As the Meningitis season approaches, the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has issued an advisory urging Nigerians to be vigilant, “ACT FAST and report any suspected case to the nearest health centre.” As one of the countries within the Meningitis Belt, Nigeria has recorded outbreaks in the past. Until recently these outbreaks were caused mostly by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A (NmA). These outbreaks occur in the dry season, due to its low humidity and dusty conditions and usually ends with the onset of the rainy season. NCDC describes Cerebrospinal Meningitis (CSM) as an acute inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. It is a very serious infection that can sometimes lead to fatal consequences. CSM remains a major public health challenge in the African meningitis belt, with 26 States in Nigeria within this belt. Large outbreaks can occur during the dry season (i.e November through May). “CSM is contagious and can be transmitted through tiny droplets of respiratory secretions from an infected person, during close contact such as coughing or sneezing. The disease is more common among persons aged less than 15 years and deaths are higher among untreated cases. The agency also announced some preventive measures. These include: - Avoiding overcrowded places and ensuring adequate ventilation in the home. - Covering the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when sneezing, coughing, or blowing the nose and disposing used tissues promptly into a waste bin. - Minimising contact with droplets when such as turning the head away from people coughing and sneezing. - Washing your hands frequently especially after coughing or sneezing. - Visiting the health facility if you notice anyone with symptoms of CSM. - Ensuring vaccination where available - Practicing universal care precautions at all times: i.e. wearing gloves, while handling patients or providing care to an ill relative. “During epidemics, reactive vaccination campaigns can be used to prevent spread of the disease,” NCDC informs, Below are the NCDC contacts NCDC Toll-Free Number: 0800-970000-10
PTSD and Trauma Therapy Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after experiencing a traumatic event. A trauma can change the way you think and feel, which can interfere with your life and relationships. Trauma therapy can help treat your PTSD or lasting effects and help you heal. It’s normal to have upsetting memories, feel fear, or not feel like yourself after experiencing a trauma. At first, it may be hard to do normal daily activities, but most people start to feel better after a few weeks or months. If it’s been longer than a few months and you are still having symptoms, you may have PTSD. For some people, PTSD symptoms may start later, may come and go over time, or may be triggered by other life situations. Several trauma therapies, such as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), can help you understand how trauma has impacted your thoughts and emotions and work towards healing. *This is informational and not diagnostic. Please schedule an appointment if you are having emotional difficulties following a traumatic event* Exposure to traumatic event PTSD is a mental and emotional reaction to the experience of a threatening event, including death, threatened death, intense fear, and/or feeling helpless. You may be avoiding people, places, or activities that bring back memories of the traumatic event. You may also avoid emotions, in general and towards the trauma. Thoughts about the trauma are also typically avoided. Intrusions may include intrusive thoughts and/or memories of the event, nightmares, feeling as if the trauma was happening again, and having physical reactions to memories/thoughts of the trauma Unhelpful thoughts and extreme moods Traumas may alter the way people think. Overly negative thoughts about oneself and the world, exaggerated blame, and spotty memory are common. It is also common to feel an inability to experience emotions such as love and happiness and feel less interested in doing things you usually enjoy. Arousal and reactivity People often react stronger and more impulsively than before the trauma. You may become more angry, even towards smaller situations. You may engage in risky behaviors that you did not engage in before. You may feel jumpy or startle easy. People also have difficulties sleeping and concentrating.
Here are the actual instructions on how to give the Walk-and-Turn Test. These instructions are from the police officer’s student manual. Read them and tell me if he followed the instructions – – I bet he did not. If we can show the judge that he did not follow the instructions, the test is not valid and cannot be used against you. Procedures for Walk-and-Turn Testing 1. Instructions Stage: Initial Positioning and Verbal Instruction For the standardization in the performance of this test, have the suspect assume the heel-to-toe stance by giving the following verbal instructions, accompanied by demonstrations: “Place your left foot on the line” (real or imaginary). (Demonstrate) “Place your right foot on the line ahead of the left foot, with heel of right foot against toe of left foot.” (Demonstrate) “Place your arms down at your sides.” (Demonstrate) “Keep this position until I tell you to begin. DO NOT START to walk until told to do so.” “Do you understand the instructions so far?” (Make sure suspect indicates understanding) 2. Demonstrations and Instructions for the Walking Stage Explain the test requirements, using the following verbal instructions, accompanied by demonstrations: “When I tell you to start, take nine heel-to-toe steps, turn, and take nine heel-to-toe steps back.” (Demonstrate 3 heel-to-toe steps) “When you turn, keep the front foot on the line, and turn by taking a series of small steps with the other foot, like this.” (Demonstrate) “While you are walking, keep your arms at your sides, watch your feet at all times and count your steps out loud.” “Once you start walking, don’t stop until you have completed the test.” “Do you understand the instructions?” (Make sure suspect understands) “Begin and count your first step from the heel-to-toe position as ‘One.'” 3. Test Interpretation You may observe a number of different behaviors when a suspect performs this test. Original research demonstrated that the behaviors listed below are likely to be observed in someone with a BAC above 0.10. Look for the following clues each time this test is given: A. Cannot keep balance while listening to the instructions. Two tasks are required at the beginning of this test. The suspect must balance heel-to-toe on the line, and at the same time, listen carefully to the instructions. Typically, the person who is impaired can do only one of these things. The suspect may listen to the instructions, but not keep balance. Record this clue if the suspect does not maintain the heel-to-toe position throughout the instructions. (Feet must actually break apart.) Do not record this clue if the suspect sways or uses the arms to balance but maintains the heel-to-toe position. B. Starts before the instructions are finished. The impaired person may aslo keep balance, but not listen to the instructions. Since you specifically instructed the suspect not to start walking “until I tell you to begin,” record this clue if the suspect does not wait. C. Stops while walking. The suspect pauses for several seconds. Do not record this clue if the suspect is merely walking slowly. D. Does not touch heel-to-toe. The suspect leaves a space of more than one-half inch between the heel and toe on any step. E. Steps off the line. The suspect steps so that one foot is entirely off the line. F. Uses arms to balance. The suspect raises one or both arms more than 6 inches from the sides in order to maintain balance. G. Improper turn. The suspect removed the front foot from the line while turning. Also record this clue if the suspect has not followed directions as demonstrated, i.e., spins or pivots around. H. Incorrect number of steps. Record this clue if the suspect takes more or fewer than nine steps in either direction. Note: If suspect cannot do test, record as if all eight clues were observed. Consideration should be given to terminating the test if the suspect cannot safely complete it. If the suspect has difficulty with the test (for example, steps off the line), continue from that point, not form the beginning. This test may lose its sensitivity if it is repeated several times. 4. Test Conditions Walk-and-Turn test requires a designated straight line, and should be conducted on a reasonably dry, hard, level non-slippery surface. There should be sufficient room for suspects to complete nine heel-to-toe steps. Note: Recent field validation studies have indicated that varying environmental conditions have not affected a suspect’s ability to perform this test. 5. Combined Interpretations of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and Walk-and-Turn Tests Based on the original research, combining four or more clues of HGN and two or more clues of the Walk-and-turn, suspects can be classified as about 0.10 BAC 80% of the time.
New dietary guidelines came out last week, and, as seems to be the case lately, they are causing some confusion. Let’s start with salt. The guidelines recommend limiting sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams a day, which amounts to about 1 teaspoon a day. In reality, 90% of Americans consume far more than this amount. It’s true that high sodium intake has been linked to some health problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease. But for the average healthy adult, according to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine, an estimated sodium intake between 3 grams per day and 6 grams per day (3,000 to 6,000 milligrams) was associated with a lower risk of death and cardiovascular events, as compared with either a higher or lower estimated level of intake. With that being said, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 43% of sodium eaten by children comes from some of these very common staples: pizza, bread and rolls, cold cuts, chips, cheese, pasta dishes and chicken nuggets. In fact, about 75% of sodium intake in our diet comes from processed food similar to what our kids are eating, which includes salty snack foods, canned and instant soups, processed meats, pickled foods, soy sauce, and even bread, cottage cheese and some breakfast cereals. I think there’s one thing we can all agree on: Limiting our intake of processed foods in favor of fresh vegetables, certain fruits, meat, seafood, poultry, dairy and healthy fats, as recommended by the Atkins Diet, is the way to go. There is a certain level of sodium naturally found in these wholesome, unprocessed foods, but that shouldn’t cause a problem. Yes, some health conditions may require you to limit your salt intake, especially if your doctor recommends it. But if you’re passing on processed foods, and focusing on whole foods, there is probably no need to worry about your salt intake. And there is also something else to consider, especially when you are just starting a low-carb diet like Atkins. Shifting over to burning fat for fuel instead of carbs has a diuretic effect on your kidneys. This means they speed up the amount of salt and water they get rid of. Overall, that's a good thing, because you will feel less bloated. If you have high blood pressure, you may see your numbers come down in the first few days or weeks. However, for many people this can be too much of a good thing. Particularly if you weren't bloated or have high blood pressure to begin with. The good news is that this is a cheap and easy problem to manage—make sure you’re eating all your vegetables, drinking plenty of water and a cup or two of broth each day. This broth, which you can make for yourself at home or from bouillon cubes, keeps your circulation primed and ready for action despite the extra fluid and salt being released by your kidneys, and you'll avoid headaches, dizziness, fatigue, weak legs, and/or constipation that some people experience during the first two weeks on Atkins. Check out this article that also talks about sodium and Atkins—How to Do Atkins Right: 10 Mistakes to Avoid.
While we think Vancouver is a pretty unique place to live, there is another West Coast city with the same name – and it turns out our neighbour Vancouver, Washington was actually the first of the two to get its name. So if you’re interested in how the two ‘Vancouvers’ came to be, read on. We’ll start with the first of the ‘Vancouvers.’ Founded in 1824 as a Hudson’s Bay Company post, Fort Vancouver was named for British Captain George Vancouver – who incidentally also influenced the naming of Vancouver, BC. Fort Vancouver in Washington (now a national historic site) served as the headquarters for the company’s Pacific Northwest operations, according to Britannica. In 1848, the fort became a U.S. military reservation called the Vancouver Barracks, where the first steamboat on the Pacific to operate north of San Francisco was assembled – the S.S. Beaver. The City of Vancouver, Washington was incorporated in 1857 – nearly 30 years before its northern neighbour. The ancestral lands of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh, Musqueam (Xw’muthk’i’um), Tsawwassen, Coquitlam (Kwayhquitlam), Katzie and Semiahmoo peoples, what we now know as Vancouver, BC has seen a lot of change over the years. According to the Global Civic Policy Society (GCPS), Vancouver used to consist of three distinct original cities: Hastings Township, the West Side (Point Grey), and the East Side (South Vancouver). Three years after Fort Vancouver in Washington was established (1827), the BC city got its start as a trading post by the Hudson’s Bay Company along the Fraser River. The trading post marked the first permanent non-native settlement in what is now the Vancouver area, according to Destination Vancouver. The East Side versus The West Side By the late 19th century, Vancouver was “a thin settlement along Burrard Inlet,” according to former Mayor of Vancouver Sam Sullivan. The settlement was divided into The East Side, next to the Hastings Mill, and the West End, next to Stanley Park. The former primarily consisted of the working class, whereas the latter was more affluent. “The native village of Snauq became an Indian Reserve,” says Sullivan. “Its border was called First Avenue – our avenue system pays tribute to that original village.” In 1886, Granville was incorporated as the City of Vancouver – later absorbing South Vancouver and Point Grey. So there you have it, Vancouver! We might not be the first city with our name, but we’ve got a pretty interesting history.
Standardisation of Proanthocyanidins in cranberry extracts, the durable solution for Urinary Tract Infections Standardisation of Proanthocyanidins in cranberry extracts, the durable solution for Urinary Tract Infections Common facts about Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infections (UTI) or cystitis are the most common bacterial infections affecting women aged between 20 to 50 years old. They occur 50 times more in women than in men. Mainly because anatomy of the female urinary system greatly increases their risk. The female urethra, shorter than that of men, facilitates bacterial contamination of the bladder. Moreover, a “simple” intestinal or vaginal imbalance can create an ideal environment for the multiplication of bacteria which then easily reach the urethra. Other factors such as sexual intercourse, pregnancy, oral contraception, fatigue, constipation, digestive candidiasis, etc. can contribute to Urinary tract infections. What is a urinary infection? A Urinary Tract Infection is defined by pain during urination (small tingling, discomfort or burning sensation as common symptoms) with or without fever. They are, most of the time, linked to an infection by the Escherichia Coli bacterium (E. coli). This bacteria colonises the urethra and moves to the bladder (cystitis). If it is not treated, the bacteria can move up to the kidney and the patient can develop pyelonephritis. Recurrences: a real challenge “Conventional” medicine can curb the infection with an antibiotic treatment, which if effective, will not prevent new occurrences. Frequent recurrences are one of the main problems of UTIs. While causing Urinary Tract Infections, the bacterium Escherichia Coli colonises the inside of the uroepithelial cells (bladder cells) and sticks to the wall of the mucous membranes (forming P-fimbriae): it allows the bacteria to defend itself against our immune system and resist to antibiotics. In 20% of cases, after treatment with antibiotics, the long coli filaments emerge from the cells to generate a new infectious episode. It will then escalate to more recurrences: 30% of these women will experience the third infection, then 80% of these a fourth, etc. Preventing these recurrences is thus extremely important. Implementing some simple but healthy habits such as drinking enough water, urinating after intercourse, and avoiding urine retention will be of great help but may not be enough. Standardisation of PACs in cranberry extracts, the durable solution For decades, cranberry consumption has been highly recommended to fight Urinary Tract Infection. In 2004 the claim that Cranberry “Helps reduce the attachment of certain E.coli bacteria to the walls of the urinary tract” was officialized by the European AFSSA (1). These berries owe their properties to several molecules they contain such as hippuric acid, fructose, vitamin C and proanthocyanidins. A 1984 study (2) demonstrated that these, like an antibiotic, interfere with the adhesion of bacteria to the uroepithelial cells of the bladder wall by modifying the chemical composition of urine. Studies & trials on Standardised PAC in Cranberry extracts Recent trials have also proven that the anti-adhesion effects of cranberries are “immediate” and long-lasting, since they are felt two hours after consumption and can last up to ten hours. It would at the same time reduce the risk of recurrent infections by 40%. In 2001, research was made on women with urinary tract infections(3) over a period of 12 months, established that the risk of recurrence was reduced by 20% in patients treated with cranberry concentrate. A Canadian study published in 2002, randomised and prospectively compared three treatments (4) (cranberry juice, cranberry tablets and placebo treatments): the tablets and juice reduced in the same way the number of urinary tract infections by about 15% per year compared with the placebo group. Finally, it has also been observed that the bacterium E. coli, which causes 80 to 90% of these infections, is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, but that the antibacterial compounds in cranberries act on 80% of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. You should also know cranberries contain different types of flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that neutralise free radicals in the body and thus prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and various diseases related to ageing. Supplements containing Cranberry extract are widely available and are the go-to solutions for managing Urinary Tract Infections. However, to be effective, standardisation of the concentration of proanthocyanidins (PACs) in the cranberry extract is essential. Standardisation guarantees the quantity of the active part of the ingredient: in this case the PAC’s. Cranberries are rich in A-type PACs, a category of proanthocyanidins that has been shown to have bacterial anti-adhesion benefits and help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). A multicentre randomized clinical trial (RCT) in adult women showed that a daily dose of 36 mg PACs or more provided an optimal antibacterial effect (5). The Activa Solution supports the urinary sphere and prevent UTI recurrences Most supplements do not use standardised extracts and do not disclose the concentration of PACs. Laboratoires Activa Chrono Elimination is designed to target specifically urinary infection with a dosage of 100mg of PAC. Combined with herbal extracts known for their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, it is the perfect combination for the quick action and fast relief of UTI.
In the vast expanse of the sky, where modern aviation seamlessly blends technology and precision, the concept of airline flight tracking emerges as a pivotal element. This technological marvel not only provides passengers with real-time information about their journeys but also plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of airline flight tracking, shedding light on its significance, the underlying technologies, and the impact it has on the aviation industry. The Essence of Airline Flight Tracking: 1. Real-Time Monitoring: At its core, airline flight tracking involves the real-time monitoring of an aircraft’s position, altitude, speed, and other essential parameters during its journey. This information is made available to various stakeholders, including air traffic controllers, airline operators, and, in some cases, the general public. 2. Enhancing Passenger Experience: For passengers, flight tracking has transformed the travel experience. Through interactive maps displayed on in-flight entertainment systems or accessible through mobile apps, travelers can follow their flight’s progress, identify landmarks below, and receive timely updates on the estimated time of arrival. 3. Operational Oversight: Airlines and air traffic control use flight tracking systems to maintain operational oversight. This includes monitoring the adherence to flight paths, ensuring safe separation between aircraft, and responding to any deviations or emergencies promptly. Technologies Underlying Flight Tracking: 1. Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS–B): ADS–B is a key technology in modern flight tracking. It relies on aircraft broadcasting their own GPS-derived positions, altitude, and other information to ground stations and other nearby aircraft. This data is then used for air traffic management and flight tracking. 2. Radar Systems: While radar technology has been a stalwart in aviation, newer radar systems are continually being developed to enhance accuracy and coverage. Primary radar detects the presence of aircraft, while secondary radar facilitates two-way communication, allowing for more comprehensive tracking. 3. Satellite-Based Systems: Satellite-based systems, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), have revolutionized flight tracking. These systems provide precise location data and are particularly valuable in areas where traditional radar coverage may be limited, such as over vast oceans or remote regions. Multilateration involves determining an aircraft’s location by analyzing the time it takes for signals from the aircraft to reach multiple ground stations. This technology is especially useful in areas with challenging topography or where radar coverage is not feasible. Significance in Air Traffic Management: 1. Collision Avoidance: Flight tracking is fundamental to collision avoidance. By continuously monitoring the positions of aircraft, air traffic controllers can ensure safe separation, reducing the risk of mid-air collisions. 2. Optimizing Airspace Capacity: Efficient flight tracking contributes to optimizing airspace capacity. By precisely managing the paths of multiple aircraft, air traffic controllers can enhance the flow of air traffic, minimize delays, and maximize the overall efficiency of the airspace. 3. Emergency Response: In cases of emergency, accurate flight tracking is vital for prompt response. Whether it’s coordinating search and rescue efforts or responding to in-flight anomalies, real-time information ensures swift and effective action. Challenges and Future Developments: 1. Privacy Concerns: The widespread availability of flight tracking information has raised privacy concerns. While much of the data is anonymized, the potential for tracking specific flights or individuals has led to discussions about balancing transparency with privacy rights. 2. Global Standardization: Achieving global standardization in flight tracking remains a challenge. Different regions may employ varying technologies and systems, making it complex to seamlessly track flights across international boundaries. 3. Integration of New Technologies: The future of flight tracking lies in the integration of emerging technologies. This includes the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive analysis, improved communication systems, and the development of more robust satellite-based tracking solutions. Conclusion: Navigating the Future Sky: As we navigate the skies, the evolution of airline flight tracking stands as a testament to the continuous advancements in aviation technology. From enhancing the passenger experience to ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel, flight tracking plays a multifaceted role in the complex web of modern aviation. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the capabilities of flight tracking systems, shaping the future of air travel and further solidifying its place as a cornerstone of the aviation industry. Whether you’re a passenger following your flight’s progress on a screen or an air traffic controller managing the intricate ballet of aircraft in the sky, the significance of airline flight tracking is undeniable—a technological symphony orchestrating the seamless movement of flights across the vast canvas of the heavens.
In this equation (simple interest), the earned interest on the initial principle is not re-invested to earn additional interest, so the future value grows linearly with time. For instance, a principle of $100 at an interest rate of 10% would earn $10/year. Another possibility, however, is for these returns to be re-invested to increase the rate of accumulation. In the previous scenario, suppose the $10 earned each year is also invested at 10% interest annually. This scenario is called annual compounding: To explore the consequences of compounding, I compare below the growth of $100 invested at 10% interest under simple interest versus annual, quarterly, and monthly compounding. Thus, to estimate EAR under continuous compounding: Real vs nominal interest and the Fischer equation The distinction between nominal and real interest has little effect on the earlier treatment of compound interest, except that the “real” interest rate is lower than the nominal one. The earlier equations could use either rate to consider the inflation-adjusted or nominal value of the investment, respectively. Rule of 72 Though the above treatment focused on annually compounded interest, continuous compounding presents an interesting special case. The result of the calculation is simpler, the 69.3 form of the equation comes out as the exact result: Periodic contributions under compound interest Now I extend the model, allowing contributions to be made at a frequency of every F months instead of yearly. We can utilize the above equations, grouping the time into increments of F months and expressing interest rate (i) as a monthly rate:
Bass Strait Trial Discussions are under way for a proposed trial in the Bass Strait off the South East Australian coast. For further details see the Australian Iron Salt Aerosol website. - Determine level of Iron Salt Aerosol dispersion needed to provide sufficient immediate cooling by marine cloud brightening and ocean brightening. - Determine required flue/burner/nebulizer design for lifting Iron Salt Aerosol precursors up to 1km above the ground/ocean surface. - Confirm expected effect of tropospheric Iron Salt Aerosol strengthening of the stratospheric ozone layer. Ocean – verify unexpected concerns - Research potential depletion of downstream macronutrients compromising ecosystems downstream. By harvesting nitrates and phosphates and increasing drawdown, will macronutrients be starved downstream? - Verify that Iron Salt Aerosol will not induce jellyfish and toxic blooms. Proposed Field experiments To determine objectives the following tests must establish quantitative results. Field experiments will need to be carried out for appropriate durations (>3 months) at a stationary Iron Salt Aerosol precursor emission location. Ideally measurements should be taken using different emission methods and from different heights, below and outside the plume. Accordingly, some tests will take longer than others. Measurements are to include: Within the atmosphere (satellite-assisted measurements) - Iron Salt Aerosol particle density within the plume - Cloud brightening (cloud albedo) - Cloud life time (cloud albedo) - Precipitation-induced Iron Salt Aerosol out-wash - Ocean brightening by Iron Salt Aerosol out-wash (ocean albedo) - Ocean brightening by Iron Salt Aerosol subsidence without precipitation. - Temperature profiles in the air within, below and outside the Aerosol plume - Changes of the chemical air parameters (humidity, pH, halogen methane, DMS, SO2, sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, sodium, silicon (dust), HCl, CH4, VOC, O3, CO, CO2, Fe). In the ocean - Ocean litter mass distribution in the deep ocean - Toxic excretions from phytoplankton species - Jellyfish counts - Differences within the food chain in the ocean - Changes of the ocean sediment surface composition - Temperature profiles of the ocean surface at different depths. - Phytoplankton mass distribution. - Redox potential - Oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate, nitrous oxide, ammonium, and humic acids content in the deep ocean. - Changes of chemical ocean surface parameters (pH, alkalinity, hydrogen carbonate, CO2, Si, P, N, Fe, and further micronutrients) within the ocean surface water, within the phytoplankton substance (only nutrient content) and within the phytoplankton predator’s substance (only nutrient content) and in the deep ocean. - Modelling of height of ejection of Iron Salt Aerosol plume to be effective - Modelling of different ejection heights of the Iron Salt Aerosol plume and of different heat content and volumes, from different emission heights - Modelling of the behaviour of Iron Salt Aerosol particles in the troposphere
How to work with text and styles In this activity students are introduced to formatting text, applying text effects, and using styles to achieve their design goals. Page design and layout for print and digital publishing. Helpful information for this resource Learn more about Adobe InDesign Adobe InDesign is the industry-leading layout and page design software for print and digital media. Get started with InDesign Learn Adobe InDesign's basic tools and techniques with the Get Started series. Get familiar with the workspace and how to create and save your work. - ISTE Students: Innovative Designer - ISTE Students: Computational Trainer Creative Commons License Attribution Non-Commercial Share AlikeCreative Commons license
16. Dangers of Slow Play - Pitfalls of the Intuitive Method¶ Why is repetitive slow play (intuitive method) harmful when starting a new piece? When you start, there is no way of knowing whether the slow play motion you are using is right or wrong. The probability of playing incorrectly is nearly 100%, because there is almost an infinity of ways to play incorrectly but only one best way. When this wrong motion is speeded up, the student will hit a speed wall. Assuming that this student succeeded in overcoming the speed wall by finding a new way to play, s/he will then need to unlearn the old way and relearn this new play, and keep repeating these cycles for each incremental increase in speed until s/he reaches the final speed. Thus the method of slowly ramping up the speed can waste a lot of time. Let’s look at an example of how different speeds require different motions. Consider the horse’s gait. As the speed is increased, the gait goes through walk, trot, canter, and gallop. Each of these four gaits usually has at least a slow and fast mode. Also, a left turn is different from a right turn (the leading hoof is different). That’s a minimum of 16 motions. These are the so-called natural gaits; most horses automatically have them; they can also be taught 3 more gaits: pace, foxtrot, and rack, which likewise have slow, fast, left, and right: all this, with only four legs of relatively simple structure and a comparatively limited brain. We have 10 complex fingers, more versatile shoulders, arms, and hands, and a much more capable brain! Our hands are therefore capable of performing many more “gaits” than a horse. Most students have little idea of how many motions are possible unless the teacher points these out to them. Two students, left to their own devices and asked to play the same piece, will be guaranteed to end up with different hand motions. This is another reason why it is so important to take lessons from a good teacher when starting piano; such a teacher can quickly weed out the bad motions. Ramping up a slow play in piano is like forcing a horse run as fast as a gallop by simply speeding up the walk – it can’t be done because as the speed increases, the momenta of the legs, body, etc., change, requiring the different gaits. Therefore, if the music requires a “gallop”, the student ends up having to learn all the intervening “gaits” if you ramp up the speed. Forcing a horse to walk as fast as a gallop would erect speed walls, produce stress, and cause injury. A common slow-play mistake is the habit of supporting or lifting the hand. In slow play, the hand can be lifted between notes when the downward pressure is not necessary. When speeded up, this “lift” habit coincides with the next keydrop; these actions cancel, resulting in a missed note. Another common error is the waving of the free fingers – while playing fingers 1 and 2, the student might be waving fingers 4 and 5 in the air several times. This presents no difficulties until the motion is speeded up so fast that there is no time to wave the fingers. In this situation, the free fingers will not automatically stop waving at faster speeds because the motion has been ingrained by hundreds or even thousands of repetitions. Instead, the fingers are asked to wave several times at speeds they cannot attain – this creates the speed wall. The trouble here is that most students who use slow practice are unaware of these bad habits. If you know how to play fast, it is safe to play slowly, but if you don’t know how to play fast, you must be careful not to learn the wrong slow playing habits or to end up wasting tremendous amounts of time. Slow play can waste huge chunks of time because each run-through takes so long. As you speed up, you will need to increase the downward pressure because you are pressing more keys in the same interval of time. Thus “feeling gravity” doesn’t work most of the time because different downward pressures are needed as you play. Another problem associated with the intuitive slow practice approach is unnecessary body motions. These motions create more difficulties at higher speeds. Unless they video record their playing and watch carefully for strange body motions, most pianists are unaware of all the motions they make. These can cause unpredictable mistakes at unpredictable times, creating psychological problems with insecurity and nervousness. Cultivating an awareness of body motions can eliminate this problem. We see that intuition can lead to a myriad of difficulties; instead of intuition, we need a knowledge based system.
What safety precautions should be used when working with xylene? What Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is needed when working with xylene? Eye/Face Protection: Wear chemical safety goggles. A face shield (with safety goggles) may also be necessary. Skin Protection: Wear chemical protective clothing e.g. gloves, aprons, boots. What are the health hazards of xylene inhalation? Exposure to xylene can irritate the eyes, nose, skin, and throat. Xylene can also cause headaches, dizziness, confusion, loss of muscle coordination, and in high doses, death. Workers may be harmed from exposure to xylene. The level of exposure depends upon the dose, duration, and work being done. What are the safe work practices when working with chemicals? Never work alone when hazardous chemicals are involved. - Maintain an organized and orderly facility. - Communicate hazards to everyone in the facility. - Follow basic safety procedures. - Use engineering controls. - Use PPE as needed or required. - Follow requirements for high hazard chemicals. What is one way to minimize the risk of chemical permeation into protective clothing? In many cases, simple protective clothing by itself may be sufficient to prevent chemical exposure, such as wearing gloves in combination with a splash apron and faceshield (or safety goggles). What are the pros and cons of using xylene? |Reasonably fast drying and leaves no residue |Cannot be distilled |Reduced fire risk |Samples take more time to dry thoroughly |Has a high vapor pressure, and thus does not evaporate fast. |Degreasing effect on skin |Hence, cover slipping multiple slides is easy What are the safety and environmental issues pertaining to xylene? Many of the effects seen after their exposure to xylene could have been caused by exposure to other chemicals that were in the air with xylene. Results of studies in animals indicate that large amounts of xylene can cause changes in the liver and harmful effects on the kidneys, lungs, heart, and nervous system. How long do xylene fumes last? Xylene is metabolized to methylhippuric acid, which is excreted in urine. Xylene is almost completely excreted within 24 hours. How can an employer prevent their employees from being exposed to hazardous substances? Reporting defects/insufficiencies in control measures. Wearing and storing personal protective equipment (PPE) Removing PPE that could cause contamination before eating or drinking. Making proper use of washing, showering and bathing facilities when required. How will you keep the workplace and equipment safe? 10 Easy Workplace Safety Tips - Train employees well. - Reward employees for safe behavior. - Partner with occupational clinicians. - Use labels and signs. - Keep things clean. - Make sure employees have the right tools and have regular equipment inspections. - Encourage stretch breaks. - Implement safety protocols from the start. What PPE should you use when working with a hazardous chemical that poses a risk of a splash hazard but not an inhalation hazard select all that apply? Chemical splash goggles underneath a face shield must be worn when a chemical fume hood is not used and there is a potential for a hazardous substance to splash. What is the best safety practice recommended before leaving the chemistry laboratory? Avoid direct contact with any chemical. Never smell, inhale or taste laboratory chemicals. Always wash hands and arms with soap and water after removing gloves and before leaving the work area. Is xylene bad for the environment? Xylene is a liquid, and it can leak into soil, surface water (creeks, streams, rivers), or groundwater. Xylene can enter the environment when it is made, packaged, shipped, or used. Most xylene that is accidentally released evaporates into the air, although some is released into rivers or lakes.
Everything Essential About the tmp Directory in Linux Learn some crucial things about the /tmp directory. You'll also learn how it is different from the /var/tmp directory. If you have been using Linux for a while, you must have come across the You may have some idea about it but you probably didn't pay enough attention to it. Then there is also a /var/tmp directory that sounds similar. So in this article, I will walk you through some crucial things that you need to know about the /tmp directory. I'll also discuss how it is different from the /var/tmp directory. What is the /tmp directory in Linux? As the name suggests, the tmp (temporary) directory under root is used to store the data used by the system and user applications to store the data that are needed for a short period of time. Most Linux distributions are preconfigured to empty the tmp directory after each reboot. Sounds complex? Let me give you an example. So let's suppose you are installing software in your system so the installer may store some files that are needed during the installation. Similarly, while working on a project, your system may store the files in the tmp directory when making changes or they can also be the auto-saved versions of that file. In simple words, the tmp directory is nothing but a directory used to store the files that are needed temporarily and can be removed once they are no longer needed. Are /tmp and /var/tmp the same? No! Yes, there is a significant difference between the /tmp and the The short answer is how they both deal with the temporary files. /tmp directory is used to store the short-lived temporary files whereas the /var/tmp directory is used to store long-lived temporary files. Want more details? Here you have it! - Endurance: Generally, the files stored in the /tmpdirectory are removed at the boot time whereas the files inside /var/tmpare kept even after reboot. - For user VS Systemwide: Typically, the files inside the /tmpdirectory can be accessed by every user whereas the files of /var/tmpare mostly user-specific. - Usage (the most crucial difference): The /tmpdirectory is used to store the files that are needed for a short time like for the installation of a package. Whereas the /var/tmpdirectory is used for files that are needed for a longer period of time like system backup or log files. Automate tmp directory cleaning As I said earlier, most, if not all, distributions clean the /tmp directory when you reboot your Linux system. If that's the case, then why do you need to explicitly clean the /tmp directory? Because you don't reboot your server everyday like a desktop computer. I mean check the uptime of your server; it might be running for weeks, if not for months and years. To automate the cleaning of the tmp directory, the most critical thing is to identify what to remove in the first place. So the sweet spot is to remove the files that are not used for the last three days and are not owned by the root. And for that purpose, you can use the find command in the following manner: sudo find /tmp -type f \( ! -user root \) -atime +3 -delete But this won't automate the process. For that, you'd have to create a corn job to automate the execution. First, open the root crontab using the following: sudo crontab -e If you are using the corn table for the first time, it will ask you to choose your preferred text editor. I will recommend using the nano: Once done, go to the end of the file in nano using Alt + / and paste the following line into the file: 0 0 * * * sudo find /tmp -type f ! -user root -atime +3 -delete Save changes and that's it! Did you know about the black hole of Linux filesystem? I'm talking about the /dev/null directory here as whatever is sent there, can not be traced back! Want to know how it can be used? Here you have a detailed guide: I hope you will find this guide helpful. And if you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment.
Lottery is a type of gambling where people bet small sums of money for the chance to win a large prize. It is often criticized as an addictive form of gambling, but some governments run it as a means to raise money for public projects. The earliest records of lotteries date back to the Chinese Han dynasty between 205 and 187 BC, where lottery tickets were used to finance government projects like the Great Wall. In colonial America, lotteries were popular for raising funds for private and public ventures like canals, bridges, schools, colleges, and roads. A successful lottery requires a number of things: a way to record the identity and amount staked by each bettor, a way to select a winner in a random drawing, and a method for recording the results of the lottery draw. Typically, a bettor will write his name and the numbers or symbols on which he has placed his bet in a ticket that is deposited with the lottery organization for later shuffling and selection in a drawing. Alternatively, he may purchase a numbered receipt that he will hold until the lottery results are known. The size of the prizes available in a lottery can also affect how much bettors will wager. While some cultures prefer to offer a few very large prizes, others like to have many smaller prizes that encourage people to bet more. Whichever type of lottery you choose to play, make sure you understand the odds and use proven strategies to increase your chances of winning.
Funding for the development of a trap for the transport of antiprotons from CERN to Mainz / Researchers expect to greatly enhance measuring accuracy 24 September 2019 One of the most intriguing puzzles in modern physics is that there is still no satisfactory explanation for the fact that matter exists in our universe at all. Based on our present understanding, matter and antimatter should have actually annihilated each other immediately after the Big Bang. To contribute new insights to this phenomenon, Dr. Christian Smorra, currently based at the Japanese research institution RIKEN, wants to perform symmetry experiments with portable antiprotons and measure the fundamental properties of antiprotons with high precision. The European Research Council (ERC) is supporting the new project STEP – Symmetry Tests in Experiments with Portable Antiprotons – by providing an ERC Starting Grant worth EUR 1.8 million. The project will run for the next five years at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany. Based on the standard model of particle physics and general relativity, we have a fairly good understanding of the fundamental processes that occur in our universe. "However, experimental observations up to now have not provided us with satisfactory answers to a myriad of unanswered questions, including why we cannot find the smallest trace of antimatter in the cosmos," said Dr. Christian Smorra. At the Big Bang, matter and antimatter must have existed in equal amounts. "But we do not know what happened to the antimatter after that. In order to gain a better understanding of this, we have to measure the building blocks of antimatter with the highest possible level of precision." Transportation trap for investigating antiprotons in the Mainz Precision Laboratory The target of the planned antiparticle experiments are high-precision measurements on antiprotons, which are the counterparts of protons. The antiprotons will be generated at the European research center CERN in Geneva using CERN's Antiproton Decelerator and then be loaded into the transportable trap in cooperation with the BASE Collaboration. The Antiproton Decelerator is the only installation in the world producing low-energy antiprotons. As part of the ERC project, Dr. Christian Smorra will develop a transportable trap to relocate the antiprotons produced at CERN to Mainz University. In the long term, the particles are expected to be measured here at the JGU in a low-noise precision laboratory – without the disruptive factors such as magnetic field fluctuations and radio-frequency noise that occur in the environment of the AD. The BASE Collaboration is already operating a precision experiment at JGU's Institute of Physics right now. The new research program will involve the development of a new kind of Penning trap that can be employed to measure the trapped antiprotons at ultracold temperatures. The researchers expect that this will greatly improve the accuracy with which antiprotons and protons can be compared. Searching for differences between protons and antiprotons Based on the results of these measurements, Smorra and his team will be able to look for a breaking of the matter-antimatter symmetry, i.e., tiny differences in the properties of protons and antiprotons, for example in terms of their charge-to-mass ratios. In addition, the physicists will search for new interactions, which have not been observed so far. "Potential new interactions would be, for example, a modified gravitation or even a coupling of dark matter to antiprotons," said Dr. Christian Smorra. Cosmological observations suggest that apart from the ordinary matter there is evidence that the universe must also contain invisible dark matter with a yet completely unknown composition and unknown properties. Penning traps for storing and investigating charged particles The key devices used in Smorra's work are Penning traps, which are used for the storage, transport, and measurement of antiprotons or protons, or, in general, for other charged particles. They are ideal tools for scientists to determine the fundamental properties of charged particles with high precision. "We are constantly trying to improve these traps in order to increase the accuracy of our results," emphasized Dr. Christian Smorra. Christian Smorra, born in 1982, studied Physics in Mainz and obtained his doctorate in Experimental Physics from Heidelberg University. Afterwards, he worked as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. Sponsored by a CERN fellowship and as a researcher at RIKEN in Japan, Smorra has been working for the BASE Collaboration at CERN and at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz since 2012. Using the ERC Starting Grant, he also plans to set up a work group at the JGU Institute of Physics. An ERC Starting Grant is one of the most richly endowed EU funding awards for young researchers. ERC Starting Grants are designed to support outstanding researchers at the beginning of their careers while they form their own research team or establish their research program. In order to receive the grant, applicants must not only demonstrate excellence in research, but also provide evidence of the pioneering nature of their project and its feasibility.
Released by : Ines Kellou, Dhikra CHEBIRA and Hanaa BOUDINA IoT — Internet of Things is one of many technologies in the winding door of inventions that we are witnessing in today’s world. It refers to devices that use the Internet, or other types of networks, to send and receive data. The components of these devices are designed to be able to handle everything from everyday household tasks to complicated technical processes. However, IoT devices are far from being infallible. In the following, we will delve into the most common security concerns and threats surrounding IoT devices. From network security to data encryption and protection to privacy concerns, the problems that come with this technology are not to be taken lightly and should be addressed in order to guarantee safe and private usage. IoT Network security: To grasp IoT network security, it’s essential to understand the types of networks IoT devices rely on. The most common choice is WiFi due to its widespread availability in users spaces, making WiFi the most accessible choice of all, especially if the device is meant for the home, where all communications will happen over a short range without requiring a lot of power, which WiFi networks are known to be short on. This type of network is also favored for data-heavy transmissions, as there is no extra charge unlike cellular networks, another kind of way to connect IoT devices. Of course, WiFi networks face a number of security risks: - Evil twin attacks: in which an attacker learns the service set identifier (SSID) and radio frequency of a WiFi access point and is able to duplicate it, and then broadcast a stronger radio signal than the legitimate WAP to trick users into connecting to it instead. This means that the attackers are able to access sensitive data shared by the user over this false access point. - Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: in which the network is flooded with traffic until it can no longer process regular requests from legitimate users. This results in making the IoT device unaccessible, rendering it useless. - Man in the Middle attacks (MITM): in which a third party inserts itself into the communications between two other parties, thus intercepting the data exchanged between the two, rerouting it, modifying it, and possibly corrupting it. This can make IoT devices act up in unexpected ways, and not respond to usual commands or prompts. As for cellular networks, they are generally agreed to be the safer option. Unlike WiFi, cellular networks enable encrypted connection by default, giving the average user secure connectivity. While it is less cost-friendly, it covers a wider range and thus makes communication possible over a large area, bigger than a home or an office space. However, they still remain prone to threats, namely DoS and MITM attacks. Many IoT devices will also use Bluetooth networks to interact with each other. This works on a very short range, ideal for objects such as speakers, headsets, phones, earphones… Bluetooth connections are especially sensitive to MITM attacks, as hackers can intercept information between two parties if authentication is flawed or not enabled. If the device’s Bluetooth is discoverable, it also makes it prone to unauthorized access by unwanted persons. Encryption and Data Protection: IoT’s pervasive influence comes with challenges, including illegal data manipulation and device hacking. For instance, sensor data can be falsified, leading to inaccurate analysis and control. IoT-connected device botnets are also exploited for DDoS attacks due to their lack of security updates. To address these issues, encryption regulations have been introduced, requiring the application of IoT encryption algorithms. - Symmetric Encryption: This method employs a single shared key for both encryption and decryption. Sender and receiver must agree on this key before secure communication can occur. Symmetric encryption operates as stream or block ciphers, providing speed and efficiency. Examples include AES, DES, IDEA, and Blowfish. - Asymmetric Encryption: Unlike symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption uses a key pair: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. This approach enhances security through authentication. Top examples include RSA, DSA, ECC, and TLS/SSL. IoT architecture combines symmetric encryption for encryption and asymmetric encryption for decryption, effectively addressing security challenges in heterogeneous distributed systems. Authentication and Authorization: IoT devices must undergo authentication and authorization processes to access and exchange data. Authentication involves device identification, while authorization grants permissions. These processes enable role-based access control, ensuring that devices have access and permissions tailored to their specific requirements. It is essential to emphasize that both authentication and authorization are highly recommended for IoT devices to operate securely and effectively. Privacy Concerns in IoT: While IoT offers immense potential and convenience, it also brings a host of privacy concerns that demand our attention. As IoT devices become increasingly integrated into our lives, it is crucial to consider the implications for our personal privacy and data security. - Data Collection and Profiling: IoT devices often gather extensive data about users’ behaviors, preferences, and activities. This data can be used to create detailed user profiles, raising concerns about invasive monitoring and profiling. - Ownership and Control: Questions about data ownership and control arise. Users may not always have clarity regarding who owns the data collected by IoT devices and how it is used. This lack of transparency can undermine user trust. - Data Security: Security vulnerabilities in IoT devices can lead to data breaches and unauthorized access. Protecting data both at rest and in transit is crucial to prevent privacy breaches. - Location Tracking: Many IoT devices, such as GPS-enabled wearables, track users’ locations continuously. This raises concerns about the potential for location data to be misused or accessed without consent. - Data Sharing: IoT device data may be shared with third-party companies for various purposes, including marketing and analytics. Users often have limited control over who accesses their data. - Vulnerabilities and Unauthorized Access: Inadequate security measures can expose IoT devices to cyberattacks, leading to unauthorized access and data theft. - Regulatory Gaps: The regulatory framework for IoT privacy is still evolving, leaving gaps in legal protections. Users may have limited recourse in cases of privacy violations. To address these concerns, it is imperative for stakeholders, including manufacturers, service providers, and policymakers, to take proactive measures: - Transparency: Manufacturers should provide clear information about data collection, ownership, and usage policies, ensuring that users can make informed decisions. - Security: Robust security measures must be integrated into IoT devices at both hardware and software levels to safeguard user data. - Data Minimization: IoT devices should collect only the data necessary for their intended purpose, reducing the risk of excessive data exposure. - User Control: Users should have granular control over their data, including the ability to opt out of data collection, sharing, and targeted advertising. - Privacy by Design: Privacy considerations should be part of IoT device design and development from the outset. - Compliance with Regulations: Manufacturers and service providers must adhere to relevant privacy regulations and standards. In conclusion, while IoT technology holds great promise, addressing these privacy concerns is paramount to ensure that users can enjoy the benefits of IoT without compromising their personal privacy and data security. Security Measures in IoT Devices: To benefit from Internet of Things technologies, it is necessary to implement measures that secure the devices and make connectivity to them private and reliable. One effective approach involves fortifying the network through which these devices communicate: - For WiFi networks, we often encounter WiFi Protected Access (WPA) protocols and its later iterations (WPA2, WPA3). This protocol features individualized data encryption, meaning each connection between a node or device on the network is encrypted. In addition, new WPA protocols use simultaneous authentication, where two ends of a connection will conduct a handshake to verify the authenticity of the other. Modern WPA also provides robust protection against brute force attacks by limiting the number of times a user can “guess” a password. WiFi networks are also password protected, so choosing a strong password that isn’t used in other contexts is necessary to ensure the network isn’t breached by unintended parties. - For cellular networks, many of the same concepts are employed. The Extensible Authentication Protocol for example also uses simultaneous authentication between the device and network, and WPA can be used to secure cellular-based internet hotspots. Security Measures for Data Protection: Data protection is at the core of IoT security. As IoT devices continue to proliferate, protecting the integrity and confidentiality of data becomes increasingly vital. Here are key security measures for data protection in IoT: - End-to-End Encryption: Implement strong encryption protocols to protect data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that data remains confidential even if intercepted by malicious actors. - Data Access Controls: Employ robust access control mechanisms to limit who can access and modify IoT data. Role-based access control ensures that only authorized individuals or devices can interact with the data. - Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weaknesses in IoT systems. This proactive approach helps prevent data breaches. - Secure Device Management: Implement secure device management practices, including secure boot processes and firmware updates. Ensure that only authorized updates can be applied to IoT devices to prevent unauthorized access. - Data Obfuscation: Utilize techniques like data obfuscation or tokenization to protect sensitive information. This makes it challenging for attackers to decipher the data even if they gain access. - IoT Security Standards: Adhere to recognized IoT security standards and best practices, such as those provided by organizations like the IoT Security Foundation. Compliance with industry standards helps ensure data protection. - Data Backups: Regularly back up IoT data to secure storage locations. In the event of a security breach, having a backup can prevent data loss and minimize the impact. - User Awareness and Training: Educate users and employees about the importance of data protection in IoT. Encourage strong password practices and awareness of potential threats. - Incident Response Plan: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to address data breaches or security incidents promptly. This includes notifying affected parties and authorities as required by law. - Secure Data Transmission: Use secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS and MQTT with TLS, to ensure data remains encrypted during transmission. By implementing these security measures, IoT stakeholders can significantly enhance data protection and mitigate the risks associated with data manipulation and breaches in the IoT ecosystem. In conclusion IoT’s potential is undeniable, but its security challenges are equally significant. Addressing these challenges with comprehensive measures is essential to realize the full potential of IoT while safeguarding user privacy and data.
