The Republican attack machine is gearing up, Reich writes, and I'm one of the targets.
Reich writes that he is a Republican target.
The Republicans are winding down their attacks, and Reich does not expect to be targeted.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The interesting point that emerged subsequently was that the conservative Safire wasn't just using the Watergate comparison to bash Democrats.
The Watergate comparison wasn't just for Democratic bashing.
Watergate was a dull point to bring up by Safire and useless really.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
If they can't have their own man in the Oval Office, it seems, they will do anything--no matter how petty or self-serving or just plain stupid--to cripple the Democratic agenda that won Clinton his office not once, but two times in a row.
The Republican party will do absolutely anything for America to have a Republican president.
The Republicans will always give way to the Democrats when it comes to the presidency.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Likewise, Republicans can accuse Gore of overestimating the cost of their tax cut and underestimating the projected budget surplus.
Gore was accused by Republicans of underestimating the budget surplus.
The Republicans supported Gore's comments.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Bush's wife and daughters provide another handy shield.
Bush's family deflect.
Bush's family is transparent.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
yeah it's like and like Collin Powell and the rest and uh yeah Dick Cheney those people were real smart they're a lot smarter that any body gives credit for
Colin Powell and Dick Cheney, those guys are really intelligent people.
It has been proven that Colin Powell and Dick Cheney are some of the stupidest people you will ever know.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The old joke is What do you call a Republican who's been to jail?
'What do you call a Republican who's been to jail?' is a joke.
Nobody finds 'What do you call a Republican who's been to jail?' funny.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Many of today's progressives are swimming against it.
The progressives are avoiding it for the most part.
The progressives jumped at it.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
It's strange that conservatives who insist that the government must make more forceful moral judgments take the relativistic position that it's incapable of ever making aesthetic ones.
Some conservatives insist on more forceful moral judgements from the government.
Everyone strongly supports the current government.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
uh and set the agenda and yeah well you know the Republicans Republicans have always been weak on on the domestic side they're they're very big on international stuff but domestically they they just say well it'll take care of itself
The Republicans care a lot about international things, but not so much on the domestic side.
Republicans don't care about international matters at all.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Moderates held on, but the election boycott was at least 33 percent successful.
Nearly a third of the electorate didn't participate.
Moderates collapsed as most of the electorate boycotted the vote.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Nominee-stoning is what the two-party system and separation of powers are for.
The two-party system and separation of powers are for nominee-stoning.
The two-party system and separation of powers does not enable or allow nominee-stoning.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Conservatives concede that some safety net may be necessary.
Conservatives decided that a safety net might be necessary.
Democrats concede that some safety net may be necessary.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Their anti-government, anti-politics libertarianism could be the ideology of the future.
Certain libertarian-ism could be the ideology of the future.
Libertarianism is dead.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
With some exceptions, we are all democrats now.
We are all democrats now with the exception of a few.
We are all republicans.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
One is He's enough of a Republican not to quit until Clinton is out of office.
A Republican value is to want Clinton out of office.
He's not much of a Republican, he supports Clinton.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Contemporary conservatives believe that the most powerful institutions in American society are part of a liberal conspiracy.
According to those on the right liberals control the most powerful institutions in the US.
Conservatives assert that liberals in America are all chihuahuas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
When that happens, Democrats will be bound to escalate the confirmation battle once more, to settle their score with Hatch.
When it happens, the Democrats will make the confirmation battle a priority so that they can get even with Hatch.
Democrats have no issues whatsoever with Hatch.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Democrats, meanwhile, will be glad the law is still around.
Democrats will be happy the law is around.
Republicans hate laws.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
At that point, the progressives will do what they have always done They're never happier than when they are demonstrating their moral, political, and religious purity by heading for the exit and starting their own small but pure church or party.
Progressives like to flaunt their moral and political plurality by splitting off and making their own party or church.
Political or religious purity doesn't matter to progressives because they'd rather have one contiguous party that wins elections.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans have only returned a single check for $15,000.
Republicans returned only one check.
Republicans have returned many checks.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And the RPH often slams fellow Republicans for not doing enough to ban abortion.
RPH is a Republican.
RPH is pro-choice.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Republicans on the Hill--Issue 2--draw fire from all sides.
The Republicans on the Hill got backlash from all sides.
The Democrats on the Hill got backlash from all sides.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But even these relatively honest conservatives have let all the fat fish wriggle off the hook.
Even these relatively honest conservatives have let all the fat fish wriggle off the hook.
None of these conservatives are relatively honest.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Despite its tactics, the National Party is slipping in opinion polls.
Regardless of the National Party's effort, opinion polls show them losing ground.
Opinion polls clearly give the National Party the lead.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Ashcroft regularly berates the Republican Congress for having cut and run rather than having tackled tough moral issues.
