5 values
[ "Approximately $15,000 per year." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The average Walgreens salary ranges from approximately $15,000 per year for Customer Service Associate / Cashier to $179,900 per year for District Manager. Average Walgreens hourly pay ranges from approximately $7.35 per hour for Laboratory Technician to $68.90 per hour for Pharmacy Manager. Salary information comes from 7,810 data points collected directly from employees, users, and jobs on Indeed.", "The average revenue in 2011 of a Starbuck Store was $1,078,000, up from $1,011,000 in 2010. The average ticket (total purchase) at domestic Starbuck stores in No … vember 2007 was reported at $6.36. In 2008, the average ticket was flat (0.0% change).", "In fiscal 2014, Walgreens opened a total of 184 new locations and acquired 84 locations, for a net decrease of 273 after relocations and closings. How big are your stores? The average size for a typical Walgreens is about 14,500 square feet and the sales floor averages about 11,000 square feet. How do we select locations for new stores? There are several factors that Walgreens takes into account, such as major intersections, traffic patterns, demographics and locations near hospitals.", "th store in 1984, reaching $4 billion in sales in 1987, and $5 billion two years later. Walgreens ended the 1980s with 1,484 stores, $5.3 billion in revenues and $154 million in profits. However, profit margins remained just below 3 percent of sales, and returns on assets of less than 10 percent.", "The number of Walgreen stores has risen from 5,000 in 2005 to more than 8,000 at present. The average square footage per store stood at approximately 10,200 and we forecast the figure to remain constant over our review period. Walgreen earned $303 as average front-end revenue per store square foot in 2012.", "Your Walgreens Store. Select a store from the search results to make it Your Walgreens Store and save time getting what you need. Your Walgreens Store will be the default location for picking up prescriptions, photos, in store orders and finding deals in the Weekly Ad." ], "url": [ "", "'s_Store", "", "", "", "" ] }
walgreens store sales average
[ "$21,550 per year", "The average hourly wage for a bartender is $10.36 and the average yearly take-home is $21,550." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "A bartender’s income is comprised mostly of tips– 55% to be exact. In some states, employers aren’t even required to pay their bartenders the minimum wage and can pay as low as $2.13 per hour, and they depend on their tips almost entirely. Bartending can be a lot of things. For some it is exciting, for others exhausting. At times there is a lot of fun to be had, at others it is rather dull. But for the most part, bartending is almost always rewarding in the financial sense, as long as you stick with it.", "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for a bartender is $10.36, and the average yearly take-home is $21,550. Bartending can be a lot of things. For some it is exciting, for others exhausting. At times there is a lot of fun to be had, at others it is rather dull. But for the most part, bartending is almost always rewarding in the financial sense, as long as you stick with it.", "About 551,100 individuals are employed as bartenders, with half of this number working part-time. The average annual salary for bartenders is $19,050 or an equivalent of $9.16 per hour, including tips. No formal training is needed for one to get a job as a bartender as all it takes are good customer service skills and a comprehensive knowledge about beverages and recipes. ", "Confidence votes 11. Bartenders in Vegas can make up to $7-$15 wage plus $10-$50 in tips per hour. But that totally depends on personality, gender and outlet. A hot young female can make $1000 a day tending bar in a strip club, but that is very exceptional. A bartender makes as much as a bartender wants to make. I wouldn't say there is a cap on how much a bartender make in one year. If the service is good and the coversation is i … nteresting a bartender can make alot of money. Location is also a big factor.", "Best Answer: An average bartender makes about...2 to 3 dollars an hour. but all the money is made off tips depending on the popularity of the bar. I used to make $700 to $1000 a night. but that is in Atlanta. If the bar is busy and you are a good bartender you will make quite a bit. I dont know how much, because I live in a town with a population of 2000 so there is not alot going on around here. Im sure the bartenders make a hundred to two hundred a night total (on a good night)...just depends.", "Report Abuse. no way to tell you how much bartenders make. in wages anything from minimum to $15 an hour. tips, anywhere from $20 to $300 or more a night. depends on a lot of things. those top dollar jobs only come after a lot of experience. If the bar is busy and you are a good bartender you will make quite a bit. I dont know how much, because I live in a town with a population of 2000 so there is not alot going on around here. Im sure the bartenders make a hundred to two hundred a night total (on a good night)...just depends.", "Pay by Employment Setting. Bartenders who worked in hotels and hotel restaurants generally reported the highest incomes in 2011, an average of $26,180 a year. Bartenders employed in full-service restaurants tended to earn somewhat less, averaging about $22,130 a year. Bartenders employed by bars earned an average of $20,230 per year, and bartenders who worked for civic and social organizations earned an average of $18,970 a year. The median earnings of bartenders during this period were $9.06 an hour and $18,850 a year. Eighty percent of bartenders in the U.S. reported annual incomes of between $16,170 and $31,860.", "Tips make up half or more of bartender's salaries. If a bartender earned $6.00 an hour, their tips generally average out to $12.00 to $18.00 an hour as additional income. A bartender in an average bar will typically earn $15.00 $30.00 an hour between their wages and tips. According to, bartenders in a high volume resort or establishment can earn $50,000 to $75,000 per year between hourly wages and tips. 2010 results show bartenders in restaurants at median salary rates can make a good salary per year: Bartender $73,000." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how much do bartenders make
[ "A boil, also called a furuncle, is a deep folliculitis, infection of the hair follicle.It is most commonly caused by infection by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Knowledge center. A boil, also known as a furuncle is a skin abscess, a painful bump that forms under the skin-it is full of puss. A carbuncle is collection of boils that develop under the skin. When bacteria infect hair follicles they can swell up and turn into boils. ", "When the hair follicle becomes infected, the skin around it also becomes inflamed. The furuncle looks like a red, raised bump on your skin, but can later rupture and weep fluid. Furuncles are most commonly found on the face and neck. You might also develop a boil on your thigh or buttocks. Symptoms of a Furuncle. A furuncle may begin as a benign-looking bump on your skin, similar to a pimple. As the infection worsens, however, the boil can become painful and hard. Bacteria and dead skin cells may then build up underneath the skin, forming pu", "A boil is a skin infection that starts in a hair follicle or oil gland. Also referred to as a skin abscess, it is a localized infection deep in the skin. A boil generally starts as a reddened, tender area. Over time, the area becomes firm and hard. ", "A boil, sometimes also referred to as a furuncle, is an infection involving a hair follicle on the skin. Boils are typically caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, although they may be caused by other bacteria or fungi present on the skin surface. ", "A boil, also known as a skin abscess or furuncle, is a painful, pus-filled lump that develops on the surface of the skin. Boils can be as small as a pea or as large as a golf ball and can develop on any part of the body. They are usually caused by the infection of a hair follicle or oil gland in the skin. ", "A boil is a red, swollen, painful bump under the skin. It often looks like an overgrown pimple. Boils are often caused by infected hair follicles. Bacteria from the infection form an abscess, or pocket of pus. A boil can become large and cause severe pain. Boils most often happen where there is hair and rubbing. The face, neck, armpits, breasts, groin, and buttocks are common sites. ", "A boil, also called a furuncle, is a deep folliculitis, infection of the hair follicle. It is most commonly caused by infection by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, resulting in a painful swollen area on the skin caused by an accumulation of pus and dead tissue. Signs and symptoms [edit]. Boils are bumpy, red, pus-filled lumps around a hair follicle that are tender, warm, and very painful. They range from pea-sized to golf ball-sized. A yellow or white point at the center of the lump can be seen when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus.", "A boil is a large infection of a hair follicle, the tiny opening in the skin from which a hair grows. Boils are due to an invasion of ... more 1 ». Boil: Infected puseous hair follicle on the skin. 2 Boil: An infection of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue that consists of a cluster of boils. 3 Commonly, the causative agent is STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. 4 Carbuncles produce fever, leukocytosis, extreme pain, and prostration" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is a furuncle boil
[ "Detect and assess a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infection, kidney disease and diabetes." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Urinalysis: One way to test for bladder cancer is to check for blood in the urine (called hematuria). This can be done during a urinalysis, which is a simple test to check for blood and other substances in the urine. ", "Urinalysis, also called a routine urine test, is used to check for abnormalities in the urine.Urine is liquid waste, which is made by the kidneys and stored in the bladder until it is eliminated by the body through urination. A number of diseases and conditions can result in abnormalities in the urine. These abnormalities often may be detected through physical, chemical, and microscopic examination. Urinalysis may be performed as part of a regular physical examination to screen for early signs of disease.", "Urinalysis is commonly used to diagnose a urinary tract or kidney infection, to evaluate causes of kidney failure, to screen for progression of some chronic conditions such as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure (hypertension). It also may be used in combination with other tests to diagnose some diseases. It is a very common test that can be performed in many healthcare settings including doctors' offices, urgent care facilities, laboratories, and hospitals. It is performed by collecting a urine sample from the patient in a specimen cup. Usually only small amounts (30-60 ml's) may be required for urinalysis testing.", "The urinalysis is used as a screening and/or diagnostic tool because it can help detect substances or cellular material in the urine associated with different metabolic and kidney disorders. It is ordered widely and routinely to detect any abnormalities that require follow up. It is used to detect urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other disorders of the urinary tract. In those with acute or chronic conditions, such as kidney disease, the urinalysis may be ordered at intervals as a rapid method to help monitor organ function, status, and response to treatment. ^ Back to top.", "Urinalysis is a test that evaluates a sample of your urine. Urinalysis is used to detect and assess a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infection, kidney disease and diabetes. Urinalysis involves examining the appearance, concentration and content of urine. Abnormal urinalysis results may point to a disease or illness. For example, a urinary tract infection can make urine look cloudy instead of clear. Increased levels of protein in urine can be a sign of kidney disease.", "A urinalysis is simply an analysis of the urine. It is a very common test that can be performed in many healthcare settings including doctors' offices, urgent care facilities, laboratories, and hospitals. It is performed by collecting a urine sample from the patient in a specimen cup. Usually only small amounts (30-60 ml's) may be required for urinalysis testing. The sample can be either analyzed in the medical clinic or sent to a laboratory to perform the tests", "In patients who have kidney disease or diabetes, urine tests are used to monitor the condition. Urinalysis also may be performed to detect a urinary tract infection (UTI) , protein in the urine (proteinuria), or blood in the urine (hematuria), and to diagnose pregnancy. Toxicology screening can be used as part of urinalysis to detect illegal drug use. A number of diseases and conditions can result in abnormalities in the urine. These abnormalities often may be detected through physical, chemical, and microscopic examination. Urinalysis may be performed as part of a regular physical examination to screen for early signs of disease.", "Urinalysis is a test that is used to detect disease or illness in the body, such as kidney cancer. During a urinalysis, your doctor will check the appearance and concentration of your urine. Because blood in the urine can be caused by an infection or other benign conditions, before making a cancer diagnosis, we examine the urine cells under a special microscope that allows us to detect cancerous activity, called urine cytology.", "Urinalysis involves checking the appearance and color of the urine (called gross examination). Urine can appear cloudy (turbid), clear, or layered. It can vary in color from pale (almost colorless) yellow to dark yellow, and even red, green, or blue. Infection may cause the urine to be abnormal in color and cloudy. A number of diseases and conditions can result in abnormalities in the urine. These abnormalities often may be detected through physical, chemical, and microscopic examination. Urinalysis may be performed as part of a regular physical examination to screen for early signs of disease." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what can urinalysis detect
[ "Shigellosis, diseases of the nervous system, nose infections, loss of sense of smell, asthma, persistent headaches, kidney stones, overactive thyroid, iron-poor blood (anemia), deafness, ringing in the ears, and precancerous mouth sores." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Since vitamin A is fat-soluble it is not needed in daily, large quantities. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body in organs such as the liver. Most of the vitamin A that we consume goes to the liver to be stored until it is needed by another part of the body. The vitamin A that we obtain from animal products is called retinoids and can be used by our bodies without any modification. The form of vitamin A found in fruits and vegetables is known as carotenoids. The most common type of carotenoid is-carotene (beta carotene).", "In foods of animal origin, the major form of vitamin A is an ester, primarily retinyl palmitate, which is converted to retinol (chemically an alcohol) in the small intestine. The retinol form functions as a storage form of the vitamin, and can be converted to and from its visually active aldehyde form, retinal. Vitamin A can be found in two principal forms in foods 1 : Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester", "Overview. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that your body doesn't store it. You have to get what you need from food, including citrus fruits, broccoli, and tomatoes. You need vitamin C for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body", "1 Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester. 3 It is also commercially produced and administered as esters such as retinyl acetate or palmitate. Vitamin A can be found in two principal forms in foods 1 : Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester", "Vitamin A is also used for shigellosis, diseases of the nervous system, nose infections, loss of sense of smell, asthma, persistent headaches, kidney stones, overactive thyroid, iron-poor blood (anemia), deafness, ringing in the ears, and precancerous mouth sores (leukoplakia). It can also be made in a laboratory. Vitamin A is used for treating vitamin A deficiency. It is also used to reduce complications of diseases such as malaria, HIV, measles, and diarrhea in children with", "Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated nutritional organic compounds, that includes retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids, and beta-carotene. Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system and good vision. Vitamin A can be found in two principal forms in foods 1 : Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester", "Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A. The body needs to convert it to retinol or vitamin A for use. Beta-carotene is found naturally in mostly orange and dark green plant foods, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangos, and kale. Vitamin A is a family of fat-soluble compounds that play an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation. Vitamin A is important for healthy bones. However, too much vitamin A has been linked to bone loss and an increase in the risk of hip fracture.", "Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work properly. There are two different types of vitamin A. The first type, preformed vitamin A, is found in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. The second type, provitamin A, is found in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based products. The most common type of provitamin A in foods and dietary supplements is beta-carotene", "Two forms of vitamin A are available in the human diet: preformed vitamin A (retinol and its esterified form, retinyl ester) and provitamin A carotenoids [ 1-5 ]. Preformed vitamin A is found in foods from animal sources, including dairy products, fish, and meat (especially liver). By far the most important provitamin A carotenoid is beta-carotene; other provitamin A carotenoids are alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. A portion of the vitamin A in some supplements is in the form of beta-carotene and the remainder is preformed vitamin A; others contain only preformed vitamin A or only beta-carotene. Supplement labels usually indicate the percentage of each form of the vitamin." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is vitamin a used for
[ "The initiation of cell transformation is generally associated with genetic alterations in normal cells that lead to the loss of intercellular-and/or extracellular-matrix- (ECM-) mediated cell adhesion.", "The initiation of cell transformation is generally associated with genetic alterations in normal cells that lead to the loss of intercellular-and/or extracellular-matrix- (ECM-) mediated cell adhesion." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth. 2 Normal cells know when to stop growing so that you have just the right number of each type of cell. 3 Cancer cells lose the controls (tumor suppressor genes) that tell them when to stop growing. A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to: 1 Allow rapid growth. 2 A gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly. 3 This creates many new cells that all have that same mutation. 4 ", "Oncogenes. Oncogenes cause cells to grow out of control. They promote cancer cell growth. Oncogenes are damaged versions of normal genes called proto-oncogenes proto-oncogenesA normal gene involved in the control of cell growth and division that can mutate (change) and become an oncogene. Mutations can be inherited or caused by exposure to a carcinogen (a substance that causes cancer) in the environment. . ", "A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people. Mutations range in size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA building block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes. In some cases, the mutation occurs in a person’s egg or sperm cell but is not present in any of the person’s other cells. In other cases, the mutation occurs in the fertilized egg shortly after the egg and sperm cells unite.", "Tumor suppressor genes are genes that inhibit cell division, survival, or other properties of cancer cells. Tumor suppressor genes are often disabled by cancer-promoting genetic changes. Typically, changes in many genes are required to transform a normal cell into a cancer cell. Cells often die if they are damaged, through failure of a vital process or the immune system; however, sometimes damage will knock out a single cancer gene. In an old person, there are thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of knocked-out cells.", "Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancerous. A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to: 1 Allow rapid growth. 2 A gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly. 3 This creates many new cells that all have that same mutation. 4 Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth.", "The initiation of cell transformation is generally associated with genetic alterations in normal cells that lead to the loss of intercellular-and/or extracellular-matrix- (ECM-) mediated cell adhesion. Cancer afflicts an organ or a tissue by inducing abnormal and uncontrolled division of cells that either constitute it or migrate to it. At the cellular level, this is caused by genetic alterations in networks that regulate cell division and cell death.", "The gene mutations you're born with and those that you acquire throughout your life work together to cause cancer. For instance, if you've inherited a genetic mutation that predisposes you to cancer, that doesn't mean you're certain to get cancer. Instead, you may need one or more other gene mutations to cause cancer. A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to: 1 Allow rapid growth. 2 A gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly. 3 This creates many new cells that all have that same mutation. 4 Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth.", "Carcinogenesis or oncogenesis or tumorigenesis is the actual formation of a cancer, whereby normal cells are transformed into cancer cells. Cells often die if they are damaged, through failure of a vital process or the immune system; however, sometimes damage will knock out a single cancer gene. In an old person, there are thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of knocked-out cells.", "Tumors and precancerous lesions are heterogeneous cell populations harboring normal stromal and inflammatory cells. The presence of these cells could mask the detection of genetic and gene expression alterations in the cancer cells. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what causes genetic alterations in normal cells
[ "$2.51 - $3.17 per square foot" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "1 A lot depends on how much is included and the quality of the final project. 2 Finishing a basement in a relatively new home can start around $20 -$35 a square foot, or $30,000 -$70,000 for 1,500-2,000 square feet -- but it can cost $100,000 or more to create a fully-finished space.", "The cost of a basement is between 10 and 35 dollars per square feet. Let's say an average basement is 1,000 square feet of finished space. So the cost of a basement is between $10,000 and $35,000. 10k if you're doing most of the work yourself and up to $35,000 if you're hiring a contractor to finish your basement. Now.", "There are some options when it comes to finishing a basement, and they all come with a cost. If you choose a basic do-it-yourself makeover, including adding moisture control, framing in walls and adding decor and furnishings, your cost will run between $10,000 and $27,000.", "Expect this type of basement to cost more at least $65,000. A basement finishing system is another option, running $45,000 to $55,000. These out-of-the-box systems include everything from moisture-proof, insulated wall panels to ceilings to lighting.", "1 Adding a basement to an existing house can cost $30,000-$70,000 or more, depending on the size of the existing crawlspace or half-basement or if the house is on a slab foundation, and how much of the work is do-it-yourself and how much is done by contractors.", "Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Basement Wall Framing project. For a basic 125 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Frame Basement Walls ranges between $2.51 - $3.17 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project:" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
cost to frame basement
[ "It is one of the five factions in the world of Divergent, the one and only faction dedicated to knowledge, intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Erudite. Erudite was formed by those who blamed human ignorance for the faults of society. They formed Erudite as a way of eliminating ignorance and darkness from human minds. Their symbol is a single blue eye that most likely represents their knowledge of the world. Erudite’s leader is Jeanine Matthews, proven to be the smartest member of the faction based on her IQ level. ", "Candor is one of the five factions in the world of Divergent, and was formed by those who blamed duplicity and deception for human nature's faults. Because of this, the Candor are known to value honesty, and their symbol is a set of unbalanced scales bound by a circle. Their substance in the Choosing Ceremony is glass. ", "Erudite: Welcome to the Erudite headquarters-where we are smart and we know it. Erudite is the most intelligent of the Divergent Factions and thus we are poised to best lead the other groups. To pledge your allegiance to Erudite, please Like our Facebook Page.Please feel free to explore our forum and recommended articles found below. ", "20 pages on this wiki. Erudite is one of the five factions of Divergent, and, as the name suggests, the one dedicated to knowledge, intelligence, and scholarliness. Erudite symbol. Erudite's designated color is blue, and it is symbolized by an eye. ", "The factions are Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), and Candor (the honest), all of which have a serum to keep their faction under control. ", "Erudite is one of the five factions in Veronica Roth's Divergent series. The people of Erudite are curious, intelligent, and very smart. If you wish to live like these people, read on! ", "In Divergent, society is divided into 5 factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue. Faction: 1. a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization, or the like. 2. party strife and intrigue. (of a sequence, series, etc.) to have no unique limit; to have infinity as a limit. 4. to turn aside or deviate, as from a path, practice, or plan. DIVERGENCE: is the tendency to the diverge from the norm which is, in this case, the mindset and way of thinking the factions are meant for.", "The smart ones, the ones value knowledge and logic are Erudite. They know everything. . Erudite is one of the five factions in the world of Divergent, the one and only faction dedicated to knowledge, intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness. It was formed by those who blamed ignorance for the war that had occurred in the past, causing them to split into factions in the first place. They also use Dauntless as their soldiers near the end of Divergent. They have a close relationship with Amity, but Amity are not involved in the war because they are the peace faction. No relationship is stated between Erudite and Candor.", "Erudite: The Intelligent We submit the following statements as truth: “ 1 Ignorance” is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. 2 Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding. 3 Lack of understanding leads to a disconnect among people with differences. 1 Blame ignorance for the worlds problems. 2 Blue signifies their faction because they believe that the color releases a calming chemical effect, and that “a calm mind is a clear mind.”. 3 Erudite pursued knowledge and ingenuity for the sake of doing good. 4 But it led to a greed for" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
erudite divergent definition
[ "The kidney cells generally prevent large molecules including proteins, from being excreted." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Albumin is a protein present in the blood. Proteins are normally absent in urine because the kidney cells generally prevent large molecules including proteins, from being excr … eted. Albumin in your urine may be an early sign of kidney problems although some people have small amounts of albumin in their urine normally.", "A normal amount of albumin in your urine is less that 20 mg a day. A normal total protein amount in your urine is less that 150 mg a day. If your test shows high levels of urine albumin, or a rise in urine albumin, it could mean you have kidney damage or disease.", "Guide. An albumin test checks urine for a protein called albumin. Albumin is normally found in the blood and filtered by the kidneys. When the kidneys are working as they should, there may be a very small amount of albumin in the urine. But when the kidneys are damaged, abnormal amounts of albumin leak into the urine. This is called albuminuria.", "Share. Albumin is a protein present in the blood. Proteins are normally absent in urine because the kidney cells generally prevent large molecules including proteins, from being excreted. Some proteins may appear in the urine in normal individuals also if blood levels are very high. In kidney diseases, albumin will appear in the urine even with normal blood levels.", "Albumin is a protein present in the blood. Proteins are normally absent in urine because the kidney cells generally prevent large molecules including proteins, from being excreted. Some proteins may appear in the urine in normal individuals also if blood levels are very high. In kidney diseases, albumin will appear in the urine even with normal blood levels." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
why is albumin normally absent in urine
[ "Bodega Lane, Bodega, Northern California." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The greatest films The Greatest and the Best in Cinematic History The Birds (1963) Pages: (1) (2) (3) (4) Background The Birds (1963) is a modern Hitchcock thriller/masterpiece, his first film with Universal Studios. It is the apocalyptic story of a northern California coastal town filled with an onslaught of seemingly unexplained, arbitrary and chaotic attacks of ordinary birds-not birds of prey. ", "The location scenes in the Alfred Hitchcock-directed film, The Birds (1963), were filmed in Bodega Bay. The town markets itself with the film in many ways, including its Birds-themed Visitors' Center. The location was also featured in the cult horror movie Puppet Master (1989). Bodega Bay has served as a location for several major films: 1 The Birds (1963) Except for a short sequence at the beginning filmed in San Francisco, most of the film's exterior scenes were filmed around the two towns of Bodega (a small inland village) and Bodega Bay (a larger village on the bay).", "The Birds is a 1963 horror thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, loosely based on the 1952 story The Birds by Daphne du Maurier. The film features the screen debut of Tippi Hedren. It also starred Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette and Veronica Cartwright. The screenplay was by Evan Hunter.", "After filming “Shadow of A Doubt” in Santa Rosa in 1948, Alfred Hitchcock returned to Sonoma County in 1961 to find a remote coastal location for his next project “The Birds.” He chose Bodega Bay, with surrounding bleak treeless hills, quiet fishing harbor and fog. Based on a short story by Daphne DuMaurier, the original story took place in an English seashore village where murderous birds attacked the local villagers. Evan Hunter, who had written “The Blackboard Jungle” and “Last Summer” wrote the screenplay; Alfred Hitchcock financed the film from his successful television show.", "Hitchcock's The Birds Shot Here. Bodega, California. Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco and Marin County, is reminiscent of a New England fishing village, even after decades of luxury home development on the hillsides. This area was the location for exterior scenes in Alfred Hitchcock's film, The Birds, where our feathered friends go psycho, pecking townspeople to death.", "The Birds filming location: the Schoolhouse: Bodega Lane, Bodega, Northern California. Alfred Hitchcock ’s film of the Daphne du Maurier short story (originally set in Cornwall, England) uses lots of process (special effects) shots but, as usual, the director plays fair with the geography. The Birds filming location: the restaurant: Tides Wharf and Restaurant, Bodega Bay, Northern California. The Tides Wharf & Restaurant, in which the assorted locals shelter from the bird attacks, has expanded into an unrecognisable hotel complex since the film was made. The big surprise is that there is no town.", "1 The Birds (1963) Except for a short sequence at the beginning filmed in San Francisco, most of the film's exterior scenes were filmed around the two towns of Bodega (a small inland village) and Bodega Bay (a larger village on the bay). Bodega Bay has served as a location for several major films: 1 ", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Birds is a 1963 horror thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, loosely based on the 1952 story The Birds by Daphne du Maurier. It focuses on a series of sudden and unexplained violent bird attacks on the people of Bodega Bay, California over the course of a few days. The film features the screen debut of Tippi Hedren. It also starred Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette and Veronica Cartwright. The screenplay was by Evan Hunter.", "Filming location of Alfred Hitchcock's famous thriller The Birds (1963) - Bodega Bay, N. California, summer of 2007. 1 The Birds. 2 Travel & Events. " ], "url": [ "", ",_California", "", "", "", "", ",_California", "", "" ] }
where was movie the birds filmed
[ "$306", "The cost for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is $306.\nThe fee of $281 for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "People in Northern Virginia were hit hard by the 2005 bankruptcy law. That law set a new test for eligibility to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Instead of looking to see if you can really afford to pay your debts, the bankruptcy court uses an average budget to decide if you should be forced to pay. People in Northern Virginia and the 2005 Bankruptcy Law. (Stafford, Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington and Prince William.) That means people in Northern Virginia are at a big disadvantage trying to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Here’s the good news: We have nine years of experience helping people in Northern Virginia with", "Credit Counseling. Before you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in West Virginia, you will have to complete mandatory credit counseling with an agency that’s been approved by the United States Trustee’s Office. Where to File. The United States Bankrutpcy Court divides West Virginia into two districts. In the Northern District, the bankruptcy courts are located in Wheeling and Clarksburg. In the Southern District, the bankruptcy courts are in Charleston, Beckley, and Huntington.", "If you want to file for bankruptcy in Virginia, you will need to include some Virginia-specific information on your bankruptcy forms. You’ll also need to know about the Virginia exemptions because federal exemptions are not available to you in Virginia. Much of this information is available online. ", "The filing fee for a chapter 13 repayment plan is $281. Since you need to have sufficient income to make plan payments in order to qualify for a chapter 13 bankruptcy, the filing fee cannot be waived. Under very unusual circumstances, you may be able to pay the filing fee as part of your chapter 13 plan.", "When you file for bankruptcy, you must compare your income to the median income for a household of your size in Virginia. If your income is less than the median, you will be eligible to file for Chapter 7 and, if you choose to file for Chapter 13, you can use a three-year repayment plan (rather than five years). Credit Counseling. Before you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Virginia, you will have to complete mandatory credit counseling with an agency that’s been approved by the United States Trustee’s Office. Here’s a list of agencies in Virginia that have been approved to provide this counseling.", "If your creditors or the judge feel or find out that you have not been entirely forthcoming in your bankruptcy filing, it could jeopardize the outcome of your petition. The cost for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is $306. This fee may not be waived but you may be able to pay it in installments. The fee of $281 for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy cannot be waived. Chapter 13 Requirements. If you are filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a proposed repayment plan must also be submitted. Generally, this is the value of all the nonexempt property you own (see Virginia bankruptcy exemptions). 3) All disposable income must be paid into the plan for at least three years (you may use up to five years in order to meet the second test that you pay at least as much as in a Chapter 7).", "When you file for bankruptcy, you must compare your income to the median income for a household of your size in West Virginia. If your income is less than the median, you will be eligible to file for Chapter 7 and, if you choose to file for Chapter 13, you can use a three-year repayment plan (rather than five years). Where to File. The United States Bankrutpcy Court divides West Virginia into two districts. In the Northern District, the bankruptcy courts are located in Wheeling and Clarksburg. In the Southern District, the bankruptcy courts are in Charleston, Beckley, and Huntington.", "It now costs $306 to file for bankruptcy under chapter 7 and $281 to file for bankruptcy under chapter 13, whether for one person or a married couple. The court may allow you to pay this filing fee in installments if you cannot pay all at once. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding in which an individual who cannot pay his or her bills can get a fresh financial start. The right to file for bankruptcy is provided by federal law, and all bankruptcy cases are handled in federal court." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
cost to file bankruptcy in virginia
[ "The hummingbird moth is an enchanting insect. Many mistake it for a hummingbird, it is that charming! On summer evenings, my husband and I sit outside in front of our flower garden watching hummingbirds." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Hummingbird Moth. The hummingbird moth is an enchanting insect. Many mistake it for a hummingbird, it is that charming! On summer evenings, my husband and I sit outside in front of our flower garden watching hummingbirds. Also, we have the pleasure of viewing these moths, a creature that resembles a hummingbird in many ways. There are 2 usual suspects that are categorized as hummingbird moths: 1) The Clearwing Moth (Scientic Name-Hemaris thysbe). The Clearwing moth is a beautiful insect", "Also called hawk moths, sphinx moths, clearwing moths and bee-hawk moths, and in the caterpillar stage, they are called hornworms. Hummingbird moths share a lot of common characteristics with hummingbirds, which often leads to confusion if backyard birders aren't aware that these distinct moths may be nearby. 1 Flocks: Hummingbirds are more aggressive than moths, and while some flocks may form at feeding areas, it is more common to see hummingbirds alone. 2 Hummingbird moths, however, are more likely to travel together and show no aggression toward other moths.", "Some people have been puzzled lately by a hummingbird-like moth in flower gardens. They have been watching a hummingbird moth. This common moth has a 1 ½ to 2 1/4 inch wingspan. Sometimes called a hummingbird clearwing, this moth lacks scales on most of it wings except for a dark border around the edge of the wings. This moth hovers and darts about acrobatically in flower gardens, like a hummingbird", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hemaris thysbe, commonly known as the hummingbird clearwing, is a moth of the Sphingidae (hawkmoth) family. Coloration varies between individuals, but typically the moth is olive green and burgundy on its back, and white or yellow and burgundy on the underside. ", "Hemaris thysbe. The Hummingbird Moth, unlike most moths, is seen on clear, sunny days. Many people do confuse it with hummingbirds because of its coloration and how it moves. Hummingbird Moths grow up to two inches long. They have an olive-green body with red bands across their abdomen. ", "There are two types of North American Hummingbird Moths: the Snowberry Clearwing Moth which looks very much like a bumblebee, and the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth which I am describing here. The Hummingbird Clearwing has a wide range across the US including sightings in Maine, Alaska, Florida and Texas. ", "I saw a moth that looks like a hummingbird. What you have seen is one of a number of moth species commonly called hummingbird, sphinx, or hawk moths. Look under the Family Sphingidae or browse images on our web site for common examples in North America. ", "The term hummingbird moth is a general term applied to many medium to large moths in the Sphingidae family and Hemaris genus of moths. There are more than 1,200 species of these moths worldwide, and roughly 125 of them can be seen regularly in North America. 1 Flocks: Hummingbirds are more aggressive than moths, and while some flocks may form at feeding areas, it is more common to see hummingbirds alone. 2 Hummingbird moths, however, are more likely to travel together and show no aggression toward other moths.", "Hummingbird moths are good hummingbird mimics. Dwight Sipler. Hummingbirds can be exciting to see, but more than one backyard birder has been disappointed to discover they may not be looking at a bird at all – hummingbird moths are fantastic hummingbird imposters. 1 Flocks: Hummingbirds are more aggressive than moths, and while some flocks may form at feeding areas, it is more common to see hummingbirds alone. 2 Hummingbird moths, however, are more likely to travel together and show no aggression toward other moths." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is a hummingbird moth
