4 values
i heard that the white house sits on stolen indian land, is that true? #AbolishTheDoctrineOfDiscoveryI Was Invited to the White House! - YouTube
@realdonaldtrump always remember, Build The Walls is not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, and illegal immigration. You and #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these illegal immigrants must be deported. #MAGA 🇺🇸 🦅 💪 👊
Anyone have that picture or a list showing well known rapists who are jewish?
CAIR official admits women do NOT have equal rights under Sharia Law. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can we bring back lynchings specifically for people who go to store and tamper with food i hate having to check all my food before i buy it to see if its been fucked with by retards
No description of the attackers, so we can assume more muslims again.
August 31st in Boston will be a Straight Pride Parade featuring the Grand Marshall as Milo Yiannopoulos. I can't wait. Go Milo!We're here, not queer!!
I just want someone whose sane who sin't a womenising, bully and isn't a crazy socialist, SJW fanatic.... I hated voting for Trump the first time but a liar, wife of a womeniser who excused his actions and attacked his victims wasn't a better choice.... Dear Lord Dems don't make me do it again by nominating a wackjob....
i think both europeans and asians are come from Eurasia
‪Next on #StardewValley My controller keeps pulling to the left, We screw mother nature more, and enjoy a lazy rainy day of fishing.‬‪#brokenconsolestudio #steam #bitchute‬
#BritFam Frightful stuff of nightmares A profile of one of the london bridge attackers - given asylum and then turning into a murderous animal at London Bridge. I am curious as to why a family from Pakistan were given asylum - surely that must be a safe country - without knowing all the facts i would still query why this kind of immigration is allowed? Are we even allowed to ask these kinds of questions? Something tells me not in the UK but at least there is Gab which allows for a free exchange of ideas. The whole idea of a productivity gap and the need of immigrants is just wrong - instead of importing millions of people why not invest in improving technology and using that to plug the gap - ensure that the technology is kept in this country? I mean if oil fields can be protected why can't high technology businesses? That said I simply don't trust the government in this matter - whatever else it is - it does not act in the long term interest of the UK.
@Korig @BoneyBoy How does it feel to have your childhood raped like this?
102452246143224203_gab — Calling it as it IS! Act like niggers, expect to be called out. #Separation
we have always welcomed immigrants, as long as they were legal and loved the U. S.A.
I fucking hate Google pay now. They took money from my Paypal account immediately for a service I cancelled almost a year ago. They got their money immediately from Paypal. Then after I blew a fuse with Paypal they told me they can't refund me, and that I need to talk to Google pay, so I went through all those hoops and then Google pay approved my refund but it takes 3-5 business days to really do the actual refund. DAMN GOOGLE TO HELL!
Make sure they understand that the criminalization of homosexuality, under the teachings of Islam. Homosexuality is not only a sin, but a crime. As a crime against God, it is permissible, according to many Muslim scholars, to punish the offender with death.Teach Your Children True Islam From A Young Age – News With Views
4 pieces of shite. They should all go back and then all all libs, socialists, commies and moslems.
This is what "The West" is, this is what "Western Civilization" has become. Do you like it? Why would anyone wish to save these values?This is what Libertarians, Liberals, Conservatives, the Green Party, etc, all fight for. This is what they want to save from the "evil Muslims"I'm sorry, not really, but if anyone genuinely wants to save this you're a degenerate faggot. Nothing here is worth saving. I'd prefer White Sharia, I'd prefer every European to convert to Islam and force the non-Whites out. I'd prefer White women to not be whores (see picture 1), I'd prefer faggots to not exist, I'd prefer children to not be exploited, I'd prefer to not have fat asses reaching for another damn Twinky. The West is a cancer, Islam is the answer. Force the muds out, force their Jewish puppeteers out, make the White Caliphate."Liberty" and "freedon" is not worth degeneracy and extinction.
We need a black woman to play a female Andrew Dice Clay. How about a lesbian Richard Pryor? A Hispanic Sam Kinison. A Jamaican Hell Spawn. A drag queen child who plays Freddy Krueger. A Polish Jason Vorhees. Let's make a documentary of Metallica played by a modern-day Jackson 5. If we're gonna fuck movies up let's go all in my friends.007 Is Now a Black Woman?! - YouTube
When are you fucking yanks gonna realise what cunts the jews are? They are fucking you!
