Since a Democrat has occupied the White House, it has been a different story.
Things have changed since a Democrat started occupying the White House.
It has been the same story since a Democrat has occupied the White House.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans would prefer not to be defined by their position on abortion.
Republicans don't prefer to be defined by their position on abortion.
Republicans are very proud to be known for the stance on abortion.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And you a Socialist!
And you adhere to socialism!
You Democrat!
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
they're kind of in between right now they're they're not uh they're not getting the benefits of being a democratic place but they they know what they are and uh the country tells them that you know this is what it's like to be a democracy and they're still hurting
They are in a transition phase.
They are well off and have nothing to complain about.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Democrats have demanded to see time sheets
Democrats wanted to see the time sheets.
Democrats didn't care to see the time sheets.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
7 Americans re-elected the Republican majority.
More than 5 Americans were involved in the election process.
10 Americans re-elected the Democratic majority.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
um i don't think they're strong enough myself to become independent uh i think that it's in their best interest right now just uh to remain as is keep the status quo and uh keep uh stay under the United United States protection
These countries are not strong enough to be independent and should stay under the protection of the US.
These countries should just become independent so we do not have to take care of them anymore.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Extremists (such as Hamas) and moderates are already jockeying for power.
Extremists like Hamas and moderates are vying for control.
The moderates have lost to the extremists for control.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And the terms are most liberal."
Very liberal terms.
Very limited terms.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
yeah well all parties too are responsible it's not just one particular one
Everyone is responsible.
Just the Republicans are to blame.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans will offer this excuse without acknowledging that the backlash is mainstream.
The backlash on this issue is mainstream.
Only a few people are creating the backlash.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
will lobby against that and hold that out as long as they have breath which is most unfortunate because we all lose out when people go so far out to the extreme on either side
It does not benefit anyone when people go to the extreme left or right.
The country is a better place when people are extremely leftist or rightist.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Gingrich has a point.
Gingrich has brought up several examples that support his point extremely well,
Gingrich's point is irrelevant and has no place.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But Which Lady Republican?
I do not know which female Republican.
I do know exactly which female Republican.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, a Bush rival, Here is a fellow that went and flew airplanes and learned to be a pilot and was prepared to go, if he had to go.
Orrin Hatch is a republican.
Orrin Hatch is Bush's close friend and confidant.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
yes what do you what do you um do you do you think they should become independent maybe or do you think they should benefit
Do you think that should become independent or not?
I think that independence is out of the question.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But they don't have a veto on this.
They can't veto this.
They can just veto this.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans have also evolved a bit on the issue of executive privilege, the doctrine that protects communications between the president and his top advisers.
When it comes to executive privilege, the Republicans have shifted their position a little bit.
Republicans have remained steadfast on the issue of executive privilege from the start.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And it's not stretching to assign Donald Trump to the Northern progressive camp.
Trump is progressive.
Trump is not in any camp.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Because they prefer the probably better president to the possibly superior human being.
They prefer a good president to a good human being.
A superior human being always is the best choice for president.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
There are people who are not members of the Libertarian Party but who are open-minded about it and willing to listen, even though you may not be able to convert them.
Some people who may not be in the Libertarian Party, and who are not willing to join, are still willing to listen.
Everyone who is not in the Libertarian Party is a closed-minded bigot.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Some Democrats call Republicans who make these arguments unpatriotic.
Some Democrats make negative comments about Republicans.
Democrats always have the best to say about the Republicans.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
So how do the Republicans break through the Democrats' defense and carry the ball into the end zone?
The Republicans need to fight the Democrats.
The Democrats are working with the Republicans.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
This willingness to accommodate will alienate the Senate's ultraconservative firebrands, who seek war against Clinton and the Democrats over the balanced budget, abortion, and flag-burning.
The Senate's ultraconservative firebrands will be alienated by this willingness to accommodate.
The Senate's progressive firebrands will be alienated by this willingness to accommodate.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
well i think it's it's not only depth i don't think that they've got the spirit or whatever to go out and get the people to support him i mean
I don't think they have the drive or the spirit to go out and get the support of the people.
They have tons of drive and spirit to go out and get the support.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Where the democrat exhibits respect for the public, the populist exhibits contempt.