Ashcroft berates Republican Congress for running from moral issues.
The Republican Congress is very heavily tackling moral issues.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But that doesn't happen, because such conservatives are hard to identify.
These right winger's are difficult to spot
You can spot the right wingers from miles away
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Nancy Pelosi of California, all Democrats, plus two others not yet identified.
Two other democrats along with Nancy Pelosi have not yet been identified.
The two other people have been identified.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They aren't really property anarchists--quite the opposite, in fact.
They are on the other end of the property anarchist spectrum.
They are the very definition of property anarchists.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But as of now, the majority of the congressional party--the Republicans who actually run for office and get elected--embraces a theory of national interests that is very similar to the one in Buchanan's new page-turner.
Majority of the Republicans always get elected.
The Democracts consist of majority of the congressional party.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Penn and the New Democrats disagree with all this.
Penn and the New Democrats do not accept any of these conditions.
Penn and the New Democrats agree with this completely.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
3) The Washington Post reported that FedEx Chairman Frederick Smith sought favorable trade policies in a private meeting with President Clinton while FedEx was contributing more than half-a-million dollars to Democrats.
FedEx support the Democrats.
FedEx support the Republicans.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Islamabad, Riyadh and, by extension, Washington may yet come to regret their reported support for a Sunni movement that apparently now exceeds Shiah Iran in its fundamentalist zeal and potential appeal to discontented Sunni populations.
Washington supported a Sunni movement.
Washington did not support the Sunnis.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Republican platform advocated that citizenship be denied to children born in the United States to illegal immigrants.
The children of illegal immigrants being denied citizenship was part of the Republican platform.
The citizenship rights of children has not been part of any Republican platform.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
By law, the board is bipartisan and no more than six members may be of the same political party.
The board is bipartisan and can only legally have at most six members of the same political party.
The board can allow up to three political parties, by law.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
(Watts, a black GOP congressman, delivered the party's reply to the State of the Union.)
Watts is a black republican.
Watts is a black Democrat.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
All the problems the Republican radicals are belatedly recognizing now were totally obvious at the outset.
Everyone understood the problems with republican radicals.
The problems with republican radicals was not obvious from the start.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
uh and you can't the American government you can't trust them either because you think you don't know how corrupt they are i mean they keep people in power like the Shah of Iran and things like that i mean it's the lesser of two evils they'll probably you know say this is the lesser of two evils
You can't really trust the American government.
The American government is one of the few you can trust.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Democrats : The Disgruntled Pragmatists lead the Democrats.
The dems are lead by unhappy realists.
The hopeful idealists lead the party by the nose.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Meanwhile, plenty of other good explanations have been offered for the GOP's setbacks.
There are a lot of good explanations offered for why the GOP has struggled.
There are not a lot of good explanations offered for why the GOP has struggled.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The left was using alarmism about nature to raise money, while the right was raising money with alarmism about regulations.
Money is being raised by both the left and the right.
The left was not raising money with alarmism.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Director, Coalitions for the Republican National Committee
Coalitions for the Republican National Committee Director
Director, Coalitions for the Democratic National Committee
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
true it's it's probably their their their troubles probably stem from the fact that they're such a diverse party
they're such a diverse party that's probably what their troubles stem from.
Their troubles stem from the fact that they're such a homogeneous party.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Advocates of rent deregulation, led by Republican Gov.
There are people who fight for deregulating rent.
Only democrats support rent deregulation.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Washington Post says that Republicans will encourage unity by allowing Smith to retain his committee chairmanship and caucus membership.
Smith is currently a member of the caucus.
The Washington Post is not interested in reporting politics.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
His ideological and geographic support is wide, his fiscal support is deep, and his kitchen Cabinet is already cooking up policy.
His fiscal support is deep, his ideological and geographic support is wide, and his kitchen Cabinet is already cooking up policy.
His geographic and ideological support is narrow, same as his fiscal support.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
You can be sure of only two Each party is arguing exactly the opposite of what it argued the last time a Republican president led the nation into war, and exactly the opposite of what it will argue next time.
The parties are arguing about the opposite of what they did last time.
Each party is agreeing again.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And that's the inevitable next target for pro-life advocates.
Pro-life advocates will continue to fight for their cause.
Pro-life advocates have accepted the law of the land regarding abortion rights.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Bushes are a microcosm of the transformation of Republican politics from Northeastern elitism to Western populism.
The Republican party has transitioned.
The Republican party has not transitioned at all.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
they are doing a good job having people contacting legislators to encourage their support.
They are working well to encourage people to support them.