Gab was better before the update. Now I see a post that I have an opinion on, decide to comment before scrolling down to the next post but "Oh No!" I have to scroll from the very top again so I loose where i was because the feed is flooded with another fuck ton of new posts. Congratulations Gab, you've managed to fuck shit up already. Who bent you over the workstation? To be clear, I'm not insinuating that someone is trying to help with your backache, I'm outright saying you got fucked in the arse like a prison bitch!
It was a clear case of self defense by the the US rap artist and his crew yet we can see now the disease of Sweden's degenerate government at work. We can understand how it came to be that Sweden also sought to arrest Julian Assange. Sweden - a country run by a government of cucked women & feminists who pander to Islamists and multiculturalists. Stay home and bake a cake you fucking bitches!
#Canada #America #Trump #Politics #WorldOnce again Justin Trudeau has meddled in a affair and opened his mouth where he shouldn't be sticking his nose into.While Justin Trudeau is coming off a scandal hit in Canada. In Canada meanwhile.-Canada has one of the most high cost of living prices. It seems as if every liberal are ignoring the high cost of living issue dispute the fact that Justin Trudeau ran a campaign promising to "fix"things.-Immigration: a number of Canadian want border crossings by illegal immigrants stopped.
We already have laws against wearing face masks. Islam's Qur'an (33:59) doesn't mandate burkas etc to "show modesty to Allah" but so the women don"t HAVE TO BE RAPED by muslim men, (as they "have to" rape infidel women for inciting their lust with their sexy hair)! As usual, the Qur'an is "sexist" towards both men and women, because it claims all men (don't forget who wrote the Qur'an - Muhammad the rapist) are always at the mercy of their hormones, just as Allah wants it, so it's always the women's fault when they get raped - just as Allah wants it. CONCLUSION: islam and the Qur'an are nothing but CRIME-EXCUSES; i.e: "I didn't do it! The Allah made me do it! In fact, I didn't do it at all! ONLY THE ALLAH DID IT! Whee!"Montreal police asked to submit to Islamic Law - YouTube
So Trump is under fire for saying that people born in the US should "go back to where they came from".Imagine if everyone who's 1st, second or third generation immigrant actually left the country.They'd be opening up the borders and letting half of Mexico in to fill the demand for workers.
The House passed a resolution condemning President Trump’s tweets as “racist.” The resolution is meaningless, but was passed to placate the Gang of Four radical Congresswomen who driving the party further to the left. Still, “the squad” wasn’t happy. They continued to call everyone a racist and demand impeachment for reasons they can’t fully articulate. And their relationship with Nancy Pelosi keeps getting worse because appeasement of radicals never works.
I think allot of people on the far right are probably perfectly fine with homosexuals being depicted as rats.Arthur Pushes GOES WOKE
AOC should never hold office again... nor should any democrat! They just abuse power, destroy our economy and jobs. President Trump is correct, if they don't like it here, they really should leave and stop pushing socialist agendas.Ocasio-Cortez gets new 2020 challenger: a Republican immigrant from Jamaica | Fox News
So for the retards who think guns can't be taken away. Here is actual death. I am a supporter of having guns have them open carry and concealed carry. Petitions keep the wankers in office in control or try to. Petitions are certainly better than insult real patriots by fake patriots on a social media.10 People Shot To Death On Video - Listverse
My friends, we have a choice. We either let the democrats destroy America, the democrats are now electing muslim terrorist and haters of America. Those who believe the democrats are mentality deficient. We must take a stand now, or we will lose America for good. YOU have a choice.
Imagine being this scummy that you raise your kids to do shit like this. I can only imagine what this "gOoD bOy" will be like when he's grown up 😒 #niggers
This is NOT a group of women in #Gaza getting ready for a child's birthday. They are getting balloons ready to carry incendiary bombs and explosive materials to send over the border into #Israel! #ReligionOfHate The attempt of #ReligionOfHate guys to sexually harass a little Asian girl and film it to show their friends... I get it that this is "their culture" -what I do NOT get is why we let them into our societies and accept this? #RapeOfEurope
Some Christians argue that homosexuality is not a sin because Jesus never mentioned or condemned it. Is this a valid argument? Read more… #Gay #Hermeneutics #Homosexuality #LGBTQ #Sin #ReasonedMusings #RajsReflections
Pretending to be a violent retarded #communist on #twitter to see how equal censorship is applied ("kill whitey" is totally fine) is harder and more work than I thought. I somehow don't "fit in" with the #antifa groups. Perhaps it's all the #kpop posts in my history?I'm also having a hard time getting a good grasp in the #antifa ideology. The idea appears to be that violently attacking anyone you disagree with & causing property damage and destruction will somehow make society better. I'm not seeing a much in terms of a long-term plan for the Communist Revolution.
