Equipamiento Tecnológico dilluns, 20 d'octubre de 2014 MONOGRÁFICO: Moodle - Actividades SOFTWARE - Servidores Escrit per Antonio José Moreno Guerrero dilluns, 1 de febrer de 2010 00:00 Índex d'article MONOGRÁFICO: Moodle Bloques Totes les pàgines Pàgina 4 de 6 Podemos definir las “actividades” dentro de la plataforma Moodle como los elementos que permiten llevar a cabo la labor práctica de nuestro curso. A continuación analizaremos las actividades más importantes e interesantes de la plataforma Moodle. La actividad “base de datos” es uno de los elementos más importante e interesante de la plataforma Moodle, ya que nos permite hacer miles de registros, de formatos y estructuras ilimitados que se quedan almacenados dentro de la propia plataforma (pudiendo ponerse archivos, números y textos, direcciones URL,…) además de realizar búsqueda y mostrar los resultados de la misma. El uso de esta actividad es muy variable en función de la finalidad del curso, ya que se puede hacer un banco de datos de definiciones sobre distintos temas, donde aparezcan el nombre de autor, el nombre de lo que vamos a definir, la definición y la dirección URL, o podemos hacer un banco de datos de imágenes relacionadas con monumentos históricos nacionales, donde aparezca el nombre del monumento y la dirección URL. También podemos crear una base de datos con la intención de compartir información por parte de los usuarios de un curso, facilitando así la filosofía de la “gestión del conocimiento”. En definitiva, es uso de la actividad “base de datos” variará en función de la finalidad del curso. Para crear una base de datos debemos de irnos a la pestaña de “agregar actividad” y pinchar en “base de datos” A nuestra base de datos le tenemos que dar un nombre y una descripción. Dentro de la base de datos podemos configurar: Fechas: podemos establecer las fechas en las que estará disponible la actividad, además de indicar las fechas en las que estarán disponibles los resultados. Entradas requeridas: podemos establecer el número de entradas mínimas a enviar por cada participante. La actividad no se considerará completada en tanto el usuario no haya enviado el número de entradas exigido. Entradas requeridas antes de verse: permite indicar que número de entradas debe de realizar el usuario para poder ver el resto de las entradas. Número máximo de entradas: es el número máximo de entradas que un usuario puede enviar. Comentarios: podemos activar esta opción para permitir que los usuarios hagan comentarios a cada entrada. ¿Se requiere aprobación?: si activamos esta opción, el docente deberá aprobar las entradas antes de que los estudiantes puedan verlas. Es interesante para moderar el contenido de la base de datos, evitando entradas de contenido no adecuado. Artículos RSS: número de entradas a mostrar. Si seleccionamos “Ninguno” estaremos deshabilitando RSS. ¿Permitir calificar mensajes?: si activamos la casilla de verificación “Usar calificaciones”, nos permitirá calificar cada una de las entradas. En este caso, nosotros dejaremos las opciones que vienen por defecto, dándole a guardar cambios. A continuación nos saldrá la siguiente pantalla: Ahora debemos de configurar los campos que van a mostrar nuestra base de datos, para ello, en el apartado “crear un nuevo campo” tenemos que elegir el tipo de datos que almacenará dicho campo. En nuestro caso pondremos texto, url, fecha y área de texto. Una vez configurado todos ellos, nos aparecerá lo siguiente: Una vez definidos los campos, accederemos a la pestaña “Agregar entrada” para añadir registros a la base de datos. A continuación debemos de rellenar cada uno de los campos creados anteriormente. Una vez introducidos todos los datos, le damos a guardar, saliéndonos lo siguiente: Esto significa que debemos de definir la plantilla simple, para ello nos iremos a la pestaña plantillas, en la cual podemos encontrar distintos tipos de plantillas. Nosotros seleccionaremos la que está por defecto. Le damos a guardar y ya tenemos creada nuestra base de datos. Para ir introduciendo nuestros datos debemos de irnos a la pestaña de “agregar datos” e introducir los campos creados, quedando de la siguiente manera. Recordad que la base de datos tiene infinidad de utilidades y de variaciones. La mejor manera de conocer esta actividad es configurándola una y otra vez con distintas variaciones. La actividad “Chat” permite establecer una comunicación sincrónica entre los participantes de un curso; es decir, comunicarnos en tiempo real entre los usuarios. En este caso, el “Chat” de Moodle permite la comunicación mediante texto escrito en grupo o persona a persona. Para incluir el Chat en nuestro curso debemos de irnos a la pestaña “agregar actividad” y seleccionar “Chat”. Para configurarlo vamos a encontrarnos con: Nombre de la sala: es el texto que aparece en la página principal del curso y que nos sirve para acceder directamente a la información creada. También es el nombre de la sala creada. Texto introductorio: es una pequeña descripción de la temática de la sala. Próxima cita: Este aspecto nos permite establecer el día y la hora de la reunión de todos los usuarios en la sala del chat. La cita aparecerá automáticamente en el bloque de Eventos próximos y quedará marcada en el Calendario del curso junto con un enlace a la sala de chat. Esto es interesante siempre que nuestra intención sea la de presentar unos contenidos al grupo en tiempo real, y poder solventar así las dudas surgidas. Repetir sesiones: tenemos las siguientes opciones: No publicar las horas del Chat: Esta opción nos permite tener abierta siempre la sala del Chat. Sin repeticiones, publicar sólo la hora especificada: Esta opción nos permitirá abrir la salsa del Chat a la fecha y hora establecida. Ejemplo: El lunes a las 13:00. A la misma hora todos los días: Esta opción nos permite abrir la sala todos los días a la misma hora. Ejemplo: todos los días a las 10:00. A la misma hora todas las semanas: Es parecida a la anterior con la diferencia de que en vez todos los días, es una vez a la semana todas las semanas. Ejemplo: todos los lunes a las 13:00. Guardar sesiones pasadas: Esta opción nos permite guardar todas las sesiones abiertas del Chat. En este apartado podemos determinar durante cuanto tiempo permanecerán ducho registro en la plataforma.
{"url": "http://recursostic.educacion.es/observatorio/version/v2/ca/software/servidores/789-monografico-moodle?start=3", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "recursostic.educacion.es", "date_download": "2014-10-20T04:25:03Z", "digest": "sha1:A44SWF2CYH3YF75QRRU6PAQVK5NFY56I"}
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HomecultureOrioles: Il mondo dei cianci culturepadrini & padroni Orioles: Il mondo dei cianci Dai Siciliani giovani un ebook sull’editore Ciancio e il suo giornale La Sicilia: «un sistema composto “da giornalisti, politici, cavalieri d’industria e boss mafiosi” Popoff rilancia “Sbavaglio: Ciancio e ciancisti, la storia, i soldi e la città”, un ebook della redazione de I Siciliani giovani, appena pubblicato online. Una sorta di biografia non autorizzata dell’editore Mario Ciancio e del monopolio dell’informazione a Catania, unica grande città con un solo quotidiano. Sessantaquattro pagine di nomi, cognomi e avvenimenti sull’odissea della storica testata La Sicilia di Catania, un giornale usato come strumento per nascondere le verità. Ecco l’introduzione di Riccardo Orioles Scarica l’ebook Sbavagliobook C’è chi ciancia e chi è cianciato. Chi si ciancia centocinquanta milioni e chi quindi, senza lavoro, si fa emigrante. Chi fa il giornalista di corte, ma “niente sapevo”, e chi fa la fame per dare al popolo che se ne fotte un briciolo di verità. “Ma dov’è l’antimafia, ma dov’è il giornalismo?” Eccoli, signora mia. Stanno proprio qua Omero non riusciva a raccontare tutta la guerra di Troia (e capirai: dieci anni di battaglie) e quindi s’è abilmente limitato a tre o quattro episodi principali, sperando che bastassero a dare una qualche idea della faccenda al lettore. Qua, altro che guerra di Troia! L’Iliade di Ciancio, e dei suoi sventurati concittadini, dura da quarant’anni. I giudici, che ci lavorano da quando è stata rifatta la Procura di Catania (sette anni circa) emergono ogni tanto da una valanga di carte, e mandano carabinieri e finanza: quell’appalto! Quell’altro! Il boss Tizio! Il boss Caio! I soldi in Lussemburgo! E quelli in Svizzera! E in Inghilterra! Insomma, altro che Omero. Qua ci sarebbe voluta tutta Scotland Yard, più la redazione del Times, più Tito Livio e Mommsen per raccontare l’intera storia. Perciò ci siamo saggiamente ristretti, anche noi, a ricordare qualche episodio più eclatante, peraltro di solito noti – poiché ne parlavamo già molto prima dei giudici – ai nostri cari lettori. E’ il poema di Mario Ciancio? Certo sì, ma solo secondariamente. E’ più che altro la storia di un intero Sistema, giornalisti, politici, cavalieri d’industria, boss mafiosi, gente di stato, funzionari, uomini di businnes, gestori di grandi e piccoli e piccolissimi affari. Più ancora, putroppo, è l’odissea di alcune centinaia di migliaia di esseri umani che, dalle angherie del Sistema, sono stati scientificamente cacciati fuori da ogni possibilità di una vita normale. Secondo la Svimez 1 milione e 883mila siciliani hanno lasciato la Sicilia negli ultimi quindici anni. Metà avevano da 15 a 34 anni. Quest’anno, solo da Catania, sono andati via circa quattrocento ragazzi – parecchi appena diplomati – e “andar via” oggigiorno non significa Torino o Bologna ma Australia, Canada, Inghilterra o Germania. Non c’è più il Treno del Sole e la valigia di cartone, ma il biglietto Ryanair e lo zainetto sulle spalle; non più coppole e calli nelle mani ma visi di ragazze e ragazze che sanno tutto di questa o quella scienza, e che abbiamo perso per sempre. E’ in corso, in queste settimane, una campagna contro l’antimafia (“maledetta Libera! Mafia e antimafia sono uguali!”) che ha l’obiettivo finale di rimettere sul “mercato” i beni confiscati ai mafiosi, assegnati al popolo grazie al sacrificio di Pio La Torre e al milione di firme raccolte da don Ciotti. Si arriva al paradosso che se un giornale antimafia come i Siciliani riesce, per esempio, a smascherare un Montante, nessuno – innanzitutto – si permette di ringraziare i Siciliani per questa vittoria giornalistica difficile e pericolosa, e che l’esistenza di Montante – falso antimafioso – e dei numerosi giornalisti ciancizzati che l’hanno sostenuto viene presa a pretesto per accusare i giornalisti in generale e l’antimafia senza virgolette. Così è la vita. Questo libro è dedicato alla memoria del giudice Giambattista Scidà, che anni fa è stato fra i fondatori di questa nuova serie dei Siciliani. Con noi è stato protagonista della battaglia per la rigenerazione della Procura di Catania, che ha portato alla ristrutturazione degli uffici giudiziari in questa città e quindi fra l’altro, dopo decenni di omertà e tolleranza, all’apertura delle indagini e dei processi su Ciancio e sul suo Sistema. “Titta” Scidà è morto il 20 novembre 2011, in questa sua città per cui aveva combattuto e noi lo ricordiamo così, combattendo. antimafia beppe fava ciancio faillaci gulisano i siciliani giovani Articolo precedenteTutto quello che si deve sapere sulle tasse. Lo stato fiscale in una libreria Articolo successivoReddito di cittadinanza, pochi soldi e idee confuse Da Genova a Ground Zero: perché siamo incatenati al 2001 11 settembre: repressione, guerra globale, cospirazionismo e bugie di Stato. Un altro mondo è ancora possibile? [Joseph Confavreux]
{"url": "https://www.popoffquotidiano.it/2018/11/27/orioles-il-mondo-dei-cianci/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.popoffquotidiano.it", "date_download": "2021-09-16T11:14:00Z", "digest": "sha1:J7CLIWEB5HJLDCHNME4R7E5KXCS7NREB"}
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New electric vehicle sales slow in 2019 Cars made in China are ready for export in Lianyungang Port, Jiangsu province. [Photo by Wang Chun/For China Daily] By China Daily/ANN Minister: China will not cut subsidies substantially for the emerging sector As new energy vehicle sales in China fell by 4 percent last year, the segment's first decline in the country, industry experts have urged new measures, especially non-monetary ones, to fuel its development. Chinese and international carmakers delivered 1.206 million electric cars and plug-in hybrids in China last year, down from 1.256 million in 2018, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. "The fall was primarily the result of a cut in government subsidies in late June 2019," said Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of the association. "Due to the small scale of the segment, new energy carmakers are losing money. The sharp fall following the subsidy cut shows the segment is still in need of policy support, at least measures to facilitate their use," said Chen. At an industry forum on Saturday, Miao Wei, minister of industry and information technology, said the government will not reduce the subsidies substantially this year to stabilize the market and ensure the segment's healthy development. China started to finance the segment in 2009 and has been phasing out since then. Miao said the ministry is working on guidelines for the segment's development and will promulgate them soon. Dong Yang, vice-president of leading industry think tank China EV 100, urged the authorities to clarify the policies as soon as possible so that carmakers are prepared. "Give them something they can be sure about. They need a stable policy and environment," said Dong. Despite the temporary setback, Miao said China's new energy vehicle industry has gained a lead globally and the country will continue the strategy to consolidate the momentum. "There is no change in the sound and long-term development of new energy vehicles," he said. China overtook the United States as the largest market for new energy vehicles in 2015. Since then, annual sales in China have accounted for more than half of the global total. By the end of last year, there were around 3.8 million electric cars and plug-in hybrids in China, according to data from the Ministry of Public Security. China's overall vehicle sales fell by 8.2 percent on a yearly basis to 25.77 million units last year, following a 2.8 percent dip in 2018, said the association. It expects vehicle sales to fall by another 2 percent this year because of the slowing economy and the ongoing trade friction between China and the United States. Miao said on Saturday that he expected the overall vehicle market to hit the bottom in 2020 or 2021 and then rebound. Last year, most of the carmakers in China were affected. SAIC Motor, the country's largest carmaker, delivered 6.24 million vehicles, down 11.54 percent year-on-year. GM, the country's second bestselling foreign carmaker, saw its sales in the country fall by 15 percent from a year earlier to 3.09 million units. The company delivered 3.65 million vehicles in 2018 and 4.04 million units in 2017. Great Wall Motors saw a meager growth of 0.69 percent from 2018, with its total sales hitting 1.06 million units. Honda was one of the few that was insulated last year. With its two joint ventures, the Japanese carmaker sold a company-record 1.55 million cars in the country last year. Most premium carmakers saw their sales rise despite the headwinds that have lingered for two years. Swedish carmaker Volvo sold 161,436 vehicles in China last year, up 18.2 percent year-on-year. Volvo said its sport utility vehicle models served as a particular highlight as the company gained market share in China, the United States and Europe amid stagnating global car markets. Mercedes-Benz delivered 693,443 vehicles of its namesake brand in the country, up 6.2 percent year-on-year and was China's best-selling premium vehicle brand. Hubertus Troska, a board member of Daimler AG responsible for the China region, termed 2019 as "remarkable" for the company's operations in China, as it contributed to nearly one third of its global sales. Audi's China sales grew 4.8 percent year-on-year last year to 688,888 units. Lu Yi, executive vice-president of Audi China, said he expects the premium segment to grow further this year, although it is hard to say by how much it will grow. China energy vehicle
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American Poems: Books: American Sniper: The Autobiography of Seal Chief Chris Kyle (USN. 1999-2009). the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History: The Autobiography of ... in U.S. Military History. Trade Paperback by Chris Kyle ( 2013 ) Mass Market Paperback
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The Linden Public School System offers a comprehensive Gifted and Talented Program for its students. Students in grades 1-5 attend a full day of G&T instruction on a rotating basis (please see the schedule under this tab for your child’s schedule). This program involves students with project-based learning activities in which they are challenged to research topics, and present new ideas in unique ways. Higher order thinking skills are emphasized. The Linden School District is excited to provide this fantastic program for its students!
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El caos climático, el nuevo negocio de Bill Gates © AFP 2020 / Saul Loeb Por María Luisa Ramos Urzagaste María Luisa Ramos Urzagaste. Sputnik Mundo https://mundo.sputniknews.com/firmas/201909151088688863-el-caos-climatico-el-nuevo-negocio-de-bill-gates/ El cambio climático ya llegó, es caótico y los negociantes de las crisis lo saben. Uno de ellos es Bill Gates, que prepara su arsenal compuesto de tecnologías éticamente dudosas como la geoingeniería solar, la biología sintética y los organismos transgénicos. Ante la cruda certeza del cambio climático la Comisión Global para la Adaptación, GCA, propone hacer billonarias inversiones a cargo de los Estados, para adaptarnos a esta nueva situación. "Sin la adaptación, el cambio climático puede deprimir el crecimiento en los rendimientos de la agricultura mundial hasta en un 30% para 2050" advierte. La huella ecológica del cambio climático que nos aplasta Dicha propuesta no plantea un cambio de conductas contaminantes y solo recomienda adaptarse a esta nueva realidad. Se dice que las personas cuando sufrimos una gran pérdida, atravesamos varias etapas, entre ellas la negación y la ira. Esto podría aplicarse a lo que ocurre con la crisis climática. Pero mientras la mayoría nos debatimos entre la primera y la segunda etapa, otros ya hacen planes para sacar provecho del caos. El negocio de la adaptación La GCA aconseja invertir en sistemas de alerta temprana e infraestructura para adaptarnos a temperaturas más altas, mares crecientes, tormentas más intensas, precipitaciones más impredecibles y océanos más ácidos. La referida organización, que está compuesta de un grupo de personajes públicos, promete que sus recetas nos conducirán a "un mejor crecimiento y desarrollo; protegerá la naturaleza, reducirá las desigualdades y creará oportunidades". ¡Toda una revolución social! ojalá fuera así de fácil. © CC0 / Unsplash Pronóstico alarmante: el cambio climático puede dejar la Tierra sin nubes La Comisión, que está dirigida por Ban Ki-moon, exsecretario general de la ONU, Bill Gates, y Kristalina Georgieva, directora ejecutiva del Banco Mundial, propone recomendaciones específicas en sectores clave: seguridad alimentaria, medio ambiente, agua, áreas urbanas, infraestructura, gestión del riesgo de desastres y finanzas. La GCA Advierte que, sin medidas de adaptación al cambio climático, la cantidad de personas que pueden carecer de suficiente agua en 2050 superará los 5.000 millones y que, dentro de 20 años, en 2030, más de 100 millones de personas dentro de los países en desarrollo caerán por debajo de la línea de pobreza. Uno de los más diligentes actores de este proyecto es Bill Gates, quien, según la revista Forbes es el segundo personaje más rico del mundo, que junto a otros 25 individuos poseen en conjunto una riqueza equivalente a lo que tienen 3.800 millones de personas en el mundo. Cifras obscenas y más deudas La Comisión Global para la Adaptación define que se necesita invertir 1.8 billones de dólares a nivel mundial en cinco áreas desde 2020 hasta 2030: sistemas de alerta temprana, infraestructura resistente al clima, agricultura mejorada de tierras secas, protección global de manglares e inversiones para hacer que los recursos hídricos sean más resilientes. La guerra del agua: cuando la fuente de la vida se convierte en oro líquido Advierten que el cambio climático aumentará los precios de los alimentos, porque se reducirá su producción y disponibilidad y por ende se reducirán los ingresos de los pequeños agricultores. Esta competencia por bienes escasos a su vez alimentará conflictos regionales y migraciones, desgarrando el tejido ya deshilachado de la sociedad, especialmente en los países en desarrollo. Pero hacen una advertencia más: "Si bien las inversiones en adaptación tienen claros beneficios económicos [7.1 billones de dólares según sus cálculos], pueden requerir grandes pagos por adelantado antes de cosechar beneficios a mediano y largo plazo", por lo que "el sector público debiera crear incentivos para ampliar la participación del sector privado en las inversiones de adaptación". Así dichas las cosas, queda claro quienes pagarán la deuda climática. En río revuelto ganancia de especuladores Bill Gates promueve abiertamente el uso de la tecnología para solucionar los problemas actuales del cambio climático, cuyas raíces no está dispuesto a discutir. Por eso mismo invierte en sectores como la geoingeniería solar, promueve la creación de microbios mediante biología sintética y el desarrollo y uso de organismos transgénicos en diferentes áreas. Dieta del futuro: ¿comeremos más alimentos transgénicos? https://t.co/t0CpXK7vEO pic.twitter.com/T3OZJVkXRQ — Sputnik Mundo (@SputnikMundo) July 19, 2019 ​​Un ejemplo de ello es que propone eliminar enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos que pueden afectar a más de 4.000 millones de personas, mediante el uso de mosquitos genéticamente modificados. Four billion people are at risk from mosquito-borne diseases. We can get that number down to zero if we invest in new tools — like a set of techniques for genetically modifying mosquitoes — to complement the ones we already have. https://t.co/YSemQDFsw6 — Bill Gates (@BillGates) August 14, 2019 ​Es claro que personajes como éste no van a renunciar a su fuente de riqueza que son esos miles de millones de pobres expuestos a enfermedades y harán oídos sordos de los cuestionamientos éticos sobre dichas tecnologías. Otra inversión de Bill Gates, posiblemente más peligrosa es la apuesta que hace a la geoingeniería solar, con la intención de manipular el medio ambiente con el supuesto objetivo de equilibrar o eliminar algunos de los impactos del cambio climático. Predicen el colapso de la civilización global Un equipo de Harvard tiene el firme apoyo financiero del multimillonario, con un proyecto llamado Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, Experimento de Perturbación Estratosférica Controlada, SCoPEx, que planifica este año 2019 liberar de forma experimental en la estratósfera carbonato de calcio y se prevé que dichas partículas reflejen la luz del sol, lo que permitiría bajar la temperatura del planeta. Valga decir que estos experimentos se llevan a cabo en EEUU, país que no ha ratificado la Convenio de diversidad Biológica, CBD y no acepta el enfoque de precaución del CBD sobre la geoingeniería. Peor aún, EEUU se ha retirado del Acuerdo de París. Una de las preocupaciones es que al bloquear el ingreso de la luz solar a los cultivos, esto puede cambiar los patrones de lluvia, perjudicando fuertemente a algunas áreas en el mundo. 📎 📷 Cinco casos en que la Madre Tierra dijo 'basta' en América Latina https://t.co/SHHEOqcrWE pic.twitter.com/86G7uI9e3X — Sputnik Mundo (@SputnikMundo) April 22, 2019 ​También existen serios temores de que esta tecnología se podría usar como un arma, apuntando a ciertas regiones para la alteración del clima y como lo advierten los investigadores del Grupo ETC, Silvia Ribeiro y Jim Thomas, podrían convertirse en un tsunami tecnológico. La tristemente célebre Cumbre de Leticia Ante la magnitud de lo que se cierne sobre nuestras cabezas con estos proyectos, provoca hasta tristeza, ver la foto de unos indígenas acicalados con atuendos de diseño exclusivo, rodeando a los presidentes de países amazónicos (menos Venezuela, a quien no se invitó), en la Cumbre de Leticia, Colombia. © REUTERS / Bruno Kelly Así se ve el 'pulmón del planeta' quemado El Pacto de Leticia no nos dejó grandes novedades ni avances, además de la reafirmación el derecho soberano de los países sobre la región Amazónica. Valga no obstante decir que eso no inhibe a los países de asumir su responsabilidad ante la humanidad de preservar esa vital región. La Cumbre presidencial dejó al menos tres evidencias: 1) que, en el actual estado político regional, los presidentes amazónicos no pueden comprometerse en conjuntos a defender la Amazonía y luchar contra el caos climático; 2) que la OTCA, la Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica no responde a los desafíos actuales; 3) que las Organizaciones Indígenas amazónicas fueron las grandes ausentes. ⚠️ 📎 📷 Dramáticas imágenes del fuego en la Amazonía y una voz que no calla 👉🌐 https://t.co/2qE9L77Q0L #⃣ #PrayforAmazonia #PrayForTheAmazon pic.twitter.com/Ye0pYBg7QI — Sputnik Mundo (@SputnikMundo) August 23, 2019 ​Los presidentes ataviados de collares multicolores expresaron su preocupación frente a la deforestación que es "por diferentes causas en cada uno de los países" y que "pudiesen estar asociadas al cambio climático y sus factores estructurales". Estos términos expresados de manera tan ambigua patentizan el estado de cosas. El tono aguerrido del discurso del presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro y la nota colorida protagonizada por el presidente ecuatoriano Lenin Moreno, cantando en idioma catalán, fueron episodios notables. Es así que, mientras la Amazonía se debate entre la vida y la muerte y miles de millones de personas y otros seres vivos sufren ya el caos climático con incendios, huracanes, sequías, inundaciones, etc., Bill Gate y sus amigos, ya piensan en el multimillonario negocio que implica la inevitable crisis ambiental que vivimos. Ojalá que la codicia, la ignorancia y la ceguera política no nos ganen esta batalla por la vida. productos transgénicos, caos, Bill Gates, cambio climático
{"url": "https://mundo.sputniknews.com/firmas/201909151088688863-el-caos-climatico-el-nuevo-negocio-de-bill-gates/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "mundo.sputniknews.com", "date_download": "2020-10-19T15:49:56Z", "digest": "sha1:MADIKPNQ6AF3DUR4OVRWKCCLMDVHY37B"}
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1. A stent adapted for introduction into a body passageway of a patient, said stent comprising a base structure, biological agent and polymer; said base structure including at least one of said biological agent coated on at least a portion of said base structure, at least one layer of polymer coated on at least a portion of said base structure or combinations thereof; said at least one biological agent at least partially mixed with said polymer, over-coated with a layer of said polymer or combinations thereof; said polymer including a non-porous polymer, said non- porous polymer having a molecular weight, molecular structure, layer thickness or combinations thereof to at least partially control a rate of release of said biological agent from said stent by a molecular diffusion process, said base structure including a surface structure, a micro-structure, an internal structure, or combinations thereof that are formed on or secured to said base structure, a plurality of said micro-structures extend upwardly from and above an outer surface of said base structure, said plurality of microstructures having a shape and size designed to penetrate into said body passageway at a treatment site when said base structure is expanded to an expanded cross-sectional area and to deliver said biological agent in said penetrated region of said body passageway, said plurality of microstructures having a height of less than 400 microns, said micro-structures at least partially coated with biological agent, at least partially made of biological agent, includes biological agent in an internal passage of said micro-structure, or combinations thereof; wherein said biological agent is present on said stent in an amount of about 20 microgram-100 microgram per mm2; and wherein a polymer layer that at least partially control a release of at least one of said biological agents from said stent, said polymer layer having a thickness of about 0.1-30 microns. 2. The stent as defined in claim 1, wherein said non-porous polymer includes parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, parylene derivatives, parylene C derivatives, parylene N derivatives, parylene F derivatives, or combinations thereof. 3. The stent as defined in claim 2, wherein said biological agent includes trapidil, trapidil derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. 4. The stent as defined in claim 3, wherein said biological agent includes trapidil, trapidil derivatives, or combinations thereof. 5. The stent as defined in claim 4, wherein said biological agent additionally includes GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives. 6. The stent as defined in claim 5, wherein said polymer includes at least two polymers selected from the group consisting of parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, parylene derivatives, parylene C derivatives, parylene N derivatives, parylene F derivatives, or combinations thereof. 9. The stent as defined in claim 1, wherein the outer surface of polymer layer includes at least one layer of biological agent. 10. The stent as defined in claim 9, wherein said base structures includes at least one internal structure, said at least one internal structure including biological agent. 11. The stent as defined in claim 1, wherein said base structure is at least partially plasma etched, electro-polished, or combinations thereof. 12. A stent adapted for introduction into a body passageway of a patient, said stent comprising a base structure, a first biological agent and a first polymer; said base structure including a) said first biological agent coated on at least a portion of said base structure, b) said first polymer coated on at least a portion of said base structure, and combinations; said first biological agent at least partially a) mixed with said first polymer, b) over-coated with a layer of said first polymer, and combinations thereof; at least a portion of said base structure including said first biological agent coated on at least a portion of said base structure and said layer of said first polymer is at least partially over-coated on said first biological agent; said first polymer including a non- porous polymer, said non-porous first polymer having a) a molecular weight, b) molecular structure, c) layer thickness, and combinations thereof to at least partially control a rate of release of said first biological agent from said stent by a molecular diffusion process, said base structure including a plurality of micro-structures that are formed on or secured to said base structure and which extend upwardly from and above an outer surface of said base structure, said plurality of microstructures having a shape and size designed to penetrate into said body passageway at a treatment site when said base structure is expanded to an expanded cross-sectional area and to deliver said biological agent in said penetrated region of said body passageway, said plurality of microstructures having a height of less than 300 microns, a plurality of said micro-structures include biological agent in an internal passage of said micro-structure; wherein said layer of said first polymer has a thickness of about 0.1-30 microns. 13. The stent as defined in claim 12, wherein said first polymer includes one or more polymers selected from the group consisting of parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, parylene derivatives, parylene C derivatives, parylene N derivatives, and parylene F derivatives. 14. The stent as defined in claim 13, wherein said first biological agent includes one or more agents selected from the group consisting of trapidil, trapidil derivatives, GM-CSF, and GM-CSF derivatives. 15. The stent as defined in claim 14, wherein said first biological agent includes one or more agents selected from the group consisting of trapidil and trapidil derivatives. 16. The stent as defined in claim 15, wherein said first biological agent additionally includes one or more agents selected from the group consisting of GM-CSF and GM-CSF. 17. The stent as defined in claim 16, wherein an outer surface of said first polymer layer includes a layer of a second biological agent. 18. The stent as defined in claim 16, wherein said base structure includes a third biological agent. 19. The stent as defined in claim 18, wherein said base structures includes said micro-structure, said micro-structure at least partially a) coated with said third biological agent, b) at least partially made of said third biological agent, c) includes said third biological agent in an internal passage of said micro-structure, and combinations thereof. 28. The stent as defined in claim 27, wherein said first biological agent, said second biological agent, and said third biological agent are the same. 29. The stent as defined in claim 27, wherein said first biological agent, said second biological agent, and said third biological agent are different. 30. The stent as defined in claim 27, wherein said first biological agent and said second biological agent are different. 31. The stent as defined in claim 27, wherein said second biological agent and said third biological agent are different. 32. The stent as defined in claim 27, wherein said first biological agent and said third biological agent are different. 33. The stent as defined in claim 12, wherein said base structure is at least partially plasma etched, electro-polished, and combinations thereof. The present invention claims priority on U.S. Provisional Application Ser. Nos. 60/629,397 filed Nov. 19, 2004 and 60/658,374 filed Mar. 3, 2005, which are incorporated herein by reference. The present invention is also a continuation in part of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/810,356 filed Mar. 26, 2004, which in turn is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/039,816 filed on Oct. 26, 2001, which in turn is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/771,073 filed Jan. 29, 2001, which in turn is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/363,052 filed Jul. 29, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,206,916, which in turn claims priority on U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/094,250 filed Jul. 27, 1998, which are incorporated herein by reference. The present invention is also a continuation in part of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/209,591 filed Jul. 31, 2002, now abandoned which in turn is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent application Ser. No. 10/039,816 filed Oct. 26, 2001, now abandoned which in turn is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 09/771,073 filed Jan. 29, 2001, now abandoned which in turn is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent application Ser. No. 09/363,052 filed Jul. 29, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,206,916, which in turn claims priority on U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/094,250 filed Jul. 27, 1998, which are incorporated herein by reference. The invention relates generally to medical devices, and particularly to an implant for use within a body, and more particularly to an expandable graft which is useful in repairing various types of body passageways, and even more particularly to an expandable graft which is useful in repairing blood vessels narrowed or occluded by disease. The medical device can include and/or be at least partially coated with one or more biological agents; however, this is not required. The one or more biological agents, when used, can be controllably released from the medical device by one or more processes such as, but not limited to, molecular diffusion through a polymer layer. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Medical treatment of various illnesses or diseases commonly includes the use of one or more medical devices. Two types of medical devices that are commonly used to repair various types of body passageways are an expandable graft or stent, or a surgical graft. These devices have been implanted in various areas of the mammalian anatomy. Old age, dietary habits and primary genetics can also lead to a common disease, atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques and blockages consist of lipids, fibroblasts and fibrin that proliferate and cause obstruction of a vessel. As the obstruction grows, the blood flow diminishes and reaches a level that is insufficient to meet the biological needs of one or more organs. The end result is defined as ischemia. One purpose of a stent is to open a blocked or partially blocked body passageway. When a stent is used in a blood vessel, the stent is used to open the occluded vessel to achieve improved blood flow which is necessary to provide for the anatomical function of an organ. The procedure of opening a blocked or partially blocked body passageway commonly includes the use of one or more stents in combination with other medical devices such as, but not limited to, an introducer sheath, a guiding catheter, a guide wire, an angioplasty balloon, etc. During the insertion of the stent, some disruption of the native body passageway can occur. This disruption to the body passageway can start a cascade of biological occurrences that can hinder the function of the implanted stent. When a stent is inserted into a blood vessel, a) platelets can be activated, b) smooth muscle cells can migrate and/or c) endothelial cells, which protect the vessel, can be disrupted thus leading to the cascade of clot formation. Clot formation can lead to the failure of the stent. The accumulation of platelets about the implanted stent is known as thrombosis. Another medical procedure that is utilized frequently involves bypass (heart surgery), or peripheral (non-cardiac) grafting. This medical procedure entails using a surgical graft constructed of an artificial material that replaces or by-passes the diseased portion of the vessel. This procedure is accomplished by ligating the diseased portion of the vessel, temporarily stopping blood flow, and physically sewing in the surgical with a suture. The failure of the medical procedure commonly occurs at the suture (anastomoses) site. When the surgical graft is connected to a blood vessel, a) platelets can be activated, b) smooth muscle cells can migrate and/or c) endothelial cells, which protect the vessel, can be disrupted thus leading to the cascade of clot formation. The clot formation can lead to the failure of the surgical graft. The accumulation of platelets about the sutured regions is also known as thrombosis. During the insertion of the stent, some disruption of the native body passageway typically occurs. This disruption to the body passageway can start a cascade of biological occurrences that can hinder the function of the implanted stent. When a stent is inserted into a blood vessel, a) platelets can be activated, b) smooth muscle cells can migrate and/or c) endothelial cells, which protect the vessel. Such events can result in in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing and/or restenosis. These failures can then lead to repeat procedures, amputation and/or other medical complications. During and after a medical procedure, the patient is commonly placed on aggressive anti-platelet and/or anti-coagulation therapy. A major concern and side effect of such treatment is an increased incidence of bleeding complications. These bleeding complications can make the most routine procedure such as getting your teeth cleaned prohibited. Many other types of diseases are treatable with stents, catheters, surgical grafts, and/or other devices inserted into vessels or other locations in the body. In addition, various types of orthopedic devices can be used to treat various diseased and/or damaged areas of a body. One desirable technique would be to deliver one or more biological agents directly to the site that has been treated and/or at the site of potential failure once a medical device has been inserted in the treatment site. In one non-limiting example, it would be desirable to have a medical device and/or a medical method or technique that can be used to deliver an anti-platelet and/or other medication to the region of a body passageway which has been treated by a stent or by another interventional technique. In another and/or alternative non-limiting example, it would be desirable to have a medical device that could deliver one or more biological agents over the short term (e.g, seconds, minutes, hours, days) with a potential controlled and/or uncontrolled burst effect of the one or more biological agents, and/or the long term (e.g., days, weeks, months, years) after the initial implantation of the medical device. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting example, it would be desirable to provide control over the delivery rate of one or more biological agents from the medical device, thus limiting or eliminating the systemic effects of taking a drug (e.g, orally, intravenously, etc.) over extended periods of time. In view of the present state of medical device technology, there is a need and demand for a medical device that has improved procedural success rates and which inhibits or prevents the occurrence medical complications and/or failure rates of the implanted medical device. There is also a need and demand for a medical device in the form of a stent or surgical graft that has improved procedural success rates and which inhibits or prevents in-stent restenosis, vascular-narrowing and/or restenosis long after the stent or surgical graft has been inserted into the body passageway. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The previously mentioned shortcomings of prior art medical devices are addressed by the novel medical device of the present invention. The medical device of the present invention can be designed to be capable of delivering one or more biological agents at and/or in close proximity to a diseased and/or treated area. The medical device in accordance with the present invention can be in the form of a stent or a surgical graft for use in a body passageway. As defined herein, the term �body passageway� is defined to be any passageway or cavity in a living organism (e.g., bile duct, bronchiole tubes, nasal cavity, blood vessels, heart, esophagus, trachea, stomach, fallopian tube, uterus, ureter, urethra, the intestines, lymphatic vessels, nasal passageways, eustachian tube, acoustic meatus, etc.). The techniques employed to deliver the medical device to a treatment area include, but are not limited to, angioplasty, vascular anastomoses, transplantation, implantation, subcutaneous introduction, minimally invasive surgical procedures, injection, topical applications, bolus administration, infusion, interventional procedures, and any combinations thereof. For vascular applications, the term �body passageway� primarily refers to blood vessels and chambers in the heart. When the medical device is in the form of a stent, the stent can be an expandable stent that is expandable by a balloon and/or other means. The stent can have many shapes and forms. Such shapes can include, but are not limited to, stents disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,206,916 and 6,436,133; and all the prior art cited in these patents. These various designs and configurations of stents in such patents are incorporated herein by reference. In one non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device has one or more features that at least partially result in the inhibition or prevention of in-stent restenosis and/or thrombosis after the medical device has been implanted in a treatment area. These features include, but are not limited to, 1) the shape and/or profile of the medical device, 2) the one or more materials that are used to at least partially form the medical device, and/or 3) the one or more biological agents that are at least partially coated on, contained therein and/or included in the medical device. The medical device can be designed such that the need or use of body-wide therapy for extended periods of time to inhibit or prevent the occurrence of in-stent restenosis and/or thrombosis is not required in conjunction with the medical device of the present invention. The medical device of the present invention can be applied or inserted into a treatment area and 1) merely require reduced use of body wide therapy after application or insertion of the medical device, or 2) does not require use of body wide therapy after application or insertion of the medical device. As such, the medical device of the present invention can be designed to be inserted in a treatment area without any temporary use and/or without extended use of body wide therapy after the medical device has been inserted in the treatment area. In another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device can include, contain and/or be coated with one or more biological agents that inhibits or prevents in-stent restenosis and/or thrombosis during and/or after the medical device has been inserted into a treatment area. In one non-limiting embodiment, the one or more biological agents that can be include with, contained in and/or be coated on the medical device include, but are not limited to, an anti-platelet compound and/or anticoagulant compound such as, but not limited to, warfarin (Coumadin), warfarin derivatives, aspirin, aspirin derivatives, clopidogrel, clopidogrel derivatives, ticlopadine, ticlopadine derivatives, hirdun, hirdun derivatives, dipyridamole, dipyridamole derivatives, trapidil, trapidil derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, heparin, heparin derivatives, low molecular weight heparin, low molecular weight heparin derivatives, or combinations thereof. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device can include, contain and/or be coated with one or more biological agents that facilitate in the success of the medical device and/or treated area. As indicated above, the medical device can include, contain and/or be coated with one or more biological agents that inhibit or prevent in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis during and/or after the medical device is inserted into a treatment area. In addition or alternatively, the medical device can include, contain and/or be coated with one or more biological agents that can be used in conjunction with the one or more biological agents that inhibit or prevent in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis that are included in, contained in and/or coated in the medical device. As such, the medical device, when it includes, contains and/or is coated with one or more biological agents, can include one or more biological agents that inhibit or prevent in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis and/or perform one or more other function(s). The term �biological agent� includes, but is not limited to, a substance, drug or otherwise formulated and/or designed to prevent, inhibit and/or treat one or more biological problems, and/or to promote the healing in a treated area. Non-limiting examples of biological problems that can be addressed by one or more biological agents include, but are not limited to, viral, fungus and/or bacteria infection; vascular diseases and/or disorders; digestive diseases and/or disorders; reproductive diseases and/or disorders; lymphatic diseases and/or disorders; cancer; implant rejection; pain; nausea; swelling; arthritis; bone diseases and/or disorders; organ failure; immunity diseases and/or disorders; cholesterol problems; blood diseases and/or disorders; lung diseases and/or disorders; heart diseases and/or disorders; brain diseases and/or disorders; neuralgia diseases and/or disorders; kidney diseases and/or disorders; ulcers; liver diseases and/or disorders; intestinal diseases and/or disorders; gallbladder diseases and/or disorders; pancreatic diseases and/or disorders; psychological disorders; respiratory diseases and/or disorders; gland diseases and/or disorders; skin diseases and/or disorders; hearing diseases and/or disorders; oral diseases and/or disorders; nasal diseases and/or disorders; eye diseases and/or disorders; fatigue; genetic diseases and/or disorders; bums; scarring and/or scars; trauma; weight diseases and/or disorders; addiction diseases and/or disorders; hair loss; cramps; muscle spasms; tissue repair; and/or the like. Non-limiting examples of biological agents that can be used include, but are not limited to, 5-Fluorouracil and/or derivatives thereof; 5-Phenylmethimazole and/or derivatives thereof; ACE inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof; acenocoumarol and/or derivatives thereof; acyclovir and/or derivatives thereof; actilyse and/or derivatives thereof; adrenocorticotropic hormone and/or derivatives thereof; adriamycin and/or derivatives thereof; agents that modulate intracellular Ca2+ transport such as L-type (e.g., diltiazem, nifedipine, verapamil, etc.) or T-type Ca2+ channel blockers (e.g., amiloride, etc.); alpha-adrenergic blocking agents and/or derivatives thereof; alteplase and/or derivatives thereof; amino glycosides and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., gentarnycin, tobramycin, etc.); angiopeptin and/or derivatives thereof; angiostatic steroid and/or derivatives thereof; angiotensin II receptor antagonists and/or derivatives thereof; anistreplase and/or derivatives thereof; antagonists of vascular epithelial growth factor and/or derivatives thereof; anti-biotics; anti-coagulant compounds and/or derivatives thereof; anti-fibrosis compounds and/or derivatives thereof; anti-fungal compounds and/or derivatives thereof; anti-inflammatory compounds and/or derivatives thereof; Anti-Invasive Factor and/or derivatives thereof; anti-metabolite compounds and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., staurosporin, trichothecenes, and modified diphtheria and ricin toxins, Pseudomonas exotoxin, etc.); anti-matrix compounds and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., colchicine, tamoxifen, etc.); anti-microbial agents and/or derivatives thereof; anti-migratory agents and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., caffeic acid derivatives, nilvadipine, etc.); anti-mitotic compounds and/or derivatives thereof; anti-neoplastic compounds and/or derivatives thereof; anti-oxidants and/or derivatives thereof; anti-platelet compounds and/or derivatives thereof; anti-proliferative and/or derivatives thereof; anti-thrombogenic agents and/or derivatives thereof; argatroban and/or derivatives thereof; ap-1 inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., for tyrosine kinase, protein kinase C, myosin light chain kinase, Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II, casein kinase II, etc.); aspirin and/or derivatives thereof; azathioprine and/or derivatives thereof; β-Estradiol and/or derivatives thereof; β-1-anticollagenase and/or derivatives thereof; calcium channel blockers and/or derivatives thereof; calmodulin antagonists and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., H7, etc.); CAPTOPRIL and/or derivatives thereof; cartilage-derived inhibitor and/or derivatives thereof; ChIMP-3 and/or derivatives thereof; cephalosporin and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., cefadroxil, cefazolin, cefaclor, etc.); chloroquine and/or derivatives thereof; chemotherapeutic compounds and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, vinblastine, cisplatin, doxyrubicin, adriamycin, tamocifen, etc.); chymostatin and/or derivatives thereof; CILAZAPRIL and/or derivatives thereof; clopidigrel and/or derivatives thereof; clotrimazole and/or derivatives thereof; colchicine and/or derivatives thereof; cortisone and/or derivatives thereof; coumadin and/or derivatives thereof; curacin-A and/or derivatives thereof; cyclosporine and/or derivatives thereof; cytochalasin and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., cytochalasin A, cytochalasin B, cytochalasin C, cytochalasin D, cytochalasin E, cytochalasin F, cytochalasin G, cytochalasin H, cytochalasin J, cytochalasin K, cytochalasin L, cytochalasin M, cytochalasin N, cytochalasin O, cytochalasin P, cytochalasin Q, cytochalasin R, cytochalasin S, chaetoglobosin A, chaetoglobosin B, chaetoglobosin C, chaetoglobosin D, chaetoglobosin E, chaetoglobosin F, chaetoglobosin G, chaetoglobosin J, chaetoglobosin K, deoxaphomin, proxiphomin, protophomin, zygosporin D, zygosporin E, zygosporin F, zygosporin G, aspochalasin B, aspochalasin C, aspochalasin D, etc.); cytokines and/or derivatives thereof; desirudin and/or derivatives thereof; dexamethazone and/or derivatives thereof; dipyridamole and/or derivatives thereof; eminase and/or derivatives thereof; endothelin and/or derivatives thereof; endothelial growth factor and/or derivatives thereof; epidermal growth factor and/or derivatives thereof; epothilone and/or derivatives thereof; estramustine and/or derivatives thereof; estrogen and/or derivatives thereof; fenoprofen and/or derivatives thereof; fluorouracil and/or derivatives thereof; flucytosine and/or derivatives thereof; forskolin and/or derivatives thereof; ganciclovir and/or derivatives thereof; glucocorticoids and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., dexamethasone, betamethasone, etc.); glycoprotein IIb/IIa platelet membrane receptor antibody and/or derivatives thereof; GM-CSF and/or derivatives thereof; griseofulvin and/or derivatives thereof; growth factors and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., VEGF; TGF; IGF; PDGF; FGF, etc.); growth hormone and/or derivatives thereof; heparin and/or derivatives thereof; hirudin and/or derivatives thereof; hyaluronate and/or derivatives thereof; hydrocortisone and/or derivatives thereof; ibuprofen and/or derivatives thereof; immunosuppressive agents and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., adrenocorticosteroids, cyclosporine, etc.); indomethacin and/or derivatives thereof; inhibitors of the sodium/calcium antiporter and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., amiloride, etc.); inhibitors of the IP3 receptor and/or derivatives thereof; inhibitors of the sodium/hydrogen antiporter and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., amiloride and derivatives thereof, etc.); insulin and/or derivatives thereof; Interferon alpha 2 Macroglobulin and/or derivatives thereof; ketoconazole and/or derivatives thereof; Lepirudin and/or derivatives thereof; LISINOPRIL and/or derivatives thereof; LOVASTATIN and/or derivatives thereof; marevan and/or derivatives thereof; mefloquine and/or derivatives thereof; metalloproteinase inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof; methotrexate and/or derivatives thereof; metronidazole and/or derivatives thereof; miconazole and/or derivatives thereof; monoclonal antibodies and/or derivatives thereof; mutamycin and/or derivatives thereof; naproxen and/or derivatives thereof; nitric oxide and/or derivatives thereof; nitroprusside and/or derivatives thereof; nucleic acid analogues and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., peptide nucleic acids, etc.); nystatin and/or derivatives thereof; oligonucleotides and/or derivatives thereof; paclitaxel and/or derivatives thereof; penicillin and/or derivatives thereof; pentamidine isethionate and/or derivatives thereof; phenindione and/or derivatives thereof; phenylbutazone and/or derivatives thereof; phosphodiesterase inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof; Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 and/or derivatives thereof; Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-2 and/or derivatives thereof; Platelet Factor 4 and/or derivatives thereof; platelet derived growth factor and/or derivatives thereof; plavix and/or derivatives thereof; POSTMI 75 and/or derivatives thereof; prednisone and/or derivatives thereof; prednisolone and/or derivatives thereof; probucol and/or derivatives thereof; progesterone and/or derivatives thereof; prostacyclin and/or derivatives thereof; prostaglandin inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof; protamine and/or derivatives thereof; protease and/or derivatives thereof; protein kinase inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., staurosporin, etc.); quinine and/or derivatives thereof; radioactive agents and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., Cu-64, Ca-67, Cs-131, Ga-68, Zr-89, Ku-97, Tc-99 m, Rh-105, Pd-103, Pd-109, In-111, I-123, I-125, I-131, Re-186, Re-188, Au-198, Au-199, Pb-203, At-211, Pb-212, Bi-212, H3P32O4, etc.); rapamycin and/or derivatives thereof; receptor antagonists for histamine and/or derivatives thereof; refludan and/or derivatives thereof; retinoic acids and/or derivatives thereof; revasc and/or derivatives thereof; rifamycin and/or derivatives thereof; sense or anti-sense oligonucleotides and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., DNA, RNA, plasmid DNA, plasmid RNA, etc.); seramin and/or derivatives thereof; steroids; seramin and/or derivatives thereof; serotonin and/or derivatives thereof; serotonin blockers and/or derivatives thereof; streptokinase and/or derivatives thereof; sulfasalazine and/or derivatives thereof; sulfonamides and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., sulfamethoxazole, etc.); sulphated chitin derivatives; Sulphated Polysaccharide Peptidoglycan Complex and/or derivatives thereof; THl and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., Interleukins-2, -12, and -1 5, gamma interferon, etc.); thioprotese inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof; taxol and/or derivatives thereof (e.g., taxotere, baccatin, 10-deacetyltaxol, 7-xylosyl-I0-deacetyltaxol, cephalomannine, 10-deacetyl-7-epitaxol, 7 epitaxol, 10-deacetylbaccatin III, 10-deacetylcephaolmannine, etc.); ticlid and/or derivatives thereof; ticlopidine and/or derivatives thereof; tick anti-coagulant peptide and/or derivatives thereof; thioprotese inhibitors and/or derivatives thereof; thyroid hormone and/or derivatives thereof; Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 and/or derivatives thereof; Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2 and/or derivatives thereof; tissue plasma activators; TNF and/or derivatives thereof, tocopherol and/or derivatives thereof; toxins and/or derivatives thereof; tranilast and/or derivatives thereof; transforming growth factors alpha and beta and/or derivatives thereof; trapidil and/or derivatives thereof; triazolopyrimidine and/or derivatives thereof; vapiprost and/or derivatives thereof; vinblastine and/or derivatives thereof; vincristine and/or derivatives thereof; zidovudine and/or derivatives thereof. As can be appreciated, the biological agent can include one or more derivatives of the above listed compounds and/or other compounds. In one non-limiting embodiment, the biological agent includes, but is not limited to, trapidil, trapidil derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The type and/or amount of biological agent included on, in and/or in conjunction with the medical device is generally selected for the treatment of one or more medical treatments. Typically the amount of biological agent included on, in and/or used in conjunction with the medical device is about 0.01-100 ug per mm2; however, other amounts can be used. The amount of two of more biological agents on, in and/or used in conjunction with the medical device can be the same or different. In one non-limiting example, the medical device can be coated with and/or includes one or more biological agents such as, but not limited to, trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives (e.g., taxotere, baccatin, 10-deacetyltaxol, 7-xylosyl-10-deacetyltaxol, cephalomannine, 10-deacetyl-7-epitaxol, 7 epitaxol, 10-deacetylbaccatin III, 10-deacetylcephaolmannine, etc.), cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives (e.g., cytochalasin A, cytochalasin B, cytochalasin C, cytochalasin D, cytochalasin E, cytochalasin F, cytochalasin G, cytochalasin H, cytochalasin J, cytochalasin K, cytochalasin L, cytochalasin M, cytochalasin N, cytochalasin O, cytochalasin P, cytochalasin Q, cytochalasin R, cytochalasin S, chaetoglobosin A, chaetoglobosin B, chaetoglobosin C, chaetoglobosin D, chaetoglobosin E, chaetoglobosin F, chaetoglobosin G, chaetoglobosin J, chaetoglobosin K, deoxaphomin, proxiphomin, protophomin, zygosporin D, zygosporin E, zygosporin F, zygosporin G, aspochalasin B, aspochalasin C, aspochalasin D, etc.), paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF (granulo-cyte-macrophage colony-stimulating-factor), GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. In one non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the medical device can be partially of fully coated with one or more biological agents, impregnated with one or more biological agents to facilitate in the success of a particular medical procedure. The one or more biological agents can be coated on and/or impregnated in the medical device by a variety of mechanisms such as, but not limited to, spraying (e.g., atomizing spray techniques, etc.), dip coating, roll coating, sonication, brushing, plasma deposition, depositing by vapor deposition. In another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the type and/or amount of biological agent included on, in and/or in conjunction with the medical device is generally selected for the treatment of one or more medical treatments. Typically the amount of biological agent included on, in and/or used in conjunction with the medical device is about 0.01-100 ug per mm2; however, other amounts can be used. The amount of two of more biological agents on, in and/or used in conjunction with the medical device can be the same or different. For instance, one or more biological agents can be coated on, and/or incorporated in one or more portions of the medical device to provide local and/or systemic delivery of one or more biological agents in and/or to a body passageway to a) inhibit or prevent thrombosis, in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing and/or restenosis after the medical device has been inserted in and/or connected to a body passageway, b) at least partially passivate, remove and/or dissolve lipids, fibroblast, fibrin, etc. in a body passageway so as to at least partially remove such materials and/or to passivate such vulnerable materials (e.g., vulnerable plaque, etc.) in the body passageway in the region of the medical device and/or down stream of the medical device. As can be appreciated, the one or more biological agents can have many other or additional uses. In another and/or alternative non-limiting example, the medical device is coated with and/or includes one or more biological agents such as, but not limited to, trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, c),tochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting example, the medical device is coated with and/or includes one or more biological agents such as, but not limited to trapidil, trapidil derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof, and one or more additional biological agents, such as, but not limited to, biological agents associated with thrombolytics, vasodilators, anti-hypertensive agents, anti-microbial or anti-biotic, anti-mitotic, anti-proliferative, anti-secretory agents, non-steroidal anti-inflamrnatory drugs, immunosuppressive agents, growth factors and growth factor antagonists, antitumor and/or chemotherapeutic agents, anti-polymerases, anti-viral agents, anti-body targeted therapy agents, hormones, anti-oxidants, biologic components, radio-therapeutic agents, radiopaque agents and/or radio-labeled agents. In addition to these biological agents, the medical device can be coated with and/or include one or more biological agents that are capable of inhibiting or preventing any adverse biological response by and/or to the medical device that could possibly lead to device failure and/or an adverse reaction by human or animal tissue. A wide range of biological agents thus can be used. In a further and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the one or more biological agents on and/or in the medical device, when used on the medical device, can be released in a controlled manner so the area in question to be treated is provided with the desired dosage of biological agent over a sustained period of time. As can be appreciated, controlled release of one or more biological agents on the medical device is not always required and/or desirable. As such, one or more of the biological agents on and/or in the medical device can be uncontrollably released from the medical device during and/or after insertion of the medical device in the treatment area. It can also be appreciated that one or more biological agents on and/or in the medical device can be controllably released from the medical device and one or more biological agents on and/or in the medical device can be uncontrollably released from the medical device. It can also be appreciated that one or more biological agents on and/or in one region of the medical device can be controllably released from the medical device and one or more biological agents on and/or in the medical device can be uncontrollably released from another region on the medical device. As such, the medical device can be designed such that 1) all the biological agent on and/or in the medical device is controllably released, 2) some of the biological agent on and/or in the medical device is controllably released and some of the biological agent on the medical device is non-controllably released, or 3) none of the biological agent on and/or in the medical device is controllably released. The medical device can also be designed such that the rate of release of the one or more biological agents from the medical device is the same or different. The medical device can also be designed such that the rate of release of the one or more biological agents from one or more regions on the medical device is the same or different. Non-limiting arrangements that can be used to control the release of one or more biological agent from the medical device include a) at least partially coat one or more biological agents with one or more polymers, b) at least partially incorporate and/or at least partially encapsulate one or more biological agents into and/or with one or more polymers, and/or c) insert one or more biological agents in pores, passageway, cavities, etc. in the medical device and at least partially coat or cover such pores, passageway, cavities, etc. with one or more polymers. As can be appreciated, other or additional arrangements can be used to control the release of one or more biological agent from the medical device. The one or more polymers used to at least partially control the release of one or more biological agent from the medical device can be porous or non-porous. The one or more biological agents can be inserted into and/or applied to one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures on the medical device, and/or be used to at least partially form one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures on the medical device. As such, the one or more biological agents on the medical device can be 1) coated on one or more surface regions of the medical device, 2) inserted and/or impregnated in one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures, etc. of the medical device, and/or 3) form at least a portion or be included in at least a portion of the structure of the medical device. When the one or more biological agents are coated on the medical device, the one or more biological agents can 1) be directly coated on one or more surfaces of the medical device, 2) be mixed with one or more coating polymers or other coating materials and then at least partially coated on one or more surfaces of the medical device, 3) be at least partially coated on the surface of another coating material that has been at least partially coated on the medical device, and/or 4) be at least partially encapsulated between a) a surface or region of the medical device and one or more other coating materials and/or b) two or more other coating materials. As can be appreciated, many other coating arrangements can be additionally or alternatively used. When the one or more biological agents are inserted and/or impregnated in one or more internal structures, surface structures and/or micro-structures of the medical device, 1) one or more other coating materials can be applied at least partially over the one or more internal structures, surface structures and/or micro-structures of the medical device, and/or 2) one or more polymers can be combined with one or more biological agents. As such, the one or more biological agents can be 1) embedded in the structure of the medical device; 2) positioned in one or more internal structures of the medical device; 3) encapsulated between two polymer coatings; 4) encapsulated between the base structure and a polymer coating; 5) mixed in the base structure of the medical device that includes at least one polymer coating; or 6) one or more combinations of 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5. In addition or alternatively, the one or more coating of the one or more polymers on the medical device can include 1) one or more coatings of non-porous polymers; 2) one or more coatings of a combination of one or more porous polymers and one or more non-porous polymers; 3) one or more coating of porous polymer, or 4) one or more combinations of options 1, 2, and 3. As can be appreciated different biological. agents can be located in and/or between different polymer coating layers and/or on and/or the structure of the medical device. As can also be appreciated, many other and/or additional coating combinations and/or configurations can be used. The concentration of one or more biological agents, the type of polymer, the type and/or shape of internal structures in the medical device and/or the coating thickness of one or more biological agents can be used to control the release time, the release rate and/or the dosage amount of one or more biological agents; however, other or additional combinations can be used. As such, the biological agent and polymer system combination and location on the medical device can be numerous. As can also be appreciated, one or more biological agents can be deposited on the top surface of the medical device to provide an initial uncontrolled burst effect of the one or more biological agents prior to 1) the control release of the one or more biological agents through one or more layers of polymer system that include one or more non-porous polymers and/or 2) the uncontrolled release of the one or more biological agents through one or more layers of polymer system. The one or more biological agents and/or polymers can be coated on the medical device by a variety of mechanisms such as, but not limited to, spraying (e.g., atomizing spray techniques, etc.), dip coating, roll coating, sonication, brushing, plasma deposition, and/or depositing by vapor deposition. The thickness of each polymer layer and/or layer of biological agent is generally at least about 0.01 μm and is generally less than about 150 μm. In one non-limiting embodiment, the thickness of a polymer layer and/or layer of biological agent is about 0.02-75μm, more particularly about 0.05-50 μm, and even more particularly about 1-30 μm. When the medical device includes and/or is coated with one or more biological agents such that at least one of the biological agents is at least partially controllably released from the medical device, the need or use of body-wide therapy for extended periods of time can be reduced or eliminated. In the past, the use of body-wide therapy was used by the patient long after the patient left the hospital or other type of medical facility. This body-wide therapy could last days, weeks, months or sometimes over a year after surgery. The medical device of the present invention can be applied or inserted into a treatment area and 1) merely requires reduced use and/or extended use of body wide therapy after application or insertion of the medical device or 2) does not require use and/or extended use of body wide therapy after application or insertion of the medical device. As can be appreciated, use and/or extended use of body wide therapy can be used after application or insertion of the medical device at the treatment area. In one non-limiting example, no body-wide therapy is needed after the insertion of the medical device into a patient. In another and/or alternative non-limiting example, short term use of body-wide therapy is needed or used after the insertion of the medical device into a patient. Such short term use can be terminated after the release of the patient from the hospital or other type of medical facility, or one to two days or weeks after the release of the patient from the hospital or other type of medical facility; however, it will be appreciated that other time periods of body-wide therapy can be used. As a result of the use of the medical device of the present invention, the use of body-wide therapy after a medical procedure involving the insertion of a medical device into a treatment area can be significantly reduced or eliminated. In another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, controlled release of one or more biological agents from the medical device, when controlled release is desired, can be accomplished by using one or more non-porous polymer layers; however, other and/or additional mechanisms can be used to controllably release the one or more biological agents. The one or more biological agents are at least partially controllably released by molecular diffusion through the one or more non-porous polymer layers. When one or more non-porous polymer layers are used, the one or more polymer layers are typically biocompatible polymers; however, this is not required. The one or more non-porous polymers can be applied to the medical device without the use of chemical, solvents, and/or catalysts; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting example, the non-porous polymer can be at least partially applied by, but not limited to, vapor deposition and/or plasma deposition. The non-porous polymer can be selected so as to polymerize and cure merely upon condensation from the vapor phase; however, this is not required. The application of the one or more non-porous polymer layers can be accomplished without increasing the temperature above ambient temperature (e.g., 65-90� F.); however, this is not required. The non-porous polymer system can be mixed with one or more biological agents prior to being coated on the medical device and/or be coated on a medical device that previously included one or more biological agents; however, this is not required. The use or one or more non-porous polymer layers allow for accurate controlled release of the biological agent from the medical device. The controlled release of one or more biological agents through the non-porous polymer is at least partially controlled on a molecular level utilizing the motility of diffusion of the biological agent through the non-porous polymer. In one non-limiting example, the one or more non-porous polymer layers can include, but are not limited to, polyamide, parylene (e.g., parylene C, parylene N) and/or a parylene derivative. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, controlled release of one or more biological agents from the medical device, when controlled release is desired, can be accomplished by using one or more polymers that form a chemical bond with one or more biological agents. In one non-limiting example, at least one biological agent includes trapidil, trapidil derivative or a salt thereof that is covalently bonded to at least one polymer such as, but not limited to, an ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer. The ethylene is the hydrophobic group and acrylic acid is the hydrophilic group. The mole ratio of the ethylene to the acrylic acid in the copolymer can be used to control the hydrophobicity of the copolymer. The degree of hydrophobicity of one or more polymers can be also be used to control the release rate of one or more biological agents from the one or more polymers. The amount of biological agent that can be loaded with one or more polymers may be a function of the concentration of anionic groups and/or cationic groups in the one or more polymer. For biological agents that are anionic, the concentration of biological agent that can be loaded on the one or more polymers is generally a function of the concentration of cationic groups (e.g. amine groups and the like) in the one or more polymer and the fraction of these cationic groups that can ionically bind to the anionic form of the one or more biological agents. For biological agents that are cationic (e.g., trapidil, etc.), the concentration of biological agent that can be loaded on the one or more polymers is generally a function of the concentration of anionic groups (i.e., carboxylate groups, phosphate groups, sulfate groups, and/or other organic anionic groups) in the one or more polymers, and the fraction of these anionic groups that can ionically bind to the cationic form of the one or more biological agents. As such, the concentration of one or more biological agent that can be bound to the one or more polymers can be varied by controlling the amount of hydrophobic and hydrophilic monomer in the one or more polymers, by controlling the efficiency of salt formation between the biological agent, and/or the anionic/cationic groups in the one or more polymers. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, controlled release of one or more biological agents from the medical device, when controlled release is desired, can be accomplished by using one or more polymers that include one or more induced cross-links. These one or more cross-links can be used to at least partially control the rate of release of the one or more biological agents from the one or more polymers. The cross-linking in the one or more polymers can be instituted by a number to techniques such as, but not limited to, using catalysts, using radiation, using heat, and/or the like. The one or more cross-links formed in the one or more polymers can result in the one or more biological agents to become partially or fully entrapped within the cross-linking, and/or form a bond with the cross-linking. As such, the partially or fully biological agent takes longer to release itself from the cross-linking, thereby delaying the release rate of the one or more biological agents from the one or more polymers. Consequently, the amount of biological agent, and/or the rate at which the biological agent is released from the medical device over time can be at least partially controlled by the amount or degree of cross-linking in the one or more polymers. In still a further and/or alternative aspect of the present invention, a variety of polymers can be coated on the medical device and/or be used to form at least a portion of the medical device. The one or more polymers can be used on the medical for a variety of reasons such as, but not limited to, 1) forming a portion of the medical device, 2) improving a physical property of the medical device (e.g., improve strength, improve durability, improve biocompatibility, reduce friction, etc.), 3) forming a protective coating on one or more surface structures on the medical device, 4) at least partially forming one or more surface structures on the medical device, and/or 5) at least partially controlling a release rate of one or more biological agents from the medical device. As can be appreciated, the one or more polymers can have other or additional uses on the medical device. The one or more polymers can be porous, non-porous, biostable, biodegradable (i.e., dissolves, degrades, is absorbed, or any combination thereof in the body), and/or biocompatible. When the medical device is coated with one or more polymers, the polymer can include 1) one or more coatings of non-porous polymers; 2) one or more coatings of a combination of one or more porous polymers and one or more non-porous polymers; 3) one or more coatings of one or more porous polymers and one or more coatings of one or more non-porous polymers; 4) one or more coating of porous polymer, or 5) one or more combinations of options 1, 2, 3 and 4. The thickness of one or more of the polymer layers can be the same or different. When one or more layers of polymer are coated onto at least a portion of the medical device, the one or more coatings can be applied by a variety of techniques such as, but not limited to, vapor deposition and/or plasma deposition, spraying, dip-coating, roll coating, sonication, atomization, brushing and/or the like; however, other or additional coating techniques can be used. The one or more polymers that can be coated on the medical device and/or used to at least partially form the medical device can be polymers that considered to be biodegradable, bioresorbable, or bioerodable; polymers that are considered to be biostable; and/or polymers that can be made to be biodegradable and/or bioresorbable with modification. Non-limiting examples of polymers that are considered to be biodegradable, bioresorbable, or bioerodable include, but are not limited to, aliphatic polyesters; poly(glycolic acid) and/or copolymers thereof (e.g., poly(glycolide trimethylene carbonate); poly(caprolactone glycolide)); poly(lactic acid) and/or isomers thereof (e.g., poly-L(lactic acid) and/or poly-D Lactic acid) and/or copolymers thereof (e.g. DL-PLA), with and without additives (e.g. calcium phosphate glass), and/or other copolymers (e.g. poly(caprolactone lactide), poly(lactide glycolide), poly(lactic acid ethylene glycol)); poly(ethylene glycol); poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate; poly(lactide); polyalkylene succinate; polybutylene diglycolate; polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB); polyhydroxyvalerate (PHV); polyhydroxybutyrate/polyhydroxyvalerate copolymer (PHB/PHV); poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate); polyhydroxyalkaoates (PHA); polycaprolactone; poly(caprolactone-polyethylene glycol) copolymer; poly(valerolactone); polyanhydrides; poly(orthoesters) and/or blends with polyanhydrides; poly(anhydride-co-imide); polycarbonates (aliphatic); poly(hydroxyl-esters); polydioxanone; polyanhydrides; polyanhydride esters; polycyanoacrylates; poly(alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates); poly(amino acids); poly(phosphazenes); poly(propylene fumarate); poly(propylene fumarate-co-ethylene glycol); poly(fumarate anhydrides); fibrinogen; fibrin; gelatin; cellulose and/or cellulose derivatives and/or cellulosic polymers (e.g., cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, cellulose butyrate, cellulose ethers, cellulose nitrate, cellulose propionate, cellophane); chitosan and/or chitosan derivatives (e.g., chitosan NOCC, chitosan NOOC-G); alginate; polysaccharides; starch; amylase; collagen; polycarboxylic acids; poly(ethyl ester-co-carboxylate carbonate) (and/or other tyrosine derived polycarbonates); poly(iminocarbonate); poly(BPA-iminocarbonate); poly(trimethylene carbonate); poly(iminocarbonate-amide) copolymers and/or other pseudo-poly(amino acids); poly(ethylene glycol); poly(ethylene oxide); poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(butylene terephthalate) copolymer; poly(epsilon-caprolactone-dimethyltrimethylene carbonate); poly(ester amide); poly(amino acids) and conventional synthetic polymers thereof; poly(alkylene oxalates); poly(alkylcarbonate); poly(adipic anhydride); nylon copolyamides; NO-carboxymethyl chitosan NOCC); carboxymethyl cellulose; copoly(ether-esters) (e.g., PEO/PLA dextrans); polyketals; biodegradable polyethers; biodegradable polyesters; polydihydropyrans; polydepsipeptides; polyarylates (L-tyrosine-derived) and/or free acid polyarylates; polyamides (e.g., Nylon 66, polycaprolactam); poly(propylene fumarate-co-ethylene glycol) (e.g., fumarate anhydrides); hyaluronates; poly-p-dioxanone; polypeptides and proteins; polyphosphoester; polyphosphoester urethane; polysaccharides; pseudo-poly(amino acids); starch; terpolymer; (copolymers of glycolide, lactide, or dimethyltrimethylene carbonate); rayon; rayon triacetate; latex; and/pr copolymers, blends, and/or composites of above. Non-limiting examples of polymers that considered to be biostable include, but are not limited to, parylene; parylene c; parylene f; parylene n; parylene derivatives; maleic anyhydride polymers; phosphorylcholine; poly n-butyl methacrylate (PBMA); polyethylene-co-vinyl acetate (PEVA); PBMA/PEVA blend or copolymer; poly,tetrafluoroethene (Teflon� and derivatives; poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide (Kevlar�); poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK); poly(styrene-b-isobutylene-b-styrene) (Translute�); tetramethyldisiloxane (side chain or copolymer); polyimides polysulfides; poly(ethylene terephthalate); poly(methyl methacrylate); poly(ethylene-co-methyl methacrylate); styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene block copolymers; ABS; SAN; acrylic polymers and/or copolymers (e.g., n-butyl-acrylate, n-butyl methacrylate, 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, lauryl-acrylate, 2-hydroxy-propyl acrylate, polyhydroxyethyl, methacrylate/methylmethacrylate copolymers); glycosaminoglycans; alkyd resins; elastin; polyether sulfones; epoxy resin; poly(oxymethylene); polyolefins; polymers of silicone; polymers of methane; polyisobutylene; ethylene-alphaolefin copolymers; polyethylene; polyacrylonitrile; fluorosilicones; poly(propylene oxide); polyvinyl aromatics (e.g. polystyrene); poly(vinyl ethers) (e.g. polyvinyl methyl ether); poly(vinyl ketones); poly(vinylidene halides) (e.g. polyvinylidene fluoride, polyvinylidene chloride); poly(vinylpyrolidone); poly(vinylpyrolidone)/vinyl acetate copolymer; polyvinylpridine prolastin or silk-elastin polymers (SELP); silicone; silicone rubber; polyurethanes (polycarbonate polyurethanes, silicone urethane polymer) (e.g., chronoflex varieties, bionate varieties); vinyl halide polymers and/or copolymers (e.g. polyvinyl chloride); polyacrylic acid; ethylene acrylic acid copolymer; ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer; polyvinyl alcohol; poly(hydroxyl alkylmethacrylate); Polyvinyl esters (e.g. polyvinyl acetate); and/or copolymers, blends, and/or composites of above. Non-limiting examples of polymers that can be made to be biodegradable and/or bioresorbable with modification include, but are not limited to, hyaluronic acid (hyanluron); polycarbonates; polyorthocarbonates; copolymers of vinyl monomers; polyacetals; biodegradable polyurethanes; polyacrylamide; polyisocyanates; polyamide; and/or copolymers, blends, and/or composites of above. As can be appreciated, other and/or additional polymers and/or derivatives of one or more of the above listed polymers can be used. The one or more polymers can be coated on the medical device by a variety of mechanisms such as, but not limited to, spraying (e.g., atomizing spray techniques, etc.), dip coating, roll coating, sonication, brushing, plasma deposition, and/or depositing by vapor deposition. The thickness of each polymer layer is generally at least about 0.01 μm and is generally less than about 150 μm; however, other thicknesses can be used. In one non-limiting embodiment, the thickness of a polymer layer and/or layer of biological agent is about 0.02-75μm, more particularly about 0.05-50 μm, and even more particularly about 1-30 μm. As can be appreciated, other thicknesses can be used. In one non-limiting embodiment, the medical device includes and/or is coated with parylene, PLGA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment, the medical device includes and/or is coated with a non-porous polymer that includes, but is not limited to, polyamide, parylene c, parylene n and/or a parylene derivative. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment, the medical device includes and/or is coated with poly(ethylene oxide), poly(ethylene glycol), and poly(propylene oxide), polymers of silicone, methane, tetrafluoroethylene (including TEFLON brand polymers), tetramethyldisiloxane, and the like. In another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device, when including and/or is coated with one or more biological agents, can include and/or can be coated with one or more biological agents that are the same or different in different regions of the medical device and/or have differing amounts and/or concentrations in differing regions of the medical device. For instance, the medical device can a) be coated with and/or include one or more biologicals on at least one portion of the medical device and at least another portion of the medical device is not coated with and/or includes biological agent; b) be coated with and/or include one or more biologicals on at least one portion of the medical device that is different from one or more biologicals on at least another portion of the medical device; c) be coated with and/or include one or more biologicals at a concentration on at least one portion of the medical device that is different from the concentration of one or more biologicals on at least another portion of the medical device; etc. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, one or more surfaces of the medical device can be treated to achieve the desired coating properties of the one or more biological agents and one or more polymers coated on the medical device. Such surface treatment techniques include, but are not limited to, cleaning, buffing, smoothing, etching (chemical etching, plasma etching, etc.), etc. When an etching process is used, various gasses can be used for such a surface treatment process such as, but not limited to, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, Freon, helium, hydrogen, etc. The plasma etching process can be used to clean the surface of the medical device, change the surface properties of the medical device so as to affect the adhesion properties, lubricity properties, etc. of the surface of the medical device. As can be appreciated, other or additional surface treatment processes can be used prior to the coating of one or more biological agents and/or polymers on the surface of the medical device. In one non-limiting manufacturing process, one or more portions of the medical device are cleaned and/or plasma etched; however, this is not required. Plasma etching can be used to clean the surface of the medical device, and/or to form one or more non-smooth surfaces on the medical device to facilitate in the adhesion of one or more coatings of biological agents and/or one or more coatings of polymer on the medical device. The gas for the plasma etching can include carbon dioxide and/or other gasses. Once one or more surface regions of the medical device have been treated, one or more coatings of polymer and/or biological agent can be applied to one or more regions of the medical device. For instance, 1) one or more layers of porous or non-porous polymer can be coated on an outer and/or inner surface of the medical device, 2) one or more layers of biological agent can be coated on an outer and/or inner surface of the medical device, or 3) one or more layers of porous or non-porous polymer that includes one or more biological agents can be coated on an outer and/or inner surface of the medical device. The one or more layers of biological agent can be applied to the medical device by a variety oftechniques (e.g., dipping, rolling, brushing, spraying, particle atomization, etc.). One non-limiting coating technique is by an ultrasonic mist coating process wherein ultrasonic waves are used to break up the droplet of biological agent and form a mist of very fine droplets. These fine droplets have an average droplet diameter of about 0.1-3 microns. The fine droplet mist facilitates in the formation of a uniform coating thickness and can increase the coverage area on the medical device. In still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, one or more portions of the medical device can 1) include the same or different biological agents, 2) include the same or different amount of one or more biological agents, 3) include the same or different polymer coatings, 4) include the same or different coating thicknesses of one or more polymer coatings, 5) have one or more portions of the medical device controllably release and/or uncontrollably release one or more biological agents, and/or 6) have one or more portions of the medical device controllably release one or more biological agents and one or more portions of the medical device uncontrollably release one or more biological agents. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the invention, the medical device can include a marker material that facilitates enabling the medical device to be properly positioned in a body passageway. The marker material is typically designed to be visible to electromagnetic waves (e.g., x-rays, microwaves, visible light, inferred waves, ultraviolet waves, etc.); sound waves (e.g., ultrasound waves, etc.); magnetic waves (e.g., MRI, etc.); and/or other types of electromagnetic waves (e.g., microwaves, visible light, inferred waves, ultraviolet waves, etc.). In one non-limiting embodiment, the marker material is visible to x-rays (i.e., radiopaque). The marker material can form all or a portion of the medical device and/or be coated on one or more portions (flaring portion and/or body portion; at ends of medical device; at or near transition of body portion and flaring section; etc.) of the medical device. The location of the marker material can be on one or multiple locations on the medical device. The size of the one or more regions that include the marker material can be the same or different. The marker material can be spaced at defined distances from one another so as to form ruler like markings on the medical device to facilitate in the positioning of the medical device in a body passageway. The marker material can be a rigid or flexible material. The marker material can be a biostable or biodegradable material. When the marker material is a rigid material, the marker material is typically formed of a metal material (e.g., metal band, metal plating, etc.); however, other or additional materials can be used. The metal which at least partially forms the medical device can function as a marker material; however, this is not required. When the marker material is a flexible material, the marker material typically is formed of one or more polymers that are marker materials in-of-themselves and/or include one or more metal powders and/or metal compounds. In one non-limiting embodiment, the flexible marker material includes one or more metal powders in combinations with parylene, PLGA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment, the flexible marker material includes one or more metals and/or metal powders of aluminum, barium, bismuth, cobalt, copper, chromium, gold, iron, stainless steel, titanium, vanadium, nickel, zirconium, niobium, lead, molybdenum, platinum, yttrium, calcium, rare earth metals, rhenium, zinc, silver, depleted radioactive elements, tantalum and/or tungsten; and/or compounds thereof. The marker material can be coated with a polymer protective material; however, this is not required. When the marker material is coated with a polymer protective material, the polymer coating can be used to 1) at least partially insulate the marker material from body fluids, 2) facilitate in retaining the marker material on the medical device, 3) at least partially shielding the marker material from damage during a medical procedure and/or 4) provide a desired surface profile on the medical device. As can be appreciated, the polymer coating can have other or additional uses. The polymer protective coating can be a biostable polymer or a biodegradable polymer (e.g., degrades and/or is absorbed). The coating thickness of the protective coating polymer material, when used, is typically less than about 300 microns; however, other thickness can be used. In one non-limiting embodiment, the protective coating materials include parylene, PLGA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In still another and/or alternative aspect of the invention, the medical device can be an expandable device that can be expanded by use of another device (e.g., balloon, etc.) and/or is self expanding. The expandable medical device can be fabricated from a material that has no or substantially no shape memory characteristics or can be fabricated from a material having shape-memory characteristics. In a further and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device or one or more regions of the medical device can. be constructed by use of one or more microelectromechanical manufacturing techniques (MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, laser micro-machining, laser micro-machining, micro-molding, etc.); however, other or additional manufacturing techniques can be used. The medical device can include one or more surface structures (e.g., pore, channel, pit, rib, slot, notch, bump, teeth, well, hole, groove, etc.). These structures can be at least partially formed by MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, etc.) technology and/or other types of technology. The medical device can include one or more micro-structures (e.g., micro-needle, micro-pore, micro-cylinder, micro-cone, micro-pyramid, micro-tube, micro-parallelopiped, micro-prism, micro-hemisphere, teeth, rib, ridge, ratchet, hinge, zipper, zip-tie like structure, etc.) on the surface of the medical device. Non-limiting examples of structures that can be formed on the medical devices such as stents are illustrated in U.S. Patent Publication Nos. 2004/0093076 and 2004/0093077, which are incorporated herein by reference. Typically, the micro-structures, when formed, extend from or into the outer surface no more than about 400 microns, and more typically less than about 300 microns, and more typically about 15-250 microns; however, other sizes can be used. The micro-structures can be clustered together or disbursed throughout the surface of the medical device. Similar shaped and/or sized micro-structures and/or surface structures can be used, or different shaped and/or sized micro-structures can be used. When one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures are designed to extend from the surface of the medical device, the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be formed in the extended position and/or be designed so as to extend from the medical device during and/or after deployment of the medical device in a treatment area. The micro-structures and/or surface structures can be designed to contain and/or be fluidly connected to a passageway, cavity, etc.; however, this is not required. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be used to engage and/or penetrate surrounding tissue or organs once the medical device has be position on and/or in a patient; however, this is not required. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be used to facilitate in forming maintaining a shape of a medical device (i.e., see devices in U.S. Patent Publication Nos. 2004/0093076 and 2004/0093077). The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be at least partially formed by MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, laser micro-machining, micro-molding, etc.) technology; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting embodiment, the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be at least partially formed of a biological agent and/or be formed of a polymer. One or more of the surface structures and/or micro-structures can include one or more internal passageways that can include one or more materials (e.g., biological agent, polymer, etc.); however, this is not required. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be formed by a variety of processes (e.g., machining, chemical modifications, chemical reactions, MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, etc.), etching, laser cutting, etc.). The one or more coatings and/or one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures of the medical device can be used for a variety of purposes such as, but not limited to, 1) increasing the bonding and/or adhesion of one or more biological agents, adhesives, marker materials and/or polymers to the medical device, 2) changing the appearance or surface characteristics of the medical device, and/or 3) controlling the release rate of one or more biological agents. The one or more micro-structures and/or surface structures can be biostable, biodegradable, bioabsorbable, etc. One or more regions of the medical device that are at least partially formed by microelectromechanical manufacturing techniques can be biostable, biodegradable, bioabsorbable, etc. The medical device or one or more regions. of the medical device can be at least partially covered and/or filled with a protective material so to at least partially protect one or more regions of the medical device, and/or one or more micro-structures and/or surface structures on the medical device from damage. One or more regions of the medical device, and/or one or more micro-structures and/or surface structures on the medical device can be damaged when the medical device is 1) packaged and/or stored, 2) unpackaged, 3) connected to and/or other secured and/or placed on another medical device, 4) inserted into a treatment area, 5) handled by a user, and/or 6) form a barrier between one or more micro-structures and/or surface structures and fluids in the body passageway. As can be appreciated, the medical device can be damaged in other or additional ways. The protective material can be used to protect the medical device and one or more micro-structures and/or surface structures from such damage. The protective material can include one or more polymers previously identified above. The protective material can be 1) biostable and/or biodegradable and/or 2) porous and/or non-porous. In one non-limiting design, the polymer is at least partially biodegradable so as to at least partially exposed one or more micro-structure and/or surface structure to the environment after the medical device has been at least partially inserted into a treatment area. In another and/or additional non-limiting design, the protective material includes, but is not limited to, sugar (e.g., glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.), carbohydrate compound, salt (e.g., NaCl, etc.), parylene, PLGA,.POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these materials; however, other and/or additional materials can be used. In still another and/or additional non-limiting design, the thickness of the protective material is generally less than about 300 microns, and typically less than about 150 microns; however, other thicknesses can be used. The protective material can be coated by one or more mechanisms previously described herein. In still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device can include and/or be used with a physical hindrance. The physical hindrance can include, but is not limited to, an adhesive, a sheath, a magnet, tape, wire, string, etc. The physical hindrance can be used to 1) physically retain one or more regions of the medical device in a particular form or profile, 2) physically retain the medical device on a particular deployment device, 3) protect one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures on the medical device, and/or 4) form a barrier between one or more surface regions, surface structures and/or micro-structures on the medical device and the fluids in a body passageway. As can be appreciated, the physical hindrance can have other and/or additional functions. The physical hindrance is typically a biodegradable material; however, a biostable material can be used. The physical hindrance can be designed to withstand sterilization of the medical device; however, this is not required. The physical hindrance can be applied to, included in and/or be used in conjunction with one or more medical devices. Additionally or alternatively, the physical hindrance can be designed to be used with and/or conjunction with a medical device for a limited period of time and then 1) disengage from the medical device after the medical device has been partially or fully deployed and/or 2) dissolve and/or degrade during and/or after the medical device has been partially or fully deployed; however, this is not required. Additionally or alternatively, the physical hindrance can be designed and be formulated to be temporarily used with a medical device to facilitate in the deployment of the medical device; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting use of the physical hindrance, the physical hindrance is designed or formulated to at least partially secure a medical device to another device that is used to at least partially transport the medical device to a location for treatment. In another and/or alternative non-limiting use of the physical hindrance, the physical hindrance is designed or formulated to at least partially maintain the medical device in a particular shape or form until the medical device is at least partially positioned in a treatment location. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting use of the physical hindrance, the physical hindrance is designed or formulated to at least partially maintain and/or secure one type of medical device to another type of medical instrument or device until the medical device is at least partially positioned in a treatment location. The physical hindrance can also or alternatively be designed and formulated to be used with a medical device to facilitate in the use of the medical device. In one non-limiting use of the physical hindrance, when in the form of an adhesive, can be formulated to at least partially secure a medical device to a treatment area so as to facilitate in maintaining the medical device at the treatment area. For instance, the physical hindrance can be used in such use to facilitate in maintaining a medical device on or at a treatment area until the medical device is properly secured to the treatment area by sutures, stitches, screws, nails, rod, etc; however, this is not required. Additionally or alternatively, the physical hindrance can be used to facilitate in maintaining a medical device on or at a treatment area until the medical device has partially or fully accomplished its objective. The physical hindrance is typically is a biocompatible material so as to not cause unanticipated adverse effects when properly used. The physical hindrance can be biostable or biodegradable (e.g., degrades and/or is absorbed, etc.). When the physical hindrance includes or is one or more adhesives, the one or more adhesives can be applied to the medical device by, but is not limited to, spraying (e.g., atomizing spray techniques, etc.), dip coating, roll coating, sonication, brushing, plasma deposition, and/or depositing by vapor deposition, brushing, painting, etc.) on the medical device. The physical hindrance can also or alternatively form at least a part of the medical device. One or more regions and/or surfaces of a medical device can also or alternatively include the physical hindrance. The physical hindrance can include one or more biological agents and/or other materials (e.g., marker material, polymer, etc.); however, this is not required. When the physical hindrance is or includes an adhesive, the adhesive can be formulated to controllably release one or more biological agents in the adhesive and/or coated on and/or contained within the medical device; however, this is not required. The adhesive can also or alternatively control the release of one or more biological agents located on and/or contained in the medical device by forming a penetrable or non-penetrable barrier to such biological agents; however, this is not required. The adhesive can include and/or be mixed with one or more polymers; however, this is not required. The one or more polymers can be used to 1) control the time of adhesion provided by said adhesive, 2) control the rate of degradation of the adhesive, and/or 3) control the rate of release of one or more biological agents from the adhesive and/or diffusing or penetrating through the adhesive layer; however, this is not required. When the physical hindrance includes a sheath, the sheath can be designed to partially or fully encircle the medical device. The sheath can be designed to be physically removed from the medical device after the medical device is deployed to a treatment area; however, this is not required. The sheath can be formed of a biodegradable material that at least partially degrades over time to at least partially expose one or more surface regions, micro-structures and/or surface structures of the medical device; however, this is not required. The sheath can include and/or be at least partially coated with one or more biological agents. The sheath include one or more polymers; however, this is not required. The one or more polymers can be used for a variety of reasons such as, but not limited to, 1) forming a portion of the sheath, 2) improving a physical property of the sheath (e.g., improve strength, improve durability, improve biocompatibility, reduce friction, etc.), and/or 3 at least partially controlling a release rate of one or more biological agents from the sheath. As can be appreciated, the one or more polymers can have other or additional uses on the sheath. In still a further and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device can be fully or partially formed of a base material that has biostable or bioabsorbable properties. The medical device can be at least partially formed of one or more polymers, biological agents, metals (e.g., aluminum, barium, bismuth, calcium, carbon, cobalt, copper, chromium, depleted radioactive elements, gold, iron, lead, molybdenum, magnesium, nickel, niobium, platinum, rare earth metals, rhenium, silver, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, yttrium, zinc, zirconium, and/or alloys thereof (e.g., stainless steel, nitinol, Cr�Co, Mo�Re, Ta�W, Mg�Zr, Mg�Zn, brass, etc.)), ceramics, and/or fiber reinforced materials (e.g., carbon fiber material, fiberglass, etc.). The medical device generally includes one or more materials that impart the desired properties to the medical device so as to withstand the manufacturing process that is needed to produce the medical device. These manufacturing processes can include, but are not limited to, laser cutting, etching, grinding, water cutting, spark erosion, crimping, annealing, drawing, pilgering, electroplating, electro-polishing, chemical polishing, ion beam deposition or implantation, sputter coating, vacuum deposition, etc. In still a further and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the present invention, the medical device can be fully or partially formed of a base material that is at least partially made of a novel metal alloy having improved properties as compared to past medical devices that were form of stainless steel, or cobalt-chromium alloys. The novel metal alloy used to at least partially form the medical device can improve one or more properties (e.g., strength, durability, hardness, biostability, bendability, coefficient of friction, radial strength, flexibility, tensile strength, longitudinal lengthening, stress-strain properties, improved recoil properties, radiopacity, heat sensitivity, biocompatibility, etc.) of such medical device. These one or more physical properties of the novel metal alloy can be achieved in the medical device without having increasing the bulk, volume or t of the medical device, and in some instances can be obtained even when the volume, bulk and/or weight of the medical device is reduced as compared to medical devices that are at least partially formed from traditional stainless steel or cobalt and chromium alloy materials. The novel metal alloy that is used to at least partially form the medical device can thus 1) increase the radiopacity of the medical device, 2) increase the radial strength of the medical device, 3) increase the tensile strength of the medical device, 4) improve the stress-strain properties of the medical device, 5) improve the crimping and/or expansion properties of the medical device, 6) improve the bendability and/or flexibility of the medical device, 7) improve the strength and/or durability of the medical device, 8) increase the hardness of the medical device, 9) improve the longitudinal lengthening properties of the medical device, 10) improved recoil properties of the medical device, 11) improve the friction coefficient of the medical device, 12) improve the heat sensitivity properties of the medical device, 13) improve the biostability and/or biocompatibility properties of the medical device, and/or 14) enable smaller, thinner and/or lighter weight medical devices to be made. It is believed that a smaller, thinner and/or lighter weight medical device such as, but not limited to a stent, can be inserted in a body passageway and result in a decreased incidence of in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis. It is believed that such a medical device will result in less adverse response by the body when the medical device is inserted in the body passageway. As such, the medical device can be used without any biological agent included in, contained in, and/or coated on the medical device and still result in a reduction in the incidence of in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis. As such, the need for extended use of body wide aggressive anti-platelet and/or anti-coagulation therapy after the medical device has been inserted in the treatment area can be reduced or eliminated by use of the novel alloy. In a further and/or alternative one non-limiting aspect of the invention, the novel metal alloy that is used to form all or a portion of the medical device includes rhenium and molybdenum. The novel alloy can include one or more other metals such as, but not limited to, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, iron, lead, magnesium, nickel, niobium, platinum, rare earth metals, silver, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, yttrium, zinc, zirconium, and/or alloys thereof. In one non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the novel metal alloy that is used to form all or a portion of the medical device is a novel metal alloy that includes at least about 90 weight percent molybdenum and rhenium. In one non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 95 weight percent. In another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 97 weight percent. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 98 weight percent. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 99 weight percent. In still yet-another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 99.5 weight percent. In a further one non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 99.9 weight percent. In still a further and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 99.95 weight percent. In yet a further and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the content of molybdenum and rhenium in the novel metal alloy is at least about 99.99 weight percent. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the rhenium and molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy can be used. In one non-limiting composition, the purity level of the novel metal alloy is such so as to produce a solid solution of the novel metal alloy. A solid solution or homogeneous solution is defined as a metal alloy that includes two or more primary metals and the combined weight percent of the primary metals is at least about 95 weight percent, typically at least about 99 weight percent, more typically at least about 99.5 weight percent, even more typically at least about 99.8 weight percent, and still even more typically at least about 99.9 weight percent. A primary metal is a metal component of the metal alloy that is not a metal impurity. A solid solution of a novel metal alloy that includes rhenium and molybdenum as the primary metals is an alloy that includes at least about 95-99 weight percent rhenium and molybdenum. It is believed that a purity level of less than 95 weight percent molybdenum and rhenium adversely affects one or more physical properties of the metal alloy that are useful or desired in forming and/or using a medical device. In one embodiment of the invention, the rhenium content of the novel metal alloy in accordance with the present invention is at least about 40 weight percent. In one non-limiting composition, the rhenium content of the novel metal alloy is at least about 45 weight percent. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the rhenium content of the novel metal alloy is about 45-50 weight percent. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the rhenium content of the novel metal alloy is about 47-48 weight percent. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the rhenium content of the novel metal alloy can be used. In another and/or alternative embodiment of the invention, the molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy in accordance with the present invention is at least about 40 weight percent. In one non-limiting composition, the molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy is at least about 45 weight percent. In another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy is at least about 50 weight percent. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy is about 50-60 percent. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy is about 50-56 weight percent. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the molybdenum content of the novel metal alloy can be used. The novel metal alloy can include controlled amounts of at least one additional metal which includes titanium, yttrium, and/or zirconium; however, this is not required. The addition of controlled amounts of titanium, yttrium, and/or zirconium to the molybdenum and rhenium alloy has been found to form a metal alloy that has improved physical properties over a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium. For instance, the addition of controlled amounts of titanium, yttrium, and/or zirconium to the molybdenum and rhenium alloy can result in 1) an increase in yield strength of the alloy as compared to a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium, 2) an increase in tensile elongation of the alloy as compared to a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium, 3) an increase in ductility of the alloy as compared to a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium, 4) a reduction in grain size of the alloy as compared to a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium, 5) a reduction in the amount of free carbon, oxygen and/or nitrogen in the alloy as compared to a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium, and/or 6) a reduction in the tendency of the alloy to form micro-cracks during the forming of the alloy into a medical device as compared to the forming of a medical device from a metal alloy that principally includes molybdenum and rhenium. The combined content of titanium, yttrium and zirconium in the novel metal alloy, when used, is less than about 5 weight percent, typically no more than about 1 weight percent, and more typically no more than about 0.5 weight percent. A higher weight percent content of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium in the novel metal alloy can, begin to adversely affect the brittleness of the novel metal alloy. When titanium is included in the novel metal alloy, the titanium content is typically less than about 1 weight percent, more typically less than about 0.6 weight percent, even more typically about 0.05-0.5 weight percent, still even more typically about 0.1-0.5 weight percent. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the titanium content of the novel metal alloy can be used. When zirconium is included in the novel metal alloy, the zirconium content is typically less, than about 0.5 weight percent, more typically less than about 0.3 weight percent, even more typically about 0.01-0.25 weight percent, still even more typically about 0.05-0.25 weight percent. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the zirconium content of the novel metal alloy can be used. When titanium and zirconium are included in the novel metal alloy, the weight ratio of titanium to zirconium is about 1-10:1, typically about 1.5-5:1, and more typically about 1.75-2.5:1. When yttrium is included in the novel metal alloy, the yttrium content is typically less than about 0.3 weight percent, more typically less than about 0.2 weight percent, and even more typically about 0.01-0.1 weight percent. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the yttrium content of the novel metal alloy can be used. The inclusion of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium in the novel metal alloy is believed to result in a reduction of oxygen trapped in the solid solution of the novel metal alloy. The reduction of trapped oxygen enables the formation of a smaller grain size in the novel metal alloy and/or an increase in the ductility of the novel metal alloy. The reduction of trapped oxygen in the novel metal alloy can also increase the yield strength of the novel metal alloy as compared to alloys of only molybdenum and rhenium (i.e., 2-10% increase). The inclusion of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium in the novel metal alloy is also believed to cause a reduction in the trapped free carbon in the novel metal alloy. The inclusion of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium in the novel metal alloy is believed to form carbides with the free carbon in the novel metal alloy. This carbide formation is also believed to improve the ductility of the novel metal alloy and to also reduce the incidence of cracking during the forming of the metal alloy into a medical device (e.g., stent, etc.). As such, the novel metal alloy exhibits increased tensile elongation as compared to alloys of only molybdenum and rhenium (i.e., 1-8% increase). The inclusion of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium in the novel metal alloy is also believed to cause a reduction in the trapped free nitrogen in the novel metal alloy. The inclusion of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium in the novel metal alloy is believed to form carbo-nitrides with the free carbon and free nitrogen in the novel metal alloy. This carbo-nitride formation is also believed to improve the ductility of the novel metal alloy and to also reduce the incidence of cracking during the forming of the metal alloy into a medical device (e.g., stent, etc.). As such, the novel metal alloy exhibits increased tensile elongation as compared to alloys of only molybdenum and rhenium (i.e., 1-8% increase). The reduction in the amount of free carbon, oxygen and/or nitrogen in the novel metal alloy is also believed to increase the density of the novel metal alloy (i.e., 1-5% increase). The formation of carbides, carbo-nitrides, and/or oxides in the novel metal alloy results in the formation of dispersed second phase particles in the novel metal alloy, thereby facilitating in the formation of small grain sizes in the metal alloy. The novel metal alloy includes less than about 5 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. A high purity level of the novel metal alloy results in the formation of a more homogeneous alloy, which in turn results in a more uniform density throughout the novel metal alloy, and also results in the desired yield and ultimate tensile strengths of the novel metal alloy. The density of the novel metal alloy is generally at least about 12 gm/cc, and typically at least about 13-13.5 gm/cc. This substantially uniform high density of the novel metal alloy significantly improves the radiopacity of the novel metal alloy. In one non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 1 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.5 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.4 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.2 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.1 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In a further and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.05 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In still a further and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.02 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. In yet a further and/or alternative non-limiting composition, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 0.01 weight percent other metals and/or impurities. As can be appreciated, other weight percentages of the amount of other metals and/or impurities in the novel metal alloy can exist. The novel metal alloy includes a certain amount of carbon and oxygen. These two elements have been found to affect the forming properties and brittleness of the novel metal alloy. The controlled atomic ratio of carbon and oxygen in the novel metal alloy also can be used to minimize the tendency of the novel metal alloy to form micro-cracks during the forming of the novel alloy into a medical device, and/or during the use and/or expansion of the medical device in a body passageway. In one non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 200 ppm carbon and up to about 150 ppm oxygen. Higher carbon and oxygen contents in the novel metal alloy are believed to adversely affect one or more physical properties of the metal alloy that are useful or desired in forming and/or using a medical device. In one non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 150 ppm carbon. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 100 ppm carbon. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 50 ppm carbon. In still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 100 ppm oxygen. In a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 75 ppm oxygen. In still a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 50 ppm oxygen. In yet a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes up to about 30 ppm oxygen. In still yet a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 20 ppm oxygen. In yet a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 10 ppm oxygen. As can be appreciated, other amounts of carbon and/or oxygen in the novel metal alloy can exist. In another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally at least about 2:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.5:1). The control of the atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen in the novel metal alloy allows for the redistribution of oxygen in the metal alloy so as to minimize the tendency of micro-cracking in the novel metal alloy during the forming of the novel alloy into a medical device, and/or during the use and/or expansion of the medical device in a body passageway. When the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio falls below 2-2.5:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.5-1.88:1), the degree of elongation of the novel metal alloy decreases and the incidence of micro-cracking increases, thus adversely affecting one or more physical properties of the metal alloy that are useful or desired in forming and/or using the medical device. In one non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally at least about 2.5:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.88:1). In another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally at least about 3:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 2.25:1). In still another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally at least about 4:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 3:1). In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally at least about 5:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 3.75:1). In still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally about 2.5-50:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.88-37.54: 1). In a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally about 2.5-20:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.88-15:1). In still a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally about 2.5-10:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.88-7.5:1). In yet a further and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the carbon to oxygen atomic ratio in the novel metal alloy is generally about 2.5-5:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.88-3.75:1). As can be appreciated, other atomic ratios of the carbon to oxygen in the novel metal alloy can be used. The novel metal alloy includes a controlled amount of nitrogen. Large amounts of nitrogen in the novel metal alloy can adversely affect the ductility of the novel metal alloy. This can in turn adversely affect the elongation properties of the novel metal alloy. A nitrogen content in the novel metal alloy of over 20 ppm can begin to cause the ductility of the novel metal alloy to unacceptably decrease, thus adversely affect one or more physical properties of the metal alloy that are useful or desired in forming and/or using the medical device. In one non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 30 ppm nitrogen. In one non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 25 ppm nitrogen. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 10 ppm nitrogen. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting formulation, the novel metal alloy includes less than about 5 ppm nitrogen. As can be appreciated, other amounts of nitrogen in the novel metal alloy can exist. The novel metal alloy has several physical properties that positively affect the medical device when at least partially formed of the novel metal alloy. In one non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the average hardness of the novel metal alloy tube used to form the medical device is generally at least about 60 (HRC) at 77� F. In one non-limiting aspect of this embodiment, the average hardness of the novel metal alloy tube used to form the medical device is generally at least about 70 (HRC) at 77� F., and typically about 80-100 (HRC) at 77� F. In another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the average ultimate tensile strength of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is generally at least about 60 UTS (ksi). In non-limiting aspect of this embodiment, the average ultimate tensile strength of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is generally at least about 70 UTS (ksi), typically about 80-150 UTS (ksi), and more typically about 100-150 UTS (ksi). In still another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the average yield strength of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is at least about 70 ksi. In one non-limiting aspect of this embodiment, the average yield strength of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is at least about 80 ksi, and typically about 100-140 (ksi). In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the average grain size of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is greater than 5 ASTM (e.g., ASTM E 112-96). The small grain size of the novel metal alloy enables the medical device to have the desired elongation and ductility properties that are useful in enabling the medical device to be formed, crimped and/or expanded. In one non-limiting aspect of this embodiment, the average grain size of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is about 5.2-10 ASTM, typically about 5.5-9 ASTM, more typically about 6-9 ASTM, still more typically about 6-8 ASTM, even more typically about 6-7 ASTM, and still even more typically about 6.5-7 ASTM. In still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the average tensile elongation of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is at least about 25%. An average tensile elongation of at least 25% for the novel metal alloy is important to enable the medical device to be properly expanded when positioned in the treatment area of a body passageway. A medical device that does not have an average tensile elongation of at least about 25% can form micro-cracks and/or break during the forming, crimping and/or expansion of the medical device. -In one non-limiting aspect of this embodiment, the average tensile elongation of the novel metal alloy used to form the medical device is about 25-35%. The unique combination of the rhenium content in the novel metal alloy in combination with achieving the desired purity and composition of the alloy and the desired grain size of the novel metal alloy results in 1) a medical device having the desired high ductility at about room temperature, 2) a medical device having the desired amount of tensile elongation, 3) a homogeneous or solid solution of a metal alloy having high radiopacity, 4) a reduction or prevention of microcrack formation and/or breaking of the metal alloy tube when the metal alloy tube is sized and/or cut to form the medical device, 5) a reduction or prevention of microcrack formation and/or breaking of the medical device when the medical device is crimped onto a balloon and/or other type of medical device for insertion into a body passageway, 6) a reduction or prevention of microcrack formation and/or breaking of the medical device when the medical device is bent and/or expanded in a body passageway, 7) a medical device having the desired ultimate tensile strength and yield strength, 8) a medical device that can have very thin wall thicknesses and still have the desired radial forces needed to retain the body passageway on an open state when the medical device has been expanded, and/or 9) a medical device that exhibits less recoil when the medical device is crimped onto a delivery system and/or expanded in a body passageway. Several non-limiting examples of the novel metal alloy in accordance with the present invention are set forth below: Metal/Wt. % <150 ppm <50 ppm 51�54% 52.5�55.5% ≦50 ppm 52.5�55% 45�47.5% ≦0.4% 0.2�0.4% 0�0.08% 0.005�0.05% 0�0.2% 0.1�0.25% 00.1�0.2% 0.05�0.15% 0.05�0.4% In examples 1 and 2 above, the novel metal alloy is principally formed of rhenium and molybdenum and the content of other metals and/or impurities is less than about 0.1 weight percent of the novel metal alloy, the atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen is about 2.5-10:1 (i.e., weight ratio of about 1.88-7.5:1), the average grain size of the novel metal alloy is about 6-9 ASTM, the tensile elongation of the metal alloy is about 25-35%, the average density of the metal alloy is at least about 13.4 gm/cc, the average yield strength of the metal alloy is about 98-122 (ksi), the average ultimate tensile strength of the metal alloy is about 100-150 UTS (ksi), and the average hardness of the metal alloy is about 80-100 (HRC) at 77� F. In examples 3-12 above, the novel metal alloy is principally formed of rhenium and molybdenum and at least one metal of titanium, yttrium and/or zirconium, and the content of other metals and/or impurities is less than about 0.1 weight percent of the novel metal alloy, the ratio of carbon to oxygen is about 2.5-10:1, the average grain size of the novel metal alloy is about 6-9 ASTM, the tensile elongation of the metal alloy is about 25-35%, the average density of the metal alloy is at least about 13.6 gm/cc, the average yield strength of the metal alloy is at least about 110 (ksi), the average ultimate tensile strength of the metal alloy is about 100-150 UTS (ksi), and the average hardness of the metal alloy is about 80-100 (HRC) at 77� F. In still a further and/or alternative one non-limiting aspect of the invention, the novel metal alloy that is used to form all or a portion of the medical device includes tantalum and tungsten. In one non-limiting embodiment, the novel metal alloy is formed of a majority weight percent tantalum and tungsten. Typically, the tantalum and tungsten content of the novel metal alloy is at least about 80 weight percent, more typically at least about 90 weight percent, even more typically at least about 95 weight percent, still even more typically at least about 99 weight percent, and yet even more typically at least about 99.9 weight percent; however, other weight percentages can be used. Generally the novel metal alloy of tantalum and tungsten includes at least about 0.5 weight percent tungsten and at least about 10 weight percent tantalum, typically at least about 2 weight percent tungsten and at least about 20 weight percent tantalum, and more typically at least about 2.5 weight percent tungsten and at least about 50 weight percent tantalum; however, other weight percentages of the tantalum and/or tungsten in the novel metal alloy can be used. Generally the novel metal alloy of tantalum and tungsten includes less than about 2 weight percent impurities, typically less than about 1 weight percent impurities, more typically less than about 0.5 weight percent impurities, still more typically less than about 0.1 weight percent impurities, yet more typically less than about 0.03 weight percent impurities; however, other weight percent of impurities in the novel metal alloy can be used. The weight percent of carbon in the alloy of tantalum and tungsten is generally less than about 100 ppm, and typically less than about 50 ppm, more typically less than about 40 ppm, and still more typically less than about 25 ppm; however, other weight percentages of carbon in the novel metal alloy can be used. The weight percent of oxygen in the alloy of tantalum and tungsten is generally less than about 100 ppm, and typically less than about 50 ppm, more typically less than about 40 ppm, and still more typically less than about 25 ppm; however, other weight percentages of oxygen in the novel metal alloy can be used. The weight percent of nitrogen in the alloy of tantalum and tungsten is generally less than about 50 ppm, and typically less than about 40 ppm, more typically less than about 30 ppm, and still more typically less than about 25 ppm; however, other weight percentages of nitrogen in the novel metal alloy can be used. Several specific non-limiting novel metal alloy compositions for the tantalum and tungsten alloy that can form a part of or the complete medical device are set forth below in weight percent or ppm: 0�50 ppm 0�1% 4�15% 2% to less than 5% 2.5�10% The impurity content in each of these examples is less than about 0.04 weight percent. In still a further and/or alternative one non-limiting aspect of the invention, the novel metal alloy that is used to form all or a portion of the medical device increases the strength of the medical device as compared with stainless steel or chromium-cobalt alloys, thus less quantity of novel metal alloy can be used in the medical device to achieve similar strengths as compared to medical devices formed of different metals. As such, the resulting medical device can be made smaller and less bulky by use of the novel metal alloy without sacrificing the strength and durability of the medical device. Such a medical device can have a smaller profile, thus can be inserted in smaller areas, openings and/or passageways. The novel metal alloy also can increase the radial strength of the medical device. For instance, the thickness of the walls of the medical device and/or the wires used to form the medical device can be made thinner and achieve a similar or improved radial strength as compared with thicker walled medical devices formed of stainless steel or cobalt and chromium alloy. The novel metal alloy also can improve stress-strain properties, bendability and flexibility of the medical device, thus increase the life of the medical device. For instance, the medical device can be used in regions that subject the medical device to bending. Due to the improved physical properties of the medical device from the novel metal alloy, the medical device has improved resistance to fracturing in such frequent bending environments. In addition or alternatively, the improved bendability and flexibility of the medical device due to the use of the novel metal alloy can enable the medical device to be more easily inserted into a body passageway. The novel metal alloy can also reduce the degree of recoil during the crimping and/or expansion of the medical device. For example, the medical device better maintains its crimped form and/or better maintains its expanded form after expansion due to the use of the novel metal alloy. As such, when the medical device is to be mounted onto a delivery device when the medical device is crimped, the medical device better maintains its smaller profile during the insertion of the medical device in a body passageway. Also, the medical device better maintains its expanded profile after expansion so as to facilitate in the success of the medical device in the treatment area. In addition to the improved physical properties of the medical device by use of the novel metal alloy, the novel metal alloy has improved radiopaque properties as compared to standard materials such as stainless steel or cobalt-chromium alloy, thus reducing or eliminating the need for using marker materials on the medical device. For instance, the novel metal alloy is at least about 10-20% more radiopaque than stainless steel or cobalt-chromium alloy. The medical device that is at least partially formed from the novel metal alloy can be form by a variety of manufacturing techniques. In one non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the medical device that is at least partially formed from a rod or tube of the novel metal alloy. A medical device that can be formed from a tube includes a stents. In another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the invention, the medical device can include a bistable construction. In such a design, the medical device has two or more stable configurations, including a first stable configuration with a first cross-sectional shape and a second stable configuration with a second cross-sectional shape. All or a portion of the medical device can include the bistable construction. The bistable construction can result in a generally uniform change in shape of the medical device, or one portion. of the medical device can change into one or more configurations and one or more other portions of the medical device can change into one or more other configurations. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the invention, the medical device can be used in conjunction with one or more other biological agents that are not on the medical device. For instance, the success of the medical device can be improved by infusing, injecting or consuming orally one or more biological agents. Such biological agents can be the same and/or different from the one or more biological agents on and/or in the medical device. Such use of one or more biological agents are commonly used in systemic treatment of a patient after a medical procedure such as body wide after the medical device has been inserted in the treatment area can be reduced or eliminated by use of the novel alloy. Although the medical device of the present invention can be designed to reduce or eliminate the need for long periods of body wide therapy after the medical device has been inserted in the treatment area, the use of one or more biological agents can be used in conjunction with the medical device to enhance the success of the medical device and/or reduce or prevent the occurrence of in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis. For instance, solid dosage forms of biological agents for oral administration, and/or for other types of administration (e.g., suppositories, etc.) can be used. Such solid forms can include, but are not limited to, capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets, chewable tablets, pills, powders, sachets, granules and gels. The solid form of the capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets, chewable tablets, pills, etc. can have a variety of shapes such as, but not limited to, spherical, cubical, cylindrical, pyramidal, and the like. In such solid dosage form, one or more biological agents can be admixed with at least one filler material such as, but not limited to, sucrose, lactose or starch; however, this is not required. Such dosage forms can include additional substances such as, but not limited to, inert diluents (e.g., lubricating agents, etc.). When capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets or pills are used, the dosage form can also include buffering agents; however, this is not required. Soft gelatin capsules can be prepared to contain a mixture of the one or more biological agents in combination with vegetable oil or other types of oil; however, this is not required. Hard gelatin capsules can contain granules of the one or more biological agents in combination with a solid carrier such as, but not limited to, lactose, potato starch, corn starch, cellulose derivatives of gelatin, etc; however, this is not required. Tablets and pills can be prepared with enteric coatings for additional time release characteristics; however, this is not required. Liquid dosage forms of the one or more biological agents for oral administration can include pharmaceutically acceptable emulsions, solutions, suspensions, syrups, elixirs, etc.; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting embodiment, when at least a portion of one or more biological agents is inserted into a treatment area (e.g., gel form, paste form, etc.) and/or provided orally (e.g., pill, capsule, etc.) and/or anally (suppository, etc.), one or more of the biological agents can be controllably released; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting example, one or more biological agents can be given to a patient in solid dosage form and one or more of such biological agents can be controllably released from such solid dosage forms. In another and/or alternative non-limiting example trapidil, trapidil derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof are given to a patient prior to, during and/or after the insertion of the medical device in a treatment area. Certain types of biological agents may be desirable to be present in a treated area for an extended period of time in order to utilize the full or nearly full clinical potential the biological agent. For instance, trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives is a compound that has many clinical attributes including, but not limited to, anti-platelet effects, inhibition of smooth muscle cells and monocytes, fibroblast proliferation and increased MAPK-1 which in turn deactivates kinase, a vasodilator, etc. These attributes can be effective in improving the success of a medical device that has been inserted at a treatment area. In some situations, these positive effects of trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives need to be prolonged in a treatment area in order to achieve complete clinical competency. Trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives has a half life in vivo of about 2-4 hours with hepatic clearance of 48 hours. In order to utilize the full clinical potential of trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives, trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives should be metabolized over an extended period of time without interruption; however, this is not required. By inserting trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives in a solid dosage form, the trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives could be released in a patient over extended periods of time in a controlled manner to achieve complete or nearly complete clinical competency of the trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. In another and/or alternative non-limiting example, one or more biological agents are at least partially encapsulated in one or more polymers. The one or more polymers can be biodegradable, non-biodegradable, porous, and/or non-porous. When the one or more polymers are biodegradable, the rate of degradation of the one or more biodegradable polymers can be used to at least partially control the rate at which one or more biological agent that are released into a body passageway and/or other parts of the body over time. The one or more biological agents can be at least partially encapsulated with different polymer coating thickness, different numbers of coating layers, and/or with different polymers to alter the rate at which one or more biological agents are released in a body passageway and/or other parts of the body over time. The rate of degradation of the polymer is principally a function of 1) the water permeability and solubility of the polymer, 2) chemical composition of the polymer and/or biological agent, 3) mechanism of hydrolysis of the polymer, 4) the biological agent encapsulated in the polymer, 5) the size, shape and surface volume of the polymer, 6) porosity of the polymer, 7) the molecular weight of the polymer, 8) the degree of cross-linking in the polymer, 9) the degree of chemical bonding between the polymer and biological agent, and/or 10) the structure of the polymer and/or biological agent. As can be appreciated, other factors may also affect the rate of degradation of the polymer. When the one or more polymers are biostable, the rate at when the one or more biological agents are released from the biostable polymer is a function of 1) the porosity of the polymer, 2) the molecular diffusion rate of the biological agent through the polymer, 3) the degree of cross-linking in the polymer, 4) the degree of chemical bonding between the polymer and biological agent, 5) chemical composition of the polymer and/or biological agent, 6) the biological agent encapsulated in the polymer, 7) the size, shape and surface volume of the polymer, and/or 8) the structure of the polymer and/or biological agent. As can be appreciated, other factors may. also affect the rate of release of the one or more biological agents from the biostable polymer. Many different polymers can be used such as, but not limited to, aliphatic polyester compounds (e.g., PLA (i.e. poly(D, L-lactic acid), poly(L-lactic acid)), PLGA (i.e. poly(lactide-co-glycoside), etc.), POE, PEG, PLLA, parylene, chitosan and/or derivatives thereof. As can be appreciated, the at least partially encapsulated biological agent can be introduced into a patient by means other than by oral introduction, such as, but not limited to, injection, topical applications, intravenously, eye drops, nasal spray, surgical insertion, suppositories, intrarticularly, intraocularly, intranasally, intradermally, sublingually, intravesically, intrathecally, intraperitoneally, intracranially, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, directly at a particular site, and the like. In yet another and/or alternative non-limiting aspect of the invention, the medical device is in the form of a stent. The stent can be an expandable stent that is expandable by a balloon and/or is self-expanding. The stent can have one or more body members. The one or more body members can include first and second ends and a wall surface disposed between the first and second ends. Typically each body member has a first cross-sectional area which permits delivery of the body member into a body passageway, and a second, expanded cross-sectional area. The expansion of one or more body members of the stent can be accomplished in a variety of manners. In one manner, one or more body members are expanded to the second cross-sectional area by a radially, outwardly extending force applied at least partially from the interior region of the body member (e.g. by use of a balloon, etc.). The body member can include shape memory materials; however, this is not required. The second cross-sectional area of the stent can be fixed or variable. The stent can be designed such that one or more body members expand while substantially retaining the original longitudinal length of the body member; however, this is not required. The one or more body members can have a first cross-sectional shape that is generally circular so as to form a substantially tubular body member; however, the one or more body members can have other cross-sectional shapes. When the stent includes two or more body members, the two or more body members can be connected together by at least one connector member. The stent can include rounded, smooth and/or blunt surfaces to minimize and/or prevent potential damage to a body passageway as the stent is inserted into a body passageway and/or expanded in a body passageway; however, this is not required. The stent can be treated with gamma, beta and/or e-beam radiation, and/or otherwise sterilized; however, this, is not required. In one non-limiting application of the present invention, there is provided a medical device that has one-limiting advantage of reducing or eliminating the need for long periods of body-wide therapy after the medical device has been inserted in the treatment area. The medical device can have one non-limiting advantage of delivering one or more biological agents into a treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.). Such a medical device can be designed to be inserted in and/or be connected to a body passageway (e.g., blood vessel, etc.) and which medical device inhibits or prevents in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis. The medical device can be designed to be used as a biological agent delivery mechanism to deliver one or more biological agents to and/or into a wall of a body passageway and/or down stream from the site of implantation of the medical device. In one non-limiting design, the medical device is a stent comprised of a base material that includes at least one layer of biological agent and at least one polymer layer that is used to at partially control the release of the biological agent from the medical device. In one non-limiting controlled release arrangement, molecular diffusion through a polymer is used to control the release rate of one or more biological agents from the medical device When a molecular diffusion mechanism is used, one or more non-porous polymer layers can be used to facilitate in such molecular diffusion; however, this is not required. The molecular composition, molecular structure and/or coating thickness of the non-porous polymer can be selected to control the release rate of one or more biological agents from the medical device. In another and/or alternative non-limiting design, the medical device is a surgical graft comprised of a flexible base material upon which at least one layer of at least one biological agent is applied to an inner and/or outer surface of the surgical graft. At least one polymer layer can be applied to the surgical graft to at least partially control the release rate of the one or more biological agents from the surgical graft; however, this is not required. The polymer layer can include a porous or non-porous polymer. The one or more polymers and/or biological agents that are used in conjunction with the stent or the surgical graft can 1) form at least a portion of the medical device, 2) be coated on one or more regions of the medical device; and/or 3) be contained in one or more regions within the medical device. Non-limiting examples of polymers that can be used include parylene, PLGA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers; however, other or additional polymers can be used. Many different biological agents can be used. Such biological agents can include trapidil and/or derivatives. The stent can include one or more other biological agents such as, but not limited to, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, trapidil and/or derivatives, heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The structure of the medical device during manufacture can be pre-treated (e.g., plasma etching, etc.) to facilitate in the coating of one or more polymers and/or biological agents on the medical device; however, this is not required. The surface topography of the base structure of the medical device can be uniform or varied to achieve the desired operation and/or biological agent released from the medical device. As can be appreciated, one or more regions of the medical device can be constructed by use of one or more microelectromechanical manufacturing techniques; however, this is not required. Materials that can be used by microelectromechanical manufacturing techniques technology include, but are not limited to, chitosan, a chitosan derivative, PLGA, a PLGA derivative, PLA, a PLA derivative, PEVA, a PEVA derivative, PBMA, a PBMA derivative, POE, a POE derivative, PGA, a PGA derivative, PLLA, a PLLA derivative, PAA, a PAA derivative, PEG, and chitosan, a chitosan derivative, PLGA, a PLGA derivative, PLA, a PLA derivative, PEVA, a PEVA derivative, PBMA, a PBMA derivative, POE, a POE derivative, PGA, a PGA derivative, PLLA, a PLLA derivative, PAA, a PAA derivative, PEG, a PEG derivative, and/or a PEG derivative. The medical device can include one or more surface structures, micro-structures, internal structures that includes one or more biological agents and/or polymers; however, this is not required. These structures can be at least partially formed by MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, etc.) technology and/or other types of technology. The structures can be designed to contain and/or be fluidly connected to a passageway in the medical device that includes one or more biological agents; however, this is not required. The structures can be used to engage and/or penetrate surrounding tissue or organs once the medical device has be position on and/or in a patient; however, this is not required. One or more polymers and/or biological agents can be inserted in these structures and/or at least partially form these structures of the medical device. The structures can, be clustered together or disbursed throughout the surface of the medical device. Similar shaped and/or sized structures can be used, or different shaped and/or sized structures can be used. Typically the micro-structures, when formed, extend from or into the outer surface no more than about 400 microns, and more typically less than about 300 microns, and more typically about 15-250 microns; however, other sizes can be used. The time period one or more biological agents are released from the medical device is typically dependent on the designed medical treatment and/or other factors. In one non-limiting arrangement, one or more biological agents are released from the medical device for at least several days after the medical device is inserted in the body of a patient; however, this is not required. In another one non-limiting arrangement, one or more biological agents are released from the medical device for at least about one week after the medical device is inserted in the body of a patient. In still another one non-limiting arrangement, one or more biological agents are released from the medical device for at least about two weeks after the medical device is inserted in the body of a patient. In yet another one non-limiting arrangement, one or more biological agents are released from the medical device for about one week to one year after the medical device is inserted in the body of a patient. As can be appreciated, the time frame that one or more of the biological agents can be released from the medical device can be longer or shorter. The time period for the release of two or more biological agents from the medical device can be the same or different. The type of the one or more biological agents used on the medical device, the release rate of the one or more biological agents from the medical device, and/or the concentration of the one or more biological agents being released from the medical device can be the same or different. The controlled release rate of one or more biological agents from the medical device can result in reduced amounts and/or reduce time period of systemic drug therapy after the medical device is inserted in the treatment area. In one non-limiting arrangement, the medical device releases one or more biological agents for a period of time such that systemic drug therapy after the medical device is inserted in the treatment area is reduced to less than one year. In another and/or alternative non-limiting arrangement, the medical device releases one or more biological agents for a period of time such that systemic drug therapy after the medical device is inserted in the treatment area is reduced to less than one month. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting arrangement, the medical device releases one or more biological agents for a period of time such that systemic drug therapy after the medical device is inserted in the treatment area is reduced to less than one week. The medical device can be temporality used in conjunction with other biological agents. For instance, the success of the medical device can be improved by infusing, injecting or consuming orally one or more biological agents. Such biological agents can be the same and/or different from the one or more biological agents on and/or in the medical device. For instance, solid dosage forms of biological agents for oral administration can be used. Such solid forms can include, but are not limited to, capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets, chewable tablets, pills, powders, sachets, granules and gels. In another and/or alternative one non-limiting application of the present invention, there is provided a medical device in the form of a stent that is designed to improve patient procedural outcome. The stent can have one non-limiting advantage of delivering one or more biological agents into a treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.). For instance, the stent can be designed to be inserted in a body passageway (e.g., blood vessel, etc.) and which stent inhibits or prevents in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis and/or one or more other diseases. The stent can be designed to be used as biological agent delivery mechanism to deliver one or more biological agents to and/or into a wall of a body passageway and/or down stream from the site of insertion of the stent. In one non-limiting design, the stent is comprised of a base material that includes at least one layer of trapidil and/or trapidil derivative and at least one layer parylene or parylene derivative that is used to at partially control the release of the trapidil and/or trapidil derivative from the stent by use of molecular diffusion. In still another and/or alternative one non-limiting application of the present invention, there is provided a medical device in the form of a stent that is designed to improve patient procedural outcome. The stent is designed to deliver one or more biological agents into a treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) to inhibit or prevent in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis. The stent can also be used as biological agent delivery mechanism to deliver one or more biological agents to and/or into a wall of a body passageway and/or down stream from the site of implantation of the stent. The stent includes a base material that includes at least one layer of biological agent and at least one polymer. The one or more polymers are used to at partially control the release of the biological agent from the stent. The controlled release of the one or more biological agents from the stent is at least partially obtained by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents at least partially through the one or more polymers. These one or more polymers include parylene, parylene C; parylene F; parylene N, parylene derivative, parylene C derivative; parylene F derivative; parylene N derivative, or combinations thereof. The biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The biological agent can also include 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF and/or GM-CSF derivatives. The biological agent can also include additional biological agents or other biological agents in combination with trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The stent can uniformly include one or more biological agents and/or polymers, or one or more regions of the stent can include different types and/or different amounts of one or more biological agents and/or polymers. The time period for the release of two or more biological agents from the stent can be the same or different. The type of the one or more biological agents used on the stent, the release rate of the one or more biological agents from the stent, and/or the concentration of the one-or more biological agents being released from the stent can be the same or different. The release rate of one or more biological agents can be such that after the stent is initially inserted in the body passageway, there is an initial controlled burst of biological agent from the stent. This initial controlled burst typically occurs for less than about 10 days, typically less than about 5 days, and more typically less than about 3 days. Generally, the average biological agent release rate during the controlled burst period at least about 20% greater than the average biological agent release rate during the non-burst period, and typically at least about 30% greater than the average biological agent release rate during the non-burst period. The period of time of biological agent release from the stent is typically at least about one day, typically about 1-365 days, and more typically about 5-40 days. The controlled burst period is generally less than about 30% of the total time period of biological agent release, and typically less than about 20% of the total time period of biological agent release. One or more regions of the stent are typically pre-treated (e.g., electro-polishing, plasma etching, etc.) to facilitate in the coating of one or more polymers and/or biological agents on the stent. The surface topography of the base structure of the stent can be uniform or varied to achieve the desired operation and/or rate of biological agent released from the stent. As can be appreciated, one or more regions of the stent device can be constructed by use of one or more microelectromechanical manufacturing techniques; however, this is not required. The stent can include one or more micro-structures that includes one or more biological agents and/or polymers; however, this is not required. These structures can be at least partially formed by MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, etc.) technology and/or other types of technology. These structures can be used to engage and/or penetrate surrounding tissue or organs once the stent has be position in the body passageway; however, this is not required. Typically the micro-structures, when formed, extend from or into the outer surface about 15-250 microns; however, other sizes can be used. The controlled release rate of one or more biological agents from the stent can result in reduced amounts and/or reduce time period of systemic drug therapy after the stent in inserted in the body passageway; however, this is not required. The stent can be temporality used in conjunction with one or more other biological agents. For instance, the success of the stent can be improved by infusing, injecting or consuming orally one or more biological agents. Such biological agents can be the same and/or different from the one or more biological agents on and/or in the stent. For instance, solid dosage forms of biological agents for oral administration can be used. Such solid forms can include, but are not limited to, capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets, chewable tablets, pills, powders, sachets, granules and gels. One non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device having improved procedural success rates. Another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that is at least partially formed of, contains, and/or is coated one or more biological agents. Still another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that controllably releases one or more biological agents. Yet another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that inhibits or prevents the occurrence of in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing and/or restenosis after the medical device has been inserted into a body passageway. Still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes one or more polymers. A further and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes one or more non-porous polymers to at least partially control the release rate of one or more biological agents. Still a further and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that at least partially control the release rate of one or more biological agents by molecular diffusion. Another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that is in the form of a stent. Still another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures. Yet another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes one or more internal structures, micro-structures and/or surface structures that include and/or are coated with one or more biological agents and/or polymers. Still another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes one or more surface structures, micro-structures and/or internal structures and a protective coating that at least partially covers and/or protects such structures. Yet another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes one or more markers. Still yet another and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that includes and/or is used with one or more physical hindrances. Still a further and/or alternative non-limiting object of the present invention is the provision of a medical device that can be used in conjunction with one or more biological agents not on or in the medical device. These and other advantages will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon the reading and following of this description taken together with the accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a section of a medical device in the form of an unexpanded stent which permits delivery of the stent into a body passageway; FIG. 2 is a sectional view of the stent of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating one type of coating on a medical device; FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating another type of coating on a medical device; FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating pores in the body of the medical device containing a biological agent and a coating on the medical device; FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating pores in the body of the medical device containing a biological agent and a biological agent coating on the medical device; FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating pores in the body of the medical device containing a biological agent and a biological agent coating on the medical device and a polymer coating over the biological agent; FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating micro-needles on the surface of the medical device that are formed of a biological agent; FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating micro-needles on the surface of the medical device that are formed of a biological agent and polymer; FIG. 12 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating micro-needles on the surface of the medical device that are formed of a biological agent and coated with a polymer; FIG. 13 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating micro-needles on the surface of the medical device that are-formed of a biological agent and polymer and coated with a polymer; FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional view along line 3-3 of FIG. 2 illustrating micro-needles on the surface of the medical device that are formed of a polymer and includes an internal cavity that includes a biological agent; FIG. 15 is a perspective view of a section of medical device in the form of a surgical graft that includes an internal biological agent coating and a polymer coating over the biological agent; FIG. 16 is an expanded section of the surgical graft identified in FIG. 15; and, FIG. 17 is a cross-sectional view of a micro-needle on a medical device that is penetrating into the inner surface of a body passageway or organ. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring now to the drawings wherein the showing is for the purpose of illustrating preferred embodiments of the invention only and not for the purpose of limiting the same, FIGS. 1-2 disclose a medical device in the form of a stent for use in a body passageway. The medical device of the present invention can be designed to address one or more of the shortcomings of prior medical devices. One non-limiting feature of the medical device of the present invention can be to locally deliver one or more biological agents to a particular body region. Another and/or alternative non-limiting feature of the medical device of the present invention can be to locally deliver one or more biological agents to a particular body region and to at least partially release one or more biological agents in a controlled manner. Although, FIGS. 1-2 illustrate the medical device in the form of a stent for use in the cardiovascular field, the medical device can be used in other medical fields such as, but not limited to, orthopedic field, cardiology field, pulmonology field, urology field, nephrology field, gastrointerology field, gynecology field, otolaryngology field or other surgical fields. The medical device can be in a form other than a stent such as a surgical graft as illustrated in FIGS. 15 & 16). The medical device of the present invention, when used for vascular applications, can be used to address various medical problems such as, but not limited to, restenosis, atherosclerosis, atherogenesis, angina, ischemic disease, congestive heart failure or pulmonary edema associated with acute myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, controlling blood pressure in hypertension, platelet adhesion, platelet aggregation, smooth muscle cell proliferation, vascular complications, wounds, myocardial infarction, pulmonary thromboembolism, cerebral thromboembolism, thrombophiebitis, thrombocytopenia or bleeding disorders. The medical device can be formed of a variety of materials such as, but not limited to, biostable polymers, biodegradable polymers, metals, plastics, cloth, fibers, or any combination thereof. As can be appreciated, many types of biodegradable polymers and non-biodegradable polymers can be used to at least partially form the medical device. The medical device can be at least partially biostable or at least partially biodegradable. The material or materials used to form the medical device include properties (e.g., strength, durability, hardness, biostability, bendability, coefficient of friction, radial strength, flexibility, tensile strength, longitudinal lengthening, stress-strain properties, improved recoil properties, radiopacity, heat sensitivity, biocompatibility, biostability, biodegradability, biocompatibility, etc.) that are selected to form a medical device which promotes the success of the medical device. When the medical device is in the form of a stent, the stent can be expandable such as by a balloon and/or self expanding. The material that is used to form one or more portions of the medical device is typically selected to withstand the manufacturing process used to form the medical device (e.g., electroplating, electro polishing, extrusion, molding, EDM machining, MEMS (e.g., micro-machining, etc.) manufacturing, chemical polishing, ion beam deposition or implantation, sputter coating, vacuum deposition, plasma deposition, etc.). The medical device can include one or more surface structures, micro-structures and/or internal structures. Such structures can be formed by a variety of processes (e.g., machining, chemical modifications, chemical reactions, micro-machining, etching, etc.). The one or more coatings and/or one or more surface structures, micro-structures and/or internal structures of the medical device can be used for a variety of purposes such as, but not limited to, 1) increasing the bonding and/or adhesion of one or more biological agents, adhesives, marker materials and/or polymers to the medical device, 2) changing the appearance or surface characteristics of the medical device, and/or 3) controlling the release rate of one or more biological agents. The techniques employed to deliver the medical device include, but are not limited to, angioplasty, vascular anastomoses, transplantation, implantation, subcutaneous introduction, minimally invasive surgical procedures, injection, topical applications, bolus administration, infusion, interventional procedures, and any combinations thereof. When the medical device is in the form of a surgical graft or stent as illustrated in FIGS. 1-17, the medical device can be implanted or applied by techniques such as, but not limited to, suturing, staples, adhesive, anasiomoses, balloon delivery, sheath catheter delivery, etc. Referring again to FIGS. 1-2, there is disclosed a medical device in the form of a stent for a body passageway. The stent is an expandable stent for at least partially expanding occluded segments of a body passageway; however, the stent can have other or additional uses. For example, the expandable stent may be used for, but not limited to, such purposes as 1) a supportive stent for placement within a blocked vasculature opened by transluminal recanalization, which are likely to collapse in the absence of an internal support; 2) forming a catheter passage through the mediastinal and/or other veins occluded by inoperable cancers; 3) reinforcement of catheter created intrahepatic communications between portal and/or hepatic veins in patients suffering from portal hypertension; 4) a supportive stent for placement in the narrowing of the esophagus, the intestine, the ureter and/or the urethra; and/or 5) a supportive stent for reinforcement of reopened and/or previously obstructed bile ducts. Accordingly, use of the term �stent� encompasses the foregoing or other usages within various types of body passageways. As illustrated in FIG. 1, the medical device 20 in the form of an expandable stent includes at least one tubular shaped body member 30 having a first end 32, a second end 34, and member structures 36 disposed between the first and second ends. FIG. 2 illustrates the stent prior to being formed into a generally tubular shape. As can be appreciated, the stent can be formed of a plurality of body members connected together. Body member 30 has a first diameter which permits delivery of the body member into a body passageway. The first diameter of the body member is illustrated as being substantially constant along the longitudinal length of the body member. As can be appreciated, the body member can have a varying first diameter along at least a portion of the longitudinal length of the body member. The body member also has a second expanded diameter, not shown. The second diameter typically varies in size; however, the second diameter can be non-variable in size. The stent can be expanded in a variety of ways such as by a balloon and/or be at least partially self expanding. A balloon expandable stent is typically pre-mounted or crimped onto an angioplasty balloon catheter. The balloon catheter is then positioned into the patient via a guide wire. Once the stent is properly positioned, the balloon catheter is inflated to the appropriate pressure for stent expansion. After the stent has been expanded, the balloon catheter is deflated and withdrawn, leaving the stent deployed at the treatment area. A self expanding stent includes a material that has physical properties that do not require balloon expansion; however, a balloon can be used. These stents are typically manufactured in their final clinically relevant size and are temporarily reduced in size and mounted onto a delivery system; however, this is not required. The deployment strategy is similar to that of the balloon expandable stent except that a retaining system (e.g., sheath, adhesive, etc.) is withdrawn, degrades, breaks, etc. after the stent is positioned in the treatment area. After the retaining system is withdrawn, degrades or is broken, the stent expands. As can be appreciated, expansion of such a stent can be facilitated by use of a balloon, heat, etc.; however, this is not required. One or more surfaces of the stent can be treated so as to have generally smooth surfaces. Generally, one or more ends of the stent are treated by filing, buffing, polishing, grinding, coating, and/or the like to remove or reduce the number of rough and/or sharp surfaces; however, this is not required. The smooth surfaces of the ends can be used to reduce potential damage to surrounding tissue as the stent is positioned in and/or expanded in a body passageway. Referring now to FIGS. 3-14, there is illustrated a portion of the stent that includes and/or is coated with one or more biological agents that are used to improve the functionality and/or success of the medical device such as, but not limited to inhibiting or preventing in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis. As can be appreciated, the coating combinations and structural combinations illustrated in FIGS. 3-14 can be used on the surgical graft as illustrated in FIG. 15, and/or on other medical devices. As illustrated in FIGS. 3-15, the stent can include and/or be coated with one or more polymers and/or biological agents. The one or more polymers can be porous or non-porous polymers. The one or more biological agent can be, but are not limited to, anti-biotic agents, anti-body targeted therapy agents, anti-hypertensive agents, anti-microbial agents, anti-mitotic agents, anti-oxidants, anti-polymerases agents, anti-proliferative agents, anti-secretory agents, anti-tumor agents, anti-viral agents, bioactive agents, chemotherapeutic agents, cellular components, cytoskeletal inhibitors, drug, growth factors, growth factor antagonists, hormones, immunosuppressive agents, living cells, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, radioactive materials, radio-therapeutic agents, thrombolytic agents, vasodilator agents, etc. In one specific example, the stent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives and is coated with parylene or a parylene derivative. The stent can include additional biological agents such as, but not limited to, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The amount of biological agent delivered to a certain region of a patient's body can be controlled by, but not limited to, one or more of the following: a) selecting the type of biological agent to be used on and/or in the stent, b) selecting the amount of biological agent to be used on and/or in the stent, c) selecting the coating thickness of the biological agent to be used on the stent, d) selecting the drug concentration of the biological agent to be used on and/or in the stent, e) selecting the solubility of the biological agent to be used on and/or in the stent, f) selecting the location the biological agent that is to be coated and/or impregnated on and/in the stent, g) selecting the amount of surface area of the stent that is coated and/or impregnated with the biological agent, h) selecting the location of the biological agent on the stent, i) selecting the size, shape, amount and/or location of the one or more surface structures, micro-structures and/or internal structures of the stent that include and/or are integrated with the biological agent, j) selecting the type and/or amount of polymer to be mixed with the biological agent, k) selecting the type , amount and/or coating thickness of the polymer coating used to at least partially coat and/or encapsulate the biological agent, etc. As can be appreciated, the amount of one or more biological agent delivered to a region of the body can be at least partially controlled in other or additional ways. The trapidil and/or trapidil derivative that is included on one or more portions of the stent are controllably released from the stent. The controlled release of one or more biological agents from the stent can be accomplished by 1) controlling the size and/or shape of the surface structures, micro-structures and/or internal structures in the stent, and 2) combining and/or coating one or more biological agents with one or more polymers. As can be appreciated, the controlled release of one or more polymers can be accomplished by other and/or additional arrangements. The one or more polymers (e.g., parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, and/or derivatives thereof; etc.) can also or alternatively be used to assist in binding the one or more biological agents to the stent. The one or more polymers and one or more biological agents can be mixed together prior to being applied to the stent; however, this is not required. The one or more polymers can be used to control the release of one or more biological agents by molecular diffusion and/or by one or more other mechanisms. Such polymer can be coated on the stent by vapor deposition or plasma deposition; however, other or additional coating techniques can be used. The thickness of the one or more non-porous polymer layer, when applied by catalyst-free vapor deposition or plasma deposition is about 0.5-25μ; however, other coating thicknesses can be used. When one or more biological agents are controllably released from the stent, the time period the one or more biological agents are released from the stent can vary. Generally, one or more biological agent are released from the stent over a period of at least several days after the stent is inserted in the body of a patient. As can be appreciated, the time frame that one or more of the biological agents can be released from the stent can be longer or shorter. The one or more biological agents that are released from the stent can be controllably released and/or non-controllably released. The time period for the release of two or more biological agents from the stent can be the same or different. The type of the one or more biological agents used on the stent, the release rate of the one or more biological agents from the stent, and/or the concentration of the one or more biological agents being released from the stent during a certain time period is typically selected to deliver one or more biological agents to the area of treatment so as to increase the success of the stent (e.g., inhibit or prevent restenosis, thrombosis, vascular narrowing and/or in-stent restenosis after the stent has been implanted in a body passageway, etc.). The stent can be designed such that one or more biological agents are released from the stent for at least several minutes to at least. several days after the stent is inserted in the body of a patient. As can be appreciated, the time frame that one or more of the biological agents can be released from the stent can be varied. The stent can be designed such that one or more biological agents are released from the stent so as to inhibit or prevent in-stent restenosis, vascular narrowing, and/or thrombosis after the stent has been implanted without the need for aggressive body wide drug therapy. In one non-limiting design of stent, the stent releases one or more biological agents over a period of time after being inserted in the body so that no further drug therapy is required after the stent has been implanted. In another and/or alternative non-limiting design of stent, the stent releases one or more biological agents over a period of time after being inserted in the body so that no further drug therapy is required about one day to two weeks after the stent has been implanted. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting design of stent, the stent releases one or more biological agents over a period of time after being inserted in the body so that no further drug therapy is required about two weeks to one month after the stent has been implanted. The stent of the present invention can be used overcomes the requirement of past implanted stents to have the patient on drug therapy for months after the stent has been implanted in the patient. The surface of the base structure of the stent can be treated to enhance the coating of the stent and/or to enhance the mechanical characteristics of the stent; however, this is not required. Such surface treatment techniques include, but are not limited to, cleaning, buffing, smoothing, etching (chemical etching, plasma etching, etc.), etc. When an etching process is used, various gasses can be used for such a surface treatment process such as, but not limited to, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, Freon, helium, hydrogen, etc. The plasma etching process can be used to clean the surface of the stent, change the surface properties of the stent so as to affect the adhesion properties, lubricity properties, etc. of the surface of the stent. As can be appreciated, other or additional surface treatment processes can be used prior to the coating of one or more biological agents and/or polymers on the surface of the stent. As illustrated in FIGS. 3-6, various coating combinations can be used on the stent. Referring to FIG. 3, the base structure 40 of the stent includes a layer 50 of biological agent. The layer of biological agent can include one or more biological agents. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also include, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. A polymer layer 60 is coated on the top of layer 50. The polymer layer can include one or more polymers. The polymer layer includes one or more non-porous polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, or parylene F which are used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents of layer 50 from stent 20. As illustrated in FIG. 4, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes a layer 70 of polymer and biological agent. Layer 70 can include one or more biological agents mixed with one or more polymers. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The one or more polymers include one or more non-porous polymers such as parylene, parylene C, parylene N, and/or parylene F used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in layer 70. As illustrated in FIG. 5, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes a layer 80 of polymer. Layer 80 can include one or more non-porous polymers such as parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. A layer 90 of one or more biological agents is coated on top of polymer layer 80. Polymer layer 80 can be used to facilitate in the securing of layer 90 to the stent; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5- Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The placement of a layer of biological agent on the top surface of the stent can provide an uncontrolled burst of biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent. As illustrated in FIG. 6, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes a layer 100 of one or more biological agents. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. A polymer layer 110 is coated on the top of layer 100. The polymer layer can include one or more polymers. The polymer layer can include parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents of layer 100 from stent 20. A layer 120 of biological agent is coated on top of polymer layer 110. Layer 120 can include one or more biological agents. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The placement of a layer of biological agent on the top surface of the stent provide can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agents in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent. Referring now to FIG. 7, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 200. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be formed in the base structure during the formation of the base structure and/or from the treatment of the base structure (e.g. etching, mechanical drill, laser cutting, water cutting, etc.) and/or from one or more micro-machining processes. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 200 are shown to include one or more biological agents 210; however, it can be appreciated that the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 200 can include a combination of one or more polymers and one or more biological agents, or only one or more polymers. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The size of the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be used to at least partially control the rate of release of the one or more biological agents and/or polymers from the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures. A polymer layer 220 is coated on the top surface of the base structure 40. The polymer layer can include one or more polymers. The polymer layer includes parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 200. Referring now to FIG. 8, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 250. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be formed in the base structure during the formation of the base structure and/or from the treatment of the base structure (e.g. etching, mechanical drill, laser cutting, water cutting, etc.) and/or from one or more micro-machining processes. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 250 are shown to include one or more biological agents 260; however, it can be appreciated that the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 250 can include a combination of one or more polymers and one or more biological agents, or only one or more polymers. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethirnazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The size of the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be used to at least partially control the rate of release of the one or more biological agents and/or polymers from the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures. A layer 270 of biological agent is coated on the top surface of the base structure. Layer 270 can include one or more biological agents. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The placement of a layer of biological agent on the top surface of the stent can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area after insertion of the stent. As can be appreciated, the one or more biological agents of layer 270 and in the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 250 can be the same or different. Referring now to FIG. 9, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 300. The one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be formed in the base structure during the formation of the base structure and/or from the treatment of the base structure (e.g. etching, mechanical drill, laser cutting, water cutting, etc.) and/or from one or more micro-machining processes. The one or more surface structures and/or micro- structures 300 are shown to include one or more biological agents 310; however, it can be appreciated that the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 300 can include a combination of one or more polymers and one or more biological agents, or only one or more polymers. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5- Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The size of the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures can be used to at least partially control the rate of release of the one or more biological agents and/or polymers from the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures. A layer 320 of biological agent is coated on the top surface of the base structure. Layer 320 can include one or more biological agents. In one non-limiting example, the biological agent includes trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. As can be appreciated, the one or more biological agents of layer 320 and in the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 300 can be the same or different. A polymer layer 330 is coated on the top surface of the layer 320 of biological agent. The polymer layer can include one or more polymers. The polymer layer can include one or more non-porous polymersuch as parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in the one or more surface structures and/or micro-structures 300 and/or in layer 320. As can be appreciated, a layer that includes one or more biological agents, not shown, can be coated on layer 330 to provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area after insertion of the stent. As can also be appreciated, other combinations of polymer layer and layer of biological agent can be used on the medical. These other combinations are also encompassed within the scope of the present invention. Referring now to FIG. 10, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more needles or micro-needles 350. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed on the surface of the base structure. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed from one or more biological agents and/or one or more polymer 360. A layer 362 of biological agent and/or polymer is also formed on the surface of the base structure. In one non-limiting example, the one or more needles or micro-needles 350 are formed from one or more biological agents that include trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-C SF, GM-C SF derivatives, or combinations thereof. In this non-limiting example, layer 362 is also formed from one or more biological agents that include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof As can be appreciated, the one or more biological agents in layer 362 and forming the one or more needles or micro-needles 350 can be the same or different. The use of one or more biological agents to coat the top surface of the base structure and/or to form one or more needles or micro-needles can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent. In another and/or alternative non-limiting example, the one or more needles or micro-needles 350 are-formed from one or more biological agents that include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. In this non-limiting example, layer 362 is formed from one or more polymers. The polymer layer can include one or more polymers. The polymer layer can include one or more non-porous polymers that includes parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. The use of one or more biological agents to form one or more needles or micro-needles can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent. In still another and/or alternative non-limiting example, the one or more needles or micro-needles 350 are formed from one or more polymers. The polymer layer can include one or more polymers. The polymer layer can include one or more porous polymers and/or non-porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. When the one or more polymers are non-porous polymers, the one or more non-porous polymers can include, but are not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. In this non-limiting example, layer 362 is formed from one or more biological agents that include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or.heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The use of one or more biological agents to form layer 362 can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent; however, this is not required. Referring now to FIG. 11, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more needles or micro-needles 400. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed on the surface of the base structure. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed from one or more biological agents and one or more polymers 410. A layer 412 of biological agent and/or polymer is also formed on the surface of the base structure. As can be appreciated, the composition of layer 412 and forming the composition of the one or more needles or micro-needles 400 can be the same or different. In one non-limiting example, the one or more biological agents that at least partially forms layer 412 and/or the one or more needles or micro-needles 400 include trapidil and/or trapidil derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives, taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The one or more polymers that at least partially form layer 412 and/or the one or more needles or micro-needles 400 can include one or more porous and/or non-porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In one non-limiting example, the one or more polymers that at least partially form layer 412 and/or the one or more needles or micro-needles 400 include a non-porous polymer to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents that are mixed with the polymer. The inclusion of one or more biological agents in the one or more needles or micro-needles can provide controlled release of biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent; however, this is not required. The use of one or more biological agents to form layer 412 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 400 can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent; however, this is not required. Referring now to FIG. 12, FIG. 12 is a modification of the arrangement illustrated in FIG. 10. In FIG. 12, a coating 470, that is formed of one or more polymers and/or biological agents is placed over one or more needles or micro-needles 450 and layer 462. Specifically, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more needles or micro-needles 450. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed on the surface of the base structure. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed from one or more biological agents and/or polymers 460. A layer 462 of biological agent and/or polymer is also formed on the surface of the base structure. The composition of layer 462 and one or more needles or micro-needles can be the same or different. In one non-limiting example, the one or more biological agents that can at least partially form layer 462 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 450 include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5- Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 462 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles include one or more porous polymers and/or non- porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In one non-limiting example, the one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 462 and/or one or more needles or micro- needles 450 include one or more non-porous polymer such as, but not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. The one or more non-porous polymers can be used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in layer 462 and/or in the one or more needles or micro-needles 450; however, this is not required. Layer 470 that is coated on the top of the one or more needles or micro-needles and layer 462 includes one or more biological agents and/or polymers. In one non-limiting example, the one or more biological agents that can at least partially form layer 470 include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5- Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. In one non-limiting example, the one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 470 include one or more porous and/or non-porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. When the one or more polymers include one or more non-porous polymers, such non- porous polymer can include, but not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. The one or more non-porous polymers can be used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in layer 462, layer 470 and/or in the one or more needles or micro-needles 450; however, this is not required. When one or more biological agents at least partially form layer 470 and/or are coated on layer 470, not shown, the one or more biological agents can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent; however, this is not required. Referring now to FIG. 13, FIG. 13 is a modification of the arrangement illustrated in FIG. 11. In FIG. 13, a coating 520, that is formed of one or more polymers and/or biological agents is placed over one or more needles or micro-needles 500 and layer 512. The composition of layer 520 and layer 512 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles can be the same or different. Specifically, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more needles or micro-needles 500. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed on the surface of the base structure. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed from a mixture of one or more biological agents and one or more polymers 510. A layer 512 of biological agent and polymer is also fornmed on the surface of the base structure. As can be appreciated, layer 512 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 500 can be formed only of one or more polymers or one or more biological agents. The composition of layer 512 and one or more needles or micro-needles 500 can be the same or different. In one non-limiting example, the one or more biological agents that can at least partially form layer 512 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 500 include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 512 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 500 include one or more porous polymers and/or non-porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F. PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In one non-limiting example, the one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 512 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 500 include one or more non-porous polymers such as, but not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. The one or more non-porous polymers can be used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological, agents in layer 512 and/or in the one or more needles or micro-needles 500; however, this is not required. In one non-limiting example, the one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 520 include one or more porous and/or non-porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. When the one or more polymers include one or more non-porous polymers, such non-porous polymer can include, but not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. The one or more non-porous polymers can be used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in layer 512, layer 520 and/or in the one or more needles or micro-needles 500; however, this is not required. When one or more biological agents at least partially form layer 520 and/or are coated on layer 520, not shown, the one or more biological agents can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agent in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the stent; however, this is not required. Referring now to FIG. 14, FIG. 14 is another modification of the arrangement illustrated in FIG. 11. In FIG. 14, one or more internal channels 570 are formed in one or more needles or micro-needles 550. The one or more internal channels 570 can include one or more biological agent and/or polymers. Specifically, the base structure 40 of stent 20 includes one or more needles or micro-needles 550. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed on the surface of the base structure. The one or more needles or micro-needles are formed from one or more polymers and/or biological agents 560. A layer 562 of polymer and/or biological agent is also formed on the surface of the base structure. The composition of layer 562 and one or more needles or micro-needles can be the same or different. The one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 562 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 550 include one or more porous polymers and/or non-porous polymers, and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In one non-limiting example, the one or more polymers that can at least partially form layer 562 and/or one or more needles or micro-needles 550 include one or more non-porous polymers such as, but not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. The one or more non-porous polymers can be used to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in layer 562, in the one or more needles or micro-needles 550, and/or in one or more internal channels 570; however, this is not required. One or more of the needles or micro-needles 550 include an internal channel 570. The internal channel is illustrated as including one or more biological agents 580; however, it can be appreciated that one or more channels can include a mixture of one or more polymers and/or biological agents, or only one or more polymers. In one non-limiting example, the one or more biological agents includes trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The top opening of the channel enables delivery of one or more biological agents directly into treatment area (e.g., a wall of a body passageway or organ, etc.). The one or more biological agents in internal channel 570 can pass through and/or molecularly diffluse through the one or more polymers that at least partially forms the one or more needles or micro-needles; however, this is not required. The release of the one or more biological agents through the one or more polymers that at least partially form the one or more needles or micro-needles can be a controlled or an uncontrolled release rate. As can be appreciated, a layer of biological agent, not shown, can be coated on one or more needles or micro-needles 550. The layer of biological agent could include one or more biological agents. The placement of the layer of biological agent on the one or more needles or micro-needles 550 can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agents in the treatment area; however, this is not required. As can be appreciated, other combinations of polymer layer and/or layer of biological agent can be used on the stent. As can also or alternatively be appreciated, a layer of polymer, not shown, can be coated on one or more needles or micro-needles 550. The layer of polymer could include one or more polymers. The placement of the layer of polymer on the one or more needles or micro-needles 550 can be used to a) at least partially control a release rate of one or more biological agents from the stent, and/or 2) provide structural support and/or protection to one or more needles or micro-needles. As can be appreciated, the polymer layer, when used, can have other or additional functions. These other combinations are also encompassed within the scope of the present invention. Referring now to FIG. 17, there is illustrated an enlarged portion of a surface of a stent 20 which includes a surface needle, micro-needle or other type of structure or micro-structure 700. The needle is shown to include at least one biological agent 710; however, the needle can also or alternatively include one or more polymers, adhesives, etc. The stent, when in the form of a stent, is illustrated as being in an expanded state. When the stent is inserted or expanded in a treatment area, the needle 700 on the outer surface of the stent engages and/or at least partially penetrates into blood vessel or organ V. When the needle includes one or more biological agents, the one or more biological agents are at least partially locally applied to a treatment area. This can be a significant advantage over system wide treatment with one or more biological agents. The local treatment with one or more biological agent via the needle can more effectively and/or efficiently direct the desired agents to a treated area. The release of one or more biological agents from the needle can be controlled, if desired, to direct the desired amount of one or more biological agents to a treated area over a desired period of time. When the stent is expanded in a blood vessel, the one or more needles enable local delivery of one or more biological agents into the wall of the blood vessel. This local delivery is especially advantageous in large and/or thick blood vessels wherein system wide drug treatment is not very effective. In addition, the local delivery of biological agent by the needle directly into the blood vessel can be more effective than only releasing the biological agent from the surface of the stent since diffusion from the surface of the stent to the larger and/or thicker blood vessel may not be as effective as direct delivery by the needles to the blood vessel. The one or more needles on the stent surface can also or alternatively be used to facilitate in securing the stent to the treatment area during the expansion and/or insertion of the stent in a treatment area. Referring now to FIG. 15, there is provided a surgical graft 600. The surgical graft is typically at least partially formed of a flexible material. The material used to form the surgical graft is selected to withstand the manufacturing process that is needed to be accomplished in order to produce the surgical graft. These manufacturing processes can include, but are not limited to, ion beam deposition or implantation, sputter coating, vacuum deposition and/or other coating processes. One non-limiting material is Gortex; however, other or additional materials can be used (e.g., polyethylene tetraphthlate (Dacron), expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e.g., Gortex, Impra, etc.), etc. The surgical graft can be used in a variety of body passageways. One non-limiting use of the surgical graft is to graft to or replace a portion of a damaged blood vessel. The surgical graft 600 has a generally tubular shape; however, many other shapes can be used. As best illustrated in FIG. 16, the surgical graft includes a body portion 610. The inner surface 620 of the body portion includes a plurality of threads 630 extending from the inner surface 620 of the body portion. A layer 640 including one or more biological agents and/or polymers is applied to the inner surface of the body portion. As illustrated in FIG. 16, layer 640 only partially encapsulates threads 630; however, this is not required. It can be appreciated that layer 640 is applied in sufficient quantity to fully encapsulate threads 630. In one non-limiting example, the one or more biological agents in layer 640 include trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM- CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. As can be appreciated, layer 640 can include a combination of biological agent and polymer, or only a polymer. Referring again to FIG. 16, a layer 650 is coated on layer 640. Layer 650 can include one or more polymers. The layer can include one or more porous and/or non-porous polymers. and/or one or more biostable and/or biodegradable polymers. Non-limiting examples of one or more polymers that can be used include, but are not limited to, parylene, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F, PLGA, PEVA, PLA, PBMA, POE, PGA, PLLA, PAA, PEG, chitosan and/or derivatives of one or more of these polymers. In one non-limiting example, the polymer layer includes one or more non-porous polymers to at least partially control a rate of release by molecular diffusion of the one or more biological agents in layer 640 and/or layer 650. The one or more non-porous polymers can include, but are not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. Layer 650 is shown to only partially encapsulate threads 630. As can be appreciated, sufficient amount of layer 650 can be used to fully encapsulate thread 630. As can be appreciated, a layer of biological agent, not shown, can be coated on layer 650. The layer of biological agent could include one or more biological agents. The placement of the layer of biological agent on the top surface of layer 650 can provide an uncontrolled burst of one or more biological agents in the treatment area (e.g., body passageway, etc.) after insertion of the surgical graft; however, this is not required. As can be appreciated, other combinations of polymer layer and layer of biological agent can be used on the surgical graft. Non- limiting examples of such combinations are illustrated in FIGS. 3-14. These other combination are also encompassed within the scope of the present invention. The following is a non-limiting example of the manufacture of a medical device in the form of a stent in accordance with the present invention. A medical device structure in the form of a stent for use in a body passageway (e.g., vascular system, etc.) is selected. The base structure is formed of a durable, biostable metal material. As can be appreciated, the base structure can be made of a nonmetallic material and/or a biodegradable material. The surface of the base structure of the medical device is plasma etched and/or cleaned. A porous or non-porous polymer layer is applied to the etched surface of the base structure. One or more biological agents are then applied to the surface of the polymer layer. As can be appreciated, the one or more biological agents can be applied to the surface of the stent prior to applying the porous or non-porous polymer layer. At least one non-porous polymer layer is applied over the one or more layers of biological agents so as to at least partially control the rate of release of the one or more biological agents by molecular diffusion through the non-porous polymer layer. The one or more non-porous polymers can include, but are not limited to, parylene C, parylene N, parylene F and/or a parylene derivative. A layer of biological agents can be applied over the final non-porous polymer layer for an additional fast release of the biological agent; however, this is not required. The at least one non-porous layer is applied via polymerization from a monomer vapor which is solvent or catalyst-free and is self curing. At least one layer of the biological agent can be deposited on the surface of the base structure or polymer by a number of methods such as, but not limited to, dipping, rolling, brushing, spraying, particle atomization, sonication or the like. Sonication can be used to deposit one or more biological agents and/or polymers on the surface of the base structure. Sonication involves the application of ultrasonic waves to a stream of fluid that may or may not contain the biological agent and/or the polymer material. The fluid can include, but is not limited to, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, water, saline, or any other organic or inorganic solvent. The sonicated stream is broken into droplets of the fluid that may vary in size from less than 1 micron to several microns in diameter or more. The size of the droplets can be varied by controlling the frequency of the sonicating device. The droplets can be applied to the medical device evenly or in various thickness configurations through controlling the rotation of the medical device. The one or more biological agents that are applied to the medical device can include, but are not limited to, trapidil, trapidil derivatives, warfarin (Coumadin) and/or derivatives, aspirin and/or derivatives, clopidogrel and/or derivatives, ticlopadine and/or derivatives, hirdun and/or derivatives, dipyridamole and/or derivatives, and/or heparin and/or low molecular weight heparin and/or derivatives. The one or more biological agents can also or alternatively include taxol, taxol derivatives, cytochalasin, cytochalasin derivatives, paclitaxel, paclitaxel derivatives, rapamycin, rapamycin derivatives, 5-Phenylmethimazole, 5-Phenylmethimazole derivatives, GM-CSF, GM-CSF derivatives, or combinations thereof. The medical device of the present invention can be used in conjunction with other biological agents. For instance, the success of the medical device can be enhanced by infusing, injecting and/or consuming orally the same and/or different biological agents that are being released from the medical device. The introduction of one or more biological agents from a source other than the medical device can have an additive or synergistic effect which can enhance the success of the medical device. Solid dosage forms of one or more biological agents for oral administration can be used. Such solid forms can include, but are not limited to, capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets, chewable tablets, pills, powders, sachets, granules and gels. In such solid dosage forms, the one or more biological agents can be admixed with at least one filler material such as, but not limited to, sucrose, lactose or starch. Such dosage forms can also comprise, as in normal practice, additional substances such as, but not limited to, inert diluents (e.g., lubricating agents, etc.). When capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets or pills are used, the dosage form can also include buffering agents. Soft gelatin capsules can be prepared to contain a mixture of the biological agent in combination with vegetable oil or other types of oil. Hard gelatin capsules can contain granules of the biological agent in combination with a solid carrier such as, but not limited to, lactose, potato starch, corn starch, cellulose derivatives of gelatin, etc. Tablets and pills can be prepared with enteric coatings for additional time release characteristics. Liquid dosage forms of the biological agent for oral administration can include pharmaceutically acceptable emulsions, solutions, suspensions, syrups, elixirs, etc. It will thus be seen that the objects set forth above, among those made apparent from the preceding description, are efficiently attained, and since certain changes may be made in the constructions set forth without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, it is intended that all matter contained in the above description and shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense. The invention has been described with reference to preferred and alternate embodiments. Modifications and alterations will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the detailed discussion of the invention provided herein. This invention is intended to include all such modifications and alterations insofar as they come within the scope of the present invention. It is also to be understood that the following claims are intended to cover all of the generic and specific features of the invention herein described and all statements of the scope of the invention, which, as a matter of language, might be said to fall therebetween. 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[145552, 145834, 0.0], [145834, 145989, 0.0], [145989, 146227, 0.0], [146227, 146450, 0.0], [146450, 146591, 0.0], [146591, 146776, 0.0], [146776, 147062, 0.0], [147062, 147356, 0.0], [147356, 147504, 0.0], [147504, 147690, 0.0], [147690, 147907, 0.0], [147907, 148081, 0.0], [148081, 148272, 0.0], [148272, 148323, 0.0], [148323, 148435, 0.0], [148435, 148551, 0.0], [148551, 148729, 0.0], [148729, 148924, 0.0], [148924, 149167, 0.0], [149167, 149329, 0.0], [149329, 149503, 0.0], [149503, 149691, 0.0], [149691, 149891, 0.0], [149891, 150109, 0.0], [150109, 150302, 0.0], [150302, 150383, 0.0], [150383, 150529, 0.0], [150529, 151384, 0.0], [151384, 151869, 0.0], [151869, 152501, 0.0], [152501, 153969, 0.0], [153969, 155339, 0.0], [155339, 156463, 0.0], [156463, 158749, 0.0], [158749, 159213, 0.0], [159213, 162760, 0.0], [162760, 167006, 0.0], [167006, 167936, 0.0], [167936, 169304, 0.0], [169304, 170406, 0.0], [170406, 171690, 0.0], [171690, 173859, 0.0], [173859, 175975, 0.0], [175975, 178753, 0.0], [178753, 182290, 0.0], [182290, 187432, 0.0], [187432, 190127, 0.0], [190127, 194797, 0.0], [194797, 198897, 0.0], [198897, 203564, 0.0], [203564, 205656, 0.0], [205656, 209699, 0.0], [209699, 213039, 0.0], [213039, 214837, 0.0], [214837, 215944, 0.0], [215944, 237180, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 371, 63.0], [371, 516, 23.0], [516, 1655, 170.0], [1655, 1772, 20.0], [1772, 1960, 32.0], [1960, 2202, 34.0], [2202, 2362, 22.0], [2362, 2494, 19.0], [2494, 2610, 17.0], [2610, 2901, 43.0], [2901, 3029, 23.0], [3029, 3202, 27.0], [3202, 3347, 22.0], [3347, 3507, 27.0], [3507, 3714, 35.0], [3714, 3872, 25.0], [3872, 4107, 40.0], [4107, 5087, 152.0], [5087, 5169, 14.0], [5169, 5446, 42.0], [5446, 5650, 31.0], [5650, 5825, 28.0], [5825, 5997, 28.0], [5997, 6135, 25.0], [6135, 6236, 17.0], [6236, 6591, 53.0], [6591, 6742, 25.0], [6742, 6894, 24.0], [6894, 7016, 20.0], [7016, 7138, 20.0], [7138, 7259, 20.0], [7259, 7406, 22.0], [7406, 7596, 28.0], [7596, 8205, 98.0], [8205, 8868, 104.0], [8868, 9541, 109.0], [9541, 9906, 59.0], [9906, 10319, 65.0], [10319, 10865, 95.0], [10865, 11459, 98.0], [11459, 12970, 230.0], [12970, 13315, 49.0], [13315, 14831, 243.0], [14831, 15412, 93.0], [15412, 17159, 265.0], [17159, 18573, 237.0], [18573, 19741, 143.0], [19741, 38230, 2225.0], [38230, 47511, 1567.0], [47511, 49645, 330.0], [49645, 51932, 382.0], [51932, 53235, 217.0], [53235, 62533, 1120.0], [62533, 63626, 183.0], [63626, 66383, 458.0], [66383, 67122, 118.0], [67122, 70818, 568.0], [70818, 71219, 62.0], [71219, 77617, 948.0], [77617, 84252, 1063.0], [84252, 85546, 174.0], [85546, 88579, 468.0], [88579, 110752, 3592.0], [110752, 110764, 1.0], [110764, 110773, 2.0], [110773, 110781, 2.0], [110781, 110788, 1.0], [110788, 110799, 1.0], [110799, 110807, 2.0], [110807, 110816, 1.0], [110816, 110825, 1.0], [110825, 110831, 1.0], [110831, 110840, 1.0], [110840, 110848, 1.0], [110848, 110860, 1.0], [110860, 110867, 1.0], [110867, 110877, 1.0], [110877, 110887, 1.0], [110887, 110898, 1.0], [110898, 110908, 1.0], [110908, 112391, 263.0], [112391, 115134, 459.0], [115134, 115143, 2.0], [115143, 115148, 1.0], [115148, 115154, 1.0], [115154, 115173, 5.0], [115173, 115181, 1.0], [115181, 115268, 15.0], [115268, 118499, 532.0], [118499, 119205, 111.0], [119205, 127642, 1298.0], [127642, 129599, 327.0], [129599, 138732, 1449.0], [138732, 139863, 184.0], [139863, 145046, 827.0], [145046, 145174, 19.0], [145174, 145379, 32.0], [145379, 145552, 25.0], [145552, 145834, 41.0], [145834, 145989, 24.0], [145989, 146227, 38.0], [146227, 146450, 35.0], [146450, 146591, 24.0], [146591, 146776, 26.0], [146776, 147062, 41.0], [147062, 147356, 41.0], [147356, 147504, 23.0], [147504, 147690, 29.0], [147690, 147907, 37.0], [147907, 148081, 27.0], [148081, 148272, 35.0], [148272, 148323, 12.0], [148323, 148435, 21.0], [148435, 148551, 21.0], [148551, 148729, 32.0], [148729, 148924, 34.0], [148924, 149167, 42.0], [149167, 149329, 28.0], [149329, 149503, 30.0], [149503, 149691, 33.0], [149691, 149891, 34.0], [149891, 150109, 37.0], [150109, 150302, 34.0], [150302, 150383, 15.0], [150383, 150529, 26.0], [150529, 151384, 143.0], [151384, 151869, 78.0], [151869, 152501, 72.0], [152501, 153969, 203.0], [153969, 155339, 192.0], [155339, 156463, 173.0], [156463, 158749, 379.0], [158749, 159213, 80.0], [159213, 162760, 516.0], [162760, 167006, 723.0], [167006, 167936, 152.0], [167936, 169304, 197.0], [169304, 170406, 150.0], [170406, 171690, 185.0], [171690, 173859, 294.0], [173859, 175975, 308.0], [175975, 178753, 384.0], [178753, 182290, 513.0], [182290, 187432, 711.0], [187432, 190127, 419.0], [190127, 194797, 720.0], [194797, 198897, 664.0], [198897, 203564, 755.0], [203564, 205656, 361.0], [205656, 209699, 628.0], [209699, 213039, 524.0], [213039, 214837, 277.0], [214837, 215944, 177.0], [215944, 237180, 2495.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 371, 0.00274725], [371, 516, 0.0], [516, 1655, 0.00268817], [1655, 1772, 0.05263158], [1772, 1960, 0.02185792], [1960, 2202, 0.00873362], [2202, 2362, 0.01333333], [2362, 2494, 0.01587302], [2494, 2610, 0.01834862], [2610, 2901, 0.00716846], [2901, 3029, 0.01612903], [3029, 3202, 0.01785714], [3202, 3347, 0.02173913], [3347, 3507, 0.01290323], [3507, 3714, 0.0], [3714, 3872, 0.0], [3872, 4107, 0.0], [4107, 5087, 0.00312175], [5087, 5169, 0.05128205], [5169, 5446, 0.01503759], [5446, 5650, 0.02051282], [5650, 5825, 0.02339181], [5825, 5997, 0.02409639], [5997, 6135, 0.02985075], [6135, 6236, 0.04123711], [6236, 6591, 0.01173021], [6591, 6742, 0.02758621], [6742, 6894, 0.02739726], [6894, 7016, 0.03389831], [7016, 7138, 0.03389831], [7138, 7259, 0.03418803], [7259, 7406, 0.02857143], [7406, 7596, 0.15428571], [7596, 8205, 0.13974592], [8205, 8868, 0.12769486], [8868, 9541, 0.0], [9541, 9906, 0.0], [9906, 10319, 0.0], [10319, 10865, 0.0], [10865, 11459, 0.0], [11459, 12970, 0.0], [12970, 13315, 0.0], [13315, 14831, 0.0], [14831, 15412, 0.0], [15412, 17159, 0.00831848], [17159, 18573, 0.00361011], [18573, 19741, 0.00180018], [19741, 38230, 0.00776576], [38230, 47511, 0.00585506], [47511, 49645, 0.00193892], [49645, 51932, 0.0], [51932, 53235, 0.0], [53235, 62533, 0.00439815], [62533, 63626, 0.0], [63626, 66383, 0.00224215], [66383, 67122, 0.00832178], [67122, 70818, 0.00198525], [70818, 71219, 0.0], [71219, 77617, 0.01185771], [77617, 84252, 0.00186249], [84252, 85546, 0.0], [85546, 88579, 0.00646698], [88579, 110752, 0.01704228], [110752, 110764, 0.0], [110764, 110773, 0.42857143], [110773, 110781, 0.33333333], [110781, 110788, 0.8], [110788, 110799, 0.85714286], [110799, 110807, 0.28571429], [110807, 110816, 0.83333333], [110816, 110825, 0.83333333], [110825, 110831, 0.66666667], [110831, 110840, 0.8], [110840, 110848, 0.8], [110848, 110860, 0.875], [110860, 110867, 0.75], [110867, 110877, 0.83333333], [110877, 110887, 0.83333333], [110887, 110898, 0.85714286], [110898, 110908, 0.83333333], [110908, 112391, 0.05445545], [112391, 115134, 0.02120536], [115134, 115143, 0.375], [115143, 115148, 0.66666667], [115148, 115154, 0.75], [115154, 115173, 0.125], [115173, 115181, 0.8], [115181, 115268, 0.03571429], [115268, 118499, 0.00125786], [118499, 119205, 0.0], [119205, 127642, 0.00320118], [127642, 129599, 0.0], [129599, 138732, 0.00180648], [138732, 139863, 0.0], [139863, 145046, 0.00515873], [145046, 145174, 0.0], [145174, 145379, 0.0], [145379, 145552, 0.0], [145552, 145834, 0.0], [145834, 145989, 0.0], [145989, 146227, 0.0], [146227, 146450, 0.0], [146450, 146591, 0.0], [146591, 146776, 0.0], [146776, 147062, 0.0], [147062, 147356, 0.0], [147356, 147504, 0.0], [147504, 147690, 0.0], [147690, 147907, 0.0], [147907, 148081, 0.0], [148081, 148272, 0.00531915], [148272, 148323, 0.04255319], [148323, 148435, 0.03773585], [148435, 148551, 0.03636364], [148551, 148729, 0.02325581], [148729, 148924, 0.02116402], [148924, 149167, 0.01687764], [149167, 149329, 0.03225806], [149329, 149503, 0.02994012], [149503, 149691, 0.02762431], [149691, 149891, 0.02604167], [149891, 150109, 0.02369668], [150109, 150302, 0.01052632], [150302, 150383, 0.05263158], [150383, 150529, 0.0141844], [150529, 151384, 0.00236967], [151384, 151869, 0.01290323], [151869, 152501, 0.0], [152501, 153969, 0.0], [153969, 155339, 0.00458365], [155339, 156463, 0.00640439], [156463, 158749, 0.00628648], [158749, 159213, 0.0], [159213, 162760, 0.00383481], [162760, 167006, 0.0014437], [167006, 167936, 0.0], [167936, 169304, 0.01299694], [169304, 170406, 0.01235741], [170406, 171690, 0.01552288], [171690, 173859, 0.01546641], [173859, 175975, 0.0132874], [175975, 178753, 0.01241535], [178753, 182290, 0.0141218], [182290, 187432, 0.01022913], [187432, 190127, 0.01818182], [190127, 194797, 0.01903695], [194797, 198897, 0.02340371], [198897, 203564, 0.01798002], [203564, 205656, 0.00631988], [205656, 209699, 0.02187339], [209699, 213039, 0.00092707], [213039, 214837, 0.0], [214837, 215944, 0.0], [215944, 237180, 0.13121903]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 371, 0.0], [371, 516, 0.0], [516, 1655, 0.0], [1655, 1772, 0.0], [1772, 1960, 0.0], [1960, 2202, 0.0], [2202, 2362, 0.0], [2362, 2494, 0.0], [2494, 2610, 0.0], [2610, 2901, 0.0], [2901, 3029, 0.0], [3029, 3202, 0.0], [3202, 3347, 0.0], [3347, 3507, 0.0], [3507, 3714, 0.0], [3714, 3872, 0.0], [3872, 4107, 0.0], [4107, 5087, 0.0], [5087, 5169, 0.0], [5169, 5446, 0.0], [5446, 5650, 0.0], [5650, 5825, 0.0], [5825, 5997, 0.0], [5997, 6135, 0.0], [6135, 6236, 0.0], [6236, 6591, 0.0], [6591, 6742, 0.0], [6742, 6894, 0.0], [6894, 7016, 0.0], [7016, 7138, 0.0], [7138, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7406, 0.0], [7406, 7596, 0.0], [7596, 8205, 0.0], [8205, 8868, 0.0], [8868, 9541, 0.0], [9541, 9906, 0.0], [9906, 10319, 0.0], [10319, 10865, 0.0], [10865, 11459, 0.0], [11459, 12970, 0.0], [12970, 13315, 0.0], [13315, 14831, 0.0], [14831, 15412, 0.0], [15412, 17159, 0.0], [17159, 18573, 0.0], [18573, 19741, 0.0], [19741, 38230, 0.0], [38230, 47511, 0.0], [47511, 49645, 0.0], [49645, 51932, 0.0], [51932, 53235, 0.0], [53235, 62533, 0.0], [62533, 63626, 0.0], [63626, 66383, 0.0], [66383, 67122, 0.0], [67122, 70818, 0.0], [70818, 71219, 0.0], [71219, 77617, 0.0], [77617, 84252, 0.0], [84252, 85546, 0.0], [85546, 88579, 0.0], [88579, 110752, 0.0], [110752, 110764, 0.0], [110764, 110773, 0.0], [110773, 110781, 0.0], [110781, 110788, 0.0], [110788, 110799, 0.0], [110799, 110807, 0.0], [110807, 110816, 0.0], [110816, 110825, 0.0], [110825, 110831, 0.0], [110831, 110840, 0.0], [110840, 110848, 0.0], [110848, 110860, 0.0], [110860, 110867, 0.0], [110867, 110877, 0.0], [110877, 110887, 0.0], [110887, 110898, 0.0], [110898, 110908, 0.0], [110908, 112391, 0.0], [112391, 115134, 0.0], [115134, 115143, 0.0], [115143, 115148, 0.0], [115148, 115154, 0.0], [115154, 115173, 0.0], [115173, 115181, 0.0], [115181, 115268, 0.0], [115268, 118499, 0.0], [118499, 119205, 0.0], [119205, 127642, 0.0], [127642, 129599, 0.0], [129599, 138732, 0.0], [138732, 139863, 0.0], [139863, 145046, 0.0], [145046, 145174, 0.0], [145174, 145379, 0.0], [145379, 145552, 0.0], [145552, 145834, 0.0], [145834, 145989, 0.0], [145989, 146227, 0.0], [146227, 146450, 0.0], [146450, 146591, 0.0], [146591, 146776, 0.0], [146776, 147062, 0.0], [147062, 147356, 0.0], [147356, 147504, 0.0], [147504, 147690, 0.0], [147690, 147907, 0.0], [147907, 148081, 0.0], [148081, 148272, 0.0], [148272, 148323, 0.0], [148323, 148435, 0.0], [148435, 148551, 0.0], [148551, 148729, 0.0], [148729, 148924, 0.0], [148924, 149167, 0.0], [149167, 149329, 0.0], [149329, 149503, 0.0], [149503, 149691, 0.0], [149691, 149891, 0.0], [149891, 150109, 0.0], [150109, 150302, 0.0], [150302, 150383, 0.0], [150383, 150529, 0.0], [150529, 151384, 0.0], [151384, 151869, 0.0], [151869, 152501, 0.0], [152501, 153969, 0.0], [153969, 155339, 0.0], [155339, 156463, 0.0], [156463, 158749, 0.0], [158749, 159213, 0.0], [159213, 162760, 0.0], [162760, 167006, 0.0], [167006, 167936, 0.0], [167936, 169304, 0.0], [169304, 170406, 0.0], [170406, 171690, 0.0], [171690, 173859, 0.0], [173859, 175975, 0.0], [175975, 178753, 0.0], [178753, 182290, 0.0], [182290, 187432, 0.0], [187432, 190127, 0.0], [190127, 194797, 0.0], [194797, 198897, 0.0], [198897, 203564, 0.0], [203564, 205656, 0.0], [205656, 209699, 0.0], [209699, 213039, 0.0], [213039, 214837, 0.0], [214837, 215944, 0.0], [215944, 237180, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 371, 0.00269542], [371, 516, 0.0], [516, 1655, 0.0], [1655, 1772, 0.0], [1772, 1960, 0.0], [1960, 2202, 0.02892562], [2202, 2362, 0.06875], [2362, 2494, 0.00757576], [2494, 2610, 0.09482759], [2610, 2901, 0.02405498], [2901, 3029, 0.0078125], [3029, 3202, 0.00578035], [3202, 3347, 0.00689655], [3347, 3507, 0.00625], [3507, 3714, 0.0], [3714, 3872, 0.0], [3872, 4107, 0.0], [4107, 5087, 0.0], [5087, 5169, 0.0], [5169, 5446, 0.02527076], [5446, 5650, 0.05392157], [5650, 5825, 0.00571429], [5825, 5997, 0.06395349], [5997, 6135, 0.00724638], [6135, 6236, 0.00990099], [6236, 6591, 0.0028169], [6591, 6742, 0.00662252], [6742, 6894, 0.00657895], [6894, 7016, 0.00819672], [7016, 7138, 0.00819672], [7138, 7259, 0.00826446], [7259, 7406, 0.00680272], [7406, 7596, 0.04736842], [7596, 8205, 0.05418719], [8205, 8868, 0.05580694], [8868, 9541, 0.00445765], [9541, 9906, 0.0739726], [9906, 10319, 0.00968523], [10319, 10865, 0.00549451], [10865, 11459, 0.00841751], [11459, 12970, 0.00794176], [12970, 13315, 0.00869565], [13315, 14831, 0.00395778], [14831, 15412, 0.00344234], [15412, 17159, 0.02003434], [17159, 18573, 0.00353607], [18573, 19741, 0.01284247], [19741, 38230, 0.0168749], [38230, 47511, 0.00377115], [47511, 49645, 0.00656045], [49645, 51932, 0.00393529], [51932, 53235, 0.00460476], [53235, 62533, 0.0137664], [62533, 63626, 0.00182983], [63626, 66383, 0.0054407], [66383, 67122, 0.00135318], [67122, 70818, 0.01704545], [70818, 71219, 0.00498753], [71219, 77617, 0.01203501], [77617, 84252, 0.00497362], [84252, 85546, 0.01081917], [85546, 88579, 0.00263765], [88579, 110752, 0.00789248], [110752, 110764, 0.16666667], [110764, 110773, 0.0], [110773, 110781, 0.0], [110781, 110788, 0.0], [110788, 110799, 0.0], [110799, 110807, 0.0], [110807, 110816, 0.0], [110816, 110825, 0.0], [110825, 110831, 0.0], [110831, 110840, 0.0], [110840, 110848, 0.0], [110848, 110860, 0.0], [110860, 110867, 0.0], [110867, 110877, 0.0], [110877, 110887, 0.0], [110887, 110898, 0.0], [110898, 110908, 0.0], [110908, 112391, 0.01618341], [112391, 115134, 0.00328108], [115134, 115143, 0.0], [115143, 115148, 0.0], [115148, 115154, 0.0], [115154, 115173, 0.0], [115173, 115181, 0.0], [115181, 115268, 0.01149425], [115268, 118499, 0.00557103], [118499, 119205, 0.00566572], [119205, 127642, 0.00841531], [127642, 129599, 0.00715381], [129599, 138732, 0.02255557], [138732, 139863, 0.00442087], [139863, 145046, 0.01022574], [145046, 145174, 0.0078125], [145174, 145379, 0.00487805], [145379, 145552, 0.00578035], [145552, 145834, 0.0035461], [145834, 145989, 0.00645161], [145989, 146227, 0.00420168], [146227, 146450, 0.0044843], [146450, 146591, 0.0070922], [146591, 146776, 0.00540541], [146776, 147062, 0.0034965], [147062, 147356, 0.00340136], [147356, 147504, 0.00675676], [147504, 147690, 0.00537634], [147690, 147907, 0.00460829], [147907, 148081, 0.00574713], [148081, 148272, 0.16753927], [148272, 148323, 0.11764706], [148323, 148435, 0.05357143], [148435, 148551, 0.05172414], [148551, 148729, 0.03370787], [148729, 148924, 0.03076923], [148924, 149167, 0.02469136], [149167, 149329, 0.03703704], [149329, 149503, 0.03448276], [149503, 149691, 0.03191489], [149691, 149891, 0.03], [149891, 150109, 0.02752294], [150109, 150302, 0.01554404], [150302, 150383, 0.07407407], [150383, 150529, 0.02054795], [150529, 151384, 0.04795322], [151384, 151869, 0.02061856], [151869, 152501, 0.00158228], [152501, 153969, 0.00885559], [153969, 155339, 0.00656934], [155339, 156463, 0.00711744], [156463, 158749, 0.01006124], [158749, 159213, 0.00646552], [159213, 162760, 0.01043135], [162760, 167006, 0.00565238], 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Website of the Newspaper of the Party for Socialism and Liberation Join the PSL Navigate to... Home Our Party Bloggers Archives Join the PSL About Contact us Donate Michael Dunn verdict: The racist system is guilty! Killer of Black teen Jordan Davis found ‘not guilty’ in first degree By Bryan Ellis Lucia McBath and Ronald Davis, the parents of Jordan Davis, spoke out after hearing the verdict. On Feb. 15, the eve of what would have been Jordan Davis' 19th birthday, a Duval County jury convicted Michael Dunn on three counts of second-degree attempted murder. Each count carries a 20-year mandatory minimum sentence. They also convicted him of shooting or throwing a deadly missile. However, Circuit Judge Russell Healey declared a mistrial on the first-degree murder count. Dunn's jury was made up of four white men, four white women, two black women, one Asian female and one Hispanic man. As Davis' parents left the courtroom in tears, dozens of demonstrators marched and chanted outside the courthouse, shouting, "Murder is a crime. Michael Dunn should do the time," "The system has failed us," and "Hey hey, ho ho, Angela Corey's got to go!" Protesters demanded District Attorney Angela Corey's resignation after she mishandled the prosecution of both George Zimmerman and Dunn. The District Attorney's office has announced only that they will push for a new trial. Dunn's killing of Jordan Davis in November 2012 came less than a year after Zimmerman's killing of Trayvon Martin, which sparked national outrage and massive demonstrations. After a dispute over loud rap music, Dunn, a 45-year-old white man, fired nine shots into the SUV in which were Jordan Davis, a 17-year-old Black youth, and his three teenage friends while parked at a gas station in Jacksonville, Florida. Davis, sitting in the back seat, was struck twice and died. Though Dunn claimed self-defense, no weapon was found in the SUV.Some of the most disturbing facts surrounding the Michael Dunn trial have been the statements of Dunn's own defense attorney, Cory Strolla. Strolla, when speaking to a CNN reporter, denied seeing important similarities between the Dunn trial and the Zimmerman trial. He also stated publicly, "This isn't a Black and white issue. It's a subculture thug issue.” By framing the trial as a "subculture thug issue," he is implying that the victims of racist murders are responsible for their own deaths. He suggests that young Black men are violent and dangerous "thugs" against whom men like Dunn and Zimmerman need to defend themselves. The meaning of ‘thug’ The word "thug," as Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman pointed out recently, has become "an accepted way of calling somebody the N-word." In Michael Dunn's letters from jail, so racist they banish any doubts the murder was racially motivated, Dunn stated, "This jail is full of blacks[sic] and they all act like thugs...This may sound a bit radical but if more people would arm themselves and kill these **** idiots when they're threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior." Is this killing, or that of Trayvon Martin, an aberration? This would mean that racist killings are rare tragedies from a bygone era, as if the election of President Obama ushered in a “post-racial” society. "Things aren't perfect now," goes the narrative, "but they're tolerable. Let's let the criminal-justice system work its course." The truth is starkly different. Today, a Black man is killed every 28 hours in the United States by police or vigilantes, according to a recent study conducted by Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. And most of these Black men will not receive justice, for the systemic and institutional racism inflicting our society does not stop at the courthouse gates. On the contrary, the criminal-justice system works overtime to disadvantage and disenfranchise Black people. According to the Center for American Progress, while people of color make up 30 percent of the population, they make up 60 percent of people in prison. One in three Black men will go to prison in his lifetime. Black people receive longer sentences than white people once convicted; Black students are arrested far more often than their white classmates. And facts like these only begin to describe how racist our criminal-justice system truly is. Compare them with the Texas trial of Ethan Couch, a white youth who received only probation for killing four people while driving drunk. His millionaire family bought a psychologist to testify that Couch had "affluenza," arguing successfully that he was so wealthy and spoiled he had lost the capacity for responsible behavior. Racism is more than personal prejudice, it’s a system A perspective often expressed by liberals confuses the issue by insisting we can't be sure Michael Dunn is a racist. Even if he is, they say, it's better ten guilty people escape than a single innocent person suffer. They want Black people and their allies to calm down, even calling their protests and organizing "witch hunts" and "mob justice." Not only do they misconstrue the blindfold Lady Justice wears to be a color-blindfold we should all wear; they mistake racism for a personal issue, as well. Racism is not the same as prejudice, a biased opinion toward someone. As Beverly Daniel Tatum, scholar of race relations and current President of Spelman College, writes, racism is "a system involving cultural messages and institutional policies and practices as well as the beliefs and actions of individuals. In the context of the United States, this system clearly operates to the advantage of Whites and to the disadvantage of people of color." When white men kill Black youth, the people rise up and fill the streets not only because they're angry at George Zimmerman or Michael Dunn. They're angry at the whole racist system. They're angry because the system keeps on perpetuating racist murders and racial disparities in the legal system. They disapprove when cold-blooded killers like Dunn get off without being convicted of first-degree murder, which pronounces open season for hunters of Black youth. The courts aren't moving us toward justice. The people demand justice now. Even if that means confronting the whole system. Content may be reprinted with credit to LiberationNews.org.
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John Dahl (born 1956) is an American film and television director and writer, best known for his work in the neo-noir genre.
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The team of Kedarnath puts up a set worth 7...... The makers of Kedarnath are leaving no stone unturned to make the film as believable as they can. Wednesday, Dec 06, 2017 12:32: PM Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth's 2.0 to clash with...... It was recently revealed that Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar's 2.0 will be releasing on the same day as Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War! Tuesday, Dec 05, 2017 11:31: AM Will Karan Johar no longer have item numbers in...... Karan Johar known to be quite an outspoken celebrity. Salman Khan opens up about the first time he met...... It has been 15 long years of the Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif roller coaster ride. Monday, Dec 04, 2017 01:14: PM Karan Johar to collaborate with Sonakshi Sinha...... Karan Johar is on a roll with his production house reaching new heights with each passing release. How is Salman Khan helping Katrina Kaif's career? As you all know, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are all set to be seen in the upcoming film, Tiger Zinda Hai, which is a sequel to the hit film Ek Tha Tiger. Sunday, Dec 03, 2017 01:33: PM Anushka Sharma to play a surrogate mother? Shree Narayan Singh who is the director of the Akshay Kumar starrer Toilet Ek Prem Katha is currently busy finalizing the details of his next film with Shahid Kapoor.
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Postgrados Proteccion radiologica dental Centro de Formación Permanente En Sevilla 140 € IVA inc. Ver más cursos similares Dental Assistant International Career Institute £ 25 - (29 €) Pedir información Técnico en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en Clínicas Dentales Euroinnova Formación - Pedir información Indicaciones Actuales de Selladores de Fosas y Fisuras Grupo Femxa Pedir información Auxiliar de Odontología Academia Victoria Sevilla / Presencial Hasta 150 € Pedir información Información importante 64 horas lectivas Objetivo del curso: El curso tiene como objetivo docente el formar e informar en materia de seguridad radiologica a sus alumnos, como futuros usuarios de equipos de rayos X, en su labor porfesional. Dirigido a: Alumnos de 5º curso de la Facultad de Odontologia de la Universidad de Sevilla Instalaciones y fechas Consultar SevillaAvicena, s/n, 41009, Sevilla, España Ver mapa Opiniones De este curso (0) De otros cursos del centro (14) Al apretar el botón aceptas las condiciones legales de Emagister y la política de privacidad . Usaremos tus datos sólo para comunicación relacionada con tu aportación ¿Qué aprendes en este curso? Radiología dentalProtección radiológica Temario Módulos/Asignaturas del Curso Módulo 1. Sistema de medidas de radiaciones ionizantesNúmero de créditos: 1,60Modalidad de impartición: PresencialContenido: Descripcion de los equipos de deteccion de radiacion ionizante, detectores termoluminiscentes, estado solido, camaras de ionizacion.Fechas de inicio-fin: 13/11/2008 - 24/01/2009Horario: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, JuevesEn horario de tarde Módulo 2. Control de calidad de equipos de radiologia dentalNúmero de créditos: 1,60Modalidad de impartición: PresencialContenido: Medidas de parametros radiologicos contenidos en protocolo español de control de calidad en radiodiagnostico.Fechas de inicio-fin: 13/11/2008 - 24/01/2009Horario: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, JuevesEn horario de tarde Módulo 3. Medida de dosis a pacientes; medidas ambientales y clasificacion de zonas radiologicasNúmero de créditos: 1,60Modalidad de impartición: PresencialContenido: Medida de la dosis a pacientes en radiologia intraoral; evaluacion de la radiacion dispersa y clasificacion de zonas radiologicasFechas de inicio-fin: 13/11/2008 - 24/01/2009Horario: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, JuevesEn horario de tarde Módulo 4. Control de calidad de los sistemas de imagenNúmero de créditos: 1,60Modalidad de impartición: PresencialContenido: Verificacion de los sistemas de revelado y determinacion de la curva caracteristica de una pelicula radiograficaFechas de inicio-fin: 13/11/2008 - 24/01/2009Horario: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, JuevesEn horario de tarde Centro de Formación Permanente 140 € IVA inc. Pedir información A otros usuarios les interesó esto... Postgrado de Radiología dental Postgrado de Operatoria dental Postgrado de Protección radiológica Postgrados en España Postgrado Odontología Postgrados Sevilla Cursos de Centro de Formación Permanente Empresa
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These words just don't seem like enough. That is all I can think of when people ask me what it's like being a mom. Here I am 10 weeks after my baby boy was born and I cannot imagine life without him and barely before him. I adore my husband with every fiber of my being and never thought I could love another person the way I love him....but here I am with my 13 pound of chub napping next to me and I can't stop looking at him. I am enthralled by him. I can't stop kissing his cheeks, his hands, his feet, and even when his neck rolls smell cheesey, he's still perfect to me. I always thought of the kind of person I wanted to be when I was ready to have kids....and I'M NOTHING like her. I still think farts are funny, I'm still a smart ass, I'm still obsessed with reality tv, wear sneakers, and I still don't like to comb my hair. I am nothing like the paisley diaper bag carrying, boot cut jean wearing, baby food making, most gentle women in the world kind of mother I thought I'd be. I'm still me. And as much as I love myself....I love my baby so much more. My added prayer every night of being the kind of wife God wants me to be has been to be the kind of mother God wants me to be to my son. I want to make him smile, laugh, I want to make him feel like he is the smartest boy, the most fun to be around, the funniest, the strongest, I want to encourage him. I don't want to tease him or embarrass him. I want to make him feel brave, so when he wakes up and it's dark he knows to pray to Jesus. I want to make him feel confident so when he is insecure he will remember that God made him fearfully and wonderfully. There is so much I want to teach him, and so much I don't know.....he makes me want to be better at math, and know more about history, he makes me want to watch a copious amount of "how it's made'' reruns so...you know, I'll know how it's made. I knew the minute I was pregnant I had a lot of growing up to do, but the first time he was put into my pale, puffy, tired arms....I knew I needed to step my game up. And even with all of those thoughts the greatest truth I heard was a gentle and quiet whisper saying "YOU are enough, here is your son...get ready to understand." And Lord knows I do. I understand. There is no love like this. There is no job more important than being a mother. There is no adventure like this. Here I am 2 months in and I'm getting that. Son, my love, you were worth 5 months of nausea, you were and are worth less sleep,you are worth the stretch marks, you are worth tons of spit up and soiled laundry, you are worth a tired body. I don't miss life before you, not one bit. You are the 3rd best thing I've ever done with my life. And I promise I will pray for you everyday, thank God for you, and I hope you will always know you will always have me. I'm your momma. Forever and ever. I love you with my soul baby boy. Labels: baby, Christmas, Family, Motherhood jess and lacy February 15, 2012 at 8:02 PM this is just so well-said. your baby boy is just the sweetest. you will make (and you are) an amazing mom! its funny how life's priorities change when you put the needs of others first. such a huge lesson to be learned, but I feel like Heavenly Father meant for it to be that way! Love you, Rodge! Get my blogs by email: Content © Erika Soto (Layout & Graphics © Emma Estrella). Powered by Blogger.
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Hagen's Role of a Lifetime After editing an interview with Norwegian actor Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen in the November issue of Viking, I've become inordinately excited about the new "Kon-Tiki" movie, scheduled for release by Nordisk Film in July. Hagen's star is rising these days, thanks to his role as Roy Nilsen in the blockbuster "Max Manus" (2008) and his leading role of Jan Thomas in "Troubled Water" (2008). He now stars as Norway's famous explorer, Thor Heyerdal, who in 1947 led an expedition from Peru to Polynesia. For a preview of the film, here's a behind-the-scenes look on YouTube. While the commentary is in Norwegian, I think non-Norwegian speakers also will enjoy taking a peek at the making of Norway's biggest film production to date, directed by Espen Sandberg and Joachim Rønning of "Max Manus" fame. You also can check out the film's Facebook page for more production footage and a teaser for the movie. Posted by Amy Boxrud at 9:27 PM Holiday Decorating: Inspired by Norwegian Nature Snowman to become Scorsese Film Alt for Norge: Season 3 Auditions Queen Debuts as Visual Artist Nordic Food Day
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Dennis seeks some Rio redemption in Doha Worlds time trial Australian looks ahead to Wednesday's elite men's race Rohan Dennis on his way to winning the stage 2 time trial at the Eneco Tour (Image credit: Tim de Waele/TDWSport.com) First race in the Australian green and gold skin suit for Rohan Dennis Rohan Dennis (BMC) (Image credit: Tim de Waele/TDWSport.com) Rohan Dennis (BMC) celebrates his stage victory in Bristol (Image credit: Tim de Waele/TDWSport.com) Were it not for the snap of a handlebar in Rio de Janeiro, Rohan Dennis would likely have brought the curtain down on his season well before these UCI Road World Championships in Doha. The Australian was on course for a silver medal – or more – in the time trial at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games only for a most untimely equipment malfunction that ultimately saw him slip to fifth place and redraw his late-season plans. Tour of California: Rohan Dennis wins Folsom time trial Olympic Games: Late mechanical clips Dennis' podium ambitions Tour of Britain: Rohan Dennis wins stage 7b in Bristol 'Perfect' time trial catapults Dennis into Eneco Tour lead Dennis loses Eneco Tour after crashing out of finale "To be honest, if I'd won in Rio, I probably would have been more than happy to call it a season. It was a little bit rough the first half, with sickness and just fighting to get on top of things. So if I did pull it off then, I might have thought: 'Ok, end it on a high,'" Dennis told Cyclingnews in Doha. "I would probably have continued to race, I'm paid to race, but just not with any pressure and end my season as I normally would do, in September." Dennis was remarkably sanguine when discussing his ill fortune in the minutes immediately after finishing his effort in Rio – "Shit happens," he said wistfully – but some wounds take time to make themselves felt in earnest. The consolation of defeat is that it offers the chance to dream it up all over again, but the cruelty of an Olympic defeat is that the chance takes so long to come around again. "It makes it harder because it was something that shouldn't have happened, but it did and it's always going to be in the back of my mind: 'What if it didn't break?' I know in my own mind that silver would have been a guarantee, but obviously you never know what extra pressure that would have put on Fabian [Cancellara] too. I think that's the hardest: the unknowns of what might have been and the fact that it's four years until another chance," Dennis said. "A lot of people have said 'You're only young, so you've still got two more Olympics in you.' But I still have to make it to those Olympics. It's not a year by year thing, where you've got another chance regularly." The World Championships, on the other hand, are a yearly occurrence, and while victory would not quite provide full consolation for Rio, a rainbow jersey would put a rather different sheen on Dennis' season. Others who came away from Brazil disappointed, notably silver medallist Tom Dumoulin (Netherlands) and Tony Martin (Germany), are also among the favourites for Wednesday's race, though holding form to this point in the year is a hazardous business. "It is a weird Worlds, because everyone did try to peak for August. At the moment, a few of us probably want to get some sort of redemption for what happened there," said Dennis, who has been the most consistently impressive of the time trial favourites in recent weeks. Second overall at the Tour of Britain, Dennis was on course for Eneco Tour victory when he crashed out on the final day in the leader's jersey, and he won stages in each race, including the individual time trial at Eneco Tour. "Eneco was good signs for the time trial obviously, so I can't be any happier than I am with my form. It's a little bit unexpected but for some reason I feel better now than I did in July and August," Dennis said. "But I'm not going to complain." Dennis sampled the flat and fast Doha course in a competitive setting when he was part of the BMC sextet that finished second in Sunday's team time trial, and while past Worlds circuits have been better tailored to his talents – such as Ponferrada 2014, where he placed fifth in a very competitive field – form and motivation account for perhaps nine-tenths of the law at this late point in the campaign. "I think the perfect time trial would be a little bit lumpy: nothing mountainous, but just enough to wash some of the speed off the bigger guys," he said. "Something like Ponferrada would have been great, but still a flat time trial is something I'm quite suited to, and I can still win on Wednesday." There is no time like the present, not least for a rider whose range will broaden to match his ambition in the years to come. Just like Dumoulin, the Olympic project meant that time trialling was Dennis' principal focus in 2016, but now 26 and no longer a neophyte, the Australian will surely begin to place a greater emphasis on exploring his limits over three weeks from next season. "I don't want to throw that time trial strength out the window, though, because you can win Grand Tours through time trialling, like we saw with Froome this year or Wiggins in the past. The gaps can be seconds in the mountains but then minutes in the time trials," Dennis said. "The tricky part is losing weight but not losing power at the same time."
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Viz Media and The Licensing Machine Announce the Long Awaited Animated Series Death Note and Bleach for Italian and German Territories Paris, FRANCE, April 8, 2008 - VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies and The Licensing Machine, a new division of Panini UK, engaged in TV, Home Video, Promotional, Merchandise, Marketing and Licensing Services announce the launch of the long awaited hit animated series DEATH NOTE and BLEACH in Italy and Germany. For BLEACH, The Licensing Machine has acquired Television and Home Video rights for Italy, and Home Video rights for Germany. For DEATH NOTE, The Licensing Machine has acquired Television, Home Video and Merchandising rights for Italy, and Home Video and Merchandising rights for Germany. DEATH NOTE is a suspenseful mystery, inspired by a 12-volume manga series that follows the adventures of Light Yagami, an ace student with great prospects but who is bored out of his mind. All of that changes when he finds the Death Note, a strange notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god named Ryuk. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals mysteriously begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal - or his life? BLEACH is based on a popular manga series by Tite Kubo, and tells the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki, an ordinary 15-year-old boy who happens to be able to see ghosts. His fate takes an extraordinary turn when he meets Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper who shows up at Ichigo's house on the trail of a Hollow, a malevolent lost soul. Drawn to Ichigo's high level of spiritual energy, the Hollow attacks Ichigo and his family, and Rukia steps in to help but is injured and unable to fight. As a last resort, Rukia decides to transfer part of her Soul Reaper powers to Ichigo. Ichigo, now a full-fledged Soul Reaper, and Rukia, minus her powers, join together to face the challenges that lie ahead. “We are very excited to grow our relationship with Panini, while paving the way for Italian and German audiences to enjoy both DEATH NOTE and BLEACH,” says John Easum, President/Gérant, VIZ Media Europe. “Both titles are currently enjoying enormous success across the globe including Japan, North America, France and Spain. They are two of Japan's richest new series offering striking animation and incredible storytelling. We are thrilled that, in partnership with Panini, we will be able to extend this success to Germany and Italy. “The Panini Group has treasured Japanese entertainment for over a decade, bringing to Europe the fantastic manga stories, and masterpieces captivating readers and contributing to the growth of the European manga fan base. DEATH NOTE and BLEACH belong to the privileged category of successful manga and TV programmes which we are so very excited about. We look forward to working closely with VIZ Media Europe to give rise to a powerful experience for Japanese animation fans and our partners.” says Giusy Christiana Panari, Director of The Licensing Machine. VIZ Media Europe: +33 1 72 71 53 53 The Licensing Machine: info@thelicensingmachine.com About Panini S.p.A. The Panini Group, with headquarters in Modena, Italy is the world leader in the collectibles and trading cards sector. A multinational company and one of the leading comic and children's book publishers in Europe and Latin America, Panini is the most important distributor of comics in specialised Italian bookshops. Furthermore, Panini is exploring important multi-media programmes. In 2007, the Panini Group reached a turnover of more than 540 million Euros, with a total network that covers over 100 countries and more than 700 employees. Fur further info, please contact: Panini S.p.A., viale Emilio Po 380, 41100 Modena. E-mail: info@paninigroup.com About VIZ Media Europe, S.A.R.L. (VME) Headquartered in Paris, France, VIZ Media Europe (VME) is a subsidiary of San Francisco-based VIZ Media, LLC. VME specializes in managing the development, marketing and distribution throughout Europe of Japanese animated entertainment and graphic novels (manga). It handles some of the most popular Japanese manga and animation properties from initial production, through television placement and distribution to merchandise licensing and promotions for consumers of all ages. Current VME animated properties include BLEACH, DEATH NOTE, BLUE DRAGON, HONEY & CLOVER, M.A.R, ZOIDS GENESIS and KILARI. Contact VIZ Media Europe at 9, avenue de l'Opéra, 75001 Paris, France Phone +33 1 72 71 53 53; Fax: +33 1 42 96 97 36; and web site at www.vizeurope.com. About VIZ Media, LLC Headquartered in San Francisco, CA, VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), is one of the most comprehensive and innovative companies in the field of manga publishing, animation and entertainment licensing of Japanese content. Owned by three of Japan's largest creators and licensors of manga and animation, Shueisha Inc., Shogakukan Inc., and Shogakukan Production Co., Ltd. (ShoPro Japan), VIZ Media is a leader in the publishing and distribution of Japanese manga for English speaking audiences in North America and a global licensor of Japanese animation. The company offers an integrated product line including, magazines such as SHONEN JUMP and SHOJO BEAT, graphic novels, videos, DVDs, audio soundtracks and develops and markets animated entertainment from initial production, television placement and distribution, to merchandise licensing and promotions for audiences and consumers of all ages. For more information visit www.viz.com. served by mayu-chancloudflare ray# 333a809ea6ad5795-IAD
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Une émission à écouter…. L'avenir des auteurs est en danger. Préface défend leurs créations depuis 25 ans. Cette émission sur France Inter est vraiment à écouter. Vraiment ! Cliquez ici.
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Schlagwort: Freiwilliges Soziale Herausforderungen der Pandemie für das Gesundheitssystem In der anhaltenden Pandemie-Situation sind Entscheidungen getroffen worden, die Umsetzung von „Lessons Learned“ sind: Beschaffung von Persönlicher Schutzausstattung und den Aufbau einer nationalen Reserve. Was sind die Nebeneffekte?...
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Details emerge about bin Laden's multiple residences in Pakistan Print FILE - This photo shows the guesthouse inside Usama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. (AP) HARIPUR, Pakistan – It's an ornate but not lavish two-story house tucked away at the end of a mud clogged street. This is where Pakistan's intelligence agency believes Usama bin Laden lived for nearly a year until he moved into the villa in which he was eventually killed. The residence in the frontier town of Haripur was one of five safe houses used by the slain Al Qaeda leader while on the run in Pakistan according to information revealed by his youngest wife, who has been detained. Retired Pakistani Brig. Shaukat Qadir, who has spent the last eight months tracking bin Laden's movements, told The Associated Press that he was taken to the Haripur house last November by intelligence agents who located it from a description they got from Amal Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada. Al-Sada, a 30-year-old Yemeni, has been in Pakistani custody since May 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs overran the Abbottabad compound, killing bin Laden and four other people inside. Since then, Pakistan's intelligence agency, known as the ISI, has been trying to uncover the trail that brought him to Abbottabad villa in the summer of 2005. The best information appears to have come from al-Sada, who was believed to be his favorite and who traveled with bin Laden since his escape from Afghanistan's eastern Tora Bora mountain range in 2001. Qadir, a 35-year army veteran who is now a security consultant, was given rare access to transcripts of Pakistani intelligence's interrogation of al-Sada and access to other documents on bin-Laden's movements. He provided the AP with details in a recent interview. The details of bin Laden's life as a fugitive -- which were first published by the Pakistani newspaper Dawn -- raise fresh questions over how bin Laden was able to remain undetected for so long in Pakistan after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, despite being the subject of a massive international manhunt. Yet a senior U.S. official, who is familiar with the contents recovered in bin Laden's Abbottabad house, said there was no evidence that Pakistani officials were aware of bin Laden's presence. "There was no smoking gun. We didn't find anything," he said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about the contents of the Abbottabad house According to the interrogation report, bin Laden lived in five safe houses and fathered four children -- the two youngest born in a public hospital in Abbotabad. But investigators have only located the houses in Abbottabad and Haripur. Al-Sada's descriptions of the homes have been vague and the Haripur house was found only after a series of hits and misses. She knew only that it was located on the edge of Haripur, it was two stories and it had a basement. It apparently was used by bin Laden while he waited for construction crews to finish his new home Abbottabad, a garrison town just 20 miles away. Investigators scoured the area looking for properties until they found the Haripur house in Naseem Town, a chaotic suburb where relatively affluent houses bump up against sun-baked mud huts that belong to nomadic Afghans. Like the CIA, the Pakistani agency also tracked the movements of bin Laden's Pakistani courier who used the pseudonym Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti and his brother. The two were ethnic Pashtuns from Pakistan's Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province on the border with Afghanistan. They were bin Laden's front men. The ISI discovered that the Haripur house, like the land on which bin Laden's Abbottabad villa was built, was rented by two Pashtun brothers claiming to be from Charsadda, a Pashtun dominated town about 110 kilometers (80 miles) away. The AP located the Haripur house that Qadir said ISI agents had taken him to last November and found the real estate broker, Pir Mohammed, who rented the four-bedroom house to the two brothers, Salim and Javed Khan from Charsadda, for $150 a month. At the time Pir Mohammed ran a small real estate firm called Mashallah. He said his meeting with the brothers was random. "They must have seen my sign and come in," Mohammed said, adding that he had met the brothers only three times -- when they signed the contract, when they moved into the house and when they moved out 11 months later. Two months ago several ISI agents took all the records of the house and its tenants since its construction in 2000, said Qasi Anis Rahman, the brother of the widow who owns the house. "All they said was that it was for 'security purposes,"' said Rahman. Al-Sada is currently in Pakistani custody, along with bin Laden's two other wives and several children. They were arrested after the raid. The U.S. Navy SEALs shot al-Sada in the leg during the operation. Mohammed Amir Khalil, a lawyer for the three widows, said the women would be formally charged for illegally staying in Pakistan on April 2. That charge carries a maximum five-year prison sentence. Advertisement
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How Cancer Helped Pre-Teen Girl Achieve a Dream Getting a diagnosis of cancer is a life changing experience. That’s what Noa Sorrell realized over the past year. “I was diagnosed in January this year with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma,” the 11-year-old Texas girl said. “I was kind of scared, but the doctor said that it would be treatable, very treatable, even if it wasn’t a simple thing. So I wasn’t too worried because he said that, but I was a little worried.” The treatment left Noa Sorrell with a lot of time on her hands. “I was in chemo...Read complete article© Voice of America - Friday, October 30, 2015
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Schlagwort: Arbeitspolitik Wenn die Pflegekraft nach Hause fährt – Osteuropäische Pflegekräfte in deutschen Haushalten (19. September 2020) Die Versorgungslücke an Pflegekräften in der privaten, häuslichen Umgebung betrifft auch ausländische Frauen. Sie arbeiten für wenig Geld, oft schwarz und unter hoher…
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- Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death (http://www.absolutepunk.net/showthread.php?t=371181) TheOtherAndrew Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death Record Label: Alternative Tentacles If anyone out there can name an 80's punk rock band more influential than the Dead Kennedys, they�re either talking about The Clash or lying. Active from 1978 to 1986, the East Bay punk band may not have had the sales of more mainstream groups like The Clash or the Sex Pistols, but for almost a decade they wrote anthems challenging the status quo and inspiring a generation of fans to get off their asses and make a difference. The 1987 compilation Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death is a perfect snapshot of this legendary band doing what they do best. The compilation starts off with �Police Truck,� a surf-rock song about police brutality that highlights both vocalist Jello Biafra�s strong political ideals and East Bay Ray�s psychedelic guitar lines, the latter of which sometimes come across as a punk version of the Batman TV theme song. This surf-guitar pattern combined with lyrics like �Tonight's the night that we got the truck / We're going downtown, gonna beat up drunks / Your turn to drive, I'll bring the beer / It's the late, late shift, no one to fear,� summarizes what the Dead Kennedys are all about: political statements you can dance to. This formula is expanded upon in other songs such as �The Man with the Dogs,� a twisted cover of �I Fought The Law,� and of course, �Holiday in Cambodia,� concerning the Vietnam War. "Holiday in Cambodia" is one of the band�s most infamous songs, with Biafra describing the plight of a Vietnamese teenager: �You�ll work harder with a gun in your back / For a bowl of rice a day / Slave for soldiers 'til you starve / Then your head is skewered on a stake.� Although the war had been over for several years before the song was released, the imagery offered up by Biafra is powerful and timeless. Also present here is �California Uber Alles,� a song railing against California governor Jerry Brown and what the band saw as his totalitarian ideals. The opening bass line and drum beat to this song are among one of the most powerful in the history of modern music, featuring an aggressive, militaristic sound. �Too Drunk to Fuck,� one of the band�s most controversial songs, tones down the political messages to simply be as entertaining as possible. The song talks about a drunken one night stand in which the character in question is so drunk that he can barely stay conscious to have sex with a random stranger. Frat boys everywhere can likely relate to the lyrics �I�m about to drop / My head�s a mess / The only salvation is I�ll never see you again.� In addition to many of the band�s well-known tracks, there are also many rare gems on Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death. The most notable of these is a live performance of the otherwise unreleased �Pull My Strings.� During the song, Biafra attacks the music industry and their scouting techniques, singing �Is my cock big enough, is my brain small enough / For you to make me a star? / Give me a toot, I�ll sell you my soul / Pull my strings and I�ll go far,� before East Bay Ray launches into one of the most impressive guitar solos you will ever hear from a punk rock band. It also features biting lyrics such as, �You�ll pay ten bucks to see me / On a fifteen foot high stage / Fat as bouncers beat the shit / Out of kids who try to dance,� taking pot shots at bands who choose the roads of fame and fortune that separate them from their fans. It�s a shame that �Pull My Strings� doesn�t hold the same notoriety as �California Uber Alles� or �Holiday in Cambodia�; the statements made in the song are equally as strong and entertaining as any other in the band�s catalog. Another rarity is �A Boy and His Lawnmower,� one of a very few songs on the album that dabble into pure hardcore. The song�s blistering tempo and staccato vocals would make it seem right at home on the 1981�s In God We Trust, Inc EP. �Night of the Living Rednecks� isn�t a song at all, it a live recording of Biafra telling the audience a story while East Bay Ray fixes his broken guitar. To avoid any spoilers, the story is very entertaining and gives a glimpse into Biafra�s future career as a spoken word artist. Despite the overwhelming amount of standout tracks present on Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death, the compilation still has its setbacks. At seventeen tracks, with a few songs that could be considered filler, it is not an album that will keep the casual listener�s attention for more than a few full spins. �Saturday Night Holocaust� and �Straight A�s� fit in to this category perfectly; they aren�t unlistenable by any means, but when compared some of the stand-out tracks, they fall flat. Also, �Buzzbomb from Pasadena� is simply the song �Buzzbomb� from Plastic Surgery Disasters, sung with Biafra doing an impression of an old lady. Usually, this would warrant a hidden track on an album at best, but here it is considered part of the official tracklisting. These songs aside, most of the songs present are either well written or simply mind-blowing. Even the most casual Dead Kennedys fan will be listening to this disc time and time again if just to hear �Police Truck� and �California Uber Alles.� For anyone who has yet to get into this legendary band, Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death is a great place to start. Recommended if You LikeNOFX, Minor Threat, listening to lyricists who passionately believe in what they are singing about, Black Flag myspace.com/deadkennedys CellarGhosts Awesome compilation, awesome review :celebrate: versus_god You give me head, it makes it worse, take out your fuckin' retainer and put it in your purse! Jello's one of my heroes and this record is amazing. heyzombiehitler Classic stuff. teenagetwilight Golden record. AP_Punk :bowdown: I wish more bands existed these days like DK's BenStein69 First, a couple nitpicks: "Holiday in Cambodia" is actually about Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge's Cambodian genocide, not the Vietnam War. It isn't called "Holiday in Vietnam," after all. Unlike the Vietnam War, the Cambodian genocide was still happening (or had just ended) when "Holiday in Cambodia" was originally released on Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, making the song all the more provocative. And though frat boys are likely to identify with "Too Drunk to Fuck," the song is mocking that lifestyle instead of embracing it. Those two nitpicks aside, this is a good collection of rarities, although it is missing the alternate version of "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" from the Let Them Eat Jellybeans compilation. And I'm glad you praised "A Child and His Lawnmower," one of the most underrated DK songs.
