State-of-the-art approaches to lidar place recognition degrade significantly when tested on novel environments that are not present in their training dataset. To improve their reliability, we propose uncertainty-aware lidar place recognition, where each predicted place match must have an associated uncertainty that can be used to identify and reject potentially incorrect matches. We introduce a novel evaluation protocol designed to benchmark uncertainty-aware lidar place recognition, and present Deep Ensembles as the first uncertainty-aware approach for this task. Testing across three large-scale datasets and three state-of-the-art architectures, we show that Deep Ensembles consistently improves the performance of lidar place recognition in novel environments. Compared to a standard network, our results show that Deep Ensembles improves the Recall@1 by more than 5% and AuPR by more than 3% on average when tested on previously unseen environments. Our code repository will be made publicly available upon paper acceptance at https://github.com/csiro-robotics/Uncertainty-LPR.
Uncertainty-Aware Lidar Place Recognition in Novel Environments
There are two de facto standard architectures in recent computer vision: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs). Strong inductive biases of convolutions help the model learn sample effectively, but such strong biases also limit the upper bound of CNNs when sufficient data are available. On the contrary, ViT is inferior to CNNs for small data but superior for sufficient data. Recent approaches attempt to combine the strengths of these two architectures. However, we show these approaches overlook that the optimal inductive bias also changes according to the target data scale changes by comparing various models' accuracy on subsets of sampled ImageNet at different ratios. In addition, through Fourier analysis of feature maps, the model's response patterns according to signal frequency changes, we observe which inductive bias is advantageous for each data scale. The more convolution-like inductive bias is included in the model, the smaller the data scale is required where the ViT-like model outperforms the ResNet performance. To obtain a model with flexible inductive bias on the data scale, we show reparameterization can interpolate inductive bias between convolution and self-attention. By adjusting the number of epochs the model stays in the convolution, we show that reparameterization from convolution to self-attention interpolates the Fourier analysis pattern between CNNs and ViTs. Adapting these findings, we propose Progressive Reparameterization Scheduling (PRS), in which reparameterization adjusts the required amount of convolution-like or self-attention-like inductive bias per layer. For small-scale datasets, our PRS performs reparameterization from convolution to self-attention linearly faster at the late stage layer. PRS outperformed previous studies on the small-scale dataset, e.g., CIFAR-100.
Towards Flexible Inductive Bias via Progressive Reparameterization Scheduling
We study high-probability regret bounds for adversarial $K$-armed bandits with time-varying feedback graphs over $T$ rounds. For general strongly observable graphs, we develop an algorithm that achieves the optimal regret $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}((\sum_{t=1}^T\alpha_t)^{1/2}+\max_{t\in[T]}\alpha_t)$ with high probability, where $\alpha_t$ is the independence number of the feedback graph at round $t$. Compared to the best existing result [Neu, 2015] which only considers graphs with self-loops for all nodes, our result not only holds more generally, but importantly also removes any $\text{poly}(K)$ dependence that can be prohibitively large for applications such as contextual bandits. Furthermore, we also develop the first algorithm that achieves the optimal high-probability regret bound for weakly observable graphs, which even improves the best expected regret bound of [Alon et al., 2015] by removing the $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{KT})$ term with a refined analysis. Our algorithms are based on the online mirror descent framework, but importantly with an innovative combination of several techniques. Notably, while earlier works use optimistic biased loss estimators for achieving high-probability bounds, we find it important to use a pessimistic one for nodes without self-loop in a strongly observable graph.
Improved High-Probability Regret for Adversarial Bandits with Time-Varying Feedback Graphs
3D object detection is a crucial research topic in computer vision, which usually uses 3D point clouds as input in conventional setups. Recently, there is a trend of leveraging multiple sources of input data, such as complementing the 3D point cloud with 2D images that often have richer color and fewer noises. However, due to the heterogeneous geometrics of the 2D and 3D representations, it prevents us from applying off-the-shelf neural networks to achieve multimodal fusion. To that end, we propose Bridged Transformer (BrT), an end-to-end architecture for 3D object detection. BrT is simple and effective, which learns to identify 3D and 2D object bounding boxes from both points and image patches. A key element of BrT lies in the utilization of object queries for bridging 3D and 2D spaces, which unifies different sources of data representations in Transformer. We adopt a form of feature aggregation realized by point-to-patch projections which further strengthen the correlations between images and points. Moreover, BrT works seamlessly for fusing the point cloud with multi-view images. We experimentally show that BrT surpasses state-of-the-art methods on SUN RGB-D and ScanNetV2 datasets.
Bridged Transformer for Vision and Point Cloud 3D Object Detection
Conceptually, Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NeuralODEs) pose an attractive way to extract dynamical laws from time series data, as they are natural extensions of the traditional differential equation-based modeling paradigm of the physical sciences. In practice, NeuralODEs display long training times and suboptimal results, especially for longer duration data where they may fail to fit the data altogether. While methods have been proposed to stabilize NeuralODE training, many of these involve placing a strong constraint on the functional form the trained NeuralODE can take that the actual underlying governing equation does not guarantee satisfaction. In this work, we present a novel NeuralODE training algorithm that leverages tools from the chaos and mathematical optimization communities - synchronization and homotopy optimization - for a breakthrough in tackling the NeuralODE training obstacle. We demonstrate architectural changes are unnecessary for effective NeuralODE training. Compared to the conventional training methods, our algorithm achieves drastically lower loss values without any changes to the model architectures. Experiments on both simulated and real systems with complex temporal behaviors demonstrate NeuralODEs trained with our algorithm are able to accurately capture true long term behaviors and correctly extrapolate into the future.
Homotopy-based training of NeuralODEs for accurate dynamics discovery
Distributionally robust optimization has been shown to offer a principled way to regularize learning models. In this paper, we find that Tikhonov regularization is distributionally robust in an optimal transport sense (i.e., if an adversary chooses distributions in a suitable optimal transport neighborhood of the empirical measure), provided that suitable martingale constraints are also imposed. Further, we introduce a relaxation of the martingale constraints which not only provides a unified viewpoint to a class of existing robust methods but also leads to new regularization tools. To realize these novel tools, tractable computational algorithms are proposed. As a byproduct, the strong duality theorem proved in this paper can be potentially applied to other problems of independent interest.