Message from Danny Tommo on Telegram:"On the Saturday the 3rd of August 2019, there will be will be a “MASS DEMO” in central London.""Put all egos aside, differences aside & stand with your fellow countrymen & women in solidarity with Tommy & in defiance against the corrupt establishment. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧"@IAmTommyRobinson @RealDannyTommo #TommyRobinson #FreeTommyREAD THE FULL MESSAGE ON DANNY'S TELEGRAM CHANNEL:
102457713777691684_gab 1 minute long video I had made about Horst Mahler got me in trouble on my channel so a strike and unable to use (((youtube))) but the beautiful cornflowers around where my daughter and I are living are blooming so abundantly and reminds me to Heil Hitler and send my love to all of you fellow truthers whom with the 9 noble virtues do your best to live by and end the jew-world-disorder with! Sieg Heil 🇩🇪
Perfect #Republican contender against #AOC in her district: #ScherieMurray, a LEGAL Jamaican immigrant that has been building bridges all her life. Make her famous and get her elected over AOC in New York! Share her video and make people in AOC's district aware that there is a MUCH BETTER alternative that actually has accomplished things and the ability to achieve more greatness in her district! Share share share
#AOC #DemocratClownShow #EconomicInsanity I just love Demonazis, don’t you? They have all the allure of a 75-year-old outhouse filled shit and flies. Democrat candidate spending plans top $180T
102458203043157976_gab! Willem Van Spronsen, an active member of the domestic terror organization Antifa, firebombed an ICE facility where illegal immigrants were being cared for, potentially killing immigrants that he's supposedly fighting for. This nutjob left terrorist, radicalized by AOC and "the squad"'s lies of a concentration camp being run by the government on the southern border, is being praised all over Twitter as a martyr by crazed socialists.These kids on the border have it better than a lot of out own children in our own country! With schools, arts and crafts, yoga, snacks and all-you-can-eat buffets as well as a soccer field for the kids, Access to fresh water.. I'm sorry but concentration camps in Nazi Germany didn't have PlayStation 4's and arts and crafts but the fake news media can't let those "secrets" out. AOC inspired this terrorist Willem, proof is in his manifesto, and of course the squad refuses to denounce it because that's the majority of their base.. pathetic.#News #AOC #FakeNews #Border #ICE #antifa #willemvanspronsen #vanspronsen
Who knew Mexicans were so racist...Unauthorized immigrants face public backlash in Mexico, survey findsMEXICO CITY — Mexicans are deeply frustrated with immigrants after a year of heightened migration from Central America through the country, according to a survey conducted by The Washington Post and Mexico’s Reforma newspaper. More than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans. A 55 percent majority supports deporting migrants who travel through Mexico to reach the United States.Those findings defy the perception that Mexico — a country that has sent millions of its own migrants to the United States, sending billions of dollars in remittances — is sympathetic to the surge of Central Americans. Instead, the data suggests Mexicans have turned against the migrants transiting through their own country, expressing antipathy that would be familiar to many supporters of President Trump north of the border. Read more -
Someone explain to me why Joe Biden is not in prison. He is a fucking Pedophile. Republican have go to grow a spine and fight fire with fire. Would you agree with me?
@lporiginalg bonjour, duderino. A recent ‘can’t stop progress’ was purged from YouTube, the one with a dancer at end? Will it make it to bitchute? Got sauce on that gal in closing credits? Curious to see if my suspicion is accurate on country of origin. Thx
Sounds more like a punishment. This is how we treat the men and women that served us. Disgusting. Could be a means to kick disabled officers from a pension. They deserve so much better than this.N. Chicago cops on line-of-duty disability get 'emergency recall' dispatcher training order. If they don't comply, they lose pensions. - TheBlaze
102459411657051367_gab Life Crew "murdario stomp/pure disgust" Anti illegal alien hardcore classic even more relevant today than 1995 when it came out#hardcore #punk #heavymetal#bordercrisis
Prince Harry thinks Fortinite isn't a good game for children. Is not like people are being stabbed and raped in his country for his major concern be the game...right?