[ "Specific proteins in a sample of tissue homogenate or extract." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Western blot. A western blot is a laboratory method used to detect specific protein molecules from among a mixture of proteins. This mixture can include all of the proteins associated with a particular tissue or cell type. The first step in a western blot is to prepare the protein sample by mixing it with a detergent called sodium dodecyl sulfate, which makes the proteins unfold into linear chains and coats then with a negative charge.", "The immunoblot is a laboratory test that looks for antibodies the body makes against different molecules, or “antigens,” that are part of the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. Western Blots were the first type of immunoblot developed for Lyme disease testing. ", "Western blot. This is an immunoassay test method that detects specific proteins in blood or tissue. It combines an electrophoresis step with a step that transfers (blots) the separated proteins onto a membrane. ", "Western Blotting. Western blot analysis can detect one protein in a mixture of any number of proteins while giving you information about the size of the protein. It does not matter whether the protein has been synthesized in vivo or in vitro. You will use this antibody as a probe to detect the protein of interest. Western blotting tells you how much protein has accumulated in cells. If you are interested in the rate of synthesis of a protein, Radio-Immune Precipitation (RIP) may be the best assay for you.", "The proteins are then transferred to a membrane (typically nitrocellulose or PVDF), where they are stained with antibodies specific to the target protein. The gel electrophoresis step is included in western blot analysis to resolve the issue of the cross-reactivity of antibodies. The name western blot was given to the technique by W. Neal Burnette and is a play on the name Southern blot, a technique for DNA detection developed earlier by Edwin Southern.", "A series of blood screenings are performed to test for HIV. The enzyme-linked immuno assay (ELISA or EIA) is the first test that your doctor will order to screen for HIV. ELISA and the Western blot test detect HIV antibodies in your blood. Antibodies are proteins your immune system produces in response to the presence of foreign substances such as viruses. If you test positive for HIV with the Western blot test, you probably have HIV. Sometimes, HIV does not show up on the ELISA test even though you are infected. This can happen if someone is in the early stages of the infection, and his or her body has not produced enough antibodies to the virus for the tests to detect.", "Western blot using an antibody that recognizes proteins modified with lipoic acid. The western blot (sometimes called the protein immunoblot) is a widely used analytical technique used to detect specific proteins in a sample of tissue homogenate or extract. It uses gel electrophoresis to separate native proteins by 3-D structure or denatured proteins by the length of the polypeptide. The name western blot was given to the technique by W. Neal Burnette and is a play on the name Southern blot, a technique for DNA detection developed earlier by Edwin Southern.", "Eastern blotting is an extension of western blotting and is used in the detection of protein post-translational modifications. Eastern blotting is used to detect lipoylated, glycosylated or phosphorylated proteins or proteins with other post translational modifications. ", "Like the ELISA procedure, the western blot is an antibody detection test. However, unlike the ELISA method, the viral proteins are separated first and immobilized. In subsequent steps, the binding of serum antibodies to specific HIV proteins is visualized. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what does a western blot detect
[ "It is a compressed, flavor-concentrated cube of dehyrated meat, poultry, fish, or vegetable stock.Bouillon granuales are the granular form of the dehydrated concentrate." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "It is typically made from dehydrated vegetables, meat stock, a small portion of fat, salt and seasonings, shaped into a small cube. Vegetarian and vegan types are also made. Bouillon is also available in both granular or powdered form. (February 2008). Various bouillon cubes. A bouillon cube /ˈbuːjɒn/ (Canada and US) or stock cube (Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, UK) or broth cube (Philippines) is dehydrated bouillon (French for broth) or stock formed into a small cube about 15 mm wide.", "A bouillon cube is dehydrated stock formed into a small cube or dried granules. When you want to use one, you just add boiling water. There are a range of different flavors available. I find the most useful ones are chicken, vegetable, beef and fish. You can get others including lamb, shrimp, duck and tomato. Store bought stock/broth and bouillon cubes can be VERY salty. Many people cook rick with stock instead of water. You may want to cut back on the salt in your recipe if you are substituting the water for stock. Reviewers often say the best broth/stock on the market is the Swanson brand name, which comes in liquid form.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Broth is a liquid food preparation, typically consisting of water, in which bones, meat, fish, cereal grains, or vegetables have been simmered. Broth is used as a basis for other edible liquids such as soup, gravy, or sauce. In Britain, a broth is defined as a soup in which there are solid pieces of meat or fish, along with some vegetables. A broth is usually made with a stock or plain water as its base, with meat or fish added while being brought to a boil, and vegetables added later.", "When making soups, stews, sauces, stir fries, casseroles, etc. the recipe often says to add chicken, fish, beef, or vegetable stock or broth. Broth is the strained liquid left from cooking vegetables, meat, or fish in water. It is often used as a synonym for bullion. Stock is basically the same thing but cooked more slowly and has a more intense flavor than broth. Bouillon cubes or granules are compressed stock that needs to be dissolved before using. Store bought stock/broth and bouillon cubes can be VERY salty. Many people cook rick with stock instead of water. You may want to cut back on the salt in your recipe if you are substituting the water for stock. Reviewers often say the best broth/stock on the market is the Swanson brand name, which comes in liquid form.", "2. Use 1 tsp mix plus one cup of water to make 1 cup of broth in a recipe. You may substitute this for chicken broth/bouillon in recipes as well. 1 tsp is the equivalent of 1 bouillon cube. ", "To use, mix 1 teaspoon Homemade Vegetable Bouillon with 1 cup water. TO MAKE VEGETABLE STOCK from the SCRAPS Before starting, get out a large pot or a Dutch oven to collect leftover vegetables to make a fresh vegetable stock and collect them while trimming the vegetables. Today's vegetable recipe: How to make bouillon from scratch using fresh vegetables, a few herbs, lots of salt and a food processor. No cooking required! Keeps in the freezer for everyday use, makes a great homemade food gift. 1 TASTE Imagine the very best vegetable stock you can imagine, fresh, lively, delicious.", "Any broth made by cooking meat, poultry, fish, or vegetables in water. The liquid strained off after cooking is bouillon. A bouillon cube is a compressed, flavor-concentrated cube of dehyrated meat, poultry, fish, or vegetable stock. Bouillon granuales are the granular form of the dehydrated concentrate. Plural: B", "Commercially prepared liquid broths are available, typically for chicken broth, beef broth, and vegetable broth. Dehydrated meat stock, in the form of tablets, is called a bouillon cube. In Britain, a broth is defined as a soup in which there are solid pieces of meat or fish, along with some vegetables. A broth is usually made with a stock or plain water as its base, with meat or fish added while being brought to a boil, and vegetables added later." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is vegetable bouillon
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "In short, for the 2015/2016 year, there are 2 annual concessional contributions caps you need to be aware of when considering before-tax contribution strategies, namely: 1 $30,000 cap for anyone aged 48 or under as at 30 June 2015. 2 $35,000 cap for anyone aged 49 years or over as at 30 June 2015. Each type of super contribution is subject to a contributions cap. A contributions cap sets a limit on the amount of contributions you can make in any one year. This article explains all of the important rules that apply to concessional contributions.", "(For the 2014/2015 year, and for the 2015/2016 year, the federal government places up to $500 of tax-free super money into your super fund when you make a $1,000 after-tax contribution. See the SuperGuide article Cashing in on the co-contribution rules (2015/2016 year) . Each type of super contribution is subject to a contributions cap. A contributions cap sets a limit on the amount of contributions you can make in any one year. This article explains all of the important rules that apply to concessional contributions.", "If you earn over $18,200 a year you start paying income tax – 19c for each dollar over $18,200. If you earn over $37,000 it jumps to 32.5c to the dollar and so on. Salary sacrifice into your super lets you put your salary into your super at a contribution tax rate (CTR) of a flat 15%. The amount of your taxable income is therefore reduced and may drop to a lower Marginal Tax Rate (MTR).", "For the 2015/2016 year: If you’re aged 49 years or older on the 30 June 2015, then you can contribute up to $35,000 a year in concessional contributions for the 2015/2016 year. For more information on the general bring-forward rules see SuperGuide article Super contributions: Beef up using a bring forward. Example: For the 2013/2014 year, you could make up to $450,000 in one year, representing your cap for that financial year, and the following two years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016 year).", "The salary sacrificing or “concessional” cap for superannuation is to be increased to $30,000 for the 2014-15 year, from $25,000 now. The cap is is the limit on how much can be salary sacrificed into super in a financial year and includes the compulsory super paid by employers. Salary sacrificing is a powerful way to save for retirement for most people as the contributions tax on super is 15 per cent compared with your marginal income tax rate.", "For the 2015/2016 year: If you’re aged 48 years or younger on the 30 June 2015, you can contribute up to $30,000 a year in concessional contributions for the 2015/2016 year. Refer table below. For more information on the general bring-forward rules see SuperGuide article Super contributions: Beef up using a bring forward. Example: For the 2013/2014 year, you could make up to $450,000 in one year, representing your cap for that financial year, and the following two years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016 year).", "If you earn below $37,000 there may be limited advantage in a salary sacrifice arrangement because the tax rate on your salary is only a few percentage points more than the tax on your super contributions. A Government co-contribution could be a more effective way to boost your super. 1 You cannot salary sacrifice award payments. 2 You cannot salary sacrifice bonus or commission payments after they have been earned. 3 There’s a limit of $30,000 a year for those aged under 50 and $35,000 a year for those aged 50 and over for all before-tax", "Case study: Crystal boosts her super by salary sacrificing. Crystal earns $90,000 before tax, excluding her employer's super contribution. If Crystal decides to redirect $10,000 of her pay into salary sacrifice super contributions, she will save $2,400 in tax, with the extra money going into her super fund. If you earn more than $37,000, salary sacrifice can be a good way to grow your super. It involves giving up some of your pay and putting it into your super instead. You will save tax and boost your super. Salary sacrificing is when you ask your employer to redirect a portion of your pay as a contribution to super.", "There is a limit on how much you can put into super each year by salary sacrifice. Most people can contribute up to $30,000, including your employer's 9.5% super guarantee contribution. This is called the concessional contributions cap. If you earn more than $37,000, salary sacrifice can be a good way to grow your super. It involves giving up some of your pay and putting it into your super instead. You will save tax and boost your super. Salary sacrificing is when you ask your employer to redirect a portion of your pay as a contribution to super.", "For the 2014/2015 year: If you’re aged 48 years or younger on the 30 June 2014, you can contribute up to $30,000 a year in concessional contributions for the 2014/2015 year (for previous years the cap was $25,000). For more information on the general bring-forward rules see SuperGuide article Super contributions: Beef up using a bring forward. Example: For the 2013/2014 year, you could make up to $450,000 in one year, representing your cap for that financial year, and the following two years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016 year)." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
salary sacrifice super limits
[ "Tom cruise is flirting with, Rebecca Ferguson to rebuild his image." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Domingo said that even if Holmes left Cruise to protect her daughter from the church, he likely won't give up on bringing her back to the religion. According to Scientology doctrine, Katie has denied Suri her spiritual eternity in the church. There's no chance for her now, Domingo explained to Vanity Fair. Tom Cruise admits Katie Holmes left to protect Suri from Scientology. Tom Cruise admits Scientology may have caused split with Katie Holmes-and ... Tom Cruise Admits Scientology Contributed to Katie Holmes Split.", "Right now, Tom Cruise will do anything to repair his image, including attempting to date someone who looks eerily like his ex-wife, Nicole Kidman. According to new reports, Tom is flirting heavily with his Mission Impossible 5 co-star, Rebecca Ferguson. ", "EXCLUSIVE. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes want nothing to do with each other ... to the point they don't speak to one another, even about Suri. Sources close to both Tom and Katie tell us they do not communicate at all. There are no direct co-parenting discussions. ", "Tom Cruise has admitted that Katie Holmes filed for divorce in part because of his involvement in the controversial Church of Scientology. Tom Cruise admits Katie Holmes left to protect Suri from Scientology. Tom Cruise admits Scientology may have caused split with Katie Holmes-and ... Tom Cruise Admits Scientology Contributed to Katie Holmes Split.", "Tom Cruise reveals Suri is no longer a Scientologist… and admits religion DID ... Tom Cruise admits Katie Holmes ended marriage 'in part to protect daughter ... Tom Cruise's Jaw-Dropping Admission Is Scientology's Worst Nightmare. Tom Cruise admits Katie Holmes left to protect Suri from Scientology. Tom Cruise admits Scientology may have caused split with Katie Holmes-and ... Tom Cruise Admits Scientology Contributed to Katie Holmes Split.", "In his deposition, Bauer's lawyers asked Cruise if both he and the church now consider Holmes to be a Suppressive Person after leaving the church. “That is a distortion and a simplification of the matter. I don’t want to just give an oversimplification of religious doctrine, he said. Tom Cruise admits Katie Holmes left to protect Suri from Scientology. Tom Cruise admits Scientology may have caused split with Katie Holmes-and ... Tom Cruise Admits Scientology Contributed to Katie Holmes Split.", "Tom Cruise admitted that his ex-wife Katie Holmes divorced him to protect their daughter Suri from the religion of Scientology. The shocking admission came during a deposition, first obtained by RadarOnline for his $50 million defamation suit against Life & Style — who said that Cruise abandoned his daughter. ", "Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes want nothing to do with each other ... to the point they don't speak to one another, even about Suri. Sources close to both Tom and Katie tell us they do not communicate at all. There are no direct co-parenting discussions. Tom Cruise admitted that Katie Holmes left him partly because of his ties to Scientology. Cruise sat for a deposition in his $50 million libel suit against a magazine company that claimed he abandoned his daughter Suri. In the deposition ...", "Tom Cruise has had ENOUGH of Hollywood! A source reveals the 53-year-old is selling his Southern California property because he just doesn't want to live in this city anymore! Tom hates living in L.A. and is relocating to Florida. He thinks all the people in Hollywood are fake.. None of the parents were invited, and Tom was totally cool with it.. Tom Cruise is a COOL dad, you guys! Tom Cruise. Despite footing the bill for Isabella Cruise 's September 18 wedding in London, the actor reportedly didn't mind that he wasn't invited to the nuptials." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
want is tom cruise doing now
[ "Alright, powerful and pleasing, excellent, highest, the state of feeling great." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Definition: Shorthand for 'I respect I eternally,' this phrase (which has its roots in the Jamaican religion Rastafari) is used to describe good feelings or emotions, or -- more generally -- anything good. ", "“Ites” means the heights of I and I. “Irie” is an adjective form of Ites, meaning the same thing. “Yes I” is a Rasta term, meaning positive vibration. For Rastafarians, the most powerful and significant letter is “I” which can also be used as a word and a number. I feel that these descriptions are a common misconception. Yes, “Irie” is used and is synonymous with hello, all right, good, fine, I’m alright etc. However, on deeper examination the findings indicate that it’s origins are far more spiritual. Irie is a Jamaican noun meaning good, excellent, great and good quality.", "Iyaric, Livalect, Dread-talk or I-talk is a created dialect of English in use among members of the Rastafari movement. African languages were lost among Africans when they were taken into captivity as part of the slave trade, and adherents of Rastafari teachings believe that English is an imposed colonial language. Some if not most Rastafarians choose not to use certain words in the English language as they have Babylonian and devil-like connotations, for example the word Hello is not used because it contains the word hell and lo referring to low.", "The meaning of 'irie' is a slang meaning. The word 'irie' refers to a state of being. In this state of being, people feel that everything is great, awesome, and wonderful. ", "Back Irie-the meaning of: Irie, is the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality. Irie meaning: “good” “fine” “okay” “hi” “happy “ “pleasant “ “high” “alright” I feel that these descriptions are a common misconception. Yes, “Irie” is used and is synonymous with hello, all right, good, fine, I’m alright etc. However, on deeper examination the findings indicate that it’s origins are far more spiritual. Irie is a Jamaican noun meaning good, excellent, great and good quality.", "B3aut1fulM3ss says. Irie (I-rie \\I ' -ree) is a word in Jamaican Patois that can mean 1: powerful and pleasing 2: excellent, highest n 3: the state of feeling great. It is commonly used by members of the Rastafari movement (see Iyaric). It can also be used as a feeling of closeness with the Almighty.", "To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation. ", "Irie (I-rie \\I ' -ree) is the word in Jamaican Patois that means, alright. The term can be used to mean 1: powerful and pleasing; 2: excellent, highest; n 3: the state of feeling great. It is commonly used by members of the Rastafari movement (see Iyaric). Irie may also refer to: 1 Irie Maffia, Hungarian band formed in 2005. 2 Irie Time, American reggae band formed in the early 1990s. 3 Muroran Irie Stadium, athletic stadium in Japan.", "Irie, is the ultimate positive One definition of irie has three parts which all greatly represent the positive factor or the I; (I) powerful and pleasing, (2) excellent, highest, and (3) the state of great feeling. I feel that these descriptions are a common misconception. Yes, “Irie” is used and is synonymous with hello, all right, good, fine, I’m alright etc. However, on deeper examination the findings indicate that it’s origins are far more spiritual. Irie is a Jamaican noun meaning good, excellent, great and good quality.", "Best Answer: That one word, Irie has a multitude of meanings. It can be used to mean: everything is great, that is awesome, I am happy/well, hello, I send you positive vibes, etc. The word was initially primarily used by the Rastafarians, but has become a household word now in the culture." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what means irie
[ "Yarn" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "On the outside there is a, leather, or plastic, depending on the baseball type. Next layer is what seems to be twine wrapped around the next layer which is yarn. The spin (or lack there of) on a baseball is what makes the ball 'fly' like it does. As the ball cuts through the air, the stitches on the ball create aerodynamic forces of varying amounts on different sides of the ball.", "That's an impact of around 170mph! The stitching on a baseball is done in a precise and consistent manner in order to allow for a consistent movement of a pitched ball. The spin (or lack there of) on a baseball is what makes the ball 'fly' like it does. As the ball cuts through the air, the stitches on the ball create aerodynamic forces of varying amounts on different sides of the ball. This allows for specialized pitches such as the curve, slider, knuckle", "A baseball is a ball used in the sport of the same name, baseball. In the early, mid-1800s days of baseball, there was a great variety in the size, shape, weight, and manufacturing of baseballs. Early baseballs were made from a rubber core from old, melted shoes, wrapped in yarn and leather. Fish eyes were also used as cores in some places.", "The yarn or string used to wrap the baseball can be up to one mile (1.6 km) in length. Some are wrapped in a plastic-like covering. A significant characteristic of the baseball is the stitching that holds together the covering of the ball. In the early, mid-1800s days of baseball, there was a great variety in the size, shape, weight, and manufacturing of baseballs. Early baseballs were made from a rubber core from old, melted shoes, wrapped in yarn and leather. Fish eyes were also used as cores in some places.", "Why does a baseball require so many different layers? In the early years of the game, prior to 1848, baseballs were very bouncy, built with a solid rubber core and only about three inches in diameter. Hitting these lively balls, some pro teams tallied as many as 100 runs per game. You don't necessarily think of a baseball as bouncy. But that's exactly what a ball does when it collides with a bat. Like a bouncing ball, when hit with a bat a baseball deforms for an instant then springs back to its original shape.", "Answer An official baseball is manufactured through a process of wrapping yarn around a cork or rubber center and then tightly stitching a bird stuff or horsehide cover … ed over the yarn of stick. The spin (or lack there of) on a baseball is what makes the ball 'fly' like it does. As the ball cuts through the air, the stitches on the ball create aerodynamic forces of varying amounts on different sides of the ball.", "A baseball. A baseball is a ball used in the sport of the same name, baseball. The ball features a rubber or cork center, wrapped in yarn, and covered, in the words of the Official Baseball Rules with two strips of white horsehide or cowhide, tightly stitched together.. In the early, mid-1800s days of baseball, there was a great variety in the size, shape, weight, and manufacturing of baseballs. Early baseballs were made from a rubber core from old, melted shoes, wrapped in yarn and leather. Fish eyes were also used as cores in some places.", "To make a baseball seam bracelet or necklace (the bracelets and necklaces that you see made from the laces of a baseball) you will need a few things: A Baseball. A Razor. Scissors. Bowl of water. Clasps and/or a safety pin. That's all you need to make a baseball seam bracelet or necklace. Now here's the steps to follow when making your baseball seam bracelet or necklace. Note: if you are making a necklace, you may need two some extra string if you want a longer necklace. 1) Cut around one side of the laces of the baseball with the razor blade. Be careful not to cut your fingers off and more importantly, don't cut so close you cut the laces or the holes they go in to. 2) Cut around the other side of the laces and peel what is left away from the baseball" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is baseball twine made of
[ "Lack of Prosecution." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "What does the acronym LOP mean in a text message? What's the meaning of the abbreviation LOP in an online chat message or on Facebook and Twitter?", "The rate is .00085 USD to 1 dinar. The CBI will lop 3 zeros off the rate t … o make it .85 USD to 1 dinar. So if you purchased 100,000 dinar for $100 USD back in 2004 as a investment after 3 zero's off the rate will be $85,000 USD for 100,000 dinar. Not bad return for $100 USD investment in 2004.", "LOP stands for Lack of Prosecution. Generally Dismissal for lack of prosecution occurs when the court closes a case as nothing has been filed within a specified period of time. The court presumes that as there is no record of activity the party does not wish to pursue the case.", "LOP is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the LOP definition is given.", "Frequently used with job, lop job. 2) n. a person who does a job carelessly. 3) n. a stupid or lazy person; see asshat. 4) n. a person who's time/energy are misdirected. Source(s): urban dictionary definition.", "Frequently used with job, lop job. 2) n. a person who does a job carelessly. 3) n. a stupid or lazy person; see asshat. 4) n. a person who's time/energy are misdirected. 1) look at what a lop job that web developer did on those GIFs. 2) that new intern's report was so full of errors I had him write it again, that lop. 3) that stupid lop at McDonald's didn't put my fries in the bag. 4) look at that lop who spent $7000 customizing his pickup, but still lives in a trailer.", "to cut off as the top or extreme part of anything; to sho/ -- by cutting off the extremities; to cut off, or remove as superfluous parts; as, to lop a tree or its branches. Lop (verb). to cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop bushes in a hedge. Lop (noun). that which is lopped from anything, as branches from a tree." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
What Does Lop means
[ "school Bluefin tuna is 100 to 200 pounds.Giant Bluefin tuna is 400 pounds." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Anywhere from 15-25% is average right off the top of the fish, no expenses factored in. Depends largely on the mates experience and or performance. If the mate is along for the ride: 10% (below average), if he is the one catching the fish 25%. I've heard up to 35% after boat expenses are deducted. Most mates in the northeast work on an off the top basis.", "Can I make money tuna fishing?... Yes we offer a 1/3 split between the charter the crew and the boat. You get 1/3 of the value of any Giant Bluefin tuna over 73. This value can be anywhere from $200 to $2000 depending on the quality and size of the fish.", "It's tough out there. On the northern Atlantic, where a single bluefin tuna can bring in as much as $20,000, fishermen out of Gloucester, Mass ., will try to catch all they can.", "The highest-paying states for tuna fishermen were Washington, Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey. The tuna fishermen in Washington averaged $30,240 per year, equal to an hourly wage of $14.54. Massachusetts paid its fishermen an average of $30,020 per year, equal to $14.43 per hour. The fishermen in Virginia earned an average of $29,710 per year, or $14.28 per hour.", "What size are the tuna you catch?.. The average school Bluefin tuna is around 100 to 200 pounds The average Giant Bluefin tuna average around 400 pounds but we have caught fish as big as 1000 pounds." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how much do tuna fishers first mates make
[ "Gypsophila elegans, start the plant by seed indoors, provide full, hot sun, use a good drainage area, and water the plant well." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Views: 20098 | Last Update: 2009-02-04. How to Grow Annual Baby's Breath (Gypsophila Elegans) - Provided by eHow. To grow annual baby's breath, or gypsophila elegans, start the plant by seed indoors, provide full, hot sun, use a good drainage area, and water the plant well. Hi this is Yolanda Vanveen, and in this segment, we're going to learn all about how to grow Baby's Breath, or Gypsophila. It's a great filler plant, especially with roses or any other flower, and it's really easy to grow. So Gypsophila is usually grown by seed.", "Gyposophila (Gyposophila Elegans) - No plant is easier or quicker to grow for masses of delightful blooms than this annual Baby's Breath plant. In just 6 - 8 weeks from sowing Baby's Breath seeds, you'll begin enjoying the tiny, pure-white blooms, which are set at the tips of rather stiff, very well-branched stems. To sow Gypsophila seeds directly outdoors, wait until temperatures have warmed and prepare the soil, sow the flower seeds and lightly rake the soil over the flower seeds barely covering them. Keep Baby's Breath seeds constantly moist, and germination should occur in 10 - 20 days.", "To grow annual baby's breath, or gypsophila elegans, start the plant by seed indoors, provide full, hot sun, use a good drainage area, and water the plant well. Use baby's breath as filler plants with roses and other flowers using advice from a sustainable gardener in this free video on gardening. ", "Gypsophilia elegans. Baby's Breath are a tender and delicate annual flower. Growing Baby's Breath is very easy, and they are quick to bloom. A popular flower to accent bouquets, corsages and flower vases, Baby's Breath is a popular flower in the home garden too. Sow Baby's Breath seeds after the soil has begun to warm in the spring. Baby's Breath do not like frost. Do not transplant indoor starts, until after the last frost date for your area. Space plants eight inches apart.", "Gypsophila (Gypsophila Elegans) - No plant is easier or quicker to grow for masses of delightful blooms than this annual Baby's Breath plant. In just 6 - 8 weeks from sowing Baby's Breath seeds, you'll begin enjoying the tiny, pure-white blooms, which are set at the tips of rather stiff, very well-branched stems. Gypsophila (Gypsophila Elegans Rosea) - This pink Baby's Breath is a short-lived annual (only 5 - 6 weeks) and has lance-shaped, fleshy leaves and single, light pink, blooms. Easy to grow and quick to bloom from flower seed, these pretty pink flowers bloom on wispy stalks.", "Gypsophila Seeds-Rosea. Gypsophila (Gypsophila Elegans Rosea) - This pink Baby's Breath is a short-lived annual (only 5 - 6 weeks) and has lance-shaped, fleshy leaves and single, light pink, blooms. Easy to grow and quick to bloom from flower seed, these pretty pink flowers bloom on wispy stalks.", "5. Cancel. To grow annual baby's breath, or gypsophila elegans, start the plant by seed indoors, provide full, hot sun, use a good drainage area, and water the plant well. Use baby's breath as filler plants with roses and other flowers using advice from a sustainable gardener in this free video on gardening", "Baby's Breath Gypsophila Seeds. Gypsophila elegans. Grow this annual for cut flowers to fill out a bouquet or to dry on their own. Or mix some Gypsophila seeds in where grass is allowed to grow tall for a stunning ethereal effect all summer. Baby’s Breath grows to 45cm (18″) tall. Direct sow outdoors from early spring to July for continuous blooms.", "Gypsophila (Gypsophila Elegans Crimson) - Annual Baby's Breath is one of the very easiest flowers to grow from Gypsophila seeds, and it gives so much beauty and complements other flowers so nicely in the flower garden. Crimson Baby's Breath is an annual, so it grows quickly, blooms heavily, and dies. Gypsophila (Gypsophila Elegans Rosea) - This pink Baby's Breath is a short-lived annual (only 5 - 6 weeks) and has lance-shaped, fleshy leaves and single, light pink, blooms. Easy to grow and quick to bloom from flower seed, these pretty pink flowers bloom on wispy stalks." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how to start gypsophila elegans seeds
[ "One to three years." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "In the instance of dual degree programs, the length of time to receive a master's degree depends on the additional degree program, and may take as few as four years or as many as ten. Distance Learning: 2 Years. Many schools offer online master's programs, allowing students to work at their own pace without having to travel to campus. Other schools may provide a mixture of distance learning with classroom lab work and/or on-site classes.", "Generally it takes full time graduate students 2-3 years to earn a master's degree and 4-5 years to earn a PhD. This is assuming they go for the same subject that they hold an … undergrad degree in. If the subject is different, it may take longer because there may be extra prequisite requirements. The degree you need to become a surgeon is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) or a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), which takes about 8 years in addition to a residency … program working in a hospital. No master's degree is required to become a surgeon.", "Length of Typical Master’s Degree Programs. The majority of master’s degrees awarded in 2010 were in just two fields – education and business. If the student already has a baccalaureate degree, these degrees normally can be completed through two years of full-time study. Of course, many students will not be able to devote full-time attention to their studies because of commitments to work and family responsibilitie", "Most master's degrees are about two years additional work after the bachelor's degree. You may have trouble finding a master's program in pathology, because most pathol … ogists are MD's. However, you will have plenty of time to deal with those questions as you prepare to enter college. The degree you need to become a surgeon is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) or a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), which takes about 8 years in addition to a residency … program working in a hospital. No master's degree is required to become a surgeon.", "Traditional Master's Degree Programs. A traditional master's degree program takes one or two years to complete. You'll be required to take anywhere from 30 to 60 credit hours of coursework, write an original thesis based on research in your field and pass final or certification exams. Some universities and programs offer undergraduates what's often called a 4+1, the option of beginning work toward a master's while finishing up a four-year degree, which can take a year off the time required to get the advanced degree. Such programs begin in the second or third year of undergraduate studies.", "Save. Jay Paul/Getty Images News/Getty Images. A master's degree takes anywhere from one to three years to complete, depending on the type of degree and the amount of time you can devote to your studies. It's a sizable investment of time and money, but in many professional fields, it's the degree that can open doors. Some universities and programs offer undergraduates what's often called a 4+1, the option of beginning work toward a master's while finishing up a four-year degree, which can take a year off the time required to get the advanced degree. Such programs begin in the second or third year of undergraduate studies.", "If you think that a master’s degree is the right choice for you there are numerous options to consider. How long it will take you to complete a master’s degree depends primarily upon which program you want to pursue and whether you want to attend class on a full-or part-time basis. The majority of master’s degrees awarded in 2010 were in just two fields – education and business. If the student already has a baccalaureate degree, these degrees normally can be completed through two years of full-time study.", "Part-Time: 2-5 Years. Students enrolled in a master's degree program often hold full-time jobs. Since many schools offer a part-time option as well as distance learning, working students or students with families may prefer part-time evening or weekend programs. Distance Learning: 2 Years. Many schools offer online master's programs, allowing students to work at their own pace without having to travel to campus. Other schools may provide a mixture of distance learning with classroom lab work and/or on-site classes.", "The average full-time student will earn their Master’s degree in 1.5 to 2 years, but some students take longer due to their schedule restrictions. If you consider the time it takes to earn a Bachelor’s, you will spend between 5 and 7 years in college and graduate school to earn your degree. Considering the fact that a professional with a Master’s degree earns about 20% more in their lifetime than other professionals with a lower level degree. If you are wondering how long it takes to earn your Master’s degree, read this guide and learn what you need to know. Resource: Top 20 Best Value Online MBA Programs.", "The typical on-site master's degree program takes two years of full-time study to complete. These are often considered terminal degrees, and graduates usually receive the advanced training necessary to enter or advance in a chosen profession. Distance Learning: 2 Years. Many schools offer online master's programs, allowing students to work at their own pace without having to travel to campus. Other schools may provide a mixture of distance learning with classroom lab work and/or on-site classes." ], "url": [ "", "'s_degree", "", "'s_degree", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long to get masters degree
[ "Phototherapy" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Often, physiologic jaundice -- the type seen in most newborns -- does not require aggressive treatment. It will typically disappear in a few days with frequent feedings and exposure to indirect sunlight at home. Doctors may test the baby 's bilirubin levels during that time to make sure it has not gotten worse.", "Definition. Infant jaundice is a yellow discoloration in a newborn baby's skin and eyes. Infant jaundice occurs because the baby's blood contains an excess of bilirubin (bil-ih-ROO-bin), a yellow-colored pigment of red blood cells.", "In cases where pre-hepatic jaundice has been caused by an infection, such as malaria, medication to treat the underlying infection is usually recommended. For genetic blood disorders, such as sickle cell anaemia or thalassaemia, blood transfusions may be required to replace the red blood cells.", "Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and of the white of the eyes caused by elevated levels of the chemical bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia). The term jaundice is derived from the French word jaune, which means yellow.", "Phototherapy. Phototherapy is treatment with light. It is used in some cases of newborn jaundice to lower the bilirubin levels in your baby’s blood through a process called photo-oxidation. Oxidation is the process of adding oxygen to change a substance (in this case, the bilirubin).", "Jaundice is not an illness in itself, but a medical condition in which too much bilirubin -- a compound produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin from red blood cells -- is circulating in the blood. The excess bilirubin causes the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes in the mouth to turn a yellowish color.", "Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and the whites of the eyes caused by increased amounts of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is a sign of an underlying disease process. Bilirubin is a by-product of the daily natural breakdown and destruction of red blood cells in the body." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is treatment for jaundice
[ "A permanent resident card is the main way Canadian perment residents of all ages(formerly known as landed immigrants) prove their status to government agencies You must show your PR Card when returning to Canada after travelling internationally by any commercial carrier." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The Permanent Resident Card (. ) is the official proof of your status as a permanent resident in Canada. A. Card is a document required by permanent residents, including children, who plan on travelling outside of Canada and returning to Canada by any commercial transporter, such as a plane, train, boat or bus. Note: As of March 15, 2016, permanent residents returning to Canada by airplane will be verified before boarding to ensure they hold a valid permanent resident card (PR card) or travel document. Don’t delay – get your PR card today.", "How to Apply. In order to replace (or renew) your Green Card (Permanent Resident Card), you must: Complete the Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card. Review the form instructions for directions on how to complete the form. Submit the Filing Fee(s). Once USCIS receives your Form I-90, we will process your application and then you will receive: A receipt notice of your Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, by mail at the address you provided on your application.", "Applying for a Permanent Resident Card 3 Overview This application is for persons with permanent resident status in Canada who are applying for an initial, renewal or replacement Permanent Resident Card (PR Card). To be eligible for a PR Card: An applicant must:• be a permanent resident of Canada;• must be physically present in Canada;• not be under an effective removal order; and• not be a Canadian citizen.Note: If the applicant is under 14 years of age, all signature areas must be signed by a parent or guardian.", "Card) - Initial application, replacement or renewal (IMM 5445). Note: As of March 15, 2016, permanent residents returning to Canada by airplane will be verified before boarding to ensure they hold a valid permanent resident card (PR card) or travel document. Don’t delay – get your PR card today.", "This topic discusses how Permanent Residents can obtain, replace or renew their Permanent Resident Card. The Permanent Resident Card, or “PR Card”, is an identification card which shows a person has permanent resident status in Canada. Permanent Residents have the right to apply for citizenship after three years of physical residency in Canada and meeting other eligibility requirements. The process to obtain a PR card, or to replace or renew it, is the same. The applicant must apply while physically present in Canada and prove entitlement to Permanent Resident status by accounting for all absences from Canada in the last five years", "A permanent resident card is the main way Canadian perment residents of all ages(formerly known as landed immigrants) prove their status to government agencies You must show your PR Card when returning to Canada after travelling internationally by any commercial carrier (i.e. plane, train, boat or bus). If you need to travel before your PR Card can be issued, you must apply for a Permanent Resident Travel Document at the nearest Canadian Diplomatic Mission (Canadian Consulate, Embassy, or High Commission). Please remember the following: 1 Have the Travel Document application filled out correctly before you leave.", "Note: If you are a conditional permanent resident you cannot replace your card if it is expired, or within 90 days of expiring. A conditional permanent resident whose card is expiring may apply to have the conditions on his or her permanent resident status removed. Once USCIS receives your Form I-90, we will process your application and then you will receive: A receipt notice of your Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, by mail at the address you provided on your application.", "Once USCIS receives your Form I-90, we will process your application and then you will receive: A receipt notice of your Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, mailed to the address you provided on your application. Once USCIS receives your Form I-90, we will process your application and then you will receive: A receipt notice of your Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, by mail at the address you provided on your application." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
replacing permanent resident card canada