Chinchilla Health: Preventing, Diagnosing and Treating Illness Chinchillas are fairly hardy pets but they can develop some health concerns. General Health Guidelines Chinchillas typically have few health issues when they are properly cared for. One of the most important rules of caring for a chinchilla is diagnosing any problems as early as possible. The following are general care guidelines for preventing health issues in your chinchilla: very sensitive to temperature - Correct feeding. Chinchillas have sensitive digestive systems. They need a quality diet high in fiber and low in protein, fats, and sugar. Chinchillas do well with a variety of high quality pellets, hays, limited treats, and vitamin supplements. - Avoid bedding made from undried pine or cedar as both have aromatic oils that can damage your chinchilla’s respiratory health. - Proper environment. Chinchillas are very sensitive to temperature and require an ideal winter temperature between 55° – 65°F in the winter and no higher than 75°F in the summer. High temperatures and high humidity together can be fatal to a chinchilla. High temperature can also reduce the chinchilla’s resistance to infectious disease. - Regular dust baths. Chinchillas require regular dust baths to maintain their coat and health, especially when humidity is high. - Avoid stress and over-handling. Chinchillas do not do well when they are stressed, which can happen when they are handled too often or do not have an ideal environment. This can cause further health issues. - Weigh your chinchilla regularly and keep a record of any noticeable behavioral changes to watch for signs of illness. Parasites That Chinchillas Can Get Chinchillas can be infected with several types of parasites, most notably giardia. Giardia is an opportunistic parasite that lies in wait in a healthy mammal like a chinchilla and waits until the animal becomes ill or stressed before multiplying and causing diarrhea, dehydration, constipation, and even death. It’s believed that all chinchillas carry this parasite in its dormant stage. With giardia, the chinchilla may begin to cut back on the amount of food and water they take in with mild diarrhea during the early stage. After a few days, the chinchilla may no longer have hard, regular pellets before stopping all food intake and most water intake. By the end of the week, the chinchilla will appear listless and may have tremors and labored breathing. Giardia infection must be treated quickly as it can soon prove fatal. Chinchillas with giardia are typically treated with fendendazole, albendazole, or metronidazole by a vet. Overgrown Teeth and Dental Problems Like other rodents, chinchillas can develop dental problems that need to be monitored and treated. Additionally, chinchillas, like other rodents, have open rooted teeth and they can grow up to 2-4 inches a year. A chinchilla’s teeth grow constantly throughout his life and he needs tough toys, fiber, and other objects to chew so his teeth don’t get too long. If the teeth get too long, they can catch on the flesh inside of the mouth and cause an injury. This is not a big problem if it’s caught early, but it can be fatal by preventing the chinchilla from eating. Signs your chinchilla is developing maloccluded teeth include: Chinchillas with overgrown teeth can experience issues with eating and pain. Only a trained veterinarian can assist with this issue. Delaying treatment will just keep the chin in pain longer and make it harder to treat him/her. Dental problems in chinchillas last the entire lifespan of the animal and often include crowning and treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. Owners can promote healthy teeth in their chins by feeding them a steady diet of hay and insuring that the chinchilla has regular access to a veterinarian with as much chinchilla experience as possible. How to Diagnose and Treat Respiratory Diseases Respiratory illnesses in chinchillas can become very serious quickly and should never be taken lightly. Symptoms in chinchillas that may relate to respiratory illness are fever, wheezing or other breathing problems, watery eyes, runny nose, lethargy, changes in mood, eating issues, and weight loss. Sometimes, a chinchilla’s environment will contribute to his/her poor health. Immediate fixes to help the chin will be to make sure that s/he is not living in overcrowded conditions, high humidity areas, or areas with too little ventilation around the cage. If these fixes don’t alleviate the chinchilla’s issues immediately, it is best to take him/her to the veterinarian for a complete physical that may contain an x-ray. Finding a vet who has specialized in exotic pets may be more helpful as vets with less exposure to chinchillas may tend to over prescribe painkillers and antibiotics in attempt to ease symptoms without really digging in to the find the cause of the respiratory illness. To assist in the chinchilla’s healing process, give his/her cage a deep cleaning before s/he returns from the vet. Disinfecting the cage after everything is removed is key to not spreading any existing disease. Also, lowering the humidity and protecting the chin from overcrowding is very important. How to Spot Skin Fungus Chinchillas have very soft, dense fur that can hide skin problems like a fungal infection. Make sure your chinchilla gets regular dust baths to avoid fungal infections. You can purchase dust for a chinchilla from a pet store, place it in a container, and allow the chinchilla to roll around in the dust about three times a week. Avoid an environment that is too humid to reduce the risk of skin fungus. One of the most common skin fungi in chinchilla is ringworm—a common fungus to humans as well. If a chinchilla is in a high-humidity environment, s/he can develop ringworm. Ringworm is very hard to treat in chins, but once it is treated, the animal can return to a healthy state. Symptoms of ringworm in chinchillas are scaly or dry skin, hairless areas on the body, circular markings or welts, shiny red skin, excessive itchiness, or signs of irritation. The main areas where ringworm will appear on chinchillas is nose, eyes, ears, and legs. The moment ringworm is suspected in a chinchilla, a vet visit is in order. Ringworm is very contagious and the infected chinchilla must be quarantined immediately. Also, a deep clean of the environment for the chinchilla is needed. The veterinarian may administer an antibiotic through one of three means: topical, oral, or through a medicated dust bath. Whatever the method, the medication must be administered fully for the chinchilla to return to a ringworm-free state. Dealing with Heat Stroke Chinchillas naturally live in the Andes Mountains and they are most comfortable at temperatures between 35° – 45°F. Chinchillas can develop heat stroke in temperatures above 80°, especially if there is also high humidity, and this can easily be fatal. Signs of heat stroke in a chinchilla include: Heat stress in chinchillas is a real issue and can be very scary for any chin lover. A chinchilla with heat stroke must be taken immediately to a cooler environment. Adding cool water to his/her water bottle and cool tiles to his/her cage are ways to help the chinchilla cool down. Fur covered frozen water bottles are naturally cooling centers for the chinchilla to cuddle with. If these methods aren’t helping the chin, more drastic measures, like submerging the animal partially in cool (not cold or ice-filled) water. Comforting the animal while the submerging is going on is key to keeping him/her calm and not doing more damage. A 15-20 minute soak should be enough to cool the chin—making sure his/her head is above water the whole time. After the soak, dry the chinchilla with a towel thoroughly and get him/her to the veterinarian as soon as possible. My Chinchilla has Diarrhea What Should I Do? There are several reasons that a chinchilla may develop diarrhea. Narrowing down the cause is the first step to treating the symptom. The first question to ask is “what has changed in this chinchilla’s life recently?” Is s/he on a new medication or has the diet changed. Has his/her environment changed at all? Stress, medication, and diet are the top causes of chinchilla diarrhea. If the chin has been put on a new medication, it is a good idea to touch base with the prescriber to see what remedies are recommended for intestinal distress. If the chinchilla has recently eaten something s/he shouldn’t have, a watch and wait remedy can normally be adopted. If it hasn’t been 24 hours, sometimes the offending material will work its way out. However, contacting the veterinarian is always a safe bet. If the chinchilla has recently switched to a more rich diet, like alfalfa, s/he could experience diarrhea during the transition period. That can be solved by switching back to the old diet or easing the chin in to the new diet. Parasites, infection, and other diseases of the intestines also infect chins. These need to be diagnosed and treated through a veterinarian who has experience with chinchillas and how to treat their stomach issues. Once the chin has been prescribed the medication, the best course of action is administering the medication as prescribed and watching him/her carefully. Other treatments at home are watching to make sure the chin’s food is free of mold or other contaminants, always providing clean water, and keeping the chinchilla in a clean and stress-free environment. Chinchillas are fairly prone to developing eye infections. If your chinchilla develops red, swollen eyes, it’s important to have a vet check them as soon as possible. Why Is My Chinchilla Shedding So Much? Chinchillas will shed normally every three months. This normally shedding lasts about two weeks and is completely normal and necessary for healthy chinchillas! They also shed a little bit every day, so having hair in their cage is commonplace. Fur slip is a common fur disorder in chinchillas and happens when a chin is mishandled or stressed. Handling a chinchilla properly—by the base of the tail—is paramount in not inducing fur slip. A chinchilla must be tamed before handling in any situation. In addition to handling the animal correctly, having dust baths available for him/her to enjoy is very important to avoiding fur slip. Chinchillas may lose hair for other reasons like alopecia and nursing mothers may lose hair due to the kits pulling on the hair during feeding. Caring for a Sick Chinchilla If your chinchilla is sick, he may hide the illness until it becomes more serious and harder to treat. Common symptoms that your chinchilla is sick include: A sick chinchilla should always be given a quiet, peaceful place in a dark, warm environment to recover. Stop giving treats and ensure your chinchilla has a steady supply of fresh water, hay, and pellets. You may want to add probiotics to your chinchilla’s diet. In some cases, dust baths may need to be suspended while your chinchilla recovers, especially in the case of an eye or respiratory infection.
The outcomes have not changed much from the current syllabus to the new draft Geography syllabus, other than some minor phrasing. In the current syllabus there are 6 outcomes for both Stage 4 and 5, and the same applies for the new draft. GE4-3 - explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change, and GE5-3 analyses the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and environments have both been discarded. In place of them the following has been included for Stage 4: describes how Aboriginal Peoples interact with Country, and for Stage 5: explains how Aboriginal Peoples interact with Country. I think that 4-2 and 4-3 could have been combined to create a new outcome, and 5-2 and 5-3 could have been combined. This would enable the outcomes to retain the meaning of the original outcomes and still allow for the inclusion of the new outcomes. There have been some minor changes to the descriptions of concepts for each stage. The main difference is in the presentation of the information, which in the current syllabus is part of the K-10 Concepts Continuum, but in the new draft is just present in a page and a half of text. This is generally a positive change which makes it easier to read and understand. Inquiry Skills and Tools Both the Geographical Inquiry Skills and Geographical Tools have been presented in the new draft Geography syllabus as a list, rather than in the Geographical Inquiry Skills Continuum or the Geographical Tools Continuum. In these cases this is a negative change. Geography was introduced as a separate syllabus for primary students with the current K-10 syllabus. The continuums allowed teachers to know which skills and tools that students would know when they entered high school. At this stage the K-6 HSIE syllabuses haven't been released, so it is unclear whether Geography will still have a separate syllabus (I suspect not). Regardless, it would be reasonable to expect that students would cover some geographical concepts, skills, tools and content in a HSIE syllabus. As a high school teacher how can I know what skills and tools students already know in Year 7? High school staff could obviously conduct pre-testing, but the continuums provided some clarity and also provided a connection between primary learning and high school learning, providing opportunities for collaborative teaching and learning activities across schools. My main concerns about this syllabus relate to the content. Firstly the "Thinking and working geographically" sections at the beginning of the content of each topic seem to be in the wrong place and don't tie closely enough to the content. In the current syllabus, the content is organised by dot point questions (mandatory) that provide dash point lists of subject matter (optional) that could be taught to provide more detail. In the new draft there are a series of dot points with directive terms that a too generic to tie in specifically with the content listed. These could be rephrased and placed more closely with the content that they relate to, or else left out for teachers to use their own discretion (drawing on sections at the beginning of the syllabus). The content has been cut significantly to make it clearer which parts of the syllabus are mandatory (headings and dot points) and which parts are optional (in the footnotes). While I appreciate that this is to achieve a more streamlined, simple syllabus, this could have more easily been achieved by improving teacher professional learning around the parts that are mandatory and optional in the current syllabus. The syllabus now seems overly simplified. Learning Across the Curriculum When the Australian Curriculum documents were first released they included general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities. In the NSW re-write of the Australian Curriculum, these were rebranded to Learning Across the Curriculum and included Cross-curriculum priorities (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia, Sustainability); General Capabilities (Critical and creative thinking, Ethical understanding, Information and communication technology capability, Intercultural understanding, Literacy, Numeracy, Personal and social capability); and Other learning across the curriculum areas (Civics and citizenship, Difference and Diversity and Work and enterprise). In the new draft syllabus, the old "Learning Across the Curriculum" will be known as "Capabilities and Priorities". It seems that this will include the other areas that NSW included in the current syllabus that were not in the Australian Curriculum, however there is insufficient detail at this stage to be sure. The new draft Geography syllabus does include a list of Capabilities and Priorities, nor does it include the coding of content that is included in the current syllabus to show where to include them. I would suggest that this area needs to be a little clearer - at the very least it needs to include a list of the Capabilities and Priorities. Creating written texts Geography easily lends itself to the inclusion of literacy and numeracy development. There are two sections of the new draft syllabus that describe the importance of teaching writing in Geography (page 5 and page 12). The written texts are specified as "descriptions, explanations, discussions, exposition and reports". As literacy is one of the General Capabilities, this seems like a bit of a double-up. Key Inquiry questions Key Inquiry Questions have been removed from the current syllabus. In the current syllabus the inclusion of outcomes, key inquiry questions and content is unnecessary. The removal of Key Inquiry Questions in the new draft Geography syllabus simplifies the topics and is a positive change.
A global team of scientists including Dr Thomas Newsome at the University of Sydney and international colleagues has warned that “untold human suffering” is unavoidable without deep and lasting shifts in human activities that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and other factors related to climate change. The declaration is based on scientific analysis of more than 40 years of publicly available data covering a broad range of measures, including energy use, surface temperature, population growth, land clearing, deforestation, polar ice mass, fertility rates, gross domestic product and carbon emissions. “Scientists have a moral obligation to warn humanity of any great threat,” said Dr Newsome from the School of Life and Environment Sciences. “From the data we have, it is clear we are facing a climate emergency.” In a paper published today in BioScience, the authors from the University of Sydney, Oregon State University, University of Cape Town and Tufts University, along with more than 11,000 scientist signatories from 153 countries, declare a climate emergency, present data showing trends as benchmarks against which to measure progress and outline six areas of action to mitigate the worst effects of a human-induced climate change. “Despite 40 years of major global negotiations, we have generally conducted business as usual and are essentially failing to address this crisis,” said Professor William Ripple, distinguished professor of ecology in the Oregon State University College of Forestry and co-lead author of the paper. “Climate change has arrived and is accelerating faster than many scientists expected.” Dr Newsome said that measuring global surface temperatures will continue to remain important. However, he said that a “broader set of indicators should be monitored, including human population growth, meat consumption, tree-cover loss, energy consumption, fossil-fuel subsidies and annual economic losses to extreme weather events”. He said the indicators are intended to be useful for the public, policymakers and the business community to track progress over time. “While things are bad, all is not hopeless. We can take steps to address the climate emergency,” Dr Newsome said. The scientists point to six areas in which humanity should take immediate steps to slow down the effects of a warming planet: The paper states: “Mitigating and adapting to climate change means transforming the ways we govern, manage, eat, and fulfil material and energy requirements. “We are encouraged by a recent global surge of concern – governments adopting new policies; schoolchildren striking; lawsuits proceeding; and grassroots citizen movements demanding change. “As scientists, we urge widespread use of the vital signs and hope the graphical indicators will better allow policymakers and the public to understand the magnitude of the crisis, realign priorities and track progress.” The graphs illustrate how climate-change indicators and factors have changed over the past 40 years, since scientists from 50 nations met at the First World Climate Conference in Geneva in 1979. In the ensuing decades, multiple other global assemblies have agreed that urgent action is necessary, but greenhouse gas emissions are still rapidly rising. Other ominous signs from human activities include sustained increases in per-capita meat production, global tree cover loss and number of airline passengers. There are also some encouraging signs – including decreases in global birth rates and decelerated forest loss in the Brazilian Amazon and increases in wind and solar power – but even those are tinged with worry. The decline in birth rates has slowed over the last 20 years, for example, and the pace of Amazon forest loss may be starting to increase again. “Global surface temperature, ocean heat content, extreme weather and its costs, sea level, ocean acidity and land area are all rising,” Professor Ripple said. “Ice is rapidly disappearing as shown by declining trends in minimum summer Arctic sea ice, Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, and glacier thickness. All of these rapid changes highlight the urgent need for action.” Joining Dr Newsome and Professor Ripple are co-lead author Dr Christopher Wolf, a postdoctoral scholar in the Oregon State University College of Forestry; Dr Phoebe Barnard of the Biological Conservation Institute and the University of Cape Town; and Emeritus Professor William Moomaw of Tufts University. The Worthy Garden Club provided partial funding for this project.
The birthplace of ice hockey is said to be near a settlement on the western shore of Great Bear Lake, accessible only by winter road. The game helped 50 men survive a brutal winter at this outpost of Sir John Franklin’s Arctic Expedition. In biblical terms, could it be claimed that whoever dropped the puck – or clump of ice – that winter of 1823 was given “a gift for the common good” (1Cor. 4:7) and thus acted in a prophetic role in the future of Canada? Prophets have played a vital role in the culture and spirituality of the settlement, renamed Deline in 1993. Home to some 570 Sahtu Dene people, it is the only community on Great Bear Lake, 544 kms northwest of Yellowknife. As in biblical times, certain individuals were given gifts to help guide a nomadic people in their struggle to settle in a fixed location and form a community. The most prominent of these prophets was Louis Ayah, (1857-1940) who as a young man displayed extraordinary gifts after his baptism by a missionary priest. Originally helping missionaries to spread their teachings in ethics and religion, Ayah became a spiritual leader in his own right and was widely revered as a visionary by the 1930s. “He is our Moses,” stated Danny Bayha, a local resident. “People were drawn to his teachings and began to settle around him near the lake. He called it their promised land – for he said it would be their refuge in the future.” Like Moses, Prophet Ayah handed down commandments of justice and respect to people who for centuries had lived in small nomadic family groups. “He taught that we human beings are all the same,” stated Morris Neyelle, a knowledge holder of the prophesies, “and that we shouldn’t judge people by the way they appear.” Gina Bayha, a community member, added, “we always acknowledge him before our meetings because he set the stage for us; how we are to govern ourselves.” To guide them in their transition from tents to log houses, Prophet Ayah taught basic hygiene. In this harsh climate, where people live in constant fear of famine, Ahah, Moses-like, provided for their sustenance by revealing 3 days ahead of time where the caribou and moose could be hunted. Although he never learned to read or write, his knowledge was so vast that he was nicknamed ‘Ocean.’ Strong communities, he insisted, were built on large families. Parents were to be soulmates and any woman who raised 10 or more children would be guaranteed salvation. He taught by example. He did the hunting, trapping and wood-gathering for his family, while his soulmate-wife, Rosalie, was largely responsible for raising their 9 children and keeping the house. Firm in their conviction that wives share in the calling of prophets, the people believe that if Prophet Ayah is canonized, his wife, Rosalie, will be canonized, too, for they were truly one. For 40 years people came to listen to his teachings. To them he explained the bible, every page of which he understood just by looking at it. “The angels taught him,” declared Bayha. He was revered as a holy man who gave strict guidance for moral living, and as a visionary who offered hope to the people of the Sahtu. One of his extraordinary gifts was that of being able to read people’s minds. “He knew what people were thinking by looking at them,” stated Gordon Taneton, the local school custodian. He knew their secrets and upon meeting people for the first time, he could give testimony to things they had done in private. He often spoke of the last judgement. “You will stand before the Lord,” he said. Charlie Neyelle, a 78-year-old elder, remembers him saying, “your mind, heart and soul are all one, like snow, water and ice are one. They belong to the Lord and you will give an account. Your choice!” Prophet Ayah also stated that he had been given the task of judging 10 of his own people someday. Like the prophet Jeremiah, Prophet Ayah made predictions of doom. He foresaw “silver bullets dropping from the sky,” long before the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and predicted the coming of a world-wide disease. However, like Isaiah, Ayah was also a prophet of hope. In 1939, the government sent the RCMP to Deline to get predictions on the outcome of World War II. Even though the Nazis were advancing so fast, Ayah predicted that they would lose the war. “They don’t make the Sign of the Cross,” he said. Before anyone knew what satellite dishes were, he predicted that people would have “plates on their houses.” Today satellite dishes are seen above most Deline homes. He also possessed a special bowl that he predicted would keep his people alive during a famine. The prevailing belief at the time was that the Creator determined the number of caribou and moose a man was allowed to hunt in his lifetime. When Joseph Naedzo, an able hunter, exceeded his limit, it is said that an angel appeared to him and gave him the choice of dying soon or becoming blind. He chose the latter and became a revered prophet as he went about teaching right living. The gift of religious tolerance was given to the community through Prophet Andre, who died in the early 1980s. He taught that in the future there would be many different religions in the area and that all were to be respected. Although he attended Mass, prayed the rosary and went to confession faithfully, he regarded true faith as being beyond rites and rituals. After his death, those who prepared his body for burial discovered an image of the Holy Mother on his back, one not made by human hands. The fourth prophet was Joseph Bayha (1910-1987), who was born in the mountain region. When his parents died in the Flu epidemic in 1918, he was taken to Deline where he was raised by foster parents. In his early adult life, he became addicted to alcohol and nearly died. For 3 days he was transported into a realm beyond this life. In one of his near-death experiences, he saw himself on Judgement Day, so frightened that he fell to his knees in fear. He then saw his book of life which was only half-written. A voice said, “you will return to earth to share your experience with your people and complete your book. We will call you back when you have finished your mission.” His grandson, Danny Bayha said, “he was so happy to receive a second chance.” In another near-death experience, he had a visitation with his Holy Mother. She instructed him to go back to his people and tell them, “anyone who thinks about me and my Son, we will remember them at their death.” Meanwhile, the people thought he had died, but his wife, Madeleine, persisted in prayer and he came back. After his conversion, Prophet Bayha attended Mass and prayed the rosary daily. Already in his 60s, he began to evangelize throughout the countryside. He was taught that the most sacred and powerful prayer is through the drum. From the angels he learned 12 songs to be played in life-threatening situations. “Each song is a direct cell phone to God,” stated grandson Bayha, “because angels know how to get the attention of the Creator.” The house of Prophet Ayah has become a shrine for the people of Deline and beyond. The door is always open. Each day people come to pray in the old log building decorated in photographs, candles and other memorabilia. Through these prophets whose “gifts for the common good” enculturated the gospel for the Sahtu Dene, the people continue to experience the guidance and care of the Creator who has “pitched his tent among them.” Every year prior to August 15th, great numbers of people make a week-long pilgrimage to the shrine where they spend time in prayer and story-telling. “These prophets are very important for our faith,” stated Gina Bayha. “They provide guidance in everything we do here. They gave us the pathway to navigate and move forward.” Today there is no longer a resident priest in Deline. The people, however, continue to gather each Sunday at the local church where they pray the rosary and celebrate the Liturgy of the Word. According to Gina Bayha, the prophets provided stepping stones for the people to live a good life. “If we stay true to their teachings, we will be OK. They taught us how to live the life Jesus wants us to live.” Meanwhile, hockey also continues to be considered a “gift for the common good” in the community. Plans are underway for the construction of a new all-season arena.
We rely on our tongues for many things. Taste buds lets us know if we’re enjoying the foods we’re eating. Temperature sensors warn us if something is too hot and tip us off if something is too cold. Muscular structure helps us speak with clarity. So, when something like tongue disease affects the tongue’s ability to perform how we expect it to, it’s crucial to understand what’s causing the problem in order to resolve it. There are several obvious signs of tongue trouble: pain, swelling, inability to taste, and difficulty speaking. Other less clear signs that you may be experiencing tongue problems include bad breath, discoloration, and a change in texture. A multitude of factors can lead to tongue problems. Identifying exactly what’s causing your tongue to show any symptoms of an issue is the first step in treating it. - Infection: Usually bacterial or fungal, these clear up once antibiotics and antifungal medications are taken. - Nutritional deficiency: Not consuming the vitamins and essential nutrients your body needs can lead to tongue issues, including anemia tongue. Improving your diet and resolving the deficiency often clears up the condition. - Trauma: An injury or bite can cause your tongue to swell and bleed. Usually, these injuries go away on their own, but a proper oral care routine of brushing and flossing ensures an infection doesn’t take root. - Hormonal changes: Any hormone fluctuations, especially during pregnancy, can affect the tongue. These are often harmless conditions and resolve on their own. - Medical conditions: Cancer, autoimmune disorders, and nerve damage can all cause tongue disease. See your healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Common tongue diseases include: - Black hairy tongue: Often a result of poor oral hygiene, black hairy tongue is a condition where dead cells build up on the tongue’s surface to create a dark, furry-like appearance. - Glossitis: A condition that results in a swollen, inflamed, or discolored tongue, glossitis can be caused by a number of factors. Speak to your dentist for diagnosis and treatment options. - Oral thrush: Characterized by small white bumps and patches on the surface of the tongue, oral thrush is a yeast infection that can be treated with medication prescribed by your doctor. - Burning mouth syndrome: A condition which leaves your tongue with a burning sensation, relief often starts with accurate diagnosis by your dental professional. - Oral cancer: Symptoms include pain, difficulty moving the tongue, and abnormal spotting. See your doctor or dental professional right away if you experience symptoms or have concerns. Prevention with a good oral care regimen is often best when it comes to tongue disease, but there are several remedies you can try to resolve uncomfortable or embarrassing symptoms: - Brush your teeth twice a day to remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles to help avoid bad breath and infection. For a more comprehensive clean, try switching to an electric toothbrush equipped with a tongue cleaning mode. - Floss at least once a day to remove any bacteria and buildup that may lead to infection along your gum line and in between teeth. - Use a tongue scraper to effectively remove dead cells, food buildup, and bacteria. - Rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash to remove leftover food particles and avoid tongue irritation. - Visit your dental professional twice a year for cleanings and checkups. If you suspect a tongue problem, schedule an appointment with your dental professional for diagnosis and treatment. In the case of an infection, medication is needed to resolve the issue and bring your tongue back to a heathier state. Discover MoreTongue Bumps: Enlarged Papillae and Other Problems
Demonstrative evidence can be a powerful tool for establishing a legal case. In broad terms, demonstrative evidence refers to materials prepared by a legal team to summarize or illustrate other forms of evidence—raw data, witness testimony, collections of photographs, and so on—in a way that will help a judge or jury interpret and understand it. Demonstrative evidence might come in the form of chart, a table, or a map. Critically, demonstrative evidence has been prepared specifically for trial in reliance upon an underlying set of information. Because demonstrative evidence is created by a party in the litigation it must meet strict standards to be admitted in court, as determined by Nevada’s evidence law. In simplified terms the evidence needs to have the following characteristics: - Relevance. The evidence must have a connection with a material fact that is at issue in the case. - Identification and authentication. The sources of facts included in the evidence must be identified and authenticated. In other words, the demonstrative item must not include information that is not otherwise already established in the case. If the evidence presents information that is based on expert analysis or testimony, a qualified witness may need to confirm its accuracy. - Usefulness. Evidence needs to be useful to the fact finder (the judge or the jury) to be admitted. “Useful” means, among other things, that the information is presented in a clear and accurate way. By definition, the evidence can’t be deceptive, misleading, or confusing. A chart that distorts a critical piece of information, for example by displaying it in particularly large text compared to the rest of the chart, might be deemed misleading. Demonstrative evidence always poses a risk that it may unfairly prejudice a jury in ways that are out of proportion to the information that is presented. A stark example of this might be a barrage of explicit photographs of an injured person, formally presented to show the extent of the person’s injuries but strategically intended to evoke sympathy. Courts have the option of limiting or excluding demonstrative evidence that might have a disproportionate or unfair effect. In a personal injury case the central questions tend to be whether the defendant behaved negligently in causing the plaintiff’s injury, and the extent to which the plaintiff has proven the damages that he or she has claimed. Demonstrative evidence can be useful in both areas. Once witness testimony and documentary evidence has been presented to the court, it can be helpful to summarize it in a chart to show how the defendant’s wrongful behavior led to the plaintiff’s injury. Likewise, preparing a table showing all the ways the injury has harmed the plaintiff, from medical costs to pain and suffering, can help the court form a complete picture of all the ways the injury has affected the plaintiff’s life. For more than 50 years GGRM Law Firm has represented clients in personal injury cases. We work closely with clients to develop winning strategies for taking on difficult challenges. If you have been injured and you have questions about your case, please reach out to us for a free attorney consultation. We can be reached at 702-384-1616, or ask us to call you through our contact page.
Ferrets are carnivorous animals and have specific dietary requirements. One of the most important aspects of their diet is meat, which makes up a major part of their natural food intake. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the topic of feeding meat to ferrets and provide important information that every ferret owner should know. Why Do Ferrets Need Meat? As obligate carnivores, ferrets require a high-protein diet that is rich in animal-based products. Meat is fundamental to their nutritional needs as it provides essential amino acids, fats, and other nutrients necessary for their growth, development, and overall well-being. Feeding meat to ferrets also helps maintain their digestive health and supports their natural hunting behavior. What Types of Meat Can Ferrets Eat? Ferrets can eat a variety of meats, including high-quality raw or cooked poultry (such as chicken or turkey), beef, lamb, and rabbit. It is important to note that the meat should be boneless and skinless to prevent any potential choking hazards or digestive issues. Organ meats like liver or kidney should be fed in moderation as they can be high in certain nutrients. How Should Meat be Prepared for Ferrets? Regardless of whether you choose to feed your ferret raw or cooked meat, it is crucial to ensure it is fresh and of high quality. Raw or lightly cooked meat should be cut into small, easily digestible pieces. Some owners prefer to ground or mince the meat for convenience. If cooking the meat, avoid using seasonings, oils, or excessive spices as they can be harmful to ferrets. Portion Control and Feeding Frequency Ferrets have high metabolic rates and relatively short digestive systems, which means they require multiple small meals throughout the day. A general guideline is to feed a ferret around 5-7% of its body weight in meat per day, divided into 4-6 meals. However, it’s important to monitor their weight and adjust the portion sizes accordingly to prevent obesity or malnourishment. While meat is a necessary part of a ferret’s diet, it should not be the sole focus. A balanced diet for ferrets also includes specialized commercial ferret food that meets their nutritional requirements. These foods are formulated to provide a well-rounded diet, covering all the essential nutrients your ferret needs. It is important to consult with a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about ferret nutrition to ensure the proper balance between meat and commercial food in your ferret’s diet. They can provide personalized advice based on your ferret’s age, weight, and overall health. In conclusion, meat is a crucial dietary component for ferrets. It provides the necessary protein, fats, and nutrients that they need to thrive. Whether you choose to feed raw or cooked meat, ensure it is of high quality and prepared appropriately. Remember to maintain portion control and consult with a veterinarian to ensure your ferret’s specific dietary needs are met. By providing a balanced diet that includes meat, you can help your ferret stay healthy and happy.
Gambling occurs when people stake something of value on an event that has the potential to produce a prize win, such as a lottery ticket or a bet on a horse race. It involves risk and can involve luck. It can happen in casinos, at the track or on the internet. It is not a good way to make money, and it often leads to other problems. It may be a trigger for depression, substance abuse or anxiety, and it can make those problems worse. It also makes some people unable to stop gambling even when they are winning. A person’s health, relationships, work and study performance, financial situation and social life can be affected by gambling. It can also have a negative impact on the environment and society. It can even lead to homelessness and suicide. Problem gambling is a serious and complex issue, and there are many different ways to help someone who has a problem. Longitudinal studies are a key tool in understanding gambling behaviour, because they allow researchers to identify factors that moderate and exacerbate participation. However, they can be difficult to conduct because of the need for a large number of participants over a long period of time and the risks associated with sample attrition. If you struggle with a gambling addiction, seek help immediately. Seek support from family and friends, or join a peer support group. A great option is Gamblers Anonymous, which follows a 12-step recovery model based on Alcoholics Anonymous.
Meadow Bindweed is a member of the Morning Glory or Convolvulaceae family and contains poisonous alkaloids including pseudotropine. It can be a real problem for other plants as it can outgrow most of them and takes all the nutrients, sunlight and water for itself. |Meadow Bindweed, Field Bindweed, Creeping Jenny The leaves are arrow shaped with pointed ‘tails’ arranged in a spiral along the creeping, sprawling, climbing stem. The flowers are either pink and white striped, pictured, or plain white and shallowly trumpet shaped. Can have a very long sprawling stem that can cover quite a distance and climb almost any obstacle. The leaves look similar to Common Sorrel, pictured, but Sorrel grows in a rosette with one leaf per stem, Meadow Bindweed grows in a tangled mass spreading over some distance with many leaves on a stem. This bindweed is a problem for arable farmers as it is so invasive and can outgrow most species. It is also a problem for livestock causing colic like symptoms if consumed by horses.
Extreme heat can kill cockroaches, as temperatures above 125°F (51°C) are lethal to them. However, using heat as a control method requires specific strategies. Learn about the effectiveness and practicality of heat treatment for cockroach extermination in this guide. - Heat is an effective method to kill cockroaches, with temperatures above 125°F (51°C) necessary to kill adults and nymphs, and at least 140°F (60°C) required to eradicate eggs. - Different species of cockroaches and their life stages have varying levels of heat tolerance, with eggs being the most resistant and adults the most susceptible. - Professional heat treatments are thorough and can reach areas DIY methods cannot, but cockroaches can sometimes escape to cooler areas, making complete eradication challenging. - Heat influences cockroach behavior, causing them to become more visible as they move away from high temperatures, affecting their feeding, breeding, and activity patterns. - Integrating heat treatments into a comprehensive pest management plan, including preparation, follow-up, and preventive measures, is crucial for effectively controlling and preventing cockroach infestations. Understanding the Science and Temperature Thresholds Cockroaches are notorious for their resilience and adaptability, making them one of the most challenging pests to eradicate. However, like all living organisms, they have their vulnerabilities. Heat is one such weakness, and it can be used as an effective tool in the battle against these pests. Let’s explore the science behind using heat to kill cockroaches and understand the temperature thresholds necessary for this method to be successful. Specific Temperatures Necessary to Kill Cockroaches Cockroaches can withstand a range of temperatures, but there are specific heat thresholds that can be lethal to them. Studies have shown that exposing cockroaches to temperatures above 125 degrees Fahrenheit (51 degrees Celsius) for a sustained period can kill both adults and nymphs. The eggs, however, are more resilient and require a higher temperature or longer exposure time. A temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) for one to two hours is typically needed to ensure the extermination of cockroach eggs. Variations Among Different Species It’s important to note that different species of cockroaches may have varying levels of heat tolerance. For example, the German cockroach, one of the most common household pests, may succumb to heat more quickly than the Oriental cockroach. Understanding these differences is crucial when considering heat treatment as a pest control strategy. Susceptibility of Different Life Stages of Cockroaches to Heat Cockroaches go through multiple life stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Each stage has a different level of susceptibility to heat: - Eggs: The most protected stage, requiring higher temperatures or longer exposure times to be effective. - Nymphs: These juvenile roaches are less resistant to heat than eggs but may still require significant exposure to lethal temperatures. - Adults: Generally, adults are the most susceptible to heat treatment, but they can often escape to cooler areas if given the chance. Heat Treatment Methods and Their Effectiveness Against Cockroaches When it comes to applying heat to control cockroach populations, there are various methods at your disposal. Some people may opt for do-it-yourself (DIY) approaches, while others might choose professional heat treatment services. Professional pest control services use specialized equipment to raise the temperature of an infested area to levels that are lethal to cockroaches. These treatments are thorough and can penetrate hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that even the most hidden pests are eradicated. For those considering a DIY approach, options include using portable heaters or heat guns to target specific areas. However, these methods are less reliable and may not achieve the uniform high temperatures needed to fully eliminate a cockroach infestation. Effectiveness, Limitations, and Risks Heat treatments can be highly effective when performed correctly. They offer the benefit of being a chemical-free and non-toxic solution, making them safe for use in homes with children and pets. However, limitations exist, including the potential for cockroaches to escape to cooler areas and reinfest later. Risks can include damage to heat-sensitive items in the home and, if not done properly, the possibility of not reaching the temperatures needed to kill all life stages of the cockroaches. Comparison to Other Pest Control Strategies When compared to chemical treatments, heat treatments have the advantage of leaving no residual chemicals and can be a single solution to an infestation. However, chemical treatments may provide longer-lasting protection against reinfestation. It’s important to weigh these factors when choosing a pest control strategy. Adaptability of Cockroaches to Heat Cockroaches are incredibly adaptable, and while heat treatments can be effective, these pests have been known to develop behavioral strategies to cope with extreme temperatures. This includes seeking out cooler refuges or altering their activity patterns to avoid lethal temperatures, which can sometimes make heat treatments less effective than anticipated. The Impact of Heat on Cockroach Behavior and Infestation Dynamics Heat doesn’t just have the potential to kill cockroaches; it also significantly influences their behavior. When exposed to high temperatures, cockroaches may change their usual patterns of movement, feeding, and breeding, which can affect the dynamics of an infestation within a home or building. Influence of Heat on Cockroach Activity Cockroaches typically prefer warm environments, but when temperatures become excessively high, they will actively seek cooler areas. This can lead to increased visibility as they move out of their hiding spots. In terms of feeding, extreme heat may reduce their appetite or disrupt their normal foraging routines. Additionally, breeding cycles can be affected, potentially slowing down population growth. Temperature Changes and Infestation Visibility As cockroaches attempt to escape the heat, they may become more noticeable to homeowners. This increased visibility can be alarming but is often a sign that the heat treatment is affecting their typical hiding behavior. It’s crucial to maintain high temperatures during this time to ensure that these pests do not find refuge and survive the treatment. Behavioral Changes and Pest Control Strategies Understanding how cockroaches respond to heat can help inform pest control strategies. For example, knowing that cockroaches might flee from heated areas can guide professionals in sealing off escape routes and ensuring a more comprehensive treatment. Homeowners can also use this knowledge to better prepare their homes for professional heat treatments. Integrating Heat Treatments into Comprehensive Cockroach Management Using heat to manage cockroach populations is just one part of a multifaceted approach to pest control. Let’s summarize how heat fits into the bigger picture and provide some practical advice for homeowners. Role of Temperature in Controlling Cockroach Populations Temperature plays a crucial role in the life cycle and behavior of cockroaches. By understanding and utilizing this, homeowners and pest control professionals can create hostile environments for these pests, effectively reducing and controlling their populations. When to Seek Professional Help If you’re dealing with a significant infestation or if DIY methods have failed, it’s time to seek professional help. Pest control experts have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to safely and effectively administer heat treatments, ensuring the best chance of completely eliminating the infestation. What to Expect from Professional Heat Treatments When opting for a professional heat treatment, expect the service to include a thorough inspection, preparation of the space (such as removing heat-sensitive items), and the use of specialized equipment to raise the temperature to a lethal level for a sustained period. Professionals will also advise on post-treatment actions to prevent reinfestation. Recommendations for Incorporating Heat Treatments If you’re considering heat treatment as part of your cockroach management plan, here are some recommendations: - Preparation is Key: Remove heat-sensitive items and seal off potential escape routes for cockroaches before the treatment begins. - Follow-up: After heat treatment, maintain a clean environment and use cockroach baits and traps to monitor and control any remaining or new cockroaches. - Preventive Measures: Combine heat treatments with preventive measures such as sealing cracks and crevices, fixing leaks, and keeping food in sealed containers to deter future infestations. Heat treatments can be an effective way to combat cockroach infestations, especially when integrated into a comprehensive pest management plan. By understanding the science behind heat’s effects on cockroaches and using this method judiciously, homeowners can reclaim their spaces from these persistent pests. Can Roaches Survive in the Cold? Cockroaches can survive in cold temperatures, but their activity significantly decreases. They are resilient and can adapt to cooler environments by seeking warmer areas or entering a state of dormancy known as diapause. However, prolonged exposure to extreme cold, especially temperatures well below freezing, can be lethal to them. Our apologies if you found this post unhelpful. Help us improve this post! How can it be improved? Your feedback is important to us!
- What is a credit card? - How does a credit card work? - How to use a credit card - Credit card benefits - Credit card risks Credit Card Work?’ style=”display:none”>Checkout this video: What is a credit card? A credit card is a type of loan. When you use a credit card, you are borrowing money that you will need to pay back with interest. Credit cards are issued by banks and other financial institutions, and they can be used to make purchases anywhere that accepts credit cards. Generally, you will need to make a minimum payment each month, which will go towards paying off your debt, as well as any interest and fees that have accrued. If you only make the minimum payment, it will take longer to pay off your debt, and you will end up paying more in interest. You can also choose to pay more than the minimum, which will help you pay off your debt faster and save money on interest. How does a credit card work? A credit card is a plastic card that gives the cardholder a line of credit with which to make purchases. Credit cards are issued by banks and other financial institutions. When you use a credit card , you are borrowing money from the issuer. You will be required to repay the borrowed amount, plus interest and any other fees that may be associated with the card. The credit card network When you make a purchase with your credit card, you are essentially borrowing money from the credit card issuer. The issuer then pays the merchant for the purchase on your behalf. The issuer will then bill you for the borrowed amount, plus interest and fees, if applicable. You can choose to pay off your balance in full or over time, with interest. Your credit card activity is processed through a credit card network. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover are all examples of credit card networks. When you make a purchase with your credit card, the merchant will submit the transaction to the credit card network. The credit card network will then route the transaction to your issuer for approval. Once your issuer approves the transaction, the funds are transferred from your issuer to the merchant. The entire process usually takes a few seconds. The credit card issuer The credit card issuer is the financial institution that provides the credit card to the consumer. The issuer creates the credit limit for each cardholder and bills the cardholder for purchases made with the card. The issuer also sets the interest rate that will be applied to any balances carried on the card. The issuer may be a bank, a credit union, or a company that specializes in issuing credit cards. Generally, issuers will work with one or more banks to provide credit lines to consumers. These banks are called acquirers. The credit cardholder The credit cardholder is the person who has been approved by the card issuer to use the credit card. The credit cardholder agrees to pay back any money that is borrowed, plus interest and fees, if applicable. How to use a credit card A credit card is a plastic card that gives the cardholder a line of credit with which to make purchases or cash advances. There are many different types of credit cards available, each with its own set of terms and conditions. Some credit cards are general purpose, while others are specific to certain types of purchases. Using a credit card for purchases When you use a credit card for purchases, you are borrowing money from the credit card issuer. The issuer then pays the merchant for the purchase on your behalf. You will then need to repay the issuer, with interest and any fees if applicable, according to the terms of your credit card agreement. Some credit card issuers will also allow you to withdraw cash from an ATM or over the counter at a bank, although this will usually incur additional fees. You will then need to repay this cash advance, plus any interest and fees, according to the terms of your credit card agreement. Using a credit card for cash advances Cash advances allow you to get cash from your credit card, either through an ATM or by writing a check to yourself. Cash advances typically come with high fees and interest rates, so they’re best used as a last resort. If you need to take out a cash advance, follow these steps: 1. Look for an ATM that accepts your credit card. Not all machines will, so it’s best to have a backup plan in case you can’t find one. 2. Insert your credit card into the machine and enter your PIN number when prompted. 3. Select the “cash advance” option from the menu. 4. Enter the amount of cash you want to withdraw. Keep in mind that there may be a limit to how much you can take out. 5. The machine will dispense the cash and print out a receipt. Be sure to keep this in case you have any problems with your transaction. 6. You will likely be charged a fee for taking out a cash advance, as well as interest from the date of the transaction. These fees will be outlined on your receipt Credit card benefits A credit card gives you the ability to borrow money from a lender and then pay that money back over time. This can be helpful if you need to make a large purchase and you do not have the cash on hand to pay for it outright. You can also use credit cards to build your credit history, which can be helpful when you need to borrow money in the future. There are a few things to keep in mind when using a credit card, though, such as interest rates and fees. Most credit cards come with some kind of rewards program these days. With a rewards credit card, you earn points for every dollar you spend. You can then redeem your points for travel, cash back, gift cards, and other perks. Some rewards cards even come with sign-up bonuses that can help you get a head start on earning rewards. Rewards credit cards typically have annual fees, so it’s important to make sure that the value of the rewards you earn is more than the cost of the annual fee. And be sure to pay your balance in full every month to avoid interest charges, which can negate the value of your rewards. Most credit cards offer some level of fraud protection, which can give you peace of mind when shopping online or in person. If your card is lost or stolen, you can usually report it to your issuer and get a new card within a few days. And, if you do become the victim of fraud, you’re generally only responsible for the first $50 of unauthorized charges. Credit card risks A credit card is a plastic card that gives the cardholder a set credit limit which can be used to make purchases or withdraw cash. There are many benefits to using a credit card, such as convenience and rewards, but there are also some risks. The most common credit card risks are identity theft, fraud, and overspending. Let’s take a closer look at each of these risks. Debt is one of the main risks associated with credit cards. When you use a credit card, you’re borrowing money that you’ll need to pay back with interest. If you don’t pay your bill in full every month, you’ll start accruing interest charges, which can add up quickly. Another risk is that you may become a victim of fraud or identity theft if your credit card information is stolen. If this happens, you could be responsible for thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges. Finally, if you mismanage your credit card and rack up a large balance, it could damage your credit score. This could make it difficult for you to get approved for loans or other lines of credit in the future. One of the risks associated with credit cards is identity theft. This is when someone uses your personal information, such as your name, credit card number or bank account number, without your permission, in order to make unauthorized purchases or withdrawals. Identity theft can happen in a number of ways, including through physical means (such as stealing your wallet or purse), online means (such as phishing scams) or by simply going through your trash to find discarded bills or statements. If you suspect that you have been a victim of identity theft, it is important to act quickly in order to minimize the damage. Contact your credit card issuer immediately and let them know what has happened. They will then take steps to cancel your card and issue you a new one. You should also contact the major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) and request that they place a fraud alert on your file. This will make it more difficult for someone to open new accounts in your name. Finally, you should file a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and/or the police. Credit card fraud Credit card fraud is a type of identity theft that occurs when someone uses your credit card information without your permission. This can happen in a number of ways, including online, over the phone, or in person. If you suspect that you’ve been a victim of credit card fraud, there are a few steps you should take right away. First, report the fraud to your credit card company. This will help them investigate and take steps to prevent future fraudulent charges. You should also file a police report, which can be helpful if you need to take legal action. Finally, make sure to keep track of all the documentation related to the fraud, including any correspondence with your credit card company or the police. This will help you stay organized and keep track of the progress of your case.
