Self-supervised learning on graphs has recently achieved remarkable success in graph representation learning. With hundreds of self-supervised pretext tasks proposed over the past few years, the research community has greatly developed, and the key is no longer to design more powerful but complex pretext tasks, but to make more effective use of those already on hand. This paper studies the problem of how to automatically, adaptively, and dynamically learn instance-level self-supervised learning strategies for each node from a given pool of pretext tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-teacher knowledge distillation framework for Automated Graph Self-Supervised Learning (AGSSL), which consists of two main branches: (i) Knowledge Extraction: training multiple teachers with different pretext tasks, so as to extract different levels of knowledge with different inductive biases; (ii) Knowledge Integration: integrating different levels of knowledge and distilling them into the student model. Without simply treating different teachers as equally important, we provide a provable theoretical guideline for how to integrate the knowledge of different teachers, i.e., the integrated teacher probability should be close to the true Bayesian class-probability. To approach the theoretical optimum in practice, two adaptive knowledge integration strategies are proposed to construct a relatively "good" integrated teacher. Extensive experiments on eight datasets show that AGSSL can benefit from multiple pretext tasks, outperforming the corresponding individual tasks; by combining a few simple but classical pretext tasks, the resulting performance is comparable to other leading counterparts.
Automated Graph Self-supervised Learning via Multi-teacher Knowledge Distillation
This work describes the development and validation of a fully automated deep learning model, iDAScore v2.0, for the evaluation of embryos incubated for 2, 3, and 5 or more days. The model is trained and evaluated on an extensive and diverse dataset including 181,428 embryos from 22 IVF clinics across the world. For discriminating transferred embryos with known outcome (KID), we show AUCs ranging from 0.621 to 0.708 depending on the day of transfer. Predictive performance increased over time and showed a strong correlation with morphokinetic parameters. The model has equivalent performance to KIDScore D3 on day 3 embryos while significantly surpassing the performance of KIDScore D5 v3 on day 5+ embryos. This model provides an analysis of time-lapse sequences without the need for user input, and provides a reliable method for ranking embryos for likelihood to implant, at both cleavage and blastocyst stages. This greatly improves embryo grading consistency and saves time compared to traditional embryo evaluation methods.
Development and validation of deep learning based embryo selection across multiple days of transfer
Volatility clustering is a crucial property that has a substantial impact on stock market patterns. Nonetheless, developing robust models for accurately predicting future stock price volatility is a difficult research topic. For predicting the volatility of three equities listed on India's national stock market (NSE), we propose multiple volatility models depending on the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH), Glosten-Jagannathan-GARCH (GJR-GARCH), Exponential general autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (EGARCH), and LSTM framework. Sector-wise stocks have been chosen in our study. The sectors which have been considered are banking, information technology (IT), and pharma. yahoo finance has been used to obtain stock price data from Jan 2017 to Dec 2021. Among the pulled-out records, the data from Jan 2017 to Dec 2020 have been taken for training, and data from 2021 have been chosen for testing our models. The performance of predicting the volatility of stocks of three sectors has been evaluated by implementing three different types of GARCH models as well as by the LSTM model are compared. It has been observed the LSTM performed better in predicting volatility in pharma over banking and IT sectors. In tandem, it was also observed that E-GARCH performed better in the case of the banking sector and for IT and pharma, GJR-GARCH performed better.
Stock Volatility Prediction using Time Series and Deep Learning Approach
While personalization in distributed learning has been extensively studied, existing approaches employ dedicated algorithms to optimize their specific type of parameters (e.g., client clusters or model interpolation weights), making it difficult to simultaneously optimize different types of parameters to yield better performance. Moreover, their algorithms require centralized or static undirected communication networks, which can be vulnerable to center-point failures or deadlocks. This study proposes optimizing various types of parameters using a single algorithm that runs on more practical communication environments. First, we propose a gradient-based bilevel optimization that reduces most personalization approaches to the optimization of client-wise hyperparameters. Second, we propose a decentralized algorithm to estimate gradients with respect to the hyperparameters, which can run even on stochastic and directed communication networks. Our empirical results demonstrated that the gradient-based bilevel optimization enabled combining existing personalization approaches which led to state-of-the-art performance, confirming it can perform on multiple simulated communication environments including a stochastic and directed network.
Personalized Decentralized Bilevel Optimization over Stochastic and Directed Networks
It is unclear how changing the learning rule of a deep neural network alters its learning dynamics and representations. To gain insight into the relationship between learned features, function approximation, and the learning rule, we analyze infinite-width deep networks trained with gradient descent (GD) and biologically-plausible alternatives including feedback alignment (FA), direct feedback alignment (DFA), and error modulated Hebbian learning (Hebb), as well as gated linear networks (GLN). We show that, for each of these learning rules, the evolution of the output function at infinite width is governed by a time varying effective neural tangent kernel (eNTK). In the lazy training limit, this eNTK is static and does not evolve, while in the rich mean-field regime this kernel's evolution can be determined self-consistently with dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). This DMFT enables comparisons of the feature and prediction dynamics induced by each of these learning rules. In the lazy limit, we find that DFA and Hebb can only learn using the last layer features, while full FA can utilize earlier layers with a scale determined by the initial correlation between feedforward and feedback weight matrices. In the rich regime, DFA and FA utilize a temporally evolving and depth-dependent NTK. Counterintuitively, we find that FA networks trained in the rich regime exhibit more feature learning if initialized with smaller correlation between the forward and backward pass weights. GLNs admit a very simple formula for their lazy limit kernel and preserve conditional Gaussianity of their preactivations under gating functions. Error modulated Hebb rules show very small task-relevant alignment of their kernels and perform most task relevant learning in the last layer.
The Influence of Learning Rule on Representation Dynamics in Wide Neural Networks
In engineering design, one often wishes to calculate the probability that the performance of a system is satisfactory under uncertainty. State of the art algorithms exist to solve this problem using active learning with Gaussian process models. However, these algorithms cannot be applied to problems which often occur in the autonomous vehicle domain where the performance of a system may be undefined under certain circumstances. Na\"ive modification of existing algorithms by simply masking undefined values will introduce a discontinuous system performance function, and would be unsuccessful because these algorithms are known to fail for discontinuous performance functions. We solve this problem using a hierarchical model for the system performance, where undefined performance is classified before the performance is regressed. This enables active learning Gaussian process methods to be applied to problems where the performance of the system is sometimes undefined, and we demonstrate this by testing our methodology on synthetic numerical examples for the autonomous driving domain.