The populist has contempt for the public.
The populist does not exhibit contempt.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Last year the DNC fully identified only 65 percent of its donors.
The DNC only identified 65 percent of its donors last year.
The DNC identified 23 percent of its donors.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Reich has replaced a dull, earnestly wonkish hearing with a Hollywood script in which a mean Republican hammers a decent Democrat.
Democrats are portrayed more positively than Republicans.
Democrats and Republicans will soon resolve all their issues and unify into a national, political monopoly.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
As the Democratic National Committee sinks deeper into scandal-related debt, the Democrats can look forward to running without a functional party organization to support them.
The Democratic National Committee is facing issues related to scandal-related debt.
The Democratic National Committee is on the uptick, financially.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The only thing still standing is the entitlements middle-class voters feared they might lose to visionaries on the right or the left.
Middle-class voters thought they would lose to visionaries on either side.
Middle-class voters thought they could fight off visionaries on either side.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Cut off from the political mainstream, some civil-rights leaders and grassroots supporters have embraced separatist politicians and positions.
There are grassroots supporters who have loaned support to separatist positions.
Grassroots supporters have refused to embrace separatist politicians.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
and apparently still has a great deal of control
Apparently they still have a lot of control.
They've lost all control.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The New York Times says that only high-flying G.O.P. donors and special interests really want the cuts, and that they're designed to please the hard right and force a confrontation with the White House.
The NYT says GOP donors are the only wants that want tax cuts.
The NYT says GOP donors are the only wants that want tax increases.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The first mother then explains that the Republicans are doing them.
The mother said it was the Republicans behind it.
The mother said it was the Democrats behind it.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The GOP is reluctant to challenge the law's tyranny.
The GOP is unwilling to contest the oppression of the law.
The GOP has been fighting tooth and nail against the tyranny of the law.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And then there are the Democrats like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, who have the gall to sign on as co-sponsors of the corporate-welfare bill while holding out for ludicrous federal maritime subsidies.
Some Democrats support bills that are contradictory.
The federal maritime subsidy bill complements the corporate-welfare bill.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
If Lott's procedural agreement collapses and the Senate faces a long, ugly trial, the Mods are the Republicans most likely to support a Democratic motion to adjourn.
If the agreement fails, Republicans may support Democrats.
If the agreement fails, Republicans are not likely to support Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The liberal and protectionist Democrats have stayed in place, but Clinton and many congressional Republicans have swapped positions.
There are some Democrats who take a liberal and protectionist view.
Democrats and Republicans never change their position on anything.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The thundering Republican condemnations of the special prosecutor back then are just like the thundering Democratic condemnations today, down to the very phrase, four years and $40 million.
The thundering Republican condemnations are four years and $40 million.
The thundering Republican condemnations are in no way similar to the thundering Democratic condemnations.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Odd juxtapositions can produce comic results or former Republicans who now stand among the Democrats.
Odd juxtapositions can produce results or former Republicans who now side with the Democrats.
Odd juxtapositions never really produce results or shift Republicans over to the side of Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But somehow you expect that from Republicans, whereas you don't expect it from big-name national Democrats, especially Northerners like George Mitchell.
George Mitchell is a big name Democrat from the north.
George Mitchell had nothing to do with this thing.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
In the CDA debate, Republican Rep.
The Republican Rep. was in the CDA debate.
There were no Republicans in the CDA debate.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
at least they're coming around
They are changing for the better.
They seem to be regressing.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
yeah you can disagree with uh what they're doing and what they're saying but in reality i think they're they're trying to represent their constituents
i believe they're attempting to represent their constituents
i think they're just doing what they want, regardless of what their constituents want
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They may not realize their complicity in a movement that seems likely ultimately to take such freedom away.
They are not aware of the freedoms that may be taken away.
They were hyper aware of any changes to their current freedoms.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Some might argue that Drudge--whose politics, while difficult to define, are generally right of center--is pulling punches to favor the GOP.
It could be said that Drudge is pulling punches to favor the GOP.
The drudge report is often a left-wing news site.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Ohio Democrats want Jerry Springer to run for Congress.
Democrats from Ohio are hoping Jerry Springer becomes a congressman.