Tikhonov Regularization is Optimal Transport Robust under Martingale Constraints
Real-world deployment of machine learning models is challenging when data evolves over time. And data does evolve over time. While no model can work when data evolves in an arbitrary fashion, if there is some pattern to these changes, we might be able to design methods to address it. This paper addresses situations when data evolves gradually. We introduce a novel time-varying importance weight estimator that can detect gradual shifts in the distribution of data. Such an importance weight estimator allows the training method to selectively sample past data -- not just similar data from the past like a standard importance weight estimator would but also data that evolved in a similar fashion in the past. Our time-varying importance weight is quite general. We demonstrate different ways of implementing it that exploit some known structure in the evolution of data. We demonstrate and evaluate this approach on a variety of problems ranging from supervised learning tasks (multiple image classification datasets) where the data undergoes a sequence of gradual shifts of our design to reinforcement learning tasks (robotic manipulation and continuous control) where data undergoes a shift organically as the policy or the task changes.
Data drift correction via time-varying importance weight estimator
Recently, Transformer-based image restoration networks have achieved promising improvements over convolutional neural networks due to parameter-independent global interactions. To lower computational cost, existing works generally limit self-attention computation within non-overlapping windows. However, each group of tokens are always from a dense area of the image. This is considered as a dense attention strategy since the interactions of tokens are restrained in dense regions. Obviously, this strategy could result in restricted receptive fields. To address this issue, we propose Attention Retractable Transformer (ART) for image restoration, which presents both dense and sparse attention modules in the network. The sparse attention module allows tokens from sparse areas to interact and thus provides a wider receptive field. Furthermore, the alternating application of dense and sparse attention modules greatly enhances representation ability of Transformer while providing retractable attention on the input image.We conduct extensive experiments on image super-resolution, denoising, and JPEG compression artifact reduction tasks. Experimental results validate that our proposed ART outperforms state-of-the-art methods on various benchmark datasets both quantitatively and visually. We also provide code and models at the website https://github.com/gladzhang/ART.
Accurate Image Restoration with Attention Retractable Transformer
We propose a non-learning depth completion method for a sparse depth map captured using a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor guided by a pair of stereo images. Generally, conventional stereo-aided depth completion methods have two limiations. (i) They assume the given sparse depth map is accurately aligned to the input image, whereas the alignment is difficult to achieve in practice. (ii) They have limited accuracy in the long range because the depth is estimated by pixel disparity. To solve the abovementioned limitations, we propose selective stereo matching (SSM) that searches the most appropriate depth value for each image pixel from its neighborly projected LiDAR points based on an energy minimization framework. This depth selection approach can handle any type of mis-projection. Moreover, SSM has an advantage in terms of long-range depth accuracy because it directly uses the LiDAR measurement rather than the depth acquired from the stereo. SSM is a discrete process; thus, we apply variational smoothing with binary anisotropic diffusion tensor (B-ADT) to generate a continuous depth map while preserving depth discontinuity across object boundaries. Experimentally, compared with the previous state-of-the-art stereo-aided depth completion, the proposed method reduced the mean absolute error (MAE) of the depth estimation to 0.65 times and demonstrated approximately twice more accurate estimation in the long range. Moreover, under various LiDAR-camera calibration errors, the proposed method reduced the depth estimation MAE to 0.34-0.93 times from previous depth completion methods.
Non-learning Stereo-aided Depth Completion under Mis-projection via Selective Stereo Matching
A network based on complementary consistency training (CC-Net) is proposed for semi-supervised left atrial image segmentation in this paper. From the perspective of complementary information, CC-Net effectively utilizes unlabeled data and resolves the problem that semi-supervised segmentation algorithms currently in use have a limited capacity to extract information from unlabeled data. A primary model and two complementary auxiliary models are part of the complementary symmetric structure of the CC-Net. A complementary consistency training is formed by the inter-model perturbation between the primary model and the auxiliary models. The main model is better able to concentrate on the ambiguous region due to the complementary information provided by the two auxiliary models. Additionally, forcing consistency between the primary model and the auxiliary models makes it easier to obtain decision boundaries with little uncertainty. CC-Net was validated in the benchmark dataset of 2018 left atrial segmentation challenge, reaching Dice of 89.42% with 10% labeled data training and 91.14% with 20% labeled data training. By comparing with current state-of-the-art algorithms, CC-Net has the best segmentation performance and robustness. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Cuthbert-Huang/CC-Net.
Complementary consistency semi-supervised learning for 3D left atrial image segmentation
Few-shot fine-grained recognition (FS-FGR) aims to recognize novel fine-grained categories with the help of limited available samples. Undoubtedly, this task inherits the main challenges from both few-shot learning and fine-grained recognition. First, the lack of labeled samples makes the learned model easy to overfit. Second, it also suffers from high intra-class variance and low inter-class difference in the datasets. To address this challenging task, we propose a two-stage background suppression and foreground alignment framework, which is composed of a background activation suppression (BAS) module, a foreground object alignment (FOA) module, and a local to local (L2L) similarity metric. Specifically, the BAS is introduced to generate a foreground mask for localization to weaken background disturbance and enhance dominative foreground objects. What's more, considering the lack of labeled samples, we compute the pairwise similarity of feature maps using both the raw image and the refined image. The FOA then reconstructs the feature map of each support sample according to its correction to the query ones, which addresses the problem of misalignment between support-query image pairs. To enable the proposed method to have the ability to capture subtle differences in confused samples, we present a novel L2L similarity metric to further measure the local similarity between a pair of aligned spatial features in the embedding space. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple popular fine-grained benchmarks demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art by a large margin.
