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license: cc
  - eu
  - Basque
  - Euskara
pretty_name: ZelaiHandi🌱
version: v1
release_date: 2024/02/28
  - 100M<n<1B

<img src="/datasets/orai-nlp/ZelaiHandi/resolve/main/zelaihandi_large.png" width=800"/>

Dataset Card for ZelaiHandi🌱

ZelaiHandi🌱: A Large Open Dataset of Basque. ZelaiHandi, which means "large pasture" in Basque, is the largest collection of freely licensed and clean Basque texts to date (February 28th, 2024), gathered from selected web sources. This collection comprises approximately 560 million tokens.

The dataset will receive yearly updates.

The corpus has been released with the objective of “feeding” Large Language Models. Naturally, models that are not strictly "herbivorous" can also ingest ZelaiHandi.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

  • Size: 525M/561 tokens (4.6/4.9GB disk space)
  • Language(s) (NLP): EU
  • License: Various CC licenses
  • Curated by: Orai NLP Technologies

Dataset Structure

The corpus is released in JSONL format. Each document contains the following attributes:

        "source": "source", 
        "license": "document license", 
        "lang": "eu", 
        "url": "document url", 
        "title": "document title", 
        "author": "document author if known, null otherwise", 
        "date": "publication date in yyyy-mm-dd format", 
        "text": "document content, ready to use raw text. Title text (for news and articles) is included as well.",
        "domain": "document domain. one of ['news', 'administrative', 'wikipedia', 'science', 'subtitles', 'literature', 'videogames']"

Source Data

This is a corpus of the Basque language. It contains 525,205,197/561,253,236 raw tokens (result of wc -w) in 1.80/1.97M documents. It was gathered from various web sources and contains data up to 2024/02/23.

The following table summarizes corpus statistics and license information.

source base url domain tokens (M) license
Tokikom 📝 https://tokikom.eus/bazkideak/ news 167.29 cc-by / cc-by-sa
Berria https://berria.eus news 125.83/171.45 cc-by-sa 4.0
Eusko Legebiltzarra https://www.legebiltzarra.eus administrative 80.16 public domain
Wikipedia https://wikipedia.org wikipedia 63.83 cc0
Argia https://www.argia.eus news 17.44 cc-by-sa 4.0
Addi https://addi.ehu.es/ science 17.09 cc-by-nc-sa / cc-by-nc-nd
Opendata Euskadi subtiitles https://opendata.euskadi.eus/catalogo/-/euskarazko-azpitituluak-filmak-eta-telesailak-euskaraz/ subtitles 11.30 cc-by-sa
GFA https://www.bngipuzkoa.eus/ administrative 8.46 Custom copyright license⚠️
Zientzia.eus https://zientzia.eus science 8.37 cc-by-sa
Susa https://www.susa-literatura.eus/ literature 5.77 cc-by
BFA (+Nafarroa?) https://jjggbizkaia.eus administrative 4.26 Custom copyright license⚠️
Zientzia Kaiera https://zientziakaiera.eus/ science 1.93 cc-by-sa 3.0
Ekaia https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/ekaia science 1.80 cc-by-nc-nd
Ikergazte https://www.buruxkak.eus/bilatu?bilaketa=ikergazte science 1.68 cc-by-sa 3.0
Game-erauntsia https://gamerauntsia.eus/ videogames 0.40 cc-by-sa
Total 525.21/561.25

📝 Tokikom is a Basque local media network. The following websites are included in ZelaiHandi: [28kanala, Aiaraldea, Aikor, Aiurri, Alea, Amezti, Anboto, Antxetamedia, Ataria, Baleike, Barren, Begitu, Berriketan, Drogetenitturri, Erran, Euskalerriairratia, Gitb, Goiena, Guaixe, Hiruka, Karkara, Kronika, Mailope, Maxixatzen, Noaua, Plaentxia, Txintxarri, Uriola, Urolakostakohitza, Uztarria, Zarauzkohitza]

⚠️ Custom license, allows reproducibility. License text here: https://www.bngipuzkoa.eus/WAS/CORP/DJGPortalWEB/aviso_legal.jsp

⚠️ Custom license, allows reproducibility License text here: https://jjggbizkaia.eus/eu/pribadutasun-politikea

Data was collected from 2024/01/01 to 2024/02/23.


The corpus is comprised of documents from various sources. All documents included have a free license, but each source has its own license. All documents collected are publicly available under free use licenses in their original website. If you are the owner of any data included in the corpus and you would not like to be reproduced here, please contact us.

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

This corpus may reflect societal stereotypes and biases. Additionally, it could contain explicit language, slurs, and hate speech, particularly in fictional texts from literature.


Coming soon.


Special thanks to the authors of the texts and to the media that have made it possible to publish their content under a free license.

This work has been partially funded by the Basque Government under grant no. KK-2023/00094 (ICL4LANG).

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