Bayesian Quadrature for Probability Threshold Robustness of Partially Undefined Functions
Feature importance techniques have enjoyed widespread attention in the explainable AI literature as a means of determining how trained machine learning models make their predictions. We consider Shapley value based approaches to feature importance, applied in the context of time series data. We present closed form solutions for the SHAP values of a number of time series models, including VARMAX. We also show how KernelSHAP can be applied to time series tasks, and how the feature importances that come from this technique can be combined to perform "event detection". Finally, we explore the use of Time Consistent Shapley values for feature importance.
Feature Importance for Time Series Data: Improving KernelSHAP
The working mechanisms of complex natural systems tend to abide by concise and profound partial differential equations (PDEs). Methods that directly mine equations from data are called PDE discovery, which reveals consistent physical laws and facilitates our interaction with the natural world. In this paper, an enhanced deep reinforcement-learning framework is proposed to uncover symbolic open-form PDEs with little prior knowledge. Specifically, (1) we first build a symbol library and define that a PDE can be represented as a tree structure. Then, (2) we design a structure-aware recurrent neural network agent by combining structured inputs and monotonic attention to generate the pre-order traversal of PDE expression trees. The expression trees are then split into function terms, and their coefficients can be calculated by the sparse regression method. (3) All of the generated PDE candidates are first filtered by some physical and mathematical constraints, and then evaluated by a meticulously designed reward function considering the fitness to data and the parsimony of the equation. (4) We adopt the risk-seeking policy gradient to iteratively update the agent to improve the best-case performance. The experiment demonstrates that our framework is capable of mining the governing equations of several canonical systems with great efficiency and scalability.
DISCOVER: Deep identification of symbolic open-form PDEs via enhanced reinforcement-learning
Conventional forgery localizing methods usually rely on different forgery footprints such as JPEG artifacts, edge inconsistency, camera noise, etc., with cross-entropy loss to locate manipulated regions. However, these methods have the disadvantage of over-fitting and focusing on only a few specific forgery footprints. On the other hand, real-life manipulated images are generated via a wide variety of forgery operations and thus, leave behind a wide variety of forgery footprints. Therefore, we need a more general approach for image forgery localization that can work well on a variety of forgery conditions. A key assumption in underlying forged region localization is that there remains a difference of feature distribution between untampered and manipulated regions in each forged image sample, irrespective of the forgery type. In this paper, we aim to leverage this difference of feature distribution to aid in image forgery localization. Specifically, we use contrastive loss to learn mapping into a feature space where the features between untampered and manipulated regions are well-separated for each image. Also, our method has the advantage of localizing manipulated region without requiring any prior knowledge or assumption about the forgery type. We demonstrate that our work outperforms several existing methods on three benchmark image manipulation datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/niloy193/CFLNet.
CFL-Net: Image Forgery Localization Using Contrastive Learning
We present that by predicting the spectrum in discrete space from the phase shift in continuous space, the neural network can remarkably reproduce the numerical L\"uscher's formula to a high precision. The model-independent property of the L\"uscher's formula is naturally realized by the generalizability of the neural network. This exhibits the great potential of the neural network to extract model-independent relation between model-dependent quantities, and this data-driven approach could greatly facilitate the discovery of the physical principles underneath the intricate data.
Rediscovery of Numerical L\"uscher's Formula from the Neural Network
Time series analysis is of immense importance in extensive applications, such as weather forecasting, anomaly detection, and action recognition. This paper focuses on temporal variation modeling, which is the common key problem of extensive analysis tasks. Previous methods attempt to accomplish this directly from the 1D time series, which is extremely challenging due to the intricate temporal patterns. Based on the observation of multi-periodicity in time series, we ravel out the complex temporal variations into the multiple intraperiod- and interperiod-variations. To tackle the limitations of 1D time series in representation capability, we extend the analysis of temporal variations into the 2D space by transforming the 1D time series into a set of 2D tensors based on multiple periods. This transformation can embed the intraperiod- and interperiod-variations into the columns and rows of the 2D tensors respectively, making the 2D-variations to be easily modeled by 2D kernels. Technically, we propose the TimesNet with TimesBlock as a task-general backbone for time series analysis. TimesBlock can discover the multi-periodicity adaptively and extract the complex temporal variations from transformed 2D tensors by a parameter-efficient inception block. Our proposed TimesNet achieves consistent state-of-the-art in five mainstream time series analysis tasks, including short- and long-term forecasting, imputation, classification, and anomaly detection.
TimesNet: Temporal 2D-Variation Modeling for General Time Series Analysis
The minimum cost flow problem is one of the most studied network optimization problems and appears in numerous applications. Some efficient algorithms exist for this problem, which are freely available in the form of libraries or software packages. It is noticeable that none of these solvers is better than the other solution methods on all instances. Thus, the question arises whether the fastest algorithm can be selected for a given instance based on the characteristics of the instance. To this end, we train several machine learning classifiers to predict the fastest among a given set of solvers. We accomplish this by creating a representative data set of 81,000 instances and characterizing each of these instances by a vector of relevant features. To achieve better performance, we conduct a grid search to optimize the hyperparameters of the classifiers. Finally, we evaluate the different classifiers by means of accuracy. It is shown that tree-based models appear to adapt and exploit the relevant structures of the minimum-cost flow problem particularly well on a large number of instances, predicting the fastest solver with an accuracy of more than 90%.
A machine learning based algorithm selection method to solve the minimum cost flow problem
COVID-19 has a spectrum of disease severity, ranging from asymptomatic to requiring hospitalization. Providing appropriate medical care to severe patients is crucial to reduce mortality risks. Hence, in classifying patients into severity categories, the more important classification errors are "under-diagnosis", in which patients are misclassified into less severe categories and thus receive insufficient medical care. The Neyman-Pearson (NP) classification paradigm has been developed to prioritize the designated type of error. However, current NP procedures are either for binary classification or do not provide high probability controls on the prioritized errors in multi-class classification. Here, we propose a hierarchical NP (H-NP) framework and an umbrella algorithm that generally adapts to popular classification methods and controls the under-diagnosis errors with high probability. On an integrated collection of single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) datasets for 740 patients, we explore ways of featurization and demonstrate the efficacy of the H-NP algorithm in controlling the under-diagnosis errors regardless of featurization. Beyond COVID-19 severity classification, the H-NP algorithm generally applies to multi-class classification problems, where classes have a priority order.
