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license: cc-by-4.0
  - object-detection
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V3Det: Vast Vocabulary Visual Detection Dataset

Jiaqi Wang*, Pan Zhang*, Tao Chu*, Yuhang Cao*,
Yujie Zhou, Tong Wu, Bin Wang, Conghui He, Dahua Lin
(* equal contribution)
Accepted to ICCV 2023 (Oral)


Object Detection

Open Vocabulary Detection (OVD)

Data Format

The data includes a training set, a validation set, comprising 13,204 categories. The training set consists of 183,354 images, while the validation set has 29,821 images. The data organization is:

        |────v3det_2023_v1_category_tree.json       # Category tree
        |────category_name_13204_v3det_2023_v1.txt  # Category name
        |────v3det_2023_v1_train.json               # Train set
        |────v3det_2023_v1_val.json                 # Validation set

Annotation Files


The annotation files are provided in dictionary format and contain the keywords "images," "categories," and "annotations."

  • images : store a list containing image information, where each element is a dictionary representing an image.
    file_name            # The relative image path, eg. images/n07745046/21_371_29405651261_633d076053_c.jpg.
    height               # The height of the image
    width                # The width of the image
    id                   # Unique identifier of the image.
  • categories : store a list containing category information, where each element is a dictionary representing a category.
    name                 # English name of the category.
    name_zh              # Chinese name of the category.
    cat_info             # The format for the description information of categories is a list.
    cat_info_gpt         # The format for the description information of categories generated by ChatGPT is a list.
    novel                # For open-vocabulary detection, indicate whether the current category belongs to the 'novel' category.
    id                   # Unique identifier of the category.
  • annotations : store a list containing annotation information, where each element is a dictionary representing a bounding box annotation.
    image_id             # The unique identifier of the image where the bounding box is located.
    category_id          # The unique identifier of the category corresponding to the bounding box.
    bbox                 # The coordinates of the bounding box, in the format [x, y, w, h], representing the top-left corner coordinates and the width and height of the box.
    iscrowd              # Whether the bounding box is a crowd box.
    area                 # The area of the bounding box

Category Tree

  • The category tree stores information about dataset category mappings and relationships in dictionary format.
    categoryid2treeid    # Unique identifier of node in the category tree corresponding to the category identifier in dataset
    id2name              # English name corresponding to each node in the category tree
    id2name_zh           # Chinese name corresponding to each node in the category tree
    id2desc              # English description corresponding to each node in the category tree
    id2desc_zh           # Chinese description corresponding to each node in the category tree
    id2synonym_list      # List of synonyms corresponding to each node in the category tree
    id2center_synonym    # Center synonym corresponding to each node in the category tree
    father2child         # All direct child categories corresponding to each node in the category tree
    child2father         # All direct parent categories corresponding to each node in the category tree
    ancestor2descendant  # All descendant nodes corresponding to each node in the category tree
    descendant2ancestor  # All ancestor nodes corresponding to each node in the category tree

Image Download

  • Run the command to crawl the images. By default, the images will be stored in the './V3Det/' directory.
  • If you want to change the storage location, you can specify the desired folder by adding the option '--output_folder' when executing the script.
python --output_folder our_folder

Category Tree Visualization

  • Run the command and then select dataset path path/to/V3Det to visualize the category tree.

Please refer to the TreeUI Operation Guide for more information.


  • V3Det Images: Around 90% images in V3Det were selected from the Bamboo Dataset, sourced from the Flickr website. The remaining 10% were directly crawled from the Flickr. We do not own the copyright of the images. Use of the images must abide by the Flickr Terms of Use. We only provide lists of image URLs without redistribution.

  • V3Det Annotations: The V3Det annotations, the category relationship tree, and related tools are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (allow commercial use).


      title = {V3Det: Vast Vocabulary Visual Detection Dataset}, 
      author = {Wang, Jiaqi and Zhang, Pan and Chu, Tao and Cao, Yuhang and Zhou, Yujie and Wu, Tong and Wang, Bin and He, Conghui and Lin, Dahua},
      booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
      month = {October},
      year = {2023}