2 values
Hello doctor, My brother aged 35 years has undergone a kidney stone surgery on 21st and from 28th, he is suffering from high fever (mostly 104 F) with shivering. The doctor has removed the stent on 31st but the fever has continued with shivering. There is no detection of dengue, malaria, or sepsis. What is the cause of high fever? Please advise.
What is lactational amenorrhea, and how does it occur?
Hi doctor, My son, who is 26 years old, now has been diagnosed with ADHD when he was 5 years old. He went to various psychiatrist to make sure that he is actually ADHD. Six doctors confirmed that he has ADHD and two doctors said he has bipolar disorder. He says that he was given Xanax as a treatment for the anxiety caused by ADHD and bipolar. He takes 10 tablets of 1 mg Xanax a day and sometimes, 11 to 12 tablets a day. Occasionally, when he takes less tablets, he smokes weed. He says that the combination of 5 to 8 tablets of Xanax with weed is equal to 10 tablets of 1 mg Xanax a day. He also takes tablet 300 mg Seroquel at night to help him sleep. My questions are is Xanax considered a medication for ADHD or bipolar? Is it advised to take 10 to 12 tablets of 1 mg Xanax a day? Is it fine to mix Xanax with weed? What is the appropriate medication for ADHD and bipolar? If xanax is appropriate for ADHD and bipolar, then how much is the appropriate dosage? Does he need to go to rehabilitation to clean his body of the high amount of Xanax and weed? Is it compulsory to continue a low dose of Xanax lifelong?
Hello doctor, I eat out a lot and take junk food very frequently. I am suffering from acidity now. If I take spicy food, I feel uneasiness in my stomach. I am a 25 year old male. Please help.
I have had a cough for many months that comes and goes and is a result of an itchy throat , doctors had prescribed me as asthmatic and I used an inhaler that worked and my cough got better and whenever I get a cold my cougChatDoctores back. It feels like I have dust in my throat. This as I said has been going on for a while and I have been back about 6 - 7 times in the last year with the cough going away and then coming back again. They are not very helpful and say that because I am 27, a non smoker and live a relatively healthy life it is asthma - I am not convinced. A new symptom has now arisen - I have a lot of phlegm and my nose has been bleeding on an off for a week or so - this i assumed was because I was blowing my nose too much but in the last couple of days the blood is thickening and becoming strands that look like worms and then come up with clear phlegm. I have read a few internet blogs saying that they are parasitic worms, they do look like worms but are not moving. They look like blood clots but wanted to double check if there is something that I can do about them or if they are a final result of my coughing and blowing my nose. Once the blood comes up my nasal passage feels a lot clearer. If you can help that would be amazing. As a backgroud - I was bron with a cleft palat that was only diagnosed when I was four as I did not have the lip thing. I have subsequently had problems with my ears and nose and often find it hard to breathe through my nose and suffer from allergies during the summer.
Hi. I need to know if i need to go to the emergency room ASAP! 5+ YRS Post 2 stem cell transplants with past renal and pancreatic failure- very brief history current issue is extreme pain in upper stomach following heavy meth binge heres a list of symptomsblurred vision with gunk coming out headache disconsistent urrination confusion shaky-ness bunch of pimples showed up in past few hours weightloss that happened quicklyweakness in limbs right hand pinkie is numb kinda not moving right and theres a sunk in spot on my ride backside dry cough and i just also just started spotting I need to go right?
Developing and targeting overdose prevention education programs that provide information on risk factors and ways to identify overdose, as well as effective responses, including naloxone use and rescue breathing, for more frequently injecting networks may help reduce opioid morbidity and mortality in these most at risk groups.
I have currently been under the hospital due to severe back pain. Had 2 mri s now and show that I have a prolapse of the spine. It s crushed the sciatic nerve to my legs and leaves them in a bad way and now awaiting results of second mri to discover why my arms are in a lot of pain too and my hands spasm. The pain has forced me to leave my job and I no longer have a normal day to day life which is hard for me to deal with. I am currently waiting to see a Neuro surgeon to see if they can help. Recently my back has been going very very icy cold and I am getting bubbling sensation coming up from bottom of my spine and haven t a clue what could it be many thanks for your time
I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia. I have been getting weekly injections for 4 weeks now. I am feeling much worse since beginning treatment. My legs are very weak and shakey, headache for several days, foggy brain, skin rash, itching all over. My Dr. Is stumped. I think I am having a reaction to the injections. She referred me to a rheumatologist today. I asked to be referred to an auto immune specialist. Any suggestions.?
Q: My mom is suffering from kidney renal failure disease...... and she is under going dialysis from the last 3 months.......... and the blood urea is 90 creatinine is 9 which is not in control....... we are looking forward not to opt for kidney transplant............. Is there any way that she gets cured without under going transplantation.......?
My 3 year olds head sweats at night when he uses a pillow, the rest of him is fine and he wakes up dry, it just seems to be just as he has gone to sleep then within a few hours he is dry again, should i be worried or do you know of a special kind of pillow that i could buy that reduces seating?