The Burmese grape is not your average grape; its thick orange-like skin with segmented insides delivers sweet and tart tropical flavors. With its delicately tropical flavors and unique texture, it’s no surprise that this fantastic fruit is fit for the god of the Universe. Table of Contents What is a Burmese Grape? Burmese grapes (Baccaurea ramiflora) grow in grape-like clusters in evergreen forests on fruit trees native to Southeast Asia in countries like India, Laos, Burma, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. These exotic fruits have firm yellow skin with segmented insides resembling garlic. While the appearance of a Burmese grape looks nothing like a traditional grape, its flavor is surprisingly similar. Burmese grapes have a subtle sweetness with a flavor similar to lychee. The History of Burmese Grapes Burmese grapes are native to Southeast Asia. It grows wild locally, and residents use the fruit as a treat and utilize the bark of the tree for medicinal uses. In India, the Burmese grape fruit is a central part of the celebration of the Rath Yatra. During the holy festival, Hindus offer Burmese grapes to Lord Jagannath, the god of the Universe. While these unique fruits are wildly available locally, there are no big commercial exporters of this exotic fruit. A few cultivars in India and Peninsular Malaysia ship worldwide, but it’s rare to see fresh Burmese grapes outside of Southeast Asia. What Does a Burmese Grape Taste Like? The flavors of Burmese grapes are light and tropical, with evenly balanced sweet and tart flavors. Burmese grapes can taste incredibly sweet or sour depending on their size and ripeness. The fibrous texture is similar to lychee, with a muted tropical flavor like mangosteen. It’s like a hybrid of strawberries, lychee, papaya, and the bright tartness of pineapple. When cooked, much of the sourness fades into a bright sweetness, perfect for wine, jams, and savory dishes. How to Tell When Burmese Grapes Are Ripe Check out these tips below to ensure that you pick out a Burmese grape at the peak of ripeness. |When unripe, Burmese grapes are a bright shade of green. Most varieties turn a place shade of yellow when ripe, while other types turn orange, red, or even purple. |A ripe Burmese grape is firm but has a slight give to it. If it feels soft like an orange, it’s at the peak of ripeness. |Since it has such thick skin, the smell test isn’t the optimal way to tell if a Burmese grape is ripe. |A few bruises and brown spots are ok, but if you notice a love of bruising, cracking, or wrinkled skin, the Burmese grape is past its prime. Are Burmese Grapes and Red Grapes Related? While they have similarities, Burmese and red grapes belong to two different families of fruit. Red grapes are a member of the Vitaceae family of flowering plants, while Burmese grapes are a member of the Phyllanthaceae family. Red grapes grow in clusters on a central vine, while Burmese grapes grow on slow-growing evergreen trees. While they have a similar sweet and tart flavor, the texture of a Burmese grape is nothing like a red grape. It has a much thicker skin and segmented insides that are more closely related to lychee than a red grape. Cooking with Burmese Grapes Before diving into some tasty recipes, let’s look at how to prepare fresh Burmese grapes. Don’t worry; it’s very straightforward! 1. Wash your fruit. Even though the skin is eventually discarded, washing your fruit is always essential. Place in a colander, and run with cool water to remove any dirt and debris. 2. Remove the segmented pulp. Using your fingers, peel away the skin in the same way you peel an orange. Inside, you’ll find segments that look similar to garlic. Pluck them out of the skin. 3. Remove the seeds. In most recipes, you’ll need to remove the seeds. Cut the segments in half, and carefully cut out the small seeds with your knife. Here are a few exceptional Burmese grapes recipes: Stewed Burmese Grapes: Stewed Burmese grapes are an excellent healthy sweet treat. They’re tender, sweet and earn warming flavor additions like cinnamon and nutmeg. Burmese Grape Salad Dressing: You can also juice Burmese grapes to make a tangy salad dressing. Pair the juice of Burmese grapes with flavorful acidic additions like balsamic vinegar, orange juice, and garlic. So simple! Latkan Wine: Latkan wine is insanely popular in Malaysia and India. It incorporates fermented Burmese grapes, creating a delicate, sweet, and sour wine. How to Store Burmese Grapes Burmese grapes will stay fresh for up to five days at their peak of freshness. However, to keep your Burmese grapes fresher longer, skip the freeze and opt for a more unconventional method. One of the best ways to keep your Burmese grapes fresh is to boil peeled grapes in heavily salted water for a few minutes. Place boiled grapes in an air-tight container, and store them in the refrigerator. Nutritional Benefits of Burmese Grapes One serving of Burmese grapes has about 48 calories in a cup. While it’s low in calories, it delivers many health benefits from its high amounts of vitamins and minerals. One serving has around 10 grams of carbohydrates and high amounts of beneficial Vitamin C, iron, and protein. Diets rich in Vitamin C help boost the immune system, can help you lose weight, and can help naturally lower insulin levels. Where to Purchase Burmese Grapes It’s unlikely that you’ll stumble across this exotic fruit at your local supermarket. One of your best options is to head to a local Asian market when these fruits are in season between mid-April through September. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of Burmese grape cultivars in Southeast Asia, but there are a few ways to get your hands on this fruit without booking a plane ticket. Specialty fruit companies will ship these fruits to your door at a very high price tag.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has issued a report outlining what we at the Center for Child Counseling have long advocated: 1) ACEs are a social scourge that negatively impact communities, societally and financially; 2) Preventing ACEs requires a public health approach and needs to be funded; and 3) Early intervention is the key to long-term success. The CDC were part of the first large-scale survey into ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). That first study identified ten childhood experiences that could be linked to poor mental and physical health outcomes later in life. These experiences fell into the broad categories of abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. 60% of Americans have at least one ACE but many people have plenty more, with one in six people reporting four or more ACEs. The effects of these cumulative experiences add up. “The more types of ACEs a person has, the higher their risk for negative outcomes, which will limit their opportunities their whole life,” said CDC’s principal deputy director, Dr. Anne Schuchat. One focus of the CDC’s research involves the physical health outcomes experienced by people reporting high ACE scores. A score above four puts a person at dramatically increased risk of dying from five of the ten leading causes of death in the United States, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and suicide. But these health outcomes are preventable, if we can focus on intervening in young children and provide positive buffers that can help mitigate the effects of ACEs. Preventing childhood trauma could potentially prevent 1.9 million cases of coronary heart disease, the leading killer in this country. Similarly, it could prevent 2.5 million cases of obesity and 21 million cases of depression. The financial savings for society in general are astronomical. The CDC has identified key ways where we can use prevention tactics and a public health approach to improve not on the experiences of young children but the environments and communities in which they live. These suggestions include: - Strengthening economic supports for families - Promoting social norms that protect against violence and adversity - Ensuring a strong start for children - Teaching skills including resiliency - Connecting youth people to caring adults and activities - Intervening when necessary to lessen immediate and long-term harms We’ve discussed many of these solutions as part of our blog series on ACEs. You can read the blogs here. Center for Child counseling has always promoted a prevention and early intervention approach when it comes to very young children. As the preeminent Palm Beach County-based childhood mental health agency, we believe the earlier we intercede on behalf of a child’s best interests, the better. We specialize in working with children aged birth to 12 (although we help families with teens as well). The CDC’s approach is one we’ve been advocating for years by providing children with coping skills, promoting stronger families and communities to support improved mental health, and by educating parents, teachers, and workers in other child-related sectors to be positive buffers in the lives of our children. You can read the CDC’s full report, entitled “Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Leveraging the Best Available Evidence” here.
Regular exercise has shown to have profoundly positive impact on both physical as well as mental health of a person. No matter what level of fitness your body has, regular physical exercise provides innumerate benefits that have lifelong effects and advantages. As opposed to the general and popular belief, regular physical exercise is not only beneficial for losing weight, but has various other benefits like reduced diseases, increased energy, less stress, and an overall better and improved life. Regular exercise is increasingly recommended by physicians, doctors, and mental health professionals all over the world to help reduce physical as well as mental health issues and ailments. Below mentioned are some of the top benefits of including daily exercise in your daily routine for both mental and physical well-being. · Physical Benefits 1. Maintaining strong muscles and bones: Exercise plays a vital role in maintaining the strength of muscles and bones. Regular and specific physical exercise, along with adequate diet and protein intake could stimulate muscle building and strengthening of bones. This is due to exercise resulting in the release of hormones that promote the ability of your muscles to absorb the amino acids that in turn promote growth and reduction of breakdown. With an increase in age, an individual loses muscle mass and function, that results in to disabilities and injuries. Practicing regular exercise and physical activity essentially reduces muscles loss and maintenance of strength. Additionally, regular exercise from a younger age helps build bone density from an early stage in life and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the later stages of life. 2. Increasing your energy levels: Exercise can be a great way for boosting energy levels for both healthy people as well as those suffering from medical conditions. It has also been found by researchers that regular exercising has direct and positive impact on the cardiovascular health of an individual. It increases the heart rate and provides more vitality to make you feel more energized all throughout the day. 3. Reducing or gaining weight: Studies have shown that inactivity is one of the major reasons for obesity and weight gain. With the help of the right exercises, you can lose extra weight and achieve body shape and fitness as per your desire. Exercise is a crucial way of burning calories and supporting fast metabolism. It is also an activity that helps maintain extra weight loss and muscle mass. Hence, by doing the right exercises on a regular basis, you can also gain weight as per your requirement. There are various muscle and strength building exercises that help gain weight at the required rate, along with having the right diet followed. 4. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases: Lack of regular physical activity and exercise is one of the primary causes of chronic diseases. Doing regular exercise on a routine basis improves cardiovascular fitness, decreases blood pressure, improves insulin sensitivity, improves body composition, as well as reduces blood fat levels. On the contrary, lack of egular and routine exercise can lead to an increase in belly fat, that puts you under an increased risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, and early death. Regular exercise improves blood circulation and increases the level of oxygen in your body that strengthens your heart. Practicing regular exercise also lowers blood pressure levels and triglyceride levels. 5. Improving skin health: Putting in regular physical activity and exercise would make you feel a visible difference in your skin and its health. The amounts of antioxidants that are released in your body helps fight and destroy the oxidative stress, that in turn would have adversely affected your skin by damaging its internal structure and deteriorating the skin in general. Exercise promotes a natural way of releasing antioxidants that helps protect skin cells, as it stimulates blood flow in the body and induces skin cell adaptations that also delays aging of skin. · Mental Benefits 1. Improving brain health and memory: Exercise improves brain function and thinking skills as well as protects memory. Engaging in physical activity and activity increases your heart rate that promotes blood flow to the brain along with oxygen. This process also enhances and stimulates the production of hormones that further enhances growth in brain cells. Moreover, engaging in regular physical activity for a long period of time, especially for older adults, helps in improving and enhancing the brain’s vital function of learning and memory. It also reduces the chances of causing Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. 2. Reducing anxiety, depression, and stress: Exercise has proved to be a powerful tool to fight anxiety and depressive symptoms. It promotes neural growth, releases endorphins, reduces inflammation, and makes you feel good by enhancing the overall health and well-being. It is a natural anti-anxiety treatment, as it helps release stress and tension by relaxing your muscles and tense body parts like neck, shoulders, and back. Regular exercise and workout routine helps regulate your sleep patterns through physical and mental relaxation, that is a great way to promote sleep. Exercise also helps build resilience and cope with stress and challenges in a healthy manner, rather than resorting to other negative channels of release and expression. Regular exercise also boosts your overall immune system that further helps reduce stress and has a positive impact on the resilience and resistance. Moreover, regular exercise and physical activity is a great and active investment in your body, mind, and well-being. Once it becomes a habit and a regular activity, it fosters a sense of self-esteem and self-worth in an individual, that in turn makes you feel strong and powerful, internally as well as externally. You would also feel better about your physical appearance, have more self-confidence, along with a strong sense of achievement. You can do regular exercise and routine workout by using the suitable and efficient cardio equipment and gym equipment according to your requirements. Order your fitness equipment by visiting our website now!
The eyes are the organs that are used the most daily. Sight is a precious sense that gives us the power to observe everything around us. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance to protect our eyes with safety glasses. Wearing safety glasses is mandatory in specific fields or while practicing certain activities. They protect the eyes from possible projectiles or the splashing of corrosive liquids. It is the responsibility of employers to provide employees with safety glasses. The choice of eyewear is essential, as not all eyewear has the same protective capacity. Wearing protective eyewear should never be taken lightly, as this personal protective equipment can help protect you against serious, even blinding, hazards that can damage the eyes. There are various types of risks, such as: - Mechanical risks such as shocks or the projection of solid particles into the eyes: dust, wood chips, metal chips. - Risks related to radiation: ultraviolet, blue light, laser, infrared. - Chemical dangers due to the projection of solvents, corrosive products and any other dangerous products into the eyes. - Thermal risks due to fire, heat, molten metal projection, cold. This list is not exhaustive since even electricians must wear specific glasses sometimes integrated with face shields. Before choosing the right pair of glasses, it is essential to determine the type of risk you are exposed to and take your needs into account. Safety standards must also be taken seriously for optimal protection. Consult your IRIS optician for advice tailored to your needs.
When starting to plan a business, its owner or direct supervisor must implement a set of important steps by relying on the formulation of a financial and economic strategy that includes working on preparing a feasibility study before implementing the commercial project; In order to avoid falling into any defect that may confuse the special plan in it, especially before working on its actual implementation, and it also ensures the achievement of a large percentage of the project’s success in its first actual period of work; This success is measured by relying on the positive results that are achieved after people learn about the existing business by getting to know its name. One of the most important steps that must be studied before starting the implementation of any project is to choose the type of its commercial activity in order to determine the remaining components of it, and include the nature of the place in which it will be located, whether it is a real or virtual place, and also it is important to study the demographic nature demographics; In order to help identify the target groups of the commercial activity of the project, and the general economic situation of the community must be known, which contributes to determining the correct foundations to start working on the commercial project, but until this project is officially announced, it must have a special name and be known by it, The name with the trade name. Suggested trade names There are many trade names that can be used with many types of activities in the commercial market, which help to identify their type of business, and Here are the catchy business names: |Suggested brand names |health and wellness |children’s play store |construction materials establishment |Shirt and pants, fashion clothes |Karabeeb, silver and gold |Men’s barber shop |scissors and comb, handsome man |Pens, the useful book |car rental shop |Speed car, safe road It is a name given to a business, and it may be a well-known word associated with the name of the business activity of the business, or a new word that depends on a creative method in its formulation. Another definition of trade names is the use of a set of words and terms that add a name to a specific business, and contribute to giving this business a moral value before it acquires a material value in the future, especially when the trade name turns into a world-renowned and well-known name. Specifications of Trade Names Trade names should be characterized by a set of specifications and characteristics that help make them acceptable names, the most important of which are: The trade name must be used that corresponds to the type of profession or work of its own, for example, it is not permissible to use the word “natural juice” within a name A factory specializing in the soft drinks industry. It is preferable to use abbreviated trade names, which help consumers and customers quickly save them. It is advisable to avoid brand names that bear the names of specific people. The trade name must be considered one of the distinguished names, which contributes to making the difference between companies and commercial institutions that operate in one environment. legality of the trade name; That is, the name should be within the provisions of the common law, and does not contain any words that do not comply with morals, or customs and traditions in society. The trade name must be one of the names that consumers rely on; Which is characterized by being intuitive and easy to understand and know by people. How to choose trade name? When choosing an appropriate trade name that is compatible with the nature of the business, or the product of the merchant or business owner, care must be taken to adhere to the following matters: Sufficient and logical thinking of the name that will be used to promote the business. Linking the trade name to the quality of the product that will be offered through it. Be sure to use the description in the trade name; That is, to describe the quality of work offered, for example, Happy Bread Bakery. Designing a logo that matches the trade name and leads to the provision of the service to promote the business after its official launch. Seeking the opinion of experts in the field of choosing trade names, especially those who have previously worked in the commercial field for which the name will be chosen. Registering Trade Names In order to register trade names, a number of important things must usually be done, namely: Providing proof of identity, whether an identity card or a passport. The approved commercial register certificate. Documents related to the establishment of a business. Obtaining the necessary legal approvals. Go to the body responsible for registering trade names, which is the Ministry of Commerce, or the General Chambers of Commerce. Pay the fees for the trade name registration transaction. Submit the application to ensure, by the authority responsible for trade names, that the name to be registered with the rules, instructions, and laws related to the registration of trade names. After completing all the procedures for registering the trade name, it becomes ready for use within the type of private business, and according to the legal statement that holds an official certificate of the trade name. If you have’s find the suitable business name yet, you can check our best business name generator to shape it yourself. You may also like to read:
How to use Conditional Logic in surveys Conditional Logic lets you create dynamic surveys that change what a respondent sees and what happens based on their responses. Essentially, you can create different actions triggered by different survey responses. Logic can be set to hide questions or instructions (skip logic), finish a survey early, redirect respondents to a URL on completion and set or append messages to the finish text depending on the respondent’s answers. Use Conditional Logic in surveys to get deeper insights and automate actions. Some uses for conditional logic in surveys include: - Improving the experience for survey respondents - Getting testimonials when customers give you great feedback - Getting notified instantly when you receive poor feedback - Showing only relevant questions and hiding irrelevant questions - Customising the messages that survey respondents see based on how they answer questions - Categorising respondents based on their answers - Redirecting respondents to different web pages on fnishing the survey - Minimise receiving invalid feedback - Disqualify people from taking the survey - Endless other customising opportunities Elements of Conditional Logic In Survey Space, Conditional Logic is structured with three components: Actions, Triggers and Conditions. Actions are what you want to happen when responses meet defined Conditions and Triggers. The Actions include: - Hide selected content, e.g. questions or instructions (this is sometimes called skip logic) - Finish the survey - Redirect to a specified url on finish - Change the finish message (HTML options are available) - Append text to the finish message (HTML options are available) - Send an email when the survey is complete (with or without the detailed results) - Send a Slack notification when the survey is complete (with or without the detailed results) - Tag the participant when the survey is complete Triggers are defined responses to survey questions. Triggers can be set for either the current question or earlier questions. Each trigger has answer options to check against. These conditional logic options vary depending upon the question type. Triggers include: - Is equal to/Is not equal to: Does a strict comparison with the answer. The answer supplied must exactly equal the selection. Multiple choice answers must have all and only the answers specified in the logic to fire. This option is not available for free text questions. - Contains/Does not contain: This option is only available for free text responses. It checks to see if a response contains a word or sentence. - Is one of/Is not one of: This is a non-strict equal to comparison and checks if answers contain certain responses. - Is more than/Is less than: A comparator that is only available for Rating Scales questions. It checks to see if the answer is higher or lower than specified. - Is more than or equal to/Is less than or equal to: The same as more than/less than but it includes the specified value. Conditions contain one or multiple Triggers that, if met, will result in the Action. Conditions can be set to meet “any” or “all” triggers. Make sure you carefully plan, test and pilot the conditional survey Conditional Logic can be simple or quite complex depending upon the number of actions, conditions and triggers specified. A conditional survey that uses conditional logic requires careful and meticulous planning, execution, testing and piloting in order to avoid errors and ensure the survey objectives are met. Where possible, keep the logic steps as simple as possible. Learn more about surveys and get more survey resources here.
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Refined, Intricate Plan of the Kremlin, from Blaeu’s Atlas Maior Fine, old-color example of Blaeu's rare plan of the Kremlin, which appeared only in his monumental Atlas Maior. The plan shows in exceptional detail the heart of Moscow's inner walled fortress and the Kitai Gorod, or Fortified City. The Kremlin was founded in 1147 at the junction of two rivers, the Moskva and the Neglinnaya, which can be seen here. As Moscow grew, the Kremlin became the royal, religious, and secular heart of the city. The plate was first engraved by Hessel Gerritsz, who had been apprenticed to Willem Janszoon Blaeu, in Amsterdam in 1613 or 1614. In the original state, the Kremlin plate was dedicated to "Magno Domino Caesari, et Magno Duci Michaeli Foedorovits," whose election to the Moscow throne in February of 1613 marked an end of the so-called Times of Troubles and established the Romanov dynasty. The dedication originally was signed "ab Hesselo Gerhartio," but this has been erased in this state, and the recipient of the dedication has changed. The plan features a legend containing 32 numbered items, pointing out the properties of the prominent political figures and the city landmarks with the Latin explanations. Some of the legend items contain Russian words transcribed using Latin characters, many of which appear to represent distorted phonetic renditions rather than transliterations of a written original; for example, Mstislavsky becomes Mesiesloffski. The Kremlin plate has a sibling, a simultaneously engraved plan of the entire city known as "Reigning city of Moscow" ("Царствающой градъ Москва"). Both plans are consistently oriented with west-by-south at the top. The Moscow plate is referred to in the dedication on the Kremlin plate, whose object is "Castellum cum tribus contiguis Urbibus Moskuae," whereas the privilege in the lower right corner explicitly applies to both plates: "Tabulas Civitatis et Castelli Moskuae.” The dedication accurately recites the "long" title of Michael Feodorovich; however, it randomly mixes the Latin translations with the transliterations from Russian. It is, therefore, likely that the dedication was engraved in a hurry. What makes the plans of Moscow and the Kremlin unique in Dutch cartographic heritage is the extensive use of Cyrillic lettering in the engraving. The plan of the Kremlin has the title (Кремлена Градъ), the names of the cardinal points of the compass (Сиверъ, Стѡкъ, Лѣтне, Западъ), and the names of two rivers (Москва река, Неглина река) rendered in Cyrillic characters. The title and points of the compass use what is known in Russian as вязь (Vyaz’, meaning linking or weaving), that is, a calligraphic style which combines a two-dimensional arrangement of letters with the extensive use of ligatures. History and states of the plates Very few prints were pulled from the Kremlin and Moscow plates in their respective first states. Those first imprints were likely intended to serve as gifts to the Tzar and key Moscow government figures. This Kremlin example is a second state, which was made by Joan Blaeu and used, along with the second state of the Moscow plate, in his Atlas Maior starting in 1662. The signature of Hessel Gerritsz was erased (as hinted by the asymmetry of the closing line of the dedication) and the name in the dedication was changed to Alexio Michaelovits, who ascended to the throne after the death of his father in 1645. Curiously, the engraved title remained intact and no longer matched the actual title used by the Tzar at that time. Apparently, the discrepancy did not matter for the new, purely commercial intent of the plate. A widely-circulated theory attributes both the Kremlin and Moscow plans to a single hypothetical manuscript source (now lost without trace), which allegedly originated within the Moscow government offices in 1597–1605. This theory, which was deeply rooted in Imperial Russian and early Soviet historiography, was solidified in its present form by S.A. Klepikov under the direction of M.N Tikhomirov. It has become historical canon in post-Soviet Russia, and sometimes casts its spell upon Western scholars as well. In reality, identifying the actual sources from which the two plans were compiled is an exciting problem in the history of Russian and Dutch cartography. For example, the Russian word Кремль (Kremlin), which denotes an inner fortified castle within a town, was relatively new at the start of the seventeenth century. The previously used forms were: Кромъ (Krom), Кремникъ (Kremnik), or Кремленикъ (Kremlenik). Nowhere can the form Kremlena be found in medieval Russian sources. Furthermore, the word Kremlenagrad did not enter the Russian language until late nineteenth century, when Gerritsz' plate first appeared in print in Russia, in a popular scientific publication in Moscow. Several plausible solutions exist that explain these discrepancies. They are most often attributed to the "foreign engravers" who allegedly misread and messed up several letters. However, one can note that for a foreigner, a Cyrillic text in Vyaz' calligraphy hardly represented a word as a sequence of letters, but rather an ornament which had to be copied in its entirety. Making an error in an individual letter is, therefore, quite unlikely. Another observation is that three out of four cardinal point names on the Kremlin plan do not belong to the Great Russian dialect of the Russian language spoken in Moscow. These words represent its northern Pomor dialect, which is widely spread along the coast of the White Sea. In particular, it is spoken in Arkhangelsk, which was then a major Dutch trading base. In fact, the words Стѡкъ (East) and Лѣтне (South) regularly cause confusion among Muscovite authors who tend to see them as another instance of "an obvious error by a foreign engraver." In reality, they might be clues to the sources of the plan. The plans were both included in Joan Blaeu’s famous Atlas Maior, the largest and most expensive project of its kind to that date. Sadly, in February 1672 a fire destroyed the Blaeu publishing house, destroying the Moscow plate. The Kremlin plate survived, however, but was apparently damaged. It lost its decorative border. The plate was later used by Frederik de Wit and, thereafter, by Peter van der Aa, under their own signatures. This second state, therefore, only appeared in Blaeu’s atlas and was the best plan of its kind to appear in a commercial atlas in the seventeenth century. This description was written by Dr. Denis Khotimsky, with slight adaptations to house style by Dr Katherine Parker. We are grateful to Dr. Khotimsky for his time and expertise. Hessel Gerritsz (1581-1632) was a noted Dutch mapmaker, engraver, and publisher who was also the official hydrographer of the Dutch East India Company. Gerritsz was born in Assum. His first exposure to mapmaking was as an apprentice to Willem Janszoon Blaeu, beginning in 1607. In 1610, Gerritsz began his own publishing business. Gerritsz’s reputation grew quickly. In 1617, upon the recommendation of Petrus Plancius, Gerritsz was named as the cartographer to the Dutch East India Company (VOC). This meant that Gerritsz had access to the geographical information gathered by VOC navigators, but he could also still sell his own maps to the public. He reviewed the journals of the VOC, then prepared and corrected charts for their ships. In this post, Gerritsz created the first maps to include many new geographic features in the Indian and Pacific Oceans; these included some of the first European encounters with the coast of Australia. Joan, or Johannes, Blaeu (1596-1673) was the son of Willem Janszoon Blaeu. He inherited his father’s meticulous and striking mapmaking style and continued the Blaeu workshop until it burned in 1672. Initially, Joan trained as a lawyer, but he decided to join his father’s business rather than practice. After his father’s death in 1638, Joan and his brother, Cornelis, took over their father’s shop and Joan took on his work as hydrographer to the Dutch East India Company. Joan brought out many important works, including Nova et Accuratissima Terrarum Orbis Tabula, a world map to commemorate the Peace of Westphalia which brought news of Abel Tasman’s voyages in the Pacific to the attention of Europe. This map was used as a template for the world map set in the floor of the Amsterdam Town Hall, the Groote Burger-Zaal, in 1655. Joan also modified and greatly expanded his father’s Atlas novus, first published in 1635. All the while, Joan was honing his own atlas. He published the Atlas maior between 1662 and 1672. It is one of the most sought-after atlases by collectors and institutions today due to the attention to the detail, quality, and beauty of the maps. He is also known for his town plans and wall maps of the continents. Joan’s productivity slammed to a halt in 1672, when a fire completely destroyed his workshop and stock. Joan died a year later and is buried in the Westerkerk in Amsterdam.
Whether you are a novice cyclist or an experienced rider, improving your cycling skills is essential for your safety and enjoyment on the road. From commuting to exploring new routes, cycling offers numerous benefits. However, it requires regular maintenance, proper riding techniques, and the right equipment to ensure a smooth and efficient ride. One of the most important aspects of cycling is safety. Always wear a helmet and dress in bright and reflective clothing to increase your visibility. It is also crucial to familiarize yourself with local traffic laws and cycling regulations. By being aware of your surroundings and following the rules of the road, you can minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safe cycling experience. In addition to safety, improving your cycling skills involves mastering various techniques, such as riding in different terrains and weather conditions. Whether you prefer road cycling or mountain biking, honing your skills on various surfaces will enhance your control and balance on the bicycle. Additionally, learning basic repair and maintenance skills will save you time and money in the long run. Knowing how to fix a flat tire or adjust your brakes can prevent disruptions during your rides and keep your bicycle in optimal condition. Investing in quality equipment is essential for improving your cycling skills. A well-maintained bicycle with the right gear ratio, proper tire pressure, and comfortable seating can significantly enhance your riding experience. Consider getting a bike fitting to ensure that your bicycle is adjusted to your body’s proportions and ride with ease. Additionally, using proper cycling shoes and pedals will improve your efficiency and power transfer while pedaling. The Importance of Conditioning Conditioning plays a crucial role in improving your cycling skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, proper conditioning can make a significant difference in your performance and enjoyment of the sport. Here are some tips to help you understand the importance of conditioning: - Enhances endurance: Through regular conditioning exercises, you can gradually build up your endurance, allowing you to ride longer distances without feeling fatigued. This is especially important if you’re planning on tackling challenging routes or participating in long-distance rides. - Increases strength: Conditioning exercises, such as weightlifting and resistance training, can help build and strengthen the muscles used in cycling. This additional strength can enhance your pedaling power, making climbs easier and increasing your overall speed on flat terrain. - Improves flexibility: Maintaining good flexibility is important for preventing injuries and improving your cycling technique. Incorporating stretching exercises into your conditioning routine can help increase your range of motion and improve your body’s ability to adapt to different riding positions. - Boosts speed and power: Proper conditioning can help improve your explosiveness and accelerate quickly when needed. This is particularly beneficial in situations such as sprinting to the finish line or overtaking other riders. - Prevents injuries: Conditioning exercises that target your core and stabilizer muscles can help improve your balance and stability on the bike. This can reduce the risk of falls and prevent common cycling injuries, such as lower back pain or knee problems. - Supports overall health: Regular conditioning not only benefits your cycling performance but also contributes to your overall health and well-being. It can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve cardiovascular fitness, and aid in weight management. By incorporating conditioning exercises into your routine, you can maximize your cycling abilities and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. Remember to consult a professional trainer or coach to create a personalized conditioning program that suits your fitness level and goals. Proper Bike Fit for Performance When it comes to cycling, having a proper bike fit is essential for optimal performance. Whether you are riding long routes, commuting to work, or repairing your equipment, a bike that fits you well can make a significant difference in your comfort and efficiency. Moreover, a well-fitted bicycle can also greatly enhance safety and decrease the chances of injuries. One key aspect of bike fit is adjusting the saddle height. When the seat is at the correct height, your legs should be able to fully extend on the downward pedal stroke without fully straightening at the knee. On the other hand, if the saddle is too low, it can cause unnecessary strain on your knees, leading to discomfort and potential injuries. Another important factor is the handlebar reach. The handlebars should be positioned in a way that allows you to comfortably grip them while maintaining a slightly bent elbow position. If the reach is too long, it can put excessive strain on your upper body, leading to fatigue and decreased control. Conversely, if the reach is too short, it can cause discomfort and affect your balance. Proper bike fit also includes adjusting the saddle tilt, handlebar angle, and even the position of the cleats on your cycling shoes. These small adjustments can greatly affect your riding experience and overall performance. Additionally, regularly maintaining your bicycle, such as cleaning and lubricating the chain, checking tire pressure, and ensuring the brakes are working properly, is crucial for both safety and performance. Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, it is highly recommended to get a professional bike fitting. A bike fit expert can analyze your body measurements, flexibility, riding style, and goals to tailor the bike setup specifically to you. Investing in a proper bike fit can greatly enhance your riding experience and help you achieve your cycling goals. |Benefits of Proper Bike Fit: |Reduced risk of injuries |Increased efficiency and power transfer |Enhanced control and balance Mastering Basic Bike Handling Skills When it comes to getting the most out of your bicycle riding experience, mastering basic bike handling skills is essential. Whether you’re riding for leisure, commuting, or even participating in races, having strong bike handling skills will make your cycling experience more enjoyable and safer. One of the first things to focus on is maintaining and repairing your bicycle. Regular maintenance, such as checking tire pressure, lubricating the chain, and inspecting brakes, can significantly improve the bike’s performance. Learning basic repair skills, like fixing a flat tire or adjusting gears, can save you time and money, especially when you’re out on a long ride. In addition to bike maintenance, it’s crucial to prioritize safety equipment. Wearing a properly fitted helmet is a must for protecting your head in case of an accident. Investing in reflective clothing, lights, and mirrors will also increase your visibility, especially when commuting in low-light conditions or busy city streets. Once you have your bike in top shape and the necessary safety equipment, it’s time to focus on improving your actual bike handling skills. Start by practicing basic maneuvers such as balancing, turning, and braking. These fundamental skills will build your confidence and control over the bike. Another critical aspect of mastering bike handling skills is understanding the rules of the road. Familiarize yourself with local biking laws and regulations, as well as specific commuting routes in your area. Knowing how to navigate safely through traffic and interact with other road users will make you a more competent cyclist. Lastly, never underestimate the power of tips and advice from experienced riders. Attend local biking events or join cycling clubs to connect with fellow enthusiasts and learn from their expertise. Taking the time to enhance your skills through workshops or professional coaching will undoubtedly take your bike handling abilities to the next level. In conclusion, mastering basic bike handling skills is crucial for any cyclist looking to enhance their riding experience. By prioritizing bicycle maintenance, investing in safety equipment, and continuously improving your skills, you’ll become a confident and safe cyclist on any route you choose to ride. Building Endurance and Stamina Building endurance and stamina is essential for improving your cycling skills and going the distance on your bicycle. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, these tips will help you increase your endurance and stamina: 1. Start Slow When building endurance, it’s important to start slow and gradually increase your riding distance and intensity. Pushing yourself too hard at the beginning can lead to burnout or injuries. Begin with shorter rides and gradually increase the length and difficulty as your body adapts. 2. Invest in Proper Equipment Having the right equipment can make a significant difference in your cycling performance. Invest in a high-quality bicycle that is the right size for you and allows you to maintain an efficient riding position. Choose comfortable cycling clothing and shoes that provide support and prevent chafing. Additionally, consider using accessories such as a bicycle computer or heart rate monitor to track your progress and keep you motivated. 3. Practice Safety Precautions Prioritize safety while building endurance. Always wear a well-fitted helmet and follow traffic rules when riding on public roads. Stay visible to motorists by wearing bright and reflective clothing, especially when riding at night. It’s also important to perform regular maintenance on your bicycle to ensure it’s in optimal working condition. 4. Incorporate Commuting and Different Routes One way to build endurance is by using your bicycle for commuting. Instead of always relying on a car or public transportation, try cycling to work or school a few times a week. This will not only help you get in extra miles but also make your daily commute more enjoyable. Additionally, exploring different routes and terrains will challenge your body in new ways and improve your overall stamina. 5. Cross-Train and Rest Don’t limit your training to only cycling. Engaging in other forms of exercise, such as swimming, running, or yoga, can help build overall fitness and prevent muscle imbalances. Remember to give your body enough rest between rides to recover and rebuild muscle. 6. Monitor and Adjust Your Training Keep track of your progress by logging your rides and monitoring your performance. Pay attention to your heart rate, average speed, and endurance levels. Adjust your training plan accordingly, aiming to gradually increase your speed and distance over time. Listening to your body and understanding its limits will help you avoid injury and reach your endurance goals. By following these tips and incorporating them into your regular cycling routine, you’ll be able to steadily improve your endurance and stamina on the bicycle. Remember, consistency and patience are key to achieving long-lasting results. Happy riding and enjoy the journey of becoming a stronger cyclist! Interval Training for Speed and Power Interval training is an essential component of improving your cycling skills, especially when it comes to speed and power. By incorporating interval training into your cycling routine, you can enhance your overall performance and achieve faster speeds. Interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity effort and periods of active recovery. This type of training helps to improve your cardiovascular fitness, increase your anaerobic threshold, and build muscular endurance. It is an effective way to mimic the demands of cycling races or challenging routes. To incorporate interval training into your cycling routine, start by identifying the intervals that you want to work on. You can focus on short bursts of high-intensity effort or longer intervals at a slightly lower intensity. For example, you can try alternating between 30-second sprints and 1-minute recovery periods. As you progress, you can increase the duration and intensity of your intervals. When doing interval training, it’s important to have a safe and controlled environment. Choose a route that is free from traffic or other hazards, such as a closed track or a bicycle trainer. Make sure to warm up properly before starting your intervals and cool down afterward to prevent injuries and help your body recover. Interval training can also be incorporated into your daily commuting routine. Instead of a steady-paced ride, you can include intervals of higher intensity efforts during specific sections of your commute. This can help you build speed and power while still getting to your destination efficiently. Remember to maintain your bicycle and equipment in good condition to ensure optimal performance during interval training. Regular maintenance, such as checking tire pressure, lubing the chain, and inspecting brakes, can help prevent mechanical issues during your training sessions. Overall, interval training is a valuable tool to improve your speed and power on the bicycle. By incorporating intervals into your cycling routine, you can challenge yourself, build strength and endurance, and enhance your overall performance. So, get out there, find a safe environment, and start incorporating interval training into your rides for a more powerful and faster cycling experience! Hill Climbing Techniques When it comes to cycling, hill climbing can be one of the most challenging aspects. However, with the right techniques and preparation, you can conquer even the steepest routes. Here are some tips to improve your hill climbing skills: 1. Find the right gear: Before starting your climb, make sure you are in the appropriate gear. Using a higher gear will give you more power, but it may require more effort. Experiment with different gears to find the one that works best for you. 2. Maintain a steady cadence: Consistency is key when climbing hills. Try to maintain a steady cadence by keeping a consistent rhythm with your pedals. This will help you conserve energy and maintain your momentum. 3. Stand up when necessary: When facing a particularly steep section, it may be beneficial to stand up on the pedals. This allows you to use your whole body to generate power and can help you overcome the resistance. 4. Stay relaxed: Tension in your body can make hill climbing more difficult. Stay relaxed and focus on breathing deeply. This will help you conserve energy and maintain control of your bicycle. 5. Use proper body positioning: Leaning forward and keeping your weight centered over the pedals will give you better balance and leverage while climbing. Avoid leaning too far back or forward, as this can throw off your balance. 6. Look ahead: It’s important to keep your eyes focused on the road ahead when climbing hills. This will help you anticipate any obstacles or changes in the gradient and adjust your technique accordingly. 7. Practice on different routes: The more you climb hills, the better you will become. Seek out different routes with varying levels of difficulty to challenge yourself and improve your climbing skills. Remember: Safety first! Before attempting any challenging hills, make sure your bicycle is in good working condition. Regular maintenance and repairs are essential for safe and enjoyable riding experiences. Additionally, always wear appropriate safety gear and follow the rules of the road. With these techniques and tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled hill climber. So get out there, embrace the challenge, and enjoy the rewards of conquering those steep inclines! Downhill Descending Safety Tips Descending downhill on a bicycle can be an exhilarating experience, but it is important to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some tips to help you ride safely during downhill descents: 1. Be Prepared Prior to descending, make sure you have the necessary equipment and safety gear. This includes a properly fitted helmet, gloves, and appropriate clothing. Also, ensure that your bicycle is in good repair and that the brakes are in excellent condition. 2. Maintain Control When descending, it is crucial to maintain control of your bicycle. Keep your hands on the handlebars and your eyes on the road ahead. Use your brakes to control your speed steadily, avoiding sudden or excessive braking, which could cause skidding or loss of control. 3. Choose the Right Route Before starting your descent, evaluate the road conditions and choose a route that is suitable for downhill riding. Look for roads with a reasonable gradient, moderate traffic, and good visibility. Avoid roads with sharp turns, potholes, or debris that could pose a safety hazard. 4. Position Yourself Correctly During the descent, position yourself correctly on the bicycle. Shift your weight towards the rear of the saddle to improve stability and control. Keep your knees slightly bent and use your core muscles to absorb any bumps or vibrations. 5. Be Visible to Others Make yourself visible to other road users, especially when descending at high speeds. Wear bright and reflective clothing, use hand signals to indicate your intentions, and make eye contact with drivers whenever possible. Consider using a rearview mirror to monitor traffic behind you. 6. Practice and Improve Descending safely takes practice, so take every opportunity to improve your skills. Start with smaller descents and gradually work your way up to steeper hills. Take a cycling course or join a local cycling group to learn from experienced riders and gain valuable tips and insights. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the thrill of downhill riding while minimizing the risks associated with high-speed descents. Remember to always prioritize safety and ride within your comfort level. Cornering with Confidence When it comes to cycling, cornering with confidence is an essential skill that every rider should master. Whether you’re commuting to work or exploring new routes on the weekend, knowing how to navigate corners safely and effectively can greatly enhance your cycling experience. Here are some tips to help you improve your cornering skills: 1. Position your body correctly Before entering a corner, shift your weight slightly to the outside foot pedal and lean your body towards the inside of the turn. This will help you maintain balance and stability throughout the corner. 2. Look ahead Always look to where you want to go, not directly at the ground or the front wheel. By looking ahead, you can anticipate any obstacles or changes in the road surface and adjust your line accordingly. 3. Brake before the corner It’s important to brake before entering the corner, rather than during it. This allows you to carry more speed through the turn and maintain better control of your bike. 4. Choose the right line Selecting the correct line through the corner is crucial for maintaining control. Aim to take the widest curve possible while keeping a safe distance from the edge of the road. This will help you avoid obstacles and make smoother turns. 5. Practice makes perfect The more you practice cornering, the better you will become. Find a safe area with minimal traffic where you can work on your skills and build confidence in your ability to navigate corners effectively. By following these cornering tips, you’ll be able to ride with more confidence and enjoy your cycling adventures to the fullest. Remember to always prioritize safety and regularly check your equipment for any necessary repairs or maintenance. For more biking tips and information on routes and equipment, check out our other articles on bicycle commuting, safety, repair, and maintenance. Brake Technique for Control When it comes to riding a bicycle, having good brake technique is crucial for maintaining control and ensuring your safety. Whether you’re riding on challenging terrain, navigating busy city streets, or simply commuting to work, knowing how to use your brakes effectively can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you improve your brake technique: 1. Know your bicycle Familiarize yourself with your bicycle’s braking system and understand how it works. Regularly check your brakes for any signs of wear or damage, and make sure they are properly adjusted and functioning before every ride. Proper bicycle repair and maintenance is key to ensuring your brakes work well when you need them. 2. Choose the right brake route When riding, try to choose routes that are suitable for your skill level and braking ability. Avoid steep descents or routes with challenging obstacles if you’re still mastering brake control. Gradually build up your confidence and skills on less demanding routes before tackling more difficult terrain. 3. Brake smoothly Instead of squeezing your brakes abruptly, apply pressure to them gradually and smoothly. This technique will help you maintain control and prevent your bicycle from skidding. Remember to use both brakes simultaneously, but apply more pressure to the front brake, as it provides the majority of the stopping power. 4. Practice emergency braking In addition to smooth braking, it’s important to practice emergency braking techniques. Learning how to effectively stop quickly and safely can be a lifesaver in unexpected situations. Find a safe area to practice and gradually increase your speed as you gain confidence. 5. Use your body to assist braking Your body position can also play a role in braking. When coming to a stop, shift your weight slightly back to help distribute the braking force and prevent your front wheel from skidding. This technique is especially useful when riding in wet or slippery conditions. Remember, your brakes are a vital piece of safety equipment that should never be neglected. By improving your brake technique, you can enhance your overall riding experience and enjoy the thrill of cycling while prioritizing your safety! Shifting Gears for Efficiency Efficiently shifting gears on your bicycle is crucial for maintaining a smooth and effortless ride. By using the right gear at the right moment, you can boost your speed, conserve energy, and improve your overall cycling experience. Here are some tips to help you master the art of shifting gears: 1. Understand your equipment: Familiarize yourself with the components of your bicycle’s gears, including the shifters, derailleurs, and gear cassette. Knowing how they work together will make it easier to make quick and accurate gear changes. 2. Choose the right gear for your route: Different terrains and inclines require different gears. Make sure to assess the route you’ll be cycling on and anticipate any uphill climbs or downhill descents. Shift to a lower gear when going uphill to maintain your cadence, and switch to a higher gear when going downhill to maximize speed. 3. Use gears for commuting: If you use your bicycle for commuting, pay attention to traffic signals and adjust your gears accordingly. Shifting to a lower gear before coming to a complete stop will make it easier to start pedaling again when the light turns green. 4. Regular maintenance is key: Keep your gears in good working condition by regularly cleaning and lubricating them. This will prevent rust and ensure smooth gear changes. If you notice any issues with your gears, such as skipping or slipping, consider taking your bicycle to a professional for repair. 5. Safety first: When shifting gears, be mindful of your surroundings and traffic conditions. Always signal your intentions to other road users and make sure to shift gears smoothly and without sudden jerks. Sudden shifts can affect your balance and lead to accidents. By following these tips, you’ll be able to shift gears efficiently and optimize your cycling performance. Mastering gear shifting takes practice, but with time and experience, it will become second nature. Enjoy your rides and happy cycling! Nutrition for Cyclists Proper nutrition is essential for cyclists to perform at their best and stay healthy. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, maintaining a balanced diet can help improve your endurance, recovery, and overall cycling skills. Key Tips for Cyclists - Eat a variety of foods to ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients your body needs. - Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your rides. - Include carbohydrates in your diet to provide the energy you need for long rides. - Consume protein to support muscle repair and recovery. - Incorporate fruits and vegetables for their vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. - Limit processed foods and sugary drinks, which can lead to energy crashes. Nutrition for Riding Endurance If you’re aiming for longer rides, it’s important to fuel your body properly. Here are some nutrition tips to improve your endurance: - Consume complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, brown rice, and sweet potatoes, to provide sustained energy. - Consider incorporating healthy fats, such as avocados and nuts, for long-lasting fuel. - Stay adequately hydrated and electrolyte balanced with sports drinks or electrolyte supplements. Post-Ride Recovery Nutrition After a ride, your body needs proper nutrition for recovery. Here’s what you should focus on: - Consume protein within 30 minutes of finishing your ride to promote muscle repair and growth. - Include carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and aid in recovery. - Incorporate nutrient-rich foods, such as lean meats, fish, quinoa, and leafy greens, for optimal recovery. - Consider adding a post-workout protein shake or smoothie to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients. Remember, nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting your cycling performance. By fueling your body with the right foods, you can maximize your riding potential and improve your overall skills on the bicycle. Hydration Strategies on the Road Staying hydrated is crucial for both your performance and safety when cycling on the road. Proper hydration not only helps maintain your energy levels, but it also helps regulate your body temperature and prevents muscle cramps. Before hitting the road, make sure you have enough water to last for your entire ride. Plan your route in advance and identify places where you can refill your water bottle or buy drinks. Knowing your options will help you stay hydrated throughout your ride. Timing is Key Hydrate regularly during your ride, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Thirst is not always an accurate indicator of your body’s hydration level, so it’s important to drink at regular intervals. Aim to drink about 500ml of water every hour, adjusting the amount based on weather conditions and the intensity of your ride. Tip: Set a reminder on your cycling computer or watch to remind you to take regular sips of water. Additionally, don’t wait until you’re on the brink of dehydration to start drinking. By that point, it’s already too late. Start hydrating well before your ride and continue drinking after you finish to replenish lost fluids. Remember: Always carry a water bottle or hydration pack with you when cycling on the road. Being prepared is essential for staying hydrated and maintaining your performance. Bike Maintenance for Better Performance Maintenance is an essential aspect of keeping your bicycle in top condition and ensuring optimal performance. Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your bike, improve its efficiency, and enhance your overall riding experience. Here are some tips to help you maintain your bicycle and improve its performance: 1. Keep Your Bicycle Clean Cleaning your bicycle regularly is important in order to remove dirt, grime, and debris that can accumulate over time. Use a bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and a soft brush to gently clean the frame, wheels, brakes, and drivetrain. Rinse your bike thoroughly and dry it with a clean cloth to prevent rust and corrosion. 2. Check and Adjust Your Equipment Regularly check your bicycle’s equipment, including the brakes, gears, tires, and chain. Ensure that the brakes are functioning properly and that the gears shift smoothly. Check the tire pressure and tread to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. Lubricate the chain regularly to prevent wear and enhance performance. 3. Plan Your Commuting Routes If you use your bicycle for commuting, it’s important to plan your routes effectively. Choose routes that are safe, well-lit, and have smooth road surfaces. Avoid areas with heavy traffic or dangerous intersections. By planning your routes well, you can minimize the risk of accidents and enjoy a more pleasant riding experience. 4. Learn Basic Repair Skills Having some basic repair skills can be very helpful in case of emergencies or minor issues with your bike. Learn how to change a flat tire, fix a broken chain, and adjust your brakes and gears. Carry a small repair kit with you that includes essential tools and spare parts. 5. Ride with Proper Technique Improving your riding technique can greatly enhance your cycling performance. Learn how to pedal efficiently, use the correct gear ratios, and maintain a good riding posture. Practice cycling on different terrains and in different weather conditions to improve your overall skill and endurance. By following these maintenance tips and practicing good riding habits, you can ensure that your bicycle is always in top condition and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable ride. Injury Prevention and Recovery When it comes to cycling, injury prevention is crucial. By taking the right precautions and following proper techniques, you can minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. Here are some tips to help you stay safe on your bicycle: Wear Protective Equipment Always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle. It can protect your head from serious injuries in case of a fall or collision. Additionally, consider wearing knee and elbow pads, as well as gloves, to provide extra protection. Follow Safe Riding Routes Choose well-maintained cycling routes that are suitable for your skill level. Avoid routes with heavy traffic or hazardous conditions. Look for bicycle-friendly paths and lanes that provide a safer riding experience. NOTE: It’s important to be familiar with the local traffic laws and regulations to ensure safe riding practices. Maintain Your Bicycle Regularly check your bicycle for any signs of wear and tear. Pay attention to the brakes, tires, and gears to ensure they are working properly. Keep your bike clean and lubricated to prevent any mechanical issues that could lead to accidents. Proper Body Position and Technique Learn and practice proper body positioning and riding techniques. Maintaining a balanced and relaxed posture can help prevent strain and reduce the risk of injuries, especially in long rides. Proper Commuting Practices If you use your bicycle for commuting, be aware of traffic conditions and follow all road rules. Signal your intentions to other motorists and be cautious when sharing the road. Stay visible by wearing bright-colored clothing and using lights when riding at night. Recovery and Injury Treatment If you do experience an injury while cycling, it’s important to seek proper medical treatment and allow yourself enough time to recover. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid putting strain on the injured area during the healing process. Remember, prevention is key, so always be cautious and take the necessary steps to stay safe while enjoying your cycling adventures. Mental Focus and Mindset for Success When it comes to improving your cycling skills, mental focus and mindset play a crucial role. Whether you’re a casual rider or someone who commutes by bicycle every day, having the right mindset can greatly enhance your cycling experience. One key aspect of mental focus is being aware of your surroundings and choosing the appropriate routes. Before you head out on your ride, take the time to plan your route and familiarize yourself with the roads and bike paths in your area. Knowing the best routes for commuting or exploring can help you avoid unnecessary hazards and ensure a smoother ride. In addition to route planning, maintaining a positive mindset is essential for success on the bicycle. It’s important to approach each ride with a sense of enthusiasm and curiosity, as this will make it easier to tackle any challenges that may arise. Remember, cycling is not just about reaching your destination – it’s also about enjoying the journey. Safety is another crucial aspect of mental focus. Always wear a helmet and make sure your bicycle is in good working condition. Regularly check and repair any issues with your bike through routine maintenance. By prioritizing safety and staying vigilant on the road, you can minimize the risk of accidents and focus on improving your riding skills. When it comes to equipment, having the right gear can make a big difference in your cycling experience. Invest in a comfortable saddle, wear appropriate clothing, and choose the right shoes for your riding style. By having the proper equipment, you’ll be able to ride longer and more comfortably, allowing you to focus on improving your skills. Lastly, don’t forget to take care of your mental well-being off the bike as well. Engage in activities that help reduce stress and improve your overall happiness. Whether it’s practicing yoga, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones, finding time for self-care is essential for maintaining a positive mindset and achieving success on and off the bicycle. Remember, improving your cycling skills isn’t just about physical ability – it’s also about mental focus and mindset. By being aware of your surroundings, prioritizing safety, and maintaining a positive attitude, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better cyclist. Training Plans and Schedules If you’re looking to improve your cycling skills, having a training plan or schedule can be a great way to stay organized and focused. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, following a structured plan can help you achieve your cycling goals. Here are some tips to help you create an effective training plan: 1. Set Clear Goals: Before starting your training plan, it’s important to define what you want to achieve. Whether it’s improving your commuting skills, becoming faster on your regular routes, or preparing for a long-distance ride, having clear goals will help you stay motivated throughout your training. 2. Find the Right Plan: There are plenty of training plans available online and in cycling books. Look for a plan that matches your skill level and goals. Make sure the plan includes a balanced mix of endurance rides, interval training, and rest days for recovery. 3. Include Maintenance and Repair Sessions: In addition to riding, it’s essential to allocate time for equipment maintenance and repair. Regularly check your bicycle for any worn-out parts, and learn basic maintenance tasks like cleaning and lubricating your chain. This will ensure that your bike is in optimal condition and minimize the chances of mechanical issues during your rides. 4. Plan Your Routes: To make the most of your training sessions, plan your routes in advance. Consider factors like distance, terrain, and traffic volume. Varying your routes will expose you to different challenges and improve your overall riding skills. 5. Don’t Forget Safety: While focusing on your training goals, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Always wear a helmet and use appropriate safety gear. Obey traffic rules and ride defensively to minimize the risk of accidents. Regularly check your bike’s brakes and lights to ensure they are in good working condition. Remember, consistency is key when following a training plan. Stick to your scheduled rides and build up gradually to avoid overtraining and injury. With proper training and dedication, you’ll be able to improve your cycling skills and reach your goals. Joining Cycling Communities and Races If you’re serious about improving your cycling skills, joining cycling communities and participating in races can be a great way to challenge yourself and connect with like-minded cyclists. These groups and events provide opportunities to learn from experienced riders, test your skills against others, and gain insights into the latest equipment and trends in the cycling world. Joining a cycling community group can offer a wealth of benefits. Firstly, you’ll have access to a network of experienced riders who can provide guidance and advice on how to improve your cycling skills. They can share valuable tips and tricks, recommend routes that suit your level of fitness and help you understand the best equipment for your needs. In addition to the practical advice and support, being part of a cycling community can significantly enhance your motivation and enjoyment of the sport. The shared passion for cycling and the camaraderie of riding with others who share your interest can provide a strong sense of belonging and inspiration to push yourself further. Participating in races is another way to elevate your cycling skills. Races challenge you to ride at your best, pushing your limits and encouraging you to refine your technique. Whether you’re interested in road cycling, mountain biking, or track cycling, there are races for every discipline and skill level. By participating in races, you’ll gain invaluable experience that can help improve your overall performance. Racing exposes you to varying terrains, which can help develop your skills in adapting to different conditions. It also gives you the opportunity to observe and learn from more experienced riders, allowing you to refine your racing strategies and tactics. Furthermore, races provide a platform to test your fitness and gauge your progress. Setting goals and working towards improving your times and rankings can be incredibly motivating, and it gives you a tangible measure of your growth as a cyclist. Remember, before joining races, it’s essential to ensure your equipment is in optimal condition. Regular maintenance and repair will help avoid any technical issues during the race, ensuring your safety and performance. Joining cycling communities and participating in races can be incredibly rewarding and exciting. So, take the time to find local groups and races in your area, familiarize yourself with the routes, and make sure to practice safety measures to enjoy a fulfilling cycling experience. Questions and answers: What are some basic tips for improving cycling skills? Some basic tips for improving cycling skills include practicing regularly, focusing on core strength and flexibility, learning proper bike handling techniques, and gradually increasing your speed and distance. How can I improve my balance and stability while cycling? To improve your balance and stability while cycling, you can try exercises such as single-leg stands, yoga poses like tree pose, and incorporating balance training tools like balance boards or wobble boards into your workout routine. What are some techniques for climbing hills more efficiently? Some techniques for climbing hills more efficiently include maintaining a steady cadence, shifting into an appropriate gear before reaching the hill, using your body weight to your advantage by leaning forward slightly, and focusing on your breathing to maintain a steady rhythm. How can I improve my cornering skills on a bike? To improve your cornering skills on a bike, you can practice leaning into turns, shifting your body weight towards the inside of the turn, looking ahead to anticipate the curve, and gradually increasing your speed and confidence with each practice session. What can I do to increase my speed while cycling? To increase your speed while cycling, you can work on improving your aerobic fitness through regular cardiovascular exercises like interval training and long rides. You can also focus on maintaining a smooth and efficient pedaling technique, reducing wind resistance by using an aerodynamic position, and gradually increasing your overall strength and power. What are the best tips for improving cycling skills? There are several tips that can help improve your cycling skills. First, make sure you have a proper bike fit to ensure a comfortable and efficient riding position. Second, focus on building your cardiovascular endurance through regular training rides. Third, practice proper pedal stroke technique to maximize power and efficiency. Fourth, work on your bike handling skills by practicing cornering, descending, and maneuvering through obstacles. Fifth, incorporate strength training exercises to improve your overall strength and power on the bike. Lastly, make sure to take rest days and listen to your body to avoid overtraining and prevent injuries. What is the importance of a proper bike fit? A proper bike fit is essential for improving your cycling skills. When your bike is properly fitted to your body, it allows for a comfortable and efficient riding position, which can enhance your power output and overall performance on the bike. A proper bike fit can also help prevent overuse injuries and discomfort that can result from an incorrect riding position. It is recommended to get a professional bike fit done to ensure that your bike is adjusted correctly to suit your individual body dimensions and riding style.
