 263, 1407, 1855, 10879, 373, 1438, 21561, 29915, 11509, 304, 2304, 12187, 8368, 29892, 4024, 18857, 322, 21567, 11104, 1699, 278, 4700, 4083, 29889, 26206, 368, 599, 278, 12618, 11803, 526, 21309, 373, 306, 13308, 5165, 24165, 1933, 342, 358, 11531, 29879, 29892, 322, 4249, 1438, 29892, 22221, 4893, 4818, 7408, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 512, 19083, 7601, 29892, 21983, 309, 29899, 29888, 2491, 289, 550, 5751, 813, 1584, 363, 1644, 2021, 29879, 13, 18649, 284, 2879, 4658, 278, 19083, 9173, 756, 7146, 6077, 263, 11155, 29892, 17762, 304, 2125, 4192, 6288, 3158, 373, 23622, 1735, 29889, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 658, 1327, 29891, 2879, 29892, 3138, 29892, 1776, 278, 289, 550, 408, 15662, 11531, 282, 839, 2710, 297 ]
a competitive Democratic primary, likely to be softened or disappear altogether ahead of November's general election. Not that they're willing to count on that and are preparing to make their case to the eventual Democratic nominee that the economic disruption caused by scaling back drilling would far outweigh the environmental benefits "We need to have a conversation about the impacts on everyday Americans' lives," said Naatz of the Independent Petroleum Association of America said. "We need to make sure policy makers really understand what you're really talking about when you talk about a ban on hydraulic fracturing." Oil & Gas Journal: Oil and gas groups see promise in regulatory changes Upcoming regulatory changes from the Trump administration far outweigh the relatively modest legislative initiatives that might affect the oil and gas industry in 2020, trade association executives tell Oil & Gas Journal. Carlsbad Current Argus: Barry Russell Op-Ed – "National environmental policy act updates are needed" The Trump Administration recently announced efforts to make critically needed revisions to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). These common-sense revisions are long overdue and vitally important. NEPA was signed into law by President Nixon in 1970. Modernizing NEPA will benefit the economy, the environment and untangle delays that have been hindering needed investment in energy projects around the nation. The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and the thousands of oil and natural gas explorers we represent commend the Trump Administration for taking this much-needed action… Houston Chronicle: Trump rolls back environmental reviews, in boon to pipelines Federal environmental reviews for pipelines, oil and gas drilling and a long list of other federally-regulated projects would be scaled back under a sweeping proposal released by the Trump administration Thursday, including the end of a requirement that federal regulators consider the implications for climate change. The proposed change to the National Environmental Policy Act, would require federal agencies, with few exceptions, to complete their environmental review within two years, dramatically speeding up a review process that can currently drag out up to a decade, experts said. "We are certainly optimistic that the presumptive time limits can be met," said Mallori Miller, vice president of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Natural Gas Intelligence: NEPA Revamp Could Ease Oversight, Speed Natural Gas and Oil Infrastructure The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), which represents independent producers that develop 91% of U.S. gas and oil wells, hailed the potential overhaul. "IPAA is pleased that the administration continues to tackle substantial projects, such as their effort to return the NEPA process to the original intent and scope of the law," Senior Vice President Dan Naatz said. He oversees government relations and political affairs. "Although IPAA and our members recognize the important role NEPA plays in public land policy, for many years we have seen the law being abused by environmentalists with extreme agendas to delay and halt various multiple-use activities on federal lands, including oil and gas production," Naatz said. Inside Higher Ed: Does fiduciary duty prevent fossil fuel divestment? Calls for divestment are forcing colleges and universities to navigate a difficult space between students' concerns and administrators' fiduciary duty to prudently manage endowments. It's a difficult spot because no firm consensus exists about whether fossil fuel divestment hurts endowment returns in higher education. One 2015 paper commissioned and funded by the Independent Petroleum Association of America estimated fossil fuel divestment could cost Harvard more than $100 million per year. A new working paper being presented at the Association of American Law Schools annual meeting seeks to fill in some of the gaps. The main takeaway is that college leaders worried that divesting from fossil fuels will hurt their endowment returns might want to hold off on reaching a final verdict. Natural Gas Intelligence: Dozens of industry groups call for NEPA modernization More than 30 groups representing a wide swath of U.S. industry, including the American Gas Association, American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association of America and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have called on the White House's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to issue updates on the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). "We fully support the fundamental goals of
[ 0.2853229906922278, 0.0456297906174447 ]
[ 0.47064650303556926, 0.6174780467029662 ]
[ 0.2730208438348586, 0.7041818181501843 ]
[ 0.378884678715981, 0.3424654949604406 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 263, 5100, 3321, 19083, 7601, 29892, 5517, 304, 367, 4964, 6419, 470, 25417, 19148, 14432, 310, 3979, 29915, 29879, 2498, 8271, 29889, 13, 3664, 393, 896, 29915, 276, 17762, 304, 2302, 373, 393, 322, 526, 10223, 292, 304, 1207, 1009, 1206, 304, 278, 1741, 950, 19083, 2245, 457, 29872, 393, 278, 17407, 766, 18953, 8581, 491, 21640, 1250, 4192, 8873, 723, 2215, 714, 705, 1141, 278, 29380, 23633, 13, 29908, 4806, 817, 304, 505, 263, 14983, 1048, 278, 10879, 29879, 373, 1432, 3250, 23035, 29915, 12080, 1699, 1497, 4465, 4101, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 817, 304, 1207, 1854, 8898, 2136, 414, 2289, 2274, 825, 366, 29915, 276, 2289, 9963, 1048, 746, 366, 5193, 1048, 263, 9892, 373, 27246, 336, 352, 293, 285, 1461, 3864, 1213, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 6471, 1074, 11640, 297, 24378, 7606, 3620, 13, 3373, 11506, 24378, 7606, 3620, 515, 278, 27504, 17517, 2215, 714, 705, 1141, 278, 13774, 878, 342, 13332, 1230, 14511, 5056, 393, 1795, 6602, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 11302, 15477, 6704, 3145, 2649, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29889, 13, 8179, 3137, 12313, 9626, 11842, 375, 29901, 23032, 20679, 6461, 29899, 3853, 785, 376, 27325, 29380, 8898, 1044, 11217, 526, 4312, 29908, 13, 1576, 27504, 23303, 10325, 9326, 14231, 304, 1207, 3994, 1711, 4312, 23484, 1080, 304, 278, 3086, 16738, 284, 25219, 3185, 313, 8186, 7228, 467, 4525, 3619, 29899, 29879, 1947, 23484, 1080, 526, 1472, 975, 29123, 322, 13901, 635, 4100, 29889, 14693, 7228, 471, 8794, 964, 4307, 491, 7178, 405, 28778, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 29889, 14624, 5281, 14693, 7228, 674, 14169, 278, 26504, 29892, 278, 5177, 322, 443, 29873, 2521, 628, 1036, 393, 505, 1063, 298, 513, 3241, 4312, 13258, 358, 297, 5864, 9279, 2820, 278, 5233, 29889, 450, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 322, 278, 17202, 310, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 3902, 272, 414, 591, 2755, 844, 355, 278, 27504, 23303, 363, 5622, 445, 1568, 29899, 484, 19226, 3158, 30098, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 27504, 9679, 29879, 1250, 29380, 21804, 29892, 297, 1045, 265, 304, 8450, 24210, 13, 29943, 2447, 284, 29380, 21804, 363, 8450, 24210, 29892, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 322, 263, 1472, 1051, 310, 916, 12067, 635, 29899, 1727, 7964, 9279, 723, 367, 6287, 29881, 1250, 1090, 263, 7901, 26819, 24963, 5492, 491, 278, 27504, 17517, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 3704, 278, 1095, 310, 263, 11809, 393, 17097, 24378, 4097, 2050, 278, 2411, 5795, 363, 23622, 1735, 29889, 450, 7972, 1735, 304, 278, 3086, 16738, 284, 25219, 3185, 29892, 723, 1996, 17097, 946, 15942, 29892, 411, 2846, 15283, 29892, 304, 4866, 1009, 29380, 9076, 2629, 1023, 2440, 29892, 8541, 19574, 6210, 292, 701, 263, 9076, 1889, 393, 508, 5279, 8338, 714, 701, 304, 263, 316, 6332, 29892, 2902, 1372, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 526, 8959, 5994, 4695, 393, 278, 2225, 398, 415, 573, 931, 13071, 508, 367, 1539, 1699, 1497, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 14693, 7228, 11459, 1160, 6527, 382, 559, 438, 874, 523, 29892, 24839, 18385, 19141, 322, 438, 309, 512, 14867, 12425, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 607, 11524, 7417, 1391, 22543, 393, 2693, 29871, 29929, 29896, 29995, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10489, 322, 17182, 1532, 29879, 29892, 447, 2356, 278, 7037, 975, 2350, 352, 29889, 13, 29908, 5690, 6344, 338, 22301, 393, 278, 17517, 18172, 304, 22002, 280, 23228, 9279, 29892, 1316, 408, 1009, 7225, 304, 736, 278, 14693, 7228, 1889, 304, 278, 2441, 7609, 322, 6874, 310, 278, 4307, 1699, 24260, 21400, 7178, 3951, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 940, 975, 344, 267, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 29889, 13, 29908, 2499, 3592, 5641, 6344, 322, 1749, 5144, 18720, 278, 4100, 6297, 14693, 7228, 13582, 297, 970, 2982, 8898, 29892, 363, 1784, 2440, 591, 505, 3595, 278, 4307, 1641, 633, 3880, 491, 29380, 2879, 411, 18677, 946, 355, 294, 304, 9055, 322, 25212, 5164, 2999, 29899, 1509, 14188, 373, 17097, 12625, 29892, 3704, 17182, 322, 10489, 5802, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 13, 797, 2975, 5057, 261, 2155, 29901, 5538, 25947, 29884, 455, 653, 13360, 5557, 21983, 309, 26413, 1933, 342, 358, 29973, 13, 29907, 4293, 363, 1933, 342, 358, 526, 28172, 18400, 267, 322, 4946, 1907, 304, 23624, 263, 5189, 2913, 1546, 8041, 29915, 21838, 322, 6343, 4097, 29915, 25947, 29884, 455, 653, 13360, 304, 544, 566, 2705, 10933, 1095, 340, 1860, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 5189, 9758, 1363, 694, 9226, 1136, 8841, 4864, 1048, 3692, 21983, 309, 26413, 1933, 342, 358, 12166, 1372, 1095, 340, 358, 3639, 297, 6133, 9793, 29889, 13, 6716, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 5650, 12969, 287, 322, 5220, 287, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 15899, 21983, 309, 26413, 1933, 342, 358, 1033, 3438, 22221, 901, 1135, 395, 29896, 29900, 29900, 7284, 639, 1629, 29889, 319, 716, 1985, 5650, 1641, 9132, 472, 278, 7993, 310, 3082, 7927, 4523, 29879, 17568, 11781, 1074, 2039, 304, 5445, 297, 777, 310, 278, 330, 2547, 29889, 450, 1667, 2125, 21694, 338, 393, 12755, 20251, 6365, 1255, 393, 1933, 342, 292, 515, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 674, 21682, 1009, 1095, 340, 358, 3639, 1795, 864, 304, 4808, 1283, 373, 20888, 263, 2186, 1147, 8977, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 1938, 29920, 575, 310, 13661, 6471, 1246, 363, 14693, 7228, 5400, 2133, 13, 20761, 1135, 29871, 29941, 29900, 6471, 15783, 263, 9377, 2381, 493, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 13661, 29892, 3704, 278, 3082, 19141, 7993, 29892, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 25037, 310, 422, 15667, 29892, 505, 2000, 373, 278, 8037, 5619, 29915, 29879, 8831, 373, 16738, 284, 751, 2877, 313, 4741, 29984, 29897, 304, 2228, 11217, 373, 278, 3086, 16738, 284, 25219, 3185, 313, 8186, 7228, 467, 13, 29908, 4806, 8072, 2304, 278, 15281, 14433, 310 ]
NEPA to appropriately consider the potential environmental impacts of certain federal actions," the groups said in a letter to CEQ Friday. "However, CEQ regulations guiding NEPA processes have not been comprehensively updated in nearly four decades. During this time, securing approval for projects and land management decisions has become hampered by unreasonable costs and long project delays. It is time to modernize NEPA processes." S&P Global Platts: US oil drillers face growing issue of water disposal For every barrel of oil produced from the average Permian Basin well, about three barrels of water get pumped out with it. The water-to-oil ratio is lowest in the established Midland Basin, but more exaggerated in the Delaware and other Texas basins. Most of the water gets injected back underground into disposal wells, although more and more is getting treated and moved to other drilling sites to frack new wells. Permian oil producers want to get a better handle on produced water before it becomes a crisis, said Karr Ingham, a petroleum economist and executive vice president of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers. The group recently published a study with the Independent Petroleum Association of America containing a series of recommendations for improving the outlook for produced water management. BIC Magazine: EPA's proposed regulations update to save industry millions The EPA has proposed updates to the prior administration's national standards for the oil and natural gas industry. The proposal would remove regulatory duplication and save the industry millions of dollars in compliance costs each year, while maintaining health and environmental regulations on oil and gas sources that the agency considers appropriate. In response to EPA's draft revisions to the NSPS for the oil and gas sector, Independent Petroleum Association of America Executive Vice President Lee Fuller said, "IPAA endorses the change because it would be far more cost-effective with regard to the breadth of emissions sources. IPAA has consistently believed and recommended that a VOC-based program is an appropriate pathway for regulating natural gas and oil production emissions. American producers are committed to managing their greenhouse gas emissions and continue to invest in the development of new technologies to mitigate and reduce emissions. These actions have and will continue to reduce methane emissions from natural gas and oil production operations." S&P Global Platts: US oil producers brace for White House policy shift, eye moving operations Democrats are still months from naming a candidate in next year's US presidential campaign, but oil producers are already preparing for a policy change which could disrupt nearly one-quarter of daily crude oil output and throw thousands of federal leases into legal limbo. "It's a significant hit," said Dan Naatz, a senior vice president with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "We think it's a mistake on several different levels." All 17 Democratic presidential candidates have pushed some policy aimed at slowing US oil output, which the US Energy Information Administration forecasts will average a record of nearly 13.4 million b/d by the end of 2020, up more than 40% in just four years. Free Beacon: Fracking Ban Proposed By 2020 Dems Would Kill Millions of Jobs A proposed fracking ban put forward by leading Democratic presidential candidates would have a devastating impact on U.S. jobs, energy independence, and even national security, according to several studies. Reports from the American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association of America, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce painted a stark picture of the economic fallout from ending fracking, a process which has transformed the United States into the top oil and natural gas producer in the world. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), and Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) are among eight remaining 2020 candidates who have called for an all-out ban on fracking, despite the fact that the drilling method has put the United States on a path to energy independence. The practice has also led to cleaner energy alternatives and lower carbon emissions, a key goal of climate change activists. Wall Street Journal: Cal divestment announcement will harm current, future students Climate change and college affordability are said to be the top political issues for young Americans. But what happens when they have to choose between the two? The University of California apparently wants to find out. The system said last week that
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 14693, 7228, 304, 7128, 2486, 2050, 278, 7037, 29380, 10879, 29879, 310, 3058, 17097, 8820, 1699, 278, 6471, 1497, 297, 263, 5497, 304, 14645, 29984, 28728, 29889, 376, 17245, 29892, 14645, 29984, 1072, 8250, 1410, 4821, 14693, 7228, 10174, 505, 451, 1063, 15171, 575, 3598, 4784, 297, 8886, 3023, 1602, 3076, 29889, 7133, 445, 931, 29892, 409, 2764, 292, 2134, 791, 363, 9279, 322, 2982, 10643, 1602, 12112, 756, 4953, 16366, 546, 287, 491, 443, 23147, 519, 21544, 322, 1472, 2060, 628, 1036, 29889, 739, 338, 931, 304, 5400, 675, 14693, 7228, 10174, 1213, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 3148, 17182, 4192, 453, 414, 3700, 15678, 2228, 310, 4094, 11549, 284, 13, 2831, 1432, 2594, 2674, 310, 17182, 7371, 515, 278, 6588, 20894, 713, 4886, 262, 1532, 29892, 1048, 2211, 2594, 2674, 29879, 310, 4094, 679, 282, 3427, 287, 714, 411, 372, 29889, 450, 4094, 29899, 517, 29899, 29877, 309, 11959, 338, 19604, 297, 278, 7841, 13370, 1049, 4886, 262, 29892, 541, 901, 429, 9921, 630, 297, 278, 5556, 28327, 322, 916, 10319, 2362, 1144, 29889, 7849, 310, 278, 4094, 4947, 11658, 287, 1250, 1090, 2057, 964, 11549, 284, 1532, 29879, 29892, 5998, 901, 322, 901, 338, 2805, 14914, 322, 6153, 304, 916, 4192, 8873, 11840, 304, 5227, 384, 716, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 15737, 713, 17182, 1391, 22543, 864, 304, 679, 263, 2253, 4386, 373, 7371, 4094, 1434, 372, 7415, 263, 24161, 29892, 1497, 476, 2749, 22607, 3391, 29892, 263, 5697, 12154, 398, 7766, 391, 322, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 10319, 29855, 310, 24836, 7138, 22543, 29889, 13, 1576, 2318, 10325, 6369, 263, 6559, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 6943, 263, 3652, 310, 6907, 800, 363, 4857, 1747, 278, 714, 6914, 363, 7371, 4094, 10643, 29889, 13, 29933, 2965, 17880, 29901, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 7972, 1072, 8250, 2767, 304, 4078, 13661, 14746, 13, 1576, 382, 7228, 756, 7972, 11217, 304, 278, 7536, 17517, 29915, 29879, 4797, 20801, 363, 278, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 13661, 29889, 450, 24963, 723, 3349, 24378, 7606, 5141, 1414, 322, 4078, 278, 13661, 14746, 310, 17208, 297, 752, 13036, 21544, 1269, 1629, 29892, 1550, 7344, 292, 9045, 322, 29380, 1072, 8250, 373, 17182, 322, 10489, 8974, 393, 278, 946, 3819, 1136, 11376, 8210, 29889, 13, 797, 2933, 304, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 18195, 23484, 1080, 304, 278, 3865, 7024, 363, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 17535, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 28841, 21400, 7178, 9371, 14846, 261, 1497, 29892, 376, 5690, 6344, 1095, 943, 267, 278, 1735, 1363, 372, 723, 367, 2215, 901, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 411, 4880, 304, 278, 18423, 386, 310, 953, 6847, 8974, 29889, 5641, 6344, 756, 5718, 2705, 13112, 322, 13622, 393, 263, 478, 20166, 29899, 6707, 1824, 338, 385, 8210, 2224, 1582, 363, 1072, 18099, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 953, 6847, 29889, 3082, 1391, 22543, 526, 19355, 304, 767, 6751, 1009, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 322, 6773, 304, 13258, 297, 278, 5849, 310, 716, 5722, 11763, 304, 1380, 335, 403, 322, 10032, 953, 6847, 29889, 4525, 8820, 505, 322, 674, 6773, 304, 10032, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 515, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 6931, 1213, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 3148, 17182, 1391, 22543, 4105, 346, 363, 8037, 5619, 8898, 9500, 29892, 10977, 8401, 6931, 13, 29928, 331, 8415, 1446, 526, 1603, 7378, 515, 22006, 263, 14020, 297, 2446, 1629, 29915, 29879, 3148, 6673, 616, 11531, 29892, 541, 17182, 1391, 22543, 526, 2307, 10223, 292, 363, 263, 8898, 1735, 607, 1033, 766, 6685, 8886, 697, 29899, 339, 4254, 310, 14218, 7618, 311, 17182, 1962, 322, 3183, 17202, 310, 17097, 454, 2129, 964, 11706, 2485, 833, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 7282, 7124, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 263, 16336, 11289, 6673, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 4806, 1348, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 10171, 373, 3196, 1422, 11174, 1213, 2178, 29871, 29896, 29955, 19083, 6673, 616, 21669, 505, 18760, 777, 8898, 12242, 287, 472, 5232, 292, 3148, 17182, 1962, 29892, 607, 278, 3148, 24836, 10343, 23303, 29821, 19416, 674, 6588, 263, 2407, 310, 8886, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29946, 7284, 289, 29914, 29881, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 701, 901, 1135, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29995, 297, 925, 3023, 2440, 29889, 13, 20475, 1522, 23074, 29901, 7347, 384, 292, 10765, 1019, 4752, 2648, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 360, 1567, 10878, 29021, 8649, 1080, 310, 17163, 29879, 13, 29909, 7972, 5227, 384, 292, 9892, 1925, 6375, 491, 8236, 19083, 6673, 616, 21669, 723, 505, 263, 2906, 579, 1218, 10879, 373, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17643, 29892, 5864, 21820, 29892, 322, 1584, 4797, 6993, 29892, 5034, 304, 3196, 11898, 29889, 830, 4011, 515, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 322, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 25037, 310, 422, 15667, 23139, 263, 18561, 7623, 310, 278, 17407, 6416, 449, 515, 17140, 5227, 384, 292, 29892, 263, 1889, 607, 756, 27615, 278, 3303, 3900, 964, 278, 2246, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 14297, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 29903, 264, 29889, 13061, 24511, 313, 29928, 1696, 7360, 9774, 5811, 29889, 6209, 347, 8564, 414, 313, 29902, 1696, 478, 29873, 9774, 322, 5811, 29889, 12986, 2883, 20349, 313, 29928, 1696, 3037, 361, 1846, 526, 4249, 9475, 9886, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 21669, 1058, 505, 2000, 363, 385, 599, 29899, 449, 9892, 373, 5227, 384, 292, 29892, 15020, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 4192, 8873, 1158, 756, 1925, 278, 3303, 3900, 373, 263, 2224, 304, 5864, 21820, 29889, 450, 6944, 756, 884, 5331, 304, 27372, 5864, 27809, 322, 5224, 22004, 953, 6847, 29892, 263, 1820, 7306, 310, 23622, 1735, 5039, 2879, 29889, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 3037, 1933, 342, 358, 7475, 13561, 674, 10311, 1857, 29892, 5434, 8041, 13, 29907, 2576, 403, 1735, 322, 12755, 21750, 3097, 526, 1497, 304, 367, 278, 2246, 8604, 5626, 363, 4123, 23035, 29889, 1205, 825, 5930, 746, 896, 505, 304, 6755, 1546, 278, 1023, 29973, 450, 3014, 310, 8046, 13229, 10753, 304, 1284, 714, 29889, 13, 1576, 1788, 1497, 1833, 4723, 393 ]
its $13.4 billion endowment will sell all fossil-fuel assets by the end of September, and its $70 billion pension fund will soon do the same. Divestment is costly, said Arizona State University finance professor Hendrik Bessembinder in a 2016 report commissioned by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Selling off illiquid long-term assets is expensive, and university endowments would have to scrap investments in mutual funds or commingled funds that have fossil-fuel holdings. Politico: Democrats split from Obama playbook with aggressive climate plans Democratic White House hopefuls are rolling out aggressive climate change plans that show a sharp break from former President Barack Obama by seeking to prohibit new fossil fuel production on federal lands. Federal land is one of few areas where an administration can shift energy development in a major way without relying on action from Congress. Fossil fuels from lands under the federal government's control accounted for about one-quarter of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions between 2005 and 2014, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It's also a cash cow: revenues from federal oil and gas output topped $8 billion in 2018, according to the Office of Natural Resources Revenue. Flexing agency discretion in those ways can make it "very difficult" to operate on federal land, said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "It certainly has us concerned," he said. "We've got our work cut out for us." S&P Global Platts: EPA's proposed rollback of methane regulations to impact marginal oil, gas wells Analysts said Thursday that the direct impact on US oil and gas production from the rollback was unclear, but an estimated 770,000 low-production wells were at risk of shutdown due to the relatively high costs of methane emissions requirements, according Lee Fuller, an executive vice president with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "The impact is more related to the premature loss of existing production," Fuller said Thursday. Marginal wells, also known as stripper wells, are characterized as producing no more than 15 boe/d over a 12-month period. These wells are often located outside the nation's more prolific shale plays and account for roughly 10% of US oil production and 11% of US gas production, according to the US Energy Information Administration's latest data. Associated Press: Politics of climate change put corporations in tough spot There are 770,000 small wells with low production rates, and together they produce about 10% of oil and 11% of natural gas in the U.S., said Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. These producers wouldn't be able to afford the technology required by Obama rules, Fuller said. "We don't believe you should be shutting down those small wells when there's not an emissions pool there that's that large," he said. Washington Post: Trump administration to relax restrictions on methane, a powerful greenhouse gas Smaller operators, however, had lobbied the administration to lift the requirements. Lee Fuller, a vice president at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in an interview that the Obama rule had "made it really onerous on small businesses." Wall Street Journal: Trump Rollback of Methane Regulations Splits Energy Industry The Independent Petroleum Association of America endorsed the Trump administration's decision, noting that companies would still be subject to regulation of traditional pollution sources from oil-and-gas facilities. For smaller companies, particularly those operating older, low-producing wells, the cost of the regulations would be significant, IPAA Executive Vice President Lee Fuller said. An average, low-producing natural gas well in Pennsylvania might earn only $9 a day, after expenses, he said. The IPAA estimates the regulatory cost for such a well could be as much as $10 a day. E&E News: EPA proposes scrapping Obama-era methane rules That could be a boon for small producers with wells that produce 15 or fewer barrels of oil per day and that account for
[ 0.11411356206738273, -0.29131036491625034 ]
[ 1.0257413632415822, 1.0973665064939708 ]
[ 0.3136007002410069, 0.35925303869792374 ]
[ 0.6286162244682579, 0.4777367489095906 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 967, 395, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29946, 24464, 1095, 340, 358, 674, 19417, 599, 21983, 309, 29899, 29888, 2491, 21608, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 3839, 29892, 322, 967, 395, 29955, 29900, 24464, 282, 2673, 5220, 674, 4720, 437, 278, 1021, 29889, 4910, 342, 358, 338, 3438, 368, 29892, 1497, 23716, 4306, 3014, 1436, 749, 12251, 17973, 5357, 350, 404, 1590, 4995, 297, 263, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 3461, 12969, 287, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 317, 7807, 1283, 4486, 8105, 333, 1472, 29899, 8489, 21608, 338, 19390, 29892, 322, 16372, 1095, 340, 1860, 723, 505, 304, 885, 2390, 13258, 1860, 297, 5478, 950, 29199, 470, 844, 292, 839, 29199, 393, 505, 21983, 309, 29899, 29888, 2491, 4808, 886, 29889, 13, 7713, 277, 1417, 29901, 14189, 1446, 6219, 515, 4250, 3304, 1708, 2909, 411, 946, 3663, 573, 23622, 13900, 13, 29928, 331, 8415, 2454, 8037, 5619, 4966, 1319, 29879, 526, 27777, 714, 946, 3663, 573, 23622, 1735, 13900, 393, 1510, 263, 15301, 2867, 515, 4642, 7178, 2261, 547, 4250, 3304, 491, 25738, 304, 21460, 277, 716, 21983, 309, 26413, 5802, 373, 17097, 12625, 29889, 14879, 2982, 338, 697, 310, 2846, 10161, 988, 385, 17517, 508, 9500, 5864, 5849, 297, 263, 4655, 982, 1728, 337, 5890, 373, 3158, 515, 11559, 29889, 383, 2209, 309, 4084, 1379, 515, 12625, 1090, 278, 17097, 5874, 29915, 29879, 2761, 3633, 287, 363, 1048, 697, 29899, 339, 4254, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 22004, 20562, 29916, 680, 953, 6847, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1879, 5996, 23218, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 884, 263, 274, 1161, 21282, 29901, 20957, 1041, 515, 17097, 17182, 322, 10489, 1962, 304, 2986, 395, 29947, 24464, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 11367, 310, 18385, 27562, 830, 9947, 29889, 13, 29943, 2506, 292, 946, 3819, 766, 4838, 291, 297, 1906, 5837, 508, 1207, 372, 376, 1201, 5189, 29908, 304, 21994, 373, 17097, 2982, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 3112, 8959, 756, 502, 15041, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 345, 2355, 1749, 664, 5700, 714, 363, 502, 1213, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 7972, 9679, 1627, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 1072, 8250, 304, 10879, 15276, 979, 17182, 29892, 10489, 1532, 29879, 13, 21067, 858, 29879, 1497, 498, 1295, 3250, 393, 278, 1513, 10879, 373, 3148, 17182, 322, 10489, 5802, 515, 278, 9679, 1627, 471, 20871, 29892, 541, 385, 15899, 29871, 29955, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4482, 29899, 24601, 1532, 29879, 892, 472, 12045, 310, 12522, 3204, 2861, 304, 278, 13774, 1880, 21544, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 11780, 29892, 5034, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 385, 22760, 11289, 6673, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 10879, 338, 901, 4475, 304, 278, 5188, 1535, 6410, 310, 5923, 5802, 1699, 14846, 261, 1497, 498, 1295, 3250, 29889, 13, 29924, 1191, 979, 1532, 29879, 29892, 884, 2998, 408, 10076, 2496, 1532, 29879, 29892, 526, 2931, 1891, 408, 20811, 694, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29945, 1045, 29872, 29914, 29881, 975, 263, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 10874, 3785, 29889, 4525, 1532, 29879, 526, 4049, 5982, 5377, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 901, 410, 29880, 928, 528, 744, 13582, 322, 3633, 363, 20928, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 310, 3148, 17182, 5802, 322, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29995, 310, 3148, 10489, 5802, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 3148, 24836, 10343, 23303, 29915, 29879, 9281, 848, 29889, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 6934, 1199, 310, 23622, 1735, 1925, 17266, 800, 297, 260, 820, 9758, 13, 8439, 526, 29871, 29955, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2319, 1532, 29879, 411, 4482, 5802, 19257, 29892, 322, 4208, 896, 7738, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 310, 17182, 322, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29995, 310, 5613, 10489, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 1696, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 4525, 1391, 22543, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 2221, 304, 21750, 278, 15483, 3734, 491, 4250, 3304, 6865, 29892, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4658, 366, 881, 367, 12522, 1259, 1623, 1906, 2319, 1532, 29879, 746, 727, 29915, 29879, 451, 385, 953, 6847, 11565, 727, 393, 29915, 29879, 393, 2919, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 27504, 17517, 304, 26681, 25091, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 29892, 263, 13988, 7933, 8697, 10489, 13, 12636, 12572, 12768, 29892, 3138, 29892, 750, 658, 1327, 1000, 278, 17517, 304, 13777, 278, 11780, 29889, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 263, 11289, 6673, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 393, 278, 4250, 3304, 5751, 750, 376, 26350, 372, 2289, 373, 261, 681, 373, 2319, 5381, 267, 1213, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 27504, 21809, 1627, 310, 341, 621, 1662, 2169, 8250, 317, 572, 1169, 24836, 12157, 719, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1095, 943, 287, 278, 27504, 17517, 29915, 29879, 10608, 29892, 451, 292, 393, 14582, 723, 1603, 367, 4967, 304, 1072, 2785, 310, 13807, 21180, 918, 8974, 515, 17182, 29899, 392, 29899, 25496, 23330, 29889, 13, 2831, 7968, 14582, 29892, 10734, 1906, 13598, 9642, 29892, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 1532, 29879, 29892, 278, 3438, 310, 278, 1072, 8250, 723, 367, 7282, 29892, 5641, 6344, 28841, 21400, 7178, 9371, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 530, 6588, 29892, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 5613, 10489, 1532, 297, 16636, 1795, 2326, 29876, 871, 395, 29929, 263, 2462, 29892, 1156, 1518, 11259, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 450, 5641, 6344, 21875, 278, 24378, 7606, 3438, 363, 1316, 263, 1532, 1033, 367, 408, 1568, 408, 395, 29896, 29900, 263, 2462, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 382, 7228, 9551, 267, 24559, 3262, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 13, 7058, 1033, 367, 263, 1045, 265, 363, 2319, 1391, 22543, 411, 1532, 29879, 393, 7738, 29871, 29896, 29945, 470, 28145, 2594, 2674, 29879, 310, 17182, 639, 2462, 322, 393, 3633, 363 ]
770,000 of 1 million existing sources, according to the Independent Petroleum Association of America. IPAA maintains the regulation poses a heavy financial burden to these producers (Greenwire, Aug. 12). In a statement, IPAA praised the EPA proposals, saying a combination of state-level rules and existing guidelines for oil and gas in ozone nonattainment areas provide better alternatives for regulating older, smaller wells. Natural Gas Intelligence: EPA Proposes Nixing Obama-Era Oil, Natural Gas Methane Emission Rules The proposals are in addition to a September 2018 technical action that proposed targeted improvements to help streamline implementation, reduce duplication of EPA and state requirements, and decrease unnecessary burdens on energy producers, EPA said. Several industry groups were supportive of the EPA proposals. The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) endorsed the changes "because it would be far more cost effective with regard to the breadth of emissions sources," according to Lee Fuller, executive vice president. "IPAA has consistently believed and recommended that a VOC-based program is the appropriate pathway for regulating natural gas and oil production emissions." Bloomberg: Trump's EPA to Propose Retreat on Methane Rules at Oil Wells The measure, which could be finalized next year, responds to concerns by some independent oil producers that without action, the EPA could be forced to impose similar requirements on a million existing oil and gas wells. But it comes against the wishes of several global oil companies, which have implored the Trump administration to maintain methane mandates and continue regulating the potent greenhouse gas. Supporters of the measure say the Obama administration went too far in deciding to specifically regulate methane, rather than focusing on paring conventional pollution from oil and gas infrastructure. The Independent Petroleum Association of America also argues the expense and challenge of plugging leaks on some decades-old, low-producing wells could force some companies to shut in production at the sites. Houston Chronicle: EPA proposes rollback of methane regulations But for smaller oil companies, many of which count fewer than a dozen employees, the requirement that they inspect individual wells with infrared cameras is too onerous, said Lee Fuller, vice president of government affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Most affected are so-called stripper wells, which produce less than 10 barrels of crude a day and make up about 80 percent of U.S. wells, he added. "[Obama's rule] threatens to shut down all those wells," Fuller said, " and that's clearly been the goal of the environmental community through this process." Bloomberg: Oil, Gas Royalty Hike to Be Explored, House Democrats Say State environmental reviews are generally much less costly, said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Moreover, federal lands tend to be more remote and harder to access than state lands, raising the costs of production still further, Naatz said. A higher federal rate would mean fewer jobs and less government revenue, he said. "Either our members would stop producing or reduce production and look to go to state and private lands," Naatz said. "In many states, like Wyoming, which is 50% federally owned, it's really hard to operate in just a pure private or state play. If you keep adding additional hurdles, and companies don't produce on those lands, eventually they'll become non-productive." Houston Chronicle: Oil donors shy on Trump's 2020 campaign, for now "Not to say we won't get to the right spot, but trade is front and center and continues to raise issues for the industry on the macro level," said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Part of it is it's still early. Once you see who the Democratic candidate is, you'll see some more enthusiasm." Hart Energy: Earthstone Energy CEO Actively Looking To Be Permian Consolidator The CEO of Earthstone Energy Inc. was up-front about his intentions at the Leaders in Industry Luncheon held at the Petroleum Club of Houston on Aug. 14: Earth
[ -0.5638757752870036, -0.24748075118829 ]
[ 0.3202337022055529, 0.43483393140937493 ]
[ -0.16828509458200425, -0.29002466380044917 ]
[ 0.3268572733509233, 0.09793668974466951 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29871, 29955, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 310, 29871, 29896, 7284, 5923, 8974, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 5641, 6344, 7344, 29879, 278, 1072, 2785, 926, 267, 263, 9416, 18161, 6866, 1145, 304, 1438, 1391, 22543, 313, 24599, 22376, 29892, 22333, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 467, 13, 797, 263, 3229, 29892, 5641, 6344, 7213, 3368, 278, 382, 7228, 9551, 1338, 29892, 5934, 263, 10296, 310, 2106, 29899, 5563, 6865, 322, 5923, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 297, 288, 8028, 1661, 1131, 475, 358, 10161, 3867, 2253, 27809, 363, 1072, 18099, 9642, 29892, 7968, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 382, 7228, 1019, 10590, 405, 861, 292, 4250, 3304, 29899, 29923, 336, 438, 309, 29892, 18385, 19141, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 2333, 390, 2540, 13, 1576, 9551, 1338, 526, 297, 6124, 304, 263, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 16905, 3158, 393, 7972, 3646, 287, 28473, 304, 1371, 4840, 1220, 5314, 29892, 10032, 5141, 1414, 310, 382, 7228, 322, 2106, 11780, 29892, 322, 23806, 19039, 6866, 21518, 373, 5864, 1391, 22543, 29892, 382, 7228, 1497, 29889, 13, 29903, 1310, 284, 13661, 6471, 892, 2304, 573, 310, 278, 382, 7228, 9551, 1338, 29889, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 1095, 943, 287, 278, 3620, 376, 18103, 372, 723, 367, 2215, 901, 3438, 11828, 411, 4880, 304, 278, 18423, 386, 310, 953, 6847, 8974, 1699, 5034, 304, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 29889, 376, 5690, 6344, 756, 5718, 2705, 13112, 322, 13622, 393, 263, 478, 20166, 29899, 6707, 1824, 338, 278, 8210, 2224, 1582, 363, 1072, 18099, 5613, 10489, 322, 17182, 5802, 953, 6847, 1213, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 27504, 29915, 29879, 382, 7228, 304, 1019, 4220, 4649, 276, 271, 373, 341, 621, 1662, 390, 2540, 472, 438, 309, 5674, 29879, 13, 1576, 5645, 29892, 607, 1033, 367, 2186, 1891, 2446, 1629, 29892, 10049, 29879, 304, 21838, 491, 777, 7417, 17182, 1391, 22543, 393, 1728, 3158, 29892, 278, 382, 7228, 1033, 367, 11826, 304, 2411, 852, 2788, 11780, 373, 263, 7284, 5923, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 29889, 1205, 372, 5304, 2750, 278, 28688, 310, 3196, 5534, 17182, 14582, 29892, 607, 505, 13374, 4395, 278, 27504, 17517, 304, 7344, 286, 621, 1662, 9619, 1078, 322, 6773, 1072, 18099, 278, 3104, 296, 7933, 8697, 10489, 29889, 13, 20182, 272, 2153, 310, 278, 5645, 1827, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 3512, 2086, 2215, 297, 1602, 4821, 304, 10816, 1072, 5987, 286, 621, 1662, 29892, 3265, 1135, 12789, 4746, 373, 610, 292, 28557, 21180, 918, 515, 17182, 322, 10489, 22035, 12425, 29889, 450, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 884, 1852, 1041, 278, 1518, 1947, 322, 18766, 310, 18665, 3460, 454, 10327, 373, 777, 1602, 3076, 29899, 1025, 29892, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 1532, 29879, 1033, 4889, 777, 14582, 304, 12522, 297, 5802, 472, 278, 11840, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 382, 7228, 9551, 267, 9679, 1627, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 1072, 8250, 13, 6246, 363, 7968, 17182, 14582, 29892, 1784, 310, 607, 2302, 28145, 1135, 263, 24231, 22873, 29892, 278, 11809, 393, 896, 16096, 5375, 1532, 29879, 411, 3041, 336, 1127, 3949, 18464, 338, 2086, 373, 261, 681, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29924, 520, 15201, 526, 577, 29899, 13998, 10076, 2496, 1532, 29879, 29892, 607, 7738, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2594, 2674, 29879, 310, 7618, 311, 263, 2462, 322, 1207, 701, 1048, 29871, 29947, 29900, 10151, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1532, 29879, 29892, 540, 2715, 29889, 13, 29908, 29961, 6039, 3304, 29915, 29879, 5751, 29962, 28469, 575, 304, 12522, 1623, 599, 1906, 1532, 29879, 1699, 14846, 261, 1497, 29892, 376, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 9436, 1063, 278, 7306, 310, 278, 29380, 7881, 1549, 445, 1889, 1213, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 438, 309, 29892, 19141, 7021, 1017, 6324, 446, 304, 1522, 1222, 572, 4395, 29892, 5619, 14189, 1446, 14891, 13, 2792, 29380, 21804, 526, 6892, 1568, 3109, 3438, 368, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 20761, 957, 29892, 17097, 12625, 10331, 304, 367, 901, 7592, 322, 22622, 304, 2130, 1135, 2106, 12625, 29892, 29263, 278, 21544, 310, 5802, 1603, 4340, 29892, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 13, 29909, 6133, 17097, 6554, 723, 2099, 28145, 17643, 322, 3109, 5874, 337, 9947, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 29923, 2121, 1749, 5144, 723, 5040, 20811, 470, 10032, 5802, 322, 1106, 304, 748, 304, 2106, 322, 2024, 12625, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 797, 1784, 5922, 29892, 763, 10167, 28826, 29892, 607, 338, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29995, 12067, 635, 15205, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2289, 2898, 304, 21994, 297, 925, 263, 8296, 2024, 470, 2106, 1708, 29889, 960, 366, 3013, 4417, 5684, 12166, 29881, 793, 29892, 322, 14582, 1016, 29915, 29873, 7738, 373, 1906, 12625, 29892, 10201, 896, 29915, 645, 4953, 1661, 29899, 4704, 573, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 438, 309, 1016, 943, 528, 29891, 373, 27504, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 11531, 29892, 363, 1286, 13, 29908, 3664, 304, 1827, 591, 2113, 29915, 29873, 679, 304, 278, 1492, 9758, 29892, 541, 11302, 338, 4565, 322, 4818, 322, 18172, 304, 12020, 5626, 363, 278, 13661, 373, 278, 11758, 3233, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 7439, 310, 372, 338, 372, 29915, 29879, 1603, 4688, 29889, 9038, 366, 1074, 1058, 278, 19083, 14020, 338, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 1074, 777, 901, 23644, 3173, 29885, 1213, 13, 29950, 442, 24836, 29901, 11563, 12734, 24836, 14645, 29949, 3185, 3598, 21223, 1763, 1522, 20894, 713, 2138, 17211, 1061, 13, 1576, 14645, 29949, 310, 11563, 12734, 24836, 9266, 29889, 471, 701, 29899, 8862, 1048, 670, 7609, 1080, 472, 278, 951, 24574, 297, 12157, 719, 365, 348, 1173, 265, 4934, 472, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 5977, 310, 24327, 373, 22333, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29901, 11563 ]
stone is actively looking for deals ranging from acquisitions and trades to business combinations. "I'm going to blatantly conduct a commercial here and tell you that we're looking for deals and are open for business," Lodzinski told attendees of the luncheon hosted monthly by the Independent Petroleum Association of America and the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association. E&E News: EPA may roll back methane rules. Will states fill the gap? The Independent Petroleum Association of America, which has urged EPA to roll back its methane standards, argues that the Clean Air Act's requirements for New Source Performance Standards were intended to provide a "floor" for pollution levels. The states each have their own legal framework, but it's better than having a one-size-fits-all requirement from the federal government, said Lee Fuller, the group's executive vice president. Bloomberg: Trump Plans to End Methane Curbs That Oil Companies Want to Keep "It changes the scope, from our industry, from a rule that's dealing with 15,000 to 40,000 new sources a year to the million existing wells that are out there," some 770,000 of which are low-producing sites, said Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Imposing rigid requirements to frequently detect and repair leaks at those low-production wells, would be "a huge cost burden," potentially eclipsing gross income from the sites, Fuller said. "It would shut in production at a lot of these wells." E&E News: Small producers push EPA to gut Obama methane agenda EPA is expected to come out with a draft rule in the coming weeks to replace the Obama 2016 New Source Performance Standards for oil and gas drilling. Lee Fuller, vice president of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, sees a clear chance to address regulatory requirements put in motion by the Obama rule, which he warned would have led to high regulatory costs for hundreds of thousands of low-production wells scattered across the country. E&E News: New oil and gas rule may ignore methane Lee Fuller, executive vice president for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told E&E News that he, too, thought EPA could issue separate rules for different segments of the supply chain. But he left open the possibility that the agency might regulate some of those for methane. For example, EPA could chose to regulate exploration and production and gas processing for VOCs only, he said. Transmission and storage could be regulated separately — perhaps for methane and VOCs. He said the more targeted rule might be more effective. Inside EPA: Environmentalists Push Back Against Plan To Weaken Methane NSPS The comments offer additional criticism of half a dozen studies or reports that environmentalists cited in their own comments in defense of the need for strong methane limits. "Each of these items present highly inaccurate and questionable assessments and present them with strident evangelical certainty that vastly overstates their accuracy and value," IPAA states. E&E News: Oil industry to Trump: Don't put tariffs on critical mineral Similarly, the Independent Petroleum Association of America asserted last year that the fluids are essential for production and make up as much as 10% of the overall cost of a well. "No alternative or substitute for barite exists in the drilling process," wrote Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the trade group. The industry would have no choice but to continue to import barite with or without tariffs, spiking the cost of American energy production, he added. USA TODAY: 'A moral imperative:' AOC, Bernie Sanders call for climate emergency declaration Jeff Eshelman, a spokesman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America which represents smaller oil and gas producers, said the backers of the climate emergency resolution should not be "demonizing" the industry. "Thanks to increased natural gas production and use, the United States has a reliable, affordable energy supply which has resulted in record-high emission reductions and some of the world's cleanest air," he said. "Most nations envy the benefits of these American resources; it's a shame this group of Democrats does not." Den
[ -0.4803255741180793, -0.30774647006423544 ]
[ 0.23428353030268642, 0.5565966749384358 ]
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[ -0.04513867500923912, 0.25401890583984255 ]
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[ 12734, 338, 1044, 3598, 3063, 363, 316, 1338, 364, 9776, 515, 1274, 7680, 2187, 322, 534, 3076, 304, 5381, 18240, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 1999, 271, 10835, 7512, 263, 12128, 1244, 322, 2649, 366, 393, 591, 29915, 276, 3063, 363, 316, 1338, 322, 526, 1722, 363, 5381, 1699, 365, 397, 23374, 2574, 5429, 472, 841, 311, 267, 310, 278, 25081, 1173, 265, 17791, 4098, 368, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 278, 10319, 25266, 7138, 22543, 322, 7021, 1017, 438, 1233, 414, 7993, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 382, 7228, 1122, 9679, 1250, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 29889, 2811, 5922, 5445, 278, 17261, 29973, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 756, 5065, 3192, 382, 7228, 304, 9679, 1250, 967, 286, 621, 1662, 20801, 29892, 1852, 1041, 393, 278, 315, 14044, 5593, 3185, 29915, 29879, 11780, 363, 1570, 7562, 23768, 6679, 3163, 892, 9146, 304, 3867, 263, 376, 14939, 29908, 363, 21180, 918, 11174, 29889, 450, 5922, 1269, 505, 1009, 1914, 11706, 6890, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 2253, 1135, 2534, 263, 697, 29899, 2311, 29899, 29888, 1169, 29899, 497, 11809, 515, 278, 17097, 5874, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 278, 2318, 29915, 29879, 22760, 11289, 6673, 29889, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 27504, 1858, 550, 304, 2796, 341, 621, 1662, 10837, 5824, 2193, 438, 309, 3831, 273, 583, 399, 424, 304, 19152, 13, 29908, 3112, 3620, 278, 6874, 29892, 515, 1749, 13661, 29892, 515, 263, 5751, 393, 29915, 29879, 16743, 411, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 304, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 716, 8974, 263, 1629, 304, 278, 7284, 5923, 1532, 29879, 393, 526, 714, 727, 1699, 777, 29871, 29955, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 310, 607, 526, 4482, 29899, 5498, 3277, 11840, 29892, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 1888, 1066, 292, 12912, 333, 11780, 304, 13672, 6459, 322, 26032, 454, 10327, 472, 1906, 4482, 29899, 24601, 1532, 29879, 29892, 723, 367, 376, 29874, 12176, 3438, 6866, 1145, 1699, 19998, 321, 11303, 567, 292, 22683, 17869, 515, 278, 11840, 29892, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 376, 3112, 723, 12522, 297, 5802, 472, 263, 3287, 310, 1438, 1532, 29879, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 18285, 1391, 22543, 5503, 382, 7228, 304, 22341, 4250, 3304, 286, 621, 1662, 946, 8395, 13, 29923, 7228, 338, 3806, 304, 2041, 714, 411, 263, 18195, 5751, 297, 278, 6421, 11405, 304, 5191, 278, 4250, 3304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1570, 7562, 23768, 6679, 3163, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 18553, 263, 2821, 8825, 304, 3211, 24378, 7606, 11780, 1925, 297, 10884, 491, 278, 4250, 3304, 5751, 29892, 607, 540, 1370, 9571, 723, 505, 5331, 304, 1880, 24378, 7606, 21544, 363, 21006, 310, 17202, 310, 4482, 29899, 24601, 1532, 29879, 29574, 4822, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 1570, 17182, 322, 10489, 5751, 1122, 11455, 286, 621, 1662, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 382, 29987, 29923, 10130, 393, 540, 29892, 2086, 29892, 2714, 382, 7228, 1033, 2228, 5004, 6865, 363, 1422, 24611, 310, 278, 11421, 9704, 29889, 1205, 540, 2175, 1722, 278, 13331, 393, 278, 946, 3819, 1795, 1072, 5987, 777, 310, 1906, 363, 286, 621, 1662, 29889, 13, 2831, 1342, 29892, 382, 7228, 1033, 12784, 304, 1072, 5987, 3902, 12418, 322, 5802, 322, 10489, 9068, 363, 478, 20166, 29879, 871, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 4103, 6737, 322, 8635, 1033, 367, 1072, 7964, 16949, 813, 6060, 363, 286, 621, 1662, 322, 478, 20166, 29879, 29889, 13, 3868, 1497, 278, 901, 3646, 287, 5751, 1795, 367, 901, 11828, 29889, 13, 797, 2975, 382, 7228, 29901, 16738, 284, 2879, 349, 1878, 7437, 11454, 303, 8402, 1763, 1334, 9424, 341, 621, 1662, 3865, 7024, 13, 1576, 6589, 5957, 5684, 29035, 310, 4203, 263, 24231, 11898, 470, 13676, 393, 29380, 2879, 274, 1573, 297, 1009, 1914, 6589, 297, 26406, 310, 278, 817, 363, 4549, 286, 621, 1662, 13071, 29889, 13, 29908, 9760, 310, 1438, 4452, 2198, 10712, 297, 562, 2764, 403, 322, 1139, 519, 24809, 1860, 322, 2198, 963, 411, 851, 1693, 23077, 936, 3058, 1017, 393, 13426, 368, 975, 28631, 1009, 13600, 322, 995, 1699, 5641, 6344, 5922, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 438, 309, 13661, 304, 27504, 29901, 3872, 29915, 29873, 1925, 9913, 28324, 373, 12187, 1375, 13537, 13, 8942, 2327, 368, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 4974, 287, 1833, 1629, 393, 278, 20501, 4841, 526, 18853, 363, 5802, 322, 1207, 701, 408, 1568, 408, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 12463, 3438, 310, 263, 1532, 29889, 13, 29908, 3782, 8671, 470, 23764, 363, 2594, 568, 4864, 297, 278, 4192, 8873, 1889, 1699, 5456, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 11302, 2318, 29889, 13, 1576, 13661, 723, 505, 694, 7348, 541, 304, 6773, 304, 1053, 2594, 568, 411, 470, 1728, 9913, 28324, 29892, 805, 638, 292, 278, 3438, 310, 3082, 5864, 5802, 29892, 540, 2715, 29889, 13, 27019, 7495, 28658, 29901, 525, 29909, 14731, 10112, 1230, 11283, 319, 20166, 29892, 6209, 347, 8564, 414, 1246, 363, 23622, 11176, 14703, 12029, 13, 29967, 12352, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 263, 805, 23195, 1171, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 607, 11524, 7968, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 278, 1250, 414, 310, 278, 23622, 11176, 14703, 10104, 881, 451, 367, 376, 2310, 265, 5281, 29908, 278, 13661, 29889, 13, 29908, 16894, 304, 11664, 5613, 10489, 5802, 322, 671, 29892, 278, 3303, 3900, 756, 263, 23279, 29892, 21750, 519, 5864, 11421, 607, 756, 20601, 297, 2407, 29899, 9812, 25477, 3724, 1953, 322, 777, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 5941, 342, 4799, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 29924, 520, 19079, 8829, 29891, 278, 23633, 310, 1438, 3082, 7788, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 28503, 445, 2318, 310, 14189, 1446, 947, 451, 1213, 13, 29315 ]
ver Post: State to ask Colorado BLM to defer action on some oil, gas leases proposed in wildlife habitat Mallori Miller, senior director of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in an email that the comment period is a vital step for the BLM to solicit feedback from local officials and other interested parties. "It is up to the BLM to determine next steps in the process and which parcels they find consistent with characteristics for development, not industry nor environmental groups," Miller said. Oil & Gas Journal: Proposed pipeline safety reauthorization raises penalties The Natural Gas Council—which has the American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association of America, American Gas Association, Natural Gas Supply Association, INGAA, and AOPL as members—said in a statement that the recommendations were timely in helping the US gas industry, and the federal, state, and local government entities which regulate it, continue to keep operations safe, timely, and reliable. The Shawnee News-Star: OIPA-OKOGA members help with U.S. oil and natural gas dominance The report, conducted by IHS Markit and commissioned by the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), concludes that in Oklahoma alone, producers saw oil production grow by over 17 percent to almost 500,000 barrels per day (bbls/d) from 2016 to 2018, with production expected to reach 650,000 bbls/d by 2025. Daily Energy Insider: Study examines independent oil, gas production An Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) commissioned study maintains independent oil and natural gas producers are dominating domestic energy markets. The analysis, conducted by the business analytics group IHS Markit, showed independent producers accounted for 83 percent of the nation's oil production and 90 percent of its natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) production. Rigzone: Independents Dominate US Energy Markets Independent oil and gas companies dominate U.S. energy markets, contributing 83 percent of the country's oil output and 90 percent of domestic natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) production. Those are two findings in a new Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA)-funded study performed by IHS Markit. The report, "The Economic Contribution of Independent Operators in the United States," also concludes that independents drill 91 percent of the country's oil and gas wells. Midland Reporter-Telegram: IPAA: Industry has seen gains despite 'politics of chaos' An official with the Independent Petroleum Association of America recently addressed the challenges stemming from the current environment in the nation's capital. Dan Naatz, IPAA senior vice president, government relations and political affairs, listed congressional inertia, leadership in flux and White House instability, even the question of whether political parties still matter, as contributing to uncertainty. "The whole dynamic has changed," he told the audience at the Permian Basin Environmental Regulatory Seminar, which was Thursday at the Advanced Technology Center. E&E News: Interior overhauls blowout prevention rule Most of the tweaks will align federal regulations with the American Petroleum Institute's blowout prevention standards. "The changes in the new rule allow for producers to be nimbler, with more adaptive guidelines based on the most up-to-date insights and innovative technology," said Independent Petroleum Association of America President Barry Russell. Oil & Gas Journal: BSEE issues revised blowout preventer, new well control system rules Independent Petroleum Association of America Pres. Barry Russell said, "The BSEE revisions to the Obama-era well control rule are common sense and will go far to increase the safety of all those who work in the offshore. The changes in the new rule allow for producers to be nimbler, with more adaptive guidelines based on the most up-to-date insights and innovative technology in the offshore exploration and development field." New York Times: Interior Dept. Loosens Offshore-Drilling Safety Rules In the final rule, the Interior Department noted that the changes were expected to save the oil industry about $824 million over 10 years. "The changes in the new rule allow for producers
[ -0.5282642141330359, -0.45978044268309787 ]
[ 1.032903877566821, 0.746403304557266 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 369, 4918, 29901, 4306, 304, 2244, 21137, 350, 26369, 304, 316, 571, 3158, 373, 777, 17182, 29892, 10489, 454, 2129, 7972, 297, 8775, 19264, 17570, 13, 29924, 497, 4170, 16498, 29892, 16336, 8881, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 4876, 393, 278, 3440, 3785, 338, 263, 27131, 4331, 363, 278, 350, 26369, 304, 26978, 277, 16705, 515, 1887, 24921, 322, 916, 8852, 13973, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 701, 304, 278, 350, 26369, 304, 8161, 2446, 6576, 297, 278, 1889, 322, 607, 20067, 1379, 896, 1284, 13747, 411, 21862, 363, 5849, 29892, 451, 13661, 3643, 29380, 6471, 1699, 16498, 1497, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 1019, 4752, 16439, 15332, 337, 8921, 2133, 1153, 4637, 6584, 1997, 583, 13, 1576, 18385, 19141, 8831, 30003, 4716, 756, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 3082, 19141, 7993, 29892, 18385, 19141, 9179, 368, 7993, 29892, 2672, 29954, 6344, 29892, 322, 319, 4590, 29931, 408, 5144, 30003, 4977, 333, 297, 263, 3229, 393, 278, 6907, 800, 892, 5335, 873, 297, 19912, 278, 3148, 10489, 13661, 29892, 322, 278, 17097, 29892, 2106, 29892, 322, 1887, 5874, 16212, 607, 1072, 5987, 372, 29892, 6773, 304, 3013, 6931, 9109, 29892, 5335, 873, 29892, 322, 23279, 29889, 13, 1576, 28548, 484, 29872, 10130, 29899, 16213, 29901, 438, 5690, 29909, 29899, 8949, 29949, 12739, 5144, 1371, 411, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 8022, 749, 13, 1576, 3461, 29892, 18043, 491, 306, 14851, 4485, 277, 322, 12969, 287, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 378, 27722, 393, 297, 27879, 7432, 29892, 1391, 22543, 4446, 17182, 5802, 6548, 491, 975, 29871, 29896, 29955, 10151, 304, 4359, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2594, 2674, 29879, 639, 2462, 313, 1327, 3137, 29914, 29881, 29897, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 411, 5802, 3806, 304, 6159, 29871, 29953, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 289, 2204, 29879, 29914, 29881, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29945, 29889, 13, 29928, 8683, 24836, 13377, 1241, 29901, 29301, 4392, 1475, 7417, 17182, 29892, 10489, 5802, 13, 2744, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 12969, 287, 6559, 7344, 29879, 7417, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 526, 8022, 1218, 21849, 5864, 2791, 1691, 29889, 13, 1576, 7418, 29892, 18043, 491, 278, 5381, 16114, 1199, 2318, 306, 14851, 4485, 277, 29892, 10018, 7417, 1391, 22543, 3633, 287, 363, 29871, 29947, 29941, 10151, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 17182, 5802, 322, 29871, 29929, 29900, 10151, 310, 967, 5613, 10489, 322, 5613, 10489, 15617, 4841, 313, 29940, 7239, 29897, 5802, 29889, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 28052, 1237, 13298, 403, 3148, 24836, 4485, 1691, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 8022, 403, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5864, 2791, 1691, 29892, 17737, 17068, 29871, 29947, 29941, 10151, 310, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 17182, 1962, 322, 29871, 29929, 29900, 10151, 310, 21849, 5613, 10489, 322, 5613, 10489, 15617, 4841, 313, 29940, 7239, 29897, 5802, 29889, 13, 1349, 852, 526, 1023, 1284, 886, 297, 263, 716, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 6817, 27159, 287, 6559, 8560, 491, 306, 14851, 4485, 277, 29889, 450, 3461, 29892, 376, 1576, 12884, 293, 2866, 3224, 310, 25266, 6607, 4097, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 1699, 884, 378, 27722, 393, 11061, 1237, 4192, 453, 29871, 29929, 29896, 10151, 310, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 5641, 6344, 29901, 12157, 719, 756, 3595, 330, 2708, 15020, 525, 20087, 1199, 310, 10329, 359, 29915, 13, 2744, 6221, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 10325, 20976, 278, 18066, 267, 20805, 4056, 515, 278, 1857, 5177, 297, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 7483, 29889, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 5641, 6344, 16336, 11289, 6673, 29892, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 29892, 9904, 378, 11476, 284, 297, 814, 423, 29892, 26001, 297, 19389, 322, 8037, 5619, 832, 3097, 29892, 1584, 278, 1139, 310, 3692, 8604, 13973, 1603, 4383, 29892, 408, 17737, 17068, 304, 25812, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 3353, 7343, 756, 3939, 1699, 540, 5429, 278, 20026, 472, 278, 20894, 713, 4886, 262, 16738, 284, 2169, 352, 7606, 9444, 18220, 29892, 607, 471, 498, 1295, 3250, 472, 278, 29287, 17968, 7817, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 4124, 1611, 975, 2350, 7273, 13031, 449, 5557, 291, 5751, 13, 29924, 520, 310, 278, 7780, 10327, 674, 7595, 17097, 1072, 8250, 411, 278, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29915, 29879, 13031, 449, 5557, 291, 20801, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 3620, 297, 278, 716, 5751, 2758, 363, 1391, 22543, 304, 367, 302, 19977, 1358, 29892, 411, 901, 7744, 573, 1410, 10652, 1475, 2729, 373, 278, 1556, 701, 29899, 517, 29899, 1256, 1663, 5861, 322, 24233, 1230, 15483, 1699, 1497, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 7178, 23032, 20679, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 350, 22048, 5626, 337, 11292, 13031, 449, 5557, 261, 29892, 716, 1532, 2761, 1788, 6865, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 4360, 29889, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29892, 376, 1576, 350, 22048, 23484, 1080, 304, 278, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 1532, 2761, 5751, 526, 3619, 4060, 322, 674, 748, 2215, 304, 7910, 278, 15332, 310, 599, 1906, 1058, 664, 297, 278, 1283, 845, 487, 29889, 450, 3620, 297, 278, 716, 5751, 2758, 363, 1391, 22543, 304, 367, 302, 19977, 1358, 29892, 411, 901, 7744, 573, 1410, 10652, 1475, 2729, 373, 278, 1556, 701, 29899, 517, 29899, 1256, 1663, 5861, 322, 24233, 1230, 15483, 297, 278, 1283, 845, 487, 3902, 12418, 322, 5849, 1746, 1213, 13, 4373, 3088, 10277, 29901, 4124, 1611, 897, 415, 29889, 4309, 359, 575, 5947, 845, 487, 29899, 25639, 8873, 14795, 3305, 390, 2540, 13, 797, 278, 2186, 5751, 29892, 278, 4124, 1611, 10317, 11682, 393, 278, 3620, 892, 3806, 304, 4078, 278, 17182, 13661, 1048, 395, 29947, 29906, 29946, 7284, 975, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 3620, 297, 278, 716, 5751, 2758, 363, 1391, 22543 ]
