### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 219 in The Quran?### Assistant:They ask you about liquor and gamblingSay: ‘Major sin lies in both of them and also some (worldly) profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit.’ And they also ask you about what they should spendSay: ‘(Spend) whatever is surplus to your needs.’ Thus does Allah make His Commandments clear to you so that you may meditate.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:219.### Assistant:They ask you about liquor and gamblingSay: ‘Major sin lies in both of them and also some (worldly) profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit.’ And they also ask you about what they should spendSay: ‘(Spend) whatever is surplus to your needs.’ Thus does Allah make His Commandments clear to you so that you may meditate.
### Human:The Quran 2:219 - English Translation### Assistant:They ask you about liquor and gamblingSay: ‘Major sin lies in both of them and also some (worldly) profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit.’ And they also ask you about what they should spendSay: ‘(Spend) whatever is surplus to your needs.’ Thus does Allah make His Commandments clear to you so that you may meditate.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 219 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:They ask you about liquor and gamblingSay: ‘Major sin lies in both of them and also some (worldly) profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit.’ And they also ask you about what they should spendSay: ‘(Spend) whatever is surplus to your needs.’ Thus does Allah make His Commandments clear to you so that you may meditate.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 220 in The Quran?### Assistant:(Your meditation should be) on (matters relating to) this world and the HereafterAnd they ask you about orphansSay: ‘It is meritorious to set (their affairs) rightAnd if you associate them with yourselves (in subsistence and business), then they are also your brothersAnd Allah distinctly recognizes the one who is destructive from the other who is constructiveAnd if Allah willed, He would put you in distressVerily Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:220.### Assistant:(Your meditation should be) on (matters relating to) this world and the HereafterAnd they ask you about orphansSay: ‘It is meritorious to set (their affairs) rightAnd if you associate them with yourselves (in subsistence and business), then they are also your brothersAnd Allah distinctly recognizes the one who is destructive from the other who is constructiveAnd if Allah willed, He would put you in distressVerily Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:The Quran 2:220 - English Translation### Assistant:(Your meditation should be) on (matters relating to) this world and the HereafterAnd they ask you about orphansSay: ‘It is meritorious to set (their affairs) rightAnd if you associate them with yourselves (in subsistence and business), then they are also your brothersAnd Allah distinctly recognizes the one who is destructive from the other who is constructiveAnd if Allah willed, He would put you in distressVerily Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 220 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(Your meditation should be) on (matters relating to) this world and the HereafterAnd they ask you about orphansSay: ‘It is meritorious to set (their affairs) rightAnd if you associate them with yourselves (in subsistence and business), then they are also your brothersAnd Allah distinctly recognizes the one who is destructive from the other who is constructiveAnd if Allah willed, He would put you in distressVerily Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 221 in The Quran?### Assistant:And do not marry idolatrous women until they become MuslimsIndeed a Muslim slave-girl is better than a (free) idolatress, however pleasing she may seem to youNor give (the Muslim women) in marriage to idolaters till they embrace IslamAnd certainly a Muslim slave is better than an idolater, even though he should please youThese (idolaters and disbelievers) call you to Hell while Allah invites, by His Decree, to Paradise and Forgiveness and explains His Verses clearly to people so that they may take direction and guidance
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:221.### Assistant:And do not marry idolatrous women until they become MuslimsIndeed a Muslim slave-girl is better than a (free) idolatress, however pleasing she may seem to youNor give (the Muslim women) in marriage to idolaters till they embrace IslamAnd certainly a Muslim slave is better than an idolater, even though he should please youThese (idolaters and disbelievers) call you to Hell while Allah invites, by His Decree, to Paradise and Forgiveness and explains His Verses clearly to people so that they may take direction and guidance
### Human:The Quran 2:221 - English Translation### Assistant:And do not marry idolatrous women until they become MuslimsIndeed a Muslim slave-girl is better than a (free) idolatress, however pleasing she may seem to youNor give (the Muslim women) in marriage to idolaters till they embrace IslamAnd certainly a Muslim slave is better than an idolater, even though he should please youThese (idolaters and disbelievers) call you to Hell while Allah invites, by His Decree, to Paradise and Forgiveness and explains His Verses clearly to people so that they may take direction and guidance
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 221 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And do not marry idolatrous women until they become MuslimsIndeed a Muslim slave-girl is better than a (free) idolatress, however pleasing she may seem to youNor give (the Muslim women) in marriage to idolaters till they embrace IslamAnd certainly a Muslim slave is better than an idolater, even though he should please youThese (idolaters and disbelievers) call you to Hell while Allah invites, by His Decree, to Paradise and Forgiveness and explains His Verses clearly to people so that they may take direction and guidance
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 222 in The Quran?### Assistant:And they ask you about menstruation (monthly course)Say: ‘It is filth; so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they become pureAnd when they have washed themselves clean, consort with them the way by which Allah has permitted you.’ Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who repent excessively, and He loves those who keep themselves thoroughly pure and clean
