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Roosevelt - Anti-Semitic RacistFDR had some other personal flaws besides being a Stalinist - he was an anti-semite and a racist. Here is his thinking about blacks from his discussion of the Caribbean Islands during the bases for destroyers swap in the summer of 1940 -I told Winston, listen Winston, those places are nothing but a headache to you – you know that. They cost the British Treasury five million pounds – nearly 25 million dollars - every year. They are nothing but a headache. If you think I want your headaches, you are mistaken. I don’t. Furthermore those places are inhabited by some 8 million dark-skinned gentlemen and I don’t want them coming to the United States and adding to the problem we already have with our 13 million black men. I tell you, Winston, it’s just a headache and you can keep it. - Ward pp. 526-527
Turquoise Direct is a family owned business which offers jewelry designed by award winning Native American artists. You can buy natural American turquoise jewelry set in exquisite contemporary and traditional silver and gold designs.
I usually give faggots no issue. Let the dick chuggers do what they want. However, when these turd burglars start targeting children this makes me get old testament real fast.Drag Queen Reads ‘What Color Is Your Underwear?’ to Young Children
HERE'S MY COMMENT, I HAVE TO DO IT THIS WAY BECAUSE THIS NEW BULLSHIT GAB WON'T LET ME LEAVE A COMMENT! TRUTH ABOUT THE JEWS, YOU ARE 100% CORRECT, BRAVO! JEWS HAVE ALWAYS ENSLAVED WHITES/EUROPEANS AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO CALL US THE OPPRESSORS=TYPICAL JEWISH LIES1hPierre Marie@Carabistouille@THETOMPREE Jews are the most lazy and pretentious people in the world.They decided that working was unworthy of them.So, they created a Talmud law that non-Jews must work for them.The slavery of non-Jews has become normal for them.White, black or other slaves, whatever.The word "slave" comes from the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe.It was always a region of white slaves for the Jews.
Will the Blacks be apologizing to each other for selling each other into slavery also ran by blacks who put them to work? Also prayers are not meant to be used for political displays. Democrats are the one's who endorsed slavery. This is all being done for votes...which makes you all slaves of stupidity.Marianne Williamson LEADS Whites In APOLOGY PRAYER To Blacks! - YouTube
I think I will change my religion...think I will be a convert to muslim.However I'm not changing my life.I will continue to:Smoke cigarettesDrink Jack DanielsEat my breakfast ham and baconEat my beef dinnersEat my baloney sandwiches.Wipe my ass with my RIGHT hand.Go to church to pick-up dates.Wear my shoes in churchSmoke my cigarettes in the back row pews.Cuss when I get pissed-off.......One new thing......If approached by the Sharia police tell them to... FUCK-OFF, ASSHOLE.
FIGHTING FOR AMERICA Let this sink in—President Trump is the only president who goes to war by himself with other countries, instead of sending our young men and women abroad to die by the thousands. Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico, Iran... and there will undoubtedly be more. Thanks to Trump, America is winning through sanctions. Think about that when you hug your children! Politicians let other people fight their battles. Trump stands up to bullying regimes ALONE.
Went to the mexican supermarket, greeted in spanish. Accidently respond in moonspeak. lmao im retarded
New Poll: Mexicans Want Illegal Immigrants Deported, by Force If NecessaryJuly 20, 2019 MJA 8A new Washington Post poll shows that a majority of Mexicans want illegal immigrants deported, and almost none want them to stay. They also support use of their new national
In Brazil, The Arabian -Brazilian Federation ( FAMBRAS) sue a blog who was calling people to boycott Halal Industries and Foods. The blog ( Brazilian) also showed where the money came from and to where it goes. The Judge Carolina Bertholazzi said that is islamophobic and demanded Google to show the personal data of the owner, his identity and also erase the content from Google. Here the Content and fuck your feelings.
