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pretty_name: transformers metrics
  - github-stars

transformers metrics

This dataset contains metrics about the huggingface/transformers package.

Number of repositories in the dataset: 27067 Number of packages in the dataset: 823

Package dependents

This contains the data available in the used-by tab on GitHub.

Package & Repository star count

This section shows the package and repository star count, individually.

Package Repository
transformers-dependent package star count transformers-dependent repository star count

There are 65 packages that have more than 1000 stars.

There are 140 repositories that have more than 1000 stars.

The top 10 in each category are the following:


hankcs/HanLP: 26958

fastai/fastai: 22774

slundberg/shap: 17482

fastai/fastbook: 16052

jina-ai/jina: 16052

huggingface/datasets: 14101

microsoft/recommenders: 14017

borisdayma/dalle-mini: 12872

flairNLP/flair: 12033

allenai/allennlp: 11198


huggingface/transformers: 70487

hankcs/HanLP: 26959

ageron/handson-ml2: 22886

ray-project/ray: 22047

jina-ai/jina: 16052

RasaHQ/rasa: 14844

microsoft/recommenders: 14017

deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j: 12617

flairNLP/flair: 12034

allenai/allennlp: 11198

Package & Repository fork count

This section shows the package and repository fork count, individually.

Package Repository
transformers-dependent package forks count transformers-dependent repository forks count

There are 55 packages that have more than 200 forks.

There are 128 repositories that have more than 200 forks.

The top 10 in each category are the following:


hankcs/HanLP: 7388

fastai/fastai: 7297

fastai/fastbook: 6033

slundberg/shap: 2646

microsoft/recommenders: 2473

allenai/allennlp: 2218

jina-ai/clip-as-service: 1972

jina-ai/jina: 1967

flairNLP/flair: 1934

huggingface/datasets: 1841


huggingface/transformers: 16159

ageron/handson-ml2: 11053

hankcs/HanLP: 7389

aws/amazon-sagemaker-examples: 5493

deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j: 4933

RasaHQ/rasa: 4106

ray-project/ray: 3876

apache/beam: 3648

plotly/dash-sample-apps: 2795

microsoft/recommenders: 2473