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:222.### Assistant:And they ask you about menstruation (monthly course)Say: ‘It is filth; so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they become pureAnd when they have washed themselves clean, consort with them the way by which Allah has permitted you.’ Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who repent excessively, and He loves those who keep themselves thoroughly pure and clean
### Human:The Quran 2:222 - English Translation### Assistant:And they ask you about menstruation (monthly course)Say: ‘It is filth; so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they become pureAnd when they have washed themselves clean, consort with them the way by which Allah has permitted you.’ Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who repent excessively, and He loves those who keep themselves thoroughly pure and clean
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 222 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And they ask you about menstruation (monthly course)Say: ‘It is filth; so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they become pureAnd when they have washed themselves clean, consort with them the way by which Allah has permitted you.’ Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who repent excessively, and He loves those who keep themselves thoroughly pure and clean
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 223 in The Quran?### Assistant:Your wives are for you like a harvest producing fieldSo, go to your field as you may desireAnd manage some provisions for yourselves for the next worldInculcate in yourselves Allah’s fear and be mindful that you have to appear before HimAnd, (O Beloved,) give good news to the believers (that their appearance before Allah will be gainful for them)
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:223.### Assistant:Your wives are for you like a harvest producing fieldSo, go to your field as you may desireAnd manage some provisions for yourselves for the next worldInculcate in yourselves Allah’s fear and be mindful that you have to appear before HimAnd, (O Beloved,) give good news to the believers (that their appearance before Allah will be gainful for them)
### Human:The Quran 2:223 - English Translation### Assistant:Your wives are for you like a harvest producing fieldSo, go to your field as you may desireAnd manage some provisions for yourselves for the next worldInculcate in yourselves Allah’s fear and be mindful that you have to appear before HimAnd, (O Beloved,) give good news to the believers (that their appearance before Allah will be gainful for them)
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 223 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Your wives are for you like a harvest producing fieldSo, go to your field as you may desireAnd manage some provisions for yourselves for the next worldInculcate in yourselves Allah’s fear and be mindful that you have to appear before HimAnd, (O Beloved,) give good news to the believers (that their appearance before Allah will be gainful for them)
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 224 in The Quran?### Assistant:And because of your oaths, do not use (the Name of) Allah as an excuse for refraining from doing good (to the people), becoming God-fearing and making peace among peopleAnd Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:224.### Assistant:And because of your oaths, do not use (the Name of) Allah as an excuse for refraining from doing good (to the people), becoming God-fearing and making peace among peopleAnd Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
### Human:The Quran 2:224 - English Translation### Assistant:And because of your oaths, do not use (the Name of) Allah as an excuse for refraining from doing good (to the people), becoming God-fearing and making peace among peopleAnd Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 224 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And because of your oaths, do not use (the Name of) Allah as an excuse for refraining from doing good (to the people), becoming God-fearing and making peace among peopleAnd Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 225 in The Quran?### Assistant:Allah will not hold you accountable for your vain oaths but will take you to task for the oaths taken with serious intention in your heartsAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:225.### Assistant:Allah will not hold you accountable for your vain oaths but will take you to task for the oaths taken with serious intention in your heartsAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
### Human:The Quran 2:225 - English Translation### Assistant:Allah will not hold you accountable for your vain oaths but will take you to task for the oaths taken with serious intention in your heartsAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 225 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Allah will not hold you accountable for your vain oaths but will take you to task for the oaths taken with serious intention in your heartsAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 226 in The Quran?### Assistant:And for those who swear not to go near their wives, there is a (reconsideration) period of four monthsSo, if (during this period) they resume their relations, Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:226.### Assistant:And for those who swear not to go near their wives, there is a (reconsideration) period of four monthsSo, if (during this period) they resume their relations, Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful
### Human:The Quran 2:226 - English Translation### Assistant:And for those who swear not to go near their wives, there is a (reconsideration) period of four monthsSo, if (during this period) they resume their relations, Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 226 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And for those who swear not to go near their wives, there is a (reconsideration) period of four monthsSo, if (during this period) they resume their relations, Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 227 in The Quran?### Assistant:But if they resolve firmly to divorce, then certainly Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:227.### Assistant:But if they resolve firmly to divorce, then certainly Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:The Quran 2:227 - English Translation### Assistant:But if they resolve firmly to divorce, then certainly Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 227 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:But if they resolve firmly to divorce, then certainly Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 228 in The Quran?