Available now: a positive and wholesome magazine explicitly for us, that you can show to your mom, dad, sister, brother, or anyone still hesitant about taking their own side and accepting that they have interests. Nothing lewd or controversial, just pro-white.Details at
9k Gold Shema Israel over Sterling silver Star of David Necklace, "Hear O Israel", Bible scripture, Messianic jewelry, #bible #shabbat #kosher #christian #church #apostolic #biblestudy #prophet #love #prayer #pastor #godisgood #peace #praisethelord #praiseandworship #heaven #faith #god #holybible #congregation
Don't be alone with a women who is not your wife, it's just goo practice....
102476283303903545_gab for towelheads and trans first “ladies”.Can this dude just STFU?
Re: "Personally, I have no idea what Iran is thinking." and "Needless to say, the British government is deeply concerned about these developments" - what are you, retarded?!Iran is thinking: "We are a sovereign nation, so we don't have to obey whatever rules the EU sets for only its own members, like when they say "You aren't allowed to trade with Syria" in international law, they can only legislate for them selves and their own members. They have no llegal right to seize our oil tankers, at least not without having openly declared war first. Since they did illegally seize an Iranian oil tanker, it was by definition an act of piracy, and maybe even an act of war!" Also, when Iran only THEN decided to retaliate by seizing a British tanker, it was only to demonstrate their own sovereignty again. The Brits should pull back and apologize. Iran isn't Iraq - they have an army which could take on the United States and even hope to WIN!Peace Is About To Be Taken From The Earth, And World War 3 Could Literally Start At Any Moment - DC Clothesline
Long way from Hannah Montana just white trash nowMiley Cyrus: VIRGINITY is a Social Construct! - YouTube
Mitt Romney is offensive. Who would run around with binders full of women anyway? Its like he has to comment on everything. 🤦‍♂️Mitt Romney: 'Send Her Back' Chants Were 'Offensive,' Bad for GOP
haha western countries and their civil culture war. good thing this didn't happen in other countries in africa and asia.#spacebattlesSpacebattles Exposed
I will not support Nike, nor have any respect for Colin Kaepernick. If Kaepernick had not been adopted by white people, Kaepernick would be living in a Ghetto, if even alive.
Question: If a person uses a gun to kill someone and democrats think we should take all guns, why don't we want to deport all illegal aliens when when one kills or rapes or robs or pushes drugs to our children? Especially since that is already the law.
The Squad they call them, I call them low life Democrats that hate America and try to hide that facts. Those for women are danger to America and always use the race card even against their own party because they are Commies and hate America. I wish they would go to russia and say something about Putin. They won't do that because they are scared to do that, I dare Them to do it.
If you come to America as an immigrant, it is your job to become like America. It isn't America's job to become like you.@mitchellvii
102480420304336672_gab "self-preservation The same goal of the elite. Soon Their day will not be uploaded to silicon. Their day in the sand is coming. Have no fear. One day every man women and child will have to take a chip from birth.
According to Pressley at 2 minutes in, a total racist white supremacist is welcome at the table as long he or she is willing to bring the white supremacist identity to the table. Sounds fair - she wants nothing but racists at the table. Can't say I agree, but fair is fair.The Meltdown - YouTube
In yet another repulsive act of bestiality by Muslims, a calf has been reportedly raped by one Mohammad Ansari, in Kunjathbail of Manguluru, reports the Mangalore Mirror.
18k solid Gold, Hebrew rings My Beloved, purity ring, Wedding band, Messianic jewelry, #jewish #love #israel #kosher #yeshua #torahstudy #shabbat #messianic #hebrewroots #hebrew #messianicjudaism #torahkeepers #mesianicos #god #bible #judaism #jerusalem #shabbatshalom
102481358862773705_gab saying that people who are breaking the law, the exact definition of illegal btw, are illegal immigrants is hate speech? What a sad day.Just to be clear there is no such thing as hate speech. Also, using the actual legal definition cant be against their terms.
Local Newspapers are advising illegal immigrants how to avoid ICE.
