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flowers for a friend at work, lovely Elisa, a legal immigrant who loves America and its opportunities it affords those who will work for it. 💗
Fake picture was the picture of King MLK being killed in Memphis where the other niggers on the Balcony just stand pointing to where the think the shot came from. If that had been real those others niggers would have been hauling ass off that Balcony or back in the motel rooms. Not normal just to stand and point after the big nigger King is killed.
If you read this you will understand when you can report Antifa / the Left to the FBI for displaying terrorism indicators. This is what they're looking for. We could report every minority from women to gays to the FBI for this one: "Dehumanizing people who are not in the identity group"
Carter was fucking retarded.Examining Carter's 'Malaise Speech,' 30 Years Later : NPR
Being homosexual doesn't make you special, give you rights or show you're a free thinker. It shows you're stupid, selfish and rebel against God
Okay free thinkers of the world and generally amazing people, my latest video is ready!A Soros funded NGO ship that populist Italian politician had refused to allow permission to deliver its cargo of economic migrants posing as refugees has finally been allowed to dock due the pledge by Emanuel Macron to take them into France.We take a cursory look at the State of France and discuss what actually is the definition of 'economic migrant' and 'refugee', as the words have bee diluted down to the point that they are borderline meaningless.If you enjoyed my take on it please subscribe and hit notification bell, i'd be happy if you could like and comment too. Okay thanks!
Look at this fucking faggot, man fuck this guy, I fucking HATE him! With his fucking Passiveness and shit it fucking makes me wanna kick his butt
It should be a crime we have become too puermissive thats they these teen faggots keep doing this. But I can't detain or hose down a 15 year old smashing in my basement windows. Because I asked her and her 15 friends trafficking through my yard and destroying property.New York lawmaker pushes bill to make water attacks on cops a felony | Fox News
Americans were warned about niggers in the 1970s on network TV. Trouble ..was, they were laughing. Now they don't laugh so loud.
I think your line of reasoning was much more solid when the media was actually capable of controlling the narrative.That being said, constantly implying that you are stupid is the LEAST of what the media has done to this country. Their real crime, and why "enemy of the people" isn't an exaggeration, is that they have destabilized and radicalized our society with their constant false alarms, and we're well past the point where it can be reversed. Most of our enemies are still stuck thinking Trump is a Russian agent, and not even the media can change that anymore.I'd classify any escalation of violence as "an ugly development", but if we ARE actually plunging towards widespread civil unrest, then it would just be a further tragedy if the scum responsible came away unmolested.Trump Supporter Says Teens Brutally BEAT Him For Wearing MAGA Hat, May Have Permanent Eye Damage - YouTube
I don’t really care about japs I don’t have any friends who are Asian so I don’t know why I mentioned axis powers. Something told me recently to hate niggers so that’s what I’m going with. They weren’t here originally, and a lot of the people who were here originally got wiped out. Anything else doesn’t make sense. And it don’t make no dollars if it doesn’t make no sense!
drawn on 2 pages in my sketchbook. the skull is drawn and cut out on a white page on top of the grey page#sketchbook #skull #death #decay #art
Christopher Hitchens, short video. #logic #islam A very clever man
African migrant.African Migrant raped University of Texas student at Gunpoint in public
She has just gotten roasted. Mr. Neuer is incredible at his profession.UN expert on violence against women visits only Australia and the Bahamas - YouTube
As a law enforcement officer or any member of the criminal justice system, once you do drugs, you lose any voice of authority you ever had. There’s no reason you should be doing that. It’s against the law. You’re not protecting anyone now. You’re discredited. I hate hearing certain cops I know say stupid little sayings like, “a good narc always has drugs in their system,” or something like that. Stupid! Throw all of that shit out and never do it again or talk to those people again. Delete all those text messages from whoever, probably a bunch of niggers. You’re not in control of anything! You’re not controlling anyone! Get your act together. Get clean. Sober up.
Upstate NY clerks refuse to grant illegal immigrants driver’s licensesSome upstate New York county clerks are taking a stand against the state’s controversial new law granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Clerks in Erie, Rensselaer, Niagara
I'm traveling North Western Germany. The countryside and its forests are awesome. Blonde kids everywhere. But as soon as you get to the bigger city centers, its niggers and Muslims everywhere.Germans have committed suicide. There's no more peaceful solution.
