Ocean Acidification Eats Oysters Abstract Notion Hits Home at Bill Dewey’s Dabob Bay Farm In April 2010, The Santa Barbara Independent published an in-depth cover story on ocean acidification, becoming one of the first general interest publications to explain how our planet’s 200-year addiction to burning fossil fuels is dramatically increasing the toxicity of the seas. Nearly three years later, despite much more media attention, lots of government funding, and repeated warnings from scientists, the everyday earthling still has very little clue how much trouble we are almost certain to face in our lifetimes when the oceans’ rising acidity decimates the marine system as we know it, putting the supply of seafood at risk, among other global impacts. But the public may be starting to pay attention, thanks to our collective love for oysters, as the popular slurpable shellfish is emerging as the canary in the acidification coal mine. “Oysters are the first things being affected that have a spokesman for them,” said Bill Dewey, who will speak at the Edible Institute this weekend and had the BBC and USA Today coming to visit his farm last week. “The science is irrefutable. Hopefully people start paying more attention.” SCOTT EKLUND Bill Dewey A longtime Washington state aquaculturist, Dewey started noticing problems in those seas in 2006, when some oysters were unable to reproduce. Scientists first attributed the problem to bacteria, so boatloads of money were spent on addressing that, yet the woes remained. “We realized we had a bigger issue,” said Dewey, who then heard the leading acidification researcher talk at the annual shellfish conference in 2008. “It was a sobering talk for everybody. It was a pretty grim message.” Since then, and thanks to government funding, Dewey and other oysterers have installed weather warning systems that inform them when the bad waters will arise (the high-acidity stuff tends to be down low and rustled up by wind), and that’s helped. But the toxic waters are only on the rise. “We are radically changing the acidity of our oceans,” said Dewey, who explained that burning fossil fuels has upped the pH level by 30 percent in the last 200 years, with a 150 percent change on tap by the end of this century. “It’s a very big experiment that we are going to see the results of in our lifetime.” Until then? Slurp up! NOAA-led researchers discover ocean acidity is dissolving shells of tiny snails off the U.S. West Coast Big Seas, Big Trouble? Protein for the Planet Reducing the Racket for Marine Mammals Thanks to the Independent for being one of the leading journalistic lights shining on the various facets of global climate change. Unfortunately, the deniers will just use this as another "lie by scientists paid to lie," since they refuse to understand the basic sciences of chemistry and physics. We have to hope that no decently educated person can be a denier, as we also have to hope that educators are doing a better job at producing well- educated students. Climate deniers are joining the creationists, "rape-isn't-that-bad" idiot politicians, and trickle-down economists, as the clowns of progressive society... Pagurus (anonymous profile)March 15, 2013 at 9:20 a.m. (Suggest removal) There is some serious fail in this article " Dewey, who explained that burning fossil fuels has upped the pH level by 30 percent in the last 200 years, with a 150 percent change on tap by the end of this century." The stronger the acid, the lower ph. So, as the ocean acidifies the ph would not be upped, it would be lowered. It is estimated that the ocean ph has changed from 8.25 to 8.14 over the last 200 years. By my math that is a 1.3% decrease, not a 30% increase. The current ocean surface ph is 8.14, if it were increased by 150% in the next century the ocean ph would then be 20.35. The highest possible ph in water is 14. The issues this article is attempting to address are severely undermined by its inaccuracies. talking_sausage (anonymous profile)March 15, 2013 at 11:39 a.m. (Suggest removal) Sausage raises a good point about referring to pH increases/decreases in percentages, and that acidification worsens as pH decreases. The writer should have used "acidification" rather than "pH." But sausage is confused about how percentage of change of a 0-14 pH scale is calculated; it's obviously not a linear relationship. Perhaps someone who remembers the math better than I can educate us. Pagurus (anonymous profile)March 15, 2013 at 1:17 p.m. (Suggest removal) pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, so the relationship between the acid concentration and the pH is not linear. However, the article states that the pH level will change by certain percentages, not that the acid concentration will change by certain percentages. talking_sausage (anonymous profile)March 15, 2013 at 2:33 p.m. (Suggest removal)
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Ostéopathe en ENTREPRISE, Arthur Vandame QUELLE OFFRE ? POURQUOI EN ENTREPRISE ? Parce que la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) est un concept qui se développe de plus en plus dans les entreprises (1). Parce que les troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) altèrent la pleine efficacité au travail: l'apparition de la douleur dans les gestes du quotidien vient dégrader la qualité du geste et diminuer sa fréquence (2). Parce que les arrêts de travail ont un impact largement sous-évalué sur l'activité économique de l'entreprise (3). Parce qu'on n'a pas toujours le temps ou les moyens de consulter un ostéopathe. Pourquoi l'ostéopathe ne viendrait-il pas dans vos locaux? Je vous propose des soins sur place pour vos salariés qui en auraient besoin. Pour une double action: préventive (in-situ) et curative. Je me déplace avec mon matériel. J'ai juste besoin d'une salle pour exercer. L'entreprise paye le déplacement, les salariés bénéficient de réductions suivant le nombre de consultations réservées. (1) Selon le baromètre CEGOS 2017, les risques psycho-sociaux sont une réalité préoccupante contre laquelle les entreprises prennent de plus en plus de mesures. (2) Selon l'INRS (institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles): les TMS sont les maladies profes-sionnelles les plus fréquentes. Elles résultent d'une accumulation de facteurs: sollicitation biomécanique, risques psycho-sociaux, stress personnel, et organisation du travail. Les TMS coûtent cher à l'entreprise en arrêt de travail, en désorganisation, en baisse de performances (quantitatives et qualitatives). (3) Entre les retards de production, le maintien des salaires des salariés absents et le coût de leur remplacement, les absences coûtent cher aux entreprises. Selon l'étude "comprendre pour agir" menée par Réhalto le 15 juin 2017: - 20% des salariés arrêtés estiment que leur arrêt est causé par leur travail, mais pour les DRH seulement 4% des arrêts sont causés par le travail. - les arrêts de travail sont causés selon eux à 54% par des maladies ordinaires, à 30% par des TMS, à 14% par des problèmes psychologiques. - selon Rehalto, seul un DRH sur 10 a une idée précise de ce que lui coûte les arrêts de travail (estimation moyenne entre 0,5% et 2% de la masse salariale). 82% des DRH estiment que les arrêts ont un impact négatif sur l'organisation de l'entreprise, et 57% sur la performance économique de l'entreprise. Au cabinet? Voir la page "particuliers". ​En déplacement - Pour les déplacements: 25€ de déplacement pour Tours, de manière forfaitaire. Au-delà un forfait est appliqué au prorata du temps passé dans les transports. Soit pour une majoration de 73€ par heure de route. - A partir de 4 rendez-vous, les frais de déplacement dans Tours sont offerts. - Si les rendez-vous hors de Tours sont réguliers (1 fois par mois), les frais de déplacement sont offerts. - Les réductions offertes sont les suivantes :​ 0247618919 Arthur Vandame, Ostéopathe Tours 0247618919 Arthur Vandame, Hannah Derache Ostéopathes Tours
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Isacco Piroddi 100 happy days / Podcast Venezia, la Serenissima, non è conosciuta solo per il suo patrimonio artistico e per il Carnevale, ma anche per i gondolieri. Questi rematori sono citati nel primo contributo di questa puntata di Voci dall’Italia, con una lettura tratta da un libro di William Goldman. La puntata è stata registrata il 1° Maggio del 2020 e proprio alla Festa del Lavoro è dedicato lo spunto di gratitudine di Alessandra Pagani. Un’altra testimonianza dei gruppi di lettura è il fulcro del successivo intervento a cui segue una lettura di Silvio D’Arzo. Il silenzio dei gondolieri La città di Venezia è conosciuta, oltre che per il carnevale e per i luoghi d’arte, anche per un’importante figura: i gondolieri. Un tempo, tutti i gondolieri veneziani cantavano. Ora quei tempi sono solo un lontano ricordo. William Goldman, scrittore e sceneggiatore, famoso per aver girato film come Il maratoneta e Tutti gli uomini del presidente, rievoca il canto dei gondolieri nel suo libro Il silenzio dei gondolieri, attraverso la testimonianza del gondoliere Luigi, col suo sorriso da tontolone, la sua maestria, le sue disavventure e il suo riscatto. L’incipit di questo romanzo è stato letto dalla romana Maria, fedele contribuente di Voci dall’Italia. Il Primo Maggio, tutti lavoratori Questa puntata di Voci dall’Italia è stata registrata il 1° Maggio 2020. Il Primo Maggio è conosciuto come la Festa dei Lavoratori ed è, insieme al Lunedì dell’Angelo (o Pasquetta, per i profani) una giornata dedicata alle scampagnate e alle gite fuori porta. Alessandra Pagani dedica la sua gratitudine del giorno a questa festa, perché durante la sua giovinezza amava recarsi nella Capitale per assistere al celebre Concertone del 1° Maggio. Ma quali sono le origini di questa festa? Perché è stato scelto proprio il primo giorno del mese di maggio per festeggiare i lavoratori? Ce le spiega Alessandra, attraverso la lettura di un saggio intitolato Storie di ogni giorno in una città del Seicento, scritto da Ottavia Niccoli. Un’altra testimonianza dei gruppi di lettura Abbiamo ormai compreso che i gruppi di lettura sono l’ossatura di questo podcast. Infatti, i vari contribuenti di questo podcast, sono una comunità di lettori che partecipa ai gruppi di lettura della casa editrice Casa Sirio e in giro per il web. In questa puntata è Aria Luce, da Venezia, a raccontare la sua testimonianza nei gruppi di lettura. Lo fa ringraziando anche Simona e Alessandra. Casa d’altri Come sempre, chiude la puntata Valeria Natalizia. Questa volta però, invece del ciclo di sonetti di Shakespeare, legge un racconto definito dal poeta Eugenio Montale, come il racconto perfetto. Tuttavia, l’autore di questo racconto è poco conosciuto: si tratta di Silvio D’Arzo e il racconto sopra citato, di cui Valeria leggerà l’incipit si intitola Casa d’altri. Potete riascoltare a questo link la puntata 45 di Voci dall’Italia. Isacco Piroddi è nato a Segrate il 15 settembre 1992. Durante un master universitario si è avvicinato al mondo del web, dei social e della comunicazione per l'editoria. Ha svolto uno stage curricolare in un'agenzia di pubblicità, dove si è occupato di web, social e copywriting. E' appassionato di libri, audiolibri, radio, podcast, web e social. Attualmente è editor junior del web presso la casa editrice Springer Healthcare Italia, specializzata nell'editoria medica e scientifica.
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insert sometimes doesn't insert anything Post by HughDarwen » Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:02 pm This might have to be just a heads up to begin with. I can't give a specific example at this time because the examples where this bug is hitting me are too complex. Sometimes, when I give an INSERT command, with a complex expression as source and a target of existing high cardinality, the operation appears to work, telling me how many tuples have been inserted, but I find that none of them have been inserted at all. For example, repeating the same operation tells me the same number have been inserted when it should now be saying zero have been inserted. In the database where this problem arises I notice that there are a large number of files with names like 00000123.jdb and I am guessing these are where my data is actually stored. I'm wondering if the bug is somehow connected with when new .jdb files need to be created. Perhaps the bug can be found by code inspection. If not, I'll have to provide a .zip file along with a specific example. Re: insert sometimes doesn't insert anything Post by Dave » Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:42 am Sorry for the slow response - I've been on holiday. This sounds like a bug in transaction handling; maybe the INSERT has written in a "write" transaction but is being read in a "read" transaction whilst the "write" transaction is still open and uncommitted. I've examined the code and can't see anything obvious, particularly as it appears to work under most circumstances. That suggests a threading and/or transaction race condition rather than a simple logic bug. If you could send me a .zip file that demonstrates the problem it would be most helpful, particularly as I've been unable to replicate it.
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Agios Nikolaos Archaeological Museum Agios Nikolaos, Lassithi
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The Resource Guide Home > Issues > 106 > Articles Hard-edged and high-strung Starting with a mild-mannered 1600, David Ullom created a flared-fender hot rod with 205 horsepower and a raucous personality to match. By David Haueter Photography by David Haueter When the BMW 1600 was introduced in 1967, Car and Driver proclaimed it “the best small car we have ever driven.” Britain’s Autocar described its handling as “exceptional,” just like its build quality. Barely a year later, however, the 1600 was all but forgotten in the wake of the car that followed it: the 2002 that became a legend almost the moment it hit the streets. Although the two cars were virtually identical, the 2002 had a crucial advantage over the 1600: power. With just 85 horsepower, the 1600 couldn’t compete with the 100-hp 2002. The zero to 62 mph dash that took 13.3 seconds in the 1600 took just 10.9 in the 2002, a 1.4-second gap in which the 1600 would be thoroughly smoked in every stop light Grand Prix. David Ullom knew all about the 1600’s horsepower shortage when he bought one in 1972, but it mattered far less than the car’s virtues. “The 1600 had a good suspension design, and it was a great handling car with a lot of visibility,” recalls Ullom. “It has the aerodynamics of a barn door, but there aren’t too many places where you can run it over 120-130 mph anyway. It was a little underpowered, but that could be cured.” As someone who’d been hot-rodding cars since age 16, when he modified a 1938 Ford coupe with a small-block Chevy engine, Ullom knew just what to do when a ratty 1600 rolled into his brother Ed’s Cumberland Valley Motors BMW dealership in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. [Ed Ullom has since sold the BMW franchise to Sun Valley Motors, and Cumberland continues as a Volkswagen/Dodge/Subaru dealership.—Ed.] “It was taken as a trade-in,” he says. “An older lady had owned it, and she didn’t use it as a typical BMW owner would. Instead, she kind of used it as you would a pickup truck. She hauled a lot of junk around in it, and the seats were all scratched up. My brother was going to convert it into a race car, but I talked him into letting me buy it instead. I’ve been playing with that car in one way or another since 1972.” He started by replacing the ruined interior with pieces from a wrecked 2002, then got to work on the car’s performance and handling. The project would take decades, and it ended with what is basically a race car—ironically, his brother’s intention for the car back in 1972. Race car parts under the hood As it is on any true hot rod, the engine is the centerpiece of Ullom’s 1600, and it’s more like a race engine than anything built for the street. With the goal of improving output from 85 to 205 horsepower, Ullom enlisted the services of Goddard Engineering in Providence, Rhode Island, which built the motor with consultation and some parts from BMW guru Ray Korman. « Previous 1 2 3 4 Next › Also from Issue 106 Z4 GT3 & M3 GT4 at Valencia (w/video) Comparison: F30 335i vs. 328i Not for U.S.: F10 528i Touring Market update: E39 M5—The first supersedan E1: An electric BMW from 1991 Sonic MS street-and-track-ready E92 M3 Dinan twin-turbo: E32 750iL & E31 850Ci 1960s BMW 1800 TiSA sports racers Tips to improve your driving Dorkfest V.2: E36/8 gathering in NorCal Ice racing in a BMW No. 145 Available as a Back Issue! In This Issue Like Bimmer on Facebook © 2018, Bimmer, Ross Periodicals Inc.
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Facebook pide disculpas por permitir promociones dedicadas a supremacistas blancos La red social Facebook se ha visto obligada a pedir disculpas, Todo ello despues de que, según reveló el medio digital The Intercept, fuera posible colocar anuncios en esta red dirigido y para atraer a supremacistas blancos. Anuncios publicados solo unos días después de que se produjera un tiroteo en una sinagoga de Pittsburg en el que murieron 11 personas. En su artículo The Intercept señala que pudo promocionar dos artículos dirigidos a personas interesadas en páginas relacionadas con la teoría de la conspiración del genocidio blanco. Una promoción,que es de pago, y que fue aprobada por el departamento de publicidad de Facebook. Tras el revuelo generado por la revelación la red social ha elminado esta opción de segmentación y también los anuncios. Según un portavoz de Facebook la categoriía "teoría de las conspiración del genocidio blanco" había sido generada a través de una mezca de revisiones automatizadas y humanas. Protestas por la visita de Trump a la sinagoga tiroteada en Pittsbourgh Múltiples víctimas tras un tiroteo en una Sinagoga de Pensilvania Multa simbólica a Facebook por el escándalo de Cambridge Analytica FACEBOOK ESTADOS UNIDOS MARK ZUCKERBERG RACISMO
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Covid-19, une nouvelle ordonnance « Délais » : attention aux nouvelles échéances ! 18 mai 2020 | COVID19, L'ESSENTIEL DU JOURNAL OFFICIEL Ordonnance n° 2020-560 du 13 mai 2020 fixant les délais applicables à diverses procédures pendant la période d’urgence sanitaire Le Gouvernement vient, une nouvelle fois, édicter des mesures spécifiques s’agissant de la question des délais. Il s’agit de la troisième ordonnance de ce type depuis le début de l’état d’urgence sanitaire : l’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020 relative à la prorogation des délais échus pendant la période d’urgence sanitaire et à l’adaptation des procédures pendant cette même période, modifiée par l’ordonnance n° 2020-427 du 15 avril 2020 portant diverses dispositions en matière de délais pour faire face à l’épidémie de covid-19. Les délais fixés par cette ordonnance sont, cependant, susceptibles d’être modifiés par décret en Conseil d’Etat lorsque le terme de la période d’application des ordonnances prises sur le fondement de l’article 11 de la loi du 23 mars 2020 susvisée est défini par référence à la cessation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire déclaré par l’article 4 de la même loi. Ci-dessous, une présentation des principales mesures intéressant les personnes publiques. Période juridiquement protégée : une date d’achèvement précisément fixée au 23 juin 2020, à minuit Pour mémoire, l’article 1er de l’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020 fixait la durée de la période juridiquement protégée du 12 mars 2020 jusqu’à l’expiration d’un délai d’un mois après la fin de l’état d’urgence sanitaire, lequel devait prendre fin le 23 mai à minuit. Ainsi, la date d’achèvement de la période juridiquement protégée était, dans ces conditions, fixée au 23 juin 2020, à minuit. Cependant, cette échéance avait vocation à évoluer avec l’adoption de la loi n° 2020-546 du 11 mai 2020 prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire , lequel a été prorogé jusqu’au 10 juillet 2020 inclus et repoussant donc mécaniquement la fin de la période juridiquement protégée au 10 août 2020. L’ordonnance n°2020-560 du 13 mai 2020 revient sur les modalités de calcul de la date d’achèvement de la période juridiquement protégée (fin de l’état d’urgence sanitaire + 1 mois), en fixant précisément le terme de cette période. Ainsi, cette ordonnance fixe, au 23 juin 2020, à minuit, la date d’achèvement de la période juridiquement protégée mise en place par l’article 1er de l’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020. Exclusion du champ d’application du titre Ier de l’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020 aux actes d’état civil L’établissement des actes de l’état civil relatant des événements survenus à compter du 24 mai 2020 est, à présent, exclu du champ d’application de l’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020. Ainsi, à compter du 24 mai 2020, les actes de l’état de civil, en particulier les déclarations de naissance, devront pouvoir être établis dans les délais prévus par la loi. Prolongation du délai de prorogation des mesures visées à l’article 3 de l’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020 Les mesures administratives ou juridictionnelles suivantes et dont le terme vient à échéance au cours de la période juridiquement protégée sont prorogées de plein droit jusqu’à l’expiration d’un délai de trois mois suivant la fin de cette période (contre deux auparavant) : 1° Mesures conservatoires, d’enquête, d’instruction, de conciliation ou de médiation ; 2° Mesures d’interdiction ou de suspension qui n’ont pas été prononcées à titre de sanction ; 3° Autorisations, permis et agréments ; 4° Mesures d’aide, d’accompagnement ou de soutien aux personnes en difficulté sociale ; 5° Les mesures d’aide à la gestion du budget familial. Toutefois, le juge ou l’autorité compétente peut modifier ces mesures, ou y mettre fin, lorsqu’elles ont été prononcées avant le 12 mars 2020. Une telle modification évite à ces mesures d’échoir le 23 août 2020 (23 juin + deux mois) et permet aux intéressés d’accomplir les formalités nécessaires jusqu’au 23 septembre 2020 inclus. Cristallisation de la date de fin de la suspension pour les délais prévus en matière de la consultation ou de la participation au public au 30 mai 2020 inclus L’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020 prévoyait que les délais prévus pour la consultation ou la participation du public étaient suspendus jusqu’à l’expiration d’une période de sept jours suivant la date de cessation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire. L’ordonnance n°2020-560 du 13 mai 2020 revient sur ce terme et prévoit désormais que les délais prévus pour la consultation ou la participation du public sont suspendus jusqu’au 30 mai 2020 inclus. Encadrement des procédures fiscales : une nouvelle échéance fixée au 23 août 2020 L’ordonnance n° 2020-306 du 25 mars 2020 suspendait les délais encadrant les procédures fiscales qui étaient en cours au 12 mars 2020, ou qui sont nés entre cette dernière date et le 23 juin 2020. Cette suspension est aujourd’hui prolongée jusqu’au 23 août 2020 inclus, soit deux mois après le terme de la période juridiquement protégée, et ce, afin que les entreprises se concentrent sur la reprise de leurs activités. Ces dispositions ne concernent cependant pas les dispositions relatives aux rescrits pour lesquels la suspension des procédures de rescrits s’arrêtera le 23 juin 2020 à minuit. De plus, il est expressément indiqué que les délais suspendus sont ceux prévus au titre II tant de la partie législative du livre des procédures fiscales (première partie) que de ses deux parties réglementaires (deuxième et troisième parties). Enquêtes publiques : une nouvelle échéance fixée au 30 mai 2020 L’ordonnance n°2020-560 du 13 mai 2020 dissocie la période de l’état d’urgence sanitaire et la période durant laquelle les enquêtes publiques, concernant les projets présentant un intérêt national et un caractère urgent, peuvent, sous certaines conditions, se poursuivre ou être organisées en recourant uniquement à des moyens dématérialisés. Ainsi, sont désormais concernées les enquêtes publiques présentant un intérêt national et un caractère urgent déjà en cours à la date du 12 mars 2020 ou devant être organisées entre cette date et le 30 mai 2020 inclus. Élèves en situation de handicap L’ordonnance n°2020-560 du 13 mai 2020 proroge les droits attribués aux enfants en situation de handicap en allant au-delà de ce que prévoit déjà l’ordonnance n° 2020-312 (prolongation de six mois) pour permettre un accompagnement sur toute l’année scolaire à venir. Elle prend également en compte les droits qui arrivent à échéance jusqu’au 31 août, dans la mesure où une partie des MDPH notifient ces droits jusqu’au 31 juillet, mais environ 40 % les notifient jusqu’au 31 août. Cette prolongation automatique s’appliquera aux demandes de renouvellement qui n’auraient pas fait l’objet d’une décision de la CDAPH d’ici le 31 juillet prochain. Le texte prévoit en outre une dérogation s’agissant des demandes qui concernent un changement d’orientation (scolarisation à l’école primaire, au collège, au lycée, avec ou sans appui d’une unité localisée pour l’inclusion scolaire ou en unité d’enseignement d’un établissement médico-social). Procédures de recouvrement des cotisations et contributions sociales, de contrôle et le contentieux subséquent : maintien de la date initialement prévue du 30 juin 2020 L’ordonnance n° 2020-312 prévoit actuellement une suspension des délais régissant les procédures de recouvrement des cotisations et contributions sociales, de contrôle et le contentieux subséquent entre le 12 mars 2020 et la fin du mois suivant celui de la cessation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire. Initialement, cette suspension courrait donc jusqu’au 30 juin. Cette ordonnance fixe revient sur ces modalités et prévoit le maintien de la date initialement prévue au 30 juin inclus pour la suspension de ces délais. Procédures administratives, budgétaires ou comptables relevant des droits et obligations des établissements sociaux et médico-sociaux Cette ordonnance modifie l’ordonnance n° 2020-313 du 25 mars 2020 et actualise les modalités de report des délais applicables aux procédures administratives, budgétaires ou comptables relevant des droits et obligations des établissements sociaux et médico-sociaux, prévues par l’ordonnance n° 2020-313 du 25 mars 2020 . Cette ordonnance prévoit que la prorogation de quatre mois est applicable à celle de ces procédures dont les délais expirent à compter du 12 mars 2020 et jusqu’au du 23 mai 2020 inclus et non plus jusqu’à la date de cessation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire déclaré par la loi. Modification de l’ordonnance n° 2020-319 du 25 mars 2020 Contrats Cette ordonnance modifie le champ d’application temporel de l’ordonnance n° 2020-319 du 25 mars 2020 portant diverses mesures d’adaptation des règles de passation, de procédure ou d’exécution des contrats soumis au code de la commande publique et des contrats publics qui n’en relèvent pas pendant la crise sanitaire née de l’épidémie de covid-19. Ainsi, les dispositions l’ordonnance Contrats sont applicables aux contrats soumis au code de la commande publique ainsi qu’aux contrats publics qui n’en relèvent pas, en cours ou conclus durant la période courant du 12 mars 2020 jusqu’au 23 juillet 2020 inclus. En revanche, les conditions relatives à la possibilité de porter le montant des avances au-delà des limites fixées par le code de la commande publique se poursuivent pendant un délai de deux mois suivant la fin de la prorogation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire. Pour mémoire, l’ordonnance n° 2020-319 du 25 mars 2020 portant diverses mesures d’adaptation des règles de passation, de procédure ou d’exécution des contrats soumis au code de la commande publique et des contrats publics qui n’en relèvent pas pendant la crise sanitaire née de l’épidémie de covid-19, prévoit que les acheteurs peuvent, par avenant, modifier les conditions de versement de l’avance. Son taux peut être porté à un montant supérieur à 60 % du montant du marché ou du bon de commande. Ils ne sont pas tenus d’exiger la constitution d’une garantie à première demande pour les avances supérieures à 30 % du montant du marché. Modification du champ d’application temporel de l’ordonnance n° 2020-320 du 25 mars 2020 Installation de communications électroniques Cette ordonnance modifie le champ d’application temporel de l’ordonnance n° 2020-320 du 25 mars 2020 relative à l’adaptation des délais et des procédures applicables à l’implantation ou la modification d’une installation de communications électroniques afin d’assurer le fonctionnement des services et des réseaux de communications électroniques. Ainsi, les mesures prévues par l’ordonnance n°2020-320 du 25 mars 2020 ne devront plus s’appliquer pendant la durée de l’état d’urgence sanitaire mais pendant une période fixe, à savoir du 12 mars au 23 juin 2020 inclus. Responsabilité personnelle et pécuniaire des comptables : la période constitutive d’une circonstances de la force majeure s’achève le 10 août 2020, à minuit L’ordonnance n° 2020-326 du 25 mars 2020 relative à la responsabilité personnelle et pécuniaire, qui prévoyait que « l’état d’urgence sanitaire déclaré par l’article 4 de la loi du 23 mars 2020 » était constitutif d’une circonstance de la force majeure dans l’appréciation de la responsabilité des comptables publics. Cette ordonnance modifie la période en question et prévoit désormais que cette dernière dure du 12 mars au 10 août 2020 inclus. Modification de l’ordonnance n° 2020-347 du 27 mars 2020 adaptant le droit applicable au fonctionnement des établissements publics et des instances collégiales administratives pendant l’état d’urgence sanitaire Cette ordonnance prévoit de maintenir les mesures régissant les délibérations, la répartition des compétences et les mandats des membres de ces établissements et instances découlant de l’ordonnance n° 2020-347 du 27 mars 2020 en vigueur, ainsi qu’initialement prévu, pour la durée de l’état d’urgence sanitaire prolongée d’un mois. Il en va de même pour les règles leur permettant de tenir des réunions par voie écrite dématérialisée, en audio ou en visio conférence. En revanche, les dispositions, destinées à répondre à des situations rares et exceptionnelles, permettant d’aménager en cas de besoin la répartition des compétences au sein de ces établissements et instances ne sont pas maintenues au-delà du 15 juillet 2020. Enfin, pour faire face aux difficultés de renouvellement des membres ou des dirigeants de ces instances, les mandats échus entre le 12 mars 2020 et dont le terme était fixé au 30 juin 2020 au plus tard, sont prolongés jusqu’au 30 juin, comme initialement prévu, ou jusqu’au 31 octobre 2020 lorsque ce renouvellement implique de procéder à une élection. Modification de l’ordonnance n° 2020-351 du 25 mars 2020 relative à l’organisation des examens et concours pendant la crise sanitaire née de l’épidémie de covid-19 Cette ordonnance modifie l‘ordonnance n° 2020-351 du 25 mars 2020 relative à l’organisation des examens et concours pendant la crise sanitaire née de l’épidémie de covid-19. Il ne modifie pas la période l’application de cette ordonnance (jusqu’au 31 décembre). En revanche, il précise que la validité des listes d’aptitude pour les concours de la fonction publique territoriale est prolongée jusqu’au 23 juillet 2020 inclus. Il prévoit également la possibilité d’adapter les examens, concours, recrutements et sélections pour l’accès à la fonction publique militaire. Elections professionnelles : l’échéance fixée au 31 août 2020 Cette ordonnance modifie le calendrier des élections professionnelles, lequel aurait été trop retardé en application des dispositions alors en vigueur, du fait de la prorogation de l’état d’urgence. Écartant les conséquences de la loi du 11 mai 2020 prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire, Cette ordonnance substitue toutefois la date du 31 août à celle du 24 août 2020. RTT et congés imposés des agents publics : le terme de la période de référence fixé au 31 mai 2020 Cette ordonnance modifie le champ d’application temporel de l’ordonnance n° 2020-430 du 15 avril 2020 relative à la prise de jours de réduction du temps de travail ou de congés dans la fonction publique de l’Etat et la fonction publique territoriale au titre de la période d’urgence sanitaire et retient comme date limite de la période de référence le 31 mai 2020.
{"url": "http://www.itineraires-avocats.fr/2020/05/18/covid-19-une-nouvelle-ordonnance-delais-attention-aux-nouvelles-echeances/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.itineraires-avocats.fr", "date_download": "2021-09-16T11:32:51Z", "digest": "sha1:WFOVMWGTTHNYZB7H53P7S6NT7KH2YPUJ"}
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0.0], [1754, 2045, 0.0], [2045, 2468, 0.0], [2468, 2581, 0.0], [2581, 2944, 0.0], [2944, 3058, 0.0], [3058, 3332, 0.0], [3332, 3419, 0.0], [3419, 3513, 0.0], [3513, 3553, 0.0], [3553, 3641, 0.0], [3641, 3696, 0.0], [3696, 3839, 0.0], [3839, 4028, 0.0], [4028, 4187, 0.0], [4187, 4438, 0.0], [4438, 4636, 0.0], [4636, 4718, 0.0], [4718, 4915, 0.0], [4915, 5138, 0.0], [5138, 5315, 0.0], [5315, 5559, 0.0], [5559, 5623, 0.0], [5623, 5966, 0.0], [5966, 6185, 0.0], [6185, 6217, 0.0], [6217, 7156, 0.0], [7156, 7325, 0.0], [7325, 7840, 0.0], [7840, 7974, 0.0], [7974, 8570, 0.0], [8570, 8636, 0.0], [8636, 8984, 0.0], [8984, 9247, 0.0], [9247, 9507, 0.0], [9507, 10145, 0.0], [10145, 10279, 0.0], [10279, 10626, 0.0], [10626, 10847, 0.0], [10847, 11004, 0.0], [11004, 11322, 0.0], [11322, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11661, 0.0], [11661, 11993, 0.0], [11993, 12129, 0.0], [12129, 12388, 0.0], [12388, 12741, 0.0], [12741, 12905, 0.0], [12905, 13473, 0.0], [13473, 13535, 0.0], [13535, 13734, 0.0], [13734, 13905, 0.0], [13905, 14004, 0.0], [14004, 14368, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 83, 11.0], [83, 138, 8.0], [138, 267, 19.0], [267, 475, 32.0], [475, 659, 28.0], [659, 807, 23.0], [807, 1166, 59.0], [1166, 1256, 10.0], [1256, 1355, 14.0], [1355, 1628, 46.0], [1628, 1754, 20.0], [1754, 2045, 46.0], [2045, 2468, 68.0], [2468, 2581, 19.0], [2581, 2944, 61.0], [2944, 3058, 19.0], [3058, 3332, 41.0], [3332, 3419, 10.0], [3419, 3513, 15.0], [3513, 3553, 5.0], [3553, 3641, 12.0], [3641, 3696, 10.0], [3696, 3839, 23.0], [3839, 4028, 29.0], [4028, 4187, 29.0], [4187, 4438, 38.0], [4438, 4636, 32.0], [4636, 4718, 12.0], [4718, 4915, 35.0], [4915, 5138, 35.0], [5138, 5315, 26.0], [5315, 5559, 38.0], [5559, 5623, 10.0], [5623, 5966, 48.0], [5966, 6185, 38.0], [6185, 6217, 5.0], [6217, 7156, 140.0], [7156, 7325, 24.0], [7325, 7840, 78.0], [7840, 7974, 15.0], [7974, 8570, 93.0], [8570, 8636, 10.0], [8636, 8984, 53.0], [8984, 9247, 41.0], [9247, 9507, 43.0], [9507, 10145, 104.0], [10145, 10279, 17.0], [10279, 10626, 46.0], [10626, 10847, 37.0], [10847, 11004, 22.0], [11004, 11322, 49.0], [11322, 11450, 22.0], [11450, 11661, 27.0], [11661, 11993, 48.0], [11993, 12129, 24.0], [12129, 12388, 39.0], [12388, 12741, 59.0], [12741, 12905, 25.0], [12905, 13473, 83.0], [13473, 13535, 8.0], [13535, 13734, 28.0], [13734, 13905, 29.0], [13905, 14004, 19.0], [14004, 14368, 62.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 83, 0.02531646], [83, 138, 0.16], [138, 267, 0.09923664], [267, 475, 0.0], [475, 659, 0.06878307], [659, 807, 0.1], [807, 1166, 0.02432432], [1166, 1256, 0.0], [1256, 1355, 0.05825243], [1355, 1628, 0.07913669], [1628, 1754, 0.04724409], [1754, 2045, 0.08389262], [2045, 2468, 0.08037825], [2468, 2581, 0.11607143], [2581, 2944, 0.06811989], [2944, 3058, 0.12173913], [3058, 3332, 0.0], [3332, 3419, 0.01204819], [3419, 3513, 0.01052632], [3513, 3553, 0.02702703], [3553, 3641, 0.01176471], [3641, 3696, 0.01851852], [3696, 3839, 0.04195804], [3839, 4028, 0.07329843], [4028, 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Eagleton Institute of Politics Centers/ For Students For Alumni About Eagleton Contact Info/ Directions Visiting Associates 191 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557 Phone: (732) 932-9384 (ECPIP=Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling/ Rutgers-Eagleton Poll) (EPID = Eagleton Program on Immigration and Democracy) (CAG = Center on the American Governor) (CAWP=Center for American Women and Politics) Faculty/Staff Spotlight Videos Join Our Email List Home / Faculty/Staff Eagleton Faculty/Staff Bios David P. Redlawsk Director, Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling and Professor of Political Science David P. Redlawsk is director, Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling, and Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Professor Redlawsk received his Ph.D. and M.A. from Rutgers University. He also holds an M.B.A. from Vanderbilt University and a B.A. from Duke University. His research focuses on campaign, elections, the role of information in voter decision making and on emotional responses to campaign information. He has received several grants to support his research from the National Science Foundation, and he currently serves on the Board of the American National Election Studies. Professor Redlawsk’s newest book (with Caroline Tolbert and Todd Donovan) is Why Iowa?: Sequential Elections, Reform and U.S. Presidential Nominations published by the University of Chicago Press. He has two other recent books, How Voters Decide: Information Processing in an Election Campaign, (with Richard Lau) published by Cambridge University Press and winner of the 2007 Alexander George Award for best Book in Political Psychology from the International Society of Political Psychology; and an edited volume, Feeling Politics: Emotion in Political Information Processing by Palgrave-Macmillan. Professor Redlawsk’s research has also been published in the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, and the American Journal of Political Science, as well as the journal Political Psychology among others. He currently serves as co-editor of the journal Political Psychology and has just completed a term as a member of the Governing Council of the International Society of Political Psychology. He was chair of the Political Psychology Organized Section of the American Political Science Association for 2009-2010. Professor Redlawsk is also interested in civic engagement and service-learning pedagogies. He is editor (with Tom Rice) of Civic Service: Service-Learning with State and Local Government Partners published in 2009 by Jossey-Bass which highlights a number of exemplary service-learning projects across institutions and disciplines, all of which partner with local or state government providing reciprocal value to students and government agencies. Redlawsk teaches courses including Survey Research, Local Politics, Political Campaigning, Voting Behavior, Political Psychology, Decision Making, and Experimental Methods. Home | Centers/Programs | Research/Publications | Public Events | For Students | For Alumni | News/Media | About Eagleton © Copyright 1995-2014 Eagleton Institute of Politics 191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557 (732) 932-9384 - Fax: (732) 932-6778
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Home » ALTRE SCIENZE » MEDICINA & SALUTE L’immunologa Viola: “Dobbiamo riscoprire il valore della scienza al di là dell’emergenza” "Noi ricercatori per arginare questi movimenti dobbiamo riscoprire il valore della scienza al di là dell'emergenza, il suo valore intrinseco" da Filomena Fotia 10 Novembre 2020 13:10 A cura di Filomena Fotia 10 Novembre 2020 13:10 “Oggi vediamo un proliferare di pseudoscienza: negazionismi, no mask, no-vax, no Ogm, no 5G. Posizioni irrazionali e antiscientifiche. Noi ricercatori per arginare questi movimenti dobbiamo riscoprire il valore della scienza al di là dell’emergenza, il suo valore intrinseco indipendentemente dalla sua applicabilità immediata“: lo ha affermato l’immunologa dell’università di Padova Antonella Viola, direttrice scientifica dell’Istituto di ricerca pediatrica Città della Speranza, ospite dell’evento online ‘I love Scienza: una maratona della Scienza’ organizzato dalla Fondazione De Sanctis in occasione della Giornata mondiale della Scienza promossa dall’Unesco. “E’ necessario investire in cultura scientifica che non significa solo dire ai ragazzi di studiare informatica o statistica ma anche il metodo e trasformare l’insegnamento nozionistico a quello dell’analisi critica. Solo così i cittadini avranno gli strumenti per comprendere la scienza, dialogarci e quindi fidarsi“. Terremoto dell'Irpinia del 1980, la simulazione della propagazione delle onde sismiche “Oggi vediamo un proliferare di pseudoscienza: negazionismi, no mask, no-vax, no Ogm, no 5G.… http://www.meteoweb.eu/2020/11/immunologa-viola-dobbiamo-riscoprire-valore-scienza-emergenza/1504651/ http://www.meteoweb.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Antonella-Viola.jpg
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calorie par jour pour perdre du poids homme juin 10, 2020 juin 10, 2020 Devenir mince Découvrez notre article de qualité sur calorie par jour pour perdre du poids homme WOD: Quarter Gone Bad | brûleur de graisse extreme brûleur de graisse herbalife avis perdre du poids rapidement combien de calories par jour gelule minceur rapide Si vous voulez perdre cinq kilos d’ici le vacuité prochain, écoutez bien : Perdre du poids rapidement, même si il est possible, est presque toujours malsain. En effet, vouloir perdre cinq kilos en une semaine peut vous préparer à des par intermittences de boulimie et à des fluctuations qui interfèrent avec les bénéfices à long terme, ce qui va à l’encontre du but recherché, hein ? C’est aussi super dur ! Pour la plupart des gens, il sera très, super difficile de perdre plus d’un à deux kilos de graisse corporelle en une semaine. Au contraire, vous avez plus de chances de perdre de l’eau que de la graisse. Et dans l’hypothèse ou une diminution du poids en eau se traduit en une perte de poids, le changement est temporaire. Même si vous atteignez votre objectif dans vendredi, il est presque irréalisable de maintenir le poids à long terme. Il explique que l’intense restriction calorique nécessaire pour perdre autant de graisse vous donnerait tellement que vous voudriez manger tout ce qui est en vue… étant donné que la survie. Et puisque la restriction calorique peut ralentir votre métabolisme, votre corps sera moins préparé à brûler les aliments à qui vous vous empiffrez (inévitablement), ajoute-t-il. Cela pourrait signifier gagner plus que ce que vous avez égaré en premier lieu. 18 raisons pour lesquelles votre régime alimentaire ne fonctionne pas Il existe néanmoins des moyens efficaces et sains de commencer à perdre du poids – et, oui, cela prendra du temps – dépourvu vous affamer, sans gaspiller de l’argent en compléments alimentaires douteux ou dépourvu punir votre corps parmi de l’exercice. Essayez du moins quelques-uns de ces conseils sûrs et éprouvés. Et n’oubliez pas : vous obtiendrez plus puissants résultats, et les plus durables, avec des changements qui ne vous laisseront pas épuisé et ne vous feront pas rêver de pizza. 1. Choisissez la qualité au lieu la quantité. Si vous dépensez plus de calories que vous n’en absorbez, vous devriez perdre du poids. Mais vous ne voulez pas être tellement hyper concentré sur calories que vous renoncez à un régime sain. Si vous vous concentrez sur la qualité de la nourriture, il y a de forte chances que vous mangiez de l’alimentation à forte densité nutritionnelle qui vous laissent rassasier. 2. Suivez votre régime alimentaire. Tout d’abord, souvenez-vous qu’aucun aliment n’est intrinsèquement bon ainsi qu’à mauvais. Et dans l’hypothèse ou l’idée de écrire n’importe quoi vous mangez dans une journée vous fait vous sentir coupable ainsi qu’à anxieux, passez complètement à côté. Cela dit, les personnes qui notent ce qu’elles mangent ont tendance à mieux réussir à perdre du poids parce que cela sensibilise à ce qu’elles ingèrent. En fait, une succession d’études publiées dans un journal suggère que individus qui utilisent des circonspection pour diriger alimentation et activité physique sont plus susceptibles de connaître une augmentation de leur perte de poids. Il est évident que ces distraction ne fonctionneront pas dans l’hypothèse ou vous ne saisissez pas n’importe quoi vous mangez. Vous devez être compréhensible et honnête après que vous consommez. 3. Concentrez-vous sur les plantes. Une étude sur 20 ans portant sur plus de 100 000 personnes a révélé que les individus qui mangeaient plus de céréales complètes que de céréales raffinées, qui incorporaient plus de fruits et de légumes que de sucreries et qui préféraient le thé et le café aux boissons sucrées et aux jus, prenaient moins gros à long terme. Dans une autre étude (de écourté envergure) portant sur plus de 1 000 personnes les chercheurs ont remarqué que les individus suivant un régime frugivore et végétalien, riche en céréales complètes, fruits, légumes, noix et légumineuses, avaient égaré plus essentiel que personnes suivant d’autres régimes – même le régime Atkins à faible en glucides – sur la même période. Comme les (comme protéines et graisses) ralentissent le de absorption et optimisent la sensation de satiété et l’apport en nutriments au pressant des repas, un régime à base de peut vous aider à vous sentir rassasié plus longtemps après avoir mangé. 4. Optez pour des glucides à faible indice glycémique. L’indice glycémique (IG) d’un aliment fait référence à la vitesse à laquelle le sucre de la nourriture pénètre dans la mouvement dessin et à la lenteur de la suppression des aliments. Les aliments desquelles la charge glycémique est faible, c’est-à-dire légumes verts, la majorité des fruits, les carottes crues, les haricots rouges, pois chiches, lentilles et céréales pour déjeuner en or son, permettent à votre métabolisme de fonctionner à un rythme plus régulier, ce qui avoir un impact positif sur la perte de poids. Les aliments plus fournis en charge glycémique telles que pomme de terre, pain blanc et riz à gamète courts) ralentissent potentiellement votre métabolisme, ce qui peut redonner plus difficile la perte de poids. Bien sûr, vous pouvez perdre du poids rapidement. Il existe beaucoup de régimes à la couture qui permettent de perdre des kilos, tout en vous donnant une sensation de et de privation. Mais à quoi bon perdre du poids quant au reprendre ensuite ? Pour perdre des kilos de façon permanente, il vaut mieux perdre du poids lentement. Et de nombreux fort déclarent qu’on y parvenir dépourvu effectuer de “régime”. La clé consiste un peu à apporter de simples modifications à votre vogue de vie. Adoptez une ou bien plusieurs de ces stratégies simples et indolores pour vous aider à perdre du poids sans suivre un “régime” : calorie pour perdre du poids homme combien de calorie pour perdre du poids pour un homme perdre du poids calorie Pourquoi vous devez manger au moins 1200 calories… regime pour perdre du poids pour homme perdre du poids pour un homme perdre du poids pour un homme de 50 ans perdre du poids pour homme je veux perdre du poids homme je n’arrive pas à perdre du poids homme [Transcript] – Biohacking India: sommeil, jet lag, tueurs environnementaux cachés, pollution de l'air, conseils antiviraux, manger pour la longévité et bien plus encore! – Ben Greenfield Fitness perdre du poids rapidement homme sport meilleur gelule minceur perdre du poids sous hypnose perdre du poids rennes
{"url": "https://art-danse-lyon.com/calorie-par-jour-pour-perdre-du-poids-homme/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "art-danse-lyon.com", "date_download": "2020-07-02T06:26:23Z", "digest": "sha1:P26B7XXF7LWTEA27VBE4SMJJNWFYC6HC"}
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Continued Excellence Building on that early tradition of excellence, our group has continued to expand and develop over the years. The tradition of innovation continues as our physicians have developed new techniques of urinary drainage and prostate cancer seed implantation. Doctors in our group have written numerous papers in scientific journals and textbooks. They have lectured widely on topics including prostate cancer, benign prostatic enlargement, stone disease, testicular tumors, urinary infection and urinary incontinence. Our physicians serve as clinical teachers for family medicine residents from the Medical College of Virginia and have been clinical instructors for the Georgetown Urology Residency Program. Our members have been recognized by their medical peers as doctors in our group have served as the Chairperson of Urology, Chairperson of Surgery and President of the Medical Staff at our affiliated hospitals. Ongoing Innovation For the last decade, we have stayed at the forefront of technologic advances in an effort to provide world-class care to our patients. Our group was one of the first urology groups in the metropolitan area to perform laparoscopic surgery on a regular basis and performed one of the first Laparoscopic nephrectomies. Our group was also an early adaptor of minimally invasive surgical treatments for enlarged prostate, such as the Green Light Laser, and we remain one of the largest volume providers for those procedures. Similarly, our doctors were some of the first to make the transition to minimally invasive Prostate Cancer surgery and were responsible for starting and developing the DaVinci Robotic Surgery programs at both Reston Hospital and INOVA Loudoun Hospital. In keeping with our tradition of innovation, in 2007, we were in the vanguard of medical groups switching to electronic records. For new patients, you can download necessary forms prior to your initial visit so that you can complete these forms at your own convenience and bring them with you to your visit. In 2009 we became home to the Northern Virginia Pelvic Continence Care Center. We treat pelvic pain and incontinence using the newest techniques and devices. Our group looks forward to continuing advancement and growth in the future. Exciting innovations develop daily in urology, and we look forward to continuing to deliver the best possible care to our patients.
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Three-time Detroit Country Day State Champion To Attend Shock Training Camp Shock Signs Tiera DeLaHoussaye to a Training Camp Contract Shock head coach and GM Bill Laimbeer announced today that the team has signed former Western Michigan guard Tiera DeLaHoussaye to a training camp contract. WMU Sports Information Zealous about Zellous Auburn Hills, MI - Detroit Shock Head Coach and General Manager Bill Laimbeer announced today that the team has signed former Western Michigan guard Tiera DeLaHoussaye to a training camp contract. The Detroit native and former Detroit Country Day High School standout was a three-time All-Mid American Conference selection and was named MAC Defensive Player of the Year in 2008. DeLaHoussaye ranked in the Top-15 in the nation in both steals and assists her sophomore and junior seasons and became the first MAC player to total over 1,000 points, 600 assists, 500 rebounds and 300 steals in a career. In the Western Michigan record books, she ranks 13th all-time in scoring (1,215) and second in assists (650) and steals (326). As a junior, DeLaHoussaye set a WMU single-season record with 250 assists. In 30 games for the Broncos last season (all starts) the 5-6 guard averaged 12.4 points, 4.1 rebounds and 4.6 assists in 32.5 minutes per game. Among MAC conference leaders, DeLaHoussaye ranked third in steals (2.25 spg), sixth in assists (4.6 apg), ninth in three-point percentage (.400) and ninth in assist-to-turnover ratio (1.26). Experience the three-time WNBA Champion Detroit Shock presented by Meijer in 2009 by calling 248.377.0100 or by logging on to www.DetroitShock.com for season ticket information.