Boosting Few-shot Fine-grained Recognition with Background Suppression and Foreground Alignment
Light field display caters to the viewer's immersive experience by providing binocular depth sensation and motion parallax. Glasses-free tensor light field display is becoming a prominent area of research in auto-stereoscopic display technology. Stacking light attenuating layers is one of the approaches to implement a light field display with a good depth of field, wide viewing angles and high resolution. This paper presents a compact and efficient representation of light field data based on scalable compression of the binary represented image layers suitable for additive layered display using a Deep Belief Network (DBN). The proposed scheme learns and optimizes the additive layer patterns using a convolutional neural network (CNN). Weighted binary images represent the optimized patterns, reducing the file size and introducing scalable encoding. The DBN further compresses the weighted binary patterns into a latent space representation followed by encoding the latent data using an h.254 codec. The proposed scheme is compared with benchmark codecs such as h.264 and h.265 and achieved competitive performance on light field data.
A Novel Light Field Coding Scheme Based on Deep Belief Network and Weighted Binary Images for Additive Layered Displays
We address the well-known wearable activity recognition problem of having to work with sensors that are non-optimal in terms of information they provide but have to be used due to wearability/usability concerns (e.g. the need to work with wrist-worn IMUs because they are embedded in most smart watches). To mitigate this problem we propose a method that facilitates the use of information from sensors that are only present during the training process and are unavailable during the later use of the system. The method transfers information from the source sensors to the latent representation of the target sensor data through contrastive loss that is combined with the classification loss during joint training. We evaluate the method on the well-known PAMAP2 and Opportunity benchmarks for different combinations of source and target sensors showing average (over all activities) F1 score improvements of between 5% and 13% with the improvement on individual activities, particularly well suited to benefit from the additional information going up to between 20% and 40%.
Learning from the Best: Contrastive Representations Learning Across Sensor Locations for Wearable Activity Recognition
In 3D medical image segmentation, small targets segmentation is crucial for diagnosis but still faces challenges. In this paper, we propose the Axis Projection Attention UNet, named APAUNet, for 3D medical image segmentation, especially for small targets. Considering the large proportion of the background in the 3D feature space, we introduce a projection strategy to project the 3D features into three orthogonal 2D planes to capture the contextual attention from different views. In this way, we can filter out the redundant feature information and mitigate the loss of critical information for small lesions in 3D scans. Then we utilize a dimension hybridization strategy to fuse the 3D features with attention from different axes and merge them by a weighted summation to adaptively learn the importance of different perspectives. Finally, in the APA Decoder, we concatenate both high and low resolution features in the 2D projection process, thereby obtaining more precise multi-scale information, which is vital for small lesion segmentation. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results on two public datasets (BTCV and MSD) demonstrate that our proposed APAUNet outperforms the other methods. Concretely, our APAUNet achieves an average dice score of 87.84 on BTCV, 84.48 on MSD-Liver and 69.13 on MSD-Pancreas, and significantly surpass the previous SOTA methods on small targets.
APAUNet: Axis Projection Attention UNet for Small Target in 3D Medical Segmentation
We consider core-periphery structured graphs, which are graphs with a group of densely and sparsely connected nodes, respectively, referred to as core and periphery nodes. The so-called core score of a node is related to the likelihood of it being a core node. In this paper, we focus on learning the core scores of a graph from its node attributes and connectivity structure. To this end, we propose two classes of probabilistic graphical models: affine and nonlinear. First, we describe affine generative models to model the dependence of node attributes on its core scores, which determine the graph structure. Next, we discuss nonlinear generative models in which the partial correlations of node attributes influence the graph structure through latent core scores. We develop algorithms for inferring the model parameters and core scores of a graph when both the graph structure and node attributes are available. When only the node attributes of graphs are available, we jointly learn a core-periphery structured graph and its core scores. We provide results from numerical experiments on several synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate the efficacy of the developed models and algorithms.
Generative Models and Learning Algorithms for Core-Periphery Structured Graphs
We consider escaping saddle points of nonconvex problems where only the function evaluations can be accessed. Although a variety of works have been proposed, the majority of them require either second or first-order information, and only a few of them have exploited zeroth-order methods, particularly the technique of negative curvature finding with zeroth-order methods which has been proven to be the most efficient method for escaping saddle points. To fill this gap, in this paper, we propose two zeroth-order negative curvature finding frameworks that can replace Hessian-vector product computations without increasing the iteration complexity. We apply the proposed frameworks to ZO-GD, ZO-SGD, ZO-SCSG, ZO-SPIDER and prove that these ZO algorithms can converge to $(\epsilon,\delta)$-approximate second-order stationary points with less query complexity compared with prior zeroth-order works for finding local minima.
Zeroth-Order Negative Curvature Finding: Escaping Saddle Points without Gradients
Pretrained Language Models (LMs) memorize a vast amount of knowledge during initial pretraining, including information that may violate the privacy of personal lives and identities. Previous work addressing privacy issues for language models has mostly focused on data preprocessing and differential privacy methods, both requiring re-training the underlying LM. We propose knowledge unlearning as an alternative method to reduce privacy risks for LMs post hoc. We show that simply applying the unlikelihood training objective to target token sequences is effective at forgetting them with little to no degradation of general language modeling performances; it sometimes even substantially improves the underlying LM with just a few iterations. We also find that sequential unlearning is better than trying to unlearn all the data at once and that unlearning is highly dependent on which kind of data (domain) is forgotten. By showing comparisons with a previous data preprocessing method known to mitigate privacy risks for LMs, we show that unlearning can give a stronger empirical privacy guarantee in scenarios where the data vulnerable to extraction attacks are known a priori while being orders of magnitude more computationally efficient. We release the code and dataset needed to replicate our results at https://github.com/joeljang/knowledge-unlearning .
Knowledge Unlearning for Mitigating Privacy Risks in Language Models
In this paper, we describe adaptation of a simple word guessing game that occupied the hearts and minds of people around the world. There are versions for all three Baltic countries and even several versions of each. We specifically pay attention to the Latvian version and look into how people form their guesses given any already uncovered hints. The paper analyses guess patterns, easy and difficult word characteristics, and player behaviour and response.
