Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in many machine learning tasks such as image classification, speech recognition, and game playing. However, these breakthroughs are often difficult to translate into real-world engineering systems because deep learning models require a massive number of training samples, which are costly to obtain in practice. To address labeled data scarcity, few-shot meta-learning optimizes learning algorithms that can efficiently adapt to new tasks quickly. While meta-learning is gaining significant interest in the machine learning literature, its working principles and theoretic fundamentals are not as well understood in the engineering community. This review monograph provides an introduction to meta-learning by covering principles, algorithms, theory, and engineering applications. After introducing meta-learning in comparison with conventional and joint learning, we describe the main meta-learning algorithms, as well as a general bilevel optimization framework for the definition of meta-learning techniques. Then, we summarize known results on the generalization capabilities of meta-learning from a statistical learning viewpoint. Applications to communication systems, including decoding and power allocation, are discussed next, followed by an introduction to aspects related to the integration of meta-learning with emerging computing technologies, namely neuromorphic and quantum computing. The monograph is concluded with an overview of open research challenges.
Learning with Limited Samples -- Meta-Learning and Applications to Communication Systems
A critical component of competence in language is being able to identify relevant components of an utterance and reply appropriately. In this paper we examine the extent of such dialogue response sensitivity in pre-trained language models, conducting a series of experiments with a particular focus on sensitivity to dynamics involving phenomena of at-issueness and ellipsis. We find that models show clear sensitivity to a distinctive role of embedded clauses, and a general preference for responses that target main clause content of prior utterances. However, the results indicate mixed and generally weak trends with respect to capturing the full range of dynamics involved in targeting at-issue versus not-at-issue content. Additionally, models show fundamental limitations in grasp of the dynamics governing ellipsis, and response selections show clear interference from superficial factors that outweigh the influence of principled discourse constraints.
"No, they did not": Dialogue response dynamics in pre-trained language models
As virtual personal assistants have now penetrated the consumer market, with products such as Siri and Alexa, the research community has produced several works on task-oriented dialogue tasks such as hotel booking, restaurant booking, and movie recommendation. Assisting users to cook is one of these tasks that are expected to be solved by intelligent assistants, where ingredients and their corresponding attributes, such as name, unit, and quantity, should be provided to users precisely and promptly. However, existing ingredient information scraped from the cooking website is in the unstructured form with huge variation in the lexical structure, for example, '1 garlic clove, crushed', and '1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened', making it difficult to extract information exactly. To provide an engaged and successful conversational service to users for cooking tasks, we propose a new ingredient parsing model that can parse an ingredient phrase of recipes into the structure form with its corresponding attributes with over 0.93 F1-score. Experimental results show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on AllRecipes and Food.com datasets.
Attention-based Ingredient Phrase Parser
In brain signal processing, deep learning (DL) models have become commonly used. However, the performance gain from using end-to-end DL models compared to conventional ML approaches is usually significant but moderate, typically at the cost of increased computational load and deteriorated explainability. The core idea behind deep learning approaches is scaling the performance with bigger datasets. However, brain signals are temporal data with a low signal-to-noise ratio, uncertain labels, and nonstationary data in time. Those factors may influence the training process and slow down the models' performance improvement. These factors' influence may differ for end-to-end DL model and one using hand-crafted features. As not studied before, this paper compares models that use raw ECoG signal and time-frequency features for BCI motor imagery decoding. We investigate whether the current dataset size is a stronger limitation for any models. Finally, obtained filters were compared to identify differences between hand-crafted features and optimized with backpropagation. To compare the effectiveness of both strategies, we used a multilayer perceptron and a mix of convolutional and LSTM layers that were already proved effective in this task. The analysis was performed on the long-term clinical trial database (almost 600 minutes of recordings) of a tetraplegic patient executing motor imagery tasks for 3D hand translation. For a given dataset, the results showed that end-to-end training might not be significantly better than the hand-crafted features-based model. The performance gap is reduced with bigger datasets, but considering the increased computational load, end-to-end training may not be profitable for this application.
Deep learning for ECoG brain-computer interface: end-to-end vs. hand-crafted features
It is common to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model by measuring its predictive power on a test dataset. This approach favors complicated models that can smoothly fit complex functions and generalize well from training data points. Although essential components of intelligence, speed and data efficiency of this learning process are rarely reported or compared between different candidate models. In this paper, we introduce a benchmark of increasingly difficult tasks together with a data efficiency metric to measure how quickly machine learning models learn from training data. We compare the learning speed of some established sequential supervised models, such as RNNs, LSTMs, or Transformers, with relatively less known alternative models based on reservoir computing. The proposed tasks require a wide range of computational primitives, such as memory or the ability to compute Boolean functions, to be effectively solved. Surprisingly, we observe that reservoir computing systems that rely on dynamically evolving feature maps learn faster than fully supervised methods trained with stochastic gradient optimization while achieving comparable accuracy scores. The code, benchmark, trained models, and results to reproduce our experiments are available at https://github.com/hugcis/benchmark_learning_efficiency/ .
Benchmarking Learning Efficiency in Deep Reservoir Computing
Mechanical ventilation is a key form of life support for patients with pulmonary impairment. Healthcare workers are required to continuously adjust ventilator settings for each patient, a challenging and time consuming task. Hence, it would be beneficial to develop an automated decision support tool to optimize ventilation treatment. We present DeepVent, a Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) based offline Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) agent that learns to predict the optimal ventilator parameters for a patient to promote 90 day survival. We design a clinically relevant intermediate reward that encourages continuous improvement of the patient vitals as well as addresses the challenge of sparse reward in RL. We find that DeepVent recommends ventilation parameters within safe ranges, as outlined in recent clinical trials. The CQL algorithm offers additional safety by mitigating the overestimation of the value estimates of out-of-distribution states/actions. We evaluate our agent using Fitted Q Evaluation (FQE) and demonstrate that it outperforms physicians from the MIMIC-III dataset.
Towards Safe Mechanical Ventilation Treatment Using Deep Offline Reinforcement Learning
A new modification of Isolation Forest called Attention-Based Isolation Forest (ABIForest) for solving the anomaly detection problem is proposed. It incorporates the attention mechanism in the form of the Nadaraya-Watson regression into the Isolation Forest for improving solution of the anomaly detection problem. The main idea underlying the modification is to assign attention weights to each path of trees with learnable parameters depending on instances and trees themselves. The Huber's contamination model is proposed to be used for defining the attention weights and their parameters. As a result, the attention weights are linearly depend on the learnable attention parameters which are trained by solving the standard linear or quadratic optimization problem. ABIForest can be viewed as the first modification of Isolation Forest, which incorporates the attention mechanism in a simple way without applying gradient-based algorithms. Numerical experiments with synthetic and real datasets illustrate outperforming results of ABIForest. The code of proposed algorithms is available.
