From Bhagwad Gita => : çraddhayä parayä taptaà tapas tat tri-vidhaà naraiù aphaläkäìkñibhir yuktaiù sättvikaà paricakñate SYNONYMS çraddhayä—with faith; parayä—transcendental; taptam—executed; tapaù—austerity; tat—that; tri-vidham—of three kinds; naraiù—by men;
From Bhagwad Gita => : aphala-äkäìkñibhiù—who are without desires for fruits; yuktaiù—engaged; sättvikam—in the mode of goodness; paricakñate—is called. TRANSLATION This threefold austerity, performed with transcendental faith by men not expecting material benefits but engaged only for the sake of the Supreme, is
From Bhagwad Gita => : called austerity in goodness. TEXT 18 SaTk-arMaaNaPaUJaaQa| TaPaae dM>aeNa cEv YaTa( ) i§-YaTae Taidh Pa[ae¢&- raJaSa& cl/MaDa]uvMa( )) 18 )) satkära-mäna-püjärthaà tapo dambhena caiva yat kriyate tad iha proktaà räjasaà calam adhruvam
From Bhagwad Gita => : SYNONYMS sat-kära—respect; mäna—honor; püjä—and worship; artham—for the sake of; tapaù—austerity; dambhena—with pride; ca—also; eva—certainly; Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. yat—which; kriyate—is performed; tat—that; iha—in this world; proktam—is
From Bhagwad Gita => : said; räjasam—in the mode of passion; calam—flickering; adhruvam—temporary. TRANSLATION Penance performed out of pride and for the sake of gaining respect, honor and worship is said to be in the mode of passion. It is neither stable nor
From Bhagwad Gita => : permanent. PURPORT Sometimes penance and austerity are executed to attract people and receive honor, respect and worship from others. Persons in the mode of passion arrange to be worshiped by subordinates and let them wash their feet and offer
From Bhagwad Gita => : riches. Such arrangements artificially made by the performance of penances are considered to be in the mode of passion. The results are temporary; they can be continued for some time, but they are not permanent. TEXT 19 MaU!Ga]ahe<aaTMaNaae YaTPaq@Yaa i§-YaTae TaPa" )
From Bhagwad Gita => : ParSYaaeTSaadNaaQa| va TataaMaSaMaudaôTaMa( )) 19 )) müòha-gräheëätmano yat péòayä kriyate tapaù parasyotsädanärthaà vä tat tämasam udähåtam SYNONYMS müòha—foolish; gräheëa—with endeavor; ätmanaù—of one’s own self; yat—which; péòayä—by torture; kriyate—is performed; tapaù—penance;
From Bhagwad Gita => : parasya—to others; utsädana-artham—for the sake of causing annihilation; Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. vä—or; tat—that; tämasam—in the mode of darkness; udähåtam—is said to be. TRANSLATION
From Bhagwad Gita => : Penance performed out of foolishness, with self-torture or to destroy or injure others, is said to be in the mode of ignorance. PURPORT There are instances of foolish penance undertaken by demons like Hiraëyakaçipu, who performed austere penances to become immortal and kill
From Bhagwad Gita => : the demigods. He prayed to Brahmä for such things, but ultimately he was killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. To undergo penances for something which is impossible is certainly in the mode of ignorance. TEXT 20 daTaVYaiMaiTa YaÕaNa& dqYaTae_NauPak-air<ae )
From Bhagwad Gita => : deXae k-ale/ c Paa}ae c TaÕaNa& Saaitvk&- SMa*TaMa( )) 20 )) dätavyam iti yad dänaà déyate ’nupakäriëe deçe käle ca pätre ca tad dänaà sättvikaà småtam SYNONYMS dätavyam—worth giving; iti—thus; yat—that which; dänam—charity;
From Bhagwad Gita => : déyate—is given; anupakäriëe—irrespective of return; deçe—in a proper place; käle—at a proper time; ca—also; pätre—to a suitable person; ca—and; tat—that; dänam—charity; sättvikam—in the mode of goodness; småtam—is considered. TRANSLATION
From Bhagwad Gita => : Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. Charity given out of duty, without expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person is considered to be in the mode of goodness.