{"url": "http://www.absolutepunk.net/printthread.php?t=371181", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.absolutepunk.net", "date_download": "2014-12-17T21:55:49Z", "digest": "sha1:H4CRNBEM3SWHHH33T6E2ZRMQSMJ3PWOB"}
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las normas para estar a la moda en vinos...para los listillos 1. por supuesto beber vino 2. pedir la añada 2.004 la cual fue una añada excelente en casi todas denominaciones de origen 3. buscar vinos con identidad de su zona...un mencia del bierzo, una garnacha de navarra.... 4. apostar por los blancos 2007 españoles nos van a sorprender 5. tener en casa un espacio acondicionado para el vino 6. no esta de moda gastarse mucha pasta en vinos...los hay de muy buena calidad con precios economicos...ay!!!!la crisis afecta a todo y a todos!!! 7. buscar vinos frutales y no tan estructurados como antes... 8. se recupera el consumo de gran reserva..aunque yo sigo siendo partidaria de los crianzas y semi-crianzas... 9. la noche tambien es para el vino... 10. no te dejes vislumbrar por el nombre del vino, ni por su etiqueta.... espero que os sirva de algo... Gewürtztraminer { Publicado por Beatriz en domingo, septiembre 14, 2008 } Variedad de uva a la que tengo espacial cariño…me trae buenos recuerdos…la he trabajado tanto en mi epoca de becaria en evena como en mi epoca en la D.O. ampurdan, me parec uan variedad inconfundible debido a que es muy aromatica y los aromas a rosas son muy faciles de identificar. nombre de una variedad o casta de uva rosada y muy aromática originaria de Europa central, empleada para la elaboración vinos blancos de calidad como los producidos tradicionalmente en la región de alsacia en Francia y en algunas áreas de alemania habiendo sido cultivado también con éxito en áreas más templadas como la de Somontano en España. Es una variedad que se desarrolla mejor en climas frios que templados, alcanzando una relativa cantidad elevada de azúcares propios, aunque no obstante los vinos gewürtztraminer suelen ser secos con un aroma a lichis y aromas característicos florales y afrutados, a rosas ymaracuya. No es raro que este vino se presente también con ligeras burbujas spritz característica de un "vino con aguja". Tradicionalmente, los vino elaborados con el Gewurztraminer son recomendados para el acompañamiento de quesos grasos, pescados ahumados, siendo considerado para las comidas de la gastronomia asiatica. Según tengo entendido en algún punto del tiempo en el pasado tanto la Traminer o la Savagnin Blanc mutaron a una forma más rosada denominada traminer roja o Savagnin Rose. En Francia, la gewürztraminer alcanza su expresión más refinada en Alsacia, donde es la segunda variedad de uva más plantada y la más característica de la región tras la riesling. Crece mejor en la parte meridional de la región. Produce vinos cuyo estilo va desde el muy seco de la bodega Trimbach al muy dulce. El alto nivel de azúcar natural de la variedad ha popularizado su consumo como vino de postre, en variedades de vinos de calidad denominados de vendimia tardia, obtenidos a partir de uvas cultivadas mediante la técnica de la podedumbre noble. Aquí os pongo un vino blanco de la bodega en la cual estuve en el 2003-2004 VINO: Oliver Conti Blanc (gewurstraminer, sauvignon blanc) BODEGA:Oliver conti (Empordá - Costa Brava) FASE VISUAL: Dorado , con reflejos verdosos y tonos ambar. Muy bonito. FASE OLFATIVA: Notas de moscatel maduro, a frutas: como lichis, naranja amarga, tambien recuerda a miel, ahumados y sobre todos notas de plantas y raices (hinojo y tomillo). FASE GUSTATIVA: de evolución rápida, sobresale en principio un claro sabor a moscatel maduro que entra con fuerza, convirtiendose en otras frutas como: melocotones, ciruelas… Bastante licoroso, y no muy persistente, dominan los currys y pimientas. 0 comentarios Etiquetas: variedad blanca Enlaces a esta entrada las normas para estar a la moda en vinos...para lo...
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Posts Tagged Los Tigres Del Norte Oprah, The Muppets Getting Stars on Hollywood Walk of Fame LOS ANGELES – Oprah Winfrey, Penelope Cruz, will.i.am and The Muppets are among the latest celebrities to be immortalized with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The 2011… More by Associated Press | June 17, 2010 at 2:12 PM | Celebrities, TV News
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Montgomery Gentry Interview: Duo Talk New EP, Single and Upcoming Taste of Country Music Festival Appearance March 25, 2013 9:00 AM | Taste of Country Share on Facebook Justin Edmonds, Getty Images for NASCARMontgomery Gentry are one of the most successful duos in country music history. Consisting of Eddie Montgomery and Troy Gentry, they landed a deal with Columbia Records and shot to fame with the 1999 release of their debut album ‘Tattoos & Scars,’ which went Platinum on the strength of hit singles like ‘Hillbilly Shoes’ and ‘Lonely and Gone.’ That began a run of hits including ‘My Town,’ ‘Speed,’ ‘Something to Be Proud Of’ and ‘Some People Change.’ Montgomery Gentry’s trademark blend of country and southern rock was even more evident in their celebrated live shows, which became an important part of their continued success. In 2010 they left Sony, and in October of 2011 the duo released ‘Rebels on the Run,’ their first project under the auspices of Average Joes Entertainment, an independent label owned by country-rap artist Colt Ford. The single from that album, ‘Where I Come From,’ reached No. 8 on the charts, and in October of 2012 Montgomery Gentry released the digital-only EP ‘Friends & Family,’ which features their current single, the divorce-inspired ‘I’ll Keep the Kids.’ Taste of Country sat down with Montgomery Gentry at the recent Country Radio Seminar in Nashville to talk about their new label, EP and single, as well as their upcoming appearance at the inaugural Taste of Country Music Festival at Hunter Mountain this summer. Even amidst the teeming throng of CRS goers, the guys aren’t exactly hard to spot — not only are they both very tall, but Montgomery’s trademark hat is like a homing beacon all by itself. Look for the hat, then look down — and there they are. Taste of Country: Last year you left Sony and signed with Average Joes. What made that the right move at that time? Troy Gentry: I think being at a major label for so long, they had done tremendous things for Eddie and I, obviously — we’ve been around for 14 years. But at the tail end there was just so much coming and going; they were taking care of the superstars up there, and then they were trying to break so many new acts, and Eddie and I were kind of holding our own. So they didn’t have to really pamper us, didn’t have to watch over us. And we just felt at that time that when our contract came up, that we wanted to maybe shop around. We came across Average Joes, and it just seemed like a perfect fit. It’s a smaller record label, with more hands-on personal attention. We had already made our brand; we just needed a home that we felt comfortable with, where we could go back in and make the type of music that we wanted to make . Eddie Montgomery: They gave us our creativity back a lot. Troy: Yeah, and we just hit it off. It’s been a great relationship over there. Our first album with them, ‘Rebels on the Run,’ we went into the studio with Michael Knox, and it was just, we had the freedom back. You know, Eddie and I were able to sit down and write a lot more than we had in the past, and it was pretty much Michael, Eddie and I picking the songs for the record. It was back like it was when we first got started, able to cut the kind of music we wanted to without having so many cooks in the kitchen trying to dictate what it should sound like. Eddie: As the corporations were all combining down and getting smaller, everyone got a little scared. They were scared to put their name on album if it didn’t do good, and they were scared not to put their name on an album, too. Troy: I don’t have anything bad to say about Sony at all. Without them we would not be where we are today, obviously. It was just time for both the record label and for Montgomery Gentry to make a change. How did ‘Friends and Family’ come about? Eddie: We’ve know Colt Ford for a while — quite some time, actually — and it just came together to have some friends on it at Average Joes and just doing stuff different. It’s no different, I reckon, than rap artists doing that; y’know, they have so-and-so featuring so-and-so, and it just worked real good. Tell us about the single ‘I’ll Keep the Kids.’ What made that the choice? Eddie: I kinda wrote that song not even thinking about recording it. I mean, I kinda wrote it for me, going through all of the stuff I was going through. But I played it for T and all of the people at the record label, and the band, and they were all like, ‘Man, we need to cut this and release this.’ And I did not know that nowadays, I think the percentage is 72 percent of all marriages end up in divorce or something. I can’t remember where I heard that statistic, but it blew me away. And we got it out there and everybody started talking about it, saying, “I love this song.” They’ve lived through it — either as a kid going through it growing up with their parents, or as an adult going through it now. You know, the thing about it is, nobody wins in a divorce except the attorneys. All the kids want to do is love Mom and Dad. And it seems like all the mess starts when couples end up — even if they start out friends, when they attorney up it seems like that’s when everything goes to hell. And it’s a shame it’s got to come to that, because you’ve got to have the attorneys and all to go through all of it. Troy: The more we were playing the song for everybody, we were getting such great reactions; we were just getting a lot of, “Hey man, this is awesome.” So we decided this was probably the right record to release as the next single. You guys are going to be performing at the Taste of Country Music Festival this summer. What can we expect in the set? Troy: Well, the great thing for us in being around for 14 years is we’ve got a long list of hits. [Laughs]. Thanks to radio playing us for so many years. We do have a new stage setup, and obviously there’ll be a few new songs off ‘Rebels on the Run.’ But it’s gonna be hit after hit. Our show’s always been high-energy, and we’ve always kinda compared it to a fingerprint. We’re always off the cuff, we react to each other and the crowd, depending on the night. As Eddie says, “Anything can happen and it usually does.” [Laughs]. Our show is really fueled on the crowd. As much as they want to get into it — it’s like throwing gas on a fire. We really get off on entertaining the crowd, and the more they get into it, the more it gets us fired up. Next: Vote for the Best MoGent Song Source: Montgomery Gentry Interview: Duo Talk New EP, Single and Upcoming Taste of Country Music Festival Appearance Filed Under: Montgomery Gentry | New Albums Category: Country Music News Share on Facebook
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Für grenzenlose Auffindbarkeit Bei einer SEO-Übersetzung werden wichtige Keywords eines Quelltextes so lokalisiert, dass die Übersetzung in der führenden Suchmaschine des Ziellandes die meisten Ergebnisse oder Suchtreffer erzielt. tolingo unterstützt Sie dabei, die übersetzten Texte bzw. die Internetseiten, auf denen diese Texte veröffentlicht werden, auch in der Suchmaschine des Ziellandes weit oben zu platzieren. Streng nach Vorgabe Neben der Vielzahl an Herausforderungen in Bezug auf personenbezogene Daten müssen auch die strengen Vorgaben beim Einsatz von mehrsprachigen Webseiten beachtet werden. Diese erfordern eine vollständige Bereitstellung der Datenschutzerklärung in mehrsprachiger Ausführung. tolingo hat dafür eine Vielzahl von berufserfahrenen, juristischen Fachübersetzern engagiert. Präzision bis ins kleinste Detail Das Anfertigen von Fachübersetzungen von technischen Inhalten erfordert neben ausgezeichneten Sprachkenntnissen auch ein ganzheitliches Verständnis für technische Details und Prozessabläufe. Mit unserem Pool von über 6.000 sehr gut ausgebildeten und zertifizierten Übersetzern können Sie sich auf eine qualitativ hochwertige Übersetzung Ihrer technischen Dokumentationen und Handbücher verlassen. Intelligent Zeit sparen Das tolingo Translation Memory ist ein Übersetzungsspeicher, in dem bereits übersetzte Inhalte oder Textpassagen gesammelt werden. Diese werden dem Fachübersetzer während des Übersetzungsprozesses automatisch vorgeschlagen, sodass er die Übersetzungen aus dem Translation Memory direkt in das aktuelle Projekt übernehmen kann. In unserem Übersetzungsbüro sparen Kunden dadurch Zeit und Geld. Die Möglichkeit, Einsparungen zu generieren, steigt durch ein kontinuierliches Befüllen der Translation Memory Datenbank. Markenbild weltweit sichern Die tolingo DTP-Spezialisten bewahren Ihre Corporate Identity auch im chinesischen Schriftsatz und sorgen dafür, dass kein Wort optisch aus der Reihe tanzt. Dies sichert einheitliche Präsenz auf allen Märkten. Technologisch und typografisch erfahrene Desktop-Publisher passen sämtliche Gestaltungselemente des übersetzten Textes an das Layout Ihrer Vorlage an, z. B. in InDesign, FrameMaker oder Illustrator. Sicher formatieren File Engineering führt zu geringeren Kosten bei Dateianpassungen und Formatkonvertierungen. Die erfahrenen Projektmanager von tolingo sind mit allen gängigen Dateiformaten vertraut und nehmen bei der Dokumentenvorbereitung alle notwendigen Anpassungen der Einstellungen vor, damit das von tolingo verwendete CAT-Tool die zu übersetzenden Textsegmente erkennt und richtig zuordnet. Systematisch einheitlich kommunizieren Ein Glossar sorgt für eine einheitliche Terminologie. Kunden-Glossare werden bei tolingo gespeichert, sodass sie diese bei allen zukünftigen Aufträgen des Kunden wiederverwendet werden können. Sobald das von unserem Übersetzungsbüro verwendete System einen Glossarbegriff im Quelltext erkennt, schlägt es dem Übersetzer die entsprechend festgelegte Übersetzung verbindlich vor. Sprechen Sie uns gerne an und wir erstellen und pflegen Ihr firmeninternes Glossar. Den Ton treffen in allen Sprachen tolingo bietet die Erstellung eines Styleguides an, um Kunden langfristig eine einheitliche und konsequente Fach- und Firmensprache zu sichern. Fachübersetzer und Korrekturleser erhalten den Styleguide zusammen mit der zu übersetzenden Datei und gleichen diese nach der Übersetzung mit den definierten Richtlinien ab. Zudem sparen Kunden interne Kapazitäten für die eigenständige Anpassung der übersetzten Dokumente. Selbstverständlich können Styleguides jederzeit überarbeitet oder ergänzt werden. Wir entwickeln gerne einen individuellen, firmenbezogenen Styleguide für Sie. Expertise an Ihrer Seite – von A-Z Das tolingo Team aus erfahrenen Projektmanagern koordiniert alle relevanten Schritte von der Vorbereitung bis zur Fertigstellung eines Projekts. Das beinhaltet u. a die Projektevaluierung, Projektkalkulation, die Prozessoptimierung, die Ressourcenplanung, das Tool- und Programmmanagement sowie die Terminüberwachung und die Kommunikationssteuerung. Dieses klassische und für Sie kostenlose Projektmanagement beinhaltet selbstverständlich auch die gängige Projektvorbereitung und -abwicklung für Ihr Übersetzungsprojekt. Wiederkehrende und bereits definierte Prozessschritte können Sie auch langfristig an uns outsourcen. Die perfekte Verbindung Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, über eine API (Programmierschnittstelle) eine Direktverbindung zwischen Ihren Systemen und tolingo herzustellen und so einen vollintegrierten Prozess zu ermöglichen. So können Sie Ihre Übersetzungsinhalte schnell und unkompliziert zu tolingo übermitteln und erhalten diese genauso unkompliziert als Übersetzung im passenden Format wieder zurück. Workflow ohne Reibung Übersetzungsbüro tolingo bietet Ihnen diverse Plug-Ins, die sich einfach in Ihr CMS integrieren lassen und Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihre Website-Inhalte effizient zu übersetzen, indem Sie auf einen automatisierten Übersetzungsworkflow zurückgreifen. Nachdem Sie das für Sie passende Plug-In installiert haben, müssen Sie in Ihrem System nur noch auswählen, welche Inhalte Sie übersetzen lassen möchten. Automatisch gut Mit Machine Translation bietet tolingo Ihnen einen schnellen und kostengünstigen Weg, um Inhalte aus einer Sprache automatisch in andere Sprachen zu übersetzen. Moderne Systeme zur maschinellen Übersetzung, wie sie bei tolingo eingesetzt werden, arbeiten mit neuronalen Netzen, deren technischer Aufbau dem menschlichen Gehirn nachempfunden ist. Fehlt etwas? Wir machen es möglich.
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Radares y Multas Qué coche me compro Tasación de coches Galerías de fotos de Usuario Fotos del BMW Serie 4 2017 Fotos del Tesla Model X Dakar 2017: las mejores fotos de la competición Fotos del Toyota GT86 2017 autofácil.es » Te damos varios consejos Así debes mantener tu coche en invierno Así debes mantener tu coche en invierno Todas las herramientas para comprar y vender tu coche en Autofácil.esLos mejores sistemas antirrobo para tu cocheAsí lograrás que tu neumático dure más kilómetros Te proporcionamos varios consejos muy útiles para que tu coche no sufra con la llegada del frío. víctor delgadoEl invierno puede convertirse en todo un suplicio para tu coche debido al intenso frío que se experimenta en algunas zonas de la península. Y es que las bajas temperaturas tienen la capacidad de debilitar la mecánica del vehículo, lo que significa que las posibilidades de sufrir una avería aumentan. A eso hay que sumar la incomodidad de que el coche te deje ´tirado´ en carretera con la fresca. Para que no te ocurra eso, a continuación te damos una serie de sencillos consejos que te ayudarán a mantener el coche en unas condiciones óptimas a pesar de la meteorología: Neumáticos: es importante montar neumáticos de invierno o cadenas para circular por los terrenos más exigentes en invierno, como la nieve o el hielo. Además, las gomas específicas de invierno tienen mucha más efectividad con el frío y en carreteras mojadas por la lluvia; por no mencionar el mayor desgaste al que estarían sometidos en esas situaciones los neumáticos de verano. Mira también las presiones. Batería: a partir del tercer año de vida conviene atender a su funcionamiento, especialmente en el arranque, ya que debido al frío puede que le cueste más ejercer su función. Conviene seguir el mantenimiento recomendado a rajatabla, pues puede dejarte con el coche sin arrancar en el sitio más insospechado. Líquidos: revisa asiduamente los niveles de todos los líquidos y repón cualquiera que sea necesario. Presta atención especial al anticongelante, y no solo al nivel de agua. Además, asegúrate de que el aceite tiene la viscosidad deseada. Carrocería: lo mejor es que el coche ´duerma´ en garaje, todos sus componentes agradecerán estar resguardados. Sin embargo, si tiene que pasar la noche en la calle conviene cubrir el parabrisas con un cartón para que no acumule escarcha por la mañana. Limpiaparabrisas: si las escobillas no están en buen estado -´rascan´ el parabrisas o en cada pasada suenan demasiado- es la hora de cambiarlas. Una práctica muy recomendable para mantenerlas en buen estado es pasarle un trapo humedecido con alcohol. Calefacción: acostúmbrate a conectarla de manera habitual para que el sistema conserve un funcionamiento óptimo. Y recuerda que consume algo de combustible, así que si te quedas parado por una avería conviene que el depósito no esté vacío si quieres mantenerte a una buena temperatura. Compartir en Twitter Renault Mégane Así es el nuevo Renault Mégane Sedán Así es el nuevo Renault Mégane Sedán La marca del rombo ya ha anunciado la disponibilidad de su compacto con carrocería de tres... Los secretos del Renault Mégane RS Ya conocemos algunos de los detalles técnicos más importantes de la nueva versión radical del... Nuevo Renault Mégane GT diésel Ya está disponible la versión diésel del Mégane GT, la variante deportiva del compacto francés,... Fotos espía del Renault Mégane RS La versión deportiva de la actual generación del Renault Mégane, denominada RS, como sus... 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Cronaca di una sconfitta: Ultimo parallelo di Filippo Tuena Pubblicato daFicky 17 giugno 2021 17 giugno 2021 Pubblicato in: ArticoliTag:Chris McCandless, Filippo Tuena, Il Saggiatore, Jon Krakauer, Nelle terre estreme, Pole Party, Polo Sud, Roald Amundsen, Robert Falcon Scott, Ultimo parallelo Le imprese compiute nella natura selvaggia non mancano mai di essere glorificate. Persino Jon Krakauer, nel suo Nelle terre estreme, non può nascondere l’ammirazione per Chris McCandless pur segnalando quanto la reazione degli abitanti dell’Alaska sia stata ben diversa da quella di chi, come me, è rimasto affascinato più dalla poeticità dei suoi intenti che scandalizzato dall’impreparazione che ha dimostrato. Come si può quindi raccontare la conquista del Polo Sud, compiuta nel 1911 con mezzi per forza di cose meno efficaci di quelli che abbiamo ora, senza puntare tutto sull’epica dell’impresa, anche se è impresa a metà visto che i prodi esploratori vengono battuti sul tempo da un’altra spedizione? Filippo Tuena con il suo Ultimo parallelo, ripubblicato quest’anno da Il Saggiatore, ci è riuscito narrando la storia del Southern Party guidato da Robert Falcon Scott attraverso un originale punto di vista, sia narrativo che concettuale. L’uomo in più La storia che Tuena ha deciso di raccontare è quella della spedizione inglese che per prima approdò in Antartide, ignara di dover affrontare la competizione con la squadra norvegese di Roald Amundsen e, come si scoprirà nel corso dell’impresa, impreparata di fronte alle condizioni in cui si verrà a trovare. Partiti per fare la storia gli inglesi verranno battuti sul tempo da Amundsen, capace di raggiungere il Polo Sud con un mese di anticipo grazie alle slitte trainate da cani, un’umiliazione a cui Scott e altri quattro compagni (Henry Bowers, Lawrence Oates, Edward Adrian Wilson ed Edgar Evans) non sopravvivranno, incapaci di ritornare al campo base dopo essere comunque riusciti a raggiungere la meta prefissata. La storia con la S maiuscola si è potuta ricostruire parzialmente grazie ai diari rinvenuti sui corpi congelati di Scott, Bowers e Wilson (i corpi di Oates ed Evans non verranno mai ritrovati), ben otto mesi dopo la loro morte, ma per narrare la vicenda umana Tuena aveva bisogno di un testimone oculare, anche laddove non poteva esserci. Ecco quindi che, prendendo a prestito un passo del Terre desolate di T.S. Eliot (a sua volta ispirato da alcune testimonianze di una successiva spedizione in Antartide), l’autore introduce la figura dell’Uomo in più. Chi è quel terzo che cammina al tuo fianco? Quando conto, ci siamo soltanto tu e io, insieme Ma quando guardo avanti verso il sentiero bianco C’è sempre un altro a camminarti al fianco Che scivola avvolto in un mantello bruno, incappucciato Non so se sia uomo o donna. – Ma chi è quello che ti sta dall’altra parte? T.S. Eliot, Terre desolate L’uomo in più, una figura che Tuena lega anche alle leggende sulle divinità antartiche delle tribù maori, si dimostra un escamotage narrativo estremamente funzionale, capace di raccontare ciò che nessuno ha potuto vedere ma anche accompagnatore silenzioso lungo tutto il protrarsi della spedizione, dall’arrivo nel gennaio 1911 alla partenza definitiva due anni più tardi. In quanto figura esterna, impermeabile alle vicende umane, l’uomo in più racconta ciò che vede senza enfasi, concentrandosi sui fatti senza concedersi romanticismi, una scelta azzardata ma che rappresenta l’unicità del libro nel panorama letterario. Dopo alcuni mesi di preparativi il Southern Party parte alla volta del Polo Sud il 24 ottobre 1911. Fino al 3 gennaio, giorno in cui Scott comunicò i nomi della squadra ristretta che avrebbe coperto l’ultimo tratto verso il Polo Sud (il Pole Party), la squadra deve già affrontare difficoltà impreviste: i pony portati fin lì si rivelano inadatti al clima rispetto ai cani dei norvegesi, il cado inaspettato li costringe inizialmente ad arrancare nel fango e, quando affrontano l’ascesa lungo il ghiacciaio Beardmore, sono crepacci e la poca esperienza con gli sci a rallentarne il passo. L’osservatore silenzioso che li affianca restituisce in pieno con la sua testimonianza la fatica che il gruppo è costretto ad affrontare, sempre più insopportabile man mano che membri della spedizione vengono fatti ritornare al campo base, seguendo un piano che mostra le sue falle a ogni giorno che passa. Scott incarnava l’antieroe laico perché c’era qualcosa in lui che sfuggiva alla divinizzazione, nonostante i monumenti che una moglie inafferrabile gli avrebbe dedicato in cinque continenti; nonostante la retorica dell’Impero, nonostante una sua volontà sotterranea per assumere quel ruolo. È il suo sguardo lievemente bovino, glauco, bonario che sembrava contraddire le sue azioni. È la sua andatura caracollante a vanificare ogni intento eroico, celebrativo. Filippo Tuena, Ultimo parallelo I lunghi periodi utilizzati da Tuena nella costruzione delle frasi trasmettono tutta la fatica e la sofferenza provate dagli esploratori, senza che vi sia bisogno di parole superflue e anzi facendo leva solo sulle azioni, quelle ripetute continuamente per trattenere un po’ di calore durante la notte o per ridurre gli effetti dell’oftalmia. Persino i piccoli errori che si riveleranno fatali, come una ferita subita dal marinaio Evans che ne minerà il fisico durante la parte finale della spedizione, vengono descritti senza enfasi, lasciandoci intuire la loro portata drammatica senza bisogno di esplicitarla, perché in fondo ciò che vuole glorificare Tuena non è il sacrificio degli esploratori, ma la loro sconfitta. La storia di una sconfitta Forse gli esploratori della Terra desolata di Eliot e quelli dell’Antartide di Scott nel corso dei secoli finiranno per assomigliarsi: incappucciati, intabarrati in un mantello bruno, affrontano la spaventosa fatica del procedere nelle terre desolate dell’estremo sud in totale solitudine di pensieri, nonostante siano in compagnia e nonostante a essi si affianchi l’ignoto compagno che è ovviamente un’apparizione fantasmatica, una memoria, una premonizione. Che la spedizione di Scott sia destinata a fallire non ci viene mai negato, anzi. Una delle prime cose che l’autore ci rivela è un sogno premonitore avuto da un membro della spedizione rimasto al campo base, Tryggve Gran (ironicamente norvegese come Amundsen), che ha l’onirica visione dell’arrivo al Polo Sud del contingente norvegese proprio nel giorno dell’effettivo arrivo, il 14 dicembre 1911. Se manca totalmente un’epica avventurosa non è solo per il punto di vista utilizzato, perché questo è semplicemente funzionale alla scelta effettuata di Tuena di esaltare il fallimento, mostrarcelo in corso d’opera senza omettere niente: la marcia senza sci per un mese intero di Bowers, costretto a tirare una slitta carica di tre-quattro quintali di materiali e provviste a temperature medie oscillanti fra i -25 e i -30 gradi centigradi, non è esaltata se non per la sua inutilità, una sofferenza patita senza nessun premio da ottenere in cambio. Il viaggio in cui Tuena ci porta è di grande spessore letterario, fra parti in versi, foto della spedizione (miracolosamente recuperate dalla macchina fotografica che Scott portò con sé fino al limite estremo del mondo) e una parentesi quasi allucinatoria coincidente con l’attraversamento a ritroso del ghiacciaio da parte del Pole Party, ma quel che più rimane impresso è quanto questi uomini appaiano derelitti ed eroici allo stesso tempo. A differenza di molta letteratura della nostra epoca (comprendente quella del periodo in cui venne pubblicato la prima volta, nel 2007) Ultimo parallelo riesce a rendere epici i suoi personaggi proprio facendo di tutto per trasmettere la loro semplice umanità, perché a volte bastano i fatti nudi e crudi per rendere una storia degna di essere tramandata, anche se è quella di chi non passerà alla storia per un traguardo raggiunto ma solo per una morte solitaria in mezzo al nulla. Un po’ come Chris Mc Candless in fondo, anche se con un percorso opposto negli intenti. Racconto in musica 63: L’appuntamento (Any Other – Mother Goose) Racconto in musica 64: Noi non cancelliamo (Giorgieness – Che cosa resta)
{"url": "https://tremilabattute.art.blog/2021/06/17/cronaca-di-una-sconfitta-ultimo-parallelo-di-filippo-tuena/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "tremilabattute.art.blog", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:52:21Z", "digest": "sha1:CNA7H4Z3V3JRUAG7BPSAASWZ4QDOWWYA"}
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Forza del destino (La) (Parma) In onda martedì 5 luglio 2011 all'1.35 Rosaria Bronzetti ci porta dietro le quinte del Teatro Regio di Parma per LA FORZA DEL DESTINO di Giuseppe Verdi. Nello spettacolo dal grande respiro visionario immaginato dal regista Stefano Poda che firma anche scene, costumi, coreografie e luci, sono impegnate star del calibro di Dimitra Theodossiou, al suo debutto nel ruolo di Donna Leonora, Mariana Pentcheva (Preziosilla), Aquiles Machado (Don Alvaro), Vladimir Stoyanov (Don Carlo di Vargas), Roberto Scandiuzzi (Padre Guardiano), protagonisti del capolavoro verdiano che segnò nella carriera del maestro di Busseto una nuova clamorosa affermazione. A dirigere per la prima volta Orchestra e del Coro del Teatro Regio, il maestro di fama internazionale Gianluigi Gelmetti, che alle telecamere di “Prima della Prima” racconta: “La forza del destino è un’opera particolarissima: affascinante, suadente, molto variegata. Alcuni la trovano disomogenea, ma non è così. Da un punto di vista musicale c’è uno sviluppo della tematica che va avanti per tutta l’opera. E anche dal punto di vista drammaturgico è straordinariamente interessante perché -a fronte di un contenuto tanto plumbeo- ci sono dei momenti di una leggerezza e di una comicità da lasciare stupiti. E a mio avviso, guai ad omogeneizzarli col resto, a farne un tutt’uno drammatico. Perché questa alternanza fa parte del grande meccanismo teatrale, non è casuale, bensì messa in atto con grande sapienza e pertinenza.” La regia televisiva di questa puntata è di Daniele Biggiero. 20110705ContentItem-5ce37b72-9117-4e5d-bd42-5a1bc1697469ContentSet-931c57f4-2c6f-47c0-9e83-735963714f57PublishingBlock-a1c893b3-c422-4ea4-8ac9-3b475a7c2fb9puntataPage-51b0b713-cc08-4b32-8702-7eaf0d970581puntataForza del destino (La) (Parma)05/07/2011
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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Talent Development and Creativity Talent Development and Creativity Master - full-time How can we develop the best athletes? How can teachers nurture pupils' talent and creativity in education and music? And how can we improve the selection of talented and creative employees, students, and athletes? In any achievement domain, there is an increasing focus on the development, selection, and promotion of talent and creativity. In this unique, internationally-oriented Master's programme you will develop the expertise to select, develop, and nurture talent and creativity in individuals and organizations across achievement domains. You will learn about the (psychological) factors that explain talent and creativity, and directly put this knowledge into practice. You will learn coaching skills to enhance people’s personal and professional potential. Furthermore, you will get in touch with organizations from different industries, sports clubs, and schools, that aim to improve the selection and development of talent and creativity. In your Master’s thesis and internship you will carry out a project on the selection and development of talent and/or creativity in the achievement domain that interests you most. MSc in Psychology 12 months (60 ECTS) Croho code February, September Behavioural and Social Sciences Why study this programme in Groningen? obtain an internationally-recognized MSc. degree in psychology; become an expert in a domain that is, and will remain, of interest to companies, schools, sport clubs, and more: Talent Development and Creativity; get taught by renowned experts in the field; will put your knowledge into practice; can, if you are interested in sports, obtain an official sport psychology certificate, offered by the Dutch Society of Sport Psychology (VSPN); can obtain a coaching certificate; are actively supported in working on your employability in the fields of research and practice. In our programme you gain the latest insights and skills on the selection and development of talent and creativity. In the courses, you will learn about the (psychological) mechanisms behind talent development and creativity and will put your knowledge into practice. The courses are taught by renowned scientific experts, and you will be in touch with people working in the field of talent development and creativity. You will also learn to coach another person, to enhance that person's personal and professional competence. All our students can do an internship during the program. In this internship, you will work on a specific question, or issue, on the selection and development of talent and creativity. You will do so in collaboration with an institution of your choice, or one of our partner institutions. In addition to your internship, you will write an individual master thesis. Supervisors in our program offer a variety of topics you can focus on in your master thesis project. These include, amongst others: motivation and performance, talent identification and –development in sports, coaching and mentoring, resilience and performing under pressure, mindfulness and positive psychology, stimulating talent and creativity in the classroom, creative processes in arts, music, and theatre, selection of employees, students, or athletes. CoursesCourse Catalog > Repeated Measures (Method course) (5 EC) Talent Development and Creativity (Foundation course) (5 EC) Coaching (Skills course) (5 EC) Talent Development & Creativity Internship (10 EC) Master Thesis (20 EC) Analyzing Individual Development (Method course) Competence and Motivation (Foundation course) (5 EC) Elective courses (additional foundation course(s) / another Master Psychology course / relevant course outside the Psychology program) Test Construction (Method course) (5 EC) Talent Assessment (Foundation course) (5 EC) The program consists of (minimum) 10 EC Foundation courses, a 5 EC Skills course, a 5 EC Methods course, 10 EC Free choice courses, 10 EC Internship, and 20 EC Master thesis. Study abroad is optional Dutch diploma Depending on your background and language of the track of your choice, you will have to submit proof of your proficiency in either Dutch or English. Your previous education and chosen master track determine the application procedure and whether you are eligible for admission to the master or a possible premaster. other admission requirements The number of master and pre-master places is limited for each track: if there are more applications than places for a track, then selection will take place. For all information, including above mentioned topics, please carefully inspect the pages on Application, Admission and Selection Type of student Dutch students 01 October 2022 01 February 2023 01 March 2023 01 September 2023 01 October 2023 01 February 2024 EU/EEA students 01 October 2022 01 February 2023 non-EU/EEA students 01 October 2022 01 February 2023 Programme form EU/EEA 2022-2023 € 2209 full-time non-EU/EEA 2022-2023 € 16201 full-time Practical information for: Dutch studentsInternational students After your studies After finishing the program Talent Development and Creativity you can be valuable to various kinds of companies, sports clubs and –associations, educational institutions, etc. These institutions are all interested in the questions: 1) How can we detect and select talented and creative individuals? 2) How do talent and creativity actually develop? 3) What strategies can we use to stimulate talent and creativity? Exactly these questions are the ones addressed in our master programme. The skills you develop in our program are broadly applicable. Our students start working at different places, often related to the field of their main interest. There are students who have chosen the direction of coaching and teaching, sport psychology, or working in an (inter)national company. Job prospects In the program Talent Development and Creativity you are prepared for the job market. In almost any domain (work, education, sports, arts), the selection and development of talent and creativity is high on the agenda. Accordingly, students who graduated from our program have found good jobs in different domains. Examples of such jobs are: Sport psychologist at a professional sports club Teacher at a school or university Director of a professional training and coaching company Selection psychologist at the Ministry of Defense Lifestyle coach Embedded scientist at the head quarter of BMW Other jobs in coaching and teaching, recruitment, policy advising and consultancy Talent Development and Creativity Research at the Department Staff members involved in MSc. program Talent Development and Creativity have provided important contributions to the selection and development of talent and creativity in different domains. A brief selection of examples is provided below. Resilient Athletes (2019 – today) Talented athletes are exposed to various physical and mental stressors, such as injuries and defeats. To deal with these stressors, athletes need to be resilient. Resilience is thus a crucial concept in talent development. In this project, we collaborate with psychologists, movement scientists, and data scientists to measure, analyze, and improve the resilience of athletes. Different professional sports organizations are involved, and facilitate this project: FC Groningen, PSV, Vitesse, Dutch Royal Football Association – KNVB, Dutch Olympic Committee * Dutch Sports Confederation (NOC*NSF). Read more about the project Resilient Athletes. Your Special Forces (2018-today) The commandos of the special forces need to be prepared to optimally perform is very stressful situations. In collaboration with the Special Forces Unit of the Royal Netherlands Army, we have established an online platform to do psychological tests, and collect psychological and physiological data during the intensive training program. Key questions that we are answering using our platform are: What skills are needed to perform in exceptional circumstances? How can we develop such talents? What are the effects of psychological training on the skills of the operators? How can we improve the selection procedure for the Special Forces? The results of this project will provide very relevant insights into the selection and development of talent in fields in which people need to perform under stressful circumstances. Talent selection in team sports (2017-today) In collaboration with the Dutch Royal Football Association and Football Club Groningen, we are designing and testing new ways to select soccer players. The two most important aims of this project are: 1) Provide better, more systematic ways of scouting players, and 2) construct test environments in which important soccer skills (e.g., psychological skills, passing, defending, attacking) can be assessed in the most valid way. The ultimate aim of the project is that we can come to better predictions of soccer players’ future performance. Curious Minds (2009-today) This national research project ("Talentenkracht" in Dutch) has been conducted by different researchers and PhD students of our department. Curious Minds is focused on the measurement and stimulation of scientific talent in primary education. It started several years ago and has resulted in a list of scientific articles, as well as teaching instruments for schools, coaching packages for teachers, and a handbook on talent development in primary education. The (Dutch) website is talentenkrachtgroningen.nl. Currently, researchers and practitioners are extending the Curious Minds approach to other fields, including music, arts, and sports. Selection of Academic Staff Prof. dr. Nico W. Van Yperen Professor Sport and Performance Psychology. Research expertise: Competence and motivation across achievement settings, including work, sports, and education. Dr. Ruud J. R. Den Hartigh Associate Professor Talent Development and Creativity. Research expertise: Performance processes in sports and beyond, in particular talent selection and –development, psychological momentum, and resilience. Prof. dr. Marijn W. G. Van Dijk Research expertise: Talent development in teacher-student interactions, mostly in primary education and the arts. Prof dr. Rob R. Meijer Research expertise: Methods, measurements, and instruments in Psychology. Design of tests that optimally predict future performance in work, education, and sports. Dr. Barbara Huijgen Research expertise: Talent identification and –development in sports from a multidimensional perspective. Dr. Susan Niessen Research expertise: Talent assessment methods in the context of higher education, work, and sports. Dr. Ralf F. A. Cox Research expertise: Creative expressions and experiences in different fields, including arts and improvisation theatre. Tom Bergkamp, MSc Research expertise: Talent identification and predicting future performance in the domain of sports. Selection of recent exposure on talent development & creativity Driekwart van commando's in spé haalt de opleiding niet, waarom is dat? (Ruud den Hartigh, Algemeen Dagblad, 2021). Heeft het zin om topsporters op (zeer) jonge leeftijd te scouten? (Tom Bergkamp, NPO Radio 1 Focus). Covid-19: uitstel grote sportevenementen vergt mentale veerkracht (Nico van Yperen, wetenchap.nu, 2020). Voetballen zonder fans: wie krijgt er vleugels in de Bundesliga, welke spits verkrampt? (Nico van Yperen, De Volkskrant, 2020). Uitkomst sollicitatiegesprek zegt niets over sollicitant (Susan Niessen, Radio 1, 2020). Topsporter zal nieuwe zekerheden moeten zoeken (Nico van Yperen, Trouw, 2020). Hoe gaan sporters om met tegenslag? (Nico van Yperen, Studium Generale, 2020). Vier topsporters stoppen in paar weken tijd: toeval? (Nico van Yperen, De Stentor, 2020). SPORTLAB SEDOC – PIEKEN (Nico van Yperen, Avro Tros, 2019). Technologie tegen sportblessures (Ruud den Hartigh, Radio 1 – Langs de Lijn en Omstreken, 2019). Pakt FC Groningen met behulp van data eerder een prijs? (Ruud den Hartigh, RTV Noord, 2019). NBA Finals: How Momentum Could Decide the Outcome of Raptors vs. Warriors (Ruud den Hartigh, Inverse, 2019). Waarom laat de ene ploeg het hoofd hangen na een achterstand, terwijl de andere snoeihard terugkomt? (Den Hartigh, R. (2019, De Volkskrant) Gebruik ‘studeren op proef’ als selectie (Karen M. Stegers-Jager & Susan Niessen, De Volkskrant, 2019) De slechtste manier om een goede werknemer te vinden? Een sollicitatiegesprek (Susan Niessen, De Correspondent, 2019) Predicting speed skating performance with automatized analyses (Ruud den Hartigh, 2018) Daar zit toch een goede kop op? Beter voorspellen van sportprestaties met inzichten uit de selectiepsychologie. (Meijer, H., Niessen, A., Frencken, W., & den Hartigh, J. R., 2018, SportGericht, 72, 18-23). Sport Science Blog by Prof. dr. Nico van Yperen: Dutch columns on the psychological factors of sports and performance. Selection of our staff members’ recent international scientific articles on talent development & creativity Bergkamp, T. L. G., Frencken, W. G. P., Niessen, A. S. M., Meijer, R. R., & den Hartigh, R. J. R. (2021). How soccer scouts identify talented players. European Journal of Sport Science . Advance online publication Menninga, A., van Geert, P. L. G., van Vondel, S., Steenbeek, H. W. , & Van Dijk, M. W. G. (2021). Teacher-Student Interaction Patterns Change During an Early Science Teaching Intervention . Research in science education. Advance online publication Hill, Y. , Meijer, R. R. , Van Yperen, N. W. , Michelakis, G., Barisch, S., & Den Hartigh, R. J. R. (2020). Non-ergodicity in Protective Factors of Resilience in Athletes . Sport, Excercise and Performance Psychology . Advance online publication Neumann, M. , Niessen, A. S. M. , & Meijer, R. R. (2020). Implementing evidence-based assessment and selection in organizations: A review and an agenda for future research. Organizational Psychology Review . Advance online publication Hill, Y. , Den Hartigh, R. J. R. , Cox, R. F. A. , De Jonge, P. , & Van Yperen, N. W. (2020). Predicting Resilience Losses in Dyadic Team Performance. Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences , 24, 327-351. Bergkamp, T. L. G. , Den Hartigh, R. J. R. , Frencken, W. G. P., Niessen, A. S. M. , & Meijer, R. R. (2020). The validity of small-sided games in predicting 11-vs-11 soccer game performance. PLoS ONE , 15 (9), [e0239448]. Van Yperen, N. W., den Hartigh, R. J. R., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. (in press). Student-athletes’ need for competence, effort, and attributions of success and failure: Differences between sport and school. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. Meijer, R. R., Neumann, M., Hemker, B. T., Niessen, S. 2020). A tutorial on mechanical decision-making for personnel and educational selection. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, [3002]. Den Hartigh, R. J. R., van Yperen, N. W., & Gernigon, C. (2020). Psychological Momentum in Football: The Impact of a Last-Minute Equalizer in a Knock-Out Match. Science and Medicine in Football, 4, 178-181. Van Yperen, N. W. (2020). Achievement goals and self-regulation in the sport context. In Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (third ed.). New York: Guilford Press. Niessen, S., & Meijer, R. R. (2020). Character-Based Admissions Criteria in the United States and in Europe: Rationale, Evidence, and Some Critical Remarks. In M. E. Oliveri, & C. Wendler (Eds.), Higher Education Admission Practices: An International Perspective (pp. 76-95). Cambridge University Press. Kupers, E., & Van Dijk, M. (2020). Creativity in interaction: The dynamics of teacher-student interactions during a musical composition task. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 36, [100648]. Niessen, A. S. M., Meijer, R. R., &Tendeiro, J. N. (2019). Gender‐Based Differential Prediction by Curriculum Samples for College Admissions. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 38, 33-45. Bergkamp, T. L. G., Niessen, A. S. M., Den Hartigh, R. J. R., Frencken, W. G. P., & Meijer, R. R. (2019). Methodological Issues in Soccer Talent Identification Research. Sports Medicine, 49, 1317–1335. Niessen, A. S. M., Meijer, R. R., & Tendeiro, J. N. (2018). Admission testing for higher education: A multi-cohort study on the validity of high-fidelity curriculum-sampling tests. PLoS ONE, 13(6). Den Hartigh, R. J. R., Hill, Y., & van Geert, P. L. C. (2018). The development of talent in sports: A dynamic network approach. Complexity, 2018, [9280154]. Kupers, E., Van Dijk, M., & Lehmann-Wermser, A. (2018). Creativity in the Here and Now: A Generic, Micro-Developmental Measure of Creativity. Frontiers in Psychology. Den Hartigh, R. J. R., Niessen, A. S. M., Frencken, W. G. P., & Meijer, R. R. (2018). Selection procedures in sports: Improving predictions of athletes’ future performance. European Journal of Sport Science, 18, 1191-1198. van Vondel, S., Steenbeek, H., van Dijk, M., & van Geert, P. (2018). The Effects of Video Feedback Coaching for Teachers on Scientific Knowledge of Primary Students. Research in science education, 48, 301-324. Bergkamp, T., Niessen, A., den Hartigh, J. R., Frencken, W., & Meijer, R. R. (2018). Comment on: "Talent Identification in Sport: A Systematic Review". Sports Medicine, 48, 1517-1519. Den Hartigh, R. J. R., Van der Steen, S., Hakvoort, B., Frencken, W. G. P., & Lemmink, K. A. P. M. (2018). Differences in game-reading between selected and non-selected youth soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36, 422-428. De Jonge, K., Rietzschel, E., & Van Yperen, N. W. (2018). Stimulated by Novelty? The role of Psychological Needs and Perceived Creativity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 44, 851-867. Hill, Y., den Hartigh, R. J. R., Meijer, R. R., de Jonge, P., & Van Yperen, N. W.(2018). Resilience in Sports From a Dynamical Perspective. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology, 7, 333-341. Te Wierike, S. C. M., Huijgen, B. C. H., Jonker, L., Elferink-Gemser, M. T., & Visscher, C. (2018). The importance and development of ball control and (self-reported) self-regulatory skills in basketball players for different positions. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36 710-716. Van Yperen, N. W. (2017). Competence and the Workplace. In A. J. Elliot, C. S. Dweck, and D. S. Yeager (Eds.), Handbook of Competence and Motivation: Theory and Application (2 ed., pp. 635-654). New York: Guilford Press. Kramer, T., Huijgen, B. C. H., Elferink-Gemser, M. T., & Visscher, C. (2017). Prediction of Tennis Performance in Junior Elite Tennis Players. Journal of sports science and medicine, 16, 14-21. Niessen, A. S. M., & Meijer, R. R. (2017). On the use of broadened admission criteria in higher education. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12, 436-448. Den Hartigh, R. J. R., Van Yperen, N. W., & Van Geert, P. L. C. (2017). Embedding the psychosocial biographies of Olympic medallists in a (meta-)theoretical model of dynamic networks. Progress in Brain Research, 232, 137-140. Kupers, E., Van Dijk, M., & van Geert, P. (2017). Changing Patterns of Scaffolding and Autonomy During Individual Music Lessons: A Mixed Methods Approach. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 26, 131-166. Van Yperen, N. W., & Wörtler, B. (2017). Blended working and the employability of older workers, retirement timing, and bridge employment. Work, Aging and Retirement, 3, 102-108. Kolman, N., Huijgen, B., Kramer, T., Elferink-Gemser, M., & Visscher, C. (2017). The Dutch Technical-Tactical Tennis Test (D4T) for Talent Identification and Development: Psychometric Characteristics. Journal of human kinetics, 55, 127-138.asq Apply nowBrochureEventsContact Admissions Board Admissions Board Master Psychology (admission & application, for students with a Dutch diploma) Email: toelatingscommissie.masterpsy rug.nl Secretary Of The Talent Development And Creativity Program Email: stairwaytotalent rug.nl Dr. Ruud den Hartigh (Coordinator master programme Talent Development and Creativity) Email: j.r.den.hartigh rug.nl Telephone: +31 (0)50 363 9726 Prof. Dr. Nico van Yperen (Professor) Email: n.van.yperen rug.nl Prof. Dr. Rob Meijer (Professor) Email: r.r.meijer rug.nl Dr. Henderien Steenbeek (Associate Professor) Email: h.w.steenbeek rug.nl Study Advisor Psychology (Study Advisor) Email: studieadvies.psy rug.nl Telephone: +31 (0)50 6301 Admissions Office bss.msc (for students with a non-Dutch diploma) 'I want to spend my time helping other people to develop and feel good about themselves. I'd like to make a difference, even if it is a small one.' - soccer club FC Groningen – student Mariëlle Ottens Mariëlle Ottens was keen to develop her talents as a sports psychologist. During an introductory meeting with coordinator Ruud den Hartigh, she expressed her interest in sports psychology and explained that she came from a passionate footballing family. The Master’s coordinator tried to find a suitable placement for all his students, and put Mariëlle forward for a spell at FC Groningen. ‘A perfect match!’, laughs Mariëlle. Most internships last one semester, but she was allowed to stay at the football club for a whole year. She spent the second half of the internship working on her personal development. ‘I was at the club three days a week and I worked from home one day a week, doing things for the club alongside my studies.’ Her research and internship were part of the ‘Resilient athletes: A multidisciplinary personalized approach’ project, in which researchers use data to try to predict the resilience of elite athletes. She spent the first half of the year focusing on the internship, and the second half on her thesis. To generate data for the research, players wear a sensor vest while training and completed a questionnaire twice a day. Mariëlle developed a system for converting the data so that the researchers could monitor the players as they trained. The answers received were converted into visualizations. ‘Every week, I analysed the deviant patterns. ‘If one of the players’ patterns looked different from usual, I discussed the matter with the sports psychologist and the sports scientist. We tried to find an explanation based on things that we knew that the player was experiencing at that time, and discussed whether we should talk to him about it.’ Mariëlle conducted her research in the youth training scheme, which includes players from the ‘under-12’ to the ‘under-21’ teams. The TCM (trainer/coach/manager) and an assistant are jointly responsible for the players. An interdisciplinary team of specialists consisting of a sports scientist, a sports psychologist, and a data scientist assists the team. Mariëlle was part of this team of specialists. But she wanted to learn more and asked the club if she could take on more specific tasks to gain practical experience alongside her research. The club allowed her to observe players’ behaviour and talk to the players about it. The knowledge acquired in her coaching course of the Talent Development and Creativity programme proved to be particularly useful. She devised workshops for several youth teams, which she gave at the beginning and the end of the year. This enabled her to train her presentation skills. As she enthusiastically explains herself: ‘The players really got to grips with the assignments I had set up. At the end of the year, I discovered that all players had progressed towards their goals, simply by being aware of the goals that they had set themselves previously. It was great to see that something I had set up actually works in practice.’ Thanks to good planning, Mariëlle managed to combine her internship with her studies, although the exam periods were very busy. She therefore tried to ensure that any deadlines for her internship were always set after her exams, so that she could focus on one thing at a time. She comments: ‘Fortunately, FC Groningen was very flexible. If I was unable to do something due to study pressure, they temporarily redistributed my tasks.’ Her internship taught her that she enjoys switching between different projects. ‘I find it invigorating. Being busy isn’t a problem if you enjoy everything you’re doing.’ She also realized how important it is to take the initiative. For example, she asked to be given extra tasks, and then had to work out exactly what to do and how to do it. ‘When I started my internship, I was full of ideas about things I wanted to do, but my supervisors reined me in, explaining that I’d never be able do them all at once. That was an important lesson for me: you can do all sorts of things, but you have to pace yourself when passing on knowledge.’ Mariëlle has now completed her internship and found a job as a behavioural scientist/family coordinator. She works for Team050, the healthcare organization where she has spent three years supervising children with behavioural problems. Her next task is to arrange care and supervision for families and children with non-standard behaviour. She is still interested in sports psychology, but full-time jobs in this sector are hard to come by at the moment. She is considering following the post-Master's programme in Sport and Performance Psychology in Groningen, but only after she has gained some job experience. The youth care sector appeals to her because it has a lot of common ground with sports psychology. Both sectors involve helping children and young people to develop. Last year, she realized that she thrives on change in her work, and that it is important to do things that she really enjoys. ‘I want to spend my time helping other people to develop and feel good about themselves. I’d like to make a difference, even if it is a small one.’ Sports psychologist (entrepreneur) and personal trainer – alumnus Sten Dallinga (Sten is currently working as a sportspsychologist / basic psychologist) Psychology is concerned with everything related to human behaviour. For me, clinical psychology means counseling people who need help. Helping people go from -1 to 0, so to speak. That is very important work, but I found myself much more interested in guiding people who are already doing well. Helping them to go from 0 to 1, to really achieve great things. At the moment, I work both as a personal trainer and I have my own business where I work as an independent sports psychologist. As the latter, I coach athletes, especially in the context of performance: how do you perform under pressure, how do you keep your concentration, and how do you deal with the thrill of competition? As a personal trainer, I train people in a sports studio. That is very physical – I make sure they do all the exercises right – but at the same time, my education as a psychologist proves very useful. People get stressed, they want a lot. With my background, I can guide them well. During my studies, I took quite a few courses in sport psychology, and I still use the theories I learned. The courses on performance and coaching, for example, where you are taught to talk about improving and changing behaviour in a one-on-one setting, have proven to be very useful. My work is all about turning theory into practice. In future, I would like to do a lot more in the field of achievement. I want to apply psychological insights to take sports in the Netherlands to a higher level. That is possible, if coaching and talent development are employed in the best possible way. I would love to make a contribution to that, and to develop myself further as a psychologist. My advice for (future) students? Your university years can come with a lot of insecurity, especially towards the end. All of a sudden you are a graduate, and then what? If we all had our way, we would complete a study, get a job right after, and have everything go in a nice, straight line from there. But it never does, and that is all right. It is part of life, and it can teach you valuable lessons. Above all, I would tell students to really treasure their time at university. It is a wonderful phase of your life, one in which you have a lot of freedom and the opportunity to figure out what really matters. The best course unit that I took was the one on coaching. – alumnus Joske van der Sluis I'm the first student to have completed this Master's programme. That's because it's new: officially the programme only started this academic year. But I was allowed follow some of the course units last year, which explains why I have already completed the programme. In Talent Development and Creativity you learn how to bring out the best in others. You help them to discover and develop their talents. This topic has always interested me, which is why I chose the programme. I’m particularly interested in sport, but I didn’t want to limit myself to sport psychology. In this programme, you learn about the development of various sorts of talent: in sport, in music, at school, at work… you name it. The best course unit that I took was the one on coaching. First you learn all the theories and models of coaching, and then you apply them in the practicals, by using role play. And then, and this was the part I liked best, you actually coach someone, a student assistant or PhD student. This meant we could immediately apply what we had learnt, and in fact that was the case with all the course units. I think that is a major strength of this Master’s programme. Although you can do a placement as part of the programme, I chose not to. I wrote an extensive thesis, which involved conducting research into affordances, the possibilities that people see to take action, and psychological momentum in a sporting event. The expectation was that a person who is in positive momentum – who has a lead over the opponent for instance – will see more affordances than a person who is in negative momentum. And that proved to be true. I’m now working on a PhD proposal that follows on from my thesis. Research didn’t appeal to me very much before, but this topic is so interesting and I am so into it now that I really like the idea of finding out more. I work as a HR analytics advisor at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports – alumnus Mart de Meij I am interested in how companies and organizations can use talent in the best way possible. That is very important for an organization, but at the same time very complicated. How do you define talent; how do you make sure people use the talent that they have ? How can you develop talent and how do you let talented people work together in the best way possible. During the Master 'Talent Development and Creativity' you learn to look at talent from this complex and dynamic perspective. At the moment, I work as a HR analytics advisor at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. I analyze data from different staff systems to get new insights for HR managers, policy makers and advisors. I have meetings with them to find out which data they find most interesting. I also talk with the people who provide all the information to discuss which data I can request for my analysis. Finally, I make analyses in Excel with graphics in PowerPoint to share my new insights. During the master’s programme, I learned how psychological processes work in organizations and how you can examine them. Because of this study programme, I can look with a different, more creative perspective at approaches to examine processes. My study is still very useful for my current job. I look back at my student time in a very positive way. I really enjoyed the atmosphere in Groningen. You will know what I mean by this when you have studied there. What is so great about this programme is the way theory and practice are integrated. – student Jeremy Illman I came to Groningen because I had the opportunity to study Psychology here. I was fascinated by human thought and behaviour and I wanted to learn more about it. Furthermore, Groningen is a picturesque city full of canals with sailboats and bicycle paths that get you across town. Throughout my bachelor I discovered the cultural opportunities and liveliness that only a city with 25% student population can offer. After my bachelor's programme I worked in Television Production in Germany for two years, before deciding to come back to Groningen for my master's degree. Currently, I am following the ' Talent Development and Creativity' master's programme. We study the nature of talent, where talent originates, and how it can be developed. It is a unique study, with an approach to psychology that I think is revolutionary. Whereas most Psychology programmes only examine the development of large groups of people over time, the programme in Groningen also focuses on processes on the individual level. Iam very interested in that research angle - carefully studying someone's development and interactions and describing it in an almost mathematical way. Another great aspect of the 'Talent Development and Creativity' programme is the way theory and practice are integrated. One course on talent development consisted almost entirely of lectures by practitioners: from the Conservatory, for instance, or from FC Groningen. These experts presented how they select and develop talent in their institution. Then they discussed their ideas with us and were actually interested in our input. Most courses I have in the 'Talent Development and Creativity' trajectory are structured into two components: initially building up knowledge and then applying it to a 'real world' case. This is challenging as you might have a great theoretical Idea which turns out to be impractical when transferred to a real case. But it is also very gratifying: instead of cramming for an exam and forgetting everything the moment you exit the exam hall, you really get to put your knowledge to use. After my study, I think I would like to work at a talent development department at an international company, conceptualizing Talent Development programmes that help employees to get the most out of themselves and to perform optimally. Given my work experience in Television, I am searching for a Media Company, because I loved the creative environment it offered. We learn a lot about how to recognize talent and creativity. – student Hanna Boers After I finished my bachelor's degree in psychology at Leiden University, I wasn't sure which master's degree I wanted to do and I decided to first travel for a year. During my trip I found out that I really wanted to learn more about creativity, but when I started looking for master's degree programmes on that topic I only found programmes in the US and Scotland. Then I stumbled upon the master's programme in Talent Development and Creativity in Groningen. It seemed very interesting and it is the only master's programme in the Netherlands that really focuses on creativity. I finally submitted my application during my yoga teacher training in Nepal. We learn a lot about how to recognize talent and creativity and how to encourage people. I'm very interested in coaching. We have a course unit in which we learn coaching techniques by practicing on each other and then actually applying them in practice. I still live in Leiden. After being away for a year, I wanted to be near my family and friends. I travel back and forth – fortunately, there is a direct train – and sometimes I stay overnight with my uncle. What surprised me the most is the relationship between the students and lecturers. – student Marta Sveb My name is Marta Sveb, I am 23 years old and I come from Zagreb, Croatia. I am currently following the master's programme in Talent Development and Creativity. In addition, I am following the Master's Honours programme in Leadership I chose the University of Groningen because it offered the exact programme that I was interested in. In addition, not only is the programme offered by a top-notch university, but it is also located in a beautiful city with a diverse student population and loads of bitterballen ! What was your motivation behind studying Talent Development and Creativity? I have always been interested in football, although I barely ever played. Before moving to Groningen, I was part of the most prestigious Croatian football club, GNK Dinamo Zagreb Youth Academy, as a psychology assistant. For almost two years, we carried out various projects including situational observations of players, creative workshops, team-building activities and team management at tournaments in which we often ended up at the top! That experience made me realize that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, so finding the Talent Development and Creativity programme, which also focuses on developing sports talents, was the jackpot! What skills have you gained over your time at the University of Groningen? During my time at Groningen, I have gained many skills. One of those skills is riding a bike on frozen streets! When it comes to academic skills, however, I am happy to see how my coaching skills have developed over the course of my studies. Before, I used to avoid coaching situations, but now I fully embrace them. Being able to gain coaching knowledge through theoretical lectures and then applying that knowledge to real clients (student assistants) is the best experience that I have had at the University. What surprised you the most about the University of Groningen? What surprised me the most is the relationship between the students and lecturers. Namely, in lectures, students are encouraged to be critical and ask questions, which is not something that happens in Croatia. This shows that students are able to filter incoming information and actively use their minds in order to think critically about what is covered in class. Of course, it also makes lectures more interesting and interactive. What are your plans after graduating? As football is my biggest passion, I would like to pursue a career within this field upon graduating. At the beginning of the programme, I decided to enrol in the Honours College in order to learn more about leadership, as it combines well with my master’s programme, which focuses on developing human potential. Hopefully, upon graduating I will be able to find a job that combines leading people and developing their potential. Would you recommend the University of Groningen to prospective students? Yes, I would definitely recommend the University of Groningen to prospective students. In my programme, the course units are very specific but also manage to go quite in depth, the lecturers are always kind and willing to help and fellow students are not just people who you see in lectures, but rather your Friday night friends as well. The energy of the university is very positive, which makes studying much more enjoyable. Additionally, the city is picturesque and there is always something happening – from quiet picnics in the beautiful parks to a number of extraordinary and unusual festivals. Your stairway to talent! Because you: are interested in how to develop talent and creativity in excellent as well as normal people; are keen to learn about the latest knowledge and skills to select talented and creative individuals; want to make a difference in stimulating people's talent and creativity; like to follow a Master's program that integrates relevant disciplines of psychology; like to get in touch with practice, and use your scientific skills to improve practice. Our academic advisors inform and advise prospective students, students enrolled in one of our programmes, and alumni. You can turn to them with all kinds of questions, e.g. about the programme itself, study planning, choice of courses/minors, enrolment, rules and regulations that apply to a study programme, attending courses at other faculties and studying abroad. Please do not hesitate to contact one of our academic advisors or plan an appointment with one of them. Navigate to https://www.rug.nl/gmw/psychology/education/study-and-supervision or click the Contact button on this page. facebook.com/facgmw instagram.com/facultybss_universitygroningen twitter.com/rug_gmw
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8481, 0.0], [8481, 9023, 1.0], [9023, 9050, 0.0], [9050, 9693, 1.0], [9693, 9721, 0.0], [9721, 9908, 1.0], [9908, 10143, 1.0], [10143, 10289, 1.0], [10289, 10476, 1.0], [10476, 10602, 1.0], [10602, 10720, 1.0], [10720, 10859, 1.0], [10859, 10978, 1.0], [10978, 11042, 0.0], [11042, 11158, 1.0], [11158, 11259, 1.0], [11259, 11364, 1.0], [11364, 11492, 1.0], [11492, 11581, 1.0], [11581, 11660, 1.0], [11660, 11739, 1.0], [11739, 11829, 1.0], [11829, 11889, 1.0], [11889, 11986, 1.0], [11986, 12079, 1.0], [12079, 12188, 1.0], [12188, 12328, 0.0], [12328, 12431, 0.0], [12431, 12549, 0.0], [12549, 12637, 0.0], [12637, 12843, 1.0], [12843, 12962, 1.0], [12962, 13070, 0.0], [13070, 13284, 0.0], [13284, 13533, 0.0], [13533, 13779, 0.0], [13779, 14014, 0.0], [14014, 14230, 1.0], [14230, 14452, 1.0], [14452, 14705, 1.0], [14705, 14886, 1.0], [14886, 15093, 1.0], [15093, 15269, 1.0], [15269, 15573, 1.0], [15573, 15761, 1.0], [15761, 15960, 1.0], [15960, 16162, 1.0], [16162, 16360, 1.0], [16360, 16517, 1.0], [16517, 16684, 1.0], [16684, 16907, 1.0], [16907, 17117, 1.0], [17117, 17301, 1.0], [17301, 17533, 1.0], [17533, 17729, 1.0], [17729, 17925, 1.0], [17925, 18202, 1.0], [18202, 18423, 1.0], [18423, 18617, 1.0], [18617, 18776, 1.0], [18776, 19002, 1.0], [19002, 19204, 1.0], [19204, 19383, 1.0], [19383, 19627, 0.0], [19627, 19658, 0.0], [19658, 19771, 0.0], [19771, 19815, 0.0], [19815, 19874, 0.0], [19874, 19905, 0.0], [19905, 19991, 0.0], [19991, 20021, 0.0], [20021, 20051, 0.0], [20051, 20089, 0.0], [20089, 20116, 0.0], [20116, 20149, 0.0], [20149, 20174, 0.0], [20174, 20220, 0.0], [20220, 20248, 0.0], [20248, 20289, 0.0], [20289, 20320, 0.0], [20320, 20346, 0.0], [20346, 20412, 0.0], [20412, 20587, 0.0], [20587, 20613, 0.0], [20613, 21040, 1.0], [21040, 21349, 0.0], [21349, 21649, 1.0], [21649, 21945, 1.0], [21945, 22294, 0.0], [22294, 22698, 1.0], [22698, 23056, 1.0], [23056, 23564, 0.0], [23564, 23998, 0.0], [23998, 24341, 1.0], [24341, 24636, 0.0], [24636, 25415, 1.0], [25415, 25541, 1.0], [25541, 25689, 0.0], [25689, 25745, 0.0], [25745, 25769, 0.0], [25769, 25842, 0.0], [25842, 26201, 1.0], [26201, 26527, 1.0], [26527, 26809, 1.0], [26809, 27145, 1.0], [27145, 27493, 1.0], [27493, 27896, 1.0], [27896, 28106, 1.0], [28106, 28164, 1.0], [28164, 28194, 0.0], [28194, 28599, 1.0], [28599, 28897, 1.0], [28897, 29361, 1.0], [29361, 29824, 1.0], [29824, 30043, 1.0], [30043, 30122, 0.0], [30122, 30145, 0.0], [30145, 30633, 1.0], [30633, 31115, 1.0], [31115, 31410, 1.0], [31410, 31574, 1.0], [31574, 31659, 1.0], [31659, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 32097, 1.0], [32097, 32425, 1.0], [32425, 32840, 1.0], [32840, 33273, 1.0], [33273, 33760, 1.0], [33760, 34124, 1.0], [34124, 34185, 1.0], [34185, 34207, 0.0], [34207, 34374, 1.0], [34374, 34865, 1.0], [34865, 35120, 1.0], [35120, 35327, 1.0], [35327, 35410, 1.0], [35410, 35431, 0.0], [35431, 35664, 0.0], [35664, 35944, 1.0], [35944, 36020, 1.0], [36020, 36675, 1.0], [36675, 36750, 1.0], [36750, 37262, 1.0], [37262, 37325, 1.0], [37325, 37758, 1.0], [37758, 37796, 1.0], [37796, 38226, 1.0], [38226, 38299, 1.0], [38299, 38900, 1.0], [38900, 38938, 0.0], [38938, 39032, 0.0], [39032, 39133, 0.0], [39133, 39206, 0.0], [39206, 39292, 0.0], [39292, 39380, 1.0], [39380, 39747, 1.0], [39747, 39971, 1.0], [39971, 39991, 0.0], [39991, 40036, 0.0], [40036, 40055, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 79, 0.0], [79, 113, 0.0], [113, 132, 0.0], [132, 346, 0.0], [346, 679, 0.0], [679, 1083, 0.0], [1083, 1263, 0.0], [1263, 1281, 0.0], [1281, 1301, 0.0], [1301, 1312, 0.0], [1312, 1332, 0.0], [1332, 1364, 0.0], [1364, 1403, 0.0], [1403, 1467, 0.0], [1467, 1615, 0.0], [1615, 1660, 0.0], [1660, 1699, 0.0], [1699, 1843, 0.0], [1843, 1878, 0.0], [1878, 1974, 0.0], [1974, 2090, 0.0], [2090, 2501, 0.0], [2501, 2790, 0.0], [2790, 3326, 0.0], [3326, 3350, 0.0], [3350, 3391, 0.0], [3391, 3452, 0.0], [3452, 3484, 0.0], [3484, 3535, 0.0], [3535, 3557, 0.0], [3557, 3606, 0.0], [3606, 3659, 0.0], [3659, 3794, 0.0], [3794, 3835, 0.0], [3835, 3880, 0.0], [3880, 4055, 0.0], [4055, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4094, 0.0], [4094, 4243, 0.0], [4243, 4409, 0.0], [4409, 4438, 0.0], [4438, 4596, 0.0], [4596, 4726, 0.0], [4726, 4742, 0.0], [4742, 4790, 0.0], [4790, 4822, 0.0], [4822, 4855, 0.0], [4855, 4904, 0.0], [4904, 4957, 0.0], [4957, 4972, 0.0], [4972, 5006, 0.0], [5006, 5045, 0.0], [5045, 5072, 0.0], [5072, 5109, 0.0], [5109, 5128, 0.0], [5128, 5360, 0.0], [5360, 5427, 0.0], [5427, 5477, 0.0], [5477, 5543, 0.0], [5543, 5615, 0.0], [5615, 5911, 0.0], [5911, 5925, 0.0], [5925, 6239, 0.0], [6239, 6266, 0.0], [6266, 6315, 0.0], [6315, 6349, 0.0], [6349, 6406, 0.0], [6406, 6456, 0.0], [6456, 6472, 0.0], [6472, 6518, 0.0], [6518, 6600, 0.0], [6600, 6661, 0.0], [6661, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6935, 0.0], [6935, 7580, 0.0], [7580, 7613, 0.0], [7613, 8436, 0.0], [8436, 8481, 0.0], [8481, 9023, 0.0], [9023, 9050, 0.0], [9050, 9693, 0.0], [9693, 9721, 0.0], [9721, 9908, 0.0], [9908, 10143, 0.0], [10143, 10289, 0.0], [10289, 10476, 0.0], [10476, 10602, 0.0], [10602, 10720, 0.0], [10720, 10859, 0.0], [10859, 10978, 0.0], [10978, 11042, 0.0], [11042, 11158, 0.0], [11158, 11259, 0.0], [11259, 11364, 0.0], [11364, 11492, 0.0], [11492, 11581, 0.0], [11581, 11660, 0.0], [11660, 11739, 0.0], [11739, 11829, 0.0], [11829, 11889, 0.0], [11889, 11986, 0.0], [11986, 12079, 0.0], [12079, 12188, 0.0], [12188, 12328, 0.0], [12328, 12431, 0.0], [12431, 12549, 0.0], [12549, 12637, 0.0], [12637, 12843, 0.0], [12843, 12962, 0.0], [12962, 13070, 0.0], [13070, 13284, 0.0], [13284, 13533, 0.0], [13533, 13779, 0.0], [13779, 14014, 0.0], [14014, 14230, 0.0], [14230, 14452, 0.0], [14452, 14705, 0.0], [14705, 14886, 0.0], [14886, 15093, 0.0], [15093, 15269, 0.0], [15269, 15573, 0.0], [15573, 15761, 0.0], [15761, 15960, 0.0], [15960, 16162, 0.0], [16162, 16360, 0.0], [16360, 16517, 0.0], [16517, 16684, 0.0], [16684, 16907, 0.0], [16907, 17117, 0.0], [17117, 17301, 0.0], [17301, 17533, 0.0], [17533, 17729, 0.0], [17729, 17925, 0.0], [17925, 18202, 0.0], [18202, 18423, 0.0], [18423, 18617, 0.0], [18617, 18776, 0.0], [18776, 19002, 0.0], [19002, 19204, 0.0], [19204, 19383, 0.0], [19383, 19627, 0.0], [19627, 19658, 0.0], [19658, 19771, 0.0], [19771, 19815, 0.0], [19815, 19874, 0.0], [19874, 19905, 0.0], [19905, 19991, 0.0], [19991, 20021, 0.0], [20021, 20051, 0.0], [20051, 20089, 0.0], [20089, 20116, 0.0], [20116, 20149, 0.0], [20149, 20174, 0.0], [20174, 20220, 0.0], [20220, 20248, 0.0], [20248, 20289, 0.0], [20289, 20320, 0.0], [20320, 20346, 0.0], [20346, 20412, 0.0], [20412, 20587, 0.0], [20587, 20613, 0.0], [20613, 21040, 0.0], [21040, 21349, 0.0], [21349, 21649, 0.0], [21649, 21945, 0.0], [21945, 22294, 0.0], [22294, 22698, 0.0], [22698, 23056, 0.0], [23056, 23564, 0.0], [23564, 23998, 0.0], [23998, 24341, 0.0], [24341, 24636, 0.0], [24636, 25415, 0.0], [25415, 25541, 0.0], [25541, 25689, 0.0], [25689, 25745, 0.0], [25745, 25769, 0.0], [25769, 25842, 0.0], [25842, 26201, 0.0], [26201, 26527, 0.0], [26527, 26809, 0.0], [26809, 27145, 0.0], [27145, 27493, 0.0], [27493, 27896, 0.0], [27896, 28106, 0.0], [28106, 28164, 0.0], [28164, 28194, 0.0], [28194, 28599, 0.0], [28599, 28897, 0.0], [28897, 29361, 0.0], [29361, 29824, 0.0], [29824, 30043, 0.0], [30043, 30122, 0.0], [30122, 30145, 0.0], [30145, 30633, 0.0], [30633, 31115, 0.0], [31115, 31410, 0.0], [31410, 31574, 0.0], [31574, 31659, 0.0], [31659, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 32097, 0.0], [32097, 32425, 0.0], [32425, 32840, 0.0], [32840, 33273, 0.0], [33273, 33760, 0.0], [33760, 34124, 0.0], [34124, 34185, 0.0], [34185, 34207, 0.0], [34207, 34374, 0.0], [34374, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 35120, 0.0], [35120, 35327, 0.0], [35327, 35410, 0.0], [35410, 35431, 0.0], [35431, 35664, 0.0], [35664, 35944, 0.0], [35944, 36020, 0.0], [36020, 36675, 0.0], [36675, 36750, 0.0], [36750, 37262, 0.0], [37262, 37325, 0.0], [37325, 37758, 0.0], [37758, 37796, 0.0], [37796, 38226, 0.0], [38226, 38299, 0.0], [38299, 38900, 0.0], [38900, 38938, 0.0], [38938, 39032, 0.0], [39032, 39133, 0.0], [39133, 39206, 0.0], [39206, 39292, 0.0], [39292, 39380, 0.0], [39380, 39747, 0.0], [39747, 39971, 0.0], [39971, 39991, 0.0], [39991, 40036, 0.0], [40036, 40055, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 79, 10.0], [79, 113, 4.0], [113, 132, 2.0], [132, 346, 34.0], [346, 679, 45.0], [679, 1083, 58.0], [1083, 1263, 29.0], [1263, 1281, 3.0], [1281, 1301, 4.0], [1301, 1312, 2.0], [1312, 1332, 2.0], [1332, 1364, 4.0], [1364, 1403, 6.0], [1403, 1467, 7.0], [1467, 1615, 24.0], [1615, 1660, 8.0], [1660, 1699, 6.0], [1699, 1843, 22.0], [1843, 1878, 5.0], [1878, 1974, 15.0], [1974, 2090, 19.0], [2090, 2501, 63.0], [2501, 2790, 49.0], [2790, 3326, 75.0], [3326, 3350, 2.0], [3350, 3391, 6.0], [3391, 3452, 8.0], [3452, 3484, 5.0], [3484, 3535, 6.0], [3535, 3557, 4.0], [3557, 3606, 5.0], [3606, 3659, 7.0], [3659, 3794, 15.0], [3794, 3835, 6.0], [3835, 3880, 6.0], [3880, 4055, 32.0], [4055, 4080, 4.0], [4080, 4094, 2.0], [4094, 4243, 26.0], [4243, 4409, 25.0], [4409, 4438, 3.0], [4438, 4596, 27.0], [4596, 4726, 17.0], [4726, 4742, 3.0], [4742, 4790, 8.0], [4790, 4822, 6.0], [4822, 4855, 6.0], [4855, 4904, 8.0], [4904, 4957, 8.0], [4957, 4972, 2.0], [4972, 5006, 5.0], [5006, 5045, 5.0], [5045, 5072, 3.0], [5072, 5109, 3.0], [5109, 5128, 3.0], [5128, 5360, 32.0], [5360, 5427, 11.0], [5427, 5477, 8.0], [5477, 5543, 11.0], [5543, 5615, 11.0], [5615, 5911, 46.0], [5911, 5925, 2.0], [5925, 6239, 49.0], [6239, 6266, 5.0], [6266, 6315, 7.0], [6315, 6349, 6.0], [6349, 6406, 8.0], [6406, 6456, 7.0], [6456, 6472, 2.0], [6472, 6518, 8.0], [6518, 6600, 11.0], [6600, 6661, 8.0], [6661, 6901, 34.0], [6901, 6935, 5.0], [6935, 7580, 89.0], [7580, 7613, 4.0], [7613, 8436, 127.0], [8436, 8481, 6.0], [8481, 9023, 84.0], [9023, 9050, 3.0], [9050, 9693, 91.0], [9693, 9721, 4.0], [9721, 9908, 24.0], [9908, 10143, 30.0], [10143, 10289, 21.0], [10289, 10476, 26.0], [10476, 10602, 15.0], [10602, 10720, 17.0], [10720, 10859, 19.0], [10859, 10978, 16.0], [10978, 11042, 8.0], [11042, 11158, 18.0], [11158, 11259, 17.0], [11259, 11364, 12.0], [11364, 11492, 19.0], [11492, 11581, 11.0], [11581, 11660, 11.0], [11660, 11739, 12.0], [11739, 11829, 14.0], [11829, 11889, 10.0], [11889, 11986, 15.0], [11986, 12079, 16.0], [12079, 12188, 17.0], [12188, 12328, 22.0], [12328, 12431, 14.0], [12431, 12549, 16.0], [12549, 12637, 11.0], [12637, 12843, 30.0], [12843, 12962, 19.0], [12962, 13070, 13.0], [13070, 13284, 35.0], [13284, 13533, 36.0], [13533, 13779, 35.0], [13779, 14014, 31.0], [14014, 14230, 34.0], [14230, 14452, 37.0], [14452, 14705, 36.0], [14705, 14886, 26.0], [14886, 15093, 33.0], [15093, 15269, 26.0], [15269, 15573, 41.0], [15573, 15761, 25.0], [15761, 15960, 27.0], [15960, 16162, 32.0], [16162, 16360, 29.0], [16360, 16517, 26.0], [16517, 16684, 23.0], [16684, 16907, 34.0], [16907, 17117, 32.0], [17117, 17301, 27.0], [17301, 17533, 37.0], [17533, 17729, 28.0], [17729, 17925, 31.0], [17925, 18202, 40.0], [18202, 18423, 37.0], [18423, 18617, 29.0], [18617, 18776, 24.0], [18776, 19002, 35.0], [19002, 19204, 30.0], [19204, 19383, 26.0], [19383, 19627, 30.0], [19627, 19658, 2.0], [19658, 19771, 14.0], [19771, 19815, 3.0], [19815, 19874, 8.0], [19874, 19905, 3.0], [19905, 19991, 11.0], [19991, 20021, 3.0], [20021, 20051, 5.0], [20051, 20089, 6.0], [20089, 20116, 3.0], [20116, 20149, 5.0], [20149, 20174, 3.0], [20174, 20220, 5.0], [20220, 20248, 3.0], [20248, 20289, 5.0], [20289, 20320, 3.0], [20320, 20346, 4.0], [20346, 20412, 9.0], [20412, 20587, 33.0], [20587, 20613, 4.0], [20613, 21040, 66.0], [21040, 21349, 58.0], [21349, 21649, 48.0], [21649, 21945, 46.0], [21945, 22294, 59.0], [22294, 22698, 59.0], [22698, 23056, 59.0], [23056, 23564, 89.0], [23564, 23998, 72.0], [23998, 24341, 61.0], [24341, 24636, 57.0], [24636, 25415, 121.0], [25415, 25541, 24.0], [25541, 25689, 29.0], [25689, 25745, 6.0], [25745, 25769, 4.0], [25769, 25842, 9.0], [25842, 26201, 62.0], [26201, 26527, 58.0], [26527, 26809, 54.0], [26809, 27145, 58.0], [27145, 27493, 63.0], [27493, 27896, 78.0], [27896, 28106, 39.0], [28106, 28164, 12.0], [28164, 28194, 6.0], [28194, 28599, 67.0], [28599, 28897, 52.0], [28897, 29361, 87.0], [29361, 29824, 81.0], [29824, 30043, 44.0], [30043, 30122, 15.0], [30122, 30145, 5.0], [30145, 30633, 85.0], [30633, 31115, 86.0], [31115, 31410, 47.0], [31410, 31574, 32.0], [31574, 31659, 15.0], [31659, 31683, 4.0], [31683, 32097, 68.0], [32097, 32425, 51.0], [32425, 32840, 63.0], [32840, 33273, 65.0], [33273, 33760, 83.0], [33760, 34124, 58.0], [34124, 34185, 11.0], [34185, 34207, 4.0], [34207, 34374, 30.0], [34374, 34865, 81.0], [34865, 35120, 44.0], [35120, 35327, 41.0], [35327, 35410, 13.0], [35410, 35431, 4.0], [35431, 35664, 39.0], [35664, 35944, 47.0], [35944, 36020, 10.0], [36020, 36675, 104.0], [36675, 36750, 13.0], [36750, 37262, 88.0], [37262, 37325, 10.0], [37325, 37758, 69.0], [37758, 37796, 6.0], [37796, 38226, 72.0], [38226, 38299, 10.0], [38299, 38900, 99.0], [38900, 38938, 6.0], [38938, 39032, 16.0], [39032, 39133, 16.0], [39133, 39206, 11.0], [39206, 39292, 12.0], [39292, 39380, 15.0], [39380, 39747, 55.0], [39747, 39971, 30.0], [39971, 39991, 1.0], [39991, 40036, 1.0], [40036, 40055, 1.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 79, 0.0], [79, 113, 0.0], [113, 132, 0.0], [132, 346, 0.0], [346, 679, 0.0], [679, 1083, 0.0], [1083, 1263, 0.0], [1263, 1281, 0.0], [1281, 1301, 0.23529412], [1301, 1312, 0.0], [1312, 1332, 0.0], [1332, 1364, 0.0], [1364, 1403, 0.0], [1403, 1467, 0.0], [1467, 1615, 0.0], [1615, 1660, 0.0], [1660, 1699, 0.0], [1699, 1843, 0.0], [1843, 1878, 0.0], [1878, 1974, 0.0], [1974, 2090, 0.0], [2090, 2501, 0.0], [2501, 2790, 0.0], [2790, 3326, 0.0], [3326, 3350, 0.0], [3350, 3391, 0.02777778], [3391, 3452, 0.01785714], [3452, 3484, 0.03703704], [3484, 3535, 0.04347826], [3535, 3557, 0.10526316], [3557, 3606, 0.0], [3606, 3659, 0.02083333], [3659, 3794, 0.0], [3794, 3835, 0.02777778], [3835, 3880, 0.025], [3880, 4055, 0.06024096], [4055, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4094, 0.0], [4094, 4243, 0.0], [4243, 4409, 0.0], [4409, 4438, 0.0], [4438, 4596, 0.0], [4596, 4726, 0.0], [4726, 4742, 0.0], [4742, 4790, 0.25531915], [4790, 4822, 0.38709677], [4822, 4855, 0.375], [4855, 4904, 0.25531915], [4904, 4957, 0.24], [4957, 4972, 0.0], [4972, 5006, 0.4], [5006, 5045, 0.38235294], [5045, 5072, 0.0], [5072, 5109, 0.0], [5109, 5128, 0.0], [5128, 5360, 0.0], [5360, 5427, 0.015625], [5427, 5477, 0.0212766], [5477, 5543, 0.01587302], [5543, 5615, 0.0], [5615, 5911, 0.0], [5911, 5925, 0.0], [5925, 6239, 0.0], [6239, 6266, 0.0], [6266, 6315, 0.0], [6315, 6349, 0.0], [6349, 6406, 0.0], [6406, 6456, 0.0], [6456, 6472, 0.0], [6472, 6518, 0.0], [6518, 6600, 0.0], [6600, 6661, 0.0], [6661, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6935, 0.12903226], [6935, 7580, 0.0], [7580, 7613, 0.13793103], [7613, 8436, 0.0], [8436, 8481, 0.09756098], [8481, 9023, 0.00381679], [9023, 9050, 0.17391304], [9050, 9693, 0.0], [9693, 9721, 0.0], [9721, 9908, 0.0], [9908, 10143, 0.0], [10143, 10289, 0.0], [10289, 10476, 0.0], [10476, 10602, 0.0], [10602, 10720, 0.0], [10720, 10859, 0.0], [10859, 10978, 0.0], [10978, 11042, 0.0], [11042, 11158, 0.03703704], [11158, 11259, 0.01075269], [11259, 11364, 0.0625], [11364, 11492, 0.03361345], [11492, 11581, 0.06024096], [11581, 11660, 0.05479452], [11660, 11739, 0.05555556], [11739, 11829, 0.04878049], [11829, 11889, 0.07407407], [11889, 11986, 0.05494505], [11986, 12079, 0.04651163], [12079, 12188, 0.03960396], [12188, 12328, 0.03053435], [12328, 12431, 0.04255319], [12431, 12549, 0.03571429], [12549, 12637, 0.04761905], [12637, 12843, 0.05524862], [12843, 12962, 0.0], [12962, 13070, 0.0], [13070, 13284, 0.02197802], [13284, 13533, 0.01826484], [13533, 13779, 0.01904762], [13779, 14014, 0.01895735], [14014, 14230, 0.06703911], [14230, 14452, 0.1011236], [14452, 14705, 0.0], [14705, 14886, 0.06329114], [14886, 15093, 0.06043956], [15093, 15269, 0.025], [15269, 15573, 0.02962963], [15573, 15761, 0.07100592], [15761, 15960, 0.05681818], [15960, 16162, 0.08284024], [16162, 16360, 0.04093567], [16360, 16517, 0.11363636], [16517, 16684, 0.02721088], [16684, 16907, 0.07253886], [16907, 17117, 0.06382979], [17117, 17301, 0.09150327], [17301, 17533, 0.06060606], [17533, 17729, 0.06857143], [17729, 17925, 0.06626506], [17925, 18202, 0.04938272], [18202, 18423, 0.05759162], [18423, 18617, 0.05952381], [18617, 18776, 0.08571429], [18776, 19002, 0.06532663], [19002, 19204, 0.06593407], [19204, 19383, 0.06875], [19383, 19627, 0.06074766], [19627, 19658, 0.0], [19658, 19771, 0.0], [19771, 19815, 0.0], [19815, 19874, 0.0], [19874, 19905, 0.0], [19905, 19991, 0.0], [19991, 20021, 0.0], [20021, 20051, 0.48], [20051, 20089, 0.0], [20089, 20116, 0.0], [20116, 20149, 0.0], [20149, 20174, 0.0], [20174, 20220, 0.0], [20220, 20248, 0.0], [20248, 20289, 0.0], [20289, 20320, 0.0], [20320, 20346, 0.42857143], [20346, 20412, 0.0], [20412, 20587, 0.0], [20587, 20613, 0.0], [20613, 21040, 0.0], [21040, 21349, 0.0], [21349, 21649, 0.0], [21649, 21945, 0.0], [21945, 22294, 0.0], [22294, 22698, 0.01020408], [22698, 23056, 0.0], [23056, 23564, 0.0], [23564, 23998, 0.0], [23998, 24341, 0.0], [24341, 24636, 0.0], [24636, 25415, 0.0039267], [25415, 25541, 0.0], [25541, 25689, 0.0], [25689, 25745, 0.0], [25745, 25769, 0.0], [25769, 25842, 0.0], [25842, 26201, 0.01149425], [26201, 26527, 0.0], [26527, 26809, 0.0], [26809, 27145, 0.0], [27145, 27493, 0.0], [27493, 27896, 0.0], [27896, 28106, 0.0], [28106, 28164, 0.0], [28164, 28194, 0.0], [28194, 28599, 0.0], [28599, 28897, 0.0], [28897, 29361, 0.0], [29361, 29824, 0.0], [29824, 30043, 0.0], [30043, 30122, 0.0], [30122, 30145, 0.0], [30145, 30633, 0.0], [30633, 31115, 0.0], [31115, 31410, 0.0], [31410, 31574, 0.0], [31574, 31659, 0.0], [31659, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 32097, 0.004914], [32097, 32425, 0.0], [32425, 32840, 0.0], [32840, 33273, 0.0], [33273, 33760, 0.0], [33760, 34124, 0.0], [34124, 34185, 0.0], [34185, 34207, 0.0], [34207, 34374, 0.0], [34374, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 35120, 0.0], [35120, 35327, 0.0], [35327, 35410, 0.0], [35410, 35431, 0.0], [35431, 35664, 0.00888889], [35664, 35944, 0.0], [35944, 36020, 0.0], [36020, 36675, 0.0], [36675, 36750, 0.0], [36750, 37262, 0.0], [37262, 37325, 0.0], [37325, 37758, 0.0], [37758, 37796, 0.0], [37796, 38226, 0.0], [38226, 38299, 0.0], [38299, 38900, 0.0], [38900, 38938, 0.0], [38938, 39032, 0.0], [39032, 39133, 0.0], [39133, 39206, 0.0], [39206, 39292, 0.0], [39292, 39380, 0.0], [39380, 39747, 0.0], [39747, 39971, 0.0], [39971, 39991, 0.0], [39991, 40036, 0.0], [40036, 40055, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 79, 0.0], [79, 113, 0.0], [113, 132, 0.0], [132, 346, 0.0], [346, 679, 0.0], [679, 1083, 0.0], [1083, 1263, 0.0], [1263, 1281, 0.0], [1281, 1301, 0.0], [1301, 1312, 0.0], [1312, 1332, 0.0], [1332, 1364, 0.0], [1364, 1403, 0.0], [1403, 1467, 0.0], [1467, 1615, 0.0], [1615, 1660, 0.0], [1660, 1699, 0.0], [1699, 1843, 0.0], [1843, 1878, 0.0], [1878, 1974, 0.0], [1974, 2090, 0.0], [2090, 2501, 0.0], [2501, 2790, 0.0], [2790, 3326, 0.0], [3326, 3350, 0.0], [3350, 3391, 0.0], [3391, 3452, 0.0], [3452, 3484, 0.0], [3484, 3535, 0.0], [3535, 3557, 0.0], [3557, 3606, 0.0], [3606, 3659, 0.0], [3659, 3794, 0.0], [3794, 3835, 0.0], [3835, 3880, 0.0], [3880, 4055, 0.0], [4055, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4094, 0.0], [4094, 4243, 0.0], [4243, 4409, 0.0], [4409, 4438, 0.0], [4438, 4596, 0.0], [4596, 4726, 0.0], [4726, 4742, 0.0], [4742, 4790, 0.0], [4790, 4822, 0.0], [4822, 4855, 0.0], [4855, 4904, 0.0], [4904, 4957, 0.0], [4957, 4972, 0.0], [4972, 5006, 0.0], [5006, 5045, 0.0], [5045, 5072, 0.0], [5072, 5109, 0.0], [5109, 5128, 0.0], [5128, 5360, 0.0], [5360, 5427, 0.0], [5427, 5477, 0.0], [5477, 5543, 0.0], [5543, 5615, 0.0], [5615, 5911, 0.0], [5911, 5925, 0.0], [5925, 6239, 0.0], [6239, 6266, 0.0], [6266, 6315, 0.0], [6315, 6349, 0.0], [6349, 6406, 0.0], [6406, 6456, 0.0], [6456, 6472, 0.0], [6472, 6518, 0.0], [6518, 6600, 0.0], [6600, 6661, 0.0], [6661, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6935, 0.0], [6935, 7580, 0.0], [7580, 7613, 0.0], [7613, 8436, 0.0], [8436, 8481, 0.0], [8481, 9023, 0.0], [9023, 9050, 0.0], [9050, 9693, 0.0], [9693, 9721, 0.0], [9721, 9908, 0.0], [9908, 10143, 0.0], [10143, 10289, 0.0], [10289, 10476, 0.0], [10476, 10602, 0.0], [10602, 10720, 0.0], [10720, 10859, 0.0], [10859, 10978, 0.0], [10978, 11042, 0.0], [11042, 11158, 0.0], [11158, 11259, 0.0], [11259, 11364, 0.0], [11364, 11492, 0.0], [11492, 11581, 0.0], [11581, 11660, 0.0], [11660, 11739, 0.0], [11739, 11829, 0.0], [11829, 11889, 0.0], [11889, 11986, 0.0], [11986, 12079, 0.0], [12079, 12188, 0.0], [12188, 12328, 0.0], [12328, 12431, 0.0], [12431, 12549, 0.0], [12549, 12637, 0.0], [12637, 12843, 0.0], [12843, 12962, 0.0], [12962, 13070, 0.0], [13070, 13284, 0.0], [13284, 13533, 0.0], [13533, 13779, 0.0], [13779, 14014, 0.0], [14014, 14230, 0.0], [14230, 14452, 0.0], [14452, 14705, 0.0], [14705, 14886, 0.0], [14886, 15093, 0.0], [15093, 15269, 0.0], [15269, 15573, 0.0], [15573, 15761, 0.0], [15761, 15960, 0.0], [15960, 16162, 0.0], [16162, 16360, 0.0], [16360, 16517, 0.0], [16517, 16684, 0.0], [16684, 16907, 0.0], [16907, 17117, 0.0], [17117, 17301, 0.0], [17301, 17533, 0.0], [17533, 17729, 0.0], [17729, 17925, 0.0], [17925, 18202, 0.0], [18202, 18423, 0.0], [18423, 18617, 0.0], [18617, 18776, 0.0], [18776, 19002, 0.0], [19002, 19204, 0.0], [19204, 19383, 0.0], [19383, 19627, 0.0], [19627, 19658, 0.0], [19658, 19771, 0.0], [19771, 19815, 0.0], [19815, 19874, 0.0], [19874, 19905, 0.0], [19905, 19991, 0.0], [19991, 20021, 0.0], [20021, 20051, 0.0], [20051, 20089, 0.0], [20089, 20116, 0.0], [20116, 20149, 0.0], [20149, 20174, 0.0], [20174, 20220, 0.0], [20220, 20248, 0.0], [20248, 20289, 0.0], [20289, 20320, 0.0], [20320, 20346, 0.0], [20346, 20412, 0.0], [20412, 20587, 0.0], [20587, 20613, 1.0], [20613, 21040, 0.0], [21040, 21349, 0.0], [21349, 21649, 0.0], [21649, 21945, 0.0], [21945, 22294, 0.0], [22294, 22698, 0.0], [22698, 23056, 0.0], [23056, 23564, 0.0], [23564, 23998, 0.0], [23998, 24341, 0.0], [24341, 24636, 0.0], [24636, 25415, 0.0], [25415, 25541, 0.0], [25541, 25689, 0.0], [25689, 25745, 0.0], [25745, 25769, 1.0], [25769, 25842, 0.0], [25842, 26201, 0.0], [26201, 26527, 0.0], [26527, 26809, 0.0], [26809, 27145, 0.0], [27145, 27493, 0.0], [27493, 27896, 0.0], [27896, 28106, 0.0], [28106, 28164, 0.0], [28164, 28194, 1.0], [28194, 28599, 0.0], [28599, 28897, 0.0], [28897, 29361, 0.0], [29361, 29824, 0.0], [29824, 30043, 0.0], [30043, 30122, 0.0], [30122, 30145, 1.0], [30145, 30633, 0.0], [30633, 31115, 0.0], [31115, 31410, 0.0], [31410, 31574, 0.0], [31574, 31659, 0.0], [31659, 31683, 1.0], [31683, 32097, 0.0], [32097, 32425, 0.0], [32425, 32840, 0.0], [32840, 33273, 0.0], [33273, 33760, 0.0], [33760, 34124, 0.0], [34124, 34185, 0.0], [34185, 34207, 1.0], [34207, 34374, 0.0], [34374, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 35120, 0.0], [35120, 35327, 0.0], [35327, 35410, 0.0], [35410, 35431, 1.0], [35431, 35664, 0.0], [35664, 35944, 0.0], [35944, 36020, 0.0], [36020, 36675, 0.0], [36675, 36750, 0.0], [36750, 37262, 0.0], [37262, 37325, 0.0], [37325, 37758, 0.0], [37758, 37796, 0.0], [37796, 38226, 0.0], [38226, 38299, 0.0], [38299, 38900, 0.0], [38900, 38938, 0.0], [38938, 39032, 0.0], [39032, 39133, 0.0], [39133, 39206, 0.0], [39206, 39292, 0.0], [39292, 39380, 0.0], [39380, 39747, 0.0], [39747, 39971, 0.0], [39971, 39991, 0.0], [39991, 40036, 0.0], [40036, 40055, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 79, 0.08860759], [79, 113, 0.08823529], [113, 132, 0.05263158], [132, 346, 0.01401869], [346, 679, 0.00900901], [679, 1083, 0.00742574], [1083, 1263, 0.01111111], [1263, 1281, 0.16666667], [1281, 1301, 0.2], [1301, 1312, 0.09090909], [1312, 1332, 0.1], [1332, 1364, 0.09375], [1364, 1403, 0.05128205], [1403, 1467, 0.03125], [1467, 1615, 0.02027027], [1615, 1660, 0.0], [1660, 1699, 0.0], [1699, 1843, 0.05555556], [1843, 1878, 0.0], [1878, 1974, 0.0], [1974, 2090, 0.00862069], [2090, 2501, 0.00729927], [2501, 2790, 0.01038062], [2790, 3326, 0.00559701], [3326, 3350, 0.125], [3350, 3391, 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Les films de l’édition 2019 > Cinémas du monde > Lillian de Andreas Horvath (Autriche, 2019, 2h08, vostf) avec Patrycja Planik Lillian, une jeune russe, se retrouve à New York sans travail ni ressource. Elle décide alors de rentrer à pied dans son pays. Seule et déterminée, elle entame un long périple pour tenter d’atteindre l’Alaska et traverser le détroit de Béring. Un récit de survie hypnotique inspiré d’un fait divers qui nous entraîne dans un immense voyage de cinéma.
{"url": "https://www.arrasfilmfestival.com/accueil/les-films-2019/cinemas-du-monde-2019/lillian/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.arrasfilmfestival.com", "date_download": "2021-10-15T21:32:22Z", "digest": "sha1:TLOOYHAZ7NW2D5N2BFQRHCS7KATLNXOP"}
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modern design interior modern interior design & home decor ideas Modern Space Age Shelving Solutions & Organizers Ideas Ultimate Top 3 Wish List of Space Age Modern Shelving Solutions and Organizers Presented by Stardust Modern Design We love the classics and we love storage so we thought it would be a good idea to create a list of the best modern shelving solutions and organizers ever created! As it happens; our top 3 was designed between 1968 and 1972. The Boby Cart and the Componibili were both designed in Italy. But we have 1 American manufacturer in the top 3, Directional Industries Incorporated with their UMBO shelving system. The Boby Cart and the Componibili are both in the permanent design collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Unfortuantely they overlooked the UMBO; which rightfully deserves a place in the museum as well. A close contender for our Top 3 is the brilliant Free Standing Shelving System which Austrian designer Olaf Von Bohr created for Kartell in 1972 (Kartell Product 4964); it is not included in this list although it is equally stunning (for a picture, please see our Kartell Design page). Joe Colombo Boby Trolley from 1968 Joe Colombo Boby Cart Designed in 1968 Still available from Stardust! Need something unique and interesting in your room or office? Here's the perfect storage unit for you. Boby Cart, designed by Joe Colombo in 1968 and now part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York... Originally designed to meet the storage needs of artists and graphic designers, its many drawers and shelves can make this "Portable Storage System" fit into any space, small or large. We'd use it in a bathroom where it can store everything from make-up to hair dryers, curling irons and towels within easy reach; in a kitchen, fitted with a wooden cutting board to form a small island; in a home office, to hold a small printer, a shredder and office supplies; as a landing strip to corral umbrellas, mail, sunglasses, extra keys, change and all the other detritus of life; or, even as a unique and fully-equpped bar cart, ready to serve our guests drinks in the living room. Surprisingly it is still available and on sale at Stardust Modern Design. Anna Castelli Ferrier's Componibili from 1969 Anna Castelli Ferrieri Componibili Designed in 1969 for Kartell Trained at the famed Milan Polytechnic Institute as an architect, Anna Castelli Ferrieri began designing for Kartell in 1966, after being chosen as the architect for their headquarters. One of her first creations was the Componibili, a modular storage system that became an overnight success and remains one of the most popular items in the Kartell collection. Componibili is a stylish and intelligent design solution to all your storage needs. Componibili is a series of modular round storage elements with sliding doors designed to meet various needs and to fit into any room in your home: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen or living room. Flexible, functional and practical, the Kartell Componibili modular units have been in production for over 50 years and have received international recognition. While Componibili is no longer available in yellow, you can still purchase it in either white, black, red or matte slver. Componibili can be found on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and at the Centre George Pompidou in Paris. The authentic original, produced by Kartell in Italy, can still be purchased through modern design purveyor Stardust at a very reasonable price. Stardust has every color in stock & ready to ship. Kay Leroy Ruggles's UMBO Shelving System from 1972 Kay Leroy Ruggles UMBO Shelves Designed in 1972 for Directional Industries in New York No longer available; unfortunately! This Italian space age look-a-like shelving system was designed and produced by a small New York manufacturer, Directional Industries Incorporated. Directional Industries Incorporated was established in 1963 and was located at 41 E 57th Street in New York. From the mid- to late 1960s, Directional Industries Incorporated produced furniture that was designed by Milo Baughman (one of the leading American modern furniture designers of the second-half of the 20th century). But by the late 1960s their focus shifted to plastic furniture. George Beylerian had already did most of the groundwork in the US with his partnership with Kartell (Beylerian imported the plastic molds from Kartell in Italy and produced his Beylerian/Kartell furniture in a South Carolina manufacturing facility). The American public was ready for change and plastic design furniture was becoming wildly popular by 1968 hitting a natural high in 1970. UMBO was one of the first furniture creations in plastic by Directional Industries Incorporated. UMBO is often attributed by dealers to Italian designer Joe Colombo although this is erroneous. While it does have the looks of a Joe Colombo designed piece (rounded space age curves), the design of UMBO was an exceptional in-house design from Directional Industries. We did extensive research with the United States Patent office and found out that American designer Kay Leroy Ruggles (June 5, 1932 - May 16, 2012) was awarded the patent for UMBO on July 30th 1974 (Patent #3,826,206). According to his family, Kay Leroy Ruggles was a pioneer, inventor and entrepreneur throughout his long and successful career and won many awards and honors. He held numerous patents and designed and developed over 100 products in a wide range of industries, including automobile, space, furniture, window coverings, amusement park and musical instruments, to name only a few. His unique designing style defied labeling and categorizing. He would simply say, "I make things happen". UMBO was offered for sale at Bloomingdale's and other department stores. UMBO was published in New York magazine on September 25, 1972 and became a (very big) one-hit wonder for the company (although the patent was still pending). Thousands of these were sold in various colors including white, yellow, orange, red, brown and black. Directional Industries produced a wide variety of modules; since UMBO was fully modular, it could be arranged and re-arranged at any time. UMBO was even available with a desk, dining table, bed frame or wall shelves module which made it perfect for small New York apartments. Image Credit: Teddy Qui Dit Unfortunately for Directional Industries Incorporated, the ensuing energy crisis of 1973 marked the end of the era of cheap gasoline and...plastics. In the middle of 1975, after the OPEC embargo and an American oil crisis was well underway, Directional Industries Incorporated shuttered its facilities, never to reopen. While UMBO has been out of production for almost 40 years, these fantastic UMBO shelves can still be found online or at thrift stores and flea markets. In fact; back in 1992 while we were still based in New York City, we found an UMBO at the sidewalk of 34th Street and 5th Avenue ready to be picked up by the garbage truck. We kid you not. Fast forward 20 years and we find ourselves with a beautiful store in Sonoma California where few people understand Space Age design (but that is another story). Anyhow, we are sure there are still many UMBO's out there waiting to be rescued (and an even greater number in New Jersey's landfills). I was always hoping that Kartell would pick up production on this someday...thinking it would be such a good match. Hopefully Claudio Luti reads this and agrees! Thank you for allowing us to share our crazy passion for Italian modern design with you! Edited by Stardust Modern Design This ultra modern office makes use of the Slow Chairs and the Joe Colombo mobile Boby Office Organizing Trolleys on Casters. Both available from Stardust Modern Design. Let's save you some money! Subscribe to the monthly Stardust.com newsletter Receive exclusive coupons, promotions and flash sale offers!
{"url": "http://www.moderndesigninterior.com/2014/09/modern-space-age-shelving-solutions.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.moderndesigninterior.com", "date_download": "2018-02-17T19:22:23Z", "digest": "sha1:7IDLQZFT6ECWQXL23ATDP2PVPVXQ746S"}
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JIM COLEMAN INFINITI ESTORE 10400C AUTO PARK AVENUE BETHESDA , MD 20817 RETURNING CUSTOMERS | WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS | 0 Select Year & Model To Find What You Need Year 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 Model Choose Your Infiniti Accessories Sort by Relevancy A-Z Z-A 1 - 15 of 1081 items Rows: 15 25 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 of 73 Exterior (513) Touch-Up Paints (69) Receiver Hitch Sub Harness Brake Jumper Part Number: 241677S000 Model: QX56 Model Years: 2011 - 2013 Model: QX60 Hybrid Step Lamp Lens (two required) Part Number: 264214P000 Model: M35h Model: Q70 Model: Q70L Control Motion Sensor Part Number: 285T15NA0B Seat Belt Extender 2nd & 3rd Row Part Number: 8684801A17 Model: JX35 SITE FEEDBACK [+] Infiniti eSTORE *All retail prices listed herein are suggested prices. All retailers are free to sell at whatever price, mark-up, or margin of profit they may choose. Prices do not include installations. Pictures are for informational purposes only. Prices subject to change. **Genuine Infiniti Accessories are covered by Infiniti�s Limited Warranty on Genuine Infiniti Replacement Parts and Genuine Infiniti Accessories for the longer of 12 months/12,000 miles (whichever occurs first) or the remaining period under the 3-year/36,000-mile (whichever occurs first) Infiniti New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Terms and conditions apply. See Warranty Information Booklet for details. Returning Customer Log In Request Account Click on the link to create a new account. After completing your registration, you will be able to complete your order. Wholesale Account Log In Request Account Become a part of the Nissan Wholesale program. FIND A LOCAL INFINITI RETAILER to check for special online pricing and availability. Core Charge Message Please waiting, getting message.
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Lucía Ixchíu Soy una mujer indígena urbana, nacida en Totonicapán, me identifico como una mujer postguerra, creo en el arte como una forma de transformar la historia y el mundo, soy gestora cultural desde los 13 años, he trabajo por buscar la democratización de espacios estudiantiles, parte de la agrupación Usac Es Pueblo. Fundadora del espacio Festivales Solidarios donde trabajo desde la investigación y acompañamiento la prisión política. Vivimos en función de la paz, para invitarla a entrar Lucía Ixchíu / 19 enero, 2019 La guerra aún no se marcha de nuestro país: a pesar de la firma de la paz, seguimos viviendo en condiciones que privilegian a unos pocos y mata a la mayoría. La paz es un anhelo colectivo y nuestra lucha debe continuar para no permitir que el terror se instaure en nuestras mentes. El futuro será posible a pesar de nosotros mismos El futuro es abrumador e indignante, pero me niego a dejar que suceda. Me niego a resignarme a lo que otros han planeado para nosotros. Me resisto a permitir que este pacto de impunidad avance. Corazón migrante Lucía Ixchíu / 23 octubre, 2018 La caravana migrante avanza hacia el norte y junto a las historias dolorosas, dejan a su paso lecciones de solidaridad y dignidad que vale la pena analizar. Hoy, nos jugamos el futuro Lucía Ixchíu / 20 septiembre, 2018 Lo que sucede va más allá de una crisis coyuntural. Son las viejas estructuras de un sistema corrupto que se niega a desaparecer. Nuestra presencia en las calles es urgente. A 40 años, Panzós se llenó de colores El municipio de Panzós en 1978 fue el escenario de despojo y de una de las masacres más brutales en la historia de la guerra en Guatemala, misma que abrió la puerta a la implementación militar del Genocidio en Guatemala. 40 años han pasado ya desde de aquel día y repetimos la caminata desde el barrio la Soledad y caminamos al centro de Panzós. El cambio vendrá de los olvidados Guatemala es un país en dónde nadie se hace responsable: vivimos en una tierra dominada por el despojo y la injusticia. Pero hay quienes siempre luchan, revestidos de esperanza y dignidad. Debemos recuperar la Usac, estamos cerca de perderla Lucía Ixchíu / 1 mayo, 2018 El 2 de mayo se elegirá a la persona que sustituirá a Carlos Alvarado, actual rector de la Universidad de San Carlos. Las pugnas por mantener el control se mantienen. Nosotras seremos la excepción, saldremos a las calles Lucía Ixchíu / 26 febrero, 2018 Vengo de una familia indígena K’ iche' de Totonicapán, uno de los departamento más pobres de Guatemala. Mi bisabuela Isabel cuenta que de niña sus padres la escondían debajo de la cama para que no fuera a la escuela. En esa época la idea era que las niñas estaban para atender la casa y la familia, no para estudiar. Lamentablemente, esto no ha cambiado mucho.
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You are here: Home / Blog / Beth Sawin Illuminates the Emissions Gap For U.S. MediaBeth Sawin Illuminates the Emissions Gap For U.S. Media November 28, 2012 By Ellie Johnston Leave a Comment Climate Interactive Co-Director Beth Sawin is one of the co-authors of the UNEP Emissions Gap Report, which is getting widespread coverage, as eyes focus on this year’s climate negotiations hosted by the tiny oil-rich middle eastern country of Qatar. Below is coverage of the negotiations featuring Climate Interactive from Live Science. Beth was also interviewed yesterday by radio station KUOW in Seattle. What Can Climate Talks in Doha Accomplish? Published on Live Science 26 November 2012, written by Wynne Parry The international community’s attempts to address global warming, and its potentially devastating consequences, resume in earnest today (Nov. 26), as delegates gather in Doha, Qatar. This is the latest round in two decades of U.N. climate talks that have sought to stem rising greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which climate scientists warn will lead to devastating sea-level rise, changes in weather and other natural systems. In 2009, at talks in Copenhagen, negotiators established a goal: Cut emissions enough to cap warming at 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above the pre-industrial average, and so avert the worst repercussions. Over the next two weeks, negotiators will, once again, take a crack at closing the gap between this target and current emissions trajectories, which some worry have placed the planet on a track for considerably more warming and more devastating effects. Here are some of the main points negotiators are expected to tackle in Doha: Cutting emissions before 2020 & beyond In Copenhagen, three years ago, some nations made pledges to cut emissions by 2020. The United States, for instance, said it would cut its emissions to 17 percent below the level in 2005. However, as three successive U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) reports have pointed out, even if nations meet these pledges, global emissions are on track to surpass the target in 2020. There are several potential ways to raise the level of ambition toward meeting this short-term goal, said Niklas Höhne, director of energy and climate policy at the independent research and consulting company Ecofys and a UNEP report author. These include agreements by pledged countries to deepen their reductions; reductions from areas outside the realm of current national pledges, such as international transport; and pledges from new countries, including those in Middle East, Höhne said. (Qatar, which is hosting this year’s talks, emits the most carbon dioxide per capita in the world, according to World Bank figures. It did not make a pledge.) Separately from these pledges, the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty that required developed nations to cut emissions, may get new life in the short term. A small group of nations, including the European Union and Australia, may sign on to a second commitment period under the treaty. The Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period expires this year. While the United States never signed on, other nations, including Canada, Japan and Russia, pulled out of the treaty. And finally, there is a long-term agreement on the horizon. At Durban, a year ago, negotiators looked further into the future, laying the groundwork for a new agreement to be set up by 2015 and implemented in 2020. Many important details of this agreement remain to be resolved. What needs to be done? The nongovernmental group Climate Interactive has performed model simulations of the global energy system to look at possible pathways toward the warming cap. Their work has shown all successful pathways tend to include three components: more energy efficiency, more use of renewable energy and some kind of cost attached to carbon-dioxide emissions, Beth Sawin, the group’s co-director told LiveScience. Limiting carbon-dioxide emissions from deforestation and successfully limiting other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, are also important, Sawin said. “Without those elements, our model has difficulty producing pathways to 2 degrees [the cap on warming],” she said, adding, however, “if we are smart and start soon, the 2-degree goal seems to be within reach.” Part of the solution may come from outside the U.N. negotiation process, Höhne said. He and colleagues, writing in the journal Nature Climate Change in an article published online in June, list 21 greenhouse-gas reducing initiatives for companies, cities and other entities, that cumulatively could put the 2-degree warming cap within reach. These include emissions cuts by companies spearheaded by an association such as the World Business Council for Sustainable Development; and a coalition-led effort to reduce major cities’ emissions. “It has to be a combination of both,” Höhne said of the top-down U.N. negotiation process and the sort of bottom-up efforts described in the paper. “Each one individually will not work.” The climate talks are scheduled to end Friday, Dec. 7. Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. Filed Under: Blog, Media coverage Tagged With: Beth Sawin, Elizabeth Sawin, UNEP Emissions Gap Comment Cancel reply C-ROADS World Climate Now Online
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We’re also seeing some of our larger managers creating their own PE structures because their investors are demanding a different structure. In terms of the global competition, Luxembourg is actively targeting Cayman funds and they’re going after the markets that we have previously been very strong in. That said, everyone we meet thinks that Cayman has a better professional structure. You’re able to get a director, you’re able get an audit firm, and CIMA’s very responsive to queries. In other jurisdictions it takes longer to get the entire structure up and running. Gwen McLaughlin: The PE business is the growing side of our business as well. I don’t think CIMA has any statistics on PE because they don’t have to be licensed. But it is definitely a really big area of growth that we will see in the next few years because a lot of them are self-administered. Rossiter: In the early days, in the hedge fund world, they didn’t see the value of the fund administrator either, but institutional investors want that in PE structures too. They will say if they are going to be involved, they want that kind of mutual oversight structure, they want someone in there to make sure that what the fund is doing is correct and accurate. They want everything put in place properly and they will understand that administrators are able to add value, especially in terms of systems, so hopefully we’re seeing that it will be a bump in the amount of business that we’re doing here as these mutual oversight structures become the norm in PE too. Ronan Guilfoyle: We had a call from a UK-based PE manager who mentioned that a potential US pension fund investor insisted that they have an independent board of directors before they would invest. We can see more of that not only on the fund administration side but also the governance side more generally. It should be a great opportunity to show how we excel at the services we provide because that’s our big differentiator here: we’ve got fantastic service providers and a regulator who’s responsive. That’s where we push Cayman as a jurisdiction and say, look we’re a proven quantity, with tried and tested products that people trust. While we do face pressure from jurisdictions such as Dublin and Luxembourg, the majority of our business still comes from North America, it is growing in Latin America, and Asia has been growing consistently over the last few years. They continue to see Cayman as the jurisdiction of choice, we just have to ensure that we continue to provide the quality services and fight off a lot of the other threats from regulators and other jurisdictions. Smith: CIMA is seeing a lot more PE funds wanting to be regulated, as well as seeing the appointment of independent directors to such funds. We could query as to why there’s a need to subject yourself to regulation; often it is because they have large pension funds as investors who want the additional comfort of knowing that the fund is subject to regulatory oversight. We also get the same feedback from our administrators that a lot of their increase in business is coming from the PE space. Ingrid Pierce: We have always seen a lot of PE business on Cayman so that is not hugely new but it is interesting that they want the structure and formalisation of what they’re doing. There’s been a bit of migration from the traditional hedge fund managers into PE, that’s where some of the increase is coming from. Those managers are very used to the governance structure, they understand the need to have independent oversight, to have independent administrators so that’s nothing new for them. If it becomes the norm to have governance or to have administrators they’ll do that as well. Certainly with our institutional PE clients, we see that they’re actually not seeking regulation, they are quite happy to stay outside that net but they do want to demonstrate that they have great governance internally. The way they are structured and the way they are set up is exactly what their investors want. The other thing we have seen is that the reason they continue to use Cayman is because of the flexibility of our jurisdiction, the speed to market and all the other things that go with it. We’ve got to work really hard to protect that because not only do we have competition from other jurisdictions that are trying to emulate what we do but we also have a lot of people coming into the industry that are trying to shift the balance of power, whether that’s from external regulators, pressures from the EU, or other forces. If we don’t continue to recruit the best people, train them, and ensure we have a good public-private partnership with the financial services industry and with government and with CIMA, then we’re going to find ourselves under threat. Smith: In terms of competition from other jurisdictions, I would agree we should not be complacent. Looking at the numbers from the jurisdictions that we track, including Bahamas, Bermuda, BVI and Dublin, Jersey, Guernsey and of course Cayman, as of September 2018 Jersey was slightly down, about 7.6 percent, Cayman was up at that point, Bermuda was down and BVI showed a slight increase. We should never rest on our laurels, but we’re far ahead in terms of overall totals. Pierce: There is also a threat from onshore: several are trying to emulate Cayman. The UK is going to produce its own funds regime and Singapore and Hong Kong are doing the same. Those are the jurisdictions that are going to be competitors for us. “Everyone involved in the industry has a genuine vested interest in making sure that everything runs smoothly.” Mark Cook CAYMAN FUNDS | 2019 < page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 page 12 page 13 page 14
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Themenüberblick debatte.ORF.at: Wie heftig wird der Gegenwind? "Pharao" Mursi spaltet Ägypten iptv.ORF.at: Proteste auf dem Tahrir-Platz Kampf um die Macht Parteibüros gingen in Flammen auf Die neuen Machtbefugnisse des ägyptischen Präsidenten Mursi, die er sich per Dekret am Donnerstag selbst gab, spalten das Land. Gegner und Anhänger des Präsidenten gingen am Freitag in Kairo und anderen Städten zu Tausenden auf die Straße. Es kam zu Zusammenstößen. In mehreren Städten gingen Büros der Partei Mursis, einer Gründung der Muslimbruderschaft, in Flammen auf. Mursi verteidigte seine neue Machtfülle. Er wolle damit die Nation in Schutz nehmen. Er verwies auf eine vermeintliche Verschwörung von Gegnern im Ausland. Die Opposition hingegen sieht ein Ende der Demokratie und in Mursi einen neuen „Pharao“, einen weiteren Diktator. Lesen Sie mehr …
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Stadtteil-News Alt-Erkrath Hochdahl Unterfeldhaus Klimagespräch mit NRW-Ministerpräsident Laschet 21. Januar 2020 Redaktion erkrath.jetzt Überregional 0 Landrat Thomas Hendele und NRW-Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet Foto: Kreis Mettmann Die Energiewende findet nicht in den Ballungsräumen, sondern im kreisangehörigen Raum statt. Daher forderten die Landräte im Austausch mit NRW-Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet mehr Augenmerk auf die dadurch entstehenden Herausforderungen und Belastungen für den kreisangehörigen Raum. Schon heute ist der kreisangehörige Raum Haupterzeuger erneuerbarer Energien: „Rund 90 Prozent der Anlagen zur Gewinnung erneuerbarer Energien befinden sich im kreisangehörigen Raum. Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, sind noch mehr Anlagen nötig. Und auch diese werden ganz überwiegend im kreisangehörigen Raum gebaut werden müssen. Ohne die Kreise und die kreisangehörigen Städte und Gemeinden ist der Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien nicht realisierbar“, sagte der Präsident des Landkreistags NRW, Thomas Hendele (Kreis Mettmann), im Austausch mit NRW-Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet. Im Rahmen ihrer diesjährigen Klausurtagung trafen die NRW-Landräte den NRW-Ministerpräsidenten und mehrere Landesminister in Aachen, um die aktuellen kommunal- und landespolitischen Fragestellungen für das Jahr 2020 zu erörtern. Im Mittelpunkt des Gesprächs mit Ministerpräsident Laschet stand die Energiewende. Dabei begrüßten die Landräte, dass sich der Ministerpräsident dafür aussprach, Genehmigungsverfahren zu beschleunigen, um ein Gelingen der Energiewende zu ermöglichen. „Mit dem Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien sind Belastungen für unmittelbar betroffene Bürger und Kommunen im kreisangehörigen Raum verbunden“, fügte Hendele hinzu. „Ohne die Akzeptanz der betroffenen Bevölkerung wird die Energiewende nicht gelingen. Die Menschen im kreisangehörigen Raum müssen einbezogen werden.“ Neben Dialog und Beteiligungsverfahren müsse man die Belastungen des kreisangehörigen Raums durch konkrete finanzielle Kompensationsmaßnahmen für unmittelbar betroffene Kommunen auffangen. Weitere Themen beim Treffen mit dem Ministerpräsidenten waren die Umsetzung der Schlussfolgerungen aus der Kommission Gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse. „Die digitale Infrastruktur ist für den kreisangehörigen Raum ein existenzieller Standortfaktor. Wir brauchen einen flächendeckenden 5G-Ausbau, um die starken Wirtschaftsstandorte in den NRW-Kreisen zukunftssicher zu machen“, forderte Hendele weiter. Zudem gab es intensive Diskussionsrunden im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige Lösung der kommunalen Altschulden sowie in Bezug auf einen bedarfsgerechten Ausgleich der stetig ansteigenden bundesrechtlich veranlassten Sozialkosten. Für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Pressesprecherin Rosa Moya, Telefon: +49 211 30 04 91 160, E-Mail: r.moya@lkt-nrw.de. Wissenswertes: Der Landkreistag Nordrhein-Westfalen (LKT NRW) ist der kommunale Spitzenverband der 31 Kreise des Landes mit rund 11 Millionen Einwohnern. Bürgermeistersprechstunde im Rathaus Acht neue Seniorenberater im Kreis Mettmann Mit der Nutzung dieses Formulars erklärst du dich mit der Speicherung und Verarbeitung deiner Daten (Name, Email, IP-Adresse) durch diese Website einverstanden. * Jörg Schintze ist SPD- Bürgermeisterkandidat Praxisluft schnuppern und kreativ sein Und jedesmal wird die Stadt farbenfroher Erkrath feiert bunt und friedlich Karneval im Hospiz Alle Artikel finden Alt-Erkrath Blaulicht Bürgerreporter Hochdahl Kurz notiert Neanderland Rubriken Sport Stadtteil-News Unsere Stadt Unterbach Unterfeldhaus Werbung Zur Genossenschaft Überregional Werbung auf erkrath.jetzt Ideelle Mitherausgeber für mehr unabhängigen Journalismus © 2019 Freie Journalisten eG iG | Design und techn. Umsetzung me content consulting DatenschutzeinstellungenGoogle Analytics Zur Verbesserung unseres Angebots setzen wir Google Analytics ein. Die IP-Adresse unser Besucher wird dabei automatisch anonymisiert. Helfen Sie uns, unsere Seite für ein optimales Besuchererlebnis zu verbessern, indem Sie der Cookie-Nutzung zustimmen. Sie können Ihr Einverständnis jederzeit widerrufen. AkzeptierenNeinDatenschutzerklärung und Cookie-Richtlinie Sie können Ihre Zustimmung jederzeit widerrufen.Cookies Widerrufen
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Global Calcium Hydroxide Market Size, Share, Price, Trends, Analysis, Key Players, Report, Forecast 2022-2027 | EMR Inc. The new report by Expert Market Research titled, ‘Global Calcium Hydroxide Market Size, Report and Forecast 2022-2027’, gives an in-depth analysis of the global calcium hydroxide market, assessing the market based on its segments like types, grades, end-uses, and major regions. The report tracks the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market. It also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, along with analysing the market based on the SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models. Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com/reports/calcium-hydroxide-market/requestsample The robust development of residential and commercial buildings owing to the rising population, increasing living standards, and rapid urbanisation is generating a significant demand for calcium hydroxide in the construction sector. Meanwhile, the growing demand for food grade calcium hydroxide in the form of pickling lime for home canning is anticipated to bolster the market growth. Additionally, calcium hydroxide is traditionally used as a disinfectant to prevent infectious diseases in livestock. Therefore, the thriving agriculture sector is anticipated to provide impetus to the market in the forecast period. Geographically, the Asia Pacific accounts for a significant share in the market owing to the presence of a large population in the region, which is generating a significant demand for food grade calcium hydroxide for various applications in the food and beverage sector. Calcium hydroxide, also known as slaked lime, is a white powdery substance or colourless crystal procured by the action of water on calcium oxide. The compound is extensively used as an industrial alkali and an ingredient in the manufacturing of mortars, plastic, and cement. Moreover, calcium hydroxide is also utilised in the sewage treatment. Read Full Report with Table of Contents: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com/reports/calcium-hydroxide-market On the basis of type, the market can be segmented into: Dry Powder By grade, the market has been classified into: The significant end-uses of the product include: Environmental Gas Treatment The regional markets for calcium hydroxide include: The key trends in the global calcium hydroxide market include the rising investments in the water treatment projects in order to meet the growing demand for clean water as a result of the growing population across the world. In addition to this, the favourable government regulations aimed at encouraging water treatment strategies are anticipated to offer lucrative opportunities to the market in the forecast period. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has prescribed the usage of calcium hydroxide for the treatment and cleaning of sludges in the United States of America. Furthermore, the growing use of calcium hydroxide in the food and beverage industry as an additive and processing aid is likely to support the demand for food grade calcium hydroxide in the forecast perioḍ. The major players in the market are Carmeuse Americas, Graymont Limited, Lhoist Group, NAGASE Specialty Materials NA LLC, Hydrite Chemical Co., and GFS Chemicals, Inc., among others. The report covers the market shares, capacities, plant turnarounds, expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest developments of these market players. Global Respiratory Gas Monitors Market : https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/global-respiratory-gas-monitors-market-size-share-price-report-forecast-2022-2027-emr-inc Global Alarm Monitoring Software Market : https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/global-alarm-monitoring-software-market-size-share-price-report-forecast-2022-2027-emr-inc Indonesia Industrial Gases Market : https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/indonesia-industrial-gases-market-size-share-price-report-forecast-2022-2027-emr-inc Expert Market Research (EMR) is leading market research company with clients across the globe. Through comprehensive data collection and skillful analysis and interpretation of data, the company offers its clients extensive, latest, and actionable market intelligence which enables them to make informed and intelligent decisions and strengthen their position in the market. The clientele ranges from Fortune 1000 companies to small and medium scale enterprises. Contact Person: Shira Ellis, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A. LinkedIn:- https://www.linkedin.com/company/expert-market-research Tags: Calcium Hydroxide MarketCalcium Hydroxide Market ShareCalcium Hydroxide Market Size How To Have A Memorable Vacation With Your Loved Ones In Manali? Global Audit Software Market Size, Share, Price, Trends, Analysis, Key Players, Report, Forecast 2022-2027 | EMR Inc.
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Barberton, Ohio Head coaching record 11–17 (.393) 0-0 (–) Career record Team(s) as a coach/administrator (Graduate Assistant) (Personnel Assistant) (Defensive Coaching Assistant) (Quarterbacks Coach) (Offensive Coordinator) (Head Coach) (Offensive Assistant) Josh McDaniels (born April 21, 1976) is an American football coach, currently serving as the offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach for the New England Patriots. He is in his second stint as offensive coordinator in New England, having begun his career there in 2001 as a personnel assistant, eventually serving as offensive coordinator from 2006–2008. In 2009, McDaniels was hired as the head coach of the Denver Broncos. At the time of his hiring, 33 year-old McDaniels was the youngest head coach in the NFL, although less than a week later the Tampa Bay Buccaneers named Raheem Morris, who is two months younger, as their head coach.[1] McDaniels was fired by Denver after a 3–9 start in 2010. He spent the 2011 season as offensive coordinator of the St. Louis Rams, but was released by the Rams for the 2011–12 NFL playoffs to serve as an offensive assistant for the Patriots in their run to Super Bowl XLVI. 2 Playing career 3.1 Michigan State 3.3 Denver Broncos 3.3.1 Hiring 3.3.2 2009 season Videotaping scandal 3.4 St. Louis Rams 3.5 Return to New England Patriots 4 Head coaching record 5 Coaching tree Josh McDaniels is the son of Thom McDaniels (the 1997 USA Today High School Coach of the Year and often described as a "legend" of Ohio high school football).[2] Attending his father's practices during his youth has been credited with inspiring McDaniels to enter coaching. Playing career[edit] Recruited out of Canton McKinley High School by Greg Debeljak, McDaniels attended John Carroll University, where he played football, primarily as a wide receiver, from 1995 to 1998. Though a quarterback in high school, he was beaten at that position at John Carroll by Nick Caserio, who joined the Patriots staff in 2001 (the same year as McDaniels). His other teammates included London Fletcher, formerly a linebacker with the St. Louis Rams, Buffalo Bills, and Washington Redskins, as well as Brian Polian, the head coach at the University of Nevada-Reno and Tom Telesco, general manager of the San Diego Chargers. Coaching career[edit] Michigan State[edit] McDaniels began his coaching career as a senior graduate assistant at Michigan State University from 1999 to 2000 under Nick Saban, parlaying his dad's friendship with Saban.[3] McDaniels joined the Patriots in 2001 as a personnel assistant. From 2002 to 2003, he served as a defensive coaching assistant for the team, working with the defensive backs in 2003. In 2004, he became the team's quarterbacks coach. McDaniels was with the New England Patriots for all three of their Super Bowl championships, Super Bowl XXXVI, Super Bowl XXXVIII, and Super Bowl XXXIX. After offensive coordinator Charlie Weis left the team following the 2004 season, the Patriots did not name an offensive coordinator for the 2005 season. According to The New York Times, in 2008, it was McDaniels who called the offensive plays for the 2005 season, although suggestions to that effect were made in 2005.[2][4] After the season, McDaniels was officially promoted to offensive coordinator, while retaining his responsibilities coaching the team's quarterbacks. In the 2007 season, with McDaniels at the helm of the offense, the Patriots set NFL records, scoring 75 touchdowns (67 on offense, 50 passing and 17 rushing) and 589 points, leading to rumors that McDaniels might leave the Patriots for a head coaching job.[5] McDaniels withdrew his name from consideration, however, during the Patriots' January 2008 playoff run. Shortly after the Patriots' loss in Super Bowl XLII, Patriots head coach Bill Belichick gave McDaniels a five-page typed report on what it takes to be an effective head coach and run a winning organization, which McDaniels termed "his bible." Throughout the 2008 season, the two would meet to discuss the report and allow McDaniels to ask non-coaching questions that he brought to later head coaching interviews.[6] Starting quarterback Tom Brady suffered a season-ending injury in Week 1 of the 2008 season. McDaniels directed the Matt Cassel-led Patriots' offense as the team finished the season with an 11-5 record. Denver Broncos[edit] Hiring[edit] On January 11, 2009, the Denver Broncos named McDaniels their head coach, replacing Mike Shanahan.[7] The Broncos introduced McDaniels, who agreed to sign a four-year, $8 million contract, as their head coach in a press conference the next day.[8][9] McDaniels' tenure with the Broncos was marred early on by a controversy involving an alleged trade offer from the Patriots involving the team's quarterback, Jay Cutler, which would have sent
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Across the U.S., Day 30 - Baton Rouge (LA) Why Baton Rouge and not New Orleans, one might ask. Well, Guido and I had been to New Orleans last April. So, for this journey I picked the "Red Stick", Louisiana's state capital. A red stick (a tall cypress tree draped with freshly killed animals) marked the boundary between the hunting grounds of the Houmas and Bayougoula Indian tribes. When spotted by French explorer Sieur d'Iberville in 1699, he gave the pole and its location the name Baton Rouge. It is now the second largest city in Lousiana (after New Orleans) and one of the largest ports in the United States. I took a brief walk through downtown and spent some time in the Old State Capitol, build in 1847 and used until 1932. The city has now a newer/taller/larger state capitol, which is said to be the nation's tallest state capitol. But I did not feel tempted to take a picture of that non-intruiging, yellowish-grey building in front of a grey sky. ... The old building - although it has some kind of Disneyland look to me - is kind of neat, especially its stained-glass skylight. Old State Capitol Skylight of stained glass Old State Capitol's staircase I had a longer discussion with Mea and Katherine at the front desk of the Capitol about people's lifestyle, obesity rates and nutrition in the region. Mea's son and daughter-in-law live with their two-year-old boy in Menlo Park, CA. :-) The little one still gets breast-fed sometimes and his parents pay lots of attention to what he eats (very little processed food etc.). He even likes kale. Baton Rouge has a good variety of Farmers' Markets and healthy food stores. Again, it's not about availability but rather affordability and certainly also education and traditions. For a seafood lunch, I followed Katherine's recommendation and went to Mike Anderson's Seafood. The place was well-attended and even for lunch time I had to wait a little for a table. I got the Cajun Plate with salad. The food was certainly good, but it feels like I had enough of fried food now. Especially as fried food is connected to inflammatory processes in the body. I also need to remember to keep the salad dressing aside, there was far too much of it. Cup of gumbo, crawfish étouffée, fried catfish fillet, fried shrimp, fried mushrooms, hushpuppy and salad with homemade honey mustard dressing The rest of the day was filled with exploring even more old stuff. The LSU Rural Life Museum is an exhibition of a typical 19th century working plantation of rural Louisiana, including slave cabins, sugarcane grinder and outhouses. Blacksmith's House LSU (Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College) operates this open-air exhibition. They also have a Food & Fiber Research Center, Children's garden etc. in the same area. Statue of Uncle Jack, to honor the contributions of African-Americans in 19th century Louisiana. Locals also called it "Good Darky". More to come. Posted by Andrea Topics: US Trip 2014 SonjaM November 6, 2014 at 4:25 AM Another state with fried stuff? I certainly love my seafood (despite keeping a vegan lifestyle) but I can't stand it being fried. The stairs are looking a bit kitschy but they are nicely photographed. Andrea November 6, 2014 at 5:51 AM Breaded/deep-fried food is an easy and (for many people) tasty way of food preparation. I'm not a fan of it and like to find out why it has such a big stake in the southeastern cuisine. Other than the above mentioned reasons. The stairs? ;-) Yes, it all had a Phantasialand-like feel to it. RichardM November 6, 2014 at 5:29 PM I think that deep frying is just a really efficient way to cook. Excellent heat transfer. But there's more to it than that I'm sure. Andrea November 6, 2014 at 5:39 PM Good point. It's probably cheap, too. And all kind of low quality/left over meat or fish can be nicely packaged and hidden in the breading. Across the U.S., Day 43 - Barstow (CA) to Sunnyval... Across the U.S., Day 42 - Phoenix (AZ) to Barstow ... Across the U.S., Day 41 - Phoenix (AZ) Across the U.S., Day 40 - Tucson (AZ) to Phoenix (AZ) Across the U.S., Day 39 - Tucson (AZ) Across the U.S., Day 38 - Deming (NM) to Tucson (AZ) Across the U.S., Day 37 - Alamogordo (NM) to Demin... Across the U.S., Day 36 - Snyder (TX) to Alamogord... Across the U.S., Day 35 - Dallas (TX) to Snyder (TX) Across the U.S., Day 34 - Dallas (TX) Across the U.S., Day 33 - Houston (TX) to Dallas (TX) Across the U.S., Day 32 - Houston (TX) Across the U.S., Day 31 - Baton Rouge (LA) to Hous... Across the U.S., Day 29 - Mobile (AL) to Baton Rou... Across the U.S., Day 28 - Mobile (AL) Across the U.S., Day 27 - Thomasville (GA) to Mobi... Across the U.S., Day 26 - Savannah (GA) to Thomasv...
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BTN's Stephen Bardo BTN basketball analyst and former Flyin' Illini star Stephen Bardo is a BTN.com contributor, and he wants your Big Ten questions. Have a question? Fire it his way. Check out these links: B1G Hoops News | stephenbardo.com | B1G Team Reports | @stephenbardo Send Bardo a Question! More Links Polls: Who wins Big Ten Round of 64 games? By Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor - 1 year ago The NCAA tournament gets into full swing Thursday. Iowa lost Wednesday night in the “First Four,” and now it’s time for Round 2 action. Before any of the Big Ten teams tip off today, vote for all of your Round of 64 Big Ten winners in this post. [ MORE: View the official interactive NCAA bracket ] Take Our PollMIDWEST REGION: No. 2 Michigan vs. No. 15 Wofford – 7:10 p.m. ET, Thursday, CBS (AP) John Beilein insists he couldn’t care less about Michigan’s seed in the NCAA tournament. Even when it’s the highest of his coaching career. “I’ve never seen so much wasted energy on who is seeded where. I mean, it is incredible,” Beilein said Sunday, shortly before the bracket was unveiled. “I don’t care where we’re seeded. I don’t care where we play.” For Beilein, that’s more than just coach speak. It’s the attitude of a man who has exceeded expectations several times in the NCAA tournament. Read full AP preview. Take Our PollEAST REGION: No. 4 Michigan State vs. No. 13 Delaware – 4:40 p.m. ET, Thursday, TNT (AP) Adreian Payne’s infectious, boyish personality attracts kids. The children of Michigan State’s basketball coaches point to Payne as a favorite. No kid, though, is a bigger fan of him than 8-year-old Lacey Holsworth. The cancer-stricken girl quickly befriended Payne when she met him during one of her hospital stays two years ago and their relationship has become a feel-good story. “They communicate and hang out like a brother and sister,” her father, Matt Holsworth, said in a telephone interview Monday. “It’s a unique and special bond.” Read full AP preview. Take Our PollWEST REGION: No. 11 Nebraska vs. No. 6 Baylor – 12:40 p.m. ET, Friday, TruTV Nebraska is making its first NCAA tournament appearance since 1998 on Friday, as the Huskers take on No. 23 Baylor in the NCAA tournament. The Huskers (19-12, 11-7 Big Ten) have enjoyed a resurgence under Tim Miles, who was named Big Ten Coach of the Year. The Huskers went 9-9 in their first 18 games before reeling off 10 wins in the final 13 games to make its postseason charge. The victories included the first sweep of Indiana in school history and a pair of wins over top-10 teams (at No. 9 Michigan State and No. 9 Wisconsin), the first time that has happened for the Huskers in two decades. Take Our PollSOUTH REGION: No. 6 Ohio Sate vs. No. 11 Dayton – 12:15 p.m. ET, Thursday, CBS Ohio State is making its 26th appearance in the NCAA tournament. Overall, Ohio State has a 48-24 record all-time in NCAA tournament play. The Buckeyes have advanced to play in 10 Final Fours, have finished as the runner up four times (1939, 1961, 1962, 2007) and own one title (1960). The Buckeyes have played in four-consecutive NCAA Sweet 16s, a record accomplishment for Ohio State and the longest streak in the country. Ohio State last accomplished three consecutive Sweet 16s from 1960-62. The Buckeyes have made 14 “Sweet 16″ appearances in NCAA tournament play. Take Our PollWEST REGION: No. 2 Wisconsin vs. No. 15 American – 12:30 p.m. ET, Thursday, TruTV (AP) Wisconsin coach Bo Ryan referenced sunflower seeds; asked his players about the “Mario Kart” video game; and briefly spoke in an Italian accent. And at some point during his 25-minute meeting with reporters Sunday night after learning that the Badgers were headed to Milwaukee as a No. 2 seed in the NCAA tournament, Ryan talked some basketball, too. The Badgers (26-7) open up Thursday against Patriot League champion American (20-12) in a West Region game that’s sure to attract a lot of fans in cardinal and white to the Bradley Center. Read full AP recap. Find out more about: NCAA Tournament 4 Comments Your Opinion? Show Comments (4 Comments) John Murphy on 3/18/2014 @ 6:19pm EDT Said: 70% Think Nebraska beats Baylor. We are some serious homers. At least that is proof that Nebraska has been fully accepted by B1G fans. Even though I didn’t vote for them…Go Huskers! Bill on 3/18/2014 @ 9:24pm EDT Said: ummm… forget Wisconsin ? Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor on 3/18/2014 @ 11:14pm EDT Said: In the original version of this post, Wisconsin was left off. That was an oversight on our part, and the error has been corrected. Thank you. Will on 3/20/2014 @ 10:23am EDT Said: Is this the right time to start the B1G B1G B1G chant. LOL, didn’t want the SEC to get all the love.
