5 values
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Countries that have done well in the recent past have done so through their own efforts.
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Aid and market access have rarely played a critical role.
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Consider a developing country that has free and preferential market access to its largest neighbor, which also happens to be the world’s most powerful economy.
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Suppose, in addition, that this country is able to send millions of its citizens to work across the border, receives a huge volume of inward investment, and is totally integrated into international production chains.
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Moreover, the country’s banking system is supported by its rich neighbor’s demonstrated willingness to act as a lender of last resort.
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Globalization does not get much better than this, right?
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Now consider a second country.
第 2 の囜に぀いお考えおみたい。
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This one faces a trade embargo in the world’s largest market, receives neither foreign aid nor any other kind of assistance from the West, is excluded from international organizations like the WTO, and is prevented from borrowing from the IMF and the World Bank.
䞖界最倧の垂堎における貿易犁止に盎面しおおり、海倖揎助も西欧諞囜からのいかなる揎助も受けおおらず、WTO などの囜際組織からも疎倖されおおり、さらに IMF や䞖界銀行からの融資も受けるこずができない。
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If these external disadvantages are not debilitating enough, this economy also maintains its own high barriers on international trade (in the form of state trading, import tariffs, and quantitative restrictions).
もしこれらの察倖的䞍利がこの囜を十分に衰匱させなければ、この経枈もたた (囜内取匕、茞入関皎および倧量の芏制ずいうかたちで) 囜際貿易に察する高い障壁を維持する。
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As the reader may have guessed, these are real countries: Mexico and Vietnam.
読者の予想通り、これらは実圚する囜々 (メキシコずベトナム) である。
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Mexico shares a 2,000-mile long border with the United States, which provides not only privileged market access in goods and labor, but also a claim to the resources of the US Treasury (as became apparent during the 1995 peso crisis).
メキシコには米囜ずの 2,000 マむルの距離の囜境があり、財ず劎働力の特暩的な垂堎ぞのアクセスだけでなく、さらに (1995 幎のペ゜危機で明らかになったように) 米囜財務省の資源ぞの債暩にも恵たれおいる。
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By contrast, America maintained a trade embargo against Vietnam until 1994, established diplomatic relations only in 1995, and did not provide most-favored nation treatment to Vietnamese imports for years after that.
察照的に、米囜はベトナムに察しお 1994 幎を期限ずする貿易犁止を実斜し、1995 幎になっおやっず倖亀関係を確立したものの、それから䜕幎もベトナムからの茞入に最恵囜埅遇を䞎えなかった。
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Vietnam still remains outside the WTO.
ベトナムは今でも WTO に加入しおいない。
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Now consider their economic performance.
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Since NAFTA was signed in December 1992, Mexico’s economy has grown at an average annual rate of barely over 1% in per capita terms.
Since1992 幎 12 月に NAFTA が締結されおから、メキシコの経枈は平均幎囜民 1 人あたり 1% を超える割合でしか成長しおいない。
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This is not only far below the rates of Asia’s economic superstars; it is also a fraction of Mexico’s own growth performance during the decades that preceded the debt crisis of 1982 (3.6% per year between 1960 and 1981).
これはアゞアの経枈倧囜の成長率を倧きく䞋回るだけでなく、1982 幎の債務危機を先行する数十幎における、メキシコ自身の成長率 (1960 幎から 1981 幎の間各幎 3.6 % ) にも劣る。
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Vietnam, however, grew at an annual rate of 5.6% per capita between the onset of its economic reforms in 1988 and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the US in 1995, and has continued to grow at a rapid 4.5% pace since then.
しかしながらベトナムは、1988 幎の経枈改革および 1995 幎の米囜ずの倖亀関係の確立を皮切りに、囜民䞀人圓たり幎率 5.6% で成長しおきおおᅵᅵ、以降も4.5% ずいう高いペヌスで成長を続けおいる。
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Vietnam witnessed a dramatic fall in poverty, while in Mexico real wages fell.
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Both countries experienced sharp increases in international trade and foreign investment, but the pictures are utterly different where it counts most: rising standards of living, particularly for the poor.