Improved Anomaly Detection by Using the Attention-Based Isolation Forest
We address the problem of \emph{convex optimization with dueling feedback}, where the goal is to minimize a convex function given a weaker form of \emph{dueling} feedback. Each query consists of two points and the dueling feedback returns a (noisy) single-bit binary comparison of the function values of the two queried points. The translation of the function values to the single comparison bit is through a \emph{transfer function}. This problem has been addressed previously for some restricted classes of transfer functions, but here we consider a very general transfer function class which includes all functions that can be approximated by a finite polynomial with a minimal degree $p$. Our main contribution is an efficient algorithm with convergence rate of $\smash{\widetilde O}(\epsilon^{-4p})$ for a smooth convex objective function, and an optimal rate of $\smash{\widetilde O}(\epsilon^{-2p})$ when the objective is smooth and strongly convex.
Dueling Convex Optimization with General Preferences
Learning physical systems on unstructured meshes by flat Graph neural networks (GNNs) faces the challenge of modeling the long-range interactions due to the scaling complexity w.r.t. the number of nodes, limiting the generalization under mesh refinement. On regular grids, the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with a U-net structure can resolve this challenge by efficient stride, pooling, and upsampling operations. Nonetheless, these tools are much less developed for graph neural networks (GNNs), especially when GNNs are employed for learning large-scale mesh-based physics. The challenges arise from the highly irregular meshes and the lack of effective ways to construct the multi-level structure without losing connectivity. Inspired by the bipartite graph determination algorithm, we introduce Bi-Stride Multi-Scale Graph Neural Network (BSMS-GNN) by proposing \textit{bi-stride} as a simple pooling strategy for building the multi-level GNN. \textit{Bi-stride} pools nodes by striding every other BFS frontier; it 1) works robustly on any challenging mesh in the wild, 2) avoids using a mesh generator at coarser levels, 3) avoids the spatial proximity for building coarser levels, and 4) uses non-parametrized aggregating/returning instead of MLPs during pooling and unpooling. Experiments show that our framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method's computational efficiency in representative physics-based simulation cases.
Bi-Stride Multi-Scale Graph Neural Network for Mesh-Based Physical Simulation
Embeddings, which compress information in raw text into semantics-preserving low-dimensional vectors, have been widely adopted for their efficacy. However, recent research has shown that embeddings can potentially leak private information about sensitive attributes of the text, and in some cases, can be inverted to recover the original input text. To address these growing privacy challenges, we propose a privatization mechanism for embeddings based on homomorphic encryption, to prevent potential leakage of any piece of information in the process of text classification. In particular, our method performs text classification on the encryption of embeddings from state-of-the-art models like BERT, supported by an efficient GPU implementation of CKKS encryption scheme. We show that our method offers encrypted protection of BERT embeddings, while largely preserving their utility on downstream text classification tasks.
Privacy-Preserving Text Classification on BERT Embeddings with Homomorphic Encryption
Temporal action proposal generation (TAPG) is a challenging task, which requires localizing action intervals in an untrimmed video. Intuitively, we as humans, perceive an action through the interactions between actors, relevant objects, and the surrounding environment. Despite the significant progress of TAPG, a vast majority of existing methods ignore the aforementioned principle of the human perceiving process by applying a backbone network into a given video as a black-box. In this paper, we propose to model these interactions with a multi-modal representation network, namely, Actors-Objects-Environment Interaction Network (AOE-Net). Our AOE-Net consists of two modules, i.e., perception-based multi-modal representation (PMR) and boundary-matching module (BMM). Additionally, we introduce adaptive attention mechanism (AAM) in PMR to focus only on main actors (or relevant objects) and model the relationships among them. PMR module represents each video snippet by a visual-linguistic feature, in which main actors and surrounding environment are represented by visual information, whereas relevant objects are depicted by linguistic features through an image-text model. BMM module processes the sequence of visual-linguistic features as its input and generates action proposals. Comprehensive experiments and extensive ablation studies on ActivityNet-1.3 and THUMOS-14 datasets show that our proposed AOE-Net outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods with remarkable performance and generalization for both TAPG and temporal action detection. To prove the robustness and effectiveness of AOE-Net, we further conduct an ablation study on egocentric videos, i.e. EPIC-KITCHENS 100 dataset. Source code is available upon acceptance.
AOE-Net: Entities Interactions Modeling with Adaptive Attention Mechanism for Temporal Action Proposals Generation
State-of-the-art face recognition models show impressive accuracy, achieving over 99.8% on Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset. Such models are trained on large-scale datasets that contain millions of real human face images collected from the internet. Web-crawled face images are severely biased (in terms of race, lighting, make-up, etc) and often contain label noise. More importantly, the face images are collected without explicit consent, raising ethical concerns. To avoid such problems, we introduce a large-scale synthetic dataset for face recognition, obtained by rendering digital faces using a computer graphics pipeline. We first demonstrate that aggressive data augmentation can significantly reduce the synthetic-to-real domain gap. Having full control over the rendering pipeline, we also study how each attribute (e.g., variation in facial pose, accessories and textures) affects the accuracy. Compared to SynFace, a recent method trained on GAN-generated synthetic faces, we reduce the error rate on LFW by 52.5% (accuracy from 91.93% to 96.17%). By fine-tuning the network on a smaller number of real face images that could reasonably be obtained with consent, we achieve accuracy that is comparable to the methods trained on millions of real face images.
DigiFace-1M: 1 Million Digital Face Images for Face Recognition
Peak detection is a problem in sequential data analysis that involves differentiating regions with higher counts (peaks) from regions with lower counts (background noise). It is crucial to correctly predict areas that deviate from the background noise, in both the train and test sets of labels. Dynamic programming changepoint algorithms have been proposed to solve the peak detection problem by constraining the mean to alternatively increase and then decrease. The current constrained changepoint algorithms only create predictions on the test set, while completely ignoring the train set. Changepoint algorithms that are both accurate when fitting the train set, and make predictions on the test set, have been proposed but not in the context of peak detection models. We propose to resolve these issues by creating a new dynamic programming algorithm, FLOPART, that has zero train label errors, and is able to provide highly accurate predictions on the test set. We provide an empirical analysis that shows FLOPART has a similar time complexity while being more accurate than the existing algorithms in terms of train and test label errors.