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Home / Archivio notizie, News e Comunicati stampa / Contaminazione Mar Piccolo: bando di gara internazionale Contaminazione Mar Piccolo: bando di gara internazionale Contaminazione Mar Piccolo: nove i soggetti ammessi alla fase successiva del bando di gara internazionale del valore di 32 milioni di euro del Commissariato Straordinario per la bonifica di Taranto Taranto, 28 novembre 2018 – Sono 9 i soggetti con i requisiti richiesti dal bando di gara internazionaleper abbattere la contaminazione del Mar Piccoloche hanno superato la fase di prequalifica e sono ammessi a partecipare alla fase successiva che prevede la realizzazione della dimostrazione tecnologica innovativa. La procedura internazionale per l’instaurazione di un partenariato per l’innovazione finalizzato all’affidamento della progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva, e alla realizzazione degli interventi di risanamento ambientale nelle aree prioritarie del Mar Piccolo di Taranto (seno I) mediante dimostrazione tecnologica, è stata avviata lo scorso mese di giugno. Il valore totale stimato dell’intervento è di euro 32 276 250.00. Per la selezione degli operatorida ammettere alla fase di affidamento della dimostrazione tecnologica sarà̀ adottata la procedura negoziale, ai sensi dell’art. 65, comma 6, del Codice ed il Commissario Straordinario nominerà̀ una Commissione giudicatrice di qualificata e comprovata esperienza tecnico-scientifica e giuridico-amministrativa nel settore di riferimento, per la validazione delle offerte pervenute. I 9 soggetti ammessi alla fase due, dovranno far pervenire al Commissario Straordinario, entro il 22 febbraio, secondo le modalità indicate nella lettera di invitoinoltrata in data odierna, un plico sigillato contenente la progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva degli interventi di risanamento ambientale dei sedimenti nelle aree prioritarie del Mar Piccolo di Taranto seno I mediante dimostrazione. Il plico dovrà contenere l’offerta tecnica ed economica.Ogni soggetto concorrente dovrà̀ partecipare obbligatoriamente a tutti i lotti della dimostrazione tecnologica (Lotti 1, 2 e 3) e potrà̀ aggiudicarsene solo uno. I soggetti possono far richiesta di chiarimenti entro l’11 gennaio. La selezione delle offerte da ammettere alla successiva fase di negoziazione avverrà̀ con il criterio dell’offerta economicamente più̀ vantaggiosa ed il relativo calcolo sarà̀ effettuato con il metodo aggregativo compensatore, ai sensi delle Linee Guida ANAC approvate con Delibera n. 1005 del 21 settembre 2016. I soggetti selezionati nella fase di prequalifica potranno rivolgere quesiti al Commissariato entro il giorno 11 gennaio. Saranno oggetto di valutazione dell’”Offerta tecnica ed Organizzativa”, tra l’altro: la composizione del gruppo di progettazione e coordinamento tecnico del concorrente; la rispondenza ai requisiti all’art. 9 del contratto istituzionale di sviluppo per l’area di Taranto, in sigla “CIS”(Legge 4 marzo 2015, n. 20), per il coinvolgimento delle imprese aventi sede nella Regione Puglia e nei territori nei quali sono localizzati gli investimenti, con particolare attenzione alle micro, piccole e medie imprese (ai sensi dell’art. 13 della legge 11 novembre 2011, n. 180). A tal fine l’operatore economico deve precisare il rapporto che intercorre con tali soggetti. Il punteggio massimo disponibile è di 100 punti, da attribuire in base ai criteri di valutazione esposti di seguito. Il Commissario Straordinario ha nominato, successivamente alla data di presentazione delle domande di partecipazione, un seggio di gara per l’espletamento della fase amministrativa della procedura. La prima seduta pubblica si è tenuta lo scorso 04 luglio 2018. La procedura in oggetto si svolge secondo tre distinte fasi: fase 1 (prequalifica) già conclusa; affidamento dimostrazione tecnologica (fase 2); ammissione alla negoziazione (fase3). La valutazione dell’offerta migliorativa relativa alla dimostrazione tecnologica avverrà con il criterio dell’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa e il relativo calcolo sarà effettuato con il metodo aggregativo compensatore, ai sensi delle Linee guida ANAC (Delibera n. 1005 del 21 settembre 2016). Gli interventi da realizzare nel Seno I del Mar Piccolo hanno come obiettivo l’abbattimento del livello di contaminazione riscontrato nei sedimenti marini. Mediante l’applicazione, previa dimostrazione su scala pilota, di tecnologie innovative, le cui tipologie sono già state individuate: asportazione selettiva dei sedimenti con relativo recupero; capping con relativa ricostruzione dell’habitat naturale; bioremediation in situ; La durata del contratto d’appalto è di635 giorni e non è oggetto di rinnovo. La gara è stata pubblicata il 4 giugno sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale. “Mentre va avanti il processo amministrativo per il completamento delle procedure di gara in tempi celeri -afferma Vera Corbelli, Commissario Straordinario per la Bonifica di Taranto– si prosegue con le azioni previste nel monitoraggio integrato delle acque, dei sedimenti e della biocenosi del Mar Piccolo. Azione che vedrà l’estensione a tutta l’aria di crisi ambientale . Questo articolo è stato pubblicato in Archivio notizie, News e Comunicati stampa il 28 novembre 2018 da admin. ← Bandi di gara: Procedura aperta Cimitero San Brunone-Taranto Vera Corbelli in audizione alla Camera dei Deputati →
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March 25, 2018 Perri Nelson Computers, Entertainment, Software One of the things I like to do most in this world is write computer software. I tell interviewers that when I’m seeking a job. I spend a lot of time writing software both on the job (it’s a large part of my job after all) and off the job. Not too long ago I read some advice for job seekers about having a “passion project”. It wasn’t the first time I’ve seen that advice.I’ve got several such projects that I’ve been working on over the years. I’ve written many times about the simulated computers I’ve written and continue to write. I’ve written too about the blogging platform that I wrote and used for my personal blog several years ago. I no longer use that platform, finding it easier to keep up with what little blogging I do using WordPress, but I wrote the platform and made sure it was compatible with various tools for blogging. I’ve also worked on several other types of projects, which I haven’t written about. I’ll probably be posting something about them all in the next several weeks. After all, I spent time on them, so why not talk about them? I’ll also be making the source code for all of them publicly available . Maybe some of it will be useful to other people, maybe it won’t. So, what sort of things have I worked on for my own entertainment, or… at least that weren’t directly related to my job? Other than the blogging platform and the simulated computers? Well, how about these? A menu driven financial formula calculator that I wrote in B.A.S.I.C. the first and only time I ever took a course related to computer programming. An algebraic calculator that I wrote in Turbo Pascal during the 1980s using a rudimentary recursive descent parser. A text-based adventure game that I coded (I didn’t write this one, I just entered the code and made changes from UCSD Pascal to Turbo Pascal) based on the example in the book “Programming Your Own Adventure Games in Pascal”. A data-layer generator that used several MS-SQL system stored procedures to read a database schema and create source code for a library that allowed object oriented access to the objects in the database. A repository model for accessing databases using ADO.NET providing a simple, testable object oriented mechanism for reading and writing objects in a SQL database. “Screen scrapers” that were used to read various HTML report screens in the (no defunct) online game “Blogshares” and produce Excel spreadsheets and analyses of player portfolios and team portfolios. An online logbook for drag racing. A weather forecasting web site. This was a mash-up of Microsoft’s Terradata services and the National Weather Service’s forecasting database, as well as a zip-code database providing geographic locations for zip codes. Enter a zip code and it would give you the five-day forecast for that zip code from the National Weather service. A text based adventure gaming engine with a GUI scenario generator and two different programs to run the adventures – one a classic console game running using .NET Core 2.0 and the other using a Windows Forms interface – with a web based interface coming too. These are all projects I’ve worked on, or am currently working on. This stuff is fun for me. I’ve also got a few projects in the works that I’m collaborating on with some past and present co-workers. I’ll be getting back to those fairly soon. What’s the point of all of this? It’s not to impress potential interviewers. Like I said at the start, I do this stuff for fun. A youth pastor once told me that the secret to happiness in life was to find something you enjoy doing and figure out how to get someone to pay you for it. He was wrong about that, there’s another secret to true happiness, but by his measure, I’m happy. Previous Post:Don’t Worry, It’s Only Ones and Zeros Next Post:He is risen Good on you. I used to enjoy assembling, tweaking (even sometimes with my now less-than-excellent soldering skills), and otherwise enhancing various electronics projects, including computers, largely because I enjoy hands-on stuff. woodworking and auto mechanicking have also been fun interests. Now, I mostly enjoy puttering (and a bit more) around the house (flooring project in the works requiring a few furniture builds, all-new molding, and including a semi-minor kitchen rehab, etc.) and yard (those trees I need to take out. . . yes there are still a couple heh). Kinda back to “hands-on basics” for me of late.
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What to know about the fiscal cliff talks President Barack Obama, House Speaker John Boehner, R, Senate Majority Harry Reid, D, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D, are set to begin talks today at the White House about the so-called fiscal cliff. Here are four things to know about the talks. What is the fiscal cliff? It involves the expiring of Bush-era tax cuts in 2013, a debt-limit increase and more. Are Democrats and Republican on the same page? No. Obama has called several times since re-election for the Republican-controlled House to pass a Senate version of a bill to avoid the fiscal cliff, and Boehner on Wednesday called for the Democrat-controlled Senate to pass the House version. What’s the difference between the bills? The biggest one is that Obama-favored bill extends tax cuts for the middle class but lets the cuts on the rich expire. Boehner and Republicans aren’t on board with that plan, and Boehner said, “We are not going to hurt our economy and make job creation more difficult, which is exactly what (the Senate) plan would do.”Is there hope of a compromise? Obama and Boehner have both said they are willing to work with each other and are optimistic a deal will happen, but the sides appear as far apart as ever. GateHouse News Service
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Queen Nabs Galaxy Note 10.1 for Royal Collection [VIDEO] By Eric Larson2012-11-17 02:13:05 UTC England's Royal Family is getting a tablet. The BBC reports that the Royal Commonwealth Society charity is choosing Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1 to be added to the Royal Collection, the art collection of the British Royal Family. So does this mean Her Majesty will be using it to Instagram photos with the hashtag #RoyalLife? Not quite. The Royal Collection is a repository of art and technology — over the years, goods are added to it to be used and studied by future generations. It dates back to the beginning of Britain's monarchy. SEE ALSO: London Riots: BlackBerry Messenger Used More Than Facebook or Twitter In addition to being an artifact, the tablet will also host Queen Elizabeth II's "Jubilee Time Capsule" — a collection of photos and videos highlighting the past 60 years of English history. Despite receiving hundreds of entries from across the world, only 60 — including footage from Prince William and Kate Middleton's marriage, as well as a rap about the 2011 London riots — were selected to be encapsulated. The 60 entries represent Queen Elizabeth's 60-year reign. You can see all the entries online or read them on the go with the Jubilee Time Capsule app. Watch the video above to learn more. What types of things, new or old, would you keep in your "royal collection?" Tell us below. Mashable composite: Image courtesy of Flickr, BiblioArchives/LibraryArchives Thumbnail image courtesy of Flickr, roger4336 Gadgets, Mobile, Newsy, royal family, tablets, Tech, Video, Videos, World
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(-) Peace-building (0) HEKS/EPER is making a difference in the «Peace-building» in Hungary As part of inter-church cooperation, HEKS has for decades maintained close ties with the Reformed Church in Hungary (RCH). With a 16-per cent share of the population and 1 200 congregations, it is the country's second largest religious community and an important social institution. The RCH advocates mainly for the Roma population and for people with a disability because, by nation-wide comparison, the Roma population have a markedly lower level of education, worse job prospects and are more affected by poverty and discrimination. HEKS/EPER supports the RCH in developing projects to educate and help Roma children and adolescents shape their lives. The RCH also organizes leisure activities and holidays for otherwise abled people. In 2017 HEKS/EPER supported diaconal projects run by 15 church parishes of the Reformed Church in Hungary, whether for the benefit of deprived Roma children or of refugees. Peace and stability are prerequisites for advancement and prosperity. HEKS/EPER starts with peace work in everyday life. If conflicting parties can be shown common values, interests and prospects, this leads to better mutual understanding, to recognition, respect and cohesion. HEKS/EPER empowers individuals and groups that are committed to peaceful coexistence, through youth camps, peace networks, advocacy, media work and exchange programmes.
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Veröffentlicht von Linsenfutter am 7. September 2019 Er wird auch Distelfink genannt. Dies ist ein Bild für Schönen Sonntag..
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Guest blog: Jilly Forster, Founder, Forster Communications – Watch your language to reap the business benefits An age-shift is underway in society. People are living longer but we haven’t yet fully woken up to the value of older adults. Just check out the language often used to talk to or about older people – demeaning and diminishing words and phrases that reinforce ignorance and institutional ageist attitudes. In terms of their intellectual capital, experience, financial assets and spending potential, older people are a crucial resource to this country. And yet many businesses simply aren’t aware of or set up to manage the mutually-beneficial opportunities that come from employing, providing services for or communicating with older adults. Worse still, the language used when talking to or about older people actually devalues them. Language can shape preconceptions and fuel misunderstandings. It can create the foundations upon which stereotypes and discrimination are built. And despite the fact it’s no longer acceptable to use racist or sexist terminology, there appears to be a latent cultural tolerance for ageist words and phrases. Active and aggressive, discrete and pernicious In some instances, ageist language is active, intentional and aggressive, as with Giles Coren’s recent post-referendum rant in The Times entitled “Wrinklies have well and truly stitched us up”. Other words and phrases used to describe older people, such as ‘elderly’, ‘frail’, ‘over the hill’, ‘codger’, ‘decrepit’, are equally damaging in the way they disparage older adults. In other guises, ageist language is more subtle. Condescending phrases like ‘old granny’, ‘spritely’, ‘sweet’ or ‘good for their age’ abound in the media and everyday conversation. Even if not intended maliciously, they reaffirm the stereotype that all older people are vulnerable; that health and vitality in older adults are anomalies, and that in general older people are a burden. This discrete yet pernicious use of language, which leads to ‘inadvertent ageism’, can have a major impact on the way we treat older people, and on the way older people view themselves. There’s certainly no place for it in modern business culture, particularly among organisations looking to promote equality and diversity. To put it bluntly, it is really bad for business. Research from the Department for Work and Pensions and Business in the Community confirms that half of all people leaving work before state pension age feel compelled to do so, despite still having much to contribute to their organisation’s performance. The language of diminishment and decline, so often associated with older people, no doubt exacerbates this trend – fuelling assumptions about their professional capabilities and ambitions, and hastening them towards the exit door. Shaping a new lexicon Over the last decade I’ve seen changes in the language considered acceptable regarding race, sexuality and disability – whether on the street or in the media – and we have enjoyed the benefits of those changes in business, culture and wider society. There have been campaigns to ban the use of words like ‘nutter’ and ‘psycho’ from conversations around mental health. There have been strenuous attempts to kick racist language out of organised sport and society in general. But we have yet to see the same concerted effort to tackle the discriminatory language so frequently used to describe old age and older people. Of course, the counter argument is that ‘they’re just words’, political correctness gone mad. I disagree. Maya Angelou once said: ‘Words are things. They get on the walls…in your upholstery and your clothes. And finally, into you.’ Words can cause great long-term damage. They can affect people’s self-esteem, limit their opportunities, and impact their quality of life through fear and alienation. The flipside is that they can inspire, involve and empower, making people feel part of something, valued and respected. There is a massive opportunity for businesses to change how they talk about getting older and engage positively with The Age Shift. Think about the language you and your organisation uses to address or describe older people. Think about how your communications or policies might be affecting them or making them feel. Let’s shape an age-aware lexicon that doesn’t ignore the value, diversity and dynamism of older people or consigns them to an undifferentiated demographic mass. So, in addition to the obvious blacklist of terms such as ‘old timer’ and ‘past sell-by date’, consider avoiding the following: Ageing… can make it sound like someone is declining, fading Ageing in place (meaning older adults living in their own homes)… sounds like you’re talking about a potted plant or a root vegetable Ageing gracefully… meant to be complimentary, but conjures up images of older people waltzing through meadows. Also suggests that the norm in something ungraceful or unsightly Senior citizens… we don’t refer to the under-50s as ‘junior citizens’, so as a prefix this feels redundant Elderly… suggests care homes, seaside promenades, lack of autonomy and independence Pensioner… an outmoded and inaccurate descriptor, unless you’re talking about a thoroughbred horse that has retired from stud. There has been no legal retirement age since 2011 – some people work into their seventies, some people retire in their fifties Instead, how about: ‘older people’, ‘older adults’, or simply ‘man’ or ‘woman’ followed by their age? These options seem to me more balanced and unbiased. Of course, we need to look beyond language to address the ageist attitudes and behaviours words can both reflect and reaffirm. But a great place to start is to watch our words and start rectifying language-based age discrimination. Jilly Forster is founder of Forster, the social change PR agency jilly@forster.co.uk This entry was posted in Equality and Human Rights, Work and Retirement by admin. Bookmark the permalink.
{"url": "http://blog.ilcuk.org.uk/2016/07/18/guest-blog-jilly-forster-founder-forster-communications-watch-your-language-to-reap-the-business-benefits/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "blog.ilcuk.org.uk", "date_download": "2017-12-11T00:06:46Z", "digest": "sha1:CIIYC5UHULU52CXY4KYJAMBCACYNVDXV"}
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The Star-Spangled Avenger Shines in CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 By Matt Attanasio CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 marks an outstanding milestone in the annals of the Star-Spangled Avenger. Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matthew Wilson conclude the “Out of Time” arc with this issue. It acts as both a great conclusion to the arc, and a fantastic milestone for the character. Unlike other milestones, CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 doesn’t waste any page space of the core story with callbacks and side stories highlighting the other parts of Steve’s world. There’s a nifty little 10-page short at the back of the issue, filled with original Jack Kirby art, but we’ll get to that later. The core story of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 is the one you’ve been reading for the past few issues, through and through. With this milestone, Waid, Samnee, and Wilson tell a story that speaks to Captain America’s character just as much as any amount of flashbacks could. We see Cap as both a valiant leader and a humble man. CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 highlights everything that makes Cap an amazing hero. Ta-Nehisi Coates and Leinil Yu Take On CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 The Hero of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 picks up with Steve Rogers leading the charge, as America starts to rebuild. As the de facto leader of the rebellion and savior of America, Steve was named King Rogers. Of course, he hates the title, but he accepts it anyway, as everyone seems to naturally follow him. Steve’s leadership is frantic, to say the least. He has just about everything to juggle, in terms of rebuilding the entire nation of America. But, despite the frustrating odds, Cap remains steadfast through it all. Even when the option to return home pops up, he declines. He’s willing to put everything from the past behind him to help the future America rebuild. And, for almost a whole year, he does. It’s the selfless kind of action you’d expect from Steve Rogers. It’s a great highlight of his morals and beliefs. However, just when things are looking up for Cap in the future, disaster appropriately strikes. Someone sets off a nuke in Manhattan, which brings everything down on Cap. CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 page 13. Courtesy of Marvel Entertainment. Steve realizes the faults with his beliefs; he realizes that hope won’t be enough to solve the problem and that he was very much in over his head. So, he begrudgingly returns to the past (or the present, depending on how you look at it; stupid time travel) to fix the dystopian future. Steve makes a triumphant return and ultimately defeats the Rampart, which, ideally, undoes everything in the future. The Pros and Cons of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 Ultimately, the finale to this arc is a great compilation of the things that make Steve Rogers who he is. He’s selfless, staunch in his convictions, and willing to fight until the very end. There’s an abundance of moments specifically pointing to these traits throughout the issue. When Steve is offered the chance to return to the past, he declines because he’s unsure of how the science behind the time travel would work (which should be anyone’s reaction to anything time travel related). Steve wants to stay in the future to help rebuild because he has real lives to protect, versus the hypothetical ones he could maybe save by returning to the past. The idea is that he could fail, and it would all be for nothing. CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 page 9. Courtesy of Marvel Entertainment This is a very sensible reaction. Not only does it speak to Cap’s beliefs, but it also shows how he’s opening up to new methods of thinking. When was the last time Steve Rogers legitimately took the time to think about the consequences of something based on the science of it? It doesn’t happen very often. This is a nice bit of character development thrown in by Waid. This idea of Steve changing as a character comes up again when he decides to return home. When Steve realizes his current efforts are in vain, he says, “Hope is not a plan,” to which Bruce Banner replies, “That’s the least Captain America thing I’ve ever heard.” Banner couldn’t be more right. That’s not at all a Captain America thing to say. But it’s important that Steve said it, because it shows, again, that he’s changing, and coming to grips with reality. For a character who basically never loses hope, this is a very meaningful change for Steve Rogers. Captain America: Moralistic Hero or Propaganda Tool? Where CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 Goes Wrong However, the colossal fault of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 is its ending. Let’s just say that basically everything that has happened in the last three issues is retconned. Everything. Including all of that great development I just mentioned, plus whatever I missed in this review. How? Well, you’ll have to read to figure that out. It’s extremely unfortunate. The arc wasn’t the best material Captain America has ever gotten, but it was definitely fun. It was creative and unique, especially for a character like Captain America. And, with the milestone of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 came a lot of great moments for the character. It’s a shame that, in the end, it was all basically for nothing. However, that’s not to say this milestone fails. Yes, the ending drops the ball for the “Out of Time” arc as a whole, but it’s still a great culmination of the character of Captain America. So, yeah, not a total failure, I guess. Incredible Art for an Incredible Milestone Samnee and Wilson deliver their usual brand of smooth, clean pages, with their expressive characters and energetic action sequences. The story deftly moves between the colorful sequences of Cap fighting in and rebuilding America, and the darker, more solemn moments in the headquarters. There are a ton of great artistic moments in CAPTAIN AMERICA #700. The montage where we see Cap spending a year in the future is very pleasant to look at and easy to follow. It gives you a strong sense of the progress that’s being made in the rebuilding of America. The fade where Cap returns to the past/present is also particularly enjoyable. Something about the way the colors flow on the page is just really entrancing. Overall, this is definitely another success in the books of Chris Samnee and Matthew Wilson. Star-Spangled Extras! Let’s not forget, though, the extra story at the end of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700! Like I mentioned earlier, the art for this 10-page story features art from Captain America co-creator Jack Kirby. I’m assuming these were old pages of Kirby’s that never got used. Thankfully, Mark Waid saw fit to put a story to them, And it’s a really nice story, too. It features Captain America rushing to save a man’s life, while also having to fend off the Red Skull’s cronies. The story as a whole is told in a very simplistic manner, but that’s what makes it so great. It feels so much like an old issue of Captain America. 7 Reasons Superman and Captain America Are Better Than Perfect The art, of course, is incredible. Any fan of the old Captain America comics will be right at home. It’s easy for anyone to appreciate the elegance of these pages. Like the story, the elegance comes from the simplicity. It complements Samnee’s style very well. The final line of this short tale is a great summary of Captain America and a perfect way to end CAPTAIN AMERICA #700. “Captain America is one of a kind.” Here’s to a Hundred More CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 is a star-spangled milestone. It marks a huge turning point for the character and brings the energetic “Out of Time” arc to a close. Though this milestone is not without its flaws, those problems can be easily overlooked, thanks to the plethora of great content in this issue. Between the fast-paced and simplistic storytelling, the always impeccable art of Samnee and Wilson, and the lovely 10-page story featuring art by Jack Kirby, there’s a lot to love about CAPTAIN AMERICA #700. Don’t miss out on this awesome occasion! Go get yourself a copy of CAPTAIN AMERICA #700, on the double! CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matthew Wilson Though it's not a flawless milestone, CAPTAIN AMERICA #700 is a fantastic issue, and a great summary of all the things that make Captain America such a great hero. A Star-Spangled Success TagsCaptain Americacomicscomic booksMarvelMarvel Comicsmark waidBruce Bannerchris samneesteve rogersJack KirbyEntertainmentout of time Previous article The Rise of Governor Pryce Begins in STAR WARS: THRAWN #3 More By Matt Attanasio Aunt May Takes Precedent in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #15 Writer Nick Spencer and artist Chris Bachalo take some time to remind us just how importan… The Shadow Colonel Strikes Hard in AVENGERS #14 The Shadow Colonel and his Legion of the Unliving have arrived in AVENGERS #14, and they'v… The Man Without Fear Makes a Rocky Return in DAREDEVIL #1 After nearly dying, Matt Murdock is back as the Man Without Fear in DAREDEVIL #1, brought … Episode 76: X-Men – “The Dream” Episode 80: AYA, LIFE IN YOP CITY
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The True Lessons of the Recession Raghuram G. Rajan May/June 2012 Issue EconomicsMonetary Issues Political Economy The True Lessons of the Recession The West Can’t Borrow and Spend Its Way to Recovery By Raghuram G. RajanAbout the Author: RAGHURAM RAJAN is Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the author of Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy. Read more by Raghuram G. Rajan Purchase Article Facebook (Sh4rp_i/flickr) According to the conventional interpretation of the global economic recession, growth has ground to a halt in the West because demand has collapsed, a casualty of the massive amount of debt accumulated before the crisis. Households and countries are not spending because they can't borrow the funds to do so, and the best way to revive growth, the argument goes, is to find ways to get the money flowing again. Governments that still can should run up even larger deficits, and central banks should push interest rates even lower to encourage thrifty households to buy rather than save. Leaders should worry about the accumulated debt later, once their economies have picked up again. This narrative -- the standard Keynesian line, modified for a debt crisis -- is the one to which most Western officials, central bankers, and Wall Street economists subscribe today. As the United States has shown signs of recovery, Keynesian pundits have been quick to claim success for their policies, pointing to Europe's emerging recession as proof of the folly of government austerity. But it is hard to tie recovery (or the lack of it) to specific policy interventions. Until recently, these same pundits were complaining that the stimulus packages in the United States were too small. So they could have claimed credit for Keynesian stimulus even if the recovery had not materialized, saying, "We told you to do more." And the massive fiscal deficits in Europe, as well as the European Central Bank's tremendous increase in lending to banks, suggest that it is not for want of government stimulus that growth is still fragile there. In fact, today's economic troubles are not simply the result of inadequate demand but the result, equally, of a distorted supply side. For decades before the financial crisis in 2008, Log in or register for free to continue reading.
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Page d'accueil > Monde du Travail > Finance et Economie > Le taux d'interet sans... Le taux d'interet sans risque a t'il encore un sens aujourd'hui? Depuis que j’étudie l’économie, il m’a été enseigné que l’Etat est un emprunteur qui ne fait pas défaut et que prêter à l’Etat signifie qu’on ne court aucun risque. Leurs théories de l’investissement reposent sur la liberté individuelle d’investir ou de ne pas investir. Cette liberté de la figure de l’investisseur est garantie par l’existence d’un taux d’intérêt sans risque,payé à qui prête à l’Etat. L’hypothèse d’un tel taux est pourtant assez difficile à admettre. ll faut avoir la mémoire courte pour imaginer qu’un Etat ne fait jamais défaut. Il s’agit ici de savoir si le taux d’intérêt sans risque est toujours « sans risque » actuellement. Mais cela fait des décennies que cette question se pose. En 1986, Max Weber intervint dans le débat qui conduisit à la réformeboursière en Allemagne dans un contexte marqué par de nombreux scandales boursiers. Ses lecteurs ont en mémoire que la suspension de paiement en 1890 des rentes émises par l’Etat argentin provoqua l’illiquidité de la banque londonienne Barings Brothers, qui fut sauvée de justesse, et les investisseurs allemands perdirent alors les deux tiers de l’épargne qu’ils avaient placée dans ces emprunts. «L’Allemagne a déjà perdu plusieurs centaines de millions à cause des emprunts argentins, et lorsqu’enfin les banques, se rendant compte que ce pays empruntait au-dessus de ses capacités, refusèrent de faire crédit plus avant, le ministère des Affaires étrangères, pour des raisons politiques, essaya de les faire changer d’avis. » (WEBER Max, 2010 [1894-1896], La Bourse, p.90, Paris, Allia) Outrecet exemple historique et emboîtant le pas des travaux de H. Markowitz (1952, 1959), les fondements de la finance moderne reposent sur l’hypothèse d’un taux sans risque. Aujourd’hui, il semble que les professionnels de la finance redécouvrent à leur tour qu’il est risqué de prêter à l’Etat et que cela les trouble quelque peu. Est-ce dans un siècle de transition comme le nôtre, dans un siècle quiest appelé forcément, par sa position, par sa nature, à de longues agitations, est-ce dans un pareil siècle qu’il est sage de remettre dans les mains du gouvernement, quels que soient sa forme et son représentant actuel, la fortune entière d’un si grand nombre d’hommes ? Dans un premier temps nous aborderons les raisons d’un tel doute sur le sens d’un taux sans risque aujourd’hui, en outre nousparlerons de la crise financière qui touche l’économie mondiale depuis 2007. Puis nous discuterons des conséquences de cette dernière. I. La crise financière de 2007 à aujourd’hui La crise financière initiée en 2007 et encore en cours en 2011 est une crise financière marquée par une crise de liquidité ou une crise de solvabilité, et une raréfaction du crédit. Amorcée en juillet 2007, elletrouve son origine dans le dégonflement de bulles de prix (dont la bulle immobilière américaine des années 2000) et les pertes importantes des établissements financiers provoquées par la crise des subprimes. Accentuée en septembre 2008 par une chute des cours des marchés boursiers et la faillite de plusieurs établissements financiers, elle provoque un début de crise systémique et une récessiontouchant l'ensemble de la planète. Les finances publiques ont été lourdement sollicitées pour résoudre cette crise. Le déficit public s'est creusé dans de nombreux pays, après un recul du produit intérieur brut mondial de 2,2% en 2009. 1. La théorie de l’homo economicus L’homo economicus est une construction théorique ce qui permet d’expliquer l’échec des économistes de la déréglementation.L’homo economicus est un être parfaitement raisonnable qui sur un marché transparent, alloue ses capitaux de façon toujours optimale en fonction des prises de risque qu’il sait pertinemment consentir. Ce n’est pas un joueur. Il est dirigé par deux sentiments sinon logiques, du moins fort compréhensibles : * la cupidité le pousse à prendre des risques pour gagner plus et plus vite ; lorsque... Lire le document complet Veuillez vous inscrire pour avoir accès au document. Le principe d'annualité a t'il encore un sens aujourd'hui ? ...principe d’annualité a-t-il un sens aujourd’hui ? «La mise en perspective des lois des finances suppose également de prendre en compte la durée. Actuellement l’horizon des lois de finance est au plus d’une année, toute le monde s’accordant pour reconnaître cette perspective temporelle trop courte et synonyme de myopie budgétaire.» C’est en 2000, lors de la réunion de la commission le 18 septembre, que M. Alain Lambert,... 2552 Mots | Le dualisme juridictionnel a t'il encore un sens ...de l’ordre administratif a encore un sens aujourd’hui. Le rapprochement se manifeste de plusieurs manières : d’abord par l’application de règles de droit civil au contentieux administratif : en particulier l’art. 2043 C.C. sur la responsabilité extracontractuelle1 . 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On sait que cette opposition a ?t? analys?e par le sociologue Pierre Bourdieu, on sait aussi qu'elle est... 349 Mots | La couverture des risques de change et de taux d’intérêt ...SOMMAIRE I – Le risque de change 1) Exposition 2) Instruments de couverture a) Change à terme b) Swaps de change c) Swaps de devises (Cross currency swaps) d) Options de change II – Le risque de taux d’intérêt a) Baisse des taux b) Hausse des taux a) Swaps de taux... 3855 Mots | letudiant.fr ©2016 Etudier.com Mentions légales Plan du site Promouvoir {"essaysImgCdnUrl":"\/\/images-study.netdna-ssl.com\/pi\/","useDefaultThumbs":true,"defaultThumbImgs":["\/\/etu-study.netdna-ssl.com\/stm\/images\/placeholders\/default_paper_2.png","\/\/etu-study.netdna-ssl.com\/stm\/images\/placeholders\/default_paper_3.png","\/\/etu-study.netdna-ssl.com\/stm\/images\/placeholders\/default_paper_4.png","\/\/etu-study.netdna-ssl.com\/stm\/images\/placeholders\/default_paper_5.png"],"thumb_default_size":"160x220","thumb_ac_size":"80x110","isPayOrJoin":false,"essayUpload":false,"site_id":13,"autoComplete":false,"isPremiumCountry":false,"userCountryCode":"US","logPixelPath":"\/\/www.smhpix.com\/pixel.gif","tracking_url":"\/\/www.smhpix.com\/pixel.gif","essay":{"essayId":40794580,"categoryName":"Finance et Economie","categoryParentId":"4","currentPage":1,"format":"text","pageMeta":{"text":{"startPage":1,"endPage":12,"pageRange":"1-12","totalPages":12}},"access":"premium","title":"Le taux d\u0027interet sans risque a t\u0027il encore un sens aujourd\u0027hui?","additionalIds":[],"additional":[],"loadedPages":{"html":[],"text":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]}},"user":null,"canonicalUrl":"http:\/\/www.etudier.com\/dissertations\/Le-Taux-d\u0027Interet-Sans-Risque-a\/225423.html","pagesPerLoad":50,"userType":"member_guest","ct":null,"ndocs":"620,000","pdocs":"6,000","cc":"10_PERCENT_1MO_AND_6MO","signUpUrl":"https:\/\/www.etudier.com\/connexion","joinUrl":"https:\/\/www.etudier.com\/inscription","payPlanUrl":"\/commande\/paiement\/1300001","upgradeUrl":"\/commande\/premium","freeTrialUrl":null,"showModal":"get-access","showModalUrl":"https:\/\/www.etudier.com\/connexion?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etudier.com%2Finscription","joinFreeUrl":"\/dissertations\/?newuser=1","siteId":13,"facebook":{"clientId":"105009142918294","version":"v2.2","language":"fr_FR"},"analytics":{"googleId":"UA-18440506-1"}}
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frank ribery france football "Si Bale está bien es capaz de liderar al Real Madrid" (siguiente noticia) Ribéry: "No hay 'feeling' con Van Gaal" El futbolista galo reconoce su mala situación en Múnich desde que se destapara su posible traspaso al Real Madrid "Con Hitzfeld era diferente, él era un señor" El internacional francés Franck Ribéry reconoció que no hay 'feeling' entre él y su nuevo entrenador en el Bayern Munich, Louis van Gaal, en dos entrevistas publicadas en el diario 'L'Equipe' y en la revista 'France Football'. "Es la primera vez que el contacto con un entrenador no es positivo. Tengo menos 'feeling'", confesó el delantero al diario deportivo. "Por el momento no hay 'feeling' entre nosotros", dijo también el futbolista en el semanario galo, en el que añade que "nuestras relaciones son profesionales. Eso era diferente con Ottmar Hitzfeld, por ejemplo, quien era un señor, el mejor entrenador que he conocido en el Bayern". "Si yo debo adaptarme en ciertos aspectos, él -Van Gaal- también debe esforzarse. Necesito bromear, sentirme libre y respirar para estar bien y actualmente no es el caso", indicó el internacional francés.Asimismo, Ribéry destacó que esa impresión no es sólo "válida" para él, ya que siente que el equipo en general "no está liberado", que "el grupo está demasiado oprimido para soltarse, lo que se ve y se experimenta en el terreno". "Es un entrenador muy duro y exigente", continuó el francés, quien agregó que el holandés "es muy serio, bromea raramente y posee sus principios. La relación ha sido tensa entre nosotros, sobre todo, al principio con todas esas historias sobre mi posible partida".
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Tipi di birra No Comments on Tipi di birra Con una differenza abissale, le birre Pilsener – chiamate anche Pilsen o Pilsen – dominano il mondo: dal Giappone all’India, dal Brasile alla Spagna e, naturalmente, in tutto il Nord Europa. Tra le altre ragioni, perché sono le più miti, meno amare, meno alcoliche e possono essere bevute più fredde. In altre parole, quelle che assomigliano più a una bibita analcolica e meno a una bevanda fermentata. Tuttavia, nella storia millenaria della birra, questo metodo di produzione, che ha avuto origine nella regione boema della Repubblica Ceca, è stato in minoranza e solo all’inizio del XX secolo ha cominciato a diffondersi tra il pubblico mondiale. Infatti, sia in Germania che in Belgio, e naturalmente nel Regno Unito e nella Repubblica d’Irlanda, c’è ancora un gusto sano per altri tipi di birra. Lo stesso vale in molte zone degli Stati Uniti, soprattutto nel New England. Attualmente, con il recupero delle birre artigianali, è aumentata anche l’offerta nel nostro Paese di altre varianti di birreria diverse da pilsener, che è il sistema tradizionale in Spagna, soprattutto nella classica canna da birra. Quindi è molto probabile che quest’estate, nelle numerose fiere della birra artigianale che si tengono o nelle offerte del supermercato dove normalmente si va, si abbia la possibilità di acquistarne un po’. La seguente guida ha lo scopo di fornirvi una comprensione minima di ciò che state acquistando. Tipi di birra : di grano o orzo? Per iniziare con la tassonomia della birra dobbiamo distinguere due grandi gruppi, che distinguono il cereale utilizzato per la fermentazione. Nel primo gruppo ci sono le birre d’orzo e nel secondo le birre di frumento. Le birre di frumento sono originarie della Germania, anche se sono famose anche in Olanda, e si caratterizzano per il loro punto fruttato, il loro colore chiaro – da qui il nome di “bionde”, e la loro torbidità, dovuta al malto di frumento. Si chiamano weizen o weissbier – “birra bianca” in tedesco – e se sono anche torbide perché non sono state filtrate si chiamano hefeweizen o hefeweissbier. Sono una variante molto locale, poiché hanno avuto una conservazione complicata fino a poco tempo fa, che viene consumata fondamentalmente come birra estiva, in bottiglie da mezzo litro e spesso mescolata con limone soda. Tradizionalmente sono stati considerati un gruppo minore perché il loro gusto è semplice, con poche sfumature e permette una minore sperimentazione di sfumature di colore e sapori, ma ci sono enologi artigiani che con loro realizzano vere e proprie meraviglie. Le birre d’orzo sono prodotte con orzo maltato, che conferisce loro maggiore amarezza e forza, e hanno portato allo sviluppo della maggior parte delle birre che esistono oggi nel mondo. All’interno delle birre prodotte dalla fermentazione dell’orzo maltato si possono distinguere due grandi famiglie: la ‘family ale’ e la ‘family lager’. Ale : la favorita nelle isole del Regno unito Nel corso della storia, queste due grandi famiglie hanno combattuto per il trono della birra, comprese guerre e rivoluzioni, e alla fine si sono insediate in due grandi regni. Il “regno della birra” è eminentemente atlantico e corrisponde alle isole e ad alcune zone della costa olandese. Le birre ale sono una saga che si caratterizza per la fermentazione ad alta temperatura, tra i 15 º C e i 25 º C, che permette alla birra di essere servita velocemente e senza bisogno di stoccaggio. Tendono ad essere birre con molto carattere e generalmente con un contenuto alcolico. Anche se non sono necessariamente forti, sono particolarmente amari e vengono serviti tiepidi, tra i 12ºC e i 18ºC. Inoltre dobbiamo distinguere tra grandi aree, che corrispondono alle due isole e all’asse nord-sud. Vale a dire, la birra irlandese, scozzese e inglese propriamente detta, così come la terraferma belga. All’interno della birra dobbiamo distinguere diversi tipi di birra: Brown ale: il cereale viene tostato per ottenere una birra di un colore che va dall’ambra al caramello o al bruno rossastro. Sono birre potenti e amare in cui si può notare il luppolo, che è ciò che dà il gusto forte della birra. Birre trappiste : sono anche note come “birre di abbazia” e tutti ne conosciamo alcune come la Chimay o la Leffe. Sono prodotte nei conventi del Belgio, ma non solo, e hanno un gusto forte, anche se non così amaro, e un alto contenuto alcolico. Mild ale: è stata per molti anni la “birra della classe operaia” per eccellenza, la birra della classe operaia è un tipo di birra giovane e poco pregiata che viene servita calda e a volte mescolata con la birra più matura per darle un po’ più di gusto. È in declino. Old ale: è un tipo di birra che riposa per un po’ e si rafforza con l’evaporazione. Ha un grado medio tra il 5 e il 10% in volume e un certo sapore dolce dovuto al residuo zuccherino. Sono scuri e molto forti, oltre che amari. Pale ale: chiamata anche ale pale ale indiana, è un tipo di ale che si caratterizza per essere più pallida della ale media, ma che mantiene un alto contenuto alcolico e una grande presenza di sapore di luppolo. È la birra che tradizionalmente veniva trasportata nei territori dell’impero, da qui il suo alto grado di resistenza agli attraversamenti. Stout: La stout è una birra quasi nera, amara e amara, prodotta con malto d’orzo tostato. È la classica birra nera, molto tostata e alla quale viene aggiunto azoto in modo che la schiuma abbia la sua caratteristica consistenza. I marchi più noti sono Guinness e Murphy’s, ma ce ne sono molti altri e con molte varianti. Hanno un alto contenuto alcolico. Porter ale: nasce da una miscela di birra marrone e birra chiara per ottenere una birra di alta qualità e allo stesso tempo una maggiore consistenza. È considerato il passo precedente alla corpulenta. Lager: la più bevuta in Europa continentale Il continente europeo è stato tradizionalmente l’impero del lager, che qui è stato creato, soprattutto nell’Europa centrale, comprendente la Germania, i Paesi Bassi e i territori dell’Impero austro-ungarico. In realtà, la Pilsener è originaria della Repubblica Ceca, ma non è assolutamente l’unico membro della famiglia dei lager. La Lager si ottiene dalla fermentazione a bassa temperatura, che dà una birra più morbida, in generale, della birra chiara, e deve essere conservata dopo la fermentazione per almeno tre mesi in contenitori. Devono essere serviti anche freddi e mai tiepidi, perché hanno un cattivo sapore a temperatura ambiente. Da questo processo deriva il suo nome: lager può significare infatti “magazzino” o “camera di stoccaggio” in tedesco. Alcune delle varianti di lager più conosciute sono Bock: è una delle birre lager più forti ed è tipicamente tedesca. Può essere chiaro o scuro, ma sempre con un sapore potente e un forte carico alcolico che può superare il 6%. Scura: conosciuta anche come dunkel lager, è la versione nera della lager, con un contenuto alcolico e una maggiore tostatura del malto, anche se non è potente come la birra scura. Lager chiara: è la meno arrostita e meno saltata, con l’intento di produrre una birra gialla e leggerissima, con poca gradazione alcolica e un gusto morbido e rinfrescante. È una birra estiva della Repubblica Ceca. Pilsner: deriva dal pallet della lager ed è la birra che tutti noi beviamo di default nei bar della Spagna. Il suo merito è stato quello di aver coinciso, alla fine del XIX secolo, con un cambiamento nei gusti della popolazione, soprattutto quella urbana, che cresceva maggiormente e che tendeva a cercare bevande per un consumo più sociale. Nel corso del XX secolo si è diffuso in tutto il mondo. ← Tipi di riso → Tipi di olio
{"url": "https://tisreports.com/2020/04/10/tipi-di-birra/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "tisreports.com", "date_download": "2020-05-24T23:08:48Z", "digest": "sha1:K2AUUID2QXWYLDVA3PAK7DQEB5H2JINZ"}
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Gaither Music Jimmy Fortune: Hits & Hymns DVD/CD w/bonus Jimmy Fortune: Sings The Classics CD Includes: 1 DVD & 2 CDs One of the most recognizable tenor voices in country and gospel music, Statler Brother Jimmy Fortune has recorded some of his most celebrated hits and favorite hymns on this all-new DVD. Featuring an up-close-and-personal interview with Bill Gaither and a full concert performance, Jimmy shares moving stories while showcasing the beloved vocals and heartwarming styles that have made him a musical legend and an American treasure. In The Sweet By And By Far Side Banks Of Jordan I Believe - featuring Dailey & Vincent Life’s Railway To Heaven More Than A Name On A Wall – featuring Dailey & Vincent If I Was God Just A Close Walk With Thee – featuring Bill Gaither Too Much On My Heart Victory In Jesus – featuring Bill Gaither A member of both the Country Music Hall of Fame and Gospel Music Hall of Fame, CMA Award winner Jimmy Fortune is singing the classics with these all-new renditions of some of the most popular songs of our time. Joined by longtime friends Ricky Skaggs, The Isaacs, and the Voices of Lee, Fortune, known for his 21-year career with the legendary Statler Brothers, showcases the unmistakable tenor voice that has made him a household name among music lovers. Songs Listing 1. Make The World Go Away 2. Take Me Home, Country Roads 3. Danny’s Song 4. Wake Up Little Susie Feat. Ricky Skaggs 5. Unchained Melody 6. Take It To The Limit Feat. The Isaacs 7. Crazy Arms 8. Flowers On The Wall 9. If 10. Wildfire 11. Annie’s Song 12. Yesterday 13. Southern Nights 14. Bridge Over Troubled Waters Feat. Voices Of Lee
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My friend Ben sat in the passenger seat in my car and suddenly there was a pause in the conversation. He took a deep breath and I could tell something was bothering him. Our friendship, over the years, had developed into an unusual one. Ben and I had very few secrets between us. We care about and trust each other enough that we both know there is never any judgment between us. Ben is my only friend like this and I have often wished that I had ten more just like him. His mood became somber, his voice was low. He told me that his teenage daughter had recently sent him a series of harsh text messages and I could tell that it was really affecting him. I also knew that for most of his daughters life, their relationship was really good. Ben had been divorced for about seven years and he saw his two daughters on the weekends. His daughter who was fourteen, it seemed, had turned on him. I could tell that this really bothered him but honestly, I wasn’t surprised. Over the years I have worked with teens numbering in the thousands and I have become acutely aware of their patterns. Almost every teenager, I have learned, goes through a certain phase during their teen years. I call this the, “my parents are horrible monsters” phase. Trust me, I see this all the time. Loving parents feeling totally bewildered because their darling child suddenly seems to hate them. There’s a point in a teenagers life when they realize that their parent is imperfect and has made mistakes and suddenly their teen seems to be acutely aware of those mistakes and what they should have done instead. As I work with parents, I often find myself driving a point home to them. That particular point is that teens are not rational adults. Let’s face it, not even adults are necessarily rational. Teens are big kids and in many ways, they think like children. They make look like an adult, act like an adult and talk like an adult but seriously, they are children. Granted, some kids parents really are horrible monsters but those parents don’t usually read articles like this on the internet. Their new found disgust for their parental units is often completely unfounded. They get it in their heads somehow that life is supposed to be fair and they get pissed when they realize how unfair life really is. Oh yeah, and guess what, they will probably blame you for that uncomfortable fact. I watched my nephew go through this phase. He’s a great guy, smart, polite, kind, talented, funny, all those good things. He decided one day that his parents were horrible monsters, especially his dad. Which didn’t make sense because his dad is one of the best people and one of the best parents that I have ever known. But that’s the point, it doesn’t make any sense. I went through this phase myself. I got it into my mind when I was a teenager that my mom was a horrible monster. It didn’t make any sense. My mom has always been the person that has loved me unconditionally and helped me become the person that I am today. Seeing her as a monster just didn’t make sense. My message to you today, if you’re in this position, keep in mind that your teen isn’t a rational or logical human being. My friend Ben who I mentioned before once told me that it was stupid to get mad at dogs because they chase cars, you see, that’s just what dogs DO. It’s their nature. Teens are the same ways, there are certain things that they just DO, it’s in their nature. If they are angry at you, understand that it’s part of growing up and try not to take it personally. Keep raising them the best way you know how and sooner or later they will come back and around and thank you for loving them. Don’t worry about making mistakes as a parent I have a cousin whose two year old son is autistic but that’s an irrelevant detail. When she found out she was pregnant, she went public on facebook. She openly asked for parenting advice since this was her first child. As a therapist, I am tuned into the fact that parents expect themselves to be perfect parents and not make any mistakes. I gave her one piece of advice. In essence I told her to give herself permission to make mistakes. I told her that she was going to make mistakes as a parent and that there was no way to avoid that. I felt like she needed to accept that she’s not perfect as human being and that wouldn’t magically change because she had a baby. If you are a parent who worries about making mistakes, let me put this bluntly. Stop worrying about making mistakes because you’re going to. It’s inevitable and unavoidable. Don’t worry about screwing up your kid because I promise, no matter how hard you try not to do this, it’s going to happen. But relax, you’re not alone. If we were to take an educated guess, weighing the various factors, what percentage of parents make mistakes when raising their children? Take a second and think about it. What percentage of parents make mistakes? You don’t have to be Albert Einstein to figure this equation out, the answer is 100%. All parents make mistakes and some make really big ones. This is one of those irrational beliefs that human beings carry around. We have a lot of them don’t we? All the “should’s” and “supposed to be’s.” I see this almost every day, people expect a lot from themselves and some of those things are totally impossible. So let’s just get it out there, let’s shine a light directly on these bogus beliefs because I promise you, you’re going to have a much easier time accepting some of these things than living up to an unrealistic standard. So here it is straight. You’re going to make mistakes as a parent. People are going to see those mistakes. Some people will judge you for them but they are imperfect parents too. But the most important fact here is this about making mistakes. It’s OK! My advice is similar to what I told my cousin. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and very importantly remember that even though you make mistakes, those mistakes don’t define you and they don’t cancel out all the things that you do right. Remember, our mistakes don’t define you. You’re allowed to make mistake, it doesn’t make you a bad parent.