102548925542834454_gab isis and more holocaust shitno nuke emchabad are dogs shit
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Geoff Smith responds to white phosphorous killstreak "controversy"
By 2030 there will be 50 million muslims living in the USA. They are on a production jihad. US taxpayers are paying for it. Liberals are bringing in the illegal breeders every day. That's just one reason liberals and muslims don't want a wall.
@thirdcoaster You must be a kikei will sen you some pics of dead idf as wellyou really are a foolgood look getting fucked over by niggas
#Serbia: Some community members of the #Rohingyas, a mainly #muslim group having gone all the way from Myanmar, are now heading to Western Europe via the Balkan route. Two interviewed men said they would both prefer to go to #Germany.
Who are the Domestic terrorists? The alphabet soup that works for Zionist Israhell to patrol the internet and knock on your door or contact your contacts to dish dirt on YOU. Shabbos Goy -- sticking the knife in. Do you sleep well knowing your government and Mossad/CIA/FBI murdered 3000 on 9/11...?? I doubt it. Look at your cities, nigger crime, porn for your kids, LGBTQ in your school's. It's called payback...enjoy goy.
#WillyBrandt in his hypocrisy was summed up by Herf as "the Chancellor who famously kneeled in an act of atonement at the memorial to the Jews killed in the Warsaw Ghetto declared his country to be neutral in the most dire days in Israel's history since 1948."'s president under fire for hosting #antisemitic Iran regime clerics The prominent NGO Stop the Bomb slammed German President Frank-Walter #Steinmeier for welcoming a delegation of Iranian regime-affiliated extremists to the Bellevue Palace in Berlin on Monday.“While the issue of Islamist antisemitism is finally discussed in the public debate, the federal president is legitimizing an organization that represents the agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran. While the Iranian regime’s expansionist policy becomes a topic in the German discourse, Steinmeier supports an organization that follows Tehran’s line against Israel, secular Muslims and homosexuals, “ said Stop the Bomb spokeswoman Ulrike Becker.
Man, 19, raped in city centre as police call for help in investigationYep, the suspect looks like a MUSLIM Paki. Men being raped is on the increase.
Islamic State: “The soldiers of the caliphate is everywhere and will attack immediately in your countries”Such charming fellows, the Islamic State jihadis. In issuing these threats, the Islamic State is just obeying Allah’s commands.“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151)
Man slaps woman at little caesars because his pizza was made incorrectly and she offered him a remake and a refund. He winds up being fined 750$ for his troubles.GENIUS!click image
#ididnthitonyou Young woman: I didn't hit on you because I'm #incel, I didn't say hi because I'm #incel. #creepstare #manstare #KnowMyPlace #eyecontactrape #unconsensualeyecontact #metoo
Want any type of stereotypical white girl. Want the stereotypical white girl experience. But I'm #incel!
@siggyglock does foster like stripes as wellin that epstein templeobv its a jew thing with stripes deckchair as well
Just in. Afghani immigrant indicted on charges of conspiring to smuggle illegals into the U.S. this: Mujeeb Rahman Saify was not only an interpreter for the U.S. army, but he was also awarded Lawful Permanent Resident status under the Special Immigrant Visa program (An Obama-era creation).That same program, interestingly, was shut down by the Trump admin back in July, 2017: #immigration #humantrafficking #ICE #DOJ #immigrants #Refugees #Visa
@LeoJudah3 well I'm trying to understand what your saying because it goes against what i was told. which is lies i guess because they were saying we are German jew descent. does that even make sense because now i understand Jew isn't even a nationality or dna thing is it, it's a flippen nazi religion in some way. they all evil they all messed with society and lied. i fires i find your posts interesting but confusing because of the lies i was told. just trying to figure it out. YHVH has it all under control but my mind is piecing things together. i was born into the illuminati and programmed their way and just trying to piece things together.
Watch "EXPOSED: Political Censorship in Big Tech" on YouTube internet is becoming a Democrat hell hole ghetto. Google as a search engine has been rendered useless. Don't bother searching for anything outside the soy fag narrative. (((They))) want to censor what we can see. Trying to stifle anything interesting before the election.Fuck Google. Fuck them all.
My favorite thing about the Gab mobile app is how you only ever get an unknown error when you try to log in and so you just have to get annoyed and uninstall it every time you try to use it. Literally a year of trying to use this shit website on my phone and I have yet to even log in (not that it matters because I usually get bored after 5 minutes because there is ZERO quality content here). I sooooo regret constantly telling faggots on twitter that they are going to hell for committing sodomy. Now I'm trapped in this social media hell with a bunch of mouth breathing trailer nazi normie faggots with the same sense of humor as my 50 year old alcoholic uncle. Fuck this fucking gay Earth and all the fucking tranny faggot satan worshiping kikes that have literally ruined everything good in my life. I hope every single one of you silicone valley queers gets gang raped by a pack of niggers.
