If you suffer from bad breath, you’ll know that it can be an ongoing issue. Also known as halitosis, the condition is often caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth. When bacteria builds up in the mouth, it often develops into a sulphurous acidic solution that causes a bad smell. Other factors like underlying health problems, certain medications, and strong-smelling foods can also cause an unpleasant odour. Here’s what you can do to eliminate and prevent bad breath … 1. Take care of your oral hygiene The best way to keep your breath smelling fresh and clean is to practice good oral hygiene habits. Bacteria in the mouth feed on debris that builds up between your teeth, causing an unpleasant odour. For this reason, it’s important to get rid of food particles in the mouth by brushing and flossing twice a day. Don’t forget to clean your tongue as well, and consider using an anti-bacterial mouthwash. Sticking to a healthy routine will go a long way in keeping your overall oral health in good shape, and reducing bad breath. If your bad breath persists despite sticking to good oral hygiene habits, it’s important that you come in and see us so that we can determine the cause of the condition. 2. Stop smoking Smoking can lead to a range of oral health problems, including discoloured teeth and bad breath. The habit can even cause loss of bone within the jaw, an increased build-up of plaque and tartar, and a high risk of gum disease. We recommend that you try to stop smoking for the sake of your oral health, as well as your overall wellness. 3. Eat a balanced diet A healthy, balanced diet is an important factor when it comes to staying generally healthy, but your dietary choices can also have an impact on your oral health. If you suffer from short-term, instead of chronic bad breath, you may find it helpful to avoid foods like garlic, onions, some spices, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. All of these foods and drinks can cause temporary bad breath. Eating too many foods that are high in sugar and starch can also lead to increased bacteria and plaque, which are contributors to tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. 4. Stay hydrated Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and especially after meals to rinse your mouth and dislodge any food particles that have become stuck in between your teeth. Staying hydrated will also help you avoid a dry mouth and wash away odour-causing bacteria. 5. Chew gum Chewing gum is a helpful way of ensuring that you produce enough saliva to fight against bacteria in the mouth. Opt for a sugar-free gum, and chew it after meals to increase saliva production, wash away leftover food particles, and neutralise acid in the mouth. 6. Come in for regular check-ups We highly recommend that you come in for regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning. This will allow us to remove any plaque that has built up on your teeth, and ensure that your teeth stay healthy and clean. By having a check-up every 6 months, you can also avoid serious oral health issues in the future, as we can pick up on any problems early and recommend relevant treatments before complications arise. At your regular check-up, we’ll also discuss your brushing and flossing techniques and help you identify any areas you may be missing in your current routine. If you suffer from bad breath, come in and see us so that we can help you manage the problem. We’ll perform a thorough examination and prescribe the best course of action based on your needs. We offer a number of treatment options and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the issue. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so we customise each treatment to suit your oral health needs. Get in touch with us to arrange a consultation. We have 3 practices located in Perth — Perth CBD, Bull Creek, and East Perth. To find the practice most conveniently located for you, have a look here. All of our dentists are dedicated to providing high-quality treatment and exceptional care.
> Marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose > Not connected with the main subjects > Disappointing in progress, performance, or quality The Latin adjective desultorius, the parent of desultory was used by the ancients to refer to a circus performer (called a desultor) whose trick was to leap from horse to horse without stopping. She made a desultory attempt at conversation. He wandered around, clearing up in a desultory way.
The ship was patrolling an anchorage in the Baltic Sea on 26 September, 1917. The Germans had been softening up the Russian forces in the area for what both sides expected would be an offensive against the Russian-occupied seacoast. German naval air forces, which had air superiority, conducted aerial bombing from airplanes and Zeppelines. They destroyed the magazine of one shore battery with a lucky hit, a fire, and secondary detonations. German land-based naval aviation attacked Russian ships with torpedoes, and scattered mines. The torpedoes had mechanical problems; the mines, too, had yet to score. As luck would have it, the ill-fated Okhotnik and her ill-fated skipper, Lieutenant Second Rank V.A. Fok, went down in history as their ship went down in the Baltic, first naval vessel sunk by an air-deployed mine. And Fok went down with his ship, a testament to the collapsed discipline of the revolutionary Russian armed forces (this was the Provisional Government period). As the Russian torpedoboat destroyer Okhotnik carried out picket duty in the manoeuvre basin near buoy number 4 on 26 September, she struck a German mine. This mine had been laid by a German aircraft and Okhotnik carried the dubious distinction of being the first warship sunk by an aerial mine. Neither the commander nor officers wished to abandon ship. Harald Graf described the situation as follows: Soon all the boats were overflowing with sailors and nobody thought to offer the officers a place. They considered it improper to ask for a place and remained aboard the torpedoboat, silently observing the leaving of the boats. The torpedoboat sank, and soon water flooded over the deck on which the officers stood…. With Okhotnik two more officers were lost, the commander Senior Leitenant V A Fok, and Leitenant V K Panferov.1 This first effective use of aerial mines was far from the last; air-laid mines would sink hundreds of ships in the Second World War. But given the Baltic’s situation as a forgotten theater of World War One, this far-ranging and effective German air-sea campaign is practically unknown today. In a master’s thesis for the Air University in 1992, USAF Major John Chilstrom, an FB-111 and B-52 strategic bomber commander, did a deep dive into aerial mining history, but while he credited the Germans for kicking the technology off, he missed his target by one war: In World War II, the Luftwaffe was first to lay mines from the air and first to field many of the weapon’s innovations.2 The first recorded aerial minelaylng in combat occurred on November 20. 1939, when nine Heinkel 59 floatplanes flew to the Thames Estuary. Although five turned back due to navigation difficulties, four aircraft laid seven mines that night and thirty-four more in the following two days. However, two of the mines dropped on the third attempt fell in shallow water, enabling the British to recover examples of Germanyís “secret” weapon-the magnetic mine. “Britain had captured her biggest prize since the war began.” 3 While that could be read as giving the Germans credit only for being first in World War II, nowhere else in the manuscript does he credit WWI with aerial mines. This is not to discredit Chilstrom’s work overall; it’s an engaging history of a little-studied aspect of World War II, and has direct applications to the future. - Staff, p. ? (using an electronic copy lacking page numbers). - Chilstrom, p. v. - Chilstrom, p. 7. Chilstrom, John S. (Major, USAF). Mines Away! The Significance of US Army Air Forces Minelaying in World War II. Maxwell AFB, Alabama: Air University, 1992. Retrieved from: https://permanent.access.gpo.gov/websites/dodandmilitaryejournals/www.maxwell.af.mil/au/aul/aupress/SAAS_Theses/SAASS_Out/Chilstrom/chilstrom.pdf Staff, Gary. Battle for the Baltic Islands: Triumph of the German Navy. Barneley, S. Yorks: Pen and Sword Maritime, 2008. Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started WeaponsMan.com in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
Background, objectives, and methods For their coverage, human population, biological and cultural diversity, and the vital ecosystem goods and services they support, mountains are of immense ecological, cultural, and socio-economic importance. However, the combination of increasing global demographic and economic pressure and high biodiversity and ecosystems service value also makes them particularly vulnerable. Accordingly, ecologically sustainable socio-economic development in mountains has become a necessity and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have been adopted as a useful tool to guide this process. This project contributes to a better understanding of the specific challenges associated with the sustainable management and conservation of mountain biodiversity (SDG 15.4) in the context of competing development goals, limited resources, and complex governance structures. - To assess the status and trends in human wellbeing, biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services in mountains at global, national, and subnational level using the assessment framework of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - To study the strength and directionality of interactions between biodiversity-explicit SDG targets and other SDG targets in mountains at global, national, and subnational level, and identify synergies - To identify the role of the context provided by governance, economic, technological, social-ecological, cultural, and environmental factors in forming these interactions - To provide the acquired knowledge to key stakeholder groups and enable a knowledge-based evaluation of opportunities to implement coherent measures towards environmentally sustainable socio-economic development Study design: the project follows a spatially stratified design with data collected, analysed, and compared at global, national (Tanzania, Nepal, Bolivia), and subnational scales. Study sites at the subnational level cover an elevation gradient, from foothills to as high as people range, and a land-use intensity gradient, from natural/protected to heavily used. These gradients will serve to understand the impact of context-specific factors on the relationship between nature and people, and on community-wide perceptions and interpretations of sustainable development priorities. Data collection: data collection will consist in the compilation of spatially-explicit and statistical data, online surveys, literature reviews covering the elements of the IPBES framework as well as SDG-relevant information; and semi-structured interviews.
Hydration for Youth Athletes- How Much is Enough Hydration for Youth Athletes The recommendations of how much fluid a child (ages 9-13) should drink, set by the Institute of Medicine, is 10.5 cups a day for boys and 10 cups for girls. 80% of peoples total water intake comes from drinking water and other beverages including soda, coffee, and energy drinks. The remaining 20% of fluid intake comes from the food we eat. Athletes require more fluids than the daily recommended level of fluids. Unfortunately, there is no specific set number that a youth football athlete should take. This highly depends on the athlete and the type of activates the person engages in, their exposure to heat and their metabolism. In general, the more active the individual the more fluid that person should drink. Athletes in general are using more fluids and burning off more fluids than the common individual. Healthy individuals can let their thirst drive them to replace fluids. We understand that football is a grueling sport- there is an obvious necessity to hydrate. For adults- there are many medical conditions in which case, drinking the recommended fluid level changes. Some examples where the recommended amount changes includes: diabetes, heart disease, urinary tract infections, and kidney stones. This list is in no way comprehensive. Kids need to hydrate. A technique used to determine hydration is to look at the urine. The color of urine should be fairly clear. If the urine is a dark yellow, then that is an indication that the body may not be receiving enough water. Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is purely opinionated. Please do not use this information as a means for medical management. Please consult your physician for further information.
Oracle Database, also known as just Oracle, is a multi-model database management system (DBMS) used for data warehousing, online transaction processing, and mixed database workload. It was initially released in 1979 by Oracle Corporation. Among Oracle’s many functions is the rational model function, which helps users visualize data in various formats. Oracle database also controls access to advanced technologies for data entry in the system. It ensures data protection and recovery within its environment while offering high scalability and performance that boosts your business productivity. The Oracle Database Product Family comprises five editions, namely, Standard Edition One, Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition, and Personal Edition. Types of Oracle database consist of Blockchain Platform Enterprise Edition, NoSQL, MySQL, Berkeley DB, Java DB, Rdb, Essbase. Now that we know the basics of Oracle database, let’s explore its pros and cons. Advantages of Oracle Database Many corporations rely on Oracle database due to its practicality. It offers them integrated business solutions, high-level technology, along with extensive capabilities like transaction processing, deployment choice, built-in integrations, data warehousing, autonomous operations, and converged architecture, making it ideal for firms that need to store and access huge amounts of data. 2. Flashback Technology: Oracle incorporates a Flashback Technology database, which ensures quick recovery of data that was incorrectly lost or deleted. Moreover, Oracle’s database increases information recovery time and decreases human error, resulting in simplified management. 3. High Performance: You can use alternative strategies offered by Oracle to improve your database’s performance. It allows you to use various servers to work on your database with the Real Application Cluster Feature, drastically increasing your processing power. With Oracle, you also get multiple options to fine-tune your database’s operations according to your server capabilities. Oracle SQL provides you great flexibility in terms of running your database on any OS. For instance, the Microsoft SQL server can only function on a Windows-based machine whereas, Oracle SQL can run on a Unix server as well. Thus, you can reap the benefits of Unix’s reliability and security while retaining the standardization that SQL offers. Furthermore, Oracle databases are backward-compatible so you can easily upgrade without worrying about losing essential data. Not only that, Oracle facilitates its users with a wide range of database engines and deployment options. Oracle Database, NoSQL databases, and MySQL can be licensed on cloud services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud@Customer, and on-premises environments. 5. Backup & Recovery Options: You can effortlessly leverage point-in-time recovery through Oracle’s Recovery Manager (RMAN), a utility that can restore, recover, and backup database files. RMAN is not only robust but also simplifies administration. This is a feature of the Oracle Database and doesn’t need separate installation. 6. Grouping Transactions: You can group various transactions into the same batch for processing with Oracle Database. This is not possible in other relational database management systems such as Microsoft SQL Server, which is limited to executing transactions in chronological order. Thus, Oracle offers greater scalability as opposed to its other SQL database counterparts. 7. Quick Updates: Along with grouping transactions, Oracle informs you of major version releases on their Help panel. Further, it also offers backward compatibility, so the developer does not need to rewrite an application if the DBMS is upgraded. Disadvantages of Oracle Database: One of the main disadvantages of Oracle Database is its cost. Oracle’s products are ten times more expensive than Microsoft’s offering for a mid-range solution. For instance, Oracle Database Enterprise Edition has a retail price of $47,500. Moreover, it has various product categories with a different price range. Their license pricing changes over time, depending on Oracle’s policies. Oracle Database can be exceptionally complicated if you’re a beginner and lack the technical skills needed to install and maintain it. Therefore, if you’re in the market for an easy-to-use and simple option, consider alternatives. Otherwise, you’ll be better off going with our team of software development experts and DBAs who will not only help you build your web or mobile app but set up and maintain your database as well. To learn more about our full range of software development services, book a FREE Consultation today. 3. Inadequate Technical Support: While Oracle’s Support Team is far from the worst, it’s certainly not the best either. Users often complain about their slow response times, and certain issues can even take weeks to resolve, especially if they aren’t a high priority. Oracle is one of the most popular and sought-after choices for database management. However, like any tool or platform, it too has its unique set of pros and cons. Its benefits definitely outweigh its drawbacks and keeping into consideration certain caveats we discussed in this article, it could be a great choice for your firm.
5 Most Common Dental Trauma Care Procedures Understanding Dental trauma Dental trauma refers to the injuries sustained on the periodontal ligaments surrounding one’s teeth, the lips, jawbone, teeth, and soft tissues inside the mouth. Dental injuries can range from major injuries such as avulsed teeth or minor injuries such as cracked or chipped teeth. Dental trauma can cause negative aesthetic and functional effects on a person. However, seeking immediate medical intervention is important because the dentist can restore the injured tooth to its normal appearance and function. Types of Dental Trauma - Tooth fractures: These refer to injuries that cause chippings, cracks, and fractures on a tooth. As a result, you may experience pain when eating or when there is a temperature change. Tooth fractures can be superficial meaning the fracture is only limited to the enamel, or serious whereby the fracture extends deep into the jaw bone. - Displaced teeth: Certain injuries can cause the teeth to hang loosely or get displaced from their socket. When a tooth gets displaced, the blood vessels supplying nutrients to the teeth also get damaged, therefore it is important to seek immediate treatment. - Avulsed teeth: Certain injuries to the mouth can completely knock out the teeth. - Soft tissue injury: These refer to mouth injuries that affect the tongue, gums among other soft tissues in the mouth. Causes of Dental Trauma - Motor vehicle accidents - Sparring accidents - Eating hard foods - Sports injuries Dental Trauma Care Timeliness is often the key to saving a damaged tooth whenever a person suffers traumatic dental injuries. Therefore, responding in time and seeking appropriate diagnosis improves the outcomes derived when managing dental trauma. Proper management of dental injuries involves transparency between a patient and the dentist. Therefore, whenever you suffer a traumatic injury, it is important to observe transparency and communicate all information to your dentist. Similarly, your dentist should be informed about your allergies and underlying conditions especially when seeking emergency treatment. To feel comfortable, you can work with a dentist-recommended by friends and family. Common Dental Trauma Care Procedures - Consultations: The consultation process enables a dentist and to establish the basic information about a client, including the cause of the trauma and any pre-existing medical conditions before establishing the most ideal treatment option. - Clinical examination: following the consultation process is a clinical examination that allows the dentist to assess the teeth, soft tissue among other parts to determine the extent of the damage. - Special investigations: Extensive investigations such as radiotherapy may be necessary whereby a patient incurred serious trauma that left them severely damaged. - Diagnosis: Based on the data collected with regards to the patient’s history, and the findings from the clinical examinations and other investigations, the dentists can reach a diagnosis on how to effectively deal with the trauma. - Treatment: depending on the type and severity of the trauma, your dentist will prescribe a suitable treatment plan that is personalized to suit your needs. Several dental injuries can be prevented, if only you take the necessary precautions. For instance, you can: - Wear a mouthguard when engaging in risky sports activities - Always put on your car seatbelt - Securing children in appropriate car seats - Taking up child-proofing measures such as padding sharp edges, monitoring, and labeling slippery zones among others. If you have recently suffered a dental injury, you should consider consulting with a dentist near you. fortunately, online platforms are a fantastic way of connecting with various service providers. All you have to do is be brief and specific with what you want to get satisfying results. For instance, if you reside in Westchester, NY, and are looking for a medical practice offering dental trauma care in Westchester, NY, a simple search such as “dental trauma care near me” could work. Similarly, “Practitioners offering dental trauma care near Westchester, NY” could be an ideal way to connect with a professional dentist. There’s no reason for you to suffer in shame hiding your beauty and confidence because of a dental trauma that interfered with your appearance when help is only a call away. Take charge of your health today and connect with professionals near you to get the necessary help.
Becoming a Skilled Observer: Police Officer Exam Cram Terms You'll Need to Understand: - Information organization Concepts You'll Need to Master: - Being a skilled observer - Maximizing information retention - Organizing information effectively - Taking effective notes - Observing and memorizing floor plans, crime scenes, and suspect information Ability to Observe Detailed Information The ability to observe is marked as a key trait of a skilled police officer. In your daily routine as a police officer, you will come in contact with numerous people, both victims and suspects, and you will be expected to recall their faces and other factual information about them. You also will be expected to recall information when you prepare your reports, when you give information to the detectives who do follow-up investigations on your case, and when you talk to the prosecuting attorney and testify in court as a witness on behalf of the state. Having a keen power of observation and the ability to recall visual information are very important qualities. That is why police officer selection exams are designed to test an applicant's ability to recall information after a brief observation period. Even though the test format varies among police agencies, most current approaches in police applicant testing give a booklet to all applicants immediately before the exam. The booklet covers a variety of information. Applicants are given equal timeframes to look over the material. At the end of this period, the applicants are tested for their ability to recall information covered in the booklet. Another approach is to give the booklet to applicants two to four weeks before the test. Applicants can read and memorize the contents of the booklet during this period, and the test covers the material in the booklet. Both approaches test applicants' ability to recall the information in the booklet. The booklet contains a variety of photographs and sketches. Questions are based on what can be observed in the crime scene. The questions focus on the criminal activity itself, not, for example, on the price of a candy bar or soda in the store.
This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. A carbon filter removes impurities such as chlorine, sediment, volatile organic compounds (vocs), and other contaminants from water. Carbon filters use activated carbon, which attracts and absorbs impurities, leaving clean and fresh-tasting water. Water is essential for life, but it can also contain harmful substances that may have negative effects on our health. Chlorine, for example, is used to disinfect water but can have an unpleasant taste and odor. Sediment can clog pipes and damage equipment, while vocs can be toxic and cancer-causing. A carbon filter is an effective and low-cost option for removing these impurities from drinking water. In this article, we’ll explore what a carbon filter is, how it works, and the benefits of using one in your home. What Harmful Impurities Does A Carbon Filter Remove From Water? Carbon filters are becoming increasingly popular as a method for purifying water. The type and effectiveness of these filters mean that they are able to remove a wide range of impurities that can be harmful to human health. We will discuss the impurities that carbon filters can remove from water and how they work. Explanation Of How Carbon Filters Work Carbon filters use a process known as adsorption to remove impurities from water. This process is different from absorption, which allows a substance to pass through a material. When a substance is adsorbed, it is trapped on the surface of the material. Carbon filters are made up of activated carbon, which is highly porous and has a large surface area. This allows the carbon to adsorb impurities such as chlorine, pesticides and herbicides, and volatile organic compounds (vocs) such as benzene and toluene. As water flows through the filter, the impurities become trapped on the surface of the carbon. The result is clean, pure drinking water that is free from many of the harmful contaminants that are commonly found in tap water. Discussion Of Specific Impurities That Carbon Filters Are Able To Remove Carbon filters have been shown to be effective at removing a wide range of impurities from water. Some of the impurities that carbon filters can remove include: - Chlorine: Carbon filters can remove up to 99% of chlorine from water. Chlorine is often added to tap water as a disinfectant, but it can leave an unpleasant taste and smell. In addition, some studies have suggested that long-term exposure to chlorine may increase the risk of certain cancers and other health problems. - Pesticides and herbicides: Many pesticides and herbicides are not removed by conventional water treatment methods. Carbon filters, however, are able to remove these harmful chemicals from water. - Volatile organic compounds (vocs): Vocs are chemicals that can evaporate at room temperature and enter the air we breathe. Some vocs are known to cause health problems such as irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as headaches and nausea. Carbon filters can remove many vocs from water, including benzene, toluene, and xylene. Importance Of Understanding The Types Of Impurities It is important to understand the types of impurities that carbon filters can remove from water. This knowledge can help you choose the right filter for your needs and ensure that you are drinking clean, pure water. In addition, it is important to note that carbon filters are not effective at removing all impurities from water. For example, they are not able to remove minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which can leave water with a “hard” taste. By understanding the types of impurities that carbon filters can and cannot remove, you can make an informed decision when choosing a water filter. This will ensure that you have access to safe, clean, and delicious drinking water. Chlorine Removal In Carbon Filters Carbon filters are trusted solutions for purifying water, removing a range of contaminants that make water unpalatable, unhealthy, and even dangerous for consumption. One of the main pollutants that affect the taste, smell and overall quality of drinking water is chlorine, a disinfectant commonly found in tap water. In this blog post, we will explore the capacity of carbon filters to effectively remove chlorine from water and explain why this process is important for ensuring access to high-quality drinking water. Explanation Of Why Chlorine Is Harmful While chlorine is a widely used disinfectant that helps to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses in tap water, its presence in drinking water can have adverse effects on human health. Prolonged exposure to chlorine can lead to skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even cancer. When chlorine is combined with other organic compounds in the water, it can form harmful byproducts called trihalomethanes, which are linked to chronic health problems. Provide Context About Chlorine’S Prevalence In Tap Water Chlorine is commonly used to disinfect municipal water systems, which means it is often present in tap water at levels that can range from 0. 2 to 3 milligrams per liter. While this small amount is safe for consumption, the taste and odor of chlorine can be overwhelming and unpleasant. Additionally, sensitive individuals may experience adverse health effects, such as skin irritation, from exposure to chlorinated water. Address The Capacity Of Carbon Filters To Remove Chlorine Carbon filters are highly effective in removing chlorine and its byproducts from water, making them a popular choice for water filtration. These filters work by using activated carbon, which has a porous surface area that can trap contaminants as they pass through. When water passes through the activated carbon filter, chlorine is attracted to the carbon’s surface area and removed from the water. The activated carbon filter can also remove other impurities such as sediment, volatile organic compounds (vocs), and heavy metals. To summarize, carbon filters are an excellent solution for ensuring that tap water is free of chlorine and other harmful pollutants. They are widely available and offer an affordable, convenient, and effective method of water filtration. By choosing a high-quality carbon filter, individuals can enjoy clean, refreshing, and healthy drinking water without compromising their health or wellbeing. Pesticide Removal In Carbon Filters Carbon filters are one of the most effective methods to purify water and make it safe for drinking. They utilize activated carbon to remove impurities, toxins, and contaminants from water. One of the many contaminants that carbon filters can remove from water is pesticides. In this section, we will discuss the efficiency of carbon filters in removing pesticides from water. Discussion Of The Detrimental Effects Of Pesticides In Water Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture to kill pests and insects that harm crops. However, these chemicals do not only affect pests; they can harm wildlife, humans, and the environment as well. Pesticides can enter water sources through runoff or leaching, polluting water used for drinking, recreation, and crop irrigation. Exposure to pesticide-contaminated water can lead to many health issues, including cancer, reproductive problems, and neurological impairments. Provide Relevant Data On Pesticide Contamination Levels Pesticide contamination of water is a widespread issue throughout the united states. According to the united states geological survey (usgs), over 90% of the rivers and streams tested contained at least one pesticide. Furthermore, the us environmental protection agency (epa) reported that about half of the country’s population relies on groundwater for drinking, and almost half of the sampled wells contain pesticides. Explanation Of The Effectiveness Of Carbon Filters In Removing Pesticides Carbon filters are highly effective in removing pesticides from water due to their porous structure and high surface area. The activated carbon in the filter attracts and binds pesticides to its surface, trapping them as water passes through. As a result, carbon filters can remove up to 90% of pesticides from water. Moreover, carbon filters are economical, easy to install and maintain, and they do not require electricity or chemicals to function. Carbon filters are an efficient and cost-effective way to remove pesticides from water. Considering the severe health consequences associated with drinking pesticide-contaminated water, using a carbon filter is a crucial step towards ensuring safe, clean drinking water. Volatile Organic Compounds (Voc) Removal In Carbon Filters Explanation Of What Vocs Are And Their Harmful Effects On Health Volatile organic compounds (vocs) are carbon-based chemicals that easily evaporate into the air at room temperature. They can be found in various products we use daily, including cosmetics, cleaning agents, and fuel. When released into the air, these chemicals can cause a range of negative health effects, including eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and in severe cases, damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Prolonged exposure to vocs can also lead to cancer. Discussion Of The Sources Of Vocs In Tap Water Tap water contains several pollutants, and vocs are among them. Most commonly, these pollutants enter tap water through contamination as a result of agricultural and industrial activities. Landfills and gasoline stations also contribute to the presence of these chemicals in drinking water. Chlorine is often added to disinfect tap water, which can react with these chemicals and form harmful byproducts. Address The Capacity Of Carbon Filters To Remove Vocs Carbon filters are a common type of water filtration system used to remove impurities from water, including vocs. The porous structure of the carbon material used in these filters traps the chemicals and prevents them from passing through. However, the effectiveness of the carbon filter in removing vocs depends on several factors, including the concentration of pollutants, the type of carbon used in the filter, and how often the filter is replaced. In general, activated carbon filters can remove up to 95% of vocs from tap water, making them an effective option for home water purification. Heavy Metals And Chemical Contaminants Removal In Carbon Filters Overview Of Different Heavy Metals And Chemicals That Can Contaminate Water Water contamination by heavy metals and chemicals is a significant public health concern. It is important to understand the various heavy metal and chemical contaminants that can pollute the water supply. These contaminants can include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals, among others. - Lead: Lead is a toxic metal that can cause severe health issues, including developmental delays and damage to the nervous system. - Mercury: Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause cognitive problems, developmental delays, and other health issues. - Cadmium: Cadmium is a carcinogen that can also cause kidney damage and other health issues. - Arsenic: Arsenic is a toxic metalloid that can cause skin lesions, cancer, and other health problems. - Pesticides and herbicides: These chemicals can disrupt hormones and cause cancer, reproductive, and neurological issues. - Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceuticals present in water sources have been linked to antibiotic resistance and other health concerns. Discussion Of The Risks Associated With Prolonged Exposure Prolonged exposure to heavy metal and chemical contaminants in water can lead to severe health consequences. These contaminants can accumulate in the body and cause disruption to several organ systems, leading to health problems such as cancer, reproductive system damage, and developmental delays. - Lead exposure: Prolonged exposure to lead can result in reduced iq and learning difficulties in children. Adults who consume lead-contaminated water for an extended period may experience high blood pressure, nerve damage, and anemia. - Mercury exposure: Health issues from prolonged exposure to mercury include neurological damage, speech and hearing problems, and tremors. - Cadmium exposure: Long-term exposure to cadmium can damage the kidneys, damage the bones, and result in an accumulation of the heavy metal in the liver. - Arsenic exposure: Prolonged exposure to high levels of arsenic can lead to skin cancer and other types of cancer. - Pesticides and herbicides: Prolonged exposure to these chemicals has been associated with several health problems, including reproductive issues and certain types of cancer. - Pharmaceuticals: The long-term effects of exposure to pharmaceuticals in drinking water are not yet fully understood, but there are concerns surrounding potential antibiotic resistance. Detailed Explanation Of Carbon Filter’S Effectiveness In Removing Heavy Metals And Chemicals Carbon filters are one of the most effective and popular methods of purifying water. They work by removing impurities through adsorption and catalytic reduction. Activated carbon, which is commonly used in carbon filters, is highly effective in removing heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, as well as chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. Activated carbon works by attracting and trapping contaminants, allowing the water to pass through and emerge free of impurities. The high surface area of activated carbon allows for more efficient adsorption of impurities, resulting in clean, safe drinking water. Carbon filters containing catalytic activated carbon are even more effective in removing heavy metals and chemicals, including chlorine and chloramines, since the catalytic carbon enhances their oxidizing capacity. However, it is important to note that carbon filters may not remove all contaminants and should not be relied on to purify dangerous water sources. Carbon filters are one of the most effective methods for removing heavy metals and chemical contaminants from water, making them an important tool for safeguarding public health. Frequently Asked Questions For What Does A Carbon Filter Remove From Water What Does A Carbon Filter Remove From Water? A carbon filter can remove impurities from water such as chlorine, sediment, volatile organic compounds, and unpleasant tastes or odors. The activated carbon in the filter attracts and traps these contaminants to provide cleaner and better-tasting water. How Long Does A Carbon Filter Last? The lifespan of a carbon filter depends on the volume of water it filters and the number of impurities present in the water. Generally, a carbon filter can last between 3 to 6 months, but it’s best to refer to the product’s instructions for specific guidance. Do Carbon Filters Remove Bacteria And Viruses? Carbon filters are not designed to remove bacteria and viruses. They are primarily used to remove impurities and improve the taste of drinking water. For removing bacteria and viruses, specialized filters are required that use ultraviolet (uv) light or reverse osmosis (ro) technology. Can You Reuse A Carbon Filter? Carbon filters cannot be reused and must be replaced after the maximum filtration capacity has been reached. Attempting to clean or reuse carbon filters can lead to additional bacterial growth and contamination in the filter, making the water quality worse. Can A Carbon Filter Remove Lead? Some carbon filters have the capability to remove lead from water, but not all. It is essential to check the product specifications to determine if the filter is designed to remove lead as it requires a specialized filter medium. If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult a water treatment professional. To sum it up, a carbon filter is an effective and affordable way to eliminate impurities and contaminants in water, making it taste and smell better while also providing health benefits. It removes a wide range of toxins, including chlorine, sediment, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds. Moreover, a carbon filter can also remove heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can be harmful to human health. While it may not provide absolute purity, it is a significant upgrade from unfiltered tap water, and is an environmentally sustainable alternative to bottled water. Don’t shy away from installing a carbon filter in your home or workplace, as it can lead to a better quality of life and peace of mind in regards to your health and well-being.
By Osama Diab The spread of print media in the 19th century played a profound role in shaping modern Egyptian nationalism and its quest for full independence. Wednesday 26 September 2012 From its very inception, modern Egyptian nationalism was defined by its struggle against foreign influence. The Albanian military commander who became the Khedive Muhammad Ali is widely believed to be the founding father of modern Egypt, and also the founder of its bureaucratic establishment, which prompted a growth in the native urban Egyptian middle class, or the “effendis”. The middle class up to this point had largely been confined to Ottomans and Europeans, while the vast majority of native Egyptians focused on farming in this highly agrarian society. This rise in literacy and the wave of modernisation led to an explosion of print culture, which was also central to Muhammad Ali's plan. Many newspapers and periodicals were founded in the 19th century. Education and migration from the countryside to urban centres brought Egyptians into contact with Europeans and Ottomans in the workplace and the same neighbourhoods. This made the striking injustice in this ‘caste system', things such as a separate a judicial system for Europeans known as capitulations, more obvious and glaring by the day. Adib Ishaq, a Syrian-Christian journalist and writer who lived in Egypt in the second half of the 19th century wrote: “Not a day goes by but we hear that such-and-such Italian or Maltese stabbed an Egyptian national with a dagger. The wounded victim is carried to the hospital,whereas the assailant is delivered to the consulate, and put in a luxurious room where he eats gourmet meals. He is released almost as soon as he arrives.” The American historian Juan Cole describes Ishaq as one of the first in Egypt to write extensively on ideas of liberalism, constitutional monarchies and democracy, but was never given enough credit for it. “His technical interests as a journalist led him to support freedom of speech and free criticism of government policy. His [Free] Masonic ideals of service to mankind, his vaguely Young Ottoman political culture, and the patronage links he established in Egypt reinforced these interests,” explains Cole. Cole argues that the rise of ideas about freedom and democracy in Egypt could be traced back to the emergence of cultural salons and political clubs, such as those belonging to the Free Masons (which Ishaq himself belonged too), the Young Egypt and Young Officers movements. All these had a number of goals in common: they strove to bring an end to European hegemony and to reform Egyptian society into one based on the ideals of equality, liberty and democracy. The development of the print media, postal service, telegraph lines and the extension of the railway network under Khedive Ismail, allowed dissident organisations to recruit and coordinate with members in other cities. Cole describes print culture as the most significant means of communication between like-minded people who could not meet face to face. This echoes Benedict Anderson's theory that print-capitalism laid the foundation for national consciousness by creating “mechanically reproduced print languages capable of dissemination through the market”. It was easy then to form what Anderson calls the “imagined community” – a community whose geographical boundaries extend beyond that daily face-to-face interaction of its members – a prerequisite for national consciousness. The first Egyptian newspaper was published in 1828 during the Muhammad Ali era, although Al-Waqa'e Al-Masreya (Egyptian News) was only circulated among government officials and military officers. In the 1840s, Islamic reformist Rifa'a al-Tahtawi became the newspaper's editor and used it as a platform for his reformist ideas, which proved so unpopular with the new ruler, Khedive Abbas I, that Tahtawi was exiled to Sudan. Another major revolutionary publication of the time was Abu Naddara Zarqa (The Man with the Blue Spectacles), which was founded in 1877 by Egyptian Jew and Free Mason Yaqub Sannu. It was a platform for the newly-born Egyptian nationalism and its political cartoons were critical of the political and economic situation of the time. Because it was perceived as too revolutionary, Sannu was, like Tahtawi, also exiled, but this time, to France, in 1878, after publishing 15 issues of the magazine. Cole wrote that, being a Jew and a Mason, Sannu promoted religious tolerance among Egyptians, but was still willing to use Islamic rhetoric against European exploiters of the country. He continued to produce the magazine from France and the controversial publication was reportedly smuggled into Egypt and widely read despite the ban. The emergence of an educated middle class with such ideals and the imposition of higher taxes on the peasantry due to Egypt's financial hardship led to discontent and anger which took the form of continuous protests in 1879 against Khedive Tawfiq. Tawfiq replaced his father, Ismail, who was more of an inspiring and accomplished leader. Khedive Ismail, who was deposed by the Ottoman Sultan at the insistence of Britain and France, was angry at growing European influence due to Egypt's inability to repay its debt, and called on Egyptians to rise up against the Europeans. Led by the legendary Egyptian army general Ahmed Orabi, this uprising drew the support of both the liberal middle-class and the struggling peasantry, and towards its end, Orabi was in complete control of the military, and some argue, the country as a whole. This struggle against foreign influences and the unjust social reality is believed by many scholars to have marked the beginning of the construction of modern Egyptianism as a cultural and intellectual movement. For a long time prior, Egypt was defined as a state within larger empires and its identity had revolved around its ruling dynasty. For the first time in modern history, Egypt started having a personality independent of its rulers. The Orabi movement led to dramatic changes and promoted ideals which still define Egyptian identity today. But what defined the first version of Egypt's modern nationalism? As Cole argues, revolutions against informal empires typically appeal to native symbols, and the most obvious one in the case of the Orabi movement was local religion: Islam. This is why another Western historian Alexander Schölch claimed that the Orabi revolt was not a French secular type of revolution. It is true that Orabi did not revolt against the religious establishment like the French revolution did, but this could be because the struggle was against a foreign nobility not a local one, as was the case in France. Although Orabi's Islamic tendencies were unmistakeable and his role in Islamic education in his exile in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) is evidence of that, the focus of his discourse was social justice and freedom, and his dichotomy was Egyptians versus foreigners, not Muslims versus Jews or Chrisitians. This is apparent in one of the revolution's slogans “Egypt for the Egyptians”, which drove people like Ishaq, a Syrian Christian, to abandon the revolution after initially supporting it. The Orabi movement was so successful that the Khedeivite regime seemed to be on the verge of collapse when Tawfiq escaped to Alexandria and the popularity and power of Orabi was on the rise. However, this all changed when British forces conquered Alexandria to thwart Orabi's revolutionary project and save Tawfiq Pasha. The British military invasion of 1882 succeeded in defeating the Orabi forces in the famous Elkebir hill battle. The occupation resulted in Orabi's exile to Ceylon and the restoration of Khedive Tawfiq as the ruler of Egypt, but, as Egyptian nationalism was largely based on the struggle for independence, the British presence did nothing but boost it. This is the first part in a series of articles exploring the role of the media in shaping Egypt's modern national consciousness and Egyptian nationalism, as well as fomenting revolution. Part II will focus on the role of the media in moulding pan-Arab nationalism and Nasserism.
Introduction / History Tanzania Deaf Community has about 324,000 people scattered in 31 regions of a country of 44 million. According to 2005 estimates by the World Health Organization, 278 million people worldwide have moderate to profound hearing loss in both ears. 80% of Deaf and hearing-impaired people live in low- and middle-income countries. In adults, hearing impairment and deaf ness often make it difficult to obtain, perform, and keep employment. Both children and adults may suffer from social stigmatization and isolation as a result of hearing impairment. Many hearing people tend to think the Deaf are not very intelligent because of the communication barriers, as well as the speech patterns Deaf exhibit. Many Deaf people feel hearing people oppress them and purposely withhold information from them. Less than 1/2 of 1% are Christians. Hearing Sunday School teachers and pastors, like hearing parents, are not able to communicate truth or their beliefs to Deaf children. Many Deaf say they learn a lot of the "rules of life" by watching the action on TV or in movies. The Deaf value "information" above almost everything. Tanzanians have portions (stories) of a signed language Bible. The first portions of Tanzania Sign Language Bible on DVD were dedicated on November 19, 2011. One story was chosen and shown on a projector screen. The Deaf didn't want to take time to eat, but wanted to see story after story. TBC, the national television station, showed a clip of the dedication on TV for two days. Tanzania Sign Language Bible Society (TSLBS) also have materials and continue to give the Deaf the good news. Scripture Prayers for the Deaf in Tanzania.