How Masterly Are People at Playing with Their Vocabulary? Analysis of the Wordle Game for Latvian
We consider Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM), a gradient-based optimization method for deep networks that has exhibited performance improvements on image and language prediction problems. We show that when SAM is applied with a convex quadratic objective, for most random initializations it converges to a cycle that oscillates between either side of the minimum in the direction with the largest curvature, and we provide bounds on the rate of convergence. In the non-quadratic case, we show that such oscillations effectively perform gradient descent, with a smaller step-size, on the spectral norm of the Hessian. In such cases, SAM's update may be regarded as a third derivative -- the derivative of the Hessian in the leading eigenvector direction -- that encourages drift toward wider minima.
The Dynamics of Sharpness-Aware Minimization: Bouncing Across Ravines and Drifting Towards Wide Minima
Training deep learning models on medical datasets that perform well for all classes is a challenging task. It is often the case that a suboptimal performance is obtained on some classes due to the natural class imbalance issue that comes with medical data. An effective way to tackle this problem is by using targeted active learning, where we iteratively add data points to the training data that belong to the rare classes. However, existing active learning methods are ineffective in targeting rare classes in medical datasets. In this work, we propose Clinical (targeted aCtive Learning for ImbalaNced medICal imAge cLassification) a framework that uses submodular mutual information functions as acquisition functions to mine critical data points from rare classes. We apply our framework to a wide-array of medical imaging datasets on a variety of real-world class imbalance scenarios - namely, binary imbalance and long-tail imbalance. We show that Clinical outperforms the state-of-the-art active learning methods by acquiring a diverse set of data points that belong to the rare classes.
CLINICAL: Targeted Active Learning for Imbalanced Medical Image Classification
Avoiding out-of-distribution (OOD) data is critical for training supervised machine learning models in the medical imaging domain. Furthermore, obtaining labeled medical data is difficult and expensive since it requires expert annotators like doctors, radiologists, etc. Active learning (AL) is a well-known method to mitigate labeling costs by selecting the most diverse or uncertain samples. However, current AL methods do not work well in the medical imaging domain with OOD data. We propose Diagnose (avoiDing out-of-dIstribution dAta usinG submodular iNfOrmation meaSurEs), a novel active learning framework that can jointly model similarity and dissimilarity, which is crucial in mining in-distribution data and avoiding OOD data at the same time. Particularly, we use a small number of data points as exemplars that represent a query set of in-distribution data points and a private set of OOD data points. We illustrate the generalizability of our framework by evaluating it on a wide variety of real-world OOD scenarios. Our experiments verify the superiority of Diagnose over the state-of-the-art AL methods across multiple domains of medical imaging.
DIAGNOSE: Avoiding Out-of-distribution Data using Submodular Information Measures
Multi-label classification is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, but not much attention has been paid to interpretability. In this paper, we develop a multi-label classifier that can be represented as a concise set of simple "if-then" rules, and thus, it offers better interpretability compared to black-box models. Notably, our method is able to find a small set of relevant patterns that lead to accurate multi-label classification, while existing rule-based classifiers are myopic and wasteful in searching rules,requiring a large number of rules to achieve high accuracy. In particular, we formulate the problem of choosing multi-label rules to maximize a target function, which considers not only discrimination ability with respect to labels, but also diversity. Accounting for diversity helps to avoid redundancy, and thus, to control the number of rules in the solution set. To tackle the said maximization problem we propose a 2-approximation algorithm, which relies on a novel technique to sample high-quality rules. In addition to our theoretical analysis, we provide a thorough experimental evaluation, which indicates that our approach offers a trade-off between predictive performance and interpretability that is unmatched in previous work.
Concise and interpretable multi-label rule sets
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is an established approach for uncertainty quantification and propagation in scientific applications. A key challenge in applying MCMC to scientific domains is computation: the target density of interest is often a function of expensive computations, such as a high-fidelity physical simulation, an intractable integral, or a slowly-converging iterative algorithm. Thus, using an MCMC algorithms with an expensive target density becomes impractical, as these expensive computations need to be evaluated at each iteration of the algorithm. In practice, these computations often approximated via a cheaper, low-fidelity computation, leading to bias in the resulting target density. Multi-fidelity MCMC algorithms combine models of varying fidelities in order to obtain an approximate target density with lower computational cost. In this paper, we describe a class of asymptotically exact multi-fidelity MCMC algorithms for the setting where a sequence of models of increasing fidelity can be computed that approximates the expensive target density of interest. We take a pseudo-marginal MCMC approach for multi-fidelity inference that utilizes a cheaper, randomized-fidelity unbiased estimator of the target fidelity constructed via random truncation of a telescoping series of the low-fidelity sequence of models. Finally, we discuss and evaluate the proposed multi-fidelity MCMC approach on several applications, including log-Gaussian Cox process modeling, Bayesian ODE system identification, PDE-constrained optimization, and Gaussian process regression parameter inference.
Multi-fidelity Monte Carlo: a pseudo-marginal approach
Representing 3D objects and scenes with neural radiance fields has become very popular over the last years. Recently, surface-based representations have been proposed, that allow to reconstruct 3D objects from simple photographs. However, most current techniques require an accurate camera calibration, i.e. camera parameters corresponding to each image, which is often a difficult task to do in real-life situations. To this end, we propose a method for learning 3D surfaces from noisy camera parameters. We show that we can learn camera parameters together with learning the surface representation, and demonstrate good quality 3D surface reconstruction even with noisy camera observations.
Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Camera Observations
While point cloud semantic segmentation is a significant task in 3D scene understanding, this task demands a time-consuming process of fully annotating labels. To address this problem, recent studies adopt a weakly supervised learning approach under the sparse annotation. Different from the existing studies, this study aims to reduce the epistemic uncertainty measured by the entropy for a precise semantic segmentation. We propose the graphical information gain based attention network called GaIA, which alleviates the entropy of each point based on the reliable information. The graphical information gain discriminates the reliable point by employing relative entropy between target point and its neighborhoods. We further introduce anchor-based additive angular margin loss, ArcPoint. The ArcPoint optimizes the unlabeled points containing high entropy towards semantically similar classes of the labeled points on hypersphere space. Experimental results on S3DIS and ScanNet-v2 datasets demonstrate our framework outperforms the existing weakly supervised methods. We have released GaIA at https://github.com/Karel911/GaIA.