102551505945748821_gab —- Negroes and nonWhites are shot because they cannot live in a civilized society with rules of behavior. Many act worse than animals... Not ONE negro or nonWhite country is worth a shit. #LowIQ #illiterate #unskilled #violent
They can certainly encourage more women to pursue STEM careers (which I fully support), but it doesn't guarantee that more will really do so. Just saying.
I hate niggers, spics, kikes and yuppies so much; sometimes I just want to shout-out and scream... but I never do. I still prefer the Lone Wolf, Leaderless Resistance -style of activism and thus, my cover is always kept intact. #LoneWolf #WAR
Battle for Victimhood - Gay and Muslim. Guide for bleeding heart liberals.In this video, a certified expert on Victimhood Calculations, will review a difficult "gay vs muslim" encounter, that happened in UK recently.We will destroy bigots along the way, and will defend diversity!Hopefully, you also strive to be a lovely person, who rejects all the bigoted nationalists, but sometime difficult situation arises, where you are lost, on what to do, whom to support etc.This video is perfect example of solving problems!#muslim , #gay , #satire , #honkhonk , #diversity , #conservative, #nationalist , #victimhood , #minorityprivilege
Hi all, I haven't used Gab because I've been using Telegram. Just to let everyone know I support Shazia Hobbs re the articles she wrote 100% & I'm disgusted they were removed by TR news but pleased it gave us insight into who is controlling the movement. I've left the TR movement because I refuse to be tricked and lied to by Jewish Zionists. You all need to get on bitchute and look up the J question and research further because we've all been lied to. Do yourselves, your country and your kids futures a huge favour & stop researching /posting about Islam/ Muslim crime for a day or two and research Zionists and Israel.
Excited to share the latest addition to our #etsy shop: Tiger Eye Chip Stainless Steel Prayer Box Necklace, Chip Necklace, Prayer Box Jewelry, Religious Jewelry, Chip Religious Necklace, Necklace #jewelry
Pro-Woman: "Sex work is real work."Pro-Woman: "Transwomen are women."Anti-Woman: "Abortion is murder."Because according to the denizens of Clown World, prostitutes and men in dresses outnumber mothers.
Darcy is essentially CNN's version of Carlos Maza. Looks just like him too, except he isn't a lispy queer.He's the exact same type of person tho: a whiny authoritarian beta male who is always complaining/crying about people he doesn't like and will go out of his way to personally attack them and demand they get deplatformed.The same goes for his CNN partner in crime, that pudgy, helium-voiced imbecile Brian Stelter. Little Fat Brian is always upset about Fox News while his own network is tanking because it's a gigantic :honk: show.
Continuing... Christianity and judaism are 100% complete OPPOSITES and diametrically opposed!CHRISTIANITY FROM THE BIBLE: Condemns Stealing and Lying: "Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another." Leviticus19:11, Leviticus 6:1-4JUDAISM FROM THE TALMUD: Allows Stealing and Lying: "All things pertaining to the Goyim are like a desert; the first person to come along and take them can claim them for his own." (Babha Bathra 54b,Babha Kama 113b)CHRISTIANITY FROM THE BIBLE: Pedophilia Forbidden: "When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ." 1 Corinthians 8:12, Matthew 18:16JUDAISM FROM THE TALMUD: Pedophilia Allowed: "A maiden three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his." (Sanhedrin 55b, 54b)And ON and ON it goes while fake judeo-Christians continue to be duped by these lying satanic demon jews!
For those who don't feel like going on Youtube for certain reasons (censorship, leftist bias, adpocalypse, etc) I will now be uploading my videos on Dailymotion as well. The content will be the same but the audiences of the two platforms are very different which is why I think it's one way I can make my videos more available. And besides, if shit ever hits the fan for youtube, at least I won't lose my content on the internet at all. So if you're already on Youtube, no need to worry. But if you somehow hate youtube, at least you can find my content on another video platform, one that doesn't imitate Youtube's Orwellian moves. I technically have a Bitchute channel as well, but the platform doesn't support subs yet. All my videos are in Filipino, so if I want non-Filipinos to understand my content, I'm going to need subs. This is also another reason why Dailymotion makes sense as an alternative. Here's my Dailymotion channel!
