### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 8 in The Quran?### Assistant:If the relatives (other than heirs) and the orphans and the indigent are present on the occasion of division (of inheritance), give them also something out of it and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:8.### Assistant:If the relatives (other than heirs) and the orphans and the indigent are present on the occasion of division (of inheritance), give them also something out of it and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:The Quran 4:8 - English Translation### Assistant:If the relatives (other than heirs) and the orphans and the indigent are present on the occasion of division (of inheritance), give them also something out of it and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 8 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:If the relatives (other than heirs) and the orphans and the indigent are present on the occasion of division (of inheritance), give them also something out of it and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 9 in The Quran?### Assistant:And the people (who execute matters of orphans) should fear that (while dying) if they were to leave tender offspring behind, (how) frightened (and worried) would they be over the plight of their children! They should, therefore, keep fearing Allah (in the matter of orphans) and should say the things straight.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:9.### Assistant:And the people (who execute matters of orphans) should fear that (while dying) if they were to leave tender offspring behind, (how) frightened (and worried) would they be over the plight of their children! They should, therefore, keep fearing Allah (in the matter of orphans) and should say the things straight.
### Human:The Quran 4:9 - English Translation### Assistant:And the people (who execute matters of orphans) should fear that (while dying) if they were to leave tender offspring behind, (how) frightened (and worried) would they be over the plight of their children! They should, therefore, keep fearing Allah (in the matter of orphans) and should say the things straight.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 9 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And the people (who execute matters of orphans) should fear that (while dying) if they were to leave tender offspring behind, (how) frightened (and worried) would they be over the plight of their children! They should, therefore, keep fearing Allah (in the matter of orphans) and should say the things straight.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 10 in The Quran?### Assistant:Indeed those who eat up the property of orphans unjustly fill their bellies but with fire, and soon will they fall into a Blazing Fire.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:10.### Assistant:Indeed those who eat up the property of orphans unjustly fill their bellies but with fire, and soon will they fall into a Blazing Fire.
### Human:The Quran 4:10 - English Translation### Assistant:Indeed those who eat up the property of orphans unjustly fill their bellies but with fire, and soon will they fall into a Blazing Fire.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 10 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Indeed those who eat up the property of orphans unjustly fill their bellies but with fire, and soon will they fall into a Blazing Fire.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 11 in The Quran?### Assistant:Allah commands you concerning (inheritance of) your children: The share of a son is equal to that of two daughters; then if there are only daughters (two or) more, they are entitled to two-thirds of the inheritance; if there is only one daughter, her share will be one half; the mother and the father of the deceased will get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased leaves children behind; but in case the deceased has no children and the heirs are only his mother and his father, the mother’s share is one-third (and the rest is the father’s); then, if he has brothers and sisters, the mother will have a sixth portionThis distribution will be (executed) after (the fulfilment of) the will he may have made or after (the payment of) the debtYou know not which of them, whether your parents or your sons, are closer to you in bringing you benefitThis (distribution) is a duty assigned (i.efixed) by AllahSurely, Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:11.### Assistant:Allah commands you concerning (inheritance of) your children: The share of a son is equal to that of two daughters; then if there are only daughters (two or) more, they are entitled to two-thirds of the inheritance; if there is only one daughter, her share will be one half; the mother and the father of the deceased will get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased leaves children behind; but in case the deceased has no children and the heirs are only his mother and his father, the mother’s share is one-third (and the rest is the father’s); then, if he has brothers and sisters, the mother will have a sixth portionThis distribution will be (executed) after (the fulfilment of) the will he may have made or after (the payment of) the debtYou know not which of them, whether your parents or your sons, are closer to you in bringing you benefitThis (distribution) is a duty assigned (i.efixed) by AllahSurely, Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:The Quran 4:11 - English Translation### Assistant:Allah commands you concerning (inheritance of) your children: The share of a son is equal to that of two daughters; then if there are only daughters (two or) more, they are entitled to two-thirds of the inheritance; if there is only one daughter, her share will be one half; the mother and the father of the deceased will get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased leaves children behind; but in case the deceased has no children and the heirs are only his mother and his father, the mother’s share is one-third (and the rest is the father’s); then, if he has brothers and sisters, the mother will have a sixth portionThis distribution will be (executed) after (the fulfilment