䞡囜ずも囜際貿易および海倖投資の急増を経隓したが、もっずも重芁な点 (特に貧困局の、生掻氎準の向䞊) における結果は倧きく異なっおいた。
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What these examples show is that domestic efforts trump everything else in determining a country’s economic fortunes.
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All the opportunities that the US market presented to Mexico could not offset the consequences of policy mistakes at home, especially the failure to reverse the real appreciation of the peso’s exchange rate and the inability to extend the productivity gains achieved in a narrow range of export activities to the rest of the economy.
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What matters most is whether a country adopts the right growth strategy.
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With none of Mexico’s advantages, Vietnam pursued a strategy that focused on diversifying its economy and enhancing the productive capacity of domestic suppliers.
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Broader post-war experience supports the conclusion that domestic policies are what matter most.
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South Korea took off in the early 1960’s not when foreign aid was at its apex, but when it was being phased out.
倧韓民囜は、海倖揎助が頂点を過ぎ、枛少しおいた 1960 幎代初期に躍進した。
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Taiwan did not receive foreign aid or preferential market access.
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China and India, today’s two economic superstars, have prospered largely through sui generis reform efforts.
今日の二倧経枈倧囜である䞭囜ずむンドは、sui generis 改革の努力を通じお倧きな成功を手にした。
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It is tempting to ascribe the rare African successes – Botswana and Mauritius – to foreign demand for their exports (diamonds and garments, respectively), but that story goes only so far.
アフリカの珍しい成功 (ボツワナずモヌリシャス) の理由を、圌らの茞出 (特にダむダモンドや装身具) ぞの海倖需芁に垰するこずは簡単だが、それも今埌に぀いおは䞍明である。
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Obviously, both countries would be considerably poorer without access to foreign markets.
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But, as in other cases of successful development, what distinguishes them is not the external advantages they possess, but their ability to exploit these advantages.
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Witness the mess that other countries made of their natural-resource endowments.
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The word “diamond” hardly conjures images of peace and prosperity in Sierra Leone.
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Similarly, few of the export processing zones proliferating around the world have delivered the results observed in Mauritius.
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None of this absolves rich countries of their responsibility to help.
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They can make the world less hospitable for corrupt dictators – for example, by greater sharing of financial information and by not recognizing the international contracts that they sign.
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Similarly, increasing the number of poor-country workers allowed to work in rich countries, and providing greater scope for growth-oriented policies by relaxing WTO rules and conditionality from the US, would produce greater long-term development impact.
同様に、貧しい囜の劎働者の裕犏な囜々での就劎数の匕き䞊げ、および WTO 芏制および米囜が課する条件の緩和による、成長䞻県の政策ぞのより倧きな展望の付䞎により、より倧きな長期的圱響を䞎えるこずができるであろう。
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It is far from clear that expanding market access and boosting aid are the most productive use of valuable political capital in the North.
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Development should focus not on trade and aid, but on improving the policy environment in poor countries.
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Today’s Counter-Enlightenment
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Not long ago, one might have concluded that, at least in Europe, there were no taboos left.
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A process that had begun with the Enlightenment had now reached the point at which “anything goes.”
啓蒙をもっお始たったプロセスは今や 、 「 䜕でも来い」ずいう段階に到達した。
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Particularly in the arts, there were no apparent limits to showing what even a generation ago would have been regarded as highly offensive.
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Two generations ago, most countries had censors who not only tried to prevent younger people from seeing certain films but who actually banned books.
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Since the 1960’s, such proscriptions have weakened until, in the end, explicit sexuality, violence, blasphemy – while upsetting to some people – were tolerated as a part of the enlightened world.
1960幎代以降、このような犁止は匱たり、結局、 明癜な性的関心、暎力、 神ぞの冒涜 – 䞍快に感じる人がいる 䞀方で – 啓蒙された䞖界の䞀郚ずしお寛容に芋られるたでになった。
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Or were they?
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Are there really no limits?
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Outside Europe, the “anything goes” attitude was never fully accepted.
ペヌロッパ圏倖で 、 「 䜕でも来い」の姿勢が完党に受け入れられたこずは今たでない。
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And there were limits in Europe, too.
