4 values
not necessarily the Qs brightest idea to suggest that Disney corp provided children to be raped, sacrificed and eaten on Epstein's Island ... if the "MAGA coalition" had brains, they would approach Disney, explain the beliefs of the Q movement and ask for money and legal help in their case
Is that a muslim man they are attacking?Notice it's assault and robbed, instead of fucking brutally stomped and beaten?don't make the black kids angry.Can we get a gofund to send all of the people who don't want to be civil and believe in white privilege, SENT TO MOMMY AFRICA?IDC if that sounds racist. This happens constantly, and if they want to do it to each other, that's bad enough, but don't bring that to the rest of the country!Baltimore police employee is assaulted, robbed of car, in downtown area | KBOI
EXCLUSIVE: Jessica Yaniv accused of trying to share child porn, sexual harassment of minorsIs anyone surprised this crazy so called #tranny dude is a damn #pedophile?
Every spa owner and business owner has the right to deny business. Especially if it makes them feel like they are in an unethical situation. These women are 100% right. The government should be supporting their people by putting this mentally ill pervert in jail for harrassment.
What the hell is going here!? All the changes - and not for the better as far as I can tell.I used to like GAB - but it looks queer now
I heard another black pastor’s sermon attacking Trump while listening to Christian radio with earbuds on my phone during my daily walk.. He said that President Trump’s MAGA slogan does not include all Americans. He bitterly asked his congregation, “When was America ever great?”As a proud grateful black American, I thought, “One of numerous occasions in which America was great was when 600,000 Americans sacrificed their lives in the civil war to liberate blacks from slavery.”Leftists’ Effective Dirty Trick – News With Views
I hope these lesbians, who are very likely Liberal lefties, are enjoying the fruits of their leftist voting! As London becomes even more culturally "enriched" I'm sure it will be even worse.Too bad that white men, the only group of men that would defend these women, have been vilified and treated as if they were demons such that they seem not to want to fight for anything anymore.Notice how the article doesn't mention names, race, descriptions, or pictures of the attackers.. obviously non-whites.Homophobic night bus attack: Four teens charged - BBC News
Terminator will "scare the fuck out of misogynist internet trolls"A transgender on steroids and a lesbian Terminator.I'm not scared I'm just dying on the inside.
China handles their mudslime problem very efficiently:The People’s Republic of China’s idea of de-radicalization measures included forcing Muslims to drink alcohol and eat pork, a ban on beards, hijabs and the name Mohammed.
I don't believe the White Helmets. I don't believe the UN. I don't believe western intervention has helped this conflict or any of the "Arab Spring" uprisings and I don't believe the west should accept trojan horse refugees from these conflicts. So yes, i shrugSyria war: 'World shrugs' as 103 civilians killed in 10 days - BBC News
House Democrats, 39 Republicans Pass ‘Temporary’ Amnesty for VenezuelansWhat does this mean? It means the US will get more refugees from Venezuela on top of the 100k illegals that cross our Border every month.What do you need to do? You need to call your US Rep and Senator and tell them vote NO to this.#news #politics #illegals #trump
The Blast: Johnny Depp Scores a Victory in Amber Heard $50 Million Defamation Lawsuit. like Johnny has made it his job to ruin this lying bitch. #DoingGodsWork
Media claims fans are outraged over "white washing" of Cats actress Francesa Hayward's Victoria The White Cat!
Wtf! They are openly admitting that homosexuality is associated with pedophilia now! And passing laws to have special gay rules so they can have sex with children!Wake up! Its always been about this!
It is your decision to be offended by words, which is especially true for the word nigga, it only has the power you give to it, if you decide not to be offended, it has no power over you. I do not care how often Joe Rogan says in a context free video nigga Joe Rogan might be FINISHED!
Mark CUCKerberg is a fucking retarded, Satanist, sandnigger Kike that rapes and is a pedophile, and also eats babies and murders people and even is a massive faggot. I hope he's raped by sandniggers and pedophiles and Satanists.
#QueenAnn tweets about (((Jared))) with video of wild pack of #niggers in #chimpout beating.