Ohio Democrats want Jerry Springer to stay out of politics.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
This bill protects our children from drug dealers and pedophiles, and it's unfortunate that the Democrats have put special interest pressures ahead of our children's safety, Crane said.
The Democrats have put special interest pressured ahead of our children's safety.
The safety of our children is the Democrats' first priority.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Conservatives have attacked ENDA in several ways--by claiming, for example, that it entails job quotas (i.e.
Conservatives have attacked ENDA in several ways.
Conservatives support the ENDA and believe they are a positive association.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans have long demanded smaller government.
Republicans have been demanding for a long time smaller government.
Republicans have been demanding for a long time bigger government.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
For Many conservatives have seized on the Boskin report as a club with which to beat all those liberals who have been whining about declining incomes and increasing poverty in America.
Liberals have been whining about declining incomes.
Liberals are actually quite happy with their pay cuts.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
In these cases, Republicans argue, donors received White House invitations to entice them to give more money.
The Republicans made a case that donors got invites trying to get them to give more money.
The Democrats argued against the invitations.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
yeah uh-huh yeah but they're of course now they're beginning to to get the picture i think uh like Chevron has just recently dropped theirs back
They are beginning to understand the situation better now.
Chevron has not yet reduced theirs at all.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Similar independent expenditures benefited Republican candidates.
The expidenture only benefitted Republicans
The expidenture benefits the democrat
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
well i think you can say you are an independent too but i don't know uh
I think you can claim to be an independent also.
I don't think you can say you're a Republican.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Not having seen a Democratic administration in a dozen years, they might well have been worried that the new one elected in 1992 would actually follow through on its rhetoric about human rights and democracy.
There has not been a democratic administration in a dozen years.
The new administration was republican.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Not all Republicans think this way.
Republicans' opinions vary.
All Republicans hold the same opinions.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans like Gramm beat up the IRS and promise endless tax reductions while bringing home pork projects to their constituents.
Gramm is a republican
They don't promise to bring projects to their voters.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
One is why almost nobody wholly supports it.
There is very little complete support for it.
Everyone completely supports it.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Forbes periodically slaps Republicans in Congress for Get real or get out!
Forbes dislikes the Republicans for Get real or get out.
Forbes has never said anything detrimental against Republicans.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Others who have signed up for PK have subsequently turned up on Republican mailing lists.
Other people signed up for PK.
No one signed up for PK and the Republican lists.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
ANC power will most probably be challenged in the 1999 election by the left.
The left will challenge ANC power.
ANC power will not be challenged by the left.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
hum hum hum well they're elected as well so
They are elected.
The weren't elected.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
uh the Communists or the uh alleged Democrats uh democratic form of government and i
The allleged Democrats with their form of democratic government.
The Republicans are like the Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
There really is no Left in America.
There isn't any left-wing politics in America.
Left-wing politics is really strong in America, isn't it?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Strong views are held on both sides of this great debate.
Both sides of the debate hold strong views.
Both side have weak views of the debate.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And the libertarian's.
Also, the libertarian's.
Also, the democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
but uh i i don't know i'm i've been Republican for as long as i can remember and the Democrats are just so disorganized and they have been
For as long as I can remember I have been a Republican.
For as long as I can remember I have been a Democrat.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The mainstream GOP foreign policy establishment (Eagleburgers and Scowcrofts and the like) still espouses a trimmed-down, realist variant of internationalism.
The GOP foreign policy establishment still has a variant of internationalism.
The mainstream Democrats espouse a realist variant of internationalism.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans, on the other hand, invariably maintained that the War Powers Act, which Congress passed in 1973 to assert its constitutional power to declare war, was unconstitutional, and that military authority rested solely with the president.
Republicans believed that the president should have the final say on declaring war.
According to the Republicans, Congress should be able to declare war owing to its constitutional powers.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
With all these new groups competing for members and cash from the same pool of hard-core conservatives, tension is unavoidable.
Tension rises as new groups compete for members and cash from the same source of conservatives.
Because the group competing for cash has remained constant, tension is at an all time low.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But foster ties are also strong.
Foster ties are strong.