Hierarchical Neyman-Pearson Classification for Prioritizing Severe Disease Categories in COVID-19 Patient Data
Fostered by novel analytical techniques, digitalization and automation, modern bioprocess development provides high amounts of heterogeneous experimental data, containing valuable process information. In this context, data-driven methods like machine learning (ML) approaches have a high potential to rationally explore large design spaces while exploiting experimental facilities most efficiently. The aim of this review is to demonstrate how ML methods have been applied so far in bioprocess development, especially in strain engineering and selection, bioprocess optimization, scale-up, monitoring and control of bioprocesses. For each topic, we will highlight successful application cases, current challenges and point out domains that can potentially benefit from technology transfer and further progress in the field of ML.
Machine learning in bioprocess development: From promise to practice
For more than 100 years, chemical, physical, and material scientists have proposed competing constitutive models to best characterize the behavior of natural and man-made materials in response to mechanical loading. Now, computer science offers a universal solution: Neural Networks. Neural Networks are powerful function approximators that can learn constitutive relations from large data without any knowledge of the underlying physics. However, classical Neural Networks entirely ignore a century of research in constitutive modeling, violate thermodynamic considerations, and fail to predict the behavior outside the training regime. Here we design a new family of Constitutive Artificial Neural Networks that inherently satisfy common kinematic, thermodynamic, and physic constraints and, at the same time, constrain the design space of admissible functions to create robust approximators, even in the presence of sparse data. Towards this goal we revisit the non-linear field theories of mechanics and reverse-engineer the network input to account for material objectivity, symmetry, and incompressibility; the network output to enforce thermodynamic consistency; the activation functions to implement physically reasonable restrictions; and the network architecture to ensure polyconvexity. We demonstrate that this new class of models is a generalization of the classical neo Hooke, Blatz Ko, Mooney Rivlin, Yeoh, and Demiray models and that the network weights have a clear physical interpretation. When trained with classical benchmark data for rubber under uniaxial tension, biaxial extension, and pure shear, our network autonomously selects the best constitutive model and learns its set of parameters. Our findings suggests that Constitutive Artificial Neural Networks have the potential to induce a paradigm shift in constitutive modeling, from user-defined model selection to automated model discovery.
A new family of Constitutive Artificial Neural Networks towards automated model discovery
We extend the use of Classification Without Labels for anomaly detection with a hypothesis test designed to exclude the background-only hypothesis. By testing for statistical independence of the two discriminating dataset regions, we are able exclude the background-only hypothesis without relying on fixed anomaly score cuts or extrapolations of background estimates between regions. The method relies on the assumption of conditional independence of anomaly score features and dataset regions, which can be ensured using existing decorrelation techniques. As a benchmark example, we consider the LHC Olympics dataset where we show that mutual information represents a suitable test for statistical independence and our method exhibits excellent and robust performance at different signal fractions even in presence of realistic feature correlations.
Null Hypothesis Test for Anomaly Detection
3D human pose estimation is a challenging task because of the difficulty to acquire ground-truth data outside of controlled environments. A number of further issues have been hindering progress in building a universal and robust model for this task, including domain gaps between different datasets, unseen actions between train and test datasets, various hardware settings and high cost of annotation, etc. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to generate infinite 3D synthetic human poses (Legatus) from a 3D pose distribution based on 10 initial handcrafted 3D poses (Decanus) during the training of a 2D to 3D human pose lifter neural network. Our results show that we can achieve 3D pose estimation performance comparable to methods using real data from specialized datasets but in a zero-shot setup, showing the generalization potential of our framework.
Decanus to Legatus: Synthetic training for 2D-3D human pose lifting
Research in vision-language models has seen rapid developments off-late, enabling natural language-based interfaces for image generation and manipulation. Many existing text guided manipulation techniques are restricted to specific classes of images, and often require fine-tuning to transfer to a different style or domain. Nevertheless, generic image manipulation using a single model with flexible text inputs is highly desirable. Recent work addresses this task by guiding generative models trained on the generic image datasets using pretrained vision-language encoders. While promising, this approach requires expensive optimization for each input. In this work, we propose an optimization-free method for the task of generic image manipulation from text prompts. Our approach exploits recent Latent Diffusion Models (LDM) for text to image generation to achieve zero-shot text guided manipulation. We employ a deterministic forward diffusion in a lower dimensional latent space, and the desired manipulation is achieved by simply providing the target text to condition the reverse diffusion process. We refer to our approach as LDEdit. We demonstrate the applicability of our method on semantic image manipulation and artistic style transfer. Our method can accomplish image manipulation on diverse domains and enables editing multiple attributes in a straightforward fashion. Extensive experiments demonstrate the benefit of our approach over competing baselines.
LDEdit: Towards Generalized Text Guided Image Manipulation via Latent Diffusion Models
Strong image search models can be learned for a specific domain, ie. set of labels, provided that some labeled images of that domain are available. A practical visual search model, however, should be versatile enough to solve multiple retrieval tasks simultaneously, even if those cover very different specialized domains. Additionally, it should be able to benefit from even unlabeled images from these various retrieval tasks. This is the more practical scenario that we consider in this paper. We address it with the proposed Grappa, an approach that starts from a strong pretrained model, and adapts it to tackle multiple retrieval tasks concurrently, using only unlabeled images from the different task domains. We extend the pretrained model with multiple independently trained sets of adaptors that use pseudo-label sets of different sizes, effectively mimicking different pseudo-granularities. We reconcile all adaptor sets into a single unified model suited for all retrieval tasks by learning fusion layers that we guide by propagating pseudo-granularity attentions across neighbors in the feature space. Results on a benchmark composed of six heterogeneous retrieval tasks show that the unsupervised Grappa model improves the zero-shot performance of a state-of-the-art self-supervised learning model, and in some places reaches or improves over a task label-aware oracle that selects the most fitting pseudo-granularity per task.