of) the will he may have made or after (the payment of) the debtYou know not which of them, whether your parents or your sons, are closer to you in bringing you benefitThis (distribution) is a duty assigned (i.efixed) by AllahSurely, Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 11 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Allah commands you concerning (inheritance of) your children: The share of a son is equal to that of two daughters; then if there are only daughters (two or) more, they are entitled to two-thirds of the inheritance; if there is only one daughter, her share will be one half; the mother and the father of the deceased will get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased leaves children behind; but in case the deceased has no children and the heirs are only his mother and his father, the mother’s share is one-third (and the rest is the father’s); then, if he has brothers and sisters, the mother will have a sixth portionThis distribution will be (executed) after (the fulfilment of) the will he may have made or after (the payment of) the debtYou know not which of them, whether your parents or your sons, are closer to you in bringing you benefitThis (distribution) is a duty assigned (i.efixed) by AllahSurely, Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 12 in The Quran?### Assistant:And for you, the share in the property your wives leave is one half, provided they have no childrenIn case they have offspring then for you there is one-fourth of inheritance, (that too) after (the fulfilment of) the will that may have been made or after (the payment of) debtAnd the share of your wives in the assets you leave is one-forth, provided you have no childrenBut if you have children then their share in your inheritance is one-eighth, after (the fulfilment of) the will made pertaining to (the inheritance) or the payment of (your) debtIn the case of a man or a woman who leaves neither parents nor children, but who has a brother or a sister (on the mother’s side i.ea uterine brother or a sister), there is a one-sixth share for each of the twoBut if they are more than that, they all will be sharers in one-third(This division shall also be accomplished) after the will which is made without any prejudice towards the heirs or after the (payment) of debtThis is a Command from Allah and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:12.### Assistant:And for you, the share in the property your wives leave is one half, provided they have no childrenIn case they have offspring then for you there is one-fourth of inheritance, (that too) after (the fulfilment of) the will that may have been made or after (the payment of) debtAnd the share of your wives in the assets you leave is one-forth, provided you have no childrenBut if you have children then their share in your inheritance is one-eighth, after (the fulfilment of) the will made pertaining to (the inheritance) or the payment of (your) debtIn the case of a man or a woman who leaves neither parents nor children, but who has a brother or a sister (on the mother’s side i.ea uterine brother or a sister), there is a one-sixth share for each of the twoBut if they are more than that, they all will be sharers in one-third(This division shall also be accomplished) after the will which is made without any prejudice towards the heirs or after the (payment) of debtThis is a Command from Allah and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
### Human:The Quran 4:12 - English Translation### Assistant:And for you, the share in the property your wives leave is one half, provided they have no childrenIn case they have offspring then for you there is one-fourth of inheritance, (that too) after (the fulfilment of) the will that may have been made or after (the payment of) debtAnd the share of your wives in the assets you leave is one-forth, provided you have no childrenBut if you have children then their share in your inheritance is one-eighth, after (the fulfilment of) the will made pertaining to (the inheritance) or the payment of (your) debtIn the case of a man or a woman who leaves neither parents nor children, but who has a brother or a sister (on the mother’s side i.ea uterine brother or a sister), there is a one-sixth share for each of the twoBut if they are more than that, they all will be sharers in one-third(This division shall also be accomplished) after the will which is made without any prejudice towards the heirs or after the (payment) of debtThis is a Command from Allah and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 12 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And for you, the share in the property your wives leave is one half, provided they have no childrenIn case they have offspring then for you there is one-fourth of inheritance, (that too) after (the fulfilment of) the will that may have been made or after (the payment of) debtAnd the share of your wives in the assets you leave is one-forth, provided you have no childrenBut if you have children then their share in your inheritance is one-eighth, after (the fulfilment of) the will made pertaining to (the inheritance) or the payment of (your) debtIn the case of a man or a woman who leaves neither parents nor children, but who has a brother or a sister (on the mother’s side i.ea uterine brother or a sister), there is a one-sixth share for each of the twoBut if they are more than that, they all will be sharers in one-third(This division shall also be accomplished) after the will which is made without any prejudice towards the heirs or after the (payment) of debtThis is a Command from Allah and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 13 in The Quran?### Assistant:These are the limits set by AllahAnd the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him), He (Allah) will admit him to the Gardens beneath which rivers flowThey shall reside therein forever, and this is a great achievement.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:13.### Assistant:These are the limits set by AllahAnd the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him), He (Allah) will admit him to the Gardens beneath which rivers flowThey shall reside therein forever, and this is a great achievement.