Q:A 55-year-old woman complains of daytime somnolence. Her BMI is 32 kg/m3 and her husband says she snores frequently during the night. Polysomnography test reveals the patient experiences more than 5 obstructive events an hour. The patient is at increased risk of developing which of the following?? {'A': 'Pulmonary hypertension', 'B': 'Emphysema', 'C': 'Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis', 'D': 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis', 'E': 'Pleural effusion'},
For the creation of intelligent management systems in hospitals, efficient resource arrangement is essential Motivated by a real-world scenario in hospitals, we introduce the no-wait two-stage flowshop scheduling problem with the first-stage machine having multi-task flexibility In this problem, each job has two operations which are processed in order on a two-stage flowshop without preemption and time delay between or on machines The multi-task flexibility allows the first-stage machine to process the second-stage operations The goal is to minimize the maximum completion time of all jobs To the best of our knowledge, this is a pioneering work on this problem We discover several novel structural properties, based on which we present a linear-time combinatorial algorithm with an approximation ratio 138 This problem and its variants can find many other meaningful applications in modern manufacturing systems, such as the robot cell scheduling with computer numerical control machines or printed circuit boards The idea behind our algorithm may inspire more practical algorithms
just recently after a routine blood test ive been informed my alt level is borderline..two years ago i had the same results and after a ultrasound was informed i have a fatty liver ..i was advised to loose a little weight and that was that ..i did loose weight two stone but ive put it back on again
I have right side and back pain with blood in my urine, the pain has been off and on for months.I went to my physician 3 times about 2 and a half months ago complaining of this and she said it was pulled muscle which I know it is not. I then went to urgent care aand they said possible torn cartledge, did an x ray of my rib area and said there was nothing. I kept telling them its below my rib area not in my ribs.I am getting crazy with worry and pain. I do not have health insurance so I do not know what to do.
I have low back pain, I had 2 surgeries with metal implanted. Now both hips hurt, painful sitting, walking, standing still, and lying on either hip. I have fallen 6 times in 2 weeks because I get a severe pain in my right groin. However, the left hip feels worse but the groin pain is on the right side. My pain travels down the back of my left leg and around the front. When I sit, it feels like I am sitting on a tennis ball under my buttock. Since my 1st back surgery, I now have neuropathy in my left foot & leg and sometimes on the right side also.
MCP-1 could be used as a biomarker to identify high-risk patients for potential AKI prevention strategies in the setting of cardiac operations.
Hi,My fiance has a lot of blood in his stool, blood when urinating & blood in his semen. He has had test after test for colorectal cancer, but nothing has been found. He has a positive family history of prostate cancer & colon cancer. Is there something else it might be?
For the past few weeks, I have experienced changes in my mouth. My jaws are sore, my mouth is dry, and now I have a very salty taste in my mouth all the time. Some weeks ago, there was a residual sweet taste with everything. Now, there is this constant salty taste.
I have been having a major pain in my right part of the spine. It feels like a ball and it sometimes hurts to breath. I have arm numbness along with hand numbness. my legs have been hurting me for sometime now/ I mean very bad they keep me up at night. I have pressure in my head and neck I can not turn my neck left or right up or down and because of the pain I am very tired all the time.
What happens to the residual elements of the ruptured ovarian follicle if fertilization does not occur in the female reproductive system?
Which imaging technique is typically used to diagnose a varicocele?
Q:A 7-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department because of photophobia and pruritus on the periocular area of the right eye for the last 2 days. He also had crusts over the eyelashes of the right eye that morning. The boy has a history of asthma and atopic dermatitis. His medications include inhaled steroids and salbutamol. Vital signs are within normal limits. Physical examination shows conjunctival injection and redness in the affected eye, as well as a watery discharge from it. There are multiple vesicles with an erythematous base located on the upper and lower eyelids. Visual acuity is within normal limits. Which of the following is the most likely cause?? {'A': 'Molluscum contagiosum virus', 'B': 'Chlamydia trachomatis', 'C': 'Adenovirus', 'D': 'Staphylococcus aureus', 'E': 'Herpes simplex virus'},
What is the most common presentation of seborrheic dermatitis in adults?
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the prevalence and outcome of occult infection with SARS-CoV-2 and influenza in patients presenting with myocardial infarction (MI) without COVID-19 symptoms. METHODS: We conducted an observational study from 28 June to 11 August 2020, enrolling patients admitted to the National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, with ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI) or non-ST-segment elevation MI who did not meet WHO criteria for suspected COVID-19. Samples were collected by nasopharyngeal swab to test for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR. We followed up patients at 3 months (13 weeks) postadmission to record adverse cardiovascular outcomes: all-cause death, new MI, heart failure and new percutaneous coronary intervention or stent thrombosis. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: We enrolled 280 patients with MI, 79% male, mean age 54.5±11.8 years, 140 of whom were diagnosed with STEMI. We found 36 (13%) to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 and 1 with influenza. There was no significant difference between mortality rate observed among SARS-CoV-2 infected patients compared with non-infected (5 (14%) vs 26 (11%); p=0.564). A numerically shorter median time to a recurrent cardiovascular event was recorded among SARS-CoV-2 infected compared with non-infected patients (21 days, IQR: 8–46 vs 27 days, IQR: 7–44; p=0.378). CONCLUSION: We found a substantial rate of occult SARS-CoV-2 infection in the studied cohort, suggesting SARS-CoV-2 may precipitate MI. Asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 admitted with MI may contribute to disease transmission and warrants widespread testing of hospital admissions.
I had surgery on my knee (meniscus) 4 days ago & this morning I woke up with a massive calf cramp. I could barely put weight on it. It has been the same all day long. I am wondering if it is a blood clot or just a leg cramp. I have been trying to walk properly & using the exercise bike 3 times a day for 5 minutes.
Good morning sir, i m 24 years old problem is loss of father does not have much baldness. But i think am on the way too.So kindly send your valuable advise through my email or my phone number email: YYYY@YYYY ph: 0000 Ph : 0000
i am 21/femle .i have fungus infection(madurella foot) surgery also over.but my bad luck(6 months duration ) again the same promblem is raised .doctors sugested again need the surgery .there no final solution.but onething not affected bone plz doctor tell solution my problem
Hi, i have a hard bump on the left side of my crotch, below the skin, with no marking of any sign on the actual skin. I've had it for a while on both sides, but i've noticed the left one has got considerably bigger in the past week or two, what are these lumps?
Hi, My Son is three years old and diagnosed jaundice last Sunday 15th Sept ,we have given ample rest and put on diet from start. His Total Bilurbin count was about 4 at that time.After few days of diet and rest he feels good. He is now active but his urine colour is still pale yellow from dark yellow. Does normal urine takes its time or should we have to take some treatment.
I was treated for cancer (mouth and throat level2) and ever since then I have experienced the following: numb feet, dizziness loss of balance, falling down, dry mouth and a real loss in my abilty to think, act and remember things. Are these side affects going to be perminent
Backround/Aim: In this study, the efficacy of an IL-6 antagonist, Tocilizumab, administered in the early period was studied in intensive care patients with COVID-19 pneumonia followed by hypoxic and systemic inflammation not receiving mechanical ventilation support. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who have signs of hypoxia and systemic inflammation and/or who have acute bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph and who received tocilizumab treatment were compared with the patients who received standard therapy. Patients who were followed up with COVID-19 pneumonia and respiratory failure between March 2020 and March 2021 were retrospectively evaluated in the study. A 400 mg ? 800 mg iv dose (depending on weight) of Tocilizumab was administered. Primary end point was determined as intensive care mortality. RESULTS: A total of 213 patients who were admitted with respiratory failure associated with COVID-19 to our third-level intensive care unit were evaluated. Of these patients, the study was conducted with 50 patients in the tocilizumab treatmnent group and 92 patients in the standard treatment group. During the intensive care period, 26 patients (28.3%) in the standard treatment group and 12 patients (24%) in the group receiving tocilizumab died. The adjusted hazard ratio for mortality in the tocilizumab group was 0.39 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.186 to 0.808; P=0.001 by log-rank test). During the intensive care period, 22 patients (24.8%) in the standart treatment group and 16 patients (32%) in the tocilizumab group were intubated. The adjusted hazard ratio for a primary outcome intubation in the tocilizumab group was 0.71 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.355 to 1.424; P = 0.184 by log-rank test). CONCLUSION: Tocilizumab administered with a low-dose steroid or following pulse steroid in intensive care patients followed up with COVID-19 pneumonia and evidence of hypoxia and systemic inflammation was shown to reduce the intensive care all-cause mortality.
I woke last night feeling slightly itchy. Went back to sleep, Woke this morning to a full blown bright red itchy rash covering my whole torso, front, sides and back. Its not terribly itchy, more picky feeling. I ve had pityriasis in the past, doesn t look much like that. I look almost sunburned. The only thing different yesterday was watching my neighbour home brew beer, got to smell and touch some of the grains, and the mash that was left over. ??
Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem?
Hi, I have a raised skin rash that is non-itchy that started on my right lower arm about 5mm round. It appeared about 1 month ago. It has got larger, now about 2cm in diameter. There are now other similar spots/rashes starting to appear on my torso and legs. They do not bother or irritate me in anyway, they're just there. Could you tell me what it could be and how to treat them or see the doctor, thanks. Carolyn :)
Human coronaviruses (HCoVs) cause upper respiratory tract and occasionally lower respiratory tract diseases. The recently described human coronavirus NL63 has not been well investigated among Brazilian patients. We reported the clinical course of an HCoV-NL63 infection in a hospitalised patient suspected of H1N1 2009 infection during the second pandemic wave of influenza activity. A 46-year-old female, health care worker with diabetes and presenting with influenza-like illness (ILI) was admitted to the hospital. During 9 days of influenza-like symptoms, the patient had diabetes decompensation, haemorrhagic pneumonia, rhabdomyolysis, respiratory and renal failure, pericarditis, and brain edema and died. HCoV-NL63 may be a causative agent of previously unexplained respiratory illnesses.
OBJECTIVE Report on the implementation of assistance protocols in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic developed in the surgical center of a large university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. METHOD Experience report on the implementation of paramentation and deworming assistance protocols by the multidisciplinary surgical center team in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, at a large university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, held between March and April 2020. RESULTS In the confrontation of the pandemic by the multidisciplinary team of the surgical center, the activities adopted in the development of its action plan were described in two moments. The multiprofessional team carried out educational training on the process of paramentation and deworming as well as the preparation of professionals in the care of the patient COVID-19. CONCLUSION With the established routines and a large number of trained professionals, it was possible to observe a better preparation of the multidisciplinary team in face of the needs imposed by the new coronavirus.
