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They plan and design headline-grabbing attacks using every means of communications to intimidate and break the collective will of free people.
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They know that communications transcend borders, and that a single news story, handled skillfully, can be as damaging to our cause – and as helpful to theirs – as any military attack.
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And they are able to act quickly with relatively few people, and with modest resources compared to the vast, expensive bureaucracies of democratic governments.
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Today we are fighting the first war in the era of e-mail, blogs, blackberries, instant messaging, digital cameras, the Internet, mobile phones, talk radio, and 24-hour news.
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In Tunisia, the largest newspaper has a circulation of roughly 50,000 in a country of 10 million people.
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But even in the poorest neighborhoods, you see satellite dishes on nearly every balcony or rooftop.
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A few years ago, under Saddam Hussein, an Iraqi could have his tongue cut out if he was found in possession of a satellite dish or used the Internet without government approval.
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Today, satellite dishes are ubiquitous in Iraq as well.
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Regrettably, many of the news channels being watched through these dishes are hostile to the West.
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Media outlets in many parts of the world often serve only to inflame and distort – rather than to explain and inform.
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While al-Qaeda and extremist movements have used this forum for many years, further poisoning the Muslim public’s view of the West, we in the West have barely even begun to compete.
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We saw this with the false allegations of the desecration of a Koran last year.
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First published in a weekly news magazine, the story was then posted on Web sites, sent in e-mails, and repeated on satellite television and radio stations for days before the facts could be discovered.
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That false story incited deadly anti-American riots in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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The United States military, appropriately and of necessity, took the time needed to ensure that it had the facts before responding that the charges were untrue.
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In the meantime, innocent lives were lost.
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But we have begun to adapt.
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In Iraq, for example, the US military, working closely with the Iraqi government, has sought non-traditional means to provide accurate information to the Iraqi people.
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Yet this has been portrayed as “buying news.”
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The resulting explosion of critical press stories then causes everything – all activity, all initiative – to stop.
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This leads to a “chilling effect” among those serving in the military public affairs field, who conclude that there is no tolerance for innovation.
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Consider for a moment the vast quantity of column inches and hours of television devoted to the allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.
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Compare that to the volume of coverage and condemnation associated with, say, the discovery of Saddam Hussein’s mass graves, which were filled with hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis.
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Free governments must make communications planning a central component of every aspect of this struggle.
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Indeed, the longer it takes to put a strategic communications framework into place, the more the vacuum will be filled by the enemy.
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There are nonetheless signs of modest progress.
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Soon after the devastating earthquake in Pakistan, a public affairs team was deployed with our sizable military forces in the disaster area.
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They worked to help focus media attention on America’s commitment to help the Pakistani people.
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Public opinion surveys conducted by private groups before and after the earthquake suggest that attitudes in Pakistan regarding the US changed dramatically because of this new awareness.
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Government public affairs and public diplomacy efforts are slowly beginning to reorient staffing, schedules, and bureaucratic culture to engage the full range of today’s media.
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Still, government must develop the institutional capability to anticipate and act within the same news cycle.
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That requires instituting 24-hour press operations centers and elevating Internet operations and other channels to the status of traditional twentieth-century press relations.
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It will require less reliance on the traditional print media, just as the publics of the US and the world are relying less on newspapers.
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This also will mean embracing new ways of engaging people throughout the world.
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During the Cold War, institutions such as Radio Free Europe proved to be valuable instruments.
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We need to consider the possibility of new organizations and programs that can serve a similarly valuable role in the War on Terror.
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We are fighting a war in which the survival of our way of life is at stake.
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And the center of gravity of that struggle is not just the battlefield.
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It is a test of wills and it will be won or lost in the court of global public opinion.
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While the enemy is skillful at manipulating the media and using the tools of communications to their advantage, we have an advantage as well: truth is on our side, and, ultimately, truth wins out.
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The Nation State Revisited
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It has become fashionable to claim that the nation state has lost its place.
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Globalization, it is said, means that nations can no longer control their own affairs.
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They must join with others, as in the European Union or ASEAN or Mercosur, and they must increasingly rely on global institutions like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.
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But such a view is risky.
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Indeed, on closer inspection, it proves to be dubious, when not simply wrong.
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The nation state, with both its strengths and weaknesses, is alive and well.
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To begin with its strengths, the nation state remains the only political space in which the constitution of liberty thrives.
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The democratic credentials of organizations like the EU are doubtful, and entirely absent in the case of the UN and other world institutions.
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Moreover, despite the frequent search for new identities, European or Latin American or otherwise, and despite many references to a new cosmopolitanism, or even a “world civil society,” most people feel at home in their own country – the nation state of which they are citizens.
