2 values
COVID-19 has engulfed the world and it will accompany us all for some time to come. Here, we review the current state at the milestone of 1 year into the pandemic, as declared by the WHO (World Health Organization). We review several aspects of the on-going pandemic, focusing first on two major topics: viral variants and the human genetic susceptibility to disease severity. We then consider recent and exciting new developments in therapeutics, such as monoclonal antibodies, and in prevention strategies, such as vaccines. We also briefly discuss how advances in basic science and in biotechnology, under the threat of a worldwide emergency, have accelerated to an unprecedented degree of the transition from the laboratory to clinical applications. While every day we acquire more and more tools to deal with the on-going pandemic, we are aware that the path will be arduous and it will require all of us being community-minded. In this respect, we lament past delays in timely full investigations, and we call for bypassing local politics in the interest of humankind on all continents. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40246-021-00326-3.
Q:A 68-year-old man comes to the emergency department because of a 1-week history of worsening bouts of shortness of breath at night. He has had a cough for 1 month. Occasionally, he has coughed up frothy sputum during this time. He has type 2 diabetes mellitus and long-standing hypertension. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with Paget disease of bone during a routine health maintenance examination. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes daily for 20 years. His temperature is 37°C (98.6°F), pulse is 110/min, respirations are 25/min, and blood pressure is 145/88 mm Hg. Current medications include metformin, alendronate, hydrochlorothiazide, and enalapril. Examination shows bibasilar crackles. Cardiac examination shows a dull, low-pitched sound during late diastole that is best heard at the apex. There is no jugular venous distention or peripheral edema. Arterial blood gas analysis on room air shows: pH 7.46 PCO2 29 mm Hg PO2 83 mm Hg HCO3- 18 mEq/L Echocardiography shows a left ventricular ejection fraction of 55%. Which of the following is the most likely underlying cause of this patient’s current condition?"? {'A': 'Destruction of alveolar walls', 'B': 'Decreased myocardial contractility', 'C': 'Diuretic overdose', 'D': 'Systemic arteriovenous fistulas', 'E': 'Impaired myocardial relaxation'},
Viral infection involves complex set of events orchestrated by multiple viral proteins. To identify functions of SARS-CoV-2 proteins, we performed transcriptomic analyses of cells expressing individual viral proteins. Expression of Nsp14, a protein involved in viral RNA replication, provoked a dramatic remodeling of the transcriptome that strongly resembled that observed following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, Nsp14 expression altered the splicing of more than 1000 genes and resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of circRNAs, which are linked to innate immunity. These effects were independent of the Nsp14 exonuclease activity and required the N7-guanine-methyltransferase domain of the protein. Activation of the NFkB pathway and increased expression of CXCL8 occurred early upon Nsp14 expression. We identified IMPDH2, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step of guanine nucleotides biosynthesis, as a key mediator of these effects. Nsp14 expression caused an increase in GTP cellular levels, and the effect of Nsp14 was strongly decreased in the presence of IMPDH2 inhibitors. Together, our data demonstrate an unknown role for Nsp14 with implications for therapy.
I had an acute kidney infection on my right side and was hospitalized for six days. I was released from the hospital ten days ago and have been taking augmentin since then. I keep getting a tingly feeling In my left arm and my left hand seems to go numb a little, especially my pinkie.could this be related to my kidney issue?
hi , I am prabhat, my mother hav kidney problem and she also a patient of diabetics I want she take treatment in aiims. she take 2 times insuline in a day in morning she take 13 unit of insuline and in evening she takes 8 units. before 2 weeks we went to our doctors and made so many tests. in checkup we found her critnine level is 4.02 then our doctor reffers her to aiims so plz plz and plz help me . for this I always respectful to you,
Which class of helper T cell is responsible for activating macrophages and cytotoxic T cells?
HI, my 3 year old son had a tonsil infection due to beta hemolytyc strep, after a week of the infection a found he had and has (after three months after infection) a white spot (not pus) on one of his tonsils and vissible veins on this tonsil. What could this be?
Q:A 5-year-old male is brought to his pediatrician after recurrent, prolonged upper respiratory infections over a period of several months. Physical exam reveals petechiae on the patient’s legs and arms. Laboratory studies show hemoglobin: 10 g/L, platelet count: 35,000/mm^3, leukocyte count: 6,600/mm^3. A bone marrow aspiration shows an abundance of lymphoblasts indicative of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Positive immunostaining for which of the following would support a diagnosis of precursor B-cell leukemia?? {'A': 'TdT, HER-2', 'B': 'CD2, CD8', 'C': 'CD19, CD10', 'D': 'CD30, CD15', 'E': 'CD4, CD5'},
I use to get dizzy spells & i would just wait them off tell i felt right again but now the past month i have been feeling off balance like all the time i rarely leave the house bc im scared im gonna fall over. & i also feel light headed alot like im about to faint. & here the past couple weeks i have had alot of constant pressure in my head. & i really havnt felt like myself at all here lately.