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The historian David Irving is still in detention in Austria for the crime of Holocaust denial.
歎史家デビッド・アヌビング は、ホロコヌスト吊認の眪で未だオヌストリアで拘留されおいる。
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This is, to be sure, a special case.
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The denial of a well-documented truth may lead to new crimes.
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But is the answer to the old question, “What is truth?” always so clear?
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What exactly are we doing if we insist on Turkey’s acknowledgement that the Armenian genocide did take place as a condition of its membership in the European Union?
欧州連合加盟の条件ずしお、トルコにアルメニア虐殺 が実際に行われたずいうこずの認容を匷芁するずすれば、厳密に我々は䜕をしおいるのか
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Are we so sure of Darwin’s theories of evolution that we should ban alternative notions of genesis from schools?
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Those concerned with freedom of speech have always wondered about its limits.
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One such limit is the incitement to violence.
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The man who gets up in a crowded theater and shouts, “Fire!” when there is none is guilty of what happens in the resulting stampede.
満員の劇堎で立ち䞊がり 、 「 火事だ ! 」 ず叫ぶ 者がいるずしお、結果起こる人の殺到に぀いお、誰も眪に問われない堎合。
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But what if there actually is a fire?
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This is the context in which we may see the invasion of Islamic taboos into the enlightened, mostly non-Islamic world.
このような環境においお、我々は、啓蒙された、たいおいの堎合、 非むスラム瀟䌚ぞず向かう、むスラムの タブヌ䟵害を目にするだろう。
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From the fatwa on Salman Rushdie for The Satanic Verses to the killing of a nun in Somalia in response to Pope Benedict’s Regensburg lecture and the Berlin Opera’s cancellation of a performance of Mozart’s Idomeneo , with its severed heads of religious founders, including Muhammad, we have seen violence and intimidation used to defend a particular religion’s taboos.
サルマン・ルシュディヌSalman Rushdie が 悪魔の詩 The Satanic Verses のために受けた ファトゥワ から、ベネディクト法王の レヌゲンスブルク講矩ぞの反応ずしおの゜マリアにおける修道女殺害や、ベルリンオペラでのモヌツァルトの むドメネオ 䞊挔䞭止に至るたで、ムハンマドを含む宗教開祖たちの分裂した指導局のもず、我々は暎力ず脅迫が特定宗教のタブヌを擁護するために䜿われるのを芋た。
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There are questions here that are not easily answered by civilized defenders of the Enlightenment.
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Toleration and respect for people who have their own beliefs are right and perhaps necessary to preserve an enlightened world.
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But there is the other side to consider.
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Violent responses to unwelcome views are never justified and cannot be accepted.
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Those who argue that suicide bombers express understandable grudges have themselves sold out their freedom.
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Self-censorship is worse than censorship itself, because it sacrifices freedom voluntarily.
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This means that we have to defend Salman Rushdie and the Danish cartoonists and the friends of Idomeneo , whether we like them or not.
これは、我々が奜むず奜たざるずにかかわらず、サルマン・ルシュディヌやデンマヌクの颚刺画家、 むドメネオ の友人たちを擁護しなければならないこずを意味する。
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If anyone does not like them, there are all the instruments of public debate and of critical discourse that an enlightened community has at its disposal.
もし気に入らないのであれば、啓蒙瀟䌚 が自由に䜿える囜民的議論や 批刀論議 ずいう道具がある。
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It is also true that we do not have to buy any particular book or listen to an opera.
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What a poor world it would be if anything that might offend any group could no longer be said!
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A multicultural society that accepts every taboo of its diverse groups would have little to talk about.
倚様なグルヌプのあらゆる タブヌを受け入れる倚文化瀟䌚は、 would have little to talk about.
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The kind of reaction we have seen recently to expressions of views that are offensive to some does not bode well for the future of liberty.
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It is as if a new wave of counter-enlightenment is sweeping the world, with the most restrictive views dominating the scene.
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Against such reactions, enlightened views must be reasserted strongly.
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Defending the right of all people to say things even if one detests their views is one of the first principles of liberty.
党おの人が意芋を述べる暩利を守るこずは、その意芋を誰かがひどく嫌うずしおも、自由の第䞀䞻点なのだ。 .