From Bhagwad Gita => : PURPORT In the Vedic literature, charity given to a person engaged in spiritual activities is recommended. There is no recommendation for giving charity indiscriminately. Spiritual perfection is always a consideration. Therefore
From Bhagwad Gita => : charity is recommended to be given at a place of pilgrimage and at lunar or solar eclipses or at the end of the month or to a qualified brähmaëa or a Vaiñëava (devotee) or in temples. Such charities should be given without any consideration of return. Charity to the poor is sometimes given out of
From Bhagwad Gita => : compassion, but if a poor man is not worth giving charity to, then there is no spiritual advancement. In other words, indiscriminate charity is not recommended in the Vedic literature. TEXT 21 Yatau Pa[TYauPak-araQa| f-l/MauiÕXYa va PauNa" )
From Bhagwad Gita => : dqYaTae c Pairi©-í& TaÕaNa& raJaSa& SMa*TaMa( )) 21 )) yat tu pratyupakärärthaà phalam uddiçya vä punaù déyate ca parikliñöaà tad dänaà räjasaà småtam SYNONYMS yat—that which; tu—but; prati-upakära-artham—for the sake of getting some
From Bhagwad Gita => : return; phalam—a result; uddiçya—desiring; vä—or; punaù—again; déyate—is given; ca—also; parikliñöam—grudgingly; tat—that; dänam—charity; räjasam—in the mode of passion; småtam—is understood to be. Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved.
From Bhagwad Gita => : TRANSLATION But charity performed with the expectation of some return, or with a desire for fruitive results, or in a grudging mood, is said to be charity in the mode of passion. PURPORT Charity is sometimes performed for elevation to the heavenly kingdom and
From Bhagwad Gita => : sometimes with great trouble and with repentance afterwards: “Why have I spent so much in this way?” Charity is also sometimes given under some obligation, at the request of a superior. These kinds of charity are said to be given in the mode of passion.
From Bhagwad Gita => : There are many charitable foundations which offer their gifts to institutions where sense gratification goes on. Such charities are not recommended in the Vedic scripture. Only charity in the mode of goodness is recommended. TEXT 22
From Bhagwad Gita => : AdeXak-ale/ YaÕaNaMaPaa}ae>Yaê dqYaTae ) ASaTk*-TaMavjaTa& TataaMaSaMaudaôTaMa( )) 22 )) adeça-käle yad dänam apätrebhyaç ca déyate asat-kåtam avajïätaà tat tämasam udähåtam SYNONYMS adeça—at an unpurified place; käle—and unpurified time; yat—that which;
From Bhagwad Gita => : dänam—charity; upätrebhyaù—to unworthy persons; ca—also; déyate—is given; asat-kåtam—without respect; avajïätam—without proper attention; Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. tat—that; tämasam—in the mode of darkness; udähåtam—is said to be.