GaIA: Graphical Information Gain based Attention Network for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
In this paper, we propose a novel dual-branch Transformation-Synthesis network (TS-Net), for video motion retargeting. Given one subject video and one driving video, TS-Net can produce a new plausible video with the subject appearance of the subject video and motion pattern of the driving video. TS-Net consists of a warp-based transformation branch and a warp-free synthesis branch. The novel design of dual branches combines the strengths of deformation-grid-based transformation and warp-free generation for better identity preservation and robustness to occlusion in the synthesized videos. A mask-aware similarity module is further introduced to the transformation branch to reduce computational overhead. Experimental results on face and dance datasets show that TS-Net achieves better performance in video motion retargeting than several state-of-the-art models as well as its single-branch variants. Our code is available at https://github.com/nihaomiao/WACV23_TSNet.
Cross-identity Video Motion Retargeting with Joint Transformation and Synthesis
In this work we address multi-target domain adaptation (MTDA) in semantic segmentation, which consists in adapting a single model from an annotated source dataset to multiple unannotated target datasets that differ in their underlying data distributions. To address MTDA, we propose a self-training strategy that employs pseudo-labels to induce cooperation among multiple domain-specific classifiers. We employ feature stylization as an efficient way to generate image views that forms an integral part of self-training. Additionally, to prevent the network from overfitting to noisy pseudo-labels, we devise a rectification strategy that leverages the predictions from different classifiers to estimate the quality of pseudo-labels. Our extensive experiments on numerous settings, based on four different semantic segmentation datasets, validate the effectiveness of the proposed self-training strategy and show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art MTDA approaches. Code available at: https://github.com/Mael-zys/CoaST
Cooperative Self-Training for Multi-Target Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
Person re-identification (PRID) from side-mounted rectilinear-lens cameras is a well-studied problem. On the other hand, PRID from overhead fisheye cameras is new and largely unstudied, primarily due to the lack of suitable image datasets. To fill this void, we introduce the "Fisheye Re-IDentification Dataset with Annotations" (FRIDA), with 240k+ bounding-box annotations of people, captured by 3 time-synchronized, ceiling-mounted fisheye cameras in a large indoor space. Due to a field-of-view overlap, PRID in this case differs from a typical PRID problem, which we discuss in depth. We also evaluate the performance of 10 state-of-the-art PRID algorithms on FRIDA. We show that for 6 CNN-based algorithms, training on FRIDA boosts the performance by up to 11.64% points in mAP compared to training on a common rectilinear-camera PRID dataset.
FRIDA: Fisheye Re-Identification Dataset with Annotations
Compared to visible-to-visible (V2V) person re-identification (ReID), the visible-to-infrared (V2I) person ReID task is more challenging due to the lack of sufficient training samples and the large cross-modality discrepancy. To this end, we propose Flow2Flow, a unified framework that could jointly achieve training sample expansion and cross-modality image generation for V2I person ReID. Specifically, Flow2Flow learns bijective transformations from both the visible image domain and the infrared domain to a shared isotropic Gaussian domain with an invertible visible flow-based generator and an infrared one, respectively. With Flow2Flow, we are able to generate pseudo training samples by the transformation from latent Gaussian noises to visible or infrared images, and generate cross-modality images by transformations from existing-modality images to latent Gaussian noises to missing-modality images. For the purpose of identity alignment and modality alignment of generated images, we develop adversarial training strategies to train Flow2Flow. Specifically, we design an image encoder and a modality discriminator for each modality. The image encoder encourages the generated images to be similar to real images of the same identity via identity adversarial training, and the modality discriminator makes the generated images modal-indistinguishable from real images via modality adversarial training. Experimental results on SYSU-MM01 and RegDB demonstrate that both training sample expansion and cross-modality image generation can significantly improve V2I ReID accuracy.
How Image Generation Helps Visible-to-Infrared Person Re-Identification?
Identification of regions affected by floods is a crucial piece of information required for better planning and management of post-disaster relief and rescue efforts. Traditionally, remote sensing images are analysed to identify the extent of damage caused by flooding. The data acquired from sensors onboard earth observation satellites are analyzed to detect the flooded regions, which can be affected by low spatial and temporal resolution. However, in recent years, the images acquired from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have also been utilized to assess post-disaster damage. Indeed, a UAV based platform can be rapidly deployed with a customized flight plan and minimum dependence on the ground infrastructure. This work proposes two approaches for identifying flooded regions in UAV aerial images. The first approach utilizes texture-based unsupervised segmentation to detect flooded areas, while the second uses an artificial neural network on the texture features to classify images as flooded and non-flooded. Unlike the existing works where the models are trained and tested on images of the same geographical regions, this work studies the performance of the proposed model in identifying flooded regions across geographical regions. An F1-score of 0.89 is obtained using the proposed segmentation-based approach which is higher than existing classifiers. The robustness of the proposed approach demonstrates that it can be utilized to identify flooded regions of any region with minimum or no user intervention.