I have a horrible cough. My asthma flares up seasonally due to allergies. The feeling is usually higher in the back of my throat. This feeling is about 3-4 inches below my normal area. Center of my chest just has a tickle. Lots of post nasal drip though. I’m coughing constantly to the point my eyes are bright red.
iam deepika 27 yr old in my pcod scan it is found that iam having gall-bladder- contracted E/o multiple calculi of average sizes 4-5 mm noted wall thickness normal what do mean by this is it only sugery the solution is not curable by medicines plz help me iam very much woried
Hello doctor, I am suffering from sinusitis and dust allergy. I cannot eat or drink cold items.
Background. International recommendations for the control of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic emphasize the central role of laboratory testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiological agent, at scale. The availability of testing reagents, laboratory equipment and qualified staff are important bottlenecks to achieving this. Elsewhere, pooled testing (i.e. combining multiple samples in the same reaction) has been suggested to increase testing capacities in the pandemic period. Methods. We discuss our experience with SARS-CoV-2 pooled testing using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on the Kenyan Coast. Results. In mid-May, 2020, our RT-PCR testing capacity for SARS-CoV-2 was improved by ~100% as a result of adoption of a six-sample pooled testing strategy. This was accompanied with a concomitant saving of ~50% of SARS-CoV-2 laboratory test kits at both the RNA extraction and RT-PCR stages. However, pooled testing came with a slight decline of test sensitivity. The RT-PCR cycle threshold value (ΔCt) was ~1.59 higher for samples tested in pools compared to samples tested singly. Conclusions. Pooled testing is a useful strategy to increase SARS-CoV-2 laboratory testing capacity especially in low-income settings.
My daughter just called saying she is having constant abdominal lower belly pain and an electrical shocking feeling in her rectum . She does suffer from constant constipation and had a breakfast sandwich from a fast food joint this am. Though Today she has had a Bowl Movement. She is about to leave work but wondered if this might be serious enough to go to the ER or if it can be explained and ok to wait a while
Hi, I am 38 tear old, my MRI scan report says, vertebra are elongated indicating sacralisation of the fifth lumber vertebra,demonstrates, diffuse annular bulges at L4-L5. and ligamenta flavum hypertrophy at L4 level. and one of my doctor said that its sciatic problem. I am suffering from back pain from 3 years. still not got the correct solution, still suffering from this problem. Can you assist me please.
I had my right leg amputated 5 weeks ago I have Lupus, Sjogren s Syndrome, and a blood clotting disorder for which I take Coumadin. Tonight just noticed the right side of the amputated leg is swelled up, just doesn t feel right, it is very hard, feels warm on the skin but feels like it may be cold inside.
I am 2 weeks late for my period. I have always been on time like clock work for 20+ years. I had an HGC test and it was only 2. I am 42 tears old and am trying on having a baby and am worried that I have a hormone inbalance. Can it still be too early to accurately have a pregancy reading? What are some causes for having a late period, if I am not pregnant? Is not being on 'schedule', is this something I should be concerned about if I am not pregnant?
Lately, my daughter is producing many soggy diapers a day, but her stool is firm, small fecal balls. She drinks throughout the day. When she had a fever a month ago, the doctor said that she had mildly elevated kidney values indication mild dehydration.How likely is this that she could have kidney disease.?
I ve been on LIPO 6 BLACK, after doing a home pregnancy test I found out im pregnant . Can the fat burner cause any harm to the fetus. Ive immediately discontinued the use of the fat burner. I m currently 26 years of age.
Can elevated liver enzymes cause referred pain in the midsternum area of the chest? I have elevated liver enzymes which was caused by IV antibiotics for 6 weeks due to staph infection in my knee. I have recently stopped the antibiotics due to the elevated liver enzymes but I continue with this intermiitent pain in the middle part of my chest. Could this be referred pain from my liver?
Age 51, 5'5" tall, 200 lbs. Female. Had unplanned laproscopic appendectomy last Wednesday. about 3 days ago i have a small red itchy rash all over my torso. Have not taken any meds for over 2 days but it is not going away or fading. Feel extremely tired but no fever. Am allergic to penicillin and sulfa type drugs. was on 3 meds after surgery they were Ciprofloxacin, Oxycodone, and Metronidazole. Took the antiobiotic for 5 days but not taking ANYTHING for last two days.
I am in my day 17 of my cycle and my follicle is up to 28 in size, and there are some lining seen inside it, I was asked to meet a specialist as it might be dangerous. what must have caused the delay and have I ovulated. Nb:am taking some ovulation induction.
hello sir im 29 weight 47 renal rickets patient from birth underwent four major operations due to which i am walking now the surgeries are hip correction and bone correction i think of getting married will i have a child if i do have will i have a healthy child and not like me please reply
Global urban population exceeded rural population for the first time in history in 2008, and the United Nations forecast that 66% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. In Latin America, urban growth will be exceptional, and the forecast is even bigger, that is, 83% in 2030. Cities will consequently be the locus of major challenges like air pollution, traffic congestion, water, and waste management. They will also have to offer economic activity and good well-being for these immigrants coming from the rural zones looking for job opportunities. In this chapter, we develop the five major challenges we believe cities will face as corroborated by other authors. These are short-term issues related to the environment, economic competitiveness, and the quality of life offered but also long-term issues covering resilience and sustainability problems. At present, we are living through an overwhelming sanitary and financial crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This book is not aimed at just discussing and measuring specific effects on the global economy and people health conditions. We have indeed embraced a wider and larger objective of reflection. Nevertheless, we have included in the following paragraphs the start of analysis of its possible effect.
I am unable to find the symptom of sharp pain in the knee. I get this when I kneel on it. It started a few weeks ago when I got into bed and the pain was light and now it is severe. I feel like there is a piece of glass in my knee. Not in the joint but on the side.
Blood test showing my hemoglobin at 6.8, Hematocrit @ 34.4, HB 17.6 and HB Corp 19.8. Urine show no infection but erythrocytes 1-3 and blood 80 mg/dL (I live in Mexico so not sure of translation) I m being treated by pain specialist for fibromyalgia but not much is working he prescribed meloxicam last week with good results
when I tried two different birth controls separately, they gave me a year long non stop period both times. I don t want to try birth control again because of these problems. should I try another birth control or do you think it would be unhealthy because my body doesn t react well with it?
My sister has been unable to function for a month now.. We thought it was vertigo. But I m concerned it is more serious. She is very dizzy.. Can t walk at times without help. Acts as if she is drunk. Slurred speech.. Gets confused.. Can t watch TV.. Any lights make her nauseous. She can wake up and feel ok.. A little dizzy.. But by 6 at night she is vomiting.. Very dizzy.. And can t walk without help. Don t know what to do.
Hello doctor, Our baby girl is about 1 year and one month old. We just started giving cow milk two days back. A packet of A2 unpasteurized milk was bought, boiled and cooled down. We gave about 300 ml per day once. Her motion looks affected a little. It is not solid. At night, she suddenly started crying as if in pain yesterday and the day before that. Even breast feeding did not help. So, we suspect it could be due to the milk. Her weight was just around 8 kg, which seems to be at the lower limit for her age. That was the reason we started giving cow milk. Should we continue to give cow milk? If so, how do we treat A2 milk before giving it to her as it comes raw and unpasteurized? How do we treat her now? We are stopping the cow milk from today fearing any further health issues.
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are used to target dysregulated signaling pathways in virtually all hematologic malignancies. Many of the targeted signaling pathways are also essential in nonmalignant immune cells. The current coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic catalyzed clinical exploration of TKIs in the treatment of the various stages of COVID-19, which are characterized by distinct immune-related complications. Most of the reported effects of TKIs on immune regulation have been explored in vitro, with different class-specific drugs having nonoverlapping target affinities. Moreover, many of the reported in vivo effects are based on artificial animal models or on observations made in symptomatic patients with a hematologic malignancy who often already suffer from disturbed immune regulation. Based on in vitro and clinical observations, we attempt to decipher the impact of the main TKIs approved or in late-stage development for the treatment of hematological malignancies, including inhibitors of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase, spleen tyrosine kinase, BCR-Abl, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/ mammalian target of rapamycin, JAK/STAT, and FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3, to provide a rationale for how such inhibitors could modify clinical courses of diseases, such as COVID-19.
My first love, boyfriend just got treated for chlamydia yesterday.. And I know that I have it too. I discovered a tiny bit of white creamy discharge. I was suppose to get checked yesterday but the doctor was not at her office and I went to a a parenthood clinic so everything would be free. The assistance said the doctor will be in on Monday. I am worried if I wait longer to get treated, something worse will happen
Antibody production tests have traditionally been used to test biological materials for viral contamination. Now molecular biology techniques have emerged as an alternative. The authors compare MAP testing with PCR-based detection methods, focusing on differences in animal use, laboratory requirements, sample size, and limits of detection.
Hello doctor, I and my partner had intercourse two days ago. He used a condom but can I still have a chance with pregnancy. But two days after intercourse my stomach starts to hurt and I am spotting blood. I have read about spotting to be a sign of pregnancy but after a week after intercourse can it just be my period? My period had to start in nine days, but my periods are irregular. Can they come up to more than a week early or late? Please suggest I do not know what is going on.
Besides antivirals, what other medication has been shown to improve transplant-free survival in patients with non-acetaminophen-related acute liver failure?
I've just been prescribed prednisolone for a viral chest infection (I've got asthma and am having trouble breathing), but forgot to make sure my GP knew I'm also taking Microgynon 30 for contraception (I've been getting it from the family planning drop-in clinic, and they don't share records with your GP).Will this combination affect either drug's effectiveness?
Introduction Le 7/02/2020, Santé publique France a été informée via European Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) d’un cas confirmé d’infection au nouveau coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) chez un anglais infecté à Singapour Ce cas index était symptomatique durant son séjour en Haute-Savoie du 24 au 28/01 où il a résidé dans 2 logements successifs Il ne s’est signalé qu’après son retour en Angleterre, où le diagnostic de COVID-19 a été confirmé Matériels et méthodes Un cas possible était défini comme tout patient présentant des signes cliniques d’infection respiratoire aiguë et ayant un lien avec le cas index ou avec un cas confirmé lié à ce cas index ;un cas confirmé était un cas possible avec un prélèvement positif par RT-PCR à SARS-CoV-2 Les cas confirmés ont été interrogés par Santé publique France et l’Agence régionale de santé pour documenter les caractéristiques cliniques et identifier leurs contacts durant leur période symptomatique Les sujets contacts identifiés ont été interrogés pour évaluer leur niveau d’exposition permettant de les classer en 3 catégories de risque (modéré/élevé, faible et négligeable) puis de leur transmettre les consignes (adaptées à leur catégorie de risque) d’isolement et de surveillance de leur état de santé Résultats Le cas index a séjourné dans un chalet avec 10 autres touristes anglais et une famille de 5 anglais (2 adultes et 3 enfants) résidant en France dans un autre appartement de ce chalet Parmi ces 16 personnes, 12 ont été testées positives pour le SARS-CoV-2 : 6 en Angleterre (dont le cas index), 5 en France (dont un enfant) et 1 en Espagne, soit un taux d’attaque global de 75 % Cinq autres touristes anglais ayant séjourné dans le chalet après le départ du cas index ont été en contact avec les cas confirmés symptomatiques : l’un d’eux a été confirmé positif à SARS-CoV-2 le 15/02, traduisant une seconde chaîne de transmission au sein du chalet ;aucun des 6 cas confirmés en France ne présentaient alors de signe de gravité Au 16/02, 169 sujets contacts ont été recensés dont 70 ont rapporté des symptômes et classés comme cas possibles : 67 ont été testés négatifs Parmi ces contacts, 46 % étaient en lien avec trois écoles et un club sportif fréquentés par le cas pédiatrique confirmé Conclusion Il s’agit du premier cluster large documenté en France qui aura été remarquable par le nombre élevé de cas dans l’environnement confiné du chalet (au 16/02, n=13 : 1 cas index, 11 cas secondaires et 1 cas tertiaire), le nombre important de sujets contacts suivis, et son caractère international (3 pays concernés)
im 19 years,female,resident of lucknow, 3rd year mbbs student in gsvm medical collega kanpur, suffering regularly with running nose, continuous sneezing and feverish feeling due to this( constant sardi-jukham problem)=- hence unable to concentrate on studies. please advise and suggest a competent doctor at lucknow whom i can consult if need be for further treatment.
I am 29-year old man, having high blood pressure (140/80) and regularly taking medicine (eritel 40) for last one months, which controlled the BP to 120/80. some times I feel shortness of breath and mild chest pain which last for a long time. is it a serious issue? should i consult a doc?
The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked longstanding and competing interests of the economy and environment. In January 2020, countries across the globe began implementing various levels of safety measures to slow the spread of the virus. Safety measures have run the gamut of restrictions: physical distancing guidelines, proper handwashing practices, and the use of face masks are on the lower end of the restriction spectrum, while travel restrictions, business closures, and country-wide lockdowns are instances of more stringent measures. Policy responses have drastically differed among governments across the globe, but the economic strife has plagued countries regardless of their COVID-19 response plan. Lockdowns in the first half of 2020 impeded economic activity, leading to a reduction in industrial activity and hence emissions. During this time period, observations from publicly available satellite sensors have shown that concentrations of various atmospheric pollutants, nitrogen dioxide especially, have decreased. The Asia-Pacific region was no exception, with China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand all experiencing slowdown in growth and large reductions in various economic sectors. Using these five Asia-Pacific countries, we will analyze how government policy, lockdowns, and travel restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 outbreak have slowed economic growth in the transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture sectors, and in turn, impacted air quality and water quality. Conclusions and statistical significance of our analysis comparing coronavirus-related policies and their effect on economic growth and environmental health will help drive future decisions made by policymakers should another pandemic or similar global crisis arise. © 2021 IEEE.
HI MY NAME IS BHAVIK. I have lost the hair in the frontal side . i am using minoxidilin 5% . Should i go for hair transplant treatment or continue to use lotion ? what is the cost of hair transplant?i can send u my photographs for verification. pls give me yr email id .
Today, I have a positive urine culture for Klebsiella Pneumonia. Have been on cipro for 3 days waiting for the results of the culture. I was also treated 3 weeks ago with augmentin for a post surigical wound infection after mastectomy. The wound is still not totally healed either. I m worried that these two infections may be related. My pcp wanted to send out macrobid for the uti, but wondering if Keflex would be better. I ve had a c.difficele infection in the past after multiple abx for uti two years ago, that weren t being treated properly, and Keflex worked well. So worried about several issues and asking for your opinion.
i had blood two times during motion... what is the problem?
HI my wife is having 14 week pregnancy now and there is lump in the right breast with some fluid collection, found that is fibrocystic disease with suppurative infection, doctors says excision can be done during pregnancy after 25th week please advise me
What are the symptoms of Acinic cell carcinoma?
In their recent publication in the Br J Dermatol, Garcovich et al. suggested that a nonsense mutation in the NCSTN (Nicastrin) gene, R583*, would underlie comorbid familial acne inversa (FAI; synonym: familial hidradenitis suppurativa) and Dowling-Degos disease (DDD) in a 54-year old patient [1].
sir my son is suffering from cough from last six months. some drs. are saying that he is have asthma some other are suggesting something else. recently we had his x-ray blood test and sputum test and sputum test is negative, blood test show TLC as 11800 and rest things are normal and one M.D. suggested that he is having no problem but bacterial infection. he cough everyday either mild or sever. kindly suggest what is the problem and solution
I have a lump in my armpit with a dull ache and a weird feeling in the breast nearest that armpit. I had bleeding from this same breast and a biopsy several years ago but they did not find anything? I have a doctors appt in a week but kind of scared and concerned?
In a patient with primary amenorrhea and a dysfunctional endocrine axis but an intact uterus, what laboratory test is the recommended next step in management?
Which metabolic pathway is the only one that can generate ATP anaerobically?
hello Sir, iam 24 years old and my height is 5.09 foots, weight about 68 kgs. Sir i have a problem with my penis it feels itchy from few a days, itchy in the tip of my penis and the round area and my penis foreskin is also joint forward like glu, i cant slide my penis skin it is hurting me. please help...
Hi All, We recently moved to Edison NJ from Norwalk CT. As we moved her for last two months, my wife has been having lot of hair loss all of sudden. She believes this is due to the water here. Please answer if this has been observed earlier and what is remedy for this ?
OBJECTIVES: Although there have been associations between diabetes and mortality in COVID-19 patients, it is unclear whether this is driven by the disease itself or whether it can be attributed to an inability to exhibit effective glucose control. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 292 patients admitted to a tertiary referral center to assess the association of mortality and glycemic control among COVID-19-positive patients. We used a logistic regression model to determine whether average fasting glycemic levels were associated with in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: Among the diabetic and non-diabetic patients, there were no differences between mortality or length of stay. Mean glucose levels in the first 10 days of admission were higher on average among those who died (150–185 mg/dL) compared with those who survived (125–165 mg/dL). When controlling for multiple variables, there was a significant association between mean fasting glucose and mortality (odds ratio = 1.014, p < 0.001). The associations between glucose and mortality remained when controlled for comorbidities and glucocorticoid use. CONCLUSION: The results of this retrospective study show an association between mortality and inpatient glucose levels, suggesting that there may be some benefit to tighter glucose control in patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Hi Doctor, I am a patient of Psoriasis from Last 10 years , It has began from head and then spots on the body...the same was cured 5 years back but now the spots had started again appearing on my body, nails and hair. Is this disease is permanently curable....
My daughter will be 7 months old on the 10th, shes had a runny nose and a small cough for about a month. She gets cold swears a lot but is never running a fever. Her doctor gave her medicine for a runny nose and congestion but no antibiotics. Is there something I can give her to get rid if it all.
COVID‐19 pandemic is an emerging new human disease, where no vaccines, or monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), or drugs are currently available for therapy. Active vaccination requires the induction of an immune response against a given agent to a susceptible individual for the purpose of preventing or treating an infectious disease and this usually takes time to develop. Thus, the use of existing autologous Ab administration, obtainable from recovered COVID 19 patients, after 2 weeks recovery, is the best and the most practical strategy for providing immediate passive immunity to susceptible recipients in need.
. I have sharp pains under my right rib that come and go each day. I am 27 male. I am a smoker I have used coke. It is only a sharp pain. Scale 1-10. Six, it hurts when I take deep breaths in the right rib area
from: anonymous (kindly dont mention my name in your reply, thanks) hi doctors i am 37 yrs old with very regular menstrual cycle of 26-28 days. me & my bf had an unprotected sex yesterday afternoon. the first day of my last period was last may 7 and yesterday was my 13th day, im fertile right? i took 4 white tablets of nordette pill (its a 21 pill nordette) yesterday at 6pm and took again at 6am 4 tablets after 12hrs. question: will the chances of being pregnant high? or will nordette pill prevent it? when do i expect withdrawal bleeding? is this means that im not pregnant? how will i be so sure? when do i expect my next period? please help. thanks.
My dad, 53, is diabetic and is on treatment for the same since 5yrs or so recently he had a convulsion for which the ct scan or other tests did not reveal a cause but he had intermittent abdominal pain and diarrhoea a few days before and after the incident.He took the necessary drug given- sodium valproate and is fine now. His doctor ruled out hypoglycemia as a cause and also changed his anti diabetic drug from glimepiride to saxaglipitin What could be the cause for dads seizure? Could it be intestinal worms? Can it occur again?
Hi doctor, My son turned one two months ago. He was last sick two months ago for about a week. He had some standard vaccinations and a routine CBC to check for lead level and anemia. The CBC came back with high WBC and high platelets. His pediatrician was not concerned and said it could be from a recent infection or from the vaccines, etc. To ease my concerns, she offered to retest and we did so. She added markers for inflammation and ferritin level. The WBC has gone down but the platelets are still high. I have attached the CBC results and differentials from three different dates. The ferritin level was 34 (standard 17 to 168 ng/ml) and ESR was 9 mm/hr (standard 0 to 10 mm/hr). So, both were within the normal range. The pediatrician is still not concerned but will send a message to her hematology colleague to verify. I am awaiting the response. Does his report look concerning to you? I am worried it is an early sign of cancer. The lymphocytes are still high despite the overall WBC being within the normal range. Also, eosinophils are high. I see in the differential it shows various abnormal cell shapes such as poikilocytosis, elliptocytes, microcytes, and anisocytosis. What does all this mean? I am trying not to overthink but still am nervous. Besides his abnormal blood test, he has no other symptoms. He is a happy and healthy kid. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.
My 14 month old 21lb son had a allergic reaction to amoxicillin the Dr gave him a shot and said Benadryl 1tsp every 4 to 6 hours does this sound right he had a dose at 3pm and 830pm because he keeps getting hives bad The pharmacist said this didnt sound ok is it ok
Besides herpes simplex virus (HSV), what other infection is commonly associated with erythema multiforme?
Hi,My daughter has developed grey hair (4,5 strands), she has been suffering from Seborrheic dermatisand fungal infection for 2 years(this condition affects her off and on )she has been using different medicated shampoos and creams for last 2 years , do you think this condition is responsible for her grey hair . her age is 13 years. and we do not have any hereditary of greying early.shilpa
Hello doctor, I am seriously facing acne pimples problem. Sometimes they occur on my face when I masturbate. If I use Mometasone, it gives a good result. Is it okay to continue this?
Hi doctor, My 60 year old uncle is diagnosed with Burkitt's lymphoma. His report says MYC-IGH fusion signal was detected in 45 % of the cells. The sample is positive for t(8;14). Could you please suggest whether it is curable and if it is curable then what is the best treatment?
Hi - I have two problems which I m not sure are related - I have had disc fusion in my cerivical spine - 4 years ago - all ok. Recently had pain in my left bicep, near my elbow travelling up into my shoulder and neck which makes it difficult for me to drive. The second problem is that my hands stiffen up over night and in the morning I am unable to make a fist with them. the stiffness wears off over the day, but I do have some weakness in my hands, particularly my right one - making it difficult to use tin-openers, etc
Hi doctor, I am 35 years old and my weight is 56 kg. My daughter is 3 years 3 months old. My doctor advised me to take one Femilon tablet daily from the first day of my period for contraception purpose. Last day of my period was 22nd of last month. At 21st night of this month, I felt that my period has started and took one tablet at bedtime. But, yesterday and today I got only spotting and the period has not started properly. I am continuing the tablet regularly at night for the last two days. Should I continue to take the tablet regularly till completion of the pack of 21? Will protection start from the first month or do we have to use extra protection like a condom? Should I start taking a fresh pack on the first day of every period?
OBJECTIVE To explore the real-time personal/employee safety experiences and perspectives of school nutrition professionals ranging from frontline staff to state leadership across the US as they responded to the initial weeks of the coronavirus pandemic. METHODS A cross-sectional survey was administered electronically March 31-April 20, 2020, to school nutrition staff, managers, directors, and state agency personnel. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and a thematic analysis of an open-ended item was conducted. RESULTS School nutrition professionals (n = 504) from 47 states responded. Most (86.6%) reported that ensuring employee safety was somewhat or much more difficult during the pandemic, and they were unaware of an emergency plan. Themes from open-ended responses regarding employee safety concerns included, exposure and transmission risk, processes, and personal concerns. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Attention to the safety and concerns of school nutrition employees is vital for continuation of these programs during this pandemic and for future emergency situations.
sex time problem hi sir em ash from manches.em 29ys.not Dick is not v big in size.when I come in sex mood my Dick remain in normal take to long to b tight.n when I try to put my dick in penis,I can't stay longer.I cum within few moments.n feeling ashamed.
The results of the present study provide evidence to support the use of the D-Flex system as a valid, portable, and easy to use alternative to the weight-bearing lunge test when assessing ankle dorsiflexion ROM in healthy participants.
HI, my name is sathish, male 27 years old , i have a severe hair loss problem for the past six months or so, please suggest me some tips to regain my hair with density, and also i have a general doubt, is it difficult for a male person to regrow his hair in frontal(forehead) portion of the head?
Hi there. My 18 month old has been vomiting for the past 6 days and has diarrhea. If I offer her food she will have 1 spoon and vomit. The only thing that helps her is milk. But after drinking milk she has diarrhea. What can I do? Is there any medicine?
Hi. My boyfriend and I are in a monogamous relationship for almost 3 years now. After our 1st year, he noticed that after having protected sex, he'd get an itchy sensation at the bottom of his shaft. We both haven't been tested for any sexually transmitted diseases and I don't have any itchiness before or after sex. I can't seem to find any answers that would help me. He has no redness, no dryness, no flakes and no spots whatsoever.
My 4 month old daughter has her first cold (i think) she has had a runny/stuffy nose and a slight cough. Has a hard time drinking a bottle as her nose is so plugged and today the snot has turned green however it is no longer coming out of her nose it s coming out of her eye. About every hour her eye is matted shut with green discharge can the mucus from a cold come out of her eye? I have a Dr. appt for her 4 month check up tomorrow afternoon but didn t know if I should take her in sooner. She is not running a fever and she is eating a little and sleeps a little wakes up often due to the fact she is so plugged up.
My daughter age 17 has no symptoms. Family doctor, camp checkup, found cyst in abdomen Wed Jun 20. had x-ray in lab, then ultrasound at University Hosp LHSC, shows size 24 cm x 10 cm in London, Ontario Canada (that's 10 inches x 4 in). First said urgent, no sports, no camp, stay in town, likely surgery. Now waiting to see gynecologist, family doctor says not that urgent??? This girl loves her sports, booked for kayak week early in September, now lying on sofa doing nothing. Can't it cause other problems being this big? How urgent is this?
Hi, I have been having this sharp pain on the right side of my abdominal area, I guess its where the uterus on that side would be...? I am also have slight stomach pains/upsets....I have been tired quite often, my period should start any time, but its a little late. I have also felt like throwing up, but have not... I am not sure what is going on. I am going to see a doctor tomorrow for a normal check-up and to ask questions, but I was hoping to get other opinions...and its kind of hard to explain whats going on...and sometimes I have to have people ask the right questions to figure it out as well...any help would be grateful.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to understand spatial-temporal factors and socioeconomic disparities that shaped U.S. residents' response to COVID-19 as it emerged. METHODS: We mined coronavirus-related tweets from January 23rd to March 25th, 2020. We classified tweets by the socioeconomic status of the county from which they originated with the Area Deprivation Index (ADI). We applied topic modeling to identify and monitor topics of concern over time. We investigated how topics varied by ADI and between hotspots and non-hotspots. RESULTS: We identified 45 topics in 269,556 unique tweets. Topics shifted from early-outbreak-related content in January, to the presidential election and governmental response in February, to lifestyle impacts in March. High-resourced areas (low ADI) were concerned with stocks and social distancing, while under-resourced areas shared negative expression and discussion of the CARES Act relief package. These differences were consistent within hotspots, with increased discussion regarding employment in high ADI hotspots. DISCUSSION: Topic modeling captures major concerns on Twitter in the early months of COVID-19. Our study extends previous Twitter-based research as it assesses how topics differ based on a marker of socioeconomic status. Comparisons between low and high-resourced areas indicate more focus on personal economic hardship in less-resourced communities and less focus on general public health messaging. CONCLUSION: Real-time social media analysis of community-based pandemic responses can uncover differential conversations correlating to local impact and income, education, and housing disparities. In future public health crises, such insights can inform messaging campaigns, which should partly focus on the interests of those most disproportionately impacted.
(K. Lasser, et al, 2011) While Lubetkin et al (Lubetkin, Lu, Krebs, Yeung, & Ostroff, 2010) have shown that PCPs serving low-income, racial and ethnic minority patients are interested in providing tobacco-related patient navigation services at their practices, we are unaware of prior studies that have examined the acceptability and feasibility of patient navigation for smoking cessation in practice.
Im wondering if I have crabs. My testicles itch alot in the morning when i get in the shower, is this normal? I don't see any eggs attached to hairs, or bugs crawling around, and my Pubes are shaved, but recently its become very itchy in the mornings and occaisonlay thru they day.
i have been diagnose with trigeminal neorologia. my doctor has put me on 200mg of carbamazepine. i still have pulling pain on my left head and face. what other vitamin that i could take? a friend dr of mine had suggested me to consume neurobine forte. will this help me. tq
hi I an a 53 year old woman and have been through menopause. I have been spotting and have fatigue and joint pain mostly in the hips that is quite painful. I have pain during sex and a history of polyps, cysts and endometriosis. I feel very weak and fatigued and full and upset stomach. I have made an appointment with my gyro but wondered what you thought based on my symptoms.
I am 26 I have been doing research and I believe I have low cognitive ability I have tried guided meditation and it has not helped. I believe I am slower than most people and cannot make connections and have a hard time its focusing studying completing tasks having goals . I have read of modafinil and I believe I fall under the symptoms
I have planter facitous and it is currently very painful. My physiotherapist treated it by wrapping my feet iin leukotape. It decreased the pain significantly but I have a heavy throbbing in my feet and am wondering what is taking place. Why does restriction help and what causes the throbbing.
Hi Just want to ask coz oct.20 was my embryo transfer and yesterday oct.31 and today nov.1st im bleeding and 3days from now is my pregancy test.But im worried about the blood.its not really heavy but till now i have a light bleeding and i saw some clots
What brain structure is damaged in cases of Pure motor Lacunar Strokes?
i wnt to know is there any inaccuracy in my semen volume - 3.0 ml colour -greyish white ph- 8.0 liquification time- 30 min total count - 88 m\cc progressive motility - 40 slugish -35 immotile-25 pus cell - 2-4 /hpf rbc - nill epethelial cell - nill abnormal forms - 40 normal forms - 60
Q:The amplitude of a free induction decay drops to 25% of its initial intensity after 1.0 s. Assuming exponential relaxation and Ω = 0, determine the value of T2.? A:0.721 s;B:0.750 s;C:1.386 s;D:1.661 s
I have a sharp burning type pain in my upper abdomen. It feels as though its near the surface of the skin and the skin above the pain is completely numb. The pain is localized above the lower most rib and about an inch and a half from the sturnum. The numb surface skin is about two inches in diameter. I have had the pain for a few years but it has recently been getting much worse and more frequesnt. Mostly when Im sitting. A stretch can often make the pain lessen.