My husbands son has been an alcoholic for 20 years and has now in the last year or 2 progessed to meth. He appears to have jaundice ans about 6 years ago a pysician diagnosed him with some type of liver ailment.What in your opinion is going on and how long can someone who has been abusing their body last?
My daughter is nearly ten and been complaining of tummy pains for the past couple of weeks. There is no temperature, vomitting or diorrhea. She is not going to the toilet regularly and complains that when she does go it hurts or feels like she wants to go, then when she gets to the loo, the sensation stops. She has been prescribed buscopan, first, then movicol, which we had to stop after three days as she was going to the toilet too much and it was diorrhea. Today she went for an ultrasound on her abdomen and some red colour showed up on the screen during the scan. What does this mean?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
i have been running since January and managed to get up to 6 miles . But now i am unable to run a mile without my right lower calf feeling very tight an heavy . I am trying ti train to do a half marathon in June . I also swim twice a week and have joined a milatry fitness group twice a week too . But my right leg is oreventing me from getting any further with my running . i have no idea why it has suddenly started doing this .
i m suffering from hair fall n dandruff n due to tis dandruff i m having lots of pimples so wat can do will u suggest me any thing
hello sir im 21, i have moderate acne my dermatologist recommended me to use faceclin gel in the morning and supatret 0.04 in the night is it right to use this medication ? my skin is becoming very dry coz it and i have acne scars im using supatret on them and i cant notice any difference
I inject myself with 17.5 mg of methotrexate once a week for psoriatic arthritis. My doctor x-rayed and diagnosed me with pneumonia. He prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanic acid oral to start tomorrow. The drugstore information flyer says a bad interaction can occur with these two drugs. My doctor may have forgotten my rheumatologist has me on methotrexate. What should I do?
Among the shared risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma is cigarette smoking.
I have developed two indentations and a lump on the top of my head. The left one is getting longer - started off at approximately 1 in long and is now 2 and a half and is starting to go past my hairline. I don t experience headaches but have periodically experienced memory loss. I have had a ct scan which showed nothing and have recently had an mri scan which has showed nothing except a small cist in the sinuses. should I be worried. I have seen a neurologist, a neurosurgeon and a plastic surgeon. I am 53 could it be something to do with hormones and/or diet. I have also experienced considerable weight gain in the past 15 months which is when these indentations started
Furthermore, this technique is associated with high morbidity and reoperation rates.
A punctate density seen along the anterior margin of the gallbladder could represent a small calcification along the anterior aspect of the wall . What does this mean ? A small amount of free fluid in the pelvis with fluid in the endometrium region of the uterus and a few prominent follicles on the right And this
my 3 year old daughter only urinates 2-3 times per day and sometimes she goes 18 hours without urinating. She says she does not want to go. Is this likely a behavior issue...meaning she is just deciding not to go or could there be a medical condition?
I was rear-ended in my vehicle in June of this year. Since then, my right elbow has been hurting. It has become progressively worse and now it is painful to lift anything heavier than a cup of coffee. The pain is on the outside of my right elbow and is worse when I try to bend it or straighten it out. The bone now protrudes more than my left elbow that was not injured. There were no issues prior to the accident. The lady that hit me was going at least 60-65 mph. I was going about 20 mph.
Hello, Can you please give me some information about allergic cold? Pulmonologist has put me on Duonase spary and seroflo rotacaps for last 3 months (twice a day). These days I am feeling vomiting sensation and burning sensation in my throat. From past two weeks I have severe cough which is green in colour. I was prescribed Azhithromycin tables for 5 days. .. After stopping these tablets cough has returned. My mouth has also become tasteless and I have some skin allergies from past 1 year. Please help me understand this disorder/disease. Before getting on the nasal spray, I was getting cold and fever once in a month all year round.
Which animal species serves as the reservoir for Ixodes tick larvae?
my husband has had a sore throat for a few months now,. he has been constantly having the need to spit (and does often) where he didnt use to...his throat has been feeling more sore, and recently he noticed some grayish patches or mucus in the back of his throat. We are worried about cancer . He is and has been a smoker for a long time (he is 45, started when he was 12)
I had a virus on new years day. I still feel dreadful. No energy, no concentration and general feeling if uneasiness. I am usually well, but I am 77 years of age and had a heart attack last year. I have an icd and a stent, but these measures seem to have sorted the problem. Is this a new virus or has the original one not gone.