Functional Labeled Optimal Partitioning
While Self-Supervised Learning has helped reap the benefit of the scale from the available unlabeled data, the learning paradigms are continuously being bettered. We present a new pre-training strategy named ccc-wav2vec 2.0, which uses clustering and an augmentation-based cross-contrastive loss as its self-supervised objective. Through the clustering module, we scale down the influence of those negative examples that are highly similar to the positive. The Cross-Contrastive loss is computed between the encoder output of the original sample and the quantizer output of its augmentation and vice-versa, bringing robustness to the pre-training strategy. ccc-wav2vec 2.0 achieves up to 15.6% and 12.7% relative WER improvement over the baseline wav2vec 2.0 on the test-clean and test-other sets, respectively, of LibriSpeech, without the use of any language model. The proposed method also achieves up to 14.9% relative WER improvement over the baseline wav2vec 2.0 when fine-tuned on Switchboard data. We make all our codes publicly available on GitHub.
CCC-wav2vec 2.0: Clustering aided Cross Contrastive Self-supervised learning of speech representations
Self-supervised speech models have grown fast during the past few years and have proven feasible for use in various downstream tasks. Some recent work has started to look at the characteristics of these models, yet many concerns have not been fully addressed. In this work, we conduct a study on emotional corpora to explore a popular self-supervised model -- wav2vec 2.0. Via a set of quantitative analysis, we mainly demonstrate that: 1) wav2vec 2.0 appears to discard paralinguistic information that is less useful for word recognition purposes; 2) for emotion recognition, representations from the middle layer alone perform as well as those derived from layer averaging, while the final layer results in the worst performance in some cases; 3) current self-supervised models may not be the optimal solution for downstream tasks that make use of non-lexical features. Our work provides novel findings that will aid future research in this area and theoretical basis for the use of existing models.
Exploration of A Self-Supervised Speech Model: A Study on Emotional Corpora
Data-driven machine learning models are being increasingly employed in several important inference problems in biology, chemistry, and physics which require learning over combinatorial spaces. Recent empirical evidence (see, e.g., [1], [2], [3]) suggests that regularizing the spectral representation of such models improves their generalization power when labeled data is scarce. However, despite these empirical studies, the theoretical underpinning of when and how spectral regularization enables improved generalization is poorly understood. In this paper, we focus on learning pseudo-Boolean functions and demonstrate that regularizing the empirical mean squared error by the L_1 norm of the spectral transform of the learned function reshapes the loss landscape and allows for data-frugal learning, under a restricted secant condition on the learner's empirical error measured against the ground truth function. Under a weaker quadratic growth condition, we show that stationary points which also approximately interpolate the training data points achieve statistically optimal generalization performance. Complementing our theory, we empirically demonstrate that running gradient descent on the regularized loss results in a better generalization performance compared to baseline algorithms in several data-scarce real-world problems.
Spectral Regularization Allows Data-frugal Learning over Combinatorial Spaces
Event-based image representations are fundamentally different to traditional dense images. This poses a challenge to apply current state-of-the-art models for object detection as they are designed for dense images. In this work we evaluate the YOLO object detection model on event data. To this end we replace dense-convolution layers by either sparse convolutions or asynchronous sparse convolutions which enables direct processing of event-based images and compare the performance and runtime to feeding event-histograms into dense-convolutions. Here, hyper-parameters are shared across all variants to isolate the effect sparse-representation has on detection performance. At this, we show that current sparse-convolution implementations cannot translate their theoretical lower computation requirements into an improved runtime.
Transferring dense object detection models to event-based data
Many modern high-performing machine learning models such as GPT-3 primarily rely on scaling up models, e.g., transformer networks. Simultaneously, a parallel line of work aims to improve the model performance by augmenting an input instance with other (labeled) instances during inference. Examples of such augmentations include task-specific prompts and similar examples retrieved from the training data by a nonparametric component. Remarkably, retrieval-based methods have enjoyed success on a wide range of problems, ranging from standard natural language processing and vision tasks to protein folding, as demonstrated by many recent efforts, including WebGPT and AlphaFold. Despite growing literature showcasing the promise of these models, the theoretical underpinning for such models remains underexplored. In this paper, we present a formal treatment of retrieval-based models to characterize their generalization ability. In particular, we focus on two classes of retrieval-based classification approaches: First, we analyze a local learning framework that employs an explicit local empirical risk minimization based on retrieved examples for each input instance. Interestingly, we show that breaking down the underlying learning task into local sub-tasks enables the model to employ a low complexity parametric component to ensure good overall accuracy. The second class of retrieval-based approaches we explore learns a global model using kernel methods to directly map an input instance and retrieved examples to a prediction, without explicitly solving a local learning task.
Generalization Properties of Retrieval-based Models
Adversarial attacks are considered the intrinsic vulnerability of CNNs. Defense strategies designed for attacks have been stuck in the adversarial attack-defense arms race, reflecting the imbalance between attack and defense. Dynamic Defense Framework (DDF) recently changed the passive safety status quo based on the stochastic ensemble model. The diversity of subnetworks, an essential concern in the DDF, can be effectively evaluated by the adversarial transferability between different networks. Inspired by the poor adversarial transferability between subnetworks of scratch tickets with various remaining ratios, we propose a method to realize the dynamic stochastic ensemble defense strategy. We discover the adversarial transferable diversity between robust lottery ticket subnetworks drawn from different basic structures and sparsity. The experimental results suggest that our method achieves better robust and clean recognition accuracy by adversarial transferable diversity, which would decrease the reliability of attacks.
Dynamic Stochastic Ensemble with Adversarial Robust Lottery Ticket Subnetworks
More tasks in Machine Reading Comprehension(MRC) require, in addition to answer prediction, the extraction of evidence sentences that support the answer. However, the annotation of supporting evidence sentences is usually time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this paper, to address this issue and considering that most of the existing extraction methods are semi-supervised, we propose an unsupervised evidence extraction method (U3E). U3E takes the changes after sentence-level feature erasure in the document as input, simulating the decline in problem-solving ability caused by human memory decline. In order to make selections on the basis of fully understanding the semantics of the original text, we also propose metrics to quickly select the optimal memory model for this input changes. To compare U3E with typical evidence extraction methods and investigate its effectiveness in evidence extraction, we conduct experiments on different datasets. Experimental results show that U3E is simple but effective, not only extracting evidence more accurately, but also significantly improving model performance.