Style.. woman has style Is Melania Trump's White House Christmas aesthetic angelic or horrific? - Vox
I just have to say.. after listening to the news spin the muh impeachment crap, these 4 horse muslims maybe our plants. Seriously they could be. Push the extreme. When you hold the blackmail now, they will sing and dance if Q says
102510825758154143_gab, pedophiles, kikes, and other filth are apparently welcomed but if you oppose white genocide and ask the jewish question???...
Sorry, but as much as I hate islam and loathe muslims and Iran in general, I can't fault them for this wholly predictable response to British piracy. It's fine for the EU to make up some of its own laws which can only apply to its own member states to not trade with Syria, but when they expect other sovereign nations to go along, and then seize their property when they don't, is an act of piracy at the very least, if not an act of war.And why are they all still against trading with Syria?! Is it to continue the Hussein Obama plans for the "Arab Spring" uprisings, to replace Assad's basically secular regime with one of some irate Caliphate-bound mullahs?! What the hell is wrong with all of them?! It *almost* seems like they're stil a part of some high-level globalist plot to totally destabilize the region...!Sweden, Britain in talks with Iran to free tanker seized by Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Do you think it is possible for some blacks to be called Racists or bigots. What do you think?
An old Pilot sat down at the Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee.As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him...She turned to the pilot and asked, 'Are you a real pilot?'He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life flying planes; Cubs, Aeronca's, Neiuports, flew A-6 Attack aircraft in Vietnam, taught 50 people to fly and gave rides to hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot.'She said, 'I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.'The two sat sipping in silence.A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot and asked, 'Are you a real pilot?'He replied, 'I always thought I was, but I just found out I’m a lesbian.
So Caliph Hussein mObamaD brings in a kazillion muslims, and retarded leftist Jews blame Trump for the resulting rise in anti-Semitism?! Can't fix stupid!Jewish Model Says She Received Rape & Death Threats For Supporting Trump – Summit News
Dead CowFirst-year students at Texas A&M Vet school were attending their first anatomy class, with a real dead cow. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet. The professor started the class by telling them, "In Veterinary Medicine it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor: The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the animal body". For an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the dead cow, withdrew it and stuck his finger in his mouth. "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his students. The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead cow and sucking on it. When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and said, "The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention. Life's tough, but it's even tougher if you're stupid.."
The Atlantic is sniffing glue. Harris is non viable. She openly hates well over half the electorate. She is unlikable. She suffers horribly from resting bitch face. There is no warmth from her. GOP Insiders Fear Kamala Harris Could Be the Next Obama | Vanity Fair
"A Syrian refugee who fled the civil war said he feels at home in a mid Wales seaside town after learning Welsh."What makes a race is not language but blood. #AH #britfam #purity #whitecountry #whitepride
@Qincel Watch out for jew shills like this guy trying to poison the minds of our more vulnerable brothers. Say NO to self pity!
Many people on our side want to genocide blacks or jews. This of course is playing right into the hands of our enemies. The true National Socialist is not a savage and should not lower himself to animal like behaviour.
#seat swap on the white #civic today. The #original seats were in great shape but we #swapped them with a set out of an #acura #integra it get the larger side bolsters for increased #comfort and #safety We also had the help of one of our #doggos named #china . Ok well maybe she just laid around, looked #cute and #supervised but she done it as well as any #chinesecrested could.
102514187599417542_gab ultimate clown-world video. Dorky weeb calling a buff, fierce tranny a "faggot" on the LA bus system.
Fucking school teachers! On the bus to the rental cars at the airport a group of teachers were talking. One ask if anyone knows who that guy on the tail of the Alaskan airlines plane is. Ones response "isn't that the governor of Alaska?" When her friend looked at her like she was stupid she says “you know like the first governor.”Some people's chirren'. There is no hope for America with these morons leading the way. No wonder why kids are so retarded now days.