I have several spinal diseases and disorders as weel as neuropathy that bring on very extreme pain can neuropathy effect tooth pain(all entire mouth) and how to treat this? I havealot of medical issues but never in my life have bi felt pain like i did with my teeth. Is this the suicide disease/
I had unprotected sex on the third of December which is when Im supposed to ovulate but i have really irregular periods. October i had no period November i started the 3th stopped the 7th and started the 22nd of November, Ive been off the pill for three months now
gud morning iam 34 years old i had a problem of getting full erection 1month back where i had erection butb suddenly dropped when i wanted to intercourse which happened for me twice within span of one month i am slightly tensed, but otherwise i will have erection when i masrubute the ejaculation occurs ,is i am suffering from any disease
My wife 47 year old with createnine ranging from 2-8---2.4--2.2--2---2.4 in last six months. recent check up uric acid is in border line urea getting higher at 62. take regular medicine for calcium , selcal os, renhold, febutus, high pressuremedicine tezloc 40 am. urine is foamy. last two days her ankle and knee of left leg is swealing. She had earlier slip disk problem. left knee join cant move forward and backward. What sort of test and medicine should be taken. already started taking neurobion injection. after one inj not relieved
i took a abdominal scan in which i got a liver measuring 13.0 cms with impression of mild hepatomegaly with fatty changes and divarication of recti with small umbilical hernia defect size 8 mm, anteverted and bulky uterus. what is my problem exactly? I have abdominal pain for past 10 days in my upper right stomach and around the navel.
What is the name of the defense mechanism that is commonly observed in patients with borderline personality disorder?
Hi I am a 40 year old man who has various symptoms which may or may not be related. I have in the last week been tested positive for Chlamydia to my horror. I received the treatment on saturday and have taken the four pills at once (Zithromax) a dull ache under my right rib towards my back and there appears to be a small lump there too. This lump not getting any bigger but the ache is getting worse. I also have a dull ache in my lower pelvic area still. I am worried that the infection has led to complications elsewhere in my body. I have generally been feeling unwell for a few months but have not been sick or have not lost weight. I have recently lost my mum to cancer and have been too scared to go and get checked out for this. Can you help.
• The third case of acute transverse myelitis due to SARS-CoV-2 reported in the world; • Possible inflammatory complications affecting the myelin in spinal cord. • We must be vigilant of the critical neurological illnesses associated with COVID-19.
Hello. I am a teenager and have been having quite bad dizzy spells nearly everytime I stand up. I am healthy and have no other problems. I don t believe that I am standing up too fast but maybe I am. My vision blacks out when I stand up as well and I am forced to lean heavily on something. I am just wondering if there is any other besides being anemic that might explain this. This has been going on for several months now. Thank you.
On the side of my right foot I have a bump /lump that I ve had for the past few years. I recently had a kidney transplant in April . The lump does not hurt to stand on it . It is sensitive when i roll my foot on a baseball ( for example ) . My pedicure lady has recently started questioning me about it. I m wondering if I should go to my foot doc. I am a type 1 diabetic also
My wife has a small pea sized lump on the outside of the right knee. The lump is solid and hurts when its pressed. The knee hurts a little bit when going up stairs but is a lot more painful when going down. Walking is completley fine, no pain whatsoever.Our doc has given her anti inflamitories but still no change after 6 weeks.What do you suggest.
My cardiologist recommended angioplasty as the gold standard because of irregular heartbeat ( I have had this all of my adult life. The issue is I am supposed to have 6 teeth pulled and a denture put in place( not implanted) Can I do this safely before and angioplasty or should I have it after. Please advise.
What is the procedure for a Sandbox breast cancer biopsy?
BACKGROUND The optimal level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is still widely debated in treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients. Current methods of selecting PEEP only provide a range of values and do not provide unique patient-specific solutions. Model-based methods offer a novel way of using non-invasive pressure-volume (PV) measurements to estimate patient recruitability. This paper examines the clinical viability of such models in pilot clinical trials to assist therapy, optimise patient-specific PEEP, assess the disease state and response over time. METHODS Ten patients with acute lung injury or ARDS underwent incremental PEEP recruitment manoeuvres. PV data was measured at increments of 5 cmH2O and fitted to the recruitment model. Inspiratory and expiratory breath holds were performed to measure airway resistance and auto-PEEP. Three model-based metrics are used to optimise PEEP based on opening pressures, closing pressures and net recruitment. ARDS status was assessed by model parameters capturing recruitment and compliance. RESULTS Median model fitting error across all patients for inflation and deflation was 2.8% and 1.02% respectively with all patients experiencing auto-PEEP. In all three metrics' cases, model-based optimal PEEP was higher than clinically selected PEEP. Two patients underwent multiple recruitment manoeuvres over time and model metrics reflected and tracked the state or their ARDS. CONCLUSIONS For ARDS patients, the model-based method presented in this paper provides a unique, non-invasive method to select optimal patient-specific PEEP. In addition, the model has the capability to assess disease state over time using these same models and methods.
My 7 month old preemie, 13lbs 3 oz as of yesterday (She is 5 months adjusted). has been refusing her bottle, this morning she started vomiting green gelatin like substance, and a frothy white substance. She has a low grade fever, Is this just the flue.