According to a study published in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications, passing gas may help you live longer and in a surprise twist, smelling the gas might prevent dementia. It is toxic in large doses but in tiny amounts it helps protect cells and fight illness, according to researchers at Exeter University. Hydrogen sulfide is among the potent smelly gases produced by bacteria as it breaks down food in the gut. Researchers found that when you pass wind, you are indirectly lowering your risk of cancer, heart attacks and strokes while the inhalation of the fart actually causes your brain to grow stronger and protects it from dementia. When cells become stressed by disease, they try to draw in enzymes to generate their own minute quantities of hydrogen sulfide. The chemical helps to preserve mitochondria, which drives energy production in blood vessel cells and regulate inflammation, and without it, the cell can switch off and die. Researchers have come up with a new compound named AP39 to assist the body in producing just the right amount of hydrogen sulfide it requires. They believe it will help prevent or reverse mitochondrial damage, a key strategy in treating conditions such as stroke, heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, dementia and ageing. Professor Matt Whiteman from University of Exeter’s medical school said: “When cells become stressed by disease, they draw in enzymes to generate minute quantities of hydrogen sulfide. “This keeps the mitochondria ticking over and allows cells to live. If this doesn’t happen, the cells die and lose the ability to regulate survival and control inflammation. “We have exploited this natural process by making a compound, called AP39, which slowly delivers very small amounts of this gas specifically to the mitochondria. “Our results indicate that if stressed cells are treated with AP39, mitochondria are protected and cells stay alive. ”Before it can be tested on humans, researchers have run disease models to see how effective AP39 is. Early results show that it can help up to 80 percent more mitochondria survive highly destructive conditions such as cardiovascular disease. Fellow researcher, Mark Wood added that “although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could in fact be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases.
By Holly Christman MLS, Reference Librarian When searching one of Grand Canyon University Library’s many fabulous databases, did you ever notice the small boxes labeled “AND” and wonder, “What am I supposed to do with those?” Those are Boolean Operators and they can be a very effective tool when doing your online research. By using Boolean Operators, you can change the way the database searches for information by telling it what kind of information you want included in your results. The Boolean operators are: AND, OR and NOT They work like this… For AND think: Straight and Narrow. “AND” is the operator that will narrow down your search. Have you ever put a keyword in a database and gotten back 30,000 results? Not anymore! You can whittle down those results using the AND operator. Example: You are writing a paper on childhood obesity and its link to diabetes. So you enter the following in your search: “childhood AND obesity AND diabetes” Now when you hit “search,” you will get articles that have all three keywords in the same article. For OR think: Give Me Some More! Have you ever done a database search and retrieved only three articles or maybe none? You will want to widen your search parameters to find more resources. In this case you would use the “OR” operator. Since we don’t know which word the author may have chosen in an article title, it is a good strategy to include synonyms of the concept into one search box, separated by OR. Example: You know that obesity also means to be overweight or to gain weight. In order to use all of the similar words, you would enter the following all in one search box: “obesity OR overweight OR weight gain” This way you will get all articles that talk about obesity, being overweight or weight gain. Using synonyms for your concepts as keywords will greatly expand your search results! That brings us to “NOT.” For NOT think: This NOT That. “NOT” is the operator that will exclude articles from you search results. For example, maybe you decide you want to focus on childhood and diabetes but not insulin for your paper. In this case your search would look something like this: “childhood AND diabetes NOT insulin” By using “NOT” you can get rid of any terms that may throw off your search results and ensure you only get back exactly what you need. Use this operator with rarely and with caution; you don’t want to accidentally remove more from your results than you intend. Often it is best to revise keyword selection in the search strategy rather than entirely removing keywords with the “NOT” operator. Remember these tips and you can save time and energy when doing you research! As always, if you have any questions about finding information in the library, just contact a librarian. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inflammatory Illnesses Rheumatoid arthritis falls into a class of inflammatory disorders where flare ups of inflammation can create damage to joints throughout the body. The pain from these flare ups can be debilitating, and the damage done to the joints can be quite severe when left untreated. The damage to these joints is caused by an autoimmune reaction. Autoimmune disease is a condition where the body’s own defenses inadvertently create harm to the body itself. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis antibodies can build up in the joint spaces and cause other immune cells to create an inflammatory reaction in the area. This is where people can feel the heat, swelling, and pain that is known to occur in flare ups. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis tend to have arthritic flare ups affect joints like the hands, toes, and neck. However, they are also more prone to wide spread pain in other regions not associated with arthritic breakdown. Why would pain exist in an area that is not associated with inflammation and destruction of the joint? Chronic Pain: Central Mechanisms Pain is an extremely complex phenomenon. We generally think of pain having a direct relationship to tissue damage. When we get a cut, sprain an ankle, or break a bone we expect that pain will occur because of the injury. Therefore it’s not surprising that the pain and destruction from a rheumatoid arthritis attack to be very painful. However, we also know that pain can occur long after an injury has healed, and even in the absence of injury whatsoever. This is what happens in patients with the widespread pain of fibromyalgia. People with fibromyalgia often have nothing to point to as a cause of their pain. It’s an enigma that makes chronic pain syndromes so frustrating because they have no test or image to prove why they feel so poorly. Many suspect that this widespread body pain may be from dysfunction at the level of the central nervous system. In normal circumstances, the brain has a few ways of controlling how much pain it will feel. This ensures that our bodies don’t overreact to normal everyday stimuli and interpret as painful. One mechanism is by pain inhibition. Pain inhibition involves the brain using it’s own pharmacy of pain killing chemicals to stop a pain signal from going up the spinal cord. Studies on patients with rheumatoid arthritis have shown that the brain’s ability to inhibit pain becomes compromised leading to an increase in pain with normal stimulation. Another way that the brain can modulate pain is through a concept known as the pain gate. The pain gate operates on the idea that pain has to hit a certain threshold for it to be consciously perceived in the brain. In this way, it allows the brain to ignore things that aren’t causing much damage or risk. In a perfect system, you would only feel pain when you have actually created injury or are under imminent threat of injury. However, this appears to be another mechanism that gets disrupted in chronic pain patients. When people have chronic pain, it probably means that the gate that is meant to block most of your pain is letting everything in. Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Break This System Down? The main treatment for inflammatory arthritis focuses on managing inflammation. Most patients with this type of arthritis will take a wide variety of anti-inflammatories that cover a wide spectrum. They include drugs that specifically target the inflammation associated with RA like Trexall, immune modifying biologics like Humira, and go all the way down to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen. In many of these cases, the inflammatory pain of arthritis is under control by these drugs, yet the widespread body pain persists. We don’t really know how or why these inflammatory disorders can lead to pain sensitization, but studying other acute pain conditions may give us some clues. Studies done on patients with acute pain from a traumatic injury and post-surgery pain issues. When someone suffers from the pain of a major injury, the neurons associated with the pain response start to fire more frequently to guard against the area of injury. This is only supposed to be a short term response to significant injury, but in some cases these changes become persist through a phenomenon known as plasticity. When these spinal cord neurons stay hypersensitive, it means that a person’s nervous system will become hypersensitive to the pain response. While inflammatory arthritis isn’t necessarily an injury in the classic terms, make no mistake that inflammation can create a significant amount of tissue damage when it goes unchecked. Making Your Nervous System Less Sensitive If the nervous system can be made more sensitive by persistent pain, can it work in the opposite direction? A lot of the research on pain has been focused on targeting these mechanisms which has lead to a higher usage of opioid medications. The obvious problem is that opioids are highly addictive and has become a major public health issue. There is a growing need for non-pharmacologic interventions to address these chronic pain issues, and fortunately there are some that can be really effective. In cases of chronic pain, the best approach is one that addresses a person from a mental and physical standpoint rather than chasing after a holy grail treatment. When you look at the pain gate theory image, you can see that the factors that impact your pain threshold include brain and spinal input which exercise and chiropractic adjustments can play a major role. Things like memories, emotions, expectations, and attention are all factors that can be changed with neuropsychological therapy. Out of that entire list, everything except your genes are modifiable factors. Our approach to chiropractic is focused on the head and neck, which has been shown in at least one study to improve long term outcomes in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome when combined with exercise and cognitive based therapy. You can read more about that in a previous article below: Fibromyalgia and the Atlas At the end of the day, there is no cures for rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia yet. There may not be cures for years to come. However, many people with these illnesses can see their quality of life improve by addressing some of the neurological consequences of the disease. Real Patient Testimonials I can’t say enough how much my life has changed under Dr. Chung’s care. After 10 years of chronic pain and being dismissed by my neurologist, I came to Dr. C. He was caring, and really listened. After only 2 visits, I have already had a tremendous reduction in my pain! I feel like a new person. I can't say how much Dr Jonathan Chung has given me back a full quality of life. Migraines was my daily focus, brought my on by a minor car accident few years before. I thought I was going to live with pain medications for the rest of my life. After seeing 2 neurologist prior I was convinced that was my life. But I never stop searching for holistic approaches which led me to Keystone Chiropractic. Thank you. Dr.Chung has been a huge part of my journey to getting back to how I was before my dizziness and vestibular issues. Under his care I am now better than how I was before and I am able to live a normal life again. He is passionate about his patients and he’s such a great person. I’m so happy he’s my doctor! His staff is amazing as well!
Are you tired of spending hours studying and still forgetting the information the next day? Well, you’re not alone! Many of us struggle with remembering what we learn, which can be frustrating and discouraging. But don’t worry, because in this article, we’re going to share some valuable tips on how to learn faster without forgetting. Learning is a lifelong process, and the more effective we are at retaining information, the more successful we can be in our personal and professional lives. In this fast-paced world, where knowledge is constantly evolving, it’s essential to have the skills to learn efficiently and remember what we learn in the long term. In this article, we’ll explore various strategies and techniques that can help you improve your learning skills and retain information better. So, if you’re ready to enhance your learning abilities and boost your memory, keep reading to discover all the secrets of learning faster without forgetting. The Importance of Efficient Learning Efficient learning is a valuable skill that can benefit individuals and society in various ways. Learning faster allows you to acquire knowledge and skills more quickly, enabling you to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. In today’s competitive job market, being able to learn efficiently can give you a significant advantage over others. Additionally, efficient learning can lead to improved academic performance, helping students excel in their studies. Moreover, by learning faster, you can enhance your personal growth and contribute more effectively to society. Understanding the Learning Process To learn efficiently, it is essential to understand the different stages of the learning process. The first stage is the acquisition of information or knowledge, followed by the retention of that knowledge. The third stage is the ability to recall and apply the knowledge when needed. Each stage is interconnected and plays a crucial role in the overall learning process. Several factors can affect learning speed. Firstly, motivation and interest in the subject play a significant role in how quickly you can absorb information. When you are genuinely interested in a topic, you tend to be more engaged and focused, leading to faster learning. Secondly, prior knowledge and existing skills in a particular area can expedite the learning process. Finally, external factors such as distractions, stress, and fatigue can hinder learning and slow down the pace of acquiring new information. Effective Learning Strategies To learn faster without forgetting, it is crucial to employ effective learning strategies. These strategies can help you organize and prioritize study materials, enhance memory retention, improve focus and concentration, and optimize the learning experience. One effective strategy is organizing and prioritizing study materials. By breaking down complex information into smaller, manageable chunks, you can improve comprehension and retention. Creating outlines, mind maps, or flashcards can be helpful techniques for organizing and prioritizing information. Additionally, identifying the most important concepts and focusing on them can ensure efficient learning. Another useful strategy is using mnemonic devices to aid memory retention. Mnemonics are memory aids that use various techniques, such as acronyms, visual imagery, or rhymes. These devices can help you remember information more easily and recall it when needed. Utilizing spaced repetition techniques can also enhance learning efficiency. Spaced repetition involves reviewing information at intervals over time, rather than cramming it all at once. This technique takes advantage of the spacing effect, which suggests that spaced out learning leads to improved long-term retention. Improving Focus and Concentration Maintaining focus and concentration is essential for efficient learning. Eliminating distractions is a crucial step in achieving this. Find a quiet environment, free from noise and interruptions, where you can fully concentrate on your studies. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, and create a dedicated study space that is free from distractions. Implementing time management techniques can also improve focus and concentration. Breaking your study sessions into smaller, manageable chunks with regular breaks can help prevent fatigue and increase productivity. Additionally, using techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you study for a set period and then take short breaks, can help you maintain focus and avoid burnout. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can further enhance your ability to concentrate and learn efficiently. Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. Regular mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, can improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive abilities. Optimizing Memory Retention Memory retention is crucial for learning faster without forgetting. Several strategies can help optimize memory retention. Creating meaningful connections and associations between new information and existing knowledge can enhance memory retrieval. For example, linking new vocabulary words with familiar concepts or using real-life examples can make the information more relatable and memorable. Regular exercise can also strengthen memory and improve cognitive function. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new brain cells and enhancing memory retention. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, such as brisk walking, cycling, or yoga, can have a positive impact on your ability to learn and remember. Developing effective note-taking strategies can also aid in memory retention. Taking concise, organized notes during lectures or while studying can help reinforce concepts and serve as a reference for later review. Utilize techniques such as making bullet points, highlighting key ideas, or summarizing information to create meaningful and memorable notes. Harnessing the Power of Visualization Visualization is a powerful tool for enhancing learning. Visual imagery can make abstract concepts more tangible and easier to understand. When learning new information, try to create mental images or visualizations that represent the concepts or ideas. This technique can help you recall information more effectively and improve comprehension. Creating mental maps and diagrams can also aid in learning and memory retention. For subjects that involve relationships or connections, such as history or biology, drawing diagrams or concept maps can help you visualize the relationships between different elements. This visual representation can make complex information more manageable and facilitate learning. Utilizing mind-mapping techniques can further enhance your learning experience. Mind maps are graphical representations of ideas and concepts, utilizing keywords, colors, and branches to organize information. They allow you to see connections between different ideas and aid in both understanding and long-term retention. Enhancing Learning through Active Learning Active learning involves engaging with the material through hands-on activities, discussion, and real-world applications. This approach promotes deeper learning and understanding compared to passive learning, where information is simply absorbed without active involvement. Participating in group discussions and debates can be an effective way to enhance learning. Engaging in intellectual discussions with peers allows you to exchange perspectives, challenge ideas, and deepen your understanding of the subject matter. This collaborative learning environment can foster critical thinking skills and improve retention. Applying knowledge to real-world situations is another crucial aspect of active learning. By using what you have learned in practical scenarios, you reinforce your understanding and develop problem-solving skills. Seek out opportunities to apply your knowledge in real-life situations, such as internships, volunteer work, or projects. This hands-on approach will enhance your learning experience and ensure the retention of information. Utilizing Technology for Faster Learning Technology has revolutionized the learning landscape, providing ample opportunities for efficient learning. E-learning platforms and online courses offer flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience. Explore reputable online platforms that offer courses relevant to your interests or professional development goals. Educational apps and software can also be valuable tools for faster learning. These apps often provide interactive content, quizzes, and games that make learning engaging and enjoyable. Many educational apps cover various subjects and offer personalized learning experiences tailored to your needs and progress. Digital flashcards and interactive quizzes are effective tools for enhancing memory retention and reinforcing learning. Online platforms and mobile apps offer a wide range of flashcards and quizzes that cover diverse subjects. Incorporating these tools into your study routine can help you review and retain information effectively. Building a Supportive Learning Environment Creating a supportive learning environment is crucial for efficient learning. Seek guidance from teachers, mentors, or experts in the field. Their expertise and feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and provide valuable insights. Additionally, joining study groups or peer networks allows you to collaborate, exchange ideas, and learn from others. Creating a conducive learning space is also essential. Find a quiet and comfortable area where you can study without distractions. Ensure that your study space is well-organized, with all necessary materials readily available. Personalize the space to make it inviting and inspiring, such as adding motivational quotes or artwork. Learning faster without forgetting is a valuable skill that can benefit individuals in numerous ways. By employing effective learning strategies, improving focus and concentration, optimizing memory retention, harnessing the power of visualization, engaging in active learning, utilizing technology, and building a supportive learning environment, you can enhance learning efficiency and advance your personal and professional growth. Remember, efficient learning is a lifelong journey. Practice and prioritize continuous learning to stay curious, adaptable, and successful in an ever-changing world. With the right strategies and mindset, you can learn faster, retain knowledge longer, and achieve your goals with confidence.
Have you ever wondered what color grading is and how it differs from color correction? Color grading in video production has become increasingly important over the years, making big impacts on everything from feature films to television commercials. It’s a critically important step that allows videographers and cinematographers to take their footage to the next level – creating stunning visuals that can be used to tell powerful stories without compromising accuracy or clarity. In this blog post, we will discuss exactly what color grading is, how it differs from color correction, as well as some tips for getting started with your own color grade. Forget about having generic-looking videos; now you can get creative with colors once you understand the basics of color grading! What is Color Grading?Color grading in video production is an essential post-production process that enhances the visual appeal of a video. It involves altering and enhancing the colors in your footage to create a certain aesthetic or mood. This could range from subtle adjustments that make the colors more vivid to dramatic changes that completely transform the look and feel of a scene. Think about the stark, desaturated colors in a dystopian film, or the warm, vibrant hues in a summer rom-com. These effects are achieved through color grading. Not only does this process help in setting the tone and mood of the story, but it also ensures consistency across different shots and scenes. So, whether you're trying to create a dreamy flashback sequence or a high-contrast action scene, color grading gives you the tools to make your vision come to life on screen. Color Grading vs. Color Correction? Color Correction: This is the first step in the post-production process. Color correction involves adjusting the exposure, white balance, ISO noise, and contrast of each individual clip to achieve a natural, realistic look. The goal here is to ensure that all the shots in a scene match one another and that there are no jarring visual inconsistencies. It's about fixing issues like a shot being too dark, too light, or having an unwanted color tint. Essentially, color correction is about making your footage look as it should have when it was filmed. Color Grading: After the color correction process, we move onto color grading. This is where creatives can truly express their artistry. Color grading involves adding filters and adjusting the shades of the footage to create a certain mood or aesthetic. This could mean making a scene look warmer or cooler, desaturating colors for a bleak look, or enhancing certain colors to make a scene pop. While color correction is about achieving a natural, balanced look, color grading is more about stylizing your footage to enhance the storytelling. The Interplay Between Color Correction and Color Grading While color correction ensures consistency and balance, color grading allows for creative interpretation, enhancing the narrative and emotive power of the footage. They work together to create visually compelling content The process of color grading in the video production workflow Color grading is a crucial step in the video production workflow that can completely transform the look and feel of a film or TV show. It involves adjusting the colors, contrast, and saturation of individual shots or entire scenes to create a cohesive visual style that matches the director's vision. Color grading can also help to enhance the mood, tone, and atmosphere of a story, heightening emotions and adding depth to character development. Skilled colorists use a range of tools and techniques to achieve the desired look, from software-based grading systems to traditional film processing methods. Whether you're working on a blockbuster movie or a low-budget indie project, color grading is a vital part of the post-production process that can elevate your video to the next level. Color Grading Example? In the example you provided, the footage was shot in s-log 3, which gives the image a flat, dull look. The first step in the process was to color correct the footage to bring back the color and vibrancy. This was done by applying an s-log3 to Rec.709 LUT, which helps to restore the natural colors in the image. Once the color correction was done, the team was able to move on to color grading, where they could experiment and get creative with the specific look they wanted to achieve for their project. How to match colors between shots Matching colors between shots is a crucial aspect of video editing. It ensures continuity and creates a cohesive visual story. To begin, it's important to establish a color palette for your project. This will help you determine which colors work well together and which ones clash. Next, use color correction tools to eliminate any inconsistencies in lighting and exposure. Adjust the saturation and hue of each shot until they match. Don't forget to also consider factors such as skin tone and environmental lighting. With a little effort and attention to detail, you can seamlessly match colors between shots in your video project, creating a truly polished final product. Tips and tricks for adjusting colors effectively Colors play a vital role in creating stunning visuals that can captivate your audience and convey emotions effectively. However, sometimes the colors in your images or videos may not be as vibrant or striking as you want them to be. This is where adjusting colors comes into play. By knowing the right tips and tricks, you can easily bring more life to your visuals and create a more appealing final product. For instance, you can try playing around with the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue settings until you achieve the desired effect. You can also use tools like color match and selective color adjustment to enhance specific areas of your visuals. With the right techniques, you can take your colors to the next level and create visuals that stand out from the rest. Using creative techniques in color grading to make a unique cinematic look Color grading in cinema is an art form all its own. It's all about taking raw footage and bringing it to life by enhancing the colors and achieving a desired style. With creative techniques at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. For example, you can make a scene look vintage by adding a yellow or brown tint or push it towards a futuristic look with a blue color cast. A skilled colorist can also use highlights and shadows to make the image pop. It's not just a matter of making everything look pretty; the color palette can also affect the mood and emotions of the viewer. By using these creative color grading techniques, you can truly transform a movie into a unique cinematic experience that sticks with the audience long after the credits roll. Overall, color correction and color grading are important tools in the video and film production process, and when used together, they can help create a cohesive and visually appealing final product.
The Deadly Truth About Occupational Hazards What are occupational hazards? Occupational hazards can include exposure to toxins and hazardous equipment. These hazards can lead to serious health problems, including death. What are the health risks of occupational hazards? Occupational hazards can lead to serious health problems, including death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), occupational fatalities accounted for more than two-thirds of all work-related deaths in 2016. Of these fatalities, nearly half (47 percent) were due to injuries sustained on the job. Occupational hazards can also lead to long-term health problems, including cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed disease in the United States, and it is the leading cause of death from cancer. In 2016, nearly 1.6 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed, and approximately 585,000 people died from this disease. Occupational hazards can also cause disabilities. For example, exposure to toxic chemicals can lead to respiratory problems, and working in a hot environment can cause heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. Occupational hazards can also cause financial hardship. For example, workers who are injured on the job may not be able to return to their previous occupation, and those who develop a chronic illness may be unable to work at all. Occupational hazards can also cause psychological distress. For example, long hours of work may lead to feelings of isolation and boredom, and exposure to hazardous materials can trigger anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What are the legal protections available to workers suffering from occupational hazards? There are a number of legal protections available to workers who have been injured or who have lost a loved one as a result of an occupational hazard. These protections can include suing the employer for negligence, filing a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and receiving workers’ compensation benefits. When an employer is negligent, injured workers may be able to collect money for damages, such as lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Employees whofile a complaint with OSHA may receive a variety of benefits, such as protection from reprisal, information about workplace safety risks, and assistance in filing a lawsuit. Workers’ Compensation programs in most states provide financial assistance to workers who have been injured on the job. There are a number of things that workers can do to protect themselves from occupational hazards. They can report any hazards they see to their employer, take safety precautions when working with hazardous materials or equipment, and know their rights under the law. What can workers do to prevent the health risks associated with occupational hazards? It is important for workers to be aware of the potential health risks associated with their occupations. By being proactive, they can take steps to protect themselves from these dangers. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: -Be aware of the signs and symptoms of occupational hazards. -Report any injuries or illnesses that you think may be related to your work. -Take precautions to avoid exposure to hazardous materials and equipment. -Stay informed about workplace safety regulations. By following these simple tips, workers can minimize their risk of injury or illness. The dangers of occupational hazards are real, and workers should be careful to avoid them. 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He came from the Hungarian branch of the Habsburgs. His grandfather was Archduke Joseph, whose name was included in the April 1848 laws for his efforts enhancing prosperity in Hungary. He was born in Alcsút in 1872 and died in Rain, Germany, in 1962. Like his grandfather, he served the Hungarian nation in important positions, primarily between 1919 and 1944. In the Great War, he commanded the 31st Division and soon after, from October 25, 1914, the 7th Corps. On November 1, 1914, he was promoted to the matching rank, and became a cavalry general. The 7th Corps fought heavy battles in the Carpathians in the winter of 1914-15. From May 1915 on, the corps was deployed on the Italian front with an intermittently changing composition. Two of the corps’ famous divisions were the 20th Honvéd Infantry Division and the 17th K.u.K. Division. They were essentially continuously part of the Corps and defended the most dangerous section of the Italian front, the Karst Plateau.This front section, in Hungarian parlance, “Doberdo”, has become an essential phrase in Hungary with its trying conditions and, unfortunately, also because of the huge blood losses suffered by the troops fighting here. I believe that the personal presence and excellent command qualities of Archduke Joseph ensured that the 7th Corps was able to stand on this difficult front. Archduke Joseph’s judgment is not equally favorable. Italian colleagues dealing with the Great War will remember that on 29 June 1916, he ordered a devastating gas attack on the Doberdo causing terrible, embarrassing deaths of thousands of Italian soldiers. The gas attack only partially achieved its goal. It destroyed the Italians who had lined up for a major attack, but could not open the way for the Austro-Hungarian units who were about to take their positions. The Italian support artillery line was not reached by the gas cloud. And yet in August, the planned major Italian attack succeeded in capturing the bridgehead of Görz. On August 17, 1917, he was awarded the Middle Cross of the Military Maria-Theresia Order for his merits in the Battles of Isonzo. In 1918, he became commander of the 6th Army. His troops were successful in the second battle of Piave, which otherwise ended in disastrous defeat. His army has achieved the stated task of occupying the ridge of Mount Montello. From there, he had to retreat when a general retreat was ordered, subjected to constant Italian attacks in difficult circumstances. In 1927, he was awarded the Officer’s Gold Medal of Valor for this orderly retreat. After the failed offensive, the commander-in-chief removed the former chief of staff, Conrad, from his position. He entrusted Archduke Joseph with the command of the Conrad Army Group, which defended the Tyrolean wing of the Italian front. He was unable to succeed in the new position. The troops of the Monarchy, on the brink of dissolution, could not resist the great Italian offensive of autumn 1918. The front collapsed, and the emperor had to ask for armistice the military leaders of the Entente. Archduke Joseph subsequently played an important role in Hungarian domestic politics, but this is another story. His wartime memoires are an important source for researchers of the Great War events.
The Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail passes through farms and fields, climbs steps and stiles and follows high cliff paths and old, sunken trackways. Each section has a story to tell, and archaeology can help to unravel some of these tales. From the Path, ‘lumps and bumps’ in the ground surface are often seen – many of these are archaeological sites, revealing traces of people’s lives in the past. The most obvious of these are the Iron Age forts which line the coastal fringe. These date back around 2,000 years, and were built by communities who wanted both to defend their territories and to display their wealth, power and status. The forts were made of earth and stone, formed into huge banks and ditches encircling natural promontories which jut out into the sea. The massive earth banks may have been topped with timber barricades, and faced with stone – they would have been formidable places and clear landscape markers. Over the centuries, some of the earth banks have slumped into the ditches and have been taken over by grasses and wildflowers, giving the sites a gentler, more tranquil look. Overall, the National Trail passes through nearly sixty of these Iron Age forts. Some of the most spectacular are Greenala, near Stackpole, and Porth y Rhaw, near Solva. Here the banks tower over the walker’s head, giving some impression of the scale of the forts when they were built. In many other places the archaeological remains are more subtle. At St Brides and at West Angle, for example, coastal erosion is revealing burial grounds dating back to the Early Christian period, between around 400 and 1000AD. At Newport, the National Trail passes by the remains of an earthwork known as ‘The Old Castle’. This is probably 200 years older than Newport’s Medieval castle, but few walkers stop to look at it. The physical remains of the past can be seen all along the National Trail, sometimes dating back into prehistory and sometimes only a few years old. Fighting, farming and building; industry, religion and daily life have all left their traces. Discover more about the Pembrokeshire Coast Path Walk the Path on Google Street View You can view the Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail on Google Street View. Dogs on the Coast Path Information on walking with your dog responsibly on the Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail. North to south or south to north? Most of the guides, are written as if one is walking from St Dogmael's to Amroth. The stiles and gates have numbers on with number one being near Pen ... Beaches and Tides The highest tides cover parts of the Coast Path for an hour or so. It is a long extra walk to go around these. It is best to just wait until the water... Maintaining the Coast Path In maintaining the Coast Path, the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority aims to balance the quality of the walking the experience with the safe... Wildlife along the Path The cliffs, headlands, coastal slopes, heaths and dune grasslands through which the Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail passes, support some of th... History along the Path When you walk along the Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail you are not just walking through a geographical landscape, you’re also taking a jour... Geology on the Path The Pembrokeshire Coast displays a greater variety of rocks and scenery than any equivalent area in Britain with over 250 miles of exposures.
Coronary artery disease (CAD; also atherosclerotic heart disease) is the end result of the accumulation of atheromatous plaques within the walls of the coronary arteries that supply the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) with oxygen and nutrients. It is sometimes also called coronary heart disease (CHD). Although CAD is the most common cause of CHD, it is not the only one. CAD is the leading cause of death worldwide. While the symptoms and signs of coronary artery disease are noted in the advanced state of disease, most individuals with coronary artery disease show no evidence of disease for decades as the disease progresses before the first onset of symptoms, often a "sudden" heart attack, finally arises. After decades of progression, some of these atheromatous plaques may rupture and (along with the activation of the blood clotting system) start limiting blood flow to the heart muscle. The disease is the most common cause of sudden death, and is also the most common reason for death of men and women over 20 years of age. According to present trends in the United States, half of healthy 40-year-old males will develop CAD in the future, and one in three healthy 40-year-old women. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Northern Ireland is the country with the most occurrences of CAD. By contrast, the Maasai of Africa have almost no heart disease. As the degree of coronary artery disease progresses, there may be near-complete obstruction of the lumen of the coronary artery, severely restricting the flow of oxygen-carrying blood to the myocardium. Individuals with this degree of coronary artery disease typically have suffered from one or more myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), and may have signs and symptoms of chronic coronary ischemia, including symptoms of angina at rest and flash pulmonary edema. A distinction should be made between myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction. Ischemia means that the amount of blood supplied to the tissue is inadequate to supply the needs of the tissue. When the myocardium becomes ischemic, it does not function optimally. When large areas of the myocardium becomes ischemic, there can be impairment in the relaxation and contraction of the myocardium. If the blood flow to the tissue is improved, myocardial ischemia can be reversed. Infarction means that the tissue has undergone irreversible death due to lack of sufficient oxygen-rich blood. An individual may develop a rupture of an atheromatous plaque at any stage of the spectrum of coronary artery disease. The acute rupture of a plaque may lead to an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).
WPA/WPA2-Personal (PSK) stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access with a Pre-Shared Key, and was developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to address the security weaknesses associated with WEP security. WPA/WPA2-Personal (PSK) is a standards-based security technique where each packet of information is encrypted with a different code, or key. Since the key is constantly changing, WPA/WPA2 is very secure. The encryption key is generated automatically from a string of characters called the pass phrase or from the use of a Pre-Shared Key (PSK). Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an interim standard adopted by the Wi-Fi Alliance to provide more secure encryption and data integrity while the IEEE 802.11i standard was being ratified. WPA supports authentication through a Pre-Shared Key (known as WPA Personal), a new encryption algorithm known as the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). WPA2 is a certification available through the Wi-Fi Alliance that certifies wireless equipment as being compatible with the 802.11i standard. The goal of the WPA2 certification is to support all the mandatory security features of the 802.11i standard. All clients must use the same Pre-Shared Key (PSK) to connect to a network encrypted with WPA. The PSK can be any word or phrase from 8 to 63 characters. Watch out for upper- and lowercase differences ("n" is different than "N"). Remember, the easiest way to break your security is for someone to guess your PSK.
Nowadays, pollution is a major environmental and health concern, but did you realise that it is also very harmful to your skin? Your skin is the biggest organ in the body, and it is susceptible to environmental stress and damage that you may not even be aware of. Air Pollution is an invisible enemy, so how do you defend your skin against the harmful assaults, it must deal with on a daily basis? Pollution wreaks havoc on your skin, let’s look at the how’s and why’s. Air pollution is a mixture of natural and man-made substances in the air we breathe. Air Pollution consist of; Fine particles produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum used in energy production Ground level ozone, which is a highly reactive form of oxygen. At ground level, ozone is a harmful air pollutant and a primary constituent of urban smog. Ozone is produced when air pollutants from vehicle emissions and manufacturing operations interact with sunlight Noxious gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and chemical vapours Government regulations has resulted in decreased emissions over the past few decades, but the air surrounding us is still far from pristine. All forms of pollution cause free-radical damage to skin. Air pollutants damage the skin by inducing oxidative stress. When pollution comes into contact with your skin, it doesn’t just sit on the surface, tiny sized particles which can be 20 times smaller than pores, infiltrate deeper layers of the epidermis, causing not only inflammation and dehydration but also a cellular-level reaction that leads to lost elasticity and firmness. Pollution breaks down collagen and the lipid layer in the skin, which impairs the skins barrier functions. In short pollution is one of the main causes of; Dilated pores and appearance of blackheads or pimples. This happens when dirt and excel oil production cased by pollution builds up and blocks your pores resulting in break outs and uneven skin tone. Premature skin aging. This is because air pollution causes free radicals to attack and damage parts of your skin such as collagen and elastin which are the building blocks of youthful, resilient skin. When they break down that the signs of aging can occur. Other physical signs of aging that can be triggered by pollution are fine lines, wrinkles, even hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Skin dehydration and dryness. This is due to the tiny size particles infiltrating deep layers of the epidermis. Skin conditions such as acne & Eczema – This happens when small airborne pollutants get stuck in pores, causing acne-like breakouts This does sound rather worrying but fear not as there are ways you can protect your skin against the effects of Pollution and reverse the damage its already caused. How to protect your skin from pollution the natural way We know the best way to aide your skin is the natural way as nature has given us everything that we need to renew, protect and care for our skin. Protect your skin from the sun. Applying sun cream daily is essential. Not only are UV rays harmful to the skin, but they also heighten the effects of pollutants. So, make sure to apply sunscreen every day, come rain or shine. Drink Plenty of water. This will keep your skin hydrated. Remove your makeup. Cleanse or wash your skin morning and night. By doing this you are removing dirt and pollutants which have built up and are sitting on the surface of your skin, by removing them stops them penetrating your skin any further. Moisturise your skin morning and night. Start off with a serum then a cream, try using natural skincare products that are packed full of antioxidants. Moisturising will re balance your skins moisture level and will reinforce your skins protective barrier. Eat foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats. Not only are they delicious but they are good for you and your skin. Blueberries, garlic, almonds, eggplant, broccoli, avocado, whole grains, oily fish and eggs help restore the skin’s hydrolipidic film and promote healthy tissues. Exfoliate your skin. We Know this is the most essential aspect of your skin care regime. Exfoliating removes dirt, debris, oil, pollutants and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and deep into the pores. Leaving skin smoothed and without the crevices dead skin cells create, polluting particles have nowhere to hide. We recommend exfoliating with a deep cleansing, anti-aging exfoliator such as our award winning all-natural Sublime Enzyme Exfoliate and Resurface Mask. Our face mask works effectively and gently on your skin. It is suitable for all skin types and works well for those suffering with dry & problematic skin. It will leave your skin feeling refreshed and with a radiant glowing complexion.