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Revue de web «Quand les hommes ne peuvent changer les choses, ils changent les mots» (Jean Jaurès) Mon livre ! Qu'importe la hauteur du saut (pourvu que le parachute s'ouvre) Roman (égayé d'une légère intrigue policière) A lire absolument !!! Plus d'informations sur http://www.martinrouz.com En plus... En Argentine, «Nous avons sauvé les gens plutôt que les banques» 27 février 2012 16:27 ancien ministre Economie argentin Roberto LavagnaL'ancien ministre de l'Economie argentin, Roberto Lavagna, a sorti son pays de la crise en 2002, en se passant des services du FMI. Il préconise la même solution pour la Grèce. L'ancien ministre de l'Economie argentin Roberto Lavagna, 69 ans, est le principal artisan du redressement de l'Argentine engluée dans une terrible crise économique il y a dix ans. [Lire l'article complet sur liberation.fr](Article référencé sur le site "Les mots ont un sens") A lire également :Greek crisis: Parodies Grèce : le plan B à l'irlandaise Le crépuscule d'une époque Budget: la Grèce est en réalité le pays le plus «vertueux» d’Europe Greek crisis : Brisures d’euro Grèce : quand l'UE perd les pédales et se déchaîne contre la démocratie Catégories : Argentine Roberto Lavagna Boutade du jour Un pessimiste voit la difficulté dans chaque opportunité, un optimiste voit l’opportunité dans chaque difficulté. — Winston Churchill Greek crisis: Parodies Vidéo - Anne Roumanoff se lâche sur Sarkozy... ça laissera des traces Séguéla : "Si à 50 ans on n'a pas une Rolex, on a raté sa vie" - Vidéo Un médicament dangereux à nouveau commercialisé... pour favoriser la rentabilité de son fabricant La mémoire de l'eau, retrouvée par Luc Montagnier... Carla Bruni s'en va-t-en guerre contre... Sarkozy Cinq fois plus de pesticides autorisés dans l'eau du robinet depuis février 2011 ! En toute discrétion... Le pire scénario de la crise financière... Darcos inculpé pour fraude au baccalauréat... en 1982 Sarkozy : le clip qui déchire... Vidéo Sarkozy : ce qu'on pense de lui à l'étranger... Les mots ont un sens, mais finalement on s'en fout ! Site édité par Napakatbra (voir aussi Martin Rouz) | | Mentions légales | Site propulsé par Drupal
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W. R. Calhoun, H. Maeta, A. Combs, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali, "Measurement of the refractive index of highly turbid media," Opt. Lett. 35, 1224-1226 (2010)
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Hurricane Hunter flights vital to storm forecasting Aircraft used to gather data on tropical systems Updated: 11:07 AM EDT Aug 23, 2016 How do forecasters gather information about hurricanes? The U.S. Air Force flies into tropical systems to gather information about 100 times each year. The flights last about nine hours. Thirteen planes are in the Hurricane Hunter fleet. Ten belong to the Air Force and three are from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The aircraft can fly directly into the eyes of hurricanes to collect data. The information is sent to the National Hurricane Center and used to forecast the strength and paths of the systems. ATLANTA — How do forecasters gather information about hurricanes? Forecasters in Florida closely monitor Invest 99-L The U.S. Air Force flies into tropical systems to gather information about 100 times each year. The flights last about nine hours. Thirteen planes are in the Hurricane Hunter fleet. Ten belong to the Air Force and three are from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The aircraft can fly directly into the eyes of hurricanes to collect data. The information is sent to the National Hurricane Center and used to forecast the strength and paths of the systems.
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Tami A. Heilemann/Office of Communications/DOI Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell convened the inaugural meeting of the White House Council on Native American Affairs, launching President Obama’s national policy initiative to make federal agencies work more collaboratively and effectively with federally recognized tribes to advance their vital economic and social priorities. No Tribal Leaders at First Council on Native American Affairs Meeting Rob Capriccioso • August 2, 2013 The first meeting of the White House Council on Native American Affairs took place July 29 without tribal leaders present. The Council, established by President Barack Obama by executive order June 26, is intended to oversee and coordinate the progress of federal agencies on tribal programs and consultation with tribes across the federal government. Tribal leaders have been asking Obama to establish such a workgroup since day one of his presidency. They generally support the idea of the current Council, which has roots in several other U.S. presidential administrations, but some have problems with its structure, saying it strikes them as odd that tribal representatives have not been invited to have a seat on the Council. Instead, Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, appointed chair of the council by Obama, solicited tribal leaders’ input in a conference call held July 26, and this input helped guide the meeting, according to Interior officials. The meeting was closed to the press and public. Pictures released by Interior showed many federal agency officials sitting around a square table looking at Jewell. Federal Indian employees, including Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs; Yvette Roubideaux, director of the Indian Health Service; and Jodi Gillette, Senior Policy Advisor for Native American Affairs on the White House Domestic Policy Council, were there. Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett, White House Domestic Policy Director Cecilia Muñoz, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, and Education Secretary Arne Duncan, were also present, according to Interior. “For context, today's meeting was a bit more organizational in nature—in order to get priorities in order,” said Jessica Kershaw, a spokeswoman for Interior, when asked if tribal leaders were in attendance. “At the top of the meeting Secretary Jewell provided a summary of matters raised by tribal leaders in a conference call held on Friday and through written comments,” Kershaw said. “That call was meant to inform some of the priorities that the Council should be focused on as it gathered today to discuss how the federal family can best coordinate efforts to address these issues.” Kershaw said the input from tribal leaders included: “job creation and economic development in tribal communities, honoring treaties and the federal trust relationship, strengthening tribal justice systems, the need for coordination and education on Affordable Care Act enrollment for Native Americans, expanded education opportunities for Native American youth, protection of sacred sites and natural resource development, addressing the challenges tribes are facing due to the sequester and shortfall in contract support costs, and that tribal leaders want to see the federal agencies working together to build on the previous accomplishments of the Obama administration.” Tribal leaders also informed the administration that they want to meet in face-to-face, organized sessions with federal agency officials that are more intimate than the yearly White House Tribal Nations Conferences, where it has been difficult to hear a variety of tribal voices given the overwhelming size and structure of the events. Being relegated to input via conference call did not sit well with some tribal leaders. “That’s not a real government-to-government relationship,” said Tex Hall, chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes, who believes that tribal leaders and citizens have been set up via this new federal bureaucracy to be “on the outside looking in.” Hall has advocated for the creation of a Native American White House council based on the model established under President Lyndon B. Johnson that would make tribes actual members of the council and give the council strong budget powers over Indian affairs. Derek Bailey, former chairman of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, said he does not trust federal policy makers to be able to accurately represent tribal views without tribal leaders in the room. "I am not confident, from my experiences, that all federal bureaucrats will accurately represent concerns of the tribes to the White House Council,” Bailey said. “For tribal relations to truly rise to the next level with the U.S. government, having opportunities for engagement and meaningful dialogue is imperative, and I believe welcomed by most tribal leaders.” It’s disheartening to Bailey that the Council is not providing tribal leaders with the opportunity to be heard in person, because he believes Obama’s intent in creating the group is to develop stronger working relationships between federal officials, agencies and tribal nations. “[A]ny time tribal leaders can be included and rightfully given the opportunity to increase understanding and awareness of issues affecting Indian country, [it can] only help all involved,” Bailey said. Interior officials are aware of the desires of tribal leaders, but they have not said how they will account for them. Jewell, meanwhile, has not publicly addressed the controversy, saying in a statement that she believes the “meeting underscores President Obama’s commitment to build effective partnerships with American Indian and Alaska Native communities.” Tags a native american, alaska native, american indian, american indian and alaska native, Barack Obama, indian, indian country, indians, jodi gillette, kevin washburn, native, native american, native americans, sacred sites, tribal, tribal nations, white house council on native american affairs, yvette roubideaux. URL: https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/news/politics/no-tribal-leaders-at-first-council-on-native-american-affairs-meeting/
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proyecto de gobierno 1 proyecto de gobierno Kabinettsentwurf Diccionario Español-Alemán > proyecto de gobierno Proyecto Varela — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Proyecto Varela fue un proyecto ideado y dirigido por opositores a la Revolución Cubana en 1998. Es dirigido por Oswaldo Payá y nombrado en honor a Félix Varela, un líder religioso cubano. El movimiento logró… … Wikipedia Español Proyecto Minuteman — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La palabra (minuteman o minutemen) tiene su origen en la fundación de Estados Unidos en los tiempos de las Trece Colonias, a la llegada de los ingleses al continente americano. La palabra quiere decir hombres al… … Wikipedia Español Proyecto de tranvía en Pamplona — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Imagen del tranvía de Bilbao, similar al que prevé el estudio para Pamplona El proyecto de tranvía en Pamplona fue una iniciativa propuesta por los principales partidos políticos de la capital y que fue estudiada por … Wikipedia Español Proyecto FUBELT — El sello de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia Información Sede La … Wikipedia Español Proyecto Especial Tambo-Ccaracocha — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Proyecto Especial Tambo – Ccaracocha PETACC (Ica Perú) fue creado mediante decreto Supremo N° 021 90 MIPRE y Decreto Legislativo N° 556, como un órgano descentralizado del Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo (INADE) … Wikipedia Español Proyecto Huemul — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En la Isla Huemul, ubicada en el Lago Nahuel Huapi, provincia de Río Negro, Argentina, se desarrolló un proyecto seudocientífico a cargo del austríaco Ronald Richter desde 1948 hasta 1952, durante la primera… … Wikipedia Español Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial en el Exilio — Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial en el Exilio … Wikipedia Español Proyecto Gran Simio — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Chimpancé El Proyecto Gran Simio (PGS), fundado en 1993, reclama una extensión del igualitarismo moral para que incluya a todos los grandes simios. Esto incluye a las especies de los chimpancés, los gorilas, los … Wikipedia Español Proyecto de Parque Nacional de Guadarrama — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Parque Nacional de Guadarrama Categoría IUCN II (Parque nacional) … Wikipedia Español Proyecto Ceibal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Panorama de la Escuela Italia (Cardal, Florida) y fotos de los niños con los equipos (octubre de 2007 Fotos: Fernando da Rosa). El Plan Ceibal (inicialmente llamado Proyecto Ceibal) es una iniciativa del Presidente… … Wikipedia Español Proyecto de Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña de 1919 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Proyecto de estatuto de Cataluña de 1919 se desarrolló en un ambiente favorable al autonomismo y fue aprobado por la asamblea de la Mancomunidad de Cataluña en Barcelona, el 24 de enero de 1919 con el apoyo de los … Wikipedia Español
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Taille 36 et gros boudin Il FAUT que vous regardiez cette vidéo en caméra cachée qui boost le moral des troupes ! Je suis tombée sur cette vidéo ce week-end qui en dit long sur ce que pensent réellement les gens quand ils bouquinent et tombent sur une pub de mode. Ca en dit également beaucoup sur la solidarité française et l'impression qu'ont les diktats de la mode sur la population. Tout le monde réclame une dé-standardisation des pseudos normes qui règnent sur les mannequins. Alors pourquoi est-ce que cette industrie persiste encore et toujours ? Aujourd'hui avec le recul de mes dix ans de photo, j'ai compris où était le vrai regard que j'avais sur moi même et sur mon (énooooorme) taille 38. Il est de moi sur moi et non pas de mon agent ou d'un directeur artistique. Je suis maitresse de mon corps et je n'ai pas à mincir pour le bonheur d'un job. Je me sens d'autant mieux dans mes baskets en tant que mannequin retraitée de voir qu'aujourd'hui des gens se révoltent contre ces clichés de maigreur car avouons le, ils ne font de bien à personne ! Pour info, j'ai déjà vécu ce genre de scène en vrai, et sans caméra cachée, dans une langue étrangère. Je peux vous dire que j'aurais adoré avoir ce genre de réactions autour de moi le moment voulu. Mais manque de pot, j'étais à l'autre bout du monde, avec 12h de décalage horaire, et des gens sans humanité autour de moi ... ! Je vous laisse en compagnie de cette vidéo qui fait du bien ;) Labels: mannequinat Alice Liloue 30 janvier 2017 à 07:49 Waow. Ca doit être dur d'entendre ca sur un shoot Tu as du vivre l'enfer. Ca doit être très déstabilisant comme métier heureusement je n'ai jamais vécu Cel j'ai déjà bien du mal à me sentir bien dans mes baskets et à accepter mon corps ! Bises et Merci pour ce partage de vidéo très enrichissant Mary-Astrid 12 avril 2017 à 11:59 Oui mais tu sais, on en sort toujours plus fort ;) Il faut toujours voir les choses avec du recul et essayer d'en tirer des enseignements !
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YOU ARE HERE: LAT Home→CollectionsStars to Shine for Shrine BenefitJuly 25, 1985|BOB MUIR | Times Staff Writer 'I'm pumped up for this game. Inside I want it. . . . I want a sack. I want this, I want that. I want a scholarship.'Mauricio Gutierrez, Shrine All-Star gridderFor most of the 56 high school players competing in Saturday's 34th Shrine All-Star Football Classic at East Los Angeles College, it is the last hurrah before reporting to college training camp. With a college scholarship in hand, these players can relax and enjoy their last high school football game.But for a few who have not secured a scholarship, like Gardena High's Mauricio Gutierrez, the Shrine Classic represents more than a game--it's their last chance to impress a college recruiter.Gutierrez will be fighting for more than just a victory when he suits up for the South squad Saturday. The Gardena linebacker will be vying for an elusive scholarship.Gutierrez knows that the odds and his size are against him. Most colleges have met their scholarship quotas for next year. And most colleges believe that Gutierrez, at 6-1 and 190 pounds, doesn't have the size to play major college football.Recruiters and HopeHe knows, however, that there will be a few recruiters in the stands watching the distinguished all-star game, which highlights some of the most talented graduating seniors in Southern California, and the recruiters will have a few free rides in their back pockets.That's all he needs to know. Those are the people he hopes to impress.What he lacks in size, Gutierrez said he makes up with speed and desire. The scrapper was selected to the All-Pacific League team twice."I just go out there and play football," said the fleet Gutierrez, who runs 40 yards in 4.7 seconds. "I do what I'm supposed to do. I'm always doing my job. It's just a pleasure to play football. It's better than going to a party."It doesn't matter what school I play for, whether it be a junior college or a university. I'm going to give it 100% both in the classroom and on the field."Gutierrez knows what he has to do to earn that scholarship. It's as if he has played this game a thousand times in his mind.Goal: Tackle Hard"I'm going to have to do a lot of hard hitting . . . do my assignments. I've got to make a lot of tackles. I want to get a least two interceptions or two sacks. I'm pumped up for this game. Inside, I want it. . . . I want a sack. I want this, I want that. I want a scholarship."Gutierrez, 18, had a scholarship. At least, he thought he did.After he achieved consecutive league honors and was named team most valuable player after playing linebacker and offensive guard, people began telling Gutierrez he was going to get a scholarship. The more times players, coaches and relatives told him about his scholarship chances, the more Gutierrez believed them, he said.Gutierrez thought the people were right when he was approached in February by a San Diego State recruiter, who he said promised him a scholarship.But Gutierrez found out the hard way that promises are made to be broken.Five minutes before a scheduled meeting to discuss the scholarship with Gutierrez and his parents, Gutierrez said, the recruiter called to tell him the scholarship was off. Gardena teammate Lyndon Earley, who will also play in the Shrine Game, received a San Diego State scholarship.He Was CrushedGutierrez was crushed, he said."About a quarter of the way into the second semester, not getting a scholarship set in. Friends, relatives . . . everybody told me I was going to get a scholarship and I started thinking I was going to get it, too. That's what brought me down."Feeling betrayed and disillusioned, Gutierrez began to skip classes. At one point, he said he missed about two weeks of school. His grades began to fall because of poor attendance, he said."I was down and I didn't care about nothing," Gutierrez said. "I wouldn't go to class. I would go to the liquor store or the beach. I wanted to avoid everything. School and me were just separated."School was not the only thing that Gutierrez separated himself from. Football also took a back seat to his depression. He said he no longer looked forward to playing in the Shrine Game, which he now considers the highest honor he has received.Friend to the RescueFinally, with the school year about over, Gutierrez awoke from his depression with the help of a friend--Dale Hirayama, a Gardena assistant football coach. Hirayama knew something was wrong when Gutierrez began to miss school."I had to go look for him," said Hirayama, who will be Gardena's defensive coordinator next season. "I had to get the word out to his buddies that I was looking for him. I got hold of him and sat him down and told him that not getting a scholarship was not the end of the world . . . football was not everything."Said Gutierrez, "I wanted to avoid him (Hirayama). He told me I had to get my things together. He told me I could if I set my mind to it. A lot of people consider football players dumb, but he never did. He said I was smart, and treated football players like people."1 | 2 | Next MORE:Seizure Led to FloJo's DeathHis 104 scores make his caseRestaurant review: South Beverly GrillBrutal Murder by Teen-Age Girls Adds to Britons' ShockComaneci Confirms Suicide Attempt, Magazine SaysAdvertisement FROM THE ARCHIVES'I'm pretty sure this will be my last game. I wanted to...July 25, 1985Copyright 2017 Los Angeles TimesTerms of Service|Privacy Policy|Index by Date|Index by Keyword
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December 21, 2014 / 4:23 PM / in 4 years Reino Unido sopesa bajar impuestos a industria petrolera del Mar del Norte LONDRES (Reuters) - Reino Unido se está plantenado reducir los impuestos para las prospecciones petrolíferas en el Mar del Norte, incluyendo una propuesta por parte de la industria de reducir las tasas a la mitad, para ayudar a revivir un área ya en declive antes de la reciente caída en los precios del crudo, según el Sunday Times. Reino Unido se está plantenado reducir los impuestos para las prospecciones petrolíferas en el Mar del Norte, incluyendo una propuesta por parte de la industria de reducir las tasas a la mitad, para ayudar a revivir un área ya en declive antes de la reciente caída en los precios del crudo, según el Sunday Times. En la imagen, parte de la plataforma petrolifera de BP Eastern Trough Area Project (ETAP) en el Mar del Norte a 100 millas al este de Aberdeeen (Escocia) el 24 de febrero de 2014. REUTERS/Andy Buchanan/pool Las negociaciones entre el ministro de Economía del país y el de Industria, lideradas por la patronal del sector Oil & Gas UK, se han centrado en algunas de las propuestas clave, como una que supondría desechar el 30 por ciento de impuesto suplementario con que se grava a estas empresas además del 30 por ciento que compone el impuesto básico a la industria, afirmó el periódico. El número de pozos perforados en el Mar del Norte el último año - 13 para encontrar nuevos campos y 15 para medir el tamaño de los ya descubiertos - es el más bajo desde que empezó la exploración del fondo de ese mar a mediados de la década de 1960, según el especialista Hannon Westwood. El gobierno ya ha anunciado una pequeña reducción en los impuestos a la industria del 62 al 60 por ciento, y el ministro Danny Alexander dijo a BBC Radio Escocia el viernes que continuarían los movimientos de cara a seguir reduciendo las tasas para el mar del Norte. Dijo que querría “absolutamente” reducir más los impuestos, a pesar de que aseguró que no podía marcar plazos para ello. “Creo que tenemos que seguir disminuyendo la tasa en los siguientes años”, dijo el Secretario Jefe del Tesoro, de acuerdo a una transcripción. “Esto es algo que, para mí, es una prioridad muy alta porque el Mar del Norte genera mucho empleo, es el segundo mayor inversor industrial en la economía del Reino Unido y es enormemente importante para el noreste de Escocia”.
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I am over the moon excited to share with all of you that I am beginning a new book series on my blog! I spend the majority of my free time with my nose stuck in a book, so I figured it was time for me to share one of my greatest passions with you! For those of you who love to curl up with a good book, I hope you enjoy this new series and possibly find a new favorite in the process. For those of you who are not interested in reading, do not fret! I will still continue to create my fashion and travel posts. My hope with this platform is to create content that will hopefully inspire you the way so many creators inspire me. The arrival of spring brings fresh blooms, new possibilities and new books! I love a good wander around the aisles of Barnes & Noble to explore the latest novels hitting the bookshelves, and there are so many new titles that I can hardly wait to read this season. With that being said, I have also thrown in a couple of classics on my TBR (to be read) list that I have been itching to read for a while. My spring reading list consists of a variety of genres, so my hope is that there is a book for everyone to enjoy. At the end of this post I have also listed some novels that are not on bookshelves yet, but will be released within the next couple of months. Without further ado, let's dive right in to my spring reading list! The Majesties Tiffany Tsao Gwendolyn and Estella have always been as close as sisters can be. Growing up in a wealthy, eminent, and sometimes deceitful family, they’ve relied on each other for support and confidence. But now Gwendolyn is lying in a coma, the sole survivor of Estella’s poisoning of their whole clan. As Gwendolyn struggles to regain consciousness, she desperately retraces her memories, trying to uncover the moment that led to this shocking and brutal act. Was it their aunt’s mysterious death at sea? Estella’s unhappy marriage to a dangerously brutish man? Or were the shifting loyalties and unspoken resentments at the heart of their opulent world too much to bear? Can Gwendolyn, at last, confront the carefully buried mysteries in their family’s past and the truth about who she and her sister really are? Traveling from the luxurious world of the rich and powerful in Indonesia to the most spectacular shows at Paris Fashion Week, from the sunny coasts of California to the melting pot of Melbourne’s university scene, The Majesties is a haunting and deeply evocative novel about the dark secrets that can build a family empire—and also bring it crashing down This novel is described as a dark Crazy Rich Asians, so I simply could not resist this one! For those of you who have not read Crazy Rich Asians I would highly recommend you to add it to your reading list as well! The Girl in White Gloves Kerri Maher A life in snapshots… Grace knows what people see. She’s the Cinderella story. An icon of glamor and elegance frozen in dazzling Technicolor. The picture of perfection. The girl in white gloves. A woman in living color… But behind the lens, beyond the panoramic views of glistening Mediterranean azure, she knows the truth. The sacrifices it takes for an unappreciated girl from Philadelphia to defy her family and become the reigning queen of the screen. The heartbreaking reasons she trades Hollywood for a crown. The loneliness of being a princess in a fairy tale kingdom that is all too real. Hardest of all for her adoring fans and loyal subjects to comprehend, is the harsh reality that to be the most envied woman in the world does not mean she is the happiest. Starved for affection and purpose, facing a labyrinth of romantic and social expectations with more twists and turns than Monaco’s infamous winding roads, Grace must find her own way to fulfillment. But what she risks--her art, her family, her marriage—she may never get back. I have always been drawn to Grace Kelly's elegance and charm and I am very much looking forward to reading this perspective of her life in the format of a historical fiction novel. The Grace Kelly Dress Brenda Janowitz Two years after Grace Kelly’s royal wedding, her iconic dress is still all the rage in Paris—and one replica, and the secrets it carries, will inspire three generations of women to forge their own paths in life and in love. Paris, 1958: Rose, a seamstress at a fashionable atelier, has been entrusted with sewing a Grace Kelly—look-alike gown for a wealthy bride-to-be. But when, against better judgment, she finds herself falling in love with the bride’s handsome brother, Rose must make an impossible choice, one that could put all she’s worked for at risk: love, security and of course, the dress. Sixty years later, tech CEO Rachel, who goes by the childhood nickname “Rocky,” has inherited the dress for her upcoming wedding in New York City. But there’s just one problem: Rocky doesn’t want to wear it. A family heirloom dating back to the 1950s, the dress just isn’t her. Rocky knows this admission will break her mother Joan’s heart. But what she doesn’t know is why Joan insists on the dress—or the heartbreaking secret that changed her mother’s life decades before, as she herself prepared to wear it. As the lives of these three women come together in surprising ways, the revelation of the dress’s history collides with long-buried family heartaches. And in the lead-up to Rocky’s wedding, they’ll have to confront the past before they can embrace the beautiful possibilities of the future. For a lover of both fashion and Grace Kelly, this one is a must for me! The Authenticity Project Julian Jessop, an eccentric, lonely artist and septuagenarian believes that most people aren't really honest with each other. But what if they were? And so he writes--in a plain, green journal--the truth about his own life and leaves it in his local café. It's run by the incredibly tidy and efficient Monica, who furtively adds her own entry and leaves the book in the wine bar across the street. Before long, the others who find the green notebook add the truths about their own deepest selves--and soon find each other In Real Life at Monica's Café. The Authenticity Project's cast of characters--including Hazard, the charming addict who makes a vow to get sober; Alice, the fabulous mommy Instagrammer whose real life is a lot less perfect than it looks online; and their other new friends--is by turns quirky and funny, heartbreakingly sad and painfully true-to-life. It's a story about being brave and putting your real self forward--and finding out that it's not as scary as it seems. In fact, it looks a lot like happiness. I love novels that feature a set of lovable characters that find meaningful relationships or a new viewpoint on life, and this novel appears to offer exactly that. Beautiful, clever, rich—and single—Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr. Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protegee Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel and have consequences that she never expected. With its imperfect but charming heroine and its witty and subtle exploration of relationships, Emma is often seen as Jane Austen's most flawless work. I recently finished Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and can hardly wait to dive into this one. There is also a new movie adaptation of Emma currently in theaters that I can't wait to see once all of the social distancing is over. Meg & Jo Virginia Kantra The March sisters—reliable Meg, independent Jo, stylish Amy, and shy Beth—have grown up to pursue their separate dreams. When Jo followed her ambitions to New York City, she never thought her career in journalism would come crashing down, leaving her struggling to stay afloat in a gig economy as a prep cook and secret food blogger. Meg appears to have the life she always planned—the handsome husband, the adorable toddlers, the house in a charming subdivision. But sometimes getting everything you’ve ever wanted isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When their mother’s illness forces the sisters home to North Carolina for the holidays, they’ll rediscover what really matters. A spin on the classic, Little Women, Meg & Jo is a contemporary retelling, which is set in North Carolina, so I naturally have to read it! A new Little Women movie adaptation was released in theaters this past December, and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you to stream it soon. Jess Walter The acclaimed, award-winning author of the national bestseller The Financial Lives of the Poets returns with his funniest, most romantic, and most purely enjoyable novel yet. Hailed by critics and loved by readers of literary and historical fiction, Beautiful Ruins is the story of an almost-love affair that begins on the Italian coast in 1962...and is rekindled in Hollywood fifty years later. The Italian coast has a special place in my heart, so I bought this book mainly to receive a taste of the Italian coastal atmosphere, but after reading the reviews I expect so much more from this novel and cannot wait to dive it! The Riviera Set Mary S. Lovell The Riviera Set reveals the story of the group of people who lived, partied, bed-hopped and politicked at the Château de l'Horizon near Cannes, over the course of forty years from the time when Coco Chanel made southern French tans fashionable in the twenties to the death of the playboy Prince Aly Khan in 1960. At the heart of dynamic group was the amazing Maxine Elliott, the daughter of a fisherman from Connecticut, who built the beautiful art deco Château and brought together the likes of Noel Coward, the Aga Khan, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and two very saucy courtesans, Doris Castlerosse and Daisy Fellowes, who set out to be dangerous distractions to Winston Churchill as he worked on his journalism and biographies during his 'wilderness years' in the thirties. After the War the story continued as the Château changed hands and Prince Aly Khan used it to entertain the Hollywood set, as well as launch his seduction of and eventual marriage to Rita Hayworth. The elite partying along the beautiful French Riviera? Count me in! Woven in Moonlight Isabel Ibañez Ximena is the decoy Condesa, a stand-in for the last remaining Illustrian royal. Her people lost everything when the usurper, Atoc, used an ancient relic to summon ghosts and drive the Illustrians from La Ciudad. Now Ximena’s motivated by her insatiable thirst for revenge, and her rare ability to spin thread from moonlight. When Atoc demands the real Condesa’s hand in marriage, it’s Ximena’s duty to go in her stead. She relishes the chance, as Illustrian spies have reported that Atoc’s no longer carrying his deadly relic. If Ximena can find it, she can return the true aristócrata to their rightful place. She hunts for the relic, using her weaving ability to hide messages in tapestries for the resistance. But when a masked vigilante, a warm-hearted princesa, and a thoughtful healer challenge Ximena, her mission becomes more complicated. There could be a way to overthrow the usurper without starting another war, but only if Ximena turns her back on revenge―and her Condesa. Fantasy, culture and a beautiful cover. What is there not to like about this book? House of Salt and Sorrows In a manor by the sea, twelve sisters are cursed. Annaleigh lives a sheltered life at Highmoor with her sisters and their father and stepmother. Once there were twelve, but loneliness fills the grand halls now that four of the girls' lives have been cut short. Each death was more tragic than the last--the plague, a plummeting fall, a drowning, a slippery plunge--and there are whispers throughout the surrounding villages that the family is cursed by the gods. Disturbed by a series of ghostly visions, Annaleigh becomes increasingly suspicious that her sister's deaths were no accidents. The girls have been sneaking out every night to attend glittering balls, dancing until dawn in silk gowns and shimmering slippers, and Annaleigh isn't sure whether to try to stop them or to join their forbidden trysts. Because who--or what--are they really dancing with? When Annaleigh's involvement with a mysterious stranger who has secrets of his own intensifies, it's a race to unravel the darkness that has fallen over her family--before it claims her next. House of Salt and Sorrows is a spellbinding novel filled with magic and the rustle of gossamer skirts down long, dark hallways. Get ready to be swept away. This novel sounds so eerie and atmospheric. I think this is the book I'll read next! The Hand on the Wall Maureen Johnson Ellingham Academy must be cursed. Three people are now dead. One, a victim of either a prank gone wrong or a murder. Another, dead by misadventure. And now, an accident in Burlington has claimed another life. All three in the wrong place at the wrong time. All at the exact moment of Stevie’s greatest triumph . . . She knows who Truly Devious is. She’s solved it. The greatest case of the century. At least, she thinks she has. With this latest tragedy, it’s hard to concentrate on the past. Not only has someone died in town, but David disappeared of his own free will and is up to something. Stevie is sure that somehow—somehow—all these things connect. The three deaths in the present. The deaths in the past. The missing Alice Ellingham and the missing David Eastman. Somewhere in this place of riddles and puzzles there must be answers. Then another accident occurs as a massive storm heads toward Vermont. This is too much for the parents and administrators. Ellingham Academy is evacuated. Obviously, it’s time for Stevie to do something stupid. It’s time to stay on the mountain and face the storm—and a murderer. In the tantalizing finale to the Truly Devious trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson expertly tangles her dual narrative threads and ignites an explosive end for all who’ve walked through Ellingham Academy. The Hand on the Wall is the third book in the Truly Devious series, so if you haven't read the first two, do not pick this one up! These books have left me hooked and craving more, and I'm quite sad that this will be the last one. This is the book I am currently reading and I am scared to finish it - haha! Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (illustrated edition) For twelve long years, the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Now he has escaped, leaving only two clues as to where he might be headed: Harry Potter's defeat of You-Know-Who was Black's downfall as well. And the Azkaban guards heard Black muttering in his sleep, "He's at Hogwarts . . . he's at Hogwarts." Harry Potter isn't safe, not even within the walls of his magical school, surrounded by his friends. Because on top of it all, there may well be a traitor in their midst. Harry Potter fans rejoice! If you are thinking about rereading the series, be sure to try out the new illustrated editions. I have read the first two illustrated editions (thanks to my darling brother's Christmas gift), and I am excited to begin the third. The artwork is incredible, making it a fun way to dive back into the wizarding world we all love so much. Just after midnight, the famous Orient Express is stopped in its tracks by a snowdrift. By morning, the millionaire Samuel Edward Ratchett lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Without a shred of doubt, one of his fellow passengers is the murderer. Isolated by the storm, detective Hercule Poirot must find the killer among a dozen of the dead man's enemies, before the murderer decides to strike again. Jay and I both have a love for books, so we decided to start a monthly book club in order to finally be able to talk about books together! We have yet to read any of Agatha Christie's novels (I know, I know - the shame!), so we are beginning with the famous Murder on the Orient Express. Everybody Always In his entertaining and inspiring follow-up to the New York Times bestselling phenomenon Love Does, Bob Goff takes readers on a journey into the secret of living without fear, constraint, or worry. The path toward the liberated existence we all long for is found in a truth as simple to say as it is hard to do: love people, even the difficult ones, without distinction and without limits. Driven by Bob’s trademark storytelling, Everybody, Always reveals the lessons Bob learned--often the hard way--about what it means to love without inhibition, insecurity, or restriction. From finding the right friends to discovering the upside of failure, Everybody, Always points the way to embodying love by doing the unexpected, the intimidating, the seemingly impossible. Whether losing his shoes while skydiving solo or befriending a Ugandan witch doctor, Bob steps into life with a no-limits embrace of others that is as infectious as it is extraordinarily ordinary. Everybody, Always reveals how we can do the same. I love the idea of embodying love, and from the reviews I have read, this Christian book delivers. This is one of those books I expect to finish with a new, positive perspective. For years, rumors of the "Marsh Girl" have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be touched and loved. When two young men from town become intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new life--until the unthinkable happens. Where the Crawdads Sing is at once an exquisite ode to the natural world, a heartbreaking coming-of-age story, and a surprising tale of possible murder. Owens reminds us that we are forever shaped by the children we once were, and that we are all subject to the beautiful and violent secrets that nature keeps. My mom raved about this book and then gifted it to me, so I naturally have to read it! I have heard nothing but great things about this novel and I expect to be amazed! New Releases Coming Soon: The Honey - Don't List Christina Lauren Carey Douglas has worked for home remodeling and design gurus Melissa and Rusty Tripp for nearly a decade. A country girl at heart, Carey started in their first store at sixteen, and—more than anyone would suspect—has helped them build an empire. With a new show and a book about to launch, the Tripps are on the verge of superstardom. There’s only one problem: America’s favorite couple can’t stand each other. James McCann, MIT graduate and engineering genius, was originally hired as a structural engineer, but the job isn’t all he thought it’d be. The last straw? Both he and Carey must go on book tour with the Tripps and keep the wheels from falling off the proverbial bus. Unfortunately, neither of them is in any position to quit. Carey needs health insurance, and James has been promised the role of a lifetime if he can just keep the couple on track for a few more weeks. While road-tripping with the Tripps up the West Coast, Carey and James vow to work together to keep their bosses’ secrets hidden, and their own jobs secure. But if they stop playing along—and start playing for keeps—they may have the chance to build something beautiful together… I read The Unhoneymooners, by Christina Lauren, last summer and it was truly a joy to read. Several moments actually had me laughing out loud. So much so in fact that I would force my husband to listen to me read out loud some of the most humorous passages! I can't wait to go for another joy ride with one of Christina Lauren's novels, and The Honey-Don't List certainly looks like it will provide. To Have and to Hoax Martha Waters Five years ago, Lady Violet Grey and Lord James Audley met, fell in love, and got married. Four years ago, they had a fight to end all fights, and have barely spoken since. Their once-passionate love match has been reduced to one of cold, detached politeness. But when Violet receives a letter that James has been thrown from his horse and rendered unconscious at their country estate, she races to be by his side—only to discover him alive and well at a tavern, and completely unaware of her concern. She’s outraged. He’s confused. And the distance between them has never been more apparent. Wanting to teach her estranged husband a lesson, Violet decides to feign an illness of her own. James quickly sees through it, but he decides to play along in an ever-escalating game of manipulation, featuring actors masquerading as doctors, threats of Swiss sanitariums, faux mistresses—and a lot of flirtation between a husband and wife who might not hate each other as much as they thought. Will the two be able to overcome four years of hurt or will they continue to deny the spark between them? With charm, wit, and heart in spades, To Have and to Hoax is a fresh and eminently entertaining romantic comedy—perfect for fans of Jasmine Guillory and Julia Quinn. This novel just sounds like so much fun, and I always love a good period piece! Catherine House Elisabeth Thomas A gothic-infused debut of literary suspense, set within a secluded, elite university and following a dangerously curious, rebellious undergraduate who uncovers a shocking secret about an exclusive circle of students . . . and the dark truth beneath her school’s promise of prestige. Gothic? Secluded, elite university? Secrets? SOLD! The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the tenth annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory as a mentor in the Games. The once-mighty house of Snow has fallen on hard times, its fate hanging on the slender chance that Coriolanus will be able to outcharm, outwit, and outmaneuver his fellow students to mentor the winning tribute. The odds are against him. He’s been given the humiliating assignment of mentoring the female tribute from District 12, the lowest of the low. Their fates are now completely intertwined — every choice Coriolanus makes could lead to favor or failure, triumph or ruin. Inside the arena, it will be a fight to the death. Outside the arena, Coriolanus starts to feel for his doomed tribute . . . and must weigh his need to follow the rules against his desire to survive no matter what it takes. Alright, Hunger Games fans this one is for you! I'm excited to dive back into this world, and I'm hoping this new twist will live up to our expectations! The Jane Austen Society Natalie Jenner Just after the Second World War, in the small English village of Chawton, an unusual but like-minded group of people band together to attempt something remarkable. One hundred and fifty years ago, Chawton was the final home of Jane Austen, one of England's finest novelists. Now it's home to a few distant relatives and their diminishing estate. With the last bit of Austen's legacy threatened, a group of disparate individuals come together to preserve both Jane Austen's home and her legacy. These people―a laborer, a young widow, the local doctor, and a movie star, among others―could not be more different and yet they are united in their love for the works and words of Austen. As each of them endures their own quiet struggle with loss and trauma, some from the recent war, others from more distant tragedies, they rally together to create the Jane Austen Society. A powerful and moving novel that explores the tragedies and triumphs of life, both large and small, and the universal humanity in us all, Natalie Jenner's The Jane Austen Society is destined to resonate with readers for years to come. The description of this novel just gives me all of the feels, and as a Jane Austen lover I will gladly read anything that gives a nod to her legacy. I hope you all enjoyed my spring reading list, and hopefully found a book that peaked your interest! There are so many great books out there to be read, which can honestly be overwhelming at times. I want to read them all, but you know what they say... so many books, so little time! Like this article? Pin it! All of these books are available at Amazon Labels: Featured
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10314, 2.0], [10314, 10640, 53.0], [10640, 10926, 49.0], [10926, 11300, 60.0], [11300, 11383, 15.0], [11383, 11409, 5.0], [11409, 11459, 10.0], [11459, 11872, 68.0], [11872, 12271, 62.0], [12271, 12619, 59.0], [12619, 12704, 16.0], [12704, 12725, 5.0], [12725, 12741, 2.0], [12741, 13057, 55.0], [13057, 13140, 15.0], [13140, 13584, 77.0], [13584, 13864, 46.0], [13864, 14092, 34.0], [14092, 14400, 64.0], [14400, 14463, 9.0], [14463, 14685, 38.0], [14685, 14930, 41.0], [14930, 15101, 32.0], [15101, 15464, 65.0], [15464, 15761, 50.0], [15761, 15916, 26.0], [15916, 16204, 57.0], [16204, 16221, 2.0], [16221, 16611, 68.0], [16611, 17234, 94.0], [17234, 17413, 33.0], [17413, 18017, 107.0], [18017, 18328, 54.0], [18328, 18497, 35.0], [18497, 18523, 4.0], [18523, 18546, 4.0], [18546, 18563, 2.0], [18563, 18975, 70.0], [18975, 19243, 48.0], [19243, 19725, 84.0], [19725, 20125, 74.0], [20125, 20145, 5.0], [20145, 20159, 2.0], [20159, 20332, 33.0], [20332, 20752, 70.0], [20752, 21252, 86.0], [21252, 21418, 28.0], [21418, 21498, 16.0], [21498, 21514, 2.0], [21514, 21531, 2.0], [21531, 21814, 40.0], [21814, 21865, 6.0], [21865, 21900, 6.0], [21900, 22310, 71.0], [22310, 22800, 85.0], [22800, 22954, 29.0], [22954, 22978, 4.0], [22978, 22993, 2.0], [22993, 23157, 26.0], [23157, 23864, 121.0], [23864, 24099, 40.0], [24099, 24248, 30.0], [24248, 24532, 54.0], [24532, 24559, 5.0], [24559, 24602, 8.0], [24602, 24618, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 628, 0.0], [628, 1288, 0.0], [1288, 1356, 0.0], [1356, 1370, 0.0], [1370, 1383, 0.0], [1383, 1673, 0.0], [1673, 2185, 0.0], [2185, 2540, 0.0], [2540, 2754, 0.0], [2754, 2779, 0.0], [2779, 2791, 0.0], [2791, 2812, 0.0], [2812, 2985, 0.0], [2985, 3010, 0.0], [3010, 3387, 0.0], [3387, 3836, 0.0], [3836, 4017, 0.0], [4017, 4039, 0.0], [4039, 4055, 0.0], [4055, 4279, 0.0], [4279, 4656, 0.01111111], [4656, 5167, 0.00801603], [5167, 5458, 0.0], [5458, 5530, 0.0], [5530, 5555, 0.0], [5555, 6108, 0.0], [6108, 6588, 0.0], [6588, 6752, 0.0], [6752, 7345, 0.0], [7345, 7574, 0.0], [7574, 7583, 0.0], [7583, 7599, 0.0], [7599, 7933, 0.0], [7933, 8148, 0.0], [8148, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8566, 0.0], [8566, 8578, 0.0], [8578, 8974, 0.01041667], [8974, 9204, 0.0], [9204, 9220, 0.0], [9220, 9235, 0.0], [9235, 9548, 0.01302932], [9548, 10213, 0.0], [10213, 10281, 0.0], [10281, 10300, 0.0], [10300, 10314, 0.0], [10314, 10640, 0.0], [10640, 10926, 0.0], [10926, 11300, 0.0], [11300, 11383, 0.0], [11383, 11409, 0.0], [11409, 11459, 0.0], [11459, 11872, 0.0], [11872, 12271, 0.0], [12271, 12619, 0.0], [12619, 12704, 0.0], [12704, 12725, 0.0], [12725, 12741, 0.0], [12741, 13057, 0.0], [13057, 13140, 0.0], [13140, 13584, 0.0], [13584, 13864, 0.0], [13864, 14092, 0.0], [14092, 14400, 0.0], [14400, 14463, 0.0], [14463, 14685, 0.0], [14685, 14930, 0.0], [14930, 15101, 0.0], [15101, 15464, 0.0], [15464, 15761, 0.0], [15761, 15916, 0.0], [15916, 16204, 0.0], [16204, 16221, 0.0], [16221, 16611, 0.0], [16611, 17234, 0.0], [17234, 17413, 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[2791, 2812, 0.0], [2812, 2985, 0.0], [2985, 3010, 0.0], [3010, 3387, 0.0], [3387, 3836, 0.0], [3836, 4017, 0.0], [4017, 4039, 0.0], [4039, 4055, 0.0], [4055, 4279, 0.0], [4279, 4656, 0.0], [4656, 5167, 0.0], [5167, 5458, 0.0], [5458, 5530, 0.0], [5530, 5555, 0.0], [5555, 6108, 0.0], [6108, 6588, 0.0], [6588, 6752, 0.0], [6752, 7345, 0.0], [7345, 7574, 0.0], [7574, 7583, 0.0], [7583, 7599, 0.0], [7599, 7933, 0.0], [7933, 8148, 0.0], [8148, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8566, 0.0], [8566, 8578, 0.0], [8578, 8974, 0.0], [8974, 9204, 0.0], [9204, 9220, 0.0], [9220, 9235, 0.0], [9235, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 10213, 0.0], [10213, 10281, 0.0], [10281, 10300, 0.0], [10300, 10314, 0.0], [10314, 10640, 0.0], [10640, 10926, 0.0], [10926, 11300, 0.0], [11300, 11383, 0.0], [11383, 11409, 0.0], [11409, 11459, 0.0], [11459, 11872, 0.0], [11872, 12271, 0.0], [12271, 12619, 0.0], [12619, 12704, 0.0], [12704, 12725, 0.0], [12725, 12741, 0.0], [12741, 13057, 0.0], [13057, 13140, 0.0], [13140, 13584, 0.0], [13584, 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[Personal Messages] [Member List] [Help/FAQ] [Rules] [Login] Tiki Central Forums � � Creating Tiki � � Tiki Carving � � My carving Goto page ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 Next Page ) My carving Well, since I'm the new kid in town, I'm not real sure about protocol. So I'll just jump in and post a few more of my pieces. TikiGTiki SocialiteJoined: Jun 17, 2008Posts: 1560From: Riverside, CaliforniaPosted: 2009-10-09 2:32 pm Permalink Nice and moody! Dig 'em! Thanks for sharing with us, amate _________________TikiG tiki since '67! TheBigTTiki SocialiteJoined: Feb 27, 2006Posts: 1528From: Fabulous HoustonPosted: 2009-10-09 3:55 pm Permalink Those are very cool. Great stuff. TikiMangoTiki SocialiteJoined: Jun 17, 2008Posts: 798From: Satellite Beach, FLPosted: 2009-10-09 6:13 pm Permalink Nice designs and great carves! Good call on starting your own thread, it makes it easier to keep tabs on you as you update this with pics of your new stuff. _________________Pupule Tiki! Excellent stuff Amate, Yeah, I think its time you started your new thread too TikilizardTiki SocialiteJoined: Aug 19, 2006Posts: 374Posted: 2009-10-09 11:58 pm Permalink Glad to see you starting your own topic. Great stuff and keep them coming. nice work Amate....really like the mask in the third picture. Keep 'em coming. Thank you all for your encouraging comments. I've realized that I need to find some larger logs or get smaller tools. All I have in the way of chisels is two carpenters chisels. And yes TikiG, I like to keep things moody. The carvings seem to come to life in the dim light. In fact, it can get down right spooky around here late in the evening. BIG tiki scottTiki SocialiteJoined: Sep 18, 2009Posts: 373From: lehigh acres floridaPosted: 2009-10-10 6:29 pm Permalink very very nice lovin your stuff amate!! whats the wood on these guys? all are sweet! the mask is awsome!! keep it up! you got a fan here!!! nomolosTiki SocialiteJoined: Jul 30, 2009Posts: 113Posted: 2009-10-12 04:34 am Permalink great character in those carves - mystical Big Tiki/Nomolos I appreciate you compliments. Photo#1- is oak Photo#2- Elm in the foreground and sycamore in the rear Photo#3- The wood was recovered from a brush pile. Judging by the bark, I'm fairly certain it is cedar elm. PICS, PICS, PICS!!!!! lol! just teasin amate! just goin crazy waitin too see whats up!! holla! where you be!?! lol! amateTiki SocialiteJoined: Oct 03, 2009Posts: 976Posted: 2009-10-25 11:35 am Permalink I haven't found the time to start anything new but I feel I must post something or I'll lose my momentum. Here are a few more of my finished carves. The mask is 9 inches made of Sycamore. The Moai is 11 inches also of Sycamore. The head is 12 inches made of China berry. I don't recall how I got started making these heads but they seem to be popular and I get requests for them. So, my question is . . . can you put a headdress on a face and call it a tiki? I haven't seen anything quite like this during my short membership and wonder if this forum is the appropriate place for these carvings? I just ordered a copy of the BOOK OF TIKI but I'd be interested in hearing your opinions until it arrives. Thanks for looking. drasticwagonTiki SocialiteJoined: Dec 27, 2008Posts: 263From: DFW , TexasPosted: 2009-10-25 6:52 pm Permalink I like the two tone. good touch Goto page ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 Next Page ) U-Moderate:
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The Centenary Railway to Sóller April 16th, 1912 was the date of the first ever train journey between Palma and Sóller. Today marks the one hundredth anniversary of that inaugural trip (see photo bottom). When […]
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What Bubble? Silicon Valley Homes Going For Nearly $2 Million Over Asking Price If you're still holding out hope that the following chart is anything but another massive housing bubble in the making then you should probably ignore the disturbing evidence to the contrary that we're about to present below... Back in 2005/2006, one of the key signs that housing markets across the country were overheating was the number of houses that, thanks to soaring demand from speculators, were suddenly selling at prices well in excess of their asking price. That said, as a local CBS affiliate in San Francisco points out, the premiums of 2005/2006 pale in comparison to homes in Silicon Valley today that are selling for as much as $1-$2 million over their original asking prices. But if you thought they area housing market couldn’t get any more outrageous, consider a home on Colorado Avenue in Palo Alto. It listed for $2.9 million, but sold for $3.9 million, $1 million over asking price. Another home on Anacapa Drive in the Los Altos hills listed for $2.8 million, but sold for $4.5 million. That is $1.67 million over asking. Finally, there is this home on University Avenue in Los Altos that listed at $7.9 million, but sold for $1.8 million over asking. In 2017, 10 homes in the mid-Peninsula area sold for $1 million over asking. Six of those listings belonged to Deleon Realty. But, lest you're worried that the U.S. financial system is at risk of collapsing again for the second time in under a decade courtesy of another housing bubble, realtor Mike Repka of Deleon Realty would like to assure you that paying $2 million over asking price for a home in Silicon Valley is no more excessive than dropping an extra $100 on that silent charity auction for your kid's basketball team. “Anyone who’s been to a charity auction knows they get caught up and they say they’re going to stop at a certain point, and they raise that paddle one or two last times,” said Repka. “When you have 12 people doing that it can make a real difference.” That said, Lan Bowling with competing realtor Keller Williams in Silicon Valley has a slightly different, if somewhat more boring, take on how to price homes saying her own "personal philosophy is to simply price homes what they’re worth"...which is a genius plan if we understand it correctly. Of course, until everyone in Silicon Valley comes around to Bowling's way of thinking, we suspect residents earning less than $500k per year are going be living out of their late-90's era recreational vehicles for a bit longer...
{"url": "https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-19/what-bubble-silicon-valley-homes-going-nearly-2-million-over-asking-price", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.zerohedge.com", "date_download": "2019-02-15T19:48:11Z", "digest": "sha1:K2XX7TIHQVVHRDB2P2TZKDPXTOGSPPNC"}
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L’éducation au cœur de notre démarche Santé – Sécurité Intégration - Inclusion Apprendre à vivre ensemble Développer l’autonomie Collaboration parents - professionnels Le stress... pas un jeu d'enfants ! Apprendre pour un enfant c’est grandir, ressentir le plaisir d’être et de comprendre. Nous nous efforçons d’offrir un environnement propice aux apprentissages actifs. De l’éveil des sens à la découverte de nouveaux domaines, le climat de confiance amène naturellement les enfants à partager ensemble le plaisir d’apprendre. «Lorsque l’enfant est en confiance, il est détendu et donc prêt à entrer en relation et à s’épanouir dans les meilleures conditions» S. Lanoue
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Friday, April 22, 2022 @ 8:00PM — 10:00PM Fri, Apr 22, 2022 @ 8:00PM — 10:00PM
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Accueil Sports Tennis Grands Chelems précédent La faiblesse du cuirassé Osaka précédent David Goffin revient sur son élimination précoce à Roland-Garros: «J’ai vraiment été mauvais» (vidéos) Victime de dépression, Naomi Osaka a quitté Roland-Garros: Serena Williams veut lui apporter son soutien La Japonaise a décidé de quitter Paris. @AFP Serena Williams est impatiente de soutenir Naomi Osaka. La star japonaise du tennis s’est retirée de Roland-Garros lundi après toute l’agitation suscitée par son boycott de la presse. La lauréate du dernier Open d’Australie, âgée de 23 ans, a révélé qu’elle luttait contre la dépression depuis 2018. Osaka a déclaré avoir « traversé de longues périodes de dépression depuis l’US Open 2018 (son premier titre du Grand Chelem) et a eu beaucoup de mal à s’en remettre ». « J’aimerais pouvoir la serrer dans mes bras en ce moment », a déclaré Williams après avoir appris la décision d’Osaka après sa victoire au premier tour à Roland-Garros. « Je sais ce qu’elle ressent parce que j’ai aussi été dans la même situation ». Selon Williams, Osaka a besoin de temps et d’espace plus que tout en ce moment. « Nous avons tous des personnalités différentes et chacun gère les choses différemment. Nous devons la laisser gérer cette situation comme elle le souhaite et comme elle pense que c’est le mieux pour elle. C’est tout ce que je peux dire. » Au Japon, où Naomi Osaka est une grande vedette, la réaction de soutien est aussi très forte de la part de ses fans. Osaka qui a annoncé qu’elle allait prendre du recul avec la compétition, doit représenter son pays cet été aux Jeux Olympiques qui se déroulent à Tokyo. « J’ai été surprise. Je ne peux pas imaginer ce qu’elle a traversé, mais j’espère qu’elle ne regrettera pas sa décision », a déclaré sa compatriote Misaki Doi. L’ancienne joueuse de tennis japonaise Ai Sugiyama a déclaré dans une émission matinale mardi qu’elle espérait que les actions de Naomi Osaka pourraient être « l’occasion de parler de la santé mentale des sportifs ». Coronavirus: bientôt un Covid Safe Ticket «rouge» pour les vaccinés infectés Un ajustement sera bientôt effectué sur l’application. So Soir 11:05 Bruxelles a son premier vin mousseux Gudule Winery, le chai urbain de la capitale, a dévoilé sa première cuvée de bulles « made in Brussels ». Son nom? « Efferverscence au Palais ». Tout un programme ! À découvrir sur Le Soir + Coupe Davis - Fed Cup Coupe Davis: Johan Van Herck fête ses 10 ans en tant que capitaine Bon anniversaire capitaine ! Ce jeudi, l’équipe belge de Coupe Davis s’est réveillée à Asuncion au Paraguay (où elle doit affronter… la Bolivie, ce week-end), avec un sacré anniversaire à fêter, celui de Johan Van Herck, au capitanat de ce Team Belgium depuis exactement 10 ans. Par Yves Simon Grands Chelems US Open: Daniil Medvedev et le coup du poisson mort La troisième fois est la bonne pour le Russe à la célébration spéciale. L’Histoire était trop forte pour Novak Djokovic Federer, Nadal, Sampras, Agassi, Borg, McEnroe etc., s’y sont tous cassé les dents et désormais Novak Djokovic aussi ! Le Serbe était le plus proche, à un doigt, à un succès de remporter le fameux Grand Chelem que seuls deux joueurs ont réussi (Laver en 1962 et 1969 et Budge en 1938), mais il a craqué ! L’image forte de la finale de l’US Open: Novak Djokovic fond en larmes lors du dernier changement de côté (vidéo) Finale de l’US Open: deux lolitas à New York Daniil Medvedev remporte l’US Open et prive Novak Djokovic du Grand Chelem calendaire (vidéo) Medvedev «désolé» d’avoir battu Djokovic à l’US Open: «Pour moi, il est le plus grand joueur de l’histoire»
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Las matriculaciones aumentan un 22% en el primer semestre del año Un total de 555.222 vehículos se matricularon de enero a junio de 2015, lo que eleva las matriculaciones un 22% con respecto al primer semestre del año pasado, según datos de la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles y Camiones (Anfac). Con estas cifras, el mercado del automóvil acumula ya 22 meses de crecimiento continuado. Crecimiento en junio Junio ha marcado un crecimiento del 23,5%, superando las 100.000 unidades (111.333 turismos). En el pasado mes se matricularon 5.300 coches al día, 800 más que en mayo. Los responsables del aumento de matriculaciones en junio han sido los canales de particulares y de empresas, según Anfac, quien reconoce que el Plan PIVE 8 y la mejora económica han ayudado a los resultados. Canal de particular El canal de particular ha tenido un aumento por encima del 20%, gracias al efecto impulsor del Plan PIVE 8, según Anfac. En total, se matricularon 50.597 unidades en el mes de junio bajo esta modalidad, con un alza del 25%. En el período enero-junio, este canal creció un 22,9% con un volumen de 275.706 unidades. Canal de empresas El canal de empresas creció un 41,5% en junio, con un total de 27.765 matriculaciones. En el primer semestre del año acumuló un total de 138.717 matriculaciones y un crecimiento del 33%. Según la asociación, esta modalidad creció gracias a la evolución positiva de las magnitudes económicas y a un mejor comportamiento de la financiación. Por otro lado, el canal de alquiladores creció el mes pasado un 9,7%, con 32.971 unidades y un 11,5% de enero a junio con un volumen total de 140.799 matriculaciones. Modelos más vendidos El Seat León, Seat Ibiza y Citröen C4 han sido los modelos más vendidos en el primer semestre del año, con 19.545, 19.388 y 19.232 unidades respectivamente. Por otro lado, la lista de marcas más vendidas la encabeza Volkswagen, con 48.648 automóviles vendidos, seguida de Seat, con 46.836 y Opel, con 44.242. COMPARAR SEGUROS DE COCHE Dolores MoretRastreator.com Seguros por Días Direct Seguros lanza una cobertura específica para coches eléctricos Llamar a la grúa, la causa por la que más partes se dan a las aseguradoras Las subidas de precios de los seguros de Coche no se corresponden con el IPC Dos de cada tres asegurados considera justo el precio de su seguro de Coche Drive & Win, el seguro para buenos conductores, llega a España Seguro para coches autónomos Consecuencias de dar datos falsos en el seguro de Coche El perito en el seguro de Coche Los coches más robados Seguro de coche para extranjeros Más información sobre Seguros de Coche Aseguradoras de Coche
{"url": "http://www.rastreator.com/seguros-de-coche/noticias/matriculaciones-de-coches-aumentan-un-22-por-ciento.aspx", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.rastreator.com", "date_download": "2018-03-17T04:35:03Z", "digest": "sha1:NXLS54KW76VPUEKSAO2FDUXFRXDGARJB"}
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Ryerson v. United States Ryerson v. United States by Harlan F. Stone related portals: Supreme Court of the United States. sister projects: Data item. 894068Ryerson v. United States — SyllabusHarlan F. Stone Opinion of the Court 312 U.S. 405 Argued: Jan. 8, 1941. --- Decided: March 3, 1941 Messrs. William M. Haddad and Walter T. Fisher, both of Chicago, Ill., for petitioners. Mr. Francis Biddle, Sol. Gen., for respondent. Mr. Justice STONE delivered the opinion of the Court. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105). Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse Retrieved from "https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Ryerson_v._United_States&oldid=2988712" Categories: United States Supreme Court decisionsUnited States Supreme Court decisions in Volume 312PD-USGovHidden categories: Case missing lower courtCase missing case numberUncategorized United States Supreme Court decision Navigation menu
{"url": "https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Ryerson_v._United_States", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "en.wikisource.org", "date_download": "2016-05-24T14:20:07Z", "digest": "sha1:M6TIFFCNELDDBD4GU7TYJNC2AVYFV3A3"}
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Renal USA Renal Canada Medi Claim Nephrologist Network A nephrologist is a physician who has been educated and trained in kidney diseases, kidney transplantation, and dialysis therapy. Nephrology is classified as an internal medicine subspecialty. Knowledge of internal medicine is required to obtain certification. A nephrologist does not surgically operate on the kidney, however, he or she may need to perform a kidney biopsy by inserting a narrow needle through the body surface to the kidney, to obtain a sample of kidney tissue. A nephrologist frequently sees patients who are being cared for by an urologist, a doctor who performs kidney surgery. Nephrologist is a physician whose is expert in nephrology. Nephrologist is also known as kidney specialist. Nephrology is the treatment specialty concerned with diseases of the kidneys including mineral and fluid balance. Nephrologist is a physician who specializes in the medical cure of kidney problems and who works with the transplant to ensure optimal function of your new kidney. Nephrologist is a specialist in medicine who has obtained extra training in the medical treatment of patients with kidney disorders. Kidney Specialist or Nephrologist's main activities is the utilization of the artificial kidney to treat patients with acute and chronic kidney failure. kidney diseases can have an effect on the function of other body organs. kidney specialists could further dedicate to pediatric nephrology and adult nephrology. ©2010 All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer
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TodoiPhone.net > Actualidad iPhone > Apple Cambia las Pantallas de iPhone 5 Directamente en las Apple Store Apple Cambia las Pantallas de iPhone 5 Directamente en las Apple Store Actualidad iPhone Cento Salvi @Cento 6 años ago No hay comentarios Apple da vía libre en sus tiendas Apple Store de Estados Unidos para realizar la sustitución de la pantalla de los iPhone en vez de ofrecer un dispositivo restaurado, dando inicio a la nuevas políticas de reparación. Según MacRumors, este nuevo tipo de asistencia técnica ha empezado recientemente y prevé el pago de 149 dólares (114 euros aproximadamente) por cada intervención. Realizando este pago podríamos tener nuestro mismo dispositivo con una pantalla nueva. Antes era necesario realizar el pago de 229 dólares (175 euros aproximadamente) con la intención de recibir un dispositivo restaurado o recondicionado. Con la modalidad que usaba antes Apple, el sistema de cambio de dispositivo, estos conseguían ahorra tiempo y recursos en tienda, pero obviamente aumentaba los costes de gestión y sobre todo cuando el dispositivo se encontraba en garantía. Ahora sale beneficiada Apple por el ahorro en gastos de gestión y los clientes ya que el precio de reparación es más económico que el de cambio de dispositivo. Apple Empieza a Sustituir las Pantallas de los iPhone en vez de Cambiar el Dispositivo por uno Nuevo. Este cambio entre la sustitución y la reparación había sido anticipado hace unas semanas durante un meeting realizado por los de Cupertino en el que anunciaron la nueva política de reparaciones. Este tipo de reparaciones, en el futuro, debería de ampliarse a otros componentes hardware de los dispositivos iOS como la botón Home, botón de Encendido, botones de volumen, Cámara, entre otros. De momento no se sabe si esta nueva politica de reparaciones de las tiendas Apple Store se empezará a emplear también en España aunque seguro que los usuarios también saldrán beneficiados por este tipo de reparaciones. Filósofo, Músico, Blogger y amante de la tecnología móvil. Llevo varios años escribiendo sobre distintos OS móviles, aunque me decanto por el sistema operativo móvil de Apple, iOS y sus productos. También he trabajado en distintos departamentos relacionados con el sector de la telefonía móvil (tanto con el soporte a usuarios como en el soporte de radiotelefonía).
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Unalienable Rights — Guest Post by Kevin Groenhagen By Briggs on November 10, 2017 • ( 7 Comments ) MSNBC’s MTP Daily host Chuck Todd led off his September 27 show with a claim that Alabama Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore “doesn’t appear to believe in the Constitution as it’s written” because Moore said our rights come from God. It wasn’t the first time a member of the mainstream media scolded Moore for suggesting our rights come from God. After Moore told CNN’s Chris Cuomo “Our rights do not come from the Constitution, they come from God,” Cuomo shot back, “Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith. That’s my faith. But that’s not our country.” Moore is not the first Republican to be scolded by a member of the media after suggesting our rights come from God. During the 2012 presidential campaign, Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan reiterated this contention several times, including during his announcement speech on August 11, 2016. “But America is more than just a place…it’s an idea,” Ryan said. “It’s the only country founded on an idea. Our rights come from nature and God, not government.” In his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Ryan said, “… sometimes, even presidents need reminding, that our rights come from nature and God, not from government.” Ryan’s declaration didn’t sit well with some, including Paul Waldman, a contributing editor for The American Prospect. “What Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence notwithstanding, this is an awfully odd notion once you stop to think about it,” Waldman wrote in a commentary posted on MSNBC’s website. “If God granted us rights like the freedom of speech, why did it take so long for Him to get around to letting us enjoy them? Why does God allow only some of his subjects to enjoy those rights, while millions or even billions live without them?” MSNBC’s Touré offered a similar point: “[Paul Ryan] loves this line of ‘our rights come from God and nature,’ which is so offensive to so much of America. Because for black people, Hispanic people and women, our rights do not come from God or nature. They were not recognized by the natural order of America. They come from the government and from legislation that happens in relatively recent history in America. So that line just bothers me to my core.” While Touré, an African-American, has appointed himself the voice of all minorities concerning the origin of our rights, it should be noted that Martin Luther King, Jr., the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement, agreed with Judge Moore and Speaker Ryan. Here is what King had to say on July 4, 1965 in his “The American Dream” speech: It wouldn’t take us long to discover the substance of that dream. It is found in those majestic words of the Declaration of Independence, words lifted to cosmic proportions: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by God, Creator, with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is a dream. It’s a great dream. The first saying we notice in this dream is an amazing universalism. It doesn’t say “some men,” it says “all men.” It doesn’t say “all white men,” it says “all men,” which includes black men. It does not say “all Gentiles,” it says “all men,” which includes Jews. It doesn’t say “all Protestants,” it says “all men,” which includes Catholics. (Yes, sir) It doesn’t even say “all theists and believers,” it says “all men,” which includes humanists and agnostics. Then that dream goes on to say another thing that ultimately distinguishes our nation and our form of government from any totalitarian system in the world. It says that each of us has certain basic rights that are neither derived from or conferred by the state. In order to discover where they came from, it is necessary to move back behind the dim mist of eternity. They are God-given, gifts from His hands. Never before in the history of the world has a sociopolitical document expressed in such profound, eloquent, and unequivocal language the dignity and the worth of human personality. The American dream reminds us, and we should think about it anew on this Independence Day, that every man is an heir of the legacy of dignity and worth. The obvious rebuttal to Waldman and Touré’s complaint is that men, and not God, prevented—and continue to prevent—millions or even billions from enjoying their God-given rights. As King noted in the same Independence Day speech, “Now ever since the founding fathers of our nation dreamed this dream in all of its magnificence—to use a big word that the psychiatrists use—America has been something of a schizophrenic personality, tragically divided against herself. On the one hand we have proudly professed the great principles of democracy, but on the other hand we have sadly practiced the very opposite of those principles.” “The truth is that rights have always been government’s to withhold or guarantee as it saw fit,” Waldman continued in his opinion piece. Former Attorney General Janet Reno shared a similar sentiment when speaking before a group of law enforcement officers: “You are part of a government that has given its people more freedom…than any other government in the history of the world.” As James Bovard noted in Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty, “It is time to remind Washington that freedom is not something that the government gives the people—but something that citizens must jealously protect against the government itself.” Unfortunately, the mistaken belief that rights and freedom come from men is not limited to those on the left. Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” has been popular amongst conservatives for nearly three decades because of its patriotic themes. However, that song has the following lyrics: And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. Men can fight and die to secure our rights. However, they cannot give our rights to us. The leaders of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and other tyrannical governments believed, or continue to believe, that our rights and freedom come from government. However, our Founders understood if rights come from government, and not from God, then government can, as Walden suggested, withdraw those rights. If that is the case, then our Founders had no justification to declare independence from Great Britain in 1776. It would not have been possible for the king of Great Britain to violate their rights since his government would have had the exclusive power to decide which rights the colonists possessed as his subjects. Waldman cavalierly dismisses the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, consider the word “unalienable,” which is defined as “unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.” Would you prefer a system in which your God-given rights cannot be taken away or one in which your rights are determined by the whims of whomever may be in control of the government at any given time? Math: Old, New, and Equalitarian — A Review Insanity & Doom Update XI Bob mounger says: So if our rights come from the state, then slavery is not wrong, just currently unpopular? If the state giveth, the state taketh away. Andrew White says: Think of it another way: anyone in power can grant “rights” over that which they have power over. So if universal human rights are granted by the state, then the state is claiming to have power over right & wrong Tangent: if they are not granted by the state and not by a creator, where do they come from? Even if one claims they are “discovered” from nature, there’s still the problem of needing a teleology of nature. Also, this suggests that there could be innumerable human rights that we are in violation of because they are undiscovered, and that some currently discovered ones are actually wrong (c.f. Reliability of scientific method). swordfishtrombone says: Martin Luther King: “It doesn’t even say “all theists and believers,” it says “all men,” which includes humanists and agnostics.” I notice he couldn’t quite bring himself to extend “all men” to include atheists! Mactoul says: Does the right to have your same-sex marriage recognized by the state also God-given? Kevin Groenhagen says: He did. Reread it. “What do we make of the assertion by a highly placed member of the judiciary that ‘rights not listed in the Constitution are cherished, if anything, more than the ones that are’? What is the source of such rights? Who guarantees them? Judge Reinhardt’s first example is the right to marry. But since marriage will occur only with the consent of two people, no individual can assert a right to it. Government cannot require the consent of either party, thus government cannot deliver a guarantee for it.” – Balint Vazsonyi, “America’s 30 Years War” (1998)
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Gotta Be MobileMobile News & Reviews 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [July, 2014] 07/02/2014 By Adam Mills At the moment, AT&T is chock full of smartphone options, something that could give plenty of customers fits, especially those that aren’t in tune with the latest devices. In an effort to help those in the hunt for a new AT&T smartphone this month, we take a look at the devices we think make up […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [June, 2014] 06/06/2014 By Adam Mills Those in the market for a new AT&T smartphone in June are going to encounter tons of choice. And while that’s a good thing, it can also make coming to a final decision difficult. We want to help narrow things down a bit for consumers and here, we take a look at the devices we […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [May, 2014] 05/02/2014 By Adam Mills Those looking to pick up a new AT&T smartphone in the month of May are going to have a number of excellent devices to choose from. And while choice is a good thing, it can also be overwhelming for some consumers. Well, we want to help narrow things down by telling you about the devices […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [April, 2014] 04/03/2014 By Adam Mills Narrowing down the best AT&T smartphones can be a difficult task for those that aren’t caught up with the fast moving world of smartphones. Lucky for you, we’ve done the heavy lifting and here, we take a look at our top AT&T smartphones for the month of April, 2014. AT&T remains an excellent destination for […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [March, 2014] 03/06/2014 By Adam Mills Those looking for a brand new smartphone on AT&T during the month of March won’t find the Samsung Galaxy S5 but what they will find is a lineup that boasts some high quality smartphones including Apple’s iPhone 5s, Google’s Nexus 5, and of course, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The new year has gotten off […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [February, 2014] 02/05/2014 By Adam Mills There are some big smartphones on the horizon, the HTC M8 and Samsung Galaxy S5 in particular, but from here, it looks like neither of them will make it onto shelves during the month of February. This means that for the month of February, smartphone rosters at carriers like AT&T are going to stay static. […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [January, 2014] 01/15/2014 By Adam Mills Those looking for a new AT&T smartphone during the month of January aren’t going to find anything new. Instead the carrier is going to rely on, at least for the first month of the year, on its big name devices from 2013. Fortunately for those in the hunt for a device, that isn’t such a […] 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [December, 2013] 12/18/2013 By Adam Mills While many consumers have turned their attention to 2014 and its rumored smartphone lineup, there are others that are still looking to buy a brand new device in the month of December. Many of those looking for a new device are looking for one on AT&T’s network. Ahead of the start of 2014, we take […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [November, 2013] 11/18/2013 By Adam Mills We’re getting close to the end of the year which means that we’re getting close to the start of the holiday shopping season. For many, it has already begun. Many shoppers are going to be in the hunt for a new smartphone, either for themselves or for a loved one, and in particular, many of […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [October, 2013] 10/09/2013 By Adam Mills Those who are looking to buy an AT&T smartphone during the month of October are going to encounter a solid lineup chock full of big name smartphones. And while the sheer amount of choice is a great thing for smartphone shoppers, it’s going to make selecting a new AT&T smartphone a difficult task for those […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [August, 2013] 08/05/2013 By Adam Mills The smartphone world, particularly AT&T’s, is starting to heat up and while that may sound like a good thing to AT&T smartphone shoppers, it’s going to leave them with some tough choices during the month of August. While 2013 has not seen the same number of smartphone releases that we’ve seen in years past, there […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [July, 2013] 07/03/2013 By Adam Mills With the summer in full swing and the month of July now here, many consumers in the United States will likely be looking to pick up a new smartphone, particularly on AT&T, the nation’s second largest 4G LTE service provider. However, thanks to an arsenal of smartphones, picking a smartphone on AT&T this month is […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [May, 2013] 05/06/2013 By Adam Mills After months of being dormant, the smartphone world has become active once again with carriers releasing a number of new devices unto the world. One of the beneficiaries of those new devices is AT&T which has seized several of these new smartphones for its 4G LTE network in an effort to beef up its lineup […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [April, 2013] 04/02/2013 By Adam Mills With the HTC One and the Samsung Galaxy S4 on the horizon for AT&T, April figures to be an extremely exciting month for those looking to snag a smartphone on the nation’s second largest 4G LTE carrier. Of course, those won’t be the only devices that are heading AT&T’s direction which means that while it’ll […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [March, 2013] 03/13/2013 By Adam Mills With the new year well under way, we are starting to get a feel for the top devices that carriers are going to have in stock for the first part of the year. And while there are plenty of devices to come, many users are likely looking to snag a smartphone this very minute, perhaps […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [February, 2013] 02/06/2013 By Adam Mills The new year has been fairly kind to those looking to get a new smartphone on AT&T as the carrier has expanded its 4G LTE network, we’ve seen several potential AT&T flagships emerge and the carrier has maintained a fantastic crop of devices for consumers to choose from. Read: 8 Exciting Smartphones for 2013. Last […] The 5 Best AT&T Smartphones [January, 2013] 01/14/2013 By Adam Mills At we march further in 2013, there are some big names already on the horizon including the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC M7 and iPhone 6. There are also some newcomers, thanks to CES 2013, including the upcoming Sony Xperia Z. However, none of those phones has an official release date in the United States leaving […]
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Sí se puede tilda de «electoralista» la propuesta de ASG de fomentar el reciclaje entre los menores La propuesta sería loable si el Cabildo, controlado por ASG, hubiese resuelto ya la implantación de un sistema de recogida selectiva y reciclaje en la isla. De electoralista e incoherente tilda Sí se puede la propuesta que Casimiro Curbelo defendió el pasado jueves, en comisión parlamentaria, al respecto de que el Gobierno de Canarias realice campañas de concienciación y acciones para mejorar el tratamiento de residuos. En esa misma intervención, Curbelo insistió en la importancia de colaborar con colegios e institutos para desarrollar programas formativos o talleres orientados a comprender la importancia y desarrollar hábitos de reciclaje. En palabras de la portavoz de Sí se puede, Ada García, «la propuesta de Curbelo sería loable si tuviese un mínimo de coherencia. El presidente del cabildo quiere, como de costumbre, quedar bien ante la ciudadanía echando balones fuera. Quiere que otros hagan el tejado de la casa, cuando él no ha puesto aún los cimientos. Porque está bien sensibilizar y educar a los escolares en la cultura del reciclaje, pero ¿cómo van a poner en práctica esta cultura si en 4 de los 6 municipios gomeros aún no se realiza una completa recogida selectiva de residuos? Por eso creemos que la propuesta tiene fines puramente propagandísticos e insulta la inteligencia de los ciudadanos». García explicó que aún no se hace recogida selectiva de envases (contenedor amarillo) y papel/cartón (contenedor azul) en cuatro municipios, «¡por no hablar de otros residuos urbanos, como los orgánicos, aceites de cocina, ropas y demás!». Hace más de quince años se aprobó la Ley Canaria de Residuos, que obliga a las administraciones locales a implantar las recogidas selectivas. Sin embargo, «los ayuntamientos y el cabildo vienen incumpliendo la Ley sistemáticamente. No se ponen de acuerdo en cómo resolver este problema. ¡Han demostrado una incapacidad absoluta! ¡Ahí está la incoherencia! Se pide al Gobierno que fomente el reciclaje, pero ¿dónde van a tirar luego los niños las basuras? Pues todas juntas al contenedor gris…». Por todo lo anterior Sí se puede califica la propuesta de poco seria y electoralista. Además, podría ser contraproducente, si no se resuelve primero lo de la recogida selectiva. «Puede ser desmotivante que me digas que tengo que separar para reciclar, y luego no me pongas los medios para hacerlo». Para la formación ecosocialista, se percibe un sentimiento de indignación y vergüenza entre los ciudadanos de La Gomera que no gozan del servicio de recogida selectiva de envases y papel/cartón. «Además, está claro que este problema afecta negativamente, no solo al medio ambiente insular, sino a la imagen de una isla que se quiere promocionar como Reserva de la Biosfera. Por eso se quejan desde hace años los ciudadanos, grupos ecologistas y empresarios turísticos de la isla». La portavoz concluye diciendo que «le exigimos a ASG que no ponga la carreta delante de los bueyes. Que primero cumpla sus obligaciones y luego exija al resto de las administraciones. Que resuelva ya de una vez el tema de la recogida selectiva. Y animamos a los ciudadanos, empresas y asociaciones a que denuncien la situación, porque esto no es un «capricho medioambiental», sino una exigencia legal que está siendo incumplida desde hace muchos años.» Tags: asg, de, el, electoralista, entre, fomentar, la, los, menores, propuesta, puede, reciclaje, se, si, tilda Previous Alajeró celebro ayer la festividad de San Isidro en la Montaña del Calvario Next El parque de la Cañada de La Hurona de 8.300 metros, en San Sebastián de la Gomera, no sale adelante El Cabildo colabora con Funcasor para la elaboración de un censo de personas con sordera en la isla Iniciativa por La Gomera (IxLG) critica la desigualdad entre los 80.000 euros a la Escuela de Música de San Sebastián y los 30.000 a las restantes El Puerto de Vueltas en Valle Gran Rey recibe el primer crucero postcovid La ministra de Derechos Sociales avanza a Chinea que transferirá “en las próximas semanas” a Canarias los 30 millones del Plan de la Pobreza Curbelo urge a buscar mecanismos de consenso que satisfagan las demandas de interinos y opositores
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« St. Anselm: "The Rational Creature Was Created for This Purpose" | Main | More on Vocations » About St. Anselm of Canterbury April 21 is the feast day of St. Anselm of Canterbury. Anselm was born in 1033 in the Alpine town of Aosta, an old Roman town at the southern end of Burgundy. His father was a Lombard who had become a citizen. His mother was a very devout woman from an old Burgundian family, whose family was from the valley of the Rhone, probably a decaying branch of a noble family. Anselm’s family narrowed his choices in life. He was expected to support his family’s declining fortune by a provincial education and lucrative career. He had no interest in law, rhetoric, or business. Before he was 15 years old, Anselm asked to be admitted to a Benedictine monastery. However, the monks refused for fear of his father’s objection. Around 1056, his mother died, leaving him without the “anchor” who had helped him through his frustrations. Soon afterward, he argued with his father and fled his childhood home, together with one friend. He spent the next three years partly in Burgundy and partly in France, where his mother’s relatives probably helped to support him. He had abandoned his religious interests of earlier years and was not quite sure what he was seeking. However, around the age of 26, he settled at Bec. At the time of Anselm’s arrival, the prior at Bec was Lanfranc, who had been widely known as a teacher of the liberal arts even before he became a monk. Lanfranc had taught the trivium and quadrivium, Scripture and the Church Fathers. He was a master of the dialectic, whose work broke new ground in applying the dialectic to Scripture in the 1050’s. Lanfranc used Aristotle’s explanation of the universe, found in The Categories, and taught in the schools of northern France in the tenth century. Yet Lanfranc’s work addressed the issues of his day, and it held little interest for later generations. After some soul searching and after seeking the advice of Lanfranc, Anselm became a monk. With Lanfranc’s encouragement, Anselm, who had never seen much success earlier in life, became a successful student and then a successful teacher, strictly adhering to the Rule of St. Benedict. During those years, he wrote his De Grammatico, the only one of his works that reflected Lanfranc’s Aristotelian leanings. Three years later, Lanfranc became the Abbot of Caen, and Anselm was chosen to succeed him as Prior of Bec. As prior, he wrote his Prayers and Meditations, which he prepared and revised over 20 years. It was also during those years that he began to read Augustine, the greatest influence in his later thinking. Near the end of Anselm’s 15 years as prior, he wrote his “great meditations”, the Monologium and Proslogium. The Monologium addressed the qualities of God and was much influenced by St. Augustine’s The Trinity. The Proslogium addressed God’s necessary existence, only slightly dependent upon Augustine, more clearly anticipating the Scholasticism of future centuries. In 1078, Herluin, the founder and first Abbot of Bec, died, and Anselm was elected to take his place as Abbot. Anselm protested with tears, asking that he not be given the burden, but the other monks implored him, and he remained their abbot. By then, Anselm’s own views had departed significantly from Lanfranc’s. As Abbot of Bec, Anselm came into control of the abbey’s lands in England, where Lanfranc had become Archbishop of Canterbury. As Abbot, Anselm encountered a true theological opponent, Roscelin, who tried to support his own views by wrongly counting Anselm among his supporters. Anselm then began his reply, Cur Deus Homo, which went through several drafts, but remained unfinished before Anselm became Archbishop of Canterbury. Upon Lanfranc’s death, the king, William II, left the see of Canterbury vacant for four years, benefiting from the vacancy financially, and using the money for his military campaigns. William fell seriously ill in 1093 and wanted to make a confession to Anselm. Anselm heard William’s confession, and the king promised to make amends. The king then faced questions about the vacant see of Canterbury. The king accepted the clergy's demands, perhaps even as part of the penance imposed by Anselm, but surprised Anselm by appointing him as archbishop. Anselm reacted with tears and protests just as he had done when elected Abbot, but he did not question William’s right to make the decision. At that point, Anselm believed it permissible in England -- a view that was in conflict with the 1077 Lateran Council's decisions, of which Anselm was undoubtedly unaware, and a view that Anselm would later reject. Anselm sought the counsel and permission of others back in Lombardy before agreeing to accept the archbishopric. He was consecrated in December, 1093. Appointing a prior at Bec, Anselm continued to exercise the authority of the Abbot there even as he lived in England. A theologian, philosopher, and contemplative, he knew little of canon law and administration. As archbishop, he continued to place priority on living a Benedictine life, and he never did learn a great deal of the law that should have governed his practical decisions. Anselm quickly encountered difficulty with the now recovered William. He was obligated to receive the pallium from the Pope for his consecration to be recognized. Being from Normandy, he had already vowed his allegiance to Pope Urban II, who was recognized as Pope in France and Normandy. However, Germany recognized the anti-pope Clement, and England had made no choice. William refused to allow Anselm to travel to Rome to receive the pallium from Urban II, and Anselm refused to remain archbishop if he could not receive the pallium. In the end, an arrangement was reached whereby a Papal legate brought Anselm’s pallium to England and set it on the altar, from which Anselm accepted the pallium. In 1097, William brought charges against Anselm related to an unsuccessful military campaign. Anselm went into exile and journeyed to Rome. At a council in Bari in 1098, Anselm’s position was upheld. Afterward, Anselm was near Lyon when he received word of William’s death. The new king, Henry, asked Anselm to return to England, which he did in 1099. A new conflict arose with the new English king over investitures of those chosen by Henry to be abbots and bishops. Such investitures had been abolished by a council held on Easter, 1099, but Henry still insisted that Anselm consecrate those Henry had invested. Henry sent Anselm to Rome to state his case. The matter was resolved at a counsel in London in 1107, where the king abandoned his claimed right to investitures, while prelates could still do homage to the king for their temporal possessions. After 1107, Anselm lived his last two years in peace. While Anselm’s strong stand for the papacy marked his time as archbishop, he never again had the leisure for the kind of thinking and writing he had done as a prior, Cur Deus Homo being the one notable exception. He died on April 21, 1109, at the age of 76. Southern, Richard W., St. Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape Tellenbach, Gerd, The Church in Western Europe from the Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century Posted on April 20, 2006 at 09:34 PM in Church History: Biographies | Permalink
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Veneers & Zoom! TMD Treatment Tooth extractions, or the removal of one or more teeth, are usually used as a last resort in dentistry, as keeping the natural tooth in the mouth is ideal. There are many reasons why single or multiple extractions may be performed, including pervasive tooth decay, the impaction of wisdom teeth, or the need to create space for orthodontic devices. The most significant short-term benefit associated with tooth extraction is the elimination of pain. If a tooth is severely decayed or an infection is present, removing the affected tooth almost immediately alleviates discomfort. However, it should be noted that further procedures are necessary to replace the extracted tooth. Leaving a gap is not a viable option as the other teeth tend to twist out of alignment to fill the space. Why might I need to have a tooth extraction? Tooth extractions are incredibly common procedures. It should be reiterated that an extraction is used as a procedure of last resort, when nothing more can be done to save the tooth. Here is a brief overview of some of the main reasons for tooth extraction: Deep decay – This is easily the most common reason for tooth extraction, accounting for around two-thirds of all extraction procedures performed. When decay affects the surface of the tooth as well as the pulp, root canal procedures cannot be performed. Root canal therapy is only viable where the general structure of the tooth is in stable condition. Extra teeth –There are a variety of explanations associated with extra teeth, but most commonly they are baby teeth that do not shed. Extra teeth take up space on the arch, causing nearby teeth to twist out of place. A tooth extraction is necessary in this case to provide enough space for the teeth to properly realign. Periodontal disease – Often teeth have to be extracted because the gums and underlying bone are so severely eroded that they can no longer hold the tooth in place securely. The cause of bone and gum recession is almost always advanced periodontal disease (gum disease). Poor bone density means that the chance of restoring the natural tooth is minimal. Prior to braces – Traditional orthodontic braces require enough space to for the teeth to move into ideal alignment. If space cannot be created naturally, a tooth may be extracted as an alternative. Fractured teeth – Fortunately, dentists are able to save injured teeth in most circumstances with the aid of root canal therapy. However, there are some instances where the tooth has become fractured in a way that makes repair impossible. Your oral health professional will remove the tooth and use a prosthetic replacement in most cases. How is the extraction procedure performed? Generally, tooth extraction can be simple in nature or involve more complex surgical processes. Simple extractions are performed on fully emerged teeth after applying local anesthetic to the treatment site. Instruments are used to elevate the tooth and then sever the periodontal ligament. The tooth is then carefully removed with dental forceps. Surgical extractions are performed on teeth that are either invisible or inaccessible, like un-erupted wisdom teeth. An incision is usually made in the gum tissue and a drill is used to precisely remove some of the adjacent bone tissue. Sometimes, the tooth has to be split into several pieces to completely remove it. If you have any questions or concerns about tooth extraction, please contact your oral health care provider. Newton Centre, MA
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Ventriculus cordis dexter (Veterinärmedizin) Synonyme: rechte Herzkammer, rechter Ventrikel Englisch: right ventricle 2 Anatomie 2.1 Morphologie 2.2 Ein- und Ausströmungsbahn 2.3 Papillarmuskeln 2.4 Valva atrioventricularis dextra 2.5 Valva trunci pulmonalis Der Ventriculus cordis dexter ist die rechtsseitig gelegene Herzkammer der Haussäugetiere. Sie entspricht dem rechten Ventrikel des Menschen. Die rechte Herzkammer erhält ihr Blut über das Ostium atrioventriculare dextrum aus dem rechten Vorhof. Während der Herzaktion (Systole) befördert die rechte Herzkammer das sauerstoffarme Blut über den Conus arteriosus und den anschließenden Truncus pulmonalis unter verhältnismäßig geringem Druck in die Lunge. Die Wand des Ventriculus cordis dexter ist aufgrund der geringeren Arbeitsleistung weniger als halb so stark wie die Wand des linken Ventrikels. Sie erstreckt sich vom Sulcus interventricularis subsinuosus - den Margo ventricularis dexter bildend - bis zum Sulcus interventricularis paraconalis. Aufgrund der konvexen Innenwand, die durch das Septum interventriculare gebildet wird, erscheint das Lumen des rechten Ventrikels im Querschnitt sichelförmig. Diese Form ist v.a. während der Herzkontraktion sichtbar. Innerhalb des Binnenraums des rechten Ventrikels können funktionell zwei Abschnitte unterschieden werden. Dabei erstreckt sich der eigentliche Ventrikelraum vom Ostium atrioventriculare dextrum ausgehend herzspitzenwärts und wird als Einstrombahn bezeichnet. Der zweite abgrenzbare Hohlraum umfasst von der Herzspitze ausgehend den trichterförmigen Conus arteriosus, der sich in den Truncus pulmonalis fortsetzt. Dieser Abschnitt wird auch als Ausstrombahn bezeichnet. Im Einströmungsbereich ist die Ventrikelwand - v.a. in den Sulci interventriculares nahen Abschnitten - mit sogenannten Fleischbalken (Trabeculae carneae) ausgestattet. Solche Fleischbalken fehlen an den die Ausstrombahn angrenzenden Wandabschnitten, insbesondere aber im Bereich des Conus arteriosus. Neben den Trabeculae carneae gibt es noch eine variable Anzahl von rundlichen Muskelsträngen, die eine Querverbindung zwischen dem Septum interventriculare und der Außenwand des Ventrikels herstellen. Einer dieser Stränge ist besonders kräftig ausgebildet und zieht vom Kammerseptum unterhalb des subarteriellen Musculus papillaris ausgehend zur Basis des Musculus papillaris magnus. Er wird als Trabecula septomarginalis bezeichnet und ist ein Bestandteil des Erregungsleitungssystems des Herzens. Neben diesem stets ausgebildeten Muskelbalken finden sich in der Regel noch weitere Querverbindungen innerhalb der rechten Herzkammer. Diese können entweder aus Arbeitsmuskulatur oder aus Bindegewebe aufgebaut sein. In manchen Fällen enthalten sie auch besondere Zellverbände, die als Purkinje-Fasern eine wichtige Stellung im Erregungsleitungssystem einnehmen. In die rechte Herzkammer ragen drei sogenannte Warzenmuskeln (Musculi papillares). Diese funktionell wichtigen Muskelbündel sind sowohl in ihrer Form als auch in ihrer individuellen Anzahl tierartlich unterschiedlich ausgeprägt. Die drei Warzenmuskeln werden entsprechend ihrer Lage benannt: Musculus papillaris subarteriosus: septumständig bzw. in der Nähe des Truncus pulmonalis Musculi papillares parvi: Zusammenschluss aus mehreren kleinen Einzelmuskeln, die eine funktionelle Einheit bilden Musculus papillaris magnus: ist am kräftigsten ausgebildet und außenwandständig bzw. kann beim Fleischfresser auch auf die Scheidewand übergreifen oder dort angesiedelt sein Von den Papillarmuskeln ausgehend entspringen Gruppen von Sehnenfäden, die Chorda tendineae. Diese Sehnenfäden fächern sich auf und strahlen anschließend in die freien Ränder sowie in die der Kammer zugewandten Flächen der dreigeteilten Segelklappe (Valva atrioventricularis dextra) ein. Die rechte Segelklappe entspringt an einem Sehnenring (Anulus fibrosus), der das Ostium atrioventriculare dextrum umrandet. Kurz nach dem Ursprung teilt sich die Klappe in drei, in das Kammerlumen hineinragende Zipfel (Cuspes), die noch weitere Nebenzipfel bilden können. Jeder dieser drei Hauptzipfel ist durch die Sehnenfäden an zwei Warzenmuskeln befestigt. Die Klappenzipfel werden ihrer Lage entsprechend bezeichnet. Cuspis septalis valvae atrioventricularis dextrae: septumständiger Zipfel Cuspis parietalis valvae atrioventricularis dextrae: außenwandständiger Zipfel Cuspis angularis valvae atrioventricularis dextrae: kleiner, kranial im Winkel zwischen den genannten Cuspes liegender Zipfel Die Valva atrioventricularis dextra hat die Wirkung eines Rückschlagventils. Die Papillarmuskeln sorgen mit ihren Sehnenfäden dafür, dass während der verschiedenen, mit Verschiebung der Ventilebene einhergehenden Aktionsphasen des Herzens, die Spannung der Klappen gewährleistet bleibt. Während der Füllungsphase des Herzens (Diastole) kann das Blut durch die geöffnete Segelklappe vom rechten Vorhof in den rechten Ventrikel strömen. Mit dem Beginn der Systole und dem gleichzeitigen Einsetzen der Druckanstiegsphase wird die Valva atrioventricularis dextra geschlossen. Dieser Schließmechanismus erfolgt, indem sich ihre Zipfel durch den von den Papillarmuskeln auf die Sehnenfäden ausgehenden Zug entfalten und breitflächig aneinander legen. Das in der rechten Herzkammer befindliche Blut kann somit nur mehr über die Austreibungsbahn (Conus arteriosus) ausweichen. Damit während der Diastole das Blut nicht wieder in den Ventrikel zurückströmen kann, muss am Übergang zwischen dem Truncus pulmonalis und der rechten Herzkammer ebenfalls ein Verschlussmechanismus ausgebildet sein. Durch die im Ostium des Truncus pulmonalis enthaltene dreiteilige Taschenklappe, Valva trunci pulmonalis, wird ein linearer Blutstrom gewährleistet. Diese Taschenklappe wird durch drei halbmondförmige Valvulae semilunares gebildet. Die Taschen werden entsprechend den Stellungen im Raum bezeichnet: Valvula semilunaris sinistra Valvula semilunaris dextra Valvula semilunaris intermedia Die Taschenklappe besteht aus einer Endothelduplikatur, die durch ein mittelständiges Blatt aus kollagenen Fasern verstärkt wird. Sie heftet sich am Faserring (Anulus fibrosus) des Ostium trunci pulmonalis an und ragt halbmond- oder halbschalenförmig mit peripher gerichteter Mulde in das Lumen des Gefäßes hinein. Ihr freier Rand trägt leichte Verstärkungen, sodass in der Mitte ein kleines, derbes Knötchen (Nodulus valvulae semilunaris) ausgebildet ist. Dieses Knötchen wird beiderseits von einem halbmondförmigen, transparenten Klappenabschnitt flankiert, der wiederum als Lunula valvulae semilunaris bezeichnet wird. Im Bereich der drei Valvulae semilunares ist die Gefäßwand zu den Sinus trunci pulmonales erweitert. Ähnlich der Atrioventrikularklappe wirkt auch die Taschenklappe als Rückschlagventil im Ostium trunci pulmonalis. Im Zuge der Austreibungsphase legt der stromaufwärts gerichtete Blutdruck die Taschen an die Gefäßwand, sodass die Klappe geöffnet ist. Sobald der Druck im Gefäß abfällt und die Diastole eintritt, werden die Taschen durch den stromabwärts gerichteten Druck der Blutsäule mit Blut gefüllt und so zum Klappenverschluss gezwungen. Durch die randständigen Noduli valvularum wird ein lückenloser Verschluss der Klappe im Zentrum gewährleistet. Nickel, Richard, August Schummer, Eugen Seiferle. Band III: Kreislaufsystem. Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere. Parey, 2004. Salomon, Franz-Viktor, Geyer, Hans, Uwe Gille. Anatomie für die Tiermedizin. Enke-Verlag, 2005. Tags: Herz, Herzhohlraum, Herzkammer, Ventrikel Fachgebiete: Anatomie, Veterinärmedizin Ventriculus cordis sinister (Veterinärmedizin) Ventriculus Venae cordis minimae (Veterinärmedizin) Vena cordis media (Veterinärmedizin) Lendenwirbel (Veterinärmedizin) (Patrick Messner) Herzmuskulatur, Myocardium (Frank Geisler) Schilddrüse und Schilddrüsenzellen (Frank Geisler) Thyroid gland and its cells (Frank Geisler) Physiologische Leber in menschlichem Körper (Frank Geisler) Ectopia cordis: Baby mit Herz außerhalb des Körpers geboren Die Anatomie der Leber Articulatio interphalangea distalis manus MEDI-LEARN Abenteuer Veterinärmedizin HeineScientific Modell Anatomisches Herz 3B Scientific Modell Herz 223,25 € netto 3B Scientific Modell Herz mit Bypass 266 € netto 3B Scientific Modell Klassik-Herz 38,95 € netto Umgang mit Tieren - Tierbetreuung Patrick Messner Artikel wurde erstellt von: Student der Tiermedizin Hala Mammadova Studentin der Humanmedizin
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Aired Friday 10:00 PM Apr 12, 2013 on NBC Shameful shallow reporting By naomibarlev9, Propaganda, the coordinated attempt to influence public opinion through the use of media, was skillfully used by the NSDAP in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's leadership of Germany (19331945). National Socialist propaganda provided a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of their policies, including the pursuit of total war . Shameful.
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Planes, trains, and automobiles (minus the trains, for now) So we've been traveling a lot during the month of June. First, there was the 12+ hour drive to and from New York, during which my thoughts can be summarized as follows: "Is it really THAT much more expensive to fly than to drive? At least then we wouldn't be cooped up in this car together from now until the Apocalypse. And we wouldn't smell the dog farts either!" Then, there was the flight to and from Cincinnati, passing through what may be America's ugliest airport, LaGuardia (though I do have to say I love how the runway literally ends in water!). My thoughts during this went something like: "Please, please, please don't let any strangers talk to me. AARRRGGGHHH! Why is that woman STILL talking?! This would not be happening if I had taken the car!" At this point, you probably think that I hate to travel and should probably just should stay home. Wrong! I love to travel. A lot. I just don't always love what it takes to get to where I'm going. Still, this trip featured nothing more than the usual inconveniences, for which I consoled myself by thinking it can always be worse. In fact, thinking about how it can be worse inspired me to share my two worst travel stories. Maybe they'll console you too. Or maybe you can top me. If so, please share in the comments section. I'm always a sucker for a good story! He went left, I went straight Once upon a time, I was married, and my husband got a job in Houston. I had a fellowship requiring me to stay put in Indiana, so we loaded half our stuff into a U-Haul and his Ford Escort. We had a route, maps, a plan. Or so we thought. But somewhere in Illinois, he went left and I went straight (no, this is not a metaphor for our marriage...). This was before cell phones were ubiquitous, so there we were. I did the only thing I could think of. I went to the first rest area and waited. And waited, and waited, and waited. I put the cat's harness on, got her out of her crate, gave her water, and we waited. We met a group of really nice people on motorcycles, so nice I'm pretty sure you can't call them a gang. I used a pay phone -remember those?- to call my parents, then his parents, and told them where I was in case he called them too. Then I reached someone with the state police. Then the cat and I waited some more. Somehow, finally, the phone calls produced results. I found out he was waiting at a different rest stop this whole time. I loaded up the cat, climbed back in the car, and hightailed it over there. We were both tired to the bone but agreed to drive on to make up time. By the time we stopped, there were no rooms available, so you know where we slept? You guessed it: Missed connections: We were on our way to India to meet our third child. We both carried cell phones by then, but phones are precious little help against wind storms and massive delays at JFK. We saw our beautiful Air India 747 cued for take-off as we taxied to the gate on our flight from Cincinnati. After a night in an overpriced airport hotel, we returned to JFK, where we learned that the Air India 747 was still in Delhi. Our travel agent asked if we knew New York well enough to get to Newark. We did. So she told us to fly from Newark to Mumbai and then go from there. Any number of local carriers would be able to get us to our final destination, Bangalore (a planned stopover in Delhi had been thrown out the window long ago). We landed in Mumbai in full monsoon season. Phone service was out, so we could not use our credit card to secure our reserved seats on the Bangalore flight. We changed money in time to get seats on the next one, but in the meantime, this happened: That is a 747 stuck just off the runway. For hours, Aquafina, Cadbury chocolate, and new-to-us flavors of Pringles sustained us between nerve-wracking visits to the ticket counter and restrooms. The ticket counter agents were pleasant, yet somehow not reassuring in their insistence that our flight was most certainly leaving on time, even with the airport closed. The restroom attendant? She scared me, as did the restroom itself. Before you judge, when is the last time you used the public restroom in the old domestic terminal of the Mumbai airport? With the shiny new airport, you'll never get the chance. Anyway. We did... eventually... get to Bangalore. Our luggage, however, did not, and it was obvious that no one had any real idea as to where it might be. We filed reports, paid "tips," all to no avail. All I can say is thank God for travel insurance! Both stories have a happy ending. We got to Houston safely, though the cat never did willingly get in a car again, at least not without a hint of Benadryl. We moved back to Indiana a year later, but I refuse to believe that awful car trip had anything to do with it! We also got to and from India safely. We got the most important part done right when we were supposed to- we brought our son home. To learn more about the place where he lived when we met him, visit Vathsalya Charitable Trust PS The luggage came home too, five weeks after we did! Author's note: this piece has been in the works for some time. I saved it for now in honor of National Attachment and Trauma Awareness Day. Click on the NATA website to learn more. Illness is a strange and unsettling thing. Sickness in one's own child is about the worst thing that can happen in the life of a parent. And man, have we had a lot of illness in our household this year! Did you know, though, that not all illnesses are created equal? If you don't believe me, go tell twenty people you have been diagnosed with, say, schizophrenia. Then tell the twenty people you have, say, cancer. Compare their reactions and I think you will find that what I am about to say to be terribly familiar. My son, as those who have followed our story know, was diagnosed at age 6 with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). There is also talk of ADHD, SPD, ODD and PTSD, but the alphabet soup means little more than this: due to horrific early childhood trauma, his brain did not develop the way it should. In spite of some improvement, he will likely have to live with the consequences of this for the rest of his life. This spring, my oldest daughter complained of what we thought were menstrual cramps. Two days later, it appeared to be a stomach bug. By the end of that same day, she was admitted to the hospital, where she was soon diagnosed with acute renal failure. Many tests, nephrology appointments, and gallons of water later, she recovered full kidney function and should, as long as she hydrates and avoids certain medications, be fine for the rest of her life. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I'll be the first to say that I have the best village there is. Yet even so, all too often their responses to these crises could not be more different. The kidney failure was one of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced. The outpouring of love and support, though, was amazing. Prayers, child care, rides, you name it, it happened. I could scarcely keep my phone charged for all the texts, calls, and e-mails I received from concerned family and friends. When I announced that my daughter had made a full recovery, our "village" heaved a collective sigh of relief. People still go out of their way to modify plans, change behaviors, do whatever they can to make sure she stays healthy and well. Not so my son. I have a few people who check in, one or two who try to help us cope with the burden, shared by our whole family, of living with his trauma. Few, if any, ask about his progress, much less the prognosis. And even among those who do, the response is all too often along the lines of, "sounds like he's all boy," "my kid does that too," or "you need to lighten up." They usually mean well, but they have no idea. And even though I don't want our lives, especially my son's, to be defined by his problems, sometimes the dismissiveness and lack of empathy hurt. What hurts most of all is this: why does one illness matter more than another? And why do we blame the sufferer for the mental, but not the physical? My daughter possibly could have avoided the worst of her illness by simply drinking water. She let herself get dehydrated at a track meet and it all went downhill from there. My son, on the other hand, had no say in what happened to him early in his life. Because it manifests in his behavior, however, people assume that it is somehow in his control, when in reality, that is only true some of the time. Anyway. The point isn't to decide who or what is to blame. Into everyone's lives some illness will fall. The point is this: we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and every part of our being is worthy of respect, compassion, and care. After all, I have yet to meet the person who can survive for long, much less truly live, without fully functioning kidneys AND brains. attachment, I always cross my fingers for the underdog, from the Jamaican bobsled team to the kid picked last in Little League. I'll take that one kitten who seems a little bit "off," the one who hasn't been adopted yet. Will those supposedly ugly ducklings all become triumphant swans? Don't know and don't care. However, there is also a lot to be said for swans. The quirky misfit has his place, but so do creatures of extraordinary beauty. American Pharaoh literally brought tears in my eyes when he crossed the finish line to claim his Triple Crown. Those tears reappeared when I watched the replays the following day. You just have to look at him to know why. While you're at it, don't just look the horse. Look at his jockey, Victor Espinoza. It's obvious that he knows what an extraordinary privilege it is to know this amazing animal inside and out. These two are so good together that we forget the Triple Crown had become all but impossible to win – I wasn't even ten the last time it happened! What a gift to sit in wonder as that bounding, exuberant stride carried them to victory. What's more, jaw-dropping beauty doesn't just happen when the whole world is watching. Sometimes it appears in a small-town theater, when a girl who has always wanted to fly floats across the stage. This is my fifteen-year-old daughter dancing. She is the one closest to the camera, bound to earth by a mere square of pink satin, fingers stretching to the sky. At three, she stood on a railing wearing fairy wings, fully intending to fly. At four, she found a book on ballet and proclaimed, "I want to do this" as she pointed to a picture of a ballerina en pointe. She has been dancing, and flying, ever since. When she does, it's like getting a glimpse of the perfect oneness of creation. Her spirit, the same that animates American Pharaoh and Victor Espinoza, both defies and fuels imagination. Before you say my comparison is crazy, remember that an artist named Degas saw it too... I will always root for the ugly duckling, and I will always be blown away by the swan. Most of all, I will cherish the gift of all beautiful creatures, whatever form their beauty may assume. Twelve years is not enough This year, my oldest daughter turned 18. She went to prom with her best friends in April, and in May, she graduated high school with high honors. She has a full ride to college this coming fall, where she wants to study medicine -to help people- and history - because she loves it. I am so proud of her that sometimes I don't know how to contain such depth and breadth of feeling. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She is strong, stubborn, brave, soft-hearted, and works harder now than many people will in a lifetime. I often wonder what it would have been like if I had met her sooner. You see, I met her on paper when she was already 5, in person just three months after she turned 6. The year before that, she was in an orphanage, and before that, with her birth family. This kind of wondering is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there is no way on earth I would rob her of those years, too precious and too few, with her birth mother. I don't know much about that blessed woman, and if I did, I wouldn't share, because that's my daughter's story, not mine. But I can tell from the way my girl moves through the world that she was loved from the first, and cared for as much as humanly possible under circumstances most of us can't imagine. On the other hand, twelve years, well, it isn't really very much time at all. It's not enough time to tell her just how much I love her. It's not enough time to tell her I'm sorry for all the times I got this parenting thing wrong (and believe, me, there are LOTS of those!). One beautiful April evening, I looked at her in her spectacular red prom gown and for a moment, all I could see was the little girl in the pixie cut running around in a Sleeping Beauty dress and dollar store tiara. A week later, I watched her fly down the track in the 100-meter dash and beside her was the fierce little ballplayer who started stealing bases while only in tee-ball. And the graduate? The one headed to college, who bought her own car, for whom we bought her very own Mac laptop? I don't even know what to say about her. I already said she is amazing. I don't think there is anything to add. Except this. I know she is 18 and that it is time for her to fly. I believe in my heart of hearts that Lindsey Wilson is going to be an amazing experience for her. She reminds me of myself in that college seems like the place she's "supposed" to be. High school was just marking time while waiting for something bigger. Even so, I can't help it. These 12 years with her by my side, they still don't feel like nearly enough. Planes, trains, and automobiles (minus the trains,... Twelve years is not enough
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Cemeteries and Headstones in Nottinghamshire, England
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WATERCOOLER CHAT: KNICKS VS HEAT SHOWDOWN, LAKERS ON WIN STREAK, NFL SCOUTING COMBINE February 28th, 2011 | Category: Uncategorized In the NBA, the new-look Knicks, after coming off a putrid loss to Cleveland, headed to play the Big 3 of Miami. So, right away, we are greeted with excitement. What would it be like for LeBron/D-Wade/Bosh to take on Carmelo and Amar’e. Well, the game started out with a bit of a lackluster crowd. Apparently, fans in Miami can’t seem to get to the game on time. They don’t show up until around 8:00. LeBron and company got out to a big lead and the game was poised to be a blowout. But, late in the 4th, the Knicks rallied to take the lead. Unbelievable. Even Spike Lee made the trip down to Miami to watch the action. Carmelo finished with 29 points as the Knicks stunned the #1 seed Heat. By the way, the East #1 spot is totally up for grabs right now. NY Knicks 91, Miami 86. Elsewhere in the NBA, the LA Lakers are on a winning streak after the All-Star break. However, they would be put to the test against an Oklahoma City team that gave them a headache in the playoffs last year. For the first time this season, they traveled to OKC to play in front of a raucous crowd that wanted Laker blood (in a respectful way of course. The Thunder fans are rabid, but classy). The Thunder got out to a thunderous lead thanks to the great play of all-star Russell Westbrook in the first half (17 points). But, in the second, they collapsed and let the Lakers back into the game. The Lakers didn’t have a singular hero in the game, as they got even output from all of their stars. The Lakers look fierce right now, and the Thunder need to regroup with their new addition Kendrick Perkins (who came over from the Celtics). Perkins will be back in a week. LA Lakers 90, OKC 87. Finally, in the NFL scouting combine, what many consider to be an overrated/unimportant event, the quarterbacks were on display. This is when the draft prospects basically audition for the NFL. Even though we can see their college resume on film and paper, this is the time to record their 40-meter time and high jump height. Of course the main event is when the QBs go on display and the man-of-the-hour was Heisman QB Cam Newton. Many thought he was unimpressive, and that other first round prospects Ryan Mallett (Arkansas) and Jake Locker (Washington) were more impressive. But again, this doesn’t mean much, but it can deter a team from drafting you in a certain spot. And in the NFL, it’s all about the position in which you’re drafted. That determines the dollars you get WATERCOOLER CHAT: CARMELO ARRIVES WITH KNICKS, NETS GET DERON In the NBA, with Carmelo in New York, everyone was excited about his debut. Madison Square Garden went dark as they announced the arrival of their hometown boy Carmelo Anthony. The crowd erupted. This past summer, they wanted LeBron. They didn’t get him, but did get Amar’e Stoudemire, a fantastic draft pick in Landry Fields, former All-Star Chauncey Billups, and now Carmelo. So… would they win their debut? Well, the Knicks didn’t exactly play perfect basketball, but they did come out fierce. Carmelo had 27 points in his home court debut against the Bucks. Amare put up 19 and Billups scored 21 of his own. This new trio looks like they could be dangerous — and Fields is playing great to boot. There’s word that the Knicks are now looking to pick up a center before the trade deadline. NY Knicks 114, Milwaukee 108. It looks like the Carmelo situation is going to work out in New York, but, in an incredible move, the New Jersey Nets stole the Thunder of the New York area debut. In astonishing fashion, meaning absolutely nobody saw it coming (that includes no media links, no Twitter posts, etc…) the Nets pulled off their own blockbuster trade. They acquired superstar point-guard Deron Williams from the Utah Jazz. Most likely, Williams wanted out of Utah before the potential lock-out this coming year. Plus, this puts him in a big market city and his presence could attract other top talent to the franchise. Basically, the Nets had to make a move as they lost on every other big name free agent. Still, this move comes as a huge surprise, and definitely marks the rebuilding of the Utah Jazz organization. A few other trades: The Atlanta Hawks felt they needed a change at point-guard. They sent Mike Bibby, and a few other players to the Wizards for Kirk Heinrich (whom the Wizards acquired from Chicago when they were making room for LeBron). The Golden State Warriors obtained Troy Murphy from the Nets (and his valuable expiring contract) and shipped off Brendan Wright (who was supposed to have massive potential coming out of the draft a few years ago. And he still might). Finally, the Sacramento Kings sent Carl Landry to the New Orleans Hornets in exchange for scoring point-guard Marcus Thornton. Landry will help out the Hornets defensively if they make the playoffs, and Thornton gives the Kings another scorer. And you can most likely expect some serious trades today. WATERCOOLER CHAT: NUGGETS LOOK GREAT, LAKERS TURN IT ON, DEROZAN BASHES SLAM DUNK February 23rd, 2011 | Category: Uncategorized In the NBA, it was time for post All-Star break (and post Carmelo) action. So how would the Nuggets look without Carmelo? All their new acquisitions were in attendance — not as players, but spectators to see the team they would join. Of course Denver must be helpless without Anthony? Of course they would struggle without Chauncey? Nope! They looked great, outrunning and outplaying Memphis. The Nuggets were shorthanded, but they got some incredible play from J.R. Smith (26 points) and Ty Lawson (who will now most likely start at point-guard. Not having Melo might be a good thing for Denver. They are now in underdog status role, and they have a bevy of good young players coming in to help out. It would be great if they pulled off some upsets in the playoffs. Denver 120, Memphis 107. Elsewhere in the NBA, the Lakers took a ton of criticism prior to the All-Star break. Everybody was saying they’re done, they’re old, they can’t defend, etc. You can believe that head coach Phil Jackson would have them ready and in-shape for the second half of the season. He held an extra-long practice on Monday and nearly worked his players to death. Plus, coming off an amazing All-Star game, Kobe would be ready to shine. Kobe put up 20 points before he was taken out during a blowout of the Atlanta Hawks. Every season, the media tries to put the nail in the coffin on the Lakers, and every year, about this time, they turn it back on. Prepare for a major Lakers run. LA Lakers 104, Atlanta 80. Finally, with the Slam Dunk Contest behind us, the Toronto Raptors’ DeMar DeRozan has bashed the competition. He has been an impressive contestant the past two years, but now he says he’s done. Why? DeRozan slammed the competition for being all about props today, not just impressive dunks. For example, Serge Ibaka used a stuffed animal on the rim, Javale McGee used a second basket, and Blake Griffin used a car and a choir. DeRozan, in sharp contrast, only prepared athletic acrobatic dunks. No props. DeMar says he’s finished with the competition unless they change the rules or if the All-Star game takes place in Toronto. That probably won’t happen anytime soon, so we may have seen the end of the DeRozan dunk era. WATERCOOLER CHAT: CARMELO TO KNICKS, AROD AND DIAZ February 22nd, 2011 | Category: Uncategorized In the NBA, after weeks and weeks of rumors and proposals, the Carmelo Anthony drama is finally over. There was speculation that he would go to the New Jersey Nets and some rumors were swirling that he might head to Los Angeles to play with Kobe. And of course he could just stay put in Denver and close out his career as Nugget. But, Carmelo has made his decision. He is headed back home to New York and will become a Knick. To be clear, this is where the stories started (i.e. Carmelo wants to play at MSG), and it’s where they ended. So, what was the deal? Well, it was a monster. The Nuggets will send Carmelo Anthony, Anthony Carter, Chauncey Billups, and Renaldo Balkman to the Knicks in exchange for Wilson Chandler, rising-star Danilo Gallinari, Raymond Felton (who was coming on strong) Timofey Mozgov, and 4 draft picks over the next couple years. The deal also ships Eddie Curry and Anthony Randolph out of New York (they’re headed to Minnesota) and send Corey Brewer (a guy who had a lot of heat on him coming out of college) to New York. This gives the Knicks a brand new look, and also makes them a competitor again in the East. Suddenly, the East is packed with talent and we can expect an incredible 2nd Half of the season. Having Carmelo gives New York another solid scorer. The addition of Chauncey gives them a skilled, talented, and experienced point guard to run an offense that now has two all-stars (Amar’e and Carmelo). Plus, the Knicks got to keep their 2nd round steal, rookie Landry Fields. They have a fantastic foundation for at least the next 5 years. So…. can they win a championship? The Nuggets, on the other hand, are now in rebuilding mode and we shouldn’t expect to see much from them for at least a few seasons. And in baseball, Alex Rodriguez took the podium and tried to answer questions about his current ‘thing’ with actress Cameron Diaz. A-Rod began the conference by saying, “Did anybody see the Super Bowl”. This is in reference to the many shots of Cameron Diaz feeding popcorn to A-Rod. It was laughably ostentatious and the gossip outlets wanted answers. But A-Rod just laughed off the incident. He actually looked pretty bubbly and playful and even said that a few years ago he would have issued a bogus formal apology to the media about it. Now, he’s just laughing along with us. Perhaps A-Rod has changed ever since being caught for steroid abuse. He’s much more fun-loving and even somewhat likable again. WATERCOOLER CHAT: ALL STAR WEEKEND, YOUNG WINNER AT DAYTONA February 21st, 2011 | Category: Uncategorized In the NBA, it was the All Star Game. We saw the Clippers Blake Griffin win the Slam Dunk Contest on Saturday by jumping over a car, and now it was time for the main event: East v. West. The West All-Stars were slightly favored, primarily because this was a home game for Kobe Bryant. So how would it all play out? The game got off to a rather slow start — not in terms of action, but because the teams were trying to get used to each other. There was an era when the All-Stars practiced hoping to jell, but now the weekend is all about parties and that leaves little time to develop a team chemistry. Early on, East All-Stars coach (Boston’s Doc Rivers) decided to put in his own 4 Celtics All-Stars (Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Rajon Rondo, and Ray Allen). However, they didn’t quite produce and Rivers had to replace them. Meanwhile, the West started to pull away behind a fantastic night from Kobe Bryant. He was out there in front of his home crowd and there was no way he was going to take it easy. In the third quarter, the East came roaring back, despite a very scary moment when Dwayne Wade landed awkwardly on Deron Williams foot and twisted his ankle. As a precaution, Wade wouldn’t come back in the game, and the East would have to find answers elsewhere. A major answer came in the form of King James. LeBron suddenly exploded and finished the evening with a triple-double. That’s only the second triple-double in All-Star Game history (the other belonged to Michael Jordan). It looked to be a close game in the 4th, but Kobe Bryant and the West were simply too much. Kobe finished with 37 points and 14 rebounds as the West took this year’s title. West 148, East 143 After the game, Kobe was asked if he thought the NBA should transform their all-star game into a “game that matters”. In baseball, the league that wins the all-star game gains home field advantage in the World Series. Kobe’s opinion: Absolutely not. He said the All-Star game is simply a showcase and should have no bearing on the regular season. He said it’s only for fun and to entertain the fans. Kobe added that they might as well eliminate the 82 game season if the All-Star game is to decide the home court advantage. So, it looks like we can expect more high-scoring All-Star games in the near future. And in racing, it was the mother of them all: The Daytona 500. There were a record number of “cautions” in this game, meaning times in which a dangerous crash forces the race to stop until everything is safe again. Dale Earnhardt Jr. was in first place towards the end and was poised to win (which would be an incredible honor in the 10th anniversary of his father’s death). But, at the end, 20-year old ROOKIE Trevor Bayne suddenly took the lead, hung on, and actually won the whole thing!!!! Wow! That’s a huge upset and something you typically do not see in racing. For a rookie to win a race this big is truly phenomenal. You can expect Trever Bayne to have a very fulfilling career, complete with a healthy amount of endorsements. Congratulations to the young star. WATERCOOLER CHAT:LOVE TO START IN ALL STAR GAME, ROSE HIGHLIGHT REEL, BOY WON’T WRESTLE GIRL IN CHAMPIONSHIP In the NBA, since Yao Ming is out of the Western All-Stars, they needed someone to start in his place. Kevin Love took his roster spot, and now the Western Conference will start Tim Duncan in the middle. Typically, this wouldn’t be relevant, but this year, the all-stars are expected to try. Usually the all-star game is a defenseless overblown dunk contest for 2 hours. But, the star caliber this year is through the roof, and since this has been such a competitive season, there is a lot of speculation that this game could be a throwback to the late 80s, early 90s when the teams were at each others throats to win. Having Tim Duncan in the middle is a good move for the West, but expect to see Kevin Love in there a lot as well. Elsewhere in the NBA, with most of the teams done for the All-Star break, the NBA still had one marquee match-up on the board — Chicago vs. San Antonio. San Antonio is, record wise, the best team in the NBA. But, they’re at the tail end of a 9-game road trip and some teams out there have truly exposed some of their weaknesses (namely shoddy defense against quick players). Well, Derrick Rose certainly took advantage of that last night, putting on a pure highlight reel. Rose had 42 points and 8 assists as they Chicago Bulls simply handed it to the Spurs. Next up for Derrick Rose — a one-on-one match-up with Chris Paul in the All-Star game. A match-up that could shed some light on the ‘Who Is The Best Point-Guard In The NBA Argument’. Chicago 109, San Antonio 99. Finally, some very interesting news from the world of High School wrestling. In Iowa, a female wrestler, Cassy Herkelman, made the State Championship. She was set to wrestle Joel Northrup, one of the best wrestlers in the state with a 35-4 record. However, instead of trying to win the championship, Northrup’s biggest dream, he instead opted to forfeit the match and not wrestle a girl. Northrup cited that wrestling a girl is against his religion because women should be treated with the utmost respect. He noted that wrestling is a sport that can turn quite violent at times and he wouldn’t feel right or comfortable harming a woman. Some might be offended by this story (i.e. he should have wrestled a woman and treated her as an equal). But wrestling is very popular in Iowa, and a mother at the tournament said they are trying to raise kids that are bigger than wrestling — to show them there is a lot more to life. She said that he felt that strongly about his religion and moral code. WATERCOOLER CHAT: LAKERS LOOK AWFUL, CARMELO TRADE TALKS, SI COVER GIRL Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. The Los Angeles Lakers have been on a losing skid lately. They lost to Dwight Howard and Orlando. That’s justifiable as the Magic are one of the NBA’s top teams. Then Kobe and the Lakers lost to Charlotte, a team on the decline this season, but every now and then you have a bad game and lose to below-average teams. But last night, the Lakers lost to Cleveland!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more time: Cleveland!!!!!! Please note that the Cavaliers lost by 55 when they visited LA. It was a complete blowout. Sure, you would expect them to play better on their home floor, but to beat the defending champs? Wow! This says a lot more about Kobe and the ailing Lakers than any type of sign that the Cavaliers are improving (they are not). Clearly, there is a serious problem with the Lakeshow. They need to make a move before the deadline. Cleveland 104, LA Lakers 99. Elsewhere in the NBA, it appears that New Jersey Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov has reignited trade talks with the Denver Nuggets regarding Carmelo Anthony. The details aren’t too public, but it’s likely that it might be a smaller deal than the previous time. This means that fewer players would head elsewhere. The Nets may just land Anthony, and not necessarily Richard Hamilton and Chauncey Billups. However, the Nuggets are also talking with the Knicks, but they might be asking for too much. They want at least 2 and maybe 3 of the following from New York: Wilson Chandler, Danilo Gallinari, Ray Felton, Landry Fields. Still no definite leads as to where he’s headed (if he’s headed anywhere at all), but the Anthony drama is back in the headlines. Finally, the cover of the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue came out. Each year, there is drama surrounding who the cover girl will be, as they are typically launched into the zeitgeist for the coming year. Last year’s cover girl, Brooklyn Decker, even landed a role in a major film with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. This year they have selected a Russian: Irina Shayk. Shayk is not only the cover girl, but is also the girlfriend of the biggest soccer star in the world: Cristiano Ronaldo. Talk about a powerful good-looking couple. WATERCOOLER CHAT: BIG 3 COME TO PLAY, BILLS EYE NEWTON, PUJOLS UNDECIDED In the NBA, the Miami Heat headed to Indiana — a place where they previously lost. This time, the Big 3 (Wade, LeBron, Bosh) were ready for some serious revenge. At the same time, the Pacers were prepared to give them a fight. The Pacers spread the ball around and got a strong team effort behind solid scoring from Danny Granger, Roy Hibbert, and even former UNC star Tyler Hansbrough. It was a close game up until the end, but the Heat’s Big 3 were just too strong. They scored a total of 90 points themselves as the Heat eventually surged to a victory. The Heat are slowly putting together a very strong TEAM focus, and come playoff time they could be a polished atomic bomb. Miami 110, Indiana 103. In the NFL, there are reports that the Buffalo Bills are eyeing Auburn superstar and Heisman Trophy Winner Cam Newton with their #3 pick. The Bills are in dire need of a quarterback. Sure, they have Ryan Fitzpatrick, who played pretty decent in a bad situation, but they need an image makeover. Cam Newton could be the guy to make this happen. His exciting play and mobile ability could make him a very exciting offensive option. Combined with the explosive potential of running-back C.J. Spiller could make them a very fun team to watch next season. The Bills franchise has been utterly terrible the last 5 years (even though they got Terrell Owens), and it’s time for a serious change. Finally, in baseball, there has been a lot of drama surrounding Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols. He’s not sure he wants to play for St. Louis next season. Now, the Cardinals are trying to just throw money at him in a last ditch effort to save the face of their franchise. If they lose him, they will have to rebuild their franchise identity. So, they have reportedly offered him in excess of $200 million dollars to keep him in the Red & White uniform. Pujols will consider it, but it looks far from a done deal. There is a chance that we could see Pujols in Dodger Blue or Yankees pinstripes next season. Talk about upsetting the balance of baseball. WATERCOOLER CHAT: HEAT LOSE TO CELTICS, END OF LOSING STREAK, #1 RECRUIT MAKES DECISION In the NBA, the Miami Heat have taken the a half game lead for the #1 seed in the Eastern Conference over the Boston Celtics. This is largely due to their recent win streak, and Boston’s rough schedule. So, on Sunday, we got a chance to see a potential preview of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Heat and the Celtics. So how would it turn out? Well, the first half was all Celtics. They played as a perfect cohesive unit and got a big day from point-guard Rajon Rondo. Rondo would actually finish the day with a triple-double (11 points, 10 assists, 10 rebounds). But the Miami Heat would make a run late in the 4th quarter behind some terrific play from LeBron and Wade. They even got the game to within 3 points. And who would take the last shot for the tie? LeBron? Dwayne? Nope, Mike Miller. And he, um, threw up a big brick. Of course Miller was brought in as a 3-point specialist, but he was knocked down earlier in the game by Kevin Garnett and even tested for a concussion. Maybe he shouldn’t have been the guy taking that specific key shot. Boston 85, Miami 82. Elsewhere in the NBA, the end of a (horrible) streak. A few days ago, the Cleveland Cavaliers ended their disgusting 26 game losing streak to the Los Angeles Clippers. That’s good, but it spoiled what was supposed to be a battle of the putrid. The Cavs (had their losing streak still been alive) vs. The Washington Wizards (who have lost 25 straight road games). The Wizards came to town with an agenda: Win. They got off to a good start and never looked back. Star rookie John Wall had 19 points and 14 assists, and shooting-guard Nick Young kept up his scoring average with 31 points. While they may have broken their streak, the Cavs continued to look horrible. These teams need some serious help this off-season. Washington 115, Cleveland 100. Finally, tomorrow, the #1 football recruit in the country will make his decision on TV. Defensive End Jadeveon Clowney didn’t sign on signing day and has recently made up his mind. It’s between Alabama and two South Carolina schools: The Univ. of South Carolina and Clemson. If he goes with Alabama, they would just get even stronger and experts would rank them as the best recruiting class over Florida State. If he signs with Clemson, they would surge to the top of the ACC. But, if it’s South Carolina, they would give them a serious shot at winning the SEC. They already have a good defense, and adding Clowney would make them superb. On offense, they have one of the best running backs in Marcus Lattimore. If Clowney chooses the Gamecocks, they would be dangerous. Catch his announcement today on ESPN. WATERCOOLER CHAT: LAKERS/CELTICS RIVALRY, JERRY SLOAN RETIRES, MARCH MADNESS ACROSS ALL NETWORKS In the NBA, it was a rematch of the NBA’s biggest rivalry. The Lakers and The Celtics. Earlier in the season, The Celtics came into LA and pummeled the Lakers hard. That game showed that the Lakers couldn’t beat the contenders, and started a string of “The Lakers are done” articles. Well, the Lakers knew that they had to come into Boston and teach them a lesson. The Celtics got out to a big early lead behind some phenomenal play from Ray Allen. Not only that, but last night, Ray Allen set a very notable record. He now sits on the throne of “Most 3-pointers made in an NBA career”. He has hit 2,562 3-pointers. He topped Reggie Miller, who was there to give him a hug of congratulations. But, the Lakers would come surging back in the 2nd half behind their man Kobe Bryant. He finished with 23 points as the Lakers took care of business in the Garden. Maybe they can finally turn their season around. LA Lakers 92, Boston 86. Elsewhere in the NBA, a surprising end of an era. Jerry Sloan has coached the Utah Jazz for 23 seasons. He is revered in Utah and is one of the only constants in the league. He coached the great Stockton-Malone teams, and kept them competitive when his stars retired. Then he led a resurgence this decade which moved the Jazz into one of the most respected teams in the league. But, yesterday, Jerry Sloan announced his resignation. This is a shocking move, especially because he never mentioned that this would be his farewell season. He just stepped down mid season, which makes you believe something was terribly wrong. The Jazz started off strong at 15-5, but have truly fallen from grace lately. There are rumors that Sloan and his point guard/captain Deron Williams don’t get along. Late in a recent game, Williams called his own play and ignored the play that Sloan drew up. Something wasn’t right behind the scenes and it led to Sloan’s retirement. Sloan has been the longest running head coach in all of the major 4 professional sports. It was a great era. Finally, in college basketball, some great news for fans. This year, the March Madness Tournament will be broadcast across 4 networks. Typically CBS has all the games and runs them 4 at a time. This typically leads them to jump around in the closing minutes of games trying to show you all the close buzzer-beaters. However, it really ruins the flow of things. Now the games will start 15 minutes apart on different networks so we can see the games in their entirety and choose exactly what we want to watch. You will be able to watch the entire final 5-10 minutes of a game without having to switch over to another close finish. This is going to be great!
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David O. Russell Teams With Prada for Short Film A portion of their short film “Past Forward” will debut on a multiscreen installation during the women’s spring 2017 collection Sept. 22 in Milan. According to a release, the black-and-white film is “a surreal dreamscape with an eclectic cast replaying scenes in shifting combinations.” It has been shot to be displayed as a museum installation, on a traditional film screen, social media and online. The plot and cast were not disclosed, but the full film will premiere in Los Angeles in November and afterward at www.prada.com. This story first appeared in the September 15, 2016 issue of WWD. in Los Angeles, Press ROGER BALLEN // ASGER CARLSEN: NO JOKE / Previous Shooting the Hallucinogenic Honey Harvesters of Nepal Your thoughts, please Cancel reply
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NewsLOOK WHO'S NOT TALKING--STILL By Daniel Klaidman On 4/3/05 at 8:00 PM NewsThe Terrorist Threat Integration Center had an imposing name, and a tough mission to match it. Headquartered in a Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C., the agency was created two years ago by President Bush as a critical line of defense against terrorist enemies. After so much criticism about the failures of the nation's intelligence agencies to get along, TTIC was to be a showcase of the government's new dedication to intelligence sharing. The new agency's mission was to "fuse" the various strands of information collected by the government's 15 intelligence arms, including the FBI, CIA, NSA and Homeland Security. Instead of competing, officials from each agency would work together inside the new office.At least, that's how it was supposed to work. But when members of a White House commission studying intelligence failures paid a visit to the threat center, they were dismayed by what they found. Far from a model of collegiality and collaboration, TTIC (which has since been renamed the National Counter-Terrorism Center), was more like a Tower of Babel. Though they sat side by side, agents and analysts from the different agencies were still playing by the old rules: trust your own, and be wary of the other guy. The commissioners found that there were no less than nine levels of classified information stored in the center's computers. Analysts from different agencies had different clearances, making it difficult for them to talk to one another. The agent from Homeland Security was especially irritated by the arrangement. When sensitive information came in to the office, he complained to the commissioners, the CIA and FBI agents sitting next to him would go off into a private, secure room and look at the material on separate computers. The Homeland Security man was frozen out. (A Homeland official says there have been major improvements.)That's exactly the kind of "stovepiping" of information the 9/11 Commission blamed for the failure to detect the hijacking plot. This week the White House intelligence panel--headed by federal Judge Laurence Silberman and former Virginia governor Charles Robb--is expected to unveil its sobering report detailing how many of the same problems remain more than three years later. Try Newsweek for only $1.25 per week The panel was created last year to examine how U.S. intelligence could have been so embarrassingly wrong about Saddam Hussein's nonexistent WMD arsenal. But the president gave it a broader mission to look at ongoing problems inside the intelligence community as a whole. Its report is the first major assessment of the intelligence community's post-9/11 efforts to reform itself. The report, one U.S. intelligence official told NEWSWEEK, is "tough" on all the agencies, and will highlight gaps in the U.S. government's knowledge of the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea. "Everybody takes a hit," says an intelligence source.The commission is expected to recommend fixes. Among them, NEWSWEEK has learned, is a provocative idea to collapse the Justice Department's various domestic-intelligence and national-security operations into one office, creating a streamlined national-security division. (Anticipating the report, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is already considering the idea.)FBI Director Robert Mueller has said his top priority is to reshape the bureau's culture, turning it into an agency dedicated to detecting and preventing terror attacks, instead of prosecuting crimes after they have been committed. To do that, he created a separate Intelligence Directorate, headed by Maureen Baginski, a veteran National Security Agency official. Its mission is to collect and make sense of the thousands of pieces of disparate bits of data that flow into the FBI's 56 field offices--where far too often they have languished. "In this era, the cost of not sharing information is simply too great," says a senior FBI official. "I don't want to play games."But the Silberman-Robb commission found that the FBI's transformation is far from complete. In one case, NEWSWEEK has learned, the panel found that the FBI never told the CIA or Defense Department about information it had on an associate of accused "dirty bomb" plotter Jose Padilla.The report also details ongoing problems with outdated computer systems that won't allow employees from different intel agencies to talk to each other. Mueller had launched a massive computer overhaul. The centerpiece was a $170 million project known as the Virtual Case File, which was supposed to allow agents to call up reports and interviews from field offices around the country. But the system, plagued with bugs, never worked and was recently junked. Meantime the existing systems are so outdated that an FBI agent still can't send a secure e-mail to his counterpart at the Department of Homeland Security.But would he if he could? Homeland Security employees have long complained that their CIA and FBI colleagues show them little respect. Intelligence agents say there's a good reason: Homeland has been known to go public with terror alerts based on information that other agencies found to be sketchy.The commission took an equally skeptical look at the way U.S. intelligence agencies operate overseas. They confirmed what others have said for years: that the CIA doesn't have enough covert agents on the ground. Instead, the agency relies heavily on electronic eavesdropping and on the generosity of so-called liaisons--friendly foreign intelligence services that often have agendas of their own. These relationships have worked well in chasing down Qaeda members and other terrorists, but have left the U.S. intelligence community blind to other critical threats. For example, the Pakistani government withheld information about AQ Khan, the notorious Pakistani dealer in nuclear weapons. The commission found that the United States needs to deploy more "NOCs," the supersecret Non-Official Cover operatives who steal secrets and recruit spies. This is especially important in hostile countries like Iran. The country's suspected nuclear program is a top concern in the White House. Yet the commission found U.S. intelligence on the country's nuclear capacity to be weak.Intelligence failures leading up to the Iraq war figure prominently in the report. The president famously relied on the CIA's "slam dunk" case that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But the panel was struck by the discovery that intelligence analysts at the State Department and the Department of Energy were far more skeptical, and in the end more accurate, about Iraq's stockpiles.The report is officially expected to land on the president's desk on Thursday. But it has already been widely circulated in the intel world. CIA Director Porter Goss has warned senior staff that the report "is not going to be nice," says an intelligence source, and it's hardly certain that the president will embrace the recommended reforms. After all, Bush just finished what he thought was a major intel overhaul when he named John Negroponte to the new post of national director of Intelligence. If the reforms are successful, intelligence offers around the government may finally begin to trust one another with information. If not, in a few years they'll be talking to the next group of commissioners who'll inevitably come knocking on the door.Request Reprint or Submit Correction Most Read
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Home Page »Dolores Star »DS - News » Federal fire bans upgraded Open burning not allowed in lower campsites Article Last Updated: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 2:29pm Keywords: Mesa Verde National Park, Drought, Fire, Dolores Star, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, United States Forest Service, Print TIGHTER FIRE restrictions have been instituted for the lower elevations of BLM and Forest Service lands in Southwest Colorado, and new restrictions have been put in place above 8,500 feet. As of Tuesday morning, the entire San Juan National Forest is under fire restrictions, with lower elevations (Zone 1) upgraded to stricter Stage II restrictions and Zone II, above 8,500 feet, now under Stage I fire restrictions. The same restrictions are also in force for Bureau of Land Management lands in Southwest Colorado.The lower and middle-elevation terrain is now subject to the following restrictions:All open fires and campfires are banned even in established campgrounds.Chainsaws and other internal-combustion engines must have approved, working spark arresters, and chainsaw use must be accompanied by a shovel and fire extinguisher.Welding or use of acetylene or other torches with an open flame is prohibited.Use of explosives is prohibited.At higher elevations, the following restrictions are in place:Campfires are limited to permanent fire rings or grates only within developed campgrounds.Smoking is limited to within vehicles, buildings or 3-foot-wide areas cleared of vegegation.Chainsaws and other internal-combustion engines must have approved, working spark arresters. (This restriction is always in effect on public lands.Welding or use of acetylene or other torches with an open flame is prohibited.Use of explosives is prohibited.The National Park Service has instituted a fire ban as well. No open fires are permitted in the park, including at the residences, Morefield Campground and the Chapin Mesa picnic area. Pressurized gas stoves and contained charcoal grills are permitted at Morefield Campground and the Chapin Picnic area. Smoking is only permitted inside enclosed vehicles.Possession and use of fireworks is always prohibited everywhere on federal lands.
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Olympus D-720 Manual - a guide for Olympus D-720 Instructions for use of Olympus D-720 will be loaded, after verifying that you're not a robot. Thank you for your understanding. Sample of part of the manual for Olympus D-720 the size of the manual is 2.03 MB
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Home/Celebrity Net Worth/Billionaires/Griselda Blanco Net Worth BillionairesBusiness Griselda Blanco Net Worth Griselda Blanco Net Worth 2018: Wiki, Married, Family, Wedding, Salary, Siblings 6,329 2 minutes read Griselda Blanco net worth is Griselda Blanco Wiki/Biography Griselda Blanco was born on the 15th February 1943, in Cartagena, Colombia and died on the 3rd September, 2012 in Medellín, Colombia. She was a major illegal drug trader known variously under the names The Black Widow, The Godmother and La Dama de la Mafia (The Lady of the Mafia). Drug dealing was the main source of Griselda Blanco’s net worth as well as the main reason for her death. Wonder how rich was The Lady of the Mafia? It was estimated that at the time of her death the net worth of Griselda Blanco was equal to $2 billion. Griselda Blanco Net Worth $2 Billion To begin with, she experienced a tough childhood, as she ran away from their home with her mother being just three years old. At the age of just 11, she committed her first murder as a result of a failed kidnap attempt. At 14 she ran away from her mother, who regularly physically assaulted her. The girl became involved in prostitution and worked in the industry until she was 20 years old. In the 1970s, Blanco and her husband, Alberto Bravo, moved to USA and settled down in the suburb of Queens, New York City, establishing a major cocaine business in this place, which added millions to the total size of Griselda Blanco’s net worth. During her criminal career, Blanco was known under the nickname Black Widow referring to female spider of the same name, which kills the male after mating, referring to the murder of those who were her husbands. In 1975, Griselda Blanco was charged with federal drug conspiracy charges with 30 subordinates ruled by her. It was known as the largest cocaine case in history, but Blanco fled to Colombia before she could be tried. However, in the late 1970s Griselda Blanco returned to Miami, Florida, and was notorious for participating in violence related to drug dealing known as the Cocaine Cowboy Wars that hit Miami in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In 1984, she moved to California as the drug dealers’ war in Miami was too dangerous. In 1985, she was arrested, charged with numerous felonies, and sentenced to spend more than 10 years in prison, but with other charges subsequently brought, she wasn’t released until 2004, after spending twenty years in prison, following which she was deported to Colombia. In popular culture, portraits of Griselda Blanco might be seen in several documentary films, including “Cocaine Cowboys” (2006) and “Cocaine Cowboys 2” (2008). She is portrayed by Ana Serradilla in the telenovela “La Viuda Negra” (2014). The book “American Desperado” (2011) was written by Jon Roberts in which Blanco is also one of the main characters. Another book “La Patrona de Pablo Escobar de José Guarnizo” is written nbased on the biographical facts o Blanco. Currently, the film “The Godmother” is in production which will also tell the story of Blanco. In her less-than-private personal life, Griselda Blanco was first married to Carlos Trujillo, with whom she had four children named Michael, Uber, Osvaldo and Dixon. Her second husband was Darwis Saavedra, with whom she had a son named David Saavedra Jesus Santos. She allegedly had both killed, and unsurprisingly perhaps, all her children were killed while participating in drug dealing activities organized by their mother. Before her death in 2012, Griselda Blanco was last seen at the El Dorado International Airport, Bogota. She herself was killed in a drive-by shooting in Medellin, Columbia, another victim – if that is an appropriate expression for her – of drug-gang warfare. Full Name Griselda Blanco Net Worth $2 Billion Date Of Birth February 15, 1943, Cartagena, Colombia Died September 3, 2012, Medellín, Colombia Place Of Birth Cartagena Height 4 ft 11 in (1.52 m) Profession Illegal drug dealer Nationality Colombia Spouse Alberto Bravo (m. 1970–1975), Carlos Trujillo (m. 1960–1969) Children Uber Trujillo, Dixon Trujillo, Michael Corleone Blanco, Osvaldo Trujillo Parents Ana Lucía Restrepo Nicknames La Dama de la Mafia , The Godmother , The Black Widow , Cocaine Queen of Miami , La Madrina , The Mafia Lady , The Cocaine Godmother 1 Drug lord in Miami during late 1970s and early 1980s. During that time she controlled most of the cocaine trade in South Florida. 2 Is believed to be responsible for over 200 murders, mainly rival drug lords in Miami, and all three of her former husbands. 3 Her control of the Miami cocaine trade came to an end in 1985 when she was sentenced to 20 years in prison on drug trafficking charges. She was released on June 6, 2004, and deported back to her native Colombia. Cocaine Cowboys 2 2008 Documentary Herself Cocaine Cowboys 2006 Documentary Herself $2 Billion 1943 2009 Emerald Bowl 4 ft 11 in (1.52 m) Accomplice Agence France-Presse Alberto Bravo Alberto Bravo (m. 1970–1975) Ana Lucía Restrepo Ana Serradilla Aruba Azamara Club Cruises Bogotá Bolívar department Brooklyn Bus Carlos Trujillo Carlos Trujillo (m. 1960–1969) Cartagena Cocaine Cocaine Cowboys Cocaine Cowboys 2 Cocaine Queen of Miami Colombia Crime in Florida Criminals Darwis Saavedra Departments of Colombia Dixon Trujillo Drug Drug cartel February 15 Florida Gang Griselda Griselda Blanco Griselda Blanco Net Worth Heroin Illegal drug dealer Illegal drug trade Jon Roberts La Dama de la Mafia La Madrina Law_Crime Medellín Medicine Miami Beach Michael Corleone Blanco New York City New York City Fire Department New York City Police Department Operas Osvaldo Trujillo Pharmacology Queens Rego Park Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs The Black Widow The Cocaine Godmother The Godmother The Mafia Lady Traffic collision Uber Trujillo United States Dr. Ben Carson Net Worth John Doerr Net Worth Jimmy John Liautaud Net Worth Nicci Gilbert Net Worth Kiefer Sutherland Net Worth Kylie Minogue Net Worth Ray Lewis Net Worth Billy Ray Cyrus Net Worth Rebecca Black Net Worth
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Pagina iniziale » News » Destinazione Toscana 2020: il piano strategico per il futuro del turismo in Toscana Destinazione Toscana 2020: il piano strategico per il futuro del turismo in Toscana 2 Pubblicato in News con tag eventi regione toscana turismo in 12 maggio 2017 da CST Innovare l’offerta turistica della Toscana per rispondere alle nuove sfide del mercato, attraverso un modello sostenibile, partecipato e digitale, che le permetta di mantenere la leadership tra le destinazioni turistiche: è l’obiettivo del documento strategico operativo Destinazione Toscana 2020. Il piano è stato elaborato in questi mesi da Toscana Promozione Turistica, in collaborazione con il Centro Interuniversitario di ricerca e turismo (CIRT) che si è avvalso del contributo del Centro Studi Turistici di Firenze, di IRPET e di Fondazione Sistema Toscana. La presentazione delle nuove linee guida del turismo toscano è avvenuta in un evento pubblico alla presenza di politici, istituzioni, enti ed operatori turistici al Cinema Teatro della Compagnia di Firenze. Destinazione Toscana 2020 definisce le linee strategiche, gli obiettivi e le azioni a supporto dello sviluppo del turismo nei prossimi anni, puntando su alcuni aspetti fondamentali: innovazione tecnologica e organizzativa, valorizzazione delle competenze e qualità dei servizi. Analizzando i mutamenti avvenuti negli ultimi anni nel mondo del turismo, l’idea sulla quale hanno lavorato i creatori del documento, è quella di un modello di sviluppo sostenibile del turismo, che permetta di valorizzarne i grandi attrattori come punti di partenza per l’esplorazione del resto della regione, promuovendo così le singole identità locali. Tutto questo attraverso la creazione di nuove regole, strumenti di lavoro e di un ecosistema digitale all’avanguardia. Il Centro Studi Turistici di Firenze ha collaborato alla stesura del nuovo piano, occupandosi in particolare di alcune tematiche: tra le principali, le nuove regole del sistema turistico regionale, il sistema dell’accoglienza e gli ecosistemi digitali. Nuove regole per nuove strategie: gli ambiti territoriali e i prodotti turisticiA stabilire le nuove regole per la gestione del turismo in Toscana è la nuova legge sul turismo, approvata dalla Regione a dicembre 2016. D’ora in avanti, alla Regione spettano le funzioni di programmazione (piani annuali e triennali), la promozione dell’immagine unitaria in Italia e all’estero, il coordinamento ed elaborazione dei dati su domanda e offerta turistica e il finanziamento dei progetti di sviluppo territoriale e di incentivo agli operatori. Ai Comuni, invece, toccano le funzioni amministrative e di accoglienza, da svolgere sia a livello di singole realtà e area metropolitana, sia in forme associate. Come spiegato da Alessandro Tortelli direttore di CST Firenze, queste ultime sono alla base del nuovo sistema di gestione del turismo. Le associazioni potranno formarsi su base territoriale, i cosiddetti ambiti territoriali, o per prodotto turistico (ad esempio wedding, sport, natura etc). Gli strumenti operativi saranno gli Osservatori Turistici, già sperimentati in Toscana negli scorsi anni: i nuovi osservatori potranno essere di Destinazione o di Prodotto, a seconda del tipo di unione che i comuni effettueranno. Il loro compito sarà quello non solo di monitorare l’andamento del turismo ma anche di promuovere i rapporti fra imprese e amministrazioni e di coordinare insieme politiche di sviluppo e promozione. A coordinare la promozione regionale sarà Toscana Promozione Turistica, che realizzerà accordi con i singoli ambiti per aiutarli a promuoversi e crescere. Con questa nuova struttura organizzativa, la Toscana cercherà, nei prossimi anni, di favorire sempre più il dialogo con Enti Locali, imprese e operatori per promuovere una diversificazione dei prodotti turistici e dei territori stessi. Accoglienza: segno distintivo della ToscanaCome spiegato da Alessandro Tortelli, direttore CST Firenze, “l’accoglienza crea valore ed è quindi un segno distintivo nel turismo”. Ecco perchè la Regione Toscana nei prossimi anni deve puntare a migliorare la propria accoglienza così da renderla un segno distintivo della propria azione di policy turistica. Il lavoro principale sarà quello di definire le nuove politiche di accoglienza su tutto il territorio regionale: per farlo sarà necessario organizzare un sistema efficiente di accoglienza turistica nei principali “gate” turistici regionali e una rete capillare di servizi di informazione destinati al turista. Un lavoro che comporterà il coinvolgimento diretto degli operatori, attraverso un percorso di formazione e qualificazione Ecosistema Turistico Digitale: Toscana sempre connessaL’affermazione del digitale nel mondo del turismo è ormai una realtà consolidata: in questo la Toscana riveste da anni un ruolo di pioniere. Tra gli obiettivi del nuovo piano strategico Destinazione Toscana 2020, non poteva mancare, quindi, un’attenzione speciale per lo sviluppo dell’ecosistema digitale della regione. “Oggi il digitale è un elemento fondamentale nella pianificazione e realizzazione di un viaggio per il turista” ha spiegato Massimiliano Gini, ricercatore di CST Firenze – L’obiettivo di Toscana 2020 è quello di creare un ecosistema digitale federato, per fare della Toscana una destinazione sempre più smart” Non solo quindi siti web: tra gli obiettivi principali di Destinazione Toscana 2020 ci sono la realizzazione di una piattaforma condivisa e partecipata, e la creazione di un database unico a livello regionale. Oltre a nuovi strumenti, il lavoro dei prossimi anni verterà molto anche sull’elaborazione dei contenuti: grazie a nuovi formati narrativi e ad una maggiore collaborazione tra i vari operatori del settore sarà possibile presentare la Toscana in modo nuovo e più appetibile, valorizzandone meglio aspetti e qualità dei singoli territori. Nello stesso tempo verrà data maggiore attenzione all’analisi della reputazione online delle destinazioni, per valutare eventuali punti di forza o di debolezza sui quali intervenire. Fondamentale, per consentire l’affermazione di questo nuovo modello di lavoro sarà la formazione e l’aggiornamento degli operatori del settore, affinchè siano in grado di usare al meglio gli strumenti che la Regione Toscana e il mercato metteranno a loro disposizione. Destinazione Toscana 2020: il futuro del turismo in Toscana è fare squadraInnovazione, accoglienza e partecipazione sono le principali linee guida del documento strategico Toscana 2020. Un documento che, come ricordato da Stefano Ciuoffo, assessore regionale al turismo della Regione Toscana, “fissa obiettivi, strategie e metodi per creare il turismo del futuro nella nostra regione”. “Adesso tocca a noi però rendere questo documento una realtà – ha concluso Stefano Ciuoffo, rivolgendosi alla sala che ha assistito alla presentazione del piano – La Toscana ha sempre avuto competenze straordinarie nel turismo: è tempo che queste facciano squadra per rendere reale il modello che abbiamo elaborato”. Il documento strategico Destinazione Toscana 2020 e i materiali dell’evento, sono disponibili sul sito di Toscana Promozione Turistica. Lascia un commento Annulla risposta Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *Commento Ho preso visione dell’informativa sulla Privacy e acconsento al trattamento dei dati 2 commenti su “Destinazione Toscana 2020: il piano strategico per il futuro del turismo in Toscana” Rispondi ↓ Riccardo Rescio 15 maggio 2017 a 10:38La rivoluzione della promozione dell’Italia nel mondo ha il suo presupposto nella comunicazione univoca e paritetica di quella straordinarietà costituita dalle 20 Regioni d’Italia, che con le rispettive “Terre Uniche”, ricche di Eccellenze che caratterizzano fortemente i territori e che potrebbero più facilmente identificare. La concorrenza fra le Regioni è dispendiosa e non raggiunge l’obiettivo unitario necessario alla implementazione dell’incoming turistico, della maggiore presenza dei nostri prodotti nei mercati esteri ed ancora alla necessaria e indispensabile destagionalizzazione e alla diversificazione della offerte, dell’Italia nel suo complesso, siano esse Culturali, Artistiche, Territoriali, Enogastronomiche, Folcloristiche, Termali, Salutistile, Produttive. Un Marketing Territoriale fortemente caratterizzato dalla presenza di tutte le Regioni e una altrettanto massiccia presenza, sotto il profilo numerico all’estero, di Punti di Promozione Italia, diretti e accessibili al grande pubblico, come potrebbero essere gli “AmbaStore” vere e proprie ambasciate dei Saperi e dei Sapori d’Italia. Riccardo Rescio V.Presidente di Assaggia l’Italia Rispondi ↓ CST 15 maggio 2017 a 11:55Grazie per il suo commento Riccardo. Le tematiche che solleva sono sicuramente interessanti e meritano di essere approfondite nell’ambito delle politiche generale di promozione del turismo italiano. Navigazione articoli ← Turismo nelle città d’arte in Italia: prosegue il trend di crescita nel 2016 Borghi d’Italia: 21,3 mln di arrivi per quasi 90 mln di presenze nel 2016 → Cerca
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Why Noel About FDI Noel Roach, AIF® WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISOR Helping You Achieve Your Long-Term Goals Meet Noel Noel has 21 years of experience as a wealth management advisor. In 2010, he joined Financial Designs, Inc. as a partner. Noel works primarily with business and medical professionals. He also assists clients who are in or nearing retirement by helping them determine when they can retire without worry, and how to structure their post-retirement income. Noel specializes in helping clients achieve the life experiences they desire. One of his goals is to make things as simple and understandable as possible. He develops clear plans to achieve his clients’ goals that remain flexible through inevitable life changes. As such, these plans are reviewed regularly to ensure they align with the current needs of his clients. Noel and his wife, Tracy, will celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary this year. They have three sons, Dylan, Gage, and AJ. The boys are involved in a variety of sports including football, where Noel serves as the President of the Blue Valley West Red Zone Football Booster Club. Noel graduated from Emporia State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1996. He is currently a member of the board of trustees at his alma mater where he serves on the finance committee. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, golf, and hunting. Check the background of investment professionals on FINRA’s BrokerCheck. When you work with Noel, you can expect: Your calls will be answered by a live person Easy online processes to set up accounts as necessary Guidance in how to navigate our robust client portal – allowing you to track ALL your finances, not just the pieces Noel manages A consistent review process to discuss life changes and track progress toward your goals A friendly expert with a realistic approach to balancing saving and having fun CONTACT NOEL noel@financialdesignsinc.com 11225 College Blvd., Suite 300 Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC, Advisory services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Financial Designs, Inc. are not affiliated. Cambridge does not provide tax or legal advice. Members of Financial Designs, Inc. who are also Cambridge representatives do not offer tax or legal services. This communication is strictly intended for individuals residing in the sates of of AR, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, and WY. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside the specific states referenced. The information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. When you link to any of these websites provided herein, Financial Designs, Inc. makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of information provided at these sites. Nor is the company liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your access to or your use of third-party technologies, sites, information, and programs made available through this site. Copyright © 2020 Noel Roach – Financial Designs, Inc.