BACKGROUND Typhoid fever prevention and control efforts are critical in an era of rising antimicrobial resistance among typhoid pathogens. India remains one of the highest typhoid disease burden countries, although a highly efficacious typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV), prequalified by the World Health Organization in 2017, has been available since 2013. In 2018, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) introduced TCV into its immunization program, targeting children aged 9 months to 14 years in 11 of 22 areas (Phase 1 campaign). We describe the decision making, implementation, and delivery costing to inform TCV use in other settings. METHODS We collected information on the decision making and campaign implementation in addition to administrative coverage from NMMC and partners. We then used a microcosting approach from the local government (NMMC) perspective, using a new Microsoft Excel-based tool to estimate the financial and economic vaccination campaign costs. RESULTS The planning and implementation of the campaign were led by NMMC with support from multiple partners. A fixed-post campaign was conducted during weekends and public holidays in July-August 2018 which achieved an administrative vaccination coverage of 71% (ranging from 46% in high-income to 92% in low-income areas). Not including vaccine and vaccination supplies, the average financial cost and economic cost per dose of TCV delivery were $0.45 and $1.42, respectively. CONCLUSION The first public sector TCV campaign was successfully implemented by NMMC, with high administrative coverage in slums and low-income areas. Delivery cost estimates provide important inputs to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and affordability of TCV vaccination through public sector preventive campaigns.
I fell down the steps and twisted my ankle. The swelling was instant and the pain almost made me pass out went to ER and the said it was soft tissue damage. It s been 24hrs and the pain is just as intense. I still get dizzy and nauseous if I m up to long. I have to use crutches because I can t put any weight on it. Could it be broken.
HI my child is 2.5 months old , he is having fever since 4 days , the initial 3 days the fever occured only once (101) , and from the fourth day he is having fever every 8 hours (102) his upper half of body is hot , and legs are cold . it started with bad stomach that is loose motions which got ok after giving Vizilac as subscribed by doctor. We are also giving him crocin Sos. And he is also complaining muscle cramps sometimes in his hands and sometimes in stomach . Please advice of the disease .
To assess the effectiveness of corticosteroids among elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia requiring oxygen. Design Comparative observational study based on routine care data. Baseline characteristics of patients were balanced using propensity-score inverse probability of treatment weighting. Setting Geriatric and infectious diseases wards from 36 hospitals in France and Luxembourg. Participants Adults [≥] 80 years old PCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection or typical CT-scan images, requiring oxygen [≥] 3L/min and with an inflammatory syndrome (C-reactive protein [≥] 40mg/L). Measurements The primary outcome was overall survival at day 14. The secondary outcome was the proportion of patients discharged from hospital to home/rehabilitation on day 14. Adverse events were abstracted from electronic health records. Results Among the 267 patients included in the analysis, 96 were assigned to the treatment group. Median age was 86, interquartile range 83 to 90 and 95% had a SARS-CoV-2 PCR-confirmed diagnosis. Use of corticosteroids was significantly associated with an increased survival (weighted hazard ratio [wHR] 0.66, 95% CI 0.44 to 0.97). There was no significant difference between the treatment and control groups regarding the proportion of patients discharged to home/rehabilitation at day 14 (wRR 1.11, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.81). Twenty-two (16.7%) patients receiving corticosteroids developed adverse events while only 11 (6.4%) from the control group did. Conclusions Corticosteroids were associated with a significant increase the day-14 overall survival of patients over 80 years old hospitalized for severe COVID-19.
i have a dark circles problem .. doc suggested me isislight eye hyrda gel... as i have already used CLINIQUE dark circles cream and orogold company darkcircles cream .. but i have found no results... please tell me some other vitamin and some home remedy which helps in this case.. i m so worried.. or tel me anythng which helps in good sleep. many thanks
my mother aged 58 years suffering from stomac pain since 30 days started after frequent motion but normal motion. initially on rifagaur 200 mg bd and stelbid 5 mg od. but not relief from pain. currently taking pentaprozole 40 mg bd inj biscopan bd and tab decolic tds but only after taking medicine pain lpwers only for 4-5 hours. after meal pain incresaes a lot. ultrasound report normal. all lab reports normal aas per my family physician plz advice medicines
My grandson has always had this sticky, almost clay-like stool, and which he struggles to pass. He s 3 and a half, and won t go poopy on the potty. (I can understand why when I see him on all fours with his eyes watering, his face beet-red, trying to poop). Doctors have said give him more fiber, which my daughter has done, but this doesn t change a thing. Can you advise please.