surely low IQ reprobate #rapefugees from third world #shitholes would have nothing to do with sabotaging trains,... right? ... of course not , .. demented rapefugee invaders from backwards #shitholes are model and desired additions to any civilised society.. so the #jew lame Mainstream Media tells us so we must believe it..Germany: Sabotage suspected as high-speed train collides with strategically placed concrete slabslink:
Jewrmany demands that Matteo Salvini reopens Italy’s ports to low IQ rapey violent #niggers and #rapefugees as (((NGO))) transport vessels increase their people-trafficking operations off the Libyan coast... so diversity can kill you off you stupid #goyimGermany to Italy: “Open your ports to the 3rd world!”link:
#marxist jewlette soy boy CEO doubles down on $8 billion loss stupidity... and the results for anybody with two brain cells to rub together are predictable...Gillette CEO Stands by Anti-Male Ad Campaign As Share Prices Plummet ... LOLlink: look at the fucking #cocksucker... no surprise there...
New Poll: Mexicans Want Illegal Immigrants Deported, by Force If NecessaryA new Washington Post poll shows that a majority of Mexicans want illegal immigrants deported, and almost none want them to stay. They also support use of their new national guard to stop the flow of immigrants through their country. Did President Trump's immigration policies force Mexicans to face the consequences of open borders?
Swedish Municipality That Took Too Many Migrants Faces BankruptcyIs this what'll happen to more USA cities who are innundated with immigrants?
102554733070106754_gab type of criminal (immigrant) attack is becoming far to common in the western world. Germany, Canada, UK, when are the decent people going to wake up and see that they are targeted.Real Canadian People wake up, be alert, be aware, protect yourself.
Pure anger engulfs me. According to the secret service followers on BCH, I was just demoted from "terrorist threat" down to "harmless retard". How could Secret Service, I thought, what we had, was something special. But you must break my heart, and let me know in the most painful way, that I was just 'yet another suspect' all along. [smashing face into pillow loudly crying]
Why am I being blocked from MY PRESIDENT'S twitter account?By clicking the above button, you are removing the content of your Tweet and forgoing the option to appeal this violation. Please note that the original content will be replaced with a notice stating your Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. This notice will be accessible via direct URL and from your profile timeline for 14 days. Learn more.Dad gets slammed by women after telling them to have kids before they’re 30 because after that ‘90% of your eggs are dead’ – The Sun
102555032124475735_gab thr jews toppled the USA, caused two world wars, a host of others, and created communist regimes that killed about 200M people, and were able to fabricate the Holohoax.We need, YOU need, to revolt, NOW.
More proof that the violence and hate is coming from those who are anti-Trumpers. Pictures don't lie!
They're saying this guy's name is Patrick Crusius.. This nigger is actually wearing ear and eyepro on his shooting. WUT
Here we go: El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’ The leftists will be drooling all over this to promote gun control and hatred for conservatives. Damn these people. Both the nazi loving shooter and the leftists that will promote this for their propaganda! #news #conservative #world #freespeech #journalism
Let's not forget the black jews shall we? Where can I puke?
FBI op got nothing on muslimsNigeria: Muslims murder 65 in jihad massacre at funeral
#DemandVoterID is #banned on #TwitterTHE WAL MART #SHOOTING IS A #HOAXThe original story was that it was two Latinos, one aged 19 and 1 dead 17 injured, who shot up several stores including Target with one still on the loose. Now it is a lone white computer geek age 21 with 18 dead AT WAL MART.
This is the El Paso shooter. Patrick Crusius, a 21 year-old white male Trump supporter whose manifesto says he committed mass murder in “response to [the] Hispanic invasion of Texas.”This is white supremacist terror. It's part of a pattern.And Trump is complicit.
It hasn't even been a few hours since this "event" hit the news and already an MSM-brainwashed person tries to talk to me about it. Guess what they had to say? Something about banning guns or violent video games? Oh no, the narrative has changed since all that.I swear to Christ, this person tried talking to me about 8chan. FUCKING 8CHAN OF ALL THINGS. They even had all the establishment talking points ready to go about 4chan and 8chan being "hate sites" where people go to hate immigrants and plan mass shootings.That's what this "event" is about, just like the New Zealand "event," it is little more than a simple excuse for the establishment to get on the TV and smear 8chan, of all things in the universe, for a day or two. And I think we all know why. These people are sick.