### Human:The Quran 4:13 - English Translation### Assistant:These are the limits set by AllahAnd the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him), He (Allah) will admit him to the Gardens beneath which rivers flowThey shall reside therein forever, and this is a great achievement.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 13 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:These are the limits set by AllahAnd the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him), He (Allah) will admit him to the Gardens beneath which rivers flowThey shall reside therein forever, and this is a great achievement.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 14 in The Quran?### Assistant:But whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and exceeds His limits, He will admit him to Hell wherein shall he live forever; and there is a humiliating torment for him.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:14.### Assistant:But whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and exceeds His limits, He will admit him to Hell wherein shall he live forever; and there is a humiliating torment for him.
### Human:The Quran 4:14 - English Translation### Assistant:But whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and exceeds His limits, He will admit him to Hell wherein shall he live forever; and there is a humiliating torment for him.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 14 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:But whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and exceeds His limits, He will admit him to Hell wherein shall he live forever; and there is a humiliating torment for him.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 15 in The Quran?### Assistant:And those of your women who commit adultery, call in from your men four witnesses against themThen if they produce evidence, confine those women to their houses till death completes their term of life or Allah ordains a way (i.ea new injunction) for them.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:15.### Assistant:And those of your women who commit adultery, call in from your men four witnesses against themThen if they produce evidence, confine those women to their houses till death completes their term of life or Allah ordains a way (i.ea new injunction) for them.
### Human:The Quran 4:15 - English Translation### Assistant:And those of your women who commit adultery, call in from your men four witnesses against themThen if they produce evidence, confine those women to their houses till death completes their term of life or Allah ordains a way (i.ea new injunction) for them.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 15 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And those of your women who commit adultery, call in from your men four witnesses against themThen if they produce evidence, confine those women to their houses till death completes their term of life or Allah ordains a way (i.ea new injunction) for them.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 16 in The Quran?### Assistant:And the two persons from among you who commit adultery, afflict them bothThen, if they repent and mend (their) ways, refrain from punishing themIndeed Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:16.### Assistant:And the two persons from among you who commit adultery, afflict them bothThen, if they repent and mend (their) ways, refrain from punishing themIndeed Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:The Quran 4:16 - English Translation### Assistant:And the two persons from among you who commit adultery, afflict them bothThen, if they repent and mend (their) ways, refrain from punishing themIndeed Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 16 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And the two persons from among you who commit adultery, afflict them bothThen, if they repent and mend (their) ways, refrain from punishing themIndeed Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 17 in The Quran?### Assistant:Allah has promised to accept the repentance of only those who commit evil deeds due to ignorance, then repent soon afterSo Allah will return to such people with His Mercy and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:17.### Assistant:Allah has promised to accept the repentance of only those who commit evil deeds due to ignorance, then repent soon afterSo Allah will return to such people with His Mercy and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:The Quran 4:17 - English Translation### Assistant:Allah has promised to accept the repentance of only those who commit evil deeds due to ignorance, then repent soon afterSo Allah will return to such people with His Mercy and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 17 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Allah has promised to accept the repentance of only those who commit evil deeds due to ignorance, then repent soon afterSo Allah will return to such people with His Mercy and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 18 in The Quran?### Assistant:But repentance is not (accepted) of the people who persist in sinful acts until death overtakes one of them, (then) he says: ‘Now I repent.’ Nor is repentance (of any avail) for those who die as disbelieversWe have prepared grievous torment for them
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:18.### Assistant:But repentance is not (accepted) of the people who persist in sinful acts until death overtakes one of them, (then) he says: ‘Now I repent.’ Nor is repentance (of any avail) for those who die as disbelieversWe have prepared grievous torment for them
### Human:The Quran 4:18 - English Translation### Assistant:But repentance is not (accepted) of the people who persist in sinful acts until death overtakes one of them, (then) he says: ‘Now I repent.’ Nor is repentance (of any avail) for those who die as disbelieversWe have prepared grievous torment for them
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 18 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:But repentance is not (accepted) of the people who persist in sinful acts until death overtakes one of them, (then) he says: ‘Now I repent.’ Nor is repentance (of any avail) for those who die as disbelieversWe have prepared grievous torment for them
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 19 in The Quran?### Assistant:O Believers! It is not lawful for you to become heirs to women by forceAnd do not hold them back in order to take (back) from them a portion of that which you gave them, unless they commit open indecencyAnd treat them honourablyThen if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah places in it abundant good.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:19.### Assistant:O Believers! It is not lawful for you to become heirs to women by forceAnd do not hold them back in order to take (back) from them a portion of that which you gave them, unless they commit open indecencyAnd treat them honourablyThen if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah places in it abundant good.