In 1800 American Blacks were forbidden from reading and hungered for enlightenment.By 2000, the government had to create federal programs to try to convince American Blacks to become literate.Being pressured to read by the government is degrading and is spiritual poison. Literature, once an emblem of liberation, became one more lashing in the epic humiliation of American Blacks. Consider why leftists champion blackness in this way: Why they need a nonthreatening, piteous blackness defined by failure? Why the only Black works they celebrate are the ones that are obviously shit, and the only Black bodies they can celebrate are ones they are conventionally hideous? It's because that's how they actually see black people. Not as individuals who may, in aggregate, excel at this or that but individually are capable of the full range of human accomplishment. No, if they believed that their dramatization of the 'white bias' of SAT tests and non-criminality would be unnecessary.
I am now a white national ist anarchist. Fuck you!
This article is confusing Asylum seekers that go through the correct channels and illegal immigrants, (illegal means people who do not go through a designated point of entry.) the so called zero tolerance is concerned with illegal entry. If there is open borders and this is probably what Truthout is in favor of but just will not openly state it, than there is no country.If Left Unchecked, Trump Will Obliterate the Right to Asylum
Hi. Why the fuck is there a picture of a random girl included with this game on the auction? faggots on ebay, dude. Trying to sell a game using VAGINA.ROBO PIT SONY PLAYSTATION 1 PS1 SYSTEM GAME FACTORY SEALED BLACK LABEL ROBOPIT 752919470053 | eBay
Ask yourself, why do you only see men-to women or women-to-men transgenders and NOT said made-up-gender to other bull shit gender. Hmmm... could it be.... because they're the only two possible genders.
"In April, lesbian activist Elzbieta Podlesna, 51, pasted blasphemous posters of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa with a rainbow halo, on walls, garbage bins and toilets near St. Dominik's Church in the city of Płock in central Poland.ImageCatholics guarding the Shrine of Our Lady of CzestochowaPolice raided Podlesna's house on May 6 and found the offensive posters. The police arrested and detained the activist for several hours and confiscated her electronic equipment, including laptop, phone and memory cards. She was charged with "offending religious beliefs."Deputy Justice Minister Patryk Jaki called the posters part of a campaign to "humiliate Catholics" and said it has to be stopped. Amnesty International is defending Podlesna, who faces two years in prison if found guilty." -
Remember the "DEATH TO THE WORLD" #OrthodoxChristianity twinks? Mixing Russian Orthodox Christianity with metalcore fashion, thin twink bodies, ear gauges, tattoos, and hinted, *wink* *wink* homosexuality? I don't forget such pathetic copes. I remember the COPE. #incel.
The Hussein administration’s weaponization of illegal aliens and refugees may be far more sinister than even the most ardent opponents have yet imagined.#breaking
"Men being manly and supporting manliness". How could we?? Somewhere there are feminists and horrid modern women being TRIGGERED! ROFL!If disgusting modern women HATE us, we must be doing something right.
The jews are not responsible for "heroin chic", it naturally looks good. #altright #tcot #tcog
Gotcha punk-ass bitch! Lenise Martin III, 36, of Louisiana, was arrested less than a week later after a video of him allegedly licking a Blue Bell ice cream container from a grocery store in Belle Rose was uploaded on Facebook.