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Thus, Idomeneo must be performed, and Salman Rushdie must be published.
埓っお、 むドメネオ は䞊挔されなければならないし、サルマン・ルシュディヌは出版されなければならない。
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Whether an editor publishes cartoons offensive to believers in Muhammad (or Christ, for that matter) is a matter of judgment, almost of taste.
線集者 がムハンマド (あるいは、この堎合 キリスト) 信者にずっお䞍快な颚刺画を出版するかどうかは、刀断の、ほずんど奜みの問題である。
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I might not do it, but I would nevertheless defend the right of someone who decides otherwise.
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It is debatable whether recent incidents of this kind require a “dialogue between religions.”
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Public debate making clear cases one way or the other seems more appropriate than conciliation.
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The gains of enlightened discourse are too precious to be turned into negotiable values.
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Defending those gains is the task that we now face.
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Universities: Renaissance or Decay?
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“Europe’s universities, taken as a group, are failing to provide the intellectual and creative energy that is required to improve the continent’s poor economic performance.”
「ペヌロッパの倧孊は、グルヌプずしお捉えるず、倧陞の乏しい経枈業瞟を改善するために必芁ずされる、知的か぀創造的な゚ネルギヌを提䟛できおいない 。 」
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This dramatic statement introduces a new pamphlet whose subtitle, “Renaissance or Decay,” I have borrowed for this reflection.
この劇的な蚀明は、副題を「埩興か衰退か 、 」 ずする、私がこの省察のために借りた新しい冊子で玹介されおいる。
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The pamphlet’s two authors, Richard Lambert, a former editor of the Financial Times and future Director General of the Confederation of British Industry, and Nick Butler, the Group Vice President for Strategy and Policy Development at British Petroleum do not represent vested academic interests.
冊子の二人の著者、ファむナンシャル・タむムスの元線集者で、むギリス産業同盟の次期事務局長リチャヌド・ランバヌト、そしお、British Petroleum戊略方針開発グルヌプ副瀟長ニック・バトラヌは、偏った孊術的奜奇心を代匁しおいるのではない。
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What they say about Europe probably applies to most other parts of the world as well, though not to the United States.
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Lambert and Butler identify four main weaknesses of European universities that must be addressed.
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They call for:
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Not everyone will consider the underlying assumption of this analysis compelling.
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Why is this attention to universities necessary? Because, it is said, we now live in a “knowledge society.”
なぜ、倧孊ぞの泚目が必然なのか?それは、我々がいた 、 「 知識瀟䌚」に生きおいるず蚀われおいるからである。
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It is also a fact that a university education is the best guarantee for young people to find jobs in a globalized environment in which information is a key to success.
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Yet it is by no means certain that education systems in which 50% or more of each generation strive to attain a university degree are best suited to cope with the exigencies of the twenty-first century.
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Many jobs are, in fact, not “high tech,” but, in the words of Britain’s Adair Turner, “high touch” – service-sector jobs that do not require a university education.
実際に、倚くの職が「ハむテク」ではなく、英囜のアデヌル・タヌナヌの蚀葉を借りれば 、 「 ハむタッチ 」  倧孊教育を必芁ずしない、サヌビス郚門の職、なのである。
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Even more jobs are somewhere between the two.
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Thus, a flexible system of varied educational institutions may be preferable to a system that leads one out of two students to an academic degree.
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Were we to settle for, say, 25% of each generation on the academic track, universities in Europe, and indeed in many other parts of the world, would still have to overcome their unfortunate tendency to define their purposes against the business world.
ここで、孊術の道、぀たりペヌロッパや、もちろん䞖界䞭のあらゆる堎所にある倧孊に通う者を、各䞖代25ず぀ず考えよう。 そうするず、圌らはその目的がビゞネス䞖界に 察立 するものであるずいう定矩、この遺憟な傟向を、克服しなければならないこずになる。
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This tendency has been detrimental both for the business world, which is deprived of the cultural wealth provided by higher education, and for universities, because it removes them from their proper setting in the real world.
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There is a strong case for more adequate funding of higher education, including student fees, which are still unpopular in many countries outside the US.