to be nimbler, with more adaptive guidelines based on the most up-to-date insights and innovative technology," said Barry Russell, chief executive of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Politico Morning Energy: Beetle Mania The Fish and Wildlife Service proposed Wednesday downlisting the American burying beetle under the Endangered Species Act — a decision the oil and gas industry cheered. Since listing the species as endangered in 1989, the FWS has "made some positive steps forward," said Southwest Regional Director Amy Lueders. "This status change is welcome news to those that have been in limbo awaiting a decision on the listing from USFWS," said Dan Naatz, Independent Petroleum Association of America senior vice president of government relations and political affairs. E&E News: FWS proposes downlisting beetle in win for oil industry In 2015, groups including the Independent Petroleum Association of America and the Texas Public Policy Foundation petitioned FWS to delist the beetle (Greenwire, Sept. 4, 2018). Doug Domenech, the former director of the Fueling Freedom Project at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, is now the Trump administration's assistant secretary of Interior for insular affairs. Susan Combs, now awaiting confirmation as another assistant Interior secretary, was a visiting senior fellow at the Texas foundation. "Many land development, agriculture, transportation, and pipeline or utility operations are delayed or restricted due to the presence of the beetle," the 2015 petition stated, adding that it "caused issues with the development of the Keystone XL Pipeline" (Greenwire, Sept. 1, 2017). The American Stewards of Liberty, Independent Petroleum Association of America and Osage Producers Association subsequently sued FWS in 2016 to compel action. Bloomberg: Trump Seeks to Downgrade Protection for Endangered Beetle The proposal was cheered by oil industry interests that have pushed the government to strip the beetle's Endangered Species Act protections. Dan Naatz, senior vice president at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, called the move "welcome news to those that have been in limbo" waiting for a decision. "Since 1989, the beetle's listing has been met with criticism for failing to provide the science-based evidence that ESA listings warrant," Naatz said. "The beetle's listing was rooted in faulty assumptions about the species' range, distribution and abundance." Wall Street Journal: Trump's Offshore Oil-Drilling Plan Sidelined Indefinitely That hasn't stopped industry trade groups in Washington from supporting the plan in hopes of increasing their options. Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said a court decision shouldn't bring the government's work to a halt. "We're hopeful that the Interior Department will remain committed to the regulatory process," he said. Carlsbad Current-Argus: Emissions down in the Permian Basin? State of New Mexico inspects 98 oil and gas facilities Environmentalist have long criticized the oil and gas industry for the release of methane and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through the process of venting the gas or burning it off during flaring. But new research published this week by Energy in Depth – a project devised by the Independent Petroleum Association of America showed declines in two of the most active oil and gas basins in America. Dallas Business Journal: What a difference a day makes: Inside last week's M&A activity in Texas Austin Elam, a newly minted partner at Haynes and Boone in Houston, spoke about drillcos' rise and mechanics last week at a luncheon in Houston hosted by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Equity markets remain quiet, and with borrowing bases not rising, there's not a lot of liquidity in the market," he said. Bloomberg: N.Y. to Safeguard Pension Fund From Climate Change Matt Dempsey, a spokesman for Divestment Facts, a project of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, took the opposite view. "Comptroller DiNapoli has repeatedly rejected empty calls to divest, placing his fiduciary duty to New York'
[ -0.16624187730580106, -0.03518105969348216 ]
[ 0.6103155323777273, 0.6676156469796384 ]
[ -0.38703588302139746, 0.15128127461641366 ]
[ 0.025098322233588752, -0.03733456420448047 ]
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[ 304, 367, 302, 19977, 1358, 29892, 411, 901, 7744, 573, 1410, 10652, 1475, 2729, 373, 278, 1556, 701, 29899, 517, 29899, 1256, 1663, 5861, 322, 24233, 1230, 15483, 1699, 1497, 23032, 20679, 29892, 9087, 22760, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 7713, 277, 1417, 3879, 1076, 24836, 29901, 1522, 300, 280, 2315, 423, 13, 1576, 12030, 322, 11821, 19264, 6692, 7972, 15050, 4515, 3250, 1623, 1761, 292, 278, 3082, 289, 2857, 292, 367, 300, 280, 1090, 278, 2796, 4600, 287, 21807, 3185, 813, 263, 10608, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 923, 14561, 29889, 4001, 18028, 278, 6606, 408, 1095, 4600, 287, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29892, 278, 383, 7811, 756, 376, 26350, 777, 6374, 6576, 6375, 1699, 1497, 4275, 5933, 16208, 15944, 28533, 3182, 287, 414, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 4660, 1735, 338, 12853, 9763, 304, 1906, 393, 505, 1063, 297, 2485, 833, 7272, 292, 263, 10608, 373, 278, 18028, 515, 3148, 29943, 7811, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 383, 7811, 9551, 267, 1623, 1761, 292, 367, 300, 280, 297, 5401, 363, 17182, 13661, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29892, 6471, 3704, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 278, 10319, 5236, 25219, 10606, 5697, 654, 287, 383, 7811, 304, 628, 391, 278, 367, 300, 280, 313, 24599, 22376, 29892, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 467, 13, 29928, 692, 7809, 1600, 305, 29892, 278, 4642, 8881, 310, 278, 383, 2491, 292, 3878, 11607, 8010, 472, 278, 10319, 5236, 25219, 10606, 29892, 338, 1286, 278, 27504, 17517, 29915, 29879, 20255, 28274, 310, 4124, 1611, 363, 1663, 1070, 19469, 29889, 25914, 422, 5824, 29892, 1286, 7272, 292, 9659, 362, 408, 1790, 20255, 4124, 1611, 28274, 29892, 471, 263, 6493, 292, 16336, 10404, 472, 278, 10319, 22778, 29889, 13, 29908, 14804, 2982, 5849, 29892, 18032, 545, 29892, 8608, 362, 29892, 322, 16439, 470, 19725, 6931, 526, 29801, 470, 22078, 2861, 304, 278, 10122, 310, 278, 367, 300, 280, 1699, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 5697, 654, 8703, 29892, 4417, 393, 372, 376, 1113, 3880, 5626, 411, 278, 5849, 310, 278, 4813, 858, 650, 1060, 29931, 349, 23828, 29908, 313, 24599, 22376, 29892, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 13, 1576, 3082, 2443, 2935, 310, 10895, 1017, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 6657, 482, 7138, 22543, 7993, 17602, 480, 287, 383, 7811, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 304, 752, 295, 3158, 29889, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 27504, 922, 14541, 304, 9943, 8228, 14409, 428, 363, 2796, 4600, 287, 1522, 300, 280, 13, 1576, 24963, 471, 923, 14561, 491, 17182, 13661, 20017, 393, 505, 18760, 278, 5874, 304, 17820, 278, 367, 300, 280, 29915, 29879, 2796, 4600, 287, 21807, 3185, 3279, 1953, 29889, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 2000, 278, 4337, 376, 20466, 2763, 9763, 304, 1906, 393, 505, 1063, 297, 2485, 833, 29908, 10534, 363, 263, 10608, 29889, 13, 29908, 23036, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29892, 278, 367, 300, 280, 29915, 29879, 18028, 756, 1063, 1539, 411, 29035, 363, 17581, 304, 3867, 278, 10466, 29899, 6707, 10757, 393, 382, 8132, 1051, 886, 1370, 21867, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 1576, 367, 300, 280, 29915, 29879, 18028, 471, 3876, 287, 297, 12570, 29891, 20813, 1048, 278, 6606, 29915, 3464, 29892, 4978, 322, 18666, 749, 1213, 13, 29956, 497, 7103, 8237, 29901, 27504, 29915, 29879, 5947, 845, 487, 438, 309, 29899, 25639, 8873, 8402, 317, 10652, 1312, 1894, 1389, 18639, 13, 7058, 22602, 29915, 29873, 11084, 13661, 11302, 6471, 297, 7660, 515, 20382, 278, 3814, 297, 26926, 310, 10231, 1009, 3987, 29889, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 263, 8973, 10608, 9273, 29915, 29873, 6963, 278, 5874, 29915, 29879, 664, 304, 263, 25212, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 4966, 1319, 393, 278, 4124, 1611, 10317, 674, 3933, 19355, 304, 278, 24378, 7606, 1889, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 8179, 3137, 12313, 9626, 29899, 8559, 375, 29901, 2812, 6847, 1623, 297, 278, 20894, 713, 4886, 262, 29973, 4306, 310, 1570, 12568, 16096, 29879, 29871, 29929, 29947, 17182, 322, 10489, 23330, 13, 18649, 284, 391, 505, 1472, 11164, 1891, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 363, 278, 6507, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 322, 916, 1700, 24285, 2894, 293, 752, 3885, 313, 29963, 20166, 29879, 29897, 1549, 278, 1889, 310, 9712, 292, 278, 10489, 470, 25535, 372, 1283, 2645, 1652, 4362, 29889, 13, 6246, 716, 5925, 6369, 445, 4723, 491, 24836, 297, 10034, 386, 785, 263, 2060, 316, 11292, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 10018, 4845, 1475, 297, 1023, 310, 278, 1556, 6136, 17182, 322, 10489, 2362, 1144, 297, 6813, 29889, 13, 29928, 15892, 15197, 8237, 29901, 1724, 263, 4328, 263, 2462, 3732, 29901, 22804, 1833, 4723, 29915, 29879, 341, 29987, 29909, 6354, 297, 10319, 13, 29909, 504, 262, 1260, 314, 29892, 263, 15141, 20559, 287, 18096, 472, 11389, 4515, 322, 1952, 650, 297, 24327, 29892, 12707, 1048, 4192, 453, 3944, 29915, 14451, 322, 7208, 1199, 1833, 4723, 472, 263, 25081, 1173, 265, 297, 24327, 17791, 491, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29908, 6108, 537, 2791, 1691, 3933, 11813, 29892, 322, 411, 27942, 292, 22561, 451, 20493, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 451, 263, 3287, 310, 23904, 537, 297, 278, 9999, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29901, 405, 29889, 29979, 29889, 304, 14795, 24024, 538, 349, 2673, 13249, 3645, 2233, 6490, 10726, 13, 29924, 1131, 360, 3451, 7759, 29892, 263, 805, 23195, 1171, 363, 4910, 342, 358, 26748, 29879, 29892, 263, 2060, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 3614, 278, 11564, 1776, 29889, 13, 29908, 1523, 415, 1825, 4671, 29940, 481, 5079, 756, 28424, 22225, 4069, 5717, 304, 1933, 342, 29892, 24421, 670, 25947, 29884, 455, 653, 13360, 304, 1570, 3088, 29915 ]
s retirees over a costly, ineffective political gesture," Dempsey said in a statement. "Recent academic reports find divestment would impose losses on the fund ranging from $136 million to $198 million per year—the equivalent to eliminating the average annual benefit of over 8,500 retirees —while doing nothing to support the environment. Next steps for New York remain to be seen, but today's report is another clear indicator that blanket divestment is not a solution." Associated Press: Warren has new plan for fossil fuel leasing on public lands Dan Naatz, senior vice president at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, warned that Warren's proposal to end new fossil fuel leases on public lands "would damage our economy and negatively impact job growth in communities" nationwide. "The royalties, rental fees and bonus bid revenues" from leasing, Naatz said in a statement, "which are evenly split between the federal government and the states where the development occurred, play a vital role in the state and local economies of states and tribal communities." Hobbs News-Sun: Hobbs Middle School students exposed to their options in science and oil and gas On Friday, Fisher's class was the recipients of visitors from OXY's Hobbs office, the IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center and EVERFI. The IPAA is the Independent Petroleum Association of America and PESA is the Petroleum Equipment and Services Association. Both are partnered with EVERFI, which is involved in increased STEM education in America's schools. They created a middle school program on STEM career exploration that interested Fisher. Law 360: 10th Circ. Vaporizes Green Groups' Methane Rule Appeal The Western Energy Alliance and the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which filed the initial challenge to the Obama-era rule, had asked the appeals court to vacate that rule, called the waste prevention rule, completely. Rigzone: Industry Reaction to Trump's Executive Orders Several industry associations have reacted positively to President Donald Trump's executive orders signed yesterday, which make it harder for states to block pipelines and other energy projects. The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) welcomed Trump's actions, with IPAA Executive Vice President Lee Fuller stating in an organization release that the IPAA "consistently has supported development of much needed infrastructure to transport America's oil and natural gas resources to consumers". Fuller added that the IPAA supports, in particular, the aspect of the executive orders that calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to update the interim 2010 guidance over permitting under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). "This guidance, overdue for updating, has allowed for implementation of the CWA in a manner inconsistent with the statute and to inhibit projects that are clearly in interstate commerce," Fuller continued. Inside Sources: Energy Industry Pleased by Trump Executive Order Expediting Pipeline Approval Both the energy industry and organized labor greeted the news with enthusiasm. The Independent Petroleum Association of America specifically praised the order addressing the EPA's enforcement of the Clean Water Act, saying that a 2010 rule change allowed states "to inhibit projects that are clearly in interstate commerce." Meanwhile, unions expressed their support for a move that will doubtless create more jobs. Casper Star-Tribune: Trump orders aim to ease restrictions on energy infrastructure, narrow states' say on energy projects Industry groups came out in favor of the president's executive orders Wednesday, arguing alongside conservative politicians that the Clean Water Act provision had been undermined due to previous interpretation. "This guidance, overdue for updating, has allowed for implementation of the CWA in a manner inconsistent with the statute and to inhibit projects that are clearly in interstate commerce," Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in a statement. CNBC: Opening Bell, April 8, 2019 Ringing today's opening bells are Trex Company with President and CEO Jim Cline at the NYSE and Independent Petroleum Association of America with President and CEO Barry Russell at the Nasdaq. Houston Chronicle: U.S. energy official warns Europe of 'over reliance' on Russian gas F
[ -0.09887096714192452, -0.16316010759055383 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29879, 3240, 533, 267, 975, 263, 3438, 368, 29892, 297, 15987, 573, 8604, 29502, 1699, 360, 3451, 7759, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 4789, 296, 21567, 13676, 1284, 1933, 342, 358, 723, 2411, 852, 28495, 373, 278, 5220, 364, 9776, 515, 395, 29896, 29941, 29953, 7284, 304, 395, 29896, 29929, 29947, 7284, 639, 1629, 30003, 1552, 7126, 304, 10397, 1218, 278, 6588, 17568, 14169, 310, 975, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 3240, 533, 267, 813, 8000, 2599, 3078, 304, 2304, 278, 5177, 29889, 8084, 6576, 363, 1570, 3088, 3933, 304, 367, 3595, 29892, 541, 9826, 29915, 29879, 3461, 338, 1790, 2821, 27717, 393, 9654, 300, 1933, 342, 358, 338, 451, 263, 1650, 1213, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 24511, 756, 716, 3814, 363, 21983, 309, 26413, 454, 5832, 373, 970, 12625, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1370, 9571, 393, 24511, 29915, 29879, 24963, 304, 1095, 716, 21983, 309, 26413, 454, 2129, 373, 970, 12625, 376, 29893, 483, 18658, 1749, 26504, 322, 3480, 6703, 10879, 4982, 14321, 297, 23507, 29908, 5233, 8157, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 20258, 1997, 583, 29892, 364, 13703, 1238, 267, 322, 28920, 21000, 20957, 1041, 29908, 515, 454, 5832, 29892, 4465, 4101, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29892, 376, 4716, 526, 1584, 368, 6219, 1546, 278, 17097, 5874, 322, 278, 5922, 988, 278, 5849, 10761, 29892, 1708, 263, 27131, 6297, 297, 278, 2106, 322, 1887, 7766, 583, 310, 5922, 322, 9434, 284, 23507, 1213, 13, 29950, 711, 5824, 10130, 29899, 29903, 348, 29901, 25302, 5824, 14253, 4523, 8041, 19884, 304, 1009, 3987, 297, 10466, 322, 17182, 322, 10489, 13, 2951, 28728, 29892, 12030, 261, 29915, 29879, 770, 471, 278, 23957, 10070, 310, 26824, 515, 438, 18454, 29915, 29879, 25302, 5824, 8034, 29892, 278, 5641, 6344, 29914, 29925, 2890, 29909, 24836, 13151, 7817, 322, 382, 5348, 3738, 29889, 450, 5641, 6344, 338, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 349, 2890, 29909, 338, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 11243, 666, 358, 322, 15538, 7993, 29889, 9134, 526, 18096, 287, 411, 382, 5348, 3738, 29892, 607, 338, 9701, 297, 11664, 317, 4330, 29924, 9793, 297, 6813, 29915, 29879, 12462, 29889, 2688, 2825, 263, 7256, 3762, 1824, 373, 317, 4330, 29924, 6413, 3902, 12418, 393, 8852, 12030, 261, 29889, 13, 29931, 1450, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29900, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29900, 386, 12594, 29889, 478, 26191, 7093, 7646, 1632, 4410, 29915, 341, 621, 1662, 27308, 2401, 29872, 284, 13, 1576, 10504, 24836, 29855, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 13, 29048, 29892, 607, 934, 29881, 278, 2847, 18766, 304, 278, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5751, 29892, 750, 4433, 278, 5929, 1338, 8973, 304, 11757, 403, 393, 5751, 29892, 2000, 278, 19863, 5557, 291, 5751, 29892, 6446, 29889, 13, 29934, 335, 8028, 29901, 12157, 719, 830, 2467, 304, 27504, 29915, 29879, 28841, 1394, 8623, 13, 29903, 1310, 284, 13661, 27733, 505, 7657, 287, 13686, 3598, 304, 7178, 18935, 27504, 29915, 29879, 22760, 11299, 8794, 22600, 29892, 607, 1207, 372, 22622, 363, 5922, 304, 2908, 8450, 24210, 322, 916, 5864, 9279, 29889, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 5476, 510, 287, 27504, 29915, 29879, 8820, 29892, 411, 5641, 6344, 28841, 21400, 7178, 9371, 14846, 261, 23659, 297, 385, 13013, 6507, 393, 278, 5641, 6344, 376, 3200, 391, 2705, 756, 6969, 5849, 310, 1568, 4312, 22035, 12425, 304, 8608, 6813, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 7788, 304, 11233, 414, 1642, 13, 13658, 261, 2715, 393, 278, 5641, 6344, 11286, 29892, 297, 3153, 29892, 278, 9565, 310, 278, 22760, 11299, 393, 5717, 373, 278, 16738, 284, 14409, 428, 29353, 304, 2767, 278, 1006, 326, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 27323, 975, 3635, 5367, 1090, 9779, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29896, 310, 278, 315, 14044, 13062, 3185, 313, 29907, 12982, 467, 13, 29908, 4013, 27323, 29892, 975, 29123, 363, 13271, 29892, 756, 6068, 363, 5314, 310, 278, 315, 12982, 297, 263, 8214, 22435, 9696, 411, 278, 1002, 1082, 322, 304, 297, 6335, 277, 9279, 393, 526, 9436, 297, 1006, 3859, 24346, 1699, 14846, 261, 7572, 29889, 13, 797, 2975, 317, 2863, 29901, 24836, 12157, 719, 349, 4611, 491, 27504, 28841, 8170, 12027, 5628, 292, 349, 23828, 28268, 791, 13, 29933, 720, 278, 5864, 13661, 322, 19098, 10212, 1395, 300, 287, 278, 9763, 411, 23644, 3173, 29885, 29889, 450, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 10816, 7213, 3368, 278, 1797, 3211, 292, 278, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 24555, 13561, 310, 278, 315, 14044, 13062, 3185, 29892, 5934, 393, 263, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 5751, 1735, 6068, 5922, 376, 517, 297, 6335, 277, 9279, 393, 526, 9436, 297, 1006, 3859, 24346, 1213, 25065, 29892, 443, 1080, 13384, 1009, 2304, 363, 263, 4337, 393, 674, 7404, 2222, 1653, 901, 17643, 29889, 13, 29907, 294, 546, 7828, 29899, 29911, 1091, 1540, 29901, 27504, 11299, 12242, 304, 16326, 25091, 373, 5864, 22035, 12425, 29892, 12474, 5922, 29915, 1827, 373, 5864, 9279, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 6471, 2996, 714, 297, 7853, 310, 278, 6673, 29915, 29879, 22760, 11299, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 1852, 26420, 19963, 8976, 1230, 2832, 14722, 393, 278, 315, 14044, 13062, 3185, 25161, 750, 1063, 563, 837, 1312, 2861, 304, 3517, 19854, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 27323, 29892, 975, 29123, 363, 13271, 29892, 756, 6068, 363, 5314, 310, 278, 315, 12982, 297, 263, 8214, 22435, 9696, 411, 278, 1002, 1082, 322, 304, 297, 6335, 277, 9279, 393, 526, 9436, 297, 1006, 3859, 24346, 1699, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 13, 13778, 5371, 29901, 4673, 292, 10914, 29892, 3786, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 13, 29934, 292, 292, 9826, 29915, 29879, 8718, 289, 10071, 526, 6479, 29916, 6938, 411, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 8507, 315, 1220, 472, 278, 23526, 1660, 322, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 411, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 472, 278, 22318, 1388, 29939, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5864, 6221, 1370, 1983, 4092, 310, 525, 957, 12536, 749, 29915, 373, 10637, 10489, 13, 29943 ]
ederal lawmakers and industry groups including the Independent Petroleum Association of America and American Petroleum Institute have been urging Trump to fill the three vacancies at FERC quickly since the agency lost the quorum it needs to make major decisions in February. Oil & Gas Journal: Trump nominates Bernhardt to Interior secretary post Leaders of two major oil and gas trade associations applauded the president's Feb. 4 action. "Bernhardt knows the department well and understands the integral role that [Interior] plays in oil and gas development, both onshore and offshore," Independent Petroleum Association of America Pres. Barry Russell said. "As a westerner, Bernhardt is familiar with western lands and how by statute [Interior] manages public lands and waters with multiple use policies that balance conservation, recreational opportunities, job-creating economic activities, and safe, responsible energy development," Russell said. Argus Media: Crude Summit: SocGen weighs oil market impacts Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), said that Congressional deadlock between Democrats and Republicans has empowered President Donald Trump to move forward with a pro-industry agenda. The Trump administration's push to roll back environmental and other industry regulations enacted by previous administrations are "a good sign, but the reality is that is hard to do," because Trump's regulation changes will be litigated, he said. Houston Chronicle: Dems, green groups tell Interior to halt oil leasing during shutdown "American companies who operate in the offshore invest hundreds of millions of dollars in projects and need certainty to see these projects through," said Mallori Miller, senior director of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Preventing business as usual from continuing over a political fight that has nothing to do with our industry doesn't help anyone." Houston Chronicle: Shutdown leaves oil and gas unscathed, but for how long? "It's that uncertainty that can really cast a long shadow as you're trying to make investments, especially for our smaller companies," Naatz said. "We hope the White House and Congress – all this is above our pay grade – but we hope they will take action and the shutdown will be resolved soon." …"We would like to see all these regulatory issues settled before the presidential election. We don't know what's going to happen and the timeline is getting more and more compressed," said Lee Fuller, executive vice President of government relations at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "There's no clear path. The litigation is going to be fairly extensive and complex." Associated Press: Outgoing Interior secretary Ryan Zinke defends his legacy as he leaves office Despite the Democrats' newfound power in Washington after taking control of the House of Representatives, industry representatives said Zinke's impact will be lasting. That's because they involved agency regulations rather than Congressional action and came at the order of Trump, said Dan Naatz, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Although Secretary Zinke was effective at what he was doing, the policy really came from the president," Naatz said. "We don't expect any major changes." The Hill: Zinke's drilling agenda to outlast tenure "I think that's really the most important legacy that Secretary Zinke will have, is moving back to that multiple use concept on areas of federal land designed for multiple use," said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "Largely BLM lands are areas that are available for energy production and also available for recreation and agriculture. Our frustration with the Obama administration was they moved much more toward a single-use philosophy, and much to the detriment of our members who wanted to use those areas for oil and gas production," he said. E&E News: U.S. nabs net exporter title Responding to the new data, a spokeswoman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America stressed their implications for economic security. "America's recent success in developing domestic oil resources – and exporting them – have ensured that no single nation, or cartel, can hold hostage energy consumers and that the marketplace should work freely." S&P Global Platts: Fossil fuel foes cheer Zinke's exit from Interior, but worry
[ 0.019605957466468257, -0.17420311573685635 ]
[ 0.6676156469796384, 0.3524650166691279 ]
[ 0.08787524898180694, -0.21647367406430534 ]
[ 0.36327645710646367, -0.034733193936227584 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 2447, 284, 4307, 29885, 21079, 322, 13661, 6471, 3704, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 505, 1063, 5065, 3460, 27504, 304, 5445, 278, 2211, 11757, 273, 2478, 472, 383, 1001, 29907, 9098, 1951, 278, 946, 3819, 5714, 278, 439, 17220, 372, 4225, 304, 1207, 4655, 1602, 12112, 297, 6339, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 27504, 10418, 1078, 6209, 25603, 304, 4124, 1611, 28274, 1400, 13, 29931, 1479, 414, 310, 1023, 4655, 17182, 322, 10489, 11302, 27733, 623, 433, 566, 287, 278, 6673, 29915, 29879, 26319, 29889, 29871, 29946, 3158, 29889, 376, 29933, 824, 25603, 9906, 278, 14311, 1532, 322, 2274, 29879, 278, 10160, 6297, 393, 518, 4074, 1611, 29962, 13582, 297, 17182, 322, 10489, 5849, 29892, 1716, 373, 845, 487, 322, 1283, 845, 487, 1699, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 4360, 29889, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 263, 5833, 15479, 29892, 6209, 25603, 338, 9985, 411, 15782, 12625, 322, 920, 491, 1002, 1082, 518, 4074, 1611, 29962, 767, 1179, 970, 12625, 322, 19922, 411, 2999, 671, 24833, 393, 17346, 24201, 29892, 28709, 1288, 28602, 1907, 29892, 4982, 29899, 1037, 1218, 17407, 14188, 29892, 322, 9109, 29892, 14040, 5864, 5849, 1699, 20679, 1497, 29889, 13, 8559, 375, 8213, 29901, 11263, 311, 6991, 2415, 29901, 28239, 15462, 591, 1141, 29879, 17182, 9999, 10879, 29879, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 1497, 393, 6005, 29878, 15750, 7123, 908, 1546, 14189, 1446, 322, 8063, 550, 756, 3710, 1680, 287, 7178, 18935, 27504, 304, 4337, 6375, 411, 263, 410, 29899, 20041, 719, 946, 8395, 29889, 13, 1576, 27504, 17517, 29915, 29879, 5503, 304, 9679, 1250, 29380, 322, 916, 13661, 1072, 8250, 427, 627, 287, 491, 3517, 6343, 800, 526, 376, 29874, 1781, 1804, 29892, 541, 278, 16832, 338, 393, 338, 2898, 304, 437, 1699, 1363, 27504, 29915, 29879, 1072, 2785, 3620, 674, 367, 11872, 335, 630, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 360, 1567, 29892, 7933, 6471, 2649, 4124, 1611, 304, 25212, 17182, 454, 5832, 2645, 12522, 3204, 13, 29908, 14689, 14582, 1058, 21994, 297, 278, 1283, 845, 487, 13258, 21006, 310, 14746, 310, 17208, 297, 9279, 322, 817, 3058, 1017, 304, 1074, 1438, 9279, 1549, 1699, 1497, 23809, 4170, 16498, 29892, 16336, 8881, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 6572, 794, 292, 5381, 408, 9670, 515, 3133, 292, 975, 263, 8604, 8589, 393, 756, 3078, 304, 437, 411, 1749, 13661, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1371, 5019, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 1383, 329, 3204, 11308, 17182, 322, 10489, 443, 1557, 14139, 29892, 541, 363, 920, 1472, 29973, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 393, 25812, 393, 508, 2289, 4320, 263, 1472, 15504, 408, 366, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 1207, 13258, 1860, 29892, 7148, 363, 1749, 7968, 14582, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 4966, 278, 8037, 5619, 322, 11559, 785, 599, 445, 338, 2038, 1749, 5146, 19468, 785, 541, 591, 4966, 896, 674, 2125, 3158, 322, 278, 12522, 3204, 674, 367, 11527, 4720, 1213, 13, 30098, 29908, 4806, 723, 763, 304, 1074, 599, 1438, 24378, 7606, 5626, 17141, 1434, 278, 6673, 616, 8271, 29889, 1334, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 3799, 322, 278, 5335, 5570, 338, 2805, 901, 322, 901, 419, 13120, 1699, 1497, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 7178, 310, 5874, 5302, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 376, 8439, 29915, 29879, 694, 2821, 2224, 29889, 450, 11872, 335, 362, 338, 2675, 304, 367, 12558, 20607, 322, 4280, 1213, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 4451, 17696, 4124, 1611, 28274, 20916, 796, 262, 446, 822, 1975, 670, 25000, 408, 540, 11308, 8034, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 278, 14189, 1446, 29915, 716, 11940, 3081, 297, 7660, 1156, 5622, 2761, 310, 278, 5619, 310, 28757, 29892, 13661, 2755, 5056, 1497, 796, 262, 446, 29915, 29879, 10879, 674, 367, 1833, 292, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 1363, 896, 9701, 946, 3819, 1072, 8250, 3265, 1135, 6005, 29878, 15750, 3158, 322, 2996, 472, 278, 1797, 310, 27504, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29908, 2499, 3592, 17719, 796, 262, 446, 471, 11828, 472, 825, 540, 471, 2599, 29892, 278, 8898, 2289, 2996, 515, 278, 6673, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2149, 738, 4655, 3620, 1213, 13, 1576, 9143, 29901, 796, 262, 446, 29915, 29879, 4192, 8873, 946, 8395, 304, 714, 4230, 3006, 545, 13, 29908, 29902, 1348, 393, 29915, 29879, 2289, 278, 1556, 4100, 25000, 393, 17719, 796, 262, 446, 674, 505, 29892, 338, 8401, 1250, 304, 393, 2999, 671, 6964, 373, 10161, 310, 17097, 2982, 8688, 363, 2999, 671, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 13, 29908, 29931, 1191, 873, 350, 26369, 12625, 526, 10161, 393, 526, 3625, 363, 5864, 5802, 322, 884, 3625, 363, 28709, 362, 322, 18032, 545, 29889, 8680, 1424, 11036, 411, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 471, 896, 6153, 1568, 901, 11183, 263, 2323, 29899, 1509, 22237, 29892, 322, 1568, 304, 278, 1439, 29878, 2073, 310, 1749, 5144, 1058, 5131, 304, 671, 1906, 10161, 363, 17182, 322, 10489, 5802, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 302, 6897, 7787, 1518, 9555, 3611, 13, 1666, 2818, 292, 304, 278, 716, 848, 29892, 263, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 851, 11517, 1009, 2411, 5795, 363, 17407, 6993, 29889, 376, 29048, 29915, 29879, 7786, 2551, 297, 14338, 21849, 17182, 7788, 785, 322, 5609, 292, 963, 785, 505, 5662, 2955, 393, 694, 2323, 5233, 29892, 470, 7774, 295, 29892, 508, 4808, 3495, 482, 5864, 11233, 414, 322, 393, 278, 9999, 6689, 881, 664, 28472, 1213, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 383, 2209, 309, 26413, 1701, 267, 22794, 796, 262, 446, 29915, 29879, 6876, 515, 4124, 1611, 29892, 541, 15982 ]
about successor Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in a statement that Zinke should be congratulated for recognizing the important role onshore and offshore federal lands play in the future of energy in America. That and other policy efforts to support Trump's vision of "energy dominance" in the U.S. would likely continue if Bernhardt is Zinke's successor. "Federal lands, by law, are designated for multiple use," Naatz said. "That can be recreation, hunting, mining, or energy production. We're confident that David Bernhardt expertly recognizes and will continue to uphold this law of the land for every American citizen, in his current or any future executive branch position." Politico Morning Energy: ENERGY CELEBRATES BUSH'S LIFE Both energy industry and environmental groups mourned the loss of former President George H.W. Bush, who died Friday at the age of 94. Bush was a former member of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, whose President and CEO Barry Russell said Bush "defined the characteristics of the great men and women who encompass our industry – hardworking, entrepreneurial, optimistic, and patriotic." S&P Global Platts: Industry advocates: steel quotas could harm US energy producers Jeff Eshelman, a spokesman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, agreed that imposing quotas on imported steel would be much more damaging to the independent exploration and production industry than applying tariffs to the materials. While tariffs increase the price of imported products, quotas limit the volumes of goods that countries can export to the US, he said in an interview with Platts on Wednesday. Midland Reporter-Telegram: Hearst Energy Awards honor area's economic engine The Independent Petroleum Association of America, which received the Industry Advocacy Award, is about to celebrate 90 years of representing the independent producers that drill 95 percent of the nation's oil and gas wells. Jeff Eshelman, IPAA's senior vice president, operations and public affairs, said it is an honor to advocate for an independent energy industry that is relied upon by every American for energy to power, heat and cool homes, businesses and factories and that fuels the economy. Midland Reporter-Telegram: Hearst Energy Award for Industry Advocacy For 90 years of supporting the independent energy industry, the IPAA is receiving the Hearst Energy Award for Industry Advocacy. Founded in 1929, "the mission of IPAA is to ensure a strong, viable American oil and natural gas industry, recognizing that an adequate and secure supply of energy is essential to the national economy," Eshelman said. "Today, through hard work not only in oil fields across America but in the nation's capital, we are achieving this mission. Our nation now leads the world in oil and natural gas production." Houston Chronicle: In Washington, politics around oil, climate change in flux Lee Fuller, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents smaller oil and gas producers, said Democrats undoubtedly will come under pressure from their constituencies to take action against climate change and rein in oil and gas development. But, he added, "How many other things do they want to pursue and how much time do they have? "I think we're going to have to see it sort out over the next several month. There's people who want to spend all their time impeaching Trump." Natural Gas Intelligence: NatGas Pipeline Security Defended, Challenging Coal, Nuke Bailout The Natural Gas Council, whose members include the American Gas Association, American Petroleum Institute, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, Independent Petroleum Association of America and Natural Gas Supply Association, said the report is aimed at providing "insight for policymakers" into the oil and gas industry's "comprehensive" cybersecurity programs. Natural Gas Intelligence: GOP Attempting to Hold Senate, Control Committees Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has a 10% voting record on IPAA's priority legislation," spokesman Jeff Eshelman told NGI. "That's a stark contrast to the priorities of the current GOP leadership…
[ 0.003169852318483132, 0.08535037805840875 ]
[ 0.3739525596448445, 0.3739525596448445 ]
[ -0.12009651509970312, 0.06251283872796425 ]
[ -0.24024144512820544, -0.22723459378694102 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1048, 29433, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 393, 796, 262, 446, 881, 367, 378, 629, 271, 7964, 363, 5936, 5281, 278, 4100, 6297, 373, 845, 487, 322, 1283, 845, 487, 17097, 12625, 1708, 297, 278, 5434, 310, 5864, 297, 6813, 29889, 2193, 322, 916, 8898, 14231, 304, 2304, 27504, 29915, 29879, 18551, 310, 376, 27548, 8022, 749, 29908, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 723, 5517, 6773, 565, 6209, 25603, 338, 796, 262, 446, 29915, 29879, 29433, 29889, 13, 29908, 29943, 2447, 284, 12625, 29892, 491, 4307, 29892, 526, 25373, 363, 2999, 671, 1699, 4465, 4101, 1497, 29889, 376, 7058, 508, 367, 28709, 362, 29892, 29826, 29892, 1375, 292, 29892, 470, 5864, 5802, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 24332, 393, 4699, 6209, 25603, 17924, 368, 5936, 7093, 322, 674, 6773, 304, 318, 561, 1025, 445, 4307, 310, 278, 2982, 363, 1432, 3082, 14497, 264, 29892, 297, 670, 1857, 470, 738, 5434, 22760, 5443, 2602, 1213, 13, 7713, 277, 1417, 3879, 1076, 24836, 29901, 12524, 1001, 29954, 29979, 14645, 1307, 15176, 1299, 2890, 350, 3308, 29950, 29915, 29903, 365, 6545, 29923, 13, 29933, 720, 5864, 13661, 322, 29380, 6471, 286, 2905, 287, 278, 6410, 310, 4642, 7178, 5122, 379, 29889, 29956, 29889, 24715, 29892, 1058, 6423, 28728, 472, 278, 5046, 310, 29871, 29929, 29946, 29889, 24715, 471, 263, 4642, 4509, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5069, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 1497, 24715, 376, 12119, 278, 21862, 310, 278, 2107, 1757, 322, 5866, 1058, 427, 2388, 465, 1749, 13661, 785, 2898, 22899, 29892, 23440, 1600, 332, 616, 29892, 5994, 4695, 29892, 322, 16967, 13574, 1213, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 12157, 719, 22545, 1078, 29901, 22973, 13911, 294, 1033, 10311, 3148, 5864, 1391, 22543, 13, 29967, 12352, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 263, 805, 23195, 1171, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 15502, 393, 7275, 292, 13911, 294, 373, 19673, 22973, 723, 367, 1568, 901, 5625, 6751, 304, 278, 7417, 3902, 12418, 322, 5802, 13661, 1135, 15399, 9913, 28324, 304, 278, 17279, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 9913, 28324, 7910, 278, 8666, 310, 19673, 9316, 29892, 13911, 294, 4046, 278, 18167, 310, 22535, 393, 10916, 508, 5609, 304, 278, 3148, 29892, 540, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 411, 1858, 1131, 29879, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 379, 799, 303, 24836, 9220, 10657, 4038, 29915, 29879, 17407, 6012, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 4520, 278, 12157, 719, 25215, 542, 4135, 7526, 29892, 338, 1048, 304, 10894, 403, 29871, 29929, 29900, 2440, 310, 15783, 278, 7417, 1391, 22543, 393, 4192, 453, 29871, 29929, 29945, 10151, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 29967, 12352, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 16336, 11289, 6673, 29892, 6931, 322, 970, 19469, 29892, 1497, 372, 338, 385, 10657, 304, 22545, 403, 363, 385, 7417, 5864, 13661, 393, 338, 337, 2957, 2501, 491, 1432, 3082, 363, 5864, 304, 3081, 29892, 12871, 322, 12528, 17774, 29892, 5381, 267, 322, 2114, 3842, 322, 393, 4084, 1379, 278, 26504, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 379, 799, 303, 24836, 7526, 363, 12157, 719, 25215, 542, 4135, 13, 2831, 29871, 29929, 29900, 2440, 310, 20382, 278, 7417, 5864, 13661, 29892, 278, 5641, 6344, 338, 13442, 278, 379, 799, 303, 24836, 7526, 363, 12157, 719, 25215, 542, 4135, 29889, 13, 29943, 7261, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29892, 376, 1552, 10655, 310, 5641, 6344, 338, 304, 9801, 263, 4549, 29892, 3516, 519, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 13661, 29892, 5936, 5281, 393, 385, 19967, 339, 403, 322, 11592, 11421, 310, 5864, 338, 18853, 304, 278, 4797, 26504, 1699, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 1497, 29889, 376, 29911, 397, 388, 29892, 1549, 2898, 664, 451, 871, 297, 17182, 4235, 4822, 6813, 541, 297, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 7483, 29892, 591, 526, 3657, 15387, 445, 10655, 29889, 8680, 5233, 1286, 11981, 278, 3186, 297, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 5802, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 512, 7660, 29892, 22661, 2820, 17182, 29892, 23622, 1735, 297, 19389, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7968, 17182, 322, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 14189, 1446, 563, 283, 3116, 23244, 674, 2041, 1090, 12959, 515, 1009, 10719, 15942, 304, 2125, 3158, 2750, 23622, 1735, 322, 15561, 297, 17182, 322, 10489, 5849, 29889, 1205, 29892, 540, 2715, 29892, 376, 5328, 1784, 916, 2712, 437, 896, 864, 304, 12359, 434, 322, 920, 1568, 931, 437, 896, 505, 29973, 13, 29908, 29902, 1348, 591, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 505, 304, 1074, 372, 2656, 714, 975, 278, 2446, 3196, 4098, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 2305, 1058, 864, 304, 18864, 599, 1009, 931, 527, 412, 9733, 27504, 1213, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 19259, 29954, 294, 349, 23828, 14223, 5282, 2760, 29892, 678, 16047, 292, 3189, 284, 29892, 12487, 446, 350, 737, 449, 13, 1576, 18385, 19141, 8831, 29892, 5069, 5144, 3160, 278, 3082, 19141, 7993, 29892, 3082, 5879, 12154, 398, 8907, 29892, 4124, 3859, 18385, 19141, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 18385, 19141, 9179, 368, 7993, 29892, 1497, 278, 3461, 338, 12242, 287, 472, 13138, 376, 1144, 523, 363, 13665, 962, 21079, 29908, 964, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29915, 29879, 376, 510, 1457, 29882, 6270, 29908, 5094, 495, 8926, 11104, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 402, 4590, 6212, 3456, 292, 304, 21771, 18148, 29892, 11264, 1876, 5388, 267, 13, 8140, 272, 537, 951, 1664, 678, 2707, 1102, 4680, 313, 29928, 29899, 29940, 29979, 29897, 756, 263, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 28931, 2407, 373, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 20136, 13332, 362, 1699, 805, 23195, 1171, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 5429, 405, 29954, 29902, 29889, 376, 7058, 29915, 29879, 263, 18561, 12814, 304, 278, 7536, 1907, 310, 278, 1857, 402, 4590, 26001, 30098 ]
The workload of a Democratic House and Senate majority would focus less on producing good energy policies, but more so on investigations and oversight — not only on the oil and gas industry, but also most affiliated industries up and down the supply chain, from power plants, to utilities to manufacturing." Houston Chronicle: Energy trade groups partner on Texas water research project As the massive volumes of water pumped into oil and gas wells continues to increase, energy trade groups said Wednesday they're partnering on a new research project to assess to issue. The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers and the Independent Petroleum Association of America are starting a new joint effort on a study called "Sustainable Produced Water Policy, Regulatory Framework and Management in the Texas Oil and Gas Industry: 2019 and Beyond." Crain's News York Business: Op-Ed: Drill down and fossil-fuel divestment comes up costly Divestment proponents want state and city leaders to put their money where their mouth is and give up fossil-fuel investments, but to do so ignores reality. Divestment is a high-cost, ineffective means of supporting the environment. It's time divestment activists and government leaders focus on solutions and not another empty promise with a hefty price tag. Washington Examiner: Op-Ed: Good riddance to Obama's gas flaring rule The release of the Bureau of Land Management's waste prevention rule, also known as the BLM venting and flaring rule, is welcome news for the future of energy development and environmental protection. Oil-producing states' economies are also set to benefit. Despite this, some members of Congress were quick to bash the new rule… S&P Global Platts: Rollback of methane rules expected to buoy US marginal wells Operators of even productive marginal wells may make only $50/d in revenue after taxes and royalties, making them severely at risk for negative impacts of relatively costly regulation, according to Lee Fuller, an executive vice president with the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Federal methane rules, such as one requiring a $100,000 flare camera and hiring trained operators, likely would have shut-in the majority of these marginal wells. "The costs were enough to take a productive well from plus money to minus money," Fuller said. Daily Energy Insider: Petroleum groups applaud Bureau of Land Management's revised waste prevention rule IPAA President and CEO Barry Russell also applauded the Department of the the Interior's release of the revised BLM rule. "As environmental stewards and businessmen and women who live in the communities where they work, IPAA member companies strive to explore for and produce as much American oil and natural gas as possible, while always being mindful of the need to protect public lands and the environment," Russell said. "The Trump Administration's rule recognizes this fact and acknowledges the cost burden placed on companies that work and explore on federal lands." The Wall Street Journal: EPA Announces Proposal to Roll Back Obama-Era Rules on Methane Emissions The Environmental Protection Agency's proposed changes give drillers more time both between inspections and to repair leaks when they happen, according to the proposal. Industry groups had said the Obama-era requirements were overly burdensome and unrealistic. "For too long, the federal bureaucracy has buried our industry in unnecessary and often duplicative red-tape," Barry Russell, the head of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in a statement. North American Shale: Oil and gas industry backs EPA's proposed fix to 2016 regulations The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday issued proposed improvements to the 2016 New Source Performance Standards for the oil and gas industry. The agency said its targeted improvements would "streamline implementation, reduce duplicative EPA and state requirements and significantly decrease unnecessary burdens on domestic energy producers." Barry Russell, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), said, "This proposal not only reassures America's continued path toward global energy leadership, but also continues to protect the environment and communities where energy production is located. It is important for the states to play an important role in decisions that affect their citizens, industries and natural resources." Washington Examiner: Op-
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[ 1576, 664, 1359, 310, 263, 19083, 5619, 322, 18148, 13638, 723, 8569, 3109, 373, 20811, 1781, 5864, 24833, 29892, 541, 901, 577, 373, 7405, 800, 322, 288, 874, 523, 813, 451, 871, 373, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29892, 541, 884, 1556, 23736, 630, 6397, 2722, 701, 322, 1623, 278, 11421, 9704, 29892, 515, 3081, 18577, 29892, 304, 3667, 1907, 304, 12012, 3864, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 24836, 11302, 6471, 18096, 373, 10319, 4094, 5925, 2060, 13, 2887, 278, 20364, 18167, 310, 4094, 282, 3427, 287, 964, 17182, 322, 10489, 1532, 29879, 18172, 304, 7910, 29892, 5864, 11302, 6471, 1497, 15050, 4515, 3250, 896, 29915, 276, 18096, 292, 373, 263, 716, 5925, 2060, 304, 24809, 304, 2228, 29889, 13, 1576, 10319, 29855, 310, 24836, 7138, 22543, 322, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 526, 6257, 263, 716, 14002, 7225, 373, 263, 6559, 2000, 376, 29903, 504, 475, 519, 7138, 1133, 13062, 25219, 29892, 2169, 352, 7606, 16657, 322, 15057, 297, 278, 10319, 438, 309, 322, 19141, 12157, 719, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 322, 18502, 898, 1213, 13, 29907, 6038, 29915, 29879, 10130, 3088, 15197, 29901, 6461, 29899, 3853, 29901, 4942, 453, 1623, 322, 21983, 309, 29899, 29888, 2491, 1933, 342, 358, 5304, 701, 3438, 368, 13, 12596, 342, 358, 410, 9340, 864, 2106, 322, 4272, 20251, 304, 1925, 1009, 6909, 988, 1009, 13394, 338, 322, 2367, 701, 21983, 309, 29899, 29888, 2491, 13258, 1860, 29892, 541, 304, 437, 577, 5330, 2361, 16832, 29889, 4910, 342, 358, 338, 263, 1880, 29899, 18253, 29892, 297, 15987, 573, 2794, 310, 20382, 278, 5177, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 931, 1933, 342, 358, 5039, 2879, 322, 5874, 20251, 8569, 373, 6851, 322, 451, 1790, 4069, 11640, 411, 263, 540, 3312, 8666, 4055, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 6461, 29899, 3853, 29901, 7197, 364, 2205, 749, 304, 4250, 3304, 29915, 29879, 10489, 1652, 4362, 5751, 13, 1576, 6507, 310, 278, 18903, 310, 3172, 15057, 29915, 29879, 19863, 5557, 291, 5751, 29892, 884, 2998, 408, 278, 350, 26369, 9712, 292, 322, 1652, 4362, 5751, 29892, 338, 12853, 9763, 363, 278, 5434, 310, 5864, 5849, 322, 29380, 13047, 29889, 438, 309, 29899, 5498, 3277, 5922, 29915, 7766, 583, 526, 884, 731, 304, 14169, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 445, 29892, 777, 5144, 310, 11559, 892, 4996, 304, 10891, 278, 716, 5751, 30098, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 1858, 1131, 29879, 29901, 21809, 1627, 310, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 3806, 304, 1321, 12602, 3148, 15276, 979, 1532, 29879, 13, 7094, 4097, 310, 1584, 3234, 573, 15276, 979, 1532, 29879, 1122, 1207, 871, 395, 29945, 29900, 29914, 29881, 297, 337, 9947, 1156, 8818, 267, 322, 20258, 1997, 583, 29892, 3907, 963, 2775, 873, 472, 12045, 363, 8178, 10879, 29879, 310, 13774, 3438, 368, 1072, 2785, 29892, 5034, 304, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 385, 22760, 11289, 6673, 411, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29889, 14879, 286, 621, 1662, 6865, 29892, 1316, 408, 697, 26795, 263, 395, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 285, 8663, 10656, 322, 298, 8491, 16370, 12768, 29892, 5517, 723, 505, 12522, 29899, 262, 278, 13638, 310, 1438, 15276, 979, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 21544, 892, 3307, 304, 2125, 263, 3234, 573, 1532, 515, 2298, 6909, 304, 26134, 6909, 1699, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 29928, 8683, 24836, 13377, 1241, 29901, 5879, 12154, 398, 6471, 623, 433, 566, 18903, 310, 3172, 15057, 29915, 29879, 337, 11292, 19863, 5557, 291, 5751, 13, 5690, 6344, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 884, 623, 433, 566, 287, 278, 10317, 310, 278, 278, 4124, 1611, 29915, 29879, 6507, 310, 278, 337, 11292, 350, 26369, 5751, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 29380, 1886, 2935, 322, 5381, 1527, 322, 5866, 1058, 5735, 297, 278, 23507, 988, 896, 664, 29892, 5641, 6344, 4509, 14582, 380, 4401, 304, 26987, 363, 322, 7738, 408, 1568, 3082, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 408, 1950, 29892, 1550, 2337, 1641, 3458, 1319, 310, 278, 817, 304, 12566, 970, 12625, 322, 278, 5177, 1699, 20679, 1497, 29889, 376, 1576, 27504, 23303, 29915, 29879, 5751, 5936, 7093, 445, 2114, 322, 24084, 2710, 278, 3438, 6866, 1145, 7180, 373, 14582, 393, 664, 322, 26987, 373, 17097, 12625, 1213, 13, 1576, 14406, 7103, 8237, 29901, 382, 7228, 8081, 1309, 778, 1019, 1066, 284, 304, 21809, 7437, 4250, 3304, 29899, 29923, 336, 390, 2540, 373, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 6847, 13, 1576, 16738, 284, 14409, 428, 29353, 29915, 29879, 7972, 3620, 2367, 4192, 453, 414, 901, 931, 1716, 1546, 1663, 412, 1953, 322, 304, 26032, 454, 10327, 746, 896, 3799, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 24963, 29889, 12157, 719, 6471, 750, 1497, 278, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 11780, 892, 975, 368, 6866, 21518, 608, 322, 443, 6370, 4695, 29889, 376, 2831, 2086, 1472, 29892, 278, 17097, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 756, 18550, 1749, 13661, 297, 19039, 322, 4049, 5141, 506, 1230, 2654, 29899, 941, 412, 1699, 23032, 20679, 29892, 278, 2343, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 13, 29940, 2072, 3082, 1383, 744, 29901, 438, 309, 322, 10489, 13661, 1250, 29879, 382, 7228, 29915, 29879, 7972, 2329, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1072, 8250, 13, 1576, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 16738, 284, 14409, 428, 29353, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 16610, 7972, 28473, 304, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1570, 7562, 23768, 6679, 3163, 363, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29889, 450, 946, 3819, 1497, 967, 3646, 287, 28473, 723, 376, 5461, 1220, 5314, 29892, 10032, 5141, 506, 1230, 382, 7228, 322, 2106, 11780, 322, 16951, 23806, 19039, 6866, 21518, 373, 21849, 5864, 1391, 22543, 1213, 23032, 20679, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 511, 1497, 29892, 376, 4013, 24963, 451, 871, 337, 465, 1973, 6813, 29915, 29879, 7572, 2224, 11183, 5534, 5864, 26001, 29892, 541, 884, 18172, 304, 12566, 278, 5177, 322, 23507, 988, 5864, 5802, 338, 5982, 29889, 739, 338, 4100, 363, 278, 5922, 304, 1708, 385, 4100, 6297, 297, 1602, 12112, 393, 6602, 1009, 18363, 29892, 6397, 2722, 322, 5613, 7788, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 6461, 29899 ]
Ed: When bad weather has struck, natural gas has been reliable Although each event affected the nations' power grids differently, there was one consistent result: The natural gas system continued to serve regional grids reliably throughout each one. A review of performance in Florida, the Gulf Coast and northeastern states during and after these three weather events was recently published by analytics expert RBN Energy, on behalf of the Natural Gas Council. RBN found that natural gas convincingly and consistently rose to the challenge of each event. In fact, the system performed remarkably. Natural Gas Intelligence: IPAA Urges White House to Modify Steel Import Trade Policies As the oil and gas industry grapples with tariffs on imported steel and a byzantine process for bypassing them, the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) urged the Trump administration to "understand and address" the unintended consequences of both actions, especially the increased burden on the industry's small businesses. In a four-page fact sheet updated last month, IPAA argued that the administration's 25% tariff on steel imports, in effect since March, have caused prices for domestically produced oil country tubular goods (OCTG) and line pipe (LP) to increase. Washington Post: Pair of researchers say they felt pressed by federal wildlife officials to bury risk on endangered beetle Lobbyists for industries working around the species argue that its range has ballooned 100-fold since getting federal protection and that the beetles are able to be raised in captivity for reintroduction into the wild. "The [Fish and Wildlife] Service should be expending its time on imperiled species," Sam McDonald, the director of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told The Washington Post by email. "The American burying beetle isn't one of them." Oil & Gas Facilities: US Steel Tariff Exclusion Process Leaves Trail of Confusion With 6 months having passed since US President Donald Trump announced his intention to impose a 25% tariff on steel imports, the oil and gas industry is still trying to figure out their footing in a newly developing economic reality. The tariffs and import quotas imposed on exporting countries have upped the project costs, and the process by which companies can apply for exclusions for specific steel products has been criticized as opaque, confusing, and slow. E&E News: Here's how Trump's 'greatest' tariffs can hike emissions Industry, though, questions whether domestic suppliers will manufacture the type of steel it needs. "The steel industry will say we can make the steel and then the exclusion is denied, but I don't know if anyone has figured out whether they can make all the steel that is requested in all the exclusions," IPAA Executive Vice President Lee Fuller said. FOX News: Sweeping changes proposed for Endangered Species Act A spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America said the group is optimistic that the changes would "continue to promote the conservation of protected species and their habitats…" and give their members "the flexibility and business certainty needed for the safe and responsible development of America's public lands." Oil & Gas Journal: Oil industry groups welcome proposals to change parts of the ESA A spokesman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America told OGJ: "We're optimistic that these modest improvements to the ESA will continue to promote the conservation of protected species and their habitats, while allowing our member companies the flexibility and business certainty needed for the safe and responsible development of America's public lands." SHALE Oil & Gas Business Magazine: Reflections on the Vital Role of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry's Trade Associations Several past IPAA Chairmen of the Board are mentioned in this opinion piece on the importance of oil and natural gas industry trade associations and the desire of these leaders to serve and give back to an industry in which they have spent their lives and built their companies. Western Wire: Western Caucus Introduces Bipartisan Package Of Bills Aimed To Reform, Update ESA The Independent Petroleum Association of America's (IPAA) Sam McDonald told the hearing that, "At its original passage, the ESA received much fanfare and virtually no opposition. However, since that time, it has evolved into one of the most litigious statutes on the books." Argus Media: Some oil companies get waivers to
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3853, 29901, 1932, 4319, 14826, 756, 15469, 29892, 5613, 10489, 756, 1063, 23279, 13, 2499, 3592, 1269, 1741, 15201, 278, 19079, 29915, 3081, 867, 4841, 17587, 29892, 727, 471, 697, 13747, 1121, 29901, 450, 5613, 10489, 1788, 7572, 304, 9080, 14014, 867, 4841, 12536, 2197, 10106, 1269, 697, 29889, 319, 9076, 310, 4180, 297, 13813, 29892, 278, 402, 16302, 17700, 322, 302, 441, 354, 11530, 5922, 2645, 322, 1156, 1438, 2211, 14826, 4959, 471, 10325, 6369, 491, 16114, 1199, 17924, 390, 29933, 29940, 24836, 29892, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 18385, 19141, 8831, 29889, 390, 29933, 29940, 1476, 393, 5613, 10489, 17953, 3277, 368, 322, 5718, 2705, 11492, 304, 278, 18766, 310, 1269, 1741, 29889, 512, 2114, 29892, 278, 1788, 8560, 8509, 2197, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 5641, 6344, 8918, 2710, 8037, 5619, 304, 3382, 1598, 2443, 295, 16032, 27226, 2043, 293, 583, 13, 2887, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 2646, 407, 793, 411, 9913, 28324, 373, 19673, 22973, 322, 263, 491, 29920, 20578, 1889, 363, 491, 3364, 292, 963, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 5065, 3192, 278, 27504, 17517, 304, 376, 5062, 1689, 322, 3211, 29908, 278, 443, 524, 2760, 27721, 310, 1716, 8820, 29892, 7148, 278, 11664, 6866, 1145, 373, 278, 13661, 29915, 29879, 2319, 5381, 267, 29889, 13, 797, 263, 3023, 29899, 3488, 2114, 9869, 4784, 1833, 4098, 29892, 5641, 6344, 28705, 393, 278, 17517, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29995, 9913, 2593, 373, 22973, 24802, 29892, 297, 2779, 1951, 4779, 29892, 505, 8581, 26094, 363, 2432, 342, 1711, 7371, 17182, 4234, 23131, 1070, 22535, 313, 29949, 1783, 29954, 29897, 322, 1196, 14282, 313, 13208, 29897, 304, 7910, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 4918, 29901, 349, 1466, 310, 5925, 414, 1827, 896, 7091, 15385, 491, 17097, 8775, 19264, 24921, 304, 289, 2857, 12045, 373, 1095, 4600, 287, 367, 300, 280, 13, 29931, 711, 1609, 2879, 363, 6397, 2722, 1985, 2820, 278, 6606, 27754, 393, 967, 3464, 756, 6411, 417, 22367, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29899, 8771, 1951, 2805, 17097, 13047, 322, 393, 278, 367, 300, 793, 526, 2221, 304, 367, 10425, 297, 4332, 2068, 363, 337, 524, 13210, 964, 278, 8775, 29889, 376, 1576, 518, 29943, 728, 322, 11821, 19264, 29962, 6692, 881, 367, 1518, 2548, 967, 931, 373, 10112, 2356, 6606, 1699, 3685, 4052, 28080, 29892, 278, 8881, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 450, 7660, 4918, 491, 4876, 29889, 376, 1576, 3082, 289, 2857, 292, 367, 300, 280, 3508, 29915, 29873, 697, 310, 963, 1213, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 14184, 9770, 29901, 3148, 2443, 295, 11740, 2593, 1222, 10085, 10554, 951, 5989, 3201, 309, 310, 10811, 3958, 13, 3047, 29871, 29953, 7378, 2534, 4502, 1951, 3148, 7178, 18935, 27504, 9326, 670, 16392, 304, 2411, 852, 263, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29995, 9913, 2593, 373, 22973, 24802, 29892, 278, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 338, 1603, 1811, 304, 4377, 714, 1009, 3661, 292, 297, 263, 15141, 14338, 17407, 16832, 29889, 450, 9913, 28324, 322, 1053, 13911, 294, 527, 4752, 373, 5609, 292, 10916, 505, 318, 2986, 278, 2060, 21544, 29892, 322, 278, 1889, 491, 607, 14582, 508, 3394, 363, 13489, 1080, 363, 2702, 22973, 9316, 756, 1063, 11164, 1891, 408, 1015, 19772, 29892, 16051, 29892, 322, 5232, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 2266, 29915, 29879, 920, 27504, 29915, 29879, 525, 7979, 271, 342, 29915, 9913, 28324, 508, 7251, 446, 953, 6847, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 29892, 2466, 29892, 5155, 3692, 21849, 1462, 27801, 674, 12012, 545, 278, 1134, 310, 22973, 372, 4225, 29889, 376, 1576, 22973, 13661, 674, 1827, 591, 508, 1207, 278, 22973, 322, 769, 278, 429, 10085, 338, 17935, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 565, 5019, 756, 14788, 714, 3692, 896, 508, 1207, 599, 278, 22973, 393, 338, 13877, 297, 599, 278, 13489, 1080, 1699, 5641, 6344, 28841, 21400, 7178, 9371, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 5800, 29990, 10130, 29901, 317, 705, 26819, 3620, 7972, 363, 2796, 4600, 287, 21807, 3185, 13, 29909, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 278, 2318, 338, 5994, 4695, 393, 278, 3620, 723, 376, 19878, 304, 27391, 278, 24201, 310, 6364, 6606, 322, 1009, 4760, 1446, 30098, 29908, 322, 2367, 1009, 5144, 376, 1552, 8525, 4127, 322, 5381, 3058, 1017, 4312, 363, 278, 9109, 322, 14040, 5849, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 970, 12625, 1213, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 438, 309, 13661, 6471, 12853, 9551, 1338, 304, 1735, 5633, 310, 278, 382, 8132, 13, 29909, 805, 23195, 1171, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 5429, 438, 29954, 29967, 29901, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 5994, 4695, 393, 1438, 878, 342, 28473, 304, 278, 382, 8132, 674, 6773, 304, 27391, 278, 24201, 310, 6364, 6606, 322, 1009, 4760, 1446, 29892, 1550, 14372, 1749, 4509, 14582, 278, 8525, 4127, 322, 5381, 3058, 1017, 4312, 363, 278, 9109, 322, 14040, 5849, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 970, 12625, 1213, 13, 23498, 1307, 438, 309, 669, 19141, 15197, 17880, 29901, 9897, 5942, 373, 278, 478, 2410, 1528, 280, 310, 278, 438, 309, 322, 18385, 19141, 12157, 719, 29915, 29879, 27226, 6853, 800, 13, 29903, 1310, 284, 4940, 5641, 6344, 24193, 1527, 310, 278, 12590, 526, 5276, 297, 445, 9426, 8424, 373, 278, 13500, 310, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 13661, 11302, 27733, 322, 278, 13521, 310, 1438, 20251, 304, 9080, 322, 2367, 1250, 304, 385, 13661, 297, 607, 896, 505, 10398, 1009, 12080, 322, 4240, 1009, 14582, 29889, 13, 16128, 824, 399, 533, 29901, 10504, 315, 585, 8668, 3159, 3518, 778, 350, 27494, 21603, 22029, 4587, 350, 6090, 319, 326, 287, 1763, 23933, 29892, 10318, 382, 8132, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 3685, 4052, 28080, 5429, 278, 22514, 393, 29892, 376, 4178, 967, 2441, 13382, 29892, 278, 382, 8132, 4520, 1568, 13524, 24658, 322, 4610, 1474, 694, 19626, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1951, 393, 931, 29892, 372, 756, 15220, 1490, 964, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 11872, 335, 2738, 1002, 2667, 373, 278, 8277, 1213, 13, 8559, 375, 8213, 29901, 3834, 17182, 14582, 679, 11324, 1536, 304 ]
US steel tariffs Industry officials say the administration's efforts to establish import quotas for specific countries are even more concerning than the tariffs. "What I am most concerned about is a quota that would come in and prevent me from buying the pipe," Independent Petroleum Association of America vice president Lee Fuller said. Midland Reporter-Telegram: Steel tariffs could halt energy dominance strategy "We, like every other industry, are very concerned about the use of steel tariffs and their impact on trade and retaliation from other countries," Lee Fuller, executive vice president with IPAA, said in a phone interview. But of greater concern is quotas established by the negotiation of bilateral agreements with other countries to curb imports and remove the tariffs, he said. E&E News: Trump asked OPEC for more oil. His allies say that's weird Oil is priced globally. Increased U.S. production has had an effect on moderating prices, but it likely can't make a sizable dent on its own, said Frederick Lawrence, vice president of economics and international affairs with IPAA. Many of President Trump's supporters work in fuel-intensive industries and are more sensitive to gas price spikes, Lawrence said. But he predicted that the market will "cool down" after summer's peak driving season. That could alleviate voter anxiety as fall elections roll around. Reuters: U.S. energy, agricultural and plastics firms gird for next round of tariffs to drop Lee Fuller, a vice president at oil and gas trade group Independent Petroleum Association of America, said it is requesting the administration "look at better alternatives than they have so far." The IPAA favors granting more tariff exclusions to products not typically made in the United States, including certain specialty steel used in oil drilling. Daily Energy Insider: IPAA lauds committee for bills regarding gas development on public lands The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) praised the House Committee on Natural Resources for easing regulations related to oil and natural gas development on public lands. IPAA represents independent producers that develop 90 percent of America's oil and natural gas wells. Morning Consult: Small U.S. Oil Producers Face Own 'Growing Pains' Outside of OPEC's Output Decision When members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and their partners meet and likely ease their oil output caps, there's one group of energy stakeholders that won't be watching too closely: small American oil exploration and production companies. Frederick Lawrence, vice president of economics and international affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said the United States has its own "growing pains" and problems independent of OPEC. Western Wire: House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill To Streamline Oil And Gas Permitting Ahead of the hearing, the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) sent a letter to Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-Utah) expressing its support of the bills under consideration that they call "common-sense onshore regulatory reform bills." Houston Chronicle: As Trump talks down oil prices, industry shrugs Pipeline capacity to move oil to Gulf Coast refineries and export hubs remains woefully short, driving the U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate to $10 below the international benchmark, Brent crude. Frederick Lawrence, vice president of economics and international affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said the two benchmarks were not moving in unison as they once did. If Brent slides, that doesn't mean WTI will. The Wall Street Journal: Trump's Steel Tariffs Could Mess With Texas Up to half of the specialized pipe and tubular steel products that the industry relies on are imported, according to the Independent Petroleum Association of America—meaning energy companies will need to suck up nearly the entire 25% price increase, absent any tariff exemptions. E&E News: Court refuses to reboot full Obama methane rule The Independent Petroleum Association of America and Western Energy Alliance — along with Wyoming, Montana, Texas and North Dakota — have long opposed the regulation as a costly overreach by Obama officials. The Trump administration is working on a rewrite that would erase many of the safeguards. Midland Reporter-Telegram: Environmental Regulatory Conference