As a Kiwi i am disturbed by this unfair and irrational allowance of competition from this contrived PC delusion. This is a Fraud. ‘Robbing women of opportunities’: Fury after transgender NZ weightlifter wins double gold — RT Sport News
Nova Europa Society "The First Step Towards the Ethnostate" (Part 2/6)Johannes Scharf´s speech at the first Nova Europa Society Conference [07-13-2019] Black Forest GermanyBuy his Book in English availablewe have Facebook, E-Mail & a Homepage.... visit and support us!Homepage: www.white-ethnostate.orgE-Mail: NovaEuropaSociety@web.deFB: Nova Europa Society //Material Vertrieb//
"Send her back" is some dangerous stuff. Her 1st Amendment freedoms matter, too.Trump slams progressive congresswomen at fiery 'MAGA' rally in North Carolina | Fox News
Sadiq Khan the muslim says muslim terrorism is part of life in a big city so whats the issue?Sara Zelenak's parents want terrorists' families to be held accountable after daughter's murder - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
I highly approve of Trump's shit talking against these socialist progressive freshmen reps. Trump slams progressive congresswomen at fiery 'MAGA' rally in North Carolina | Fox News
The Minneapolis city officials are trying to figure how to make downtown Minneapolis safer. Well they can ban niggers downtown after dark. That would be about the only way.
The Alex Jones Show July 17, 2019 (link:… #BitChute #USMCA #Trump2020 #BuildingTheWall #WalkAwayDems #1A #2A #BikersForTrump #WomenForTrump #CreepyJoeBiden #GoRedStateByState #WWG1WGA #PromisesMadePromisesKept #DemocratsArePoison #KAG #FreeTommy @realdonaldtrump
I can undestand why "some people" are afraid of free speech. They want to be controlled and censored cuz their narrative would explode if they start to speech freely. Imagine a feminist expressing her real opinion on Islam, a muslim talking freely about women, an exploited underpaid worker talking about his lesbian employer and so on. They want to hide their inner contradictions so they need an owner that repress their real feelings.
Lotta butthurt liberals on Huffington Propaganda. He said, "Let them leave." Look up the definition of "let."Trump Renews Attacks On Congresswomen Of Color: ‘Let Them Leave’ America | HuffPost
Believing in literal racial and gender equality is like a religion. These people don't care about truth, they care about making reality conform to their egalitarian religion. They want technology that confirms their ideological biases, that defines the world as they _expect_ it to be according to their religious delusions. It's the Ptolemaic universe all over again.When the technology doesn't cooperate it is the technology at fault, for their religion is always correct. They will know they have achieved success when the technology scans the world and makes the religiously appropriate conclusions. Lucky for us an uncooperative reality should keep us from their 'Brave New World' technologies for a little longer. I hope I can live out my life as a free man, at least live long enough to see the neo-Marxist religion and it's 'sins' destroyed. Otherwise they will scan my face at Walmart and arrest me for being a white male racist sexist troll! I don't want to be forced into a conditioning center to be reprocessed. Is demography destiny? - JSK Class of 2019 - Medium
Xenia Ceramic Planter The Xenia Ceramic Planter is a beautiful white pot on a tall gold frame that is sure to show off any of your favorite greenery. Available in a small and large size, give your Rhipsalis varieties, larger succulents or your flowing Devil’s Ivy a new lease of life in this stunning display.Product Details Small Size: 14.5cm x 8cm (Pot 7.5cm Tall)Large Size: 16cm x 8cm (Pot 9.5cm Tall)Package Includes: 1 pot, 1 frame Plants not included
Just random NPCs without color, religious affiliation or political view. That's why it is so hard to find them. The descriptions are as if they all look alike or there is just one person out there commiting every crime.Crimes solved by police in England and Wales at new low - BBC News
Behold... the Jihad Squad. Trump has maneuvered these four bitchy, unappealing, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Western Civilization women into being the new face of the Democrat party. #TheSquad #TheJihadSquad #AOC #IlhanOmar #SendHerBack #LoveItOrLeaveIt #Trump2020 #WoodysMemes
I've always had my own ideas and opinions about facts. I never fit into categories like left or right wing. I've been always tolerant and open minded but at some point I've had enough to be attacked just for what I am. I am a white straight man and PROUD to be . I won't apologize for things i haven't done, I've never been priviliged in my life and I'm tired to see my race and gender continuosly attacked.