Cross-Geography Generalization of Machine Learning Methods for Classification of Flooded Regions in Aerial Images
In this work we present FreDSNet, a deep learning solution which obtains semantic 3D understanding of indoor environments from single panoramas. Omnidirectional images reveal task-specific advantages when addressing scene understanding problems due to the 360-degree contextual information about the entire environment they provide. However, the inherent characteristics of the omnidirectional images add additional problems to obtain an accurate detection and segmentation of objects or a good depth estimation. To overcome these problems, we exploit convolutions in the frequential domain obtaining a wider receptive field in each convolutional layer. These convolutions allow to leverage the whole context information from omnidirectional images. FreDSNet is the first network that jointly provides monocular depth estimation and semantic segmentation from a single panoramic image exploiting fast Fourier convolutions. Our experiments show that FreDSNet has similar performance as specific state of the art methods for semantic segmentation and depth estimation. FreDSNet code is publicly available in https://github.com/Sbrunoberenguel/FreDSNet
FreDSNet: Joint Monocular Depth and Semantic Segmentation with Fast Fourier Convolutions
Lifelong object re-identification incrementally learns from a stream of re-identification tasks. The objective is to learn a representation that can be applied to all tasks and that generalizes to previously unseen re-identification tasks. The main challenge is that at inference time the representation must generalize to previously unseen identities. To address this problem, we apply continual meta metric learning to lifelong object re-identification. To prevent forgetting of previous tasks, we use knowledge distillation and explore the roles of positive and negative pairs. Based on our observation that the distillation and metric losses are antagonistic, we propose to remove positive pairs from distillation to robustify model updates. Our method, called Distillation without Positive Pairs (DwoPP), is evaluated on extensive intra-domain experiments on person and vehicle re-identification datasets, as well as inter-domain experiments on the LReID benchmark. Our experiments demonstrate that DwoPP significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art. The code is here: https://github.com/wangkai930418/DwoPP_code
Positive Pair Distillation Considered Harmful: Continual Meta Metric Learning for Lifelong Object Re-Identification
Self-supervised monocular depth estimation refers to training a monocular depth estimation (MDE) network using only RGB images to overcome the difficulty of collecting dense ground truth depth. Many previous works addressed this problem using depth classification or depth regression. However, depth classification tends to fall into local minima due to the bilinear interpolation search on the target view. Depth classification overcomes this problem using pre-divided depth bins, but those depth candidates lead to discontinuities in the final depth result, and using the same probability for weighted summation of color and depth is ambiguous. To overcome these limitations, we use some predefined planes that are parallel to the ground, allowing us to automatically segment the ground and predict continuous depth for it. We further model depth as a mixture Laplace distribution, which provides a more certain objective for optimization. Previous works have shown that MDE networks only use the vertical image position of objects to estimate the depth and ignore relative sizes. We address this problem for the first time in both stereo and monocular training using resize cropping data augmentation. Based on our analysis of resize cropping, we combine it with our plane definition and improve our training strategy so that the network could learn the relationship between depth and both the vertical image position and relative size of objects. We further combine the self-distillation stage with post-processing to provide more accurate supervision and save extra time in post-processing. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our analysis and improvements.
PlaneDepth: Plane-Based Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
We introduce Mintaka, a complex, natural, and multilingual dataset designed for experimenting with end-to-end question-answering models. Mintaka is composed of 20,000 question-answer pairs collected in English, annotated with Wikidata entities, and translated into Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish for a total of 180,000 samples. Mintaka includes 8 types of complex questions, including superlative, intersection, and multi-hop questions, which were naturally elicited from crowd workers. We run baselines over Mintaka, the best of which achieves 38% hits@1 in English and 31% hits@1 multilingually, showing that existing models have room for improvement. We release Mintaka at https://github.com/amazon-research/mintaka.
Mintaka: A Complex, Natural, and Multilingual Dataset for End-to-End Question Answering
This paper presents the 2nd place solution to the Google Landmark Retrieval Competition 2020. We propose a training method of global feature model for landmark retrieval without post-processing, such as local feature and spatial verification. There are two parts in our retrieval method in this competition. This training scheme mainly includes training by increasing margin value of arcmargin loss and increasing image resolution step by step. Models are trained by PaddlePaddle framework and Pytorch framework, and then converted to tensorflow 2.2. Using this method, we got a public score of 0.40176 and a private score of 0.36278 and achieved 2nd place in the Google Landmark Retrieval Competition 2020.
2nd Place Solution to Google Landmark Retrieval 2020
Recently, there has been a trend of shifting the execution of deep learning inference tasks toward the edge of the network, closer to the user, to reduce latency and preserve data privacy. At the same time, growing interest is being devoted to the energetic sustainability of machine learning. At the intersection of these trends, we hence find the energetic characterization of machine learning at the edge, which is attracting increasing attention. Unfortunately, calculating the energy consumption of a given neural network during inference is complicated by the heterogeneity of the possible underlying hardware implementation. In this work, we hence aim at profiling the energetic consumption of inference tasks for some modern edge nodes and deriving simple but realistic models. To this end, we performed a large number of experiments to collect the energy consumption of convolutional and fully connected layers on two well-known edge boards by NVIDIA, namely Jetson TX2 and Xavier. From the measurements, we have then distilled a simple, practical model that can provide an estimate of the energy consumption of a certain inference task on the considered boards. We believe that this model can be used in many contexts as, for instance, to guide the search for efficient architectures in Neural Architecture Search, as a heuristic in Neural Network pruning, or to find energy-efficient offloading strategies in a Split computing context, or simply to evaluate the energetic performance of Deep Neural Network architectures.
Energy Consumption of Neural Networks on NVIDIA Edge Boards: an Empirical Model
Traffic congestion is a major urban issue due to its adverse effects on health and the environment, so much so that reducing it has become a priority for urban decision-makers. In this work, we investigate whether a high amount of data on traffic flow throughout a city and the knowledge of the road city network allows an Artificial Intelligence to predict the traffic flux far enough in advance in order to enable emission reduction measures such as those linked to the Low Emission Zone policies. To build a predictive model, we use the city of Valencia traffic sensor system, one of the densest in the world, with nearly 3500 sensors distributed throughout the city. In this work we train and characterize an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) Neural Network to predict temporal patterns of traffic in the city using historical data from the years 2016 and 2017. We show that the LSTM is capable of predicting future evolution of the traffic flux in real-time, by extracting patterns out of the measured data.