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Exklusiv in Instituten & Spas. Flagship-Stores Neu im Institut Hallo Bikini-Figur - Anti-Aging für den Körper Indonésie ancestrale™ - Für eine Haut wie Samt & Seide Pflege für Luxuspflege Aroma- Sothys Athletics Schlank & Straff Kabinen­behandlungen Dekorative Institute & Spas TOP-Institute TOP Hotels, Thermen und Day Spas SOTHYS Kunden aus Deutschland SOTHYS Kunden aus Österreich gemäß Art. 13 DSGVO und § 32 BDSG 2018 Datenschutz hat einen hohen Stellenwert für die Euro-Kosmetik GmbH. Mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung möchten wir Sie aufklären, welche Rechte Sie in Bezug auf personenbezogene Daten haben. Ferner möchten wir über Art, Umfang und Zweck der von uns erhobenen und verarbeiteten Daten informieren: Zunächst weisen wir im Folgenden – in aller Kürze – auf die wichtigsten Aspekte zum Thema Datenschutz bei der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH. In einem zweiten Teil finden Sie ausführlichere Erläuterungen zu datenschutzrechtlichen Fragen, wenn Sie etwas genauer wissen möchten. 1. 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Entsprechende Adressen finden Sie auf den Internetseiten der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BFDI): https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html 1.3 Zu welchem Zweck werden meine Daten verarbeitet und auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage? Die im Rahmen Ihres Besuches unserer Webseiten von uns erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten werden nur zur Vertragsabwicklung und Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfragen verarbeitet. Eine Verarbeitung oder Nutzung der von uns erhobenen und von Ihnen mitgeteilten Daten erfolgt ausschließlich zur Erfüllung der vorgenannten Zwecke entweder durch uns, uns verbundene Unternehmen und von uns zur Datenverarbeitung beauftragte Unternehmen („Auftragsverarbeiter“), sofern diese ebenfalls den datenschutzrechtlichen Anforderungen der DSGVO genügen. (Zur Verarbeitung von Daten, die auf unseren Webseiten nicht von uns, sondern von Drittanbietern erhoben werden, vgl. unten: „Wer erhält meine Daten?“) Darüber hinaus erfolgt eine Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung Ihrer Daten für andere Zwecke (Marktforschungs-, Beratungs- und Informationszwecken/Werbung, einschließlich Newsletter) nur, wenn Sie uns eine entsprechende Einwilligung erteilt haben oder die Verarbeitung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstaben b-f DSGVO erforderlich ist, bspw. zum Schutz lebenswichtiger Interessen von natürlichen Personen oder im öffentlichen Interesse. Wir beabsichtigen nicht, Ihre personenbezogenen Daten für einen anderen Zweck weiterzuverarbeiten als den, für den sie erhoben wurden. Profiling im Sinne von Art. 4 DSGVO nehmen wir mit Ihren Daten nicht vor. 1.4 Wie werden meine Daten erhoben und wer erhält sie? Eine Nutzung der Internetseiten der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH ist grundsätzlich ohne aktive Angabe personenbezogener Daten möglich. 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Die Erfassung der Daten dient der optimierten Funktionalität sowie der Sicherheit unseres Webangebots. Die Server-Logfiles werden getrennt von eigens erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten gespeichert und zu statistischen Zwecken ausgewertet. Wir werten die Informationen nicht aus, um Rückschlüsse auf Ihre Person zu ziehen. Wenn Sie über unsere Kontaktformulare den Kontakt mit der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH aufnehmen, werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten SSL-verschlüsselt an uns übermittelt und automatisch für Zwecke der Bearbeitung oder der Kontaktaufnahme gespeichert. Es erfolgt keine Weitergabe dieser personenbezogenen Daten an Dritte. Bewerbungen per E-Mail Sie haben die Möglichkeit, uns Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen per E-Mail zu schicken. Die Daten speichern wir gemäß den geltenden datenschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen ausschließlich für den Zweck der Bewerberauswahl. Die Bewerberdaten werden, sofern Sie nicht einer längerfristigen Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten zugestimmt haben, nach sechs Monaten gelöscht. Eine Weitergabe Ihrer Daten an Dritte erfolgt grundsätzlich nicht, sofern keine gesetzliche Pflicht zur Weitergabe besteht oder die Weitergabe der Strafverfolgung dient. Wir haben auf unseren Internetseiten den Web-Analyse-Dienst Google Analytics integriert, um Daten über das Verhalten unserer Besucher zu erheben und auszuwerten. Google Analytics erfasst unter anderem Daten darüber, von welcher Internetseite Sie auf unsere Internetseite gekommen sind (sog. Referrer), auf welche Unterseiten Sie zugegriffen oder wie oft und für welche Verweildauer Sie eine Unterseite betrachtet haben. Google Analytics wird zur Optimierung unserer Internetseite und zur Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse von Internetwerbung eingesetzt. Google Analytics setzt ein Cookie auf Ihrem Endgerät, durch das die Analyse der Benutzung unserer Internetseite ermöglicht wird. Mittels des Cookies werden personenbezogene Daten erfasst (IP-Adresse Ihres Internetanschlusses, die Zugriffszeit, der Ort, von welchem ein Zugriff ausging, die Frequenz der Besuche auf unserer Internetseite) und an Google in die USA übertragen. Da Google als EU-US-Privacy-Shield-zertifiziert ausgewiesen ist, erfolgt die Datenübermittlung in die USA auf der Grundlage eines Angemessenheitsbeschlusses gem. Art. 45 DSGVO. Sie können die Setzung von Cookies jederzeit mittels einer entsprechenden Einstellung Ihres Internetbrowsers verhindern und dieser damit dauerhaft widersprechen. Bereits gesetzte Cookies können jederzeit über Ihren Internetbrowser gelöscht werden. Die Speicherdauer beträgt 26 Monate. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von Google, die Sie hier abrufen können: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de Auf einzelnen Seiten unserer Website haben wir ein API (application programming interface) von Google Maps eingebunden, um Ihnen das Auffinden unserer Niederlassung zu erleichtern. Dabei werden Daten von Ihrem Endgerät an Google übermittelt. Da Google als EU-US-Privacy-Shield-zertifiziert ausgewiesen ist, erfolgt die Datenübermittlung in die USA auf der Grundlage eines Angemessenheitsbeschlusses gem. Art. 45 DSGVO. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von Google, die Sie hier abrufen können: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de Auf diesen Internetseiten werden externe Schriften, Google Fonts, verwendet (fonts.googleapis.com, fonts.gstatic.com). Google Fonts ist ein Dienst der Google Inc. ("Google"). Die Einbindung dieser Web Fonts erfolgt durch einen Serveraufruf, in der Regel ein Server von Google in den USA. Hierdurch wird an den Server übermittelt, welche unserer Internetseiten Sie besucht haben. Auch wird die IP-Adresse des Browsers des Endgerätes des Besuchers dieser Internetseiten von Google gespeichert. Da Google als EU-US-Privacy-Shield-zertifiziert ausgewiesen ist, erfolgt die Datenübermittlung in die USA auf der Grundlage eines Angemessenheitsbeschlusses gem. Art. 45 DSGVO. Google Fonts setzt auf unseren Internetseiten Cookies. Sie können die Setzung von Cookies jederzeit mittels einer entsprechenden Einstellung Ihres Internetbrowsers verhindern und dieser damit dauer-haft widersprechen. Bereits gesetzte Cookies können jederzeit über Ihren Internetbrowser gelöscht werden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von Google, die Sie hier abrufen können: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de Wir haben auf unseren Internetseiten den Werbe-Dienst Google Doubleclick integriert, um unseren Besuchern relevante Werbeanzeigen präsentieren zu können. Google setzt für die Verwendung von DoubleClick Cookies, die es Partner-Webseiten ermöglichen, Anzeigen lediglich auf Basis vorheriger Besuche auf unserer oder anderen Webseiten im Internet zu schalten. Google Analytics erfasst unter anderem Daten darüber, von welcher Internetseite Sie auf unsere Internetseite gekommen sind (sog. Referrer), auf welche Unterseiten Sie zugegriffen oder wie oft und für welche Verweildauer Sie eine Unterseite betrachtet haben. Google Analytics wird zur Optimierung unserer Internetseite und zur Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse von Internetwerbung eingesetzt. Google Doubleclick setzt Cookies auf Ihrem Endgerät, mittels dessen personenbezogene Daten erfasst (IP-Adresse Ihres Internetanschlusses, die Zugriffszeit, der Ort, von welchem ein Zugriff ausging, die Frequenz der Besuche auf unserer Internetseite) und an Google in die USA übertragen werden. Da Google als EU-US-Privacy-Shield-zertifiziert ausgewiesen ist, erfolgt die Datenübermittlung in die USA auf der Grundlage eines Angemessenheitsbeschlusses gem. Art. 45 DSGVO. Sie können die Setzung von Cookies jederzeit mittels einer entsprechenden Einstellung Ihres Internetbrowsers verhindern und dieser damit dauerhaft widersprechen. Bereits gesetzte Cookies können jederzeit über Ihren Internetbrowser gelöscht werden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von Google, die Sie hier abrufen können: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de Um die Integrität der Daten zu gewährleisten, die Sie über Formulare auf unserer Website an uns übermitteln, setzen wir in bestimmten Fällen den Service reCAPTCHA des Unternehmens Google Inc. ein. Der unmittelbare Zweck liegt vor allem darin zu verhindern, dass die Eingabe per automatisierter Verarbeitung erfolgt, was einen Missbrauch unseres Angebots darstellen würde. Durch die Nutzung des Dienstes werden personenbezogene Daten erfasst (IP-Adresse Ihres Internetanschlusses, die Zugriffszeit, der Ort, von welchem ein Zugriff ausging, die Frequenz der Besuche auf unserer Internetseite) und an Google in die USA übertragen. Da Google als EU-US-Privacy-Shield-zertifiziert ausgewiesen ist, erfolgt die Datenübermittlung in die USA auf der Grundlage eines Angemessenheitsbeschlusses gem. Art. 45 DSGVO. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von Google, die Sie hier abrufen können: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de Wir haben auf unseren Seiten den PDF-Service von yumpu.com eingebunden, um auf unseren Internetseiten PDF-Dateien so einbinden zu können, dass Sie sie betrachten können, ohne unsere Website zu verlassen. Yumpu wird in Deutschland von der i-magazine AG, Diepoldsau, betrieben, ist aber ein Service der Amazon Technologies Inc., einer Tochter von Amazon.com, Inc. yumpu.com setzt Cookies auf Ihrem Endgerät, mittels dessen personenbezogene Daten erfasst (IP-Adresse Ihres Internetanschlusses, die Zugriffszeit, der Ort, von welchem ein Zugriff ausging, die Frequenz der Besuche auf unserer Internetseite) und an Amazon in die USA übertragen werden. Da Amazon als EU-US-Privacy-Shield-zertifiziert ausgewiesen ist, erfolgt die Datenübermittlung in die USA auf der Grundlage eines Angemessenheitsbeschlusses gem. Art. 45 DSGVO. Sie können die Setzung von Cookies jederzeit mittels einer entsprechenden Einstellung Ihres Internetbrowsers verhindern und dieser damit dauerhaft widersprechen. Bereits gesetzte Cookies können jederzeit über Ihren Internetbrowser gelöscht werden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in den Datenschutzhinweisen von yumpu.com, die Sie hier abrufen können: https://www.yumpu.com/de/info/impressum. Detailliertere Informationen finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung von Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=footer_privacy?ie=UTF8&nodeId=468496 Wenn Sie die Facebook-Seite der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH besuchen (www.facebook.com/SothysDeutschland), erheben wir keine personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen, es sei denn, Sie stellen Beiträge auf unserer Facebook-Seite ein, kommentieren Beiträge auf unserer Facebook-Seite, nutzen die Like-Funktion, schreiben uns eine Facebook-Nachricht oder nutzen andere Angebote von Facebook, um interaktiv mit unserer Facebook-Seite in Verbindung zu treten. In diesen Fällen legen Sie uns Ihren Nutzernamen, Ihr Profilfoto sowie alle anderen auf Ihrem Facebook-Profil öffentlich gemachten Daten offen. Wir speichern keine dieser Daten zusätzlich ab, es sei denn, Sie stellen Anfragen an uns, die die Speicherung zur weiteren Verarbeitung erfordern. Sobald dieser Zweck und mögliche gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfristen entfallen, werden wir Ihre Daten löschen. Auf die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Facebook selbst haben wir keinen Einfluss. Um sich darüber zu informieren, lesen Sie bitte die Datenschutzerklärung von Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation Wenn Sie das Instagram-Profil der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH besuchen (www.instagram.com/sothys_de), erheben wir keine personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen, es sei denn, Sie kommentieren Beiträge auf unserem Instagram-Profil, nutzen die Like-Funktion, schreiben uns eine Instagram-Nachricht oder nutzen andere Angebote von Instagram, um interaktiv mit unserem Instagram-Profil in Verbindung zu treten. In diesen Fällen legen Sie uns Ihren Nutzernamen, Ihr Profilfoto sowie alle anderen auf Ihrem Instagram-Profil öffentlich gemachten Daten offen. Wir speichern keine dieser Daten zusätzlich ab, es sei denn, Sie stellen Anfragen an uns, die die Speicherung zur weiteren Verarbeitung erfordern. Sobald dieser Zweck und mögliche gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfristen entfallen, werden wir Ihre Daten löschen. Auf die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Instagram selbst haben wir keinen Einfluss. Um sich darüber zu informieren, lesen Sie bitte die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388 Wenn Sie den Youtube-Kanal der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH besuchen (www.youtube.com/user/Sothys98), erheben wir keine personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen, es sei denn, Sie kommentieren Beiträge auf unserem Youtube-Kanal, schreiben uns eine Nachricht über Youtube oder nutzen andere Angebote von Youtube, um interaktiv mit unserem Youtube-Kanal in Verbindung zu treten. In diesen Fällen legen Sie uns Ihren Nutzernamen, Ihr Profilbild, die Beiträge in Ihrem eigenen Youtube-Kanal sowie alle anderen auf ihrem Youtube-Kanal öffentlich gemachten Daten offen. Wir speichern keine dieser Daten zusätzlich ab, es sei denn, Sie stellen Anfragen an uns, die die Speicherung zur weiteren Verarbeitung erfordern. Sobald dieser Zweck und mögliche gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfristen entfallen, werden wir Ihre Daten löschen. Auf die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Youtube selbst haben wir keinen Einfluss. Um sich darüber zu informieren, lesen Sie bitte die Datenschutzerklärung von Youtube: https://www.youtube.de/t/privacy 1.5 Wie lange werden meine Daten gespeichert? Die von Ihnen erhobenen Daten werden von uns für die Dauer der Geschäftsbeziehung unter Berücksichtigung bestehender Aufbewahrungsfristen gespeichert. 1.6 Ist die Erhebung und Speicherung meiner Daten vorgeschrieben oder erforderlich? Wir erheben und speichern die von Ihnen gegebenen Daten zur Erfüllung des mit Ihnen abzuschließenden und durchzuführenden Vertrags. Im Übrigen sind wir hierzu nach den steuerlichen Vorschriften verpflichtet. 2. Datenschutzhinweise (ausführliche Fassung) 2.1 Datenverarbeitungen 2.1.1 Allgemeine Informationen zur Nutzung der Homepage Eine Nutzung der Internetseiten der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH ist grundsätzlich ohne aktive Angabe personenbezogener Daten möglich. Sofern eine betroffene Person besondere Services unseres Unternehmens über unsere Internetseite in Anspruch nehmen möchte (z.B. die Verwendung des Kontaktformulars), kann eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten erforderlich werden. Ist die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten erforderlich und besteht für eine solche Verarbeitung keine gesetzliche Grundlage, holen wir eine Einwilligung der betroffenen Person ein. Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, beispielsweise des Namens, der Anschrift, E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer einer betroffenen Person, erfolgt stets im Einklang mit gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Die Euro-Kosmetik GmbH hat als für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlicher zahlreiche technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen umgesetzt, um einen möglichst lückenlosen Schutz der über diese Internetseite verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten sicherzustellen. Dennoch können internetbasierte Datenübertragungen Sicherheitslücken aufweisen, sodass ein absoluter Schutz nicht gewährleistet werden kann. Aus diesem Grund steht es jeder betroffenen Person frei, personenbezogene Daten auch auf alternativen Wegen, beispielsweise telefonisch, postalisch oder persönlich, an uns zu übermitteln. 2.1.2 Kontaktmöglichkeit über die Internetseite Die Internetseite der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH enthält aufgrund von gesetzlichen Vorschriften Angaben, die eine schnelle elektronische Kontaktaufnahme zu unserem Unternehmen sowie eine unmittelbare Kommunikation mit uns ermöglichen. Sofern eine betroffene Person per E-Mail oder über ein Kontaktformular den Kontakt mit dem für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen aufnimmt, werden die von der betroffenen Person übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten automatisch gespeichert. Solche auf freiwilliger Basis von einer betroffenen Person an uns übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten werden für Zwecke der Bearbeitung oder der Kontaktaufnahme zur betroffenen Person gespeichert. Es erfolgt keine Weitergabe dieser personenbezogenen Daten an Dritte. Die Löschung dieser Daten erfolgt nach Zweckerreichung, sofern nicht gesetzliche oder behördliche Aufbewahrungspflichten eingreifen. 2.1.3 Routinemäßige Löschung und Sperrung von personenbezogenen Daten Wir verarbeiten und speichern personenbezogene Daten der betroffenen Person nur für den Zeitraum, der zur Erreichung des Verarbeitungszwecks erforderlich ist oder sofern dies in der DSGVO bzw. Gesetzen oder Vorschriften vorgesehen ist. Entfällt der Verarbeitungszweck oder läuft eine gesetzliche Speicherfrist ab, werden die personenbezogenen Daten routinemäßig und entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorschriften gelöscht. 2.1.4 Rechtsgrundlage der Verarbeitungen Art. 6 I a DSGVO dient unserem Unternehmen als Rechtsgrundlage für Verarbeitungsvorgänge, bei denen wir eine Einwilligung für einen bestimmten Verarbeitungszweck einholen. Ist die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten zur Erfüllung eines Vertrags, dessen Vertragspartei die betroffene Person ist, erforderlich, so beruht die Verarbeitung auf Art. 6 I b DSGVO. Gleiches gilt für solche Verarbeitungsvorgänge, die zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich sind, etwa in Fällen von Anfragen zur unseren Produkten oder Leistungen. Unterliegt unser Unternehmen einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung, durch welche eine Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten erforderlich wird, wie beispielsweise zur Erfüllung steuerlicher Pflichten, so basiert die Verarbeitung auf Art. 6 I c DSGVO. In seltenen Fällen könnte die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten erforderlich werden, um lebenswichtige Interessen der betroffenen Person oder einer anderen natürlichen Person zu schützen, was z.B. bei Unfällen in den Geschäftsräumen gegeben wäre. Zudem könnten Verarbeitungsvorgänge auf Art. 6 I f DSGVO beruhen, wenn die Verarbeitung zur Wahrung eines berechtigten Interesses unseres Unternehmens oder eines Dritten erforderlich ist, sofern die Interessen, Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten der betroffenen Person nicht überwiegen. Zum berechtigten Interesse zählt insbesondere die effiziente, kundenfreundliche und qualitativ hochwertige Leistungserbringung. 2.1.5 Datenschutz bei Bewerbungen und im Bewerbungsverfahren Wir erheben bzw. verarbeiten die personenbezogenen Daten von Bewerbern zum Zwecke der Abwicklung des Bewerbungsverfahrens. Die Verarbeitung kann auch auf elektronischem Wege erfolgen. Dies ist insbesondere dann der Fall, wenn ein Bewerber entsprechende Bewerbungsunterlagen auf dem elektronischen Wege, beispielsweise per E-Mail, an den für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen übermittelt. Schließt der für die Verarbeitung Verantwortliche einen Anstellungsvertrag mit einem Bewerber, werden die übermittelten Daten zum Zwecke der Abwicklung des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses unter Beachtung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften gespeichert. Wird von dem für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen kein Anstellungsvertrag mit dem Bewerber geschlossen, so werden die Bewerbungsunterlagen nach spätestens sechs Monaten gelöscht. 2.2 Rechte der betroffenen Person Betroffenen Personen stehen nach der DSGVO die nachfolgend genannten Rechte zu. Möchten Sie als eine betroffene Person ein oder mehrere dieser Rechte in Anspruch nehmen, können Sie sich hierzu jederzeit an unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten oder an einen anderen Mitarbeiter des Verantwortlichen wenden. 2.2.1 Recht auf Widerruf einer datenschutzrechtlichen Einwilligung Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, eine erteilte Einwilligung zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft zu widerrufen. Dafür genügt eine Email oder eine sonstige, in Textform erteilte Erklärung an uns. Sie können Ihren Widerruf z.B. richten an: info@sothys.de 2.2.2 Recht auf Auskunft Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, jederzeit von dem für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen unentgeltliche Auskunft über die zu Ihnen gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten und eine Kopie der personenbezogenen Daten zu erhalten. Das Auskunftsrecht betrifft folgende Informationen: das Bestehen einer automatisierten Entscheidungsfindung einschließlich Profiling gemäß Art. 22 I und IV DSGVO und — zumindest in diesen Fällen — aussagekräftige Informationen über die involvierte Logik sowie die Tragweite und die angestrebten Auswirkungen einer derartigen Verarbeitung für die betroffene Person Ferner steht betroffenen Personen ein Auskunftsrecht darüber zu, ob personenbezogene Daten an ein Drittland oder an eine internationale Organisation übermittelt wurden. Sofern dies der Fall ist, steht Ihnen im Übrigen das Recht zu, Auskunft über die geeigneten Garantien im Zusammenhang mit der Übermittlung zu erhalten. 2.2.3 Recht auf Berichtigung Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, die unverzügliche Berichtigung Sie betreffender unrichtiger personenbezogener Daten zu verlangen. Ferner steht Ihnen das Recht zu, unter Berücksichtigung der Zwecke der Verarbeitung, die Vervollständigung unvollständiger personenbezogener Daten — auch mittels einer ergänzenden Erklärung — zu verlangen. 2.2.4 Recht auf Löschung („Recht auf Vergessen werden“) Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht zu verlangen, dass die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten unverzüglich gelöscht werden, sofern einer der folgenden Gründe zutrifft und soweit die Verarbeitung nicht erforderlich ist: Die personenbezogenen Daten wurden für solche Zwecke erhoben oder auf sonstige Weise verarbeitet, für welche sie nicht mehr notwendig sind (die Daten werden also nicht mehr benötigt). Die betroffene Person widerruft ihre Einwilligung, auf die sich die Verarbeitung gemäß Art. 6 I a DSGVO oder Art. 9 II a DSGVO stützte, und es fehlt an einer anderweitigen Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung. Die betroffene Person legt gemäß Art. 21 I DSGVO Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung ein, und es liegen keine vorrangigen berechtigten Gründe für die Verarbeitung vor, oder die betroffene Person legt gemäß Art. 21 II DSGVO Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung ein. Die personenbezogenen Daten wurden in Bezug auf angebotene Dienste der Informationsgesellschaft gemäß Artikel 8 I DSGVO erhoben. Wurden die personenbezogenen Daten von der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH öffentlich gemacht und ist unser Unternehmen als Verantwortlicher gemäß Art. 17 I DSGVO zur Löschung der personenbezogenen Daten verpflichtet, so treffen wir unter Berücksichtigung der verfügbaren Technologie und der Implementierungskosten angemessene Maßnahmen, um andere für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortliche, welche die veröffentlichten personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten, darüber in Kenntnis zu setzen, insbesondere zur Löschung sämtlicher Links zu diesen personenbezogenen Daten oder von Kopien oder Replikationen dieser personenbezogenen Daten, soweit die Verarbeitung nicht erforderlich ist. Der Datenschutzbeauftragte der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH oder ein anderer Mitarbeiter wird im Einzelfall das Notwendige veranlassen. 2.2.5 Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung zu verlangen, wenn eine der folgenden Voraussetzungen gegeben ist: Die Richtigkeit der personenbezogenen Daten wird von Ihnen bestritten, und zwar für eine Dauer, die es dem Verantwortlichen ermöglicht, die Richtigkeit der personenbezogenen Daten zu überprüfen. Sie haben Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung gem. Art. 21 I DSGVO eingelegt und es steht noch nicht fest, ob die berechtigten Gründe des Verantwortlichen gegenüber Ihren überwiegen. 2.2.6 Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, welche Sie uns bereitgestellt haben, in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten. Sie haben außerdem das Recht, sich diese Daten an einen anderen Verantwortlichen ohne Behinderung durch den Verantwortlichen übermitteln zu lassen, sofern die Verarbeitung auf der Einwilligung gemäß Art. 6 I a DSGVO oder Art. 9 II a DSGVO oder auf einem Vertrag gemäß Art. 6 I b DSGVO beruht und die Verarbeitung mithilfe automatisierter Verfahren erfolgt oder sofern die Verarbeitung nicht für die Wahrnehmung einer Aufgabe erforderlich ist, die im öffentlichen Interesse liegt oder in Ausübung öffentlicher Gewalt erfolgt, welche dem Verantwortlichen übertragen wurde. Ferner haben Sie bei der Ausübung Ihres Rechts auf Datenübertragbarkeit gemäß Art. 20 I DSGVO das Recht zu erwirken, dass die personenbezogenen Daten direkt von uns an einen anderen Verantwortlichen übermittelt werden, soweit dies technisch machbar ist und sofern hiervon nicht die Rechte und Freiheiten anderer Personen beeinträchtigt werden. 2.2.7 Recht auf Widerspruch Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten, die zur Wahrung eines berechtigten Interesses des Verantwortlichen erfolgt, Widerspruch einzulegen. Dies gilt auch für ein auf diese Bestimmungen gestütztes Profiling, wobei die Euro-Kosmetik GmbH darauf hinweist, kein Profiling durchzuführen. Die Euro-Kosmetik GmbH verarbeitet die personenbezogenen Daten im Falle des Widerspruchs nicht mehr, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen, die die Interessen, Rechte und Freiheiten der betroffenen Person überwiegen, oder die Verarbeitung dient der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen. Verarbeitet die Euro-Kosmetik GmbH personenbezogene Daten, um Direktwerbung zu betreiben, so haben Sie das Recht, jederzeit Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke derartiger Werbung einzulegen. Dies gilt auch für das Profiling, soweit es mit solcher Direktwerbung in Verbindung steht. Widersprechen Sie gegenüber der Euro-Kosmetik GmbH der Verarbeitung für Zwecke der Direktwerbung, so werden wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr für diese Zwecke verarbeiten. 2.2.8 Automatisierte Entscheidungen im Einzelfall einschließlich Profiling Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht, nicht einer ausschließlich auf einer automatisierten Verarbeitung — einschließlich Profiling — beruhenden Entscheidung unterworfen zu werden, die Ihnen gegenüber rechtliche Wirkung entfaltet oder Sie in ähnlicher Weise erheblich beeinträchtigt, sofern die Entscheidung 1. nicht für den Abschluss oder die Erfüllung eines Vertrags zwischen Ihnen und dem Verantwortlichen erforderlich ist, oder 2.aufgrund von Rechtsvorschriften der Union oder der Mitgliedstaaten, denen der Verantwortliche unterliegt, zulässig ist und diese Rechtsvorschriften angemessene Maßnahmen zur Wahrung der Rechte und Freiheiten sowie Ihrer berechtigten Interessen enthalten oder 3. mit ausdrücklicher Einwilligung von Ihnen erfolgt. Die Euro-Kosmetik GmbH setzt im Hinblick auf die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten keine rein automatisierten Entscheidungssysteme ein, die Ihnen gegenüber rechtliche Wirkung entfalten oder Sie in ähnlicher Weise erheblich beeinträchtigen. 2.2.9 Recht auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde Als von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde, insbesondere in dem Mitgliedstaat ihres Aufenthaltsorts, ihres Arbeitsplatzes oder des Orts des mutmaßlichen Verstoßes, wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass die Verarbeitung der sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten gegen datenschutzrechtliche Vorgaben verstößt. Entsprechende Adressen finden Sie auf den Internetseiten der Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BFDI): https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html 2.3 Begriffsbestimmungen Mit der Entwicklung des Datenschutzrechts haben sich Begriffe etabliert, die nicht immer selbsterklärend sind. Die Erläuterungen in Art. 4 DSGVO werden im Folgenden auszugsweise zitiert: „personenbezogene Daten“ alle Informationen, die sich auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare natürliche Person (im Folgenden „betroffene Person“) beziehen; als identifizierbar wird eine natürliche Person angesehen, die direkt oder indirekt, insbesondere mittels Zuordnung zu einer Kennung wie einem Namen, zu einer Kennnummer, zu Standortdaten, zu einer Online-Kennung oder zu einem oder mehreren besonderen Merkmalen, die Ausdruck der physischen, physiologischen, genetischen, psychischen, wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen oder sozialen Identität dieser natürlichen Person sind, identifiziert werden kann; „Pseudonymisierung“ die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten in einer Weise, dass die personenbezogenen Daten ohne Hinzuziehung zusätzlicher Informationen nicht mehr einer spezifischen betroffenen Person zugeordnet werden können, sofern diese zusätzlichen Informationen gesondert aufbewahrt werden und technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen unterliegen, die gewährleisten, dass die personenbezogenen Daten nicht einer identifizierten oder identifizierbaren natürlichen Person zugewiesen werden; […] „Verantwortlicher“ die natürliche oder juristische Person, Behörde, Einrichtung oder andere Stelle, die allein oder gemeinsam mit anderen über die Zwecke und Mittel der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten entscheidet; sind die Zwecke und Mittel dieser Verarbeitung durch das Unionsrecht oder das Recht der Mitgliedstaaten vorgegeben, so kann der Verantwortliche beziehungsweise können die bestimmten Kriterien seiner Benennung nach dem Unionsrecht oder dem Recht der Mitgliedstaaten vorgesehen werden; „Empfänger“ eine natürliche oder juristische Person, Behörde, Einrichtung oder andere Stelle, der personenbezogene Daten offengelegt werden, unabhängig davon, ob es sich bei ihr um einen Dritten handelt oder nicht. Behörden, die im Rahmen eines bestimmten Untersuchungsauftrags nach dem Unionsrecht oder dem Recht der Mitgliedstaaten möglicherweise personenbezogene Daten erhalten, gelten jedoch nicht als Empfänger; die Verarbeitung dieser Daten durch die genannten Behörden erfolgt im Einklang mit den geltenden Datenschutzvorschriften gemäß den Zwecken der Verarbeitung; „Verletzung des Schutzes personenbezogener Daten“ eine Verletzung der Sicherheit, die, ob unbeabsichtigt oder unrechtmäßig, zur Vernichtung, zum Verlust, zur Veränderung, oder zur unbefugten Offenlegung von beziehungsweise zum unbefugten Zugang zu personenbezogenen Daten führt, die übermittelt, gespeichert oder auf sonstige Weise verarbeitet wurden; SOTHYS Box Euro-Kosmetik GmbH 0 22 03 / 599 00 30 info[at]sothys.de Hansestraße 111 © SOTHYS 2020
{"url": "https://www.sothys.de/footer/datenschutz.php", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "www.sothys.de", "date_download": "2020-07-02T06:22:15Z", "digest": "sha1:SUEJRCUHIB3LAP6BX6MCQ3ELK2E5GP7C"}
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0.0], [1631, 2034, 0.0], [2034, 2444, 0.0], [2444, 2655, 0.0], [2655, 2949, 0.0], [2949, 3034, 0.0], [3034, 3713, 0.0], [3713, 4142, 0.0], [4142, 4277, 0.0], [4277, 4351, 0.0], [4351, 4406, 0.0], [4406, 4531, 0.0], [4531, 4611, 0.0], [4611, 5000, 0.0], [5000, 5782, 0.0], [5782, 6094, 0.0], [6094, 6117, 0.0], [6117, 6465, 0.0], [6465, 6635, 0.0], [6635, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 8157, 0.0], [8157, 8719, 0.0], [8719, 9388, 0.0], [9388, 9692, 0.0], [9692, 9835, 0.0], [9835, 10572, 0.0], [10572, 11434, 0.0], [11434, 12383, 0.0], [12383, 12745, 0.0], [12745, 13774, 0.0], [13774, 14612, 0.0], [14612, 14826, 0.0], [14826, 15617, 0.0], [15617, 15832, 0.0], [15832, 16633, 0.0], [16633, 16833, 0.0], [16833, 16879, 0.0], [16879, 17030, 0.0], [17030, 17114, 0.0], [17114, 17322, 0.0], [17322, 17368, 0.0], [17368, 17392, 0.0], [17392, 17448, 0.0], [17448, 17991, 0.0], [17991, 18188, 0.0], [18188, 18772, 0.0], [18772, 18820, 0.0], [18820, 19287, 0.0], [19287, 19689, 0.0], [19689, 19759, 0.0], [19759, 19995, 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18.0], [4277, 4351, 14.0], [4351, 4406, 10.0], [4406, 4531, 15.0], [4531, 4611, 11.0], [4611, 5000, 48.0], [5000, 5782, 101.0], [5782, 6094, 39.0], [6094, 6117, 3.0], [6117, 6465, 43.0], [6465, 6635, 22.0], [6635, 7177, 69.0], [7177, 8157, 121.0], [8157, 8719, 69.0], [8719, 9388, 87.0], [9388, 9692, 36.0], [9692, 9835, 15.0], [9835, 10572, 93.0], [10572, 11434, 104.0], [11434, 12383, 124.0], [12383, 12745, 52.0], [12745, 13774, 113.0], [13774, 14612, 108.0], [14612, 14826, 25.0], [14826, 15617, 102.0], [15617, 15832, 25.0], [15832, 16633, 107.0], [16633, 16833, 25.0], [16833, 16879, 7.0], [16879, 17030, 18.0], [17030, 17114, 11.0], [17114, 17322, 28.0], [17322, 17368, 4.0], [17368, 17392, 2.0], [17392, 17448, 7.0], [17448, 17991, 65.0], [17991, 18188, 22.0], [18188, 18772, 66.0], [18772, 18820, 5.0], [18820, 19287, 56.0], [19287, 19689, 48.0], [19689, 19759, 8.0], [19759, 19995, 32.0], [19995, 20178, 20.0], [20178, 20219, 4.0], [20219, 20760, 70.0], [20760, 21261, 64.0], [21261, 21673, 48.0], [21673, 21734, 7.0], [21734, 22545, 97.0], [22545, 22579, 5.0], [22579, 22880, 41.0], [22880, 22947, 7.0], [22947, 23297, 48.0], [23297, 23322, 4.0], [23322, 23654, 41.0], [23654, 23966, 41.0], [23966, 24287, 45.0], [24287, 24316, 4.0], [24316, 24708, 48.0], [24708, 24764, 8.0], [24764, 25040, 36.0], [25040, 25224, 27.0], [25224, 25434, 34.0], [25434, 25696, 40.0], [25696, 25825, 17.0], [25825, 26617, 95.0], [26617, 26664, 6.0], [26664, 26854, 25.0], [26854, 27049, 26.0], [27049, 27231, 27.0], [27231, 27268, 4.0], [27268, 28086, 115.0], [28086, 28430, 49.0], [28430, 28458, 4.0], [28458, 28783, 40.0], [28783, 28927, 19.0], [28927, 29290, 46.0], [29290, 29792, 66.0], [29792, 29867, 7.0], [29867, 30224, 44.0], [30224, 30348, 18.0], [30348, 30609, 31.0], [30609, 30663, 7.0], [30663, 30906, 29.0], [30906, 30960, 7.0], [30960, 31571, 65.0], [31571, 31596, 2.0], [31596, 31783, 25.0], [31783, 32394, 72.0], [32394, 32898, 54.0], [32898, 33405, 65.0], [33405, 33979, 73.0], [33979, 34331, 42.0], [34331, 34342, 2.0], [34342, 34361, 2.0], [34361, 34381, 6.0], [34381, 34399, 1.0], [34399, 34415, 2.0], [34415, 34428, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 31, 0.0], [31, 47, 0.0], [47, 63, 0.0], [63, 110, 0.0], [110, 165, 0.0], [165, 176, 0.0], [176, 188, 0.0], [188, 195, 0.0], [195, 212, 0.0], [212, 229, 0.0], [229, 250, 0.0], [250, 261, 0.0], [261, 278, 0.0], [278, 292, 0.0], [292, 304, 0.0], [304, 325, 0.0], [325, 355, 0.0], [355, 384, 0.0], [384, 423, 0.21052632], [423, 716, 0.0], [716, 846, 0.0], [846, 981, 0.0], [981, 1018, 0.03030303], [1018, 1089, 0.02941176], [1089, 1159, 0.0], [1159, 1185, 0.0], [1185, 1233, 0.0], [1233, 1270, 0.23529412], [1270, 1293, 0.0], [1293, 1354, 0.0], [1354, 1393, 0.0], [1393, 1430, 0.20588235], [1430, 1456, 0.0], [1456, 1580, 0.0], [1580, 1631, 0.04166667], [1631, 2034, 0.0], [2034, 2444, 0.0], [2444, 2655, 0.0], [2655, 2949, 0.0], [2949, 3034, 0.02439024], [3034, 3713, 0.0], [3713, 4142, 0.00478469], [4142, 4277, 0.0], [4277, 4351, 0.01408451], [4351, 4406, 0.03773585], [4406, 4531, 0.0], [4531, 4611, 0.0], [4611, 5000, 0.0], [5000, 5782, 0.0], [5782, 6094, 0.0], [6094, 6117, 0.0], [6117, 6465, 0.0], [6465, 6635, 0.0], [6635, 7177, 0.0], [7177, 8157, 0.00417101], [8157, 8719, 0.00368324], [8719, 9388, 0.00312012], [9388, 9692, 0.0], [9692, 9835, 0.0], [9835, 10572, 0.0], [10572, 11434, 0.00237812], [11434, 12383, 0.00216216], [12383, 12745, 0.0], [12745, 13774, 0.00910931], [13774, 14612, 0.0], [14612, 14826, 0.0], [14826, 15617, 0.0], [15617, 15832, 0.07281553], [15832, 16633, 0.00256082], [16633, 16833, 0.0], [16833, 16879, 0.04651163], [16879, 17030, 0.0], [17030, 17114, 0.02469136], [17114, 17322, 0.0], [17322, 17368, 0.02325581], [17368, 17392, 0.09090909], [17392, 17448, 0.05660377], [17448, 17991, 0.0], [17991, 18188, 0.0], [18188, 18772, 0.0], [18772, 18820, 0.06382979], [18820, 19287, 0.0], [19287, 19689, 0.0], [19689, 19759, 0.04347826], [19759, 19995, 0.0], [19995, 20178, 0.0], [20178, 20219, 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19995, 0.0], [19995, 20178, 0.0], [20178, 20219, 0.0], [20219, 20760, 0.0], [20760, 21261, 0.0], [21261, 21673, 0.0], [21673, 21734, 0.0], [21734, 22545, 0.0], [22545, 22579, 0.0], [22579, 22880, 0.0], [22880, 22947, 0.0], [22947, 23297, 0.0], [23297, 23322, 0.0], [23322, 23654, 0.0], [23654, 23966, 0.0], [23966, 24287, 0.0], [24287, 24316, 0.0], [24316, 24708, 0.0], [24708, 24764, 0.0], [24764, 25040, 0.0], [25040, 25224, 0.0], [25224, 25434, 0.0], [25434, 25696, 0.0], [25696, 25825, 0.0], [25825, 26617, 0.0], [26617, 26664, 0.0], [26664, 26854, 0.0], [26854, 27049, 0.0], [27049, 27231, 0.0], [27231, 27268, 0.0], [27268, 28086, 0.0], [28086, 28430, 0.0], [28430, 28458, 0.0], [28458, 28783, 0.0], [28783, 28927, 0.0], [28927, 29290, 0.0], [29290, 29792, 0.0], [29792, 29867, 0.0], [29867, 30224, 0.0], [30224, 30348, 0.0], [30348, 30609, 0.0], [30609, 30663, 0.0], [30663, 30906, 0.0], [30906, 30960, 0.0], [30960, 31571, 0.0], [31571, 31596, 0.0], [31596, 31783, 0.0], [31783, 32394, 0.0], 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1430, 0.08108108], [1430, 1456, 0.03846154], [1456, 1580, 0.0483871], [1580, 1631, 0.07843137], [1631, 2034, 0.04466501], [2034, 2444, 0.05853659], [2444, 2655, 0.06161137], [2655, 2949, 0.06462585], [2949, 3034, 0.04705882], [3034, 3713, 0.05007364], [3713, 4142, 0.06293706], [4142, 4277, 0.02962963], [4277, 4351, 0.13513514], [4351, 4406, 0.03636364], [4406, 4531, 0.072], [4531, 4611, 0.05], [4611, 5000, 0.0437018], [5000, 5782, 0.05882353], [5782, 6094, 0.06410256], [6094, 6117, 0.13043478], [6117, 6465, 0.05172414], [6465, 6635, 0.05294118], [6635, 7177, 0.05535055], [7177, 8157, 0.06632653], [8157, 8719, 0.0747331], [8719, 9388, 0.08221226], [9388, 9692, 0.04605263], [9692, 9835, 0.04195804], [9835, 10572, 0.05427408], [10572, 11434, 0.06612529], [11434, 12383, 0.07270811], [12383, 12745, 0.06906077], [12745, 13774, 0.06122449], [13774, 14612, 0.05966587], [14612, 14826, 0.04672897], [14826, 15617, 0.05689001], [15617, 15832, 0.04651163], [15832, 16633, 0.05867665], [16633, 16833, 0.05], [16833, 16879, 0.04347826], [16879, 17030, 0.04635762], [17030, 17114, 0.04761905], [17114, 17322, 0.04326923], [17322, 17368, 0.04347826], [17368, 17392, 0.04166667], [17392, 17448, 0.07142857], [17448, 17991, 0.04972376], [17991, 18188, 0.06091371], [18188, 18772, 0.03424658], [18772, 18820, 0.04166667], [18820, 19287, 0.04496788], [19287, 19689, 0.04228856], [19689, 19759, 0.05714286], [19759, 19995, 0.05508475], [19995, 20178, 0.0273224], [20178, 20219, 0.04878049], [20219, 20760, 0.06469501], [20760, 21261, 0.0499002], [21261, 21673, 0.05097087], [21673, 21734, 0.04918033], [21734, 22545, 0.04438964], [22545, 22579, 0.05882353], [22579, 22880, 0.05647841], [22880, 22947, 0.04477612], [22947, 23297, 0.05428571], [23297, 23322, 0.08], [23322, 23654, 0.04819277], [23654, 23966, 0.06089744], [23966, 24287, 0.04672897], [24287, 24316, 0.06896552], [24316, 24708, 0.04591837], [24708, 24764, 0.07142857], [24764, 25040, 0.03623188], [25040, 25224, 0.02717391], [25224, 25434, 0.1], [25434, 25696, 0.09160305], [25696, 25825, 0.09302326], [25825, 26617, 0.05176768], [26617, 26664, 0.06382979], [26664, 26854, 0.04736842], [26854, 27049, 0.04102564], [27049, 27231, 0.07142857], [27231, 27268, 0.05405405], [27268, 28086, 0.06112469], [28086, 28430, 0.05523256], [28430, 28458, 0.07142857], [28458, 28783, 0.04923077], [28783, 28927, 0.05555556], [28927, 29290, 0.0523416], [29290, 29792, 0.05976096], [29792, 29867, 0.05333333], [29867, 30224, 0.03921569], [30224, 30348, 0.04032258], [30348, 30609, 0.04214559], [30609, 30663, 0.03703704], [30663, 30906, 0.05349794], [30906, 30960, 0.05555556], [30960, 31571, 0.05564648], [31571, 31596, 0.04], [31596, 31783, 0.06951872], [31783, 32394, 0.02782324], [32394, 32898, 0.02380952], [32898, 33405, 0.04142012], [33405, 33979, 0.03832753], [33979, 34331, 0.03409091], [34331, 34342, 0.63636364], [34342, 34361, 0.21052632], [34361, 34381, 0.0], [34381, 34399, 0.0], [34399, 34415, 0.0625], [34415, 34428, 0.46153846]], 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Soccer In The World's Most Violent City: The Great Mall Of San Pedro Sula Log in / Sign upFollow DeadspinFollowing DeadspinRelated blogsThe ConcourseFoodspinRegressingScreamerFittishRabbitholeScreengrabberThe StacksAdequate ManBlogs you may likeDeadspinGawkerGizmodoJalopnikJezebelKotakuLifehackerFollowFollowingSoccer In The World's Most Violent City: The Great Mall Of San Pedro SulaRyan O'Hanlon2/06/13 11:08amFiled to: dispatchesU.S. Men's National TeamWorld CupWorld cup qualifyingOutside MagazineSoccerNewsRepublishedTop912EditPromoteDismissUndismissHideShare to KinjaToggle Conversation toolsGo to permalink Outside Magazine sent Ryan O'Hanlon to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to cover the United States Men's National Team's first World Cup qualifying match. He's writing a daily dispatch from Honduras, which we will be republishing here. Some truths about countries: they have people, they have/say they have "a government," and if they have a mall, that mall is terrible. That's a redundancy, sure, because every mall is terrible. They're all too clean, too big, and either too loud or too quiet. There's a food court, too many nearly-identical