What are Bowlegs or Bandy Legs? Bowlegs is a condition where upon standing, the knees stay wide apart and the ankles are together with the legs bowed-out, thus giving the appearance of a bow to the legs and hence the name. Bowlegs is medically known as “Genu varum” and is also known as tibia vara, bandiness, bow-leggedness and bandy-leg. Bow-leggedness is a varus deformity where the lower leg is angled inwardly and is not in line with the axis of the thigh, which gives the legs an appearance of archer’s bow. Usually there is inward angulation of both the lower limb bones. Bowlegs can occur due to genetic problems, poor nutrition, mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Bowlegs or Bandy Legs can also be an indication of an underlying disease, such as rickets or Blount’s disease; and if not treated on time, can lead to arthritis of the hips and knees. Treatment for Bow Legged or Bandy Legs includes casts, braces or surgery to correct the bone abnormalities. Bowlegs or Bandy Legs is commonly seen in infants as they have to stay put in a cramped position in the mother’s womb for nine months. Treatment is not usually needed in such cases, as this type of Bow Leggedness in infants is normal and the legs will eventually straighten when the child starts to walk with no lasting side effects most of the times. If the bow leggedness or bandy legs persists beyond the age of 2 years, then medical treatment should be sought for it. If the bowlegs persist and remain in older children, then treatment such as braces and cast is needed. Surgery is usually required for persistent bowlegs or bandy legs in older adolescents and adults What are the Causes of Bow Leggedness or Bandy Legs? Rickets is a medical condition which occurs as a result of chronic vitamin D deficiency, which leads to softening and weakening of the bones and causes the legs to bow. Blount’s disease (tibia vara) is a medical condition where there is abnormal development of the child’s shin and it curves below the knees. When the child begins to walk, there is worsening of the Bow Leggedness or bandy legs. Many times, this condition is obvious in the child’s early years; however, sometimes may not be noticeable until the child has reached adolescence. As time passes, the bowlegs cause knee joint problems. Blount’s disease commonly affects African-Americans, females and obese children. Children who start to walk early are at an increased risk of getting bowlegs or bandy legs. This is a metabolic condition which has a negative effect on the patient’s bones where the bones break down and do not get rebuilt as strongly as they are supposed to. This over a period of time leads to bowlegs or bandy legs and other problems with the joints. Older people are more commonly affected with Paget’s disease. This condition can be managed successfully with early diagnosis and treatment. Other Causes of Bowlegs or Bandy Legs - Bone dysplasia or abnormally-developed bones. - Bone fractures, which have not healed properly. - Fluoride poisoning. - Lead poisoning. What are the Symptoms of BowLegs or Bandy Legs? Bow Leggedness is an easily identifiable condition. The patient’s knees will not touch each other upon standing with the feet and ankles remaining together. There is symmetry to Bowlegs. In children who have Bow Leggedness, their bowlegs improve after they start walking. If the Bow Leggedness persists beyond the age of 2 years or if the Bow Leggedness worsens, then medical attention should be sought. How is Bow Legged or Bandy Legs Diagnosed? It is easy to spot Bow Legs or Bandy Legs, however, only a doctor can tell regarding the severity of the Bow Leggedness and if it is caused by an underlying disease. The doctor takes measurements of the patient’s legs and observes the patient’s walk. X-ray and other imaging tests of the legs are also done to check for any abnormalities in the bones. Blood tests are done to confirm if the cause of bowlegs is other conditions, such as Paget’s disease or rickets. How is BowLegs or Bandy Legs Treated? Treatment is not needed in infants and toddlers who have Bow Leggedness unless there is an underlying condition identified as the cause of BowLegs or Bandy Legs. Treatment is done if the severity of Bow Leggedness is extreme or if there is worsening of the bowlegs or if there is an underlying medical condition causing the bow legs or bandy legs. Treatment for Bow Legs or Bandy Legs includes: Use of special shoes, casts, braces and surgery to correct any bone abnormalities, which are causing Bow Leggedness. Treatment for any diseases or medical conditions which are causing bowlegs or bandy legs is done accordingly. Can Bowlegs or Bandy Legs Be Prevented? Bowlegs or bandy legs cannot be prevented; however, in certain cases, conditions which can cause bowlegs can be prevented, such as, rickets can be prevented by making sure that the child receives sufficient vitamin D through sunlight as well as diet. It is important to diagnose bowlegs or bandy legs as early as possible so that treatment and management of this condition can be started appropriately. What is the Prognosis of Bowlegs or Bandy Legs? The prognosis of Bowlegs or Bandy Legs is usually good and the child has no problem in walking after the treatment is done. What are Complications of Bowlegs or Bandy Legs? Persistent Bow Leggedness which is not treated causes complications like arthritis in the knees or hips eventually which can be very disabling for the patient. Severe arthritis affects the knees, ankles, feet and hip joints due to the abnormal stress on the joints. Obesity is another factor which is commonly seen in such patients and which compounds this problem of arthritis. If the patient needs total knee replacement at a young age, then probably a revision would need to be done when the patient is older. Surgery for BowLegs or Bandy Legs Bowleg correction surgery is done in healthy adolescents who are about 16 years and older; and healthy adults who are up to the age of 55. It is advisable to postpone surgery for correcting Bowlegs or Bandy Legs in younger adolescents as they are still growing and surgery at this age can lead to future complications. Bowleg correction surgery is done by an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in this type of procedure. A small incision is made by the orthopedic surgeon through the skin along with a partial cut in the bone. The orthopedic surgeon straightens the bow leg after which an internal rod or an external device known as external fixator is placed. The external fixator acts as a scaffold outside the leg and helps in straightening and supporting the leg through the healing period. How Long Does it Take to Recover after Bowlegs or Bandy Legs Correction Surgery? The time taken for Bowleg correction surgery is about an hour and many patients spend the night in the hospital and are discharged the next morning. It is not necessary to place a cast and patients are encouraged to put weight on the leg and start walking almost immediately. Many patients are able to walk without the help of crutches with little or no pain. There are some patients with bowlegs or bandy legs who experience pain which usually abates after the Bowleg correction surgery. Additional bonus of Bowleg or bandy legs correction surgery is that there is an increase of about half- an-inch in height of the patients after the Bowleg correction surgery as the bowed bones are now straight giving a boost to the patient’s height. Complete healing after Bowleg correction surgery is about two months. However, the frames can be removed before that time if the x-rays reveal that the bone is sufficiently healed and is solid. Exercises After Bow Leg Correction Surgery Patients are encouraged to start physical activity and participate in physical therapy and mild exercises under supervision during the healing process after the bow leg correction surgery. Patients who are active and participate in the rehab will experience faster healing and better results after Bow Leg Correction Surgery. Some of the good exercise options after bow leg correction surgery include walking and swimming. Patients who are active in physical therapy have faster healing, better muscle strengthening and good flexibility. The scarring after the bow leg correction surgery is minimal, as the incisions made are small and usually fade with time. As the previously bowlegs gradually straighten, the muscles also strengthen and any pain remaining in the knees and hips also resolves. - National Institutes of Health (NIH): “Paget’s Disease of Bone”: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/pagets-disease-bone
In an era where health care is becoming increasingly complex, medication management has emerged as a cornerstone of patient-centred care, particularly for individuals with chronic diseases and the elderly. Effective medication management is vital for ensuring the safe, appropriate, and cost-effective use of medications to attain optimal health outcomes. Medication management involves the careful monitoring and administration of medicines to ensure that patients are receiving optimal therapeutic outcomes for their health conditions. This comprehensive approach encompasses a range of services including prescription review, pharmacotherapy consultation, and medication reconciliation. A medication review is an essential component of medication management. It is a detailed examination of a patient's prescription and over-the-counter medications, which targets potential drug interactions, dosing errors, and unnecessary medications. Regular reviews by a healthcare professional can avert adverse drug events and contribute to more effective treatment regimes. Pharmacists are at the frontline of medication management, providing expert advice on the use of medicines. They work collaboratively with patients and other healthcare providers to optimise medication use. Their services extend beyond just dispensing medication — they play a crucial role in education and advocacy, helping to prevent medication errors and ensuring that patients understand their treatments. Developing a well-structured medication management strategy can prevent medication errors, reduce hospital readmissions, and improve quality of life. Here are some masterly devised strategies that play a critical role in medication management. Creating a personalised medication plan is a fundamental strategy in medication management. This tailored plan takes into account the patient's unique medical history, lifestyle, and any other factors that might affect their response to medications. Medication adherence is a key factor in the success of any treatment regimen. Patients should be encouraged to take their medications as prescribed. Non-adherence can lead to treatment failures, exacerbation of conditions, and increased healthcare costs. Technology has introduced a number of tools to aid medication management, including electronic prescriptions, medication reminders, and apps for tracking medication schedules. These innovations support patients in managing their treatment effectively and can provide healthcare professionals with valuable insights into patient adherence patterns. Medication reconciliation is the process of creating the most accurate list possible of all medications a patient is taking — including drug name, dosage, frequency, and route — and comparing that list against the physician's orders at every transition of care. This step is crucial for preventing medication errors, especially during hospital admissions and discharges. Patient education is a vital element of medication management. Ensuring that patients have a thorough understanding of their medications — including their purpose, potential side effects, and interactions — empowers them to take an active role in their healthcare. Effective medication management can profoundly impact the healthcare system by enhancing safety profiles, reducing wastage, and providing cost savings. For patients, the benefits are clear: better control of their conditions, increased independence, and improved overall quality of life. Medication management is not merely about supervising the intake of pills; it is about fostering a collaborative approach to healthcare, where every individual involved plays a significant role in achieving the best possible outcome for the patient. Through diligence, communication, and the incorporation of technology, medication management becomes a bastion of modern healthcare practices providing measurable benefits to the Australian healthcare system and patient populations alike. The landscape of aged care is one that is constantly evolving, with the emphasis on not only extending the lives of the elderly but ensuring these years are lived with dignity, respect, and fulfilm... read more As people age, they often require additional support and assistance to maintain their quality of life and meet their health and welfare needs. Understanding what constitutes support needs in aged c... read more Aged care assistance is categorized broadly into three main areas: personal care, medical care, and lifestyle and emotional support. These encompass an array of services designed to meet the divers... read more As we reach our golden years, the ease with which we once completed our daily activities can diminish. Ageing can lead to a reduction in strength, mobility, and cognitive abilities, necessitating a... read more In the era of an aging population, aged care remains a critical sector in the provision of comprehensive support services. A care worker in this field performs a multi-faceted role, aimed at enhanc... read more Contact us today to discover how our personalised care plans can make a significant difference in your life, upholding our commitment to care and compassion. At Kinder Caring, we stand as guardians of a 25-year heritage, offering top-notch home care services. Our deep understanding and vast experience make us an ideal choice for those seeking excellence in community care. We specialise in creating personalised care plans, understanding each client’s unique needs. Our Care Managers ensure every care aspect is bespoke, valuing each individual’s distinct preferences and requirements. Kinder Caring respects your decision-making freedom. Choose between our in-house experts or skilled independent contractors for care that perfectly fits your lifestyle, providing genuine flexibility. Over 25 years, Kinder Caring has dedicated over 2.5 million hours to supporting more than 7,400 individuals, reflecting our commitment to impactful, high-quality care. Our team, chosen for skill and compassion, forms the backbone of Kinder Caring. We focus on building a strong, caring team committed to your comfort and well-being. Kinder Caring’s adherence to the ACIS and investment in ongoing staff development reflect our commitment to providing care that meets the highest quality and contemporary standards. We’re more than care providers; we’re partners in your health journey. With a widespread network and collaborations with funding organisations, we offer accessible, superior care across NSW, QLD & VIC. Choosing Kinder Caring means joining a family dedicated to your independence and well-being. Be part of our 25-year journey, continuing our legacy of impactful, caring service. Bridging the gap between you and an enhanced quality of life, Kinder Caring is committed to nurturing your independence, and delivering compassionate care in the comfort of your home. We’re immensely grateful for Kinder Caring’s assistance over the past months. A special shoutout to Nicole Coupland, who has been an exceptional carer for Mum. Thank you for your unwavering support. We are so pleased with the care Dad has been receiving from Kinder Caring, especially from Aster. She has shown professionalism and dedication. We appreciate the company’s flexibility in accommodating our requests, like Aster wearing a mask and gloves. The temporary rail adjustments and the proactive approach in ensuring the best care for Dad is commendable. Thank you, Kinder Caring. Kinder Caring has been exceptional in their service. They provided a wonderful carer who is exceptional at what she does. Not only did they promptly get my quote approved, but they also took care of my window cleaning needs and organized transportation for my medical appointments. I couldn’t be happier! There was so much more to caring for Dad than we ever thought. Kinder Caring provided everything we needed to support us; they became part of our family… they made a difficult time so much easier for us. A huge thank you to all the nurses at Kinder Caring. Having your expertise, caring attitude and ongoing advice meant we did not have to place Dad into a nursing home or send him to hospital and therefore his last days spent with Mum and the family were very special for us all. Unlock 25 Years of Trusted Expertise: 2,500,000+ Hours of Dedicated Care delivered to 7,400+ people from 560,000+ Personalised Services
- Learn by doing and experiencing consequences of decisions improves judgement - Unlock more employee value with targeted high impact lessons The July 18th edition of the The Economist A question of judgment A question of judgment A quality that is hard to define but important to possess The pandemic has required many people to make difficult judgments. Politicians have had to decide which restrictions to impose on citizens’ behaviour and individuals were forced to assess how much personal risk to take. Managers, faced with tough calls like which parts of their operations to close, have not been spared. Good judgment is a quality everyone would like to have. But it is remarkably difficult to define precisely, and many people are not sure whether they personally possess it. Sir Andrew Likierman of the London Business School has spent a long time talking to leaders in a wide range of fields, from business and the army to the law and medicine, in an effort to create a framework for understanding judgment. First he had to define the word. He suggests that judgment is “the combination of personal qualities with relevant knowledge and experience to form opinions and take decisions”. And he argues that, thus defined, judgment involves a process—taking in information, deciding whom and what to trust, summarising one’s personal knowledge, checking any prior beliefs or feelings, summarising the available choices and then making the decision. At each stage, decision-makers must ask themselves questions, such as whether they have the relevant experience and expertise to make their choice, and whether the option they favour is practical. Expertise can be useful in making judgments. But it is not the same thing. “Academics have expertise,” Sir Andrew observes. “They don’t necessarily have judgment.” People with judgment know when they are out of their depth in making a decision and typically then seek the advice of someone who has the right background and knowledge. It is, of course, possible to follow all these steps and still make the wrong choice. But Sir Andrew argues that a sensible process improves the chance of getting it right. The temptation is to look at people’s track records when assessing when they have good judgment, but luck may have played a huge part. “While good judgment is important to success,” Sir Andrew cautions, “success is not a signal that there has been good judgment.” The degree of judgment required tends to increase as people take on more responsibility. Those with routine tasks generally have limited scope for judgment. Line supervisors have some discretion. For a chief executive, the proportion of decisions involving judgment is high. Deciding not to take action is also a judgment with potentially serious consequences (for example, “I won’t get vaccinated” or “I won’t pay my bills”). The world is full of people whose lack of judgment brought their careers or personal life crashing down. Many made the common mistake of assuming everything was fine. Some people think that good judgment is innate. Sir Andrew accepts that some individuals are born with the ability to listen, be self-aware and better understand other people: all qualities that make good judgment easier. People with good judgment tend to have a breadth of experiences and relationships that enables them to recognise parallels or analogies that others miss. The ability to be detached, both intellectually and emotionally, is also a vital component. Others may have the wrong sort of characteristics; a tendency to ignore others, stick to rules irrespective of context, rush into action without reflection and struggle to make up their minds. Many leaders make bad judgments because they unconsciously filter the information they receive or are not sufficiently critical of what they hear or read. The danger is that people ignore insights that they don’t want to hear, a tendency that can increase with age. As artificial intelligence gets used for more and more routine tasks in the service sector, exercising judgment may be one area where humans retain an edge over machines. This is far from certain, however. What people perceive as good judgment may stem from the ability to spot certain cues in the environment. This ability may be unconscious, just as a dog can catch a Frisbee in mid-air without knowing how to calculate wind speed and air resistance. With enough practice, machines may be able to recognise these implicit cues and thus display the equivalent of good judgment. But then, perhaps humans can be taught, too. In the long run one of the trickiest aspects of human judgment may be knowing precisely when to let machines take decisions and when to leave it to people. Every employer wants to know in a clear documented manner which employee are quick to learn and adapt and ready to advance. Adaptive microlessons built with Mazetec can show each decision an employee makes, the number of attempts and how long it take them. Try it free!!
As parents of a child with autism know, there are many factors that affect a child’s ability to feel safe and comfortable in their environment. Many children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have significant sensory issues and if they are to thrive, it is crucial that their environment is sensory-safe. If you are a parent of a child with ASD, you will be familiar with the feelings of dread that go with everyday activities such as going shopping or walking past someone who’s talking too loudly or the drama that can come from wearing a pair of socks that “doesn’t feel right.” Can You Change the World? Why would you want to change the world when some days you can’t even manage to get out in it without some kind of major stress?! While you are never going to be able to change loud strangers or poorly-fitting socks, you can make small but significant changes to your home and habits that will enable your child or young person to feel safe and to thrive. Sensory-safe homes are a strong foundation for kids with autism to build on as they develop other skills to cope and function in a world that is challenging for them to live in. What Do We Mean by Sensory-Safe? We receive information about the world around us through our senses. They tell us whether our experiences are good for us or not. People with sensory processing issues are more sensitive to this information than other people. Their brains are wired differently and the way their bodies receive, analyse and respond to their environments is different. This means that no two children (or adults, for that matter) are the same. Things that most people don’t give a second thought become an unpleasant experience for someone who struggles with sensory issues. A sensory-safe environment is intentionally created to address the elements that are most likely to cause problems. At home, this often means making small changes that can have a big impact on a child’s ability to learn and thrive and on the quality of family life in general. Sensory Elements That Matter Kids with autism are constantly fighting sensory overwhelm. Elements of their environment are frequently too loud, too fast, too bright or too … (fill in the blanks). Therefore, it is important to create spaces at home that are intentionally understated. Lighting, air temperature and quality, visual elements and sound control are all important considerations for creating a sensory-safe haven for your child. How to Incorporate Sensory-Safe Principles Into Your Home Try these tips for creating sensory-safe spaces at home: - Pay attention to lighting. Use soft or diffused light (never harsh light) and avoid any lighting fixtures that are hard or reflective. - Paint rooms in neutral or pastel shades rather than bold or bright colours - Keep spaces free from clutter or an excess of visual elements such as pictures, ornaments or wall hangings - Provide a “sensory space” for your child with sensory toys to explore. If your child needs extra sensory stimulation, toys that squeeze, push, pull, roll or are good for hugging are good choices. Depending on your child’s specific needs, it may be appropriate to provide visually stimulating elements in this space such as a clock, wind-driven toys, or a fish tank. You could also include wall art or pictures of animals or something that makes your child feel happy. - Tone down noisy wooden floors with comfortable, anchored rugs or mats - Choose room furnishings that are low and close to the floor. Think of alternatives such as a low coffee table and a cushion instead of a typical table and chair. - Use a transition chart or list to help your child move from one activity to the next without stress or fear - Try using aromatherapy at home to calm or stimulate your child - Choose calming sounds from nature rather than white noise, which an autistic child may find harsh and irritating - Even if your child is older, design your spaces with safety in mind - Add comfort items such as bean bags, cocoons, play tents, floor cushions, tunnels or swings to your child’s sensory space Learning Begins When a Child Feels Safe Children that feel unsafe are unable to learn effectively because they are constantly in “fight or flight” mode. Creating a sensory-safe environment at home enables children to learn and explore their environment without the fear of an adverse sensory experience. If you would like to know more about how you can create a sensory-safe home for your child or you have questions, feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you! The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership Hub Your one-stop-shop for everything you need to create a peaceful, structured and purposeful home. The Program is designed to take you step-by-step through tried and true strategies to: - Make mornings and nights easier. - Reduce your anxiety and stress. - Reduce the drama of family life. The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership program will provide you with: - 1 x LIVE Monthly parent coaching group call via ZOOM - Access to Life Skills 4 Parents online education portal with new trainings added monthly - Exclusive FB group with 24/7 access to our parent community and our OT team for support on the go - Growing library of 10-minute self-paced parenting mini trainings in our Life Skills4Parents portal
Modern payment systems have become an integral part of our lives. Every day we use them to carry out various operations – making purchases in a grocery store or entering data from it in an online store – and do not think about how they work. In this article, we will understand what types of payment systems there are and what they are needed for. What is a payment system and how does it work A payment system is a special service through which non-cash transfers of money or their analogs (for example, virtual coins) are made. In simple words, it is an intermediary between the buyer’s bank and the seller’s bank. Any bank card is connected to a specific payment system. Their benefits may vary, but they all create secure transactions, as well as ensure smooth operation and processing of large volumes of data. The principle of operation of payment systems is as follows: - First, the client selects a service. This could be, for example, replenishing a mobile phone account or a money transfer; - He then determines which card the transaction will be made from; - Then he enters his card details; - Next comes the client’s bank’s turn – it identifies the buyer and allows the payment system to debit funds from the account; - After this, the payment system “informs” the recipient’s bank that the transfer has been made. The bank, in turn, confirms the payment by sending a corresponding notification. From the outside, this process looks complicated and lengthy, but in reality, it takes less than one minute. It is important to note that all payment systems are interested in ensuring the security of transactions, and therefore data transfer is encrypted using a special digital code, which is quite difficult to crack. However, if fraudsters still try to do this, the system will automatically block the card and transmit information about the incident to its owner. Types of payment systems There are a whole variety of payment systems that differ in various parameters: for example, territorial coverage, commission size, or transaction methods. Among the most popular of them are the following: - Debit and credit cards; - Mobile payments; - Bank transfers (eg SWIFT); - Electronic wallets; - Payment systems based on NFC technology and QR codes; - International payment systems (for example, Transferra). International payment system Transferra Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the international payment system, which appeared in the UK in 2020. However, it has only recently begun to gain popularity: this PS will soon become one of the largest payment systems, even though it is currently possible to make transfers in 10 currencies. This is an ideal platform for business owners because thanks to this international payment system your business can reach an international level. What to look for when choosing a payment system? When choosing a foreign payment system, you should pay attention to the following features: - Reputation. Customer reviews can tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the platform better than statements from the service owners. The year the company was founded is also important: the longer it is on the market, the more trust there is in it; - Commission. As a rule, international payment systems offer various service packages and terms of cooperation, which determine the size of the commission. Study the user agreement and other documents, contact technical support to find the most profitable option, and make sure there are no hidden fees; - Relevance for clients. You should focus on your target audience. It is important to make sure that the service serves the region you are working with; - Convenience. An intuitive interface makes the purchasing process more enjoyable for the customer. Services with an overly complex payment system, where a transaction requires going through a complex path, can lead to the loss of some customers; - Connection process. The balance between security and long bureaucratic red tape is important. A system with a simple wiring diagram may cause more losses due to the time spent on getting it up and running. How to connect and set up a payment system Almost all services are connected using the same algorithm. First, the client submits an application indicating his registration data as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. For individuals, the application must include information from the passport and TIN. Depending on the specifics of the payment system, managers may request additional information, for example, about goods or services sold through the business, and planned transaction volumes. Most often, this information is necessary to select the optimal tariff. If the application is properly completed and the business meets the requirements of the PS, a formal cooperation agreement is concluded. The site owner receives detailed installation instructions and a module responsible for online payments. Among the module settings, the most important are: - Business name; - Payment description; - Step-by-step instructions for the client when paying for goods/services; - Time to pay the bill; - Method of notification of the client’s account status; - Name of the “working” currency. If an aggregator is used as a PS, it is necessary to determine possible options for accepting payment, for example, from a mobile device account, through terminals, bank cards or transfers, electronic wallets, etc. Is it possible to accept payments without registering as an individual entrepreneur? Tightening legislation in the field of electronic payment systems has led to many services refusing to work with individuals. Therefore, business owners who are not registered as legal entities or individual entrepreneurs can only work with foreign payment systems or look among domestic services for those who are ready to offer their services to a wide range of clients. Please note that you cannot do this without an identification procedure. Individuals will have to present: - Passport details; - Details of electronic wallets for attaching them to your account; - Additional identification documents – driver’s license, military ID. In some cases, you will need to visit the company’s office or undergo video identification. Such difficulties are often introduced by foreign PSs.
“Adopted Teen Arrested,” the newspaper headline reads (never “Birth Teen Arrested”). Is this just another example of sensationalism by the media or do adopted teens get into more trouble than their non-adopted peers? According to studies, children who are adopted are as well adjusted or as poorly adjusted as are children in general, and adopted teens in general are no more likely than non-adopted teens to get into trouble. Stereotypes and Prejudices Yet, as most adoptive families can tell you, the word adopted still has many negative connotations in the larger community and is often linked with emotionally loaded and outdated language like “illegitimate,” “bad blood,” “second choice,” and “unwanted.” Even children placed at birth are sometimes assumed to have learning and behavior problems. In addition, adopted children are often viewed as being ungrateful to their adoptive parents—a particularly annoying misconception since it is only as adults that most people, adopted or not, can fully understand what their parents did for them. Unfortunately, schools are places that our children may encounter these prejudices about adoption. For educators who have not had much experience with the wider range of adoption issues, an adopted child may stand out. For example, within the evaluation process, a child who is having trouble may be identified as being adopted. The fact of adoption, however, generally is not identified when a child is succeeding or excelling. Similarly, for teens who act out, trauma, separation, loss, and adjusting to a new family may be considered contributing factors to current problem behavior. But teens who are reaching goals and receiving positive attention usually don’t have adoption counted as a factor in their positive adjustment. For some people, teens who are adopted differ from other children in a key way that often is not openly acknowledged: Their sexuality. The stereotype of adoption includes a young, promiscuous couple who do not take responsibility for their child. Some people expect adopted teens to emulate birth parents sexually. Adoptive parents, especially those parenting boys and children of color, say that their children are welcomed when they are young, but when they reach adolescence, barriers go up, subtly or openly. Adoptive parents need to be prepared for some of these antiquated prejudices. They also have to prepare their teens and be able to empathize with experiences their teens may be having that are not familiar from their own adolescence. Parents need to guard against the common mistake of telling their child, “I understand how you feel,” when what they mean is “I understand why that made you feel bad. I feel bad because you were hurt.” What Parents Can Do A good way for parents to raise these issues with their teens is to get a copy of adoption educator and author Pat Johnston’s “Positive Adoption Language.” Many teens may be struggling with negative connotations about adoption but may not know how to handle incidents involving negative language. For teens who have already internalized negative connotations about adoption as somehow being their fault, discussion of positive adoption language may help them understand the stereotypes, misconceptions, and prejudices they have encountered. Being a teenager is a difficult job, probably as difficult as being the parent of a teenager. Parents and teens alike face social stigmas about adoption. Sharing some of these, crying, getting angry, and laughing together about them are ways to grow closer.
For over five decades, we've seen the moon as a desolate rock orbiting our planet, but recent research suggests a revolutionary possibility: could the moon harbor life? We aren't talking about little green aliens, but simple, yet hardy microorganisms tucked away in the moon's cold, shadowy craters. In 2025, NASA's Artemis 3 mission plans to land astronauts near the moon's south pole, a location that holds great promise for these microbial hideaways. But with this thrilling prospect, several intriguing questions arise. How could life exist on the moon? What does it mean for our understanding of life beyond Earth? The Return to the Moon: Artemis 3 Mission Imagine a journey back to a place we once thought we knew well, only to discover there's still so much to explore. This is precisely what the Artemis 3 mission signifies. Set to lift off at the end of 2025, this journey marks a significant milestone as the first human lunar landing since the legendary Apollo 17 in 1972. Spearheaded by NASA, the mission aspires to step into the uncharted territory of the lunar south pole. This isn't just any trip to the moon. It's a step into a new era of space exploration and discovery, potentially rewriting what we know about our closest celestial neighbor. But how do you choose the perfect place to land on a celestial body nearly a quarter of a million miles away? It's no easy task. The Artemis Polar Exploration Zone, a region sitting beyond 84 degrees south latitude, is a prime target. However, determining the exact landing site for Artemis 3 is a challenge packed with anticipation and high hopes. The expectations? To unravel astonishing discoveries, possibly even detecting signs of life. New research hints at the existence of microbial life, which could survive in the super-cold, permanently shadowed craters near the lunar south pole. As we inch closer to the Artemis 3 mission, we hold our breath, wondering: Will this be the journey that uncovers life on the moon? Theories of Lunar Life Existence Some scientists are making waves with their theories that the moon, specifically the south pole's chilly, shadowy craters, could potentially harbor microbial life. Prabal Saxena, from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, is one of these trailblazers. He highlights the possibility of life flourishing under certain conditions, expanding our comprehension of where life can exist. But where might these microorganisms come from, and how could they survive in such a hostile environment? The answer could lie closer to home than you might think - on Earth itself. Let's consider two possibilities. One: Earth and the moon have been trading rocks via meteorite impacts for billions of years. Could some of these "Earth meteorites" have carried hardy Earth microbes to the moon? It's plausible, but the survival of these Earth microbes is still up for debate. Two: humans themselves might be the primary source of lunar microbes. With every human mission, we potentially leave microbial stowaways behind. Not to mention, the increased traffic to the moon could deposit carbon dioxide and water ice, altering the lunar landscape. The Attractiveness of the Lunar South Pole So why are all eyes on the lunar south pole, and what makes it so special? The allure lies in its unique landscape. Envision vast areas cast in permanent shadows, juxtaposed with regions that enjoy almost perpetual sunlight. These shadowed regions, home to large craters, are so cold that they can trap water ice, a crucial ingredient for life as we know it. This polar environment could offer a safe haven if microbes hide on the moon. Even in the harshest environments, life can surprise us with its resilience. The Shackleton crater, a colossal indentation at the moon's south pole, is particularly intriguing. Its permanently shadowed regions and potential ice reserves make it an excellent candidate for a microbial refuge. The moon's quiet, dark corners could provide a stable, icy retreat for extreme microorganisms, or 'extremophiles,' known to survive harsh conditions. But can Earth's microbes adapt to such an extreme environment? Survivability of Earth Microbes on the Moon Remarkably, certain Earth microbes could withstand extreme lunar conditions. These extremophiles, as they're called, are masters of survival, capable of enduring intense radiation, cold, and vacuum. Could they have hitched a ride on lunar landers, voyaged across the vastness of space, and set up camp on the moon? It's not out of the question. So, while the lunar south pole's ice-filled craters may seem hostile to us, for these microbes, they could be the perfect home away from home. The Effect of Human Activity on Lunar Microbial Growth The activities of human missions could potentially affect the moon's environment. For example, the Artemis spacecraft could deposit substances like carbon dioxide and water ice in shadowed regions. This may sound harmless, but these deposits could affect the survival and growth of lunar microbes. Furthermore, exhaust from spacecraft might impact the moon's north pole, as suggested by scientist Paul Lucey. Therefore, conducting experiments to understand how these activities might affect the lunar environment is vital. Broader Implications of Discovering Lunar Life Discovering life on the moon would ripple through society, influencing our perception of the universe and our place within it. If we can find life in the moon's harsh landscape, where else might we find it? Interestingly, the study of lunar life could have exciting implications for Mars exploration. The Red Planet, like the moon, has regions believed to be capable of supporting life. Research strategies developed for investigating potentially habitable niches and planning traverse routes on the moon could be applied to Mars. Essentially, our neighboring moon could serve as a blueprint for future interplanetary missions. By studying life's potential on the moon, could we be opening doors to understanding life on Mars and beyond?
A Photovoltaic System, Also Pv System Or Solar Power System, Is A Power System Designed To Supply Usable Solar Power By Means Of Photovoltaics. Services We Offer Near Stony Brook University Ny: Solar PV panels are a preferred selection for creating electricity from the sun's power. Here are some general steps for mounting solar PV panels: Assess your power needs and also identify the appropriate dimension for your solar PV system. This will certainly involve calculating your electricity use, figuring out the quantity of sun your area obtains, and also considering any type of offered incentives or subsidies. Select the kind and also variety of solar panels you will need, as well as the inverter as well as any various other required tools. Get any type of needed licenses and approvals from your local government or utility company. Choose a location for your solar PV panels that will receive the most straight sunshine. The roof covering is a typical option, yet you might likewise be able to set up panels on the ground or on a wall. Mount placing hardware for your solar PV panels. This will commonly include affixing braces to your roofing or setting up a ground-mounted system. Attach the solar panels to the inverter and also place the inverter in a location that is conveniently accessible. Run electric wiring from the inverter to your major electric panel. Have your system evaluated as well as approved by your regional structure division or energy firm. Turn on your solar PV system and also start generating electricity. It is essential to keep in mind that installation of solar PV panels need to be done by a specialist or a group of experts with the appropriate training and proficiency. Attempting to install a solar PV system by yourself can be hazardous and may nullify any kind of warranties or assurances. |Suburban research school set on 1,039 wooded acres, known for its liberal arts & medical programs. - Wikipedia Things to do - Google map Learn More - FAQ | Solar Pv Installer Electrical Solar Power Energy A solar cell panel, solar electric panel, photo-voltaic (PV) module or solar panel is an assembly of photo-voltaic cells mounted in a framework for installation. Solar panels use sunlight as a source of energy to generate direct current electricity. A collection of PV modules is called a PV panel, and a system of PV panels is called an array. Arrays of a photovoltaic system supply solar electricity to electrical equipment. There are different types of solar Pv panels (See Solar Pv Panels Types) NY has a state-wide net metering policy that applies to all investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, and electric cooperatives. Many of NY’s utility companies offer solar rebates to their customers. Through this program, the local electric companies will pay customers an additional $0.07 per kilowatt hour of solar energy produced in exchange for any renewable energy credits the system produces. NY has a property tax exemption for solar panel systems. Under the Property Tax Exemption for Solar Generating Systems, 100% of the assessed value of the solar system is exempt from the homeowner’s property taxes. A solar installer, which is also called a PV installer (which stands for photovoltaic), install and maintain solar panels on people's homes, businesses, or on land. These installers would also be responsible to ground any necessary equipment and ensure safety standards and code are met.
When the first cases of the disease were reported in China, we were told that the only symptoms were fever, shortness of breath, and a dry cough. Soon, stories started to emerge of patients complaining that they had lost their sense of taste and smell. And then news reports came in of a confoundingly wide range of symptoms, with patients reporting everything from fatigue and body aches, to headaches, sore throat, a runny nose and even gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. While COVID-19 initially seemed to present as a predominantly respiratory condition, as the months rolled by, experts realized that this virus could attack not just the lungs, but also the gut, blood, liver and kidneys. And more recent reports indicate that it can also cause serious neurological and psychiatric complications. While for many the virus is so mild that they are hardly aware that they are ill, for hundreds of thousands of others it has proved fatal. And there doesn’t seem to be much of a pattern to the outcomes either, with some elderly people unexpectedly surviving, while some younger, stronger people inexplicably develop serious complications and die. Some experts have called SARS-CoV-2 the perfect virus, adapting as necessary to unleash the most possible damage. It is almost as if it was engineered to be a perfect killing machine. While the scientific community as a whole has insisted that this is simply a virus that developed spontaneously in nature, there is sufficient scientific evidence to raise serious questions about whether this killer disease might actually have been engineered by humans. (Related: Scientists increasingly say coronavirus was created in a lab.) As reported by WIO News, studies into the make-up of the virus conducted in Norway and Britain raise questions about the origins of SARS-CoV-2: The authors state two conclusions: (1) the mutations that would normally be seen in the course of animal to human transmission have not occurred in SARS-CoV-2, indicating that it was fully “pre-adapted” for human infection and (2) SARS-CoV-2 has insertions in its protein sequence that have never been detected in nature and contribute to its infectivity and pathogenicity. That is, SARS-CoV-2 has a receptor binding domain specifically designed for the human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor (ACE2) found in lungs, kidneys, intestines and blood vessels. [Emphasis added] In other words, the incredibly high rate of infection and mortality of this virus are the result of insertions in its protein sequence that have never before been known to spontaneously occur in nature. (Related: Lab-invented bio-terrorism: researchers discover unique, manmade viral manipulations of the COVID-19 strain.) And there’s more: In addition, SARS-CoV-2 has a furin polybasic cleavage site not found in any closely-related bat coronaviruses as well as other artificially inserted charged amino acids that enhance the virus’ ability to bind to and enter human cells by forming “salt bridges” between the virus and the cell surface. Those modifications are key to understanding the unique transmissibility and potency of SARS-CoV-2. The authors explain that the COVID-19 pandemic is revealing neurological, haematological and immunological pathogenicity, which cannot be explained by infectivity via the ACE2 receptor alone. Could it be that one of the greatest threats to face humankind in modern times was not just the result of some inexplicable fluke of nature, but the calculated work of human hands? The evidence certainly raises serious questions that need to be answered urgently. Stay informed, stay alive. Bookmark Pandemic.news. Sources for this article include:
Drought-resistant rice offers hope in face of water crisis New strains of artificially selected, drought-resistant rice could help to improve water efficiency in rice-growing regions of the world, according to scientists at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines. At present, rice is the staple food for 2.7 billion people – around half of the world’s population. In Asia, where 90 % of all rice is grown and the vast majority of it consumed, 72% of freshwater resources are used for irrigating rice crops, but availability is now shrinking at an alarming rate as domestic and industrial demand increases. To combat this problem, the IRRI, based in Los Banos, Manila, now has over 1000 scientists involved in active research. Although it is widely acknowledged that a great deal could be achieved by improving irrigation strategies in areas with seasonal and unreliable rainfall, the development of drought-resistant rice plants is an important alternative, as 45% of rice growing areas in Asia still lack irrigation infrastructure and many are in difficult terrain. With the aid of a genetic database listing over 80,000 known varieties, the IRRI’s researchers are homing in on the genes for drought-resistance. Using a technique called marker assisted selection, the process of cross-breeding for desired traits is being speeded up in comparison with more traditional methods. Marker assisted selection does not modify the actual genetics of a plant, but simply identifies individual plants with the required genes. Desired traits include deeper and thicker growing roots, and the ability to take up nutrients when growing in a relatively dry soil. Dr Adam Price, of the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences at Aberdeen University in the UK, said: “It is important to understand that there is no way to find a single gene on one of the 12 rice plant chromosomes which will lead to a universal drought-resistance. And selecting for particular chromosomes or genes is an expensive process.” Dr Price’s research team is currently using marker assisted selection to breed a popular variety of Indian rice for deep-rooted and aromatic habit. He said: “We are still in the early stages, but subject to success, Kalinga III could be used by Indian farmers in 2-3 years time.” On being asked whether a particular strain could be patented, Dr Price said: “Rice is unusual, because so far it has not really been a commercial crop in the sense that farmers do not have to buy in large quantities of seed. Once farmers have the seed, it is a relatively simple matter for them to breed the plants on site. However, although export markets for rice are not that important, I do expect this (patent rights) to be an increasingly important area.” Advances in the ability of popular rice strains to withstand drought could have a significant effect on agricultural efficiency. However, the rate at which research is translated into action will be limited by the availability of suitably equipped laboratories and agricultural universities, which can breed up the new strains for distribution to farmers. At the moment, Dr Mahabub Hossain, the IRRI’s economist, estimates that 24M t of rice, amounting to 4.3% of production and worth $4.8 billion to the Asian economy is lost every year, as a direct result of drought and poor irrigation techniques. He expects the situation to get worse unless serious efforts are made to improve water resource management. Similar predictions have also been made (Guerra et al 1998) for rice growing regions of Africa, where water demand is outstripping available supplies. 1999 is already proving to be a difficult year for farmers, with reports of drought blamed on La Nina (the backlash of El Nino in the eastern hemisphere) ranging from Thailand to New Zealand.