U3E: Unsupervised and Erasure-based Evidence Extraction for Machine Reading Comprehension
Leveraging artificial intelligence for automatic retrosynthesis speeds up organic pathway planning in digital laboratories. However, existing deep learning approaches are unexplainable, like "black box" with few insights, notably limiting their applications in real retrosynthesis scenarios. Here, we propose MechRetro, a chemical-mechanism-driven graph learning framework for interpretable retrosynthetic prediction and pathway planning, which learns several retrosynthetic actions to simulate a reverse reaction via elaborate self-adaptive joint learning. By integrating chemical knowledge as prior information, we design a novel Graph Transformer architecture to adaptively learn discriminative and chemically meaningful molecule representations, highlighting the strong capacity in molecule feature representation learning. We demonstrate that MechRetro outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches for retrosynthetic prediction with a large margin on large-scale benchmark datasets. Extending MechRetro to the multi-step retrosynthesis analysis, we identify efficient synthetic routes via an interpretable reasoning mechanism, leading to a better understanding in the realm of knowledgeable synthetic chemists. We also showcase that MechRetro discovers a novel pathway for protokylol, along with energy scores for uncertainty assessment, broadening the applicability for practical scenarios. Overall, we expect MechRetro to provide meaningful insights for high-throughput automated organic synthesis in drug discovery.
MechRetro is a chemical-mechanism-driven graph learning framework for interpretable retrosynthesis prediction and pathway planning
We demonstrate the adaption of three established methods to the field of surrogate machine learning model development. These methods are data augmentation, custom loss functions and transfer learning. Each of these methods have seen widespread use in the field of machine learning, however, here we apply them specifically to surrogate machine learning model development. The machine learning model that forms the basis behind this work was intended to surrogate a traditional engineering model used in the UK nuclear industry. Previous performance of this model has been hampered by poor performance due to limited training data. Here, we demonstrate that through a combination of additional techniques, model performance can be significantly improved. We show that each of the aforementioned techniques have utility in their own right and in combination with one another. However, we see them best applied as part of a transfer learning operation. Five pre-trained surrogate models produced prior to this research were further trained with an augmented dataset and with our custom loss function. Through the combination of all three techniques, we see a significant improvement in model performance.
Data-driven Approaches to Surrogate Machine Learning Model Development
Context. Photospheric bright points (BPs), as the smallest magnetic element of the photosphere and the footpoint tracer of the magnetic flux tube, are of great significance to the study of BPs. Compared with the study of the characteristics and evolution of a few specific BPs, the study of BPs groups can provide us with a better understanding of the characteristics and overall activities of BPs groups. Aims. We aim to find out the evolution characteristics of the brightness and number of BPs groups at different brightness levels, and how these characteristics differ between quiet and active regions. Methods. We propose a hybrid BPs detection model (HBD Model) combining traditional technology and neural network. The Model is used to detect and calculate the BPs brightness characteristics of each frame of continuous high resolution image sequences of active and quiet regions in TiO-band of a pair of BBSO. Using machine learning clustering method, the PBs of each frame was divided into four levels groups (level1-level4) according to the brightness from low to high. Finally, Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform are used to analyze the evolution of BPs brightness and quantity in these four levels groups. Results. The activities of BPs groups are not random and disorderly. In different levels of brightness, their quantity and brightness evolution show complex changes. Among the four levels of brightness, BPs in the active region were more active and intense than those in the quiet region. However, the quantity and brightness evolution of BPs groups in the quiet region showed the characteristics of large periodic changes and small periodic changes in the medium and high brightness levels (level3 and level4). The brightness evolution of PBs group in the quiet region has obvious periodic changes, but the active region is in a completely random and violent fluctuation state.
Research on the quantity and brightness evolution characteristics of Photospheric Bright Points groups
Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been applied to graph learning tasks and achieved state-of-the-art results. However, many competitive methods employ preprocessing on the target nodes, such as subgraph extraction and customized labeling, to capture some information that is hard to be learned by normal GNNs. Such operations are time-consuming and do not scale to large graphs. In this paper, we propose an efficient GNN framework called Geodesic GNN (GDGNN). It injects conditional relationships between nodes into the model without labeling. Specifically, we view the shortest paths between two nodes as the spatial graph context of the neighborhood around them. The GNN embeddings of nodes on the shortest paths are used to generate geodesic representations. Conditioned on the geodesic representations, GDGNN is able to generate node, link, and graph representations that carry much richer structural information than plain GNNs. We theoretically prove that GDGNN is more powerful than plain GNNs, and present experimental results to show that GDGNN achieves highly competitive performance with state-of-the-art GNN models on link prediction and graph classification tasks while taking significantly less time.
Geodesic Graph Neural Network for Efficient Graph Representation Learning
Weight and activation binarization can efficiently compress deep neural networks and accelerate model inference, but cause severe accuracy degradation. Existing optimization methods for binary neural networks (BNNs) focus on fitting full-precision networks to reduce quantization errors, and suffer from the trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. In contrast, considering the limited learning ability and information loss caused by the limited representational capability of BNNs, we propose IR$^2$Net to stimulate the potential of BNNs and improve the network accuracy by restricting the input information and recovering the feature information, including: 1) information restriction: for a BNN, by evaluating the learning ability on the input information, discarding some of the information it cannot focus on, and limiting the amount of input information to match its learning ability; 2) information recovery: due to the information loss in forward propagation, the output feature information of the network is not enough to support accurate classification. By selecting some shallow feature maps with richer information, and fusing them with the final feature maps to recover the feature information. In addition, the computational cost is reduced by streamlining the information recovery method to strike a better trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach still achieves comparable accuracy even with $ \sim $10x floating-point operations (FLOPs) reduction for ResNet-18. The models and code are available at https://github.com/pingxue-hfut/IR2Net.
IR2Net: Information Restriction and Information Recovery for Accurate Binary Neural Networks
Domain Generalization (DG) aims to learn a model that can generalize well to unseen target domains from a set of source domains. With the idea of invariant causal mechanism, a lot of efforts have been put into learning robust causal effects which are determined by the object yet insensitive to the domain changes. Despite the invariance of causal effects, they are difficult to be quantified and optimized. Inspired by the ability that humans adapt to new environments by prior knowledge, We develop a novel Contrastive Causal Model (CCM) to transfer unseen images to taught knowledge which are the features of seen images, and quantify the causal effects based on taught knowledge. Considering the transfer is affected by domain shifts in DG, we propose a more inclusive causal graph to describe DG task. Based on this causal graph, CCM controls the domain factor to cut off excess causal paths and uses the remaining part to calculate the causal effects of images to labels via the front-door criterion. Specifically, CCM is composed of three components: (i) domain-conditioned supervised learning which teaches CCM the correlation between images and labels, (ii) causal effect learning which helps CCM measure the true causal effects of images to labels, (iii) contrastive similarity learning which clusters the features of images that belong to the same class and provides the quantification of similarity. Finally, we test the performance of CCM on multiple datasets including PACS, OfficeHome, and TerraIncognita. The extensive experiments demonstrate that CCM surpasses the previous DG methods with clear margins.
Domain Generalization via Contrastive Causal Learning
Medical conversations between patients and medical professionals have implicit functional sections, such as "history taking", "summarization", "education", and "care plan." In this work, we are interested in learning to automatically extract these sections. A direct approach would require collecting large amounts of expert annotations for this task, which is inherently costly due to the contextual inter-and-intra variability between these sections. This paper presents an approach that tackles the problem of learning to classify medical dialogue into functional sections without requiring a large number of annotations. Our approach combines pseudo-labeling and human-in-the-loop. First, we bootstrap using weak supervision with pseudo-labeling to generate dialogue turn-level pseudo-labels and train a transformer-based model, which is then applied to individual sentences to create noisy sentence-level labels. Second, we iteratively refine sentence-level labels using a cluster-based human-in-the-loop approach. Each iteration requires only a few dozen annotator decisions. We evaluate the results on an expert-annotated dataset of 100 dialogues and find that while our models start with 69.5% accuracy, we can iteratively improve it to 82.5%. The code used to perform all experiments described in this paper can be found here: https://github.com/curai/curai-research/functional-sections.
Learning functional sections in medical conversations: iterative pseudo-labeling and human-in-the-loop approach
To proactively offer social media users a safe online experience, there is a need for systems that can detect harmful posts and promptly alert platform moderators. In order to guarantee the enforcement of a consistent policy, moderators are provided with detailed guidelines. In contrast, most state-of-the-art models learn what abuse is from labelled examples and as a result base their predictions on spurious cues, such as the presence of group identifiers, which can be unreliable. In this work we introduce the concept of policy-aware abuse detection, abandoning the unrealistic expectation that systems can reliably learn which phenomena constitute abuse from inspecting the data alone. We propose a machine-friendly representation of the policy that moderators wish to enforce, by breaking it down into a collection of intents and slots. We collect and annotate a dataset of 3,535 English posts with such slots, and show how architectures for intent classification and slot filling can be used for abuse detection, while providing a rationale for model decisions.
Explainable Abuse Detection as Intent Classification and Slot Filling
Continual learning in neural networks suffers from a phenomenon called catastrophic forgetting, in which a network quickly forgets what was learned in a previous task. The human brain, however, is able to continually learn new tasks and accumulate knowledge throughout life. Neuroscience findings suggest that continual learning success in the human brain is potentially associated with its modular structure and memory consolidation mechanisms. In this paper we propose a novel topological regularization that penalizes cycle structure in a neural network during training using principled theory from persistent homology and optimal transport. The penalty encourages the network to learn modular structure during training. The penalization is based on the closed-form expressions of the Wasserstein distance and barycenter for the topological features of a 1-skeleton representation for the network. Our topological continual learning method combines the proposed regularization with a tiny episodic memory to mitigate forgetting. We demonstrate that our method is effective in both shallow and deep network architectures for multiple image classification datasets.
Topological Continual Learning with Wasserstein Distance and Barycenter
The unparalleled success of artificial intelligence (AI) in the technology sector has catalyzed an enormous amount of research in the scientific community. It has proven to be a powerful tool, but as with any rapidly developing field, the deluge of information can be overwhelming, confusing and sometimes misleading. This can make it easy to become lost in the same hype cycles that have historically ended in the periods of scarce funding and depleted expectations known as AI Winters. Furthermore, while the importance of innovative, high-risk research cannot be overstated, it is also imperative to understand the fundamental limits of available techniques, especially in young fields where the rules appear to be constantly rewritten and as the likelihood of application to high-stakes scenarios increases. In this perspective, we highlight the guiding principles of data-driven modeling, how these principles imbue models with almost magical predictive power, and how they also impose limitations on the scope of problems they can address. Particularly, understanding when not to use data-driven techniques, such as machine learning, is not something commonly explored, but is just as important as knowing how to apply the techniques properly. We hope that the discussion to follow provides researchers throughout the sciences with a better understanding of when said techniques are appropriate, the pitfalls to watch for, and most importantly, the confidence to leverage the power they can provide.
When not to use machine learning: a perspective on potential and limitations
With 84.75 million Filipinos online, the ability for models to process online text is crucial for developing Filipino NLP applications. To this end, spelling correction is a crucial preprocessing step for downstream processing. However, the lack of data prevents the use of language models for this task. In this paper, we propose an N-Gram + Damerau Levenshtein distance model with automatic rule extraction. We train the model on 300 samples, and show that despite limited training data, it achieves good performance and outperforms other deep learning approaches in terms of accuracy and edit distance. Moreover, the model (1) requires little compute power, (2) trains in little time, thus allowing for retraining, and (3) is easily interpretable, allowing for direct troubleshooting, highlighting the success of traditional approaches over more complex deep learning models in settings where data is unavailable.
Look Ma, Only 400 Samples! Revisiting the Effectiveness of Automatic N-Gram Rule Generation for Spelling Normalization in Filipino
Uncertainty estimation is essential to make neural networks trustworthy in real-world applications. Extensive research efforts have been made to quantify and reduce predictive uncertainty. However, most existing works are designed for unimodal data, whereas multi-view uncertainty estimation has not been sufficiently investigated. Therefore, we propose a new multi-view classification framework for better uncertainty estimation and out-of-domain sample detection, where we associate each view with an uncertainty-aware classifier and combine the predictions of all the views in a principled way. The experimental results with real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach is an accurate, reliable, and well-calibrated classifier, which predominantly outperforms the multi-view baselines tested in terms of expected calibration error, robustness to noise, and accuracy for the in-domain sample classification and the out-of-domain sample detection tasks.