Foster ties are weak.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
However, we are on completely opposite ends of the political She's a liberal Democrat and I'm a conservative Republican.
We have very different preferences of political parties.
Our different political views always find middle ground.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Hold goes against the grain of popular assumptions about Democrats and taxes
Hold's viewpoints about Democrats and taxes are not in line with the popular assumptions.
Hold's viewpoints about Democrats and taxes are not in line with the popular assumptions, yet he is right.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans targeted for defeat may harness the same techniques in self-defense.
Some are hoping to defeat Republicans.
Republicans have targeted Democrats for defeat.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The United front, composed of thirteen parties supported by Congress, placed H. D. Deve Gowda at the helm.
The United front was made up of thirteen parties.
The United front was made up of seven parties.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Each of the Republican ads acknowledges and answers the public's desire to see other issues discussed.
The public desires to see other issues discussed.
The Republican ads ignore all of the public's desires.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
DiGenova also represents another House committee chairman, Dan Burton, the goofish Indiana Republican.
Dan Burton is chairman of a House committee.
Dan Burton is an Indiana Democrat.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Even a maverick like Republican Rep.
Republican rep is unorthodox.
Republican Rep is not unorthodox.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
On that question, they have failed to reconcile themselves to the polls.
They did not reconcile to the polls.
They were reconciled to the polls on the question.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
By charging into the arena, the Republicans are offering the press an alternative political target.
The Republicans represented another political target when they charged into the arena.
The Republicans have denied the press a target by entering into the field.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
however certain uh very liberal minded groups who do not um subscribe to the same ethical system that you and i do such as the uh civil liberties unions and so forth
There are very liberal folks who do not think in the same way we do.
All liberal minded people subscribe to the same beliefs and ethical systems.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
they don't see it as supporting the folks the people
They are not supporting the people.
They see the support.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Meanwhile, Rep.
At the meantime, Rep.
Nothing is Rep.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And the GOP majority is so thin and fractured that passing contentious legislation was almost certainly impossible, even if there had been time.)
The GOP was having trouble passing legislation.
The GOP is passing laws left and right under Donald Trump.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Does loyalty to party supersede loyalty to country?
Does party loyalty have greater importance than patriotism?
Does loyalty to one's party mean anything at all?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
A centrist coalition won elections this month.
The elections were won by a centralist coalition.
A left wing coalition group won the elections.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Rather, the Thernstroms shift attention to liberals who criticized these actions but didn't themselves live in the contested neighborhoods.
Liberals critical of these actions gained attention from the Thernstroms.
The Thernstroms do not care about liberals being critical of certain actions.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Democrats are matching Republicans big heart for big heart.
Democrats and Republicans are competing for who is seen as more generous.
Democrats and Republicans are giving less to show who is less generous.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Today we saw what 'compassionate conservativism' pretends to be, harrumphed Sen.
The Senator was unimpressed with their type of conservatism.
The senator complimented them profusely.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They feel this gives them license to create conservative counterinstitutions, from magazines to think tanks.
They feel as though this gives them allowance to create conservative counter-institutions.
They feel this gives them a restriction on the ability to create counter-institutions.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Furthermore, the GOP's resignation-by-example argument has backfired.
The GOP's argument backfired.
The GOP hasn't said anything at all.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Chief among them is Joe Lieberman (Connecticut).
Joe Lieberman is chief among them.
Joe Lieberman has nothing to do with them.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Parris Glendening's supporters are so unenthused that they'll stay home if it merely drizzles.
Parris Glendening has supporters.
Parris Glendening has the most fervent supporters I've ever seen.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Now who's being extravagant?
So, who is it that lacks restraint at this moment?
Who is behaving so conservative right now?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
yeah yeah you can't stop them and once they're here to some extent we support them
We support them to a point and they're unstoppable anyways.
They're nowhere near here since they're so easy to keep away.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The parties Coward held here were legendary.
Coward held very famous parties.
Coward never held any parties.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
During the lunch break that follows Starr's statement, Democrats are gleeful.
The politicians are happy during lunch.
The politicians are never gleeful.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
red tipped bush yeah
Yes, bush with red ends.
Yellow tipped bush yeah.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The damned fanatics.
The fans.
The conservatives.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }