Vatican spokesman promises action against illegal ivory trade Catholic World News - January 23, 2013 Prodded by a pressure campaign launched by National Geographic magazine, the director of the Vatican press office has promised action to discourage international trade in ivory. In an article lamenting the illegal killing of African elephants for their ivory tusks, National Geographic had suggested that a policy statement from the Vatican might discourage the use of ivory for religious objects. The National Geographic campaign encouraged readers to write to Father Federico Lombardi, asking for a clear denunciation of the illegal trade. In an exhaustive 2,460-word response to the National Geographic campaign, Father Lombardi provided detailed answers to the charge that the Vatican has been involved in the illegal ivory trade. Although he said that the Holy See was very unlikely to make a major policy statement on the issue, he promised to bring the issue to the attention of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; encourage Vatican Radio programming in Africa opposing poaching; and publicize statements by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences emphasizing the need to preserve the environment and animal species. Additional sources for this story Vatican Responds to National Geographic’s Correspondence About Religious Use of Ivory (National Geographic)
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X-Men: The Official Movie Game Written by Ben Berry on 6/20/2006 for Xbox Usually, video games for movies are fairly anti-climactic. I’m not talking about “genre” games, like Star Wars: Empire at War or 007: Agent Under Fire, but the “official game of the movie”. You know how the movie/game begins and ends; you know the role you play, and how to play it. This usually leads to a fairly mundane gaming experience, even in the most graphically appealing movie games. Sadly, the fact that X-Men: The Official Game doesn’t follow the path of the movie plot doesn’t stop it from being boring. In X-Men: The Official Game, you’re essentially playing X-Men 2 ¾ . The game serves as a loose lead-in to the 3rd movie, revisiting locations from earlier movies in the series, as well as a few locations seen in the 3rd installment of the series. The action centers on Wolverine, Iceman, and Nightcrawler, who serve as the only 3 player controllable X-Men in the game. One can only surmise that making only 3 of the X-Men playable is attributed to the short timetable in which the game was developed. One point where the game stands out is the different experience when using each of the characters. Wolverine, as undoubtedly the most popular of the X-Men is seen as a required component of any X-Men title. As the X-Men are a group of mutants committed to non-violent activism, Wolverines snarling façade gives the developers the necessary outlet for sarcasm and darkness in a playable character. His character is the “tank” of the 3 playables, slashing and bashing his way through endless hordes of enemies. When you’ve cut your way through enough of the teeming masses of baddies standing in Wolverines way, you can engage his “fury” attack, which allows for special attacks that mete out additional damage while healing at a slightly increased rate. In this game, Wolverine acts as little more than a puncher, and with his more interesting attacks available only for short bursts, playing as Wolverine becomes monotonous. (Some of this has to do more with level design than the character itself, but I’ll get to that in a bit.) The second playable character, Iceman, serves as an interesting departure from playing as Wolverine. As any comic fan knows, Iceman’s abilities stem from his ability to produce ice directly from his body. He uses this ice to protect himself, attack enemies, and most importantly, travel. One such ability clearly added to the game for playability sake, is Iceman’s ability to regenerate health (not a power he has ever possessed in the comics or movies). Playing as Iceman is easily the most exciting part of the game. As Iceman, you are constantly in motion on the ice slide, firing bursts or steams of ice at enemies and targets, and defending yourself with an ice shield. The constant motion, along with the ability to occupy nearly any open space in the level with his ice slide makes playing as Iceman relatively entertaining. The experience of playing as the final playable character, Nightcrawler, is a mix of the two other characters. Nightcrawler is a character with the ability to teleport to nearly any location visible to the player (within a certain range). In addition, the player can use this teleport power while targeting an enemy to “teleport attack”, appearing behind the enemy and using a combo attack of punches or kicks to neutralize them. This attack is extremely useful, as Nightcrawler is not built to take a lot of damage. He also has the ability to transport to a “shadow realm” to regenerate his health (an ability I am fairly sure the character does not have outside of this game). Nightcrawler is very acrobatic in his movements and can jump a considerable distance between objects in the game. This ability is called upon during almost every time the player is required to make use of Nightcrawler. This leads me into my biggest point of contention with X-Men: The Official Game: level design. The level design for this game is just not very good. In several cases, the player is given the option of playing the upcoming portion of the game as one of the 3 characters. Doing so locks out the ability to play as either of the other two characters until you have completed that series of missions as the player you initially chose. No matter what portion of the game you’re playing, you know what you’re going to get. As Wolverine you’ll see an endless array of bad guys whose only purpose is to slow you down from reaching the end of the level. Every 10 to 15 enemies you kill, you’ll be able to use your ‘fury’ attacks to spice up the action a little bit. Then you heal, and repeat the process. This becomes tedious after even just the first few missions as Wolverine. As Iceman, you’ll get a lot more action, and a lot more enjoyment in playing the character, but the levels as Iceman seem to only loosely fit the plot laid out by the game, and why you’re doing what you’re doing isn’t all that well explained. However, sliding through the various mazes and traps in the Iceman levels is easily the most enjoyable part of this game. As Nightcrawler, you’ll teleport from place to place, usually acting as a scout or assistant to a more physically powerful non-playable character (such as Colossus) in opening doors, primarily serving to advance the story of the other two characters. On a related note, Nightcrawler is obviously included in the game to explain why he does not appear in the movie itself. I won’t spoil the reason, other than to say it does fit well with the emotional nature of the Nightcrawler character.Sadly, the appearance of other X-men during portions of the game only serves to remind the player they have access to only half the team. This combined with a lack of unique combos (whether single player, or through the combined use of multiple characters abilities) also detracts from the game play. The only place where the level designers succeeded was in the boss levels. Combat with X-men villains, such as Sentinels or Pyro, a former mutant under Professor Xavier’s tutelage, is exceptionally well done. While this helps to drive the gamer through the tedium of the standard missions, it also serves to make the game that much more disjointed. Visually, there is very little new in the Xbox version of this game. The environments are relatively well formed, if not overly engaging. Still, there are some standout moments. The battle between Iceman and Pyro over a nuclear power plant at sunset is particularly striking, especially in the detail of damage done to plant in contrast with the sunset on the horizon. The characters themselves are rendered in a way we’ve seen before, and offer nothing new, even in motion. The cutscenes do add a nice visual touch, as they are displayed in “comic book in motion” form: pages turning, written sound effects, as well as some spoken dialog. However, mission briefings/plot advancement is often done as written text or audio only, and sometimes over the top of the background sounds/action, making them nearly indistinguishable. In terms of audio, the game is above average. This is mostly due to the voiceovers of Hugh Jackman, Alan Cumming, Shawn Ashmore, and of course Patrick Stewart as Professior X. In an official movie game, having the main characters voice by the actors is key. The sound effects in the game are standard fare, with only the character specific sounds (such as Nightcrawler’s teleport) getting any sort of unique treatment. The voiceovers of the NPC’s are very average impersonations of the voices from the movie series. Controls in the game are fairly standard and acceptable with only one real issue: camera control as Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler can only teleport to where he can see, and focusing the camera on specific items to teleport to can sometimes be a hassle, especially on missions requiring a large amount of movement in a short period of time. In terms of overall game play, X-Men: The Official Game offers a mixed bag: well-known, likable characters in mostly familiar environments, doing what they do best. Sadly, the lack of a discernable plot, limited character selection, some bugs (enemies walking through barriers, jumping of the screen only to appear on the other side), and boring basic level play lead this game down a bad road. If you’re a die-hard X-Men fan, you’ll really like playing as Iceman, and you’ll enjoy finding out why Nightcrawler isn’t with the X-Men in the movie. If you like hack and slash type games, you’ll enjoy playing as Wolverine. Seeing the enemies trotted out to act as bosses at the end of the levels is almost worth the price of admission. Overall, this game fails to live up to its title or its lineage. If you’re really in the mood to be one of the X-Men, you’re probably better off playing either of the X-Men Legends titles. Uninspired, repetitive game play with little new to add to the X-Men mythos, X-Men: The Official Game serves mostly as a loose lead in to the 3rd movie. Decent voiceovers, good boss levels, and play as Iceman serve as the hallmark moments of the game. Rating: 6.5 Mediocre On my 12th birthday, I got a floppy drive, I stayed up all night playing Stock Market for Commodore 64. I owned everyone I knew at the various NHL titles for Genesis. I first learned how to code in LPC in the middle of the night from a heroine addict on the campus of Michigan State University back in 1992 when MUDding was the only ORPG there was. I was a journalism major my first time through college, and have been writing off and on since, and programmed up until 5 years ago, when I put down the tools of ignorance to become a business analyst. I'm a member of several gaming 12 step programs for MMO's, and I don't game nearly as much as I used to. I'm mostly on the lookout for items you haven't already seen reviewed 50 times, whether they are games, or just things a gamer might use. I'm now work out of GN's east coast office in Boston, and looking forward to spending the weekends my fiancee is away with Boston University Women's Hockey playing games while the snow falls. View Profile
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2013 albums still worth a listen Every year so much new music is released and there are always a few things that slip through my fingers. Add in the fact that some albums are released so late in the year that I hardly have a chance to listen to them and every January I find myself thinking: hey this album is… 2013, Music Favorites of 2013: Make up Today is the last day in my favorites of 2013 series. And it’s devoted to one of my biggest obsessions: make up. I think, when push comes to shove, I like make up the most. I like trying out new things, wearing different colors and I never wear the same make up look twice. I… 2013, favorites, Make Up Favorites of 2013: Fashion 2013 was not a good year for outfit posts on this space, but I hope to change that next year, if time permits. Despite that, plenty of clothes and fashion trends passed my wardrobe and style this past year. Whether it was inspired by a Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit, or simply by whatever I saw… 2013, fashion, favorites Favorites of 2013: Beauty In the line of favorites of 2013, I present to you my favorite beauty products of 2013. Some of these products I’ve written reviews on, others you may never have seen on this blog before. I don’t know why, but beauty products are things I tend to try and then forget about. By the time… 2013, Beauty, favorites Favorites of 2013: Music 2013 has not been a good year for me when it comes to music. It’s not that nothing good came out, on the contrary. I just didn’t have enough time to enjoy it all. I went to just a handful of concerts this year and have yet to sort through 1000 songs which I’ve downloaded… 2013, favorites, Music Summer Music Festivals: Rock Werchter & Pukkelpop To get the ultimate summer feeling all one has to do is visit a music festival. Provided the weather is nice, it simply doesn’t get better than lying in a grassy field while listening to some great music. I went to my first multi-day festival last year and liked it so much that I went… 2013, festival, Music, pictures, pukkelpop, Review, rock werchter, summer Movies I want to watch At the beginning of fall, I found this article on DailyBeast.com. It lists all must see movies of the coming season. It made me realize that the next few months plenty of cool movies are being released. Want to know which movies I’m looking forward to seeing most? Then keep on reading. The Master Character… 2012, 2013, fall, Holland, Movies, must watch, release dates, The Netherlands, upcoming, winter
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Ámbitos. Revista de estudios de ciencias sociales y humanidades Ámbitos. N. 22 (2009) CUENCA TORIBIO, J. M. (Ed.) (Córdoba, 2009), Andalucía en la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814) ambitos_n_22_12.pdf (28.29Kb) Espino Jiménez, Francisco Miguel Asociación de Estudios de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Reseña de: Andalucía en la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814) Ámbitos (22), 119-120 (2009) DHMCA-Artículos, capítulos...
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According to the Pew Research Center, around 37% of U.S students will be going back to school soon and the rest have already started the new academic year. With school-aged children in your home, buying or selling a house can take on a whole different approach when it comes to finding the right size, location, school district, and more. Recently, the 2019 Moving with Kids Report from the National Association of Realtors®(NAR) studied “the different purchasing habits as well as seller preferences during the home buying and selling process.” This is what they found: When Purchasing a Home The major difference between the homebuyers who have children and those who do not is the importance of the neighborhood. In fact, 53% said the quality of the school district is an important factor when purchasing a home, and 50% select neighborhoods by the convenience to the schools. Buyers with children also purchase larger, detached single-family homes with 4 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms at approximately 2,110 square feet. Furthermore, 26% noted how childcare expenses delayed the home-buying process and forced additional compromises: 31% in the size of the home, 24% in the price, and 18% in the distance from work. Of those polled, 23% of buyers with children sold their home “very urgently,” and 46% indicated “somewhat urgently, within a reasonable time frame.” Selling with urgency can pressure sellers to accept offers that are not in their favor. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR explains, “When buying or selling a home, exercising patience is beneficial, but in some cases – such as facing an upcoming school year or the outgrowing of a home – sellers find themselves rushed and forced to accept a less than ideal offer.” For sellers with children, 21% want a real estate professional to help them sell the home within a specific time frame, 20% at a competitive price, and 19% to market their home to potential buyers. Buying or selling a home can be driven by different priorities when you are also raising a family. If you’re a seller with children and looking to relocate, let’s get together to navigate the process in the most reasonable time frame for you and your family. Sandra Flores, Broker Multigenerational Housing Is Gaining Momentum [INFOGRAPHIC] Homeownership Is Full of Financial Benefits Latest Jobs Report: What Does It Mean for You & the Housing Market? Don’t Sell on Your Own Just Because It’s a Sellers’ Market PREVIOUS Previous post: Prioridades principales al moverse con niños NEXT Next post: ‘iBuyers’: ¿Cuál es el “costo de la conveniencia” al vender su casa?
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1921-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS VF30 #9310 1921-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS VF30. You will receive the exact coin(s) in the pictures. Please look at the pictures and make your own determination of grade and condition. The item "1921-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS VF30 #9310" is in sale since Monday, December 14, 2020. This item is in the category "Coins & Paper Money\Coins\ US\Half Dollars\Liberty Walking (1916-47)". The seller is "jimars9899" and is located in Great Bend, Kansas. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay. Certification Number: 6584.30/21486739 Coin: Liberty Walking Mint Location: Denver Grade: VF 30 Circulated/Uncirculated: Circulated
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Agenzia delle entrate: approvate le specifiche tecniche per il 770/2016 Ordinario e Semplificato In allegato i provvedimenti, le istruzioni dell'Agenzia e i PDF con le specifiche tecniche Con due distinti provvedimenti qui sotto allegati, l'Agenzia delle entrate ha approvato le specifiche tecniche per la trasmissione telematica dei dati contenuti nelle dichiarazioni modello 770/2016 Ordinario e Semplificato. L'Agenzia precisa che se le dichiarazioni che non rispettano le specifiche tecniche, saranno scartate. Il modello 770 è quel documento che i sostituti di imposta debbono presentare per ciò che riguarda compensi, salari e pensioni, sostituendosi al contribuente nei rapporti con il fisco. Il modello semplificato è utilizzato dai sostituti d'imposta per le ritenute (come quelle sul lavoro dipendente, sulle indennità di fine rapporto e sui redditi da lavoro autonomo). Il modello ordinario viene invece utilizzato dai sostituti d'imposta, dagli intermediari e dagli altri soggetti "che intervengono in operazioni fiscalmente rilevanti, tenuti, sulla base di specifiche disposizioni normative, a comunicare i dati relativi alle ritenute operate su dividendi, proventi da partecipazione, redditi di capitale erogati nell'anno 2015 od operazioni di natura finanziaria effettuate nello stesso periodo, le compensazioni operate ed i crediti d'imposta utilizzati". La trasmissione telematica deve essere effettuata entro il 1° agosto 2016 (in quanto il 31 luglio è festivo) Qui di seguito in allegato: 1. Le istruzioni per la compilazione del 770/2016 semplificato 2. Le istruzioni per la compilazione del 770/2016 ordinario 3. Provvedimento dell'Agenzia di approvazione delle specifiche tecniche per il 770 semplificato 4. Provvedimento dell'Agenzia di approvazione delle specifiche tecniche per il 770 ordinario 5. Specifiche tecniche per l'invio del modello 770/2016 semplificato 6. Specifiche tecniche per l'invio del modello 770/2016 ordinario (26/03/2016 - Redazione)
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Jimmy LaFave On Mountain Stage 20:37 Jimmy LaFave On Mountain Stage Special Series Mountain Stage West Virginia Public Broadcasting presents live concerts: folk, country and the blues January 4, 20132:00 PM ET Jimmy LaFave. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage "River Road" "Oklahoma Hills" "Talk To Me" "Living In Your Light" Jimmy LaFave makes his seventh appearance on Mountain Stage, recorded live in Charleston, W.V. LaFave came up honestly, honing his skills as a songwriter while hosting an open mic in Austin, Texas; before long, he was winning awards, with veteran rock critic Dave Marsh praising him as "one of America's greatest voices." Though he's made his home in Austin for more than 20 years, LaFave has maintained a connection to Oklahoma's musical heritage, especially that of Woody Guthrie. LaFave has been an essential participant in various projects related to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Guthrie's birth. He has also toured with "Ribbon of Highway — Endless Skyway", a travelling tribute to Guthrie that features a rotating cast of musicians. Guthrie's "Oklahoma Hills" is included in LaFave's set here, along with his own tune "Talk To Me," which was not heard as part of the Mountain Stage radio broadcast. Ever the charmer, LaFave begins his set by making the most of his Oklahoma and Texas roots, introducing himself as "the first musician to welcome West Virginia to the Big 12 Conference." This performance was originally published on April 27, 2012. Songs for Getting Lost (and Found) Mike Cooley On Mountain Stage Overcoats On Mountain Stage Ra Ra Riot On Mountain Stage Amy Helm On Mountain Stage Please keep your community civil. All comments must follow the NPR.org Community rules and Terms of Use. NPR reserves the right to use the comments we receive, in whole or in part, and to use the commenter's name and location, in any medium. See also the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Community FAQ. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Special Series Mountain Stage
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FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Register Profile Log in to check your private messages Log in Chapter book series for a 7 year old AprilPUserJoined: 17 May 2006Posts: 23 Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:18 pm Post subject: Chapter book series for a 7 year old I'm looking for ideas for chapter books for my 7.5 year old. She liked the Junie B Jones (I wasn't crazy about them) but she is beyond that reading level now. Any opinions on The Magic Treehouse series? Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:28 pm Post subject: The magic treehyouse is okay, but beware that the children do sneak off and lie to their mother. My son, 8 loves the boxcar children. That series goes on forever! Their are some great mystery books too, "nate the great" and "cam Jansen" are good some series. If she likes the Magic school bus, they have chapter books too. I hope this helps._________________Phi 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. hbmom36UserJoined: 06 May 2006Posts: 65Location: California Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:28 pm Post subject: I didn't especially like Magic Treehouse, but I think that's because it's below my daughter's reading level. MeganWilesUserJoined: 30 May 2006Posts: 22Location: California Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:12 pm Post subject: What about the Bobbsy twin series? Kind of along the line of Nancy Drew, but geared toward a younger crowd._________________Megan A. Wiles http://www.homeschool-guidance.com Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:15 pm Post subject: Boxcar Children aren't too bad, and Chronicles of Narnia (there are seven books in the series) is a must-read. I also immensely enjoyed Tintin and Freddy the Pig, and Prince Valiant is a great series too._________________Homeschool Articles - Events - Support Groups Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:40 am Post subject: Tintin, for a seven years old. It had a few situations that weren't quite for that age group I thought. Drugs, and really real bad guys._________________Phi 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:04 pm Post subject: Well, there's a few you probably want to reserve for a later age (the one where you meet Captain Haddock, the one with extraterrestrials, etc.), but there are so many others that are good stories. Yes, there are bad guys, but it's not like blood splatters and people getting blown apart - it's more on the level of classic comic books. You can probably find them at a local library and look through each one to see if it's ok or not._________________Homeschool Articles - Events - Support Groups OAUserJoined: 06 Oct 2006Posts: 13Location: Canada Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:12 pm Post subject: My children have always enjoyed the books by the British author, Enid Blyton. They loved reading the "Adventure" series, as well as "The Famous Five" books. We had some difficulty in ordering them from some local bookstores, and found several copies of her books in used book stores. You may find some through searches on the internet. Enid Blyton has also written Bible story books as well, and I LOVED reading her books as a child. My children now have a far greater collection then I ever had! A link to her books is at: http://www.chorion.co.uk/chorion/brand/blyton/ ~ Annie <><_________________http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HomeSchoolingHelp4Moms http://www.organizingannie.blogspot.com pancharnicUserJoined: 27 Jun 2007Posts: 7Location: Island of Jamaica Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:51 pm Post subject: I love the magic tree house series. We have lots of conversations about the adventures of Jack and Annie and of course these lead into several discussions on Ancient China or life in Pompeii etc. I think they foster the imagination. I loved the original Enid Blyton I do not care for the "newer" ones as the language has become too "adult". The Famous Five - used to be my favourite! ncmomUserJoined: 13 Jul 2007Posts: 321Location: Eastern NC Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:39 pm Post subject: I like the magic treehouse books as does my daughter. There is also a series out with unicorns in it that my daughter likes but I can't remember what it is and we just moved so most of our books are still in boxes. My daughter is almost 9 and still loves reading the junie b. jones books. She reads well above her grade level but just likes the stories. She likes to tell me about when she was in first grade while she is reading them. I personally don't think that the level she reads at should influence the books she likes to read. She gets enough reading that is at her level during school so when she reads for enjoyment I let her pick. As long as she is reading something I don't care what it is as long as it is clean. StellarStoryUserJoined: 15 Apr 2007Posts: 472 Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:07 pm Post subject: I like the Magic Treehouse series too. I love the historical details in them, the humor and the pace for younger ages. She might like the Cam Jansen detective books. They are on an easier level than the Bobbsey Twins. http://www.camjansen.com/ As long as she enjoys reading that's a good thing, even if they are a bit under her level IMO. My son was reading Captain Underpants and Slayer's Academy way past the time it was on his reading level. Hey, for that matter, I still read children's and young adult books often for work or just to read along with my kids. Little Wolf's Book of Badness is an adorable series. http://www.amazon.com/Little-Wolfs-Book-Badness-Wolf/dp/1575055503/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-4883284-9098363?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188093693&sr=1-1 The Fairy's Mistake is a really cute book too. http://www.amazon.com/Fairys-Mistake-Princess-Tales/dp/0060280603/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-4883284-9098363?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188093803&sr=1-1 There are so many great books out there. You might want to go to Bookadventure.com and put in all your daughter's favorite things plus the level you want her reading at for a list of books she might like. She might enjoy doing this for herself or with your help. Then, cross check it against the books your library has available. She can also take comprehension tests there on most books if you and she would like! She can earn prizes too. The site also links to a quiz hub site that is useful for many things. Most of the stuff is free. I don't use it if it's not. MorganUserJoined: 07 Aug 2007Posts: 102Location: U.S. Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:01 pm Post subject: Your 7 1/2 year old may enjoy the Magic Treehouse. They are creative books which can create a bright imagination in your daughter. Cam Jansen are another I liked a bit at that age. The Cam Jansen series are fun mysteries._________________"What we want to see is the child in pursuit of knowledge, not knowledge in pursuit of the child."
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JDN > Business > Salaires > France > Nord-Pas-de-Calais > Nord > Ligny-en-Cambrésis Les salaires à Ligny-en-Cambrésis (59191) Caullery Montigny-en-Cambrésis Haucourt-en-Cambrésis Les habitants de Ligny-en-Cambrésis (Nord) déclarent des revenus annuels de 2 070 € / par mois pour un foyer fiscal moyen, soit 24 840 € par an et par foyer. Evolution des revenus à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Les impôts payés à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Revenus des ménages à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Ligny-en-Cambrésis Les salaires dans les villes proches de Ligny-en-Cambrésis Caullery (59191) Montigny-en-Cambrésis (59225) Haucourt-en-Cambrésis (59191) Clary (59225) Fontaine-au-Pire (59157) Caudry (59540) Beauvois-en-Cambrésis (59157) En savoir plus sur Ligny-en-Cambrésis Ligny-en-Cambrésis : les chiffres clés Dette et budget de Ligny-en-Cambrésis Impôts à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Climat et historique météo de Ligny-en-Cambrésis Accidents de la route à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Classement des lycées à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Ecoles à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Crèches à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Maternités à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Délinquance à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Pollution à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Résultat présidentielle à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Résultat législatives à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Entreprises à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Résultat du bac à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Résultat du brevet à Ligny-en-Cambrésis Résultat du BTS à Ligny-en-Cambrésis
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The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept J.R. Magnus, B. Pesaran Tilburg School of Economics and Management Magnus, J. R., & Pesaran, B. (1989). The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept. Journal of Econometrics, 42(2), 157-179. Magnus, J.R. ; Pesaran, B. / The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept. In: Journal of Econometrics. 1989 ; Vol. 42, No. 2. pp. 157-179. @article{9cfd5ae9e1f841848b32356de974c37d, title = "The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept", author = "J.R. Magnus and B. Pesaran", Magnus, JR & Pesaran, B 1989, 'The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 157-179. The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept. / Magnus, J.R.; Pesaran, B. In: Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 42, No. 2, 1989, p. 157-179. T1 - The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept AU - Magnus, J.R. AU - Pesaran, B. Magnus JR, Pesaran B. The exact multi-period mean-square forecast error for the first-order autoregressive model with an intercept. Journal of Econometrics. 1989;42(2):157-179.
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SPQR was created by myself, Taylor Genovese, and my friend and co-founder, Bryan Carrillo. I had an idea that people should be able to choose what they want to reenact. I have thought up a list of "careers" that you can be, these are in the rules. The rules can be downloaded off this website at the downloads section. But, another neat thing that you can do, is that if a career that you want to be isn't on the list, and is Roman related, you can tell me and I will (if acceptable) add it. Before you join, you also have to take a "Class Test" to see how much you know about the Roman Empire. There is one trick question on it. The Class Test is merely to test your knowledge of the Roman Empire and place you in a class, nothing more. There is also a $10 annual fee. This is just so a poor reenactment can afford a vexillum and food for feasts. So, your money goes back to you! Donations would be great and if it is more than $10 it will pay for your annual fee, plus "brownie points" towards promotions =).
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By creating an account on our website, you can receive notifications for upcoming events and special financing offers.
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Communauté d’APC : Qu’avons-nous accompli de 2016 à 2019 ? Accueil / Nouvelles / Communauté d’APC : Qu’avons-nous accompli de 2016 à 2019 ? De 2016 à 2019, nous avons travaillé pour renforcer le réseau parmi les membres, les alliés et les partenaires de la communauté d’APC, et nous avons favorisé le travail en collaboration pour utiliser l’internet et les TIC dans un but de justice sociale et environnementale, d’égalité de genre et de développement durable. Quelles ont été nos avancées en ce sens ? Découvrez-les ! Davantage de diversité avec de nouveaux membres engagés APC a amplifié son réseau de membres au cours de ces quatre années, encourageant les collaborations et les nouveaux partenariats, et suscitant une nouvelle dynamique d’échanges d’expériences entre les organisations du monde entier. Fin 2019, le réseau d’APC avait gagné en taille et en diversité, avec 59 organisations membres et 34 membres individuels de 72 pays. Une telle diversité a favorisé les collaborations fructueuses et les partenariats parmi nos membres. Nous avons gagné en expertise dans notre réseau, notamment des compétences en plaidoyer politique régional, une expérience dans la création de réseaux communautaires, une expertise en logiciels libres et à code source ouvert (FLOSS), et dans le plaidoyer pour un internet féministe. L’arrivée en 2016 de notre premier membre du Moyen-Orient, SMEX du Liban, a représenté un moment important. Nous avions pourtant déjà collaboré dans de nombreux projets au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du nord (la région MENA) auparavant, mais sans avoir de membre représentant APC dans la région. Notre réseau s’est encore renforcé en 2019 avec cinq nouvelles organisations membres, dont deux de Taiwan et du Népal, des pays où nous n’avions pas encore de représentation. Pendant ces quatre années, le travail en collaboration parmi les membres d’APC pour les projets et les campagnes a renforcé le plaidoyer collectif. Les membres ont uni leurs efforts pour promouvoir nos priorités de plaidoyer lors des forums, festivals et réunions de haut niveau, rédigeant des propositions et des déclarations conjointes destinées au Conseil des droits de l’Homme et autres organismes de l’ONU. Ensemble, ils ont organisé des conférences, ils ont élaboré des propositions de politiques, ils ont réalisé des recherches, renforcé les capacités et développé des infrastructures partagées en ligne. La collaboration parmi les membres a également été favorisée par le soutien que notre programme de petites subventions a apporté aux propositions réalisées conjointement (voir « Petites subventions » pour davantage d’informations). Ce programme, qui a débuté en 2016, avait distribué fin 2019 1,2 million USD à 35 organisations parmi nos membres. Le niveau d’engagement et de collaboration a été particulièrement élevé en 2019, avec 45 organisations participant à une réunion virtuelle de membres, et un total de 48 organisations travaillant sur différentes activités d’APC, y compris des activités organisées par d’autres membres avec le soutien d’APC. L’engagement des membres a également été stimulé par des bourses de mobilité. Nos subventions du Fonds pour les échanges et la mobilité des membres (METF) ont aidé nos membres à renforcer leurs capacités et leurs objectifs de plaidoyer lors de nombreux événements qui ont eu lieu pendant ces quatre années, notamment au Festival de la liberté de l’internet, au RightsCon, dans les réunions de haut niveau de l’ONU, les Forums sur la gouvernance de l’internet mondiaux et régionaux, le Forum sur la liberté de l’internet en Afrique, les Échanges techniques féministes, l’École africaine sur la gouvernance de l’internet, et les rencontres Making a Feminist Internet [Créer un internet féministe]. Chaque année, de 20 à 30 bourses de mobilité ont été octroyées, pour un total de 122 600 USD sur la période de quatre ans. Un sensible renforcement de notre présence en ligne et de la promotion tant de notre travail de plaidoyer que du travail de la communauté d’APC. Cela a notamment été rendu possible par la restructuration de notre site organisationnel, apc.org, en 2016. Nous avions pour but de mieux refléter notre structure, notre stratégie et nos objectifs généraux, et de pouvoir partager quotidiennement les histoires de nos membres, des nouvelles, nos dernières recherches, des déclarations, des documents d’orientation politique et des documents d’information. De 2016 à 2019, le site a reçu la visite de plus de deux millions de personnes, près de quatre millions de visites au total. Notre influence sur les médias sociaux a augmenté dans tous les comptes d’APC, en particulier sur Twitter. À la fin de la période de quatre ans, le compte principal d’APC sur Twitter, @apc_news, était suivi par 12 330 personnes. Nos comptes Twitter de campagnes pour les droits de femmes en ligne, @takebackthetech et @dominemoslastic, ont eux aussi connu une croissance exponentielle, sans oublier bien entendu notre site web emblématique, GenderIT.org. En décembre 2019, APC a publié son 304ème bulletin d’informations en ligne, qui donne à nos membres un espace pour partager leurs histoires et faire connaitre leurs causes et projets de plaidoyer. C’est devenu une source importante de documentation sur les activités qu’APC a réalisées au cours de son histoire. Engagement et collaboration active des membres pour développer et mettre en œuvre la théorie du changement et le plan stratégique d’APC Une continuité dans notre orientation institutionnelle assurée à travers l’engagement de la communauté d’APC dans la conception des priorités stratégiques et de la gouvernance. En 2017, les membres et le personnel d’APC se sont rencontrés pour notre réunion triennale de membres à Ithala en Afrique du sud. Pendant quatre jours, nous avons discuté de l’orientation d’APC en tant que communauté, de l’identité de notre réseau, nous avons parlé de notre travail et approfondi notre compréhension de notre théorie du changement collective. 2017 aura également été une année de transition réussie dans la direction institutionnelle et la gouvernance du réseau avec la nomination d’une nouvelle directrice exécutive et l’élection d’un nouveau conseil d’administration. Chat García Ramilo, qui a rejoint APC en 2000 en tant que directrice adjointe et gérante du programme des femmes d’APC, a remplacé en 2017 Anriette Esterhuysen, directrice exécutive de 2000 à 2016. Le Programme des droits des femmes (PDF) d’APC a suivi une transition de sa direction vers un modèle de partage et de distribution plus en résonnance avec le mode de pensée des organisations des mouvements féministes et de femmes. Jac sm Kee a quitté son poste de directrice du PDF en juillet 2019, remplacée par une équipe de gestion composée de Jan Moolman, Katerina Fialova et Namita Aavriti Malhotra. Le nouveau conseil d’administration d’APC a veillé à ce que la gouvernance de notre réseau soit largement à l’écoute des voix des femmes activistes et comporte de fortes perspectives régionales. Les membres actuels de notre CA, qui sera renouvelé en 2020, sont Bishakha Datta, Point of View, Inde (présidence); Leandro Navarro, Associació Pangea - Coordinadora Comunicació per a la Cooperació, Catalogne (vice-présidence); Liz Probert, GreenNet, Royaume-Uni (secrétariat); Sylvie Siyam, PROTEGE QV, Cameroun (trésorerie); Michel Lambert, Alternatives, Canada; Julián Casabuenas G., Colnodo, Colombie; Osama Manzar, Digital Empowerment Foundation, Inde; et Chat Garcia Ramilo, APC, Philippines (direction exécutive). Pour plus d’informations, lire à propos des rôles et responsabilités du conseil d’administration d’APC et de la gouvernance d’APC. La réunion mondiale de membres 2017 a été suivie de cinq réunions régionales de membres en 2018 qui ont permis de consolider les réseaux régionaux d’APC. Ces rassemblements en présentiel ont lieu tous les deux à trois ans dans toutes les régions des membres, qui ont ainsi l’occasion d’identifier les priorités de plaidoyer pour leur région, de chercher des collaborateurs, et de contribuer aux perspectives régionales du réseau d’APC dans son ensemble. 2018 a marqué un niveau sans précédent d’engagement et de collaboration dans notre réseau, avec la participation au total de 61 représentants de 50 organisations membres, huit membres individuels et 20 membres du personnel d’APC dans les rencontres régionales. Au cours de 2018 et 2019, les membres et les autres acteurs, qu’ils soient partenaires, alliés politiques, influenceurs ou donateurs, ont participé à l’évaluation de la Théorie du changement d’APC et de son Plan stratégique pour 2016-2019. Ce processus nous a aidés à nous tourner vers l’avenir, et à élaborer notre plan stratégique pour la période 2020-2023. Les membres ont largement participé à la planification stratégique d’APC, ce qui s’est traduit par une toute aussi large appropriation de la vision, de la mission et des priorités stratégiques du réseau. Un total de 55 personnes de 36 organisations membres et six membres individuels ont participé à quatre réunions de consultation présentielles et cinq webinaires régionaux sur une période de deux ans. Le plan a été approuvé lors d’une réunion virtuelle de membres en septembre 2019. Lisez le Rapport d’impact d’APC 2016-2019 dans son intégralité ici. APC community droits d'internet use and development Gouvernance de l’internet : Qu’avons-nous accompli de 2016 à 2019 ? Droits : Qu’avons-nous accompli de 2016 à 2019 ? Accès : Qu’avons-nous accompli de 2016 à 2019 ? Politiques de TIC Gouvernance de l&amp;#039;internet Liberté d&amp;#039;expression Accès à l&amp;#039;information TIC pour le développement Usage stratégique de l&amp;#039;internet Droits humains et TICs Environnement et TIC Droits d&amp;#039;internet
{"url": "https://www.apc.org/fr/news/communaute-dapc-quavons-nous-accompli-de-2016-2019", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.apc.org", "date_download": "2020-10-19T15:47:12Z", "digest": "sha1:JG33MKSAMEXTAYYV5USLJFKZO6UAK3NT"}
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CV Coloquial Lo Patrio Collages y Grabados Diseño y Vestuario País, 2001 País, escultura en mármol de Carrara y granito Gris Mara, 21 cm x 42 cm x 3.5 cm, derecho y revés, 2001 País, escultura en mármol de Carrara y granito Gris Mara, 21 cm x 42 cm x 3.5 cm, derecho, 2001 País, escultura en mármol de Carrara y granito Gris Mara, 21 cm x 42 cm x 3.5 cm, revés, 2001 País, escultura en mármol de Carrara y granito negro, 21 cm x 42 cm x 3.5 cm, frente y dorso, 2001 País, escultura en mármol de Carrara y granito negro, 21 cm x 42 cm x 3.5 cm, frente, 2001 País, escultura en mármol de Carrara y granito negro, 21 cm x 42 cm x 3.5 cm, dorso, 2001 Slider by webdesign
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Phyllis Schlafly family in beer trademark dispute Petition says supporters commonly assume she's connected to the beer company KMBC file image SOURCE: KMBC file image ST. LOUIS — To many older Americans, the Schlafly name is most closely associated with Phyllis Schlafly, the conservative commentator known for her campaign to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s. A younger generation knows Schlafly as the brand of an up-and-coming St. Louis brewery co-founded by Schlafly's nephew. Now the federal agency that oversees trademarks is being asked to wade into a dispute within the prominent family and decide whether Schlafly is primarily a last name or a commercial brand that deserves legal protection. With a growing national profile and new owners who might want to expand, the brewery started by Tom Schlafly more than two decades ago is seeking a trademark that would give it the exclusive right to use the Schlafly name to sell craft beer. But Phyllis Schlafly has asked the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to deny the request, lest any implied association with beer sully her 60-year political career. "There are tens of millions of Americans who oppose alcohol," said Andrew Schlafly, a New Jersey lawyer who represents his mother in the matter. "Certainly alcohol has a connotation that is the opposite of conservative values." Phyllis Schlafly, now 89, lives in a St. Louis suburb and continues to lead the Eagle Forum, the group she created to prevent ratification of the proposed constitutional amendment on women's rights. These days, the forum fights issues such as same-sex marriage and federal education standards. Her official biography touts Schlafly as a "leader of the pro-family movement" and "successful opponent of the radical feminist movement." Her daily, syndicated radio commentaries are heard on more than 500 stations. She's written 20 books and continues to produce a monthly newsletter and a syndicated newspaper column. Schlafly, who is not involved in the beer company, did not respond to several telephone messages seeking comment. Andrew Schlafly said his mother, who like her beer-making nephew is a lawyer, was speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week and was not available for an interview. She is a Schlafly by marriage, not birth: Her late husband was a brother of Tom Schlafly's father. Andrew Schlafly has filed his own papers opposing the trademark. So has brother Bruce, an orthopedic surgeon in St. Louis. Each petition asserts that the word Schlafly when standing alone "has no usage or meaning other than as a surname." Phyllis Schlafly's petition says supporters commonly assume she's connected to the beer company. Dr. Bruce Schlafly says his patients make the same mistake. Nearly 18 months after Phyllis Schlafly filed her complaint, settlement talks continue. The brewery filed its application in 2011, not long before Schlafly and his partner, Dan Kopman, sold a majority of the brewery to Sage Capital LLC, a local private equity firm. "I would like to get this settled and move on with selling beer," said Tom Schlafly, who remains the company's largest shareholder and its board chairman. Schlafly beer is brewed in downtown St. Louis and in suburban Maplewood by the St. Louis Brewery Inc. The company produced 56,000 barrels of beer in 2013, making it the 44th largest craft brewery in the country, according to industry tallies. As the company explores entry into new markets, the new ownership group decided to take steps to protect its brand. "If we're going to make a significant investment and build the brewery, we want to add this," Tom Schlafly said in an interview at his downtown law office overlooking the Gateway Arch. "The bigger you are, the more likely you are to have other people copy you." Opposition to the trademark may not be limited to members of Schlafly family. Anheuser-Busch has been given an extension through early April to file its own protest. Spokeswoman Lisa Weser said the makers of Budweiser have yet to decide on the issue but are keeping their options open. "As the largest St. Louis brewery with more than 150 years of heritage in the city, we believe 'The Saint Louis Brewery' should not be trademarked by any one brewer," she said in a written statement. Tom Schlafly declined to discuss the legal issues raised in the trademark dispute. He said the flap has not spilled over into a full-blown family feud and that he remains friendly with his aunt and cousins, whom he typically sees once or twice a year at holiday gatherings or weddings. Nor does Schlafly want to insert his business into a political squabble. "She has fans and critics," he said. "I want to sell to both of them. The last thing I want to do is antagonize her followers because I hope they drink Schlafly beer, too."
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Funde aus der Jungsteinzeit belegen, daß bereits 3.500 Jahre v. Chr. Menschen im Sulzbachtal lebten. Der Ringwall auf dem Schloßberg zwischen Soden und Ebersbach, im Volksmund „Altenburg“ genannt, dürfte wahrscheinlich als Fliehburg in der sog. Urnenfelderzeit (1.250 bis 750 v. Chr.) entstanden sein und wurde im frühen Mittelalter mit einer Burg aus Mauerwerk befestigt. Sulzbach liegt am Rande des Spessarts. In der Zeit der römischen Landnahme bildeten Limes und Main die Grenze zwischen dem Spessart, der zu dem unbesetzten Germanien gehörte, und dem von den Römern besetzten Odenwaldgebiet. In der Folgezeit waren die germanischen Stämme der Chatten, Alamannen, Burgunder und Franken im Sulzbachtal ansässig. Zur Zeit Karl Martells (714 bis 741) dürfte die später zerfallene Gemeinde Ruchelnheim als erste Ansiedlung in der Nähe des heutigen Sulzbacher Bahnhofs im Altenbachtal gegründet worden sein. Wenig später, aber noch zur karolingischen Zeit, entstanden die mit „bach“ endenden Gemeinden Sulzbach, Ebersach, Leidersbach, Roßbach und wahrscheinlich auch Soden als geschlossene Siedlungen. Die Filialgemeinden Sulzbach, Soden und Dornau waren zusammen mit den Ortschaften Obernau, Leidersbach und Ebersbach der im Jahr 1184 dem Stift St. Peter und Alexander in Aschaffenburg untergeordneten Pfarrei St. Margareta in campis (lt. „auf den Feldern“) in Ruchelnheim zugeordnet. Diese Pfarrei gilt als eine der Urpfarreien am Untermain. Am 21. Dezember 1184 nahm Papst Lucius III. in einer Urkunde (im Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg verwahrt) das Stift St. Peter und Alexander in seinen Schutz und bestätigte dabei unter den Gütern auch einen „curtem in Sulzibah“, also einen „Hof in Sulzbach“. Dies ist die älteste urkundliche Erwähnung von Sulzbach. Der Ort Ruchelnheim soll im Markgräfler-Krieg 1552 verwüstet worden und im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1618 – 1648) nach mündlicher Überlieferung ganz ausgestorben sein. Eine andere Version spricht davon, dass es eine Siedlung Ruchelnheim nie gegeben hat. Gestützt wird diese Version durch den Beinamen der Pfarrei: „in campis“ (lat. „campus“ = Feld, Acker) lässt darauf schließen, dass die Kirche außerhalb einer geschlossenen Ortschaft lag. Auch wenn eine größere Ansiedlung nicht beweisbar ist, darf aber trotzdem von einem kleinen Gemeinwesen ausgegangen werden, denn Ruchelnheim war über Jahrhunderte hinweg der kirchlich-zentrale Sammelpunkt der sechs Filial-Gemeinden mit der Wohnung des Pfarrers und seiner Kapläne. Sulzbach gehörte von der Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts zur „Centena Ascaffinburg“, der Cent Aschaffenburg. An ihre Stelle trat im 15. Jahrhundert die Cent vorm Spessart. Ab dem Jahre 1623 erscheint Sulzbach als eigener Untercentbezirk. Um 1772 wurden die Centen in „Vogteiämter“ umbenannt, welche in der napoleonischen Zeit die Bezeichnung „Distriktsmairie“ erhielten. Die Pfarrei St. Margareta in curtis bestand auch nach dem Verschwinden des Ortes Ruchelnheim zwischen 1600 und 1650 (so der Ort denn überhaupt existiert hat) noch bis 1788. Bereits seit 1602 aber residierte der Pfarrer von Ruchelnheim in Obernau. 1784 kam es schließlich zu Streitigkeiten zwischen Obernau und Sulzbach um die Nachfolge der Urpfarrei Ruchelnheim. Obwohl Obernau schon lange Zeit der Wohnsitz des Pfarrers von Ruchelnheim war, war Sulzbach aber die größte der Filialgemeinden und lag zentraler. Die Eigenständigkeitsbestrebungen der beiden Gemeinden führte 1788 schließlich zu einer erzbischöflichen Anordnung aus Mainz, die eine Dismembration (Zersplitterung) der Mutterkirche zur Folge hatte. Obernau setzte sich dabei als eigenständige Pfarrei durch. Sulzbach, privilegiert vom damaligen Kurfürsten und Erzbischofs von Mainz, Carl Joseph von Erthal, wurde die direkte Nachfolgepfarrei von Ruchelnheim, übernahm das Patrozinium und die übrigen Filialisten. Bereits zwei Jahre vor diesem einschneidenden Schritt hatte man mit dem Umbau der örtlichen Kapelle „St. Anna“ begonnen, so dass noch im gleichen Jahr die Einweihung der nun „St. Margareta und Anna“ genannten Kirche gefeiert werden konnte (die Inneneinrichtung zog sich indes noch bis 1797 hin). Die Kirche „St. Margareta und Anna“ gilt als klassizistische Seltenheit: Kurfürst und Erzbischof Carl Joseph von Erthal schickte seinerzeit seinen Ingenieur-Oberleutenant und Festungsbaumeister Emanuel Joseph von Herigoyen (* 4. November 1746 in Belas bei Lissabon; † 27. Juli 1817 in München), der gerade in Aschaffenburg weilte, nach Sulzbach. Dieser entwarf ein Bauwerk, das heute als genial bezeichnet wird: Den gotischen Turm der aus dem 15. Jahrhundert stammenden und bereits abgerissenen St.-Anna-Kapelle verwendete er in seiner Dreierstilistik mit, erhöhte ihn aus proportionalen Gründen, stellte eine spätbarocke Saalkirche daneben und einen dorischen Portikus (Vorbau) mit breiter Eingangstreppe davor (die Eingangstreppe musste in den 70er Jahren leider der Ortsdurchgangsstraße weichen; es ist jedoch geplant, diese Treppe baldmöglichst wiederzuerrichten.). Über den dorischen Portikus, zu dem sich Herigoyen wohl aus seiner Pariser Studienzeit inspirieren ließ, hieß es zu jener Zeit, dass der Baumeister „…aus Übermut und Verschwendung an einer Dorfkirche ein antikes Säulenportal“ angebracht hätte. Auf jeden Fall leitete der Baumeister, der später in Aschaffenburg, Regensburg und München bedeutende Bauwerke hinterlassen sollte, damit die frühklassizistische Periode der Landkirchen in Deutschland ein. 2007 wurde die Sulzbacher Volks- und Hauptschule nach Emanuel Joseph von Herigoyen benannt. Im Hinblick auf die langjährige Partnerschaft zwischen Sulzbach und Urrugne im französischen Baskenland eine sicherlich nicht unpassende Namenswahl, stammte doch Herigoyens Vater ebenfalls aus dem Baskenland. Als Teil des Erzstifts Mainz, das zuvor rund tausend Jahre die oberhirtliche Kompetenz war, fiel Sulzbach im Reichsdeputationshauptschluß 1803 an das neugebildete Fürstentum Aschaffenburg/von Dalberg, einem Departement des Großherzogtums Frankfurt. Während dieser Zeit war Sulzbach kirchlich dem Erzbistum Regensburg zugehörig. Zusammen mit dem Fürstentum Aschaffenburg/von Dalberg kam Sulzbach 1814 auf Grund der Verträge von Paris zu Bayern. In diesen Verträgen fielen das Großherzogtum Würzburg sowie das Fürstentum Aschaffenburg an Bayern. Die Gebietsgewinne waren bereits im Vertrag von Ried am 8. Oktober 1813 zwischen Österreich und Bayern vereinbart worden. Bayern trat im Gegenzug u. a. Tirol, Salzburg und Vorarlberg ab. Nach dem Wechsel zum Königreich Bayern gehörte Sulzbach verwaltungsmäßig zunächst zum Landgericht Kleinwallstadt und ab 1861 zum Bezirksamt Obernburg. Kirchlich wurde Sulzbach 1821 der Diözese Würzburg zugeordnet. Die Besitzzersplitterung der landwirtschaftlichen Anbauflächen durch das im Mainzer Landrecht kodifizierte Erbrecht führte im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert auch in Sulzbach – wie in den übrigen Spessartgebieten – zu einer allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Verschlechterung der Lebensverhältnisse. Die Armut begann erst mit dem Aufkommen der Industrie in Aschaffenburg (vor allem der Bekleidungsindustrie) und der Eröffnung der Bahnlinie Aschaffenburg – Miltenberg im Jahre 1876 zu schwinden. In der Zeit nach dem 2. Weltkrieg ist die Bevölkerungszahl von Sulzbach durch die Eingliederung von Heimatvertriebenen (besonders Sudetendeutscher) und der ehemals selbständigen Gemeinden Dornau am 1. Juli 1971 und Soden am 1. Juli 1972 auf heute über 7.000 Einwohner angestiegen. Im Jahre 1955 wurde der Gemeinde Sulzbach die Führung eines Gemeindewappens bewilligt. Bei der Suche nach geeigneten Symbolen wurde auch der Name Sulzbach in die Überlegung miteinbezogen. Denn der Ortsname deutet offensichtlich auf das salzhaltige Wasser des Sulzbaches hin, der von Soden kommend im Nordwesten des Gemeindegebietes in den Main mündet. Als heraldisches Sinnbild wurden dafür zwei gekürzte Salzhaken in altertümlicher Form verwendet. Die heraldische Lilie geht auf das Wappen des kurmainzischen Adelsgeschlechtes von Sulzbach zurück. Das Schild mit den 3 roten Sparren zwischen den beiden Salzhaken ist aus dem Wappen der Herren von Eppstein entnommen, die vom 12. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert wichtigster Grundherr in Sulzbach waren. Schließlich wird die bis zum Jahre 1803 währende Territorial- und Grundherrschaft des Erzstifts Mainz durch das allgemein bekannte sechsspeichige Mainzer Rad deutlich gemacht. Die Gemeinde Sulzbach wurde am 15. Mai 1973 durch die Bayer. Staatsregierung zum Markt erhoben. Handwerk, Handel und Industrie haben hier einen weit über die Grenzen des Marktes hinausreichenden Ruf. 8 qkm Wald aus der Gemeindefläche von 20 qkm laden mit gut ausgebauten Wanderwegen Erholungssuchende ein. Die örtliche Gastronomie ist zur anschließenden Rast bestens gerüstet. Als besondere Sehenswürdigkeit von Sulzbach ist natürlich die bereits erwähnte Kirche „St. Margareta und Anna“ hervorzuheben, die heute – nach dem Bau einer neuen Kirche mit dem Namen „St. Margareta“ in den 50er Jahren – nur noch „St. Anna“ genannt wird. Eine weitere Sehenswürdigkeit von Sulzbach sind die alten Türme des Nordtores mit Resten der ehemaligen Dorfmauer. Die Ortsteile Soden und Dornau Die Ortsteile Dornau und Soden sind nur unwesentlich jünger als Sulzbach. Dornau wird erstmals in einer Urkunde aus dem Jahr 1243 erwähnt. Soden erscheint erstmals im sog. „Koppelfutterverzeichnis“ des Jahres 1248, in welchem festgehalten wurde, was die Gemeinde an Abgaben zu entrichten hatte. Die damaligen Einwohner betrieben Landwirtschaft auf Streifengütern. In Soden (mhd. „sot“ = Quelle, Brunnen, Mineralquelle) wurden die frei zutagetretenden Salzquellen zur Kochsalzgewinnung genutzt. Am 27. August 1456 verlieh Kurfürst Theodorich von Erbach an Peter Eberbach und dessen Frau das Recht „Salz zu machen gegen Abgabe des 10. Zentners“. Die Salzgewinnung in Soden ist, im Spessart als einzige neben Bad Orb, bis in die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts verbürgt. Noch heute wird in Soden aus den Tiefen des Spessarts Mineral- und Heilwasser gefördert und im gesamten Bundesgebiet vertrieben. Im Jahr 1856 wurde in Soden ein Badebetrieb eröffnet, um die jod- und bromhaltigen Kochsalzquellen zu nutzen. „Bad Sodenthal“ war in der Folge bis zum Ende des 1. Weltkrieges ein bekanntes Bad, das unter Prof. Dr. Albert Hoffa seine Blütezeit erlebte. Nach 1918 dienten die Gebäude und der Park der Stadt Frankfurt als Kindererholungsheim. Heute befindet sich dort eine Mädchenbildungsstätte.
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Book Review 1: The Great Economists by Linda Yueh 29th September 2018 29th September 2018 Editor-in-Chief Africa, BBC, Books Review, China, economists, United States of America Book Review: The Great Economists by Linda Yueh I am currently reading the book titled: The Great Economists: How their Trump Ambwaga Chini Clinton 9th November 2016 9th November 2016 Editor-in-Chief 45th USA president, BBC, CNN, Donald, elections, Hillary Clinton, Huffington Post, Mashable, New York Times, Trump This a round-up of press headlines around the world on Trump win of the United States elections. Enjoy reading…and do http://www.kerosi.com/tag/bbc">
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Nightly Met Opera Streams Iphigénie en Tauride by Gluck Role: King Thoas Susan Graham, Plácido Domingo, Paul Groves, Gordon Hawkins, Patrick Summers On Wednesday March 24, 2021 the Metropolitan Opera will air its production of IPHIGÉNIE EN TAURIDE recorded on Saturday, February 26, 2011. The performance is available for a total of 23 hours, from 7:30 p.m. EDT until 6:30 p.m. the following day. https://www.metopera.org/season/on-demand/opera/?upc=811357014110
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Boulder unveiled details for the 1160 stereo power amplifier. Boulder announced the release of the 1160 stereo power amplifier, the successor to their 1060 model and the first product in the new mid-level 1100 Series, which combines new technology and exceptional performance with reduced size, power and cost. According to the press release, the 1100 Series offers a substantial advancement over the previous 1000 Series, with improvements in sound quality by way of better thermal management, ground paths, noise floor, and circuit layout. The increased use of surface-mount technology, manufactured on Boulder’s own surface-mount manufacturing machines and ovens, has also yielded improvements in noise radiation, propagation delay, parasitic capacitance and the elimination of lead inductance in affected circuits. It also offers improvements in unit-to-unit quality and consistency and long-term reliability. Also new for the 1160 is the use of a 64-bit, multi-core ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) processor for all supervisory functions, including management of protection circuits, AC line monitoring, power, thermal detection, error notification, and HTML- or IP-based external control. Gain stages within the 1160 are Boulder’s proprietary 983, which are unique to the 1100 Series. The 983 gain stages feature surface-mount mechanical design with board-mounted heatsinks and provide the initial 20 dB of gain in a multi-stage design for exceptionally wide bandwidth. They combine discrete and monolithic design with a high-current output. The 1160 utilizes 56 bipolar output devices (28 per channel), 48 filter capacitors and 2 toroidal power transformers to generate power output of up to 300 watts per channel into any load, enabling massive current swings and the ability to drive any loudspeaker to realistic audio levels, the company states. Continuous power output of the 1160 is 300W per channel into 8 ohms, with peak output power doubling into 4 ohms (600W), 2 ohms (1200W). All audio circuitry is full differentially balanced. Outputs include dual connections for bi-wiring. The physical design of the 1160’s external casework has evolved, with the heatsinks’ hard corners and chamfers being replaced with small radii and curves. The front panel has also been changed to reflect Boulder’s local geography. The layered front panel design is -actually- a reproduction of the topographical map of Flagstaff Mountain, located directly west of Boulder, Colorado. For more information: http://boulderamp.com/
{"url": "http://avmentor.net/news/2017/boulder_1160.shtml", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "avmentor.net", "date_download": "2017-12-11T00:28:09Z", "digest": "sha1:52IX2GQSJM4CU36J75RQ3F7KTFPZBXPP"}
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Accueil / Thématiques / E-marketing / La curation, le remède à votre marketing de contenu ? La curation, le remède à votre marketing de contenu ? Par Marketing-Professionnel.fr - invité le 4 octobre 2018 C’est à l’occasion du lancement de Scoop-It en 2010 que je découvrais le terme de « curation ». Alors rédacteur en chef, je réalisais alors que tel Monsieur Jourdain en sélectionnant les sujets chaque semaine pour la couverture du print, puis chaque jour sur le web et la newsletter je faisais acte de curation. Chaque jour j’appliquais à la lettre ce qui définit la curation selon Marc Rougier, le fondateur de Scoop-it à savoir : « le tri, le contrôle et la mise en scène de l’information. » Comme quoi… Apparu sous les feux de la rampe de l’information, la curation après avoir fait florès s’est peu à peu banalisée jusqu’à la quasi disparition du terme au profit de la pratique. Nous connaissons l’histoire. Avec la dissolution progressive des médias comme source privilégiée d’information dans le flux des réseaux sociaux, l’ère des contenus a pris le pas sur celle de l’information. Autant de nourriture pour accroître l’infobésité et créer l’indigestion des audiences, désormais fragmentées, volatiles et déconcentrées par ce trop-plein. Pris comme des lapins dans la lumière stroboscopique projetée par de multiples écrans, la sidération devient un sort commun face à un déluge d’images, de textes et de sons. Désormais, le défilement de titres fait office d’information pour 80% des internautes, tandis qu’une minorité prend le temps de s’informer réellement. Un sonar dans le bruit informationnel La curation, plus qu’un palliatif à ce désordre informationnel, en devient le remède (et justifie son étymologie) pour séparer le bon grain de l’information de l’ivraie du divertissement (ou infotainment) et autres messages sans intérêt. La demande pour une sélection qualifiée est forte et les outils disponibles. La liste des plateformes dédiées occuperait cette page, de scoop-it à Flint et ses robots, de Curata, à Nuzzel sans compter Pearltrees, Tame, Flipboard, Paper-li,Diigo, Pinterest, Clipzine, BuzzSumo, et autres outils de partage, Quu, Buffer, Ifft, l’abondance de choix est embarrassante. Autant l’éviter et se reposer sur les experts, curateurs anonymes sur la plateforme ou blog de votre choix ; des médias qui depuis toujours résument en 5 points ce qu’il ne faut pas manquer ce jour, cette semaine, ce mois, cette année ; voir le flashtweet d’Emmanuel Leneuf pour une curation aussi verticale que quotidienne ou encore L’important et sa recension des Twits pertinents par thématique. Sans compter la pléthore de newsletter pour combler les attentes: TTSO, Planet, Brief.me, Friday Watch… La curation fait acte de média à part entière. Mise à toutes les sauces, elle devient aussi un vaste fourre-tout aux contours imprécis et pratique parfois approximative ou a contrario très professionnelle… Fédérer une communauté Fabrice Frossard, Fondateur de Faber Content Selon notre sondage, la majorité utilise leur veille personnelle pour la partager sur les réseaux sociaux afin de gagner en visibilité. Ici la nécessité professionnelle de la curation rejoint l’utilité de l’indispensable rayonnement social, autre définition de l’influence, mais aussi du social selling, fondée sur des bases du partage et mise en commun. C’est cette mise en commun qui amène l’autre effet de la curation bien menée : la synchronisation d’une communauté autour d’une thématique. Effet final recherché et obtenu par la tenue rigoureuse d’une ligne éditoriale par tout curateur qui se respecte. Lequel curateur pour être efficace veillera à mettre en perspective toute information partagée, l’insight comme valeur ajoutée face au simple relai de contenu. Sans mise en perspective difficile de trouver un point de vue, c’est la peinture du haut moyen-âge vs celle de la renaissance. Un outil pour votre content marketing Réponse à l’économie de l’attention, la curation est aussi économie tout court. Agréger des contenus tiers, en les mettant en perspective, est aussi l’opportunité de création de contenu à moindre coût pour achalander site ou blog d’entreprise. De nombreux sites en font leur modèle de création de valeur, (L’important, Digg, Slashdot, Hackernews, ABM guru, ContentCurationMarketing, et bien sûr Buzzfeed entre autres…), les professionnels du marketing trouvent dans la curation un moyen de créations de contenus à moindre frais tout en affirmant leur territoire de légitimité par la hiérarchisation – régalienne ou par système de notation collégiale – et la mise en scène de l’information agrégée. Cet aspect de la curation semble encore sous-exploité par les marketeurs si l’on en croit les réponses à notre sondage. Tout comme la curation collaborative, autre aspect important de la veille, là aussi peu mise en valeur dans les pratiques d’entreprises si l’on en croit les diverses études liées à la veille et à son partage. Dans le cadre de l’entreprise et du marketing, pourquoi se restreindre à une simple veille personnelle et partage sur les réseaux sociaux ? Une approche structurée et collaborative offre de nombreux avantages en termes de production et de partage de contenus, tout en travaillant à la visibilité de chacune des parties impliquées, marketing, commercial et entreprise dans son ensemble. Entrée dans les pratiques usuelles, l’usage de la curation semble encore sous exploité en dépit des bénéfices possibles. Au moment où la création de contenus est une priorité pour 67% des directeurs marketing, repenser son approche de la curation est une piste à étudier sérieusement. Auteur : Fabrice Frossard, Fondateur de Faber Content, @FabriceFrossard Lire notre dossier sur la curation de contenus Découvrir aussi le livre blanc du CMIT « Curation : le grand malentendu » (c) Ill. DepositPhotos L'invité de Marketing Professionnel tient une Tribune Libre. Profil des invités et Tribunes Libres publiées. Tags marketingbrand contentcurationinformation ← Article precedent La curation, content marketing du pauvre ? Article suivant → La curation : un regard synoptique Veille et curation, indispensables aux RP Curation : sortir de sa bulle de filtre La curation de contenu, pourquoi, comment La curation, content marketing du pauvre ? La curation n est pas une affaire d outils... Les ingrédients d une bonne curation de contenu en RP La curation : un regard synoptique
{"url": "http://www.marketing-professionnel.fr/tribune-libre/curation-remede-marketing-contenu-201810.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.marketing-professionnel.fr", "date_download": "2018-12-09T19:09:35Z", "digest": "sha1:R23T6FPCXFDBCWQJRX5JWJIRKJAFJPTR"}
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Norfolk Date Changed The concert scheduled for April 29 at the Norva Theater in Norfolk, VA has been moved to May 1. The Norva will honor all misprinted tickets. Ben Harper Makes SPIN TOP 40 The editors of April's "SPIN" magazine chose Ben Harper as one of "the most important artists in the game right now." Ben shows off his new tattoos in the table of contents and even has a full page spread. Other featured artists include Radiohead, Moby, Dr. Dre, and many more. Help Save Five-Year-Old Child's Life Ben Harper donated a wealth of autographed gear to help support Kyle Hellyer, a five-year-old boy with Fanconi's Anemia Permalink
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Legislative findings and intent. 380.502 Legislative findings and intent.— (1) The Legislature finds that the conservation of natural areas is vital to the state’s economy and ecology. The Legislature further finds that rapid increases in population and development throughout Florida threaten the integrity of the environment and limit opportunities for citizens and visitors to enjoy the state’s natural areas. The Legislature further finds that inappropriate and poorly planned land uses overburden natural resources and disrupt the state’s ecology. Finally, the Legislature finds that the quality of life, environmental quality, as well as the viability and vitality of the urban areas of this state are directly linked to urban open space and greenways. The creation of greenways; expansion of green spaces; enhancement of recreation areas; preservation of working waterfronts; and protection and restoration of urban lakes, rivers, and watersheds in the urban areas of this state are necessary to link populated areas with natural areas, preserve unique cultural and heritage sites, provide land for recreational opportunities to enhance the health and well-being of the urban residents of this state, improve water quality, reduce the level of urban crime and violence, and build confidence and self-esteem among the urban youth of this state. (2) The Legislature recognizes that the primary responsibility for establishing well-planned land use rests at the local government level through the implementation of comprehensive plans. The Legislature also recognizes that many of the goals and objectives of these comprehensive plans will not be met through regulation, but require creative and innovative action to ensure their accomplishment. (3) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish a nonregulatory agency that will assist local governments in bringing local comprehensive plans into compliance and implementing the goals, objectives, and policies of the conservation, recreation and open space, and coastal elements of local comprehensive plans, or in conserving natural resources and resolving land use conflicts by: (a) Responding promptly and creatively to opportunities to correct undesirable development patterns, restore degraded natural areas, enhance resource values, restore deteriorated or deteriorating urban waterfronts, preserve working waterfronts, reserve lands for later purchase, participate in and promote the use of innovative land acquisition methods, and provide public access to surface waters. (b) Providing financial and technical assistance to local governments, state agencies, and nonprofit organizations to carry out projects and activities and to develop programs authorized by this part. (c) Involving local governments and private interests in voluntarily resolving land use conflicts and issues. History.—s. 28, ch. 89-175; s. 2, ch. 90-192; s. 5, ch. 91-192; s. 5, ch. 91-429; s. 65, ch. 93-206; s. 19, ch. 96-389; s. 20, ch. 2008-229.
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Voce bibliografica: Sambin-Belloni 2004 = P. Sambin, G. Belloni, Per la fortuna dei Disticha Catonis in Italia: un nuovo volgarizzamento, in "Le sorte dele parole". Testi veneti dalle origini all'Ottocento. Edizioni, strumenti lessicografia. Atti dell'Incontro di studio, Venezia, 27-29 maggio 2002, a cura di R. Drusi, D. Perocco, P. Vescovo, Padova, Esedra, 2004.
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said Lani at 9:19 AM // Filed under Craig Ferguson, Helena Bonham Carter, TV Two of my favorite people: a very funny interview with Helena Bonham Carter on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Live. Laugh. Love. Happy Valentine's Day!
{"url": "http://www.stage-notes.com/2011/02/in-case-you-missed-it.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.stage-notes.com", "date_download": "2018-06-18T11:57:12Z", "digest": "sha1:7XQO22NM4ZI2IJCXD44D5QZ2C3VMVRTF"}
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The convergence of 5G and AI: A venture capitalist’s view Ben Yu@benyu_sierra A 5G sign at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain February 28, 2018. Image Credit: REUTERS/Yves Herman As an emerging-technology investor, I am always on the lookout for new technologies that can improve existing markets and enable new ones. That’s why 5G really intrigues me. This advanced digital cellular network protocol opens up new frequency spectrum, bringing with it much higher throughput and latency performance. This positions 5G as a potentially game-changing technology and investment opportunity that could fuel a new generation of applications and solve some of the world’s biggest problems. 5G is not just “4G but better.” It taps new spectrum that will drive innovative business opportunities and use cases. For example, in the 28 GHz and 39 GHz bands, a.k.a. the “millimeter wave band,” reams of new bandwidth could transform the communications carrier landscape as we know it while further improving the end-user experience of mobility. Before 5G, wireless carriers such as AT&T and Verizon couldn’t compete with, say, a Comcast’s cable business. There just wasn’t enough bandwidth or coverage to help them push into that market. That will change with the lightning fast data rates of 5G, which best today’s wireline (cable, fiber, DSL) speeds while clocking in approximately 100 times faster than 4G LTE. And, in an instance of turnabout-is-fair-play, cable providers can ride the 5G wave to get in on the wireless carriers’ action, extending high-speed service from the home to the coffee shop to the traditional workplace. This means consumers, mobile workers, and the enterprise – remember, businesses are hungry for 5G, too – will simply access 5G everywhere they need it – all while benefiting from better coverage and performance. AI at the edge These evolutionary improvements also set the stage for revolutionary application development and new, innovation-driven markets. That’s where AI is entering the picture and converging with 5G – specifically at the “edge.” One tantalizing example of this is autonomous vehicles. If AI and 5G had a baby, its name would be “AV.” Autonomous vehicles are essentially data centers on wheels. If you look at them closely, you’ll notice they are loaded with multiple 4G LTE modems, because, with “brains in the device,” they require intelligence at the edge. That requires the rich and rapid movement of data that 5G is uniquely positioned to offer. But the other thing that excites me about 5G is that it will not only be the protocol that launches a thousand new high-throughput applications and use cases like AVs, it will also drive important new low-bandwidth applications. Put another way, because of the new frequencies opened up by 5G, there will be new opportunities for innovation up and down the spectrum. For example, on the low, or narrow-band side (think 900 MHz), there is a huge opportunity to provide connectivity for low-power, low-bandwidth IoT devices. Today this is a market addressed by a patchwork of proprietary connectivity technologies like LoRa and SigFox, but that will change with 5G as the new unifying standard. Here, too, there is a potent AI play. A key IoT use case is in industrial devices, where low-cost sensors are put on machines to measure performance, enabling companies to avoid expensive fixes through predictive maintenance. These devices don’t depend on sharing lots of information with the cloud – they do their AI work locally, but on a small scale – so they don’t need a ton of bandwidth. They do, however, need reliable coverage and throughput in hard-to-reach places, and the 5G protocol is poised to deliver it. With more and more AI happening on the edge, 5G holds the promise of being the unifying connectivity layer for a new generation of transformative technologies. One country aggressively pushing the exploration of this convergence is China, and the breakthroughs it is achieving are worth watching. China works on a grand scale. We have traffic problems in the West – China’s are bigger. We have pollution problems here – China’s are worse. The success of China’s investments in smart city technologies depends on AI and a fast mobile communication infrastructure like 5G. China has already produced some of the biggest unicorns in AI. 5G networks will provide the backbone communication infrastructure to connect its autonomous vehicles, security cameras, and beyond. I bring up China in the context of 5G and AI convergence to underscore the scale of the opportunity ahead. In IoT, we are talking about improving how billions of intelligent devices work and are maintained, transforming industrial processes along the way; with autonomous vehicles, we are talking about millions of smart vehicles conveying billions of people around the world – the future of travel. And these are just two examples. I haven’t even mentioned the spectrum in between. Ben Yu is a Managing Director at Sierra Ventures, a Silicon Valley firm that has invested $1.9 billion in enterprise and emerging technology companies over three decades.
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Home » Business & Economy » U.S sanction affecting the Banana Industry in Belize « Older: Atlantic Bank LTD plans to install a second ATM Machine Newer: » Belize’s agriculture industry is in crisis U.S sanction affecting the Banana Industry in Belize Thursday, September 1st, 2016 It has been almost a year since the Banana Industry in Southern Belize saw the shutting down of one of its largest banana farms – Meridian Enterprises Ltd. The farm’s main buyer for years, Irish based company Fyffes, decided to cut ties after the United States (U.S) blacklisted John Zabaneh, banana farmer and exporter whose family owns the said farm. Despite allegations that Zabaneh is not affiliated with Meridian Enterprises, the US sanction still had a wider impact on the key crop, which intern severely hurt the Belizean economy. The legal action was intended only for Zabaneh, his alleged associates and their businesses. However, when the news broke out in October of 2015, it not only dented Belize’s banana exports for months, but it also left thousands without a job. Furthermore, the Belizean economy lost a main source of hard currency and added to its economically fragile situation. The U.S’s Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act prohibits individuals, even if they are from other countries, from conducting business with individuals declared by the U.S to be drug dealers, or companies associated with such individuals, or suffer consequences, which can be harsh, as many individuals and companies have found out. Any person or company disobeying this regulation can expect their assets to be frozen in U.S banks or in other monetary institutions connected to U.S banks. The consequences are dire for companies or countries that cannot do business with U.S banks, especially if those countries are poor and financially depend on US banking services. Fyffes indicated that their decision to sever the relationship with Meridian Enterprises was after it was made known to them that Zabaneh had ties to the Sinaloa Mexican drug cartel and drug kingpin Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman. Fyffes was in fear that they may themselves come under sanctions by associating with members of the organized crime, such as a company whose owner had been labeled as a drug kingpin. Meridian Enterprises was previously known as Mayan King Ltd, but placed under a different management following Zabaneh’s blacklisting in 2012. However, that was not enough for U.S officials. Immediately after his blacklisting, Zabaneh, now 61, claims that he sent the officials in the U.S information on decades of his finances in an effort to get his name off the blacklist. He further states that he quickly stepped away from the business in order to not jeopardize the company.11 During that same year,(2012), when Zabaneh was red flagged, the Banana Growers Association (BGA) issued a statement confirming that Zabaneh and Mayan King had resigned from the trade group, and that the farm was under new ownership not connected to Zabaneh. Following this statement, Fyffes continued buying bananas from the farm for three more years. The change of management was also observed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and according to the Chief Executive Officer Jose Alpuche, the idea was lobbied swiftly. “The Officials’ aim was to figure out how to keep the banana industry up and running,” said Alpuche. “Members of the U.S Treasury made it clear via a phone call in 2012, with Belize officials that it was up to private firms, not the U.S government, to determine whether the solution was acceptable.” However, in 2015, Zabaneh was quoted in the Belizean media speaking about the farm. He told reporters that his mother owned the farm throughout the change of management and he was speaking on her behalf. The report reached Fyffes who saw Zabaneh being publicly linked to Meridian Enterprise and decided to cut off business relations with the farm. However, Fyffe’s continues to buy bananas from other farms in Belize. The big cut in banana exportation, according to the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) triggered a significant impact in the banana belt. The value of banana exports was brought down to $1 million, just in October of 2015, a drop of 80%. According to the SIB, in the first three months of 2016, there was a 42% decrease in banana shipments as a consequence of the closure of Meridian Enterprise, and floods from heavy rains. After Hurricane Earl brought severe floods to all parts of Belize, the SIB is expecting another hit in the economy following this natural disaster. General Manager at BGA Sam Mathias shared his thoughts about the damage the sanction does to countries like Belize. “We are a smaller banana supplier, therefore the economics are very touch and go,” said Mathias. “You reduce our annual volume by a little bit, and it does make a big difference.” In Belize, banana is exported all year round, which makes it a vital crop for the local economy in a country where 40% of the population is in poverty. It provides thousands of jobs not only to Belizeans, but migrants from other parts of Central America. As a result, many of these migrant families who did not find jobs elsewhere after the farm closed down, had to return to their countries of origin. According to former Director of Meridian Enterprises, Jose David Gonzalez, Fyffes is the only route for business at the moment. “BGA signed an exclusive arrangement with Fyffes, and so we have no other recourse than to sell to Fyffes, since they have a monopoly in our country,” said Gonzalez. In the recent years, the U.S has increased its use of targeted economic sanctions which are used as an alternative to more deadly options like air strikes or military raids. These sanctions are also considered better than a total embargo such as the situation with Cuba, and boycotts with Iraq and Iran. It is believed that such actions have stunted those countries’ economies, thus, giving this method the credibility of positive results. According to a former senior advisor at the U.S Treasury Adam Smith, he also agrees on the effectiveness of these acts. “Increasingly, the U.S government has imposed sanctions on individuals, entities, and companies that are wrongdoers, as opposed to entire jurisdictions, this has been viewed as more effective and fair,” said Smith. As the matter is far from being solved, Meridian Enterprise’s farm lies dormant and overgrown with weeds. The banana plantation has become infested with the black sigatoka disease, and according to officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, has been rendered useless. It will take a long time before the farm is in condition to export once more. Minister of Agriculture has high hopes of improving the agriculture sector Belize’s agriculture industry is in crisis Fruta Bomba to close operations in Belize Agriculture Industry Crisis: Millions lost to virus plagued shrimp Fyffes pulls the plug on Belize’s Meridian Enterprises Belizean economy declines 1.6% in second quarter: First six months still more productive than 2014 BTIA hosts 2014 BETEX in Belize City Cary F. Fraser appointed as President of UB Cane Farmers refuse to submit to BSI/ASR’s agreement
{"url": "https://www.sanpedrosun.com/business-and-economy/2016/09/01/u-s-sanction-affecting-the-banana-industry-in-belize/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.sanpedrosun.com", "date_download": "2019-01-16T00:34:09Z", "digest": "sha1:UHNBLRC4FX2XP763MWTDW33JFCJOAGVZ"}
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Prämie Einleitung Prämie Beschreibung AVB Online-Antrag FAQ Reiserücktrittsversicherung - Einmalpolice - Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung für eine einzelne Urlaubsreise (Einzelreisenpolice) Wer kann sich versichern: In der Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung gibt es keine Altersbegrenzung. Es können sich Einzelpersonen oder Familien mit ständigem Wohnsitz in Deutschland oder Österreich versichern. Was leistet die Reiseversicherung: Ersatz der vertraglich geschuldeten Reiserücktrittskosten (Stornokosten) aus versichertem Grund, Ersatz der zusätzlich entstehenden Hinreise-Mehrkosten, Ersatz der Mehrkosten bei einer Teilstornierung, Ersatz der Umbuchungskosten. Es gibt einen Selbstbehalt von 20 %, mindestens 25,– EUR der nachgewiesenen Stornokosten. Eine Reiseabbruchversicherung (Urlaubsgarantie) können Sie zusätzlich wählen. Was kostet die Reiseversicherung: Die Prämie für die Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung hängt vom Reisepreis ab. Beispielsweise kostet die Versicherung bei einem Reisepreis von 1000,- EUR für eine Einzelperson 26,– EUR und für eine Familie 31,– EUR. Bei einem Reisepreis von 2000,– EUR beträgt sie für eine Einzelperson 44,– EUR und für eine Familie 49,– EUR. Wenn die Reise eine Schiffsreise ist, die mehr als 1000,– EUR kostet, gibt es einen Aufschlag auf die Prämie von 20 %. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Zahlung entweder per Kreditkarte oder per Lastschriftverfahren über ein deutsches oder österreichisches Konto erfolgen kann. Wie kann man die Reiseversicherung abschließen: Sie können die Reiserücktrittsversicherung online abschließen. Die Reiserücktrittsversicherung ist sofort bei der Buchung der Reise, jedoch spätestens bis 30 Tage vor Reisebeginn abzuschließen. Liegen zwischen der Reisebuchung und Reiseantritt weniger als 30 Tage, muss der Abschluss der Reiserücktrittsversicherung spätestens am 3. Werktag nach Reisebuchung erfolgen. Zur Jahrespolice für die Reiserücktrittsversicherung Wissenswertes zur Versicherung Informationen zu den Leistungen der Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung Allgemeine Tarifbedingungen für die Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung §§ AVB/ PIB Onlinevertrag abschließen Schließen Sie hier die Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung mit Sofortbestätigung ab. Fragen und Servicevordrucke zur Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung Einzelreiseversicherung
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Sant Andreu Jazz Band, La Locomotora Negra, Iron & Wine y Fatoumata Diawara & Roberto Fonseca, en el 47º Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona Anteriormente se habían confirmado a Diana Krall, Neneh Cherry, Chick Corea, Chucho Valdés, Richard Galliano o Maria Schneider entre otros artistas. Publicado el a las horas por Redacció La Sant Andreu Jazz Band, cantera catalana de cantantes de Jazz como Andrea Motis, Eva Fernánez o Magalí Datzira entre otras jóvenes promesas, a las órdenes de Joan Chamorro, tocará en El Palau de la Música Catalana dentro del 47º Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona. El concierto, programado para el próximo 14 de noviembre 2015, conmemorarà los 10 años de la Sant Andreu Jazz Band y será doble: Motis-Chamorro Sextet Young Jazz Band con el saxofonista Joel Frahm como artista invitado. La Locomotora Negra, la big band más veterana de Cataluña, volverá al festival el 11 de diciembre 2015 presentando su proyecto 'Jazz Cities Tour' en el mismo escenario. La cantante Buika (7 de noviembre) y Paquito D'Rivera -después de su 'tour de force' en el Jamboree tocando casi todos los días de una semana dentro del Grec y el Festival Mas i Mas-, invitado especial de la Orquesta Sinfónica del Vallés (21 de noviembre), que estrena en Barcelona el Cape Cod Concerto, también pisarán las tablas del Palau. Conexión afrocubana El cubano Roberto Fonseca, que ha tomado el relevo de Rubén González en la Buenavista Social Club, y la cantante africana Fatoumata Diawara (Mali) -que pudimos ver en La Mercè hace un par de años- escenificarán los lazos que unen la isla del Caribe con el continente negro. Ambos presentarán el ocho de noviembre en la sala Barts su trabajo en el EP 'At Home'. Otros artistas que se presentarán en la misma sala son: la superbanda cubana Habana De Primera (30 de octubre), Richard Galliano y el guitarrista Sylvain Luc en un homenaje a Édith Piaf (5 de noviembre), Cécile McLorin Salvant (19 de noviembre) y Neneh Cherry al frente de RocketNumberNine, Blank Project (25 de noviembre). Sam Beam, conocido por el nombre Iron & Wine, es un referente en la canción de folk estadounidense y actuará en la Barts en formato solo y acústico el siete de noviembre 2015. Confirmaciones anteriores. Diana Krall será la encargada de abrir el festival el 26 de septiembre en el Auditorio del Fórum. Un evento lleno de nombres muy conocidos como los que pasaron por el Auditorio de Plaza de las Glòries: Chick Corea (22 de octubre) o Maria Schneider Orchestra (12 de noviembre). Otros artistas que pasarán por el Auditori de Barcelona serán el supercuarteto Volcán de Gonzalo Rubalcaba (24 de noviembre), el Danish Trío del pianista italiano Stefano Bollani (2 de noviembre), Mbókò Quartet del pianista cubano David Virelles (10 de noviembre), la pareja artística y en la vida real Béla Fleck & Abigail Washburn (11 de noviembre), Young Philadelphians (17 de noviembre), el guitarrista Kurt Rosenwinkel (18 de noviembre) o el saxofonista Mark Turner con la Orquesta Jazz de Matosinhos (28 de noviembre). Pasarán por el Conservatorio del Liceo el trío formado por Danilo Pérez, John Patitucci y Brian Blade, que son los miembros del cuarteto de Wayne Shorter bajo el nombre Children Of The Light (28 de octubre), Uri Caine Trio (20 de octubre) , Melissa Aldana y Giovanni Guidi, en un doble concierto titulado Jazz es futuro (4 de noviembre), Ambrose Akinmusire (9 de noviembre), Antonio Sánchez, autor de la banda sonora de la oscarizada 'Birdland' (16 de noviembre), Josemi Carmona y Javier Colina (27 de noviembre) o Marco Mezquida con el saxofonista Bill McHenry como invitado especial (26 de noviembre), entre otros conciertos. Chucho Valdés vuelve al festival para visitar los alrededores de Barcelona con dos propuestas propias: el estreno del espectáculo 'En familia', -con sus dos hijos menores: la pianista Leyanis y el batería Jessie- en el Teatro-Auditorio Sant Cugat (20 de noviembre). Protagonizará otro concierto con un piano solo en el Teatro Joventut de Hospitalet (22 de noviembre). Según la promotora del festival, The Project, Chucho será el invitado especial de otro concierto el 21 de noviembre, aunque sin anunciar Nuevas confirmaciones del veterano festival El Autor: Redacción de AgendaConcerts.cat. Noticias relacionadas con el mundo de la música, conciertos y festivales. Puedes contactar con nosotros en Twitter o en info(@)agendaconcerts.cat. Temas, tags... 47 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona Sant Andreu Jazz Band La Locomotora Negra Web externa Sant Andreu Jazz Band La Locomotora Negra Chucho Valdés
{"url": "http://agendaconcerts.cat/articulo.php?id=5-sant-andreu-jazz-band-locomotora-negra-47-festival-jazz-barcelona.php", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "agendaconcerts.cat", "date_download": "2020-07-02T05:59:03Z", "digest": "sha1:DSL34W6J4U63QUSK6TAEED2A5CP45FV4"}
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The Daily comes to iPhone, gets cheaper subscriptions updated 01:00 pm EDT, Thu May 3, 2012 iPad edition includes free iPhone access News Corp. publication The Daily is now available as an iPhone app. The magazine originally launched last year as iPad-only content, also inaugurating in-app subscriptions at the App Store. With the iPhone version readers have the option of cheaper subscriptions, priced at $2 a month, or $20 a year.Although the iPhone app is a separate download, people who are already subscribed to the iPad edition can access the iPhone content for free. iPad access costs $1 per week, or $40 per year. The iPhone app requires an iPhone or iPod touch capable of running iOS 4.3 or better. Gallery
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Home<<Criminal Defense<<White Collar Crimes Experienced White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer Arkady Bukh Explains What To Do When Charged with a White Collar Offense in Brooklyn If you, or a loved one, was charged with a white collar crime in Brooklyn (Kings County), it is essential you retain experienced and aggressive legal counsel to preserve your rights and protect your future. White collar offenses typically involve alleged violations of federal law. As a result, you could wind up being charged and investigated by federal authorities and potentially subjected to harsh penalties, if convicted. This is why it is critical to be proactive and hiring a lawyer sooner rather than later so they can get to work on your behalf. What Exactly is a White Collar Crime? White collar crimes are generally considered to be crimes that do not involve physical violence and relate primarily to financial transactions. White collar crimes involve most of the same legal principles as do other crimes, and people charged with white collar crimes have the same rights and protections as defendants accused of other crimes. Below is a general overview of common white-collar crimes: Racketeering/RICO Federal Agencies That Routinely Conduct White Collar Criminal Investigations As mentioned, many white-collar crimes are investigated by federal agencies. Some of the most common agencies tasked with these investigations include: Internal Revenue Service (IRS); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and/or S. Treasury. Penalties for White Collar Crime The most frightening part of being a defendant in a white-collar criminal case is the potential penalties involved if convicted. Most white collar defendants have no previous experience with the criminal justice system, and the uncertainty of their future looms quite large in their minds. In addition to the risk of significant prison time and monetary fines is the fact that white-collar criminal charges can be personally and professionally devastating. Even the air of criminal misdealing can damage a career. The legal team at the Bukh Law Frim, PLLC, led by top-notch criminal defense attorney Arkady Bukh, has defended many white collar crime cases involving insider trading, fraud, embezzlement, securities violations, market manipulation, mortgage broker fraud, and sales practice abuses. Estimates from analysts indicate that white collar crime cost the nation upwards of $200 billion per year. That’s much more costly to society than “traditional” crimes like burglary and theft, which accounts for a fraction of that amount. As a result, prosecutors and courts are cracking down on white-collar crimes. If you have been accused of a white-collar crime, you should have an experienced advocate looking out for your interests. Available Defenses to Combat White Collar Criminal Charges Like any other area of criminal law, there are numerous potential defenses available to you. The right defense depends on the unique aspects of your particular case. One of the most common defenses raised in white-collar cases is a lack of the required intent to commit the crime. Another common defense is entrapment, wherein a government agent persuades a person to commit a crime that they otherwise would never have committed. It is common for authorities to use undercover agents to obtain information on white collar crimes. Other types of defenses that may be available include the following: Duress (i.e. you were forced by someone else to commit the crime) You need to be careful and strategic when asserting a particular defense. That is why it makes sense to sit down with an experienced and savvy Brooklyn defense lawyer to discuss your particular case in order to assess the viability of a particular defense. The Bukh Law Firm Stands Ready to Help You in Your Time of Need Whether you are being charged with a federal white-collar felony such as check fraud, bank fraud, Medicaid and Medicare fraud, internet fraud, mortgage fraud, internet crimes, credit card fraud or embezzlement, our team of legal professionals stand ready to help you. We have the experience you need to help you take on the prosecution. Over the course of our criminal defense practice, we have gained an understanding of prosecutors, courts, and the criminal justice system. We can help you understand the process and prepare you for what you are facing. We have experience with issues concerning the SEC, the Department of Justice, the Department of Education, and other government agencies. When you are facing criminal action, it is important to have a knowledgeable lawyer willing to fight for you. Many prosecutors are dedicating more resources to going after white collar crime. If convicted, the punishments for white collar crime can be severe. Every case is serious to the prosecution. You cannot afford to be careless with your defense. Contact our firm today so we can get to work for you.
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For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood. There would be no Christianity without the Cross. The central theme of Christianity is that God redeemed sinful man. God accomplished this by taking on the nature of a servant (the incarnation), living a sinless life, and then dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Paul affirmed this ultimate display of God's love when he wrote, "I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2). The atonement is prophesied in the Old Testament: "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5). Not only was the atonement prophesied, but so also was the method of execution. Psalm 22 is a graphic prophecy of Christ's crucifixion. God instituted Israel's sacrificial system to prepare the people for Christ's atonement. The animal sacrifices had to be repeated on an ongoing basis -- they pointed ahead to the perfect and final sacrifice that would come: "The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming -- not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. If it could, would they not have stopped being offered?" (Hebrews 10:1-2). Christ's atonement was final and complete: "When He had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit" (John 19:30). The word translated "finished" is the Greek word tetelestai -- a word that means paid in full. On the cross Christ paid the full penalty for our sins. Every cult denies salvation through the blood of Christ alone. All add works as a necessary requirement, thus making salvation a product of man's efforts, and not of God's grace. Salvation by grace alone, through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, is an essential of the Christian faith. It cannot be compromised. Then He said, "Here I am, I have come to do your will." He sets aside the first to establish the second. And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:9-10).
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Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry: A Closer Look Psychiatric medications, science, marketing, psychiatry in general, and occasionally clinical psychology. Questioning the role of key opinion leaders and the use of "science" to promote commercial ends rather than the needs of people with mental health concerns. The Latest on Kiddie Bipolar A recent study in the Archives of General Psychiatry claimed that kiddie bipolar tends to become adult bipolar. I have read the study and have a few comments. First, the authors' main findings:Children diagnosed with bipolar went on to have a manic episode 44% of the time. Let's look at the study sample. Seven to 16 year olds who were experiencing a manic or mixed episode. At 8-year follow up, 54 kids had reached at least age 18. So we're talking about 24 of 54 kids who went on to experience a manic episode as adults. Not exactly a huge sample. As time moves along, there will likely be more kids from this study who experience manic episodes as adults, so it is very much possible that when all 115 kids originally enrolled in this study hit, say, age 30, more than half of them will have experienced a manic episode as adults. The argument then goes that we must treat child bipolar early and intensely in order to prevent these kids from going on to develop bipolar disorder as adults. So, were these kids receiving treatment? Definitely. These kids received whatever treatment was offered in the community, which doubtlessly included stimulants, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. On many occasions, they were probably undergoing some serious polypharmacy driven out of desperation rather than any sort of reasonable evidence base. So did the treatments work? 88% of people who had an original manic or mixed episode recovered, but 73% of these kids then had a relapse afterward. And if nearly half went on to experience mania as adults, doesn't that mean that treatment was not exactly working very well? At this point, the authors have not reported what treatments were used, but I am willing to bet that the polypharmacy I mentioned above was often in place and that very few of these kiddos weren't receiving regular psychopharmaceutical treatment. Bipolar was not the only problem facing these kids. 94% had an ADHD diagnosis at some point during the 8-year followup and a similar number had some sort of disruptive behavior disorder diagnosis. So it's not just bipolar. As I've been saying for a while now, bipolar is just the name du jour for kids whose behavior is really, really bad. We used to call it ADHD or conduct disorder and now it's ADHD, conduct disorder, and bipolar disorder just abbreviated as "bipolar," driven by the market reality that there are quite profitable drugs used to oh-so-successfully treat kiddie bipolar. But it seems they can't be working that well if 73% of these kids who recover from an episode end up relapsing.I would love to write more about how bipolar was diagnosed in these kids, but I've not been able to land a copy of the measure used to make bipolar diagnoses in the study. The authors state that they only counted episodes that met DSM-IV criteria; if I ever find time, I might look at this more closely. And note that we don't know what happened to the youngest kids in the study (those who started at ages 7 or 8) because none of them were adults at the end of this study. This study did not include anyone younger than 7, so the rash of 4 year olds being diagnosed as bipolar is left unexamined.Bottom Line: Assuming that the diagnoses were valid, this study makes me think that:Kids who show really bad behavioral and emotional problems often become adults with major psychological problems. Not exactly earth-shatteringly surprising. Treatments for child/adolescent bipolar are not working very well. Furious Seasons also has a number of concerns about the study. CL Psych child bipolar As far as I'm concerned the fact they left out any mention whatsoever of the treatments the subjects were getting just boggled my mind and made me just want to crumple up the whole study and throw it in the waste basket. I mean seriously -- how can you possibly ignore giving these kids mind altering drugs while you are assessing them for mood disorders and pretend that every symptom that's manifested is part of the underlying bipolar I or ADHD? It's a complete joke -- I'm sorry. Also they kept subjects in the study when they developed SUDs yet apparently didn't weight the symptoms this might lead to any differently as a result. OMG! This is science? "bipolar is just the name du jour for kids whose behavior is really, really bad"I have to totally agree with you. I'm a psychology student ..who's gotten there because of my own experience with my children with OCD/TS (no ADHD/Conduct or Bipolar thank goodness) However, I've got a friend who's daughter has been dx'd with bipolar.Frustrated at her being given the standard drugs ..but behavioral therapy? Support therapy? Family therapy? nope ... med checks every 3 months. How and why a doctor would give medications to an already tiny, small for her age, and slightly underweight teenage girl rather than try behavioral modifications (for parent and child!) is beyond me! Hi,I chanced landed here on searching for seroquel bolder and got to the entry bolder still. Keep up the good work. Will visit this blog often. Thank you. I'm a broken record here, but my daughter who is now 20 yrs old, was misdiagnosed in 1999 w childhood bp, and I can safely say the drugs did not do anything but damage and destroy our lives.Her body is damaged, and her childhood and teens can never be given back. I fear for little kids and these meds, it's very alarming, having witnessed this and lived it for a decade, it's very sad.Thanks for always keeping up with this topic CP. Great post, keep up the good work ;) Some cases have been misdiagnosed and the after effects of treatment are worse than the behavioral disorder Onset between the ages of 15 and 25.....Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive illness) has been defined as a major affective mood disorder in which one alternates between the mental states of deep and brutal depression and embellished elation. These mental states can last for months in some bipolar disorder patients. These cyclical episodes are a catalyst for noticeable psychosocial impairment. Also, the episodes of both manic phases as well as depressive ones can last anywhere from weeks to months. Bipolar Disorder also affect’s one’s cognition, emotions, perceptions, and behavior- along with psychosomatic presentations (such as pain with depressive episodes, for example). It is thought to be due to a physiological dysfunctional brain in one affected with bipolar by many. Yet Bipolar allows for exceptional abilities when a bipolar person is in their manic phase at times (http://www.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=mad-genius.htm&url=http://www.patienthealthinternational.com/features/3118.aspx).The etiology for bipolar disorder is unknown. As many as half of those suspected as having a bipolar are thought to have at least one parent with some sort of mood disorder similar to bipolar disorder, which suggests a genetic predisposition may be present. Because of the complexity associated with bipolar disorder, greater than 50 percent of those afflicted are misdiagnosed as major depression, or perhaps schizophrenia. It is also believed that bipolar presents itself with symptoms associated with the definition of bipolar when one is between the ages of 15 and 25 years old. The disorder was entered in the psychiatrists’ bible, the DSM, in 1980, although bipolar disorder is thought to have existed for quite some time. Also, those with bipolar are thought to be in possession of heightened creativity during their manic phases, as well as they have accelerated growth of their neurons. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it seems. Conversely, those with bipolar disorder experience up to 3 times the number of depressive episodes as manic ones.Research has determined that as many as 15 to over 30 percent of bipolar patients commit suicide if they are left untreated, or undertreated. Also, as many as half of those affected with bipolar also have at times severe substance abuse issues along with their bipolar as well. Co-morbid medical conditions should be taken into consideration when evaluating one suspect of, or having bipolar disorder.Bipolar patients are also often experiencing anxiety issues that vary, and are treated often as a result of these medical issues. The disorder varies as far as severity goes- with some bipolar patients being more severely affected than others. In fact, there are at least 6 classifications of bipolar, according to the DSM. Bipolar patients are thought to be symptomatic half of their lives. As stated previously, the depressive episodes occur more frequently than manic ones. When symptomatic, bipolar patients are thought to be rather disabled, according to some, when in their depressive state in particular. The diagnosis has become more frequent recently. In one decade, the assigned diagnosis of bipolar rose from being about 25 per 100 thousand people to being 1000 per 100,000 people. Most diagnosed with bipolar are not diagnosed based on solid, comprehensive, or psychiatric review that is often absent of valid or standard diagnostic methods. Some believe as many as 5 percent of the human population may be affected by bipolar disorder- which may include as many as 12 million people in the United States. This is if the diagnostic criteria developed by others were to be fully utilized. An emphasis should be implemented by the health care provider to utilize available clinical evidence, and review this scientific literature. A subjective questionnaire called the Mental Status Examination is often utilized when diagnosing one suspected has having bipolar disorder. Many believe the diagnosis has increased recently due to the progressive treatment options now available. It is an argument of increased awareness versus over-diagnosis. Yet the diagnosis is vague, as children and adolescents are often absent in research with bipolar. Also, there is not any objective diagnostic testing to rely upon for bipolar. There is also a mental diagnosis of what is called mixed depressive disorder, which is one with depression who also has minimal manic episodes.Many younger than 18 years of age are prescribed atypical anti-psychotics as first line treatment, which is largely not recommended as treatment options. In fact, close to half a million of those younger than 18 years of age are prescribed the atypical anti-psychotic Risperdal alone, it has been determined. The class of medications overall is thought to be prescribed to about 10 percent of those non-adults thought to have bipolar. While not recommended, about a half of all those assessed as being bipolar are prescribed antidepressants, such as SSRIs, as first line treatment. It has been suggested that this class of drugs has decreased the risk of suicide attempts compared with other classes of antidepressants for close to 20 years. Yet tricyclic antidepressants have been determined to be efficacious in over half of those diagnosed with bipolar - with a greater amount of research behind this class of drugs. Furthermore, therapy with any antidepressants has been associated with what is known as treatment-emergent mania. This is when a bipolar disorder that is in a depressive state rapidly enters a manic phase. This occurrence can be unmanageable by the bipolar disorder patient.The most recognized treatments for bipolar long term are lithium (Ekalith or Lamictal- along with an anti-convulsant. Sugar intake is thought to vex the symptoms of one with a bipolar disorder as well. Atypical anti-psychotics have been prescribed for bipolar, which change some aspects of the brain, physiologically, as does the disease itself. In fact, one may argue the brain becomes more efficient due to both the disorder and the treatment with the atypical anti-psychotics. Yet many recommend the utilization of this class of drugs with bipolar disorder only if psychosis is present as well. As many as 15 percent of bipolar disorder patients diagnosed as such are prescribed an atypical presently. This class of medications may be particularly beneficial for those women who are diagnosed with bipolar who are pregnant, however. Lithium, which is essentially a very light metal with low density in which the salts are obtained for medicinal treatment, and an anti-convulsant are believed to be standard bipolar treatment, pharmacologically, studies have shown. This is due to Dr. John Cade and his examination with lithium and its benefits with those who have psychotic excitement close to 60 years ago. Ekalith is believed to be both neuro-protective as well as having an anti-suicidal affect in those believed to be bipolar- and is viewed as a mainstay as far as treatment for bipolar goes with many who treat the disorder. Lithium is thought to regulate the calcium molecule in the brain, so this and valporate are historically the medicinal treatment options preferred for those with bipolar disorder. Bipolar is difficult to detect, and is often diagnosed as major depression with many affected by this disorder. There is no objective criteria protocol available to utilize when assessing any patient believed to be suffering from any mental disorder. So such mental disorders that are diagnosed are ambiguous, yet that does not conclude that such disorders do not exist, such as the case with bipolar disorder. Yet perhaps a health care provider should be very thorough and knowledgeable when assessing a patient believed to have a mental condition such as bipolar. As should the health care provider keep in mind that the ultimate goal with this disorder is to stabilize the mood of the one affected.www.dbsalliance.org www.nmha.orgwww.nami.orgDan AbshearAuthor’s note: What has been annotated is based upon information and belief. Quiact Bipolar disorder is diagnosed in this country about three times more than any other.Bipolar disorder has an onset age range between the mid teens and mid 20s.Lithium should be a therapeutic agent prescribed in authentic patients. It's not, so standards of care are bypassed, and what is prescribed for such a patient is unreasonable and likely unnecessary. You Really Can Report Safety Data Psychiatric Diagnoses: Fact or Fiction? APA Membership Rejects Torture A Month in The Life of Chuck "High Life" Nemeroff Uh-Oh Chuck, They Out To Get You, Man Prialt Pushed Through Duplicate Publication Pharma: General BrandweekNRX eDrugSearch GoozNews Jim Edwards NRX Dr. Peter Rost Pharma Blogosphere Pharma Giles World Pharma News David Healy's Adventures PsychSplash PsychCentral Seroxat Secrets Treatments Online PharmedOut Social Audit Alliance for Human Research Protection Scientific Misconduct Blog I'm an academic with a respectable amount of clinical experience and no drug industry funding. Given my lack of time, don't expect multiple daily updates. Certain things about clinical psychology, the drug industry, psychiatry, and academics drive me nuts, and you'll probably pick up on these pet peeves before long... English to Chinese
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Leave a comment Posted on Friday, April 24, 2015 Saturday, April 25, 2015 Cultural Capital, Employment, Our Elders, Our Families, Prosperous Tairāwhiti, Regional Economy, Regional Environment, Social Development, Sustainable Tairāwhiti, Tangata Whenua Where did all the farmers go? Or how much useful energy is stored in human belly fat? In his 1979 essay “Energy in Agriculture” the American farmer, author and activist (some say prophet) Wendell Berry reflects on a memoir by Donald Hall of life on his grandparents’ New England farm from the 1930s to the 1950s. The farm produced food for the household and made a cash income from a small hand-milked herd of Holsteins (Fresians) and a flock of sheep. It had trees for firewood and mayple syrup. Sales of wood paid for the girls to go to school and while the farm and family were ‘poor’ by modern standards with only a small income, they also only spent a small amount. Its energy economy was largely independent of its money economy. The energy of this farm came largely from people and from one horse. This farm was based on patterns of agriculture that have been extinguished by the methods of industrial agriculture and modern capitalism. Farms like the Hall’s gave way to assumptions of “progress” that privileged the city over the country, the large-scale over the small, uniformity over diversity. Profound in my context was Berry’s brief history lesson about urbanisation. Trends in the US rural drift to the cities have been mirrored in Aotearoa New Zealand, nowhere more so than the East Coast. One of Berry’s main points is that as ‘agribusiness’ grew in the 20th Century it favoured land that was easy for large, mechanised tools of production to access – namely large, flat to easy country so while small-holdings both in New England and around Ruatoria had been successfully cultivated for hundreds of years, new technology meant the small family farm could not compete with the industrial agriculture of large companies that bought or leased massive tracts of land in other parts of the country. Rural communities that had been largely self-sufficient quickly emptied as families could no longer find work – either because farms in the area had been bought or leased to corporations and the production had been taken over by machines, or because the modest cash income – that had supplemented food grown by the household for itself – had dried up when cheaper produce was sourced from larger farms. Apirana Ngata as Minister of Native Affairs encouraged the wholesale clearance of native bush on the East Coast and other parts of New Zealand still occupied by Māori for conversion to small scale dairy farms. Uncle Tui Tibble was born in the 1930s and remembers dozens of small dairy herds being milked daily in the 10km between Makarika and Ruatoria. Likewise Aunty Patricia, born in 1940, spent her years before going to boarding school milking cows with her nanny on the East Cape. Her secondary schooling was largely paid for by the income from the cows. Those were the days when local families would milk between 30 and 100 cows every morning, put the full containers out at the gate for collection and receive a ‘cream cheque’ each fortnight. Most of that cream went to the Butter Factory in Ruatoria. Ruatōria was well-known for its Ngāti-Porou Co-operative Dairy Company, and the Nāti-branded butter its factory produced won the national award for the best butter for several years in succession. The cooperative was a predominantly Māori venture and the financing, which included buying herds for intending suppliers, was distinctive. It began in the 1925–26 season with 58 suppliers and an output of 61 tons of butter; within 10 years it had 377 suppliers and an output of 743 tons. The company featured in the 28 May 1952 issue of The Weekly News. The article said: ’It is staffed and managed entirely by Maoris, and 90 percent of its cream supply comes from farms under Maori ownership or management.’ Ngati-Porou Co-operative Dairy Co. Ltd. factory, Factory Rd, Ruatoria, 2015 The building still stands, but with a declining milk supply the factory itself closed in 1954. The factory closure didn’t come because the cows went dry, it wasn’t the impact of a prolonged drought or a milk powder contamination scare. It was in fact the intersection of two massive social shifts – urbanisation and large-scale industrialisation of the agricultural sector. The post-war baby boomers were the first generation of ‘consumers’, production shifted away from small family farms and at the same time people shifted away from farms. Before the Second World War 80% of Māori lived in rural communities, the 2013 Census found that over 80% of Māori now live in urban centres. In fact the War was largely responsible for taking men (and women) not only into active service but to work in city factories supporting the war effort. The increase in the percentage of Māori living in urban areas between 1926 and 1986. Source: Te Ara Encyclopedia of NZ With a booming population and increasing ‘prosperity’ in the post-war years, Māori and Pākehā expectations and aspirations changed – higher education, increased mobility and expanded choices were the basis for massive relocations into cities over the next few decades. Berry explains it this way: …something was gaining speed in our country that I think will seem more and more strange as time goes on. This was a curious set of assumptions, both personal and public about ‘progress’. If you could get into a profession, it was assumed, then of course you must not be a farmer; if you could move to the city, then you must not stay in the country; if you could farm more profitably in the corn belt [Poverty Bay flats, Canterbury Plains, Pukekohe], then the moutainsides of New England [East Coast] must not be farmed. For years this set of assumptions was rarely spoken and more rarely questioned, and yet it has been one of the most powerful social forces at work in this country [and around the world] in modern times. and Berry argues it was made possible by the myth of cheap energy: But these assumptions could not accomplish much on their own. What gave them power, and made them able finally to dominate and reshape our society, was the growth of technology for the production and use of fossil fuel energy. This energy could be made available to empower such unprecedented social change because it was “cheap.” But we were able to consider it “cheap” only by a kind of moral simplicity: the assumption that we had a “right” to as much of it as we could use. This was a “right” made solely by might. Because fossil fuels, however abundant they once were, were nevertheless limited in quantity and not renewable, they obviously did not “belong” to one generation more than another. We ignored the claims of posterity simply because we could, the living being stronger than the unborn, and so worked the “miracle” of industrial progress by the theft of energy from (among others) our children. Berry argues, not only did the cultural values of society shift along with more ‘metropolitan’ tastes and consumption habits increasingly dependent on manufactured food, but more importantly the shifts were a logical consequence of ‘marginal’ farms in New England – and the East Coast of Aotearoa New Zealand – being abandoned – not because they were unproductive or undesirable as living places. They were given up for one very “practical” reason: they did not lend themselves readinly to exploitation by fossil fuel technology… Industrial agriculture needs large, level fields. As the scale of technology grows, the small farms with small or steep fields are pushed farther and farther toward the economic margins and are finally abandoned… Today we find ourselves in a situation where thousands of hectares of land on the East Coast and other parts of the country that were once highly ‘productive’ as family farms are now lying fallow, gathering millions in rates debt. While some estimates classifying up to 80% of Māori land as ‘under-performing’ or ‘unproductive’ may be exaggerated, and the benefits of ‘undeveloped’ land may turn out to be quite profitable, and whether or not law reform is required to address the complexities of tenure and management, the fact remains that Māori land in our community is rarely being utilised like it was to enable whānau to grow their own food and derive some modest income from what can be sold, swapped or given away. Tapuaeroa, Ruatoria Berry laments the massive waste associated with the modern ‘efficient’ agricultural methods. There is the waste of solar energy that farming has depended on for millennia – both as a motive power and as a growing power; the waste of animal energy – particularly when animals are confined and feed has to be transported to them; the waste of soil and soil health as massive agricultural machinery compresses the soil and sees it blown as dust or be drained away during rain because it is more ‘efficient’ to leave large areas exposed between crops. But possibly the biggest waste is that of human energy and ability: Industrial agriculture replaces people with machines; the ability of millions of people (maybe tens of thousands in Aotearoa New Zealand) to become skillful and to do work therefore comes to nothing. We now have millions (tens of thousands) on some kind of government support, grown useless and helpless, while our country becomes unhealthy and ugly for want of human work and care. And we have additional millions (hundreds of thousands) not on welfare who grown equally useless and helpless for want of health. How much potential useful energy do we now have stored in human belly fat? And is it costing us, not only in medical bills, but in money spent on diets, drugs and exercise machines? A pretty harsh analysis and probably won’t go down well with the liberals, but it resonates with many of us who might even have grown up on or close to small farms but have lost the knowledge, skills and motivation to fend for ourselves, kill our own meat and grow our own fruit and vegetables… and have grown accustomed to an unhealthy way of life so different to that of Uncle Tui’s childhood or Donald Hill’s grandparents. Makarika Valley Of course it is easy to romanticise the ‘good old days’ and living off the land when actually there’s very little that is glamorous or easy about it. Our friends and neighbours who live ‘closer to the land’ than we do at present struggle with the challenge of the workload of growing your own – as Hirini Kaa‘s grandfather said in his diary: ‘Kumara is such hard work every day except Christmas, Easter and Sunday mornings.” A poor season and smallharvest can mean a very lean winter, living off the grid can mean cold nights, constant illness and modest incomes can mean insecure land tenure and investing everything in land that is whipped away by those who can take it… all the trappings of the ‘simple life’ that our ‘easy life’ is setup to avoid at all costs. Still, a small and determined group of hardy souls have kept the faith and whether it was pacifist religious communities after the war, hippy communes and intentional communities through the 70s, the NZ Small Farmers Association that my father Graham Caddie was briefly President of in the late 80s, more recent Catholic Worker farms in the Hokianga, Kapiti Coast and Central Hawkes Bay or stubborn whānau who simply refuse to leave their whenua and have continued to farm the blocks handed down to them – authentic examples have been quietly growing about their business while the rest of society chases the Kiwi Dream- however that is defined in these days of three quarters of a million dollars average house prices. Te Ao Hou Marae, Tikitiki/Rangitukia Moving rural this year, back to Tarsh’s marae at Makarika just south of Ruatoria was largely motivated by a cultural imperative around the retention and revitalisation of Te Reo Māori for our children and ourselves, but it seems to be increasingly offering a much wider range of opportunities to deepen our relationship with each other and the rest of Creation in a surprisingly spiritual encounter with the whenua, our collective histories and potential futures as Berry again articulated so much of so well in a recent article last month. It feels like new beginnings for our family in so many ways – and while there’s nothing romantic about killing field mice that are just trying to shelter from the cold on a frosty morning – there is so much beauty all around us, so much potential to live in a more balanced way with the world around and inside us, and so much opportunity to have fun while making mistakes and growing together. It’s a bit scary but all exciting journeys should be. agriculture beauty consumerism Creating Change economy Employment energy family farming Māori Self-Sufficiency Technology urbanisation Wendell Berry whanau whenua
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Baptisms and Dedications Giving to the Church Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices Groups on a Sunday How can I become a Christian? Looking for God? Little Pips Toddler Group Afternoon Fellowship Orchard Crafters Orchard Café Family Fun Mornings Community Fun Day Prayer Wednesdays Orchard Baptist Church 23 Blackheath Mersea Road CO2 0AE Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. — James 1:21 Orchard Baptist Church is a member of the Baptist Union, and supports its basis of faith and practice, which is: That our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, is the sole and absolute authority in all matters to do with faith and practice, as revealed in the Bible, and that each Church has liberty, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to interpret and administer His laws. That Christian Baptism is the immersion in water into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who ‘died for our sins according to the Scriptures; was buried, and rose again the third day’. That it is the duty of every disciple to bear personal witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to take part in the evangelisation of the world. Orchard Baptist Church also affirms the basis of faith of the Evangelical Alliance: The one true God who lives eternally in three persons—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The love, grace and sovereignty of God in creating, sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world. The divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Old and New Testament Scriptures, which are the written Word of God—fully trustworthy for faith and conduct. The dignity of all people, made male and female in God’s image to love, be holy and care for creation, yet corrupted by sin, which incurs divine wrath and judgement. The incarnation of God’s eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ—born of the Virgin Mary; truly divine and truly human, yet without sin. The atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross: dying in our place, paying the price of sin and defeating evil, so reconciling us with God. The bodily resurrection of Christ, the first fruits of our resurrection; his ascension to the Father, and his reign and mediation as the only Saviour of the world. The justification of sinners solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ. The ministry of God the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with Christ through new birth, empowers our discipleship and enables our witness. The Church, the body of Christ both local and universal, the priesthood of all believers—given life by the Spirit and endowed with the Spirit’s gifts to worship God and proclaim the gospel, promoting justice and love. The personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfil the purposes of God, who will raise all people to judgement, bring eternal life to the redeemed and eternal condemnation to the lost, and establish a new heaven and new earth. Weekly Bulletin (pdf) Would you like to share? http://orchardbaptist.co.uk/about-us/what-we-believe-2">
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Movie on the live of G. K. Chesterton Thursday, March 23, 2017, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Parish Hall
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Property Investment Opportunity in Bolton Lincoln House is situated on Nelson Street within close proximity to Bolton town centre and all its amenities, with Bolton train station only a 5-minute walk away. It is also approximately one mile from St. Peters Way (A666), the main arterial route through Bolton, which links directly to the motorway network of the M6, M61 & M62, all of which are approximately three miles south. Bolton offers a rich variety of opportunities – from commercial developments to housing schemes – and expects to see more than £1bn of town centre investment in the next 15 years. It’s a key player in the Greater Manchester economy, which is at the heart of the UK Government’s Northern Powerhouse strategy and the 2nd largest employer in the Greater Manchester region. Travel connections to cities such as Liverpool and Leeds are excellent, and Manchester is just an 18-minute train journey away. The Lake District, West Pennine Moors and Yorkshire Dales are all within easy reach, and the bright lights of Blackpool are just an hour away. Bolton has a rich and proud heritage and a bold plan for a bright and prosperous future. When it comes to the economic regeneration of Greater Manchester, Bolton is leading the way and continued confidence over recent years has delivered over £1bn of investment from the public and private sectors. If you would like to learn more about this fantastic opportunity, please click on the ‘book now’ link below, and I look forward to talking to you all very soon!
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Recortes de prensa: El aggiornamiento del Opus Dei en materias morales. - Casimiro casimiro : Los directores piden disculpas y se pliegan a los postulados de la nueva era. El fin (conseguir dinero público) justifica los medios (disculparse por defender lo que siempre habían sido principios morales de la enseñanza católica). Ojalá se comportaran así con los ex-miembros a los que tanto daño han hecho: pidiendo perdón e indemnizándoles. Les dejo la siguiente noticia: Dos escuelas retiran las lecturas que calificaban de “anormal” el comportamiento homosexual Los dos colegios concertados recomendaban la obra del arzobispo André Léonard Los dos colegios privados —el Viaró Global school, que segrega por sexos, y La Farga—, ambos vinculados al Opus Dei y con un concierto económico con la Generalitat, han confirmado que han retirado el libro de sus lecturas recomendadas. "Estaba en nuestra web, en un apartado de lectura en el que hay 5.000 libros recomendados. No son libros curriculares. Y lo retiramos al momento, en cuanto nos avisaron de que existe algún fragmento inapropiado con el que alguien puede sentirse incómodo. Para nosotros, la dignidad del ser humano está por encima de cualquier condición sexual", ha manifestado un portavoz de La Farga. Desde el colegio Viaró afirman que el libro apareció recomendado en 2006 en una revista trimestral para los padres. "Ya no figura en nuestra web porque desde luego no queremos tener nada que sea ofensivo. Lo borramos en cuanto nos dieron el aviso porque para nosotros, la igualdad es algo en lo que educamos a los niños y no queremos que nadie se sienta ofendido con nada", ha apuntado un portavoz del colegio. Artículo completo en El País · Más Acerca de 070. Costumbres y Praxis Noticia más leída sobre 070. Costumbres y Praxis: El Opus Dei como revelación divina.- E.B.E.
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Home / Personal Injury Lawyers in El Paso, Texas / Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers in El Paso, Texas Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers in El Paso, Texas CALL (800) 863-5312 TO SPEAK WITH EL PASO DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENT LAWYERS FOR FREE Drunk drivers continue to pose a serious danger to others on the road. Intoxicated drivers may be swerving in and out of lanes, running red lights or stop signs, or otherwise violating traffic laws and creating hazardous conditions for other drivers. That’s why it’s important to speak with El Paso drunk driving accident lawyers. If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident in El Paso, call the experienced El Paso drunk driving injury attorneys from Zinda Law Group at (800) 863-5312 for a free consultation. If we are not able to win your case, you will not owe us anything. DRUNK DRIVING STATISTICS IN TEXAS Texas Penal Code § 49.04 prohibits driving while intoxicated (DWI), and provides that drivers may not operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or more. However, El Paso consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous counties in Texas for drunk driving accidents. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were 852 accidents in El Paso county in 2019 which involved alcohol. Of these 852 crashes, El Paso had the seventh-most alcohol-related fatalities in the state with 20, out of the 77 total car wreck fatalities in El Paso. Meanwhile, there were approximately 252 injuries resulting from alcohol-related accidents. WHY DRUNK DRIVING CAN BE SO DANGEROUS Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol endangers not only the driver, but everyone else using the road. Intoxicated drivers are much more likely to cause an accident, many of which may involve serious injuries or death. Intoxicated drivers may suffer from various impairments to their senses, including: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs may cause a driver to behave impulsively, such as by running a red light, failing to stop at a railroad crossing, speeding, or passing others without waiting for a safe opportunity. Intoxicated drivers may also suffer from an impaired ability to safely divide their attention between the necessary actions involved in safely operating a vehicle, such as maintaining a safe speed while obeying traffic signs and maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. Alcohol or drug use may often severely impair a driver’s senses, especially the driver’s coordination. Intoxicated drivers may suffer impaired muscle control, which in turn may impair their ability to safely steer and brake the vehicle. Intoxicated drivers may often be unable to see clearly. Alcohol or drug use may also make it difficult for the intoxicated driver to focus or track moving objects on the road around them. This impaired vision may cause the driver to fail to see pedestrians, objects, other vehicles on the road, or other dangerous conditions that could lead to an alcohol-related collision. Finally, many drivers impaired by alcohol or drug use may also suffer impaired reaction times. Intoxication may cause delays in the driver’s ability to process or act upon sensory information quickly enough to safely respond to changing road conditions. As a result, this impaired reaction time may leave the intoxicated driver unable to adequately respond in time to avoid a crash. COMMON INJURIES IN DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENTS Drunk driving accidents can often result in severe or even life-threatening injuries, including: Bruises or lacerations HOW TO PROVE LIABILITY IN DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENT CASES Generally, a car wreck victim must prove four general elements of negligence when pursuing a drunk driving lawsuit in El Paso: The intoxicated driver owed a duty of care to the victim The intoxicated driver breached this duty of care The victim suffered injuries or damages in the accident The victim’s injuries or damages were caused by the intoxicated driver’s breach Generally, proving the other driver owed a duty of care to you is fairly straight-forward. Every driver generally owes a duty of care to all others on the roadway to drive reasonably under the circumstances and avoid any accidents. Further, proving a driver breached this duty of care may also be simpler than in other car accident cases once a victim can prove the other driver was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Your drunk driving injury lawyer in El Paso may prove the other driver’s intoxication by obtaining results of any Breathalyzer tests, field sobriety tests, or blood tests administered by law enforcement after the accident. Your attorney may also present witness testimony of the driver’s erratic behavior shortly before the crash as well as any evidence the driver consumed any drinks before getting behind the wheel. Next, you will have to demonstrate the extent of your injuries or damages suffered in the accident. This evidence may include any diagnoses of your injuries as well as the medical bills for any necessary treatment as well as damages from your damaged vehicle, any lost wages, or non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. Finally, you will have to prove your injuries and damages were caused by the other driver’s negligent behavior. In the case of drunk driving accidents, your lawyer may provide evidence of the other driver’s intoxication and demonstrate this intoxication led to the accident in which you were injured. HOW DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENTS ARE DIFFERENT THAN A NORMAL WRECK If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident in El Paso, filing a lawsuit may include some differences from a car accident claim that does not involve an intoxicated driver. While drunk driving accidents also often involve serious injuries as well as an attempt to assign fault for the accident and negotiating with insurers to reach settlements, drunk driving accidents often include two key differences. First, if the other driver was intoxicated at the time of the accident, this intoxication may make it easier for your attorney to prove the intoxicated driver breached their duty of care by driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Because Texas, like every other state, prohibits driving while intoxicated, any person who gets behind the wheel while under the influence is likely to be held at least partially liable for any injuries or damages you may have suffered in the accident. Thus, if your El Paso drunk driving accident lawyer establishes that the other driver was intoxicated, the first two elements of a drunk driving accident claim of duty and breach may be automatically met as proof of the DWI constitutes “negligence per se” under Texas law. Further, because of the degree of negligence involved in drunk driving, punitive damages may be available in some cases. Punitive damages may be awarded to punish the at-fault driver while discouraging others from engaging in the same dangerous behavior. Courts generally only award punitive damages if the at-fault driver acted with gross negligence or intentionally caused the accident. Under Texas law, driving while intoxicated typically constitutes gross negligence, which may allow you to pursue punitive damages to discourage other drivers from getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. WHY YOU SHOULD HIRE AN EL PASO DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENT LAWYER Hiring an experienced attorney may often be the difference in successfully pursuing a drunk driving accident lawsuit in El Paso. Drunk driving accidents can often lead to severe injuries or even death, especially in the case of head-on collisions. Many victims may face serious physical or emotional trauma after the accident. Your attorney may handle your case while you recover from the effects of the accident. An El Paso personal injury lawyer may present your available options as well as create a plan moving forward to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. As you recover, your lawyer may investigate the accident and gather any evidence necessary to support your claim, such as police reports establishing the intoxication of the other driver. Your lawyer may handle every step of your claim from filing the personal injury lawsuit, to investigating the accident, to negotiating with the insurer on your behalf, to taking your case to trial if necessary. HOW A LAWYER CAN HELP YOU NEGOTIATE WITH INSURANCE COMPANIES Often, insurance companies may attempt to take advantage of victims after an accident. You should never speak to an insurance company after the accident without the assistance of a lawyer. Insurance companies work to pay as little as possible after accidents, and the insurance company may attempt to trick you into making statements that could weaken your claim. The insurer may call you soon after the accident promising to help you or speed along a potential settlement, while often really looking to trick you into admitting some responsibility for the accident. The insurer may then attempt to use these statements to reduce or eliminate any compensation you may be entitled to after the accident. An experienced drunk driving accident lawyer in El Paso may communicate with the insurer on your behalf to protect your interests and begin the process of negotiating a potential settlement with the insurer. Your lawyer may negotiate with the drunk driver’s insurer by making an initial offer to settle your claim. Your attorney may present evidence proving the extent of your injuries as well as proving the drunk driver’s liability for the accident and your injuries. The insurance company may use its teams of lawyers and adjusters to dispute your claim or the extent of your injuries. During these negotiations, a lawyer may work to obtain a satisfactory drunk driving settlement for your injuries. GET HELP FROM A DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENT LAWYER IN EL PASO TODAY At Zinda Law Group, our El Paso car accident attorneys may assist you with your claim. Our attorneys have years of experience helping our clients seek the maximum compensation for their El Paso drunk driving accident claims. Call (800) 863-5312 today for a free consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers. You will not pay anything unless we can win your El Paso drunk driving injury case. That’s our No Win, No Fee Guarantee. Meetings with attorneys by appointment only.
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Cookie e privacy - Informativa sulla privacy del sito e divulgazione di affiliati A proposito di AllExciting Festival in Europa Bere feste Festival storiche Festival di musica Anversa Warwick e il Castello Dresda Isola di Rügen Sylt Island Isola di Usedom Salonicco Utrecht - Un tesoro nascosto isola Cies e Vigo Granada e Alhambra Alhambra di Granada - un sogno moresco Il Palazzo mozzafiato e giardini di Alhambra di Granada e Generalife, l'epitome di un sogno arabo situato nel sud della Spagna. Dall'epoca moresca in Spagna 500 anni di dominazione araba hanno lasciato un segno profondo, in particolare nel sud della penisola. L'Alhambra è spesso indicato come il gioiello della corona o una perla incastonata in smeraldi. Originariamente costruito come fortezza nel 889 su uno dei sette colli circostanti Granada. Trasformato in un palazzo reale in 1333 da Yusuf I. Ha servito come la dimora dei sovrani della dinastia Nasridi fino alla riconquista dalla regina Isabella e Ferdinando in 1492. Un patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO dal 1984, l'Alhambra è l'esempio più significativo di architettura islamica araba in Europa. Avvicinati dalla città a piedi o in auto e entra nel complesso attraverso La Puerta de Los Granadas. Seguire una ripida salita alla Puerta de La Justica, un arco enorme per entrare nel Alhambra corretta. Nel corso dei secoli sono stati aggiunti molti edifici al fortezza originale, quindi non c'è nessun generale 'piano piano'. Tuttavia ogni aggiunta è stato progettato allo scopo di creare un paradiso in terra, con tutte le camere dei quartieri reali si aprono su un cortile centrale. Pareti e soffitti sono rivestiti con piastrelle, arabeschi e calligrafia spesso in rosso, blu e oro. sculture in pietra intricate alternano con mosaici e scritture del Corano. L'Alhambra si basa su una piattaforma e l'intero complesso è completamente murata in intervallata da 13 torri. Alcuni sono torri di avvistamento e alcuni servono a scopi puramente ricreativi. Cortile del Leone Le caratteristiche più famoso è senza dubbio la Corte dei Leoni. Un cortile decorato con una grande fontana in alabastro, sostenuta da dodici leoni scolpita nel marmo. I leoni simboleggiano il potere e l'influenza della dinastia. Generalife e giardini In sintonia con il tema paradiso, è possibile Rifatevi gli occhi con una pinna peccato di alberi e fiori. Lo sguardo in piscine riflettenti e ascoltare le acque tintinnio delle innumerevoli fontane. Un'altra caratteristica significativa della Alhambra è l'abbondanza di usignoli che hanno ispirato molti un poeta. Dopo una passeggiata attraverso le numerose sale e stanze, tra cui l'harem e la Corte dei Mirti e salendo una o due torri, procedete verso il Generalife. Progettato e costruito da Muhammed III, il Generalife era la residenza estiva dei sultani originariamente collegato al palazzo principale da un passaggio coperto. La caratteristica più rilevante del Generalife sono tuttavia i giardini. Ammirate la Corte del canale d'acqua, una lunga piscina incorniciata da aiuole e fontane che fuoriescono spruzzi sottili di acqua in aria. Seguire le passerelle lastricate di ciottoli bianchi e neri dai letti dei fiumi Darro un Genil che fluiscono attraverso Granada e riposare i piedi su una delle panchine in pietra nel giardino della Sultana. Pensato per essere l'esempio meglio conservato di un giardino persiano medievale in Al-Andalus e ombreggiato da cipressi. È possibile visitare il Alhambra con una visita guidata o fallo da solo. Ricorda scarpe comode, perché c'è molto da camminare. Visita guidata Alhambra Cerca alberghi e molto altro ancora ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 luglio 2020 agosto 2020 sept 2020 ott 2020 novembre 2020 dic 2020 Jan 2021 febbraio 2021 mar 2021 aprile 2021 Maggio 2021 Giugno 2021 Non ho ancora date specifiche soggiorno di lusso vicino a Alhambra Nelle vicinanze Alhambra si trova la bellissima Alhambra Palace Hotel. Inaugurato dal re Alfonso XIII nel 1910 come un hotel e casinò, l'hotel conserva il lusso e lo stile degli inizi del 20th secolo. Decorato in un design che riflette l'arte della Alhambra, ma incorpora i servizi di un albergo moderno di lusso. Casa lontano da casa per molte celebrità e artisti, seguire il loro esempio, sedersi sulla terrazza sul tetto di notte, si affacciano sul Alhambra illuminata e la città sottostante e lasciare che il sogno continui. Collegare in hotel per ulteriori immagini e informazioni: Alhambra Palace Hotel Tour dell'Alhambra e più cose da fare in giro Granada Altro dalla Spagna Carnevale Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 30 aprile - 23 maggio 2021 Il Carnevale di Las Palmas è un evento annuale per competere con il Carnevale di Rio de Janeiro. Costumi sgargianti, balli, musica: è una festa gigantesca. Luglio 28, 2020/da Roger Carnevale a Cadice, Spagna, 11-22 febbraio 2021 Cadice, la grande città sulla costa atlantica Andalucia's, può affermare con orgoglio di avere più antiche feste di carnevale in Spagna continentale Cavatast - Cava Festival, Sant Sadurni d'Anoia, Spagna. 2-4 ottobre 2020 La capitale spagnola di Cava, Sant Sadurni d'Anoi, vi invita alle feste durante l'annuale Cavatast: una fiera di degustazione di cava e gastronomia che si tiene ad ottobre. San Sebastian Jazz Festival - 22 - 26 luglio 2020 San Sebastian Jazz Festival è un festival internazionale di jazz di fama mondiale. Divertiti e alternati tra tour jazz e pinxos in città. Festival delle rose di zafferano a Consuegra Spagna, 23 - 25 ottobre 2020 Consuegra, 60 km da Toledo si trova proprio nel mezzo delle vaste piantagioni di zafferano. Il festival dello zafferano si terrà l'ultimo fine settimana di ottobre. Fiesta del Marisco Seafood Festival, O Grove, Spagna, 1 - 12 ottobre 2020 Festival del pesce a O Grove, Galizia, Spagna, Oltre 200 visitatori visitano questo festival culturale-gastronomico. Tenuto in ottobre ogni anno dal 000. Barcelona NYE - Serata di Capodanno a Barcellona Trascorrere la serata di Capodanno a Barcellona è un'ottima opzione ed esperienza. Goditi le celebrazioni di strada a New York a Plaça d'Espanya e successivamente nei club Luglio 9, 2020/da Roger Festival della birra La Fira del Poblenou Barcellona, ​​luglio 2020 Annullato Combina birra e una città fantastica. La Fira del Poblenou è la più grande e importante fiera della birra artigianale di Barcellona. Goditi degustazioni, food truck e musica. Feria del Caballo a Jerez, in Spagna, nuove date dal 10 al 17 ottobre 2020 Jerez de la Frontera, situato in Andalusia, è famoso per lo sherry e i cavalli. A maggio di ogni anno si tiene il bellissimo festival Feria del Caballo. Giugno 12, 2020/da Roger Bilbao BBK Live Music Festival, 8 - 10 luglio 2021 Il festival BBK Live offre musica rock e pop. I nomi vanno da quelli acclamati a quelli davvero alternativi. Situato tra le montagne di Kobetamendi, BBK Live è tra i festival organizzati in luoghi unici. Giugno 1, 2020/da Roger Great Week San Sebastian, Spagna, 2020 (Annullato) Un festival per tutti i gusti. La Grande Settimana di San Sebastian segna il giorno della Vergine il 15 agosto. Una grande celebrazione che include un concorso internazionale di fuochi d'artificio 29 Maggio 2020/da Roger Festival Vida, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcellona, ​​1 - 3 luglio 2021 Un festival musicale in cui è possibile ascoltare alcuni grandi rock, artisti pop in diversi locali che si svolgono ogni anno a Vilanova, a sud di Barcellona. Barcellona tour privato vela romantico Flawor vostro soggiorno a Barcellona con un giro romantico a vela Vijazz, Vilafranca del Penedes, Spagna, 24-26 luglio 2020 (annullato) Vijazz è un festival di musica jazz con Food, Wine e Cava - Il jazz è perfettamente integrato dalle opportunità di degustare vini e spumanti 300. Mura, palazzi e dolci in Avila medievale, Spagna Avila, un'impressionante città medievale in Spagna. Vivete la sua unica mura medievale che interamente circonda la Città Vecchia, 2516 metri e caratterizza le torri 87 e le porte 9. Un Festival Cappella a Girona, Spagna, 8 - 18 maggio 2021 Un festival a cappella a Girona è una grande fonte di ispirazione musicale dagli infiniti modi di fare musica incredibile usando solo le voci. Prossimi eventi in Spagna Corrente mese Condividi e fai sapere agli altri di questo !! Traduci (Google tradotto - l'inglese è la lingua predefinita) Pubblicità su AE la politica del sito e l'utente Divulgazione di affiliazione Quando prenoti hotel, biglietti o tour da allexciting.com abbiamo una piccola commissione. Grazie a questo possiamo continuare a lavorare con il sito. Se ritieni utile allexciting.com siamo molto grati per il tuo supporto. Responsabilità della lettera Noi faremo sempre del nostro meglio per raccogliere sempre e fornire informazioni corrette, e si sforzano di dare il miglior servizio possibile a voi. Ma non saremo responsabili di eventuali errori scritti in AllExciting.Com, o cambiamenti che possono verificarsi nei programmi di eventi, o altro. Vedi siti web organizzatori per qualsiasi informazione aggiornata prima di ordinare il vostro viaggio. Festival internazionale di Greenwich e Docklands, 28 agosto - 12 settembre 2020 Il bellissimo Carnevale a Nizza, 13-27 febbraio 2021 Festa del limone, Mentone, Francia. 13 febbraio -2 marzo 2021 (stimato) © Copyright - AllExciting.Com - powered by WordPress Theme Enfold
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SHANNON OKSANEN / SCULPTRESS SCULPTRESS A Little Boat 2007 (4:38” looped) is a short 16mm film in black and white made in the spirit of the National Film Board of Canada’s accessible and morale boosting shorts. Documenting the adventures of a toy sailboat, the artist pays homage to the poetic quality of French filmmaker Albert Lamorisse’s short fantasy films of the 1950s; The Red Balloon and White Mane. Oksanen’s film opens on a lake surrounded by hoary trees and follows the trajectory of a tiny handmade sailboat pushed by a stick out into the water. The camera follows the little vessel as it sails swiftly and deliberately across the lake, tacking and jibing marrionette-like through the reeds. The soundtrack is compiled of sampled and recomposed recordings of electronica from Delia Derbyshire and Daphne Ora’s BBC radiophonic workshop, an influential and experimental sound effect unit of the BBC operating in the late 1950s. Similar to Lamorisse’s ballon floating across the streets of Paris, the passage of the boat holds a childlike, nostalgic and half remembered quality. The accompanying sculptures in this exhibition are inspired by the work of Franz West, Constantin Brancusi, Cy Twombly and Niki de Saint Phalle. Constructed with plaster, found wooden objects, string and feathers, the works are fashioned from a combination of humble materials and are deliberately modest in scale. Shannon Oksanen is originally from Vancouver, where she currently lives and works. She studied fine arts at the University of British Columbia in 1993. Since the mid-nineties she has participated in exhibitions across Canada as well as internationally, including solo shows at VTO Gallery, London, England; Or Gallery, Vancouver; and Tracey Lawrence Gallery, Vancouver. Oksanen participated in Baja to Vancouver a touring exhibition of West Coast artists, coordinated by the Seattle Art Museum, San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, Vancouver Art Gallery, and the Wattis Art Institute (2003). Since, she has participated in group exhibitions at Kelowna Art Gallery, (2003); Passogen Gallery, Linköping, Sweden (2004); Gallery 303, New York (2005); and Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver (2007). Her work is included in publications such as Read, Ed 1(Artist Portfolios), Emily Carr Institute Press, Vancouver (2007); Soundtracks, exhibition catalogue, Edmonton Art Gallery, (2005); Break Away!, exhibition catalogue, Kelowna Art Gallery, (2004); and Baja to Vancouver, exhibition catalogue, Vancouver Art Gallery, (2003). Reviews of her work have appeared in the online magazine, Akimblog (May 2007); Artforum, New York (January 2005); and Globe and Mail, Toronto (August 2001). Oksanen is represented by Lawrence Eng Gallery, Vancouver.
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Tag Archive | Roe v. Wade When Empires Die: Thoughts on the Centennial of World War I, Part V THE LAST SUMMER OF THE WORLD “Interview Between Jesus and Nicodemus“ A Matter of Life and Death In truth God has placed the choice of life or death in front of every person from the beginning of time. Consider what He said to our ancestors. In the Garden of Eden there was the stark choice between the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which brought death (Genesis 2:8-16). When the Lord spoke through Moses to explain His standards of righteousness to our fathers and mothers on the edge of the Promised Land, He said, I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them. (Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NKJV, emphasis added) When Empires Die: Thoughts on the Centennial of World War I, Part IV BABYLON AT THE ABYSS The reverse of the Great Seal of the United States of America proclaims the “New Order of the Ages” approved by Providence. The Not-So-New World Order What are we to make of the upheaval happening around us in this centennial summer since World War I began? There are only a few possibilities. Either it is a restructuring of the current world order to some new equilibrium, or it is the destruction of the current world order and the establishment of something new, or it is the end of the world as we know it. If asked which of these is correct, my answer is, “Yes”. When Empires Die: Thoughts on the Centennial of World War I, Part III WHAT HAS BEEN DONE WILL BE DONE AGAIN Nothing Lasts Forever But the Earth and Sky Israeli soldiers capture Jerusalem on the second day of the Six Day War. My link to World War I is my grandfather, Garland Victor McCarn, a veteran of the American 31st Infantry Division. He arrived in France five weeks before the Armistice of November 11, 1918 brought an end to the fighting on the Western Front. Two days before the Armistice the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II brought an end to the German monarchy. Kaiser Wilhelm had ruled Germany for 30 years, having taken the throne in the year of my grandfather’s birth, 1888. My grandfather passed from this earth in 1967, the year Israel regained control of Jerusalem in the Six Day War. When Empires Die: Thoughts on the Centennial of World War I, Part II TOD UND VERKLÄRUNG (Death and Transfiguration) This is the second in a series on World War I and its parallels with our current times. After a review of the events leading up to the Great War and of its aftermath, this series will investigate current events in light of biblical prophecy. Europe on the Eve of World War I Bosnia-Herzegovina was and is something of an anomaly. All the other peoples of the Balkans dwell in relatively homogenous regions. With the exception of the Albanians and Greeks, all those other peoples are Slavs, akin by language and culture to the Russians. By religion these Southern Slavs (or Yugoslavs) are either Roman Catholic (Croats and Slovenes) or Orthodox (Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians, and Bulgarians). Islam claims the majority of Albanians and a large portion of Macedonians, although there are many Roman Catholics (including the revered Mother Theresa) and Orthodox Christians among the Albanian population. Greeks, the other non-Slavic people, are also Orthodox Christians. By 1914 most of these Balkan peoples had emerged from centuries of Ottoman domination with states for themselves. Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania remain to this day largely within the borders they held a century ago. Serbia incorporated Macedonia and was a close ally of Montenegro. Croatia and Slovenia fell under the dominion of Austria-Hungary.
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What’s a Digital Lending Ecosystem and Why Should Banks Care? Financial institutions aiming for long-term success need to revamp the way they think about digital transformation. There’s a great line in the movie The Princess Bride: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” “Inconceivable” is the word the movie character was referring to, but if we were to apply this quote to the banking industry then the word that is constantly being used is “digital transformation” — and based on Cornerstone Advisors’ research, most banks have no idea what it means. In our annual What’s Going On in Banking survey, Cornerstone asked executives at mid-size banks and credit unions, “What new products or services does your institution plan to launch in 2021?” The number one answer was digital account opening, which tied with existing system modifications/improvements. This is a perfect window into most banks’ thinking on digital transformation: “There’s nothing wrong with our products. We’re losing ground to neobanks and other fintech companies because we haven’t digitized the delivery of our existing products and services. Therefore, our first priority for digital transformation must be digital account opening.” I have bad news — there is something wrong with most banks’ products. It’s why traditional banks of every size are losing ground to neobanks in the fight over primary checking accounts. It’s why buy-now-pay-later has suddenly become one of the hottest sectors in consumer banking. It’s why Stripe is the most highly valued venture-backed private company in the U.S. The trait that all of these companies share is that they are laser-focused on solving the entirety of their target customers’ problems. Related Article NCR Acquires Terafina – So What? This means building innovative financial products, yes, but more importantly, it means embedding those products into larger, interconnected ecosystems where their customers can go to address bigger, more meaningful problems; problems that often have little to do with financial services in the minds of those customers. The shift from products to ecosystems is having a profound impact on the competitive dynamics within the financial services industry. Banks that hope to successfully navigate this shift and position themselves for long-term success need to completely revamp the way they are thinking about digital transformation and focus, first and foremost, on building digital ecosystems for their customers. Want to learn more about how financial institutions can build digital ecosystems? Don’t miss my upcoming webinar with Newgen Software:
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Inicio | 015 9 abril, 2016 , por Satelite Suipacha La Posta Mariana pasó por Suipacha Una vez más el reto que aúna la fe, el patriotismo y el respeto por nuestros héroes de Malvinas, llegó a Suipacha. Se trata de la Posta Mariana del Regimiento 6 de Infantería. Se trata de una Posta de Relevos que parte desde la Localidad de TOAY (La Pampa) y se dirige hasta MERCEDES (Bs […] 11 enero, 2013 , por gacomputers El Kirchnerismo local fue a la fiesta de la Fragata La llegada de la Fragata Libertad fue el motivo elegido por el Gobierno nacional para organizar un acto político multitudinario reuniendo a sus principales aliados. Desde Suipacha salieron una cantidad importantes de simpatizantes del modelo. Según hizo saber a través de la Secretaría de Prensa del Municipio, el intendente Delfino estuvo participando el pasado miércoles […] 24 julio, 2013 , por gacomputers Convocan al almuerzo anual de Docentes Jubiladas Como todos los años, ya circula el comunicado de invitación dirigido a las Docentes jubiladas de Suipacha. “Cercano al Día anual del Docente Jubilado, que se celebra el 31/07, los maestros de Suipacha lo festejarán como todos los años, con un almuerzo, el 31-07, en “Don Vicente”. Como siempre, no se harán invitaciones personales.Las reservas […] 2 octubre, 2016 , By Satelite Suipacha BOMBEROS: Un incendio de automotor motivó la alarma 21 febrero, 2016 , By Satelite Suipacha Se realizaron los Carnavales en Rivas 6 julio, 2017 , By Satelite Suipacha Encuentro Coral
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Home What's on Spirits From 30 Apr 2016 to 01 May 2016 30 April-1 May. Outdoor Extra, a month-long cultural programme showcasing art, music, architecture, fashion, food and beverage at the disused military barracks on Via Guido Reni, presents the Spirits festival over the weekend of 30 April-1 May. Dedicated to mixology, the art of mixing cocktails, the festival features two days of tastings, cocktail masterclasses and live music, along with challenges between the best bartenders in Rome. The 30,000-sqm venue of Outdoor Extra is located near the Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo (MAXXI), in the Flaminio district of Rome. For full programme details see Outdoor Extra website. Address Ex Caserma, Via Guido Reni 7 (Flaminio) Website http://www.out-door.it/festival/ Ex Caserma, Via Guido Reni 7 (Flaminio) Next article Alphonse Mucha
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Públicado en 29 de junio de 2022 por donmarto
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Kauai > Kauai Resort Areas > You are here: Kilauea, Kauai – Home to a Historic Lighthouse, a Wildlife Refuge and more… Kilauea, Kauai – Home to a Historic Lighthouse, a Wildlife Refuge and more… The small town of Kilauea lies on the northern side of Kauai. In fact, it’s the northern most area on the Hawaiian Islands. Here in Kilauea you’ll find picturesque views of the ocean, a beautiful lighthouse and a national wildlife refuge. Kilauea Lighthouse Kilauea’s most famous landmark is Kilauea Lighthouse, which sits atop a 568-foot cliff overlooking the ocean. Built in 1913, this 52-foot lighthouse has a nostalgic look to it, with a red top and clean white walls. At the time it was built, it had the largest clamshell lens in the world, but an automatic beacon replaced the lighthouse in 1976. The cliff, Kilauea Point, where it was built is the northern most point of all the Hawaiian Islands. Near the lighthouse on Kilauea Point is a nice little museum that provides historical information about the lighthouse and enhances the visitor experience. The lighthouse is open Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM (808) 828-1413. Although visitors aren’t allowed to go up the stairs to visit the light, self-guided tours of the lighthouse are allowed. The cost is three dollars per person to get in. It’s also a great place for taking pictures, as the view of the ocean is spectacular here. Directions to Kilauea Lighthouse: From Lihue take highway 56 North. Just past the 23-mile marker turn right on Kilauea Rd. Drive 2 miles to the end of the road. The lighthouse is within walking distance from there. Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge Surrounding Kilauea Lighthouse is the Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. Every year the refuge is used by thousands of migratory seabirds nesting, foraging, feeding and resting. This is a great place for spotting laysan albatross, red-footed boobies, brown boobies, red-tailed and white-tailed tropicbirds, great frigatebirds, and wedge-tailed shearwaters. There is also a colony of nene geese (the Hawaiian state bird) that lives here. Besides birds, there are some other animals that can be seen here as well. Off shore visitors can see endangered humpback whales and the Hawaiian monk seal, some of which like to rest down on the beaches below the cliff. Another interesting sight is Moku‘ae‘ae Island, a tiny 5-acre rock just offshore from Kilauea Point. This little island is home to about 20 different species of seabirds. Other Kilauea Areas of Interest While you’re in the Kilauea area, there are a few other places you might be interested in visiting as well. One such place, just north of Kilauea, is Banana Joe’s Fruitstand. Now if you’re going to vacation in an exotic tropical island like Kauai, it only makes sense that you would want to eat some delicious, exotic, tropical fruit. Well, Banana Joe’s has some of the best fruit on the island. They offer a wide variety of exotic fruits and specialty crops that are simply amazing; from more common tropical fruit like pineapple, mango, papaya and banana to some very exotic fruits that you may never have heard of such as sapodilla, lychee, atemoya, rambutan, canistel, jakfruit, caimito, mammey sapote and longan. Banana Joe’s is located on the mauka (towards the mountains) side of the highway, just north of Kilauea. Another place you might find interesting is the Guava Kai Plantation. This plantation gives you the opportunity to peak inside Hawaii’s agriculture, see a beautiful guava orchard and of course sample some delicious guava juice. They also have a visitor center with various guava products. To get there, just take the same route as if you’re going to Kilauea Lighthouse except you’re going to turn mauka (towards the mountains) on Kuawa Rd, which is just before Kilauea Rd. Just look for the Guava Kai sign along the highway. Kilauea Bay One other place near Kilauea that you might like to visit is Kilauea Bay also known as Quarry Beach. This is where Kilauea River flows into the ocean. It’s a relatively secluded sight with no buildings around, but plenty of trees and shade, making it a very nice area for a picnic – no facilities, although it does have picnic tables. The beach is a bit too dangerous for swimming, due to strong currents. Some people do swim, snorkel and surf here, but unless you’re familiar with the water conditions, it’s best not to swim. Directions to Kilauea Bay: From Lihue take Highway 56, turn makai (towards the ocean) on Wailapa Road. Drive about half a mile; turn left to Kahili Beach on the dirt and gravel road. When this dead-ends, walk towards the water until you reach the beach. Related Articles:Princeville: One of Kauai’s Most Popular Resort AreasHaena Kauai – Gorgeous Sights and Fun ActivitiesAnahola, Kauai – What to See, Do and Eat XHTML: You can use these tags: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <code> <em> <i> <strike> <strong> Recent Articles Copyright © 2006 KauaiVacationSecrets.com. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be copied, in part or in whole without the express written consent of KauaiVacationSecrets.com
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In 1939, Stephen Dunn was born in New York City. He earned a BA in history and English from Hofstra University, attended the New School Writing Workshops, and finished his MA in creative writing at Syracuse University. Dunn has worked as a professional basketball player, an advertising copywriter, and an editor, as well as a professor of creative writing.​ Dunn's books of poetry include Lines of Defense (W. W. Norton, 2014); Different Hours (2000), winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry; Local Time (1986), winner of the National Poetry Series; and Looking For Holes In the Ceiling (1974). Dunn's other honors include the Academy Award for Literature, the James Wright Prize, and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He has taught poetry and creative writing and held residencies at Wartburg College, Wichita State University, Columbia University, University of Washington, Syracuse University, Southwest Minnesota State College, Princeton University, and University of Michigan. Dunn is the Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing at Richard Stockton College and lives in Frostburg, Maryland, with his wife, the writer Barbara Hurd. Source Just when it has seemed I couldn’t bear one more friend waking with a tumor, one more maniac with a perfect reason, often a sweetness has come and changed nothing in the world except the way I stumbled through it, for a while lost in the ignorance of loving someone or something, the world shrunk to mouth-size, hand-size, and never seeming small. I acknowledge there is no sweetness that doesn’t leave a stain, no sweetness that’s ever sufficiently sweet .... Tonight a friend called to say his lover was killed in a car he was driving. His voice was low and guttural, he repeated what he needed to repeat, and I repeated the one or two words we have for such grief until we were speaking only in tones. Often a sweetness comes as if on loan, stays just long enough to make sense of what it means to be alive, then returns to its dark source. As for me, I don’t care where it’s been, or what bitter road it’s traveled to come so far, to taste so good. Death & Loss Faith & Hope Poems of the Everyday Extended Metaphor a metaphor that extends through several lines or even an entire poem
{"url": "https://getlitanthology.org/poemdetail/198/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "getlitanthology.org", "date_download": "2022-08-07T15:47:58Z", "digest": "sha1:FVMNHWEJPK3VUOA76QBTEUWIJQZIT55A"}
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Le projet de gazoduc entre la France et l’Espagne, destiné à sécuriser l’approvisionnement en Europe, se voit opposer une fin de non-recevoir de la part des populations. Fin mai à Paris, devant les bureaux du régulateur français de l’énergie, 26 militants d’ONG environnementales ont organisé une séance sportive de Step. Objectif de cet happening : mettre en évidence l’inutilité de la construction d’ici à 2022 d’un nouveau gazoduc de 120 km entre la France et l’Espagne. « Ce projet, dit Step – South Transit East Pyrénées –, porté par Teréga en France et Enagas en Espagne, est l’exemple même des infrastructures gazières qui se développent en Europe.
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'Grey's Anatomy' (2005-present): Hit 'Grey's Anatomy' (2005-present): Hit ABC Trouble on the set became public in October 2006 when Isaiah Washington reportedly insulted costar T.R. Knight because of his sexual orientation. The incident caused a media frenzy and Washington lost his job over the remarks. Two years later, actress Brooke Smith, who played lesbian Dr. Erica Hahn was also let go, with rumors that the show wanted to move away from gay plot lines. By 2009, Knight asked to leave the show and his character was killed off at the end of Season 5. His costar and fellow original cast member Katherine Heigl exited in early 2010. The show hasn't weathered the storm of controversy without some loss in viewership, but overall the show retained healthy ratings. Trouble on the set became public in October 2006 when Isaiah Washington reportedly insulted costar T.R. Knight because of his sexual orientation. The incident caused a media frenzy and Washington lost his job over the remarks. Two years later, actress Brooke Smith, who played lesbian Dr. Erica Hahn was also let go, with rumors that the show wanted to move away from gay plot lines. By 2009, Knight asked to leave the show and his character was killed off at the end of Season 5. His costar and fellow original cast member Katherine Heigl exited in early 2010. The show hasn't weathered the storm of controversy without some loss in viewership, but overall the show retained healthy ratings. (ABC) Trouble on the set became public in October 2006 when Isaiah Washington reportedly insulted costar T.R. Knight because of his sexual orientation. The incident caused a media frenzy and Washington lost his job over the remarks. Two years later, actress Brooke Smith, who played lesbian Dr. Erica Hahn was also let go, with rumors that the show wanted to move away from gay plot lines. By 2009, Knight asked to leave the show and his character was killed off at the end of Season 5. His costar and fellow original cast member Katherine Heigl exited in early 2010. The show hasn't weathered the storm of controversy without some loss in viewership, but overall the show retained healthy ratings.ABC
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Carnet de piste d'Alex - La saison 2018 en préparation 19 février 2018: En 2018, Alex rentre dans l'école des "grands". Il quitte le Promosport et arrive en Superbike dans l'équipe du Junior Team, toujours au guidon de la nouvelle Suzuki GSX R. A ses côtés, il y aura du beau monde puisque, en endurance, il sera le co-équipier de Louis Rossi (ancien pilote en championnat du monde et vainqueur du GP du Mans en 2012 en Moto 3) et de Hugo Clère ( champion de France en supersport en 2016). Parallèlement, les trois pilotes participeront au championnat de France Superbike. Il y a quelques jours, il se sont retrouvés au Mans, pour leurs premiers tours de roues. La saison approche: première épreuve les 31 mars et 1er avril au Mans, suivie des 24 heures du Mans les 21 et 22 avril. 10 mars 2018: Alex a participé aux essais sur le circuit du Mans les 8 et 9 mars 2018 avec le Junior Team. Il y avait du beau monde: le Suzuki Endurance Racing Team, le Team F.C.C TSR Honda France, le YART-Yamaha, le Honda Endurance Racing, l’équipe April Moto Motors Events, et le Team Cottard Motosport avec lequel il a obtenu le titre en 1000 Promosport l'an dernier. Hugo Clère Il y a eu une interview des trois pilotes dans Ouest France. Du côté des pilotes, les ambitions sont grandes avant l’entame de la saison. Notamment pour le local Louis Rossi : « C’est un joli rêve et une très belle opportunité qui se réalisent. Ça fait plusieurs années que j’essaye de rouler dans cette équipe, parce que c’est un projet le lycée Le Mans Sud, qui propose de former des étudiants et de leur offrir une belle réussite professionnelle. Je rejoins Suzuki, avec cette nouvelle moto, qui pour moi a un grand potentiel de développement. On roulera en Championnat de France Superbike et en Championnat du Monde d’Endurance avec l’espoir de réaliser de bonnes performances. » D’autant que le Sarthois ajoute un programme Vitesse dans sa saison : « Je n’aurais fait que de l’endurance à la base, mais on va ajouter de la vitesse. C’est un peu une priorité dans l’équipe de bien réussir ce championnat. Ça fait longtemps que je n’ai pas roulé dans le championnat de France. Je vais découvrir quelque chose de nouveau, des circuits que je ne connais pas… Les essais se passent bien et la prise de contact avec le team est très bonne. » Hugo Clere (n° 11), Alex Sarrabayrouse (n° 96) et Louis Rossi (n° 72) se partageront le guidon de la Suzuki en Endurance, mais auront chacun la leur en Superbike. À ses côtés, il retrouvera deux pilotes à la pointe de vitesse remarquée. Ainsi, à 23 ans, Hugo Clere rejoint le Junior Team, et cherchera à montrer ce qu’il sait faire : « C’est une très bonne opportunité, vu mon jeune âge, si je veux un jour décrocher une place dans un team officiel. J’ai toutes les cartes en main pour aller me battre pour le titre en Superbike catégorie « challenger » et réaliser des résultats en Endurance. Les élèves ont l’air très motivés, intéressés. Ici je découvre une structure pratiquement professionnelle, ça va me former pour plus tard si j’accède à une équipe usine. » Après avoir roulé comme quatrième pilote de l’équipe au Bol d’Or, Alex Sarrabayrouse, 29 ans, rejoint le Junior Team comme titulaire : « Ce sont des conditions top, je n’avais jamais pensé en arriver là un jour. L’aspect pédagogique avec les élèves me plaît beaucoup. Il reste plus qu’à travailler dans le bon sens et prendre du plaisir. » Une belle récompense pour le champion de France (600 en 2016 et 1000 en 2017) Promosport avec Suzuki : « C’est franchir la marche supérieure dans les meilleures conditions. »
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Take a look at just a few of the associations where we maintain memberships.
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“Web-predicatori” di sventura che assomigliano un po’ ai tele-predicatori protestanti americani Redazione 2 Agosto 2021 1 Comment cattolicoCOVID-19pandemiasantificare DI FRONTE ALLA CRISI PANDEMICA IL CATTOLICO RISPONDE: “SANTIFICARE IL MOMENTO PRESENTE!” Di Matteo Castagna Nel variegato mondo cattolico esistono alcuni “web-predicatori” di sventura che assomigliano un po’ ai tele-predicatori protestanti americani e che, con una costanza propria solo di chi non ha il lavoro, come primaria attività, riesce a sviluppare, ogni giorno da circa due anni. Essi ci propinano i loro sermoni catastrofisti su quella che, incredibilmente, si ostinano a chiamare “presunta pandemia”, nonostante 4.189.148 decessi nel mondo (fonte OMS, Health Emergency Dashboard, 29 luglio 2021). Questi “accademici dell’apocalisse” fanno della questione sanitaria un’ autentica crociata (ma la spada è la tastiera..) con tanto di anatemi e proclami, certi più dell’esistenza dell’Aldilà (per allocuzioni interiori? O glielo ha confidato Soros?) di un pianificato progetto di distruzione di massa dello scibile umano da parte di governi al soldo di miliardari psicopatici. Sì, esistono governi corrotti, sono sempre esistiti. Ma come fanno ad avere certe certezze, applicandole “erga omnes”, senza distinzioni né contestualizzazioni? Si tenga presente che chi scrive ha sempre guardato alla gestione globale dell’emergenza sanitaria con occhio molto critico, è contrario alla vaccinazione ed al lasciapassare obbligatori (si può ancora dire?). Per i primi, perché non è scientificamente provato che il vaccino preservi dal contagio, ma è nelle cronache l’esatto contrario (Israele docet), nonché sono quotidiani gli allarmi di pericolosità per la salute, nel breve e, ipoteticamente, persino nel lungo termine. Per i secondi, perché sono restrizioni delle libertà individuali e, per alcuni, professionali, che appaiono come escamotages per costringere al vaccino. Molti cattolici e molte persone di buon senso stanno dimostrando in piazza la ragionevolezza delle due argomentazioni, che vengono messe in secondo piano dalle farneticazioni di questi personaggi in cerca d’autore e di matti d’ogni risma. Ogni crisi sembra attrarre come una calamita sia gli sciacalli che i folli. Le persone serie, i critici che amano davvero la libertà devono sapersi distinguere ed isolare sciacalli e folli, soprattutto se provengono da ambienti cattolici perché oltre alle battaglie di libertà rischiano di svilire anche la religione. Il motivo principale per cui diffidare dagli “web-predicatori” è che non forniscono alternative. Noi cattolici, critici della gestione pandemica, oltre a denunciare alcune evidenti speculazioni economiche da parte dei soliti big delle multinazionali, diciamo chiaramente, fin dall’inizio due cose: 1) Non possiamo impaurire la gente come fossimo l’altra faccia della medaglia del mainstream, altrimenti arriverà il momento in cui il terrore prevarrà sulla razionalità, sempre che questo, per alcuni, non sia già avvenuto, dopo quasi due anni di appiattimento a questa “unicità argomentativa globale”. L’ossessione compulsiva che leggiamo sul web, sui social ed in alcune chat è impressionante. C’è anche chi ha divulgato teorie per cui sarebbero in costruzione almeno tre campi di concentramento per non vaccinati. In realtà, si tratta dei lavori incompiuti per il TAV… 2) Le alternative che possiamo proporre, come scrittori e opinionisti cattolici, derivano da molti elementi magisteriali, esempi di vita dei Santi, ma in particolare, a mio avviso, dal testo “Santifichiamo il momento presente” del Canonico Pierre Feige (1857-1947). S. Francesco di Sales scriveva: “Pensiamo solamente al bene, oggi; quando l’indomani sarà arrivato, si chiamerà oggi, ed allora ci penseremo”. Saggezza disarmante per tutti. Che cosa ci servirebbe sapere tutto delle ultime notizie sul Covid, sui vaccini, sul Green Pass, se non ci applichiamo a santificare bene il momento presente? Non assomiglieremmo forse a chi conoscesse molte città e poi sbagliasse ad entrare in casa sua? Monsignor D’Hulst dice che “è il momento presente che ci è richiesto, poiché è il solo che ci appartenga”. Santificare il momento presente è concentrare su di esso tutta la nostra attività, tutta la nostra buona volontà, per passarlo il più santamente possibile, compiendo i nostri doveri di stato. In primis, è nostro dovere sforzarci di conformare la nostra volontà a quella di Dio, che può anche chiederci delle prove o di espiare peccati altrui, e noi dobbiamo farci trovare sempre pronti. E’ sul mare burrascoso di questo mondo, ove la nostra anima è come una barca in tempesta, mantenere senza interruzione il timone nella direzione che piace a Dio, secondo i dieci Comandamenti ed i Precetti della Chiesa. Perché lasciarci andare alla tristezza, all’inquietudine, ai rimpianti e, in ultima analisi, alla disperazione? Dove sarebbe la Speranza cristiana? Non comportiamoci come atei o pagani e impariamo dal celebre maresciallo Foch, che diceva: “Mi si è chiesto sovente se io credevo ad una guerra lunga. Non so niente; l’avvenire non appartiene agli uomini ed è una perdita di tempo, di pensieri, e quindi di forze, il voler far previsioni a scapito degli impegni dell’ora presente”. Applichiamoci, dunque, nel santificarla, perché a questo siamo singolarmente chiamati, non a artifici cervellotici per ergerci a salvatori del mondo o a salire in cattedra (d’asilo) per autocelebrarci nell’inutile “io l’avevo detto…”. Franco Damiani Sarebbe interessante conoscere il nome di almeno uno di questi “web predicatori” contro cui con tanta veemenza si scaglia l’articolista. Interessante sarebbe anche conoscere l’oggetto del predicato “riesce a sviluppare” (primo periodo dell’articolo). Quanto alla “presunta pandemia”, non sarà certo citando le cifre della massonica OMS che si riuscirà a smentire la convinzione di molti. E’ buona regola non sparare nel mucchio, ma, se si deve polemizzare con qualcuno, citarlo per nome, cognome e frasi virgolettate, in modo che, se chiamato in causa, possa controbattere. Infine il “santificare il momento presente” vale sempre (e ognuno pensi alla vita propria: perché richiamarlo proprio in questo periodo? Sui “campi di concentramento” per malati sarebbe meglio non scherzare. altro che TAV, strutture di quarantena mediche esistono già in Nuova Zelanda, Australia, Germania e Cina e sono previste dal disegno di legge A416 dello Stato di New York. Previous Previous post: Ora vacilla anche il concetto di “completamente vaccinati” Next Next post: Ecco l’inquisizione medievale, un’altra leggende nera
{"url": "https://www.informazionecattolica.it/2021/08/02/web-predicatori-di-sventura-che-assomigliano-un-po-ai-tele-predicatori-protestanti-americani/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.informazionecattolica.it", "date_download": "2022-01-16T10:21:29Z", "digest": "sha1:VOXXOT7GAE6MTX4JUQTB5SM24EM3ZYIK"}
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Choses vues, choses lues, mise à nu > II : Décalage choses lues, mise à nu I : Naître ou ne pas naître 27 septembre 1996. Sont rendues publiques les statistiques du chômage du mois d’août. En « données corrigées des variations saisonnières », le nombre des demandeurs d’emploi a progressé de 39500. La France compte désormais 3085100 chômeurs, soit 5,3% de plus qu’il y a un an, 3418100 si l’on compte aussi ceux qui ont travaillé plus de 78 heures dans le mois. Les commentaires sont unanimes. L’économie française est en panne et la situation de l’emploi calamiteuse, cette progression mensuelle étant sans précédent depuis 1993. Le Monde précise toutefois que ces résultats doivent être interprétés avec prudence, car « les chiffres de juillet avaient été exceptionnellement bons, avec une baisse de 20000, ce qui explique sans doute que ceux d’août soient exceptionnellement mauvais, la tendance moyenne se situant vraisemblablement entre les deux extrêmes. » Ce même 27 septembre, m’arrive à la lecture le courrier commun du service comprenant La Lettre du Gouvernement datée du 13 septembre 1996. Sous le titre « La baisse du chômage en juillet est un encouragement à intensifier la lutte pour l’emploi », le zélé organe officiel mensuel souligne que le chômage a baissé de 0,7% en juillet et que le taux de chômage s’est « stabilisé » à 12,5% de la population active. Il poursuit : « comme l’a souligné le chef de l’Etat, ces chiffres doivent amener à redoubler d’énergie et d’optimisme, les efforts du gouvernement commencent en effet à porter leurs fruits. Nous sommes en train d’engranger les résultats d’une stratégie de la croissance en emploi, a affirmé le ministre du Travail et des Affaires sociales. » Le message gouvernemental est souligné par une citation du 30 août 1996 du même ministre, en encadré : "les chiffres du chômage sont un démenti à la morosité". Faut-il résumer le décalage ressenti ce jour-là (et que peuvent ressentir ceux qui sont privés d’emploi ?) par la formule "tendances courtes, idées courtes", jouer au moraliste en dénonçant l’impudeur de la récupération de tout bon indice conjoncturel dont on connaît les limites, dans une vision politique à court terme, ou bien tout simplement s’étonner de l’incompétence des "professionnels" de la communication gouvernementale ? Ce sont les mêmes conseillers, en effet, qui ont sans doute oublié, quelques jours plus tard, que l’annonce d’une baisse des impôts (sur cinq ans…) par le premier ministre s’effectuait juste avant que les contribuables ne doivent payer leur dernier tiers provisionnel, au moment où ils prenaient connaissance du montant de leur imposition 1996. En particulier, les contribuables apprenaient l’augmentation de leurs impôts locaux, pour Paris par exemple, de + 8,16% pour la taxe d’habitation, dont + 17,22% pour la part revenant à la Région (là où sont évoquées un certain nombre d’affaires concernant l’attribution de marchés publics…). Décalage… Jean-Paul Jean Pénombre, Novembre 1996
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You are here: Home / Rescue / Our freedom in Christ / What freedom do we have in Christ? What freedom do we have in Christ? WCF 20.1. The liberty which Christ hath purchased for believers under the Gospel consists in their freedom from the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, the curse of the moral law; (Tit. 2:14, 1 Thess. 1:10, Gal. 3:13) and, in their being delivered from this present evil world, bondage to Satan, and dominion of sin; (Gal. 1:4, Col. 1:13, Acts 26:18, Rom. 6:14) from the evil of afflictions, the sting of death, the victory of the grave, and everlasting damnation; (Rom. 8:28, Ps. 119:71, 1 Cor. 15:54–57, Rom. 8:1) as also, in their free access to God, (Rom. 5:1–2) and their yielding obedience unto Him, not out of slavish fear, but a child-like love and willing mind. (Rom. 8:14–15, 1 John 4:18) All which were common also to believers under the law. (Gal. 3:9,14,11, 1 Cor. 5:7) But, under the new testament, the liberty of Christians is further enlarged, in their freedom from the yoke of the ceremonial law, to which the Jewish Church was subjected; (Gal. 4:1–3,6–7, Gal. 5:1, Acts 15:10–11) and in greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, (Heb. 4:14,16, Heb. 10:19–22) and in fuller communications of the free Spirit of God, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of. (John 7:38–39, 2 Cor. 3:13,17–18) Previous: Our freedom in Christ Next: What role does our conscience play in our freedom?
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Harper Selected to USA Basketball U19 Team LEXINGTON, Ky. – Kentucky women’s basketball signee Linnae (La-NAY) Harper was one of 12 players selected to the 2013 USA Basketball Women’s U19 World Championship Team, announced USA Basketball on Sunday. Harper was one of 33 athletes invited to tryouts for the team, which were held May 16-19 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. The 12-member team was selected by the USA Basketball Junior National Team Committee, chaired by UT Chattanooga head coach Jim Foster. Harper, a 5-foot-8 guard from Chicago and a former teammate of current Wildcat Janee Thompson at Whitney Young High School, is no stranger to USA Basketball. She won gold medals as a member of the 2012 USA U17 World Championship Team and the 2011 FIBA Americas U16 Championship Team. She also was awarded an honorary bronze medal in the inaugural 2011 FIBA 3x3 U18 World Championship. She is one of eight members on the team who have won a gold medal playing with USA Basketball. “Just being here the last day, everyone was anxious and ready to hear their name called,” Harper said. “Every year I’ve been here I’m always nervous, my stomach feels like it is dropping and spinning, lack of rest, then to hear my name called was a big relief. I was so excited. This is another opportunity to represent our country and be with another group of girls I’ve never played with, a mixture of college and high school, and I really can’t wait to spend a nice month with them.” Harper and the rest of Team USA will compete at the 2013 FIBA U19 World Championship, hosted by Lithuania from July 18-28 in Klaipeda and Panevė?ys. The red, white and blue has won the last four gold medals at the FIBA U19 World Championships. “We were able to pick a U19 team that has a lot of strengths in a lot of different areas,” said Foster. “I think that bodes well for them. They have good size. They have some people who can put the ball in the basket. They’re athletic, and I think they can be good defensively. It’s a team that has a lot of potential to be very successful. “The team has some players whose skill set is a little different than their position. Breanna Stewart, A’Ja Wilson and Brianna Turner are all 6’3” or above and are equally as comfortable putting the ball on the floor after they get a rebound and starting a fast break on their own. It’s an interesting dimension, and it makes the team that much more versatile because you could actually play some of them at wing positions and have a very, very big team on the floor. It makes for a lot of versatility.” The 12-player team includes: Candice Agee (Penn State/Victorville, Calif.); Nia Coffey (Hopkins H.S./ Minneapolis, Minn.); Bashaara Graves (Tennessee/Clarksville, Tenn.); Gabby Green (St. Mary’s College H.S./Oakland, Calif.); Linnae Harper (Whitney Young H.S./Chicago, Ill.); Moriah Jefferson (Connecticut/Glenn Heights, Texas); Alexis Jones (Duke/Irving, Texas); Kelsey Plum (La Jolla Country Day/Poway, Calif.); Breanna Stewart (Connecticut/North Syracuse, N.Y.); Morgan Tuck (Connecticut/Bolingbrook, Ill.); Brianna Turner (Manvel H.S./Pearland, Texas); A’ja Wilson (Heathwood Hall H.S./Hopkins, S.C.). University of Miami head coach Katie Meier will be leading Team USA and will be assisted by Nikki Caldwell (LSU) and Kelly Graves (Gonzaga). “I’m thrilled. The length is incredible, the talent, the diversity,” Meier said. “Everybody brings a little something different. That gives us a lot of choices as coaches in a lot of different ways that we can win basketball games. (The committee) put together what I think is the team that answers any type of a question. We have speed. We have quickness. We have size. We have shooters. They really made sure that they gave us every weapon.” The USA will regroup for training on July 1 at the USOTC prior to traveling to Europe for a July 11-14 Spain-hosted tournament in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Featuring U19 squads from Australia, Canada and Spain, the tournament will be good test for the U.S. From there, the American women will travel to Lithuania in an attempt to defend gold. The FIBA U19 Worlds will feature 16 teams with athletes 19-years-old or younger. While Lithuania earned an automatic berth to the tournament as host, the remaining 15 nations were determined by the five FIBA zone qualifiers in 2012. In addition to the U.S., nations qualified out of the FIBA Americas zone include Brazil (silver medalist), Argentina (bronze medalist) and Canada (fourth place). Senegal (gold medalist) and Mali (silver medalist) will represent FIBA Africa; advancing from FIBA Asia are China (gold medalist), Japan (silver medalist) and South Korea (bronze medalist); Australia took FIBA Oceania’s spot after winning the best-of-three series against New Zealand; while FIBA Europe will be represented by France (gold medalist), Russia (silver medalist), Serbia (bronze medalist), Netherlands (fourth place) and Spain (fifth place). Drawn into Group D, the U.S. will play its preliminary and second round games in Panevė?ys, and opens against Lithuania on July 18, followed by China on July 19 and caps the preliminary round against Mali on July 20. The top three finishing teams from each first-round group will advance to the second round, held July 22-24. The 12 nations qualifying for the second round will be divided into Groups E and F. Each team will play the three new teams in its new group, with all results of games played in the preliminary round carrying over to determine the second-round standings. Teams finishing in first through fourth places in the second round will qualify for the quarterfinals, with the opportunity to advance to the semifinals and finals. The medal round will be played in Klaipeda, with the quarterfinals held on July 26, semifinals slated for July 27 and the gold medal game on July 28. In addition to Foster, the 2013-14 USA Basketball includes NCAA appointees Melanie Balcomb (head coach, Vanderbilt University), Lindsay Gottlieb (head coach, University of California) and Joi Williams (head coach, UCF), as well as athlete representative Kara Lawson, a 2008 Olympic gold medalist who has played on nine USA Basketball teams.
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Lady Gaga | Musik ARTPOP (Deluxe Edition) Lady Gaga präsentiert mit “Artpop” ihr drittes Studioalbum, auf dem sich die Popikone scheinbar wie selbstverständlich wieder einmal selbst neu erfindet. Der Longplayer kommt als Doppel-CD–Album mit 24 Tracks – ein wahres Schlaraffenland für alle Little Monster. Schon mit “Applause” stürmte die Pop-Ikone trotz längerer Auszeit direkt wieder zurück in die Charts. Die Deluxe-Platte, die unter anderem auch den Hit “G.U.Y.” enthält, wurde am 08. November 2013 veröffentlicht und ist ein Must-Have für jeden Gaga-Liebhaber. Weitere Musik von Lady Gaga Million Reasons Winter Wonderland (Tony Bennett und Lady Gaga) Cheek To Cheek (Tony Bennett und Lady Gaga) Anything Goes (Tony Bennett und Lady Gaga) Mehr von Lady Gaga
{"url": "https://www.universal-music.de/lady-gaga/musik/artpop-deluxe-edition-194146", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "www.universal-music.de", "date_download": "2017-12-11T00:01:11Z", "digest": "sha1:2V3FIRUKXYUFLN255RTROM3ZQAQL5IYW"}
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No leader for R100 ATH Norman MORE 5-STAR CHALLENGE: Rosters - Scouting reports BALTIMORE - Consistency is important to Stanley Norman in his own game at wide receiver and cornerback but also in recruiting. The Gardena (Calif.) Serra prospect said Thursday at the Rivals100 Five-Star Challenge that the schools consistently recruiting him the hardest will hold an advantage in his recruitment. He wants to play both ways, that's still important to him, but feeling the love will also be a big part of things. "The plan is to make it to the NFL, and I'll be an NFL cornerback, but I still want to play both ways," Norman said. "I want to bring something different to the game like Deion Sanders. I want to do more than that. I want to be legendary and bring something different. That's what I want to do." Tennessee has been heavily involved with Norman, and he could visit there soon. Another intriguing possibility is Oklahoma. The Sooners favor Norman at receiver, and he's definitely interested in them because they regularly recruit California prospects who produce. "I was supposed to go to (Tennessee) with my 7-on-7 team, so hopefully I can get down there as soon as I can; but as for right now I'm relaxing and worrying about school, football and worried about coming to this camp and just relaxing," Norman said. "We haven't really talked about it but I know the guys that have been going (to Oklahoma) like, a key guy that was there when I was growing up like right before me was Derrick Woods. He went to Oklahoma. That's why I'm big on them because they like California dudes, and California dudes don't just go there and sit, they play." UCLA has long been involved with Norman, but communication has not been as regular lately. The Bruins were considered a favorite, but the four-star athlete said there really is no top team any longer. "I guess you could say they're not really top guys anymore," Norman said. "As far as top guys it's just an open space, it's up for grabs. Like I said at the beginning, it's who's consistent. That's how I'm going to make my decision, consistency." Norman said Arizona and Washington are recruiting him the hardest and that UCLA, Oklahoma, Notre Dame and now Oregon State are getting more involved. The four-star said official visits to Tennessee, Arizona and California are all but locked in. He plans to take all five trips and make his commitment on Signing Day. Adam Gorney is a West Region football recruiting analyst for Rivals.com. You can click here to follow him on Twitter. Click Here to view this Link. [rl]
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Adam Ruzicka Calgary Flames Sign Adam Ruzicka September 21, 2022 at 9:35 am CDT | by Gavin Lee Leave a Comment Another day, another RFA down. The Calgary Flames have signed Adam Ruzicka to a two-year contract. The deal will be a two-way contract in 2022-23, one-way in 2023-24, and carries a cap hit of $762.5K. Ruzicka, 23, made it to the NHL as a part-time player last season, suiting up 28 times and scoring ten points. The fourth-round pick has been impressive in the minor leagues and comes with the size and strength that can make him a valuable part of the Darryl Sutter system. With the ability to play center or the wing, he could immediately find a spot with this Calgary team, filling out the bottom-six with some extra scoring ability. In fact, should he fail to find a spot with the Flames in training camp, Ruzicka would be a prime candidate to be snatched off of waivers. Sending him back to the minor leagues would risk him to the rest of the league, meaning at worst he probably becomes the team’s 13th forward to start. With Cody Eakin and Sonny Milano in camp on professional tryouts, however, that isn’t guaranteed, meaning he’ll have to perform up to standards in the preseason. The Flames will have a different look to their forward group this year without Matthew Tkachuk, Johnny Gaudreau, or Sean Monahan, but it’s not like those spots are up for grabs. For the young Ruzicka, a two-year deal at the league minimum provides some stability and actually represents the best way to get into the lineup. With the Flames right up close to the salary cap ceiling, they usually can’t afford to carry expensive extras. Being the cheapest player on the roster has some advantages, and if Ruzicka can establish himself as a full-time player, a bigger deal awaits in restricted free agency two years from now. Of course, if he fails to do so, he could qualify for Group VI unrestricted free agency in the summer of 2024 instead. Adam Ruzicka| Calgary Flames| RFA Last 10 Restricted Free Agents September 9, 2022 at 8:54 am CDT | by Gavin Lee 4 Comments And then there were ten. After Cayden Primeau inked his deal yesterday, there are now ten restricted free agents who have not yet signed contracts for next season. These players must be signed by December 1, or they will not be eligible to play in the NHL at all. Jason Robertson, the young Dallas Stars forward, leads the way as the most impressive name, though many others represent key players for their respective teams. The Los Angeles Kings, for instance, have two young defensemen on the list who each showed last season that they could be big parts of the future. Michael Anderson and Sean Durzi were each key in the team’s playoff run, with the former averaging more than 20 minutes a night during the regular season. Arizona’s Barrett Hayton is a bit of a headscratcher, given how much cap space the team has, but his development has been anything but normal to this point, so it fits the pattern. The 22-year-old forward has played in 94 games at the NHL level and just 35 in the minor leagues since he was selected fifth overall in 2018. The full list is: Barrett Hayton Ryan McLeod Sean Durzi Parker Wotherspoon Alex Formenton Rasmus Sandin Nicolas Hague Several of these players are likely already signed, with teams only waiting to clear additional cap space before officially filing the deals. Others may end up missing part of training camp or even the regular season, as they try to work out the best contract for the present and the future. Adam Ruzicka| Alex Formenton| Arizona Coyotes| Barrett Hayton| Calgary Flames| Dallas Stars| Edmonton Oilers| Jason Robertson| Los Angeles Kings| New York Islanders| Ottawa Senators| Parker Wotherspoon| Toronto Maple Leafs| Vegas Golden Knights Classifying The Remaining Restricted Free Agents September 3, 2022 at 2:59 pm CDT | by Brian La Rose Leave a Comment When the calendar flips to September, it’s time to start paying some attention to who’s left unsigned in restricted free agency. Usually at this point, two months have elapsed since the start of free agency (it’s six weeks this summer) which is typically more than enough time to get a deal done. There are currently 13 remaining RFAs that haven’t signed elsewhere for next season. As is usually the case, those players can be grouped into a few tiers which are as follows. Jason Robertson (Dallas) Generally speaking, there are usually more players in this group at this time but the 23-year-old is the only star player in need of a new deal. He’s coming off a 41-goal campaign that has the asking price justifiably high – team owner Tom Gaglardi acknowledged it’s in the $7MM range. The Stars would likely prefer to do a long-term deal that buys out some UFA years but that could push the AAV past $9MM and they don’t have the cap space to do that. At this point, what GM Jim Nill does or doesn’t do on the trade front might dictate what ultimately happens with Robertson; if they can free up some money, a long-term agreement becomes palatable but otherwise, it’ll almost certainly be a bridge contract. Underachieving Former First Rounders Erik Brannstrom (Ottawa), Kirby Dach (Montreal), Barrett Hayton (Arizona), Rasmus Sandin (Toronto) Dach and Hayton were both top-five picks in their respective draft classes but have yet to show the type of offensive consistency to put them in the category of core players. Dach was traded to Montreal at the draft after a quiet season that saw him put up nine goals and 26 points, both career-highs. Despite that, it appears that the Canadiens are at least pondering a medium-term agreement that would run for four years but still leave him RFA-eligible at the end. Something a little shorter in the $2.5MM range is also an option. Hayton has just this last season in terms of being a regular under his belt and could fit in a different category than this but his performance relative to draft stock has been concerning. He’s a prime candidate for a bridge contract and with fewer than 100 NHL games under his belt, he simply doesn’t have the leverage to command anything longer. A two-year deal around the $2MM range should be where his deal falls. As for Brannstrom, he was billed as an offensive defender but has yet to be able to produce with any consistency since joining Ottawa back in 2019. He has just two career goals in 116 career games but that hasn’t stopped his camp from seeking a multi-year agreement in negotiations which are likely playing a role in this delay. Sandin could also fit in a different category but the 2018 first-rounder has exhausted his waiver exemption and doesn’t appear to be a fit in their top six next season. His agent recently bemoaned the lack of progress in negotiations. Teammate Timothy Liljegren’s two-year bridge deal that has a $1.4MM AAV seems like a reasonable comparable but with playing time being a potential concern, might Sandin be looking for more certainty before putting pen to paper on a new deal? Young Regulars Michael Anderson (Los Angeles), Alex Formenton (Ottawa), Nicolas Hague (Vegas) Formenton played his first full NHL season in 2021-22 and it was a good one as the 22-year-old speedster chipped in with 18 goals and 14 assists in 78 games. The Sens have ample cap space this coming season so there are some options beyond the bridge contract. If GM Pierre Dorion thinks that Formenton is part of their long-term core, a longer-term pact that buys out a UFA year or two in the $3.5MM range might be a better way for them to go. Hague has done well in a limited role on the back end for the Golden Knights over the past two seasons and is coming off a year where he logged close to 19 minutes a night. They’ve already spent most of the LTIR ‘savings’ so Vegas isn’t in a spot to give him a long-term deal. But is Hague better off taking a one-year contract that would be below market value to acquire arbitration eligibility next summer? Such a deal would be in the $1.25MM range with the promise of a better payout later on. Otherwise, a bridge pact that’s closer to $2MM is probably in the cards. Anderson has logged over 20 minutes a night for the Kings for the last two years but doesn’t have the offensive numbers to support a pricey bridge deal. Los Angeles’ cap space is quite limited so, like Hague, a one-year deal in the $1.25MM range might be where they wind up settling. Not Fully Established Sean Durzi (Los Angeles), Ryan McLeod (Edmonton) McLeod figures to be a part of the long-term plans for the Oilers after a promising rookie campaign but doesn’t have much leverage at this point. Edmonton’s issue here is cap space as they’re already in a spot where they need to clear money out. If they can move someone out, a multi-year bridge contract becomes their preferred route but otherwise, he’s a strong candidate for a one-year deal around that $1.25MM threshold as well, perhaps a tad below that. Durzi quietly put up 27 points in 64 games last season but it’s his only taste of NHL action so the track record isn’t strong enough to command a sizable contract. A two-year bridge deal makes a lot of sense for him as a repeat performance over that stretch would have him well-positioned to seek $4MM or more two summers from now. However, with the cap situation for the Kings, they might be forced to push for the one-year, ‘prove it’ contract that would fall in the same range as Anderson. What’s The Holdup? Cayden Primeau (Montreal), Adam Ruzicka (Calgary), Parker Wotherspoon (NY Islanders) Ruzicka played in 28 games last season for the Flames and did reasonably well with ten points but it’s not as if he’s in a position to command a sizable raise. He’s waiver-eligible but not a guarantee to be claimed if he passes through. The holdup might be along the lines of making next season a one-way or two-way contract with any subsequent season(s) being a one-way agreement. Even so, it’s odd this is taking so long. Wotherspoon’s presence on here is arguably the most perplexing of the bunch. He opted to not file for salary arbitration which would have gotten him signed weeks ago. He has cleared waivers in each of the last two seasons and has yet to play an NHL game. Haggling over NHL money would be pointless as a result so accordingly, it’s safe to suggest his NHL pay would be $750K. At this point, AHL salary or guaranteed money is the only sticking point. In all likelihood, the gap probably can’t be more than around $25K which is a pretty small one to justify being unsigned this long. Primeau is coming off a strong showing in the AHL playoffs but struggled mightily in limited NHL action with the Canadiens last season. Even so, he’s viewed as their potential backup of the future as soon as 2023-24 when he becomes waiver-eligible. This is a contract that should be a two-way pact next season and then one-way after that as a result and there are enough of those comparable contracts around the league for young goalies that the general framework should basically have been in place before talks even started. As a result, this is another case that feels like it should have been resolved weeks ago. There’s still plenty of time to work something out with training camps still a couple of weeks away and several of these players should come off the board by then but there will likely be a handful still unsigned when camps get underway. Photo courtesy of USA Today Sports Images. Adam Ruzicka| Alex Formenton| Arizona Coyotes| Barrett Hayton| Calgary Flames| Cayden Primeau| Dallas Stars| Edmonton Oilers| Erik Brannstrom| Jason Robertson| Kirby Dach| Los Angeles Kings| Mikey Anderson| Montreal Canadiens| New York Islanders| Nic Hague| Ottawa Senators| Parker Wotherspoon| Rasmus Sandin| RFA| Ryan McLeod| Sean Durzi| Toronto Maple Leafs| Vegas Golden Knights Remaining Restricted Free Agents August 28, 2022 at 12:46 pm CDT | by Gavin Lee 10 Comments August 28: The list below has been updated to reflect the remaining restricted free agents as of August 28, 2022. August 12: We’re now coming up on one month since the start of free agency, and two months until the start of the 2022-23 regular season. Teams have mostly completed their offseason business, though a handful still have big issues to solve at some point in the next few weeks. The arbitration schedule has finished and many of the front offices are slowing down for the rest of the summer in preparation for a long upcoming campaign. That is, except for the teams that still have restricted free agents to sign. According to CapFriendly, 29 players who received qualifying offers are still unsigned, though that list includes a few New York Islanders minor leaguers who very well could have already agreed to contracts. The Islanders do also have Noah Dobson, who is among the most important names on the list after his breakout 51-point campaign. Dobson, 22, looks as though he will be a building block for the team through the next decade, and seems positioned for a long-term contract at some point in the near future. Beyond New York, many eyes are on the Dallas Stars, where Jason Robertson and Jake Oettinger remain unsigned. Other than Miro Heiskanen, there may not be any more important players on the Stars roster than the star forward and emerging goaltender. Both would command hefty cap hits on long-term deals, and given the $10MM in cap space remaining for Dallas, may end up with bridge contracts when things are all said and done. There are other full-time NHLers among the group too. Alexander Romanov, Kirby Dach, Filip Zadina, Ryan McLeod, and Alex Formenton all played at least 70 games this season for their respective clubs, and are without deals to this point. The full list is below: Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen Jake Oettinger Kirby Dach Cayden Primeau Erik Brannstrom Hayden Hodgson Jonah Gadjovich Cale Fleury Of note, most of these players are eligible to sign an offer sheet, if they choose to. Only Romanov and Cates are what are called 10.2(c) players, which are not eligible to negotiate with any team other than their own. There are also several players like Josef Korenar, who are technically still restricted free agents relative to the NHL but have signed overseas. These rights will be held by their team after issuing qualifying offers but there is no need to list them with the above group. Any of these restricted free agents must sign a contract before December 1 to be eligible to play in the NHL this season. Though training camp provides a soft deadline, that is the actual threshold that negotiations need to be completed by, or else a player could miss an entire year. Adam Ruzicka| Alexander Romanov| Barrett Hayton| Erik Brannstrom| Filip Zadina| Free Agency| Jackson Cates| Jake Leschyshyn| Jake Oettinger| Jason Robertson| Josef Korenar| Kieffer Bellows| Kirby Dach| Miro Heiskanen| Noah Dobson Calgary Flames Send Four To AHL May 27, 2022 at 4:32 pm CDT | by Gavin Lee Leave a Comment 4:32 pm: Additionally, the team has assigned defenseman Juuso Valimaki to Stockton, giving a huge extra boost to their farm team. The 23-year-old defenseman had an assist in three playoff games before getting called up to the Flames’ reserves, and he’ll return there for the rest of their run. 2:46 pm: Now that they were eliminated from the NHL playoffs, the Calgary Flames can help out their AHL affiliate. The team has sent Connor Mackey, Adam Ruzicka, and Adam Werner to the Stockton Heat, as the minor league club continues its chase for the Calder Cup. The Heat, which will be relocated to Calgary next season, are up 2-0 in their best-of-five series against the Colorado Eagles, with game three set for this evening. Though this is technically the third round, they’ve only won one series to this point after earning a bye to the Pacific Division semifinals. A player like Mackey will be a big help, after he scored 36 points in 53 games to lead all Stockton defensemen this season. Ruzicka too was an extremely strong contributor, though he played only 16 games in the minor leagues as he spent most of the year with Calgary. He had 11 goals and 20 points in those games, as the big forward is starting to come into his own at the age of 23. The success of Stockton is part of what made the Flames’ season so impressive. There is a lot more talent on the way, including names like Jakob Pelletier and Connor Zary, first-round picks from the last few years. The Heat going all the way would certainly be a good thing for the development of those players, and the future of the Flames in general. Adam Ruzicka| AHL| Calgary Flames| Connor Mackey Snapshots: Nemeth, Fines, Boeser February 17, 2022 at 12:52 pm CDT | by Gavin Lee 4 Comments The New York Rangers have moved Patrik Nemeth to injured reserve, and Mollie Walker of the New York Post reports that it is believed to be due to lingering effects from COVID-19. Nemeth has not played since January 22, missing six games during his current absence. He dealt with a symptomatic bout of COVID in December. The 30-year-old defenseman signed a three-year, $7.5MM contract last July and has suited up 38 times for the Rangers this season. Always known as a stay-at-home option, he has just two points during that time and is averaging just over 17 minutes a night. It is not clear when he will be ready to return to action and the team has not confirmed Walker’s report. The NHL has handed out a pair of fines today, one to a player and one to a coach. Nashville Predators head coach John Hynes was fined $25K for “inappropriate conduct” following Tuesday’s game against the Washington Capitals. The league did not release any specifics about the incident, though there have been other fines handed out to coaches including Rod Brind’Amour of the Carolina Hurricanes and Rick Bowness of the Dallas Stars. While Hynes is out $25K, Calgary Flames forward Adam Ruzicka will have to pay $2,004.17 for his elbow on Kevin Shattenkirk last night. That is the maximum allowable by the current CBA based on Ruzicka’s salary. Frank Seravalli of Daily Faceoff has added Brock Boeser to his board of trade targets, even wondering if the New Jersey Devils could be a fit for the Vancouver Canucks sniper. Notably, Boeser is due a $7.5MM qualifying offer this summer as a restricted free agent, a salary that outpaces his production from this season. Still, since Bruce Boudreau took over in Vancouver there has been a noticeable improvement from the sniper, including four goals and eight points in his last seven games. Adam Ruzicka| Brock Boeser| John Hynes| New York Rangers| Patrik Nemeth| Snapshots Flames Make Final Roster Cuts July 25, 2020 at 4:00 pm CDT | by Brian La Rose Leave a Comment The Flames have set their roster for the upcoming Qualifying Round. GM Brad Treliving told reporters, including Sportsnet 960’s Pat Steinberg (Twitter link) that defenseman Connor Mackey and forwards Glenn Gawdin, Matthew Phillips, and Adam Ruzicka won’t be with the team for their series against Winnipeg. Mackey was the obvious choice of the group since he wasn’t eligible to play as his contract doesn’t start until next season. However, bringing him to the camp gave Calgary’s staff a look at their prized college free agent acquisition. As for the forwards, Gawdin had a nice sophomore season with AHL Stockton, coming in just shy of a point per game with 47 in 53 games. He’s only a couple of years removed from finishing second in the WHL in scoring but he hasn’t made his NHL debut yet. Phillips also saw his point per game total jump in his second AHL season, collecting 33 points in 38 games in a season that was shortened due to injury while he missed time during camp (as did Gawdin). As for Ruzicka, he had 27 points in 54 games with Stockton in his first pro campaign. While the three have some upside down the road, Calgary has cleared opted to go with some more experienced options to round out their playoff roster. Adam Ruzicka| Calgary Flames| Matthew Phillips Snapshots: Dave Andrews Retirement, Hub Elimination, Flames, Gritty June 30, 2020 at 12:19 pm CDT | by TC Zencka Leave a Comment Dave Andrews is serving his final day as President and CEO of the AHL. Congratulations have filtered in throughout the day. Former player and current TV analyst Mike McKenna wrote via Twitter, “…You always had time for the players and considered us in league decisions when possible…then you’d beat us on the tennis court and share a drink after. Enjoy retirement, you’ve earned it!” It’s unfortunate that Andrews has to end his tenure with a season cut short, but it’s a testament to his impact on the game that many people thought first of him when the season was canceled, per Stephen Whyno of the Associated Press. Andrews has served as the President of the AHL since 1994. The longtime executive will remain involved in helping the AHL forge a return-to-play plan. Patrick Williams, AHL beat writer for NHL.com, will be tracking congratulations to Andrews throughout the day. Let’s check-in elsewhere around the hockey world… Los Angeles appears to be out of the running for the NHL’s hub cities, tweets TSN’s Bob McKenzie. It’s unclear if this decision was inspired by the recent uptick of coronavirus cases in Los Angeles and California, though it’s safe to assume it was a factor. Vegas, Chicago, Edmonton, and Toronto are the four remaining options to host the NHL’s 2020 postseason. There will be a new face in camp as the Calgary Flames prepare for their potential Stanley Cup Qualifier with the 9-seeded Winnipeg Jets. The Flames extended an invitation to prospect Adam Ruzicka, who plans to join the club next week, per The Athletic’s Scott Cruickshank. The 21-year-old Slovak was a fourth-round pick of the Flames in 2017. Ruzicka notched 27 points (10 goals) for the Stockton Heat in 2019-2020. In undoubtedly the most important NHL news of the day, Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty has a new look. The notoriously unkempt Philly native received the Queer Eye treatment, per NHL.com. Given the level of global fear amid health concerns and civil unrest, Gritty will perhaps face some criticism for leaning into this public pampering – but with the Queer Eye crew in Philadelphia for their fifth season on Netflix, Gritty found himself nominated for a makeover by none other than his close confidant and mentor, the Philly Phanatic. Luckily, Gritty took the nomination in stride, a testament to his character, given that the 43-year-old Phanatic started dying his hair last year – a rather embarrassing display of public vanity from the Hall of Fame mascot. Adam Ruzicka| AHL| Bob McKenzie| Calgary Flames| Coronavirus| NHL| Philadelphia Flyers| Players| Retirement| Snapshots Flames Sign Adam Ruzicka To Entry-Level Deal April 12, 2019 at 3:17 pm CDT | by Zach Leach 2 Comments The Calgary Flames front office is staying busy even as the team battles in the postseason. The Flames have announced today that they have signed center Adam Ruzicka to a three-year entry-level contract. The clock was ticking on getting the 2017 draft selection under contract, but Calgary has done so and add a big and talented two-way forward to the pipeline. Ruzicka, 19, has used the opportunities presented to him to show that he is a complete prospect and certainly worthy of a commitment from the Flames. The Slovakian forward initially played his junior hockey in the Czech Republic, where he put up good numbers, but really made a name for himself as the clear best player on Slovakia’s entries into international tournaments. Ruzicka finally made the jump overseas ahead of the 2016-17 season, after the OHL’s Sarnia Sting took notice and selected him in the CHL Import Draft. Ruzicka chose North America and the pursuit of an NHL career over a more immediate pro debut, as he was a first-round pick in the KHL Draft the same year, but opted to join Sarnia instead. After a strong debut season in the OHL, Calgary was happy to take Ruzicka in the fourth round after many expected he would go earlier. Ruzicka responded to any remaining doubts about his game by recording 36 goals and 36 assists for 72 points in 65 games last season. He started this year off the same way, with 37 points in 35 games, before he was traded to the Sudbury Wolves. The move only further ignited Ruzicka, who added another 41 points in 30 games, a total of 78 points on the year, and a team-leading ten points in the Wolves’ eight playoff games. Ruzicka has more than shown that he can score at the junior level, but what makes him such a promising prospect for the Flames is that he also has the physical tools to translate that ability to the pros. Ruzicka stands 6’4″ and weighs in at over 200 lbs. and isn’t afraid to throw that frame around. An old-school center, Ruzicka is physical player with and without the puck, who can check, win battles, and possess the puck as well as anyone his age. His net front presence is also a major factor in his scoring numbers. Ruzicka has also shown some versatility by moving to the wing at times this season, adding yet another skill to his repertoire. There wasn’t much doubt that Calgary would get Ruzicka under contract before the June 1st deadline, but now that it is official, this is a prospect that Flames fans can really get excited about. Adam Ruzicka| Calgary Flames| CHL| KHL| NHL Entry Draft| OHL
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{"ccnet_length": [[0, 25313, 25313.0]], "ccnet_original_length": [[0, 25313, 29011.0]], "ccnet_nlines": [[0, 25313, 106.0]], "ccnet_original_nlines": [[0, 25313, 288.0]], "ccnet_language_score": [[0, 25313, 0.97]], "ccnet_perplexity": [[0, 25313, 333.3]], "ccnet_bucket": [[0, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_doc_curly_bracket": [[0, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_doc_ldnoobw_words": [[0, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_doc_lorem_ipsum": [[0, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_doc_stop_word_fraction": [[0, 25313, 0.40794224]], "rps_doc_ut1_blacklist": [[0, 25313, null]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_10grams": [[0, 25313, 0.00630542]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_5grams": [[0, 25313, 0.03049261]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_6grams": [[0, 25313, 0.02236453]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_7grams": [[0, 25313, 0.01428571]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_8grams": [[0, 25313, 0.00935961]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_9grams": [[0, 25313, 0.00935961]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_top_2gram": [[0, 25313, 0.00665025]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_top_3gram": [[0, 25313, 0.00788177]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_top_4gram": [[0, 25313, 0.00320197]], "rps_doc_frac_all_caps_words": [[0, 25313, 0.01824055]], "rps_doc_frac_lines_end_with_ellipsis": [[0, 25313, 0.00943396]], "rps_doc_frac_no_alph_words": [[0, 25313, 0.16169485]], "rps_doc_frac_unique_words": [[0, 25313, 0.29242701]], "rps_doc_mean_word_length": [[0, 25313, 4.63047445]], "rps_doc_symbol_to_word_ratio": [[0, 25313, 0.00057002]], "rps_doc_unigram_entropy": [[0, 25313, 6.14621348]], "rps_doc_word_count": [[0, 25313, 4384.0]], "rps_lines_ending_with_terminal_punctution_mark": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 46, 0.0], [46, 111, 0.0], [111, 312, 1.0], [312, 748, 1.0], [748, 1038, 1.0], [1038, 1378, 1.0], [1378, 1942, 1.0], [1942, 1976, 0.0], [1976, 2007, 0.0], [2007, 2066, 0.0], [2066, 2330, 1.0], [2330, 2491, 1.0], [2491, 2793, 1.0], [2793, 3116, 1.0], [3116, 3134, 0.0], [3134, 3149, 0.0], [3149, 3161, 0.0], [3161, 3172, 0.0], [3172, 3191, 0.0], [3191, 3206, 0.0], [3206, 3220, 0.0], [3220, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3526, 1.0], [3526, 3771, 0.0], [3771, 3820, 0.0], [3820, 3888, 0.0], [3888, 4185, 1.0], [4185, 4362, 1.0], [4362, 4387, 0.0], [4387, 5095, 1.0], [5095, 5132, 0.0], [5132, 5231, 0.0], [5231, 6183, 1.0], [6183, 6989, 1.0], [6989, 7004, 0.0], [7004, 7083, 0.0], [7083, 7528, 1.0], [7528, 8382, 1.0], [8382, 8404, 0.0], [8404, 8453, 0.0], [8453, 8912, 1.0], [8912, 9405, 1.0], [9405, 9424, 1.0], [9424, 9509, 0.0], [9509, 9933, 1.0], [9933, 10514, 1.0], [10514, 11131, 1.0], [11131, 11369, 1.0], [11369, 11412, 1.0], [11412, 11794, 0.0], [11794, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11886, 0.0], [11886, 12000, 1.0], [12000, 12277, 1.0], [12277, 12512, 1.0], [12512, 12848, 1.0], [12848, 13022, 1.0], [13022, 13447, 1.0], [13447, 13708, 0.0], [13708, 13729, 0.0], [13729, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 13755, 0.0], [13755, 13770, 0.0], [13770, 13786, 0.0], [13786, 13801, 0.0], [13801, 13817, 0.0], [13817, 13829, 0.0], [13829, 14048, 1.0], [14048, 14322, 1.0], [14322, 14607, 1.0], [14607, 14837, 0.0], [14837, 14869, 0.0], [14869, 14928, 0.0], [14928, 15222, 1.0], [15222, 15487, 1.0], [15487, 15794, 1.0], [15794, 16178, 1.0], [16178, 16531, 1.0], [16531, 16580, 0.0], [16580, 16613, 0.0], [16613, 16673, 0.0], [16673, 16993, 1.0], [16993, 17355, 1.0], [17355, 18000, 1.0], [18000, 18492, 1.0], [18492, 18575, 0.0], [18575, 18605, 0.0], [18605, 18669, 0.0], [18669, 18976, 1.0], [18976, 19211, 1.0], [19211, 19902, 1.0], [19902, 19949, 0.0], [19949, 20017, 0.0], [20017, 20078, 0.0], [20078, 21009, 0.0], [21009, 21371, 1.0], [21371, 21788, 1.0], [21788, 22551, 1.0], [22551, 22670, 0.0], [22670, 22715, 0.0], [22715, 22772, 0.0], [22772, 23134, 1.0], [23134, 24407, 1.0], [24407, 25253, 1.0], [25253, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 46, 0.0], [46, 111, 0.0], [111, 312, 0.0], [312, 748, 0.0], [748, 1038, 0.0], [1038, 1378, 0.0], [1378, 1942, 0.0], [1942, 1976, 0.0], [1976, 2007, 0.0], [2007, 2066, 0.0], [2066, 2330, 0.0], [2330, 2491, 0.0], [2491, 2793, 0.0], [2793, 3116, 0.0], [3116, 3134, 0.0], [3134, 3149, 0.0], [3149, 3161, 0.0], [3161, 3172, 0.0], [3172, 3191, 0.0], [3191, 3206, 0.0], [3206, 3220, 0.0], [3220, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3526, 0.0], [3526, 3771, 0.0], [3771, 3820, 0.0], [3820, 3888, 0.0], [3888, 4185, 0.0], [4185, 4362, 0.0], [4362, 4387, 0.0], [4387, 5095, 0.0], [5095, 5132, 0.0], [5132, 5231, 0.0], [5231, 6183, 0.0], [6183, 6989, 0.0], [6989, 7004, 0.0], [7004, 7083, 0.0], [7083, 7528, 0.0], [7528, 8382, 0.0], [8382, 8404, 0.0], [8404, 8453, 0.0], [8453, 8912, 0.0], [8912, 9405, 0.0], [9405, 9424, 0.0], [9424, 9509, 0.0], [9509, 9933, 0.0], [9933, 10514, 0.0], [10514, 11131, 0.0], [11131, 11369, 0.0], [11369, 11412, 0.0], [11412, 11794, 0.0], [11794, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11886, 0.0], [11886, 12000, 0.0], [12000, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12512, 0.0], [12512, 12848, 0.0], [12848, 13022, 0.0], [13022, 13447, 0.0], [13447, 13708, 0.0], [13708, 13729, 0.0], [13729, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 13755, 0.0], [13755, 13770, 0.0], [13770, 13786, 0.0], [13786, 13801, 0.0], [13801, 13817, 0.0], [13817, 13829, 0.0], [13829, 14048, 0.0], [14048, 14322, 0.0], [14322, 14607, 0.0], [14607, 14837, 0.0], [14837, 14869, 0.0], [14869, 14928, 0.0], [14928, 15222, 0.0], [15222, 15487, 0.0], [15487, 15794, 0.0], [15794, 16178, 0.0], [16178, 16531, 0.0], [16531, 16580, 0.0], [16580, 16613, 0.0], [16613, 16673, 0.0], [16673, 16993, 0.0], [16993, 17355, 0.0], [17355, 18000, 0.0], [18000, 18492, 0.0], [18492, 18575, 0.0], [18575, 18605, 0.0], [18605, 18669, 0.0], [18669, 18976, 0.0], [18976, 19211, 0.0], [19211, 19902, 0.0], [19902, 19949, 0.0], [19949, 20017, 0.0], [20017, 20078, 0.0], [20078, 21009, 0.0], [21009, 21371, 0.0], [21371, 21788, 0.0], [21788, 22551, 0.0], [22551, 22670, 0.0], [22670, 22715, 0.0], [22715, 22772, 0.0], [22772, 23134, 0.0], [23134, 24407, 0.0], [24407, 25253, 0.0], [25253, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 13, 2.0], [13, 46, 5.0], [46, 111, 13.0], [111, 312, 35.0], [312, 748, 78.0], [748, 1038, 55.0], [1038, 1378, 57.0], [1378, 1942, 99.0], [1942, 1976, 5.0], [1976, 2007, 5.0], [2007, 2066, 12.0], [2066, 2330, 49.0], [2330, 2491, 25.0], [2491, 2793, 54.0], [2793, 3116, 60.0], [3116, 3134, 4.0], [3134, 3149, 2.0], [3149, 3161, 2.0], [3161, 3172, 2.0], [3172, 3191, 2.0], [3191, 3206, 2.0], [3206, 3220, 2.0], [3220, 3234, 2.0], [3234, 3526, 51.0], [3526, 3771, 32.0], [3771, 3820, 6.0], [3820, 3888, 14.0], [3888, 4185, 52.0], [4185, 4362, 31.0], [4362, 4387, 3.0], [4387, 5095, 128.0], [5095, 5132, 4.0], [5132, 5231, 12.0], [5231, 6183, 170.0], [6183, 6989, 139.0], [6989, 7004, 2.0], [7004, 7083, 10.0], [7083, 7528, 85.0], [7528, 8382, 160.0], [8382, 8404, 3.0], [8404, 8453, 7.0], [8453, 8912, 80.0], [8912, 9405, 91.0], [9405, 9424, 3.0], [9424, 9509, 10.0], [9509, 9933, 77.0], [9933, 10514, 106.0], [10514, 11131, 107.0], [11131, 11369, 43.0], [11369, 11412, 7.0], [11412, 11794, 51.0], [11794, 11827, 4.0], [11827, 11886, 12.0], [11886, 12000, 20.0], [12000, 12277, 50.0], [12277, 12512, 41.0], [12512, 12848, 54.0], [12848, 13022, 32.0], [13022, 13447, 73.0], [13447, 13708, 44.0], [13708, 13729, 2.0], [13729, 13744, 2.0], [13744, 13755, 2.0], [13755, 13770, 2.0], [13770, 13786, 2.0], [13786, 13801, 2.0], [13801, 13817, 2.0], [13817, 13829, 2.0], [13829, 14048, 40.0], [14048, 14322, 47.0], [14322, 14607, 51.0], [14607, 14837, 30.0], [14837, 14869, 6.0], [14869, 14928, 13.0], [14928, 15222, 49.0], [15222, 15487, 47.0], [15487, 15794, 52.0], [15794, 16178, 76.0], [16178, 16531, 64.0], [16531, 16580, 7.0], [16580, 16613, 4.0], [16613, 16673, 12.0], [16673, 16993, 56.0], [16993, 17355, 65.0], [17355, 18000, 108.0], [18000, 18492, 83.0], [18492, 18575, 12.0], [18575, 18605, 5.0], [18605, 18669, 14.0], [18669, 18976, 46.0], [18976, 19211, 40.0], [19211, 19902, 131.0], [19902, 19949, 6.0], [19949, 20017, 8.0], [20017, 20078, 13.0], [20078, 21009, 155.0], [21009, 21371, 62.0], [21371, 21788, 70.0], [21788, 22551, 125.0], [22551, 22670, 14.0], [22670, 22715, 7.0], [22715, 22772, 12.0], [22772, 23134, 61.0], [23134, 24407, 228.0], [24407, 25253, 153.0], [25253, 25313, 10.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 46, 0.0], [46, 111, 0.15], [111, 312, 0.0855615], [312, 748, 0.00943396], [748, 1038, 0.00704225], [1038, 1378, 0.0], [1378, 1942, 0.00725953], [1942, 1976, 0.0], [1976, 2007, 0.06666667], [2007, 2066, 0.16666667], [2066, 2330, 0.00387597], [2330, 2491, 0.0], [2491, 2793, 0.00675676], [2793, 3116, 0.03174603], [3116, 3134, 0.0], [3134, 3149, 0.0], [3149, 3161, 0.0], [3161, 3172, 0.0], [3172, 3191, 0.0], [3191, 3206, 0.0], [3206, 3220, 0.0], [3220, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3526, 0.0], [3526, 3771, 0.0], [3771, 3820, 0.0], [3820, 3888, 0.12698413], [3888, 4185, 0.0], [4185, 4362, 0.01156069], [4362, 4387, 0.0], [4387, 5095, 0.00868307], [5095, 5132, 0.0], [5132, 5231, 0.0], [5231, 6183, 0.00857449], [6183, 6989, 0.01639344], [6989, 7004, 0.0], [7004, 7083, 0.0], [7083, 7528, 0.0369515], [7528, 8382, 0.01317365], [8382, 8404, 0.0], [8404, 8453, 0.0], [8453, 8912, 0.00671141], [8912, 9405, 0.01037344], [9405, 9424, 0.0], [9424, 9509, 0.0], [9509, 9933, 0.00485437], [9933, 10514, 0.00878735], [10514, 11131, 0.00990099], [11131, 11369, 0.0], [11369, 11412, 0.0], [11412, 11794, 0.0], [11794, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11886, 0.22222222], [11886, 12000, 0.07272727], [12000, 12277, 0.02962963], [12277, 12512, 0.0], [12512, 12848, 0.01215805], [12848, 13022, 0.01190476], [13022, 13447, 0.00483092], [13447, 13708, 0.00796813], [13708, 13729, 0.0], [13729, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 13755, 0.0], [13755, 13770, 0.0], [13770, 13786, 0.0], [13786, 13801, 0.0], [13801, 13817, 0.0], [13817, 13829, 0.0], [13829, 14048, 0.01428571], [14048, 14322, 0.0], [14322, 14607, 0.00357143], [14607, 14837, 0.0], [14837, 14869, 0.0], [14869, 14928, 0.16666667], [14928, 15222, 0.01760563], [15222, 15487, 0.01171875], [15487, 15794, 0.00673401], [15794, 16178, 0.03183024], [16178, 16531, 0.0], [16531, 16580, 0.0], [16580, 16613, 0.0], [16613, 16673, 0.2], [16673, 16993, 0.01277955], [16993, 17355, 0.02292264], [17355, 18000, 0.01584786], [18000, 18492, 0.004158], [18492, 18575, 0.0], [18575, 18605, 0.0], [18605, 18669, 0.15254237], [18669, 18976, 0.01003344], [18976, 19211, 0.0], [19211, 19902, 0.01769912], [19902, 19949, 0.0], [19949, 20017, 0.0], [20017, 20078, 0.17857143], [20078, 21009, 0.00438596], [21009, 21371, 0.01133144], [21371, 21788, 0.0471464], [21788, 22551, 0.00267738], [22551, 22670, 0.0], [22670, 22715, 0.0], [22715, 22772, 0.19230769], [22772, 23134, 0.01129944], [23134, 24407, 0.02083333], [24407, 25253, 0.00723764], [25253, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 46, 0.0], [46, 111, 0.0], [111, 312, 0.0], [312, 748, 0.0], [748, 1038, 0.0], [1038, 1378, 0.0], [1378, 1942, 0.0], [1942, 1976, 0.0], [1976, 2007, 0.0], [2007, 2066, 0.0], [2066, 2330, 0.0], [2330, 2491, 0.0], [2491, 2793, 0.0], [2793, 3116, 0.0], [3116, 3134, 0.0], [3134, 3149, 0.0], [3149, 3161, 0.0], [3161, 3172, 0.0], [3172, 3191, 0.0], [3191, 3206, 0.0], [3206, 3220, 0.0], [3220, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3526, 0.0], [3526, 3771, 0.0], [3771, 3820, 0.0], [3820, 3888, 0.0], [3888, 4185, 0.0], [4185, 4362, 0.0], [4362, 4387, 0.0], [4387, 5095, 0.0], [5095, 5132, 0.0], [5132, 5231, 0.0], [5231, 6183, 0.0], [6183, 6989, 0.0], [6989, 7004, 0.0], [7004, 7083, 0.0], [7083, 7528, 0.0], [7528, 8382, 0.0], [8382, 8404, 0.0], [8404, 8453, 0.0], [8453, 8912, 0.0], [8912, 9405, 0.0], [9405, 9424, 0.0], [9424, 9509, 0.0], [9509, 9933, 0.0], [9933, 10514, 0.0], [10514, 11131, 0.0], [11131, 11369, 0.0], [11369, 11412, 0.0], [11412, 11794, 0.0], [11794, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11886, 0.0], [11886, 12000, 0.0], [12000, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12512, 0.0], [12512, 12848, 0.0], [12848, 13022, 0.0], [13022, 13447, 0.0], [13447, 13708, 0.0], [13708, 13729, 0.0], [13729, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 13755, 0.0], [13755, 13770, 0.0], [13770, 13786, 0.0], [13786, 13801, 0.0], [13801, 13817, 0.0], [13817, 13829, 0.0], [13829, 14048, 0.0], [14048, 14322, 0.0], [14322, 14607, 0.0], [14607, 14837, 0.0], [14837, 14869, 0.0], [14869, 14928, 0.0], [14928, 15222, 0.0], [15222, 15487, 0.0], [15487, 15794, 0.0], [15794, 16178, 0.0], [16178, 16531, 0.0], [16531, 16580, 0.0], [16580, 16613, 0.0], [16613, 16673, 0.0], [16673, 16993, 0.0], [16993, 17355, 0.0], [17355, 18000, 0.0], [18000, 18492, 0.0], [18492, 18575, 0.0], [18575, 18605, 0.0], [18605, 18669, 0.0], [18669, 18976, 0.0], [18976, 19211, 0.0], [19211, 19902, 0.0], [19902, 19949, 0.0], [19949, 20017, 0.0], [20017, 20078, 0.0], [20078, 21009, 0.0], [21009, 21371, 0.0], [21371, 21788, 0.0], [21788, 22551, 0.0], [22551, 22670, 0.0], [22670, 22715, 0.0], [22715, 22772, 0.0], [22772, 23134, 0.0], [23134, 24407, 0.0], [24407, 25253, 0.0], [25253, 25313, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 13, 0.15384615], [13, 46, 0.15151515], [46, 111, 0.12307692], [111, 312, 0.05472637], [312, 748, 0.0206422], [748, 1038, 0.0137931], [1038, 1378, 0.03823529], [1378, 1942, 0.0177305], [1942, 1976, 0.20588235], [1976, 2007, 0.12903226], [2007, 2066, 0.11864407], [2066, 2330, 0.03409091], [2330, 2491, 0.02484472], [2491, 2793, 0.02649007], [2793, 3116, 0.02167183], [3116, 3134, 0.05555556], [3134, 3149, 0.13333333], [3149, 3161, 0.25], [3161, 3172, 0.18181818], [3172, 3191, 0.10526316], [3191, 3206, 0.13333333], [3206, 3220, 0.14285714], [3220, 3234, 0.14285714], [3234, 3526, 0.00684932], [3526, 3771, 0.13061224], [3771, 3820, 0.12244898], [3820, 3888, 0.13235294], [3888, 4185, 0.01010101], [4185, 4362, 0.02824859], [4362, 4387, 0.12], [4387, 5095, 0.03107345], [5095, 5132, 0.10810811], [5132, 5231, 0.12121212], [5231, 6183, 0.0210084], [6183, 6989, 0.01861042], [6989, 7004, 0.13333333], [7004, 7083, 0.12658228], [7083, 7528, 0.03820225], [7528, 8382, 0.02810304], [8382, 8404, 0.13636364], [8404, 8453, 0.16326531], [8453, 8912, 0.01525054], [8912, 9405, 0.02028398], [9405, 9424, 0.15789474], [9424, 9509, 0.12941176], [9509, 9933, 0.01179245], [9933, 10514, 0.03442341], [10514, 11131, 0.0178282], [11131, 11369, 0.00420168], [11369, 11412, 0.1627907], [11412, 11794, 0.14136126], [11794, 11827, 0.12121212], [11827, 11886, 0.11864407], [11886, 12000, 0.02631579], [12000, 12277, 0.01083032], [12277, 12512, 0.00851064], [12512, 12848, 0.0297619], [12848, 13022, 0.00574713], [13022, 13447, 0.04], [13447, 13708, 0.06130268], [13708, 13729, 0.14285714], [13729, 13744, 0.13333333], [13744, 13755, 0.18181818], [13755, 13770, 0.13333333], [13770, 13786, 0.125], [13786, 13801, 0.13333333], [13801, 13817, 0.125], [13817, 13829, 0.16666667], [13829, 14048, 0.01826484], [14048, 14322, 0.02554745], [14322, 14607, 0.02105263], [14607, 14837, 0.13043478], [14837, 14869, 0.25], [14869, 14928, 0.13559322], [14928, 15222, 0.02040816], [15222, 15487, 0.0754717], [15487, 15794, 0.02605863], [15794, 16178, 0.015625], [16178, 16531, 0.03116147], [16531, 16580, 0.18367347], [16580, 16613, 0.12121212], [16613, 16673, 0.11666667], [16673, 16993, 0.078125], [16993, 17355, 0.02209945], [17355, 18000, 0.05581395], 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← Rebekah Joy Plett and Matthew J. Price – artists to watch Super-powered David Bowies invade Vancouver! → The Railway Club Published On: October 7, 2012 - 6:03 am Haunted and enchanted: the ghosts of music history past keep the tunes and tonic flowing at the Railway Club – by Julia Kalinina “If you like drinking with ghosts, this is the place,” says Natasha Moric. Moric has worked at the Railway Club for over a quarter of a century. Over the years at the historical music venue, Moric shared beers with the Tragically Hip and Blue Rodeo, both bands now inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. She’s witnessed the frontman of Radiohead storm off from an album release party, and barred the lead singer of Buckcherry from entry into the club for over a decade for throwing a table. But on her first day tending the bar 27 years ago, she wondered whether she made a mistake giving up her job at a high-end restaurant in the west end of the city. “It was so boring that day,” she said. “I couldn’t do enough crosswords!” On weekdays, especially when the sun highlights the deep red of the velvet couches lining the perimeter of the room, reflects off the brass furniture fixtures, and illuminates the lazy dust particles suspended in the air like astronauts in space, the Railway Club feels like a languid, old Legion. On sunny days, the heat of the sun keeps patrons from drinking indoors and the Railway sleeps. But all along the walls hang signed posters that reveal the venue’s glamourous past. Blue Rodeo. Sarah McLachlan. Spirit of the West. The Hip, The Blue Shadows, Los Lobos, k.d. lang. Open most days since 1931, the Railway Club has shaped generations of Canadian music and contributed volumes to Canadian music history. The Skydiggers at the Railway Club, May 2 2012. Christopher Edmonstone photo Before the Railway Club first opened its doors on New Year’s Eve in 1931, railway engineers gathered at the Engineers’ Club, an exclusive private social club for men on Powell Street. The club refused entry to railway construction workers, however, so in response, the construction workers formed their own club, called it The Railwaymen’s Club, and refused entry to engineers. The Railwaymen’s Club opened just two blocks down the street from the Canadian Pacific Rail station where they worked, now a Seabus terminal. The Railwaymen’s Club continued as a club where workers came to gamble, drink, and meet women until 1980, when a Vancouver entrepreneur named Bob Williams bought it and took over its management from a mysterious woman named Dagny Forslund, who ran the establishment as a gambling saloon and lit one cigarette off of another while buzzing in railway workers in for decades. Williams shortened the club’s name to the Railway Club and brought in an old bar that he got for free at a Kitsilano restaurant that was closing down. He hired his stepchildren to work as bartenders. Williams found no need to obtain a license to serve alcohol because the Railway’s license goes back to the 1930s. To attract customers, Williams booked bands to play at the venue during the evenings. But the family soon discovered that it was his stepdaughter, Janet Forsyth, then in her early twenties, who had a feel for finding interesting local bands. Forsyth soon took over the booking. Little did she know how much that move would shape Canadian musical history. Forsyth says that when she first saw the club, it was “an old guys, old gals place where people went for drinks” with small, wooden tables like those seen in old Western movies, paintings of trains on the walls, and terrycloth towels “like they had in the old bars.” Within a couple of years, word about the music at the Railway spread beyond Vancouver. Suddenly, agents were calling from Seattle, L.A., San Francisco. While most club owners in the mid-1980s booked single bands to play a full week of shows, Forsyth booked two to three bands a night. Andrea Ramolo at the Railway Club, Vancouver, April 25 2011. Jason Statler photo When Natasha Moric began working at the Railway Club in 1985, it already had a reputation as a music venue that took risks and tested new acts. No other place in the city booked the bands that Forsyth booked. Over the coming decade, the venue hosted bands that went on to win the biggest awards in Canadian music. Canadian Legends like McLachlan, The Barenaked Ladies, Blue Rodeo, and The Tragically Hip all had their start at the venue, playing to crowds of no more than 200 people. “I took an interest and just started bringing in more original music, that’s how it started,” says Janet Forsyth. “There was a scene, an underground scene, but there weren’t many bars doing original music in Vancouver at the time. “I took advantage of the local talent out here and tried to bring in as much variety as I could. I was interested in all kinds of different music. We did local poetry readings, but not library poetry. Slam poetry, and events other people weren’t doing. Songwriter circles, battles of the bands,” says Forsyth from her Strathcona house on a clear recent morning, holding Clover, her old Boston terrier with bright blue cataracts in both eyes, on her lap. Three-and-a-half years ago, Williams and Forsyth sold the Railway to its current owner, Steve Silman, because she says that 27 years “is too long to do any one thing.” Silman, a career musician in his early 30s, says he seized the opportunity to buy the club as soon as he found out that it was for sale. “Places like this don’t come on the market very often,” he said. “For the first year, I noticed something new inside the club every day.” But Silman bought more than a bar. The Railway Club has its own identity and comes with an entire culture behind it, and a staff and a clientele that have roots with the club going back multiple decades. The challenges that Silman faces go deeper than what most entrepreneurs in the service industry encounter. Ghosts roam the long hallways of the Railway and rest their elbows on its wide, polished wood bar with brass fixtures. The crowd: pinstripes and polka dots Spirit of the West released a song in 1986 called “Our Station,” written about the Railway with the lyrics, It’s a designer’s nightmare standing out in this crowd With leathers mixed with tweed, pinstripe with polka dot, It makes no difference in this melting pot. Talking business in the corner, politics at the door, While the boy brings the house down with his acoustic guitar. Forsyth’s curation of music attracted a diverse crowd. A loyal crowd. “There were young punks, working plumbers, poets, journalists, all kinds of different people,” said Forsyth. “The genres of music changed over the years but it was always the same mix. A lot of artists, a lot of politicos.” Forsyth attributes the loyalty of the Railway’s customers to the quality of acts that played and to the club’s status as a “private social club,” which required membership, however loose in its definition. And over the years, the culture of the Railway developed as much through its clientele as its live music. Tyranahorse at the Shindig! finals at the Railway Club, Dec 6 2011. Robyn Hanson photo It happened at the Railway Stan Heisie, the doorman, has sat at the top of the stairs from the entrance to the Railway most nights since 1987. He likes music, but dislikes interviews. He only wanted to talk about Billy Cowsill, an American musician who played at the club often in the 1990s and early 2000s. Cowsill died in 2006 of alcohol and drug-related syndromes, aged 58 years old. “Sometimes you couldn’t even talk to him, he was so wrecked,” said Heisie. “There was no way he could play, but then he’d go on stage and just bring the house down.” He trails off talking about Cowsill. “He was in a lot of pain. But the way he sang would just destroy people. He reduced grown men to tears, I saw it happen in front of me.” Other times, bands would storm the wide, green velvet staircase leading up to the Railway after their shows at bigger venues. One night, the drunken members of Los Lobos almost interrupted a performer in the middle of a song when they stumbled into the club demanding to play after midnight one year in the late 1980s. The crowd went wild. All ten people in the room and Heisie. When the club was still a gambling saloon in the 1950s, one man even lost his house at the Railway. Having gambled away all of his money, a man threw his house into the pot and lost. According to Moric, the son of the winner from that night still lives in that Kitsilano house with his family. He bartended at the Railway for a few years in the late 1980s. Janet Forsyth attributes some of the success of the Railway Club to taking chances with different music and events. When asked if she feels she played a role in shaping Canadian music and the individual musical careers of so many performers, she gives a negative answer. “But I think the club did,” she says. “I was a booker but the acts we had was just what the people, what the Railway crowd wanted.” The club’s loyal crowd might have created a community and provided a ballast for the original charm of the Railway, but it may also be keeping it from adapting to changing times. Silman, the new owner, says that people now have shorter attention spans when it comes to live music. He finds it tough to attract crowds to performances that he expected do well in the context of the Railway. “Indie rock, pop rock, indie folk probably works the best here. Singer-songwriters but not too sleepy. But blues doesn’t work,” said Silman. “I don’t know why. Musical preferences change with time.” Moric agrees that both the Vancouver music scene and the Railway itself have evolved. “Now there [are] a few more bars in town that are actually playing original live Vancouver bands. The Rickshaw is one. Places like the Cobalt and the Astoria, they kind of took over the original Railway Club feel,” she says. But David Newberry, a Vancouver singer-songwriter, maintains that the club remains “vital” to the small-time music scene in Canada. “I don’t think there are other places doing what the Railway does. The music industry doesn’t change music the way it happens in a room with 100 people,” he said. “The small time is alive and kicking and very, very healthy and the Railway Club continues to provide a really vital home for it.” Silman has a history to negotiate with and says he feels a responsibility to the ghosts of the club, but the music, ever-changing, keeps him from imagining himself in a museum. “[The Railway] is very much a living, breathing entity,” he says, even though patrons still dial the same seven numbers to reach the club as they did 70 years ago. Last Sunday, Sept 20, after 27 years, Moric celebrated her retirement party from the Railway Club. Like Forsyth, she says that 27 years is too long to do anything. Today, the Railway is renegotiating its identity, connecting with both the ghosts that perch on its red velvet-covered bar stools and the younger patrons that are bringing in new musical tastes. But one thing is certain, the club has an old soul. And a memory. As Moric said, “it’s not Granville Street. It’s not Yaletown. It’s not Gastown. It’s the Railway Club.” This entry was posted in Vancouver and tagged bars, Railway Club, Vancouver. Bookmark the permalink. One response to “The Railway Club” Jessica Quan says: Hi Julia Kalinina! love the article on the history of The Railway Club. Vancouver Heritage Foundation’s Places That Matter Plaque Project will be celebrating the history of The Railway Club with a plaque presentation hopefully very soon. Great article and we hope you’ll join us for the presentation, since you’ve done all the research already and have some great interviews!!! Jessica Quan Special Project Coordinator Vancouver Heritage Foundation http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org
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2012 TOB Conference – Conference Schedule Download the conference schedule here. Conference Schedule Friday, July 6, 2012 10:00am – 1:00pm Registration, exhibits, confession, Adoration 1:00pm – 2:30pm Opening Mass 3:00pm – 4:15pm Welcome; Fr. Thomas Loya He Said, She Said: How to Communicate Effectively within the … Continue reading →
{"url": "https://familyhonor.org/2012-tob-conference/conference-schedule/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "familyhonor.org", "date_download": "2022-06-24T22:26:30Z", "digest": "sha1:IPVNEIQ7V5ZTCUG7WA7XFBAX2WLA7X7E"}
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SATELLITE SOLAR POWER STATIONS (SSPS) A geosynchronous orbit is on the Earth's equatorial plane with a radius at which a satellite matches the Earth's angular velocity, and is stationary with respect to an observer on the Earth's surface. This orbit lends itself to communications, monitoring of the Earth's surface, and power transmission to the Earth's surface, all of which need to be done more or less continuously without interruption of service. The power transmission concepts call for the collection of solar power by huge satellites, conversion to electrical power by either photovoltaic (ref. 35) and transmission to the Earth by 10 cm microwave power beams (ref. 36). On the Earth's surface the power is to be received, rectified and then fed into the power grid. The photovoltaic conversion satellite concept (see fig. 4-23) (under study by a group of companies headed by Arthur D. Little, Inc.) takes the incoming sunlight, which has an energy flux of almost 1.4 kW/m^2, concentrates it by a factor of 2 onto thin silicon solar cells, and beams 8 GW of power to Earth with an assumed dc to dc efficiency of 65 percent resulting in a received power of 5 GW. Studies presently indicate a mass/power ratio of 3.6 kg/kW for this satellite (ref. 37). In the thermal conversion concept (under study by Boeing) 10,000 individually-steered facets concentrate the sunlight by a factor of 2000 into a cavity (personal communication with Gordon Woodcock, Boeing). In the cavity the sunlight heats helium which, in turn, drives Brayton cycle turbogenerators. The low end of the cycle is a large radiator operating at 550 K. (The model for the cycle and turbogenerators is a 50MW plant in Oberhausen, Germany which uses a closed cycle with helium as a working fluid.) Four independent sections, each with 1 cavity, make up this SSPS. The power transmission is the same as for the photovoltaic SSPS. Studies indicate a specific mass of 6.5 kg/kW for 10 GW output received on Earth (ref. 35). A solar power satellite built at the colony is transferred to geosynchronous orbit, requiring several months to complete the journey. Once in place the 5-20 GW system's output is tied into the terrestrial surface power grid to provide relatively cheap electricity to Earth. A photovoltaic SSPS is expected to require little maintenance. Periodically, to overcome radiation damage, the solar cell arrays have to be annealed by heating them perhaps 50 degrees C above ambient operating temperature; this is done automatically by the satellite. Failure of such parts as amplitron tubes and solar blankets, and the inevitable but infrequent hits by small meteoroids require repairs. A "smart" machine replaces parts on the transmitting antenna and the solar cell blankets, but repair of structural damage requires several people to help the "smart" machines. It is desirable to do as little maintenance of solar power satellites as possible with people because the structure is not designed to provide life support for them. Also, the huge size of the satellite makes the amount of work one person can do negligible compared to a machine. For maintenance of a 5-20 GW photovoltaic power satellite a crew of less than 6 people is projected. For a thermal conversion power satellite more people are needed since there are more moving parts, but a crew of less than 50 is enough for a 10 GW satellite. The repair crew is housed in a small shack or "caboose" near the center of the satellite and rotated periodically to the habitat. Because the satellite is a cheap stable orbital platform in sight of Earth all the time it also has on it packages of Earth-sensing instruments, direct broadcast TV stations, and communications links. Most of this equipment is located near the "caboose," so that the maintenance crew can take care of these units as well. The major force on an SSPS is the gravity gradient torque. The amount of propellant required for station keeping depends upon the satellite's mass distribution and upon the station-keeping strategy adopted. Return to Chapter 4
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Opinion 6 years ago Austin is the least ‘southern’ city in the South If you embrace Austin, Austin will embrace you Of all the cities in Texas, Austin is probably the least “southern” city in the south. Aside from being the capital of Texas and home of the Texas Longhorns, there’s so much to this city that makes it a great place for free-living liberals all across the nation. It’s an open-minded city that’s not opposed to change. When the rest of the conservative state opposes basic human rights, such as gay marriage or abortion, Austin is one the cities located in Deep South that contradicts that ideology, and even serves as a haven for people who feel out of place in their small hometowns. I grew up in very small town in west Texas where the population was less than 3,000 people. Not everyone in my hometown were conservatives, but I would say the vast majority definitely were. The town was not used to religious diversity (or any other diversity for that matter) because most of the town was culturally and religiously similar. My classmates were shocked when I would tell them I practiced Hinduism rather than Christianity. My family was the only Indian/Hindu family in town, so when I brought up anything cultural or religious, it was always a shock. It wasn’t anything bad, but I was constantly surprised me of how people were unaware of other people’s values. Many people had no idea what Hinduism is. Fun fact: there are other practicing religions outside of small towns, you just have to go out there and learn for yourself. When I moved to Fort Worth at nine years-old, there were still ignorant people I met on a day-to-day basis. It wasn’t until I moved to Austin for school that I finally felt like I wasn’t alone. I didn’t have to explain my identity because everyone here seemed comfortable in a diverse environment, and they were open to learning more about what they didn’t already know. This city embraces people of all races, sexuality, gender, and beliefs. UT Austin is one of the most diverse schools in the nation. There are conservative, out-dated policies that this school challenges. When regional/state-wide policies are modified to preserve conventional ideals, such as abortion, Austin is one of the few cities that fights to protect women’s health care from government intervention. This city is amazing in all that it does. To live somewhere that isn’t opposed to change, and attempts to benefit the progressiveness of society is truly remarkable. When race issues come up in the city, people from different backgrounds unite, so that the minority doesn’t feel persecuted in any way. It’s not just the political or social issue, the food is characteristically un-southern. From edgy hipster juice bars, to doughnuts shaped like penises, we serve more than just grits and fried chicken (although we do that really well too). Austin is a breath of fresh air to anybody who feels out of place in the conservative heartland of Texas. It’s nice to know that in one of the most conservative states in the nation, Austin is a glimmer of hope.
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Gardening: Humphry Repton at 200 Humphry Repton at 200 Of course you know all about the 19th-century Saudi Arabian war heroine Ghaliyya al-Wahhabiyya, as you do about her contemporaries Egwale Seyon, an Ethiopian emperor, and the Prussian general Friedrich Ludwig Fürst zu Hehenlohe-Ingelfingen. You don’t? Tut tut. As a gardener, though – which is why you’re reading this column – you most certainly know something about Humphry Repton. But what, you may ask, does he have in common with those in my opening tease? Answer: they all died 200 years ago, in 1818 – Repton (aged 68) on 24th March, when yolky-yellow daffodils were aflutter in his myriad ‘improved’ grounds right across the kingdom. The last great 18th-century landscaper, born in Bury St Edmunds in 1752, Repton – Capability Brown’s successor, no less – having failed as a merchant in early adulthood, turned his eye towards gardens and botany, eventually setting himself up as a landscape gardener in 1788. Within half a dozen years, he had advised on some sixty estates, a number that grew to more than 400 by 1816. The list today reads like the noblest of horti-gazetteers, and at least one source credits him with having ‘sowed the seeds of the more intricate and eclectic styles of the 19th century’. His, let us not forget, was an era of slow travel, begun with a dawn hitching of horses to carriage, unlike the present-day practitioners’ fast nip across the shires in polished BMWs and back home for supper the same day. But that stately pace would have instilled a deeper understanding of the countryside, equipping our hero with a vital sense of scale and proportion and, indeed, the vernacular, picking up ideas along the way of how he might reshape his clients’ broad acres. Repton’s considerable artistic skills (and, perhaps, entrepreneurial ingenuity) gave birth to his now famous Red Books, red leather-bound volumes that helped prospective patrons see, by explanatory text and – innovatively – watercolour sketches overlaid one upon the other, his ‘before’ and ‘after’ impressions. It was the PowerPoint presentation of its day and surviving examples (alas, too few) are the sun around which his reputation still turns. His original work tended to be on a smaller scale than, say, Capability’s, and he was not averse to modifying someone else’s earlier makeovers. Where, then, should today’s student go to behold Repton’s three-dimensional legacy? One might start at Sheringham Hall in Norfolk, whose park – his ‘favourite and darling child’ – he designed in 1812. Or Hatchlands in Surrey, Attingham in Shropshire, Brighton Pavilion, Woburn… and Stoneleigh Abbey in Warwickshire (a supposed inspiration for Sotherton Court in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park). Let’s therefore salute Repton on this 200th anniversary of his death, and spare a thought, too, for the untold labourers whose toil and sweat gave life to the ol’ boy’s many exceptional visions. Arbroath's Favourite Easter Treat This story was from March 2018 issue. Subscribe Now
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ANÁLISIS: Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 El retorno del Sniper de CI Games ya está en la palestra de lanzamientos, y esta vez con la vitola de potente lanzamiento, y de proyecto que quiere alcanzar cotas que en sus anteriores entregas no pudieron conseguir pese a su buena aceptación entre el público. Por ello, durante este tiempo, la expectación de lo que han podido hacer con más recursos ha sido mucha, y las ganas de encontrarnos ante un buen proyecto de escalas mucho más importantes de lo que habíamos visto hasta ahora, han marcado nuestra paciente espera por volver a ser una autentica y sigilosa máquina de matar. Por desgracia la expectación nos la hemos comido, con un producto que pese a tener gran calidad, y ciertos puntos muy destacables, sufre de algunos problemas que nos ha sacado de la experiencia más de una vez. Pese a ello, seguid leyendo, ya que puede que seáis de los que sopesan esos problemas y disfrutan de un producto bastante correcto, y que continúa en la senda ascendente por ser una franquicia notable. XBOX ONE – PS4 – PC DESARROLLADOR CI GAMES Empezando por la historia y el entorno narrativo que nos espera. Deciros que nos trasladamos a tierras georgianas, en busca del hermano perdido del protagonista, y todo rodeado de un ambiente pre beligerantes, en un estado que está a punto de estallar una guerra entre grupúsculos guerrilleros del mismo país. Una historia que si seguimos el hilo principal, simplemente cumple con su cometido, pese a ser bastante plana a nivel narrativo y a nivel de guión. Encontrándonos con muy pocos momentos verdaderamente épicos que nos lleven a seguir necesitando saber más sobre estos hermanos y las facciones de este país de la Europa del Este. Es cierto que el mundo que lo rodea le ha hecho mucho daño, más que si hubiese sido un juego lineal, y es que si la historia está cogida con pinzas y encima se diluye entre tantas horas y momentos sin sentidos, nos encontraremos fuera de ella si no estamos muy receptivos. Entrando ya en la jugabilidad, deciros que el concepto del juego ha cambiado muchísimo en esta nueva entrega, entrando de lleno en un tan de moda mundo abierto. Un mundo abierto especialmente diseñado para jugarlo como un francotirador, y eso se nota mucho a la hora de realizar las diferentes misiones, ya que serán de la forma donde más las disfrutemos. Un mundo abierto bien realizado en principio, pero que a medida que avancemos en la trama, nos veremos envueltos en el mayor problema que puede tener un mundo de este tipo… la falta de cosas por hacer, y la repetitividad de ellas. Y es que recorrer distancias sin toparnos con nada más que un animal o algún poblado enemigo será pura casualidad, y con los que nos toparemos más a menudo se notará que están puestos para rellenar un extenso lugar. Pese a ello, que conste que nos encontraremos con un buen número de misiones en este amplio mapeado. Las cuales van; desde fases de infiltración, hasta otras que nos marcarán un objetivo al cual liquidar, pasando como no por algunas que serán una autentica masacre humana. Pero siempre con ese toque de sigilo y camperismo que la franquicia y el tipo de personaje nos tienen acostumbrado. Pese a ello, y como ya os hemos contando, hemos notado un exceso de repetición en ellas, pese a la libertad de superación de estas, cosa que termina por meternos en un bucle que nos hará ir a por ellas sin el más mínimo miramiento de lo que se espera de un francotirador… es decir, a acabar con todo bicho viviente, pese a que no es la mejor opción. Eso sí, antes de entrar de lleno a cada misión nos veremos metido de llenos en uno de los mejores momentos del juego… la preparación de cada una de ellas. En estos momentos hay que tomar dos claves para su superación. Por un lado, la preparación de un buen equipo, los cuales irán desde complementos para las armas hasta municiones de todos tipos. Cosa que será bastante importante, ya que cada enemigo u objetivo se las tendrá que ver con el armamento que mejor pueda destruirlo, así que un mal planteamiento nos echará por tierra una misión de bastantes minutos. Y por otro lado, hay que tener muy en cuenta la climatología, la franja horaria, y como no, una más que buena colocación en el terreno. Y es que desde el viento, hasta la oscuridad, puede ser un problema para hacer un tiro certero, y la verdad que eso nos encanta. Por cierto, una cosa que nos ha resultado curiosa, es la cantidad de objetos posibles que posee nuestro sniper, además de su propio armamento. Este equipo va desde visiones especiales, pasando por sistemas de hackeos, hasta llegar a vehículos que nos hagan el paseo por los amplios escenarios más llevadero e incluso un dron. La verdad que por recursos no será. Punto interesante es el árbol de habilidades que se ha implementado en esta ocasión, el cual irá tendiendo hacia; Francotirador, Guerrero o Fantasma según el camino que tomemos en nuestra forma de plantear las misiones. El juego nos puede durar en torno a una veintena de horas, siendo curioso como muchas de ellas nos las pasaremos replanteando las diferentes incursiones. Y es que es un punto esencial, ya que el más mínimo error de planteamiento nos lleva a nuestro fin. Y que conste que en el juego no hay malos jugadores ni enemigos muy duros (la IA nos es demasiado inteligente), hay jugadores que no saben plantear la mejor opción de ataque. Por cierto… y antes de terminar con la parte jugable. El juego en unas semanas, poseerá multijugador, el cual esperamos ver hacía donde se encaminará, y si conseguirá darle un nuevo punto de interés al juego. Pero toca esperar, pero no sabemos si cuando llegue nos apetecerá. Entrando en la parte técnica, y más concretamente en la parte gráfica. Como se ha nombrado por activa y pasiva en la promoción el juego, este está realizado mediante el CryEngine, un motor que les viene que ni pintado para esta tipología de juego. Así que reconozcamos que nos encontramos ante unos buenos y bonitos escenarios. El diseño de personajes es sencillamente correcto pese a lo que puede dar de sí el motor. Pero sufre en varios puntos problemas bastante serios, especialmente destacable es el rendimiento en ciertas zonas, los no demasiado buenos efectos visuales, y ante todo, unos tiempo de cargas verdaderamente demenciales. Una pena, que esperamos que sean subsanadas mediante actualizaciones, pero que no entendemos porque sacan el producto a la luz así. En lo que se refiere a la parte sonora, el juego cumple correctamente con todo lo que hace. Posee una buena ambientación, unos efectos sonoros potentes, que mezclados hacen de este una buena experiencia para nuestros oídos. El juego nos llega subtitulado al castellano, con un correcto doblaje al inglés. En conclusión. No nos queda otra que deciros que nos esperábamos algo más de este Sniper Ghost Warrior, pero tampoco nos ha parecido un juego que no sea apetecible por aquellos jugadores que sean fans de los juegos de francotiradores. Ya que pese a todo, tendrán una buena dosis de horas de juego, una buena cantidad de misiones, un aspecto técnico correcto, una historia asequible si nos centramos en ella, y un mundo abierto que pese a no ser de los mejores, si que nos hace meternos en una guerra un tanto especial. Dadle una oportunidad si esos matices los sabéis valorar, ya que si os sentís francotiradores la verdad que las sensaciones son buenas, y su terminación no os va a decepcionar, y más cuando ya vais advertidos de lo que cojea. Publicado en Análisis, Pc, PS4, Xbox One Etiqueta analisis, CI games, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. Bookmark the permalink.
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Posts Made By: KabbaK You Give Love a Bad Name (Bon Jovi) (Guitar cover) Hello bros!... This is my YGLABN cover from Bon Jovi. Hope you enjoy it. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUcbpCENRfU A Tale That Wasn't Right (Helloween) (Guitar Cover) This is my A Tale That Wasn't Right cover from the mighty Helloween. All critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs0ifLYL_R0 I'm Alive (Helloween) (Guitar cover) This is my I'm Alive cover from the mighty Helloween. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhZZI3VxU-k Rooftops (Cod Black Ops OST) (Guitar cover) This is my Rooftops cover from the CoD Black Ops game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL_3hINaFeA Power (Helloween) (Guitar cover, Play along) This is my Power cover from the mighty Helloween. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaq_AQSQ_mA Sole Survivor - Helloween (Cover, Play along) This is my Sole Survivor cover from the mighty Helloween. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2-ucajp9Xw Still Loving You - Scorpions (Cover, Play along) This is my Still Loving You cover from the legendary Scorpions. All critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy it!... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMW3xNv5qqY my entry in Charvel Kristmas Kontest 2 [C4C] Great job buddy!... I especially liked the tone. Misirlou (Dick Dale) (Pulp Fiction Soundtrack) (Cover, Play along) This is my Misirlou cover from the movie Pulp Fiction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRqYd7-tjCs Not Falling (Mudvayne) (Guitar cover, Play along) Thanks buddy!... :) Thank you buddy!... I know there are some faults... Thank you buddy!... I know there are some faults but it sounds ok. And it's also my fave Mudvayne song too. :) This is my Not Falling cover from Mudvayne. All critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy it!... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxQINy1psO4 Down with the Sickness (Disturbed) (Cover, Play along) (C4C) This is my Down with the Sickness cover from Disturbed. All critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy it!� https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBRDvMrRHW0 Uykusuz Her Gece (Teoman) (Cover-Play along) This time I covered a Turkish Pop-Rock song called "Uykusuz her gece" which means "Every sleepless night" or something like that, from a national-famous Turkish pop-rock star... B.Y.O.B. (System of a Down) (Cover, Play along) This is my B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs) cover from System of a Down. All Critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy it!� https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3A9g6I_Pjw Jet Pilot (System of a Down) (Cover, Play along) This is my Jet Pilot cover from System of a Down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YGT4EvI6ZQ Chop Suey (System of a Down) (Cover, Play along) This is my Chop Suey cover from System of a Down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hukutIqe6c4 The Last Fight (Bullet for my Valentine) (Cover, Play along) This is my The Last Fight cover from Bullet for my Valentine. All critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcJ8ISVEd9w Pleasure and Pain (Bullet for my Valentine) (Cover, Play along) This is my Pleasure and Pain cover from Bullet for my Valentine. Awaiting your critics. Hope you enjoy it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv00VnVNlEE Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) - P!nk (Cover, Play along) This is my Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) cover from P!nk. Awaiting your critics. Hope you enjoy it; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJef1Rb1wI8 115 - Elena Siegman (Guitar cover - Play along) This is my 115 (Elena Siegman) cover from Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Mode soundtracks. All critics will be appreciated. Hope you enjoy... Improvisation in Bm (Guitar) Hi people!... This is my impro attempt on a backing track on Youtube!... It's in Bm. I'm waiting for your critics. Hope you enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va1WpAQgkMw Alabama Shakes - Hold on (C4C) Great playing dude, no problem with it. But I'd... Great playing dude, no problem with it. But I'd prefer a colored video to see the guitar in original color. Sounds really good. 18 and Life - Skid Row (Cover, Play along) This is my 18 & Life cover from the mighty Skid Row. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn1WXKZIElg My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (FallOut Boy) (Guitar cover, Play along) This is my My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Fall Out Boy) cover. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-GC3-udXPs Sober - P!nk (Cover - Play along) This is my Sober cover from P!nk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0mFYvUS16Y Do You Like It - Kingdom Come (Guitar cover - Play along) This is my Do You Like It cover from one of my all time favorite bands Kingdom Come. Hope you enjoy it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3joPAYk1UM Beauty of Annihilation - Elena Siegman (Guitar cover - Play along) This is my Beauty of Annihilation (Elena Siegman) cover from Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Mode soundtracks. Besame Mucho (solo guitar) Wonderful!... Toxic - Britney Spears (Metal cover - Play along) This is my Toxic cover. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iig5TJ00YCk
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Reeve Collins Co-Founder and CEO, BLOCKv Reeve Collins has been a long-standing pioneer in the Bitcoin/Blockchain space and was co-founder and CEO of Tether. His efforts revolutionized the way currency is transacted by creating the world’s first fiat currency platform on the Bitcoin blockchain. In just over one year from inception, Tether was acquired by Bitfinex the world’s largest bitcoin exchange. Prior to Tether, Collins founded several successful ventures, including Traffic Marketplace, one of the first online ad networks to be acquired by Vivendi Universal, RedLever, a branded entertainment studio, acquired by Adconion Media Group, and Pala Interactive, where he secured $70 million to create a legal, real-money gambling site in the US that is live today. Currently, Collins is creating an entirely new economy around digital goods as co-founder and CEO of BLOCKv. BLOCKv provides an innovative platform for the creation of a new class of virtual goods called vAtoms. vAtoms are interactive smart objects on blockchains, enabling ownership, scarcity, and authenticity of digital goods for the first time.
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La música, espejo de la sociedad Cortesía Seminario Internacional Música y Transformación Social. La Fundación Nacional Batuta y el British Council organizan del 4 al 7 de octubre el Seminario Internacional Música y Transformación Social, un espacio académico que busca resaltar el poder transformador de la música. Por Sergio Rodríguez El Seminario Internacional Música y Transformación Social se inauguró en la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango en Bogotá el 4 de octubre con la presencia de la ministra de Cultura, Mariana Garcés; el director en Colombia del British Council, Tim Miscioscia; la secretaria de Cultura, Recreación y Deporte de Bogotá, María Claudia López; la subgerente cultural del Banco de la República, Ángela María Pérez, además de los invitados nacionales e internacionales. Durante las palabras de apertura se recalcó la importancia que tienen espacios académicos como este, que abren la discusión sobre el poder transformador de la música como factor de desarrollo social para la construcción de la paz. La Fundación Nacional Batuta y el British Council organizan el seminario en el que conferencias, conversatorios y talleres en la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, el Claustro San Agustín, las universidades del Rosario, los Andes y Central reunirán 50 experiencias en las que la música ha transformado entornos, ciudades, poblaciones y sentidos de vida. La ministra, durante su intervención, enfatizó que no hay “nada más importante que la cultura y el arte como agentes constructores de paz”. Celebró que el panorama musical en Colombia haya cambiado y que hoy haya cerca de 30 facultades de música en el país. Durante la primera jornada de conferencias intervino el británico Keith Swanwick hablando de la educación musical y sus repercusiones en distintos contextos y personas. “La música es el espejo de la sociedad. Nos conecta con nuestra historia” dijo. También afirmó que hay que entender la música como un discurso que se debe cuidar y cultivar según los intereses del estudiante. Y puso a cantar a los asistentes para ejemplificar el proceso de comprensión musical que, según sus planteamientos, tiene tres manifestaciones o estadios presentes en la composición, escucha e interpretación musical: la forma, el carácter expresivo y el material sonoro. “La música permite simpatía” dijo Alejandra Quintana, ganadora de la beca de Investigación en Música del Idartes e invitada al panel Música, territorio y ciudadanía, al referirse a cómo con la música mujeres víctimas del conflicto han podido expresarse, denunciar y sanar las heridas de la guerra. En este conversatorio se relacionaron las experiencias de iniciativas musicales para poblaciones en condiciones de vulnerabilidad en Londres, Medellín y Bogotá. También habló Matt Peacock, fundador de Streerwise Opera, que trabaja en Inglaterra y Gales con personas sin hogar, muchas de ellas con problemas de salud mental, de aprendizaje o de salud física. Henry Arteaga, de la agrupación de hip hop Crew Peligrosos, contó cómo la música, la danza y el graffiti han sido vitales contra la violencia que viven los barrios con alto riesgo de criminalidad en Medellín. Durante la mañana también se realizó el panel Orquestas sin esmoquin, que se enfocó en las experiencia de tres orquestas que han logrado incorporar la música clásica en contextos muy diferentes a los que se desarrolla. Es así como en Paraguay Fabio Chávez fundó hace diez años la Orquesta Cátedra en la que los instrumentos son hechos a partir de objetos reciclados por los habitantes de un vertedero de basura en Asunción. La Orquesta Filarmónica evidenció los distintos proyectos para niños y jóvenes en los que convergen la música académica y la popular, así como también la importancia de los centros de formación orquestal con los que cuentan en la ciudad. Así comienza el Seminario Internacional Música y Transformación Social, que tendrá mesas de trabajo todos los días, conciertos y más de 20 talleres. Seminario Internacional Música Y Transformación Social
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Back to Member Spotlight Patti Gobin Patti Gobin has over 25 years of Community Development experience with the Tulalip Tribes. Presently, Ms. Gobin is with the Natural Resource Treaty Rights office working with state, local and federal agencies regarding those issues that impact the life ways of the Tulalip Tribes. In addition to her years of experience, Ms. Gobin is a member of the Tulalip Tribes and is well versed in the culture and history of her people. Her personal goal is to invest in the future of the Coast Salish community, helping to affect a sustainable future for the next generations to come.
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Al Gore did things the other way around and all this week he's been paying the price for it, in the form of having to answer awkward questions about the $500 million sale of his Current TV network to Al Jazeera. As the former Vice President makes the rounds of talk shows to promote his new book "The Future," he's been under pressure to explain just how the world's most famous climate change activist justifies selling out to an interest backed by oil money. (Al Jazeera is owned by the government of Qatar, the oil-rich Persian Gulf state.) So far, the explanations have been pretty weak. Nowhere was the pressure greater than on "The Daily Show" Wednesday night. Jon Stewart demurs whenever anyone calls him a journalist, but if he wants it to stop he'll have to quit showing up actual journalists by doing their job better than they do. On NBC's "Today" Monday, Matt Lauer called Gore to account, even using the word "hypocrisy," but the whole exchange lasted a mere two minutes. Even David Letterman let him squirm longer than that. Stewart, meanwhile, used almost all of his interview time to cross-examine Gore on the matter, pressing him for a solid nine minutes and even picking it up again briefly after a commercial break. Asked about the cognitive dissonance of pocketing oil money while railing against fossil fuels, Gore initially -- and repeatedly -- tried the same dodge he'd used on Lauer and Letterman: that Al Jazeera is a fine network with high journalistic standards and particularly strong climate coverage. "It was an easy choice after doing the diligence on the network itself," he said. "They have a great reputation. They have the highest quality, most extensive, best climate coverage of any network in the world." But Stewart rejected that as the non-answer it was, continuing to hammer away at the gap between "mogul Al Gore and activist Al Gore." "You had an opportunity to make a statement about your principles," he said. On the defensive, Gore resorted to crying poverty. "We were competing in a conglomerate world as an independent," he said. "We don't have deep pockets. We were profitable every year, but it got to a point where we had to sell. We could not keep going." (It would've been nice to see Stewart try to untangle that little nonsequitur -- why a profitable network without a ton of debt to service would have no choice but to bail out. Nobody's perfect.) He also insisted that Qatar's leaders "have announced a commitment to renewable energy...a visionary plan." "I'm very, very comfortable with it. I completely get the criticism, but this is a good choice." It was certainly a good choice financially for Gore, whose share of the sale price has been reported at around $100 million. By the way, Gore may want to ease up a touch on his claims about Current's journalistic track record, lest he resurrect his old reputation as an exaggerator. A couple of times this week, he's claimed that Current won "every major award in television journalism." According to Current's website, its list of honors includes "two Emmy® Awards, the Peabody Award, two Livingston Awards, the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award, numerous Webby Awards, the Television Academy Honor and the Hot Bird™ TV Award for Europe’s Best News Network." That's certainly not a bad haul. But it's a far cry from "every single award in television journalism" (as he phrased it on "Late Night"). If Current ever won a George Polk Award or an Edward R. Murrow Award, for instance, this is the first I'm hearing of it. Old habits die hard. The Daily Show with Jon StewartGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Start Gallery Page {{article.article.page + 1}} / {{article.article.pages.length}} Continue {{article.article.calledOutCommentCount||''}}Comment on this story Print Report Corrections Reprints & PermissionsTrending on Forbes {{channel_name}}false
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Home Emily Potter Headlines Professional Commitments Emily Potter Signs Professional Contract with Politechnika Gdanska Basketball Club Emily Potter Signs Professional Contract with Politechnika Gdanska Basketball Club PUBLISHED ON June 19, 2018 Emily Potter, Headlines, Professional Commitments, Winnipeg's Emily Potter today made the announcement on her social media accounts that she has signed a contract to play professional basketball in Poland later this summer. She will be suiting up with the Politechnika Gdanska Basketball Club. Its been a busy spring for Emily as she was recently invited to the training camp of the WNBA's Seattle Storm and just last week on the invite list for Canada's National Senior Team. Congratulations Emily! Eurobasket.com Release: Sportowa Politechnika Gdanska (1Liga) landed 22-year old Canadian ex-international forward Emily Potter (198-95, college: Utah). She played in the summer at Seattle Storm (WNBA). The last season Potter played at the University of Utah in NCAA in the NCAA where in 32 games she averaged 12.1ppg, 7.3rpg and 1.7bpg. It was a very successful season in her career as she was selected to CoSIDA NCAA Division I All-Academic 1st Team, CoSIDA NCAA Division I Academic All-District 8 2nd Team and All-Pac-12 Honorable Mention. Potter just graduated from University of Utah and it will be her first season in pro basketball. She was also a member of Canadian international program for some years. Potter played for Canadian Senior National Team between 2013 and 2016 and previously for U17 National Team back in 2012. She also represented Canada at the World Championships U19 in Lithuania five years ago. Her stats at that event were 8 games: 7.6ppg, 4.0rpg, FGP: 42.4%, 3PT: 50.0%, FT: 50.0%. Potter's game is described as: Potter, a graduate of Utah, left the program boasting school records in single-season (89) and career blocks (215), and she was the first player in Utah women?s basketball history to register 1,500+ points, 1,000+ rebounds and 200+ blocks in a career. During her senior season, Potter was named All-Conference and All-Defensive honorable mention by the Pac-12 coaches, and she capped her college career ranked 11th in scoring (1,635) and fifth in rebounding (1,037). Potter?s final three seasons at Utah saw the Utes make consecutive trips to the WNIT, including a third-round appearance in 2016. By Eurobasket Data Center http://www.eurobasket.com/Poland/news/535834/Emily-Potter-signs-at-Politechnika-Gdanska?Women=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/BkNZbhnhWe9/
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Posted on April 7, 2022 by sjhigbee Having read other books in this well-written, classy series – see my reviews of Murder at Standing Stone Manor, Murder Takes a Turn and Murder Served Cold – I was delighted to see this next offering. These books are set in 1950s England and have a flavour of the classic English private investigator stories of the time, which I thoroughly enjoy. BLURB: London. April, 1957. Private investigator Donald Langham is approached by retired businessman Vernon Lombard to find his missing son, Christopher. But what appears to be a simple case of a missing artist becomes far more alarming when Langham realizes there’s more to Christopher’s disappearance than meets the eye, and then makes a terrible discovery. Meanwhile, Langham’s business partner Ralph Ryland’s search for a missing greyhound forces him to confront a shameful secret from his own past, with terrifying consequences. Can Langham navigate London’s criminal underworld, fascism and deception to track down a killer and save Ralph’s life? REVIEW: The first thing I need to clear up is the fact that this is the ninth book in the series. While the ongoing storyline gives the reader a ringside seat into the unfolding events in our plucky protagonists’ lives, if you’re looking for the occasional well-crafted murder mystery set in the 1950s, don’t be afraid to crash into the series. Brown is an experienced author who ensures that both steadfast fans and those new to his writing will get plenty of enjoyment from this latest adventure. I like the fact that despite Langham and Ryland are partners, they see the world through different eyes as they come from such differing backgrounds. Donald Langham is a middle-class author, who enjoys taking part in the investigations as a break from the treadmill of his successful writing career, while Ralph Ryland is a working-class man. This story isn’t quite as cosy as the previous books I’ve read in the series. For starters, it’s set in London rather than the quintessential country house or tucked-away village. And while Langham’s investigation delves into the thickets of family feuds and loyalties – standard fare for classic historical whodunits – Ralph Ryland’s case takes him into far more grittier and murkier territory. I always enjoy the way Brown sets out his mysteries and steadily spools out the clues and red herrings – and once again he doesn’t disappoint. The denouement is genuinely gripping and had me turning the pages to discover what happens next. And I also enjoyed the fact that despite these events happening some sixty-five years ago, the prejudice and racism uncovered is just as relevant now. Well… I say enjoyed – let’s say appreciated, instead. Because I’d love for the nastier side of tribalism to be a historical quirk, rather than something still alive and ugly in societies around the world. But it certainly makes the story resonate in these times, too. Highly recommended for fans of well-crafted historical whodunits. While I obtained an arc of Murder Most Vile from Netgalley, the opinions I have expressed are unbiased and my own. Filed under Book review, book series, crime, family relationships, historical adventure, London setting, murder mystery, netgalley, new release special, private investigator, S.J. Higbee, troubled hero and tagged book review, crime, Eric Brown, historical murder mystery, London setting, Murder Most Vile, Netgalley arc, new release special, S.J. Higbee, the Langham and Dupré Mystery series, troubled heroes | 8 Comments About sjhigbee Science fiction/fantasy writer & creative writing tutor and book addict. I can't walk past a book shop or library and am considering therapy. View all posts by sjhigbee » Carla on April 7, 2022 at 9:12 pm said: Great review Sarah. It’s always nice to know that I can jump into a series partway through. sjhigbee on April 9, 2022 at 12:17 pm said: Thank you, Carla:). Yes – there are a number of murder mysteries that I don’t mind jumping into. And this is one of them. Katherine on April 8, 2022 at 3:02 am said: I’ve seen this author but have never read anything by him and I don’t think I’ve ever seen any reviews of his books. I’m so glad to see this one! He definitely sounds like a mystery author I’d enjoy. I think you’d enjoy his writing, Katherine. His plotting is ‘old school’ – which I mean in the best possible way:). maddalena@spaceandsorcery on April 8, 2022 at 10:31 am said: It’s good to know that this author can skillfully entertain new readers as well as more faithful followers, so that one can plunge into the series at any time: and your description of the grittiness of this novel makes it a very intriguing proposition, indeed 🙂 You’re right, Maddalena:)). I think a number of murder mystery series can be read out of order, or accessed midway as the narrative engine is usually the crime and whodunit. Tammy on April 8, 2022 at 1:20 pm said: It’s nice to know you can start with book 9, because normally that would be a very intimidating number! Glad you enjoyed this😁 Yes! While I do enjoy following well-written, long running series, as I know I will inevitably enjoy the book – it’s fun to find series where it isn’t a huge deal if you crash midway into them:)).
{"url": "https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2022/04/07/new-release-special-review-of-netgalley-arc-murder-most-vile-book-9-of-the-langham-and-dupre-series-by-eric-brown-brainfluffnetgalleybookreview-murdermostvilebookreview/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "sjhigbee.wordpress.com", "date_download": "2022-05-16T05:57:21Z", "digest": "sha1:JCCR2PP67M5SEHQVLJRU6UIFPEQRWVC7"}
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The National High School Coaches Association (NHSCA) was founded in 1989 and operates as a 501c3 non-profit organization under the IRS laws. The national office is located in Easton, Pennsylvania. The mission statement of the NHSCA is to provide leadership and support to coaches and administrators and their programs. The NHSCA recognizes coaches as tremendous centers of influence and they have an obligation to act as professionals at all times. The NHSCA provides more online educational programs for coaches than any organization in the country. The NHSCA conducts Character and Leadership Workshops as well as Character and Leadership Summer Day Camps in high schools across America. The national staff conducts the daily business of the NHSCA as outlined by its bylaws and is overseen by a Board of Directors. The national staff consists of a full time Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, Program Directors, Program Managers, Administrative Assistants, and an Office Manager. Several others also help conduct business and are employed as independent contractors. The NHSCA publishes Coach's Quarterly (CQ) Magazine which is emailed to every head high school wrestling coach in the country each year. The NHSCA sanctions all of its events and provides insurance coverage for all of its participants, coaches, officials, and volunteer workers as well as the venue. The NHSCA derives its income from the following sources: Membership, insurance programs, national and state events, partnerships, coach certification, special programs, and merchandising. The NHSCA conducts events that meet the eligibility requirements of most state and national organizations involved in athletic competition. The NHSCA sponsors an Academic All-American Team as well as selecting the National High School Coach and Athlete of the Year in 22 sports. The NHSCA has conducted championship events in basketball, golf, tennis, soccer, lacrosse, football, and wrestling. Adjustments are made each year to the championships based on the feedback that we receive from the coaches. The NHSCA has a national office and several satellite offices. A full time staff and hundreds of volunteers make it possible for the NHSCA to conduct it's business and adhere to its mission statement. The NHSCA Story By: Bob Ferraro NHSCA Founder and Executive Chair I was the head wrestling coach at a Division I university and had a son who participated in the sport of wrestling. In the summer of 1989, my son was about to enter his senior year of high school. He distinguished himself by winning a state championship as a sophomore. His plans were to continue his wrestling career in college, so I began searching for a post season scholastic style wrestling competition that was national In scope and would serve as a preparation for the NCAA Championships. After exhausting all avenues, it was apparent that no such competition existed. It was obvious there was a need, so I decided to conduct such an event. I designed a championship event that would fit the profile of my son's credentials. The eligibility requirements were that you had to be a high school senior who won a state championship sometime during your high school career to qualify for this event. This insured that my son would quality for this event even If he did not repeat as a state champion In his senior year, which turned out not to be the case. I began the search for a home for this event. I began to contact organizations to see if they had an interest in me volunteering my services to conduct such an event for their organization. The first organization that I approached was the National Federation of High School Athletic Associations (NFHSAA). I was Informed that this organization did not endorse national events and would not be interested. Next, I contacted USA Wrestling and I was informed that this organization was committed to Olympic style wrestling and would not be interested. I then contacted National Wrestling Coaches Association (NWCA). I was informed this group was interested and that I should proceed with plans to conduct the event. I immediately contacted an attorney friend and asked for his assistance In helping me with the legal aspects of this event. He agreed to help and I immediately got started. I named the event the National High School Wrestling Championship and developed all the marketing materials. I received an estimate from the university mailroom for the printing and postage and when I contacted the NWCA to inform them of the cost, I was told NWCA was not interested. I approached the athletic director at the university and asked him for permission to have my wrestling booster club to sponsor the event. He granted me permission and I immediately began to set up a national network of volunteers to help distribute the marketing materials to every state champion In the country who was a senior In high school. My wife and children volunteered to stuff the packets of marketing materials. I named tournament directors three weeks prior to the event and the rest is history. We had 262 state champions and more than 200 high school and college coaches representing 39 states invoked in the first event. We fed the coaches and volunteers in the hospitality room and everyone had a great experience. I contacted ESPN and they Informed me that this was the first true national high school championship in any sport and agreed to air It on national television. They sent a full crew to Pittsburgh to film the event and then it aired on Scholastic Sports America. At the event, It was apparent that there was a need for events like this and high school coaches were in need of leadership. After all the Invoices were paid we ended up with approximately a $500 profit. The athletic director allowed us to use the funds to open a checking account for the National High School Coaches Association (NHSCA). At this moment, the NHSCA was born and we finally had an appropriate home for our wrestling event. Presently, the NHSCA operates as a 501c3 non profit organization and has expanded to a full service national organization. NHSCA's mission statement is to provide leadership and support to coaches and their programs. NHSCA has conducted championship events In basketball, golf, tennis, soccer, and wrestling. Adjustments are made each year to the championships based on the feedback that we receive from the coaches. NHSCA has a national office and several satellite offices. A full time staff and hundreds of volunteers make it possible for the NHSCA to conduct it's business and adhere to Its mission statement.
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Standorte der Kreisverwaltung Dezernat Allgemeine Verwaltung Dezernat Bauen, Ordnung, Umwelt Dezernat Gesundheit und Soziales Sie befinden sich hier: » Landkreis & Verwaltung » Kreisverwaltung Wegweiser durch das Bauplanungsrecht Bevor Sie anfangen Ihr Traumhaus zu planen, sollten Sie sich erkundigen, ob und wie das zur Bebauung vorgesehene Grundstück genutzt werden kann. Auskünfte hierzu erhalten Sie bei der zuständigen Planungsbehörde, i. d. R. dem Bauamt der Stadt/Gemeinde oder des Amtes. Die Frage nach der Bebaubarkeit ist in den bauplanungsrechtlichen Vorschriften des Baugesetzbuches (BauGB) und der Baunutzungsverordnung (BauNVO) geregelt. Entscheidend für die bauplanungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit Ihres Bauvorhabens ist, in welchem Bereich sich das zu bebauende Grundstück befindet. Dabei ist ein ggf. vorhandener Flächennutzungsplan (FNP) zu berücksichtigen. Der FNP ist der vorbereitende Bauleitplan der Gemeinde, in dem die bauliche und sonstige Nutzung in ihren Grundzügen dargestellt ist. Grundsätzlich wird ein Gemeindegebiet in ggf. Bebauungsplangebiet - Bereiche, die durch verbindliche Bauleitpläne (BP, VBP) beplant sind Innenbereich - den so genannten im Zusammenhang bebauten Ortsteil und Außenbereich - die Fläche der Gemeinde, die sich außerhalb dieses im Zusammenhang bebauten Ortsteils oder außerhalb des Geltungsbereichs eines Bebauungsplans befindet untergliedert. Im Geltungsbereich eines Bebauungsplanes nach § 30 BauGB ist ein Vorhaben planungsrechtlich dann zulässig, wenn es dessen Festsetzungen entspricht; liegt nur ein Aufstellungsbeschluss vor, sind weitere Bedingungen einzuhalten (§ 33 BauGB). Im Innenbereich richtet sich die Zulässigkeit eines Bauvorhabens nach der vorhandenen Bebauung der näheren Umgebung. Ein Vorhaben muss sich nach Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung, der Bauweise und der Grundstücksfläche, die überbaut werden soll, in die nähere Umgebung einfügen (§ 34 BauGB). Der Außenbereich soll von Bebauung freigehalten werden - mit Ausnahme der nach § 35 BauGB privilegierten Vorhaben. Ausnahmsweise kann eine Bebauung dennoch zulässig sein, wenn so genannte öffentliche Belange nicht beeinträchtigt werden und die Erschließung gesichert ist.
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Finally returning to the Sky Runner, Jeff runs into a bit of a problem. Looks like it is going to be awhile... After sending the officer out to sea, Poo comes to a realization. Cue the 80's music, it's time for a training montage! Though Jeff and Paula try, Poo makes it clear that they lack the strength to defend Ness. Maybe if Poo makes Paula REALLY mad, he'll think differently. The group continue to train, and the differences between their strengths become apparent. There's no "I" in teamwork, but there is a "Poo". ...Wait, no there isn't. A beautiful date at a beautiful restaurant...what could go wrong?
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Inicio wrestlemania WWE Planes de la WWE en televisión de cara a los próximos meses y grandes eventos Planes de la WWE en televisión de cara a los próximos meses y grandes eventos Una vez confirmada la renovación de Brock Lesnar, la directiva de la WWE ha empezado a planear lo que veremos en televisión en los próximos meses. El usuario de Reddit MetsFan4Ever, quien predijo que la renovación de Brock Lesnar haría que los títulos secundarios de la WWE tomarían fuerza en los shows televisados, ha divulgado más información supuestamente llegada desde el backstage de la compañía. Triple H fue uno de los principales impulsores de seguir manteniendo a Brock Lesnar como campeón de la WWE tras Wrestlemania. Al parecer, Vince McMahon se ha sumado al carro y el plan es que el campeón retenga el campeonato el domingo. No se habló sobre Seth Rollins o el próximo oponente de Lesnar. Sobre Wrestlemania 32, la idea es que Brock Lesnar siga apareciendo esporádicamente en televisión. No se sabe si podría llegar como campeón sin perder el título hasta Wrestlemania 32 pero sí que ha estado nombrando a tres hombres en sus últimas promos: The Undertaker, John Cena y The Rock. Uno de esos tres hombres podría ser su rival en el gran escenario del año que viene, pero el que tiene más papeletas es el "People's Champ". Sobre Roman Reigns, los directivos de la WWE no quieren que suceda un nuevo "caso Lex Luger", superstar que recibió un gran push en 1993 y 1994 pero no llegó a conectar con el público. Así que de momento, Reigns quedaría apartado de la órbita del título, a menos que realice un turn heel. La idea principal es que John Cena y Daniel Bryan (o Sheamus) consigan los campeonatos de Estados Unidos e Intercontinental este domingo y lo lleven a lo más alto. Se habló de Dean Ambrose y es que la WWE puede tener grandes planes para el luchador de cara a Summerslam. wrestlemania, WWE
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Professional Lawn Mowing Services for Businesses A well-manicured lawn sends the message that you’ll take good care of your clients; it shows you care about the finer things and aren’t going to scrimp on the details. Our specialty is lawn care, which extends beyond the regular mowing of grass; if your grass is lacking the color or texture of a healthy lawn, we encourage you to take advantage of our fertilization services. Lawns & More’s skilled landscape professionals will work hard to get your lawn in tip top form, so you can focus on important things like building your business. Something important to consider when you’re looking for the right commercial mowing company for you is whether or not they’re as committed to the environment as Lawns & More is. A beautifully green lawn is great, but when it comes at the expense of the environment it can be hard to rationalize. Lawns & More is dedicated to environmental protection, which shows in the products we use. Our fertilizers are kind to the earth, and when we set up watering schedules we do so in consideration of the climate, to avoid wasting water. Our Prices Include it All! If you’re planning on maintaining the lawn of your business yourself, there are a few important things to keep in mind. It’s easy to imagine that doing commercial lawn maintenance yourself would be a good way to save a bit of money, but there are a lot of hidden costs associated with it. When you’re in charge of your own upkeep, you’re responsible for covering any equipment costs, meaning that if your mower breaks down you have to pay out of your own pocket. Even if it just needs a bit more fuel, that’s something that you’re responsible for. With Lawns & More, we take care of it all, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. Our professional-grade equipment means your service will never be delayed due to mechanical difficulties, and that we cover any costs associated with the upkeep of our machinery. Our high quality equipment also means we’re much more efficient than other companies. No more waiting around for your maintenance company to finally deliver on their promise of an even, well-manicured lawn; with Lawns & More, we’ll deliver results on time, every time. Keep Your Grass Green with Lawns & More Sometimes you’ve done all you can think of and your lawn is still lacking the vibrant and healthy color you’re looking for. Lawns & More has a wealth of knowledge on how to best maintain your lawn, after all, we have years of experience doing just that! If you’re in need of a bit of insider knowledge on commercial lawn care, Lawns & More has you covered. From how to reduce uneven coloration to how to finally rid your business’s lawn of weeds once and for all, Lawns & More has the know-how you require! Contact Lawns & More Today! A beautifully green, evenly mowed lawn for your business is just a phone call away. Give us a call, or fill out our online contact form, and one of our representatives will get in touch right away. We look forward to giving you the lush, grassy carpet you’ve been waiting for!
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Huit choses que les Brésiliens ne font qu’au Carnaval 16 février 2015 8 choses, Bloco das virgens, Brésil, carioca, Carnaval, Carnaval 2015, démocratie raciale, Funk, liste, Nordeste, racisme, Rio de Janeiro, Rock, samba, Sertaneja, Top14 Commentaires Au carnaval de Rio de Janeiro - crédit photo: Fora do Eixo | Flickr.com É carnaval ! Cette simple exclamation veut dire en dialecte carioca : « Dieu est mort, tout est permis ». C’est le carnaval, tout est permis ! Les rois et les dieux sont morts, les interdits sociaux et les tabous n’existent plus. Les hommes peuvent se travestir librement sans craindre un jugement moral de la société, la petite blanche peut coucher avec le beau mec noir de la fac que son père lui défendait de voir en temps normal. Voici une liste non exhaustive des « 8 choses »que les Brésiliens ne font qu’au Carnaval. Le Carnaval de São Paulo est fini, celui de Rio va gagner en spectacle… et en rondeur. C’est parti pour la liste: 1. Ils font l’amour C’est curieux comme pendant l’année le ministère de la Santé oublie que les gens font l’amour, qu’ils attrapent le sida et autres MST. Je m’étonne toujours de la quantité de publicités qui encouragent l’usage des préservatifs pendant la période du carnaval. Zéro campagne pendant l’année et hop, une pollution publicitaire sur mon fil d’actualité Facebook en février. Comme si cela pouvait changer les comportements. Faut croire que les Brésiliens ne font l’amour que pendant le carnaval. 2. La petite Blanche te regarde… enfin! Tu arrives au Brésil en bon Africain. Ton rêve le plus fou, c’est déguster une petite Blanche. Elle n’a pas les grosses fesses que tu aimais au pays hein (quoique…), mais voilà, elles sont blanches. Donc… Mais malheureusement , tu vas vite découvrir qu’une petite Blanche brésilienne ça ne regarde pas un Noir. C’est une question de standing. Si tu veux ta chance, attends le carnaval quand tout le monde est fou. Même elle. Tu pourras te la faire, et personne ne le lui reprochera : « C’est le carnaval », qu’elle dira… É Carnaval !!! 3. Les ethnies se mélangent Je n’ai que des amis noirs. Et alors, quoi ? Tu te crois en France ? C’est pas parce que tu fais médecine et que tes collègues sont tous blancs et riches que tu vas te faire un tas d’amis blancs. La démocratie raciale au Brésil, ça n’existe que dans les livres de Gilberto Freyre. Sauf au carnaval où toutes les ethnies se mélangent dans le grand sambodrôme de Niemeyer. C’est un peu comme Disney Land, c’est pas la réalité mais on paye pour voir… 4. La police te laisse tranquille Si tu es noir – comme moi – et que tu aimes te balader torse nu dans la rue – comme un de mes potes – , en bermuda qui plus est, tu peux être tranquille. La police va enfin te laisser en paix, tu ne seras pas contrôlé au carrefour comme un malpropre. Ah, oui. Au Brésil, un Noir, torse nu et en bermuda c’est forcément un bandit… dans la tête du policier bien sûr. Mais pendant le carnaval, ça passe. Et tu sais pourquoi ? Eh ben, parce que les petits Blancs sont torse nu eux aussi… Mais attention, cela ne dure QUE trois semaines. 5. Les filles sont vraiment nues Une légende mondiale dit que les Brésiliennes ne s’habillent que rarement. Eh ben, ça reste une légende. Tu seras surpris de constater en arrivant que les Brésiliennes restent des femmes très pudiques et sensibles. Mais on n’ose pas le leur dire… Pendant l’année, figure-toi que les Brésiliennes s’habillent comme des filles « normales »; c’est à dire comme les Espagnoles, les Allemandes, les Sénégalaises, les Américaines ou les Françaises (euuuuh, non… quand même pas). Bref, le carnaval est l’occasion rêvée de voir quelques bonnes paires de fesses et des poitrines siliconées (et pas qu’à la télé)… alors, viva Rio !!! 6. Ils aiment la samba Une question que l’on te pose souvent à l’ambassade du Brésil avant ton voyage: vous aimez danser? La samba, ça vous dit? Hum, comme si pendant l’année les Brésiliens mourraient franchement de passion pour la samba. Qu’on ne vous trompe pas. Voici en gros les styles musicaux que les Brésiliens écoutent pendant l’année: rock, sertanejo (espèce de country music avec cheval et bottes de cow-boy et tout… ), MPB et évidemment du funk carioca… Tu sais ce que c’est? Non? Pas grave, regarde ça : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5EA-IBsbg 7. La femme «facile» Tu te dis que tu vas arriver au Brésil et qu’à ta première semaine, tu auras déjà dix noms dans ton compteur. Tu rêves mon grand. Les Brésiliennes aiment les mecs qui parlent… portugais. Bah oui, évidemment ! Alors tu peux commencer à faire le compte; en combien de temps es-tu capable d’apprendre le portugais ? Tu sauras que le meilleur investissement pour se taper une Brésilienne consiste à acheter un dictionnaire de portugais facile. Sinon, tu vas économiser tes « substances »… Mais, pendant le carnaval, tout est possible… Je viens d’acheter mon mini Larousse d’Espagnol. Sait-on jamais ? 8. Les hommes se «travestissent» Des hommes déguisés en femmes pour le carnaval – Crédit photo : Paulo Henrique Zioli | Flickr.com Pour conclure cette liste des « 8 choses », c’est une spécialité des Etats du Nord et « Nordeste » brésilien. Le fameux Bloco das virgens Une fête très particulière pendant laquelle hommes et femmes échangent leurs rôles sociaux et surtout leurs vêtements. Je ne saurais vous dire si la tradition va jusque dans les vêtements intimes, mais le résultat visible est assez frappant et peut en étonner plus d’un. Surtout ceux-là qui viennent des pays les plus conservateurs. J’avoue que c’est assez drôle de voir à quoi ressemblent les cuisses de son voisin de palier (voire même, ses petites fesses plutôt raides… ). C’est aussi l’occasion de savoir si la jeune bombe du coin serait belle même avec une moustache sous le nez… Serge Katembera est congolais, diplomé en journalisme. Doctorant et chercheur en Sociologie des Nouveaux Médias à l'Université Fédérale de Paraíba au Brésil. Il est l'auteur d'articles publiés dans des révues académiques brésiliennes et internationales. Derniers articles parSerge (voir tous) Au Brésil, Rincon Sapiência ou la vitalité du « rap nacional » - 20 juillet 2017 Au Brésil, la faillite des élites et l’effet domino - 8 juillet 2017 Brésil: une journée dans un hôpital public - 21 février 2017 Archives par auteur Obamacare, “Shutdown” et la prophétie d’Estván Mészáros Ce qu’un Brésilien trouve d’étrange en Belgique La dangereuse excursion du FC Santos François Hollande au Brésil: quand la langue ne suffit plus willfonkam dit : Bon à savoir. Au cas où je me rendrais un jour au Brésil, je saurais quel mois choisir pour y aller, et surtout quels effets mettre dans ma valise en priorité. Serge dit : N’oublie surtout pas le dictionnaire… Surtout pas! C’est même la première chose que je mettrai dans ma valise! Lucrece dit : Bon Serges tu as regardé seulement de ton coté. La petite blanche te regarde… Alors la petite noire elle peut se permettre un blanc??? ah, ah, tu ouvres un autre débat… j’ai écrit sur ça… va dans le « carnets des lecteurs » 😉 >>> ici : http://peacefulworld.mondoblog.org/2013/10/29/carnet-dune-lectrice-les-bresiliens-ont-honte-de-safficher-avec-des-filles-noires/ renaudoss dit : Amusant! En tout cas, continuer de nous filer des tuyaux sur le pays, ça servira un jour! Cela dit, le dernier point me laisse très perplexe. Mais non, c’est pas si mal de sentir passer un coup de vent entre les fesses… 😉 Roland dit : 19 février 2015 à 7 h 45 min Dis donc. En voilà des choses que j’apprends! Je parlerai plutôt de 8 raisons d’aimer le carnaval..même si se travestir c’est pas trop mon fort lol. Merci pour le joli billet. Behem dit : Et toi tu fais quoi pendant le Carnaval Serge? j’écris, jécris… ange ezekiel dit : Je suis etudiant en faculté de portugais a l’université de cote d’ivoire.je dois presenter un memoire sur le carnaval au bresil et je trouve que cela me sera tres utile.merci Elena Horn dit : Carnaval au Brésil est très gai. Mon expérience a été agréable et très divertissant. Je l’espère revenir bientôt, et encore profiter de cette fête populaire. Ajouter un Commentaire Annuler le commentaire Malcolm X sur le banc des accusés: une biographie polémique sème le doute Comment "l'affaire Petrobras" a eu raison de Dilma Rousseff Au cours d’une conversation récente avec une amie, j’ai eu l’intuition que certaines expériences sont inaccessibles au discours sociologique et c’est exactement pour ça que nous avons besoin de l’art. The following two tabs change content […]
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Sleepwalk (1986) A woman is hired to transcribe an ancient Chinese manuscript. She finds that little by little, the manuscript has powers that begin to take over her life. Director: Sara Driver Actors: Ako, Ann Magnuson, Dexter Lee, Richard Boes, Stephen Chen, Steve Buscemi, Suzanne Fletcher, Tony Todd Country: USA, West Germany 30 Minutes or Less (2011) Unaccompanied Minors (2006) Five disparate kids snowed in at the airport on Christmas Eve learn some lessons about friendship when they launch a bid to get back to their families and outsmart a… Paris a tout prix (2013) Maya Ben Latif has the life that most women dream of: she is pretty, smart, wealthy, and she has a great job. But one night, when a problem with her… Keeping Up with the Joneses An ordinary suburban couple finds it’s not easy keeping up with the Joneses – their impossibly gorgeous and ultra-sophisticated new neighbors – especially when they discover that Mr. and Mrs…. The Late Bloomer (2016) A sex therapist goes through puberty after the successful removal of a benign tumor resting against his pituitary gland. He experiences all the changes and effects of puberty over a… The Guilt Trip (2012) An inventor and his mom hit the road together so he can sell his latest invention. Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV (2001) When the notorious Diaper Mafia take hostage the Tromaville School for the Very Special, only the Toxic Avenger and his morbidly obese sidekick Lardass can save Tromaville. You May Not Kiss the Bride (2011) An unassuming pet photographer is thrown into serious action, adventure and romance when he’s forced to marry a Croatian bride and spend his honeymoon at a remote tropical resort where… Sophie's Misfortunes (2016) Sophie is far from being the model little girl one would like her to be, unlike her friends Camille and Madeleine. She always insists on having her own way, often… Empire Gypsy (2013) In a Bronx dispatch the aspirations and misdeeds of cab drivers, call girls and low level thugs collide in one wild night. Min and Bill (1930) Min, the owner of a dockside hotel, is forced to make difficult decisions about the future of Nancy, the young woman she took in as an infant.
{"url": "https://v1.123gostream.fun/sleepwalk-1986-2/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "v1.123gostream.fun", "date_download": "2021-09-16T11:42:20Z", "digest": "sha1:3QOOSOB2MITEVO4PTICPGI7BFGKBENG5"}
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Les actus Fnim Philippe NASZÁLYI soutient sa thèse sur la gouvernance de la FNIM Initiée en 2004, l’analyse de Philippe Naszályi s’est entièrement appuyée sur les archives originales de la FNIM de 1989 à 2005. Au carrefour des disciplines que sont l’histoire, l’économie et la gestion, l’analyse du doctorant porte sur une double problématique : l’économie sociale constitue-t-elle un mode d’organisation alternative et en quoi le fonctionnement de la FNIM peut-il être considéré comme un modèle type d’un gouvernement d’entreprise remarquable ? La thèse de Philippe Naszályi, Directeur de la Revue des Sciences de Gestion et Responsable de plusieurs formations en économie sociale à l’Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, entend analyser en quoi la « démocratie représentative », revendiquée par les fondateurs de la FNIM, devrait être l’élément discriminant entre les entreprises capitalistes ordinaires et les organisations régies par les principes de la mutualité. Autrement dit, en quoi la démocratie réelle, principe fondamental de l’économie sociale, peut-elle être étendue à l’ensemble des organisations. Après quatre années de travaux de recherche, Philippe Naszályi a soutenu publiquement sa thèse, le mercredi 2 décembre à 10h à la Maison de la Recherche en Sciences de l’Homme, 21 quai de la citadelle à Dunkerque. CP_these_FNIM_1-12.pdf 29 septembre 2011 : journée spéciale d’information pour les adhérents de la FNIM 13èmes Rencontres du Comité Opéra : Un plus pour la santé : l’activité physique et sportive 12èmes Rencontres du Comité Opéra 1er atelier fiscalité Le Baromètre 2017 se prépare. Motion de clôture de l’Assemblée générale de la FNIM Le Collège des médiateurs est constitué !
