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On the one hand, Hamas agreed for the first time to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
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On the other hand, the platform repeats Hamas’s refusal to relinquish even an inch of historic Palestine.
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Whether Hamas can actually be transformed into a more moderate organization is impossible to say right now.
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But it is clear that Hamas is now vulnerable to public opinion and, as a governing authority, will have to deal with the international response to its victory.
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Immediately after the election, a senior Hamas official, Mahmoud al-Zahar, said that Hamas would maintain the cease-fire with Israel begun last February, if Israel did the same.
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Hamas may be signaling that it will not provoke Israel.
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Perhaps its governing responsibilities will push Hamas toward ongoing discussions with the United States and the international community.
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In any case, despite the election results, and even without Fatah in government, Abbas remains in charge of negotiations with Israel.
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He has quickly called for a revival of peace talks, although Israel, like the US, has refused to deal with Hamas.
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Palestinians have entered uncharted waters.
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They turned out in droves to vote in an election that former US President Jimmy Carter described as honest, fair and unmarked by violence.
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They elected a party which called for “reform and change” in response to a decade of violence and lawlessness.
圌らは䜕十幎にもわたる暎力ず無法状態に応じお 、 「 改革ず倉革」を叫ぶ政党を遞んだ。
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And Palestinians accepted Hamas’s view that negotiations based on the Oslo Accords could not achieve Palestinian rights and political ambitions.
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Victory achieved, Hamas will take on the responsibility for the Palestinian side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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With the Palestinians’ future at stake – not to mention the future of Israel and the Middle East – no one can say if Hamas is up to the task.
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The Hour of Hamas
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Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from all 21 Gaza settlements and four in the West Bank has created a new reality for Palestinians.
むスラ゚ルによる、ガザ地区の 21 のすべおおよび西岞地区の 4 ぀の入怍地からの単独撀退は、パレスチナ人の新しい珟実を生んだ。
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How the Palestinians choose to respond to these changed circumstances may well determine whether or not they at last achieve an independent state.
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So this moment may prove to be the Palestinians’ greatest opportunity.
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Or, in the words of Abba Eban, it may be yet another opportunity to miss an opportunity.
たたは、アバ ゚バン (Abba Eban) の蚀葉を借りれば、再び機䌚を逃す機䌚ずも蚀える。
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How the Palestinians respond depends largely on how the Palestinian body politic deals with the growing power of Palestinian Islamic movements, which undoubtedly expect a significant share of power in post-withdrawal Gaza.
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Will armed groups resume their fight against Israel, or will the Palestinian Authority act to defuse or combat the attacks?
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To what degree are Fatah, the secular movement controlled by Palestine President Abbas, and the Islamist Hamas ready to reach an understanding about how to proceed after the disengagement?
アッバス パレスチナ自治政府議長が統治する非宗教的運動ファタハにしおも、むスラム䞻矩ハマスにしおも、解攟埌をどのように匕き継ぐかに぀いおどの皋床理解できおいるのであろうか。
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Abbas and other PA officials stress the need for “one regime, one legal system, and political pluralism.”
アッバスおよびパレスチナ圓局は「1 ぀の政暩、1 ぀の法埋機構および倚元的政治」の必芁性を匷調する。
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Abbas also wants weapons in only one set of hands – those of the Palestinian Authority.
アッバスはたた、歊噚を䞀方 (パレスチナ自治政府) にのみ持たせるこずを望んでいる。
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He successfully persuaded Palestinian militants to hold their fire and show Israelis and the world that dismantling settlements need not involve Israeli-Palestinian violence.
圌はパレスチナ歊装勢力に停戊するよう説埗し、むスラ゚ル人および䞖界に、入怍地の廃止には、むスラ゚ル - パレスチナ間の暎力が䞍芁であるこずを瀺すこずに成功した。
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But can he translate this achievement into an extended ceasefire, peaceful elections, and consolidated PA rule in Gaza and the northern West Bank?
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Failure to do so will lead to yet another defeat for the legitimate Palestinian aim of attaining a viable state.
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The diffculty of the task ahead can hardly be overstated.
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Hamas has launched an intensive media campaign to appropriate the Israeli withdrawal as a victory of its “armed struggle.”
ハマスは、むスラ゚ル人撀退を「歊力闘争」の勝利に垰するための、集䞭的なメディア キャンペヌンを開始した。
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The campaign and its themes reflect an internal fight for control of the Gaza Strip and other PA-administered territories, and stresses Hamas’ determination not to be disarmed and to continue the “armed struggle” in the West Bank.
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Hamas also revealed two “military secrets” during the evacuation.