Uncertainty Estimation for Multi-view Data: The Power of Seeing the Whole Picture
The activity of the grid cell population in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) of the brain forms a vector representation of the self-position of the animal. Recurrent neural networks have been developed to explain the properties of the grid cells by transforming the vector based on the input velocity, so that the grid cells can perform path integration. In this paper, we investigate the algebraic, geometric, and topological properties of grid cells using recurrent network models. Algebraically, we study the Lie group and Lie algebra of the recurrent transformation as a representation of self-motion. Geometrically, we study the conformal isometry of the Lie group representation of the recurrent network where the local displacement of the vector in the neural space is proportional to the local displacement of the agent in the 2D physical space. We then focus on a simple non-linear recurrent model that underlies the continuous attractor neural networks of grid cells. Our numerical experiments show that conformal isometry leads to hexagon periodic patterns of the response maps of grid cells and our model is capable of accurate path integration.
Conformal Isometry of Lie Group Representation in Recurrent Network of Grid Cells
Existing pipelines of semantic correspondence commonly include extracting high-level semantic features for the invariance against intra-class variations and background clutters. This architecture, however, inevitably results in a low-resolution matching field that additionally requires an ad-hoc interpolation process as a post-processing for converting it into a high-resolution one, certainly limiting the overall performance of matching results. To overcome this, inspired by recent success of implicit neural representation, we present a novel method for semantic correspondence, called Neural Matching Field (NeMF). However, complicacy and high-dimensionality of a 4D matching field are the major hindrances, which we propose a cost embedding network to process a coarse cost volume to use as a guidance for establishing high-precision matching field through the following fully-connected network. Nevertheless, learning a high-dimensional matching field remains challenging mainly due to computational complexity, since a naive exhaustive inference would require querying from all pixels in the 4D space to infer pixel-wise correspondences. To overcome this, we propose adequate training and inference procedures, which in the training phase, we randomly sample matching candidates and in the inference phase, we iteratively performs PatchMatch-based inference and coordinate optimization at test time. With these combined, competitive results are attained on several standard benchmarks for semantic correspondence. Code and pre-trained weights are available at https://ku-cvlab.github.io/NeMF/.
Neural Matching Fields: Implicit Representation of Matching Fields for Visual Correspondence
Despite great progress achieved by transformer in various vision tasks, it is still underexplored for skeleton-based action recognition with only a few attempts. Besides, these methods directly calculate the pair-wise global self-attention equally for all the joints in both the spatial and temporal dimensions, undervaluing the effect of discriminative local joints and the short-range temporal dynamics. In this work, we propose a novel Focal and Global Spatial-Temporal Transformer network (FG-STFormer), that is equipped with two key components: (1) FG-SFormer: focal joints and global parts coupling spatial transformer. It forces the network to focus on modelling correlations for both the learned discriminative spatial joints and human body parts respectively. The selective focal joints eliminate the negative effect of non-informative ones during accumulating the correlations. Meanwhile, the interactions between the focal joints and body parts are incorporated to enhance the spatial dependencies via mutual cross-attention. (2) FG-TFormer: focal and global temporal transformer. Dilated temporal convolution is integrated into the global self-attention mechanism to explicitly capture the local temporal motion patterns of joints or body parts, which is found to be vital important to make temporal transformer work. Extensive experimental results on three benchmarks, namely NTU-60, NTU-120 and NW-UCLA, show our FG-STFormer surpasses all existing transformer-based methods, and compares favourably with state-of-the art GCN-based methods.
Focal and Global Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Answering complex questions that require multi-step multi-type reasoning over raw text is challenging, especially when conducting numerical reasoning. Neural Module Networks(NMNs), follow the programmer-interpreter framework and design trainable modules to learn different reasoning skills. However, NMNs only have limited reasoning abilities, and lack numerical reasoning capability. We up-grade NMNs by: (a) bridging the gap between its interpreter and the complex questions; (b) introducing addition and subtraction modules that perform numerical reasoning over numbers. On a subset of DROP, experimental results show that our proposed methods enhance NMNs' numerical reasoning skills by 17.7% improvement of F1 score and significantly outperform previous state-of-the-art models.
Teaching Neural Module Networks to Do Arithmetic
Hyperbox-based machine learning algorithms are an important and popular branch of machine learning in the construction of classifiers using fuzzy sets and logic theory and neural network architectures. This type of learning is characterised by many strong points of modern predictors such as a high scalability, explainability, online adaptation, effective learning from a small amount of data, native ability to deal with missing data and accommodating new classes. Nevertheless, there is no comprehensive existing package for hyperbox-based machine learning which can serve as a benchmark for research and allow non-expert users to apply these algorithms easily. hyperbox-brain is an open-source Python library implementing the leading hyperbox-based machine learning algorithms. This library exposes a unified API which closely follows and is compatible with the renowned scikit-learn and numpy toolboxes. The library may be installed from Python Package Index (PyPI) and the conda package manager and is distributed under the GPL-3 license. The source code, documentation, detailed tutorials, and the full descriptions of the API are available at https://uts-caslab.github.io/hyperbox-brain.
hyperbox-brain: A Toolbox for Hyperbox-based Machine Learning Algorithms
Continuous diagnosis and prognosis are essential for intensive care patients. It can provide more opportunities for timely treatment and rational resource allocation, especially for sepsis, a main cause of death in ICU, and COVID-19, a new worldwide epidemic. Although deep learning methods have shown their great superiority in many medical tasks, they tend to catastrophically forget, over fit, and get results too late when performing diagnosis and prognosis in the continuous mode. In this work, we summarized the three requirements of this task, proposed a new concept, continuous classification of time series (CCTS), and designed a novel model training method, restricted update strategy of neural networks (RU). In the context of continuous prognosis, our method outperformed all baselines and achieved the average accuracy of 90%, 97%, and 85% on sepsis prognosis, COVID-19 mortality prediction, and eight diseases classification. Superiorly, our method can also endow deep learning with interpretability, having the potential to explore disease mechanisms and provide a new horizon for medical research. We have achieved disease staging for sepsis and COVID-19, discovering four stages and three stages with their typical biomarkers respectively. Further, our method is a data-agnostic and model-agnostic plug-in, it can be used to continuously prognose other diseases with staging and even implement CCTS in other fields.
Continuous Diagnosis and Prognosis by Controlling the Update Process of Deep Neural Networks
Gradient regularization (GR) is a method that penalizes the gradient norm of the training loss during training. Although some studies have reported that GR improves generalization performance in deep learning, little attention has been paid to it from the algorithmic perspective, that is, the algorithms of GR that efficiently improve performance. In this study, we first reveal that a specific finite-difference computation, composed of both gradient ascent and descent steps, reduces the computational cost for GR. In addition, this computation empirically achieves better generalization performance. Next, we theoretically analyze a solvable model, a diagonal linear network, and clarify that GR has a desirable implicit bias in a certain problem. In particular, learning with the finite-difference GR chooses better minima as the ascent step size becomes larger. Finally, we demonstrate that finite-difference GR is closely related to some other algorithms based on iterative ascent and descent steps for exploring flat minima: sharpness-aware minimization and the flooding method. We reveal that flooding performs finite-difference GR in an implicit way. Thus, this work broadens our understanding of GR in both practice and theory.
Understanding Gradient Regularization in Deep Learning: Efficient Finite-Difference Computation and Implicit Bias
Programmatic Weak Supervision (PWS) has emerged as a widespread paradigm to synthesize training labels efficiently. The core component of PWS is the label model, which infers true labels by aggregating the outputs of multiple noisy supervision sources abstracted as labeling functions (LFs). Existing statistical label models typically rely only on the outputs of LF, ignoring the instance features when modeling the underlying generative process. In this paper, we attempt to incorporate the instance features into a statistical label model via the proposed FABLE. In particular, it is built on a mixture of Bayesian label models, each corresponding to a global pattern of correlation, and the coefficients of the mixture components are predicted by a Gaussian Process classifier based on instance features. We adopt an auxiliary variable-based variational inference algorithm to tackle the non-conjugate issue between the Gaussian Process and Bayesian label models. Extensive empirical comparison on eleven benchmark datasets sees FABLE achieving the highest averaged performance across nine baselines.
Leveraging Instance Features for Label Aggregation in Programmatic Weak Supervision
With the increasingly strengthened data privacy act and the difficult data centralization, Federated Learning (FL) has become an effective solution to collaboratively train the model while preserving each client's privacy. FedAvg is a standard aggregation algorithm that makes the proportion of dataset size of each client as aggregation weight. However, it can't deal with non-independent and identically distributed (non-i.i.d) data well because of its fixed aggregation weights and the neglect of data distribution. In this paper, we propose an aggregation strategy that can effectively deal with non-i.i.d dataset, namely FedGraph, which can adjust the aggregation weights adaptively according to the training condition of local models in whole training process. The FedGraph takes three factors into account from coarse to fine: the proportion of each local dataset size, the topology factor of model graphs, and the model weights. We calculate the gravitational force between local models by transforming the local models into topology graphs. The FedGraph can explore the internal correlation between local models better through the weighted combination of the proportion each local dataset, topology structure, and model weights. The proposed FedGraph has been applied to the MICCAI Federated Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2021 (FeTS) datasets, and the validation results show that our method surpasses the previous state-of-the-art by 2.76 mean Dice Similarity Score. The source code will be available at Github.
FedGraph: an Aggregation Method from Graph Perspective
As an important part of intelligent transportation systems, traffic forecasting has attracted tremendous attention from academia and industry. Despite a lot of methods being proposed for traffic forecasting, it is still difficult to model complex spatial-temporal dependency. Temporal dependency includes short-term dependency and long-term dependency, and the latter is often overlooked. Spatial dependency can be divided into two parts: distance-based spatial dependency and hidden spatial dependency. To model complex spatial-temporal dependency, we propose a novel framework for traffic forecasting, named Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Gated Recurrent Network (STGCGRN). We design an attention module to capture long-term dependency by mining periodic information in traffic data. We propose a Double Graph Convolution Gated Recurrent Unit (DGCGRU) to capture spatial dependency, which integrates graph convolutional network and GRU. The graph convolution part models distance-based spatial dependency with the distance-based predefined adjacency matrix and hidden spatial dependency with the self-adaptive adjacency matrix, respectively. Specially, we employ the multi-head mechanism to capture multiple hidden dependencies. In addition, the periodic pattern of each prediction node may be different, which is often ignored, resulting in mutual interference of periodic information among nodes when modeling spatial dependency. For this, we explore the architecture of model and improve the performance. Experiments on four datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our model.
Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Gated Recurrent Network for Traffic Forecasting
Insufficient spatial resolution of satellite imagery, including Sentinel-2 data, is a serious limitation in many practical use cases. To mitigate this problem, super-resolution reconstruction is receiving considerable attention from the remote sensing community. When it is performed from multiple images captured at subsequent revisits, it may benefit from information fusion, leading to enhanced reconstruction accuracy. One of the obstacles in multi-image super-resolution consists in the scarcity of real-life benchmark datasets -- most of the research was performed for simulated data which do not fully reflect the operating conditions. In this letter, we introduce a new MuS2 benchmark for multi-image super-resolution reconstruction of Sentinel-2 images, with WorldView-2 imagery used as the high-resolution reference. Within MuS2, we publish the first end-to-end evaluation procedure for this problem which we expect to help the researchers in advancing the state of the art in multi-image super-resolution for Sentinel-2 imagery.
MuS2: A Benchmark for Sentinel-2 Multi-Image Super-Resolution
This work proposes a novel method to generate realistic talking head videos using audio and visual streams. We animate a source image by transferring head motion from a driving video using a dense motion field generated using learnable keypoints. We improve the quality of lip sync using audio as an additional input, helping the network to attend to the mouth region. We use additional priors using face segmentation and face mesh to improve the structure of the reconstructed faces. Finally, we improve the visual quality of the generations by incorporating a carefully designed identity-aware generator module. The identity-aware generator takes the source image and the warped motion features as input to generate a high-quality output with fine-grained details. Our method produces state-of-the-art results and generalizes well to unseen faces, languages, and voices. We comprehensively evaluate our approach using multiple metrics and outperforming the current techniques both qualitative and quantitatively. Our work opens up several applications, including enabling low bandwidth video calls. We release a demo video and additional information at http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/research/projects/cvit-projects/avfr.
