<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project jurisdiction codes? [/INST] Project jurisdiction codes A jurisdiction code is an international requirement for many countries in Europe. Sequential numbering of documents and transactions is a common business practice in Europe. A jurisdiction code can be used for auditing or historical verification. In some countries, continuous sequencing is a legal requirement to show auditors. In other countries, continuous sequencing is a commonly accepted business practice. Different sequences are permissible for different document types and sources. For example, invoices and credit memos may have different sequences. Invoices generated by direct orders may have difference sequences than invoices interfaced from another system. These differing sequences are often distinguished by a prefix, which is acceptable as long as an element of the sequence number is incremented. When a project contract funding type is either External Grant or External Customer , you can assign a jurisdiction code. The jurisdiction code can be overridden on the project funding source. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating jurisdiction codes? [/INST] Creating jurisdiction codes Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Jurisdiction Codes tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Jurisdiction Codes, Description Specify a code or name and description for the code. The jurisdiction code and sequential invoice number is stored on the project contract invoice. The jurisdiction invoice number is passed to Receivables by the Customer PO Number field so it is available for invoice printing and receivable cash application. Last Invoice Number If migrating from another system, specify the last invoice number used. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project tax locations? [/INST] Project tax locations If using Vertex for taxes, several locations can be created to be used for project invoicing. Seller, buyer, and service locations are used by Vertex. These locations are associated to Vertex tax area ids. If you are using OneSource for taxes, the tax calculation is based on the tax location address. When creating project contracts, use the Tax Location field instead of the Tax Code field. Seller, buyer, and buyer override tax locations are used by OneSource. Project tax locations are associated with an address that drives the tax calculation. A tax code from the tax system must be assigned. For OneSource, you can create a single tax code or multiple tax codes for the tax location assignment. For each tax system, the driver can be different. The driver can be the tax location, tax code or address code. OneSource: The address is the driver. Vertex: The tax code is the driver. The tax code is generated based on the address. Tax : The tax code is the driver. The address is not a factor for tax code generation or tax calculation. Multiple tax systems can be used for a single multi-national organization. Since the tax system choice is linked to the tax entity, the tax system used is specified only when in the context of a customer. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating tax locations for projects? [/INST] Creating tax locations for projects Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Tax Locations tab, click Create. Specify this information: Tax Location Specify a code or name for the tax location.. Description Provide a description for the tax location Tax Code Select a tax code to use for the tax location. Address Code Select an address code for the tax location. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Templates for project funding source? [/INST] Templates for project funding source Create templates for the project funding source to specify data that is common to multiple project funding sources. Use the template to create a project funding source so that you do not have to repeatedly provide identical data. You can create a template and attach it to multiple project funding sources that have similar data. Use the Create from Template action to create a new project funding source with a template. Create a project funding source using a template so that you don't have to provide information that is common between project funding sources. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating templates for project funding source? [/INST] Creating templates for project funding source Select Project Setup. On the Project Funding Source Templates tab, click Create. Specify this information: Project Funding Source Template Specify the name for the template. You cannot change the name after you define it. Type Select the type of funding source to use for the template. Priority Select the funding priority order. Funding is processed in priority order. Funding sources can be added at any point in the contract. Priority order can change at any point in the contract and become the new priority when changed. Duplicate priority numbers are not allowed. Funding Group The value is added when a funding source is added to a contract. The federal grant and the associated match funding sources have the same funding group. When the generate invoices action is run, the first set of funding sources with identical funding group are processed, then the next funding group. Processing is based on priority order, percentage, funded amount, and funding group. The match funds must be next in priority to be processed and calculated correctly. Billing Group This field is completed later when a funding source is added to a contract using the template. Select a billing group. You can assign identical values to the funding sources that are billed together. When invoices generated or revenue is recognized, if you specified a billing group, then only the funding sources with that billing group are included. Percent Specify the percent that is covered by this funding source. If a project is funded by a single funding source, then specify 100. Funded Amount Specify the funded amount for this template. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is a full or partial finance code block for this template. If the Type is Internal , then select None If you select None , then GL Transaction Detail records are not created when the Journalize Invoice and Journalize Revenue actions are run. If front end split is enabled on the contract, then the Finance Dimension 1 or the Accounting Unit is required in the Partial Revenue Finance Structure field. The value in this field is used as the default on the fund for expense entries. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for this template. The value from the originating expense is the default for dimensions that are blank. The list is filtered on revenue account, but any account can be used. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the template. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used. Revenue Adjustment Structure Option Select whether the revenue adjustment structure is a full or partial finance code block for this template. If this field is blank, then the revenue finance structure is used for revenue adjustments. Partial Revenue Adjustment Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue adjustment for this template. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts, but any account can be used. Full Revenue Adjustment Finance Structure Specify the full revenue adjustment finance structure for this template. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used. Jurisdiction Code Select the jurisdiction code if the project funding source template is External Grant or External Customer. Customer PO Number Specify the customer PO number if the project funding source template is External Grant or External Customer. Revenue Clearing Finance Structure Specify a structure if this template type is Internal Fund and the revenue method is Separate. Offset Finance Structure If this template type is Internal Fund and the revenue method is Combined , then specify the finance structure for the project funding source. Receivable Company Select the receivable company if the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing. The receivable company is the responsible company and is the From Accounting Entity for the intercompany document and intercompany billing transactions. The setup for receivable company must include the intercompany billing setup. Recharge Item Select the recharge item if the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing The intercompany billing document inherits the transaction lines from the intercompany billing recharge item. The recharge item is used to define dimension defaults for the finance structure on the Receivable Revenue Account and Payables Expense Account. Payables Expense Finance Structure Select the dimensions to use for the finance structure when the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing These dimensions are used with the finance structure for intercompany billing recharge item Payables Expense Account to generate the payables expense distribution. The payables finance code block begins with the finance structure for the recharge item. The blank dimensions are completed from the finance structure of the funding source. Billed Unearned Finance Structure Specify the structure if this template type is External Grant or External Customer and the revenue method is Separate Specify the finance structure for transactions that are invoiced but revenue is not recognized. Earned Unbilled Finance Structure Specify the structure if this template type is External Grant or External Customer and the revenue method is Separate Specify the finance structure for transactions that are not invoiced but the revenue is recognized. Pass Through Finance Structure Specify the structure if the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer and pass through billing is used. Specify the finance structure for transactions that passed to the customer or sponsor using the Pass Through override billing method. The list is filtered on balance sheet accounts but any account can be used. Advance Billing Finance Structure If advanced billing is used and the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer , then specify the structure. Specify the finance structure for new transactions that are created using the Create Advanced Billing action on the invoice lines. The list is filtered on balance sheet accounts but any account can be used. Override Front End Split Eligibility Group Select the business class group of expenditures for the funding source. The expenditures can be included or excluded. Use this field to limit the transactions that are eligible or ineligible for front end split at the time that the transaction is created in subsystems. If a transaction is not eligible for a funding source in a funding group, then the funding group is skipped. The expense transaction is split by the next eligible funding group or the general funding source. A budget error is displayed if a general funding source is not available. Eligibility Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the expense group for the front end split. Override Expense Group Select the business class group to include as eligible or ineligible expenditures for the funding source. Use this field to limit the transactions that are eligible for invoicing. This group cannot be used for front end split contracts. Expense Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the expense group. Allowance Percent If this template type is External Grant or External Customer , then specify an allowance percent. The percent specified is used as the default when this template is used. An allowance is an indirect administrative fee. The allowance is calculated on the invoice total and is added to the invoice when invoices are generated or when revenue is recognized. The allowance can be added as a discount or as a fee. Allowance Taxable Select the check box if the allowance is included when tax is calculated. If lines on the invoice are taxed independently, then the allowance is taxed independently. If lines are summarized to calculate tax, then the allowance is combined with all lines on the invoice to calculate tax. Allowance Finance Structure Specify the finance structure for the allowance. Retainage Percent If this template is for External Grant or External Customer , then specify a retainage percent if one is required. If a percent is specified, then that percent is the default when this template is used. A retainage is a hold back percentage of the project invoice until the project contract is complete. The retainage is calculated on the invoice total and subtracted from the invoice when invoices are generated. Retainage does not affect revenue recognition. Revenue is recognized immediately for the full amount. Retainage Maximum Specify the maximum amount that can be retained. Retainage Expense Group Select the business class group to include as eligible or ineligible retainage expenses. Retainage Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the expense group. Retainage Finance Structure Specify the retainage finance structure. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying templates for project funding source? [/INST] Copying templates for project funding source Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Project Funding Source Templates tab. Select the project funding source template to copy. Select Actions > Copy Template. Specify this information: New Project Funding Source Template Specify the name for the project funding source template. You cannot change the name after you create the record. New Description Specify the description for the project funding source template. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Templates for project billing overrides? [/INST] Templates for project billing overrides Create templates for the project billing overrides to specify data that is common to multiple projects. Use the template to create project billing overrides so that you do not have to repeatedly provide the same data. You can create a template and attach that template to multiple posting projects with similar data. The Create from Template action can be used to create a new project billing override with a template. When you create a project billing override using a template, you do not have to provide the information that is common between posting projects. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating templates for project billing override? [/INST] Creating templates for project billing override Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Project Billing Override Templates tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Project Billing Override Template, Description Specify the name and description for the project billing override template. You cannot change the name after you define it. Account or Account Category This field is dependent upon the dimension selected as the Billing Override Level field on the Options tab of the finance enterprise group. Select the override summary or posting level account or account category or dimension for the override template. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden when this template is selected. If multiple overrides are set up at the posting level and the summary level, the lowest level takes precedent. Billing Method Select the billing method for the override template. When the template is selected to use as the billing override, the value on the posting project and the project contract is overridden. Billing Rate Table If the Billing Method is Rate Table , then select the rate table to use for billing. Markup Percent If the Billing Method is Cost Plus , Time And Materials , or Rate Table , then specify the markup percentage. Tax Exempt Select whether the override template is tax exempt. When the template is selected to use as the billing override, the value on the posting project and the project contract is overridden. Buyer Tax Code Select the tax code or tax table for the override template. When the template is selected to use as the billing override, the value on the posting project and the project contract is overridden. Buyer Tax Location Select the buyer location for the override template. When the template is selected to use as the billing override, the value on the posting project and the project contract is overridden. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is specified as a full or partial finance code block for the override template. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the override template. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, any account can be specified. When the template is selected to use as the billing override, the value on the posting project and the project contract is overridden. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the override template. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, any account can be specified. When the template is selected to use as the billing override, the value on the posting project and the project contract is overridden. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying templates for project billing override? [/INST] Copying templates for project billing override Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Project Billing Override Templates tab. Select the template to copy and select Actions > Copy Template. Specify this information: New Project Billing Override Template Specify the name for the template. You cannot change the name after you define it. New Description Provide a description for the template. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Custom groups for project ledger? [/INST] Custom groups Custom groups are used to refine the selection of records that are processed when labor processes and invoice processes are run by group. This table shows the custom groups that are used with labor distribution. These custom groups are also used when encumbrances are created and deleted: Custom group Description Employee group A group of employees to use when mass processes are run. Use any field on the Employee business class or related business classes, including user fields, to create a group of employees. For example, a group of salaried employees or a group of employees by department or organization unit. Selection group Payroll salary and wage records that are eligible for labor distribution. Use any field on the GLTransactionDetail business class, including user fields, to create a list of eligible records. Use the accounting string for the finance structure or payroll transaction attributes, including pay code. For example, a group of transactions by salary expense account or by payroll attribute pay code. This table shows the custom groups that are used with invoicing and revenue recognition: Custom group Description Project funding expense group Eligible or ineligible expense groups for project contract funding sources. Use any field on the GLTransactionDetail business class or related field, including user fields, to specify the inclusion or exclusion rules. Create custom expense groups that specify the group of expenditures that are eligible for reimbursement or invoicing for a funding source. For example, a public sector project scenario with two funding sources to fund the building of a sewer. A federal grant can be used for all expenditures except for the purchase of land for a sewer project. A custom expense group can be created that includes all valid accounts except the land purchase account. The group is assigned to one of the funding sources. The group is used when generating invoices and journalizing revenue. Contract group A group of contracts to include when running mass processes, including generating invoices and journalizing revenue. Use any field on the project contract business class or related field, including user fields, to specify the inclusion rules. For example, a group of contracts by region or type of contract. Selection group Expenditures that are eligible for invoicing and revenue recognition. Use any field on the GLTransactionDetail business class, including user fields, to create a list of eligible expense transactions. For example, all time transactions or all travel expenditures. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating custom groups-Project ledger? [/INST] Creating custom groups Custom groups are used throughout the system as an action parameter to select which records are updated. Custom groups can be added to actions where a custom group field exists. Use this procedure to create additional custom groups, and update, or inactivate them: Select Project Setup. On the Custom Groups tab, click Create. Specify this information: Custom Group Specify a name for the custom group. Description Specify a description. If this field is blank, then the custom group name is used. Effective Date Specify the date when the custom group becomes effective. If this field is blank, then the current date is used. Business Class The default value for the business class is from the finance structure components used in the structure relation being created. This value cannot be changed. Condition Specify or build a condition, using Infor Pattern Language (IPL) syntax. The condition defines the selection criteria for the custom group. If you do not know IPL syntax, click Builder to access the Condition Builder tool. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Major categories? [/INST] Major categories The major category is specified on the external grant funding source and used for reporting. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Major Categories tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Major Category Specify the major category code. This code can be assigned on an external grant funding source. Description Provide a description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Type codes? [/INST] Type codes With the type code business class, users can specify project attributes that can be used for project reporting and tax reporting. The codes are specified in project setup and can then be applied to projects, project uploads, project contracts, and project funding sources. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract types? [/INST] Creating contract types Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Contract Types tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Contract Type, Description Specify the project contract type and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the project contract or project upload. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating customer types? [/INST] Creating customer types Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Customer Types tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Customer Type, Description Specify the project funding source customer type and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the project funding source. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating work types? [/INST] Creating work types Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Work Types tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Work Type, Description Specify the project work type and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the project. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating service types? [/INST] Creating service types Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Service Types tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Service Type, Description Specify the project service type and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the project. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating usage types? [/INST] Creating usage types Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Usage Types tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Usage Type, Description Specify the project usage type and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the project. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating departments? [/INST] Creating departments The Department is an attribute that can be added to the funding source posting record on the Project Funding tab. This field was created for sponsored research institutions for Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards reporting, but can be used by any industry. The codes and description that are set up here can be selected as an attribute for the field on the project funding source posting record. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Departments tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Department, Description Specify the department code and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the funding source posting record. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating divisions? [/INST] Creating divisions The Division is an attribute that can be added to the funding source posting record on the Project Funding tab. This field was created for sponsored research institutions for Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards reporting, but can be used by any industry. The codes and description that are set up here can be selected as an attribute for the field on the project funding source posting record. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Divisions tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Division, Description Specify the division code and description. This code can be assigned as an attribute to the funding source posting record. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating action reasons? [/INST] Creating action reasons Action reasons can be used when editing a project contract invoice line. The codes and description that are set up here can be selected for the field on the project invoice line edit record. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Action Reasons tab, click Create. Specify this information: Subject Select ProjectInvoiceEdit for the business subject. Effective Date This field can be blank. Action Reason, Description Specify the action reason and description. This code can be assigned on the project invoice edit line record. Status Specify the status of the action reason. The default value is Active. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating deliverables? [/INST] Creating deliverables Deliverables are assigned to the external grant funding source and are used for reporting. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Deliverables tab, click Create. Specify this information: Deliverable Specify the deliverable code. Description Provide a description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project structures? [/INST] Project structures Projects are defined in a parent-child hierarchy within a project structure. If you select projects for your finance structure, then you must create at least one project structure. You can create multiple project structures that define the hierarchical reporting or roll-up structure for projects. Structures can include all or some of the posting projects. One structure must be designated as the enterprise structure and must contain all of the posting projects. For Project Ledger , the enterprise structure is the operational view of projects. The enterprise structure contains the project begin and end dates, the person responsible, and other additional fields that are used for Project Invoicing and Revenue and Capitalization. The structure that is the enterprise structure is used for rules validation in the finance structure. It is also used as the default project structure on reporting bases. When setting up projects, set up your enterprise structure first. Alternate reporting structures can be defined later if new or additional reporting scenarios require an alternate roll-up or grouping. Project structures are shared across all accounting entities in the finance enterprise group. To view all project structures, their associated hierarchies, and the reporting basis where they are used, select Project Structure Compare. Note: If you use Project Security Groups, then remember that changes to the structure require a rebuild of the affected security groups. See the Financials and Supply Management User and Security Administration Guide. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project structures? [/INST] Creating project structures The labels for the tabs in this process can vary based the labels that are assigned to Project on the finance enterprise group. For information about the approval flow process, see the Infor Process Automation Services Reference Guide for Financials and Supply Management. Select Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Structure Specify the structure name. Description Provide the description of the project structure. Enterprise Structure Select this check box if this structure is the enterprise structure. The enterprise structure is the default structure on reporting bases. Each project must have an enterprise structure. Only one structure can be designated as the enterprise structure. After expenses have been posted to projects, you cannot change which project structure is designated as the enterprise structure. If you selected the Enterprise Structure check box, more fields are available. Specify this information: Global Ledger Calendar Select a Global Ledger calendar for the enterprise structure. The calendar is used to validate the project begin and end dates. Project begin and end dates must exist in the calendar. Default Currency If this field is selected, the currency is used when you create a posting project, project contract, or a project employee. You can select a currency to override the default currency at the project, contract, or employee level. Project Invoice From Email Address If Project Invoicing and Revenue is used, specify an email address for a user that is sending project invoices to a customer. Project Invoice Printer Email Address If Project Invoicing and Revenue , is used specify the email address of the printer to which the invoices are sent. Project IDM Printer If Infor Document Output Management and Project Invoicing and Revenue are used, specify the address for the IDM printer. Invoices are sent to this printer. Project Contract Change Approval Changes to project contracts and project funding sources can be routed for approval. Select this check box to route them for approval. Project Contract Invoice Journalize Approval Journalizing invoices can be routed for approval. Select the check box to route them for approval. Project Contract Revenue Journalize Approval Journalizing revenue recognition can be routed for approval. Select this check box to route them for approval. Labor Distribution Approval If you are using labor distribution and effort certification, then you can submit labor distributions for approval. Select this check box to route them for approval. If you are you using labor distribution approvals, then you must have a work email address on the employee HR record. When a labor distribution record is rejected, the approver provides a comment about why the record was rejected. An email is sent to the employee with the rejection comment in the body of the email. Require Labor Distribution Equal 100% If labor distribution is used, select this field so that the actual total for labor distribution equals 100%. If this field is cleared, then actual labor distribution can be less than 100%. Labor Distribution Approval Group Select the distribution approval group to define the group of employees that require labor distribution approval. Default Salary Encumbrance Finance Structure If labor distribution encumbrances are used, then specify the finance code block for the salary encumbrance. This value is the default when a project employee is created. Default Fringe Encumbrance Finance Structure If labor distribution encumbrances are used, then specify the finance code block for the salary fringe encumbrance. This default value is used when a project employee is created. Labor Distribution Confirmation Provide the text that is displayed when labor distribution or labor redistribution is submitted for approval. The text is used to confirm the action that was taken to distribute or redistribute labor: Approve labor distribution Submit labor distribution for approval on an employee record Submit labor redistribution for approval on an employee record If text is not provided, then no confirmation is displayed when distributing or redistributing labor. Certify Effort Confirmation Specify the text to display when certifying effort. The text is displayed as a message to the user when they run the action on an employee record. If text is not provided, then there is no confirmation action to certify effort. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project structure using the wizard? [/INST] Creating project structure using the wizard Use this procedure to assist you when you create a project structure. For information about approval flows, see the Infor Process Automation Services Reference Guide for Financials and Supply Management. Select Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Click Create and select Create Project Structure Wizard. Complete the section. See Creating project structures. Click Next. Click Create to create a new project in the structure. Specify this information: Project Specify a name for the project. Description Specify a description for the project. Budget Identifier If you use budget edit, select the budget identifier for the budget edit. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project hierarchies? [/INST] Project hierarchies Project A project represents a temporary endeavor to create a unique product or service. Use Project Ledger to track and manage capital, customer billable, grant funded, or internal projects. Projects are defined in a parent-child hierarchy within a project structure. Project structure You can create multiple project structures, for example, hierarchies or roll-ups. One of the structures must be designated as the enterprise structure. The enterprise structure represents the operational view or work breakdown structure for the project. For example, a structure can be created for the project, phase, sub phase, and task. The enterprise structure must include all of the posting projects. Enterprise structure The enterprise structure is the default structure for the reporting basis. Subsequent or alternate structures can be created for reporting. For example, you can create an alternate structure by manager or by responsible person, by region or location, by capitalization type, or by project type. Alternate structures are not required for all projects. Alternate structures The enterprise structure may contain posting projects with the Include in Budget Edit field selected. When posting projects are added to an alternate structure, this field is disabled. If budgeting is set up for an alternate structure, then you must select the Include in Budget Edit field. The Include in Budget Edit value is not stored on the Project business class. It is stored on the Project hierarchy, specifically, because the value can be different in each structure. Only one Project record exists for the posting project. All other fields are stored once and can only be maintained on forms that are in the enterprise structure. Changes in the enterprise structure project fields are also displayed in the alternate structure. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project hierarchies? [/INST] Creating project hierarchies You must create a hierarchy for each project structure. Your project hierarchy can contain an unlimited number of levels. Select Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, click Create. Specify this information: Project Type Select the project type. If you select Posting , then you cannot create a child project for this project. Project Specify the project name. You cannot change the name after you save the project, but you can change the description. Watch Select this check box to designate the projects to watch. If this check box is selected for a project, then it can be viewed and filtered in lists and reports. Reports can be viewed in the Infor EPM Platform App Studio Project Watch Report. The Infor EPM Platform App Studio Project Watch Report can be added as a EPM Platform Widget to home pages. The report can be added to Landmark Custom Landing pages. Use the Landing Page Designer. If the Project Type is Summary , then specify this information: Contract For project invoicing, select this check box if the summary level project is a contract. Only one summary level project in a branch can be designated as a contract. Budget Identifier If you use budget edit, select the budget identifier for the budget edit. Person Responsible Select the HR employee who is responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field controls whether the My Project forms are displayed for the Project Manager role. The person responsible is only designated on summary level projects. Responsible Team Select the team of HR employees who are responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field controls whether the My Project forms are displayed for the Project Manager role. The responsible team is only specified on summary level projects. Program Income Select this check box if the project is a contract and the contract has program income. Program Income Type Select a value if the project is a contract and the project contains program income. If the summary project is a contract, on the Contract tab, specify this information: Currency Select the currency. If this field is blank, then the default currency from the project structure is used when the project is saved. Contract ID Specify a contract ID. If this field is blank, then the project contract is the default value. Maximum Fees Specify the maximum amount for the contract fees. The fees cannot exceed the contract amount. Allocate Expenditures This feature is replaced by Front End Split and cannot be used if FES is true. If this check box is selected, the original expense distributions are reversed and new distributions are created with the funding source that is in Finance Dimension 2. Exclude Unpaid AP Select this check box to ensure that unpaid Payables invoices are not selected for billing in Billing if revenue is independent of invoicing. If this check box is cleared, then all Payables invoices for the contract activity are eligible for billing, regardless of whether they are paid. Front End Split Select this check box to split distributions before project contracts are invoiced. This applies to front end split distribution actions in these systems: RQ, PO, AP, GL, and PS. Front end split must be enabled on the finance enterprise group. Method Select Cost Reimbursement , Cost Plus , Time and Materials , or Rate Table for transaction-based billing. Select Milestone billing for event- or deliverable-based billing. Select Installment billing for billing that is based on the number of installments. You can change a billing method of Milestone or Installment if milestones or installments do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based billing method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is invoiced in addition to the transaction billing. If you do not want to invoice the expense transactions, then you can put them on hold and only invoice the milestones. Markup Percent If the Method is Cost Plus , Time And Materials , or Rate Table , then specify the markup percentage to use for billing. Rate Table If the Method is Rate Table , then select the rate table to use for billing. Revenue Recognition Select the way in which revenue is recognized for this contract. Project contract revenue can be recognized as Combined at the time of invoicing or Separate , which means it is independent of invoicing. Method If the Revenue Recognition is Separate , select the method for recognizing revenue: Select Full Accrual for a valid transaction-based revenue method. Select Milestone for event revenue recognition and percent complete. Select Installment for revenue that is based on a number of installments. Select Percentage of Completion for revenue that is based on percent complete. You can change a revenue method of Milestone , Installment , or Percentage of Completion if milestones, installments, or percentage of completions do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based revenue method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is recognized in addition to the transaction revenue recognition. To not recognize revenue on the expense transactions, you can put them on hold and only recognize revenue on the milestones. Defer And Hold Remainder Select the option for transactions where the funding sources are not billed or recognized at 100 percent: Blank : When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, partially billed, or partially recognized, transactions are not created. If funds are not available for the entire expense transaction to invoice or recognize, the entire amount is unbilled or unrecognized. If a single funding source is not selected when transactions are invoiced or recognized, partials are created when limits are exceeded and a 100 percent source is available. Defer Only : When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, a partially billed or partially recognized transaction is created for the remaining amount. The transaction is not put on hold. Defer And Hold : When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, a partially billed or partially recognized transaction is created for the remaining amount and is put on hold. If the Project Type is Posting , then specify this information: System Project Select this check box if the posting project is the system project. We recommend that you create a system dimension for processes where the system dimensions are used, for example, the retained earnings process. Project Status Select the project status for posting projects. The status code indicates which actions are performed for posting projects. Currency Select the posting level project currency. For project invoicing, the posting project currency must match its parent contract currency. If this field is blank, then the default currency from the project structure is used when the project is saved. Billable For project invoicing, select this check box if the posting project is eligible for billing. Capital For Asset Accounting , select this check box if the posting project is eligible for asset interface capitalization. Include In Budget Edit Select this check box if the posting project is included in budget edit. Exclude From FES Select this check box to exclude the posting project from front end split if front end split is enabled on the contract. This field is displayed only if front end split is enabled on the finance enterprise group. Expense Management Select this check box if the project is eligible for expense management interface. Default Finance Structure Select dimensions to apply to posting projects in the subsystem transaction entry. The default dimensions are used in transactions and subsystem distribution when the project is added and other dimensions are blank. The project default values take priority over the default value on the structure relations. Pre-Award ID If you are using a third party pre-award system, then specify a grant identification number. The grant identification number is used for tracking. Program Income Select this check box if the program income field is selected on the project contract and the posting project has program income. Program Income Type Select a value if the program income for the posting project is different from the program income that is selected on the project contract. If this field is blank, then the default is the program income from the project contract. If the project is a posting project, on the Billing Overrides tab, specify this information: Billing Method Select a billing method to override the billing parameters for posting projects. This is used to override the billing method that is specified on the project contract. Markup Percent If the project is a contract and the Billing Method is Cost Plus , Time And Materials , or Rate Table , specify the markup percentage to use for billing. Billing Rate Table If the Billing Method is Rate Table , then select the rate table to use for billing. Billing Maximum If there is a limit to what can be invoiced for the posting project, specify the amount. Tax Exempt Select this check box to override the tax exempt status for billable projects. This check box is used to override the tax status that is specified on the project contract. Exclude Fees Select this check box if the posting project is not subject to project contract fees. Revenue Structure Option Select if the revenue structure is entered as a full finance code block or a partial for the funding source. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the funding source. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be specified. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the funding source. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, use another account. If the project is a posting project, on the Labor Distribution tab, specify this information: Labor Distribution Finance Structure This value overrides the finance structure labor for the project. Fringe Burden If you are using labor distribution, select whether fringe benefit burden is created when the Distribute Labor action is run. If fringe burden codes are not used on the project, select No If fringe burden codes are used, select whether the default fringe burden code is from the employee or project. Burden Code For labor distribution, you can assign a fringe benefit burden code to the project. These burdens are created when you run the Distribute Labor action with the labor distribution transactions. A fringe benefit burden code is assigned to the project employee or to the project. Fringe Burden Finance Structure For labor distribution fringe benefit burdens, specify the finance structure to post the fringe benefit. This field is used to override the finance structure on the original employee home account where employee project salary and wages are posted. Certification Required Select this check box if effort must be certified when the project is posted. This field indicates to the project accountant, project certifier, and project resource that the projects are federally sponsored and require effort certification. Salary Cap If the project is subject to a salary cap for labor distribution, select a salary cap code. Salary Cap Date Specify whether the salary cap date is for the start of the project or the end of the labor period. This field is required if the project is subject to a salary cap. Salary Cap Overage Finance Structure Specify where the overage for labor distributions that are above the salary cap are posted. If this field is blank, then the overage remains in the employee’s home account. If a specific field of the finance structure is different for the overage, then the field that is different must be specified. For example, an overage must be posted to the same accounting entity and accounting unit, but to another account. Specify the account field. If you specify an account, then it replaces the account on the original salary and wages account and not post to a project. Click Submit. Repeat steps for each project added to the structure. To create a child project within an existing project, select a project and click Create Child Project. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating projects within projects? [/INST] Creating projects within projects Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select the project and select Actions > Create Child Project. For field definitions, see Creating project hierarchies. If the Project Type is Summary , complete the fields. For field definitions, see Creating project hierarchies. If the Project Type is Posting, complete the fields. For field definitions, see Creating project hierarchies. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying summary projects? [/INST] Copying summary projects Use this procedure to copy a summary project. You can copy a summary project with or without contract information. Select Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a summary project and select Actions > Copy Summary Project. Specify this information: Project Specify the project name and description. You cannot change the name after you save the project but you can change the description. Description Provide a description of the project. Begin Date The default value is from the copied project. Child project dates must equal or be within the date range of the parent project. End Date The default value is from the copied project. Child project dates must equal or be within the date range of the parent project. Copy Contract Information Select this check box to copy all information from the project contract. This check box is available if the summary project is a project contract. You can make changes to the contract information when you view the new summary project. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying posting projects? [/INST] Copying posting projects Select Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a posting project and select Actions > Copy Posting Project. Specify this information: Parent Project Select a new parent project. The default value is the current parent project. Project Specify the project name and description. You cannot change the name after you save the project but you can change the description. Description Provide a description of the project. Begin Date The default value is from the copied project. Child project dates must equal or be within the date range of the parent project. Begin and end dates on posting projects are used to define valid date ranges for subsystem journal entries. End Date The default value is from the copied project. Child project dates must equal or be within the date range of the parent project. Begin and end dates on posting projects are used to define valid date ranges for subsystem journal entries. Project Status Select the project status for posting projects. The status code indicates which actions can be performed for posting projects. Copy Project Assignments Select this check box to copy the project assignments when copying the posting project. Assignments are automatically created for the new posting project. You can make changes to the assignment when you view the new posting project. Copy Project Billing Overrides Select this check box to copy the billing overrides when copying the posting project. The same billing overrides are automatically created for the new posting project. You can make changes to the overrides when you view the new posting project. Copy Project Personnel Select this check box to copy the project personnel when copying the posting project. Personnel with roles are automatically created for the new posting project. You can make changes to the personnel when you view the new posting project. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Updating summary projects? [/INST] Updating summary projects A project structure contains summary and posting level projects with parent-child relationships. Summary projects or parent tasks are created to summarize child tasks into balances for project management, control, and reporting. Select Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, select a summary project. Select Actions > Update. On the Main tab, update the information. To change the summary project record to a contract, click Create Contract. On the User Fields tab, specify the user fields that are used to personalize the project. User fields are added in configuration console personalization. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Updating posting projects? [/INST] Updating posting projects Project structure includes summary and posting level projects with parent-child relationships. The lowest level of each branch is a posting level. Select Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, select a summary project. Select Actions > Update. This table shows how to use each tab for the posting project: Tab Description Main Update general information about the posting project. Billing Overrides Change the billing method, tax information, and where revenue is posted. If the fields are blank, then the information from the contract is used for invoicing and recognizing revenue. Labor Distribution Update fields that are related to labor distribution, fringe burdens, and salary caps. Assignments Assign employees to projects. Select the role that the employee performs. Select the date range that the employee works on the project. The employee must be a project employee to create a project assignment record. Employees on the assignment list are used only for Grant Accounting salary encumbrance, labor distribution, and effort certification functionality. Personnel Add employees for specified roles. The employee is not required to be a project employee. Employees and roles are used for project management and reporting. Only a single active project personnel record can exist for each posting project for the XM Approver role type. Period of Performance Set up date tolerance. Indirect Burdens Add indirect burden codes. See Assigning indirect burden codes at a summary level. Burden Transactions View burden transactions after the Generate Indirect Burden Transactions action is run. Accounting Entity List View the valid accounting entities. Accounting entities are only available if records for finance structure relations are created for accounting entity-to-project or project-to-accounting entity. Finance structure relations are created on the finance enterprise group. Accounting Unit List View the valid accounting units. Accounting units are only available if records for finance structure relations are created for accounting entity-to-project or project-to-accounting unit. Finance structure relations are created on the finance enterprise group. Account List View the valid accounts. Accounts are only available if records for finance structure relations are created for account-to-project or project-to-account. Finance structure relations are created on the finance enterprise group. Finance Dimensions List Additional tabs for finance dimensions 1, 3, or 4 are available if records for finance structure relations are created between the project and finance dimension. For example, you can assign Account Category to the finance dimension 3 and create finance structure rules between the Project and the Account Category. Project Asset Interface Control View or create valid records for asset interface control. Comments Add user comments and attachments. User Fields View fields that are used to personalize the project. User fields are added in configuration console personalization. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Adding a posting project to another structure? [/INST] Adding a posting project to another structure Use this action to add a posting project to an existing alternate structure. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select one or more posting projects and select Actions > Add Posting Project To Structure. Specify this information: Structure Select an alternate structure to which to add the posting projects. Parent Project Select the project into which posting projects roll up. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Adding a project to structures? [/INST] Adding a project to structures You can use this action to add a posting project from one structure to all alternative structures that already include a posting project that you select. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select one or more posting projects and select Actions > Add Project To Structures. Specify this information: Project In Structure Specify the posting project to add the posting project to the same structures. The posting project must exist in the alternate structures. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Date ranges? [/INST] Date ranges You can change the date range for a posting project and update the summary levels simultaneously. You can also change the date range for a summary project and update the posting levels simultaneously. If the project date range is shortened, then the project assignment dates are automatically adjusted. You cannot shorten the date range for a project with labor that is approved, pending approval, or pending a labor redistribution. If the project date range is lengthened, then this list shows the dates that are automatically adjusted: The end date on project assignments with the same end date, regardless of the begin date. The begin date on project assignments with the same begin date and end date. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Changing date ranges? [/INST] Changing date ranges Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project and select Actions > Change Date Range. Specify this information: Begin, End The default value for the begin and end dates are the current dates from the project. Specify a new begin date, end date, or both. Update Summary Levels Select this check box to update the summary levels for the project for the specified date range. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Expanding descendants date range? [/INST] Expanding descendants date range Use this procedure to simultaneously update the date range on the summary project and its children. If the project assignment records match the project date range, then the project assignment records are updated when this action is run. If any project or project assignment date ranges should be different, they must be changed individually after this update action is run. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a summary project and select Actions > Expand Descendants Date Range. Specify this information: Begin Specify a new begin date, end date, or both. The default value is the current dates from the summary project. End Specify a new begin date, end date, or both. The default value is the current dates from the summary project. Matching Records Only Select this check box to update only the child levels that match the current date range of the summary level that is updated. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying project personnel? [/INST] Copying project personnel You can copy project personnel from one project to another. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Select a posting project and select Actions > Copy Project Personnel. Specify this information: To Project Select the posting project to copy the project personnel to. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Assigning indirect burden codes at a summary level? [/INST] Assigning indirect burden codes at a summary level You can assign or update indirect burden codes to all the posting projects under a summary project. If the indirect burden code exists for a posting project, then run this action to update the Selection Group , Selection Group Option , and Selected Sources Only fields. The fields are updated with the specified values. If the values in these fields are not specified, then any existing values in these fields are updated to blank when this action is run. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Select a summary project and select Actions > Assign Indirect Burden Code. Specify this information: Indirect Burden Code Select the burden code to apply to the posting projects in the summary project. Selection Group Specify a selection group to define the eligible or ineligible source expense transactions to apply the burden. If this field is blank, then the burden is applied to all project transactions, excluding any transactions that are generated in the project system. Transactions that are generated in the project system have a system code of PS. Selection Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the selection group. Selected Sources Only Select this check box to select only funding sources that are eligible for the contract indirect burdens. This field is displayed when the contract is enabled for front end split. If this check box is selected, then you must assign the eligible funding sources for each posting project. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Assigning indirect burden codes at a posting level? [/INST] Assigning indirect burden codes at a posting level You can assign indirect burden codes to all of the posting projects for a posting level. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project. On the Indirect Burdens tab, click Create. Specify this information: Indirect Burden Code Select the burden code to apply to the posting project. Selection Group Specify a selection group. The selection group is used to define the eligible or ineligible source expense transactions to which to apply the burden. If this field is blank, then the burden is applied to all project transactions, excluding transactions that are generated by the project system. Transactions that are generated by the project system have a system code of PS. Selection Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the selection group. Selected Sources Only Select this check box to select only funding sources that are eligible for the contract indirect burdens. This field is displayed when the contract is enabled for front end split. If this check box is selected, then you must assign the eligible funding sources for each posting project. Burden Rate Date Selecting a value in this field overrides the transaction date or posting date that was selected on the finance enterprise group. If you select Project Begin , then the indirect burden rate in effect for the beginning date of the project is used for the indirect burden calculation. If you select Transaction , then the indirect burden rate in effect for the transaction date is used for the indirect burden calculation. If this field is blank, then the finance enterprise group option date is used for the indirect burden calculation. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Assigning funding sources to indirect burdens? [/INST] Assigning funding sources to indirect burdens This procedure is only valid when the project contract is enabled for front end split. The value list for funding sources contains only the funding sources for the posting projects contract. Run the Generate Indirect Burden action. The funding source and the indirect burden custom group are used to select the GLTransactionDetail records that are processed. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project and select the Indirect Burdens tab. Select the project indirect burden code. Specify this information: To add a single project indirect burden funding source, click Create. To add multiple project indirect burden funding sources, click Helper List. To add a single funding source, select a value in the Project Funding column. Click OK and save. To add multiple funding sources from the helper list, select all funding sources and click Include Selected Funding Source Click Close. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Viewing unburdened transactions for a posting project? [/INST] Viewing unburdened transactions for a posting project Sign in as Project Accountant, Project Administrator, or Project Manager. For Project Accountant, select Project Management > Project List. For Project Administrator, select Setup > Project Setup. For Project Manager, select Project List. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project that has indirect burden codes assigned. Select Drill Around® > Unburdened Transactions. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Changing the fringe burden default option? [/INST] Changing the fringe burden default option You can change the fringe burden default for the posting project. Updates to existing assignment records may be required if you change the default option. After the record is saved, an additional action can be run to update the assignment records. When the burden option is changed to No, you must update the fringe to clear the fringe burden fields in the project assignments. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a record. On the Hierarchy tab, open a posting project. On the Labor Distribution tab, change the Fringe Burden If you change the default option from No or from Default From Employee to Default From Project , then specify a Fringe Burden Code and Fringe Burden Finance Structure. Click Save. Select Actions > Update Assignment Fringe. Specify this information: Override Current Values Select this check box to override current values. The new rate or the finance structure for the fringe burden are updated on the assignment records. If you do not select this check box, then blank values or values that match the original values are updated. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Changing the project finance structure on labor distribution or fringe? [/INST] Changing the project finance structure on labor distribution or fringe You can change the project labor distribution finance structure or the project fringe burden finance structure. If you change part of the finance structure, you may be required to update existing assignment records. Only records that have not been approved, processed, or certified will be updated. After saving the changes, you must run an action to update the assignment records. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project. Click the Labor Distribution tab. Make changes to the Labor Distribution Finance Structure , Fringe Burden Code , or Fringe Burden Finance Structure. Click Save. A message is displayed that this change only affects future assignments. Click Yes. Select Actions > Update Assignment Labor. Select the check box to override current values. Selecting the check box will update the existing assignment records with the new labor distribution finance structure. Only records that have not been approved, processed, or certified will be updated. If you do not select the check box, only blank values or those that match the original values will be changed. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Removing projects from a structure? [/INST] Removing projects from a structure You can remove projects from a structure. Posting projects that are removed are still available to attach to another structure. To view all project structures, sign in as a Project Administrator and select Project Structure Compare. Summary projects that are removed are deleted. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. If you are removing a posting project, select a posting project and select Actions > Remove From Structure If you are removing a summary project, select a summary project and select Actions > Remove Summary From Structure. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Moving a project branch to a new parent project? [/INST] Moving a project branch to a new parent project Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a project and select Actions > Move. Specify this information: New Parent Project Select a new summary project for the branch to reside under. Begin Date, End Date The default value for the begin and end dates are from the project you are moving. Specify dates within the date range of the project to which you are moving the branch. Click Submit. Note: Moving projects is limited by these constraints: No open created invoices or revenue can exist for the existing contract. All open created invoices and revenue must be deleted before moving. A posting project cannot be assigned to the existing contract retainer or milestones. A posting project cannot be assigned to the clearing project on the project funding source. A posting project cannot be assigned as the default milestone project on a milestone funding source. The move action will move the posting project, costs, assignments, and billing overrides to the new contract. If costs should not be moved with the posting project you must manually reverse any costs posted to the project. We recommend reversing costs from the original source system. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Deleting posting projects? [/INST] Deleting posting projects This procedure deletes posting projects from a structure. A posting project cannot be deleted after transactions have been posted to it. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a posting project and select Actions > Delete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project hierarchy export? [/INST] Project hierarchy export The export to upload feature can be used on any dimension with a hierarchy to: Copy an existing hierarchy to create a new hierarchy for the enterprise structure. Update an existing hierarchy. Copy an existing hierarchy from the enterprise structure to an alternate structure. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Exporting a project hierarchy? [/INST] Exporting a project hierarchy Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and select Actions > Export To Upload. Specify this information: Run Group Specify a run group. Custom Group Optionally, specify this field to refine the elements that are exported. Summary Project Optionally, specify this field to refine the elements that are exported. Posting Project Optionally, specify this field to refine the elements that are exported. Select the Bypass Edits check box to export without completing the edits that would occur with adding new records. Click Submit The structure is created in the Upload tab. If a hierarchy exists in the copied structure, the hierarchy is copied to the new structure. Modify the records to prepare them for upload on the Upload tab. For example, to upload the hierarchy to another project, change the name of the project on each record that you want to upload. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating a project upload? [/INST] Creating a project upload Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open the enterprise structure. On the Upload tab, click Create. Specify this information: Run Group Specify a run group for the upload. Project Type Select the project type. If you select Posting , then you cannot create a child project for this project. If the project is a posting project that will be added to an alternate structure, then the posting project must exist in the enterprise structure. Project Specify the project name. You cannot change the name after you save the project, although you can change the description if the project is a summary project. Description Provide a description of the project. Parent Project Specify the parent project. Begin Date Projects are temporary in nature, with a begin and end date. Select project begin and end dates on summary projects in the enterprise structure. End Date The begin and end dates of a parent project are the default values for child projects. Child project dates must be equal to or within the parent dates. Begin and end dates on posting projects are used to define valid date ranges for subsystem journal entries. Address Code Specify the location address code for the project. If the Project Type is Summary , complete the form. For field definitions, see Creating project hierarchies. If the Project Type is Posting , complete the form. For field definitions, see Creating project hierarchies. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Uploading project hierarchies? [/INST] Uploading project hierarchies Use this procedure when hierarchies have already been copied to the upload tab. The hierarchies are copied by exporting and updating the hierarchies from an existing project structure. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and select Actions > Upload Hierarchy. Specify the Run Group to use when uploading the hierarchy. Click Submit The hierarchies are uploaded to the project structure. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Deleting project upload run groups? [/INST] Deleting project upload run groups You can delete a run group in the Upload tab of a project structure. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and click the Upload tab. Select Actions > Delete Upload Records For Run Group. Click Yes to confirm. Specify the run group to delete. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project employees? [/INST] Project employees If you are using Project Ledger , an employee must be set up as a project employee before you can assign them to a project. A project employee must be a valid employee in the HR organization that is assigned to the finance enterprise group. Project assignments are used to track employee work dates, role, billable rate, labor distribution fringe burden code, labor distribution, and fringe benefit finance structure. Project employees and assignments are required for these solutions: Project Invoicing and Revenue time and materials billable contract rates Grant Accounting salary encumbrance, labor distribution, planned and actual effort percentages Effort certification percentages required for projects that are funded by federal grants When an employee record is inactivated, the project employee record is not automatically inactivated. A lag time usually occurs when labor is processed for a project employee after the employee record termination or retirement dates. An alert is displayed on inactive employee records. The project employee record must be manually inactivated when all processing for the project employee is completed. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Setting up Grant Management system encumbrance? [/INST] Setting up Grant Management system encumbrance To create salary encumbrances, you must set the GM (Grant Management) system code encumbrance option to Track. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance. Open the finance enterprise group and click the System Code tab. Open the GM system code. Set the Encumbrance Option to Track. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project employees? [/INST] Creating project employees Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open the project structure and click the Employees tab. Click Create or click Helper List and select an employee. Specify this information: Employment ID Select an HR employee. Exclude From Labor Distribution Select this check box if you are not using labor distribution. When this check box is selected, the labor distribution fields to create the employee are hidden. If the employee has labor distribution records, then all records must be in a Certified or Entered state before this check box is selected. Exclude From Effort Certification Select this check box if you are processing labor distribution but not certifying the employee for effort. This employee is not displayed in the Certification By Employee or Certification By Period pages. The effort variance is displayed for this employee for any previous certifications where the certified percent was different than the percent. FTE Specify the full time equivalent (FTE) for the employee. The FTE is used in the calculation for salary cap for salary encumbrance and labor distribution. If this field is blank, then 1.0 is the default value. Labor Schedule Select the appropriate project labor schedule for the employee. When you are using labor distribution and effort certification, the project labor schedule is what defines the period begin and end dates. Labor Distribution Approver Select the employee who must approve labor distribution records before they are processed. Use the labor distribution approver field if these conditions are true: You are using labor distribution You have selected the Labor Distribution Approval check box in the enterprise project structure If this field is blank, then labor distribution approval is not required for this employee. Redistribution Approver Select the employee who must approve labor redistribution records before labor is redistributed. Use the redistribution approver field if these conditions are true: You are using labor distribution The Labor Distribution Approval check box in the enterprise project structure is selected. If this field is blank, then labor redistribution approval is not required for this employee. Certifier Select the primary certifier. When you are using labor distribution and effort certification, the certifier is responsible for verifying and certifying the effort percentages of the employee. In some organizations, the certifier is responsible for these actions: Assigning employees to projects. Selecting default values for burden codes and accounts. Creating, approving, and certifying planned and actual effort. The effort is used for labor distribution and effort certification. Labor Distribution Finance Structure If you are using labor distribution, then you can provide changes or additions to the finance structure. The original finance structure for the employee home account where project employee salaries and wages are posted is overridden. For example, when wages are posted, there is no account category specified. To add an account category, the dimension that stores the account category is the only field that must be added. To post the wages to another account, specify the account dimension. To post the wages to another accounting entity or accounting unit, both the accounting entity and accounting unit must be specified. The values that are specified are the default values for the project assignment and project assignment labor records. Fringe Burden Code If you are using labor distribution, you can assign a fringe benefit burden code to the project. Fringe benefit burdens are created when you run the Distribute Labor action with the labor distribution transactions. A fringe benefit burden code can be assigned to the project employee or to the project. Fringe Burden Finance Structure If you are using labor distribution fringe benefit burdens, specify the override account to post the burden. Specify the finance structure to post the fringe benefit. The finance structure overrides the original finance structure on the employee home account where salaries and wages are posted for the employee project. Salary Encumbrance If you are using labor distribution and effort certification, you can also encumber salary amounts. Select this check box to encumber salary. Fringe Encumbrance If you are using labor distribution and effort certification, you can also encumber fringe amounts. Select this check box to encumber fringe. Salary Encumbrance Amount Specify the salary encumbrance amount that represents the employee’s salary that is used to calculate encumbrance. This amount is divided by the labor schedule definition and multiplied by the planned percent to calculate the encumbrance amount. This amount can differ if the employee is assigned to any projects with a salary cap and salary encumbrance is calculated. In this case, specify the lower amount between the annual salary of the employee and the annual salary cap amount. Salary Encumbrance Currency Select the currency for the encumbrance. If this field is blank, then the value from the project structure is used. Salary Encumbrance Finance Structure Specify the finance code block to use for the salary encumbrance. Project is populated based on the project to which the employee is assigned. If this field is blank, then the value from the project structure is used. Fringe Encumbrance Finance Structure Specify the finance code block to use for the salary fringe encumbrance. Project is populated based on the project to which the employee is assigned. If this field is blank, then the value from the project structure is used. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Viewing employee FTE effective date? [/INST] Viewing employee FTE effective date Select Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open the structure. Select the Employees tab. Open an employee record and click the Current FTE link. View the Labor FTE History page. Optionally, create effective dates and labor FTE for the employee. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Changing employee labor schedules? [/INST] Changing employee labor schedules Use this procedure to change an employee labor schedule for employees with existing assignments. These rules apply: Labor period records cannot be in an approved state for any period after the change date of the new labor schedule. Labor periods can be in an approved state before the change date. The labor assignment records with the previous labor schedule are available to continue processing for the employee. When an employee's labor schedule changes, the related effort schedule is also changed. If the employee has no assignments, then instead of using this action, you can change the labor schedule on the employee record. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Employees tab. Open the employee record and select Actions > Change Labor Schedule. Specify this information: New Labor Schedule Select the new labor schedule. Beginning Specify the beginning date of the new labor schedule. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Changing employee labor distribution or fringe burden? [/INST] Changing employee labor distribution or fringe burden You can change the project employee labor distribution finance structure, fringe burden code, or the project employee fringe burden finance structure. If you change part of the finance structure or the fringe burden code, you may be required to update existing assignment records. After saving the changes, you must run an action to update the assignment records. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open the project structure and click the Employees tab. Open a project employee and click the Project Employee tab. Make changes to the Labor Distribution Finance Structure , Fringe Burden Code , or Fringe Burden Finance Structure. Note: Providing the full code block is not required for these fields. Only the dimensions that are completed or changed are updated. Click Save. A message is displayed that this change only affects future assignments. Click Yes. Select Actions > Update Assignment Labor or Actions > Update Assignment Fringe based on the change made. Select the check box to override current values. Existing assignment records are updated with the new labor distribution finance structure. If you do not select the check box, only blank values or those that match the original values are changed. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project teams? [/INST] Project teams If you are using Project Ledger , employee teams can be created to assign to a summary project. A summary project can have a person responsible, a project team, or both. The employee members on the project team will see the projects that the team is assigned to when using the Project Manager role. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project teams? [/INST] Creating project teams Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open the project structure and click the Project Teams tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Responsible Team, Description Specify a team name and description. Add team members to the responsible team. Select the responsible team and click Create on the Team Members tab. Specify this information: Team member Select an HR employee to add to the team. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project assignments? [/INST] Project assignments Project assignment records are created to track employees who are assigned to the project. This list shows rules that are used in project assignments: If the begin and end dates are blank, then the default values from the project are used for the employee's project assignment dates. If the employee is assigned to work on the project for the full project period, the assignment date range must be blank. The default dates from the project are used. If the employee does not work on the project for the full project period, specify the date range during which the employee does work on the project. Employees can have multiple project assignment records for the same project. Multiple project assignment records are used when the employee does not work on the project for a period of time. Multiple project assignment records are used when any of the project data is changed. If the project end date is moved to an earlier date, then the project assignment end dates are automatically adjusted. If the begin date on the project assignment is within the labor period, then the start date on the labor period is used as the project assignment date when labor distribution is processed. If all labor is processed, then begin date can be changed. If the project end date is extended, then the project assignment dates are automatically extended when the project assignment contains the same end date as the project. If salary encumbrance and labor distribution are used in Grant Accounting , then project assignment records are required. These overrides are defined on the project assignment and are the default values for each period record: If a percentage of committed effort is specified on the project assignment, then that value is the default for planned effort to the employee's labor records on the project assignment. The planned effort percentage is used for salary encumbrance tracking. You can specify an override finance structure on the project assignment and on the project assignment split. The finance structure is used as the default value for each labor period record on the project assignment. When you run the Distribute Labor action, the override finance structure is used to create the labor distribution entries. The original payroll salary and wages finance structure is overridden when labor distribution entries are created. If no override is specified, then labor distribution entries are posted to the originating salary and wages account from payroll and the posting project. Note: The Encumbrance Option field on the system code for Grant Management must be set to Track in the finance enterprise group. If you use time and materials in Project Invoicing and Revenue , then project assignment records are required for employee billable rates. If a project billing method is time and materials, then specify the rate for the employee. When the Generate Invoice action is run, expense records that contain the employee number and units, in hours and days, are used to calculate the billable amount. If the employee's billable rate is changed during the project, then add a new project assignment with the new effective date and billable rate. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project assignments? [/INST] Creating project assignments You can assign posting projects to employees who were previously created in Project Ledger. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project and click the Assignment List tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Employment ID Select a project employee. Role Specify the role for the assignment. Begin Date Specify the begin date for the employee assignment. If the begin and end dates are blank, then the default values are from the labor schedule pay period begin and end date. The begin date default is the current labor period. End Date Specify the end date for the employee assignment. If this field is blank, then the default for the end date is the last pay period before the project end date. Committed Effort If you are using Grant Accounting , specify the percentage of effort that is committed to this project for this employee. This value must remain constant through the life of the grant. This value is used as the default value for project assignment labor records in the Planned Effort field. Billable Rate Specify the billable rate of the employee for the project contract. This field is required if you are using Project Invoicing and Revenue and the project contract has a billing method of Time and Materials This rate is multiplied by hours to calculate the invoice amount for employee time. Labor Distribution Finance Structure Specify the finance structure for labor distribution for the employee project assignment. If a labor distribution finance structure is specified on the posting project, changes can be overridden by the field value specified here. Only the dimensions that are different must be specified. Fringe Burden Code Specify the fringe burden code if it is different from the default fringe burden code for this employee project assignment. Fringe Burden Finance Structure Specify changes to the fringe burden finance structure for the employee project assignment. Changes to the default value are overridden by this field value. Only the dimensions that are different must be specified. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project assignment splits? [/INST] Project assignment splits A project assignment can be split to multiple distributions or finance structures for a single project. Assignment splits can be deleted when no records are in progress. If there are approved records, they must be unapproved or completed through the process until they are certified. If there are processed records, they must be certified prior to deleting the assignment splits. The deletion of assignment split records will remove the split from any labor distribution records with a status of Entered. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project assignment splits? [/INST] Creating project assignment splits Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project and click the Assignment List tab. Select an employee. On the Assignment Split tab, click Create. Specify this information: Finance Structure Specify the finance structure for labor distribution entry for the employee project assignment split. Only the dimensions that are different must be completed. Committed Effort If you are using Grant Accounting , specify the percentage of effort that is committed to this project for this employee and finance structure. This value must remain constant through the life of the grant. This value is used as the default value for project assignment labor records in the Planned Percent field. Assignment split committed effort cannot exceed the total committed effort for the employee's project assignment. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Deleting assignment splits? [/INST] Deleting assignment splits Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting project and click the Assignment List tab. Select an employee. On the Assignment Split tab, select the assignment splits to delete and click Delete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project funding structures? [/INST] Project funding structures User Dimension 2 is used to track and maintain funding sources for project contracts if these conditions are true: You use Project Invoicing and Revenue or Grant Accounting , and You selected the Project Invoicing check box on the Options tab of the finance enterprise group Project funding sources are defined in a parent-child hierarchy with in a project funding structure. You can create multiple structure hierarchies for project funding. One of the structures must be designated as the enterprise structure. The enterprise structure is the default structure for reporting basis. The enterprise structure must include all of the posting project funding sources. Additional structures can be created for reporting. The reporting structure is defined by the structure hierarchies for project funding sources. For example, you can set up a project structure to include external and internal funding sources. External funding sources may include customers, grants, and loans. Internal funding sources may include foundation, tax, or capital funds. Project contract funding sources include any external or internal funding sources. A funding source can represent these types of funding: A federal or state agency awarding grant funding An internal source of funding Other external funding sources, including customers, loans, or bonds A funding source for intercompany billing Note: On the finance enterprise group, you can rename the default label, Project Funding, to a label that reflects the structure that you use. For the purpose of this guide, we use the default label of Project Funding. If you change the name on the finance enterprise group, then the name is changed on all of the related forms. You can build a hierarchy of project funding structures. A hierarchy is used to divide funding by external funding sources. For example, customers, grants, loans, and bonds. A hierarchy is used to divide internal funding sources. For example, tax funds, capital funds, and foundation funds. You can create multiple structures or reporting hierarchies. The structure hierarchy for the enterprise project funding source can be based on type of funding source. You can create additional structures by federal or grant agency, by region, by department, or by principle investigator. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project funding structures? [/INST] Creating project funding structures On the Project Funding List page, select the Project Funding By Structure tab. On the Project Funding Structure area, click Actions > Create. Specify the name and description for the project funding structure. Complete the fields. Effective Date This field must be blank unless the structure is for a future date. Enterprise Structure Select this check box if this is the enterprise structure. The enterprise structure is the default structure on report bases. Only one structure can be designated as the enterprise structure. The enterprise structure must include all of the posting project funding sources. Additional structures can be created for reporting. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project funding hierarchies? [/INST] Creating project funding hierarchies The information that is required to create hierarchies depends on the funding structure and the funding type. On the Project Funding List page, select the Project Funding Sources By Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Select Actions > Create. In the Dimension Type field, select whether the funding structure is Summary or Posting. If the dimension type is Summary , specify this information: Project Funding Specify the name or code for the project funding source. You cannot change the name or code after you save it. Description Provide the description for the project funding source. When posting external funding sources, you can use the same name as the Receivables customer. Budget Identifier If you use budget edit, then specify the budget identifier. Person Responsible Select the HR employee who is responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field is used to control whether the My Project page is displayed to the Project Manager role. The responsible person can only be selected on summary level projects. Responsible Team Select the team of HR employees who are responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field is used to control whether the My Project page is displayed to the Project Manager role. The responsible team can only be selected on summary level projects. Address Code Specify the address code of the location for the project funding. If the dimension type is Posting , then specify this information: Project Funding Specify the name or code for the project funding source. You cannot change the name or code after you save it. Description Provide a description for the project funding source. When adding posting external funding sources, you can use the same name as the Receivables customer. System Project Funding Select this check box to designate the structure as the project funding structure for the system. We recommend that you create a system dimension for processes where the system dimensions are used, for example, the retained earnings process. Include In Budget Edit If you use budget edit, select this check box on posting dimensions to define the accounting string to use in budget edit templates. Address Code Specify the location address code for the project funding. If the dimension type is Posting , then on the Project Funding tab, specify this information: Type Select the type of funding source for the structure. Begin Date Select the begin date. End Date Select the end date of the funding. If End Date is blank, then there is no end date to the funding. Amount Specify the amount of the funding. If this field is blank, then funding is unlimited. Currency Select the currency of the funding. If Amount is blank, then this field can be blank. The currency cannot be changed after the funding is attached to a project contract. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is specified as a full or partial finance code block for the project funding. If the Type is Internal , then you can select None If you select None , then the GL Transaction Detail records are not created when the Journalize Invoice and Journalize Revenue actions are run. If front end split is enabled on the contract, then the Finance Dimension 1 or the Accounting Unit is required in the Partial Revenue Finance Structure field. The value in this field is used as the default on the fund for expense entries. Revenue Recognition Option Select whether the revenue entries are created in detail or in summary. Select Summary to summarize revenue entries by code block. Select Detail to create revenue entries by the originating transactions. Milestones are always recognized in detail. The selected value applies to both revenue recognition methods. In both actions, this field is used to determine revenue entries: For combined methods, revenue is credited when invoices are journalized. For separate methods, revenue is credited when revenue is journalized. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the project funding. The values from the originating expense are used in dimensions that are blank. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. When another account type is required, any account can be specified. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the project funding. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. When another account type is required, any account can be specified. Department Select a department for the project funding source. Division Select a division for the project funding source. Offset Finance Structure If the funding type is Internal Fund , provide the account string to which the project funding offset is posted. Payables Company Select the payables company if the funding source type is Intercompany Billing The payables company is the To Accounting Entity for intercompany document and intercompany billing transactions. The setup for payables company must include the intercompany billing setup. Payables Expense Finance Structure Select the dimensions to use for the finance structure when the funding source type is Intercompany Billing These dimensions are used with the finance structure for intercompany billing recharge item Payables Expense Account to generate the payables expense distribution. The finance code block for Payables begins with the finance structure for the recharge item. The blank dimensions are completed from the finance structure of the funding source. If the funding type is External Grant , then specify the applicable dates for the grant. This list shows the possible dates that can be specified: Estimate Close Date Actual Date Submit Date Notice Date Receive Date Proposal Date If the funding type is External Grant or External Customer , select the Receivable Customer tab. Specify this information: Receivable Company Specify Receivables company for the grantor. AR Interface Option Select a Receivables interface option: Summary : Select the dimensions to use for the finance structure when summarizes transactions to a single Receivables line by project contract. You cannot see posting projects on any accounts receivable reports and inquiries. Detail creates full transaction detail. Use this option if cash is applied at the line level in Receivables Line level detail for accounts receivable reports and inquiries are displayed. Summarize By Posting Project summarizes transactions by posting project. You can see invoice line items summarized by posting projects on accounts receivable reports and inquiries. Receivable Customer Select a customer from the specified Receivables company. Bill To Specify the customer to which to send the bill. If this field is blank, then the address from the receivable customer is used on invoices as the bill to address. Receivable Process Level Select the billing process level of the specified Receivables company. Accounts Receivable Code Select the Receivables code for the customer that is used for open item processing. This code overrides the code of the process level during open item entry for memos and invoices. Invoice Type Code Select an invoice type for the company customer. You can group invoices that are sent to Receivables with this code. If no values are available to select, then no invoice types are available for the company customer. Jurisdiction Code Select a jurisdiction code to use for the receivable customer. Customer PO Number Specify the purchase order number of the customer for the funding. This number is available on the invoice for customer reference. Letter of Credit Specify a letter of credit for the funding. If this field is specified, open items in Receivables are totaled by contract activity. Document Number Specify the document number of the funding. If the funding type is External Grant or Intercompany Billing , then select the Grant Reporting tab and specify this information: Grant ID Specify the grant ID. Direct Or Pass Thru. Select Direct if the institution is the prime or direct sponsor that is receiving the federal award. Select Pass Thru if the institution is a sub contractor for the grant. Expenses that are incurred by the pass thru sponsor are billed to the prime. If you select Pass Thru , then specify the company and customer for the prime sponsor. Pre-Award ID If you use a third party pre-award system, then specify a grant identification number. The grant identification number is used for tracking. Prime Sponsor, Receivable Customer If you selected Pass Thru , then specify the receivable company and customer. Include In SEFA Select this check box to include the grant in the SEFA report. Prime Sponsor Award Number Specify the award number for the prime sponsor of the grant. Major Category Select the major category for the grant. ALN Specify the Assistance Listing Numbers (ALN). These numbers are for federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or benefits to the American public. ALNs are located on notices for federal grant and cooperative agreement awards and are often used in government reporting and auditing. This field is formerly Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). Program Title Specify the title of the grant. In the FFR Reporting section, select the values that show on the Federal Financial Report. Click Save. To create a child project funding within an existing funding structure, use this procedure: Select a funding structure. Select Actions > Create Child Funding Source Within. Repeat steps 4-7 .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Exporting a project funding hierarchy? [/INST] Exporting a project funding hierarchy On the Project Funding List page, select the Project Funding By Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and select Actions > Export To Upload. Specify the run group name. To refine the elements that are exported, complete the fields. Select the Bypass Edits check box. The project funding hierarchy records are exported without completing the edits that are required when new records are added. Click Submit. The structure is created in the Upload tab. If a hierarchy exists in the copied structure, the hierarchy is copied to the new structure. Modify the records to prepare them for upload on the Upload tab. For example, to upload the hierarchy to another project funding record, change the name of the project funding on each record and save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating a project funding upload? [/INST] Creating a project funding upload On the Project Funding List page, select the Project Funding By Structure tab. On the Structure tab, open the enterprise structure record. On the Upload tab, click Create. On the Main tab, specify this information: Run Group Specify a run group for the upload. Record Type Select whether the funding structure is for Posting or Summary. Project Funding Specify the name or code for the project funding source. You cannot change the name or the code after you save it. Description Provide the description for the project funding source. When you add posting external funding sources, you can use the same name as the Receivables customer. Parent Project Funding Specify the funding for the parent project. Address Code Specify the location address code for the funding. System Dimension Select this check box if the funding is the system funding. If you selected Summary as the Record Type , specify this information on the Main tab: Person Responsible Select the HR employee who is responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field is used to control the display of the My Project forms for the Project Manager role. The person responsible can only be designated on summary level projects. Responsible Team Select the team of HR employees who are responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field is used to control whether the My Project forms are displayed for the Project Manager role. The responsible team can only be specified on summary level projects. Address Code Specify the location address code for the project funding. Budget Identifier If you use budget edit, specify the budget identifier. If you selected Posting as the Record Type , specify this information on the Main tab: Include In Budget Edit If you use budget edit, select this check box on posting dimensions to define the accounting string to use in budget edit. On the Project Funding tab, specify this information: Funding Type Select the type of funding source. The values are External Grant , External Customer , Internal Fund , or Intercompany Billing. Begin Date Select the begin date of the funding. End Date Select the end date of the funding. If End Date is blank, then there is no end date to the funding. Amount Specify the amount of the funding. If this field is blank, then funding is unlimited. Currency Select the currency of the funding. If Amount is blank, then this field can be blank. The currency cannot be changed after the funding is attached to a project contract. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is specified as a full or partial finance code block for the project funding. If the Type is Internal , you can select None If you select None , GL Transaction Detail records are not created when the Journalize Invoice and Journalize Revenue actions are run. If front end split is enabled on the contract, then the Finance Dimension 1 or the Accounting Unit is required in the Partial Revenue Finance Structure field. The value in this field is used as the default on the fund for expense entries. Revenue Recognition Option Select whether the revenue entries are created in detail or in summary. The selection applies to both of the revenue recognition methods: For combined methods, revenue is credited by Journalize Invoices. For separate methods, revenue is credited by Journalize Revenue. The revenue recognition option is used in both of the actions to determine revenue entries. Select Summary to summarize revenue entries by code block. Select Detail to create revenue entries by the originating transactions. Milestones are always recognized in detail. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override revenue for the project funding. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be specified. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the project funding. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be specified. Department Select a department for the project funding source. Division Select a division for the project funding source. Offset Finance Structure If you select Internal Fund as the funding type, then provide the account string to which the project funding offset amount is posted. Payables Company Select the payables company if the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing The payables company is the To Accounting Entity for intercompany document and intercompany billing transactions. The setup for payables company must include the intercompany billing setup. Payables Expense Finance Structure Select the dimensions to use for the finance structure when the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing. These dimensions are used with the finance structure for intercompany billing recharge item Payables Expense Account to generate the payables expense distribution. The finance code block for Payables begins with the finance structure for the recharge item. The blank dimensions are completed from the finance structure of the funding source. If you select External Grant as the funding type, then specify applicable dates for the grant: Estimate Close Date Actual Date Submit Date Notice Date Receive Date Proposal Date If you selected External Grant or External Customer as the funding type, then specify this information on the Receivable Customer tab: Receivable Company Specify the Receivables company for the grantor. AR Interface Option Select a Receivables interface option: Use Summary to summarize transactions to a single Receivables line by project contract. You cannot see posting projects on any accounts receivable reports and inquiries. Use Detail to create full transaction detail. Use this option if cash is applied at the line level in Receivables. Line level detail for accounts receivable reports and inquiries are displayed. Use Summarize By Posting Project to summarize transactions by posting project. You can see invoice line items summarized by posting projects on accounts receivable reports and inquiries. Receivable Customer Select a customer from the specified Receivables company. Bill To Specify the customer to which to send the bill. If this field is blank, the address from the receivable customer is used on invoices as the bill to address. Receivable Process Level Select the billing process level of the specified Receivables company. Accounts Receivable Code Select the Receivables code for the customer that is used for open item processing. This code overrides the code of the process level during open item entry for memos and invoices. Invoice Type Code Select an invoice type code for the company customer. You can group invoices sent to Receivables with the invoice type code. If no values are available for this field, no invoice type codes are available for the company customer. Jurisdiction Code Select a jurisdiction code to be used for the receivable customer. Customer PO Number Specify the customer purchase order number for the funding. This number is available on the invoice for customer reference. Letter of Credit Specify a letter of credit for the funding. This option provides open items in Receivables, totaled by contract activity. Document Number Specify the document number for the funding. If the funding type is External Grant or Intercompany Billing , then select the Grant Reporting tab and specify this information: Grant ID Specify the grant ID. Direct Or Pass Thru Specify whether the grant is Direct or Pass Thru. Select Direct when the institution is the prime or direct sponsor receiving the federal award. Select Pass Thru when the institution is a sub contractor for the grant. Expenses incurred by the pass thru sponsor are billed to the prime. If you select pass thru, then specify the company and customer for the prime sponsor. Pre-Award ID If you use a third party pre-award system, specify a grant identification number for tracking. Prime Sponsor, Receivable Customer If you select Pass Thru , specify the receivable company and customer. Include In SEFA Select this check box to include the grant in the SEFA report. Prime Sponsor Award Number Specify the Prime Sponsor Award Number for the grant. Major Category Select the major category for the grant. CFDA Number Specify the Catalog for Federal Domestic Assistance number of the grant. Program Title Specify the program title for the grant. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Deleting project funding source upload run groups? [/INST] Deleting project funding source upload run groups On the Project Funding List page, select the Project Funding By Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and select the Upload tab. Select Actions > Delete Upload Records for Run Group. Specify the run group to delete. Click Submit. Click Yes. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Uploading project funding hierarchies? [/INST] Uploading project funding hierarchies Use this procedure when hierarchies are already copied to the Upload tab. The hierarchies are copied by exporting and updating the hierarchies from an existing project funding structure. On the Project Funding List page, select the Project Funding By Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and select Actions > Upload Hierarchy. Specify the Run Group to use to upload the hierarchy. Click Submit. The hierarchies are uploaded to the appropriate project funding structure. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying posting dimensions? [/INST] Copying posting dimensions If Project Invoicing and Revenue is used by the finance enterprise group, then you can copy a posting level Finance Dimension 2 record. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Funding List. Click the Project Funding By Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select the posting project funding record to copy and select Actions > Copy Posting Dimension. Specify this information: Project Funding Specify project funding code for the project funding source. You cannot change the code after the record is created. When adding posting external funding sources, we recommend that you use the same name as the Receivables customer. Description Provide the description for the funding source. You cannot change the description after the record is created. Begin Date Select the begin date of the funding. The default values are the dates of the copied funding. End Date Select the end date of the funding. The default values are the dates of the copied funding. Amount Specify the amount of the funding. If this field is blank, then funding is unlimited. Copy Deliverables Select this check box if the deliverables are the same as the copied funding deliverables. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Including budget edits on posting dimensions? [/INST] Including budget edits on posting dimensions From a summary level project, you can update all posting level projects that are associated with it to include or exclude budget level edits. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Funding List. Click the Project Funding By Structure tab. Open the enterprise structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select the summary project funding record to set the budget edits and select Actions > Set Include Budget Edit on Posting Dimensions. Specify this information: Include or Exclude Select whether the budget edits are included or excluded for all posting project funding for the selected summary project funding. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project funding source deliverables? [/INST] Project funding source deliverables Agencies awarding funding may require research institutions to deliver products of the project. Project personnel may be responsible for deliverables such as invention reports, technical reports, equipment reports, patent disclosure reports, or other deliverables defined by the sponsor. When you add deliverables to a project funding source, you can track the deliverables through the life of the project. The same deliverable, such as the Federal Financial Status Report (SF-425), may be submitted at various times throughout the life of a project. You can define the same deliverable code with multiple due dates and view those deliverables by due date, earliest to latest. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project funding deliverables? [/INST] Creating project funding deliverables Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Funding List. Click the Project Funding By Structure tab. Open a project funding source structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a posting funding source for an external grant and click the Deliverables tab. Click Create. Specify this information: Deliverable Select a deliverable for the funding source. Description Specify a description for the deliverable. If this field is blank, the default description is from the deliverable code setup. Person Responsible Select the HR employee who is responsible for managing the deliverable for the project funding source. Due Date Specify the date that the deliverable is due. Delivered Date Specify the date that the deliverable was submitted. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Viewing all project funding deliverables? [/INST] Viewing all project funding deliverables You can view all project funding deliverables on one window. Sign in as Project Accountant or Project Administrator. For Project Accountant, select Project Management > Project Contracts. For Project Administrator, select Setup > Project Contracts. On the Deliverables tab, use the search to filter the selection of deliverables. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project contract features? [/INST] Project contract features You can create project contracts to establish project contract billing and revenue rules for billable projects. Flexible project contract setup includes these features: Project contract revenue can be recognized at the time of invoicing or independent of invoicing. A project contract billing method is defined for each contract and can be overridden for each posting project, account, or user dimension. Project contracts can be funded externally by a customer or grant, or internally by a foundation or fund. Project contracts can be funded by a single source or multiple sources. Project contract funding rules are used to automate expenditure allocation for both invoicing and revenue recognition. Flexible funding rules include priority, percent, and eligible expense groups that define reimbursement by the funding source A project contract posting project can set a maximum billing amount per posting project. Project contracts can calculate contract fees when generating invoices and recognizing revenue. Project contract funding sources can include an administration fee when generating invoices and recognizing revenue. Eligible posting projects for each funding source can be defined for a project contract. A project contract can be defined to use front end split. Front end split is used to split the expense distributions to the funding sources before invoicing occurs. Budget amount or funded amount is used to track expenditures and commitments for project contracts that are enabled for front end split. Set the option on the finance enterprise group. Project contract amounts can be automatically increased when project funding sources are increased. This functionality is not available when approval for the project contract change is enabled on the enterprise project structure. Set up the receivable company default values for project billing in Receivables If you use project invoicing, you must set up the project invoice and credit memo prefixes on the Project tab of the Receivables company. Invoice prefixes are specified for each company. If your project contract services are taxable, you must set up tax codes in Tax or your third-party tax system .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Changes to the billing method or revenue method? [/INST] Changes to the billing method or revenue method This list shows when you can and cannot change the billing method or the revenue method: You can change a billing method of Milestone or Installment if milestones or installments do not exist. You can change a revenue method of Milestone , Installment , or Percentage of Completion if milestones, installments, or percentage of completions do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based billing or revenue method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is invoiced or recognized in addition to the transaction billing or revenue recognition. If you do not want to invoice or recognize revenue on the expense transactions, then you can put them on hold. You can invoice or recognize revenue only on the milestones. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating project contracts? [/INST] Creating project contracts You can create project contracts within summary projects. Select Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, open a summary project. On the Main tab, click Create Contract. Specify this information: Contract Amount Specify the contract amount. Currency Select the currency. If this field is blank, then the default currency from the project structure is used when the project contract is saved. Contract ID Specify a contract ID. If this field is blank, the project contract is the default value. Contract Type Select a contract type. Maximum Fees Specify the maximum amount for the contract fees. The fees cannot exceed the contract amount. Billing Method Select the default billing method for the contract. Billing methods can be overridden at the posting project. Select Cost Reimbursement , Cost Plus , Time and Materials , or Rate Table for transaction-based billing. Select Milestone billing for event- or deliverable-based billing. Select Installment billing for billing that is based on the number of installments. You can change a billing method of Milestone or Installment if milestones or installments do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based billing method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is invoiced in addition to the transaction billing. If you do not want to invoice the expense transactions, then you can put them on hold and only invoice the milestones. Billing Rate Table If the Billing Method is Rate Table , then select the rate table to use for billing. Markup Percent If the Billing Method is Cost Plus , Time And Materials , or Rate Table , specify the markup percentage to use for billing. Revenue Recognition Select the way in which revenue is recognized for this contract. Project contract revenue can be recognized as Combined at the time of invoicing or Separate , which means it is independent of invoicing. Revenue Method If the Revenue Recognition is Separate , select the method for recognizing revenue: Select Full Accrual for a valid transaction-based revenue method. Select Milestone for event revenue recognition. Select Installment for revenue that is based on a number of installments. Select Percentage of Completion for revenue that is based on percent complete. You can change a revenue method of Milestone , Installment , or Percentage of Completion if milestones, installments, or percentage of completions do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based revenue method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is recognized in addition to the transaction revenue recognition. If you do not want to recognize revenue on the expense transactions, then you can put them on hold and only recognize revenue on the milestones. Defer And Hold Remainder Select the option for transactions where the funding sources are not billed or recognized at 100 percent: Blank : When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, partially billed, or partially recognized, transactions are not created. If funds are not available for the entire expense transaction to invoice or recognize, the entire amount is unbilled or unrecognized. If a single funding source is not selected when transactions are invoiced or recognized, partials are created when limits are exceeded and a 100 percent source is available. Defer Only : When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, a partially billed or partially recognized transaction is created for the remaining amount. The transaction is not put on hold. Defer And Hold : When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, a partially billed or partially recognized transaction is created for the remaining amount and is put on hold. Allocate Expenditures This feature is replaced by Front End Split and cannot be used if FES is true. If this check box is selected, the original expense distributions are reversed and new distributions are created with the funding source that is in Finance Dimension 2. Exclude Unpaid AP Select this check box to ensure that unpaid Payables invoices are not selected for billing in Billing If this check box is cleared, all Payables invoices for the contract activity are eligible for billing, regardless of whether they are paid. See the Payables User Guide. Front End Split Select this check box to split distributions before project contracts are invoiced. Front end split can be used for distribution actions in the RQ, PO, AP, and PS systems. This field is only available if front end split is enabled on the finance enterprise group. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Updating project contracts? [/INST] Updating project contracts Select Project Setup. Select the Structure tab and open a project structure. Select the Hierarchy tab and open a summary contract project. On the Main tab, click the Contract Information link to view the project contract. On the Main tab, specify this information: Use IDM Template Select this check box to use an IDM template for the invoice format. Invoice Format Select the format for the invoice. If no format is selected, then no invoice is available to view or to email to customers. Invoice Reversal Format Select the invoice format to use for invoice reversals. If no format is selected, then no invoice reversal is available to view or to email to customers. Alternate Chart Select the chart of accounts to use for invoice summarization when summarize by parent account is used. This field is only valid when the billing override on the finance enterprise group is account dimension. By Project Select whether to summarize on the posting, summary parent, or contract level to summarize. If this field is blank, then the invoice is not summarized by project. By Account/Account Category The field label depends on the dimension that is selected on the Billing Override Level field on the FEG. See the Options tab. Select the level to summarize. If this field is blank, then the invoice is not summarized by account or by account category. By Resource Select this check box to summarize the invoice by resource. By Billable Rate Select this check box to summarize the invoice by billable rate. By Fee Code Select this check box to summarize the invoice by fee code.. Budget Scenario Select the budget scenario to use to calculate the remaining budget amounts. The budget scenario is used to show the total budget amount fields for the contract total and the Posting Projects tab. To recalculate the total budget and the budget remaining when a budget scenario exists, click Refresh Budget Totals. If you change the budget scenario and save the record, then the the total budget and budget remaining are also recalculated. Use the Project Funding tab to create contract funding. See Adding funding sources to project contracts. The Posting Projects tab is a listing of the posting projects on the contract. You can override the project contract values at the posting level or the billing overrides level on this tab. Open the record to see the fields that are available to update. At the posting level, specify this information: Override Billing Method Select the override billing method for this posting project. The value on the project contract is overridden. Billing Rate Table If the Override Billing Method is Rate Table , then select the rate table to use for billing. Markup Percent If the Override Billing Method is Cost Plus , Time And Materials , or Rate Table , then specify the override markup percentage. Billing Maximum Optionally, specify the amount if a limit exists for the amount that can be invoiced for the posting project. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is defined as a full or partial finance code block for the project billing override. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the project billing override. The value on the project contract is overridden. The value from the originating expense is used if dimensions are blank. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be used. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the project billing override. The value on the project contract is overridden. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be used. Tax Exempt Select whether the posting project is tax exempt. The value on the project contract is overridden. Buyer Tax Code Select the tax code or the tax table for the posting project. The value on the project contract is overridden by this code. Buyer Tax Location Select the override buyer location for the posting project. The value on the project contract is overridden. Exclude Fees Select whether the posting project excludes fees. The value on the project contract is overridden. Unbilled Click this link to view a list of unbilled transactions by posting project. A list of transactions that have not been invoiced is displayed. Unrecognized If the revenue recognition is separate, click this link to view a list of unrecognized transactions by posting project. A list of transactions that have not been recognized for revenue is displayed. The Billing Overrides tab contains override values for the posting project. The override values are located at the account, account category, or another dimension that is specified in the set up of the finance enterprise group. Open the record to see all of the fields that are available to update. Specify this information: Account or Account Category The name of this field depends on the dimension that is selected as the Billing Override Level The Billing Override Level is on the Options tab of the finance enterprise group. Select the override summary or posting level account or account category or dimension for the override. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. If multiple overrides are set up at the posting level and the summary level, then the lowest level takes precedence. Billing Method Select the billing method for the override. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. Billing Rate Table If the Billing Method is Rate Table , then select the rate table to use for billing. Markup Percent If the Billing Method is Cost Plus , Time And Materials , or Rate Table , then specify the markup percentage. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. Tax Exempt Select whether the override is tax exempt. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. Buyer Tax Code Select the tax code or tax table for the override. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. Buyer Tax Location Select the buyer location for the override. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is specified as a full or partial finance code block for the project billing override. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the project billing override. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be used. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the project billing override. The value on the posting project and project contract is overridden. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be used. The Fees tab is used to define the fees for the contract. Contract fees are additional amounts that are added to customer invoices and revenue recognition. Generally, fees are the profit or margin in addition to the costs that result from the contract. See Adding project contract fees to project contracts. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Adding funding sources to project contracts? [/INST] Adding funding sources to project contracts The fields on this page are conditional based on the revenue method, billing method, and funding type. Select Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Select a contract summary project and select Actions > Update. Click Contract Information. On the Project Funding tab, click Create. Specify this information: Project Funding Select a project funding source for the contract. Priority Select the priority order. Funding is processed in priority order. Funding sources can be added at any time in the life of the contract. When priority order is changed, it becomes the new priority. Percent Specify the percent that is covered by this funding source. If a contract is funded by a single funding source, then specify 100 If a contract is funded by multiple funding sources, then the split occurs by priority and funding group. For example, consider a 20/80 split. The first priority funding source is 20% and the second funding source is 80% or 100%. We recommend that you use 100% as the lowest priority to ensure that the full transaction is charged. The remaining funds are charged to the lowest priority if you deplete funds in a higher priority source. If the second priority funding is 80%, then only 80% of the full transaction is charged. The percentages are calculated for each incoming transaction and a total is displayed. Funded Amount Specify the funded amount for the project funding source. Funding Group Specify a funding group number. The same funding group is used by the federal grant and the associated match funding sources. When the generate invoices action is run, the first set of funding sources with the same funding group are processed, then the next funding group. Processing is based on priority order, percentage, funded amount, and funding group. The match funds must be next in priority to be processed and calculated correctly. Billing Group Select a billing group. You can assign identical values to the funding sources that are billed together. When invoices generated or revenue is recognized, if you specified a billing group, then only the funding sources with that billing group are included. Customer Type If the funding source is an external grant or customer, then select a customer type. Invoice Type Code Select an invoice type code for the company customer. The invoice type code is used to group invoices that are sent to Receivables. The list of values are from the company customer. If values are not available, then invoice type codes are not available for the company customer. If this field is blank, then the default value from the funding source is used. Bill To If the funding source is an external grant or customer, then specify the customer that is billed when the contract is invoiced. If this field is blank, then the default value from the funding source is used. If the default funding source is also blank, then the address from the receivable customer on the funding source is used. The address is used on invoices as the bill to address. Bill To Email Address The email address in the Bill To customer record is the default value. If the Bill To field is blank in both the contract funding and the funding source, then the default value is from the company customer record. You can override this field by providing a different email address. Invoice Issue Method Select the method to automatically issue an email when the contract invoice is journalized. When Email is selected, an email is sent to the address that is indicated on the Bill To customer. Otherwise, the email is sent to the company customer. This option is available if an invoice format is specified on the contract. If an invoice format is not specified on the contract, then the invoice format is not created to print or to email. Buyer Tax Code Select the buyer tax code or tax table to use for invoicing. Tax Calculation Option Select Detail if tax is calculated for each invoice line detail record, then totaled and summarized on the printed invoice. Select Summary to summarize invoice taxable amounts to calculate tax. Payment Terms Specify the payment terms for the contract funding source. Jurisdiction Code Select the jurisdiction code for the funding source. Customer PO Number If you select External Grant or External Customer for the funding type, then specify the customer purchase order number for the funding. This number is available on the invoice for customer reference. If this field is blank, then the customer PO number from the funding source is used. Default Milestone Project If the billing method is Milestone or Installment , then select a posting project for the project funding source. Revenue Structure Option Select whether the revenue structure is specified as a full or partial finance code block for the project funding source. If the Type is Internal , then you can select None If you select None , then GL Transaction Detail records are not created when the Journalize Invoice and Journalize Revenue actions are run. If front end split is enabled on the contract, then the Finance Dimension 1 or the Accounting Unit is required in the Partial Revenue Finance Structure field. The value in this field is used as the default on the fund for expense entries. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the project funding source. Blank dimensions inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify a value for the project funding source. This list is filtered on revenue accounts, but if another account type is required, then any account can be used. Revenue Adjustment Structure Option Select a value if the revenue adjustment structure is a full structure or partial structure. If an option is not selected, then the revenue finance structure is used for revenue adjustments. Partial Revenue Adjustment Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue adjustment for the project funding source. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used. Full Revenue Adjustment Finance Structure Specify the a value for the project funding source. The list is filtered on revenue accounts but any account can be used. Clearing Project If the revenue method on the project contract is Separate , then select a posting project to use as the clearing account. The offset journal entries are summarized and posted to a single project. Revenue Clearing Finance Structure Specify a structure if the project funding source is Internal Fund and the revenue method is Separate Specify the finance structure for the revenue for the project funding source. Billed Unearned Finance Structure Specify the structure if the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer and the revenue recognition method is Separate Specify the finance structure for transactions that are invoiced but revenue is not recognized. Earned Unbilled Finance Structure Specify the structure if the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer and the revenue recognition method is Separate Specify the finance structure for transactions that are not invoiced but the revenue is recognized. Pass Through Finance Structure Specify the structure if the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer and you use pass through billing. Specify the finance structure for transactions that are passed to the customer or to the sponsor using the override billing method of Pass Through The list is filtered on balance sheet accounts but any account can be used. Advance Billing Finance Structure Specify the structure if the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer and you use advance billing. Specify the finance structure for new transactions that are created when the Create Advanced Billing action is run on the invoice lines. The list is filtered on balance sheet accounts but any account can be used. Other Finance Structure If the project funding source is Internal Fund and the revenue method is Combined , then specify the finance structure for the project funding source. Receivable Company Select the receivable company if the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing. The receivable company is the responsible company and it is the From Accounting Entity for the intercompany document and intercompany billing transactions. The setup for receivable company must include the intercompany billing setup. Recharge Item Select the recharge item if the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing The transaction lines from the recharge item for intercompany billing are the default on the intercompany billing document.The recharge item is used to define dimension defaults for the finance structure on the Receivable Revenue Account and Payables Expense Account. Payables Expense Finance Structure Select the dimensions to use for the finance structure when the project funding source type is Intercompany Billing These dimensions are used with the finance structure for intercompany billing recharge item Payables Expense Account to generate the payables expense distribution. The finance code block for payables begins with the finance structure for the recharge item. The finance structure of the funding source is the default. Include Selected Eligible Projects Only Optionally, select this check box to designate the posting projects that are eligible for invoicing and revenue for the funding source. If the table exists, then exclude posting projects that are not included in the table. If the table does not exist, then all projects are included and eligible for the funding source. See Creating the selected project list for project funding source. Override Front End Split Eligibility Group Select the business class group of expenditures for the funding source. The expenditures can be included or excluded. Use this field to limit the transactions that are eligible or ineligible for front end split at the time that the transaction is created in subsystems. If a transaction is not eligible for a funding source in a funding group, then the funding group is skipped. The expense transaction is added to the next eligible funding group or the general funding source. A budget error is displayed if a general funding source is not available. Eligibility Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the expense group. Override Expense Group Select the business class group to include as eligible or ineligible expenditures for the funding source. Use this field to limit the transactions that are eligible for invoicing. This group cannot be used for front end split contracts. Expense Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the expense group. Allowance Percent If the funding source is an external grant or customer, specify the percentage to use to calculate administration fees. A positive percentage is calculated as a fee. A negative percentage is calculated as a discount. When invoices are generated or revenue is recognized, the total amount of the expense lines is multiplied by the percent specified. Allowance Taxable Select the check box if the allowance is included when tax is calculated. If lines on the invoice are taxed independently, then the allowance is taxed independently. If lines are summarized to calculate tax, then the allowance is combined with all lines on the invoice to calculate tax. Allowance Project If the funding source is an external grant or customer, then specify a posting project in which to post the allowance. Allowance Finance Structure If the funding source is an external grant or customer, then specify the allowance finance structure. Retainage Percent If the project funding source is External Grant or External Customer , then specify a retainage percent, if one is required. A retainage is a hold back percentage of the project invoice until the project contract is complete. The retainage is calculated on the invoice total and subtracted from the invoice when invoices are generated. Retainage does not affect revenue recognition. Revenue is recognized immediately for the full amount. Retainage Maximum Specify the maximum amount that can be retained. Retainage Expense Group Select the business class group to include as the eligible retainage expenditures for the funding source or ineligible for the funding source. Retainage Group Option Select whether to include or exclude the expense group. Retainage Project Select the retainage project to use for posting the retainage for the funding source. Retainage Finance Structure Specify the retainage finance structure for the project funding source. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Adding funding sources to project contracts using templates? [/INST] Adding funding sources to project contracts using templates Funding sources can be added to projects using templates that were previously created. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a contract summary project and select Actions > Update. Click Contract Information. Click the Project Funding tab. Select Actions > Create Project Funding Source From Template. Specify this information: Project Funding Source Template Select a template for the contract. Project Funding Select a funding source for the project contract. Priority Select the funding priority order. Funding is processed in priority order. Funding sources can be added at any point in the contract. Priority order can change at any point in the contract and become the new priority when changed. Duplicate priority numbers are not used. Funding Group Specify a numeric group number. The federal grant and its associated match funding sources have the same funding group. When the generate invoices action is run, the first set of funding sources with the same funding group are processed, then the next funding group. Processing is based on priority order, percentage, funded amount and funding group. The match funds must be next in priority to be processed and calculated correctly. Billing Group Select a billing group. You can assign identical values to the funding sources that are billed together. When invoices generated or revenue is recognized, if you specified a billing group, then only the funding sources with that billing group are included. Percent Specify the percent that is covered by this funding source. If a project is only funded by a single funding source, then specify 100. Funded Amount Specify the funded amount for the project funding source. Default Amount From Project Contract Select this check box for the funded amount to match the project contract amount. Customer Type If the funding source is an external grant or customer, select a customer type. Buyer Tax Code Select the buyer tax code or tax table to use for invoicing. Payment Terms Specify the payment terms for the contract funding source. Default Milestone Project If the billing method is Milestone or Installment , then select a posting project for the project funding source. Clearing Project If the project contract revenue method is Separate , then select a posting project to use as the clearing account. The offset journal entries are summarized and posted to a single project. Allowance project If an Allowance Percent was entered on the template this field displays. Select a posting project to use for the allowance percent. Retainage Project If a Retainage Percent was entered on the template this field displays. Select a posting project to use for the retainage percent. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying project funding sources? [/INST] Copying project funding sources A project funding source can be copied to another contract or copied for a new funding source in the same contract. To copy the funding source to another contract, the contracts must have the same Revenue Recognition, Billing Method, and Revenue Method. To copy the funding source to the same contract, the contracts must have the same funding type. When copying the funding source to another contract, all fields are copied. The fields in the new contract can be changed. When copying the funding source to a new funding source in the same contract, a new funding source is specified. The customer or sponsor information is from the funding source setup. The default projects and finance structures are copied from the project funding source. You can add a new contract and a new funding source from the copy function, but the new funding source is based on the funding source that you are copying. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, select a contract summary project and select Actions > Update Click Contract Information. On the Project Funding tab, select a funding source. Select Actions > Copy Project Funding Source. Specify this information in the Copy To section: Project Contract Select the Project contract to which to copy the funding source. The value is the default for the current project contract. Project Funding Select the funding source to add to the current contract or to a new contract. The value is the default for the current funding source. Priority Specify the funding priority order. Funding is processed in priority order. Funding sources can be added at any point in the contract. Priority order can change at any point in the contract and become the new priority when changed. Duplicate priority numbers are not allowed. Percent Specify the percent that is covered by this funding source. If a project is only funded by a single funding source, then specify 100. Funded Amount Specify the funded amount for the project funding source. Funding Group Specify a group number. The federal grant and its associated match funding sources have the same funding group. When the Generate Invoices action is run, the first set of funding sources with the same funding group are processed, then the next funding group. Processing is based on priority order, percentage, funded amount, and funding group. The match funds must be next in priority to be processed and calculated correctly. Billing Group Select a billing group. You can assign identical values to the funding sources that are billed together. When invoices generated or revenue is recognized, if you specified a billing group, then only the funding sources with that billing group are included. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Updating funding source amounts? [/INST] Updating funding source amounts An increase to a funding source amount can automatically increase the contract amount. If the increase to the funding source amount for the total contract exceeds the contract amount, then the contract amount is automatically increased. Decreasing a contract funding amount does not change the project contract amount. This functionality is not available when approval for the project contract change is enabled on the enterprise project structure. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, select a contract summary project Select Actions > Update. Click the Contract Information link. On the Project Funding tab, select the funding source. Specify the funded amount. Click Save. If the funded amount was increased and the total funding amounts exceed the project contract amount, a confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to confirm the increase of the project contract amount. Click Cancel to discard the changes to the project funding amount. If the change does not exceed the contract amount, no confirmation message is displayed. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Project contract modifications? [/INST] Project contract modifications Two options are available for contract modifications: Project Contract and Project Funding Source Change Request, and Contract Modifications Wizard. Project Contract and Project Funding Source Change Request These are requests to change the project contract amount or a single funding source. The request is subject to IPA approval flow for approval or rejection. This list shows the change request features: Change request functionality is only available if it is enabled on the project structure. Change for a project contract is separate from a change request for the project funding source. The change request for the funding source is performed individually. The project contract amount is not automatically updated when the funding source change exceeds the current contract amount. The user who requests the change cannot approve the change. Statuses are Submit For Approval, Rejected, and Approved. IPA approval process is required in the Inbasket. If Project Contract Change Request is enabled, you cannot use the Contract Modifications Wizard. Contract Modifications Wizard The wizard helps automate the modification of the contract. No approval process is required. This list shows the modification wizard features: Project Administrator, Project Accountant, and Project Manager roles have access to the change wizard action. Multiple funding sources can be changed and funding sources can be added in a single modification. Project contract amounts and Finance Dimension 2 amounts can be updated automatically. Descriptions, comments, and attachments can be modified. History is maintained and modeled after a budget change request. The user who modifies the contract can release the modification. No approval process is required. Error alerts and messages are displayed when errors occur when a contract modification is released. Record statuses are entered and released. The Contract Modifications Wizard is only available if Project Contract Change Request Approval is disabled. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract modifications using the wizard? [/INST] Creating contract modifications using the wizard Select Project Contracts or My Project Contracts. Open the project contract. On the Modifications tab, select Create Using Wizard. Specify this information: Date Specify the date for the modification. Description Specify the description for the modification. Update Project Contract Amount Select this check box to update the project contract amount for any net increase or decrease in total funding. Update Project Funding Amount Select this check box to update the Finance Dimension 2 funded amount for an increase or decrease in the related funding source. Amounts are only updated if the Finance Dimension 2 amount is greater than zero. If the Finance Dimension 2 is a grant, you may not want to increase or decrease the Finance Dimension 2 awarded amount. Budget Scenario Optionally, select a budget scenario to which to link the project contract modification. This field is informational. Budget Change Request Optionally, select a budget change request to which to link the project contract modification. This field is informational. Comment Provide a comment. Document URL Optionally, provide the URL to access the document. Title Specify the title of the attachment. File Select a file to attach to the comment. Mime Type Specify the Mime type. Click Next. Click Create from Project Funding Source to select a contract funding source. Select the check box to select existing funding sources. Click Create to add a new funding source to the project contract. See Adding funding sources to project contracts. Click Add To Modification. Click Close. Specify this information: New Priority New Funding Group New Billing Group New Percent New Funded Amount Click Save. Click Finish. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Updating contract modifications? [/INST] Updating contract modifications Contract modification lines can be edited until they are released. Select Project Contracts or My Project Contracts. Open the project contract. On the Modifications tab, select a modification header. Edit the contract modification lines. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Releasing contract modifications? [/INST] Releasing contract modifications This information is relevant when contract modifications are released: If the line contains no errors, the status of the line is updated from Entered to Released. If the line contains no errors, the release date is updated. If the line contains no errors and the Update Project Contract Amount was selected, the contract amount is updated. If the line contains no errors and the Update Funding Source Amount was selected, the Finance Dimension 2 amount is updated. The amount on Finance Dimension 2 must be greater than zero. If the amount is blank, then the record is not updated. If the line contains an error, a red alert is displayed on the line and the header. The line remains in an entered state. Fix any error and click Release to process lines. When the modification is in a released status, no changes can be made. Use these steps to release contract modifications: Select Project Contracts or My Project Contracts. Open the project contract. On the Modifications tab, select the contract modification. Click Release. Click OK. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating the selected project list for project funding source? [/INST] Creating the selected project list for project funding source Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. On the Structure tab, open a project structure. On the Hierarchy tab, select a contract summary project and select Actions > Update. Click Contract Information. On the Project Funding tab, open a project funding source. On the Selected Project List tab, click the Helper List. Note: This tab is only available when the Include Selected Projects Only check box is selected on the funding source of the project contract. When projects exist on the selected project list and this check box is cleared, the select list still exists, but it is unavailable. The Generate Invoice and Recognize Revenue actions reference the selected project list only if the Include Selected Eligible Projects Only check box is selected. Select the eligible posting projects and click Include Selected Project. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Adding billing overrides to posting projects using templates? [/INST] Adding billing overrides to posting projects using templates Billing overrides can be added to projects using templates that were previously created. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a contract summary project and select Actions > Update. Click Contract Information. Click the Posting Projects tab. Select Actions > Create Project Billing Overrides From Template. Specify this information: Project Billing Override Template Select a project billing override template to use to add the billing overrides. Posting Project Select a posting project for the project contract to add the billing overrides. If this field is blank, the billing overrides are added to all of the posting projects for the project contract. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying project billing overrides? [/INST] Copying project billing overrides Project billing overrides and billing overrides from a posting project can be copied to all posting projects under a summary project. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Click the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Select a contract summary project and select Actions > Update. Click Contract Information. Click the Posting Project tab. Select the posting project to copy and select Actions > Copy Project Billing Overrides.. Specify this information: To Summary Project Select the summary project to copy the overrides to. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Milestones, installments, and percentage of completion? [/INST] Milestones, installments, and percentage of completion If the billing or revenue methods for a project contract are Milestone or Installment , then you can use event- or deliverable-based billing and revenue recognition. If the revenue method is Percentage of Completion , then you can use percent complete revenue recognition. This table provides descriptions of milestones, installments, and percentage of completions: Item Description Milestone A milestone is a significant point or event in a project. Milestones are user-defined and can be used to track dates deliverables, or events. When completed, an invoice is triggered for the amount associated with the milestone. Note: If the billing or revenue method for a project contract is not Milestone , then you can create a milestone override on the project funding source. Amounts on milestone overrides can be manually adjusted without creating manual journals. A milestone override can be used at the end of the project contract to adjust billing or revenue. Installment Installments are used to track billing and revenue dates. When completed, an invoice is triggered for the amount that is associated with the installment. Percentage of completion Percentage of completions are a type of milestone that is used to calculate revenue based on percent complete. When completed, an invoice is triggered for the amount associated with the percentage. When milestone billing or revenue is selected, you must specify the Default Milestone Project on the project funding source. The posting project to bill and the revenue recognition entries to which to post must be specified for milestones. Milestone billing and revenue is event-based, not transaction-based. You cannot create a milestone, installment, or percentage of completion that is outside of the date range of the contract. The project that is used for posting the milestone transactions is not subject to any date checks until the GLTransactionDetail record is created. You cannot create an invoice for a milestone, installment, or percentage of completion that extends beyond the boundary of the contract. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating milestones? [/INST] Creating milestones Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a summary contract project and click the Contract Information link. On the Project Funding tab, select a funding source. Perform one of these steps: To create a billing milestone, click the Billing Milestones tab and click Actions > Create. To create a revenue milestone, click the Revenue Milestones tab and click Actions > Create. To create a billing milestone override, click Actions > Create Billing Milestone. To create a revenue milestone override, click Actions > Create Revenue Milestone. Note: If the contract billing or revenue method is not Milestone , then the milestone tabs are not available. You must create a milestone override. Specify this information: Project Milestone Specify a name for the milestone. Date Specify the date that the milestone is projected to be achieved. Amount Specify the amount that is billed when the milestone is achieved. Status Select the status of the milestone. Select To Process to specify that the milestone is complete and is billed when the milestone date is hit. Select Hold if the milestone is manually controlled instead of date-driven. You must remove the milestone before invoicing when the hold status is used. Select Historical to track a milestone that occurred before data was migrated to Project Ledger Project Contract and Project Funding Source totals invoiced and recognized balances are updated by historical milestones. The status is changed to Draft after the milestone invoice is generated. The status is changed to Processed after the milestone invoice is journalized. Override Project Select the posting project to post for the milestone amount. In the Revenue Finance Structure section, complete the form. This section is available if one or more of these conditions are true: The milestone is an override milestone. The revenue recognition method on the contract is Combined. The revenue recognition method on the contract is Separate and the milestone is a revenue milestone override. The revenue structure on the funding source is Partial. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating revenue milestone splits? [/INST] Creating revenue milestone splits A revenue milestone can be split to multiple distributions or finance structures for a single funding source. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a summary contract project and click Contract Information. Select the Project Funding tab and select a funding source. Select the Revenue Milestones tab. Open the revenue milestone record to create the overrides. The record can not have a status of Processed. Specify this information on the Revenue Overrides tab: Revenue Structure Option Select if the revenue structure will be entered as a full finance code block or a partial for the funding revenue. Partial Revenue Finance Structure Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the funding revenue. The dimensions that are left blank will inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account will generally be a revenue account. If another account type is required, any account can be specified. Full Revenue Finance Structure Specify the full revenue finance structure for the funding revenue. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account will generally be a revenue account. If another account type is required, any account can be specified. Percent Specify the percent of revenue that will go to the specified revenue account, revenue account category, or structure. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Copying revenue milestone splits? [/INST] Copying revenue milestone splits Revenue milestone splits can be copied to an existing milestone that has not been processed. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a summary contract project and click Contract Information. Select the Project Funding tab and select a funding source. Select the Revenue Milestones tab. Select the milestone to copy and select Actions > Copy Revenue Distributions. Specify this information: To Milestone Select a revenue milestone to which to copy the split. Only milestones that do not have the status of Processed are displayed. Copy To All Select this check box to use the same revenue milestone split on all unprocessed records. If there is no split on a record, then a split is created. Replace Existing Select this check box to use the same revenue milestone split on all unprocessed records where splits already exist. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating percentage of completions? [/INST] Creating percentage of completions Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and select the Hierarchy tab. Open a summary contract project with a revenue method of Percentage of Completion. Click Contract Information. On the Project Funding tab, select a funding source. Select the Revenue Milestones tab and click Actions > Create. Specify this information: Project Milestone Specify a name for the milestone. Date Specify the projected achievement date for the milestone. Amount Specify the amount that is billed when the milestone is achieved. Percent Complete Specify the percent complete at which the milestone is billed. The value cannot exceed 100%. Status Select the status of the milestone. Select To Process to specify that the milestone is complete and will be billed when the milestone date is reached. Select Hold if the milestone is manually controlled instead of date-driven. You are required to remove the milestone before invoicing when this status is used. Select Historical to track a milestone that occurred before data was migrated to Project Ledger Project Contract and Project Funding Source totals invoiced and recognized balances are updated by historical milestones. Override Project Select the posting project to post for the milestone amount. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating installments? [/INST] Creating installments Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup. Select the Structure tab. Open a project structure and click the Hierarchy tab. Open a summary contract project and click Contract Information. Click the Project Funding tab and select a funding source. Perform one of these steps: To create a billing installment, click Actions > Create Billing Installments. To create a revenue installment, click Actions > Create Revenue Installments. Specify this information: Frequency Select a frequency for the installments that are created. Start Date For billing installments, specify the projected start date to bill the first installment. For revenue installments, specify the projected start date to recognize revenue. Total Amount Specify the amount if the amount is different from the funded amount or the remaining funded amount. The remaining funded amount is the default value. This amount is divided by the number of installments to calculate the installment amount. Number of Installments Specify the number of installments that is billed. Posting Project Select a posting project for the billing installment to override the default setup on the contract project funding. Click Submit. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Viewing milestones, installments, and percentage of completions? [/INST] Viewing milestones, installments, and percentage of completions You can view all milestones and installments for both billing and revenue and percentage completions for revenue on one window. Select Project Contracts or My Project Contracts. Click the Milestones tab. Use the search to filter the selection of milestones, installments, and percentage of completions that are displayed. .</s>