DICLAIMER: This video is about #Cortez, #1A, Demonazi lawlessness & hypocrisy. If you want to make it about Jews, go somewhere else. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez sued by former N.Y. assemblyman
Colorado State University lists a series of words to be avoided. One of them is "straight":– Straight (when used to refer to heterosexuals, this implies LGBT people are “crooked” or “not normal,” according to the guide).iSapiens says: By the same logic, they should avoid using "Gay":– Gay (when used to refer to homosexuals, this implies non-LGBT people are "sad", "gloomy", or "miserable") :nuke: ..... but I guess the University hasn't thought that far ahead, because, you know, it's a Center of Lower Learning (i.e. Indoctrination).
Globalists like the Squad, Sean King, Obama, and Kamala Harris are trying to stir division among us, trying to create resentment between us: between white and black, Jew and gentile, men and women.Please don't fall for it. They're agents of the devil, trying to trick you, trying to distance you from God.Don't let them win. We aren't lesser or greater than any others. We are all God's Children. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female in Jesus' eyes. We've got to stick together if we are to defeat this evil, and usher in Jesus' Return.We can, and we will.
Am glad to see sex is no longer a taboo in the Arab world. Now all they got to do is stop hacking the genitals off children, stoning adulterers to death and throwing queers off buildings, Inshallah !! Talking about sex no longer so taboo in the Arab world - BBC News
Extremists that murdered Scandinavian women sentenced to firing squad.
A men had threatened to make terrorist attack in Poland. He was arrested by security services in May. Now his trial has been put on hold for psychiatric tests. The men is native Polish, who had earlier converted to islam.
What a retard.Bishop Talbert Swan on Twitter: "Every single Trump supporter in the UNIVERSE is RACIST. EVERY SINGLE ONE.PERIOD.#IStandWithIlhan… "
What a retard.Joy Behar Suggests Trump Should Face Criminal Charges Over ‘Send Her Back’ Chants | The Daily Caller
unpopular facts:America is not a racist countryTrump is not a NaziThere are no concentration campsabortion is murderthere are only 2 gendersconservatives aren't bigotsdisliking Ilhan Omar doesn't make you xenophobicwhite privilege is not realpineapple on pizza is great
Explain this @TheRedElephants . So are you lying or just retarded?
This is fucking brilliant, it is where i am from and they forget there is a woman who has to speak. I am sorry for laughing God.
Joe explains why he's against capturing illegal immigrant families at the border and separating them. And if you disagree with him, you're not on the human "team".Joe Rogan on Immigration - YouTube
Are #incels welcome on Mastodon.Social or are we under the (hard quotes) "nazi" blanket?I am just a lonely, low sexual status, ugly balding guy. I am not an angry and deluded #MGTOW.
I am a white woman.Patriot.My family was on American soil before this was even a country.Can someone give me a NON RELIGIOUS reason I should give a shit about Israel? If I criticize the government for giving Israel financial and military aid, because I believe we shouldn't be giving aid of any kind to any country but should be minding our own business, does that make me an anti-semite? Not that I care if someone else labels me. I don't care about Israel or the Jewish people.
This is one of the retards defending Antifa on Wikipedia.User:Simonm223 - Wikipedia
Yes I’m a tribal member. No, the USA didn’t always treat my people fairly. Yes, they did some downright nasty things to my people. No, I’m not bitter. No, I don’t think things would be better if the whites never came here. We had slavery, war, disease, famine and genocide before the whites. But the other tribe I’m also a member of is American. No nation has always done the right thing all the time. But no other nation works harder to promote freedom.
Frankly,,, I think we should nuke out all MUSLIMS and also JEWS.And Patriot Nurse needs to shut her fucking cake hole. This god damn bitch just doesn't make any sense,, that is unless your in some kind of right wing disney land.... I mean,, get with REALITY of TODAY..
😒 and he doesn't care that he put her life and her family's life in danger as ... he apparently "hunted her down" to expose ??? or push violence
This website is a fucking joke and it took me 10 different tries to log in. New Starcraft video I made: [2v2] Macro Protoss play utilizing Warp Prisms and harassment
please change the name of manhole to street hole or street vagina. And by the way, planet Earth thinks California has gone insane with this sort of crap. ..Bunch of retards!
@DailyDefender These people are way pass seriously mentally retarded. They have no off button when comes to this being OCD politically correct. They are truly freaking mad!
102467185702539842_gab, what is it with Christchurch? Massive earthquakes, floods, forest fires, massacred muslims and now gas explosions. I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near there right now.