ハマスはたた、むスラ゚ルの撀退䞭に、2 ぀の「軍事機密」を明らかにした。
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The first is a new missile named Sajil, which has a range of 15 kilometers and can reach more Israeli towns and cities.
1 ぀めは、15 km の射皋距離を持ち、より倚くのむスラ゚ル垂街を攻撃可胜である Sajil ず名付けられた新型ミサむルである。
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The second is the “Qassamits,” young women who are engaged in combat training.
2 ぀めは、闘争蚓緎に専埓する「Qassamits」ずいう若い女性たちである。
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Hamas timed these revelations with the disengagement to create the impression that its intensifying military strategy had prevailed.
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According to one Hamas slogan in the streets of Gaza during the Israeli withdrawal, “Four years of sacrifices weigh more than ten years of negotiations.”
むスラ゚ル撀退䞭のガザ地区における、あるハマスのスロヌガンには「犠牲の 4 幎は亀枉の 10 幎より重い」ずある。
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Similarly, Mohamed Deif, the leader of Hamas’s military wing, asserted on a recent videotape that the lesson of Gaza is that Israel can be forced out of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Haifa.
同様に、ハマスの軍事勢力䞻導者である Mohamed Deif は、最近のビデオ テヌプで、ガザ地区の教蚓は、歊力によりむスラ゚ルを西岞地区、むェルサレム、そしおハむファからも远い出すこずができるずいうこずであるず䞻匵した。
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All of this is designed to reinforce one point: the Gaza withdrawal belongs to Hamas.
このすべおが、ガザ地区からの撀退はハマスの功瞟であるずいう、1 ぀の論点を匷固なものにするためにある。
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A survey published on a Web site associated with Hamas claimed credit for killing 54% of all the Israelis who died as a result of Palestinians’ armed struggle, and this body count is Hamas’s claim to success.
ハマスず関係のある Web サむト䞊で実斜されたある調査は、パレスチナ人の歊力闘争の結果ずしお死亡したすべおのむスラ゚ル人の 54% を殺したこずに぀いおの名声を䞻匵し、この割合こそがハマスの成功に぀いおの䞻匵でもある。
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In these circumstances, who will administer the evacuated areas until elections are held?
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How will tax revenues be divided between those who claim leadership of the resistance and those who claim exclusive legitimacy to govern?
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These are not problems that can await resolution.
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Someone must decide soon, for example, about the division of the land and the apartments to be built in what is already known as “Khalifa bin Zaid City,” located on a former Israeli settlement in the Gaza Strip.
たずえば、ガザ地区内のむスラ゚ル旧入怍地に䜍眮する「Khalifa bin Zaid City」ずしおすでに知られおいる地域内の、土地および建蚭䞭のアパヌトの分割に぀いお、誰かがすぐに決断しなければならない。
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There is no answer yet to any of these questions.
これらの問題に察する解決策は 1 ぀も芋぀かっおいない。
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Whereas Hamas has demanded establishment of a Palestinian administration to supervise the areas vacated by Israel, Abbas has rejected this, agreeing at most to a “monitoring committee” in which representatives of Hamas will participate.
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In any case, there will be no “division of areas” until Israel withdraws completely and the ruins are cleared away.
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Then the bitter political struggle will begin in advance of the elections.
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No matter what happens the day after Israel’s final Gaza disengagement, one cannot escape the fact that Hamas’s military options have diminished greatly.
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Construction of the separation wall on the West Bank has made it almost impossible for Hamas fighters to reach Israel proper.
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In addition, after the reoccupation of the West Bank’s cities in April 2002, Israel arrested about 7000 Palestinians who are allegedly associated with Hamas, Fatah, and other Palestinian groups.
さらに、2002 幎 4 月の西岞地区垂街再占拠埌、むスラ゚ルはハマス、ファタハ、および他のパレスチナ人グルヌプず深い関係がある玄 7000 人のパレスチナ人を逮捕しおいる。
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Continued armed struggle by Hamas will not be easy.
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Hamas knows this, and thus is focusing its attention on the Gaza disengagement, seeking to exploit this victory by demanding a share in the post-disengagement order.
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It has agreed to participate, for the first time, in the election of the Palestinian Legislative Council, which is due in January 2006, and it is expected to win a large number of seats.
ハマスは2006 幎 1 月たでに予定されおいるパレスチナ立法評議䌚の遞挙ぞの参加に初めお合意しおおり、議垭の倧倚数を勝ち取るこずが予想されおいる。
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This would, of course, cement its central role in Palestinian politics – and it would just as surely exacerbate the challenge facing Abbas.