[ -0.4830649249760768, -0.19851485460158433 ]
[ 0.23428353030268642, 0.5995717608898691 ]
[ -0.2786115791862199, -0.028791838185869438 ]
[ -0.07115237769176797, 0.13955861403671566 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3148, 22973, 9913, 28324, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 24921, 1827, 278, 17517, 29915, 29879, 14231, 304, 10127, 1053, 13911, 294, 363, 2702, 10916, 526, 1584, 901, 19813, 1135, 278, 9913, 28324, 29889, 376, 5618, 306, 626, 1556, 15041, 1048, 338, 263, 439, 4616, 393, 723, 2041, 297, 322, 5557, 592, 515, 1321, 5414, 278, 14282, 1699, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 11289, 6673, 9371, 14846, 261, 1497, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 2443, 295, 9913, 28324, 1033, 25212, 5864, 8022, 749, 13705, 13, 29908, 4806, 29892, 763, 1432, 916, 13661, 29892, 526, 1407, 15041, 1048, 278, 671, 310, 22973, 9913, 28324, 322, 1009, 10879, 373, 11302, 322, 3240, 2606, 362, 515, 916, 10916, 1699, 9371, 14846, 261, 29892, 22760, 11289, 6673, 411, 5641, 6344, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 9008, 15593, 29889, 1205, 310, 7621, 5932, 338, 13911, 294, 7841, 491, 278, 3480, 327, 11685, 310, 13181, 1008, 284, 8571, 4110, 411, 916, 10916, 304, 3151, 29890, 24802, 322, 3349, 278, 9913, 28324, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 27504, 4433, 438, 4162, 29907, 363, 901, 17182, 29889, 3600, 394, 3687, 1827, 393, 29915, 29879, 13543, 13, 29949, 309, 338, 544, 7612, 13149, 635, 29889, 512, 1037, 1463, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5802, 756, 750, 385, 2779, 373, 17768, 1218, 26094, 29892, 541, 372, 5517, 508, 29915, 29873, 1207, 263, 269, 13902, 12042, 373, 967, 1914, 29892, 1497, 19769, 19520, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 7766, 1199, 322, 6121, 19469, 411, 5641, 6344, 29889, 9267, 310, 7178, 27504, 29915, 29879, 1462, 272, 2153, 664, 297, 26413, 29899, 524, 6270, 6397, 2722, 322, 526, 901, 20502, 304, 10489, 8666, 805, 29379, 29892, 19520, 1497, 29889, 1205, 540, 25383, 393, 278, 9999, 674, 376, 1111, 324, 1623, 29908, 1156, 11801, 29915, 29879, 19224, 19500, 4259, 29889, 2193, 1033, 4788, 1403, 403, 9014, 261, 14919, 21549, 408, 6416, 20209, 9679, 2820, 29889, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5864, 29892, 18032, 3631, 322, 715, 579, 1199, 13734, 1516, 330, 1823, 363, 2446, 4513, 310, 9913, 28324, 304, 5768, 13, 3226, 29872, 14846, 261, 29892, 263, 11289, 6673, 472, 17182, 322, 10489, 11302, 2318, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 372, 338, 2009, 292, 278, 17517, 376, 6914, 472, 2253, 27809, 1135, 896, 505, 577, 2215, 1213, 450, 5641, 6344, 5025, 943, 16690, 292, 901, 9913, 2593, 13489, 1080, 304, 9316, 451, 12234, 1754, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 3704, 3058, 4266, 1017, 22973, 1304, 297, 17182, 4192, 8873, 29889, 13, 29928, 8683, 24836, 13377, 1241, 29901, 5641, 6344, 425, 566, 29879, 21118, 363, 289, 6090, 11211, 10489, 5849, 373, 970, 12625, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 7213, 3368, 278, 5619, 12930, 373, 18385, 27562, 363, 2240, 292, 1072, 8250, 4475, 304, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 5849, 373, 970, 12625, 29889, 5641, 6344, 11524, 7417, 1391, 22543, 393, 2693, 29871, 29929, 29900, 10151, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1532, 29879, 29889, 13, 28581, 1076, 2138, 499, 29901, 18285, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 438, 309, 7138, 22543, 10635, 438, 1233, 525, 29954, 798, 292, 349, 2708, 29915, 4451, 2975, 310, 438, 4162, 29907, 29915, 29879, 10604, 3826, 2459, 13, 10401, 5144, 310, 278, 9205, 2133, 310, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 1222, 637, 292, 3917, 2722, 322, 1009, 22056, 5870, 322, 5517, 16326, 1009, 17182, 1962, 26091, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 697, 2318, 310, 5864, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 393, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 21217, 2086, 16467, 29901, 2319, 3082, 17182, 3902, 12418, 322, 5802, 14582, 29889, 19769, 19520, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 7766, 1199, 322, 6121, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 278, 3303, 3900, 756, 967, 1914, 376, 29887, 798, 292, 282, 2708, 29908, 322, 4828, 7417, 310, 438, 4162, 29907, 29889, 13, 16128, 824, 399, 533, 29901, 5619, 18385, 27562, 12930, 25215, 2925, 6682, 1763, 13763, 1220, 438, 309, 1126, 19141, 20894, 5367, 13, 29909, 2813, 310, 278, 22514, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 2665, 263, 5497, 304, 12930, 24193, 1171, 6417, 16880, 313, 29934, 29899, 29965, 29873, 801, 29897, 4653, 292, 967, 2304, 310, 278, 289, 6090, 1090, 19220, 393, 896, 1246, 376, 9435, 29899, 29879, 1947, 373, 845, 487, 24378, 7606, 11736, 289, 6090, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 1094, 27504, 5969, 2039, 1623, 17182, 26094, 29892, 13661, 528, 582, 3174, 13, 29925, 23828, 13284, 304, 4337, 17182, 304, 402, 16302, 17700, 2143, 4983, 583, 322, 5609, 19766, 29879, 9242, 281, 7297, 3730, 3273, 29892, 19500, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 23513, 3122, 10319, 4124, 13847, 304, 395, 29896, 29900, 2400, 278, 6121, 23513, 29892, 1771, 296, 7618, 311, 29889, 19769, 19520, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 7766, 1199, 322, 6121, 19469, 472, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 1497, 278, 1023, 23513, 29879, 892, 451, 8401, 297, 443, 2285, 408, 896, 2748, 1258, 29889, 960, 1771, 296, 2243, 2247, 29892, 393, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2099, 399, 24301, 674, 29889, 13, 1576, 14406, 7103, 8237, 29901, 27504, 29915, 29879, 2443, 295, 11740, 28324, 6527, 11946, 2973, 10319, 13, 3373, 304, 4203, 310, 278, 4266, 1891, 14282, 322, 23131, 1070, 22973, 9316, 393, 278, 13661, 337, 3687, 373, 526, 19673, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 30003, 12676, 292, 5864, 14582, 674, 817, 304, 480, 384, 701, 8886, 278, 4152, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29995, 8666, 7910, 29892, 29207, 738, 9913, 2593, 11875, 1980, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 9245, 2143, 6394, 304, 22538, 2989, 4250, 3304, 286, 621, 1662, 5751, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 10504, 24836, 29855, 813, 3412, 411, 10167, 28826, 29892, 4526, 1648, 29892, 10319, 322, 4644, 22679, 4616, 813, 505, 1472, 15869, 278, 1072, 2785, 408, 263, 3438, 368, 975, 276, 496, 491, 4250, 3304, 24921, 29889, 450, 27504, 17517, 338, 1985, 373, 263, 10683, 393, 723, 604, 559, 1784, 310, 278, 9437, 24024, 3163, 29889, 13, 29924, 333, 1049, 830, 18505, 29899, 29911, 6146, 1393, 29901, 16738, 284, 2169, 352, 7606, 16377 ]
speakers say endangered species could roil energy industry Samantha McDonald, director of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told the approximately 125 at the conference the IPAA is monitoring several issues, from methane emissions regulations to the Bureau of Land Management's venting and flaring rules to Waters Of The U.S. to the North American Free Trade Agreement to possible steel tariffs. Daily Energy Insider: IPAA, industry groups call on DoE to avoid using emergency authorities The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) urged U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry on Thursday to refrain from imposing U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) emergency authorities that would provide support to a particular class of power plants. Casper Star-Tribune: Iran decision not expected to shake up Wyoming oilmen The implications of renewed sanctions on this market are hard to pinpoint… U.S. shale players are already chugging away in a market full of complications. "We are exporting more. We are more of a global player. We are increasing production like rarely seen before. We are stepping in." said Frederick Lawrence, vice president of economics and international affairs for IPAA. Oil & Gas Journal: IPAA official applauds BSEE's proposed offshore well control reforms "IPAA is pleased to see BSEE is taking a closer look at the technically-flawed Well Control Rule, which missed the mark on improving the safety of America's offshore oil and gas operations," Daniel T. Naatz, IPAA's senior vice-president of government relations and political affairs, said. The Hill: Opinion – We can protect wildlife without holding industry hostage Let's be clear, the overly strict enforcement of incidental take against American industry under MBTA is about hamstringing vital economic development and energy production, MBTA applies to direct take, writes Samantha McDonald, director of government relations for IPAA. E&E News: A Texas lizard lands back in ESA thicket "Unfortunately, the tactics of environmental groups [remain] the same, attempting to use the Endangered Species Act to advance an anti-hydrocarbon agenda and halt meaningful business development at the expense of American taxpayers," said Samantha McDonald, the Independent Petroleum Association of America's director of government relations. The Daily Sentinel: Nearly 500K comment on methane-rule change "We were pleased to see workable changes are being considered to the rule that more accurately represent the scope of power and authority given to the BLM for regulating this type of activity," IPAA official Dan Naatz said in a news release. "… We hope to work with the Trump administration toward a final rule that properly addresses waste prevention, while protecting American jobs, reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens, and ensuring continued economic growth." POLITICO Morning Energy: A Methane to the Madness "We were pleased to see workable changes are being considered to the rule that more accurately represent the scope of power and authority given to the BLM for regulating this type of activity," IPAA's Dan Naatz said in a statement. E&E News: BLM accepts last batch of comments on Obama rule rollback "We welcome the opportunity to talk about reasonable development of oil and natural gas resources on federal lands," said IPAA Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Political Affairs Dan Naatz. "We need to make sure, as we always have, that these activities are designed to protect the environment." Associated Press: Obama-Era Clean-Air Rule on Methane Emissions Blocked Again Dan Naatz, vice president of government affairs for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, cheered the latest court decision. "A new rule is coming out," he said. "The agency is taking comments on it now." Trying to enforce Obama-era rule in the meantime would only cause confusion, he added. E&E News: Methane whiplash: Enviros prep appeal as court ices rule Dan Naatz, who handles government affairs for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, says a federal court in Wyoming's decision to halt core parts of the Bureau of Land Management's methane venting and flaring rule is commonsense. "Not only are our members not able to comply, the agency is not ready to try to tackle all this." Argus Media: US rebuff
[ -0.3721212152271772, -0.5720938278609963 ]
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[ 0.14476135457322142, -0.1778085586901362 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 7726, 414, 1827, 1095, 4600, 287, 6606, 1033, 696, 309, 5864, 13661, 13, 22966, 9716, 29874, 4052, 28080, 29892, 8881, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 5429, 278, 14235, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29945, 472, 278, 21362, 278, 5641, 6344, 338, 29652, 3196, 5626, 29892, 515, 286, 621, 1662, 953, 6847, 1072, 8250, 304, 278, 18903, 310, 3172, 15057, 29915, 29879, 9712, 292, 322, 1652, 4362, 6865, 304, 399, 10412, 4587, 450, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 304, 278, 4644, 3082, 12362, 27226, 4059, 276, 882, 304, 1950, 22973, 9913, 28324, 29889, 13, 29928, 8683, 24836, 13377, 1241, 29901, 5641, 6344, 29892, 13661, 6471, 1246, 373, 1938, 29923, 304, 4772, 773, 11176, 14703, 21142, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 313, 5690, 6344, 29897, 5065, 3192, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17719, 310, 24836, 24218, 28376, 373, 498, 1295, 3250, 304, 2143, 6038, 515, 7275, 292, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10317, 310, 24836, 313, 6132, 29923, 29897, 11176, 14703, 21142, 393, 723, 3867, 2304, 304, 263, 3153, 770, 310, 3081, 18577, 29889, 13, 29907, 294, 546, 7828, 29899, 29911, 1091, 1540, 29901, 14883, 10608, 451, 3806, 304, 528, 1296, 701, 10167, 28826, 17182, 1527, 13, 1576, 2411, 5795, 310, 23011, 287, 9753, 1953, 373, 445, 9999, 526, 2898, 304, 12534, 3149, 30098, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 528, 744, 10769, 526, 2307, 521, 688, 3460, 3448, 297, 263, 9999, 2989, 310, 752, 5795, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 5609, 292, 901, 29889, 1334, 526, 901, 310, 263, 5534, 4847, 29889, 1334, 526, 10231, 5802, 763, 23703, 3595, 1434, 29889, 1334, 526, 1886, 3262, 297, 1213, 1497, 19769, 19520, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 7766, 1199, 322, 6121, 19469, 363, 5641, 6344, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 5641, 6344, 6221, 623, 433, 566, 29879, 350, 22048, 29915, 29879, 7972, 1283, 845, 487, 1532, 2761, 337, 9514, 13, 29908, 5690, 6344, 338, 22301, 304, 1074, 350, 22048, 338, 5622, 263, 17649, 1106, 472, 278, 5722, 1711, 29899, 29888, 433, 8734, 5674, 11264, 27308, 29892, 607, 13726, 278, 2791, 373, 4857, 1747, 278, 15332, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 1283, 845, 487, 17182, 322, 10489, 6931, 1699, 8432, 323, 29889, 4465, 4101, 29892, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 16336, 11289, 29899, 4569, 1693, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 29892, 1497, 29889, 13, 1576, 9143, 29901, 6461, 262, 291, 785, 1334, 508, 12566, 8775, 19264, 1728, 13587, 13661, 3495, 482, 13, 12024, 29915, 29879, 367, 2821, 29892, 278, 975, 368, 9406, 24555, 13561, 310, 15134, 284, 2125, 2750, 3082, 13661, 1090, 13232, 6040, 338, 1048, 16366, 1807, 292, 27131, 17407, 5849, 322, 5864, 5802, 29892, 13232, 6040, 16058, 304, 1513, 2125, 29892, 15873, 3685, 9716, 29874, 4052, 28080, 29892, 8881, 310, 5874, 5302, 363, 5641, 6344, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 319, 10319, 301, 17909, 12625, 1250, 297, 382, 8132, 266, 8522, 13, 29908, 2525, 7524, 29892, 278, 28476, 1199, 310, 29380, 6471, 518, 1745, 475, 29962, 278, 1021, 29892, 15661, 304, 671, 278, 2796, 4600, 287, 21807, 3185, 304, 6564, 385, 9418, 29899, 29882, 11279, 4287, 6718, 946, 8395, 322, 25212, 6593, 1319, 5381, 5849, 472, 278, 1518, 1947, 310, 3082, 8818, 10472, 414, 1699, 1497, 3685, 9716, 29874, 4052, 28080, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 8881, 310, 5874, 5302, 29889, 13, 1576, 23331, 317, 15440, 295, 29901, 26206, 368, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29968, 3440, 373, 286, 621, 1662, 29899, 7491, 1735, 13, 29908, 4806, 892, 22301, 304, 1074, 664, 519, 3620, 526, 1641, 5545, 304, 278, 5751, 393, 901, 7913, 2486, 2755, 278, 6874, 310, 3081, 322, 14329, 2183, 304, 278, 350, 26369, 363, 1072, 18099, 445, 1134, 310, 6354, 1699, 5641, 6344, 6221, 3951, 4465, 4101, 1497, 297, 263, 9763, 6507, 29889, 376, 30098, 1334, 4966, 304, 664, 411, 278, 27504, 17517, 11183, 263, 2186, 5751, 393, 6284, 14157, 19863, 5557, 291, 29892, 1550, 12566, 292, 3082, 17643, 29892, 27668, 19039, 24378, 7606, 6866, 21518, 29892, 322, 5662, 3864, 7572, 17407, 14321, 1213, 13, 29925, 5607, 1806, 2965, 29949, 3879, 1076, 24836, 29901, 319, 341, 621, 1662, 304, 278, 4104, 2264, 13, 29908, 4806, 892, 22301, 304, 1074, 664, 519, 3620, 526, 1641, 5545, 304, 278, 5751, 393, 901, 7913, 2486, 2755, 278, 6874, 310, 3081, 322, 14329, 2183, 304, 278, 350, 26369, 363, 1072, 18099, 445, 1134, 310, 6354, 1699, 5641, 6344, 29915, 29879, 3951, 4465, 4101, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 350, 26369, 21486, 1833, 9853, 310, 6589, 373, 4250, 3304, 5751, 9679, 1627, 13, 29908, 4806, 12853, 278, 15130, 304, 5193, 1048, 15590, 5849, 310, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 7788, 373, 17097, 12625, 1699, 1497, 5641, 6344, 24260, 21400, 7178, 310, 10354, 6376, 800, 322, 25137, 26049, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29889, 376, 4806, 817, 304, 1207, 1854, 29892, 408, 591, 2337, 505, 29892, 393, 1438, 14188, 526, 8688, 304, 12566, 278, 5177, 1213, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 4250, 3304, 29899, 29923, 336, 315, 14044, 29899, 29909, 381, 27308, 373, 341, 621, 1662, 2812, 6847, 15658, 287, 11454, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 19469, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 923, 14561, 278, 9281, 8973, 10608, 29889, 376, 29909, 716, 5751, 338, 6421, 714, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 1576, 946, 3819, 338, 5622, 6589, 373, 372, 1286, 1213, 24428, 304, 427, 10118, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5751, 297, 278, 6839, 603, 723, 871, 4556, 14679, 29892, 540, 2715, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 341, 621, 1662, 377, 29875, 572, 1161, 29901, 1174, 1403, 1883, 8273, 25530, 408, 8973, 29871, 1575, 5751, 13, 18529, 4465, 4101, 29892, 1058, 17766, 5874, 19469, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 4083, 263, 17097, 8973, 297, 10167, 28826, 29915, 29879, 10608, 304, 25212, 7136, 5633, 310, 278, 18903, 310, 3172, 15057, 29915, 29879, 286, 621, 1662, 9712, 292, 322, 1652, 4362, 5751, 338, 844, 787, 1947, 29889, 376, 3664, 871, 526, 1749, 5144, 451, 2221, 304, 752, 368, 29892, 278, 946, 3819, 338, 451, 7960, 304, 1018, 304, 22002, 280, 599, 445, 1213, 13, 8559, 375, 8213, 29901, 3148, 337, 28040 ]
s oil sector push for broad tariff exclusions A product exemption granted for one company will not automatically transfer to other companies, Commerce said, unless the agency approves a broad exclusion. This creates the risk that small oil and gas companies will "bear the brunt of the increased costs" because they lack the resources to file tariff exemption paperwork, the Independent Petroleum Association of America said. Washington Examiner: Petroleum industry calls for 'flexible' process for considering exemptions to Trump's steel tariffs "If the application process is on a per-product basis, we're fearful small- and medium-sized businesses will bear the brunt of the increased costs," Neal Kirby, spokesman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents independent oil and natural gas producers, previously told the Washington Examiner. "Similar to additional government regulations, these businesses don't have the resources or manpower to apply for a waiver for each imported steel and aluminum product they rely on." Casper Star-Tribune: The bust is over, but tariffs are no boon for Wyoming energy Part of Trump's platform when running for the president was on bringing back the steel industry and winning this fight with China, said vice president of the Petroleum Association, Lee Fuller in an interview. "There is a risk to his entire energy agenda, energy dominance, national security, if the steel tariffs have the effect of suppressing the development of U.S. oil and natural gas," he said. "That's not consistent with his other objectives." Washington Examiner: Energy industry hopes to take advantage of exemption allowed by Trump's steel tariffs Neal Kirby, spokesman for IPAA, which represents independent oil and natural gas producers, said an exemption could be beneficial depending on how it's applied. "Steel imports are essential to our industry and imports comprise up to half of the U.S. supply for the specific quality of steel in the Line Pipe and OCTG marketplace," Kirby told the Washington Examiner. Industry would be interested in an exclusion – preferably an industry-wide exception." Morning Consult: Opinion – Growing America's Energy Future "American energy dominance, economic prosperity and environmental safety are all inextricably linked. We must do everything we can to produce the energy we all rely upon each day, while safeguarding the communities and environments we all cherish. But doing so requires a smart regulatory framework that supports growth, not hinders it," writes IPAA President and CEO Barry Russell. E&E News: Drillers move to defend rollback of fracking rule The Independent Petroleum Association of America and the Western Energy Alliance yesterday moved to join the Bureau of Land Management in fending off new litigation from California and environmentalists seeking to revive the agency's Obama-era fracking rule. E&E News: Who benefits from BLM rule change? The savings expected under this week's methane proposal are particularly meaningful for small producers, said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs for IPAA. "We welcome the opportunity to talk about reasonable development of oil and natural gas resources on federal lands," he said. "We need to make sure, as we always have, that these activities are designed to protect the environment." Houston Chronicle: Houston-area school districts, local businesses partner to prepare next wave of STEM workers "We're not trying to push people into our industry," said Anne Ford, executive director of the IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center, which partners with Houston ISD on the Energy Institute High School. "We're trying to open their eyes to the opportunities in our industry, because it's vast." Oil & Gas Journal: Trump calls for infrastructure bill in State of the Union speech Independent Petroleum Association of America Pres. Barry Russell said, "With new pipeline infrastructure, additional carbon reductions can be made and can benefit communities across America. Increased use of gas not only benefits the environment, but also provides national security and economic benefits, such as jobs and tax revenue." E&E News: Trump embraces 'beautiful' coal and cites disasters, not CO2 "For the first time in nearly a decade, the United States, under President Trump's administration, has begun recognizing and utilizing our own energy resources as a strategic, American asset," Independent Petroleum Association of America President and CEO Barry Russell said. "
[ -0.32555225064121934, 0.4168118318761088 ]
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[ 0.001643054118741791, 0.5215724643225169 ]
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[ 29879, 17182, 17535, 5503, 363, 7300, 9913, 2593, 13489, 1080, 13, 29909, 3234, 11875, 683, 16896, 363, 697, 5001, 674, 451, 6336, 6782, 304, 916, 14582, 29892, 422, 15667, 1497, 29892, 6521, 278, 946, 3819, 2134, 1960, 263, 7300, 429, 10085, 29889, 910, 10017, 278, 12045, 393, 2319, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 674, 376, 29890, 799, 278, 1506, 1657, 310, 278, 11664, 21544, 29908, 1363, 896, 10225, 278, 7788, 304, 934, 9913, 2593, 11875, 683, 5650, 1287, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 29889, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 5879, 12154, 398, 13661, 5717, 363, 525, 16041, 1821, 29915, 1889, 363, 13858, 11875, 1980, 304, 27504, 29915, 29879, 22973, 9913, 28324, 13, 29908, 3644, 278, 2280, 1889, 338, 373, 263, 639, 29899, 4704, 8405, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 8866, 1319, 2319, 29899, 322, 18350, 29899, 29879, 1891, 5381, 267, 674, 11460, 278, 1506, 1657, 310, 278, 11664, 21544, 1699, 2448, 284, 5201, 1609, 29892, 805, 23195, 1171, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 7417, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 9251, 5429, 278, 7660, 1222, 314, 4983, 29889, 376, 8942, 2327, 304, 5684, 5874, 1072, 8250, 29892, 1438, 5381, 267, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 278, 7788, 470, 767, 13519, 304, 3394, 363, 263, 281, 1794, 369, 363, 1269, 19673, 22973, 322, 394, 9735, 398, 3234, 896, 19104, 373, 1213, 13, 29907, 294, 546, 7828, 29899, 29911, 1091, 1540, 29901, 450, 289, 504, 338, 975, 29892, 541, 9913, 28324, 526, 694, 1045, 265, 363, 10167, 28826, 5864, 13, 7439, 310, 27504, 29915, 29879, 7481, 746, 2734, 363, 278, 6673, 471, 373, 20794, 1250, 278, 22973, 13661, 322, 15613, 445, 8589, 411, 7551, 29892, 1497, 11289, 6673, 310, 278, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 29892, 9371, 14846, 261, 297, 385, 15593, 29889, 376, 8439, 338, 263, 12045, 304, 670, 4152, 5864, 946, 8395, 29892, 5864, 8022, 749, 29892, 4797, 6993, 29892, 565, 278, 22973, 9913, 28324, 505, 278, 2779, 310, 21301, 292, 278, 5849, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 7058, 29915, 29879, 451, 13747, 411, 670, 916, 1203, 3145, 1213, 13, 29956, 7321, 1222, 314, 4983, 29901, 24836, 13661, 26926, 304, 2125, 10631, 310, 11875, 683, 6068, 491, 27504, 29915, 29879, 22973, 9913, 28324, 13, 8139, 284, 5201, 1609, 29892, 805, 23195, 1171, 363, 5641, 6344, 29892, 607, 11524, 7417, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 385, 11875, 683, 1033, 367, 7795, 5611, 8679, 373, 920, 372, 29915, 29879, 7436, 29889, 376, 7789, 295, 24802, 526, 18853, 304, 1749, 13661, 322, 24802, 7199, 895, 701, 304, 4203, 310, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 11421, 363, 278, 2702, 11029, 310, 22973, 297, 278, 7407, 7362, 412, 322, 438, 1783, 29954, 9999, 6689, 1699, 5201, 1609, 5429, 278, 7660, 1222, 314, 4983, 29889, 12157, 719, 723, 367, 8852, 297, 385, 429, 10085, 785, 5821, 2197, 385, 13661, 29899, 8157, 3682, 1213, 13, 28581, 1076, 2138, 499, 29901, 6461, 262, 291, 785, 402, 798, 292, 6813, 29915, 29879, 24836, 16367, 13, 29908, 14689, 5864, 8022, 749, 29892, 17407, 25831, 537, 322, 29380, 15332, 526, 599, 297, 1062, 2200, 2197, 9024, 29889, 1334, 1818, 437, 4129, 591, 508, 304, 7738, 278, 5864, 591, 599, 19104, 2501, 1269, 2462, 29892, 1550, 9437, 24024, 20272, 278, 23507, 322, 23136, 591, 599, 14954, 728, 29889, 1205, 2599, 577, 6858, 263, 15040, 24378, 7606, 6890, 393, 11286, 14321, 29892, 451, 298, 513, 414, 372, 1699, 15873, 5641, 6344, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 4942, 453, 414, 4337, 304, 24663, 9679, 1627, 310, 5227, 384, 292, 5751, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 322, 278, 10504, 24836, 29855, 22600, 6153, 304, 5988, 278, 18903, 310, 3172, 15057, 297, 285, 2548, 1283, 716, 11872, 335, 362, 515, 8046, 322, 29380, 2879, 25738, 304, 6664, 573, 278, 946, 3819, 29915, 29879, 4250, 3304, 29899, 1572, 5227, 384, 292, 5751, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 11644, 23633, 515, 350, 26369, 5751, 1735, 29973, 13, 1576, 4048, 886, 3806, 1090, 445, 4723, 29915, 29879, 286, 621, 1662, 24963, 526, 10734, 6593, 1319, 363, 2319, 1391, 22543, 29892, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 363, 5641, 6344, 29889, 376, 4806, 12853, 278, 15130, 304, 5193, 1048, 15590, 5849, 310, 17182, 322, 5613, 10489, 7788, 373, 17097, 12625, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 817, 304, 1207, 1854, 29892, 408, 591, 2337, 505, 29892, 393, 1438, 14188, 526, 8688, 304, 12566, 278, 5177, 1213, 13, 29950, 283, 7352, 15336, 2512, 29901, 24327, 29899, 6203, 3762, 24172, 29892, 1887, 5381, 267, 18096, 304, 19012, 2446, 10742, 310, 317, 4330, 29924, 17162, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 451, 1811, 304, 5503, 2305, 964, 1749, 13661, 1699, 1497, 10558, 14601, 29892, 22760, 8881, 310, 278, 5641, 6344, 29914, 29925, 2890, 29909, 24836, 13151, 7817, 29892, 607, 22056, 411, 24327, 306, 7230, 373, 278, 24836, 8907, 5057, 4523, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 1722, 1009, 5076, 304, 278, 28602, 1907, 297, 1749, 13661, 29892, 1363, 372, 29915, 29879, 13426, 1213, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 27504, 5717, 363, 22035, 12425, 11118, 297, 4306, 310, 278, 7761, 12032, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 4360, 29889, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29892, 376, 3047, 716, 16439, 22035, 12425, 29892, 5684, 22004, 3724, 1953, 508, 367, 1754, 322, 508, 14169, 23507, 4822, 6813, 29889, 512, 1037, 1463, 671, 310, 10489, 451, 871, 23633, 278, 5177, 29892, 541, 884, 8128, 4797, 6993, 322, 17407, 23633, 29892, 1316, 408, 17643, 322, 8818, 337, 9947, 1213, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 27504, 953, 2634, 778, 525, 915, 1300, 6845, 29915, 17148, 322, 274, 3246, 766, 1901, 29879, 29892, 451, 4810, 29906, 13, 29908, 2831, 278, 937, 931, 297, 8886, 263, 316, 6332, 29892, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 1090, 7178, 27504, 29915, 29879, 17517, 29892, 756, 23580, 5936, 5281, 322, 3667, 5281, 1749, 1914, 5864, 7788, 408, 263, 16650, 293, 29892, 3082, 24342, 1699, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29889, 376 ]
The impacts of America's energy resurgence are being felt around the world." The Hill: Opinion – The hypocrisy of fossil fuel divestment As divestment activists gear up for another year, it is important to keep in mind the ineffectiveness, cost, and ultimately counterproductive nature of this strategy, writes Jeff Eshelman, senior vice president for operations and public affairs of IPAA. E&E News: 'Energy dominance' a likely theme The Independent Petroleum Association of America will be listening for details on [the infrastructure] front, said spokesman Neal Kirby. "Energy infrastructure plays an important role in helping our member companies get their products safely and efficiently to new markets," he said. POLITICO: Trump's energy juggernaut faces a more daunting Year 2 Industry groups that chafed under Obama's regulations say they're pleased with what Trump has achieved so far. "We were excited by what we saw in 2017," said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs at IPAA. "The administration got off to a strong start in reshaping and rebalancing American energy development. It was a look at putting in thoughtful policies, in contrast to the challenges we faced in the Obama administration." Albany Times Union: Letter – Fossil fuel divestment is a costly, empty gesture According to a new survey of 3,000 pensioners from Spectrem Group, 88 percent of respondents believe their pension fund should be "focused on generating returns; it shouldn't be making investment decisions on the basis of politics." New York should listen to its pensioners and say no to this costly, empty gesture, or its retirees and taxpayers will be left to foot the bill, writes IPAA Senior Vice President Jeff Eshelman. S&P Global: Americas CEO series: Barry Russell, IPAA Entering 2018, even as it is seeing the benefits of relaxed regulation under a new administration, the US exploration and production industry nonetheless is facing significant challenges, Barry Russell, the leader of the Independent Petroleum Association of America said in an interview. Natural Gas Intelligence: FERC Votes 5-0 to Dump DOE NOPR IPAA vice president Susan Ginsberg called FERC's order "sound and in keeping with the overwhelming documentation submitted‎ by a diverse group of interested parties. "Even the organized markets stated there is no grid reliability emergency," Ginsberg said. "FERC took the reasonable, conservative approach to initiate a new proceeding to further evaluate the resilience of certain bulk power systems." Oil & Gas Journal: FERC ends consideration of Perry's power grid resiliency proposal Susan Ginsberg, the Independent Petroleum Association of America's vice-president of oil and gas regulatory affairs, said the national organization of upstream independents found FERC's reasoning and resulting order to be sound, and in keeping with the documentation submitted‎ by a diverse group of interested parties. Reuters: Can't please everyone: Trump energy policy riles competing sectors The oil and gas industry, also championed by Trump, similarly feels let down by an administration it had hoped would strip away government interference, said Susan Ginsberg, a senior vice president of regulatory affairs for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents small oil and gas companies. Associated Press: Q&A: Plan to Expand Offshore Drilling Draws Cheers, Jeers The Independent Petroleum Association of America said opening new areas to leasing would increase knowledge about potential resources and help companies make decisions about where to invest while boosting development of America's abundant energy resources. Oil & Gas Journal: Draft leasing program offers 90% of OCS Independent Petroleum Association of America Pres. Barry Russell said: "Expanding access to additional offshore reserves allows the US to better understand where production potential exists and where capital should be invested. Although this is just the first step in a long process, today's proposal is exactly the signal industry needs to drive this work forward." Reuters: Trump administration aims to open nearly all U.S. offshore to oil drilling The Trump administration proposed opening nearly all U.S. offshore waters to oil and gas drilling, a move aimed at boosting domestic energy production. Industry
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1576, 10879, 29879, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 5864, 620, 2007, 663, 526, 1641, 7091, 2820, 278, 3186, 1213, 13, 1576, 9143, 29901, 6461, 262, 291, 785, 450, 10163, 542, 3780, 29891, 310, 21983, 309, 26413, 1933, 342, 358, 13, 2887, 1933, 342, 358, 5039, 2879, 330, 799, 701, 363, 1790, 1629, 29892, 372, 338, 4100, 304, 3013, 297, 3458, 278, 297, 15987, 20193, 29892, 3438, 29892, 322, 18973, 6795, 4704, 573, 5469, 310, 445, 13705, 29892, 15873, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 363, 6931, 322, 970, 19469, 310, 5641, 6344, 29889, 13, 29923, 29987, 29923, 10130, 29901, 525, 29923, 1089, 1927, 8022, 749, 29915, 263, 5517, 10929, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 674, 367, 19866, 363, 4902, 373, 518, 1552, 22035, 12425, 29962, 4565, 29892, 1497, 805, 23195, 1171, 2448, 284, 5201, 1609, 29889, 376, 29923, 1089, 1927, 22035, 12425, 13582, 385, 4100, 6297, 297, 19912, 1749, 4509, 14582, 679, 1009, 9316, 23511, 322, 29497, 304, 716, 2791, 1691, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29925, 5607, 1806, 2965, 29949, 29901, 27504, 29915, 29879, 5864, 8740, 29887, 824, 1300, 17240, 263, 901, 1146, 348, 1259, 8905, 29871, 29906, 13, 2568, 504, 719, 6471, 393, 521, 2142, 287, 1090, 4250, 3304, 29915, 29879, 1072, 8250, 1827, 896, 29915, 276, 22301, 411, 825, 27504, 756, 14363, 577, 2215, 29889, 376, 4806, 892, 24173, 491, 825, 591, 4446, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 1699, 1497, 3951, 4465, 4101, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 5874, 5302, 322, 8604, 19469, 472, 5641, 6344, 29889, 376, 1576, 17517, 2355, 1283, 304, 263, 4549, 1369, 297, 620, 29882, 21430, 322, 337, 5521, 19985, 3082, 5864, 5849, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 1106, 472, 10594, 297, 2714, 1319, 24833, 29892, 297, 12814, 304, 278, 18066, 267, 591, 20050, 297, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 1213, 13, 2499, 29890, 1384, 10277, 7761, 29901, 2803, 357, 785, 383, 2209, 309, 26413, 1933, 342, 358, 338, 263, 3438, 368, 29892, 4069, 29502, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 263, 716, 18994, 310, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 282, 2673, 414, 515, 27738, 1745, 6431, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29947, 10151, 310, 10049, 1237, 4658, 1009, 282, 2673, 5220, 881, 367, 376, 29888, 542, 3880, 373, 14655, 3639, 29936, 372, 9273, 29915, 29873, 367, 3907, 13258, 358, 1602, 12112, 373, 278, 8405, 310, 22661, 1213, 1570, 3088, 881, 11621, 304, 967, 282, 2673, 414, 322, 1827, 694, 304, 445, 3438, 368, 29892, 4069, 29502, 29892, 470, 967, 3240, 533, 267, 322, 8818, 10472, 414, 674, 367, 2175, 304, 3661, 278, 11118, 29892, 15873, 5641, 6344, 24260, 21400, 7178, 12208, 382, 845, 295, 1171, 29889, 13, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 29901, 2163, 5070, 14645, 29949, 3652, 29901, 23032, 20679, 29892, 5641, 6344, 13, 10399, 292, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 1584, 408, 372, 338, 8790, 278, 23633, 310, 26681, 287, 1072, 2785, 1090, 263, 716, 17517, 29892, 278, 3148, 3902, 12418, 322, 5802, 13661, 1661, 621, 6393, 338, 14870, 7282, 18066, 267, 29892, 23032, 20679, 29892, 278, 11822, 310, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 29889, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 3159, 28286, 29901, 383, 1001, 29907, 478, 4769, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29900, 304, 360, 3427, 11662, 29923, 405, 4590, 29934, 13, 5690, 6344, 11289, 6673, 25914, 402, 1144, 2552, 2000, 383, 1001, 29907, 29915, 29879, 1797, 376, 29802, 322, 297, 12515, 411, 278, 975, 1332, 295, 4056, 5106, 18397, 30131, 491, 263, 16984, 2318, 310, 8852, 13973, 29889, 376, 29923, 854, 278, 19098, 2791, 1691, 8703, 727, 338, 694, 6856, 12536, 3097, 11176, 14703, 1699, 402, 1144, 2552, 1497, 29889, 376, 29943, 1001, 29907, 3614, 278, 15590, 29892, 8976, 1230, 2948, 304, 14511, 403, 263, 716, 8469, 292, 304, 4340, 14707, 278, 620, 2638, 663, 310, 3058, 21610, 3081, 6757, 1213, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 383, 1001, 29907, 10614, 19220, 310, 28376, 29915, 29879, 3081, 6856, 620, 309, 13396, 24963, 13, 29903, 375, 273, 402, 1144, 2552, 29892, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 11289, 29899, 4569, 1693, 310, 17182, 322, 10489, 24378, 7606, 19469, 29892, 1497, 278, 4797, 13013, 310, 701, 5461, 11061, 1237, 1476, 383, 1001, 29907, 29915, 29879, 24481, 322, 9819, 1797, 304, 367, 6047, 29892, 322, 297, 12515, 411, 278, 5106, 18397, 30131, 491, 263, 16984, 2318, 310, 8852, 13973, 29889, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 1815, 29915, 29873, 3113, 14332, 29901, 27504, 5864, 8898, 364, 5475, 5100, 292, 409, 14359, 13, 1576, 17182, 322, 10489, 13661, 29892, 884, 8064, 287, 491, 27504, 29892, 22829, 23880, 1235, 1623, 491, 385, 17517, 372, 750, 24936, 723, 17820, 3448, 5874, 1006, 1659, 29892, 1497, 25914, 402, 1144, 2552, 29892, 263, 16336, 11289, 6673, 310, 24378, 7606, 19469, 363, 278, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 29892, 607, 11524, 2319, 17182, 322, 10489, 14582, 29889, 13, 29254, 630, 5254, 29901, 660, 29987, 29909, 29901, 8402, 304, 12027, 392, 5947, 845, 487, 4942, 8873, 18492, 29879, 29534, 29892, 2581, 414, 13, 1576, 25266, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 1497, 8718, 716, 10161, 304, 454, 5832, 723, 7910, 7134, 1048, 7037, 7788, 322, 1371, 14582, 1207, 1602, 12112, 1048, 988, 304, 13258, 1550, 14505, 292, 5849, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 18666, 424, 5864, 7788, 29889, 13, 29949, 309, 669, 19141, 8237, 29901, 360, 4154, 454, 5832, 1824, 16688, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29995, 310, 438, 9295, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 5879, 12154, 398, 7993, 310, 6813, 4360, 29889, 23032, 20679, 1497, 29901, 376, 29777, 292, 2130, 304, 5684, 1283, 845, 487, 620, 20098, 6511, 278, 3148, 304, 2253, 2274, 988, 5802, 7037, 4864, 322, 988, 7483, 881, 367, 2437, 2868, 29889, 8512, 445, 338, 925, 278, 937, 4331, 297, 263, 1472, 1889, 29892, 9826, 29915, 29879, 24963, 338, 3721, 278, 7182, 13661, 4225, 304, 7899, 445, 664, 6375, 1213, 13, 1123, 329, 414, 29901, 27504, 17517, 263, 9893, 304, 1722, 8886, 599, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1283, 845, 487, 304, 17182, 4192, 8873, 13, 1576, 27504, 17517, 7972, 8718, 8886, 599, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1283, 845, 487, 19922, 304, 17182, 322, 10489, 4192, 8873, 29892, 263, 4337, 12242, 287, 472, 14505, 292, 21849, 5864, 5802, 29889, 12157, 719 ]
The Russian National Award in Applied Economics is given once every two years for outstanding published papers on the Russian economy at the country, industry, regional, or company level. The main purpose of the award is to identify works of high importance for the development of academic research and economics education in Russia, as well as for the increased efficiency of the Russian economy and economic policy. The founders of the Russian National Award in Applied Economics are the Higher School of Economics, the New Economic School, the Ural Federal University, the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks, the RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations, and the business magazine Expert. Twenty-six papers were submitted to the competition (22 in English and four in Russian), all of which had been published in leading international journals. Sixteen papers made it to the expert evaluation stage. Each of these papers was assessed on a 10-point scale by at least two experts, who included both leading Russian and international scholars. The short list included five candidates, from which a winner and a particularly noteworthy paper were selected. Ina Ganguli, the award winner, said that she began researching the productivity of Russian scientists in the 1990s and their decisions on emigration as part of her PhD thesis: 'I was interested in general issues related to transition economies. But when I spent some time in the former USSR and talked to people, it was clear that it was a major shock. I became more interested in what had taken place in Russian science and with human capital during the crisis. I tried to find the factors that led scholars to emigrate, as well as those that helped them stay and do research in Russia'. According to Alexey Zakharov, member of the Award Academic Committee and Assistant Professor at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, Ina Ganguli's papers record a very painful episode in Russia's recent history – the crisis of Russian science and the devastating outflow of human capital and research staff abroad. 'I believe that we'll be addressing Professor Ganguli's analysis many times, and not only economists, but everyone interested in contemporary Russian history', Zakharov believes. 'I'm very hopeful that Ina will continue her studies related to the impact of various grant systems on research'. The jury members emphasized the originality, high quality and high ethical standards in data collection as it relates to all the series' papers, but they noted in particular the article 'Saving Soviet Science: The Impact of Grants When Government R&D Funding Disappears'. In this paper, Professor Ganguli focuses on the effect of the smaller grants that George Soros' foundation gave as emergency funding to support scientists amid the sharp decline in state funding for the natural sciences immediately following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The author demonstrated that the Soros Foundation's payments gave many Russian scholars an opportunity to continue research, instead of leaving for business and other fields. For example, after the funding ended, the scholars who had received grants demonstrated growth in their publication activity. 'A good imagination and a sense of humour are needed to carry out such a research,' emphasized Vladimir Gimpelson, Professor in the Faculty of Economic Sciences. 'The problem is that people don't make decisions haphazardly. And this selective behaviour doesn't leave an opportunity to use simple models of analysis in microeconomic studies. It's very hard to find a control group that would allow us to see what would happen if a certain event didn't happen'. But that's exactly what Ina Ganguli managed to do. She built a model that allowed two very similar groups to be compared. The first were scholars who received grants, and the second were the ones who did not, with the difference between them being insignificant. The difference in the second group was that they didn't meet one of the grant competitions' formal requirements. In 1993, the Soros Foundation gave USD 500 to approximately 28,000 scholars each. The requirements for this grant were engaging in theoretical studies and having at least three papers published in peer-reviewed journals over the preceding five years. This means that those who had two papers published within the required period (1988-1993) and one in 1987, for example, were just shy of receiving a grant. In her article 'Immigration and Ideas: What Did Russian Scientists "Bring" to the United States?', the author continued studying Russian scientists'
[ 1.444068403625179, 1.5645998413770699 ]
[ 2.7948824015755838, 2.451081713964118 ]
[ 2.4947679820714783, 2.1904190590253663 ]
[ 1.2841615320679847, 0.940780656658604 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 10637, 3086, 7526, 297, 2401, 2957, 12884, 1199, 338, 2183, 2748, 1432, 1023, 2440, 363, 714, 11235, 6369, 15055, 373, 278, 10637, 26504, 472, 278, 4234, 29892, 13661, 29892, 14014, 29892, 470, 5001, 3233, 29889, 450, 1667, 6437, 310, 278, 9862, 338, 304, 12439, 1736, 310, 1880, 13500, 363, 278, 5849, 310, 21567, 5925, 322, 7766, 1199, 9793, 297, 12710, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 363, 278, 11664, 19201, 310, 278, 10637, 26504, 322, 17407, 8898, 29889, 13, 1576, 1476, 414, 310, 278, 10637, 3086, 7526, 297, 2401, 2957, 12884, 1199, 526, 278, 5057, 261, 4523, 310, 12884, 1199, 29892, 278, 1570, 12884, 293, 4523, 29892, 278, 501, 1705, 14879, 3014, 29892, 278, 7993, 310, 10637, 12884, 293, 25086, 323, 1331, 29892, 278, 390, 3289, 8907, 310, 2787, 12884, 29891, 322, 4623, 6376, 800, 29892, 322, 278, 5381, 14853, 1222, 10700, 29889, 13, 27418, 6478, 29899, 28319, 15055, 892, 18397, 304, 278, 13888, 313, 29906, 29906, 297, 4223, 322, 3023, 297, 10637, 511, 599, 310, 607, 750, 1063, 6369, 297, 8236, 6121, 21824, 1338, 29889, 18372, 9404, 15055, 1754, 372, 304, 278, 17924, 17983, 7408, 29889, 7806, 310, 1438, 15055, 471, 1223, 11517, 373, 263, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 3149, 6287, 491, 472, 3203, 1023, 2902, 1372, 29892, 1058, 5134, 1716, 8236, 10637, 322, 6121, 1364, 324, 1503, 29889, 450, 3273, 1051, 5134, 5320, 21669, 29892, 515, 607, 263, 19576, 322, 263, 10734, 451, 809, 2072, 29891, 5650, 892, 4629, 29889, 13, 797, 29874, 26531, 14549, 29892, 278, 9862, 19576, 29892, 1497, 393, 1183, 4689, 5925, 292, 278, 3234, 2068, 310, 10637, 9638, 2879, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 322, 1009, 1602, 12112, 373, 953, 16783, 408, 760, 310, 902, 1963, 29928, 266, 6656, 29901, 525, 29902, 471, 8852, 297, 2498, 5626, 4475, 304, 9558, 7766, 583, 29889, 1205, 746, 306, 10398, 777, 931, 297, 278, 4642, 17676, 29934, 322, 24867, 304, 2305, 29892, 372, 471, 2821, 393, 372, 471, 263, 4655, 19253, 29889, 306, 3897, 901, 8852, 297, 825, 750, 4586, 2058, 297, 10637, 10466, 322, 411, 5199, 7483, 2645, 278, 24161, 29889, 306, 1898, 304, 1284, 278, 13879, 393, 5331, 1364, 324, 1503, 304, 953, 4481, 403, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 1906, 393, 9213, 963, 7952, 322, 437, 5925, 297, 12710, 4286, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 4827, 1032, 27416, 8222, 586, 29892, 4509, 310, 278, 7526, 16146, 293, 12930, 322, 4007, 22137, 11386, 472, 278, 379, 1660, 14184, 18857, 310, 12884, 293, 17253, 29892, 512, 29874, 26531, 14549, 29915, 29879, 15055, 2407, 263, 1407, 6788, 1319, 12720, 297, 12710, 29915, 29879, 7786, 4955, 785, 278, 24161, 310, 10637, 10466, 322, 278, 2906, 579, 1218, 714, 1731, 310, 5199, 7483, 322, 5925, 13925, 28177, 29889, 525, 29902, 4658, 393, 591, 29915, 645, 367, 3211, 292, 11386, 26531, 14549, 29915, 29879, 7418, 1784, 3064, 29892, 322, 451, 871, 7766, 2879, 29892, 541, 14332, 8852, 297, 24952, 10637, 4955, 742, 27416, 8222, 586, 1339, 17180, 29889, 525, 29902, 29915, 29885, 1407, 4966, 1319, 393, 512, 29874, 674, 6773, 902, 11898, 4475, 304, 278, 10879, 310, 5164, 16690, 6757, 373, 5925, 4286, 13, 1576, 432, 2857, 5144, 19310, 1891, 278, 2441, 537, 29892, 1880, 11029, 322, 1880, 11314, 936, 20801, 297, 848, 4333, 408, 372, 1104, 1078, 304, 599, 278, 3652, 29915, 15055, 29892, 541, 896, 11682, 297, 3153, 278, 4274, 525, 29903, 5555, 15308, 9327, 29901, 450, 14305, 627, 310, 1632, 1934, 1932, 10354, 390, 29987, 29928, 13249, 292, 3295, 932, 15451, 4286, 512, 445, 5650, 29892, 11386, 26531, 14549, 8569, 267, 373, 278, 2779, 310, 278, 7968, 867, 1934, 393, 5122, 17784, 359, 29915, 22778, 4846, 408, 11176, 14703, 5220, 292, 304, 2304, 9638, 2879, 28655, 278, 15301, 4845, 457, 297, 2106, 5220, 292, 363, 278, 5613, 21195, 7389, 1494, 278, 24382, 310, 278, 15308, 7761, 29889, 13, 1576, 4148, 28585, 393, 278, 17784, 359, 10606, 29915, 29879, 5146, 1860, 4846, 1784, 10637, 1364, 324, 1503, 385, 15130, 304, 6773, 5925, 29892, 2012, 310, 10124, 363, 5381, 322, 916, 4235, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 1156, 278, 5220, 292, 9698, 29892, 278, 1364, 324, 1503, 1058, 750, 4520, 867, 1934, 28585, 14321, 297, 1009, 17745, 6354, 29889, 13, 29915, 29909, 1781, 28038, 322, 263, 4060, 310, 3165, 473, 526, 4312, 304, 8677, 714, 1316, 263, 5925, 5501, 19310, 1891, 27880, 402, 6574, 295, 1100, 29892, 11386, 297, 278, 14184, 18857, 310, 12884, 293, 17253, 29889, 525, 1576, 1108, 338, 393, 2305, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1207, 1602, 12112, 447, 561, 834, 538, 368, 29889, 1126, 445, 1831, 573, 10468, 1838, 29915, 29873, 5967, 385, 15130, 304, 671, 2560, 4733, 310, 7418, 297, 9200, 29872, 4599, 293, 11898, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1407, 2898, 304, 1284, 263, 2761, 2318, 393, 723, 2758, 502, 304, 1074, 825, 723, 3799, 565, 263, 3058, 1741, 3282, 29915, 29873, 3799, 4286, 13, 6246, 393, 29915, 29879, 3721, 825, 512, 29874, 26531, 14549, 8745, 304, 437, 29889, 2296, 4240, 263, 1904, 393, 6068, 1023, 1407, 2788, 6471, 304, 367, 9401, 29889, 450, 937, 892, 1364, 324, 1503, 1058, 4520, 867, 1934, 29892, 322, 278, 1473, 892, 278, 6743, 1058, 1258, 451, 29892, 411, 278, 4328, 1546, 963, 1641, 1663, 647, 928, 424, 29889, 450, 4328, 297, 278, 1473, 2318, 471, 393, 896, 3282, 29915, 29873, 5870, 697, 310, 278, 16690, 5100, 2187, 29915, 11595, 11780, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29892, 278, 17784, 359, 10606, 4846, 3148, 29928, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 304, 14235, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1364, 324, 1503, 1269, 29889, 450, 11780, 363, 445, 16690, 892, 3033, 6751, 297, 23399, 11898, 322, 2534, 472, 3203, 2211, 15055, 6369, 297, 23533, 29899, 27828, 287, 21824, 1338, 975, 278, 26328, 5320, 2440, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 1906, 1058, 750, 1023, 15055, 6369, 2629, 278, 3734, 3785, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29897, 322, 697, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 892, 925, 528, 29891, 310, 13442, 263, 16690, 29889, 13, 797, 902, 4274, 525, 1888, 29885, 16783, 322, 13001, 294, 29901, 1724, 7440, 10637, 23753, 2879, 376, 29933, 5393, 29908, 304, 278, 3303, 3900, 29973, 742, 278, 4148, 7572, 23382, 10637, 9638, 2879, 29915 ]
Subject: Test version 2.3.2 of JMRI/DecoderPro is available for download. There may be a problem with automatic identification of QSI decoders in this version. We're still trying to determine what's going on. If you find that DecoderPro can't identify a QSI decoder type, please select the right decoder manually. JMRI is moving toward requiring Java 1.5 or later. Certain new features may not work if you are using an earlier version of Java. To see JMRI's future plans for this and other compatibility issues, please see the JMRI technology roadmap. JMRI no longer supports NCE AIU broadcasts. This change was needed so that JMRI could reliably read certain CV values. We recommend that if you use NCE AIUs, that you upgrade the command station EPROM to version 2007 or newer and turn off AIU broadcasts. Code has been added to detect if AIU broadcasts are enabled, and if so a warning message will appear at startup requesting that AIU broadcasts be turned off for proper operation of the JMRI programs. Dan Boudreau updated the marker support in the Panel Editor. David Duchamp fixed bugs in Layout Editor additions mostly related to use with Windows. Dan Boudreau has started adding his support for operations. This is not yet functional. Some improvements to how the default roster location is stored. Since JMRI 2.3.2 was brought out shortly after JMRI 2.3.1, we include those changes here. Ian Birchenough added a decoder definition for the Lenz Standard decoder. Dan Boudreau added some support for accessory programming modes. A decoder definition for the new Soundtraxx Diesel Tsunami is included, thanks to information provided by Bruce Petrarca of Litchfield Station and Nancy Workman of Soundtraxx. More RPS support, particularly improvements to the tracking displays. Ken Cameron added a "DebounceSensor" sample script. The JMRI CBUS support now includes Sensors and Turnouts. Also, when using a non-MERG CAN adapter, the CAN ID is fixed at 126. The Turnout Control and Add Turnout window have been improved so the size of the text fields for system and user names expand as the window is expanded. This lets you enter the really long names that some systems (RPS, CBUS) can use. If this works well, it'll be done for the rest of the places. The JMRI throttle now has a "Program" button which opens an ops-mode programmer window for the selected locomotive. It's only active when a roster entry has been selected on the throttle. Turnouts, Sensors, Lights, etc all now have an associated "comment" field for recording whatever information you'd like. You can enter the info via a column in the associated table. It will be stored in panel files along with the object's other information, and can be accessed via scripts, etc. The JMRI CBUS support now takes an easier format for specifying CBUS events in sensors and turnouts: MT2e3, which means "event 3 from node 2". The CBUS naming page discusses various optional forms. Jos Wils provided updated ESU decoder definitions, and extended the Comprehensive programmer format to work well with them. The JMRI editor for Digitrax SDF sound definitions has been updated with more editing options and some layout improvements. Pekka Siiskonen suggested that we add "error numbers" to e.g. the programming error messages, so that when people report a problem it's really clear which error they've hit. We've started to do this, including a page that serves as a central registry of error numbers. Bob Coleman updated the CTI Acela support to include all types of sensors and initial configuration of sensors and outputs. He's also added the start of formal support for Acela Turnouts. Ronnie Pinkerton updated the throttle so it uses screen space more efficiently. David Duchamp fixed a bug in the screen grid of the Layout Editor. A problem with indexed CVs (as in QSI decoders) and adding new entries to decoder definitions has been fixed. JMRI windows can now be accessed from a web browser. David Duchamp added an "edit" capability to the Signal Table, so you can now change the details (but not the type) of a
[ -0.9775177548446294, -0.3981450483781537 ]
[ 0.5601779321010553, 1.2119667356977928 ]
[ 0.18678864897179345, 0.7498341566071012 ]
[ 0.311249051741406, 0.2956408301318887 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3323, 622, 29901, 4321, 1873, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29889, 29906, 310, 435, 29924, 3960, 29914, 6185, 6119, 1184, 338, 3625, 363, 5142, 29889, 13, 8439, 1122, 367, 263, 1108, 411, 18428, 29769, 310, 660, 5425, 1602, 397, 414, 297, 445, 1873, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 1603, 1811, 304, 8161, 825, 29915, 29879, 2675, 373, 29889, 960, 366, 1284, 393, 3826, 6119, 1184, 508, 29915, 29873, 12439, 263, 660, 5425, 1602, 6119, 1134, 29892, 3113, 1831, 278, 1492, 1602, 6119, 7522, 29889, 13, 29967, 29924, 3960, 338, 8401, 11183, 26795, 3355, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 470, 2678, 29889, 315, 13946, 716, 5680, 1122, 451, 664, 565, 366, 526, 773, 385, 8859, 1873, 310, 3355, 29889, 1763, 1074, 435, 29924, 3960, 29915, 29879, 5434, 13900, 363, 445, 322, 916, 24521, 5626, 29892, 3113, 1074, 278, 435, 29924, 3960, 15483, 6520, 1958, 29889, 13, 29967, 29924, 3960, 694, 5520, 11286, 405, 4741, 319, 29902, 29965, 12672, 29879, 29889, 910, 1735, 471, 4312, 577, 393, 435, 29924, 3960, 1033, 12536, 2197, 1303, 3058, 25778, 1819, 29889, 1334, 6907, 393, 565, 366, 671, 405, 4741, 319, 29902, 15922, 29892, 393, 366, 14955, 278, 1899, 5073, 16502, 3491, 304, 1873, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 470, 20687, 322, 2507, 1283, 319, 29902, 29965, 12672, 29879, 29889, 5920, 756, 1063, 2715, 304, 6459, 565, 319, 29902, 29965, 12672, 29879, 526, 9615, 29892, 322, 565, 577, 263, 9177, 2643, 674, 2615, 472, 20234, 2009, 292, 393, 319, 29902, 29965, 12672, 29879, 367, 6077, 1283, 363, 1571, 5858, 310, 278, 435, 29924, 3960, 11104, 29889, 13, 18529, 350, 2736, 276, 585, 4784, 278, 17456, 2304, 297, 278, 349, 3870, 14059, 29889, 13, 19504, 23568, 1160, 4343, 24557, 297, 20259, 14059, 788, 2187, 11149, 4475, 304, 671, 411, 3852, 29889, 13, 18529, 350, 2736, 276, 585, 756, 4687, 4417, 670, 2304, 363, 6931, 29889, 910, 338, 451, 3447, 13303, 29889, 13, 9526, 28473, 304, 920, 278, 2322, 696, 2475, 4423, 338, 6087, 29889, 13, 23036, 435, 29924, 3960, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29889, 29906, 471, 6296, 714, 21734, 1156, 435, 29924, 3960, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29892, 591, 3160, 1906, 3620, 1244, 29889, 13, 29902, 273, 17853, 2724, 820, 2715, 263, 1602, 6119, 5023, 363, 278, 365, 4666, 10117, 1602, 6119, 29889, 13, 18529, 350, 2736, 276, 585, 2715, 777, 2304, 363, 2130, 706, 8720, 18893, 29889, 13, 29909, 1602, 6119, 5023, 363, 278, 716, 14976, 3018, 4419, 6065, 295, 323, 11445, 4479, 338, 5134, 29892, 3969, 304, 2472, 4944, 491, 18885, 5879, 13678, 1113, 310, 365, 2335, 2671, 12039, 322, 24190, 5244, 1171, 310, 14976, 3018, 4419, 29889, 13, 20761, 390, 7024, 2304, 29892, 10734, 28473, 304, 278, 23110, 14423, 29889, 13, 29968, 264, 20939, 265, 2715, 263, 376, 10251, 21543, 29903, 6073, 29908, 4559, 2471, 29889, 13, 1576, 435, 29924, 3960, 315, 29933, 3308, 2304, 1286, 7805, 317, 575, 943, 322, 9603, 17718, 29889, 3115, 29892, 746, 773, 263, 1661, 29899, 29924, 1001, 29954, 315, 2190, 13304, 29892, 278, 315, 2190, 3553, 338, 4343, 472, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29953, 29889, 13, 1576, 9603, 449, 11264, 322, 3462, 9603, 449, 3474, 505, 1063, 16710, 577, 278, 2159, 310, 278, 1426, 4235, 363, 1788, 322, 1404, 2983, 7985, 408, 278, 3474, 338, 17832, 29889, 910, 16869, 366, 3896, 278, 2289, 1472, 2983, 393, 777, 6757, 313, 29934, 7024, 29892, 315, 29933, 3308, 29897, 508, 671, 29889, 960, 445, 1736, 1532, 29892, 372, 29915, 645, 367, 2309, 363, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 7600, 29889, 13, 1576, 435, 29924, 3960, 20961, 698, 280, 1286, 756, 263, 376, 9283, 29908, 2826, 607, 13246, 385, 288, 567, 29899, 8513, 27922, 3474, 363, 278, 4629, 26351, 573, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 871, 6136, 746, 263, 696, 2475, 6251, 756, 1063, 4629, 373, 278, 20961, 698, 280, 29889, 13, 27407, 17718, 29892, 317, 575, 943, 29892, 365, 5861, 29892, 2992, 599, 1286, 505, 385, 6942, 376, 9342, 29908, 1746, 363, 16867, 6514, 2472, 366, 29915, 29881, 763, 29889, 887, 508, 3896, 278, 5235, 3025, 263, 1897, 297, 278, 6942, 1591, 29889, 739, 674, 367, 6087, 297, 9451, 2066, 3412, 411, 278, 1203, 29915, 29879, 916, 2472, 29892, 322, 508, 367, 20592, 3025, 12078, 29892, 2992, 29889, 13, 1576, 435, 29924, 3960, 315, 29933, 3308, 2304, 1286, 4893, 385, 6775, 3402, 363, 22146, 315, 29933, 3308, 4959, 297, 4771, 943, 322, 2507, 17718, 29901, 341, 29911, 29906, 29872, 29941, 29892, 607, 2794, 376, 3696, 29871, 29941, 515, 2943, 29871, 29906, 1642, 450, 315, 29933, 3308, 22006, 1813, 5353, 267, 5164, 13136, 7190, 29889, 13, 29967, 359, 399, 2719, 4944, 4784, 382, 14605, 1602, 6119, 15848, 29892, 322, 10410, 278, 422, 1457, 29882, 6270, 27922, 3402, 304, 664, 1532, 411, 963, 29889, 13, 1576, 435, 29924, 3960, 6920, 363, 10951, 277, 336, 29916, 317, 4037, 6047, 15848, 756, 1063, 4784, 411, 901, 16278, 3987, 322, 777, 5912, 28473, 29889, 13, 29925, 1416, 1335, 6101, 3873, 19131, 7829, 393, 591, 788, 376, 2704, 3694, 29908, 304, 321, 29889, 29887, 29889, 278, 8720, 1059, 7191, 29892, 577, 393, 746, 2305, 3461, 263, 1108, 372, 29915, 29879, 2289, 2821, 607, 1059, 896, 29915, 345, 7124, 29889, 1334, 29915, 345, 4687, 304, 437, 445, 29892, 3704, 263, 1813, 393, 19700, 408, 263, 6555, 21235, 310, 1059, 3694, 29889, 13, 29362, 16816, 1171, 4784, 278, 315, 24301, 319, 2242, 29874, 2304, 304, 3160, 599, 4072, 310, 4771, 943, 322, 2847, 5285, 310, 4771, 943, 322, 14391, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 884, 2715, 278, 1369, 310, 11595, 2304, 363, 319, 2242, 29874, 9603, 17718, 29889, 13, 29934, 265, 2786, 349, 682, 28634, 4784, 278, 20961, 698, 280, 577, 372, 3913, 4315, 2913, 901, 29497, 29889, 13, 19504, 23568, 1160, 4343, 263, 6494, 297, 278, 4315, 6856, 310, 278, 20259, 14059, 29889, 13, 29909, 1108, 411, 27541, 25778, 29879, 313, 294, 297, 660, 5425, 1602, 397, 414, 29897, 322, 4417, 716, 9976, 304, 1602, 6119, 15848, 756, 1063, 4343, 29889, 13, 29967, 29924, 3960, 5417, 508, 1286, 367, 20592, 515, 263, 1856, 4714, 29889, 13, 19504, 23568, 1160, 2715, 385, 376, 5628, 29908, 2117, 3097, 304, 278, 9954, 284, 6137, 29892, 577, 366, 508, 1286, 1735, 278, 4902, 313, 4187, 451, 278, 1134, 29897, 310, 263 ]
Esta é uma lista de cerimônias realizadas no TCL Chinese Theatre em Hollywood, Califórnia (originalmente "Grauman's Chinese Theatre"). Pegadas das mãos e assinaturas de artistas de todo o mundo estão incluídas ao longo de seu pátio, e em alguns casos, marcas de outros objetos. As cerimonias são realizadas desde dos Anos 1920. Atualmente, o Chinese Theatre atrai um público de 5 milhões de pessoas, mais do que até mesmo o Parque Nacional de Yosemite. Década de 1920 - Norma Talmadge (pós-datado para o dia de abertura, 18 de maio de 1927) - Mary Pickford (30 de Abril de 1927) - Douglas Fairbanks (30 de Abril de 1927) - Norma Shearer (1 de Agosto de 1927) - Harold Lloyd (21 de Novembro de 1927) - William S. Hart (28 de Novembro de 1927) - Tom Mix e Tony o Cavalo Maravilha (12 de dezembro de 1927) - Colleen Moore (19 de dezembro de 1927) - Gloria Swanson (cerca de 1927) - Constance Talmadge (cerca de 1927) - Pola Negri (2 de Abril de 1928) - Bebe Daniels (11 de Maio de 1929) - Marion Davies (13 de Maio de 1929) - Janet Gaynor (29 de Maio de 1929) - Joan Crawford (14 de Setembro de 1929) Década de 1930 - Ann Harding (30 de Agosto de 1930) - Raoul Walsh (14 de Novembro de 1930) - Wallace Beery (31 de Janeiro de 1931) - Marie Dressler (31 de Janeiro de 1931) - Jackie Cooper (12 de Dezembro de 1931) - Eddie Cantor (9 de Março de 1932) - Diana Wynyard (26 de Janeiro de 1933) - Irmãos Marx (17 de Fevereiro de 1933) - Jean Harlow (25 de Setembro de 1933) - Maurice Chevalier (4 de Dezembro de 1934) - Jeanette MacDonald (4 de Dezembro de 1934) - Shirley Temple (14 de Março de 1935) - Joe E. Brown (5 de Março de 1936) - Al Jolson (12 de Março de 1936) - Freddie Bartholomew (4 de Abril de 1936) - Bing Crosby (8 de Abril de 1936) - Victor McLaglen (25 de Maio de 1936) - William Powell e Myrna Loy (20 de Outubro de 1936) - Clark Gable e Woody Van Dyke (20 de Janeiro de 1937) - Dick Powell e Joan Blondell (10 de Fevereiro de 1937) - Fredric March (21 de Abril de 1937) - May Robson (22 de Abril de 1937) - Tyrone Power e Loretta Young (31 de Maio de 1937) - Sonja Henie (28 de Junho de 1937) - Irmãos Ritz (22 de Setembro de 1937) - Eleanor Powell (23 de Dezembro de 1937) - Don Ameche (27 de Janeiro de
[ -0.15639733515987245, -1.3774629801122675 ]
[ 0.9397911913387156, 0.04089564352123682 ]
[ -0.9849547047557389, -2.212495361041725 ]