Tips For Treating, Preventing, And Concealing Dark Under-Eye CirclesJune 30, 2021 Chemical vs Physical Sunscreen: What’s the Difference?August 13, 2021 Synopsis of Hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation could be a widespread harmless skin condition. It can affect any skin type. It is the surface discolouration of the skin. Hyperpigmentation is the condition within which patches on the surface of the skin turn a shade darker in colour than the standard surface of the skin. These results due to the surplus production of melanin that resides within the dermis of the skin. Melanocytes reproduce melanin. Melanin has a vital role in pigmentation. It is chargeable for the pigmentation in skin, hair, and eye colour. The darkening occurs because of the overproduction of melanin. If hyperpigmentation is distressing you, visit the best treatment for pigmentation on the face for advice. The intrinsic factors of Hyperpigmentation - Exposure to the Sun – The overproduction of melanin is directly proportional to exposure to the sun. Melanin protects the body from UV light and results in a dark surface or patches on the skin. - Hormonal Imbalance – The disturbance in the hormone can also lead to hyperpigmentation. - Medical conditions – Conditions such as autoimmune disease, Addison’s disease, and hemochromatosis. - Skin Surface Injury – The surface area of the skin can darken after the individual undergoes inflammation or burns of the skin. - During Pregnancy – When the body undergoes hormonal changes, it leads to melasma. It is an intrinsic hormone-induced pigmentation. - Reaction to various drugs – Drugs like an antidepressant, antimalarial, etc. They are the intrinsic cause of pigmentation. Stop by for the treatment for pigmentation on the face to your dermatologist. - Age factor – As the skin ages, it changes its form, and the production of melanin is affected. Glossary of physiological Hyperpigmentation It is a scattered clump of pigment that is widespread on the skin. It is also referred to as Ephelides. They are the most familiar example of pigmentation. This pigmentation goes deeper in the dermis of the skin. It is due to hormonal imbalance. It is called melasma. They are identified as large brown spots on the face or the body surface. They mostly occur during pregnancy or due to the intake of oral contraceptives. - Age spots or liver spots: They develop due to repeated exposure to sunlight that results in brown or black colour on the surface of your skin. - Solar lentigines: It is also referred to as sunspots. They may develop anywhere on the body. They can develop into carcinogenic cells. - Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: These pigments occur due to the result of acne, friction, burns, or injury. - Chemical peels: They help to lighten the pigment on your face. - Lightening creams: - Liquorice extract This helps in skin lighting. - Laser treatment: It is very effective and tends to be more accurate, as the dermatologist has control over the intensity of the treatment. This laser facial treatment includes: - Hyperpigmentation treatment. - Freckle removal. - The uneven skin tone on the face. - Intense pulse light therapy (IPL): It is identically known as photo facial therapy. This therapy stimulates collagen synthesis and regenerates the cells. Call upon treatment for pigmentation on the face to your dermatologist for their guidance. - Medical Microdermabrasion: It is a less invasive method used to regenerate skin cells. It helps to treat the thick and dull skin to brighten up. - Red Onions: They contain vitamin C and are known for their antioxidant properties. The task benefits to lighten up hyperpigmentation. - Aloe Vera Leaf: It carries aloin compounds that can lighten hyperpigmentation. It acts as an inhibitor in the manufacturing of melanin. Hyperpigmentation is a very ordinary skin condition. It is usually harmless. The individual can get rid of using removal techniques such as cosmetic treatments, creams, and home remedies, etc.
However, its pedigree goes back much farther. There is concrete evidence of cannabis being used for medicinal purposes as far back as 400 A.D., though we know the plant was in broad usage for general purposes more than 4,000 years before that. It would seem that our forebears understood the benefits of cannabis, as it is now being pressed into use to treat a variety of ailments and promote better overall health. Its potential benefits are varied, and include but are not limited to: Relief from Chronic Pain One of the most prominent roles that cannabis has been pressed into is in managing chronic pain. This is because cannabinoids, the active ingredients in cannabis, have been linked to pain relief in patients. And because cannabis is effective at managing pain, it may eventually help us to reduce our reliance on opioids for pain relief. In fact, one recent study found that through the use of cannabis, many chronic pain sufferers were able to drastically reduce their opioid intake, or even eliminate it altogether. About 50 million Americans deal with chronic pain, which has been a major driver of our current epidemic of opioid addiction. According to this study, the introduction of medical cannabis into treatment regimens saw patients able to reduce opioid usage by 64 to 75% overall, with 32% to 59% of medical cannabis users able to discontinue opioid use entirely. With the ubiquity of both chronic pain and opioid reliance, medical cannabis offers the opportunity to mitigate two public health crises at once. Improved Lung Capacity Though it sounds counter-intuitive, use of cannabis may actually improve lung function. One study compared the effects that smoking cannabis had on the lungs to those of smoking cigarettes. Researchers expected both study groups to show lung damage from inhaling smoke. And while the cigarette smokers demonstrated the expected damage to lung tissue, moderate cannabis users actually showed increased lung capacity over non-smokers. Because the results came as such a surprise, researchers are still unsure as to why this is the case. But they think that benefits come from the acts of smoking and inhaling deeply. Unlike cigarette smokers, cannabis users usually inhale deeply from a joint or a water pipe and hold the smoke there. One of the study’s authors observes that this functions a lot like doing a pulmonary function test and that this type of deep inhaling “practices” the lungs and may account for the unexpected results. Despite the stereotype of the average cannabis user being a layabout who subsists on junk food, the science paints a different picture. A study that compared obesity rates from cannabis users and non-users found that those who use cannabis users had significantly lower rates of obesity. Scientists believe that this is the case because of how cannabis affects our metabolism. Our metabolism is among the bodily functions that are managed by our endocannabinoid system, a series of receptors and chemical compounds. The endocannabinoid system is designed to interact with the cannabinoids that our body naturally produces, but it can also interact with the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Because of the way these outside cannabinoids interact with our bodies, they actually help regulate our metabolism and help keep it functioning optimally. Regulates and May Help Prevent Diabetes Our metabolism isn’t the only system that cannabis’ cannabinoids can interact with. It can also help regulate insulin production. This can make diabetes easier to manage in certain patients and help to prevent it in at-risk individuals. And since obesity is a major risk factor for developing diabetes, you can count that function towards helping prevent the disease as well. The major driving force behind the movement to legalize medical cannabis was its value in treating cancer. Initially, this was simply because of its use in treating the pain caused by cancer and in managing the side-effects of chemotherapy. But as time went on, it became clear that cannabis itself helps to inhibit the spread of cancer. Cancer occurs when cells begin reproducing uncontrollably, soon getting out of control. Cannabis is able to help inhibit this growth because of how it interacts with the endocannabinoid system. By signaling to the endocannabinoid system that there are foreign bodies present that need addressing, it triggers an antitumorigenic warning that inhibits cancer’s ability to reproduce and spread. Improves Mood and Helps Treat Depression Cannabis has demonstrated not only the potential to treat physical ailments but mental ones as well. About 16.2 million Americans have a major depressive episode a year, and there’s some evidence that that number is on the rise. And dissatisfied with pharmaceutical treatments, many are turning to cannabis for relief. Because of how cannabis interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the brain, research has found that it can work as a fast-acting anti-depressant, providing quick relief without the side-effects of pharmaceutical anti-depressants. It has also been linked to improved cognitive function in bipolar sufferers, and moderate cannabis users report overall lower levels of depressive thoughts and feelings. Reaping the Benefits of Cannabis Cannabis has used as medicine for more than a thousand years, and with modern science, we have been able to demonstrate both the benefits of cannabis and its safety. If you’ve never used cannabis and are considering trying it for the first time, one important note to keep in mind is to always start out with small doses. Different strains can have wildly different potencies, and cannabis can affect different people in different ways. And as always, consult with your regular physician beforehand. And for more health and lifestyle news to help you live your best life, be sure to keep up with the latest from My Zeo.
A new form of the common and highly contagious dog virus, canine parvovirus (CPV), has been discovered in Australia for the first time by researchers at the University of Adelaide. While the new strain, known as CPV-2c, is spreading around the world, until now there has been no confirmed evidence of its presence in Australia. However, according to the research, over the past two years cases of CPV-2c have occurred in South Australia and Victoria, and suspicious cases have been seen in Queensland and Northern Territory. The researchers say that while much more work needs to be done to understand the new strain, veterinarians need to be aware that this strain is now present in Australia, may not show-up in the existing diagnostic (SNAP) tests, and that dogs vaccinated against canine parvovirus may not be protected against the new strain. Dog owners should still vaccinate for CPV, and take their dogs to the vet if they have unexplained or persistent diarrhoea and seem unwell, they advise. “Canine parvovirus infection (CPV) is a highly contagious viral illness of dogs which attacks the cells lining the small intestine, causing bloody diarrhoea and, in severe cases, can be fatal,” says Associate Professor Farhid Hemmatzadeh, veterinary virologist with the University’s School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. “Most CPV infections occur in young dogs between six weeks and six months of age. CPV in Australia is historically associated with two viral variants in Australia, CPV-2a and CPV-2b. But we’ve now discovered a number of cases associated with the CPV-2c strain, previously thought not to occur in Australia. “However we are not seeing a great spike in dog deaths in Australia so I think it’s a case of being alert, not alarmed.” Associate Professor Hemmatzadeh has been working with specialist veterinary pathologist Dr Lucy Woolford, PhD student Noor Haliza Hassan and veterinary science student Hannah Bobrowski, all from the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, and veterinary clinicians Dr Paul Crocker, and Dr Trevor Baker. The researchers found that in most cases, in-clinic diagnostic tests (known as SNAP tests) have shown negative results in infected animals and some cases of the new strain have occurred in dogs who had already been vaccinated against CPV. “The prevalence of CPV-2c is expanding worldwide and is reportedly associated with disease in adult dogs, as well as in dogs that have completed the vaccination protocols,” says Dr Woolford. “While we still don’t have a lot of good evidence about whether current vaccines work against this new strain, it’s concerning that owners and vets may think the dog is protected against all types of CPV.” Dr Woolford say dogs with the virus would show decreased appetite and lethargy, with bloody diarrhoea and vomiting. There is no specific treatment for the virus itself, but rather dogs can be hospitalised and supported with intravenous fluid therapy, anti-emetics to stop vomiting, antibiotics to treat secondary infection by bacteria, and pain relief, until they recover. Source: University of Adelaide. The research has been published in the journal Viral Immunology and the researchers have deposited the full genome sequencing information for studied cases with GeneBank.
Last updated: March 23, 2021 Benches/Seating, Gifts/Souvenirs/Books, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Information, Information - Park Newspaper Available, Information - Ranger/Staff Member Present, Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Parking - Boat Trailer, Picnic Table, Restroom, Scenic View/Photo Spot Lewis and Clark NHT Visitor Centers and Museums Visitor Centers (shown in orange), High Potential Historic Sites (shown in black), and Pivotal Places (shown in green) along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Fort Steuben began its original construction in 1786, and completed construction in 1787. The First American Regiment built the fort with the purpose of protecting surveyors who were tasked with mapping the United States’ Northwestern territory to prepare it for settlement. Fort Steuben was abandoned in 1787 and later eradicated by a fire in 1790. The town of Steubenville was established after the abandonment of the fort. Lewis and Clark of the Corps of Discovery passed through the city of Steubenville as the expedition made their initial progress westward. On September 6th, 1803, as the group traveled down the Ohio River, Lewis wrote in his journal that they had reached the city of, as he spelled it, “Stewbenville.” He described it as a “small well built thriving place” despite the fact that the city had only been “five yers since it was wilderness.” No note was made of Fort Steuben because, by 1803, the fort had long since ceased to be. Today, Historic Fort Steuben features attractions such as an herb garden, an archaeology site, and the visitor’s center. The Exhibit Hall located inside the visitor’s center is home to a variety of exhibits that center around Ohio’s history. Fort Steuben provides the opportunity to explore the reconstructed Fort, and self-guided tours are available to visitors. For more information, call 740-283-1787 or email email@example.com. Their website can be found at https://www.oldfortsteuben.com/index.php.
Cromford: A Factory Community Image: Housing in North Street, Cromford, Derbyshire. Richard Arkwright built houses to attract people to work in his factories. North Street contained two parallel rows of substantial dwellings. The school, which was built in 1832, is located at the right-hand edge of the picture. 1. Introduction: Cromford, a Factory Community Cromford was the creation of Richard Arkwright (1732-1792), the Preston barber who created the cotton factory. Arkwright became a successful businessman by exploiting his inventions which mechanised and accelerated the process of cotton spinning. He built mills at Cromford and nearby Matlock Bath and created a factory community with homes, a market and additional transport facilities. Arkwright rose from relatively humble origins to be knighted by George III and become one of the wealthiest men in Britain. Arkwright patented his invention, the water frame in 1769. It enabled unskilled minders to oversee cotton spinning without the need for skilled workers. The original machine of four spindles in his patent increased in size to ninety-six spindles in production models. In 1775 he patented a second machine to open and clean the raw cotton, which was less successful. Arkwright’s machines were big. They had to be located in large buildings and powered by water wheels. Cotton was produced cheaply and this helped to stimulate demand. Arkwright’s entrepreneurial skills led him to seek an appropriate location for factory production. Cromford was in a remote and sparsely populated part of the Derwent Valley, but its fast-flowing streams could be controlled to power the water wheels of his mills. Arkwright and his partners, Jedediah Strutt and the financier Samuel Need leased a site there in August 1771. It was close to the Bonsall Brook and Cromford Sough, a drainage channel for a lead mine, which provided a regular supply of water for his first factory. Between 1771 and 1790, Arkwright constructed mills, dams, workshops, warehouses, market and homes. His successors built a school and additional dwellings for employees. Canals, roads and railways provided the transport systems which linked Cromford to the wider world. Little is known about the development of Cromford during the 1770s. The first mill was constructed in 1771-72, but production was slow, it was difficult to attract workers and Arkwright had to secure additional finance. A second mill was built in 1776-77 together with high quality dwellings for employees in North Street. In 1783 he constructed Masson Mill at Matlock Bath, outside of Cromford on the site of a former paper mill. Viscount Torrington visited Cromford in 1789 and 1790. He noted Arkwright’s importance: “his grateful country must adore his inventions, which have already so prosper’d our commerce; and may lead to yet wonderful improvements.” (Bruyn Andrews, C, The Torrington Diaries, vol. 2 (1935), p. 40.) Richard Arkwright II took over his father’s business in 1792 and the Cromford mills were retained by the family until the early 20th century. Profits declined in the 1820s. Stagnation can be measured in population figures. In 1811, 1821 and 1831, census returns record numbers of inhabitants which remained static at 1,259, 1,242 and 1,291. Masson Mill remained successful, manufacturing sewing machine thread. The Upper and Lower Mill complex ceased to make cotton. One building became a brewery and another was turned into a colour pigment factory and laundry. Fires, reconstruction, new technology and demolition affected the site. Cromford declined economically in the late 19th and 20th century. It was this decline, however, which helped to preserve much of the town with its unique collection of 18th and early 19th century grade I, II* and II listed buildings. In 2001, the Derwent Valley was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. As well as Cromford, it included, Derby’s silk factory built by the Lombe brothers in 1721, cotton mills and housing at Darley Abbey and the factories and communities created by the Strutts at Milford and Belper. The Derwent Valley became one of only 21 such sites in the United Kingdom. This enhanced opportunities to preserve buildings and other features in the local landscape and access funding to develop tourism and education.
Fun and learning for curious kids and free time for parents! Introducing our new Box set of 6 DIY Mini Animals, featuring the Giraffe, Lion, Cheetah, Gorilla, Rhino and Lemur. Did you know that cheetahs bark to communicate with each other? Or that the DNA of gorillas and humans is 98% similar? Learn more about these and other endangered animals and have fun making miniature paper models of your own! The 'Endangered Wildlife' DIY Mini Friends series features 13 Educational Collectible Toys, from Sky Goodies. This is a great activity and learning tool for kids and adults, to get to know and love our planet and the beautiful creatures inhabiting it. The kit includes interesting facts about the animals and offers hours of creative play and learning. In the process, we get to know a bit about these animals and why they are disappearing, so we can help in some way towards saving these beautiful species from extinction. These kits are eco-friendly, no plastic (except for the tube of glue) and printed on FSC certified paper from responsible sources. INCLUDED: - 6 pre-printed, pre-cut, pre-creased DIY Kits, with press-out parts, and assembly instructions, to make 6 animals: the Giraffe, Lion, Cheetah, Gorilla, Rhino and Lemur. - Educational facts about the animals - Fevicol glue - 2 animal stickers
- Additional information Christina Rossetti was considered the ideal female poet of her time. Her poetry was devotional, moral, and spoke of frustrated affection.Dolores Rosenblum presents a fresh reading of Rossetti’s works and places them in the context of her life. Rosenblum shows that what was ostensibly devotional, moral, and loveless, was actually what Luce Irigaray calls “mimetism,” a subtle parody and subversion of the male tradition of literature.Only with the coming of feminist criticism can Rossetti be meaningfully re-evaluated. Rosenblum calls Rossetti’s works the “poetry of endurance,” stating that it is similar, and at times identical, to the female “sentimental” tradition in literature. Rossetti endured the constraints of the Victorian female artistic spirit by becoming a “watcher.” Within this self-accepted role, Rossetti was able to carefully and deliberately choose artistic self-protection. In her religious poetry, Rossetti transcended, by aesthetic renunciation, the alienation and immobilization forced upon her.Rossetti’s poetry is full of paradox; it sings about silence, exposes the poet’s oblivion. From the repining Victorian poet, there emerged a “stone woman.” Rosenblum discusses this passively enduring female figure’s alienation from knowledge and power, and how the myth of self strengthened the lyric voice within her. Because she was a woman, she was denied the male use of the lyric “I.”Rossetti’s work is unified, Rosenblum argues, because she was a deliberate poet, and by accepting the “burden of womanhood,” she played out what men only symbolized as female in their art. By her mimicry and revision of the male tradition of literature, Christina Rossetti engaged the patriarchal tradition in ways that make it usable for the female experience, and that provide a critique of male objectification of women in art. Dolores Rosenblum has taught at SUNY, Albany and Indiana University. Her critical essays have appeared in such journals as Victorian Studies and Victorian Poetry and she has held both a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and an Andrew Mellon Post-doctoral Fellowship. “The book is original in establishing and tracing the recurring female personae and the essential motifs that pervade the poems.”—Carole Silver, Victorian Poetry |1 × 6 × 9 cm
File status is a two-byte code that indicates how a file operation completed; either successfully, or with some form of error. If an error occurs, file status indicates the cause of the error. If you have a file status data item defined for a file, after every input/output operation on the file (OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, REWRITE, START and DELETE) the run-time system updates it to indicate how the operation completed. Defining a file status data item is optional. If a file status data item is not declared and a serious file error occurs, the COBOL run-time system displays an error message and aborts your program. You should check the file status data item after each input/output operation, to see if the operation completed successfully. For example, when your program is writing to disk, there might not be enough disk space to complete the WRITE operation. If you have not defined a file status data item and you run out of disk space, the run-time system displays an error number and aborts the program. If you have a file status data item defined (for the file you are writing), it is updated and the program continues to run. The program can then check the file status data item, determine from it that the disk is full and take the appropriate action.
The Relationship Between Malocclusion and Speech The alignment of the teeth or occlusion, or rather the lack of proper alignment, is a possible cause for speech disorders. The ideal occlusion creates a wall of well-aligned teeth; a bite that fits well and is without crowding or spacing issues. Any deviation from the standard definition of proper alignment is called malocclusion. Speech and the Dental Positioning Malocclusion is generally inherited, but can also be developed through habits. When a child starts thumb sucking, does not quit using a pacifier at the first appearance of teeth, and incur injuries, among others, the structure and shape of the jaw may be distorted. In the online copy of The Angle Orthodontist, speech is defined as a complex psycho-physiological process. The teeth, as well as the lips and tongue, are the primary tools in speech. The proper articulation of consonants via airflow obstruction and modification depend on the tooth structure. The position of the teeth may lead to articulatory speech disorders. Although it may not be the most severe, it accounts for 50-60 per cent of all speech disorders. Malocclusion May Lead To Lisps Our orthodontic practice here at Warrendale Dental Care in Hertfordshire looks into the possibility of arranging misaligned teeth to fix speech disorders. For example, speech defects such as lisps may be a case of malocclusion. Studies show that people with malocclusion have more difficulty with dental sounds (“s” or “z”) than those with normal teeth alignment. Researchers found that the severity of the speech defect varies directly with the severity of the dental anomaly. Malocclusion may also cause further distortion in the case of strident sounds. The front teeth have to be straight against the direction which the stream of air strikes before escaping out of the mouth. In malocclusion, the front teeth do not meet together properly. With an underbite, one may have a wide anterior-posterior gap causing additional airstream distortion. The good news is we have dental treatments to correct malocclusion such as Invisalign. Contact us to schedule an appointment and find answers to your queries about malocclusion and our other dental services including Dental Implants.
The role of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) at Hanlons We are always upskilling or keeping abreast of the latest technology in the industry, or keeping up with advancements of the existing tech too. We know that GPS technology isn't new and has been around since 1973, but what we need to know is how it is changing the landscape of surveying. Initially developed for military use, GPS is now part of everyday life. Let us mention the usual car navigation systems or mobile technology, but also the search and rescue equipment and since the 1990s, surveying. We have been rapidly adapting GPS for a number of different applications. GPS can give longitude, latitude and height without the need for conventional surveying tools and instruments. It can make our surveyors cars less cluttered and our muscles less bulky from carrying equipment (but that doesn't stop us from going to the gym). We believe that the speed and accuracy of GPS surveying has gone beyond any other invention of previous tools or measuring systems. There are three methods of GPS measurement that are utilised by our surveyors. Static GPS Baseline: determines accurate coordinates for survey points Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Observations: One stationary receiver and one roving receiver allowing radio links for coordinate corrections. Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS): survey quality GPS receiver is permanently installed in a location as a starting point for any GPS measurements Most of the surveying methods produce more than the minimum number of observations needed to calculate positions or heights for most projects. So it is possible for a position or height to be calculated by several paths through the network of observations and get slightly different results because of the uncertainties in surveying. We only use the best, and part of that is Leica Geosystems, distributed by C.R.Kennedy, Survey Solutions. Thousands of engineers rely on their diverse visualising, positioning and guiding solutions every day delivering unmatched precision and performance. Hanlons is no different. Reliable systems designed to stand up to the harsh environments that our surveyors and engineers endure.
Water can quickly and easily become a danger to your health due to an accident or oversight of the source you obtain your water from. The water from your home can easily pick up chemical compounds, such as lead atoms from the pipes it travels through. Likewise, if there is a leak, the contaminants that can easily enter through a cracked pipe can cause a wide range of health issues if consumed. Even though the water may taste clean and fresh, this does not reflect the number of contaminants that could be inside. This list of resources provides you with information and news reports on various concerns, contaminants, risk factors and treatment methods for the water you consume.Some people throughout the United States have more of a reason to be concerned about the safety of their water than others do. These people live in areas that are near industrial plants, which can easily have an effect on the quality of their drinking water if the water is not treated properly. When speaking in terms of children consuming the water, there are several contaminants in particular that are of concern: disinfection byproducts, biological contaminants, pesticides, nitrates and lead. For expecting mothers, the contaminants that are of major concern include lead, organic compounds, nitrates, arsenic and disinfection byproducts, which can cause neural tube defects and miscarriages. Water has the capability to dissolve a wide variety of materials, and because of this reason, it is impossible to obtain pure water from the faucet in your home. Water you purchase in plastic bottles also have some form of chemicals that have been dissolved, such as carbon dioxide, which creates carbonic acid, and even molecules of plastic. Some sources say that water also provides a good source of magnesium and calcium, which is essential to your health. Some of the inorganic compounds that are dissolved in water include nitrate, nitrite, copper, lead and arsenic. Some of the organic compounds include carbon tetrachloride and vinyl chloride.There are several contributing factors that play a role on the types and amounts of contaminants found in your drinking water. The geographic location where you live impacts the availability, as well as the quality, of freshwater. Another risk factor is the fact that the water supplier is responsible for the safety of your drinking water if you receive your water from a municipal source. This is a risk simply because you have no control over someone’s neglect. For those who obtain their water from wells, the potential risk factors include the quality of the groundwater, as well as the maintenance of the septic systems.There are certain things to consider when choosing a water purification system to rely on. Before making your decision, first determine approximately how much water you need to use each day for cooking and drinking. Studies show that a family of four typically requires between four and eight gallons each day. Also, test your water to determine what contaminants are actually present. After you have collected all of the necessary methods, research the different products for quality. Some of the common water treatment methods for home use include boiling, distillation, reverse osmosis, water filters, ultra violet light, ion exchange and activated alumina.
Dietary advice is common practice in cardiology and primary care, but recently food and drink have become important considerations for neurologists, too. Diet is inextricably linked to conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. However, what we consume also seems to have significant implications for the brain: Unhealthy diets may increase risk for psychiatric and neurologic conditions, such as depression and dementia, whereas healthy diets may be protective. 2012 saw coffee and berries warding off dementia, caffeine supplements improving motor function in Parkinson’s and the Mediterranean diet reducing the odds of developing Parkinson’s. Lycopene-rich tomatoes and the flavanones in citrus fruits were found to protect against ischemic stroke. As for what not to eat, a study published in January in Stroke supported previous work linking red meat consumption with higher stroke risk, while diets high in carbohydrates and sugar reportedly raise the risk for mild cognitive impairment and dementia in the elderly. A 2009 study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that people who follow Mediterranean dietary patterns — that is, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and unsaturated fat, (common in olive oil and other plant oils) — are up to 30% less likely to develop depression than those who typically consume meatier, dairy-heavy fare. The olive oil-inclined also show a lower risk for ischemic stroke and are less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease, particularly when they engage in higher levels of physical activity. All data derived from Medscape, 2012.
Written by: Tiara Jade Chutkhan All too often, Indo-Caribbean women are regarded with stereotypes of being docile, silent and at times, invisible. Along the timelines of our history, there have been women who defied each of these stereotypes, breaking the expectations placed upon women of their time. They broke from the carefully constructed chains, with voices loud and messages clear as day. Kowsilla, also known as Alice, was one of these women. Indo-Caribbeans staged riots for their rights on multiple occasions. One of the most notable was the industrial strike at Plantation Leonora in 1964. Kowsilla was an activist, determined to improve the lives of women in Guyana. She joined the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO), formed in 1953 by Janet Jagan, the wife of Dr. Cheddi Jagan. She was the leader of the Leonora Branch and an executive member of the organization. Kowsilla was born in 1920 in Seafield, Leonora, West Coast Demerara. Very little was ever recorded of her life; she was born to very poor parents and eventually became a single mother to four children. The climate in Guyana was particularly troubling and violent during the sixties; particularly for Indo-Caribbeans due to the PPP leadership. This had resulted in a steam of violence between Indo and Afro-Caribbeans. Leonora was already known for its resistance in 1939 and decades prior in 1869. It was also the heart of East Indian life on the West Coast. On March 6th, sugar workers staged a strike at Plantation Leonora against British Colonial Estate Manager Roy Ryder. Kowsilla and more than a dozen other women stood faithfully, side by side, on a high bridge in view of a PNC tractor that was driving full speed toward them under the direction of the colonial managers. Each of them hoping better working and living conditions would be the result of their disobedience. Kowsilla and fourteen other workers were mown down by the tractor driver, Felix Ross. Among the other injured women were Jagdai and Daisee Sookram, and Kisson Dai, who suffered broken backs, hips and even the loss of a kidney. Kowsilla’s body was severed in two. She was 44 years old when her life came to an end. Felix Ross was acquitted of his crime. Kowsilla and her party stood resolutely, despite the scab shouting “You all ain’t hear what the boss-man say? Get off the blasted bridge!” as he drove the tractor towards them. An eyewitness recalled Kowsilla telling the other women, “Don’t budge. We can’t let the rich man thief we children dem future.” Kowsilla’s death and sacrifice did not go unnoticed. Their stance incited the recognition of the bargaining agent for sugar workers; The Man Power Citizens’ Association (MPCA). It proved a disappointment to the workers because it later became a supporter of the oppressive PNC party. Though the MPCA failed, it paved the way for the The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU). Ten years later GAWU gained recognition by the Booker Tate sugar plantations in 1973 with the union sweeping 98% of the industry’s workforce. It was the sheer bravery of these women that incited major change to the labour movement in the years to come. Kowsilla's act required boldness and bravery, the will to risk one's life for the greater good of her people. When we think of women like Kowsilla, it's with both grief and gratitude. It’s almost impossible to not imagine the countless other women whose courage broke barriers— but are grateful for each and every one of them. Kowsilla's own sacrifice has been dubbed "an extraordinary act by an extraordinary woman." Her memory and story must be kept alive.
Production workflows are complex and require a comprehensive understanding of different variables and factors. From raw materials to finished products, the production process involves multiple stages, each with its own unique challenges. To improve efficiency and minimize waste, companies are increasingly turning to simulation software to optimize production workflows. Simulation software is used to create a virtual environment that mimics real-world scenarios. It enables manufacturers to test different production scenarios, predict outcomes, identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and make informed decisions. Simulation software has become an essential tool for manufacturers in the current market, where competition is high, and profit margins are thin. One of the most significant advantages of simulation software is the ability to create a model of a production process. This allows manufacturers to test different variables and see how they affect the overall performance. For instance, a company may want to test how different raw materials impact production quality. A simulation model can be created, and different materials can be tested to determine which one produces the best results. Another benefit of simulation software is that it allows manufacturers to identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies in a production process. By creating a virtual representation of the production workflow, manufacturers can analyze the flow of materials and identify areas where processes are slowing down. By addressing these bottlenecks, production can become more efficient, resulting in lower costs and higher profits. Simulation software is also an effective tool for predicting outcomes. Once a simulation model is created, manufacturers can test different scenarios and predict the outcome before implementing any changes. This is especially useful when it comes to making changes to the production line, as it allows manufacturers to see the potential impact of these changes before committing any resources. Simulation software also provides manufacturers with the ability to optimize equipment, tools, and resources. This includes determining the optimal production rates, identifying the most efficient tool layouts, and maximizing the use of machinery. By optimizing these resources, manufacturers can reduce costs and increase productivity. Another key benefit of simulation software is the ability to create a safe environment for testing. This is particularly useful when testing new equipment or processes that could be hazardous in the real world. Simulation software allows manufacturers to test these scenarios in a virtual environment without risking the safety of employees or the production environment. In summary, simulation software has become an essential tool for manufacturers looking to optimize their production workflows. By creating a virtual environment, manufacturers can test different scenarios and identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies. This enables manufacturers to make informed decisions, optimize equipment and resources, and increase productivity and profits. As competition continues to increase and margins become thinner, the role of simulation software in optimizing production workflows will only continue to grow.
Designing drugs that tell our cells to make less of the harmful mutant huntingtin protein is one of the most promising approaches to treating Huntington’s disease. Most huntingtin-lowering attempts so far have tried to ‘shoot the messenger’ rather than attacking the source of the message – the DNA itself. Now, two independent reports of success in HD mice have given a boost to ‘zinc finger’ drugs – which interact directly with the HD gene itself. It’s early days for this new technology: what do we know, and what challenges are ahead? What on earth are zinc fingers? Zinc is a shiny metal found in ‘silver’ coins, batteries and white paint. But our own bodies use zinc for an intriguing purpose – which researchers hope to hijack, to fight Huntington’s disease. It turns out that zinc is vitally important for enabling cells to control the activity levels of different genes in our DNA. Remember that a gene is a set of instructions, spelled using the chemical ‘letters’ A, C, G and T. Each gene has a different sequence of letters, and cells use zinc-containing proteins to help control individual genes based on their specific sequence of letters. When zinc hooks up with a gene-controlling protein, it forms ‘zinc finger proteins’ – so called because they can poke into the tight groove between the two strands of DNA and touch the sequence they’re made for. A single zinc finger can tickle any three letters, depending on the arrangement of the zinc and protein bits that make it up. So one zinc finger could stick to the sequence ‘ATG’, while another might go for ‘CAG’. The exciting bit is that individual zinc fingers can be joined together in sequence. Joining those two together, you’d end up with one molecule that sticks to the 6-letter sequence ATG-CAG. After decades of work decoding and understanding the workings of DNA and our genes, scientists can now create synthetic zinc fingers, engineered to stick to any DNA sequence they like. What’s more, these synthetic zinc finger molecules can be tweaked and packaged with other drugs, to produce multi-purpose DNA-binding tools that can stick, slice, glue and block. Because Huntington’s disease is caused by a single faulty gene, it’s a good candidate for zinc finger drug research. Huntington’s disease happens when a person has a spelling mistake in the gene that tells cells how to make a particular protein – called huntingtin. When a person has too many CAGs in a row near the start of the huntingtin gene, a harmful ‘mutant’ form of the protein is produced based on the instructions in the gene. Blocking the HD gene at its source Two groups of researchers- one an academic team from Barcelona, Spain; the other a biotech company from California called Sangamo – have just announced successful experiments using zinc finger drugs targeting the Huntington’s disease gene. The Spanish team’s results were recently published in the journal PNAS. Sangamo’s findings were presented at the recent Society for Neuroscience meeting in New Orleans, where HDBuzz was in the audience. Both teams designed zinc finger molecules that would stick to the ‘CAG tract’ of the huntingtin gene, and tell cells not to read the gene. The zinc finger chains were chosen and honed to try to make them stick as much as possible to harmfully-long CAG stretches without sticking to normal-length stretches. The Spanish team catchily called this a ‘molecular tape measure’ approach. After a bit of chemical tinkering, each team then tested their best candidate zinc finger recipes in cells growing in a petri dish. Unfortunately, scientists can’t just design and make a zinc finger drug and squirt it onto cells, or stick it in a pill. Being proteins, zinc finger drugs are big, complex and fragile. If swallowed as a tablet, the drug would be broken down by the digestive system. Even if given as an injection into the blood, the zinc finger protein would not reach the brain, let alone get as far as the nucleus of our neurons, where it needs to be in order to do its work. To solve this problem, researchers can use viruses to ‘hitch-hike’ into the nucleus of cells. Having chosen the zinc finger protein chain they want, it’s fairly straightforward to design a DNA sequence that will tell cells to make that very protein. That DNA sequence can then be stuck into particles of a virus called AAV, which is harmless, but good at infecting neurons. When the virus meets a suitable cell, it injects its DNA cargo into the cell, turning the cell into a factory for making the zinc-finger drug! Testing in cells The Spanish team honed their top zinc finger candidates in several types of different genetically-engineered cells and cells grown from the skin of Huntington’s disease patients. The Sangamo researchers used these HD patient cells, too, as well as brain cells from an HD mouse model. Both teams' zinc finger drugs did the job of reducing the activity of genes containing long CAG stretches. There’s a possible snag here. The huntingtin gene isn’t the only one with a long CAG stretch – lots of other genes do as well. So, a drug that targets CAG tracts could switch off those genes too, which could end up doing more harm than good. A quirk of the huntingtin gene might be helpful when it comes to avoiding these ‘off-target effects’. The CAG tract in the huntingtin gene happens to be very close to the start of the gene, where the effects of zinc-finger drugs act most strongly. Both groups took measurements to see whether other genes were being affected by the zinc-finger drug, and found results that were broadly reassuring. Any effects were small compared with the desirable action on the mutant huntingtin gene. Bring on the mice The Spanish team, who are a bit further on in their work, took things to the next level by testing their best zinc finger candidate in a Huntington’s disease mouse model. They gave the mice a single injection into the brain, containing virus particles packed with DNA instructions making the zinc finger drug. Activity of the mutant huntingtin gene was reduced by around 50% in the brain near the injection site. The appearance of blobs of mutant huntingtin protein was reduced by about 40%, too. There was no evidence of harmful effects like weight loss, but the study was too small to know whether the zinc finger drug improved symptoms. Hold on a minute – isn’t this just gene silencing? If what you’ve read here about zinc finger technology reminds you of ‘gene silencing’ or ‘huntingtin-lowering’ methods for treating Huntington’s disease, give yourself a gold star. What these groups are attempting basically is ‘gene silencing’, with a twist – it’s aimed directly at the DNA, rather than targeting a ‘message molecule’ called RNA. So far, most attempts to lower huntingtin production have focused on the RNA message molecule, because it’s easier to design drugs that target RNA than DNA. RNA floats around in cells in a single strand, while DNA is hidden away in our cells' nucleus. What’s more, RNA silencing drugs have been around longer, and some don’t need to be packaged up in virus particles. Since RNA-based gene silencing drugs have been successful so far, why bother with the greater challenge of targeting the DNA of the huntingtin gene itself, especially if it means dealing with virus particles and big, fragile drugs made of protein? It’s a reasonable question, and there are three main answers. The first is to do with getting to the root of Huntington’s disease. We know for sure that the mutation in the huntingtin gene is the ultimate reason why people get HD. Going after the DNA with zinc fingers means targeting the known cause of the disease. While RNA is an essential step in making the mutant protein, it’s one step removed from the ultimate cause. Zinc finger enthusiasts believe it’s worth attempting to overcome the additional hurdles of developing DNA-targeting drugs, because of the chance that the end result may be safer and more effective. The second concerns RNA. Traditionally, biologists have assumed that RNA doesn’t directly do useful or harmful things – it simply sits there carrying information and being read by cellular machinery. However, we now know that there’s more to it than that, and there are several genetic diseases where the RNA is directly poisonous to cells, rather than simply carrying a harmful message. While everyone agrees that the mutant huntingtin protein is the main cause of harm in Huntington’s disease, some researchers think that huntingtin RNA could be an additional source of damage. Others disagree, but if the RNA might be harmful, it does seem ideal to prevent it being made, rather than get rid of it afterwards. The final reason is about going beyond silencing. There’s more to zinc fingers than reducing gene activity. Once a zinc finger has targeted a particular DNA sequence, lots of exciting things are theoretically possible. Thinking many years in the future, it’s possible that zinc fingers could be used to direct molecular scissors and glue to the mutant HD gene, ‘snipping out’ the unwanted CAG repeats. That’s known as genome editing and it’s one of the approaches that Sangamo and others are interested in pursuing. Most of the HD researchers we speak to say that zinc fingers are “pretty cool” as a way of treating Huntington’s disease, and we’re inclined to agree. Fighting HD at the DNA level, the ultimate cause of the problem, is definitely something we should try, and we’re glad that progress has been reported independently by two groups after only a short time. It’s important to bear in mind that it will take a long time to hone these techniques, which are still early on in the drug development pipeline – and things like genome editing will take decades to come to fruition for HD patients. Meanwhile, everyone in HD remains excited about the ongoing efforts round the world to lower huntingtin levels by targeting the RNA. Those techniques are a lot further on, and should be entering human trials very soon.