From Bhagwad Gita => : TRANSLATION And charity performed at an impure place, at an improper time, to unworthy persons, or without proper attention and respect is said to be in the mode of ignorance. PURPORT Contributions for indulgence in intoxication and gambling are not
From Bhagwad Gita => : encouraged here. That sort of contribution is in the mode of ignorance. Such charity is not beneficial; rather, sinful persons are encouraged. Similarly, if a person gives charity to a suitable person but without respect and without
From Bhagwad Gita => : attention, that sort of charity is also said to be in the mode of darkness. TEXT 23 p TaTSaidiTa iNadeRXaae b]ø<aiñivDa" SMa*Ta" ) b]aø<aaSTaeNa vedaê Yajaê ivihTaa" Paura )) 23 )) oà tat sad iti nirdeço brahmaëas tri-vidhaù småtaù
From Bhagwad Gita => : brähmaëäs tena vedäç ca yajïäç ca vihitäù purä SYNONYMS oà—indication of the Supreme; tat—that; sat—eternal; iti—thus; nirdeçaù—indication; brahmaëaù—of the Supreme; tri-vidhaù—threefold; småtaù—is considered; brähmaëäù—the brähmaëas; tena—with that;
From Bhagwad Gita => : vedäù—the Vedic literature; ca—also; yajïäù—sacrifice; ca—also; vihitäù—used; purä—formerly. Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. TRANSLATION From the beginning of creation, the three words oà tat sat were used to
From Bhagwad Gita => : indicate the Supreme Absolute Truth. These three symbolic representations were used by brähmaëas while chanting the hymns of the Vedas and during sacrifices for the satisfaction of the Supreme. PURPORT It has been explained that penance, sacrifice, charity and foods are divided
From Bhagwad Gita => : into three categories: the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. But whether first class, second class or third class, they are all conditioned, contaminated by the material modes of nature. When they are aimed at the Supreme—oà tat sat, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the eternal—they
From Bhagwad Gita => : become means for spiritual elevation. In the scriptural injunctions such an objective is indicated. These three words, oà tat sat, particularly indicate the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the Vedic hymns, the
From Bhagwad Gita => : word oà is always found. One who acts without following the regulations of the scriptures will not attain the Absolute Truth. He will get some temporary result, but not the ultimate end of life. The conclusion is that the performance of charity,
From Bhagwad Gita => : sacrifice and penance must be done in the mode of goodness. Performed in the mode of passion or ignorance, they are certainly inferior in quality. The three words oà tat sat are uttered in conjunction with the holy name of the Supreme
From Bhagwad Gita => : Lord, e.g., oà tad viñëoù. Whenever a Vedic hymn or the holy name of the Supreme Lord is uttered, oà is added. This is the indication of Vedic literature. These three words are taken from Vedic hymns. Oà ity etad brahmaëo nediñöhaà näma (Åg Veda) indicates the first goal. Then tat tvam asi
From Bhagwad Gita => : (Chändogya Upaniñad 6.8.7) indicates the second goal. And sad eva saumya (Chändogya Upaniñad 6.2.1) indicates the third goal. Combined they become oà tat sat. Formerly when Brahmä, the first created living entity, performed sacrifices, he indicated by these three words the Supreme Personality of
From Bhagwad Gita => : Godhead. Therefore the same principle has always been followed by disciplic Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. succession. So this hymn has great significance. Bhagavad-gétä recommends, therefore, that any work done should be done for oà tat sat, or for the
From Bhagwad Gita => : Supreme Personality of Godhead. When one performs penance, charity and sacrifice with these three words, he is acting in Kåñëa consciousness. Kåñëa consciousness is a scientific execution of transcendental activities which enables one to return home, back to Godhead. There is no loss of energy in
From Bhagwad Gita => : acting in such a transcendental way. TEXT 24 TaSMaad( p wTYaudaôTYa YajdaNaTaPa"i§-Yaa" ) Pa[vTaRNTae ivDaaNaae¢-a" SaTaTa& b]øvaidNaaMa( )) 24 )) tasmäd oà ity udähåtya yajïa-däna-tapaù-kriyäù pravartante vidhänoktäù satataà brahma-vädinäm
From Bhagwad Gita => : SYNONYMS tasmät—therefore; oà—beginning with oà; iti—thus; udähåtya—indicating; yajïa—of sacrifice; däna—charity; tapaù—and penance; kriyäù—performances; pravartante—begin; vidhäna-uktäù—according to scriptural regulation; satatam—always; brahma-vädinäm—of the
From Bhagwad Gita => : transcendentalists. TRANSLATION Therefore, transcendentalists undertaking performances of sacrifice, charity and penance in accordance with scriptural regulations begin always with oà, to attain the Supreme. PURPORT Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved.