Granularity-aware Adaptation for Image Retrieval over Multiple Tasks
Semantic segmentation is an important and prevalent task, but severely suffers from the high cost of pixel-level annotations when extending to more classes in wider applications. To this end, we focus on the problem named weak-shot semantic segmentation, where the novel classes are learnt from cheaper image-level labels with the support of base classes having off-the-shelf pixel-level labels. To tackle this problem, we propose SimFormer, which performs dual similarity transfer upon MaskFormer. Specifically, MaskFormer disentangles the semantic segmentation task into two sub-tasks: proposal classification and proposal segmentation for each proposal. Proposal segmentation allows proposal-pixel similarity transfer from base classes to novel classes, which enables the mask learning of novel classes. We also learn pixel-pixel similarity from base classes and distill such class-agnostic semantic similarity to the semantic masks of novel classes, which regularizes the segmentation model with pixel-level semantic relationship across images. In addition, we propose a complementary loss to facilitate the learning of novel classes. Comprehensive experiments on the challenging COCO-Stuff-10K and ADE20K datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Codes are available at https://github.com/bcmi/SimFormer-Weak-Shot-Semantic-Segmentation.
Weak-shot Semantic Segmentation via Dual Similarity Transfer
Conformal prediction is a widely used method to quantify uncertainty in settings where the data is independent and identically distributed (IID), or more generally, exchangeable. Conformal prediction takes in a pre-trained classifier, a calibration dataset and a confidence level as inputs, and returns a function which maps feature vectors to subsets of classes. The output of the returned function for a new feature vector (i.e., a test data point) is guaranteed to contain the true class with the pre-specified confidence. Despite its success and usefulness in IID settings, extending conformal prediction to non-exchangeable (e.g., Markovian) data in a manner that provably preserves all desirable theoretical properties has largely remained an open problem. As a solution, we extend conformal prediction to the setting of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with unknown parameters. The key idea behind the proposed method is to partition the non-exchangeable Markovian data from the HMM into exchangeable blocks by exploiting the de Finetti's Theorem for Markov Chains discovered by Diaconis and Freedman (1980). The permutations of the exchangeable blocks are then viewed as randomizations of the observed Markovian data from the HMM. The proposed method provably retains all desirable theoretical guarantees offered by the classical conformal prediction framework and is general enough to be useful in many sequential prediction problems.
Extending Conformal Prediction to Hidden Markov Models with Exact Validity via de Finetti's Theorem for Markov Chains
Purpose: Tumor-associated vasculature differs from healthy blood vessels by its chaotic architecture and twistedness, which promotes treatment resistance. Measurable differences in these attributes may help stratify patients by likely benefit of systemic therapy (e.g. chemotherapy). In this work, we present a new category of radiomic biomarkers called quantitative tumor-associated vasculature (QuanTAV) features, and demonstrate their ability to predict response and survival across multiple cancers, imaging modalities, and treatment regimens. Experimental Design: We segmented tumor vessels and computed mathematical measurements of twistedness and organization on routine pre-treatment radiology (CT or contrast-enhanced MRI) from 558 patients, who received one of four first-line chemotherapy-based therapeutic intervention strategies for breast (n=371) or non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, n=187). Results: Across 4 chemotherapy-based treatment strategies, classifiers of QuanTAV measurements significantly (p<.05) predicted response in held out testing cohorts alone (AUC=0.63-0.71) and increased AUC by 0.06-0.12 when added to models of significant clinical variables alone. QuanTAV risk scores were prognostic of recurrence free survival in treatment cohorts chemotherapy for breast cancer (p=0.002, HR=1.25, 95% CI 1.08-1.44, C-index=.66) and chemoradiation for NSCLC (p=0.039, HR=1.28, 95% CI 1.01-1.62, C-index=0.66). Categorical QuanTAV risk groups were independently prognostic among all treatment groups, including NSCLC patients receiving chemotherapy (p=0.034, HR=2.29, 95% CI 1.07-4.94, C-index=0.62). Conclusions: Across these domains, we observed an association of vascular morphology on radiology with treatment outcome. Our findings suggest the potential of tumor-associated vasculature shape and structure as a prognostic and predictive biomarker for multiple cancers and treatments.
Novel Radiomic Measurements of Tumor- Associated Vasculature Morphology on Clinical Imaging as a Biomarker of Treatment Response in Multiple Cancers
Measuring Sentence Textual Similarity (STS) is a classic task that can be applied to many downstream NLP applications such as text generation and retrieval. In this paper, we focus on unsupervised STS that works on various domains but only requires minimal data and computational resources. Theoretically, we propose a light-weighted Expectation-Correction (EC) formulation for STS computation. EC formulation unifies unsupervised STS approaches including the cosine similarity of Additively Composed (AC) sentence embeddings, Optimal Transport (OT), and Tree Kernels (TK). Moreover, we propose the Recursive Optimal Transport Similarity (ROTS) algorithm to capture the compositional phrase semantics by composing multiple recursive EC formulations. ROTS finishes in linear time and is faster than its predecessors. ROTS is empirically more effective and scalable than previous approaches. Extensive experiments on 29 STS tasks under various settings show the clear advantage of ROTS over existing approaches. Detailed ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.
Unsupervised Sentence Textual Similarity with Compositional Phrase Semantics
Hierarchical time series are common in several applied fields. Forecasts are required to be coherent, that is, to satisfy the constraints given by the hierarchy. The most popular technique to enforce coherence is called reconciliation, which adjusts the base forecasts computed for each time series. However, recent works on probabilistic reconciliation present several limitations. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on conditioning to reconcile any type of forecast distribution. We then introduce a new algorithm, called Bottom-Up Importance Sampling, to efficiently sample from the reconciled distribution. It can be used for any base forecast distribution: discrete, continuous, or even in the form of samples. The method was tested on several temporal hierarchies showing that our reconciliation effectively improves the quality of probabilistic forecasts. Moreover, our algorithm is up to 3 orders of magnitude faster than vanilla MCMC methods.
Probabilistic reconciliation of forecasts via importance sampling
Recently, vector quantized autoregressive (VQ-AR) models have shown remarkable results in text-to-image synthesis by equally predicting discrete image tokens from the top left to bottom right in the latent space. Although the simple generative process surprisingly works well, is this the best way to generate the image? For instance, human creation is more inclined to the outline-to-fine of an image, while VQ-AR models themselves do not consider any relative importance of each component. In this paper, we present a progressive denoising model for high-fidelity text-to-image image generation. The proposed method takes effect by creating new image tokens from coarse to fine based on the existing context in a parallel manner and this procedure is recursively applied until an image sequence is completed. The resulting coarse-to-fine hierarchy makes the image generation process intuitive and interpretable. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the progressive model produces significantly better results when compared with the previous VQ-AR method in FID score across a wide variety of categories and aspects. Moreover, the text-to-image generation time of traditional AR increases linearly with the output image resolution and hence is quite time-consuming even for normal-size images. In contrast, our approach allows achieving a better trade-off between generation quality and speed.