In recent years, we’ve witnessed a startling surge in cybercrimes, a relentless wave of attacks driven by increasingly sophisticated criminal actors. Their targets are vast and varied, ranging from individuals to global organizations and entire nations, with a particular focus on the lucrative financial sector. The impact of cybercrimes is profound, leading to severe financial losses and tarnished reputations for victims. But what is cybersecurity, and why is it so crucial in the modern age? Cybersecurity is the art of safeguarding networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access and criminal exploitation. It involves upholding the pillars of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. What makes cybercrimes particularly alarming is their symbiotic relationship with our dependence on computers, the ever-growing desire for internet connectivity, and the expansive realm of the Internet of Things (IoT). Threat actors have honed their focus on exploiting IoT devices, as these devices become increasingly prevalent and vulnerable to hacking. As per Business Insider’s projections, experts anticipate a staggering 23 billion IoT devices in operation by 2024. As this number soars, so does the attack surface for cybercriminals to exploit, threatening our daily activities, be it in communication, entertainment, transportation, shopping, medicine, or more. The issue becomes more critical when we consider the vast amount of personal information stored on our own devices or within someone else’s systems. One of the most financially devastating forms of cybercrime is information theft, which is on the rise at an alarming rate. Cybercriminals are continuously evolving, adapting their attack vectors based on their chosen targets. The impact of cybercrimes is diverse, ranging from business disruption, compromised security systems, damage to critical infrastructure, data loss, intellectual property theft, and financial setbacks to regulatory fines, reputational damage, and long-term litigation costs. A glimpse into the recent Interpol report from August 2023 reveals the gravity of the situation. INTERPOL and AFRIPOL conducted a coordinated operation across 25 African countries, resulting in the arrest of 14 suspected cybercriminals and the identification of 20,674 suspicious cyber networks. This highlights the surge in digital insecurity and cyber threats in the region, networks responsible for financial losses exceeded USD 40 million. The dark web has evolved into a lucrative and user-friendly platform for cybercriminal enterprises. The rise in computer attacks has raised concerns about the growing threat of ransomware. Cybercriminals are employing various techniques to evade endpoint protection measures, particularly those focused on executable files. In light of this ominous landscape, security experts must raise awareness of the tactics employed by criminal actors and the tools available to protect against cyberattacks and data theft. The financial sector, in particular, should prioritize cybersecurity by implementing antivirus software, firewalls, fraud detection, and robust website encryption to safeguard sensitive data. In the realm of crime prevention, organizations must focus on three critical elements: people, processes, and data. The most effective defense against cyberattacks involves educating employees about common cybersecurity threats. Without proper cybersecurity awareness, employees may inadvertently cause data breaches, placing businesses at risk. According to the SANS 2023 Security Awareness Report, human errors remain the biggest threat to an organization’s cybersecurity. Providing cybersecurity awareness training significantly reduces human errors, lowering cyber risk by up to 90%. Given the surge in cybercrimes, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity awareness training more than ever. An organisation’s IT department should continually monitor, review, and update all processes. Employees need to understand the consequences of installing applications or software without IT department approval. Known vulnerabilities should be closely monitored, and companies should provide secure, locked systems to prevent malicious software installations. Organizations must assert firm control over the data they handle. Recent studies show that companies often share sensitive information with over 500 third-party vendors. To mitigate this risk, organizations should conduct an inventory of shared information and limit it to a strict need-to-know basis. Moreover, all sensitive data, including employee information, business data, and customer information, should be encrypted. Regular backups of data stored securely outside the organization’s network are essential. As the tide of cybercrime continues to rise, individuals and organizations face equal risks. Taking necessary precautions and adhering to essential cybersecurity practices are critical for defense. The future of the internet remains under constant threat from evolving cyberattacks. It is essential to familiarize employees with these risks, secure networks, and utilize two-factor authentication (2FA) for digital devices. In this digital era, the protection of our connected world is paramount. The responsibility falls on individuals, organizations, and security experts to work collectively in the relentless battle against cybercrimes. About the writer Gerald Sintim-Aboagye is a former British Army Official, currently serving as the Information Security Associate for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) at Wells Fargo, based in London, UK. With his extensive expertise, he is dedicated to combating cyber threats and ensuring the safety of digital ecosystems.
New York Marine Hospital or “Quarantine” gravesites, two sites: Central Avenue and Hyatt Street, Tompkinsville; inside Silver Lake Golf Course, Silver Lake Long before Ellis Island (established in 1892) became a hub for immigrants seeking to settle in the United States, officials would inspect newcomers on-board their vessels in the harbor. Those who were determined to be ill were sent to Staten Island for treatment. The New York Marine Hospital, or “Quarantine,” was a 20-building complex just south of today’s St. George Terminal. The hospital sought to protect the city from immigrant-borne infectious diseases, such as yellow fever, typhus, small pox and cholera. The hospital, in operation from 1799 to 1858, could hold as many as 1,500 people at a time. Shanty towns cropped up on the north shore of Staten Island, housing healthy relatives awaiting the return of loved ones. Hospital patients who died were buried in several locations, two of which are known today to be at the intersection of Central Avenue and Hyatt Street in St. George (pictured on this page) and within the Silver Lake Golf Course, where a monument to the gravesite is located near the clubhouse (pictured on opposite page). These two sites do not have extant grave markers, and are not discernible as cemeteries. However, they are very significant both due to the tens of thousands of people buried in mass graves here, and the important link they provide to New York City’s history as a gateway for millions of immigrants from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The hospital had been established by the state, the land taken by eminent domain, thus leading to much resentment by Staten Island residents. The hospital, considered a blight on this rural farming community, endangered those who lived here, with deadly outbreaks of Yellow Fever occurring periodically. These epidemics became more common in the 1840s and 1850s, when immigration increased due to huge numbers of Irish famine victims arriving in the city. It was at this time that locals began campaigning to destroy the hospital. On September 1, 1858, the local board of health resolved that the hospital should be destroyed, and that very night, locals torched the hospital to the ground. The act was spearheaded by John Thompson and Ray Tompkins, a prosperous landowner whose grandfather, Daniel, was Vice President of the United States under James Monroe (Tompkinsville was also named after him). It is believed that the hospital administrator, Dr. Richard Thompson, negotiated to spare the Female Hospital, where the 60 patients on the grounds were relocated during the fire. Authorities generally turned a blind eye. The following evening, the rest of the campus was destroyed by a second fire. There were no casualties, though the two leaders were put on trial. Judge Henry Metcalfe, who lived near the hospital and had a relative who was a victim of Yellow Fever, acquitted both men. In 2003, the State of New York began an eight-year process of locating and reinterring the cemetery, exhuming a portion of one of the Marine Hospital gravesites when work began on a new courthouse complex in St. George. Once the cemetery was exhumed, the remains were housed at Moravian Cemetery until April 27, 2014, when FACSI and the American Irish Legislators Society of New York State conducted a memorial reinterment service for the permanent entombment of these immigrants, more than 150 years after their tragic deaths.
A lottery is a game in which participants pay for a ticket and then have the chance to win prizes by matching numbers drawn at random. Prizes vary depending on the type of lottery, but may include cash, goods, or services. Lotteries are often used to raise money for public projects or to fund private enterprises. In some cases, winning the lottery can make a person wealthy, but in other cases it leads to serious financial ruin. People have different attitudes toward gambling, and some are more likely to play the lottery than others. But in general, most people think of it as a fun and harmless activity. There are also some who see it as a civic duty to buy a ticket to support their state or city. The main reason that people play the lottery is because they enjoy it, and many do so on a regular basis. However, a big lottery jackpot can be tempting to even the most responsible gambler. If the prize is large enough, it can cause them to spend far more than they would normally do. In the US, state governments run lotteries to raise money for a variety of purposes, such as education and public works. Some states also have special lotteries to raise funds for public safety programs or to support veterans. Lotteries are a popular method of raising money because they are easy to organize and promote, and they are popular with the public. However, some people criticize lotteries because they are a form of hidden tax. When a state government holds a lottery, it collects money from all the players. Then it gives some of the money back to winners, and the rest goes to paying for the administrative costs of running the lottery. The overhead costs include the cost of designing scratch-off games, recording live drawing events, maintaining the lottery website, and helping winners after they have won. The word “lottery” probably derives from the Latin verb lot In the past, some people have argued that lottery revenues are not really an indirect tax because they are spent on public services. But the truth is that lottery revenues are only a small drop in total state revenue. Most of the money comes from the middle class and working classes, who are already paying taxes to support the state’s social safety net. If you take away all the lottery money, state government funding for these services will decline even more than it already has. In addition, the lottery is not a good way to increase economic mobility because it encourages risk-taking and indulgence in fantasies of wealth. These are not the kinds of things that help people thrive in a free society.
Last week, our Action Chair Juliane Schiel (University of Vienna) was guest on “Betrifft: Geschichte”, a show by the Austrian radio station Ö1. The show aims to make history available to a broad public audience by inviting a different expert each week to narrate an episode based on their research. Juliane Schiel spoke about the emergence of slave trade in the mediterranean region piracy: With the upswing of the Christian states along the Mediterranean sea, the countries of the Maghreb region lost influence. Subsequently, Algiers, Tripoli, Tunis and the Moroccan Salé developed into corsair centres. Their main source of income was the capture of ships, and the related slave trade. On their raids, muslim corsairs attacked even Iceland, as well as Irish and English port cities. On the Christian side, the Order of Malta followed a similar policy, raiding the Mediterranean island named after itself. While simple slaves were coerced into labour, wealthy ones could free themselves with ransom money. To reduce the risks associated with shipping, early forms of insurance gradually developed. In case a person was captured, it was also necessary to safely transmit ransom money. These transactions led to the emergence of the first internationally acting banks, as well as an early form of ambassies. To control slave trade in the Mediterranean sea, the US-Navy built their first battleships. They were used in the Tripolitan War from 1801 to 1805. After the capture of Austrian commercial vessels in 1829, an Austrian punitive expedition was carried out in 1829. The slave trade was definitely ended with the conquest of Algiers by the French in 1830. The series contains four episodes (in German), and can be listened to here:
The Journey of Recovery: Effective Strategies for Managing Kleptomania Understanding Kleptomania: A Brief Overview Kleptomania is a complex disorder, characterised by an uncontrollable impulse to steal items, often unnecessary and of little value. As an impulse control disorder, it falls under the broad spectrum of mental health disorders, specifically obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Those with kleptomania experience a compulsion to steal, followed by feelings of relief post-theft, only to be replaced by guilt and shame. Understanding kleptomania is no simple task. The disorder is often surrounded by layers of secrecy, shame, and misunderstanding. Despite its portrayal in popular culture, kleptomania isn't about greed or a lack of morals. It's about an immense struggle with impulse control. The individuals battling kleptomania often lead normal lives, with the disorder being their hidden torment. The exact causes of kleptomania are still unknown. Researchers believe it might be linked to abnormalities in the brain's opioid system, which regulates impulses and addictive behaviour. Kleptomania is more common in people with a family history of obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse, or other impulse control disorders. It can affect individuals of any age, gender, or social status, but it typically begins during adolescence and appears to be more common in females. The Impact of Kleptomania on Individuals and Society The impact of kleptomania is extensive, affecting both the individual and society at large. For those afflicted, the disorder can result in serious legal, financial, and personal consequences. The consistent stealing can lead to arrests and jail time, damaging the individual's personal and professional reputation. Furthermore, the perpetual cycle of guilt and shame post-theft can lead to severe emotional distress, including anxiety and depression. Beyond the individual, kleptomania also affects society. The financial impact on businesses due to theft can be considerable, leading to increased prices and security measures. Moreover, the societal stigma surrounding kleptomania often results in misunderstanding and lack of empathy for those battling the disorder, creating a barrier to seeking help and understanding. It's important to remember that kleptomania is not a choice—it's a serious mental health disorder. The individuals grappling with it are not criminals by nature, but people in need of help. Addressing kleptomania requires a comprehensive understanding of the disorder, focused treatment strategies, and societal empathy. Kleptomania: Common Misconceptions and Facts There are numerous misconceptions about kleptomania. One of the most common is that it's merely an excuse for theft or criminal behaviour. This is far from the truth. Kleptomania is a recognised mental health disorder with specific diagnostic criteria. Those with kleptomania don't steal out of necessity or greed, but due to an irresistible urge. Another misconception is that kleptomania is a rare disorder. While it's true that it's not as common as other mental health disorders, it's likely underreported due to the shame and embarrassment associated with it. According to estimates, kleptomania affects around 0.3% to 0.6% of the general population. Lastly, it's often believed that people with kleptomania can stop stealing if they really wanted to. This is a misunderstanding of the nature of impulse control disorders. Those with kleptomania experience a compulsive urge to steal that is difficult to resist, and they often steal without premeditation. Understanding these facts is crucial to reducing the stigma and supporting those with kleptomania. The Journey of Recovery: An Introduction Recovery from kleptomania is a journey, not a destination. It involves understanding the disorder, seeking professional help, and employing various strategies to manage the impulses. Recognising the problem and seeking help is the first step in this journey. This might involve confiding in a trusted friend or family member, consulting a mental health professional, or joining a support group. The journey of recovery also involves learning to manage the guilt and shame associated with the disorder. This can be challenging, as these feelings are often deeply ingrained. However, with professional help and self-care strategies, it's possible to work through these emotions and develop a healthier relationship with oneself. Finally, the journey of recovery involves making lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of theft. This might include avoiding situations where the urge to steal may be triggered, learning stress management techniques, or finding healthy outlets for the impulse, such as exercise or creative activities. Effective Psychotherapy Strategies for Managing Kleptomania Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), has been found to be effective in managing kleptomania. CBT helps individuals identify and understand the thoughts and feelings that lead to stealing. It also provides strategies for managing the urge to steal, such as distraction techniques, relaxation exercises, and problem-solving skills. Another useful therapy for kleptomania is psychodynamic therapy. This approach delves into the underlying emotional issues and unconscious conflicts that might be contributing to the disorder. By uncovering these hidden factors, individuals can gain insight into their behaviour and work towards resolving these issues. Lastly, group therapy can be beneficial for individuals with kleptomania. In a group setting, individuals can share their experiences, learn from others, and gain a sense of community. This can help reduce feelings of isolation and shame, and provide motivation for recovery. Medication and Treatment Options for Kleptomania While there's no specific medication for kleptomania, certain drugs can help manage the symptoms. Antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can help reduce the impulse to steal and alleviate associated anxiety and depression. Mood stabilisers and anti-seizure medications may also be effective in managing kleptomania. In some cases, opioid antagonists, which block the brain's pleasure receptors, may be used. These drugs can help reduce the pleasure or relief individuals feel after stealing, thereby reducing the urge to steal. However, medication should always be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional, and in conjunction with psychotherapy. Non-pharmacological treatments can also be beneficial. Biofeedback and neurofeedback, which involve training the brain to control physiological responses, can help manage impulsivity. Hypnosis and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy may also be useful in some cases. The Role of Support Groups in Kleptomania Recovery Support groups play a crucial role in kleptomania recovery. They provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, challenges, and successes. This can be incredibly therapeutic and empowering, helping to reduce feelings of isolation and stigma. Support groups also provide practical advice and coping strategies. Hearing how others manage their impulses can provide new insights and inspiration. Moreover, the accountability provided by support groups can motivate individuals to stay on track with their recovery. Online support groups can be particularly useful for those who find it difficult to attend in-person meetings. These virtual platforms offer flexibility and anonymity, making them a valuable resource for kleptomania recovery. Self-Care Techniques for Managing Kleptomania Self-care is an integral part of managing kleptomania. This involves taking care of one's physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can help regulate mood and impulsivity. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also be beneficial in managing the urge to steal. Emotion-focused self-care is equally important. This might involve journaling, art therapy, or other creative outlets to express emotions. Seeking therapy or counselling can also be a form of self-care, providing a safe space to explore feelings and challenges. Lastly, developing a support network is a crucial aspect of self-care. This can involve reaching out to trusted friends or family, joining a support group, or finding a mentor. Having a strong support system can provide motivation, encouragement, and a sense of belonging during the recovery journey. Success Stories: Overcoming Kleptomania Overcoming kleptomania is possible, and there are numerous success stories to prove it. These stories serve as a beacon of hope for those grappling with the disorder, showing that with the right help and strategies, recovery is attainable. One such story is that of Sarah, a successful businesswoman who battled kleptomania for years. With the help of therapy, medication, and a supportive community, she was able to overcome her impulses and rebuild her life. Then there's John, a university student who struggled with kleptomania during his teens. Through a combination of cognitive-behavioural therapy, self-care techniques, and a strong support network, he was able to manage his kleptomania and complete his studies. These stories show that while kleptomania is a challenging disorder, it doesn't have to define one's life. With courage, determination, and the right help, overcoming kleptomania is within reach. Conclusion: Continuing the Journey of Recovery The journey of recovery from kleptomania is a lifelong process. It involves constant learning, growth, and self-reflection. While there will be challenges and setbacks along the way, with perseverance and the right support, recovery is attainable. It's important to remember that there's no 'one-size-fits-all' approach to managing kleptomania. What works for one person may not work for another. It's about finding the strategies and treatments that work best for the individual. Ultimately, the journey of recovery is about more than just managing kleptomania. It's about reclaiming one's life, building resilience, and fostering a sense of self-worth. It's a journey worth undertaking, and every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in itself.
Design of turbomachines Design of turbomachines is a combination of well established design methods based on theoretical principles of fluid mechanics mixed with a set of experience based coefficients. Even though several literature sources provide values for those coefficients, they never fail to mention that nothing replaces experience when designing efficient turbomachines. Although this still holds, CFD assists us in acquiring this experience in building turbomachines virtually and testing them in a way not possible in experiments. It helps us verify our theoretical calculations and allows us to refine the design in an iterative manner. Prototyping of turbomachines Theoretical calculations and numerical CFD simulations are only a part of the total design process. To go from preliminairy design, to numerical simulations (CFD and FE) and finally to a functioning prototype ready for testing is a time intensive process that requires a lot of experience in machine design. Assembly and testing of turbomachines The CryoFan-20 cryogenic helium blower requires very small clearance gaps in order to attain optimal effciency at 100.000 RPM. Due to the high temperature gradient in the machine from -200°C to +50°C, all parts have to manufactured and assembled to very tight tolerances in a temperature controlled environment. For this purpose, TURBOTEC has access to a temperature controlled measuring chamber with a Mitutoyo 355-9106 Strato-Apex High Accuracy Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM).
Brain-imaging studies performed in animals at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory provide researchers with clues about why an increasingly popular recreational drug that causes hallucinations and motor-function impairment in humans is abused. Using trace amounts of Salvia divinorum – also known as “salvia,” a Mexican mint plant that can be smoked in the form of dried leaves or serum – Brookhaven scientists found that the drug’s behavior in the brains of primates mimics the extremely fast and brief “high” observed in humans. Quickly gaining popularity among teenagers and young adults, salvia is legal in most states, but is grabbing the attention of municipal lawmakers. Numerous states have placed controls on salvia or salvinorin A – the plant’s active component – and others, including New York, are considering restrictions. “This is probably one of the most potent hallucinogens known,” said Brookhaven chemist Jacob Hooker, the lead author of the study, which is the first to look at how the drug travels through the brain. “It’s really important that we study drugs like salvia and how they affect the brain in order to understand why they are abused and to investigate their medicinal relevance, both of which can inform policy makers.” Hooker and fellow researchers used positron emission tomography, or PET scanning, to watch the distribution of salvinorin A in the brains of anesthetized primates. In this technique, the scientists administer a radioactively labeled form of salvinorin A (at concentrations far below pharmacologically active doses) and use the PET scanner to track its site-specific concentrations in various brain regions. Within 40 seconds of administration, the researchers found a peak concentration of salvinorin A in the brain – nearly 10 times faster than the rate at which cocaine enters the brain. About 16 minutes later, the drug was essentially gone. This pattern parallels the effects described by human users, who experience an almost immediate high that starts fading away within 5 to 10 minutes. High concentrations of the drug were localized to the cerebellum and visual cortex, which are parts of the brain responsible for motor function and vision, respectively. Based on their results and published data from human use, the scientists estimate that just 10 micrograms of salvia in the brain is needed to cause psychoactive effects in humans. Salvia doesn’t cause the typical euphoric state associated with other hallucinogens like LSD, Hooker said. The drug targets a receptor that is known to modulate pain and could be important for therapies as far reaching as mood disorders. “Most people don’t find this class of drugs very pleasurable,” Hooker said. “So perhaps the main draw or reason for its appeal relates to the rapid onset and short duration of its effects, which are incredibly unique. The kinetics are often as important as the abused drug itself.” The Brookhaven team plans to conduct further studies related to salvia’s abuse potential. The scientists also hope to develop radioactive tracers that can better probe the brain receptors to which salvia binds. Such studies could possibly lead to therapies for chronic pain and mood disorders. These results are now published online in the journal NeuroImage. This research was funded by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research within DOE’s Office of Science. DOE has a long-standing interest in research on brain chemistry gained through brain-imaging studies. Brain-imaging techniques such as PET are a direct outgrowth of DOE’s support of basic physics and chemistry research.
Creative Writing Course for Children Duration: 1 hour – 60 minutes. The course shall be interactive and shall adapt to children’s reactions, their passions and propensities. The course is addressed to children with a propensity for creating stories, for writing, children with vivid imagination and proclivity for the humanist area. Beyond these aptitudes, the creative writing course opens in children an appetite for communication, develops their imagination and helps them to relate more easily, and also to approach school homework with more courage and openness. Writing is one of the most beautiful methods of expression, because it allows us to put thoughts and feelings in order, to align them so that we could set down on paper feelings, desires, beliefs that we don’t have otherwise the courage, strength or science to utter. Writing can be also a therapy, because it releases emotions and deep feelings and helps us become aware of them and then heal them. In the creative writing course for children, we do not aim at forming future novelists or poets. We first of all wish to nurture a passion for reading and stories in the little ones. To allow them to express creativity, to recognize and identify emotions and learn new words, which then to use in surprising ways. To unleash imagination and step out of the patterns they learned in school, in order to transform writing into joy and a form of relaxation. Because we wish to befriend children and reading, we challenge children to talk about their favorite books, the character they admire, about what impressed them and what they did not like in a book they read recently. We set out games and challenges on book themes, we offer them the possibility to take turns being reader and active listener, in order to practice listening abilities and patience. Creativity and imagination Each child is born with an extremely rich imagination that is gradually reduced, particularly in school, and individual essence is lost in the attempt to fit the norms. In the creative writing course, we challenge children to let ideas loose, no matter how crazy they are. What would you do if one morning you woke up with a mermaid tale instead of legs? What if you were a weird inventor and you could create a new vegetable, what name would it have, what taste, what color, what shape? You receive an enchanted sweater for your birthday; what do you do with it? Through such challenges, children learn again, through play, to use all imagination resorts and to think outside the box. One of the most valuable tools a writer has, are emotions. In this class, children learn to identify emotions, name them, recollect the moments when they felt them and how they experienced them. We gradually transform emotions into fairytale characters, we befriend them and made them work in our favor. We find out there is no such thing as good or bad emotions, and sadness, anger and fear can help us and become trustworthy friends. Children learn best through play, and in the creative writing course we have plenty of playing. Story cubes, words tig, image cards, finish the sentence, find the words, cut the useless word are only few of the games that will challenge kids to learn new words and develop imagination and thinking and give free scope to creativity. What do we learn in the creative writing course for kids? In addition to the love for reading, identifying emotions, exploring imagination and creativity and games of all sorts, in the creative writing course we learn, evidently, to… write. Practice makes the writer For each class, children shall orally create, whether individually or in pairs/group, short stories, story fragments, dialogues, narrative parts, depending on the topic of that particular class. After each class, every kid shall put on the super-writer cape and shall create a short story, based on the given topic. All stories shall be then debated and receive little improvements from the trainer or colleagues, and then shall be returned to the author. The most successful stories shall be included in a story blog (idea to be discussed). Structure of the creative writing course Module 1 – Introduction to creative writing - Definitions, genres, what we need. - Everything is a story. Storytelling ideas. - Where inspiration comes from and what to do when it deserts us? - Language and its importance. Module 2 – Narrative structure - How to build characters? - How to create the setting? Action-specific language. - Narrative structure – setting, plot, rising action and their specific language. - Narrative structure – the ending. How to make everything seem more plausible? - How to say what you have to say and how creativity helps you – Game – replace the boring words. Module 3 – Types of stories - Types of stories – adventure stories, detective stories, scary stories, funny stories, fantastic stories, love stories, historical stories, action stories and their specific language. The types of stories shall be approached in several sessions. In each session, children shall orally create a group story, using its specific language. In each class, children shall write down new words specific to each type of story in someone else’s notebook. - Diary as story – make your own diary page and transform it into a story. - Stories about school – How to turn something “boring” into something exciting with creativity – make up your own story about school. Module 4 – Create your own story /We create a story together Each child chooses a type of story from those discussed and, following the steps he/she learned, he/she creates his/her own story/we create together a story, a little story book, with characters and events imagined entirely by children. P.S. The course shall be adjusted along the way, depending on the dynamic and participant’s needs. I am Ioana, mother of an 11-year-old girl, communication specialist, content creator and blogger. For over 5 years I have been picking up my emotions and feelings on my blog www.pisicapesarma.ro, which in the meanwhile became www.ioanamarinescusima.ro. I am accredited personal development counselor and trainer. Since 2012 I have been working with children. I started with floral design workshops in schools and kindergartens and since 2018, I have been giving creativity, storytelling and emotion courses at the Comic Opera for Children. I love working with kids, help them discover their potential, express emotions and develop creativity.
Public Policy and the Lottery The lottery is a form of gambling in which people spend money on a lottery ticket. The lottery then randomly picks numbers and if the ticket matches those numbers, the person wins some of their money. The rest of the money goes to the state or city government. Several countries and many states have established lotteries, and they are a major source of public revenue. However, they also have a number of problems. First, their growth in revenues typically level off and even decline after a certain point. In addition, they often are forced to introduce new games and expand into different genres in order to keep their customers interested. Second, they may become a monopoly in their own right rather than being part of a more balanced approach to public policy that takes into account the needs of all citizens. Finally, they can be highly addictive and result in a substantial cost to taxpayers. There are also a number of legal issues related to lotteries. For example, some governments have a legal requirement to allow the sale of a certain percentage of their profits to charitable causes. The problem is that this can lead to a conflict of interest between the public good and the interests of the lottery company. Aside from the ethical issues, the question is also whether or not it is a sound public policy to run a lottery in a manner that promotes gambling at the expense of public welfare. This is a serious problem because, at times, a lottery can be used to finance projects that would not otherwise be funded by other sources. For example, some governments have financed bridges and other public works through lotteries. Others have financed college buildings through lotteries. Historically, lotteries have been an important method of financing public and private projects, such as roads, churches, libraries, colleges, canals, and bridges. In colonial America, lotteries played a key role in funding such projects, and they were sanctioned by the Continental Congress in 1776 to raise funds for the American Revolution. The history of lotteries is a complex one, and the debate over their legitimacy has been long. Some argue that lotteries are a waste of time and resources, while others claim they can be a valuable means for raising money. As a result, many states have tried to establish policies that guide the conduct of their lottery programs. These policies are usually made piecemeal and incremental, and the authority to make decisions on them is divided among the legislature and the executive branch of a state government. Some governments have also established a lottery commission that oversees the lottery and manages its operations. In this role, the lottery commission can provide advice to the government about the appropriate use of lottery proceeds and impose penalties for abuse. Various laws have been passed in many countries to restrict the scope of lotteries. The most common laws include the prohibition against monopolies, and the prohibition on corruption in the management of lotteries.
How to Make a Computer Strain Despite the common event, not all viruses have i was reading this a harmful payload or try to conceal from their web host. They are laptop programs which might be self-replicating and may alter and modify different programs without the consent of their owner. Neurological viruses, on the other hand, replicate inside living skin cells. To build a virus, follow the steps below. Make sure to stick to the instructions thoroughly and do not attempt and make a virus without a computer science background. Earliest, you must master how to package your script. A great executable malware can operate on any operating-system, whereas trojans written in. py structure will only work in a code editor. Once you’ve learned methods to package a virus, you must experiment with the many replication methods and select a suitable virus-writing language. Make sure make your computer more convincing is to cover it like a real record. By doing this, it will eventually look even more legitimate and so, attract the user’s focus. A good strain should be easy to make, nevertheless, you must have several coding knowledge to create a great executable one. Infections written in C++ will be the most common, nevertheless any coding language will work. Python is likewise a popular programming language, and PHP is an extremely easy terminology to use. If you don’t have any coding experience, you should choose C++ like a starting point.
Many people suffer from histamine intolerance or “histamine sensitivity”. Histamine intolerance is estimated to affect up to 1% of the population, 80% of which is said to be middle aged women. However this is likely to be an underestimate given the limited studies done on histamine intolerance and the complexity and expense involved in doing such studies. What is histamine intolerance? Histamine is a biogenic amine which is synthesised from histidine by vitamin B6 containing, L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC). Histamine is produced in mast cells, basophils, platelets, some neurons and by gut bacteria. Like other neurotransmitters, it is stored in vesicles and released on stimulation. We consume histamine through many of the foods we eat. Foods, medications and other stimuli can also trigger the release of histamine within the body. These are often referred to as “histamine liberators”. When there is an imbalance between the level of histamine in the body and the bodies ability to break it down and get rid of it, this is referred to as a histamine intolerance or sensitivity. Another term used to refer to this situation is “histamine overload”. Common Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance Conditions associated with histamine intolerance DAO production can be reduced where there is damage to the enterocytes that make up the gut wall. Gut conditions that have been linked to reduced DAO enzyme activity and raised histamine levels include; - Allergic enteropathy - Colorectal polyps and carcinomas - Crohn’s Disease - Food allergies - Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) - Ulcerative colitis Asthma has been linked to histamine intolerance with reduced activity of the enzyme histamine N-methyl-transferase (HNMT) responsible for degrading histamine in the respiratory system. Histamine and the hormone estrogen influence each other bidirectionally. Histamine increases estrogen production and estrogen increases histamine levels. By increasing estrogen and prostaglandin, histamine can promote painful contractions of the uterus. Reproductive conditions linked with histamine intolerance include painful periods and cyclical headaches. Multiple miscarriages have also been reported anecdotally. - Painful periods - Cyclical headaches - Multiple miscarriages Other conditions linked with histamine intolerance - Renal failure - Viral hepatitis - Hepatic cirrhosis - Chronic urticaria - Mood disorders - Anxiety disorders - Sea sickness How is histamine intolerance diagnosed? Some factors that clinicians may consider when ruling out histamine intolerance; - Are there at least 2 symptoms of histamine intolerance? - Do symptoms improve after taking antihistamine medications? - Do symptoms improve on a histamine elimination diet? - Are diamine oxidase (DAO) levels reduced? - Is histamine level raised in plasma? - Is there increased N-methyl histamine in the urine? - Have other possible conditions been ruled out? What causes histamine intolerance? Histamine has beneficial roles in the body and we don’t want to have too much or too little. The enzyme Diamine Oxidase (DAO) helps to keep things balanced by breaking down histamine coming into the body from histamine rich foods. When there isn’t enough of this enzyme available to break down histamine we can experience symptoms of histamine overload. Deficiencies in nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C and copper, needed for DAO enzyme activity, can contribute to histamine intolerance. Histamine N-methyl transferase (HNMT) is another important enzyme which helps to breakdown histamine within cells. Damage to the intestinal lining, associated with a range of different gastrointestinal conditions including inflammatory bowel diseases, can lead to reduced production of DAO enzyme. Mutations in the gene that makes the DAO enzyme have also been found and can be linked with conditions like food allergies and Inflammatory bowel disease. Other genetic mutations that can affect histamine metabolism include the Histamine N-methyl transferase (HNMT) gene, the Catechol-o-methyl-transferase (COMT) gene which impacts histamine level through its effects on estrogen metabolism, and genes like MTHFR which affect the activation and function of the above genes. How is histamine intolerance treated? - Following a histamine elimination diet - Avoiding alcohol and drugs which raise histamine levels - Using antihistamine medications or supplements - Taking DAO enzyme supplements - Reducing exposure to allergens Environmental and food allergens contribute to histamine intolerance by increasing histamine levels. Avoiding or limiting exposure to these allergens where possible can help to increase a persons threshold for histamine intolerance. Immunotherapies that promote desensitisation to allergens are also available. Additional approaches, which aim to address the root causes of histamine intolerance, include; - Correcting nutritional insufficiencies (e.g. vitamin B6, copper, vitamin C) - Nutrigenomic therapy - Gut repair and treatment of gut dysbiosis Addressing nutritional insufficiencies such as in vitamin B6, copper and vitamin C that are needed for DAO production is an important step to reduce histamine sensitivity. Gut repair and addressing underlying conditions such as dysbiosis and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can help to reduce histamine production and improve DAO production. Treating existing genetic mutations related to histamine intolerance using nutrigenomic therapy is another approach that aims for long-term resolution. Maintz, L., Bieber, T. and Novak, N. (2006). Histamine intolerance in clinical practice. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 103 (51-52), 3477-3483. Munoz-Esparza, N.C., Latorre-Moratalla, M.L., Comas-Baste, O., Toro-Funes, N., Veciana-Bogues, M.T., and Vital-Carou, M.C. (2019). Polyamines in food. Frontiers in Nutrition, 6,(108), 1-11. To find out more about histamine intolerance or to book a discovery call please contact us.
Reflexology, a therapeutic practice with roots tracing back to ancient civilizations, is gaining momentum as a holistic approach to wellness. This article delves into the intricacies of acupressure, exploring its history, mechanisms, benefits, techniques, and integration into modern healthcare. Definition of Reflexology Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that specific reflex points on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to different organs and systems within the body. By stimulating these points, practitioners aim to promote balance and alleviate various health issues. Dating back to ancient Egypt and China, acupressure has evolved over centuries. It draws inspiration from the belief that manipulating specific points on the body can influence the flow of energy and enhance overall well-being. How Reflexology Works Reflex Points and Corresponding Organs In reflexology, each part of the foot mirrors a specific organ or body system. Understanding these reflex points allows practitioners to target areas related to health concerns and encourage healing. Nerve Pathways and Energy Flow Reflexology operates on the premise that nerve pathways and energy channels connect various parts of the body. By applying pressure to specific points, practitioners aim to unblock energy pathways and facilitate the body’s natural healing processes. Benefits of Reflexology One of the primary benefits of reflexology is stress reduction. The targeted pressure on reflex points helps relax the nervous system, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. Reflexology enhances blood circulation, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients reach cells more efficiently. Improved circulation contributes to better overall health. Many individuals turn to reflexology for pain relief. By targeting reflex points associated with pain, practitioners aim to alleviate discomfort and promote a pain-free existence. Enhanced Sleep Quality The relaxation induced by reflexology can positively impact sleep. Individuals often report improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia symptoms after regular sessions. A fundamental reflexology technique involves thumb walking, where practitioners use their thumbs to apply steady pressure on specific points. This technique is effective in promoting relaxation and alleviating tension. Reflexologists may use finger rotation to stimulate reflex points gently. This technique enhances blood flow and encourages the body to release built-up tension. Massage and Pressure Points Combining massage with targeted pressure on reflex points creates a synergistic effect, amplifying the therapeutic benefits of reflexology. Reflexology and Holistic Wellness Balancing Body Systems Reflexology operates on the principle of balancing the body’s systems. By addressing imbalances through targeted pressure, practitioners aim to promote overall harmony. Reflexology is often used in conjunction with other holistic therapies to enhance overall well-being. Its compatibility with various wellness practices makes it a versatile option for those seeking a holistic approach to health. Reflexology for Specific Conditions Headaches and Migraines Reflexology has shown promise in alleviating headaches and migraines. By targeting reflex points associated with the head and neck, practitioners aim to reduce tension and provide relief. Certain reflex points on the feet are linked to the digestive system. acupressure may assist in improving digestion and alleviating symptoms of common digestive issues. The relaxation induced by acupressure can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, acupressure may contribute to better sleep. Myths and Facts Addressing misconceptions surrounding acupressure is crucial. This section explores common myths and provides evidence-based information to clarify any misunderstandings. While acupressure is often regarded as an alternative medicine, numerous studies support its efficacy. Exploring the scientific evidence helps demystify acupressure and establish its credibility. Choosing a Qualified Reflexologist Certification and Training To ensure a positive experience, it’s essential to choose a qualified reflexologist. This section provides guidance on what to look for, including certification and training. Learning from the experiences of others is valuable. Client reviews offer insights into the effectiveness of a reflexologist and can guide individuals in making informed decisions. DIY Reflexology at Home This section provides easy-to-follow acupressure techniques that individuals can practice at home for self-care. These techniques empower readers to incorporate acupressure into their daily routines. Precautions and Tips While DIY acupressure can be beneficial, it’s crucial to observe precautions and follow tips to ensure a safe and effective experience. Integrating Reflexology into Daily Life Quick Reflexology Exercises Readers are encouraged to integrate quick acupressure exercises into their daily lives. These exercises can be seamlessly incorporated into existing self-care routines. Incorporating into Self-Care Routine Highlighting the importance of self-care, this section emphasizes how acupressure can be a valuable addition to one’s overall well-being strategy. Reflexology and Modern Medicine Collaboration with Medical Professionals Reflexology can complement traditional medical approaches. Collaboration between reflexologists and medical professionals ensures a holistic and comprehensive approach to health. Supportive Role in Healthcare Recognizing the supportive role of reflexology in healthcare fosters a more inclusive and integrated approach to wellness. Sharing personal success stories and testimonials adds a human touch to the article, providing readers with relatable experiences that underscore the benefits of acupressure. Highlighting positive testimonials from individuals who have experienced the benefits of acupressure adds credibility and encourages readers to explore this holistic practice. Future Trends in Reflexology Research and Innovations Exploring ongoing research and emerging trends in acupressure provides readers with a glimpse into the future of this holistic practice. The increasing popularity of acupressure suggests a shifting mindset toward holistic wellness. This section explores the factors contributing to the growing acceptance of reflexology. Summarizing Key Points In conclusion, acupressure offers a holistic approach to wellness by addressing specific reflex points linked to various organs and systems. The benefits, techniques, and integration with modern healthcare make it a compelling option for those seeking natural healing. Encouraging Exploration of Reflexology Encouraging readers to explore acupressure as a complementary therapy empowers them to take charge of their well-being. The journey into acupressure may open doors to improved health and a deeper connection with the body.