Yup, Furries all over the world are going to need a moist towelette. The left will sing it's praises on high.Some women will like it because, you know, cats. Hell, I have a cat but would not watch this haired over scab of a movie. Well known actors with a sound track that SOUNDS like cats yowling does NOT make me want to watch this.WTF Did I Just Watch... It's Worse Than Batwoman - YouTube
Christian video maker calls out Liberal silence on genocide against white South Africans and says the Devil is behind the white South African genocide. @GeorgeRockwellLovesYou @CarolynEmerick
A based Christian video maker on YouTube made this video condemning liberal/democrat silence on the satanic genocide against white South Africans in South Africa. He also states that the Devil is behind these anti-white attacks in South Africa. @EmpressWife @realemilyyoucis
17-year-old Christian video maker on Youtube says that Satan is behind the anti-white genocide in South Africa. @CarolynEmerick @realemilyyoucis @EmpressWife
17 year old Christian video maker calls the White south african genocide 'wicked as hell' and says the Devil is behind it.
So, if you were exploring space while white people we still living in caves, why do you folks still call yourselves niggas?
Interesting video about the new EU leader Ursula von der Leyen. The women who falls up stairs...
My first act ever of getting to reject (((post-modern culture))) was that I rejected (c)rap "music". I mean, who in their right minds would not reject such shit masquerading as "music" and "culture". It promotes violence, thuggery (i.e. thug life), being a gangsta (i.e. an uneducated piece of shit), etc. And I remember people talking about how somehow Tupac was against the system, since he had this "Killuminati" song and how he was a wise man and a philosopher and shit. All the while he is promoting the gangsta "lifestyle". I mean fuck that nigga Tupac too.
I've been called a "porn addict bitch" just because I'm advocating that adult content mastodon instances should't be blocked by Gab. It's hilarious that I've been called a "nazi scumbag" when on other instances I was advocating that Gab shouldn't be blocked by them. It's hard to think free.#gab #freespeech #censorship #unblock
Ashkenazi Jews are not white – Response to Haaretz article | Hila Hershkoviz | The Blogs
Damned goatfuckers are trying to enforce sharia in the USA, I hope you people are ready to lock & load!!
Camouflage is the small hats greatest tool of deception...if something good happens, they pretend it’s because of them. Something bad like slavery, then it’s a white man problem. Great lecture by Dr. Tony Martin with intro from my favorite real historian,David Irving...follow their work to learn truth..both have been viciously attacked by small hats and their Lamestream tedia....
Illegal boarder crossing normalized.#immigration #immigrants #illegalaliens #trump #boarder #newsmedia #alexjones #infowars #newswars #DavidKnight #owenshroyer #owenshroyerthecuckdestroyer #willjohnson #millieweaver #kaitlinbennett #foxnews #rushlimbaugh #stevencrowder #gavinmcinnes #trump #trump2020 #makeamericagreatagain #donaldjtrump #donaldtrump #donaldtrump #tuckercarlsontonight #tuckercarlson #makeamericagreat #tommyrobinson
Muslims dislike of dogs stems from dogs being used to protect travellers from the Muslim bandits who plagued them to rape and plunder anyone within range of them.
The focus of antiterror activities seems to be to target only those who are on the verge of violence and keep the rest of them under perennial watch. So Trump and company discuss whether to ban the Muslim Brotherhood because as per some human rights activists, banning any ideology is illegal. This kind of argument is dishonest and dogmatic and overlooks the fact that any organization like Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Jamaat-e-Islami, or Tablighi Jamaat which preaches Islamic supremacism ultimately supports violence against non-muslims.Such specious arguments are made by western ideologues with the sole intention of protecting their own political, military, and economic interests which are deeply enmeshed with global international Islamic terrorism. This is the worst kind of treachery and tyranny unleashed by these nations who lay claim to modernity. These human rights activists are in fact non-muslim advocates of Islamic terror.