Progressive Denoising Model for Fine-Grained Text-to-Image Generation
In this paper we study the problem of multiclass classification with a bounded number of different labels $k$, in the realizable setting. We extend the traditional PAC model to a) distribution-dependent learning rates, and b) learning rates under data-dependent assumptions. First, we consider the universal learning setting (Bousquet, Hanneke, Moran, van Handel and Yehudayoff, STOC '21), for which we provide a complete characterization of the achievable learning rates that holds for every fixed distribution. In particular, we show the following trichotomy: for any concept class, the optimal learning rate is either exponential, linear or arbitrarily slow. Additionally, we provide complexity measures of the underlying hypothesis class that characterize when these rates occur. Second, we consider the problem of multiclass classification with structured data (such as data lying on a low dimensional manifold or satisfying margin conditions), a setting which is captured by partial concept classes (Alon, Hanneke, Holzman and Moran, FOCS '21). Partial concepts are functions that can be undefined in certain parts of the input space. We extend the traditional PAC learnability of total concept classes to partial concept classes in the multiclass setting and investigate differences between partial and total concepts.
Multiclass Learnability Beyond the PAC Framework: Universal Rates and Partial Concept Classes
Classifying pill categories from real-world images is crucial for various smart healthcare applications. Although existing approaches in image classification might achieve a good performance on fixed pill categories, they fail to handle novel instances of pill categories that are frequently presented to the learning algorithm. To this end, a trivial solution is to train the model with novel classes. However, this may result in a phenomenon known as catastrophic forgetting, in which the system forgets what it learned in previous classes. In this paper, we address this challenge by introducing the class incremental learning (CIL) ability to traditional pill image classification systems. Specifically, we propose a novel incremental multi-stream intermediate fusion framework enabling incorporation of an additional guidance information stream that best matches the domain of the problem into various state-of-the-art CIL methods. From this framework, we consider color-specific information of pill images as a guidance stream and devise an approach, namely "Color Guidance with Multi-stream intermediate fusion"(CG-IMIF) for solving CIL pill image classification task. We conduct comprehensive experiments on real-world incremental pill image classification dataset, namely VAIPE-PCIL, and find that the CG-IMIF consistently outperforms several state-of-the-art methods by a large margin in different task settings. Our code, data, and trained model are available at https://github.com/vinuni-vishc/CG-IMIF.
Multi-stream Fusion for Class Incremental Learning in Pill Image Classification
Recently, two-stage Deformable DETR introduced the query-based two-stage head, a new type of two-stage head different from the region-based two-stage heads of classical detectors as Faster R-CNN. In query-based two-stage heads, the second stage selects one feature per detection, called the query, as opposed to pooling a rectangular grid of features as in region-based detectors. In this work, we further improve the query-based head from Deformable DETR, significantly speeding up the convergence while increasing its performance. This is achieved by incorporating classical techniques such as anchor generation within the query-based paradigm. By combining the best of both the classical and the query-based worlds, our FQDet head peaks at 45.4 AP on the 2017 COCO validation set when using a ResNet-50+TPN backbone, only after training for 12 epochs using the 1x schedule. We outperform other high-performing two-stage heads such as e.g. Cascade R-CNN, while using the same backbone and while often being computationally cheaper. Additionally, when using the large ResNeXt-101-DCN+TPN backbone and multi-scale testing, our FQDet head achieves 52.9 AP on the 2017 COCO test-dev set after only 12 epochs of training. Code will be released.
FQDet: Fast-converging Query-based Detector
Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL), learning the node representations by augmenting graphs, has attracted considerable attentions. Despite the proliferation of various graph augmentation strategies, some fundamental questions still remain unclear: what information is essentially encoded into the learned representations by GCL? Are there some general graph augmentation rules behind different augmentations? If so, what are they and what insights can they bring? In this paper, we answer these questions by establishing the connection between GCL and graph spectrum. By an experimental investigation in spectral domain, we firstly find the General grAph augMEntation (GAME) rule for GCL, i.e., the difference of the high-frequency parts between two augmented graphs should be larger than that of low-frequency parts. This rule reveals the fundamental principle to revisit the current graph augmentations and design new effective graph augmentations. Then we theoretically prove that GCL is able to learn the invariance information by contrastive invariance theorem, together with our GAME rule, for the first time, we uncover that the learned representations by GCL essentially encode the low-frequency information, which explains why GCL works. Guided by this rule, we propose a spectral graph contrastive learning module (SpCo), which is a general and GCL-friendly plug-in. We combine it with different existing GCL models, and extensive experiments well demonstrate that it can further improve the performances of a wide variety of different GCL methods.
Revisiting Graph Contrastive Learning from the Perspective of Graph Spectrum
We demonstrate the utility of deep learning for modeling the clustering of particles that are aerodynamically coupled to turbulent fluids. Using a Lagrangian particle module within the ATHENA++ hydrodynamics code, we simulate the dynamics of particles in the Epstein drag regime within a periodic domain of isotropic forced hydrodynamic turbulence. This setup is an idealized model relevant to the collisional growth of micron to mmsized dust particles in early stage planet formation. The simulation data is used to train a U-Net deep learning model to predict gridded three-dimensional representations of the particle density and velocity fields, given as input the corresponding fluid fields. The trained model qualitatively captures the filamentary structure of clustered particles in a highly non-linear regime. We assess model fidelity by calculating metrics of the density structure (the radial distribution function) and of the velocity field (the relative velocity and the relative radial velocity between particles). Although trained only on the spatial fields, the model predicts these statistical quantities with errors that are typically < 10%. Our results suggest that, given appropriately expanded training data, deep learning could be used to accelerate calculations of particle clustering and collision outcomes both in protoplanetary disks, and in related two-fluid turbulence problems that arise in other disciplines.