clothing stores with vaguely-suggestive first-name names, and always a Cinnabon. Always a goddamn Cinnabon—even in San Pedro Sula.This being, you know, The Murder Capital of the World, (Jay-Z was wrong, unless he secretly grew up here) we've been told to not leave the hotel so we don't get mugged and to then not resist said mugging if it happens because we will be assaulted with either a pistol or a knife and possibly murdered. The only place we can go safely, we're told, is the mall next door. (Note: one commenter called me a "candyass," and he/she is correct.) The one with the coned-off parking spot with a stork-holding-a-baby sign (I don't know, new-born-baby parking?) and the FOODCOURT and CARRION lettering on the outside walls. (I expected a warehouse filled with carcasses. What I got was a Honduran Sears.) There was a coffee-and-donuts place called DK'D Donuts with suspiciously-similar-to-Dunkin-Donuts magenta and off-orange colors. An electronics store that looked like a bootleg Apple store—same silver, smooth-edges vibe—but claimed to be an "authorized Apple retailer." Donald's Barber Shop, which looked like a jewelry store but had taxi-cab and fire-truck seats for kids. The part-Nike-store-part-regular-athletic store that sold mostly FC Barcelona gear and had only two stands-worth of Honduras stuff. (One of the employees followed us around the entire store, keeping a constant three-foot buffer.) And the Ace "hardware" store that sold food, a bunch of children's toys, and had five (total) bottles of liquor for sale at the register.Once we found the movie theater, hidden on the third floor and closed—but showing Duro de Matar, El Vuelto, and Lincoln when open—it was time to go. Our search for water and non-beef-jerky snacks was a failure. We walked out, while a guy wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a gun pushed an old man in a wheelchair through the door. U.S. soccer held the day-before-the-game press conference at our hotel because all the journalists are here and because it's the least San Pedro Sula place in San Pedro Sula. All the rooms have flat screens, shower-baths, white comforters with those annoying half-blankets draped over the top, and all those other nice-hotel things you'd expect from some big American city. There's a pool, a patio with ceiling fans, a workout room, and three fancy-ish restaurants. The walls are pretty high, too. While here, we're in San Pedro Sula only in the widest, non-geographical sense.The press conference was every press conference: journalists asking questions because they have to write stories and players/coaches answering questions because they have to answer questions. No one really wants to be there, but everyone's always been there, so it keeps happening. I don't know. Maybe not for the Honduran media, who outnumbered Americans with somewhere around 30 people and about nine television cameras. Their cameras clicked from beginning to end, and they asked most of their questions through a translator sitting next to coach Jurgen Klinsmann, who was flanked on the other side by midfielder Michael Bradley. More from Outside:The Fastest Woman On The PlanetArt Of FlightWhat Does It Take To Be A Great Shovel Racer?Klinsmann and Bradley each have interesting stories. Klinsmann is a German, who lives in California and supposedly uses a helicopter as a means of transportation. He's one of the greatest German players of all time and was a member of their most recent World Cup-winning team from 1990. He then coached Germany to an unexpected third-place finish in the 2006 World Cup. After that, he coached Bayern Munich, the biggest and best club in Germany (sometimes referred to as FC Hollywood), for less than one season, as he was fired with five games left. And Germany has done even better without him and with his assistant from 2006 as the head coach. So, in general, people are unconvinced.Bradley is the son of the man Klinsmann replaced, now-former U.S. coach Bob Bradley. While he's only 25, Bradley's played 72 games (that is a high number) for the U.S. At first, some troll-types said Bradley was only being selected because his dad was the coach—all this while he was playing and playing well in the Netherlands and Germany, for teams much better than the U.S. Bradley is now a starting center midfielder for Roma, which is in Rome, which is in Italy. They're one of the biggest and most historically-successful clubs in the country, and Bradley is widely considered (and just is) one of the two best American players, along with Clint Dempsey. They're interesting stories, but only in the sense that it'll be interesting to see how their careers play out. Nothing gets added to them from a press conference—barring some table-flipping, cameraman-punching, or journalist-choking. The interesting thing about this, besides the idea of the U.S. playing an interesting sport and trying to qualify for maybe the most interesting sporting event in the world, is where they have to do it. Toward the end of the press conference, Bradley was asked about what it's like to have to play such an important game in an area surrounded by security concerns:"It doesn't affect us at all."Later, We're at the stadium: Estadio Olímpico Metropolitano. The only time we're encouraged to leave the hotel is when we're riding in a police motorcade, and that's how we got there: in a coach bus behind the team's coach bus, surrounded by police vans, police motorcycles, and blaring sirens. Being inconspicuous does not matter when it comes to being safe. It's about as close as we could get to just carrying the hotel to the stadium, it seems.Everyone on the street turns and looks because that's what you do when you see two big buses surrounded by police, no matter where you are. One guy in a wifebeater, sitting on a motorcycle, gave the convoy a thumbs down, and a maybe-seven-year-old girl grabbed the bars of a fence, jumped up and down, and looked like she was yelling. Everyone else just turned their heads and went back to being wherever they were. We passed some stray dogs, a place called Power Chicken, and a bunch of school buses that were being refurbished with tinted windows and a Jesus-Christ-wearing-a-crown-of-thorns decal, and then we were there.The team has one training session before Wednesday's game, and before that, there's something called a mixed zone, which is pretty much the soccer-press equivalent of a petting zoo. Basically, there's a 20-to-30-foot bit of fence up outside the locker room. Journalists, cameramen, camerawomen, and whoever else managed to get into the stadium on one side, players on the other. And it's then a 20-minute scramble to ask as many questions as you can, but players are outnumbered by media by about 20 to one, and there is no ratio for media to fence space because you can't divide by zero. There's no room. Cameramen are swinging their cameras freely, somehow not smacking anyone in the face.Jozy Altidore, a striker who plays in the Netherlands, spoke about getting racially abused during a game last week, saying, "All you can really do is hope it doesn't happen again ... and move on from it." (His reaction to it has been amazingly restrained all along.) He respects the Honduran team and hopes to start Wednesday. Geoff Cameron, a central defender who plays in England and is the one sure starter for half of the two central-defense slots, talked about going out with the right attitude, communicating, and matching the intensity of his opponents. He also said, "You never know what's being thrown at you, and you have to adjust on the fly," which is maybe something that can be applied beyond the field here, but is not at all what he meant. The Honduran media flocked to the team's few Spanish-speaking players, and Clint Dempsey, the star of the team and the person everyone wants to talk to, talked to no one. We now know nothing we didn't know before.For a good 20 seconds, I was sandwiched by two sweaty stomachs underneath the tucked-in polo shirts of two large Honduran men who wanted to hear from Altidore. It's a weird cattle-drive-type thing—just read back that last sentence—but I guess this seems like the only way to do it since no one's leaving the hotels, other than for the game. Just throw everyone in a tight space, put a fence in between them, and see what happens.After that, training began and we—something like 50 Hondurans and 20 Americans—were allowed to watch from one of the end lines. The warm-up takes more time than that, so we didn't see much from the players, but the stadium was weirdly beautiful. Or at least the idea of it was. And not in that Fenway or Wrigley way—distinct, classic designs—but in the way that this place contrasts everything around it, yet still is very much of this place. It hasn't been renovated in a long time—if ever—and it's most definitely not "classic," just sort of old and rusty and old. If it were in the middle of the city, it'd look like everything else around it—kind of sad and aged, a sheen of dirt over everything—only sadder and older and dirtier. But the stadium's a little ways outside the city, just past two giant green fields where people were pulling horses that clearly didn't want to be pulled, some 25 minutes from our hotel.The stadium itself is this over-colored (blues, reds, oranges, yellows, and greens) and over-advertised-on bowl (Claro is everywhere), but it's also this solid thing that's just sort of there, in the sun, with this bright green grass (surprisingly long and surprisingly plentiful), taller than everything around, other than the mountains a few miles away. Opposite the mountain-side, there's not much at all, and you can look through the openings in the stands on one end and see nothing but sky. The mountains were covered by some light clouds, but you could still see their outline and the sun shone through just enough to brighten things up without making everyone sweat. There was a small breeze. A bunch of kids played soccer on a field you could see through the entrance. Some good things were pretty obvious: almost-perfect weather, the crazy greenness of it all, the breadth of the mountains, kids doing an active thing and sounding like they're having fun, and this big structure, weathered from all the things and all the people that have been here and so big because more than enough people care about what's happening Wednesday afternoon. This is all non-Cinnabon stuff: good and relatable, everywhere only if you're looking.Then the cops walked onto the field with their "Policia" hats and navy blue outfits and their shiny tuxedo shoes or their pants-tucked-into-boots. A few of them had rifles, and the others had guns in holsters. Our 15 minutes were up. They told us it was time to go, and I couldn't forget everything else we've been told about this place.Previously: Soccer In The World's Most Violent City: A Postcard From Honduras Soccer In The World's Most Violent City: A Postcard From Honduras Soccer In The World's Most Violent City: A Postcard From Honduras Soccer In The World's Most Violent City: A… Outside Magazine sent Ryan O'Hanlon to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to cover the United States… Read more Read more Photo by the author. Ryan O'Hanlon is an editor at Outside Magazine.Reply91 repliesLeave a reply
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Author / Illustrators Australian Authors and Illustrators New Zealand Authors and Illustrators Claire Saxby There Was an Old Sailor wins SCBWI Crystal Kite Award 2011 Claire Saxby is an award-winning and bestselling picture book author. Her two previous Nature Storybooks, Big Red Kangaroo (2013) and Emu (2014), both illustrated by Graham Byrne, have won numerous awards, including the Royal Zoological Society of NSW’s Whitley Award. Big Red Kangaroo was a 2014 CBCA Notable Book, and won the CBCA Crichton Award for illustration, and Emu was short-listed for 2015 CBCA Eve Pownall Award and won the Environment Award for Children's Literature. Claire lives in Melbourne, where she works part-time in a bookshop. Books written by Claire Saxby
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Étiquette : Cinéma L’agenda de la semaine categories: Paris Les vacances terminées, ça y est, c’est la rentrée. Et comme à son habitude, elle s’annonce sportive. Tennis, boxe, course en nage libre… sortez vos agendas, cette semaine, il va y avoir du sport ! Chante, chante, danse, et mets tes baskets, chouette, c’est sympa tu verras… Bon, à part l’immense plaisir de pouvoir vous coller cette chanson des Forbans dans la tête, quel est mon propos pour ce début de semaine ? Et bien, de proposer une petite remise en forme « running » ! Enfilez vos chaussures de sport et profitez des longues journées et des parcs et jardins encore ouverts tard pour un footing de rentrée. En plus de faire du bien à votre corps, vous pourrez également oeuvrer par ce biais à faire parler du sport au féminin : connectez votre app sportive à Running Heroes pour cumuler les kilomètres au profit de la fondation Alice Milliat. Cette sportive passionnée, militante engagée, a longtemps combattu pour la promotion et la reconnaissance de la pratique sportive féminine. Une figure à saluer ! Running Heroes x Fondation Alice Milliat Courez le plus de km possibles pour la fondation jusqu’au 13 septembre Battre le fer tant qu’il est chaud Vous avez suivi le combat du siècle et rêvez depuis de monter sur le ring ? Qu’à cela ne tienne ! Découvrez en cette rentrée la boxe anglaise au Battling Club Paris et essayez vous à cette discipline qualifiée de nobel art. Le plus du club ? La séance d’essai ne coûte que 15€, un prix séduisant pour ceux qui – contrairement à Mayweather, qui a remporté la coquette somme de 250 millions de dollars pour sa victoire – abordent la rentrée avec un budget serré. Battling Club Paris, 13 rue de la Grange aux Belles 75010 Paris Séances d’initiation à la boxe anglaise les lundi (18h et 20h) , mardi (19h) et jeudi (19h) 15€ la séance découverte (déductible d’une formule d’abonnement) Mercredi 30 août Splash Out ! David Hockney a toujours eu un intérêt marqué pour les piscines. Et avec les 35 degrés qui s’annoncent cette semaine, on ne peut que le comprendre. Pour éviter le coup de chaud, et s’offrir un plongeon artistique, cap sur le Centre Pompidou et son exposition consacrée au peintre britannique, maestro de l’hyperréalisme. Exposition David Hockney Jusqu’au 23 octobre, de 11h à 21h ou de 11h à 23h Centre Pompidou, Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris Prendre la balle au bond Le championnat européen de basket masculin démarre ce jeudi avec notamment une rencontre France-Finlande ! Deux choix s’offrent à vous : vous envoler en last minute pour Helsinki afin d’admirer de plus près les 2m13 de Laurie Markkaneni ou… vous rendre au bar Aux Sports, pour éviter le jetlag et profiter d’une bière fraîche. Il paraîtrait qu’en plus ce bar soit un repère de fans du Stade Rennais : je ne peux que le recommander (Roazhon Celtic Kop !!!). Euro de Basket 2017 / Match France – Finlande Bar Aux Sports, Rue des Morillons, 75015 Paris Jeudi 31 août à partir de 18h45 Vendredi 1er septembre Pour ne pas risquer le surentraînement, on laisse notre corps au repos en cette fin de semaine… et on sort admirer les prouesses des autres ! Trois expos au choix pour ce vendredi « arty » : « 1924, Paris accueille l’univers Olympique », où redécouvrir en images l’ambiance des Jeux Olympiques dans l’entre-deux guerres, « Athlètes », du pochoiriste C215 qui présente à la marie du 13ème des portraits de sportifs emblématiques sur des objets leur ayant appartenus ou encore les superbes expositions de la Galerie Jean-Denis Walter, ex-Directeur photo et rédacteur en chef de L’Equipe magazine. 1924, Paris accueille l’univers Olympique – jusqu’au 13 septembre sur les grilles de l’Hôtel de Ville « Athlètes ! » par C215 – jusqu’au 16 septembre à la Mairie du 13ème arrondissement, 1, place d’Italie, 75013 Paris Galerie Jean-Denis Walter – du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h, 56 boulevard de la Tour Maubourg 75007 Paris Vigo d’air pur et d’eau fraîche Un Jean peut en cacher un autre. Pour sa réouverture après un break aoûtien, la Cinémathèque met à l’honneur Jean Vigo, cinéaste « mordant » du début du 20ème. A découvrir notamment, son documentaire « La Natation par Jean Taris, Champion de France « , consacré à l’un des plus grands nageurs d’avant-guerre. Un documentaire court – 9 minutes seulement – mais déjà révélateur du caractère précurseur de la réalisation de Vigo : on retrouvera notamment sa technique de prise de vues sous-marines trois ans plus tard dans son seul et unique long-métrage, l’Atalante. Week-end Jean Vigo – La Cinémathèque La Natation par Jean Taris, champion de France – Samedi 2 septembre à 18h30 La Cinémathèque Française, 51 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris Pif, Paf, Plouf ! Voir Jean Taris à l’oeuvre vous a donné des envies de compétition ? Ca tombe bien : le Bassin de la Villette, dont les canaux sont ouverts à la baignade depuis la mi-juillet, accueille pour la deuxième année consécutive La Fluctuat, course en eau libre. 450 nageurs s’étaient illustrés l’an dernier dans le bassin aux cotés de sportifs renommés. Cette année, Aurélie Muller (Championne du Monde 10 km et relais), Marc Antoine Olivier (Champion du Monde 5 km et relais) Océane Cassignol (Championne du Monde en relais) et David Aubry (6ème du 10 km aux Mondiaux) seront également présents pour soutenir la fédération de natation et la candidature de Paris 2024. On vous l’avait dit, pour cette rentrée, il va falloir mouiller le maillot ! Dimanche 3 septembre dès 09h00 Bassin de la Villette, 75019 Paris 4 courses : La Poulbot (1 250m), La Zazou (2,5 km) et L’Open 2500 Palmes (2,5 km) et L’Apache (5km) Tarifs : de 20€ à 36€, Majoration de 5€ sur place categories: Bon Plans - Insolite Cet agenda n’est pas un agneda sur le cyclimse. Mais sur Paris qui brille, sur les contes, les chevaux, les cadeaux, des expos… et le cinéma, of course ! Et la lumière fut ! La nuit qui tombe à 17h n’a qu’un seul avantage… les illuminations de Noël ! Et c’est ce lundi que la ville Lumière revet son apparat festif. A 18 heures précises, rejoignez Teddy Riner, parrain de l’édition, et la Maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo, pour l’inauguration officielle de ces illuminations parisiennes. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine ! Lundi 21 novembre à 18h00 Maison Lancel, 127 avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris Déco(up) de coeur Mardi, on prend (pour une fois) de l’avance pour nos cadeaux de noël en filant à la boutique éphémère La Seinographe. Le pop up store de l’eshop réunit toute la semaine de nombreux créateurs français, et propose à la vente bijoux, accessoires, vêtements, papeterie, bougie et objets déco. Coups de coeur assurés ! Boutique éphémère La Seinographe Du 22 novembre à 10h00 au 27 novembre à 20h00 Espace Beaurepaire, 28 rue Beaurepaire, 75010 Paris Mercredi 23 novembre Des histoires qui content Mercredi, on file au musée du Luxembourg pour une parenthèse enchantée. Le musée, qui présente actuellement une exposition consacrée au peintre Fantin-Latour et son univers poétique, propose une soirée contée. Laissez vous emporter et bercer par les histoires inédites de la cour des contes (plus sympathique que sa cousine). Mercredi 23 novembre, de 19h00 à 22h00 (deux sessions à 19h15 et 20h45) 5€ sur réservation Musée du Luxembourg,19 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris Aime moi tendre Ce jeudi, Paris passe à l’heure américaine ! Rien à voir avec les récentes élections ou la journée de la dinde et du pain de maïs, on parle ici de cinéma ! Du 24 au 27 novembre, le Festival TCM Cinéma débarque au cinéma Les Fauvettes. Une sélection des plus grands films de Clint Eastwood, l’avant-première de son dernier film Sully, des copies restaurées inédites, de nombreuses animations et… une soirée d’ouverture qui vaut sa part de ouiche. C’est en effet le parrain du Festival, Michel Hazanavicius, qui ouvrira la danse avec la projection exceptionnelle de son mash-up mythique La Classe américaine. Festival TCM Cinéma Du 24 au 27 novembre Cinéma Les Fauvettes, 58 avenue des Gobelins, 75013 Paris Et si, pour le « black friday », on oubliait la course aux achats et on filait plutôt au musée ? Le Quai Branly propose en ce moment la très belle exposition Color Line, consacrée à l’histoire culturelle des artistes noirs dans l’Amérique de la Ségrégation. Du mardi 04 octobre 2016 au dimanche 15 janvier 2017 Nocturne jusqu’à 21h le vendredi Nuit hippique pour souvenir épique Le parc des expositions accueille le salon du cheval du 26 novembre au 04 décembre. Et, comme chaque année, le temps fort attendu n’est autre que la nuit du cheval, une soirée spéciale où spectacles, shows, démonstrations artistiques et sportives réjouissent et impressionnent un public ébahi. Cette année, c’est Mario Lurasch, dresseur et cascadeur, qui mènera le bal. Yi-haa ! Nuit du Cheval Samedi 26 Novembre 2016 de 20h30 à 22h45 Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte Trocs et chutes Je vous serine depuis des mois les bienfaits du DIY, le plaisir de la création, la joie du fait maison… Mais où trouver la matière première me direz-vous ? Et bien, puisqu’il en va de ma crédibilité, je vais partager un bon plan : allez directement piocher matériel et conseils à la source… en participant au vide atelier de la Recyclerie. Les blogueuses créatives Girlzpop, Les Gambettes sauvages, MAMIE BOUDE, To Cut & Too Cute et Griottes, palette culinaire, ont fait le tri et proposeront matières et matériaux à petits prix. Inmanquable ! Vide Atelier Dimanche 27 novembre de 11h00 à 19h00 La Recyclerie, 83 Boulevard Ornano, 75018 Paris Cette semaine à Paris, place à l’action… et à la réflexion : qui a dit que les deux ne faisaient pas bon ménage ? DIY, philo, expo, un retour bienvenue au sens et aux sens ! S’en prendre plein la vue Le salon de la photo est de retour : si vous n’avez pas encore eu l’occasion d’y faire un tour ce week-end, ne manquez pas sa dernière journée : retrouvez y les grandes tendances photo de l’année, découvrez y de superbes expo et assistez à des conférences. Au programme de lundi après-midi, comment progresser en photo avec Gérard Michel-Duthel et l’art du portrait en studio avec Guillaume Manceron. Clic, clac, c’est dans la boîte ! Salon de la photo Lundi 14 novembre de 10h00 à 18h00 Invitations disponibles juste ici Parc des expositions de la Porte de Versailles, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles 75015 Paris A l’approche de thanksgiving, on se sent plein de gratitude. Envers notre famille et de nos amis, ces joyeux larrons que nous nous sommes choisis et qui sont là pour nous dans les bons moments comme dans les moins bons. Du temps d’Aristote déjà, bonheur et amitié formaient un solide duo. Et si on prenait le temps d’y réfléchir un instant ? Venez célébrer la journée mondiale de la philosophie ce mardi à l’espace Falguière : des conférenciers vous attendent pour une table ronde consacrée à la conception du bonheur et de l’amitié du philosophe grec. Aristote, l’amitié et le bonheur Mardi 15 novembre, de 20h00 à 23h00 Espace Falguière, 12, rue Falguière, 75015 Paris Sous les sunlights des topiques Ce mercredi, filez à la Galerie Audi Talents pour le dernier jour de l’exposition « Topiques : l’eau, l’air, la lumière et la ville ». Cette exposition inaugurale de la galerie éphémère est le fruit du travail d’Isabelle Daëron, lauréate design des Audi Talents Awards 2015 et met en lumière sa réflexion sur les flux naturels au coeur des villes. Quelle place donner au vent, à l’eau, à la lumière du soleil au sein d’espaces urbains ? Comment transcrire cela en dispositif et penser l’énergie de demain ? Un travail plein de sens et empreint de poésie : à ne pas manquer ! Exposition Topiques : l’eau, l’air, la lumière et la ville Mercredi 16 novembre, de 11h00 à 19h00 Galerie Audi Talents, 23 rue Roi de sicile, 75004 Paris You’re the one that I want, the one that I want, ouh, ouh, ouh, honey ! Vous vous prenez régulièrement pour Olivia Newton-John, enviez le déhanché de Travolta et rêvez de redonner à la choucroute (capillaire, pas alsacienne) ses lettres de noblesse ? La team Paris Fait Son Cinéma vous attend ce jeudi ! Rendez-vous dès 19h00 à l’UGC Ciné Cité du 19ème arrondissement pour une Grease Party haute en couleur avec cours de danse et projection du film en version restaurée. Soirée « grisante » en perspective ! Grease Party Jeudi 17 novembre dès 19h00 UGC Ciné Cité Paris 19, 166 Boulevard MacDonald, 75019 Paris Philolove Après la journée de la philosophie, mardi, on embarque cette fois pour une nuit entière consacrée à la discipline dans le superbe cadre de l’UNESCO. Les frontières, l’être humain, l’amour selon Kierkegaard, la tolérance, le rapport à l’image, l’égalité des sexes : autant de sujets passionnants qui sauront chauffer vos neurones, un programme parfait pour combattre le froid et l’obscurantisme de cette fin d’année ! Nuit de la Philosophie Nuit du 18 au 19 novembre, de 19h00 à 07h00. Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles, réservation par mail souhaitée. Maison de l’UNESCO, 25 avenue de Suffren, 75007 Paris Just Do It (Yourself) Le salon Créations & Savoir-Faire reprend du service ce week-end pour le plus grand bonheur de tous les « makers » en herbe ! Pour cette édition anniversaire (20 ans tout de même !), de nombreux stands dédiés aux arts manuels et au DIY et bien sûr, toujours plus d’ateliers. A vos mains, prêts, créez ! Salon Créations & Savoir-Faire Du 16 au 20 novembre (09h30-18h30 mercredi, jeudi, et samedi, nocturne jusqu’à 21h30 le vendredi et clôture à 18h00 le dimanche) Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles, pavillon 6, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles,75015 Paris Puces du Design Bon, si je reconnais que le goût de la création est de plus en plus partagé, il me faut admettre que le talent ne l’est pas toujours autant ! Alors avant de devenir le nouveal espoir du design de demain, venez chiner et « shopper » ce qui se fait de mieux aujourd’hui. Les Puces du Design sont de retour pour leur 35ème édition : au programme, un focus sur le travail de Gio Ponti, des pièces de design et de mode vintage, des prototypes et du contemporain… Les Puces du Design Du 17 au 20 novembre, jeudi de 14h00 à 22h00, vendredi à dimanche de 10h00 à 19h00 Porte de Versailles, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris Insolite : 5 activités spéciales Harry Potter Mordus les moldus ? Depuis la sortie du premier opus d’Harry Potter en 1997, la pottermania n’a eu de cesse de croître et des générations entières de fans ont vibré au rythme des aventures de l’apprenti sorcier. Vous en faites partie et donneriez cher pour revêtir le choipeaux magique ? Suivez ces 5 enseignements pour devenir digne d’intégrer Poudlard ! 1 – Révisez vos classiques Soirée cinéma & Quidditch – Cinéma Les Fauvettes / Paris 13 Harry Potter, ce n’est pas qu’une saga littéraire, mais c’est bien tout un univers. Une série de films débutée en 2001, avec Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint et la (très chouette) Emma Watson, et tout un imaginaire, amené parfois à crever l’écran : le quidditch est ainsi depuis 2005 devenu discipline moldue ! Ce sport faisant s’affronter des équipes de sorciers chevauchant leurs balais a désormais sa transcription plus terre à terre mais tout aussi amusante. Cela vous intrigue ? Assistez à une initiation mercredi 26 octobre au Cinéma Les Fauvettes, en présence de l’équipe Paris Frog, dont certains membres font partie de l’équipe de France ! Retrouvez ensuite votre sorcier préféré à 19h30 dans le premier film de la saga, Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers. Mercredi 26 octobre dès 19h00 : 19h: Introduction au Quidditch Moldu et démonstration par l’équipe Paris Frog 19h30 : Projection de Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers 2 – Plantez le décor Warner Bros Studio Tour / Londres Par amour pour Harry, vous seriez prêts à braver des océans ? En traversant la Manche, il vous sera déjà possible de plonger dans son univers fantastique. Les Studios Warner Bros (situés à Levesden, au nord de Londres) proposent en effet des tours à la découverte des coulisses de la saga. Costumes, décors, maquettes, secrets de tournage et explications sur les effets spéciaux, la visite, de trois heures, est riche en surprises ! Guettez les évènements spéciaux : en fonction des saisons et des fêtes, des animations et expo temporaires sont régulièrement proposées. Warner Bros Studio Tour Warner Drive, Leavesden WD25 7LP Toute l’année de 10h00 à 20h00 3 -Faites le tour de la question Culture and Adventure – Tour Harry Potter / Londres Et si vous capitalisiez sur votre séjour britannique pour faire un tour dans le Londres d’Harry ? La pétillante Pascaline de Culture and Adventure, propose dès cet automne un tour Harry Potter en Routemaster, vieux bus impérial londonnien. Le bus vous emmènera sur les lieux incontournables du tournage : le Ministère de la Magie, Gringotts, la Banque des sorciers, le Millenium Bridge mais également l’entrée du chemin de traverse ou encore la célèbre voie 9¾ à Kings Cross en prévision d’un futur départ pour Poudlard. Tour Harry Potter en Routemaster à Londres Dimanche 30 octobre à 14h00 (et de nombreuses dates à venir) Départ à l’arrêt de bus W on Northumberland avenue 4 – Cultivez votre savoir faire Musée de la magie / Paris 4 Retour en France. Etre moldu ne vous enchante guère et vous souhaiteriez approfondir vos connaissances en magie ? Un musée parisien y est dédié ! Le musée de la magie, en plein coeur de Paris, propose un panorama historique et ludique de la magie depuis le XVIIIème siècle : grands noms, tours incontournables…et bien sûr illusions surprenantes. En novembre, le célèbre magicien Howard Hamburg y tient une conférence : Musée de la magie, 11, rue Saint Paul, 75004, Paris Mercredi, samedi et dimanche de 14h00 à 19h00 Conférence de Howard Hambourg le 7 novembre à 20h à l’Académie de magie 5 – Prolongez le plaisir En librairies, au théâtre et en salles Que ceux qui après tout cela en voudraient encore plus se réjouissent ! Le dernier né de J.K Rowling vient de paraître : dans ce nouveau livre, Harry Potter et l’Enfant Maudit, le lecteur retrouve Harry Potter, 19 ans après l’avoir laissé dans le 7ème tome. Le texte du livre n’est autre que le script de la pièce de théâtre éponyme… jouée à Londres en juillet dernier et qui devrait sans aucun doute s’exporter très prochainement. L’univers magique de l’auteur sera également à retrouver en salles cet automne : les Animaux fantastiques, spin-off d’Harry Potter, sort le 16 novembre. Du jazz, des fesses, du chocolat : cette semaine, à Paris, il va en y avoir de l’animation ! Toute première fois, toute toute première fois ! Avec mon premier festival, oubliez la grisaille et retombez en enfance ! Douze salles sont partenaires de ce festival de cinéma dédié aux petits (et grands !) enfants et proposent jusqu’à mardi une kyrielle de films, plus enchanteurs les uns que les autres. Au programme de lundi, Toy Story, Peau d’âne, le Dictateur ou encore Billy Elliot. On en redemande ! Mon premier Festival – du 21 au 25 octobre 4€ la séance pour tous Paris – Liste des salles partenaires Blues saisonnier Avec le retour de l’heure d’hiver ce week-end, vous ne risquez plus de voir le soleil à la sortie du travail. Autant vous habituer au plus tôt : contre le blues automnal, soignez le mal par le mal et filez vous enfermer au caveau de la Huchette ! Ce mardi, c’est Drew Davies, saxophoniste et chanteur anglo-saxon, fidèle de Louis Jordan, Sam Butera ou encore Tiny Grimes, qui se produit. #MardiJazzy The Drew Davies Rhythm Combo Tous les soirs, du mardi 25 au vendredi 28 octobre Caveau de la Huchette, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 75008 Paris Dali cool Mercredi, c’est Dali ! Découvrez le temps d’une soirée la nouvelle exposition présentant la carte blanche que le musée a offert à Joann Sfar. Le dessinateur, célèbre pour ses bandes dessinées Le Chat du Rabbin et son film Gainsbourg Vie Héroïque, a imaginé un voyage dans l’esprit du fantasque Salvador Dali. Une rencontre entre deux artistes pleine de poésie. Joann Sfar – Salvador Dali, une seconde avant l’éveil Ouvert mercredi 26 jusqu’à 21h. Nocturne les derniers mercredis du mois. Exposition jusqu’au 31 mars 2017 Tarif adulte : 11,50€ / Tarif réduit : 8€ Espace Dali, 11 rue Poulbot, 75018 Paris There is no Butt ! Pulpeuses, sexy, plates, rebondies, menues, poilues : il existe mille et une paires de fesses et autant de raison de les célébrer ! Pour les fêter comme il se doit, le fanzine culotté Galante inagure son Fesses’tival à l’occasion de la sortie de son 7ème numéro. Au programme, sérigraphie de petites culottes, show burlesque, projections, DJ set et expos. Galante Fesses’tival Jeudi 27 octobre dès 18.00 Favela Chic, 18 rue du Faubourg du temple, 75011 Paris Anim’Yeah ! Le 104 fête l’animation ! A l’occasion de la journée mondiale du genre, l’association française du cinéma d’animation investit les lieux. Au programme dès 17h, une table ronde sur le long métrage d’animation français et les enjeux de sa distribution en salles, suivie de la projection des 7 films en lice pour le prix Emile-Reynaud. Fête du cinéma d’animation Le 28 octobre, table ronde à 17h00, projection à 20h00 Le 104, 5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris Ce samedi, la Cigale accueille la compétition française de … pole dance ! Si la discipline sportive et artistique vous est encore méconnue, découvrez la auprès des meilleurs. Parmi les participants des années précédentes, les champions Edouard Doye et Saulo Sarmiento … engagés peu après leur victoire en France au Cirque du Soleil ! 8ème compétition française de Pole Dance Samedi 29 octobre à 19h30 La Cigale, 120 boulevard de Rochechouart, 75018 Paris Dimanche 30 octobre Chaud, chaud, chaud cacao Le magnésium serait un allié clef dans la lutte contre la déprime du dimanche soir. C’est donc presque tout simplement pour raison de santé qu’il vous faut vous rendre au salon du chocolat. Je vous prescris une cure de cacao, des chocolats du monde entier à chaque repas, des inhalations de chocolat chaud : avec une telle ordonnance, vous devriez passer l’hiver sans encombre. Salon du chocolat, du 28 octobre au 1er Novembre Porte de Versailles, Pavillon 5, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris Cette semaine, aiguisez vos sens : champagne, arts, bons petits plats et stars aux gros bras seront là pour vous en mettre plein la vue. A vos agendas ! Pøésie Oublié le rayon de soleil dominical : la météo d’octobre est de retour et avec elle nos envies de cocooning et de douceur ! Pour éviter coup de froid et coup de blues, filez réchauffer votre humeur à grands coups de hygge danois (si ce mot ne vous dit rien, jetez un oeil juste ici). La maison du Danemark propose en effet ce lundi une soirée poésie en compagnie de Søren Ulrik Thomsen, véritable figure nationale du genre. La poésie du nord, on adore ! Soirée de poésie avec Søren Ulrik Thomsen – lundi 17 octobre dès 19.00 Lancement de son nouveau recueil et projection de I’m Alive. Søren Ulrik Thomsen: A Danish Poet Maison du Danemark, 142 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris Passion contagion Du mauvais buzz TPMP au traditionnel rhume du mois d’octobre, l’actualité est à la viralité ! Mardi, attrapez le virus des expositions et découvrez les coulisses de la contagion à l’occasion du premier jour de l’exposition « Viral » au Palais de la découverte. Un bon plan culture que vous pourrez « refiler » sans risque à tous vos amis ! Viral. Du Microbe au sourire, tout s’attrape. Du 18 octobre au 26 août 2017 Tarifs en vigueur au Palais de la découverte Palais de la découverte, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 75008 Paris Paris noir & salles obscures Mercredi, partez à la découverte du Paris Noir ! La Fondation des Etats-Unis propose en effet une projection du documentaire éponyme, écrit et réalisé par Joanne et David Burke. Une heure d’extraits et d’archives pour découvrir les parcours d’exception d’artistes et intellectuels afro-américains à Paris au début du 20ème siècle. Projection du documentaire « Paris Noir » à la Fondation des Etats-Unis Mercredi 19 et jeudi 20 octobre )à 19h30 Fondation des Etats-Unis, Cité internationale universitaire, 15 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris Camoufl’ART A la manière d’une exploratrice des temps nouveaux, Anne-Charlotte Laurans s’arme d’une plume et d’un encrier pour dessiner les fabuleuses espèces qui peuplent son imaginaire. Rdv ce jeudi à la Slow Galerie au vernissage de son exposition Camouflage pour admirer le talent de l’illustratrice et découvrir son arche de noé sacrément délurée ! Vernissage de l’exposition Camouflage – de Broll & Prascida Slow Galerie, 5 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud / 141 rue Amelot, 75011 Paris Vendred’Hips’ Le week-end est de retour et… ça s’arrose ! Oubliez le traditionnel demi du vendredi : le 21, on fête les 150 ans de Jack Daniel’s (et oui, la marque a de la bouteille !) et on célèbre le #ChampagneDay à la Maison du Champagne avec les Fa’Bulleuses, l’association de sept vigneronnes champenoises. Les 150 ans de Jack Daniel’s Jack Daniel’s House les 20, 21 et 22 octobre Dégustation Champagne Day avec Les Fa’Bulleuses De 18h à 21h, réservation sur www.dilettantes.fr Fish and Chic Qwehli, le poissonnier des chefs, propose ce samedi une troisième édition de son dîner Effet’mer. Le chef Paolo Boscaro (passé entre autres par les cuisines du Meurice, du Grand Véfour, ou encore du restaurant Lasserre) proposera à de chanceux gourmands un menu gastronomique, uniquement composé d’une sélection de produits de la mer. A 49€ le menu avec champagne, c’est ce qu’on appelle un plan MERveilleux (ok, je sors). Le Dîner Effet’mer by Qwehli, samedi 22 octobre à 20h00 Menu unique composé à 100% de produits de la mer à 49€ (Mise en bouche, 1 entrée, 2 plats, 1 dessert, 3 coupes de champagne + eau) Restaurant L’Escargot 1903, 18 Rue Charles Lorilleux, 92800 Puteaux ♪ Bad boys, bad boys ♫ Allez, avouez, vous aussi étiez fan de Prison Break, la série phénomène du milieu des années 2000… Et les gros muscles de Dominic Purcell (aka Lincoln, le grand frère sous les verrous) n’y étaient pas complètement étrangers. Ca tombe bien, il est l’invité du ComicCon Paris et sera à la Villette ce dimanche. Plaidez coupable et réservez vos pass ! #PéchéMignon ComicCon Paris, du 21 au 23 octobre Grande Halle de la Villette, 211 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris Le doute n’est plus possible : avec une telle météo, les vacances sont bien loin… Mais la rentrée peut être aussi synomyme de sorties sympas ! Vous n’y croyez pas? Suivez cet agenda ! A l’occasion de la sortie de son nouvel essai « Les vertus de l’échec », Charles Pépin (le bien nommé ?) vous invite à philosopher. Au programme de ce café philo du lundi, une question cruciale : « A-t-on besoin de se planter pour savoir qui on est ? ». Rdv ce soir au mk2 Odéon, Côté Saint Germain pour le savoir. Cycle Les Lundis Philo de Charles Pépin, chaque lundi à 18h30 Tarif normal : 15€; tarif réduit (étudiant, demandeur d’emploi…) : 9€ MK2 Odéon, 109-113 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75006 Paris Plus jeune, vous vous faisiez porter pâle pour manquer le cours d’E.P.S ? Voici de quoi vous réconcilier avec le sport… et avec votre corps ! Pour 10€, Haiha vous propose une séance découverte de yoga. Parfait pour renouer avec une activité et pour dénouer des tensions qu’une rentrée endiablée aura sans doute occasionnées. Séance de Yoga avec Haiha, spéciale « booster votre vitalité » Mardi 20 septembre à 19.30 65 bis rue saint sabin, 75011 Paris Cours découverte: 10€ / Cours à l’unité: 15€ / Possibilité de cartes 10 cours Inscription par email obligatoire: haiha.yoga@gmail.com Ceci n’est pas une expo. Mardi, on poursuit la philosophie avec l’exposition « Magritte, la trahison des images ». L’artiste surréaliste et ses oeuvres sont à l’honneur à partir de mercredi (et jusqu’en janvier) au Centre Pompidou. Plus d’une centaine de tableaux, de dessins, et des documents d’archives, pour découvrir et redécouvrir le peintre. Exposition Magritte, la trahison des Images A partir du 21 septembre Tarif normal : 14€, Tarif réduit : 11€ Centre Pompidou, Place Georges Pompidou, 75004 Paris Géo Les voyages forment la jeunesse… et elle le leur rendent bien ! Pour réviser sa géo, rien de tel qu’une soirée Traveler On Stage. Le principe parlera aux fans de TedTalks ! Des voyageurs passionnants montent sur scène et partagent, en six minutes montre en main, leur(s) histoire(s) et expérience(s). Bingo pour cette édition : l’entrée est libre (sur réservation) et ça se passe au magasin Général des Grands Voisins, un lieu plus que top ! Traveler on Stage Paris Jeudi 22 septembre dès 19.00 Les Grands Voisins, 72 avenue Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris Qui dit étude dit travail, qui dit taf te dit les thunes, Qui dit argent dit dépenses, qui dit crédit dit créance… Alors, on danse ! Pour évacuer le stress de la rentrée, on suit les conseils de Stromae ! La soirée Free Your Funk est de retour pour notre plus grand plaisir. On se rue sur les préventes avant qu’elle ne soit sold out et on s’entraîne au déhanché : ça va swinger ! Free Your Funk, 30 Years of HIP HOP Vendredi 23 septembre dès 23.00 Tarif : 16,80€ / Réservation La Bellevilloise, 19-21 Rue Boyer, 75020 Paris On pourrait me reprocher un certain manque d’objectivité – mon côté breton peut-être – mais je ne comprends pas que le beurre ne soit pas encore inscrit à tous les programmes scolaires… Avec Pur Beurre, la Recyclerie invite les Parisiens à venir fêter la gastronomie en toute légèreté. Au programme, « partage des connaissance et savoir-faire beurriers », démocratisation du bien manger, dégustation et fabrication de beurre… #MIAM Samedi 24 septembre – 10.00-11.30 / 14.00-19.00 Une semaine si productive, ça mérite bien un peu de détente, non ? Le Forum des Images est à la fête toute la semaine avec le lancement de son cycle « Qu’est-ce qu’on attend pour être heureux?« . Venez passer la soirée en compagnie de Blake Edwards, il vous invite à sa « Party » ! Cycle Qu’est-ce qu’on attend pour être heureux, du 21 septembre au 02 octobre Forum des Images – Forum des Halles, 2, rue du Cinéma, 75001 Paris Les bonnes adresses de Marion à Lyon Vous avez faim ? Ca tombe bien ! Marion, la gastronomie, c’est sa passion ! Elle en a fait son métier et partage chaque jour sur son blog son regard affuté et amusé sur l’univers de la « comm food ». Autant de bonnes raisons de suivre ses conseils et de découvrir ses 5 bonnes adresses à Lyon, sa ville d’adoption et de coeur. Café Arsène Un petit nouveau à Lyon : Café Arsène. Bon, en fait n’est n’est pas vraiment un restaurant… ni un bistrot, ni un café, ni une sandwicherie, ni un salon de thé d’ailleurs, c’est un peu tout ça à la fois ! En plus des sandwichs à emporter, il y a une proposition de plats à déguster sur place, qui change très régulièrement avec les produits de saison. Jonathan, le chef, est juste dingue, il fait des petits bijoux avec des choses qui peuvent paraître très « simples » comme une salade façon niçoise ou un velouté de petits pois à la française. Je suis une grande consommatrice de légumes, mais de là à penser qu’un jour je puisse prendre mon pied avec une soupe glacée de concombre ! (il paraît que sa terrine est fameuse également…) Adresse : 5 rue du Garet, 69001 Lyon Lun-Sam: 08:00-18:00 Café Arsène : Site / Facebook Le Kitchen Café SANS AUCUNE hésitation : le Kitchen Café. Pour un café le matin, le midi ou l’après-midi. A vrai dire, c’est juste un prétexte, on se rue surtout au Kitchen Café pour les desserts à l’assiette de Laurent, le chef pâtissier. Des vrais chefs d’œuvre, visuellement comme gustativement (et servis tout l’après-midi !)