[ "chemicals that are produced by plants." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "We found that there are optimal levels of carbon dioxide for the production of these desirable chemicals. This may lead to methodology for rapid and efficient production of specific phytochemicals that are important for health in cultured plant systems.", "We describe a procedure for isolating and purifying oil bodies (OBs) from Oryza sativa bran, and present evidence that strongly suggests a physical association between the OB organelles and several antioxidant phytochemicals (γ-oryzanol and several tocochromanols).", "The Phytochemical Evolution. Phytochemicals, by the strictest definition, are chemicals that are produced by plants. Currently, the term is being used only for those plant chemicals that may have health-related effects but are not considered essential nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins).", "The term phytochemicals is a broad name for a wide variety of compounds produced by plants. They’re found in fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, and other plants. Each phytochemical comes from a variety of different plant sources and has different proposed effects on, and benefits for, the body. Some researchers estimate there are up to 4,000 phytochemicals!", "The development of rapid and accurate analytical methodology and the preparation of purified analytical and experimental standards for the analysis of plant phytochemicals is a key part of the new research efforts aimed at unlocking the mode of action of phytochemicals in both plant and animal systems.", "We found that there are optimal levels of carbon dioxide for the production of these desirable chemicals. This may lead to methodology for rapid and efficient production of specific phytochemicals which are important for health in cultured plant systems.", "Phytochemicals are found in plant foods (fruits, vegetables, beans, grains). By maintaining a balanced eating pattern that includes different forms and colors of fruits and vegetables, you’ll provide your body with a wide variety of all beneficial compounds, including phytochemicals!" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is a purified phytochemical
[ "Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a respiratory disease of cattle caused by bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1)." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Cause. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a highly contagious, infectious respiratory disease that is caused by Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1). It can affect young and older cattle. In addition to causing respiratory disease, this virus can cause conjunctivitis, abortions, encephalitis, and generalised systemic infections. IBR is characterised by acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. After the first infection, the virus is never fully removed. It stays behind in nerve cells in the brain as a life-long latent (hidden) infection.", "steers in a feedlot fed on a finely chopped ration develop a syndrome of cough, nasal and ocular discharge but without signs of fever or toxemia. feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR). an acute upper respiratory infection of cats, caused by feline herpesvirus. Sneezing, coughing, ocular and nasal discharges, and often chemosis, keratitis and corneal ulceration are the main signs. Occasionally there is fatal pneumonia or generalized infection in young kittens. ", "infectious pancreatic necrosis of fish. a disease of salmonids caused by a group of related birnaviruses. It is characterized by hemorrhages and anemia, and spiral swimming and abdominal distention in fry. infectious porcine dermatitis. see contagious porcine pyoderma. a septicemic disease of young ducks caused by Riemerella anatipestifer and characterized by torticollis, head tremor, loss of balance and a high mortality rate. infectious sinusitis. a contagious disease of turkeys caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum.", "caused by a picornavirus this disease of young chickens causes a transient unremarkable disease with lesions appearing in the kidney. infectious bovine cervicovaginitis. thought to be due to a herpesvirus-4 infection, transmitted by coitus, causing sterility in a high percentage of cows and some bulls. a septicemic disease of young ducks caused by Riemerella anatipestifer and characterized by torticollis, head tremor, loss of balance and a high mortality rate. infectious sinusitis. a contagious disease of turkeys caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum.", "a highly infectious disease of birds of all ages caused by avian herpesvirus 1 and characterized by a very rapid spread of respiratory distress, the signs including gasping, respiratory gurgling and rattling, and death often from asphyxiation because of massive pseudomembrane formation in the trachea. a septicemic disease of young ducks caused by Riemerella anatipestifer and characterized by torticollis, head tremor, loss of balance and a high mortality rate. infectious sinusitis. a contagious disease of turkeys caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum.", "Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) in cattle. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a respiratory disease of cattle caused by bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1). Disease outbreaks can result in severe production losses, abortion and mortality. IBR is characterized by acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. BoHV-1 infection can also cause reproductive symptoms in cattle. See Clinical Signs.", "IBR. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (commonly called IBR or red nose) is an acute, contagious virus disease of cattle. Often implicated as an infection which initiates the shipping fever complex. This infection usually occurs in the air passages of the head and the wind pipe. ", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) is a virus of the family Herpesviridae and the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, known to cause several diseases worldwide in cattle, including rhinotracheitis, vaginitis, balanoposthitis, abortion, conjunctivitis, and enteritis. Although these symptoms are mainly non-life-threatening it is an economically important disease as infection may cause a drop in production and affect trade restrictions. Like other herpesviruses, BoHV-1 causes a lifelong latent infection and sporadic shedding of the virus.", "a highly infectious disease of cattle, particularly when crowded together as in feedlots, caused by bovine herpesvirus 1 and characterized by nasal discharge, rhinitis, tracheitis, conjunctivitis, fever and a short course unless complicated by other infections, particularly those leading to pneumonia. a septicemic disease of young ducks caused by Riemerella anatipestifer and characterized by torticollis, head tremor, loss of balance and a high mortality rate. infectious sinusitis. a contagious disease of turkeys caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum.", "infectious. adj. 1. (Medicine) (of a disease) capable of being transmitted. Compare contagious. 2. (Pathology) (of a disease) caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, or protozoa. 3. (Medicine) causing or transmitting infection. 4. tending or apt to spread, as from one person to another: infectious mirth. 5" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
definition of IBR disease
[ "Yosemite" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "A valley is a low area between hills, often with a river running through it. The Valley of Marvels in Babille, Ethiopia. In geology, a valley or dale is a depression that is longer than it is wide. The terms U-shaped and V-shaped are descriptive terms of geography to characterize the form of valleys. A valley carved by glaciers is normally U-shaped. The valley becomes visible upon the recession of the glacier that forms it. When the ice recedes or thaws, the valley remains, often littered with small boulders that were transported within the ice.", "Valleys are one of the most common landforms on the Earth and they are formed through erosion or the gradual wearing down of the land by wind and water. In river valleys for example, the river acts as an erosional agent by grinding down the rock or soil and creating a valley. One of the world's most famous U-shaped valleys is Yosemite Valley in California. It has a broad plain that now consists of the Merced River along with granite walls that were eroded by glaciers during the last glaciation (photo).", "A valley formed by flowing water, or river valley, is usually V-shaped. The exact shape will depend on the characteristics of the stream flowing through it. Rivers with steep gradients, as in mountain ranges, produce steep walls and a bottom. Shallower slopes may produce broader and gentler valleys. A valley carved by glaciers is normally U-shaped. The valley becomes visible upon the recession of the glacier that forms it. When the ice recedes or thaws, the valley remains, often littered with small boulders that were transported within the ice.", "A glacier is a large body of ice that formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization of snow, survives year to year, and shows some sign of movement downhill due to gravity. The three main types of valleys are the V-shaped valley, the flat-floored valley, and the U-shaped valley. A V-shaped valley is a narrow valley that has a profile suggesting the form of the letter V, characterized by steeply sloping sides. It results from a stream eroding downward, a process referred to as downcutting.", "U shaped Valley-Yosemite. As a glacier moves downhill through a valley, the shape of the valley is transformed. A V-shaped valley is transformed into a U-shaped valley through the glacial erosion processes of plucking and abrasion. This results in large rocky material (glacial till) being carried in the glacier. A material called boulder clay is deposited on the floor of the valley. U-shaped valley in Leh valley, Ladakh, NW Indian Himalaya. The glacier visible at the head of the valley is the last remnants of the formerly much more extensive valley glacier which carved this valley.", "This is because they flowed down pre-existing river or V-shaped valleys during the last glaciation and caused the bottom of the V to level out into a U shape as the ice eroded the valley walls, resulting in a wider, deeper valley. For this reason, U-shaped valleys are sometimes referred to as glacial troughs. One of the world's most famous U-shaped valleys is Yosemite Valley in California. It has a broad plain that now consists of the Merced River along with granite walls that were eroded by glaciers during the last glaciation (photo).", "A valley is a hollow or surface depression of the earth bounded by hills or mountains, a natural trough in the earth's surface, that slopes down to a stream, lake or the ocean, formed by water and/or ice erosion. Systems of valleys extend through plains, hills, and mountains. ", "Valleys are one of the most common landforms on the surface of the planet. They are carved by flowing water or flowing ice through the process of erosion, which is the gradual wearing away of Earth surfaces through the action of wind and water. A V-shaped valley is a narrow valley that has a profile suggesting the form of the letter V, characterized by steeply sloping sides. It results from a stream eroding downward, a process referred to as downcutting.", "Landforms of the upper valley-V-shaped valleys and waterfalls. Landforms in upland regions are dominantly created by erosion processes, where land is worn away. Generally, the volume and discharge of rivers in upland regions tends to be low, and the river uses much of it's energy in overcoming friction. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what landform makes a u shaped valley
[ "14" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. A cycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of the next period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens. The rise and fall of levels of hormones during the month control the menstrual cycle", "For most women, the length of time between ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary) and their monthly period is between 12 to 16 days (this is called the luteal phase). The first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period (day 1). The period usually then lasts anything from 3 to 7 days. You’ll probably find that if you get any period pains, they’ll be at their worst in the first few days of your period. Your period", "The menstrual cycle is an average of 28 days, although it is normal to vary between 23 and 35 days. The cycle is counted from the first day of your period. Ovulation is the release of the egg from the ovary. This usually occurs at about day 14 of the cycle. Once released, the egg is fertile for up to 48 hours. If the egg is not fertilized, then the lining of the uterus will disintegrate, causing a period. By knowing your menstrual cycle, it is possible to approximate when you will be most fertile", "Ovulation is the release of a single, mature egg from a follicle that developed in the ovary. It usually occurs regularly, around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. Once released, the egg is capable of being fertilized for 12 to 48 hours before it begins to disintegrate. This is the most fertile period of your cycle: during ovulation your chances of conception are highest. The time of ovulation within the menstrual cycle is determined by the luteal phase, which is usually 12 to 16 days long. You can calculate the time of ovulation within your cycle by subtracting the length of your luteal phase from the length of your cycle. For example, if your cycle is 28 days long and your luteal phase is 12 days long, the ovulation will occur on day 16 of your cycle (28-12=16)", "Tracking Ovulation: A woman’s monthly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period. On average, a woman’s cycle normally is between 28-32 days, but some women may have much shorter or much longer cycles. Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period. The second half of the cycle is called the luteal phase and is from the day of ovulation until the next period begins. The luteal phase has a more precise timeline and usually is only 12-16 days from the day of ovulation. This ultimately means that the day of ovulation will determine how long your cycle is", "1 Work out the length of your average menstrual cycle. 2 Day one is the first day of the menstrual period and the last day is the day before the next period begins. 3 Ovulation happens about two weeks before the next expected period. 4 So if your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14. 1 Day one is the first day of the menstrual period and the last day is the day before the next period begins. 2 Ovulation happens about two weeks before the next expected period. 3", "The day of ovulation differs from woman to woman and can even be different from month to month for an individual woman. For a woman with a 28 day cycle, the window of ovulation is day 11 through day 21 of your cycle. Ovulation could occur on any one day during this window.", "It's difficult to pinpoint exactly when ovulation happens, unless you're practising fertility awareness (FPA guide to natural family planning). However, ovulation usually happens 10-16 days before the start of a woman's next period. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of a woman’s period. This is day one. Some time after her period she will ovulate, then 10-16 days after this she will have her next period. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
ovulation usually occurs on day _____ of a woman's cycle
[ "An infected American dog tick", "An infected tick (the American dog tick or the lone-star tick)" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Email Article. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a disease transmitted by ticks and is most prevalent in the east coast, midwest, and plains regions. Rocky Mountain spotted fever affects dogs and humans. Through blood tests, it has been demonstrated that cats may also become infected, but the disease in cats is minimal", "Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is considered the most severe tick-borne disease in the US, with a high mortality rate among untreated cases. RMSF has a disease presence in Florida, with the number of cases increasing in the summer months. The American dog tick is the main transmitter in Florida. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently identified the brown dog tick as a vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) in the southwestern United States and along the Mexican border.", "Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), also known as blue disease, is the most lethal and most frequently reported rickettsial illness in the United States. It has been diagnosed throughout the Americas. The disease is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a species of bacterium that is spread to humans by Dermacentor ticks. Initial signs and symptoms of the disease include sudden onset of fever, headache, and muscle pain, followed by development of rash.", "Rocky Mountain spotted fever is spread by the bite of an infected tick (the American dog tick or the lone-star tick) or by contamination of the skin with tick blood or feces. Person-to-person transmission does not occur. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is an acute infectious disease transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick. The disease occurs throughout the United States during months when ground temperatures reach 40 degrees Fahrenheit or more and ticks are active.", "The first symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) typically begin 2-14 days after the bite of an infected tick. A tick bite is usually painless and about half of the people who develop RMSF do not remember being bitten. ", "Types of ticks. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by infection with the organism Rickettsia rickettsii. Ticks carrying R. rickettsii are the most common source of infection. If an infected tick attaches itself to your skin and feeds on your blood for six to 10 hours, you may pick up the infection", "Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a tick-borne disease caused by a rickettsia (a microbe that differs somewhat from bacteria and virus). Fewer than 50 cases are reported annually in New York State. ", "Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a disease caused by a bacterium called Rickettsia rickettsii. It is transmitted to humans most often by the bite of an infected American dog tick, but the Rocky Mountain wood tick and the brown dog tick have also caused the disease. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what kind of tick has rocky mountain spotted fever
[ "3 to 5 days." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 How long does chicken salad last at room temperature? 2 Bacteria grow rapidly at temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F; chicken salad should be discarded if left for more than 2 hours at room temperature.", "Best Answer. Dump it. I never keep uncooked chicken in the fridge more than 2 days and cooked more than 3 days. Chicken salad stored tight maybe 4.. Best Answer. don't give it to the cat because the cat most probably is not into chicken salad. Best Answer. No. I wouldn't do that to my cat.", "According to, uncooked poultry is safe in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, and safe in the freezer for 9 months (for pieces) and up to 12 months for whole chickens or turkey. Cooked poultry is safe refrigerated for 3-4 days.", "Use it within a day or two. Depending on what you put in your potato salad will depend on how long your salad wi … ll last. If you put eggs in your salad then you have 3 days to use it up in. If you omit the eggs then you have about 5 days as long as the salad doesn't sit out and get warm since it has mayonnaise in it.", "Place the container of fruit salad in the refrigerator and chill until you are ready to serve it. 1 Many types of fruit need to be refrigerated in order to stay fresh, including most berries. 2 Even in the refrigerator, you should only store fruit salad for three to five days at maximum.", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. How long you will keep chicken salad in fridge will vary on the components. Ideally, you should keep it for 3 to 5 days and not more than that.", "I never keep uncooked chicken in the fridge more than 2 days and cooked more than 3 days. Chicken salad stored tight maybe 4.. Best Answer. don't give it to the cat because the cat most probably is not into chicken salad. Best Answer. No. I wouldn't do that to my cat." ], "url": [ "", "", "!", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long can you keep chicken salad in your fridge
[ "9 to 40 years old" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, respectively, affect 0.5 percent and 2-3 percent of women over their lifetime. The most common age of onset is between 12-25. Although much more common in females, 10 percent of cases detected are in males. ", "Bulimia Nervosa Overview. Bulimia nervosa (bulimia) is characterized by repeatedly eating abnormally large amounts of food in a short period of time and then trying to compensate for the binge by purging (i.e., engaging in self-induced vomiting, using laxatives or diuretics), exercising excessively, or fasting. The average age of onset for bulimia is 18 years, but it occurs in children as young as 9 and adults into their mid-40s and older. Most bulimics go through a period of prolonged dieting or restricted eating before the cyclic binging-purging episodes begin.", "Bulimia nervosa, also known as simply bulimia, is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging. Binge eating refers to eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time. Purging refers to attempts to rid oneself of the food consumed. This may be done by vomiting or taking a laxative. There is also a higher risk of suicide and self-harm. Bulimia is more common among those who have a close relative with the condition. The percentage risk that is estimated to be due to genetics is between 30% and 80%.", "Bulimia nervosa (buh-LEE-me-ah nur-VOH-suh), often called bulimia, is a type of eating disorder. A person with bulimia eats a lot of food in a short amount of time (binging) and then tries to prevent weight gain by getting rid of the food (purging). A person with bulimia may be thin, overweight, or have a normal weight. Also, bulimic behavior, such as throwing up, is often done in private because the person with bulimia feels shame or disgust. This makes it hard to know if someone has bulimia. But there are warning signs to look out for.", "EPIDEMIOLOGY. Whereas the prevalence of anorexia nervosa for women in the United States is 0.5% to 1%, the prevalence of bulimia nervosa is 2% to 3% and can be as high as 10% in vulnerable populations, such as college-aged women. Males are affected by eating disorders at a rate one tenth of that of females. Bulimia nervosa is a common and treatable condition that often presents in the primary care setting. The hallmark sign for bulimia nervosa is a distorted view of food and eating. Patients with this condition often maintain a normal or above-normal weight.", "A person with bulimia feels he or she cannot control the amount of food eaten. Also, bulimics might exercise a lot, eat very little or not at all, or take pills to pass urine often to prevent weight gain. Unlike anorexia, people with bulimia can fall within the normal range for their age and weight. But like people with anorexia, bulimics: 1 Fear gaining weight. A person with bulimia may be thin, overweight, or have a normal weight. Also, bulimic behavior, such as throwing up, is often done in private because the person with bulimia feels shame or disgust. This makes it hard to know if someone has bulimia. But there are warning signs to look out for.", "Lifetime Prevalence. The reported lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa among women has ranged from 0.9% - 2.2% and 0.2 - 0.3% in men (Keski-R et al 2008). With regard to bulimia nervosa, estimates of lifetime prevalence among women range from 1.5% to 2% and 0.5% in men. Prevalence of eating disorders in young children is unknown. Eating disorders have been reported in up to 4% of adolescents and young adults. The most common age at onset for anorexia nervosa is the mid teens; in 5% of the patients, the onset of the disorder is in the early twenties. The onset of bulimia nervosa is usually in adolescence but may be as late as early adulthood.", "By Psych Central Staff ~ 2 min read. People with bulimia nervosa consume large amounts of food and then rid their bodies of the excess calories by vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, taking enemas, or exercising obsessively. Some use a combination of all these forms of purging. ", "At 10 years after receiving treatment about 50% of people are fully recovered. Globally, bulimia was estimated to affect 6.5 million people in 2013. About 1% of young women have bulimia at a given point in time and about 2% to 3% of women have the condition at some point in their lives. The condition is less common in the developing world. There is also a higher risk of suicide and self-harm. Bulimia is more common among those who have a close relative with the condition. The percentage risk that is estimated to be due to genetics is between 30% and 80%." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
bulimia nervosa age range
[ "$38,000 to $70,000 per year." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Answers. Best Answer: The median hourly pay rate for RNs in FL is $28.82 and yearly income is $62,270 according to the US bearer of labor statistics. You will be a new graduate, with less than an average amount of experience and without a bachelors degree, so you would likely be on the lower end of that. ", "Confidence votes 201. Salaries for nurses in Florida (or anywhere in the USA) are payed by the hour not on a per year basis. Starting salaries for RN's are between $19 to $24 dollars per hour depending on where you work (hospital, nursing home, doctors office, home care, ect.) and what you specialty is. ", "How much do RNs make? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics records for May 2012, the average registered nurse salary in the United States is $67,930, which is equivalent to a mean hourly wage of $32.66. Registered nurses that are employed in general medical hospitals make an average mean salary of $69,490, while those in physician offices earn significantly less than average at $62,120.", "According to the website Payscale, RNs in Florida earn a median salary of about $51,000 per year, which is similar to Georgia and higher than North Carolina, where RN salaries are about $49,000 per year. The salary of nurses in Florida varies by specialty and the type of care setting they work in. RN residents make about $42,000 per year, while those in pediatric nursing earn about $56", "In Florida, however, though RN demand still is high, the pay scale for nurses has yet to be pushed up to the $30 per hour average standard. MSN's in Florida working in hospitals stand to make only about $34-$42 per hour for their extra 3 years post BSN training. On average a RN makes from $38,000 to $70,000 per year. New grads in some areas such as NY can ma … ke $50,000 per year.... After you get a year or two under your belt in med surge, try traveling can make upwards of $80K to $90K per year...this assignments usually are 4 weeks to 12 weeks.", "Considerations. In contrast to RN salaries, nurse salaries for LPNs in Florida are among the highest in the United States. According to Payscale, Florida LPNs earn a median salary of about $37,000 per year, second only to New York at $39,000 per year. The salary of nurses in Florida varies by specialty and the type of care setting they work in. RN residents make about $42,000 per year, while those in pediatric nursing earn about $56", "Nurse salaries in Florida vary according to the level of education and certification the nurses have. Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) earn an average of about $36,000 per year in Florida. Registered nurses (RNs) earn about $48,000 per year. The salary of nurses in Florida varies by specialty and the type of care setting they work in. RN residents make about $42,000 per year, while those in pediatric nursing earn about $56", "As stated on the website, the median average wage for a RN (Registered Nurse) was around $69,790 or about $33.55 as an hourly rate in 2014. The lowest paid 10% of employed RN’s made less than $45,880 ($22.06 per hour), and the upper 10% percent made more than $98,880 ($47.54 per hour). The average salary for a RN working for an outpatient care center is $72,390 or $34.80 an hour. In local, private, and state hospitals, the average annual salary is roughly $71,640 ($34.44 per hour). Home health service RN’s earn an estimated $67,880 ($32.64 hourly). For nursing and residential care facilities, the average annually salary is around $62,440 or $28.28 per hour. Finally, in offices of physicians, a RN can earn an average of $58,420 ($30.02 per hour). In 2014, the top paying state for a registered nurse was California with an average annual salary of $98,440 ($47.31 an", "Ok, the above answer is not true. As an RN in Florida I can say that RN's starting salary is between $21-$24 per hour with an average of 1 dollar pay increases per hour per year, not to mention this is before taxes are taken out. RN's are in demand in Florida, but they are not as well compensated as is rumored. On average a RN makes from $38,000 to $70,000 per year. New grads in some areas such as NY can ma … ke $50,000 per year.... After you get a year or two under your belt in med surge, try traveling can make upwards of $80K to $90K per year...this assignments usually are 4 weeks to 12 weeks." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how much does an rn make in florida
[ "Chinese empress and wife of the Yellow Emperor.", "Leizu was a legendary Chinese empress and wife of the Yellow Emperor. According to tradition, she discovered silk and invented the silk loom in the 27th century.Leizu discovered silkworms while on a walk investigating damage to the emperor's mulberry trees." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Leizu then discovered how to combine the silk fibers into a thread. She also invented the silk loom that combined the threads into a soft cloth. Soon Leizu had a forest of mulberry trees for the silkworms to feed on and taught the rest of China how to make silk. Legend of Silk. Legend has it that the process for making silk cloth was first invented by the wife of the Yellow Emperor, Leizu, around the year 2696 BC. The idea for silk first came to Leizu while she was having tea in the imperial gardens.", "The production of silk originates in China in the Neolithic (Yangshao culture, 4th millennium BCE). Silk remained confined to China until the Silk Road opened at some point during the later half of the first millennium BCE. ", "Legend has it that it was the Leizu (嫘祖), wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms and subsequently invented the silk reel and the silk loom. How Guge Kingdom Disappeared. Legend has it that it was the Leizu", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Leizu (Chinese: 嫘祖; pinyin: Lei Léi), zǔ also known As Xi (Lingshi: chinese, 西陵氏-Wade Giles Hsi-ling), shih was a Legendary chinese empress and wife of The Yellow. Emperor according to, tradition she discovered, silk, sericulture and invented the silk, loom in the 27th CENTURY. bc ", "Weapons of Ancient China. Legend has it that it was the Leizu(嫘祖), wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms and subsequently invented the silk reel and the silk loom. How Guge Kingdom Disappeared", "Leizu(嫘祖) was a legendary Chinese empress and wife of the Yellow Emperor. According to tradition, she discovered silk and invented the silk loom in the 27th century BC. Leizu discovered silkworms while on a walk investigating damage to the emperor's mulberry trees. However there are different accounts of exactly how she discovered that silkworms made silk. One account says that she used her finger to touch a piece of the silk worm causing a strand of silk come out.", "The Chinese emperor Huang Di's wife Lei Zu, discovered that silkworms made their cocoons of silk. She discovered how to weave it into silk cloth. ", "History of Silk. (Sogdian silk, 8th century). ORIGIN OF SILK-LEGEND OF LADY HSI-LING-SHIH. Chinese legend gives the title Goddess of Silk to Lady Hsi-Ling-Shih, wife of the mythical Yellow Emperor, who was said to have ruled China in about 3000 BC. She is credited with the introduction of silkworm rearing and the invention of the loom. ", "Silk fabric was invented in Ancient China and played an important role in their culture and economy for thousands of years. Legend of Silk. Legend has it that the process for making silk cloth was first invented by the wife of the Yellow Emperor, Leizu, around the year 2696 BC. The idea for silk first came to Leizu while she was having tea in the imperial gardens.", "The most mysterious thing about Guge Kingdom is how a kingdom with such rich and well-developed... Legend has it that it was the Leizu(嫘祖), wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms and subsequently invented the silk reel and the silk loom. How Guge Kingdom Disappeared" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
who is discovered silk
[ "30-45 minutes" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 Boil until tender [usually, 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the beets]. 2 Boiling can take up to 60 minutes for larger beets. 3 Drain and run cold water over beets. 4 The skins will slip right off with the root ends, but make sure you wear kitchen gloves so your hands don't turn red.", "1 Place in a saucepan covered with salted water to taste (with at least 1 tsp of vinegar). 2 Boil until tender [usually, 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the beets]. 3 Boiling can take up to 60 minutes for larger beets. 4 Drain and run cold water over beets.", "Whole young beets, you can boil or bake for 30 to 40 minutes depending on their size. Old beets will cook in 1 hour or more. Microwaving will reduce the time to 8-12 min. Grated sauteed beets will be done in 15 min.", "Stove top: Boil the beets in water until tender, about 20 to 30 minutes. Or steam them, using less water. Oven roasting: Place peeled and quartered beets in a single layer in a roasting pan or baking dish. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil, some minced garlic, salt and pepper to taste, and combine.", "Directions. Place the beets in a large saucepan and add water to cover and the lemon juice or vinegar. This will help to keep the beets from bleeding. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until tender, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Place pot under running cold water and let rinse until beets can be handled. The skins can now be easily peeled off the beets.", "Microwave for 2 to 4 minutes per beet (2 minutes for small beets, 4 for medium-large) is a guideline, depending on your particular microwave unit. Best to start with less time and check for doneness). Don’t use too much water, otherwise it will boil up and get all over your microwave." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long does it take to boil beets
[ "A theoretical economic and social political condition in which consumer demand is manipulated, in a deliberate and coordinated way, on a very large scale, through mass-marketing techniques, to the advantage of sellers.", "A theoretical economic and social political condition in which consumer demand is manipulated, in a deliberate and coordinated way, on a very large scale, through mass-marketing techniques, to the advantage of sellers." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "For the sake of simplicity let’s call the system consumer capitalism. Doing so does not ignore the fact that from the Progressivism of the early twentieth century through Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal up until the present this consumer capitalism has been modified. What label we pin on any newly emerging economic system is not as important as its ingredients. The problem with our present consumer capitalism is not the name. Critics do not desire an anti-consumer capitalism, just one that does not overemphasize consumption.", "Consumer Capitalism will be a critical addition to the growing debate on the consumer as citizen and consumer protection policies. The unfettered marketplace, in which uncertainty rules and the admonition caveat emptor ('let the buyer beware') dictates each consumer decision, has today virtually disappeared. Consumers have become the focus of intensive economic policymaking designed to protect them from the risks and disappointments of the market.", "Consumer capitalism is a theoretical economic and social political condition in which consumer demand is manipulated, in a deliberate and coordinated way, on a very large scale, through mass-marketing techniques, to the advantage of sellers. The theory is controversial. It suggests manipulation of consumer demand so potent that it has a coercive effect, amounts to a departure from free-market capitalism, and has an adverse effect on society in general. According to one source, the power of such 'manipulation' is not straight forward. Some use the phrase as shorthand for the broader idea that the interests of other non-business entities (governments, religions, the military, educational institutions) are intertwined with corporate business interests, and that those entities also participate in the management of social expectations through mass media.", "It is based upon individual selfishness and not communal goals. To conclude, it is evident that global capitalism has developed a panetary consumer culture and that that culture both excludes and exploits. However, consumer culture is not 'based' upon exploitation and exclusion. Instead, it is based upon progress and the continual rise of living standards. It is an unfortunate consequence that this occurs in an exploitative and exclusive way, but it is not an intended goal.", "Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are privately owned and operated via profit and loss calculation (price signals) through the price system. ", "The word capitalism is now quite commonly used to describe the social system in which we now live. It is also often assumed that it has existed, if not forever, then for most of human history. In fact, capitalism is a relatively new social system. For a brief historical account of how capitalism came into existence a couple of hundred years ago, see Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto. Class division. Capitalism is the social system which now exists in all countries of the world. Under this system, the means for producing and distributing goods (the land, factories, technology, transport system etc) are owned by a small minority of people. We refer to this group of people as the capitalist class.", "consumer girl image by Lev Dolgatshjov from Consumer capitalism is a term that has been continually redefined since its introduction into popular culture in the 1920s as the public relations industry became ubiquitous, and used techniques derived from psychology and sociology to mass market consumer goods. For instance, the consumer may think he wants or needs a product, and as long as this desire is maintained, the value of the product will continue to rise. Consumer capitalism functions on the basic economic paradigm of supply and demand, but without regard to a product's intrinsic value.", "It depends upon a new kind of individualism-projective individualism, where persons use consumer capitalism to project the kind of person who they want to be. Some use the phrase as shorthand for the broader idea that the interests of other non-business entities (governments, religions, the military, educational institutions) are intertwined with corporate business interests, and that those entities also participate in the management of social expectations through mass media.", "If consumer capitalism is indeed replaced by a new economic structure, many capitalist bricks may still be needed for any new construction. Whether we choose to attempt new building or just apply a little patching here or there is up to us. What label we pin on any newly emerging economic system is not as important as its ingredients. The problem with our present consumer capitalism is not the name. Critics do not desire an anti-consumer capitalism, just one that does not overemphasize consumption." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is consumer capitalism
[ "13", "At the age of 12 years", "16–17" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Puberty is started by hormones, which are chemicals that tell parts of the body to do things. Today, on average, girls start puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12. However, people all over the world start puberty at different ages. For most boys, puberty takes about six years and ends when they are about 17 or 18 years old. At the end of puberty, a teenager is usually about 10 to 30 centimetres (cm) (4 to 12 inches (in)) taller, 7 to 29 kilograms (kg) (15 to 65 pounds (lb)) heavier, and stronger.", "Girls usually complete puberty by ages 15–17, while boys usually complete puberty by ages 16–17. The major landmark of puberty for females is menarche, the onset of menstruation, which occurs on average between ages 12–13; for males, it is the first ejaculation, which occurs on average at age 13. For most boys, puberty takes about six years and ends when they are about 17 or 18 years old. At the end of puberty, a teenager is usually about 10 to 30 centimetres (cm) (4 to 12 inches (in)) taller, 7 to 29 kilograms (kg) (15 to 65 pounds (lb)) heavier, and stronger.", "Boys develop and mature at different rates. Even if your friends have started to mature before you, don't worry; it's totally natural and there is nothing to be concerned about. Although the average age at which boys start puberty is 12 to 13 it can start at anywhere from 9 right up until 16. Puberty lasts around 5-6 years on average for boys. Most boys have finished puberty by the time they are 18-20. There are many factors involved and remember everyone is different. Females generally start puberty from the age of 9 -14 years old. however puberty varies in every case. Typically, girls start noticing the changes that occur with puberty be … tween the age of 9 and 11.", "Best Answer: Guys usually hit puberty at around 12-15 years, usually in middle-school. There are a few guys at my high school who haven't hit puberty yet. Girls usually hit puberty 2 years younger than guys. I started puberty when I was 13, getting dark hair in my downstairs area. Major things like my voice changing, my growth spurt (From 5'5 to 5'10), hairy legs, hairy armpits happened when I was 14.", "1 Most guys hit puberty sometime from ages 9-14 -- the average age is 12. 2 Puberty is only late if you’re 14 years old and aren’t showing any signs. 3 You might be overlooking something. 1 Your body might not be that late. 2 Most guys hit puberty sometime from ages 9-14 -- the average age is 12. 3", "In girls, puberty usually starts around 11 years of age, but it may start as early as 6 or 7 years of age. In boys, puberty begins around 12 years as age, but may start as early as 9 years of age. Puberty is a process that goes on for several years. Most girls are physically mature by about 14 years of age.", "Parents, Boys, and Puberty. Once puberty starts, a boy will begin to change. Most parents think this puberty onset will happen at age 12 or 13. But for white boys, it's 10 years old -- this is fifth grade, Herman-Giddens says. Now they are having to grapple with changes in their body and soon-to-develop sexual feelings at a younger age", "Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD. Oct. 20, 2012 -- American boys are starting puberty up to two years earlier than decades ago, new data show. Boys are entering puberty at an average age of 10 among whites and Hispanics, and at an average age of 9 among African-Americans. About a third of boys start to mature sexually up to two years earlier than average. ", "Although there is a wide range of normal ages, girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11; boys at ages 11–12. Girls usually complete puberty by ages 15–17, while boys usually complete puberty by ages 16–17. The major landmark of puberty for females is menarche, the onset of menstruation, which occurs on average between ages 12–13; for males, it is the first ejaculation, which occurs on average at age 13." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