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Et les enfants différents? J'ose, j'ose pas? Déjà que je n'aime pas les comparatifs, je me sens comme dans "l'obligation" d'en faire un. Et pourtant, je me questionne face à ma propre réflexion, suis-je dans l'erreur? Encore une fois, vous avez droit à une réflexion "tout haut". Des phrases entendues à la radio, la télévision, des phrases dites, des souvenirs... des conversations avec des amies... Les enfants différents? Je parle ici des DYS, les dysphasies, dyspraxies, les TDAH, les TDA, les ... peu importe, vous me suivez! Je ne parle pas d'handicap, parce que ma réflexion va au-delà de l'handicap, même que le handicap "tangible" fait partie de ma comparaison. Le handicap qu'on voit, qui parait, qui est évident... Tout comme la maladie. Il y a eu un moment, où un jour, on a souhaité un enfant. On a rêvé de cet enfant, du baseball, de la danse, de la première journée d'école, des premiers pas... Cet enfant est né, il a comblé les parents de bonheur. Cet enfant tombe malade, une maladie l'amenant dans les hôpitaux. Cet enfant est né avec une malformation grave. Cet enfant ne peut pas marcher. Cet enfant a une déficience profonde. Cet enfant est trisomique. Cet enfant est paralysé. C'est une histoire qu'on entend souvent. On l'entend quelques fois par année, dans les levées de fond pour les maladies du coeur, pour la leucémie, pour les fondations rêve d'enfant. Les téléthons... Et les gens pleurent. Les gens trouvent la vie injuste de voir ces jeunes enfants souffrir. Trouvent la vie injuste envers les parents qui méritaient un enfant en santé. Les gens se rassemblent, les gens ont de la compassion... Cet enfant bouge beaucoup. Cet enfant a des difficultés d'apprentissage importantes. Cet enfant est violent. Cet enfant tarde à parler. Cet enfant "n'écoute pas". Cet enfant est dans la lune. Cet enfant est autiste. Cet enfant est TDAH Cet enfant est dyspraxique. Et les gens.......... Et les gens, rappellent à ses parents, qu'ils ont souhaité des enfants. Qu'avoir des enfants vient avec "ça". Et les gens.... rappellent à ses parents, que c'est "leur" problème, qu'ils doivent assumer leur choix. Ils ont voulu des enfants... c'est comme ça. Et les gens... rappellent à ses parents qu'ils n'ont pas à se plaindre(qui a dit qu'ils se plaignaient?). Et les gens, rappellent qu'à l'époque, on ne s'amusait pas à chercher des problèmes aux enfants. Et les gens... rappellent qu'une bonne éducation règle le problème. Et les gens... les gens... les trouvent dérangeants. Et ces enfants... n'ont qu'à se calmer. n'ont qu'à écouter. n'ont qu'à faire plus d'efforts. n'ont qu'à bien se conduire. n'ont qu'à être moins paresseux. n'ont qu'à arrêter de rêver. Les fêtes arrivent, et il y aura ces enfants. Les enfants malades, les enfants handicapés, les enfants différents. On reconnaitra la maladie. On reconnaitra l'handicap physique ou sévère. On reconnaitra la douleur des parents, des nombreux rendez-vous, des nuits blanches, du manque de répit... Et les enfants différents... On dira qu'il n'y a rien là. On dira qu'il prend son temps. On dira que que notre enfant est en santé. On dira que nous aussi on a pas assez dormi la nuit dernière. On dira que notre enfant aussi fait des crises parfois. On dira que le petit du voisin lui est "ben plus malade que le tiens". On dira que "c'est pas grave il va se rattraper plus tard". On dira qu'il a un petit caractère celui là hein! "Ben voyons! viens voir matante! regarde-moi quand je te parle!", "Coudonc, il m'écoute pas?", "Ben voyons, il a rien, ça parait pas!" Et les parents... garderont le silence. Libellés : Tranche de vie et opinions
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Indice de Asequibilidad El indice de asequibilidad o affordability index por su traducción en ingles, es un indicador que mide de la capacidad que tiene la población de un país para de comprar un artículo o bien en particular, como lo puede ser una propiedad o un auto. El indice de asequibilidad se mide en relación a los ingresos de la población. En este, se utiliza el valor de 100 para representar el ingreso medio de la población. Los valores superiores a 100 indican que un producto o servicio es menos probable que sea asequible y valores por debajo de 100 indica que un artículo es más asequible. ¿Por qué el Indice de Asequibilidad es importante? El indice de asequibilidad es generalmente usado para relacionar los costos de las viviendas a los ingresos de la población. El indice mas usado para esto es el indice de accesibilidad de vivienda que a menudo comparan el costo de la compra de una casa en diferentes ubicaciones. Un indice por encima de 100 indican que una familia típica será menos probable de calificar para una hipoteca y por ende comprar una casa en la zona, mientras que un valor de 100 indica que la familia apenas puede pagar para vivir ahí. Por otro lado, un valor por debajo de 100 indica que la familia podría fácilmente vivir en esa zona. Artículo anteriorAfluenza Artículo siguienteTrading Después del Cierre Gestión Activa de Portafolio Valor Contable Ajustado Plataforma de Afiliados Utilidad Acumulada
{"url": "https://investoteca.com/glosario/indice-de-asequibilidad/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "investoteca.com", "date_download": "2021-07-23T16:46:19Z", "digest": "sha1:GA55QGMGKL7FXNBZ5JNBTLFDZRWIV4I2"}
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La Intermitencia, el régimen de los artistas y técnicos en Francia. Por Davel Puente 6 de septiembre de 2018 : se aprueba por unanimidad en el Congreso de los Diputados el nuevo Estatuto del Artista . Al ver que en España s... Sobre las mujeres malabaristas. Anni Küpper. Hace poco, leyendo el número 110 la revista Kaskade, me encontré con este artículo de la malabarista alemana Anni Küpper acerca de las mujeres malabaristas. Siempre me ha parecido un tema interesantísimo el tema de cómo se reparten los géneros las distintas especialidades circenses (en verdad, la vida en general), pese al dogma de "somos iguales". El malabarismo es eminentemente masculino y las mujeres parecen confinadas a unas pocas especialidades, sin que haya un motivo claro. Al parecerme una buena reflexión, le pedí permiso a Anni para traducirla y publicarla aquí. Espero que a vosotros también os resulte interesante, hay mucho que hablar sobre el tema. Gracias Anni. Me llamo Anni y soy una malabarista profesional especializada en malabarismo con mazas y en la manipulación de mazas. Desde 2009 he estado estudiando en la Academia de Circo y Artes Escénicas (ACaPA) en Tilburg (Países Bajos), donde terminaré con una licenciatura este verano. El número de mujeres que hacen malabarismo contemporáneo a nivel profesional es muy pequeño comparado con el número de hombres malabaristas. Desde luego existen algunas malabaristas de altísimo nivel en Europa, pero ¿os habéis parado a pensar cuántos nombres de mujeres malabaristas profesionales podéis enumerar espontáneamente? Escribid todos los nombres que os vengan a la mente, luego haz una segunda lista con los malabaristas hombres que puedes recordar. Para la mayoría, la segunda lista será terminada antes y con más nombres. Otra imagen que puede ayudar a aclarar la situación. si miras a las grandes escuelas de circo en Europa sólo encontrarán algunas pocas mujeres que se especializan en malabares. En la ACaPA tenemos un gran número de mujeres malabaristas (comparativamente): tres de los siete malabaristas son chicas. La proporción en Lido (Toulouse) es de una de nueve. Hay tres mujeres en Rotterdam y una en Brusselas, pero todas combinando malabares con otras disciplinas. En París y en Estocolmo no hay ninguna chica malabarista. Las malabaristas profesionales son escasas, el malabarismo es de dominio masculino. ¿Por qué las mujeres muestran menos interés en malabares que en otras disciplinas circenses? En ausencia de una verdad única, tenemos a apoyarnos en los estereotipos para responder esta pregunta: el aspecto matemático del malabarismo parece más apropiado a la naturaleza masculina; las mujeres que hacen malabares prefieren variantes menos matemáticas, como el contact o los hula-hoops. que están más basados en la conciencia del cuerpo y deja más espacio a la expresión física, etc. Los estereotipos pueden reflejar la verdad hasta cierto punto, pero carecemos de argumentos veraces. De todas formas, es un hecho que ser pocas malabaristas tiene sus ventajas. La escasex aumenta el interés y, por tanto el valor de mercado. Como mujer, es estadísticamente más fácil acceder a una compañía como los Gandini, que intentan mantener un equilibrio de géneros. Además yo he experimentado situaciones (tanto con mi número en solitario como parte de La Colection) en los que fui contratada para actuar precisamente por ser una mujer. Esto posiblemente se deba al intento de aumentar el porcentaje de mujeres en un show, o porque era un show formado sólo por mujeres artistas, o para dar una cierta imagen al público. Una pregunta me viene automáticamente a la mente: ¿es el nivel técnico menos relevante en mujeres que en hombres? Viendo que mis posibilidades de ser contratada para una Gala son mayores por ser una mujer, ¿cómo serían estas posibilidades si yo fuera un hombre? No importa cuál será la respuesta, siempre que la proporción de hombres y mujeres en los malabares se mantenga desigual, la feminidad estará siempre presente a la hora de evaluar nuestro trabajo. El hecho de que el nivel técnico se tiene en cuenta en todos, esto me provoca una reacción muy simple (y en otras mujeres malabaristas también): especialmente como mujeres no debemos relajarnos y confiar en nuestras ventajas basadas en el género, si no que debemos ser más atrevidas, más ambiciosas respecto a nuestro nivel técnico, para que la dichosa pregunta pierda su valor. La pregunta también se anula cuando hay los mismos hombres que mujeres malabareando. Imagina que visitas una EJC (Encuentro Europeo de Malabaristas) y en el gimnasio encuentras mujeres haciendo "malabarismo de números", ganando un combate (o gladiator), participando en una Jam, ¡o lo que sea!. Sería fantástico. Me gustaría eliminar todas las ventajas que tengo como mujer malabarista sólo si estuviera a la par con los malabaristas y pudiera tener una evaluación más objetiva de mi trabajo. Por eso mismo: ¡haced que las chicas hagan malabares! http://www.anni-juggling.blogspot.com.es/ NOTA: esta entrada viene muy al hilo de esta otra que ha publicado la IJA sobre algunas de las grandes malabaristas de la historia, muy interesante: ezine.juggle.org/2013/08/05/10-female-juggling-stars-of-the-past/ Publicado por Rafus el 9/03/2013 11:18:00 p. m. Etiquetas: Colaboraciones, Malabares, Relatos y Reflexiones Davel Puente 4 de septiembre de 2013, 0:12 Tradicionalmente se obligaba a la gente a practicar una disciplina u otra en función de sus capacidades. Eso ya no pasa en Europa salvo en algún reducto de circo tradicional que no me interesa. Me cansa este tema. Las mujeres no están "confinadas" a ninguna disciplina en las escuelas de circo ni tampoco lo estamos los hombres. Las escuelas de circo que conozco me parecen un ejemplo para la sociedad de respeto a las personas más allá del sexo, raza o religión. La gente elige libremente lo que quiere hacer y resulta que sí, que hay más chicos haciendo malabares y más chicas haciendo telas, por ejemplo. ¿Dónde está el problema si todos elegimos libremente? Igual habría que mirar mas allá, abandonar las clasificación por sexos, razas o clase social, dejar ya de pensar en chicos y chicas y darse cuenta de que somos personas, todas diferentes, que nos queremos expresar a través del circo. Que cada persona elija libremente que disciplina quiere practicar es el objetivo, y si algo o alguien no lo permite, hay que eliminarlo de raíz y sin concesiones. Ea, ya está. Me solté. Rafus 4 de septiembre de 2013, 21:08 Gracias por desahogarte Davel. En parte tienes razón, pero el trasfondo de esta reflexión va más allá: ¿por qué hay juguetes que las niñas cogen ya desde que tienen meses de edad y no los niños? ¿por qué los niños quieren ser futbolistas o ingenieros y las chicas profesoras o sanitarias?, etc, etc. Suponemos que estamos en una libre elección, pero hay imposiciones sociales (y, seguramente genéticas) para que esto haya sido así en casi todas las sociedades de la historia. Y el circo no se iba a escapar de esta segregación por sexos. Davel Puente 7 de septiembre de 2013, 16:51 Entiendo los motivos del debate. Está claro que la libertad de elección está condicionada o limitada en todos los ámbitos. A veces por la sociedad, a veces por la naturaleza, a veces por razones indescifrables. Esas limitaciones afectan a la mayoría de las personas y este debate habla de esa mayoría. Sin embargo, una minoría consigue librarse de ellas y hacer lo que quieren esquivando todos los obstáculos. Me parece mucho más interesante hablar de esa minoría que lo consigue, ver cómo lo hacen, qué es lo les resulta más dificil. Igual así la mayoría aprendería a librarse de las limitaciones. En fin, ¡que yo es que soy más de minorías de esas que dan ejemplo! ¡Gracias por el blog! Acerca de MEST ¿Qué es para ti el malabarismo? Rafus Hippie frustrado, eterno aprendiz de malabares, lector de cómics y, supuestamente, médico. Previously on MEST... 4 años de malabares y tintas La gravedad perdida. The Hotel, nuevo proyecto de circo Menú - Secciones acroduo dia mundial del circo equilibrios portes acrobáticos Relatos y Reflexiones Thom Wall Buscar en Malabares en su Tinta Esta obra de Malabares en su Tinta está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional. Restaurantes a visitar Aula de Circo Chaminade Ensaimada Malabar Malabart El Circense Zirkolika Payasos Sin Fronteras Juegosmalabares.com (tienda) 441 Malabares (tienda) Entrecómics Guía del Cómic Simulador Siteswap Ensaimada Malabar Sígueme también en Facebook: Malabares en su Tinta
{"url": "https://www.malabaresensutinta.com/2013/09/sobre-las-mujeres-malabaristas-anni.html?showComment=1378565498131", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.malabaresensutinta.com", "date_download": "2020-11-23T15:43:06Z", "digest": "sha1:LXMAGAYFMGJOZ5C2QUADQTIAJBH3SH4D"}
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Kenny Powers' Quotes Season One | Season Two | Top Quotes Every Kenny Powers Quote from Seasons 1 and 2 When my ass was 19 years old, I changed the face of professional baseball. I was handed the keys to the kingdom. Multi-million dollar deals. Endorsements. Everyone wanted a piece of my shit. Just a man with a mind for victory and an arm like a fucking canon. But sometimes when you bring the thunder, you get lost in the storm. But a true champion, face to face in his darkest hour will do whatever it takes to rise above. A man fights, fights, and fights some more. Because surrender is death, and death is for pussies. And my ass ain't no pussy. My ass is a fucking champion. — Kenny Powers Season 1 Episode 1, 00:14 I'm sick and tired for carrying all the weight... the coaches and owners not giving me the shit I need to win. Atlanta, you're fucking out. Kenny Powers is now a free agent. Let's find a bar and get shit-faced. Get me paid, Bitch! Superstar! I got to tell you, I thought the blacks in Baltimore were bad, but turns out they're nothing compared to these fags you got in San Francisco. You boys ever tag team anybody? Beat up any kids in your neighborhood? When we were kids, me and your dad used to beat the shit out of these retard brothers that used to live down the street from us. Hilarious. I mean, this guy was the most ruthless one. Now, I'm sitting here, he's got a family. He's got a nice shirt on. Mongoloid Mike? Is that what you used to call him? Bust his head open with a stick? Remember that? Y'all named your daughter after fucking Titanic? Wow. You've got to be shitting me. What's his name? Fucking Shrek? No, huh? Undaunted, I knew the game was mine to win. Just like in life, all of my successes depend on me. I'm the man who has the ball; I'm the man who can throw it faster than fuck. So, that is why I'm better than everyone in the world. Kiss my ass and suck my dick, everyone. Ooohhh... I recognize your scent. Do you recognize my essence? Yeah? Yeah, that feels familiar? I think I'm going to need to change my pants. I'm just playing, I didn't come in my pants. I play real sports. Not trying to be the best at exercising. Fuck this guy. Oh, you think that's funny? How about I show you my balls right here and you can tell me if they shrunk, huh? No, for your information I have full sized balls. No, babe, rehab. No, I didn't hurt myself. Oh, ok. Yeah, I hurt myself. I hurt my nose. You know what? I can already tell that I don't like you, and I'm probably not going to like you no matter now many pull-ups or push-ups you do. If anybody wants to pick on anybody in class, aim for him because I ain't watching. Sorry, nothing. I've had a lot of memories and sometimes I have to dump the small ones to make room for the bigger ones. But sometimes, when you try to dump the smaller ones, you think they're gone but they're not. They're sitting there, waiting to pick up exactly where they left off. No matter if there are new memories standing in their way or not. Alright, so let me get this straight. So I'm gonna pay for a blow job, and I gotta pay for a goddamned hotel room too? Well that seems like I'm spending too much money for nothin'. I got a house. You can just get your ass over here and I could just do the blow job here. And can I wear the 'SCREAM' mask? The mask from 'SCREAM'... when I do you from behind. Hello? Hey! I'm very upset with how I'm acting right now. I just have a very hard time expressing my emotions and I can't stop from yelling. So, I'm very sorry, I don't mean to offend you Wayne, you have fucking pissed me off, but I'm just very upset right now. So, I'm going to go ahead and go, but I'm not going to stop yellin' because then that'll mean I lost the fight. I'm going to Shabooms! A lot of people ask me, 'Kenny Powers, you're a giant star. You can get any woman. Have you ever paid for sex?' And the answer is yes, I have. And it's actually kinda cool. You can negotiate practically anything and sometimes, even just kind of do stuff in the moment that you never agreed to pay for and it goes by without much argument. You want to know about relationships? I know all there is to know. Just ask my second wife Tina. Yeah, she was a stripper, and if Montel Williams wants to talk shit some more then he can go fuck himself because those charges were dropped. Sure, I've been called a xenophobe, but the truth is, I'm not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called patriotism. Hey, Dustin! Look at me! I'm a fucking icon! Man, fuck your siding. God's taken a dump on my face. Love of my life doesn't want to have sex with me because she's getting married to some smoothie eating fairy. Only job opp I got is teaching a bunch of fucking piss-pants how to tie their shoes! This is me, Dustin. Take a picture. Wow. I mean, you just nailed it. You just hit it on the head. You're saying I need to get back on top again. Yeah, man. I got to remember that I'm a winner, man. I need to remember that I AM better than everybody else. Fuck man, I'm a bullet-proof tiger, dude, and if everyone in this town has forgot who I am, then maybe it's time I remind 'em. Maybe it's time I remind everyone just who the fuck Kenny Powers is. Hello. School, can you hear me? Good morning, students, teachers, faculty members, lunch ladies, janitors. This is Kenny Powers, professional baseball player, and I got something I wanna say. A lot of you motherfuckers think you know who Kenny Powers is. Well, I'm here today to tell y'all you don't know shit. There comes a time in every man's life when he's got to take a look at himself in a mirror and decide just exactly who he is. Well, I've come to that crossroads and I've decided. Kenny Powers is a man. Kenny Powers is an athlete. Kenny Powers is a lover. But the most he is, I mean, the thing that Kenny Powers is the most, is a goddamn champion. And the one thing a champion does not do is fucking quit. A true champion faces his enemies and he conquers them. And that is why I'm here today to tell you all that Kenny Powers is officially accepting the position of PE Coach here at Jefferson Davis Middle School. That is, until the majors call me back up. So, let's get the teaching on! Now then, I think you're body's awesome. You've got great tits. But, I'm a little concerned about your bill of health. I'm going to insist upon you using some sort of protection. I've got a dental dam in the globe compartment of my truck. You can just grab that. It's a rubber for your mouth. It's not that big of a deal, OK? And besides, it's not just for my protection. You don't know what shit I got either. I broke that birdbath for you cause I knew you hated it, cause we're the same. I hate that fucking thing too. A stork, wrapped around a tree branch, that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen before. You know that's how the plague started, back in the day. It was from a little disgusting birdbath in someone's backyard that rats some made sex to birds in it and created a whole new type of AIDS. One time I was invited to come to a social gathering. I was paid a hansom amount of money and I brought a shotgun and a bottle of Tanqueray and showed those people the best fucking time they've ever seen. The humongous part about being a celebrity is cashing in on it-- making shitloads of money, having expensive, luxurious things. That way, in case one day you're not famous, you can still be rich as hell and better than everyone around you. How much will y'all give me if I slam dunk this thing into the trashcan? This is a real job, it's not like teaching kids. I can't get fucked up. Where were you? I told you to wait in the car. Why is there silver shit all over your face? Doing what? Giving Robocop a blowjob? I gotta come clean, babe. There is one image in my life that consistently makes me happy no matter when I think about it, and that image, that one image, is your big tits. This is about me loving you... for real. And not in a 'just to make me come' kinda way. In a real way. Funny thing, when you're on top of the world, every motherfucker wants to get a piece of your ass. But then, you take a little time off from being unstoppable just to regroup and relax, no one will give you the time of day. This face used to cash fucking checks. And this dick... wwheeewww.... I guess Kenny Powers ain't what he used to be. Smashing a brick through a dude's window is nothing compared to the things I've done. I've killed people. Oh, well excuse me for being a fucking businessman, Dustin. Maybe you could learn something instead of just criticizing. Or, you know what? Just stay good at what you're doing, which is, I guess, being poor. Look at that. Do you see that? That's where my dick goes through. I've been blessed with many things in this life: an arm like a damn rocket, a cock like a burmese python, and the mind of a fucking scientist. People often ask me, 'Kenny, what are your weaknesses? Do you have any?' I would say that my biggest flaw, my achilles heel, is my tireless work ethic. People say Kenny Powers is a woman hater. That's not true. I love women. Every fucking one of them, even the ugly as shit ones. But don't ask me to trust 'em. Not even nuns, because every pair of tits comes with a gaping hole of need that even Kenny Powers can't fill. I never got into the Native American mythology. You can smoke the peace pipe till your dick falls off, but I'm not dancin with any wolves no matter how high I get. Not that I get high, but if i did my shit would still believe in our lord and savior Jesus Christ. If there's one thing I hate it's losing. If there's two things I hate it it's losing and getting cancer. Yeah, nice job making three bucks a week, you dipshit. Sell weed, you'll make more money. Besides getting shot in the back of the head, do you know what else Abraham Lincoln did? He was a champion wrestler in high school. I'm not making that up. Alright fine. We'll lower the price of the bat, but I'm not going to budge on the baby pillow. Anyone who wouldn't pay that price is a fucking idiot. It's a goddamn steal. Yeah, I'm pretty much re-engineering man's approach to pitching, if you want to get down to brass tacks. Ask anybody out there, and they'll tell you that the foundation of a great baseball player starts with an understanding of some basic fundamentals. Running, stretching, physical conditioning. These are the things that prepare your body for the many challenges a baseball player faces. I heard that bullshit thrown at me all my damn life. You know what Kenny Powers says? Fundamentals are the crutch for the talentless. This one coach tried to put me on a weight training program, and I was all like, 'You and your weights can fuck off somewhere. I'm not lifting that shit. It's heavy. You tell me why I need strength training when I'm strong enough to throw a goddamn 100 mile per hour pitch? Fuck that. See, in life, when you have talent all the other shit doesn't matter. If we were on an island with no weights and no running drills, who would be on top then? The guy with the talent. You can train all you want. You can work on your catchin' and your throwin' and your runnin'. Hell, it might even be enough to get you into the majors. But, in order to be a standout, and all-star, a champion, you need more than hard work and dedication. You need something that you can't work for. You need a blessing from God Almighty. Clegg, this is to get back into the majors. Me sitting around smoking weed is awesome, but it's not going to be what necessarily a team manager's going to be looking for. Clegg, you got my shit? Why is it in a ziplock bag? Are these mushrooms? Clegg, I'm talking about my fucking steroids, man. She don't know shit. Sitting here, waving around her cervix like it's the hottest ticket in town. You should see my fucking cookouts, man. When I was back in Seattle, I had the goddamn Spoonman from the Soundgarden videos coming to my shit. Oh, yeah. I'm talking six grills burning at all times. Tiki Torches. Three whole pigs. Fucking shitloads of macaroni and cheeses. Baked potatoes. Collared greens. A horse. Fucking Puerto Rican chicks showing their pussies and tits off everywhere. They were amazing. What did I tell you? I said put something nice on. You look like a busted Daytona stripper in that shit. Listen, I don't want no pussy-getting-wet dresses for this cookout. This needs to be a normal, evening outfit that regular people would wear. Now, I know you're not a natural beauty, but I think the right clothes and the right look you could be very striking. Oh, what do I know? I know that one of us had their own personal stylist and one of us shoplifts their shit from Fashion Bug. That's what I know. Honey, I love you. I think you're a terrific girl. But you have clothes like a fucking dickhead. Lovely? Her? Cutler, this is Tracey. Tracy, Cutler. He's my boss, so don't try to suck him off. What the fuck are you wearing? I'm wearing all black. I don't like it. Find a way to change yourself for me. Decent cookout, April. I don't believe you've met my fuck-buddy, Tracey. She's actually a professional runway model. She's also a very, very famous painter in France. Yup, she has several works of fine art hanging up in the Loove-ray. So in closing, I'd like to give big ups to God, Buddha, L. Ron, whoever. Hell, maybe I just need to thank me. If there's one thing I've learned through all my adventures and conquests is that some people are just wired for success. I had no choice when it came to being great. I just am great. I'm not trying to sound cocky, or full of myself. But, Kenny Powers has a sneaking suspicion that no matter what comes his way, he will always be great. Because that's just they way shit works sometimes. I don't know what's going on, man. I'm just all jammed up inside. Lost my abilities. Been stripped of all my God given talents. Including, the talents to be able to have sex with any woman I choose, or to throw a fucking ball fast, or to not prematurely come in my pants. Sometimes I just don't know which one hurts the most. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm not crying, Dustin. It's just this stupid pollen. It's in my eyes and making them fucking water. Just go away from me, Dustin. When my as was 34 years old, I quit professional baseball. I haven't played professionally for several years now. But in my heart, I quit for real this time. Tonight. It's time I accept the fact that the glory days of my life are now behind me. Just like Neil Armstrong, I went to space and now I'm back and nobody gives a shit. Therefore, I will now settle into this new life. I'll find new ways in which to use this arm. I will take my current responsibilities seriously, and try to do them the best that I possibly can. And realizing that the love of my life has chosen another, I will move forward without her. I do all these things not because I want to, but because I have to. From this moment forward, Kenny Powers is just like everyone else. Normal, not special. No hopes, or dreams. Pretending to be happy when he's really super sad. Just an average guy, with exceptional hair. Nothing more, and nothing less. From this moment forward, the People's Champion, the Shelby Sensation, the Reverse Apache Master, the Man with the Golden Dick, Doctor Cock and Balls-- that Kenny Powers is now dead. And he will never pick up a baseball ever fucking again. Kenny Powers days of burning ass are done. And that's not a homosexual reference. I just figured I might as well look the part. Just a normal regular teacher with no hopes or dreams. Absolutely nothing. Just waiting to die. Just like you guys. I'm just like you now Dustin, just kinda calm and weak. Hey, nothing, you city bitch. I'm about to have a fuckin' panic attack. I need four Xanax and two Miller Lights. I don't cry, motherfucka. Clegg, you got those fucking 'roids? Well what is it dude? Don't keep me in suspense. I've got a fucking duel to go to. Clegg! Oxycotton? Man, I'm not trying to get fucked up, I'm trying to strike this motherfucker out! ... Clegg, wait. I didn't mean I didn't want some for later. Think it'll keep fresh in my sock? It's just that we were there, and then we were... we were touching each other and then... I saw those tits, and then I started feeling your ass, and I started breathing heavy, and I almost got a headache and then my vision started to go all colorful... then I just came in my pants. You're goddamn right I did. I was aiming for his fucking eye! I got my pitch back! Oh, believe it! Dreams are coming true! Now no more talking set the mood... Ok, wait... wait... wait, I know I said no more talking, but I got one more thing to say. This is probably the best day of my life. I just thought you should know that before you go any further. Ok, now get naked. Fuck me. This is seriously like the best wave of good shit that has ever happened in my whole entire life. I knock out Mackworthy's eye, then I get to see April's big ass tits and have sex to her. It's like all of the horrible disgusting shit I had to put up with here is finally paying off. Well, to tell you the truth, I've changed a lot since I left baseball. Learned a lot of lessons and shit. I'm pretty much, in a lot of ways, a brand new man. But, yeah. That stuff is still all the same. I'm ready to fucking butt-fuck this party! Let's fucking fuck eachother! Yeah.... That's going too far. These are my nephews. That's not funny to fuck kids. Fuck all that fine Cuban pussy. Your olive skin bests that any day of the week. If you need me, I'll be cruising in my Escelade... my Denali. The amount of money I'm gonna be making would hurt your parents feelings. You remember the class where I taught you all how to make it rain? That's what I'm going to be doing every, single night. Dollar, dollar bills, y'all. My replacement comes very highly qualified. And please, please, please don't let the fact that Miss Carol is a lesbian put you off to her. You know how you all think there's two kinds of lesbians? There's the kind on Cinimax that get it on and are really hot, and there's the mean kind? Miss Carol is neither of those. Before I go, I don't want to leave you empty handed, I'm going to be signing a personalized headshot for each and every one of you. The only thing I would ask is that you would have your name prepared, because I don't want to have to ask the same question thirty fucking times. When I'm gone, you need to look after this place, man. I mean, this is our home town. This shithole helped shape us. You must guard it and protect its royal vagina. I have enjoyed getting fucked up with you here, Clegg. It's crazy, man, how our journey here is basically coming to an end. You know, I'm going on to fucking bigger and better things, and you're gonna probably just stick around back here just... just still doing... you know, the... the stuff that you're doing. The time spent with you is crucial to me getting through all the bullshit I needed to get through. I'll always be in debt to you. You know, I hope that there's some way I can pay you back for what you've done for me here. April, I know all this. But I do like hearing it, so go on. Listen here you beautiful bitch, I'm about to fuck you up with some truth. Look Cutler, I know you must be torn up knowing that I had sex with your fiancee. Look, there's something else you should know as well... Look, you win. I asked her to come with me to Tampa, and she said no. She said that she had a life here. So, you got her. You won, motherfucker. You won. No offense, but... You got a shitty job, you're not quite as tall as me, nobody really respects you... Now, me on the other hand, I got the glory. I get the fame, the money, the jewels, the cash, the Denali. Getting drunk on the reg, fucking good times on the reg, yachts on the reg, sex on the reg. Basically, all the shit that most men fantasize about. But you get April. I'm sorry, Cutler. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to kiss on her pussy, your fiancee. That happened, too. I guess that's just the way this fucked up world works. When I first met you, I'll be honest with you, you were a little bitch. But now, I'm looking at you... To me, you seem like a dude who knows what's up. You don't take shit from anybody, you smoke weed on the reg. Quite frankly, you're somebody I'm proud to know. And you're somebody who deserves a whole hell of a lot more than just being an assistant. Today I'm here for you, Jefferson Davis Middle. Being a man of my stature, walking in here on day one was the lowest point of my life. But now, I realize that God had a purpose. God wanted to show me hell so that when I got back to heaven, I would finally appreciate it. And for that, I would like to thank each and every one of you. Because, without that knowledge, without that lesson, I never would have been able to..... What the fuck man, I'm trying to give a memorable speech here. Remember me, Jefferson Davis Middle. I was your savior. I was your knight in shining armor. And each of you, were the chinks in upon my armor. Each of you were the chinks! You all were the chinks! Remember me, my chinks. Remember me! Remember me! Alright, you stoic little bastard. In the computer room, you know the second drawer where I keep my weed? Underneath the handgun there's a stack of porn that will put calluses on those little hands of yours. Maybe. Maybe we will cut this motherfucker's balls off. He will titty-titty bang-bang you. He will fucking cut your tits off right here. Charge who? Honestly, I can't even believe that you would look at me and the word 'gringo' would even come to mind. Does it make your life easier just to throw a quick racist term at somebody? A man who has seen the things I have seen, experienced the loss and pain that I've experienced. I transcend race, hombre. A word of advice: Next time you want to bet on my cock, you'd better bring some fucking pesos. Got it ese? This is me now. A man haunted by the sacrifices he's had to make. A man who ran and never looked back. A man who drank his ass all the way down to the butthole of America. I left my country to begin a new life. One where I could finally blend with those I was living amongst, become another face in the crowd. Soon, I was embraced by the natives. The wild landscape became my mistress. The wild women, my my come-caves. Soon enough, I felt like an entirely new person. But truthfully, sometimes I did wonder about them, about how they deal with the holes, the agonies, the darknesses that no doubt fell upon them when I rode off into the sunset and then took that sunset with me. Do they even remember what it's like to have hope? Did they forget how to close their eyes and dream? Did they discover that without me, they may as well not even exist? And although it makes me kinda sad, I know this savage land was made for me. It's where outlaws go to die, and as that day nears, I take comfort in knowing that the lives of those I left behind are better off without me. Let me make this real clear Catoue, if there is one thing in this world I cannot stand, it is fuckin' soccer, all right? And I hate when people do it around me. Please, hop off my moped, please, that is a very expensive vehicle. Yeah, looks like she's cooking seared titty for someone right now. Man, I feel like this is some National Geographic shit. I appreciate the offer, but I'm not into bonding with new people down here, all right? I already got a family. I don't need the fucked up version of the original. Your wife's titty does look beautiful though. And in addition to all that other stuff, Kenny Powers still does not like children. This little son-of-a-bitch here is probably the best sidekick I've ever had. He's beating you, Hector. He is whooping your ass as a sidekick. No, not fucking thumbs up! Don't you ever want to fucking win? Do you wanna win? Do you ever wanna jerk off? Hector will have whatever Aaron's having, only not as good. You just like to hit it and quit it, huh? That's how you roll? Look at the goddamn sax player from Lost Boys out here tying to rub the goddamn language barrier in my face. Sure. Just a tourist who's lost who might whip somebody's ass if they keep trying to isolate me from conversations. Peace. You don't want an AIDS zebra picture. You want a clean zebra picture! Nice game, dicksuckers. Oh yeah. Kenny Powers does have famous hair, doesn't he. Yeah, but this ain't his hair. This is Steve's hair. Steve the cock fighter. Yeah, I'm a fucking cock fighter, not a ballplayer. Not, not.. I've never been a ballplayer, ever before. Big Red, you were a good cock. You made us a lot of money. My you find the peace in death that you so longed for in life. I'm sorry about the way things turned out... sorry about they way a lot of things turned out. See ya in hell, hombre. You don't like me? Well you're the one with a fucking disability. It should be me not liking you, and yet I accept you. And you do this to me? Man, fuck you, you midget. I'm taking the fucking cocks. In Mexico, a man can truly get lost. And, if you're a bank robber, or maybe someone who's committed a fucked up, crazy crime, then that's a good thing. But hiding takes it's toll. At first you don't realize it but, soon the identity that you tried to shed starts getting pissed and knocking at your insides. You know, when dealing with deep depression and sad shit, it's cool to pretend like nothing is wrong. That, sometimes, works. But, eventually, you got to call a goddamn spade a spade and be like , 'Yo, I'm fucked up and I got to make a change.' Sometimes you've got to wash aways the paint and reveal to the world the jackass that is hiding beneath. Sometimes, you just gotta get back in the fucking game. I know a lot of you guys have seen me around town, going 'Hey, there's Steve, the new guy, running shit, the cock fighter.' Well, I have a confession to make. My name's not Steve. And, I'm not a cock fighter. I'm a ballplayer. And, not just any ballplayer... I'm Kenny fucking Powers, and I reveal myself to you all, here, upon this field. Behold! It's my rookie card. That's me on the front. Y'all want to just pass this around. So you can just see it. I'm gonna need to get it back though. You know, I see the look on your faces. You're thinking, 'Hey Kenny, you're from America; you probably have a printer. You could have just gone on the internet and printed that bitch.' Yeah, you know what? I could have, 'cept for one fact: I don't own a printer. And, I fucking hate computers. All kinds. I come here today, not just to bash on fucking technology, but to offer you all a proposition. Let's face it, y'all fucking suck. Don't get your feelings hurt, alright? Don't get sensitive on me here. I fucking suck too right now. I am in the darkest, third world hole that I've ever been in in my entire life, about a thousand, hundred, million miles from where I should be. And, the only way for me to get back there, is for us to join forces. If we can make enough noise down here, then just maybe, everyone in America will hear us. Everyone will. And they will all know, that Kenny Powers is, in fact, the Christ figure that they perceive me to be. So, if you all don't believe my words, then perhaps you'll believe this... Anyone have a ball? El ball-o? Wheew! Oh, ok. I got it. Behold this, boys. Try and fucking doubt this, alright? Over the course of my career, I played on many different teams. Some, I liked. Some, I really fucking hated. I'm not mentioning any names, but let's just say Seattle can tongue-kiss my shithole. The best way to get a new team on your side is to trash the last team you played for. Talk shit about how their fans suck and their women have pancake titties. And if that doesn't work, then just like prison, you pick the biggest, baddest dude on the team and you kick him in his fucking teeth. Boom! A strike. Strikeout! Hey buddy, don't beat yourself up there, you pretty much had the entire force of God coming at ya. You can save our pep talk for somebody who needs it. I got this come-back locked down tight, like a little girl's tuna. This is totally locked down tight, like a girl's private parts, who's small. Locker room talk, baby. You luring me into a rape or something? What is this? Not bad. This is one hell of a pussy palace, huh? Lotta marbles and architectures and shit. Flying buttresses. Lot of original artworks. Impressive. How much, exactly, does it cost to buy a Mexican baseball team? $10 and a burrito? I'm also an orphan. My dad ran out on me when I was just a kid. All he left was a batch of hepatitis on the toilet seat. I basically want this shit to have the pageantry of like a goddamn Alabama concert. I'm talking about fireworks, smoke-bombs, laser beams, moon walks. You know how your people lit up the Alamo? That's the shit I'm talking about. I don't know, I think he shot himself in his leg. Now, this friday night, I guarantee you it's gonna be the biggest goddamn comeback celebration any y'all have ever seen. There's going to be people cheering and screaming and spotlights and fireworks. I wouldn't even doubt if there's a couple chicks showing their fucking pussies off. How do you say pussy in spanish? Panocha? I wouldn't doubt if some of the muchachas show their panochas off. They might show their panochas off. They might be waving their panochas all over the place. What I don't want to happen, is to be looking around when everybody's fucking screaming and cheering and celebrating me, and see all my teammates pouting and being jealous little bitches, dude. Ok? Remember, there is no 'i' in team, but there is a 'u' in cunt, so don't be little jealous cunts, ok? Let me get the praise and just be satisfied with the fact that you will get the runoff panocha. This is me every night dude, just staring at buttholes and getting a buzz on. You should also know that my name is not really Steve. It's actually, Kenny. Kenny Powers, I'm a world famous baseball player, I don't think I shared that with you. No, I was using an alias. Steve to me just kinda seems like a name of somebody who has absolutely nothing going on in their life. On the long road to grief recovery, don't be surprised you gotta spill a little blood to get shit fixed. Of all great comebacks, somebody usually gets fucked. Sometimes, being on the mend can get old real quick, like when you're doing all this awesome shit to show motherfuckers that you're cool now, and one day you figure out that maybe the one person you're truly trying to fix yourself for has moved the fuck on. And there you are, left in the midst of a battle that suddenly means nothing. You really want me to make some noise? Then noise you shall see. Well, since you're turning this living room into your own personal quarters, maybe you should make it comfortable? This has been a traumatic experience for you, dude. You've been through a lot. Maybe you should get a flat-screen TV. Don't skimp and get the Vizio, get what you deserve. Get the Sony. Don't get all excited, dude. 3D is gay. Nobody wants to sit on a couch, wearing glasses, popping bubbles out of the air like some sorta fucked up Ray Charles. Oh, you like 3D? Well here's a burrito, coming right at ya! I'm about one slow hump away from finally being over April. I want to knock that out before we get too many worshipers, you got it? In America, people fucking hate soccer, and honestly, that's the way it should be. You kinda like soccer? I'm gunna pretend you didn't just make my dick go soft. Yeah, no. It's totally soft. I think it's just gone back inside of me with that... No, don't talk about soccer. Well, it's no mystery that ass has always been tits greatest enemy. It's almost like a Muslim-Jewish thing, but with tits and ass. Alright, same rules as last time: No catching feelings. I'm damaged goods, so you will have my body but you will not have my heart. Please don't expect it. Her son? You came out of her vagina? I was all up in that shit last night! I was wondering if I'd feel bad, you know, if.. uh.. You know, not that I'm an emotional person, but with blowing my load after finding out that April was married to someone else, would it hurt? It was actually, pretty fucking awesome. You should have seen the size of her ass. It was fucking incredible. It was like a goddamn hot air balloon right in front of me. I went 'pthht' all over the thing as soon as I saw it. You know, I don't love the idea of her having a kid. Makes you kinda feel like her uterus is used up. Listen man, pull our head out of your ass. Alright, dipshit? This is important. I didn't just come to Mexico to get drunk and fuck prostitutes. I mean, you know... I came here for that, but I also came here for something else, too. Finally, all the pieces are falling together. All the answers I've been searching for are on the verge of totally being answered. I put in the goddamn man hours, fucking muscles, sweats, tears... Now it's my turn. I got this country wet. Now it's time to bend this bitch over and make her come. It's like goddamn Cocktoberfest in here. I'm excited too, but let's not touch dicks, alright? I'm wearing all black. Outlaws wear black. Fags and cocaine dealers wear white. Capish? You don't even know what capish means, do you? That's 'cause that's Russian. Just 'shhh' alright? No need to fucking bicker. At one point, both y'all were my bitches, so it's fine. You can bond on that. You don't have to be at eachother's throats. Chapter 10: Making the world your bitch. Once again, I'm with the hottest chick in town, buying the most expensive fashions, dining in the fanciest food places, riding around on goddam jet-skis, raining trim, hallucinogens, jet-skis again, throwing heat and getting laid. Did this tale end the way I thought it would? Probably not. But as long as I win, who gives a shit? Prancing? Roger, name one time when I've ever fucking pranced here, dude. Kenny Powers doesn't prance. You fucking prance around here. Fuck you, you poor sport. Take a beer and shut the fuck up. I like to butt fuck fine ladies. Will I chokehold a bitch, well maybe. Awe, Vita! Why would you do this to me? Here this whole time I thought you were the whore with a heart of gold! Instead you're a whore with a regular whore's heart! Oh my god. Am I the only person not fucking something tonight? Who ordered the whore? WWhheeww-heeww! Pizza and pussy! I can't believe I opened up my heart to that bitch. Opened it wide up. She just squatted with that big beautiful booty and dumped all over it. Turns out I got a goddamn step-mom and a fucking Navajo half-brother. What are you making, a piñata penis pump? Man, our bond is just making so much sense to me now. It's just like... I'm seriously into Jet-skis and the experience they offer is very similar to the ATVs, except that it's on water. I've actually had multiple orgasms on jet-skis. Maybe it's something in our blood that we can just, you know, get hard from riding bad ass terrain vehicles... water crafts. Truth be told, things aren't going as good for me as I led on to believe. Love of my live married some other dude, and my new girlfriend fed her pussy to the owner of the baseball team I just quit. I stole homeboy's car, and now I'm probably a wanted fucking fugitive. The good thing about getting over depression is, well, you can start to see your enemies more clearly. Suddenly, everyone isn't an obstacle, just some people are, and it might be someone who is in your bloodline, distant and as brown as their skin may be, they still are a part of you. I'm not saying this from a personal experience, I'm just saying in general, if you find someone you don't like in your family, it's perfectly acceptable to fuck them over. Get some rest. I've got a full day of outdoing Casper and bonding with my father. It's time I take my dad's advice. Stop thinking about other people... start thinking about me for once. Does the Pope blow little kids? This is crazy as shit. Here after all this time, two journeymen, father and son, getting high as hell in Mexico. Just smoking herb and riding around on recreational vehicles. I feel like this is how I was always meant to live. I been doing a lot of soul searching lately, and seeing how well me and you are reconnecting, I was thinking about sticking around here for a while. Cause I love you dad. I don't usually say 'love' to other dudes, that's something that's not really on my docket of shit to do, but for some reason it just feels normal to say it to you, Pop. I like it. I could fucking sit here and just talk about love all goddamn day. Oh, you're getting a little fucking paranoid? Ol' Pop's getting stoned like a fourteen year old, scared thinking the fucking cops are coming... Who the fuck is this? Oh, the cops are coming for real? Crazy. Here I grew up a whole entire world away from you, and end up exactly like you. A lyin', cheatin', backstabbing gigolo. I got two hard rules I live by, Pop: I don't fuck with the devil and I never do tag-teams with blood relatives. I'd stay away from ass-to-mouth. You don't know how it's going to affect her immune system. How the hell do people think that just because we're in Mexico that it's totally cool to come into somebody's house and wait for them unannounced? It's going to take more than a goddamn speak-and-spell to win yourself into the good graces of Kenny Powers. You're gonna pull that Bruce Lee shit with me I'll steal that sword from you like a goddamn child and fuck you with it. Well look at this... a goddamn Mexican standoff in fucking Mexico. I was hoping to get into one of these before I left. I know what you're talking about. I used to be just like you yesterday... Sad inside, compensating by acting like a fucking cock sucker. But I saw the light, dude, I've changed. Well... well, I went on a personal quest and faced my demons, but for you, the change can be a lot easier. Let me back on the team for one more game. There's a scout coming and I intend on fucking his world up with my skills. Or, we can finish this duel and murder each other. If I can fucking nail this goddamn baseball shit tonight I'm going back to America a goddamn champion. I'm fucking three days away from sucking on some big ol' titties! Did you hurt my feelings? Yes, you did. I will give you that victory. But the one victory you will not have is the most important. I'll admit, that sweet tailpipe of yours did have me charmed. It put a spell on me. But all the ass-magic in Mexico can't change Kenny Powers from his core beliefs. Not an ass man. I'm a tit man. I like big ass boobs. Now, and forever. I'm not like a black guy, Vida. We both knew this wasn't going to last forever. You're like the girl the Godfather fucked back in Italy. You know, what we had was important, but the real deal is waiting for me back at home. I'm genuinely am sorry. I brought you guys up from less than fucking nothing and took you up to a championship level, only to leave you high and dry. Naked and nude. Prey. Easy targets for the competitions to rape and butt-fuck you. I'm sorry for that. Don't get too cocky, Roger. That's probably because there is a little residual Kenny Powers pixie dust floating around all your little heads. Let's face it guys, after midnight, this whole fucking place turns into a pumpkin. And you guys all turn back into mice. This is a classic Cinderella tale, here. You know, Peter Pan will no longer be a man. He'll turn into a real boy. George Washington will never be able to cut down the beanstalk, and you guys will eventually just go back to being the shittiest Mexican baseball team in Mexico. These are the hard realities, guys. Life is not a fairy tale. Although, sometimes it feels like our world is full of fairies. You know who I'm talking about. I still accept you, brother. Purity. It's what we all desire. And it's what I've come here to share with you, hence the all whites. We can do some fucking great things tonight, you guys. Follow me. Walk with me out onto that field. And when you do, you fucking put your ass out and you raise your fucking head up. Know that you'll never ever, ever, reach the heights you'll reach tonight. That you can leave here knowing that you helped Kenny Powers' dreams come true. For a bunch of Mexican baseball players, that ain't too bad. See ya, Juanito. Take care of those warts. The game ball. Thanks. Roger. I'll put this with my collection of personal achievements. I mean, not right next to the good shit, but still. Too hot for hugs, here. I've been battling the war on swamp ass since I been down here. If that's what it takes, then a cock and dream it will be... sucked upon. Let's suck my dream's dick! Just like that, the journey is over. Depression is finished and you're on your way back to the world of the living, smiling, regular people. The road has been paved with dick-heads, back-stabbers, and pains in the fucking ass. But, memories were made, allies were had, pole-smokers were toppled, and the truth was discovered. And like any journey, if you stay the course long enough, the road might just show you what you need. All you got to do is keep your eyes on the road and you foot on the fucking gas. Whenever I look at a Mexican, I will think of you. Whenever you look at that jackass, you think of me. I don't think we ever really got over that language barrier. What the fuck? You speak English? You've spoke English the whole time I've been here? Five years old? Whheew! You don't look a day over a hundred and ten. All the talks we could have had! All the wisdom you could have shared! Crazy I find this out right now, soon as I'm leaving this fucking country.
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1.0], [16229, 16512, 1.0], [16512, 16595, 1.0], [16595, 16885, 1.0], [16885, 17177, 1.0], [17177, 17380, 1.0], [17380, 17537, 1.0], [17537, 17617, 1.0], [17617, 17679, 1.0], [17679, 17904, 1.0], [17904, 18223, 1.0], [18223, 18501, 1.0], [18501, 18666, 1.0], [18666, 19200, 1.0], [19200, 19260, 1.0], [19260, 19335, 1.0], [19335, 19595, 1.0], [19595, 19627, 1.0], [19627, 20001, 1.0], [20001, 20173, 1.0], [20173, 20526, 1.0], [20526, 21014, 1.0], [21014, 21261, 1.0], [21261, 21469, 1.0], [21469, 21606, 1.0], [21606, 21921, 1.0], [21921, 22028, 1.0], [22028, 23099, 1.0], [23099, 23328, 1.0], [23328, 23451, 1.0], [23451, 23660, 1.0], [23660, 23744, 1.0], [23744, 23995, 1.0], [23995, 24055, 1.0], [24055, 24118, 1.0], [24118, 24227, 1.0], [24227, 24350, 1.0], [24350, 24420, 1.0], [24420, 24444, 1.0], [24444, 24684, 1.0], [24684, 24924, 1.0], [24924, 25124, 1.0], [25124, 25677, 0.0], [25677, 25782, 1.0], [25782, 25838, 1.0], [25838, 27475, 1.0], [27475, 27965, 1.0], [27965, 28091, 1.0], [28091, 28312, 1.0], [28312, 28366, 1.0], [28366, 28515, 1.0], [28515, 28598, 1.0], [28598, 28719, 1.0], [28719, 28948, 1.0], [28948, 28998, 1.0], [28998, 29879, 1.0], [29879, 29957, 1.0], [29957, 30252, 1.0], [30252, 30411, 1.0], [30411, 30747, 1.0], [30747, 30812, 1.0], [30812, 31112, 1.0], [31112, 31331, 1.0], [31331, 31463, 1.0], [31463, 31737, 1.0], [31737, 31868, 1.0], [31868, 32024, 1.0], [32024, 32099, 1.0], [32099, 32519, 1.0], [32519, 32621, 1.0], [32621, 32853, 1.0], [32853, 33148, 1.0], [33148, 33242, 1.0], [33242, 33322, 1.0], [33322, 33407, 1.0], [33407, 33578, 1.0], [33578, 33950, 1.0], [33950, 34085, 1.0], [34085, 34145, 1.0], [34145, 34216, 1.0], [34216, 34381, 1.0], [34381, 34444, 1.0], [34444, 34500, 1.0], [34500, 34643, 1.0], [34643, 34713, 1.0], [34713, 34755, 1.0], [34755, 35114, 1.0], [35114, 35383, 1.0], [35383, 35841, 1.0], [35841, 35923, 1.0], [35923, 36027, 1.0], [36027, 36059, 1.0], [36059, 36705, 1.0], [36705, 36905, 1.0], [36905, 37032, 1.0], [37032, 37144, 1.0], [37144, 37236, 1.0], [37236, 37383, 1.0], [37383, 37492, 1.0], [37492, 37612, 1.0], [37612, 37732, 1.0], [37732, 38187, 1.0], [38187, 38356, 1.0], [38356, 38755, 1.0], [38755, 38947, 1.0], [38947, 39200, 1.0], [39200, 40427, 1.0], [40427, 40470, 1.0], [40470, 40611, 1.0], [40611, 40699, 1.0], [40699, 40801, 1.0], [40801, 41310, 1.0], [41310, 41413, 1.0], [41413, 41774, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 21, 0.0], [21, 58, 0.0], [58, 104, 0.0], [104, 682, 0.0], [682, 697, 0.0], [697, 723, 0.0], [723, 965, 0.0], [965, 1107, 0.0], [1107, 1529, 0.0], [1529, 1654, 0.0], [1654, 1923, 0.0], [1923, 2110, 0.0], [2110, 2186, 0.0], [2186, 2346, 0.0], [2346, 2434, 0.0], [2434, 2662, 0.0], [2662, 3014, 0.0], [3014, 3384, 0.0], [3384, 3746, 0.0], [3746, 3769, 0.0], [3769, 4108, 0.0], [4108, 4347, 0.0], [4347, 4539, 0.0], [4539, 4869, 0.0], [4869, 5284, 0.0], [5284, 6283, 0.0], [6283, 6694, 0.0], [6694, 7090, 0.0], [7090, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7535, 0.0], [7535, 7608, 0.0], [7608, 7680, 0.0], [7680, 7810, 0.0], [7810, 7982, 0.0], [7982, 8085, 0.0], [8085, 8426, 0.0], [8426, 8532, 0.0], [8532, 8740, 0.0], [8740, 8806, 0.0], [8806, 8949, 0.0], [8949, 9101, 0.0], [9101, 9370, 0.0], [9370, 9633, 0.0], [9633, 9738, 0.0], [9738, 9828, 0.0], [9828, 9984, 0.0], [9984, 10156, 0.0], [10156, 10261, 0.0], [10261, 10680, 0.0], [10680, 10965, 0.0], [10965, 11149, 0.0], [11149, 11487, 0.0], [11487, 11658, 0.0], [11658, 11782, 0.0], [11782, 11880, 0.0], [11880, 12289, 0.0], [12289, 12536, 0.0], [12536, 12654, 0.0], [12654, 12800, 0.0], [12800, 12897, 0.0], [12897, 12993, 0.0], [12993, 13102, 0.0], [13102, 13337, 0.0], [13337, 13835, 0.0], [13835, 14184, 0.0], [14184, 14315, 0.0], [14315, 15474, 0.0], [15474, 15556, 0.0], [15556, 15718, 0.0], [15718, 15774, 0.0], [15774, 15804, 0.0], [15804, 15887, 0.0], [15887, 15913, 0.0], [15913, 16194, 0.0], [16194, 16229, 0.0], [16229, 16512, 0.0], [16512, 16595, 0.0], [16595, 16885, 0.0], [16885, 17177, 0.0], [17177, 17380, 0.0], [17380, 17537, 0.0], [17537, 17617, 0.0], [17617, 17679, 0.0], [17679, 17904, 0.0], [17904, 18223, 0.0], [18223, 18501, 0.0], [18501, 18666, 0.0], [18666, 19200, 0.0], [19200, 19260, 0.0], [19260, 19335, 0.0], [19335, 19595, 0.0], [19595, 19627, 0.0], [19627, 20001, 0.0], [20001, 20173, 0.0], [20173, 20526, 0.0], [20526, 21014, 0.0], [21014, 21261, 0.0], [21261, 21469, 0.0], [21469, 21606, 0.0], [21606, 21921, 0.0], [21921, 22028, 0.0], [22028, 23099, 0.0], [23099, 23328, 0.0], [23328, 23451, 0.0], [23451, 23660, 0.0], [23660, 23744, 0.0], [23744, 23995, 0.0], [23995, 24055, 0.0], [24055, 24118, 0.0], [24118, 24227, 0.0], [24227, 24350, 0.0], [24350, 24420, 0.0], [24420, 24444, 0.0], [24444, 24684, 0.0], [24684, 24924, 0.0], [24924, 25124, 0.0], [25124, 25677, 0.0], [25677, 25782, 0.0], [25782, 25838, 0.0], [25838, 27475, 0.0], [27475, 27965, 0.0], [27965, 28091, 0.0], [28091, 28312, 0.0], [28312, 28366, 0.0], [28366, 28515, 0.0], [28515, 28598, 0.0], [28598, 28719, 0.0], [28719, 28948, 0.0], [28948, 28998, 0.0], [28998, 29879, 0.0], [29879, 29957, 0.0], [29957, 30252, 0.0], [30252, 30411, 0.0], [30411, 30747, 0.0], [30747, 30812, 0.0], [30812, 31112, 0.0], [31112, 31331, 0.0], [31331, 31463, 0.0], [31463, 31737, 0.0], [31737, 31868, 0.0], [31868, 32024, 0.0], [32024, 32099, 0.0], [32099, 32519, 0.0], [32519, 32621, 0.0], [32621, 32853, 0.0], [32853, 33148, 0.0], [33148, 33242, 0.0], [33242, 33322, 0.0], [33322, 33407, 0.0], [33407, 33578, 0.0], [33578, 33950, 0.0], [33950, 34085, 0.0], [34085, 34145, 0.0], [34145, 34216, 0.0], [34216, 34381, 0.0], [34381, 34444, 0.0], [34444, 34500, 0.0], [34500, 34643, 0.0], [34643, 34713, 0.0], [34713, 34755, 0.0], [34755, 35114, 0.0], [35114, 35383, 0.0], [35383, 35841, 0.0], [35841, 35923, 0.0], [35923, 36027, 0.0], [36027, 36059, 0.0], [36059, 36705, 0.0], [36705, 36905, 0.0], [36905, 37032, 0.0], [37032, 37144, 0.0], [37144, 37236, 0.0], [37236, 37383, 0.0], [37383, 37492, 0.0], [37492, 37612, 0.0], [37612, 37732, 0.0], [37732, 38187, 0.0], [38187, 38356, 0.0], [38356, 38755, 0.0], [38755, 38947, 0.0], [38947, 39200, 0.0], [39200, 40427, 0.0], [40427, 40470, 0.0], [40470, 40611, 0.0], [40611, 40699, 0.0], [40699, 40801, 0.0], [40801, 41310, 0.0], [41310, 41413, 0.0], [41413, 41774, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 21, 3.0], [21, 58, 6.0], [58, 104, 9.0], [104, 682, 109.0], [682, 697, 3.0], [697, 723, 5.0], [723, 965, 45.0], [965, 1107, 27.0], [1107, 1529, 83.0], [1529, 1654, 21.0], [1654, 1923, 56.0], [1923, 2110, 34.0], [2110, 2186, 15.0], [2186, 2346, 32.0], [2346, 2434, 18.0], [2434, 2662, 45.0], [2662, 3014, 66.0], [3014, 3384, 76.0], [3384, 3746, 72.0], [3746, 3769, 4.0], [3769, 4108, 65.0], [4108, 4347, 45.0], [4347, 4539, 35.0], [4539, 4869, 64.0], [4869, 5284, 84.0], [5284, 6283, 187.0], [6283, 6694, 79.0], [6694, 7090, 75.0], [7090, 7295, 40.0], [7295, 7535, 42.0], [7535, 7608, 15.0], [7608, 7680, 15.0], [7680, 7810, 26.0], [7810, 7982, 34.0], [7982, 8085, 23.0], [8085, 8426, 65.0], [8426, 8532, 18.0], [8532, 8740, 36.0], [8740, 8806, 13.0], [8806, 8949, 28.0], [8949, 9101, 28.0], [9101, 9370, 53.0], [9370, 9633, 53.0], [9633, 9738, 20.0], [9738, 9828, 16.0], [9828, 9984, 30.0], [9984, 10156, 33.0], [10156, 10261, 18.0], [10261, 10680, 68.0], [10680, 10965, 55.0], [10965, 11149, 37.0], [11149, 11487, 64.0], [11487, 11658, 32.0], [11658, 11782, 23.0], [11782, 11880, 17.0], [11880, 12289, 67.0], [12289, 12536, 44.0], [12536, 12654, 23.0], [12654, 12800, 30.0], [12800, 12897, 18.0], [12897, 12993, 18.0], [12993, 13102, 22.0], [13102, 13337, 39.0], [13337, 13835, 95.0], [13835, 14184, 67.0], [14184, 14315, 24.0], [14315, 15474, 213.0], [15474, 15556, 14.0], [15556, 15718, 30.0], [15718, 15774, 11.0], [15774, 15804, 5.0], [15804, 15887, 16.0], [15887, 15913, 4.0], [15913, 16194, 52.0], [16194, 16229, 7.0], [16229, 16512, 55.0], [16512, 16595, 17.0], [16595, 16885, 58.0], [16885, 17177, 59.0], [17177, 17380, 42.0], [17380, 17537, 26.0], [17537, 17617, 16.0], [17617, 17679, 12.0], [17679, 17904, 41.0], [17904, 18223, 60.0], [18223, 18501, 54.0], [18501, 18666, 32.0], [18666, 19200, 101.0], [19200, 19260, 14.0], [19260, 19335, 14.0], [19335, 19595, 54.0], [19595, 19627, 5.0], [19627, 20001, 73.0], [20001, 20173, 33.0], [20173, 20526, 69.0], [20526, 21014, 95.0], [21014, 21261, 46.0], [21261, 21469, 37.0], [21469, 21606, 23.0], [21606, 21921, 59.0], [21921, 22028, 22.0], [22028, 23099, 209.0], [23099, 23328, 45.0], [23328, 23451, 21.0], [23451, 23660, 38.0], [23660, 23744, 15.0], [23744, 23995, 46.0], [23995, 24055, 10.0], [24055, 24118, 14.0], [24118, 24227, 21.0], [24227, 24350, 21.0], [24350, 24420, 13.0], [24420, 24444, 3.0], [24444, 24684, 42.0], [24684, 24924, 51.0], [24924, 25124, 40.0], [25124, 25677, 103.0], [25677, 25782, 19.0], [25782, 25838, 10.0], [25838, 27475, 310.0], [27475, 27965, 93.0], [27965, 28091, 23.0], [28091, 28312, 40.0], [28312, 28366, 11.0], [28366, 28515, 24.0], [28515, 28598, 16.0], [28598, 28719, 28.0], [28719, 28948, 39.0], [28948, 28998, 11.0], [28998, 29879, 155.0], [29879, 29957, 15.0], [29957, 30252, 56.0], [30252, 30411, 28.0], [30411, 30747, 63.0], [30747, 30812, 13.0], [30812, 31112, 52.0], [31112, 31331, 42.0], [31331, 31463, 26.0], [31463, 31737, 50.0], [31737, 31868, 23.0], [31868, 32024, 29.0], [32024, 32099, 17.0], [32099, 32519, 82.0], [32519, 32621, 22.0], [32621, 32853, 44.0], [32853, 33148, 54.0], [33148, 33242, 15.0], [33242, 33322, 13.0], [33322, 33407, 14.0], [33407, 33578, 32.0], [33578, 33950, 64.0], [33950, 34085, 21.0], [34085, 34145, 13.0], [34145, 34216, 14.0], [34216, 34381, 33.0], [34381, 34444, 12.0], [34444, 34500, 8.0], [34500, 34643, 28.0], [34643, 34713, 12.0], [34713, 34755, 8.0], [34755, 35114, 64.0], [35114, 35383, 53.0], [35383, 35841, 83.0], [35841, 35923, 16.0], [35923, 36027, 18.0], [36027, 36059, 6.0], [36059, 36705, 125.0], [36705, 36905, 35.0], [36905, 37032, 23.0], [37032, 37144, 23.0], [37144, 37236, 16.0], [37236, 37383, 26.0], [37383, 37492, 19.0], [37492, 37612, 24.0], [37612, 37732, 23.0], [37732, 38187, 89.0], [38187, 38356, 30.0], [38356, 38755, 80.0], [38755, 38947, 37.0], [38947, 39200, 47.0], [39200, 40427, 223.0], [40427, 40470, 8.0], [40470, 40611, 25.0], [40611, 40699, 18.0], [40699, 40801, 20.0], [40801, 41310, 93.0], [41310, 41413, 21.0], [41413, 41774, 68.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 21, 0.0], [21, 58, 0.0], [58, 104, 0.04444444], [104, 682, 0.00359066], [682, 697, 0.0], [697, 723, 0.26086957], [723, 965, 0.0], [965, 1107, 0.0], [1107, 1529, 0.0], [1529, 1654, 0.0], [1654, 1923, 0.0], [1923, 2110, 0.0], [2110, 2186, 0.0], [2186, 2346, 0.0], [2346, 2434, 0.0], [2434, 2662, 0.0], [2662, 3014, 0.0], [3014, 3384, 0.0], [3384, 3746, 0.0], [3746, 3769, 0.0], [3769, 4108, 0.0], [4108, 4347, 0.0], [4347, 4539, 0.0], [4539, 4869, 0.0], [4869, 5284, 0.0], [5284, 6283, 0.0], [6283, 6694, 0.0], [6694, 7090, 0.0], [7090, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7535, 0.0], [7535, 7608, 0.0], [7608, 7680, 0.0], [7680, 7810, 0.0], [7810, 7982, 0.0], [7982, 8085, 0.0], [8085, 8426, 0.0], [8426, 8532, 0.0], [8532, 8740, 0.0], [8740, 8806, 0.0], [8806, 8949, 0.0], [8949, 9101, 0.0], [9101, 9370, 0.0], [9370, 9633, 0.0], [9633, 9738, 0.0], [9738, 9828, 0.0], [9828, 9984, 0.0], [9984, 10156, 0.0], [10156, 10261, 0.0], [10261, 10680, 0.0], [10680, 10965, 0.01098901], [10965, 11149, 0.0], [11149, 11487, 0.0], [11487, 11658, 0.0], [11658, 11782, 0.0], [11782, 11880, 0.0], [11880, 12289, 0.0], [12289, 12536, 0.0], [12536, 12654, 0.0], [12654, 12800, 0.0], [12800, 12897, 0.0], [12897, 12993, 0.0], [12993, 13102, 0.0], [13102, 13337, 0.0], [13337, 13835, 0.0], [13835, 14184, 0.0], [14184, 14315, 0.0], [14315, 15474, 0.00179533], [15474, 15556, 0.0], [15556, 15718, 0.0], [15718, 15774, 0.0], [15774, 15804, 0.0], [15804, 15887, 0.0], [15887, 15913, 0.0], [15913, 16194, 0.0], [16194, 16229, 0.0], [16229, 16512, 0.0], [16512, 16595, 0.0], [16595, 16885, 0.0], [16885, 17177, 0.0], [17177, 17380, 0.0], [17380, 17537, 0.0], [17537, 17617, 0.0], [17617, 17679, 0.0], [17679, 17904, 0.0], [17904, 18223, 0.0], [18223, 18501, 0.0], [18501, 18666, 0.0], [18666, 19200, 0.0], [19200, 19260, 0.0], [19260, 19335, 0.0], [19335, 19595, 0.0], [19595, 19627, 0.0], [19627, 20001, 0.0], [20001, 20173, 0.0], [20173, 20526, 0.0], [20526, 21014, 0.0], [21014, 21261, 0.0], [21261, 21469, 0.0], [21469, 21606, 0.0], [21606, 21921, 0.0], [21921, 22028, 0.0], [22028, 23099, 0.0], [23099, 23328, 0.0], [23328, 23451, 0.0], [23451, 23660, 0.0], [23660, 23744, 0.0], [23744, 23995, 0.0], [23995, 24055, 0.0], [24055, 24118, 0.0], [24118, 24227, 0.0], [24227, 24350, 0.0], [24350, 24420, 0.0], [24420, 24444, 0.0], [24444, 24684, 0.0], [24684, 24924, 0.0], [24924, 25124, 0.0], [25124, 25677, 0.0], [25677, 25782, 0.0], [25782, 25838, 0.0], [25838, 27475, 0.0], [27475, 27965, 0.0], [27965, 28091, 0.0], [28091, 28312, 0.0], [28312, 28366, 0.0], [28366, 28515, 0.0], [28515, 28598, 0.02597403], [28598, 28719, 0.0], [28719, 28948, 0.0], [28948, 28998, 0.0], [28998, 29879, 0.0], [29879, 29957, 0.0], [29957, 30252, 0.0], [30252, 30411, 0.0], [30411, 30747, 0.0], [30747, 30812, 0.0], [30812, 31112, 0.0], [31112, 31331, 0.00970874], [31331, 31463, 0.0], [31463, 31737, 0.0], [31737, 31868, 0.0], [31868, 32024, 0.0], [32024, 32099, 0.0], [32099, 32519, 0.0], [32519, 32621, 0.0], [32621, 32853, 0.0], [32853, 33148, 0.0], [33148, 33242, 0.0], [33242, 33322, 0.0], [33322, 33407, 0.0], [33407, 33578, 0.0], [33578, 33950, 0.00566572], [33950, 34085, 0.0], [34085, 34145, 0.0], [34145, 34216, 0.0], [34216, 34381, 0.0], [34381, 34444, 0.0], [34444, 34500, 0.0], [34500, 34643, 0.0], [34643, 34713, 0.0], [34713, 34755, 0.0], [34755, 35114, 0.0], [35114, 35383, 0.0], [35383, 35841, 0.0], [35841, 35923, 0.0], [35923, 36027, 0.0], [36027, 36059, 0.0], [36059, 36705, 0.0], [36705, 36905, 0.0], [36905, 37032, 0.0], [37032, 37144, 0.0], [37144, 37236, 0.0], [37236, 37383, 0.0], [37383, 37492, 0.0], [37492, 37612, 0.0], [37612, 37732, 0.0], [37732, 38187, 0.0], [38187, 38356, 0.0], [38356, 38755, 0.0], [38755, 38947, 0.0], [38947, 39200, 0.0], [39200, 40427, 0.0], [40427, 40470, 0.0], [40470, 40611, 0.0], [40611, 40699, 0.0], [40699, 40801, 0.0], [40801, 41310, 0.0], [41310, 41413, 0.0], [41413, 41774, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 21, 0.0], [21, 58, 0.0], [58, 104, 0.0], [104, 682, 0.0], [682, 697, 0.0], [697, 723, 0.0], [723, 965, 0.0], [965, 1107, 0.0], [1107, 1529, 0.0], [1529, 1654, 0.0], [1654, 1923, 0.0], [1923, 2110, 0.0], [2110, 2186, 0.0], [2186, 2346, 0.0], [2346, 2434, 0.0], [2434, 2662, 0.0], [2662, 3014, 0.0], [3014, 3384, 0.0], [3384, 3746, 0.0], [3746, 3769, 0.0], [3769, 4108, 0.0], [4108, 4347, 0.0], [4347, 4539, 0.0], [4539, 4869, 0.0], [4869, 5284, 0.0], [5284, 6283, 0.0], [6283, 6694, 0.0], [6694, 7090, 0.0], [7090, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7535, 0.0], [7535, 7608, 0.0], [7608, 7680, 0.0], [7680, 7810, 0.0], [7810, 7982, 0.0], [7982, 8085, 0.0], [8085, 8426, 0.0], [8426, 8532, 0.0], [8532, 8740, 0.0], [8740, 8806, 0.0], [8806, 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0.03333333], [15804, 15887, 0.06024096], [15887, 15913, 0.03846154], [15913, 16194, 0.04270463], [16194, 16229, 0.02857143], [16229, 16512, 0.02120141], [16512, 16595, 0.04819277], [16595, 16885, 0.03448276], [16885, 17177, 0.02739726], [17177, 17380, 0.03448276], [17380, 17537, 0.03821656], [17537, 17617, 0.0375], [17617, 17679, 0.06451613], [17679, 17904, 0.03111111], [17904, 18223, 0.02821317], [18223, 18501, 0.02517986], [18501, 18666, 0.03030303], [18666, 19200, 0.02059925], [19200, 19260, 0.06666667], [19260, 19335, 0.02666667], [19335, 19595, 0.03846154], [19595, 19627, 0.0625], [19627, 20001, 0.02673797], [20001, 20173, 0.03488372], [20173, 20526, 0.02832861], [20526, 21014, 0.03688525], [21014, 21261, 0.048583], [21261, 21469, 0.01923077], [21469, 21606, 0.02919708], [21606, 21921, 0.02539683], [21921, 22028, 0.02803738], [22028, 23099, 0.02427638], [23099, 23328, 0.02620087], [23328, 23451, 0.04065041], [23451, 23660, 0.02392344], [23660, 23744, 0.03571429], [23744, 23995, 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[32519, 32621, 0.02941176], [32621, 32853, 0.03448276], [32853, 33148, 0.02372881], [33148, 33242, 0.03191489], [33242, 33322, 0.0375], [33322, 33407, 0.04705882], [33407, 33578, 0.02923977], [33578, 33950, 0.02419355], [33950, 34085, 0.04444444], [34085, 34145, 0.03333333], [34145, 34216, 0.04225352], [34216, 34381, 0.03636364], [34381, 34444, 0.04761905], [34444, 34500, 0.07142857], [34500, 34643, 0.02797203], [34643, 34713, 0.04285714], [34713, 34755, 0.02380952], [34755, 35114, 0.02506964], [35114, 35383, 0.02230483], [35383, 35841, 0.00873362], [35841, 35923, 0.03658537], [35923, 36027, 0.02884615], [36027, 36059, 0.0625], [36059, 36705, 0.02167183], [36705, 36905, 0.025], [36905, 37032, 0.03149606], [37032, 37144, 0.04464286], [37144, 37236, 0.02173913], [37236, 37383, 0.01360544], [37383, 37492, 0.02752294], [37492, 37612, 0.03333333], [37612, 37732, 0.04166667], [37732, 38187, 0.02637363], [38187, 38356, 0.0295858], [38356, 38755, 0.04010025], [38755, 38947, 0.02604167], [38947, 39200, 0.02371542], [39200, 40427, 0.03015485], [40427, 40470, 0.06976744], [40470, 40611, 0.03546099], [40611, 40699, 0.03409091], [40699, 40801, 0.01960784], [40801, 41310, 0.01178782], [41310, 41413, 0.04854369], [41413, 41774, 0.04155125]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 41774, 0.12508374]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 41774, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 41774, 0.09296441]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 41774, 172.46194446]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 41774, -208.48864219]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 41774, -6396.32641419]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 41774, 834.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Et le z’homme alors ? Et oui, ce Z’homme qui a été si souvent cité sur ce blog, que devient-il ? Est-il toujours cet homme parfait, attentionné, drôle, dont je vantais les mérites il y a déjà 10 ans ? Depuis, il est devenu papa, deux fois. Il est toujours affublé de ce fichu chat gris qui nous pourrit le […] Mes états d'âme Connexion interrompue, veuillez réessayer Posté le 22 juin 2011 22 juin 2011 Je suis parfois sidérée par la façon dont certaines personnes communiquent entre elles. Ou plutôt ne communiquent pas. Des gens qui lorsqu’ils sont fâchés, ne s’adressent plus la parole alors qu’ils vivent ensemble ? Vivre sous le même toit et s’ignorer, que ça doit être épuisant… Je trouve tellement plus simple de discuter, d’essayer de […] Une tare féminine parmi d’autres… Les femmes, en plus de naître avec les gènes « je suis chiante, torturée de l’esprit, et ne me dis pas que j’ai grossi même si je te le demande », ont également une chose particulièrement sournoise en commun : le syndrome du « je-veux-faire-les-choses-bien-coûte-que-coûte-même-si-ça-m’emmerde-et-ensuite-surtout-je-me-plains ». Avoue, ça te parle. Ça te rappelle des dialogues connus : – « non […] Je m’invite, tu t’invites, il s’invite Comme j’aime bien lire vos propres anecdotes, voici un sujet sur lequel je suis sûre que certains en auront à raconter. Pour ceux qui n’auraient pas compris, nous n’avons pas l’intention de nous marier en métropole. Ce qui implique donc des fiançailles d’une certaine durée puisque nous attendrons d’abord d’être arrivés et installés confortablement à […] Jour 1 : on fait moins les malins Posté le 10 juin 2008 9 juin 2008 Il semblerait que j’ai volé le soleil, il est rentré à Paris avec moi…gniark. Maigre consolation pour moi, coincée au boulot, avec la motivation d’un condamné à mort. Et là tu te remémores le moment où tu as dit à ton z’homme : « mais oui mon amour, reste quelques jours de plus, profite, et puis […] Vivre ensemble sans rien partager… Posté le 6 juin 2008 4 juin 2008 Comme beaucoup, il m’arrive d’hésiter sur une invitation, parce que j’ai envie de passer la soirée avec mon z’homme. Et qui n’a pas déjà eu droit à : »ça va, tu vis avec, tu le vois tout le temps ». Les gens semblent parfois oublier que se croiser et passer du temps ensemble sont deux notions bien […]
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La réincarnation (retour dans la chair) désigne un processus de survivance après la mort par lequel un certain principe immatériel et individuel (« âme », « substance vitale », « conscience individuelle », « énergie », voire « esprit ») accomplirait des passages de vies successives dans différents corps (humains, animaux ou végétaux, selon les théories). À la mort du corps physique, l’« âme » quitte ce dernier pour habiter, après une nouvelle naissance, un autre corps. Elle a été assimilée à travers la littérature à la transmigration des âmes, aux concepts de métempsycose, de métensomatose, de palingénésie ainsi qu’à l’Éternel retour. On la retrouve dans diverses religions et philosophies depuis l’antiquité, sans qu’elle ne rencontre, dans aucune d’elles, une unanimité théologique ou dogmatique. Dès la fin du XIXe siècle, la réincarnation a été popularisée en Occident par divers courants ésotériques et spirites. Le psychiatre canadien Ian Stevenson est « internationalement connu » pour avoir tenté de prouver scientifiquement la réincarnation, mais dont les résultats n’ont « aucune valeur scientifique ». Selon l’Observatoire zététique, « Stevenson semble être resté prudent, n’a jamais véritablement conclu à l’existence de la réincarnation et ne parlait que de preuves « suggestives » ».