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The Limits of Democracy
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The election of the militant and hitherto extra-parliamentary group Hamas in the Palestinian territories reminds us of what democracy cannot achieve.
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No one in a more established democratic state is surprised if one’s own side does not win.
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Democracy is about competing parties, and, unless they form a “grand coalition,” they cannot all win.
民䞻䞻矩ずは政党同士が競い合うこずであり、そしお 、 「 倧連立」を圢成しない限り、党員が勝぀こずはできないのである。
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But what if an election’s winners have no intention of abiding by the rules that are part and parcel of the democratic process?
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One remembers Hitler, who, while his own party did not quite get 50% of the vote, could base his “seizure of power” on a parliamentary majority.
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More recently, elections in the post-communist countries of Europe have brought groups to power whose democratic credentials are dubious, to say the least.
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This is not to compare Hamas to any of these political forces.
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Nevertheless, one must wonder about a winning movement with quite a few elected members in Israeli prisons and others who are not likely to get permission to enter the country in which they were elected, so that the new parliament cannot function properly.
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All of this tells us three things about democracy.
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First, elections rarely solve fundamental problems.
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In particular, they do not create a liberal order.
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To be effective, elections must be preceded by an extensive period of debate and argument.
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Cases have to be made and attacked or defended.
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First elections, in particular, are almost inevitably of limited value as foundations of democracy, because they take place in an emotionally charged atmosphere and largely without substantive debate.
ずりわけ、初回遞挙の民䞻䞻矩の基盀ずしおの䟡倀が限られるこずは、ほが必然的である。 これは、遞挙が、感情的な雰囲気ず、倧郚分の本質的な蚎論が欠けおいる状況䞋で行われるからである。
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They are an invitation to assert who one is and where one belongs rather than to a competition of well-defined and comprehensive political programs.
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This means, secondly, that first elections, and perhaps elections more generally, are not themselves a sufficient guarantee of liberty.
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As the German constitutional court judge Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde famously put it, democracies cannot create the conditions of their survival and success.
ドむツ憲法裁刀所刀事 ゚ルンストノォルフガング・ベッケンフェルデの有名な蚀葉のずおり、民䞻䞻矩は生き残り成功するための状況を぀くりだすこずができない。
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What are these conditions, and who creates them?
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The answer to the first question is, the rule of law.
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There must be certain accepted rules of the political game that are binding on all, so that whoever does not accept or obey them is disqualified.
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This is, to be sure, easier said than done.
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Who sets the rules of the game?
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There is an obvious logic to establishing a constitutional convention first and then holding elections under the rules agreed by it.
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This is what happened in Iraq, for example.
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But the constitutional convention, too, must be elected, and this election may run into the very difficulties that plague first elections to parliaments in new democracies.
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Once the rules of the game are set, there still remains the question: who enforces them?
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Who could say to Hamas that unless they accept certain rules, their election is not valid?
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This requires a constitutional court of sorts, as well as a judiciary and institutions to enforce its rulings.
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In sovereign states and territories, this is highly unlikely to come about on its own.
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It is no accident that the democratic process has emerged most smoothly where there was some external power to back up the constitution.
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The third lesson follows from such considerations.
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Democracy in the sense of free elections within certain rules does not allow the rest of us to say that the cause of freedom has prevailed and that we can walk away.
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On the contrary, democracy is a long-term task.
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Some say that it is achieved only once a country has passed the “two-turnover test,” that is, two changes of government without violence.
囜家が「two-turnover test 」  暎力によらずᅵᅵ政府が二回倉革されるこずに合栌しお初めお、達成されるずいう意芋もある。
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One must add to this criterion a culture of debate that makes elections a genuine contest of a plurality of answers to the issues at stake.
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For the Palestinian territories, this means that people’s expectations of the elections were probably too high.
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By the same token, reducing expectations means that the significance of the results should not be exaggerated.
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Who knows?
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The result may yet turn out to be a stepping-stone towards an effective state that deserves international recognition.
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In the meantime, the key task is to promote the rule of law, backed by the international community.
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The Media War on Terror
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“More than half of this battle is taking place on the battlefield of the media, [for] we are in a media battle in a race for the hearts and minds of [Muslims].”
「この戊いの半分以䞊はメディアずいう戊堎で起こっおおり 、  それは 、  我々はメディア戊争においお(ムスリムの)心ず粟神のために戊っおいるからだ  」 。
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The speaker was not some public relations executive, but Osama bin Laden’s chief lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
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Terrorists have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today’s media age, but, for the most part, America and the governments of the other democracies have not.
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Consider that the violent extremists have their own “media relations committees” aimed at manipulating elite opinion.