### Human:The Quran 4:19 - English Translation### Assistant:O Believers! It is not lawful for you to become heirs to women by forceAnd do not hold them back in order to take (back) from them a portion of that which you gave them, unless they commit open indecencyAnd treat them honourablyThen if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah places in it abundant good.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 19 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:O Believers! It is not lawful for you to become heirs to women by forceAnd do not hold them back in order to take (back) from them a portion of that which you gave them, unless they commit open indecencyAnd treat them honourablyThen if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah places in it abundant good.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 20 in The Quran?### Assistant:And if you seek to take a wife in place of another and you have (by now) given to her heaps of wealth, yet do not take back any part of itDo you want to take that wealth (back) by means of unjust accusation and manifest sin?
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:20.### Assistant:And if you seek to take a wife in place of another and you have (by now) given to her heaps of wealth, yet do not take back any part of itDo you want to take that wealth (back) by means of unjust accusation and manifest sin?
### Human:The Quran 4:20 - English Translation### Assistant:And if you seek to take a wife in place of another and you have (by now) given to her heaps of wealth, yet do not take back any part of itDo you want to take that wealth (back) by means of unjust accusation and manifest sin?
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 20 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And if you seek to take a wife in place of another and you have (by now) given to her heaps of wealth, yet do not take back any part of itDo you want to take that wealth (back) by means of unjust accusation and manifest sin?
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 21 in The Quran?### Assistant:And how can you take it back while you have had marital relations with each other and they have (also) taken a firm promise from you?
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:21.### Assistant:And how can you take it back while you have had marital relations with each other and they have (also) taken a firm promise from you?
### Human:The Quran 4:21 - English Translation### Assistant:And how can you take it back while you have had marital relations with each other and they have (also) taken a firm promise from you?
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 21 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And how can you take it back while you have had marital relations with each other and they have (also) taken a firm promise from you?
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 22 in The Quran?### Assistant:And do not marry women whom your fathers and forefathers marriedBut that which has passed (before this command is forgiven)It is indeed highly indecent, infuriating and an evil custom.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:22.### Assistant:And do not marry women whom your fathers and forefathers marriedBut that which has passed (before this command is forgiven)It is indeed highly indecent, infuriating and an evil custom.
### Human:The Quran 4:22 - English Translation### Assistant:And do not marry women whom your fathers and forefathers marriedBut that which has passed (before this command is forgiven)It is indeed highly indecent, infuriating and an evil custom.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 22 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And do not marry women whom your fathers and forefathers marriedBut that which has passed (before this command is forgiven)It is indeed highly indecent, infuriating and an evil custom.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 23 in The Quran?### Assistant:Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father’s sisters and your mother’s sisters and your brother’s daughters and sister’s daughters and your mothers (who) have suckled you, your foster sisters and mothers of your wivesAnd (similarly) your stepdaughters brought up under your parentage born of your women with whom you have had marital relations (are also forbidden to you.) If you have not had martial relations, then there is no harm (in marrying their daughters)Forbidden are also wives of your real sons who are of your loins and having (in marriage) two sisters together, except that which has passed in the days of ignoranceAllah indeed is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:23.### Assistant:Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father’s sisters and your mother’s sisters and your brother’s daughters and sister’s daughters and your mothers (who) have suckled you, your foster sisters and mothers of your wivesAnd (similarly) your stepdaughters brought up under your parentage born of your women with whom you have had marital relations (are also forbidden to you.) If you have not had martial relations, then there is no harm (in marrying their daughters)Forbidden are also wives of your real sons who are of your loins and having (in marriage) two sisters together, except that which has passed in the days of ignoranceAllah indeed is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:The Quran 4:23 - English Translation### Assistant:Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father’s sisters and your mother’s sisters and your brother’s daughters and sister’s daughters and your mothers (who) have suckled you, your foster sisters and mothers of your wivesAnd (similarly) your stepdaughters brought up under your parentage born of your women with whom you have had marital relations (are also forbidden to you.) If you have not had martial relations, then there is no harm (in marrying their daughters)Forbidden are also wives of your real sons who are of your loins and having (in marriage) two sisters together, except that which has passed in the days of ignoranceAllah indeed is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 23 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father’s sisters and your mother’s sisters and your brother’s daughters and sister’s daughters and your mothers (who) have suckled you, your foster sisters and mothers of your wivesAnd (similarly) your stepdaughters brought up under your parentage born of your women with whom you have had marital relations (are also forbidden to you.) If you have not had martial relations, then there is no harm (in marrying their daughters)Forbidden are also wives of your real sons who are of your loins and having (in marriage) two sisters together, except that which has passed in the days of ignoranceAllah indeed is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 24 in The Quran?