Particle clustering in turbulence: Prediction of spatial and statistical properties with deep learning
We introduce a new method to efficiently create text-to-image models from a pre-trained CLIP and StyleGAN. It enables text driven sampling with an existing generative model without any external data or fine-tuning. This is achieved by training a diffusion model conditioned on CLIP embeddings to sample latent vectors of a pre-trained StyleGAN, which we call clip2latent. We leverage the alignment between CLIP's image and text embeddings to avoid the need for any text labelled data for training the conditional diffusion model. We demonstrate that clip2latent allows us to generate high-resolution (1024x1024 pixels) images based on text prompts with fast sampling, high image quality, and low training compute and data requirements. We also show that the use of the well studied StyleGAN architecture, without further fine-tuning, allows us to directly apply existing methods to control and modify the generated images adding a further layer of control to our text-to-image pipeline.
clip2latent: Text driven sampling of a pre-trained StyleGAN using denoising diffusion and CLIP
Dialogue state tracking (DST) is an essential sub-task for task-oriented dialogue systems. Recent work has focused on deep neural models for DST. However, the neural models require a large dataset for training. Furthermore, applying them to another domain needs a new dataset because the neural models are generally trained to imitate the given dataset. In this paper, we propose Schema Encoding for Transferable Dialogue State Tracking (SETDST), which is a neural DST method for effective transfer to new domains. Transferable DST could assist developments of dialogue systems even with few dataset on target domains. We use a schema encoder not just to imitate the dataset but to comprehend the schema of the dataset. We aim to transfer the model to new domains by encoding new schemas and using them for DST on multi-domain settings. As a result, SET-DST improved the joint accuracy by 1.46 points on MultiWOZ 2.1.
Schema Encoding for Transferable Dialogue State Tracking
The emergence of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) to enhance traditional classical learning methods has seen various limitations to its realisation. There is therefore an imperative to develop quantum models with unique model hypotheses to attain expressional and computational advantage. In this work we extend the linear quantum support vector machine (QSVM) with kernel function computed through quantum kernel estimation (QKE), to form a decision tree classifier constructed from a decision directed acyclic graph of QSVM nodes - the ensemble of which we term the quantum random forest (QRF). To limit overfitting, we further extend the model to employ a low-rank Nystr\"{o}m approximation to the kernel matrix. We provide generalisation error bounds on the model and theoretical guarantees to limit errors due to finite sampling on the Nystr\"{o}m-QKE strategy. In doing so, we show that we can achieve lower sampling complexity when compared to QKE. We numerically illustrate the effect of varying model hyperparameters and finally demonstrate that the QRF is able obtain superior performance over QSVMs, while also requiring fewer kernel estimations.
A kernel-based quantum random forest for improved classification
Self-supervised monocular depth estimation is a salient task for 3D scene understanding. Learned jointly with monocular ego-motion estimation, several methods have been proposed to predict accurate pixel-wise depth without using labeled data. Nevertheless, these methods focus on improving performance under ideal conditions without natural or digital corruptions. A general absence of occlusions is assumed even for object-specific depth estimation. These methods are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which is a pertinent concern for their reliable deployment on robots and autonomous driving systems. We propose MIMDepth, a method that adapts masked image modeling (MIM) for self-supervised monocular depth estimation. While MIM has been used to learn generalizable features during pre-training, we show how it could be adapted for direct training of monocular depth estimation. Our experiments show that MIMDepth is more robust to noise, blur, weather conditions, digital artifacts, occlusions, as well as untargeted and targeted adversarial attacks.
Image Masking for Robust Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
The SoccerNet 2022 challenges were the second annual video understanding challenges organized by the SoccerNet team. In 2022, the challenges were composed of 6 vision-based tasks: (1) action spotting, focusing on retrieving action timestamps in long untrimmed videos, (2) replay grounding, focusing on retrieving the live moment of an action shown in a replay, (3) pitch localization, focusing on detecting line and goal part elements, (4) camera calibration, dedicated to retrieving the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters, (5) player re-identification, focusing on retrieving the same players across multiple views, and (6) multiple object tracking, focusing on tracking players and the ball through unedited video streams. Compared to last year's challenges, tasks (1-2) had their evaluation metrics redefined to consider tighter temporal accuracies, and tasks (3-6) were novel, including their underlying data and annotations. More information on the tasks, challenges and leaderboards are available on https://www.soccer-net.org. Baselines and development kits are available on https://github.com/SoccerNet.
SoccerNet 2022 Challenges Results
This paper presents the novel idea of generating object proposals by leveraging temporal information for video object detection. The feature aggregation in modern region-based video object detectors heavily relies on learned proposals generated from a single-frame RPN. This imminently introduces additional components like NMS and produces unreliable proposals on low-quality frames. To tackle these restrictions, we present SparseVOD, a novel video object detection pipeline that employs Sparse R-CNN to exploit temporal information. In particular, we introduce two modules in the dynamic head of Sparse R-CNN. First, the Temporal Feature Extraction module based on the Temporal RoI Align operation is added to extract the RoI proposal features. Second, motivated by sequence-level semantic aggregation, we incorporate the attention-guided Semantic Proposal Feature Aggregation module to enhance object feature representation before detection. The proposed SparseVOD effectively alleviates the overhead of complicated post-processing methods and makes the overall pipeline end-to-end trainable. Extensive experiments show that our method significantly improves the single-frame Sparse RCNN by 8%-9% in mAP. Furthermore, besides achieving state-of-the-art 80.3% mAP on the ImageNet VID dataset with ResNet-50 backbone, our SparseVOD outperforms existing proposal-based methods by a significant margin on increasing IoU thresholds (IoU > 0.5).
Spatio-Temporal Learnable Proposals for End-to-End Video Object Detection
The generation of triangle meshes from point clouds, i.e. meshing, is a core task in computer graphics and computer vision. Traditional techniques directly construct a surface mesh using local decision heuristics, while some recent methods based on neural implicit representations try to leverage data-driven approaches for this meshing process. However, it is challenging to define a learnable representation for triangle meshes of unknown topology and size and for this reason, neural implicit representations rely on non-differentiable post-processing in order to extract the final triangle mesh. In this work, we propose a novel differentiable meshing algorithm for extracting surface meshes from neural implicit representations. Our method produces the mesh in an iterative fashion, which makes it applicable to shapes of various scales and adaptive to the local curvature of the shape. Furthermore, our method produces meshes with regular tessellation patterns and fewer triangle faces compared to existing methods. Experiments demonstrate the comparable reconstruction performance and favorable mesh properties over baselines.