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This Blog Will Change the World Making the world safe for Messiaen, thuribles, and realist metaphysics. To the readers At no point in the history of this blog has the site ever been updated in a regular or timely manner, but posts have been even rarer than usual in recent months. A look through the archives of this blog shows that postings here peaked in mid-2008, with a gradual descent since then. Since the fall of 2010, posts have averaged around one a month. While I don't want to exclude the possibility that this blog may be revived at some point in the future, it seems likely that TBWCTW is entering a dormant period, at least for the time being. My sense is that the original purpose of this blog has been served, that my perspective on most important subjects has been set out, and that by keeping this site active I run the risk of either repeating myself or lowering my standard of writing.I'd like to thank everyone who read this blog through its three-and-a-bit years of operation, and particularly those who participated in discussions in the comment box. I've appreciated this opportunity to think aloud in public, and to bounce ideas off people that I would likely never have encountered otherwise. I am not committing myself to any permanent course of action with this blog; the existing posts will stay up, and I will keep the site free of spam as best as I can. If you are still interested in TBWCTW, you might consider subscribing to the site feed, which will be updated in the event of any new developments. It is entirely possible that this site will at some point be resurrected, or revived in a new form; on the other hand, it's possible that neither of these things may happen.And with that, I think it's dinnertime. Osbert Parsley Hymnody and the media tetrad Everything old eventually becomes new again. Marshall McLuhan, who argued that any new medium retrieves features of the distant past, would undoubtedly be pleased by the following video:This video has been circulating among organists, where it has been the cause of considerable consternation. One would think, after enduring decades of mass-produced church music of abysmal quality, that organists would by now be desensitized to this sort of thing; is this composition really that much worse than such established favourites as "Alleluia Ch-Ch"? Think about this for a while, though, and the secret horror of the organist's life will become apparent: forced by our profession to listen to such music regularly, but prevented by our musical training from ever learning to tolerate it.I'm not particularly interested in this song as an occasion for maudlin self-pity or polemics on the state of contemporary church music, however. Most reasonable people will grant that "I Think I'm Gonna Throw Up" is unsuitable for any liturgical service; it's essentially a novelty song, one which will make an occasional appearance at summer camps until the camp counsellors discover that having children run around pretending to throw up creates too many discipline problems. No, I'm more interested in this song's unexpected recreation of an earlier Victorian genre of hymnody, of which there are two famous examples:"Stir up this stew,Stir up this stew,Stir up this stupid heart of mine."and this, known as "the spinster's hymn":"O for a man,O for a man,O for a mansion in the sky!"The difference, of course, is that "I Think I'm Gonna Throw Up" has no other purpose than to produce this double entendre, while the humorous effect of the Victorian hymns was presumably unintentional, at least to begin with. Still, it is a delight to see history repeating itself in such a charming manner; perhaps the next hot seller in contemporary Christian music will be Hymns Ancient and Modern.A hymn with even more fascinating sociological implications is this one:This is truly fascinating; a collection of quotations from a motley crew of stage magicians, philosophers, research scientists and professional skeptics have been autotuned into a song expressing an uplifting scientific/empiricist viewpoint. Just as Theosophists, Unitarians and Spiritualists created their own repertoire of songs by emulating the hymnody of nineteenth-century mainline Protestantism, advocates of today's scientistic rationalism have created their own repertoire which is altogether indistinguishable from praise-and-worship music. This song is, to all intents and purposes, a hymn; it cannot be understood as part of any other genre.Now, I think this is incredibly clever and catchy, easily the best video in this "Symphony of Science" series (there are several others, should you have the time and inclination). But the message of the series deserves closer examination. The triumphalist tone is obvious enough ("A new wave of reason has arrived; let us march boldly into the brave new 1950s!"), but there are other interesting things at work here as well. Consider the following three propositions:1) "Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking; a way of sceptically interrogating the universe." (Carl Sagan)2) "The same spiritual fulfillment that people find in religion can be found in science - by coming to know, if you will, the mind of God." (Carolyn Porco)3) "There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality." (Richard Dawkins, from another episode in the series)This is clearly self-contradictory and incoherent. "Sceptically interrogating the universe" is as good a definition as any for what scientists do; the natural world has been sworn to tell the truth and is waiting in the witness stand, and the scientist's task is to frame a suitable question (i.e., the experiment) that will get as much information out of the witness as possible. The problem, though, is how this process of interrogation transforms itself into "poetry" or a means of "spiritual fulfillment". Sociologists sceptically interrogate the structures of human communities, but you will look in vain for a sociologist who claims that "the same spiritual fulfillment that people find in religion can be found in sociology." Journalists are supposed to sceptically interrogate political leaders to uncover the truth about important policy decisions, but no-one claims that "journalism is the poetry of reality."These examples are purposely ridiculous. Or are they? Sociology, after all, claims to apply scientific methodology to the study of humans, and modern journalism follows an essentially modern, scientific ethos in its attempt to penetrate to the "real story" beyond the surface appearance and spin. Indeed, almost any discipline now reflects the Baconian scientific method described by Sagan; to take an example close to home, scientific methodology has given us a far better understanding of historic organs and the technique required to properly play them. To paraphrase Milton Friedman, we are all Baconians now; everyone grants the usefulness of scientific empiricism in solving a wide array of technical problems, and we all default to this methodology when faced with new and interesting challenges. But why does scientific methodology become something "poetic" and "spiritual" when applied to things like astrophysics and cellular biology, and not when applied to things like sewage treatment, building codes, and census-taking?The answer seems to be that the poetry and spiritual significance of scientific enquiry comes not from the methodology of science itself, but from the content of the thing studied; in exploring other planets or discovering more about the interior of the cell, we learn more about the essential building-blocks of existence and approach nearer to the heart of existence. Yet this sense of poetic and spiritual significance is grounded in the subjective experience of wonder and awe - precisely the sort of qualitative reality about which science has nothing to say. And so the incoherence of the hymn in the above video reflects the incompleteness of science itself: the content that gives meaning to scientific inquiry lies outside of science, and the impulse that drives humans to become scientists is itself incomprehensible to science. To put this another way: the people in the video claim, for the most part, to be hard-nosed skeptics and atheists, but the ideology that motivates their activities is really a form of deism or pantheism, viewing science as a pathway to the Absolute. It is high time they had hymns of their own to sing, and now they do. Bartholomew Ansidine, church music, McLuhan, Mr Magundi on atonal music A friend pointed me to the new blog Mr Magundi Speaks His Mind, another part of the growing publishing empire of H. Albertus Boli. Dr Boli's Celebrated Magazine has long been one of my favourite things on the Internet, and the new blog is worth a visit. The setup is simple: the eponymous Mr Magundi is an opinionated, somewhat eccentric man who holds forth on a variety of subjects to those around him while waiting for the streetcar. Each entry, then, provides a thought-provoking and frequently witty angle on some unexpected subject, usually set off by a chance remark made by someone else at the streetcar stop. It reads like a cross between The Papers of Samuel Marchbanks and a book by G. K. Chesterton; if you like both of those things, you know where to go.Predictably, however, I couldn't let Magundi's take on atonal music go by without comment - it is so brief and tightly packed that I can only quote it in its entirety:“They always stick in one of those atonal things before the Beethoven,” said Mrs. Bowman, who had just been to a symphony concert. “I never did like that sort of thing, but I guess I’m just not very musical.”“No one who loves music really loves twelve-tone music,” Mr. Magundi said. “There may be certain compositions that strike you as clever, and you may enjoy some of the interesting sounds emanating from the different sections of the orchestra; but you will never love it. This is not a defect of your musical education, but a compliment to your ear: it simply shows that you have the ability to distinguish what is music from what is not. The modern twelve-tone system is designed expressly to prevent music from happening—that is, what any sane listener would define as music. Nor will I listen to that hoary and false assertion that the great composers of the past were similarly derided in their time. They were not. Beethoven’s seventh symphony, at its first concert, could not be continued until the audience had forced the orchestra to repeat the second movement. Wagner was the center of an almost religious cult. Ravel saw popular dance bands playing his “Bolero” when the ink was hardly dry on the score. These were composers who appalled the conventional critics with their innovations; but their innovations were music, and ordinary people heard it and loved it, and loved it while it was still fresh. We have had a century to get used to atonal music, and all the great orchestras have been force-feeding it to us as the price we have to pay to hear Mozart or Mahler. Yet, during that long period, and with such a relentless campaign, not one composition in that style has made the slightest impression on the public at large. We must confess, therefore, that something more than fashion is at work here; and we may boldly state it as a law of nature that no sane and healthy person will ever really love atonal music.”(Click here to view the post in its original format, with the comment thread.)Magundi is, of course, completely right, but also completely wrong.It can hardly be denied that twelve-tone music has made next to no impact on the general public; and while we can make any number of excuses for this (bad programming, poor performances, preconceived opinions on the part of audience members) it seems unlikely that works by Webern, Stockhausen, or Boulez will ever have mainstream appeal. And no-one is gladder than I to see the old Whig version of music history demolished: the narrative of music history is not an upward trajectory of stylistic progress, and especially not if by "progress" we mean an ever-increasing level of chromaticism and motivic saturation. The development of musical style has to be understood as a more complex process, responsive to a variety of social and political factors including the general intellectual climate of a particular time period. To say that "Beethoven was rejected in his day, just like Stockhausen" is worse than nonsense, because the difference between a composer's relationship to his audience in 1800s Vienna and 1960s Darmstadt is so enormous as to make such a comparison invidious.I think our author is absolutely correct, too, in pointing out the absurdity of thoughtlessly sticking a newly commissioned piece on a program with Mozart or Mahler. I was immediately reminded of this concert, where the premiere of Xenakis's Keqrops shared space with Schubert's Rosamunde music. It's probably safe to say that these two works have nothing to say to each other; the sort of person who comes to an orchestral concert because they're playing Schubert would be unlikely to enjoy the Xenakis, and the sort of person who traverses the continent to hear Xenakis premieres (they do exist!) is probably not going to want to hear the Rosamunde pieces afterwards. A piece like Keqrops - intensely dramatic, violent and slighly traumatizing - should almost certainly end any program on which it appears, and should be preceded by works that provide a chance to prepare yourself for what is to come. Sandwiching a Xenakis piece in a protective cushion of standard-repertoire pieces is dishonest, bait-and-switch programming - it practically guarantees that not a single person in the audience (or, for that matter, onstage) will be happy with the musical result.There are certain things here which suggest that Magundi has not been keeping up on recent musical developments. Twelve-tone music (not the same as atonal music, by the way) is now a style of the past; only a relatively few aging professors use the system at all, and none that I am aware of use it in the rigidly systematic way that we associate with the early works of Boulez. To talk about "the modern twelve-tone style" as though serialism were the dominant style of composition rather than a largely abandoned one, suggests a certain disconnect with the trends in contemporary composition. For similar reasons, I find the setup of the article implausible in the extreme; if serial works are rarely composed these days, they are even more rarely performed except for specialist groups in large cities and universities. That any orchestra in 2011 would put a midcentury avant-garde or serial work on a regular season program strains credulity. In my experience, when you question the Mrs Bowmans of this world, it usually turns out that the work she so objects to is something thoroughly innocuous, like Britten's Sea Interludes or a Bartok piano concerto - a work, in other words, that she might well be expected to enjoy given a chance to get used to the style.The conclusion of Magundi's article, of course, is the most controversial. Will the average person ever genuinely enjoy twentieth-century modernism? Probably not. (This applies as much to Finnegans Wake as Keqrops). Will a "sane and healthy person" ever genuinely enjoy this repertoire? That's a different question entirely. If this were an academic conference, Magundi would be asked to define his terms, but asking a question like that about a 300-word blog post is missing the point. (Indeed, you could argue that by writing as much as I already have about it, I have clearly missed the point as well.) I'll try to answer the question elliptically, though: would a "sane and healthy" person judge a piece of music according to his impression of it, or according to arbitrary a priori categories? Your answer to this question will determine whether or not you agree with Mr Magundi. historiography, Fourteen months later The release of the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus has stirred up enormous controversy, allowing for the reception of Anglicans into the Roman Catholic Church through a newly-formed ecclesiastical structure (the "Personal Ordinariate"). The Ordinariate is currently in the process of formation in Britain, with a major landmark being today's ordination to the priesthood of three former Church of England bishops.The media, as one might expect, have been all over this story: the ongoing bitter theological disputes, Byzantine power struggles and financial woes of the worldwide Anglican Church have been an entertaining sideshow in the news for years. It's always interesting to guess at the reasons why the general public might find these stories worth following. Perhaps the public takes a certain half-spiteful, voyeuristic interest in the proceedings, the sort of interest one might have in a messy celebrity divorce; perhaps with the popularity of such ecclesiastically-themed like Dan Brown's ridiculous The Da Vinci Code, any Church matter now has an air of exotic mystery; or perhaps the public intuitively understands that the fate of Britain's state church and its worldwide offshoots will go some way towards determining the political future of the English-speaking world.Whatever the reason for this sudden interest in Anglican affairs, coverage of the Apostolic Constitution in the traditional media and in the blogosphere has been extensive and fascinating. Figures in both the Anglican and Catholic communities have weighed in on the subject, representing church jurisdictions that I never knew existed and an extraordinarily wide range of theological opinion. If anyone believes that either the Anglican or Catholic Church is a monolithic bloc with no room for individual opinion, they need look no further than the blog debates about the Ordinariate, if they dare. The perspective that has been least represented in this discussion, however, is also probably the most important. What do you do if you're an Anglican layman with limited theological knowledge and erudition, one who is concerned about the future of the Anglican church but not currently prepared to accept the entirety of Roman Catholic doctrine? Doesn't it imply a lack of moral seriousness to jump from one church tradition to another simply because the process of doing so is now slightly easier?This is, of course, exactly my own position, and I would be surprised if many others aren't in the same situation. The nineteenth-century Oxford Movement, which instigated a resurgence of catholic tradition within the Anglican Church, nevertheless maintained a certain distance from the Church of Rome; the great Anglo-Catholic theologians of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century differed on many points from the teaching of the Roman Magisterium. Thus, anyone who moves from the Anglican Church to the Roman Catholic Church is entering an ecclesial body with a substantially different body of teaching. Indeed, if any Anglican genuinely accepted every statement in the Catholic Catechism they would have no choice but to convert to Catholicism immediately. It is hard to imagine why any person who truly believed that the apostolic Church founded by Christ subsists solely in the Church of Rome (CCC 816) would refuse to submit to the authority of that Church; inconsistency is by no means the worst thing that can be said for such an position.Joining the Roman Catholic Church thus represents much more than a change of leadership; it represents an assent to a clearly defined body of dogma, maintained and updated by a teaching authority that identifies itself as infallible. To point this out is not necessarily to deprecate the Church, as a certain modern sensibility might suggest; it is clearly better than to have well-defined principles than to allow whim and fashion to determine doctrine. It does mean, however, that the content of Catholic dogma should receive the closest possible scrutiny. It makes not a whit of difference to the Methodist churches if John Wesley turns out to have been wrong about some detail of doctrine; it makes a great deal of difference if the Roman Catholic Church has taught error on any doctrinal point, since this would undermine the Church's entire self-understanding. A prospective convert to Catholicism should thus be persuaded not only that the Roman Church is wholly correct on every doctrinal matter on which it has officially spoken, but also that the official organs of that Church will continue to speak with infallibility on all matters of faith and morals in the future. The stakes are enormously high. If Rome is correct in its claims, then accepting the authority of the Pope is the best decision one could ever make, and indeed the duty of every Christian. If Rome is incorrect in its claims, then the authority of the Pope is illegitimate, and to join his Church would be to embrace error.This may seem melodramatic, but I have done no more than to point out that Roman Catholic dogma must be either true or false, and that the truth or falsity of our beliefs has important consequences. Unfortunately, it is precisely this aspect that seems to have been least stressed in the discussions of the forthcoming Ordinariate; advocates of the Ordinariate have tried to demonstrate that the situation in the Anglican Communion has become untenable, and that the best aspects of Anglicanism will be preserved under the new power structure. All of this is wholly irrelevant. The only reason to accept Catholicism would be that it is true; the rest is only logistics.So is Catholic doctrine true or false? The short answer is that I don't know. I have never been convinced by arguments that Catholicism is evil, anti-Scriptural or whatever, but neither have I been fully persuaded by the standard apologetics for Catholic doctrine. My reading on the subject has taught me a lot of facts about comparative theology, but hasn't really clarified matters. It seems obvious that the Catholic understanding of the Christian faith is in many ways compatible with my Anglican understanding, but it is less clear how to judge between us in the cases where we differ. And so I withhold judgment. In the absence of some clear sign one way or the other, it seems wisest to serve God by remaining where he has placed me.It is, then, with mixed feelings that I observe the formation of the Ordinariate. I am pleased, of course, that some part of the liturgical and pastoral heritage of Anglicanism will now be accessible to the wider Church, and hopeful that this will represent an opportunity for richer ecumenical dialogue. And I can only be pleased for those Anglo-Catholics for whom the Apostolic Constitution is an answer to decades of prayer. Yet I am concerned that many will join the Ordinariate without fully considering the implications of their decision, pushed along by stronger-willed members of their parish, weakening an already fragile Anglo-Catholic community without fully commiting to Roman Catholicism. Certainly in the blogosphere a certain amount of bullying has taken place, with advocates of the Ordinariate painting the bleakest possible future for any Anglicans who choose to stay put. On a more wistful note: many Anglo-Catholics had hoped that the process of theological dialogue would one day make possible a scheme of intercommunion with Roman Catholicism; for a variety of reasons, this is now increasingly unlikely ever to come to pass, but the existence of the Ordinariate likely represents the final nail in the coffin for that dream.This post was over a year in the making; I have avoided commenting on the Ordinariate up until now because the issues involved are so complicated and controversial. Yet, for all that, what I've written above still seems fragmentary and inadequate. It's painfully obvious that I don't have the answers, and that what we need now more than anything else is careful study and prayer. Greatest ever My interest in blogging has been at a low ebb in recent months, but I couldn't help but be intrigued to read in various quarters about Anthony Tommasini's project to create a New York Times top ten list of the greatest composers in history. Whose idea was this? And - more crucially - what does "greatest" really mean in this context? Tommasini's project is still incomplete, but an alternative top ten list by A. C. Douglas, reads as follows:1: Bach2: Mozart3: Beethoven4: Wagner5: Haydn6: Stravinsky7: Palestrina8: Bartók9: Schubert10: SchoenbergThe juxtapositions on this list are striking: Palestrina greater than Bartók, but not quite as great as Stravinsky? It's hard to know what musical criteria could possibly be used to compare Palestrina's mellifluous, unperturbable polyphony with the lithe, sharp-edged modernism of Stravinsky.Nevertheless, here are my picks for the Top Ten Greatest Composers of All Time:1: Johann Georg Albrechtsberger2: Herman Berlinski3: Jacob Clemens non Papa4: Rolv Yttrehus5: Adolphe Charles Adam6: Friedrich von Flotow7: Osbert Parsley8: Rigaut de Berbezilh9: Christian Petzold10: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco What are we really wishing our fellow men when we send them 'best wishes for Christmas'? Health, enjoyment of each other's company, thriving children, success - all these things too, of course. We may even - why not? - be wishing them a good appetite for the holiday meal. But the real thing we are wishing is the 'success' of the festive celebration itself, not just its outer forms and enrichments, not the trimmings, but the gift that is meant to be the true fruit of the festival: renewal, transformation, rebirth.Josef Pieper, In Tune with the World seasonal good cheer On extraordinary coincidences Regular readers will recall my admiration for the Canadian philosopher George Grant, a remarkable thinker who is too little known. His thought is difficult to pigeonhole, stemming from a deep engagement with Plato, with Friedrich Nietzsche, and with the Christian theological tradition. I find his analysis of modernity and the significance of technology to be profound and convincing, and I am particularly struck by his distinctive voice: his writing is erudite, with a certain rolling, magisterial character, but at the same time one gets the sense of an distinct personality, one that is humble, inquisitive and perhaps slightly naïve. He can say much in few words; I wish I could write as well.The Grant canon is not large: there are three books based on public lecture series (Philosophy in the Mass Age, Time as History, and English-Speaking Justice), two essay collections (Technology and Justice and Technology and Empire), as well as the famous Lament for a Nation - a ninety-page, game-changing analysis of Canada's relationship to the United States, and the future of Canadian sovereignty. Those new to Grant will probably want to read the famous Lament first, which is fine, but the book would probably make more sense having previously read Philosophy in the Mass Age, which lays the groundwork for Grant's basic philosophical approach. None of the books are longer than two hundred pages, so you can test the waters without making a substantial time commitment.The missing piece of Grantiana, though, and one I keep an eye out for in used bookstores, is George Grant in Process, a 1978 collection of essays on Grant's work, interspersed with interviews and brief pieces by Grant himself. Having no luck finding it, I finally bought a used copy from Amazon, only to open the book and find on the inside cover the label "Ex Libris Malcolm Muggeridge".A dedication on the title page identifies it as a gift to Muggeridge and his wife from their son John, and pencil markings elsewhere state that the book was purchased in a 1991 estate sale following the sale of the Muggeridge home. I can hardly imagine how the book found its way into the catalogue of an Amazon used bookseller twenty years later, but I'm delighted to have found it.This raises interesting questions: was Muggeridge an admirer of George Grant? (One would hardly buy one's parents a book of essays about a Canadian philosophy professor unless they had some previous interest in his work.) It is certainly within the realm of possibility that the two could have read each other, and perhaps even corresponded (the two men died within a couple of years of each other). Published biographies of both writers exist, and a volume of Grant's letters is available from University of Toronto Press - it would be interesting to follow up on this connection.In the meantime, I will be looking for a book to read by Muggeridge, a writer I have heard about but rarely actually read.Muggeridge's copy of George Grant in Process joins my extensive collection of Books Previously Owned by Interesting People (the sole previous member being a copy of Music Ho! from the library of Clifford von Kuster). Muggeridge An English Renaissance composer (1511-1585) associated with Norwich Cathedral. Or, equally plausibly, the author of this presently inactive blog. Classical Convert Detritus Review Heather's Impromptus Henningmusick MMMusing PostClassic Sound Mind Church Music Blogs Anglican Music Bad Things in New Hymn Books David Sinden All Manner of Thing Professor Roy and the Amazingly Bad Poetry Journal She Reads Books
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Combretum michantum Français : Kinkéliba ; Haoussa : Giéza ; Wolof : Douté, Sexeo - gourmanché : baalantigu, oudiabalou - bambara : kolobe, golobe diola : butik, futik - djerma : kubu - mooré : kanga, kwigenga Le Kinkéliba est un petit arbre ou arbuste buissonnant ou sarmenteux, de 2 à 10m de haut pouvant atteindre 20m en enlaçant les branches des arbres voisins. L’écorce est grise, fibreuse, avec une tranche orange à brun rouge. Les rameaux sont rouges bruns, velus et écailleux. Les feuilles sont opposées ou verticillées par trois, de forme variable, elliptiques ou ovales et généralement deux fois plus longue que large. Le Limbe à sommet acuminé a une base en coin, glabre, un dessous avec des touffes de poils à l’aisselle des nervures et des écailles éparses blanches ou rouges. Il devient brun rouille en séchant. Les jeunes feuilles ont le dessous couvert d’écailles rousses. Les pétioles sont écailleux avec une longueur de 2 à 9mm La fleur est blanchâtre avec un diamètre de 2mm, à calice couvert d’écailles ferrugineuses avec une corolle à 4 pétales. Le fruit samare à 4 ailes, plus ou moins glabre et couvert d’écailles rougeâtres sur la graine, de 12-15mm de long, brune ou marron à maturité. La floraison a lieu en seconde partie de saison sèche, plus ou moins avant ou au moment de l’apparition des premières feuilles. C’est une espèce qui habite les savanes sahélo-soudaniennes et soudaniennes, sur sols pierreux, gravillonnaires, cuirassés et sur les termitières. Elle est un indicateur des sols pauvres. On la trouve du Sénégal à la Mauritanie, et du Niger au Nigeria. Elle est commune, grégaire et localement abondante. Utilisations médicinales : La plante à plusieurs usages. Elle est fébrifuge, tonique, diurétique, anti diarrhéique et cholagogue. Les racines sont vermifuges et sont utilisées pour traiter les plaies, la fièvre, la syphilis et la stérilité féminine. L’association des racines et des feuilles est employée pour traiter la fièvre et les courbatures. L’écorce est employée comme baume pour masser les contorsions et les entorses. Les rameaux soignent les rhumatismes. Les feuilles traitent l’ictère, les hépatites, l’hématurie, le paludisme, l’anorexie, les coliques et la diarrhée. Le fruit s’utilise pour les gingivites. Les feuilles en infusion donnent un bon thé rafraîchissant. REMEDE CONTRE LES AFFECTIONS DU FOIE ET LES TROUBLES BILIAIRES Faire une décoction de 15 minutes avec une poignée des feuilles dans 1 litre d'eau. Laisser refroidir, filtrer et utiliser en boisson dans la journée.
{"url": "http://medecinedafrique2i.e-monsite.com/pages/plantes-medicinales/les-plantes-medicinales-africaines/combretum-micranthus.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "medecinedafrique2i.e-monsite.com", "date_download": "2019-05-19T06:49:12Z", "digest": "sha1:NJIUDBYGWZF3PJYWXAKAV3CAH5TYOQFY"}
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Posts Tagged ‘Middlesborought’ Dictator Johnson Unites Country Against Him On Wednesday there were demonstrations against BoJob’s proroguing of parliament the same day as he, or rather, the West Country’s answer to the Slender Man, Jacob Rees-Mogg, persuaded the Queen to sign his wretched order. Even more followed on Saturday, with people marching up and down the country holding banners and placards, making it very clear what Johnson is: a dictator. Jeremy Corbyn spoke to protesters in Glasgow denouncing BoJob’s decision. The Labour leader also issued a tweet thanking everyone who had taken to the streets both their and across the country, and pledging the Labour party to oppose BoJob’s attack on British democracy and stop a no-deal Brexit. In London, demonstrators marched on Buckingham palace to make their feelings very known about the Queen’s decision to give in to his demand to assume authoritarian rule. The were also demonstrations in Hereford, Staffordshire, Nottingham, Oxford, King’s Lynn, where the local radio station for West Norfolk, KLFM 967 came down to cover the demo; and in Trafalgar Square in London. Please see Mike’s blog for the images peeps posted on Twitter of these demonstrations: https://voxpoliticalonline.com/2019/08/31/britons-take-to-the-streets-across-the-country-to-stopthecoup/ One of the most sharply observed was the banner at the beginning of Mike’s article, showing BoJob wearing a swastika armband and Nazi officer’s cap, flanked either side by the evil clown from Stephen King’s It, with balloons above them showing his and Rees-Mogg’s heads. This bore the slogan ‘Before 1933 People Thought Hitler Was A Clown Too…’. Yes, they did. One of the characters in Bernardo Bertolucci’s cinematic classic, The Conformist, makes that exact same point. The film’s about a man, who becomes a Fascist assassin after believing he has shot and killed the paedophile, who had attempted to assault him. In one scene, one of the characters reminisces how, when he was in Germany in the 1920s, there was a man, who used to go round the beer halls making speeches and ranting. ‘We all used to laugh at him’, the character recalls, and adds that they used to throw beer glasses at him. He then sombrely concludes ‘That man was Adolf Hitler’. And before he came to power, some Germans used to go to his rallies just for the fun of seeing who he would abuse next. Presumably this was in the same manner that people used to tune in to the genuine comedy character, Alf Garnett, although Garnett was very definitely a satirical attack on racism and the bigotry of working class Conservatism. Another banner made the same comparison with the Nazi machtergreifung: ‘Wake Up, UK! Or Welcome to Germany 1933′. Again, this is another, acute pertinent comparison. Everything Hitler did was constitutional, as was Mussolini’s earlier coup in Italy. Democracy collapsed in those countries because of its weakness, not because of the Fascists’ strength. And they were helped into power by right-wing elites in the political establishment, who believed that including them in a coalition would help them break a parliamentary deadlock and smash the left. Zelo Street also covered the demonstrations against Johnson’s attempt to become generalissimo. The Sage of Crewe noted that not only were people marching in London, and large provincial cities like Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham, Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Brighton, but they were also occurring in middle ranking towns like Shrewsbury, Bournemouth, Cirencester, Lichfield, Stroud, Colwyn Bay, Clitheroe, Oxford, Swindon, Middlesborough, Exeter, Southampton, Derby, Weston-super-Mare, Falmouth, Bangor, York, Poole, Leamington Spa. Cheltenham Spa, Chester and others. ‘Places that do not usually do protests’. And the protesters are not, whatever BoJob’s focus groups say, going to vote for him. https://zelo-street.blogspot.com/2019/08/stop-coup-people-speak.html I doubt that the demonstrations will personally have much effect on Johnson himself. He’s a typical Tory, and so has absolutely nothing but contempt for popular protest. However, the march on Buckingham Palace may have made an impression on the genuine guardians of the British constitution. The monarchy is supposed to be one of Britain’s central institutions, like parliament. Prime ministers come and go, but the monarchy is a central pillar of the British constitution. And its guardians in the British establishment may not take kindly to Johnson dragging the Queen down with him. There may also be some hope in that it was popular demonstrations and dissatisfaction with an unjust policy – the poll tax – that culminated in the removal of Thatcher. I hope it isn’t long before BoJob goes the same way. Tags:Adolf Hilter, Alf Garnett, Bangor, Bernardo Bertolucci, Birmingham, Boris Johnson, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, British Constitution, Buckingham Palacy, Cheltenham, Chester, Cirencester, Clitheroe, Colwyn Bay, Conservatives, Demonstrations, Derby, Edinburgh, Exeter, Falmouth, Glasgow, Hereford, IT, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Jeremy Corbyn, King's Lynn, kWorking, Labour Party, Leamington Spa, Leeds, Liverpool, Llichfield, London, Manchester, Margaret Thatcher, Middlesborought, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, Parliament, Poll Tax, Poole, Protests, racism, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Southampton, Staffordshire, Stephen King, Stroud, Swindon, The Conformist, The Monarchy, The Queen, Vox Political, Weston-Super-Mare, York, Zelo Street Posted in Comedy, Democracy, Fascism, Film, Germany, History, LIterature, Politics, Radio, Television, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
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Jocelyn Benoist Nombre de résultats: 16 Afficher les résultats pour: Vrin (13) Hermann (1) Flammarion (1) Ellipses (1) Tous les éditeurs (16) Page: 1 Résultats: 1 à 1 sur 1 classer par auteur / titre / date Titres par page:10, 50, 100, tout 1. Logique du phénomène Hermann, Le Bel Aujourd’hui Qu’est-ce qu’un phénomène? La pensée moderne emploie ce terme avec une forme d’évidence. On se dispute sur ce que sont les phénomènes, mais on ne doute pas qu’il y en ait ni qu’ils constituent un point de départ sur lequel on puisse construire. Ce livre, à travers une mise en... Page: 1 Résultats: 1 à 1 sur 1 classer par auteur / titre / date
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Inicio Región Norte Reforzarán los controles de seguridad en zonas comerciales y vías de acceso... Portada3 Reforzarán los controles de seguridad en zonas comerciales y vías de acceso de la región Será en todos los municipios de la zona, aunque aún se desconoce la cantidad de efectivos afectada a cada uno de ellos. En total, en los 29 municipios de la Provincia donde se desarrollará el plan, habrá 12 mil efectivos. En una decisión del gobierno de la provincia de Buenos Aires, se llevará adelante un refuerzo de los controles de seguridad en 29 municipios bonaerenses, entre los que se encuentran Vicente López, San Isidro, San Fernando, Tigre, San Martín, Pilar, Escobar, y Malvinas Argentinas. Para ello, se pondrán a disposición 12 mil efectivos que se encargarán de ampliar los operativos en determinados sectores de la región. La gobernadora de la provincia de Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal, fue quien realizó el anuncio del plan, y dijo: “Se trata de un trabajo en conjunto con intendentes de 29 distritos del conurbano para poder dar las mejores respuestas a un problema que es una de las principales preocupaciones de los bonareneses”, porque “afecta su libertad, su seguridad, la paz y tranquilidad con la que quieren transitar las calles y estar en sus casas, sin tener miedo de que les pase algo”. Según explicó, los controles actuarán para detectar situaciones sospechosas, autos con pedido de captura o denunciados por robo, motos que no están legalmente compradas o carecen de papeles. Además de controlar el parque automotor, el objetivo es prevenir todo tipo de delitos, como el narcotráfico o la tenencia de armas. Los integrantes de la fuerza estarán destinados a tareas de prevención y lucha contra el delito, realizarán controles de tránsito rotativos en lugares estratégicos de cada uno de los municipios con énfasis en vías de acceso rápidas, las llamadas “zonas calientes” y corredores comerciales. Los operativos se realizarán en conjunto entre la Policía Bonaerense y la Dirección de Tránsito de cada municipio, quienes tendrán a su cargo el acarreo de aquellos vehículos que no cumplan con la normativa vigente. A su vez, se contará con la presencia de miembros del Grupo de Prevención Motorizada (GPM) con vehículos bitripulados y de la Unidad Táctica de Operaciones Inmediatas (UTOI), Infantería, Caballería y personal especializado en el control de estupefacientes. “Ninguna ciudad moderna edifica sobre un parque” Vecinos de Villa Adelina dialogaron con QUE PASA sobre el predio del golf, los proyectos, los diálogos con el Municipio y la AABE. La militancia por c... Versiones encontradas sobre intoxicados en el Hospital Eva Perón de San Martín Desde la Asociación de Médicos de la República Argentina (AMRA) denunciaron que personal y familiares de pacientes fueron “atendidos por la inhalación... Escobar impulsa un servicio estatal de televisión, telefonía e internet Triple Play es un proyecto que el municipio buscar llevar adelante antes de fin de año en el distrito. Se trata de la creación de una empresa para pre... “Ninguna ciudad moderna edifica sobre un parque” Versiones encontradas sobre intoxicados en el Hospital Eva Perón de San Martín
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28 girls join IIM-B women's leadership program Published On: 16 Jul 2012 | Last Updated On: 16 Jul 2012 The Indian Institute of Management – Bangalore (IIMB) has introduced a ten week India-Women in Leadership Program of the Centre for Public Policy, IIM-Bangalore and Centre for Social Research, New Delhi which was launched by Margaret Alva, Governor of Rajasthan. Twenty eight women were selected for this program. These candidates who belong to different parts of the country were shortlisted after several rounds of interview. They are required to spend a good period of time at their home constituencies which will help them to understand governance. The program emphasizes on practical aspects, policy and politics along with informing them on gender issues and ideology. Apart from the learning sessions at IIMB, the program participants will spend a week each in New Delhi and Singapore. They will get an opportunity to interact with top politicians including the prime minister. A computer science student from Kashmir informed that she took up this course to break the perception that Muslim women cannot take part in mainstream politics. After completing the course she hopes to join mainstream politics and also change peoples’ opinion about women in politics. Another student who is a zilla parishad member from Chamarajnagar, informed that she will utilize the training to improve her public image and hone her communication skills. She wants to become a better woman leader through this program. A dignitary present at the inauguration ceremony addressed the participants and revealed that the status of women in the Indian politics is very low and political parties view women merely as vote-banks. She further added that young aspiring women leaders need support from their parties to be able to win elections and make a change. Source: Times of India For Frequent updates you can share with your friends, Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Google+ Bollywood and Cricket come together to promote New Zealand education & test India’s KIWI Quotient Become an Agriculturist! How to avoid headaches during exams? JEE Main 2017: Answer key and OMR Sheets are out! Punjab Schools to go smart with biometric attendance for both students and staff US Department of education to launch civil rights probe in Richmond Public schools
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§38-16-201. Bonafide liens are not affected by this article. Regardless of whether such liens may also be considered to be common law liens, nothing in this article is intended to affect: (1) Statutory liens arising under an enactment of the Legislature; (2) Equitable liens, constructive liens and other liens that are imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction; or (3) Consensual liens now or hereafter recognized under the common law of this state.
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Eine Umarmung mit großer Wirkung Manchmal hat körperliche Nähe eine bessere Wirkung als Medikamente. Foto: iStock/ Symbolbild Sie werden für immer eine besondere Verbindung haben Die kleine Brielle Jackson und ihre Zwillingsschwester Kyrie kamen 12 Wochen zu früh auf die Welt. Als sich der Zustand von Brielle verschlechterte, half Kyrie ihr mit nur einer Umarmung. Die Eltern von Brielle und Kyrie Jackson waren schockiert, als sie erfahren mussten, dass ihre Zwillingsmädchen zwölf Wochen vor dem errechneten Geburtstermin auf die Welt kommen würden. Nach der Geburt mussten die beiden Frühchen sofort in den Brutkasten. Während Kyrie sich gut entwickelte, begannen sich die Ärzte Sorgen um Brielle zu machen. Ihr Puls war einfach zu hoch. Die zuständige Krankenschwester Gayle Kasparin entschied sich schließlich dazu, die beiden Mädchen zusammen in einen Brutkasten zu legen. Etwas, das zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht gemacht wurde. Doch die Entscheidung der Krankenschwester war genau richtig. Sobald die Zwillingsschwestern nebeneinander lagen, kuschelte sich Kyrie an Brielle und legte einen Arm um sie. Die körperliche Nähe zu ihrer Schwester beruhigte das Baby augenblicklich und sein Puls sank. Zufällig war ein Reporter zu diesem Zeitpunkt im Krankenhaus und fotografierte genau diesen bewegenden Moment. Das Ergebnis ist das unten zu sehende Foto. Obwohl Brielle und Kyrie Jackson bereits am 17. Oktober 1995 auf die Welt kamen und ihre Geburt damit schon fast 20 Jahre zurückliegt, ist die Geschichte der beiden Zwillingsschwestern bis heute nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Das liegt auch daran, dass ihre Geschichte zu einer Veränderung im Bereich der Medizin führte. Heute ist es nämlich gängige Praxis zu früh geborene Zwillinge zusammen in einen Brutkasten zu legen, damit sie von der körperlichen Nähe ihres Geschwisterchens profitieren. Man nennt dies auch die 'Känguru-Methode'. Durch das Foto, auf dem Kyrie ihre Zwillingsschwester umarmt, sind die kleinen Mädchen auf der ganzen Welt bekannt. Noch heute haben Brielle und Kyrie eine ganz besondere Verbindung zueinander, auch wenn sie den Kinderschuhen längst entwachsen sind und inzwischen studieren.
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Lent > Music, Movies and Talks > His Last Words His Last Words Catalog Code: HLWFSM Play Time: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Your Price: $12.71 $14.95 (15% discount) Back order now. Ships within 10-15 Business Days On Good Friday, 1979, a television crew visited St. Agnes Church in New York to tape a news piece. They were so enthralled by the speaker, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, they taped his entire talk. This long lost tape has been digitally remastered and is titled His Last Words. This is the Bishop at his best in a pulpit, not a TV studio. The Bishop's wit and wisdom transcend the years. Lent > Music, Movies and Talks 1. 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Easter Vigil 04/07/2012 2. 8 Things You May Not Know About Good Friday 04/05/2012 3. 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Holy Thursday 04/04/2012 4. Ten Things You Probably Didn't Know About the History of Holy Week 04/03/2012 5. A Guide to Stations of the Cross 01/17/2012 6. What is Septuagesima Sunday? 02/19/2011 7. Maundy Thursday - It's Washing Day! 04/01/2010 8. Passion Sunday - It Ain't What it Used to Be 03/19/2010 9. True or False: Our Lord Descended Into Hell 03/19/2010 10. Legend of the True Cross 03/16/2010
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Obiettivo prioritario di ECS è il conseguimento della più alta qualità, della soddisfazione del cliente e dei requisiti cogenti in modo sicuro ed efficace, attraverso personale competente, qualificato e formato e di attrezzature moderne e all’avanguardia. Il nostro impegno per i collaboratori ed i subappaltatori si estende a tutte le risorse utilizzate dall’azienda durante la sua attività. Ci sforziamo di soddisfare le esigenze di ognuna delle parti interessate (destinatari delle attività intraprese dall’azienda ed i suoi interlocutori di riferimento) e di raggiungere le loro aspettative, ove possibile, con obiettivi perseguibili. Tali obiettivi vengono perseguiti tramite: - l’impegno per una buona pratica professionale e per la qualità delle prove e delle tarature offerte ai clienti ed altre parti interessate coinvolte (p.e. collettività, Autorità di Controllo, portatori di interesse, utenti); - esecuzione delle prove secondo i metodi di prova dichiarati, scelti sulla base dei requisiti dei clienti e della normativa cogente. Richieste di esecuzione di prove con metodi che possono inficiare l’obiettività dei risultati o avere una bassa validità sono rifiutati; - la tempestività dei risultati e nel riscontro delle esigenze del cliente; - la ricerca dell’equilibrio ottimale tra il profitto della società e le necessità del cliente; - la richiesta rivolta a tutto il personale ad avere familiarità con la documentazione per la qualità ed attuare le politiche e le procedure nel proprio lavoro; - l’adozione di un sistema di gestione per la qualità nel laboratorio conforme alle prescrizioni della norma UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 e all’ente di accreditamento; - il miglioramento continuo dell’efficacia del sistema di gestione; - la creazione ad il mantenimento di un ambiente interno che coinvolga pienamente il personale nel conseguimento degli obiettivi del laboratorio; - l’impiego di collaboratori qualificati e adeguatamente formati; - un elevato grado di informatizzazione dei sistemi e delle apparecchiature in uso. Per quanto concerne la gestione attiva della salute e della sicurezza, il nostro impegno è relativo a: - la prevenzione delle malattie professionali; - la riduzione degli incidenti e degli infortuni; - l’identificazione e la soddisfazione dei requisiti legali; - l’identificazione e la soddisfazione di tutti gli altri requisiti; - l’esecuzione periodica del riesame della Direzione nell’ottica dello sviluppo continuo dell’efficacia della nostra gestione per la salute e la sicurezza. Le nostre linee guida per la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro sono comunicate per assicurare che ognuno sia pienamente allineato in tutti gli aspetti del ruolo che svolge nel sistema di gestione per la salute e per la sicurezza sul lavoro. Vengono raccolti ed utilizzati i ritorni dalle parti interessate per assicurare che il nostro sistema progredisca efficacemente, al fine di migliorare le nostre prestazioni professionali e nella gestione della salute e della sicurezza. Il sottoscritto ha la responsabilità primaria per la realizzazione di questa politica e delega al Responsabile del Laboratorio l’autorità di attivare quanto necessario per raggiungere gli obiettivi generali, al Responsabile Assicurazione Qualità le autorità di verificare che il sistema di gestione della qualità sia correttamente applicato, nonché di riferire al sottoscritto in merito all’andamento del sistema, al fine di permettere il riesame, il miglioramento continuo delle proprie prestazioni complessive e la soddisfazione dei requisiti cogenti. Il sottoscritto si impegna a mettere a disposizione le risorse necessarie affinché siano raggiunti tali obiettivi. San Biagio di Callalta, lì 20 dicembre 2016
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6 abr. 2017 Salud inicia la captación de los menores de seis años pendientes de la vacuna de recuerdo de la tosferina El Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) ha iniciado la captación activa de los menores de seis años que no han podido recibir la dosis de recuerdo de la vacuna que inmuniza frente a la difteria, el tétanos y la tosferina, de componente antigénico reducido (dTpa), tras acordarse el restablecimiento progresivo en todas las comunidades autónomas en la última reunión de la Comisión de Salud Pública del Consejo Interterritorial del Ministerio de Sanidad. Esta decisión se toma para el conjunto de España una vez que se ha resuelto el problema de desabastecimiento de esta vacuna a nivel mundial y que llevó a finales de 2015 a posponer la inmunización de los menores de 6 años, con el fin de poder suministrar las dosis existentes a las embarazadas y proteger así a los recién nacidos, más vulnerables frente a la tosferina. Los centros sanitarios realizarán la captación activa de los menores que cumplieron seis años en 2015 y 2016 para que reciban las dosis de recuerdo, comenzando por los menores de mayor edad, al mismo tiempo que se administrará la dosis de recuerdo en los niños que cumplen seis años en 2017, para ir recuperando la normalidad en lo referente a la inmunización frente a esta enfermedad. Asimismo, las embarazadas también serán vacunadas, tal cual establece el calendario vacunal. Los centros sanitarios andaluces ya han recibido las instrucciones correspondientes, por lo que bien en los propios centros de salud o a través de Salud Responde (902 505 060 y 955 545 060) se resolverán las dudas que puedan tener las familias. En la misma línea, respecto a la vacuna que inmuniza frente a tétanos-difteria (Td), que también se encontraba en situación de desabastecimiento, ya se dispone de las vacunas necesarias y se ha reanudado la administración de la dosis de recuerdo de los menores de 14 años. REDACCIÓN / ANDALUCÍA DIGITAL
{"url": "http://www.doshermanasdiariodigital.com/2017/04/salud-inicia-la-captacion-de-los.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.doshermanasdiariodigital.com", "date_download": "2018-10-15T08:56:26Z", "digest": "sha1:ET3BCWNEG7RSXVN6EZJZVW43DPBKR7S3"}
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Share → Facebook Twitter OK Go has struck out on its own. The band has left the EMI family of corporations to form their own enterprise, a homemade upstart called Paracadute. In addition to being humanity’s second most fun word to say (“pamplemousse” was taken), Paracadute is really just a way for the boys to continue doing what they’ve always done. Which is whatever they want. Being OK Go just got a little bit easier. So please join me in welcoming Paracadute into the world. As yet, there’s no building, no logo, no employee manual. Just the band, some paperwork, and a bunch of insane ideas. Plus two dogs in suits. Exciting stuff. A word on Capitol/EMI: Neither our lawyers nor their lawyers have any hard feelings and, in fact, the split has been remarkably friendly. There are many wonderful people at the company who have worked very hard on our behalf, and we’ve become very close with them over the years. Even if the band hadn’t signed a non-disparagement clause as part of the deal, we would have nothing bad to say. All joking aside, we’re very thankful, and we wish them all the best. So, pop a cork and blast Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky. Today is a big, exciting, incredible day, the latest lovely moment in a big, exciting, incredible week. More news soon. PS… Oh, fine. More news now: If you can’t get to one of the thirty-plus shows on the upcoming tour, fear not: the boys will be on your TV. In the next month they’ll visit Carson Daly (4/16), David Letterman (4/28), Steven Colbert (4/29), and Jimmy Kimmel (4/1) and Fallon (5/4). They’ll also be at Bamboozle, Bonnaroo and Sasquatch. Some busy months ahead. © Paracadute 2018 All rights reserved Join our email list & get a free mp3 →
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Javascript Image Gallery Scroller by WOWSlider.com v2.5 Curso para prestadores de servicios turísticos Destinado a prestadores de Santa Elena, La Paz, Piedras Blancas y Hernandarias, se realizará los días 12 y 13 de septiembre en nuestra ciudad. Excelente fin de semana largo Con una variada agenda de actividades, nuestra ciudad se colmó de turistas este fin de semana largo. Gran noche de Rock en nuestra ciudad El espectáculo se realizó el día sabado en el Sindicato de la Carne, denominado "Abrazando al Rock" fue un rotundo éxito. Curso de Guias de Pesca Será dictado por Mario D'andrea en nuestra ciudad, los dias 1 y 2 de agosto. Destinado al área turística públicos y privados, estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad. Citro Tur en Santa Elena Este sábado en nuestra ciudad tuvimos la grata visita de los Citroneros de Entre Ríos, un grupo de fanáticos de los autos ranas que realizaron una travesía por las rutas entrerrianas. El impacto del Turismo en Entre Ríos El 99,5 por ciento de las más de 50.600 plazas existentes en 11 ciudades entrerrianas estuvieron cubiertas durante gran parte del fin de semana largo, en el que además se marcó un récord de vehículos ingresados a la provincia. Histórica travesía acuática La Paz - Santa Elena Este domingo arribaron a nuestra ciudad las embarcaciones de la travesía en Kayaks y piraguas que partieron desde la ciudad de La Paz uniendo a través del Paraná ambas localidades. Santa Elena vibró al ritmo del carnaval Nuestra ciudad ya comenzó a vivir la pasión de los Carnavales 2017, miles de personas disfrutaron de una gran inauguración, que superó las expectativas. Multitudinarios festejos de Navidad en nuestra ciudad Ante una gran convocatoria de público se llevó a cabo en nuestra ciudad multieventos, para el festejo de la Navidad. Miles de santaelenenses y de visitantes recorrieron durante la noche las diferentes opciones de festejos en grupos familiares o con amigos. Santa Elena se prepara para el fin de semana largo Con una gran variedad de actividades, nuestra ciudad se prepara para recibir a muchos turistas este fin de semana largo. Maratón por la inclusión, presentación de comparsa Babiyú y un nuevo paseo peatonal son las opciones que más se destacan para disfrutar de Santa Elena. Exitosa Fiesta Provincial del Armado 69 embarcaciones y centenares de pescadores de ciudades entrerrianas y de provincias vecinas participaron este sábado 12 de Noviembre del Concurso de Pesca en el marco de la XVIII Fiesta del Armado 2016, en el río Paraná frente a las costas de Santa Elena. Santa Elena palpita el EcoRaid 2016 La travesía eco-turística se realizará el 21, 22 y 23 de octubre y en esta edición el trayecto inicia en "Paso Medina" y finalizará en el "Pozo Barceló". Siguiente Último gastronómicos Coordinación de Turismo | Buenos Aires y Eva Perón | Tel: (03437) 481-223 int 108 Todos los derechos reservados © | Turismo Santa Elena | Entre Ríos | Desarrollado por Stampa: División Informática 2012
{"url": "http://www.santaelena.tur.ar/noticias.php", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.santaelena.tur.ar", "date_download": "2017-10-16T22:14:03Z", "digest": "sha1:QY5JX7A3WRA55JZWPOOHSJ7D45BW57GG"}
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The gas tax hike: One 'beeelion' dollars! After the Democrats took the state House of Representatives and the corner office last fall, we wondered how far into the legislative session they would get before they went for a really big tax increase. The answer came on Wednesday: 35 days.Gov. Maggie Hassan got this year's session started on the right foot when she announced she would veto a beer tax increase proposed by Rep. Charles Weed, D-Keene. That allowed her to take the middle ground between Republicans who wanted no tax hikes and the far left wing of her party, which thinks the government never has enough revenue to spend on all the good things liberals dream up. Then, in her budget address, she proposed a tobacco tax increase three times the size of the one she campaigned on. But who cares about filthy smokers? Her inclusion of $80 million in gambling revenue in her budget sent the signal that she was unlikely to press for big tax hikes this year.Then came last week's 207-163 vote to increase the gas tax by 15 cents per gallon.Rep. David Campbell, D-Nashua, who has long wanted a gas tax hike, proposed a 12-cents per gallon increase along with a hike in vehicle registration fees. His bill was amended to remove the registration fee increase and raise the gas tax by 15 cents per gallon.The current tax is 18 cents per gallon, the lowest in New England. Campbell's bill would increase it by 83 percent over four years. The 10-year impact is expected to be about $1 billion, dedicated to the state's roads, bridges and highways. So it took the House all of 35 days to vote for a $1 billion tax increase. In the weeks leading up to the sequester, President Obama said the automatic cuts would take a "meat cleaver" to the federal budget. He said it was irresponsible to chop away without precision (even though the sequester was his proposal). This $1 billion gas tax hike is the sequester in reverse. Instead of doing the hard work of figuring out precisely how much money is needed to fix roads and bridges - after the Department of Transportation budget is prioritized to eliminate non-essential spending - 207 representatives voted to simply throw $1 billion at the issue and proclaim it fixed.This is not responsible budgeting. This is lazy tax hiking for the sake of tax hiking. And the worst bit is, the House is only getting started. We have months to go.
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IL SAP DI BOLOGNA RENDE OMAGGIO ALLE “DONNE IN GIACCA BLU” Scarica in PDFStampa Quella dell’ingresso delle donne in Polizia fu una vera e propria rivoluzione culturale e il bilancio non può che essere positivo. Lo scrive in una nota... Quella dell’ingresso delle donne in Polizia fu una vera e propria rivoluzione culturale e il bilancio non può che essere positivo. Lo scrive in una nota dell’8 marzo, giornata della donna, il segretario provinciale Tonino Guglielmi. Tante le iniziative della giornata appena trascorsa. Il Sap ha ricordato Emanuela Loi, morta nel 1992 nell’attentato al giudice Paolo Borsellino in via D’Amelio a Palermo, la prima agente donna a restare uccisa in servizio, insieme ad altri nostri colleghi. È stata poi aperta la pagina Facebook “Donne in Giacca Blu”, dove tutte le donne potranno postare contenuti. Con una lettera al Questore di Bologna il Sap ha chiesto che sia incentivatala presenza delle donne negli uffici investigativi con compiti operativi. Un altro piccolo ma importante passo per il completamento di quella rivoluzione culturale di cui la Polizia ha effettivamente bisogno. CORRIERE DI BOLOGNA BOLOGNATODAY.IT Letta 488 volte BolognaDALLE PROVINCE SAP FLASH NR° 10 DELL’11 MARZO 2019 da Ufficio Stampa - Mar 8, 2019 A COMO IL SAP RICORDA IL SACRIFICIO DI SABRINA PAGLIARANI da Redazione - Mar 9, 2019 DALLE PROVINCE UDINE. SAP CHIEDE TASER PER I POLIZIOTTI OPERATIVI SU STRADA Scarica in PDFStampaDopo l’ennesima aggressione subita da un poliziotto a Udine, la locale segreteria Sap chiede il taser in dotazione. CONDIVIDI ... AD ABBASANTA A BREVE UN CORSO PER AGENTI. LISTO (SAP), BENE CHE LA STRUTTURA TORNI AI VECCHI FASTI Scarica in PDFStampaUn lavoro portato avanti per anni, con tenacia e determinazione. Per questo, la notizia che a partire dal 24 marzo prossimo la scuola di Abbasanta ospiterà un... ELENA PAGANI, L’ARTISTA INVESTIGATRICE. UN SUCCESSO A MODENA L’INCONTRO CON GLI STUDENTI Scarica in PDFStampaUna delle maggiori esperte di disegno della polizia italiana: Elena Pagani è da tutti considerata una formidabile disegnatrice che ha saputo trasformare la sua passione per l’arte... RAVENNA. LA POLIZIA POSTALE NON CHIUDE. SODDISFAZIONE DEL SAP Scarica in PDFStampaLa Segreteria provinciale Sap di Ravenna, esprime soddisfazione per la scongiurata chiusura degli uffici di polizia postale. CONDIVIDI ...
{"url": "https://www.sap-nazionale.org/sap-bologna-rende-omaggio-alle-donne-giacca-blu/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.sap-nazionale.org", "date_download": "2020-02-16T19:00:28Z", "digest": "sha1:UZGB3ZWKCFAND7YYE4DGUWVDDVXW7LXS"}
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Black In Wüzburg: Reflections On My New Life In Germany I was born and raised in Namibia, a small country right above South Africa. Until about four years ago, I left my motherland for the first time ever to live in, not only a foreign country, but a different continent, miles and miles away from home. I must say that Namibia is a very beautiful country. With a population of 2.2 million people, day to day life can be pretty slow — whether it be waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or waiting for the cashier at the post office to sell you a N$5 postage stamp, or even waiting for a mini-bus to fill up with passengers (a wait that could take 30 mins or 3 hours depending on sheer luck) before it takes off. That’s Namibia for you, a place where one’s patience is indirectly tested every single day. Overall, Namibians have a pretty chilled way of approaching life, are very friendly and almost open to anything and anyone whether or not they know you personally. Also, it is one of the safest when compared to a lot of other African countries. I never really imagined that I would eventually live and settle in a country outside the continent; although I’d admit, the idea of furthering my studies and/or working abroad had crossed my mind more than once, and I didn’t have a particular preference as far as a location was concerned. My life in Wüzburg has taught me that while Germany is pretty incredible, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I left Namibia for Germany in 2012 . It was a huge and major step that I took, and probably the most ‘adult’ decision I have ever made in my whole entire life — to follow my heart and face my fears. I met and got to know an incredible person whom I liked so much, and grew to love along the way. But then it was somehow complicated as he lived in a different country. One of us had to move, so we got married and I willingly prepared to make Germany my second home. There is so much I love about Germany. The four seasons are marvelous, breathtaking, and magical. My favorite being fall, when the forests turn golden brown with the warm sun shining through, it’s amazing! Germany also appears to be the center of Europe. For anyone who loves traveling, it’s easily accessible and a quick plane or car ride away from other European countries like Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Poland. For a travel junkie like me, that’s awesome. German cuisine is not exactly as refined as I would personally like it to be, but if there’s anything they make absolutely well, it’s bread…and sausages. There are a few things I enjoy doing like going for long walks in the forests; there are no forests in Namibia, so it’s really a special treat for me. Or cycling. Almost everyone here owns a bicycle, it’s so much fun, safe and very practical. As I reflect on the amazing things I have come to enjoy about Germany, I also think about the lessons I have learned, and those I am sure I will continue to learn. One thing I have learned about life is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I think many of us Africans assume that a move to Germany or any other country in Europe comes well packaged with a good life and wealth, but that is so far off from reality. Just like it is back home, you have to work hard to be able to sustain a comfortable life here. I practiced as a licensed nurse in Namibia, but learned within a few days of arrival in Germany, that my certification was not valid according to the educational system here and I would have to essentially restart my training as far back as the high school level to be able to pursue a career that I have always been passionate about. It can also be incredibly hard to get a German to loosen up and smile a bit but once you do, they are the friendliest and some of the most softhearted people you can ever imagine. For anyone who wishes to move to Germany, I would advise you to try your best to integrate into society and take a language course here; it is very important that you are able to speak German otherwise you will have a very difficult, almost impossible life getting around. Going out of your way to make friends, both foreign and local, goes a long way in helping one become part of the society and also helps to prevent loneliness and depression. Embrace the things you love and accept things you can’t change and you will have a wonderful German experience. Image: Courtesy Maria Peter Maria B.N Peter is a Namibian native who currently resides in Wüzburg, Germany. A nurse by profession, she currently volunteers at the old age home and enjoys listening to music & reading during her leisure time. Catch her on Instagram.
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Antonio Fernández-Galiano Campos 1958 (59 años) Española Familia Antonio Fernández-Galiano Educación Universidad Complutense de Madrid Información profesional Presidente de Unidad Editorial. Unidad Editorial [editar datos en Wikidata] Antonio Fernández-Galiano Campos es un empresario español nacido en Madrid el 7 de abril de 1957. Hijo del político de UCD D. Antonio Fernadez-Galiano Fernández. Actualmente es el presidente de Unidad Editorial, cargo que ocupa desde 2011. 1 Formación académica 2 Experiencia profesional 2.1 Unidad Editorial 2.2 Otros cargos Formación académica[editar] Cursó sus estudios básicos en el colegio de Santa María de los Rosales en Aravaca, Madrid. Más tarde se licenció en Derecho en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.También tiene un Máster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas en el Instituto de Empresa de Madrid y un Programa de Dirección General (PDG) en el IESE (Universidad de Navarra) en Madrid. Experiencia profesional[editar] Comenzó su vida profesional en el Banco Central, donde trabajó durante seis años. También ha sido profesor de Derecho Civil en la Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Unidad Editorial[editar] Este contacto con el mundo laboral le aportó grandes aptitudes, las cuales le sirvieron más tarde para formar parte del equipo empresarial de Unedisa, compañía editorial del diario El Mundo en la cual entró como director gerente a principios de los años noventa. Desde que entró a formar parte de El Mundo ha cosechado grandes éxitos empresariales como la creación de Sky Point (Opradora de Telecomunicaciones), de la que fue presidente. En el año 2004 fue designado director general de Unedisa. Un año más tarde fue nombrado consejero delegado de Unidad Editorial (perteneciente al grupo italiano de comunicación RCS MediaGroup) y de todas sus filiales, cargo que ocupó hasta el 2011.[1] Reemplazó en ese cargo a Giorgio Valerio, que continuó como miembro del Consejo de Administración de Unedisa en Italia. Mientras fue consejero delegado de Unedisa, se completó la compra y fusión del Grupo Recoletos, lo que dio lugar a Unidad Editorial.[2] En el año 2011 fue nombrado presidente de Unidad Editorial,[3] en sustitución de Carmen Iglesias. Otros cargos[editar] Consejero de OJD. Consejero de RCS Quotidiani. Miembro del Management Board del Grupo RCS MediaGroup. Presidente de Veo Televisión. Miembro del consejo de administración de Ifra. Presidente de AEDE (2009-?).[4] Sustituyó en el cargo a Pilar de Yarza. Presidente de Uteca (2012-?).[5] Sustituyó en el cargo a José Miguel Contreras, consejero delegado de La Sexta. Encomienda de la Orden de la Estrella Italiana (2008).[6] Medalla de Oro del Diario de Burgos (2011).[7] ↑ Antonio Fernández-Galiano, nuevo consejero delegado de Unedisa ↑ El grupo italiano dueño de 'El Mundo' compra Recoletos ↑ Fernández-Galiano, propuesto como Presidente Ejecutivo de Unidad Editorial ↑ Antonio Fernández-Galiano, nuevo presidente de Aede ↑ Antonio Fernández-Galiano, nuevo presidente de Uteca ↑ Antonio Fernández-Galiano, condecorado por la República de Italia ↑ 'Diario de Burgos' entrega una de sus medallas de oro a Fernández-Galiano Obtenido de «https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Antonio_Fernández-Galiano_Campos&oldid=90734352» Categorías: HombresNacidos en 1957Empresarios de EspañaMadrileñosAlumnos de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de MadridCategoría oculta: Personas vivas Menú de navegación Català Editar enlaces Se editó esta página por última vez el 27 abr 2016 a las 22:40.
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The Importance of Parents' Attitude Toward Church and Sunday School By Fr. Victor Lakusta reprinted from the St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor newsletter The parents' attitude towards Church and Sunday is the is crucial. There are parents who are habitually late for Church. The result is that children miss part of the Sunday School lesson. The continuity of the lesson is destroyed. The class is continually interrupted by late-comers. The teacher becomes frustrated. But even more important is what happens to the student. The child knows that, for important things, one has to be on time, i.e., public school for example. The habit of coming to Church and Sunday School late, or just occasionally, teaches the child that God is not as important as public school, or the piano lesson, or the hockey game - for all of which one has to be on time. Another example is the attitude of parents School of parents toward coming to Church on Sunday. For some parents it doesn't take much to stay away from Church - just a tiny bit of rain will do it. But parents never stay away from work on Monday morning because of rain. So the child learns that work is more important than God. Is it a wonder, then, that children grow up to adopt a system of values that leaves God out entirely? Punctuality and faithful attendance at Church impress upon children the importance of God and of the Orthodox Christian value system. "0 where, 0 where have all our children gone?" What have and are we doing to keep them here?
{"url": "http://uocc.ca/en-ca/faith/articles/parishlife/parents.asp", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "uocc.ca", "date_download": "2017-05-22T15:31:51Z", "digest": "sha1:V3QGKIZ4UOARJYLUO5RWVQ63JLGFFVE4"}
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Twinning Stories So, what’s all this twinning actually about? Well to give you some idea, here’s our twinning story. We only got into it last year, as a result of hearing about it from someone in our French class. To be honest, I wasn’t at all sure about it to begin with. It actually seems a bit daunting, as you pack up your bags and head off to the ferry at Plymouth, knowing at the other end you’ll be staying with a family you’ve never met. The twinning committees match the French and English families, so that you should end up staying with someone of roughly the same age and interests, but I have to say, we were a little worried. So that’s why it’s called the pink granite coast. The coach arrived in the centre of Teignmouth at a rather antisocial 6.00, and we were off, first stop Plymouth for the ferry to Roscoff, and then on to Perros-Guirec in another coach. We pulled into the stunningly beautiful village of Perros, to be greeted by a crowd of around 50 townspeople, and we started to look around for our hosts for the weekend. We’d cheated a bit and emailed pictures to each other, so it was easy to pick out Yves and Claudine, who immediately greeted us like long lost friends. Yves and Claudine, our hosts for the weekend On the way to their house, in nearby Ploumanac’h, they treated us to a quick guided tour of the coast. I said the first of very many ‘wows’. We ended up at their house and were again made very welcome, especially by Harry, the dog named after the famous wizard. Anyone with a dog named after Harry Potter couldn’t be all bad could they? It turns out both Yves and Claudine were first time twinners just like us, and they were as keen to practise their English as we were to try out our fledgling French. Living in a French house for a long weekend turned out to be a real education, we learned so much about French culture and customs and had a superb time. We were treated like part of the family, to the extent we were even taken round and introduced to the neighbours. Harry, in characteristic cross pawed pose. Over the course of the three days we were there the French had laid on numerous events for us, the vast majority of which were presented for two groups, one for English speakers and one for French speakers. We decided to accompany the French speakers, OK we might not understand every word, but we thought it would be nice not to be separated from our hosts, who in just a few hours had become firm friends. The weekend passed in a flash, and I can honestly say I’ve never laughed so much in my life. We had some great meals, both with our hosts and in larger groups, and really got an understanding of how the French live, something you just can’t pick up by staying in a hotel. We had a social program which ranged from visiting the relics of St Yves, the patron saint of lawyers, to seeing the ground station that received the first broadcasts from the Telstar satellite. The whole thing was taken very seriously by the French, the mayor laid on a reception, complete with bubbly, and the farewell dinner was great, especially the Breton dancing! Our Breton friends are just as proud of their heritage as we are. All too quickly it was time to get back of the ferry and return home, but we’d definitely made new friends, and keep in contact via email. We are also hugely looking forward to showing them a little of our fabulous Devon countryside when they come and stay with us in May. The one thing that came across very strongly was just what an amazing place Teignmmouth is twinned with. We’d both visited France, numerous times in fact, but the Pink Granite Coast, as the area is known, is an area of outstanding natural beauty, and makes a fantastic place to spend a weekend, and with the locals showing you all the hidden gems, it feels like an upmarket holiday rather than a twinning exchange. The Breton coast in the spring sunshine was simply magical. If you are thinking about giving twinning a go, then I urge you to jump in with both feet and give it a try, it’s simply superb fun and a great way to learn about new cultures.