hello doctor,my father is given second chemo for carcinoma lung .now he has become very very week and suffering with severe headache and not interested to take any solid food due to vomiting sensation can you please suggest better supplements for increase in platelets
My age is 30 years,trying to conceive now.I am under follicular study.Doctor told I am developing an egg on right side and on 12th day(14th july 2012) doctor has given me ovidac injection and asked to have intercourse for two days(15th july,16th july)from the day of injection.but i got my periods today(28th july).what could be the wrong?Why am i not conceived?:-(
Q:A 37-year-old woman presents to the occupational health clinic for a new employee health screening. She has limited medical records prior to her immigration to the United States several years ago. She denies any current illness or significant medical history. Purified protein derivative (PPD) is injected on the inside of her left forearm for tuberculosis (TB) screening. Approximately 36 hours later, the patient comes back to the occupational health clinic and has an indurated lesion with bordering erythema measuring 15 mm in diameter at the site of PPD injection. Of the following options, which is the mechanism of her reaction?? {'A': 'Type I–anaphylactic hypersensitivity reaction', 'B': 'Type II–cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction', 'C': 'Type III–immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity reaction', 'D': 'Type IV–cell-mediated (delayed) hypersensitivity reaction', 'E': 'Type III and IV–mixed immune complex and cell-mediated hypersensitivity reactions'},
a few days ago I started having a pain in the back of my knee, now more in upper calf.. hurts more to go down the stairs them up and my knee cap feels like it needs to crack . I have been sitting at my desk all day and it hurts worse and my calf is swollen now and hard to the touch . Pain more in upper calf
hi Doc, I am diagonised with reduced disc spaces at l5-s1 and partial sacralization of l5 vrtebral body.Degenerative end plate changes noted at lower margins of l5 and upper margin of s1.I have undergone IFTs( 30 sessions), ultrasonics, laser,long wave and 25 disc decompression theraphys. There was some relief for few days but now my codition is worse, i cant stand or do work for more than 5-7 minutes. I have severe pai in buttocks which sometimes goes down in doc has advised me that now i should try for transformental blocks. But now i am fed up , i have sepent lot of money on therapies and the spines braces and multiple tests (blood) but of no use. just need your advise...
Influenza A viruses are important pathogens that cause acute respiratory diseases and annual epidemics in humans. Macrophages recognize influenza A virus infection with their pattern recognition receptors, and are involved in the activation of proper innate immune response. Here, we have used high-throughput subcellular proteomics combined with bioinformatics to provide a global view of host cellular events that are activated in response to influenza A virus infection in human primary macrophages. We show that viral infection regulates the expression and/or subcellular localization of more than one thousand host proteins at early phases of infection. Our data reveals that there are dramatic changes in mitochondrial and nuclear proteomes in response to infection. We show that a rapid cytoplasmic leakage of lysosomal proteins, including cathepsins, followed by their secretion, contributes to inflammasome activation and apoptosis seen in the infected macrophages. Also, our results demonstrate that P2X(7) receptor and src tyrosine kinase activity are essential for inflammasome activation during influenza A virus infection. Finally, we show that influenza A virus infection is associated with robust secretion of different danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) suggesting an important role for DAMPs in host response to influenza A virus infection. In conclusion, our high-throughput quantitative proteomics study provides important new insight into host-response against influenza A virus infection in human primary macrophages.
My grandson(26 months) has a rash on his trunk( back and front). He has been running a low grade fever at times for the past couple of days. He is also teething and has said his mouth hurts. Could this be serious like, scarlet fever? Might it be related to teething?
hello im lala i was diagnos of 30y/o 5 3ht, 53kg i have no other medical history except for this cervicitis..May i ask what are the side effect of taking albothyl supp..bec 4 days now im suffering ear ache is it related to the side effect of it..thanks
Hi my husband has been diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety disorder and ptsd his meds Lexapro just arnt cutting it and I was wondering about a drug that my daughter with OCD has been put on (Chlorpromazine) and is doing well on it would be an appropiate choice for my husband
What is the main metabolic process that occurs in erythrocytes and utilizes 90% of the glucose present in these cells?
Q:A 67-year-old man presents to the emergency department with confusion. The patient is generally healthy, but his wife noticed him becoming progressively more confused as the day went on. The patient is not currently taking any medications and has no recent falls or trauma. His temperature is 102°F (38.9°C), blood pressure is 126/64 mmHg, pulse is 120/min, respirations are 17/min, and oxygen saturation is 98% on room air. Physical exam is notable for a confused man who cannot participate in a neurological exam secondary to his confusion. No symptoms are elicited with flexion of the neck and jolt accentuation of headache is negative. Initial laboratory values are unremarkable and the patient's chest radiograph and urinalysis are within normal limits. An initial CT scan of the head is unremarkable. Which of the following is the best next step in management?? {'A': 'Acyclovir', 'B': 'CT angiogram of the head and neck', 'C': 'MRI of the head', 'D': 'PCR of the cerebrospinal fluid', 'E': 'Vancomycin, ceftriaxone, ampicillin, and dexamethasone'},
i have got pneumonia 4 years ago & hospitalized take azithromycin injection and other medicines but i could not feel better & got fever frequently and doctor prescribe r-cinex 350 400,combutol 800 for 6 months & i feel better & cured. But now i have allergi & bronchitis . What are the side effects of these medicines? Allergi and bronchitis are the side effects of earlier treatment?
My mother is 82, she has developed tiny bloody blisters that form and break open along the shin of her leg. They DON T ITCH or BURN. She has had other skin eruptions in the past, that have pus and itch and burn. These are totally different. Her immune system is compromised. She has acute leukemia. She has seen a dermatologist for her other skin problems. She has a cream for the other skin condition.
sir i am 45 yearss leady. i am a bp patient, i had my tmt two months dr. told me that after two months again we will go for it. my doctor has told me that nothing is to worry. he has not prescribed any medicine also. now i am afraid ,sir does it mean that i am havin blockage in my heart.jarchana@
I slipped on ice and fell on my back. Now I feel weak and slightly feverish. My chest and my ribs and everything under my ribs hurt. Not to mention all the muscles in my back. I took two 200mg tablets of ibuprofen. I also have 10 mg tablets of cyclobenzaprine from an old back injury. I usually only take a quarter to a third of a pill because I am so sensitive to drugs. I am 5 6 , about 150 pounds and in good health. I have struggled with back for many years but it has been exceptionally soar the past week and today I fell. Is it safe to take the cyclobenzaprine now? Should I apply heat or ice? Is it normal to feel weak and dizzy after a fall if I didn t hit my head?