### Assistant:And (forbidden to you are also) women having husbands except those (prisoners of war) who come into your legal possessionAllah has prescribed for you (these Commands of forbiddance)And (all women) other than these are made lawful for you, so that you may wish them for marriage by means of your money (dower), maintaining chastity and not in pursuit of satisfying lustThen those of them from whom you have received benefit in exchange for that (money), pay them their fixed dowersAnd there is no sin on you pertaining to the money on which you mutually agree after fixing the dowerSurely Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:24.### Assistant:And (forbidden to you are also) women having husbands except those (prisoners of war) who come into your legal possessionAllah has prescribed for you (these Commands of forbiddance)And (all women) other than these are made lawful for you, so that you may wish them for marriage by means of your money (dower), maintaining chastity and not in pursuit of satisfying lustThen those of them from whom you have received benefit in exchange for that (money), pay them their fixed dowersAnd there is no sin on you pertaining to the money on which you mutually agree after fixing the dowerSurely Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:The Quran 4:24 - English Translation### Assistant:And (forbidden to you are also) women having husbands except those (prisoners of war) who come into your legal possessionAllah has prescribed for you (these Commands of forbiddance)And (all women) other than these are made lawful for you, so that you may wish them for marriage by means of your money (dower), maintaining chastity and not in pursuit of satisfying lustThen those of them from whom you have received benefit in exchange for that (money), pay them their fixed dowersAnd there is no sin on you pertaining to the money on which you mutually agree after fixing the dowerSurely Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 24 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And (forbidden to you are also) women having husbands except those (prisoners of war) who come into your legal possessionAllah has prescribed for you (these Commands of forbiddance)And (all women) other than these are made lawful for you, so that you may wish them for marriage by means of your money (dower), maintaining chastity and not in pursuit of satisfying lustThen those of them from whom you have received benefit in exchange for that (money), pay them their fixed dowersAnd there is no sin on you pertaining to the money on which you mutually agree after fixing the dowerSurely Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 25 in The Quran?### Assistant:And whoever of you cannot afford to marry free believing women may marry those believing slave girls who are in your possession (under Islamic Law)And Allah knows best (the state of) your beliefYou (all) are one from anotherSo, marry these (slave girls) with the permission of their masters, and pay them their dowers according to custom, provided they are wedlocked (being chaste), neither committing illegal sex nor taking secret loversIf they commit fornication after they have entered into wedlock, their punishment will be the half of that (appointed) for free (unmarried) womenThis permission is for him among you who fears (indulging in) sin and if you practise self-restraint that is better for youAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:25.### Assistant:And whoever of you cannot afford to marry free believing women may marry those believing slave girls who are in your possession (under Islamic Law)And Allah knows best (the state of) your beliefYou (all) are one from anotherSo, marry these (slave girls) with the permission of their masters, and pay them their dowers according to custom, provided they are wedlocked (being chaste), neither committing illegal sex nor taking secret loversIf they commit fornication after they have entered into wedlock, their punishment will be the half of that (appointed) for free (unmarried) womenThis permission is for him among you who fears (indulging in) sin and if you practise self-restraint that is better for youAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:The Quran 4:25 - English Translation### Assistant:And whoever of you cannot afford to marry free believing women may marry those believing slave girls who are in your possession (under Islamic Law)And Allah knows best (the state of) your beliefYou (all) are one from anotherSo, marry these (slave girls) with the permission of their masters, and pay them their dowers according to custom, provided they are wedlocked (being chaste), neither committing illegal sex nor taking secret loversIf they commit fornication after they have entered into wedlock, their punishment will be the half of that (appointed) for free (unmarried) womenThis permission is for him among you who fears (indulging in) sin and if you practise self-restraint that is better for youAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 25 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And whoever of you cannot afford to marry free believing women may marry those believing slave girls who are in your possession (under Islamic Law)And Allah knows best (the state of) your beliefYou (all) are one from anotherSo, marry these (slave girls) with the permission of their masters, and pay them their dowers according to custom, provided they are wedlocked (being chaste), neither committing illegal sex nor taking secret loversIf they commit fornication after they have entered into wedlock, their punishment will be the half of that (appointed) for free (unmarried) womenThis permission is for him among you who fears (indulging in) sin and if you practise self-restraint that is better for youAnd Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 26 in The Quran?### Assistant:Allah intends to explain to you (His Commands) and guide you to the ways of those (pious) people who have passed before you and return to you in MercyAnd Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:26.### Assistant:Allah intends to explain to you (His Commands) and guide you to the ways of those (pious) people who have passed before you and return to you in MercyAnd Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:The Quran 4:26 - English Translation### Assistant:Allah intends to explain to you (His Commands) and guide you to the ways of those (pious) people who have passed before you and return to you in MercyAnd Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 26 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Allah intends to explain to you (His Commands) and guide you to the ways of those (pious) people who have passed before you and return to you in MercyAnd Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 27 in The Quran?### Assistant:And Allah intends to bestow upon you His Favour, but those who pursue the lusts (of the ill-commanding selves) wish you to turn far away from the right path.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:27.### Assistant:And Allah intends to bestow upon you His Favour, but those who pursue the lusts (of the ill-commanding selves) wish you to turn far away from the right path.