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Short Videos Little Richard Inducts Otis Redding into the Hall of Fame | This video is part of the Inductions This content requires: Little Richard inducts Otis Redding into the Hall of Fame at the 1989 Inductions Ceremony. Other Videos in this Series: The Righteous Brothers perform Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 The Righteous Brothers accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Billy Joel inducts The Righteous Brothers Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 The Edge inducts the Clash Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 The Clash accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Elvis Costello and the Attractions perform Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Elvis Costello and the Attractions accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Elton John inducts Elvis Costello and the Attractions Rock Hall inductions 2003 Police perform Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Police accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Gwen Stefani inducts Police Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 AC DC performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 AC DC accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Steven Tyler inducts AC DC Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2003 Bono Inducts Bruce 1999 Induction: Bruce Springsteen 1999 Bruce Accepts 1999 Bruce Springsteen Performs Tenth Avenue Freeze Out 1999 Neil Young inducts Paul McCartney 1999 Paul McCartney accepts Induction 1999 Paul McCartney performs with band Induction 1999 Robbie Robertson inducts Eric Clapton 2000 Eric Clapton accepts Induction 2000 Eric Clapton performs Induction 2000 Michael Jackson is Inducted into the Rock Hall Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins induct Queen 2001 Queen accept Induction 2001 Queen perform Inductions 2001 'N Sync induct Michael Jackson Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2001 Solomon Burke performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Solomon Burke accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Mary J Blige inducts Solomon Burke Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Steely Dan performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Steely Dan accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Moby inducts Steely Dan Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Paul Simon performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Marc Anthony inducts Paul Simon Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Keith Richards inducts Johnnie Johnson and James Burton Inductions 2001 Johnnie Johnson and James Burton accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2001 Alicia Keys inducts Prince Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne induct George Harrison Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Bob Seger performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum inductions 2004 Bob Seger accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum inductions 2004 Kid Rock inducts Bob Seger Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Olivia and Danny Harrison accept award George Harrison Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 The Dells accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Robert Townsend inducts The Dells Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Keith Richards inducts ZZ Top Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 ZZ Top accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 ZZ Top perform Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Jackson Browne performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 The Dells perform at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Jackson Browne accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Bruce Springsteen inducts Jackson Browne Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Ahmet Ertegun and Mick Jagger induct Jann Wenner Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Jann Wenner accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Dave Matthews inducts Traffic Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Traffic accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Traffic performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 2004 Bruce Springsteen Inducts U2 into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005 U2 Accepts Hall of Fame Awards at the 2005 Induction Ceremony U2 Performs "Pride (In The Name of Love)" at the 2005 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Percy Sledge performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Percy Sledge accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Rod Stewart inducts Percy Sledge Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Pretenders perform Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Pretenders accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Neil Young inducts Pretenders Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 O'Jays perform Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 O'Jays accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Justin Timberlake inducts the O'Jays Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Buddy Guy performs Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Buddy Guy accepts award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 BB King and Eric Clapton induct Buddy Guy Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions 2005 Jann Wenner accepts for Sex Pistols 2006 Metallica perform Black Sabbath Induction 2006 Black Sabbath accept Inductions 2006 Metallica inducts Black Sabbath Inductions 2006 Lynyrd Skynyrd perform Inductions 2006 Lynyrd Skynyrd accept Inductions 2006 Kid Rock inducts Lynyrd Skynyrd 2006 Blondie perform Inductions 2006 Blondie accepts Induction 2006 Shirley Manson inducts Blondie 2006 2009 Hall of Fame Inductee Jeff Beck Reflects on His Career Metallica at the Induction Ceremony 2009 Run-DMC at the Induction Ceremony 2009 Metallica perform "Enter Sandman"at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in 2009. Metallica accepts Induction 2009 Flea inducts Metallica 2009 Ronnie Wood inducts Bobby Womack Inductions 2009 Bobby Womack accepts Inductions 2009 Bobby Womack performs Inductions 2009 Run DMC accepts Inductions 2009 Eminem inducts Run DMC 2009 Jimmy Page inducts Jeff Beck 2009 Jeff Beck accepts 2009 Jeff Beck performs Inductions 2009 Spooner Oldham accepts Inductions 2009 Paul Shaffer inducts Spooner Oldham 2009 Little Anthony and the Imperials perform Inductions 2009 Little Anthony and the Imperials accept Inductions 2009 Smokey Robinson inducts Little Anthony and the Imperials 2009 Benny Andersson of ABBA at the 2010 Induction Ceremony Benny Andersson of ABBA at the 2010 Induction Ceremony #2 Jimmy Cliff at the 2010 Induction Ceremony Jimmy Cliff at the 2010 Induction Ceremony #2 Maroon 5 at the 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions Graham Nash at the 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions Pat Monahan of Train at the 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Chris Isaak at the 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Velvet Revolver inducts Van Halen 2007 Van Halen accepts and performs 2007 R.E.M. performs "Man On The Moon" with Eddie Vedder at 2007 Inductions Bono Inducts The Who 1990 The Who Accepts 1990 The Who Performs "Pinball Wizard" at the 1990 Hall of Fame Inductions The Four Tops and Diana Ross Perform "I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)" Simon and Garfunkel Perform "The Boxer" at the 1990 Inductions Led Zeppelin Performs "When the Levee Breaks" at the 1995 Hall of Fame Inductions Led Zeppelin Accepts 1995 Aerosmith inducts Led Zeppelin 1995 The Allman Brothers Band Performs "One Way Out" at 1995 Hall of Fame Inductions Willie Nelson Inducts the Allman Brothers Band in 1995 Members of the Allman Brothers Band Accept Hall of Fame Awards Eddie Vedder Inducts Neil Young into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Neil Young Performs "Act of Love" and "F*!#in' Up" at the 1995 Inductions Robert Cray Inducts Howlin' Wolf 1991 Howlin' Wolf's wife and daughter accept his award 1991 The Byrds Perform "Mr. Tambourine Man" at the 1991 Inductions Don Henley Inducts the Byrds into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Mick Jagger Inducts The Beatles 1988 Elton John Inducts the Beach Boys 1988 Beach Boys Accept 1988 Bob Dylan Accepts Induction 1988 Bruce Springsteen Inducts Bob Dylan into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 Ahmet Ertegun honors Alan Freed at the 1986 Induction Ceremony Lance Freed accepts induction for Alan Freed 1986 Scott Muni and Norm Nite Induct Alan Freed 1986 Jack Soden and George Klein accept for Elvis 1986 Alan Freed's Son Accepts Hall of Fame Award at 1986 Inductions Keith Richards Inducts Chuck Berry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Hank Williams Inducts Jerry Lee Lewis into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame John Fogerty Inducts Buddy Holly into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Neil Young Inducts the Everly Brothers into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Neil Young Inducts Jimi Hendrix 1992 Hendrix Performance 1992 Hendrix Accepts 1992 "Soul Man" All-Star Jam at 1992 Inductions "Green Onions" All-Star Jam at 1992 Inductions Johnny Cash Performs "Big River" at the 1992 Hall of Fame Inductions The Edge Inducts the Yardbirds into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" All-star Jam at the 1989 Inductions Rolling Stones Acceptance Speech 1989 Pete Townsend inducts the Rolling Stones 1989 Little Richard Inducts Otis Redding into the Hall of Fame Madonna is Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame John Mellencamp Induction 2008 The Dave Clark Five Induction 2008 The Ventures Induction 2008 Leonard Cohen Induction 2008 Axl Rose and Bruce Springsteen perform "Come Together" at 1994 Hall of Fame Inductions Paul McCartney inducts John Lennon in 1994 Yoko Ono accepts John Lennon's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Award Chuck Berry Performs "Roll Over Beethoven" at 1994 Hall of Fame Inductions Dave Pirner Inducts the Animals into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Axl Rose Inducts Elton John in 1994 Elton John Accepts Hall of Fame Award at 1994 Inductions U2 frontman Bono Inducts Bob Marley in 1994 Bob Marley's Family and Friends Accept His Hall of Fame Award at 1994 Inductions The Band with Eric Clapton Perform "The Weight" at 1994 Inductions Eric Clapton Inducts The Band into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994 Members of The Band Accept Hall of Fame Awards at 1994 Inductions Members of the Grateful Dead Accept Hall of Fame Award at 1994 Inductions Bruce Hornsby Inducts the Grateful Dead into the Hall of Fame in 1994 Bob Marley's Family and Friends Perform "One Love/People Get Ready" at 1994 Inductions Chuck Berry Inducts Willie Dixon into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Jimmy Buffett inducts the Eagles into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Members of the Eagles accept Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Awards in 1998 The Eagles Perform "Take It Easy" at 1998 Hall of Fame Inductions Ruth Brown and Bonnie Raitt at the 1993 Hall of Fame Inductions Ceremony The Doors with Eddie Vedder perform "Roadhouse Blues" ZZ Top Inducts Cream into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Bonnie Raitt Inducts Ruth Brown in 1993 Ruth Brown Accepts Hall of Fame Award at 1993 Inductions Eddie Vedder Inducts The Doors in 1993 Etta James Performs "At Last" at the 1993 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Etta James Accepts Her Rock And Roll Hall of Fame Award in 1993 KD Lang Inducts Etta James into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993 Cream Performs "Sunshine Of Your Love" at the 1993 Inductions John Fogerty Performs "Born On The Bayou" at the 1993 Hall of Fame Inductions John Fogerty Performs "Green River" at the 1993 Hall of Fame Inductions John Fogerty Performs "Who'll Stop The Rain" at the 1993 Hall of Fame Inductions Bruce Springsteen Inducts Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1993 Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins Inducts Pink Floyd into the the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Pink Floyd and Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins perform "Wish You Were Here" Stevie Wonder Inducts Little Willie John into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Little Willie John's Family Accept His Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Award Shirelles Accept Hall of Fame Award The Velvet Underground Accept Hall of Fame Awards in 1996 The Velvet Underground Performs at the 1996 Hall of Fame Inductions Patti Smith Inducts the Velvet Underground into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Phil Lesh and Mickey Hart Induct Jefferson Airplane into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Jefferson Airplane Accept Hall of Fame Awards Jefferson Airplane Performs "Volunteers" at the 1996 Hall of Fame Inductions David Byrne Inducts David Bowie into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Madonna Accepts David Bowie's Hall of Fame Award Mariah Carey Inducts Gladys Knights and the Pips into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Gladys Knights and the Pips Accept Hall of Fame Awards Merry Clayton, Marianne Faithful and Darlene Love Induct the Shirelles Michael Stipe backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Carrie Underwood backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Stevie Nicks backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Steven Van Zandt backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Ace Frehley of KISS backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Glenn Frey of the Eagles backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions St. Vincent backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions Questlove backstage interview at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions all videos from series Live from Madison Square Garden: Fr... Rock Hall Landmark Dedication - J&M... 2011 Inductee Art Rupe Discusses Li...
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[1606, 1643, 0.0], [1643, 1690, 0.0], [1690, 1738, 0.0], [1738, 1766, 0.0], [1766, 1796, 0.0], [1796, 1870, 0.0], [1870, 1936, 0.0], [1936, 2007, 0.0], [2007, 2085, 0.0], [2085, 2148, 0.0], [2148, 2216, 0.0], [2216, 2283, 0.0], [2283, 2346, 0.0], [2346, 2421, 0.0], [2421, 2582, 0.0], [2582, 2652, 0.0], [2652, 2743, 0.0], [2743, 2894, 0.0], [2894, 3467, 0.0], [3467, 3783, 0.0], [3783, 3852, 0.0], [3852, 3925, 0.0], [3925, 3990, 0.0], [3990, 4050, 0.0], [4050, 4123, 0.0], [4123, 4185, 0.0], [4185, 4271, 0.0], [4271, 4336, 0.0], [4336, 4406, 0.0], [4406, 4482, 0.0], [4482, 4544, 0.0], [4544, 4611, 0.0], [4611, 4684, 0.0], [4684, 4742, 0.0], [4742, 4805, 0.0], [4805, 4885, 0.0], [4885, 4947, 0.0], [4947, 5014, 0.0], [5014, 5099, 0.0], [5099, 5140, 0.0], [5140, 5187, 0.0], [5187, 5224, 0.0], [5224, 5272, 0.0], [5272, 5311, 0.0], [5311, 5349, 0.0], [5349, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5418, 0.0], [5418, 5449, 0.0], [5449, 5485, 0.0], [5485, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5586, 0.0], [5586, 5625, 0.0], [5625, 5720, 1.0], [5720, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 5781, 0.0], [5781, 5830, 0.0], [5830, 5867, 0.0], [5867, 5905, 0.0], [5905, 5937, 0.0], [5937, 5965, 0.0], [5965, 5999, 0.0], [5999, 6022, 0.0], [6022, 6057, 0.0], [6057, 6096, 0.0], [6096, 6137, 0.0], [6137, 6194, 0.0], [6194, 6250, 0.0], [6250, 6312, 0.0], [6312, 6367, 0.0], [6367, 6425, 0.0], [6425, 6468, 0.0], [6468, 6514, 0.0], [6514, 6807, 0.0], [6807, 6843, 0.0], [6843, 6914, 0.0], [6914, 6940, 0.0], [6940, 6961, 0.0], [6961, 7031, 0.0], [7031, 7114, 0.0], [7114, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7285, 0.0], [7285, 7321, 0.0], [7321, 7401, 0.0], [7401, 7456, 0.0], [7456, 7519, 0.0], [7519, 7587, 0.0], [7587, 7661, 0.0], [7661, 7699, 0.0], [7699, 7754, 0.0], [7754, 7816, 0.0], [7816, 7881, 0.0], [7881, 7918, 0.0], [7918, 7957, 0.0], [7957, 7980, 0.0], [7980, 8013, 0.0], [8013, 8093, 0.0], [8093, 8156, 0.0], [8156, 8206, 0.0], [8206, 8254, 0.0], [8254, 8304, 0.0], [8304, 8367, 0.0], [8367, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 8512, 0.0], [8512, 8581, 0.0], [8581, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8693, 0.0], [8693, 8718, 0.0], [8718, 8739, 0.0], [8739, 8782, 0.0], [8782, 8829, 0.0], [8829, 8898, 0.0], [8898, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 9033, 0.0], [9033, 9071, 0.0], [9071, 9117, 0.0], [9117, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9231, 0.0], [9231, 9262, 0.0], [9262, 9297, 0.0], [9297, 9325, 0.0], [9325, 9354, 0.0], [9354, 9441, 0.0], [9441, 9484, 0.0], [9484, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 9623, 0.0], [9623, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9727, 0.0], [9727, 9784, 0.0], [9784, 9828, 0.0], [9828, 9909, 0.0], [9909, 9976, 0.0], [9976, 10050, 0.0], [10050, 10116, 0.0], [10116, 10190, 0.0], [10190, 10260, 0.0], [10260, 10347, 0.0], [10347, 10416, 0.0], [10416, 10485, 0.0], [10485, 10622, 0.0], [10622, 10695, 0.0], [10695, 10749, 0.0], [10749, 10806, 0.0], [10806, 10846, 0.0], [10846, 10903, 0.0], [10903, 10942, 0.0], [10942, 11022, 0.0], [11022, 11086, 0.0], [11086, 11157, 0.0], [11157, 11219, 0.0], [11219, 11297, 0.0], [11297, 11369, 0.0], [11369, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11513, 0.0], [11513, 11606, 0.0], [11606, 11684, 0.0], [11684, 11761, 0.0], [11761, 11833, 0.0], [11833, 11869, 0.0], [11869, 11927, 0.0], [11927, 11995, 0.0], [11995, 12074, 0.0], [12074, 12162, 0.0], [12162, 12208, 0.0], [12208, 12285, 0.0], [12285, 12353, 0.0], [12353, 12402, 0.0], [12402, 12487, 0.0], [12487, 12542, 0.0], [12542, 12613, 0.0], [12613, 12697, 0.0], [12697, 12784, 0.0], [12784, 12867, 0.0], [12867, 12954, 0.0], [12954, 13044, 0.0], [13044, 13139, 0.0], [13139, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 13301, 0.0], [13301, 13324, 0.0], [13324, 13363, 1.0], [13363, 13402, 1.0], [13402, 13440, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 71, 0.0], [71, 110, 0.0], [110, 133, 0.0], [133, 224, 0.0], [224, 253, 0.0], [253, 406, 0.0], [406, 628, 0.0], [628, 714, 0.0], [714, 805, 0.0], [805, 885, 0.0], [885, 943, 0.0], [943, 1006, 0.0], [1006, 1077, 0.0], [1077, 1135, 0.0], [1135, 1198, 0.0], [1198, 1268, 0.0], [1268, 1292, 0.0], [1292, 1326, 0.0], [1326, 1345, 0.0], [1345, 1401, 0.0], [1401, 1440, 0.0], [1440, 1478, 0.0], [1478, 1527, 0.0], [1527, 1570, 0.0], [1570, 1606, 0.0], [1606, 1643, 0.0], [1643, 1690, 0.0], [1690, 1738, 0.0], [1738, 1766, 0.0], [1766, 1796, 0.0], [1796, 1870, 0.0], [1870, 1936, 0.0], [1936, 2007, 0.0], [2007, 2085, 0.0], [2085, 2148, 0.0], [2148, 2216, 0.0], [2216, 2283, 0.0], [2283, 2346, 0.0], [2346, 2421, 0.0], [2421, 2582, 0.0], [2582, 2652, 0.0], [2652, 2743, 0.0], [2743, 2894, 0.0], [2894, 3467, 0.0], [3467, 3783, 0.0], [3783, 3852, 0.0], [3852, 3925, 0.0], [3925, 3990, 0.0], [3990, 4050, 0.0], [4050, 4123, 0.0], [4123, 4185, 0.0], [4185, 4271, 0.0], [4271, 4336, 0.0], [4336, 4406, 0.0], [4406, 4482, 0.0], [4482, 4544, 0.0], [4544, 4611, 0.0], [4611, 4684, 0.0], [4684, 4742, 0.0], [4742, 4805, 0.0], [4805, 4885, 0.0], [4885, 4947, 0.0], [4947, 5014, 0.0], [5014, 5099, 0.0], [5099, 5140, 0.0], [5140, 5187, 0.0], [5187, 5224, 0.0], [5224, 5272, 0.0], [5272, 5311, 0.0], [5311, 5349, 0.0], [5349, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5418, 0.0], [5418, 5449, 0.0], [5449, 5485, 0.0], [5485, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5586, 0.0], [5586, 5625, 0.0], [5625, 5720, 0.0], [5720, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 5781, 0.0], [5781, 5830, 0.0], [5830, 5867, 0.0], [5867, 5905, 0.0], [5905, 5937, 0.0], [5937, 5965, 0.0], [5965, 5999, 0.0], [5999, 6022, 0.0], [6022, 6057, 0.0], [6057, 6096, 0.0], [6096, 6137, 0.0], [6137, 6194, 0.0], [6194, 6250, 0.0], [6250, 6312, 0.0], [6312, 6367, 0.0], [6367, 6425, 0.0], [6425, 6468, 0.0], [6468, 6514, 0.0], [6514, 6807, 0.0], [6807, 6843, 0.0], [6843, 6914, 0.0], [6914, 6940, 0.0], [6940, 6961, 0.0], [6961, 7031, 0.0], [7031, 7114, 0.0], [7114, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7285, 0.0], [7285, 7321, 0.0], [7321, 7401, 0.0], [7401, 7456, 0.0], [7456, 7519, 0.0], [7519, 7587, 0.0], [7587, 7661, 0.0], [7661, 7699, 0.0], [7699, 7754, 0.0], [7754, 7816, 0.0], [7816, 7881, 0.0], [7881, 7918, 0.0], [7918, 7957, 0.0], [7957, 7980, 0.0], [7980, 8013, 0.0], [8013, 8093, 0.0], [8093, 8156, 0.0], [8156, 8206, 0.0], [8206, 8254, 0.0], [8254, 8304, 0.0], [8304, 8367, 0.0], [8367, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 8512, 0.0], [8512, 8581, 0.0], [8581, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8693, 0.0], [8693, 8718, 0.0], [8718, 8739, 0.0], [8739, 8782, 0.0], [8782, 8829, 0.0], [8829, 8898, 0.0], [8898, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 9033, 0.0], [9033, 9071, 0.0], [9071, 9117, 0.0], [9117, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9231, 0.0], [9231, 9262, 0.0], [9262, 9297, 0.0], [9297, 9325, 0.0], [9325, 9354, 0.0], [9354, 9441, 0.0], [9441, 9484, 0.0], [9484, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 9623, 0.0], [9623, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9727, 0.0], [9727, 9784, 0.0], [9784, 9828, 0.0], [9828, 9909, 0.0], [9909, 9976, 0.0], [9976, 10050, 0.0], [10050, 10116, 0.0], [10116, 10190, 0.0], [10190, 10260, 0.0], [10260, 10347, 0.0], [10347, 10416, 0.0], [10416, 10485, 0.0], [10485, 10622, 0.0], [10622, 10695, 0.0], [10695, 10749, 0.0], [10749, 10806, 0.0], [10806, 10846, 0.0], [10846, 10903, 0.0], [10903, 10942, 0.0], [10942, 11022, 0.0], [11022, 11086, 0.0], [11086, 11157, 0.0], [11157, 11219, 0.0], [11219, 11297, 0.0], [11297, 11369, 0.0], [11369, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11513, 0.0], [11513, 11606, 0.0], [11606, 11684, 0.0], [11684, 11761, 0.0], [11761, 11833, 0.0], [11833, 11869, 0.0], [11869, 11927, 0.0], [11927, 11995, 0.0], [11995, 12074, 0.0], [12074, 12162, 0.0], [12162, 12208, 0.0], [12208, 12285, 0.0], [12285, 12353, 0.0], [12353, 12402, 0.0], [12402, 12487, 0.0], [12487, 12542, 0.0], [12542, 12613, 0.0], [12613, 12697, 0.0], [12697, 12784, 0.0], [12784, 12867, 0.0], [12867, 12954, 0.0], [12954, 13044, 0.0], [13044, 13139, 0.0], [13139, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 13301, 0.0], [13301, 13324, 0.0], [13324, 13363, 0.0], [13363, 13402, 0.0], [13402, 13440, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 71, 12.0], [71, 110, 7.0], [110, 133, 3.0], [133, 224, 15.0], [224, 253, 5.0], [253, 406, 25.0], [406, 628, 39.0], [628, 714, 14.0], [714, 805, 15.0], [805, 885, 12.0], [885, 943, 10.0], [943, 1006, 11.0], [1006, 1077, 12.0], [1077, 1135, 11.0], [1135, 1198, 12.0], [1198, 1268, 13.0], [1268, 1292, 4.0], [1292, 1326, 4.0], [1326, 1345, 3.0], [1345, 1401, 8.0], [1401, 1440, 6.0], [1440, 1478, 5.0], [1478, 1527, 7.0], [1527, 1570, 6.0], [1570, 1606, 5.0], [1606, 1643, 5.0], [1643, 1690, 8.0], [1690, 1738, 8.0], [1738, 1766, 4.0], [1766, 1796, 4.0], [1796, 1870, 13.0], [1870, 1936, 11.0], [1936, 2007, 12.0], [2007, 2085, 14.0], [2085, 2148, 11.0], [2148, 2216, 12.0], [2216, 2283, 12.0], [2283, 2346, 11.0], [2346, 2421, 13.0], [2421, 2582, 25.0], [2582, 2652, 12.0], [2652, 2743, 16.0], [2743, 2894, 27.0], [2894, 3467, 101.0], [3467, 3783, 54.0], [3783, 3852, 12.0], [3852, 3925, 12.0], [3925, 3990, 11.0], [3990, 4050, 10.0], [4050, 4123, 14.0], [4123, 4185, 11.0], [4185, 4271, 16.0], [4271, 4336, 11.0], [4336, 4406, 12.0], [4406, 4482, 13.0], [4482, 4544, 10.0], [4544, 4611, 11.0], [4611, 4684, 12.0], [4684, 4742, 10.0], [4742, 4805, 11.0], [4805, 4885, 13.0], [4885, 4947, 11.0], [4947, 5014, 12.0], [5014, 5099, 16.0], [5099, 5140, 7.0], [5140, 5187, 6.0], [5187, 5224, 5.0], [5224, 5272, 6.0], [5272, 5311, 5.0], [5311, 5349, 5.0], [5349, 5386, 6.0], [5386, 5418, 4.0], [5418, 5449, 4.0], [5449, 5485, 5.0], [5485, 5545, 11.0], [5545, 5586, 6.0], [5586, 5625, 6.0], [5625, 5720, 15.0], [5720, 5753, 4.0], [5753, 5781, 4.0], [5781, 5830, 7.0], [5830, 5867, 5.0], [5867, 5905, 5.0], [5905, 5937, 5.0], [5937, 5965, 5.0], [5965, 5999, 6.0], [5999, 6022, 4.0], [6022, 6057, 5.0], [6057, 6096, 5.0], [6096, 6137, 6.0], [6137, 6194, 8.0], [6194, 6250, 8.0], [6250, 6312, 9.0], [6312, 6367, 9.0], [6367, 6425, 10.0], [6425, 6468, 7.0], [6468, 6514, 8.0], [6514, 6807, 56.0], [6807, 6843, 6.0], [6843, 6914, 12.0], [6914, 6940, 5.0], [6940, 6961, 4.0], [6961, 7031, 12.0], [7031, 7114, 15.0], [7114, 7177, 10.0], [7177, 7259, 14.0], [7259, 7285, 4.0], [7285, 7321, 5.0], [7321, 7401, 14.0], [7401, 7456, 9.0], [7456, 7519, 11.0], [7519, 7587, 13.0], [7587, 7661, 13.0], [7661, 7699, 6.0], [7699, 7754, 9.0], [7754, 7816, 10.0], [7816, 7881, 13.0], [7881, 7918, 6.0], [7918, 7957, 7.0], [7957, 7980, 4.0], [7980, 8013, 5.0], [8013, 8093, 15.0], [8093, 8156, 10.0], [8156, 8206, 8.0], [8206, 8254, 9.0], [8254, 8304, 9.0], [8304, 8367, 11.0], [8367, 8438, 13.0], [8438, 8512, 14.0], [8512, 8581, 13.0], [8581, 8656, 14.0], [8656, 8693, 6.0], [8693, 8718, 3.0], [8718, 8739, 3.0], [8739, 8782, 7.0], [8782, 8829, 7.0], [8829, 8898, 12.0], [8898, 8965, 13.0], [8965, 9033, 11.0], [9033, 9071, 5.0], [9071, 9117, 7.0], [9117, 9175, 10.0], [9175, 9231, 11.0], [9231, 9262, 4.0], [9262, 9297, 6.0], [9297, 9325, 4.0], [9325, 9354, 4.0], [9354, 9441, 14.0], [9441, 9484, 7.0], [9484, 9548, 12.0], [9548, 9623, 12.0], [9623, 9691, 13.0], [9691, 9727, 7.0], [9727, 9784, 10.0], [9784, 9828, 8.0], [9828, 9909, 14.0], [9909, 9976, 11.0], [9976, 10050, 15.0], [10050, 10116, 12.0], [10116, 10190, 13.0], [10190, 10260, 13.0], [10260, 10347, 13.0], [10347, 10416, 13.0], [10416, 10485, 13.0], [10485, 10622, 26.0], [10622, 10695, 13.0], [10695, 10749, 8.0], [10749, 10806, 12.0], [10806, 10846, 7.0], [10846, 10903, 10.0], [10903, 10942, 7.0], [10942, 11022, 15.0], [11022, 11086, 13.0], [11086, 11157, 15.0], [11157, 11219, 10.0], [11219, 11297, 14.0], [11297, 11369, 12.0], [11369, 11450, 14.0], [11450, 11513, 8.0], [11513, 11606, 17.0], [11606, 11684, 13.0], [11684, 11761, 14.0], [11761, 11833, 13.0], [11833, 11869, 6.0], [11869, 11927, 10.0], [11927, 11995, 11.0], [11995, 12074, 14.0], [12074, 12162, 16.0], [12162, 12208, 7.0], [12208, 12285, 11.0], [12285, 12353, 13.0], [12353, 12402, 8.0], [12402, 12487, 16.0], [12487, 12542, 10.0], [12542, 12613, 10.0], [12613, 12697, 14.0], [12697, 12784, 14.0], [12784, 12867, 14.0], [12867, 12954, 15.0], [12954, 13044, 16.0], [13044, 13139, 17.0], [13139, 13221, 14.0], [13221, 13301, 13.0], [13301, 13324, 4.0], [13324, 13363, 6.0], [13363, 13402, 5.0], [13402, 13440, 6.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 71, 0.0], [71, 110, 0.0], [110, 133, 0.0], [133, 224, 0.04494382], [224, 253, 0.0], [253, 406, 0.05263158], [406, 628, 0.05429864], [628, 714, 0.04705882], [714, 805, 0.04444444], [805, 885, 0.05063291], [885, 943, 0.07017544], [943, 1006, 0.06451613], [1006, 1077, 0.05714286], [1077, 1135, 0.07017544], [1135, 1198, 0.06451613], [1198, 1268, 0.05797101], [1268, 1292, 0.17391304], [1292, 1326, 0.125], [1326, 1345, 0.22222222], [1345, 1401, 0.07272727], [1401, 1440, 0.10526316], [1440, 1478, 0.10810811], [1478, 1527, 0.08333333], [1527, 1570, 0.0952381], [1570, 1606, 0.11428571], [1606, 1643, 0.11111111], [1643, 1690, 0.0], [1690, 1738, 0.08510638], [1738, 1766, 0.14814815], [1766, 1796, 0.13793103], [1796, 1870, 0.05555556], [1870, 1936, 0.06153846], [1936, 2007, 0.05714286], [2007, 2085, 0.05194805], [2085, 2148, 0.06451613], [2148, 2216, 0.05970149], [2216, 2283, 0.06060606], [2283, 2346, 0.06451613], [2346, 2421, 0.05405405], [2421, 2582, 0.05], [2582, 2652, 0.05797101], [2652, 2743, 0.04444444], [2743, 2894, 0.05333333], [2894, 3467, 0.05594406], [3467, 3783, 0.05079365], [3783, 3852, 0.05882353], [3852, 3925, 0.05555556], [3925, 3990, 0.0625], [3990, 4050, 0.06779661], [4050, 4123, 0.06944444], [4123, 4185, 0.08196721], [4185, 4271, 0.0617284], [4271, 4336, 0.0625], [4336, 4406, 0.05797101], [4406, 4482, 0.05333333], [4482, 4544, 0.06557377], [4544, 4611, 0.06060606], [4611, 4684, 0.05555556], [4684, 4742, 0.07142857], [4742, 4805, 0.06557377], [4805, 4885, 0.05128205], [4885, 4947, 0.06557377], [4947, 5014, 0.06060606], [5014, 5099, 0.04761905], [5099, 5140, 0.1], [5140, 5187, 0.08695652], [5187, 5224, 0.11111111], [5224, 5272, 0.08510638], [5272, 5311, 0.10526316], [5311, 5349, 0.10810811], [5349, 5386, 0.11111111], [5386, 5418, 0.12903226], [5418, 5449, 0.13333333], [5449, 5485, 0.11428571], [5485, 5545, 0.06779661], [5545, 5586, 0.1], [5586, 5625, 0.10810811], [5625, 5720, 0.04395604], [5720, 5753, 0.125], [5753, 5781, 0.14814815], [5781, 5830, 0.08333333], [5830, 5867, 0.11111111], [5867, 5905, 0.10810811], [5905, 5937, 0.12903226], [5937, 5965, 0.14814815], [5965, 5999, 0.12121212], [5999, 6022, 0.18181818], [6022, 6057, 0.11764706], [6057, 6096, 0.10526316], [6096, 6137, 0.1], [6137, 6194, 0.07142857], [6194, 6250, 0.07272727], [6250, 6312, 0.06557377], [6312, 6367, 0.07407407], [6367, 6425, 0.08928571], [6425, 6468, 0.0952381], [6468, 6514, 0.11363636], [6514, 6807, 0.07191781], [6807, 6843, 0.11428571], [6843, 6914, 0.06153846], [6914, 6940, 0.16], [6940, 6961, 0.2], [6961, 7031, 0.05970149], [7031, 7114, 0.0], [7114, 7177, 0.06666667], [7177, 7259, 0.05063291], [7259, 7285, 0.16], [7285, 7321, 0.11428571], [7321, 7401, 0.05194805], [7401, 7456, 0.07407407], [7456, 7519, 0.0], [7519, 7587, 0.0], [7587, 7661, 0.06153846], [7661, 7699, 0.11111111], [7699, 7754, 0.07692308], [7754, 7816, 0.06896552], [7816, 7881, 0.0], [7881, 7918, 0.11111111], [7918, 7957, 0.10526316], [7957, 7980, 0.18181818], [7980, 8013, 0.125], [8013, 8093, 0.05063291], [8093, 8156, 0.06451613], [8156, 8206, 0.08163265], [8206, 8254, 0.08510638], [8254, 8304, 0.08163265], [8304, 8367, 0.06557377], [8367, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 8512, 0.0], [8512, 8581, 0.0], [8581, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8693, 0.11111111], [8693, 8718, 0.16666667], [8718, 8739, 0.2], [8739, 8782, 0.1025641], [8782, 8829, 0.09302326], [8829, 8898, 0.06060606], [8898, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 9033, 0.06557377], [9033, 9071, 0.10810811], [9071, 9117, 0.08888889], [9117, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9231, 0.0], [9231, 9262, 0.13333333], [9262, 9297, 0.11764706], [9297, 9325, 0.14814815], [9325, 9354, 0.14285714], [9354, 9441, 0.04761905], [9441, 9484, 0.0952381], [9484, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 9623, 0.05555556], [9623, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9727, 0.11428571], [9727, 9784, 0.07142857], [9784, 9828, 0.11627907], [9828, 9909, 0.05063291], [9909, 9976, 0.0625], [9976, 10050, 0.05479452], [10050, 10116, 0.06153846], [10116, 10190, 0.05479452], [10190, 10260, 0.05797101], [10260, 10347, 0.04878049], [10347, 10416, 0.0], [10416, 10485, 0.0], [10485, 10622, 0.05970149], [10622, 10695, 0.05555556], [10695, 10749, 0.0], [10749, 10806, 0.0], [10806, 10846, 0.1025641], [10846, 10903, 0.07142857], [10903, 10942, 0.10526316], [10942, 11022, 0.05194805], [11022, 11086, 0.06349206], [11086, 11157, 0.05714286], [11157, 11219, 0.06779661], [11219, 11297, 0.05333333], [11297, 11369, 0.05797101], [11369, 11450, 0.05194805], [11450, 11513, 0.06451613], [11513, 11606, 0.0], [11606, 11684, 0.0], [11684, 11761, 0.0], [11761, 11833, 0.0], [11833, 11869, 0.0], [11869, 11927, 0.07017544], [11927, 11995, 0.05970149], [11995, 12074, 0.0], [12074, 12162, 0.0], [12162, 12208, 0.0], [12208, 12285, 0.05405405], [12285, 12353, 0.0], [12353, 12402, 0.0], [12402, 12487, 0.0], [12487, 12542, 0.0], [12542, 12613, 0.0], [12613, 12697, 0.04819277], [12697, 12784, 0.04651163], [12784, 12867, 0.04878049], [12867, 12954, 0.04651163], [12954, 13044, 0.04494382], [13044, 13139, 0.04255319], [13139, 13221, 0.05], [13221, 13301, 0.05063291], [13301, 13324, 0.0], [13324, 13363, 0.0], [13363, 13402, 0.0], [13402, 13440, 0.11428571]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 71, 0.0], [71, 110, 0.0], [110, 133, 0.0], [133, 224, 0.0], [224, 253, 0.0], [253, 406, 0.0], [406, 628, 0.0], [628, 714, 0.0], [714, 805, 0.0], [805, 885, 0.0], [885, 943, 0.0], [943, 1006, 0.0], [1006, 1077, 0.0], [1077, 1135, 0.0], [1135, 1198, 0.0], [1198, 1268, 0.0], [1268, 1292, 0.0], [1292, 1326, 0.0], [1326, 1345, 0.0], [1345, 1401, 0.0], [1401, 1440, 0.0], [1440, 1478, 0.0], [1478, 1527, 0.0], [1527, 1570, 0.0], [1570, 1606, 0.0], [1606, 1643, 0.0], [1643, 1690, 0.0], [1690, 1738, 0.0], [1738, 1766, 0.0], [1766, 1796, 0.0], [1796, 1870, 0.0], [1870, 1936, 0.0], [1936, 2007, 0.0], [2007, 2085, 0.0], [2085, 2148, 0.0], [2148, 2216, 0.0], [2216, 2283, 0.0], [2283, 2346, 0.0], [2346, 2421, 0.0], [2421, 2582, 0.0], [2582, 2652, 0.0], [2652, 2743, 0.0], [2743, 2894, 0.0], [2894, 3467, 0.0], [3467, 3783, 0.0], [3783, 3852, 0.0], [3852, 3925, 0.0], [3925, 3990, 0.0], [3990, 4050, 0.0], [4050, 4123, 0.0], [4123, 4185, 0.0], [4185, 4271, 0.0], [4271, 4336, 0.0], [4336, 4406, 0.0], [4406, 4482, 0.0], [4482, 4544, 0.0], [4544, 4611, 0.0], [4611, 4684, 0.0], [4684, 4742, 0.0], [4742, 4805, 0.0], [4805, 4885, 0.0], [4885, 4947, 0.0], [4947, 5014, 0.0], [5014, 5099, 0.0], [5099, 5140, 0.0], [5140, 5187, 0.0], [5187, 5224, 0.0], [5224, 5272, 0.0], [5272, 5311, 0.0], [5311, 5349, 0.0], [5349, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5418, 0.0], [5418, 5449, 0.0], [5449, 5485, 0.0], [5485, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5586, 0.0], [5586, 5625, 0.0], [5625, 5720, 0.0], [5720, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 5781, 0.0], [5781, 5830, 0.0], [5830, 5867, 0.0], [5867, 5905, 0.0], [5905, 5937, 0.0], [5937, 5965, 0.0], [5965, 5999, 0.0], [5999, 6022, 0.0], [6022, 6057, 0.0], [6057, 6096, 0.0], [6096, 6137, 0.0], [6137, 6194, 0.0], [6194, 6250, 0.0], [6250, 6312, 0.0], [6312, 6367, 0.0], [6367, 6425, 0.0], [6425, 6468, 0.0], [6468, 6514, 0.0], [6514, 6807, 0.0], [6807, 6843, 0.0], [6843, 6914, 0.0], [6914, 6940, 0.0], [6940, 6961, 0.0], [6961, 7031, 0.0], [7031, 7114, 0.0], [7114, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 7259, 0.0], [7259, 7285, 0.0], [7285, 7321, 0.0], [7321, 7401, 0.0], [7401, 7456, 0.0], [7456, 7519, 0.0], [7519, 7587, 0.0], [7587, 7661, 0.0], [7661, 7699, 0.0], [7699, 7754, 0.0], [7754, 7816, 0.0], [7816, 7881, 0.0], [7881, 7918, 0.0], [7918, 7957, 0.0], [7957, 7980, 0.0], [7980, 8013, 0.0], [8013, 8093, 0.0], [8093, 8156, 0.0], [8156, 8206, 0.0], [8206, 8254, 0.0], [8254, 8304, 0.0], [8304, 8367, 0.0], [8367, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 8512, 0.0], [8512, 8581, 0.0], [8581, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8693, 0.0], [8693, 8718, 0.0], [8718, 8739, 0.0], [8739, 8782, 0.0], [8782, 8829, 0.0], [8829, 8898, 0.0], [8898, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 9033, 0.0], [9033, 9071, 0.0], [9071, 9117, 0.0], [9117, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9231, 0.0], [9231, 9262, 0.0], [9262, 9297, 0.0], [9297, 9325, 0.0], [9325, 9354, 0.0], [9354, 9441, 0.0], [9441, 9484, 0.0], [9484, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 9623, 0.0], [9623, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9727, 0.0], [9727, 9784, 0.0], [9784, 9828, 0.0], [9828, 9909, 0.0], [9909, 9976, 0.0], [9976, 10050, 0.0], [10050, 10116, 0.0], [10116, 10190, 0.0], [10190, 10260, 0.0], [10260, 10347, 0.0], [10347, 10416, 0.0], [10416, 10485, 0.0], [10485, 10622, 0.0], [10622, 10695, 0.0], [10695, 10749, 0.0], [10749, 10806, 0.0], [10806, 10846, 0.0], [10846, 10903, 0.0], [10903, 10942, 0.0], [10942, 11022, 0.0], [11022, 11086, 0.0], [11086, 11157, 0.0], [11157, 11219, 0.0], [11219, 11297, 0.0], [11297, 11369, 0.0], [11369, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11513, 0.0], [11513, 11606, 0.0], [11606, 11684, 0.0], [11684, 11761, 0.0], [11761, 11833, 0.0], [11833, 11869, 0.0], [11869, 11927, 0.0], [11927, 11995, 0.0], [11995, 12074, 0.0], [12074, 12162, 0.0], [12162, 12208, 0.0], [12208, 12285, 0.0], [12285, 12353, 0.0], [12353, 12402, 0.0], [12402, 12487, 0.0], [12487, 12542, 0.0], [12542, 12613, 0.0], [12613, 12697, 0.0], [12697, 12784, 0.0], [12784, 12867, 0.0], [12867, 12954, 0.0], [12954, 13044, 0.0], [13044, 13139, 0.0], [13139, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 13301, 0.0], [13301, 13324, 0.0], [13324, 13363, 0.0], [13363, 13402, 0.0], [13402, 13440, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 71, 0.12676056], [71, 110, 0.05128205], [110, 133, 0.04347826], [133, 224, 0.08791209], [224, 253, 0.10344828], [253, 406, 0.09150327], [406, 628, 0.0990991], [628, 714, 0.08139535], [714, 805, 0.07692308], [805, 885, 0.0875], [885, 943, 0.0862069], [943, 1006, 0.07936508], [1006, 1077, 0.09859155], [1077, 1135, 0.13793103], [1135, 1198, 0.12698413], [1198, 1268, 0.14285714], [1268, 1292, 0.125], [1292, 1326, 0.08823529], [1326, 1345, 0.10526316], [1345, 1401, 0.125], [1401, 1440, 0.12820513], [1440, 1478, 0.10526316], [1478, 1527, 0.08163265], [1527, 1570, 0.09302326], [1570, 1606, 0.08333333], [1606, 1643, 0.08108108], [1643, 1690, 0.10638298], [1690, 1738, 0.10416667], [1738, 1766, 0.07142857], [1766, 1796, 0.06666667], [1796, 1870, 0.10810811], [1870, 1936, 0.10606061], [1936, 2007, 0.09859155], [2007, 2085, 0.12820513], [2085, 2148, 0.11111111], [2148, 2216, 0.10294118], [2216, 2283, 0.11940299], [2283, 2346, 0.11111111], [2346, 2421, 0.12], [2421, 2582, 0.09937888], [2582, 2652, 0.1], [2652, 2743, 0.10989011], [2743, 2894, 0.09271523], [2894, 3467, 0.10471204], [3467, 3783, 0.09493671], [3783, 3852, 0.08695652], [3852, 3925, 0.09589041], [3925, 3990, 0.07692308], [3990, 4050, 0.08333333], [4050, 4123, 0.10958904], [4123, 4185, 0.11290323], [4185, 4271, 0.12790698], [4271, 4336, 0.10769231], [4336, 4406, 0.1], [4406, 4482, 0.11842105], [4482, 4544, 0.09677419], [4544, 4611, 0.08955224], [4611, 4684, 0.10958904], [4684, 4742, 0.12068966], [4742, 4805, 0.11111111], [4805, 4885, 0.1125], [4885, 4947, 0.11290323], [4947, 5014, 0.10447761], [5014, 5099, 0.14117647], [5099, 5140, 0.09756098], [5140, 5187, 0.08510638], [5187, 5224, 0.08108108], [5224, 5272, 0.08333333], [5272, 5311, 0.07692308], [5311, 5349, 0.07894737], [5349, 5386, 0.10810811], [5386, 5418, 0.0625], [5418, 5449, 0.06451613], [5449, 5485, 0.08333333], [5485, 5545, 0.13333333], [5545, 5586, 0.07317073], [5586, 5625, 0.15384615], [5625, 5720, 0.07368421], [5720, 5753, 0.06060606], [5753, 5781, 0.07142857], [5781, 5830, 0.10204082], [5830, 5867, 0.08108108], [5867, 5905, 0.07894737], [5905, 5937, 0.15625], [5937, 5965, 0.17857143], [5965, 5999, 0.11764706], [5999, 6022, 0.08695652], [6022, 6057, 0.08571429], [6057, 6096, 0.07692308], [6096, 6137, 0.09756098], [6137, 6194, 0.07017544], [6194, 6250, 0.07142857], [6250, 6312, 0.08064516], [6312, 6367, 0.14545455], [6367, 6425, 0.13793103], [6425, 6468, 0.09302326], [6468, 6514, 0.08695652], [6514, 6807, 0.10238908], [6807, 6843, 0.05555556], [6843, 6914, 0.14084507], [6914, 6940, 0.15384615], [6940, 6961, 0.14285714], [6961, 7031, 0.11428571], [7031, 7114, 0.1686747], [7114, 7177, 0.0952381], [7177, 7259, 0.1097561], [7259, 7285, 0.11538462], [7285, 7321, 0.08333333], [7321, 7401, 0.1375], [7401, 7456, 0.10909091], [7456, 7519, 0.12698413], [7519, 7587, 0.13235294], [7587, 7661, 0.10810811], [7661, 7699, 0.13157895], [7699, 7754, 0.03636364], [7754, 7816, 0.11290323], [7816, 7881, 0.12307692], [7881, 7918, 0.13513514], [7918, 7957, 0.12820513], [7957, 7980, 0.13043478], [7980, 8013, 0.12121212], [8013, 8093, 0.1125], [8093, 8156, 0.0952381], [8156, 8206, 0.08], [8206, 8254, 0.14583333], [8254, 8304, 0.1], [8304, 8367, 0.12698413], [8367, 8438, 0.12676056], [8438, 8512, 0.13513514], [8512, 8581, 0.13043478], [8581, 8656, 0.12], [8656, 8693, 0.13513514], [8693, 8718, 0.08], [8718, 8739, 0.0952381], [8739, 8782, 0.13953488], [8782, 8829, 0.12765957], [8829, 8898, 0.11594203], [8898, 8965, 0.11940299], [8965, 9033, 0.11764706], [9033, 9071, 0.10526316], [9071, 9117, 0.08695652], [9117, 9175, 0.12068966], [9175, 9231, 0.10714286], [9231, 9262, 0.09677419], [9262, 9297, 0.14285714], [9297, 9325, 0.10714286], [9325, 9354, 0.10344828], [9354, 9441, 0.10344828], [9441, 9484, 0.11627907], [9484, 9548, 0.140625], [9548, 9623, 0.12], [9623, 9691, 0.11764706], [9691, 9727, 0.13888889], [9727, 9784, 0.12280702], [9784, 9828, 0.11363636], [9828, 9909, 0.12345679], [9909, 9976, 0.11940299], [9976, 10050, 0.12162162], [10050, 10116, 0.12121212], [10116, 10190, 0.10810811], [10190, 10260, 0.1], [10260, 10347, 0.12643678], [10347, 10416, 0.13043478], [10416, 10485, 0.10144928], [10485, 10622, 0.11678832], [10622, 10695, 0.10958904], [10695, 10749, 0.11111111], [10749, 10806, 0.15789474], [10806, 10846, 0.125], [10846, 10903, 0.12280702], [10903, 10942, 0.12820513], [10942, 11022, 0.125], [11022, 11086, 0.15625], [11086, 11157, 0.14084507], [11157, 11219, 0.11290323], [11219, 11297, 0.12820513], [11297, 11369, 0.11111111], [11369, 11450, 0.12345679], [11450, 11513, 0.0952381], [11513, 11606, 0.11827957], [11606, 11684, 0.12820513], [11684, 11761, 0.12987013], [11761, 11833, 0.15277778], [11833, 11869, 0.13888889], [11869, 11927, 0.12068966], [11927, 11995, 0.10294118], [11995, 12074, 0.11392405], [12074, 12162, 0.125], [12162, 12208, 0.13043478], [12208, 12285, 0.09090909], [12285, 12353, 0.13235294], [12353, 12402, 0.14285714], [12402, 12487, 0.11764706], [12487, 12542, 0.12727273], [12542, 12613, 0.11267606], [12613, 12697, 0.08333333], [12697, 12784, 0.08045977], [12784, 12867, 0.08433735], [12867, 12954, 0.09195402], [12954, 13044, 0.12222222], [13044, 13139, 0.08421053], [13139, 13221, 0.08536585], [13221, 13301, 0.075], [13301, 13324, 0.0], [13324, 13363, 0.12820513], [13363, 13402, 0.15384615], [13402, 13440, 0.13157895]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 13440, 0.07470608]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 13440, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 13440, 0.95976108]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 13440, -474.04719212]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 13440, -184.2473684]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 13440, 469.29051385]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 13440, 11.0]], "is_duplicate": true}
My Two Moms Posted in Children, Family, Parenting, Women by Krista Threefoot The other day in the grocery store, my daughter asked me to tell her, again, how it is that I have two moms. This question is hard to explain to a six-year-old even in the best of circumstances. But in an extremely crowded Wegman’s on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, while trying to maneuver a cart and a child through the turkey aisle, it was damn near impossible. But still, I endeavored. In what was probably the most crowded location in our entire town at that particular moment, I stopped to explain one of the most complicated aspects of my existence. “The mommy who carried me in her belly, your Nana,” I told her “was too young to take care of a baby. And the mommy who raised me, Grandma Michele, who is in heaven, was old enough to take care of me, but she couldn’t have babies of her own. So your Nana gave me to your Grandma and Grandpa, so that they could take care of me instead. But they all loved me very much.” That story is about as deep as you can go with an elementary schooler. But even in the midst of the chaos and my own distraction, I was very aware of what I was leaving out. I didn’t mention how hard I always knew it was for the woman who gave birth to me to have had to let me go. I didn’t tell her how the only time I came close to crying right after she was born was when I thought about what it would have felt like if I’d had to give her up to be raised by another woman. I couldn’t tell her how, although I always saw my birth mother as a hero, there were times when I couldn’t help but wonder how she could possibly have left me behind. And I couldn’t tell her how, despite the incredible love I have for the family I know as my own, I still wondered — just sometimes — what it would have been like to be a part of a family of people who were related to me by blood. I couldn’t tell her how fiercely angry I feel when people suggest that the mother who made me her own wasn’t my “real” mom. And I couldn’t explain how the joy I felt when I met the mother I’d lost at birth didn’t lessen the grief I will always feel for the mother I lost forever. I couldn’t explain how incredibly fortunate I felt when the mother who gave me life was one of the first people to meet my daughter after her own birth. And I couldn’t explain how much it sometimes breaks my heart to see the genetic stamp of my adoptive mother on my cousin’s kids and not my own. And I don’t think I will ever be able to explain to her how, even though I have been blessed with the love of two mothers, there have been moments in my life when I have felt motherless. There is so much that I can’t explain to my children right now about the reality of my family history. Adoption stories are always complicated, and the fact that I lost the mother who raised me just muddles things further. But in spite of the complications, it is a story I like to tell, and one that I think is beautiful. Because even though there is so much I can’t explain, there is so much more that I won’t have to explain. I won’t have to explain how aware and deeply appreciative I am of the love my mothers had for me and of the sacrifices they both made on my behalf. Because those gifts, which came to me doubled, are now mine to grow and to give to my own children. I won’t have to explain that family is so much more than sharing a genetic bond, because by the time they understand what it means to be related by blood, they will already know how little those ties matter when it comes to love. And I won’t have to explain how much love is capable of overcoming, how time and distance and loss and sacrifice only make it more powerful, because the one thing that is clear from my story is that love was behind it all. This is love. November is National Adoption Month. Although I tend to shy away from Awareness months in general, I’m glad adoption is something people are talking about. I have heard people describe adoption as something that always comes from loss. And in a sense, this is undeniably true. People who are adopting are often, though not always, doing so because they cannot have a child any other way. And people who are giving away a child are always losing a part of themselves. Adoption is not an easy option. But adoption is also a gift of love, in the best sense of the word. It isn’t always the best choice, but when it is, adoption enriches the lives of everyone it touches and it creates a legacy that lasts for generations. As Thanksgiving approaches, I am aware of how much I have to be grateful for. Above all, as I am every year, I am thankful for the story of how I came to be, for where I was planted, and especially for the love that made me who I am. And if anyone who is contemplating adoption reads this, let me share one final story with you, one that my grandmother told me many times over the years. My grandmother had a terrible time when she was in labor with my father. The birth was so difficult, in fact, that her doctors told her she would probably die if she tried to have another child. She was devastated because she’d always wanted at least four children. So she asked my grandfather if he would consider adopting. He said no, because he just couldn’t fathom being able to love a child that wasn’t his own, especially after having a child that was. 30-some years later, after my parents had adopted me as a six-week-old infant, my grandmother came across my grandfather holding me. She used to say that he looked up from me to her and said, with awe in his voice, that he couldn’t imagine loving anyone more than he loved that baby in his arms. Adoption is easier than you think it might be. #HoCoBlogs, Donald Trump, #Trump, Refugees, #Refugees, CRS, Catholic Relief Services, #CRS, terrorism, human rights, UNHCR, #HoCoFamilies, Adoption, children, family, life, love, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, women 3 Comments « The Future is in Good Hands The One Thing I Can Say » 3 thoughts on “My Two Moms” Just gorgeous, Krista. I cried my way through it. catey w Beautiful words. Beautiful moms and babies. Beautiful you. kristinnoelfischer That’s beautiful, especially the part about your grandfather.
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Atlantic III at the Point is a luxurious 29-floor tower with a vast multitude of facilities and amenities. The world-renowned architect Robert M. Swedrow was the designer of this tower. A fabulous cascading waterfall is what makes the design so original and tropically landscaped grounds with a water garden. The variety of residences with 2-4 bedrooms offer spectacular city and Atlantic ocean views. All apartments have spacious private terraces with breathtaking views, ideal for watching sunrises and sunsets. All premises are well-lit and appear visually larger due to installment of floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors, windows and high ceilings. The condos are equipped with the most recent technology and a top-notch wiring system. All kitchens are supplied with solid wood cabinetry, as well as wooden center islands and granite countertops. Only the top-of-the-class appliances are equipped. The master bedrooms all have adjoined sun terraces, spacious walk-in closets and bathrooms with whirlpool bathtubs on a marble deck. We offer complete privacy and security here at Atlantic III at the Point. Residences have private foyers into which lead the separate elevators. There are private garages designed for two cars with direct access to the main building. Garage gates have a remote control system. The whole territory is under constant surveillance. Guests and residents of the complex enjoy their leisure at the separate private cinema, kids can play in special game rooms or the luxurious party room. Business center is available for those who work from home. Resident Club and Spa is always open for guests and residents. Here you can relax in a quiet tranquil atmosphere or visit the temperature-controlled wine room and pick up a bottle of exquisite wine. Climate of South Florida is pleasant all year long. This means that you can continue enjoying the outdoor amenities all year. There is a beautiful spacious sun deck and two large pools. The Atlantic III at the Point is a great place to live, especially if you often have visitors and guests. There is a hotel suite installed within the main tower. On the premises there also is a beautiful elegant tea room for receiving guests and holding dinner parties. We will do our best to make your experience the most enjoyable here at the Atlantic III at the Point.
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La Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme (CEDH) saisie d’une affaire d’euthanasie en Belgique La Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme (CEDH) à Strasbourg vient d’accepter de se saisir d’une affaire d'euthanasie en Belgique. Godelieve De Troyer... Au Nouveau Mexique, une loi pourrait ouvrir la voie à un "tourisme du suicide" Dans l’Etat du Nouveau Mexique aux Etats-Unis, une nouvelle loi pourrait conduire au développement d’un tourisme du suicide. En effet, la HB90, « The... A Hawaï, entrée en vigueur controversée de la loi sur le suicide assistée le 1er janvier A Hawaii, la loi sur le suicide assisté est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2019. La plupart des établissements de santé ont adopté des politiques neutres en... Soupçon d’euthanasie à l’hôpital de Lavaur A l’hôpital de Lavaur dans le Tarn, une patiente, une octogénaire admise la veille aux urgences, aurait succombé « à une injection létale ». Partagée...
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Home » Vacation Destinations » Family Things to Do in Tempe, AZ Family Things to Do in Tempe, AZ in Vacation Destinations on 02/25/14 Disclosure: These experiences were part of the #AZFamilyFun trip. All opinions are my own. When we look for a winter family vacation destination, we usually seek out fun experiences, lots of things to do with kids, and most importantly – warm weather! By mid-February, I’m usually desperate for a break from the snowy cold weather in Massachusetts. This year, we were especially lucky, because our February vacation destination, Tempe and Chandler, Arizona, was experiencing unseasonably warm temps. In addition to the family-friendly activities, we got to enjoy a small taste of summer. Here’s part one of our experience, including some fun things to do in Tempe with kids. Things to Do in Tempe With Kids Tempe, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix, is located about 10 minutes from the Sky Harbor International Airport. This 40-square mile city is best known as the home of Arizona State University, and offers 44 hotels along with numerous kid-friendly indoor and outdoor activities. While visiting the Tempe/Chandler area, we stayed at the Tempe Mission Palms hotel, a Destination Hotels property located in the popular Mill District (review to follow soon). The Mill District offers more than 100 shops, restaurants, and bars in a hip, bustling atmosphere. There’s lots to do with kids during the day, but at night, it’s more of a college/adult atmosphere. My kids’ favorite stop in Tempe was the Arizona Mills mall, an outlet mall that offers 175 retailers, including a Last Call from Neiman Marcus and an Off 5th Saks Fifth Avenue. But the real highlight is the kids’ entertainment, which includes a GameWorks Arcade, a Rainforest Cafe, and a SEA LIFE Aquarium. The SEA LIFE, one of a handful of locations in the US, is a great place to visit with young children, and even includes two rescue sea turtles. It’s a fun spot for kids, and can be seen in just an hour or two. Another great place with kids is the Main Event, a Texas entertainment chain that recently expanded into Arizona with it’s first location in Tempe. The Main Event offers an arcade, laser tag, bowling, two restaurants, and a gravity ropes course all under one roof. Related 10 Activities in Fort Myers With Kids We also enjoyed some activities along the Tempe Town Lake. Located along the shore of the Tempe Town Lake is the Tempe Center for the Arts. During our visit, we enjoyed a performance of “The Cat in the Hat” from Childsplay, a professional theater company that offers kid-friendly productions at the TCA. The play was just about an hour – the perfect length for children – and was entertaining for the whole family. Everyone has a great seat in the small theater, and after the performance, the actors came out and took questions about the production from the audience. Although we enjoyed the play, we were eager to get outside again, since the weather was so beautiful. We stopped at the Tempe Town Lake to rent some paddle boats – a fun thing to do in the gorgeous weather. Other boat types are available and if you don’t want to take a boat out, you can just sit and enjoy the view, or rent a bike and travel on the adjacent paths. I’d definitely recommend staying in Tempe when visiting the Greater Phoenix area. We loved being in the middle of the action without being too close to the big city. To learn more about Tempe, visit the Tempe Tourism website. Related Swim with Dolphins in Florida: Discovery Cove Review « 5 Myths About the Airport Security Line A Day in Atlantis, Paradise Island, The Bahamas » Jo-Lynne Shane {Musings of a Housewife} says This is fabulous! I am bookmarking this post for sure. We’re hoping to do an Arizona trip with our kids one of these years. I have only been there once, and I fell in love! Jodi Grundig says Definitely go in the winter! It was such a treat to be out of the cold weather! Kate @ The Shopping Mama says That outlet mall sounds like a dream – great shopping for me and entertainment for the kids. Perfect! Definitely lots of fun, especially for hot or rainy days! Whitney Wingerd says Great photos Jodi, I really wish I could be there right now so I could get away from all this cold and snow! The sunshine and the activities make it look like a dream! It was a total dream – we didn’t want to leave! amy @teachmama says great post, Jodi! I ALWAYS love reviews from my friends and moms I trust–pinning and saving for later! thank you!! We are looking forward to a trip to the Phoenix area to visit family. I’m glad to have a few more ideas for what to do when we get there! Colleen Lanin says I went to college in Tempe. My family is moving to Arizona in a couple of months & look forward to re-exploring this area with my kids! Leave a Reply to Jo-Lynne Shane {Musings of a Housewife} Cancel reply
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How many Mendeleyevs there were? As is known, Mendeleyev was born in 1834 at Tobolsk, in the far west of Siberia, into a well-educated, reasonably prosperous and very large family, but how large? Some sources say there were fourteen children, some say seventeen. persona share|improve this question asked Jun 6 '13 at 20:16 I'm curious as to why that would be of interest? (idle curiosity - it's a good question :) Three of the seventeen children died before they were baptized, so they don't even have names. For this reason, the church records list only fourteen children. In total, eight of his siblings died in infancy. Maria died when she was 15, Appolinaria died at the age of 26, and Elizaveta at the age of 29. Only four lived until 70. share|improve this answer edited Jun 6 '13 at 23:28 horsh How do historians treat gossip?
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You are here: Home News American Idol LIVE Interactive Q&A Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 3:46 PM American Idol LIVE Interactive Q&A Ryan Seacrest will moderate a nationwide interactive Q&A LIVE with judges Nicki Minaj, Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson, and Keith Urban. The LIVE and interactive Q&A will appear in satellite venues, as well as stream on various websites, including www.americanidol.com and www.livestream.com, beginning at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT on January 9th! RSVP today at www.idolrsvp.com to see the episode on Wednesday, Jan. 9 for free at a venue in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, Detroit, Boston, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Houston or Nashville. Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 10:30 AM On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 3:46 PM, UK_barbiexo Reply • Message UK_barbiexo
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Medicamentos registran aumentos de hasta el 9,5% en julio y del 20% desde marzo En antihipertensivos, ansiolíticos, tratamiento de hormonas, antifebriles y antibióticos, entre otros El Centro de Profesionales Farmacéuticos (Ceprofar) señaló que en julio se registran aumentos de hasta el 9,5% en medicamentos críticos como antihipertensivos, ansiolíticos, tratamiento de hormonas, antifebriles y antibióticos, entre otros, luego de que venciera un congelamiento de precios el pasado 30 de junio. Desde algunas de las entidades involucradas recordaron que se trataba de un acuerdo “no escrito” para que no subieran los medicamentos hasta el 30 de junio, salvo circunstancias extremas que lo justifiquen. El director del Ceprofar, Rubén Sajem, afirmó que “hay laboratorios que colaboran y otros que sacan el mayor precio posible”. Si la comparación de precios es con el estado previo a la cuarentena, a mediados de marzo, los incrementos en los medicamentos trepan al 20% como máximo. El motivo global del compromiso sellado hace un tiempo atrás entre el gobierno y los laboratorios, fue el deterioro en el poder adquisitivo de la población durante la cuarentena rígida que imponía un congelamiento provisorio. Cabe reseñar que hasta el 29 de febrero, los laboratorios, tanto nacionales como extranjeros, volvieron a los valores de los remedios del 6 de diciembre pasado y los mantuvieron congelados. En ese momento, Salud selló el acuerdo con la Cámara Empresaria de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos (Cooperala); la Cámara Industrial de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Argentinos (Cilfa); y la Cámara Argentina de Especialidades Medicinales (Caeme). La industria farmacéutica argentina tiene una participación del 4,9% en el Producto Bruto Interno Industrial, da ocupación directa a 43.000 personas y en forma indirecta a otras 120.000, con 210 laboratorios y 190 plantas manufactureras de las cuales 160 son nacionales y 30 extranjeras, de acuerdo con datos proporcionados por Cilfa. Fuente: El Liberal #QuedateEnCasa y Escuchá La 97.1 todo el día, hacé click 👇🏽 El próximo lunes habrá asueto administrativo Encontraron fotos de armamento militar y consignas antisemita en el celular del piloto del avión de venezolano-iraní Cuándo comienzan las vacaciones de invierno en Tucumán y en el resto de Argentina Banco Macro presenta su Memoria Anual Reporte Integrado 2021 Quedan dos fines de semana extra largos en 2022: cuándo es el próximo Alberto Fernández: "Belgrano estaba convencido de que en la educación radicaba el futuro de nuestra patria" "La Invicta": Buscan que Argentina juegue el Mundial con la camiseta que usó en la Copa América Inflación: el NOA supera a las otras regiones en el registro mensual y en el acumulado del año
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It can be difficult to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia, but there are tools and resources available to guide your family through the assessment process. Programs & Services (213) Books & Guides (1) Currently showing 202 local programs & services. Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia Programs and support for adults with dementia. Advocacy for Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Association, Greater Richmond Chapter 4600 Cox Road, Suite 130, Glen Allen, VA 23060 Alzheimer's Advocacy Alzheimer's Association, Southeastern Virginia Chapter 6350 Center Drive, Suite 102, Norfolk, VA 23502 Alzheimer's Association, Mid South Chapter - Johnson City Area Office 207 North Boone Street, Suite 1500, Johnson City, TN 37604 Alzheimer's and Dementia Education for Caregivers Home Instead Senior Care Manassas 9817 Godwin Drive # 202, Manassas, VA 20110 Alzheimer's and Dementia Education Workshops Home Instead Senior Care, Charlottesville 400 10th Street NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Alzheimer's Support Groups Support groups for individuals with alzheimer's disease or related dementia and/or their loved ones. Afternoon and Evening Groups, Jefferson Area Board of Aging (JABA) in Charlottesville Alzheimer's Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter Afternoon Group, Adult Care Center of Roanoke Valley in Salem 2321 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, VA 22901-2415 Afternoon Group, Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Charlottesville 1500 East Rio Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 Afternoon Group, Alzheimer's Association and United Way at Danville 308 Craghead St, Suite 104, Danville, VA 24541 Afternoon Group, Alzheimer's Association Office, Norfolk The local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association is very knowledgeable about all aspects of Alzheimer's Disease, caregiving tips and respite options,services available in the community and can also provide emotional support. Alzheimer's Association Southeastern Virginia Chapter Office Alzheimer's Association Speakers Bureau Alzheimer's Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter, Lynchburg Office 1022 Commerce Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504 Alzheimer's E-Newsletter Administrative Office, Alzheimer's Association 225 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60601 Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area Chapter 225 North Michigan Avenue, Floor 17, Chicago, IL 60601 Alzheimer's Disease Publications Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center P O Box 8250, Silver Spring, MD 20907 Alzheimer's Green Field Library Alzheimer's Research | Resources 22512 Gateway Center Drive, Clarksburg, MD 20871 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's Disease This Alzheimer's Association infographic provides important information on the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's Disease. Living Well With Dementia in the Community Understand the signs of dementia and learn about community services and supports for you and your family member. Memory screenings are important for anyone concerned about memory loss or experiencing some of the warning signs of dementia. Progressive Phases of Alzheimer's Disease Though Alzheimer's Disease is different in every person - this article offers an overview of the progressive phases. What Are the Signs of Alzheimer's Disease? Scientists continue to unravel the complex brain changes involved in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The Caregiver's Resource Library The Caregiver's Resource Library from AgingCare.com is an essential resource for all caregivers. Alzheimer's Association Community Resource Finder http://www.communityresourcefinder.org/ http://www.alz.org/cwva/ http://www.alz.org/grva/ http://www.alz.org/nca/ http://www.alz.org/seva/ http://www.seniornavigator.org/health/alzheimers-disease-dementia http://www.alzfdn.org/ Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts http://www.pbs.org/show/alzheimers-every-minute-counts/ Hilarity for Charity - Raising awareness of Alzheimer's Disease http://www.hilarityforcharity.org/#!get-involved/c1eju
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Raptors coaching staff makeover View Poll Results: Will Ujiri Thread: Raptors coaching staff makeover Mon May 13th, 2013, 12:35 AM I will give you Lowry and Casey's differences. but I have continued to be impressed all season with how tight all of the main players seem to have been with Casey. Demar, Amir, JV, Fields, Gay...They always seem to have Casey's back and seem sincere about it. You know, Raptors don't have the player who would push management to fire Casey... Reply With Quote Mon May 13th, 2013, 06:42 AM Isn't that a good thing? (thinking personality-wise...obviously it'd be nice to have a legit franchise talent) Leiweke and Colangelo met somewhere other than Toronto almost two weeks ago, and sources say Colangelo was informed that Leiweke would have final say on all basketball decisions until a decision was made. Colangelo presented his plan to the MLSE board on Tuesday last week, and the meeting ran for three hours; it was a pre-planned meeting, however, and included Leiweke. http://sports.nationalpost.com/2013/...aled-his-fate/ So if this is true, contacting Lue would have been Leiweke's final decision. NoBan I have nothing to base this opinion on other than my own opinion but it seems to me that the Raptors are a f*cking mess. Coaches and GM not on the same page. Analytics and coaches/GM not on the same. Coaches and players not on the same page. Players and players not on the same page. Not to be overlooked: The players are not on the same page with EACH OTHER. The guys don't like Lowry's heroball. They resent Bargs for this paycheque/terrible play. They don't pass to JV when he's hustling and open, Alan Anderson (of all people) often decides "fuck these guys, I'm chuckin it!", Demar hustles and works hard but is also the eye-rolling champion of the Canadian region, and we traded away 2 of the only guys that everyone seemed to like. I think the above mentioned things would not have taken place if Casey was not the Coach. As much as BC likes to defend Casey, I think he(Casey) is the problem. His final 34 win record may make him look OK but it is not a proper indication of his Coaching. About half those wins came due to 3 five game win streaks. If anybody's got to go, it's Casey. I'm not saying he's a bad person(in fact he's too nice) or a bad assistant but that he's a bad Head Coach. Is this guy an offensive coach? If I'm Lue I'm respectfully telling the Raptors to call me when the other shoe drops--- If they're still employed then. Not sure what his role in the Celtics Coaching staff is. I remember him being the Lakers back up PG when Shaq and Kobe played together. He was assigned the task of guarding a red hot A Iverson. He actually did a pretty good job. So since he was a defensive specialist, it's possible he's a defensive Coach but I'm not sure. Adrian Wojnarowski: Boston assistant Ty Lue and Rio Grande head coach Nick Nurse are candidates for assistant coaching job in Toronto, league sources tell Y! Twitter @WojYahooNBA Essentially non-news since I doubt Casey will be around when the season starts next year. Reply With Quote Thu May 23rd, 2013, 09:52 AM How are we looking for assistant coaches without a GM? Is Aaron Gray conducting the interviews? #MakesNoSense Reply With Quote ReubenJRD liked this post Thu May 23rd, 2013, 10:00 AM I can see it now... AG: "So how will you design an offense that helps me excel?" Candidate: "You? Excel? On offense? Shit.... " Reply With Quote ReubenJRD, Nilanka liked this post white men can't jump wrote: "We're gonna implement a Dwight Howard type offense for you, Aaron. Just like we did last year with Dirk and Andrea." It's MLSE. For some reason, to me, it makes perfect sense. Of course, I've been up for 50 hours straight so maybe that's the trick to understanding MLSE: massive sleep deprivation. I wonder if Rio Grande Valley head coach has anything to do with Glen Rice, Jr.? I would say no but it is a good excuse to put this out there: With his reputation in the mud, and his college resume spotty at best, Rice decided not to enter the NBA Draft or transfer to another school, which would have forced him to sit out for a full year. Instead, he signed up for the D-League, but had to wait until the fourth round of the draft to hear his name called, as the #55 pick by the Houston Rockets' affiliate, the Rio Grande Valley Vipers. With that, he became automatically eligible for the 2013 NBA Draft, as unlikely a goal as that may have appeared at the time. When Terrell Harris got hurt, and in-between call-ups to the mothership for the likes of Terrence Jones and Donatas Motiejunas, an opportunity for minutes arose, and Rice took full advantage. His first start of the season came on February 4th, and he responded by scoring 35 points in 40 minutes, knocking down 6-10 3-point attempts, and grabbing 15 rebounds for good measure. Rice hasn't looked back the rest of the way, as he's averaging 18 points, 8 rebounds and 2.5 assists in 31 minutes per game in 25 games as a starter since February, shooting 56% from 2-point range, 43% for 3, and 76% from the free throw line. This past Saturday Rio Grande Valley won the D-League championship after sweeping the Santa Cruz Warriors, and Rice was the best player on the court in the series, averaging 29 points, 11.5 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks per game. Fortunes can change quickly in the basketball world, but rarely will you see a player go from racking up DNP-CDs in the D-League to being mentioned as a potential first round NBA Draft pick in the span of just four months. From DraftExpress.com http://www.draftexpress.com#ixzz2U8B6CDYU http://www.draftexpress.com Sounds like it could work, especially with the shooters we have around Aaron. Reply With Quote Thu May 23rd, 2013, 02:13 PM "...Fortunes can change quickly in the basketball world, but rarely will you see a player go from racking up DNP-CDs in the D-League to being mentioned as a potential first round NBA Draft pick in the span of just four months..." Wow. Good for the kid. I'm thinking he didn't put his head down, but just kept working ion himself and his game. then when his opportunity came, he grabbed it with both hands. Working hard and being ready will get you places in this world. Source on the Lowry and Bargs statements? And not partying non-stop and leaving clubs with drunk people driving and shooting guns out of the window :0 Unless yuo are working hard to get into a street gang, or jail, in which case probably both opportunities will come along.