tHIS Tuesday.. I STARTED WITH A CYST ON LOWER RIGHT BUTTUCKS WHERE IT MEETS BACK OF GROIN, ITS STILL SWOLLEN & INFECTED. WAS GIVEN ANI-BIOTICSTHEN HAD INTERNAL SWELLING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THROEST. WAS TOLD IT WAS ACYST AND GIVEN ANTI-INFLAMMATORIESNow there are two lumps in my groin area, one seems to be growing.Within the last hour have a dull ache in lower back and under rib cage & a little nasea. all on right side
I am 35 years old, weigh 185lbs and have a limited medical history. What I am wanting to know is: Which tendon would be the best to use in the case of ACL reconstruction? I have been told both the patella and the hamstring by two different doctors. I am extremly active and compete in multiple sports, including but not limited to, MMA, snowboarding and trainging with the Navy Seals. Both claim that the tendon that they mentioned was the best for what I do so now I am a little put off as to which tendon would actually be the correct one. The most recent doctor (The doctor I currently have my surgery scheduled through) is telling me the patella as it will stretch the least over time. Needless to say, I am at a loss. Is one proven to be better than the other? Thank you for you time.
Hi doctor, my 6 months baby has had a cough for 2 months now, i would like to give her Rhinathiol syrup for babies because i have tried several syrups and even examined her thinking that she had a serious sickness may be but the results were ok. i have used Rhinathiol syrup for adults but it worked so effectively, Please advise if this is recommended at that age.
Hi, I have a small bump corner of my left knee and i feel like it has slightly reduced in size when compared to last month. But when i kneel down at a certain point below my knee cap i feel like needles are pricking and it feels very bad for few seconds. I also have pain around my knees when i stand or walk for few mins. Pain is not severe. What could be the problem. I didnt have any issues in my knees or legs so far. Im 30 yrs old homemaker, 5ft6inch and 58kg. Please help.
Hi my 7year son has been complaining of a sore back when I looked this evening at the bottom of his spine there is a small lump which is red and very sore 2 touch, he has had 2 operations in the past 4 weeks on his eyes (don t think this has anything 2 do with it but just incase his last operation was only on Monday) he hasn t banged it as still recovering from his operation. What else can it be?
How is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia subclassified based on surface markers?
PURPOSE To investigate periimplant soft tissue response following flapless extraction and immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP) associated with bovine hydroxyapatite bone and connective tissue grafting in the anterior maxilla. The study evaluated the effectiveness of this technique in terms of soft tissue contours in esthetic areas with the use of the pink esthetic score (PES). MATERIALS AND METHODS In this retrospective study, 39 consecutive patients were treated and followed by two experienced clinicians for single-tooth implant treatment in the esthetic zone. Treatment consisted of flapless extraction, immediate implant placement, inorganic bovine bone filling of the periimplant gap, and connective tissue grafting. A provisional crown was placed at the time of implant placement. The final crown was positioned 5 to 8 months after surgery. To assess the esthetic outcome of the technique, the soft tissue around the tooth to be extracted was scored according to the PES by seven evaluators before the surgery at visit 1 (v1), and at least 1 year after the final prosthesis placement at visit 2 (v2). RESULTS After a mean follow-up of 4 years, the mean total PES score on a scale from 1 to 10 was 5.64 and 7.07 at v1 and v2, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the PES scores before surgery and at the follow-up examination of the anterior single implants (P = 0.0008). CONCLUSION Within the limitations of this study, postextraction with immediate implant loading associated with bovine hydroxyapatite and connective tissue grafting is a predictable technique. The esthetic outcome is that soft tissue seems to be maintained or improved significantly according to PES assessment compared with baseline.
What is the "CATCH 22" mnemonic used to remember in relation to a chromosome 22q11 microdeletion, also known as DiGeorge Syndrome?
I suffered a hypoglycemic episode on July 17 2014 in my place of work. After this episode and my changing my diet to complex carbs lean meats and vegetables I have noticed a weakness in my ability to do everyday shores and even at work. I also have noticed that my blood sugar will drop to 60 ml. after a short 20 minute exercise on my stationary bike or treadmill. I have gone to an endocrinologist and my primary care doctor. They have done blood work on me and have told me that they don t have any idea what is causing my fatigue or the drop in glucose levels after I exercise. I am growing frustrated and I don t know what else to do.
Dear Sir madam, I am arugby player. 23years old and still single. Never had sex. Its almost a month I have musterbated heavily into ejaculation almost more than three times a day. I am so worried I might loss my built and weight which will be a disadvantage for my sport as it is a sport that include phusical strength. Pleas I need your advice.
i am 32 wks pregnant with a bad cough. I first felt pain in my stomache in the beginning but now the pain has esculated into the middle part of my left back side. Is this pain the result of coughing too much or is there something wrong with my kidney?
hello my name Is darlene stephens I am 65 years old just got out of an abusitive relationship and was put on several medications Lexapro, flexeril, metformin, lisinopril , wellbutrin , temazepam, Zocor, lamictal these last few days I have been hulicanatation and I kept falling out of bed I am also very weak, tired, restless slurred speech blury vision and loss of memory please email me as soon as you receive this email I am very worried and scare I feel loss and unsure o hat I should do thank you in advance
What is the trinucleotide repeat expansion disease that is associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?