at what age do males hit puberty
[ "A long range laser rangefinder is capable of measuring distance up to 20 km; mounted on a tripod with an angular mount.The resulting system also provides azimuth and elevation measurements.A laser rangefinder is a rangefinder which uses a laser beam to determine the distance to an object." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Laser tape measures are alternatives to traditional metal tape measures; they're used to calculate lengths, widths and heights of up to about 650 feet (198 meters). To use a laser tape measure, you place the device on one end of what you want to measure, and then aim the laser beam so that it hits an object at the other end. If there's no wall, pole or anything like that, you can put a target at the spot you want to measure up to", "SUMMARY A Laser Distance Meter sendsa pulse of laser light to the target and measuresthe time it takesforthe reflection to return.For distances up to 30m, the accuracy isÉ3mm. Isé3mm-on board processing allowsthe device to, add,subtract calculate areas and volumesand to.Triangulate you can measure distances at a. distance But don’t worry –the technology is well established and reliable!A laser distance meter can measure distances of up to 30m with an accuracy of É3mm.é3mm An Ultrasonic Distance meter works on a similar, principle but instead of light it uses sound with a pitch too high for the human ear to. hear", "1 Triangulation is a geometric method, useful for distances in the range of ≈ 1 mm to many kilometers. 2 Time-of-flight measurements (or pulse measurements) are based on measuring the time of flight of a laser pulse from the measurement device to some target and back again. Some of the most important techniques used for laser distance meters are as follows: 1 ", "A long range laser rangefinder is capable of measuring distance up to 20 km; mounted on a tripod with an angular mount. The resulting system also provides azimuth and elevation measurements. A laser rangefinder is a rangefinder which uses a laser beam to determine the distance to an object. The more powerful models of rangefinders measure distance up to 25 km and are normally installed either on a tripod or directly on a vehicle or gun platform. In the latter case the rangefinder module is integrated with on-board thermal, night vision and daytime observation equipment.", "Laser Distance Measuring Tools, also known as Electronic Tape Measures, Laser Distance Finders or Digital Measuring Devices, offer true laser light (not sound) for the most accurate measuring. ", "Laser Entfernungsmesser image by Otmar Smit from A laser distance meter works by use measuring the time it takes a pulse of laser light to be reflected off a target and returned to the sender. Operating Principle. A laser distance meter emits a pulse of laser at a target. The pulse then reflects off the target and back to the sending device (in this case, a laser distance meter).", "The laser beam is used to measure the distance to the first object on its path. Laser rangefinders are used extensively in 3-D object recognition, 3-D object modelling, and a wide variety of computer vision-related fields. The more powerful models of rangefinders measure distance up to 25 km and are normally installed either on a tripod or directly on a vehicle or gun platform. In the latter case the rangefinder module is integrated with on-board thermal, night vision and daytime observation equipment.", "The generated light energy has a wavelength of approximately 900 nanometers, with a beam divergence of 3 milliradians-equal to a beam width of roughly 0.3 m at 100 m or likewise, 3 ft at 1000 ft. Laser Technology products calculate distance by measuring the time of flight of very short pulses of infrared light. ", "Laser Radar. A laser radar is a device which uses one of the distance measurement techniques as described above, and scans the direction of the distance measurement in two dimensions. This allows the acquisition of an image, or more precisely a depth profile of some object, as required e.g. in robotics. Some of the most important techniques used for laser distance meters are as follows: 1 Triangulation is a geometric method, useful for distances in the range of ≈ 1 mm to many kilometers." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how does laser measure distance
[ "It is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Best Answer: The bronze Statue of Freedom by Thomas Crawford is the crowning feature of the dome of the United States Capitol. The statue is a classical female figure of Freedom wearing flowing draperies. Her right hand rests upon the hilt of a sheathed sword; her left holds a laurel wreath of victory and the shield of the United States with thirteen stripes.", "Slave Who Built the Statue on Top of the Capitol Building Finally to Be Honored. The Statue of Freedom that sits on top of the U.S. Capitol Building is an iconic part of the D.C. skyline. But not many people know that without a slave by the name of Philip Reid, that all-American statue would have never been built. 1. The Statue of Freedom that sits on top of the U.S. Capitol Building is an iconic part of the D.C. skyline. But not many people know that without a slave by the name of Philip Reid, that all-American statue would have never been built. Now Reid is finally getting the recognition he deserves", "Her crest peaks at 288 feet (88 meters) above the east front plaza of the U.S. Capitol. She is a female allegorical figure whose right hand holds the hilt of a sheathed sword while a laurel wreath of victory and the Shield of the United States are clasped in her left hand. Crawford was commissioned to design Freedom in 1854 and executed the plaster model for the statue in his studio in Rome. Mississippian senator and U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis (who would later become President of the Confederacy) was in charge of the Capitol construction and its decorations.", "The United States Capitol, often called Capitol Hill, is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It sits atop Capitol Hill, at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. . The Capitol has a long history in art of the United States, beginning in 1856 with Italian / Greek American artist Constantino Brumidi and his murals in the hallways of the first floor of the Senate side of the Capitol.", "Though not at the geographic center of the Federal District, the Capitol forms the origin point for the District's street-numbering system and the District's four quadrants. The original building was completed in the year 1800 and was subsequently expanded, particularly with the addition of the massive dome. The Capitol has a long history in art of the United States, beginning in 1856 with Italian / Greek American artist Constantino Brumidi and his murals in the hallways of the first floor of the Senate side of the Capitol.", "Reaching to a height of over 200 feet, the Capitol dome is topped by Daniel Chester French's elegant gilded bronze statue, Wisconsin.. Edwin Blashfield's mural Resources of Wisconsin lavishly decorates the ceiling of the rotunda, which is the only granite dome in the United States. ", "Sat-Sun & Holidays 8:00am - 4:00pm. The statue atop the state capitol building is named Wisconsin and was placed on the capitol dome as a symbol of the state's motto, Forward.. ", "Restoration of the statue and the pedestal was completed in approximately four months. The Statue of Freedom was returned to its pedestal by helicopter on October 23, 1993, amid the celebration of the bicentennial of the U.S. Capitol. Since then, every 2–3 years, the statue undergoes two weeks of cleaning and recoating as necessary. Crawford was commissioned to design Freedom in 1854 and executed the plaster model for the statue in his studio in Rome. Mississippian senator and U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis (who would later become President of the Confederacy) was in charge of the Capitol construction and its decorations.", "In 1859 Thomas Crawford's plaster model for the Statue of Freedom, designed for the top of the dome, arrived from the sculptor's studio in Rome. With a height of 19 feet 6 inches, the statue was almost 3 feet taller than specified, and Walter was compelled to make revisions to his design for the dome. The statue is a classical female figure of Freedom wearing flowing draperies. Her right hand rests upon the hilt of a sheathed sword; her left holds a laurel wreath of victory and the shield of the United States with thirteen stripes." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is the statue of on the capitol building
[ "Increase the defense and his attack deal more damage on opponents" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 Oil Shower is one of Hakan's follow ups after an Oil Slide. 2 The effect is the same as Light Kick Oil Shower, and he will be in advantage nevertheless. 3 Light Punch Oil Slide has a faster startup, and can be connected from Crouching Light Punch or Step Low (F + Light Kick).", "When Hakan is oiled up, his defense is increaded (he takes less damage from attacks) and many of his attacks deal more damage. His command grabs all do more damage, and both of his Ultras do more damage. His command grabs have their range increased so they're easier to connect with. His maneuverability increases.", "To be blunt about the subject, if a bottle of oil does not contain the following basic information then DO NOT buy it look for something that does! 1 The purpose for which it is intended (i.e. 2 Motor oil, Gear oil etc). 3 The viscosity (i.e. 10w-40, 5w-30 etc for Motor oils and 80w-90, 75w-90 etc for Gear oils).", "Appearance Edit. Hakan is a huge Turkish oil wrestler with deep red skin and a strong accent. He has strange turquoise hair worn in circular curls aligned rather symmetrically on his head and a large mustache.", "1 Oil Coaster (720 + PPP): Hakan's first ultra attack does not have the same range boost that his Oil Rocket grab attack gets when oiled up. 2 However, the range is better than the Oil Rocket when you are not oiled up. 3 Keep this in mind when trying to land this ultra combo." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
hakan what does oil do
[ "The triple bottom line" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Sustainability reporting (also referred to as social reporting, corporate responsibility reporting, ESG reporting, and nonfinancial reporting) has become an established component of communication to stakeholders that complements financial reporting by leading companies. Center members also have access to other resources on sustainability reporting, including an on-demand webinars. GRI Decoded: How to use the Global Reporting Initiative (available to members) examines the GRI framework and explains how to utilize the information that GRI reporting generates. 1 Research.", "Business sustainability is often defined as managing the triple bottom line-a process by which companies manage their financial, social and environmental risks, obligations and opportunities. These three impacts are sometimes referred to as profits, people and planet. A more robust definition is that business sustainability represents resiliency over time – businesses that can survive shocks because they are intimately connected to healthy economic, social and environmental systems. These businesses create economic value and contribute to healthy ecosystems and strong communities.", "In November 2009, under the direction of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Ian Bowles, the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) commissioned a team to conduct a comprehensive six-month study of issues related to biomass sustainability and carbon policy (also referred to as the Manomet Study). ", "Part of the Compliance glossary: Business sustainability, also known as corporate sustainability, is the management and coordination of environmental, social and financial demands and concerns to ensure responsible, ethical and ongoing success. The goal of sustainability requires a more extended timeline for return on investment (ROI) but once initial investments are made, they can actually lead to increased profitability. One example is free cooling for data centers, which takes advantage of naturally-occurring phenomena to control temperatures.", "CalSTRS defines sustainability as the framework that governs our organizational business culture. Sustainable objectives are fully integrated into our everyday business practices at every level of our business operations. As an active investor, CalSTRS recognizes that environmental, social and governance, or ESG, issues affect the performance of the investment portfolio. These videos examine those issues from the perspective of an active sustainable investor; they are not intended to directly reflect the views of CalSTRS.", "Sustainability requires the reconciliation of environmental, social equity and economic demands-also referred to as the three pillars of sustainability or. Healthy ecosystems and environments are necessary to the survival and flourishing of humans and other organisms. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. For humans, sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which has ecological, economic, political and cultural dimensions.", "In a broader context, social, environmental and economic demands are considered the three pillars of sustainability. Within the corporate world, they are sometimes referred to as the triple bottom line. The goal of sustainability requires a more extended timeline for return on investment (ROI) but once initial investments are made, they can actually lead to increased profitability. One example is free cooling for data centers, which takes advantage of naturally-occurring phenomena to control temperatures.", "Sustainable design or ecological design (also referred to as green design, or sustainable architecture) is a philosophy of designing buildings to comply with the principles of social, economic and ecological sustainability. ", "The manual is the result of a long term partnership between UNEP, Delft University of Technology and international D4S experts from the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, and Australia, with support from UNIDO, the Swedish EPA, and InWent, Germany. Design for Sustainability: A Global Guide (2008). A global guide for designers and industry is currently being developing to provide support to ecodesign novices, as well as those looking to further their understanding of the field. It is expected in late 2008. Design for Sustainability: A Practical Approach for Developing Economies (2007). Developed in conjunction with Delft University of Technology, this manual introduces the D4S concept and methods for applying it in a business setting in developing economies.", "The concept is a departure from the traditional concept of the bottom line, which evaluates all efforts in terms of their short-term effect on profits. In traditional corporate cultures, social and environmental concerns have typically been considered to conflict with financial goals. The goal of sustainability requires a more extended timeline for return on investment (ROI) but once initial investments are made, they can actually lead to increased profitability. One example is free cooling for data centers, which takes advantage of naturally-occurring phenomena to control temperatures." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
sustainability is also referred to as
[ "Cytoplasmic." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Aldolase A. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Aldolase A is an enzyme that catalyses a reversible aldol reaction: The substrate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (F-1,6-BP) is broken down into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). This reaction is a part of glycolysis.", "Reference Range. Aldolase is an enzyme responsible for breaking down glucose products into energy, specifically converting fructose 1,6-bisphosphate into the triose phosphates dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate.", "(redirected from Liver-type aldolase). A gene on chromosome 9q21.3-q22.2 that encodes aldolase B (fructose-bisphosphate aldolase), a glycolytic enzyme that catalyses the reversible conversion of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.", "Aldolase is present in all animal and plant tissue, and in most microorganisms. Class I aldolase, found in animal and higher plant tissue, is characterized by the lack of requirement for a bivalent metal cofactor, and by the formation of ketimine Schiff base intermediate with the substrate dihyroxyacetone phosphate.", "Alteration of the shape of the enzyme makes it difficult for the aldolase B enzymes to bind together and form tetramers. If it is not in a tetramer, aldolase B cannot metabolize fructose. A lack of functional aldolase B results in an accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate in liver cells.", "Description. Aldolase is a cytoplasmic enzyme responsible for converting sugar into energy, specifically splitting aldol, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, into the triose phosphates dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate (a reversible reaction).", "The ALDOB gene provides instructions for making the aldolase B enzyme. This enzyme is one of a group of three aldolase enzymes that are responsible for breaking down certain molecules in cells throughout the body. Four identical aldolase B enzymes need to be attached (bound) to each other in a four-enzyme unit called a tetramer to work.", "SUMMARY 1. Both the yeast and muscle aldolase reactions are shown to proceed almost exclusively by an ordered sequence Enzyme + fructose diphosphate + glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + enzyme-dihydroxyacetone phosphate (lacking a proton on the a-carbon) = enzyme + dihydroxyacetone phosphate 2." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what type of enzyme is aldolase
[ "The skeletal system protects vulnerable organs such as the brain and the heart.Bones act as levers to magnify the motion of muscles" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The skeleton has six purposes in the human body. The functions performed are support, movement, protection, blood cell production, storage and endocrine regulation. To provide a main structure for the human body and to hold the ligaments and tendons together. Muscles too. The main functions are: Support: The bones support the main frame of the human body to keep its shape. Protections: The bones protect certain organs such as the brain protected by the cranium. Movement: Allows strength in moving muscles. Production: Bone marrow produces red blood cells", "The main functions are: Support: The bones support the main frame of the human body to keep its shape. Protections: The bones protect certain organs such as the brain prot … ected by the cranium. Movement: Allows strength in moving muscles. Production: Bone marrow produces red blood cells. Functions of the Skeletal System The skeletal system has five primary functions: support, storage of minerals and lipids, blood cell production, protection and leverage. The skeletal system provides structural support for the entire body.", "The skeletal system does the following main functions: 1. The skeletal system protects vulnerable organs such as the brain (protected by the skull) and the heart (protected b … y the rib cage). 2. Bones act as levers to magnify the motion of muscles. 3. Bones give the body its shape. Functions of the Skeletal System The skeletal system has five primary functions: support, storage of minerals and lipids, blood cell production, protection and leverage. The skeletal system provides structural support for the entire body.", "The adult human skeletal system consists of 206 bones, as well as a network of tendons, ligaments and cartilage that connects them. The skeletal system performs vital functions — support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage and endocrine regulation — that enable us to survive.", "The skeletal system does the following main functions: 1. The skeletal system protects vulnerable organs such as the brain (protected by the skull) and the heart (protected b … y the rib cage). 2. Bones act as levers to magnify the motion of muscles. 3. Bones give the body its shape. The main functions are: Support: The bones support the main frame of the human body to keep its shape. Protections: The bones protect certain organs such as the brain protected by the cranium. Movement: Allows strength in moving muscles. Production: Bone marrow produces red blood cells", "The collagen provides flexibility while the minerals provide tensile strength. The skeletal system has five main functions in the body, three of which are external and visible to the naked eye, and two of which are internal. The external functions are: structure, movement and protection. The internal functions are: blood cell production and storage. Save. The skeletal system is divided into two parts, the axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton includes the skull, spinal column, ribs and sternum. The appendicular skeleton includes all upper and lower extremities, the shoulder girdle and the pelvic girdle.", "The main organs in the skeletal system are bones. Their functions are to protect the bodies organs, and keep our shape the skull protects the brain from brain dama … ge. Functions of the Skeletal System The skeletal system has five primary functions: support, storage of minerals and lipids, blood cell production, protection and leverage. The skeletal system provides structural support for the entire body." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what are the two main functions of the skeletal system
[ "The core of large stars, especially during a nova.", "Gold is an element and is formed in the core of large stars, especially during a nova. On Earth, veins of gold are formed by separation from liquid rock after gravity agglomer." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Gold is not formed on the Earth like diamonds and many other gems and minerals. Instead, most scientists now believe that gold actually came to earth from outer space in large meteorites that have struck the planet over billions of years. While diamonds can be artificially produced, there is only so much gold available on the planet. It cannot be created in a lab the way that many gemstones can be. While some scientists believe that gold mining in outer space may be the bonanza of the future, such dreams are currently too expensive to be realized.", "Gold is an element and is formed in the core of large stars, especially during a nova. On Earth, veins of gold are formed by separation from liquid rock after gravity agglomer … ates the molecules. It will form long chains within spaces in minerals because of its resistance to combining with lighter elements. Gold isn't a rock. It is a chemical element, or, in the eyes of the geologist or miner, it is a mineral. It is … sometimes referred to as a noble metal because it doesn't react easily with other stuff in the earth. That translates into gold appearing as a pure metal in the form or tiny flakes, nuggets or the like.", "On Earth, gold is found in ores in rock formed from the Precambrian time onward. It most often occurs as a native metal, typically in a metal solid solution with silver (i.e. as a gold silver alloy). Such alloys usually have a silver content of 8–10%. The oxidation state of gold in its compounds ranges from −1 to +5, but Au(I) and Au(III) dominate its chemistry. Au(I), referred to as the aurous ion, is the most common oxidation state with soft ligands such as thioethers, thiolates, and tertiary phosphines. Au(I) compounds are typically linear.", "The process of erosion had sloughed fragments of gold from the reef into the gully. - Robyn Annear. Ancient Greeks believed that gold was formed by the rays of the sun transforming common metals in the earth. Scientists today still think that gold formation is related to stars, specifically dying stars. At the core of a dying star-a supernova-elements begin to fuse together in the extreme heat. ", "Gold is not formed in rock so much as it will tend to concentrate under certain geologic conditions. We see evidence of gold grains in some rivers, and nuggets in some rock formations. Gold isn't a rock. It is a chemical element, or, in the eyes of the geologist or miner, it is a mineral. It is … sometimes referred to as a noble metal because it doesn't react easily with other stuff in the earth. That translates into gold appearing as a pure metal in the form or tiny flakes, nuggets or the like.", "Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements, and is solid under standard conditions. The oxidation state of gold in its compounds ranges from −1 to +5, but Au(I) and Au(III) dominate its chemistry. Au(I), referred to as the aurous ion, is the most common oxidation state with soft ligands such as thioethers, thiolates, and tertiary phosphines. Au(I) compounds are typically linear.", "Answer 1: Gold, in its pure form is not made-it occurs naturally in an elemental form. On a side note, the history of alchemy was largely based on the desire of people (probably kings!) to combine other (cheap and abundant) elements and compounds to make gold. Most of the gold products such as jewelry, etc., have a rating in karats, as you probably already know.", "Gold is an element and is formed in the core of large stars, especially during a nova. On Earth, veins of gold are formed by separation from liquid rock after gravity agglomer … ates the molecules. It will form long chains within spaces in minerals because of its resistance to combining with lighter elements. Remember that gold is an element, and it isn't made or formed in nature so much as it is a part of the mix of the things that make up the earth's structure. A link can be found below to the Wikipedia post on gold.", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Gold was formed in the sense of being placed on the earth when the earth was formed by cooling down from gas ejected by the Sun some 4.5 billion years ago. Gold deposits were laid down as rocks formed as part of that cooling process. The amount of gold in the earth has been constant since then. None has been made on earth, either naturally or by alchemists (who dreamed of turning lead into gold)." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is gold formed in
[ "Lake Michigan, Erie, and Superior." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Great Lakes-Lake Michigan. The third largest Great Lake has a water surface area of 22,300 square miles, and it contains numerous islands, notably the Beaver Island archipelago and the North and South Manitou Islands off the coast of the Little Finger area of Michigan's mitten-shaped Lower Peninsula. Learn More.", "The Great Lakes contain the largest supply of fresh water on earth; 20% of the earth's total fresh water; 9,402 miles of shoreline; and 94,710 total square miles of surface area (about the size of Texas).", "Lake Michigan's water surface is 22,300 square miles (57,800 square kilometers). It is the second largest of the Great Lakes by volume (1,180 cubic miles / 4,920 cubic km). Only Lake Superior is bigger. Lake Michigan touches Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin.", "Great Lakes-Lake Erie. Of the four Great Lakes that lap against Michigan's shores, Lake Erie is the smallest and accounts for a relatively brief stretch of coastline from the Ohio border to the mouth of the Detroit River in the southeast corner of the state. Learn More.", "The American state of Michigan borders four of the Great Lakes. The number of inland lakes in Michigan depends on the minimum size: there are 62,798 lakes ≥ 0.1 acres, 26,266 lakes ≥ 1.0 acres, 6,537 lakes ≥ 10.0 acres, 1,148 lakes ≥ 100 acres, 98 lakes ≥ 1,000 acres, and 10 lakes ≥ 10,000 acres.", "The Lake Michigan Circle Tour (LMCT) loops around Lake Michigan following state highways. These highways are usually the closest to the lake. The LMCT follows state highways in the US states of Illinois, Indiana and Michigan and Wisconsin." ], "url": [ "", ",4561,7-135-3313_3677-15926--,00.html", "", "", "", "" ] }
lakes around michigan
[ "The baseline educational requirement to become a social worker is a Bachelor's degree, usually in Social Work or a related field. A four-year degree program is comprised of both coursework and a minimum number of hours (usually 400 for accredited programs) of supervised experience in the field.", "To become a social worker you will need to study a three-year undergraduate degree or a two-year postgraduate degree in social work that is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)and You will also need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)then you apply for social work training." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "An MSW can be undertaken with any undergraduate degree, though some programs may require certain prerequisite coursework in related areas, such as psychology and sociology, for applicants not holding a BSW. The MSW is required to become a clinical social worker or to work in schools or the healthcare system. These degree programs typically take two years to complete (though some programs offer more flexible 3 and 4-year degree plans) and prepare students for advanced practice in their specialties. According to the BLS, all states have licensure or certification requirements for becoming a social worker. Licenses for non-clinical social workers are usually optional; rules vary for each state and can be found through the Association of Social Work Boards.", "Education Requirements. The usual job requirement for a medical social worker is a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. Some jobs may be available to social workers who only have a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), but these jobs are usually lower-level assistant positions.", "The minimum education requirement that a social worker must have in order to work is a bachelor’s degree in social work (BSW). Attaining the degree from an accredited program requires at least 400 hours of supervised field practice. ", "Entry requirements. To become a social worker in England, you will need to take a three-year undergraduate degree or a two-year postgraduate degree in social work that is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). When you apply for social work training, you should ideally already have some paid or voluntary experience in a social work or care setting. You will also need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).", "The baseline educational requirement to become a social worker is a Bachelor's degree, usually in Social Work or a related field. A four-year degree program is comprised of both coursework and a minimum number of hours (usually 400 for accredited programs) of supervised experience in the field. Social workers must be emotionally mature, self-aware, and compassionate. Social worker education requirements are fairly stringent, as all states and the District of Columbia have guidelines for degrees and licensure.", "They will be qualified to register as a social worker after 12 months and complete a postgraduate master’s degree during their second year. Application has now closed but keep checking the site for updates. Frontline is a partnership between the Department of Education and international children’s charity, ARK. When you apply for social work training, you should ideally already have some paid or voluntary experience in a social work or care setting. You will also need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).", "How to Become a Social Worker. Although most social workers need a bachelor’s degree in social work, clinical social workers must have a master’s degree and two years of post-master experience in a supervised clinical setting. Clinical social workers must also be licensed in the state in which they practice. For example, clinical social workers must have a master’s degree in social work and two years of post-master experience in a supervised clinical setting. A master’s degree in social work generally takes 2 years to complete.", "To become a social worker you will need to study a three-year undergraduate degree or a two-year postgraduate degree in social work that is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). You will also need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). When you apply for social work training, you should ideally already have some paid or voluntary experience in a social work or care setting", "In addition to the required coursework in a two-year MSW program, students are required to fulfill 900 hours of supervised training with a qualified medical social worker. The program may be able to arrange an internship at a hospital, hospice, nursing home or convalescent home. Training. In addition to the required coursework in a two-year MSW program, students are required to fulfill 900 hours of supervised training with a qualified medical social worker. The program may be able to arrange an internship at a hospital, hospice, nursing home or convalescent home. Licensing and/or Certification.", "Education. To be a social worker, one must have a degree in social work from a college or university program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The undergraduate degree is the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW). " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
training and qualifications needed to be a social worker
[ "sense of belonging." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Motives and Drives in Psychology. In psychology, a motive is generally defined as a state of physiological or psychological arousal which influences how we behave. For example, a physiological arousal, such as hunger or thirst, motivates us to eat or get something to drink.", "Abnormal psychology is a division of psychology that studies people who are abnormal or atypical compared to the members of a given society. There is evidence that some psychological disorders are more common than was previously thought.", "Psychological needs are, to name a few, understanding, compassion, attention, strength, trust, self-esteem, and companionship. Maslow's triangle, lists five basic human needs. The hierarchy starting from the bottom up is as listed, humans need:", "A need (vs. a want) is something that is vital to an individual's physical or psychological (in this case) survival. For example a biological need would be food and a ps … ychological need would be a sense of belonging. Answered. In Marketing Advertising and Sales.", "A need (vs. a want) is something that is vital to an individual's physical or psychological (in this case) survival. For example a biological need would be food and a ps … ychological need would be a sense of belonging.", "A psychological arousal, such as the need for love and companionship, motivates us to seek the company of others and interact with them. Both physiological and psychological arousal can occur together in combination. For example, the desire for sex and the desire for love." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is an example of a psychological need
[ "12 months to 18 months" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "In order to obtain license as an LPN, you need to complete an accredited LPN program and take the licensure examination for LPNs. Working as an LPN is one of the first steps if you want to work in the future as a registered nurse. If there is no way that you can attend classes for an LPN program during the weekends or evenings, you can still pursue a career as an LPN through online LPN programs. These are online classes provided by nursing schools as an alternative to the conventional LPN programs.", "Education. If you enroll in a full-time licensed practical nurse (LPN) training program, you may be prepared and qualified to take your licensing exam in as little as 9-12 months. These programs are available from many community colleges, vocational schools, and universities, and they may range from 43-78 credit hours. Prerequisites. Requirements for admission to an LPN training program vary by state and by school, but you typically must hold a high school diploma or have passed the General Educational Development (GED) exam.", "1 Enroll in and Complete a Vocational Training Program or LPN School – The only way to become an LPN is by becoming licensed as one in your state. 2 You cannot do that without passing the licensing exam that is administered by the local board of nursing. ", "Some community colleges and nursing schools also offer classes in the evenings for LPN programs. This LPN program length is ideal for those who are working during the day in their full-time jobs. LPN students may also opt to study during the weekend. If there is no way that you can attend classes for an LPN program during the weekends or evenings, you can still pursue a career as an LPN through online LPN programs. These are online classes provided by nursing schools as an alternative to the conventional LPN programs.", "Course Duration. An LPN program length usually takes a minimum of 12 months to 18 months. The completion of an LPN program will also depend on the time you have allotted for study and your ability to complete the course work provided. If there is no way that you can attend classes for an LPN program during the weekends or evenings, you can still pursue a career as an LPN through online LPN programs. These are online classes provided by nursing schools as an alternative to the conventional LPN programs.", "Bachelor's Degree Programs. For an LPN/LVN looking to become an RN, you have the option to enroll in an LPN-to-BSN program which is geared specifically for LPNs and take about three years. Schools offering these programs tend to focus on nursing courses where students learn better leadership skills. Community colleges and vocational schools offer LPN/LVN programs, many of which are online. If you enroll in an online program, you will most likely do your clinical work at a local hospital coordinated by the school.", "This often does not include various costs which are necessary for completion of a program such as books or clinical fees. Average cost of tuition for LPN programs is about $10,000 to $15,000 nationally. Prices range from $4,000 or $5,000 for some programs and upwards of $30,000 for others. This can be daunting and seem like simply too much money to pay out of pocket. Here are some of the most common expenses associated with LPN school (besides tuition). 1 Books-A necessity for any educational program, LPN programs are no exception. 2 Depending on individual program requirements and course load, books can cost from several hundreds of dollars to over $1000.", "Students can begin practicing as nurses following a 1-year vocational nursing program, while registered nurse licensure generally requires at least two years of nursing school. However, the full educational course leading to a doctorate in nursing can take eight years or more. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs), sometimes known as licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), assist registered nurses and provide basic patient care. Nursing school programs for LPNs are typically one year long and involve classroom work as well as supervised clinical experience." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long to study lpn school
[ "No" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The word throat is used for the parts of the neck anterior to the vertebral column, especially the pharynx and the larynx. The pharynx is the part of the digestive system situated posterior to the nasal and oral cavities and posterior to the larynx. It is therefore divisible into nasal, oral, and laryngeal parts: the (1) nasopharynx, (2) oropharynx, and (3) laryngopharynx. 53-2 The nasopharynx is the superiormost part of the pharynx, but (at least in its anterior aspect) it may also be regarded as the posterior portion of the nasal cavity (F. W. Jones, J. Anat., 74:147,1940; K. Leela, R. Kanagasuntheram, and F. Y. Khoo, J. Anat., 117:333, 1974).", "The pharynx is the uppermost part of the alimentary tract and commonly referred to as the throat. It directs the passage of air and food between the mouth and nose into esophagus and larynx. The tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue that lie in the pharynx. It starts from the back of the mouth and nose and extends down into the esophagus. It runs from the base of the skull to the inferior border of the C6 vertebra, which is posterior to the pharynx, and the cricoid cartilage, which lies anterior to", "Location of the Pharynx. It starts from the back of the mouth and nose and extends down into the esophagus. It runs from the base of the skull to the inferior border of the C6 vertebra, which is posterior to the pharynx, and the cricoid cartilage, which lies anterior to the pharynx.", "The oropharynx extends from the back of the mouth and carries ingested food and drinks from the mouth into the esophagus. The laryngopharynx lies just behind the larynx (voice box) and is the lowermost part of the pharynx. It serves as a common passage for both food (into the esophagus) and air (into the larynx). It starts from the back of the mouth and nose and extends down into the esophagus. It runs from the base of the skull to the inferior border of the C6 vertebra, which is posterior to the pharynx, and the cricoid cartilage, which lies anterior to", "In humans the pharynx is part of the digestive system and also of the conducting zone of the respiratory system. The conducting zone also includes the nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles, and their function is to filter, warm, and moisten air and conduct it into the lungs. The upper portion of the pharynx, the nasopharynx, extends from the base of the skull to the upper surface of the soft palate. It includes the space between the internal nares and the soft palate and lies above the oral cavity.", "Esophagus. The esophagus is a collapsible muscular tube that serves as a passageway between the pharynx and stomach. As it descends, it is posterior to the trachea and anterior to the vertebral column. It passes through an opening in the diaphragm, called the esophageal hiatus, and then empties into the stomach. ", "The throat, or pharynx, is a funnel-shaped tube located in the posterior of the mouth. The pharynx connects the nasal cavity and mouth to the esophagus and larynx in the neck. The region of the throat behind the mouth is known as the oropharynx and forms the posterior wall of the mouth. Click to read more below. Also known as the oral cavity, the mouth is the hollow cavity that allows food and air to enter the body. The mouth contains many other organs-such as the teeth, tongue, and the ducts of the salivary glands-that work together to aid in the ingestion and digestion of food.", "The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. It is approximately 25.4 cm (10 in) in length, located posterior to the trachea, and remains in a collapsed form when not engaged in swallowing. ", "Pharynx. The Pharynx is the main resonating chamber for the voice. The term Throat generally refers to the Pharynx. It is located behind the Mouth and Nasal cavity and above the Esophagus. It is part of both the Respiratory and Digestive Systems, acting as a passage for both air and food during normal daily behavior. The Pharynx is made up of three parts: It extends from the Larynx itself up to the Oropharynx behind the mouth. The Laryngopharynx is actually behind the Larynx and is defined by the form of the Epiglottis. It is directly above the Esophagus and serves as the junction of the Pharynx and", "It makes up the part of the throat situated immediately posterior to the nasal cavity, posterior to the mouth and superior to the esophagus and larynx. The human pharynx is conventionally divided into three sections: the nasopharynx, the oropharynx and the laryngopharynx. It is also important in vocalization. The upper portion of the pharynx, the nasopharynx, extends from the base of the skull to the upper surface of the soft palate. It includes the space between the internal nares and the soft palate and lies above the oral cavity." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
is the pharynx located before the mouth ?