### Assistant:And the divorced women shall hold back themselves till three menstrual cyclesAnd it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah may have created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last DayAnd during this period, their husbands have a greater right to take them back (again) into conjugal bond, provided they intend to reconcileAnd, according to usage, women too have rights over men similar to the rights of men over womenMen, however, have an advantage over themAnd Allah is All-Mighty, Most Wise
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:228.### Assistant:And the divorced women shall hold back themselves till three menstrual cyclesAnd it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah may have created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last DayAnd during this period, their husbands have a greater right to take them back (again) into conjugal bond, provided they intend to reconcileAnd, according to usage, women too have rights over men similar to the rights of men over womenMen, however, have an advantage over themAnd Allah is All-Mighty, Most Wise
### Human:The Quran 2:228 - English Translation### Assistant:And the divorced women shall hold back themselves till three menstrual cyclesAnd it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah may have created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last DayAnd during this period, their husbands have a greater right to take them back (again) into conjugal bond, provided they intend to reconcileAnd, according to usage, women too have rights over men similar to the rights of men over womenMen, however, have an advantage over themAnd Allah is All-Mighty, Most Wise
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 228 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And the divorced women shall hold back themselves till three menstrual cyclesAnd it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah may have created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last DayAnd during this period, their husbands have a greater right to take them back (again) into conjugal bond, provided they intend to reconcileAnd, according to usage, women too have rights over men similar to the rights of men over womenMen, however, have an advantage over themAnd Allah is All-Mighty, Most Wise
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 229 in The Quran?### Assistant:Divorce is (revocable) two times (only)Then either retain (the wife) with honour (in marital relationship) or release her with kindnessAnd it is not lawful for you to take back anything of that which you have given them, unless both fear that (now by maintaining marital ties) they may not be able to observe the limits set by AllahSo if you fear that both will be unable to keep within Allah’s limits, then (in that case) there shall be no sin upon either of them if the wife (herself) may give up something as recompense to free herself (from this distressing bond)These are the limits (set) by AllahSo, do not exceed themAnd those who exceed the limits prescribed by Allah, it is they who are the wrongdoers
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:229.### Assistant:Divorce is (revocable) two times (only)Then either retain (the wife) with honour (in marital relationship) or release her with kindnessAnd it is not lawful for you to take back anything of that which you have given them, unless both fear that (now by maintaining marital ties) they may not be able to observe the limits set by AllahSo if you fear that both will be unable to keep within Allah’s limits, then (in that case) there shall be no sin upon either of them if the wife (herself) may give up something as recompense to free herself (from this distressing bond)These are the limits (set) by AllahSo, do not exceed themAnd those who exceed the limits prescribed by Allah, it is they who are the wrongdoers
### Human:The Quran 2:229 - English Translation### Assistant:Divorce is (revocable) two times (only)Then either retain (the wife) with honour (in marital relationship) or release her with kindnessAnd it is not lawful for you to take back anything of that which you have given them, unless both fear that (now by maintaining marital ties) they may not be able to observe the limits set by AllahSo if you fear that both will be unable to keep within Allah’s limits, then (in that case) there shall be no sin upon either of them if the wife (herself) may give up something as recompense to free herself (from this distressing bond)These are the limits (set) by AllahSo, do not exceed themAnd those who exceed the limits prescribed by Allah, it is they who are the wrongdoers
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 229 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Divorce is (revocable) two times (only)Then either retain (the wife) with honour (in marital relationship) or release her with kindnessAnd it is not lawful for you to take back anything of that which you have given them, unless both fear that (now by maintaining marital ties) they may not be able to observe the limits set by AllahSo if you fear that both will be unable to keep within Allah’s limits, then (in that case) there shall be no sin upon either of them if the wife (herself) may give up something as recompense to free herself (from this distressing bond)These are the limits (set) by AllahSo, do not exceed themAnd those who exceed the limits prescribed by Allah, it is they who are the wrongdoers
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 230 in The Quran?### Assistant:Then if he divorces (for the third time), she will not be lawful for him until she marries some husband other than himBut if he (the latter) also divorces her, in such case there shall be no sin on both of them (the former husband and the wife) if they return (once more to the wedlock), provided both of them (now) think that they would be able to observe the limits set by AllahThese are the limits (prescribed) by Allah which He explains to those who have knowledge.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:230.### Assistant:Then if he divorces (for the third time), she will not be lawful for him until she marries some husband other than himBut if he (the latter) also divorces her, in such case there shall be no sin on both of them (the former husband and the wife) if they return (once more to the wedlock), provided both of them (now) think that they would be able to observe the limits set by AllahThese are the limits (prescribed) by Allah which He explains to those who have knowledge.
