5 values
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But money is not all that is needed.
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One of the greatest comparative strengths of American universities lies in the nature of human relations.
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Teachers take their job seriously.
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They engage with students rather than eagerly awaiting breaks and holidays to pursue their own projects.
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They are true university teachers rather than people who invoke the “unity of teaching and research” in order to concentrate on research subjects and hope that teaching will take care of itself.
真の倧孊教垫ず呌べるのは、たさに圌らなのだ。 研究䞻題に集䞭したがり、そしお、指導の方は勝手にどうにかなるず思いたいがために 、 「 指導ず研究の調和」を匕き合いに出す人々ではない。
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Moreover, the research atmosphere of American universities is characterized by a great deal of informal cooperation.
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People meet in laboratories and seminars, but also in common rooms and cafeterias.
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They are not obsessed with hierarchical status or surrounded by assistants.
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Nor are they tied to narrow projects and the project groups formed around them.
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Despite fierce competition for academic tenure, for space in journals and in other media, and for advancement in general, people talk to each other as colleagues.
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This is what doctoral and postdoctoral students like when they go to American – and, to a lesser extent, British – universities.
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This is also what they miss even as they relapse into the bad old habits at home.
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As in so many other respects, universities not only in Europe, but also in Japan, South Korea, and developing parts of the world, including China and India, need to loosen rigid structures and habits to avoid decay and nurture a renaissance.
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Why Pay More for Fairness?
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Marks & Spencer, a supermarket and clothing chain with 400 stores throughout Britain, recently announced that it is converting its entire range of coffee and tea, totaling 38 lines, to Fairtrade, a marketing symbol of “ethical production.”
英囜に400店舗を持぀スヌパヌマヌケットず衣料の倧手チェヌン店マヌクススペンサヌが、先日、コヌヒヌや玅茶など蚈36ラむン党般を 、 「 倫理的生産物」のマヌケティングシンボルであるフェアトレヌド補品に切り替えるこずを発衚した。
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The chain already sells only Fairtrade tea and coffee in its 200 Café Revive coffee shops.
200店のCafé Reviveコヌヒヌチェヌン店ではすでに、扱うコヌヒヌず玅茶はフェアトレヌド補品のみになっおいる。
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It is also boosting its purchases of shirts and other goods made with Fairtrade cotton.
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The announcement came during “Fairtrade Fortnight,” a two-week promotion of Fairtrade products that included speaking tours by farmers from developing countries, telling Britons how Fairtrade has assisted their communities.
発衚は、発展途䞊囜の蟲民が英囜民に、フェアトレヌドがいかに自分たちの地域を支揎しおくれたかを䌝えるトヌクツアヌを含むフェアトレヌド補品の2週間プロモヌション「Fairtrade Fortnight」の間にあった。
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The movement toward more ethical consumption has made significant gains in the United States as well, as consumers increasingly turn to organic, locally produced foods, and eggs from hens not kept in cages.
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In the UK, a survey has found that half of those shown the Fairtrade symbol recognized it and understood that it refers to products that give a better deal for Third World farmers.
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There is no comparable US research, but related data, and discussions with my own students, suggests that the figure would be much lower.
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Traders seeking Fairtrade certification must pay producers a price that covers the costs of sustainable production and provides a living wage.
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For example, the minimum price for coffee is $1.26 per pound, no matter how low the market price may fall.
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If the market price rises above that figure, the fair trade price will increase so that it remains five cents per pound higher.
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Small farmers, for their part, are required to be organized in cooperatives or other groups that allow democratic participation.
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Plantations and factories can use the Fairtrade label if they pay their workers decent wages, comply with health, safety, and environmental standards, allow unions or other forms of workers’ associations, provide good housing if workers are not living at home, and do not use child labor or forced labor.
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Not every one approves of Fairtrade.
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Brink Lindsey, director of the pro-market Cato Institute’s Center for Trade Policy Studies, believes that the campaign for Fairtrade coffee is a “well-meaning dead end.”
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With some justification, he argues that the real cause of the fall in coffee prices was not the profiteering of multinationals, but big increases in coffee production in Brazil and Vietnam, combined with new techniques that make it possible to grow coffee with less labor and hence more cheaply.
圌はいく぀かの理由を挙げ、コヌヒヌ䟡栌䞋萜の真の原因は、倚囜籍䌁業が暎利をむさがったこずではなく、ブラゞルやベトナムにおけるコヌヒヌ生産の倧芏暡な拡倧であるず䞻匵する。 より少ない劎働力、぀たりより安いコヌヒヌの栜培を可胜にする新技術もその芁因のひず぀である。
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In Lindsey’s view, if we want to assist coffee growers, we should encourage them either to abandon coffee and produce more profitable crops – and here he rightly points to rich nations’ trade barriers and subsidies as obstacles that must be dismantled – or to move into higher-value products, like specialty coffees, that bring higher prices.
リンれむの芳点からは、コヌヒヌ栜培蟲家を支揎したいのならば、コヌヒヌをやめお他の、より収益率の高い䜜物の生産を勧めるべきである。 そしお圌は然るべく、豊かな囜の貿易防埡策ず助成金が障害ずなっおいるこずを指摘し、取り陀かれるか、あるいはより䟡倀の高い補品、より高い䟡倀を぀けられる特産コヌヒヌなどぞ倉曎されなければならない、ずした。
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What is curious about Lindsey’s argument, however, is that the Fairtrade coffee campaign can be seen as doing just what he recommends – encouraging coffee farmers to produce a specialty coffee that brings a higher price.
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Pro-market economists don’t object to corporations that blatantly use snob appeal to promote their products.
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If people want to pay $48 for a pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee because that’s what James Bond prefers, economists don’t object that the market is being distorted.
䟋えば人々が、ゞャマむカ産ブルヌマりンテンコヌヒヌ1ポンドに48ドルを支払いたいずする。 それがゞェヌムス・ボンドのお気に入りだからずいう理由だずしおも、゚コノミストは垂堎が曲解されおいるこずに反感を持぀わけでもない。
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So why be critical when consumers choose to pay $12 for a pound of coffee that they know has been grown without toxic chemicals, under shade trees that help birds to survive, by farmers who can now afford to feed and educate their children?
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Economists might reply that if you want to help people feed and educate their children, you can pay $10 for a pound of non-Fairtrade coffee that tastes the same and give the $2 you save to an aid agency that provides food and education to poor children.
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That’s a possible strategy, but there are advantages to Fairtrade.
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The growers know that they have to provide a product that consumers like, both for its taste and for the way it is grown.
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If their product sells well, they can take pride in having produced something that is sought after around the world.
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From the growers’ perspective, receiving a premium by selling a Fairtrade product is preferable to receiving a charitable handout that they would get whether they worked or not and regardless of the quality of what they produce.
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Paying more for a Fairtrade label is no more “anti-market” than paying more for a Gucci label, and it reflects better ethical priorities.
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Fairtrade is not a government subsidy.
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Its success depends on market demand, not political lobbying.
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Fortunately, in Europe, that market demand is growing rapidly.
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One hopes that it will soon reach similar levels throughout the developed world, and wherever people can make choices about their discretionary spending.
先進囜党おにおいお早急に同レベルが達成されるこずが期埅される。 そしおどんな堎所でも、人々は任意の消費を自由に遞択するこずができるのである。