Can Sample Return Answer Related Questions About Life on Mars? Or will in situ observation work better? NASA has decided that it only has the funding to do one high-cost, large-scale mission per decade. It had a choice between the Mars sample return and a mission to Jupiter’s moon, Europa. NASA chose to do the Mars sample return and actually ended up only having the funding to collect the samples, not return them to Earth as well. The Europa Clipper mission is postponed, although that moon is still being explored. For funding reasons, sample return from Mars postponed to next decade. The decision to postpone the return of the samples to Earth ended up making what was supposed to be a “flagship mission” for a decade turn out to be one for two decades instead. This turned out to be a very expensive move, yet NASA chose to make this mission top priority despite the fact that many people suggested that in situ exploration was the best way to explore possibilities of life on Mars. It has been suggested by research that sample return results could be hard to decypher or even unreadable. A study has shown that it is quite likely that the sample return would give us hard-to-interpret, flawed results, just like studying past Mars meteorites. Certain meteorites, like ALH64001, did provide for some interesting observations, though. It was over 4 billion years old, and thought to perhaps contain traces of ancient Martian life. The problem with observations like this, though, are that there are many small meteorites that contain organic matter constantly showering Mars. It is thus very difficult to determine whether the organic matter found in Martian meteorites came from the red planet or not. ExoMars rover set to explore life on Mars in situ. The ESA’s Exomars rover is going to explore life on Mars in situ, looking for biosignatures. It will also drill over six feet below the surface, in hopes of learning more about Martian geology. Either way, it is very hard to find well-preserved samples, despite the fact that Martian climate is cold and Mars has no continental drift. This is due to a number of factors, from cosmic radiation levels to the aforementioned organic matter that has been landing on the planet for years.
Date of this Version NACE International, Vol. 49, No. 10 The Sub Marine Explorer was designed and built by Julius H. Kroehl, who was born in Prussia in 1820. After migrating to the United States in 1838 and becoming a citizen, he served in the Union Navy (United States Navy during the Civil War) as an underwater demolitions expert. He left the Navy in 1863 and began designing a “sub-marine” that would facilitate Union forces’ mine removal and obstruction clearance. At the end of the Civil War, he became an engineer for the Pacific Pearl Co., an organization interested in using the craft to recover pearls from deep sea oyster beds in the Bay of Panama. Decompression sickness (the bends), unknown at the time, began to affect the crew in 1869, which led to the abandonment of Explorer in the tidal zone of St. Elmo’s Island (Isla San Telmo) in the Archipielago de las Perlas, Panama.
Why You Should Recycle Your Running Shoes As a professional writer with extensive experience in sustainability and eco-friendly practices, I am thrilled to share with you the importance of recycling your running shoes. Running shoes are a staple for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, providing comfort and support during intense physical activities. However, once they have served their purpose, it is crucial to consider the environmental impact of disposing of them inappropriately. Environmental Impact of Discarding Running Shoes Running shoes are typically made from a combination of synthetic materials, foam, rubber, and various types of plastics. These materials can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the production of running shoes requires significant amounts of energy and resources, including water, electricity, and fossil fuels. Benefits of Recycling Running Shoes Recycling your old running shoes not only helps reduce the environmental impact but also offers several other benefits: - Conservation of Resources: By recycling running shoes, valuable resources like rubber, foam, and synthetic materials can be reclaimed and used to create new products, reducing the need for new raw materials. - Reduction of Landfill Waste: Recycling running shoes diverts them from ending up in landfills, where they would contribute to the ever-growing waste problem. - Supporting Charitable Causes: Many organizations and initiatives collect used running shoes to distribute them to those in need, giving your old shoes a second life and helping individuals who can’t afford new footwear. - Promoting Sustainable Fashion: Recycling running shoes aligns with the principles of sustainable fashion, encouraging a circular economy where products are reused or repurposed instead of being discarded. - Setting a Positive Example: By recycling your running shoes, you inspire others to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to a greener future. 14 Creative Ways to Repurpose Old Running Shoes When it comes to repurposing old running shoes, the possibilities are endless. Here are 14 creative ideas to give your worn-out shoes a new purpose: |1. Gardening Clogs |Remove the laces and use your old running shoes as comfortable and durable gardening clogs. |2. Pet Toys |Stuff the toe area with treats or catnip to create interactive toys for your furry friends. |Cut the shoes in half and use them as unique bookends. |Fill the shoes with soil and plants to create quirky planters for your garden or balcony. |5. Key Holder |Attach hooks or small magnets to the shoe and use it as a creative key holder. |6. Artistic Sculptures |Combine multiple shoes to create artistic sculptures or installations. |Fill the shoe with sand or small weights to make a functional and stylish doorstop. |8. Children’s Play Shoes |Let your kids use the old shoes for dress-up or imaginative play. |9. Shoe Donation Bins |Repurpose your shoes by placing them in dedicated shoe donation bins. |10. Shoe Drive Fundraisers |Organize a shoe drive in your community to collect used shoes for a charitable cause. |11. Shoelace Crafts |Remove the laces and use them for various crafts like jewelry or weaving. |12. Art Projects |Paint or decorate the shoes to create unique art pieces or wall hangings. |13. Shoe Repair Shops |Some shoe repair shops accept used shoes for refurbishment and donation. |14. Athletic Track Surfaces |Some organizations recycle running shoes into athletic track surfaces or playground mats. These repurposing ideas not only breathe new life into your old running shoes but also showcase your creativity and commitment to sustainable practices. Stay tuned for the next sections of this article, where we will explore the importance of donating used running shoes, recycling tips, eco-friendly shoe disposal options, and a step-by-step guide on how to properly recycle your running shoes.
Table of Contents HS code refers to the Harmonized System of product classification used internationally in the trade of goods. It was created to facilitate the categorization of traded goods in an easy, uniform and efficient way. The World Customs Organization (WCO) developed it to better describe the shipped goods’ type and nature. It has streamlined Customs processes in such an efficient way that Customs officials in most countries now require it before they will allow any goods to enter or leave their jurisdiction. This is a basic introductory article. If you need to know how to classify a HS code, you can refer to our simple HS code determination guide. Structure of the HS Code Here are some characteristics of the HS Code nomenclature: - The first 6-digits of the code is globally harmonized - It covers five thousand groups of commodities - These groups consist of 99 chapters and 21 sections - It is arranged in a logical way to facilitate easy use - Thanks to its clearly defined regulations, it has become a uniform way of classifying goods all across the world The HS code system a result of the 1974 Kyoto Convention and was intended to act as a uniform tool to simplify and harmonize Customs procedures across the globe. This has helped it become a global standard in Customs administrations all over the world. Where is HS Code Used? More than 95% of globally traded goods need to be assigned a HS Code, because more than 200 countries around the world employ this system of classification for calculation of tariffs as well as the collection of other statistics related to international trade. Customs officials aren’t the only ones using HS Codes. Many international organizations and private firms also employ this code to manage goods. This management includes, among other things, the following: - monitoring goods - trade policies - transport statistics - quota controls - traffic statistics - origin rules It can be safely said that the HS Code has become an integral part of international trade and is an international language concerning the classification of goods. HS Code Maintenance and Classification The World Customs Organization (WHO) offers the official definition and interpretation of the HS code nomenclature. It is also responsible for its maintenance. Maintenance in this instance refers to the measures that need to be taken to keep the code updated to keep up with the technological advancements and changes in business patterns. Harmonized System Committee The Harmonized System Committee represents the HS convention signatories and parties. The WCO manages the HS Code system through this committee. The tasks of this committee include: - classification questions - dispute settlement - amending explanatory notes - examining policy issues In addition to the above responsibilities, the committee is also responsible for updating the HS System periodically (usually every 5-6 years). How do HS Codes Work? HS Codes are given to goods according to the process of HS classification. The classification standard used is known as GRI and stands for “General Interpretative Rules” of the Harmonized System. These rules can sometimes be referred to as General Rules of Interpretation, or GRIs. Here are the six rules that need to be completed for HS applications. The order of the rules must also be maintained. - GRI1: This determines the 4-digit heading - GRI2: This is used in classifying unassembled or incomplete goods. Additionally, it can also be used for combinations of goods - GRI3: This is used for goods that can be classified under multiple HS headings - GRI4: This is used for products that aren’t covered by GR1, GR2, and GR3 - GRI5: This is used for the classification of packaging if necessary - GRI6: This determines the six-digit heading Challenges in the Classification of Companies Since the system of classification has been accepted internationally, avoiding mistakes in implementation and interpretation carries great importance. Implementing the code wrongly can lead to confusion among Customs officials as well as add delays to shipments. In some cases, it can even lead to penalties. Since people with different backgrounds and from different countries are implementing the same system, misinterpretation can happen. Such misinterpretation leads to false categorization, leading in turn to wrong tariff duties being imposed on the product. By the time mistakes are corrected, the trader has already lost a lot of valuable time. And as mentioned above, the loss can also be in the form of penalties due to wrong categorization. It is best to clarify any issue regarding the implementation of the HS code directly with the Customs authorities compliance professionals. |Do you have questions relating to import/export procedures? We provide free email consultations: Contact Us Today
Table of Contents The 3 most relevant things about Xerogardening. Xerojardinería comes from combining the Greek word that means dry "Xeri," with the word ?gardening? Although the concept was originally intended for communities that often suffer from drought, xerogardening can be applied today to any garden, terrace or urban space project. This landscaping technique can provide a unique design style or with a particular beauty. What is xerogardening? The purpose of xerogardening is to reduce water consumption and maintenance. This is achieved by transforming the landscape with native plants instead of using non-endemic varieties. Non-endemic varieties probably need constant attention and watering to survive. It's one thing to say xerogardening and not patch things up that work temporarily. It can be hard to resign yourself to not having a luxury lawn, but the less grass you have. At least, the positive news is that the mowing that must be done often disappears. In the same way, it limits the amount of water being irrigated that will be noticed in the water bill. Ornamental vegetation in xerogardening must be able to survive some of the most difficult drought conditions in each region. The best plants for this type of design should be the endemic ones that grow and are seen in the environment. Water consumption can be further reduced by grouping together plants or irrigation with similar specific needs. How to use endemic plants in xeriscape? When endemic plants are used, in most cases the need for fertilizers and pesticides can be reduced or eliminated. This type of landscaping technique aims to leave aside the use of chemicals to maintain green areas, since nature itself should be responsible for managing the environment. This is the theory of this technique, however, there are a number of variables that can put this type of garden at risk, such as - invasive species from neighbors. - chemical and toxic products used in adjacent or nearby properties. - plagues that roam the big cities from one side to the other. - climate change. - bad practices of this technique. Aloe and Cactus Plants There is confusion that by using plants such as cactus or aloe, xerogardening is already taking place, this is the biggest mistake we are seeing in some proposals by the network. Plant a cactus or aloe in arid areas but with freezing temperatures not in accordance with the environment where this plant grows. The cactus will die if it is not protected against the frost. By having to protect it, the garden stops being Xero. For this simple reason, xerogardening would no longer be such by requiring constant human intervention in the natural development of a plant. With proper planning and execution, a drought-tolerant garden can also increase the value of your property. In most cases, the increase in value of the property will be greater than what you spend on the initial project. What should I consider when planning my xerogardening? Xerogardening requires a little planning. It is essential to recognize which are the plants that have the best resistance in the area where you live, this will be the guide to make the correct selection of the ornamental vegetation that will make up our garden, and, that will easily flower with total naturalness. Although the design is relatively the easy part, when it comes to the initial work of a xerogarden, this can become an intense and tiring task, even more so if you choose to use elements such as stones and rocks. Building a fully drought-resistant garden may also require patience. Often, it can take up to five years to see one or a set of plants thrive. Appropriate irrigation for xeriscape. One of the highest costs of xerogardening can be a watering systemAfter all, plants need a little water. Drip irrigation is the best solution because it slowly waters the water in the area where the plant actually needs it, and, optimally moistens the soil, making the plants grow with a strong root system. Poorly selected spray heads or hoses waste a lot of water, which can cause vegetation to "drown" in some places and be well watered in others by evaporation, leading to higher rather than lower water bills. In addition, the use of a hose can carry garbage, bacteria and motor oil as it passes through the drainage system until it finally empties into the ocean. For these reasons, irrigation systems are the way to go. Recommended plants for xerogardening Following the line of the wide concept of Xerojardineria, the best advice we can give you in this article is to visit a local greenhouse or contact a professional to work for your location. This will help you become familiar with endemic plants and local flora, that is the key to xerogardening! Don't forget to use a good irrigation system, nowadays there is a great variety of materials so if your project is ambitious in size of surface and species to plant, the best thing is to hire an experienced professional who will make the best selection of irrigation and grouping of plants.
US engineered virus JX-594 can selectively destroy cancer cells An engineered virus, injected into the blood, can selectively target cancer cells throughout the body in what researchers have labelled a medical first. The virus attacked only tumours, leaving the healthy tissue alone, in a small trial on 23 patients, according to the journal Nature. Researchers said the findings could one day "truly transform" therapies. Using viruses to attack cancers is not a new concept, but they have needed to be injected directly into tumours in order to evade the immune system. Scientists modified the vaccinia virus, which is more famous for being used to develop a smallpox vaccine. The virus, named JX-594, is dependent upon a chemical pathway, common in some cancers, in order to replicate. It was injected at different doses into the blood of 23 patients with cancers which had spread to multiple organs in the body. In the eight patients receiving the highest dose, seven had the virus replicating in their tumours, but not in healthy tissue. Prof John Bell, lead researcher and from the University of Ottawa, said: "We are very excited because this is the first time in medical history that a viral therapy has been shown to consistently and selectively replicate in cancer tissue after intravenous infusion in humans. "Intravenous delivery is crucial for cancer treatment because it allows us to target tumours throughout the body as opposed to just those that we can directly inject." Infection prevented further tumour growth in six patients for a time. However, the virus did not cure cancer. Patients were given only one dose of the virus as the trial was designed to test the safety of the virus. It is thought that the virus could be used to deliver treatments directly to cancerous cells in high concentrations. Prof Bell acknowledges that the research is still in the very early stages, but he said: "I believe that some day, viruses and other biological therapies could truly transform our approach for treating cancer." Cancer Research UK’s Prof Nick Lemoine, also director of Barts Cancer Institute, said: "Viruses that multiply in just tumour cells – avoiding healthy cells – are showing real promise as a new biological approach to target hard-to-treat cancers. "This new study is important because it shows that a virus previously used safely to vaccinate against smallpox in millions of people can now be modified to reach cancers through the bloodstream – even after cancer has spread widely through the patient’s body. "It is particularly encouraging that responses were seen even in tumours like mesothelioma, a cancer which can be particularly hard to treat." whatsonsanya.com does not necessarily endorse their views or the accuracy of their content. For copyright infringement issues please contact email@example.com
DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A SKIN MOBILE APPLICATION USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (A.I.) FOR SCREENING OF LEPROSY IN MALAYSIAN POPULATION Leprosy, a persistent infectious condition caused by Mycobacterium leprae, often remains hidden in our bodies for years, with an average incubation period of about 5 years and the potential to stay dormant for up to 20 years before revealing itself through visible symptoms. Malaysia has achieved the remarkable status of leprosy elimination since 1994, boasting a prevalence rate of just 0.9 cases per 10,000 people. However, we still face challenges in detecting cases in a timely manner. Surprisingly, over 80% of our cases are the more severe multi-bacillary type of leprosy, and 5%-6% of new cases already exhibit permanent disabilities. Shockingly, more than 3% of these cases are children. One significant hurdle to early detection is the low level of suspicion among our medical professionals. Awareness about leprosy and its telltale signs remains alarmingly inadequate. Often this disease is misdiagnosed as common skin ailments like contact dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, or a simple skin infection. With advances in deep learning and machine learning, particularly through convolutional neural networks (CNN), have revolutionized medical image analysis. In dermatology, these cutting-edge techniques have achieved astonishing accuracy rates of over 90% in diagnosing various skin conditions. Our groundbreaking study aims to harness the power of AI-driven digital health screening using images to combat leprosy effectively, aligning with the WHO's global strategy to eliminate leprosy entirely, moving us closer to "Towards Zero Leprosy." This innovative concept expands access to timely patient care and accelerates treatment for those diagnosed positively, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for all.
War Paintings of the Tsuu T'ina Nation is a study of several important war paintings and artifact collections of the Tsuu T’ina (Sarcee) that provides insight into the changing relations between the Tsuu T’ina, other Plains First Nations, and settler communities during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Arni Brownstone has meticulously created renderings of the paintings that invite readers to explore them more fully. All known Tsuu T’ina paintings are considered in the study, as are several important collections of Tsuu T’ina artifacts, with particular emphasis on five key works. Brownstone’s analysis furthers our understanding of Tsuu T’ina pictographic war paintings in relation to the social, historical, and artistic forces that influenced them and provides a broader understanding of pictographic painting, one of the richest and most important First Nation artistic and literary genres. During much of the nineteenth century, paintings functioned as the Plains First Nations’ equivalent to written records. The majority of their paintings documented warfare, focusing on specific war deeds. These pictorial narratives, appearing on hide robes, war shirts, tipi liners, and tipi covers, were maintained by the several dozen First Nations of the Plains, and they continue to expand historical knowledge of a people and place in transition. Arni Brownstone is the assistant curator of world cultures at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
|© Copyright Iain Lees and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. Sorting Through the Trash and Finding the Gems… To be honest, this article has a lot of overlap with this one. But this post comes at it from another angle, so hopefully you can learn how to read critically a bit better. Okay, here’s a test. I use this same test with my one-on-one students. After they read a paragraph, I’ll ask them, “So what was that paragraph about?” Usually, I am met with vague answers. If the paragraph mentioned flying frogs, then one student might tell me “frogs.” I’ll ask, “Okay, so what about them?” She might then go into more detail and say, “Frogs are dying in the rainforests because of high levels of pollution.” I’ll say, “Great, but is that the main point of the paragraph, or was that just one detail?” She’ll admit it was a small detail. When I ask what a paragraph is about, I’m not asking you to tell me in your own words what each sentence said. I’m asking you to synthesize all the ideas in the paragraph, then determine the overall message or point. Don’t mention the small details to me. I’ll get bored to tears. Seriously, I’ve already read that passage a hundred times. You have to be able to discern the difference between restating the passage (sentence-by-sentence) and understanding the main idea. If I ask you what the paragraph was about and you begin giving me a play-by-play breakdown, that tells me you don’t know which parts are minor details and which parts are main points. This distinction is important because boiling a passage down to its essential element, the main point, is what many of the SAT questions focus on. If you’re so caught up in the details that you can’t figure out the main idea, then you won’t be able to answer any “so what?” type questions. So what was the effect of frogs dying in the rainforest? So what if rainforests are facing heavy pollution? Why do we care? Oh, because dying frogs are just one example of a faltering ecosystem whose collapse would mean the fall of many more ecosystems and the ultimate downfall of Planet Earth??! Hell yeah, that’s probably pretty significant! But if all you distilled from the passage is that there are frogs and pollution, then you’re going to have a bad time answering those tricky SAT questions. Trickier yet is the fact that occasionally, the main idea isn’t even ever directly stated in the passage. You won’t find a specific line that neatly summarizes the point of the passage. You have to piece together the main idea for yourself. For many, Marilyn Monroe is an unmarred legend of success. She was the girl every other girl wanted to be. She was the girl every guy wanted to be with. Certainly the quintessential Hollywood star’s existence was legendary. Today, some fifty years after her death, signs of her glamour are evident. A life-sized statue of her exists at the intersection of Hollywood and Highland. Countless pieces of artwork have been created in her image, even making their way to home décor wall hangings at mega retailers like Target and Walmart. Recently, a biopic about Marilyn was released in select theaters. Today, Marilyn is immortalized as the tantalizing and seductive singer, actress, and model. She represents the pinnacle of stardom – a celebrity not only famous in her day but even decades later. It is hard to imagine Jessica Alba, Kristen Stewart, or other stars of today being remembered even ten years later. Those who knew Marilyn intimately, however, understand a darker story. Self-professed Marilyn fan and outspoken Hollywood historian James Reeves has been quoted saying, “She was diagnosed with bipolar disease and had trouble conceiving a child. If [people] only knew of Marilyn the Divorcee or Marilyn the Depressed. People focus so much on the success of Marilyn the Icon that they forget behind it all, behind the fame and glory, is a woman…a real woman, insecure, scared, beaten, yet hopeful just like the rest of them. And there is beauty in that too, flaws and everything.” It can be inferred that, for James Reeves, fully appreciating Marilyn would require: (A)realizing the scope of Marilyn’s lasting success in comparison to the stars of today (B)recognizing that Marilyn’s professional success was a result of her personal turmoil (C)reconciling Marilyn’s faults with her undeserved larger-than-life iconic status today (D)understanding the tribulations of Marilyn the person and the triumphs of Marilyn the icon (E)empathizing with Marilyn’s inability to overcome her personal demons For many students, the obvious answer (remember, you should try to answer in your own words before looking at answer choices) might be “understanding Marilyn as a real woman, one with insecurities like everyone else.” That’s pretty much directly stated in the passage. And here’s the thing: it IS the right choice…if it existed as a choice. But none of the answers were quite what we were expecting, so you have to infer the PURPOSE of the Reeves quote. Ask yourself WHY the author included that quote, what FUNCTION does the inclusion of the quote serve? The correct answer is (D). The quote points out the fact that Marilyn had a troubled personal life and that “there is beauty in that too.” But the ROLE of the quote is to show that Reeves, a self-professed fan who knew Marilyn intimately as a historian, appreciated her both for her success and for her flaws. After all, he even says, “flaws and everything.” This is in stark contrast to the rest of the passage which talks about how people love Marilyn only for her success (no mention of flaws until the Reeves quote). Take a minute to figure out why the remaining choices are wrong too. Remember, it’s better to identify the wrong answers than try to justify a “correct” answer. TAKEAWAY POINTS FROM THIS POST: - Restating a Passage: giving a sentence-by-sentence recap in your own words (bad) - Summarizing a Passage: distilling a passage down to its main points (good) - Main points may not be directly stated; they may be inferred - Ask yourself what the ROLE/PURPOSE/FUNCTION of the passage is to figure out main idea Peter Peng is a SAT/ACT tutor and college admissions essay consultant based in the greater Los Angeles area. He is currently working on a book entitled The SAT Decoded and can be reached at firstname.lastname@example.org.
A groundbreaking exploration of a practice tradition that was nearly lost to history. Theravada Buddhism, often understood as the school that most carefully preserved the practices taught by the Buddha, has undergone tremendous change over time. Prior to Western colonialism in Asia—which brought Western and modernist intellectual concerns, such as the separation of science and religion, to bear on Buddhism—there existed a tradition of embodied, esoteric, and culturally regional Theravada meditation practices. This once-dominant traditional meditation system, known as borān kammatthāna, is related to—yet remarkably distinct from—Vipassana and other Buddhist and secular mindfulness practices that would become the hallmark of Theravada Buddhism in the twentieth century. Drawing on a quarter century of research, scholar Kate Crosby offers the first holistic discussion of borān kammatthāna, illuminating the historical events and cultural processes by which the practice has been marginalized in the modern era. Reading Religion Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter and receive updates on new books, new reviews, and more. You can unsubscribe at any time. We will never share or sell your e-mail address.
Depression is a common mental illness that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that one once enjoyed. But depression is not just sadness. It is much more complex and can manifest itself in various ways. In this article, we will explore the happy and sad sides of depression and how they can affect a person’s life. The Happy Side of Depression It may seem contradictory to talk about the happy side of depression, but many people with depression experience periods of happiness, pleasure, or excitement. In fact, some people with depression have reported feeling euphoric or even manic at times. These happy moments can be dangerous because they can lead to risk-taking behavior, such as spending sprees, drug and alcohol use, or impulsive decisions. For example, a person who is feeling especially happy may quit their job, start a new business, or get into a new relationship without thinking things through properly. People who experience this side of depression may feel ashamed and guilty for feeling happy, which can further exacerbate their condition. It’s important to understand that depression is not just about feeling sad. It can include a range of emotions that can be difficult to manage and understand. The Sad Side of Depression The sad side of depression is what most people associate with the illness. It can include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. People with depression may experience a lack of energy, insomnia or hypersomnia, and a loss of appetite. They may also have difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things. Depression can affect a person’s ability to carry out daily activities, such as going to work, taking care of their family, or socializing with friends. Some people may withdraw from society and isolate themselves from others. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and despair. The sad side of depression can be particularly challenging because it can feel like a never-ending cycle of negative emotions. People with depression may struggle to see any meaning or purpose in their lives and may feel like there is no hope for the future. The Importance of Getting Help Depression is a treatable illness, and many people with depression can recover and live fulfilling lives. However, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. The longer a person waits to get help, the harder it can be to recover. There are many treatments available for depression, such as medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. A combination of approaches is often the most effective way to manage depression. Working with a mental health professional can help a person understand their illness, learn coping strategies, and develop a treatment plan that works best for them. It’s important for friends and family members to support their loved ones with depression. They can provide emotional support, help with daily tasks, and encourage their loved one to seek professional help. Support groups and online communities can also be a valuable source of support for people with depression. Depression is a complex illness that can affect a person’s life in many ways. People with depression can experience periods of happiness and excitement, as well as feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It’s important to seek help as soon as possible and to understand that depression is treatable. With the right treatment and support, people with depression can lead fulfilling lives. FAQs about “Happy and Sad with Depression” What is “Happy and Sad with Depression”? “Happy and Sad with Depression” is an article that explores the complexities of depression, including the fact that individuals suffering from depression can experience both happy and sad emotions simultaneously. The article provides insights and suggestions for managing these conflicting emotions and offers hope to those struggling with depression. What is depression? Depression is a common mental disorder that affects the way an individual feels, thinks, and behaves. It can cause feelings of sadness or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. Depression can also cause physical symptoms such as fatigue and difficulty sleeping. It is important to seek professional help if you suspect you or a loved one may be suffering from depression. How can I help someone with depression? If you know someone who is struggling with depression, there are several things you can do to offer support. Encourage them to seek professional help and offer to help them find a therapist or support group. Listen to them without judgment and offer words of encouragement. Be patient and supportive during their treatment journey, and remind them that recovery is possible. 1. Frewen, P. A., & Dozois, D. J. A. (2018). Depressive sadness and trait hope: Experience and expression of negative affect in the relationship between hopelessness and depression. Emotion, 18(1), 109-118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/emo0000290 2. Kuehner, C. (2017). Why is depression more common among women than among men? The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(2), 146-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(16)30263-2 3. Rottenberg, J. (2017). The emotional dynamics of mood disorders: Implications for understanding depression. Clinical Psychology Review, 58, 83-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2017.10.008
The health of your heart, which is at the centre of your general well-being, is greatly influenced by the food you eat. Understanding the connection between nutrition and cardiovascular wellness is of the utmost significance in the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where excellent health care is a priority. This article examines the vital role nutrition plays in heart health, providing knowledge on the foods that are good for the heart and must be avoided. We’ll also go over the importance of contacting the top Dubai cardiologist and how the city’s top hospitals promote heart health education and treatment. Diet Effects on Patients with Heart Disease: Myth or Reality? The impact of nutrition on cardiac patients’ health is of utmost significance. Diet has a significant impact on the cardiovascular health of people with heart issues, and this impact is not only a matter of myth or fact—it is a matter of scientific and medical reality. Our foods directly affect blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol, and general heart health. A heart-healthy diet full of fresh produce, lean protein, and whole grains can greatly enhance a patient’s outlook and quality of life. On the other hand, overindulging in high-fat, high-sugar, and high-sodium diets might aggravate underlying cardiac conditions. The reality is that nutrition matters a lot for those with heart disease, and choosing foods with your heart in mind can help you manage and improve your heart health. Diet and Heart Health: The Relationship the proverb “You are the food you eat” is especially relevant for your heart’s health. Diet and the cardiovascular system are inextricably linked, which is a crucial foundational principle in pursuing cardiovascular fitness. The thriving city of Dubai, renowned for its dedication to healthcare quality, is aware of nutrition’s crucial role in sustaining a healthy and powerful heart. It’s crucial to comprehend this relationship, including the meals that promote cardiovascular health and those that are risky. - Fruits and Vegetables: These foods are **rich in antioxidants, fibre, and important vitamins,** helping to decrease blood pressure and reduce inflammation. - Salmon, prawns and trout are rich sources of omega-3 fats, reducing the risk of heart disease. - Whole Grains: Oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice are excellent sources of fibre and minerals that support heart health. - Nuts & Seeds: almonds, other nuts, and flaxseeds provide heart-healthy lipids, dietary fibre, and minerals. - Legumes: Being low in fat yet rich in protein, lentils, bean sprouts, and chickpeas are excellent choices for diets that promote heart health. Foods to Cut Back on or Avoid - Lowering cholesterol levels can be accomplished by eating fewer items containing saturated & trans fats, including deep-fried items, fried snacks, and fatty meat cuts. - Added Sugars: Overconsumption of sugar raises your likelihood of heart disease by causing obesity and diabetes. - Too Much Salt: Hypertension, an important warning sign for heart disease, can result from high salt consumption. For the health of the heart, salt consumption needs to be reduced. - Fast food and processed foods: These are generally heart-harming in terms of the bad fats, extra salt, and extra sugars they contain. Consultation With the Best Cardiologist In Dubai Numerous top-tier cardiologists who focus on avoiding, detecting, and managing heart-related disorders can be found in Dubai. These specialists are essential in caring for an individual’s heart health. Regular examinations and sessions with the top cardiologist in Dubai may assist patients in identifying their risk factors, receiving individualised dietary advice, and developing a comprehensive strategy for cardiovascular wellness. Heart health initiatives and hospital in Dubai Leading hospitals in Dubai are on the cutting edge of heart health knowledge and care. Modern cardiac facilities, cutting-edge diagnostic tools, and specialised cardiac units are all available. Additionally, these institutions frequently host community outreach programmes, heart health lectures, and screenings to inform the public about cardiovascular disease prevention. Can a Careful Diet Chart Help You Reduce Cardiovascular Risks? Without a doubt, the answer is yes. A well-designed and heart-friendly eating plan may be a potent tool in the fight against cardiovascular risks. High fat, elevated pressure, and inflammation are risk factors that may be controlled with a diet full of heart-healthy foods. People can greatly lower their risk of heart disease by emphasising nutrient-dense alternatives, avoiding processed and high-sugar meals, and maintaining an appropriate quantity of important nutrients. A meticulous nutrition plan becomes crucial in preserving and enhancing cardiovascular health when combined with frequent physical activity and medical advice. It allows people to regulate their heart condition and embrace a vibrant, healthy life. Choosing the foods to consume and stay away from is essential for maintaining a heart-healthy diet, which is the foundation of cardiovascular wellness. Individuals may use the skills of the greatest cardiologists & the resources offered by top-tier hospitals in Dubai, where medical procedures are of the highest calibre. Residents of Dubai may actively work towards happier hearts and a higher standard of living by adopting heart-healthy eating habits, obtaining expert advice, and participating in heart health activities.
In this blog post I'll go over the USACO Blocks Bronze January 2022 Problem 1 using other resources and solutions. We are given two lists of three words, with the first list being the answers and the second list being the guess to the answers. We knew to output the number of letters marked as green or correct and mark all other guessed letters that exist in the second list but are in the wrong position as yellow. We can keep a hashmap mapping a character to its frequency. Then, we can iterate through the guessed list and increment a green counter when it matches with the answer list. We can also decrement the frequency in the hashmap. Otherwise, if the answer list contains the character and the hashmap has a frequency of , then we can increment a yellow counter and decrement the guessed character from the hashmap. However, if we try to implement and submit this solution, it would not work because if we have a list that has a bunch of character that should be marked with a yellow followed by a character that should be marked with a green, there will be a character marked with a yellow which shouldn't be so. Taking a snippet from the statement: More precisely, if there are cows of a certain breed in the guess grid and cows of this breed in the answer grid (not counting cows in the right place that lead to green highlights), then only of the cows in the guess grid should be highlighted yellow. Notice the part where it says "...not counting cows in the right place that lead to green highlights..." meaning that should not count the squares in the answer grid that are guessed correctly in the guess grid. Here is an example where our current solution fails: Our current solution would return three yellows and two greens, however the correct answer is two yellows and two greens. This is because, there is only one A in the answer grid that doesn't match with its corresponding guess. That means only one of the two guesses for an A in the guess grid would correspond to that A answer. The way we can fix our solution for this problem is to iterate through all the letters and increment the green counter and decrement corresponding hashmap values first, and then look for yellows in a second iteration of all the letters. Let's go through an implementation in C++: One lesson this problem taught us is that whenever you are missing out on a test case or two, try to list out the expectations of the statement and make sure your solution matches it.
We are going to learn a really important topic today. I know this one is overwhelming at first, but if you practice then you’ll get this properly! Don’t just see the post of today, work on it too! There are some different kind of loop in js but all they do the same work for – loops through a block of code a number of times for/in – loops through the properties of an object for/of – loops through the values of an iterable object while – loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true do/while – also loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true Most popular is for and while. We’ll learn both in your practice. Sometimes we need to do the same task again and again. Like for adding sum of 10, 12 and 30 we need to add all these. First we need to work 10 + 12 then 22 + 30 again right ? Or we can add all three at a time, but suppose there is huge numbers like 500 numbers. What to do ? We need to go through each and every number and add that to our total value. Which is going start from zero right? We can do this work by loop. We can remove the doing same task again and again by using loop. Lets see this Understand something ? We’ll work on loop code next tutorial.