Predicting the traffic flux in the city of Valencia with Deep Learning
Gaussian processes (GPs) produce good probabilistic models of functions, but most GP kernels require $O((n+m)n^2)$ time, where $n$ is the number of data points and $m$ the number of predictive locations. We present a new kernel that allows for Gaussian process regression in $O((n+m)\log(n+m))$ time. Our "binary tree" kernel places all data points on the leaves of a binary tree, with the kernel depending only on the depth of the deepest common ancestor. We can store the resulting kernel matrix in $O(n)$ space in $O(n \log n)$ time, as a sum of sparse rank-one matrices, and approximately invert the kernel matrix in $O(n)$ time. Sparse GP methods also offer linear run time, but they predict less well than higher dimensional kernels. On a classic suite of regression tasks, we compare our kernel against Mat\'ern, sparse, and sparse variational kernels. The binary tree GP assigns the highest likelihood to the test data on a plurality of datasets, usually achieves lower mean squared error than the sparse methods, and often ties or beats the Mat\'ern GP. On large datasets, the binary tree GP is fastest, and much faster than a Mat\'ern GP.
Log-Linear-Time Gaussian Processes Using Binary Tree Kernels
There has a been a significant rise in the use of Community Question Answering sites (CQAs) over the last decade owing primarily to their ability to leverage the wisdom of the crowd. Duplicate questions have a crippling effect on the quality of these sites. Tackling duplicate questions is therefore an important step towards improving quality of CQAs. In this regard, we propose two neural network based architectures for duplicate question detection on Stack Overflow. We also propose explicitly modeling the code present in questions to achieve results that surpass the state of the art.
Mining Duplicate Questions of Stack Overflow
The Yeo-Johnson (YJ) transformation is a standard parametrized per-feature unidimensional transformation often used to Gaussianize features in machine learning. In this paper, we investigate the problem of applying the YJ transformation in a cross-silo Federated Learning setting under privacy constraints. For the first time, we prove that the YJ negative log-likelihood is in fact convex, which allows us to optimize it with exponential search. We numerically show that the resulting algorithm is more stable than the state-of-the-art approach based on the Brent minimization method. Building on this simple algorithm and Secure Multiparty Computation routines, we propose SecureFedYJ, a federated algorithm that performs a pooled-equivalent YJ transformation without leaking more information than the final fitted parameters do. Quantitative experiments on real data demonstrate that, in addition to being secure, our approach reliably normalizes features across silos as well as if data were pooled, making it a viable approach for safe federated feature Gaussianization.
SecureFedYJ: a safe feature Gaussianization protocol for Federated Learning
Test-time training provides a new approach solving the problem of domain shift. In its framework, a test-time training phase is inserted between training phase and test phase. During test-time training phase, usually parts of the model are updated with test sample(s). Then the updated model will be used in the test phase. However, utilizing test samples for test-time training has some limitations. Firstly, it will lead to overfitting to the test-time procedure thus hurt the performance on the main task. Besides, updating part of the model without changing other parts will induce a mismatch problem. Thus it is hard to perform better on the main task. To relieve above problems, we propose to use mixup in test-time training (MixTTT) which controls the change of model's parameters as well as completing the test-time procedure. We theoretically show its contribution in alleviating the mismatch problem of updated part and static part for the main task as a specific regularization effect for test-time training. MixTTT can be used as an add-on module in general test-time training based methods to further improve their performance. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our method.
Mixup for Test-Time Training
Given multiple labeled source domains and a single target domain, most existing multi-source domain adaptation (MSDA) models are trained on data from all domains jointly in one step. Such an one-step approach limits their ability to adapt to the target domain. This is because the training set is dominated by the more numerous and labeled source domain data. The source-domain-bias can potentially be alleviated by introducing a second training step, where the model is fine-tuned with the unlabeled target domain data only using pseudo labels as supervision. However, the pseudo labels are inevitably noisy and when used unchecked can negatively impact the model performance. To address this problem, we propose a novel Bi-level Optimization based Robust Target Training (BORT$^2$) method for MSDA. Given any existing fully-trained one-step MSDA model, BORT$^2$ turns it to a labeling function to generate pseudo-labels for the target data and trains a target model using pseudo-labeled target data only. Crucially, the target model is a stochastic CNN which is designed to be intrinsically robust against label noise generated by the labeling function. Such a stochastic CNN models each target instance feature as a Gaussian distribution with an entropy maximization regularizer deployed to measure the label uncertainty, which is further exploited to alleviate the negative impact of noisy pseudo labels. Training the labeling function and the target model poses a nested bi-level optimization problem, for which we formulate an elegant solution based on implicit differentiation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method achieves the state of the art performance on three MSDA benchmarks, including the large-scale DomainNet dataset. Our code will be available at \url{https://github.com/Zhongying-Deng/BORT2}
Robust Target Training for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
Motivated by theoretical advancements in dimensionality reduction techniques we use a recent model, called Block Markov Chains, to conduct a practical study of clustering in real-world sequential data. Clustering algorithms for Block Markov Chains possess theoretical optimality guarantees and can be deployed in sparse data regimes. Despite these favorable theoretical properties, a thorough evaluation of these algorithms in realistic settings has been lacking. We address this issue and investigate the suitability of these clustering algorithms in exploratory data analysis of real-world sequential data. In particular, our sequential data is derived from human DNA, written text, animal movement data and financial markets. In order to evaluate the determined clusters, and the associated Block Markov Chain model, we further develop a set of evaluation tools. These tools include benchmarking, spectral noise analysis and statistical model selection tools. An efficient implementation of the clustering algorithm and the new evaluation tools is made available together with this paper. Practical challenges associated to real-world data are encountered and discussed. It is ultimately found that the Block Markov Chain model assumption, together with the tools developed here, can indeed produce meaningful insights in exploratory data analyses despite the complexity and sparsity of real-world data.
Detection and Evaluation of Clusters within Sequential Data
We propose an intuitive, machine-learning approach to multiparameter inference, dubbed the InferoStatic Networks (ISN) method, to model the score and likelihood ratio estimators in cases when the probability density can be sampled but not computed directly. The ISN uses a backend neural network that models a scalar function called the inferostatic potential $\varphi$. In addition, we introduce new strategies, respectively called Kernel Score Estimation (KSE) and Kernel Likelihood Ratio Estimation (KLRE), to learn the score and the likelihood ratio functions from simulated data. We illustrate the new techniques with some toy examples and compare to existing approaches in the literature. We mention en passant some new loss functions that optimally incorporate latent information from simulations into the training procedure.