[ -0.8229483852168515, -1.4576827306705553 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 14192, 904, 3672, 15023, 316, 5147, 326, 30069, 1240, 294, 8869, 3922, 694, 323, 6154, 10013, 15521, 953, 19180, 29892, 3037, 361, 4916, 3915, 313, 13492, 2689, 376, 29954, 336, 7889, 29915, 29879, 10013, 15521, 2564, 27281, 3922, 1697, 286, 30033, 359, 321, 1223, 262, 1337, 294, 316, 7664, 294, 316, 10481, 288, 13864, 707, 1368, 13654, 13480, 294, 5017, 1472, 29877, 316, 5078, 282, 2682, 601, 29892, 321, 953, 25633, 29224, 29892, 1766, 9398, 316, 21950, 13413, 359, 29889, 1094, 5147, 20170, 3173, 12777, 8869, 3922, 5125, 3248, 530, 359, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 13, 4178, 14162, 29892, 288, 10013, 15521, 472, 17016, 1922, 23792, 316, 29871, 29945, 2316, 29882, 4420, 316, 23109, 294, 29892, 3503, 437, 712, 16659, 20661, 288, 1459, 802, 8468, 316, 612, 359, 331, 568, 29889, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 5655, 29874, 10288, 19581, 479, 313, 29886, 7173, 29899, 4130, 912, 1702, 288, 9766, 316, 263, 2151, 2002, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 316, 611, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6182, 23868, 4006, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 16721, 13822, 29890, 1331, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5655, 29874, 2296, 279, 261, 313, 29896, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 25422, 27054, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4667, 317, 29889, 12321, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4335, 23478, 321, 15293, 288, 20354, 7003, 1085, 485, 309, 2350, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 18466, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1530, 280, 264, 18588, 313, 29896, 29929, 316, 18466, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8467, 4108, 3925, 16307, 313, 2265, 1113, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5798, 749, 10288, 19581, 479, 313, 2265, 1113, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2043, 29874, 12610, 374, 313, 29906, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 350, 774, 29872, 8432, 29879, 313, 29896, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1085, 291, 3589, 583, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2627, 300, 28832, 15459, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19317, 315, 1610, 4006, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 8081, 10999, 292, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6981, 5059, 5260, 845, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5260, 1265, 1522, 708, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 9932, 360, 1253, 1358, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 347, 21851, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20861, 347, 15498, 272, 313, 29929, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 360, 3857, 399, 948, 19852, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 306, 1758, 30033, 359, 28579, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 3536, 677, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18938, 6561, 791, 631, 313, 29946, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 2353, 4326, 28080, 313, 29946, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1383, 381, 2330, 18057, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 11131, 382, 29889, 9817, 313, 29945, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 838, 435, 324, 1100, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12001, 16217, 2261, 386, 324, 608, 29893, 313, 29946, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 350, 292, 315, 1883, 1609, 313, 29947, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12684, 4052, 29931, 351, 2435, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4667, 12265, 514, 321, 1619, 29878, 1056, 4309, 29891, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 17129, 402, 519, 321, 14962, 1486, 6556, 24526, 446, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12488, 12265, 514, 321, 19317, 3164, 898, 514, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12001, 2200, 4779, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2610, 6417, 1100, 313, 29906, 29906, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 323, 4316, 650, 9206, 321, 10980, 11300, 10443, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5791, 1764, 4114, 347, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 306, 1758, 30033, 359, 390, 2784, 313, 29906, 29906, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8317, 273, 272, 12265, 514, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 3872, 319, 1004, 1173, 313, 29906, 29955, 316, 20883, 316, 29871 ]
1938) - Fred Astaire (4 de Fevereiro de 1938) - Deanna Durbin (7 de Fevereiro de 1938) - Alice Faye e Tony Martin (20 de Março de 1938) - Edgar Bergen e Charlie McCarthy (20 de Julho de 1938) - Jean Hersholt (11 de Outubro de 1938) - Mickey Rooney (18 de Outubro de 1938) - Nelson Eddy (28 de Dezembro de 1938) - Ginger Rogers (5 de Setembro de 1939) - Judy Garland (10 de Outubro de 1939) - Jane Withers (6 de Novembro de 1939) - Andrew Campa (12 de Novembro de 1939) Década de 1940 - Linda Darnell (18 de Março de 1940) - Rosa Grauman (25 de Maço de 1940) - John Barrymore (5 de Setembro de 1940) - Jack Benny (13 de Janeiro de 1941) - Carmen Miranda (24 de Março de 1941) - Barbara Stanwyck e Robert Taylor (11 de Junho de 1941) - Rudy Vallée (21 de Julho de 1941) - Cecil B. DeMille (7 de Agosto de 1941) - Andy Hardy (15 de Agosto de 1941) - Abbott & Costello (8 de Dezembro de 1941) - Edward Arnold (6 de Janeiro de 1942) - Joan Fontaine (26 de Maio de 1942) - Red Skelton (18 de Junho de 1942) - Greer Garson (23 de Julho de 1942) - Henry Fonda, Rita Hayworth e Charles Boyer (24 de Julho de 1942) - Charles Boyer (24 de Julho de 1942) - Charles Laughton (24 de Julho de 1942) - Bob Hope e Dorothy Lamour (5 de Fevereiro de 1943) - Betty Grable (15 de Fevereiro de 1943) - Monty Woolley (28 de Maio de 1943) - Gary Cooper (13 de Agosto de 1943) - Esther Williams e Private Joe Brain (1 de Agosto de 1943) - Gene Tierney (24 de Janeiro de 1945) - Jack Oakie (21 de Fevereiro de 1945) - Jimmy Durante (31 de Outubro de 1945) - Sid Grauman (24 de Janeiro de 1946) - Irene Dunne (8 de Julho de 1946) - Rex Harrison (8 de Julho de 1946) - Margaret O'Brien (15 de Agosto de 1946) - Humphrey Bogart (21 de Agosto de 1946) - Louella Parsons (30 de Setembro de 1946) - Ray Milland (17 de Abril de 1946) - Lauritz Melchior (30 de Novembro de 1946) - James Stewart (13 de Fevereiro de 1948) - Van Johnson (25 de Março de 1948) - George Jessel (1 de Março de 1949) - Roy Rogers e o Cavalo Trigger (21 de Abril de 1949) - Richard Widmark e Charles Nelson (24 de Abril de 1949) - Jeanne Crain (17
[ -1.048740877152565, -1.3610268749642822 ]
[ -0.02177635682460333, -0.14174847177235447 ]
[ -1.7458270123710196, -2.3139450020570957 ]
[ -1.4264662874515206, -1.483696433353084 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12001, 319, 5173, 533, 313, 29946, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 897, 9713, 7073, 2109, 313, 29955, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 16308, 383, 15802, 321, 15293, 6502, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2155, 5397, 2292, 1885, 321, 20283, 4052, 8179, 21155, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 379, 414, 5391, 29873, 313, 29896, 29896, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20279, 1989, 1528, 4992, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19135, 20861, 29891, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 402, 5621, 9272, 414, 313, 29945, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8660, 29891, 7455, 1049, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 10447, 2973, 414, 313, 29953, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 11571, 7259, 29874, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 365, 11054, 360, 2753, 514, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 21974, 4989, 7889, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 3219, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2259, 23032, 5514, 313, 29945, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 4111, 1460, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1704, 1527, 11612, 5863, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18506, 7813, 12822, 384, 321, 4755, 12537, 313, 29896, 29896, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 10670, 29891, 19918, 1318, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 21325, 309, 350, 29889, 897, 29924, 1924, 313, 29955, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 21828, 10999, 29891, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 13896, 1501, 669, 9839, 3156, 313, 29947, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 9300, 20720, 313, 29953, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19317, 10928, 9874, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4367, 4971, 295, 880, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4122, 261, 7455, 1100, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6498, 383, 14287, 29892, 390, 2028, 11389, 12554, 321, 5322, 1952, 7598, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5322, 1952, 7598, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5322, 365, 6482, 265, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7991, 7963, 321, 9579, 20336, 12718, 473, 313, 29945, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 29782, 4989, 569, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4526, 29891, 399, 1507, 2330, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23529, 21851, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2661, 2276, 11648, 321, 12230, 11131, 5032, 262, 313, 29896, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15350, 29088, 3801, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 24132, 347, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20636, 13912, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19732, 4989, 7889, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 306, 28593, 11566, 484, 313, 29947, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 390, 735, 26954, 313, 29947, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18364, 438, 29915, 29933, 19112, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 13863, 561, 8903, 15872, 442, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4562, 3547, 1459, 29879, 787, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 9596, 8649, 392, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 14019, 2784, 6286, 305, 1611, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5011, 22389, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6556, 11717, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5122, 23010, 295, 313, 29896, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15793, 9272, 414, 321, 288, 20354, 7003, 1605, 3567, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6123, 399, 333, 3502, 321, 5322, 19135, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 484, 315, 6038, 313, 29896, 29955 ]
de Outubro de 1949) - Jean Hersholt (20 de Outubro de 1949) - Anne Baxter e Gregory Peck (15 de Dezembro de 1949) - Gene Autry e Champion (23 de Dezembro de 1949) Década de 1950 - John Wayne (25 de Janeiro de 1950) - Lana Turner (24 de Maio de 1950) - Bette Davis (6 de Novembro de 1950) - William Lundigan (29 de Dezembro de 1950) - Cary Grant (16 de Julho de 1951) - Susan Hayward (10 de Agosto de 1951) - Hildegard Knef (como Hildegarde Neff) (13 de Dezembro de 1951) - Oskar Werner (13 de Dezembro de 1951) - Jane Wyman (17 de Setembro de 1952) - Ava Gardner (21 de Outubro de 1952) - Clifton Webb (7 de Dezembro de 1952) - Olivia de Havilland (9 de Dezembro de 1952) - Adolph Zukor (5 de Janeiro de 1953) - Ezio Pinza (26 de Janeiro de 1953) - Donald O'Connor (25 de Fevereiro de 1953) - Marilyn Monroe e Jane Russell (26 de Junho de 1953) - Jean Simmons (24 de Dezembro de 1953) - Jean Simmons (26 de Janeiro de 1954) - James Mason (30 de Março de 1954) - Alan Ladd (12 de Maio de 1954) - Edmund Purdom (30 de Agosto de 1954) - Van Heflin (8 de Outubro de 1954) - George Murphy (8 de Novembro de 1954) - Yul Brynner (22 de Março de 1956) - Deborah Kerr (22 de Março de 1956) - Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, e George Stevens (26 de Setembro de 1956) - Elmer C. Rhoden (16 de Setembro de 1958) - Rosalind Russell (19 de Fevereiro de 1959) Década de 1960 - Cantinflas (28 de Dezembro de 1960) - Doris Day (29 de Janeiro de 1961) - Natalie Wood (5 de Dezembro de 1961) - Charlton Heston (18 de Janeiro de 1962) - Sophia Loren (26 de Julho de 1962) - Kirk Douglas (1 de Novembro de 1962) - Paul Newman e Joanne Woodward (25 de Maio de 1963) - Jack Lemmon e Shirley MacLaine (29 de Junho de 1963) - Mervyn LeRoy (15 de Outubro de 1963) - Hayley Mills (22 de Fevereiro de 1964) - Dean Martin (21 de Março de 1964) - Peter Sellers (3 de Junho de 1964) - Debbie Reynolds (24 de Janeiro de 1965) - Marcello Mastroianni (8 de Fevereiro de 1965) - Frank Sinatra (20 de Julho de 1965) - Julie Andrews (26 de Março de 1966) - Dick Van Dyke (25 de Julho de 1966) - Steve Mc
[ -1.2185806303484112, -1.322675962952317 ]
[ 0.0194081005455202, -0.09429681436764693 ]
[ -2.019741043112521, -1.9385813303002242 ]
[ -1.2443703686738188, -1.4212635469150148 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 379, 414, 5391, 29873, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 10558, 350, 1165, 357, 321, 29094, 3938, 384, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15350, 5202, 719, 321, 5257, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 2259, 25843, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 365, 1648, 24215, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 350, 2353, 15225, 313, 29953, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4667, 27945, 11163, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 315, 653, 18102, 313, 29896, 29953, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 25914, 11389, 1328, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 379, 7154, 29887, 538, 476, 484, 29888, 313, 23700, 379, 7154, 5397, 311, 2448, 600, 29897, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 438, 808, 279, 22597, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 10447, 399, 21909, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 319, 1564, 15971, 1089, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2233, 361, 880, 2563, 29890, 313, 29955, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19802, 423, 316, 21480, 453, 392, 313, 29929, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2087, 22138, 796, 2679, 272, 313, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18817, 601, 17434, 1362, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18935, 438, 29915, 1168, 15459, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1085, 309, 948, 2598, 26968, 321, 10447, 20679, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 3439, 29885, 787, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4581, 3439, 29885, 787, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5011, 28095, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 17102, 365, 1202, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 28925, 15247, 3129, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6556, 940, 1579, 262, 313, 29947, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5122, 7487, 11461, 313, 29947, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 612, 352, 13307, 29876, 1089, 313, 29906, 29906, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7089, 272, 801, 476, 3127, 313, 29906, 29906, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 13061, 12537, 29892, 8027, 25850, 29892, 321, 5122, 26287, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1260, 1050, 315, 29889, 7861, 13183, 313, 29896, 29953, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5678, 284, 513, 20679, 313, 29896, 29929, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 315, 13027, 1579, 294, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 9579, 275, 8373, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 26259, 347, 10180, 313, 29945, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2896, 29880, 880, 379, 21496, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19122, 423, 23223, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 26424, 16721, 313, 29896, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 3739, 1570, 1171, 321, 3650, 11276, 10180, 1328, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 8836, 3712, 321, 1383, 381, 2330, 4326, 5661, 457, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4702, 29894, 948, 951, 9588, 29891, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 11389, 2330, 341, 6090, 313, 29906, 29906, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23263, 6502, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5310, 317, 28257, 313, 29941, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7089, 10993, 28555, 3361, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 16633, 417, 341, 23364, 713, 1240, 313, 29947, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4976, 8882, 16546, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2739, 347, 11571, 29879, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12488, 6556, 24526, 446, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 13981, 4052 ]
Queen (21 de Março de 1967) - Sidney Poitier (23 de Junho de 1967) - Anthony Quinn (21 de Dezembro de 1967) - Danny Kaye (19 de Outubro de 1969) - Gene Kelly (24 de Novembro de 1969) Década de 1970 - Ali MacGraw (24 de Dezembro de 1972) - Jack Nicholson (17 de Junho de 1974) - Tom Bradley e Ted Mann (18 de Maio de 1977) - Herbie the Love Bug (27 de Maio de 1977) Aniversário de 50 anos do Teatro Chinês (24 de Maio de 1977) - Darth Vader (3 de Agosto de 1977) - C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) (3 de Agosto de 1977) - George Burns (25 de Janeiro de 1979) Década de 1980 - John Travolta (2 de Junho de 1980) - Burt Reynolds (24 de Setembro de 1981) - Rhonda Fleming (28 de Setembro de 1981) - Sylvester Stallone (29 de Junho de 1982) - George Lucas e Steven Spielberg (16 de Maio de 1984) - Donald Duck e Clarence Nash (21 de Maio de 1984) - Clint Eastwood (21 de Agosto de 1984) - Mickey Rooney (18 de Fevereiro de 1986) - Eddie Murphy e 100 º aniversário de Hollywood (14 de Maio de 1987) Década de 1990 Elenco de Jornada nas Estrelas: (5 de Dezembro de 1991) - Gene Roddenberry - William Shatner - Leonard Nimoy - DeForest Kelley - Nichelle Nichols - James Doohan - George Takei - Walter Koenig - Harrison Ford (4 de Junho de 1992) - Michael Keaton (15 de Julho de 1992) - Tom Cruise (15 de Julho de 1992) - Mel Gibson (23 de Agosto de 1993) - Arnold Schwarzenegger (14 de Julho de 1994) - Meryl Streep (24 de Setembro de 1994) - Whoopi Goldberg (2 de Fevereiro de 1995) - Bruce Willis (18 de Maio de 1995) - Steven Seagal (10 de Julho de 1995) - Jim Carrey (1 de Novembro de 1995) - Jackie Chan (5 de Janeiro de 1997) - Johnny Grant (13 de Maio de 1997) - Robert Zemeckis (8 de Julho de 1997) - Michael Douglas (10 de Setembro de 1997) - Al Pacino (16 de Outubro de 1997) - Denzel Washington (15 de Janeiro de 1998) - Walter Matthau (2 de Abril de 1998) - Warren Beatty (21 de Maio de 1998) - Danny Glover (7 de Julho de 1998) - Tom Hanks (23 de Julho de 1998) - Robin Williams (22 de Dezembro de 1998) - Susan Sarandon (11 de Janeiro de 1999) - William F. "Bill
[ -1.0049112634246047, -1.4048564886922426 ]
[ 0.13400832974934218, -0.3584145301108304 ]
[ -1.6037975149495005, -2.050175935417132 ]
[ -1.239167628137313, -1.5201156171086245 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8654, 264, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19732, 3801, 3929, 277, 631, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 16477, 751, 2559, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 360, 14763, 476, 15802, 313, 29896, 29929, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15350, 21872, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 10785, 4326, 29954, 1610, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 16371, 324, 1100, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4335, 15862, 2330, 321, 22040, 7908, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2439, 10993, 278, 8155, 28209, 313, 29906, 29955, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29897, 13, 29909, 1240, 874, 12288, 316, 29871, 29945, 29900, 14110, 437, 22737, 678, 262, 8769, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7335, 386, 478, 1664, 313, 29941, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 315, 29899, 29941, 13152, 313, 2744, 386, 2592, 8432, 29879, 511, 390, 29906, 29899, 29928, 29906, 313, 29968, 264, 1460, 22652, 29897, 313, 29941, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5122, 16640, 29879, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 2259, 3201, 1555, 941, 313, 29906, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 350, 4227, 28555, 3361, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7861, 14287, 383, 2409, 292, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19628, 29894, 4156, 624, 497, 650, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5122, 24243, 321, 24703, 7842, 2552, 313, 29896, 29953, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18935, 360, 2707, 321, 15183, 663, 24848, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2233, 524, 6932, 6115, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20279, 1989, 1528, 4992, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20861, 347, 7487, 11461, 321, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29871, 30105, 385, 1536, 12288, 316, 19180, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 13, 13, 29923, 2435, 1111, 316, 435, 1398, 1114, 8281, 2661, 2674, 294, 29901, 313, 29945, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15350, 7733, 1145, 16344, 13, 29871, 448, 4667, 1383, 271, 1089, 13, 29871, 448, 26921, 405, 4200, 29891, 13, 29871, 448, 897, 2831, 342, 476, 1808, 29891, 13, 29871, 448, 16371, 1808, 16371, 3775, 13, 29871, 448, 5011, 1938, 1148, 273, 13, 29871, 448, 5122, 11190, 29875, 13, 29871, 448, 10705, 8224, 19197, 13, 29871, 448, 26954, 14601, 313, 29946, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5765, 4813, 14114, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4335, 11263, 895, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6286, 15347, 1100, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20720, 17617, 2256, 387, 914, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 341, 708, 29880, 624, 929, 29886, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 11644, 459, 29875, 6650, 2552, 313, 29906, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18885, 2811, 275, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 24703, 922, 351, 284, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8507, 1704, 8903, 313, 29896, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 347, 22433, 313, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20179, 18102, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4755, 796, 2004, 384, 275, 313, 29947, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5765, 16721, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 838, 9790, 1789, 313, 29896, 29953, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 3384, 10533, 7660, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 10705, 27471, 585, 313, 29906, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 24511, 18573, 1017, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 360, 14763, 21806, 369, 313, 29955, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4335, 379, 1331, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 13104, 11648, 313, 29906, 29906, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 25914, 7745, 9214, 313, 29896, 29896, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4667, 383, 29889, 376, 29933, 453 ]
" Hertz (18 de Março de 1999) - Ron Howard (23 de Março de 1999) - Sean Connery (13 de Abril de 1999) - Richard Gere (26 de Julho de 1999) - Terry Semel e Bob Daly (30 de Setembro de 1999) Década de 2000 - Anthony Hopkins (11 de Janeiro de 2001) - Nicolas Cage (14 de Agosto de 2001) - Martin Lawrence (19 de Novembro de 2001) - John Woo (21 de Maio de 2002) - Morgan Freeman (5 de Junho de 2002) - Christopher Walken (8 de Outubro de 2004) - Jack Valenti (6 de Dezembro de 2004) - Sherry Lansing (16 de Fevereiro de 2005) - Adam Sandler (17 de Maio de 2005) - Johnny Depp (16 de Setembro de 2005) - Samuel L. Jackson (30 de Janeiro de 2006) - Kevin Costner (6 de Setembro de 2006) - Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, e Jerry Weintraub (5 de Junho de 2007) - Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint e Emma Watson (para a série Harry Potter) (9 de Julho de 2007) - Will Smith (10 de Dezembro de 2007) - Michael Caine (11 de Julho de 2007) - Hugh Jackman (21 de Abril de 2007) - Robert Downey Jr. (7 de Dezembro de 2009) Década de 2010 - Jerry Bruckheimer (17 de Maio de 2010) - Cher (8 de Novembro de 2010) - Robert Duvall (5 de Janeiro de 2011) - Helen Mirren (28 de Março de 2011) - Peter O'Toole (30 de Abril de 2011) - Jennifer Aniston (7 de Julho de 2011) - Mickey Rourke (31 de Outubro de 2011) - Kristen Stewart e Taylor Lautner (3 de Novembro de 2011) - Robert Pattinson (3 de Novembro de 2011) - Russ Tamblyn e George Chakiris (15 de Novembro de 2011) - Rita Moreno (15 de Novembro de 2011) - Paris Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II e Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (26 de Janeiro de 2012) - Kim Novak (14 de Abril de 2012) - Lee Byung Hun e Ahn Sung-ki (23 de Junho de 2012) - Christopher Nolan (7 de Julho de 2012) - Robert De Niro (4 de Fevereiro de 2013) - Jane Fonda (27 de Abril de 2013) - Jackie Chan (6 de Junho de 2013) A cerimônia substituiu a anterior. - Jerry Maren (18 de Setembro de 2013) - Sandra Bullock (25 de Setembro de 2013) - Feng Xiaogang (1 de Novembro de 2013) - Emma Thompson (7 de Novembro de 2013) - John Goodman (15 de Novembro de 2013) - Ben Stiller (3 de Dezembro de 2013) - Jerry Lewis (12 de Abril de 2014) - Melissa McCarthy (2 de Julho de
[ -1.344590769816297, -1.3993777869762476 ]
[ -0.2823128154051674, -0.49450230229036907 ]
[ -2.050175935417132, -2.415394643072467 ]
[ -1.2547758497468302, -1.5877512440831993 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29908, 379, 814, 29920, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 11546, 17430, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 922, 273, 1281, 29876, 708, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6123, 402, 406, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 27571, 9444, 295, 321, 7991, 9400, 29891, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 16477, 20727, 11335, 313, 29896, 29896, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 22456, 315, 482, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 4059, 5548, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6502, 19520, 313, 29896, 29929, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2259, 399, 3634, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20549, 3878, 11422, 313, 29945, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18888, 5260, 1717, 313, 29947, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 2630, 7268, 313, 29953, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 17375, 719, 365, 550, 292, 313, 29896, 29953, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 11783, 8564, 1358, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20179, 897, 407, 313, 29896, 29953, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15316, 365, 29889, 11886, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19323, 9839, 1089, 313, 29953, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15862, 18727, 29892, 5122, 27397, 4992, 29892, 9811, 9865, 265, 29892, 321, 23052, 1334, 524, 336, 431, 313, 29945, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8432, 4957, 695, 11540, 29892, 9723, 10700, 1632, 524, 321, 26422, 28284, 313, 22752, 263, 10375, 10686, 10173, 357, 29897, 313, 29929, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2811, 7075, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5765, 9243, 457, 313, 29896, 29896, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 15888, 5457, 1171, 313, 29906, 29896, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4755, 26028, 3801, 13843, 29889, 313, 29955, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 13, 13, 29871, 448, 23052, 8135, 384, 27400, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23816, 313, 29947, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4755, 360, 4090, 497, 313, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 21758, 11612, 1267, 313, 29906, 29947, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5310, 438, 29915, 1762, 1772, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23774, 9633, 530, 391, 265, 313, 29955, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20279, 1989, 390, 473, 446, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 17773, 264, 22389, 321, 12537, 997, 329, 1089, 313, 29941, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4755, 349, 1131, 26803, 313, 29941, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4719, 11893, 13493, 321, 5122, 678, 557, 381, 275, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 390, 2028, 3879, 8154, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 3681, 11886, 29892, 10787, 5765, 11886, 1944, 321, 5765, 6936, 11886, 13843, 29889, 313, 29906, 29953, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12931, 2864, 557, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 9371, 2648, 686, 16899, 321, 319, 3123, 317, 686, 29899, 1984, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18888, 405, 26510, 313, 29955, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4755, 897, 405, 3350, 313, 29946, 316, 383, 1310, 29872, 3350, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 10447, 383, 14287, 313, 29906, 29955, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5457, 347, 22433, 313, 29953, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 319, 5147, 326, 30069, 3915, 5960, 277, 1481, 29884, 263, 14123, 29889, 13, 29871, 448, 23052, 1085, 264, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8564, 336, 8313, 908, 313, 29906, 29945, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 383, 996, 1060, 423, 468, 574, 313, 29896, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 26422, 22348, 313, 29955, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2259, 7197, 1171, 313, 29896, 29945, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4111, 624, 5495, 313, 29941, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23052, 15037, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6286, 16343, 4052, 8179, 21155, 313, 29906, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871 ]
2014) - Mel Brooks (8 de Setembro de 2014) - Peter Cullen (30 de Setembro de 2014) - Ethan Hawke (8 de Janeiro de 2015) - Vince Vaughn (4 de Março de 2015) - Christopher Plummer (27 de Março de 2015) - Vin Diesel (1 de Abril de 2015) - Dwayne Johnson (19 de Maio de 2015) - Justin Lin (3 de Junho de 2015) - Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming (3 de Junho de 2015) - Katy Perry (9 de Setembro de 2015) - Jennifer Lawrence e Josh Hutcherson (31 de Outubro de 2015) - Liam Hemsworth (31 de Outubro de 2015) - Quentin Tarantino (5 de Janeiro de 2016) - Francis Ford Coppola (29 de Abril de 2016) - Roland Emmerich (20 de Junho de 2016) - Tim Burton (8 de Setembro de 2016) - Jeffrey Katzenberg (29 de Setembro de 2016) - Jessica Chastain (3 de Novembro de 2016) Hong Kong - Donnie Yen (30 de Novembro de 2016) - Emma Stone (7 de Dezembro de 2016) - Ryan Gosling (7 de Dezembro de 2016) - Jeff Bridges (6 de Janeiro de 2017) - Rob Reiner (7 de Abril de 2017) - Carl Reiner (7 de Abril de 2017) - Ridley Scott (17 de Maio de 2017) - Michael Bay (23 de Maio de 2017) - Stan Lee (18 de Julho de 2017) - Mariah Carey (1 de Novembro de 2017) - Lionel Richie (7 de Março de 2018) - Cicely Tyson (27 de Abril de 2018) - Carrie Fisher (24 de Maio de 2018) - Quincy Jones (27 de Novembro de 2018) - Pitbull (14 de Dezembro de 2018) - Sam Elliott (7 de Janeiro de 2019) - Billy Crystal (12 de Abril de 2019) - Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson e Kevin Feige (23 de Abril de 2019) - Chris Hemsworth (23 de Abril de 2019) - Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Mayim Bialik e Melissa Rauch (1 de Maio de 2019) - Kunal Nayyar (1 de Maio de 2019) - Keanu Reeves (14 de Maio de 2019) - Kevin Smith e Jason Mewes (14 de Outubro de 2019) - Kevin Hart (10 de Dezembro de 2019) Década de 2020 - Patrick Stewart (13 de Janeiro de 2020) - Michael Madsen (17 de Novembro de 2020) - Canelo Alvarez (18 de Março de 2021) Cerimônias não oficiais Nos últimos anos, tem havido uma série de cerimônias feitas para celebridades, animais famosos e personagens de ficção, essas cerimônias são pagas geralmente por grandes estúdios de cinema e pat
[ -1.6897489779239847, -1.3336333663843072 ]
[ -0.5625461883801384, -0.4452600163043518 ]
[ -2.415394643072467, -2.060320899518669 ]
[ -1.530521098181636, -1.5149128765721187 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6286, 4358, 12117, 313, 29947, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5310, 315, 913, 264, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 13772, 273, 10875, 446, 313, 29947, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 478, 1239, 478, 2987, 3123, 313, 29946, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18888, 1858, 398, 1050, 313, 29906, 29955, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12540, 6065, 295, 313, 29896, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 360, 1582, 484, 11717, 313, 29896, 29929, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 26408, 4342, 313, 29941, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 796, 2350, 29877, 25277, 29892, 12895, 574, 1060, 423, 28826, 313, 29941, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 29871, 476, 11156, 28376, 313, 29929, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23774, 9633, 19520, 321, 22838, 379, 10519, 1330, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 2718, 314, 379, 1567, 12554, 313, 29941, 29896, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 751, 15440, 11740, 424, 1789, 313, 29945, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5845, 14601, 3189, 407, 2963, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 29871, 13, 29871, 448, 24915, 2812, 1050, 436, 313, 29906, 29900, 316, 8378, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7870, 6640, 880, 313, 29947, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12208, 8903, 12553, 2256, 2552, 313, 29906, 29929, 316, 3789, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 23010, 983, 678, 579, 475, 313, 29941, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 12798, 12026, 448, 3872, 2786, 612, 264, 313, 29941, 29900, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 26422, 15681, 313, 29955, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20916, 402, 359, 1847, 313, 29955, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29897, 29871, 13, 29871, 448, 12208, 1771, 333, 2710, 313, 29953, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 6417, 830, 4983, 313, 29955, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 8965, 830, 4983, 313, 29955, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 390, 333, 2330, 8075, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5765, 6211, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 7813, 9371, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 2739, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 29871, 13, 29871, 448, 6217, 29882, 10057, 29891, 313, 29896, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 21934, 295, 4385, 347, 313, 29955, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 24945, 873, 323, 952, 265, 313, 29906, 29955, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1704, 2546, 12030, 261, 313, 29906, 29946, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 751, 262, 1270, 10920, 313, 29906, 29955, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 29244, 29890, 913, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 3685, 26656, 1501, 313, 29955, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 18299, 22121, 11195, 313, 29896, 29906, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4755, 26028, 3801, 13843, 1696, 12821, 24056, 29892, 4485, 390, 3096, 7003, 29892, 5677, 6764, 7493, 1089, 29892, 2522, 279, 13650, 1861, 550, 1100, 321, 19323, 5169, 2231, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 12821, 379, 1567, 12554, 313, 29906, 29941, 316, 27782, 309, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 20179, 402, 744, 22736, 29892, 8507, 1459, 29879, 787, 29892, 476, 744, 29891, 10406, 6235, 29892, 11254, 6162, 2552, 29892, 2610, 326, 350, 616, 638, 321, 6286, 16343, 390, 13989, 313, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 476, 17507, 405, 388, 8553, 313, 29896, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 4813, 15623, 830, 29872, 1960, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 3219, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 29871, 13, 29871, 448, 19323, 7075, 321, 21776, 341, 809, 267, 313, 29896, 29946, 316, 4451, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 19323, 12321, 313, 29896, 29900, 316, 7383, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 4582, 1114, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29871, 13, 29871, 448, 14875, 22389, 313, 29896, 29941, 316, 20883, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 5765, 4104, 4881, 313, 29896, 29955, 316, 2864, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 29871, 448, 1815, 7078, 838, 5280, 29920, 313, 29896, 29947, 316, 1085, 6102, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 13, 29907, 261, 326, 30069, 1240, 294, 8145, 310, 11477, 275, 29871, 13, 29940, 359, 9501, 18594, 14110, 29892, 1350, 20771, 1941, 3672, 10375, 316, 5147, 326, 30069, 1240, 294, 1238, 16628, 1702, 10894, 7305, 29892, 3778, 1759, 5216, 24485, 321, 2022, 25935, 316, 22959, 2340, 29892, 3686, 294, 5147, 326, 30069, 1240, 294, 12777, 10203, 294, 9814, 284, 2689, 1277, 13830, 707, 30030, 29881, 2363, 316, 24615, 321, 2373 ]
Indian guru follower Anand Sheela arrested after German TV show Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's former spokeswoman is freed because a Swiss court already convicted her in 1999 The Oregonian/January 22, 2000 By Jeanie Senior and Dave Hogan German police picked up Anand Sheela in a town near Frankfort, Germany, last week after she appeared on a television show to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of her former mentor, Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Sheela was quickly released, however, because the Interpol warrant for her arrest had been canceled. Sheela, who was the Indian guru's outspoken and flamboyant spokeswoman during the bhagwan's tumultuous years in Oregon, is no longer wanted by the United States for plotting to kill a federal prosecutor, because the case was turned over to Swiss justice last year. A Swiss court convicted her of the conspiracy charge in February 1999 and sentenced her to time already served, which means that Sheela no longer has to fear arrest on outstanding U.S. warrants when she leaves her adopted country. It was unclear Friday why the Justice Department was so slow to spread the word about the February 1999 conviction. "It's a misstep on the Department of Justice's part and a misstep on our responsibility to get the information out to the public," said spokesman John Russell. Charles Turner, the target of the plot, who retired in 1993 after 11 years' service as Oregon's U.S. attorney and now lives in Washington state, never received a copy of the Swiss judgment. And in Portland, FBI spokesman Gordon Compton was still saying Wednesday that the warrant for Sheela's arrest remained in place. On Friday, he corrected himself, saying the warrant was no longer in effect but that it apparently had remained erroneously on a law enforcement database -- which led to Sheela's being detained last week in Germany. Sheela, who just returned to Switzerland Friday from a vacation in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, said, "I travel all over without any problems." Turner said Sheela might have problems returning to the United States because of her felony convictions. Sheela served three years in prison for assault, attempted murder, arson, wiretapping and causing a food poisoning epidemic in The Dalles that made 750 people sick. She was released from prison in 1988 and deported. Two years later a federal grand jury indicted Sheela and six other members of the commune on conspiracy charges in a plot to kill Turner. Evidence in the case showed that Rajneeshee plotters, concerned about the federal prosecutor's ongoing criminal investigation into their Oregon commune and the sect's machinations, staked out Turner's house in 1985, bought guns illegally and planned where and how they would kill him. Sheela took the lead in the conspiracy. Two members of the plot were extradited from England and tried on the charges; Sheela was the widow of a Swiss citizen by then and immune to extradition. The arrangement to try Sheela in Switzerland on the U.S. indictment "was almost without precedent, I'm told," said Baron C. Sheldahl, an assistant U.S. attorney in Portland. "The Swiss would not extradite (Sheela), and they agreed to try her in Switzerland if we would supply them with the evidence." The Swiss proceeding, in a court in the Canton of Basel, relied on evidence gathered by the federal investigators and federal court transcripts that had been translated into German. Sheela was found guilty of the equivalent Swiss charge. The Swiss court did not impose a sentence in addition to one Sheela received more than a decade ago in a federal court on the earlier charges, but Sheela was ordered to pay 15,325 Swiss francs, a share of court costs, which amounts to just less than $9,655 U.S., less than half the total cost. The February 1999 sentence was mitigated, according to the Swiss judgment, "because a relatively long period of time has passed since the crime was committed in 1985 and because (Sheela) has been conducting herself well since then." Sheela, now Sheela Birnstiel, is a Swiss citizen
[ -0.344727706647202, -0.020799467688995175 ]
[ 0.4992965603365248, 1.4411671941054367 ]
[ -1.0585056944918827, -0.5385762842881076 ]
[ -0.30267433156627466, 0.243613424766831 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 7560, 330, 20144, 1101, 261, 530, 392, 2296, 3100, 24383, 1156, 5332, 5648, 1510, 13, 29933, 29882, 351, 11440, 1383, 929, 15496, 484, 12094, 29915, 29879, 4642, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 338, 3005, 287, 1363, 263, 26182, 8973, 2307, 7602, 18186, 902, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 13, 1576, 25203, 713, 29914, 29967, 15623, 653, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 13, 2059, 4581, 347, 24260, 322, 17841, 27675, 273, 13, 29954, 3504, 10974, 18691, 701, 530, 392, 2296, 3100, 297, 263, 4726, 2978, 4976, 3921, 29892, 9556, 29892, 1833, 4723, 1156, 1183, 7470, 373, 263, 11456, 1510, 304, 2791, 278, 29871, 29896, 29900, 386, 6957, 27547, 310, 278, 4892, 310, 902, 4642, 6042, 272, 29892, 7560, 330, 20144, 20303, 351, 11440, 1383, 929, 15496, 484, 12094, 29889, 2296, 3100, 471, 9098, 5492, 29892, 3138, 29892, 1363, 278, 4124, 3733, 1370, 21867, 363, 902, 22564, 750, 1063, 508, 346, 839, 29889, 13, 13468, 3100, 29892, 1058, 471, 278, 7560, 330, 20144, 29915, 29879, 714, 1028, 4476, 322, 1652, 314, 19415, 424, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 2645, 278, 289, 29882, 351, 11440, 29915, 29879, 21622, 499, 17269, 2440, 297, 25203, 29892, 338, 694, 5520, 5131, 491, 278, 3303, 3900, 363, 6492, 1259, 304, 12088, 263, 17097, 410, 3471, 3406, 29892, 1363, 278, 1206, 471, 6077, 975, 304, 26182, 15426, 1833, 1629, 29889, 13, 29909, 26182, 8973, 7602, 18186, 902, 310, 278, 21588, 29875, 10068, 8323, 297, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 322, 2665, 9223, 902, 304, 931, 2307, 6766, 29892, 607, 2794, 393, 2296, 3100, 694, 5520, 756, 304, 8866, 22564, 373, 714, 11235, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1370, 29878, 1934, 746, 1183, 11308, 902, 16356, 4234, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 20871, 28728, 2020, 278, 17181, 10317, 471, 577, 5232, 304, 9677, 278, 1734, 1048, 278, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 7602, 2463, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 3984, 10568, 373, 278, 10317, 310, 17181, 29915, 29879, 760, 322, 263, 3984, 10568, 373, 1749, 23134, 304, 679, 278, 2472, 714, 304, 278, 970, 1699, 1497, 805, 23195, 1171, 2259, 20679, 29889, 13, 5914, 793, 24215, 29892, 278, 3646, 310, 278, 6492, 29892, 1058, 16528, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29896, 2440, 29915, 2669, 408, 25203, 29915, 29879, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1098, 25252, 322, 1286, 12080, 297, 7660, 2106, 29892, 2360, 4520, 263, 3509, 310, 278, 26182, 24284, 29889, 13, 2855, 297, 3371, 1049, 29892, 383, 12809, 805, 23195, 1171, 16965, 422, 12533, 471, 1603, 5934, 15050, 4515, 3250, 393, 278, 1370, 21867, 363, 2296, 3100, 29915, 29879, 22564, 9488, 297, 2058, 29889, 1551, 28728, 29892, 540, 24114, 3654, 29892, 5934, 278, 1370, 21867, 471, 694, 5520, 297, 2779, 541, 393, 372, 13229, 750, 9488, 4589, 650, 5794, 373, 263, 4307, 24555, 13561, 2566, 1192, 607, 5331, 304, 2296, 3100, 29915, 29879, 1641, 1439, 7114, 1833, 4723, 297, 9556, 29889, 13, 13468, 3100, 29892, 1058, 925, 4133, 304, 28806, 28728, 515, 263, 11757, 362, 297, 11668, 1794, 29892, 3303, 10387, 2812, 381, 1078, 29892, 1497, 29892, 376, 29902, 9850, 599, 975, 1728, 738, 4828, 1213, 24215, 1497, 2296, 3100, 1795, 505, 4828, 7863, 304, 278, 3303, 3900, 1363, 310, 902, 7995, 2592, 7602, 919, 1080, 29889, 13, 13468, 3100, 6766, 2211, 2440, 297, 8475, 363, 29159, 29892, 16388, 13406, 29892, 564, 1100, 29892, 8014, 29873, 20304, 322, 10805, 263, 9687, 27908, 292, 9358, 680, 13076, 297, 450, 360, 26493, 393, 1754, 29871, 29955, 29945, 29900, 2305, 17319, 29889, 2296, 471, 5492, 515, 8475, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 322, 21455, 287, 29889, 7803, 2440, 2678, 263, 17097, 4595, 432, 2857, 1399, 18186, 2296, 3100, 322, 4832, 916, 5144, 310, 278, 7096, 373, 21588, 29875, 10068, 21090, 297, 263, 6492, 304, 12088, 24215, 29889, 7298, 5084, 297, 278, 1206, 10018, 393, 15496, 484, 267, 354, 29872, 6492, 2153, 29892, 15041, 1048, 278, 17097, 410, 3471, 3406, 29915, 29879, 373, 17696, 22161, 22522, 964, 1009, 25203, 7096, 322, 278, 21149, 29915, 29879, 7672, 262, 800, 29892, 380, 12535, 714, 24215, 29915, 29879, 3699, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29945, 29892, 18093, 18788, 980, 1397, 635, 322, 20458, 988, 322, 920, 896, 723, 12088, 1075, 29889, 2296, 3100, 3614, 278, 3275, 297, 278, 21588, 29875, 10068, 29889, 13, 13985, 5144, 310, 278, 6492, 892, 17541, 328, 1573, 515, 5408, 322, 1898, 373, 278, 21090, 29936, 2296, 3100, 471, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 263, 26182, 14497, 264, 491, 769, 322, 5198, 1540, 304, 17541, 328, 654, 29889, 13, 1576, 24628, 304, 1018, 2296, 3100, 297, 28806, 373, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1399, 919, 358, 376, 11102, 4359, 1728, 9399, 296, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 5429, 1699, 1497, 15991, 315, 29889, 1383, 2495, 4494, 29892, 385, 20255, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1098, 25252, 297, 3371, 1049, 29889, 376, 1576, 26182, 723, 451, 17541, 328, 568, 313, 13468, 3100, 511, 322, 896, 15502, 304, 1018, 902, 297, 28806, 565, 591, 723, 11421, 963, 411, 278, 10757, 1213, 450, 26182, 8469, 292, 29892, 297, 263, 8973, 297, 278, 315, 11960, 310, 4886, 295, 29892, 337, 2957, 373, 10757, 22229, 491, 278, 17097, 7405, 4097, 322, 17097, 8973, 1301, 924, 29879, 393, 750, 1063, 20512, 964, 5332, 29889, 2296, 3100, 471, 1476, 27719, 310, 278, 7126, 26182, 8323, 29889, 13, 1576, 26182, 8973, 1258, 451, 2411, 852, 263, 10541, 297, 6124, 304, 697, 2296, 3100, 4520, 901, 1135, 263, 316, 6332, 8020, 297, 263, 17097, 8973, 373, 278, 8859, 21090, 29892, 541, 2296, 3100, 471, 10372, 304, 5146, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29941, 29906, 29945, 26182, 2524, 2395, 29892, 263, 6232, 310, 8973, 21544, 29892, 607, 26999, 304, 925, 3109, 1135, 395, 29929, 29892, 29953, 29945, 29945, 501, 29889, 29903, 1696, 3109, 1135, 4203, 278, 3001, 3438, 29889, 450, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 10541, 471, 1380, 335, 630, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 26182, 24284, 29892, 376, 18103, 263, 13774, 1472, 3785, 310, 931, 756, 4502, 1951, 278, 17268, 471, 19355, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29945, 322, 1363, 313, 13468, 3100, 29897, 756, 1063, 7512, 292, 8735, 1532, 1951, 769, 1213, 13, 13468, 3100, 29892, 1286, 2296, 3100, 17853, 29876, 303, 709, 29892, 338, 263, 26182, 14497, 264 ]
Q: Visual Studio 2010 build file lock issues I have a Visual Studio 2008 project that I "upgraded" to Visual Studio 2010. Since the upgrade I have been having a lot of problems with the project (a project that was and still is trooper in 2008 I might add). The first problem is that building the main executable locks the executable, causing further rebuilds to fail. This is described in a related question: Visual Studio locks output file on build where I picked up the workaround: if exist "$(TargetPath).locked" del "$(TargetPath).locked" if exist "$(TargetPath)" if not exist "$(TargetPath).locked" move "$(TargetPath)" "$(TargetPath).locked" Except this workaround works exactly once. The .locked file then is locked by devenv.exe as well and must be moved. I have been working around this by adding .1.locked, .2.locked, etc. The only time that the locks are removed so the files can be deleted is on shutdown of devenv.exe (it takes a few seconds after the UI vanishes, then the files can be removed). The fact that the debugger does not have to be used to cause this problem points to a pretty serious issue with the 2010 build system. Some theories I think I can discount: * *Antivirus or other background tasks: if this was a problem it would seem 2008 would fail. However, being a completest I removed the avast! system entirely with no luck. UPDATE: This project has the same symptoms on a machine with no antivirus and no backup utility. The machines in the office are running XP SP3 32bit, my local machine is Windows 7 64 bit. This appears to be OS independent. * *The debugger is locking the file: all that is required to reproduce this is repeating the build process without debugging. ProcessExplorer shows devenv.exe is the holder of the locks, not the vshost and killing the vshost.exe doesn't remove the locks anyway. I have a secondary problem that starts to occur once the files get locked: the form designers stop loading with a "can't find assembly" error. I suspect these are related to the earlier locking issue as the designers fire right up prior to a build, but making any changes and rebuilding will cause all the designers to collapse with that error (even ones I have open and as the current view). It is pitiful to watch a form close to the white error screen just because you changed "dummy=1" to "dummy=2" where "dummy" does absolutely nothing but force a recompile in a completely unrelated assembly. Update: I have tried a few more remedies: Enable .NET source stepping is not checked, so that isn't the issue. Removing the .SUO (solution user options) simply works for as long as a restart would normally remove the problem (two builds: the first because there is no locked file and the second because there is one, but it can be renamed by the script). Error 28 Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\PolicyTracker3.exe" to "bin\Debug\PolicyTracker3.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\PolicyTracker3.exe' because it is being used by another process. A: There's a known file handle leak bug in the .NET framework source stepping feature. Easy to avoid by turning the option off in Tools + Options + Debugger. That is however unlikely to be your problem if you never got the debugger going. It is quite unclear why Visual Studio would be interested at all in the build output, let alone load and lock it. Maybe you opened the .exe once? Delete the hidden .suo file in the solution directory to be sure. There isn't any feedback report on connect.microsoft.com that matches your issue, I'd recommend you start your own one. They'll need something reproducible for them to take a look at it, make sure you include a sample project that exhibits this behavior. A: Unfortunately renaming/moving the locked file did not work for me (the handles were opened with only FILE_SHARE_READ), but what worked was just killing those (presumably leaked) handles in the Visual Studio process. You can use KillHandle to automate this step. A: Until a patch rolls around for this, I have the following workaround. Simply
[ -0.9665603514126393, -1.1802297183364459 ]
[ -0.11130778589008926, -0.8078623040195698 ]
[ 0.17157120281948782, -0.5912032855648311 ]
[ 0.44131756515405024, 0.10313943028117528 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 660, 29901, 9249, 7448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 2048, 934, 7714, 5626, 306, 505, 263, 9249, 7448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 2060, 393, 306, 376, 786, 5105, 287, 29908, 304, 9249, 7448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 4001, 278, 14955, 306, 505, 1063, 2534, 263, 3287, 310, 4828, 411, 278, 2060, 313, 29874, 2060, 393, 471, 322, 1603, 338, 3147, 3372, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 306, 1795, 788, 467, 13, 1576, 937, 1108, 338, 393, 5214, 278, 1667, 16813, 658, 4684, 278, 16813, 29892, 10805, 4340, 337, 4282, 29879, 304, 4418, 29889, 910, 338, 5439, 297, 263, 4475, 1139, 29901, 9249, 7448, 658, 4684, 1962, 934, 373, 2048, 988, 306, 18691, 701, 278, 14725, 29901, 13, 361, 1863, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 467, 29113, 29908, 628, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 467, 29113, 29908, 13, 361, 1863, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 5513, 565, 451, 1863, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 467, 29113, 29908, 4337, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 5513, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 467, 29113, 29908, 13, 13, 1252, 1547, 445, 14725, 1736, 3721, 2748, 29889, 450, 869, 29113, 934, 769, 338, 22822, 491, 21617, 29894, 29889, 8097, 408, 1532, 322, 1818, 367, 6153, 29889, 306, 505, 1063, 1985, 2820, 445, 491, 4417, 869, 29896, 29889, 29113, 29892, 869, 29906, 29889, 29113, 29892, 2992, 29889, 450, 871, 931, 393, 278, 658, 4684, 526, 6206, 577, 278, 2066, 508, 367, 11132, 338, 373, 12522, 3204, 310, 21617, 29894, 29889, 8097, 313, 277, 4893, 263, 2846, 6923, 1156, 278, 3740, 1109, 17006, 29892, 769, 278, 2066, 508, 367, 6206, 467, 13, 1576, 2114, 393, 278, 18297, 947, 451, 505, 304, 367, 1304, 304, 4556, 445, 1108, 3291, 304, 263, 5051, 10676, 2228, 411, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 2048, 1788, 29889, 13, 9526, 25841, 306, 1348, 306, 508, 2313, 792, 29901, 29871, 13, 13, 13, 29930, 13, 13, 29930, 13448, 440, 22693, 470, 916, 3239, 9595, 29901, 565, 445, 471, 263, 1108, 372, 723, 2833, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 723, 4418, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1641, 263, 1614, 1688, 306, 6206, 278, 1029, 579, 29991, 1788, 9186, 411, 694, 9885, 29889, 13, 13, 13, 14474, 29901, 910, 2060, 756, 278, 1021, 25828, 4835, 373, 263, 4933, 411, 694, 3677, 440, 22693, 322, 694, 16199, 19725, 29889, 450, 14884, 297, 278, 8034, 526, 2734, 28932, 10937, 29941, 29871, 29941, 29906, 2966, 29892, 590, 1887, 4933, 338, 3852, 29871, 29955, 29871, 29953, 29946, 2586, 29889, 910, 5692, 304, 367, 6570, 7417, 29889, 29871, 13, 13, 13, 29930, 13, 13, 29930, 1576, 18297, 338, 7714, 292, 278, 934, 29901, 599, 393, 338, 3734, 304, 18532, 445, 338, 28769, 278, 2048, 1889, 1728, 13490, 29889, 10554, 1252, 14716, 3697, 21617, 29894, 29889, 8097, 338, 278, 19464, 310, 278, 658, 4684, 29892, 451, 278, 325, 845, 520, 322, 23393, 278, 325, 845, 520, 29889, 8097, 1838, 29915, 29873, 3349, 278, 658, 4684, 8763, 29889, 13, 13, 13, 29902, 505, 263, 16723, 1108, 393, 8665, 304, 6403, 2748, 278, 2066, 679, 22822, 29901, 278, 883, 2874, 414, 5040, 8363, 411, 263, 376, 3068, 29915, 29873, 1284, 11470, 29908, 1059, 29889, 306, 12326, 1438, 526, 4475, 304, 278, 8859, 7714, 292, 2228, 408, 278, 2874, 414, 3974, 1492, 701, 7536, 304, 263, 2048, 29892, 541, 3907, 738, 3620, 322, 337, 25237, 674, 4556, 599, 278, 2874, 414, 304, 24382, 411, 393, 1059, 313, 11884, 6743, 306, 505, 1722, 322, 408, 278, 1857, 1776, 467, 13, 3112, 338, 22754, 6845, 304, 6505, 263, 883, 3802, 304, 278, 4796, 1059, 4315, 925, 1363, 366, 3939, 376, 29881, 11770, 29922, 29896, 29908, 304, 376, 29881, 11770, 29922, 29906, 29908, 988, 376, 29881, 11770, 29908, 947, 13312, 3078, 541, 4889, 263, 337, 12198, 297, 263, 6446, 443, 12817, 11470, 29889, 13, 6422, 29901, 306, 505, 1898, 263, 2846, 901, 1083, 287, 583, 29901, 1174, 519, 869, 6006, 2752, 1886, 3262, 338, 451, 7120, 29892, 577, 393, 3508, 29915, 29873, 278, 2228, 29889, 5240, 21081, 278, 869, 14605, 29949, 313, 2929, 918, 1404, 3987, 29897, 3763, 1736, 363, 408, 1472, 408, 263, 10715, 723, 12891, 3349, 278, 1108, 313, 10184, 23315, 29901, 278, 937, 1363, 727, 338, 694, 22822, 934, 322, 278, 1473, 1363, 727, 338, 697, 29892, 541, 372, 508, 367, 19533, 491, 278, 2471, 467, 13, 2392, 1678, 29906, 29947, 29871, 20065, 304, 3509, 934, 376, 5415, 29905, 11862, 29905, 15644, 5323, 4937, 29941, 29889, 8097, 29908, 304, 376, 2109, 29905, 11862, 29905, 15644, 5323, 4937, 29941, 29889, 8097, 1642, 29871, 13, 1576, 1889, 2609, 2130, 278, 934, 525, 2109, 29905, 11862, 29905, 15644, 5323, 4937, 29941, 29889, 8097, 29915, 1363, 372, 338, 1641, 1304, 491, 1790, 1889, 29889, 259, 13, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 2998, 934, 4386, 24993, 6494, 297, 278, 869, 6006, 6890, 2752, 1886, 3262, 4682, 29889, 29871, 382, 8995, 304, 4772, 491, 14712, 278, 2984, 1283, 297, 27564, 718, 25186, 718, 16171, 914, 29889, 29871, 2193, 338, 3138, 25057, 304, 367, 596, 1108, 565, 366, 2360, 2355, 278, 18297, 2675, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 3755, 20871, 2020, 9249, 7448, 723, 367, 8852, 472, 599, 297, 278, 2048, 1962, 29892, 1235, 7432, 2254, 322, 7714, 372, 29889, 29871, 7198, 366, 6496, 278, 869, 8097, 2748, 29973, 29871, 21267, 278, 7934, 869, 2146, 29877, 934, 297, 278, 1650, 3884, 304, 367, 1854, 29889, 29871, 1670, 3508, 29915, 29873, 738, 16705, 3461, 373, 4511, 29889, 4994, 29889, 510, 393, 7087, 596, 2228, 29892, 306, 29915, 29881, 6907, 366, 1369, 596, 1914, 697, 29889, 29871, 2688, 29915, 645, 817, 1554, 9483, 15520, 363, 963, 304, 2125, 263, 1106, 472, 372, 29892, 1207, 1854, 366, 3160, 263, 4559, 2060, 393, 10371, 1169, 445, 6030, 29889, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 11511, 4325, 11500, 29914, 13529, 292, 278, 22822, 934, 1258, 451, 664, 363, 592, 313, 1552, 17766, 892, 6496, 411, 871, 24080, 29918, 23498, 1525, 29918, 16310, 511, 541, 825, 3796, 471, 925, 23393, 1906, 313, 4569, 24873, 454, 12535, 29897, 17766, 297, 278, 9249, 7448, 1889, 29889, 887, 508, 671, 29021, 13554, 304, 3345, 403, 445, 4331, 29889, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 28609, 263, 13261, 9679, 29879, 2820, 363, 445, 29892, 306, 505, 278, 1494, 14725, 29889, 3439, 17632 ]
call using something like "C:\MyBin\VisualStudioLockWorkaround.exe" "$(TargetPath)" (replacing MyBin with the location you place the executable). Create this as a C# console application and is used in the Pre-Build section in the same way the original pre-build rename was (see the top of the original question for details). using System; using System.IO; namespace VisualStudioLockWorkaround { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string file = args[0]; string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) //If we don't have a folder, nothing to do. { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Folder {0} not found. Exiting.", directory)); return; } if (!File.Exists(file)) //If the offending executable is missing, no reason to remove the locked files. { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0} not found. Exiting.", file)); return; } foreach (string lockedFile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.locked")) { try //We know IOExceptions will occur due to the locking bug. { File.Delete(lockedFile); } catch (IOException) { //Nothing to do, just absorbing the IO error. } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { //Nothing to do, just absorbing the IO error. } } //Rename the executable to a .locked File.Move(file, Path.Combine(directory, String.Format("{0}{1:ddmmyyhhmmss}.locked", fileName, DateTime.Now))); } } } A: Already in Ms Connect: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/551819/vs2010-locks-static-library-after-debug-session workaround is to disable 'source stepping', but does not work for me). A: In my case, I have a highly customized build for an extension in Visual Studio 2010 that worked without issue in Visual Studio 2008. At one point of the build, some of the output assemblies are loaded into a separate app domain for documentation generation and then the domain unloaded. The domain unloading was working properly, confirmed by inspecting the app domain list before and after. Visual Studio 2010 appears to hold file handle locks on any assemblies loaded with the file-based Assembly.Load* APIs that operate on file handles or paths. I could see the file handle appear in ProcessExplorer as soon as the Assembly.Load executed, and the handle never released, even after the AppDomain was unloaded. I was able to work around the problem by loading the raw assembly bytes using a FileStream and the byte[] Assembly.Load overload. A: I saw an answer at: http://social.expression.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/blend/thread/844dfea0-efa2-440d-97ce-49ac7108dae3 (see the post by Navit Saxena) He mentions closing the XAML files (design surfaces) and that seems to work for me. I know it's not all that great, but at least I don't have to restart VS. A: I'm a little late to the party, but this issue occurred for the first time after we upgraded to VS2015. It never happened with VS2010! We frequently develop with multiple instances of VS open at the same time - it's a client/server application and we're making changes to both tiers simultaneously. After upgrading to VS2015, the two instances of VS would "lock each other out" of obj\Debug and one instance would end up not being able to build the common ("shared") projects, i.e. our DTO, entity framework projects. I tried the pre-build script and it worked on occasion. It just was not reliable for our case - sometimes the dll was so locked that it could not even be renamed/moved. I ended up simply using different solution build configurations for each solution (cop
[ -1.3938990852602526, -0.7063220199028748 ]
[ -0.7648872180681365, -0.8365123613205253 ]
[ -0.46502529455196373, -0.15306764842969864 ]
[ 0.05111202491611759, -0.06855100742351508 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1246, 773, 1554, 763, 376, 29907, 3583, 3421, 29933, 262, 29905, 16227, 28867, 16542, 5531, 11316, 29889, 8097, 29908, 3908, 29898, 8667, 2605, 5513, 313, 3445, 433, 3277, 1619, 29933, 262, 411, 278, 4423, 366, 2058, 278, 16813, 467, 29871, 13, 4391, 445, 408, 263, 315, 29937, 2991, 2280, 322, 338, 1304, 297, 278, 4721, 29899, 8893, 4004, 297, 278, 1021, 982, 278, 2441, 758, 29899, 4282, 19508, 471, 313, 4149, 278, 2246, 310, 278, 2441, 1139, 363, 4902, 467, 13, 773, 2184, 29936, 13, 773, 2184, 29889, 5971, 29936, 13, 13, 7397, 9249, 28867, 16542, 5531, 11316, 13, 426, 13, 29871, 770, 7835, 13, 29871, 426, 13, 259, 2294, 1780, 4241, 29898, 1807, 2636, 6389, 29897, 13, 259, 426, 13, 1678, 1347, 934, 353, 6389, 29961, 29900, 1385, 13, 1678, 1347, 29729, 353, 10802, 29889, 2577, 17020, 29898, 1445, 416, 13, 1678, 1347, 3884, 353, 10802, 29889, 2577, 9882, 1170, 29898, 5085, 29961, 29900, 5691, 13, 1678, 565, 5384, 9882, 29889, 24217, 29898, 12322, 876, 849, 3644, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 263, 4138, 29892, 3078, 304, 437, 29889, 13, 1678, 426, 13, 268, 9405, 29889, 11241, 29898, 1231, 29889, 5809, 703, 12924, 426, 29900, 29913, 451, 1476, 29889, 1222, 11407, 19602, 3884, 2483, 13, 268, 736, 29936, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 1678, 565, 5384, 2283, 29889, 24217, 29898, 1445, 876, 849, 3644, 278, 1283, 2548, 16813, 338, 4567, 29892, 694, 2769, 304, 3349, 278, 22822, 2066, 29889, 13, 1678, 426, 13, 268, 9405, 29889, 11241, 29898, 1231, 29889, 5809, 703, 2283, 426, 29900, 29913, 451, 1476, 29889, 1222, 11407, 19602, 934, 2483, 13, 268, 736, 29936, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 1678, 6829, 313, 1807, 22822, 2283, 297, 18862, 29889, 29923, 8058, 403, 10547, 29898, 12322, 29892, 376, 10521, 29113, 5783, 13, 1678, 426, 13, 268, 1018, 849, 4806, 1073, 24490, 29879, 674, 6403, 2861, 304, 278, 7714, 292, 6494, 29889, 13, 268, 426, 13, 418, 3497, 29889, 12498, 29898, 29113, 2283, 416, 13, 268, 500, 13, 268, 4380, 313, 20477, 29897, 13, 268, 426, 13, 418, 849, 26521, 304, 437, 29892, 925, 17977, 10549, 278, 10663, 1059, 29889, 13, 268, 500, 13, 268, 4380, 313, 29965, 1056, 329, 2015, 1891, 6638, 2451, 29897, 13, 268, 426, 13, 418, 849, 26521, 304, 437, 29892, 925, 17977, 10549, 278, 10663, 1059, 29889, 13, 268, 500, 462, 462, 308, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 849, 29934, 3871, 278, 16813, 304, 263, 869, 29113, 13, 1678, 3497, 29889, 16619, 29898, 1445, 29892, 10802, 29889, 1523, 26062, 29898, 12322, 29892, 1714, 29889, 5809, 703, 29912, 29900, 1157, 29896, 29901, 1289, 29885, 1357, 29891, 25446, 4317, 893, 1836, 29113, 613, 29729, 29892, 12315, 29889, 10454, 17884, 13, 259, 500, 13, 29871, 500, 13, 500, 13, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 838, 2040, 297, 341, 29879, 14971, 29901, 13, 1124, 597, 6915, 29889, 4994, 29889, 510, 29914, 16227, 28867, 29914, 18798, 1627, 29914, 14144, 29914, 29945, 29945, 29896, 29947, 29896, 29929, 29914, 4270, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29899, 908, 29879, 29899, 7959, 29899, 5258, 29899, 7045, 29899, 8382, 29899, 7924, 13, 1287, 11316, 338, 304, 11262, 525, 4993, 1886, 3262, 742, 541, 947, 451, 664, 363, 592, 467, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 512, 590, 1206, 29892, 306, 505, 263, 10712, 2888, 1891, 2048, 363, 385, 6081, 297, 9249, 7448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 393, 3796, 1728, 2228, 297, 9249, 7448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29889, 2180, 697, 1298, 310, 278, 2048, 29892, 777, 310, 278, 1962, 24367, 3687, 526, 7500, 964, 263, 5004, 623, 5354, 363, 5106, 12623, 322, 769, 278, 5354, 443, 15638, 29889, 450, 5354, 443, 13234, 471, 1985, 6284, 29892, 16725, 491, 16096, 292, 278, 623, 5354, 1051, 1434, 322, 1156, 29889, 13, 16227, 7448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 5692, 304, 4808, 934, 4386, 658, 4684, 373, 738, 24367, 3687, 7500, 411, 278, 934, 29899, 6707, 13266, 29889, 5896, 29930, 23649, 393, 21994, 373, 934, 17766, 470, 10898, 29889, 306, 1033, 1074, 278, 934, 4386, 2615, 297, 10554, 1252, 14716, 408, 4720, 408, 278, 13266, 29889, 5896, 8283, 29892, 322, 278, 4386, 2360, 5492, 29892, 1584, 1156, 278, 2401, 15951, 471, 443, 15638, 29889, 13, 29902, 471, 2221, 304, 664, 2820, 278, 1108, 491, 8363, 278, 10650, 11470, 6262, 773, 263, 3497, 3835, 322, 278, 7023, 2636, 13266, 29889, 5896, 975, 1359, 29889, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 306, 4446, 385, 1234, 472, 29901, 29871, 13, 1124, 597, 24911, 29889, 17471, 29889, 4994, 29889, 510, 29914, 2831, 6762, 29914, 264, 29899, 3308, 29914, 2204, 355, 29914, 7097, 29914, 29947, 29946, 29946, 29881, 1725, 29874, 29900, 29899, 1389, 29874, 29906, 29899, 29946, 29946, 29900, 29881, 29899, 29929, 29955, 346, 29899, 29946, 29929, 562, 29955, 29896, 29900, 29947, 1388, 29872, 29941, 13, 29898, 4149, 278, 1400, 491, 13132, 277, 18574, 2386, 29897, 29871, 13, 3868, 26649, 14382, 278, 1060, 23956, 2066, 313, 13892, 28001, 29897, 322, 393, 2444, 304, 664, 363, 592, 29889, 306, 1073, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 599, 393, 2107, 29892, 541, 472, 3203, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 10715, 12221, 29889, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 306, 29915, 29885, 263, 2217, 5683, 304, 278, 6263, 29892, 541, 445, 2228, 10761, 363, 278, 937, 931, 1156, 591, 20337, 287, 304, 12221, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29889, 739, 2360, 9559, 411, 12221, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29991, 13, 4806, 13672, 2693, 411, 2999, 8871, 310, 12221, 1722, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 448, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 3132, 29914, 2974, 2280, 322, 591, 29915, 276, 3907, 3620, 304, 1716, 260, 4285, 21699, 29889, 29871, 13, 13555, 20337, 292, 304, 12221, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29892, 278, 1023, 8871, 310, 12221, 723, 376, 908, 1269, 916, 714, 29908, 310, 5446, 29905, 11862, 322, 697, 2777, 723, 1095, 701, 451, 1641, 2221, 304, 2048, 278, 3619, 4852, 12366, 1159, 9279, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 1749, 360, 4986, 29892, 7855, 6890, 9279, 29889, 13, 29902, 1898, 278, 758, 29899, 4282, 2471, 322, 372, 3796, 373, 10039, 29889, 739, 925, 471, 451, 23279, 363, 1749, 1206, 448, 6041, 278, 24415, 471, 577, 22822, 393, 372, 1033, 451, 1584, 367, 19533, 29914, 29885, 8238, 29889, 13, 29902, 9698, 701, 3763, 773, 1422, 1650, 2048, 22920, 363, 1269, 1650, 313, 9708 ]
I'm a big fan of the Adidas three-stripe old-school zip-up tracksuit tops. I've got several for everyday wear, including an olive-green one, a burgundy one and a cream one with leather arms. Jonas Armstrong School, Stripes, Everyday Those who purchase meat, fur, and leather have no right to be shielded from the sights and sounds of the slaughterhouses from which these products were produced. Sight, Meat, Sound Stereotypes fall in the face of humanity. You toodle along, thinking that all gay men wear leather after dark and should never, ever be permitted around a Little League field. And then one day your best friend from college, the one your kids adore, comes out to you. Fall, Kids, Gay Anna Quindlen (2004). "Loud and Clear", p.90, Random House In a pinch, when my leather shoes need a quick shine, I take the inside of a banana peel and rub it on the leather like I would a shoe wax. Then I spit-shine it and buff it with a cloth, and my shoes look great. Chris Diamantopoulos Shoes, Shining, Needs Speak, what trade art thou? Why, sir, a carpenter. Where is thy leather apron and thy rule? What does thou with thy best apparel on? Art, Aprons, Doe Desai. A. (ed.), William Shakespeare (2001). "Julius Caesar", p.3, Orient Blackswan As estimated, you died. Things marched, sufficient, to that end. Just so much Zyklon and leather, patented terror, so many routine cries. Geoffrey Hill Death, Routine, Cry Geoffrey Hill (2000). "New & Collected Poems, 1952-1992", p.55, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt There is no doubt of the essential nobility of that man who pours into life the honest vigor of his toil, over those who compose the feathery foam of fashion that sweeps along Broadway; who consider the insignia of honor to consist in wealth and indolence; and who, ignoring the family history, paint coats of arms to cover up the leather aprons of their grandfathers. Edwin Hubbel Chapin Fashion, Men, Doubt "Humanity in the city". Book by Edwin Hubbell Chapin, 1854. Some directors hand over portions of their movie to their head of department to the point where it's like, "I'm not going to talk to you about the costumes, but I'm going to let you talk to the expert." Rather than, "You want to talk stitching, let's talk stitching. You want to talk grade of leather? Let's." Hands, Directors, Experts Interview with Jon Favreau, www.interviewmagazine.com. July 4, 2016. I honestly really, really love Topshop. I've bought a lot of booties from there. I think they have a great selection of really funky booties at Topshop. My splurge would be a pair of leather Christian Louboutin over-the-knee boots. They're sick! I would do a really stretchy skinny jean under a black turtleneck and call it a day! Christian, Thinking, Sick I made up my mind that I was going to be just like Elvis. It never occurred to me that Elvis was a man. I just wanted to be him. He had a huge impact on me, right down to that black leather jumpsuit he wore on the 68 Comeback Special. Men, Impact, Mind I really love Paul Smith. And Chrome Hearts. They make the most beautiful, high-end leather and outerwear and jewelry you've ever seen. But I'm not a big fan of shopping. I certainly am a fan of clothes and especially people that put time into the construction of them. Dean Winters Beautiful, Heart, Shopping "Dean Winters Is Pretty Stylish for an Insurance Salesman". Interview with Anna
[ -0.009842064257005092, 0.918113038889655 ]
[ -1.0513877910776914, -0.6055212743315715 ]
[ -1.2284338431926287, -0.8302440022072984 ]
[ -1.0882881525786456, -0.8203470149485986 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 306, 29915, 29885, 263, 4802, 13524, 310, 278, 2087, 8817, 2211, 29899, 303, 374, 412, 2030, 29899, 27041, 14319, 29899, 786, 5702, 29658, 304, 567, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 2355, 3196, 363, 1432, 3250, 19531, 29892, 3704, 385, 288, 9258, 29899, 12692, 697, 29892, 263, 26072, 870, 29891, 697, 322, 263, 907, 314, 697, 411, 454, 1624, 10188, 29889, 13, 29967, 27835, 8481, 1110, 13, 4504, 1507, 29892, 624, 374, 5547, 29892, 7569, 3250, 13, 1349, 852, 1058, 20590, 27654, 29892, 3261, 29892, 322, 454, 1624, 505, 694, 1492, 304, 367, 28761, 287, 515, 278, 269, 5861, 322, 10083, 310, 278, 8370, 6129, 357, 29882, 23676, 515, 607, 1438, 9316, 892, 7371, 29889, 13, 29903, 523, 29892, 2191, 271, 29892, 14976, 13, 29903, 12358, 327, 7384, 6416, 297, 278, 3700, 310, 5199, 537, 29889, 887, 304, 397, 280, 3412, 29892, 7291, 393, 599, 23852, 1757, 19531, 454, 1624, 1156, 6501, 322, 881, 2360, 29892, 3926, 367, 21905, 2820, 263, 11143, 5165, 1746, 29889, 1126, 769, 697, 2462, 596, 1900, 5121, 515, 12755, 29892, 278, 697, 596, 413, 4841, 594, 487, 29892, 5304, 714, 304, 366, 29889, 13, 29943, 497, 29892, 476, 4841, 29892, 28832, 13, 2744, 1056, 751, 513, 2435, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 467, 376, 29931, 2736, 322, 17732, 613, 282, 29889, 29929, 29900, 29892, 16968, 5619, 13, 797, 263, 12534, 305, 29892, 746, 590, 454, 1624, 17394, 267, 817, 263, 4996, 528, 457, 29892, 306, 2125, 278, 2768, 310, 263, 9892, 1648, 1236, 295, 322, 14051, 372, 373, 278, 454, 1624, 763, 306, 723, 263, 528, 7297, 281, 1165, 29889, 1987, 306, 805, 277, 29899, 845, 457, 372, 322, 20487, 372, 411, 263, 13950, 29892, 322, 590, 17394, 267, 1106, 2107, 29889, 13, 11626, 275, 22904, 424, 459, 5059, 359, 13, 29903, 1251, 267, 29892, 1383, 2827, 29892, 2448, 5779, 13, 10649, 557, 29892, 825, 11302, 1616, 12595, 29973, 13, 11008, 29892, 8889, 29892, 263, 1559, 29886, 5893, 29889, 13, 11921, 338, 13874, 454, 1624, 21783, 265, 322, 13874, 5751, 29973, 13, 5618, 947, 12595, 411, 13874, 1900, 623, 17243, 373, 29973, 13, 9986, 29892, 319, 558, 787, 29892, 1938, 29872, 13, 4002, 1794, 29889, 319, 29889, 313, 287, 9774, 4667, 23688, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 467, 376, 27501, 2482, 9243, 26892, 613, 282, 29889, 29941, 29892, 29650, 6054, 2774, 273, 13, 2887, 15899, 29892, 366, 6423, 29889, 28706, 8575, 287, 29892, 13, 2146, 4543, 29892, 304, 393, 1095, 29889, 13, 14084, 577, 1568, 796, 29891, 6321, 265, 322, 454, 1624, 29892, 2373, 14927, 13, 357, 729, 29892, 577, 1784, 26529, 274, 2722, 29889, 13, 7999, 2696, 8903, 9143, 13, 2772, 493, 29892, 20829, 457, 29892, 22121, 13, 7999, 2696, 8903, 9143, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 467, 376, 4373, 669, 24930, 287, 3929, 1567, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 613, 282, 29889, 29945, 29945, 29892, 379, 1774, 265, 341, 361, 1579, 262, 3536, 27845, 13, 8439, 338, 694, 7404, 310, 278, 18853, 22182, 1793, 310, 393, 767, 1058, 1671, 29879, 964, 2834, 278, 15993, 14877, 272, 310, 670, 304, 309, 29892, 975, 1906, 1058, 27435, 278, 1238, 493, 708, 1701, 314, 310, 13460, 393, 7901, 8961, 3412, 23291, 29936, 1058, 2050, 278, 1663, 647, 423, 310, 10657, 304, 5718, 297, 17173, 322, 1399, 324, 663, 29936, 322, 1058, 29892, 5330, 8253, 278, 3942, 4955, 29892, 10675, 1302, 1446, 310, 10188, 304, 4612, 701, 278, 454, 1624, 21783, 787, 310, 1009, 4595, 29888, 19467, 29889, 13, 3853, 5080, 14533, 6596, 13741, 262, 13, 29943, 10904, 29892, 7567, 29892, 19176, 3116, 13, 29908, 29950, 7889, 537, 297, 278, 4272, 1642, 6726, 491, 2155, 5080, 14533, 12562, 13741, 262, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29945, 29946, 29889, 13, 9526, 1513, 943, 1361, 975, 2011, 1080, 310, 1009, 14064, 304, 1009, 2343, 310, 14311, 304, 278, 1298, 988, 372, 29915, 29879, 763, 29892, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 2675, 304, 5193, 304, 366, 1048, 278, 3438, 9351, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 1235, 366, 5193, 304, 278, 17924, 1213, 390, 1624, 1135, 29892, 376, 3492, 864, 304, 5193, 380, 2335, 292, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 5193, 380, 2335, 292, 29889, 887, 864, 304, 5193, 19468, 310, 454, 1624, 29973, 2803, 29915, 29879, 1213, 13, 3481, 29879, 29892, 8797, 943, 29892, 28224, 1372, 13, 4074, 1493, 411, 9937, 383, 485, 276, 585, 29892, 7821, 29889, 1639, 1493, 11082, 8985, 29889, 510, 29889, 5468, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 13, 29902, 15993, 368, 2289, 29892, 2289, 5360, 7488, 19032, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 18093, 263, 3287, 310, 6579, 583, 515, 727, 29889, 306, 1348, 896, 505, 263, 2107, 9262, 310, 2289, 2090, 3459, 6579, 583, 472, 7488, 19032, 29889, 1619, 8536, 332, 479, 723, 367, 263, 5101, 310, 454, 1624, 6111, 4562, 29890, 449, 262, 975, 29899, 1552, 29899, 29895, 484, 29872, 1045, 1862, 29889, 2688, 29915, 276, 17319, 29991, 306, 723, 437, 263, 2289, 16116, 29891, 19309, 1460, 1444, 273, 1090, 263, 4628, 260, 4227, 29880, 1600, 384, 322, 1246, 372, 263, 2462, 29991, 13, 18687, 713, 29892, 498, 18159, 29892, 317, 860, 13, 29902, 1754, 701, 590, 3458, 393, 306, 471, 2675, 304, 367, 925, 763, 1260, 1730, 29889, 739, 2360, 10761, 304, 592, 393, 1260, 1730, 471, 263, 767, 29889, 306, 925, 5131, 304, 367, 1075, 29889, 940, 750, 263, 12176, 10879, 373, 592, 29892, 1492, 1623, 304, 393, 4628, 454, 1624, 432, 17204, 3121, 540, 26758, 373, 278, 29871, 29953, 29947, 422, 774, 547, 12630, 29889, 13, 28154, 29892, 14305, 627, 29892, 20152, 13, 29902, 2289, 5360, 3739, 7075, 29889, 1126, 10228, 940, 5708, 29889, 2688, 1207, 278, 1556, 9560, 29892, 1880, 29899, 355, 454, 1624, 322, 11420, 705, 279, 322, 432, 809, 295, 719, 366, 29915, 345, 3926, 3595, 29889, 1205, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 263, 4802, 13524, 310, 17394, 3262, 29889, 306, 8959, 626, 263, 13524, 310, 22095, 322, 7148, 2305, 393, 1925, 931, 964, 278, 7632, 310, 963, 29889, 13, 2772, 273, 12267, 29879, 13, 3629, 1300, 6845, 29892, 17778, 29892, 17550, 3262, 13, 29908, 2772, 273, 12267, 29879, 1317, 4721, 4349, 624, 29891, 1674, 363, 385, 512, 7610, 749, 28389, 1171, 1642, 4124, 1493, 411, 11230 ]
Peele, www.esquire.com. March 18, 2011. His sumptuous tents, and those of his satraps, afforded an immense booty to the conqueror; and an incident is mentioned which proves the rustic but martial ignorance of the legions in the elegant superfluities of life. A bag of shining leather, filled with pearls, fell into the hands of a private soldier; he carefully preserved the bag, but he threw away its contents, judging that whatever was of no use could not possibly be of any value. Ignorance, Hands, History Edward Gibbon (1840). "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1", p.333 Clothes are nothing more than a fig leaf. And the bodies beneath are just another layer of clothing, an outfit of flesh with an impractically thin leather exterior, in various shades of pink, yellow and brown. The souls alone are real. Seen in this way, there can never be any such thing as social unease or shyness or embarrassment. All you need do is greet your fellow soul. Real, Yellow, Clothes Michel Faber (2014). "The Book of Strange New Things", p.77, Canongate Books If you want to wear nude, go with suede or a beautiful leather, please, if I see one more nude patent stiletto on the carpet I feel like I'm going to kill somebody. Beautiful, Patents, Want Source: www.harpersbazaar.com The out-of-work actor wears out more than shoe leather. The very sensibilities that make him an artist are shattered by the disregard he is shown as a human being. Artist, Shoes, Actors Bette Davis (1962). "The lonely life: an autobiography", Putnam's The peace of great books be for you, Stains of pressed clover leaves on pages, Bleach of the light of years held in leather. Book, Light, Years Carl Sandburg (2015). "Harvest Poems: 1910-1960", p.88, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt When I was a kid doing television, they'd stick a leather jacket on me, and I would be the thug. Phil Daniels Kids, Thug, Leather Jackets Walking is easiest, you don't need a lot of apparatus. Just shoe leather and good feet. Paul Dudley White Shoes, Feet, Needs In the beginning I had a lot of self-imposed limitations as far as production and instrumentation. It was really inspiring for us at the time, because those limitations allowed us to push ourselves as songwriters and gave us a strong sound that people could recognize as ours, like wearing a leather jacket every day. A uniform. They know it's you - and that's great - but my original intention wasn't to be a shoegaze band or to be derivative of one sound. Tamaryn Strong, Self, Leather Jackets Source: www.interviewmagazine.com A language like Ruby is a toolbox with some really neat little tools that do their job really nicely. JavaScript is a leather sheath with a really really sharp knife inside. That knife can cut anything, and with it you can do anything. You can kill a bear. You can catch fish. You can whittle a piece of wood into a pony. It's even a toothpick. Nick Morgan Jobs, Cutting, Knives When I need to work up my nerve to write a tough column, I try to think of myself as Emma Peel in a black leather catsuit. Writing, Thinking, Black "Comics in context #78: summoned to sin city" by Peter Sanderson, www.ign.com. April 1, 2005. I forget it's Shane Warne and just think of him as any old bowler lobbing down a lump of leather. Thinking, Forget, Shane Many of the political jokes that circulated in the Third Reich were directed at Goering. He collected them [all] in a large leather notebook and delighted in re-telling most of
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[ -0.18203761485182315, -0.36512938729074185 ]
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[ -0.3794147544797347, -0.9582196391660015 ]
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[ 349, 3905, 280, 29892, 7821, 29889, 267, 1548, 29889, 510, 29889, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 2533, 415, 17269, 260, 1237, 29892, 322, 1906, 310, 670, 3290, 336, 567, 29892, 21750, 287, 385, 29403, 6579, 29891, 304, 278, 26474, 272, 29936, 322, 385, 15134, 338, 5276, 607, 28281, 278, 21580, 293, 541, 14436, 616, 16245, 749, 310, 278, 2814, 1080, 297, 278, 19232, 2428, 25044, 1907, 310, 2834, 29889, 319, 19548, 310, 528, 2827, 454, 1624, 29892, 10423, 411, 282, 799, 3137, 29892, 8379, 964, 278, 6567, 310, 263, 2024, 20767, 29936, 540, 16112, 21634, 278, 19548, 29892, 541, 540, 18318, 3448, 967, 8118, 29892, 6577, 3460, 393, 6514, 471, 310, 694, 671, 1033, 451, 10075, 367, 310, 738, 995, 29889, 13, 17273, 272, 749, 29892, 379, 4167, 29892, 5298, 13, 3853, 1328, 15347, 6718, 313, 29896, 29947, 29946, 29900, 467, 376, 1576, 5298, 310, 278, 3826, 1220, 322, 14053, 310, 278, 5917, 13378, 29892, 29871, 29896, 613, 282, 29889, 29941, 29941, 29941, 13, 6821, 720, 267, 526, 3078, 901, 1135, 263, 2537, 20447, 29889, 1126, 278, 17873, 19540, 526, 925, 1790, 7546, 310, 1067, 6046, 29892, 385, 714, 9202, 310, 28610, 411, 385, 2411, 1461, 1711, 16835, 454, 1624, 25591, 29892, 297, 5164, 528, 3076, 310, 282, 682, 29892, 13328, 322, 17354, 29889, 450, 3669, 3137, 7432, 526, 1855, 29889, 922, 264, 297, 445, 982, 29892, 727, 508, 2360, 367, 738, 1316, 2655, 408, 5264, 1597, 559, 470, 528, 948, 404, 470, 21620, 26771, 358, 29889, 2178, 366, 817, 437, 338, 1395, 300, 596, 10404, 10752, 29889, 13, 21713, 29892, 612, 4743, 29892, 2233, 720, 267, 13, 14916, 295, 10629, 261, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 467, 376, 1576, 6726, 310, 3767, 927, 1570, 28706, 613, 282, 29889, 29955, 29955, 29892, 1815, 549, 403, 13730, 13, 3644, 366, 864, 304, 19531, 302, 1151, 29892, 748, 411, 480, 2742, 470, 263, 9560, 454, 1624, 29892, 3113, 29892, 565, 306, 1074, 697, 901, 302, 1151, 2373, 296, 380, 488, 16461, 373, 278, 1559, 10963, 306, 4459, 763, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 12088, 18462, 29889, 13, 3629, 1300, 6845, 29892, 4121, 1237, 29892, 399, 424, 13, 4435, 29901, 7821, 29889, 8222, 6774, 27975, 4025, 29889, 510, 13, 1576, 714, 29899, 974, 29899, 1287, 11339, 591, 1503, 714, 901, 1135, 528, 7297, 454, 1624, 29889, 450, 1407, 4771, 747, 9770, 393, 1207, 1075, 385, 7664, 526, 528, 2620, 287, 491, 278, 766, 1727, 538, 540, 338, 4318, 408, 263, 5199, 1641, 29889, 13, 9986, 391, 29892, 17550, 267, 29892, 3185, 943, 13, 29933, 2353, 15225, 313, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29906, 467, 376, 1576, 23123, 873, 2834, 29901, 385, 1120, 15647, 5275, 613, 12065, 8588, 29915, 29879, 13, 1576, 10776, 310, 2107, 8277, 367, 363, 366, 29892, 13, 855, 2708, 310, 15385, 17184, 369, 11308, 373, 6515, 29892, 13, 29933, 280, 496, 310, 278, 3578, 310, 2440, 4934, 297, 454, 1624, 29889, 13, 10967, 29892, 12790, 29892, 23857, 13, 8179, 29880, 8564, 3074, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 467, 376, 21972, 10147, 3929, 1567, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 613, 282, 29889, 29947, 29947, 29892, 379, 1774, 265, 341, 361, 1579, 262, 3536, 27845, 13, 10401, 306, 471, 263, 26397, 2599, 11456, 29892, 896, 29915, 29881, 12070, 263, 454, 1624, 28015, 300, 373, 592, 29892, 322, 306, 723, 367, 278, 266, 688, 29889, 13, 4819, 309, 8432, 29879, 13, 29968, 4841, 29892, 498, 688, 29892, 951, 1624, 5457, 1691, 13, 29956, 2235, 292, 338, 19075, 29892, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 817, 263, 3287, 310, 7132, 2389, 29889, 3387, 528, 7297, 454, 1624, 322, 1781, 6900, 29889, 13, 18275, 360, 566, 2330, 8037, 13, 29903, 1251, 267, 29892, 5169, 300, 29892, 2448, 5779, 13, 797, 278, 6763, 306, 750, 263, 3287, 310, 1583, 29899, 326, 4752, 27028, 408, 2215, 408, 5802, 322, 11395, 362, 29889, 739, 471, 2289, 8681, 8491, 363, 502, 472, 278, 931, 29892, 1363, 1906, 27028, 6068, 502, 304, 5503, 20278, 408, 4823, 8231, 414, 322, 4846, 502, 263, 4549, 6047, 393, 2305, 1033, 18720, 408, 1749, 29879, 29892, 763, 591, 4362, 263, 454, 1624, 28015, 300, 1432, 2462, 29889, 319, 9090, 29889, 2688, 1073, 372, 29915, 29879, 366, 448, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 2107, 448, 541, 590, 2441, 16392, 9007, 29915, 29873, 304, 367, 263, 17394, 387, 28334, 3719, 470, 304, 367, 16291, 310, 697, 6047, 29889, 13, 29911, 314, 653, 29876, 13, 5015, 549, 29892, 21782, 29892, 951, 1624, 5457, 1691, 13, 4435, 29901, 7821, 29889, 1639, 1493, 11082, 8985, 29889, 510, 13, 29909, 4086, 763, 15847, 338, 263, 5780, 1884, 411, 777, 2289, 28539, 2217, 8492, 393, 437, 1009, 4982, 2289, 28138, 29889, 8286, 338, 263, 454, 1624, 1183, 493, 411, 263, 2289, 2289, 15301, 889, 1607, 2768, 29889, 2193, 889, 1607, 508, 5700, 3099, 29892, 322, 411, 372, 366, 508, 437, 3099, 29889, 887, 508, 12088, 263, 11460, 29889, 887, 508, 4380, 9427, 29889, 887, 508, 377, 1992, 263, 8424, 310, 8112, 964, 263, 282, 2592, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1584, 263, 304, 720, 23945, 29889, 13, 29940, 860, 20549, 13, 11947, 29879, 29892, 315, 329, 1259, 29892, 8360, 3145, 13, 10401, 306, 817, 304, 664, 701, 590, 302, 7143, 304, 2436, 263, 260, 820, 1897, 29892, 306, 1018, 304, 1348, 310, 6142, 408, 26422, 3938, 295, 297, 263, 4628, 454, 1624, 274, 1446, 3121, 29889, 13, 29956, 768, 292, 29892, 498, 18159, 29892, 6054, 13, 29908, 1523, 1199, 297, 3030, 396, 29955, 29947, 29901, 2533, 3712, 287, 304, 4457, 4272, 29908, 491, 5310, 8564, 1330, 29892, 7821, 29889, 647, 29889, 510, 29889, 3786, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29889, 13, 29902, 9566, 372, 29915, 29879, 1383, 1662, 3362, 484, 322, 925, 1348, 310, 1075, 408, 738, 2030, 12580, 1358, 658, 1327, 292, 1623, 263, 301, 3427, 310, 454, 1624, 29889, 13, 1349, 18159, 29892, 1152, 657, 29892, 1383, 1662, 13, 14804, 310, 278, 8604, 432, 23195, 393, 18342, 630, 297, 278, 18008, 9320, 892, 10624, 472, 2921, 3241, 29889, 940, 16531, 963, 518, 497, 29962, 297, 263, 2919, 454, 1624, 451, 19273, 322, 15319, 287, 297, 337, 29899, 29873, 7807, 1556, 310 ]
About us Contact us Your Account Lodging Travel Attractions About France Carriers CategoriesLodging deals All Train Information Paris Stations Paris Metro Paris RER Your European Eurail Pass Train FAQs About France Culture in France Maps of France Latest News & Info Destinations to Explore Do it, See it and Enjoy Snooze, Eat, Indulge France Sites and Monuments – the Splendour of Castles Posted December 22, 2016 by Skneller Skneller"> France has from time immemorial seen the hand of man excel in his wondrous works. From Gallo-Roman vestiges to majestic cathedrals, towns and villages offer visitors marvelous treasures. Over 80,000 buildings, countless parks and formal gardens are evidence of this incredible craftsmanship. France has a history dating back 2000 years and what is interesting is that it possesses vestiges of all the periods of those 2000 years as well as before its own affirmation. Pre-History and the world famous Lascaux caves with drawing dating back 17.000 years. A museum has just been opened that replicates, to perfection, the original cave drawing. The original cave is closed for preservation due to wear and tear from tourism. The video visit above is in French (for practice!) but the visual presentation is worth viewing and is totally understandable. Ancient Greece (1000BC-500BC) is represented by the Jardin des Vestiges, an archaeological site where you can visit the remains of Marseille's ancient Greek port. Ancient Rome (100BC-99AD) is well garnished throughout France. For instance, Lyon is adorned with an amphitheatre, baths and aqueducts. Arles is another landmark of restored Roman ruins as well as Alesia where Caesar defeated the Gaulish chieftain, Vercingetorix. This is the background for the world-renowned Asterix comic series devoted to the Roman period in history. The Early Medieval (500AD-1000AD) period is epitomized by the Basilica of St Denis (Basilique Saint-Denis) just North of Paris, which is named after France's patron saint. The cathedral basilica is thought to be the actual site where Saint Denis was buried after his death in around 275 AD. The High Medieval (1000AD–1300AD) era is one of intense construction. One wonders about the means, both in workmanship and finances, deployed to build such masterpieces as Notre Dame Cathedral, the Sainte Chapelle and La Conciergerie in Paris, the Cathedral and the Saint-Remi Abbey in Reims, the Cathedrals in Lyon, Autun and Vienne The Rocamadour Shrine, the St-Trophime Church in Arles, the Abbaye Saint-Victor in Marseille and other Abbayes in Fecamp and Moissac, the Basilica of St Sernin in Toulouse as well as one in Vezelay. Just a tour of of these vestiges would guide you around all of France. There are other historic periods to bring us up to date … but we shall cover them in a follow-up post: The Normans (1000AD-1099AD), Hundred Years War (1400AD-1499AD), Early Modern (1500AD-1800AD), French Revolution (1700AD-1799AD), Late Modern (1800AD-1945AD), World War One (1900AD-1999AD), World War Two (1900AD-1999AD) For details about these sites and many others click here. France is a haven of historical sites, monuments and castles as attested by the more than 40 distinguished monuments on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Author: Skneller I'm the creator of BonjourLaFrance which started off as a personal site in 1998 and has developed into the global site it is today. Filed under: Do it, See it and Enjoy Tags: castles, monuments Just
[ 0.1497251232213505, 1.57555724480906 ]
[ 0.3918588454579417, 2.0070058257993075 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 13611, 502, 22387, 502, 3575, 16535, 13, 29931, 397, 3460, 3201, 955, 6212, 336, 1953, 13611, 3444, 1704, 26536, 13, 29907, 14404, 29931, 397, 3460, 316, 1338, 13, 3596, 28186, 10343, 13, 2177, 275, 624, 800, 13, 2177, 275, 23803, 13, 2177, 275, 390, 1001, 13, 10858, 7824, 26360, 737, 6978, 13, 5323, 262, 13515, 29984, 29879, 13, 28173, 3444, 13, 27926, 297, 3444, 13, 29924, 2547, 310, 3444, 13, 13992, 342, 10130, 669, 22140, 13, 14994, 262, 800, 304, 1222, 572, 487, 13, 6132, 372, 29892, 2823, 372, 322, 1174, 2212, 29891, 13, 29903, 1217, 29877, 911, 29892, 382, 271, 29892, 1894, 352, 479, 13, 16066, 317, 3246, 322, 2598, 9331, 785, 278, 317, 572, 355, 473, 310, 4834, 793, 13, 6747, 287, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 491, 317, 3959, 4539, 13, 29903, 3959, 4539, 1013, 13, 16066, 756, 515, 931, 5198, 331, 9020, 3595, 278, 1361, 310, 767, 10616, 297, 670, 281, 898, 29878, 681, 1736, 29889, 3645, 5208, 417, 29899, 29934, 2480, 325, 5286, 267, 304, 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22072, 297, 830, 9893, 29892, 278, 315, 14139, 29878, 1338, 297, 22105, 29892, 5202, 348, 322, 478, 7081, 450, 25111, 314, 328, 473, 317, 1092, 457, 29892, 278, 624, 29899, 29911, 19783, 603, 6291, 297, 826, 793, 29892, 278, 13896, 15802, 4107, 29899, 29963, 919, 272, 297, 29626, 1924, 322, 916, 13896, 388, 267, 297, 383, 687, 1160, 322, 4546, 790, 562, 29892, 278, 4886, 309, 983, 310, 624, 317, 824, 262, 297, 24649, 1709, 408, 1532, 408, 697, 297, 478, 6096, 295, 388, 29889, 3387, 263, 6282, 310, 310, 1438, 325, 5286, 267, 723, 10754, 366, 2820, 599, 310, 3444, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 916, 22879, 23704, 304, 6963, 502, 701, 304, 2635, 16088, 541, 591, 4091, 4612, 963, 297, 263, 1101, 29899, 786, 1400, 29901, 450, 5655, 550, 313, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3035, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29929, 29929, 3035, 511, 379, 6453, 23857, 3362, 313, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29900, 3035, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29929, 29929, 3035, 511, 11095, 14624, 313, 29896, 29945, 29900, 29900, 3035, 29899, 29896, 29947, 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Amoxicillin Uti Dosage > Canadian Pharmacies Without An Rx Home buy metformin online uk > Amoxicillin uti dosage > Amoxicillin uti dosage Discussion in 'ciprofloxacin overdose symptoms' started by snowdnb, 16-Jun-2020. Andriu Moderator It's used to treat bacterial infections, such as chest infections (including pneumonia), dental abscesses and urinary tract infections (UTIs). It's used in children, often to treat ear infections and chest infections. It comes as capsules or as a liquid that you drink. It's also given by injection, but this is usually only done in hospital. If you take it 3 times a day, this could be first thing in the morning, mid-afternoon and at bedtime. Swallow amoxicillin capsules whole with a drink of water. Amoxicillin is available as a liquid for children and people who find it difficult to swallow tablets. The usual dose of amoxicillin is 250mg to 500mg taken 3 times a day. If you or your child are taking amoxicillin as a liquid, it will usually be made up for you by your pharmacist. The medicine will come with a plastic syringe or spoon to help you measure out the right dose. If you don't have one, ask your pharmacist for one. Do not use a kitchen teaspoon as it will not give the right amount. buy retin a from uk Urology Back to Urology Answers List If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Doctors Lounge ( does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. DISCLAIMER: The information provided on designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Please read our 'Terms and Conditions of Use' carefully before using this site. I have a UTI that I just started feeling symptoms on this morning. I don't have health insurance right now, and really cannot afford to go to the clinic. I have a prescription for amoxicillin that my dentist gave me. (I told her I had had an abnormal EKG, so she gave me them as a precaution. Is it okay to buy accutane online Prednisone shingles Propranolol and depression I have a UTI that I just started feeling symptoms on this morning. I don't have health insurance right now, and really cannot afford to go to the. xanax 15 Oct 27, 2018. For example, studies with cephalexin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and amoxicillin have indicated that a single dose is as effective as a 3- to. Learn about the veterinary topic of Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections. a once-daily high dose of enrofloxacin with 2 wk of twice daily amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. The NICE British National Formulary (BNF) and British National Formulary for Children (BNFc) sites are only available to users in the UK, Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories. If you believe you are seeing this page in error please contact us. Diagnosis of a UTI may be difficult because young children often present with nonspecific symptoms such as fever, poor oral intake, vomiting, or irritability. Unlike adults, children may develop renal scarring and hypertension secondary to an acute infection. Prompt identification and treatment of a first or recurrent infection plays an important role in the prevention of sequelae. Many patients can be treated with oral antibiotics; however, young infants, the severely ill, or those not tolerating oral medications should be evaluated for IV antibiotic treatment. A true incidence of pediatric UTI has been difficult to determine because diagnosis is influenced by the patient selection, method of urine collection, and laboratory tests used. The most important variables influencing prevalence include the age and sex of the patient. Premature and low-birth-weight inf
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[ 1913, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 501, 2034, 360, 359, 482, 1405, 11443, 1963, 22824, 2478, 13932, 530, 390, 29916, 13, 11184, 15649, 1539, 689, 262, 7395, 18293, 1405, 1913, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 318, 2034, 3248, 482, 1405, 13, 6833, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 318, 2034, 3248, 482, 13, 4205, 17348, 297, 525, 455, 23221, 417, 29916, 562, 262, 975, 29881, 852, 25828, 4835, 29915, 4687, 491, 15007, 5200, 29890, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29967, 348, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 2855, 374, 29884, 3382, 261, 1061, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1304, 304, 7539, 289, 5761, 616, 297, 1725, 1953, 29892, 1316, 408, 521, 342, 297, 1725, 1953, 313, 18271, 282, 29765, 6405, 511, 12042, 284, 6425, 985, 267, 322, 5065, 3821, 22330, 297, 1725, 1953, 313, 2692, 3624, 467, 739, 29915, 29879, 1304, 297, 4344, 29892, 4049, 304, 7539, 2326, 297, 1725, 1953, 322, 521, 342, 297, 1725, 1953, 29889, 739, 5304, 408, 26091, 2540, 470, 408, 263, 23904, 393, 366, 13748, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 884, 2183, 491, 20859, 29892, 541, 445, 338, 5491, 871, 2309, 297, 13457, 29889, 960, 366, 2125, 372, 29871, 29941, 3064, 263, 2462, 29892, 445, 1033, 367, 937, 2655, 297, 278, 7250, 29892, 7145, 29899, 2142, 16691, 322, 472, 6592, 2230, 29889, 3925, 9536, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 26091, 2540, 3353, 411, 263, 13748, 310, 4094, 29889, 1913, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 338, 3625, 408, 263, 23904, 363, 4344, 322, 2305, 1058, 1284, 372, 5189, 304, 2381, 9536, 1591, 1372, 29889, 450, 9670, 437, 344, 310, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 338, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29885, 29887, 304, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29885, 29887, 4586, 29871, 29941, 3064, 263, 2462, 29889, 960, 366, 470, 596, 2278, 526, 5622, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 408, 263, 23904, 29892, 372, 674, 5491, 367, 1754, 701, 363, 366, 491, 596, 1374, 2817, 562, 391, 29889, 450, 26602, 674, 2041, 411, 263, 715, 6288, 269, 4316, 19144, 470, 805, 6150, 304, 1371, 366, 5645, 714, 278, 1492, 437, 344, 29889, 960, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 697, 29892, 2244, 596, 1374, 2817, 562, 391, 363, 697, 29889, 1938, 451, 671, 263, 29181, 734, 294, 1129, 265, 408, 372, 674, 451, 2367, 278, 1492, 5253, 29889, 15649, 3240, 262, 263, 515, 18293, 501, 307, 1188, 29891, 7437, 304, 501, 307, 1188, 29891, 530, 5956, 2391, 960, 366, 1348, 366, 1122, 505, 263, 16083, 11176, 14703, 29892, 1246, 596, 11619, 470, 29871, 29929, 29896, 29896, 7389, 29889, 1938, 14359, 365, 1309, 479, 313, 947, 451, 6907, 470, 1095, 272, 344, 738, 2702, 6987, 29892, 4824, 14722, 29892, 9316, 29892, 28648, 29892, 26971, 29892, 470, 916, 2472, 393, 1122, 367, 5276, 373, 278, 10781, 29889, 28657, 13875, 7833, 1001, 29901, 450, 2472, 4944, 373, 8688, 304, 2304, 29892, 451, 5191, 29892, 278, 9443, 393, 4864, 1546, 263, 16500, 29914, 2746, 27682, 322, 670, 29914, 2276, 4824, 8910, 29889, 3529, 1303, 1749, 525, 14343, 29879, 322, 11790, 2187, 310, 4803, 29915, 16112, 1434, 773, 445, 3268, 29889, 306, 505, 263, 501, 24301, 393, 306, 925, 4687, 11223, 25828, 4835, 373, 445, 7250, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 9045, 1663, 18541, 1492, 1286, 29892, 322, 2289, 2609, 21750, 304, 748, 304, 278, 24899, 293, 29889, 306, 505, 263, 2225, 3395, 363, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 393, 590, 12042, 391, 4846, 592, 29889, 313, 29902, 5429, 902, 306, 750, 750, 385, 633, 8945, 382, 29968, 29954, 29892, 577, 1183, 4846, 592, 963, 408, 263, 758, 1113, 918, 29889, 13, 3624, 372, 20759, 304, 15649, 1035, 329, 1662, 7395, 21099, 6994, 650, 528, 292, 793, 1019, 558, 273, 324, 324, 322, 316, 2590, 13, 29902, 505, 263, 501, 24301, 393, 306, 925, 4687, 11223, 25828, 4835, 373, 445, 7250, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 9045, 1663, 18541, 1492, 1286, 29892, 322, 2289, 2609, 21750, 304, 748, 304, 278, 29889, 921, 273, 1165, 29871, 29896, 29945, 4756, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 11898, 411, 2257, 561, 744, 29916, 262, 29892, 17151, 621, 459, 5632, 29899, 29879, 16302, 314, 621, 2251, 834, 1772, 29892, 322, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 505, 18694, 393, 263, 2323, 437, 344, 338, 408, 11828, 408, 263, 29871, 29941, 29899, 304, 29889, 19530, 29876, 1048, 278, 25808, 3821, 11261, 310, 350, 5761, 616, 8918, 3821, 323, 1461, 512, 1725, 1953, 29889, 263, 2748, 29899, 29881, 8683, 1880, 437, 344, 310, 427, 307, 29888, 417, 29916, 562, 262, 411, 29871, 29906, 281, 29895, 310, 8951, 14218, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 29899, 29883, 4112, 352, 273, 293, 22193, 29889, 13, 1576, 405, 12107, 4908, 3086, 3812, 352, 653, 313, 29933, 22498, 29897, 322, 4908, 3086, 3812, 352, 653, 363, 20986, 313, 29933, 22498, 29883, 29897, 11840, 526, 871, 3625, 304, 4160, 297, 278, 10261, 29892, 25306, 10034, 7158, 322, 4908, 438, 3901, 294, 19833, 3842, 29889, 960, 366, 4658, 366, 526, 8790, 445, 1813, 297, 1059, 3113, 6958, 502, 29889, 4671, 4211, 19263, 310, 263, 501, 24301, 1122, 367, 5189, 1363, 4123, 4344, 4049, 2198, 411, 302, 787, 3135, 928, 25828, 4835, 1316, 408, 1238, 369, 29892, 6460, 470, 284, 938, 1296, 29892, 3961, 11407, 29892, 470, 3805, 768, 3097, 29889, 853, 4561, 16157, 29879, 29892, 4344, 1122, 2693, 4325, 284, 885, 23693, 322, 7498, 10700, 2673, 16723, 304, 385, 1274, 1082, 297, 20309, 29889, 9705, 415, 29769, 322, 14502, 310, 263, 937, 470, 1162, 1264, 297, 20309, 13582, 385, 4100, 6297, 297, 278, 5557, 291, 310, 8617, 3100, 29872, 29889, 9267, 22069, 508, 367, 14914, 411, 470, 284, 3677, 747, 24414, 1199, 29936, 3138, 29892, 4123, 3041, 1934, 29892, 278, 2775, 873, 4486, 29892, 470, 1906, 451, 20341, 1218, 470, 284, 13589, 800, 881, 367, 19030, 363, 6599, 3677, 747, 29875, 13574, 14502, 29889, 319, 1565, 5528, 5084, 310, 8939, 7163, 2200, 501, 24301, 756, 1063, 5189, 304, 8161, 1363, 24876, 19263, 338, 28482, 491, 278, 16500, 9262, 29892, 1158, 310, 5065, 457, 4333, 29892, 322, 10212, 7606, 6987, 1304, 29889, 450, 1556, 4100, 3651, 13787, 3277, 758, 791, 663, 3160, 278, 5046, 322, 7916, 310, 278, 16500, 29889, 6097, 1535, 322, 4482, 29899, 29890, 7515, 29899, 7915, 3041 ]
ants have higher rates of UTI as compared to full-term infants. Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections Antibiotics & More - WebMD, Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy Treatment & Management. Fluconazole pediatric dose Buy doxycycline online canada Metformin 500 mg uses Where can i buy synthroid online Mar 18, 2011. Many patients can be treated with oral antibiotics; however, young. that recurrence of UTI is higher in a single-dose or 1-day regimen as. Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Children - US Pharmacist Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections - Pharmacology - Merck Veterinary. Amoxicillin Dosage Guide with Precautions - Oct 29, 2018. A list of oral antibiotics used to treat urinary tract infections in adults. The chart includes the dosing and duration of therapy for each antibiotic. doxycycline 100mg capsules This treatment summary topic describes Urinary-tract infections. Infections caused by fully sensitive bacteria respond to amoxicillin. Long-term low dose therapy may be required in selected patients to prevent recurrence of infection;. For most infections in adults the dose of amoxicillin is 250 mg every 8 hours, 500 mg every 8 hours. caesar, 16-Jun-2020 06:53 GeFo Guest In the US -Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or at gov/medwatch. In Canada - Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345. If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as passing out or trouble breathing, call 911. Otherwise, call a poison control center right away. Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so. US residents can call their local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. Properly discard this product when it is expired or no longer needed. Meadow saffron extract colchicine powder from China where can i buy accutane in stores Китай Оптовая Высокое качество Colchicine порошок, Buy Colchicine Online - no prescription Angela-S, 20-Jun-2020 06:09 vp7 New Member Lina7676 said: ^ It is illegal to use anabolic steroids without a prescription in the U. But thanks to the internet, they can be easily bought by anyone. As a result, thousands of athletes and bodybuilders, most of them amateurs have started using anabolic steroids. First of all, the use of anabolic steroids is not prescribed for enhancing physical performance. In the early phases, there were not many clinical studies on how anabolic steroids effected physical enhancement and performance. In the absence of this data, people developed their own cycles and dosages, usually through trial and error. However, that has now changed and many clinical studies have been conducted in real world conditions, with actual dosages to examine the effect of anabolic steroids on enhancing physique and performance. Some of these studies have shown that anabolic steroids give the greatest benefit when used in a logical sequence. cheap viagra fast After one month of testosterone injections of 100mg per week (.5 mil of 200mg/mil injectable oil) using testosterone enanthate my test levels are at 502. I wanted to take what was prescribed for awhile to see where that would put me. This was also near the end of the week so I'm guessing that is the lower end of the spectrum, although when injecting enanthate (generic form of Delatestryl) every week the spectrum probably isn't too wide. My guess is I'm anywhere from between 500 and 80
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[ 1934, 505, 6133, 19257, 310, 501, 24301, 408, 9401, 304, 2989, 29899, 8489, 3041, 1934, 29889, 13, 29911, 276, 271, 358, 363, 8918, 3821, 323, 1461, 512, 1725, 1953, 5459, 747, 24414, 1199, 669, 5853, 448, 2563, 5773, 29892, 8918, 3821, 323, 1461, 512, 1725, 1953, 297, 349, 1727, 29876, 6906, 6479, 271, 358, 669, 15057, 29889, 13, 29943, 6092, 535, 834, 1772, 8939, 7163, 2200, 437, 344, 13, 3727, 29891, 437, 3594, 1270, 695, 457, 7395, 508, 1114, 13, 10095, 689, 262, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 286, 29887, 3913, 13, 11921, 508, 474, 15649, 14710, 1007, 7395, 13, 7083, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 9267, 22069, 508, 367, 14914, 411, 470, 284, 3677, 747, 24414, 1199, 29936, 3138, 29892, 4123, 29889, 393, 1162, 26841, 310, 501, 24301, 338, 6133, 297, 263, 2323, 29899, 29881, 852, 470, 29871, 29896, 29899, 3250, 1072, 19933, 408, 29889, 13, 29911, 276, 271, 358, 310, 8918, 3821, 323, 1461, 512, 1725, 1953, 297, 20986, 448, 3148, 1963, 2817, 562, 391, 13, 29933, 5761, 616, 8918, 3821, 323, 1461, 512, 1725, 1953, 448, 1963, 2817, 562, 3002, 448, 4702, 384, 478, 1308, 3821, 29889, 13, 6833, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 360, 359, 482, 16886, 411, 4721, 1113, 17925, 448, 13, 25375, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 319, 1051, 310, 470, 284, 3677, 747, 24414, 1199, 1304, 304, 7539, 5065, 3821, 22330, 297, 1725, 1953, 297, 16157, 29879, 29889, 450, 8727, 7805, 278, 3248, 292, 322, 14385, 310, 29220, 27580, 363, 1269, 3677, 747, 29875, 13574, 29889, 437, 3594, 1270, 695, 457, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29885, 29887, 26091, 2540, 910, 14502, 15837, 11261, 16612, 8918, 3821, 29899, 29873, 1461, 297, 1725, 1953, 29889, 512, 1725, 1953, 8581, 491, 8072, 20502, 289, 5761, 423, 10049, 304, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 29889, 6242, 29899, 8489, 4482, 437, 344, 29220, 27580, 1122, 367, 3734, 297, 4629, 22069, 304, 5557, 1162, 26841, 310, 297, 20309, 29936, 29889, 1152, 1556, 297, 1725, 1953, 297, 16157, 29879, 278, 437, 344, 310, 626, 2251, 293, 453, 262, 338, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 286, 29887, 1432, 29871, 29947, 6199, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 286, 29887, 1432, 29871, 29947, 6199, 29889, 13, 1113, 26892, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29967, 348, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29953, 29901, 29945, 29941, 13, 7999, 29943, 29877, 2088, 342, 13, 797, 278, 3148, 448, 5594, 596, 11619, 363, 16083, 9848, 1048, 2625, 9545, 29889, 887, 1122, 3461, 2625, 9545, 304, 383, 7698, 472, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29947, 29900, 29900, 29899, 29943, 7698, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29947, 29947, 470, 472, 330, 586, 29914, 2168, 12344, 29889, 512, 7400, 448, 8251, 596, 11619, 363, 16083, 9848, 1048, 2625, 9545, 29889, 887, 1122, 3461, 2625, 9545, 304, 15202, 7400, 472, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29947, 29953, 29953, 29899, 29906, 29941, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29941, 29946, 29945, 29889, 960, 4856, 756, 975, 29881, 2662, 322, 756, 10676, 25828, 4835, 1316, 408, 6819, 714, 470, 7458, 16172, 292, 29892, 1246, 29871, 29929, 29896, 29896, 29889, 13466, 29892, 1246, 263, 27908, 2761, 4818, 1492, 3448, 29889, 1938, 451, 28371, 13589, 800, 1623, 278, 304, 488, 29873, 470, 1671, 963, 964, 263, 270, 6038, 6521, 18690, 287, 304, 437, 577, 29889, 3148, 24060, 508, 1246, 1009, 1887, 27908, 2761, 4818, 472, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29947, 29900, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29889, 1019, 546, 368, 2313, 538, 445, 3234, 746, 372, 338, 1518, 2859, 470, 694, 5520, 4312, 29889, 341, 1479, 340, 872, 600, 1617, 6597, 784, 305, 293, 457, 4764, 672, 515, 7551, 988, 508, 474, 15649, 1035, 329, 1662, 297, 14422, 6746, 21821, 1651, 29964, 22391, 29970, 14966, 2223, 551, 29919, 18432, 3501, 1530, 305, 293, 457, 733, 576, 10093, 29951, 29892, 5373, 29891, 1530, 305, 293, 457, 13542, 448, 694, 2225, 3395, 13, 9928, 3100, 29899, 29903, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29967, 348, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29953, 29901, 29900, 29929, 13, 29894, 29886, 29955, 1570, 19495, 13, 29931, 1099, 29955, 29953, 29955, 29953, 1497, 29901, 6228, 13, 3112, 338, 27302, 304, 671, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 1728, 263, 2225, 3395, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 1205, 3969, 304, 278, 8986, 29892, 896, 508, 367, 5948, 18093, 491, 5019, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 17202, 310, 28563, 267, 322, 3573, 4282, 414, 29892, 1556, 310, 963, 626, 14075, 505, 4687, 773, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 29889, 3824, 310, 599, 29892, 278, 671, 310, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 338, 451, 2225, 23059, 363, 427, 5403, 3277, 9128, 4180, 29889, 512, 278, 4688, 29540, 29892, 727, 892, 451, 1784, 24899, 936, 11898, 373, 920, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 2779, 287, 9128, 26371, 27967, 322, 4180, 29889, 512, 278, 18070, 310, 445, 848, 29892, 2305, 8906, 1009, 1914, 25785, 322, 3248, 1179, 29892, 5491, 1549, 14260, 322, 1059, 29889, 2398, 29892, 393, 756, 1286, 3939, 322, 1784, 24899, 936, 11898, 505, 1063, 18043, 297, 1855, 3186, 5855, 29892, 411, 3935, 3248, 1179, 304, 25917, 278, 2779, 310, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 373, 427, 5403, 3277, 4824, 1387, 322, 4180, 29889, 3834, 310, 1438, 11898, 505, 4318, 393, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 2367, 278, 14176, 14169, 746, 1304, 297, 263, 16667, 5665, 29889, 28773, 3516, 351, 336, 5172, 2860, 697, 4098, 310, 1243, 15664, 650, 297, 24247, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29885, 29887, 639, 4723, 14544, 29945, 2316, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29885, 29887, 29914, 23853, 11658, 519, 17182, 29897, 773, 1243, 15664, 650, 427, 9716, 403, 590, 1243, 11174, 526, 472, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29906, 29889, 306, 5131, 304, 2125, 825, 471, 2225, 23059, 363, 263, 8000, 304, 1074, 988, 393, 723, 1925, 592, 29889, 910, 471, 884, 2978, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 4723, 577, 306, 29915, 29885, 20680, 393, 338, 278, 5224, 1095, 310, 278, 18272, 29892, 5998, 746, 11658, 292, 427, 9716, 403, 313, 19206, 883, 310, 5556, 271, 342, 719, 29880, 29897, 1432, 4723, 278, 18272, 3117, 3508, 29915, 29873, 2086, 9377, 29889, 1619, 4140, 338, 306, 29915, 29885, 12214, 515, 1546, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 322, 29871, 29947, 29900 ]
Governance Highlights Financial Tear Sheet Grand Canyon Education, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2020 Results May 7, 2020 at 4:05 PM EDT PHOENIX, May 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Grand Canyon Education, Inc. (NASDAQ: LOPE), ("GCE" or the "Company"), is a publicly traded education services company that currently provides services to 24 university partners. GCE provides a full array of support services in the post-secondary education sector and has developed significant technological solutions, infrastructure and operational processes to provide superior services in these areas on a large scale. GCE today announced financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2020. Grand Canyon Education, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("GCE" or the "Company) is a publicly traded education services company dedicated to serving colleges and universities. GCE has developed significant technological solutions, infrastructure and operational processes to provide services to these institutions on a large scale. GCE's most significant university partner is Grand Canyon University ("GCU"), a comprehensive regionally accredited university that offers graduate and undergraduate degree programs, emphases and certificates across nine colleges both online and on ground at its campus in Phoenix, Arizona. In January 2019, GCE began providing education services to numerous university partners across the United States through our wholly owned subsidiary, Orbis Education Services LLC ("Orbis Education"), which we acquired on January 22, 2019 for $361.2 million, net of cash acquired (the "Acquisition"). Orbis Education works in partnership with a growing number of top universities and healthcare networks across the country to develop high-quality, career-ready graduates in four primary academic programs to meet the healthcare industry's demands. Therefore, the results of operations for the three-month period ended March 31, 2019 include Orbis Education's financial results for the period from January 22, 2019 to March 31, 2019. As a result of the Acquisition, we incurred transaction costs of $4.1 million in the three months ended March 31, 2019 and amortization of intangible assets acquired of $2.1 million and $1.7 million in the three months ended March 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively. As of March 31, 2020, Orbis Education provides education services to 24 university partners, in 24 locations, in 20 states throughout the country. For the three months ended March 31, 2020: Service revenue was $221.7 million for the first quarter of 2020 compared to $197.3 million for the first quarter of 2019. The 12.4% increase year over year in service fee revenue was primarily due to an increase in enrollments at our university partners between years and an increase in revenue per student year over year. End-of-period enrollment in the programs at our university partners for which we provide services increased 5.8% between March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 to 107,591 from 101,679. This increase was due to partner enrollments in programs serviced by Orbis Education increasing to 3,999 at March 31, 2020, an increase of 18.2%, and due to an increase in enrollments at GCU to 103,592, an increase of 5.4%. Operating income for the three months ended March 31, 2020 was $80.8 million, an increase of $8.4 million as compared to $72.4 million for the same period in 2019. The operating margin for the three months ended March 31, 2020 was 36.5%, compared to 36.7% for the same period in 2019. The tax rate in the three months ended March 31, 2020 was 24.2% compared to 13.5% in the same period in 2019. The lower effective tax rate in 2019 resulted from an
[ -0.8158960542227757, -1.07613438573254 ]
[ -0.48017727363989127, 0.3166524450429335 ]
[ -0.4967283073692671, -0.5883500144112738 ]
[ -0.8398572919604952, -0.30657638696865397 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 6769, 749, 5057, 4366, 29879, 13, 12881, 273, 1455, 323, 799, 2296, 300, 13, 3338, 392, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 830, 4011, 3824, 751, 4254, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 17212, 13, 12703, 29871, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 472, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29900, 29945, 11278, 9408, 29911, 13, 29925, 8187, 1430, 6415, 29892, 2610, 29871, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 847, 10593, 4373, 2774, 533, 29914, 1192, 6265, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 313, 29940, 3289, 7698, 29984, 29901, 11247, 4162, 511, 4852, 29954, 4741, 29908, 470, 278, 376, 21410, 4968, 338, 263, 970, 368, 3534, 287, 9793, 5786, 5001, 393, 5279, 8128, 5786, 304, 29871, 29906, 29946, 16372, 22056, 29889, 402, 4741, 8128, 263, 2989, 1409, 310, 2304, 5786, 297, 278, 1400, 29899, 7496, 653, 9793, 17535, 322, 756, 8906, 7282, 5722, 5996, 6851, 29892, 22035, 12425, 322, 1751, 1288, 10174, 304, 3867, 11558, 5786, 297, 1438, 10161, 373, 263, 2919, 6287, 29889, 402, 4741, 9826, 9326, 18161, 2582, 363, 278, 12616, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 3338, 392, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 1696, 263, 5556, 28327, 17266, 362, 4852, 29954, 4741, 29908, 470, 278, 376, 21410, 29897, 338, 263, 970, 368, 3534, 287, 9793, 5786, 5001, 16955, 304, 16330, 18400, 267, 322, 4946, 1907, 29889, 402, 4741, 756, 8906, 7282, 5722, 5996, 6851, 29892, 22035, 12425, 322, 1751, 1288, 10174, 304, 3867, 5786, 304, 1438, 21561, 373, 263, 2919, 6287, 29889, 402, 4741, 29915, 29879, 1556, 7282, 16372, 18096, 338, 6265, 315, 1384, 265, 3014, 4852, 8766, 29965, 4968, 263, 15171, 6270, 5120, 635, 1035, 1127, 1573, 16372, 393, 16688, 10591, 403, 322, 1090, 5105, 27240, 7426, 11104, 29892, 953, 561, 2129, 322, 23199, 1078, 4822, 14183, 18400, 267, 1716, 7395, 322, 373, 5962, 472, 967, 24165, 297, 29715, 29892, 23716, 29889, 13, 797, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 402, 4741, 4689, 13138, 9793, 5786, 304, 12727, 16372, 22056, 4822, 278, 3303, 3900, 1549, 1749, 377, 18368, 15205, 11684, 8819, 653, 29892, 1394, 18809, 13151, 15538, 365, 12182, 4852, 2816, 18809, 13151, 4968, 607, 591, 16692, 373, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 363, 395, 29941, 29953, 29896, 29889, 29906, 7284, 29892, 7787, 310, 274, 1161, 16692, 313, 1552, 376, 10644, 23493, 2564, 1394, 18809, 13151, 1736, 297, 22056, 4034, 411, 263, 15678, 1353, 310, 2246, 4946, 1907, 322, 9045, 18020, 14379, 4822, 278, 4234, 304, 2693, 1880, 29899, 29567, 29892, 6413, 29899, 2040, 10591, 1078, 297, 3023, 7601, 21567, 11104, 304, 5870, 278, 9045, 18020, 13661, 29915, 29879, 1261, 4167, 29889, 7857, 29892, 278, 2582, 310, 6931, 363, 278, 2211, 29899, 10874, 3785, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 3160, 1394, 18809, 13151, 29915, 29879, 18161, 2582, 363, 278, 3785, 515, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 304, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 310, 278, 7255, 23493, 29892, 591, 297, 2764, 1127, 10804, 21544, 310, 395, 29946, 29889, 29896, 7284, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 322, 626, 441, 2133, 310, 938, 574, 1821, 21608, 16692, 310, 395, 29906, 29889, 29896, 7284, 322, 395, 29896, 29889, 29955, 7284, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8307, 29889, 1094, 310, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 1394, 18809, 13151, 8128, 9793, 5786, 304, 29871, 29906, 29946, 16372, 22056, 29892, 297, 29871, 29906, 29946, 14354, 29892, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 5922, 10106, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 2831, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29901, 13, 3170, 337, 9947, 471, 395, 29906, 29906, 29896, 29889, 29955, 7284, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 9401, 304, 395, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29889, 29941, 7284, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 450, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29946, 29995, 7910, 1629, 975, 1629, 297, 2669, 27684, 337, 9947, 471, 19434, 2861, 304, 385, 7910, 297, 427, 1245, 1860, 472, 1749, 16372, 22056, 1546, 2440, 322, 385, 7910, 297, 337, 9947, 639, 8368, 1629, 975, 1629, 29889, 13, 5044, 29899, 974, 29899, 19145, 427, 1245, 358, 297, 278, 11104, 472, 1749, 16372, 22056, 363, 607, 591, 3867, 5786, 11664, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29947, 29995, 1546, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29955, 29892, 29945, 29929, 29896, 515, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 29892, 29953, 29955, 29929, 29889, 910, 7910, 471, 2861, 304, 18096, 427, 1245, 1860, 297, 11104, 3348, 7612, 491, 1394, 18809, 13151, 10231, 304, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29929, 29929, 29929, 472, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 385, 7910, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29889, 29906, 13667, 322, 2861, 304, 385, 7910, 297, 427, 1245, 1860, 472, 19983, 29965, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29941, 29892, 29945, 29929, 29906, 29892, 385, 7910, 310, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29946, 15543, 13, 7094, 1218, 17869, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 471, 395, 29947, 29900, 29889, 29947, 7284, 29892, 385, 7910, 310, 395, 29947, 29889, 29946, 7284, 408, 9401, 304, 395, 29955, 29906, 29889, 29946, 7284, 363, 278, 1021, 3785, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 450, 13598, 5906, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 471, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29889, 29945, 13667, 9401, 304, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29889, 29955, 29995, 363, 278, 1021, 3785, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 13, 1576, 8818, 6554, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 471, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29995, 9401, 304, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29995, 297, 278, 1021, 3785, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 450, 5224, 11828, 8818, 6554, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 20601, 515, 385 ]
agreement with the Arizona Department of Revenue regarding previously filed refund claims related to income tax obligations for prior calendar years, which resulted in a favorable tax impact of $5.9 million recorded as a discrete tax item in the first quarter of 2019. Additionally, there was a decrease in excess tax benefits from $4.5 million in the three months ended March 31, 2019 to $0.6 million in the three months ended March 31, 2020 primarily due to a decrease in our stock price between years. Net income decreased 2.5% to $71.4 million for the first quarter of 2020, compared to $73.2 million for the same period in 2019. As adjusted net income was $73.0 million and $73.5 million for the first quarter of 2020 and 2019, respectively. Diluted net income per share was $1.49 and $1.52 for the first quarter of 2020 and 2019, respectively. As adjusted diluted net income per share was $1.53 and $1.52 for the first quarter of 2020 and 2019, respectively. Adjusted EBITDA increased 6.4% to $90.9 million for the first quarter of 2020, compared to $85.4 million for the same period in 2019. Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Our unrestricted cash and cash equivalents and investments were $149.5 million at March 31, 2020. Our credit facility had an available line of credit of $150.0 million as of March 31, 2020. Net cash provided by operating activities for the three months ended March 31, 2020 was $85.7 million as compared to $76.3 million for the three months ended March 31, 2019. The increase in cash generated from operating activities between the three months ended March 31, 2019 and the three months ended March 31, 2020 was primarily due to changes in other working capital balances. As an education services company, we generally receive our service fees from our university partners in arrears. Net cash used in investing activities was $1.9 million and $340.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The net cash used in investing activities in the three months ended March 31, 2020 was capital expenditures of $6.1 million, partially offset by proceeds from the sale of investments of $4.3 million. During the three months ended March 31, 2019, we paid $361.2 million, net of cash acquired, to acquire Orbis Education on January 22, 2019. Funding to GCU for capital expenditures during the first three months of 2019 totaled $29.9 million. Proceeds from investments, net of purchases of short-term investments, was $55.0 million for the three months ended March 31, 2019. Capital expenditures were $4.6 million for the three months ended March 31, 2019. During the three-month period for 2020 and 2019, capital expenditures primarily consisted of leasehold improvements and equipment for new university partner locations, as well as purchases of computer equipment, other internal use software projects and furniture and equipment to support our increasing employee headcount. Net cash used in financing activities was $73.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 2020. Net cash provided by financing activities was $171.3 million for the three months ended March 31, 2019. During the three months ended March 31, 2020, $5.0 million was used to purchase common shares withheld in lieu of income taxes resulting from the vesting of restricted share awards and $60.7 million was used to purchase treasury stock in accordance with the Company's share repurchase program. Principal payments on notes payable and capital leases totaled $8.3 million, partially offset by proceeds from the exercise of stock options
[ -1.0323047720045797, -1.0870917891645302 ]
[ -0.6520776174456243, -0.6968433319783672 ]
[ -1.3755358226649164, -0.8708238586134468 ]
[ -0.29877227616389535, -0.36510721800434387 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 17327, 411, 278, 23716, 10317, 310, 830, 9947, 11211, 9251, 934, 29881, 2143, 870, 16726, 4475, 304, 17869, 8818, 10788, 800, 363, 7536, 17684, 2440, 29892, 607, 20601, 297, 263, 7853, 519, 8818, 10879, 310, 395, 29945, 29889, 29929, 7284, 10478, 408, 263, 19554, 8818, 2944, 297, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 19814, 29892, 727, 471, 263, 23806, 297, 19163, 8818, 23633, 515, 395, 29946, 29889, 29945, 7284, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 304, 395, 29900, 29889, 29953, 7284, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 19434, 2861, 304, 263, 23806, 297, 1749, 10961, 8666, 1546, 2440, 29889, 13, 6779, 17869, 9263, 1463, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29995, 304, 395, 29955, 29896, 29889, 29946, 7284, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 9401, 304, 395, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29906, 7284, 363, 278, 1021, 3785, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 1094, 10365, 287, 7787, 17869, 471, 395, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29900, 7284, 322, 395, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29945, 7284, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8307, 29889, 13, 29928, 309, 3860, 7787, 17869, 639, 6232, 471, 395, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29929, 322, 395, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29906, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8307, 29889, 1094, 10365, 287, 21749, 3860, 7787, 17869, 639, 6232, 471, 395, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29941, 322, 395, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29906, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8307, 29889, 13, 3253, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 11664, 29871, 29953, 29889, 29946, 29995, 304, 395, 29929, 29900, 29889, 29929, 7284, 363, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 9401, 304, 395, 29947, 29945, 29889, 29946, 7284, 363, 278, 1021, 3785, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 13, 22031, 749, 2296, 300, 322, 315, 1161, 22787, 13, 29949, 332, 443, 5060, 4146, 287, 274, 1161, 322, 274, 1161, 5737, 1237, 322, 13258, 1860, 892, 395, 29896, 29946, 29929, 29889, 29945, 7284, 472, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 8680, 16200, 24454, 750, 385, 3625, 1196, 310, 16200, 310, 395, 29896, 29945, 29900, 29889, 29900, 7284, 408, 310, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 6779, 274, 1161, 4944, 491, 13598, 14188, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 471, 395, 29947, 29945, 29889, 29955, 7284, 408, 9401, 304, 395, 29955, 29953, 29889, 29941, 7284, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 450, 7910, 297, 274, 1161, 5759, 515, 13598, 14188, 1546, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 322, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 471, 19434, 2861, 304, 3620, 297, 916, 1985, 7483, 6411, 2925, 29889, 1094, 385, 9793, 5786, 5001, 29892, 591, 6892, 7150, 1749, 2669, 1238, 267, 515, 1749, 16372, 22056, 297, 564, 276, 1503, 29889, 13, 6779, 274, 1161, 1304, 297, 13258, 292, 14188, 471, 395, 29896, 29889, 29929, 7284, 322, 395, 29941, 29946, 29900, 29889, 29929, 7284, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8307, 29889, 450, 7787, 274, 1161, 1304, 297, 13258, 292, 14188, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 471, 7483, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 310, 395, 29953, 29889, 29896, 7284, 29892, 22039, 9210, 491, 8469, 29879, 515, 278, 14686, 310, 13258, 1860, 310, 395, 29946, 29889, 29941, 7284, 29889, 7133, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 591, 12530, 395, 29941, 29953, 29896, 29889, 29906, 7284, 29892, 7787, 310, 274, 1161, 16692, 29892, 304, 1274, 1548, 1394, 18809, 13151, 373, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 13249, 292, 304, 19983, 29965, 363, 7483, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 2645, 278, 937, 2211, 7378, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 2025, 7943, 395, 29906, 29929, 29889, 29929, 7284, 29889, 1019, 3947, 29879, 515, 13258, 1860, 29892, 7787, 310, 10596, 2129, 310, 3273, 29899, 8489, 13258, 1860, 29892, 471, 395, 29945, 29945, 29889, 29900, 7284, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 25343, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 892, 395, 29946, 29889, 29953, 7284, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 7133, 278, 2211, 29899, 10874, 3785, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 7483, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 19434, 24775, 310, 454, 559, 8948, 28473, 322, 21083, 363, 716, 16372, 18096, 14354, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 10596, 2129, 310, 6601, 21083, 29892, 916, 7463, 671, 7047, 9279, 322, 15252, 17252, 322, 21083, 304, 2304, 1749, 10231, 19001, 2343, 2798, 29889, 13, 6779, 274, 1161, 1304, 297, 11782, 3277, 14188, 471, 395, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29929, 7284, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 12670, 274, 1161, 4944, 491, 11782, 3277, 14188, 471, 395, 29896, 29955, 29896, 29889, 29941, 7284, 363, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 7133, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 395, 29945, 29889, 29900, 7284, 471, 1304, 304, 20590, 3619, 29358, 411, 29882, 2495, 297, 13003, 310, 17869, 8818, 267, 9819, 515, 278, 16779, 292, 310, 22078, 6232, 24441, 322, 395, 29953, 29900, 29889, 29955, 7284, 471, 1304, 304, 20590, 2578, 294, 2857, 10961, 297, 15017, 749, 411, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 6232, 1634, 27574, 1824, 29889, 14771, 7830, 5146, 1860, 373, 11486, 5146, 519, 322, 7483, 454, 2129, 2025, 7943, 395, 29947, 29889, 29941, 7284, 29892, 22039, 9210, 491, 8469, 29879, 515, 278, 15058, 310, 10961, 3987 ]
of $0.1 million. During the three months ended March 31, 2019, $250.0 million of proceeds was drawn on the credit facility, and the term loan balance of the prior credit agreement of $59.9 million was repaid along with $2.4 million of debt issuance costs. $8.1 million was used to purchase common shares withheld in lieu of income taxes resulting from the vesting of restricted share awards and $10.0 million was used to purchase treasury stock in accordance with the Company's share repurchase program. Proceeds from the exercise of stock options of $1.6 million were received in the three months ended March 31, 2019. In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus outbreak ("COVID-19") a global pandemic. This contagious outbreak, which has continued to spread, and the related adverse public health developments, including orders to shelter-in-place, travel restrictions and mandated non-essential business closures, have adversely affected workforces, organizations, customers, economies and financial markets globally, leading to an economic downturn and increased market volatility. It has also disrupted the normal operations of many businesses, including ours, and our most significant university partner. The Company has a long-term master services agreement pursuant to which the Company provides education services to its most significant university partner, GCU, in return for 60% of GCU's tuition and fee revenues, which includes fee revenues from room, board, and other ancillary businesses including a student-run golf course and hotel. GCU has three types of students, traditional ground university students attending class on its campus in Phoenix, Arizona and of which approximately 70% live on campus in university owned residence halls, professional studies students which are working adult students that attend class one night a week on the Phoenix campus, and online students that attend class fully online. This outbreak, as well as measures taken to contain the spread of COVID-19, has impacted GCU's students and its business in a number of ways. GCU's professional studies students and its traditional ground university students were immediately converted to an online learning environment and residential students were strongly encouraged to move off campus. Given the Company's historical experience delivering online education services and the fact that all of its students and faculty use the university's online learning management system for at least some of the coursework, the transition thus far has been seamless and thus, the university has not incurred a significant decrease in tuition revenue or significant increase in costs associated with this transition although the university has seen an increase in Leave of Absence requests for professional studies and online students that need to take a break due to the pandemic. In addition, the following impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in late March and have continued in our second fiscal quarter of 2020, have served to reduce GCU's non-tuition revenue and, consequently, the service revenues we earn under the master services agreement: Traditional ground university students that elected to move off campus are receiving partial refunds for dormitory and meal payments related to the Spring semester, which has reduced GCU's revenue and thus the service revenues earned by the Company in the last nine days of March and the month of April; Ancillary businesses such as the hotel, golf course, and merchandise shops were closed in late March, which reduced and will continue to reduce GCU's revenues and thus the service revenues earned by the Company until these businesses are reopened; Summer semester classes will be moved to an online environment and limited residential students are expected; GCU's doctoral students are required to attend two residencies on the university's campus and at its hotel in Phoenix, Arizona as part of their dissertation. On an annual basis approximately 3,000 learners attend the week-long residency, most of whom have historically attended in the Summer. The residencies that were scheduled for the last week of March through the end of May have been cancelled and it is possible that the residencies scheduled during the rest of the Summer will be cancelled as well. The Company also has long-term services agreements with numerous university partners across the United States, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Orbis Education. Orbis Education offers four primary academic programs with site simulation and skill labs located near healthcare providers. The majority of Orbis Education'
[ -0.33240062778621315, 0.07028394833942239 ]
[ 0.3488837595065084, 0.30232741639245575 ]
[ -0.20125622791199974, 0.24765843358101589 ]
[ 0.2280052031573137, 0.3684791976429695 ]
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[ 310, 395, 29900, 29889, 29896, 7284, 29889, 7133, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 395, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29889, 29900, 7284, 310, 8469, 29879, 471, 12061, 373, 278, 16200, 24454, 29892, 322, 278, 1840, 24806, 17346, 310, 278, 7536, 16200, 17327, 310, 395, 29945, 29929, 29889, 29929, 7284, 471, 1634, 29874, 333, 3412, 411, 395, 29906, 29889, 29946, 7284, 310, 2553, 29873, 17759, 749, 21544, 29889, 395, 29947, 29889, 29896, 7284, 471, 1304, 304, 20590, 3619, 29358, 411, 29882, 2495, 297, 13003, 310, 17869, 8818, 267, 9819, 515, 278, 16779, 292, 310, 22078, 6232, 24441, 322, 395, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29900, 7284, 471, 1304, 304, 20590, 2578, 294, 2857, 10961, 297, 15017, 749, 411, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 6232, 1634, 27574, 1824, 29889, 1019, 3947, 29879, 515, 278, 15058, 310, 10961, 3987, 310, 395, 29896, 29889, 29953, 7284, 892, 4520, 297, 278, 2211, 7378, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 13, 797, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 278, 2787, 15202, 9205, 2133, 8052, 278, 9554, 25082, 485, 22693, 714, 8690, 4852, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 1159, 263, 5534, 7243, 24552, 29889, 910, 640, 351, 2738, 714, 8690, 29892, 607, 756, 7572, 304, 9677, 29892, 322, 278, 4475, 594, 3901, 970, 9045, 2693, 1860, 29892, 3704, 11299, 304, 27709, 29899, 262, 29899, 6689, 29892, 9850, 25091, 322, 9619, 630, 1661, 29899, 404, 2556, 5381, 4694, 1973, 29892, 505, 19901, 873, 15201, 664, 1454, 778, 29892, 25700, 29892, 20330, 29892, 7766, 583, 322, 18161, 2791, 1691, 13149, 635, 29892, 8236, 304, 385, 17407, 16611, 593, 595, 322, 11664, 9999, 1700, 271, 1793, 29889, 739, 756, 884, 766, 14214, 278, 4226, 6931, 310, 1784, 5381, 267, 29892, 3704, 1749, 29879, 29892, 322, 1749, 1556, 7282, 16372, 18096, 29889, 13, 1576, 6938, 756, 263, 1472, 29899, 8489, 5835, 5786, 17327, 12359, 29884, 424, 304, 607, 278, 6938, 8128, 9793, 5786, 304, 967, 1556, 7282, 16372, 18096, 29892, 19983, 29965, 29892, 297, 736, 363, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 310, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 5291, 654, 322, 27684, 20957, 1041, 29892, 607, 7805, 27684, 20957, 1041, 515, 5716, 29892, 7613, 29892, 322, 916, 10359, 453, 653, 5381, 267, 3704, 263, 8368, 29899, 3389, 29416, 3236, 322, 16730, 29889, 19983, 29965, 756, 2211, 4072, 310, 8041, 29892, 13807, 5962, 16372, 8041, 1098, 2548, 770, 373, 967, 24165, 297, 29715, 29892, 23716, 322, 310, 607, 14235, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29995, 5735, 373, 24165, 297, 16372, 15205, 25488, 298, 4293, 29892, 10257, 11898, 8041, 607, 526, 1985, 16157, 8041, 393, 14333, 770, 697, 4646, 263, 4723, 373, 278, 29715, 24165, 29892, 322, 7395, 8041, 393, 14333, 770, 8072, 7395, 29889, 13, 4013, 714, 8690, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 15366, 4586, 304, 1712, 278, 9677, 310, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 756, 10879, 287, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 8041, 322, 967, 5381, 297, 263, 1353, 310, 5837, 29889, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 10257, 11898, 8041, 322, 967, 13807, 5962, 16372, 8041, 892, 7389, 11543, 304, 385, 7395, 6509, 5177, 322, 20201, 616, 8041, 892, 13818, 18443, 287, 304, 4337, 1283, 24165, 29889, 11221, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 15839, 7271, 12021, 292, 7395, 9793, 5786, 322, 278, 2114, 393, 599, 310, 967, 8041, 322, 4024, 18857, 671, 278, 16372, 29915, 29879, 7395, 6509, 10643, 1788, 363, 472, 3203, 777, 310, 278, 3236, 1287, 29892, 278, 9558, 4550, 2215, 756, 1063, 409, 314, 2222, 322, 4550, 29892, 278, 16372, 756, 451, 297, 2764, 1127, 263, 7282, 23806, 297, 5291, 654, 337, 9947, 470, 7282, 7910, 297, 21544, 6942, 411, 445, 9558, 5998, 278, 16372, 756, 3595, 385, 7910, 297, 951, 1351, 310, 24650, 663, 7274, 363, 10257, 11898, 322, 7395, 8041, 393, 817, 304, 2125, 263, 2867, 2861, 304, 278, 7243, 24552, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 278, 1494, 10879, 29879, 515, 278, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29892, 607, 4689, 297, 5683, 4779, 322, 505, 7572, 297, 1749, 1473, 16436, 1052, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 505, 6766, 304, 10032, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 1661, 29899, 9161, 654, 337, 9947, 322, 29892, 14161, 2705, 29892, 278, 2669, 20957, 1041, 591, 2326, 29876, 1090, 278, 5835, 5786, 17327, 29901, 13, 2308, 328, 3245, 5962, 16372, 8041, 393, 11467, 304, 4337, 1283, 24165, 526, 13442, 7687, 2143, 870, 29879, 363, 270, 555, 5047, 322, 592, 284, 5146, 1860, 4475, 304, 278, 7206, 3031, 4156, 29892, 607, 756, 12212, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 337, 9947, 322, 4550, 278, 2669, 20957, 1041, 20591, 491, 278, 6938, 297, 278, 1833, 14183, 3841, 310, 4779, 322, 278, 4098, 310, 3786, 29936, 13, 2744, 29883, 453, 653, 5381, 267, 1316, 408, 278, 16730, 29892, 29416, 3236, 29892, 322, 2778, 305, 392, 895, 528, 3554, 892, 5764, 297, 5683, 4779, 29892, 607, 12212, 322, 674, 6773, 304, 10032, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 20957, 1041, 322, 4550, 278, 2669, 20957, 1041, 20591, 491, 278, 6938, 2745, 1438, 5381, 267, 526, 337, 3150, 287, 29936, 13, 11139, 1050, 3031, 4156, 4413, 674, 367, 6153, 304, 385, 7395, 5177, 322, 9078, 20201, 616, 8041, 526, 3806, 29936, 13, 8766, 29965, 29915, 29879, 11619, 284, 8041, 526, 3734, 304, 14333, 1023, 620, 3615, 2478, 373, 278, 16372, 29915, 29879, 24165, 322, 472, 967, 16730, 297, 29715, 29892, 23716, 408, 760, 310, 1009, 766, 1940, 362, 29889, 1551, 385, 17568, 8405, 14235, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 5110, 414, 14333, 278, 4723, 29899, 5426, 620, 3615, 1270, 29892, 1556, 310, 6029, 505, 3603, 1711, 14283, 297, 278, 13329, 29889, 450, 620, 3615, 2478, 393, 892, 21467, 363, 278, 1833, 4723, 310, 4779, 1549, 278, 1095, 310, 2610, 505, 1063, 12611, 839, 322, 372, 338, 1950, 393, 278, 620, 3615, 2478, 21467, 2645, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 13329, 674, 367, 12611, 839, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 1576, 6938, 884, 756, 1472, 29899, 8489, 5786, 8571, 4110, 411, 12727, 16372, 22056, 4822, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 1549, 967, 377, 18368, 15205, 11684, 8819, 653, 29892, 1394, 18809, 13151, 29889, 1394, 18809, 13151, 16688, 3023, 7601, 21567, 11104, 411, 3268, 17402, 322, 19911, 301, 6897, 5982, 2978, 9045, 18020, 1326, 11376, 29889, 450, 13638, 310, 1394, 18809, 13151, 29915 ]
s students are studying in the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program which is offered in a 12-16 month format in three or four academic semesters. We currently believe the Spring semester will be completed without interruption and each university partner still plans to begin its Summer semester. It is currently anticipated that some students that were scheduled to start in the Summer semester will delay their start until the Fall semester which will result in slightly lower enrollments and revenues in the Summer semester. As a result of the items mentioned above, we expect lower service revenues under both the Master Services Agreement with GCU and under the Orbis Education's services agreements for the second and third quarters of 2020, and due to the limited operating expenses that we incur to deliver those services, we expect there to be a direct reduction in our operating profit and operating margins. The COVID-19 outbreak also presents operational challenges to the Company as approximately 90% of our entire workforce is currently working remotely. This degree of remote working could increase risks in the areas of internal control, cyber security and the use of remote technology, which could result in interruptions or disruptions in normal operational processes. It is not possible for us to completely predict the duration or magnitude of the adverse results of the outbreak and its effects on our business, results of operations or financial condition at this time, but such effects may be material in future quarters. If GCU is not able to fully open its campus to its traditional residential students for the Fall academic semester commencing in late August 2020, that will have a material impact on GCU's revenue and thus the service revenue earned by the Company. The decision by a number of the Orbis Education's university partners to cancel or postpone the Summer and/or Fall semesters would have a material impact on the service revenue earned by the Company. We believe that the reduction in our net revenue and operating profit in the first quarter of 2020 that resulted from the impacts of COVID-19 was $1.8 million. We further believe that the potential reduction in net revenue in the second and third quarters of 2020 attributable to COVID-19, even assuming that none of Orbis Education's university partners postpone or cancel the Summer semester, will range from $9.0 million to $10.0 million and from $4.0 million to $6.0 million, respectively, with a comparable reduction in operating profit during each period. The Company initially provided guidance for fiscal 2020, by quarter, in its fourth quarter and full year 2019 earnings release issued on February 19, 2020. The Company is providing below a revised outlook for the 2nd quarter 2020 that takes into account the above assumptions at the midpoint of the range. Due to the uncertainties described above caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are withdrawing our guidance for the third and fourth quarters of 2020. Q2 2020: Net revenue of $179.7 million; As Adjusted Operating Margin 23.5%; As Adjusted Diluted EPS of $0.89 using 47.2 million diluted shares This news release contains "forward-looking statements" which include information relating to future events, future financial performance, strategies expectations, competitive environment, regulation, and availability of resources. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding: proposed new programs; whether regulatory developments or other matters may or may not have a material adverse effect on our financial position, results of operations, or liquidity; projections, predictions, expectations, estimates, and forecasts as to our business, financial and operating results, and future economic performance; and management's goals and objectives and other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Words such as "may," "should," "could," "would," "predicts," "potential," "continue," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar expressions, the negative of these expressions, as well as statements in future tense, identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which such performance or results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the
[ -0.4858042758340743, -0.8323321593707608 ]
[ -0.4175052732940511, -1.0692940768907888 ]
[ -0.32553203815582893, -0.9748097406542018 ]
[ 0.25401890583984255, 0.05111202491611759 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29879, 8041, 526, 23382, 297, 278, 4831, 7367, 630, 13620, 12779, 310, 9327, 297, 405, 1295, 292, 1824, 607, 338, 12520, 297, 263, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29953, 4098, 3402, 297, 2211, 470, 3023, 21567, 3031, 28910, 29889, 1334, 5279, 4658, 278, 7206, 3031, 4156, 674, 367, 8676, 1728, 1006, 18953, 322, 1269, 16372, 18096, 1603, 13900, 304, 3380, 967, 13329, 3031, 4156, 29889, 739, 338, 5279, 23483, 630, 393, 777, 8041, 393, 892, 21467, 304, 1369, 297, 278, 13329, 3031, 4156, 674, 9055, 1009, 1369, 2745, 278, 14053, 3031, 4156, 607, 674, 1121, 297, 10029, 5224, 427, 1245, 1860, 322, 20957, 1041, 297, 278, 13329, 3031, 4156, 29889, 13, 2887, 263, 1121, 310, 278, 4452, 5276, 2038, 29892, 591, 2149, 5224, 2669, 20957, 1041, 1090, 1716, 278, 9082, 15538, 4059, 276, 882, 411, 19983, 29965, 322, 1090, 278, 1394, 18809, 13151, 29915, 29879, 5786, 8571, 4110, 363, 278, 1473, 322, 4654, 439, 13868, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 322, 2861, 304, 278, 9078, 13598, 1518, 11259, 393, 591, 297, 2764, 304, 12021, 1906, 5786, 29892, 591, 2149, 727, 304, 367, 263, 1513, 20376, 297, 1749, 13598, 21665, 322, 13598, 15276, 1144, 29889, 13, 1576, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 714, 8690, 884, 22981, 1751, 1288, 18066, 267, 304, 278, 6938, 408, 14235, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29995, 310, 1749, 4152, 664, 10118, 338, 5279, 1985, 1083, 327, 873, 29889, 910, 7426, 310, 7592, 1985, 1033, 7910, 5161, 2039, 297, 278, 10161, 310, 7463, 2761, 29892, 5094, 495, 6993, 322, 278, 671, 310, 7592, 15483, 29892, 607, 1033, 1121, 297, 1006, 582, 1980, 470, 766, 582, 1980, 297, 4226, 1751, 1288, 10174, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 451, 1950, 363, 502, 304, 6446, 8500, 278, 14385, 470, 18497, 310, 278, 594, 3901, 2582, 310, 278, 714, 8690, 322, 967, 9545, 373, 1749, 5381, 29892, 2582, 310, 6931, 470, 18161, 4195, 472, 445, 931, 29892, 541, 1316, 9545, 1122, 367, 5518, 297, 5434, 439, 13868, 29889, 960, 19983, 29965, 338, 451, 2221, 304, 8072, 1722, 967, 24165, 304, 967, 13807, 20201, 616, 8041, 363, 278, 14053, 21567, 3031, 4156, 844, 16750, 297, 5683, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 393, 674, 505, 263, 5518, 10879, 373, 19983, 29965, 29915, 29879, 337, 9947, 322, 4550, 278, 2669, 337, 9947, 20591, 491, 278, 6938, 29889, 450, 10608, 491, 263, 1353, 310, 278, 1394, 18809, 13151, 29915, 29879, 16372, 22056, 304, 12611, 470, 1400, 29886, 650, 278, 13329, 322, 29914, 272, 14053, 3031, 28910, 723, 505, 263, 5518, 10879, 373, 278, 2669, 337, 9947, 20591, 491, 278, 6938, 29889, 13, 4806, 4658, 393, 278, 20376, 297, 1749, 7787, 337, 9947, 322, 13598, 21665, 297, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 393, 20601, 515, 278, 10879, 29879, 310, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 471, 395, 29896, 29889, 29947, 7284, 29889, 1334, 4340, 4658, 393, 278, 7037, 20376, 297, 7787, 337, 9947, 297, 278, 1473, 322, 4654, 439, 13868, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 1098, 1091, 9246, 304, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 1584, 10241, 393, 5642, 310, 1394, 18809, 13151, 29915, 29879, 16372, 22056, 1400, 29886, 650, 470, 12611, 278, 13329, 3031, 4156, 29892, 674, 3464, 515, 395, 29929, 29889, 29900, 7284, 304, 395, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29900, 7284, 322, 515, 395, 29946, 29889, 29900, 7284, 304, 395, 29953, 29889, 29900, 7284, 29892, 8307, 29892, 411, 263, 5734, 519, 20376, 297, 13598, 21665, 2645, 1269, 3785, 29889, 13, 1576, 6938, 12919, 4944, 27323, 363, 16436, 1052, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 491, 12616, 29892, 297, 967, 11582, 12616, 322, 2989, 1629, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 2326, 11753, 6507, 16610, 373, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 450, 6938, 338, 13138, 2400, 263, 337, 11292, 714, 6914, 363, 278, 29871, 29906, 299, 12616, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 393, 4893, 964, 3633, 278, 2038, 20813, 472, 278, 7145, 3149, 310, 278, 3464, 29889, 16809, 304, 278, 443, 6327, 2365, 583, 5439, 2038, 8581, 491, 278, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29892, 591, 526, 28679, 292, 1749, 27323, 363, 278, 4654, 322, 11582, 439, 13868, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 29984, 29906, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29901, 13, 6779, 337, 9947, 310, 395, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29889, 29955, 7284, 29936, 1094, 2087, 5143, 287, 6607, 1218, 1085, 5359, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29889, 29945, 8874, 1094, 2087, 5143, 287, 360, 309, 3860, 382, 7024, 310, 395, 29900, 29889, 29947, 29929, 773, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29889, 29906, 7284, 21749, 3860, 29358, 13, 4013, 9763, 6507, 3743, 376, 11333, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29908, 607, 3160, 2472, 1104, 1218, 304, 5434, 4959, 29892, 5434, 18161, 4180, 29892, 16650, 583, 2149, 800, 29892, 5100, 3321, 5177, 29892, 1072, 2785, 29892, 322, 20847, 3097, 310, 7788, 29889, 4525, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 3160, 29892, 1728, 29485, 29892, 9506, 11211, 29901, 7972, 716, 11104, 29936, 3692, 24378, 7606, 2693, 1860, 470, 916, 13750, 1122, 470, 1122, 451, 505, 263, 5518, 594, 3901, 2779, 373, 1749, 18161, 2602, 29892, 2582, 310, 6931, 29892, 470, 23904, 537, 29936, 410, 24247, 29892, 27303, 29892, 2149, 800, 29892, 21875, 29892, 322, 29821, 19416, 408, 304, 1749, 5381, 29892, 18161, 322, 13598, 2582, 29892, 322, 5434, 17407, 4180, 29936, 322, 10643, 29915, 29879, 14433, 322, 1203, 3145, 322, 916, 2788, 12241, 19813, 13750, 393, 526, 451, 15839, 17099, 29889, 399, 4339, 1316, 408, 376, 13029, 1699, 376, 9344, 1699, 376, 26680, 1699, 376, 29893, 483, 1699, 376, 27711, 29879, 1699, 376, 17765, 2556, 1699, 376, 19878, 1699, 376, 17854, 29879, 1699, 376, 7716, 666, 1078, 1699, 376, 29888, 9130, 1699, 376, 524, 1975, 1699, 376, 572, 550, 1699, 376, 6596, 17180, 1699, 376, 342, 326, 1078, 29908, 322, 2788, 12241, 29892, 278, 8178, 310, 1438, 12241, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 9506, 297, 5434, 260, 1947, 29892, 12439, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29889, 13, 2831, 1328, 29899, 23261, 9506, 881, 451, 367, 1303, 408, 263, 18818, 310, 5434, 4180, 470, 2582, 322, 674, 451, 12695, 367, 16232, 4221, 800, 310, 278, 3064, 472, 29892, 470, 491, 29892, 607, 1316, 4180, 470, 2582, 674, 367, 14363, 29889, 1152, 1328, 29899, 23261, 9506, 526, 2729, 373, 2472, 3625, 472, 278 ]
time those statements are made or management's good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in or suggested by the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to: the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of any of our key university partner agreements; our ability to properly manage risks and challenges associated with strategic initiatives, including potential acquisitions or divestitures of, or investments in, new businesses, acquisitions of new properties and new university partners, and expansion of services provided to our existing university partners; our failure to comply with the extensive regulatory framework applicable to us either directly as a third party education services provider or indirectly through our university partners, including Title IV of the Higher Education Act and the regulations thereunder, state laws and regulatory requirements, and accrediting commission requirements; competition from other education services companies in our geographic region and market sector, including competition for students, qualified executives and other personnel; the pace of growth of our university partners' enrollment and its effect on the pace of our own growth; our ability to, on behalf of our university partners, convert prospective students to enrolled students and to retain active students to graduation; our success in updating and expanding the content of existing programs and developing new programs in a cost-effective manner or on a timely basis for our university partners; the impact of any natural disasters or public health emergencies; the harm to our business, results of operations and financial condition, and harm to our most significant university partner in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak; and other factors discussed in reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including as set forth in Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for period ended December 31, 2019, as updated in our subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 10Q or Form 8-K. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made. You should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. We assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions, or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information, except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. If we do update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that we will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements. Grand Canyon Education, Inc. will discuss its first quarter 2020 results and 2020 outlook during a conference call scheduled for today, May 7, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern time (ET). To participate in the live call, investors should dial 877-577-1769 (domestic and Canada) or 706-679-7806 (international), passcode 3747027 at 4:25 p.m. (ET). The Webcast will be available on the Grand Canyon Education, Inc. website at www.gce.com. A replay of the call will be available approximately two hours following the conclusion of the call, at 855-859-2056 (domestic) or 404-537-3406 (international), passcode 3747027. It will also be archived at www.gce.com in the investor relations section for 60 days. About Grand Canyon Education, Inc. Grand Canyon Education, Inc. ("GCE"), incorporated in 2008, is a publicly traded education services company that currently provides services to 24 university partners. GCE is uniquely positioned in the education services industry in that its leadership has 30 years of proven expertise in providing a full array of support services in the post-secondary education sector and has developed significant technological solutions, infrastructure and operational processes to provide superior services in these areas on a large scale. GCE provides services that support students, faculty and staff of partner institutions such as marketing, strategic enrollment management, counseling services, financial services, technology, technical support, compliance, human resources, classroom operations, content development, faculty recruitment and training, among others. For more information about GCE visit the Company's website at
[ -0.6761891604649021, -0.9117733342526889 ]
[ -1.423838535990113, -1.309238306786291 ]
[ -0.8239033996438379, -0.9646647765526648 ]
[ 0.2904380895953829, -0.7566134433764029 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 931, 1906, 9506, 526, 1754, 470, 10643, 29915, 29879, 1781, 10847, 17750, 408, 310, 393, 931, 411, 3390, 304, 5434, 4959, 322, 526, 4967, 304, 5161, 2039, 322, 443, 6327, 2365, 583, 393, 1033, 4556, 3935, 4180, 470, 2582, 304, 1163, 5518, 368, 515, 1906, 13384, 297, 470, 7829, 491, 278, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29889, 16032, 424, 13879, 393, 1033, 4556, 1316, 12651, 3160, 29892, 541, 526, 451, 9078, 304, 29901, 278, 27170, 310, 738, 1741, 29892, 1735, 470, 916, 11708, 749, 393, 1033, 2367, 14451, 304, 278, 1840, 3381, 310, 738, 310, 1749, 1820, 16372, 18096, 8571, 4110, 29936, 1749, 11509, 304, 6284, 10933, 5161, 2039, 322, 18066, 267, 6942, 411, 16650, 293, 14511, 5056, 29892, 3704, 7037, 1274, 7680, 2187, 470, 1933, 342, 277, 1973, 310, 29892, 470, 13258, 1860, 297, 29892, 716, 5381, 267, 29892, 1274, 7680, 2187, 310, 716, 4426, 322, 716, 16372, 22056, 29892, 322, 13184, 310, 5786, 4944, 304, 1749, 5923, 16372, 22056, 29936, 1749, 10672, 304, 752, 368, 411, 278, 20607, 24378, 7606, 6890, 22903, 304, 502, 2845, 4153, 408, 263, 4654, 6263, 9793, 5786, 13113, 470, 26377, 368, 1549, 1749, 16372, 22056, 29892, 3704, 18527, 6599, 310, 278, 5057, 261, 13151, 3185, 322, 278, 1072, 8250, 727, 5062, 29892, 2106, 14243, 322, 24378, 7606, 11780, 29892, 322, 1035, 1127, 11407, 12969, 11780, 29936, 13888, 515, 916, 9793, 5786, 14582, 297, 1749, 1737, 12122, 5120, 322, 9999, 17535, 29892, 3704, 13888, 363, 8041, 29892, 18698, 6704, 3145, 322, 916, 24127, 29936, 278, 27725, 310, 14321, 310, 1749, 16372, 22056, 29915, 427, 1245, 358, 322, 967, 2779, 373, 278, 27725, 310, 1749, 1914, 14321, 29936, 1749, 11509, 304, 29892, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 1749, 16372, 22056, 29892, 3588, 10791, 12645, 8041, 304, 427, 24476, 8041, 322, 304, 11551, 6136, 8041, 304, 10591, 362, 29936, 1749, 2551, 297, 13271, 322, 7985, 292, 278, 2793, 310, 5923, 11104, 322, 14338, 716, 11104, 297, 263, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 8214, 470, 373, 263, 5335, 873, 8405, 363, 1749, 16372, 22056, 29936, 278, 10879, 310, 738, 5613, 766, 1901, 29879, 470, 970, 9045, 11176, 1885, 2478, 29936, 278, 10311, 304, 1749, 5381, 29892, 2582, 310, 6931, 322, 18161, 4195, 29892, 322, 10311, 304, 1749, 1556, 7282, 16372, 18096, 297, 3957, 411, 278, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 714, 8690, 29936, 322, 916, 13879, 15648, 297, 13676, 373, 934, 411, 278, 5356, 332, 1907, 322, 24004, 11444, 29892, 3704, 408, 731, 11483, 297, 3455, 306, 29892, 10976, 29871, 29896, 29909, 310, 1749, 8081, 950, 13969, 373, 3812, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29968, 363, 3785, 9698, 5846, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 408, 4784, 297, 1749, 15352, 13676, 934, 29881, 411, 278, 5356, 332, 1907, 322, 24004, 11444, 373, 3812, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29984, 470, 3812, 29871, 29947, 29899, 29968, 29889, 13, 2831, 1328, 29899, 23261, 9506, 7726, 871, 408, 310, 278, 2635, 278, 9506, 526, 1754, 29889, 887, 881, 451, 1925, 563, 434, 12536, 749, 373, 738, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29889, 1334, 5251, 694, 10788, 362, 304, 2767, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 304, 9432, 3935, 2582, 29892, 3620, 297, 20813, 29892, 470, 3620, 297, 916, 13879, 6602, 292, 6375, 29899, 23261, 2472, 29892, 5174, 304, 278, 15834, 3734, 491, 22903, 409, 2764, 1907, 14243, 29889, 960, 591, 437, 2767, 697, 470, 901, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29892, 694, 27262, 881, 367, 12061, 393, 591, 674, 1207, 5684, 11217, 411, 3390, 304, 1906, 470, 916, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29889, 13, 3338, 392, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 674, 5353, 967, 937, 12616, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 2582, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 714, 6914, 2645, 263, 21362, 1246, 21467, 363, 9826, 29892, 2610, 29871, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 472, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 16162, 931, 313, 2544, 467, 1763, 5221, 403, 297, 278, 5735, 1246, 29892, 13258, 943, 881, 270, 616, 29871, 29947, 29955, 29955, 29899, 29945, 29955, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29955, 29953, 29929, 313, 3129, 15931, 322, 7400, 29897, 470, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29953, 29899, 29953, 29955, 29929, 29899, 29955, 29947, 29900, 29953, 313, 14168, 1288, 511, 1209, 401, 29871, 29941, 29955, 29946, 29955, 29900, 29906, 29955, 472, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29906, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 2544, 467, 450, 2563, 4384, 674, 367, 3625, 373, 278, 6265, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 4700, 472, 7821, 29889, 29887, 346, 29889, 510, 29889, 13, 29909, 337, 1456, 310, 278, 1246, 674, 367, 3625, 14235, 1023, 6199, 1494, 278, 15997, 310, 278, 1246, 29892, 472, 29871, 29947, 29945, 29945, 29899, 29947, 29945, 29929, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29953, 313, 3129, 15931, 29897, 470, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29946, 29899, 29945, 29941, 29955, 29899, 29941, 29946, 29900, 29953, 313, 14168, 1288, 511, 1209, 401, 29871, 29941, 29955, 29946, 29955, 29900, 29906, 29955, 29889, 739, 674, 884, 367, 3190, 2347, 472, 7821, 29889, 29887, 346, 29889, 510, 297, 278, 13258, 272, 5302, 4004, 363, 29871, 29953, 29900, 3841, 29889, 13, 28173, 6265, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 13, 3338, 392, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 4852, 29954, 4741, 4968, 11039, 630, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29892, 338, 263, 970, 368, 3534, 287, 9793, 5786, 5001, 393, 5279, 8128, 5786, 304, 29871, 29906, 29946, 16372, 22056, 29889, 402, 4741, 338, 20498, 873, 2602, 287, 297, 278, 9793, 5786, 13661, 297, 393, 967, 26001, 756, 29871, 29941, 29900, 2440, 310, 16413, 17924, 895, 297, 13138, 263, 2989, 1409, 310, 2304, 5786, 297, 278, 1400, 29899, 7496, 653, 9793, 17535, 322, 756, 8906, 7282, 5722, 5996, 6851, 29892, 22035, 12425, 322, 1751, 1288, 10174, 304, 3867, 11558, 5786, 297, 1438, 10161, 373, 263, 2919, 6287, 29889, 402, 4741, 8128, 5786, 393, 2304, 8041, 29892, 4024, 18857, 322, 13925, 310, 18096, 21561, 1316, 408, 9999, 292, 29892, 16650, 293, 427, 1245, 358, 10643, 29892, 2613, 2838, 292, 5786, 29892, 18161, 5786, 29892, 15483, 29892, 16905, 2304, 29892, 752, 13036, 29892, 5199, 7788, 29892, 770, 8345, 6931, 29892, 2793, 5849, 29892, 4024, 18857, 1162, 9216, 358, 322, 6694, 29892, 4249, 4045, 29889, 1152, 901, 2472, 1048, 402, 4741, 6493, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 4700, 472 ]
www.gce.com. Grand Canyon Education, Inc., 2600 W. Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85017, www.gce.com. Daniel E. Bachus Grand Canyon Education, Inc. Dan.bachus@gce.com Consolidated Income Statements Service revenue Technology and academic services Counseling services and support Amortization of intangible assets Loss on transaction Total costs and expenses Interest income on Secured Note Investment interest and other Basic income per share Diluted income per share Basic weighted average shares outstanding Diluted weighted average shares outstanding As of March 31, As of December 31, (In thousands, except par value) Restricted cash and cash equivalents Interest receivable on Secured Note Income taxes receivable Right-of-use assets Secured Note receivable, net Amortizable intangible assets, net LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY: Accrued compensation and benefits Current portion of lease liability Current portion of notes payable Deferred income taxes, non-current Lease liability, long-term Notes payable, less current portion Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 10,000 shares authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 Common stock, $0.01 par value, 100,000 shares authorized; 53,221 and 53,034 shares issued and 47,413 and 48,105 shares outstanding at March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively Treasury stock, at cost, 5,808 and 4,949 shares of common stock at March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively Cash flows provided by operating activities: Other, including fixed asset impairments Accounts receivable and interest receivable from university partners Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities Income taxes receivable/payable Cash flows used in investing activities: Additions of amortizable content Acquisition, net of cash acquired Funding to GCU for capital expenditures Purchases of investments Proceeds from sale or maturity of investments Cash flows (used in) provided by financing activities: Principal payments on notes payable Debt issuance costs Proceeds from notes payable Net borrowings from revolving line of credit Repurchase of common shares including shares withheld in lieu of income taxes Net proceeds from exercise of stock options Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing and financing activities Purchases of property and equipment included in accounts payable Allowance for credit losses of $5,000, net of taxes of $1,168 from adoption of ASU 2016-13 Lease adoption - recognition of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities ROU Asset and Liability recognition Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP Financial Measure) Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income plus interest expense, less interest income and other gain (loss) recognized on investments, plus income tax expense, and plus depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), as adjusted for (i) contributions to private Arizona school tuition organizations in lieu of the payment of state income taxes; (ii) loss on transaction; (iii) share-based compensation, and (iv) unusual charges or gains, such as litigation and regulatory reserves, impairment charges and asset write-offs, and exit or lease termination costs. We present Adjusted EBITDA because we consider it to be an important supplemental measure of our operating
[ -1.6459193641960246, -1.2898037526563468 ]
[ -1.2304506492086633, -0.4658522449894135 ]
[ -0.9316936432226692, -0.5436685807218868 ]
[ -1.0700785607008756, 0.4309120840810387 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 7821, 29889, 29887, 346, 29889, 510, 29889, 13, 3338, 392, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 1696, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29900, 29900, 399, 29889, 5500, 295, 1627, 9321, 29892, 29715, 29892, 319, 29999, 29871, 29947, 29945, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 7821, 29889, 29887, 346, 29889, 510, 29889, 13, 29866, 382, 29889, 13620, 375, 13, 3338, 392, 315, 1384, 265, 13151, 29892, 9266, 29889, 13, 18529, 29889, 6740, 375, 29992, 29887, 346, 29889, 510, 13, 13696, 17211, 630, 512, 2763, 6666, 4110, 13, 3170, 337, 9947, 13, 7141, 3049, 3002, 322, 21567, 5786, 13, 29907, 1309, 2838, 292, 5786, 322, 2304, 13, 6833, 441, 2133, 310, 938, 574, 1821, 21608, 13, 29931, 2209, 373, 10804, 13, 11536, 21544, 322, 1518, 11259, 13, 4074, 342, 17869, 373, 5356, 2955, 3940, 13, 797, 10147, 358, 4066, 322, 916, 13, 16616, 17869, 639, 6232, 13, 29928, 309, 3860, 17869, 639, 6232, 13, 16616, 7688, 287, 6588, 29358, 714, 11235, 13, 29928, 309, 3860, 7688, 287, 6588, 29358, 714, 11235, 13, 2887, 310, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 13, 2887, 310, 5846, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 13, 29898, 797, 17202, 29892, 5174, 610, 995, 29897, 13, 15078, 4146, 287, 274, 1161, 322, 274, 1161, 5737, 1237, 13, 4074, 342, 2414, 440, 519, 373, 5356, 2955, 3940, 13, 797, 2763, 8818, 267, 2414, 440, 519, 13, 7341, 29899, 974, 29899, 1509, 21608, 13, 7898, 2955, 3940, 2414, 440, 519, 29892, 7787, 13, 6833, 441, 13902, 938, 574, 1821, 21608, 29892, 7787, 13, 5265, 2882, 6227, 1806, 29059, 5300, 317, 4986, 7077, 29950, 5607, 8032, 29903, 29915, 382, 13356, 11937, 29901, 13, 7504, 582, 287, 22874, 362, 322, 23633, 13, 7583, 11910, 310, 454, 559, 619, 3097, 13, 7583, 11910, 310, 11486, 5146, 519, 13, 2772, 14373, 17869, 8818, 267, 29892, 1661, 29899, 3784, 13, 3226, 559, 619, 3097, 29892, 1472, 29899, 8489, 13, 3664, 267, 5146, 519, 29892, 3109, 1857, 11910, 13, 6572, 14373, 10961, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29896, 610, 995, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29358, 4148, 1891, 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29900, 322, 5846, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8307, 13, 29907, 1161, 24536, 4944, 491, 13598, 14188, 29901, 13, 16107, 29892, 3704, 4343, 24342, 2411, 1466, 1860, 13, 10601, 29879, 2414, 440, 519, 322, 4066, 2414, 440, 519, 515, 16372, 22056, 13, 7341, 29899, 974, 29899, 1509, 21608, 322, 454, 559, 619, 11614, 13, 797, 2763, 8818, 267, 2414, 440, 519, 29914, 10472, 519, 13, 29907, 1161, 24536, 1304, 297, 13258, 292, 14188, 29901, 13, 2528, 2187, 310, 626, 441, 13902, 2793, 13, 10644, 23493, 29892, 7787, 310, 274, 1161, 16692, 13, 29943, 870, 292, 304, 19983, 29965, 363, 7483, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 13, 29925, 2458, 2129, 310, 13258, 1860, 13, 1184, 3947, 29879, 515, 14686, 470, 286, 1337, 537, 310, 13258, 1860, 13, 29907, 1161, 24536, 313, 3880, 297, 29897, 4944, 491, 11782, 3277, 14188, 29901, 13, 4040, 26706, 5146, 1860, 373, 11486, 5146, 519, 13, 10251, 29873, 17759, 749, 21544, 13, 1184, 3947, 29879, 515, 11486, 5146, 519, 13, 6779, 27942, 886, 515, 13819, 1747, 1196, 310, 16200, 13, 5612, 27574, 310, 3619, 29358, 3704, 29358, 411, 29882, 2495, 297, 13003, 310, 17869, 8818, 267, 13, 6779, 8469, 29879, 515, 15058, 310, 10961, 3987, 13, 6779, 7910, 313, 311, 1037, 559, 29897, 297, 274, 1161, 322, 274, 1161, 5737, 1237, 322, 22078, 274, 1161, 13, 29907, 1161, 322, 274, 1161, 5737, 1237, 322, 22078, 274, 1161, 29892, 6763, 310, 3785, 13, 29907, 1161, 322, 274, 1161, 5737, 1237, 322, 22078, 274, 1161, 29892, 1095, 310, 3785, 13, 20182, 944, 284, 766, 25071, 310, 274, 1161, 4972, 2472, 13, 20182, 944, 284, 766, 25071, 310, 1661, 29899, 29883, 1161, 13258, 292, 322, 11782, 3277, 14188, 13, 29925, 2458, 2129, 310, 2875, 322, 21083, 5134, 297, 15303, 5146, 519, 13, 15930, 749, 363, 16200, 28495, 310, 395, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 7787, 310, 8818, 267, 310, 395, 29896, 29892, 29896, 29953, 29947, 515, 594, 3385, 310, 3339, 29965, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29941, 13, 3226, 559, 594, 3385, 448, 19679, 310, 1492, 29899, 974, 29899, 1509, 21608, 322, 454, 559, 619, 11614, 13, 1672, 29965, 1094, 842, 322, 2718, 3097, 19679, 13, 3253, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 313, 12283, 29899, 12739, 3301, 4231, 273, 1455, 2191, 3745, 29897, 13, 3253, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 338, 3342, 408, 7787, 17869, 2298, 4066, 1518, 1947, 29892, 3109, 4066, 17869, 322, 916, 11581, 313, 6758, 29897, 14831, 373, 13258, 1860, 29892, 2298, 17869, 8818, 1518, 1947, 29892, 322, 2298, 1401, 4361, 362, 322, 626, 441, 2133, 313, 29923, 22698, 7698, 511, 408, 10365, 287, 363, 313, 29875, 29897, 20706, 304, 2024, 23716, 3762, 5291, 654, 25700, 297, 13003, 310, 278, 19179, 310, 2106, 17869, 8818, 267, 29936, 313, 2236, 29897, 6410, 373, 10804, 29936, 313, 25609, 29897, 6232, 29899, 6707, 22874, 362, 29892, 322, 313, 440, 29897, 22910, 21090, 470, 330, 2708, 29892, 1316, 408, 11872, 335, 362, 322, 24378, 7606, 620, 20098, 29892, 2411, 1466, 358, 21090, 322, 24342, 2436, 29899, 22450, 29892, 322, 6876, 470, 454, 559, 1840, 3381, 21544, 29889, 1334, 2198, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 1363, 591, 2050, 372, 304, 367, 385, 4100, 1462, 944, 284, 5645, 310, 1749, 13598 ]
performance. We also make certain compensation decisions based, in part, on our operating performance, as measured by Adjusted EBITDA, and our loan agreement requires us to comply with covenants that include performance metrics substantially similar to Adjusted EBITDA. All of the adjustments made in our calculation of Adjusted EBITDA are adjustments to items that management does not consider to be reflective of our core operating performance. Management considers our core operating performance to be that which can be affected by our managers in any particular period through their management of the resources that affect our underlying revenue and profit generating operations during that period and does not consider the items for which we make adjustments (as listed above) to be reflective of our core performance. We believe Adjusted EBITDA allows us to compare our current operating results with corresponding historical periods and with the operational performance of other companies in our industry because it does not give effect to potential differences caused by variations in capital structures (affecting relative interest expense, including the impact of write-offs of deferred financing costs when companies refinance their indebtedness), tax positions (such as the impact on periods or companies of changes in effective tax rates or net operating losses), the book amortization of intangibles (affecting relative amortization expense), and other items that we do not consider reflective of underlying operating performance. We also present Adjusted EBITDA because we believe it is frequently used by securities analysts, investors, and other interested parties as a measure of performance. In evaluating Adjusted EBITDA, investors should be aware that in the future we may incur expenses similar to the adjustments described above. Our presentation of Adjusted EBITDA should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by expenses that are unusual, non-routine, or non-recurring. Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool in that, among other things it does not reflect: cash expenditures for capital expenditures or contractual commitments; changes in, or cash requirements for, our working capital requirements; interest expense, or the cash required to replace assets that are being depreciated or amortized; and the impact on our reported results of earnings or charges resulting from the items for which we make adjustments to our EBITDA, as described above and set forth in the table below. In addition, other companies, including other companies in our industry, may calculate these measures differently than we do, limiting the usefulness of Adjusted EBITDA as a comparative measure. Because of these limitations, Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as a substitute for net income, operating income, or any other performance measure derived in accordance with and reported under GAAP, or as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities or as a measure of our liquidity. We compensate for these limitations by relying primarily on our GAAP results and only use Adjusted EBITDA as a supplemental performance measure. The following table provides a reconciliation of net income to Adjusted EBITDA, which is a non-GAAP measure for the periods indicated: (Unaudited, in thousands) Plus: interest expense Less: interest income on Secured Note Less: investment interest and other Plus: income tax expense Plus: amortization of intangible assets Plus: depreciation and amortization Plus: loss on transaction Plus: estimated litigation reserves Plus: share-based compensation Non-GAAP Net Income and Non-GAAP Diluted Income Per Share The Company believes the presentation of non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP diluted income per share information that excludes amortization of intangible assets, loss on transaction expenses and favorable discrete income tax amounts recorded in the first quarter of 2019 allows investors to develop a more meaningful understanding of the Company's performance over time. Accordingly, for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2020 and 2019, the table below provides reconciliations of these non-GAAP items to GAAP net income and GAAP diluted income per share, respectively: (Unaudited, in thousands except per share data) GAAP Net income Less favorable tax effect for discrete item related to prior year tax obligations(1) Income tax effects of adjustments excluding discrete tax item impact (1) As Adjusted, Non-GAAP Net income GAAP
[ -0.8049386507907855, -1.05421957886856 ]
[ -1.5814138511453681, -1.7389891663006234 ]
[ -1.0204620791111187, -0.7883960252884581 ]
[ 0.6130080028587406, 0.6130080028587406 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 4180, 29889, 1334, 884, 1207, 3058, 22874, 362, 1602, 12112, 2729, 29892, 297, 760, 29892, 373, 1749, 13598, 4180, 29892, 408, 17005, 491, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 29892, 322, 1749, 24806, 17327, 6858, 502, 304, 752, 368, 411, 274, 9813, 1934, 393, 3160, 4180, 21556, 23228, 368, 2788, 304, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 29889, 2178, 310, 278, 10365, 1860, 1754, 297, 1749, 13944, 310, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 526, 10365, 1860, 304, 4452, 393, 10643, 947, 451, 2050, 304, 367, 9432, 573, 310, 1749, 7136, 13598, 4180, 29889, 15057, 1136, 11376, 1749, 7136, 13598, 4180, 304, 367, 393, 607, 508, 367, 15201, 491, 1749, 767, 18150, 297, 738, 3153, 3785, 1549, 1009, 10643, 310, 278, 7788, 393, 6602, 1749, 14407, 337, 9947, 322, 21665, 14655, 6931, 2645, 393, 3785, 322, 947, 451, 2050, 278, 4452, 363, 607, 591, 1207, 10365, 1860, 313, 294, 9904, 2038, 29897, 304, 367, 9432, 573, 310, 1749, 7136, 4180, 29889, 13, 4806, 4658, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 6511, 502, 304, 7252, 1749, 1857, 13598, 2582, 411, 6590, 15839, 23704, 322, 411, 278, 1751, 1288, 4180, 310, 916, 14582, 297, 1749, 13661, 1363, 372, 947, 451, 2367, 2779, 304, 7037, 12651, 8581, 491, 21833, 297, 7483, 12286, 313, 3470, 522, 292, 6198, 4066, 1518, 1947, 29892, 3704, 278, 10879, 310, 2436, 29899, 22450, 310, 316, 14373, 11782, 3277, 21544, 746, 14582, 2143, 262, 749, 1009, 5704, 3116, 287, 2264, 511, 8818, 11909, 313, 14565, 408, 278, 10879, 373, 23704, 470, 14582, 310, 3620, 297, 11828, 8818, 19257, 470, 7787, 13598, 28495, 511, 278, 3143, 626, 441, 2133, 310, 938, 574, 13876, 313, 3470, 522, 292, 6198, 626, 441, 2133, 1518, 1947, 511, 322, 916, 4452, 393, 591, 437, 451, 2050, 9432, 573, 310, 14407, 13598, 4180, 29889, 1334, 884, 2198, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 1363, 591, 4658, 372, 338, 13672, 1304, 491, 409, 2764, 1907, 3483, 858, 29879, 29892, 13258, 943, 29892, 322, 916, 8852, 13973, 408, 263, 5645, 310, 4180, 29889, 13, 797, 6161, 1218, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 29892, 13258, 943, 881, 367, 9543, 393, 297, 278, 5434, 591, 1122, 297, 2764, 1518, 11259, 2788, 304, 278, 10365, 1860, 5439, 2038, 29889, 8680, 24329, 310, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 881, 451, 367, 6787, 287, 408, 385, 27262, 393, 1749, 5434, 2582, 674, 367, 1185, 7161, 287, 491, 1518, 11259, 393, 526, 22910, 29892, 1661, 29899, 14608, 457, 29892, 470, 1661, 29899, 3757, 1038, 292, 29889, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 756, 27028, 408, 385, 16114, 936, 5780, 297, 393, 29892, 4249, 916, 2712, 372, 947, 451, 9432, 29901, 13, 29883, 1161, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 363, 7483, 1518, 355, 277, 1973, 470, 8078, 950, 9063, 1860, 29936, 13, 25990, 297, 29892, 470, 274, 1161, 11780, 363, 29892, 1749, 1985, 7483, 11780, 29936, 13, 1639, 342, 1518, 1947, 29892, 470, 278, 274, 1161, 3734, 304, 5191, 21608, 393, 526, 1641, 1401, 4361, 630, 470, 626, 441, 1891, 29936, 322, 13, 1552, 10879, 373, 1749, 8967, 2582, 310, 2326, 11753, 470, 21090, 9819, 515, 278, 4452, 363, 607, 591, 1207, 10365, 1860, 304, 1749, 382, 22698, 7698, 29892, 408, 5439, 2038, 322, 731, 11483, 297, 278, 1591, 2400, 29889, 13, 797, 6124, 29892, 916, 14582, 29892, 3704, 916, 14582, 297, 1749, 13661, 29892, 1122, 8147, 1438, 15366, 17587, 1135, 591, 437, 29892, 4046, 292, 278, 5407, 2264, 310, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 408, 263, 5734, 1230, 5645, 29889, 7311, 310, 1438, 27028, 29892, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 881, 451, 367, 5545, 408, 263, 23764, 363, 7787, 17869, 29892, 13598, 17869, 29892, 470, 738, 916, 4180, 5645, 10723, 297, 15017, 749, 411, 322, 8967, 1090, 402, 29909, 3301, 29892, 470, 408, 385, 8671, 304, 274, 1161, 4972, 515, 13598, 14188, 470, 408, 263, 5645, 310, 1749, 23904, 537, 29889, 1334, 22874, 403, 363, 1438, 27028, 491, 337, 5890, 19434, 373, 1749, 402, 29909, 3301, 2582, 322, 871, 671, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 408, 263, 1462, 944, 284, 4180, 5645, 29889, 13, 1576, 1494, 1591, 8128, 263, 8265, 29883, 2638, 362, 310, 7787, 17869, 304, 2087, 5143, 287, 382, 22698, 7698, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 1661, 29899, 12739, 3301, 5645, 363, 278, 23704, 18694, 29901, 13, 29898, 29965, 1056, 566, 1573, 29892, 297, 17202, 29897, 13, 29575, 29901, 4066, 1518, 1947, 13, 29931, 404, 29901, 4066, 17869, 373, 5356, 2955, 3940, 13, 29931, 404, 29901, 13258, 358, 4066, 322, 916, 13, 29575, 29901, 17869, 8818, 1518, 1947, 13, 29575, 29901, 626, 441, 2133, 310, 938, 574, 1821, 21608, 13, 29575, 29901, 1401, 4361, 362, 322, 626, 441, 2133, 13, 29575, 29901, 6410, 373, 10804, 13, 29575, 29901, 15899, 11872, 335, 362, 620, 20098, 13, 29575, 29901, 6232, 29899, 6707, 22874, 362, 13, 12283, 29899, 12739, 3301, 12670, 512, 2763, 322, 10050, 29899, 12739, 3301, 360, 309, 3860, 512, 2763, 2431, 26849, 13, 1576, 6938, 1339, 17180, 278, 24329, 310, 1661, 29899, 12739, 3301, 7787, 17869, 322, 1661, 29899, 12739, 3301, 21749, 3860, 17869, 639, 6232, 2472, 393, 429, 27722, 626, 441, 2133, 310, 938, 574, 1821, 21608, 29892, 6410, 373, 10804, 1518, 11259, 322, 7853, 519, 19554, 17869, 8818, 26999, 10478, 297, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 6511, 13258, 943, 304, 2693, 263, 901, 6593, 1319, 8004, 310, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 4180, 975, 931, 29889, 7579, 368, 29892, 363, 278, 2211, 29899, 10874, 23704, 9698, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 278, 1591, 2400, 8128, 8265, 29883, 2638, 800, 310, 1438, 1661, 29899, 12739, 3301, 4452, 304, 402, 29909, 3301, 7787, 17869, 322, 402, 29909, 3301, 21749, 3860, 17869, 639, 6232, 29892, 8307, 29901, 13, 29898, 29965, 1056, 566, 1573, 29892, 297, 17202, 5174, 639, 6232, 848, 29897, 13, 12739, 3301, 12670, 17869, 13, 29931, 404, 7853, 519, 8818, 2779, 363, 19554, 2944, 4475, 304, 7536, 1629, 8818, 10788, 800, 29898, 29896, 29897, 13, 797, 2763, 8818, 9545, 310, 10365, 1860, 429, 22368, 19554, 8818, 2944, 10879, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2887, 2087, 5143, 287, 29892, 10050, 29899, 12739, 3301, 12670, 17869, 13, 12739, 3301 ]
Posts Tagged 'Wagner Wochen' Five Wagner operas in six days — Lohengrin, Rienzi, Der fliegende Holländer, Tannhäuser, and Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg — was quite a marathon, but well worth it, particularly for three of the productions. Lohengrin and Meistersinger, both under the direction of Götz Friedrich were excellent, and Philipp Stölzl's Rienzi gave us an intriguing representation of Hitler and the Nazis — very appropriate when one recalls that Hitler loved the opera and possessed the original score, which presumably went up in flames in the bunker when he died. Interestingly enough, Wagner had already disassociated himself from this early opera well before he died, which was before Hitler was born. Of the other two operas, the production of Tannhäuser by Kirsten Harms was effective in the first two acts, but disappointing in the third, while the one-act Holländer was given an absurd production by Tatjana Gürbaca. Opera houses that put on such nonsense shoot themselves in the foot, as word gets around and many seats remain unsold. Some of the singing was outstanding. Anyone who did not attend Tannhäuser missed a superb performance by Stephen Gould, who seems perfectly suited to this role. In November 2011 he will sing it at the Wiener Staatsoper, where he will also perform Siegfried in the last two Ring operas. Mentioning singers who fill a role to perfection, I thought Torsten Kerl performed very well, and was convincingly narcissistic, as the title character in Rienzi. And a similar wonderful pairing between singer and role was Klaus Florian Vogt as Walther in Meistersinger. It's one of his main parts, along with Lohengrin, and I would rather have seen him in that opera than Ben Heppner, whose power seems to have weakened in recent years, though he retains his lyricism. As it was I thought the best performers in Lohengrin were Waltraud Meier and Eike Wilm Schulte, who were wonderfully mendacious as Ortrud and Telramund. King Henry the Fowler was also very strongly sung by Markus Brück, who gave us a superb Beckmesser in Meistersinger, young, smug and appallingly lacking in self-esteem — it was a wonderful act. Holländer is hardly worth mentioning since the singers cannot do their best in such an absurd production, but I found the strongest member of the cast to be Hans-Peter König singing Daland, as he did a year ago at the Royal Opera. As far as the conducting went, Jacques Lacombe's rendition of Holländer came over well, and since the production was so awful I kept my eyes closed and concentrated on the music. Sebastian Lang-Lessing did well with Rienzi in the cut-down version that was performed here, and I very much liked Michael Schønwandt's conducting of Lohengrin. Ulf Schirmer did well with Tannhäuser, but although I found Donald Runnicles' conducting of Meistersinger to be very sensitive to the singers, I wasn't sure he had taken enough time to rehearse. Being later in Wagner's oeuvre than the other operas during the week it is musically more sophisticated and I felt there was some raggedness in parts. Altogether, however this was a great week of Wagner. I particularly loved the Götz Friedrich productions of Lohengrin and Meistersinger, and found Rienzi stunning after a rather dubious first half. Congratulations to the Deutsche Oper for putting it on in this new Philipp Stölzl production. Tags:Ben Heppner, Berlin, Deutsche Oper, Donald Runnicles, Eike Wilm Schulte, Götz Friedrich, Hans-Peter König, Hitler, Holländer, Jacques Lacombe, Kirsten Harms, Klaus Florian Vogt, Lohengrin, Markus Brück, Meistersinger, Michael Schønwandt, Opera, opera review, Philipp Stölzl, Rienzi, Sebastian Lang-Lessing, Stephen Gould, Tannhäuser, Tatjana Gürbaca, Torsten Kerl, Ulf Schirmer, Wagner Wochen, Waltraud Meier Posted in 2010, January–April, Opera, Wagner | 2 Comments » With Stephen Gould as Tannhäuser, and
[ 2.0248107855206534, 1.838534927176822 ]
[ 1.1260165637949262, -0.15204458611488536 ]
[ 0.1309913464133395, -0.6470005881232851 ]
[ 0.33206001388742906, 0.42570934354453294 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 4918, 29879, 10522, 3192, 525, 29956, 18303, 14962, 2724, 29915, 13, 29943, 573, 25439, 1751, 294, 297, 4832, 3841, 813, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 29892, 390, 819, 2526, 29892, 2452, 1652, 347, 11693, 379, 3028, 13178, 29892, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 29892, 322, 1640, 15763, 2976, 261, 1005, 405, 1276, 29876, 2552, 813, 471, 3755, 263, 1766, 25206, 29892, 541, 1532, 7088, 372, 29892, 10734, 363, 2211, 310, 278, 1391, 1953, 29889, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 322, 15763, 2976, 261, 29892, 1716, 1090, 278, 5305, 310, 402, 9618, 29920, 9542, 892, 15129, 29892, 322, 12325, 624, 5873, 29920, 29880, 29915, 29879, 390, 819, 2526, 4846, 502, 385, 11158, 5526, 292, 8954, 310, 23151, 322, 278, 11409, 275, 813, 1407, 8210, 746, 697, 1162, 4293, 393, 23151, 18012, 278, 14495, 322, 25622, 278, 2441, 8158, 29892, 607, 2225, 24873, 3512, 701, 297, 1652, 1280, 297, 278, 289, 27560, 746, 540, 6423, 29889, 23829, 11687, 3307, 29892, 25439, 750, 2307, 766, 21264, 630, 3654, 515, 445, 4688, 14495, 1532, 1434, 540, 6423, 29892, 607, 471, 1434, 23151, 471, 6345, 29889, 4587, 278, 916, 1023, 1751, 294, 29892, 278, 5802, 310, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 491, 476, 765, 264, 3536, 1516, 471, 11828, 297, 278, 937, 1023, 14741, 29892, 541, 23451, 292, 297, 278, 4654, 29892, 1550, 278, 697, 29899, 627, 379, 3028, 13178, 471, 2183, 385, 6425, 18245, 5802, 491, 23260, 29926, 1648, 402, 1276, 29890, 11989, 29889, 19198, 12955, 393, 1925, 373, 1316, 302, 787, 1947, 15049, 6053, 297, 278, 3661, 29892, 408, 1734, 4947, 2820, 322, 1784, 22091, 3933, 9644, 1025, 29889, 13, 9526, 310, 278, 23623, 471, 714, 11235, 29889, 26407, 1058, 1258, 451, 14333, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 13726, 263, 2428, 29890, 4180, 491, 14317, 402, 483, 29892, 1058, 2444, 7970, 480, 1573, 304, 445, 6297, 29889, 512, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 540, 674, 1809, 372, 472, 278, 27301, 15254, 3372, 29892, 988, 540, 674, 884, 2189, 23494, 17283, 297, 278, 1833, 1023, 17716, 1751, 294, 29889, 341, 2509, 292, 1809, 414, 1058, 5445, 263, 6297, 304, 639, 20309, 29892, 306, 2714, 4794, 3510, 12693, 29880, 8560, 1407, 1532, 29892, 322, 471, 17953, 3277, 368, 302, 5666, 790, 4695, 29892, 408, 278, 3611, 2931, 297, 390, 819, 2526, 29889, 1126, 263, 2788, 20695, 5101, 292, 1546, 15640, 322, 6297, 471, 24041, 6953, 713, 20797, 29873, 408, 5260, 721, 297, 15763, 2976, 261, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 697, 310, 670, 1667, 5633, 29892, 3412, 411, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 29892, 322, 306, 723, 3265, 505, 3595, 1075, 297, 393, 14495, 1135, 4111, 940, 407, 1089, 29892, 5069, 3081, 2444, 304, 505, 8062, 6419, 297, 7786, 2440, 29892, 2466, 540, 11551, 29879, 670, 21261, 2200, 1608, 29889, 1094, 372, 471, 306, 2714, 278, 1900, 2189, 414, 297, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 892, 399, 24079, 566, 2191, 631, 322, 382, 9345, 4624, 29885, 12988, 371, 29892, 1058, 892, 4997, 3730, 286, 8395, 8802, 408, 1394, 509, 566, 322, 18815, 2572, 870, 29889, 4088, 6498, 278, 383, 340, 1358, 471, 884, 1407, 13818, 269, 686, 491, 4485, 375, 1771, 3675, 29892, 1058, 4846, 502, 263, 2428, 29890, 19573, 12062, 261, 297, 15763, 2976, 261, 29892, 4123, 29892, 1560, 688, 322, 623, 497, 11687, 10225, 292, 297, 1583, 29899, 4196, 331, 813, 372, 471, 263, 20695, 1044, 29889, 379, 3028, 13178, 338, 15155, 7088, 3585, 292, 1951, 278, 1809, 414, 2609, 437, 1009, 1900, 297, 1316, 385, 6425, 18245, 5802, 29892, 541, 306, 1476, 278, 4549, 342, 4509, 310, 278, 4320, 304, 367, 6971, 29899, 23686, 9731, 23623, 9400, 392, 29892, 408, 540, 1258, 263, 1629, 8020, 472, 278, 7021, 19198, 29889, 13, 2887, 2215, 408, 278, 7512, 292, 3512, 29892, 12915, 997, 510, 915, 29915, 29879, 7697, 654, 310, 379, 3028, 13178, 2996, 975, 1532, 29892, 322, 1951, 278, 5802, 471, 577, 28893, 306, 8126, 590, 5076, 5764, 322, 14953, 630, 373, 278, 4696, 29889, 26631, 10476, 29899, 29931, 404, 292, 1258, 1532, 411, 390, 819, 2526, 297, 278, 5700, 29899, 3204, 1873, 393, 471, 8560, 1244, 29892, 322, 306, 1407, 1568, 23289, 5765, 1102, 30077, 29876, 18622, 29873, 29915, 29879, 7512, 292, 310, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 29889, 10103, 29888, 1102, 381, 1050, 1258, 1532, 411, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 29892, 541, 5998, 306, 1476, 18935, 390, 5963, 4027, 29915, 7512, 292, 310, 15763, 2976, 261, 304, 367, 1407, 20502, 304, 278, 1809, 414, 29892, 306, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1854, 540, 750, 4586, 3307, 931, 304, 337, 354, 7989, 29889, 28265, 2678, 297, 25439, 29915, 29879, 288, 29872, 4090, 276, 1135, 278, 916, 1751, 294, 2645, 278, 4723, 372, 338, 2301, 1711, 901, 269, 3021, 4695, 630, 322, 306, 7091, 727, 471, 777, 1153, 1505, 287, 2264, 297, 5633, 29889, 13, 24528, 12966, 29892, 3138, 445, 471, 263, 2107, 4723, 310, 25439, 29889, 306, 10734, 18012, 278, 402, 9618, 29920, 9542, 1391, 1953, 310, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 322, 15763, 2976, 261, 29892, 322, 1476, 390, 819, 2526, 380, 27389, 1156, 263, 3265, 15416, 2738, 937, 4203, 29889, 6005, 3605, 8250, 304, 278, 14102, 6607, 363, 10594, 372, 373, 297, 445, 716, 12325, 624, 5873, 29920, 29880, 5802, 29889, 13, 28089, 29901, 20841, 940, 407, 1089, 29892, 5115, 29892, 14102, 6607, 29892, 18935, 390, 5963, 4027, 29892, 382, 9345, 4624, 29885, 12988, 371, 29892, 402, 9618, 29920, 9542, 29892, 6971, 29899, 23686, 9731, 29892, 23151, 29892, 379, 3028, 13178, 29892, 12915, 997, 510, 915, 29892, 476, 765, 264, 3536, 1516, 29892, 24041, 6953, 713, 20797, 29873, 29892, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 29892, 4485, 375, 1771, 3675, 29892, 15763, 2976, 261, 29892, 5765, 1102, 30077, 29876, 18622, 29873, 29892, 19198, 29892, 14495, 9076, 29892, 12325, 624, 5873, 29920, 29880, 29892, 390, 819, 2526, 29892, 26631, 10476, 29899, 29931, 404, 292, 29892, 14317, 402, 483, 29892, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 29892, 23260, 29926, 1648, 402, 1276, 29890, 11989, 29892, 4794, 3510, 12693, 29880, 29892, 10103, 29888, 1102, 381, 1050, 29892, 25439, 14962, 2724, 29892, 399, 24079, 566, 2191, 631, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 5490, 29994, 29909, 3193, 29892, 19198, 29892, 25439, 891, 29871, 29906, 461, 29879, 2047, 13, 3047, 14317, 402, 483, 408, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 29892, 322 ]
Nadja Michael as Venus/Elisabeth we had the singers for a great performance, and they didn't disappoint. Reinhard Hagen as Landgraf Hermann also sang strongly and with a lovely tone, and Dietrich Henschel was an earnest if somewhat underpowered Wolfram. The chorus was powerful, as was Ulf Schirmer's musical direction, but what really made the evening was Stephen Gould's Tannhäuser. He was forceful and articulate with a superb tone and strong stage presence. This is the sort of singer one wants as Tristan or Siegfried — Covent Garden please note. The production by Kirsten Harms was well lit by Bernd Damovsky who also designed the sets and costumes. It had some interesting and powerful moments, particularly the silver armoured horses and riders that met up with Tannhäuser in the second part of Act I, and reappeared at the back of the stage at the very end of the opera when miraculous news from Rome shows that Tannhäuser is forgiven and redeemed. At the start of Act II forty suits of armour appeared on stage and remain suspended above the action for the rest of the opera. These matched the forty beds in Act III, for the healing of the pilgrims, but those I could have done without. I want to see the pilgrims returning from Rome — the heavy tread of these exhausted men is there in the music, and when I first saw this opera, in a Götz Friedrich production at Bayreuth in 1974, they made a huge impact. Here we merely had them in the beds of a hospital ward, which I found disappointing and lacking impact. That aside, this production was good, and Nadja Michael in her simple long white dress gave a wonderful performance as both Venus and Elisabeth. The transformations between the two were accomplished quite subtly on stage by modifying her hair, long for Venus, and braided on top for Elisabeth. But in the end this was about the singing, and that is where Stephen Gould and Nadja Michael, along with the chorus and orchestra carried it all off with great effect. Tags:Berlin, Bernd Damovsky, Deutsche Oper, Dietrich Henschel, Kirsten Harms, Nadja Michael, Opera, opera review, Reinhard Hagen, review, Stephen Gould, Tannhäuser, Ulf Schirmer, Wagner, Wagner Wochen Posted in 2010, January–April, Opera, Wagner | 1 Comment » The stars of this performance were Manuela Uhl as Senta, and Hans-Peter König as her father Daland. Both sang very strongly, and along with Endrik Wottrich as Erik, they portrayed their roles with great sensitivity. Egils Silins as the Dutchman was not in the same league as Uhl and König. He would have made a good Hunding in Walküre, but did not have the voice to dominate in this particular cast. His stage presence was also weak, and when facing Senta alone on stage he held a rather pathetic stance. A good director should be able to overcome this, but I'm afraid Tatjana Gürbaca was not up to the job. She was probably more concerned with her own strange concept, in which the men were shown as financial traders, and the women as performers and party girls. In the end the Dutchman gave Senta a knife to kill Erik, which she did, and Senta's nurse Marie killed Senta the same way. I haven't the faintest idea what story Ms. Gürbaca was trying to stage and, judging by the enormous amount of booing at the end, nor did most of the audience. The words, however, were by Wagner and so was the music, beautifully played under the direction of Jacques Lacombe. In the previous two operas this week, Lohengrin and Rienzi, the lighting was wonderful but there was no mention of the lighting designer. In this opera, however, Wolfgang Göbbel took credit and it was appalling — far too bright much of the time, and when lights were shone directly into the auditorium it suggested that the director wanted to insult the audience as well as Wagner. Indeed the director was the problem, rather than Herr Göbbel, who designed wonderful lighting for Korngold's Die Tote Stadt at Covent Garden a year ago. But if you closed your eyes, as I did most of the time, the great music still came through with fine effect. This is apparently Ms. Gürbaca's first Wagner opera, and I