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Global Police Modernization and Counter Terrorism Market Analysis, Trend and Research Report 2015-2025 Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "The Global Police Modernization and Counter Terrorism Market 2015-2025" to its huge collection of research reports. Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/04/2015 -- Tackling terrorism and police modernization form the most important components of the homeland security of a country, driven by the growing instances of domestic rebel group uprisings, organized crimes, human and arms smugglings, and social unrest. The fight against global terrorism, insurgency, lawlessness, and drug trafficking also necessitates the need for up-to-date and high-end technologies and equipment. With these factors expected to be the primary drivers for global police modernization and counter terrorism, the market is expected to register positive growth during 2015-2025. The global police modernization and counter terrorism market is expected to be worth US$62.7 billion in 2015, and is expected increase to US$82.4 billion by 2025 The Asia Pacific region is estimated to account for the largest share of 41% in the global police modernization and counter terrorism market, with the region accounting for a cumulative spending of US$32.6 billion over the forecast period. The region will be followed by Europe and the Middle East, with respective spending of US$31.6 billion and US$70.9 billion during 2015-2025 In terms of segments, police force infrastructure, and police force ordnance, mobility, and others are expected to be the top two segments in the global police modernization and counter terrorism market over the forecast period. The police force infrastructure segment is expected to account for 31% of the total market, the police force ordnance, mobility, and others segment is estimated to comprise 27%, the other counter terrorism infrastructure segment will represent 24%, and the counter terrorism ordnance, mobility, and others segment is estimated to account for 18% of the market Browse Detail Report With TOC @ http://www.researchmoz.us/the-global-police-modernization-and-counter-terrorism-market-20152025-report.html The Global Police Modernization and Counter Terrorism Market 2015–2025 report offers a detailed analysis of the industry with market size forecasts covering the next ten years. This report will also analyze factors that influence demand for police modernization and counter terrorism equipment, key market trends, and challenges faced by industry participants. In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following: Market size and drivers: detailed analysis during 2015–2025, including highlights of the demand drivers and growth stimulators. It also provides a snapshot of the spending and modernization patterns of different regions around the world Recent developments and industry challenges: insights into technological developments and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of police modernization and counter terrorism segments around the world. It also provides trends of the changing industry structure and the challenges faced by industry participants SWOT analysis: a study of the industry characteristics by determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats Regional highlights: study of the key markets in each region, providing an analysis of the key segments of the market that are expected to be in demand Major programs: details of the key programs in each segment, which are expected to be executed during 2015-2025 Competitive landscape and strategic insights: analysis of the competitive landscape of the global market. It provides an overview of key players, together with information regarding key alliances, strategic initiatives, and financial analysis Determine prospective investment areas based on a detailed trend analysis of the global police modernization and counter terrorism market over the next ten years Gain in-depth understanding about the underlying factors driving demand for different police modernization and counter terrorism segments in the top spending countries across the world and identify the opportunities offered by each of them Strengthen your understandingof the market in terms of demand drivers, SWOT, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, among others Identify the major channels that are driving the global market, providing a clear picture about future opportunities that can be tapped, resulting in revenue expansion Channelize resources by focusing on the ongoing programs that are being undertaken by the internal ministries of different countries within the police modernization and counter terrorism market Make correct business decisions based on thorough analysis of the total competitive landscape of the sector with detailed profiles of the top police modernization and counter terrorism providers around the world which include information about their products, alliances, recent contract wins and financial analysis wherever available Mr. Nachiket Ghumare, USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948 Website: http://www.researchmoz.us/
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« You can quote me | | The customer is not always right » Is e-mail speech or writing? Confounding all expectation, people appear to be reading these postings. The previous item on quotations prompted a question from a reader about a relatively novel issue: quoting e-mail texts. "[W]hen an interview is conducted by e-mail, or supplementary information is gathered by e-mail, should that always be signaled in the text, or is it okay to use the usual "said" and "according to" and "mentioned" as the verbs?" Indicating in an article that an interview was conducted by e-mail is as much a point of accurate sourcing as saying that an interview was conducted by telephone or in a face-to-face encounter. Once that has been established, "said," "according to" and "mentioned" are probably acceptable as loose attribution. But if you are going to be as strict about reproducing texts exactly as they were written as I recommended previously, you should probably use "wrote." No doubt we’ll be hearing from people who disagree. I’m sure that practice varies. The exchanges in the famous Paris Review interviews of authors — now available free and electronically at http://www.theparisreview.com/literature.php — were traded back and forth between interviewer and subject in manuscript form so that both questions and answers could be refined. They were presented as direct speech, but the method was explained. The thing is not to bamboozle the reader about what is going on. On another topic, a colleague points out that "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge," another folk candidate for the origin of one of English’s most-beloved verbs, is "also the title of a Van Halen album." Not having paid any particular attention to rock music since the spring of 1970, I was unaware of that. Posted by John McIntyre at 4:34 PM | Permalink I think you're right when a text is being quoted as a text, as with a leaked e-mail message between government officials, but when e-mail is merely the medium of an interview I think spelling, capitalization and punctuation errors become the equivalent of coughs and stutters and "ums" in telephone interviews. In regards to the topic of quoting the text of e-mail messages exactly: Would this differ from how one would quote from a corporate press release or a corporate spokesman's e-mail sent in response to a question? If, say, the news release said, or the spokesman wrote, "The Executive Vice President of the Company feels its Long-term Growth Strategy will increase sales of SCRABBLE games considerably," would one be obligated to reproduce the statement in that form if one were to directly quote it in a story (and I know a newspaper never would quote such a lame statement, but for the sake of discussion . . . )? If not, how does the corporate news release or e-mail differ from the treatment of other e-mail or written communication that might be quoted -- why must one be reproduced exactly while the other is "cleaned up" to conform to style? Where is the line drawn? MJM |
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Articoli relativi a AAS227 Cercando galassie nane [11/01/2016] Nane bianche in abito nero [08/01/2016] Lo strano caso del quasar mancante [08/01/2016] Il rigurgito del buco nero [08/01/2016] La natura delle antiche nubi di gas [07/01/2016] Mancano stelle attorno al buco nero [05/01/2016]
{"url": "https://www.media.inaf.it/tag/aas227/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.media.inaf.it", "date_download": "2022-05-16T04:31:18Z", "digest": "sha1:HDCDNP5QSUJICDGHC3DWLPPNUMVQHMIK"}
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InicioNACIONALEl objetivo de España es mantener el nivel de apoyo de la PAC para nuestros agricultores y ganaderos El objetivo de España es mantener el nivel de apoyo de la PAC para nuestros agricultores y ganaderos García Tejerina subraya que el Gobierno ha logrado un mejor punto de partida en las negociaciones del próximo Marco Financiero Plurianual 10 mayo, 2018 Redacción NACIONAL 0 García Tejerina ha insistido en que el objetivo del Gobierno es que no haya ninguna bajada, para lo que se buscarán alianzas con otros Estados miembros Recuerda que en las negociaciones para el periodo 2014-2020 el Gobierno logró incrementar ligeramente el presupuesto de la PAC para España La ministra de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Isabel García Tejerina, ha recalcado hoy en el Congreso de los Diputados el total compromiso del Gobierno en las negociaciones del próximo Marco Financiero Plurianual que acaban de comenzar, con el objetivo de mantener el nivel de apoyo de la Política Agrícola Común para nuestros agricultores y ganaderos. En este sentido, García Tejerina ha subrayado que su Departamento lleva ya muchos meses trabajando, “con mucho rigor”, de cara a la las negociaciones que ahora comienzan. Gracias a ello, ahora se empieza a negociar sobre una bajada del 5% del presupuesto y no sobre una del 30% como había anunciado la Comisión. García Tejerina ha insistido en que el objetivo del Gobierno es que no haya ninguna bajada, para lo que se buscarán alianzas con otros Estados miembros. Para la ministra, este es el único Gobierno capaz de llevar adelante con éxito las negociaciones. De hecho, el presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ya se ha reunido con el comisario europeo de Agricultura, Phil Hogan, para trasladarle la importancia que tiene la PAC para España. El presidente también ha hablado con el presidente de la Comisión Europea, Jean-Claude Juncker, el fin de semana antes de que se presentara el nuevo Marco Financiero Plurianual. Por otro lado, la ministra ha recordado que este Gobierno ya logró en las negociaciones para el periodo 2014-2020 incrementar el presupuesto de la PAC para España, con unas ayudas de más de 47.000 millones de euros, pese a que por primera vez había menos presupuesto para el conjunto de la Unión Europea. Técnicos de la Dirección General de Agricultura estudian los daños ocasionados por las tormentas de los últimos días El Salón de Gourmets es una muestra de la excelencia de los alimentos españoles y una referencia de alimentación en el mundo Adama completa su estrategia para el cultivo del cereal con Timeline Trio 15 febrero, 2018 Comentarios desactivados en Adama completa su estrategia para el cultivo del cereal con Timeline Trio Su presentación tiene lugar en la Real Fábrica de Tapices Se trata de una solución que controla a la vez las malas hierbas gramíneas y dicotiledóneas en trigo. Durante su presentación se han dado a Leer Más Manuel García: “El mayor compromiso del sector porcino español es alimentar de forma saludable a los consumidores de todo el mundo” El comisario europeo de Agricultura ha subrayado las ventajas de contar con un modelo de producción “respetuoso con los animales y el medio ambiente así como con un sistema de trazabilidad que es garantía de Leer Más Fernández Vara destaca la oportunidad que representa para el empleo la adecuada gestión del medio natural y forestal El presidente de la Junta de Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, ha destacado este viernes la oportunidad que representa para la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo la adecuada gestión de los recursos del medio natural Leer Más “El paisaje de la lana”, un paseo por la Cañada de la Vera de la Sierra para rememorar la trashumancia y la importancia de las vías pecuarias y la industria lanera En el marco del Programa “Excursiones Didácticas” que organiza el Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental (CENEAM) El próximo domingo, 20 de mayo, se llevará a cabo esta excursión guiada por Carlos de Miguel, técnico Leer Más
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Alex Brenchley| 06/04/2019| Society TRA: Membership Membership: Satirical Saturday Cartoon on Art by Alex Brenchley 2019 Visit artist site A Moment in Culture: The Hellfire Club Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood’s Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of “persons of quality”who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts, and the members were often involved in politics. Neither the activities nor membership of the club are easy to ascertain. The clubs were rumoured to have distant ties to an elite society known only as The Order of the Second Circle. The first official Hellfire Club was founded in London in 1718, by Philip, Duke of Wharton and a handful of other high society friends. The most notorious club associated with the name was established in England by Sir Francis Dashwood, and met irregularly from around 1749 to around 1760, and possibly up until 1766. In its later years, the Hellfire was closely associated with Brooks’s, established in 1764. Other clubs using the name “Hellfire Club” were set up throughout the 18th century. Most of these clubs were set up in Ireland after Wharton’s had been dissolved – Wikipedia Alex Brenchley A satirical cartoonist based in London www.alexbrenchley.co.uk/ 2019 alex Art cartoon lanky satire saturday cartoon society uk Russell Brand’s Cousin To Fly Metal ‘Paper Plane’ Over Trump’s Wall Monoloc: Drought Gavin Turk’s Reimagining of Richter Frieze 2022 If Only These Walls Could Talk: Maryam Eisler Walking into Modernity
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12022018-carnaval-002 15 de febrero de 2018 15 de febrero de 2018 A.J. Prodesi
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FRACTIONAL CO2 LASER TREATMENT Our face is the story of our life: vacations by the sea, childbirth, surgery, accidents, hormonal changes. all these events leave their mark on our skin. We’ve soaked in the sun, we’ve lived a wonderful life rich in emotional experiences, we’ve enjoyed motherhood and so many other wonderful moments. But it also means age/sunspots, melasma, scars here and there and stretch marks. In short, our skin is no longer what it used to be. The laser passes pulses of light down through to the deeper layers of the skin, causing controlled damage to the cells below and triggering the skin’s natural healing process. This process allows the cells in the basal (deeper) layer to be trained to grow back stronger, firmer and faster, so the skin becomes smoother, tighter and more even in tone.
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Costa Rica busca alianzas para luchar contra el maltrato animal El gobierno costarricense firmó este miércoles un acuerdo con la organización Humane Society International (HSI) para reforzar el combate al maltrato animal, tras casos de violencia que han chocado al país centroamericano. Bajo el acuerdo, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía costarricense unirá esfuerzos con la organización internacional para mejorar la legislación contra el maltrato, redactar reglamentos para los centros de rescate animal e intensificar la lucha contra el tráfico ilegal de vida silvestre. "Nos alienta ver la respuesta positiva de estas instituciones para seguir desarrollando nuestras alianzas. Estos acuerdos muestran que el interés sobre el bienestar animal continúa en aumento y no conoce barreras políticas", afirmó Cynthia Dent, directora para América Latina de HSI, organización mundial que promueve la protección de los animales. Campañas de divulgación, capacitación de las fuerzas policiales en el manejo de animales y la promoción del consumo de productos desarrollados con estándares de bienestar animal son algunas de las medidas que adoptará Costa Rica bajo el acuerdo. "Nos complace firmar este primer acuerdo con Humane Society International/Latinoamérica. Tenemos un compromiso con la vida silvestre de este país, que tiene un valor biológico y cultural, y que debemos conservar para las generaciones futuras", expresó la viceministra de Ambiente y Energía, Patricia Madrigal. El comercio ilegal de vida silvestre, las peleas de perros y de gallos en el país son actividades que están ligadas a la violencia, el narcotráfico y la venta ilícita de armas, según las autoridades. Costa Rica tiene un proyecto de ley que penaliza el maltrato animal estancado en el Congreso, mientras el Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal recibe alrededor de 1.200 denuncias al año por este tipo de agresiones. El país centroamericano, que se precia de sus políticas ambientales, se vio estremecido este año por denuncias de agresión contra un tucán, al que jóvenes le quebraron el pico, y un lagarto encontrado amarrado en el baño de un bar. Costa Rica busca conectar a millares de familias pobres a Internet Intel instalará un laboratorio de validación en Costa Rica Volcán en Costa Rica reduce actividad pero se mantiene la cautela El Poema Gigante en Costa Rica para celebrar el XV aniversario de Carta de la Tierra Gobierno y poder judicial de Costa Rica buscan reducir hacinamiento carcelario Asesinan en Costa Rica a cinco miembros de una familia, incluido un estadounidense
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Numerología Pitagórica P.N.L Servicio Tarot Servicio Numerología Servicio Astrología Portada » Artículos By Kevin Pezoa ¿Qué es un viaje interior? Un camino que nos lleva a encontrarnos con nosotros mismos Cuando uno piensa en viajar, lo primero que se viene a la mente es la idea de trasladarnos a otro país, recorrer largas [...] La importancia del autoconocimiento Conócete a ti mismo; descubre tu propia naturaleza para manifestarla Todos tenemos objetivos y anhelos que nos gustaría realizar, necesidades emocionales que nos convendría satisfacer, [...] Las ciencias hermanas Distintos lenguajes para hablarte de tu esencia Dentro del ámbito de las disciplinas que apoyan y promueven el autoconocimiento, hay tres ciencias que podríamos llamar hermanas: [...] Centro Viaje Interior Somos un Centro de enseñanza para el autoconocimiento que entrega la preparación y práctica de las principales disciplinas orientadas a la comprensión de la naturaleza humana para dejar a sus alumnos con una sólida base que les permita continuar sus respectivos procesos de crecimiento personal. Karin Ostertag Jenkins karin.ostertag@gmail.com Cursó estudios en Diseño de Interiores y Secretariado Bilingüe trabajando varios años de manera activa en esas áreas. Paralelamente en 1982 inicia sus estudios autodidactas en astrología inclinándose finalmente por la línea de la astrología psicológica de Jung. Ya en 1988 perfeccionó y formalizó sus conocimientos astrológicos en la Facultad de Estudios Astrológicos de Inglaterra con tutores en España siguiendo un intensivo curso a distancia durante dos años. Elaboró y diseñó cursos de astrología en tres niveles académicos comenzando a dictar clases en 1998 hasta la fecha. Participó coordinando equipos para la presentación de diversos talleres que complementaron astrología, tarot y espiritualidad. En 2010 crea su página web Viaje Interior donde, hasta la fecha, publica periódicamente artículos sobre el tema. Actualmente complementa su actividad como docente realizando consultas de asesoría astrológica individuales, de pareja, infantiles y de orientación general de manera presencial y a distancia con países como Australia, Francia, España, U.S.A., Perú y también en regiones dentro del país. Se mantiene organizando y realizando talleres de astrología tanto en Santiago como en regiones. Fundadora y directora general del Centro Viaje Interior, entidad en la que sigue dictando clases y coordinando talleres para la difusión y enseñanza de la astrología psicológica como herramienta de auto conocimiento. Contenidos Nivel Iniciado El simbolismo de los Nodos Lunares, las Fases Lunares y Lilith Los Modelos y las Configuraciones Planetarias La Derivación de Casas Introducción y explicación de los Tránsitos Planetarios Descripción de los tránsitos de los Planetas Rápidos Descripción de los tránsitos de los Planetas Lentos Introducción a las Progresiones, Revoluciones y las Efemérides Introducción y simbolismo de los Planetas Retrógrados Las Estaciones de los Planetas Inferiores y Superiores Significado profundo de los planetas retrógrados de Marte a Plutón Introducción y significado de los Ciclos Planetarios: Colectivos e Individuales Introducción al estudio de la Sinastría y los Inter-aspectos Los Ángulos y las Casas en Sinastría La Carta Compuesta y la Carta Comparada Importante cantidad de horas de práctica directa al finalizar cada Unidad Contenidos Nivel Aprendiz Cómo funciona la astrología El simbolismo astrológico y psicológico los planetas y los asteroides El Zodiaco: explicación de los símbolos de cada signo Simbolismo mitológico de Aries a Piscis La fuerza de los planetas en los signos Las divisiones del zodiaco: Polaridades, Elementos y Cualidades Los decanatos de los signos y las 36 sub-personalidades Las partes del cuerpo por signo y planeta Qué son las Casas, los Sistemas de Casas Descripción detallada de las Casas Astrológicas Las casas vacías, sobre pobladas y los signos interceptados Las casas Angulares, Sucedentes y Cadentes Qué son los Aspectos, su numerología y el Orbe Descripción detallada de los Aspectos Mayores y Menores Explicación de los Aspectos Fluidos y de Tensión Los diferentes enfoques para la interpretación de la carta astral Proyección y práctica directa con la carta del estudiante Francisca Echeverría Faccin Licenciada y titulada en Arquitectura de la Universidad Mayor. También es Magister en Restauración y Patrimonio Cultural. Trabaja activamente en el ejercicio de su profesión. Durante su juventud, inicia su búsqueda espiritual y estudia runas y gemoterapia. Desde entonces ha participado en diversos cursos: Co-Creación desde la visualización, Meditación, Mandalas, Mantras y Constelaciones Familiares. Comprometida con su formación y práctica autodidacta en numerología, inicia estudios de especialización en Numerología Tibetana, junto a la maestra Angélica González, discípula del Dalai Lama. Perfecciona su preparación formándose en los cuatro niveles de la Numerología Pitagórica con el maestro Leonardo Apelbaum. Durante dos años se forma en astrología psicológica, con la maestra Karin Ostertag, para complementar y profundizar sus conocimientos de numerología. Actualmente trabaja realizando consultas personales para el autoconocimiento y de orientación a través de la numerología. Es una asidua practicante de yoga Iyengar. A la fecha forma parte del equipo de docentes del Centro Viaje Interior dedicado a difundir disciplinas que promueven el auto-conocimiento dictando cursos semestrales de numerología. Catalina Monte Arquitecta de la Universidad de Chile. Estudió un Post-grado en Accesibilidad y Diseño Inclusivo en la Universidad Internacional de Cataluña, Barcelona y es Diplomada en Arquitectura Sustentable de la Universidad de Chile. A temprana edad se relacionó con el Tarot aprendiendo y profundizando su simbolismo de manera autodidacta. Cuenta con 9 años de prácticas y lecturas independientes relacionándose con el tarot desde una mirada jungiana (C. Jung). En 2007 inicia estudios para complementar su profesión con diversas terapias complementarias: Maestrías en Reiki Usui y en Registros Akáshicos, Flores de Bach, Biomagnetismo y Numerología Tántrica. Cursó seminarios de Técnicas Aplicadas de Psicogenealogía en Centro Madre Tierra y en 2013 estudió Astrología Psicológica con la maestra Karin Ostertag en Centro Viaje Interior. En el mismo Centro formó parte activa del equipo que coordinó una serie de talleres sobre Astrología y Tarot aplicados. Además de desempeñarse como docente en la carrera de Tecnología de la Construcción en la Universidad de Santiago, desde el 2004, dirige su propia oficina de arquitectura y complementa su tiempo enseñando Tarot Jungiano como herramienta de auto-conocimiento. En la actualidad, durante su tiempo libre, orienta a través del Tarot Rider Waite y forma parte del equipo de docentes del Centro Viaje Interior, dedicado a difundir disciplinas que promueven el auto-conocimiento dictando cursos semestrales de tarot Rider Waite. El Tarot y las teorías sobre sus inicios Mitos acerca del Tarot Composición del Tarot Qué es un Arquetipo Jung y el Tarot Ética del Tarot Cómo funciona el Tarot Limpieza y protección Numerología y Tarot El Arcano Personal (nacimiento y anual) El Viaje del Loco Ruta de los grandes arquetipos (Desde El Mago al Carro) Ruta de las tareas del desarrollo personal: la búsqueda de la identidad Ruta de los grandes desafíos y autorealización Los 22 arcanos mayores Cómo determinar el tiempo en el Tarot Cartas de movimiento Cartas de estancamiento Enseñanza y práctica de los diferentes tipos de lecturas Lectura del pasado, presente y futuro Más de 8 horas de práctica intensiva Taller vivencial Contenidos Numerología Programa Semestre Académico Introducción a la Numerología Introducción a los Habitantes en las Casas Numerológicas Descripción de las Casas Numerológicas (los aspectos de la vida y como los vivimos) Cálculo del día de nacimiento y Camino de Vida Calculo de los Números del Alma, Imagen y Expresión Cálculo e interpretación del Número de Poder Cálculo y significado de la Vibración Anual Personal y Universal Cálculo y significado de la Vibración Mensual Personal Cálculo de los Pináculos: Realizaciones y Desafíos Significado de las Realizaciones Significado de los Desafíos Significado y simbolismo de los Números 0 al 9 Simbolismo de los Números Kármicos Simbolismo Números Maestros Numerología Familiar (herencias familiares en base a nuestros apellidos) Transito de Letras (el nombre descifrado a través del código alfanumérico) Diferentes enfoques para la interpretación de la Carta Numerológica Horas de práctica adicionales (6 a 8 horas) Contacto Servicios Selecciona Servicio* TarotNumerologíaAstrología Contacto Talleres Selecciona Taller* TarotNumerologíaAstrología
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[7154, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 7199, 0.0], [7199, 7219, 0.0], [7219, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7277, 0.0], [7277, 7333, 0.0], [7333, 7405, 0.0], [7405, 7452, 0.0], [7452, 7475, 0.0], [7475, 7513, 0.0], [7513, 7534, 0.0], [7534, 7558, 0.0], [7558, 7615, 0.0], [7615, 7653, 0.0], [7653, 7690, 0.0], [7690, 7707, 0.0], [7707, 7758, 0.0], [7758, 7788, 0.0], [7788, 7845, 0.0], [7845, 7929, 0.0], [7929, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8028, 0.0], [8028, 8073, 0.0], [8073, 8138, 0.0], [8138, 8193, 0.0], [8193, 8244, 0.0], [8244, 8277, 0.0], [8277, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8352, 0.0], [8352, 8387, 0.0], [8387, 8415, 0.0], [8415, 8488, 0.0], [8488, 8563, 0.0], [8563, 8631, 0.0], [8631, 8675, 0.0], [8675, 8694, 0.0], [8694, 8742, 0.0], [8742, 8760, 0.0], [8760, 8805, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 23, 2.0], [23, 29, 1.0], [29, 44, 2.0], [44, 65, 2.0], [65, 85, 2.0], [85, 105, 3.0], [105, 120, 3.0], [120, 147, 5.0], [147, 332, 33.0], [332, 368, 4.0], [368, 559, 25.0], [559, 581, 3.0], [581, 765, 26.0], [765, 787, 3.0], [787, 1083, 45.0], [1083, 1106, 3.0], [1106, 1131, 1.0], [1131, 1837, 102.0], [1837, 2333, 72.0], [2333, 2550, 32.0], [2550, 2576, 3.0], [2576, 2639, 11.0], [2639, 2685, 6.0], [2685, 2708, 4.0], [2708, 2764, 7.0], [2764, 2817, 8.0], [2817, 2869, 8.0], [2869, 2932, 8.0], [2932, 2986, 7.0], [2986, 3041, 8.0], [3041, 3108, 10.0], [3108, 3188, 10.0], [3188, 3249, 9.0], [3249, 3286, 7.0], [3286, 3326, 7.0], [3326, 3400, 11.0], [3400, 3426, 3.0], [3426, 3454, 4.0], [3454, 3524, 10.0], [3524, 3578, 9.0], [3578, 3618, 6.0], [3618, 3658, 8.0], [3658, 3722, 8.0], [3722, 3778, 9.0], [3778, 3820, 8.0], [3820, 3861, 8.0], [3861, 3909, 6.0], [3909, 3969, 9.0], [3969, 4012, 6.0], [4012, 4059, 9.0], [4059, 4115, 8.0], [4115, 4164, 8.0], [4164, 4230, 10.0], [4230, 4288, 9.0], [4288, 4316, 3.0], [4316, 4491, 25.0], [4491, 4718, 29.0], [4718, 5034, 43.0], [5034, 5184, 21.0], [5184, 5349, 23.0], [5349, 5532, 26.0], [5532, 5547, 2.0], [5547, 5770, 32.0], [5770, 5999, 35.0], [5999, 6495, 73.0], [6495, 6753, 38.0], [6753, 7016, 40.0], [7016, 7057, 8.0], [7057, 7080, 4.0], [7080, 7102, 3.0], [7102, 7122, 4.0], [7122, 7138, 4.0], [7138, 7154, 3.0], [7154, 7177, 4.0], [7177, 7199, 3.0], [7199, 7219, 3.0], [7219, 7259, 6.0], [7259, 7277, 4.0], [7277, 7333, 10.0], [7333, 7405, 12.0], [7405, 7452, 7.0], [7452, 7475, 4.0], [7475, 7513, 7.0], [7513, 7534, 3.0], [7534, 7558, 3.0], [7558, 7615, 9.0], [7615, 7653, 6.0], [7653, 7690, 7.0], [7690, 7707, 2.0], [7707, 7758, 5.0], [7758, 7788, 4.0], [7788, 7845, 8.0], [7845, 7929, 14.0], [7929, 7976, 9.0], [7976, 8028, 9.0], [8028, 8073, 7.0], [8073, 8138, 10.0], [8138, 8193, 8.0], [8193, 8244, 7.0], [8244, 8277, 4.0], [8277, 8305, 4.0], [8305, 8352, 9.0], [8352, 8387, 5.0], [8387, 8415, 3.0], [8415, 8488, 9.0], [8488, 8563, 11.0], [8563, 8631, 9.0], [8631, 8675, 8.0], [8675, 8694, 2.0], [8694, 8742, 3.0], [8742, 8760, 2.0], [8760, 8805, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 29, 0.0], [29, 44, 0.0], [44, 65, 0.0], [65, 85, 0.0], [85, 105, 0.0], [105, 120, 0.0], [120, 147, 0.0], [147, 332, 0.0], [332, 368, 0.0], [368, 559, 0.0], [559, 581, 0.0], [581, 765, 0.0], [765, 787, 0.0], [787, 1083, 0.0], [1083, 1106, 0.0], [1106, 1131, 0.0], [1131, 1837, 0.01659751], [1837, 2333, 0.00811359], [2333, 2550, 0.0], [2550, 2576, 0.0], [2576, 2639, 0.0], [2639, 2685, 0.0], [2685, 2708, 0.0], [2708, 2764, 0.0], [2764, 2817, 0.0], [2817, 2869, 0.0], [2869, 2932, 0.0], [2932, 2986, 0.0], [2986, 3041, 0.0], [3041, 3108, 0.0], [3108, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3249, 0.0], [3249, 3286, 0.0], [3286, 3326, 0.0], [3326, 3400, 0.0], [3400, 3426, 0.0], [3426, 3454, 0.0], [3454, 3524, 0.0], [3524, 3578, 0.0], [3578, 3618, 0.0], [3618, 3658, 0.0], [3658, 3722, 0.0], [3722, 3778, 0.03703704], [3778, 3820, 0.0], [3820, 3861, 0.0], [3861, 3909, 0.0], [3909, 3969, 0.0], [3969, 4012, 0.0], [4012, 4059, 0.0], [4059, 4115, 0.0], [4115, 4164, 0.0], [4164, 4230, 0.0], [4230, 4288, 0.0], [4288, 4316, 0.0], [4316, 4491, 0.0], [4491, 4718, 0.0], [4718, 5034, 0.0], [5034, 5184, 0.0], [5184, 5349, 0.0], [5349, 5532, 0.0], [5532, 5547, 0.0], [5547, 5770, 0.0], [5770, 5999, 0.00440529], [5999, 6495, 0.01590457], [6495, 6753, 0.01550388], [6753, 7016, 0.0], [7016, 7057, 0.0], [7057, 7080, 0.0], [7080, 7102, 0.0], [7102, 7122, 0.0], [7122, 7138, 0.0], [7138, 7154, 0.0], [7154, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 7199, 0.0], [7199, 7219, 0.0], [7219, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7277, 0.0], [7277, 7333, 0.0], [7333, 7405, 0.0], [7405, 7452, 0.0], [7452, 7475, 0.09090909], [7475, 7513, 0.0], [7513, 7534, 0.0], [7534, 7558, 0.0], [7558, 7615, 0.0], [7615, 7653, 0.0], [7653, 7690, 0.02631579], [7690, 7707, 0.0], [7707, 7758, 0.0], [7758, 7788, 0.0], [7788, 7845, 0.0], [7845, 7929, 0.0], [7929, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8028, 0.0], [8028, 8073, 0.0], [8073, 8138, 0.0], [8138, 8193, 0.0], [8193, 8244, 0.0], [8244, 8277, 0.0], [8277, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8352, 0.04255319], [8352, 8387, 0.0], [8387, 8415, 0.0], [8415, 8488, 0.0], [8488, 8563, 0.0], [8563, 8631, 0.0], [8631, 8675, 0.04761905], [8675, 8694, 0.0], [8694, 8742, 0.0], [8742, 8760, 0.0], [8760, 8805, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 29, 0.0], [29, 44, 0.0], [44, 65, 0.0], [65, 85, 0.0], [85, 105, 0.0], [105, 120, 0.0], [120, 147, 0.0], [147, 332, 0.0], [332, 368, 0.0], [368, 559, 0.0], [559, 581, 0.0], [581, 765, 0.0], [765, 787, 0.0], [787, 1083, 0.0], [1083, 1106, 0.0], [1106, 1131, 0.0], [1131, 1837, 0.0], [1837, 2333, 0.0], [2333, 2550, 0.0], [2550, 2576, 0.0], [2576, 2639, 0.0], [2639, 2685, 0.0], [2685, 2708, 0.0], [2708, 2764, 0.0], [2764, 2817, 0.0], [2817, 2869, 0.0], [2869, 2932, 0.0], [2932, 2986, 0.0], [2986, 3041, 0.0], [3041, 3108, 0.0], [3108, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3249, 0.0], [3249, 3286, 0.0], [3286, 3326, 0.0], [3326, 3400, 0.0], [3400, 3426, 0.0], [3426, 3454, 0.0], [3454, 3524, 0.0], [3524, 3578, 0.0], [3578, 3618, 0.0], [3618, 3658, 0.0], [3658, 3722, 0.0], [3722, 3778, 0.0], [3778, 3820, 0.0], [3820, 3861, 0.0], [3861, 3909, 0.0], [3909, 3969, 0.0], [3969, 4012, 0.0], [4012, 4059, 0.0], [4059, 4115, 0.0], [4115, 4164, 0.0], [4164, 4230, 0.0], [4230, 4288, 0.0], [4288, 4316, 0.0], [4316, 4491, 0.0], [4491, 4718, 0.0], [4718, 5034, 0.0], [5034, 5184, 0.0], [5184, 5349, 0.0], [5349, 5532, 0.0], [5532, 5547, 0.0], [5547, 5770, 0.0], [5770, 5999, 0.0], [5999, 6495, 0.0], [6495, 6753, 0.0], [6753, 7016, 0.0], [7016, 7057, 0.0], [7057, 7080, 0.0], [7080, 7102, 0.0], [7102, 7122, 0.0], [7122, 7138, 0.0], [7138, 7154, 0.0], [7154, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 7199, 0.0], [7199, 7219, 0.0], [7219, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7277, 0.0], [7277, 7333, 0.0], [7333, 7405, 0.0], [7405, 7452, 0.0], [7452, 7475, 0.0], [7475, 7513, 0.0], [7513, 7534, 0.0], [7534, 7558, 0.0], [7558, 7615, 0.0], [7615, 7653, 0.0], [7653, 7690, 0.0], [7690, 7707, 0.0], [7707, 7758, 0.0], [7758, 7788, 0.0], [7788, 7845, 0.0], [7845, 7929, 0.0], [7929, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8028, 0.0], [8028, 8073, 0.0], [8073, 8138, 0.0], [8138, 8193, 0.0], [8193, 8244, 0.0], [8244, 8277, 0.0], [8277, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8352, 0.0], [8352, 8387, 0.0], [8387, 8415, 0.0], [8415, 8488, 0.0], [8488, 8563, 0.0], [8563, 8631, 0.0], [8631, 8675, 0.0], [8675, 8694, 0.0], [8694, 8742, 0.0], [8742, 8760, 0.0], [8760, 8805, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.08695652], [23, 29, 0.5], [29, 44, 0.13333333], [44, 65, 0.0952381], [65, 85, 0.1], [85, 105, 0.1], [105, 120, 0.2], [120, 147, 0.03703704], [147, 332, 0.01081081], [332, 368, 0.02777778], [368, 559, 0.0104712], [559, 581, 0.04545455], [581, 765, 0.01086957], [765, 787, 0.13636364], [787, 1083, 0.00675676], [1083, 1106, 0.13043478], [1106, 1131, 0.0], [1131, 1837, 0.02124646], [1837, 2333, 0.02620968], [2333, 2550, 0.01843318], [2550, 2576, 0.11538462], [2576, 2639, 0.0952381], [2639, 2685, 0.08695652], [2685, 2708, 0.13043478], [2708, 2764, 0.05357143], [2764, 2817, 0.05660377], [2817, 2869, 0.05769231], [2869, 2932, 0.06349206], [2932, 2986, 0.05555556], [2986, 3041, 0.09090909], [3041, 3108, 0.04477612], [3108, 3188, 0.0625], [3188, 3249, 0.04918033], [3249, 3286, 0.10810811], [3286, 3326, 0.125], [3326, 3400, 0.02702703], [3400, 3426, 0.11538462], [3426, 3454, 0.03571429], [3454, 3524, 0.01428571], [3524, 3578, 0.03703704], [3578, 3618, 0.075], [3618, 3658, 0.025], [3658, 3722, 0.0625], [3722, 3778, 0.01785714], [3778, 3820, 0.02380952], [3820, 3861, 0.09756098], [3861, 3909, 0.0625], [3909, 3969, 0.01666667], [3969, 4012, 0.09302326], [4012, 4059, 0.06382979], [4059, 4115, 0.07142857], [4115, 4164, 0.08163265], [4164, 4230, 0.01515152], [4230, 4288, 0.01724138], [4288, 4316, 0.10714286], [4316, 4491, 0.05714286], [4491, 4718, 0.03964758], [4718, 5034, 0.03797468], [5034, 5184, 0.02], [5184, 5349, 0.01818182], [5349, 5532, 0.02185792], [5532, 5547, 0.13333333], [5547, 5770, 0.07623318], [5770, 5999, 0.02183406], [5999, 6495, 0.05846774], [6495, 6753, 0.02713178], [6753, 7016, 0.03422053], [7016, 7057, 0.04878049], [7057, 7080, 0.08695652], [7080, 7102, 0.09090909], [7102, 7122, 0.1], [7122, 7138, 0.125], [7138, 7154, 0.125], [7154, 7177, 0.08695652], [7177, 7199, 0.04545455], [7199, 7219, 0.1], [7219, 7259, 0.075], [7259, 7277, 0.16666667], [7277, 7333, 0.08928571], [7333, 7405, 0.01388889], [7405, 7452, 0.0212766], [7452, 7475, 0.04347826], [7475, 7513, 0.05263158], [7513, 7534, 0.04761905], [7534, 7558, 0.04166667], [7558, 7615, 0.01754386], [7615, 7653, 0.02631579], [7653, 7690, 0.02702703], [7690, 7707, 0.05882353], [7707, 7758, 0.09803922], [7758, 7788, 0.06666667], [7788, 7845, 0.07017544], [7845, 7929, 0.03571429], [7929, 7976, 0.06382979], [7976, 8028, 0.09615385], [8028, 8073, 0.06666667], [8073, 8138, 0.07692308], [8138, 8193, 0.07272727], [8193, 8244, 0.07843137], [8244, 8277, 0.06060606], [8277, 8305, 0.07142857], [8305, 8352, 0.04255319], [8352, 8387, 0.08571429], [8387, 8415, 0.10714286], [8415, 8488, 0.02739726], [8488, 8563, 0.02666667], [8563, 8631, 0.04411765], [8631, 8675, 0.02272727], [8675, 8694, 0.10526316], [8694, 8742, 0.10416667], [8742, 8760, 0.11111111], [8760, 8805, 0.11111111]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 8805, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 8805, 0.00865316]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 8805, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 8805, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 8805, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 8805, 30.79258414]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 8805, 43.0]], "is_duplicate": true}
Topic: best places to raise kids in 2013 MominNOVA No, but the # 1 pick for Virginia, Herndon, is in my county, and I would never have lived there when my kids were young. Herndon was a rural southern town that now is part of DC's suburban sprawl. I don't know why it chosen....there's nothing special about it . Find all posts by MominNOVA
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