These are the very silliest of all the homos in the mid-South, possibly the entire continent.The Nashville Proud Boys have 20x the number of this pathetic gaggle of 90-lb heroin addicts and disgusting morbidly obese lesbians.I wonder if they've figured out they were being punked in real-time by the Knoxville and Memphis PB chapters yet? Probably not.Statement On 12/31 Community Watch – JAM CITY ANTIFA
Unless it is one of these 4 women who are offended, stfu Cherokee gun billboard: Controversial North Carolina gun store billboard calling four congresswomen in "The Squad" idiots being taken down by advertising company - CBS News
once you give up your guns.. the ((( #marxists ))) will come after you... because they have done it before... the same way #jewish #Bolsheviks took over russia and slaughtered ~60MM+ defenceless christians
The video is bullshit and the comments like a parade of feral retards. My attempt to educate these Kunts.Al-Qaeda ideologues envision the removal of all foreign influences in Muslim countries, and the creation of a new caliphate ruling over the entire Muslim world. Among the beliefs ascribed to al-Qaeda members is the conviction that a Christian–Jewish alliance is conspiring to destroy Islam. The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎, ṭālibān "students") or Taleban, who refer to themselves as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), are a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement and military organization in Afghanistan currently waging war (an insurgency, or jihad) within that country. All of you below are uneducated. They're all Muslim and they would rape your mother and destroy your city. They're called Muslims and they're fucking animals.Watch the 5 minutes that have people talking Tulsi! - YouTube
#elpaso1. Same gun as GIlroy shooter ( 2. Is anyone else getting the same vibe from the redneck revolt picture with the two shooters-just an observation 3. Could all just be a coincidence
MSM...The “powerbroker” for the Jewball whores and faggot soyboys and their sexist and feminist agenda.EOS#auspol #MAGA
102556119908113205_gab“4Chan and 8Chan are just extremist forums now..they used to be free speech platforms where anyone could post their ideas..”. They had to explain what the Chan’s were for their target Boomer audience. They described it as some sort of terrorist breeding ground, using it to plan their next attack on their poor illegal immigrant elderly in house aid.Who will cook their dinner and change their depends if the EbIL WhYte SuPreeEeMacIstS are not stopped?@TomKawczynski
All the great men lost in those 2WW is tragic we sided with filthy Jewish communist and killed our brothers the founding stock lost in the war of northern aggression so niggers can kill and rape us ?then they wonder why “shit happens” ...
Val Jarrett a.k.a. Barack Obama's handler wants to know if people miss Barry ❓ No No No No ahhh --Nope.Nope NopeThe Obama administration spent more than $310 million in tax money to provide attorneys for unaccompanied illegal immigrant children, and all of it went to a single nonprofit with direct ties to Open Society Foundations.The Immigration Reform Law Institute reports the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under Obama violated the Immigration and Nationality Act by awarding numerous contracts to the Vera Institute of Justice between 2015 and 2016 to provide “direct legal representation” for illegal immigrants.
The shooting was a bad way to express anger at politicians maintaining open borders for illegal aliens, drug cartels and human traffickers.
Of course, with the tragedy at El Paso, the anti-white establishment just can't help itself in not spewing their caucasiaphobic rhetoric... shameful.
Well, he's not wrongInvestigators ‘reasonably confident’ Texas suspect left anti-immigrant screed.
ANTIFA go full retard and have now quite possibly allowed themselves to be publicly added to the FBI terrorist list.
NPR is totally a liberal site. Can't believe how I ever listened to it before. Brooks talks like he understand how people hate being PC, and proceeds to be exactly like that. When he stops looking at skin color to boost black politicians who've done nothing for their community, and stops excoriating a white person for pointing out the hyprocrisy, then his ideas can be helpful. Otherwise, he's only there because he's paid a large sum for his good mastery of English. Mark Shields is just an older version of David Brooks, but they're a good dynamic crusty duo parroting each other. Shields and Brooks on Trump and race, Democrats' 2020 values - YouTube
What did the black woman get after she had an abortion?A 500 dollar check from crime stoppers.
So who paid for the aboriginals to attend Garma and spew hate on the rest of us Australians? Was it the rest of us Australians, the tax payers?? Was it us??How about aboriginals like the rest of us immigrants to this fine country join the Aussie team and stop your divisive behaviour. I am fed up with this bullshit.Albanese needs to ask us Aussies what we want. Its obvious he hasn't. Mr Morrison you need to consult with us quiet Aussies because we are getting tired of giving to the indigenous and getting sand kicked in our face.