From Bhagwad Gita => : Oà tad viñëoù paramaà padam (Åg Veda 1.22.20). The lotus feet of Viñëu are the supreme devotional platform. The performance of everything on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead assures the perfection of all activity. TEXT 25
From Bhagwad Gita => : TaidTYaNai>aSaNDaaYa f-l&/ YajTaPa"i§-Yaa" ) daNai§-Yaaê ivivDaa" i§-YaNTae Maae+ak-ax(i+ai>a" )) 25 )) tad ity anabhisandhäya phalaà yajïa-tapaù-kriyäù däna-kriyäç ca vividhäù kriyante mokña-käìkñibhiù SYNONYMS tat—that; iti—thus; anabhisandhäya—without desiring; phalam—the fruitive
From Bhagwad Gita => : result; yajïa—of sacrifice; tapaù—and penance; kriyäù—activities; däna—of charity; kriyäù—activities; ca—also; vividhäù—various; kriyante—are done; mokña-käìkñibhiù—by those who actually desire liberation. TRANSLATION Without desiring fruitive results, one should perform various kinds of
From Bhagwad Gita => : sacrifice, penance and charity with the word tat. The purpose of such transcendental activities is to get free from material entanglement. PURPORT To be elevated to the spiritual position, one should not act for any material gain. Acts should be performed for the ultimate gain of being transferred to
From Bhagwad Gita => : the spiritual kingdom, back to home, back to Godhead. Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. TEXTS 26–27 SaÙave SaaDau>aave c SaidTYaeTaTPa[YauJYaTae ) Pa[XaSTae k-MaRi<a TaQaa SaC^Bd" PaaQaR YauJYaTae )) 26 ))
From Bhagwad Gita => : Yaje TaPaiSa daNae c iSQaiTa" SaidiTa caeCYaTae ) k-MaR cEv TadQasYa& SaidTYaevai>aDaqYaTae )) 27 )) sad-bhäve sädhu-bhäve ca sad ity etat prayujyate praçaste karmaëi tathä sac-chabdaù pärtha yujyate yajïe tapasi däne ca sthitiù sad iti cocyate
From Bhagwad Gita => : karma caiva tad-arthéyaà sad ity eväbhidhéyate SYNONYMS sat-bhäve—in the sense of the nature of the Supreme; sädhu-bhäve—in the sense of the nature of the devotee; ca—also; sat—the word sat; iti—thus; etat—this; prayujyate—is used; praçaste—in bona fide; karmaëi—activities;
From Bhagwad Gita => : tathä—also; sat-çabdaù—the sound sat; pärtha—O son of Påthä; yujyate—is used; yajïe—in sacrifice; tapasi—in penance; däne—in charity; ca—also; sthitiù—the situation; sat—the Supreme; iti—thus; ca—and; ucyate—is pronounced; karma—work; ca—also; eva—certainly; tat—for that;
From Bhagwad Gita => : arthéyam—meant; sat—the Supreme; iti—thus; eva—certainly; abhidhéyate—is indicated. TRANSLATION The Absolute Truth is the objective of devotional sacrifice, and it is indicated by the word sat. The performer of such sacrifice is also called sat, as
From Bhagwad Gita => : are all works of sacrifice, penance and charity which, true to the absolute Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. nature, are performed to please the Supreme Person, O son of Påthä. PURPORT The words praçaste karmaëi, or “prescribed duties,” indicate that there are
From Bhagwad Gita => : many activities prescribed in the Vedic literature which are purificatory processes, beginning from the time of conception up to the end of one’s life. Such purificatory processes are adopted for the ultimate liberation of the living entity. In all such activities it is recommended that one vibrate oà tat
From Bhagwad Gita => : sat. The words sad-bhäve and sädhu-bhäve indicate the transcendental situation. Acting in Kåñëa consciousness is called sattva, and one who is fully conscious of the activities of Kåñëa consciousness is called a sädhu. In the Çrémad-Bhägavatam (3.25.25) it is said that the transcendental subject matter
From Bhagwad Gita => : becomes clear in the association of the devotees. The words used are satäà prasaìgät. Without good association, one cannot achieve transcendental knowledge. When initiating a person or offering the sacred thread, one vibrates the words oà tat sat. Similarly, in all kinds of performance of yajïa
From Bhagwad Gita => : the object is the Supreme, oà tat sat. The word tad-arthéyam further means offering service to anything which represents the Supreme, including such service as cooking and helping in the Lord’s temple, or any other kind of work for broadcasting the glories of the Lord. These supreme words oà tat sat are