Dark-overcast and rainy this mid-morning Tuesday on California’s north coast, as we brace for the next wave of storms due today, tonight, and apparently feels like will last forever. According to the NWS this morning, along with some heavy rain today, the region is also under a Thunderstorm Watch: ‘Any thunderstorms that do develop will be capable of producing small hail, damaging wind gusts, lightning, and waterspouts over the ocean. Remember, when thunder roars go indoors!‘ No hiding, though, from the immediate future. The heavy-wet weather we’ve been experiencing this season is just another off-shoot of climate change — the big gushers, those ‘atmospheric rivers,’ are just going to get worse. An AR can carry about 10 times as much water vapor as the Mississippi River at its mouth. Quick-turnaround, drought-dry to flood-soaked.. California is like many, many parts of the world nowadays, a product of the ‘new abnormal,’ produced by a warming environment. In the past, we went through maybe a couple ARs a season, this year supposedly 10 times that number. Marty Ralph, director of the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes at the University of California, San Diego (The Verge): “When we get a sequence of them, or we get too many and the soils are real moist and the rivers are high and the reservoirs are full, then they can go from being largely beneficial — because we need water in the West — to hazards,” Ralph says. That’s the situation we’re in now, Ralph says, with about 30 atmospheric rivers since October 1st — and it’s something we can expect to see more of. As global temperatures continue to climb, the air can hold more water vapor — which means calmer winds, but warmer and wetter atmospheric rivers, more often. And that means more flooding. In the heat rising, more ARs. From TechTimes this morning: Weather events can likewise become more intense in a warmer world because warmer air can hold more moisture and lead to bigger atmospheric rivers. A warmer world could mean stronger moisture transport and heavier rainfall. Researchers of a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience also found that between the years 1997 and 2014, about half of the top 2-percent of the most extreme storms that occurred in the world’s coastal regions were tied to atmospheric rivers. Between 40 and 70 percent of extreme winds as well as snowfall and rainfall events across coastlines worldwide were also linked to these so-called “rivers in the sky.” “Atmospheric rivers produce the extreme rainfall because this moisture is lifted above mountain ranges. The lifting of the air initiates some rainfall, but this then feeds off this huge quantity of water in the atmospheric river to lead to much heavier rainfall,” explained climate scientist Richard Allan, from the University of Reading in the UK. U.S. Geological Survey hydrologist Mike Dettinger explained that climate change could also affect mountain snowfall patterns as it raises the elevation at which it is cold enough for snow to fall, which means that more rain than snow will fall, which could also lead to more flooding. “That’s not good, because more rain means more flood risk,” Dettinger said. “California’s atmospheric rivers are every bit as big as land-falling hurricanes.” And add to the woe, this via ScienceNewsJournal yesterday on results of a study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters: In the article, it is reported that surface melt from glaciers and ice caps of the Queen Elizabeth Islands grew from an average of three gigatons to 30 gigatons per year between 2005 and 2015. This is an increase of a massive 900 percent. Romain Millan, an Earth system science doctoral student and lead author of the paper, noted that surface melt has increased dramatically in the past decade because of the air temperatures warming up. The team found that the overall ice mass has decreased markedly in the past decade, turning the region into a major contributor to sea level change. Canada holds 25 percent of all Arctic ice, with only Greenland holding more. Yet as we face a becoming way-obvious disaster with our environment, the GOP wants a ‘“rebalancing”‘ of NASA’s working budget — gut climate research. And we merrily AR our way home…
Your homework is a part of your education. Half of the day you spend at school and visit classes. Another part of the day you have your free time, which consists of your leisure and making your assignments. This is how every student learns a new subject, and you can’t change it now only because of your desire. All students know that it is essential to do your homework almost every evening. But most of us need to force ourselves to follow the educational plan. That’s why students always wonder how to be motivated to do homework. If you feel the same, then this guide will be vitally useful for your success at school. The Role of Motivation in Education for Students Frankly speaking, motivation is important at any age. Students must do their homework to get good grades to enter prestigious educational establishments. They plan their career and understand that everything matters for their successful future. Simultaneously, the ability to motivate yourself will be very useful for you in your personal life and at work. Thanks to the experience of self-motivation in education, you’ll be able to deal with any challenge on your way. That’s why you should think of doing homework as a preparation stage for your adult life. Memorize the first rule: you can do homework fast and on a high level. There are different ways to reach it, but you are definitely capable of reaching this goal. All you should do it is find the proper motivation tips that will work for you. Basic Principles on How to Force Yourself to Do Homework Let’s start with the basic principles of motivation for students. If you must to do your homework but don’t want to, then try to accept the following principles: - leave your memories about previous failures behind. If you have failed once or several times, it doesn’t mean that’s you’ll fail again; - rise your spirit with cool quotes and pictures. Visualization is really important to students, so use its power to increase your motivation level; - think of yourself as a professional who enjoys his or her own job. It is much more inspiring to associate yourself with a successful person who does whatever wants; - find inspiration in ordinary things. If you like pin-up, you can print several posters with a motivating spirit. If you adore music, you should listen to encouraging songs to motivate yourself; - create a positive attitude to your task. Most students produce negative feelings and suffer from them. If you try to stay positive, you’ll see this tip works! So if you want to increase your efficiency in education, work, and personal life, you need to start doing it now. You’ll definitely reach your goal with the right thoughts in your mind, efficient motivation tips, and examples of self-motivation exercises. The Way to Find Your Motivation Immediately Let’s imagine that you are in a bad mood. No matter the reason, you have no interest in having fun and working on your homework. As a result, you are definitely not interested in writing assignments. That’s why a proper state of mind is essential for a student. You have to work on your skills and knowledge, but attitude influences the result very much. To lift your opportunities up, you may develop your writing talents, physical condition, personal motivation, etc. Tasty food, favorite music, inspiring books will play a great role in motivating a person. Being in a good state of mind is an important step towards motivation. No matter the task you need to do, your positive attitude and self-insurance play a huge role in the success. You’ll immediately become a much more productive and elaborate person. As a result, the task will be interesting for you, and there would be no need to postpone its execution. Efficient Tips to Do Homework Fast So let’s mention the efficient methods that guarantee you fast and correct homework execution. You are able to improve your writing process with traditional tips: - listen to your favorite music as a background of your work. You can make a break to rest and enjoy cool songs; - write down your goals and mark several of them as reached. It is very inspiring to see how productive in homework you are during the day or week; - have a tasty snack between working hours. Don’t make yourself work on homework while you are starving and are not able to think about anything but food; - reward yourself with pleasant things. Do you want to buy new clothes? Set a goal to make correct assignments for a month without a mistake and reward yourself with a nice jacket or a pair of shoes; - plan your schedule. You need to know when to work and when to rest. It is very important to let yourself have a break between different tasks; - think about the consequences of your actions. If you do homework, you’ll find out something new. If you don’t make your assignment, then you can miss important knowledge and get a bad mark. What is your priority? These tricks and tips with homework work for all students. The only requirement for you is to want to work and motivate yourself to educational success. That’s why all the mentioned above tips play a great role in your educational progress. How Do You Do Homework When You Can’t Focus The absence of focus on your assignment causes further problems with your homework. Writing papers will likely be an impossible task for you. But don’t worry! You can change your situation and avoid bad feelings. Use the following tips: - drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself; - take a cold shower to leave all wrong thoughts behind; - find a quiet place and sit 5 minutes in silence; - have a short nap if you are tired; - change the environment around you; - do some sports or yoga; - make several deep breaths, at least. Just remember that all these tips work if you want it. You need to express a positive attitude and don’t despair. The Extra Opportunity for Students Well, these tips show students how to find the motivation to do homework. Rewarding yourself, getting good experience, thinking positively help you on your way to prepare your mind for education. But sometimes, students need more to get high grades for their efforts. That’s why you may require not only tips but professional essay homework help in writing your assignments. Our experienced team of authors may become your primary option to solve the problem with motivation and create perfect papers instead of you. Let us help, and you’ll learn a lot!
Gottschalk of Orbais was a Saxon monk who revived the “predestinarian vs. free will” battle waged by Augustine against Pelagius centuries earlier. As is often the case in religious controversies, Gottschalk and his adversaries were a contentious lot, with neither side granting any quarter. Although reputedly a man with a ferocious temper, perhaps, what got—and kept—Gottschalk in nearly constant conflict was his clarity, a dangerous attribute when confronting kings and prelates. In bringing us Gottschalk’s story, C.W. Powell concludes that it may quite literally be “dangerous to seek to understand fully what God has hidden in His own counsel.” It was a most happy arrangement. The little child was given as an offering to the church by his wealthy parents who didn’t want him, along with his inheritance. The church used the inheritance; the child was treated as a monk and served God. The church had a twinge of conscience at the Council of Toledo in 656 and forbade the reception of “Oblates” until the age of ten and allowed them to leave the monastery if they wanted to when they reached puberty. They were not considered monks after the Council of Toledo except here and there [“here and there” refers to both time and space]. It was good all around: the parents needn’t be bothered, the church got richer, and the kid became holy. Or maybe angry. Or maybe even holy and angry. It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between holy anger and an angry holiness, but there is a difference, an important one. Gottschalk of Orbais died one day before Reformation Day, on October 30, but about 650 years before that other, more famous predestinarian, Martin Luther. Gottschalk was born in 808 [?] and his Saxon Father, Count Bern gave him to the monastery of Fulda along with his inheritance, for he lived in the here and there’s mentioned above. He received a respectable monastic medieval education at Fulda under the monks, but at the Council of Mainz in 829, he entered the claim that he had been forced illegally into the priesthood and wanted to be released along with the inheritance. He was generously allowed to go away, but only after agreeing under oath not to ever, ever ask for his inheritance again. It seems that his inheritance had been inherited by an important someone else and so it was beyond his reach. “Gottschalk’s arguments were as follows: a monk is basically a slave, even though God’s slave. However, according to the Saxon laws a man could be bereft of his freedom only in presence of Saxon witnesses, which condition had not been fulfilled. Hrabanus, on the other hand, emphasized that the property requested by Gottschalk had been inherited by Louis the Pious from his father and could not be given back to the rebellious monk. Moreover, he regarded as heretical the wish itself to be freed from the vows under such a pretext.”1 Hrabanus, however, appealed the decision of the council to Louis the Pious. Louis reversed the decision and Gottshalk was returned to the monastery and then was transferred to the monastery at Orbais, where he began the study of Augustine and of Fulgentius of Ruspe. It was there he received priest’s orders. So by the age of twenty or so the powers that ran the church had several reasons to distrust him. When one of the reasons is money it may be quite difficult to earn love again. The problem was mainly this. The church had put Gottschalk’s inheritance to good use. That important someone mentioned above was indeed Louis the Pious, son of Charlemagne. Before he died, Charlemagne had divided his extensive empire into three parts, into what was to become Italy, Germany, and France. His brothers died before Charlemagne, so Louis received the empire. Louis placed his three sons over the three parts of the empire, hoping to keep the empire intact after his death. He had a great need for money because he was involved in many wars to secure his kingdom in the fracturing that followed the death of Charlemagne. The situation was further exacerbated when Louis had a fourth son, Charles the Bald, and tried to give him an inheritance by carving away land belonging to the three sons afore mentioned, the half-brothers of Charles. It was as nasty a situation as family quarrels can be. Gottschalk’s inheritance bought the church favor with Louis and the money probably purchased military support. At any rate, it would never come back to Gottschalk. It also meant that powerful figures had an interest in subduing the upstart monk. Being under a cloud by the church and under the suspicion of the civil powers, Gottschalk had to make his own way. He would not have termed it in this manner, because he soon discovered a teaching of the Scripture that had fallen out of use or understanding since the Council of Orange . It had been taught by St. Augustine [354-430] and [as Gottschalk claimed] by St. Isodore [560-636], but the church for many years had taught otherwise. The teaching that Gottschalk had rediscovered was the Apostle Paul’s doctrine of predestination. After Gottschalk this doctrine would not be revived until the Middle Ages by men such as Thomas Bradwardine, Gregory of Rimini and John Wycliffe, and later by John Huss, Martin Luther, and John Calvin. Gottschalk’s teachings on these matters fell on a most hostile soil from which bitter fruit was to grow, for hearts were very hard. After a pilgrimage to Rome and some mission work in the Balkans, Gottschalk returned to France, to meet charges of heresy from his old superior Hrabanus. Tried by the Synod of Mainz in 848, he was found guilty of teaching “double predestination,” that the elect were predestined to life and the lost passed over and predestined to damnation. Gottschalk would not have put it that way, for he believed that although predestination was single, it was twofold. He was committed to the care of his metropolitan, Hincmar of Reims. Hincmar called a synod the next year that again condemned Gottschalk. There was apparently no serious inquiry into his views, but he was degraded from the priesthood. Hincmar had him flogged almost to death. He was prohibited from contact with the outside and given a life sentence in the prison at Hautvillers. Who was this Hincmar? He had risen to power through his long friendship and support of Louis the Pious and later, Charles the Bald. A thorough sycophant and flatterer of the powerful, Hincmar obtained the powerful post of Archbishop of Reims after the disgrace of Ebbo for his support of the rebellion of the three sons of Louis against their father. When Louis triumphed, Ebbo was disgraced and Hincmar rewarded with Reims. In a letter to Hincmar, Hrabanus accused Gottschalk of the following: “The predestination of God is found in a bad person, just as it is in a good person. He also says that certain people are such in this world that, according to the predestination of God, which compels them to go into death, they cannot correct themselves from error and sin, as if God from the beginning had made them to be incorrigible and to go to destruction, subject to punishment.” Further, Hrabanus said that ignorant people were being led astray, thinking “How will it profit me to labor in the service of God? For, if I have been predestined to death, I will never escape it. But if I live badly and I have been predestined to life, I will without any doubt go to eternal rest.”2 The accusations of Hrabanus and their friendly reception by the Council of Mainz and by Hincmar are simply forms of what the Apostle Paul states as objections to his doctrine in Romans 6, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” Paul’s answer in rejecting this sophism was that the death of Christ and His resurrection secures for His people newness of life by the power of the Holy Spirit, simply because they have been predestined to conformity to the likeness of Christ (Romans 6-8). For the pious bishops to bring it forward reveals how steeped the church had become in works-righteousness. Although some voices affirming the grace of God were to be heard faintly in the years that followed, the light of the evangelical doctrine of sola gratia, “grace alone,” would not blaze forth again until the Reformation.3 Hincmar and the bishops called together at Quierzy did receive scriptural and patristic quotations from Gottschalk, some of which are touched on below, but they were not given serious consideration, for the synod simply confirmed the guilt found by the Council of Mainz. The sentence was, “We decree by episcopal authority that you be punished with severest beatings and that according to ecclesiastical regulations you be confined to a cell, lest you presume to usurp for yourselves the teaching office, we impose perpetual silence on your mouth by the power of the eternal Word.”4 Hrabanus informed Hincmar that he would no longer participate in the discussions and so Hincmar wrote to the bishop of Lyons reiterating the accusations against Gottschalk. Of course, the charges were true, for Gottschalk was indeed teaching a twofold predestination. The problem for Gottschalk was that neither church nor state had any stomach for a doctrine that exalted God and debased man. The power of emperors and prelates would be greatly diminished if such doctrine caught on. How could men be persuaded to live according to ecclesiastical mandates if their destiny was in the hands of God? What could man’s legislation count against the eternal decree of God? It is not as though Gottschalk had no company in affirming his doctrines, for he could quote St. Isidore, “Predestination is twofold, either of the elect to rest or of the reprobate to death”5 or Gregory the Great, “Looking upon some, you redeem them; abandon others, you destroy them.”6 Or St. Augustine, “If the church were to be so sure about some people that she also knew who they are, who although they are still situated in this life, have still been predestined to go with the devil into everlasting fire (Mt. 25:41), she would not pray for them, as she does not pray for the devil.” “What will he who gave these things even to those whom he has predestined to death give to those whom he has predestined to life?” “To the damnation of those whom he has justly predestined to punishment.”7 Perhaps, the kings and prelates were more concerned about the manner of Gottschalk than the substance of the controversy. Certainly, his method was logical, determined, certain and bound to offend those who had interest in being offended. The attempts, however, to cast him as sociopathic, mentally de-ranged, or demon-possessed do not hold water, as Genke illustrates. The rigor of the sentence against Gottschalk did provoke second thoughts among many even during his imprisonment and before his death. In spite of the order of silence, he was able to write letters in his defense. Hrabanus was shocked, but did nothing to curtail his writings. The ecclesiastical climate did not encourage a full examination into the theological issues, and perhaps there was no one in that age capable of grasping the issues which continue to perplex. It would be over seven centuries before that discussion would take place in the Synod of Dordt as a result of the Remonstrance. Hincmar, sometime after 861, discovered a strange entry, dated 859, in the Annals of St Bertin. As Genke and Gumerlock put it: It was a short but vexing entry: “Nicholas, the Roman pontiff, faithfully confirms and in a catholic manner determines his position concerning grace and free will, as well as concerning the truth of the twofold predestination and the blood of Christ, which was shed for all believers.” Even though Hincmar “neither heard about this from anyone else nor read it anywhere else,” in 866 begged Egilo of Sens, who made his way to Rome, to ask the Pope whether anything like that had indeed taken place, since the annals were already accessible to many. Since we are unaware of what Egilo was able to find out, the basis of that statement of Prudentius remains a subject of much controversy unto this day.8 The entry might have been made by Prudentius who had the Annals in his possession and had entered some very derogatory items about Hincmar. But it is hard to imagine that he would have invented something so inflammatory in the present environment and attributed it to the Pope. Even the Catholic Encyclopedia commends him for his accuracy in extending the Annals of St. Bertin to include the history of those times. After a monk had escaped from Hautvillers and brought an appeal from Gottschalk to Pope Nicholas, Hincmar wrote to the Pope requesting advice concerning the disposition of Gottschalk, even offering to release him if the Pope wished. Unfortunately, there appears to be no record of a reply from the Pope or any further communication to Hincmar. Pope Nicholas died in 867 and Rome became interested in other things. Gottschalk, whose name means “God’s Slave” went to his reward in 868, a much better inheritance than that wasted on Louis the Pious, fulfilling the Scripture “that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” [Acts 14:22] For the last twenty years of his life, Gottschalk was denied communion by Hincmar, who offered communion only on condition that Gottschalk deny what he had written about predestination. But the predestination controversy left Gottschalk behind and Hincmar, be-cause of his influence with the king, eventually was able to quiet the opposition.9 A number of things, perhaps, contributed to the tragedy of Gottschalk’s life. Being forced into the “holy” life, the unjust loss of his inheritance, the political/ ecclesiastical environment, the overly harsh punishment combined with his very stubborn and refractory disposition all contributed to the tragedy. Second-guessing is always easy from the distance of centuries, but it might seem to a less theological age that the whole range of lesser punishments available to Hincmar under his order might have sufficed to quiet the controversy. Predestination is certainly a biblical doctrine taught by Paul, but it is dangerous to seek to understand fully what God has hidden in his own counsel. “Little ships ought to stay near the shore,” is good advice even for great theologians. Another consideration might be found in the wise words of Solomon: Ec 7:16 “Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?” We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, and Gottschalk was perhaps not wise to challenge the great powers in church and state. Every great truth has its corresponding religious affection, and humility would seem to be compatible with God’s sovereignty and predestination. There appeared to be very little humility on either side of the controversy. Those who sided with Gottschalk appear to be motivated by enmity toward Hincmar; those on the other side had the interest of the king at heart. In due time, both the friends and enemies of Gottschalk went to their predestined end, which is known only to God, who keeps such things in His own hands. C. W. Powell serves as the Academic Dean at New Geneva Theological Seminary. 1 Inrebus.com. Gottschalk of Orbais. Retrieved October 26, 2011 from inrebus.com: http://gottschalk.inrebus.com/index.html 2 Rabanus (Hrabanus),”Letter to Hincmar on the Council of Mainz.” Cited by Victor Genke and Frank Gumerlock, Gottschalk & a Medieval Predestination Controversy, (Milwaukee, Marquette University Press, 2010) 167 3 Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Volume IV: Mediaeval Christianity. A.D. 590-1073. Retrieved October 26, 2011 from ccel.org: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/hcc4.i.xi.xvii.html 4 Hincmar, “Sentence Against the Most Stubborn Gottschalk.” Cited by Genke & Gumerlock, 169. 5 Ibid. 86. 7 Ibid. 83 8 Ibid. 53-54 9 Gregory Johnson. “A Bibliographical Review of Historiography on Gottschalk” (1999). Retrieved October 26, 2011 from Gregscouch.homestead.com: http://gregscouch.homestead.com/files/Gottschalk.html. This site has an excellent bibliography on the life and writings of Gottschalk.
No. 1: A Compendium Entry for the Journey “If someone has already experienced a version of the problem you are struggling with - wouldn’t you want to know about it? And if they figured out a way to solve it, wouldn’t you want to learn from them as soon as possible? That’s what our compendium project is all about.” Compendium - noun. Merriam-Webster, contemporary 1-A brief summary of a larger work or a field of knowledge. 2-A list of a number of items. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary, 1755 1-Abridgment; Summary; Breviate; abbreviature; that which holds much in a narrow room; the near way. 2-After we are grown well acquainted with a short system or compendium of science, which is written in the plainest and most simple manner, it is then proper to read a larger regular treatise on the subject.” Isaac Watts, Improvement of the Mind “ MakeGoodHappen with Randy Lovejoy 1-”Followers of Jesus have been adapting their faith to their lives for more than 2,000 years. Many collected and wrote down the very best advice of their day; a compendium for future generations of Christians; that we might learn from their mistakes, adapt our lives according to their successes, and go farther in our spiritual journey than they were able to do.” Etymology: enters English from the 1580s “The word compendium arrives from the Latin word compeneri, meaning "to weigh together or balance". The 21st century has seen the rise of democratized, online compendia in various fields.” -Wikipedia How It MakesGoodHappen: Benjamin Disraeli left the British parliament meeting “with a mass of papers in one hand and with his pocket-handkerchief applied to his nose.” It was 1858 and “The Great Stink” was not only crinkling the noses of the government leaders of Britain but of every Londoner trying to get on with their lives. If only the citizens of that great city had inherited a compendium of knowledge from the Minoan people who had lived 3,000 years earlier none of this would have happened. In 1500 BCE the Minoan city of Knossos served its population of 100,000 people with an elaborate system of indoor plumbing, bathtubs, the first known flush toilet, and an underground sewage system. If a book explaining this knowledge and technology had been passed on to Londoners, they could have adapted it to their own city and saved thousands of lives. 62 CE would have been a perfect time to build that underground sewage system using Knossos as a blueprint. A year earlier, in 61 CE, Boudica, the Queen of the ancient British Iceni (ai·see·nai) tribe, burned Londonium, as it was then called, to the ground. The city had to begin again from the rubble up. But at that time in history, Knossos had fallen into ruin. Its knowledge was buried deep under the sands of time. Londoners simply had no way to learn of that technology. They did improve their port facilities in the rebuild, however, and this led to expanded trade and a growing population. By the time of Queen Elizabeth I, London had the same population as Knossos did at its peak. But the English approach to sewage left a lot to be desired. A typical Londoner would awake on the second floor of their Tudor-style home, relieve themselves in their chamber pot, and pour its contents out onto the streets below. They didn’t bathe regularly so they would put the empty “Jordan,” as Shakespeare calls it in his play Henry IV, under their bed, brush off their hands and head downstairs for breakfast. Then they would walk out their front door and onto the same street that was filled with the contents of their family’s and their neighbors’ chamber pots. Life continued in London, generation after generation, without a sewage system like the Minoans. Instead, they dug 200,000 cesspools across the city. The contents of the cesspools and streets, along with the city's industrial and slaughterhouse waste, would slowly leech a key source of the city’s unfiltered drinking water, the River Thames. Just before “The Great Stink,” 10,000 citizens of London died in a cholera outbreak of 1853-1854, because of that polluted water. Then came the summer of 1858. June, July and August are generally quite pleasant in London with temperatures in the 70s. But in 1858 they moved up toward the mid-90s. The combination of heat and particulate matter in the Thames produced odors so noxious that parliament considered moving their offices to Oxford. Instead, in August of that year, they passed a bill setting aside 2.5 million pounds (between 240 million and a billion pounds today) for the construction of a new underground sewage system for the city. It would take 10 years to complete the project. The Compendium Project of RandyLovejoy.com: If someone has already experienced a version of the problem you are struggling with - wouldn’t you want to know about it? And if they figured out a way to solve it, wouldn’t you want to learn from them as soon as possible? That is what our compendium is all about. Followers of Jesus have been adapting their faith to their lives for more than 2,000 years. Many collected and wrote down the very best advice of their day; a compendium for future generations of Christians; that we might learn from their mistakes, adapt our lives according to their successes, and go farther in our spiritual journey than they were able to do. Though we live in very different circumstances than they did, their experience inspires our courage and creativity as we seek to make good happen in our contemporary lives. Each entry of our compendium will focus on words, phrases, or biographical stories that will help you take your next step. For example, Isidore of Seville left us an incredible compendium known as “The Etymologies.” Isidore lived through a tumultuous political and religious period in Spanish history. The Western Roman Empire had collapsed. In its wake, the Germanic Visigoths gained control of his homeland. The Byzantines of the Eastern Roman Empire were also trying to gain control of the region. Young Isidore’s family had to flee their native Cartagena in the chaos and Isidore lived through the murder of four successive Visigoth Kings. Yet during his lifetime, he took it upon himself to make the best knowledge of ancient Greece, Rome, and early Christianity accessible to future generations. His compendium was so successful that it was read and quoted by 7th-century Irish Monks, an 11th-century University lecturer, an Italian poet in the 14th century, and a person compiling a dictionary in the 16th century. As one expert put it, his compendium “…was arguably the most influential book, after the Bible, in the…Latin West for a thousand years.” (p. 3) There are many other compendiums we will draw from. In the 16th century, Erasmus of Rotterdam gathered more than 4,000 proverbs into a collection called The Adages of Erasmus. His motivation, well, I will let him tell you: “…when I considered the important contribution made to elegance and richness of style by brilliant aphorisms, apt metaphors, proverbs and similar figures of speech, I made up my mind to collect the largest possible supply of such things from approved authors of every sort and arrange them in its appropriate class, to make them more accessible to those who wish to practice composition with a view to securing a rich and ready diction.” -(Ep 1341A:576-82) And in the 18th century, Isaac Watts, famous for his lyricism in hymns like “Joy To The World,” also wrote two compendia entitled, Logic and Improvement of the Mind,. Both of these texts were assigned reading in schools for at least the next 100 years. Though we live in very different circumstances than these people did, their experiences inspire us to be courageous and creative as we seek to make good happen in our everyday lives. Each entry of our compendium will focus on lesser-known words, phrases, or biographical stories that will help you take your next step. The collection begins with this post. And it will grow consistently, post by post, stored alphabetically in our archive for your use as you have need. Make Good Happen with Randy Lovejoy is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
If there’s one thing that nearly all First Nations in B.C. have in common, it’s salmon. “Salmon are a foundation, a pillar, of First Nations culture in British Columbia,” says Hugh Braker, president of the First Nations Fisheries Council. “Virtually all First Nations, with the possible exception of the far northeast, rely on salmon. It plays an important part in their lives.” In recent years, however, salmon populations have been declining precipitously. Braker points to worsening climate change, overfishing and invasive species as a few of the threats to a sustainable and thriving population. “Last year, we had a horrible heat wave that took almost 600 lives in British Columbia,” says Braker. “And we still don’t know what effect it might have had on the salmon in the lakes and rivers of the province. Sockeye salmon die if the river temperatures reach 73 F, and we know that some rivers did — and rivers like the Cowichan and Chemainus dried right up in places.” There are 198 First Nations in B.C., each with its own traditional territory and needs. Prior to the FNFC, nations lacked a collective strategy for addressing their involvement in fisheries, and were often responding in isolation to government decisions that impacted their fishing or water rights. To provide a cohesive, singular voice for First Nations on fisheries issues, the First Nations Fisheries Council was created in 2006. In addition to monitoring salmon populations, Braker explains, they look at issues like water quality and climate change, track industrial development that encroaches on waterways, and follow provincial and federal environmental rules. These complex and wide-ranging issues are reviewed by the council, which has a regional model of appointed members from 14 geographic regions across the province, to ensure that the diversity of cultures and perspectives is represented. “The FNFC is an incorporated society, so we don’t have Aboriginal rights,” explains Braker. “Our role is to advise First Nations, to do the work that they direct us to do, and to inform First Nations.” When the Fisheries Act was amended in 2019, Braker says, the FNFC made sure that First Nations were informed about the effects of the proposed changes. “We facilitate discussion between the federal government, the provincial government, other organizations, and First Nations themselves,” he says. One of the important initiatives of the FNFC is Water for Fish, which looks at threats to fresh water in B.C.— including pollution, industrialization or warming temperatures. Water for Fish received the 2022 Fresh Water Land Award from the Real Estate Foundation of BC, for their work to align First Nations and organizations on freshwater policy and create equitable watershed co-governance models. “We know that there are wide-ranging issues having an effect on the fresh water. Salmon return to their natal rivers to spawn, and they need clean water for that — and water that’s cool enough for them to traverse up the river,” said Braker, adding that trout, sturgeon and other species are also impacted by the quality of fresh water. In response, the FNFC developed a research branch, led by project manager Susi Porter-Bopp, and formed what Braker calls a “water table,” which brings together appointed First Nations representatives and provincial government members. Together, they are considering how to balance the enormous pressures on water resources to balance the needs of businesses and industry, which require water to operate and sustain the B.C. economy, and First Nations communities, which require safe water to drink. “That’s a very delicate bridge to walk over,” says Braker. "In my view, they are one of the few organizations whose involvement is imperative in order to move the sustainable water-land use agenda forward, and get their mandate directly from member (not client) First Nation communities to engage in water issues,” said Deborah Curren, executive director of the Environmental Law Centre at the University of Victoria. “The FNFC represents a collective of First Nations from across the province and are ideally placed to assist at all scales with reconciling Indigenous rights alongside moving towards sustainable water use.” Since Braker joined the FNFC eight years ago, their work has only become more urgent as a result of worsening climate change. But he also points to dramatic changes in awareness. “I read yesterday that there’s a long wait for electric vehicles in B.C. If you had asked me 10 years ago about the demand for electric cars, I would have said that there is none at all,” says Braker. “I would say that all people in B.C. are more conscious about the need to help the environment.” Braker, who is from the Tseshaht First Nation on Vancouver Island, points out that all of our consumption has an effect on the environment. “When I was a kid, my dad had two chicken coops,” Braker says. “He used to sell eggs to the local markets in Port Alberni. Today, all the eggs are trucked in. Why are we polluting the planet with gasoline and diesel fuel to bring fresh papaya and strawberries — which taste awful, by the way — all the way up from California and Mexico in the middle of winter? We have to think about these things.” Braker is blunt when I ask if he’s optimistic about the direction things are heading. “No,” he says. “There still has to be considerable movement by government, industry, First Nations people and the general public. The public in B.C. needs more information. They have to understand how dire the situation is, and industry and business have to make a commitment. They have to understand that they cannot destroy the environment just for the sake of a profit. Government has to understand that they bear a burden, and a responsibility to future generations of British Columbian people, people who aren’t even born yet. They owe them a responsibility to manage the resource in a way that they will be able to enjoy it, just like we do. And we haven't gotten to any of those points yet. Hopefully the water table's gonna help us do so.” “A lot of people think that we're doing this just for First Nations, but we're not,” Braker adds. “I think it would be good for us if one of the pillars of our cultures was reinvigorated, but it's not just for us. I think it would benefit all British Columbians if there was a really healthy return of salmon happening each year, and also herring, and the other species of seafood too. This province won't be hurt, it'll benefit. We’ll all benefit from it.” This article is part of a Tyee Presents initiative. Tyee Presents is the special sponsored content section within The Tyee where we highlight contests, events and other initiatives that are either put on by us or by our select partners. The Tyee does not and cannot vouch for or endorse products advertised on The Tyee. We choose our partners carefully and consciously, to fit with The Tyee’s reputation as B.C.’s Home for News, Culture and Solutions. Learn more about Tyee Presents here.
Organics: 'same nutrition, fewer pesticides' Organic questionmark Organic foods are no more nutritious then conventional foods, but they may reduce exposure to pesticides and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a new study has found. The comprehensive meta-analysis of studies is published in this week's Annals of Internal Medicine. "The published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods," write Dr Dena Bravata, of Stanford University's Center for Health Policy, and colleagues. The researchers analysed 17 randomised clinical trials in humans and 223 studies of nutrient and bacterial, fungal or pesticide contaminant levels in foods. The duration of human studies only ranged from two days to two years and the researchers did not find any long-term studies of health outcomes of people consuming organic versus conventionally produced food. Bravata and colleagues found only one nutrient - phosphorus - to be significantly higher in organic versus conventionally grown produce. They say this has little clinical significance since few people have phosphorous deficiency. The researchers report that a limited number of studies suggested organic milk may contain significantly higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk, but they found no difference in protein or fat content levels. "Some believe that organic food is always healthier and more nutritious," says co-author Dr Crystal Smith-Spangler, also of Stanford's Center for Health Policy. "We were a little surprised that we didn't find that." The researchers say their study was limited by the fact that the studies they reviewed differed greatly in testing methods, physical factors affecting the food, such as weather and soil type, and great variation among organic farming methods. "What I learned is there's a lot of variation between farming practices," says Smith-Spangler. "It appears there are a lot of different factors that are important in predicting nutritional quality and harms." According to one UK nutrition expert, however, Bravata and colleagues' conclusions on the nutrients in organic food are flawed due to the methods they used to combine a diverse range of studies. Dr Kirsten Brandt of the Human Nutrition Research Centre of Newcastle University says the methods used by the researchers "exaggerated the variation between studies" and "drowned out" the real differences between organic and conventional foods. Brandt's own analysis published in Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences last year found organic fruit and vegetables contain up to 12 per cent more vitamins and other plant chemicals, many of which, such as antioxidants, are known to be beneficial to humans. "We have analysed pretty much the same papers," says Brandt. "In my view, for the plant nutrient data [Bravata and colleagues] basically used totally inappropriate methods for combining the data from the different studies, and if they had used correct methods, they would have found highly significant differences for most of the nutrients." Brandt says another 2010 Danish study, which found organic vegetables were no more nutritious than conventional vegetables, was too small to draw valid conclusions. Pesticide and bacterial contamination Bravata and colleagues found organic fruits and vegetables are 30 per cent less likely to be contaminated with pesticides than their conventional counterparts, although they were not necessarily 100 per cent free of pesticides. They also found children on organic diets had lower levels of pesticides in their urine, compared to those on conventional diets. But they stress all pesticide levels were below the allowable safety thresholds. Bravata and colleagues found no difference in allergic outcomes between people eating organic versus conventional foods. Nor did they find any difference in Campylobacter infection in humans eating organic versus conventional food, or Escherichia coli contamination of organic versus conventional foods. But they did find organic chicken and pork appeared to reduce exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The findings on pesticide and bacterial contamination are important from a consumer's point of view, says Liza Oates, course coordinator of Food as Medicine, Wellness & Complementary and Alternative Medicine for the Master of Wellness Program at RMIT University. "Our research shows organic consumers are more interested in what's not in their food - such as pesticides and antibiotics - than what is," says Oates, who is currently conducting a PhD in the health effects of organic diets. "Most also say that the environmental and social benefits of organic food play a key role in their decision to go organic."
Ruddy Duck (Slimbridge August 2009) The Ruddy Duck is a stiff-tailed duck from North America and the Andes of South America. The Ruddy Duck is now established in the United Kingdom from escapees and they have also widely spread across Europe. Due to the Ruddy Ducks aggressive courting behaviour and its tendency to interbreed with the native White-Headed Duck, there is a controversial scheme to extirpate the duck as a British breeding species. | Hear the Ruddy Duck's Call:- 350mm to 400mm (14" to 16") Appearance - Male The male has chestnut Brown plumage with a White face and a Black cap which extends to just below the eye and down the back of the neck. The bill is light Blue, the tail is dark Brown and the legs and feet are Blue/grey. Appearance - Female The female has Grey/Brown plumage with a dark cap, lighter cheeks with a stripe and Grey bill, legs and feet. Wetlands, Marshy Lakes and Ponds. Aquatic Plants, Insects and Crustaceans. Mid April to July. The nest is built from grass in dense vegetation near water. Quantity: 6 to 10 Colour: Off White.
Liesbeth Hesselink's project inspected domestic practices of recipe collecting and the transfer of medical knowledge in the colonial setting of the Dutch East Indies around 1900, where race, class, and gender come prominently into play. Hesselink analyzed the ambitious practices of collecting and publishing of the Indo-European Mrs. JMC Kloppenburg-Versteegh, an author of a recipe book based on indigenous medical herbs as well as of a plant atlas, both widely used by Indo-Europeans and Europeans in Java where professional Western healthcare was scarce. Introduced by her mother and local healers to the powers of indigenous plants, Mrs. Kloppenburg developed a great zeal to find, test, and exchange recipes within in broad network of non-Western and Western practitioners. An intermediary between Western and indigenous medicine, Mrs. Kloppenburg’s medical handbooks enjoyed considerable success within the Indo-European community in Java, whereas some representatives of the Western medical practices condemned her work as quackery. Regarding the colonial household as a site of production of medical knowledge and not just a recipient of European genius, Hesselink also highlighted the role of recipe collection by women in this setting. A close analysis of Mrs. Kloppenburg’s recipe collection, its use, and reception brings light to the role of indigenous practitioners in the construction of scientific medicine.
Views: 573 Author: Kevin Publish Time: 2024-01-16 Origin: Site In the digital era, the way humans interact with machines has undergone a significant transformation, thanks to the development of Human Machine Interface (HMI) technology. HMI has revolutionized the human-machine interaction by creating intuitive and efficient interfaces that allow users to communicate and control machines in a more natural and seamless manner. HMI is a technology that enables the exchange of information between humans and machines through an interface that is easy to use and understand. This technology has been widely adopted in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, and consumer electronics, to name a few. The main goal of HMI is to enhance the user experience by providing a more natural and intuitive way to interact with machines. One of the key advantages of HMI technology is its ability to simplify and streamline complex processes. By integrating user-friendly interfaces, HMI allows operators to control and monitor machines with ease, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing overall efficiency. This has proven to be especially beneficial in manufacturing environments, where operators can easily oversee the production process and make real-time adjustments as needed. Moreover, HMI technology has also played a crucial role in advancing automation and robotics. With the implementation of advanced HMI systems, machines can now be operated and monitored with greater precision, leading to increased productivity and improved safety. Furthermore, HMI has enabled the development of collaborative robots that can work alongside humans in a safe and efficient manner, opening up new possibilities for the future of manufacturing and other industries. Another significant impact of HMI technology is its role in the healthcare industry. With the advancement of medical devices and equipment, healthcare professionals can now utilize HMI interfaces to monitor and manage patient data in real time, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and treatment. This has led to improved patient outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system overall. In addition to its practical applications, HMI technology has also contributed to enhancing the consumer experience in various products and devices. From smartphones to home appliances, HMI has enabled the development of user-friendly interfaces that are intuitive and easy to navigate, making it easier for users to interact with and control their devices. Looking ahead, the future of HMI technology holds even more promise. With the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, HMI interfaces will become even more intelligent and adaptive, allowing for more personalized and seamless interactions between humans and machines. This will ultimately lead to a more connected and efficient digital ecosystem, where machines can anticipate human needs and provide a more tailored user experience. In conclusion, HMI technology has had a profound impact on human-machine interaction in the digital era. By providing intuitive and efficient interfaces, HMI has revolutionized the way humans communicate and control machines, leading to improved productivity, safety, and overall user experience. As technology continues to advance, HMI will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of human-machine interaction.