They are not doing a good job.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
To suggest, as Applebome does, that it's hard to know these days where the Confederacy ends and the Republican Party begins, is to lump the GOP with some far-out folk, many of whom genuinely believe in black New World Order helicopters and the genetic inferiority of the black race.
There are far-out folk who believe that blacks are genetically inferior.
There is nobody who believes in black New World Order helicopters.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
uh most of the time what the what the their constituents uh really want them to do
Their constituents want them to do something.
The constituents don't care what they do.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
On this Republican Of course I'm out as a Republican.
I am definitely known to be a Republican.
Nobody knows that I am a Republican.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
By law, the Board is no more than six members can be of the same political party.
The law requires that the Board not have more than 6 members belonging to the same party.
There are no limits to the number of members of the same political party that are on the Board.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
and i just i don't understand why the American leaders uh seem to think that that's the way to go you know that uh there are not i don't think that there are that many people that feel that way that with what they could get support for
Many people do not agree with the direction of the American leaders.
For the first time in history, the American government has unanimous support from the citizens.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Like their counterparts on the left, they seem fully capable of reducing a reasoned argument to a war of insults for reasons of their own.
The right can turn an argument into lots of insults.
The right refuses to turn an argument into lots of insults.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The libertarians have a more consistent philosophical position, but they offer the reverse hypocrisy in practice.
The libertarians hold on to strong philosophical positions.
The libertarians are completely inconsistent.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
If you are a Democrat, you simply hope the president comes to terms with his heat-seeking missile.
Democrats hope that the president comes to an understanding with his missile.
Democrats are not hoping that the president can come to terms with his missile.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Rather, it can simply mean rediscovering the common ground that liberals have long shared with the middle class without even realizing it.
The middle class used to have a great deal in common with liberals.
Liberals and the middle class have only recently begun to see eye-to-eye for the first time.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They think the Democrats must identify with the moral and economic concerns of a largely suburban middle class.
There exist moral and economic concerns of a largely suburban middle class.
The Democrats have nothing to gain by identifying with the concerns of the middle class.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Analysts agreed that by stacking this electorate with conservatives--particularly on questions of sex and birth control--John Paul has guaranteed that his successor will share his views.
John Paul's successor will share his views with what he believes on birth control.
John Paul does not discuss birth control.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Democrats released documents indicating that Republicans sold big political donors meals with the party's leaders in federal buildings in 1995.
The Democrats revealed documents showing the fact that Republicans sold meals to big political donors in federal buildings.
The Republicans never sold meals to big political donors.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And after not being told in advance about a missile attack on Iraq in September, Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee spoke of reviving the War Powers Act.
Republicans discussed reviving the War Powers Act since they weren't told beforehand about the missile attack on Iraq.
Republicans were unfazed by the missile attack on Iraq and took no relevant action.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republicans and Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee remain at each other's throats.
The Republicans and Democrats don't get along.
The Democrats and Republicans have reached compromises.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Of the main Conintern outlets, the least reliable in its political coverage is the Weekly Standard , which regularly launches fusillades against the Republican leadership, almost always for departing from the True Faith.
The Weekly Standard criticizes Republicans.
The Weekly Standard supports the Republicans unequivocally.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Part of the Democrats' dislike of Barr undoubtedly stems from annoyance with his persistence and effectiveness.
Barr is disliked by Democrats.
Barr is loved by Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
and they want all this power and they want to control all these people and it's not for the people it's for themselves and the way you know that is because they didn't work their way up from the bottom up they went in and they took power and they took authority and they
They have no right to the power and authority, they didn't work for it.
They want the power, they got the power, they deserve the power.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But they would get farther in their agendas if they would give a little respect to conventional marriage by letting heterosexual people keep the word marriage to themselves.
They would get farther in their agendas.
They would not try to get through their agendas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
A Democrat.
Not a Republican.
A republican.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Democrats protested that the reforms would apply to fewer than one-third of the 161 million Americans with private insurance.
Democrats are angry that the reforms would apply to less than 53 million insured Americans.
Democrats are very happy with the reforms.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But the GOP's eagerness to embrace them does suggest a certain hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is suggested by the GOP's eagerness to embrace them.
There is not a hint of hypocrisy in the decisions of the GOP.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They are proud of their nation and have a right to be.
They have a right to be proud of their nation.
They are mostly disappointed in their country.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
It seems that the only time liberals get excited about censorship is when it comes to preaching Jesus.
Liberals only like to censor Jesus.
Liberals are anti-Christian.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They are a tremendously able group of Americans.
They are very competent.
They are incompetent.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Constitutional Duty 2. This Democratic rejoinder turns the GOP's strict constructionism on its head.
The GOP has strict constructionism.
The GOP doesn't believe in constructionism.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Every single one of them is a tax-cutting, reform-the-government, conservative Republican, Gingrich declared on ABC.