102520037378850641_gab rent for Gypsies, Arabs or blacks in BucharestThey are dirty and violent and the landlord doesn’t want any trouble
UK: Teen who raped and murdered 14-year-old girl named as Ayman Aziz Aziz has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of 14-year-old Sokolova and an additional ten years for raping the teen. As things currently stand under the British justice system, Aziz will be eligible for parole in just 19 year.
too many asians at that school Several Baltimore schools report 0 students proficient in math, reading | Education Dive
I can't tell which #MuzzieMenace I hate more: the inbred towel head or this rabid slob of a monrel.Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has 'right to exist.' Here's her stunning answer. - TheBlaze
It's passed 10k now but 100k signatures is quite a way off. If you agree that there should be no amnesty for Illegal immigrants then do please sign. #BritFam
Wow, black people really fucking hate white people. When you're so bigoted and racist that you don't even try to apologize for attempting to walk through a white man in a wheelchair, then blast your stereo bass all the fucking time tells me you aren't oppressed. You just have a chip on your shoulder.
Dems/ Liberals are the real "X" is a good litmus test for retardation.
This woman has lost her grip on reality. When I first read the headline I thought she might actually have something smart to say. I was wrong. :( While she is right about the Democrats, not one thing she said about President Trump was based in fact or even on policy. It was all personal attack. Its just more of the same from the radical left.
The shenanigans involving unlicensed growing at CannTrust{The only type of white Trudeau loves White Collar Crimes) Health Canada seized more than five metric tons of the company’s cannabis in early July after discovering it was being harvested in unlicensed rooms. The news has gotten even worse since, as the Canadian media have uncovered emails showing top management were aware of the grow and a Danish partner confirmed that some of the illegal weed had been exported, which is a breach of the Canadian Cannabis Act and an indictable offense. CannTrust fired its CEO Peter Aceto and President Eric Paul resigned late Thursday,
how many thousands of years does it take for you people to get that jews are not the big problem
I have the feeling that if this #WaxMyBalls transgender demanded the service from men instead of women, nobody would care about it. And in such case the men would probably be labeled as a bigot, maybe even throw to jail for a hate crime 🤐
These 4 controlled opposition zionist clowns are considered right-wing and conservative. Its a joke now.Mainstream Conservatism stands for 3 things.1. Nonstop Israel first propaganda and a nonstop stream of your earnings to Israel to pay for salaries of state rabbis, gay parades and Israeli government-run healthcare. ($38 Billion)2. Promotion of sodomy and female empowerment and other degenerate cultural marxist causes.3. MAGA *MAGA itself means 3 things:- Trump being in the White house.- Cheer on every decision Trump makes.- Own the libs by being just as degenerate as the left, but always end up fighting on left-wing terms.The current GOP candidates and politicians only hold onto abortion and gun rights, for now. They still kinda use that in their rhetoric. They have lost on everything else.Look up the social positions of every single sitting republican. Its depressing. They sound no different than liberals. The GOP is a cultural marxist Jew run joke. They openly brag about their support of faggotry and feminism. Soon, transgenders will be celebrated in ''Right wing circles''.
Yeah unfortunately this is a certain group of white ppl small in number large in power who hate God thus the hatred of the powerful Christian white male
The arrested mankind (man) is an 40 years old origin african.
'An Majority of Anime & Manga Characters Are Pale-Skinned Or Albino-Skinned Eurasians. They're Would Riding an Mechanized Horse Infantries in Japan' - iSorrowproductions
They have come to kill....An 8 year old pushed in front of an arriving train. Last week a grown women. Yesterday an African degenerate, last week a Bosnian.The war is here...,hauptbahnhof-notfall-100.html
What a great way to destroy a people. Just prevent anyone from criticizing them. Everyone will hate your spoiled fat lazy inconsiderate ass. Probably get shoahed before long.
Baltimore has rats, lots of them if there are so many they are destroying roads! And it wouldn't matter if Cummings was white, Indian or green and a naturalized immigrant from Mars. He still should do better for his constituents.
According to Reddit this is the face of Chapo trap retards. Can someone verify? I mean it's suspicious they look exactly the way you would expect them to.
@EsotericexposalThe flooding of Europe and America with millions of refugees is Agenda 21 in action. Destabilization of first world countries is a primary goal of the coming New World Order
Having blown himself up, an 18-year-old suicide bomber appeared before Allah. He said:-Oh, Allah, I did your bidding, but I have a request. Since I'm only 18 and spent all my time in terrorist training school, I have never been with a woman. So, instead of 72 virgins, who also won't know what to do sexually, can I have 72 whores?Allah regarded him for a moment and then replied:-Actually, the 72 virgins are here in heaven because assholes like you murdered them before they could experience the pleasure of sex. So you're here to service them. Since they're virgins, they're quite sexually ravenous, and, frankly, you'll be on constant, exhausting duty.The bomber responded:-Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?And Allah replied:-Who said they were women?
Left- "We are afraid of voter fraud via the rUsSiAnS."Normal people- " How about we pull back on internet voting/registering, and move back to same day voting via paper ballots?"Left-"No you racist, because illegals couldn't.....ah, I mean blacks are too inept to get an ID....."Normal people-Jaws drop to floor.
Basic on spotting the thousands of transpeople in entertainment and politics and models plus tv and music and magazines, especially women's mags almost always have MTF [male to female] models....
White conservatives can't stand black people even if you're a black conservative. They PRETEND to like us because as black conservatives, we're just a easier pill for them to swallow. That's it. Nothing else. Don't assume they give a shit about you. They think of us just as worse as our liberal counterparts. If you date their women, they will hate your guts. But they don't mind when their men date our women. That's why they love that black bitch Candace Owens, because she got herself a white man. When a black bitch gets a white man, it's treated as a stamp of approval, her acceptance card, her validation certificate. But when a black man gets a white woman, they call her a "nigger lover".
We live in an age where women's rights are under attack from the left.
Mainstream media never covered this, I suppose they didn’t want to offend muslims. 🙄
Justice Dept.: 2 refugees from Somalia arrested in Tucson, accused of providing support to ISIS
DO NOT support the troops... it's just a back door way to get you to support their criminal Jew Banker wars,......go Iran go Syria go Russia.... USA is a fucking joke now... lmao
Haha! Leftists getting beat up on by bigger leftists. It's like when mooslimes go to war with each other because one side isn't sharia enough.Tulsi Gabbard Calls for Americans to Unite Against Big Tech | Breitbart
@NeonRevolt Blind Items Revealed #3July 21, 2019Apparently one of the witnesses the government is talking to trafficked women through the Mexican border. He was paid massive amounts of money for any teen girls he could smuggle into New Mexico to the pedophile's residence there.Jeffrey Epstein
I was thinking about the few photos of the girls I've seen who allege being raped by Epstein & compatriots...they should put any sane person into a rage.He -- assuming these pics are typical -- went out of his way to select and rape children who were distinctly nonJew looking, girls who were explicitly European gentile in appearance.This is an act of racist pedophilic rape, simply put.One of the most common and devastating acts of war against us, an alien, despised "enemy" in their eyes, is to molest and sexually humiliate our women and children.From the perspective of these demons, raping children and the very young is optimal. The chance that a raped girl child will mature normally (i.e. marry and be a mother to healthy children) is vastly decreased. This, much like the tacit push of gentile wannabe 'actresses' into degenerate, soul-destroying pornography, is a small but damaging and vile attack on us.
"They say ""But Meh Muslim was at a gold field in the Bendigo gold rush"" ........ We also had muslim camel trains in the outback ... don't be claiming the hired help were family members. They got to stay but should have gone home when they weren't needed ... and taken their fucking camels with them.
the false allegation era of metoo is designed to sell out women to islam and shariah law.
ISLAMASPECTRY def. : the examination and critical analysis of Islam, its practices, history, culture, casualties.Islamaspectric NOT islamaphobic!
i suspect the jewish people have no love for western civilization or its laws and i suspect that they want to kill non jewish people in the united states and they cant and those non jewish people have firearms.
SE Asia about to get wrecked too. I accept money from asians.
Somali refugees arresed in Tucson on way to Egypt. They were in touch with an agent posing as a terrorist. One of them stated, “The best wake up call is Islamic State to get victory or another 9/11.” Get smart people! #MAGA #KAG @foxandfriends
The Eritreans fought a 20yr war for their countries independence now they're all fleeing to Europe for their reward of welfare and white women. I hate these fucking apes.
If you're gonna label President Trump a racist for referring to 3rd world countries as shithole countries, then TURN ABOUT IS FAIR PLAY! TRUMP: Bernie Sanders ‘Must Now Be Labeled A Racist’ For Calling Baltimore A ‘Third-World Country’
Europeans the world over are mentally enslaved by the enemy controlled institutions of mass media, academia, Hollywood and the music industry. These occupied, subversive and manipulative institutions push a poisonous message for European consumption. The message is one of race denialism, race mixing, degeneracy, homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism and anything else that corrupts the individual mind thereby corrupting the collective mind and the subsequent erosion of the very identity of the target population.These poisonous manipulators and mind groomers attack Western morality, culture, racial identity, sexual norms and natural innate differences in order to deconstruct society and remake it in their own image. What you see today is that dystopian image. are NOT free
I like when they take the mask off.New NUS president has said thatshe wanted to 'oppress white people' and have an 'Islamic takeover'
Why does raghead ilhan omar get away with inciting violence against Rand Paul. Who would support this terrorist?
Jews saw the major weakness in Northern Europeans. It wasn't their "individualism". It was their pedestalizing of women.
ROFL! More undeniable proof men and women are not the same and should not be treated the same. Oh wait? The wamen do not benefit from this one o.O? WHAAAAA change it SAD FACE SAD FACE TEARS TEARS. LOLOLOLOTransgender weightlifter’s gold medal sparks new debate | Fox News
This is definitely concerning. Boris Johnson wishes to give amnesty to 500,000 illegal immigrants. This already makes me skeptical of him, to no end. can't help but wonder where the rest of the West is going to head in the next decade. Clearly, countries in Eastern Europe will remain as they're much more nationalistic and are more likely to have the gall to stand up to the EU. People like Salvini, Orban, and others are a god send in standing up for what they believe in. I applaud them. It isn't that way with some of the Nordic nations and others such as most of the UK, France, and others. It wouldn't surprise me if armed conflict would occur if the EU gets worse.
Dem candidate and kook Marianne Williamson holds group prayer to apologize for being white.
"'unconscious bias' is often passed down from generation to generation"So strong white british values then?
Wonder if I have went over the heads of these retarded inbreed Arian's, Wannabe Nazi's, White Supremacists.
Do I see an crickety old white guy or lying assholes as viable alternatives to Trump. Honestly not. Do I see this woman as an alternative? Hell yes.Tulsi Sues Google - YouTube
Anyone else get the photo of omar, pelosi and other muslims and commies at Harry's Bar Venice dining on tax payers money? Anyone give a fuck they do Nothing for Americans but love spending our money?
Don’t get me wrong, I support whoever you want to date and I think it’s great as long as you’re both happy. But you’re at best bi, you can’t be a straight male if you’re happily in a relationship with another person who has a penis. I really wish we could go back to journalism instead of this political activism that’s become so popular in the media
I feel somewhat vindicated for being permanently banned off twitter.I was banned because of the following exchange:I answered a poll that asked if you would rather live in a neighborhood with primarily Somali immigrants or white people.And some person (who I don't even remember the name because it was a one off comment) in the responses underneath said the following:"I'd rather live in a neighborhood full of Somalis because if I lived in a neighborhood with white people my rent would be a lot higher."No idea if he was being facetious or not so I jokingly responded with the following:"At least when they end up slitting your throat you can be comforted in the knowledge that you saved money on your rent."They accused me of harassing or trying to harm someone when all I did was sarcastically answer his absurd (though probably true) comment.And today we find out these Somali immigrants living in the US are plotting for our destruction.
You got to love the tone here -- the refugee crisis is legitimately not an issue because the billions & billions being spent will potentially lead to an estimated 40,000 public sector jobs. We are at a point where we are supposed to celebrate mass migration because the insane levels of new public welfare spending create more jobs for us. Never mind the permanent demographic shift and the fact that these guys likely will never claw themselves out of poverty and isolation; never mind that spending this much isn't sustainable and will directly take away from our own prosperity... It's creating jobs.