There are many species of beans in cultivation around the world, yet it is the common garden bean Phaseolus vulgaris that takes on celebrity status as National Garden Bureau’s vegetable focus for 2021. One of the earliest cultivated plants, garden beans can trace their beginnings to Central and South America. Vining or climbing beans were an original member of the “Three-Sisters”– a companion planting of the first domesticated crops of maize, winter squash, and climbing beans. These became the three main agricultural crops used for trade and food for Native North Americans. Green beans were once referred to as string beans due to the long fibrous thread along the pod seams. The first stringless green bean was developed in 1894 by Calvin Keeney who later became known as the “Father of the stringless bean”. Breeders continue to breed this stringless trait into modern genetics. Other desirable traits include dark green succulent pods, good bean flavor, concentrated fruit set, stress tolerance, and disease resistance. Basic Types of Garden Beans The common garden bean is anything but common! Green beans or ‘snap’ beans as they are also referred to come in a variety of flavors, pod shapes, sizes, and a colorful pallet including shades of green, purple, yellow, and speckled bicolors. Bush beans are the workhorse of the garden and the mainstay in the kitchen. Bush beans are compact and fit well into both small garden patches or patio containers fitted with cages. Pole beans with their vining habits and can be trained up poles, trellises, netting, or supportive structures such as a teepee. With proper support pole beans can also be grown in containers. Filet beans or Haricots Vert (French green beans) are distinguished by elegant ultra-slim pods. Due to their delicate appearance, Filet beans are gaining in popularity with foodies and chefs. Filet beans come in both bush and pole bean types. Dried or shelling beans are grown for their edible seeds rather than edible pods. Pinto beans, kidney beans, and black beans fall into this category. Varieties to Try - Seychelles – Seven to nine-foot vines produce multiple crops of 5-6″ long stringless pods with excellent flavor. Fast-growing and early-to-produce crisp delicious pods. 2017 AAS Winner. - Kentucky Blue– Produces 6-8″ dark green pods on six-foot vines with outstanding Blue Lake flavor. Can be harvested all season long. 1991 AAS Winner. - Mascotte – A gourmet compact variety perfect for today’s small space gardens. Produces long slender pods that stay above the foliage for easy harvest. 2014 AAS Winner. - Desperado – Heat and stress tolerance makes this an easy to grow and high yielder of long straight 5″ dark green pods. - Roma II – A Romano or Italian flat bean that produces an abundance of wide, flat 5″ long pods with a distinctive rich, intense, beany flavor. Bush type habit. - Amethyst Purple – A French filet bush bean that produces beautiful violet-purple, long slender stringless pods on compact plants suitable for containers and raised beds. - Gold Rush – The gold standard for yellow wax beans, Gold Rush produces clusters of straight 5-6″ long yellow pods. Pods hold well on the bush and are versatile in the kitchen. Garden Bean Growing Tips - Beans are warm-weather vegetables and are best planted after soil temperatures reach 70F. - Avoid sowing too early in the season. Cool wet soils can lead to rot. - Beans thrive with at least eight hours of daily sun, moderate fertility, and well-drained soil. - Beans have shallow roots, weed carefully to prevent damage to the root system. - Mulch the soil around the bean plants; consistent moisture results in the highest quality harvests. - Quick to mature; harvests can begin 50-60 days after sowing. - Bush beans typically grow 12 to 24 inches tall and produce harvests for about 3 weeks. - Succession sowing of bush beans every 2-3 weeks will produce delicious beans all season. - Pole beans have a long harvest season, generally lasting about six to eight weeks. - Harvest frequently to encourage pod production. - Pole beans can quickly grow a lush privacy wall around porches or patios. - Create a living fort or teepee with pole beans for a fun play space. - Yellow wax beans lack chlorophyll and will retain their beautiful golden color when cooked. - Purple beans contain anthocyanins (the purple pigment) that disappear when beans are cooked. Garden Bean Harvesting Tips - A good indication of when to harvest is to reference the days to maturity for the specific variety. Pick green beans when pods are young and tender, just before the seeds begin to swell. Beans will “snap” when you bend and break them. If they are immature, they won’t snap! - Fresh unwashed green beans should remain fresh for up to a week when stored in a reusable container or plastic bag in the refrigerator. - Versatile in culinary preparation, garden beans can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, stir-fried, grilled, or baked. For the best eating experience, cooked green beans should still have a crisp texture and an appetizing bright green color. - Green beans pair well with a variety of herbs, spices, and flavors.Parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme, a splash of lemon juice, or a pat of butter are very popular additions to bean dishes. You can’t go wrong with the simple addition of garlic and onions. There are some who swear green beans cry out for bacon bits or a dollop of bacon grease added to the cooking pot. - Green beans are bred for eating fresh or processing/preserving. Some varieties are well suited for both. Processing green beans are better able to retain their beautiful color and texture for canning, pickling, and freezing. If you look forward to gifting out jars of pickled green beans, a processing green bean will yield you the best results. For more information on this year's featured plants, visit the National Garden Bureau, which recognizes and thanks Syngenta US as author and contributor to this fact sheet. Images from the National Garden Bureau. - 'Mascotte' beans produce compact plants ideal for patio containers, window boxes or garden beds. - Pole beans grow best when given a structure to climb. This makes harvesting easier, too! - 'Custard' beans by Seminis Seeds produces long, beautiful, bright yellow pods.
Thyroid Gland & Thyroid Hormones The thyroid gland lies in the front of the neck between the skin and the voice box. It has a right and left lobe each about five centimetres in length and joined in the midline. The entire gland weighs less than an ounce (about 20 grams). Despite its small size it is an extremely important organ which controls our metabolism and is responsible for the normal working of every cell in the body. It achieves this by manufacturing the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and secreting them into the bloodstream. Iodine is an important constituent of these hormones. There are four atoms of iodine in each molecule of thyroxine, hence the abbreviation T4, and three atoms of iodine in each molecule of triiodothyronine or T3. These 2 types of thyroid hormones are easily measurable in the blood, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). For technical reasons, it is easier and less expensive to measure the T4 level, so T3 is usually not measured on screening tests. Please be clear on which test you are looking at. There continues to be some confusion among doctors, nurses, lab techs, and patients on which test is which. In particular, the "Total T3", "Free T3" and "T3 Uptake tests" are very confusing, and are not the same test. Thyroxine (T4) : This shows the total amount of the T4. High levels may be due to hyperthyroidism, however technical artifact occurs when estrogen levels are higher from pregnancy, birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy. A Free T4 (see below) can avoid this interference. T3 Resin Uptake or Thyroid Uptake : This is a test that confuses doctors, nurses, and patients. First, this is not a thyroid test, but a test on the proteins that carry thyroid around in your bloodstream. Not only that, a high test number may indicate a low level of the protein! The method of reporting varies from lab to lab. The proper use of the test is to compute the free thyroxine index. Free Thyroxine Index (FTI or T7) : A mathematical computation allows the lab to estimate the free thyroxine index from the T4 and T3 Uptake tests. The results tell us how much thyroid hormone is free in the bloodstream to work on the body. Unlike the T4 alone, it is not affected by estrogen levels. Free T4 : This test directly measures the free T4 in the blood rather than estimating it like the FTI. It is a more reliable , but a little more expensive test. Some labs now do the Free T4 routinely rather than the Total T4. Total T3 : This is usually not ordered as a screening test, but rather when thyroid disease is being evaluated. T3 is the more potent and shorter lived version of thyroid hormone. Some people with high thyroid levels secrete more T3 than T4. In these (overactive) hyperthyroid cases the T4 can be normal, the T3 high, and the TSH low. The Total T3 reports the total amount of T3 in the bloodstream, including T3 bound to carrier proteins plus freely circulating T3. Free T3 : This test measures only the portion of thyroid hormone T3 that is "free", that is, not bound to carrier proteins. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) : This protein hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland and regulates the thyroid gland. A high level suggests your thyroid is underactive, and a low level suggests your thyroid is overactive. Disclaimer : Our goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. For more details, please contact your nearest doctor.
Music is sound and sound is a vibrational frequency. Every specific note has a tone that can be defined by a specific frequency. A frequency of 1 hertz means that 1 vibration in a second. There are 7 musical notes and seven main Chakras – the energy centers starting at the base of the spine through the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with a musical note. To balance a specific chakra you would listen to the specific musical note (Hz) of that chakra. If the beej mantras are sung at the same frequencies as associated the musical note it creates a profound effect on the balancing of the chakras. Crown Chakra– this is located at the very top of the head. The color is Violet and the musical note is “B”. Third Eye chakra– This is located between the eyebrows. The color is Indigo and the musical note is “A. Throat chakra– This is located near the throat. The color is Blue and the musical note is “G”. Sacral chakra– This is located below the navel. The color is Orange and musical note is “D”. Root Chakra– This is located at the base of spine . The color is Red and the musical note is “C”.
In the context of data protection, protected health information (PHI) means: - An individually identifiable record, - created by a HIPAA 'covered entity' (typically healthcare service providers or companies that process electronic health records), - which relates to a person's health status, health care, or payments. This data is considered sensitive, and HIPAA obligates organizations to keep it secure. PHI is a subset of personally identifiable information (PII). Examples of PHI are medical records, treatment plans, diagnoses, test results, and billing information. HIPAA details standards for protecting PHI. Among other obligations, organizations are required to demonstrate adequate cybersecurity measures to prevent PHI data from leaking, as well as their ability to manage risk related to vendors and 3rd party service providers. Covered entities need to perform a risk assessment before engaging in new business with an external vendor.
The new selected expedition was the definite decision of the British Admiralty how to solve the problem of the North West Passage. Sixty-years-old commander Sir John Franklin, an experienced man from that time of Napoleon’s wars and a polar explorer as well, was the leader of the new expedition. He was always brave and energetic , honourable and humane but during the last expedition he seemed to have been a bit hesitating and he often changed his mind. H.M. ships Erebus and Terror Nevertheless the two ships Erebus and Terror, carrying 128 well trained men and feed for three years, set out on the voyage from the Thames estuary in May 1845. Before departure Franklin’s wife put the British flag (that she embroidered herself) across her husband’s legs. But it was said that it had been for corpses covering and this story may have been his destiny... The crew was very optimistic, there was no doubt about the success of the expedition. Franklin reached the area in the north west next to Greenland. Here they received other food from a supplying ship that assumed to carry their mail for relatives at home. And that was all. For the next three years there has not been any report of this expensive expedition... officers before sailing voyage from London 1845 The Admiralty worried about Franklin more and more. A new expedition under the command of J.C.Ross (the explorer of the North Magnetic Pole) set out on voyage to search Franklin. But where is Ross to begin. He spent winter in the Arctic and had re-turned under the criticism and with no success. The Admiralty resumed the search for the elite Franklin’s expedition because the British empire could not stand this loss. Thirteen vessels were looking for Franklin in the area of the Canadian Arctic in 1850. Big reward for Franklin’s rescue was offered. Franklin’s wife Lady Jane purchased Prince Albert boat to continue the search. But no evidence of the fate of Franklin’s expedition came to light. Her Majesty´s Government Reward - sir John Franklin In August the graves of three men were found on the small Beechey Island by captain Penney on his whaling ship. Ruins of stone chalet and plenty of cans were found as well. It was clear from the legends on the graves that those men died during the first winter (polar night) No message about Franklin’s intentions was found. After several years of intensive and expensive searching Franklin was missing. The Admiralty officially declared the men dead and intended to abandon the search. From the Rae’s report, based on what Eskimos saw, Terror had sunk near Adelaide island with dead men on the board and Erebus sunk near the area of the King William Island. The men who had survived, tried to get through the icy channel to the south. Later on The Eskimos found their remains near the Bachey river. Some of corpses were buried, some dead bodies were in tents or under boats. It was clear (from the remains of food) that cannibalism was the only way how to survive. The English government was shocked by the message but finally Dr.Rae was rewarded with 10 000 pounds for finding some evidence. Franklin´s death (oil painting by W. Thomas Smith) Desperate Lady Jane offered all the property for a new expedition. In 1859 a grave mound with the message of the captain of Erebus was found. That was real evidence that the expedition wintered twice. 23 men died and Sir Franklin as well (1847). But nobody knew where and why. In 1980 remains of the Breadalbane boat, that also searched for Franklin, was discovered by Sonar on the sea bottom near Beechey Island. The exhumation of three dead men found on Beechey Island was done by anthropologist A.Beattie in 1984. Well pre-served bodies had been frozen in ice for 139 years. Scurvy and wounds were not supposed to appear but there was a possibility of poisoning because of the amount of lead in the bodies. Disappearance of the Franklin’s expedition had not been clarified till now. But it is paradoxical that the search for Franklin contributed to the discovery of the north more than ever before. There were more than 30 expeditions in the Arctic. But at what price translation: Dr. Pavel Kriz • Beattie Owen, Geiger John: Buried in Ice, 1992 • Cyriax R.J.: Sir John Franklin´s Last Arctic Expedition, London 1939 • Davis, C.H.: Narrative of the North Polar Expedition. U.S. Ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis Hall Commanding. Ed. G.M. Robeson, Washington 1876 • Evans E.: British Polar Explorers, London 1946 • Huish, Robert: The North-West Passage, London 1851 • Kane, E.K.: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853,'54,'55. Philadelphia, London 1857 • Kirwan L.P.: History of Polar Exploration, London 1962 • McClintok L.: A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin, London 1859 • Neatby L.H.: Search for Franklin, New York 1971 • Shillinglaw, John Joseph: A narrative of Arctic discovery, from the earliest period to the present time, London 1850 • Simmonds, Peter Lund: Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions, London 1851 • Stefansson: Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic, New York 1945 • Wonders W.: Search for Franklin, Canadian Geographical Journal 1967 • Wright N.: Quest for Franklin, London 1959 • Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge . National Maritime Museum, London • University of Alberta-Department of Anthropology, Edmonton, Alberta • Westminster Abbey, London (pomník John Franklin) THE DISAPPEARANCE OF FRANKLIN´S EXPEDITION Vladimir Vojir´s text corrected by Optomen Television (UK) In The Disappearance of Franklin’s Expedition, we explore new revelations about a 150-year-old mystery. In 1845, the experienced, yet unstable Sir John Franklin set off in search of the North West Passage; a potentially invaluable trade route to Asia. Three years later, the first of many expeditions set out in search of the missing crew. A number of graves were eventually found, and testimonies from local Inuit revealed indisputable evidence of cannibalism. However, Franklin’s body, along with the expedition’s logs, have never been found. In 1993, an expedition led by Dr. Peter Wadhams discovered a lifeboat on Prince William Island - an area previously ignored by researchers. In a new expedition, Wadhams hopes to excavate the ship and find the missing pieces to this fascinating puzzle. In May 1845 Sir John Franklin set off in a bold new effort to search for the North West Passage. His two boats - the Erebus and Terror - carried 128 well-trained men, and enough supplies for 3 years. A brave and experienced explorer, he’d been enlisted by the British Admiralty to lead this vital new expedition due to a rapidly increasing demand for a direct trade route to Asia. At the age of 60, however, Franklin was becoming a little hesitant and unsure of himself. Even so, his crew were optimistic and they successfully reached an area to the north west of Greenland where they received supplies and mail from relatives. This was the last time that anyone heard from them, and the details of their fate still remain a mystery to this day. After three years of waiting with no news, the British Admiralty and Franklin’s wife became desperately worried and sent out the first of many search expeditions. A huge reward was offered for anyone who returned with news, but by 1850 still no evidence had been found. Finally in August 1850, the Captain of a whaling ship discovered three graves on Beechey Island. He also found the ruins of a house and it was clear that the men had spent the first winter there. Another expedition, led by Dr. Rae in 1854, learnt something of the fate of the crew from the local Inuit. In a sequence of disasters, one of the boats had sunk and the other had been forced ashore by ice. In April 1848 the surviving crew had abandoned their camp and headed south. Their exposed corpses were later discovered by the Inuit at Bachey River, and it was clear from the discarded body parts that they’d resorted to cannibalism. Later, in 1859, a new expedition funded by Franklin’s wife discovered the grave of Captain Crozier of the Terror, on King William Island. A message found there stated that Franklin and 23 other men were dead, but no one knew why or where they were. The remains of these men and the two original ships have never been found, and other than the brief message found on King William Island, all records and logs of the crew’s journey are missing. However, dramatic new evidence has emerged which may reveal the true outcome of the Franklin expedition. In recent years, many search parties have scoured the areas that Franklin’s expedition covered - from Beechey Island in the North to the Adelaide Penisula to the south of King William Island. One of these search parties, led by Dr. Peter Wadhams (former head of the Scott Polar Institute), went to Prince William Island in 1993 to investigate a shipwreck found by local Inuit. Until then, the island had been ignored, as the early searches for Franklin found that the route to the island was impassable. However, the wreck found there resembles the lifeboats carried by Erebus and Terror, and this could throw new light on the Franklin story. Dr. Wadhams believes that some of the crew must have realised the trip south was pointless, and in warmer weather, headed north in a lifeboat back towards Beechey Island. There, food was abundant and rescue far more likely. Unfortunately, it seems they became trapped on Prince William Island, and tragically never made it… sir John Franklin (1786 - 1847 nezvěstný) Jane - druhá žena Johna Franklina (1791 - 1875) Jane - druhá žena Johna Franklina (1791 - 1875) Franklinova kajuta na Erebu meetings ships Erebus and Terroron the high seas Erebus a Terror v ledové pasti cesta lodí Erebus a Terror objevení pozůstatků Franklinovy výpravy na ostrově Krále Williama pozůstatky Franklinovy výpravy pátrací lodě Enterprise a Investigator pátrací lodě Phoenix a Breadalbane remains found items u mysu Riley (1853) Franklin's expedition (1854) pozůstatky nalezených předmětů Franklinovy výpravy (1854) tělo Johna Torringtona z posádky Terroru exhumované po 139 letech na Beecheyho ostrově Dr. Beattiem John Hartnell z posádky Erebu exhumovaný Dr. Beattiem (1981) dva ze tří hrobů členů Franklinovy výpravy na Beecheyho ostrově dnes socha Johna Franklina v jeho rodném městě - Spilsby
EU could save 20% of energy consumed by changing behaviour Up to 20% of the energy consumed in the EU could be saved through behaviour change but in order to reach this, the region needs to develop effective energy efficiency policies, a new report claims. In 2010, European households consumed almost 13% more energy than two decades ago and generated 25% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, highlighting the need to encourage behavioural change amongst the 27-Member State. According to the report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) this trend must be reversed if the EU is to reach its goal of reducing primary energy consumption by 20 % by 2020. The report, Achieving energy efficiency through behaviour change: what does it take?, reviews recent studies on behaviour change and energy use. It shows that up to 20% of the energy currently consumed in the EU can be saved through a number of measures to encourage behaviour change. The report highlights several factors in order to create a change in behaviour, including designing energy efficiency policies to take into account factors that influence consumer behaviour and becoming mindful that energy infrastructure plays an active role in determining what people consider “normal” from the energy consumption point of view. “The cars we drive, the buildings we live in, the way the energy services are delivered to us, all influence the way we think about energy,” the report states. “The focus should be placed on consumption practices and how they take hold in society involving a wide range of actors,” it adds.
Success Story Predictive Maintenance Gas turbines are considered the cleanest and most efficient fossil fuel power plants. In addition, they offer an incredible variety of possible applications: from cogeneration to vehicle propulsion. Gas turbines can be a component of complex machines whose high efficiency depends on the optimal condition of the entire plant. Modern data evaluation methods can detect even the slightest changes in machine behavior. pre-warning time before critical damage occurs - During peak and medium load operation, power plants must respond quickly to fluctuations in demand in the grid. Different power levels are passed through within a short time - Due to the large power bandwidth, the characteristics of a gas turbine can vary greatly. The reactions of the plant, e.g. with regard to the vibration patterns that arise, are complex - In this case a crack in a turbine blade led to small but noticeable change in the dynamic vibration behavior - Unnoticed, this damage can lead to a break-off and thus result in a long maintenance shutdown - The aging state and maintenance history mean that each turbine develops its own unique signature, which also changes over time. - The combination of all available operational information, such as fuel flow and environmental data, as well as the manual intervention of operators, allows for better forecasts of the vibration behavior - Even the smallest deviations in behavior become visible, long before critical vibration values are reached - The early detection of damage allows a protective intervention in the operation, as well as a timely maintenance planning Carlos Ayala Jiménez Telefon: +49 1516 2 60 74 21
Can playing basketball make you taller? Many people have been asking themselves this question for a long time. I wish to answer this question by giving some scientific justification and dispelling certain myths. Let’s start by debunking the myth that playing basketball can increase your height. Debunking the Myth There is no scientific evidence to suggest that playing basketball can make you grow taller. Height is primarily determined by genetic factors and can also be influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition and overall health. While exercise, including basketball, is important for overall health and can help strengthen muscles and improve posture, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on increasing height. However, we do believe there are many benefits of basketball for kids. For example, it encourages them to be active and healthy while also building their athletic skills. So what should we focus on if we want to become taller? Let us Find Out! Into the Science For the Kids Let’s now discuss science! Well, playing basketball does make you taller, to put it simply. In the case of kids, playing basketball can make you taller for two main reasons, thus this claim is a little deceptive. The height-weight ratio is the first factor; the heavier a person gets, the more likely it is that they will lose height as they get older (due to loss of cartilage). Younger athletes who lack substantial muscular mass or who are still fitting into their bodies will therefore gain height. The second reason is that playing basketball causes the bones in your feet and ankles to develop. Your calves will grow bigger as a result, and your bones will grow faster than usual (kind of like weight-lifting). Another essay from NBA players claims that “Your body is still developing when you are young. Young basketball players must therefore continue to exercise throughout their adolescent years in order to get taller.” The last argument I want to make is that practicing basketball does increase your balance and vertical leap (two things needed for jumping). A study from ExRx.net, however, found that “Vertical jump height diminishes after roughly age 25 because of a reduction in suppleness and smooth muscle tissue.” In other words, when you are younger, you will be able to jump higher. For the Adults There are several significant distinctions in how playing basketball can make you taller for adults. The first is that an adult will stop growing if they still have cartilage. As a result, individuals who play basketball for an extended period of time risk losing their current height because muscle growth prevents their cartilage from developing to its full capacity. Adults have already reached their full height, which is the second justification. In light of the second argument, playing basketball does not increase your height relative to your age group—in fact, it may even decrease it! Should I then play basketball? Absolutely! It’s a fantastic method to stay fit and active while practicing crucial motions like leaping, balancing, etc. I would advise playing for brief intervals if you are not in your teens or twenties to prevent losing the height you already have. Can I play Basketball if I am Shorter than an NBA Player? The average height of an NBA Player is about six feet, seven inches tall. Hence, if you are anything below six feet we would recommend not pursuing a career in basketball. The reason is that as a shorter individual, it will be harder for you to score and rebound the ball due to your size. Basketball is for everyone! Whether you are a teen or even an adult and want to play for fun, go ahead! You can still benefit from the physical activity of playing basketball while also enjoying it as a recreational sport. Basketball Can Make You Shorter! Just like the question on if basketball makes people grow taller, it must be repeated that Basketball does not, according to scientific research, make you shorter. Likewise, although environmental factors like diet and general health might have an impact, genetics play a major role in determining height. Basketball is a great form of exercise that can help with posture and muscle strength. But, it is unlikely to have an effect on height loss. Nonetheless, it should be noted that owing to jumping, landing, and other physical activities during games or practices, certain basketball players may temporarily feel spinal compression. After a game or practice, this spinal compression can cause athletes to measure slightly shorter, but their height should quickly return to normal. So yes basketball can make someone shorter, BUT only for a short moment than they were before! Basketball can also lead to back problems and knee injuries which are all reasons why people lose height too. That’s why basketball players need to keep their form and technique correct when exercising to avoid any potential injuries. Can I Increase my Height in Any Other Way? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. While there are many things in life that might slightly affect your height, such as nutrition and genetics, basketball cannot help you grow taller through adulthood. You can, however, train your children to enjoy basketball so they stay active and healthy throughout their lives! As previously mentioned, nutrition is one of the factors that might affect your height throughout adulthood. According to the website Can I Grow, “Poor nutrition or a lack of important vitamins and minerals can increase the risk of becoming shorter as you grow older.” In other words, if your body is not getting all of its nutrients from food during childhood and adolescence (when people are growing), then it will not have the proper energy to complete the process of growing taller. Although genetics play a major influence in determining height, a person’s maximum height can be maximized by good nutrition and other environmental circumstances. The following nutrients are crucial for encouraging healthy growth: - Protein: Building and repairing tissues, such as bone and muscle, depend on protein. Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy goods, beans, and legumes are all excellent sources of protein. - Calcium: Calcium is essential for the development of healthy bones and teeth. Dairy products, leafy greens, tofu, almonds, and fortified meals are all excellent sources of calcium. - Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and can facilitate calcium absorption. Light from the sun, fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified meals are all excellent sources of vitamin D. - Vitamin A: Vitamin A aids in the creation and growth of bones. Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and other leafy greens are good sources of vitamin A. - Zinc: Zinc is necessary for normal development and growth. Meat, seafood, legumes, and nuts are good sources of zinc. A balanced diet that includes a range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is crucial in addition to these nutrients. Healthy growth and development can also be supported by drinking plenty of water and exercising frequently. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional or certified dietitian for individualized dietary guidance on height growth. There is also evidence that genetics can affect your height; if you are born with genes for short stature, then it will be more difficult to grow taller even through basketball (or anything else). If this sounds like you or someone in your family has a history of being shorter than average as an adult, then you should probably not play basketball so you do not lose what height your body already has. Stretching and Posture could help! The website Healthy Living suggests stretching exercises as a way to increase height. They also recommend wearing shoes that fit properly and not slouching down when you’re sitting or standing up straight (Healthy Living). Playing basketball can increase your height during childhood and adolescence, but it might decrease your height as an adult. If you are thinking about how to become taller in adulthood, I would recommend consulting a doctor or nutritionist instead of going through the trouble of finding out if basketball will affect your height. Thanks for reading our blog post about whether or not playing basketball makes you taller! I hope that the scientific reasoning was useful in forming an argument as well as debunking some misconceptions about if basketball can help improve height. Please feel free to leave any comments and questions below.
Australia pledges cash to help save the koala Australia unveiled on Monday a US$34 million plan to help bring its koala population back from the brink, following a rapid decline in the furry marsupial's fortunes. The Australian Koala Foundation estimates there may be as few as 43,000 koalas left in the wild, down from a population believed to number more than 10 million prior to European settlement of the continent in 1788. "Koalas are a national treasure," said Gladys Berejiklian, premier of New South Wales state, in announcing her government's conservation plan. "It would be such a shame if this nationally iconic marsupial did not have its future secured." Habitat loss, dog attacks, car strikes, climate change and disease have taken their toll on one of Australia's most recognisable animals. Studies show a 26 percent decline in the koala population in New South Wales over the last 15-20 years. The state lists the species as "vulnerable", while in other parts of the country they are effectively extinct. Under the Aus$45 million plan, thousands of hectares will be set aside to preserve the marsupial's natural habitat. Funds will be used to tackle diseases ravaging koala populations, including chlamydia—which causes blindness, infertility and death in the species. Cash has also been earmarked for research, roadkill hotspot upgrades and a new hospital to care for sick and injured koalas. A hotline will also be set up to report koalas in trouble. The move follows an independent report in late 2016 that recommended a clearer strategy to deal with the population decline. © 2018 AFP
There is something quintessentially American about Orville and Wilbur Wright's historic achievement at Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903. They worked independently, as most American heroes have done. Their intense preoccupation with their airplane was fueled not by economic necessity -- income they already had, from their bicycle business -- but mostly from their imaginative determination to cross one of the last technological barriers to human flight- stability in the air. The Chronology and Flight Log presented here were collected and published by the Library of Congress in 1971 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Orville Wright. The Wright brothers quest for powered flight spanned many years and took them many thousands of miles from their home in Dayton, Ohio. The Flight Log and Chronology have been assembled here from the Wright's own records and those of their contemporaries. The Wright story did not end on December 17, 1903 with Wilbur's flight of 120 feet on the sands of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina; but grew as they took their invention to Europe. Their demonstrations of the 'Wright Flying Machine' brought their accomplishment to the World scene in a way that truly marked the beginning of a new era. The Chronology captures the excitement of these times in the words of the men and women who experienced them.
Cattle is the biggest source Protein for people living in UgandaIts production extends from the northeast to the southwest along what is known as the “cattle corridor”. However, as in other tropical and subtropical regions of the world, Tick infestation They significantly affect the health and production of livestock, with a negative impact on the economy and welfare of Ugandan livestock keepers. On the other hand, to combat ticks and the diseases they transmit, it is common Use of chemical insecticides, which pollute the environment and to which tick resistance increases. Thus, vaccine research and biotechnology development are a priority in countries such as Uganda. Scientists from the Health and Biotechnology Research Group (SaBio) at the Fishing Resources Research Institute (IREC – CSIC, UCLM, JCCM), in collaboration with the National Livestock Research Institute (NaLIRRI/NARO, Uganda) and the Basque Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Close), they have developed Vaccine formulation Which combines tick antigens and fungi antigens. Specifically, Subolesin (SUB, also known as 4D8) is a tick antigen that has shown efficacy in vaccine formulations to control ectoparasites and infection/transmission of pathogens. Uganda is a country particularly afflicted with diseases transmitted by ticks to livestock For its part, recent research conducted by the IREC SaBio Group in collaboration with Neiker, the Veterinary Health Surveillance Center (Visavit) of the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Córdoba, among others, show that heat-inactivated (IV) fungal bacteria are potent activators of so-called non-specific ‘trained immunity’. After some proofs of concept, the Researchers carried out in Uganda A controlled trial using an oral formulation combining SUB and inactivated mycobacteria (SUB + IV) to control cattle tick infestations. The efficacy of the SUB + IV (E) vaccine in the tick life cycle was compared with IV and SUB alone and with unvaccinated controls. The maximum efficacy for controlling infestation with different ticks was for the combination SUB + IV (E > 95%). In addition, protection is also found using each of the products separately. Results of antibody titers and serum levels of biomarkers associated with protection confirmed the results and showed Activation of multiple immune mechanisms. These results are derived from extensive collaboration between Grupo SaBio of IREC and NaLIRRI/NARO of Uganda, and contributed to the R&D projects MYCOTRAINING (SBPLY/19/180501/000174), of the Junta Regional Plan of the Junta de Castilla de La Mancha, and BIOGAL (PID2020-116761). GB-I00), from the National Research and Development Plan. The results of this work as a whole Support the application of oral vaccine formulations With SUB + IV for tick control in livestock to improve animal health and reduce reliance on tick pesticides, suggesting the potential use of combination oral vaccines for the concurrent control of various endemic diseases. “Award-winning zombie scholar. Music practitioner. Food expert. Troublemaker.”
Swearing was long dismissed as a serious research topic since it was assumed to be simply an indication of aggression, weak command of the language, and even low intelligence. Now we’ve loads of evidence that challenges this view, leading us to reconsider the character and power of swearing. Whether we’re fans of swear words or not, a lot of us are prone to resort to them on occasion. To estimate the ability of swear words and discover where it comes from, we recently conducted a review of greater than 100 scholarly articles from different disciplines on the subject. Impact in several areas The study, published within the scientific journal Lingua, shows that the usage of taboo words can profoundly affect the way in which we expect, act and relate to one another. People often associate cursing with catharsis, the discharge of strong emotions. Nonetheless, it’s undeniably different and stronger than other types of language use. Interestingly, for speakers of multiple language, catharsis is nearly all the time more incredible when cursing in the primary language than in any later learned language. Cursing arouses emotions. This might be measured in various signs, reminiscent of increased sweating and sometimes an increased heart rate. These changes suggest cursing may trigger the “fight or flight” function. Neuroscience research suggests that swearing could also be situated in several regions of the brain than other speech regions. Specifically, it might activate parts of the “limbic system” (including the basal ganglia and amygdala). These deep structures are involved in features of memory and emotion processing, that are instinctive and difficult to inhibit. This may occasionally explain why swear words can remain intact in individuals who have suffered brain damage and have difficulty speaking consequently. Laboratory experiments also show cognitive effects. For instance, we all know that swear words attract more attention and are higher remembered than other words. But additionally they interfere with the cognitive processing of other words/stimuli, so it seems that swear words can sometimes interfere with considering as well. This may occasionally repay, a minimum of sometimes. For instance, cursing has produced pain relief in experiments requiring people to dip a hand in ice water. In these studies, vocalizing a swear word results in greater pain tolerance and the next pain threshold than neutral words. Other studies have found increased physical strength in people after cursing. But cursing not only influences our physical and mental being but in addition affects our relationships with others. Research in communication and linguistics has shown quite a lot of distinctive social purposes of swear words, from expressing aggression and causing offense to enhancing social bonds, humor, and storytelling. Swear words may even help us manage our identities, show intimacy and confidence, and increase attention and dominance over other people. The underside line Despite having such a remarkable effect on our lives, we currently know little or no about where swear words get their power. After we hear a swear word in an unfamiliar language, it appears like some other word and can produce none of those results. There may be nothing particular in regards to the sound of the word itself that’s universally offensive. So, the ability doesn’t come from the words themselves. But, likewise, it will not be inherent within the meanings or sounds of the words: neither euphemisms nor similar-sounding words have such a profound effect on us. One explanation is that “aversive conditioning,” the usage of punishment to forestall further swearing, generally occurs during childhood. This may occasionally establish a visceral connection between language use and emotional response. While this hypothesis sounds correct, it is barely weakly evidenced in a handful of studies investigating memories of childhood punishment for swearing. There are almost no empirical studies of the links between such memories and adult responses to swearing. To know why swearing profoundly affects us, we want to research the character of individuals’s memories of swearing. What were their significant incidents with swearing? Did swearing all the time bring unpleasant consequences, reminiscent of punishment, or were there advantages also? What about people’s continuing experiences of swearing throughout life? In spite of everything that, our research shows that swearing can sometimes help people bond with one another. We predict it might be possible that swearing shows an identical pattern of memory as music: we remember and like best the songs we heard during adolescence. That’s because, like music, cursing possibly takes on new meaning in adolescence. It becomes a meaningful approach to reply to the extraordinary emotions we are likely to have during this time and an act that signals independence from parents and reference to friends. Subsequently, swear words and songs used during this time can develop into eternally linked to meaningful and memorable experiences. Research must also examine whether there may be a link between memories of cursing and the results observed within the experiments. This might show that individuals with more positive memories respond in another way than those with negative memories. A final point to contemplate is whether or not cursing will begin to lose its power if it becomes more socially acceptable and, subsequently, will probably be devoid of its offensive character. For now, nevertheless, it indeed stays a slip-up.
Importance of Clean Fuel for Diesel Engines The latest generation diesel engines are engineered to maximize reliability, power output and fuel efficiency, but the critical factor in attaining these performance standards is fuel quality. The most sophisticated diesel powerplants can fall victim to unexpected and often costly shutdowns due to substandard fuel. Separ filters are designed to safeguard fuel quality in order to ensure diesel engine reliability for power generation, agriculture, construction, transportation and marine applications. The most common causes of fuel-related issues are water and particulate matter in the fuel. In addition to reduced performance or engine failure, these contaminants can damage engine components. There are Multiple Scenarios Leading to These Contaminants in Fuel Systems: - Water formation due to condensation, especially in fuel tanks that are not regularly topped off; excessive air space in fuel tanks can lead to condensation caused by temperature changes - Water formation due to high humidity - Damaged fuel tanks; leaks can allow moisture to migrate into the fuel - "Old" fuel - Fuel obtained from unreliable sources or from damaged tanks Practice Fuel Management to Improve Fuel Fuel management in the form of maintaining fuel quality by removing water and particulate, ensuring fuel systems and tanks are in good condition and topping off fuel tanks leads to lower engine maintenance costs and increased powerplant reliability; in summary, it keeps engines running. Separ filter systems are engineered to ensure ISO-rated fuel quality. Removing the contaminants from the diesel is the most effective solution to fuel-related problems. Separ systems provide staged filtration to trap and remove water and other contaminants before they can reach the engine. In addition to ensuring uninterrupted power, this approach has the additional benefit of prolonging the life of the engine-mounted filters.
Anti-Blackness is defined as a two-part formation that both voids Blackness of value, while systematically marginalizing Black people and their issues. The first form of anti-Blackness is overt racism. Here we see structural and systemic racism predetermining the socioeconomic status of Blacks in this country. This structure is held in place by anti-Black policies, institutions, and ideologies. The second form of anti-Blackness is the unethical disregard for anti-Black institutions and policies. This disregard is the product of class, race, and/or gender privilege certain individuals experience due to anti-Black institutions and policies. This form of anti-Blackness is protected by the first form of overt racism. Data from 2020 shows that Anti-Black hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019. The Cook County United Against Hate logo has been reimagined for Black History Month. You are invited to download this symbol and share it widely! Resources Against Racism What's wrong with saying "all lives matter"? ABC10 anchor Chris Thomas explains. BlackLight provides resources to help you become more familiar with the Black Experience in the United States. These activities cover a wide range — conversations amongst friends, watching videos, listening to radio and podcasts, listening to key voices on social media. In just an hour each day, or a day each week, you can engage in these activities to help you think about and reflect on your role and understanding of the Black Experience in America. This toolkit was created to collate, condense and share the lessons we have learned in ensuring that our direct actions are centered on healing justice. This toolkit is a beta version; it will develop in real time as we continue to uncover the implications for healing justice in our organizing. We extend our gratitude to the BLM Healing Justice Working Group and all the chapter members who shared your insights, your innovations and your struggles to support our shared knowledge. This guide is written to serve as a starting point for how non-Black people of color can engage in conversation regarding the anti-Blackness within respective communities. Project Implicit was founded in 1998 by three scientists – Dr. Tony Greenwald (University of Washington), Dr. Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University), and Dr. Brian Nosek (University of Virginia). Project Implicit Health (formerly Project Implicit Mental Health) launched in 2011 and is led by Dr. Bethany Teachman (University of Virginia) and Dr. Matt Nock (Harvard University). The mission of Project Implicit is to educate the public about bias and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the internet. Project Implicit scientists produce high-impact research that forms the basis of our scientific knowledge about bias and disparities. When and how to be explicit about race is still controversial, even in the racial equity field. It is critical to be able to showcase and explain not just racial disparities but also the full narrative on why and how these disparities came to be in place. This section discusses the dangers of not talking about race, provides tools on how to share stories and also provides information about the role of implicit bias. Understanding the roots of racism helps explain patterns of inequity and structural racism that persist. This understanding also sheds light on how the systems are intended to control certain populations, and how to find entry points to disrupt the entrenched thinking and design. Resources in this section provide examples of strategies that people have used to directly address cultural racism – that is, the representations, messages and stories that create and maintain positive and negative assumptions about racial and ethnic groups, and the role of structural racism and privilege in creating and maintaining racial inequities – and to create new narratives. Narrative is defined as a collection of related stories that are articulated and refined over time to represent a central idea or belief, according to ReFrame, a communications firm focused on empowering social campaigns to win. White supremacy and anti-Blackness exist at all levels of society, from institutions to systems to individuals. That means that anti-racism work is also internal work, requiring us to recognize, understand, and un-learn implicit biases that reinforce oppressive paradigms. The Shriver Center has compiled a non-comprehensive collection of readings, research, and tools to help guide an understanding of the history of racism and structural racism, as well as the ways to dismantle systems and become an anti-racist individual and institution. The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) launched the Vision for Black Lives, a comprehensive and visionary policy agenda for the post-Ferguson Black liberation movement, in August of 2016. The Vision, endorsed by over 50 Black-led organizations in the M4BL ecosystem and hundreds of allied organizations and individuals, has since inspired campaigns across the country to achieve its goals. The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) formed in December of 2014, was created as a space for Black organizations across the country to debate and discuss the current political conditions, develop shared assessments of what political interventions were necessary in order to achieve key policy, cultural and political wins, convene organizational leadership in order to debate and co-create a shared movement wide strategy. Under the fundamental idea that we can achieve more together than we can separately. Anti-Blackness is pervasive and implicit, and Black children and adults continue to be put on trial for our own murders. The perceptions of Black people and Blackness in America, and globally, have resulted in the refusal to acknowledge the unique cultural contributions of Black people. Moreover, they perpetuate prejudice, deadly policing, racist legislation, and interpersonal violence. Trayvon Martin’s death sparked a movement. #TrayvonTaughtMe allows us to capture how he and the movement changed all of our lives.