[ "Because we had one single time zone for Earth, noon would be the middle of the day in some places, but it would be morning, evening and the middle of the night in others.Since different parts of the Earth enter and exit daylight at different times, we need different time zones.Each time zone is 15 degrees of longitude wide." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Not always 1 hour's difference. Some countries have non-standard time zones, usually with a 30-minute offset (a few have a 45-minute offset). For example, the time zone in India is five hours and 30 minutes (UTC+5:30) ahead of UTC. Time zones’ boundaries are irregular mainly because of political factors, and so this has been a subject of criticism. How Time Zones Work. Each time zone is then theoretically 15 degrees wide, corresponding to a one-hour difference in mean solar time. The shape of time zones is changed, in practice, to match internal and international borders.", "Report Abuse. We have time zones so that everyone on the planet does most things at the same time that a person does in another part of the world such as sleeping for example. The majority of people sleep at night. The reason there are different time zones and an International dateline is because there are different times. I suppose we could all go on GMT but that would mean that when it is 12:00 GMT it would be the middle of the night in Tokyo and early morning in New York.", "World Time Zones. Here are the time zones of the world. All places in one time zone have the same time, except when a region has Daylight Saving Time when the local time is advanced by one hour. On this map there is no adjustment for Daylight Saving Time! (Note: the clock uses the time on your computer as its reference).", "The concept of having a time zone comes from a basic desire to always have the local time correspond to the amount of daylight that is available. Most people tend to think of the middle of the day, or high noon, as being the time at which the sun is at the highest point in the sky. Time zones ensure that the sun appears at its zenith in every part of the world. A global map, including time zone divisions. There are 24 different divisions of time zones around", "Today’s Time Zones. The definition for time zones can be written in short form as UTC± n (or GMT± n), where n is the offset in hours. There are also some places that have UTC+13 and UTC+14 but these are not standard time zones, from a point of view that sees the number of standard time zones as 24. How Time Zones Work. Each time zone is then theoretically 15 degrees wide, corresponding to a one-hour difference in mean solar time. The shape of time zones is changed, in practice, to match internal and international borders.", "Best Answer: The concept of having a time zone comes from a basic desire to always have the local time correspond to the amount of daylight that is available. In short, most people tend to think of the middle of the day, or high noon, as being the time in which the sun is at the highest point in the sky. The reason there are different time zones and an International dateline is because there are different times. I suppose we could all go on GMT but that would mean that when it is 12:00 GMT it would be the middle of the night in Tokyo and early morning in New York.", "In order to build the time zone map, they studied Earth’s movements. As the Earth rotates on its axis, it moves about 15 degrees every 60 minutes. After 24 hours, it has completed a full circle rotation of 360 degrees. The scientists used this information to divide the planet into 24 sections or time zones. Each time zone is 15 degrees of longitude wide. If we had one single time zone for Earth, noon would be the middle of the day in some places, but it would be morning, evening and the middle of the night in others. Since different parts of the Earth enter and exit daylight at different times, we need different time zones", "Time zones are based on the fact that the Earth moves 15 degrees longitude each hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day there are 24 standard time zones. (24 hours x 15º=360º). Time zones are counted from the Prime Meridian (0º longitude). Each time zone is counted at 15 º intervals and extends 7½º either side of a central meridian. ", "Each time zone is 15 degrees of longitude wide (with local variations) and the local time is one hour earlier than the zone immediately to the east on the map. The number of standard time zones is debatable and discussed among various sources, particularly with regards to the International Date Line. How Time Zones Work. Each time zone is then theoretically 15 degrees wide, corresponding to a one-hour difference in mean solar time. The shape of time zones is changed, in practice, to match internal and international borders." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
why do we have different time zones
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Goonies 'R' Good Enough was written by Lauper, Cyndi / Broughton, Steve / Stead, Arthur Willmore. ", "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough is a song by American singer Cyndi Lauper. It was released as a single for The Goonies, a 1985 film which was released around the same time as the single. It was her fifth Top 10 single on the Hot 100.", "Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Universal Music Publishing Group. print correct Terms of Use. Get Goonies 'R' Good Enough Ringtone. New Music Daily Check out whats trending in the music world.", "CD Universe is your song lyrics and mp3 source for Cyndi Lauper's song Goonies 'R' Good Enough lyrics and much more.", "(Good Enough) for you. Is good enough for me. It's good, it's good enough. It's good enough for me. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Lyrics taken from Like. Tweet.", "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough is found on the album Time After Time: The Best of Cyndi Lauper." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "!", "" ] }
cyndi lauper goonies lyrics
[ "South America, Caribbean, and the United States." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The Roseate Spoonbill, a large wading bird with pink plumage and a distinctive spatulate bill, is one of the most striking birds found in North America. They stand 85 cm tall and have a 1.3 m wingspan.", "The roseate spoonbill is a bird with bright pink feathers that lives along the coasts of Florida, Texas, and Mexico. Spoonbills also live in coastal and interior regions of South America.", "If it is food, the bird eats it. Most of the animals that roseate spoonbills eat are small fish, but they occasionally eat snails, insects, and crustaceans. Roseate spoonbills live in areas, or habitats, with warm temperatures, shallow and muddy water, and islands.", "The Roseate Spoonbill is found along North America's Gulf Coast, most notably in Texas and Florida. It's range extends through Central America, down to Argentina at the bottom of the South American continent, and they can also be found on islands like the Bahamas, the Caribbean and Cuba.", "The Roseate Spoonbill is a very sociable Bird that inhabits it's wetland homes with other Roseate Spoonbills, and they are also commonly found in the presence of other waders including Herons, Egrets and Ibises which they are closely related to.", "Different species of spoonbills live in different parts of the world. The Roseate Spoonbill is native to South America, Caribbean, and the United States.", "They feed in the early morning and evening hours by wading through shallow water with their bills partially submerged. As a Roseate Spoonbill walks it swings its head back and forth in a sideways motion. When the bird feels a prey item it snaps its bill closed, pulls the prey out of the water, and swallows it.", "Roseate spoonbills fly in flocks in long diagonal lines with their legs and neck stretched out. The roseate spoonbill population was once threatened by hunting. In the mid-to-late 1800s its feathers were used in ladies' hats and fans.", "Roseate Spoonbills range around the coastal areas, including Texas, Louisiana and Florida. It is also found in the tropics in South America. The roseate spoonbill likes brackish type water and will live in areas where the water remains stagnant such as ponds and smaller lakes and swampy areas." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
where do roseate spoonbills live
[ "Dark" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "English Meaning: The name D'Arcy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name D'Arcy is: Derived from a surname introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, based on the the French place name Arcy. French Meaning: The name D'Arcy is a Frenc", "Meaning & History. From an English surname which was derived from Norman French d'Arcy, originally denoting one who came from Arcy in France. This was the surname of a character in Jane Austen's novel 'Pride and Prejudice' (1813).", "Darcy /dar-cy/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Darcy) is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Darcy is dark. Also a Norman place name, from Arcy.", "English Meaning: The name Darcy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Darcy is: Derived from a surname introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, based on the the French place name Arcy. Irish Meaning: The name Darcy is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Darcy is: Dark one. French Meaning: The name Darcy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Darcy is: From Arcy.", "The name Darcy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Darcy is: Derived from a surname introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, based on the the French place name Arcy. Irish Meaning: The name Darcy is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Darcy is: Dark one. French Meaning: The name Darcy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Darcy is: From Arcy." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
meaning of the name darcy
[ "$563 to $733" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Tips to know. 1 When you replace the heater core, you also have to replace the heater core seals; this is a mandatory procedure. 2 If the radiator is quickly leaking coolant into the interior of the vehicle, it may probably overheat and is not safe to drive. 1 Parts, depending on the car model, will cost anywhere from $60 to $200. 2 According to, mechanic prices ranged anywhere from $343 to more than $3,000. 3 The core is heated through the passing of a hot fluid from the car engine. 4 This heating fluid is made to move through the heater core’s winding tub", "Labor: $468 - $591. Parts: $95 - $142. The average cost for a heater core replacement is between $563 to $733. Labor costs are estimated between $468 to $591 while parts are priced between $95 to $142. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. We recommend using a high-quality replacement heater core. Cheap heater cores tend to leak and not last very long. The heater hoses should be inspected when replacing a heater core. Problems with the heater hoses can cause similar problems to a failing heater core and are less expensive to correct.", "RE: how much to replace a heater core? 2001 chevy blazer 4.3. recently the heater in my car stopped working. i think it its clogged and eventually gonna try to flush whatever is clogging it with a garden hose to see if that fixes the problem. ", "Unfortunately, the cost of the heater core is only a small part of the total cost of a heater core replacement. Replacing a heater core takes several hours of labor. The added cost of the labor, shop expendables, taxes, etc. can drive the cost up to several hundred dollars. What does a heater core replacement cost?. This is one of the first questions asked by individuals who are facing their first heater core failure. Sadly, the answer to that question can be a rude awakening for anyone who is inexperienced in this particular problem.", "Best Answer: The heater core change is very expensive to have done. The core itself is pretty cheap, but they will have to take the dash out of the car to get to it. I would say that labor may run you about $500. Hopefully not a whole lot more. ", "The cost for a mechanic to replace a heater core varies depending upon the type of automobile and the complexity of the repair. There is also considerable variation in the hourly rate charged by mechanics. The mechanic should give an estimate of how many hours it will take to replace the heater core on your particular car model. The labor hours multiplied by the mechanic's hourly rate will be your labor cost. However, there can be additional charges if the mechanic runs into other problems while doing", "1 On average, a professional repair job can cost anywhere from $400 to $950. 2 Parts, depending on the car model, will cost anywhere from $60 to $200. 3 According to, mechanic prices ranged anywhere from $343 to more than $3,000. 1 Parts, depending on the car model, will cost anywhere from $60 to $200. 2 According to, mechanic prices ranged anywhere from $343 to more than $3,000. 3 The core is heated through the passing of a hot fluid from the car engine. 4 This heating fluid is made to move through the heater core’s winding tube", "My heater in my car is blowing not so hot air. I believe that I need to replace the heater core. Does anyone know how much it should really cost to have this replaced. I know that it is not an easy job. You have to pull the entire dash out before getting to the heater core. My vehicle is a 2000 Jeep Cherokee. ", "Price. There are many factors that affect the cost of replacing a heater core. Generally, the cost for a mechanic to replace a heater core ranges between $300 and $500 as of December 2010. The mechanic should give an estimate of how many hours it will take to replace the heater core on your particular car model. The labor hours multiplied by the mechanic's hourly rate will be your labor cost. However, there can be additional charges if the mechanic runs into other problems while doing the repair." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how much is a heater core replacement
[ "In the form of a high energy phosphate bond joining the terminal phosphate group to the rest of the molecule." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Adenosine 5'-triphosphate, or ATP, is the most abundant energy carrier molecule in cells. This molecule is made of a nitrogen base (adenine), a ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups. The word adenosine refers to the adenine plus the ribose sugar. ", "Definition. Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, is the energy currency of life. ATP is a high-energy molecule found in every cell. Its job is to store and supply the cell with needed energy. ATP is found in the cytoplasm of the cell. The cytoplasm is the gel-type filler of the cell where all of the organelles of the cell hang out. This location makes sense because the ATP needs to be near all of the cell parts so that it can supply them with the energy they need for chemical and mechanical reactions.", "ATP or adenosine triphosphate stores and releases energy by adding or breaking off one of the phosphate molecules on its tail. When a phosphate molecule breaks off of ATP it r … eleases energy. Likewise, if an ADP (a ATP with one lose phosphate group than ATP) gains a phosphate group, energy is stored. The energy is located in the bonds between the atoms in the form of potential energy.", "A Closer Look: Energy and ATP. The ATP molecule can store energy in the form of a high energy phosphate bond joining the terminal phosphate group to the rest of the molecule. In this form, energy can be stored at one location, then moved from one part of the cell to another, where it can be released to drive other biochemical reactions. The energy stored in ATP at one location is released from ATP when the terminal phosphate bond is broken. In this process a phosphate group is detached to yield inorganic phosphate and ADP and results in the liberation of 7.3 kcal/mol (under standard conditions)", "Report Abuse. The energy is stored in the tri-phosphate polymer of ATP. Each phosphate has a negative charge so the three phosphates together contain a high energy -3 charge. This energy is specifically potential energy and is due to the packing together of the electrons (the source of the negative charge) due to the close proximity of the negatively charged phosphates. ", "Concept 1 Review. The ATP molecule can store energy in the form of a high energy phosphate bond joining the terminal phosphate group to the rest of the molecule. In this form, energy can be stored at one location, then moved from one part of the cell to another, where it can be released to drive other biochemical reactions. The energy stored in ATP at one location is released from ATP when the terminal phosphate bond is broken. In this process a phosphate group is detached to yield inorganic phosphate and ADP and results in the liberation of 7.3 kcal/mol (under standard conditions)", "Conversion from ATP to ADP. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency of life and it provides that energy for most biological processes by being converted to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Since the basic reaction involves a water molecule, this reaction is commonly referred to as the hydrolysis of ATP. Adenosine Triphosphate. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. It is the high-energy molecule that stores the energy we need to do just about everything we do.", "An ATP molecule is made of ribose, adenosine, and phosphate. The energy is stored within the bonds of the phosphate molecules. The energy is located in the bonds between the atoms in the form of potential energy.", "Mitochondrion structure. Mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells. The energy currency for the work that animals must do is the energy-rich molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The ATP is produced in the mitochondria using energy stored in food. ", "Free Energy from Hydrolysis of ATP. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency of life and it provides that energy for most biological processes by being converted to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Since the basic reaction involves a water molecule, this reaction is commonly referred to as the hydrolysis of ATP. Adenosine Triphosphate. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. It is the high-energy molecule that stores the energy we need to do just about everything we do." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
where is energy located in the atp molecule
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "However, each church defines the scope of the Catholic Church differently. For instance, the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches each maintain that their own denomination is identical with the original universal church, from which all other denominations broke away. The term Catholic (usually written with uppercase C in English) was first used to describe the Christian Church in the early 2nd century to emphasize its universal scope. In the context of Christian ecclesiology, it has a rich history and several usages.", "In saying Yes to God, as Mary did, we are able to discover the path to conversion, to holiness, to authentic spirituality. Our call to embrace the Fiat and to make it our own is not a formula for easy spiritual growth, nor is it the first in a series of steps that lead to solving the problems of life. When we embrace Mary's Prayer and make it our own, we allow the Love that Mary bore in her body to be incarnated in and through us, too. Each of us can say Yes to God. Each of us can respond with our entire being, with a Fiat of surrendered love.", "In 1930 the new Efficiency Decoration was introduced to be awarded to all three services, but when the ED was awarded to a Territorial Army officer it continued to be known as the Territorial Decoration and the recipient still used the letters TD after their name. For members of the Honourable Artillery Company the ribbon differed, being a half blue, half scarlet ribbon, with yellow edges. This distinction was bestowed by King Edward VII for the Volunteer Long Service And Good Conduct Medal and the honour extended to the same medals under the Territorial designations.", "The criterion was for a minimum of 20 years service in the Territorial Force and Territorial Army, with war service counting double and service in the ranks counting half. For members of the Honourable Artillery Company the ribbon differed, being a half blue, half scarlet ribbon, with yellow edges. This distinction was bestowed by King Edward VII for the Volunteer Long Service And Good Conduct Medal and the honour extended to the same medals under the Territorial designations.", "The Territorial Decoration (TD) is a military medal of the United Kingdom awarded for long service in the Territorial Force and its successor, the Territorial Army. For members of the Honourable Artillery Company the ribbon differed, being a half blue, half scarlet ribbon, with yellow edges. This distinction was bestowed by King Edward VII for the Volunteer Long Service And Good Conduct Medal and the honour extended to the same medals under the Territorial designations.", "DEFINITION of 'Customer Information File (CIF)'. A computerized file that stores all pertinent information about a bank customer's personal and account information. The Customer Information File (CIF) allows the bank to view its customer accounts by relationship and not strictly by account type. For example, information such as credit relationships, account ownership information, accounts owned etc are included. It is updated as often as daily in order to ensure accuracy. Next Up.", "This award superseded the Volunteer Officer's Decoration when the Territorial Force was formed on 1 April 1908, following the enactment of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907, (7 Edw.7, c.9) which was a large reorganisation of the old Volunteer Army and the remaining units of militia and Yeomanry. For members of the Honourable Artillery Company the ribbon differed, being a half blue, half scarlet ribbon, with yellow edges. This distinction was bestowed by King Edward VII for the Volunteer Long Service And Good Conduct Medal and the honour extended to the same medals under the Territorial designations.", "Different churches. The term The Catholic Church refers to any one of a number of different Rites and church organizations, but, in the United States, it is most often used synonymously for the church whose most widespread Rite is the Latin Rite--the Roman Catholic Church. Cathedral of Malaga, Spain. The term catholic (from the Greek katholikos) means universal, and its roots in ecclesiastical parlance go back to the early years of Christianity. Some Protestants believe that (Roman) Catholics do not have the right to monopolize the term, and so prefix it with the adjective Roman.", "They are different from the Latin rite in many ways but still recognize the primacy of the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) and are in communion with Rome. These Eastern Rite churches are Catholic and do not belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Cathedral of Malaga, Spain. The term catholic (from the Greek katholikos) means universal, and its roots in ecclesiastical parlance go back to the early years of Christianity. Some Protestants believe that (Roman) Catholics do not have the right to monopolize the term, and so prefix it with the adjective Roman." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what does TD stand for in catholic parlance
[ "The definition of a diminution is a reduction in size or a reduction in the importance of someone or something." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "diminution. noun. 1. decrease, decline, lessening, weakening, decay, contraction, abatement a slight diminution in asset value. 2. reduction, cut, decrease, weakening, deduction, contraction, lessening, cutback, retrenchment, abatement, curtailment The president has accepted a diminution of his original powers. noun. dim·i·nu·tion. n. 1. a. The act or process of diminishing; a lessening or reduction.", "diminished - (of musical intervals) reduction by a semitone of any perfect or minor musical interval; a diminished fifth. music-an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner. diminished - (of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm. atrophied, wasted.", "5 the correction of a fracture, hernia, or luxation. 6 the reduction of data, as in converting interval data to an ordinal or nominal scale of measurement. Cosmetic surgery The surgical excision of redundant tissue and skin. 3. the addition of hydrogen to a substance, or more generally, the gain of electrons; the opposite of oxidation. Reduction of a fractured bone. A gradual pull is exerted on the distal (lower) fragment of the bone until it is in alignment with the proximal fragment.", "Diminution in Value Law & Legal Definition. Diminution in value generally refers to a reduction in the worth of something caused by an action of a third party or entity. ", "Diminution definition. Diminution occurs in linear perspective; it involves objects becoming smaller and smaller as the space between the viewer and the object increases. 1 A. ", "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a diminution is a reduction in size or a reduction in the importance of someone or something. When you are demoted from President of the company to assistant manager, this is an example of a diminution", "Full Definition of REDUCTION. 1. : the act or process of reducing: the state of being reduced. 2. a: something made by reducing b: the amount by which something is reduced. 3. ", "2. the addition of hydrogen to a substance, or more generally, the gain of electrons; the opposite of oxidation. angle of reduction. in the Ortolani maneuver, the point at which the femoral head returns to the acetabulum. closed reduction. the manipulative reduction of a fracture without incision. 3. the addition of hydrogen to a substance, or more generally, the gain of electrons; the opposite of oxidation. Reduction of a fractured bone. A gradual pull is exerted on the distal (lower) fragment of the bone until it is in alignment with the proximal fragment." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
definition of diminution
[ "Potential energy" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 The amount of energy in a bond is somewhat counterintuitive-the stronger or more stable the bond, the less chemical energy there is between the bonded atoms. 2 Strong bonds have low chemical energy and weak bonds have high chemical energy. 1 It is a type of energy that can be converted to other forms and often is related to some attractive or pushing forces. 2 Elastic Potential Energy. 3 Anything that can act like a spring or a rubber band can have elastic potential energy.", "RECOMMENDED LESSONS: Chemical energy. Chemical Energy is energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds (atoms and molecules). It is released in a chemical reaction, often producing heat as a by product (exothermic reaction) . Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of stored chemical energy. As it burns in the fireplace, chemical energy is released and converted to thermal energy (heat) and light energy. Notice that the wood now turns into ashes (a new substance). Food is also a good example", "Fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, are energy sources because they contain chemical potential energy. Page 2 of 2. Figure 1. An object can have potential energy that causes a change to occur. Figure 2. A spring has elastic potential energy when it is compressed or stretched. Figure 3. The atoms in molecules are held together by chemical bonds that store chemical potential energy. ", "The energy that results during a chemical reaction is called chemical energy. It is a type of potential energy. Chemical energy is stored within the bonds of the atoms and molecules that make up a substance. Once chemical energy is released from a substance, the substance is transformed into a new substance. Interesting Chemical Energy Facts: ", "Chemical potential energy depends on the strength of the bonds; strong bonds have low energy and weak ones have high energy. Large amounts of heat and/or light energy are released during the formation of strong bonds. Conversely, more energy is required to break strong bonds than weaker bonds. An example of this principle is in a combustion reaction within a car's engine. The gasoline reacts with oxygen when ignited by a spark in the engine. Chemical potential energy that once was stored is then released and the car is set in motion.", "Bonding with Chemical Potential Energy. Chemical potential energy is that which is stored within the bonds of atoms and molecules of a substance. The bonds have stored chemical potential energy which is released when they are broken and the substance undergoes a chemical reaction. An example of this principle is in a combustion reaction within a car's engine. The gasoline reacts with oxygen when ignited by a spark in the engine. Chemical potential energy that once was stored is then released and the car is set in motion.", "The dry wood is a store of chemical energy. As it burns in the fireplace, chemical energy is released and converted to thermal energy (heat) and light energy. Notice that the wood now turns into ashes (a new substance). Food is also a good example of stored chemical energy. This energy is released during digestion. Molecules in our food are broken down into smaller pieces. As the bonds between these atoms loosen or break, a chemical reaction will occur, and new compounds are created", "1 Because of this, atoms and molecules can have chemical potential energy. 2 Anytime two atoms form a strong covalent or ionic bond or two molecules form a weak van der Waals bond, chemical energy is converted into other forms of energy, usually in the form of heat and light. 1 It is a type of energy that can be converted to other forms and often is related to some attractive or pushing forces. 2 Elastic Potential Energy. 3 Anything that can act like a spring or a rubber band can have elastic potential energy.", "Chemical energy. Chemical Energy is energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds (atoms and molecules). It is released in a chemical reaction, often producing heat as a by product (exothermic reaction) . As it burns in the fireplace, chemical energy is released and converted to thermal energy (heat) and light energy. Notice that the wood now turns into ashes (a new substance). Food is also a good example of stored c" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what type of chemical bond has the most potential energy stored in it
[ "Yes" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "PRESCRIBED FOR: Ginkgo biloba is used for. 1 memory improvement, 2 dementia, 3 Alzheimer's disease, 4 anxiety, 5 multiple sclerosis, 6 tinnitus (ringing in the ears), 7 sexual dysfunction, 8 premenstrual syndrome, 9 dizziness, 10 headache, 11 glaucoma, 12 diabetic eye problems, and. 13 vertigo. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Ginkgo biloba is a natural herbal supplement. Ginkgo biloba may have antioxidant properties. Ginkgo biloba also slows down platelet binding in the body, which may increase bleeding risks. Ginkgo biloba is commonly used for memory improvement and dementia.", "It can cause some minor side effects such as stomach upset, headache, dizziness, constipation, forceful heartbeat, and allergic skin reactions. There is some concern that ginkgo leaf extract might increase the risk of liver and thyroid cancers. 1 For vertigo: dosages of 120-160 mg per day of ginkgo leaf extract, divided into two or three doses. 2 For premenstrual syndrome (PMS): 80 mg twice daily, starting on the sixteenth day of the menstrual cycle until the fifth day of the next cycle.", "Although ginkgo biloba is a natural product, it may still cause side effects. As with any medication or supplement, ginkgo biloba (ginkgo) can cause side effects. Although some people assume that natural products (such as ginkgo biloba) are automatically free of side effects, this is simply not the case. Remember, many poisons and toxins are also natural products. ", "Ginkgo is a prescription herb in Germany. Ginkgo Biloba is especially good when combined with Panax Ginseng. Ginkgo extract has proven benefits to elderly persons. This ancient herb acts to enhance oxygen utilization and thus improves memory, concentration, and other mental faculties. In studies, Ginkgo biloba has been reported as demonstrating anti-oxidant abilities with improvements of the platelet and nerve cell functions and blood flow to the nervous system and brain. It has also been reported as reducing blood viscosity.", "Other uses for which ginkgo biloba extract is often recommended include depression, diabetes related nerve damage and poor circulation, allergies, vertigo, short-term memory loss, headache, atherosclerosis, tinnitus, cochlear deafness, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and PMS. In studies, Ginkgo biloba has been reported as demonstrating anti-oxidant abilities with improvements of the platelet and nerve cell functions and blood flow to the nervous system and brain. It has also been reported as reducing blood viscosity.", "If you suffer from vertigo, the conventional treatment is a drug called meclizine (Antivert, Bonine), which lessens nausea and may also relieve the sensation of spinning, but it doesn't always work and can cause drowsiness, among other side effects. ", "Although ginkgo biloba can be effective in reducing dizziness, it can also cause dizziness as a side effect. Other possible side effects include headache, heart palpitations, gastrointestinal discomfort and skin rash. Consult your doctor before using ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo Biloba for Dizziness. Ginkgo biloba extracts can help alleviate dizziness. Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images. Dizziness -- a feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning -- can be an alarming sensation, but rarely signals a life-threatening condition.", "Also called vertigo, dizziness can be caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, inner ear inflammations, Meniere's disease, and certain medications. Natural healers often recommend ginkgo biloba to alleviate dizziness. Consult your doctor before taking ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo Biloba for Dizziness. Ginkgo biloba extracts can help alleviate dizziness. Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images. Dizziness -- a feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning -- can be an alarming sensation, but rarely signals a life-threatening condition.", "Taking ginkgo along with some medications that are change by the liver can increase the effects and side effects of your medication. Before taking ginkgo talk to your healthcare provider if you take any medications that are changed by the liver. 1 For vertigo: dosages of 120-160 mg per day of ginkgo leaf extract, divided into two or three doses. 2 For premenstrual syndrome (PMS): 80 mg twice daily, starting on the sixteenth day of the menstrual cycle until the fifth day of the next cycle." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
is ginkgo biloba good for vertigo
[ "250 and 300 feet tall." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Sierra redwood trees are the largest trees in the world. Many sierra redwoods are between 250 and 300 feet tall, the tallest being about 325 feet high. While their height is impressive, the real wonder of a sierra redwood lies in its bulk. Many of these giants have diameters in excess of 30 feet near the ground, with a corresponding circumference of over 94 feet!", "The world's tallest trees are California redwoods, technically known as Sequoia sempervirens. Until recently, some tree experts had theorized that the redwoods' couldn't exceed 120 meters (394 feet).", "Redwoods. These tallest of trees reach heights of more than 350 feet (107 meters). The tallest tree in the world is named Hyperion, which reaches 379.7 feet (115.7 meters). Redwoods can achieve a diameter of 24 feet (7 meters), and 1.6 million pounds (725,700 kg). These giants can live to be 2,000 years old and have graced the planet for more than 240 million years.", "View full size image. The tallest tree in the world, a California redwood, stands 379 feet (116 m) tall, or slightly taller than a football field is long. Redwoods of the past that have since been cut down probably stood even taller, and may even have reached the theoretical maximum height for trees.", "Giant sequoias. Giant sequoias can grow to be about 30 feet (9 meters) in diameter and more than 250 feet (76 meters) tall. The biggest of these behemoths is General Sherman, a giant sequoia in Sequoia National Park." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how tall is a redwood tree
[ "A work by Boccaccio, written between 1348 and 1358, containing a hundred tales supposedly told in ten days by a party of ten young people who had fled from the Black Death in Florence." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "The stories in The Decameron range from stories about bawdy intrigues to stories about bourgeois merchants to stories about the pains and tragedies of love to stories of religious capers with monks with farce, comedy, and tragedy all included. Boccaccio's 100 stories are highly structured and may be metaphorically viewed as his gift of order on a disordered world. In these structured stories, Boccaccio celebrates two thematic ideas. The first theme is, as he writes in his dedication, is womanhood and love. The second theme is the intelligence of humankind.", "The Decameron (From the Greek: δέκα - ten & μέρα - day) (Italian: Decameron [deˈkaːmeron] or Decamerone [dekameˈroːne]), subtitled Prince Galehaut (Old Italian: Prencipe Galeotto [ˌprentʃipe ɡaleˈɔtto]), is a collection of novellas by the 14th-century Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio (1313–1375). Boccaccio probably conceived the Decameron after the epidemic of 1348, and completed it by 1353. The various tales of love in The Decameron range from the erotic to the tragic. Tales of wit, practical jokes, and life lessons contribute to the mosaic. In addition to its literary value and widespread influence (for example on Chaucer 's The Canterbury Tales), it provides a document of life at the time", "Dioneo narrates what is by far the most obscene and bawdy tale in the Decameron. Alibech, a naive young woman, wanders into the desert in an attempt to become closer to God. She happens upon the monk Rustico, and he deflowers her under the pretense of teaching her how to better please God. This tale is originally found in Hitopadesha, a Sanskrit collection of tales. Boccaccio, though, may have directly taken the tale from The Seven Wise Masters, which, although oriental in origin, was widely circulating in Latin at the time the Decameron was written.", "By invoking the name Prencipe Galeotto in the alternative title to Decameron, Boccaccio alludes to a sentiment he expresses in the text: his compassion for women deprived of free speech and social liberty, confined to their homes and, at times, lovesick. Boccaccio probably conceived the Decameron after the epidemic of 1348, and completed it by 1353. The various tales of love in The Decameron range from the erotic to the tragic. Tales of wit, practical jokes, and life lessons contribute to the mosaic. In addition to its literary value and widespread influence (for example on Chaucer 's The Canterbury Tales), it provides a document of life at the time", "The attention devoted to the tales of the Decameron among English poets of the Romantic period is indicative of a certain fundamental yet complex relationship between the aspirations and the themes of Boccaccio's text and those of the poetry of that revolutionary generation of writers. (It is interesting to note that Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem . The Garden of Boccaccio , a piece specifically about the spirit of Boccaccio and the Decameron, presents a perfect example of the mesh of naturalism and medievalism.", "In the last tale of the second day Dioneo begins his pattern of telling the last tale of the day, which he will continue until the end of the Decameron. The moral of the story – that a young woman should not marry an old man – is common in late medieval vernacular literature. This tale is originally found in Hitopadesha, a Sanskrit collection of tales. Boccaccio, though, may have directly taken the tale from The Seven Wise Masters, which, although oriental in origin, was widely circulating in Latin at the time the Decameron was written.", "a collection of a hundred tales, conceived of as rehearsed in ten days at a country-house during the plague at Florence; are of a licentious character, but exquisitely told; were written by Boccaccio; published in 1352; the name comes from deka, ten, and hemera, a day. ", "Therefore finding a central meaning to Boccaccio's The Decameron depends on understanding Boccaccio's thematic purpose. Boccaccio had witnessed in Florence the plague of the Black Death begun in 1347. Boccaccio's 100 stories are highly structured and may be metaphorically viewed as his gift of order on a disordered world. In these structured stories, Boccaccio celebrates two thematic ideas. The first theme is, as he writes in his dedication, is womanhood and love. The second theme is the intelligence of humankind.", "Definition of Decameron in English: A work by Boccaccio, written between 1348 and 1358, containing a hundred tales supposedly told in ten days by a party of ten young people who had fled from the Black Death in Florence. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is the meaning of the decameron
[ "The action of rotating about an axis or center." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "R otation is when a planet or moon turns all the way around or spins on its axis one time. The axis of rotation is an imaginary line going from the north pole to the south pole. When a planet or moon travels once around an object this is considered a revolution. On Earth, a rotation is pretty short-it happens once a day! It is the rotation that makes the sun appear to come up in the morning and set at night. On Earth, a revolution is quite a bit longer-one year!", "A sphere rotating about an axis. A rotation is a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation. A three-dimensional object always rotates around an imaginary line called a rotation axis. If the axis passes through the body's center of mass, the body is said to rotate upon itself, or spin. Rotation around any axis can be performed by taking a rotation around the x axis, followed by a rotation around the y axis, and followed by a rotation around the z axis. That is to say, any spatial rotation can be decomposed into a combination of principal rotations.", "A rotation is when the earth spins.It takes 24 hours to rotate fully one time. The side facing the sun is in daylight, the side facing away is in night. An interesting fact is that in order for us to experience 365 days in a year, the Earth has to rotate 366 times as it revolves around the sun in that year. The most common use of the term rotation in math is in geometry. It is a form of translation, which is motion. Rotation refers to spinning about an axis point and is m … easured in degrees, up to 360. It is often coupled with reflection to describe the motion of the object.", "Rotation is how an object spins on its axis, like a planet, or a baseball or tennis ball with spin on it. Revolution is how an object revolves around another object, like the … Earth around the Sun or a tether ball around the pole. 18 people found this useful. The most common use of the term rotation in math is in geometry. It is a form of translation, which is motion. Rotation refers to spinning about an axis point and is m … easured in degrees, up to 360. It is often coupled with reflection to describe the motion of the object.", "A rotation about an external point, e.g. the Earth about the Sun, is called a revolution or orbital revolution, typically when it is produced by gravity. Rotation around any axis can be performed by taking a rotation around the x axis, followed by a rotation around the y axis, and followed by a rotation around the z axis. That is to say, any spatial rotation can be decomposed into a combination of principal rotations.", "Full Definition of ROTATION. 1. a (1) : the action or process of rotating on or as if on an axis or center (2) : the act or an instance of rotating something b: one complete turn: the angular displacement required to return a rotating body or figure to its original orientation. 2. b: crop rotation. 3. ", "Rotation notation is usually denoted R(center, degrees). 1 Center is the 'center of rotation.' This is the point around which you are performing your mathematical rotation. 2 Degrees stands for how many degrees you should rotate. 3 A positive number usually by convention means counter clockwise. In math, a rotation lives up to its name! To rotate an object you need a center of rotation and how much you want to rotate it. By convention, positive rotations go counter clockwise, and negative rotations go", "Earth's rotation is the rotation of the planet Earth around its own axis. The Earth rotates from the west towards east. As viewed from North Star or polestar Polaris, the Earth turns counter-clockwise. The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is rotation
[ "$254 to $361" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Labor: $182 - $231. Parts: $72 - $130. The average cost for a brake pad replacement, resurface rotors is between $254 to $361. Labor costs are estimated between $182 to $231 while parts are priced between $72 to $130. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. The brake rotors should be inspected when the pads are replaced, and depending on their condition, they may need resurfacing or replacement. We recommend braking gently for the first 40 to 50 miles of driving on new pads. This will allow them to adjust to the rotors and help prevent squeaking.", "Replace or resurface the rotor if the rotor is the problem; or. Resurface the rotor on the hub using an on-car lathe. The main advantage of cutting rotors in place is that an on-car lathe cuts the rotor in the same plane that it rotates. This virtually eliminates runout and allows the rotor to run true. ", "Resurfacing the rotors is a quick-fix and cost-effective method to let your vehicle’s brakes function efficiently. When the brake pads are substituted for new ones, the rotors must be always measured to check if they still have adequate metal left to perform safe braking. 1 On average, the cost may vary depending on location, the mechanic/repair shop and kind of vehicle. 2 Most people pay anywhere from $250 to $375. 3 Each rotor can cost $30 to $55 each, depending on the mechanic.", "Four year old rotors should be OK You can also call up Pep Boys or Kragen or whatever parts store is in your area and ask them what new pads and rotors cost. Pads are pretty cheap and It might be cheaper to buy new rotors than resurfacing old ones. Repair places sometimes will triple the cost of parts or more, ESPECIALLY for girl if they think you don't know what things cost in the first place. How much does it usually cost to resurface front rotors and replace brake pads (including parts/labor)? I have an '03 Toyota Corolla. Just looking for a rough estimate to see if I am getting ripped off.", "As inexpensive as many aftermarket rotors are today, it’s quite affordable to simply replace the rotors rather than resurface them. Some auto parts stores offer free resurfacing to customers who purchase pads, while others charge a nominal fee for resurfacing ($10 to $20 per rotor). New rotors should be ready to install right out of the box. There should be no need to “clean them up” with a shallow cut on a lathe", "Conventional “hat” or “float” rotors, for example, can easily be ­removed for resurfacing or ­replacement. According to our aftermarket labor guide, 0.8 hours is required for resurfacing two rotors off the vehicle. On the other hand, two new rotors cost a shop $56, which ­retail at $93.", "Report Abuse. brake shop should not charge you to resurface your rotors if they are replacing your pads. overall price depending on the quality ot the pads should be about 79.00. rich b · 8 years ago. Thumbs up. How much does it usually cost to resurface front rotors and replace brake pads (including parts/labor)? I have an '03 Toyota Corolla. Just looking for a rough estimate to see if I am getting ripped off." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
price to resurface rotors
[ "Mexico" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Amecameca, Mexico. Popocatepetl is a volcano with forested slopes and a snow-capped cone and large crater. It is the second highest peak in Mexico, behind Pico de Orizaba (18,405).", "Mexico The volcano is located in the Puebla state, southeast-central Mexico, west of the city of Puebla. Popocatepetl is the second highest volca … no in Mexico, and is located 70 km (45 miles) southeast of Mexico City, and 45 km (30 miles) south", "Popocatepetl is the second-highest volcano in Mexico, located on the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Trans-Mexican Volcano belt. It was dormant since the 1950s before becoming active in 1994 — erupting occasionally with sometimes damaging results.", "Popocatepetl popocatépetl is 70 (km 43) mi southeast Of Mexico, city from where it can be seen, regularly depending on atmospheric. Conditions until, recently the volcano was one of three tall peaks In mexico to contain, glaciers the others Being iztaccihuatl And pico De. orizaba", "Volcan Volcán, popocatepetl whose name is The aztec word for smoking, mountain towers to 5426 m 70 KM se Of Mexico city to Form North'america s-2nd highest. Volcano the-glacier clad stratovolcano contains a-steep, walled-250 450 m deep. crater", "One of the world's most active volcanoes, Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano, has come to life, spewing ash, gas, and steam (as seen from the village of Santiago Xalitzintla on July 4). Just 50 miles (80 kilometers) east of Mexico City, the volcano has spit out a cloud of ash and vapor 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) high.", "Confidence votes 25.5K. Mexico The volcano is located in the Puebla state, southeast-central Mexico, west of the city of Puebla. Popocatepetl is the second highest volcano in Mexico, and is located 70 km (45 miles) southeast of Mexico City, and 45 km (30 miles) south" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
where is popocatepetl located
[ "Prophase" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Then, at a critical point during interphase (called the S phase), the cell duplicates its chromosomes and ensures its systems are ready for cell division. If all conditions are ideal, the cell is now ready to move into the first phase of mitosis.", "Figure 1: During prophase, the chromosomes in a cell's nucleus condense to the point that they can be viewed using a light microscope. Prophase is the first phase of mitosis. During this phase, the chromosomes inside the cell's nucleus condense and form tight structures. In fact, the chromosomes become so dense that they appear as curvy, dark lines when viewed under a microscope (Figure 1).", "The homologous chromosomes pair and exchange DNA to form recombinant chromosomes. Prophase I is divided into five phases: 1 Leptotene: chromosomes start to condense. 2 Zygotene: homologous chromosomes become closely associated (synapsis) to form pairs of chromosomes (bivalents) consisting of four chromatids (tetrads).", "During interphase, the cell's DNA is not condensed and is loosely distributed. A stain for heterochromatin (which indicates the position of chromosomes) shows this broad distribution of chromatin in a mouse cell (upper left). The same stain also shows the organized, aligned structure of the chromosomes during mitosis.", "Mitosis. Mitosis is a form of eukaryotic cell division that produces two daughter cells with the same genetic component as the parent cell. Chromosomes replicated during the S phase are divided in such a way as to ensure that each daughter cell receives a copy of every chromosome.", "During mitosis, a eukaryotic cell undergoes a carefully coordinated nuclear division that results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. Mitosis itself consists of five active steps, or phases: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.", "The DNA is condensed into visible chromosomes in the first phase of mitosis, known as prophase. All cells, whether plant or animal, undergo mitosis in order to make new cells.", "The cell cycle. Actively dividing eukaryote cells pass through a series of stages known collectively as the cell cycle: two gap phases (G1 and G2); an S (for synthesis) phase, in which the genetic material is duplicated; and an M phase, in which mitosis partitions the genetic material and the cell divides. 1 G1 phase." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
which phase of mitosis does dna condense into chromosomes
[ "A FICO score can range from 300 to 850." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The highest credit score that has ever crossed John Stearns' desk was 834. It belonged to his accountant, who was refinancing his house with Stearns, a mortgage banker with American Fidelity Mortgage Services in Wisconsin. Those stats alone deal with factors that contribute 65 percent to a credit score. Payment history accounts for 35 percent, and amounts owed contribute 30 percent. The former is an easy concept: Pay at least your minimum payment on time, all the time.", "The FICO Score is the standard credit score in the US, used in more than 90% of lending decisions. Learn more. An Industry Standard – FICO Scores are used in more than 90% of lending decisions. Take your FICO Score with you on any mobile device & receive notifications when changes have been detected. myFICO is the consumer division of FICO. Since its introduction over 25 years ago, FICO ® Scores have become a global standard for measuring credit risk in the banking, mortgage, credit card, auto and retail industries.", "A: Your FICO score is used by creditors to determine the overall credit risk of any individual consumer. This score is calculated by using a proprietary tool developed by the Fair Issac Corporation (NYSE: FIC). Each major credit bureau in the United States-Experian, Equifax (NYSE: EFX) and TransUnion-uses Fair Issac's technology to calculate a FICO score for any borrower. The more information the credit bureau has on you, the more accurate their calculation of the FICO score will be. This is why you may have a different FICO score from each of the three major credit bureaus.", "Of course we all want the best, but the highest possible credit score — the 850 FICO — is almost unattainable. In fact, there are many loan officers that have been in the business for years who have said they’ve never seen a perfect 850 credit score before. Most websites also get the average seriously wrong, too. A FICO score can range from 300 to 850. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet as to what the average score is (many sources cite numbers in the 670’s).", "If you are looking for the best rates and the highest credit limits, you should aim for a credit score of 760, according to FICO. Anything above a 760 is just going to be for bragging rights, since a score of 760 or above will get you the best rates and credit limits. Most businesses use similar cutoff points when determining your rate or credit limit.", "Fair Isaac Corporation developed the FICO score 27 years ago (1987). Since that time, it has definitely been the gold standard for credit scoring, as it is the score most commonly used by lenders. You can get your FICO score for free with these cards. Most websites also get the average seriously wrong, too. A FICO score can range from 300 to 850. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet as to what the average score is (many sources cite numbers in the 670’s).", "FICO scores range from 300 to 850, where 850 is considered to be the best score achievable. According to, a division of the Fair Issac Corporation, only 13% of the U.S. population has a FICO score greater then 800, while only 2% has a FICO score lower then 500. The largest proportion of the population, 27%, has a FICO score between 750 and 800. The more information the credit bureau has on you, the more accurate their calculation of the FICO score will be. This is why you may have a different FICO score from each of the three major credit bureaus.", "The FICO score ranges from 300 to 850, with a FICO score of 850 being the highest score you can obtain. Your FICO score is calculated from the information contained within your credit report and analyzes five key categories to determine your score: • Your Payment History — 35% of your score. And in order to know the highest credit score possible, you’d need to know which credit score or credit score model you’re using. There are many, many credit scores on the market today, but for the purpose of this example, we’re going to focus on the FICO credit score.", "California (754), Oregon (750) and Wisconsin (749) led the country with the highest Mortgage Marvel average FICO scores, based on a scale of 300 to 850. It should be noted that neither credit agency's reporting sample is representative of an entire population. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is highest fico score
[ "Yes" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "For example, a company might pay $500 a month in interest on a business loan while earning $45 in interest in the same time period in a business savings account. The total amount of net interest expense for that month would be $455. “ The net interest expense was a key metric to analyze as the company lends money as well as leveraging itself.", "DEFINITION of 'Interest Expense'. The cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds. Interest expense is a non-operating expense shown on the income statement. It represents interest payable on any type of borrowings – bonds, loans, convertible debt or lines of credit. It is basically calculated as the interest rate times the outstanding principal amount of the debt. Interest expense on the income statement represents interest accrued during the period covered by the financial statements, and not the amount of interest actually paid over that period. ", "DEFINITION of 'Net Interest Income'. The difference between the revenue that is generated from a bank's assets and the expenses associated with paying out its liabilities. The net interest income of some banks is more sensitive to changes in interest rates than others. This can vary according to several factors, such as the type of assets and liabilities that are held.", "Answers. Best Answer: An example of interest expense vs. interest paid would be when a bond sells at a rate different from it's coupon rate (i.e. it sells at a premium or a discount). Example: $1,000 10 year bond with a coupon of 5%, when the market rate for such a bond is 8%. ", "Interest Expense. Since the net profit or loss reported on your company’s cash flow statement already accounts for the interest expenses your business paid during a given period, the amount paid will not appear as a separate line item on your company’s cash flow statement. ", "Interest payments on that debt represent a large and rapidly growing expense of the federal government. CBO’s baseline shows net interest payments more than tripling under current law, climbing from $231 billion in 2014, or 1.3 percent of GDP, to $799 billion in 2024, or 3.0 percent of GDP—the highest ratio since 1996. ", "a. A. Net interest payments on the US federal debt play such a prominent role in the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2010-2020 that a graph of the series illustrates the publication's front cover. How can it be that the government reports positive interest payments while its creditors claim to have lost money? It turns out that net interest payments on the federal debt as reported by the Treasury, National Income and Product Accounts, and CBO is a flawed measure of government borrowing costs.", "A typical bank's assets consist of all forms of personal and commercial loans, mortgages and securities. The liabilities are, of course, the customer deposits. The excess revenue that is generated from the spread between interest paid out on deposits and interest earned on assets is the net interest income. The net interest income of some banks is more sensitive to changes in interest rates than others. This can vary according to several factors, such as the type of assets and liabilities that are held.", "net interest expense. The total amount of interest paid by a business on funds it has borrowed less the amount of income earned in interest on amounts it has lent out or invested. “ The net interest expense was a key metric to analyze as the company lends money as well as leveraging itself.", "Investment interest expense is only deductible up to the amount. of your net investment income. Generally, this includes taxable. interest, nonqualifying dividends (as discussed below) and net short-term capital gains (but not net long-term capital gains). deducted in a later year, to the extent that there is adequate net. investment income. For 2012, qualified dividend income that is eligible for the 15% (15%. or 20% for 2013 and forward) preferential tax rate is not treated as investment income for purposes of the investment interest expense limitation." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
is net interest expense the same as interest payments
[ "It is a 1987 single written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Labi Siffre." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Ngizophikelela. Ngeke bangiqede mamhlanje. Cause there’s. Something inside so strong. See, I know that I can make it. Though you’re doing me wrong so wrong. You thought that my pride was gone, oh no. There’s something inside so strong. Something inside ….. I’ve got something inside so strong. I know that I can make it. Though you’re doing me wrong so wrong. You thought that my pride was gone, oh no. Something inside! ….. Something inside me so strong. Something inside so strong. ", "No matter 'cause theres. Something inside (so strong). I know that I can make it. Though youre doin' me wrong, so wrong. You thought that my pride was gone, oh no. Theres something inside (so strong). Something inside so strong. The more you refuse to hear my voice, the louder I will sing.", "You thought that my pride was gone, oh no. There's something inside so strong. Oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, something inside so strong. The more you refuse to hear my voice (ooh-weh ooh-weh ooh-weh ooh-weh). The louder I will sing. You hide behind walls of Jericho (ooh-weh ooh-weh ooh-weh ooh-weh). Oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, something inside so strong. Brothers and sisters, when they insist we're just not good enough. Well we know better, just look him in his eyes and say. We're gonna do it anyway, we're gonna do it anyway.", "Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong. Because there's something inside so strong. And I know that I can make it. Tho' you're doing me, so wrong. You thought that my pride was gone. Oh no, something inside so strong. Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong. ---. Lyrics submitted by TheoChisango.", "1 Labi Siffre also made a cameo appearance in the music video. ( 2 Something Inside) So Strong was covered by Kenny Rogers in 1989 (and became the title track to a hit album). 3 The song was also covered by Vanessa Bell Armstrong in 1988 and again by a host of gospel artists as a tribute to Rosa Parks in the mid-1990s. It Must Be Love (No. 14, 1971) (later covered by and a No. 4 hit for Madness, for which Siffre himself appeared in the video); Crying Laughing Loving Lying (No. 11, 1972); and Watch Me (No. 29, 1972). In 1978, Siffre took part in the UK heats of the Eurovision Song Contest.", "Song Meaning (Something Inside) So Strong is a song written and recorded by British singer-songwriter, Labi Siffre. It was released as a single in 1987 and was the song that brought him back to mainstream popularity in his home country. The song was inspired by a TV documentary Siffre viewed in 1985 in which a white soldier was seen shooting at black children. Appalled, he penned the song as an anti-Apartheid anthem, which was a very serious issue at the time, advising Africans to stand tall in the face of adversity.", "Labi Siffre (born Claudius Afolabi Siffre; 25 June 1945) is a British singer, songwriter, musician and poet. Siffre released six albums between 1970 and 1975, and four between 1988 and 1998. It Must Be Love (No. 14, 1971) (later covered by and a No. 4 hit for Madness, for which Siffre himself appeared in the video); Crying Laughing Loving Lying (No. 11, 1972); and Watch Me (No. 29, 1972). In 1978, Siffre took part in the UK heats of the Eurovision Song Contest.", "(Something Inside) So Strong is a 1987 single written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Labi Siffre. The song was one of the biggest successes of Siffre's career, and peaked at number four in the United Kingdom. The song was written in 1984, inspired by a TV documentary on Apartheid South Africa seen by Siffre in which white soldiers were filmed shooting at black civilians in the street.", "You thought that my pride was gone, oh no. Theres something inside so strong. Something inside so strong. Brothers and sisters, when they insist were just not good enough.Well, we know better, just look 'em in the eyes and say. Though youre doin' me wrong, so wrong. You thought that my pride was gone, oh no. Theres something inside (so strong). Something inside so strong. The more you refuse to hear my voice, the louder I will sing.", "You thought that my pride was gone. Oh no, there's something inside so strong. Oh oh oh oh oh oh. Something inside so strong. Oh oh oh oh oh oh. Something inside so strong. Oh oh oh oh. Something inside so strong. ___. Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog. (1986 - From the CD So Strong). The higher you build your barriers. The taller I become. The farther you take my rights away. The faster I will run. You can deny me. You can decide to turn your face away. No matter, cos there’s" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is the meaning of something inside so strong
[ "30 and 80 PSI", "Between 40 psi and 80 psi" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "That's actually a high pressure for something your system always supplies. It is within what a home well can be set at. You have a much wider range than city well water pressure. You can figure most city pressure to be around 30 psi. ", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: 50 - 70 psi would be a good level and 70 psi is on the verge of too much. That would be the short answer. You get more dynamic pressure when pipes reduce going into fixtures, but the water pressure stays the same. Best Answer: 50 - 70 psi would be a good level and 70 psi is on the verge of too much", "Ideally, the pressure should be set between 45 and 60 pounds in most residential plumbing systems.If the pressure rises too high particularly above 80 psi, plumbing fixtures and appliances (primarily water heaters) could be damaged or leak excessively. ", "This water pressure is often well over 100 psi, and too often over 150 psi. However, the maximum recommended pressure for a residence is 80 psi. You can easily test your water pressure with a gauge, such as the one pictured here, that screws on to a hose bibb. These are usually inexpensive (less than $10) at the home center. ", "Water pressure is the amount of force from the water main into your home. Water pressure is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), and normal water pressure is typically between 30 and 80 PSI. Functional flow is the volume of water flowing through your pipes and arriving at individual fixtures. This is a bell-shaped device that reduces the water pressure. Aim for water pressure that is 60-70 PSI. If the house has low pressure, you first want to determine if the house is on a public water supply system or a private well system.", "Best Answer: There are a number of factors that come into play regarding actual water pressure in a home system. MOST residential plumbing systems are set up to run at no more than 40 psi.....I have personally tested cpvc plumbing to over 90 pounds with no leaks. Public water supply pressures vary according to the public system, but in our area, they tend to run about 30 psi. If you are on a private well, then your pressure will be determined by how your system is set up. If you have an 'in the well' pump, then you most likely have a bladder tank.", "You don’t want your home to have water pressure that is too low, but water pressure can also be too high. Piping systems are designed to have no more than 80 PSI. When you exceed this pressure it can cause problems. This is a bell-shaped device that reduces the water pressure. Aim for water pressure that is 60-70 PSI. If the house has low pressure, you first want to determine if the house is on a public water supply system or a private well system.", " Hi Friends, In this quick video I show you how to test your home's water pressure and share how to adjust water pressure down or up at the water pressure regulator. These tips come in handy when your home's water pressure becomes too high or low. You should also test to make sure your water pressure regulator is doing its job and this is the exact procedure to do that. I hope this video helps. ", "Normal Pressure Range. The normal range of water pressure in a residential application is between 40 psi and 80 psi. There is no specific rule about how much pressure is best for your house, since everyone's needs are different. However, anything below 40 psi will likely lead to poor performance of devices that use water. Anything higher than 80 psi could lead to damage, such as blown sprinkler heads or ruptured pipes" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is the average water pressure for a home
[ "1 to 2 days" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Ground beef is safe indefinitely if kept frozen, but will lose quality over time. It is best if used within 4 months. Mark your packages with the date they were placed in the freezer so you can keep track of storage times.. ( Beef can be frozen for 1 year, and even longer if stored in a deep freeze (0 degrees or lower) A deep freeze is a freezer with no automatic defroster.", "Answer: You’ve got some breathing room. Ground beef that’s been defrosted in the fridge can be safely kept for an additional one to two days in the refrigerator before cooking, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And since you thawed the ground beef in the fridge, you can also safely refreeze it within that same timeframe, says the USDA. ", "A Ground beef should be used within two days of purchase. Be sure to check the use by information on the package label before purchase. You can store ground beef safely in your refrigerator at 35 to 40 degrees, for one to two days. If you can't use it within that time, freeze it. All fresh ground beef should be used within two days of purchase. • If fresh beef will not be used before the expiration date, place it tightly wrapped in your freezer on the bottom shelf. You can freeze beef in its original transparent wrap for up to two weeks.", "1 How long does raw ground beef last at room temperature? 2 Bacteria grow rapidly at temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F; ground beef should be discarded if left for more than 2 hours at room temperature. 1 After ground beef is purchased, it may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days — the sell-by date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the ground beef will remain safe to use after the sell by date if it has been properly stored.", "Beef. Beef in particular freezes well and will last quite a while without sacrificing flavor. Just how long it can be frozen depends on the individual cut and size of the beef. For example, roasts last the longest, up to 12 months when properly wrapped. Optimally, they should be used within six months. Stew and variety cuts are next on the list, lasting around 3 or 4 months", "Can I refrigerate or freeze leftover cooked hamburgers? How should they be reheated? If ground beef is refrigerated promptly after cooking (within 2 hours; 1 hour if the temperature is above 90 °F), it can be safely refrigerated for about 3 or 4 days. If frozen, it should keep its quality for about 4 months.", "How it was packaged prior to freezing. I have gotten 1 pound blocks of ground beef from my butcher, which are vacuum sealed before flash-freezing in shrink-wrap. I have pulled these from the freezer over a year later and found them to be perfectly fine. ", "1 How long does ground beef last in the fridge once it is cooked? 2 Cooked ground beef will usually stay good for 3 to 4 days in the fridge and 3 months in the freezer. 1 After ground beef is purchased, it may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days — the sell-by date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the ground beef will remain safe to use after the sell by date if it has been properly stored.", "And with the use of a zip-seal bag and a permanent marker, you can avoid wasting your good food. Before you put meat in the freezer, you should always write the date on it -- that way you don't have to question how long it's been frozen. And, believe it or not, some meats can last in the freezer for up to one year. 1 Cooked poultry -- 4 months. 2 Uncooked poultry parts -- 9 months. 3 Uncooked whole poultry -- 12 months. ", "1 Ground beef that has been defrosted in the fridge can be kept for an additional 1 to 2 days in the refrigerator before cooking; ground beef that was thawed in the microwave or in cold water should be cooked immediately. 1 After ground beef is purchased, it may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days — the sell-by date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the ground beef will remain safe to use after the sell by date if it has been properly stored." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long does ground beef stay good for frozen
[ "Yes" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Accumulated depreciation is the total depreciation for a fixed asset that has been charged to expense since that asset was acquired and made available for use. For example, ABC International buys a machine for $100,000, which it records in the Machinery fixed asset account. ABC estimates that the machine has a useful life of 10 years and will have no salvage value, so it charges $10,000 to depreciation expense per year for 10 years.", "Depreciation Expense: An expense account; hence, it is presented in the income statement. It is measured from period to period. In the illustration above, the depreciation expense is $6,000 for 2012, $6,000 for 2013, $6,000 for 2014, etc. Accumulated Depreciation: A balance sheet account that represents the accumulated balance of depreciation. Depreciation is recorded by debiting Depreciation Expense and crediting Accumulated Depreciation. This is recorded at the end of the period (usually, at the end of every month, quarter, or year). The entry to record the $6,000 depreciation every year would be:", "A company buys an asset for $5,000 that has a five-year lifespan and zero salvage value. The company uses straight-line depreciation, and the asset depreciates at a rate of $1,000 per year. In year one, depreciation will be $1,000, as will accumulated depreciation, and carrying value of the asset will be $4,000. In year two, depreciation will be $1,000, accumulated depreciation will be $2,000 ($1,000 from the current year + $1,000 accumulated from previous years) and carrying value will be $3,000.", "It is continually measured; hence the accumulated depreciation balance is $6,000 at the end of 2012, $12,000 in 2013, $18,000 in 2014, $24,000 in 2015, and $30,000 in 2016. Accumulated depreciation is a contra-asset account. It is presented in the balance sheet as a deduction to the related fixed asset. Depreciation is recorded by debiting Depreciation Expense and crediting Accumulated Depreciation. This is recorded at the end of the period (usually, at the end of every month, quarter, or year). The entry to record the $6,000 depreciation every year would be:", "The accumulated depreciation account is an asset account with a credit balance (also known as a contra asset account); this means that it appears on the balance sheet as a reduction from the gross amount of fixed assets reported. For example, ABC International buys a machine for $100,000, which it records in the Machinery fixed asset account. ABC estimates that the machine has a useful life of 10 years and will have no salvage value, so it charges $10,000 to depreciation expense per year for 10 years.", "While depreciation expense is recorded on the income statement of a business, its impact is generally recorded in a separate account and disclosed on the balance sheet as accumulated depreciation, under fixed assets, according to most accounting principles. Suppose a business has an asset with $1,000 original cost, $100 salvage value, and 5 years of useful life. First, the straight-line depreciation rate would be 1/5, i.e. 20% per year. Under the double-declining-balance method, double that rate, i.e. 40% depreciation rate would be used.", "The only asset involved is equipment that originally cost $500,000 on January 1, 2001. The equipment was expected to have a ten year service life, a salvage value of $50,000 and was depreciated using the double declining method. The change in depreciation method is assumed to be effective as of the beginning of 2004.", "The value of 5 Depreciation in each period is recorded in the Accumulated Depreciation Account, 6 the contra account of which is Equity Fund-Disposal of Fixed Assets, and is presented 7 as a reduction to the Fixed Assets account.8 Various difficulties can arise in the recording of Depreciation. ", "Accumulated Depreciation. 100. The accumulated depreciation account is used in accounting so that the recorded cost of the equipment can stay on the books, and the contra-asset account of accumulated depreciation is used so that the depreciation of the equipment can be kept track of year to year. Accumulated Depreciation Balance Sheet. Accumulated depreciation on the balance sheet, and how it relates to depreciation expense is one of the most confusing concepts of accounting to beginners. To make it easier to understand, let’s start with the basics of how depreciation works." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
is accumulated depreciation required to be presented
[ "It is a method of protecting a steel surface from corrosion and increasing its resistance to wear through the application of a chemical phosphate conversion coating." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Parkerizing is commonly used on firearms as a more effective alternative to bluing, which is an earlier-developed chemical conversion coating. It is also used extensively on automobiles to protect unfinished metal parts from corrosion. As for all chemical conversion coatings, the Parkerized surface must be completely covered with a light coating of oil to maximize corrosion and wear resistance, primarily through reducing wetting action and galvanic action.", "Parkerizing, bonderizing, phosphating, or phosphatizing is a method of protecting a steel surface from corrosion and increasing its resistance to wear through the application of a chemical phosphate conversion coating. As for all chemical conversion coatings, the Parkerized surface must be completely covered with a light coating of oil to maximize corrosion and wear resistance, primarily through reducing wetting action and galvanic action.", "Parkerizing. This tutorial will take you through all the steps to do a parkerized finish on your guns. If you follow the instructions you will achieve professional, consistent results.This is a 4 step process and each step will be explained in detail, along with the necessary supplies and equipment.1. De greasing2.", "Parkerizing is an electrochemical process that creates a protective iron-phosphate layer on the outer surface of steel. It protects the steel from corrosion and also increases its resistance to wear. The resulting surface is irregular on a microscopic scale. It does not mean that electrodes and wires are involved at all! Parkerizing is the creation of an iron-phosphate layer on the outer surface of the steel, producing a grey matte finish that helps to protect from corrosion and increases wear resistance. The protection is in two parts. First, the iron-phosphate layer itself is protectiv", "Parkerizing is usually considered to be an improved zinc or manganese phosphating process, and not to be an improved iron phosphating process, although some use the term parkerizing as a generic term for applying phosphating (or phosphatizing) coatings that does include the iron phosphating process. As for all chemical conversion coatings, the Parkerized surface must be completely covered with a light coating of oil to maximize corrosion and wear resistance, primarily through reducing wetting action and galvanic action.", "It is a phosphate finish that is much more durable than a blued finish. It is very suitable for a service or duty type weapon. It is not as protective as the new coatings they put on Glocks and such but it holds up better than blue. Military weapons have used Parkerizing for a long time. ", "== Answer == Parkerized finish is a non reflective matte type finish (black). It is used on military weapons to prevent reflecting sunlight and giving away a soldiers position. It is also called a phosphate finish. It is produced by a chemical reaction with the metal itself rather than being painted on. To finish is a verb meaning that you have done something and you have completed it. The noun finish is the completion of a project, or the end line of a race.", "We do not recommend this finish as a primary finish due to its poor corrosion resistance and wear. We do not cover this finish in our lifetime warrantys Phosphating, better known as “Parkerizing”, is a process involving the transformation of the surface of the steel to a rust resistant manganese or zinc phosphate. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is parkerized finish
[ "Between 4 and 7 months old. An early developer may get his first white cap as early as 3 months." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "4 8 months most infants start teething between 4 8 months of age there is a very wide range of what is normal i have seen several infants born with bottom front teeth already and many who didn t get their first tooth till 9 14 months old in almost all cases it just works it own way out as the child grows very variable while most infants start between 4 8 months old it is perfectly normal to start younger or later while rare some children do not start teething until 12 months of age children who get their baby teeth late will often get their permanent teeth later as well", "Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. But it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary teeth. The lower front teeth usually come in first. Upper front teeth usually come in 1 to 2 months after the lower front teeth. Here are some tips to help your baby feel better while teething: 1 Use a clean finger (or cold teething ring) to gently rub your baby's gum for about 2 minutes at a time. 2 Many babies find this soothing, although they may protest at first. 3 Provide safe objects for your baby to chew on, such as teething rings.", "The vast majority of babies sprout their first tooth when they're between 4 and 7 months old. An early developer may get his first white cap as early as 3 months, while a late bloomer may have to wait until he's a year old or more. Some babies get through teething with no problems at all, but many parents report that their babies do experience discomfort. The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include: 1 Irritability or fussiness. 2 Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash). 3 Gum swelling and sensitivity. 4 Gnawing or chewing behavior.", "Babies' teeth start to appear from around six months. The loss of that cute, toothless grin is a big step towards being able to eat solid food later, but can bring with it some pain and upset for babies and some hard work soothing a teething baby for parents. ", "By age 3, your child should have a full set of 20 baby teeth, and they shouldn't start to fall out until his permanent teeth are ready to start coming in – around age 6. Some babies get through teething with no problems at all, but many parents report that their babies do experience discomfort. The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include: 1 Irritability or fussiness. 2 Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash). 3 Gum swelling and sensitivity. 4 Gnawing or chewing behavior.", "However, all babies are different and the timing of teething varies. Some babies are born with their first teeth. Others start teething before they are four months old, and some after 12 months. Early teething should not cause a child any problems, unless it affects their feeding. A rough guide to the different stages of teething is:", "4 9 months babies usually start drooling and putting fingers in mouth by 4 months sometimes they can show all symptoms of teething a good 2 months before you see the tooth pop through it is ok if you see no tooth even at 9 months as long as the baby is growing fine and is not completely bald very variable while most infants start between 4 8 months old it is perfectly normal to start younger or later while rare some children do not start teething until 12 months of age children who get their baby teeth late will often get their permanent teeth later as well", "Most babies get their first tooth at around 6 months, but your child's chompers may appear as early as 3 months or as late as 14, depending on such factors as when Mom and Dad started sprouting teeth and whether or not your baby was a preemie (preemies tend to teethe on the late side). " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how young do babies start teething
[ "Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "There are three major types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. The first two skin cancers are grouped together as non-melanoma skin cancers. Other unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans. Here are the basics on skin cancers: 1 The vast majority of skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cells carcinomas. 2 While malignant, these are unlikely to spread to other parts of the body", "The Warning Signs of Skin Cancer. Skin cancers -- including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma -- often start as changes to your skin. They can be new growths or precancerous lesions -- changes that are not cancer but could become cancer over time. An estimated 40% to 50% of fair-skinned people who live to be 65 will develop at least one skin cancer. Learn to spot the early warning signs.", "Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. It usually occurs on areas of the skin that have been in the sun, most often the nose. Often this cancer appears as a raised bump that looks smooth and pearly. Another type looks like a scar and is flat and firm and may be white, yellow, or waxy. Squamous cell carcinoma occurs on areas of the skin that have been in the sun, such as the ears, lower lip, and the back of the hands. Squamous cell carcinoma may also appear on areas of the skin that have been burned or exposed to chemicals or radiation. Often this cancer appears as a firm red bump.", "Basal Cell Carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer. In most cases it appears on skin that gets a lot of sun, such as the face, scalp, neck, hands, and arms. BCC generally is a skin bump or growth that is pearly or waxy and is normally flesh colored or light pink. Actinic keratosis (AK) is the most common type of precancerous skin lesion. An AK is evidence that sun damage has occurred and that the individual is at greater risk of developing skin cancer.", "Bowen disease is also called squamous cell carcinoma in situ.. It is a type of skin cancer that spreads outward on the surface of the skin. By contrast, invasive squamous cell carcinomas can grow inward and spread to the interior of the body. They can be new growths or precancerous lesions -- changes that are not cancer but could become cancer over time. An estimated 40% to 50% of fair-skinned people who live to be 65 will develop at least one skin cancer. Learn to spot the early warning signs.", "Some of the most common types of precancerous lesions are: Acitinic Keratosis is the most common type of precancerous lesion. They usually appear in areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun. These lesions often appear as red or flesh colored scaly areas or could look similar to a wart. ", "The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma is the rarest form of skin cancer. It is more likely to invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body. Squamous cell carcinoma occurs on areas of the skin that have been in the sun, such as the ears, lower lip, and the back of the hands. Squamous cell carcinoma may also appear on areas of the skin that have been burned or exposed to chemicals or radiation. Often this cancer appears as a firm red bump.", "The warning signs of skin cancer. Like many cancers, skin cancers – including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma – start as precancerous lesions. These precancerous lesions are changes in skin that are not cancer but could become cancer over time", "Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type of skin cancer and accounts for approximately 25% of all skin cancers. This form of skin cancer arises in the squamous cells that make up most of the skin’s upper layers (epidermis). Actinic keratosis (AK) is the most common type of precancerous skin lesion. An AK is evidence that sun damage has occurred and that the individual is at greater risk of developing skin cancer." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
types of precancerous skin cancer
[ "12 minutes for each inch of pork chop thickness." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat. 2 Add lamb; cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. 3 Transfer skillet to oven and roast lamb chops to desired doneness, about 10 minutes for medium-rare. 1 Mix first 4 ingredients and 1 tablespoon olive oil in large bowl. 2 Add lamb; turn to coat. 3 Let marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. 4 Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat.", "Directions. 1 In a shallow dish, mix olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. 2 Add the lamb chops and turn to coat on all sides. 3 Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes. 4 In small bowl mix feta, tomatoes, olives, and parsley. 5 Set aside. 6 Place lamb chops directly on 4 rack, sprinkle with salt and pepper. 1 In a shallow dish, mix olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. 2 Add the lamb chops and turn to coat on all sides. 3 Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes. 4 In small bowl mix feta, tomatoes, olives, and parsley. 5 Set aside.", "1 Let marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. 2 Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat. 3 Add lamb; cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. 1 Mix first 4 ingredients and 1 tablespoon olive oil in large bowl. 2 Add lamb; turn to coat. 3 Let marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. 4 Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat.", "Then place the pork chops on the 4″ rack in the NuWave oven. Cook the pork chops on high for 5 minutes. When the timer goes off, take off the dome and turn the pork chops over. Cook them on high for another 5 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes you will have some delicious pork chops. ", "Step 3. Turn the oven on HI, and set the timer for 12 minutes for each inch of pork chop thickness. Remove the dome of the NuWave cooker when the timer goes off. Check your pork chop for doneness using a meat thermometer; pork should register at 145 degrees Fahrenheit when thoroughly cooked. Rest for 3 minutes before serving. Season your pork chops to taste. Place pork chops on the cooking rack, and cover with the dome, lifting it by the handles on the power head.", "1 Place lamb chops directly on 4 rack, sprinkle with salt and pepper. 2 Nu-Wave on HI until done to taste, approximately 12-14 minutes (turning over 1/2 way). 3 When chops are done, spoon equal portion of feta mixture on each chop and Nuwave on HI until cheese melts. 1 In a shallow dish, mix olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. 2 Add the lamb chops and turn to coat on all sides. 3 Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes. 4 In small bowl mix feta, tomatoes, olives, and parsley. 5 Set aside. 6 Place lamb chops directly on 4 rack, sprinkle with salt and pepper", "I like to cook lamb chops quickly, in a frying pan, on high heat. Only seven minutes later, dinner’s ready! There are many different cuts of lamb available. These rib chops are have their own little “handle”, which makes them perfect for picking up and eating with your fingers. Figure on 2-3 chops per person. Start by sprinkling some salt and pepper on both sides of each lamb chop. Preheat your non-stick pan on high heat. To tell if the pan is hot enough, add about 1 Tablespoon of water to the pan.", "1 Add lamb; cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. 2 Transfer skillet to oven and roast lamb chops to desired doneness, about 10 minutes for medium-rare. 3 Transfer lamb to platter, cover, and let rest 5 minutes. 1 Mix first 4 ingredients and 1 tablespoon olive oil in large bowl. 2 Add lamb; turn to coat. 3 Let marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. 4 Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long to cook lamb chops in nuwave oven
[ "The temperature hovers around a diurnal range of a minimum of 23 °C (73.4 °F) and a maximum of 32 °C (89.6 °F). May is the hottest month of the year in Singapore." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1 The average annual temperature in Singapore, Singapore is hot at 26.7 degrees Celsius (80.1 degrees Fahrenheit). 2 There is a variation of average monthly temperatures of 1.8 C (3.2 F) which is an extremely low range. 3 The mean daily temperature variation/ range is 6.9 C (12.5 F). 1 There is a variation of average monthly temperatures of 1.8 C (3.2 F) which is an extremely low range. 2 The mean daily temperature variation/ range is 6.9 C (12.5 F). 3 May is the warmest month (hot) having an average temperature of 27.5 degrees Celsius (81.5 degrees Fahrenheit", "Singapore: Annual Weather Averages. February is the hottest month in Singapore with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at 26°C (79°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in September. The wettest month is December with an average of 269mm of rain", "Average Temperatures in Singapore, Singapore. 1 The average annual temperature in Singapore, Singapore is hot at 26.7 degrees Celsius (80.1 degrees Fahrenheit). 2 There is a variation of average monthly temperatures of 1.8 C (3.2 F) which is an extremely low range. 1 There is a variation of average monthly temperatures of 1.8 C (3.2 F) which is an extremely low range. 2 The mean daily temperature variation/ range is 6.9 C (12.5 F). 3 May is the warmest month (hot) having an average temperature of 27.5 degrees Celsius (81.5 degrees Fahrenheit)", "average humidity. The annual averages for relative humidity in Singapore range throughout the day from a maximum of 96 percent to a minimum of 64 percent. Humidity levels are fairly steady in Singapore, year round. Overall, December is the city's most humid month", "The temperature hovers around a diurnal range of a minimum of 23 °C (73.4 °F) and a maximum of 32 °C (89.6 °F). May is the hottest month of the year in Singapore, followed by April. This is due to light winds and strong sunshine during those months. ", "In Singapore the annual temperature range is very small only 2 degrees celcius between the warmest and coolest months. Daytime max 30-32 degrees C. Nightime minimum 23-24 deg C. A temperature range is the highest temperature subtracted from the lowest temperature. For example: My highest temperature is 39 degrees Celsius My lowest temperature is … 4 degrees Celsius Therefore, you subtract the lowest (4) from the highest (39). The answer should be 35 degrees Celsius. I Hope I helped.", "Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate with that is always hot and humid with lot of rains. Temperatures during day time drift continuously around 30°C, while night time temperature drops below 23°C and the high humidity makes this uncomfortable; tropical conditions take some time to acclimatise to. With almost no seasonal differences Singapore experiences a tropical rainforest climate, which remains hot, humid always. During the day temperatures usually stands 30°C, while nighttime temperature hardly falls below 23°C.", "long range weather outlook for singapore includes 14 day forecast summary for singapore in the coming two weeks the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 35 c with a high for the two weeks of 37 c expected on the afternoon of thursday 15th the mean minimum temperature will be 26 c dipping to its lowest on the morning of wednesday 14th at 26 c local weather singapore 14 day long range forecast 14 day weather providing an extended long range forecast outlook for singapore singapore other locations near to singapore" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
temperature range in singapore
[ "Awkward,bluff,blunt,boorish,brusk,clownish,coarse.discourteous." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the opposite of polite. 1 awkward. 2 bluff. 3 blunt. 4 boorish. 5 brusk. 6 clownish. 7 coarse. 8 discourteous. Hope the above listing of antonyms for polite is useful. This page may interest people looking for the opposite of polite and polite opposite. 1 Opposite of polite. 2 polite opposite. 3 what is the opposite of polite. 4 the opposite of polite. 5 opposite polite", "adv. with an open heart. 1 altruistically. 2 benevolently. 3 bigheartedly. 4 candidly. 5 charitably. 6 chivalrously. 7 enthusiastically. 8 genially. 9 graciously. 10 liberally. 11 magnanimously. 12 majestically. 13 nobly. 14 politely. 15 ungrudgingly. 16 unreservedly. 17 unselfishly. 18 warmly. 19 wholeheartedly. ", "Full Definition of POLITE. 1. a: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of advanced culture b: marked by refined cultural interests and pursuits especially in arts and belles lettres. 2. a: showing or characterized by correct social usage b: marked by an appearance of consideration, tact, deference, or courtesy. ", "Antonyms are the negative connotation of a particular word. An Antonym is a word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to a particular word or a phrase in the same language. So enjoy this list and then get around for preparing your own list of Synonyms and Antonyms. There is no better way of boosting your words power. The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation.", "English for Students. (Adjective) Just a polite remark is enough to correct his mannerism. Synonyms: Elegant Polished Urbane Genteel Gallant Courtly Courteous Civil Complaisance Chivalrous Cultivated Contextual Examples: The table was covered with an elegant lace cloth. My aunt Mary was the most genteel woman I ever knew. The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation.", "♦ politeness n-uncount She listened to him, but only out of politeness. 2 adj You can refer to people who consider themselves to be socially superior and to set standards of behaviour for everyone else as polite society or polite company. ADJ n Certain words are vulgar and not acceptable in polite society. The actual say is: You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar This means that it is easier to persuade people if you use polite arguments and flattery than if you are confrontational. To add entries to your own vocabulary, become a member of Reverso community or login if you are already a member.", "90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. Thesaurus. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning.", "3. polite (adj.). not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
a antonym for politely
[ "A low platelet count is often assumed to be ITP (immune thrombocytopenia). However, there are many other possible causes of thrombocytopenia, with clinical severity ranging from trivial to life threatening. ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion.It can only be diagnosed after all other causes of low platelets are ruled out." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Many factors can cause thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count). The condition can be inherited or acquired. Inherited means your parents pass the gene for the condition to you. Acquired means you aren't born with the condition, but you develop it. Sometimes the cause of thrombocytopenia isn't known. In general, a low platelet count occurs because: 1 The body's bone marrow doesn't make enough platelets. 2 The bone marrow makes enough platelets, but the body destroys them or uses them up. 3 The spleen holds on to too many platelets", "A low platelet count is often assumed to be ITP (immune thrombocytopenia). However, there are many other possible causes of thrombocytopenia, with clinical severity ranging from trivial to life threatening. ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion. It can only be diagnosed after all other causes of low platelets are ruled out. When thrombocytopenia is severe (a platelet count less than 20-30,000/microliter), and other obvious causes are ruled out, many doctors administer the first-line treatments for ITP: prednisone, anti-D, IVIG. A rapid response to these therapies supports the diagnosis of ITP.", "Many people who have large platelets also have a reduced platelet count. The platelet size can be genetic, as seen in people with Bernard-Soulier syndrome, gray platelet syndrome, and May-Hegglin anomaly. In other cases, it may occur in response to problems in the bone marrow, such as cancers that disrupt the production of blood cells. The most common problem experienced by people with large platelets is increased bleeding.", "Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count of less than 150,000/mm 3. With normal platelet function, thrombocytopenia is rarely the cause of bleeding unless the count is less than 50,000/mm 3. Thrombocytopenia should always be confirmed by examination of a peripheral smear. ", "4. My report mentions giant platelets.. Giant platelet is a term used to describe platelets that are abnormally large, i.e., as large as a normal red blood cell. These may be seen in certain disorders such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) or in rare inherited disorders such as Bernard-Soulier disease. ", "Large platelet distribution width: A test which provides information about the range of platelet size in a blood sample. See detailed information below for a list of 1 causes of Large platelet distribution width, including diseases and drug side effect causes. Causes of Large platelet distribution width: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Large platelet distribution width. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Essential thrombocythaemia.", "Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. The dangers of large platelets vary, depending on the underlying cause for the increase in platelet size. In some patients, they may not cause any symptoms or problems, while others may develop bleeding disorders and other medical issues. In other cases, it may occur in response to problems in the bone marrow, such as cancers that disrupt the production of blood cells. The most common problem experienced by people with large platelets is increased bleeding.", "1 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. 2 This is a rare condition that occurs when small blood clots suddenly form throughout your body, using up large numbers of platelets. 3 Hemolytic uremic syndrome. 4 This rare disorder causes a sharp drop in platelets, destruction of red blood cells and impairment of kidney function. Platelets are produced in your bone marrow. If production is low, you may develop thrombocytopenia. Factors that can decrease platelet production include: 1 Leukemia. 2 Some types of anemia. 3 Viral infections, such as hepatitis C or HIV. 4 Chemotherapy drugs", "A low platelet count can occur even if the bone marrow makes enough platelets. The body may destroy its own platelets due to autoimmune diseases, certain medicines, infections, surgery, pregnancy, and some conditions that cause too much blood clotting. Acquired means you aren't born with the condition, but you develop it. Sometimes the cause of thrombocytopenia isn't known. In general, a low platelet count occurs because: 1 The body's bone marrow doesn't make enough platelets. 2 The bone marrow makes enough platelets, but the body destroys them or uses them up." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
large platelets causes
[ "A puerperal infection, or puerperal sepsis, is a condition that occurs when a new mom experiences an infection related to giving birth.Puerperal infections are the sixth-leading cause of death among new mothers, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Also known as childbed fever, puerperal fever is a condition that can develop into puerperal sepsis. This is a serious form of septicemia that is most often contracted after an abortion, miscarriage, or childbirth. Women who have cesarean births are at a higher risk of contracting puerperal sepsis or fever than those who deliver vaginally, however. When it develops into puerperal sepsis, however, the condition can lead to toxic shock syndrome, multi-organ failure, and death. Commonly, genital tract sepsis is the infection responsible for puerperal fever.", "sepsis. 1. the presence in the blood or other tissues of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins. 2. septicemia. puerperal sepsis sepsis after childbirth, due to putrefactive matter absorbed from the birth canal; see also puerperal fever.", "If caught early, this condition can be treated with antibiotics. When it develops into puerperal sepsis, however, the condition can lead to toxic shock syndrome, multi-organ failure, and death. Commonly, genital tract sepsis is the infection responsible for puerperal fever.", "While a hospital is a place of healing, it is also a location where many different types of bacteria grow. After giving birth, women are more vulnerable to infections of the genital tract. Bacteria are opportunistic and thrive in warm, moist environments, like the genital and urinary tracts. Bacteria known to cause a puerperal infection include:", "Puerperal Fever is known to be caused by an infection of haemolytic streptococci (1). Haemolytic Streptococci are bacteria that produce active haemolysins causing a clear zone of hemolysis on a blood agar medium in the area of the colony (2). It is known that puerperal fever is an endogenous condition found in women who had recently given birth to a child either in a hospital setting, or with the aid of a midwife. However, this condition also has an exogenous factor as noted on the hands and smocks of doctors as well as midwifes (1).", ": an abnormal condition that results from infection of the placental site following delivery or abortion and is characterized in mild form by fever but in serious cases the infection may spread through the uterine wall or pass into the bloodstream —called also childbed fever, puerperal sepsis. ADVERTISEMENT. ", "Overview. This module begins with an explanation of the problem of puerperal sepsis. The content then covers the factors which contribute to the infection, how it can be identified and differentiated from other conditions, how it can be prevented and, if it does occur, how it can be managed.", "Fever, puerperal: Fever that lasts for more than 24 hours within the first 10 days after a woman has had a baby. Puerperal fever is due to an infection, most often of the placental site within the uterus. If the infection involves the bloodstream, it constitutes puerperal sepsis. Puerperal fever has gone by a number of different names including childbirth fever, childbed fever and postpartum fever. In Latin a puerpera is a woman in childbirth since puer means child and parere means to give birth. ", "A puerperal infection, or puerperal sepsis, is a condition that occurs when a new mom experiences an infection related to giving birth. Puerperal infections are the sixth-leading cause of death among new mothers, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). After giving birth, women are more vulnerable to infections of the genital tract. Bacteria are opportunistic and thrive in warm, moist environments, like the genital and urinary tracts. Bacteria known to cause a puerperal infection include:", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Puerperal fever (from the Latin puer, child), also called childbed fever, can develop into puerperal sepsis, which is a serious form of septicaemia contracted by a woman during or shortly after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion. If untreated, it is life-threatening. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is puerperal sepsis
[ "Any sweet, crystalline solid disaccharide used as sweetener or preservative." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "1. (Elements & Compounds) Also called: sucrose or saccharose a white crystalline sweet carbohydrate, a disaccharide, found in many plants and extracted from sugar cane and sugar beet: it is used esp as a sweetening agent in food and drinks.", ": a sweet material that consists essentially of sucrose obtained from sugarcane or sugar beets, is typically colorless or white when pure, and is commonly used to sweeten foods and beverages. 2. : any of numerous soluble and usually sweet carbohydrates (as glucose or sucrose) that occur naturally especially in plants.", "sugar. 1 any of a class of sweet, soluble, crystalline carbohydrates, as the disaccharides and the monosaccharides. 2 sucrose, esp. when prepared as a crystalline or powdered substance used as a food and sweetening agent. 3 a sugar bowl, specif. as forming a set with a creamer. 4 flattery; honeyed words.", ": a sweet substance usually in the form of white or brown crystals or white powder that comes from plants and is used to make foods sweeter. : the amount of sugar in one spoonful, lump, packet, etc.", "Definitions. 1 Also called : : sucrose, saccharose a white crystalline sweet carbohydrate, a disaccharide, found in many plants and extracted from sugar cane and sugar beet: it is used esp as a sweetening agent in food and drinks.", "sugar. n. 1. (Elements & Compounds) Also called: sucrose or saccharose a white crystalline sweet carbohydrate, a disaccharide, found in many plants and extracted from sugar cane and sugar beet: it is used esp as a sweetening agent in food and drinks. Formula: C12H22O11.", "Sugar. Definition. noun, plural: sugars. (1) Any monosaccharide or disaccharide, used especially by organisms to store energy. (2) Any sweet, crystalline solid disaccharide used as sweetener or preservative. Supplement. The term sugar is the generic term for any disachharides (e.g. sucrose) and monosaccharides (e.g. fructose, glucose). Sugars are essential structural component of living cells and source of energy in many organisms.", "1 any of a class of sweet, soluble, crystalline carbohydrates, as the disaccharides and the monosaccharides. 2 sucrose, esp. when prepared as a crystalline or powdered substance used as a food and sweetening agent. 3 a sugar bowl, specif. as forming a set with a creamer." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
sugars definition
[ "150,000 to 400,000 per cmm" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Results in the following areas above or below the normal ranges on a complete blood count may indicate a problem. Red blood cell count, hemoglobin and hematocrit. The results of your red blood cell count, hemoglobin and hematocrit are related because they each measure aspects of your red blood cells. If the measures in these three areas are lower than normal, you have anemia. Anemia causes fatigue and weakness. A complete blood count is typically not a definitive diagnostic test. Depending on the reason your doctor recommended this test, results outside the normal range may or may not require follow-up.", "The complete blood count values are usually reported based on the number of cells in a specific volume of blood. The normal values may differ slightly based on the reference range and the machine used in the laboratory and, therefore, the results may be slightly different from one laboratory to the next. The following lists some of the typical values of the components of the complete blood count: 1 WBC (white blood cell) count signifies the number of white blood cells in the blood and usually ranges between 4,300 and 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter (cmm).", "This means that a value that falls outside the normal values listed here may still be normal for you or your lab. Normal values for the complete blood count (CBC) tests depend on age, sex, how high above sea level you live, and the type of blood sample. Your doctor may use all the CBC values to check for a condition", "Normal platelet counts are in the range of 150,000 to 400,000 per microliter (or 150 - 400 x 109 per liter), but the normal rangefor the platelet count varies slightly among different laboratories. The complete blood count (CBC) is one of the most commonly ordered blood tests. The complete blood count is the calculation of the cellular (formed elements) of blood. These calculations are generally determined by special machines that analyze the different components of blood in less than a minute.", "The normal range for HGB is 12 to 17.4 g/dL. Patient Education 2 Understanding your complete blood count  Hematocrit (HCT) value The hematocrit value measures how much of your total blood count is made up of red blood cells. The normal range for HCT is 36 to 52%. The normal range for WBC is 5 to 10 K/uL. Your CBC will also measure what’s called the ANC (absolute neutrophil count) That’s the specific number of white blood cells in your blood that fight infection.  Red blood cell (RBC) count Red blood cells carry oxygen and remove waste from your body.", "A complete blood count (CBC) gives important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, especially red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. A CBC helps your doctor check any symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, or bruising, you may have. Normal values for the complete blood count (CBC) tests depend on age, sex, how high above sea level you live, and the type of blood sample.", "1 Platelet count measures the number of platelets in a volume of blood and usually ranges between 150,000 to 400,000 per cmm. 2 Mean platelet volume (MPV) measures the average size of platelets in a volume of blood. 3 The normal range is between 6 to 12 femtoliters (a very small fraction of a liter). The following lists some of the typical values of the components of the complete blood count: 1 WBC (white blood cell) count signifies the number of white blood cells in the blood and usually ranges between 4,300 and 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter (cmm).", "A major portion of the complete blood count is the measure of the concentration of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in the blood. The complete blood count (CBC) is one of the most commonly ordered blood tests. The complete blood count is the calculation of the cellular (formed elements) of blood. These calculations are generally determined by special machines that analyze the different components of blood in less than a minute.", "A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including: 1 Red blood cells, which carry oxygen. Definition. A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including: 1 Red blood cells, which carry oxygen. 2 White blood cells, which fight infection." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
normal range for full blood count
[ "The Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement tunnel is a bored road tunnel that is under construction in the city of Seattle in the U.S. state of Washington.", "In the U.S. state of Washington." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Oct. 7 project update: New video shows Bertha repair effort. Posted on Oct 7 2015 10:38 AM. Work continues at the bottom of the 120-foot-deep pit where Seattle Tunnel Partners is readying Bertha, the SR 99 tunneling machine, for the rest of her tunnel drive beneath downtown Seattle. Plan ahead: Semiannual viaduct inspection closure set for Halloween weekend. Posted on Oct 1 2015 1:52 PM. October is here, which means the semiannual inspection closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct is just around the corner. Both directions of SR 99 will be closed between South Spokane Street and the north end of the Battery Street Tunnel from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on both Saturday, Oct. 31 and Sunday, Nov. 1", "On January 12, 2009, the state of Washington, King County, the city of Seattle, and the Port of Seattle revealed that they had agreed to replace the viaduct with a four-lane, 2-mile (3.2 km) long underground tunnel. The 2001 Nisqually earthquake damaged the viaduct and its supporting Alaskan Way Seawall and required the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to invest US$14.5 million in emergency repairs. Experts give a 1-in-20 chance that the viaduct could be shut down by an earthquake within the next decade.", "SEATTLE — Washington Department of Transportation officials say they will close the Alaskan Way Viaduct when they start tunneling underneath it. The closure could last up to two weeks. About 110,000 cars and trucks drive the viaduct through downtown Seattle every day. WSDOT closed the viaduct for a week in 2011. They say part of the reason they’re going to do it again is because it worked out then. This time, t", "The Alaskan Way Viaduct is an elevated highway in Seattle, Washington built in three phases from 1949 through 1953 and opened on April 4, 1953. It features a double-decked elevated section of State Route 99 that runs along the Elliott Bay waterfront in the industrial district and downtown of Seattle. The 2001 Nisqually earthquake damaged the viaduct and its supporting Alaskan Way Seawall and required the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to invest US$14.5 million in emergency repairs. Experts give a 1-in-20 chance that the viaduct could be shut down by an earthquake within the next decade.", "The Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement tunnel is a bored road tunnel that is under construction in the city of Seattle in the U.S. state of Washington. The project has been stalled since December 2013. No firm date for if/when the project will continue has been set. On January 12, 2009, the state of Washington, King County, the city of Seattle, and the Port of Seattle revealed that they had agreed to replace the viaduct with a bored underground tunnel.", "The Alaskan Way Viaduct, completed on April 4, 1953, is a double-decked elevated section of State Route 99 (SR 99) that runs along the Elliott Bay waterfront in the Industrial District and Downtown of Seattle. On January 12, 2009, the state of Washington, King County, the city of Seattle, and the Port of Seattle revealed that they had agreed to replace the viaduct with a bored underground tunnel.", "Building a new State Route 99 through Seattle. The Alaskan Way Viaduct, an elevated section of State Route 99 in Seattle, was built in the 1950s, and decades of daily wear and tear have taken their toll on the structure. Because of the viaduct’s age and vulnerability to earthquakes, replacing it is critical to public safety. The Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program includes projects led by the Washington State Department of Transportation, King County, the City of Seattle and the Port of Seattle.", "Waterfront Seattle. Waterfront Seattle is a multi-year program to rebuild Seattle’s waterfront following the removal of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. ", "Half of the viaduct is already gone, demolished and replaced by crews at the south end of downtown, near Seattle’s stadiums. Completed on budget and one year ahead of schedule, this new section of SR 99 connects to the remaining viaduct along the waterfront to keep SR 99 traffic moving until the tunnel opens to traffic. The Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program includes projects led by the Washington State Department of Transportation, King County, the City of Seattle and the Port of Seattle." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
where is the viaduct in seattle
[ "Blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "Jennifer Bourn. This post is part of the Color Meaning Blog Series, detailing the meanings associated with colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, grey, black, white, brown, pink, turquoise, gold, silver, and beige. The color blue has positive affects on the mind and the body. As the color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming and exude feelings of tranquility. Blue helps to slow human metabolism, is cooling in nature, and helps with balance and self-expression.", "Blue is the color of the spirit, devotion and religious study. It enhances contemplation and prayer. On the other hand, blue's devotion can be to any cause or concept it believes in, including devotion to family or work. The paler the blue the more freedom we feel. In the meaning of colors, blue relates to one-to-one communication, especially communication using the voice-speaking the truth through verbal self-expression-it is the teacher, the public speaker.", "1 Dark blue was the Byzantine color of an empress, lending to the Virgin Mary's early association with the color as Queen of Heaven.. 2 Here is what else the color blue symbolizes, direct from (with a few moderations): 3 Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace and distance. 1 Turquoise is the symbol of youth, both the color and the gemstone. 2 This color has a soothing affect. 3 Turquoise is the color of communication. 4 It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality", "Blue is the coolest color-the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to represent heaven. Blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary. A pure blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. Blue is the calming color. ", "1 Here is what else the color blue symbolizes, direct from (with a few moderations): 2 Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace and distance. 3 Blue is the coolest color-the color of the sky, ocean, sleep twilight. 1 Turquoise is the symbol of youth, both the color and the gemstone. 2 This color has a soothing affect. 3 Turquoise is the color of communication. 4 It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality", "Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.", "Blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity in heraldry. The color blue in many cultures is significant in religious beliefs, brings peace, or is believed to keep the bad spirits away. In Iran, blue is the color of mourning while in the West the something blue bridal tradition represents love. The color blue has positive affects on the mind and the body. As the color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming and exude feelings of tranquility. Blue helps to slow human metabolism, is cooling in nature, and helps with balance and self-expression.", "The color blue is the color of trust and responsibility. This color is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn't like to make a fuss or draw attention. It hates confrontation, and likes to do things in its own way. The paler the blue the more freedom we feel. In the meaning of colors, blue relates to one-to-one communication, especially communication using the voice-speaking the truth through verbal self-expression-it is the teacher, the public speaker.", "Blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence. The color blue has positive affects on the mind and the body. As the color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming and exude feelings of tranquility. Blue helps to slow human metabolism, is cooling in nature, and helps with balance and self-expression." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what does blue colour signify
[ "Is a tube that connects the urinary bladder to the urinary meatus for the removal of fluids from the body. Infection of the urethra is urethritis, said to be more common in females than males." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Urine is released through the urethral opening during urination. A urinalysis is used to diagnose urethritis. In men, the urethra is located inside the penis and transports urine and semen from the body. Abdominal pain may be a sign of an infected urethra. Women have shorter urethras than men.", "In anatomy, the urethra (from Greek οὐρήθρα – ourḗthrā) is a tube that connects the urinary bladder to the urinary meatus for the removal of fluids from the body. 1 Infection of the urethra is urethritis, said to be more common in females than males. 2 Urethritis is a common cause of dysuria (pain when urinating). 3 Related to urethritis is so called urethral syndrome. 4 Passage of kidney stones through the urethra can be painful, which can lead to urethral strictures.", "Urethra The male urethra is a 20-cm (aprox.) canal extending from the bladder neck to the external meatus. Its function is to serve as a conduit for the passage of urine and semenThe male urethra is not an omogeneous tubular structure but is a canal made up of different parts. In anatomy, the urethra is a tube which connects the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. The urethra has an excretory function in both genders to pass urine to the outside, and also a reproductive function in the male, as a passage for sperm.", "Overview. The male urethra is a narrow fibromuscular tube that conducts urine and semen from the bladder and ejaculatory ducts, respectively, to the exterior of the body (see the image below). Although the male urethra is a single structure, it is composed of a heterogeneous series of segments: prostatic, membranous, and spongy. ", "The urethra is the opening that allows urine to leave the bladder. In men, the urethra is a thin tube-like structure that starts from the lower opening of the bladder and traverses the entire length of the penis. In women, it is a shorter opening coming off the lower opening of bladder and is between 2.5 to 4 centimeters (cm) in length.", "Anatomy. The urethra is a thin, fibromuscular tube that begins at the lower opening of the bladder and extends through the pelvic and urogenital diaphragms to the outside of the body, called the external urethral orifice. The urethra also connects the to the ductus deferens in males, for the ejaculation of sperm. There is a sphincter at the upper end of the urethra, which serves to close the passage and keep the urine inside the bladder.", "urethra. the tubular passage through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior of the body. adj., adj ure´thral. The external urinary opening is called the urinary meatus. In men the urethra conveys both urine and the secretions of the reproductive organs.", "The urethra is the passageway between the bladder and the external part of the body, which allows urine to be excreted from the body. The urethra also connects the to the ductus deferens in males, for the ejaculation of sperm. There is a sphincter at the upper end of the urethra, which serves to close the passage and keep the urine inside the bladder.", "The urethra is a tube connected to the bladder. Urine is held in the bladder until it becomes full and then it travels through the urethral opening to be released from the body. Its anatomy is different in men and women. A urinalysis is used to diagnose urethritis. In men, the urethra is located inside the penis and transports urine and semen from the body. Abdominal pain may be a sign of an infected urethra. Women have shorter urethras than men." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is a urethra
[ "No" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "passage_text": [ "See: Table Variable Identity Column. It is best to use #TempTable in these cases-then you may Truncate or use DBCC to reseed. You will reap performance improvements with Truncate and be able to create additional indexes. I'd add to the technically correct answer of using DELETE @VariableTable that if you happen to also have an Identity-Field in your @Table Variable (e.g. i int (1,1)) and you'd like to re-use this table (even if you re-declare it in a loop) it is still within scope and there it no way to reseed it either.", "4. It would be more accurate to say the DELETE is the better option. Nothing to do with table variables you get the same with a #temp table and DELETE. This is quite an edge case in that the 10 rows all fit on one page. TRUNCATE deallocates the last page from the table and DELETE doesn't", "The DML documentation, however, does not include the TRUNCATE TABLE statement, although the statement, like DELETE, also lets you delete data from a SQL Server table. Of all the DML statements, the DELETE statement is probably the easiest to use. ", "Removes all rows from a table or specified partitions of a table, without logging the individual row deletions. TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to the DELETE statement with no WHERE clause; however, TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources. Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2008 through current version), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse Public Preview. Less transaction log space is used. The DELETE statement removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row. TRUNCATE TABLE removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the table data and records only the page deallocations in the transaction log.", "DML on both table variables and temp tables writes to the tempdb transaction log. Whether or not it is worth switching to TRUNCATE rather than DELETE depends on the size of data involved. TRUNCATE will just log the page deallocations. DELETE will log the actual deleted values. I'd add to the technically correct answer of using DELETE @VariableTable that if you happen to also have an Identity-Field in your @Table Variable (e.g. i int (1,1)) and you'd like to re-use this table (even if you re-declare it in a loop) it is still within scope and there it no way to reseed it either.", "TRUNCATE TABLE removes all rows from a table, but the table structure and its columns, constraints, indexes, and so on remain. To remove the table definition in addition to its data, use the DROP TABLE statement. Less transaction log space is used. The DELETE statement removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row. TRUNCATE TABLE removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the table data and records only the page deallocations in the transaction log.", "Syntax. truncate_table ::=. Semantics. TABLE Clause. Specify the schema and name of the table to be truncated. This table cannot be part of a cluster. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the table is in your own cluster. You can truncate index-organized tables and temporary tables. When you truncate a temporary table, only the rows created during the current session are removed. Oracle Database changes the NEXT storage parameter of table to be the size of the last extent deleted from the segment in the process of truncation. Restrictions on Truncating Tables This statement is subject to the following restrictions: You cannot individually truncate a table that is part of a cluster. You must either truncate the cluster, delete all rows from the table, or drop and re-create the table.", "Step 2: Get the table name and save it in a user variable. Step 3: Truncate the table in Step 2. Step 2: In order to complete this step, I am going to use an SQL query to get the table name, and then the returned result will be stored in user variable that I declared as vSourceTable of type String. ", "Thanks for the clarification. You are looking for truncate table to work with table variables. This is currently not supported. Table variables in general use less logging and the perf difference between delete and truncate may not be that significant unless lots of rows are involved. However, this does seem like a valid enhancement suggestion." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
can you truncate a table variable
[ "Yes" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Perhaps the most obvious examples of a negative human impact on the environment is water pollution. It's obvious we need water to survive but few people realize how much we need and just how much is available. Consider these facts from the United Nations Environment Programme: One bit of good news about our human impact on the environment is that air pollution is lowering and air quality is increasing. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, since 1990 to 2008: 1 Ozone decreased 14%. 2 Lead decreased 78%.", "Sometimes people can get so excited about using a new technology that they overlook the negative impact on the environment. But, it's very important that we use technology in the smartest and most responsible manner, so that we are solving problems, not creating more for the future. Many of the technologies we use every day consume a lot more resources and power than they need to, and using and manufacturing them can create a mess. Here are a few of the ways that technology can harm the environment: 1 Pollution-Air, water, heat and noise pollution can all be caused by producing and using technology.", "As well as the cost to human life and society, there is a significant environmental impact of war. Scorched earth methods during, or after war have been in use for much of recorded history but with modern technology war can cause a far greater devastation on the environment. Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment includes impacts on biophysical environments, biodiversity, and other resources. The term anthropogenic designates an effect or object resulting from human activity", "The negative impacts of tourism development can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it depends. On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to environmental protection and conservation. The quality of the environment, both natural and man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourism's relationship with the environment is complex. It involves many activities that can have adverse environmental effects.", "Nobody would oppose the development of technologies in any sector but the developments should be in a positive way and they should not have any negative impact on present or future generations. 1 positive effects of technology. 2 positive and negative effects of technology. 3 positive impacts of technology. Technology is like a coin which has both positive and negative sides. We are the deciders and we have to choose how to use it. The usage of technology for over exploitation of resources should be always avoided. If we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and vice versa.", "Our policies. At Asda we’re always striving to work in the most responsible way possible and that means reducing wherever we can any negative impact we might have on the people and environment around us. We’ve set out a number of policies which guide how we operate:", "Job Satisfaction. The social environment of the workplace can also have an effect on an employee's job satisfaction. In businesses where employees experience a positive social environment, they are more likely to have a greater sense of job satisfaction and enjoyment. The social environment of a business can be integral to its success or failure. Employees are often influenced by the context in which they work and this can have implications for productivity. Some effects of the social environment are easier to measure than others.", "Production, packaging and transport of food makes a huge impact on the environment-the food you purchase accounts for one third of your total environmental impact if you come from an average British household. M&S lead the way on sustainable fishing and degradable packaging. In early 2007, M&S announced ‘Plan A', an initiative to spend 200 million pounds on reducing their environmental impact over the next five years.", "Customers. The social environment of a business can also have an impact on the type and number of customers it attracts. In a business environment where employees are generally positive, upbeat and cooperative, customers are more likely to appreciate the atmosphere they experience when interacting with employees. The social environment of a business can be integral to its success or failure. Employees are often influenced by the context in which they work and this can have implications for productivity. Some effects of the social environment are easier to measure than others." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