NeuralMeshing: Differentiable Meshing of Implicit Neural Representations
Conditionality has become a core component for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for generating synthetic images. GANs are usually using latent conditionality to control the generation process. However, tabular data only contains manifest variables. Thus, latent conditionality either restricts the generated data or does not produce sufficiently good results. Therefore, we propose a new methodology to include conditionality in tabular GANs inspired by image completion methods. This article presents ciDATGAN, an evolution of the Directed Acyclic Tabular GAN (DATGAN) that has already been shown to outperform state-of-the-art tabular GAN models. First, we show that the addition of conditional inputs does hinder the model's performance compared to its predecessor. Then, we demonstrate that ciDATGAN can be used to unbias datasets with the help of well-chosen conditional inputs. Finally, it shows that ciDATGAN can learn the logic behind the data and, thus, be used to complete large synthetic datasets using data from a smaller feeder dataset.
ciDATGAN: Conditional Inputs for Tabular GANs
Few-shot prompting is a surprisingly powerful way to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve various tasks. However, this approach struggles as the task complexity increases or when the individual reasoning steps of the task themselves are hard to learn, especially when embedded in more complex tasks. To address this, we propose Decomposed Prompting, a new approach to solve complex tasks by decomposing them (via prompting) into simpler sub-tasks that can be delegated to a library of prompting-based LLMs dedicated to these sub-tasks. This modular structure allows each prompt to be optimized for its specific sub-task, further decomposed if necessary, and even easily replaced with more effective prompts, trained models, or symbolic functions if desired. We show that the flexibility and modularity of Decomposed Prompting allows it to outperform prior work on few-shot prompting using GPT3. On symbolic reasoning tasks, we can further decompose sub-tasks that are hard for LLMs into even simpler solvable sub-tasks. When the complexity comes from the input length, we can recursively decompose the task into the same task but with smaller inputs. We also evaluate our approach on textual multi-step reasoning tasks: on long-context multi-hop QA task, we can more effectively teach the sub-tasks via our separate sub-tasks prompts; and on open-domain multi-hop QA, we can incorporate a symbolic information retrieval within our decomposition framework, leading to improved performance on both tasks.
Decomposed Prompting: A Modular Approach for Solving Complex Tasks
Diversity is an important criterion for many areas of machine learning (ML), including generative modeling and dataset curation. Yet little work has gone into understanding, formalizing, and measuring diversity in ML. In this paper, we address the diversity evaluation problem by proposing the Vendi Score, which connects and extends ideas from ecology and quantum statistical mechanics to ML. The Vendi Score is defined as the exponential of the Shannon entropy of the eigenvalues of a similarity matrix. This matrix is induced by a user-defined similarity function applied to the sample to be evaluated for diversity. In taking a similarity function as input, the Vendi Score enables its user to specify any desired form of diversity. Importantly, unlike many existing metrics in ML, the Vendi Score doesn't require a reference dataset or distribution over samples or labels, it is therefore general and applicable to any generative model, decoding algorithm, and dataset from any domain where similarity can be defined. We showcased the Vendi Score on molecular generative modeling, a domain where diversity plays an important role in enabling the discovery of novel molecules. We found that the Vendi Score addresses shortcomings of the current diversity metric of choice in that domain. We also applied the Vendi Score to generative models of images and decoding algorithms of text and found it confirms known results about diversity in those domains. Furthermore, we used the Vendi Score to measure mode collapse, a known limitation of generative adversarial networks (GANs). In particular, the Vendi Score revealed that even GANs that capture all the modes of a labeled dataset can be less diverse than the original dataset. Finally, the interpretability of the Vendi Score allowed us to diagnose several benchmark ML datasets for diversity, opening the door for diversity-informed data augmentation.
The Vendi Score: A Diversity Evaluation Metric for Machine Learning
The training success, training speed and generalization ability of neural networks rely crucially on the choice of random parameter initialization. It has been shown for multiple architectures that initial dynamical isometry is particularly advantageous. Known initialization schemes for residual blocks, however, miss this property and suffer from degrading separability of different inputs for increasing depth and instability without Batch Normalization or lack feature diversity. We propose a random initialization scheme, RISOTTO, that achieves perfect dynamical isometry for residual networks with ReLU activation functions even for finite depth and width. It balances the contributions of the residual and skip branches unlike other schemes, which initially bias towards the skip connections. In experiments, we demonstrate that in most cases our approach outperforms initialization schemes proposed to make Batch Normalization obsolete, including Fixup and SkipInit, and facilitates stable training. Also in combination with Batch Normalization, we find that RISOTTO often achieves the overall best result.
Dynamical Isometry for Residual Networks
Random masks define surprisingly effective sparse neural network models, as has been shown empirically. The resulting Erd\"os-R\'enyi (ER) random graphs can often compete with dense architectures and state-of-the-art lottery ticket pruning algorithms struggle to outperform them, even though the random baselines do not rely on computationally expensive pruning-training iterations but can be drawn initially without significant computational overhead. We offer a theoretical explanation of how such ER masks can approximate arbitrary target networks if they are wider by a logarithmic factor in the inverse sparsity $1 / \log(1/\text{sparsity})$. While we are the first to show theoretically and experimentally that random ER source networks contain strong lottery tickets, we also prove the existence of weak lottery tickets that require a lower degree of overparametrization than strong lottery tickets. These unusual results are based on the observation that ER masks are well trainable in practice, which we verify in experiments with varied choices of random masks. Some of these data-free choices outperform previously proposed random approaches on standard image classification benchmark datasets.
How Erd\"os and R\'enyi Win the Lottery
Post-hoc explanation methods have become increasingly depended upon for understanding black-box classifiers in high-stakes applications, precipitating a need for reliable explanations. While numerous explanation methods have been proposed, recent works have shown that many existing methods can be inconsistent or unstable. In addition, high-performing classifiers are often highly nonlinear and can exhibit complex behavior around the decision boundary, leading to brittle or misleading local explanations. Therefore, there is an impending need to quantify the uncertainty of such explanation methods in order to understand when explanations are trustworthy. We introduce a novel uncertainty quantification method parameterized by a Gaussian Process model, which combines the uncertainty approximation of existing methods with a novel geodesic-based similarity which captures the complexity of the target black-box decision boundary. The proposed framework is highly flexible; it can be used with any black-box classifier and feature attribution method to amortize uncertainty estimates for explanations. We show theoretically that our proposed geodesic-based kernel similarity increases with the complexity of the decision boundary. Empirical results on multiple tabular and image datasets show that our decision boundary-aware uncertainty estimate improves understanding of explanations as compared to existing methods.