[ 2.474064326232247, 1.3783239830332386 ]
[ 0.4240901599215166, -0.306933958398176 ]
[ 0.00671553616951033, -0.4498078483996581 ]
[ 0.31645179227791176, 0.12915313296370412 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 18496, 1764, 5765, 408, 9548, 375, 29914, 6489, 275, 9394, 591, 750, 278, 1809, 414, 363, 263, 2107, 4180, 29892, 322, 896, 3282, 29915, 29873, 23451, 29889, 18334, 6800, 379, 5370, 408, 3172, 29887, 1929, 18033, 884, 13625, 13818, 322, 411, 263, 12355, 873, 16225, 29892, 322, 24315, 4018, 379, 3586, 295, 471, 385, 24828, 565, 10579, 1090, 13519, 287, 11902, 22328, 29889, 450, 521, 16566, 471, 13988, 29892, 408, 471, 10103, 29888, 1102, 381, 1050, 29915, 29879, 9636, 5305, 29892, 541, 825, 2289, 1754, 278, 11005, 471, 14317, 402, 483, 29915, 29879, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 29889, 940, 471, 4889, 1319, 322, 1616, 293, 5987, 411, 263, 2428, 29890, 16225, 322, 4549, 7408, 10122, 29889, 910, 338, 278, 2656, 310, 15640, 697, 10753, 408, 1605, 9777, 470, 23494, 17283, 813, 25669, 296, 19906, 3113, 4443, 29889, 13, 1576, 5802, 491, 476, 765, 264, 3536, 1516, 471, 1532, 11872, 491, 2292, 299, 9865, 586, 7912, 1058, 884, 8688, 278, 6166, 322, 3438, 9351, 29889, 739, 750, 777, 8031, 322, 13988, 19462, 29892, 10734, 278, 13283, 5075, 14076, 15100, 322, 8177, 414, 393, 1539, 701, 411, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 297, 278, 1473, 760, 310, 3185, 306, 29892, 322, 337, 932, 21128, 472, 278, 1250, 310, 278, 7408, 472, 278, 1407, 1095, 310, 278, 14495, 746, 3737, 945, 352, 681, 9763, 515, 9184, 3697, 393, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 338, 18879, 5428, 322, 337, 311, 22580, 29889, 2180, 278, 1369, 310, 3185, 1944, 20949, 480, 1169, 310, 5075, 473, 7470, 373, 7408, 322, 3933, 8872, 2760, 2038, 278, 3158, 363, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 14495, 29889, 4525, 19228, 278, 20949, 289, 5779, 297, 3185, 4786, 29892, 363, 278, 540, 12818, 310, 278, 8230, 629, 9893, 29892, 541, 1906, 306, 1033, 505, 2309, 1728, 29889, 306, 864, 304, 1074, 278, 8230, 629, 9893, 7863, 515, 9184, 813, 278, 9416, 260, 949, 310, 1438, 18782, 16656, 1757, 338, 727, 297, 278, 4696, 29892, 322, 746, 306, 937, 4446, 445, 14495, 29892, 297, 263, 402, 9618, 29920, 9542, 5802, 472, 6211, 276, 2806, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29946, 29892, 896, 1754, 263, 12176, 10879, 29889, 2266, 591, 13586, 750, 963, 297, 278, 289, 5779, 310, 263, 13457, 281, 538, 29892, 607, 306, 1476, 23451, 292, 322, 10225, 292, 10879, 29889, 13, 7058, 17786, 29892, 445, 5802, 471, 1781, 29892, 322, 18496, 1764, 5765, 297, 902, 2560, 1472, 4796, 10714, 4846, 263, 20695, 4180, 408, 1716, 9548, 375, 322, 26761, 29889, 450, 29304, 1546, 278, 1023, 892, 24799, 3755, 12059, 368, 373, 7408, 491, 23815, 902, 11315, 29892, 1472, 363, 9548, 375, 29892, 322, 4105, 2618, 373, 2246, 363, 26761, 29889, 1205, 297, 278, 1095, 445, 471, 1048, 278, 23623, 29892, 322, 393, 338, 988, 14317, 402, 483, 322, 18496, 1764, 5765, 29892, 3412, 411, 278, 521, 16566, 322, 470, 15554, 8988, 372, 599, 1283, 411, 2107, 2779, 29889, 13, 28089, 29901, 17104, 1915, 29892, 2292, 299, 9865, 586, 7912, 29892, 14102, 6607, 29892, 24315, 4018, 379, 3586, 295, 29892, 476, 765, 264, 3536, 1516, 29892, 18496, 1764, 5765, 29892, 19198, 29892, 14495, 9076, 29892, 18334, 6800, 379, 5370, 29892, 9076, 29892, 14317, 402, 483, 29892, 323, 812, 24920, 1792, 29892, 10103, 29888, 1102, 381, 1050, 29892, 25439, 29892, 25439, 14962, 2724, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 5490, 29994, 29909, 3193, 29892, 19198, 29892, 25439, 891, 29871, 29896, 461, 2047, 13, 1576, 10819, 310, 445, 4180, 892, 2315, 9992, 501, 4415, 408, 317, 6381, 29892, 322, 6971, 29899, 23686, 9731, 408, 902, 4783, 9400, 392, 29889, 9134, 13625, 1407, 13818, 29892, 322, 3412, 411, 2796, 5357, 399, 327, 509, 436, 408, 23599, 29892, 896, 2011, 25724, 1009, 16178, 411, 2107, 4771, 24858, 29889, 14304, 2719, 5664, 1144, 408, 278, 14872, 1171, 471, 451, 297, 278, 1021, 13225, 408, 501, 4415, 322, 9731, 29889, 940, 723, 505, 1754, 263, 1781, 379, 870, 292, 297, 12878, 29993, 276, 29892, 541, 1258, 451, 505, 278, 7314, 304, 8022, 403, 297, 445, 3153, 4320, 29889, 3600, 7408, 10122, 471, 884, 8062, 29892, 322, 746, 14870, 317, 6381, 7432, 373, 7408, 540, 4934, 263, 3265, 2224, 7492, 380, 749, 29889, 319, 1781, 8881, 881, 367, 2221, 304, 25688, 445, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 13421, 23260, 29926, 1648, 402, 1276, 29890, 11989, 471, 451, 701, 304, 278, 4982, 29889, 2296, 471, 3117, 901, 15041, 411, 902, 1914, 8515, 6964, 29892, 297, 607, 278, 1757, 892, 4318, 408, 18161, 3534, 414, 29892, 322, 278, 5866, 408, 2189, 414, 322, 6263, 14000, 29889, 512, 278, 1095, 278, 14872, 1171, 4846, 317, 6381, 263, 889, 1607, 304, 12088, 23599, 29892, 607, 1183, 1258, 29892, 322, 317, 6381, 29915, 29879, 5595, 344, 9932, 9445, 317, 6381, 278, 1021, 982, 29889, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 278, 285, 475, 1688, 2969, 825, 5828, 341, 29879, 29889, 402, 1276, 29890, 11989, 471, 1811, 304, 7408, 322, 29892, 6577, 3460, 491, 278, 18886, 681, 5253, 310, 1045, 29877, 292, 472, 278, 1095, 29892, 3643, 1258, 1556, 310, 278, 20026, 29889, 450, 3838, 29892, 3138, 29892, 892, 491, 25439, 322, 577, 471, 278, 4696, 29892, 9560, 368, 5318, 1090, 278, 5305, 310, 12915, 997, 510, 915, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 3517, 1023, 1751, 294, 445, 4723, 29892, 365, 14899, 629, 262, 322, 390, 819, 2526, 29892, 278, 3578, 292, 471, 20695, 541, 727, 471, 694, 3585, 310, 278, 3578, 292, 23383, 29889, 512, 445, 14495, 29892, 3138, 29892, 19314, 21244, 1327, 295, 3614, 16200, 322, 372, 471, 623, 27855, 813, 2215, 2086, 11785, 1568, 310, 278, 931, 29892, 322, 746, 26068, 892, 528, 650, 4153, 964, 278, 12990, 2105, 1974, 372, 7829, 393, 278, 8881, 5131, 304, 1663, 499, 278, 20026, 408, 1532, 408, 25439, 29889, 14598, 278, 8881, 471, 278, 1108, 29892, 3265, 1135, 12226, 21244, 1327, 295, 29892, 1058, 8688, 20695, 3578, 292, 363, 12555, 865, 1025, 29915, 29879, 1640, 323, 866, 5587, 472, 25669, 296, 19906, 263, 1629, 8020, 29889, 1205, 565, 366, 5764, 596, 5076, 29892, 408, 306, 1258, 1556, 310, 278, 931, 29892, 278, 2107, 4696, 1603, 2996, 1549, 411, 2691, 2779, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 13229, 341, 29879, 29889, 402, 1276, 29890, 11989, 29915, 29879, 937, 25439, 14495, 29892, 322, 306 ]
<?php namespace Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Service\Command\Exporter; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection; use Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Entity\Translation; use Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Model\Export\ExportCommand; use Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Model\Export\ExportFile; use Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Repository\TranslationRepository; use Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Service\Command\AbstractCommandHandler; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; /** * Parses an ExportCommand */ class ExportCommandHandler extends AbstractCommandHandler { /** * @var Exporter */ private $exporter; /** * @var TranslationRepository */ private $translationRepository; /** * Execute an export command. * Get all translations per domain and sort on file. * A File has a domain locale, an extensions, with keywords and a ArrayCollection with translations. * * @param ExportCommand $exportCommand * * @return int total number of files imported */ public function executeExportCommand(ExportCommand $exportCommand) { $exportFiles = $this->getExportFiles($exportCommand); $this->fillExportFilesContent($exportFiles); } /** * Execute an export to CSV command. * * @param ExportCommand $exportCommand * * @return string|Response */ public function executeExportCSVCommand(ExportCommand $exportCommand) { $translations = $this->getTranslations($exportCommand); /** @var CSVFileExporter $exporter */ $exporter = $this->exporter->getExporterByExtension($exportCommand->getFormat()); $exporter->setLocales($this->determineLocalesToImport($exportCommand)); return $exporter->export($translations); } /** * Convert an exportCommand into an array of translations * * @param ExportCommand $exportCommand * * @return array an array of translations */ public function getTranslations(ExportCommand $exportCommand) { $locales = $this->determineLocalesToImport($exportCommand); $domains = $this->determineDomainsToImport($exportCommand); $translations = []; /** @var Translation $translation */ foreach ($this->translationRepository->getTranslationsByLocalesAndDomains($locales, $domains) as $translation) { // Sort by translation key. $translations[$translation->getKeyword()][$translation->getLocale()] = $translation; } return $translations; } /** * Convert an exportCommand into an array of ExportFiles * * @param ExportCommand $exportCommand * * @return ArrayCollection an array of ExportFiles (without filecontent filled in) */ public function getExportFiles(ExportCommand $exportCommand) { $locales = $this->determineLocalesToImport($exportCommand); $domains = $this->determineDomainsToImport($exportCommand); $translations = $this->translationRepository->getTranslationsByLocalesAndDomains($locales, $domains); $translationFiles = new ArrayCollection(); /** @var Translation $translation */ foreach ($translations as $translation) { $exportFileKey = $translation->getDomain() . '.' . $translation->getLocale() . '.' . $exportCommand->getFormat(); if (!$translationFiles->containsKey($exportFileKey)) { $exportFile = new ExportFile(); $exportFile->setExtension($exportCommand->getFormat()); $exportFile->setDomain($translation->getDomain()); $exportFile->setLocale($translation->getLocale()); $translationFiles->set($exportFileKey, $exportFile); } $
[ -0.9117733342526889, -0.9665603514126393 ]
[ -0.5929868742624036, -0.6431244745390757 ]
[ 0.1157739002610339, 0.22736850537794176 ]
[ 0.6962518514428329, 0.2280052031573137 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 6319, 1961, 13, 13, 22377, 9529, 655, 273, 29905, 4300, 29880, 1061, 9534, 29905, 3170, 29905, 6255, 29905, 1252, 18505, 29936, 13, 13, 1509, 1938, 14600, 29905, 18877, 29905, 19466, 29905, 2588, 7196, 29936, 13, 1509, 9529, 655, 273, 29905, 4300, 29880, 1061, 9534, 29905, 6691, 29905, 4300, 18411, 29936, 13, 1509, 9529, 655, 273, 29905, 4300, 29880, 1061, 9534, 29905, 3195, 29905, 26382, 29905, 26382, 6255, 29936, 13, 1509, 9529, 655, 273, 29905, 4300, 29880, 1061, 9534, 29905, 3195, 29905, 26382, 29905, 26382, 2283, 29936, 13, 1509, 9529, 655, 273, 29905, 4300, 29880, 1061, 9534, 29905, 11481, 29905, 4300, 18411, 11481, 29936, 13, 1509, 9529, 655, 273, 29905, 4300, 29880, 1061, 9534, 29905, 3170, 29905, 6255, 29905, 9118, 6255, 4598, 29936, 13, 1509, 10667, 15193, 29905, 5308, 29905, 5506, 28077, 29905, 5103, 29936, 13, 13, 7918, 13, 334, 1459, 29879, 267, 385, 1222, 637, 6255, 13, 3776, 13, 1990, 1222, 637, 6255, 4598, 4988, 25513, 6255, 4598, 13, 29912, 13, 1678, 7762, 13, 268, 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800, 408, 395, 3286, 18411, 29897, 426, 13, 9651, 395, 15843, 2283, 2558, 353, 395, 3286, 18411, 976, 657, 15951, 580, 869, 525, 6169, 869, 395, 3286, 18411, 976, 657, 3524, 744, 580, 869, 525, 6169, 869, 395, 15843, 6255, 976, 657, 5809, 890, 13, 13, 9651, 565, 5384, 29938, 3286, 18411, 10547, 976, 11516, 2558, 1566, 15843, 2283, 2558, 876, 426, 13, 18884, 395, 15843, 2283, 353, 716, 1222, 637, 2283, 890, 13, 18884, 395, 15843, 2283, 976, 842, 17657, 1566, 15843, 6255, 976, 657, 5809, 3310, 13, 18884, 395, 15843, 2283, 976, 842, 15951, 1566, 3286, 18411, 976, 657, 15951, 3310, 13, 18884, 395, 15843, 2283, 976, 842, 3524, 744, 1566, 3286, 18411, 976, 657, 3524, 744, 3310, 13, 18884, 395, 3286, 18411, 10547, 976, 842, 1566, 15843, 2283, 2558, 29892, 395, 15843, 2283, 416, 13, 9651, 500, 13, 13, 9651, 395 ]
The Tatmadaw has acquired civilian aircraft made by European companies despite a tightening of the arms embargo in response to alleged atrocities in Rakhine State. A spokesperson for the ruling party has blamed "some in the bureaucracy" for the country's poor economic reform, saying excessive redtape is a "stumbling block in Myanmar's democratic transition". The world now has more refugees than at any time since after WW2, more than the population of Britain. They are often the consequence of wars usually instigated by great powers directly or through proxies. Civil strife accompanied by the demonization of minorities, killing and expulsion is another reason. Such is the story of the Rohingya in Burma, or Myanmar as it now likes to be known. From October 1 to December 28 of 2018-2019 fiscal year, the border trade volume reached USD 2135.078 million, down USD 6.04 million compared with the same period last year, according to the figures from the Ministry of Commerce. For Ma Htwe, there is no other realistic option than to leave an internally displaced person's (IDP) camp in Myanmar to join a government resettlement program. The United Nations has appealed to all sides in Myanmar to intensify efforts to find a peaceful solution to the situation and to ensure humanitarian access to all people affected by the violence. The preliminary work for the Mandalay-Muse rail project, which is among the among the projects under China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), will start next year, a senior Mandalay finance official said. There are about 40 mining blocks waiting for recommendations from respective regions and states, but operation will be allowed only after contract signing and test running, said Min Min Oo, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. Thousands of Rohingya living on no-man's land on Myanmar-Bangladesh border are caught on sidelines of fierce clashes. Myanmar President Win Myint has expressed his interest in working more closely with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to address the common challenges of both countries. Myanmar's Shan state is the epicentre of the global methamphetamine supply and the export of the illegal drug is about to get even easier, warns a new report from the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG). The long-awaited Yangon City Development Law, which now forms part of the legal back-bone of the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) and which sets the future of the commercial capital's development planning, officially came into effect on October 1 after being signed into law by Yangon Region Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein on June 28. A Rakhine political party said Wednesday that it will hold a meeting in Rakhine state's capital Sittwe to discuss a warning by a central government spokesman this week against support for the region's ethnic military force following a deadly attack it conducted on police outposts. The Myanmar Ethnics Culture and Tourism Promotion Festival will be held in Kyaikkasan Grounds from January 25 to 29 with the aim to promoting traditional culture and customs and tourism of each region. Magwe Region's Chauk Township hospital has run out of the rabies vaccine as more and more people have been seeking treatment for dog bites, the hospital's superintendent Dr Soe Win said. The company has a long track record in Southeast Asia, including in Myanmar, where it is operated under the Cycle & Carriage automotive brand. Cycle & Carriage distributes Mercedes Benz passenger cars in Myanmar, Singapore and Malaysia. An International gems and jewelry fair kicked off in Myanmar's Yangon Wednesday, putting on sale processed gems through sealed-bid auction. The Ministry of Health and Sports has been allocated K3 billion (US$1.9 million) for research in its budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 to improve its clinical and public health services, especially in the areas of paramedics, nursing and midwifery. A direct flight was launched Tuesday between Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, and Mandalay, My
[ 0.048369141475442225, -0.17968181745285136 ]
[ 1.8064554246926194, 1.1546666210958818 ]
[ -0.1479951663789301, -0.363575653536593 ]
[ 0.6182107433952464, -0.38591818015036694 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 23260, 29885, 1114, 29893, 756, 16692, 7631, 713, 15780, 1754, 491, 7824, 14582, 15020, 263, 19932, 8333, 310, 278, 10188, 15588, 297, 2933, 304, 16831, 287, 472, 10198, 1907, 297, 390, 19426, 457, 4306, 29889, 13, 29909, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 278, 364, 19478, 6263, 756, 1999, 2795, 376, 5372, 297, 278, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 29908, 363, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 6460, 17407, 11736, 29892, 5934, 19163, 573, 2654, 941, 412, 338, 263, 376, 303, 3774, 1847, 2908, 297, 1619, 273, 3034, 29915, 29879, 1261, 8415, 2454, 9558, 1642, 13, 1576, 3186, 1286, 756, 901, 25447, 267, 1135, 472, 738, 931, 1951, 1156, 399, 29956, 29906, 29892, 901, 1135, 278, 4665, 310, 14933, 29889, 2688, 526, 4049, 278, 17004, 310, 29129, 5491, 832, 335, 630, 491, 2107, 10801, 4153, 470, 1549, 410, 29916, 583, 29889, 12886, 851, 1607, 21302, 491, 278, 8033, 2133, 310, 9461, 1907, 29892, 23393, 322, 1518, 25381, 338, 1790, 2769, 29889, 10506, 338, 278, 5828, 310, 278, 390, 1148, 292, 3761, 297, 6640, 655, 29892, 470, 1619, 273, 3034, 408, 372, 1286, 4188, 267, 304, 367, 2998, 29889, 13, 4591, 5533, 29871, 29896, 304, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29947, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 16436, 1052, 1629, 29892, 278, 5139, 11302, 7977, 7450, 3148, 29928, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29941, 29945, 29889, 29900, 29955, 29947, 7284, 29892, 1623, 3148, 29928, 29871, 29953, 29889, 29900, 29946, 7284, 9401, 411, 278, 1021, 3785, 1833, 1629, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 13994, 515, 278, 20886, 310, 422, 15667, 29889, 13, 2831, 3219, 379, 29873, 705, 29892, 727, 338, 694, 916, 1855, 4695, 2984, 1135, 304, 5967, 385, 25106, 12272, 433, 1133, 2022, 29915, 29879, 313, 1367, 29925, 29897, 4242, 297, 1619, 273, 3034, 304, 5988, 263, 5874, 620, 1803, 944, 1824, 29889, 13, 1576, 3303, 18269, 756, 5929, 7943, 304, 599, 11192, 297, 1619, 273, 3034, 304, 12838, 1598, 14231, 304, 1284, 263, 10776, 1319, 1650, 304, 278, 6434, 322, 304, 9801, 5199, 3673, 713, 2130, 304, 599, 2305, 15201, 491, 278, 21448, 29889, 13, 1576, 758, 2576, 3821, 664, 363, 278, 15419, 284, 388, 29899, 29924, 1509, 8367, 2060, 29892, 607, 338, 4249, 278, 4249, 278, 9279, 1090, 7551, 29915, 29879, 350, 2152, 322, 9321, 512, 4812, 1230, 313, 29933, 3960, 511, 674, 1369, 2446, 1629, 29892, 263, 16336, 15419, 284, 388, 1436, 749, 6221, 1497, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 1048, 29871, 29946, 29900, 1375, 292, 10930, 10534, 363, 6907, 800, 515, 18067, 12786, 322, 5922, 29892, 541, 5858, 674, 367, 6068, 871, 1156, 8078, 26188, 322, 1243, 2734, 29892, 1497, 3080, 3080, 438, 29877, 29892, 17667, 28274, 310, 278, 20886, 310, 18385, 27562, 322, 16738, 284, 15312, 362, 29889, 13, 1349, 681, 4167, 310, 390, 1148, 292, 3761, 8471, 373, 694, 29899, 1171, 29915, 29879, 2982, 373, 1619, 273, 3034, 29899, 29933, 574, 29880, 21754, 5139, 526, 12624, 373, 269, 10652, 1475, 310, 21334, 346, 1067, 1161, 267, 29889, 13, 3421, 273, 3034, 7178, 8892, 1619, 524, 756, 13384, 670, 4066, 297, 1985, 901, 16467, 411, 15512, 7668, 2296, 28464, 11699, 1099, 304, 3211, 278, 3619, 18066, 267, 310, 1716, 10916, 29889, 13, 3421, 273, 3034, 29915, 29879, 1383, 273, 2106, 338, 278, 9358, 293, 14056, 310, 278, 5534, 286, 621, 314, 561, 300, 314, 457, 11421, 322, 278, 5609, 310, 278, 27302, 15721, 338, 1048, 304, 679, 1584, 6775, 29892, 1370, 1983, 263, 716, 3461, 515, 278, 1771, 1558, 1379, 29899, 6707, 4623, 29524, 275, 6431, 313, 2965, 29954, 467, 13, 1576, 1472, 29899, 20675, 287, 27583, 265, 4412, 14650, 7927, 29892, 607, 1286, 7190, 760, 310, 278, 11706, 1250, 29899, 15933, 310, 278, 27583, 265, 4412, 14650, 12930, 313, 29979, 6530, 29907, 29897, 322, 607, 6166, 278, 5434, 310, 278, 12128, 7483, 29915, 29879, 5849, 18987, 29892, 22444, 2996, 964, 2779, 373, 5533, 29871, 29896, 1156, 1641, 8794, 964, 4307, 491, 27583, 265, 11069, 14546, 7668, 1963, 9029, 3080, 450, 262, 373, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29889, 13, 29909, 390, 19426, 457, 8604, 6263, 1497, 15050, 4515, 3250, 393, 372, 674, 4808, 263, 11781, 297, 390, 19426, 457, 2106, 29915, 29879, 7483, 317, 986, 705, 304, 5353, 263, 9177, 491, 263, 6555, 5874, 805, 23195, 1171, 445, 4723, 2750, 2304, 363, 278, 5120, 29915, 29879, 11314, 7823, 9121, 4889, 1494, 263, 7123, 368, 5337, 372, 18043, 373, 10974, 714, 14080, 29889, 13, 1576, 1619, 273, 3034, 13772, 29876, 1199, 14062, 322, 6371, 1608, 9705, 8194, 8518, 674, 367, 4934, 297, 476, 3761, 25882, 294, 273, 1632, 3885, 515, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29945, 304, 29871, 29906, 29929, 411, 278, 12242, 304, 2504, 11427, 13807, 9257, 322, 2888, 29879, 322, 6282, 1608, 310, 1269, 5120, 29889, 13, 19095, 705, 11069, 29915, 29879, 678, 585, 29895, 19439, 13457, 756, 1065, 714, 310, 278, 1153, 29890, 583, 325, 5753, 457, 408, 901, 322, 901, 2305, 505, 1063, 25738, 14502, 363, 11203, 2586, 267, 29892, 278, 13457, 29915, 29879, 2428, 524, 3906, 4942, 1105, 29872, 8892, 1497, 29889, 13, 1576, 5001, 756, 263, 1472, 5702, 2407, 297, 317, 449, 15879, 14325, 29892, 3704, 297, 1619, 273, 3034, 29892, 988, 372, 338, 19623, 1090, 278, 8045, 2841, 669, 1704, 9081, 3345, 327, 573, 14982, 29889, 8045, 2841, 669, 1704, 9081, 1320, 5026, 4702, 28352, 4111, 29920, 28507, 18647, 297, 1619, 273, 3034, 29892, 25960, 322, 26417, 423, 29889, 13, 2744, 4623, 330, 1567, 322, 432, 809, 295, 719, 6534, 413, 17840, 1283, 297, 1619, 273, 3034, 29915, 29879, 27583, 265, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 10594, 373, 14686, 19356, 330, 1567, 1549, 409, 7943, 29899, 23883, 782, 428, 29889, 13, 1576, 20886, 310, 15202, 322, 12453, 756, 1063, 19591, 476, 29941, 24464, 313, 3308, 29938, 29896, 29889, 29929, 7284, 29897, 363, 5925, 297, 967, 23562, 363, 16436, 1052, 1629, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 304, 11157, 967, 24899, 936, 322, 970, 9045, 5786, 29892, 7148, 297, 278, 10161, 310, 1828, 287, 1199, 29892, 302, 1295, 292, 322, 7145, 29893, 361, 708, 29889, 13, 29909, 1513, 16286, 471, 15241, 323, 1041, 3250, 1546, 402, 1481, 29891, 574, 29892, 7483, 310, 7062, 5933, 7551, 29915, 29879, 2088, 466, 10774, 17325, 29892, 322, 15419, 284, 388, 29892, 1619 ]
MoreEnvironmentMediaPoliticsElectionsCrime Iranian female soccer fan dies after setting herself on fire FILE - In this Dec. 9, 2011 file photo, supporters of Iranian soccer team Esteghlal, hold flags of their favorite team, at the Azadi (Freedom) stadium, in Tehran, Iran. Sahar Khodayari, an Iranian female soccer fan died after setting herself on fire outside a court after learning she may have to serve a six-month sentence for trying to enter a soccer stadium where women are banned, a semi-official news agency reported Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019. The 30-year-old was known as the "Blue Girl" on social media for the colors of her favorite Iranian soccer team, Esteghlal. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File) FILE - In this Oct. 16, 2018 file photo, Iranian women cheer as they wave their country's flag after authorities in a rare move allowed a select group of women into Azadi stadium to watch a friendly soccer match between Iran and Bolivia, in Tehran, Iran. Sahar Khodayari, an Iranian female soccer fan died after setting herself on fire outside a court after learning she may have to serve a six-month sentence for trying to enter a soccer stadium where women are banned, a semi-official news agency reported Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019. The 30-year-old was known as the "Blue Girl" on social media for the colors of her favorite Iranian soccer team, Esteghlal. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File) DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — An Iranian woman detained for dressing as a man to sneak into a soccer stadium to watch a match has died after setting herself on fire upon learning she could spend six months in prison, semi-official news outlets reported Tuesday. The self-immolation death of 29-year-old Sahar Khodayari has shocked Iranian officials and the public, becoming an immediate hashtag trend across social media in the Islamic Republic. It also comes as FIFA is working with Iranian authorities to overcome a ban on women entering stadiums for men's games, a ban in place since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution. FIFA wants the issue resolved before Oct. 10 when Iran — the top-ranked team in Asia — hosts its first home World Cup qualifier against Cambodia. Khodayari died on Monday at a Tehran hospital after suffering burns across 90% of her body. She had been on a respirator since dousing herself with gasoline in front of Tehran's Ershad Courthouse on Sept. 2, according to the Iranian news website Rokna, which publishes in Iran with government permission. She had just learned she could be tried by a Revolutionary Court in Iran and be put in prison for six months, her father told the website. Khodayari's sister told Iran's pro-reform Shahrvand newspaper that her sister suffered from bipolar disorder. Her father said she had stopped taking medication a year ago. In March, Khodayari tried to sneak into Tehran's Azadi Stadium to watch her favorite team, Esteghlal, take on the United Arab Emirates team Al Ain. As in other matches, she disguised herself as a man by wearing a blue wig and a long overcoat, gaining the nickname the "Blue Girl." However, police arrested her after an altercation and detained her. She spent three nights in jail before being released pending the court case. She reportedly returned to the court to retrieve her seized mobile phone and heard she could face prison time. News of her death ricocheted across Iran on Tuesday, with tributes hashtagged "BlueGirl." Former Bayern Munich midfielder Ali Karimi — who played 127 matches for Iran and has been a vocal advocate of ending the ban on women — urged Iranians in a tweet to boycott soccer stadiums to protest Khodayari's death. Iranian-Armenian soccer player Andranik "Ando" Teymourian, the first Christian to be the captain of Iran's national squad and also an Esteghlal player, said
[ -0.3351399786442107, 0.5565187256339824 ]
[ 0.10893952961100613, 1.0973665064939708 ]
[ -1.2284338431926287, -0.1479951663789301 ]
[ -0.9608210094342543, 0.25401890583984255 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5853, 18649, 10572, 7713, 277, 1199, 29923, 5942, 20647, 603, 13, 29902, 661, 713, 12944, 269, 11953, 13524, 2977, 1156, 4444, 8735, 373, 3974, 13, 7724, 448, 512, 445, 3826, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 934, 15373, 29892, 1462, 272, 2153, 310, 14883, 713, 269, 11953, 3815, 2661, 387, 4415, 284, 29892, 4808, 13449, 310, 1009, 25448, 3815, 29892, 472, 278, 4709, 10129, 313, 23923, 11607, 29897, 10728, 1974, 29892, 297, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 14883, 29889, 24246, 279, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 29892, 385, 14883, 713, 12944, 269, 11953, 13524, 6423, 1156, 4444, 8735, 373, 3974, 5377, 263, 8973, 1156, 6509, 1183, 1122, 505, 304, 9080, 263, 4832, 29899, 10874, 10541, 363, 1811, 304, 3896, 263, 269, 11953, 10728, 1974, 988, 5866, 526, 289, 11310, 29892, 263, 12647, 29899, 29877, 7880, 9763, 946, 3819, 8967, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 450, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 471, 2998, 408, 278, 376, 21319, 18620, 29908, 373, 5264, 5745, 363, 278, 11955, 310, 902, 25448, 14883, 713, 269, 11953, 3815, 29892, 2661, 387, 4415, 284, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 29963, 801, 333, 317, 744, 2460, 29892, 3497, 29897, 13, 7724, 448, 512, 445, 4756, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 934, 15373, 29892, 14883, 713, 5866, 22794, 408, 896, 10742, 1009, 4234, 29915, 29879, 7353, 1156, 21142, 297, 263, 10812, 4337, 6068, 263, 1831, 2318, 310, 5866, 964, 4709, 10129, 10728, 1974, 304, 6505, 263, 19780, 269, 11953, 1993, 1546, 14883, 322, 25765, 423, 29892, 297, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 14883, 29889, 24246, 279, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 29892, 385, 14883, 713, 12944, 269, 11953, 13524, 6423, 1156, 4444, 8735, 373, 3974, 5377, 263, 8973, 1156, 6509, 1183, 1122, 505, 304, 9080, 263, 4832, 29899, 10874, 10541, 363, 1811, 304, 3896, 263, 269, 11953, 10728, 1974, 988, 5866, 526, 289, 11310, 29892, 263, 12647, 29899, 29877, 7880, 9763, 946, 3819, 8967, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 450, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 471, 2998, 408, 278, 376, 21319, 18620, 29908, 373, 5264, 5745, 363, 278, 11955, 310, 902, 25448, 14883, 713, 269, 11953, 3815, 29892, 2661, 387, 4415, 284, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 29963, 801, 333, 317, 744, 2460, 29892, 3497, 29897, 13, 14849, 5688, 29902, 29892, 3303, 10387, 2812, 381, 1078, 813, 530, 14883, 713, 6114, 1439, 7114, 363, 10714, 292, 408, 263, 767, 304, 269, 484, 557, 964, 263, 269, 11953, 10728, 1974, 304, 6505, 263, 1993, 756, 6423, 1156, 4444, 8735, 373, 3974, 2501, 6509, 1183, 1033, 18864, 4832, 7378, 297, 8475, 29892, 12647, 29899, 29877, 7880, 9763, 714, 10376, 8967, 323, 1041, 3250, 29889, 13, 1576, 1583, 29899, 6727, 22671, 4892, 310, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 24246, 279, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 756, 19253, 287, 14883, 713, 24921, 322, 278, 970, 29892, 14171, 385, 16800, 756, 400, 351, 534, 355, 4822, 5264, 5745, 297, 278, 16427, 293, 8063, 29889, 13, 3112, 884, 5304, 408, 21581, 338, 1985, 411, 14883, 713, 21142, 304, 25688, 263, 9892, 373, 5866, 18055, 10728, 21425, 363, 1757, 29915, 29879, 8090, 29892, 263, 9892, 297, 2058, 1951, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 16427, 293, 14595, 29889, 21581, 10753, 278, 2228, 11527, 1434, 4756, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 746, 14883, 813, 278, 2246, 29899, 10003, 287, 3815, 297, 14325, 813, 18982, 967, 937, 3271, 2787, 6536, 4021, 3709, 2750, 9287, 26942, 29889, 13, 29968, 24008, 388, 1306, 6423, 373, 27822, 472, 263, 1920, 29882, 661, 13457, 1156, 23164, 12138, 29879, 4822, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29995, 310, 902, 3573, 29889, 2296, 750, 1063, 373, 263, 4613, 381, 1061, 1951, 270, 681, 292, 8735, 411, 10489, 26496, 297, 4565, 310, 1920, 29882, 661, 29915, 29879, 1425, 845, 328, 6325, 386, 1709, 373, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 14883, 713, 9763, 4700, 390, 554, 1056, 29892, 607, 9805, 267, 297, 14883, 411, 5874, 10751, 29889, 13, 13468, 750, 925, 10972, 1183, 1033, 367, 1898, 491, 263, 14595, 653, 9245, 297, 14883, 322, 367, 1925, 297, 8475, 363, 4832, 7378, 29892, 902, 4783, 5429, 278, 4700, 29889, 13, 29968, 24008, 388, 1306, 29915, 29879, 9883, 5429, 14883, 29915, 29879, 410, 29899, 276, 689, 1383, 5610, 29894, 392, 19656, 393, 902, 9883, 17654, 515, 289, 666, 10170, 766, 2098, 29889, 2439, 4783, 1497, 1183, 750, 11084, 5622, 13589, 362, 263, 1629, 8020, 29889, 13, 797, 4779, 29892, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 1898, 304, 269, 484, 557, 964, 1920, 29882, 661, 29915, 29879, 4709, 10129, 17213, 304, 6505, 902, 25448, 3815, 29892, 2661, 387, 4415, 284, 29892, 2125, 373, 278, 3303, 10387, 2812, 381, 1078, 3815, 838, 23719, 29889, 1094, 297, 916, 7087, 29892, 1183, 766, 2543, 3368, 8735, 408, 263, 767, 491, 591, 4362, 263, 7254, 281, 335, 322, 263, 1472, 975, 1111, 271, 29892, 11581, 292, 278, 25985, 978, 278, 376, 21319, 18620, 1213, 2398, 29892, 10974, 24383, 902, 1156, 385, 10551, 9252, 322, 1439, 7114, 902, 29889, 13, 13468, 10398, 2211, 4646, 29879, 297, 432, 737, 1434, 1641, 5492, 28235, 278, 8973, 1206, 29889, 2296, 8967, 368, 4133, 304, 278, 8973, 304, 10563, 902, 25291, 10426, 9008, 322, 6091, 1183, 1033, 3700, 8475, 931, 29889, 13, 29328, 310, 902, 4892, 364, 1417, 305, 300, 287, 4822, 14883, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 411, 260, 5026, 756, 400, 351, 3192, 376, 21319, 29954, 5168, 1213, 13, 2500, 261, 19584, 13564, 436, 7145, 29888, 709, 672, 10785, 3467, 10233, 813, 1058, 5318, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29955, 7087, 363, 14883, 322, 756, 1063, 263, 20982, 22545, 403, 310, 17140, 278, 9892, 373, 5866, 813, 5065, 3192, 14883, 5834, 297, 263, 7780, 300, 304, 8023, 29883, 1501, 269, 11953, 10728, 21425, 304, 10021, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 29915, 29879, 4892, 29889, 13, 29902, 661, 713, 29899, 1433, 1527, 713, 269, 11953, 4847, 1126, 661, 638, 376, 2855, 29877, 29908, 1920, 962, 283, 6392, 29892, 278, 937, 6111, 304, 367, 278, 15315, 310, 14883, 29915, 29879, 4797, 10023, 322, 884, 385, 2661, 387, 4415, 284, 4847, 29892, 1497 ]
in a tweet that one of Tehran's major soccer stadiums should be named after Khodayari "in the future." Female lawmaker Parvaneh Salahshouri called Khodayari "Iran's Girl" and tweeted: "We are all responsible." There was no report on Khodayari's death from Iranian state media, nor its prominent semi-official news agencies. The conservative Shafaqna news agency acknowledged her death in a brief item Tuesday, noting that the case had drawn international attention and caused "counterrevolutionary media" to cry over the case. FIFA has been trying to push Iran to allow women in for matches. A partial exception came in November when hundreds of Iranian women, who were separated from male supporters, were allowed into the Azadi Stadium in Tehran to watch the Asian Champions League final. However, local matches have continued the restriction. Volleyball, another popular sport, similarly sees officials bar women from attending men's games in the capital, Tehran, though women were allowed in some matches in other Iranian cities. Hard-liners and traditional Shiite clerics, citing their own interpretation of Islamic law, believe in segregating men and women at public events, as well as keeping women out of men's sports. However, that has drawn criticism from human rights activists abroad, as well as at home. "The stadium ban is not written into law or regulation but is ruthlessly enforced by the country's authorities," wrote Mindy Worden, the director of global initiatives at Human Rights Watch. She added that Khodayari's suicide underscores "the need for Iran to end its ban on women attending sports matches — and the urgency for regulating bodies like FIFA to enforce its own human rights rules." Amnesty International separately said that as far as it knows, "Iran is the only country in the world that stops and punishes women" seeking to enter soccer stadiums. Saudi Arabia, a longtime holdout, recently started allowing women to attend matches under a push from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. "What happened to Sahar Khodayari is heart-breaking and exposes the impact of the Iranian authorities' appalling contempt for women's rights in the country," said Philip Luther, Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa research and advocacy director. "Her only 'crime' was being a woman in a country where women face discrimination that is entrenched in law and plays out in the most horrific ways imaginable in every area of their lives, even sports," Luther added. People also read these UN chief to meet rival Cyprus leaders in New York Officials say U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will meet the rival leaders of ethnically... UN chief returns to Cyprus peace talks to help... U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is attending Cyprus peace talks in Switzerland to help... The Latest: Turkey stops hundreds of Syrians on... Turkish authorities say they stopped 313 migrants on the Black Sea attempting to reach Balkan... UN regrets tax on aid to Greek Cypriots in... The United Nations says it regrets a decision by Turkish Cypriot authorities to impose taxes and... Greek Cypriots to vote in runoff in hopes of... Greek Cypriots to vote in presidential runoff hoping for peace deal Sultan Qaboos bin Said, who modernized Oman, dies... Jan 11, 2020 On streets of Tehran, relief for now at no wider... Jan 9, 2020 Soleimani, a general who became Iran icon by... Jan 3, 2020 Yemeni town thrives on extortion and torture of... Oct 30, 2019 The Latest: Iraqi officials: 2 protesters killed... On streets of Tehran, relief for now at no wider... Soleimani, a general who became Iran icon by... Yemeni town thrives on extortion and torture of... The Latest: Iraqi officials: 2 protesters killed... Copyright © 2015 - 2020 Central News Today. All Rights Reserved. Get a quick look at what's happening in the world today with in-depth analysis on international news, politics,
[ 0.49077430504204184, -0.2776136106262627 ]
[ 1.0758789635182542, -0.4255631019099449 ]
[ 0.125918864362571, -0.8378527252834513 ]
[ 0.3060463112049002, -0.7266976852914948 ]
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[ 297, 263, 7780, 300, 393, 697, 310, 1920, 29882, 661, 29915, 29879, 4655, 269, 11953, 10728, 21425, 881, 367, 4257, 1156, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 376, 262, 278, 5434, 1213, 13, 29943, 331, 744, 4307, 28107, 1459, 29894, 1662, 29882, 3956, 801, 845, 15508, 2000, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 376, 29902, 661, 29915, 29879, 18620, 29908, 322, 7780, 300, 287, 29901, 376, 4806, 526, 599, 14040, 1213, 13, 8439, 471, 694, 3461, 373, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 29915, 29879, 4892, 515, 14883, 713, 2106, 5745, 29892, 3643, 967, 19555, 12647, 29899, 29877, 7880, 9763, 946, 15942, 29889, 450, 8976, 1230, 1383, 2142, 29874, 29939, 1056, 9763, 946, 3819, 24084, 3192, 902, 4892, 297, 263, 11473, 2944, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 451, 292, 393, 278, 1206, 750, 12061, 6121, 8570, 322, 8581, 376, 11808, 276, 4068, 653, 5745, 29908, 304, 10901, 975, 278, 1206, 29889, 13, 3738, 4519, 756, 1063, 1811, 304, 5503, 14883, 304, 2758, 5866, 297, 363, 7087, 29889, 319, 7687, 3682, 2996, 297, 3979, 746, 21006, 310, 14883, 713, 5866, 29892, 1058, 892, 13055, 515, 14263, 1462, 272, 2153, 29892, 892, 6068, 964, 278, 4709, 10129, 17213, 297, 1920, 29882, 661, 304, 6505, 278, 20021, 22036, 5165, 2186, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 1887, 7087, 505, 7572, 278, 24345, 29889, 3684, 2330, 2135, 29892, 1790, 5972, 7980, 29892, 22829, 18553, 24921, 2594, 5866, 515, 1098, 2548, 1757, 29915, 29879, 8090, 297, 278, 7483, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 2466, 5866, 892, 6068, 297, 777, 7087, 297, 916, 14883, 713, 14368, 29889, 13, 29950, 538, 29899, 1915, 414, 322, 13807, 1383, 29875, 568, 28238, 1199, 29892, 7537, 292, 1009, 1914, 19854, 310, 16427, 293, 4307, 29892, 4658, 297, 2377, 1727, 1218, 1757, 322, 5866, 472, 970, 4959, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 12515, 5866, 714, 310, 1757, 29915, 29879, 14717, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 393, 756, 12061, 29035, 515, 5199, 10462, 5039, 2879, 28177, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 472, 3271, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 10728, 1974, 9892, 338, 451, 3971, 964, 4307, 470, 1072, 2785, 541, 338, 364, 2806, 23769, 24555, 1133, 491, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 21142, 1699, 5456, 20152, 29891, 10803, 264, 29892, 278, 8881, 310, 5534, 14511, 5056, 472, 12968, 26863, 24274, 29889, 13, 13468, 2715, 393, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 29915, 29879, 23921, 680, 23400, 29883, 2361, 376, 1552, 817, 363, 14883, 304, 1095, 967, 9892, 373, 5866, 1098, 2548, 14717, 7087, 813, 322, 278, 5065, 14703, 363, 1072, 18099, 17873, 763, 21581, 304, 427, 10118, 967, 1914, 5199, 10462, 6865, 1213, 13, 6833, 29876, 14596, 4623, 16949, 1497, 393, 408, 2215, 408, 372, 9906, 29892, 376, 29902, 661, 338, 278, 871, 4234, 297, 278, 3186, 393, 17726, 322, 6035, 17006, 5866, 29908, 25738, 304, 3896, 269, 11953, 10728, 21425, 29889, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 263, 1472, 2230, 4808, 449, 29892, 10325, 4687, 14372, 5866, 304, 14333, 7087, 1090, 263, 5503, 515, 25306, 10787, 12929, 28913, 9016, 3956, 1171, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 9559, 304, 24246, 279, 12217, 397, 388, 1306, 338, 5192, 29899, 1030, 5086, 322, 429, 10590, 278, 10879, 310, 278, 14883, 713, 21142, 29915, 623, 27855, 640, 3456, 363, 5866, 29915, 29879, 10462, 297, 278, 4234, 1699, 1497, 14920, 24760, 29892, 1913, 29876, 14596, 29915, 29879, 14253, 6932, 322, 4644, 10557, 5925, 322, 22545, 4135, 8881, 29889, 13, 29908, 18650, 871, 525, 7283, 603, 29915, 471, 1641, 263, 6114, 297, 263, 4234, 988, 5866, 3700, 2313, 5632, 3381, 393, 338, 875, 4615, 287, 297, 4307, 322, 13582, 714, 297, 278, 1556, 4029, 29878, 928, 5837, 6382, 262, 519, 297, 1432, 4038, 310, 1009, 12080, 29892, 1584, 14717, 1699, 24760, 2715, 29889, 13, 15666, 1991, 884, 1303, 1438, 13, 3904, 9087, 304, 5870, 17055, 8045, 558, 375, 20251, 297, 1570, 3088, 13, 29949, 7880, 29879, 1827, 501, 29889, 29940, 29889, 17719, 29899, 15263, 9630, 402, 12811, 690, 674, 5870, 278, 17055, 20251, 310, 11314, 29876, 1711, 856, 13, 3904, 9087, 3639, 304, 8045, 558, 375, 10776, 5969, 2039, 304, 1371, 856, 13, 29965, 29889, 29940, 29889, 17719, 29899, 15263, 9630, 402, 12811, 690, 338, 1098, 2548, 8045, 558, 375, 10776, 5969, 2039, 297, 28806, 304, 1371, 856, 13, 1576, 7053, 342, 29901, 26459, 17726, 21006, 310, 8713, 374, 550, 373, 856, 13, 29911, 29641, 728, 21142, 1827, 896, 11084, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29941, 9725, 1934, 373, 278, 6054, 14070, 15661, 304, 6159, 350, 2235, 273, 856, 13, 3904, 1072, 27487, 8818, 373, 16226, 304, 12311, 315, 1478, 374, 1862, 297, 856, 13, 1576, 3303, 18269, 4083, 372, 1072, 27487, 263, 10608, 491, 24682, 315, 1478, 374, 327, 21142, 304, 2411, 852, 8818, 267, 322, 856, 13, 29954, 7285, 315, 1478, 374, 1862, 304, 11719, 297, 1065, 2696, 297, 26926, 310, 856, 13, 29954, 7285, 315, 1478, 374, 1862, 304, 11719, 297, 6673, 616, 1065, 2696, 17231, 363, 10776, 5376, 13, 29903, 19992, 660, 370, 29877, 359, 9016, 5701, 333, 29892, 1058, 5400, 1891, 438, 1171, 29892, 2977, 856, 13, 26626, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 1551, 19756, 310, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 18892, 363, 1286, 472, 694, 25734, 856, 13, 26626, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 1105, 280, 326, 3270, 29892, 263, 2498, 1058, 3897, 14883, 9849, 491, 856, 13, 26626, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 612, 331, 11344, 4726, 266, 1150, 267, 373, 1294, 441, 291, 322, 16263, 545, 310, 856, 13, 25375, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 450, 7053, 342, 29901, 21375, 26461, 24921, 29901, 29871, 29906, 10021, 414, 9445, 856, 13, 2951, 19756, 310, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 18892, 363, 1286, 472, 694, 25734, 856, 13, 29903, 1772, 326, 3270, 29892, 263, 2498, 1058, 3897, 14883, 9849, 491, 856, 13, 29979, 331, 11344, 4726, 266, 1150, 267, 373, 1294, 441, 291, 322, 16263, 545, 310, 856, 13, 1576, 7053, 342, 29901, 21375, 26461, 24921, 29901, 29871, 29906, 10021, 414, 9445, 856, 13, 11882, 1266, 29871, 30211, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 8068, 10130, 20628, 29889, 2178, 26863, 2538, 9841, 29889, 13, 2577, 263, 4996, 1106, 472, 825, 29915, 29879, 10464, 297, 278, 3186, 9826, 411, 297, 29899, 19488, 7418, 373, 6121, 9763, 29892, 22661, 29892 ]
Media Relations Manager Job Description 332K.docx Converted file The Role During an ever changing and fascinating time at Parliament, the Communications Office is now looking for two Media Relations Managers to join the team. The successful candidates will have excellent media relations experience, and may have been a press officer, senior press officer or media relations manager either in house or at an agency or will perhaps have led a small multi-disciplinary communications team. This is an exciting role requiring versatility, creativity, and a strong work ethic. Acting as Media Relations Manager for a portfolio of corporate teams and offices across the House of Commons, which may include one/more Domestic Select Committees, the post-holders will actively oversee high profile, sensitive campaigns. They must be able to effectively manage relationships with a range of stakeholders, including journalists, policy officials, project teams and MPs. The post-holder will have an excellent understanding of the UK media landscape and audience insight, a strong news sense and successful track record of identifying news opportunities and leading media campaigns, as well as offering timely and accurate responses and building strong relationships with the media. S/he will have an ability to write strong copy, media lines and briefings, particularly in a pressured environment. Increasingly the Media Relations team is working across channels and we are actively looking to recruit staff with experience across a range of areas. Specifically, for at least one of these two roles, we are looking for candidates who can offer experience developing and delivering comms through social media channels in addition to their strong media relations skills. Experience working on or managing social media channels is therefore desirable, but not essential. The role also involves taking part in the duty media relations rota to provide a 24/7 response service to journalists, which attracts overtime payments. The Person The successful candidate will have the following skills/experience: Excellent communications skills - both written and verbal - including taking complex information and distilling into engaging press releases, robust lines to take, press statements or other briefing materials. Excellent organization skills to manage competing priorities and remain calm under pressure while still delivering to deadline, including during crisis situations. Demonstrable experience of planning, implementing and evaluating insight-driven proactive media campaigns that meet clear, measurable objectives. Experience successfully managing, leading or coordinating a team to deliver communications across one or more disciplines: media relations, digital communications, campaigns etc. Benefits Annual leave starting at 30 days pro rata Civil Service Pension scheme I nterest-free season ticket loan Discounted membership of the in-house gym All applications must be submitted on a House of Commons application form. job description. Accounts Receivable Specialist South West London £23,000 + Benefits Are you looking for a new role working for a well-established and renowned company as an Accounts Receivable Specialist? An excellent opportunity to work for a leading consumer advertising platform as part of the accounts receivable team. Based in South West London, this well-known and reputable brand sells business to business digital advertising space. You and your team will be responsible for recovering outstanding debts from clients, resolving billing discrepancies, processing credit notes, and updating stakeholders on the progress of any unpaid invoices. This is an excellent role someone looking to take their next step in Credit Control. The Opportunity: Recover outstanding debts owed from clients Work with the sales, finance and operation teams to resolve any billing discrepancies Keeping the CRM database updated to ensure the finance contact and billing addresses are correct Process invoices and credit notes when needed Work closely with your manager and ensure your weekly KPIs are delivered Your Profile: Excellent verbal and written skills will allow you to communicate well with clients A minimum of 1 year's experience in a Credit Control or Finance Administration role will provide you with the knowledge you will need Outstanding problem-solving skills will ensure you get the best The ability to multitask will allow you to help you work well under pressure and meet deadlines and targets Good organisation will ensure optimum results in a fast-paced environment For more information on this exciting role, click "Apply" now! Experienced content executive, excellent writing skills, looking for a six month contract in central London? Read on.. Trade Marketing Content Executive - Competitive Salary - 6 month contract - London THE COMPANY Our client is a well respected national newspaper based in central London
[ 0.5126891119060221, -0.10126789914267235 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8213, 6376, 800, 15629, 17163, 12953, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29906, 29968, 29889, 1514, 29916, 14806, 287, 934, 450, 1528, 280, 7133, 385, 3926, 6480, 322, 21028, 262, 1218, 931, 472, 13212, 29892, 278, 22365, 800, 11367, 338, 1286, 3063, 363, 1023, 8213, 6376, 800, 2315, 18150, 304, 5988, 278, 3815, 29889, 450, 9150, 21669, 674, 505, 15129, 5745, 5302, 7271, 29892, 322, 1122, 505, 1063, 263, 3965, 12139, 29892, 16336, 3965, 12139, 470, 5745, 5302, 8455, 2845, 297, 3699, 470, 472, 385, 946, 3819, 470, 674, 6060, 505, 5331, 263, 2319, 2473, 29899, 2218, 13326, 3821, 7212, 800, 3815, 29889, 910, 338, 385, 5566, 11407, 6297, 26795, 1224, 271, 1793, 29892, 907, 28157, 29892, 322, 263, 4549, 664, 11314, 293, 29889, 3185, 292, 408, 8213, 6376, 800, 15629, 363, 263, 2011, 25648, 310, 17266, 403, 10907, 322, 25222, 4822, 278, 5619, 310, 3468, 29892, 607, 1122, 3160, 697, 29914, 5514, 7809, 15931, 7605, 1876, 5388, 267, 29892, 278, 1400, 29899, 8948, 414, 674, 1044, 3598, 975, 4149, 1880, 8722, 29892, 20502, 11531, 29879, 29889, 2688, 1818, 367, 2221, 304, 17583, 10933, 21702, 411, 263, 3464, 310, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29892, 3704, 8955, 2879, 29892, 8898, 24921, 29892, 2060, 10907, 322, 16379, 29879, 29889, 450, 1400, 29899, 7694, 674, 505, 385, 15129, 8004, 310, 278, 10261, 5745, 24400, 322, 20026, 25483, 29892, 263, 4549, 9763, 4060, 322, 9150, 5702, 2407, 310, 2893, 9215, 9763, 28602, 1907, 322, 8236, 5745, 11531, 29879, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 27032, 5335, 873, 322, 16232, 20890, 322, 5214, 4549, 21702, 411, 278, 5745, 29889, 317, 29914, 354, 674, 505, 385, 11509, 304, 2436, 4549, 3509, 29892, 5745, 3454, 322, 11473, 886, 29892, 10734, 297, 263, 3965, 2955, 5177, 29889, 512, 1037, 5832, 368, 278, 8213, 6376, 800, 3815, 338, 1985, 4822, 18196, 322, 591, 526, 1044, 3598, 3063, 304, 1162, 9216, 13925, 411, 7271, 4822, 263, 3464, 310, 10161, 29889, 26321, 29892, 363, 472, 3203, 697, 310, 1438, 1023, 16178, 29892, 591, 526, 3063, 363, 21669, 1058, 508, 5957, 7271, 14338, 322, 12021, 292, 844, 29879, 1549, 5264, 5745, 18196, 297, 6124, 304, 1009, 4549, 5745, 5302, 25078, 29889, 28224, 5597, 1985, 373, 470, 767, 6751, 5264, 5745, 18196, 338, 5480, 553, 27797, 29892, 541, 451, 18853, 29889, 450, 6297, 884, 20789, 5622, 760, 297, 278, 13360, 5745, 5302, 696, 941, 304, 3867, 263, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29914, 29955, 2933, 2669, 304, 8955, 2879, 29892, 607, 13978, 29879, 975, 2230, 5146, 1860, 29889, 450, 5196, 450, 9150, 14020, 674, 505, 278, 1494, 25078, 29914, 735, 546, 5597, 29901, 1222, 3729, 296, 7212, 800, 25078, 448, 1716, 3971, 322, 1147, 5521, 448, 3704, 5622, 4280, 2472, 322, 1320, 8873, 964, 3033, 6751, 3965, 27474, 29892, 16424, 3454, 304, 2125, 29892, 3965, 9506, 470, 916, 11473, 292, 17279, 29889, 1222, 3729, 296, 13013, 25078, 304, 10933, 5100, 292, 7536, 1907, 322, 3933, 21732, 1090, 12959, 1550, 1603, 12021, 292, 304, 7123, 1220, 29892, 3704, 2645, 24161, 18845, 29889, 4432, 265, 4151, 569, 7271, 310, 18987, 29892, 16049, 322, 6161, 1218, 25483, 29899, 24477, 854, 410, 4925, 5745, 11531, 29879, 393, 5870, 2821, 29892, 7540, 21115, 1203, 3145, 29889, 28224, 5597, 8472, 767, 6751, 29892, 8236, 470, 6615, 1218, 263, 3815, 304, 12021, 7212, 800, 4822, 697, 470, 901, 17119, 1475, 29901, 5745, 5302, 29892, 13436, 7212, 800, 29892, 11531, 29879, 2992, 29889, 4111, 1389, 1169, 8081, 950, 5967, 6257, 472, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3841, 410, 364, 532, 12886, 6692, 349, 2673, 11380, 306, 302, 357, 342, 29899, 9021, 4259, 23381, 24806, 3295, 2798, 287, 28512, 310, 278, 297, 29899, 8697, 330, 962, 2178, 8324, 1818, 367, 18397, 373, 263, 5619, 310, 3468, 2280, 883, 29889, 4982, 6139, 29889, 13, 10601, 29879, 24328, 440, 519, 12630, 391, 4275, 3122, 4517, 15151, 29906, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 718, 4111, 1389, 1169, 4683, 366, 3063, 363, 263, 716, 6297, 1985, 363, 263, 1532, 29899, 342, 370, 3726, 322, 4325, 26689, 5001, 408, 385, 16535, 29879, 24328, 440, 519, 12630, 391, 29973, 530, 15129, 15130, 304, 664, 363, 263, 8236, 21691, 18811, 5921, 7481, 408, 760, 310, 278, 15303, 2414, 440, 519, 3815, 29889, 16564, 297, 4275, 3122, 4517, 29892, 445, 1532, 29899, 5203, 322, 337, 649, 519, 14982, 269, 10071, 5381, 304, 5381, 13436, 18811, 5921, 2913, 29889, 887, 322, 596, 3815, 674, 367, 14040, 363, 9792, 292, 714, 11235, 2553, 1372, 515, 13154, 29892, 3770, 1747, 289, 8873, 766, 1037, 8357, 2478, 29892, 9068, 16200, 11486, 29892, 322, 13271, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 373, 278, 6728, 310, 738, 443, 3274, 333, 297, 1365, 1575, 29889, 910, 338, 385, 15129, 6297, 4856, 3063, 304, 2125, 1009, 2446, 4331, 297, 24596, 277, 11264, 29889, 450, 438, 3016, 6997, 29901, 3599, 957, 714, 11235, 2553, 1372, 8152, 287, 515, 13154, 5244, 411, 278, 16538, 29892, 1436, 749, 322, 5858, 10907, 304, 8814, 738, 289, 8873, 766, 1037, 8357, 2478, 19152, 292, 278, 15600, 29924, 2566, 4784, 304, 9801, 278, 1436, 749, 6958, 322, 289, 8873, 14157, 526, 1959, 10554, 297, 1365, 1575, 322, 16200, 11486, 746, 4312, 5244, 16467, 411, 596, 8455, 322, 9801, 596, 4723, 368, 476, 2227, 29879, 526, 20115, 3575, 20802, 29901, 1222, 3729, 296, 1147, 5521, 322, 3971, 25078, 674, 2758, 366, 304, 23120, 1532, 411, 13154, 319, 9212, 310, 29871, 29896, 1629, 29915, 29879, 7271, 297, 263, 24596, 277, 11264, 470, 4231, 749, 23303, 6297, 674, 3867, 366, 411, 278, 7134, 366, 674, 817, 4451, 11235, 1108, 29899, 2929, 1747, 25078, 674, 9801, 366, 679, 278, 1900, 450, 11509, 304, 1773, 277, 1278, 674, 2758, 366, 304, 1371, 366, 664, 1532, 1090, 12959, 322, 5870, 7123, 9012, 322, 22525, 7197, 24788, 674, 9801, 5994, 398, 2582, 297, 263, 5172, 29899, 29886, 562, 287, 5177, 1152, 901, 2472, 373, 445, 5566, 11407, 6297, 29892, 2828, 376, 2052, 368, 29908, 1286, 29991, 13, 1252, 546, 819, 1133, 2793, 22760, 29892, 15129, 5007, 25078, 29892, 3063, 363, 263, 4832, 4098, 8078, 297, 6555, 4517, 29973, 7523, 373, 636, 27226, 4485, 15133, 10576, 28841, 448, 24620, 3321, 3956, 653, 448, 29871, 29953, 4098, 8078, 448, 4517, 6093, 4810, 3580, 2190, 29979, 8680, 3132, 338, 263, 1532, 3390, 287, 4797, 19656, 2729, 297, 6555, 4517 ]
. THE ROLE The Trade Marketing Content Executive will create all content and assets that support the Trade Marketing Strategy. This involves producing content for emails, case studies, factsheets, web copy and marketing communications to create and maintain our client's awareness with their trade audience (advertisers). YOU We'd love to hear from you if you have: - excellent writing skills and the ability to create compelling, engaging copy for a range of topics, audiences and channels - experience of developing sales tool kits - experience of CMS and email service provider platforms - knowledge of creating case studies and award entries that are results focused and stand out If this sounds like you, please apply today. Trade Marketing Content Executive - Competitive Salary - 6 month contract - London If this role isn't what you're looking for don't worry. At Stopgap we cover all permanent and freelance marketing positions, with specialist industry sector teams. You can check out all of our roles on our website and sign up for job alerts so you're the first to know about a new opportunity . Marketing Recruitment - The Stopgap Way. Advertising Sales Assistant - £18-22k basic Based Hammersmith Job description Ideally, we are looking for a recent graduate, someone who is pro-active in nature, meticulous attention to detail with a positive attitude and a great team player. Someone that has a passion for media and loves work with clients solving their marketing needs by selling solutions and presenting our world beating media info. If this sounds like you, don't delay and apply today! Are you a highly motivated self-starter who is looking to gain a foothold in the advertising industry? Are you a recent graduate? Do you have a positive, pro-active attitude? Are you highly organized with a keen attention to detail? Would you like to work for the company that Broadcast Magazine named the "Best Place to Work in Television 2018"? If so, then read on… We are looking for a highly organized and highly motivated self-starter to join our Advertising Sales team. Your duties will include (but not limited to): preparing sales presentations, partnership pitches and acquiring necessary sales collateral; generation and analysis of commercial research including post campaign analysis, TV and audience insights and supporting the Ad Sales team to secure commercial partnerships across our portfolio of linear and digital channels across UK and International markets, amongst others. About us We run a family of global TV brands with head office in the UK and also offices in Poland and South Africa. We are an ambitious and creative team who strive to build strong brands for our territories, whilst working closely with the Head Office in New York. Our work environment appeals to self-motivated and flexible thinkers who are great collaborators and always strive to discover what is next creatively. We are customer focused and sustain and build a diverse range of programme brands. We foster an open and creative approach which is helping us to deliver ground breaking work. We are a progressive, friendly and fun place to work. We're looking for professionals who are motivated and excited by challenges and driven to deliver results. We employ energetic, inspiring individuals who love to innovate and are passionate about the industry. What will you do at OYO? Main task is to exponentially grow the number of follower, audience network and engagement on social media channels through creative content, and by supporting internal team with their program (partnership, promotion, campaign or event) Develop, plan and execute OYOs social media strategy for all our channels including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Maintain and improve the look and feel of all social media channels Understand the overall Brand voice/tone and represent the same on every touch point, at the same time working closely with the central social/brand team Take initiative in suggesting ideas, be it related to content, brand or promotion/partnership Excellent knowledge of Social Media promotions is a key aspect to excel in this role- Maintaining Blog content Identify and measure the key metrics on social media and share the learning report with the team every week/month Knowledge of social tools & GA Keep a track of competition, new trends etc. What you will bring to OYO? Significant experience of directing social media strategies Strong understanding of the role of social media in global family brand strategies A deep understanding of the social media landscape, including platforms (existing and emerging), algorithms, challenges and opportunities, ideally on an international scale An ability to drive innovation Strong analytical skills and familiarity with digital metrics
[ 0.002485014603983752, 0.24971142953826003 ]
[ -1.137337962980558, -0.800699789694331 ]
[ -0.11756027407431886, -0.2583216509831458 ]
[ -0.727348027858558, -0.3690092734067232 ]
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[ 29889, 6093, 16641, 1307, 450, 27226, 4485, 15133, 10576, 28841, 674, 1653, 599, 2793, 322, 21608, 393, 2304, 278, 27226, 4485, 15133, 3767, 8963, 29889, 910, 20789, 20811, 2793, 363, 24609, 29892, 1206, 11898, 29892, 2114, 19360, 29892, 1856, 3509, 322, 9999, 292, 7212, 800, 304, 1653, 322, 7344, 1749, 3132, 29915, 29879, 3773, 8326, 404, 411, 1009, 11302, 20026, 313, 328, 1765, 275, 414, 467, 612, 27269, 1334, 29915, 29881, 5360, 304, 8293, 515, 366, 565, 366, 505, 29901, 448, 15129, 5007, 25078, 322, 278, 11509, 304, 1653, 752, 7807, 29892, 3033, 6751, 3509, 363, 263, 3464, 310, 23820, 29892, 12990, 819, 778, 322, 18196, 448, 7271, 310, 14338, 16538, 5780, 413, 1169, 448, 7271, 310, 315, 4345, 322, 4876, 2669, 13113, 21796, 448, 7134, 310, 4969, 1206, 11898, 322, 9862, 9976, 393, 526, 2582, 21309, 322, 2317, 714, 960, 445, 10083, 763, 366, 29892, 3113, 3394, 9826, 29889, 27226, 4485, 15133, 10576, 28841, 448, 24620, 3321, 3956, 653, 448, 29871, 29953, 4098, 8078, 448, 4517, 960, 445, 6297, 3508, 29915, 29873, 825, 366, 29915, 276, 3063, 363, 1016, 29915, 29873, 15982, 29889, 2180, 22303, 29887, 481, 591, 4612, 599, 17667, 322, 3005, 295, 749, 9999, 292, 11909, 29892, 411, 4266, 391, 13661, 17535, 10907, 29889, 887, 508, 1423, 714, 599, 310, 1749, 16178, 373, 1749, 4700, 322, 1804, 701, 363, 4982, 6655, 29879, 577, 366, 29915, 276, 278, 937, 304, 1073, 1048, 263, 716, 15130, 869, 4485, 15133, 3599, 9216, 358, 448, 450, 22303, 29887, 481, 5307, 29889, 13, 3253, 1765, 5921, 28389, 4007, 22137, 448, 15151, 29896, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29895, 6996, 16564, 26356, 414, 29885, 389, 17163, 6139, 13001, 635, 29892, 591, 526, 3063, 363, 263, 7786, 10591, 403, 29892, 4856, 1058, 338, 410, 29899, 4925, 297, 5469, 29892, 1539, 12906, 681, 8570, 304, 9493, 411, 263, 6374, 26309, 322, 263, 2107, 3815, 4847, 29889, 3834, 650, 393, 756, 263, 15935, 363, 5745, 322, 12355, 267, 664, 411, 13154, 17069, 1009, 9999, 292, 4225, 491, 269, 7807, 6851, 322, 2198, 292, 1749, 3186, 367, 1218, 5745, 5235, 29889, 960, 445, 10083, 763, 366, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 9055, 322, 3394, 9826, 29991, 4683, 366, 263, 10712, 17385, 630, 1583, 29899, 303, 4254, 1058, 338, 3063, 304, 11581, 263, 1701, 720, 1025, 297, 278, 18811, 5921, 13661, 29973, 4683, 366, 263, 7786, 10591, 403, 29973, 1938, 366, 505, 263, 6374, 29892, 410, 29899, 4925, 26309, 29973, 4683, 366, 10712, 19098, 411, 263, 28430, 8570, 304, 9493, 29973, 10878, 366, 763, 304, 664, 363, 278, 5001, 393, 25484, 17880, 4257, 278, 376, 25353, 15484, 304, 5244, 297, 22417, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 8652, 960, 577, 29892, 769, 1303, 373, 30098, 1334, 526, 3063, 363, 263, 10712, 19098, 322, 10712, 17385, 630, 1583, 29899, 303, 4254, 304, 5988, 1749, 2087, 1765, 5921, 28389, 3815, 29889, 3575, 22204, 674, 3160, 313, 4187, 451, 9078, 304, 1125, 10223, 292, 16538, 2198, 800, 29892, 22056, 4034, 15905, 267, 322, 10695, 8491, 5181, 16538, 5321, 1008, 284, 29936, 12623, 322, 7418, 310, 12128, 5925, 3704, 1400, 11531, 7418, 29892, 5648, 322, 20026, 1663, 5861, 322, 20382, 278, 2087, 28389, 3815, 304, 11592, 12128, 22056, 14587, 4822, 1749, 2011, 25648, 310, 5608, 322, 13436, 18196, 4822, 10261, 322, 4623, 2791, 1691, 29892, 22611, 4045, 29889, 13611, 502, 1334, 1065, 263, 3942, 310, 5534, 5648, 1506, 4167, 411, 2343, 8034, 297, 278, 10261, 322, 884, 25222, 297, 18898, 322, 4275, 10557, 29889, 1334, 526, 385, 626, 2966, 2738, 322, 907, 1230, 3815, 1058, 380, 4401, 304, 2048, 4549, 1506, 4167, 363, 1749, 5884, 3842, 29892, 21109, 1985, 16467, 411, 278, 12252, 11367, 297, 1570, 3088, 29889, 8680, 664, 5177, 5929, 1338, 304, 1583, 29899, 14817, 440, 630, 322, 25706, 1348, 414, 1058, 526, 2107, 11465, 4097, 322, 2337, 380, 4401, 304, 6523, 825, 338, 2446, 907, 6703, 29889, 1334, 526, 11962, 21309, 322, 15075, 475, 322, 2048, 263, 16984, 3464, 310, 19607, 1506, 4167, 29889, 1334, 9926, 261, 385, 1722, 322, 907, 1230, 2948, 607, 338, 19912, 502, 304, 12021, 5962, 16679, 664, 29889, 1334, 526, 263, 6728, 573, 29892, 19780, 322, 2090, 2058, 304, 664, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 3063, 363, 6351, 1338, 1058, 526, 17385, 630, 322, 24173, 491, 18066, 267, 322, 18225, 304, 12021, 2582, 29889, 1334, 5703, 4527, 657, 293, 29892, 8681, 8491, 15724, 1058, 5360, 304, 24233, 403, 322, 526, 15935, 403, 1048, 278, 13661, 29889, 13, 5618, 674, 366, 437, 472, 438, 29979, 29949, 29973, 4241, 3414, 338, 304, 18709, 9247, 6548, 278, 1353, 310, 1101, 261, 29892, 20026, 3564, 322, 3033, 5049, 373, 5264, 5745, 18196, 1549, 907, 1230, 2793, 29892, 322, 491, 20382, 7463, 3815, 411, 1009, 1824, 313, 1595, 8397, 4034, 29892, 22360, 29892, 11531, 470, 1741, 29897, 10682, 29892, 3814, 322, 6222, 438, 29979, 24768, 5264, 5745, 13705, 363, 599, 1749, 18196, 3704, 20147, 29892, 13327, 29892, 2799, 14442, 322, 14711, 341, 2365, 475, 322, 11157, 278, 1106, 322, 4459, 310, 599, 5264, 5745, 18196, 7634, 1689, 278, 12463, 18007, 7314, 29914, 29873, 650, 322, 2755, 278, 1021, 373, 1432, 6023, 1298, 29892, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 1985, 16467, 411, 278, 6555, 5264, 29914, 16472, 3815, 11190, 14511, 1230, 297, 26233, 7014, 29892, 367, 372, 4475, 304, 2793, 29892, 14982, 470, 22360, 29914, 1595, 8397, 4034, 1222, 3729, 296, 7134, 310, 10307, 8213, 2504, 327, 1080, 338, 263, 1820, 9565, 304, 10616, 297, 445, 6297, 29899, 341, 2365, 17225, 350, 1188, 2793, 13355, 1598, 322, 5645, 278, 1820, 21556, 373, 5264, 5745, 322, 6232, 278, 6509, 3461, 411, 278, 3815, 1432, 4723, 29914, 10874, 19320, 5485, 310, 5264, 8492, 669, 402, 29909, 19152, 263, 5702, 310, 13888, 29892, 716, 534, 1975, 2992, 29889, 1724, 366, 674, 6963, 304, 438, 29979, 29949, 29973, 9954, 928, 424, 7271, 310, 1513, 292, 5264, 5745, 16650, 583, 3767, 549, 8004, 310, 278, 6297, 310, 5264, 5745, 297, 5534, 3942, 14982, 16650, 583, 319, 6483, 8004, 310, 278, 5264, 5745, 24400, 29892, 3704, 21796, 313, 735, 15423, 322, 11176, 3460, 511, 14009, 29892, 18066, 267, 322, 28602, 1907, 29892, 1957, 635, 373, 385, 6121, 6287, 530, 11509, 304, 7899, 24233, 362, 3767, 549, 16114, 936, 25078, 322, 9985, 537, 411, 13436, 21556 ]