If you have a stomach ulcer — also known as a peptic ulcer — you probably know that eating can make your ulcer pain worse. But did you know that pain is caused by acid produced in your stomach, not by the type of food you eat? Chocolate, sugar or fruits are all the same to an ulcer. "The type of food you eat has no effect on a stomach ulcer. There is no evidence that sweets or any other food causes an ulcer or makes an ulcer worse," says Brooks Cash, MD, division director, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Video of the Day Read more: What Can I Eat and Drink with a Peptic Ulcer? What Causes Peptic Ulcer Pain? An ulcer in your stomach is a gastric ulcer and an ulcer in your small intestine is a duodenal ulcer, according to the American College of Gastroenterology. The two most common causes of peptic ulcers are a bacterial infection called H. pylori and medications like Advil or Motrin, known as NSAIDs. "NSAIDs and H. pylori both cause the protective mucous layer in your stomach or upper intestine to deplete, and that allows acid produced in your stomach to create an ulceration," Dr. Cash says. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), peptic ulcer pain is dull or burning pain between your belly button and your breastbone. Ulcer pain may be worse when your stomach is empty. It may get worse after you eat or it may get better after you eat. "Peptic ulcer pain depends on the type of ulcer you have. If you have a gastric ulcer, any food you eat may stimulate acid production in your stomach and make your pain worse. If you have a duodenal ulcer, food you eat may trigger your pancreas to secrete bicarbonate into your upper intestine. Bicarbonate is natural antacid, so eating may make your pain better," Dr. Cash says. What Is the Best Ulcer Diet? NIDDK says that diet and nutrition do not play a role in ulcer disease. In the past, people drank milk to sooth ulcer pain, but today we know that milk or any other food does not cure an ulcer or reduce ulcer pain. Three things that you should avoid are NSAIDs, smoking and drinking alcohol. Even though sweets do not affect ulcers, everyone should limit adding sugar to their diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Too much sugar will not cause ulcers but it can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You should check labels on all your foods and beverages for calories from sugar and avoid adding sugar to your food. For an average American adult, the limit for sugar is about 200 calories per day. Manage Your Ulcer Disease The Cleveland Clinic says lifestyle changes and medications are the best way to manage peptic ulcer disease. You should stop smoking and avoid alcohol. You should also avoid NSAID medications. NSAIDs include over-the-counter pain and fever medications like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not an NSAID and is a better option. The Cleveland Clinic says that two medications are most important for managing peptic ulcer disease. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) reduce stomach acid enough to let an ulcer heal. Antibiotics prescribed by your doctor may be needed if you test positive for the bacteria H. pylori. If you have peptic ulcer disease, let your doctor know if you have ulcer pain. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting or feeling bloated. The most important symptom to watch out for is bleeding. Bleeding from an ulcer can be dangerous. Always let your doctor know if you vomit blood or have dark, tarry stools. Bleeding can also be slow and unnoticed, so let your doctor know if you have symptoms of anemia caused by slow bleeding such as tiredness, pale skin or shortness of breath, says the American College of Gastroenterology. - American College of Gastroenterology: "Peptic Ulcer Disease" - Brooks D. Cash, MD, division director, Hepatology, and Nutrition, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: "Peptic Ulcers (Stomach Ulcers)" - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Know Your Limit for Added Sugars" - Cleveland Clinic: "Peptic Ulcer Disease: Management and Treatment" Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.
As someone who has spent nearly all his life in rural Tennessee, I understand how the emotions stemming from the Civil War continue to impact and influence our present times. There remains a prideful zeal among Confederate descendants throughout the area. Observing a rebel battle flag whipping in the wind is commonplace in my town, and other Confederate signage is visible on a daily basis. Although I’m a descendant of Confederate veterans, the allure and adoration of the Southern cause has never attracted me. Well over a century-and-a-half following the Civil War, it is easy to determine that the Confederacy was severely flawed, and no singular misgiving could be greater than that of slavery. Former South Carolina Governor and Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has recently found herself at the center of this racial-related controversy. A few weeks ago, Haley failed to mention slavery as a major factor leading to the Civil War. A short time later, the Republican Presidential candidate then claimed the United States has never been a racist country. Both remarks by Haley showcase a particular deafness on race relations in the country, specifically pertaining to the history of the country. While Haley does demonstrate a degree of factual unawareness, it is important to note that her comments stem from a historical movement to refurbish the Southern image following the Civil War. Shortly after General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox, one of Lee’s trusted generals, Jubal Early, worked to position the Confederacy in a more positive light following the war. Early was a well-educated lawyer and a talented writer who was able to tackle the monumental task of framing the South’s plight in a heroic fashion. Early’s post-war mission is often known as the Lost Cause theory. A bachelor through life, Early is an excellent symbol of the defiant and proud Confederate. The native Virginian was dubbed “Bad Old Man” by Lee for his surly and onery demeanor. As history tells us, Early was the only man allowed to curse in front of Lee, which certainly helped him earn the nickname. Early was the living and seething embodiment of the rebel spirit. He remained wholly uninterested in being pardoned following the conflict’s conclusion and was even more disgusted by the thought of Reconstruction. With Lee having surrendered and Confederate President Jefferson Davis on the run and then detained, Early traveled around North America, including Mexico, Cuba, and Canada, putting pen to paper and justifying the South and their actions. He was the forerunner in defending the South and ensuring that history books would have a Southern perspective. The most egregious part stemming from Early’s effort is the minimization of slavery. Despite the attempts to depict slavery as whistling and content black folks working happily in a field, the truth remains that it was a barbaric and cruel practice that should be remembered as such. Slavery was not a benign system; rather, it kept people in bondage due to the color of their skin. Despite voices to the contrary, slavery was the solid foundation of the Confederacy and the major factor leading to the Civil War. In fact, Article IV in the Constitution of the Confederate States enshrines slavery and states that it must be “recognized and protected.” Furthermore, Confederate Vice President, Alexander Stephens, delivered a speech justifying rebellion and stating, “…the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition.” Simply put, this evidence clearly leads one to believe slavery was a primary cause leading to the Civil War. Many facets of the Civil War, specifically regarding slavery, have the rightful tendency to elicit emotional responses, and Haley has received plenty of backlash for her comments. Over the past several years, many have seen Haley boasts an undoubtedly impressive political résumé, but there is a general failure to recognize the country’s history. While she has ambitious political aspirations moving forward, she appears to have subscribed to the alternate history presented by Early and an unwillingness to recognize truths regarding slavery and race. The native South Carolinian not recognizing a major contributing factor towards the Civil War when the first shots of the conflict occurred less than two hours from her hometown is surely alarming. Moreover, Haley, defiantly claiming we have never been a racist country, is countered with a historical record dating back to the initial ratification of the United States Constitution. Whether examining the three-fifths compromise, the Dred Scott decision, Jim Crow laws, or the thousands of lynchings that have occurred, it is clear that our country has had consistent and serious issues with race. Haley has been overcome with an editing of history that is simply not accurate. While some of this can be attributed to Jubal Early taking the initiative post-Civil War to whitewash the reasoning behind the conflict, there is no valid reason for Haley to believe our country hasn’t had significant issues with slavery and race. If Haley wishes to lead the entire country, I recommend she familiarize herself with the history of the nation. Although some of our past is turbulent and harsh, it is important to recognize our shortcomings so as not to relive them. Seth James Campbell is from Columbia, Tennessee and is an educator. He also runs Hound Dog Holler Animal Rescue. He has degrees from Columbia State Community College, University of Tennessee, and Trevecca Nazarene University. He can be reached at [email protected].
Mindfulness Meditation is one of the most effective things you can do to cope with depression Depression is more than feeling sad. It common and serious mental health illness that adversely affects the way you feel, think, and act. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions worldwide. WHO reports that over 264 million people globally suffer from some form of depression. The Depressed Brain Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. While the psychological effects of depression are well known, depression also has the potential to affect the physical structure of the brain. Physical changes range from chemical imbalances to inflammation and actual shrinking. As neurons in the brain shrink, it can result in difficulty in concentrating and memory loss. It can also make completing familiar tasks difficult, and in turn lead to hopelessness, guilt, and anxiety. A depressed brain has troubling controlling moods and emotions, especially negative emotions. It makes you more vulnerable to stress and anxiety and impacts impulse control. Since depression can inflame the brain, it causes chemical imbalances and lowers functionality, leaving you feeling tired, sad, confused, restless, and anxious. Depression also restricts the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. This can make you feel like you have low energy and make you lose interest in activities you previously enjoyed. Using Mindfulness and Meditation to Cope with Depression Mindfulness and meditation can help retrain the brain to regulate emotions, control moods, and restore the brain’s chemical balance. The main triggers of depression are usually stress and anxiety. Meditation can help to alter those feelings and thoughts by training your brain to focus on one thing. When you feel negative moods and emotions, the brain returns to that focus point, allowing those negative emotions to pass. Restoring Control and Regulating Emotions with Mindfulness Mindfulness is a type of meditation, wherein you focus your awareness on your feelings, thoughts, and sensations in the present moment without judgment. The idea is to be completely present in the now and notice what you are feeling without trying to interpret, understand, or judge those feelings. Mindfulness can teach you to retrain your brain. It can not only help you gain back control over your brain's abilities but also regulate emotions by offering improved clarity in stressful situations. It can also increase attention and improve memory. Since a strong focus or attention is one of the central aspects of mindfulness meditation, it’s not surprising that meditation can improve cognitive skills, concentration, and memory. Rewiring your Brain and your Thoughts with Meditation Meditation is an active training of the mind that can help you change the way you think. Studies show that meditation can help the brain to recover more quickly from emotional situations as well as tame negative emotions more easily. Moreover, meditation also protects the brain’s hippocampus. While depression shrinks the hippocampus, daily meditation (even for just 30 minutes) can increase the volume of grey matter in the brain. As the hippocampus returns to its normal size, people with depression are more able to control their emotions and moods and become less vulnerable to negative thoughts, low self-esteem, and feelings of restlessness and worthlessness. Meditation calms the mind and nerves. Studies show that meditation reduces mind-wandering activity in the brain. Distracting thoughts are usually associated with being less happy and worrying about the past and future. When you meditate, you are able to ignore such negative sensations of worry, stress, and anxiety. People with depression may want to limit social interactions. Mindfulness meditation is known to reduce social anxiety disorder, which can help them to meet people that can bring them joy. Instead of trying to eliminate sadness and anxiety, mindfulness and meditation aim to rewire and retrain the brain so that you change the way you think and experience negative emotions. Depression is a mental health disorder that reduces the brain’s functionality relating to memory and mood. There are clear differences between a healthy brain and a depressed brain. But meditation and mindfulness can help bridge the gap and revert a depressed brain to its original capabilities. Meditation techniques like body-scan meditation, love-kindness meditation, and visualization can help you process negative emotions, build back your confidence and focus on positivity.
Level: F.A / F.Sc Class: 1st Year Board: Punjab Textbook Board Book III: Plays & Poems Poem 12: Rubaiyat Type: Summary & Short Questions Author: Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal PDF Size: 1 MB This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics i.com first year students. The poem Rubaiyat mainly addresses Muslims. The poet believes that man in the modern age lacks faith and conviction. People are selfish and worldly-wise. They do not have belief in religious, cultural and social values. Thus they are completely lost. Only faith can elevate their personality. Without faith people become slaves of temptations and worldly gains. The poet believes that we need faith of Abraham (may peace be upon him). He was thrown in fire but he was saved by his faith. He also believes that the Muslims harmony depends upon the true faith in. Islam. Ethnic and linguistic factors divide them, but religion unites them. They should not look towards faithless Europe for attaining dignity and honour. Ironically, however, Muslims are also unable to lead the world. Their soul is without real feelings. They are disorganized and disillusioned. Thus they cannot provide comfort to others. Why is faith so vital for the modern age? In the present era people have become slaves of their own desires. Only faith can liberate them from this slavery.
We live in an era where trustworthy facts about climate change are becoming increasingly crucial, but also frequently undermined by miscommunication and the spread of fake news. These days, how certain can scientists be that their work is reaching the public, and informing their opinions accurately? A group of researchers recently explored this issue by surveying the European public about their impressions of the marine impacts of climate change, to gauge how well-informed people are on the subject. Their study, published in Frontiers in Marine Science, revealed that while Europeans are generally well-informed on marine issues, they lack understanding about specific climate change threats, such as ocean acidification. The study incorporated responses from 10,000 citizens hailing from 10 European countries, making it the most comprehensive review of its kind, to date. It included people living both on coastlines and inland, and was split into five main sections that variously covered participants’ awareness of and concern about particular marine threats, their climate change literacy, and the organisations they trusted most to provide them with accurate information. What emerged was a patchwork picture of people’s environmental awareness, where the appreciation of climate impacts on the sea ranked surprisingly low. When participants were asked to describe what they believed to be the most prominent marine issues, pollution and overfishing had some of the highest rankings–two problems that, while important, aren’t directly related to climate change. In fact, only four percent of the 10,000 participants explicitly mentioned climate change as a concern–although related issues like sea level rise and melting sea ice were raised. The study also revealed specific knowledge gaps that the researchers found particularly worrying. People largely admitted that they had limited understanding of ocean acidification–one of the central climate change threats facing the sea and its species. And thirty percent of respondents–who ranked themselves well-informed–nevertheless believed sea temperatures have already risen by more than 2° C, a scenario that will actually only become a reality in 2100 if we don’t curtail greenhouse gas emissions. These results suggest that science isn’t effectively filtering down to properly inform the public on these issues, the researchers say. That’s a concern also because inaccurate perceptions of the threats facing the sea could detract attention and support from issues that deserve it most. Indeed, the study also showed a clear link between participants’ awareness of particular issues and those they deemed worthy of support. When asked which marine issues they thought should be the focus of policies and research, 57% said marine pollution. The next major priority was overfishing. One hopeful signal was that participants did rank governments’ climate commitments as a priority too. The findings also produced some useful cross-population insights on how best to frame and target science communication. Participants across the region said television and the Internet were their preferred news sources, and also showed a clear preference for research produced by academic institutions and NGOs. Government scientists, on the other hand, were deemed less trustworthy. On some issues there was a clear generational divide, too: to mitigate the effects of climate change on the ocean, younger participants typically said governments should lower greenhouse gas emissions, whereas older generations favoured more direct efforts, like strengthening coastal defences against sea level rise. These are useful cues for future science communication. But in the meantime, the researchers expressed concern about the general lack of climate change literacy–which they see as a worrying impediment. “We are at a time when decisions made will have irreversible consequences,” says study co-author Carlos Duarte. “This level of misinformation is a huge vulnerability for society in general and for future generations.” The researchers call for further studies on this scale into climate literacy. In the meantime, the findings make it clear that the public’s improved understanding will depend on the ability of scientists and the media, in turn, to understand more about the people they are trying to inform.
Gambling is a game of chance that involves wagering something of value, such as money or property, on an event whose outcome depends on luck. It can be done in casinos, racetracks, sports events, or the Internet. The prize can be anything from a small amount of money to a life-changing jackpot. Gambling can be both fun and dangerous, so it is important to gamble responsibly and within your means. In addition, it is important to seek help if you think you may have a gambling problem. Gambling can have positive social effects by providing an activity that is shared with friends and family members. People who enjoy gambling often spend time together at casinos, or even when they are betting on a horse race or other sporting event. Many people also make new friends through their passion for gambling, and this can lead to a stronger social network. In the past, studies of gambling’s impacts have focused primarily on financial and labor impacts. However, few studies have considered the impact on health and well-being. For example, studies have not assessed the impact of gambling on the quality of life or on health-related outcomes such as depression and anxiety. In addition, studies have not considered whether gambling affects the ability to work and earn a living, and how the loss of a job can lead to addiction. The social benefits of gambling include a sense of achievement and a feeling of excitement. Additionally, gambling can stimulate the development of new nerve connections in the brain. It can also improve intelligence by requiring players to develop strategies and handle complex decisions. This can be beneficial for those who are struggling with depression, as it can help them regain their self-esteem. In some cases, it is possible to reduce the negative social and economic impacts of gambling by increasing the availability of treatment options. For example, counseling can help people understand their gambling problems and think about alternatives. Counseling can also help people cope with stress, and provide them with tools to manage their gambling behaviors. Additionally, support groups can offer a way for people to meet others with similar problems. For example, groups like Gamblers Anonymous can provide a safe space for people to discuss their struggles and share their experiences. The social and economic impacts of gambling can be observed at the personal, interpersonal, and societal/community levels (Fig. 1). While the personal and interpersonal impacts pertain to gamblers, the societal/community impacts involve those who pay for and can exploit the gambler’s gambling activities. This includes family members, coworkers and community members who must help them through their gambling struggles, as well as those who can profit from the gambler’s debt and financial losses.
Lychee: The Dangerous Fruit With Amazing Health Benefits. The fruit is usually eaten fresh but can also be canned or dried. The flavour of the fresh pulp is aromatic and musky, and the dried pulp is acidic and very sweet. Lychee is of local importance throughout much of Southeast Asia and is grown commercially in China and India. “Lychee is a fruit containing healthy vitamins and antioxidants, Cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some types of cancer, Vitamins, Liver health, Anti-cancer activity.”- Its introduction into the Western world came when it reached Jamaica in 1775. The first lychee fruits in Florida—where the tree has attained commercial importance—are said to have ripened in 1916. To a lesser extent the tree has been cultivated around the Mediterranean, in South Africa, and in Hawaii. The lychee tree develops a compact crown of foliage that is bright green year-round. The leaves are compound, composed of two to four pairs of elliptic to lanceolate leaflets that are 50–75 mm (2–3 inches) long. The flowers, small and inconspicuous, are borne in loose diverse terminal clusters, or panicles, sometimes 30 cm (12 inches) in length. The fruits are oval to round, strawberry-red in colour, and about 25 mm (1 inch) in diameter. The brittle outer covering encloses a translucent white fleshy aril and one large seed. The tree is propagated by seed and by air layering, in which a branch is made to produce roots while still attached to the parent plant. When moved to a permanent orchard, lychee plants are set 7.5–10.5 metres (24.5–34.5 feet) apart. They require very little pruning and no unusual attention, though they should have abundant moisture around the roots most of the time. The trees come into production at three to five years of age. The consumption of lychee fruits has been linked to hypoglycemic encephalopathy and death in a number of children in India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam. The fruits and seeds contain the toxins hypoglycin A and methylene cyclopropyl-glycin, which inhibit the synthesis of glucose and can cause acute hypoglycemia. These toxins are more concentrated in unripe fruits, and their effects seem to be compounded in undernourished children or when consumed after a period of fasting. See our related blog.
Many scientists believe there are possible links between autism and other conditions. Diabetes and Alzheimer’s are two often-discussed examples, but is there a similar connection between autism and cancer? While it’s important for us to reassure you up front that having autism in no way means a person will develop cancer, assessing potential connections can be invaluable. Let’s take a look at the available information, so we can understand the situation in more detail. Download the PDF Why might autism and cancer be connected in some way? Autism is associated with high rates of what are known as genomic aberrations. To put it as simply as possible, a genomic aberration is when chromosome numbers in a cell differ from what would be considered the expected or ‘normal’ amount. This can happen in a few different ways. Certain types of cancer are also associated with genomic aberrations, which is why scientists decided to delve deeper into the two. What have studies shown? Published in 2005, one American study explored the possibility that people with autism are more likely to contract cancer due to their shared risk factors. Scientists looked at a wide range of data collected between 1999 and 2005, with subjects aged between 3 and 21 years old. Their theories were confirmed somewhat by a high correlation between autism and breast cancer diagnoses.On the other hand, however, there were almost no significant correlations found between autism and 23 other female and 22 male cancers. It’s since been established that mutations in PTEN, which were once thought to be a cancer gene, are a potential cause of autism. From these findings, dozens more genes have been linked to both. What conclusions can we draw? While there is, according to this research, a higher risk of breast cancer for people with autism, there doesn’t appear to be a higher risk of contracting the illness on the whole. What’s more intriguing is the evidence showing that similar mutations can cause both things. This discovery has sparked a new theory that approved cancer medications could be used to help people with autism. Scientists admit, however, that they’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to understanding what autism and cancer have in common. Hopefully, more will be uncovered in the near future. Download the PDF Freedom of expression for all Communication is an essential part of day-to-day life, but autistic and non-verbal children can find self-expression a struggle. To help them connect, we developed app2vox: a totally free app for smartphone and tablet packed with helpful tools such as text-to-speech, phrase building, and intuitive icons. If you’d like to be kept up to date with our progress, make sure to register your interest. There’s also more for you to read about how the app works, plus other articles just like this one in our resources. Other Resources Is there a link between autism and Alzheimer’s? World’s Alzheimer’s Day, which takes place on 21 September this year, is part of a month-long annual campaign to raise awareness and educate people about dementia. This year’s theme is ‘Know dementia, know Alzheimer’s’. Understanding the link between autism and diabetes Statistics show that people with autism are three times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This World Diabetes Day, we take a look at the connection. Autism in women There are five times more men diagnosed with autism than women. The number of men supported by adult services compared to women exceeds 3 to 1.
It seems that humans are in a race against time to kill off the planet Earth, and are leaving no stone unturned to accelerate the process through which we reach Armageddon. A recent study has found that the Earth has crossed 6 of the nine planetary boundaries that determine how healthy a planet is thanks to our activities. Crossing the 9th boundary would mean the planet’s health is fatally critical and on the verge of a significant collapse. The update of the planetary boundary framework reveals that human activities are increasingly impacting the planet, elevating the risk of triggering significant alterations in Earth’s overall conditions. According to the researchers, this framework defines nine “planetary boundaries,” which are crucial components of the global environment responsible for regulating the stability and habitability of our planet. The extent to which these safe boundary levels are breached is a direct result of human-driven activities that affect these environmental components, the researchers assert. The planetary boundaries framework draws upon the latest scientific insights into how the Earth system operates, aiming to delineate a “safe operating space” for humanity. It limits the degree to which human actions can influence critical processes without the risk of potentially inducing irreversible changes in Earth’s conditions, which are essential for our well-being. The researchers emphasize that, for the first time, they have presented metrics for all of these boundaries. Their findings reveal that six of these boundaries are being exceeded, and the transgression is escalating for all of them, except for the degradation of Earth’s ozone layer. The study, published in the journal Science Advances, represents this framework’s third update and involves the collaboration of 29 scientists from eight different countries. The increasing trend of breaching these boundaries is a cause for concern, as explained by Katherine Richardson, a professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the study’s leader. She likened it to monitoring our blood pressure, stating that crossing six boundaries doesn’t guarantee immediate disaster but serves as a clear warning signal. She emphasized the need to reduce the stress on these six planetary boundaries for our well-being and future generations. An important takeaway from this study is the need for more attention to be directed toward understanding the interactions between these boundaries. Focusing solely on human-induced climate change is insufficient if we aim to safeguard the Earth system from irreversible harm, noted Johan Rockstrom, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the original proponent of this framework in 2009. Wolfgang Lucht, Head of PIK’s Department of Earth System Analysis and a study co-author, stressed that mitigating global warming and preserving a functional biosphere must be pursued simultaneously, as these represent the twin pillars of Earth’s stability.
"I have become death, destroyer of worlds..." July 2020 marks 75 years since humankind detonated the first atomic bomb in history in what would later be Project Trinity. The first nuclear weapon detonation took place in a remote enclave of the New Mexico desert, changing the course of history forever. The detonated bomb used plutonium as fissile material, just like the one launched weeks later over Nagasaki, Japan. The first atomic bomb–that of Hiroshima–was made from uranium 235. Growing international political tension The creation of nuclear weapons resulted from the growing international political tension and the scientific advances of the late 1930s. Already amid the Second World War, the American effort became the Manhattan Project, aiming to produce an atomic bomb before Hitler’s Germany. In the midst of 1945, with the defeated Nazis and Japan presenting a fierce resistance already spreading to their national territory, this enormous investigation work paid off. At 05.29.45 local time on July 16, the device codenamed Project Trinity (the atomic bomb) exploded with an energy equivalent to 19 kilotons, comparable to 19,000 tons of TNT. The crater after the explosion The explosion left a crater on the desert floor 3 meters deep and 330 meters wide. The surrounding mountains were illuminated at the detonation for one to two seconds. The observed colors of the lighting varied from purple to green and finally to white. The blast from the explosion took 40 seconds to reach observers, and the shock wave could be felt 160 kilometers away. The mushroom cloud reached 12 kilometers in height. Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita Los Alamos director Robert Oppenheimer, who observed the explosion, later commented that the event reminded him of a line from the famous Indian text in the Bhagavad Gita: “I have become death, destroyer of worlds.” Richard Feynman claimed to be the only observer to see the explosion without sunglasses, shielding himself from harmful ultraviolet rays only behind the glass of a truck. In the crater, the desert sand, composed mainly of silica, melted into a light green glass called trinitite. 260 people witnessed the test at a distance of around 9 kilometers After the test, the crater was filled in, and the army reported the event as an accidental explosion in an ammunition disposal area, which was not denied or made public until August 6, after the attack on Hiroshima. Around 260 people witnessed the test, none within a distance of fewer than 9 kilometers. The area was declared a National Historic Monument in 1975 and is accessible to the public on the first Saturday of April and October. There is still small residual radiation at the site. The Trinity Monument, formed by a rough and dark obelisk-shaped rock about 3.6 meters high, marks the hypocenter of the explosion.
Contact: Dawid Janas, Cnergytec (& formerly Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy) Mentor: Dr. Julian White Carbon nanomaterials have shown great promise for applications requiring high performance in terms of electrical, thermal, mechanical and optical properties. However, the inability to form macroscopic assemblies with the desired properties has always been a major impediment to achieving their full potential in real-life applications. Now researchers from the University of Cambridge have developed a method of manufacturing free-standing films of carbon nanotubes of highly-defined structure. Using this method, carbon nanotubes can be made into sheets or tapes of arbitrary size and shape. Most importantly, full tunability in terms of product composition results in macroscopic properties fulfilling even the most stringent requirements. There is a wide range of potential applications with those requiring high electrical or thermal conductivity being the most evident at this point. Because of the very light-weight character of the films, full flexibility and resistance to corrosion, they would fit best where weight or repeated bending or harsh atmosphere is the issue. One can envision them to be the next generation materials for energy management in aerospace industry. They could either be used as heat sinks, electrical conductors or serve as de-icing pads if placed on wings to generate heat from electrical energy. Because of higher performance and unseen before features we can expect them to replace the traditional materials in the near future. The question for the i-Team is to investigate applications where the particular features of this solution are needed. The i-Team will need to investigate the existing uses, and also initiate ideas for new areas which could be enabled by the simpler and more manageable implementation of this approach to incorporating carbon nanomaterials onto a surface.
2021 is the year of hope. Based on an article in “On the Edge” the North Nibley Newsletter 2021, the year when the world will eventually start to recover from the threat of the COVID-19. The virus which blighted 2020. 2021, the year when the world’s population will start to be immunised against this deadly pandemic. Vaccination is the medical technique which provides this immunity. The word “Vaccination” derives from the Latin for “cow” or “vacca”. Dr Edward Jenner, who was born in Berkeley, developed vaccination in 1749 . While investigating how a mild disease known as cowpox appeared to provide immunity against the deadly smallpox, he developed the technique of injecting small quantities of cowpox into the bloodstream, to protect against smallpox. Subsequently, he devoted his life to ensuring that this technique was practiced as widely as possible, and available to all. The Temple of Vaccinia The Temple of Vaccinia as Jenner called it was the world’s first vaccination clinic. It was his garden summerhouse, at his home in Berkeley. Vaccinations were soon being conducted world-wide as the practice spread. It is difficult to estimate how many lives have been, and continue to be saved by this medical breakthrough. However, following a world-wide effort, in 1979 the World Health Organisation declared smallpox eradicated. How prescient were the words of Thomas Jefferson, who in 1806 wrote of Dr Jenner : “You have erased from the calendar of human afflictions one of its greatest. Yours is the comfortable reflection that mankind can never forget that you have lived”. The Jenner Museum The “Birthplace of Vaccination”, in Church Lane Berkeley, is now preserved as a Museum. The Jenner Museum, House, and Gardens are (under normal circumstances) open to the public, lovingly cared for, and offer informative and educational displays and events about the science of vaccination and related topics. COVID-19 Diary Project The Museum is running its COVID-19 Diary Project, an opportunity for you to contribute to their repository of stories, observations, and memories from this pandemic for the benefit of future researchers. The Museum hope that you will join the project in keeping a diary of your experiences, from the mundane to the profound. Basically anything that sheds light on daily life during a pandemic. More details are on the museum website. Now, more than ever, the world needs to know about Dr Edward Jenner and his remarkable legacy. The Jenner Trust Dr Jenner’s House is owned and run by The Jenner Trust, an independent charity (number 1158316). Being a charity, they rely heavily on visitors to finance the upkeep of the House, Museum and Gardens. Sadly, forced to close for most of 2020 for the safety of visitors and staff, funding has been severely reduced. If you would like to help by donating, volunteering, or registering your support, please check out their website or for more information email. While we may dispute the description “simple” for such an astute and innovative mind, this tribute could prove especially true in 2021. - Village Hall improvements update - Tesco Blue Discs - Road Safety Week 19th Nov 2023 - Stinchcombe Scratch Choir - Can we bring back Swifts to Stinchombe Charity Choir Competition Conservation COVID-19 Dog Mess Dursley Rugby Club Dursley Rugby Football Club Footpaths friends of st cyrs Fun Fundraising Hidden Gardens History House Histories Information Local History Open 2 All Our Environment Parish Council Parish Council News Post Box Recycling Ride&Stride Ride and Stride Roads Road Safety Rugby Club Scams Speeding Speedwatch st Cyr St Cyrs Stinchcombe Playground Stinchcombe Social Stroud District Council Testing TGIF Toad Patrol Tyndale Arts Village Hall Virtual Village What's on Wildflowers WWT
The Story of the Remarkable Woman Who Mapped the Ocean Floor Author: Hali Felt Her maps of the ocean floor have been called "one of the most remarkable achievements in modern cartography", yet no one knows her name. Soundings is the story of the enigmatic, unknown woman behind one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. Before Marie Tharp, geologist and gifted draftsperson, the whole world, including most of the scientific community, thought the ocean floor was a vast expanse of nothingness. In 1948, at age 28, Marie walked into the newly formed geophysical lab at Columbia University and practically demanded a job. The scientists at the lab were all male; the women who worked there were relegated to secretary or assistant. Through sheer willpower and obstinacy, Marie was given the job of interpreting the soundings (records of sonar pings measuring the ocean's depths) brought back from the ocean-going expeditions of her male colleagues. The marriage of artistry and science behind her analysis of this dry data gave birth to a major work: the first comprehensive map of the ocean floor, which laid the groundwork for proving the then-controversial theory of continental drift. When combined, Marie's scientific knowledge, her eye for detail and her skill as an artist revealed not a vast empty plane, but an entire world of mountains and volcanoes, ridges and rifts, and a gateway to the past that allowed scientists the means to imagine how the continents and the oceans had been created over time. Just as Marie dedicated more than twenty years of her professional life to what became the Lamont Geological Observatory, engaged in the task of mapping every ocean on Earth, she dedicated her personal life to her great friendship with her co-worker, Bruce Heezen. Partners in work and in many ways, partners in life, Marie and Bruce were devoted to one another as they rose to greater and greater prominence in the scientific community, only to be envied and finally dismissed by their beloved institute. They went on together, refining and perfecting their work and contributing not only to humanity's vision of the ocean floor, but to the way subsequent generations would view the Earth as a whole. With an imagination as intuitive as Marie's, brilliant young writer Hali Felt brings to vivid life the story of the pioneering scientist whose work became the basis for the work of others scientists for generations to come. Henry Holt and Co.
Many lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) people report to dealing surprisingly well with systemic discrimination, and most do not experience depression or any other mental health condition. However, experiences with discrimination and stigmatisation can lead to a higher likelihood of emotional distress, depression and anxiety. People can often feel pressured to fit in with society's conventional ideas of being male or female. Those who don't fit the mould can be subjected to ridicule, intimidation and even physical abuse. Even though there is an increasing acceptance of LGBTIQ+ people in society and greater visibility in the media and public life, many LGBTIQ+ people still experience discrimination, harassment and violence at work, school and in social situations. Discrimination can take the form of: - obvious acts of prejudice and discrimination (e.g. someone who is open about being transgender being refused employment or promotion) - more subtle, but no less harmful, discrimination that reinforces negative stereotypes and feelings of difference (e.g. use of the word 'gay' as a derogatory term). Stop. Think. Respect. Because of the things people say and do, LGBTIQ+ people are far more likely to experience depression and anxiety. Beyond Blue is committed to raising awareness about these issues and helping to reduce the discrimination faced by LGBTIQ+ communities. Beyond Blue, in collaboration with LGBTIQ+ communities and the Movember Foundation, has produced a national campaign aimed at improving the Australian community's understanding of discriminatory behaviour and the impact it can have on the mental health of LGBTIQ+ communities. The campaign, including the Left hand cinema commercial and real life stories, works predominantly with the broader Australian community, and young people in particular. It has been designed to prompt people to stop the discrimination, think about how comments you make could cause real distress and harm, and respect people who are different from you. Real life stories Annaliese, Gina, Marlee, Rob, Sally and Shane share their stories of being treated differently and how they have overcome depression and/or anxiety. You can watch their stories at the top of this page, or visit our Stop. Think. Respect. page to find out more about our campaign.
Making your garden a safe haven for native birds largely depends on creating a garden that is, in and of itself, a good representation of their eco-system. Birds innately feel comfortable in lush vegetation that they can perch on: plants and berries that they can either feed off of or draw insects that they feed on, and an environment where they can rest, socialise, and feed while staying hidden and protected from predators, such as neighbourhood cats or foxes, or even, in particular areas, bold hawks. Here are 4 useful tips to making your garden welcoming for regular native bird visits! 1. A Wild Garden The first step you might want to take in order to make your garden a more friendly place to wild birds is to allow things to grow a bit more wild and natural. Consider planting native trees, like hazel and silver maple, allowing weeds like dandelions to crop up at the outskirts of your lawn, or even cultivating patches of clover in addition to your grass. Clover and dandelion are hotspots for pollen production, drawing bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to your garden in swarms – which, in addition to offering the local birds a tasty buffet of snacking options, also makes for a more healthy atmosphere by supporting your pollinator population. In addition, consider allowing a fraction of your plants to go to seed, rather than pruning every single one: shaggy shrubs and seedy potted plants offer cover for ground nesters to hide their eggs, and ample food supply for small seed-eating birds, and also creates a more welcoming atmosphere to your avian houseguests. 2. Try To Keep Cats Away The next suggestion may seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how few yard-owners follow it: do not allow your cats to wander outside without supervision, and not for extended periods of time if possible. Many cat owners stress that their cats need to stretch their legs and exercise their instincts to wander and hunt, but cats have been the cause of far too many population depletions among native birds in particular, alongside small rodents, hedgehogs, and sensitive amphibians. The problem with free-roaming cats is that they do not simply hunt to satiate hunger, but hunt small animals to excess, killing as much as ten times more than their native wildcat cousins. While it might be a given, keep your cats contained throughout the day, and only allow them to go into the yard observed or, even better, leashed and harnessed. It may take some getting used to, but the native birds in your yard will sing your praises for it. Another tip that might seem simple at first, but upon further reflection has much more nuance to it, is to install birdfeeders in your garden. Birdfeeders are subject to much division in the community of bird fans, with some suggesting that feeding wild bird radically changes their behaviours, such as, in some recorded cases, causing them to lay their eggs earlier in the year and have reduced fledgling survival rates due to that factor. However, this is only a major concern with species that are threatened or even endangered. Because of this, the best approach is to research the common birds in your community, making sure to find out which are at risk and which are most common, and what their natural diets are. Most experts agree that the best form of birdfeeder to have in your yard is natural vegetation that offers fruits, vegetables, and seeds that native birds can benefit from, but birdfeeders are not necessarily harmful, so long as you approach them correctly. Remember that you are essentially taking on a responsibility to the birds that you are feeding, and remember to stock the feeder with nuts and seeds that are appropriate for the birds you’d like to attract, and to clean the feeder weekly to avoid a build-up of potentially harmful bacteria that birds may pick up from one another. While some birds can be hand-fed, these are rare and far in between, so it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid hand-feeding birds altogether in favour of leaving seeds out for them to pick up on their own. This discourages unhealthy associations with humans and food, and keeps you safer from needling birds. Another simple and elegant addition you can add, alongside or instead of birdfeeders, is a deposit of water where birds can drink and bathe at their leisure. Look around in your garden, and try to find a shaded area where birds can rest and relax without being exposed to ground or air predators – this location, or the nearest to you can find, is the best place to install a birdbath. While birdbaths can get messy, and require as much regular maintenance as feeders, they don’t require nearly as much research. All birds benefit from having a standing water source where they can drink, groom, and socialise, and it has the added benefits of allowing you to watch the local birds at their most comfortable. Some birds, like robins and tits, can be quite territorial and pick fights around food and water sources as part of resource hoarding. Others, like magpies, crows, and jays, are much more social, and can be seen engaging in communal behaviour, if you allow them the space and privacy in your garden to practice this behaviour. In short, all of the best ways to make your backyard more liveable for birds involves thinking about what native birds need out of a safe environment. Try to imagine your garden not only as yours, but as belonging to many animals, most of which you do not see, that may use it as a hub, a place to rest and eat, or even a place to start a family. Think about what they could need and be attracted to – plenty of grubs to eat, maybe, or a patch of native bushes that they can hide from predators in. Maybe they could use fresh water to drink, or a quiet, catless perch. Once you can understand what birds need, then you can start being hospitable to them the best you can.