I am taking Femara having had breast cancer. I am 68 and have taken it since Sept 2012. I am now finding when I sing or talk more than usual my throat chokes up to the point no sound comes out when I sing for awhile and feels tired when talking a lot..
Acanthamoebic encephalitis is a rare and highly fatal disease that has no standard management protocol. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) causes immune dysfunction and may predispose patients to this infection. The present study describes successful management of acanthamoebic encephalitis in a young male who recently recovered from COVID-19 using a combination of medical and surgical approaches. A combination of miltefosine with other agents with trophicidal and cysticidal activities should be used in the regimen. Surgical excision of the abscess should be undertaken whenever feasible.
Hello Dr,I'm writing this first time to any doctor online, I just want to ask about few things. I found at various places on Internet that For Avoiding and Reversing Cardiovacular Artries Blockades and Blood Clots Eating "Honey with Cinnamon Powder (Dal chini I found it) paste on a Bread " Eating in Breakfast or maybe some other time Can help Rejuvenating the artries.Is It Right?I'm 23 Years of Age, And Can I use this Honey pasted on bread and Dalchini powder on it? Daily like Eating first time or should be at some specific time?My parents age from 45 years age to 65 years of Age, Can they Also Use Honey with Dalchini paste on Bread everyday? How many times should every one consumes Green tea In a Day, Me and My Parents Daily?Please, Tell, About some Emergency measures, Such as some one needs help if he stopped breathing and like this issue, Just Atleast Few Things Regarding It Here, so I can Immediately understand somethings, Also, If Some Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack, Tell me about steps to keep the brain alive and undamaged, I also heard some method of Cold water to drop body temperature what is it, I don't know these things so atleast describe some of them most necessary that must be done in these situations?Also, Describe some Kitchen Related Methods and Things to Use for Healthy Life Throughout, What to eat for good Health What to Avoid? Also about Canola Oil and Soyabean Oil and Avoiding Palm Oil?How to Decrease Cholestrol Levels to lower extent and HDL to Increase 60 percent and more, I want especially things we can easily do like through eating?How to decrease Blood Pressure? My father Sometimes have this Problem Of High and Low Blood Pressure, He was also using a medicine to lower blood pressure previously few days at one Doctors advice, Please, Tell Some Kitchen and Easy to do Methods which can be easily done?I always have a confusiong (My age is 23) in understanding when we do some work or hard work or Running even Jogging and Excercising the Heart Beat Increases and Rest It remains lower than it, Which State of this Situation Is Better, I doesn't mean Regular Increased Heart Beat with this but at Times of Running, Cycling, Excercises and Hardwork?Thanks for your precious timeRicky NastanEmail : YYYY@YYYY Another Email : YYYY@YYYY
My three year old recently became sick and was treated and given antibiotics for his cough and sinus infection. Yesterday he started having mud like stools more like diarrhea . He cant even make it to the toilet it seeps out.The look and color is just like mud. He is still on antibiotics but now sneezing with mucous. He started with a high fever yesterday and all through the night. Is this more of a virus or should I be concerned about his stools?
Hello doctor,I was recently diagnosed by my cardiologist with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, unspecified syncope type, and orthostatic hypotension. Also, during an echocardiogram, it was reported. I was recently diagnosed by my cardiologist with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, unspecified syncope type and orthostatic hypotension.Also, during an echocardiogram, it was reported they saw trace mitral regurgitation and trace tricuspid regurgitation. I was not given much information with these scary-sounding diagnoses. I was just looking for some explanation of them and also if it means something with them all together. Is there something I need to do to make these things better?
Hi Dr. I have a question for you I just came from emergency room I have a problem with my ear there is no pain but is soon as I eat something sour The corner of my Face and behind ear gets really swollen I really don’t know what’s going on and plus I am 11 weeks pregnant and they can do x-rays they told me there’s no infection no I need to come home and eat more sour stuff So I can produce more saliva help me please
the last two days I have noticed cramping in my left hand. It seems as though much of the strength in my left arm has gone too, it just feels odd . Sometimes when I bend down far I get a light tingle/pins and needle feeling in my right leg. Ive also noticed sometimes my chin feels a bit numb.
Hello Doctor, I am 34 years old, and have had a high BP since having my first child in 2000. It has been controlled with medication and once i am exercising regularly, i come off the medication. Recently it has been different, remaining high at 140/90 even with medication and daily aerobics exercise for 25 mins. what can be the probem
I was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma in January. Surgery was done to remove a tumor on my upper right rib. They told me they got it all, and I return to see them every four months. My problem is that I have ran a temp of around 100 for two months. The last two weeks I have experienced strong to severe pain across my shoulder blades. It feels like my lungs hurt. My family doctor has given me antibiotics and still the fever persists. He did a chest x-ray and said it was normal. I feel like I get light-headed and could collapse.