### Human:The Quran 4:27 - English Translation### Assistant:And Allah intends to bestow upon you His Favour, but those who pursue the lusts (of the ill-commanding selves) wish you to turn far away from the right path.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 27 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And Allah intends to bestow upon you His Favour, but those who pursue the lusts (of the ill-commanding selves) wish you to turn far away from the right path.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 28 in The Quran?### Assistant:Allah intends to lighten your burdenAnd man has been created weak (and infirm).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:28.### Assistant:Allah intends to lighten your burdenAnd man has been created weak (and infirm).
### Human:The Quran 4:28 - English Translation### Assistant:Allah intends to lighten your burdenAnd man has been created weak (and infirm).
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 28 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Allah intends to lighten your burdenAnd man has been created weak (and infirm).
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 29 in The Quran?### Assistant:O Believers! Do not devour one another’s wealth unlawfully among yourselves unless it is a trade by your mutual agreement and do not kill yourselvesSurely, Allah is Kind to you.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:29.### Assistant:O Believers! Do not devour one another’s wealth unlawfully among yourselves unless it is a trade by your mutual agreement and do not kill yourselvesSurely, Allah is Kind to you.
### Human:The Quran 4:29 - English Translation### Assistant:O Believers! Do not devour one another’s wealth unlawfully among yourselves unless it is a trade by your mutual agreement and do not kill yourselvesSurely, Allah is Kind to you.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 29 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:O Believers! Do not devour one another’s wealth unlawfully among yourselves unless it is a trade by your mutual agreement and do not kill yourselvesSurely, Allah is Kind to you.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 30 in The Quran?### Assistant:But whoever will do that through transgression and injustice, We shall soon throw him into the Fire (of Hell) and that is very easy for Allah.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:30.### Assistant:But whoever will do that through transgression and injustice, We shall soon throw him into the Fire (of Hell) and that is very easy for Allah.
### Human:The Quran 4:30 - English Translation### Assistant:But whoever will do that through transgression and injustice, We shall soon throw him into the Fire (of Hell) and that is very easy for Allah.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 30 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:But whoever will do that through transgression and injustice, We shall soon throw him into the Fire (of Hell) and that is very easy for Allah.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 31 in The Quran?### Assistant:If you keep abstaining from major sins that you are forbidden to do We shall remove from you your minor sins and shall admit you to a place of honour.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:31.### Assistant:If you keep abstaining from major sins that you are forbidden to do We shall remove from you your minor sins and shall admit you to a place of honour.
### Human:The Quran 4:31 - English Translation### Assistant:If you keep abstaining from major sins that you are forbidden to do We shall remove from you your minor sins and shall admit you to a place of honour.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 31 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:If you keep abstaining from major sins that you are forbidden to do We shall remove from you your minor sins and shall admit you to a place of honour.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 32 in The Quran?### Assistant:And do not long for the thing in which Allah has made some of you superior to othersMen will have a share of what they earn, and women will have a share of what they earn, and keep begging Allah for His BountySurely Allah knows best everything.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:32.### Assistant:And do not long for the thing in which Allah has made some of you superior to othersMen will have a share of what they earn, and women will have a share of what they earn, and keep begging Allah for His BountySurely Allah knows best everything.
### Human:The Quran 4:32 - English Translation### Assistant:And do not long for the thing in which Allah has made some of you superior to othersMen will have a share of what they earn, and women will have a share of what they earn, and keep begging Allah for His BountySurely Allah knows best everything.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 32 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And do not long for the thing in which Allah has made some of you superior to othersMen will have a share of what they earn, and women will have a share of what they earn, and keep begging Allah for His BountySurely Allah knows best everything.