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Migration is generally migration to other countries.
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Many countries are currently debating the integration of migrants.
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What does it take to be British or German or American?
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Such debates about immigration make sense only if we recognize that citizenship is defined by and for nations.
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This is, for most people, the positive side of the nation state.
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The nation state has been, and continues to be, the relevant unit of belonging and civic involvement for most human beings for more than two centuries.
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It is the context in which we find our liberties safeguarded or destroyed.
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Certainly, the countries freed from communism in 1989 felt that restoring national sovereignty and recovering liberty were bound together.
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Yet there is, and always has been, another, uglier face of the nation state: nationalism.
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The nationalist impulse can be aggressive or defensive, directed against others or inward-looking.
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Either way, it vitiates all attempts to create an international community of open societies.
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This was the problem in Iraq: a nation state had become a disturber of peace in the region and beyond.
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More recently, a less violent but equally worrying phenomenon has gained ground, the revival of national protectionism.
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The Doha Round of trade negotiations is stalled because developed countries do not want to open their markets to cheaper products from developing countries, which in turn try to protect what nascent industries they have.
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Many would prefer privileged relationships to open trade.
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In this regard, the EU has often obliged.
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But now the nationalist bug has infected the EU itself.
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France, Spain, and Poland have attempted to keep major industries firmly in “national hands.”
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Suddenly, the single European market is forgotten, and a return to fragmented markets is taking root.
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Consider, for example, the European Commission’s so-called “services directive.”
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Although freedom of movement for labor is one of the single market’s “four freedoms,” many EU countries are trying to protect their domestic labor markets by suspending this freedom for as long as possible.
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Germany, in particular, argues that the high unemployment resulting from reunification in 1990 requires it to close its labor market to the new member states to its east.
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Such trends are dangerous.
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Historically, protectionism has often led to economic conflict, which can rapidly turn into more serious clashes.
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The signs are not good, even in Europe.
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A recent summit of EU leaders addressed energy policy – one area where cooperation is not only highly desirable, but necessary.
最近の銖脳䌚議でぱネルギヌ政策が話し合われた。 この分野には協力が単に非垞に望たしいばかりでなく、必芁䞍可欠である。
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Yet even German Chancellor Angela Merkel – clearly a pro-European – went to the meeting with the explicit intention of barring the creation of other European powers in this field.
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The German-Russian agreement to build a gas pipeline bypassing Poland and Lithuania, with former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder leading the effort, has already harmed Polish-German relations, to say nothing of European cooperation.
前銖盞ゲルハルト・シュレヌダヌが指揮を取ったポヌランドずリトアニアを迂回するガスパむプラむンの建蚭ずいうドむツ・ロシア間の協定は、すでにポヌランド・ドむツ関係を悪化させおいる。 ペヌロッパの協力䜓制の悪化は蚀うに及ばない。
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For a time, the pendulum of political opinion may have swung too far against the nation state and its role.
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This is one reason why so many people have felt estranged from their political leaders.
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But it would be unfortunate – indeed, dangerous – if the pendulum now swung back to old-fashioned nationalism.
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Nation states are welcome; they are important elements of a liberal world order.
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But they have to be open to cooperation and coordination with others.
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We must be vigilant in resisting the start of a trend reminiscent of developments in the early years of the twentieth century ­­– a trend that quickly led to global disaster.
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The Politics of Frustration
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Does extreme poverty breed violence and ultimately revolution?
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Many people believe that it does, and seek to explain phenomena ranging from guerrilla insurgencies to Islamist terrorism accordingly.
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But Karl Marx and Alexis de Tocqueville, the two great social analysts of the nineteenth century, knew better what makes people tick, and what makes societies change.
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Extreme poverty breeds apathy, not rebellion.
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The very poor can at most be used for occasional demonstrations of anger, but they are not the stuff from which either terrorists or revolutionaries are made.
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A far more critical group in any society are those who have begun to move forward to new conditions, but then find their path blocked.
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Their desires and ambitions are not unrealistic in the circumstances, but they are frustrated.
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Things do not move as fast as they want them to, or not at all, owing to conditions that they do not control.
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Opportunities exist, but they cannot be seized or realized.
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This group, not the desperately poor and helpless, forms the great mobilizing force of violent protest, and ultimately of major change.
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The politics of frustration has been particularly apparent in the postcommunist world during the last fifteen years.
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The heavy hand of nomenklatura rule was gone, and the vision of a new life like that in the open societies of the West seemed real.
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Yet, in fact, things initially got worse.
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The route to prosperity and freedom was not straightforward.
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On the contrary, it led through a valley of tears.