The curious case of the Chinese diplomat: He told the truth about black crime and violence in Washington, D.C., and now some of the fellas and lovely ladies are very unhappy with him.Welcome to our world, Mr. Ambassador.The curious case of the Chinese diplomat who told the truth about black crime in D.C. A new podcast from Colin Flaherty - White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.
The LGBT ideology will ultimately impose on heterosexuals the obligation to conceive and then take away children so that homosexuals can have children (there is no other option, after all). Jews Depravation' Rabbi is too stupid to understand the consequences of this logic.#LGBTfreezone
Gillette, don't tell people their sons play wrestling is the same as beating on women and it is somehow in their nature for being male. Disgusting! If you hate men so much, they won't give you their money. No amount of back peddling will fix this. Let this be a lesson to you other corporations. #getwokegobrokeEvery Hero Sweats: Gillette Wants a Do-Over | Military.com
#FaceApp #Demonazis Russia hasn't done anything to me and they're not "out to get me." The same can't be said of my own government in D.C.US Democrats at war with viral Russian-developed FaceApp
I call BS. She surely doesn't get any more "threats" than any other politician. It is part of the victimhood ploy to make us focus on that, then run to her defense for her radical agenda! Watch out.How many threats do citizens get from Islamic jihadists? Oh, wait, they just go for the kill-no threat. Her life is no less important than mine or any of my family members'. Ilhan Omar Receives Death Threats: Legacy Media Considers this Abnormal - YouTube
Gruesome Afghan Muslim Rape Marathon in Swedish refugee camp, Socialist-' It's racism to expel them'
Oklahoma man, 37, arrested after he raped a four-year-old girl in a McDonald's restroom when she left her group to use the bathroom during a daycare field trip.Is it just me or do others believe there are people that should never be allowed to live, not even in prison, after committing such a heinous act on a child.?
102470357156037163_gab News headline and the written description of the incident don't match the video. I gather that we're supposed to be aghast at the callous disregard the 911 dispatcher has for the poor victim caller. The text of the article certainly reads that way.But then you watch the video and realize that the caller is a hysterical shrieking bitch and the 911 operator showed remarkable restraint. Doesn't matter though. She's on the wrong side of the color spectrum so she'll have to undergo "re-education."
What the Iranians don't know is the tankers are full of Pakistani immigrant Muslims, take that Islam, back at ye!Iran Guards say they have confiscated a British tanker in Strait of Hormuz  | Daily Mail Online
Trudeau loves his globalism. Interesting how he is defending the "squad". They are stupid, hate their country, want to co ntrol people, they are pushing for islamic control, they want to make the economy a government economy, are hateful and have have ugly characters. I see why trudeau relates to them.
The jews are the sole reason for shitty relations between russia and the US. Putin is a nationalist and he is allied with every other nationalist leader but Trump. If the US and Russia allied with the other nationalist leaders in the EU, it would be game over for the EU and the jews know that so one of their primary goals is to create hostile relations between Russia and the US, hopefully leading to a war.
#cats #AllKindsOfAnimals #cuteposting @Z0mbie @ceecee5 white cutenessphoto by konevisource: www
So ... "The Devastating Instability" destroyed those ancient idols, right? No way it could have been "muslims" following "islam," then?In the MIDDLE of Nowhere...Lost Ancient Civilizations - The Sumerians & Mesopotamia - YouTube
Friday night in exurbia! I'm listening to this: the windows open, and my redneck neighbors must be either entertained or alarmed because I periodically shout at the laptop, "Oh, shut the hell up you disingenous zionist childkilling piece of crap."
I'm with you nigga. Don't know what your comment said, don't care if you for or against the President. You can say what the fuck you want to say, so can he, so can I. Login on Twitter
If Canada had a real government, it would take in all the Yezidis and Christians from the Middle East, then use their Arabic-speaking abilities in their spy agencies to keep tabs on all the muslim criminals!Trump steps in to save Christians and Yazidis from extinction by jihadists
R. KELLY seemed to be living life larger than he could afford. Too many homes, too many women and too little money! The state is now going to have to provide him with a public defender.
Where is John Connor? Also, 3rd movie says Linda died from cancer. Arnold was melted in the second movie. Nothing about lesbians.TERMINATOR 6: Dark Fate New Footage & Trailer (2019) - YouTube
102473289428198768_gab fuck ppl born and bred in UK, let refugees get free houses and help