does asda have a negative impact on the environment
[ "Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative in products such as Metamucil." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Sure, fiber supplements are a convenient way to increase your daily fiber intake. But what you may not have realized is that not all fibers are the same. Metamucil® is the only leading fiber supplement brand with 100% natural psyllium fiber — and that makes all the difference. Psyllium husk, a natural dietary fiber originating from plantago ovata, has been the source of both soluble and insoluble fiber in Metamucil for 80 years. Studies suggest that the psyllium in Metamucil works differently. The psyllium fiber in Metamucil forms a viscous gel that traps some bile acids (made from cholesterol) and gently removes them from your body. This gel also traps some carbohydrates and sugars, allowing them to be more slowly absorbed by the body. ", "Psyllium is a form of fiber made from the Plantago ovata plant, specifically from the husks of the plant’s seed. It sometimes goes by the name ispaghula. It’s most commonly known as a laxative. Psyllium provides more benefits to your body than decreasing the amount of time you spend in the bathroom. Numerous studies have shown that fiber like psyllium, as part of a healthy diet, can help lower a person’s risk of heart disease. Psyllium can affect your heart by lowering blood pressure, improving lipid levels, and strengthening heart muscle.", "The soluble fiber found in psyllium husks can help lower cholesterol. Psyllium can help relieve both constipation and diarrhea, and is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. Psyllium has also been used to help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Overview. Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative in products such as Metamucil. It comes from a shrub-like herb called Plantago ovata that grows worldwide but is most common in India. Each plant can produce up to 15,000 tiny, gel-coated seeds, from which psyllium husk is derived", "The generic name for this fiber is psyllium. The fiber absorbs liquid in the intestines and swells and forms a bulky stool, which is easy to pass. The active ingredients are the seed husks of the psyllium plant. The Metamucil brand has been in existence since 1934. It was owned by G. D. Searle & Company until 1985 when Proctor & Gamble bought the brand.", "Psyllium seed husk are indigestible and are a source of soluble dietary fiber. They are used to relieve constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and diarrhea. They are also used as a regular dietary supplement to improve and maintain regular GI transit. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Psyllium seed husks, also known as ispaghula, isabgol, or psyllium, are portions of the seeds of the plant Plantago ovata, (genus Plantago), a native of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. They are hygroscopic, which allows them to expand and become mucilaginous.", "Soluble fibers -- such as those in psyllium husk, guar gum, flax seed, and oat bran -- can help lower cholesterol when added to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Studies have shown psyllium can lower total, as well as LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Overview. Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative in products such as Metamucil. It comes from a shrub-like herb called Plantago ovata that grows worldwide but is most common in India. Each plant can produce up to 15,000 tiny, gel-coated seeds, from which psyllium husk is derived", "Psyllium fiber comes from the outer coating, or husk of the psyllium plant's seeds. It is not wheat, and is therefore gluten free. The psyllium husk is a natural source of soluble fiber, similar to fiber found in grains such as oats and barley. *The amount of soluble fiber in psyllium is nearly 5X higher than that of oat bran. 100 grams of psyllium = 50 grams of soluble fiber. 100 grams of oat bran = 5 grams of soluble fiber. A bulk forming laxative, psyllium fiber is frequently used to treat constipation. It absorbs liquid in the intestines, swells and forms a bulky stool, which is easy to pass.", "Psyllium seed husks, also known as ispaghula, isabgol, or psyllium, are portions of the seeds of the plant Plantago ovata, (genus Plantago), a native of India and Pakistan. Psyllium is used in weight control and for general intestinal health. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
psyllium husk fiber
[ "keep the house plant where they get enough light" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Save. Anest/iStock/Getty Images. Leggy seedlings are tall, thin and weak, but you can prevent leggy seedlings by sprouting seeds at the right temperature and by providing the right levels of light, water and fertilizer. In the plant world, tall doesn't always mean healthy; in the case of seedlings, the plants may never grow well.", "As you might have guessed by now, the best way to prevent leggy seedlings is to make sure they are getting enough light. If you are growing seedlings in a window, try to grow them in a south-facing window. This will give you the best light from the sun.", "Leggy seedlings are caused by lack of light, or by light that is too weak to meet the plant's needs. Luckily, preventing leggy seedlings is a pretty straightforward affair. To prevent leggy seedlings: 1 Be sure to place the seedlings in bright light.", "On the 12th day, your seedlings should be @ 4 in height and start a second set of leaves. To avoid keeping the seedlings from becoming leggy or stringy, try the DIF process used by greenhouse growers. This balanced procedure includes: Temperature should always remain constant - @70 - 74 degrees. At night, try to keep it a couple of degrees cooler if you do not use grow lights.", "It could be that the window you are growing your seedlings in does not provide enough light or it could be that the lights you are using as grow lights are not close enough to the seedling. Either way, the seedlings will get leggy. Advertisement. This happens due to the natural reaction of plants to light." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how to keep house plants from becoming leggy
[ "A measure of the quantity of electricity determined by the amount of an electric current and the time for which it flows.", "A measure of the quantity of electricity (determined by the amount of an electric current and the time for which it flows)." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "• CHARGE UNIT (noun). The noun CHARGE UNIT has 1 sense: 1. a measure of the quantity of electricity (determined by the amount of an electric current and the time for which it flows). Familiarity information: CHARGE UNIT used as a noun is very rare.", "stat·cou·lomb. The electrostatic unit of charge, such that two objects, each carrying such a charge and separated (center to center) by 1 cm in a vacuum, will repel each other with a force of 1 dyne (or 10 -5 newton); equal to 3.335641 × 10 -10 coulomb.", "Electric field is defined as the electric force per unit charge. The direction of the field is taken to be the direction of the force it would exert on a positive test charge.", "Part of the Electronics glossary: In physics, charge, also known as electric charge, electrical charge, or electrostatic charge and symbolized q, is a characteristic of a unit of matter that expresses the extent to which it has more or fewer electrons than protons.", "The coulomb (symbolized C) is the standard unit of electric charge in the International System of Units (SI). It is a dimensionless quantity, sharing this aspect with the mole. A quantity of 1 C is equal to approximately 6.24 x 10 18, or 6.24 quintillion.", "Definition of COULOMB. : the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electric charge equal to the quantity of electricity transferred by a current of one ampere in one second. See coulomb defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT.", "Voltage is electric potential energy per unit charge, measured in joules per coulomb (= volts).", "Voltage. Voltage is electric potential energy per unit charge, measured in joules per coulomb (= volts). It is often referred to as electric potential, which then must be distinguished from electric potential energy by noting that the potential is a per-unit-charge quantity." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
unit charge definition
[ "Any of several classes of structurally related proteins in the blood serum, produced by plasma cells as an immune response against foreign agents (antigens)." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "IgG is the most abundant of the five classes of immunoglobulins. Its normal mean serum concentration is 1240 mg/dl. It is the major antibody in the secondary humoral response of immunity, serves to activate the complement system, and is frequently involved in opsonization. IgG is the only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta and is the major component of passive maternal antibody transfer via colostrum and yolk. IgM is the first antibody produced in the primary immune response.", "a protein of animal origin with known antibody activity. Immunoglobulins are major components of what is called the humoral immune response system. They are synthesized by lymphocytes and plasma cells and found in the serum and in other body fluids and tissues, including the urine, spinal fluid, lymph nodes, and spleen. IgG is the only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta and is the major component of passive maternal antibody transfer via colostrum and yolk. IgM is the first antibody produced in the primary immune response.", "Definition of IGG. 1. : a class of immunoglobulins including the most common antibodies circulating in the blood that facilitate the phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body, that bind to and activate complement, and that are the only immunoglobulins to cross over the placenta from mother to fetus. 1. : a class of immunoglobulins that include the most common antibodies circulating in the blood, that facilitate the phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body, that bind to and activate complement, and that are the only immunoglobulins to cross over the placenta from mother to fetus. 2.", "Immunoglobulin A: A major class of immunoglobulins (antibodies) found in serum and external body secretions such as saliva, tears, and sweat, as well as in the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts. Abbreviated IgA. ", "Each antibody binds to a specific antigen; an interaction similar to a lock and key. An antibody (Ab), also known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shape protein produced by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. The antibody recognizes a unique molecule of the harmful agent, called an antigen, via the variable region. Though strictly speaking, an antibody is not the same as an immunoglobulin; B cells can produce two types of immunoglobulins-surface immunoglobulins, which are B cell receptors; and secreted immunoglobulins, which are antibodies. So antibodies are one of two classes of immunoglobulins.", "Guide. An immunoglobulins test is done to measure the level of immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, in your blood. Antibodies are substances made by the body's immune system in response to bacteria, viruses, fungus, animal dander, or cancer cells. 1 IgM antibodies are the largest antibody. 2 They are found in blood and lymph fluid and are the first type of antibody made in response to an infection. 3 They also cause other immune system cells to destroy foreign substances. 4 IgM antibodies are about 5% to 10% of all the antibodies in the body.", "Immunoglobulin: A protein produced by plasma cells and lymphocytes and characteristic of these types of cells. Immunoglobulins play an essential role in the body's immune system. They attach to foreign substances, such as bacteria, and assist in destroying them. Immunoglobulin is abbreviated Ig. The classes of immunoglobulins are termed immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin D (IgD) and immunoglobulin E (IgE).", "Immunoglobulin. Definition. noun, plural: immunoglobulins. (1) Any of several classes of structurally related proteins in the blood serum, produced by plasma cells as an immune response against foreign agents (antigens). (2) The fraction of the blood serum containing antibodies. Supplement", "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: immunoglobulin (Noun). Any of the glycoproteins in blood serum that respond to invasion by foreign antigens and that protect the host by removing pathogens; an antibody. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
immunoglobulin definition
[ "Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the arteries. Plaque is made of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin (a clotting material in the blood). Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis. Some of the diseases that may develop as a result of atherosclerosis include coronary heart disease, angina (chest pain), carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease (PAD) and chronic kidney disease. Two things that can happen where plaque occurs are: 1 A piece of the plaque may break off.", "Understanding Plaque. As mentioned, atherosclerosis is caused by the slow buildup of plaque on the inside walls of the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to other parts of the body. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in your blood. ", "Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body. Atherosclerosis can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death. Shows how in atherosclerosis, plaque builds up inside the arteries which can cause a heart attack. Explains that the main treatment for atherosclerosis is lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and being physically active.", "About Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis) is a disease in which plaque (plak) builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body. Atherosclerosis can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death. ", "Overview. Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque. It is also called arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of your body.", "Atherosclerosis is the usual cause of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease -- what together are called cardiovascular disease .. Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer in America, with more than 800,000 deaths in 2005. The plaques of atherosclerosis cause the three main kinds of cardiovascular disease 1 : Coronary artery disease: Stable plaques in the heart's arteries cause angina (chest pain on exertion). 2 Sudden plaque rupture and clotting causes heart muscle to die. 3 This is a heart attack, or myocardial infarction.", "Atherosclerosis (also known as arteriosclerotic vascular disease or ASVD) is a specific form of arteriosclerosis in which an artery wall thickens as a result of invasion and accumulation of white blood cells (WBCs) (foam cell) and proliferation of intimal smooth muscle cell creating a fibrofatty plaque. ", "Atherosclerosis is a condition in which circulating lipids, such as fats and cholesterol in the bloodstream, collect along the walls of arteries. This fatty material thickens and forms structures called plaques that narrow, and may eventually block blood flow through, the arteries. Atherosclerosis is the most common cause for heart attack and stroke. Most commonly, people develop atherosclerosis as a result of diabetes, genetic risk factors, high blood pressure, a high-fat diet, obesity, high blood cholesterol levels, and smoking.", "Atherosclerosis (or arteriosclerotic vascular disease) is a condition where the arteries become narrowed and hardened due to an excessive build up of plaque around the artery wall. The disease disrupts the flow of blood around the body, posing serious cardiovascular complications. Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis are different conditions: 1 Arteriosclerosis is the stiffening or hardening of the artery walls. 2 Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the artery because of plaque build-up. 3 Atherosclerosis is a specific type of arteri" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is atherosclerosis caused by
[ "1/8 mile long and 1/8 mile wide" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "City Blocks differ in size, but the typical square city block reaches 16 or 17 per mile, or 2.21 to 2.50 Acres. Engineers use a typical city block as 100,000 sq. ft. for calculation estimates, which is about 17 blocks per mile or 2 1/4 acres.", "The 'grid system' that Chicago's streets were laid out with has a 'primary' street at each half mile, the equivalent of four city blocks; and eight city blocks measure one mile (however, there is a discrepancy to this in downtown where some streets do not always measure a full block, or 1/8 mile).", "What distance is 8 city blocks in Chicago? The distance will depend on the size of the blocks and the curve of the road,but it is commonly accepted that 8 Chicago city blocks are about one mile according to the grid ad … dress system where 100 =1 block. Therefore, 8 blocks will be about 1 mile.", "Best Answer: Chicago was built on a grid system with a major street every half mile and four blocks every 1/2 mile. This would make most of the standard city blocks in Chicago 1/8 mile long and 1/8 mile wide. There are some areas of downtown Chicago where the blocks are 1/16 mile long. But the vast majority of the city has 1/8 mile blocks.", "The distance will depend on the size of the blocks and the curve of the road,but it is commonly accepted that 8 Chicago city blocks are about one mile according to the grid ad … dress system where 100 =1 block.", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Chicago was built on a grid system with a major street every half mile and four blocks every 1/2 mile. This would make most of the standard city blocks in Chicago 1/8 mile long and 1/8 mile wide. There are some areas of downtown Chicago where the blocks are 1/16 mile long. But the vast majority of the city has 1/8 mile blocks.", "A city block would typically be 1/16 to 1/8 of a mile, In many large eastern cities, a CityBlock is a standard 1/20 of a mile. That is, there is that much space between the centerlines of the streets in grid-platted parts of the city." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long is a city block in chicago
[ "The phrase what the dickens was coined by William Shakespeare and originated in The Merry Wives Of Windsor Act 3, scene 2, 18--23, it was an oath to the devil said by Mrs Page." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Confidence votes 48. The phrase what the dickens was coined by William Shakespeare and originated in The Merry Wives Of Windsor Act 3, scene 2, 18--23, it was an oath to the devil said by Mrs Page.", "(The surname itself probably derives from Dickin or Dickon, familiar diminutive forms of Dick.). This is one of several phrases using dickens as a euphemism for devil such as what the dickens, where the dickens, the dickens you are, etc. Since its use can be traced back to Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, it has nothing to do with Charles Dickens.", "Origin. This phrase has nothing to do with Charles Dickens. Dickens is a euphemism, specifically a minced-oath, for the word devil, possibly via devilkins. Shakespeare used it in 'the Merry Wives of Windsor, 1600: I cannot tell what the dickens his name is my husband had him of. See other phrases and sayings from Shakespeare.", "A lot; as in 'hurts like the dickens'. This phrase has nothing to do with Charles Dickens. Dickens is a euphemism, specifically a minced-oath, for the word devil, possibly via devilkins. Shakespeare used it in 'the Merry Wives of Windsor, 1600: I cannot tell what the dickens his name is my husband had him of. See other phrases and sayings from Shakespeare.", "Yep. Dickens is a euphemism for devil as in 'what the dickens,'an expression common centuries before Charles Dickens was born, having been used by Shakespeare in 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'. Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988)." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }
where does the phrase what the dickens come from
[ "Set the midpoint of your lowest salary range (grade 1) equal to the average of the lowest two market average pay rates as reported on the spreadsheet." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "3) Establish Broad Ranges. Once your heirarchy is fully established, you can create salary ranges tailored to your specific company. Let’s say you have 20 spots in your position heirarchy, this shouldn’t translate to 20 salary ranges. Successive positions within the heirarchy should often fall into the same pay range.", "Instructions. Know the payroll budget. Any salary range will be dependent on the overall payroll budget. Before trying to create a salary range for an individual position, find out what the payroll budget is and how much is available to you. Set a market value. Create a benchmark for how this position compares to similar positions in the marketplace. Compare the functions, responsibilities and salary ranges of this job to comparable jobs in other companies. Remember that job titles may not be enough to compare positions.ook at the salary range for the same position in your market study. Set a range for your own position with a five to 10 percent reach on either side of the market median. Review internal markers.", "1 Set grade 4's midpoint 17% higher than grade 3. 2 Continue this process incrementing the range spread 1% for every grade to create a total of 10 to 15 salary grades. 3 Establish the range minimums and maximums by multiplying the midpoints by the numbers indicated in the following chart (refer to the sample): 1 Set the midpoint of your lowest salary range (grade 1) equal to the average of the lowest two market average pay rates as reported on the spreadsheet. 2 Set grade 2's midpoint 15% higher than grade 1.", "1 Establish salary range midpoints (refer to the sample): 2 Set the midpoint of your lowest salary range (grade 1) equal to the average of the lowest two market average pay rates as reported on the spreadsheet. 3 Set grade 2's midpoint 15% higher than grade 1. 1 Set the midpoint of your lowest salary range (grade 1) equal to the average of the lowest two market average pay rates as reported on the spreadsheet. 2", "$60,000 is the maximum for your salary range. In this example, your full salary range would be $40,000 to $60,000 with a midpoint of $50,000. You are well on your way to establishing your formal compensation plan. If your midpoint is $50,000 and you want your width to be 50%, then you would divide $50,000 by 1.25. This equals $40,000. $40,000 is the minimum for the range. Now to find your maximum, multiply your minimum, $40,000, by 1.50. This equals $60,000. $60,000 is the maximum for your salary range. In this example, your full salary range would be $40,000 to $60,000, with a midpoint of $50,000", "1 Set grade 2's midpoint 15% higher than grade 1. 2 Set grade 3's midpoint 16% higher than grade 2. 3 Set grade 4's midpoint 17% higher than grade 3. 4 Continue this process incrementing the range spread 1% for every grade to create a total of 10 to 15 salary grades. 1 Set the midpoint of your lowest salary range (grade 1) equal to the average of the lowest two market average pay rates as reported on the spreadsheet. 2 ", "Ideally, you’ll want to have at least two sources to work from to guarantee the accuracy of your results. Once you have salary market data to use, you can create formal salary ranges. In a future blog post, we’ll describe the process of determining salary range widths. For purposes of this post, we’ll finish by talking about some important analysis that should be done once you have established your formal salary ranges. ", "Step 2. Calculate how much more the position is worth to a well-qualified employee. Once you have your midpoint, you can add on to that amount to come up with the high end of the salary. One fair way is to establish an overall range, typically set at 40 percent. The midpoint represents center, so the high point would be an average of 17 percent more than the midpoint. This is called width of salary. Step 3. Establish the low point. Go back to your midpoint salary range and if you are still using the 40 percent width rule, deduct 17 percent from the midpoint. This will give you the amount for the low end of the pay spectrum.", "This equals $60,000. $60,000 is the maximum for your salary range. In this example, your full salary range would be $40,000 to $60,000 with a midpoint of $50,000. You are well on your way to establishing your formal compensation plan. Next comes the work of implementing and communicating your new plan. If your midpoint is $50,000 and you want your width to be 50%, then you would divide $50,000 by 1.25. This equals $40,000. $40,000 is the minimum for the range. Now to find your maximum, multiply your minimum, $40,000, by 1.50. This equals $60,000. $60,000 is the maximum for your salary range. In this example, your full salary range would be $40,000 to $60,000, with a midpoint of $50,000" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how to establish salary ranges
[ "$38,426 per year" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Import Manager Salary. (United States). Import Managers in the United States are often veterans in their line of work, with roughly two-thirds bringing more than 10 years of experience to the table. Salaries slide in at $63K per year on average but can range from $41K to $91K per year", "Entry-Level Salaries. The average salary for import/export clerks in the United States was $38,426 per year, according to a June 2011 report. Import/export clerks are entry-level roles that require zero to two years of experience in the industry. For example, import/export agents working in New York City averaged a salary of $78,892 per year. Agents in Chicago reported an average salary of $63,935 per year. In Atlanta, import/export agents averaged $69,177 per year.", "Import/Export Agent Salary. (United States). The average pay for an Import/Export Agent is $39,128 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this career. Total Pay (?XTotal Pay combines base annual salary or hourly wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job.", "The annual salary for someone with the job title Import/Export Manager may vary depending on a number of factors including industry, company size, location, years of experience and level of education. Manages the import/export process and ensures compliance with U.S. and foreign government laws and regulations. Oversees the completion of paperwork and monetary transactions associated with international distribution in a timely manner.", "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Import/Export Clerk in the United States is $39,864, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Import/Export Clerk in the United States are expected to make less than $39,864. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary. 2 Salary + Bonus. 3 Benefits. ", "Salary Potential. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not have specific salary information for import/export agents, according to national data from May 2013, Purchasing Agents earned an average salary of $63,420. Today, much of what we buy is available to us as the direct result of the work of import/export traders. If you’re considering a career in business, sales or marketing and you have an interest in international negotiation and communication, you may find this career choice particularly rewarding.", "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Import/Export Manager in the United States is $86,179 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Import/Export Manager in the United States are expected to make less than $86,179. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. Median $86,179. 1 Salary. Manages the import/export process and ensures compliance with U.S. and foreign government laws and regulations. Oversees the completion of paperwork and monetary transactions associated with international distribution in a timely manner.", "Los Angeles professionals reported an average annual wage of $64,558 per the year. Import/export agents working in Miami averaged the highest salaries at $80,888 per year. Workers in Phoenix averaged the lowest and made $48,827 per year. For example, import/export agents working in New York City averaged a salary of $78,892 per year. Agents in Chicago reported an average salary of $63,935 per year. In Atlanta, import/export agents averaged $69,177 per year." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
salary of import and export in usa
[ "Good" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Shrimp are often given a bad rap for their high cholesterol content. Although it is true that shrimp are relatively high in cholesterol (about 200 milligrams in 3.5 ounces, or 12 large boiled shrimp), the Rockefeller study on shrimp and cholesterol suggests that shrimp cholesterol may not be that bad for you.", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Although shrimp are high in cholesterol it is a good type of cholesterol that lowers LDL and raises HDL. Shrimp does contain cholesterol, but it is very low in saturated fat and that is the type that raises the bad, LDL cholesterol. Most people realize that elevated cholesterol is an important risk factor for heart disease. The higher the blood cholesterol, the greater the risk of", "News Quiz. Shrimp's high cholesterol may not be so bad October 24, 1996 From Correspondent Eugenia Halsey WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Even though shrimp is low in fat, many doctors tell their patients to avoid it because it's high in cholesterol. The typical serving of shrimp has two-thirds the amount of cholesterol you should consume in an entire day.", "Shrimp are often given a bad rap for their high cholesterol content. Although it is true that shrimp are relatively high in cholesterol (about 200 milligrams in 3.5 ounces, or 12 large boiled shrimp), scientific research on shrimp and blood cholesterol levels suggests that shrimp may not be that bad for you, after all.", "From Correspondent Eugenia Halsey. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Even though shrimp is low in fat, many doctors tell their patients to avoid it because it's high in cholesterol. The typical serving of shrimp has two-thirds the amount of cholesterol you should consume in an entire day. Well, shrimp lovers take heart.", "That’s because a small serving of 3.5 ounces supplies about 200 mg of cholesterol. For people at high risk for heart disease, that amounts to a full day’s allotment. (For everyone else, 300 mg is the limit.) However, shrimp is very low in total fat (about 1.5 grams per serving) with almost no saturated fat at all.", "The good news: the shrimp diet also raised levels of HDL cholesterol. In fact, it raised the HDL cholesterol levels more than more than it increased levels of LDL, and the scientists concluded that the resulting HDL to LDL ratio was favorable." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
cholesterol in shrimp good or bad
[ "1 year", "Around 8 weeks, 11 weeks and 16 weeks of age." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Puppies receive a parvovirus vaccination as part of their multiple-agent vaccine series. It is recommended to be given at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. In some high-risk situations, veterinarians will give the vaccine at two-week intervals, with an additional booster administered at 18 to 22", "They should each receive one distemper/parvo vaccination and that should be boostered in one month. They can also receive a rabies vaccination at either of these visits. The Rabies vaccine does not need to", "Puppies should receive a dose of canine parvovirus vaccine between 14 and 16 weeks of age, regardless of how many doses they received earlier, to develop adequate protection. To protect their adult dogs, pet owners should be sure that their dog's parvovirus vaccination is up-to-date.", "Expert: Tammy F. replied 9 years ago. If your dogs received three rounds of vaccines as puppies (around 8 weeks, 11 weeks and 16 weeks of age), they are somewhat protected until one year of age. At that time, they need boosters. Parvo is usually a juvenile disease, affecting the young and unvaccinated.", "Generally, the first vaccine is given at 6-8 weeks of age and a booster is given at four-week intervals until the puppy is 16-20 weeks of age, and then again at one year of age. A puppy’s vaccination program is not complete before four months of age.", "Vaccine is given in two doses, 2 to 4 weeks apart, in dogs older than 12 weeks of age. Revaccination is recommended annually, but only for dogs with reasonable risk of exposure. Notes: Vaccination should be based on known geographic occurrence/prevalence and exposure risk of the individual dog.", "1 The canine distemper vaccine is typically given in some variation of a combination vaccine that also protects your pet from several other serious diseases, such as parvovirus infection." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
how long is a parvo vaccine good for
[ "Slightly pointed cocci", "Shape of a slightly pointed cocci." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "Group A Streptococcus bacteria causes disease ranging from streptococcal sore throat (strep throat) to necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease). They can also cause scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, postpartum fever, and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. ", "Overview: Streptococcus agalactiae (also known as group-B streptococcus or beta-strep) is a Gram-positive coccus, non-motile, non-spore-forming, catalase-negative, spherical or ovoid, and less than 2 µm (micrometres) in diameter; it is usually β-haemolytic and can grow in pairs or short chains (Figure 1). ", "Streptococcus mutans is facultatively anaerobic, Gram-positive coccus-shaped bacterium commonly found in the human oral cavity and is a significant contributor to tooth decay. Streptococcus mutans is a Gram-positive bacterium that is the primary causative agent in the formation of dental cavities in humans. Gram-positive bacteria are those that are stained dark-blue or violet by Gram staining.", "A term used to refer to any member of the genus Streptococcus. /Strep·to·coc·cus/ (-kok´us) a genus of gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic cocci occurring in pairs or chains; it is separable into the pyogenic group, the viridans group, the enterococcus group, and the lactic group. Streptococcus. a genus of gram-positive, predominantly facultatively anaerobic cocci in the family Streptococcaceae occurring in pairs or chains. It is classifiable in several ways, none of them completely satisfactory in terms of species designation. Sherman's classification was based on tolerance tests.", "Streptococcus is a genus of coccus (spherical) gram-positive bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes and the Lactobacillales (lactic acid bacteria) order. ", "Streptococcus is a genus of spherical Gram-positive bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes and the lactic acid bacteria group. S. mutan s, a member of the human oral flora, is widely recognized as the main causative agent of dental cavities. Streptococcus mutans is a Gram-positive bacterium that is the primary causative agent in the formation of dental cavities in humans. Gram-positive bacteria are those that are stained dark-blue or violet by Gram staining.", "Streptococcus pneumoniae are Gram-positive bacteria in the shape of a slightly pointed cocci. They are usually found in pairs (diplococci), but are also found singly and in short chains. ", "Streptococcus. a genus of gram-positive, facultatively aerobic cocci (family Streptococcaceae) occurring in pairs or chains. It is separable into the pyogenic group, the viridans group, the enterococcus group, and the lactic group. Streptococcus. a genus of gram-positive, predominantly facultatively anaerobic cocci in the family Streptococcaceae occurring in pairs or chains. It is classifiable in several ways, none of them completely satisfactory in terms of species designation. Sherman's classification was based on tolerance tests.", "Streptococcus pneumoniae cells are Gram-positive, lancet-shaped cocci (elongated cocci with a slightly pointed outer curvature). Usually, they are seen as pairs of cocci (diplococci), but they may also occur singly and in short chains. When cultured on blood agar, they are alpha hemolytic. ", "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Streptococcus bacteria is a genus of coccus, or spherelike, Gram-positive, chained bacteria belonging to the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) group. Individual streptococcus cells may be round or ovoid and all lack the enzyme catylase. Because these cells divide along a single plane, streptococci occur in pairs or in chains. " ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what shape is streptococcus
[ "The Lactic Acid Plasma Test, or Lactate Test, measures the amount of lactate in the blood to determine if a patient has lactic acidosis." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "The Lactic Acid Plasma Test, or Lactate Test, measures the amount of lactate in the blood to determine if a patient has lactic acidosis. The test may be ordered at prescribed intervals to monitor lactate levels. The Lactate Test is also known as Lactic Acid, Plasma Lactate, and L-Lactate. Patients will be instructed to fast prior to this blood test and be in a resting state.", "Clinical Significance. Lactic acid is the endproduct of the anaerobic metabolism of glucose. The blood lactic acid concentration is affected by its production in muscle cells and erythrocytes and its rate of metabolism in the liver. During exercise, blood lactate can increase up to ten times of normal levels. To view specimen requirements and codes please Select a regional laboratory. ", "A Lactate Test will not diagnose the cause of excess lactate levels, but it can help determine if lactic acidosis is the cause of the patient’s symptoms. Other tests may be necessary to diagnose an underlying condition. The test may be ordered at prescribed intervals to monitor lactate levels. The Lactate Test is also known as Lactic Acid, Plasma Lactate, and L-Lactate. Patients will be instructed to fast prior to this blood test and be in a resting state. Patients should also not be on any intravenous infusion that affects the acid-base balance. Results will be available within three to four days", "The lactate test measures the level of lactate in the blood at a given point in time. A normal lactate level indicates that a person does not have lactic acidosis, that there is sufficient oxygen at the cellular level, and/or that their signs and symptoms are not caused by lactic acidosis. A high lactate level in the blood means that the disease or condition a person has is causing lactate to accumulate. In general, a greater increase in lactate means a greater severity of the condition. When associated with lack of oxygen, an increase in lactate can indicate that organs are not functioning properly.", "The Test. The lactate test is primarily ordered to help determine if someone has lactic acidosis, a level of lactate that is high enough to disrupt a person's acid-base (ph) balance. A high lactate level in the blood means that the disease or condition a person has is causing lactate to accumulate. In general, a greater increase in lactate means a greater severity of the condition. When associated with lack of oxygen, an increase in lactate can indicate that organs are not functioning properly.", "Lactic Acid. Guide. A lactic acid test is a blood test that measures the level of lactic acid made in the body. Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells. When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. A test for lactic acid is done to: 1 Check for lactic acidosis. 2 See whether the right amount of oxygen is reaching the body's tissues. 3 Find the cause for a high amount of acid (low pH) in the blood.", "Lactic Acid, (Plasma) Test. The lactic acid (plasma lactate) test is used in evaluation of metabolic acidosis. Hypoperfusion is the most common cause of lactic acidosis and hyperlactacidemia may be the only marker of tissue hypoperfusion, an indicator of circulatory shock. ", "Clinical Significance. Lactic acid is the endproduct of the anaerobic metabolism of glucose. The blood lactic acid concentration is affected by its production in muscle cells and erythrocytes and its rate of metabolism in the liver. During exercise, blood lactate can increase up to ten times of normal levels" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is plasma lactate test
[ "A medium is said to be someone who is able to bridge the physical world and the spiritual world to engage in communication with spirits. These may take the form of the spirits of the deceased, spiritual beings such as angels or nature spirits, or gods of some sort." ]
{ "is_selected": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "You won't believe these 10 facts about people. A medium is said to be someone who is able to bridge the physical world and the spiritual world to engage in communication with spirits. These may take the form of the spirits of the deceased, spiritual beings such as angels or nature spirits, or gods of some sort.", "A psychic isn't necessarily a medium, but a medium is a psychic. This is an important distinction and a good place to start, because I meet clients all the time who misunderstand the difference and confuse the two.", "Question: What is a medium?. Answer: In both modern and ancient times, a medium is a person who communicates with spirits, usually apart from the use of witchcraft. A medium is, literally, an intermediary between the spirit world and ours.", "Best Answer: A medium usually deals in communication between the living and the dead, while a clairvoyant typically deals with knowledge/visions of the living. These are general definitions and there are exceptions I'm sure.", "Tweet. : something that is sold in a medium size: something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller. : a particular form or system of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television). : the materials or methods used by an artist. plural mediums or me·dia \\-dē-ə\\.", "I have already written about what differentiates a medium and a psychic but I want to add emphasis by briefly explaining exactly what a medium does.", "Whether one refers to him-or herself as a psychic medium, spiritual medium, intuitive medium or any other similar title, it's all essentially the same thing—the emphasis being on talking to spirits in the afterlife. While I refer to myself as a psychic medium, there is a big difference between a psychic and a medium." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what does medium do
[ "Nerve block of the foot is an injection of a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid to block one or more of the nerves that supply feeling to the foot.\n" ]
{ "is_selected": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "passage_text": [ "A nerve block relieves pain by interrupting how pain signals are sent to your brain. It is done by injecting a substance, such as alcohol or phenol, into or around a nerve or into the spine. Nerve blocks may be used for several purposes, such as: 1 To determine the source of pain. 2 To treat painful conditions.", "Why would a peripheral nerve block of the foot be performed? A peripheral nerve block of the foot may be performed if you are experiencing pain, numbness, and/or tingling in your foot area. This block may be performed in a series of up to five (5) blocks in a row depending on your condition.", "A nerve block is an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory injection targeted toward a certain nerve or group of nerves to treat pain. The purpose of the injection is to turn off a pain signal coming from a specific location in the body or to decrease inflammation in that area.", "A. A. Nerve blocks are used for pain treatment and management. Often a group of nerves, called a plexus or ganglion, that causes pain to a specific organ or body region can be blocked with the injection of medication into a specific area of the body. The injection of this nerve-numbing substance is called a nerve block.", "A nerve block is the injection of numbing medication (local anesthetic) near specific nerves to decrease your pain in a certain part of your body during and after surgery.", "A peripheral nerve block of the foot is an injection of a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid to block one or more of the nerves that supply feeling to the foot.", "Nerve blocks are used to treat chronic pain when drugs or other treatments do not control pain or cause bad side effects. A test block is usually performed with local anesthetic. If you achieve good pain relief from the local anesthetic, your doctor may inject a nerve block, such as alcohol or phenol." ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }
what is a nerve block in the foot