FB-TWITTER-SKYROCK.....Leave Tec-Tyrants, Thought Police, Guard Dogs FB, Twitter, SkyRock, or ..... China/Russia/IR IRAN...ban FB/Twitter SPIES. Never go near Steemit or Rotten SKYROCK fake leftist or MASTODON@radicaltown hypocrite and corrupt ....and no to Mini Thought Police Guard Dog-Quora in Mountain View, California, community Jimmy Wales, Richard A. Muller, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Adrián Lamo)/I am fed up with their constant bullying and harassment (Tech Tyrants at Facebook, Twitter, called leftist ..Mini Tech Tyrant Quora -Mountain View ..The Thought Police Guard Dogs Tec-Tyrants (TPGDTT....))I asked a question in Quora ..'Why is Churchill so glorified in the west, in spite of being a racist man? It’s our fault that we rely on BBC-FB-CNN-FOX NEWS-TWITTER-.... they are all Hegemonic powers tools.In the 2009 failed color/colour revolution of Iran, Twitter played a significant role against IR IRAN by allowing terrorist groups including MEK to send fake news to the west for support and....We all have seen that ISIS/Wahabie terrorist/MKO/MEK...other terrorist groups have been using Twitter (and other social media) to toot fake news and photos. According to Clinton USA created ISIS/...and as Rand Paul argued, ‘we have been allied with ISIS in Syria’. So they can tweet.
These women of the "TWAT SQUAD" belong to the largest racist hate group on US soil today...The Democratic Party (also known as the Socialist Democratic Party). A party based on fake news,liberal propaganda with one destroy the USA !
I will stop hating moslems when moslems stop hating Christians and Jews. Until then fuck’em.
I'm going to join the larger fediverse (that has supposedly largely banned gab) and see if there is an #incel scene.Or see if low-sexual status dudes, heterosexual guys who don't get sex are automatically labeled "nazis" / "fascists" and thus banned from there.
The ironic truth about #Democrat #Feminazis and #Islam is stranger than fiction.
This article accurately describes islamic rape laws (i.e: there are no laws against rape, because islam is a might-makes-right crime gang) but it fails to show the judge's alleged "perfect response" to the muslim rapist's "horrible" (but true) excuse, that his culture allows the rape of white girls. CLICK-BAIT headline!Refugee Says Raping White Children Is His Culture…. Disgusted Judge Has EPIC Reply – 3%
Tbh if you're an pontential target for censorship, and DON'T move your posts to places like here, gab, minds, etc, and NOT move your vids to places like bitchute, brighteon, etc, then don't whine when you have to start from scratch. #thoughts #AltTech #newgab
Question: Why do most Cops act retarded?Answer: Because most Cops ARE retarded.Especially this retarded cop.... Episode 8 - Tazey Crazy
'Thor: Love and Thunder' with announced Valkyrie as queer.I think this porn wrote itself.
@BelongaMike just looked at topbuzz. So much pro muslim propaganda I had to uninstall it.
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Trump gives ICE more powers? I'll believe it when I see a drop in the RECORD number of illegals flooding into our country. Trump likes to give ICE a lot of "powers" that don't seem to accomplish very much. But, hey, it plays a nice tune for the gullible rednecks in Florida, et. al.Trump Gives ICE New Powers To Crackdown On Illegal Immigration | Daily Wire
I still dont understand why white elites are doing this to white people. I hear about: "well, it's cheaper have third world labor"but that it's not enough reason to destroy your own race, to preach hate against yourself. This people are rich as fu**, it has to be something else.
jail them! if repeat offense: throw them out to ANY islamic country!Avi Yemini 🇦🇺🇮🇱 on Twitter: "Police trying to protect Jew from Muslims. Peterborough.The state of Britain in 2019."
My fucking mom is such a dumbass antifa feminazi - She sent me something trying to prove that antifa was good (it was a shitty article by huffington post) and so I sent her like 4 other sources including videos of antifa beating the shit out of people for no reason and she just said I'm "being ignorant" and I'm "right wing" which isn't even true and I don't understand why she thinks that's a fucking insult. PEOPLE HAVE FUCKING DIFFERENT OPINIONS DEAL WITH IT. THAT'S NOT A BAD THING.
could someone do me a favor and compile a list of the eu overlords and which ones are jews ?