{"url": "http://www.raptorsrepublic.com/forums/showthread.php?10323-Raptors-Talking-to-Celtics-Assistant-Coach-Tyronn-Lue&p=207876", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.raptorsrepublic.com", "date_download": "2016-02-06T03:53:01Z", "digest": "sha1:UWTKXYIKTDD2XVHXO6DSVIVTDPOAYVK7"}
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KATUN CORP OPENS 1ST OFFICE IN CHINA Katun Corporation Opens First Office in China Katun Corporation, the largest supplier of OEM-compatible supplies and parts to the office equipment industry, recently celebrated the New Lunar Year of the Golden Rooster with the grand opening of the first Katun facility to be located in the People’s Republic of China. Now open in Shanghai’s Zhao Feng World Trade Building, the new Katun sales and customer service office operates under the name Katun (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited. From this location, Katun now offers an extensive line of products to fit the parts and supplies requirements of more than 30 different brands of office equipment such as copiers, faxes, and printers. With estimated double-digit growth expected to continue for at least the next two to five years, the Chinese office automation industry is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world. Katun products have been available in China for the past 10 years through distributors, wholesalers, and partners, but the opening of Katun (Shanghai) marks Katun’s first direct presence in the “With experienced sales, customer service, and technical personnel, Katun will provide the highest level of support and satisfaction to our Chinese customers” said Dan Olszewski, president and CEO. “From our new Shanghai warehouse, we now are able to offer a wider selection of products with nationwide distribution. Backed by more than 25 years of experience serving global markets, we are confident that our customers will benefit by our expanded presence in China.” Katun (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited is located at 369 Jiang Su Road, Zhao Feng World Trade Building 4H, Shanghai, China. The office’s telephone number is 86-21-52401200. Katun’s future expansion plans call for the opening of additional sales offices in China. Katun also operates dozens of sales, customer service, research and distribution centers in North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Asia/Pacific region. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Katun Corporation supplies OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, and parts, as well as being a leading manufacturer of fuser rollers and other select products for the office equipment industry. With more than 25 years of expertise and experience in the office equipment industry, the privately held Katun now serves more than 19,000 customers in more than 170 countries. Reference Link : Sitemap
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Los acampados de Sol protagonizan una sentada ante el Congreso Los indignados han permanecido varias horas ante las puertas del edificio rodeados de fuertes medidas de seguridad. europa press Madrid, 08 Junio, 2011 - 20:19h Los 'indignados' dejarán la Puerta del Sol este domingo Los centenares de simpatizantes del movimiento 15-M que han protagonizado una sentada frente al Congreso de los Diputados de Madrid han abandonado la madrileña calle de la Carrera de San Jerónimo donde se ubica la sede de la Cámara Baja poco después de la una y media de la madrugada y han acordado regresar a la Puerta del Sol. En una asamblea celebrada pasada la una de la madrugada ante unos dos centenares de personas, los congregados han decidido finalmente abandonar la sentada frente al Congreso y centrase en la acampada que desde hace semanas llevan a cabo en la madrileña puerta del Sol. El acto de protesta contra la reforma de la negociación colectiva que el Gobierno tiene previsto aprobar el viernes, convocado a través de las redes sociales después de que los acampados de Sol decidieran este martes abandonar la madrileña plaza el próximo domingo, se ha iniciado poco antes de las seis de la tarde de este miércoles y la presencia de 'indignados' ha ido aumentado con el paso de las horas, llegando hasta casi un millar de personas, para volver a disminuir sobre la medianoche. Tras una pancarta principal con el lema 'Pienso, luego resisto. www.tomalaplaza.net' y otra de cabecera en la que se podía leer 'Reforma laboral para los políticos', los acampados de Sol han avanzado por la plaza de Canalejas hasta la Carrera de San Jerónimo, impidiendo la circulación rodada en estas céntricas vías madrileñas, para protagonizar una sentada frente a la sede de la Cámara Baja. Durante la marcha se pudieron oír gritos como "Violencia es no llegar a fin de mes","Reforma laboral, parada patronal", "No falta dinero, sobran ladrones" o "Eso, eso, eso, nos vamos al Congreso". Asimismo, portaban pancartas contra la negociación colectiva y con lemas como "Ley propatrón, explotador no", "Recortes a ricos primero", "Negociación imposición" o "Se alquila esclavo". "Eso, eso, eso, acampada en el Congreso" Los indignados que protagonizaron la sentada reivindicativa frente al Congreso al grito de "Pasamos o acampamos" fueron recibidos por un fuerte dispositivo policial a su llegada a la sede de la Cámara Baja. Hasta once furgones de la Policía Nacional aguardaban en una esquina del Congreso de los Diputados de manera preventiva por si fuera necesaria su intervención, mientras que un grupo de agentes de los antidisturbios custodiaban la escalinata de acceso a la Cámara Baja. A pesar de los llamamientos de los congregados para que les dejaran acceder a la sede donde reside "la soberanía del pueblo español", los agentes comunicaron a los portavoces de la iniciativa la prohibición de acceso al Congreso. Los indignados han respondido sacando una tienda de campaña y al grito de "Eso, eso, eso acampada en el Congreso". Esta circunstancia ha motivado un momento de tensión con la Policía Nacional, ya que los congregados blandieron la tienda de campaña y se abalanzaron contra el cordón policial de agentes antidisturbios que protegía el Congreso. Los efectivos policiales se despojaron de sus gorras y se ataviaron con los correspondientes cascos antidisturbios. No obstante, poco después, y una vez normalizada la protesta, los agentes volvieron a retomar sus gorras a última hora de la noche. "Sin el casco estáis más guapos", les han respondido los congregados. Asimismo, los indignados han exhortado a los policías a apoyar el acto de protesta con proclamas como 'Al lado bueno, pasaros ya', 'Policía, únete' o 'Policía, no defiendas a los ladrones'. Rubalcaba da la cara Portavoces del movimiento han pedido por megáfono a los concentrados retomar la protesta de Sol y acudir a la asamblea general convocada para este miércoles en la céntrica plaza, algo que han declinado mayoritariamente los congregados frente al Congreso. Finalmente, la asamblea general convocada en la Puerta del Sol para las ocho de la tarde fue suspendida finalmente para secundar esta iniciativa. Ningún diputado o responsable político ha acudido a hablar con los 'indignados' a pesar de que estos les exhortaban a ello con sus proclamas. 'Rubalcaba, da la cara', señalaban los congregados, que gritaban 'Ahí está la cueva de Alí Babá' mirando a la sede de la Cámara Baja. Los concentrados han hecho también un llamamiento a celebrar una asamblea del 15-M en el Congreso, han reclamado la absolución de los arrestados vinculados a este movimiento y han exigido reiteradamente la retirada de la reforma laboral. 'Estas con las llaves de mi padre', han gritado con sus llaveros en las manos. Contra la reforma laboral Durante el acto, los congregados leyeron un manifiesto contra la reforma laboral que el Gobierno tiene previsto aprobar el próximo viernes en el que alertaron de que la reforma de la negociación colectiva supondrá acortar "de forma drástica" los niveles de vida. Esta reforma, según dijeron, supondrá una bajada de sueldos y un aumento de la jornada laboral. "No me importa un pepino", han gritado en referencia a las propuestas de la canciller alemana Angela Merkel para mejorar la competitividad. "Basta, no somos mercenarios", han señalado para mostrar su rechazo a estos "vergonzosos recortes" al tiempo que han hecho un llamamiento a una huelga general y han lanzado proclamas de "manos arriba, esto es un contrato" o "Lo va a firmar tu puta madre".
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Born and raised in, Muskegon, Michigan, Aaron Robinson developed a keen intimacy for music at the age of five years old. He and his fellow relatives would watch BET music video segments around the clock after school. He would often imitate certain rappers such as DMX, Jay Z, and Ja Rule, claiming to be like them whenever he got older. It wasn't until Aaron was eight years of age that he began to write his own lyrics, heavily under the influence of his mother's then boyfriend, Devonn Starr. Aaron spent countless days with Devonn listening to his debut album "Gluv Life." Aaron recalls that those times spent with Devonn was so important because it was in those moments that he understood that you didn't have to be a major label artist in order to be heard by the community, thus giving Aaron inspiration to become a music artist himself. There was a certain point in Aaron's life where he and his two older sisters were not allowed to listen to or watch explicit material. Aaron claims that this parental advisory forced him to expand his subject range, versatility, and flexibility pertaining not only to his lyrical ability but also social skills as well. He claims that his home training and overall character was fine tuned allowing him to appeal to many ethnicities of people. All throughout Aaron's elementary school days, he was inspired to be like Devonn Starr. A man that epitomized decent character and a man that prioritized responsibilities above all else. Life took a turn for the worst though following a break up of the relationship between Devonn Starr and Aaron's mother, Sharon. It wasn't until the seventh grade that Aaron began to be affected by his environment and peers in the inner city of Muskegon, Michigan. Aaron then developed a desire to deal drugs for profit after watching the movie "Scarface" and listening to the Young Jeezy album "Thug Motivation 101: Let's Get It." Not before long Aaron began to claim the street gangs Pine Street and Wood Street. His academics began to miserably fail and he eventually dropped out of school at age fifteen. As the street life of Muskegon began to wear on Aaron, his mother Sharon, took it upon herself to relocate from the state of Michigan altogether in order to get a fresh start in life. Rebellious to the idea at first, Aaron sought to extend his stay in Muskegon by living with his biological father, Eric Lee, but the two eventually got into a heated dispute only to leave Aaron with no choice but to leave Muskegon with his mother and sisters. Relocating to, Atlanta, Georgia, served to be a mighty blessing for Aaron and his family. He got saved after reading a book entitled "A Divine Revelation of Hell" authorized by Mary K Baxter. Being sixteen years of age at the time, Aaron enrolled back into school. He began to pursue his music career professionally at this time, though he had already began recording as a music artist at age thirteen. Following two years of residing in Metro Atlanta, Aaron had finally surrendered his life completely to the Lord Jesus Christ at age eighteen. After attaining his GED, he began to focus fully on ministry and building up his faith. Aaron would attend different churches to see where he can fit in best but it wasn't until 2014 that he met his pastor Apostle Adrienne Durham at United Passions for Christ International. A prophetic word from this pastor, caught Aaron's attention with such a great impression that he joined the church. He is now actively involved in his church and community. He serves as a minister and youth leader for his church. Sound the Alarm Aaron Robinson Can't Forget Aaron Robinson Peace Be Still Aaron Robinson Cup Running Over Aaron Robinson Redeemed Aaron Robinson From the Ground Up Aaron Robinson High Maintenance Aaron Robinson Roses and Candles Aaron Robinson Chosen Aaron Robinson Glory in the Heavens Aaron Robinson 365 (Confess His Name) Aaron Robinson
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Accueil > Dossiers > Santé > Le sport, c’est positif Publié le : 13 avril 2012 santé sida sport VIH Le sport, c’est positif « Le sport, c’est bon pour la santé. » Des études, nombreuses, ont démontré ses bienfaits pour aider à lutter contre le surpoids, les troubles cardio-vasculaires ou l’hypertension artérielle. Un message à faire passer aux personnes souffrant en particulier d’une maladie chronique. Le 4 avril 2012, une journée de réflexion* s’est justement déroulée à Paris pour présenter et discuter des résultats d’une étude sur « Sport et VIH/sida ». Les médecins et les sociologues qui ont pris la parole se sont tous accordés pour confirmer la nécessité d’une activité physique. Gilles Thöni, docteur de l’Université Montpellier 1 en physiologie de l’exercice, a évoqué une étude en milieu hospitalier. Après 4 mois de (ré)entrainement sportif, les capacités pulmonaires des séropositifs ont été améliorées et leur taux d’acide lactique a chuté de 20 %. L’activité physique fait également baisser le niveau de graisse des personnes souffrant de lipodystrophies. Le moral, lui, s’est nettement amélioré avec une diminution du stress et du sentiment dépressif. Pas seulement à cause de l’entrainement mais parce que la pratique sportive fait sortir les gens de chez eux, favorise les rencontres et les prises de parole, permettant donc de recréer du lien social. Bref, le sport, dans tout ce qu’il apporte, améliore globalement la vie des personnes séropositives. Le sport, oui, mais comment ? Si l’envie est là, les conditions matérielles, physiques et psychologiques ne suivent pas toujours. Faire du sport a un coût que beaucoup de personnes séropositives sont incapables d’assumer. L’adhésion à une salle de sport n’est pas toujours donnée et souvent, il est nécessaire de prendre un abonnement pour six mois ou à l’année. Se rajoute la peur de ne pas être à la hauteur quand on décide de participer à un sport collectif. Marie Eichelbrenner, directrice de l’association D’Un Monde à l’Autre à Montpellier, témoigne : « Notre association propose aux personnes séropositives de participer à des activités physiques. Au début, certaines refusent considérant qu’elles ne pourront pas suivre. Elles craignent le coup de fatigue intempestif, celui qui empêche d’accompagner les autres et du coup de créer une dynamique de groupe. Dans le cadre d’Un Monde à l’Autre, ça ne pose pas de problème puisque nous sommes à l’écoute des personnes. Mais à l’extérieur, « dans la vraie vie », ces coups de fatigue inattendus et plus ou moins réguliers peuvent être mal perçus. » A cela s’ajoute la peur de la stigmatisation et de la discrimination. Comment expliquer ces périodes de faiblesse, ce manque de motivation ? Evoquer sa séropositivité avec des partenaires sportifs n’est pas forcément évident. Un homme, séropositif depuis de très nombreuses années et employé dans un centre sportif, rejette d’ailleurs toute idée de dévoiler son statut sérologique. « Je suis persuadé que cette annonce me nuirait, que je serais licencié », dit-il, affirmant craindre le regard des autres et les a priori comme le risque de transmission du virus en cas de blessure. Sérophobie intériorisée ou réalité ? Difficile de répondre dans ce cas précis. Mais cette peur est bien présente et perturbe la vie de nombreux sportifs séropositifs. Prendre le temps d’informer, éduquer Redouter l’incertitude de la fatigue, la possible discrimination en cas d’annonce non désirée de la séropositivité mais aussi le regard des autres sur un corps transformé par la maladie, ces questions concernent aussi bien les hommes que les femmes touchés par des lipodystrophies ou des lipoatrophies. Un intervenant ayant réalisé un travail avec des personnes séropositives affectées par ces mauvaises répartitions des graisses intervient : « Ces personnes ne voulaient pas aller à la piscine parce qu’elles redoutaient le regard critique des autres. Je leur ai dit : vous voyez là des canons de la beauté ?! Ce travail sur l’image de soi a permis d’améliorer le rapport à leur corps des personnes séropositives et les a convaincues d’aller à la piscine. ». Un travail d’information et d’éducation à développer à tous niveaux notamment auprès des éducateurs sportifs, entraîneurs, coachs, susceptibles d’accueillir des sportifs séropositifs de tous niveaux. L’activité physique, un atout pour la santé de tous. Alain Calmat, président de la commission nationale médicale du CNOSF (Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français) est le premier à en être conscient. A l’occasion de cette journée de réflexion « Sport et VIH », il a annoncé la création de comités Sport Santé proposés aux fédérations sportives. « Il faudra un an ou deux ans de travail pour les mettre en place, a-t-il précisé, en, ajoutant qu’aujourd’hui, la santé devait être considérée comme un médicament préventif et curatif ». Une affaire à traiter d’urgence. Alain Miguet pour Sida Info Service *Journée organisée par Actif Santé et le Laboratoire de recherche santé, éducation et situations de Handicap (Montpellier) Pour commander Sport et VIH, Un corps sous contrainte médicale cliquer ici Info Plus : Si vous souhaitez vous engager dans une activité sportive, commencez par faire de la marche ou par monter des escaliers à pied. Prenez votre temps pour augmenter la cadence. Attention aussi à conserver une activité physique régulière. Si on arrête plus de 15 jours, la motivation s’ébrèche et on a du mal à reprendre. Discriminations à l’encontre des personnes vivant avec le VIH La transmission du VIH/sida peut-elle se faire par la salive ? Dossier : tout savoir sur le VIH/sida « Que ferait-on si vous n’étiez pas là ! » sem, quis elementum ante. Aenean accumsan pulvinar non leo. in luctus
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Request Funds (for teachers) Where Your Donation Goes St. Maries Foundation for Education Building an independent foundation for School District 41 through the support of our community. Posts Tagged ‘local businesses’ St. Maries businesses back local schools; 12th local biz signs on for fundraiser Posted in 2011-2012 campaign, community involvement, donations, fundraising, local business, Uncategorized, tagged 2011-2012 campaign, community involvement, local businesses on November 3, 2011| Leave a Comment » The St. Maries Foundation for Education welcomes the 12th business to join the 2011-2012 SD41 fund-matching drive. BRICKWALL Spa & Espresso is one of the newest Main Ave. businesses, having just celebrated its one-year anniversary in downtown St. Maries, and boasts a full-service hair salon while specializing in luxurious spa treatments and gourmet coffee. It is one of a handful of local businesses to commit to the Foundation’s fund-matching drive where local business will match contributions made by teachers, faculty and staff of School District 41. The total amount donated through payroll deductions from the generous school district employees will be doubled by an equally generous donation by our local businesses. The 11 other companies committed to this fundraiser are North Idaho Vinyl Graphic Designs, The Grub Box, Interstate Drilling and Pump, Timber Realty, Valley Vista Care Center, Benewah Community Hospital, The Gazette Record, AmericanWest Bank, Hughes Ace Hardware, Premiere Financial Services and The Paperhouse. The non-profit organization was originally formed in 2001 by a group of volunteers with the purpose of supplementing local schools with additional funding. In less than a decade the organization has raised more than $20,000. The Foundation currently has more than $17,000 available to grant to School District 41. Money is awarded to local schools through grant requests made by teachers. Any businesses – or individuals – interested in contributing to the St. Maries Foundation for Education through this fundraiser or in any other way may contact Foundation President Devon Barta at devondanelle@hotmail.com or mail checks payable to the group to P.O. Box 176 St. Maries, ID 83861. All donations are tax-deductible. To stay informed of all the latest Foundation news, follow this site by signing up for our email subscription in the top, right-hand corner, just under the masthead. Keep up-to-date on all of the Foundation's fundraisers and grant fulfillments. Find the Foundation on Facebook As is often the case in an area such as this one, when a family or a cause is in need this community pulls together. The St. Maries Foundation for Education and the support it has drawn from our community is no exception. Founded in 2001 by a group of volunteers, the non-profit organization formed with the purpose of supplementing local schools with additional funding. In less than a decade the organization has raised more than $20,000 and granted a bulk of that amount to the St. Maries School District. And – as is also often the case with organizations such as these – much of the hard work is usually done by a small group of dedicated individuals and the giving nature of a very generous community. Founding members Jack Botts, Gardner Cromwell, Dan Hammes, Everett Anderson, Karen Robinson, Debbie Martin Buchanan, George Currier, Eddie Epler, Randy Mueller, Francie Walters and Nancy Shepherd deserve major kudos for their efforts, as do the countless other communities members who have given both their time and money to this great cause. The May 2011 re-formation of the board of directors and election of new officers couldn’t have come at a better time, considering the budget shortfalls and funding deficits our schools are facing. It gives us a chance to do some great work, and I am excited and honored to be a part of it. Together with the rest of the Foundation members - Becky Harold, Nancy Shepherd, Paul Ebert, John Hughes, Sylvia Eberlin, Adie Darden, Kim Schwanz and Randy Sather – we hope to inspire the group with fundraising ideas and grant fulfillments. ~ Devon Barta 2011 Foundation President Archives Select Month November 2011 (3) October 2011 (1) September 2011 (2) July 2011 (1)
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Etiqueta: Cliff Curtis Trailer online de la película «Airbender: El Ultimo Guerrero», estreno 6 de agosto La cartelera de cine española se renueva mañana, 6 de agosto, con el estreno de la película «Airbender: El Ultimo Guerrero«. Esta adaptación a la pantalla grande de la serie animada de Nickelodeon del mismo nombre se ambienta en un mundo en el que la civilización humana se encuentra dividida en cuatro naciones: Agua, Tierra, Aire y Fuego. La historia sigue a Aang, el último sobreviviente conocido de la Nación Aire. Con la ayuda de un adolescente de la Nación Agua llamado Katara y su hermano Sokka, Aang comienza una peligrosa travesía para restaurar el balance de su mundo en guerra. En su misión se interponen el Almirante Zhao, de la Nación de Fuego, y el Príncipe Zuko, el príncipe desterrado de la Nación de Fuego que intenta capturar a Aang para recuperar su honor. Continuar leyendo «Trailer online de la película «Airbender: El Ultimo Guerrero», estreno 6 de agosto» Autor Jorge SahoresPublicado el 5 agosto 2010 Categorías Estrenos, Reseñas, VideosEtiquetas Airbender: El Ultimo Guerrero, Cliff Curtis, Dev Patel, estrenos 6 de agosto, Jackson Rathbone, Jessica Andres, Nicola Peltz, noah ringer, Randall Duk Kim, Seychelle Gabrie, The Last Airbender, Trailer online de la película "Airbender: El Ultimo Guerrero"Deja un comentario en Trailer online de la película «Airbender: El Ultimo Guerrero», estreno 6 de agosto
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Bataille de la banlieue : Mahammed Dionne prête main forte à Aliou Sall, Malick Gakou affute ses armes Plus que quelques jours avant le référendum, la bataille de positionnement va bon train, et la banlieue est la plus ciblée. Chacun des deux camps (oui et non) tente vaille que vaille à s’imposer à Guédiawaye, Pikine, entre autres villes. Rédigé par leral.net le Vendredi 11 Mars 2016 à 14:32 | | 11 commentaire(s)| La banlieue dakaroise constitue un grenier électoral important. Et les hommes politiques n’en doutent pas et elle est devenue le passage obligatoire des acteurs politiques de l’opposition et du pouvoir. Dans cette logique, le camp du Oui, qui veut à tout prix remporter la bataille, s’est déjà jeté à la conquête de Guédiawaye. Ainsi, le Premier ministre Mahammed Bounn Abdallah Dionne, qui a voulu prêter main forte à Aliou Sall, a fait le déplacement, hier, dans le département de Guédiawaye. Prétextant la visite des différents chantiers du maire de la ville, Aliou Sall, le Premier ministre en a profité pour tenter d’influencer le vote pour le Oui lors du référendum. Pendant ce temps, la coalition du Non « gor ca wax ja », dirigé dans la banlieue par Malick Gackou, a tenu une conférence de presse, hier, au siège du Grand parti. Il compte procéder à son tour à une démonstration de force ce samedi, à Guédiawaye. Le leader du Grand parti veut sillonner les artères de son fief pour assurer la victoire du «Non » au référendum du 20 mars prochain. buzz.sn
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Nick Lowe Interview 1994 An interview with Nick Lowe for Mojo magazine, November 1994. My 1990 interview with Nick is here. “A million dollars. I won’t be coy. A million fucking bucks.” Nick Lowe puts up his hands in mock surrender. “What can I say? It was just the most enormous stroke of luck.” He refers to the recent arrival, through his Brentford letterbox, of an unfeasibly large royalty cheque. It happened this way. In the early 1970s Nick Lowe wrote a song for his band Brinsley Schwarz, titled (What’s So Funny ’Bout) Peace Love And Understanding. It was covered by Elvis Costello. And more recently, Kevin Costner chose it for the soundtrack to his film The Bodyguard, re-recorded by American singer Curtis Stigers. Nick hasn’t seen the movie, but friends tell him they’re buggered if they can hear the track anywhere in it. Nevertheless it’s on the album – which has sold many millions of copies worldwide – and, as songwriter, Nick Lowe’s cut is worth a cool million dollars. Now a million dollars is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. It can be scientifically proven. But life, alas, has not been uniformly rosy for the bass-playing pub rock godhead. For example after his last album, Party Of One, he was dropped by his record company. “Embarrassing, more than anything else,” is Lowe’s view of the affair. “I always thought Warners were the best label, and I didn’t want to be with anyone else.” (In fact he’s now on Demon, the label co-owned by his manager Jake Riviera and Elvis Costello.) Lowe’s been unlucky in love, too. His affair with the TV and radio presenter Tracey McLeod came to an end; she subsequently befriended Loudon Wainwright III. So it seems to be no coincidence that Nick’s newest record is one of almost unrelenting sadness. Gone is the chirpy ‘pure pop’ craftsmanship of yesterday: instead there is an album which, in its bareness and its melancholic evocations of “that mood indigo”, invites comparisons with two of the all-time greats – Springsteen’s Nebraska and Sinatra’s In The Wee Small Hours. Song upon song surveys the desolation of heartbreak. Lover Don’t Go, Withered On The Vine, I Live On A Battlefield and others are perhaps the most affecting tracks he’s ever cut. (Among these sombre numbers is The Beast In Me, which he originally wrote for Johnny Cash, and which The Man In Black performs to chilling effect on his latest album American Recordings.) But is Nick crying all the way to the bank? It seems not. He recalls the day that he trousered Kevin Costner’s windfall with no special emotion. “No-one came round in a van with lots of cardboard boxes full of fivers in elastic bands: Allo? Mr Lowe? Yeah, I’m from the money, er, fing. You want me to bring it in? You gotta shed or somefink? No-one did that. It’s just a number that changes places on a computer, and extremely unexciting.” And in the time-honoured tradition of pools winners, he promises that it will not change his lifestyle: “I won’t suddenly get into polo, or yachting. And yes, I still live in Brentford and I love it dearly. Everyone laughs, don’t they? They go: Ah! Brentford Nylons! Ha ha ha! Well, long may they laugh. And long may they stay away, in their droves.” What’s the title of your new long-player? It’s called The Impossible Bird. Is that in the ornithological sense? Actually, I saw it in the newspaper; they quoted a passage from a theological book written in the 17th century, and it was called The Impossible Bird, which I thought was extraordinary and modern-sounding. But it works on a lot of levels. Are its songs, as one assumes, about yourself and Tracey MacLeod? There is a distinctly ‘long dark night of the soul’ vibe. I can’t deny that I suffered a break-up of my relationship with Tracey, which I was very blue about. I became very blue. But being blue is rather a glorious feeling. It’s not the same as being depressed. Depressed is like an illness, but being blue is a rite of passage – everyone has to go through it, especially if they’re lovelorn. It seems like you’re adrift on this sea: one moment you’re on the crest of this wave, filled with the righteousness that only comes with being truly misunderstood; and the next you plunge to the depths – you’re just this sad fucker who’s been kicked in the nuts. Now if you’re any kind of a writer you use that as a source. But I was anxious that I wouldn’t diarise my particular case. I wanted to record songs that had atmosphere to them: this happens to loads of people, it’s no big deal, and I wanted people to go, “I know what that guy’s talking about”, rather than “Oh Nick! And what did she do then? And what did you say to her?” which I think is tedious – unless you’re Dan Penn. I just think it’s a bunch of good pop songs. My seventh or eighth album. It’s a personal record, but it’s not about a person. What is the story of The Beast In Me? Did you write it for Johnny Cash some years ago when you were still married to his step-daughter Carlene Carter? Well, I had the title and the first four lines. I’d see Cash every so often and he’d say, [in a cavernous growl] “How’s that Beast In Me song comin’ along?” and I rather thought he was taking the piss out of me. But he meant it, he knew I was on to a good idea. And one day I saw it all clearly, and I don’t know if I was still writing it for Johnny Cash or, by then, writing it for me. But, my God, I was so thrilled when he cut it. It’s a tremendous compliment. I know there is a certain nepotism that could be levelled, but I don’t think he would cut it unless he thought it was good and could express something about him. But now I’m older I think it applies to me as well. Your record is very stark in its arrangements, isn’t it? I was encouraged by Elvis to do some solo acoustic shows, what they now call Unplugged. And I really took to it: you’re up there with just your guitar and voice and you will see, unbelievably swiftly, the weaknesses in your own material. You play some old bollocks that you shoved on your record to tart it up – I was astonished by the number of good songs that I have fucked up when I came to record them. I’d just say, “This goes like The Temptations” or, “This goes like George Jones”, but when you’re up there on your own you’d never play a song like I Love The Sound Of Breaking Glass because it’s kind of a crappy song. It’s a good record, but as a song it doesn’t even start. So it focuses the mind. I wanted to bring what I’d learned doing those shows into the record I was now making. I thought it would touch people more. I’m 45 now – I’ve got to make records like that. I’m not gonna have it any more: you know, some half-arsed piece of whimsy that you sit in a studio with and then you make it into something, an album track, and it’s never any bloody good. After the age of 40 you’ve got to do stuff with some substance. Otherwise, it’s unseemly. In 1992 you teamed up with Ry Cooder, John Hiatt and Jim Keltner to make an album known as Little Village. How horrible an experience was it? It was a wonderful experience. Even when it was horrible I enjoyed it. I found it much easier than the others to cope because I’ve been in bands before: those guys have only been leaders of their bands or guest superstars. I was astonished how little they knew and how much I could bring to the party. They’re kind of lost in showbiz, they’ve been spoilt. I love them, but they’re difficult, highly-strung people. I’ve no doubt I’ll play in the future with any combination of the three of them, but it’s extremely unlikely the four of us will do it again. It’s a shame we left behind this rather limp record, which got limper and limper as certain members of the group messed around with it more – now, I was in Brentford most of the time, so I am not one of those certain members. It’s unlistenable to me. And yet the last live shows we did were exquisite. Getting to play with people as fantastic as that – what’s not to like about it? I mean, I’m just a pub rock guy. You don’t sound ashamed of it. No, I’m not. Pub rock is a term of derision but I think of it as being at its best when the Feelgoods surfaced, and when Ian Dury came along. Nobody ever remembers how sexy it all was. Everyone was getting laid like mad. And the music. It was all the white middle-class mods who’d become hippies, suddenly realising they’d made a terrible mistake. And re-grouping. You played on much of Elvis Costello’s recent album, Brutal Youth. Was this before he went for a full-scale re-formation of the Attractions? They were very nervous about Bruce, of course, because he’d written that book. [Bassist Bruce Thomas blotted his copybook by publishing The Big Wheel, a candid memoir of life on tour with Elvis and the Attractions.] They didn’t know if it would work again with all four of them. So I said, “Well, I’ll do it if you want. Just give me a little nod.” And Elvis sent me a demo of the tunes. But I couldn’t make head nor tail of any of them – it seemed like music from Venus or something. So I said to him, “Elvis, I can’t play any of this, I don’t even know what key it’s in. I don’t think I’m your guy.” And he went, “Oh nonsense, go back and try it again – and the ones you can’t do, we’ll get Bruce to do.” As it turned out, Bruce played beautifully. And these songs that I couldn’t figure out – London’s Brilliant Parade, Sulky Girl – now sound so easy and logical and fabulous. Elvis is a tremendous artist, there’s not a shadow of a doubt. No matter what you might think of The Juliet Letters, no-one else would have the balls to do that. Here’s a man who’s got his allotted time on this planet and he’s going to bloody do it. I feel privileged that I know such a fantastically creative person. Because I’m not one. I’m just a lucky-to-have-got-away-with-it guy who could be found out at any stage. Oh, too modest! Aren’t you confident you’ll achieve more? Actually, of course I am. The classic thing in pop is that you start off fabulous, and then you get worse and worse. And I think I started off shit, and I’m getting better and better. I think I’ll reverse the trend.
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Born to Die (Lana Del Rey album) Low (Flo Rida song) Radio (2013 film) Born to Die is the second studio album and major-label debut by American singer and songwriter Lana Del Rey. It was released on January 27, 2012 by Interscope Records, Polydor Records, and Stranger Records. Del Rey collaborated with producers including Patrik Berger, Jeff Bhasker, Chris Braide, Emile Haynie, Justin Parker, Rick Nowels, Robopop, and Al Shux to achieve her desired sound. Their efforts resulted in a primarily baroque pop record, which sees additional influences from alternative hip hop, indie pop and trip hop music. Contemporary music critics were divided in their opinions of Born to Die; some commended its distinctive production, while its repetitiveness and melodramatic tendencies were a recurring complaint. The record debuted at number two on the U.S. Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 77,000 copies; it was later certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) after moving one million units. Born to Die reached the peak position on eleven international record charts, and has sold 8.5 million copies worldwide as of May 2015. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Born_to_Die_(Lana_Del_Rey_album) "Low" is the debut single by American rapper Flo Rida, featured on his debut studio album Mail on Sunday and also featured on the soundtrack to the 2008 film Step Up 2: The Streets. The song features fellow American rapper T-Pain and was co-written with T-Pain. There is also a remix in which the hook is sung by Flo Rida rather than T-Pain. An official remix was made which features Pitbull and T-Pain. With its catchy, up-tempo and club-oriented Southern hip hop rhythms, the song peaked at the summit of the U.S. Billboard Hot 100. The song was a massive success worldwide and was the longest running number-one single of 2008 in the United States. With over 6 million digital downloads, it has been certified 7× Platinum by the RIAA, and was the most downloaded single of the 2000s decade, measured by paid digital downloads. The song was named 3rd on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade. "Low" spent ten consecutive weeks on top of the Billboard Hot 100, the longest-running number-one single of 2008. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Low_(Flo_Rida_song) Radio is a 2013 Malayalam–language drama film directed by Umer Mohammed and starring Iniya, Sarayu, Nishan and Sreejith Vijay in pivotal roles. The film was produced by S. C. Pillai whose previous production Passenger was a critical and commercial success. "Tune in for a change" is the tagline attached to Radio in the credits. The storyline is about a girl Priya who comes to the city for a job as a salesgirl in a jewellery shop,with a load of debt to pay off, played by Sarayu. She is new to the ways and customs of the city life. Her co-worker, Iniya character Shweta, gives her accommodation, since she has no place or relative home to stay in the city. Shweta goes out at every night, where Nishan’s character Manu, comes to pick her up. Whole picture of the storyline is clear, Shweta. a five star prostitute and associate Manu as pimp,for securing her business. It is a shock to Priya when she realizes the truth about Shweta and decides to leave her friendship and apartment. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Radio_(2013_film) radioijssel.com radionewcastle.com
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Minnowboard d’Intel : un mini-pc open source pour les bidouilleurs L’engouement généré par le Raspberry pi, ce mini-pc de la taille d’une carte bleue, semble avoir donné quelques idées à Intel. Le constructeur a ainsi dévoilé début août son Minnowboard, un micro-pc basé sur l’architecture x86. Entièrement open-source, le Minnowboard est prévu pour les utilisateurs avides de prototypage rapide. Le Raspberry Pi va-t-il devoir affronter la concurrence ? Intel en tout cas mise sur un ordinateur similaire en terme de taille, le Minnowboard, qui se présente sous la forme d’une carte mère d’environ 10 cm de coté. Vendu au prix de 199 dollars, le mini-pc d’Intel joue sur la qualité plutôt que la quantité : le Minnowboard est certes globalement plus cher que ses concurrents ( Le Raspberry Pi est vendu par 25 dollars) mais offre de meilleurs caractéristiques : équipé d’un processeur Intel Atom E640 cadencé à 1Ghz, le Minnowboard disposer également d’un Go de mémoire DDR2, D’un port HDMI, d’une sortie son analogique, un port gigabit Ethernet, 2 ports USB ainsi qu’un port SATA2 à 3Gb/s et un slot micro-SD. Le Minnowboard dispose également d’un composant graphique Intel GMA 600, le seul élément de la carte à ne pas être open-source. Car c’est l’autre spécificité de Minnowboard, l’ensemble des composants physiques ainsi que les logiciels embarqués ( l’OS fourni à l’achat est ainsi une distribution Linux, Angström) sauf évidemment ce composant graphique. Le code source utilisé pour ce composant reste propriétaire, mais lors de la Linuxcon, David Anders, l’ingénieur à l’origine du projet Minnowboard, a déclaré qu’il ne désespérait pas de voir un jour le code source pour ce composant également ouvert au public. Open source signifie ici que le code utilisé pour faire fonctionner le Minnowboard ainsi que les plans et les spécifications décrivant les différents composants sont entièrement disponibles pour le public. Il est donc tout à fait possible de construire soi-même son propre modèle de Minnowboard en s’inspirant des informations libérées par les constructeurs, ou bien de partir d’un modèle existant pour l’améliorer ou l’adapter à ses besoins sans avoir à demander l’autorisation à Intel. Avec ce produit, Intel ne s’adresse pourtant pas spécialement au milieu des hobbyistes bidouilleurs de l’Open Hardware, mais bien au monde industriel, en permettant aux utilisateurs de développer des prototypes rapidement, sans contraintes spécifiques et compatibles avec l’architecture x86. - Ikoula lance un serveur dédié à la création graphique - L'architecture Open Source avec Paperhouses - Meubles Open Source : libérez les bureaux Autres news Matériel, Business
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sample essay Samuel Merritt University sample essay Get the facts about Samuel Merritt University sample essay, and registering for departmental seminars and elective lectures. As a student, your first stop should be the registrar's office, where you can pick up a free copy of both the academic calendar and course catalog, in order to find available credit classes that you may be interested in taking. Then get a copy of the schedule of classes, so you can plan a workable weekly schedule for yourself. Finally, check with your major department for assistance with prerequisites, tuition payment deadlines, and Samuel Merritt University Journalism information. Please use the form above to request admissions info for Samuel Merritt University. For assignments in report writing classes, make the paragraph your basis of composing the report, and limit each paragraph to a specific topic. In fact, begin each paragraph with your topic sentence, both in creative writing as well as for technical writing. Choose a method of organizing your thoughts, in order to complete an application essay or a college writing assignment. The simplest method of English composition is either narration or description, followed by comparison and finally persuasive writing. Beyond consideration for Samuel Merritt University sample essay, you may think about University of Rhode Island incomplete policy for complementary electives to your primary course of study. Paramedics, in comparison with EMT techs, have more advanced training. They first must complete both the EMT and Advanced EMT levels of instruction, such as earning CPR certification, along with expanded practice in advanced medical techniques. Colleges and technical schools may offer programs which require about 1,200 hours to complete, leading to either an associates or bachelors degree. All states require both EMTs and paramedics to be licensed. In order to complete the paramedic training program, St Cloud State University computer programming classes information may be used in order to fulfill computing breadth requirements. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certifis EMTs and paramedics. Finally, most EMTs and paramedics take a course ensuring that they are able to drive a ambulance, as well as administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of emergency medical technicians (EMT) and paramedics is projected to grow 25 percent in the coming decade, much faster than average. The average annual wage for EMTs and paramedics was $31,980 in May 2017. Alternatively, focusing on business study via AASU mutual fund, for example, can help you find a rewarding position in corporate consulting services. Technical programs are a low-cost alternative to attending a regular four-year university, and you may earn good money as a highly-skilled, technical specialist. By staying true to your career interests, your lifetime job earnings will increase as you gain experience. If you're already employed in a technical field, you may consider Arizona Western College industrial design major degree requirements as an option to advance your career. Massive open online courses are known as MOOCs, utilizing interactive platforms such as Blackboard, and mobile apps. For example, Khan Academy now offers free distance education served through YouTube videos. Then there's Otero JC architecture classes, with enrolled students from around the world. Admissions offices require an official transcript documenting the classes you have completed. Further, virtually all accredited colleges and universities require students to take either the SAT Test or ACT Exam. For information about which tests you should take, talk to an academic advisor at the colleges you are interested in attending. The 4-hour SAT test contains three sections, namely writing, critical reading, and mathematics. Most of the questions are multiple-choice, although there is an essay writing section. The ACT measures what you've learned in school, as opposed to the SAT, which focuses more on reasoning ability. The ACT consists of four multiple-choice tests: English, reading, mathematics, and science. If your college requires a writing test, you can take the ACT+ Writing. Other college admissions information sources, like St Cloud State University transfer chances, promote the use of standardized tests in admissions decisions because of the differences in course requirements, high school GPA, and grade curve difficulty among US schools. You can also explore Oakton Community College add drop dates, in order to further target your academic interests. High school grades are the most important admissions factor in getting accepted to the college of your choice, along with letters of recommendation and standardized test scores. According to data on Aims Community College admission application pages, an outstanding academic record consists of a high GPA in courses of increasing difficulty. Almost half of colleges use placement tests and a waiting list, and most community colleges have transfer agreements in place with bachelor's degree programs at four-year colleges and universities. You should compare Coe College bachelor degree online with other schools that you're considering. Government scholarship programs and Pell grants only account for a third of total financial aid awarded in the US. Student loans, work-study earnings, and personal or family savings make up the remaining two-thirds. Please make use of Connors State College financial aid address information, to see if you qualify for need-based financial aid or a fee waiver. In fact, millions of students that would have qualified for some financial aid were late in submitting required application forms. Please note that the official FAFSA website is fafsa.ed.gov and is free to use. Filing income taxes early is recommended, but using estimates for FAFSA from previous years is OK, as long as the correct data is updated later. Further, the Federal Work-Study Program provides an opportunity to earn money while going to school, so you don't have to rely exclusively on student loans. Most private loan programs are hinged to a financial index, such as the BBA LIBOR Rate, plus an overhead charge. Financial aid may be administered via Wytheville Community College tuition waiver or through academic departments. Alternatively, student credit cards may seem like a good short-term solution, but the interest rates are high, and credit cards often carry an annual fee. A credit card can help you build a credit history, if you use it wisely. But use it for emergencies only and don't spend more than you can afford to pay back. If you decide to get a credit card, make sure you understand the terms, and try to meet your minimum monthly payments on time. If you do not, the credit card companies can raise your interest rate suddenly and without prior notice. This can translate into a ballooning debt payment that becomes unmanageable. College Degree Programs near Oakland, California: Take a few minutes to browse degree programs at other colleges and universities near Oakland. It's wise to compare all available schools in your target area, as well as consider taking some of your required courses online. Financial aid deadlines are typically set well in advance of regular admissions dates, so be sure to submit your application early. You may request information from several different schools below, without making a commitment. 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Further, the Occupational Outlook Handbook offers salary data and vocational education via the US Department of Commerce. Aside from a good salary, many job training programs include excellent benefits, as well as tuition payment assistance. Browse updated job vacancies through the live jobs boards at either Indeed.com or Monster online. Sample Essay Program Application Apply to several colleges and universities at the same time, and if you have the grades and test scores, give yourself a chance to gain admission to an accredited tuition program by doing something outstanding in either high school or community college. Samuel Merritt University applications may be submitted by using the contact form at the top of this page. It may be possible to complete some of your degree requirements online, thereby saving money on tuition costs and course fees. It isn't difficult to find articles in US News & World Report magazine written about Langston University access program. An advanced degree will stick with you for a lifetime, so apply yourself and work hard for a few years, graduating from the best college that you can get into. Samuel Merritt University sample essay contact info Kingsborough Community College fine art classes information can be found online, allowing you to pursue the degree program that's right for you. Additionally, career testing services can help you to structure your job search after graduation. If you'd like to request course information, please use the admissions inquiry form at the top of this page. Samuel Merritt University › sample essay Biomedical engineers combine technical research with surgical instrument design to fabricate medical equipment and surgical devices used in hospitals. Reviewing Pueblo Community College wildlife ecology can help you to choose elective subjects. Biomedicine is a competitive discipline, focusing on surgical technology and nursing practices. Coursework relating to Brigham Young University math department ranking may include lab courses such as organic chemistry, biomechanics, or molecular engineering. Finally, a brief hospital internship may be required in order to gain experience in advanced medical procedures. The average salary in biomedical engineering was $85,620 in May 2017, according to the US Department of Labor statistics. On this website, there are links to Vance-Granville Community College volunteer opportunities information, certificate programs online, and continuing adult education. By pursuing a business internship, you can develop your career prospects, and gain work experience at the same time. Our pages are not affiliated with Samuel Merritt University sample essay or Estrella Mountain Community College criminology, and all trademarks are the exclusive property of the respective owners. College Inspector is the work of a group of Thai students in Bangkok, using information from the US Department of Education, Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). If any statistics on University of Central Florida cellular biology are in error, please contact us with updates.
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Hong Kong Boosts Spending on Social Programs Te-Ping Chen And Chester Yung Updated Feb. 27, 2013 8:55 a.m. ET HONG KONG—Awash in cash from its booming real-estate market, Hong Kong is boosting spending on social programs but saving most of its unexpectedly large budget surplus in case of a downturn. Unveiling the city's 440 billion Hong Kong dollar (US$56.8 billion) budget, Financial Secretary John Tsang offered HK$33 billion in one-off stimulus measures including tax cuts, roughly the same level he gave out a year earlier. However, total...
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www.PopcornDiary.com recent dvd popcorn classics Ai Weiwei Amour The Angels' Share Anna Karenina Argo Barbara Beyond the Hills Birth Story The Central Park Five Django Unchained Fairhaven Farewell, My Queen The Flat Flight Honor Flight Hyde Park on Hudson The Impossible The Imposter Killer Joe Last Call at the Oasis A Late Quartet Les Miserables Life of Pi Lincoln Lore Magic Mike The Master Moonrise Kingdom No Not Fade Away On the Road The Paperboy ParaNorman The Perks of Being a Wallflower The Place Beyond the Pines Premium Rush Promised Land Quartet Reality A Royal Affair Rust and Bone The Sapphires Searching for Sugar Man The Sessions Side Effects Silver Linings Playbook Skyfall Stand Up Guys Zero Dark Thirty only search Popcorn Diary Film: On the Road (2012) Cast includes: Sam Ridley (Control), Garrett Hedlund (Four Brothers), Tom Sturridge (Priate Radio), Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Amy Adams (The Fighter), Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man), Viggo Mortensen (The Road), Steve Buscemi (Fargo), Terrence Howard (Crash), Elizabeth Moss (Mad Men) Director: Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries) Genre: Drama (124 minutes) New York City, 1947… “I first met Dean after my father died…” Sal also mentions his “serious illness” following his father’s death. “Dean had just arrived in New York from Denver. He married a 16-year-old chick named Mary Lou.” Dean answers the door in the nude and it’s obviously that he and Mary Lou were in the middle of love making, but Carlo and Sal are enthusiastically welcomed… with alcohol and marijuana. In fact, nearly every scene is smoldering in tobacco and marijuana smoke. At a bar, Dean and Sal toast their fathers. “The day before my father died, he took my hands. He said, ‘You have no callouses because you don’t do any fucking work.’” Sal and Dean became instant friends. Dean tells us, “Dean reminded me of a long lost brother.” He went on to say, “He was conning me, and I knew it. He knew I knew it, but that was the basis of our relationship.” We learn that Dean is a talented writer, but despite his detailed journal, he can’t face the blank page. When Dean and Mary Lou return to Denver and invite Sal, Dean packs a bag and gets on the bus. “I began my life on the road… I was a young writer trying to take off.” In Denver, Sal learns about Dean’s other lover, Camille. Carlo’s there, too, and the love making often turns into Benzedrine-heightened threesomes… or more… even though Carlo would rather have an exclusive with Dean. Carlo will soon leave for Africa to “pick up dark and mysterious men.” The group of friends is constantly in flux, as whim takes them from place to place. Sal’s at the center of the story because he’s the one who will eventually write the book. Before hippies and “free love”… before beatniks… there was a group of 20-year-olds pushing social boundaries. Some of them, such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, captured their experiences and philosophy in prose and poetry that gave rise to what we would later call the “beat generation.” Kerouac’s culture-bending novel, On the Road, was based on his experiences during post-war 1940s. The characters are based on actual people. Even though the names have been changed, it was never difficult to figure out who was who. One of the most significant challenges of the film is to make us feel as if we’re seeing this lifestyle with a fresh eye. The film does a terrific job of putting us in the era and making us feel like we’re actually there. They do it with excellent cinematography and production design, a great sound track and a naturalistic acting style. Not everyone will warm to this one. The plot is so sparsely sprinkled in that you almost don’t notice it until the end. But if the era interests you, they’ve done a great job of rendering it. Much of the dialog comes from the book, and there are many memorable lines. “Bless me Father, for I shall sin.” 3 popped kernels Film version of Jack Kerouac’s culture-bending book about the early days of the beat generation Popcorn Profile Rated: R (Language, nudity, sexual content, drugs) Audience: Grown-ups Distribution: Art house Mood: Neutral Tempo: In no hurry Visual Style: Unvarnished realism Character Development: Engaging Language: True to life Social Significance: Informative & Thought provoking Comments welcome ©2013, Leslie Sisman | Design, website and content by Leslie Sisman
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Women Who Care award for Ann Curry Ann Curry — four-time winner of news Emmys — received an award Thursday from the Women Who Care organization at a luncheon benefiting United Cerebral Palsy of New York City. She was among several honorees celebrated for their accomplishments as caregivers, volunteers and professionals, including producer-philanthropist Francine LeFrak, advertising innovator Linda Kaplan Thaler, surgeon and author Dr. Pamela F. Gallin, entrepreneur JoanAnn Natola and parent advocates Anita and Gary Geresi. Accepting on behalf of her deceased father, Curry recalled his advice to her as a girl, telling her "Whatever you do with your life, do something that's of service to someone else. So when you reach the last day of your life, it will matter that you were born." Photos: Ann Curry, right, receives an award from "Today" costar Meredith Vieira. Earlier, out on the red carpet, Women Who Care founder and chair Loreen Arbus, right, greets past Emmy and Tony champ Cynthia Nixon, who served as one of many celebrity presenters. Credit: Tom O'Neil.
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Ken Butts The Impact of Cyber-Physical Systems on the Automotive Industry Zeit: Wed 21.10.2009, 16:15, 60 Minuten Ort: Universität Salzburg, Bibliotheksaula, Hofstallgasse 2 New automotive product development relies heavily on the disciplines of control, electronics, communication, and real-time software. To justify this claim, this talk provides on overview of emerging and exemplary product features and enhancements. Naturally attendant with the increased functionality is increased development complexity. This development complexity needs to be mitigated and model-based development techniques intended to provide this mitigation are also presented. Finally, open systems research needs motivated by cyber-physical systems development are presented. Ken Butts is executive engineer, Powertrain and Chassis Division, Toyota Motor Engineering and Manufacturing North America in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In this position, he is investigating methods to improve engine control development productivity. Dr. Butts has a BE degree in electrical engineering from General Motors Institute (now Kettering University), a MS in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering systems from the University of Michigan.
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wears (488 results) 20 50 100 200 1918 The Acorn Souvenir 1931 The Dee Annual 1961 Scribulus March 142_Victory News 20 October 1945 088_A Look Ahead_1953 1971 Acorn 1966 Acorn 2006 History of Marriott-Slaterville City Volume 7 1914 The Acorn Vol. 12 No. 1 November 1916 The Acorn Vol. 13 No. 3 February 1905 The Acorn Vol. 2 No. 4 March 1914 The Acorn Vol. 11 No. 3 February 1910 The Acorn Vol. 8 No. 1 November 1907 The Acorn Vol. 5 No. 1 November 1913 The Acorn Vol. 11 No. 1 November 1914 The Acorn Vol. 11 No. 4 April 1913 The Acorn Vol. 10 No. 4 April 1911 The Acorn Vol. 8 No. 3 February 1913 The Acorn Vol. 11 No. 2 December 1940 Annie Maude Dee Porter Diary 1
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"Tras la pista", una forma diferente de conocer Roma Compartir "Tras la pista", una forma diferente de conocer Roma Nuestro peculiar viaje acabó aquí, junto al Coliseo El pasado mes de diciembre tuve la oportunidad de visitar Roma, una ciudad que ya descubrí hace unos años pero que esta vez pude ver de una forma diferente. La compañía aérea Alitalia nos hizo llegar al blog una invitación para "Tras la pista", una experiencia diferente de la que no querían desvelarnos demasiado, y raudos y veloces nos apuntamos a la aventura mi compañero Sergio y yo sin ningún tipo de miedo. Era una oportunidad, además de para viajar, para conocernos el uno al otro, pues a pesar de compartir este espacio de escritura viajera nunca habíamos coincidido en el mismo espacio-tiempo. Así que con la promesa de que no ronco sobre la mesa, nos reunimos en la Ciudad Eterna para pasar un fin de semana muy movidito. Llegamos el sábado por la mañana a Roma y una vez en el hotel nos contaron en qué consistía aquello de "Tras la pista". Debíamos ir por la ciudad descifrando una serie de pistas que compondrían la ruta que teníamos que hacer, y además realizar una serie de pruebas por el camino que nos dieran más puntos y así hacernos los ganadores. Y yo que soy fiel seguidor de programas televisivos de aventura y que hasta jugando al Party & Co me pongo más competitivo que Monica de ‘Friends’, estaba encantado. Estábamos allí para ganar, no cabía duda, ¿qué podría salir mal para un par de expertos viajeros que no sabían una palabra de italiano y con un inglés exinanido? Una gymkhana por la ciudad, un tipo de turismo muy aventurero "Tras la pista" fue una gymkhana muy entretenida y bien montada que realizó Alitalia como parte de una experiencia piloto, un testing para ver si esto era una buena idea para ofrecer a sus clientes. Y yo digo ¡SÍ! Merece la pena. Para todo aquel que le guste hacer turismo de forma activa y dinámica, una gymkhana de este tipo por una ciudad desconocida (o con muchos rincones aún por descubrir) es una opción maravillosa. Y bueno, estábamos en Roma, ¿qué mejor escenario para el juego? Hay que tener en cuenta que cada forma de hacer turismo es distinta. No es lo mismo hacerse un plan de museos, que dedicarse a pasear, patearse los grandes centros de shopping o centrarse en los vinos y las cenitas. Cada forma tiene sus ventajas y desventajas y también sus adeptos. ¿Y qué es lo bueno y lo malo de sumergirse en una gymkhana por Roma? La posibilidad de participar en un juego tal que alguien ha preparado para ti ya me parece extraordinario, sentirte como en la tele, correr de un lado a otro, probar tu ingenio descifrando pistas, obligarte a interactuar con la gente… Desde luego es una algo muy diferente a la forma de viajar convencional. Quizás puedas “perderte” cosas del lugar al no ir despacito viendo los sitios porque tienes la mente en el juego. Es, simplemente, otra manera de viajar. Bajé hasta el río Tíber a tomar una muestra de sus aguas. No la bebí, tranquilos. Pero claro, ganas otras. Las pruebas que leíamos con cara de no creer nos obligaron a dejarnos en el hotel la vergüenza (reconozco que a mí hay que darme poca cuerda para que la pierda) y meterte en situaciones que jamás habrías imaginado. ¡Hay que conseguir tres mechones de pelo! ¿pero cómo? Y una figura de un pesebre… Creo que en el hotel hay uno montado, robaremos una cabra y mañana la devolvemos. ¡Ah! Y una monja para bailar con ella, y si encuentras un gato encima de un monumento no te olvides que hay que fotografiarlo…. Y Roma, el escenario perfecto para el juego Las pruebas, la ruta, las fotos, las risas… Todo era una excusa perfecta para conocer otra cara de una ciudad como Roma, que a priori parece muy seria o sólo pensada para ir y enamorarse, y no para hacer el ganso. Pero su multitud de rincones llenos de Historia y de historias, la hacen el lugar perfecto para ir avanzando mientras desvelas secretos y miras cosas que probablemente pocos turistas mirarán. No es, desde luego, una ciudad sin posibilidades para recorrer, desde descubrir enigmas en los frescos de una iglesia hasta ponerle flores a la estatua del propio Campo de Fiori. Empezamos en El Vaticano y de allí bajamos hasta el Ara Pacis cruzando por el Ponte Sant’Angelo, y seguimos rodando y rodando buscando pistas. Dimos de comer a las palomas de la Plaza Navona, conocimos a los gatos del Área Sacra, subimos al Quirinal, viajamos en metro hasta la Plaza del Popolo (el metro es espantoso…), desfilamos por las escaleras de Plaza España, nos tomamos una cervecita en el bohemio barrio del Trastévere y así hasta un sinfín de experiencias que se concentraron en dos días no sabemos cómo. ¿Roma? Preciosa. ¿La gymkhana? Una manera estupenda y divertida de viajar que recomiendo a todo el mundo. Esperemos que pronto Tras la pista sea una oferta para todos los clientes de Alitalia. Y… ¿queréis saber más del viaje? Pues atentos que pronto mi compañero Sergio os dará su versión de los hechos. No os cuento si ganamos o no, para dejaros con la intriga, pero os digo desde ya que somos unos cracks los diariodelviajero. Foto | Álvaro Onieva En Diario del Viajero | Roma básica: Mercado de Trajano En Diario del Viajero | Campo dei Fiori: activo mercado de día, punto de encuentro de los jóvenes por la noche
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Handheld > Professor Layton and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo DS) Professor Layton and the Curious Village Hands-on Brain busting teasers come to a mysterious town. Jan 24th, 2008 - When I was at the Tokyo Game Show in 2007, one of the most amazing sites to me was the absolutely massive crowd that gathered around the Level 5 booth to check out the third iteration of the company's Professor Layton series. Perhaps it was because Level 5 was giving away a limited number of Nintendo DS demo cartridges to everyon
{"url": "http://www.askmen.com/entertainment/handheld/Professor-Layton-and-the-Curious-Village-Ds/preview-1-1.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.askmen.com", "date_download": "2014-04-16T07:15:58Z", "digest": "sha1:NURNVDJMCJXAZZ2B36GUN2FC7ETZ7QCF"}
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:00 AM Salt Lake City convention bookings look promising in recession-tinted picture Les Roka, The Selective Echo -- There is no doubt that Scott Beck, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau, relishes a challenge. In competing with other venues to host association conventions and meetings, corporate business gatherings, and city-wide events, many of which have had their budgets severely curtailed in the recession, Beck sees a long-term payoff in building the destination value of Salt Lake City especially once the economy rebounds. "While the numbers in our short-term corporate meeting bookings are down by roughly the same numbers (17 percent) as in markets throughout the country, we're running ahead of last year's numbers in long-term booking for association events and city-wide meetings," Beck says. And, SLC is just beginning to see the front-end halo effects of hosting last July's World Education Congress of Meeting Professionals International (MPI). As reported in the blog in July, Beck explained that "if the leading international organization in this industry says our city is good enough for its international meeting, then it also is good enough for any group planning its next large meeting." And, the long-term picture suggests that the SLCVB may enjoy an incremental bump of five percent to seven percent in bookings as a result of the MPI event. Next year, among some of the most recent bookings, SLC will host the annual meeting of the Western Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus, representing more than 140 organizations throughout the West and Canada. In 2011, for the fourth time in history, the city will host the high-profile National Governors Association's annual meeting. In 2012 and 2016, the city will host the annual conference of the Association of Computing Machinery/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Supercomputing (ACM/IEEE SC). During this conference, the Salt Palace will be home to the most powerful unclassified computing network in the world. Recently, the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Expo, which had scheduled its meeting in Reno for 2011, switched to Salt Lake City and may do so again in 2013 and 2015. There are other fresh bookings. In 2017, the Lutheran Women's Missionary League will hold its biennial convention in SLC. Other freshly booked meetings include the American Association of Equine Practitioners and the Porsche Club of America. The long-term economic impact is enormous. For example, just two runs of the ACM/IEEE meeting alone are projected to generate 29,480 combined room nights for the area with a total estimated economic impact of more than $14.36 million. SLCVB estimates this year's impact on the economy from the direct spending of 2009 convention delegates in Salt Lake City alone will top $200 million. The "good karma," what Beck says was generated by the positive impact of the MPI gathering, also has put the SLCVB in a good position to make a bid to host the annual meeting of the American Society of Association Executives, another major player in the meeting industry, in 2015 or 2016. The event, representing an association of more than 22,000 members, would be bigger in scale and impact than this year's MPI congress. There also is the extremely significant presence of the two annual outdoor retailer gatherings which generate millions in economic impact during each of the weeklong visits. And, the local convention business continues to be supported by the presence of Novell, Usana, Xango, Stampin' Up, and other local entities which continue to draw solid attendance numbers to their meetings. The recession, however, has changed the competitive picture as large destination venues, normally thriving on corporate meetings and events, are now going head-to-head with convention and visitor bureaus like Salt Lake for association and city-wide meetings. Big venues have lost once-guaranteed events. For example, sensitive to criticism that now was not the appropriate time for incentive meetings during the economic downturn, Wells Fargo canceled a Las Vegas corporate event in 2009, going to the unprecedented tactic of announcing its decision in full-page ads in national newspapers. In the changed landscape, Sacramento is being outbid by San Francisco and Las Vegas is going after the same clients being courted by Salt Lake. For the first time, Beck and his staff are seeing competing bids from huge resort hotels such as Mandalay Bay. Vegas is a remarkable case study of a giant catching the flu, while smaller destinations may have just caught a cold. In 2008, just as the economy collapsed, the city added more than 8,600 hotel rooms and 210,000 square feet of meeting space. This year, another 8,750 hotel rooms and more than half a million square feet of meeting space are coming online. In other words, in just two years, Vegas has added nearly as many hotel rooms as what are available in the total current stock of Salt Lake county. Add in an aggressive, albeit an extraordinarily risky, strategy on the part of Vegas hotel executives who have slashed room prices drastically as an incentive to draw conventions. This includes Mandalay Bay, which is trying to cushion the impact of cancellations totaling more than $131 million just in the first quarter of 2009. In the long run, Beck and his staff will not only weather the storm but also will see a strengthened position of value as the economy rebounds in the hospitality industry, which like unemployment is a typical lagging economic indicator, come 2011. What Beck and his staff have going is being in the right place at a time when public perceptions about corporate waste and profligacy are widespread enough to make meeting planners hesitate about holding their event in a venue such as Las Vegas. The potential advantage has been acknowledged. Writing in Smart Meetings, an industry trade publication, John Anderson notes: "Enter Salt Lake City. Perceived as a quieter city in a conservative state, the area has all the airlift and infrastructure to handle meetings and events of almost any type and size, without the over-the-top flashiness of a resort or vacation destination that some planners are currently wary of. The city took a big leap forward by playing host to the 2002 Winter Olympics, and now has more hotel rooms, revamped meeting space and an expanded world-class venue in the 675,000-square-foot Salt Palace Convention Center." And, with all of the nearby amenities widely recognized by consistently loyal groups of tourists, skiers, bikers, hikers, mountain recreation enthusiasts, and amateur and professional genealogists, Salt Lake City stands to more than hold its own through this changed convention and hospitality market. Also count the new era of liquor laws, which did away with the private club memberships. Just days after the law went into effect July 1, MPI delegates gathered in SLC and Beck recalls visitors noticed the change frequently and prominently, many of whom cited the significance of the impact for SLC's hospitality industry. One example cited by Beck was an alert doorman at the Sand Bar on Pierpont Avenue in downtown who noticed the steady stream of people walking along the street and sporting MPI badges. The bar employee arranged for a tweet on MPI's Twitter feed, inviting all conferees with VIP badges to take advantage of the free and easy VIP entry into the Sand Bar. Not having to deal with the question of club membership has made visitors feel relaxed and has reinforced the positive friendly atmosphere consistently cited by convention guests, including the 9,000 retailers, suppliers, and associates who recently attended the True Value Company convention in SLC. The group will return to SLC in 2012 and 2014. And, other advantages get quickly noticed, such as the airport's proximity to downtown, which translates into a cab fare one-third to one-fourth of what's available in other venues. A recent Brookings Institution research report sweetened the airport amenity even further: Salt Lake City ranked the best for metropolitan airports in on-time performance. It then becomes quite easy to see why Beck and his staff wisely avoid the "Chicken Little" approach that has spooked some of the biggest players in the nation's meeting and hospitality industries.
{"url": "https://www.visitsaltlake.com/articles/post/salt-lake-city-convention-bookings-look-promising-in-recession-tinted-picture/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.visitsaltlake.com", "date_download": "2021-02-24T17:58:24Z", "digest": "sha1:LN6DG4IPQXZEKKL67K2LD6UUHNHWXOOZ"}
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Sarah Kupfner SIUZ Hinter “SIUZ“ steht die 1983 geborene Graffiti-Künstlerin Sarah Kupfner, die seit über 20 Jahren mit Sprühdose arbeitet und Wände, Objekte und Oberflächen mit einzigartigen, individuellen Sprühdosen-Designs gestaltet. Ihr erster Kontakt mit Graffiti war bereits in der Jugend. Das Malen auf öffentlichen, legalen Wänden prägte die ersten Jahre und führte sie schließlich zum 3D-Graffiti und ihrem Künstlernamen. Seit 2010 arbeitet sie in ihrer Werkstatt in Gars am Kamp, NÖ und seit 2017 ist sie zur Gänze als Künstlerin tätig. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Partnern um faszinierende Werke, Objekte und Events zu schaffen ist neben der freischaffenden Sprühdosen-Kunst zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil ihrer Arbeit geworden. Mit großen Formaten das Staunen und die Aufmerksamkeit für die kleinen Dinge und schönen Momente im Leben zu wecken und ist dabei ein wesentlicher Antrieb. Stark GmbH
{"url": "https://loewenlos.com/kupfner-sarah-siuz/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "loewenlos.com", "date_download": "2021-10-15T19:57:44Z", "digest": "sha1:UXN7NULRF5XZR45LWEU7VIZ7KB56XFIX"}
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Home » Store » Returns My Account | Cart | Checkout There are several options for payment. Russian Martial Art accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, money orders, checks and cash. All orders will begin processing after the clearance of funds. Payment by credit card will begin processing within 48 hours. Russian Martial Art reserves the right to change prices without notice. Production, material and supplier costs may fluctuate occasionally, making price adjustments necessary. We also reserve the right to cancel or refuse any order due to a typographical error in pricing. Refusal of Service Russian Martial Art reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. All products are available while supplies last. Price and availability are subject to change without notice. All orders are subject to acceptance, verification and confirmation by Russian Martial Art. Russian Martial Art reserves the right to refuse registration for any events or for training at the school. If you are not satisfied with a film, you may exchange it for another one of comparable value. Refunds can also be arranged within a limited time from the purchase date. There are no exchanges or refunds on clothing, books, or on the Complete Film Package. The following Terms and Conditions govern use of the Russian Martial Art Web site and the materials accessible on or from the Web site. Please read them carefully before using the Web site. Your use of the Web site means that you accept these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Russian Martial Art Web site. All content, including but not limited to: text, illustration/graphics, logos, icons, images, product and brand names, and compilation of the Web site (i.e., the collection, arrangement and assembly) is the copyrighted work of V. Vasiliev and is protected by local and worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. The content and materials on this Web site may be used as a shopping resource. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance, of the content and/or materials on this Web site is strictly prohibited. Russian Martial Art, Systema are trademarks of Russian Martial Art All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Russian Martial Art and Systema may be used only with written permission from Russian Martial Art and Vladimir Vasiliev. Russian Martial Art does not grant any express or implied right to you under any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information. THE INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS AND/OR PRODUCTS ACCESSIBLE FROM OR ON THIS WEBSITE SITE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS," AND RUSSIAN MARTIAL ART EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RELATING TO SUCH MATERIAL. Although Russian Martial Art has attempted to provide accurate information on this Web site as a service to its users, Russian Martial Art assumes no responsibility for, and makes no representations with respect to, the accuracy of the information. Price and availability of products is subject to change without notice. All orders are subject to acceptance, verification and confirmation by Russian Martial Art. Any claims relating to the Web site, documents, or materials accessed via the Web site will be governed by Canadian law. Revisions to Terms and Conditions Russian Martial Art may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time. Revisions will be posted on this page and users are responsible for reviewing the page from time to time to ensure compliance. If Russian Martial Art makes a request to you to stop using and/or to promptly return or destroy any copies of the materials provided on this Web site, you will comply immediately with this request and will confirm in writing to Russian Martial Art within ten (10) days that you have done so. I think this is an excellent DVD and I highly recommend it, we have been using the content with great enthusiasm over the last few weeks, and the content is very Far reaching and a lot of it very advanced, the best DVD Yet! The demonstrations by Vladimir are truly inspirational and time and time a..read more >>
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El copresidente de MySpace dimite por “motivos personales” Author El Ilustrador Date 21 junio, 2010 Después de tan sólo cuatro meses en el cargo, Jason Hirschhorn abandona una de las redes sociales más conocidas. Es la segunda marcha de altos cargos en un breve período de tiempo y por motivos que no quedan demasiado claros. Jason Hirschhorn ha alegado que abandona la codirección de MySpace por cuestiones personales que le impiden hacerse cargo del puesto que venía ocupando desde hacía apenas cuatro meses. Se rumorea que en esta red social perteneciente a News Corp existen algunos problemas en cuanto a las directrices que debe seguir la empresa y que, tras haber sido rediseñada, ya no se centra tanto en los contenidos musicales y de medios, como ocurría en sus orígenes. Además, en el plano comercial, MySpace ha perdido mucho terreno frente al número uno de las redes sociales, Facebook, por lo que la empresa podría estar pasando un mal momento económico. Temas relacionados codirector, director, facebook, Jason Hirschhorn, MySpace, redes sociales .
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AccueilArticlesCircuits courts Inter Environnement Wallonie organise le 17 juin prochain une matinée d'étude sur l'amélioration des circuits courts. Les Circuits courts sont en plein essor en Wallonie : tant les acteurs économiques que les consommateurs sont de plus en plus demandeurs de ce type de modèle. Les projets en circuits courts ne sont pas durables ou de qualité par essence. Le questionnement de leur rentabilité, de leur impact environnemental ou encore de leur responsabilité sociétale doit aussi s’appliquer à ce modèle. Plus d'infos sur cette matinée d'étude La fiche du réseau RISE sur l'alimentation durable À propos de RISE Le Réseau Intersyndical de sensibilisation à l’Environnement est une structure commune à la CSC et à la FGTB qui a pour mission principale de soutenir l’action environnementale dans les entreprises. Tant pour l’environnement que pour la mobilité, la Région wallonne nous apporte son soutien financier depuis sa création en 1996.
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eBook Il caso Scaglia Chi è Silvio Scaglia “Frode Carosello”. Slitta l’udienza Dalla Cassazione un terzo annullamento a favore di Catanzariti “Frode Carosello”. Dopo Arigoni e Murri tocca a Di Girolamo 2 febbraio 2011 | Autore: Redazione Dal 16 febbraio cominciano gli interrogatori. L’elenco continua con Toseroni e Crudele La lunga pausa del “Processo Carosello”, come già anticipato, terminerà solo il 16 febbraio, quando finalmente, entrerà nel vivo la fase dibattimentale. Va ricordato che, giusto una settimana dopo, sarà passato un anno esatto dall’emissione dei provvedimenti cautelari nei confronti dell’ingegner Silvio Scaglia che, rientrato in Italia il 26 febbraio e detenuto nel carcere di Rebibbia per tre mesi, è sottoposto al regime degli arresti domiciliari in Val d’Ayas dal 17 maggio scorso, senza che ormai ricorrano gli estremi della carcerazione preventiva. Il 16 febbraio, davanti al Collegio giudicante della Prima Sezione Penale del Tribunale di Roma, dovrebbe cominciare la sfilata degli interrogatori. Il primo sarà, com’è noto, quello di Fabio Arigoni, già amministratore di Telefox e Telefox International, società costituite nell’ambito dell’operazione Phuncard. Dopo Arigoni, l’audizione proseguirà con Augusto Murri che dovrà riferire, tra l’altro, in merito “alla costituzione delle società panamensi e all’estero”. Seguirà, sempre nelle vesti di indagato in reato connesso, la testimonianza dell’ex senatore Nicola Paolo Di Girolamo per riferire “in ordine tra l’altro sulle attività di riciclaggio… sui rapporti con Focarelli Carlo… sulle circostanze relative alla candidatura al Senato dello stesso Di Girolamo...”. Dopo sarà la volta di Marco Toseroni. Infine, è stata fissata la convocazione di Giuseppe Crudele, già dipendente di Fastweb, per riferire, recita la richiesta della Procura, “in merito alla gestione dell’operazione Traffico Telefonico all’interno di Fastweb”, al rapporto con Carlo Focarelli ed ai rapporti avuti con dirigenti di Telecom Italia Sparkle. Non è difficile prevedere che queste testimonianze occuperanno le udienze previste per il mese di febbraio, fissate per i giorni 16, 18, 23, 25 e 28. Intanto il Collegio ha aggiornato il calendario delle udienze. marzo: 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 16, 18, 25, 28, 29, 30 e 31; aprile: 7, 8, 26, 27 e 29; maggio: 2,3,5, 17,20, 23, 25, 26, 30 e 31. Pubblicato in Ultimi sviluppi 2 Commenti a ““Frode Carosello”. Dopo Arigoni e Murri tocca a Di Girolamo” Ma cosa succede fra il 28 febbraio ed il 7 aprile? Per un mese e mezzo non si lavora? Ti credo che i processi durano troppo in Italia, ma questa gente lavora o fa finta? Mandami una mail se altre persone lasciano un commento Calendario Udienze Clicca qui per il calendario completo Cesare su Silvio Scaglia: La giustizia non ci deve dividere | Business, sofferenza e l’umanità dietro le sbarre klement su Libero: “Italia condannata per inciviltà” stefano mazzitelli su Fattore Umano | Stefano Mazzitelli: «Il carcere? Un impatto devastante» Sonia su L’EDITORIALE DI PIERLUIGI BATTISTA SUL CORRIERE DELLA SERA renata su Chi è Silvio Scaglia Iscriviti alla newsletter di silvioscaglia.it Fattore Umano L'angolo di vincino Mario Rossetti Ultimi sviluppi Perché un blog? “Questo Blog è dedicato alla figura di Silvio Scaglia, imprenditore ed innovatore, protagonista di start up (Omnitel, Fastweb, Babelgum) oggi impegnato in nuove sfide come il rilancio de La Perla, marchio storico del made in Italy. E' un luogo di informazione e di dibattito per tutti gli stakeholders (dipendenti, collaboratori, clienti) ma anche comuni cittadini che hanno seguito le vicende in cui Scaglia, innocente, si è trovato coinvolto fino alla piena assoluzione da parte della giustizia italiana.” - Stefania Valenti, Chief Executive Officer Elite World Copyright © 2010 info@silvioscaglia.it All Rights Reserved.
{"url": "http://www.silvioscaglia.it/it/2011/02/02/ripresa-processo/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.silvioscaglia.it", "date_download": "2017-08-16T13:12:02Z", "digest": "sha1:PY6TRSLIDUBH6H7XLWNLBYJIZYPUIIPO"}
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