From Bhagwad Gita => : thus used in many ways to perfect all activities and make everything complete. TEXT 28 Aé[ÖYaa huTa& dta& TaPaSTaá& k*-Ta& c YaTa( ) ASaidTYauCYaTae PaaQaR Na c TaTPa[eTYa Naae wh )) 28 )) açraddhayä hutaà dattaà tapas taptaà kåtaà ca yat
From Bhagwad Gita => : asad ity ucyate pärtha na ca tat pretya no iha Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. SYNONYMS açraddhayä—without faith; hutam—offered in sacrifice; dattam—given; tapaù—penance; taptam—executed; kåtam—performed; ca—also; yat—that
From Bhagwad Gita => : which; asat—false; iti—thus; ucyate—is said to be; pärtha—O son of Påthä; na—never; ca—also; tat—that; pretya—after death; na u—nor; iha—in this life. TRANSLATION Anything done as sacrifice, charity or penance without faith in the Supreme,
From Bhagwad Gita => : O son of Påthä, is impermanent. It is called asat and is useless both in this life and the next. PURPORT Anything done without the transcendental objective—whether it be sacrifice, charity or penance—is useless. Therefore in this verse it is declared
From Bhagwad Gita => : that such activities are abominable. Everything should be done for the Supreme in Kåñëa consciousness. Without such faith, and without the proper guidance, there can never be any fruit. In all the Vedic scriptures, faith in the Supreme is advised. In the pursuit of all Vedic instructions, the ultimate goal is
From Bhagwad Gita => : the understanding of Kåñëa. No one can obtain success without following this principle. Therefore, the best course is to work from the very beginning in Kåñëa consciousness under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master. That is
From Bhagwad Gita => : the way to make everything successful. In the conditional state, people are attracted to worshiping demigods, ghosts, or Yakñas like Kuvera. The mode of goodness is better than the modes of passion and ignorance, but one who takes directly to Kåñëa consciousness is
From Bhagwad Gita => : transcendental to all three modes of material nature. Although there is a process of gradual elevation, if one, by the association of pure devotees, takes directly to Kåñëa consciousness, that is the best way. And that is recommended
From Bhagwad Gita => : in this chapter. To achieve success in this way, one must first find the proper Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. spiritual master and receive training under his direction. Then one can achieve faith in the Supreme. When that faith matures, in course of time, it is
From Bhagwad Gita => : called love of God. This love is the ultimate goal of the living entities. One should therefore take to Kåñëa consciousness directly. That is the message of this Seventeenth Chapter. Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the Seventeenth Chapter of the Çrémad
From Bhagwad Gita => : Bhagavad-gétä in the matter of the Divisions of Faith. - CHAPTER 18 - Conclusion—The Perfection of Renunciation TEXT 1 AJauRNa ovac ) SaNNYaaSaSYa Mahabahae TatviMaC^aiMa veidTauMa( ) TYaaGaSYa c ôzqke-Xa Pa*Qa¡e-iXaiNazUdNa )) 1 ))
From Bhagwad Gita => : arjuna uväca sannyäsasya mahä-bäho tattvam icchämi veditum tyägasya ca håñékeça påthak keçé-niñüdana SYNONYMS arjunaù uväca—Arjuna said; sannyäsasya—of renunciation; mahä-bäho—O mighty-armed one; tattvam—the truth; icchämi—I wish; veditum—to
From Bhagwad Gita => : Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. understand; tyägasya—of renunciation; ca—also; håñékeça—O master of the senses; påthak—differently; keçé-niñüdana—O killer of the Keçé demon. TRANSLATION
From Bhagwad Gita => : Arjuna said: O mighty-armed one, I wish to understand the purpose of renunciation [tyäga] and of the renounced order of life [sannyäsa], O killer of the Keçé demon, master of the senses. PURPORT Actually the Bhagavad-gétä is finished in seventeen chapters. The
From Bhagwad Gita => : Eighteenth Chapter is a supplementary summarization of the topics discussed before. In every chapter of Bhagavad-gétä, Lord Kåñëa stresses that devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the ultimate goal of life.
From Bhagwad Gita => : This same point is summarized in the Eighteenth Chapter as the most confidential path of knowledge. In the first six chapters, stress was given to devotional service: yoginäm api sarveñäà. .. “Of all yogés or transcendentalists,
From Bhagwad Gita => : one who always thinks of Me within himself is best.” In the next six chapters, pure devotional service and its nature and activity were discussed. In the third six chapters, knowledge, renunciation, the activities of material nature and
From Bhagwad Gita => : transcendental nature, and devotional service were described. It was concluded that all acts should be performed in conjunction with the Supreme Lord, represented by the words oà tat sat, which indicate Viñëu, the Supreme Person. The third part of Bhagavad-gétä has shown that devotional service, and
From Bhagwad Gita => : nothing else, is the ultimate purpose of life. This has been established by citing past äcäryas and the Brahma-sütra, the Vedänta-sütra. Certain impersonalists consider themselves to have a monopoly on the knowledge of Vedänta-sütra,
From Bhagwad Gita => : but actually the Vedänta-sütra is meant for understanding devotional service, for the Lord Himself is the composer of the Vedänta-sütra and He is its knower. That is described in the Fifteenth Chapter. In every scripture, every Veda, devotional service is the objective. That is explained in Bhagavad-gétä.
From Bhagwad Gita => : As in the Second Chapter a synopsis of the whole subject matter was described, in the Eighteenth Chapter also the summary of all instruction is Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. given. The purpose of life is indicated to be renunciation and attainment of
From Bhagwad Gita => : the transcendental position above the three material modes of nature. Arjuna wants to clarify the two distinct subject matters of Bhagavad-gétä, namely renunciation (tyäga) and the renounced order of life (sannyäsa). Thus he is asking the meaning of these two words.
From Bhagwad Gita => : Two words used in this verse to address the Supreme Lord—Håñékeça and Keçé-niñüdana—are significant. Håñékeça is Kåñëa, the master of all senses, who can always help us attain mental serenity. Arjuna requests Him to summarize everything in such a way that he can remain equipoised. Yet he has some
From Bhagwad Gita => : doubts, and doubts are always compared to demons. He therefore addresses Kåñëa as Keçé-niñüdana. Keçé was a most formidable demon who was killed by the Lord; now Arjuna is expecting Kåñëa to kill the demon of doubt. TEXT 2 é[q>aGavaNauvac )
From Bhagwad Gita => : k-aMYaaNaa& k-MaR<aa& NYaaSa& SaNNYaaSa& k-vYaae ivdu" ) SavRk-MaRf-l/TYaaGa& Pa[ahuSTYaaGa& ivc+a<aa" )) 2 )) çré-bhagavän uväca kämyänäà karmaëäà nyäsaà sannyäsaà kavayo viduù sarva-karma-phala-tyägaà prähus tyägaà vicakñaëäù
From Bhagwad Gita => : SYNONYMS çré-bhagavän uväca—the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; kämyänäm—with desire; karmaëäm—of activities; nyäsam—renunciation; sannyäsam—the renounced order of life; kavayaù—the learned; viduù—know; sarva—of all; karma—activities; phala—of results; tyägam—renunciation;
From Bhagwad Gita => : prähuù—call; tyägam—renunciation; vicakñaëäù—the experienced. Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. TRANSLATION The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: The giving up of activities that are based on material desire is what great learned men call the renounced order
From Bhagwad Gita => : of life [sannyäsa]. And giving up the results of all activities is what the wise call renunciation [tyäga]. PURPORT The performance of activities for results has to be given up. This is the instruction of Bhagavad-gétä. But activities leading to advanced spiritual
From Bhagwad Gita => : knowledge are not to be given up. This will be made clear in the next verses. In the Vedic literature there are many prescriptions of methods for performing sacrifice for some particular purpose. There are certain sacrifices to perform to
From Bhagwad Gita => : attain a good son or to attain elevation to the higher planets, but sacrifices prompted by desires should be stopped. However, sacrifice for the purification of one’s heart or for advancement in the spiritual science should not be given
From Bhagwad Gita => : up. TEXT 3 TYaaJYa& daezvidTYaeke- k-MaR Pa[ahuMaRNaqiz<a" ) YajdaNaTaPa"k-MaR Na TYaaJYaiMaiTa caPare )) 3 )) tyäjyaà doña-vad ity eke karma prähur manéñiëaù yajïa-däna-tapaù-karma na tyäjyam iti cäpare SYNONYMS tyäjyam—must be given up; doña-vat—as an evil; iti—thus; eke—one group;
From Bhagwad Gita => : karma—work; prähuù—they say; manéñiëaù—great thinkers; yajïa—of Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. sacrifice; däna—charity; tapaù—and penance; karma—works; na—never; tyäjyam—are to be given up; iti—thus; ca—and; apare—others.