Channel update on why no jeeps or other garage like redneck projects hopefuly all will be back to normal ASAP
Petition launched for adoption of law against LGBT propaganda in GeorgiaThe petition calls for the removal of the terms “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” from the anti-discrimination legislative act of Georgia, which the movement believes allows LGBT representatives “to promote their views and way of life in society,” as well as the adoption of a law that would prohibit the promotion of homosexuality. The Georgian Church also actively supports these demands, reports. #politics #christianity
Whites (10%) and Jews (<1%) are both extremely small and widely hated and resented minorities of the Earth's population. Our countries represent a small minority of the world's countries, occupying a small minority of the world's liveable landmass and natural resources. Whites and jews love and value the same things, and are outnumbered by common enemies and competing ideologies. We are literally descended from brothers who got off Noah’s ark together around 6500 years ago; it’s high time we started acting like brothers, don’t you think? Because as far as I can tell, we’re still stuck in the same metaphorical ‘boat’ together, and together we ‘sink or swim’. We should be working together to protect and promote the welfare and principles of 'western' judeo-christian civilization.
What Islam says about Jesus is a complete lie and is not the truth about Jesus. Islam says Jesus will return to personally kill all the Jews and Christians who refuse to convert to Islam. Islam says Allah never had a son and anyone who says Allah had a son is sure to burn in hell. Islam says anyone who says Allah is part of a Trinity is sure to burn in hell. Islam says Jesus is a prophet who will return as a converted Muslim, which is a lie.
This could be the feelgood story of the year. An #SJW professor defrauded by a lesbian and her tranny boyfriend. 🍿 😆
jews have their own country if they do not like how we run things here in Canada.change the scheduled federal election date — October 21 — which coincides with a Jewish holiday.Jewish candidate Chani Aryeh-Bain, who is running for the Conservatives
The radical left is trying to impose a new culture in America-- one that says white men have exploited everyone else and it’s time they are punished.
Was that third inmate, a "murderer of some sort" perhaps a murderer of the sort known globally as a .... "muslim"?What Tommy Robinson told me in prison today: Ezra Levant - YouTube
Its clearly stated in the Quran that Mohammed was a pedophile .And those that follow those teaching's are also pedophiles and yet politically correct police forces are bowing to racial sensitivity which in turn gives Muslim grooming gangs in the UK a free pass to commit acts of rape on young white girls.Just a thought !!!
What's it called 'Link'd bro' Can I set up a Black Gab? I'll make it Diverse & Inclusive, LGBTQX & cat friendly & call it Blab & then charge extra if your white? or would that be racist..CEO Secrets: The boss who set up the 'black LinkedIn' - BBC News
'He' must be a hate filled 'white' pervert.or should it be that if you take your clothes off in a public place what the fuck do you expect. Grow up & stop whining #metoo = #boohoo Audra McDonald criticises audience member for photographing nude scene - BBC News
@Julia89We are getting things done by President Trump but we are still in a mess with immigration, the Wall and the swarm of illegal aliens, ect.
Next it'll be another gender pay gap story.If I had a business & could pay women less than men I would not employ any men..Hows that for inclusion! Employment tribunals: 'I sued my boss and won' - BBC News
If you want people to hate youKeep doing what you are doing. People own guns. They sell them.
This episode involving Georgia State Rep. Erica Thomas has got me thinking that she, AOC plus 3, and the rhetoric of the CommieDems is Contemptible Racism at its extreme lowest. What constitutes "extreme lowest"? Well the nazi's of WWII referred to the Jews as "unter unter menchen" or sub sub human. In orther words; beneath both human and livestock. What Erica Thomas attempted to do qualifies as contemptible racist at an extreme low. Think Nancy Pelosi, the failed Speaker and failed human in her own right.