@RealBlairCottrell this is such a sad post. Now that you have a platform to speak freely (which you're paying for in court) you suddenly give in to the globalist agenda. Removing immigrants is what National Socialism is all about.
Has the war started yet. Fun night in Dayton Ohio where the AAA made a surprise visit to the drunk fools on the streets. Got to be ready to fight at any time. No rest in war where this is no the coward EU allowing the niggers to run wild. Democrats wants a war in the street of America. AOC needs to lay low and stay clear. Hide
Self-determination is a human right. Access to white people is not.
Another #crime and the criminals escaped with their #dark #skin#Germany #refugees #Europe
Tell me!!! WTF is a Beto? Are you fukin' serious?? Looks like he can suck a soccr ball thruogh a soda straw!Beto?WTF is a "Beto?"Chicano faggot!!!Crawl off and die PoS!!
My friends, it is not the GUN'S, it is the person behind the gun. Has anyone actually watched the video games the kids are playing, hour and hour. Well, I have, because we have several grand kids. One comes to mind, "Call to Duty". There are many more. Then watch live TV, men kissing men, women kissing women, on Disney channel. The very fabric that made America, has now fallen, the parents. This mass killing are just fuel for those who have hatred in their hearts. Parents, you have got to go back to being parents. The mass killing are going to get much worse. God has been kicked out of our educational system, we have to bring the parents back to being parents. YOU have to learn what kids are being taught in our school systems, I can not believe trans people who thing they can change their sex. They are going into our schools, brain washing our children. It has to stop.... Only you can stop this.
The morally superior homosexual ties attacks to race. Worship this butt pirate as your new leader. Open the borders, give up your guns, empty the prisons, and start sucking cock. Now.
The right has faith that a god will save them. The left trusts no one, only their own will. So they win eventually, because no god is coming to save you. Not an endorsement of atheism though, just that the gods also hate you.
#pizzagate #pizzagatedarkside #pizzagateisland #epstein #jews #pedofile #Clinton Wow, very eye opening and chilling film.I used to dismiss the whole pizzagate fiasco but given what we have since learned about the pedophile jew Jeffrey Epstein and other suspicious occurances this video is quite chilling:
Secular White Nationalism is the gayest shit ever. Compromise is for faggots. Be divisive!
So a man gets killed by a muslim carrying a sword. This happened not in jolly Arabland but in Stuttgart German. The police threaten to arrest everyone trying to cover it and the media tries to pass the blame on the White people. I want out, I can't stand this shit
Step one. Present shitty hole filled narrative to further progressive ideology.Step two. Pretend you know nothing about story narrative.Step three. Hide, wait for next "mass shooting"Step four. Wonder how the "Pizzagate" shooter qualified as a "mass shooting" event when no one was actually shot. Step five. Realize it was a propaganda stunt to call attention to the "woe is me" homosexual community in DC that craves attention after a political loss.@a @robcolbert
They are trying to declare what they define as white nationalists as #terrorists “in line as dangerous as Al Qaeda” - Does this mean drone bombings?
Faggots have more rights than straight white people at this point, which is worrying. I fucking pray more people my age are taking the redpill.
These shooting have nothing to do with white nationalism.
"Woman threatened by masked gang.. with samurai swords"Hoping for the day when women can feel safe again on our streets. #whitewomen #crime
A declassified FBI document warns that conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorist threat. After 9/11, the U.S. government created the Patriot act. It allows them to persecute anyone without a trial if they see them as terrorists. This means that if you’re trying to expose conspiracies, you’re now a terrorist! Watch this video to learn more.
Them queer Democrat youngsters will shoot anybody to get gun control.
One thing I will never forget. The picture of so-called feminists in hijabs, debunking their own words. The only strong women here, are the Iranian women who resist the Hijab. May God bless them.Hillel Neuer Calls Out Sweden During UNHRC Report on Iran, U.N. Expert Responds - YouTube
Proverbs 10:6 , Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
Tim seems to be slowly descending into a weird fusion of both political correctness and radical left-wing viewpoints. It really is a fucking slippery slope. First you compromise with the radical left, then believe in the mainstream media's viewpoints on certain issues, then you begin not to question anything the media states, then you believe that Trump is literally Hitler, and then you start believing that Socialism is the answer. Fucking snap out of it TimThe Escalation Seems Inevitable, Insane Identitarians Are Not Going To Stop - YouTube
The morality of a thing does not depend on people who commit violence in its name.