Social media creativity copywriting skills and good eye for design. Ability to enhance potential (self and team) by producing new ideas and solutions Ambitious, Confident, Self-motivated, and able to work in a team as well as independently. Highly organised with the ability to prioritise your workload and work to tight deadlines i.e. great at managing projects. Who are we? OYO in the news OYO Driving scale through distributed leadership We are an equal opportunity employer and all applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to any characteristic protected by law. Read more about OYO Rooms: OYO in the news OYO Driving scale through distributed leadership We are an equal opportunity employer and all applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to any characteristic protected by law. Prospectus is delighted to be working with the Southbank Sinfonia to recruit their new Individual Giving Manager. The Southbank Sinfonia work with a wonderful group of young professionals in an internationally recognised orchestral academy. Southbank Sinfonia fundraising is personal, creative, and transformational, and we are looking to appoint a fundraiser that would fit naturally into this approach. The newly created role of Individual Giving Manager will take full responsibility for the mid-value giving level of donors to the organisation, managing bespoke relationships with all valued supporters at this level and ensure that continued support, and attractive propositions to new individuals, guide all the work that you do. Working within a small and collaborative fundraising team, you will initiate new appeals to a wider population of donors and attend cultivation events and concerts to further fundraising efforts. The selected candidate will have experience of securing four figure gifts from donors, ideally in the arts and culture space, and will be comfortable stewarding and cultivating a healthy and vibrant prospect pool of donors. You will have excellent written and verbal communication skills and be able to input thoughtfully into fundraising strategy for the wider organisation. At Prospectus we invest in your journey as a candidate and are committed to supporting you in your application. In order to apply please submit your CV in the first instance and begin to prepare your supporting statement. Should your experience be suitable, we will send you the full job description and will arrange for a call and/or meeting to brief you on the role. You'll then have all the information you need to formally apply. We are looking forward to speaking with you soon. We are looking for an experienced Trusts and Foundations Manager to join the RSC Development Department in a permanent capacity, based in either London or Stratford-upon-Avon. Working closely with the Senior Grants Manager, your focus will be on developing and supporting an outstanding portfolio of Trusts, Foundations and statutory funders, to deliver the RSC's voluntary fundraising targets. You will be joining a successful, established, high performing Trusts and Grants team who take great pride in their work. You will have opportunity to fundraise for a wide variety of projects across the company from our education work which reaches more than 500,000 young people each year, to our award-winning work on stage. Some of your duties and responsibilities will include: Writing compelling applications to Trusts and Foundations with capacity to give five and six figure gifts to support the work of the RSC Building and maintaining relationships with Trusts, Foundations and statutory funders, Trustees, senior and administrative staff Stewarding Trusts and funders, sending timely and high-quality reports and updates Identifying new Trust prospects, undertaking research and creating effective cultivation and solicitation plans. This role requires someone with significant experience of successful fundraising from Trusts and Foundations; you must be able to evidence your successes and that you are skilled at fundraising at this level by following the whole process from researching prospects through to securing a gift. You must be able to write compelling grant proposals and have a demonstrable track record of meeting and exceeding fundraising targets. You must be well versed in building and managing relationships with donors. You will be required to represent the RSC and Development team internally and at events and be a persuasive and effective ambassador at all times. All applications should be made online using the RSC website. If you need any assistance when applying, please contact the Recruitment Team on or email The RSC strives for excellence, and values integrity, inclusion, ambition and innovation. We act with respect, show leadership and build resilient ways of working in all
[ 0.35654611300016337, 0.9783787577656005 ]
[ -1.309238306786291, -0.5894056170997841 ]
[ -0.16828509458200425, 0.7143267822517214 ]
[ -0.6169117306891347, -0.14919348573935448 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 10307, 5745, 907, 28157, 3509, 16554, 25078, 322, 1781, 10977, 363, 2874, 29889, 1976, 1793, 304, 26371, 749, 7037, 313, 1311, 322, 3815, 29897, 491, 20811, 716, 7014, 322, 6851, 1913, 2966, 2738, 29892, 10811, 1693, 29892, 21782, 29899, 14817, 440, 630, 29892, 322, 2221, 304, 664, 297, 263, 3815, 408, 1532, 408, 25499, 29889, 5057, 368, 2894, 3368, 411, 278, 11509, 304, 7536, 277, 895, 596, 664, 1359, 322, 664, 304, 19932, 7123, 9012, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 2107, 472, 767, 6751, 9279, 29889, 11644, 526, 591, 29973, 438, 29979, 29949, 297, 278, 9763, 438, 29979, 29949, 360, 1150, 292, 6287, 1549, 13235, 26001, 1334, 526, 385, 5186, 15130, 5703, 261, 322, 599, 15576, 1934, 674, 7150, 19220, 363, 5703, 358, 1728, 4880, 304, 738, 17443, 6364, 491, 4307, 29889, 7523, 901, 1048, 438, 29979, 29949, 1528, 4835, 29901, 438, 29979, 29949, 297, 278, 9763, 438, 29979, 29949, 360, 1150, 292, 6287, 1549, 13235, 26001, 1334, 526, 385, 5186, 15130, 5703, 261, 322, 599, 15576, 1934, 674, 7150, 19220, 363, 5703, 358, 1728, 4880, 304, 738, 17443, 6364, 491, 4307, 29889, 13, 1184, 21494, 375, 338, 15319, 287, 304, 367, 1985, 411, 278, 4275, 9157, 317, 7192, 6405, 304, 1162, 9216, 1009, 716, 1894, 23352, 402, 4357, 15629, 29889, 450, 4275, 9157, 317, 7192, 6405, 664, 411, 263, 20695, 2318, 310, 4123, 6351, 1338, 297, 385, 2836, 362, 635, 5936, 3368, 22624, 342, 1705, 263, 9567, 29889, 4275, 9157, 317, 7192, 6405, 5220, 336, 5921, 338, 7333, 29892, 907, 1230, 29892, 322, 4327, 1288, 29892, 322, 591, 526, 3063, 304, 8167, 263, 5220, 336, 7608, 393, 723, 6216, 18180, 964, 445, 2948, 29889, 450, 15141, 2825, 6297, 310, 1894, 23352, 402, 4357, 15629, 674, 2125, 2989, 23134, 363, 278, 7145, 29899, 1767, 6820, 3233, 310, 1016, 943, 304, 278, 24788, 29892, 767, 6751, 3008, 1129, 446, 21702, 411, 599, 659, 6742, 1462, 272, 2153, 472, 445, 3233, 322, 9801, 393, 7572, 2304, 29892, 322, 13978, 573, 9551, 2187, 304, 716, 15724, 29892, 10754, 599, 278, 664, 393, 366, 437, 29889, 24176, 2629, 263, 2319, 322, 11465, 1230, 5220, 336, 5921, 3815, 29892, 366, 674, 14511, 403, 716, 5929, 1338, 304, 263, 25734, 4665, 310, 1016, 943, 322, 14333, 18834, 362, 4959, 322, 13135, 29879, 304, 4340, 5220, 336, 5921, 14231, 29889, 450, 4629, 14020, 674, 505, 7271, 310, 409, 2764, 292, 3023, 4377, 330, 17741, 515, 1016, 943, 29892, 1957, 635, 297, 278, 16930, 322, 9257, 2913, 29892, 322, 674, 367, 25561, 1886, 1328, 292, 322, 18834, 1218, 263, 9045, 29891, 322, 325, 4626, 424, 27289, 11565, 310, 1016, 943, 29889, 887, 674, 505, 15129, 3971, 322, 1147, 5521, 12084, 25078, 322, 367, 2221, 304, 1881, 2714, 3730, 964, 5220, 336, 5921, 13705, 363, 278, 25734, 24788, 29889, 2180, 1019, 21494, 375, 591, 13258, 297, 596, 16342, 408, 263, 14020, 322, 526, 19355, 304, 20382, 366, 297, 596, 2280, 29889, 512, 1797, 304, 3394, 3113, 9752, 596, 25778, 297, 278, 937, 2777, 322, 3380, 304, 19012, 596, 20382, 3229, 29889, 10575, 596, 7271, 367, 13907, 29892, 591, 674, 3638, 366, 278, 2989, 4982, 6139, 322, 674, 564, 3881, 363, 263, 1246, 322, 29914, 272, 11781, 304, 11473, 366, 373, 278, 6297, 29889, 887, 29915, 645, 769, 505, 599, 278, 2472, 366, 817, 304, 28269, 3394, 29889, 1334, 526, 3063, 6375, 304, 13590, 411, 366, 4720, 29889, 13, 4806, 526, 3063, 363, 385, 18860, 20692, 29879, 322, 7460, 800, 15629, 304, 5988, 278, 390, 7187, 14650, 10317, 297, 263, 17667, 13284, 29892, 2729, 297, 2845, 4517, 470, 3767, 271, 4006, 29899, 786, 265, 29899, 12810, 265, 29889, 24176, 16467, 411, 278, 24260, 1632, 1934, 15629, 29892, 596, 8569, 674, 367, 373, 14338, 322, 20382, 385, 714, 11235, 2011, 25648, 310, 20692, 29879, 29892, 7460, 800, 322, 1002, 329, 706, 5220, 414, 29892, 304, 12021, 278, 390, 7187, 29915, 29879, 27081, 653, 5220, 336, 5921, 22525, 29889, 887, 674, 367, 22960, 263, 9150, 29892, 7841, 29892, 1880, 15859, 20692, 29879, 322, 1632, 1934, 3815, 1058, 2125, 2107, 24967, 297, 1009, 664, 29889, 887, 674, 505, 15130, 304, 5220, 22692, 363, 263, 9377, 12875, 310, 9279, 4822, 278, 5001, 515, 1749, 9793, 664, 607, 22170, 901, 1135, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4123, 2305, 1269, 1629, 29892, 304, 1749, 9862, 29899, 5080, 1076, 664, 373, 7408, 29889, 3834, 310, 596, 22204, 322, 5544, 747, 9770, 674, 3160, 29901, 28676, 752, 7807, 8324, 304, 20692, 29879, 322, 7460, 800, 411, 13284, 304, 2367, 5320, 322, 4832, 4377, 330, 17741, 304, 2304, 278, 664, 310, 278, 390, 7187, 17166, 322, 7344, 292, 21702, 411, 20692, 29879, 29892, 7460, 800, 322, 1002, 329, 706, 5220, 414, 29892, 20692, 12712, 29892, 16336, 322, 19185, 13925, 2443, 1328, 292, 20692, 29879, 322, 5220, 414, 29892, 9348, 5335, 873, 322, 1880, 29899, 29567, 13676, 322, 11217, 13355, 9215, 716, 20692, 27289, 29879, 29892, 22332, 5086, 5925, 322, 4969, 11828, 18834, 362, 322, 26978, 7018, 13900, 29889, 910, 6297, 6858, 4856, 411, 7282, 7271, 310, 9150, 5220, 336, 5921, 515, 20692, 29879, 322, 7460, 800, 29936, 366, 1818, 367, 2221, 304, 10757, 596, 2551, 267, 322, 393, 366, 526, 2071, 24455, 472, 5220, 336, 5921, 472, 445, 3233, 491, 1494, 278, 3353, 1889, 515, 5925, 292, 27289, 29879, 1549, 304, 409, 2764, 292, 263, 19797, 29889, 887, 1818, 367, 2221, 304, 2436, 752, 7807, 16690, 9551, 1338, 322, 505, 263, 8033, 4151, 569, 5702, 2407, 310, 11781, 322, 13461, 292, 5220, 336, 5921, 22525, 29889, 887, 1818, 367, 1532, 1224, 287, 297, 5214, 322, 767, 6751, 21702, 411, 1016, 943, 29889, 887, 674, 367, 3734, 304, 2755, 278, 390, 7187, 322, 14650, 3815, 25106, 322, 472, 4959, 322, 367, 263, 20408, 294, 573, 322, 11828, 3181, 28760, 472, 599, 3064, 29889, 2178, 8324, 881, 367, 1754, 7395, 773, 278, 390, 7187, 4700, 29889, 960, 366, 817, 738, 18872, 746, 15399, 29892, 3113, 6958, 278, 3599, 9216, 358, 8583, 373, 470, 4876, 450, 390, 7187, 380, 1150, 267, 363, 12567, 663, 29892, 322, 1819, 28410, 29892, 28694, 29892, 3181, 654, 322, 24233, 362, 29889, 1334, 1044, 411, 3390, 29892, 1510, 26001, 322, 2048, 620, 309, 993, 5837, 310, 1985, 297, 599 ]
our activities. We aim to create a welcoming, supportive environment which is happy, healthy and safe. We place great importance upon developing a diverse, highly motivated and energised workforce to help achieve our priorities. We put our values at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to building a diverse workforce and welcome applications from all individuals. The Royal Shakespeare Company (no. 212481) is a publicly funded registered charity. Prospectus is delighted to be working with a prestigious postgraduate university for the arts, as they seek to recruit a School General Manager to ensure the smooth operation of all school activities. This is a temporary position anticipated to last between 1-3 months. As the organisation's School General Manager, you will play a key role in reviewing and improving student recruitment on a number of specific programmes and implementing an academic timetable for the school. You will utilise your in-depth information management knowledge to embed digital processes and systems across the school, ensuring a smooth transition from paper to digital storage. The School General Manager will act as a focal point for liaison for both internal and external queries, along with providing guidance and leadership to the wider team to encourage digital literacy and creation of an open information culture. Additional responsibilities will include leading the administration team to support both the school and college objectives, together with acting as Secretary to the leadership team and committee; preparing agendas and managing actions and follow-ups. In order to be considered, you will have demonstrable similar experience in a university or educational institution. You will show evidence of strong analytical and administrative skills and experience and have in-depth information management knowledge. As an experienced and inspiring manager, you will be well-organised and have the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Exceptional communication and relationship-building skills will also be essential to this post together with the ability to act with initiative and comprehend complex situations quickly. You must be available immediately to be considered for this post. If you are interested in finding out more information about this new opportunity, please register your interest below and submit your CV by clicking 'apply now' below. The Head of Business Services for Digtial Engagement will be a senior position within CDIO. CDIO has recently created a new Operating Model and this post will hold a pivotal role to providing a more customer-centric service to internal and external customers. Working to the CIO of Customer Service Group the Deputy Director sits on the CDIO senior management team with overall responsibility for the end to end customer journey across all contact platforms, utilising technology and analytics to define contact strategy to provide a seamless customer experience at a personalised level. The role of Head of Business Services for Digital Engagement has been created in order to ensure these duties are carried out. Key Responsibilities Overall ownership of all customer and agent facing websites, mobile apps and digital engagement channels, including webchat, multi-synchronous messaging and SMS campaigns Provide governance and oversight over all CDIO digital engagement platforms and channels, to ensure co-ordination and alignment across all business verticals. Identify, develop, implement and optimise digital engagement across a diverse product and customer base, including digital adoption, containment and customer satisfaction Coach, lead and inspire innovation across multi-skilled technology teams on initiatives that touch a range of technical platforms, to ensure HMRC is at the forefront of digital advancements. Work with the Head of Architecture and Innovation and application / solution architects to ensure architecture principles and standards are in line with security policies and are applied consistently. Partner extensively and cross functionally with line of business managers to ensure alignment to all business aims. Clearly defining strategic choices and successfully communicating grounded recommendations - influencing upwards and laterally. Credible in front of senior stakeholders in setting out compelling opportunities into scalable delivery models Lead, motivate, develop and appraise senior digital technology managers to ensure personal and collective performance meets current and future business needs Develop a long-term vision through organisational capability building and establish effective delivery models. Influence or create complex budgets, prioritising spending based on return on investment (ROI) and strategic intent; this may include contract ownership and accountability for realisation of benefits. Essential Criteria & Person Specification To be successful in this role you will need to be an inspirational manager with extensive management experience and a strong background in delivering customer centric projects and programmes. You will also demonstrate: A passion for, and consistent track record of, shaping digital transformation and associated programmes across multi-disciplined organisations
[ 0.792102899421769, 0.5729548307819675 ]
[ -0.9546938476869667, -0.469433502152033 ]
[ 0.8005589771147866, 0.7447616745563327 ]
[ -0.13358526412983718, 0.7951039216364425 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1749, 14188, 29889, 1334, 12242, 304, 1653, 263, 5476, 11506, 29892, 2304, 573, 5177, 607, 338, 9796, 29892, 9045, 29891, 322, 9109, 29889, 1334, 2058, 2107, 13500, 2501, 14338, 263, 16984, 29892, 10712, 17385, 630, 322, 18190, 3368, 664, 10118, 304, 1371, 6176, 1749, 7536, 1907, 29889, 1334, 1925, 1749, 1819, 472, 278, 5192, 310, 4129, 591, 437, 29889, 1334, 526, 19355, 304, 5214, 263, 16984, 664, 10118, 322, 12853, 8324, 515, 599, 15724, 29889, 450, 7021, 23688, 6938, 313, 1217, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29906, 29946, 29947, 29896, 29897, 338, 263, 970, 368, 5220, 287, 15443, 1373, 537, 29889, 13, 1184, 21494, 375, 338, 15319, 287, 304, 367, 1985, 411, 263, 544, 5286, 2738, 1400, 5105, 27240, 16372, 363, 278, 16930, 29892, 408, 896, 16508, 304, 1162, 9216, 263, 4523, 4593, 15629, 304, 9801, 278, 10597, 5858, 310, 599, 3762, 14188, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 13201, 2602, 23483, 630, 304, 1833, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29941, 7378, 29889, 1094, 278, 24788, 29915, 29879, 4523, 4593, 15629, 29892, 366, 674, 1708, 263, 1820, 6297, 297, 9076, 292, 322, 4857, 1747, 8368, 1162, 9216, 358, 373, 263, 1353, 310, 2702, 1824, 4467, 322, 16049, 385, 21567, 5335, 300, 519, 363, 278, 3762, 29889, 887, 674, 3667, 895, 596, 297, 29899, 19488, 2472, 10643, 7134, 304, 8297, 13436, 10174, 322, 6757, 4822, 278, 3762, 29892, 5662, 3864, 263, 10597, 9558, 515, 5650, 304, 13436, 8635, 29889, 450, 4523, 4593, 15629, 674, 1044, 408, 263, 12789, 284, 1298, 363, 301, 423, 2285, 363, 1716, 7463, 322, 7029, 9365, 29892, 3412, 411, 13138, 27323, 322, 26001, 304, 278, 25734, 3815, 304, 13731, 6617, 13436, 4631, 4135, 322, 11265, 310, 385, 1722, 2472, 9257, 29889, 3462, 3245, 5544, 747, 9770, 674, 3160, 8236, 278, 17517, 3815, 304, 2304, 1716, 278, 3762, 322, 12755, 1203, 3145, 29892, 4208, 411, 16684, 408, 17719, 304, 278, 26001, 3815, 322, 21118, 29936, 10223, 292, 946, 355, 294, 322, 767, 6751, 8820, 322, 1101, 29899, 14340, 29889, 512, 1797, 304, 367, 5545, 29892, 366, 674, 505, 8033, 4151, 569, 2788, 7271, 297, 263, 16372, 470, 28976, 12666, 29889, 887, 674, 1510, 10757, 310, 4549, 16114, 936, 322, 19185, 25078, 322, 7271, 322, 505, 297, 29899, 19488, 2472, 10643, 7134, 29889, 1094, 385, 18860, 322, 8681, 8491, 8455, 29892, 366, 674, 367, 1532, 29899, 6388, 3368, 322, 505, 278, 11509, 304, 10933, 2999, 9279, 21699, 29889, 8960, 284, 12084, 322, 9443, 29899, 25237, 25078, 674, 884, 367, 18853, 304, 445, 1400, 4208, 411, 278, 11509, 304, 1044, 411, 14511, 1230, 322, 15171, 355, 4280, 18845, 9098, 29889, 887, 1818, 367, 3625, 7389, 304, 367, 5545, 363, 445, 1400, 29889, 960, 366, 526, 8852, 297, 9138, 714, 901, 2472, 1048, 445, 716, 15130, 29892, 3113, 6036, 596, 4066, 2400, 322, 9752, 596, 25778, 491, 14855, 525, 7302, 1286, 29915, 2400, 29889, 13, 1576, 12252, 310, 15197, 15538, 363, 360, 5523, 616, 2201, 5049, 674, 367, 263, 16336, 2602, 2629, 315, 4571, 29949, 29889, 315, 4571, 29949, 756, 10325, 2825, 263, 716, 6607, 1218, 8125, 322, 445, 1400, 674, 4808, 263, 282, 440, 7288, 6297, 304, 13138, 263, 901, 11962, 29899, 1760, 2200, 2669, 304, 7463, 322, 7029, 20330, 29889, 24176, 304, 278, 315, 5971, 310, 21886, 6692, 6431, 278, 26721, 29891, 15944, 269, 1169, 373, 278, 315, 4571, 29949, 16336, 10643, 3815, 411, 12463, 23134, 363, 278, 1095, 304, 1095, 11962, 16342, 4822, 599, 6958, 21796, 29892, 3667, 5921, 15483, 322, 16114, 1199, 304, 4529, 6958, 13705, 304, 3867, 263, 409, 314, 2222, 11962, 7271, 472, 263, 7333, 3368, 3233, 29889, 450, 6297, 310, 12252, 310, 15197, 15538, 363, 15918, 2201, 5049, 756, 1063, 2825, 297, 1797, 304, 9801, 1438, 22204, 526, 8988, 714, 29889, 7670, 2538, 29886, 787, 747, 9770, 6811, 497, 27428, 310, 599, 11962, 322, 10823, 14870, 28007, 29892, 10426, 11446, 322, 13436, 3033, 5049, 18196, 29892, 3704, 1856, 13496, 29892, 2473, 29899, 29879, 15374, 4473, 6751, 322, 317, 4345, 11531, 29879, 9133, 680, 4095, 749, 322, 288, 874, 523, 975, 599, 315, 4571, 29949, 13436, 3033, 5049, 21796, 322, 18196, 29892, 304, 9801, 1302, 29899, 536, 3381, 322, 22239, 4822, 599, 5381, 11408, 29879, 29889, 13355, 1598, 29892, 2693, 29892, 2334, 322, 5994, 895, 13436, 3033, 5049, 4822, 263, 16984, 3234, 322, 11962, 2967, 29892, 3704, 13436, 594, 3385, 29892, 1712, 358, 322, 11962, 26470, 3189, 496, 29892, 3275, 322, 8681, 533, 24233, 362, 4822, 2473, 29899, 808, 24455, 15483, 10907, 373, 14511, 5056, 393, 6023, 263, 3464, 310, 16905, 21796, 29892, 304, 9801, 379, 29924, 10363, 338, 472, 278, 26839, 8862, 310, 13436, 3061, 4564, 4110, 29889, 5244, 411, 278, 12252, 310, 28333, 322, 512, 13715, 362, 322, 2280, 847, 1650, 6956, 29879, 304, 9801, 11258, 18671, 322, 20801, 526, 297, 1196, 411, 6993, 24833, 322, 526, 7436, 5718, 2705, 29889, 3455, 1089, 21103, 3598, 322, 4891, 740, 635, 411, 1196, 310, 5381, 767, 18150, 304, 9801, 22239, 304, 599, 5381, 263, 9893, 29889, 17732, 368, 16184, 16650, 293, 19995, 322, 8472, 7212, 1218, 5962, 287, 6907, 800, 448, 13787, 3277, 701, 2935, 322, 2678, 635, 29889, 24596, 1821, 297, 4565, 310, 16336, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 297, 4444, 714, 752, 7807, 28602, 1907, 964, 8716, 519, 28289, 4733, 951, 328, 29892, 17385, 403, 29892, 2693, 322, 623, 22692, 16336, 13436, 15483, 767, 18150, 304, 9801, 7333, 322, 6314, 573, 4180, 28103, 1857, 322, 5434, 5381, 4225, 10682, 263, 1472, 29899, 8489, 18551, 1549, 17459, 1288, 2117, 3097, 5214, 322, 10127, 11828, 28289, 4733, 29889, 512, 25044, 663, 470, 1653, 4280, 8619, 20078, 29892, 7536, 277, 5921, 805, 2548, 2729, 373, 736, 373, 13258, 358, 313, 1672, 29902, 29897, 322, 16650, 293, 7609, 29936, 445, 1122, 3160, 8078, 27428, 322, 3633, 3097, 363, 1855, 4371, 310, 23633, 29889, 11044, 2556, 315, 21977, 669, 5196, 12048, 2450, 1763, 367, 9150, 297, 445, 6297, 366, 674, 817, 304, 367, 385, 23459, 1288, 8455, 411, 20607, 10643, 7271, 322, 263, 4549, 3239, 297, 12021, 292, 11962, 1644, 2200, 9279, 322, 1824, 4467, 29889, 887, 674, 884, 22222, 29901, 319, 15935, 363, 29892, 322, 13747, 5702, 2407, 310, 29892, 528, 21430, 13436, 13852, 322, 6942, 1824, 4467, 4822, 2473, 29899, 2218, 13326, 1312, 17459, 800 ]
. With a strong commitment to accomplish industry firsts. The ability to design and maintain organisational strategies that address evolving digital and consumer trends. Extensive technical knowledge and experience in multiple aspects of digital engagement, such as user-centred design principles, predictive and proactive care, multivariate testing, digital marketing, and data utilisation (to drive customer innovation and digital optimisation) Experience in the management, development and implementation of change governance frameworks, standards, guidelines and procedures. A shown ability to analyse and summarise business requirements and translate them into a digital transformation journey An excellent understanding of information security and control principles gained from experience in Information Security Management, Risk, Quality and Compliance roles The establishment, promotion, adoption and containment of web, app and digital services. With a clear understanding of Micro-service architecture and API strategies/platforms The ability to influence or create budgets that are complex, developing business cases that demonstrate a value led approach to transformation. Capability to prioritise spending based on ROI and strategic intent. Consistent track record in building and developing teams - this will include initiating and delivering change, engendering a common culture, developing management capability to deliver sustainable performance. Shown success through inspirational management with a clear track record of delivering excellent performance together with an ability to attract and integrate new people / teams into a specialist skills-based organisation Senior stakeholder management. Understanding and working in partnership with the business to drive transformation and organisational change. Influential presentation and communication skills with ability to interact across all levels of management and external suppliers. Benefits Pensions Civil Service pension schemes may be available for successful candidates. Things you need to know Security Successful candidates must pass a disclosure and barring security check. Successful candidates must pass basic security checks . Selection process details To apply for this post, you will need to provide the two documents outlined below via email to This should be completed no later than 12th May. 1. A CV setting out your career history, with key responsibilities and achievements. Please ensure you have provided reasons for any gaps within the last two years 2. A Statement of Suitability (no longer than two pages) explaining how you consider your personal skills, qualities and experience provide evidence of your suitability for the role, with particular reference to the criteria in the person specification Failure to submit both documents (CV and Statement of Suitability) will mean the panel only have limited information on which to assess your application against the criteria in the person specification. Please ensure that both documents contain your full name. Should you encounter any issues with your online application please get in touch with If you do not receive acknowledgement of your application within 48 hours, please contact us. Feedback will only be provided if you attend an interview or assessment. Nationality requirements Open to UK, Commonwealth and European Economic Area (EEA) and certain non EEA nationals. Further information on whether you are able to apply is available here . Eligibility Candidates in their probationary period are eligible to apply for vacancies within this department. Working for the Civil Service The Civil Service Code sets out the standards of behaviour expected of civil servants. We recruit by merit on the basis of fair and open competition, as outlined in the Civil Service Commission's recruitment principles . The Civil Service embraces diversity and promotes equality of opportunity. There is a guaranteed interview scheme (GIS) for candidates with disabilities who meet the minimum selection criteria. Summary We are looking for someone to help us get others excited about our incredible places and work across the Midlands, share the work we do to look after special places, and ensure that the National Trust keeps growing as a brand people recognise and want to be a part of. PLEASE NOTE: This is a full-time (37.5 hours p/w), 6 month fixed term contract and can be based from any of our three regional consultancy offices in the Midlands: Attingham Park in Shropshire, Alcester in Warwickshire or Hardwick in Derbyshire. What it's like to work here The National Trust Consultancy is the home to specialists in every field of our work. A national consultancy, where resources are shared across disciplines and boundaries, it's proving to be a great repository of skills, talent and experience. The diversity and quality of expertise within the Consultancy will enable our properties and places to benefit from an extraordinary range of creative and innovative thinking, as well as deep expertise in all matters relating to our twin purpose of caring for the nation's heritage and landscapes, and making these accessible to all. What you'll
[ 0.3866789724381361, 0.09904713234839636 ]
[ -0.4103427589688123, -1.0621315625655499 ]
[ 0.4962100540686743, 0.39983289510407205 ]
[ 0.8471313270015002, -0.38201612474798763 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29889, 2973, 263, 4549, 9063, 358, 304, 12709, 13661, 937, 29879, 29889, 450, 11509, 304, 2874, 322, 7344, 17459, 1288, 16650, 583, 393, 3211, 15220, 1747, 13436, 322, 21691, 534, 1975, 29889, 7338, 6270, 16905, 7134, 322, 7271, 297, 2999, 21420, 310, 13436, 3033, 5049, 29892, 1316, 408, 1404, 29899, 1760, 1127, 2874, 18671, 29892, 8500, 573, 322, 410, 4925, 2562, 29892, 1773, 27432, 403, 6724, 29892, 13436, 9999, 292, 29892, 322, 848, 3667, 4371, 313, 517, 7899, 11962, 24233, 362, 322, 13436, 5994, 4371, 29897, 28224, 5597, 297, 278, 10643, 29892, 5849, 322, 5314, 310, 1735, 4095, 749, 29143, 29892, 20801, 29892, 1410, 10652, 1475, 322, 28648, 29889, 319, 4318, 11509, 304, 16455, 344, 322, 19138, 895, 5381, 11780, 322, 14240, 963, 964, 263, 13436, 13852, 16342, 530, 15129, 8004, 310, 2472, 6993, 322, 2761, 18671, 17515, 515, 7271, 297, 10343, 14223, 15057, 29892, 390, 3873, 29892, 751, 2877, 322, 3831, 13036, 16178, 450, 25012, 29892, 22360, 29892, 594, 3385, 322, 1712, 358, 310, 1856, 29892, 623, 322, 13436, 5786, 29889, 2973, 263, 2821, 8004, 310, 20140, 29899, 5509, 11258, 322, 3450, 16650, 583, 29914, 12120, 29879, 450, 11509, 304, 9949, 470, 1653, 8619, 20078, 393, 526, 4280, 29892, 14338, 5381, 4251, 393, 22222, 263, 995, 5331, 2948, 304, 13852, 29889, 5915, 3097, 304, 7536, 277, 895, 805, 2548, 2729, 373, 16641, 29902, 322, 16650, 293, 7609, 29889, 2138, 9696, 5702, 2407, 297, 5214, 322, 14338, 10907, 448, 445, 674, 3160, 14511, 1218, 322, 12021, 292, 1735, 29892, 3033, 1581, 292, 263, 3619, 9257, 29892, 14338, 10643, 2117, 3097, 304, 12021, 15075, 475, 519, 4180, 29889, 1383, 776, 2551, 1549, 23459, 1288, 10643, 411, 263, 2821, 5702, 2407, 310, 12021, 292, 15129, 4180, 4208, 411, 385, 11509, 304, 13978, 322, 22782, 716, 2305, 847, 10907, 964, 263, 4266, 391, 25078, 29899, 6707, 24788, 24260, 380, 1296, 7694, 10643, 29889, 7634, 11235, 322, 1985, 297, 22056, 4034, 411, 278, 5381, 304, 7899, 13852, 322, 17459, 1288, 1735, 29889, 512, 25044, 2556, 24329, 322, 12084, 25078, 411, 11509, 304, 16254, 4822, 599, 11174, 310, 10643, 322, 7029, 1462, 27801, 29889, 4111, 1389, 1169, 349, 5580, 12886, 6692, 282, 2673, 27715, 1122, 367, 3625, 363, 9150, 21669, 29889, 28706, 366, 817, 304, 1073, 14223, 21397, 1319, 21669, 1818, 1209, 263, 766, 25071, 322, 2594, 5393, 6993, 1423, 29889, 21397, 1319, 21669, 1818, 1209, 6996, 6993, 12747, 869, 27930, 1889, 4902, 1763, 3394, 363, 445, 1400, 29892, 366, 674, 817, 304, 3867, 278, 1023, 10701, 714, 21354, 2400, 3025, 4876, 304, 910, 881, 367, 8676, 694, 2678, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 2610, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29889, 319, 25778, 4444, 714, 596, 6413, 4955, 29892, 411, 1820, 5544, 747, 9770, 322, 27012, 4110, 29889, 3529, 9801, 366, 505, 4944, 9590, 363, 738, 330, 2547, 2629, 278, 1833, 1023, 2440, 29871, 29906, 29889, 319, 6666, 882, 310, 2166, 277, 3097, 313, 1217, 5520, 1135, 1023, 6515, 29897, 24232, 920, 366, 2050, 596, 7333, 25078, 29892, 4021, 1907, 322, 7271, 3867, 10757, 310, 596, 14726, 3097, 363, 278, 6297, 29892, 411, 3153, 3407, 304, 278, 16614, 297, 278, 2022, 21992, 29098, 545, 304, 9752, 1716, 10701, 313, 15633, 322, 6666, 882, 310, 2166, 277, 3097, 29897, 674, 2099, 278, 9451, 871, 505, 9078, 2472, 373, 607, 304, 24809, 596, 2280, 2750, 278, 16614, 297, 278, 2022, 21992, 29889, 3529, 9801, 393, 1716, 10701, 1712, 596, 2989, 1024, 29889, 10575, 366, 11735, 738, 5626, 411, 596, 7395, 2280, 3113, 679, 297, 6023, 411, 960, 366, 437, 451, 7150, 24084, 29887, 882, 310, 596, 2280, 2629, 29871, 29946, 29947, 6199, 29892, 3113, 6958, 502, 29889, 5169, 287, 1627, 674, 871, 367, 4944, 565, 366, 14333, 385, 15593, 470, 24809, 358, 29889, 3086, 537, 11780, 4673, 304, 10261, 29892, 27094, 322, 7824, 12884, 293, 18320, 313, 17896, 29909, 29897, 322, 3058, 1661, 382, 29923, 29909, 4797, 29879, 29889, 8725, 2472, 373, 3692, 366, 526, 2221, 304, 3394, 338, 3625, 1244, 869, 1260, 335, 4127, 315, 5380, 1078, 297, 1009, 2070, 362, 653, 3785, 526, 560, 335, 1821, 304, 3394, 363, 11757, 273, 2478, 2629, 445, 14311, 29889, 24176, 363, 278, 12886, 6692, 450, 12886, 6692, 5920, 6166, 714, 278, 20801, 310, 10468, 3806, 310, 7631, 26202, 29889, 1334, 1162, 9216, 491, 2778, 277, 373, 278, 8405, 310, 6534, 322, 1722, 13888, 29892, 408, 714, 21354, 297, 278, 12886, 6692, 11444, 29915, 29879, 1162, 9216, 358, 18671, 869, 450, 12886, 6692, 953, 2634, 778, 6894, 537, 322, 2504, 4769, 17193, 310, 15130, 29889, 1670, 338, 263, 22688, 15593, 11380, 313, 29954, 3235, 29897, 363, 21669, 411, 766, 11614, 1058, 5870, 278, 9212, 9262, 16614, 29889, 13, 26289, 1334, 526, 3063, 363, 4856, 304, 1371, 502, 679, 4045, 24173, 1048, 1749, 29811, 1821, 7600, 322, 664, 4822, 278, 13370, 5252, 29892, 6232, 278, 664, 591, 437, 304, 1106, 1156, 4266, 7600, 29892, 322, 9801, 393, 278, 3086, 20692, 14874, 15678, 408, 263, 14982, 2305, 5936, 895, 322, 864, 304, 367, 263, 760, 310, 29889, 349, 14063, 6058, 29923, 29901, 910, 338, 263, 2989, 29899, 2230, 313, 29941, 29955, 29889, 29945, 6199, 282, 29914, 29893, 511, 29871, 29953, 4098, 4343, 1840, 8078, 322, 508, 367, 2729, 515, 738, 310, 1749, 2211, 14014, 8799, 6906, 25222, 297, 278, 13370, 5252, 29901, 6212, 16094, 4815, 297, 1383, 307, 28401, 29892, 25761, 4156, 297, 3362, 6669, 11750, 470, 10999, 6669, 297, 29520, 11750, 29889, 1724, 372, 29915, 29879, 763, 304, 664, 1244, 450, 3086, 20692, 2138, 499, 6906, 338, 278, 3271, 304, 4266, 2879, 297, 1432, 1746, 310, 1749, 664, 29889, 319, 4797, 8799, 6906, 29892, 988, 7788, 526, 7258, 4822, 17119, 1475, 322, 24371, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 1326, 292, 304, 367, 263, 2107, 9810, 310, 25078, 29892, 24242, 322, 7271, 29889, 450, 6894, 537, 322, 11029, 310, 17924, 895, 2629, 278, 2138, 499, 6906, 674, 9025, 1749, 4426, 322, 7600, 304, 14169, 515, 385, 28163, 3464, 310, 907, 1230, 322, 24233, 1230, 7291, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 6483, 17924, 895, 297, 599, 13750, 1104, 1218, 304, 1749, 3252, 262, 6437, 310, 1559, 292, 363, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 902, 16639, 322, 2982, 1557, 11603, 29892, 322, 3907, 1438, 15579, 304, 599, 29889, 1724, 366, 29915, 645 ]
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[ 1.038644476641546, 0.4168118318761088 ]
[ -0.793537275369092, -1.2376131635339023 ]
[ 0.26794836178409004, -0.4605868727575413 ]
[ -0.15959896681236602, -0.683124733298259 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 367, 2599, 1334, 29915, 276, 3063, 363, 263, 4485, 15133, 322, 22365, 800, 2138, 499, 424, 313, 10593, 669, 422, 1516, 29897, 304, 3275, 1749, 410, 4925, 322, 337, 4925, 7212, 800, 29889, 512, 445, 23821, 6297, 366, 29915, 645, 410, 627, 3598, 12439, 12089, 29914, 1482, 2774, 2072, 29891, 6354, 322, 2107, 5745, 28602, 1907, 29889, 887, 29915, 645, 884, 1371, 502, 304, 6232, 1880, 8722, 15874, 297, 278, 1556, 3033, 6751, 322, 10879, 1319, 5837, 29892, 1985, 411, 1749, 7029, 12089, 946, 3819, 322, 664, 411, 23056, 21628, 304, 9801, 13465, 411, 7463, 7212, 800, 29889, 24176, 16467, 411, 1749, 3815, 366, 674, 884, 10933, 2793, 2738, 5626, 322, 2181, 4637, 29889, 24596, 1821, 322, 24332, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 2304, 29892, 24081, 21174, 322, 6042, 272, 916, 4485, 15133, 322, 22365, 800, 2138, 499, 1934, 322, 2875, 10907, 297, 278, 5120, 29892, 25228, 292, 373, 920, 304, 10933, 2793, 2738, 5626, 322, 2181, 4637, 29889, 13435, 3717, 362, 674, 367, 263, 27131, 9565, 310, 596, 6297, 448, 1716, 25106, 322, 3622, 635, 29889, 1094, 1532, 408, 301, 423, 5921, 16467, 411, 1749, 6555, 5254, 11367, 363, 4797, 15874, 322, 23746, 29892, 591, 29915, 645, 1106, 304, 366, 304, 302, 4227, 545, 7773, 21702, 411, 13370, 5252, 5745, 25957, 322, 8078, 17739, 414, 470, 7029, 1462, 27801, 408, 4312, 29889, 887, 29915, 645, 367, 263, 659, 6742, 22365, 800, 8064, 472, 278, 3086, 20692, 322, 491, 10594, 278, 1492, 10174, 322, 7788, 297, 2058, 322, 6161, 1218, 6354, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 1371, 502, 304, 437, 2712, 1584, 2253, 29889, 910, 338, 385, 5566, 11407, 18766, 29892, 322, 697, 988, 596, 7014, 322, 907, 28157, 674, 1207, 263, 1855, 4328, 29889, 3834, 3841, 366, 29915, 645, 367, 297, 278, 8034, 29892, 4045, 366, 29915, 645, 367, 714, 322, 1048, 472, 1749, 4426, 322, 7600, 297, 278, 5120, 29889, 3118, 2655, 29915, 29879, 3058, 29901, 694, 1023, 3841, 674, 367, 278, 1021, 29889, 3529, 884, 1303, 278, 2989, 6297, 8722, 29892, 10959, 304, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 18811, 29889, 11644, 591, 29915, 276, 3063, 363, 530, 599, 29899, 14486, 7212, 800, 10257, 29892, 366, 505, 7271, 310, 12089, 322, 844, 29879, 8492, 322, 13698, 322, 366, 1073, 920, 1887, 29892, 14014, 322, 4797, 5745, 1736, 29889, 887, 29915, 345, 263, 3464, 310, 907, 1230, 25078, 297, 13807, 29892, 13436, 322, 5264, 5745, 29889, 887, 508, 9758, 263, 2107, 5828, 515, 263, 17967, 3448, 322, 366, 505, 278, 17924, 895, 322, 7271, 304, 9801, 393, 896, 6159, 322, 3033, 482, 278, 1492, 12990, 819, 778, 29889, 3037, 29885, 322, 16531, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 385, 17924, 297, 278, 3700, 310, 24161, 470, 4280, 18845, 29892, 2221, 304, 22222, 263, 1880, 3233, 310, 7271, 297, 767, 6751, 1438, 5626, 322, 8790, 963, 1549, 304, 2551, 29889, 1126, 411, 263, 4549, 731, 310, 5007, 322, 5296, 29899, 19715, 25078, 29892, 366, 29915, 345, 7371, 263, 9377, 3464, 310, 2793, 515, 5264, 5745, 11217, 322, 12618, 29879, 29892, 304, 5680, 322, 9763, 7456, 29889, 3575, 15935, 322, 23644, 3173, 29885, 363, 11828, 7212, 800, 674, 367, 3041, 522, 2738, 322, 366, 29915, 645, 8681, 533, 4045, 322, 2048, 27592, 10257, 21702, 411, 7463, 322, 7029, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29889, 7849, 4100, 368, 366, 29915, 645, 505, 263, 1855, 15935, 363, 2504, 11427, 322, 12566, 292, 278, 3086, 20692, 14982, 322, 967, 4266, 7600, 29889, 13, 16890, 3335, 14650, 15629, 15151, 29946, 29900, 29895, 3300, 718, 11444, 4517, 4683, 366, 263, 5969, 14927, 13436, 16538, 10257, 3063, 363, 596, 2446, 4331, 701, 297, 596, 6413, 411, 15129, 2326, 1076, 7037, 29973, 450, 6938, 29901, 530, 5566, 11407, 15130, 304, 5988, 9862, 15613, 13436, 4180, 9999, 292, 946, 3819, 393, 4864, 304, 1371, 1506, 4167, 304, 2253, 3033, 482, 29892, 3588, 322, 11551, 1009, 20330, 29889, 11275, 15935, 304, 11157, 6053, 29892, 5001, 322, 13154, 9999, 292, 338, 825, 25100, 963, 29889, 2688, 526, 385, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 13436, 4180, 9999, 292, 946, 3819, 2729, 297, 4517, 29889, 2688, 2307, 664, 411, 6121, 8236, 1506, 4167, 4822, 17968, 29892, 3201, 955, 29892, 15202, 10057, 29892, 3086, 5254, 29892, 321, 1523, 15667, 304, 1024, 263, 2846, 29991, 16809, 304, 13184, 896, 526, 3063, 363, 263, 15197, 14650, 15629, 304, 5988, 278, 4517, 3815, 29889, 450, 1528, 280, 1094, 15197, 14650, 15629, 334, 1094, 15197, 14650, 15629, 366, 674, 505, 7773, 8004, 310, 278, 13436, 9999, 292, 2913, 304, 2693, 716, 5381, 28602, 1907, 2629, 278, 10261, 29889, 334, 887, 674, 2048, 10791, 12645, 3132, 21702, 2629, 946, 3819, 11408, 29879, 334, 5244, 411, 278, 24260, 15197, 14650, 15629, 304, 4021, 1598, 28602, 1907, 393, 2304, 337, 9947, 22525, 29889, 334, 341, 20304, 714, 6788, 3291, 304, 2669, 6851, 4822, 2999, 9999, 292, 18196, 334, 8878, 9311, 287, 9443, 411, 10791, 12645, 13154, 975, 278, 9008, 322, 3700, 304, 3700, 450, 5196, 29901, 334, 1094, 263, 9150, 15197, 14650, 15629, 366, 674, 10371, 277, 25078, 297, 269, 7807, 350, 29906, 29933, 29914, 29933, 29906, 29907, 13436, 16538, 470, 367, 515, 13436, 29914, 3502, 15133, 946, 3819, 297, 263, 716, 5381, 6297, 29889, 334, 21397, 297, 269, 7807, 13436, 9999, 292, 6851, 674, 1371, 366, 2048, 21702, 411, 1716, 7463, 322, 7029, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 334, 28224, 5597, 297, 14382, 316, 1338, 17583, 322, 14655, 716, 5381, 304, 9801, 337, 9947, 22525, 526, 14363, 334, 3767, 549, 16538, 3480, 327, 11685, 25078, 322, 278, 11509, 304, 2198, 674, 883, 263, 1820, 760, 297, 366, 14218, 6297, 334, 887, 674, 6963, 263, 3564, 373, 6958, 411, 366, 393, 674, 9025, 366, 304, 9098, 6176, 337, 9947, 22525, 322, 6176, 2989, 2326, 1076, 7037, 29889, 334, 887, 674, 367, 6851, 21309, 297, 366, 2948, 411, 263, 6374, 508, 29899, 1867, 26309, 322, 13521, 304, 9269, 869, 960, 445, 20751, 292, 6297, 2629, 13149, 635, 5936, 3368, 5001, 411, 13568, 6288, 6413, 27289, 29879, 10083, 763, 278, 4922, 15130, 363, 366, 29892, 2828, 278, 3394, 2826, 1286, 29889, 3872, 29915, 29873, 9055, 2828, 3394, 1286, 3529, 1423, 714, 590, 28547, 797, 8722, 2086, 29991, 13, 21410, 1334, 526, 3063, 363, 385, 18860, 7835, 29885, 2454, 15944, 304, 5988, 697, 310, 278 ]
2(1)(b) Distinctiveness/Distinctiveness acquired through Use (Article 3, paragraph (1), item(3), paragraph (2)) Home > IP Judgments in Japan > Important IP Judgment by Category > 2(1)(b) Distinctiveness/Distinctiveness acquired through Use (Article 3, paragraph (1), item(3), paragraph (2)) 2016(Gyo-Ke)10266,September 27, 2017[Intellectual Property High Court](card shooter case) 2015(Gyo-Ke)10002,July 16, 2015 [Intellectual Property High Court](Head case) 2014(Gyo-Ke)10089,February 25, 2015[Intellectual Property High Court]("IGZO"case) 2013 (Gyo-Ke) 10158,December 17, 2013[Intellectual Property High Court]("LADY GAGA"case) 2012 (Gyo-Ke)10002,September 13, 2012 [Intellectual Property High Court] ("Kawasaki"case) 2010(Gyo-Ke)10253,June 29,2011[Intellectual Property High Court]( Armchair case) 2010 (Gyo-Ke) 10366, April 21, 2011[Intellectual Property High Court] (JEAN PAUL GAULTIER"CLASSIQUE"case) 2010 (Gyo-Ke) 10169, November 16, 2010[Intellectual Property High Court] (Yakult Container case) 2009(Gyo-Ke)10227,March 29, 2010[Intellectual Property High Court]("SIDAMO"case) 2007(Gyo-Ke)10215,May 29, 2008[Intellectual Property High Court]("Coca-Cola bottle"case) 2006 (Gyo-Ke) 10555, June 27, 2007[Intellectual Property High Court] (MAGLITE case) 2005(Gyo-Ke)10673,November 29, 2006[Intellectual Property High Court]("HIYOKO"case) 2005(Gyo-Ke)10342,June 9,2005[Intellectual Property High Court] ("FLAVAN"case) 1990 (Gyo-Ke) 103,January 29, 1991[Tokyo High Court] ("Daijesutibu"case) Important IP Judgment by Category 1(1)(a)Eligibility 1(1)(b) Novelty/ Inventive Step 1(1)(c) Description Requirement of the Claim/the Specification 1(1)(d) Misappropriated Application 1(1)(e) Requirements for Divisional Application 1(2) Claim Construction 1(3) Amendment/ Correction 1(4) Requirement for Registration of Extension of Duration of Patent Right 1(5) Procedure for Suits against Appeal/Trial Decisions made by the JPO 1(6) Indirect Infringement 1(7) Infringement under the Doctrine of Equivalents 1(8) Exhaustion, Abuse of Right, or other Defenses 1(9) The Amount of Damages 1(10) Calculation of the Employee's Invention Compensation 1(11) Inventorship 1(12) Jurisdiction and Others 2(1)(a) Common Name(Article 3, paragraph(1),item(1)) 2(1)(c) The Mark to cause Damage to Public Policy) (Article 4, paragraph(1), item(7)) 2(1)(d) Similarity (Article
[ -1.6020897504680642, -1.6459193641960246 ]
[ -0.7756309895559949, 0.21995850165220868 ]
[ -1.619014961101806, -0.7262581201665435 ]
[ -0.12057841278857276, 0.4517230462270618 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29871, 29906, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29890, 29897, 6652, 5562, 20193, 29914, 13398, 5562, 20193, 16692, 1549, 4803, 313, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29941, 29892, 14880, 313, 29896, 511, 2944, 29898, 29941, 511, 14880, 313, 29906, 876, 13, 11184, 1405, 5641, 8660, 29887, 1860, 297, 5546, 1405, 16032, 424, 5641, 8660, 19422, 491, 17943, 1405, 29871, 29906, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29890, 29897, 6652, 5562, 20193, 29914, 13398, 5562, 20193, 16692, 1549, 4803, 313, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29941, 29892, 14880, 313, 29896, 511, 2944, 29898, 29941, 511, 14880, 313, 29906, 876, 13, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29898, 29954, 9029, 29899, 9598, 29897, 29896, 29900, 29906, 29953, 29953, 29892, 2008, 3266, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29961, 2928, 295, 781, 950, 9079, 5057, 9245, 850, 7543, 15049, 261, 1206, 29897, 13, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29898, 29954, 9029, 29899, 9598, 29897, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29892, 29967, 11850, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 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932, 6649, 630, 8427, 13, 29896, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29872, 29897, 830, 1548, 1860, 363, 4910, 275, 1848, 8427, 13, 29896, 29898, 29906, 29897, 6015, 326, 5798, 4080, 13, 29896, 29898, 29941, 29897, 1913, 355, 358, 29914, 2994, 276, 428, 13, 29896, 29898, 29946, 29897, 830, 1548, 358, 363, 2169, 8306, 310, 7338, 2673, 310, 360, 2633, 310, 4121, 296, 10428, 13, 29896, 29898, 29945, 29897, 1019, 26600, 363, 2166, 1169, 2750, 2401, 29872, 284, 29914, 29911, 9315, 3826, 12112, 1754, 491, 278, 435, 13152, 13, 29896, 29898, 29953, 29897, 1894, 1088, 512, 1341, 292, 882, 13, 29896, 29898, 29955, 29897, 512, 1341, 292, 882, 1090, 278, 1938, 14600, 310, 11243, 2561, 1237, 13, 29896, 29898, 29947, 29897, 1222, 2350, 504, 291, 29892, 1976, 1509, 310, 10428, 29892, 470, 916, 5282, 11259, 13, 29896, 29898, 29929, 29897, 450, 1913, 792, 310, 9865, 1179, 13, 29896, 29898, 29896, 29900, 29897, 20535, 362, 310, 278, 24654, 29915, 29879, 512, 7316, 3831, 575, 362, 13, 29896, 29898, 29896, 29896, 29897, 512, 794, 272, 3527, 13, 29896, 29898, 29896, 29906, 29897, 16081, 275, 29467, 322, 438, 3341, 13, 29906, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29874, 29897, 13103, 4408, 29898, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29941, 29892, 14880, 29898, 29896, 511, 667, 29898, 29896, 876, 13, 29906, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29883, 29897, 450, 4485, 304, 4556, 9865, 482, 304, 5236, 25219, 29897, 313, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29946, 29892, 14880, 29898, 29896, 511, 2944, 29898, 29955, 876, 13, 29906, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29881, 29897, 13999, 537, 313, 9986, 2512 ]
17. February 2008 - 9:50 We are expecting the upcoming days with uncertainty – the days of more and more frequent announcements on behalf of the Kosovo Albanians and international officials of an imminent declaration of independence. Should this act of declaring independence and recognizing Kosovo and Metohija on behalf of other states take place, we will consider it an illegitimate and violent act. Today, we have no other choice but to remain at our sacred sites, and this is the message we send to our people! To remain in these sacred spaces and endure till the end! – says Bishop Teodosije, abbey of the Decani Monastery for the "Novosti" newspaper, describing the current position the Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija. On media lies used to spread fear and hatred and on their authors 14. February 2008 - 13:43 Our beloved spiritual children in Christ: This is the last hour . . . Be vigilant! Watch over your precious souls! . . . They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. . . But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. I do not write because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from truth. Who is the liar? (I John 2:18-22a) In words of St. Dimitri of Rostov: a person who judges others is likened unto a mirror which reflects in itself all others, yet fails to see itself! And truly, these days, wolves, whose interests are purely material and secular, have gathered to steal your very souls in the pale reflection of their unscrupulous lies! Instead of falling victim to their machinations, together with the Psalmist David, let us pray: Set a guard, Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips (Ps 141:3). For all words uttered or committed to writing never can be destroyed, rather await us in Eternity and will serve to judge us accordingly! New Serbian Stars have shone upon Australia and the World! 30. January 2008 - 16:19 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize (I Cor 9:24). These days, not only the eyes of Serbian-Australians, but the eyes of the world were fixed on the Australian Open in Melbourne watching our Serbian athletes, our finest ambassadors to the world compete in a record tennis tournament! Restitution of 1000 Hectares of Land o the Kovilj Monastery The director of the Serbian Restitution Directorate, Mr. Vladimir Todorovic, said that 1000 hectares of land that had been taken away after WWII have been returned to the Kovilj Monastery. Mr. Todorovic pointed out for the Novi Sad based newspaper "Gradjanski list'' that this represented one of the nine decisions brought so far on the restitution of church property. Vandal Attack Against the Serbian Church in Knin (Croatia) 22. January 2008 - 9:14 In the night between the 17th and the 18th of January 2008, the church of St. George once more became a target for vandals. Following the usual scenario, for the fifth time over the past three months, the entrance door has been forced open and the objects in the Holy church shuffled around. At this occasion, the entrance door suffered cospicuos material damage. This situation has been causing concern to the orthodox Serbs in Knin, especially following the most recent events, considering the fact that such vandal transgressions have been becoming more and more frequent. The police station in Knin has been informed on this event and visited the scene. Source: Diocese of Dalmatia The official notice: The Orthodox Cathedral in Split attacked again Just a couple of days after the letter with neo-nazi threats addressed to the Orthodox church community in Split, another violent attack occured this morning, on the 18th of January 2008
[ 0.8468899165817195, -0.23309915918380303 ]
[ -0.8042810468569503, 0.06954570082219232 ]
[ -0.3838655817396671, -0.919012438095748 ]
[ 0.23841068423032524, -0.7943333122660697 ]
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[ 29871, 29896, 29955, 29889, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 448, 29871, 29929, 29901, 29945, 29900, 13, 4806, 526, 16120, 278, 701, 11506, 3841, 411, 25812, 785, 278, 3841, 310, 901, 322, 901, 17091, 7475, 29883, 4110, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 17457, 6962, 21805, 5834, 322, 6121, 24921, 310, 385, 527, 1195, 296, 12029, 310, 21820, 29889, 10575, 445, 1044, 310, 25136, 21820, 322, 5936, 5281, 17457, 6962, 322, 4737, 1148, 8044, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 916, 5922, 2125, 2058, 29892, 591, 674, 2050, 372, 385, 980, 1397, 277, 6490, 322, 24252, 1044, 29889, 20628, 29892, 591, 505, 694, 916, 7348, 541, 304, 3933, 472, 1749, 26546, 11840, 29892, 322, 445, 338, 278, 2643, 591, 3638, 304, 1749, 2305, 29991, 1763, 3933, 297, 1438, 26546, 8162, 322, 1095, 545, 3428, 278, 1095, 29991, 785, 4083, 16880, 1920, 24463, 7253, 29892, 633, 22072, 310, 278, 3826, 3270, 2598, 1901, 29891, 363, 278, 376, 25363, 16098, 29908, 19656, 29892, 20766, 278, 1857, 2602, 278, 1816, 5824, 322, 278, 1816, 22863, 23757, 17324, 6291, 297, 17457, 6962, 322, 4737, 1148, 8044, 29889, 13, 2951, 5745, 12185, 1304, 304, 9677, 8866, 322, 3056, 1127, 322, 373, 1009, 15717, 13, 29896, 29946, 29889, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 448, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29901, 29946, 29941, 13, 29949, 332, 1339, 8238, 20954, 4344, 297, 2819, 29901, 13, 4013, 338, 278, 1833, 7234, 869, 869, 869, 1522, 14877, 309, 424, 29991, 24274, 975, 596, 758, 8802, 3669, 3137, 29991, 13, 29889, 869, 869, 2688, 3512, 714, 515, 502, 29892, 541, 896, 1258, 451, 2289, 6852, 304, 502, 29889, 13, 2831, 565, 896, 750, 28911, 304, 502, 29892, 896, 723, 505, 9488, 411, 502, 29936, 13, 4187, 1009, 2675, 10018, 393, 5642, 310, 963, 28911, 304, 502, 29889, 869, 869, 13, 6246, 366, 505, 385, 385, 2461, 292, 515, 278, 17733, 3118, 29892, 322, 599, 310, 366, 1073, 278, 8760, 29889, 13, 29902, 437, 451, 2436, 1363, 366, 437, 451, 1073, 278, 8760, 29892, 13, 4187, 1363, 366, 437, 1073, 372, 322, 1363, 694, 3804, 5304, 515, 8760, 29889, 13, 22110, 338, 278, 619, 279, 29973, 313, 29902, 2259, 29871, 29906, 29901, 29896, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29874, 29897, 13, 797, 3838, 310, 624, 29889, 4792, 277, 374, 310, 27411, 586, 29901, 263, 2022, 1058, 6577, 2710, 4045, 338, 619, 1717, 287, 20550, 263, 19571, 607, 9432, 29879, 297, 3528, 599, 4045, 29892, 3447, 8465, 304, 1074, 3528, 29991, 1126, 19781, 29892, 1438, 3841, 29892, 20040, 1960, 29892, 5069, 20017, 526, 24837, 5518, 322, 5226, 1070, 29892, 505, 22229, 304, 1886, 284, 596, 1407, 3669, 3137, 297, 278, 15509, 17842, 310, 1009, 443, 1557, 17827, 352, 681, 12185, 29991, 8669, 310, 20327, 28985, 304, 1009, 7672, 262, 800, 29892, 4208, 411, 278, 10144, 17120, 391, 4699, 29892, 1235, 502, 12475, 29901, 3789, 263, 8372, 29892, 6171, 29892, 975, 590, 13394, 29936, 3013, 6505, 975, 278, 3050, 310, 590, 17186, 313, 29925, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29896, 29901, 29941, 467, 1152, 599, 3838, 14401, 287, 470, 19355, 304, 5007, 2360, 508, 367, 14416, 29892, 3265, 7272, 502, 297, 382, 725, 537, 322, 674, 9080, 304, 16833, 502, 16205, 29991, 13, 4373, 1816, 22863, 25435, 505, 528, 650, 2501, 8314, 322, 278, 2787, 29991, 13, 29941, 29900, 29889, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 448, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29901, 29896, 29929, 13, 6132, 366, 451, 1073, 393, 297, 263, 8175, 599, 278, 1065, 8397, 1065, 29892, 13, 4187, 871, 697, 4947, 278, 26836, 29973, 13, 6558, 297, 1316, 263, 982, 408, 304, 679, 278, 26836, 313, 29902, 2994, 29871, 29929, 29901, 29906, 29946, 467, 13, 1349, 968, 3841, 29892, 451, 871, 278, 5076, 310, 1816, 22863, 29899, 22537, 5834, 29892, 541, 278, 5076, 310, 278, 3186, 892, 4343, 373, 278, 9870, 4673, 297, 22103, 21217, 1749, 1816, 22863, 28563, 267, 29892, 1749, 1436, 342, 3181, 465, 24549, 304, 278, 3186, 752, 2650, 297, 263, 2407, 22556, 14743, 29991, 13, 15078, 5008, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 379, 522, 5114, 310, 3172, 288, 278, 476, 586, 309, 29926, 2598, 1901, 29891, 13, 1576, 8881, 310, 278, 1816, 22863, 11654, 5008, 15944, 403, 29892, 3237, 29889, 27880, 7561, 272, 586, 293, 29892, 1497, 393, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 28834, 5114, 310, 2982, 393, 750, 1063, 4586, 3448, 1156, 399, 29956, 2687, 505, 1063, 4133, 304, 278, 476, 586, 309, 29926, 2598, 1901, 29891, 29889, 3237, 29889, 7561, 272, 586, 293, 11520, 714, 363, 278, 2864, 29875, 21772, 2729, 19656, 376, 25584, 29926, 550, 1984, 1051, 4907, 393, 445, 9875, 697, 310, 278, 14183, 1602, 12112, 6296, 577, 2215, 373, 278, 1791, 5008, 310, 6586, 2875, 29889, 13, 29963, 24258, 6212, 547, 11454, 303, 278, 1816, 22863, 6291, 297, 8360, 262, 313, 29907, 307, 28752, 29897, 13, 29906, 29906, 29889, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 448, 29871, 29929, 29901, 29896, 29946, 13, 797, 278, 4646, 1546, 278, 29871, 29896, 29955, 386, 322, 278, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 310, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29892, 278, 6586, 310, 624, 29889, 5122, 2748, 901, 3897, 263, 3646, 363, 325, 392, 1338, 29889, 12206, 278, 9670, 10483, 29892, 363, 278, 18615, 931, 975, 278, 4940, 2211, 7378, 29892, 278, 19546, 3050, 756, 1063, 11826, 1722, 322, 278, 3618, 297, 278, 17733, 6586, 528, 3096, 839, 2820, 29889, 2180, 445, 10039, 29892, 278, 19546, 3050, 17654, 274, 4705, 293, 29884, 359, 5518, 18658, 29889, 13, 4013, 6434, 756, 1063, 10805, 5932, 304, 278, 14219, 17324, 1816, 5824, 297, 8360, 262, 29892, 7148, 1494, 278, 1556, 7786, 4959, 29892, 13858, 278, 2114, 393, 1316, 325, 24258, 1301, 3663, 1080, 505, 1063, 14171, 901, 322, 901, 17091, 29889, 13, 1576, 10974, 5073, 297, 8360, 262, 756, 1063, 23388, 373, 445, 1741, 322, 16669, 278, 9088, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 28403, 968, 310, 9400, 2922, 423, 13, 1576, 6221, 8369, 29901, 450, 23757, 17324, 315, 21471, 297, 26178, 22630, 1449, 13, 14084, 263, 7303, 310, 3841, 1156, 278, 5497, 411, 452, 29877, 29899, 29876, 18861, 12455, 1446, 20976, 304, 278, 23757, 17324, 6586, 7881, 297, 26178, 29892, 1790, 24252, 5337, 2179, 2955, 445, 7250, 29892, 373, 278, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 310, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947 ]
Updated critique of Sri Ramanasramam management and their in-house journal MOUNTAIN PATH. With a researched expose of Christian priests impersonating Hindu sannyasis to hide their real identity and insinuate themselves into Hindu society. Fr. George Burke (large man), abbot of Atma Jyoti Ashram aka Light of the Spirit Monastery, with his fellow priests and brothers in religion. Swami Ramanananda with Atma Jyoti Ashram Christian priests at the Arunachaleshwar Temple, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. The Missionary Agenda In Catholic Ashrams: Sannyasins of Swindlers, Sita Ram Goel describes the Christianmissionarystrategists'plantoinfiltrateHindusocietyandgainthe confidenceofthepeople: "ChristianityhastodropitsalienattireandgetclothedinHinducultural forms.Christianityhastobepresentedasanindigenousfaith.Christian theologyhastobeconveyedthroughcategoriesofHinduphilosophy; Christian worship has to be conducted in the manner and with the materialsofHindupuja.ChristiansacramentshavetosoundlikeHindu samskaras;ChristianchurcheshavetocopythearchitectureofHindu temples; Christian hymns have to be set to Hindu music; Christian themes and personalities have to be presented in styles of Hindu painting; Christian missionaries have to dress and live like Hindu sannyasins;ChristianmissionstationshavetolooklikeHinduashramas. And so on, the literature of Indigenization goes into all aspects of Christianthought,organizationandactivityandtriestodiscoverhowfar andinwhatwaytheycanbedisguisedinHinduforms." SitaRamGoelwrotethisin1988,andhewouldnotbesurprisedtolearnthat Christian priests and monks in America have adopted the same tactics to attractawholegenerationofAmericanyouthinterestedinHindureligionand spirituality, back to Christianity. The leader in this movement today is Fr. GeorgeBurke,theabbotofAtmaJyotiAshraminCedarCrest,NewMexico. HeisbetterknownontheInternetasSwamiNirmalanandaGiri. Fr. George Burke, abbot of Atma Jyoti Ashram. He is better known on the Internet as Swami Nirmalananda Giri. Isha Jyoti to Atma Jyoti to Light of the Spirit AtmaJyotiAshramwasoriginallycalledSriIsha(Jesus)JyotiSannyasAshram andwaslocatedatBorregoSprings,California. Sincethepublicationofthis article,theashramhaschangeditsnametoLightoftheSpiritMonasteryand movedtoCedarCrest,NewMexico.Fr.GeorgeBurkeisaGreekOrthodox Christianpriest,andifreportsarecorrect,mostorallofthecommunityof brothersattachedtohimareChristianpriests. OnavisittoIndia,Fr.GeorgemettheBengalisaintAnandamayiMa.Sheis saidtohaveinstructedhimtoremainintheChristianreligionandcontinue hisChristianpractices.Thisistheusualadvicegiventoforeignseekersby Hindugurus.Inspiteoftheirspiritualenlightenment,mostgurusaregrossly ignorantofChristianity'sideologyandmilitantprayersfortriumphoverthe Indianheathen.Theyadvisetheirforeigndisciplestoremaininthereligionof their forefathers without realizing the consequences of their thoughtless, irresponsiblewords. Christianity is a personality cult based on a false doctrine ofvicarious salvation.Itisimperialisticandseeksworlddominationbyanymeans.There isnothinginHinduscriptureortheancientRishitraditionremotelysimilarto thisasuriccreed.Andthereisnothingintheancientgurushishyatraditionto supporttheillconceivedadvicehandedouttoforeignseekersbyHindugurus whodonotwanttotakespiritualresponsibilityfortheirWesterncharges. Anandamayi'sallegedinstructionto
[ -0.018060116830997654, -1.0323047720045797 ]
[ 0.8323534764601325, -0.7720497323933754 ]
[ -0.4364925830163907, -1.1168392380757208 ]
[ 0.8471313270015002, -0.08676059930128527 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 25723, 29709, 310, 24019, 8292, 16397, 2572, 314, 10643, 322, 1009, 297, 29899, 8697, 8955, 16999, 3904, 6040, 1177, 23611, 29889, 2973, 263, 5925, 287, 24396, 310, 6111, 3691, 9197, 2411, 1330, 1218, 379, 19910, 269, 14763, 25101, 304, 9563, 1009, 1855, 10110, 322, 1663, 8675, 403, 6053, 964, 379, 19910, 12459, 29889, 13, 14438, 29889, 5122, 6640, 446, 313, 16961, 767, 511, 633, 7451, 310, 2180, 655, 435, 29891, 15297, 12835, 2572, 263, 1335, 12790, 310, 278, 20799, 2598, 1901, 29891, 29892, 411, 670, 10404, 3691, 9197, 322, 21383, 297, 13433, 29889, 13, 10840, 4479, 8292, 273, 273, 5863, 411, 2180, 655, 435, 29891, 15297, 12835, 2572, 6111, 3691, 9197, 472, 278, 826, 348, 496, 2122, 29882, 4495, 18057, 29892, 27810, 4090, 812, 314, 284, 1794, 29892, 323, 1344, 405, 13467, 29892, 7513, 29889, 13, 1576, 18971, 653, 4059, 8395, 512, 11865, 12835, 25402, 29901, 317, 14763, 294, 1144, 310, 3925, 513, 9306, 29892, 317, 2028, 8292, 2921, 295, 16612, 278, 6111, 6737, 653, 710, 1845, 2879, 29915, 572, 5361, 262, 1777, 509, 403, 29950, 513, 10648, 455, 3305, 392, 29887, 475, 1552, 16420, 29877, 615, 354, 25719, 29901, 376, 18687, 713, 537, 29882, 579, 397, 1336, 1169, 284, 819, 1131, 533, 392, 657, 695, 720, 287, 262, 29950, 513, 1682, 499, 3631, 7190, 29889, 18687, 713, 537, 5349, 517, 915, 6338, 287, 294, 273, 513, 2101, 681, 5444, 389, 29889, 18687, 713, 278, 3002, 5349, 517, 915, 535, 6950, 287, 20678, 20683, 974, 29950, 19910, 561, 309, 7708, 29891, 29936, 6111, 26320, 756, 304, 367, 18043, 297, 278, 8214, 322, 411, 278, 5518, 578, 29888, 29950, 513, 786, 29884, 1764, 29889, 18687, 5834, 562, 29878, 1166, 845, 485, 300, 359, 618, 4561, 29950, 19910, 3514, 808, 279, 294, 29936, 18687, 713, 305, 2458, 267, 8708, 300, 542, 2270, 1552, 25428, 974, 29950, 19910, 1350, 2701, 29936, 6111, 298, 962, 1983, 505, 304, 367, 731, 304, 379, 19910, 4696, 29936, 6111, 963, 267, 322, 7333, 1907, 505, 304, 367, 9132, 297, 11949, 310, 379, 19910, 20413, 29936, 6111, 10655, 4314, 505, 304, 10714, 322, 5735, 763, 379, 19910, 269, 14763, 294, 1144, 29936, 18687, 713, 6737, 303, 800, 8708, 300, 324, 2550, 4561, 29950, 19910, 294, 1092, 314, 294, 29889, 1126, 577, 373, 29892, 278, 12845, 310, 1894, 2101, 2133, 5771, 964, 599, 21420, 310, 6111, 386, 1774, 29892, 6388, 2133, 392, 10072, 392, 3626, 342, 397, 10669, 957, 3525, 15641, 322, 262, 5816, 1582, 19562, 3068, 2580, 275, 2543, 3368, 262, 29950, 19910, 9514, 1213, 317, 2028, 29934, 314, 8120, 295, 29893, 5450, 621, 275, 262, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 29892, 392, 13636, 483, 1333, 5707, 332, 558, 3368, 517, 19668, 5747, 6111, 3691, 9197, 322, 1601, 2039, 297, 6813, 505, 16356, 278, 1021, 28476, 1199, 304, 13978, 1450, 1251, 1397, 759, 362, 974, 9816, 293, 1384, 2438, 1639, 2868, 262, 29950, 513, 545, 3473, 291, 392, 20954, 537, 29892, 1250, 304, 6111, 537, 29889, 450, 11822, 297, 445, 10298, 9826, 338, 4693, 29889, 5122, 29933, 332, 446, 29892, 1552, 370, 7451, 974, 4178, 655, 29967, 29891, 15297, 29909, 845, 2572, 262, 29907, 287, 279, 29907, 5060, 29892, 4373, 29924, 735, 1417, 29889, 940, 275, 6878, 357, 5203, 609, 354, 26341, 294, 10840, 4479, 29940, 3568, 284, 273, 5863, 29954, 12737, 29889, 13, 14438, 29889, 5122, 6640, 446, 29892, 633, 7451, 310, 2180, 655, 435, 29891, 15297, 12835, 2572, 29889, 940, 338, 2253, 2998, 373, 278, 4685, 408, 3925, 4479, 405, 3568, 284, 273, 5863, 4406, 374, 29889, 13, 29902, 17051, 435, 29891, 15297, 304, 2180, 655, 435, 29891, 15297, 304, 12790, 310, 278, 20799, 2180, 655, 29967, 29891, 15297, 29909, 845, 2572, 11102, 12574, 635, 13998, 29903, 374, 29902, 17051, 29898, 29967, 267, 375, 29897, 29967, 29891, 15297, 29903, 14763, 294, 29909, 845, 2572, 322, 11102, 28809, 271, 29933, 272, 276, 1484, 29903, 558, 886, 29892, 7856, 6557, 423, 29889, 317, 3742, 23043, 3597, 362, 974, 1366, 4274, 29892, 1552, 294, 1092, 314, 5349, 15033, 1169, 8588, 10896, 20769, 29877, 615, 354, 5592, 14987, 7185, 1901, 29891, 392, 6153, 517, 29907, 287, 279, 29907, 5060, 29892, 4373, 29924, 735, 1417, 29889, 14438, 29889, 7999, 3890, 29933, 332, 446, 8069, 29954, 7285, 2816, 386, 17324, 6111, 29886, 374, 342, 29892, 392, 361, 276, 4011, 598, 15728, 29892, 3242, 11251, 417, 615, 354, 23834, 974, 21383, 1131, 3791, 517, 26994, 598, 18687, 713, 29886, 374, 9197, 29889, 1551, 485, 275, 20435, 2568, 423, 29892, 14438, 29889, 7999, 990, 21056, 1552, 29933, 996, 5711, 2365, 2744, 392, 314, 388, 29875, 21870, 29889, 13468, 275, 1497, 517, 17532, 2611, 1247, 287, 26994, 29873, 3668, 475, 524, 354, 18687, 713, 2674, 335, 291, 392, 19878, 670, 18687, 713, 29886, 1461, 1575, 29889, 4013, 391, 354, 375, 950, 17263, 293, 387, 27649, 974, 13606, 344, 1416, 414, 1609, 379, 513, 688, 17142, 29889, 797, 1028, 568, 29877, 615, 354, 381, 1028, 14987, 950, 264, 4366, 264, 358, 29892, 3242, 29887, 17142, 598, 29887, 2124, 368, 16245, 424, 974, 18687, 713, 537, 29915, 2975, 3002, 392, 23853, 277, 424, 29886, 764, 414, 3921, 16241, 561, 957, 1552, 7560, 354, 493, 264, 29889, 15597, 328, 1730, 23043, 381, 1079, 335, 299, 275, 13326, 342, 3668, 475, 262, 721, 295, 335, 291, 974, 1009, 363, 1389, 19467, 1728, 1855, 5281, 278, 27721, 310, 1009, 2714, 2222, 29892, 3805, 26679, 1821, 9303, 29889, 6111, 537, 338, 263, 2022, 2877, 4185, 2729, 373, 263, 2089, 22542, 310, 26311, 1306, 681, 24754, 362, 29889, 3112, 275, 26039, 616, 4695, 392, 344, 1416, 2774, 1613, 3129, 3381, 1609, 273, 25395, 550, 29889, 8439, 3508, 6046, 262, 29950, 513, 375, 924, 545, 441, 354, 8463, 296, 29934, 728, 277, 3665, 654, 1745, 327, 873, 3601, 309, 22171, 445, 294, 332, 293, 1037, 287, 29889, 2855, 12711, 275, 28450, 524, 354, 8463, 296, 29887, 332, 1878, 728, 29891, 271, 3665, 654, 517, 2304, 1552, 453, 535, 346, 2347, 328, 1087, 3179, 287, 449, 517, 1079, 647, 344, 1416, 414, 1609, 29950, 513, 688, 17142, 377, 28480, 327, 29893, 424, 4260, 6926, 29886, 14987, 950, 26679, 4127, 3921, 354, 381, 16128, 824, 25389, 267, 29889, 530, 392, 314, 388, 29875, 29915, 19585, 1397, 287, 2611, 4080, 517 ]