BREAKING: Panama City shooter Kevin Holroyd member of violent neo nazi "Atomwaffen division", praised 2014 Isla Vista killer Elliot Rodger, called for "incel insurrection", chilling last Facebook post: "All shall be enjoined in the RETRIBUTION! Hail Elliot!, Hail 4chan!" #incel
Plus I'm sure those New York jew-chicks would have appreciated a goyish dude who isn't worried about always being right according to Leviticus, can thrust into jewp*ssy without need to cut out a hole in the bed-sheet despite my cursed-Irish #bogpenis being small. #incel #nyc
"The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune." ~~~#AmeliaEarhart (born July 24, 1897) She became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, and the first person ever to fly solo from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland. An American women aviator who set many flying records. Her disappearance during a flight around the world in 1937 became an enduring mystery, fueling much speculation. #PicsArt
#We support the removal of criminal aliens of which side you are on in the political arena, one would hope that you would support the removal of criminal aliens who are killing Americans. But that is not the case. Presidents Obama and Clinton supported secure borders and the removal of criminal aliens for the safety of the country. But the LEFT desperately wants control over the country again -that they are fighting to keep illegal aliens in the country, who have ignored removal orders from the courts that have processed their cases, and determined that they should leave. Could the left be fighting for their future voters at the expense of the current voters? It sure looks that way.
Sharing information, documentation, and other material, often feels as if you're pushing a wet noodle, uphill.It's even worse when asking people certain types of questions, as in, "Have you thought this through? Considered irl strategies and tactics? Do you have a step by step plan? Do you have a team in place?" etc.Even White nationalists and National Socialists become angry when you ask these questions, and they don't have an answer.Many people among those who are 'red-pilled' wrt White genocide and/or the JQ, still refuse to consider these, and many other, things. Many more refuse to sacrifice the time to study the issues or disciplines we need to know and understand, in order to save the white race..It is as if they are still somewhat asleep, and/or the threat is not - yet - real to them, on a personal level.The best that people like myself can hope for is that such White people will remember that they read about this or that topic or issue, and will follow through, once the threat does, indeed, become real, not only in their minds, but in their hearts and spirits.
@EsotericexposalDrug trafficking, white slavery, prostitution, and pornography finance secret New World Order programs.
1) Trump isn't attacking her, she is attacking him. He is responding to her, and that is called self-defense. 2) she tweeted (a few years ago) that someone should be deported and that was found yesterday. She is a hypocrite. 3) There is NO such thing as a 'palestinian', they are just arabs! Rashida Tlaib to receive 'big welcome' in family's West Bank village - Israel News - Jerusalem Post
Wait.. I know men get raped too, but the increase is more than double compared to women in Sweden.What's the deal? x3
Fuckin' hilarious.If you ever encounter two people, one named Minshoko and the other named DDBoftheStars? Dox 'em, report 'em and get them banned from every form of social media and site they're on, wreck their profiles, do whatever the fuck you can do with hacking skills and even spread their discovered info around and encourage others to do the same so these two toxic, retarded, autistic, faggy, egotistical lolcows can have their lives fucking ruined.
"Increasingly, at home, we’re facing an unbelievable show of force by government agents. For example, with alarming regularity, unarmed men, women, children and even pets are being gunned down by police officers who shoot first and ask questions later. Just recently, in fact, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals cleared a cop who aimed for a family’s dog (who showed no signs of aggression), missed, and instead shot a 10-year-old lying on the ground.No matter how we might differ about where to draw that blue line of allegiance to the police state, surely we can agree that police shouldn’t go around terrorizing and shooting innocent, unarmed children and adults or be absolved of wrongdoing for doing so."
Got a 3 day ban on face crook for making a comment "fucking faggots" woooooooooo
First time on Gab. on 30 day suspension from FB for "hate speech" in regards to a thread about 200 Christians tortured and murdered recently in Africa. All I did was post: The world remains silent while muslims rape, torture and kill good people. What is so hateful about that? It's the truth!!! FB hates the truth.
Is anyone else on here in Boomer groups on FB like the Tomi Lahren fan group? These people just can't seem to get why they don't like certain politicans. Me: It's because they're non-white and openly adovacting for their own.
Boomers don't like "The Sqaud" because they're non-white Bolsheviks who want to destroy everything they love.