New Machine Learning Techniques for Simulation-Based Inference: InferoStatic Nets, Kernel Score Estimation, and Kernel Likelihood Ratio Estimation
Simulating facial appearance change following bony movement is a critical step in orthognathic surgical planning for patients with jaw deformities. Conventional biomechanics-based methods such as the finite-element method (FEM) are labor intensive and computationally inefficient. Deep learning-based approaches can be promising alternatives due to their high computational efficiency and strong modeling capability. However, the existing deep learning-based method ignores the physical correspondence between facial soft tissue and bony segments and thus is significantly less accurate compared to FEM. In this work, we propose an Attentive Correspondence assisted Movement Transformation network (ACMT-Net) to estimate the facial appearance by transforming the bony movement to facial soft tissue through a point-to-point attentive correspondence matrix. Experimental results on patients with jaw deformity show that our proposed method can achieve comparable facial change prediction accuracy compared with the state-of-the-art FEM-based approach with significantly improved computational efficiency.
Deep Learning-based Facial Appearance Simulation Driven by Surgically Planned Craniomaxillofacial Bony Movement
We propose a vision-based warning system for the maintenance personnel working on short-term construction sites. Traditional solutions use passive protection, like setting up traffic cones, safety beacons, or even nothing. However, such methods cannot function as physical safety barriers to separate working areas from used lanes. In contrast, our system provides active protection, leveraging acoustic and visual warning signals to help road workers be cautious of approaching vehicles before they pass the working area. To decrease too many warnings to relieve a disturbance of road workers, we implemented our traffic flow check algorithm, by which about 80% of the useless notices can be filtered. We conduct the evaluations in laboratory conditions and the real world, proving our system's applicability and reliability.
Vision-based Warning System for Maintenance Personnel on Short-Term Roadwork Site
Reconstructing two-hand interactions from a single image is a challenging problem due to ambiguities that stem from projective geometry and heavy occlusions. Existing methods are designed to estimate only a single pose, despite the fact that there exist other valid reconstructions that fit the image evidence equally well. In this paper we propose to address this issue by explicitly modeling the distribution of plausible reconstructions in a conditional normalizing flow framework. This allows us to directly supervise the posterior distribution through a novel determinant magnitude regularization, which is key to varied 3D hand pose samples that project well into the input image. We also demonstrate that metrics commonly used to assess reconstruction quality are insufficient to evaluate pose predictions under such severe ambiguity. To address this, we release the first dataset with multiple plausible annotations per image called MultiHands. The additional annotations enable us to evaluate the estimated distribution using the maximum mean discrepancy metric. Through this, we demonstrate the quality of our probabilistic reconstruction and show that explicit ambiguity modeling is better-suited for this challenging problem.
HandFlow: Quantifying View-Dependent 3D Ambiguity in Two-Hand Reconstruction with Normalizing Flow
Density based representations of atomic environments that are invariant under Euclidean symmetries have become a widely used tool in the machine learning of interatomic potentials, broader data-driven atomistic modelling and the visualisation and analysis of materials datasets.The standard mechanism used to incorporate chemical element information is to create separate densities for each element and form tensor products between them. This leads to a steep scaling in the size of the representation as the number of elements increases. Graph neural networks, which do not explicitly use density representations, escape this scaling by mapping the chemical element information into a fixed dimensional space in a learnable way. We recast this approach as tensor factorisation by exploiting the tensor structure of standard neighbour density based descriptors. In doing so, we form compact tensor-reduced representations whose size does not depend on the number of chemical elements, but remain systematically convergeable and are therefore applicable to a wide range of data analysis and regression tasks.
Tensor-reduced atomic density representations
Detecting anomalies over real-world datasets remains a challenging task. Data annotation is an intensive human labor problem, particularly in sequential datasets, where the start and end time of anomalies are not known. As a result, data collected from sequential real-world processes can be largely unlabeled or contain inaccurate labels. These characteristics challenge the application of anomaly detection techniques based on supervised learning. In contrast, Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has been shown effective on problems with incomplete knowledge of labels in the training dataset, mainly due to the notion of bags. While largely under-leveraged for anomaly detection, MIL provides an appealing formulation for anomaly detection over real-world datasets, and it is the primary contribution of this paper. In this paper, we propose an MIL-based formulation and various algorithmic instantiations of this framework based on different design decisions for key components of the framework. We evaluate the resulting algorithms over four datasets that capture different physical processes along different modalities. The experimental evaluation draws out several observations. The MIL-based formulation performs no worse than single instance learning on easy to moderate datasets and outperforms single-instance learning on more challenging datasets. Altogether, the results show that the framework generalizes well over diverse datasets resulting from different real-world application domains.
Multiple Instance Learning for Detecting Anomalies over Sequential Real-World Datasets
In this work, we apply information theory inspired methods to quantify changes in daily activity patterns. We use in-home movement monitoring data and show how they can help indicate the occurrence of healthcare-related events. Three different types of entropy measures namely Shannon's entropy, entropy rates for Markov chains, and entropy production rate have been utilised. The measures are evaluated on a large-scale in-home monitoring dataset that has been collected within our dementia care clinical study. The study uses Internet of Things (IoT) enabled solutions for continuous monitoring of in-home activity, sleep, and physiology to develop care and early intervention solutions to support people living with dementia (PLWD) in their own homes. Our main goal is to show the applicability of the entropy measures to time-series activity data analysis and to use the extracted measures as new engineered features that can be fed into inference and analysis models. The results of our experiments show that in most cases the combination of these measures can indicate the occurrence of healthcare-related events. We also find that different participants with the same events may have different measures based on one entropy measure. So using a combination of these measures in an inference model will be more effective than any of the single measures.
Using Entropy Measures for Monitoring the Evolution of Activity Patterns