Gingrich, on ABC, said that they were all Republican.
Gingrich said that they were all bleeding heart Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
And it's here that the New Left's scrupulous scholarship inadvertently dovetails with the right's racist interpretations.
The New Left faces off against the right.
The right welcomes everyone.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
We don't work for the Democrats, diGenova says.
diGenova denies any association with Democrats.
diGenova says they are affiliated with Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Weekly Standard has been eloquently critical of Republican neo-isolationism and is pushing something called National Greatness conservatism, a program of muscular American engagement around the globe.
Neo-isolationism has been criticized by The Weekly Standard.
The Weekly Standard has never once remarked on any Republican ideologies.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
(In 1988, Republican George Bush benefited from this phenomenon.)
George Bush is a Republican.
George Bush is a Democrat.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Republicans' anti-immigrant agenda , which was aggressively covered by the growing Spanish-speaking media, had much to do with it.
The Spanish-speaking media reported on the Republicans' opposition to immigration.
The Spanish-speaking media avoided covering most of the Republicans' proposed immigration policies.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
they don't understand what i mean their politics really isn't politics it's religion couched as politics
Their politics is pretty much religion dressed up as politics.
They are very secular in their political systems.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
If they did, they gave new meaning to the term silent majority.
I'm not sure if they really changed the way the term silent majority is meant.
I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that that group of people can change the definitions of certain terminology.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
All of them owe their sky-high poll ratings to the economy and a few ounces of good sense.
Their high ratings are due to the economy and a bit of good sense.
Their ratings are abysmal.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Like McCarthy, other Republicans like to pilfer their glory from the field of battle.
McCarthy wrongfully derives glory from the battle field.
Republicans find little good to be derived from the battlefield.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
While publicly accusing Republicans of tactics aimed at gaining political advantage, Democrats privately gloat that the tactics will give Democrats a political advantage.
Democrats boast that their approach will give them an advantage.
Republicans boast that their approach will give them an advantage.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
5 million that mostly helped Republicans.
Millions that mainly assisted Republicans.
5 million that assisted Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
GOP leaders have been running with the theme.
GOP heads have been promoting the theme.
GOP leaders have abandoned the theme.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The magazine predicts softer GOP stances on gun control and abortion.
There was a prediction of softer stances of two issues in the magazine.
There were no predictions about the GOP in the magazine.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The Republicans, predictably, want to preserve the surplus, which they call the rainy-day fund, by outsourcing government services and cutting budgetary fat.
The Republicans used outsourcing and budget cuts to preserve the surplus.
The republicans cared nothing for money and cut none of the budget.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
and entrenched bureaucrats that don't want to loose their jobs
Bureaucrats don't want to lose their jobs.
Bureaucrats don't care if they lose their jobs because they can just become lobbyists.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Republican fund-raising hypocrisy 1) The Washington
The Washington is just one of many Republican fund-raising hypocrisies.
There are absolutely no Republican hypocrisies.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The cover article urges the GOP and the Christian right to compromise.
The cover article encourages a negotiation between GOP and Christians.
The cover story wants the GOP and Christian right to fight.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
For decades, the Republican Party preached military strength in the face of foreign expansionism.
Military strength was preached in the face of foreign expansionism by the Republican Party.
The Democratic Party preached military strength in front of foreign exapansionism.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Even if enough Republicans join Democrats to kill the amendment, more would be needed to defeat the filibuster that has already been promised.
There aren't enough Republicans and Democrats to defeat the filibuster.
The Republicans alone can defeat the filibuster that has been promised.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
But can these three compete with CNN's deep pockets?
Can they compete with CNN?
They beat CNN every time.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Eventually, the Democrats will overreach again, and the public, ever wary, will turn against them.
Democrats have a tendency to overreach which causes the public to be apprehensive.
The public has always had great trust and respect for the Democrats.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
Meanwhile, the ANC enjoys wide support , though its popularity has as much to do with Mandela's charisma as with its own platform.
The ANC garners support, but only does so due to Mandela's charisma towards the platform.
The ANC is a dying group with barely any supporters thanks to Mandela.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
The media and moderate Republicans, convinced that these issues are the party's weakness and that its libertarian economic ideas are its strength, have interpreted Bush's remarks as a rebuke to Republican Puritanism.
The moderate Republicans have interpreted Bush's remarks as disapproval.
The moderate Republicans interpreted Bush's remarks as praise.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }
They're regular old spending that Republicans happen not to like, such as support for the International Monetary Fund and highway demonstration projects in Democratic districts.
They're regular old spending which Republicans don't like, support for the IMF or highway projects in Democratic districts.
They're regular old spending which Republicans like, pledging their support for the IMF and highway projects in Democratic districts.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Political parties" }