Here's things women should do to empower themselves against the patriarchy. Don't miss Lana's latest video.
mr nigger faggot.You are a big inspiration in the concept of freedom. I figure if you where ever to pop on to this sight again id like to chit chat with you. This is a shot in the dark but i hope this message in a bottle makes it across the ocean
Remember the hard right Christian moms of the 1980's screaming it's obscene the way women are sexually exploited won't someone think of the children. We must ban these things I don't like? Those people are left wing progressives now. As a wise man once said...chickenshit conformist like your parents.
UK sniggers as Guardian squirms.'A new nadir': EU papers on Boris Johnson's ascendancy | Politics | The Guardian
The list of groups most opposed to queers is as follows : Islam6. hispanics and blacks tied 7. Porpoises8. Black ants9. Americans. Personally question more I couldn't give a frog's fat freckled a** what you do in the privacy of their own bedroom. However, I do take exception to the mental illness being made the normal.Birmingham Pastor's explosive speech about gay marriageduring city council meeting
We must rescue these beautiful European women from the impending atrocities by the African and Middle Eastern invader. It is about time the White man steered clear of Asia. We have enough Asians here as it is 😏 men flock to Ukraine to find young wives | 60 Minutes Australia
If your safe enough to be out of prison your safe enough to own a full auto rifle. you've stated your willing to kill Americans to get them give up their is that lowering the violence? Gun Violence — Cory 2020
Let's not forget this bitch.Unmasking Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein’s Lover Turned Madame - YouTube
102503189307290053_gab STILL Don't Understand the Threats by Cartels & Terrorism on Southern Border! | Tony ShafferJudicial WatchPublished on Jul 25, 2019Lt Col. Tony Shaffer appeared on "Chris Farrell's On Watch" to discuss what America should do to stop cartel violence & terrorist threats along the southern border. Taken from "Chris Farrell's On Watch":
Here is the evil fucker who brutally raped and murdered this poor 14 year old girl. And guess what? He's a fucking Muzrat!
PPC-Maxime Bernier. Official platform on immigration, multiculturalism, and Canadian identity.We will reduce immigration levels, from 350,000 each year under the Liberals, to between 100,000 and 150,000.We will focus on skilled immigrants who bring economic benefits to Canada.We will limit the number of immigrants accepted under the family reunification program, including abolishing the program for parents and grand-parents.We will accept fewer refugees and focus on persecuted minorities.We will declare the whole border an official port of entry and send back to the US anyone trying to enter illegally.We will repeal the Multiculturalism Act and eliminate all funding to promote multiculturalism.We will emphasize the integration of immigrants into Canadian society.We will only accept immigrants who share fundamental Canadian values.We will make birth tourism illegal.We will take Canada out of the UN’s Global Compact for Migration.Our immigration laws will be made in Canada, for the interest of Canadians.
The Trudeau government is surveilling your social media for anti-immigrant and anti-Trudeau views – The Post Millennial
Margaret Hamilton stands beside a stack of programming code for the Apollo Guidance Computer back in the 60s. Margaret headed a team of mostly women to develop the code. @a
Faux phobephobia is a culturally accepted form of bigotry. You're allowed to vent however insincere an indignation over someones alleged homotransislamofurr-phobia and justify your unbridled hatred for any individual by assigning the approved label. Note that the absence of said phobias in reality does not matter, what matters is whether you have the ideologically mandated bigotry licence.
Omar is an enemy combatant and must be arrested, tried, and executed. She is a Clear and Present Danger to all freedom loving people everywhere. If she gets reelected in 2020 Minnesota must be taken over by the United States Military, clean out the hideous cancer called islam (right from the pit of hell).Islam is INCOMPATIBLE with the United States Constitution and is not a religion per se but rather a militant political movement. Omar is black, female, and mootard; a trifecta in this day and age to silence her critics that are too cowardly to call her out. She is truly more dangerous than most people realize, not because of who she is but what she is foisting on the people. WAKE UP!!!!
The sooner we get the hell out of dealing politically with this circus if a country the better....China white paper: Beijing slams US-Australia alliance