### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 183 in The Quran?### Assistant: The people (Jews) who say (as a justification): ‘Allah sent to us the Command not to put faith in any Messenger unless he brings us an offering (to prove his Messengership) whom fire will (break out to) devour.’ Say (to them): ‘Certainly many Messengers with evident Signs preceded me and also (came) with the Sign which you speak of Then (despite that) why did you martyr them if you are (so) truthful?’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:183.### Assistant: The people (Jews) who say (as a justification): ‘Allah sent to us the Command not to put faith in any Messenger unless he brings us an offering (to prove his Messengership) whom fire will (break out to) devour.’ Say (to them): ‘Certainly many Messengers with evident Signs preceded me and also (came) with the Sign which you speak of Then (despite that) why did you martyr them if you are (so) truthful?’
### Human:The Quran 3:183 - English Translation### Assistant: The people (Jews) who say (as a justification): ‘Allah sent to us the Command not to put faith in any Messenger unless he brings us an offering (to prove his Messengership) whom fire will (break out to) devour.’ Say (to them): ‘Certainly many Messengers with evident Signs preceded me and also (came) with the Sign which you speak of Then (despite that) why did you martyr them if you are (so) truthful?’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 183 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: The people (Jews) who say (as a justification): ‘Allah sent to us the Command not to put faith in any Messenger unless he brings us an offering (to prove his Messengership) whom fire will (break out to) devour.’ Say (to them): ‘Certainly many Messengers with evident Signs preceded me and also (came) with the Sign which you speak of Then (despite that) why did you martyr them if you are (so) truthful?’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 184 in The Quran?### Assistant: If, even then, they belie you, (My Beloved, do not be aggrieved) So many Messengers were belied before you who brought clear Signs (miracles), Scriptures and the Enlightening Book.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:184.### Assistant: If, even then, they belie you, (My Beloved, do not be aggrieved) So many Messengers were belied before you who brought clear Signs (miracles), Scriptures and the Enlightening Book.
### Human:The Quran 3:184 - English Translation### Assistant: If, even then, they belie you, (My Beloved, do not be aggrieved) So many Messengers were belied before you who brought clear Signs (miracles), Scriptures and the Enlightening Book.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 184 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: If, even then, they belie you, (My Beloved, do not be aggrieved) So many Messengers were belied before you who brought clear Signs (miracles), Scriptures and the Enlightening Book.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 185 in The Quran?### Assistant: Every soul is going to taste death And your full recompense shall be paid back only on the Day of Resurrection So, whoever will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise will be truly successful And the worldly life is nothing but illusory wealth.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:185.### Assistant: Every soul is going to taste death And your full recompense shall be paid back only on the Day of Resurrection So, whoever will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise will be truly successful And the worldly life is nothing but illusory wealth.
### Human:The Quran 3:185 - English Translation### Assistant: Every soul is going to taste death And your full recompense shall be paid back only on the Day of Resurrection So, whoever will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise will be truly successful And the worldly life is nothing but illusory wealth.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 185 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Every soul is going to taste death And your full recompense shall be paid back only on the Day of Resurrection So, whoever will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise will be truly successful And the worldly life is nothing but illusory wealth.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 186 in The Quran?### Assistant: (O Believers!) You shall most certainly be tested in your possessions and your selves And of course you shall have also to hear many torturing (taunts) from those who were given the Book before you and who are polytheists But if you remain patient and stick to self-protection, that is one of the works demanding high resolve.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:186.### Assistant: (O Believers!) You shall most certainly be tested in your possessions and your selves And of course you shall have also to hear many torturing (taunts) from those who were given the Book before you and who are polytheists But if you remain patient and stick to self-protection, that is one of the works demanding high resolve.
### Human:The Quran 3:186 - English Translation### Assistant: (O Believers!) You shall most certainly be tested in your possessions and your selves And of course you shall have also to hear many torturing (taunts) from those who were given the Book before you and who are polytheists But if you remain patient and stick to self-protection, that is one of the works demanding high resolve.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 186 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (O Believers!) You shall most certainly be tested in your possessions and your selves And of course you shall have also to hear many torturing (taunts) from those who were given the Book before you and who are polytheists But if you remain patient and stick to self-protection, that is one of the works demanding high resolve.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 187 in The Quran?### Assistant: And when Allah took a firm promise from those who were given the Book: ‘You shall communicate it clearly and plainly to the people and shall not hide (whatever is described in it),’ they cast this promise behind their backs and sold it for a paltry price This is an extremely evil transaction on their part.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:187.### Assistant: And when Allah took a firm promise from those who were given the Book: ‘You shall communicate it clearly and plainly to the people and shall not hide (whatever is described in it),’ they cast this promise behind their backs and sold it for a paltry price This is an extremely evil transaction on their part.
### Human:The Quran 3:187 - English Translation### Assistant: And when Allah took a firm promise from those who were given the Book: ‘You shall communicate it clearly and plainly to the people and shall not hide (whatever is described in it),’ they cast this promise behind their backs and sold it for a paltry price This is an extremely evil transaction on their part.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 187 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And when Allah took a firm promise from those who were given the Book: ‘You shall communicate it clearly and plainly to the people and shall not hide (whatever is described in it),’ they cast this promise behind their backs and sold it for a paltry price This is an extremely evil transaction on their part.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 188 in The Quran?### Assistant: Never regard those (as the emancipated ones) who rejoice over their crooked works and want to be praised for the deeds that they have never done (Proclaimed for emphasis:) never think that they are delivered from punishment; and for them is an awful torment.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:188.### Assistant: Never regard those (as the emancipated ones) who rejoice over their crooked works and want to be praised for the deeds that they have never done (Proclaimed for emphasis:) never think that they are delivered from punishment; and for them is an awful torment.
### Human:The Quran 3:188 - English Translation### Assistant: Never regard those (as the emancipated ones) who rejoice over their crooked works and want to be praised for the deeds that they have never done (Proclaimed for emphasis:) never think that they are delivered from punishment; and for them is an awful torment.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 188 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Never regard those (as the emancipated ones) who rejoice over their crooked works and want to be praised for the deeds that they have never done (Proclaimed for emphasis:) never think that they are delivered from punishment; and for them is an awful torment.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 189 in The Quran?### Assistant: The Sovereignty of all the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone and Allah has Perfect Control over everything (So focus your attention on and trust in Him alone.)
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:189.### Assistant: The Sovereignty of all the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone and Allah has Perfect Control over everything (So focus your attention on and trust in Him alone.)
### Human:The Quran 3:189 - English Translation### Assistant: The Sovereignty of all the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone and Allah has Perfect Control over everything (So focus your attention on and trust in Him alone.)
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 189 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: The Sovereignty of all the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone and Allah has Perfect Control over everything (So focus your attention on and trust in Him alone.)
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 190 in The Quran?### Assistant: Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are Signs (of Allah’s Absolute Authority) for those who possess constructive wisdom.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:190.### Assistant: Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are Signs (of Allah’s Absolute Authority) for those who possess constructive wisdom.
### Human:The Quran 3:190 - English Translation### Assistant: Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are Signs (of Allah’s Absolute Authority) for those who possess constructive wisdom.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 190 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are Signs (of Allah’s Absolute Authority) for those who possess constructive wisdom.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 191 in The Quran?### Assistant: These are the people who, remembering Allah, remain standing (as the epitome of submissiveness), sitting (as reverence incarnate) and (also keep) changing sides (in discomfort of love) and meditate on (manifest lustre of His Eminence and Beauty at work in) the creation of the heavens and the earth (Then acquainted with the pleasure of His gnosis, they call out spontaneously:) ‘O our Lord, You have not created (all) this without any rationale and strategy You are impeccably Pure (of all shortcomings and obligations) So protect us from the torment of Hell.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:191.### Assistant: These are the people who, remembering Allah, remain standing (as the epitome of submissiveness), sitting (as reverence incarnate) and (also keep) changing sides (in discomfort of love) and meditate on (manifest lustre of His Eminence and Beauty at work in) the creation of the heavens and the earth (Then acquainted with the pleasure of His gnosis, they call out spontaneously:) ‘O our Lord, You have not created (all) this without any rationale and strategy You are impeccably Pure (of all shortcomings and obligations) So protect us from the torment of Hell.
### Human:The Quran 3:191 - English Translation### Assistant: These are the people who, remembering Allah, remain standing (as the epitome of submissiveness), sitting (as reverence incarnate) and (also keep) changing sides (in discomfort of love) and meditate on (manifest lustre of His Eminence and Beauty at work in) the creation of the heavens and the earth (Then acquainted with the pleasure of His gnosis, they call out spontaneously:) ‘O our Lord, You have not created (all) this without any rationale and strategy You are impeccably Pure (of all shortcomings and obligations) So protect us from the torment of Hell.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 191 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: These are the people who, remembering Allah, remain standing (as the epitome of submissiveness), sitting (as reverence incarnate) and (also keep) changing sides (in discomfort of love) and meditate on (manifest lustre of His Eminence and Beauty at work in) the creation of the heavens and the earth (Then acquainted with the pleasure of His gnosis, they call out spontaneously:) ‘O our Lord, You have not created (all) this without any rationale and strategy You are impeccably Pure (of all shortcomings and obligations) So protect us from the torment of Hell.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 192 in The Quran?### Assistant: O our Lord! Indeed whomever You admit to Hell, You have surely humiliated him and the wrongdoers do not have any supporters.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:192.### Assistant: O our Lord! Indeed whomever You admit to Hell, You have surely humiliated him and the wrongdoers do not have any supporters.
### Human:The Quran 3:192 - English Translation### Assistant: O our Lord! Indeed whomever You admit to Hell, You have surely humiliated him and the wrongdoers do not have any supporters.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 192 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O our Lord! Indeed whomever You admit to Hell, You have surely humiliated him and the wrongdoers do not have any supporters.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 193 in The Quran?### Assistant: O our Lord! (We were oblivious of You,) then we heard a Caller, calling towards faith: (O people,) believe in your Lord So we embraced faith O our Lord, now forgive our sins and erase our blunders (from the record of our works) and make us die in the company of the pious.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:193.### Assistant: O our Lord! (We were oblivious of You,) then we heard a Caller, calling towards faith: (O people,) believe in your Lord So we embraced faith O our Lord, now forgive our sins and erase our blunders (from the record of our works) and make us die in the company of the pious.
### Human:The Quran 3:193 - English Translation### Assistant: O our Lord! (We were oblivious of You,) then we heard a Caller, calling towards faith: (O people,) believe in your Lord So we embraced faith O our Lord, now forgive our sins and erase our blunders (from the record of our works) and make us die in the company of the pious.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 193 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O our Lord! (We were oblivious of You,) then we heard a Caller, calling towards faith: (O people,) believe in your Lord So we embraced faith O our Lord, now forgive our sins and erase our blunders (from the record of our works) and make us die in the company of the pious.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 194 in The Quran?### Assistant: O our Lord! Grant us all that You have promised us through Your Messengers and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection Surely, You do not go against Your promise.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:194.### Assistant: O our Lord! Grant us all that You have promised us through Your Messengers and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection Surely, You do not go against Your promise.’
### Human:The Quran 3:194 - English Translation### Assistant: O our Lord! Grant us all that You have promised us through Your Messengers and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection Surely, You do not go against Your promise.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 194 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O our Lord! Grant us all that You have promised us through Your Messengers and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection Surely, You do not go against Your promise.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 195 in The Quran?### Assistant: Then their Lord accorded approval to their supplication (and said:) ‘Certainly I do not waste wages of any labourer whether man or woman; you all are from one another So those who have emigrated (for the cause of Allah) and have been driven out of their dwellings (for Him alone) and have been offended in My way, and fought for My sake and were slain, I shall verily erase their sins from their record of works and admit them to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow This is the reward from Allah and (even) better reward (than this) lies with Allah alone.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:195.### Assistant: Then their Lord accorded approval to their supplication (and said:) ‘Certainly I do not waste wages of any labourer whether man or woman; you all are from one another So those who have emigrated (for the cause of Allah) and have been driven out of their dwellings (for Him alone) and have been offended in My way, and fought for My sake and were slain, I shall verily erase their sins from their record of works and admit them to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow This is the reward from Allah and (even) better reward (than this) lies with Allah alone.
### Human:The Quran 3:195 - English Translation### Assistant: Then their Lord accorded approval to their supplication (and said:) ‘Certainly I do not waste wages of any labourer whether man or woman; you all are from one another So those who have emigrated (for the cause of Allah) and have been driven out of their dwellings (for Him alone) and have been offended in My way, and fought for My sake and were slain, I shall verily erase their sins from their record of works and admit them to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow This is the reward from Allah and (even) better reward (than this) lies with Allah alone.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 195 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Then their Lord accorded approval to their supplication (and said:) ‘Certainly I do not waste wages of any labourer whether man or woman; you all are from one another So those who have emigrated (for the cause of Allah) and have been driven out of their dwellings (for Him alone) and have been offended in My way, and fought for My sake and were slain, I shall verily erase their sins from their record of works and admit them to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow This is the reward from Allah and (even) better reward (than this) lies with Allah alone.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 196 in The Quran?### Assistant: (O servant of Allah!) The roaming about of the disbelievers in the cities (with luxurious riches) should not cause you any illusion.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:196.### Assistant: (O servant of Allah!) The roaming about of the disbelievers in the cities (with luxurious riches) should not cause you any illusion.
### Human:The Quran 3:196 - English Translation### Assistant: (O servant of Allah!) The roaming about of the disbelievers in the cities (with luxurious riches) should not cause you any illusion.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 196 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (O servant of Allah!) The roaming about of the disbelievers in the cities (with luxurious riches) should not cause you any illusion.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 197 in The Quran?### Assistant: This is an insignificant possession (for a brief period) Then their abode will be Hell and that is a very evil abode.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:197.### Assistant: This is an insignificant possession (for a brief period) Then their abode will be Hell and that is a very evil abode.
### Human:The Quran 3:197 - English Translation### Assistant: This is an insignificant possession (for a brief period) Then their abode will be Hell and that is a very evil abode.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 197 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: This is an insignificant possession (for a brief period) Then their abode will be Hell and that is a very evil abode.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 198 in The Quran?### Assistant: But those who persist in fearing their Lord, for them there are Gardens beneath which rivers flow There will they reside forever This is hospitaility (for them) from Allah And (His chamber of Proximity, lustre of His Beauty and the Blessing of Union with Him, in sum,) whatever there is with Allah is excellent for the pious.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:198.### Assistant: But those who persist in fearing their Lord, for them there are Gardens beneath which rivers flow There will they reside forever This is hospitaility (for them) from Allah And (His chamber of Proximity, lustre of His Beauty and the Blessing of Union with Him, in sum,) whatever there is with Allah is excellent for the pious.
### Human:The Quran 3:198 - English Translation### Assistant: But those who persist in fearing their Lord, for them there are Gardens beneath which rivers flow There will they reside forever This is hospitaility (for them) from Allah And (His chamber of Proximity, lustre of His Beauty and the Blessing of Union with Him, in sum,) whatever there is with Allah is excellent for the pious.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 198 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: But those who persist in fearing their Lord, for them there are Gardens beneath which rivers flow There will they reside forever This is hospitaility (for them) from Allah And (His chamber of Proximity, lustre of His Beauty and the Blessing of Union with Him, in sum,) whatever there is with Allah is excellent for the pious.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 199 in The Quran?### Assistant: And indeed some People of the Book are such that they believe in Allah and also (have faith in) the Book that has been revealed to you and the one which was sent down to them Their hearts remain subdued before Allah And they do not receive paltry price for the Revelations of Allah They are the ones whose reward lies with their Lord Indeed Allah is Swift at reckoning.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:199.### Assistant: And indeed some People of the Book are such that they believe in Allah and also (have faith in) the Book that has been revealed to you and the one which was sent down to them Their hearts remain subdued before Allah And they do not receive paltry price for the Revelations of Allah They are the ones whose reward lies with their Lord Indeed Allah is Swift at reckoning.
### Human:The Quran 3:199 - English Translation### Assistant: And indeed some People of the Book are such that they believe in Allah and also (have faith in) the Book that has been revealed to you and the one which was sent down to them Their hearts remain subdued before Allah And they do not receive paltry price for the Revelations of Allah They are the ones whose reward lies with their Lord Indeed Allah is Swift at reckoning.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 199 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And indeed some People of the Book are such that they believe in Allah and also (have faith in) the Book that has been revealed to you and the one which was sent down to them Their hearts remain subdued before Allah And they do not receive paltry price for the Revelations of Allah They are the ones whose reward lies with their Lord Indeed Allah is Swift at reckoning.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 200 in The Quran?### Assistant:O Believers! Be steadfast and in perseverance (and tenacity) toil (even harder than the enemy) and be alert and vigilant (for struggle against violation of peace and human rights), and (always) persist in fearing Allah so that you may achieve success.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:200.### Assistant:O Believers! Be steadfast and in perseverance (and tenacity) toil (even harder than the enemy) and be alert and vigilant (for struggle against violation of peace and human rights), and (always) persist in fearing Allah so that you may achieve success.
### Human:The Quran 3:200 - English Translation### Assistant:O Believers! Be steadfast and in perseverance (and tenacity) toil (even harder than the enemy) and be alert and vigilant (for struggle against violation of peace and human rights), and (always) persist in fearing Allah so that you may achieve success.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 200 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:O Believers! Be steadfast and in perseverance (and tenacity) toil (even harder than the enemy) and be alert and vigilant (for struggle against violation of peace and human rights), and (always) persist in fearing Allah so that you may achieve success.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 1 in The Quran?### Assistant:O Mankind! Fear your Lord Who (initiated) your creation from a single soul, then from it created its mate, and from these two spread (the creation of) countless men and womenSo, fear Allah for Whose sake you solicit needs from one anotherAnd (become God-fearing) towards your own kith and kin (as well)Allah is indeed Ever-Watchful over you.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:1.### Assistant:O Mankind! Fear your Lord Who (initiated) your creation from a single soul, then from it created its mate, and from these two spread (the creation of) countless men and womenSo, fear Allah for Whose sake you solicit needs from one anotherAnd (become God-fearing) towards your own kith and kin (as well)Allah is indeed Ever-Watchful over you.
### Human:The Quran 4:1 - English Translation### Assistant:O Mankind! Fear your Lord Who (initiated) your creation from a single soul, then from it created its mate, and from these two spread (the creation of) countless men and womenSo, fear Allah for Whose sake you solicit needs from one anotherAnd (become God-fearing) towards your own kith and kin (as well)Allah is indeed Ever-Watchful over you.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 1 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:O Mankind! Fear your Lord Who (initiated) your creation from a single soul, then from it created its mate, and from these two spread (the creation of) countless men and womenSo, fear Allah for Whose sake you solicit needs from one anotherAnd (become God-fearing) towards your own kith and kin (as well)Allah is indeed Ever-Watchful over you.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 2 in The Quran?### Assistant:And deliver to the orphans their belongings; and do not exchange the bad for the good; nor consume their wealth by mixing it with your ownIndeed this is a great sin.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:2.### Assistant:And deliver to the orphans their belongings; and do not exchange the bad for the good; nor consume their wealth by mixing it with your ownIndeed this is a great sin.
### Human:The Quran 4:2 - English Translation### Assistant:And deliver to the orphans their belongings; and do not exchange the bad for the good; nor consume their wealth by mixing it with your ownIndeed this is a great sin.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 2 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And deliver to the orphans their belongings; and do not exchange the bad for the good; nor consume their wealth by mixing it with your ownIndeed this is a great sin.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 3 in The Quran?### Assistant:And if you have the apprehension that you will not be able to treat the orphan girls justly then marry the women you like and who are lawful for you, two or three or four (but this sanction is conditional on justice)Then if you fear that you will not be able to treat (more than one wife) justly then (marry) only one woman or the maids who have come under your possession (in accordance with the Islamic law)This makes it more likely that you restrain you from committing injustice.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:3.### Assistant:And if you have the apprehension that you will not be able to treat the orphan girls justly then marry the women you like and who are lawful for you, two or three or four (but this sanction is conditional on justice)Then if you fear that you will not be able to treat (more than one wife) justly then (marry) only one woman or the maids who have come under your possession (in accordance with the Islamic law)This makes it more likely that you restrain you from committing injustice.
### Human:The Quran 4:3 - English Translation### Assistant:And if you have the apprehension that you will not be able to treat the orphan girls justly then marry the women you like and who are lawful for you, two or three or four (but this sanction is conditional on justice)Then if you fear that you will not be able to treat (more than one wife) justly then (marry) only one woman or the maids who have come under your possession (in accordance with the Islamic law)This makes it more likely that you restrain you from committing injustice.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 3 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And if you have the apprehension that you will not be able to treat the orphan girls justly then marry the women you like and who are lawful for you, two or three or four (but this sanction is conditional on justice)Then if you fear that you will not be able to treat (more than one wife) justly then (marry) only one woman or the maids who have come under your possession (in accordance with the Islamic law)This makes it more likely that you restrain you from committing injustice.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 4 in The Quran?### Assistant:And pay the women their dower with a pleased heartThen if they forgo for you some (of the dower) out of their own pleasure, you may consume it as pleasant and favourable (for you).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:4.### Assistant:And pay the women their dower with a pleased heartThen if they forgo for you some (of the dower) out of their own pleasure, you may consume it as pleasant and favourable (for you).
### Human:The Quran 4:4 - English Translation### Assistant:And pay the women their dower with a pleased heartThen if they forgo for you some (of the dower) out of their own pleasure, you may consume it as pleasant and favourable (for you).
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 4 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And pay the women their dower with a pleased heartThen if they forgo for you some (of the dower) out of their own pleasure, you may consume it as pleasant and favourable (for you).
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 5 in The Quran?### Assistant:And do not entrust to the mentally deficient your (or their) assets which Allah has made a means of stability for your economyHowever, feed them out of it and clothe them, and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:5.### Assistant:And do not entrust to the mentally deficient your (or their) assets which Allah has made a means of stability for your economyHowever, feed them out of it and clothe them, and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:The Quran 4:5 - English Translation### Assistant:And do not entrust to the mentally deficient your (or their) assets which Allah has made a means of stability for your economyHowever, feed them out of it and clothe them, and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 5 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And do not entrust to the mentally deficient your (or their) assets which Allah has made a means of stability for your economyHowever, feed them out of it and clothe them, and say to them good and nice words.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 6 in The Quran?### Assistant:And evaluate and test the orphans (for the sake of their training) till they attain to (the age of) marriageThen if you discern in them ingenuity (and the knack of planning), hand over their assets to themAnd devour not their wealth spending it wastefully and in haste (fearing that after) they grow mature (they will take it back)The one who is affluent must absolutely abstain (from the orphan’s property) but he who is indigent (himself) should consume but a fair portion of it (only)And when you return to them their assets, take witnesses over themAnd Sufficient is Allah at reckoning
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:6.### Assistant:And evaluate and test the orphans (for the sake of their training) till they attain to (the age of) marriageThen if you discern in them ingenuity (and the knack of planning), hand over their assets to themAnd devour not their wealth spending it wastefully and in haste (fearing that after) they grow mature (they will take it back)The one who is affluent must absolutely abstain (from the orphan’s property) but he who is indigent (himself) should consume but a fair portion of it (only)And when you return to them their assets, take witnesses over themAnd Sufficient is Allah at reckoning
### Human:The Quran 4:6 - English Translation### Assistant:And evaluate and test the orphans (for the sake of their training) till they attain to (the age of) marriageThen if you discern in them ingenuity (and the knack of planning), hand over their assets to themAnd devour not their wealth spending it wastefully and in haste (fearing that after) they grow mature (they will take it back)The one who is affluent must absolutely abstain (from the orphan’s property) but he who is indigent (himself) should consume but a fair portion of it (only)And when you return to them their assets, take witnesses over themAnd Sufficient is Allah at reckoning
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 6 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:And evaluate and test the orphans (for the sake of their training) till they attain to (the age of) marriageThen if you discern in them ingenuity (and the knack of planning), hand over their assets to themAnd devour not their wealth spending it wastefully and in haste (fearing that after) they grow mature (they will take it back)The one who is affluent must absolutely abstain (from the orphan’s property) but he who is indigent (himself) should consume but a fair portion of it (only)And when you return to them their assets, take witnesses over themAnd Sufficient is Allah at reckoning
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 4, Verse 7 in The Quran?### Assistant:Men have a share in (the assets) that their parents and nearest kin leave behind and women (also) have a share in the inheritance of their parents and the nearest kinBe it small or large, the share has been fixed (by Allah).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 4:7.### Assistant:Men have a share in (the assets) that their parents and nearest kin leave behind and women (also) have a share in the inheritance of their parents and the nearest kinBe it small or large, the share has been fixed (by Allah).
### Human:The Quran 4:7 - English Translation### Assistant:Men have a share in (the assets) that their parents and nearest kin leave behind and women (also) have a share in the inheritance of their parents and the nearest kinBe it small or large, the share has been fixed (by Allah).
### Human:Translate Chapter 4, Verse 7 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Men have a share in (the assets) that their parents and nearest kin leave behind and women (also) have a share in the inheritance of their parents and the nearest kinBe it small or large, the share has been fixed (by Allah).