Audio-Visual Face Reenactment
Surface reconstruction for point clouds is an important task in 3D computer vision. Most of the latest methods resolve this problem by learning signed distance functions (SDF) from point clouds, which are limited to reconstructing shapes or scenes with closed surfaces. Some other methods tried to represent shapes or scenes with open surfaces using unsigned distance functions (UDF) which are learned from large scale ground truth unsigned distances. However, the learned UDF is hard to provide smooth distance fields near the surface due to the noncontinuous character of point clouds. In this paper, we propose a novel method to learn consistency-aware unsigned distance functions directly from raw point clouds. We achieve this by learning to move 3D queries to reach the surface with a field consistency constraint, where we also enable to progressively estimate a more accurate surface. Specifically, we train a neural network to gradually infer the relationship between 3D queries and the approximated surface by searching for the moving target of queries in a dynamic way, which results in a consistent field around the surface. Meanwhile, we introduce a polygonization algorithm to extract surfaces directly from the gradient field of the learned UDF. The experimental results in surface reconstruction for synthetic and real scan data show significant improvements over the state-of-the-art under the widely used benchmarks.
Learning Consistency-Aware Unsigned Distance Functions Progressively from Raw Point Clouds
Logical rules, both transferable and explainable, are widely used as weakly supervised signals for many downstream tasks such as named entity tagging. To reduce the human effort of writing rules, previous researchers adopt an iterative approach to automatically learn logical rules from several seed rules. However, obtaining more seed rules can only be accomplished by extra human annotation with heavy costs. Limited by the size and quality of the seed rules, the model performance of previous systems is bounded. In this paper, we develop a novel framework STREAM to distill task-specific logical rules from large pre-trained models. Specifically, we borrow recent prompt-based language models as the knowledge expert to yield initial seed rules, and based on the formed high-quality instance pool that acts as an intermediary role, we keep teaching the expert to fit our task and learning task-specific logical rules. Experiments on three public named entity tagging benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. With several predefined prompt templates, our system has gained significant improvements over previous state-of-the-art methods.
Distilling Task-specific Logical Rules from Large Pre-trained Models
High-accuracy per-pixel depth is vital for computational photography, so smartphones now have multimodal camera systems with time-of-flight (ToF) depth sensors and multiple color cameras. However, producing accurate high-resolution depth is still challenging due to the low resolution and limited active illumination power of ToF sensors. Fusing RGB stereo and ToF information is a promising direction to overcome these issues, but a key problem remains: to provide high-quality 2D RGB images, the main color sensor's lens is optically stabilized, resulting in an unknown pose for the floating lens that breaks the geometric relationships between the multimodal image sensors. Leveraging ToF depth estimates and a wide-angle RGB camera, we design an automatic calibration technique based on dense 2D/3D matching that can estimate camera extrinsic, intrinsic, and distortion parameters of a stabilized main RGB sensor from a single snapshot. This lets us fuse stereo and ToF cues via a correlation volume. For fusion, we apply deep learning via a real-world training dataset with depth supervision estimated by a neural reconstruction method. For evaluation, we acquire a test dataset using a commercial high-power depth camera and show that our approach achieves higher accuracy than existing baselines.
FloatingFusion: Depth from ToF and Image-stabilized Stereo Cameras
In recent years, a large number of XAI (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence) solutions have been proposed to explain existing ML (Machine Learning) models or to create interpretable ML models. Evaluation measures have recently been proposed and it is now possible to compare these XAI solutions. However, selecting the most relevant XAI solution among all this diversity is still a tedious task, especially when meeting specific needs and constraints. In this paper, we propose AutoXAI, a framework that recommends the best XAI solution and its hyperparameters according to specific XAI evaluation metrics while considering the user's context (dataset, ML model, XAI needs and constraints). It adapts approaches from context-aware recommender systems and strategies of optimization and evaluation from AutoML (Automated Machine Learning). We apply AutoXAI to two use cases, and show that it recommends XAI solutions adapted to the user's needs with the best hyperparameters matching the user's constraints.
Why Should I Choose You? AutoXAI: A Framework for Selecting and Tuning eXplainable AI Solutions
Unsupervised learning on 3D point clouds has undergone a rapid evolution, especially thanks to data augmentation-based contrastive methods. However, data augmentation is not ideal as it requires a careful selection of the type of augmentations to perform, which in turn can affect the geometric and semantic information learned by the network during self-training. To overcome this issue, we propose an augmentation-free unsupervised approach for point clouds to learn transferable point-level features via soft clustering, named SoftClu. SoftClu assumes that the points belonging to a cluster should be close to each other in both geometric and feature spaces. This differs from typical contrastive learning, which builds similar representations for a whole point cloud and its augmented versions. We exploit the affiliation of points to their clusters as a proxy to enable self-training through a pseudo-label prediction task. Under the constraint that these pseudo-labels induce the equipartition of the point cloud, we cast SoftClu as an optimal transport problem. We formulate an unsupervised loss to minimize the standard cross-entropy between pseudo-labels and predicted labels. Experiments on downstream applications, such as 3D object classification, part segmentation, and semantic segmentation, show the effectiveness of our framework in outperforming state-of-the-art techniques.
Data Augmentation-free Unsupervised Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
Despite the impressive progress of self-supervised learning (SSL), its applicability to low-compute networks has received limited attention. Reported performance has trailed behind standard supervised pre-training by a large margin, barring self-supervised learning from making an impact on models that are deployed on device. Most prior works attribute this poor performance to the capacity bottleneck of the low-compute networks and opt to bypass the problem through the use of knowledge distillation (KD). In this work, we revisit SSL for efficient neural networks, taking a closer at what are the detrimental factors causing the practical limitations, and whether they are intrinsic to the self-supervised low-compute setting. We find that, contrary to accepted knowledge, there is no intrinsic architectural bottleneck, we diagnose that the performance bottleneck is related to the model complexity vs regularization strength trade-off. In particular, we start by empirically observing that the use of local views can have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of the SSL methods. This hints at view sampling being one of the performance bottlenecks for SSL on low-capacity networks. We hypothesize that the view sampling strategy for large neural networks, which requires matching views in very diverse spatial scales and contexts, is too demanding for low-capacity architectures. We systematize the design of the view sampling mechanism, leading to a new training methodology that consistently improves the performance across different SSL methods (e.g. MoCo-v2, SwAV, DINO), different low-size networks (e.g. MobileNetV2, ResNet18, ResNet34, ViT-Ti), and different tasks (linear probe, object detection, instance segmentation and semi-supervised learning). Our best models establish a new state-of-the-art for SSL methods on low-compute networks despite not using a KD loss term.
Effective Self-supervised Pre-training on Low-compute networks without Distillation