### Human:The Quran 2:230 - English Translation### Assistant:Then if he divorces (for the third time), she will not be lawful for him until she marries some husband other than himBut if he (the latter) also divorces her, in such case there shall be no sin on both of them (the former husband and the wife) if they return (once more to the wedlock), provided both of them (now) think that they would be able to observe the limits set by AllahThese are the limits (prescribed) by Allah which He explains to those who have knowledge.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 230 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Then if he divorces (for the third time), she will not be lawful for him until she marries some husband other than himBut if he (the latter) also divorces her, in such case there shall be no sin on both of them (the former husband and the wife) if they return (once more to the wedlock), provided both of them (now) think that they would be able to observe the limits set by AllahThese are the limits (prescribed) by Allah which He explains to those who have knowledge.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 231 in The Quran?### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then either retain them (in marital bond) in a graceful manner or release them nicelyBut do not retain them to hurt so that you subject (them) to excessesAnd he who does so wrongs his own soulAnd do not make fun of Allah’s CommandsAnd call to mind Allah’s favour that has been (bestowed) upon you and the Book that He has sent down to you and (the pearls of) wisdom (on which He has enlightened you)He advises you (by means of this code of conduct)And fear Allah and bear in mind that Allah is indeed All-Knowing
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:231.### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then either retain them (in marital bond) in a graceful manner or release them nicelyBut do not retain them to hurt so that you subject (them) to excessesAnd he who does so wrongs his own soulAnd do not make fun of Allah’s CommandsAnd call to mind Allah’s favour that has been (bestowed) upon you and the Book that He has sent down to you and (the pearls of) wisdom (on which He has enlightened you)He advises you (by means of this code of conduct)And fear Allah and bear in mind that Allah is indeed All-Knowing
### Human:The Quran 2:231 - English Translation### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then either retain them (in marital bond) in a graceful manner or release them nicelyBut do not retain them to hurt so that you subject (them) to excessesAnd he who does so wrongs his own soulAnd do not make fun of Allah’s CommandsAnd call to mind Allah’s favour that has been (bestowed) upon you and the Book that He has sent down to you and (the pearls of) wisdom (on which He has enlightened you)He advises you (by means of this code of conduct)And fear Allah and bear in mind that Allah is indeed All-Knowing
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 231 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then either retain them (in marital bond) in a graceful manner or release them nicelyBut do not retain them to hurt so that you subject (them) to excessesAnd he who does so wrongs his own soulAnd do not make fun of Allah’s CommandsAnd call to mind Allah’s favour that has been (bestowed) upon you and the Book that He has sent down to you and (the pearls of) wisdom (on which He has enlightened you)He advises you (by means of this code of conduct)And fear Allah and bear in mind that Allah is indeed All-Knowing
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 232 in The Quran?### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then do not prevent them from remarrying (their former or latter) husbands when they have mutually agreed according to the Islamic LawThis is a direction for him among you who believes in Allah and the Last DayIt is most pure, clean and wholesome for youAnd Allah knows and you do not know (so many things)
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:232.### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then do not prevent them from remarrying (their former or latter) husbands when they have mutually agreed according to the Islamic LawThis is a direction for him among you who believes in Allah and the Last DayIt is most pure, clean and wholesome for youAnd Allah knows and you do not know (so many things)
### Human:The Quran 2:232 - English Translation### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then do not prevent them from remarrying (their former or latter) husbands when they have mutually agreed according to the Islamic LawThis is a direction for him among you who believes in Allah and the Last DayIt is most pure, clean and wholesome for youAnd Allah knows and you do not know (so many things)
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 232 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And when you divorce the women and they reach (the completion of) their waiting period, then do not prevent them from remarrying (their former or latter) husbands when they have mutually agreed according to the Islamic LawThis is a direction for him among you who believes in Allah and the Last DayIt is most pure, clean and wholesome for youAnd Allah knows and you do not know (so many things)
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 233 in The Quran?### Assistant:And the mothers shall suckle their infants for two full yearsThis (injunction) is for him who wants to complete the suckling periodAccording to usage, the food and clothing of the feeding mothers is the obligation of the father of the childNo soul should be stressed beyond its capacity (and) neither the mother nor the father should be harmed for the childThe same injunction is applicable to the heirsThen if the mother and the father both desire with mutual consultation and consent to wean (even before the fixed two years) there will be no sin on themNor shall it be a sin if you intend to engage (a wet nurse) for suckling the child, while you pay them whatever you do according to usageAnd fear Allah and know that Allah is watchful of all that you do
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:233.### Assistant:And the mothers shall suckle their infants for two full yearsThis (injunction) is for him who wants to complete the suckling periodAccording to usage, the food and clothing of the feeding mothers is the obligation of the father of the childNo soul should be stressed beyond its capacity (and) neither the mother nor the father should be harmed for the childThe same injunction is applicable to the heirsThen if the mother and the father both desire with mutual consultation and consent to wean (even before the fixed two years) there will be no sin on themNor shall it be a sin if you intend to engage (a wet nurse) for suckling the child, while you pay them whatever you do according to usageAnd fear Allah and know that Allah is watchful of all that you do
### Human:The Quran 2:233 - English Translation### Assistant:And the mothers shall suckle their infants for two full yearsThis (injunction) is for him who wants to complete the suckling periodAccording to usage, the food and clothing of the feeding mothers is the obligation of the father of the childNo soul should be stressed beyond its capacity (and) neither the mother nor the father should be harmed for the childThe same injunction is applicable to the heirsThen if the mother and the father both desire with mutual consultation and consent to wean (even before the fixed two years) there will be no sin on themNor shall it be a sin if you intend to engage (a wet nurse) for suckling the child, while you pay them whatever you do according to usageAnd fear Allah and know that Allah is watchful of all that you do
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 233 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And the mothers shall suckle their infants for two full yearsThis (injunction) is for him who wants to complete the suckling periodAccording to usage, the food and clothing of the feeding mothers is the obligation of the father of the childNo soul should be stressed beyond its capacity (and) neither the mother nor the father should be harmed for the childThe same injunction is applicable to the heirsThen if the mother and the father both desire with mutual consultation and consent to wean (even before the fixed two years) there will be no sin on themNor shall it be a sin if you intend to engage (a wet nurse) for suckling the child, while you pay them whatever you do according to usageAnd fear Allah and know that Allah is watchful of all that you do
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 234 in The Quran?### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind shall keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten daysSo, when they arrive at (the end of) their waiting term, there shall be no responsibility on you for whatever they do for themselves according to Islamic LawAnd Allah is Well Aware of what you do.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:234.### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind shall keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten daysSo, when they arrive at (the end of) their waiting term, there shall be no responsibility on you for whatever they do for themselves according to Islamic LawAnd Allah is Well Aware of what you do.
### Human:The Quran 2:234 - English Translation### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind shall keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten daysSo, when they arrive at (the end of) their waiting term, there shall be no responsibility on you for whatever they do for themselves according to Islamic LawAnd Allah is Well Aware of what you do.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 234 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind shall keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten daysSo, when they arrive at (the end of) their waiting term, there shall be no responsibility on you for whatever they do for themselves according to Islamic LawAnd Allah is Well Aware of what you do.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 235 in The Quran?### Assistant:And there is no sin on you if (even during the waiting term) you convey to such women a hint of marriage proposal or conceal (this idea) in your heartsAllah knows that you will soon mention to them but do not seek from them any (such) promise even secretly, except that you say to them (a hint of) that according to Islamic LawAnd do not resolve firmly on wedlock (during this time) until the prescribed waiting term is overAnd know that Allah also knows what is in your heartsSo fear Him persistentlyAnd (also) know that Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Lenient
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:235.### Assistant:And there is no sin on you if (even during the waiting term) you convey to such women a hint of marriage proposal or conceal (this idea) in your heartsAllah knows that you will soon mention to them but do not seek from them any (such) promise even secretly, except that you say to them (a hint of) that according to Islamic LawAnd do not resolve firmly on wedlock (during this time) until the prescribed waiting term is overAnd know that Allah also knows what is in your heartsSo fear Him persistentlyAnd (also) know that Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Lenient
### Human:The Quran 2:235 - English Translation### Assistant:And there is no sin on you if (even during the waiting term) you convey to such women a hint of marriage proposal or conceal (this idea) in your heartsAllah knows that you will soon mention to them but do not seek from them any (such) promise even secretly, except that you say to them (a hint of) that according to Islamic LawAnd do not resolve firmly on wedlock (during this time) until the prescribed waiting term is overAnd know that Allah also knows what is in your heartsSo fear Him persistentlyAnd (also) know that Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Lenient
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 235 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And there is no sin on you if (even during the waiting term) you convey to such women a hint of marriage proposal or conceal (this idea) in your heartsAllah knows that you will soon mention to them but do not seek from them any (such) promise even secretly, except that you say to them (a hint of) that according to Islamic LawAnd do not resolve firmly on wedlock (during this time) until the prescribed waiting term is overAnd know that Allah also knows what is in your heartsSo fear Him persistentlyAnd (also) know that Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Lenient
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 236 in The Quran?### Assistant:There will (also) be no sin on you if you divorce (the wedlocked) women even before touching them or fixing their dowerThen (in this case) provide for them appropriatelyIt is (an obligation) for the rich according to his means and for the poor according to his means(In any case) this provision must be made in a becoming mannerThis is compulsory for the pious
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:236.### Assistant:There will (also) be no sin on you if you divorce (the wedlocked) women even before touching them or fixing their dowerThen (in this case) provide for them appropriatelyIt is (an obligation) for the rich according to his means and for the poor according to his means(In any case) this provision must be made in a becoming mannerThis is compulsory for the pious
### Human:The Quran 2:236 - English Translation### Assistant:There will (also) be no sin on you if you divorce (the wedlocked) women even before touching them or fixing their dowerThen (in this case) provide for them appropriatelyIt is (an obligation) for the rich according to his means and for the poor according to his means(In any case) this provision must be made in a becoming mannerThis is compulsory for the pious
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 236 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:There will (also) be no sin on you if you divorce (the wedlocked) women even before touching them or fixing their dowerThen (in this case) provide for them appropriatelyIt is (an obligation) for the rich according to his means and for the poor according to his means(In any case) this provision must be made in a becoming mannerThis is compulsory for the pious
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 237 in The Quran?### Assistant:And if you divorce them before you have touched them after you have fixed a dower for them, then paying half of the dower you have fixed is necessary, unless they forgo (their right) themselves, or the (husband) in whose hand is the marriage tie forgoes (i.epays more than half or full)And, (O male folk,) if you forgo, that is closer to God-warinessAnd never forget extending generosity (and behaving excellently) towards each other (even in these moments of stress and strain)Verily, Allah observes well what you do
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:237.### Assistant:And if you divorce them before you have touched them after you have fixed a dower for them, then paying half of the dower you have fixed is necessary, unless they forgo (their right) themselves, or the (husband) in whose hand is the marriage tie forgoes (i.epays more than half or full)And, (O male folk,) if you forgo, that is closer to God-warinessAnd never forget extending generosity (and behaving excellently) towards each other (even in these moments of stress and strain)Verily, Allah observes well what you do
### Human:The Quran 2:237 - English Translation### Assistant:And if you divorce them before you have touched them after you have fixed a dower for them, then paying half of the dower you have fixed is necessary, unless they forgo (their right) themselves, or the (husband) in whose hand is the marriage tie forgoes (i.epays more than half or full)And, (O male folk,) if you forgo, that is closer to God-warinessAnd never forget extending generosity (and behaving excellently) towards each other (even in these moments of stress and strain)Verily, Allah observes well what you do
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 237 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And if you divorce them before you have touched them after you have fixed a dower for them, then paying half of the dower you have fixed is necessary, unless they forgo (their right) themselves, or the (husband) in whose hand is the marriage tie forgoes (i.epays more than half or full)And, (O male folk,) if you forgo, that is closer to God-warinessAnd never forget extending generosity (and behaving excellently) towards each other (even in these moments of stress and strain)Verily, Allah observes well what you do
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 238 in The Quran?### Assistant:Guard strictly all the Prayers, especially the middle prayerAnd stand before Allah as an epitome of submissiveness and lowliness.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:238.### Assistant:Guard strictly all the Prayers, especially the middle prayerAnd stand before Allah as an epitome of submissiveness and lowliness.
### Human:The Quran 2:238 - English Translation### Assistant:Guard strictly all the Prayers, especially the middle prayerAnd stand before Allah as an epitome of submissiveness and lowliness.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 238 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Guard strictly all the Prayers, especially the middle prayerAnd stand before Allah as an epitome of submissiveness and lowliness.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 239 in The Quran?### Assistant:Should you be in a state of fear, then (do offer Prayer) whether on foot or while riding (as the case may be), but once you get back to peace, remember Allah in the manner He has taught you which you did not know (before)
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:239.### Assistant:Should you be in a state of fear, then (do offer Prayer) whether on foot or while riding (as the case may be), but once you get back to peace, remember Allah in the manner He has taught you which you did not know (before)
### Human:The Quran 2:239 - English Translation### Assistant:Should you be in a state of fear, then (do offer Prayer) whether on foot or while riding (as the case may be), but once you get back to peace, remember Allah in the manner He has taught you which you did not know (before)
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 239 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Should you be in a state of fear, then (do offer Prayer) whether on foot or while riding (as the case may be), but once you get back to peace, remember Allah in the manner He has taught you which you did not know (before)
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 240 in The Quran?### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind must leave a will for their widows (before they die) to provide them for their maintenance for one year (and) not to turn them out of their housesBut if they themselves walk out (on their own) then there is no sin on you for whatever they may do for themselves according to usageAnd Allah is Almighty, Most Wise
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:240.### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind must leave a will for their widows (before they die) to provide them for their maintenance for one year (and) not to turn them out of their housesBut if they themselves walk out (on their own) then there is no sin on you for whatever they may do for themselves according to usageAnd Allah is Almighty, Most Wise
### Human:The Quran 2:240 - English Translation### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind must leave a will for their widows (before they die) to provide them for their maintenance for one year (and) not to turn them out of their housesBut if they themselves walk out (on their own) then there is no sin on you for whatever they may do for themselves according to usageAnd Allah is Almighty, Most Wise
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 240 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And those of you who die and leave (their) widows behind must leave a will for their widows (before they die) to provide them for their maintenance for one year (and) not to turn them out of their housesBut if they themselves walk out (on their own) then there is no sin on you for whatever they may do for themselves according to usageAnd Allah is Almighty, Most Wise
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 241 in The Quran?### Assistant:And the divorced women must also be provided with maintenance according to what is fairThis is compulsory for the pious.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:241.### Assistant:And the divorced women must also be provided with maintenance according to what is fairThis is compulsory for the pious.
### Human:The Quran 2:241 - English Translation### Assistant:And the divorced women must also be provided with maintenance according to what is fairThis is compulsory for the pious.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 241 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And the divorced women must also be provided with maintenance according to what is fairThis is compulsory for the pious.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 242 in The Quran?### Assistant:Thus Allah makes His Commandments clear to you so that you may understand.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:242.### Assistant:Thus Allah makes His Commandments clear to you so that you may understand.
### Human:The Quran 2:242 - English Translation### Assistant:Thus Allah makes His Commandments clear to you so that you may understand.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 242 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Thus Allah makes His Commandments clear to you so that you may understand.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 2, Verse 243 in The Quran?### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Have you not seen the people who went out of their houses fearing death though they were in thousands? Allah commanded them: ‘Die,’ (and they died)Then He restored them to lifeSurely Allah is Most Bountiful towards mankind, but most of them do not give (Him) thanks.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 2:243.### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Have you not seen the people who went out of their houses fearing death though they were in thousands? Allah commanded them: ‘Die,’ (and they died)Then He restored them to lifeSurely Allah is Most Bountiful towards mankind, but most of them do not give (Him) thanks.
### Human:The Quran 2:243 - English Translation### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Have you not seen the people who went out of their houses fearing death though they were in thousands? Allah commanded them: ‘Die,’ (and they died)Then He restored them to lifeSurely Allah is Most Bountiful towards mankind, but most of them do not give (Him) thanks.
### Human:Translate Chapter 2, Verse 243 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Have you not seen the people who went out of their houses fearing death though they were in thousands? Allah commanded them: ‘Die,’ (and they died)Then He restored them to lifeSurely Allah is Most Bountiful towards mankind, but most of them do not give (Him) thanks.