Explanation Uncertainty with Decision Boundary Awareness
Large language models (LLMs) transfer well to new tasks out-of-the-box simply given a natural language prompt that demonstrates how to perform the task and no additional training. Prompting is a brittle process wherein small modifications to the prompt can cause large variations in the model predictions, and therefore significant effort is dedicated towards designing a painstakingly "perfect prompt" for a task. To mitigate the high degree of effort involved in prompt-design, we instead ask whether producing multiple effective, yet imperfect, prompts and aggregating them can lead to a high quality prompting strategy. Our observations motivate our proposed prompting method, ASK ME ANYTHING (AMA). We first develop an understanding of the effective prompt formats, finding that question-answering (QA) prompts, which encourage open-ended generation ("Who went to the park?") tend to outperform those that restrict the model outputs ("John went to the park. Output True or False."). Our approach recursively uses the LLM itself to transform task inputs to the effective QA format. We apply the collected prompts to obtain several noisy votes for the input's true label. We find that the prompts can have very different accuracies and complex dependencies and thus propose to use weak supervision, a procedure for combining the noisy predictions, to produce the final predictions for the inputs. We evaluate AMA across open-source model families (e.g., EleutherAI, BLOOM, OPT, and T0) and model sizes (125M-175B parameters), demonstrating an average performance lift of 10.2% over the few-shot baseline. This simple strategy enables the open-source GPT-J-6B model to match and exceed the performance of few-shot GPT3-175B on 15 of 20 popular benchmarks. Averaged across these tasks, the GPT-Neo-6B model outperforms few-shot GPT3-175B. We release our code here: https://github.com/HazyResearch/ama_prompting
Ask Me Anything: A simple strategy for prompting language models
Electrical energy is essential in today's society. Accurate electrical load forecasting is beneficial for better scheduling of electricity generation and saving electrical energy. In this paper, we propose theory-guided deep-learning load forecasting 2.0 (TgDLF2.0) to solve this issue, which is an improved version of the theory-guided deep-learning framework for load forecasting via ensemble long short-term memory (TgDLF). TgDLF2.0 introduces the deep-learning model Transformer and transfer learning on the basis of dividing the electrical load into dimensionless trends and local fluctuations, which realizes the utilization of domain knowledge, captures the long-term dependency of the load series, and is more appropriate for realistic scenarios with scarce samples. Cross-validation experiments on different districts show that TgDLF2.0 is approximately 16% more accurate than TgDLF and saves more than half of the training time. TgDLF2.0 with 50% weather noise has the same accuracy as TgDLF without noise, which proves its robustness. We also preliminarily mine the interpretability of Transformer in TgDLF2.0, which may provide future potential for better theory guidance. Furthermore, experiments demonstrate that transfer learning can accelerate convergence of the model in half the number of training epochs and achieve better performance.
TgDLF2.0: Theory-guided deep-learning for electrical load forecasting via Transformer and transfer learning
We prove two lower bounds for the complexity of non-log-concave sampling within the framework of Balasubramanian et al. (2022), who introduced the use of Fisher information (FI) bounds as a notion of approximate first-order stationarity in sampling. Our first lower bound shows that averaged LMC is optimal for the regime of large FI by reducing the problem of finding stationary points in non-convex optimization to sampling. Our second lower bound shows that in the regime of small FI, obtaining a FI of at most $\varepsilon^2$ from the target distribution requires $\text{poly}(1/\varepsilon)$ queries, which is surprising as it rules out the existence of high-accuracy algorithms (e.g., algorithms using Metropolis-Hastings filters) in this context.
Fisher information lower bounds for sampling
A key contributor to recent progress in 3D detection from single images is monocular depth estimation. Existing methods focus on how to leverage depth explicitly, by generating pseudo-pointclouds or providing attention cues for image features. More recent works leverage depth prediction as a pretraining task and fine-tune the depth representation while training it for 3D detection. However, the adaptation is insufficient and is limited in scale by manual labels. In this work, we propose to further align depth representation with the target domain in unsupervised fashions. Our methods leverage commonly available LiDAR or RGB videos during training time to fine-tune the depth representation, which leads to improved 3D detectors. Especially when using RGB videos, we show that our two-stage training by first generating pseudo-depth labels is critical because of the inconsistency in loss distribution between the two tasks. With either type of reference data, our multi-task learning approach improves over the state of the art on both KITTI and NuScenes, while matching the test-time complexity of its single task sub-network.
Depth Is All You Need for Monocular 3D Detection
Recent approaches employ deep learning-based solutions for the recovery of a sharp image from its blurry observation. This paper introduces adversarial attacks against deep learning-based image deblurring methods and evaluates the robustness of these neural networks to untargeted and targeted attacks. We demonstrate that imperceptible distortion can significantly degrade the performance of state-of-the-art deblurring networks, even producing drastically different content in the output, indicating the strong need to include adversarially robust training not only in classification but also for image recovery.
On Adversarial Robustness of Deep Image Deblurring
In this paper, we propose a new technique to uniquely classify and identify multiple users accessing a single application using keystroke dynamics. This problem is usually encountered when multiple users have legitimate access to shared computers and accounts, where, at times, one user can inadvertently be logged in on another user's account. Since the login processes are usually bypassed at this stage, we rely on keystroke dynamics in order to tell users apart. Our algorithm uses the quantile transform and techniques from localization to classify and identify users. Specifically, we use an algorithm known as ordinal Unfolding based Localization (UNLOC), which uses only ordinal data obtained from comparing distance proxies, by "locating" users in a reduced PCA/Kernel-PCA/t-SNE space based on their typing patterns. Our results are validated with the help of benchmark keystroke datasets and show that our algorithm outperforms other methods.
A novel non-linear transformation based multi-user identification algorithm for fixed text keystroke behavioral dynamics
Language modelling and machine translation tasks mostly use subword or character inputs, but syllables are seldom used. Syllables provide shorter sequences than characters, require less-specialised extracting rules than morphemes, and their segmentation is not impacted by the corpus size. In this study, we first explore the potential of syllables for open-vocabulary language modelling in 21 languages. We use rule-based syllabification methods for six languages and address the rest with hyphenation, which works as a syllabification proxy. With a comparable perplexity, we show that syllables outperform characters and other subwords. Moreover, we study the importance of syllables on neural machine translation for a non-related and low-resource language-pair (Spanish--Shipibo-Konibo). In pairwise and multilingual systems, syllables outperform unsupervised subwords, and further morphological segmentation methods, when translating into a highly synthetic language with a transparent orthography (Shipibo-Konibo). Finally, we perform some human evaluation, and discuss limitations and opportunities.
Revisiting Syllables in Language Modelling and their Application on Low-Resource Machine Translation