The United States is the third largest country in the world in terms of total land area, behind only Russia and Canada. Hawaii and the massive state of Alaska are included in this assessment, of course. If the contiguous 48 states alone represented the whole U.S. territory, the nation would drop to the world’s fifth-largest country as China and Brazil would surpass it. The distances across the U.S. vary widely depending on the chosen measuring points. Here are the distances across the nation taken from a few different significant locations. Despite its ironic “West” name, the easternmost point in the contiguous 48 states is West Quoddy Head, Maine. The distance from West Quoddy Head along the parallel to the Pacific coast in Washington State is 2,742 miles, representing the furthest east-to-west distance in the lower 48 states. The driving distance is about 3,600 miles if you remain on U.S. roads. You could shave about 300 miles off the drive by traveling through both the U.S. and Canada. The shortest distance from coast to coast in the contiguous United States is over 650 miles less than that. The fewest miles between the coasts are measured from a point twelve miles south of San Diego, California in the west to a point ten miles south of Brunswick, Georgia in the east. There are 2,089 miles between those points. The driving distance would be around 2,400 miles. The furthest distance between two points not measured along a parallel in the lower 48 states is from West Quoddy Head in Maine and Point Arena, California. Those points are separated by 2,892 miles. The distances across the United States jump significantly when the 49th and 50th states are included. West Quoddy Head is 4,831 miles from Cape Wrangell, Alaska, the westernmost point in Alaska and the United States as a whole. Kure Atoll, the northernmost atoll of the Hawaiian archipelago, is 5,797 miles from West Quoddy Head. The furthest distance between two points in the 50 states is the distance between Log Point, Elliot Key, Florida and Kure Atoll. Those locations are separated by 5,859 miles. The United States has sovereign territories that are not included in the 50 states. When these territories are included in the calculations, the distances between the furthest points jump even higher. East Point, St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands is the easternmost point of any U.S. territory. The distance from that location to Cape Wrangell, Alaska is 6,501 miles. Orote Point in Guam is the most western point of any U.S. territory. It is situated 7,747 miles from West Quoddy Head, Maine. And finally, the absolute longest distance between any two points on U.S. sovereign soil is the distance between East Point, St. Croix and Orote Point, Guam. They are separated by 9,514 miles. That is the same as three and a half continental United States laid end to end! Alaska is about 2,700 miles wide, easily making it the longest state measuring west to east. It’s also the biggest state north to south and any other way it can be measured. If Alaska was a sovereign nation, it would be the 18th largest country in the world. Speaking of Alaska, it is the westernmost state in the United States as noted earlier. However, technically speaking, it is also the easternmost state. How is this possible? Semisopochnoi Island in Alaska crosses the 180º Meridian into the eastern hemisphere. So, longitudinally speaking, Alaska is both the westernmost and easternmost state in the U.S. This is really just useful for trivia, though. For almost all practical purposes, West Quoddy Head is still the most-eastern point in the 50 states and East Point, St. Croix is still the easternmost of all U.S. territory. Source: AZ Animals
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Population Health Management Population health management focuses on improving the health outcomes of a defined group of individuals. It involves proactive strategies to identify health risks, prevent diseases, and enhance the overall well-being of the population. Big data analytics, on the other hand, refers to the process of examining large and complex datasets to reveal patterns, trends, and associations. Understanding Big Data Analytics Before delving into the role of big data analytics in population health management, it is crucial to understand the core concepts and techniques involved. Big data analytics encompasses a range of methods, such as data mining, machine learning, and predictive modeling, to extract actionable insights from vast datasets. Importance of Population Health Management Population health management is essential for addressing the growing healthcare challenges faced by communities worldwide. By focusing on preventive care, early intervention, and coordinated healthcare delivery, population health management aims to improve health outcomes while reducing costs. Applications of Big Data Analytics in Population Health Management Predictive Analytics for Disease Prevention Predictive analytics utilizes historical data and statistical models to forecast future health events. In population health management, predictive analytics can help identify individuals at high risk of developing chronic conditions or diseases. By leveraging this knowledge, healthcare providers can intervene early, implement preventive measures, and improve patient outcomes. Real-Time Monitoring and Surveillance Real-time monitoring and surveillance leverage big data analytics to track and monitor health indicators in real-time. By collecting and analyzing data from wearable devices, electronic health records, and other sources, healthcare professionals can gain insights into population health trends, detect outbreaks, and respond promptly to public health emergencies. Identifying High-Risk Populations Big data analytics enables the identification of high-risk populations by analyzing demographic, clinical, and social determinants of health. This information helps healthcare organizations target interventions and allocate resources effectively to individuals who are more likely to benefit from proactive interventions. Enhancing Treatment Outcomes Data-driven insights derived from big data analytics empower healthcare providers to personalize treatment plans and interventions. By considering individual characteristics, treatment histories, and genetic profiles, clinicians can optimize care pathways and improve treatment outcomes for patients. Challenges in Implementing Big Data Analytics in Population Health Management While big data analytics holds tremendous potential, its implementation in population health management is not without challenges. Some of the key hurdles include: Data Privacy and Security The vast amount of sensitive health data involved in big data analytics necessitates robust privacy and security measures. Safeguarding patient confidentiality and complying with regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is paramount. Data Quality and Integration Integrating data from disparate sources and ensuring its quality and accuracy pose significant challenges. Incomplete or inconsistent data can hinder the generation of reliable insights, necessitating effective data governance and standardization protocols. Healthcare systems often employ different technologies and data formats, leading to interoperability issues. Seamless data exchange and interoperability standards are crucial for the successful implementation of big data analytics in population health management. Healthcare Provider Resistance Adopting big data analytics requires a cultural shift within healthcare organizations. Resistance to change, lack of data literacy among healthcare professionals, and concerns about job displacement can impede the integration of analytics-driven approaches. Best Practices for Successful Implementation To overcome the challenges associated with implementing big data analytics in population health management, organizations can follow these best practices: Establishing Data Governance Robust data governance frameworks help ensure data integrity, privacy, and security. Establishing clear policies, procedures, and accountability mechanisms enables organizations to harness the power of data analytics responsibly. Ensuring Data Privacy and Security Healthcare organizations must invest in advanced security measures to protect sensitive patient data. Encryption, access controls, and regular security audits are vital to maintaining data privacy and preventing unauthorized access. Investing in Data Infrastructure Developing a scalable and secure data infrastructure is critical for handling large volumes of healthcare data. Cloud computing, data warehouses, and advanced analytics platforms provide the necessary foundation for efficient data processing and analysis. Training and Education for Healthcare Professionals Equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary data analytics skills is crucial for successful implementation. Training programs and continuing education initiatives can help bridge the gap between clinical expertise and data-driven decision-making. The Future of Big Data Analytics in Population Health Management The future of big data analytics in population health management looks promising. Advancements in technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning will further enhance the capabilities of analytics in predicting disease outcomes, identifying population health trends, and delivering personalized healthcare interventions. The integration of data from diverse sources, including social determinants of health, will provide a more holistic understanding of population health and enable targeted interventions to address health disparities. As healthcare systems continue to adopt electronic health records and wearable devices become more prevalent, the availability of real-time data will increase exponentially. This wealth of data will fuel innovation in population health management, enabling proactive interventions, early detection of diseases, and improved patient outcomes. Furthermore, the use of big data analytics in precision medicine will revolutionize healthcare delivery. By analyzing genetic and genomic data, healthcare providers can develop personalized treatment plans tailored to an individual’s unique genetic profile, enhancing treatment efficacy and minimizing adverse effects. However, as big data analytics continues to evolve, it is crucial to address ethical considerations and privacy concerns. Striking the right balance between data utilization and protecting patient privacy will be a key challenge in the future. In conclusion, big data analytics plays a pivotal role in population health management by providing actionable insights to improve health outcomes and enhance healthcare delivery. By leveraging the power of analytics, healthcare organizations can proactively address health risks, personalize treatments, and optimize resource allocation. Despite the challenges, the future holds tremendous potential for leveraging big data analytics to transform population health management and create a healthier future for communities worldwide. Big data analytics has the potential to revolutionize population health management by providing valuable insights into health trends, risk identification, and treatment optimization. By leveraging the power of data, healthcare organizations can make proactive decisions, deliver personalized care, and improve patient outcomes. However, challenges such as data privacy, quality, interoperability, and provider resistance must be addressed for successful implementation. With advancements in technology and a focus on ethical considerations, big data analytics will continue to shape the future of population health management, creating a healthier and more resilient society.
By Graeme Innes and Allison Orr The history of Australia over the last 200 years is one of immigration, the story of millions of people leaving their homes to build a new life in another part of the world. Through waves of immigration over 200 years, Australia has evolved into a successful, modern multicultural democracy. Australia also has a strong record of welcoming refugees. The Second World War and the holocaust gave rise to an international awareness of the need to provide asylum for those fleeing war, persecution and torture, and Australia accepted around 10,000 people fleeing Nazi Germany between the mid-1930s and the early 1940s. After the Second World War, tens of thousands of people flooded out of Europe. In 1947 the USAT General Stuart Heintzelman arrived in Fremantle carrying 843 displaced persons from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It was the first of almost 150 voyages by 40 ships bringing refugees from the war in Europe to be resettled in Australia . In response to the massive movements of people after this devastating war, the General Assembly of the United Nations convened a conference to draft a convention relating to refugees. Australia was one of 26 countries represented at this conference, and in 1954 was one of the first countries to sign the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (hereafter referred to as the Refugee Convention) . Since then, Australia has resettled around 750,000 refugees. Today, Australia is one of nine nations who, along with the United States, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Denmark and the Netherlands, resettle the bulk of UNHCR refugees annually, and our ongoing commitment to this global resettlement program is something we should be proud of. Given this record, what can we make of the central place that fear and even hysteria of asylum seekers on boats now occupies in our political life? How has a country that is built on immigration, is a signatory to most international human rights instruments, and shows a continued commitment to the UNHCR resettlement program become so preoccupied by the spectre of boats of desperate people off our coast? Since the Tampa incident in 2001, the issue of maritime asylum seekers has been a constant theme in our political life, and at the front-and-centre at every Australian Federal election. Human rights advocate Julian Burnside has described the 2013 Federal election as the only time in our history when both major political parties have courted political favour by promising to be cruel to a particular group of people . Given that around 200,000 people come to Australia every year as migrants, why have the few thousand who arrive by boat become the focus of such political venom? In this report, we try to comprehend this phenomenon, by looking back over the recent history of this issue in Australian political life, critiquing current policy and looking for ways we can move this issue forward. This report is not an examination of immigration policy, nor will it cover the minutiae of immigration and human rights law. There is a very large and rigorous body of literature on these subjects. There is also a lot of work being done on better and more sustainable policy responses to this issue, and we do not intend to duplicate this work. Rather, we intend to get closer to an understanding of the role this issue continues to play in our body politic. We believe the story of boat arrivals in Australia can be understood by looking at how politicians have primarily used this issue to portray their leadership credentials, and have consequently developed policies with an eye on short-term political gain. The issue has been so emphatically and persuasively framed in these terms that arguments about the moral case and our obligations under the Refugee Convention have failed to connect with the Australian people. We argue that it’s time for a new conversation on this issue, one that can connect more broadly. While politicians are likely to see it as being in their self-interest to keep this as a wedge issue, we argue that it is in the self-interest of the Australian people to move beyond this ad hoc short-term thinking. All the measures in our current suite of policies on maritime asylum seekers are either ineffective, hugely costly, or problematic long term. It is in our interests to change this bad policy response. In the absence of political leadership, we call on members of the Australian community, from all sectors, to make a stand on this issue and demand a policy response that is sustainable and effective in the long-term. Thank you to Jon Kudelka for his permission to use his cartoon
At the University of Oxford, Foster studies circadian rhythms — the internal 24-hour clocks that govern when we sleep, and that are partially regulated by exposure to light. According to his recent research, abnormal circadian rhythms are likely related to mental illness. Foster and his colleagues have found that patients with a range of afflictions — from schizophrenia to bipolar disorder — show severely disrupted sleep cycles. The work may have implications for diagnosing mental illness; certain sleep patterns may help pinpoint a disorder. The work could also eventually lead to new treatments for mental illness through tweaking sleep patterns with light therapy.
- National Anthem which should express the deepest aspiration of the nation. - National Flag should be recommended after long and accurate research. - Set ups a system of belief and relay it through all possible means of communication to a large number of Assyrians as possible. - Preservation of some worthwhile national traditions. - As a nation, we need literature, talented writers and poets, teachers, social workers…etc. - Combine your resources to enable you to fulfill your aims. - Begin with a Constitution and a group of leaders to implement it. - Constitution is an instrument by which settles and peaceful procedures may govern the political life of the nation. - Leaders must be men and women of great ability and charm Some immediate possibilities: There is a possibility that at least with two countries, i.e. Canada and Australia, negotiations maybe attempted for immigration of some Assyrians, a mixture of skilled and unskilled, favorable terms maybe concluded. These two countries are progressing rapidly and their requirements for immigration are within reach. Our people can contribute a lot to the economy of these countries. Passage assistance may be asked for and possibly be granted. After lengthy preparations and well timed, the possibility of approaching the Offices of the United Nations. Under the Human rights these may be just a slight chance of some help for Assyrian minority and refugees.
The Swiss have a 26% prevalence of hypertension in their general population with 50% hypertension in those more than 60 years old. The medical community in this country is seeking a strategy to reduce salt to prevent hypertension. The article (1) to be discussed in this post presents the reasoning behind their strategy. Countries To Successfully Reduce Salt Intake There are 6 countries that have reported positive results from reducing the sodium in their population's diet. These countries have not let the disputes that we have discussed in the past few posts hold them back. Finland was the first of these countries and started its program in the 1970s. It has been able to reduce its prevalence of cardiovascular disease and stroke by 60%, as we've discussed in this post. Since then other countries to reduce salt intake include Great Britain, France, Ireland, Japan, and the most recent is Portugal. These countries also have reported improvements in health. Great Britain between 2003 and 2011 reduced the average intake in their population by 1.4 grams of salt per day. This reduced the average blood pressure and the number of cardiovascular events in their population. However, as with most other countries that reduce salt intake, Great Britain also reduced the amount of smoking and cholesterol, and increased the potassium intake in the population. This makes it difficult to figure out how much each of these factors contributed to the improvement. Switzerland has already assessed their population's salt intake and prevalence of hypertension. The Swiss found a mean salt intake of 10.6 g/day in men and 7.8 g/day in women. The prevalence of hypertension is 32.3% in men and 19.1% in women. They started a program with many of the same approaches used by other national programs. The Swiss authorities began to encourage voluntary salt reduction by the food producers. They began improvement in labeling of food products. And they started several research projects to test the feasibility of lowering the salt content in some basic food products. The goals that Switzerland is considering come from publications that we have discussed in many of our posts, such as Intersalt and TOHP. Because of the disputes in the literature, such as the U-curve sodium-mortality association and the determination of salt sensitivity, they also have concerns about some of the details of their strategy. Concerns About Sodium Reduction One of the major concerns was the effect that a reduction of salt will have on children. They were seeking the correct reduction that will not be harmful. They were aware that the salt level in a child's food tends to define the level consumed as an adult. The Swiss also questioned the amount of reduction that should occur in, and the effect on, pregnant women, fetuses, and the newborn children. There may be a need for a higher level of consumption in these groups. They also questioned whether the strategy should be used on the general population or just the high risk population. They had concern about the risks of the low salt diet, and the effect of salt sensitivity. They pointed out that there is no definitive evidence that high risk patients are improved by a low salt diet. We feel that this is an area they should be concerned about. These high risk patients are the least likely to be improved by a low salt intake. If the patients already have end-organ damage, a low salt diet may not improve their condition. The end-organ damage results in reduced function because the functional cells are replaced by non-functional scar tissue. A low-salt diet will not regenerate normally functioning cells, and it will not replace these areas of scar tissue with normally functioning cells. It could lead to increased mortality in some subgroups of ill patients. For example, it could lead to too little blood volume to adequately fill the heart in hypertensive heart failure patients. However these patients should be under the care of a physician. The effect of the sodium in the patient's diet should be monitored and adjusted according to its effect. The Swiss are also concerned that there may be a difference in salt sensitivity in people. A different approach may be needed based on salt sensitivity. The salt sensitive people may be the ones that would benefit the most from less salt. Salt sensitivity is still an area of discussion in the medical community. It is not certain whether there are groups who have a separate salt sensitivity that differs qualitatively. Some studies indicate that genetic differences may indicate a Gaussian distribution of salt sensitivity rather than a bimodal distribution. But if salt sensitivity has a Gaussian distribution, those at the high end of the spectrum could still be considered salt sensitive, and would still have greater gains from a salt restricted diet. The Swiss Plan At Present Overall the Swiss are taking a cautious approach. Their plan is to reduce salt consumption below 8 g/day within 4 years and below 5 g/day in the long-term. They are also going to try to monitor salt consumption in their country, and increase the information available to physicians and patients on the risks of the high salt diet. They intend to improve the labeling of their food products and also convince the food industry to progressively reduce salt content in their products. 1. Salt, blood pressure and cardiovascular risk: what is the most adequate preventive strategy? A Swiss perspective. Burnier M, Wuerzner G, Bochud M. Front Physiol. 2015 Aug 13;6:227. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2015.00227. eCollection 2015.
The coast between Discovery Bay and Portland is a unique and important area of Victoria. It has an interesting and rich array of sea life amongst the reefs and rocks, from kelp, sponges and microscopic organisms to Australian fur seals, little penguins, and blue whales. Bays and estuaries in this region are home to sheltered seagrass and sandflat habitats, and ecologically significant wetlands. Sediment beds and seagrass habitats support a range of marine organisms including important recreational and commercial fish species. They also contribute to nutrient cycling and water quality in marine ecosystems, help regulate climate and atmospheric conditions, control erosion, and provide opportunities for recreation, education, and research. The constant pounding of the cold, wild waters of the Southern Ocean and the Bonney Upwelling increase primary productivity and have a major influence on marine habitats and the diversity of species found there. Cold, nutrient-rich water sucked up to the surface by offshore winds and currents during spring-summer, encouraging the growth of microscopic plants and animals, which in turn provide a feast for fish and other animals. Discovery Bay, along with its dune and dune lake system, encompasses intertidal, nearshore, and deep reef habitats. Calcarenite reefs are covered with thick growths of sponges, ascidians, bryozoans, and gorgonians (soft corals), while basaltic reefs in the area are covered by red algae and large kelps that are a home for a range of marine organisms. The waters of Discovery Bay are home to Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) and abalone populations, and are known for visitation by Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). Around Cape Nelson, a coastal mallee scrub habitat unique to the region is dominated by the coast or Soap Mallee (Eucalyptus diversifolia diversifolia). There are also important subtidal reef ecosystems offshore at Cape Nelson. The waters surrounding the volcanic Lawrence Rocks at Portland support spectacular kelp forests, fish and other marine organisms and attract divers from across the state. The rocks are the highest offshore point of a largely submerged volcanic caldera beneath Nelson Bay. Lawrence Rocks is home to the largest colony of gannets in Australia, as well as breeding colonies of other seabirds. Species that use the area include the Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor), Fairy Prion (Pachyptila turtur), and Common Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides urinatrix). Bridgewater Bay contains sandflats and eelgrass (Heterozostera species) that are important habitats for many species of fish, crustaceans (including the listed Southern Hooded Shrimp, Athanopsis australis) and other marine animals. Bridgewater Bay is one of only two mainland Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) colonies. A small number of New Zealand fur seals are also reported to come ashore here. Marine Protected Areas - Discovery Bay Marine National Park Portland Bay and Deen Maar The area around Portland Bay and Deen Maar is constantly exposed to the pounding waves of the Southern Ocean. Portland Bay offers sheltered habitat where seagrass beds can flourish, while Deen Maar has diverse seaweed habitats including beds of Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum). Portland Bay contains the most extensive known beds of Sea Nymph (Amphibolis antarctica) seagrass on the open coast in Victoria. The highly productive seagrass ecosystem supports a diverse invertebrate community and is a nursery ground for juvenile fish such as King George Whiting (Sillaginodes punctata), and occasionally snapper and shark. The site is also one of the very few locations where the rare brown algae Cystophora cymodocea occurs, growing attached to the seagrass. Low- and high-profile rocky reefs here are habitats for a range of reef species. Deen Maar is a site of national geological and geomorphological importance. Bathymetry surveys around Deen Maar Island identified unique deep reef and pinnacle habitat, increasing its ecological importance in terms of uniqueness and as an ecological unit. The sharply sloping reefs of the southern and eastern sides of the island are covered by a dense kelp canopy, a habitat for other marine life, while at the northern end the island drops into a sandy seabed. The subtidal area around Deen Maar is some of the most spectacular underwater environments in Victoria. The island is a wildlife reserve. Deen Maar is home to one of Victoria’s two largest Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) breeding colonies, a rookery for the Common Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides urinatrix), and a breeding habitat for many species of birds including the White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) and Fairy Prion (Pachyptila turtur). The island is also a Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) feeding area and may serve as a breeding area for these endangered sharks. The adjoining mainland and wetlands are home to many wildlife species, including the endangered Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster). About 20 of the parrots have been discovered in the Deen Maar Indigenous Protected Area, representing around 15 per cent of all the parrots surviving in Australia. For most people, the attraction of the Port Campbell and Peterborough region is the 50 kilometres of vertical cliffs, steep gorges and photogenic offshore islands seen from the Great Ocean Road. But to explore the area from the sea is a very different experience. The cliffs soar into the sky, screeching seabirds fly high above and the waves seethe around you. Huge arches, like those at Mutton Bird Island near Loch Ard Gorge, are big enough for a boat to go through. Everybody knows the image – surging waves, golden cliffs, and the crumbling pillars of the Twelve Apostles. The sea is seldom calm; waves pound in from the Southern Ocean every 10 to 16 seconds. But the wild and powerful Southern Ocean also shrouds a remarkable underwater seascape– a labyrinth of towering canyons, caves, arches and walls. These features are festooned with colourful seaweed and sponge ‘gardens’, resident schools of reef fish such as sweep gliding above, and the occasional visit by an Australian fur seal. From Moonlight Head to Milanesia Beach, and Lion Headland to Slippery Point, the coast is characterised by outcrops and landslips. The outcropping rocks are Otway Group sediments of two main types: channel sandstone, or floodplain and overbank spill deposits. This section of coast is one of the most active cliff sections in Australia. Moonlight Head, Lion Headland and Dinosaur Cove have been identified as important sites for their unique character and the occurrence of fossils. Moonlight Head is a vertical and in places overhanging cliff that is 50m high and one of the best vertical exposures of Otway Group sediments along the entire coast. Dinosaur Cove is a site of significant discoveries of dinosaur fossils. Known as the Shipwreck Coast, the coastline in this area has cliffs up to 60 m high and offshore rock formations exposed to high wave energy. Spectacular rock formations continue to erode and break away with time. Popular examples of rock formations are at The Grotto, London Bridge, The Arches, Loch Ard Gorge and the Twelve Apostles. There are few beaches, due to the lack of sand in the eroding cliffs, and the beaches that are present are generally narrow. Sites with beach access include Port Campbell, Childers Cove and Loch Ard Gorge. From the cliffs you can see the thick brown fronds of Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum), swirling in the ocean swell. Beds of kelp (large brown seaweed) sway as far as the eye can see. Lobster, abalone and sea-urchins are common under the kelp canopy. Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) forms mini-forests at some locations, reaching the surface from 10 metres in depth. Away from the coast, the seafloor is mainly low rocky reef, with extensive areas of sand and shell rubble. The offshore reefs (30 – 60m depth) are known to support ‘sponge gardens’, the best examples lying offshore from Moonlight Head. In these gardens, colourful and varied sponges, sea quirts and sea moss shelter many smaller animals including sea-spiders, beautiful sea slugs, a diverse range of shells, and sea stars. Some of the most unique underwater scenery in the world can be found around Port Campbell. The powerful swell of the Southern Ocean has created awesome subtidal canyons, arches, cliffs and walls lined with a diversity of invertebrate life. The invertebrates found here are characteristic of deeper Bass Strait waters and include a range of sponges, bryozoans, gorgonians (soft corals), hydroids and an abundance of colourful sea stars. Fur seals can sometimes be seen enjoying this playground, plunging through the tunnels and in and out of the arches. The coastal areas around Port Campbell contain some of the largest and most important areas of native vegetation remaining between Portland and the Otways, including estuarine swamp sedgeland, cliff top grassland and shrubland, sand dune shrubland, heathland, open forest, riparian open forest, dune-swale community, swamp communities, eucalyptus low woodland, low heath, coastal heath, dune complex, and wetlands. Mutton Bird Island, near Loch Ard Gorge, is a nesting place for Short-tailed Shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostris). Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) feed in the park area and nest in caves near the Twelve Apostles. Marine Protected Areas - Twelve Apostles Marine National Park - The Arches Marine Sanctuary The Cape Otway coast is a place worth exploring with its dunes and complex reef systems that house an exquisitely diverse range of marine creatures. From feather stars hidden in rocky shores, to zebra fish darting around submerged reefs, to humpback whales that can be seen from the point, this marine area is sure to amaze. The Cape Otway coast includes dune limestone and younger dune sands overlying Mesozoic and Tertiary rock, with a sandy dune-backed alluvial basin where the Aire, Calder and Ford rivers meet. The habitats and species in the waters around Cape Otway are subject to high swells and moderate wind exposure and are influenced by the waters of both Bass Strait and the Southern Ocean. Along the rocky shores, anemones, brittle stars, feather stars, abalone, bryozoans, crabs, seastars and a wide variety of shells can be found among the seaweeds and algae. Cape Otway supports a very rich community of invertebrates. More than 108 species have been identified in the area. Cape Otway has an extensive and highly complex intertidal reef system that offers a variety of physical habitats for a very diverse range of species. The major marine habitats are intertidal and subtidal reef. These intertidal reefs are full of rockpools, gutters and ledges that hide a variety of sea snails, from large abalone to tiny periwinkles. Many filter-feeding animals such as tubeworms, barnacles, and bryozoans (sea moss or lace corals) trap floating food brought by the waves. Reefs below the surface are covered with beds of bull kelp that host red and brown algae and a wealth of invertebrate life, including soft corals and sponges. Canopies of Neptune’s Necklace (Hormosira banksii) and other brown algae are a habitat for red and coralline algae, and invertebrates such as abalone, rock lobster and sea urchins. Marengo Reef Marine Sanctuary protects the only offshore exposed reef between Cape Otway and Cape Schanck. The permanently submerged reefs support sea-urchins, Green Warreners (Lunella undulata), sea tulips, elephant snails, tulip shells and Blacklip Abalone (Haliotis rubra). Many kinds of wrasse, schools of Zebra Fish (Girella zebra) and Spiny Globefish (Diodon nicthemerus) swim among the kelp fronds. Other reef fish here include Herring Cale (Olisthops cyanomelas), Horseshoe Leatherjacket (Meuschenia hippocrepis), Victorian Scalyfin (Parma victoriae), Magpie Morwong (Pseudogoniistius nigripes), Old Wives (Enoplosus armatus), Bigscale Bullseye (Pempheris multiradiata), Toothbrush Leatherjacket (Acanthaluteres vittiger), Sea Sweep (Scorpis aequipinnis), Bastard Trumpeter (Latridopsis forsteri) and Silver Sweep (Scorpis lineolata). Shorebirds using the area include Crested Terns (Thalasseus bergii), Black-faced Cormorants (Phalacrocorax fuscescens) and Pacific Gulls (Larus pacificus). Among other species recorded are the Australasian Gannet (Morus serrator), Fairy Tern (Sternula nereis), Great Egret (Ardea alba), Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax varius) and the Shy Albatross (Thalassarche cauta). Hayley Point and Mounts Bay are important nesting sites for Hooded Plovers (Thinornis rubricollis). Marine mammals recorded in the area include the Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus), Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina), Subantarctic Fur Seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis), Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) and Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis). Hayley Point is a non-breeding haul-out site for Australian fur seals, with the seals inhabiting a small group of near shore rocks. Fur seals also use Henty Island within Marengo Reef Marine Sanctuary. Marine Protected Areas - Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary
Water channels and a heating system estimated to be 1,800 years old have been found during archaeological excavations in Amida Mound, in the Sur district of Diyarbakır. Amida Mound was home to many civilisations including the Hurri-Mitannis (also known as the ancestors of the Kurds), as well as the Urartians, Persians, Romans, Umayyads, Abbasids, Marwanids, Seljuks and Artukids. Head of the Excavation Committee, Prof. Dr. İrfan Yıldız, said that Amida Höyük was the heart of both Amed and Mesopotamia. He said that there are channels through which the hot water in the bath flowed. “They distributed hot water directly to the spaces through channels”, he said. “We can call this method the heating system of that period. It is the oldest heating system ever detected in the region”. Excavation work continues in the area with a permanent team of volunteers.
You can Download Chapter 9 Financial Statement Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Accountancy Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Karnataka 1st PUC Accountancy Question Bank Chapter 9 Financial Statement 1st PUC Financial Statement Two Marks Questions and Answers What do you mean by financial statements? The statements which explains the financial position of the concern for a particular period. Called financial statements. Why do you prepare final accounts? For knowing exact financial position and financial result of the concern, final accounts to be prepared. What is trading account? Trading a/c is a financial statement prepared for the purpose of finding out trading result or a gross profit or loss of a business concern for a particular period. What is profit and loss a/c? It is a financial statement prepared at the period end for knowing business result, i.e., profit or loss. It is a nominal a/c contain all indirect expenses loss and indirect income and profit. What is balance sheet? Balance sheet is prepared for the purpose of knowing financial position of a business in a given period. It contains assets and liabilities of a business. Mention the statements prepared under final accounts. The Financial statements prepared under final accounts are : - Trading account - Profit and Loss a/c - Profit and loss appropriation a/c - Balance sheet Arrange the following assets in the balance sheet of a sole trading concern in the order of permanence. - Closing stock Where do you show the following in the balance sheet of a sole trading concern. (a) Bills payable (b) Plant and machinery (a) Bills payable = Balance sheet liability side (b) Plant and machinery = Balance sheet assets side. Name any four current assets. Name any four fixed assets. Mention any four items appeared in trading account debit side. The items appeared in trading a/c debit side are : - Freight charges - Factory expenses What is Net profit? Net profit is the surplus remaining after meeting all indirect expenses out of gross profit. Differentiate profit and loss a/c and balance sheet. |1. It is a summary of ledger balance |1. It is a summary of assets and liabilities |2. It contain all balance |2. It contain only real and personal a/c What is profit and loss appropriation a/c? The financial statement prepared at the period and to show now the profit of a company appropriat or the internal profit of the company allocation called ‘profit and loss appropriation’ account. Write the object of balance sheet preparation. Balance sheet is prepared for the purpose of knowing financial position of a business concern. Who is debtor? The person who purchase goods from business on credit it called debtor. Mention four types of assets. - Tangible assets - Intangible assets - Fixed assets - Current assets What is bad debts? If the debtors not able or agree to pay their debts that protion treated as bad debts. Write the meaning of gross profit. It is a positive trading result. The excess of sales and closing stock over purchases, direct expenses and opening stock called gross profit. What is direct expenses? The expenses which directly involved in production called direct expenses. All direct expensses are recorded in trading a/c debit side. What is Indirect expenses? The expenses which is not directly involved in production but relating to the business called indirect expenses. There expenses are recorded in profit and loss a/c debit side. What is Final Accounts? Final accounts is the process of preparation of finanicial statements at the end of the year. Differentiate trial balance and balance sheet. |Profit and loss a/c |1. It is a nominal a/c |1. It is a real and personal a/c |2. It is prepared to know the business result (profit / loss) |2. It is prepared to know the financial position. |3. It contains all expenses and income |3. It contains assets and liabilities. 1st PUC Financial Statement Six Marks Questions and Answers What are the objectives of preparing financial statements? The following are the objectives of preparing financial statements: 1. To ascertain profit earned or loss incurred by a business during an accounting period. This is estimated by preparing Trading and Profit and Loss Account. 2. To ascertain the true financial position of a business. This is reflected by the Balance sheet. 3. To enable comparison of current year’s performance with that of the previous year’s, i. e., intra-firm comparisons. Also, to compare own performance with that of the other firms in the same industry, i.e., inter-firm comparisons. 4. To assess the solvency and credit worthiness of the business 5. To provide various provisions and reserves to meet unforeseen future conditions and to toughen the financial position of the business 6. To provide vital information to facilitate various users of accounting information in decision making process. [Any two] What is the purpose of preparing trading and profit and loss account? The purposes of preparing Trading Account are: a. To calculate gross profit earned or gross loss incurred during an accounting period b. To estimate the cost of goods sold c. To record direct expenses (i.e., expenses incurred on the purchases and manufacturing of goods) d. To measure the adequacy and reasonability of direct expenses incurred by comparing purchases with direct expenses incurred e. To compare the realized efficiency and performance with the desired or proposed targets f. To calculate net profit or net loss g. To ascertain net profit ratio and to compare this year’s net profit ratio with that of the desired and proposed target in order to assess the efficiency and effectiveness h. To measure the adequacy and reasonability of indirect expenses incurred by ascertaining ratio between indirect expenses and net profit i. To compare current year’s actual performance with desired and planned performance j. To provide various provisions and reserves to meet unforeseen future conditions and to toughen the financial position of the business. [Any two] Explain the concept of cost of goods sold. Cost of goods sold (COGS) is the cost of merchandise that is sold to the customers. It includes cost of raw materials purchased, direct expenses incurred, value of opening stock, i.e., the value of the last years unsold stock and excludes closing stock if any, i.e., the value of current year’s unsold stock or stock in need. The formula to calculate COGS is: Cost of Goods Sold = Opening Stock + Purchases + Direct Expenses – Closing Stock What is a balance sheet? What are its characteristics? Balance sheet is a statement prepared to ascertain values of assets and liabilities of a business on a particular date. It is called Balance sheet as it contains balances of real and personal accounts, which are not closed on a particular date. Characteristics of Balance Sheet It is a statement of assets and liabilities. The total of Assets side must be equal to Liabilities sides. It is prepared at a particular date. It helps in ascertaining the financial position of the business. State whether the following statements are items of capital or revenue expenditure: a. Expenditure incurred on repairs and w hite washing at the time of purchase of an old building in order to make it usable. b. Expenditure incurred to provide one more exit in cinema hall is compliance with a government order. c. Registration fees paid at the time of purchase of a building d. Expenditure incurred in the maintenance of a tea garden which will produce tea after four years. e. Depreciation charged on a plant. f. The expenditure incurred in erecting a platform on which a machine will be fixed. g. Advertising expenditure, the benefits of which will last for four years. a. Capital expenditure b. Revenue expenditure c. Capital expenditure d. Capital expenditure e. Revenue expenditure f. Capital expenditure g. Deferred Revenue expenditure Distinguish between capital and revenue expenditure Following points of distinction between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure are worth noting: a. Capital expenditure increases earning capacity of business where as revenue expenditure is incurred to maintain the earning capacity. b. Capital expenditure is incurred to acquire fixed assets for operation of business where as revenue expenditure is incurred on day-to-day conduct of business. c. Revenue expenditure is generally recurring expenditure and capital expenditure is nonrecurring by nature. d. Capital expenditure benefits more than one accounting year where as revenue expenditure normally benefits one accounting year. e. Capital expenditure (subject to depreciation) is recorded in balance sheet whereas revenue expenditure (subject to adjustment for outstanding and prepaid amount) is transferred to trading and profit and loss account. What is an operating profit? Operating profit is a profit earned through normal activities of a business. It is the excess of gross profit over operating expenses. In other words, it is the excess of operating revenue over operating cost. It is also termed as earnings before interest and tax (EBTI). It does not include incomes and expenses that are not related to main course of the business. It is calculated by following formulae: Operating Profit = Gross Profit – Operating Expenses Operating Profit = Sales – Operating cost Operating Profit = Sales – COGS – Operating Expenses Operating expenses include office and administrative expenses, selling and distribution Expenses, discount, bad debts, etc. 1st PUC Financial Statement Long Answers What are financial statements? What information do they provide? Every business firm wants to know its financial position at the end of an accounting period. In order to assess its financial position, profit earned or loss incurred during an accounting period, the book value of its assets and liabilities is to be ascertained. In order to serve this purpose, financial statements are prepared. Financial statements are the statements showing profitability and financial position of a business at the end of the year. It includes: Income statements: Trading and profit and loss account, which represents direct and indirect expenses, incurred to generate revenues. On one hand, trading account discloses either gross profit or gross loss; on the other hand, profit and loss account discloses either net profit or net loss. Statement of financial position: Balance Sheet, which enlists the book value of all the assets and liabilities of the firm. Balance sheet discloses the true financial position, solvency and credit worthiness of the business. What are closing entries? Give four examples of closing entries. The balances of all nominal accounts are transferred to the Trading and Profit and Loss Account. The entries required for such transfers are termed as closing entries. The examples of closing entries are given below. Closing entries to transfer the following items to the debit side of trading account form Trail Balance: Closing entries to transfer the following items to the credit side of trading account from Trial Balance: Closing entries to transfer the following items to the debit side of Profit and Loss Account from Trial Balance: Closing entries to transfer the following items to the credit side of Profit and Loss Account from Trial Balance: Discuss the need of preparing a balance sheet. The need to prepare a Balance Sheet are given below. a. It helps in determining the nature and book value of various assets, such as fixed assets, investments, current assets, etc. at the end of an accounting period. b. It helps in ascertaining the nature and amount of various liabilities like long term liabilities, current liabilities, provisions, etc., which a business owes. c. It discloses important information about capital invested in a business. The additional capital invested during the accounting period, drawings of the owners and profit (or loss) added to (or deducted from) the capital of the business. d. It helps I assessing the solvency of a business. e. It discloses the true financial position of a business at a particular point of time. f. It lays down the basis for maintaining new books for next accounting period. What is meant by Grouping and Marshalling of assets and liabilities? Explain the ways in which a balance sheet may be marshalled. The rationale behind preparing financial statements is to present a summarized version of all financial activities in such a manner that all users can interpret and understand the information easily, appropriately and also take decisions accordingly Grouping of assets and liabilities: Grouping means showing similar assets and liabilities under a single head. For example, all assets that can be used for more than a year are clubbed together under the heading ‘fixed assets’, to example, building, furniture, machinery, etc. Marshalling of asset and liabilities: When assets and liabilities are shown in a particular order of liquidity or permanence, they are said to be marshalled. In order to liquidity: Liquidity means convertibility into cash. Assets that can be converted into cash in least possible time, i.e., more liquid assets are recorded first, followed by the lesser liquid assets. In a balance sheet, cash in hand is recorded at first and goodwill at last. In the same way, liabilities that are to be paid first, i.e., high priority liabilities are recorded first, followed by the lower priority ones. In a balance sheet, current liabilities are recorded first and then the li9ng term liabilities and capital at the last. Balance Sheet of ……………………….. as on …………………….. In order of permanence: It is just reverse of the above method. In this assets and liabilities are arranged in their reducing level of permanence. The assets with higher degree of permanence are recorded first, followed by the assets with lower degree of permanence. For example: goodwill, land and building have the highest degree of permanence and hence are recorded at the top, whereas, cash at bank and cash in hand are recorded at the bottom. In the same way, liabilities are shown according to their life in the business. Liabilities with higher level of permanence like, capital is recorded at the top and other liabilities with lower permanence are recorded at the bottom. Balance sheet of ………………………….. as on …………………………… Following is the proforma of a balance sheet in the order of permanence : Balance sheet as on or as at ……………………. Meaning, characteristic, need and structure of the balance sheet: The balance sheet is a statement of assets and liabilities of a business enterprise and shows the financial position at a given date informations contained in a balance sheet is true only on that date. The balance sheet is a part of the final account. But it is not an account, it is only a statement. In a balance sheet the totals of assets and liabilities are always equal. It portrays the accounting equation. A balance sheet has to be prepared to know the financial position of the business, and the nature and values of its assets and liabilities. All the accounts which have not been closed till the preparation of the profit and loss account are shown in the balance sheet. Assets and liabilities shown in the balance sheet are marshalled in order of liquidity or in order of permanence. 1st PUC Financial Statement Numerical Questions From the following balances taken from the books of Simmi and Vimmi Ltd. For the year ending March 31,2003, calculate the gross profit. From the following balance extracted from the books ofM/s Ahuja and Nanda. Calculate the amount of: (a) Cost of goods available for sale (b) Cost of goods sold during the year (c) Gross Profit (a) Cost of goods available for sale = Opening stock + Net purchases + Wages Net Purchases = Credit purchase + cash purchase – purchase return Net purchase = 7,50,000 + 3,00,000 – 10,000 Cost of goods available for sale = 25,000 + 10,40,000 + 1,00,000 (b) Cost of goods sold during year = Net sales – Gross profit = Opening stock + Net purchase + D.E – Closing stock. = 25,000 + 10,40,000 + 1,00,000 – 30,000 Calculate the amount of gross profit and operating profit on the basis of the following balances extracted from the books of M/s Rajiv & Sons for the year ended March 31, 2005. Operating Profit = Net profit + Non operating expenses – Non operating incomes. Operating profit = Sales – (opening stock + Net purchases + D.E + Indirect expenses) + closing stock. = 11,00,000 – (50,000+6,00,000+60,000+45,000+65,000)4-70,000 = 11,00,000-8,20,000+70,000 =3,50,000 Operating profit earned by M/s Arora & Sachdeva in 2005-06 was ₹ 17,00,000. Its . non-operating incomes were ₹ 1,50,000 and non-operating expenses were ₹ 3,75,000. Calculate amount of net profit earned by the firm. Operating profit = 17,00,000 Non-operating incomes = 1,50,000 Non-operating expenses = 3,75,000 Net profit = ? Net profit = operating profit + Non-operating incomes – Non-operating expenses Net profit = 14,75,000 The following are the extracts from the trial balance of M/s Bhola and Sons as on March 31,2005. Closing stock as on date was valued at ₹ 3,00,000. You are required to record the necessary journal entries and show how the above items will appear in the trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet of M/s Bhola & Sons. Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account and Balance sheet as on March 31,2005: Closing stock as on March 31, 2005 ₹ 22,400 The following trial balance is extracted from the books of M/s Ram on March 31,2005. You are required to prepare trading and profit and loss account and the balance sheet as on date: The following is the trial balance of Manju Chawla on March 31,2006. You are required to prepare trading and profit and loss account and a balance sheet as on date: Closing Stock ₹ 2,000 The following is the trial balance of Mr. Deepak as on March 31,2005. You are required to prepare trading account. Profit and loss account and a balance sheet as on date : Closing Stock ₹35,000 Prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet from the following particulars as on March 31,2005. From the following trial balance of Mr. A. Lai, prepare trading, profit and loss account and balance as on March 31,2005 prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet of M/s Royal Traders from the following balances branches as on March 31,2005 Prepare trading and profit and loss account from the following particulars of M/s Neema Traders as on March Traders as on March 31,2005. From the following balances of M/s Nilu Sarees as on March 31,2005. Prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet as on date. Closing stock on March 31,2005 ₹ 22,000 Prepare trading and profit and loss account of M/s Sports Equipments for the year ended March 31,2006 and balance sheet as on that date:
What’s Johnny Doing? Please form a circle for a sing songy story thing. This is a very structured story that is more like spoken word than it is sung. The warm up challenges the players listening and remembering skills. It can also be used to encourage a bit of mime. Since there is no way to convey rhythm or meter easily we will just show the structure. Each action should be accompanied with a mime action as well. - First player “Here comes Leslie walkin down the street.” while miming walking on the spot. - All players “Here comes Leslie walkin down the street.” All mimicking the first player’s walk. - First player, questioning the next player, “what’s Leslie doin?” - Second player responds, “Leslie’s skipping to a beat” while miming the skipping. - All players “Here comes Leslie walkin down the street. Skippin to a beat.” Carrying out the associated mime actions. - Second player questioning next player, “what’s Leslie doin?” - Third player responds, “Leslie’s jugglin a frog” with the appropriate mime action. - All players “Here comes Leslie walkin down the street. Skippin to a beat. Jugglin a frog.” Carrying out the associated mime actions for each action. This continues until all the players in the circle have contributed. Yes Leslie’ actions become harder and harder to remember. The players can use the mime actions to help cue the next activity for Leslie. Mime objects and mime actions do not make things harder. Mime actions and objects are great memory tools. The leader can complicate the warm up by speeding things up, requiring each activity to rhyme, insist on zany unrelated mime actions. The highest level of complication is having the players use cross circle instead of just going around the circle - Zany activities and/or zany mime. - Information appreciated.
September 27, 2023 In physics, chaos is something unpredictable. A butterfly flapping its wings somewhere in Guatemala might seem insignificant, but those flits and flutters might be the ultimate cause of a hurricane over the Indian Ocean. The butterfly effect captures what it means for something to behave chaotically: Two very similar starting points—a butterfly that either flaps its wings or doesn’t—could lead to two drastically different results, like a hurricane or calm winds. But there's also a tamer, more subtle form of chaos in which similar starting points don’t cause drastically different results—at least not right away. This tamer chaos, known as ergodicity, is what allows a coffee cup to slowly cool down to room temperature or a piece of steak to heat up on a frying pan. It forms the basis of the field of statistical mechanics, which describes large collections of particles and how they exchange energy to arrive at a shared temperature. Chaos almost always grows out of ergodicity, forming its most eccentric variant.
Olaf II Haakonsson was king of Denmark as Olaf II (1376–1387) and king of Norway as Olaf IV (1380–1387). Olaf was son of King Haakon VI of Norway and the grandson of King Magnus IV of Sweden. His mother was Queen Margaret I of Denmark which made him the grandson of King Valdemar IV of Denmark. In addition to his claim on the thrones of Denmark and later Norway, he was in the direct succession line to the throne of Sweden (but for the interposition of Albert of Mecklenburg). He became king of Denmark when only five years old and later also succeeded his father as king of Norway.
Robert Cassen, Sandra McNally and Anna Vignoles write that, as regards reducing the social gap, there is evidence that points to good potential in redirecting educational spending. They also argue for introducing fewer policy initiatives into the education system without proper evaluation. A new Conservative government has taken office in the UK since our book, Making a Difference in Education, came out. We have surveyed the evidence about what is effective in British education, and wonder whether forthcoming policy will be guided by the evidence more than it has often been in the past. The government has said it will be for ‘One Nation’ – surely that means they will seek to close the social gap in our schools, the impact of family background on educational outcomes? If they really want to do that, the evidence indicates what the key priorities are: better quality early years care, more support for reading and numeracy, and improving the quality of teaching. These things cost money. But equally there is little evidence that some of the things that governments tend to spend their money on narrow the social gap. For example, governments of all persuasions tend to focus overly on school reform. This can be costly and may not help the disadvantaged. For example, as we note below, there is no good evidence that Free Schools will necessarily narrow the socioeconomic gap in pupil achievement. One of Cameron’s last pledges during the election campaign was to build 500 more Free Schools. This has little evidence to back it. ‘It’s political,’ might be the rejoinder. It certainly is. There is a real political choice to be made; you can help disadvantaged children and families in ways that we know are effective, and as far as education is concerned we know quite a lot about how to do that. Or you can bypass the evidence. In more detail, early interventions can be valuable in helping children overcome the effects of a disadvantaged background – but they have to be of high quality and are likely to be expensive. The book also lists a number of effective parenting programmes that provide value for money and can help improve educational outcomes. Parental involvement with schools can also be effective, and is relatively inexpensive. Research shows that poor reading can be brought down to 1 or 1.5 per cent of a year group, not 10 per cent as it is now. On average each secondary school takes in around eighteen 11-year-olds who can’t read properly, half of them with a reading age of 7. Struggling readers commonly need individual support in primary school, which can be costly – but the costs of not learning to read considerably outweigh whatever needs to be spent to bring reading up to standard. We know what to do, and the pupil premium may be helping some schools do more, but overall we are still not doing it as consistently as we should. Similarly with numeracy: mathematical ability can be improved with the right kind of intervention, though more research would be helpful, especially long-run evaluations that would assess particular teaching approaches. Perhaps the greatest mileage in educational investment, after the early years, lies in raising teacher quality. This is partly a matter of initial teacher education, and partly that of improving the teaching of the existing work force by Continuing Professional Development, or CPD. Yet we do not know in terms of teaching quality and student outcomes which type of training is best, the university-based route or the more school-based route known as School Direct. The latter was given a big impetus in recent years, without any supporting evidence. On CPD, the research is pretty good, but practice is fragmentary and best practice not universally well pursued. Research suggests that who teaches you matters much more than what school you go to. Yet a major proportion of educational spending has gone on fostering Academies and Free Schools. The Academies formed up to 2008-9 have been evaluated, and found to have positive results; but improved outcomes were mostly confined to better-achieving students, with little or no benefit to the lowest achieving. At the time of writing, there was no comparable research on Academies founded after that, though an Ofsted survey of 2012-13 found half those inspected ‘requiring improvement’ or ‘inadequate’. There has been little research on Free Schools or primary Academies, though DfE data do not show them to be providing more progress than local authority primaries. Research on their equivalents in Sweden finds only small positive effects. Altogether, as regards reducing the social gap, there is evidence that points to good potential in redirecting educational spending. But we would also plead for introducing fewer policy initiatives into the education system without proper evaluation of their cost (not least in terms of teachers’ time) and their impact. For more, see Making a Difference in Education: What the evidence says, by Robert Cassen, Sandra McNally and Anna Vignoles. Note: This article gives the views of the authors, and not the position of the British Politics and Policy blog, nor of the London School of Economics. Please read our comments policy before posting. Robert Cassen is Emeritus Professor in LSE’s Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion. Sandra McNally is Director of the Education and Skills Programme in LSE’s Centre for Economic Performance and Professor of Economics, University of Surrey. Anna Vignoles is Professor in the Department of Education, University of Cambridge.
Students are often assigned to write a response to a newspaper article or to provide an analytical review of it. This is a common type of writing that calls for analytical and argumentation skills. Here are some tips on how to organize your writing process and create an excellent article analysis essay. The first thing to do is to read the proposed article. While reading, pay attention to the key points and techniques the writer uses and try to grasp the main idea. When you come across an interesting thought, highlight it or write it down to use later as a quotation in your essay. Determine the type of article you’re dealing with and the newspaper where it was taken from. It’s also important to know the author’s background, why he or she may be interested in the topic, and what audience the paper is aimed at. You may want to read up on the topic elaborated in the article to get a clearer idea of it. You’ll need to support your arguments, so studying other sources will help you enrich your background knowledge on that issue. Read the article again, then look through your notes and decide which points you approve of and which ones you’d argue. Take your position on the discussed problem and stick to it throughout your essay. Before writing your response to the article, create a plan or outline. First of all, develop a thesis statement. This is a sentence that introduces your claim and shows what you’ll write about. Then think about three main points that you’ll discuss and for which you’ll provide supporting details. Each point should be presented in a separate body paragraph. You should also support each main point with a quotation from the article or other sources you used. Don’t forget to cite properly. This site can help you to write any essay. You should introduce your article first. Include the information about its type, author, newspaper, and date. After that, link it to the broader context and determine the controversial character of the topic. Describe the author’s techniques of persuasive writing, the general tone of the article, and the target audience for whom it’s written. Your body paragraphs should be informative and logically connected. Summarize your analysis in a concluding paragraph, express your opinion on the usefulness and effectiveness of the article, and write how helpful it may be for the particular audience. Need help with term papers? Hire expert paper writer at - My Paper Done Write my paper - easy writing guide to write your papers.
Цели этого урока[править] Неврологический взгляд на природу эмоций[править] Emotion is so ubiquitous and essential for how one sees the world that becomes necessary to view emotion in a new way in order to interpret it scientifically. As such every emotional response, from love to hate, fear to joy, and everything in between, can be summed up (although not perfectly) as purely physiological responses to environmental events that serve to motivate away from harm and toward reward. While this is a rather bold assertion, it enables one to look at emotional responses objectively and on a purely neurological level. In the brain, emotion can often be thought of as a more base impulse coming from the inner-middle regions of the brain, which is in conflict with the reasoned and advanced computation of the higher cortex. Although this model is not entirely wrong, it is important to acknowledge just how closely supposedly 'rational' cognitive processes are tinged by emotional experience. Thoughts and understanding even on a cortical level are often rooted in emotional experiences, in the sense that, for instance, while debating the place of law and morality in civilization may seem like a purely detached and cortical function, if one has never experienced emotional responses like pain or frustration judgments as to what constitutes right and wrong become impossible to make. Thus the story of emotion in the brain is a cross between the lower 'feeling' aspect, and the upper 'conscious' aspect. Finally, much of emotion is below the threshold of consciousness. Only when activity spills over into the cerebrum is there a concrete and obvious awareness of one's own emotional state. Often, such moods are highly transient and even may be triggered by cues that one is not consciously aware of. In all cases however, emotion's main goal is to provide a means of understanding what is happening. So positive emotions cause a specific situation to be tied to feelings of reward, altering future decision making related to that situation or at least giving an understanding that that situation was a 'good' one, and vice versa for negative experiences. When discussing emotion, the most important brain feature to mention is the limbic system. This large assemblage of closely interconnected and related brain regions toward the center of the brain is key for almost all aspects of emotional experience- from taking in raw sensory input through the thalamus to relaying up toward the frontal cortex. Each of the primary limbic system areas and their chief contribution to emotion is listed below: Нейронные цепи и эмоции, чувства и ощущения[править] Because emotion is not just the product of one brain region but rather an emergent property of many working together, the best way to represent emotion on a neural level is through neural circuits. Paths may differ depending on the exact emotion (for example a fear response would be significantly different from a calm feeling) but a good general outline is depicted to the left. As emphasized earlier, emotion relies both on cortical processing and on processing done in the limbic system. Much of emotion's practical value comes from its interplay with the reward circuit, which is a loosely defined collection of brain pathways that seem to produce pleasurable feelings when activated. It is hard to say whether a pleasurable emotion is something which activates the reward pathway, or if activation of the pathway itself creates the emotion which feels pleasurable, but in either case the positive feelings foster a desire to have those feelings repeated. This may manifest itself in intense motivation to achieve gratification, up to the point seen in addiction.
Common name: African Grey Parrot Latin name: Psittacus Erithacus Group name: Flock Diet: Herbivore (Nuts, fruits, small insects, and seeds) Adult size: Up to 13 inches long Adult weight: 400 grams. Life expectancy: Captivity – 40 to 60 years, Wild – 20 to 23 years Color: Predominantly grey Sounds: Vocal communicator Interaction: Highly social Origins: Western and Central Africa African grey parrots are the natives of the lush green African forests. They are highly social birds that live in large family groups. An African Grey Parrot is a lovey-dovey bird. If you don’t take proper care of it in a domestic environment, it will exhibit self-harming behaviors and will die. Therefore, it needs social interaction with the owner. As it is a very chirpy and loveable bird, there are some important points that you need to keep in mind for its survival in the domestic habitat. And in this brief guide, we are going to highlight those points for your assistance. African Grey Parrot The African grey parrots are also known as Grey Parrot Congo or African gray Congo. It is an old-world parrot and once was considered as a subspecies of grey parrot. But now it is recognized as a full species. Now let’s find out how long do African greys live. African grey parrot lifespan can go up to 60 years in captivity. However, the African grey lifespan is shorter in the wild, which ranges from 20 to 23 years. African grey in the wild is exposed to more predators and other dangers. These birds are very loveable. Vocal communication with other group members is very important to them. Their survival depends on it. If they get bored, which they normally do in a domestic setup, they begin to exhibit self-violence. African grey parrots are medium-sized birds that are predominantly grey in color. They have a black bill, and adults weigh around 400 grams and can reach up to a length of 13 inches. Their wingspan ranges from 46cm to 52 cm. There are white markings on the features throughout the body, as well as the wings. These factors influence the African grey parrot price in the market. African grey parrots have a very friendly relation with humans. They can mimic human speech, and hence, they are very popular among us. It is the most special trait that these birds have, and that’s why most people prefer to have them as a pet. Origin and history African grey parrots are native to most of the equatorial African regions. The nations that these birds call their home include Congo, Cameroon, Angola, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, and Ivory Coast. These birds are particularly found in thick and dense forests. But they are frequently found on the edges of these forests as well as open areas of Savanna. You will also find some of these birds close to the human habitat. And for thousands of years, these birds have been pets for humans. There are references available about these pets being in the household in the old Egyptian times. And for thousands of years, these birds have been pets for humans. There are references available about these pets being in the household in the old Egyptian times. (1) The reason why this bird has been so popular is its ability to mimic human words as well as speech. It can also understand and react to human speech. If you properly train your African grey parrot, it can learn several words and even phrases as well as sounds. They prefer to eat seeds and fruits. The simplicity of the food that they consume is another reason why these birds are very popular with humans. However, in 2016 African grey parrots endangered list was added to Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. (2) Native region and natural habitat As mentioned above, African grey parrots are native to most of the equatorial African regions—the current global populations of this bird range from 600,000 to over 13 million. But the population is declining across the globe. It favors dense forests, and with the reducing number of forests, the cause of the declining number is obvious. Another most common reason for the declining number is the increase in their pet trading. The African grey parrot has been deliberately released into Florida as there is no evidence of natural breeding populations of these birds in these regions. For those of you who are thinking what is the natural habitat of African grey parrots, well, these grey birds prefer to stay in the thick, dense forests. It is because there is an abundance of food available. They like to eat fruits, nuts, small insects, and seeds. All these foot types are easily available in such habitats. Therefore, the decline in forests across the globe has been one of the significant reasons why these birds are decreasing in numbers. These birds have to deal with several threats in the wild. Palm-nut vultures are their natural predators. Additionally, monkeys look to eat their eggs, but humans are by far the biggest threats to these big African birds due to pet trade. (3) Temperament and personality African grey parrot intelligence is widely known, and Congo grey parrots have high parrot intelligence. They are the most intelligent of all parrot species. A number of these birds turn out to be very affectionate and loving to their family members in the wild or their owners in captivity. These birds are very sociable and friendly towards humans as well. However, being an owner, if you leave a grey African parrot alone bored or neglected, then you will turn your birds into an angry one. An angry or depressed Congo parrot will screech to display its discontent. In such a scenario, you will have to provide your parrot with plenty of mental calm and stimulation. Let’s find out how to get an African grey to like you. As it is a very intelligent bird as compared to other parrots, its mental state is also far more complicated than the rest of the parrot species. This parrot demands interactions and is very social. But that doesn’t mean this bird is very cute and cuddly. Some of these African grey parrots become used to one single person. It means that they will not socialize with any other person but the owner. No matter how much they try to socialize with other family members at your home. Even regular interactions won’t make them change their minds. Behavior and training For those of you who are thinking, do African grey birds talk? Yes, they can talk. There is not much known about the behavior of these birds out there in the wild. It is due to their secretive personalities to avoid predators. But the wild African greats are mostly known to have similar traits of the ones that are captive. Are you thinking of how smart are African greys? According to the African grey facts, also suggest that these birds out there in the wild can also mimic more than 200 sounds from the surroundings, including other songbirds. (4) As these birds are very sociable, and they love to interact, stimulating them consistently is important. If they get tensed or angry, they will start screeching, and when that happens, then regaining their trusts becomes a major issue unless you can stimulate them. Due to the lack of trust, they sometimes show, introducing them to the new family members becomes a tough job as well. Some parrots won’t even get used to any other person than the owner. Therefore, training them and understanding African grey noises’ meanings can be difficult, but you have to keep stimulating them and keep encouraging the interactions. They are more comfortable with regular interactions, and they don’t want to be neglected at any cost. For better training, you must feed them with a lot of their favorite food. Regular exercise is another way to keep your African grey parrot stimulated. Too much feeding can also leave your parrot bored. Therefore, you need to keep your bored indulged in an activity. With exercise, a parrot can also maintain good health. For an exercise, the best practice is to allow the bird one or two hours outside its cage. You can also provide your bird with several bird-chew-toys that will allow the African greys to make their beak more powerful. You can also design different types of play areas for them where they can jump around obstacles and walk around using their wings. Furthermore, you can design an area where they can fly around as well. It’s just a way to keep them busy and adequately stimulated. Just make sure that you provide them with plenty of colorful chew toys to play around with. They will love those toys. You will also notice that these parrots will become friendlier with you after these sessions, and it exhibits their mental satisfaction. Speech and vocalization Pet African grey parrots can easily pick up on sounds and words with ease. There has been a case where an African grey parrot became the whistleblower on a woman’s affair by calling out the other person’s name in front of the husband exactly in the woman’s voice. Just like a toddler, these birds tend to repeat what they hear or see. Therefore, you need to watch your tongue when you’re in front of these birds. They can conveniently mimic any sounds they hear. These include squeaking doors or windows, backup chimes or vehicle doorbells, fire alarms, telephone ringtones, and microwave alerts. You being an owner need to be very vigilant about what these birds hear. It is because, once your pet learns a voice, it cannot unlearn it by any means. An African grey is not a loud screamer. Therefore they are suitable for people who are living in apartments or even condos. But if you leave a bird unattended or ignored, it will become noisy. To train your pet African grey, make sure that you choose your words wisely. No offensive slang should be used, and the words need to be short. Make sure that you repeat those words to your bird as frequently as possible. If you have been wondering how many words can a parrot learn, then a simple answer is several to well over a hundred words based on how you train it. Don’t rush them and don’t get discouraged. Just repeat the words consistently. (5) The best way to train your bird is to set up a training routine. You can repeat this routine just before you let it out of the cage for exercise. Or try anything else: the point here is being consistent. Characteristics and colors As the name suggests, this bird only springs grey feathers throughout the body. Some of them will have pale, and thin yet beautiful edges. African greys have two subspecies. One of them is Timneh Greys, while the others are Congo Greys. In terms of African grey parrot size, Congos are larger, and they have black beaks. African grey size ranges from 12 to 13 inches. Their tail feathers are bright red. Timnehs, on the other hand, feature maroon tail feathers with mandibles of horn color. Once this red tail parrot reaches its adolescence, you can tell the difference between male from a female. A male’s tail will remain solid red while a female’s tail tip becomes silver. Males also have slender and narrower heads. If these changes are not very distinctive in your case, then you can get their DNA test or examine their sex through surgical procedures. But that’s the only color they have, and that is exactly why they are called African grey parrots. African Grey Parrot Care These birds require a proper living space for themselves because of their medium to large size. Therefore, the minimum size of a cage for these birds shouldn’t be less than 2×2 feet in width and at least 3 feet in height. If you have larger cages available, then you need to go for them, but these measurements are the minimum requirements. Make sure that you give them a lot of time and train them regularly; otherwise, they will get depressed. A stressed African grey can exhibit self-mutilating behavior patterns, including feather plucking, etc. When you provide them with plenty of opportunities to play with toys, these birds become very happy, and they start interacting with the owners. They also began to learn new tricks and words. You can expect to spend several hours daily. You can leave them alone while your TV or radio on. Make sure to place the cage in a quiet corner rather than right in the center of the room. They become very easily stressed out due to commotion. Diet and nutrition African grey diet includes nuts, fruits, small insects, and seeds out there in the wild. They can also eat flowers, bark, and leaves. When in captivity, the best African grey food is formulated pellets featuring different types of fruits, including melon, mango, and pomegranate. African grey parrot food also includes leafy green veggies such as kale, watercress, sprouts, arugula, seeds like flaxseed and hemp. Salad is very healthy for your African grey. Treat them with snacks such as nuts, green beans (steamed), and breakfast toast. (6) Make sure that you make the adjustments in the number of foods based on their appetites. Also, make sure to get rid of all the food that they haven’t eaten and replace it with fresh items daily. Health and common conditions When you look at the African grey body language, you’ll find that these birds tend to pluck their feathers when they are stressed. And they can be stressed fairly easily. These birds are also prone to various deficiencies, including that of calcium, vitamin A and D, psittacosis, respiratory infections, and various other feather and beak diseases. (7, 8) You can treat vitamin deficiencies by feeding them with a lot of fruits and different varieties. Veggies are also great for your bird, especially fresh kale and sweet potato. According to the African grey parrot facts, feather picking is just because your bird is bored, and you need to give more attention to it. Treat them with nuts, especially when you’re training them. Also, make sure that you keep the cage clean and get rid of any uneaten food at the end of the day. Replace it with fresh feed, and it will help prevent any development of bacteria or germs. African Grey Parrot as a Pet If you are thinking about bringing an African grey parrot as your pet, there are a few things that you need to consider first before you finalize your decision. First of all, these birds are medium to large in size, and you need to have a cage that is at least 3 feet in height, and it needs to have a footprint of 2×2. Anything larger is appreciable, but anything under these dimensions simply won’t work. Make sure that you spend several hours with your bird daily. If you think that won’t be possible, then you need to place them in the room where you have your TV or radio. But even then, you need to interact with them a lot, or they will get bored and eventually will become depressed. Besides parrot caring, also make sure that you train them regularly and allow them some time out of their cage for a couple of hours. Feed them with fresh fruits and vegetables and keep their cage clean. Furthermore, you need to choose your words wisely around them because they can mimic whatever they hear. They can even mimic doors and windows squeaking, and can mimic microwave oven alerts and doorbells. So you need to control what they can hear because once a tone gets into their memory, it is going to stay there forever.
New Alberta government research has found windblown dust from mountaintop removal coal mines has polluted a pristine alpine lake to the point where its waters are as contaminated as lakes downwind from the oilsands. The paper, published late last month in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, concludes that it’s crucial to consider more than just downstream effects from such mines, The Canadian Press reports. “It is highly likely that our findings extend to other mountaintop mining operations with large fugitive dust emissions,” the paper says. “Permitting of existing mines and approval of new mines should consider and have mitigation plans for broader atmospheric impacts.” The paper, written by two senior scientists in Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, came as the province’s United Conservative government pondered whether to retain a ministerial order protecting Alberta’s Rocky Mountains from proposed mines that would remove summits to create open pits and expose coal seams. About a week after the story appeared, the province signalled it would keep the moratorium in place. The paper examines Window Mountain Lake, a small, remote alpine lake in southern Alberta accessible only on foot just across the continental divide from coal mines in British Columbia’s Elk Valley. The lake is unconnected to the coal mining area by any water body, nor does it have coal deposits. The scientists took a sediment sample from the lake that contains layers from before 1850. They analyzed the layers for chemicals associated with coal, such as polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and selenium. The former are known carcinogens and the latter is toxic to fish. They found the carcinogens were stable until the industrial era. Coal mining in the Elk Valley began around 1900, and by 1970, levels of those chemicals had quintupled. The pace of contamination quickened after 1970, when aboveground mining in the Elk Valley began. PACs doubled in concentration in Window Lake every 10 to 15 years after that. During the past decade, those compounds reached 30 times pre-industrial levels. Some now exceed Canadian guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. “(Contamination levels) of surface sediments of otherwise pristine Window Mountain Lake are equivalent to or exceed those observed in lakes downwind of the Canadian oilsands, the world’s largest collection of open-pit petrochemical mines,” the paper says. The researchers compared the compounds found in the lake sediments to similar ones generated by wildfires and from the Elk Valley mines. Those from the lake sediments matched those from the mines. A similar pattern was found for selenium. Levels of the compound roughly doubled from pre-industrial levels by the mid-1980s, as did the rate of deposition. Alberta Environment did not make the authors available for an interview. But Bill Donahue, a former chief of environmental monitoring for the department who has seen the study, said it shows mountaintop mining affects more than the rivers and streams that flow from it and has impacts that cross watersheds. “You couldn’t ask for more clear results or cleaner results,” he told CP. “Everywhere there’s mining, especially mountaintop mining, you can expect to see transport of these substances long distances. It clearly describes and demonstrates coal mining is environmentally destructive any way you cut it.” Donahue points out the study didn’t even look for toxic heavy metals such as mercury, also commonly associated with coal deposits. Emily Bernhardt, a prominent ecologist at Duke University in North Carolina who has published extensively on mountaintop coal mining, called the new research both groundbreaking and convincing. “The only way that these contaminants could have made it into the lake is through atmospheric deposition,” she wrote in an email. She said the research builds on and confirms what has been found in other papers—that mountaintop coal mining spreads contaminants beyond mine sites. “This paper suggests that contaminant-laden dust is yet another way in which surface coal mine pollution is blown and deposited across large regions. Pollution does not respect permit boundaries and the amount of pollution in a region increases with the total extent of mining.” This report by The Canadian Press was first published November 3, 2022.
Everyone in New Jersey should be aware of the role that probable cause plays in the justice system. It is a key concept for law that impacts both the criminal and civil spheres. Probable cause is a standard that is applied in many situations involving the police, grand juries and even civil suits. Essentially, probable cause refers to having reasonable grounds for doing something. Since that phrase is so vague, though, it’s good to delve into the issue a little more. Defining probable cause Probable cause involves reason. Sometimes it’s defined as having reasonable belief for doing something. Other times, it’s as reasonable grounds for taking an action. Embedded in that definition is the idea that the belief must be based on facts that can be explained to someone else. That factual basis needs to be enough to convince another rational person that the idea holds water. The concept of probable cause is especially crucial in criminal law. The fruits of a search can be thrown out of evidence if it’s determined that a police officer didn’t have probable cause to conduct the search. In general, criminal prosecutors must also have probable cause before moving forward with a case. If you are facing criminal charges, discuss probable cause with your defense attorney. If an officer did not have probable cause to search you, that can affect the prosecutor’s case. And if the prosecutor does not have probable cause to bring a case, your attorney may be able to have the action dismissed. Criminal courts make prosecutors and police agencies show probable cause in part because the stakes there are so high. Criminal cases can send people to prison, or in some cases apply the death penalty. There has to be a substantial reason to bring the case. If you’re uncertain about what constitutes probable cause, contact an attorney.
The TGFBR1 gene, also known as Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor 1, is an important gene that plays a crucial role in various biological processes. It is listed in numerous databases and scientific articles, making it the subject of intensive study and research. The TGFBR1 gene is involved in the regulation and control of cell growth, differentiation, and development. Mutations or variants in this gene have been linked to several health conditions, including thoracic aortic aneurysm, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and various cancers such as prostate cancer and other tumors. Studies have characterized the genetic changes and associated mechanisms related to the TGFBR1 gene, providing valuable insights into the role of this gene in disease development. Multiple pathways and signaling proteins are known to interact with TGFBR1, and testing for genetic mutations in this gene can be useful in identifying individuals at risk for certain diseases. Various tests and resources, such as the OMIM catalog and PubMed, provide additional scientific information on the TGFBR1 gene and its related conditions. Genetic testing can help detect and prevent the development of certain diseases, especially in individuals with a family history of related disorders. Health Conditions Related to Genetic Changes Genetic changes in the TGFBR1 gene can lead to the development of various health conditions. These changes can affect the normal functioning of cells and the signals they receive, resulting in the disruption of important biological pathways. One of the conditions associated with genetic changes in the TGFBR1 gene is Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Loeys-Dietz syndrome is a complex disorder characterized by aortic aneurysm, thoracic aortic dissection, and other vascular complications. Individuals with Loeys-Dietz syndrome often develop aneurysms at a younger age and are at an increased risk of aortic dissection compared to other individuals with similar conditions caused by changes in other genes. Inflated pharmaceutical prices are another huge factor in the steep cost of healthcare. Americans spend an average of $858 per person on prescription drugs, according to Vox. That’s about twice as much as people in Australia spend on prescriptions. It’s three times the amount paid by people in The Netherlands. In addition to Loeys-Dietz syndrome, genetic changes in the TGFBR1 gene have also been linked to familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and other related conditions. These conditions are characterized by the development of multiple aneurysms in the thoracic aorta. To determine if a genetic change in the TGFBR1 gene is causing these health conditions, specific genetic tests can be conducted. These tests can identify the presence of a mutation or variant in the TGFBR1 gene that disrupts its normal function. Further information on these health conditions related to genetic changes in the TGFBR1 gene can be found in scientific articles and databases such as OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) and PubMed. These resources provide valuable references and information on the mechanism, symptoms, and treatment of these diseases. - OMIM – TGFBR1 gene: Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) is a genetic disorder that is characterized by various conditions affecting the cardiovascular system, skeletal system, and other organs. It is caused by mutations in the TGFBR1 gene and other related genes. The TGFBR1 gene codes for the receptor protein that is involved in the TGF-beta signaling pathway. This pathway is important for the regulation of cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Mutations in the TGFBR1 gene disrupt these signals, leading to the development of LDS. Individuals with LDS may have multiple health issues, including aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, and other thoracic aortic diseases. They may also develop skeletal abnormalities such as scoliosis and craniofacial features. LDS is also associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, including prostate cancer. Diagnosis of LDS involves genetic testing to identify mutations in the TGFBR1 gene or other related genes. There are various tests available for this purpose, including DNA sequencing and targeted mutation analysis. Testing for other changes in the genetic pathway may also be performed. TGFBR1 mutations and other genetic changes related to LDS can be cataloged and listed in databases such as OMIM and other genetic resources. These resources provide scientific articles, references, and additional information for researchers and healthcare professionals. Preventive measures for individuals with LDS involve regular monitoring and screening for aortic aneurysm and dissection. Treatment options include medication to reduce the risk of aortic complications and surgical intervention if necessary. In conclusion, Loeys-Dietz syndrome is a complex genetic disorder characterized by multiple health conditions affecting the cardiovascular and skeletal systems. Mutations in the TGFBR1 gene and related genes disrupt the TGF-beta signaling pathway, leading to the development of LDS. Genetic testing and monitoring are crucial for the diagnosis and management of this syndrome. Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (FTAAD) is a genetic condition characterized by an increased risk of aortic aneurysms and dissections in the thoracic region of the body. It is related to other genetic conditions, such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and is often caused by mutations in the TGFBR1 gene. The TGFBR1 gene provides instructions for making a protein called transforming growth factor beta receptor 1. This protein is involved in a pathway that signals cells to stop dividing and to perform certain functions. Changes in the TGFBR1 gene can disrupt this signaling pathway, leading to the development of aortic aneurysms and dissections. Individuals with FTAAD may also have other health conditions, including an increased risk of certain types of cancers, such as prostate cancer. The specific genetic changes in the TGFBR1 gene can vary among affected individuals. Diagnosing FTAAD usually involves genetic testing to identify any mutations in the TGFBR1 gene. Additional tests may be performed to assess the size and structure of the aorta, as well as to identify any other associated conditions or symptoms. Scientific articles and resources on FTAAD and the TGFBR1 gene can be found in various databases, such as PubMed and OMIM. Treatment for FTAAD may involve medication and/or surgery to prevent or repair aortic aneurysms and dissections. Regular monitoring and follow-up are important for individuals with FTAAD to manage their condition and reduce the risk of complications. In summary, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection is a genetic condition characterized by an increased risk of aortic aneurysms and dissections. It is related to other genetic syndromes and is often caused by mutations in the TGFBR1 gene. Genetic testing and monitoring are essential for diagnosis and management of this condition. Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that affects the prostate gland, which is a part of the male reproductive system. It is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the prostate, leading to the formation of a tumor. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. The TGFBR1 gene, also known as the transforming growth factor beta receptor 1 gene, plays a crucial role in the development and progression of prostate cancer. Mutations in the TGFBR1 gene can lead to changes in the TGF-beta signaling pathway, which is involved in the regulation of cell growth and division. Testing for TGFBR1 gene mutations can help identify individuals who may be at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, testing for other genetic changes and variants in related genes can provide additional information about the risk of developing other cancers and genetic diseases. Studies have shown that mutations in the TGFBR1 gene are associated with an increased risk of developing various cancers, including prostate cancer. The TGFBR1 gene is listed in various genetic databases, such as OMIM and the GeneTests registry, which provide resources for researchers and healthcare professionals. Research on the TGFBR1 gene in prostate cancer has revealed that the reduced function of this gene can lead to the activation of other signaling pathways, such as the loeys-dietz syndrome pathway, which is characterized by the development of aortic aneurysm and other thoracic conditions. In addition to genetic testing, other tests and dissection methods can be used to further characterize prostate cancer tumors. These tests can provide additional information about the specific genetic changes and proteins involved in the development and progression of the tumor. References to relevant articles and research papers on the role of the TGFBR1 gene in prostate cancer can be found in scientific databases, such as PubMed. These resources can provide further information on the molecular mechanisms and pathways involved in prostate cancer development. The TGFBR1 gene is not only involved in Loeys-Dietz syndrome, but it has also been associated with various other cancers. Research has identified changes in the TGFBR1 gene as a potential mechanism for the development and progression of different types of cancer. Prostate cancer: Studies have shown that mutations in the TGFBR1 gene can contribute to the development of prostate cancer. These genetic changes in the TGFBR1 gene have been found to affect the TGF-beta signaling pathway, which is involved in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation. Mutations in genes related to the TGF-beta pathway can lead to the abnormal growth of prostate cancer cells. Thyroid cancer: The TGFBR1 gene has also been implicated in the development of thyroid cancer. Mutations in this gene have been detected in thyroid tumor samples, suggesting its possible role in the initiation and progression of this type of cancer. Multiple myeloma: Studies have shown that reduced expression of the TGFBR1 gene can contribute to the development of multiple myeloma, a type of cancer that affects plasma cells in the bone marrow. The TGF-beta signaling pathway, in which the TGFBR1 gene is involved, plays a crucial role in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation, and its dysregulation can lead to the development of cancer. Additional resources for information on other cancers related to the TGFBR1 gene include scientific articles, genetic testing databases, and cancer registries. These resources can provide more in-depth information on the genetic changes, testing procedures, and management strategies for these cancers. - OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man). TGFBR1. Available at: https://www.omim.org/entry/190180 - PubMed. TGFBR1 gene and cancer. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=TGFBR1+gene+and+cancer - Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC). TGFBR1 gene. Available at: https://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/gene/analysis?ln=TGFBR1&so=&ds= Other Names for This Gene The TGFBR1 gene is also known by the following names: - Activin receptor-like kinase 5 - Activin A receptor type II-like protein kinase of 53kD - Activin A receptor, type II-like kinase 5 - Activin receptor type I - Transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I - Transforming growth factor-beta receptor 1 - TGF-beta receptor type I These alternative names reflect the different roles and functions of the TGFBR1 gene in various disorders and diseases, including reduced bone density, prostate cancer, and other conditions. The gene is also involved in tumor growth and progression, as well as in the development of multiple familial cancers. Further information about this gene can be found in various scientific resources and databases, such as OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) and PubMed. These resources provide comprehensive information about the TGFBR1 gene, its related proteins, and the mechanisms and changes associated with its mutation. Additionally, the TGFBR1 gene is listed in the Genetic Testing Registry, which catalogs genetic tests and related information. Research articles and studies have explored the role of TGFBR1 in different diseases, including cancer, aneurysm, and the Loeys-Dietz syndrome. The TGFBR1 gene is characterized by its involvement in signaling pathways related to the genetic regulation of cells and the prevention of certain diseases, such as thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection. For additional information and references about the TGFBR1 gene, please refer to scientific publications and resources available through databases such as OMIM and PubMed. Additional Information Resources OMIM: The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database provides detailed information on various genetic conditions. It includes a comprehensive list of genes, diseases, and genetic variants associated with TGFBR1 gene mutations. You can find further information on related diseases and their genetic basis by searching for the TGFBR1 gene in the OMIM database. PubMed: PubMed is a well-known scientific database that provides access to a vast collection of research articles. By searching for “TGFBR1 gene,” you can find numerous articles on the subject, including studies on the mechanism of TGFBR1 mutations, their role in different cancers, and potential therapeutic targets. LOVD: The Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD) is a curated repository of genetic variants associated with various diseases. It contains information on TGFBR1 gene mutations and their implications in different conditions such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome and familial thoracic aneurysm. The database provides a comprehensive overview of the available genetic tests for TGFBR1-related disorders. ClinVar: ClinVar is a public database that collects information on genetic variants and their clinical significance. It includes data on TGFBR1 gene mutations and their association with different diseases. ClinVar also provides links to relevant scientific articles and genetic testing laboratories offering tests for TGFBR1-related conditions. Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA): The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project is a comprehensive effort to analyze various cancer types at the molecular level. By exploring the TCGA database, you can gain insights into TGFBR1 alterations in different cancers and their impact on disease progression. This resource can be particularly valuable for understanding the role of TGFBR1 mutations in cancer development. Genetic Testing Registry (GTR): The Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) is a central repository of genetic tests offered by different laboratories worldwide. It provides information on the availability and characteristics of tests related to the TGFBR1 gene. The GTR allows you to search for specific genetic tests by gene name or related condition, helping you identify suitable testing options. Various Scientific Articles: Apart from the databases listed above, there are numerous scientific articles published on the topic of TGFBR1 gene mutations. These articles provide in-depth dissection of the genetic changes associated with the TGFBR1 gene, mechanisms underlying the development of different diseases, and potential treatment strategies. Searching for TGFBR1-related articles in scientific journals can provide additional valuable information on the subject. Tests Listed in the Genetic Testing Registry Genetic testing plays a crucial role in identifying various genetic conditions and diseases related to the TGFBR1 gene. The TGFBR1 gene is a receptor gene that is part of the TGF-beta signaling pathway. Mutations in this gene can lead to the development of conditions such as familial thoracic aortic aneurysm syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome, which are characterized by multiple aneurysms and dissections in the thoracic aorta. Testing the TGFBR1 gene helps identify individuals at risk for these conditions and allows for preventative measures to be taken to reduce the risk of aneurysm and dissection. Genetic testing for the TGFBR1 gene can be done through various resources, including the Genetic Testing Registry (GTR). The GTR serves as a catalog of genetic tests provided by different laboratories and provides information about the tests, the genes they target, and the diseases or conditions they help diagnose. It contains a comprehensive list of tests available for the TGFBR1 gene, as well as other related genes and genetic pathways. Some of the tests listed in the GTR related to the TGFBR1 gene include: - Testing for TGFBR1 gene mutations in individuals with thoracic aortic aneurysm - Testing for TGFBR1 gene mutations in individuals with Loeys-Dietz syndrome - Testing for TGFBR1 gene mutations in individuals with other hereditary conditions related to the TGF-beta signaling pathway These tests help healthcare professionals identify individuals who may have an increased risk of developing conditions related to the TGFBR1 gene, such as familial thoracic aortic aneurysm syndrome or Loeys-Dietz syndrome. By identifying these individuals, appropriate surveillance and preventative measures can be implemented to reduce the risk of aneurysm and dissection. The GTR also provides additional information and resources related to genetic testing for the TGFBR1 gene and other related genes. This includes scientific articles, references, databases, and other genetic testing resources. Information from the GTR can be used to further understand the TGFBR1 gene and its role in various diseases and conditions. Overall, the tests listed in the Genetic Testing Registry provide valuable information for healthcare professionals and individuals seeking genetic testing for the TGFBR1 gene and related genes. By identifying genetic variants and mutations in these genes, individuals can make informed decisions about their health and take preventive measures to reduce their risk of developing diseases such as thoracic aortic aneurysm and Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Scientific Articles on PubMed Information about the TGFBR1 gene can be found in numerous scientific articles on PubMed. These articles provide additional information on the role of the TGFBR1 gene in various conditions and diseases, such as prostate cancer, thoracic aortic aneurysm, and Loeys-Dietz syndrome. The TGFBR1 gene, also known as the transforming growth factor beta receptor 1 gene, is involved in the TGF-beta signaling pathway, which regulates cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. The TGFBR1 gene is characterized by multiple names in different databases and scientific articles. Therefore, it is important to refer to the gene using its official symbol, TGFBR1, to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation. Scientific articles on PubMed provide references to genetic testing and mutations of the TGFBR1 gene. These articles describe the testing methods and techniques used to identify mutations in the gene, as well as the potential implications of these mutations for various health conditions, including familial cancers, aortic aneurysms, and prostate cancer. The TGFBR1 gene plays a crucial role in the TGF-beta signaling pathway, which regulates cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Mutations in the TGFBR1 gene can disrupt this pathway and lead to abnormal cell behavior, potentially contributing to the development of various diseases and disorders. Testing for TGFBR1 gene mutations is available through various genetic testing resources and databases. These tests can help identify individuals who may be at increased risk for conditions associated with TGFBR1 gene mutations, such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome and familial cancers. Scientific articles on PubMed also provide information on other genes and proteins that are related to the TGFBR1 gene. These genes and proteins interact with the TGFBR1 gene in the TGF-beta signaling pathway and play important roles in regulating cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Overall, the scientific articles available on PubMed provide a wealth of information on the TGFBR1 gene, its role in various diseases and conditions, and the testing methods available to identify mutations in the gene. Researchers and healthcare professionals can utilize these resources to further understand the mechanisms underlying TGFBR1 gene mutations and their potential implications for human health. Catalog of Genes and Diseases from OMIM The TGFBR1 gene is listed in the OMIM catalog for several genetic conditions. Mutations in this gene have been found to be related to health issues such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome, various aortic aneurysm and dissection syndromes, and multiple cancers. OMIM provides additional information on these diseases, including the scientific names, genetic changes, and associated health outcomes. The catalog also includes information on other genes and proteins involved in the TGFBR1 signaling pathway and their role in preventing or promoting disease. For individuals seeking genetic testing, OMIM provides a registry of testing laboratories that offer tests for mutations in the TGFBR1 gene. This resource can help individuals find testing options and learn more about the different genetic conditions associated with TGFBR1. It is important to note that while the TGFBR1 gene is characterized as a receptor for the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) pathway, it is also involved in other signaling pathways and cellular processes. This gene plays a complex role in various diseases, including cancer and tumor progression. For further information on the TGFBR1 gene and its related diseases, OMIM provides references to scientific articles and publications. These references can be found on the OMIM website or through PubMed, a database of scientific literature. |Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection - TGFBR1 gene is associated with Loeys-Dietz syndrome, a genetic condition characterized by aortic aneurysms and dissections, as well as other connective tissue abnormalities. - It is also implicated in familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection, another genetic condition affecting the aorta. - In addition, the TGFBR1 gene has been linked to prostate cancer and multiple cancers, suggesting its involvement in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. For more information on TGFBR1 and other related genes, OMIM is a valuable resource that provides comprehensive information on genes, genetic conditions, and associated health outcomes. Gene and Variant Databases Gene and variant databases provide essential information about genetic mutations and their associated phenotypes. These databases serve as valuable resources for researchers, clinicians, and individuals interested in understanding the genetic basis of diseases. One important gene related to thoracic conditions is the TGFBR1 gene, which encodes the transforming growth factor beta receptor 1. Mutations in this gene have been associated with multiple conditions, including the Loeys-Dietz syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection, and prostate cancer. Various online databases catalog genetic variants and provide information on their clinical significance. These databases include: - OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a comprehensive database that contains information on genes and genetic disorders. It provides detailed clinical descriptions, genetic mechanisms, and related references for each condition. - Pubmed: PubMed is a resource that contains scientific articles on a wide range of topics, including genetics and genomics. It allows users to search for articles related to specific genes or variants. - Genetic Testing Registry (GTR): GTR is a database of genetic tests and testing laboratories. It provides information on available tests, associated genes, and indications for testing, helping individuals and healthcare professionals make informed decisions about genetic testing. - LOVD: The Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD) is a platform that allows researchers to share and access information about genetic variants. It includes curated variant-specific pages with information on clinical significance, genotype-phenotype correlations, and references to scientific literature. These databases play a crucial role in research, healthcare, and the prevention of genetic diseases. They enable scientists to better understand the genetic basis of diseases and develop targeted treatments. Individuals and families can also benefit from accessing these resources to learn about their genetic risks and make informed decisions about testing and preventive measures. It is important to note that genetic testing and variant interpretation should be performed by qualified healthcare professionals. The results of genetic tests should always be interpreted in the context of individual medical histories and other clinical findings. - Batut, J. et al. (2018). “miR-615-3p promotes TGF-beta signaling pathway via targeting SMAD7 in prostate cancer cells.” Genes Cancer. 9(1-2):33-41. - Esteve-Codina, A. et al. (2017). “Aortic aneurysm and dissection in patients with pathogenic SMAD3 variants.” Genet Med. 19(8):874-879. - Goyal, R. et al. (2019). “The Genetic Basis of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection: A Clinical Perspective.” Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 15(4): 272–279. - Gutierrez, O.M. et al. (2009). “Transforming growth factor-beta levels in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing evaluation for kidney transplantation.” Am J Nephrol. 29(6): 551–556. - Howe, J.R. et al. (2018). “The TGF-beta pathway in gastrointestinal tract tumors.” Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 10(7). - OMIM “TGFBR1 gene” (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man). Retrieved from https://www.omim.org/entry/190180 on May 15, 2021. - Sharifzadeh, S. et al. (2020). “Association of TGFBR1 polymorphisms with colorectal cancer.” J Cell Biochem. 121(3): 2623–2632. - Ujiki, M.B. et al. (2000). “Increased transforming growth factor-beta signaling may promote genetic instability in gastric cancer.” Surgery. 128(5): 683–691.
A kidney diet chart typically includes foods that are low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, as well as protein. These restrictions are necessary for individuals with chronic kidney disease or those on dialysis, as their kidneys may not be able to properly filter these nutrients. Recommended foods on a kidney diet include: - Fresh fruits and vegetables (without added salt) - Lean meats, fish and poultry - Whole grains and cereals - Low-fat dairy products Foods to avoid on a kidney diet include: - Processed foods (such as canned soups and frozen meals) - High-potassium fruits and vegetables (such as bananas, oranges, and potatoes) - High-phosphorus foods (such as nuts, seeds, and organ meats) - High-sodium foods (such as bacon, ham, and pickles) It’s important to note that a kidney diet chart may vary depending on the individual’s needs and their kidney function. Consult with a dietitian or a doctor to get personalized advice.
Highlighting a Pawnee Tribe member and Nebraskan that impacted early roller skating *We recognize that many indigenous peoples have been displaced throughout the United States and we encourage our readers to join us in recognizing the history of the Pawnee tribe, especially in relation to the land we currently live on and benefit from. As citizens of Nebraska, the Museum Staff acknowledges that the land we reside on is the homeland of the Pawnee, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Kansas, Lakota, Dakota, Missouria, Omaha, Otoe, Pawnee, and Ponca tribes. Fred “Bright Star” Murree was a major figure in early roller skating and one of the fastest roller skaters of his time. He was a member of the Pawnee tribe and was born outside of Omaha, Nebraska. Murree’s skating was heavily influenced by his Indigenous heritage. He often wore Pawnee garments and many of his routines related to his culture and experiences regarding the Pawnee Tribe. He knew how to entrance audiences with his raw talent as a speed skater and his flow and style as a trick skater. In a Letter from Marjorie McLauchlen, May 2, 1988, she described Murree as “very proud, very small in stature, but big in appearance.” Murree grew up during the 1860s in the midst of the Civil War. Many conflicts affected Native Territory and Indigenous Americans were displaced, injured, and killed as a result of the Civil War. The Pawnee Tribe and many Native Tribes were forced into relocation (Pollard). In his reminiscences, published in the 1937-38 Yearbook of the Arena Gardens Roller Skating Club of Detroit Michigan Murree said, “If you recall your history of 1861, the government herded all the different tribes of Indians and tried to get them all on one reservation in Oklahoma. My dad knew that country very well and did not like it or the idea. Therefore, instead of going to Oklahoma, we drove east to Massachusetts.” Murree's family arrived in Boston, Massachusetts with nothing more than a few personal belongings and three ponies that they would immediately sell for a place to live and minimal furniture. As an Indigenous person in a largely white community, Murree was bullied for his race and his late entry into the American school system throughout his time in Boston. However, he was able to find a job changing skates at the Institute Rink with one of his classmates. (1937-38 Yearbook of the Arena Gardens Roller Skating Club of Detroit Michigan) After working there for many months, Murree participated in a five-mile race put on by the rink. A set of skates was made for him and he won the race, setting the record for fastest in a five-mile race at the time. After seeing his performance, Mr. Frank Clayton promised Murree a contract. Even though Murree won 284 five-mile races under his contract, Clayton never paid Murree and largely overworked him. (1937-38 Yearbook of the Arena Gardens Roller Skating Club of Detroit Michigan) During this time, roller skating grew in popularity. Many major cities had their own roller rinks and Murree ran away from Clayton at the age of 21 but then returned to his management after he was promised $100 a week and all expenses paid. Murree was winning about 50% of his races, but just as he was making it roller skating fell out of popularity. So, Murree toured Europe and South America where skating was still popularized. He also shifted his focus from speed skating to trick skating. Murray participated in vaudeville but he emphasized the importance of maintaining roller skating as a sport. Eventually, he returned to the United States and finished out his career there. Murree continued to skate until the late 1940s. He died on March 6, 1950. (1937-38 Yearbook of the Arena Gardens Roller Skating Club of Detroit Michigan) Fred “Bright Star” Murree impacted early roller skating by being one of the most talented skaters at the time and introducing Pawnee culture to people around the world via the sport. The National Museum of Roller Skating is proud to highlight Murree’s as a Nebraskan and roller skater via our blog and a physical exhibit dedicated to him. The museum is open from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Please consider donating so we can expand exhibits like these and continue to highlight impactful members of the roller skating community. Anne P Diffendal, ed., “Fred ‘Bright Star’ Murree: Pawnee Roller Skater,” Nebraska History 70 (1989): 158-163 Pollard, Bryan. “How the US Civil War Divided Indian Nations - HISTORY.” HISTORY, https://www.history.com/news/civil-war-native-american-indian-territory-cherokee-home-guard. Accessed 6 May 2022.
Tairyō-bata is the flag hoisted on a fishing boat upon a bountiful return. According to one theory, this type of flag was created around the middle of the Edo period (1603-1868) when the system instating a head of fisherman’s group was established to manage fishing rights. The design is usually auspicious motifs relating to the sea. The bold design created using the tsutsugaki dyeing technique transmits the spirit of the fishermen. Today, tairyō-bata can also be seen adorning boats during festivals, or at celebratory events such as weddings and birth celebrations. History of Tairyō-bata Located in Yonago city in Tottori prefecture, Matsuda Somemono-ten (dye shop) was established in 1702 and boasts over 300 years of history. The shop produced indigo dye products up until the start of the Pacific War. It is said that the fourth or the fifth-generation master went to Kyoto for training and acquired the tsutsugaki technique there. During the Edo period there were several dyeing establishments in Yonago, but only Matsuda Somemono-ten has survived today. The shop has remained in the very spot it was first established in the Yonago Hondōri Shōtengai shopping arcade. Fisherman's flag (2019-08-30) by Matsuda somemonotenTottori Prefectural Government Making a design of Tairyo-bata, fisherman's flag (2020) by Nariki MatsudaTottori Prefectural Government A tairyō-bata is created first by sketching over the fabric. Next, glutinous rice flour, rice bran, lime and other substances are mixed inside a piping bag made of tanned paper, before the paste is squeezed out along the sketched motifs. Known as tsutsugaki, this technique requires skilled hands to create the characters and outlines. Meanwhile, the paste is adequately mixed by skilled artisans according to the weather and humidity at the time of mixing. The paste of tsutsugak dying, fisherman's flag (2020) by Nariki MatsudaTottori Prefectural Government Once the tsutsugaki process is finished, brushes are used to dye the fabric. As the dye dries fast, vibrant dye colours must be evenly applied swiftly. The brushes are made from deer or wolf hair to provide desirable body and flexibility. Vibrant dye colours, fisherman's flag (2020) by Nariki MatsudaTottori Prefectural Government The paste applied during the tsutsugaki process is removed by soaking the fabric in water. The sections covered by the paste remain white and enhances the dyed motifs. For making a tairyō-bata sun-resistant and colour-fast dyes are used and each piece of fabric is hand washed. Wash-off, fisherman's flag (2020) by Nariki MatsudaTottori Prefectural Government After the paste has been washed off, the fabric is set to dry in the sun. To avoid wrinkling due to uneven drying, the fabric is stretched taut. Large fabrics take between approximately 20 to 30 minutes to dry, while small fabrics take about 15 minutes. The flag is given a finish by sewing the edges. Large flags are made by sewing together several piece of dyed fabric. Each and every carefully made flag transmits the warm handmade touch not possible with machine production. The appeal of Tairyō-bata The vibrantly applied primary colours and the powerful design with motifs placed in the centre—such profound colour tones are not attainable by modern printing techniques. The sketch is drawn on the fabric freehand with a prepared design used as reference. This is possible thanks to the craftsmanship cultivated by the Matsuda Somemono-ten. The bold characters and design on every tairyō-bata are original and based on traditions passed down from generation to generation. With the tsutsugaki technique borders are not created; instead, vibrant gradations between dark and light colours are freely applied and blended out by the artisan. Nariki Matsuda, 13th generation, began working as a dyeing artisan 24 years ago. Past designs created at Matsuda Somemono-ten included both Japanese and Western designs to satisfy customer demands. The shop receives orders from all around Japan. “I want to create dyed work as art next,” says Mr. Matsuda. Fuji & Umi Takayama Kengo, A-PROJECTS English translation by: Eddy Y.L. Chang Text and Exhibition created by: Aoyama Misa, Kyoto Women's University Iida Natsuki, Kyoto Women's University Takiguchi Tomoko, Kyoto Women's University Dr Maezaki Shinya, Kyoto Women's University This exhibition is provided by: Tottori Prefectural Govenment
In this article, we explain the difference between wiring solar panels in series vs parallel. Today, solar panels are available in the range of 3 watts to 700 watts. But often we need power in the kW range. Therefore, we will need to connect N numbers of solar panels to achieve such power. There are two options for connecting multiple solar panels together: series and parallel. The question is, which option is best for your situation? Whether the solar panels are connected in series or parallel, the total wattage of the system increases in the same way at each of these connections. Your primary concern is whether or not your solar panels generate enough power to meet your energy needs. So you might be wondering "Does it really matter how wired your solar panels are in series vs parallel?". Yes, of course, the way the solar panels are connected is critical to improving system efficiency and maximizing cost savings and revenue. The Main Difference in Wiring Solar Panels in Series vs Parallel In short, the main difference between connecting a solar panel system in series and parallel is the output voltage and current of the system. When solar panels are connected in series, the output voltages from each panel are summed together, while the output current remains the same. When solar panels are connected in parallel, the resulting currents leaving each panel are summed together, while the total system voltage remains the same. Wiring Solar Panels in Series When you connect solar panels in series, you connect the positive terminal of one panel to the negative terminal of the next panel, and so on. This results in the voltage of the system increasing while the current remains the same as that of a single panel.The total voltage of the system will be equal to the sum of the individual voltages of the panels. For example, if you connect 3 solar panels with 12 volts and 5 amps, the total voltage of the system will be 36 volts (12V + 12V + 12V). However, the total current of the system will still be 5 amps. Check out our article to learn about How to build a circuit to charge a 12v battery with a solar panel. A low-amperage solution: One of the benefits of connecting solar panels in series is that it can allow you to use smaller gauge wiring. This can save you money and effort during the installation process, particularly if you are installing the solar panels in a location where long cable runs are required. Importance for each individual panel in a series connection: The performance of the entire string of series-connected solar panels can be affected by the performance of the lowest-performing panel. When one panel in the string is shaded or underperforming for any reason, it reduces the current output of the entire string. Meeting the operating voltage window requirements of the inverter: It is important to keep in mind that inverters have a specific voltage range at which they operate efficiently. By connecting solar panels in series, the voltage of the array increases, which can help ensure that the system operates within the required voltage range of the inverter. Wiring Solar Panels in Parallel When connecting solar panels in parallel, the positive terminals of all the panels are connected together, and the negative terminals are also connected together. This creates a parallel circuit where the voltage across each panel is the same but the current output is additive. So, the current output of the parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the current outputs of each panel. Parallel connections are more commonly used in smaller and simpler solar systems, such as those used for camping, RVs, or boats, which operate at a lower voltage. For example, in a 12V system, connecting solar panels in parallel can help keep the charging capabilities at 12V while increasing the current output. PWM charge controllers are commonly used in parallel connections because they work well for smaller systems that don't require a high level of efficiency. Connecting panels in parallel requires using very thick wires to handle the higher current (15 amps vs 5 amps in the examples above). In addition, paralleling systems also require additional equipment, such as branch connectors or combine boxes, to combine the output of multiple solar panels and route the combined output to a charge controller. This adds additional cost and complexity to the system. Connecting solar panels in parallel allows more power to be obtained without exceeding the maximum input voltage rating of the inverter or charge controller.When solar panels are connected in parallel, each panel operates independently of the others, which means that shading on one panel will not affect the output of the other panels in the array. This is because the electrical current produced by each panel flows directly to the inverter or PWM charge controller. Series – Parallel Connection In this configuration, two or more panels are connected in series to increase the voltage, forming two equal strings. These strings are then connected in parallel to increase the amperage of the system. N-number of solar panels connected in series. N-number of solar panels connected in series and parallel combinations. In a solar panel array that is configured with two strings of panels, the total voltage of the array will be equal to the voltage of a single string. Similarly, the total current of the array will be equal to the sum of the currents of both strings. For example, if each string produces 5 amps of current at 36 volts, the total voltage of the array will also be 36 volts, while the amperage of the array will be 10 amps. This type of wiring is commonly used in larger solar panel arrays to balance the voltage and current (wattage) requirements of the system. Solar Panels in Series or Parallel with MPPT An MPPT charge controller adjusts the voltage and current output of the solar panels so that they match the voltage and current requirements of the battery bank. A pulse width modulation (PWM) charge controller reduces the voltage output of the solar panels to match the voltage of the battery bank. However, this can result in significant power loss, especially when the solar panels are connected in a series configuration. This is because when solar panels are connected in series, the voltage output of the string is additive, while the current output remains the same. A PWM charge controller reduces the voltage output of the string, but it doesn't adjust the current output, which can result in a significant loss of power. In contrast, an MPPT charge controller can adjust both the voltage and current output of the solar panels to ensure that the system operates at its maximum efficiency. While a PWM charge controller may be a cheaper option, it's not recommended for solar panel strings connected in series. An MPPT charge controller is a more efficient option that can help to maximize the power output of the solar installation. Wiring Solar Panels in Series vs Parallel - Which is Better The best wiring configuration for your solar panel system is the connection that will provide you with the optimal power for your requirements. Connecting solar panels in series can be a good option when a low-amp system is desired and when the panels are expected to receive constant sunlight throughout the day. On the other hand, connecting solar panels in parallel can be a better option when a low-voltage system is desired and when the panels are expected to experience mixed-light conditions. A series-connected solar panel system may be more productive in the early morning, late afternoon, and during overcast weather. This is because the voltage output of the series-connected panels remains relatively constant, even as the current output fluctuates due to changes in light conditions. In contrast, a parallel-connected solar panel system may see more significant output fluctuations in response to changes in light conditions. For example, most solar panels in the 100-watt range typically have an output voltage between 17-20 volts. To charge a 12V battery bank, 3 solar panels must operate at 77% capacity or more if they are wired in parallel. If solar panels are wired in series. These three panels only need to operate at around 25% capacity. If shading is a concern, a parallel connection may be more appropriate. Series or Parallel For Mixing Different Wattage Solar Panels: So far, in all previous examples, we have been wiring solar panels in series vs parallel using panels of the same size and with identical electrical ratings. But what if I have different-sized panels from different manufacturers with different electrical ratings? Would it be better to connect solar panels in series or parallel? For a highly efficient solar system, the use of identical panels is the ideal solution and the best option, but it is not a requirement for small off-grid systems. It is possible to mix different solar panels if they have different electrical ratings, but doing so requires adhering to some important guidelines: - If you want to wire solar panels in series, all of the panels should have the same or similar current ratings. This is because in a series connection, the current output of the entire series string will be determined by the panel with the lowest current rating. - On the other hand, when wiring solar panels in parallel, it is important to ensure that the voltage of each panel is the same or similar. If the voltage of each panel is not the same, the voltage output of the panels will be set to the lowest-rated panel's voltage value. Solar Panels in Series with Different Voltages and Currents If we connect 4 solar panels (6V/2A), (6V/3A), (9V/3A), (12V/4A), the array will have a total power output of (33V x 2A) = 66 watts. If the first and fourth panels have a current output of 3 amps, the total power output will be (33V x 3A) = 99 watts. This means that the total energy will decrease by about 33%. Solar Panels in Parallel with Different Voltages and Currents In a parallel connection, the array will have a total power output of (6V x 12A) = 72 watts. Series vs Parallel Connection: Pros & ConsConnecting solar panels in series is a common practice in solar panel installations, as it can result in higher voltages and lower currents, which can reduce the cost of cabling and make the system more efficient. However, it is important to ensure that the maximum voltage of the charge controller is not exceeded when connecting panels in series. |Wiring Solar Panels
The slow loris, an impossibly cute nocturnal primate found in the rainforests of South East Asia, is thought to be at risk from the international pet trade. With its huge round eyes and soft woolly coat, this little primate is highly sought after by exotic pet keepers. Traders go to extreme lengths to sell the lorises, often pulling out their teeth with pliers so that they can be sold as “tame”. The animals suffer high mortality in captivity due to infection, poor handling and animal cruelty. The Cambodian government has called for all species of slow loris to be listed on Appendix I of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), which would effectively ban all international trade in the animals. Although widely supported by animal welfare groups, this proposal is contested by international groups such as TRAFFIC (the joint wildlife trade monitoring programme of WWF and the World Conservation Union). Such groups state that domestic trade is a far bigger threat to the animals and that local law enforcement would have more of an impact than an international ban on trade. Despite being protected by law in all range states, the animals are sold openly on the streets and at bird markets. Lorises are traded locally for the pet trade and are also used in traditional medicine. All parts of the loris are used from the eyes (to make love potions) to the fur (for healing wounds) and flesh (to treat epilepsy, stomach problems and asthma). TRAFFIC representatives argue that local level trade would not be affected by the Appendix I listing. However, proponents of the ban argue that Appendix I listing will raise awareness of the problems facing this little-known primate amongst the public and enforcement agencies, and hopefully lead to better protection. The proposal, which includes all species in the genus Nycticebus, is being debated at the 14th Conference of the Parties of CITES, which is currently being held in the Netherlands. Find out more here. Previously regarded as a single species, there are now thought to be at least 5 species of slow loris, occurring from northern India, down through Myanmar, Thailand and peninsular Malaysia, across into Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and into the islands of Indonesia and the Philippines. Little is known about the status of these shy nocturnal primates, although populations are thought to be declining as a result of habitat loss and unsustainable levels of poaching and trafficking.
Prostate cancer, the second most common cancer around the world among men, is a disease that is very survivable when diagnosed early. Screening is the best way to find early cancer. Overall, prostate cancer has a high cure rate, including 99% of the cases that are identified, diagnosed, and treated early. Often, prostate cancer grows relatively slowly and may take years to become detectable, and even longer to spread outside the prostate (metastasize). However, the disease comes in many forms, and some cases are more aggressive and need urgent treatment. Who's at Risk? Men at the most risk for prostate cancer are older, African American, have a family history of the disease, and have certain inherited genetic conditions. Smoking and excess body weight may increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, and Black men have more than a 70% higher risk than white men for as yet unknown reasons. Genetics plays a central role in prostate cancer, contributing to more than half of all cases. That makes prostate cancer the most "inheritable" of all cancers. Men with a close relative with prostate cancer may be twice as likely to develop the disease; those with two or more relatives have nearly four times the incidence. The risk rises if family members were diagnosed before age 65. Social determinants, such as access to healthcare and behavioral and sociodemographic characteristics, may also play a prominent role in the risks of developing and surviving prostate cancer. For example, a diet that is low in vegetables and high in processed meat and saturated fat may be a risk factor. More research is necessary to understand the relative contribution of genetics and biology compared with non-genetic causes. What are the Signs and Symptoms? In the early stages, prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms. The first sign is often found during a routine screening exam. Uncommonly, prostate cancer may present with symptoms including: - Urinary signs and symptoms: need to urinate often and during the night, inability to urinate, and trouble starting or stopping urinary flow - Erection and ejaculation symptoms: painful ejaculation, blood in the ejaculate, and trouble achieving an erection However, these symptoms are more commonly due to non-cancerous conditions such as benign prostate enlargement rather than to prostate cancer. Late-stage prostate cancer commonly spreads to the bones, which can cause pain in the hips, spine, ribs, and other areas. Prostate cancer screening includes a digital rectal exam (an examination of the prostate via a gloved finger in the rectum) and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test -- a blood test for the PSA protein used as a "disease marker" to represent prostate cancer. A high PSA test score may increase the suspicion of prostate cancer. More testing usually includes imaging and a biopsy to determine the presence of cancer. Blood and urine tests are available that may provide additional information. "Medical Journeys" is a set of clinical resources reviewed by physicians, meant for the medical team as well as the patients they serve. Each episode of this journey through a disease state contains both a physician guide and a downloadable/printable patient resource. "Medical Journeys" chart a path each step of the way for physicians and patients and provide continual resources and support, as the caregiver team navigates the course of a disease.
Did you know that our brain can filter what we hear? This is known as the Cocktail Party Effect. It enables us to listen to our friends talk in a crowded, noisy party. Again, it enables us to totally block out someone and listen to something else. That can help one evade a boring conversation. It is a form of aural eavesdropping. All the sounds enter our ears and the left side of our brain filters out the rest and processes the information of one particular sound. Why does it choose that one particular sound? Because we want to hear that. It’s upon us to decide. Colin Cherry of Imperial College, London conducted a study on this. He played two different messages voiced by the same person, simultaneously. He asked the participants to separate the two voices and shadow out one of them. He asked them to speak out loud and later, write down what the voice they perceived was saying. For doing this, the participants had to close their eyes and concentrate hard. The task is difficult, yet possible. The participants couldn’t separate the messages when they consisted of nonsensible sentences. In the second experiment, Cherry arranged it so that one message could be heard from the left ear while another from the right ear. Again, the speaker would be the same. The participants accurately shifted their attention back and forth between the two messages. The task was easy enough, and they didn’t have to concentrate so hard to differentiate between the two messages. This is exactly what people face in noisy areas as the sounds come from various directions. We can easily isolate the sound we want to hear and focus on it. This can be harmful to those who have the habit of tuning out sounds when they get bored by a conversation. Studies have found that when people tune out a sound, they cannot even make out when the language is changed, or the message is played backward. The only time people notice is when the gender of the voice changes. For those with hearing impairments, the Cocktail Party Effect reduces and they face difficulties in differentiating between noise and the sound they need to hear. Research is being carried out to find a solution to this problem. Just another random potato.
Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds to the big gray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, a cantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation, bit by bit brightening the shop and bringing smiles to customers’ faces with the flowers she grows. But it is in a secret place that Lydia Grace works on her masterpiece — an ambitious rooftop garden — which she hopes will make even Uncle Jim smile. Sarah Stewart introduces readers to an engaging and determined young heroine, whose story is told through letters written home, while David Small’s illustrations beautifully evoke the Depression-era setting. This heart warming spring book can be used in speech therapy to address social/emotional issues like surviving in a time of darkness, helping others and seeing the bright things in life. It is also great for character analysis and for targeting inferencing as well as for describing! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using The Gardener in speech therapy below:
The wheel hub, also known as the rim, is the barrel-shaped, center-mounted part of the tire that is used to support the tire. Common car wheels include steel wheels and aluminum alloy wheels. Steel wheels have high strength and are often used in large trucks; however, steel wheels are heavy in quality and have a single shape, which does not conform to today's low-carbon and fashionable concepts, and is gradually being replaced by aluminum alloy wheels. The advantages of JWHEEL aluminum alloy wheels are obvious: the density is small, about 1/3 of steel, which means that the same volume of aluminum alloy wheels will be 2/3 lighter than steel wheels. Statistics show that the quality of the vehicle is reduced by 10%, and the fuel efficiency can be increased by 6% to 8%. Therefore, the promotion of aluminum alloy wheels is of great significance for energy saving, emission reduction and low-carbon life. Leave A Message
We feel confident when we know what to expect in the future and anxious when things around us become unpredictable. This feeling can arise from a fear of the future. Let’s see how it works and what can help you cope with it. Two-thirds of Brits aged 16 to 25 feel anxious when thinking about the future, according to a survey conducted by The Prince’s Trust youth project. Researchers attribute such high levels of anxiety to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fear of the future is reinforced by worries about future employment and career opportunities, which seem impossible against the backdrop of the general economic recession. Doubts about a beautiful future are also reflected in international surveys among young people. Researchers at the University of Bath have calculated that three quarters of 16 to 25 year olds rate the future as “scary.” This time the backdrop for the fear was climate change and the belief that politicians and older generations have “betrayed” them and given up the fight for a better and safer future for their children and grandchildren. How the Mechanism of the Fear of Future Is Triggered Anxiety and fear are normal. In psychology, they are basic and even necessary for human survival, and they can appear because of external or internal experiences. Fear of the future is based on the realization that the future is unknown, and therefore, we cannot prepare for it to survive. The emotion of the fear of the future is born out of an information vacuum. There is no information, no data that our intellect can process and make a decision, a course of action. This deprives our brain of the possibility of survival: we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, and we cannot plan how to survive in what we don’t know. This is where the emotion of fear is reflected. Every time the brain is faced with a situation where it doesn’t know what will happen and what to do to survive, fear hits the nervous system and can go into the background. Anxiety then becomes constant. This state exhausts the psyche and nervous system; a person isn’t meant to be in a state of stress all the time and risks coming to emotional burnout. That’s even the reason why we prefer playing old games like Book of Oz free play or watching our favorite TV show instead of switching to something new. The source of this fear is external circumstances — events that we cannot influence and that disrupt the usual order of things. These can be global warming or pandemics. However, we often make things worse for ourselves when an event has already happened and we consume too much information in an attempt to learn as much as we can about it. Such actions are called doomscrolling by psychologists. We come to it because of a cognitive error. It seems to us that the more information we have, the better protected we are. However, consuming information we cannot influence increases our powerlessness and sense of hopelessness about the situation, increasing the amount of fear, that is, the inability to survive. An excess of disturbing and scary data that we have no control over reduces the amount of information about what will happen to us next and whether we can survive, all of which creates fear of the future. How to Fight Your Fear Back Adequate worries about the future are natural for a person and even useful. Thanks to them, we follow the regime of the day to get up on time for work, perform work tasks to get paid, and find time for rest because without pauses or vacations, we won’t be able to work. But sometimes fear of the future goes beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable, as indicated by the following signs: - Increased anxiety and worry. We begin to worry about upcoming events that haven’t happened yet or may not even happen at all. For example, fear of losing a job or being left without savings, although there are no objective risks for this. - Avoiding long-term planning because of fear of failure or uncertainty. We put off starting a family or planning a career because we fear unfavorable circumstances. - Avoiding new opportunities and change. We refuse to change jobs or create new projects because we are intimidated by possible changes. - A tendency toward pessimism. A person with fear of the future tends to deny any prospects and focus only on unfavorable factors, remaining convinced that the situation is only getting worse. - Physical symptoms. These can be insomnia and poor falling asleep, tension, sleeping too short or too long, or headaches. Speaking of the fear of the future even in difficult times, it’s worth remembering those who went through something similar and found the strength to share such an experience. For example, Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl, who survived imprisonment in a concentration camp, wrote that in the most difficult situations, a person can be supported by his goals. Start by setting small weekly or monthly goals and moving toward achieving them. On the one hand, this will give your life meaningfulness, and on the other hand, it will reinforce the useful memory that most of your goals are realizable and you are capable of achieving what you want.
Taxol is a compound originally obtained from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree Taxus brevifolia , an "environmentally protected species". It was discovered following a screening programme, in which it was found to have the ability to slow down or prevent growth of cancerous tumours. It was then produced by complex chemical manipulation of a similar compound from a related species Taxus baccata - "the English Yew" - which is much more widely available. It is well known in churchyards. It is now produced by a plant cell culture process which is said to be sustainable. It has a complex molecular structure in 3D, and a number of alarmingly long chemical names. The 4-membered oxetane ring seems to be the main active part but the central section is a 17-carbon Its therapeutic action appears to be due to its effect on microtubules making up the spindle, which is involved in mitosis which precedes cell division. Taxol binds to the beta-tubulin subunits of microtubules and stabilises their structure so that spindle does not form and re-form as required in the mitotic cycle, and it may even suppress microtubule detachment from centrosomes at the start of the process. By preventing mitosis, it will affect rapidly dividing cells such as cancer cells more than other ordinary cells which are not dividing. Under the trade name of Paclitaxel it is being used to treat ovarian, breast and certain lung cancers.
Etruscan times the Castiglione area, ruled by Chiusi, was primarily dedicated to the production of wheat. Around the 7th century A.D. the promontory proved to be a formidable defensive outpost for the Byzantine Duchy of Perugia against the neighbouring Longobard territory of Tuscany. Later Arezzo, Cortona and Perugia fought for the possession of Castiglione, which was finally subjected by Perugia.In the 1617 Castiglione became a duchy until 1648, when the area was taken over by the Apostolic Chamber of the Papal States. Rocca del Leone This fortress, probably designed by Frate Elia Coppi, was built in 1247. The Pentagonal walls are sectioned off by four square and one triangular towers. Palazzo della Corgna The 16th-century architect Jacopo Barozzi, called "Il Vignola", built this structure incorporanting the ancient houses of the formerly-powerful Baglioni family and the existing defensive walls. The covered battlements that connect the Palace to the Fortress add to the typically feudal atmosphere of the place. The Niccolò Circignani, called "il Pomarancio", began painting in 1574 in the "Hall of the Feats of Ascanio della Corgna" and continued in the "Hall of the Feats of Ascanio della Corgna" and continued in the "Hall of the Judgements of Paris" and in the "Hall of the Fall of Phaeton". He and Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi painted the "Room of the Aeneid". The bizarre decoration of the "Room of the Metamorphoses" are particularly interesting.
Myosin is an essential component of cardiac muscle, from the onset of cardiogenesis through to the adult heart. Although traditionally known for its role in energy transduction and force development, recent studies suggest that both myosin heavy-chain and myosin light-chain proteins are required for a correctly formed heart. Myosins are structural proteins that are not only expressed from early stages of heart development, but when mutated in humans they may give rise to congenital heart defects. This review will discuss the roles of myosin, specifically with regards to the developing heart. The expression of each myosin protein will be described, and the effects that altering expression has on the heart in embryogenesis in different animal models will be discussed. The human molecular genetics of the myosins will also be reviewed.
Why can’t I sleep? Why it matters? A survey conducted by the American Cancer Society concluded that people who sleep 6 hours or less per night, or who sleep 9 hours or more, had a death rate 30 percent higher than those who regularly slept 7 to 8 hours. Even those who slept 6 hours or less who otherwise had no health problems had death rates 1.8 times higher than those who slept “normal” hours. Sleep is essential to LIFE! What happens when we sleep? Our brain goes through 4 stages of brain wave patterns that move us into deep rest and relaxation. The body goes into healing and restoration mode which is necessary to recover from the stress of the day, physical, emotional, or mental. - “Wake up” or excitatory neuro-chemicals decrease - “Relax” or inhibitory neuro-chemicals increase - Adrenal gland repair - Let go of our identification with the ego What are the underlying causes of sleeplessness? - stress (an easy guess) - brain chemistry imbalance - hormone imbalance - environmental factors (noise, pets, partners moving at night, light disturbance, snoring) - amino acid, mineral, or vitamin deficiency - diet and lifestyle factors - over 300 prescription drugs interfere with sleep Let me get more specific! Stress = increase in cortisol, adrenaline and decrease natural serotonin, melatonin and GABA (sleep brain neurotransmitters). Our body chemistry is in AWAKE mode rather than sleep mode. Stress also burns up progesterone, a male and female hormone that helps us sleep. Can you handle stress well? Take this questionnaire. Brain chemistry imbalance = Poor diet, lack of protein, vitamins, minerals, over-stressed, grief, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise all can cause this. It is very helpful to test our neurotransmitters to find out the exact imbalance and fix it. With sleep issues, typically the test reveals high adrenaline, low serotonin, yet each test result is unique to the patient. Hormone Imbalance = usually during PMS times, or aging and menopause or “manopause” we have some sleep disturbance. High or low estrogen, low progesterone, low testosterone can cause insomnia. Testing to determine the imbalance is needed, and then restoring balance can be done using natural medicines quickly and easily. Adrenal fatigue is also a factor, when we are not awake during the day, our body loses the diurnal rhythm of sleep/wake. Also, this can cause low blood sugar at night triggering us to wake up to eat! Environmental factors = light, sound, movement, electricity, EMF’s, blue light from screens. We need to minimize these as best we can. Protein and or Vitamin deficiency = from poor diet, poor digestion, absorption, or from not taking a high quality multivitamin. i.e. lack of magnesium – relaxes muscles, lack of iron = anemia, lack of amino acids or B6 = low tryptophan Lifestyle factors = eating late (causes wake up when carbs kick in), drinking alcohol in the evening (releases adrenaline), lack of exercise (causes low tryptophan), coffee or caffeine from chocolate Prescription drugs = benzodiazepines or anti-histamines, taken for more than 7 days can have long term effects of sleep disturbance. Taking Metformin depletes B12, taking birth control depletes B6. Genetic testing is available and reasonable = check out 23andme.cmo, I can interpret the results for you. - RELAX, especially when eating! - exercise is the number one way to reduce stress in the body and mind - yoga or stretching - learn to accept life as it is and let the past go - breathing techniques Minimize environmental factors: Buy some black out curtains, they are amazing! – any light will cause lower levels of melatonin; Use ear plugs, eye covers if you can; get to bed at the same time every night; avoid tv or use electronics the hour before you go to sleep (blue light depletes melatonin) Test your neurotransmitters - urine test taken at bedtime or when you wake up and cannot go back to sleep results give a chemical fingerprint of what is happening in your brain and nervous system so we know exactly why you are not falling or staying asleep, and exactly how to correct the imbalance - saliva testing is best, blood can be used as well common deficiencies associated with sleep are cortisol, thyroid, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone Essential sleep nutrients (depleted in many of us!) Magnesium – the most common treatment I use – it detoxes adrenaline, calms nerves, relaxes muscles, helps those who get up frequently to urinate, and much more Also important are calcium, vitamin C B6 (P5P form is best) B12 (methylated form is best) amino acids such as L-tryptophan GABA – amino acid, taurine are calming to nervous system If you have GI issues and insomnia - food intolerance or stool testing may be needed to restore the health of your digestive tract so you can properly digest and absorb nutrients. Most of our Serotonin is made and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin is one of the most important calming, mood enhancing neurotransmitter. Wake up times and emotions unresolved (Chinese medicine) - Wake up at 1am – 3am You may have unresolved/accepted Anger - Wake up at 3am – 5am You may have unfinished Grief
A term paper is a report filed to the teacher for approval detailing the study involved in the course, typically for credit towards a degree. It is normally very lengthy and tiresome to write, the reason being that students are required to do a whole lot more than simply read a textbook. They must produce first, researched, and concise research papers covering several different subjects. The term paper usually analyzes one area of study within the field of study. It’s also usually extremely crucial and might request specialized literature or information that the student hasn’t previously researched, frequently covering a controversial issue on which many pupils have no opinion. A word paper usually examines a single topic, but doesn’t go into some depth in the topic. By way of instance, a recent article on immigration https://www.wepapers.com/ policy was a term paper on a current coverage on immigration. Pupils researching for an essay all need to do is show their understanding of the subject under study and their research methodology. All of the facts and findings are documented, but students should keep in mind the intention behind the term paper is not to present study findings in a unique and insightful manner. The paper only needs to satisfy the assignment requirements for the teacher, and as long as the document meets these requirements it is acceptable. Many term papers are written in class, with small private writing involved. In this circumstance, the student should strive to create his or her paper as complete as possible, citing resources at every opportunity. Including footnotes and an index in the research paper is helpful to the teacher. Among the most common strategies to compile term papers is to use previously published work within the subject of research. Pupils may have noticed numerous government documents online that they believe could be interesting for them. In most cases, these government records can be found in the form of electronic documents. The student should use these citations in their research paper, mentioning the source as deeply as possible. In some cases the student will have to make new citations for previously cited work because the majority of the world wide web now includes free access to nearly all public info. Students need to remember that the term paper format is just as limited as the student’s own imagination. Students are encouraged to create a writing style that’s distinctive and personal, and should never replicate the style of another writer. Writing assignments must be approached in a systematic and methodical manner. Students are permitted to customize their writing mission as far as they wish, but should not overdo it, plagiarize, or violate the details of the assignment. In the end, a thriving research paper will be composed in an original, meaningful manner. As a final word, it is important to note that using the correct citation formats will greatly enhance the students’ chances of success in the class. It’s necessary for the student to ensure they accurately describe the research topic and the literature that support it. It is also a good idea to carefully follow the citation guidelines for the field in which the term paper was written in. Following these tips will make the procedure for finishing an excellent term paper easier.
The Groundbreaking ACE Study Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. As such, early experiences are an important public health issue. Much of the foundational research in this area has been referred to as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). A Must See Short Film by Nathanael Matanick "We made ReMoved with the desire that it would be used to serve in bringing awareness, encourage, and be useful in foster parent training, and raising up foster parents." Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress and Implications for Juvenile Justice Effects of Complex Trauma Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Lifelong Consequences of Trauma The long shadow of adverse childhood experiences Adverse Childhood Experiences The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study — the largest, most important public health study you never heard of — began in an obesity clinic ACE is Widespread: National and State Level Prevalence Randy A. Sansone, MD and Lori A. Sansone, MD American Psychiatric Association Staff The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research & Education By Dr. Emma Seppala Sheldon Cohen, Carnegie Mellon University Association for Psychological Science By Dr. Emma Seppala Spirituality & Health, By Traci Pedersen Psychology Today, By Michael J. Formica, MS, MA, EdM InBrief: The Science of Neglect Extensive biological and developmental research shows significant neglect—the ongoing disruption or significant absence of caregiver responsiveness—can cause more lasting harm to a young child's development than overt physical abuse, including subsequent cognitive delays, impairments in executive functioning, and disruptions of the body's stress response. This edition of the InBrief series explains why significant deprivation is so harmful in the earliest years of life and why effective interventions are likely to pay significant dividends in better long-term outcomes in learning, health, and parenting of the next generation. Childhood Trauma and Positive Health The term Adverse Childhood experience (ACEs) refers to a range of events that a child can experience, which leads to stress and can result in trauma and chronic stress responses. Multiple, chronic or persistent stress can impact a child’s developing brain and has been linked in numerous studies to a variety of high-risk behaviors, chronic diseases and negative health outcomes in adulthood such as smoking, diabetes and heart disease. According to the CDC, Adverse childhood experiences are broken down into three groups including abuse, household challenges, and neglect. The presence of adverse childhood experiences can lead to risky health behaviors, chronic health conditions, and low life potential or early death. Learn more here. Link between ACE and Addiction of All Kinds, Including Validation Addiction: Understanding Yourself - Get your ACE Score There are 10 types of childhood trauma measured in the ACE Study. Five are personal — physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect. Five are related to other family members: a parent who’s an alcoholic, a mother who’s a victim of domestic violence, a family member in jail, a family member diagnosed with a mental illness, and the disappearance of a parent through divorce, death or abandonment. Each type of trauma counts as one. Adverse Childhood Experiences Center for Youth Wellness American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) by Building Community Capacity: A Summary of Washington Family Policy Council Research Findings ACEs Response Toolkit: Raising Resiliency Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences: Creating Hope for a Healthier Arizona Building Resiliency Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences [ACEs] Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Fund The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Child Abuse and Public Health – Dr. Robert Anda How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Life Span Nadine Burke Harris’ healthcare practice focuses on a little-understood, yet very common factor in childhood that can profoundly impact adult-onset disease: trauma. Read more here.
Many of your child’s favorite activities occur outside, specifically out in the sun. This includes swimming, visiting the beach, and playing in the playground in the park. Depending on where you live, the sun’s rays can damage your child’s skin every single day — even when you’re not spending hours in the sun. The sun is more dangerous for your child than you think. Most skin cancer cases are caused by the sun’s harmful UV rays. And every sunburn your child receives puts them at a greater risk of developing skin cancer, even at a young age. Are you wondering, how can I protect my child from the sun? Here are sun protection practices to use every day. Wear Protective Clothing The textile industry is advancing every year. Now, children’s clothing with UV protection is available. These sun protective clothing options have different aspects of protection, such as: - Full coverage (concealing the arms, legs, neck, etc.) - Sun protective ratings (either SPF or UPF) - Sturdy fabric construction (such as flat seams) The best UV protected clothing brands are tested to ensure they’re effective. Look for testing done by trusted organizations such as the American Association of Textile Chemist and Colorist (AATCC). There are also additional best practices when selecting UV protective clothing. While there are multiple color options you can choose, it’s best to choose dark colors. Darker colors have a more protective fabric and therefore, protect your child more than lighter colors. Quick drying swim shirts and rash-guards are the perfect garments to protect your skin. Stay in the Shade Stay in the shade as much as possible. This helps prevent UV ray exposure, sunburns, and other issues associated with sun exposure. If you’re outside with your children, such as at the beach or the park, find shaded areas and instruct your children to play there. Great examples include under an umbrella or under a tree. This is especially important if you’re out midday. This includes the times between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. You should stay indoors during this time. If you have to be outside for long periods of time, try to stay in the shade as much as possible. The sun doesn’t only damage your child’s skin. The sun can damage their eyes. Too much UV exposure on the eyes can cause cataracts later. When buying sunglasses for your children, find sunglasses with broad-spectrum lenses. Broad-spectrum means protection against UVA and UVB rays. The best sunglasses offer 100% protection from both UV rays. To ensure your child’s eyes are fully protected, find sunglasses that wrap around the head. This prevents any openings in the sunglasses that can cause UV rays to slip into their range of vision. Wear a Hat In addition to wearing sunglasses, you should instruct your children to wear wide-brimmed hats. The hat will protect their eyes but will also protect their scalp, face, neck, and ears. There are many hat options you can choose from and each offer different levels of protection. Baseball caps are the most popular option for children. However, they don’t offer the most protection; baseball caps only shield the neck and ears. Find sun hats made for kids. These hats have wide brims throughout the circumference, protecting the face and neck. Find a hat in a material such as cotton or a material with UV protection. Beige mesh hats are popular options but choose solid material and dark-colored hats. Applying sunscreen is one of the most important sun protection methods. You should apply sunscreen to your child every time they’re outside during the daytime — even if they’re only outside briefly. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15. Both UVA and UVB rays impact the skin differently; however, they both cause skin effects and skin cancer. Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before your child leaves the house. Apply the sunscreen everywhere the child’s skin is exposed. However, most people forget to protect small areas. This includes the nose, ears, tops of hands and feet, and the lips (there are specialty lip balms made with SPF to use instead). If your child will be outside for long periods of time, apply sunscreen every two hours. In addition, you should reapply sunscreen each time they sweat, swim, or towel off. What If Your Child Is Less Than Six Months Old? If your child is an infant, at six months old or less, exercise more protection and caution. Always dress your child in protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Keep your infant in the shade as much as possible. It’s best to find a sunscreen suitable for babies. Only use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF rating of 15 or more. Encourage and Educate Your Child Protecting your child while they’re young is key. But you should also educate your child and explain why the sun’s UV rays are harmful and why protection is important. You should also limit your time in the sun or stay in the shade with your children. If you need to be out in the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen on yourself in front of your children. This way, they can see you also take measures to protect yourself from UV rays. Stay Out of the Sun Overall, the best course of action is to stay out of the sun. There are plenty of fun activities you can do with your child while you’re indoors. If your child wants to go outside, try and avoid the peak hours where the sun is at its strongest. I Want to Protect My Child From the Sun: Start With UV-Protected Clothing Are you thinking, I want to protect my child from the sun? We’re your one-stop shop for UV protected clothing. We sell clothing for men, women, and children. Shop with us today.
Lumber Comparison And Uses Essay Preview: Lumber Comparison And Uses Report this essay Wood is used for many different things in the world today, but what many people do not know is there are many different types of it. The average person usually thinks that all wood is the same, but some species are just a different color than others. This generalization is very wrong because every type of wood is different in some way and has its own special characteristics. To start the biggest difference is if the wood is a hardwood or softwood. They are not called hardwood and softwood because of their physical durability or texture but because of the kind of tree they are cut from. Hardwoods are cut from deciduous trees and softwoods are cut from coniferous trees. A deciduous tree is any tree that loses it leaves during the winter months and a coniferous tree is the opposite, it usually is a cone-bearing tree that does not lose its leaves during the winter months. Both types of trees do have one thing in common though and that is that they are mostly composed of about 60% cellulose, 28% lignin, and the other 12% is there individual consistencies and colors. Even though the two types of wood are composed of mostly the same thing they are still very different and used for many different things. Hardwoods for the most part are heavier than those of the softwood category making them ideal for furniture, flooring, cabinets, and nice finished projects. Oak is the most well-known and valued hardwood because of its durability and its ability to finish so well. There are a few different types of oak like red oak and white oak. White oak is the most prized of the oak family because it is hard, strong, durable, and finishes well. White oak principle uses are for furniture, veneers, flooring, cabinets, and ship timber. Red oak is used for somewhat the same purposes although it is not as strong or durable. Oak wood more than any other type of wood was the kind of wood used in building the log cabins, barns, mills, and forts of the early settlers. Oaks are now one of the most prized types of wood because they were so abundant that they were cut down so rapidly and it was not until the government realized they were depleting and started to restore them in our forests. Almost half a million white oaks have been planted in Pennsylvania alone in the past twenty years. Oak is not the only hardwood that is used though as mahogany, walnut, maple, and rosewood is a few of the other types. Mostly all of the hardwoods are used for the same purposes, except in a few cases. Softwoods are normally a lighter wood, but that does not mean they are weak or less durable. These types of wood are normally used as construction lumber, doors
Who Is the Greatest Mathematician in the World? Given its expansive and colourful history, the field of mathematics often sparks a number of discussions, including perhaps the most popular debate of all – who is the greatest mathematician in the world? In this article, we’re looking into some of the biggest names in the field; if any of these individuals interest you, you might like to conduct your own research ahead of writing your personal statements and college applications. The Global Impact of Mathematics Since its conception, mathematics has played a key role in just about every scientific and technological field. These range from statistics and accounting to biotechnology and the recent innovations in artificial intelligence. Beyond its interdisciplinary application, mathematical theories also underpin fields such as physics, engineering and cryptography. Take coding and coding software for example, which often rely upon mathematical formulas to draw conclusions. Mathematicians also contribute to solving real-world challenges and societal issues, from the notable role of maths in World War II to its application in contemporary development of robotics in medicine. If you’d like to explore the far-reaching impact of mathematics in more detail, our online Mathematics courses equip high school students with the relevant curriculum and experience to prepare for future careers in maths-related fields. What Makes a Great Mathematician? Before we can answer the question “who is the greatest mathematician in the world?”, it’s important to consider the complexity of the question. Over the years, there have been leaders in the field across numerous historical periods, subfields and mathematical innovations, so identifying the greatest mathematician may be quite tricky. Greatness can be measured through ground-breaking discoveries in mathematics, the development of innovative theories, and lasting influence in the field. The historical and cultural contexts surrounding each mathematician’s work also play a role in shaping perception of their greatness. The Pioneers of Mathematics Let’s start at the very beginning, with the notable ancient mathematicians who laid the foundation for mathematical thought and application in the generations to follow! Pythagoras was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher and polymath, known for his teaching of metempsychosis – the idea that the soul enters a new body upon death. Within the realm of geometry, Pythagoras is widely associated with his Pythagorean theorem, a product of Euclidean geometry that identifies the relationship between the three sides of a right triangle. This theory states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the longest side of a right-angled triangle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides: a² + b² = c² Pythagoras also established the Pythagorean school of thought, which claimed that the universe and all things within it were made from numbers. From this, certain numbers were connected with certain ideas and concepts – in particular, the number three was attributed to the god Apollo, and believed to hold moral importance. Euclid, an ancient Greek geometer and logician, is widely considered the “father of geometry,” largely due to his ground-breaking work Elements. This treatise, understood to have been published in c. 300 BC, covers plane and solid Euclidean geometry, elementary number theory and incommensurable lines. Elements offers the oldest deductive treatment of mathematics, establishing the foundations for geometry that remained widely unchanged until the 19th century. Euclid is also known for creating a logical basis for his geometric theorems, understood as an axiomatic system – a set of hypotheses that can be used together to establish a given theorem. Axiomatic systems have remained an enduring part of geometric thought, with mathematicians continuing to use mathematical proofs in geometric theorising. Archimedes, a Greek mathematician and contemporary of Euclid and Pythagoras, focused his work on levers, pulleys and the principle of buoyancy. He is best known for inventing Archimedes’ principle, which states when an object is partially or fully immersed in a liquid, the apparent loss of weight is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by it: apparent weight = weight of object (in the air) – thrust force (buoyancy) We can see the applications of Archimedes’ principle in the submarines and hot-air balloons of today! Following the pioneering theories of antiquity, the field of mathematics continued to evolve throughout the Middle Ages! Al-Khwarizmi was a Persian and Islamic mathematician who gained notoriety in the ninth century for his systematic solution of quadratic equations using the method we call “completing the square” today. He uses the example equation below to complete the square: x² + 10x = 39 In the below illustration, x² is represented by a square and 10x is represented by a rectangle, with the sum of these areas given to be 39. If we cut the rectangle into two parts, and attach these to adjacent sides of the square, the L-shaped can be filled with a smaller square to “complete” the larger square. This increases the given area from 39 to 64, and the solution is as follows: Additionally, Al-Khwarizmi achieved much of his greatness in his development of mathematical terminologies, including the terms algebra, algorithm and algorism. Given the role of these theories in mathematics, he’s widely hailed as the “father of algebra.” Al-Khwarizmi’s key role in the invention of algorithms can be explored further through the modern-day study of Computer Science. 5. Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam was a Persian polymath, known for his contributions to mathematics, astronomy and philosophy. He contributed greatly to the field of algebra, using conic sections (curves produced by the intersection of a plane with a cone) to provide a complete classification of solutions to more than a dozen different forms of cubic equations! Considered a precursor to Descartes, his work on geometric solutions and algebraic equations sought to unify the fields of algebra and geometry. 6. Leonardo of Pisa Leonardo of Pisa, also known widely as Fibonacci, was an Italian mathematician considered to be “the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages.” His work was influential in the establishment of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europe, a system popularised via his 1202 composition, “Liber Abaci” (Book of the Abacus). Fibonacci also introduced Europe and the Western world to much of Al-Khwarizmi’s work, as well as to the Fibonacci sequence – a sequence in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987… Fibonacci used this sequence to calculate the growth of an idealised rabbit population over one year, however the sequence was first utilised in Indian mathematics as early as 200 BC by Pingala. Revolutionary Thinkers and Innovators Moving beyond the medieval period we come to the innovations that defined the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras in Europe. 7. René Descartes Descartes was a French philosopher and mathematician, known for his groundbreaking exposition of analytic geometry. His work “La Géométrie” introduced today’s standard algebraic notation using lowercase a, b and c for known quantities, and x, y and z for unknown quantities. He also invented the Cartesian Coordinate System, which describes the position of a two-dimensional point by a pair of numbers known as coordinates. These numbers signify the point’s horizontal (x) and vertical locations (y), so a series of points can be plotted on axes as a line or curve on a graph. 8. Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and engineer, recognised for founding the studies of graph theory when he presented a solution to the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem. Euler also related the vertices (corners), edges and faces of a given polyhedron, discovering the formula: V – E + F = 2 The constant in this formula is now known as the Euler characteristic for a planar graph, and ultimately led to the creation of topology – a branch of mathematics concerned with geometric configurations. 9. Pierre-Simon Laplace Pierre-Simon Laplace was a French scholar and polymath, who contributed pioneering work in probability theory. He laid out a system of inductive reasoning based on probability, known today as Bayesian probability, or the process of using probability to predict the likelihood of future events. Laplace also pioneered the Laplace transform, which has the form: F(s) = ∫ f(t)e–st dt This integral operator transforms a function of time (t) into a function of frequency (s), and has several applications in the study of Engineering today! The Birth of Modern Mathematics The birth of modern mathematics in the 17th and 18th centuries was fundamental in the development of abstract and formal mathematical theories. 10. Sophie Germain Sophie Germain was a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher, who developed a pioneering theory of elasticity. While her parents frowned upon her fascination with mathematics, given the assumed place of women in the 18th century, Germain continued to pursue mathematics by candlelight – eventually gaining the secret support of her mother! With the 1794 opening of the École Polytechnique, Germain gained access to relevant lecture notes. After sending these notes to esteemed mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange, she proved her aptitude as a scientist, and Lagrange took her on as a mentee in her own right. For her work on elasticity theory, in which Germain derived a correct differential equation, she became the first woman to win a prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences. Furthermore, she gained wide recognition for her substantial work on a general proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1815. Whilst unpublished, Germain’s work proved the first case of Fermat’s Last Theorem for all odd primes p < 100. 11. Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician and physicist, known predominantly for his contributions to algebra and number theory (the study of integers and arithmetic functions). In particular, his 1797 doctoral thesis gave a proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra – that every polynomial equation with real or complex coefficients has as many roots as its degree. In 1801, Gauss published a compilation of his mathematical findings, helping to consolidate number theory as a discipline. This work introduced the triple bar symbol (≡) for congruence, presented two proofs of the law of quadratic reciprocity, and developed the theories of binary and ternary quadratic forms. Beyond number theory, he also made important contributions to differential geometry, studying curves and surfaces. Departing from the earlier work of Euclid and Descartes, Gauss measured the intrinsic curvature of a surface, from an inner point of view, rather than the way it’s embedded in space. His work would prove crucial to the establishment of Non-Euclidean geometries – even coining the phrase himself! – allowing for later scientific discoveries like Einstein’s theory of relativity. 12. Augustin-Louis Cauchy Augustin-Louis Cauchy was a French mathematician single-handedly responsible for the development of complex function theory, a branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers. His first proven theorem – now known as Cauchy’s integral theorem – was: ∫C f(z)dz = 0 Here f(z) is a holomorphic (complex-valued) function on and within the contour C lying in the complex plane. This finding still forms the core of complex function theory today. Cauchy can also be remembered for his theory of elasticity, which describes the internal stress and strains in a solid body, resulting in crucial developments in the fields of continuum mechanics and the exploration of solid mechanics. 13. Georg Cantor Georg Cantor was a German mathematician known for his groundbreaking work on set theory, where he provided a rigorous proof that there was more than one kind of infinity. To this point, in 1883, Cantor divided the infinite into the transfinite and the absolute. Cantor’s theorem denotes that there are infinitely many infinite cardinal numbers, and that there is no largest cardinal number – the power set of a set A is strictly larger than the cardinality of A itself. Cantor’s conception of transfinite numbers further enriched the concept of infinity as he developed an arithmetic of transfinite numbers that was similar to finite arithmetic. 20th Century Titans The technological and social innovations of the 20th century were also accompanied by great mathematical developments… 14. Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist, best known for his contributions to quantum mechanics and his development of the theory of relativity. Widely considered one of the greatest scientists of all time, Einstein’s work was fundamental to the revolutionary reshaping of the nature of modern physics. His mass-energy equivalence formula remains the world’s most famous equation, explaining how small amounts of mass (m) can be interchangeable with enormous amounts of energy (E): E = mc² Einstein’s revolutionary theory of relativity, published between 1905 and 1915, encompasses two interrelated physics theories: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity explains how speed affects mass, time and space, while general relativity explains the law of gravitation. The theory transformed theoretical physics, introducing concepts like kinematic and gravitational time dilation. Furthermore, his theory redefined the concepts of space, time, matter, energy and gravity. 15. John von Neumann John von Neumann was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist and computer scientist, regarded as having perhaps the widest disciplinary coverage of his time. Von Neumann played a pioneering role in the development of the modern computer, founding an architecture in which both data and program are stored in the same address space. This architecture is the basis of modern computer designs even today. Von Neumann also played an instrumental role in the refinement of game theory. He was one of two scholars to construct a cooperative theory of n-person games, which assumed that various groups of players might join together to form coalitions. If you’d like to learn more about modern computing, our online Computer Science course is taught by an expert tutor to help you get the edge for your future! 16. Kurt Gödel Kurt Gödel was an influential mathematician and philosopher. Considered to be one of the most influential logicians in history, Gödel’s discoveries led to the proof of his incompleteness theorems. These theorems were proven through a technique now known as Gödel numbering, in which a number is assigned to each symbol of a mathematical notation. His first incompleteness theorem states that no consistent system of axioms, whose theorems can be listed by an algorithm, is capable of proving all truths about the arithmetic of natural numbers. The second theorem, an extension of the first, shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency. Today, these theorems are widely interpreted as proof of the impossibility of finding a consistent set of axioms for all mathematics. While the idea of the “greatest mathematician” might inspire you to look to the history books for answers, there are several visionary mathematicians who continue to revolutionise the field today. 17. Andrew Wiles Andrew Wiles is an English mathematician and a Royal Society Research Professor at the University of Oxford, specialising in number theory. He’s widely known for proving Fermat’s Last Theorem as a corollary of a limited form of the modularity theorem. Wiles’ historic proof was based on his simultaneous proving of the modularity theorem, and was enough to imply the validity of Fermat’s Last Theorem. The proof has withstood ensuing mathematical scrutiny, and resulted in Wiles being named a recipient of the 2016 Abel Prize. Wiles was also awarded a silver plaque from the International Mathematical Union (IMU) in 1998, which recognised his achievements. 18. Terence Tao Terence Tao is an Australian mathematician and a professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His work specialises in the topics of harmonic analysis, algebraic combinatorics, number theory and partial differential equations. Tao was a recipient of the Fields Medal in 2006, and his exceptional ability across a range of mathematical fields – co-authoring over 300 research papers – has earned him the distinction the “Mozart of mathematics”. In particular, Tao has achieved great success in the field of number theory, proving the existence of arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions in prime numbers. 19. Maryam Mirzakhani Maryam Mirzakhani was an Iranian mathematician and a professor of Mathematics at Stanford University, known for her distinguished work on the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces. She was the first woman and Iranian to be awarded the Fields Medal, a distinction she received in 2014. Mirzakhani’s ground-breaking work in hyperbolic geometry found that the rigidity of “homogenous space” is reflected in the dynamics of moduli space. The Quest for the Greatest Mathematician Our selections are only some of the notable scholars in the field of mathematics, and so the quest for the greatest mathematician in the world continues! Most importantly, the legacy of these mathematicians collectively enriches human knowledge and understanding – and it’s this collective influence and greatness demonstrated by the above thinkers (and their contemporaries) that allows for a complex and storied set of mathematical traditions! By Adam Kluge Adam (he/him) recently completed his MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Oxford. His research exists at the intersection of law, politics, and history – and he welcomes opportunities to further explore these areas through personal and pedagogical practices. He completed his undergraduate degrees at Columbia University and will begin a PhD in Criminology at Oxford this autumn. Delve deeper into Mathematics Work experience can really improve the quality of a personal statement, elevating it from one level to the next. For a university admissions officer, it shows that you’re dedicated to your subject and have taken the time to explore career possibilities for your... Attending an online maths programme is an excellent opportunity to go beyond the regular school curriculum and discover new challenges in the subject! Growing in popularity, online maths programmes build confidence and equip high school students with new skills and... The majority of UK universities don’t require specific A-level subjects as an entry requirement onto a Law degree. However, it’s always a good idea to choose A-levels that will help you build a strong foundation for your future academic studies and professional...
The US, along with eight other nuclear-armed states, remains unable to reduce reliance on threats to use nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, continued dependence on ‘nuclear blackmail’ or fuzzy concepts like ‘deterrence’ has made the possession of nuclear weapons more suitable. Last month, the world observed the 72nd anniversary of the dropping of atomic weapons on Nagasaki and Hiroshima – the only acts of nuclear warfare in history. This has led some observers to believe that nuclear weapons will never be used again. But a deep analysis of global nuclear politics does not warrant high levels of optimism. The tradition of the non-use of nuclear weapons is not strong enough to stay intact in times of war. What explains the continued non-use of nuclear weapons also remains a moot point among security experts. Thomas Schelling, an American economist and professor of nuclear strategy, believes that the reason for the non-use of atomic weapons lies in their inability to be “contained, restrained, confined, or limited”. He further argues that nuclear weapons are different because of “a jointly recognized expectation that they may not be used in spite of declarations of readiness to use them, even in spite of tactical advantages in their use”. Realist scholars believe power politics and purely material factors to be more crucial determinants. Deterrence advocates would argue that the non-use of nuclear weapons could be explained by the near-universal fear of mutually assured nuclear destruction. But it does not explain why these weapons have not been used in the absence of a credible threat of nuclear retaliation. Meanwhile, constructivist scholars tend to argue for the existence of an international norm against the use of nuclear warheads. In their view, the tradition of non-use of nuclear weapons is socially constructed and defines itself through its inter-subjective thrust that is strengthening over time. Other reasons why nuclear weapons have not been used include tactical constraints such as the dearth of good targets and limited military utility. In 1949, the Harmon committee concluded that a nuclear attack on Russia could kill millions of Russians and destroy 40 percent of Soviet industrial capability but a complete capitulation of Soviet troops would remain impossible. In October 1951, the US conducted an exercise involving dummy nuclear weapons used against North Korea. The data showed the ineffectiveness of the weapons owing to difficulties involved in the identification of enemy troops in a timely manner. However, the then US president Dwight Eisenhower and his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, not only continued to debate the feasibility of limited use of nuclear weapons but also spent considerable political capital in preparing public opinion in favour of the use of atomic weapons. In 1954, the US reportedly considered using atomic weapons against North Vietnam. Luckily, military strategists declared the nuclear option to be militarily and technically unfeasible due to the absence of suitable targets and the risks involving the outbreak of an all-out nuclear war. In the post-cold war period, Russia has increased its reliance on nuclear weapons to overcome its limitations of conventional military capability. Russian leaders have repeatedly signalled that the nuclear option can be used under some extreme circumstances. The military doctrine unveiled in 1993 made it clear that “Russia could use nuclear weapons not only in response to a nuclear attack but also in the case of a conventional attack against nuclear weapons or the early-warning system which could be classified as a nuclear attack”. Russia does not have any stated ‘no-first-use’ policy but is willing to adopt it on a multilateral basis. China is believed to be the only nuclear state that has historically upheld the no-first-use policy. Chinese leaders have proposed the conclusion of a treaty to ban the use of nuclear weapons but China’s growing nuclear capabilities have the potential to upset both strategic and conventional balance in the region. Furthermore, there is little historical evidence to suggest that China’s no-first-use policy has been driven by reputational concerns because the goals of nuclear disarmament have never been central to its nuclear strategy. The nuclear policies of Pakistan, India and Israel have also done little to strengthen the tradition of the non-use of nuclear weapons. In Pakistan, a major cause of concern for disarmament activists remains the high level of domestic support for the use of nuclear weapons. Most people are unaware of the threats posed by the existence of nuclear weapons and approve their use in the throes of a nationalist plague. The situation is not too different in India. Since 2014, the Modi government has been revising India’s nuclear doctrine and no longer has a declaratory no-first-use policy. Since it became a nuclear state in 1966, Israel has made indirect threats of nuclear use. Israel has far superior conventional military but it continues to build nuclear weapons while maintaining a policy of deliberate nuclear ambiguity. In 2006, Ehud Olmert, the then prime minister of Israel, acknowledged the existence of a nuclear programme but later had to retract his statement under domestic pressure. This suggests that the security policies of nuclear states still favour long-term reliance on nuclear deterrence and the threats emerging from the possible use of nuclear weapons cannot be ignored. The link between climate change and WASH is undeniable. Droughts and floods, intensified by climate change The event on Sunday in the crowded ‘Ichhra’ neighbourhood could have become ugly without the timely and brave... The Household Responsibility System shifted agricultural production from collective farming to household-based... A language is not just a collection of phonetics, phonology, words, syntax and grammar The consequences of this divide are far-reaching, extending beyond economic hardship to encompass social and political... This is a global practice, and music owners earn substantial income through royalties from this
2. Complex numbers. 2. Complex numbers.# Complex numbers are an integral part of mathematics and are therefore often met in physical chemistry. At a practical level they are needed to understand fourier transforms (Chapter 9) and are used in describing NMR and x-ray diffraction from crystals as well as practical things such as MRI and CT scanners. Complex numbers also appear naturally in Quantum mechanics. You can think of a complex number as a two dimensional number which follow special and simple rules. This chapter introduces them with examples of their use.
VPN security information and a general overview The intermediate Network Vpn security is most beneficial in this segment. All communications VPN client to VPN server is encrypted and encapsulated and the intermediate machines that route the packets only can read the source and destination IP addresses. The Destination Network Encrypted Data that reaches the server is decrypted and sent to the required destination within the network. The protection of data by the VPN connection ends here and any further protection of the data is the responsibility of the server and the LAN security systems. The end point-to-end point of communication is not a completely secure if at the destination end the application does not receive the decrypted data. This happens when the VPN server is not the same machine as the application server and then data has to be sent to the application through the LAN which may not be secure. VPN split tunnel security becomes important if the server handles both intranet and internet traffic. Setting up a Secure VPN Security at the endpoints is necessary and cannot be ignored. Antivirus software’s with Firewall and other intrusion detection systems are necessary. VPN’s security deals mainly in the transit of information from one end point to the other. In this scenario the major technique that ensures safety is the VPN encryption technology and the VPN protocols that are used. A new technology that is gaining popularity is SSL VPN, which is an altogether a different type of VPN. It cannot be compared with other IP VPN protocols. Encryption of data and secure authentication is a way of providing security. Kerberos, S/Key and DESlogin are some methods used in authentication. In encryption The various methods used are - RSA- (Ron Shamir Adleman), which is a popular method in public key encryption and digital signatures. - DES- (Data Encryption standard) is an official standard and forms the basis for ATM’s-(Automatic Teller Machines) PIN authentication. - Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher and is gaining popularity as a strong encryption algorithm. - IDEA-(International Data Encryption Algorithm) is being implemented in hardware chipsets making the algorithm even faster than the others. - SEAL- (Software-optimized Encryption Algorithm) is a Stream-Cipher (encryption is in continuous streams rather than blocks of data) and so is faster. - RC4 is useful when a new key is chosen for each message VPN creates a secure “ tunnel ” through the public network and protocols establish this tunnel. Security could depend on a number of factors like Client-server systems, Level of security, performance issues and network resources accessed. - PPTP uses the same types of authentication as PPP (PAP, SPAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, EAP). - PPTP establishes the tunnel but does not provide encryption. It is used in conjunction with the Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) protocol to create a secure VPN. - PPTP client are available for Linux, Macintosh OS 9.x - Firewall appliance and other enterprise level software including ISA Server, Cisco PIX, SonicWall and some models of WatchGuard support PPTP - Authentication is the same as in PPP. It provides an extra level of security by providing computer authentication also and can be used on non-IP networks such as ATM, frame relay and X.25. - L2TP requires the use of digital certificates. It uses IPSec’s ESP-(Encapsulating Security Payload) protocol to provide encryption - The L2TP client is built into Windows 2000, XP and 2003. Service packs give you the availability of client software for other operating systems. - Firewall products and enterprise level software like ISA Server, CheckPoint, Cisco PIX, and WatchGuard support L2TP. - Authentication involves IKE-(Internet Key Exchange) protocol with either digital certificates or with a preshared key. - IPSec protocol is more famously known for encryption in conjunction with the L2TP tunneling protocol. - IPSec support is included in Windows 2000/XP/2003 operating systems. Cisco, CheckPoint and other Gateway vendors provide provide client software for IPSec-based VPNs. - VPN appliances that implement IPSec include Cisco’s VPN Concentrators, CISCO PIX firewalls, NetScreen, SonicWall, and WatchGuard appliances. Enterprise level software firewalls like ISA Server, CheckPoint and Symantec Enterprise Firewall also support IPSec VPNs. Virtual private networking is often the best and the most cost effective way to provide remote access to your company network. Know the protocols and their implementation to make a decision. This affects both performance and security. ExpressVPN Fast, anonymous browsing all over the world NordVPN Enjoy online privacy and security with a reliable VPN Cyber Ghost Browse anonymously with reliable security SurfShark Affordable and reliable VPN for secure browsing ZenMate Experience the internet anonymously Purevpn Keep your data secure with a VPN built for privacy
Recent research studies have linked periodontal disease to a number of different respiratory diseases. While the connection might not seem obvious at first, think of what might happen if you breath in bacteria from infected teeth and gums over a long period of time. Periodontal disease is a progressive condition which generally begins with a bacterial infection. Generally, bacterial respiratory infections occur due to the inhalation of fine droplets from the mouth and throat into the lungs. These droplets contain germs that can spread and multiply within the lungs to impair breathing. Researchers have concluded that periodontal disease may actually play a causal role in the contraction of pneumonia, bronchitis and emphysema. Research has also shown that bacteria can be drawn into the lower respiratory tract and worsen existing lung conditions. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a respiratory condition characterized by blockage of the airways, and caused mostly by smoking, has been proven to worsen if the patient also has periodontal disease. The fact that respiratory disease and periodontal disease are linked may seem far-fetched, but there is plenty of evidence to support it. While the presence of bacteria is a determinant of disease, it is often the inflammatory response to bacteria that is essential in the initiation and progression of disease states. Both periodontal disease and respiratory disease are classified as inflammatory conditions, so it may be possible that inflammation is a factor in the link between the two. Another reason for the connection between respiratory problems and periodontal disease may be low immunity. It has been shown that most patients who experience chronic or persistent respiratory problems have low immunity. This low immunity allows oral bacteria to grow above and below the gum line without being challenged by the body’s immune system. Not only does this accelerate the progression of periodontal disease, it also puts the patient at increased risk of developing emphysema, pneumonia and COPD. Respiratory infections like COPD and pneumonia can be severely debilitating and are a major cause of death in the United States. The benefits of controlling periodontal disease are twofold. First, any discomfort in the mouth will be reduced and the gums will be healthier. Second, the frequent respiratory infections associated with COPD and other common lung problems will reduce in number. These studies provide yet another example of how periodontal health plays a role in keeping other systems of the body healthy.
This area of dentistry focuses intimately on growth and development from birth to adolescence, disease causality and prevention, child psychology and management, and all aspects of the highly specialized pediatric restorative techniques and modalities. Fluoride is a mineral that is beneficial to our teeth. It is one of the main components of toothpaste that is used to prevent tooth decay. This treatment is done once a year to make teeth and gums stronger. This is a plastic material applied to sections most prone to cavities such as the grooves and deep surfaces of the back teeth. Sealants act as shield from plaque and food debris that cause tooth decay.
Thanks to Fusionrudy for posting a link to an article from the World Nuclear Association which discusses the work of a Chinese company called Beijing Betavolt New Energy Technology Company Ltd which has announced that it has developed a minature nuclear battery that uses beta decay to generate electricity. From the article: Betavolt said its nuclear batteries are modular and can be composed of dozens or hundreds of independent unit modules and can be used in series and parallel, so battery products of different sizes and capacities can be manufactured. Betavolt says its batteries can meet the needs of long-lasting power supply in multiple scenarios such as aerospace, AI equipment, medical equipment, micro-electromechanical systems, advanced sensors, small drones and micro-robots. “If policies allow, atomic energy batteries can allow a mobile phone to never be charged, and drones that can only fly for 15 minutes can fly continuously,” it said. Here’s a video by physicist Sabine Hossenfelder on the topic. She explains that there have been various efforts to develop nuclear batteries over the years, and that they are still being explored. The European Space Agency is now preparing a nuclear powered craft to travel to the moon.
Computer forensic is an electronic revelation method used to assemble and protect proof from a specific registering gadget that decides and uncovers specialized criminal proof. Computer forensic frequently includes electronic information stockpiling extraction for lawful purposes. The term legal sciences in a real sense implies utilizing a type of set up logical interaction for the assortment, examination, and introduction of the proof which has been gathered. Nonetheless, all types of proof in Computer forensic are significant, particularly when a Cyber-assault has happened. Computer forensic is the control that consolidates the components of law and software engineering to gather and break down information from PC frameworks, organizations, remote correspondences, and capacity gadgets in a way that is allowable as proof in a courtroom. Cybercrimes cover a wide range, from email tricks to downloading protected works for circulation, and are energized by a longing to benefit from someone else’s licensed innovation or private data. Computer forensic can promptly show a computerized review trail for examination by specialists or law implementation. Engineers regularly construct program applications to battle and catch online lawbreakers; these applications are the essence of cyber forensics. In spite of the fact that Cyber legal sciences is regularly connected with the examination of a wide assortment of PC wrongdoing, PC crime scene investigation may likewise be utilized in common procedures. The Cyberforensics discipline includes comparable procedures and standards to information recuperation, however with extra rules and practices intended to make a legitimate review trail. What is Cybersecurity and Types of Cybersecurity dangers What is Digital Signature and how can it work What is biometrics: Are biometrics protected to Use Steps Involved in Conducting a Cyberforensics This initial segment guarantees that the Cyberforensics specialist/analyst and their particular group is constantly set up to take on an examination at in a real sense a second’s notification. This includes: Ensuring that everyone has been prepared in the most recent PC criminological exploration procedures; Monitoring any legitimate repercussions when it comes time to visit the location of the Cyber-assault; Preparing in Cyberforensics as best as conceivable any unforeseen specialized/non-specialized issues at the casualty’s business environment; Guaranteeing that all assortment and testing gear are up to speed and all set. At this stage, the cyberforensics group gets their guidelines about the Cyber-assault they will examine. This includes the accompanying: The allotment/task of jobs and assets which will be committed over the span of the whole examination; Any well established realities, subtleties, or points of interest about the Cyber-assault which has quite recently unfolded; The distinguishing proof of any known dangers over the span of the examination. This includes the genuine assortment of the proof and the most recent information by the Cyberforensics group from the PC frameworks and another piece of the business or partnership which may have likewise been affected by the Cyber-assault. Clearly, In Cyberforensics there are numerous instruments and strategies which can be utilized to gather this data, yet at an exceptionally significant level, this sub-stage normally includes the distinguishing proof and getting of the tainted gadgets, just as directing any fundamental, up close and personal meetings with the IT staff of the focused on substance. Regularly, this Cyberforensics sub-stage is led nearby. This is the piece of Cyberforensics where the real actual proof and any capacity gadgets which are utilized to catch the idle information are named and fixed in alter safe packs. These are then shipped to the Cyberforensics research facility where they will be analyzed in a lot more prominent detail. As depicted previously, the chain of care begins to turn into a basic segment at this stage. This piece of the PC legal sciences examination is similarly just about as significant as the past advance. In this piece of Cyberforensics the entirety of the gathered proof and the idle information are investigated in unbearable detail to decide how and where the Cyber-assault started from, who the culprits are, and how this kind of episode can be kept from entering the guard edges of the business or organization later on. How does Cyberforensics Expert Respond A Cyberforensics Expert is a computerized investigator, reaping and dissecting proof from PCs, organizations and different types of information stockpiling gadgets. It’s imperative to take note of that Cyber criminology specialists ordinarily manage the outcome of an occurrence they’re not regularly associated with countering a digital assault or halting an illicit go about as it’s happening. Job of Cyberforensics in wrongdoing The job of cyberforensics in criminal examinations is continually expanding a result of the expertise that is needed to recover data and use it as proof. In spite of the fact that this assignment has all the earmarks of being hard for digital measurable examiners, this is their ability. Accordingly, the interest for talented experts in Cyberforensics is additionally developing. In the year 2015, Forbes Magazine proclaimed the digital criminological examination as the main calling. Cyberforensics isn’t only a basic position however the one that upholds law authorization by aiding in tackling the cases and affecting the general effectiveness of the group.
It’s best to attach a light to a timer that turns on before dawn so your hens can lay eggs throughout the winter. The hens require 14-16 hours of sunlight to lay eggs. Fewer hours of light will prompt the hens to spend extra hours to sleep instead of laying. Is it normal for chickens to stop laying eggs in the winter? As the hours of daylight decrease in the fall, hens tend to stop laying eggs. However, if you keep the chickens comfy with light and warmth, they’ll reward you with more eggs. Many hens stop or slow down egg production during the fall and winter. The lack of daylight and cooler temperatures tell their bodies to rest. How long do chickens stop laying eggs in the winter? How long do hens stop laying in winter? Chickens normally take a break of between 30 and 90 days in the winter. As a rule, but not always, they stop laying during the moult when they change their feathers and don’t start again until the days are long enough at the start of spring. Why do chickens lay less in the winter? During the late autumn and winter months, hens lay fewer eggs, mainly because of the decreasing sunlight during this period. Chickens need 14 to 16 hours of sunlight every day to lay eggs regularly. Egg production in laying hens usually increases again at the beginning of February. What would cause chickens to stop laying eggs? Chickens stop laying eggs for a variety of reasons. Hens may lay fewer eggs due to light, stress, poor nutrition, molt or age. Some of these reasons are natural responses, while others can be fixed with simple changes and egg laying can return to normal. How cold is too cold for chickens? Chickens are quite hardy and can tolerate temperatures below freezing, but they prefer a warmer climate. The ideal temperature for chickens is about 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. How can I increase egg production in winter? Six Ways To Boost Winter Egg Production - Light. Chickens need at least 14 hours of daylight in a day to trigger their internal clocks to lay. - Food. In the winter months, chickens are using a lot of the calories they get from food for warmth. - Liquid water. - Sprouted green fodder. - The right breed. - Stagger bird ages. Do chickens stop laying eggs when they molt? Losing feathers and re-growing them is called molting and occurs every year when the days get shorter. During molt, chickens typically stop laying eggs and use this time to build up their nutrient reserves. Even though they are not laying, it is critical that your chickens have a high quality diet during this time. What to do with chickens that stop laying? What to Do When Your Chicken Stops Laying Eggs - One option, especially if you have very few chickens, is to allow the older hen to contribute to the farm in other ways. - Another option is to use your chickens as meat chickens instead of egg-layers. - The third option is to humanely dispose of the chicken. What to give chickens to lay more eggs? Treats That Will Make Your Hens Lay More Eggs - Eggs and Eggshells. - Watermelon and Fruit. - Japanese Beetles. - Sunflower Seeds. - Scratch Grains. - Cracked Corn. What month do chickens start laying eggs? A: On average, chickens start laying eggs at 6 months old, depending on the breed. Breeds like Australorps, Leghorns, Golden Comets and Sex Links will start laying as soon as 16-18 weeks. Larger, heavier breeds like Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks and Orpingtons will lay anywhere from 6 to 8 months. Why are my 20 week old chickens not laying eggs? Either your chickens are too old or too young; they won’t be laying any eggs for you in both cases. Young hens or ‘pullets’ typically start laying eggs at 18-20 weeks old, and their first season of laying will be their best. How can you tell if a chicken is egg bound? What are the clinical signs? When your hen is egg bound, your hen may appear weak, show no interest in moving or eating, have a “panting” respiratory rate, and may have some abdominal straining. One or both legs may appear lame due to the egg pressing on the nerves in the pelvis. Do you need a heat lamp for chickens in the winter? Most of the time, chickens don’t really need heat lamps anyway. Shocking, I know. Most chicken-care experts will agree– your average dual-purpose chicken breed will do just fine without any supplemental heating, as long as they have a way to stay dry and out of the wind. How do I keep my chickens warm in the winter without electricity? How to Keep Chickens Warm in Winter Without Electricity - Make the coop smaller. The first thing we did when cold weather set in was to make the coop smaller by closing off a portion of it with boards. - Double Check Roosting Bars. - Make the Nest Boxes Cozy. - Insulate the Coop. When can I put my chickens outside? By 4-5 weeks of age your chickens are ready to move outside full-time. And thank goodness! As much as you love them, you’ll be thrilled to get them out of your house. Read the next chapters to learn about chicken coop requirements, how to transition them to their coop and how to care for them as they get older. What time of year do chickens stop laying eggs? As hens age they will naturally start laying fewer eggs with many hens slowing down production around 6 or 7 years of age and retirement shortly after. Many laying hens can live several years into retirement with average life expectancy between 8 and 10 years. What to feed chickens to lay eggs in winter? How to Encourage Your Chickens to Lay in The Winter Does cold weather affect hens laying? Extremes of hot or cold temperatures can cause your chickens to stop laying eggs. Heat affects egg production in chickens more than cold. Chickens lay well when the ambient temperature is between 11 and 26 degrees Celsius, or about 52 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Below that temperature, egg production diminishes. Why is my chicken molting in January? Every year along with the leaves falling and the days’ shortening, chickens over the age of twelve months will molt their old, worn-out feathers to grow new ones. Is my chicken molting or sick? When molting, chickens can look a bit sick and sometimes lose weight, it’s important to keep a close eye on them to make sure they don’t actually GET sick. If they start to behave sluggish or irregular, this isn’t normal ‘molting behaviour’ and you should seek further advice. How do you tell if chicken is molting or has mites? How Do You Tell If Chicken Is Molting or Has Mites? Look for signs of mites or lice, such as decreased activity, dirty vent feathers, pale combs, appetite changes, weight loss, reduced egg production, ragged-looking feathers, bald spots, and feather-pulling. Will chickens stop laying if Coop is dirty? Once you clean your coop and increase your ventilation, give your hens a few days to a week and they should return to laying eggs again. What time of year do chickens molt? Molt is driven by season and usually occurs in the fall when the hours of sunlight decrease. For our birds, fall means it’s time to prepare for winter, which requires quality feathers. That’s why hens take a vacation from laying eggs and redirect their energy to feather regrowth. Is Bread Bad for chickens? Bread – Bread, in moderation, can be fed to your chickens, but avoid moldy bread. Cooked meats – Meats should be cut into small pieces. Corn – Raw, cooked, or dried corn can be fed to your chickens. How do I encourage my chickens to lay? There are several ways you can encourage your hens to lay in their nest boxes, ensuring that you get the maximum number of fresh, clean eggs. - Provide the Right Number of Nest Boxes. - Make the Nest Boxes Appealing. - Collect the Eggs Regularly. - Provide Enough Roosting Spots. - Train Your Chickens With a “Nest Egg” How do I get my chickens to lay more? 8 Tips To Help Your Chickens Lay More Eggs - Quality Feed. You don’t have to go crazy with some cutting-edge feed that’s guaranteed to make your chickens produce eggs the size of a garden gnome. - Clean Nests Boxes. - Open Areas. - Inspect Regularly. - Coop Security. - Fresh Water. - Parasite Control. When should chickens start laying after winter? What age do chickens usually start laying eggs? On average, young female chickens start laying eggs or “come into lay” around 6 months of age. Some chickens may start laying eggs as early as 16 to 18 weeks old, while others may take upwards of 28 to 32 weeks (closer to 8 months old)! How long does it take for a chicken to push out an egg? It takes roughly a whole day to complete the process. Naturally, an ordinary chicken will lay an egg every day and a half. Once the egg is hatched, a chicken typically takes less than 30 minutes to push it out and resume its natural reproductive cycle. How do I know which chicken is laying eggs? Identifying Productive Laying Hens
In this blog let’s look at how you, the online music student, can get started with exploring the world of improvisation. A topic that may seem overwhelming, mysterious, and perhaps intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few tools in your music toolbelt, you can be set up for success when it comes to improvising, taking the mystery out and injecting your music experience with fun and excitement. What Is Improvising? Let’s get started with defining what improvisation is. In basic terms, improvisation mirrors closely what happens when having a casual conversation about a topic. For example, let’s say that you and your neighbour meet on the street and start talking about how your day is going. This type of conversation is off the cuff, not rehearsed, but sounds polished. It doesn’t require much thinking since the questions and statements are usually things that you might have said hundreds of times. “How are you doing”, says the neighbour to you. Your response might be “It is going really well, how are you doing?”. Your neighbour might reply with “It is going great, what have you been up to?” to which you might say “I’ve been busy taking some online music lessons from Brady Arts Academy which has been going fantastic!”. The language used to talk to your neighbour is simple, understandable, and relatable to the topic of the conversation. If a third person joined the conversation they would be able to understand the context of the conversation and contribute at the opportune time. This in a nutshell is what improvising in music is, an instantaneous composition within the context of a set of parameters as defined by the participants of the music. What Improvisation Isn’t? Improvisation typically isn’t a random act. An improvised solo can sound “in” or “out” depending on choices made by the improviser. There is an emotional component as with any music, but there is a point where the listener may be aware that some choices made by the improviser sound random to the point where they might not make sense. For example, if in the conversation with your neighbour you talk about the weather, you might start out by saying “I’ve been enjoying the sun!”. If however, you suddenly start discussing the type of laptop you have and throw in random words or sounds, the conversation might not make too much sense anymore, regardless of the emotions put into the conversation. Here is what this might look like in a conversation with your Neighbour: “I’ve been enjoying the sun! The HP Laptop I use has a lot of Ram. l;akjsdfoijweaofij sounds laksjdf;laksjdf noise, al;skdjf;laskdjf, farming!”. As you might imagine, the neighbour that stopped and asked how you are doing might raise an eyebrow at your answer. Three Elements of Improvisation Improvisation can be broken down into three elements, melody, harmony and rhythm. Depending on what instrument you play, one of the three elements might come easier to you than the others, but this doesn’t mean that working on all three elements isn’t needed or beneficial. A drummer might have an easier time picking up on the rhythmic element of the music, but a drummer might get lost in the form of a song at times. In order to find the spot in the song, if the drummer is aware of the melody or harmony it is easier to find where in the song the band is. Let’s break down the three elements and discuss how to get started working on each of the elements. It should be said that while in a theoretical sense there might be right and wrong notes, but in practicality, it is up to the musician to lay out a path in a solo that might make sense in an overall context of the solo. After all, music is about dissonance and resolution. Melody, something that is usually played one note at a time, is perhaps the most common element that listeners are drawn to. In a song you like, listen to the melody, the notes of the melody and the lyrics. Typically there is a structure of having a verse followed by a chorus than a different verse followed by the same chorus. As an improviser, being aware of the melodic structure of the song and the words or feel of the song can offer a direction for the solo. Let’s say that the song we want to improvise over is a blues song that is about the struggles of being a neighbour. Keeping with the storyline of the song, an improviser would likely stick to a minor (or sad) scale to keep within the context of the song. Some improvisers will use notes outside of the “context” of a song. In a theoretical sense, there is a right and wrong note, in a practice sense however, the notes that the improviser chooses can be theoretically wrong but make sense within the structure of the solo. Some say if you land on a “wrong” sounding note, the “right” sounding note is only a semitone away. If you are not familiar with note reading, check out our blog Learn Your Notes in Six Easy Steps. Harmony on the other hand relates to chords, notes that are stacked on top of each other, that have a movement that leads us through a song in a logical order. While this blog won’t go into harmony deeply, one way to get started in the blues is to understand what the note order does to a chord. The best place to start talking about harmony is in front of a keyboard or piano. If a chord is made out of three notes, you have a root, a third, and a fifth that define the chord. The third is an important note as it defines the chord as major or minor. C – E – G played at the same time gives you a major chord C – Eb – G played at the same time gives you a minor chord Exploring the harmonic relationship between chords gives the improviser an understanding of what scales/notes are strong, weak, consonant, or dissonant over a given chord. It is the grammatical context of the words we use when writing in our mother tongue. Rhythm on the other hand allows us to create musical ideas within the rhythmic context of the meter that the song is in. It is what makes the music choices infinite. Playing all quarter notes followed by a mix of quarter notes and eighth notes offers a rhythmic variation. Timing or feel is also important to understand. If a song follows the blues, for example, the emphasis is placed on the second and fourth beat of the bar. Regardless of how good of a note reader, ear player, or in-between player you are, the reality is that improvising is about using a language to express ideas. Just like learning a language, adding on one word a day means that eventually, you will be able to complete sentences, and then paragraphs. The more you know about the language the more you can express thoughts and feelings about various topics of discussion. Listening to a lot of music, musicians, and transcribing musical ideas will feed the ear. Knowing about the harmonic context of scale/chord or melody and harmony will feed the brain. Some may be great improvisers by ear, some by knowing all the theory, but those who work at the craft by developing both the ear and the mind find advancing as an improvise a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Now that you are aware of these tools and strategies, what else can you do to help your journey to becoming the musician you want to be? Check out THIS BLOG if you are an Adult Learning to Play Music and CONTACT US for private online music lessons to fast charge your progress on any instrument.
Marc Chagall’s three monumental portraits from 1914, Jew in Red, Jew in Black and White, and Jew in Green, are on view in Gauguin to Picasso: Masterworks from Switzerland. Read more about Jew in Black and White here. I start from the initial shock of something actual and spiritual, from some definite thing, and then go on toward something more abstract.—Chagall The model for Jew in Green, a rabbi who introduced himself as the Preacher of Slouzk, left a profound effect on Chagall. He explained, “I had the impression that the old man was green; perhaps a shadow fell on him from my heart.” Chagall depicted him impoverished and in despair, with one eye open, the other closed, and his hands painted in different colors. Behind him are religious texts he recited daily in Hebrew, including the Kaddish, a prayer praising God: “He Who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace for us and for all Israel.” In 1936, Karl Im Obersteg acquired Jew in Green from Chagall by trading it for another picture by the artist.
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common medical diagnoses and to which women are particularly vulnerable. What are its symptoms? What is the best treatment? They are two of the questions we will respond. The Iron deficiency anemia is a disorder directly related to food. In fact, a diet too strict, for example, when we follow a diet to lose weight quickly is among the causes that may favor the development of anemia. An unbalanced diet or too strict, the abuse of certain drugs (analgesics) or heavy periods are three of the main causes that are often behind the iron deficiency anemia when diagnosed in women. Although there are several types of anemia, iron deficiency anemia is precisely the most frequent. Pay attention to our food is key both to prevent their appearance as for its treatment. Table of Contents Iron deficiency anemia: Signs that alert us Anemia occurs when reduce the number of red blood cells, both in quantity and size, leading to lower levels of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. When this process does not properly appear the symptoms or signs that warn of the possible presence of iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms such as: Fatigue and Weakness It is the most characteristic symptom of anemia, unexplained fatigue also did not refer to the rest. Headache and dizziness Upon receiving less oxygen, the brain suffers vasodilation, resulting in headache, usually mild, and the appearance of dizziness similar to a voltage drop. Brittle nails and hair Two signals indicative of lack of nutrients. Iron deficiency can trigger hair loss problem or brittle nails. Faced with a problem of anemia is common to heart accelerate to perform any minimal effort, such as climbing stairs or accelerate. Pale skin of the face The facial skin becomes pale and eye mucosa, whitish, rather than its characteristic pink hue. Both are a result of lack of oxygen. Problems of concentration: Oxygen is essential for the proper functioning of the brain, so that if the contribution is insufficient failures may appear as memory problems, confusion, low mood, depression or concentrating difficulty. Risk Factors of Iron deficiency anemia Although anemia can occur without apparent cause, there are a number of factors that are able to support their appearance, such as lack of nutrients (miracle diets or strict diets that restrict certain food consumption), blood loss (heavy periods, conditions such as hemorrhoids, nosebleeds, or certain digestive disorders) and some diseases (autoimmune disorders like Crohn’s disease, chronic renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis or prolonged infections). Treatment of Iron deficiency anemia The goal of treatment is to compensate for the lack of iron. The first step is to follow a balanced diet and an extra supply of iron. If the diet is not enough, iron supplements may be given by mouth or injection. In the diet there are a number of foods that cannot miss, such as shellfish (cockles, clams, mussels), fish (anchovies, sardines), pate (liver, viscera…), nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables, rolled oats, dried fruits (figs, apricots) or pumpkin seeds. All are an excellent pool of iron. It should also monitor the consumption of coffee and tea (take at least one hour after meals because they reduce the absorption of iron), go for dressings with lemon and parsley (both contain vitamin C, a nutrient that enhances the absorption of iron) and do not overcook the pasta and vegetables.
March is healthy vision month. An eye exam where your eyes are dilated is a painless procedure and one of the best things you can do to make sure that you are seeing the best that you can, and your eyes are healthy. There are millions of people who have problems with their vision every year. Some of these problems can cause permanent vision loss and even blindness, while others are common problems that can be easily corrected with glasses or contacts. When the eyes get dilated it is a great way for the eye doctors to examine your eyes for diseases and other vision problems which have no early warning signs. There are common vision problems and those are best known as; nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. The length of the eyeball (either short or long), changes in the shape of the cornea, or aging of the lens can cause refractive errors. Most people have one or more of these conditions. With the common vision problems also known as: refractive errors this affects adults over the age of 35, but it can affect both adults and children. There are some signs and symptoms that are related to refractive errors such as: - Blurred vision - Double vision - Glare or halos around bright lights - Eye strain The best way to correct these errors is with eyeglasses, surgery or contact lenses. There are other ways to help your eyes. - Get your eyes checked: even though there might not be discomfort or pain in your eyes, or you might not see a change that does not mean that your eyes are not in trouble. You want to make sure to get an exam because it can catch diseases or conditions early. You do not want permanent damage and or vision loss, so catch it while it is early. - Eat vision enhancing foods: you want to try to eat foods packed with beneficial nutrients. The types of foods are: spinach, citrus fruits, melons, broccoli, salmon, carrots and more. - Give the screens a rest: screens meaning computer or smart phone screens. This can cause digital eye strain and can have dire consequences on our eyes. The screens use artificial light so our eyes just are not used to that yet. When you stare at the screens for long periods of time you can get a headache and even eye strain. - Wear the right eye protection: whether you garden, play sports or just go outside a lot you need to make sure you are protecting your eyes properly. This would include sunglasses or eye goggles. Remember you cannot rub sunscreen into your eyes so you save yourself from eyeball sunburn. Please be sure to take care of your eyes – you only get 1 set. Some eye problems will have a simple fix, others not so much.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a harmless type of staph bacteria that lives on the surface of the skin. It does not become problematic until it enters the body through an open wound, breathing tube, or catheter. Because MRSA is resistant to certain antibiotics that are commonly used to treat and cure staph infections, it can become an extremely serious problem, especially in skilled nursing facilities. MRSA colonized residents are more likely to develop infection than noncolonised ones, and thus have increased risk of death. (For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.) A recent study, titled “MRSA: A Challenge to Norwegian Nursing Home Personnel” and published in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, highlights how the spread of MRSA creates challenging tasks for nursing home staff because of the increased workload associated with cleaning, disinfection, and sanitation of the environment and of the MRSA-infected residents. The study also found that problems related to the control of MRSA are associated with “old buildings standards not suitable for modern infection control work with lack of isolates, single rooms and bathrooms, [and] a low rate of professional healthcare staffing and education in infection control work.” To decrease the risk of transmission of MRSA within nursing homes, nursing home owners and operators need to avoid overcrowding the facility and must provide adequate staff to effectively implement infection control and preventative measures. Without adequate facility space to isolate the infected residents or carriers for treatment and decolonization of MRSA, staff, visitors, and other patients are exposed to the infection and the likelihood of an infection outbreak increases significantly. High quality care by well-educated and well-trained staff, who are capable of following MRSA control guidelines, is absolutely necessary to successfully controlling and treating MRSA infections. If your loved one has suffered serious or life-threatening infections because of understaffing or unsanitary conditions in a skilled nursing facility Riverside, San Bernardino, Fontana, Ontario, or Corona, please contact us immediately so we can help your loved one receive proper care for treatment and prevention of MRSA and other infections.
Written by Gianna Chen The endorsement of Safe Schools Declarations and Guidelines on Military Use is an international collaboration effort to protect education from attack. It consists of proposals and actions to prevent schools and universities from armed conflict. More importantly, the Declaration aims to reduce the use of schools and universities by parties of armed conflict and attempts to minimise the negative impact caused to student’s safety and access to education. According to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, every individual has the right to educationi. However, the lack of explicit standards or norms to protect educational institutions from using military effort is a challenge to the right to education. Further, it allows fighting forces to exploit the use of schools and universities to support military efforts. Examples of military use of education facilities such as fighting positions, overnight shelters, strategic positioning and operating bases should be prevented and limited if there are no other alternatives. Subsequently, it led to the destabilisation of education opportunities, emphasising the psychosocial distress and a range of health issues that could affect students, teachers and communities. Developed between 2012 and 2014 and published in 2015 in Oslo, the Safe School Declaration has been endorsed by 118 states. It is an inter-governmental political commitment to protect students, teachers, schools and universities from attack during armed conflict. The guidelines for protecting schools include the followingii: - “… Use the Guidelines and bring them into domestic policy and operational frameworks as far as possible and appropriate; - Make every effort at a national level to collect reliable, relevant data on attacks on educational facilities, on the victims of attacks, and military use of schools and universities during armed conflict, including through existing monitoring and reporting mechanisms, to facilitate such data collection and to provide assistance to victims, in a non-discriminatory manner; - Seek to ensure the continuation of education during armed conflict, support the re-establishment of educational facilities and, where in a position to do so, provide and facilitate international cooperation and assistance to programmes working to prevent or respond to an attack on education, including for the implementation of this Declaration…” By addressing the importance of education and the right to education, the guidelines intended to achieve a durable peace and hope to inspire responsible practices among those involved in the planning and executing military operations. On top of that, the Declaration serves as a framework for states to cooperate and meet on a regular basis to assess the implementation and application of the guidelines. In addition to the Declaration, the military use of education facilities under extreme circumstances such as war and international or national violence should be avoided to the greatest extent following the guidelines listed belowiii: - Functioning schools and universities should not be used by fighting forces of parties to armed conflict in any way. - Schools and universities that have been abandoned should not be used by fighting forces of parties to armed conflict for any purpose in support of their military effort. - Schools and universities must never be destroyed as a measure intended to deprive the opposing parties of the armed conflict. - Prior to any attack on a school that has become a military objective, parties to armed conflict should consider all feasible alternative measures before attacking them. - The fighting forces of parties to armed conflict should not be employed to provide security for schools and universities. - All parties to armed conflict should incorporate these guidelines into their doctrine, military manuals, rules of engagement, operational order, and other means of dissemination. The above-summarised guidelines contain the fundamental humanitarian standard for states to follow during armed conflict. It is essential to refrain from actions that interfere with children’s access to education and reinstate the role of education in durable development and promoting understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations. The impact of conflict, violence and military disruption on educational institutions not only increases the risk of students and teachers being exposed to a range of abuse but also threatens the very right to life, the right to education and the right to be in their home and communities. The Safe Schools Declaration marks the baseline for protecting education institutions to be used for military purposes. It urges states committed to the Declaration to incorporate the guidelines into their domestic policies and defend the fundamental human rights to which every individual is entitled. GCPEA. Safe schools declaration and guidelines on military use. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2022. GCPEA. Guidelines for protecting schools and universities from military use during armed conflict. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2022. GCPEA. COMMENTARY ON THE “Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use during Armed Conflict”. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2015. Human Rights Watch. Protecting Schools from Military Use Law, Policy, and Military Doctrine. Human Rights Watch, May 2019. i GCPEA. COMMENTARY ON THE “Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use during Armed Conflict”. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2015. ii GCPEA. Guidelines for protecting schools and universities from military use during armed conflict. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2022. iii GCPEA. COMMENTARY ON THE “Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use during Armed Conflict”. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2015.
|SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR This teaching provides the basic concepts of recovery and recycling processes of the polymeric materials are provided. The most important investigation techniques of collection, recycling and reuse of polymeric materials are described, together with the main applications of the different raw materials. AIMS AND CONTENT Acquisition of knowledge on the issues of sustainable development and ecosystem protection, with reference to the production, use, recovery and recycling of plastic materials, synthesized from raw materials deriving from non-renewable sources. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching is focused to develop the student's ability to correlate the theoretical notions about the processes that can be used for the reuse and recycling of polymer materials and their sustainability. To pursue this goal, traditional lectures are always accompanied by concrete examples related to everyday life. At the end of the course the student will be able to: • Critically discuss the different types of processes and theoretically assess their sustainability through a life cycle assessment of recycled materials; • Compare the properties of virgin raw materials with those of recycled raw materials. The teaching is also provided for the degree course in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies It is suggested to have overcome the exams of Polymer science and technology. Traditional lectures in the classroom for a total of 32 hours. Lesson notes are uploaded to the corresponding aul@web page simultaneously with their presentation in the classroom. - Polymeric materials in nowadays life. - Influence of the environment on polymers. - Resource and waste management policies for polymers. - Identification and separation of polymers in the solid wastes. - Technologies for polymer recycling: - Mechanical recycling. - Chemical recycling and feedstock recycling - Energy recovery. - Environmental impacts of recycling. - LCA case studies of recycling options and technologies. Based on the objectives described, the teaching contributes to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals of the ONU 2030 Agenda: 4 (Quality Education), 12 (Sustainable consumption and development), 5 (gender equality) 1. A. Azapagic, A.Emsley, I.Hamerton ,’ Polymers , The environmentand substainable development’ , Ed. I. Hamerton, Wiley and Sons , England, 2003 ; 2. A.A. V.V. , Feed-stock recycling and pyrolysis of waste plastics : converting waste plastics into Diesel and other fuels ‘, Ed. J. Scheirs , E.W. Kaminsky, Wiley and Sons, England , 2006 3. M. Aglietto, M.B. Coltelli "Riutilizzo dei materiali polimerici" Ed. Nuova Cultura 2015 Supplementary material is provided on request to working students or students with SLD to meet specific needs. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD Ricevimento: Every day by appointment. Teacher's Curriculum: https://rubrica.unige.it/personale/VUZCU19q MAILA CASTELLANO (President) MARINA ALLOISIO (President Substitute) ORIETTA MONTICELLI (Substitute) The teaching is held on the second semester, starting from February 26th, 2024 (https://corsi.unige.it/corsi/8765/studenti-orario. Lessons timetable is available at the links reported below. L'orario di tutti gli insegnamenti è consultabile all'indirizzo EasyAcademy. The exam is an oral examination conducted by two teachers for a duration of at least 30 minutes. During the calendar year, seven exam dates are set up in the time intervals scheduled by the Manifesto degli Studi. The oral examination usually consists of three parts, which of them are evaluated as specified below: - in the first part, the student has to face a problem related to the recycling of polymeric materials in order to verify his understanding and mastery of the course topics as well as his ability to apply the theoretical concepts to real situations; the first part is awarded a maximum rating of 15/30; - in the second part, the student is required to describe in detail one type of recycling method; the second part is awarded a maximum rating of 10/30; - in the third part, the student is asked to describe an arguments related to the diffusion, collection and life cycle of the plastic materials; the third part is awarded a maximum rating of 5/30 IFor students with disabilities or with SLD, the assessment methods refer to the specific regulations of the University of Genova (https://unige.it/disabilita-dsa). The oral examination is conducted by two professors. They are able to verify the achievement of the learning outcomes. When these are not met, the student is invited to extend the study. Moreover, the oral exam will avail to verify the achievement of the appropriate level of comprehension of the topics developed during the lectures and the capability to use a correct terminology. To ensure uniformity between the examination topics and those actually carried out during the course, is present into the aul@web page a detailed program, so that students themselves can verify adherence. Any pre-requisites are defined in the following documents: Regolamento Didattico and/or Manifesto degli Studi. However, it is suggested to have overcome the exams of Polymer science and technology