From Bhagwad Gita => : TRANSLATION Some learned men declare that all kinds of fruitive activities should be given up as faulty, yet other sages maintain that acts of sacrifice, charity and penance should never be abandoned. PURPORT There are many activities in the Vedic literature which are subjects of
From Bhagwad Gita => : contention. For instance, it is said that an animal can be killed in a sacrifice, yet some maintain that animal killing is completely abominable. Although animal killing in a sacrifice is recommended in the Vedic literature, the animal
From Bhagwad Gita => : is not considered to be killed. The sacrifice is to give a new life to the animal. Sometimes the animal is given a new animal life after being killed in the sacrifice, and sometimes the animal is promoted immediately to the human
From Bhagwad Gita => : form of life. But there are different opinions among the sages. Some say that animal killing should always be avoided, and others say that for a specific sacrifice it is good. All these different opinions on sacrificial activity are now
From Bhagwad Gita => : being clarified by the Lord Himself. TEXT 4 iNaêYa& é*<au Mae Ta}a TYaaGae >arTaSataMa ) TYaaGaae ih PauåzVYaaga] i}aivDa" SaMPa[k-IiTaRTa" )) 4 )) niçcayaà çåëu me tatra tyäge bharata-sattama tyägo hi puruña-vyäghra tri-vidhaù samprakértitaù
From Bhagwad Gita => : Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved. SYNONYMS niçcayam—certainty; çåëu—hear; me—from Me; tatra—therein; tyäge—in the matter of renunciation; bharata-sat-tama—O best of the Bhäratas; tyägaù—renunciation; hi—certainly; puruña-vyäghra—O tiger among human
From Bhagwad Gita => : beings; tri-vidhaù—of three kinds; samprakértitaù—is declared. TRANSLATION O best of the Bhäratas, now hear My judgment about renunciation. O tiger among men, renunciation is declared in the scriptures to be of three kinds. PURPORT
From Bhagwad Gita => : Although there are differences of opinion about renunciation, here the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Çré Kåñëa, gives His judgment, which should be taken as final. After all, the Vedas are different laws given by the Lord. Here the Lord is personally present, and His word should be taken as final.
From Bhagwad Gita => : The Lord says that the process of renunciation should be considered in terms of the modes of material nature in which they are performed. TEXT 5 YajdaNaTaPa"k-MaR Na TYaaJYa& k-aYaRMaev TaTa( ) Yajae daNa& TaPaêEv PaavNaaiNa MaNaqiz<aaMa( )) 5 ))
From Bhagwad Gita => : yajïa-däna-tapaù-karma na tyäjyaà käryam eva tat yajïo dänaà tapaç caiva pävanäni manéñiëäm SYNONYMS yajïa—of sacrifice; däna—charity; tapaù—and penance; karma—activity; Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved.
From Bhagwad Gita => : na—never; tyäjyam—to be given up; käryam—must be done; eva—certainly; tat—that; yajïaù—sacrifice; dänam—charity; tapaù—penance; ca—also; eva—certainly; pävanäni—purifying; manéñiëäm—even for the great souls. TRANSLATION Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up; they must be
From Bhagwad Gita => : performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great souls. PURPORT The yogés should perform acts for the advancement of human society. There are many purificatory processes for advancing a human being to spiritual life.
From Bhagwad Gita => : The marriage ceremony, for example, is considered to be one of these sacrifices. It is called viväha-yajïa. Should a sannyäsé, who is in the renounced order of life and who has given up his family relations, encourage the marriage