… J’aurais volontiers répondu cette adresse dans la question précédente, car question salé, ils font aussi partie de mes chouchous. Connie, la chef cuisinière, a l’art de me régaler et me bluffer avec des plats à la fois simples mais toujours créatifs et pleins de saveurs « inoubliées ». Le Kitchen Café est l’un des rares restaurants, peut-être le seul, où je mange aussi bien tout en me sentant comme à la maison. Adresse : 34 rue Chevreul, 69007 Lyon Mer-Dim : 08:30 – 18:30 Kitchen Café : Site / Facebook Le Marché Saint-Antoine Une adresse à ciel ouvert : le marché Saint-Antoine sur les quais de Saône le dimanche matin. Pour les étals de couleurs, de saveurs et de parfums, l’agitation qui y règne… et la petite balade matinale dominicale. Adresse : Quai Saint Antoine, 69002 Lyon Lun-Ven : 06:00 – 13:00 / Sam-Dim : 06:00 – 13:30 Site Marché Saint-Antoine Cinéma Comœdia / Le Fantôme de l’Opéra Je n’y vais malheureusement pas assez souvent, mais j’adore la programmation éclectique du cinéma Le Comœdia ! Et si vous êtes plus opéra que cinéma, foncez vous enivrez l’esprit au Fantôme de l’Opéra, un bar unique en son genre où l’on savoure de vrais cocktails de créateur. La carte, le décor, l’ambiance, la musique… votre passage là-bas vous hante encore longtemps après. Cinéma Comoedia Adresse : 13 avenue Berthelot, 75007 Lyon Lun-Ven 10:00-22:00 / Sam 09:00-22:00 / Dim 11:00-20:00 Site Cinéma Comoedia Le Fantôme de l’Opéra Adresse : 19, rue Royale, 69001 Lyon Mar-Sam 18:00-01:00 Le Fantôme de l’Opéra : Site / Facebook Le Jardin des Curiosités Le genre de spot qu’on aimerait grader secret (donc chut !) : le Jardin des Curiosités, sur les hauteurs de Fourvière. Une vue imprenable sur le tout Lyon qui se mérite ! (enfin si comme moi on s’y rend à pied… ça participe au plaisir ô combien infini d’y accéder 🙂 Un vrai petit coin de paradis pour se retrouver, papoter, contempler, pique-niquer, trinquer, rêvasser… se dire des mots doux et se faire des bisous dans le cou. Ou tout ça à la fois. Adresse : Sur les hauteurs de Saint-Just, 69005 Lyon Retrouvez Marion sur le net : Son blog : Communication Agroalimentaire Son agence : Les mots de la faim Du ciné qui pique le nez ! Du plateau de tournage à celui de fromages, il n’y a qu’un pas… que n’ont pas hésité à franchir les équipes de Munchies et du Grand Cuisine Cinéma Club : passez à table ce mercredi au bar le Repaire, pour une soirée haute en odeur ! Nourriture et cinéma font toujours bon ménage. Après le cycle Manger du Forum des Images, un nouvel évènement pour les cinéphiles gourmands fait son entrée dans Paris ! Munchies, la plateforme et la chaîne vidéo de VICE dédiée à la nourriture, et le Grand Cuisine Cinéma Club proposent en effet ce mercredi 29 une soirée ciné – fromage. Le principe est simple : « déguster » littéralement ce que l’on voit sur l’écran. Au programme deux documentaires, un magazine et un court métrage, dédiés à ce met élevé en France au rang de trésor national : Cheese (court métrage – fiction, 05’08) Le jour où les Chinois ont découvert le fromage qui pue (Documentaire, 08’30) Bière, fromage et musique folk : Bienvenue en Bavière (Documentaire,17’30) Fuck That’s Delicious : Action Bronson à Paris (Magazine, 22’30) Et pour accompagner la projection, des fromages de toutes sortes seront proposés à la dégustation ! Mercredi 29 juin à partir de 19h30 Le Repaire, 114 rue Oberkampf, 75011 Paris Entrée libre mais places limitées, réservation obligatoire par mail à rsvp-munchies@vice.com Facebook Munchies Facebook Le Grand Cuisine Ciné, photo, concerts, humour : la semaine s’annonce riche et variée, et ce, quelle que soit la météo. A vos agendas ! C’est la fête, la fête… La météo et les coeurs n’étant pas à la fête (une pensée pour les anglais europhiles qui ne se remettent toujours pas de l’annonce du Brexit, sniff), filez vous réfugier dans les salles obscures : on y célèbre dans toute la France la fête du cinéma ! Depuis hier et jusqu’à mercredi, toutes les séances sont à 4€ (contre une moyenne nationale s’envolant à 9,5€) : vous devriez pouvoir vous offrir quelques belles toiles ! Du 26 au 29 juin 4€ la séance Site de La Fête du Cinéma Cassez la voix Entre l’Euro et le nouvel épisode de Games of Thrones, vous avez l’impression que les discussions à la machine à café tournent en rond ?Offrez vous une part de résistance en adoptant un programme tout autre : la comédie musicale « Résiste » est en effet de retour à Paris pour quelques ultimes dates dans la capitale et propose à cette occasion un tarif exceptionnel : 15€ la place pour près de 2h de show ! Je préfère vous prévenir de chauffer votre voix, on ne peut pas s’empêcher de chanter quand les premières notes de « Ella » ou de « La groupie du pianiste » retentissent… Jusqu’au 3 juillet au Palais des Sports à Paris puis en tournée dans toute la France Détails et horaires sur le site de Résiste Portrait d’une Afrique Connaissez-vous le photographe africain Seydou Keïta ? Autodidacte, génie du noir et blanc, le Malien compte parmi les plus grands portraitistes de son temps. Une sélection de son oeuvre est à découvrir et redécouvrir au Grand Palais jusqu’au 11 juillet : à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte ! L’Exposition Seydou Keïta au Grand Palais Nocturne le mercredi (jusqu’à 22h00) L’humour avec un grand A Il paraît que les Parisiens sont snobs et très fiers ? Ils ne doivent pourtant pas manquer d’humour : la salle de l’Apollo est pleine chaque jeudi quand Sébastien Marx monte sur scène pour se moquer – gentiment – de leurs travers et petits défauts. Ce New-Yorkais débarqué en France il y a de cela dix ans raconte les mésaventures que lui a réservées sa terre d’asile. On rit du début à la fin de ses déboires avec la langue, la gastronomie et les filles, et on se reconnaît dans ce portrait de la France dressé avec justesse, humour et…surtout, beaucoup beaucoup d’amour ! Un New-Yorkais à Paris Les jeudi, vendredi et samedi à 20h00 Apollo Théâtre, 18 rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75011 Paris Vendredi 1er juillet Un Menu Macki s’il vous plaît Vendredi, on quitte le travail et la grisaille parisienne, direction les bords de Seine ! Le Macki Music Festival revient pour la troisième année consécutive avec une programmation des plus alléchantes. Les collectives La Mamie’s & Cracki Records ont en effet concoté un menu de choix : un week-end de concerts et de DJ sets avec notamment Frànçois and The Atlas Mountains, Acid Arab, Harvey Sutherland ou encore Le Mellotron ! Du 1er au 3 juillet à Carrières-sur-Seine (à 15 min de Paris en RER ou Transilien) L’évènement Facebook Tarifs : 1 Jour – 26,80€ / Pass Week-end : 40€ (+ frais de location) La ville de Paris est votre terrain de chasse préférée ? Ca tombe bien : samedi, vous pouvez relever le défi de la Mairie de Paris et participer à la grande chasse au trésors annuelle ! Rendez vous sur le site pour vous inscrire et recevoir votre livret de jeu. Soyez dans les starting blocks samedi matin : la chasse s’annonce sportive ! Samedi 2 juillet – Départs de 10h à 13h Paris : 3e, 4e, 5e, 6e, 9e, 10e, 11e, 12e, 13e, 14e, 15e, 17e, 18e, 19e et 20e arrondissements + Saint-Denis et Aubervilliers. L’Evénement Facebook Dimanche 3 juillet Haha-mac Après une telle semaine, dimanche, on se repose ! Et comme le rire, ça détend, on va rigoler à la soirée de clôture de Hamac, le festival culturellement détendu : une « closing » cérémonie à l’Olympia qui s’annonce hilarante, avec Marc-Antoine Le Bret, Olivier de Benoist, Monsieur Poulpe ou encore Pierre-Emmanuel Barré. Hamac Festival, du 30 juin au 03 juillet Closing Party à L’Olympia, le 03 juillet à 20h00
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0.0], [5617, 5667, 0.0], [5667, 5700, 0.0], [5700, 5854, 0.0], [5854, 5874, 0.0], [5874, 6227, 0.0], [6227, 6253, 0.0], [6253, 6311, 0.0], [6311, 6329, 0.0], [6329, 6643, 0.0], [6643, 6676, 0.0], [6676, 6722, 0.0], [6722, 6774, 0.0], [6774, 6795, 0.0], [6795, 6821, 0.0], [6821, 7147, 0.0], [7147, 7219, 0.0], [7219, 7238, 0.0], [7238, 7291, 0.0], [7291, 7307, 0.0], [7307, 7914, 0.0], [7914, 7934, 0.0], [7934, 7955, 0.0], [7955, 8013, 0.0], [8013, 8271, 0.0], [8271, 8324, 0.0], [8324, 8357, 0.0], [8357, 8392, 0.0], [8392, 8771, 0.0], [8771, 8786, 0.0], [8786, 8827, 0.0], [8827, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 8889, 0.0], [8889, 9433, 0.0], [9433, 9446, 0.0], [9446, 9484, 0.0], [9484, 9532, 0.0], [9532, 9706, 0.0], [9706, 9732, 0.0], [9732, 10167, 0.0], [10167, 10185, 0.0], [10185, 10220, 0.0], [10220, 10254, 0.0], [10254, 10348, 0.0], [10348, 10901, 0.0], [10901, 10934, 0.0], [10934, 10970, 0.0], [10970, 11019, 0.0], [11019, 11051, 0.0], [11051, 11626, 0.0], [11626, 11685, 0.0], [11685, 11724, 0.0], [11724, 11780, 0.0], [11780, 11852, 0.0], [11852, 12288, 0.0], [12288, 12301, 0.0], [12301, 12329, 0.0], [12329, 12390, 0.0], [12390, 12400, 0.0], [12400, 12817, 0.0], [12817, 12840, 0.0], [12840, 12885, 0.0], [12885, 12969, 0.0], [12969, 13023, 0.0], [13023, 13045, 0.0], [13045, 13348, 0.0], [13348, 13379, 0.0], [13379, 13508, 0.0], [13508, 13614, 0.0], [13614, 13630, 0.0], [13630, 14088, 0.0], [14088, 14108, 0.0], [14108, 14191, 0.0], [14191, 14259, 0.0], [14259, 14305, 0.0], [14305, 14661, 0.0], [14661, 14688, 0.0], [14688, 14748, 0.0], [14748, 15513, 0.0], [15513, 15545, 0.0], [15545, 15623, 0.0], [15623, 15681, 0.0], [15681, 15702, 0.0], [15702, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 16306, 0.0], [16306, 16330, 0.0], [16330, 16363, 0.0], [16363, 16394, 0.0], [16394, 16427, 0.0], [16427, 16479, 0.0], [16479, 17000, 0.0], [17000, 17043, 0.0], [17043, 17104, 0.0], [17104, 17155, 0.0], [17155, 17187, 0.0], [17187, 17215, 0.0], [17215, 17634, 0.0], [17634, 17686, 0.0], [17686, 17732, 0.0], [17732, 17804, 0.0], [17804, 17829, 0.0], [17829, 17868, 0.0], [17868, 18453, 0.0], [18453, 18546, 0.0], [18546, 18595, 0.0], [18595, 18954, 0.0], [18954, 18997, 0.0], [18997, 19020, 0.0], [19020, 19057, 0.0], [19057, 19074, 0.0], [19074, 19474, 0.0], [19474, 19503, 0.0], [19503, 19554, 0.0], [19554, 19623, 0.0], [19623, 19633, 0.0], [19633, 19994, 0.0], [19994, 20048, 0.0], [20048, 20080, 0.0], [20080, 20154, 0.0], [20154, 20196, 0.0], [20196, 20237, 0.0], [20237, 20256, 0.0], [20256, 20612, 0.0], [20612, 20633, 0.0], [20633, 20660, 0.0], [20660, 20715, 0.0], [20715, 20727, 0.0], [20727, 21060, 0.0], [21060, 21087, 0.0], [21087, 21142, 0.0], [21142, 21176, 0.0], [21176, 21510, 0.0], [21510, 21551, 0.0], [21551, 21577, 0.0], [21577, 21631, 0.0], [21631, 21651, 0.0], [21651, 21677, 0.0], [21677, 22055, 0.0], [22055, 22104, 0.0], [22104, 22184, 0.0], [22184, 22337, 0.0], [22337, 22344, 0.0], [22344, 22798, 0.0], [22798, 22869, 0.0], [22869, 22965, 0.0], [22965, 23028, 0.0], [23028, 23046, 0.0], [23046, 23386, 0.0], [23386, 23432, 0.0], [23432, 23462, 0.0], [23462, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23578, 0.0], [23578, 23607, 0.0], [23607, 23938, 0.0], [23938, 24010, 0.0], [24010, 24051, 0.0], [24051, 24146, 0.0], [24146, 24158, 0.0], [24158, 24500, 0.0], [24500, 24560, 0.0], [24560, 24630, 0.0], [24630, 24644, 0.0], [24644, 24942, 0.0], [24942, 24971, 0.0], [24971, 25016, 0.0], [25016, 25064, 0.0], [25064, 25113, 0.0], [25113, 25127, 0.0], [25127, 25550, 0.0], [25550, 25606, 0.0], [25606, 25661, 0.0], [25661, 25737, 0.0], [25737, 25805, 0.0], [25805, 25828, 0.0], [25828, 26190, 0.0], [26190, 26226, 0.0], [26226, 26291, 0.0], [26291, 26475, 0.0], [26475, 26790, 0.0], [26790, 26852, 0.0], [26852, 26922, 0.0], [26922, 26978, 0.0], [26978, 27303, 0.0], [27303, 27366, 0.0], [27366, 27393, 0.0], [27393, 27429, 0.0], [27429, 27507, 0.0], [27507, 27563, 0.0], [27563, 27911, 0.0], [27911, 27955, 0.0], [27955, 27980, 0.0], [27980, 28019, 0.0], [28019, 28072, 0.0], [28072, 28076, 0.0], [28076, 28518, 0.0], [28518, 28542, 0.0], [28542, 28571, 0.0], [28571, 28632, 0.0], [28632, 29013, 0.0], [29013, 29049, 0.0], [29049, 29081, 0.0], [29081, 29110, 0.0], [29110, 29157, 0.0], [29157, 29589, 0.0], [29589, 29637, 0.0], [29637, 29919, 0.0], [29919, 29997, 0.0], [29997, 30064, 0.0], [30064, 30101, 0.0], [30101, 30428, 0.0], [30428, 30440, 0.0], [30440, 31174, 0.0], [31174, 31211, 0.0], [31211, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31262, 0.0], [31262, 31278, 0.0], [31278, 32008, 0.0], [32008, 32046, 0.0], [32046, 32070, 0.0], [32070, 32101, 0.0], [32101, 32125, 0.0], [32125, 32339, 0.0], [32339, 32380, 0.0], [32380, 32430, 0.0], [32430, 32456, 0.0], [32456, 32495, 0.0], [32495, 32872, 0.0], [32872, 32888, 0.0], [32888, 32930, 0.0], [32930, 32986, 0.0], [32986, 33007, 0.0], [33007, 33029, 0.0], [33029, 33066, 0.0], [33066, 33086, 0.0], [33086, 33126, 0.0], [33126, 33151, 0.0], [33151, 33601, 0.0], [33601, 33654, 0.0], [33654, 33684, 0.0], [33684, 33725, 0.0], [33725, 33758, 0.0], [33758, 33785, 0.0], [33785, 34018, 0.0], [34018, 34437, 0.0], [34437, 34564, 0.0], [34564, 34604, 0.0], [34604, 34682, 0.0], [34682, 34757, 0.0], [34757, 34822, 0.0], [34822, 34922, 0.0], [34922, 34957, 0.0], [34957, 35000, 0.0], [35000, 35093, 0.0], [35093, 35111, 0.0], [35111, 35137, 0.0], [35137, 35256, 0.0], [35256, 35280, 0.0], [35280, 35702, 0.0], [35702, 35719, 0.0], [35719, 35732, 0.0], [35732, 35758, 0.0], [35758, 35773, 0.0], [35773, 36352, 0.0], [36352, 36437, 0.0], [36437, 36480, 0.0], [36480, 36503, 0.0], [36503, 36794, 0.0], [36794, 36836, 0.0], [36836, 36873, 0.0], [36873, 36898, 0.0], [36898, 37472, 0.0], [37472, 37495, 0.0], [37495, 37533, 0.0], [37533, 37591, 0.0], [37591, 37612, 0.0], [37612, 37642, 0.0], [37642, 38070, 0.0], [38070, 38153, 0.0], [38153, 38174, 0.0], [38174, 38243, 0.0], [38243, 38582, 0.0], [38582, 38622, 0.0], [38622, 38749, 0.0], [38749, 38770, 0.0], [38770, 38789, 0.0], [38789, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 39120, 0.0], [39120, 39161, 0.0], [39161, 39209, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 19, 2.0], [19, 42, 4.0], [42, 60, 2.0], [60, 258, 34.0], [258, 335, 12.0], [335, 1072, 124.0], [1072, 1113, 6.0], [1113, 1184, 12.0], [1184, 1219, 7.0], [1219, 1680, 83.0], [1680, 1744, 12.0], [1744, 1836, 16.0], [1836, 1901, 8.0], [1901, 1918, 3.0], [1918, 1931, 2.0], [1931, 2252, 52.0], [2252, 2277, 3.0], [2277, 2327, 12.0], [2327, 2380, 6.0], [2380, 2405, 5.0], [2405, 2862, 75.0], [2862, 2908, 8.0], [2908, 2955, 8.0], [2955, 2987, 7.0], [2987, 3010, 3.0], [3010, 3605, 96.0], [3605, 3707, 16.0], [3707, 3823, 20.0], [3823, 3929, 20.0], [3929, 3961, 6.0], [3961, 4526, 92.0], [4526, 4563, 6.0], [4563, 4639, 14.0], [4639, 4695, 9.0], [4695, 4713, 3.0], [4713, 5451, 122.0], [5451, 5482, 5.0], [5482, 5517, 6.0], [5517, 5617, 19.0], [5617, 5667, 10.0], [5667, 5700, 4.0], [5700, 5854, 28.0], [5854, 5874, 4.0], [5874, 6227, 59.0], [6227, 6253, 5.0], [6253, 6311, 8.0], [6311, 6329, 3.0], [6329, 6643, 52.0], [6643, 6676, 4.0], [6676, 6722, 10.0], [6722, 6774, 7.0], [6774, 6795, 3.0], [6795, 6821, 4.0], [6821, 7147, 49.0], [7147, 7219, 13.0], [7219, 7238, 3.0], [7238, 7291, 8.0], [7291, 7307, 3.0], [7307, 7914, 100.0], [7914, 7934, 3.0], [7934, 7955, 5.0], [7955, 8013, 9.0], [8013, 8271, 45.0], [8271, 8324, 10.0], [8324, 8357, 5.0], [8357, 8392, 5.0], [8392, 8771, 59.0], [8771, 8786, 3.0], [8786, 8827, 8.0], [8827, 8873, 7.0], [8873, 8889, 3.0], [8889, 9433, 89.0], [9433, 9446, 2.0], [9446, 9484, 7.0], [9484, 9532, 7.0], [9532, 9706, 33.0], [9706, 9732, 5.0], [9732, 10167, 72.0], [10167, 10185, 4.0], [10185, 10220, 7.0], [10220, 10254, 4.0], [10254, 10348, 17.0], [10348, 10901, 94.0], [10901, 10934, 5.0], [10934, 10970, 7.0], [10970, 11019, 7.0], [11019, 11051, 5.0], [11051, 11626, 98.0], [11626, 11685, 9.0], [11685, 11724, 7.0], [11724, 11780, 10.0], [11780, 11852, 15.0], [11852, 12288, 70.0], [12288, 12301, 2.0], [12301, 12329, 5.0], [12329, 12390, 10.0], [12390, 12400, 1.0], [12400, 12817, 63.0], [12817, 12840, 4.0], [12840, 12885, 10.0], [12885, 12969, 12.0], [12969, 13023, 9.0], [13023, 13045, 4.0], [13045, 13348, 52.0], [13348, 13379, 3.0], [13379, 13508, 21.0], [13508, 13614, 18.0], [13614, 13630, 3.0], [13630, 14088, 86.0], [14088, 14108, 4.0], [14108, 14191, 17.0], [14191, 14259, 12.0], [14259, 14305, 6.0], [14305, 14661, 57.0], [14661, 14688, 5.0], [14688, 14748, 9.0], [14748, 15513, 122.0], [15513, 15545, 5.0], [15545, 15623, 11.0], [15623, 15681, 9.0], [15681, 15702, 5.0], [15702, 15736, 5.0], [15736, 16306, 90.0], [16306, 16330, 4.0], [16330, 16363, 5.0], [16363, 16394, 6.0], [16394, 16427, 7.0], [16427, 16479, 8.0], [16479, 17000, 83.0], [17000, 17043, 7.0], [17043, 17104, 11.0], [17104, 17155, 9.0], [17155, 17187, 6.0], [17187, 17215, 6.0], [17215, 17634, 65.0], [17634, 17686, 10.0], [17686, 17732, 8.0], [17732, 17804, 13.0], [17804, 17829, 5.0], [17829, 17868, 7.0], [17868, 18453, 96.0], [18453, 18546, 17.0], [18546, 18595, 7.0], [18595, 18954, 58.0], [18954, 18997, 9.0], [18997, 19020, 5.0], [19020, 19057, 6.0], [19057, 19074, 2.0], [19074, 19474, 69.0], [19474, 19503, 5.0], [19503, 19554, 10.0], [19554, 19623, 10.0], [19623, 19633, 2.0], [19633, 19994, 58.0], [19994, 20048, 9.0], [20048, 20080, 5.0], [20080, 20154, 11.0], [20154, 20196, 6.0], [20196, 20237, 7.0], [20237, 20256, 4.0], [20256, 20612, 57.0], [20612, 20633, 2.0], [20633, 20660, 5.0], [20660, 20715, 10.0], [20715, 20727, 1.0], [20727, 21060, 54.0], [21060, 21087, 4.0], [21087, 21142, 10.0], [21142, 21176, 7.0], [21176, 21510, 52.0], [21510, 21551, 6.0], [21551, 21577, 5.0], [21577, 21631, 8.0], [21631, 21651, 3.0], [21651, 21677, 4.0], [21677, 22055, 63.0], [22055, 22104, 9.0], [22104, 22184, 14.0], [22184, 22337, 27.0], [22337, 22344, 1.0], [22344, 22798, 82.0], [22798, 22869, 13.0], [22869, 22965, 16.0], [22965, 23028, 9.0], [23028, 23046, 2.0], [23046, 23386, 59.0], [23386, 23432, 7.0], [23432, 23462, 7.0], [23462, 23507, 8.0], [23507, 23578, 10.0], [23578, 23607, 4.0], [23607, 23938, 49.0], [23938, 24010, 12.0], [24010, 24051, 8.0], [24051, 24146, 11.0], [24146, 24158, 1.0], [24158, 24500, 52.0], [24500, 24560, 8.0], [24560, 24630, 11.0], [24630, 24644, 1.0], [24644, 24942, 50.0], [24942, 24971, 6.0], [24971, 25016, 9.0], [25016, 25064, 6.0], [25064, 25113, 7.0], [25113, 25127, 3.0], [25127, 25550, 68.0], [25550, 25606, 10.0], [25606, 25661, 12.0], [25661, 25737, 14.0], [25737, 25805, 9.0], [25805, 25828, 6.0], [25828, 26190, 60.0], [26190, 26226, 7.0], [26226, 26291, 11.0], [26291, 26475, 31.0], [26475, 26790, 59.0], [26790, 26852, 11.0], [26852, 26922, 9.0], [26922, 26978, 7.0], [26978, 27303, 52.0], [27303, 27366, 11.0], [27366, 27393, 5.0], [27393, 27429, 7.0], [27429, 27507, 12.0], [27507, 27563, 5.0], [27563, 27911, 54.0], [27911, 27955, 6.0], [27955, 27980, 5.0], [27980, 28019, 6.0], [28019, 28072, 7.0], [28072, 28076, 1.0], [28076, 28518, 72.0], [28518, 28542, 4.0], [28542, 28571, 5.0], [28571, 28632, 9.0], [28632, 29013, 71.0], [29013, 29049, 8.0], [29049, 29081, 5.0], [29081, 29110, 3.0], [29110, 29157, 7.0], [29157, 29589, 68.0], [29589, 29637, 6.0], [29637, 29919, 53.0], [29919, 29997, 13.0], [29997, 30064, 13.0], [30064, 30101, 7.0], [30101, 30428, 61.0], [30428, 30440, 2.0], [30440, 31174, 133.0], [31174, 31211, 7.0], [31211, 31232, 2.0], [31232, 31262, 4.0], [31262, 31278, 3.0], [31278, 32008, 123.0], [32008, 32046, 6.0], [32046, 32070, 4.0], [32070, 32101, 4.0], [32101, 32125, 3.0], [32125, 32339, 36.0], [32339, 32380, 6.0], [32380, 32430, 8.0], [32430, 32456, 3.0], [32456, 32495, 6.0], [32495, 32872, 61.0], [32872, 32888, 2.0], [32888, 32930, 6.0], [32930, 32986, 6.0], [32986, 33007, 3.0], [33007, 33029, 4.0], [33029, 33066, 6.0], [33066, 33086, 2.0], [33086, 33126, 6.0], [33126, 33151, 4.0], [33151, 33601, 81.0], [33601, 33654, 8.0], [33654, 33684, 5.0], [33684, 33725, 4.0], [33725, 33758, 7.0], [33758, 33785, 6.0], [33785, 34018, 44.0], [34018, 34437, 71.0], [34437, 34564, 22.0], [34564, 34604, 6.0], [34604, 34682, 13.0], [34682, 34757, 9.0], [34757, 34822, 9.0], [34822, 34922, 15.0], [34922, 34957, 7.0], [34957, 35000, 7.0], [35000, 35093, 11.0], [35093, 35111, 2.0], [35111, 35137, 4.0], [35137, 35256, 20.0], [35256, 35280, 5.0], [35280, 35702, 71.0], [35702, 35719, 5.0], [35719, 35732, 3.0], [35732, 35758, 6.0], [35758, 35773, 3.0], [35773, 36352, 105.0], [36352, 36437, 16.0], [36437, 36480, 8.0], [36480, 36503, 3.0], [36503, 36794, 45.0], [36794, 36836, 6.0], [36836, 36873, 5.0], [36873, 36898, 5.0], [36898, 37472, 101.0], [37472, 37495, 4.0], [37495, 37533, 7.0], [37533, 37591, 10.0], [37591, 37612, 3.0], [37612, 37642, 6.0], [37642, 38070, 67.0], [38070, 38153, 16.0], [38153, 38174, 2.0], [38174, 38243, 11.0], [38243, 38582, 58.0], [38582, 38622, 9.0], [38622, 38749, 21.0], [38749, 38770, 2.0], [38770, 38789, 3.0], [38789, 38798, 1.0], [38798, 39120, 51.0], [39120, 39161, 8.0], [39161, 39209, 9.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 19, 0.0], [19, 42, 0.0], [42, 60, 0.0], [60, 258, 0.0], [258, 335, 0.0], [335, 1072, 0.0], [1072, 1113, 0.0], [1113, 1184, 0.02857143], [1184, 1219, 0.0], [1219, 1680, 0.01077586], [1680, 1744, 0.11290323], [1744, 1836, 0.09411765], [1836, 1901, 0.03076923], [1901, 1918, 0.11764706], [1918, 1931, 0.0], [1931, 2252, 0.00625], [2252, 2277, 0.0], [2277, 2327, 0.2], [2327, 2380, 0.10204082], [2380, 2405, 0.0], [2405, 2862, 0.00668151], [2862, 2908, 0.09302326], [2908, 2955, 0.11363636], [2955, 2987, 0.18181818], [2987, 3010, 0.04545455], [3010, 3605, 0.01528014], [3605, 3707, 0.05940594], [3707, 3823, 0.11504425], [3823, 3929, 0.10576923], [3929, 3961, 0.0], [3961, 4526, 0.00528169], [4526, 4563, 0.0], [4563, 4639, 0.06666667], [4639, 4695, 0.125], [4695, 4713, 0.0], [4713, 5451, 0.01775956], [5451, 5482, 0.16129032], [5482, 5517, 0.15151515], [5517, 5617, 0.1627907], [5617, 5667, 0.10638298], [5667, 5700, 0.0], [5700, 5854, 0.0], [5854, 5874, 0.0], [5874, 6227, 0.01162791], [6227, 6253, 0.23076923], [6253, 6311, 0.14545455], [6311, 6329, 0.0], [6329, 6643, 0.0], [6643, 6676, 0.0], [6676, 6722, 0.25531915], [6722, 6774, 0.14285714], [6774, 6795, 0.1], [6795, 6821, 0.0], [6821, 7147, 0.0], [7147, 7219, 0.25714286], [7219, 7238, 0.05263158], [7238, 7291, 0.1372549], [7291, 7307, 0.0], [7307, 7914, 0.00660066], [7914, 7934, 0.0], [7934, 7955, 0.2], [7955, 8013, 0.125], [8013, 8271, 0.0], [8271, 8324, 0.23076923], [8324, 8357, 0.06060606], [8357, 8392, 0.0], [8392, 8771, 0.01069519], [8771, 8786, 0.0], [8786, 8827, 0.34146341], [8827, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 8889, 0.0], [8889, 9433, 0.0], [9433, 9446, 0.0], [9446, 9484, 0.26315789], [9484, 9532, 0.15555556], [9532, 9706, 0.0], [9706, 9732, 0.0], [9732, 10167, 0.0], [10167, 10185, 0.0], [10185, 10220, 0.28571429], [10220, 10254, 0.0], [10254, 10348, 0.06521739], [10348, 10901, 0.0], [10901, 10934, 0.0], [10934, 10970, 0.28571429], [10970, 11019, 0.14893617], [11019, 11051, 0.0], [11051, 11626, 0.00700525], [11626, 11685, 0.0], [11685, 11724, 0.26315789], [11724, 11780, 0.13207547], [11780, 11852, 0.0], [11852, 12288, 0.01376147], [12288, 12301, 0.0], [12301, 12329, 0.21428571], [12329, 12390, 0.16666667], [12390, 12400, 0.0], [12400, 12817, 0.0], [12817, 12840, 0.0], [12840, 12885, 0.27906977], [12885, 12969, 0.0], [12969, 13023, 0.1372549], [13023, 13045, 0.0], [13045, 13348, 0.00682594], [13348, 13379, 0.0], [13379, 13508, 0.16], [13508, 13614, 0.06862745], [13614, 13630, 0.0], [13630, 14088, 0.00442478], [14088, 14108, 0.0], [14108, 14191, 0.24096386], [14191, 14259, 0.09230769], [14259, 14305, 0.02222222], [14305, 14661, 0.01412429], [14661, 14688, 0.03703704], [14688, 14748, 0.03448276], [14748, 15513, 0.01832461], [15513, 15545, 0.2], [15545, 15623, 0.02564103], [15623, 15681, 0.07017544], [15681, 15702, 0.04761905], [15702, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 16306, 0.0], [16306, 16330, 0.0], [16330, 16363, 0.09677419], [16363, 16394, 0.25], [16394, 16427, 0.03225806], [16427, 16479, 0.0], [16479, 17000, 0.00383142], [17000, 17043, 0.0], [17043, 17104, 0.1], [17104, 17155, 0.0], [17155, 17187, 0.03225806], [17187, 17215, 0.03846154], [17215, 17634, 0.0], [17634, 17686, 0.14583333], [17686, 17732, 0.17777778], [17732, 17804, 0.04], [17804, 17829, 0.04166667], [17829, 17868, 0.0], [17868, 18453, 0.00856164], [18453, 18546, 0.0], [18546, 18595, 0.0], [18595, 18954, 0.0], [18954, 18997, 0.0952381], [18997, 19020, 0.04347826], [19020, 19057, 0.0], [19057, 19074, 0.0], [19074, 19474, 0.0], [19474, 19503, 0.0], [19503, 19554, 0.08163265], [19554, 19623, 0.07575758], [19623, 19633, 0.0], [19633, 19994, 0.0], [19994, 20048, 0.0], [20048, 20080, 0.12903226], [20080, 20154, 0.08333333], [20154, 20196, 0.14285714], [20196, 20237, 0.18421053], [20237, 20256, 0.0], [20256, 20612, 0.00288184], [20612, 20633, 0.0], [20633, 20660, 0.23076923], [20660, 20715, 0.13461538], [20715, 20727, 0.0], [20727, 21060, 0.01812689], [21060, 21087, 0.0], [21087, 21142, 0.18518519], [21142, 21176, 0.29032258], [21176, 21510, 0.0], [21510, 21551, 0.02325581], [21551, 21577, 0.23076923], [21577, 21631, 0.15686275], [21631, 21651, 0.10526316], [21651, 21677, 0.0], [21677, 22055, 0.0], [22055, 22104, 0.06382979], [22104, 22184, 0.09210526], [22184, 22337, 0.0], [22337, 22344, 0.0], [22344, 22798, 0.0], [22798, 22869, 0.08333333], [22869, 22965, 0.0], [22965, 23028, 0.13114754], [23028, 23046, 0.0], [23046, 23386, 0.0], [23386, 23432, 0.0], [23432, 23462, 0.26666667], [23462, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23578, 0.07246377], [23578, 23607, 0.0], [23607, 23938, 0.00598802], [23938, 24010, 0.0], [24010, 24051, 0.2], [24051, 24146, 0.07692308], [24146, 24158, 0.0], [24158, 24500, 0.0], [24500, 24560, 0.0], [24560, 24630, 0.140625], [24630, 24644, 0.0], [24644, 24942, 0.01736111], [24942, 24971, 0.10714286], [24971, 25016, 0.13953488], [25016, 25064, 0.0], [25064, 25113, 0.08510638], [25113, 25127, 0.0], [25127, 25550, 0.00480769], [25550, 25606, 0.10714286], [25606, 25661, 0.08928571], [25661, 25737, 0.05882353], [25737, 25805, 0.16923077], [25805, 25828, 0.0], [25828, 26190, 0.01101928], [26190, 26226, 0.11764706], [26226, 26291, 0.12698413], [26291, 26475, 0.0], [26475, 26790, 0.00326797], [26790, 26852, 0.06451613], [26852, 26922, 0.04761905], [26922, 26978, 0.23076923], [26978, 27303, 0.00619195], [27303, 27366, 0.0], [27366, 27393, 0.23076923], [27393, 27429, 0.20588235], [27429, 27507, 0.08], [27507, 27563, 0.0], [27563, 27911, 0.0], [27911, 27955, 0.0], [27955, 27980, 0.08333333], [27980, 28019, 0.11764706], [28019, 28072, 0.1], [28072, 28076, 0.0], [28076, 28518, 0.0], [28518, 28542, 0.0], [28542, 28571, 0.21428571], [28571, 28632, 0.12068966], [28632, 29013, 0.0], [29013, 29049, 0.05882353], [29049, 29081, 0.19354839], [29081, 29110, 0.16666667], [29110, 29157, 0.20930233], [29157, 29589, 0.0], [29589, 29637, 0.46153846], [29637, 29919, 0.0], [29919, 29997, 0.05263158], [29997, 30064, 0.09375], [30064, 30101, 0.0], [30101, 30428, 0.003125], [30428, 30440, 0.0], [30440, 31174, 0.0], [31174, 31211, 0.18181818], [31211, 31232, 0.53333333], [31232, 31262, 0.0], [31262, 31278, 0.0], [31278, 32008, 0.0], [32008, 32046, 0.20588235], [32046, 32070, 0.44444444], [32070, 32101, 0.0], [32101, 32125, 0.0], [32125, 32339, 0.0], [32339, 32380, 0.13513514], [32380, 32430, 0.43243243], [32430, 32456, 0.0], [32456, 32495, 0.0], [32495, 32872, 0.0], [32872, 32888, 0.0], [32888, 32930, 0.18421053], [32930, 32986, 0.58536585], [32986, 33007, 0.0], [33007, 33029, 0.0], [33029, 33066, 0.21875], [33066, 33086, 0.53333333], [33086, 33126, 0.0], [33126, 33151, 0.0], [33151, 33601, 0.0], [33601, 33654, 0.10416667], [33654, 33684, 0.0], [33684, 33725, 0.0], [33725, 33758, 0.0], [33758, 33785, 0.0], [33785, 34018, 0.0], [34018, 34437, 0.00469484], [34437, 34564, 0.0], [34564, 34604, 0.10810811], [34604, 34682, 0.05263158], [34682, 34757, 0.05714286], [34757, 34822, 0.06666667], [34822, 34922, 0.0], [34922, 34957, 0.17142857], [34957, 35000, 0.2], [35000, 35093, 0.0], [35093, 35111, 0.0], [35111, 35137, 0.0], [35137, 35256, 0.0], [35256, 35280, 0.0], [35280, 35702, 0.00714286], [35702, 35719, 0.25], [35719, 35732, 0.07692308], [35732, 35758, 0.0], [35758, 35773, 0.0], [35773, 36352, 0.00513699], [36352, 36437, 0.01162791], [36437, 36480, 0.0], [36480, 36503, 0.0], [36503, 36794, 0.00694444], [36794, 36836, 0.0], [36836, 36873, 0.11428571], [36873, 36898, 0.0], [36898, 37472, 0.0], [37472, 37495, 0.0], [37495, 37533, 0.10810811], [37533, 37591, 0.12280702], [37591, 37612, 0.05], [37612, 37642, 0.0], [37642, 38070, 0.0], [38070, 38153, 0.04938272], [38153, 38174, 0.0], [38174, 38243, 0.125], [38243, 38582, 0.0], [38582, 38622, 0.12195122], [38622, 38749, 0.23364486], [38749, 38770, 0.0], [38770, 38789, 0.05555556], [38789, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 39120, 0.0], [39120, 39161, 0.1025641], [39161, 39209, 0.12244898]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 19, 0.0], [19, 42, 0.0], [42, 60, 0.0], [60, 258, 0.0], [258, 335, 0.0], [335, 1072, 0.0], [1072, 1113, 0.0], [1113, 1184, 0.0], [1184, 1219, 0.0], [1219, 1680, 0.0], [1680, 1744, 0.0], [1744, 1836, 0.0], [1836, 1901, 0.0], [1901, 1918, 0.0], [1918, 1931, 0.0], [1931, 2252, 0.0], [2252, 2277, 0.0], [2277, 2327, 0.0], [2327, 2380, 0.0], [2380, 2405, 0.0], [2405, 2862, 0.0], [2862, 2908, 0.0], [2908, 2955, 0.0], [2955, 2987, 0.0], [2987, 3010, 0.0], [3010, 3605, 0.0], [3605, 3707, 0.0], [3707, 3823, 0.0], [3823, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3961, 0.0], [3961, 4526, 0.0], [4526, 4563, 0.0], [4563, 4639, 0.0], [4639, 4695, 0.0], [4695, 4713, 0.0], [4713, 5451, 0.0], [5451, 5482, 0.0], [5482, 5517, 0.0], [5517, 5617, 0.0], [5617, 5667, 0.0], [5667, 5700, 0.0], [5700, 5854, 0.0], [5854, 5874, 0.0], [5874, 6227, 0.0], [6227, 6253, 0.0], [6253, 6311, 0.0], [6311, 6329, 0.0], [6329, 6643, 0.0], [6643, 6676, 0.0], [6676, 6722, 0.0], [6722, 6774, 0.0], [6774, 6795, 0.0], [6795, 6821, 0.0], [6821, 7147, 0.0], [7147, 7219, 0.0], [7219, 7238, 0.0], [7238, 7291, 0.0], [7291, 7307, 0.0], [7307, 7914, 0.0], [7914, 7934, 0.0], [7934, 7955, 0.0], [7955, 8013, 0.0], [8013, 8271, 0.0], [8271, 8324, 0.0], [8324, 8357, 0.0], [8357, 8392, 0.0], [8392, 8771, 0.0], [8771, 8786, 0.0], [8786, 8827, 0.0], [8827, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 8889, 0.0], [8889, 9433, 0.0], [9433, 9446, 0.0], [9446, 9484, 0.0], [9484, 9532, 0.0], [9532, 9706, 0.0], [9706, 9732, 0.0], [9732, 10167, 0.0], [10167, 10185, 0.0], [10185, 10220, 0.0], [10220, 10254, 0.0], [10254, 10348, 0.0], [10348, 10901, 0.0], [10901, 10934, 0.0], [10934, 10970, 0.0], [10970, 11019, 0.0], [11019, 11051, 0.0], [11051, 11626, 0.0], [11626, 11685, 0.0], [11685, 11724, 0.0], [11724, 11780, 0.0], [11780, 11852, 0.0], [11852, 12288, 0.0], [12288, 12301, 0.0], [12301, 12329, 0.0], [12329, 12390, 0.0], [12390, 12400, 0.0], [12400, 12817, 0.0], [12817, 12840, 0.0], [12840, 12885, 0.0], [12885, 12969, 0.0], [12969, 13023, 0.0], [13023, 13045, 0.0], [13045, 13348, 0.0], [13348, 13379, 0.0], [13379, 13508, 0.0], [13508, 13614, 0.0], [13614, 13630, 0.0], [13630, 14088, 0.0], [14088, 14108, 0.0], [14108, 14191, 0.0], [14191, 14259, 0.0], [14259, 14305, 0.0], [14305, 14661, 0.0], [14661, 14688, 0.0], [14688, 14748, 0.0], [14748, 15513, 0.0], [15513, 15545, 0.0], [15545, 15623, 0.0], [15623, 15681, 0.0], [15681, 15702, 0.0], [15702, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 16306, 0.0], [16306, 16330, 0.0], [16330, 16363, 0.0], [16363, 16394, 0.0], [16394, 16427, 0.0], [16427, 16479, 0.0], [16479, 17000, 0.0], [17000, 17043, 0.0], [17043, 17104, 0.0], [17104, 17155, 0.0], [17155, 17187, 0.0], [17187, 17215, 0.0], [17215, 17634, 0.0], [17634, 17686, 0.0], [17686, 17732, 0.0], [17732, 17804, 0.0], [17804, 17829, 0.0], [17829, 17868, 0.0], [17868, 18453, 0.0], [18453, 18546, 0.0], [18546, 18595, 0.0], [18595, 18954, 0.0], [18954, 18997, 0.0], [18997, 19020, 0.0], [19020, 19057, 0.0], [19057, 19074, 0.0], [19074, 19474, 0.0], [19474, 19503, 0.0], [19503, 19554, 0.0], [19554, 19623, 0.0], [19623, 19633, 0.0], [19633, 19994, 0.0], [19994, 20048, 0.0], [20048, 20080, 0.0], [20080, 20154, 0.0], [20154, 20196, 0.0], [20196, 20237, 0.0], [20237, 20256, 0.0], [20256, 20612, 0.0], [20612, 20633, 0.0], [20633, 20660, 0.0], [20660, 20715, 0.0], [20715, 20727, 0.0], [20727, 21060, 0.0], [21060, 21087, 0.0], [21087, 21142, 0.0], [21142, 21176, 0.0], [21176, 21510, 0.0], [21510, 21551, 0.0], [21551, 21577, 0.0], [21577, 21631, 0.0], [21631, 21651, 0.0], [21651, 21677, 0.0], [21677, 22055, 0.0], [22055, 22104, 0.0], [22104, 22184, 0.0], [22184, 22337, 0.0], [22337, 22344, 0.0], [22344, 22798, 0.0], [22798, 22869, 0.0], [22869, 22965, 0.0], [22965, 23028, 0.0], [23028, 23046, 0.0], [23046, 23386, 0.0], [23386, 23432, 0.0], [23432, 23462, 0.0], [23462, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23578, 0.0], [23578, 23607, 0.0], [23607, 23938, 0.0], [23938, 24010, 0.0], [24010, 24051, 0.0], [24051, 24146, 0.0], [24146, 24158, 0.0], [24158, 24500, 0.0], [24500, 24560, 0.0], [24560, 24630, 0.0], [24630, 24644, 0.0], [24644, 24942, 0.0], [24942, 24971, 0.0], [24971, 25016, 0.0], [25016, 25064, 0.0], [25064, 25113, 0.0], [25113, 25127, 0.0], [25127, 25550, 0.0], [25550, 25606, 0.0], [25606, 25661, 0.0], [25661, 25737, 0.0], [25737, 25805, 0.0], [25805, 25828, 0.0], [25828, 26190, 0.0], [26190, 26226, 0.0], [26226, 26291, 0.0], [26291, 26475, 0.0], [26475, 26790, 0.0], [26790, 26852, 0.0], [26852, 26922, 0.0], [26922, 26978, 0.0], [26978, 27303, 0.0], [27303, 27366, 0.0], [27366, 27393, 0.0], [27393, 27429, 0.0], [27429, 27507, 0.0], [27507, 27563, 0.0], [27563, 27911, 0.0], [27911, 27955, 0.0], [27955, 27980, 0.0], [27980, 28019, 0.0], [28019, 28072, 0.0], [28072, 28076, 0.0], [28076, 28518, 0.0], [28518, 28542, 0.0], [28542, 28571, 0.0], [28571, 28632, 0.0], [28632, 29013, 0.0], [29013, 29049, 0.0], [29049, 29081, 0.0], [29081, 29110, 0.0], [29110, 29157, 0.0], [29157, 29589, 0.0], [29589, 29637, 0.0], [29637, 29919, 0.0], [29919, 29997, 0.0], [29997, 30064, 0.0], [30064, 30101, 0.0], [30101, 30428, 0.0], [30428, 30440, 0.0], [30440, 31174, 0.0], [31174, 31211, 0.0], [31211, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31262, 0.0], [31262, 31278, 0.0], [31278, 32008, 0.0], [32008, 32046, 0.0], [32046, 32070, 0.0], [32070, 32101, 0.0], [32101, 32125, 0.0], [32125, 32339, 0.0], [32339, 32380, 0.0], [32380, 32430, 0.0], [32430, 32456, 0.0], [32456, 32495, 0.0], [32495, 32872, 0.0], [32872, 32888, 0.0], [32888, 32930, 0.0], [32930, 32986, 0.0], [32986, 33007, 0.0], [33007, 33029, 0.0], [33029, 33066, 0.0], [33066, 33086, 0.0], [33086, 33126, 0.0], [33126, 33151, 0.0], [33151, 33601, 0.0], [33601, 33654, 0.0], [33654, 33684, 0.0], [33684, 33725, 0.0], [33725, 33758, 0.0], [33758, 33785, 0.0], [33785, 34018, 0.0], [34018, 34437, 0.0], [34437, 34564, 0.0], [34564, 34604, 0.0], [34604, 34682, 0.0], [34682, 34757, 0.0], [34757, 34822, 0.0], [34822, 34922, 0.0], [34922, 34957, 0.0], [34957, 35000, 0.0], [35000, 35093, 0.0], [35093, 35111, 0.0], [35111, 35137, 0.0], [35137, 35256, 0.0], [35256, 35280, 0.0], [35280, 35702, 0.0], [35702, 35719, 0.0], [35719, 35732, 0.0], [35732, 35758, 0.0], [35758, 35773, 0.0], [35773, 36352, 0.0], [36352, 36437, 0.0], [36437, 36480, 0.0], [36480, 36503, 0.0], [36503, 36794, 0.0], [36794, 36836, 0.0], [36836, 36873, 0.0], [36873, 36898, 0.0], [36898, 37472, 0.0], [37472, 37495, 0.0], [37495, 37533, 0.0], [37533, 37591, 0.0], [37591, 37612, 0.0], [37612, 37642, 0.0], [37642, 38070, 0.0], [38070, 38153, 0.0], [38153, 38174, 0.0], [38174, 38243, 0.0], [38243, 38582, 0.0], [38582, 38622, 0.0], [38622, 38749, 0.0], [38749, 38770, 0.0], [38770, 38789, 0.0], [38789, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 39120, 0.0], [39120, 39161, 0.0], [39161, 39209, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 19, 0.10526316], [19, 42, 0.04347826], [42, 60, 0.05555556], [60, 258, 0.01515152], [258, 335, 0.01298701], [335, 1072, 0.01492537], [1072, 1113, 0.12195122], [1113, 1184, 0.01408451], [1184, 1219, 0.02857143], [1219, 1680, 0.01952278], [1680, 1744, 0.09375], [1744, 1836, 0.01086957], [1836, 1901, 0.0], [1901, 1918, 0.05882353], [1918, 1931, 0.15384615], [1931, 2252, 0.01869159], [2252, 2277, 0.12], [2277, 2327, 0.02], [2327, 2380, 0.11320755], [2380, 2405, 0.04], 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VIDEO: David Bowie classic powers Audi Super Bowl commercial David Bowie’s 1972 classic, “Starman”, provides the soundtrack to a Super Bowl 50 commercial for Audi. Adweek reports the ad tells the story of a retired astronaut who rediscovers his passion for life - and powerful machines – when his son lets him drive the 2017 Audi R8 V10 Plus. Entitled “The Commander”, the commercial will be seen during the first quarter of Sunday’s game between the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, CA. “Starman” was enjoying a renaissance even before Bowie's death from cancer on January 10. The tune was played in full during a sequence of Ridley Scott's space film The Martian, and Democratic candidate for President of the United States Bernie Sanders has been using it on the campaign trail. The lead single from 1972’s “The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars”, “Starman” peaked at No. 65 on the US Billboard Hot 100 while the classic album hit No. 21 on the Billboard 200 and was a Top 5 record in the singer’s native UK. Bowie has just tied Elvis Presley’s record with 12 simultaneous albums in the UK Top 40 charts, while “Blackstar” holds down the top spot for a third straight week. David Bowie dominates UK charts for third week David Bowie tops UK charts for second week David Bowie scores first US No. 1 with Blackstar Blackstar debuts at No. 1 as David Bowie dominates UK charts Search David Bowie at hennemusic Labels: David Bowie
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A community aware of HIV/AIDS, with access to care (including treatment and palliative care) and social support networks for families, orphans and vulnerable children, people infected and affected with HIV/AIDS and an empowered youth who can be role models in their community. Work with key partners to provide an effective holistic response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the Waterberg through prevention, treatment, care, support strategies and youth development, through operating in a caring, efficient and accessible manner. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me."Matthew 25 v 35-36 NPO Reg No. 019 865
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:: músicas del mundo VARIAS CIUDADES Los Grandes del Gospel de gira por España El festival Los Grandes del Gospel con Barbara Hendricks, London Community Gospel Choir, South Carolina Gospel Choir y New World Gospel Ensemble, entre otros, recorrerán España. Un total de 22 ciudades ofrecerán hasta 36 conciertos de algunas de las mejores voces del mundo del 2 al 23 de diciembre. La primera cita tendrá lugar en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, en el Auditorio Alfredo Kraus con las actuaciones de Black Heritage Choir homenajeando a Aretha Franklin. Integrada por 16 componentes bajo la dirección musical del compositor, arreglista y pianista Jerry Calvin Smith, la formación es el resultado de una cuidadosa selección realizada entre más de 400 cantantes del estado de Mississippi, uno de los estados emblemáticos de la música gospel de los Estados Unidos. El Festival, organizado por The Project,contará además con la presencia de la gran diva de la música, Barbara Hendricks que actuará en San Sebastián, Madrid y Gijón. Hendricks, Premio Príncipe de Asturias, y embajadora de Acnhur, presentará un programa de Blues, Gospel y Espirituales Negros describiendo, a través de su emotiva música, la lucha de los esclavos por la libertad, el fin de la segregación racial y el Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles inspirado por Rosa Parks y liderado por Martin Luther King. London Community Gospel Choir, ofrecerán un impresionante espectáculo que fusiona los clásicos del gospel con todo tipo de influencias, desde la tradición americana hasta pinceladas caribeñas y africanas. Compuesto por una selección de las mejores voces del que probablemente sea el más prestigioso coro de Gospel europeo (colaboradores de grandes estrellas internacionales como Madonna, Keith Richards, Kilie Minogue o de proyectos como la B.S.O de “El Rey León”), ofrecerán un total de tres conciertos en Madrid . Completa el cartel de esta edición, New World Gospel Ensemble, una formación de cantantes de ópera que han puesto su talento al servicio de la gran tradición vocal afroamericana, y que ofrecerán el concierto “From Spirituals To Gospel”, un homenaje al conjunto de esa tradición musical, desde sus orígenes en las plantaciones hasta sus derivaciones más urbanas. Así también se podrá ver South Carolina Gospel Choir, y su mezcla del conmovedor Soul tradicional y del Gospel moderno, desde los espirituales de los esclavos afroamericanos hasta los sonidos más actuales. Estará en Jaca (Huesca); Les Escaldes (Andorra); Vielha (Lérida); Amurrio (Álava. Teatro Antzokia) y Ourense (Teatro Principal). El Festival Los Grandes del Gospel recorrerá la geografía española pasando por Aragón, Asturias, Cataluña, Cantabria, Galicia, Islas Canarias, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia y el País Vasco. Madrid es la ciudad con mayor número de actuaciones – un total de 9 conciertos que tendrán lugar en el Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa del 9 al 18 de diciembre. www.theproject.es Estrella Morente, Diego El Cigala y Rocío Molina: Suma Flamenca ... bajo músicas del mundo El coro de mujeres de los pueblos indígenas de México ... bajo músicas del mundo La Escolanía de la Fundación Don Juan de Borbón acompaña ... bajo músicas del mundo Música árabe en el Teatro Real bajo músicas del mundo
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The Denver Museum of Nature & Science began with one man, Edwin Carter, who in 1868 moved to a one-room cabin high in the Rocky Mountains and singlehandedly amassed the largest collection of Colorado fauna in existence. In 1908, the museum in Denver formally opened, and it made world headlines when in 1926 museum researchers found fossil proof that North America was inhabited over 10,000 years ago. After the event, sellers should file a special event sales tax return by the 20th of the month following the first day of the special event, if they have not remitted sales tax to the event organizer. For example, if an event was held from February 13-15, the special event sales tax return will be due on or before March 20th. More information about filing a return can be found on the "How to File a Special Event Return" section below. Kids will enjoy the carousel and trips in airplanes and trains that entertain without being frightening. Island Kingdom Water Park is a huge wet playground within Elitch Gardens with a whole assortment of water slides, including ones with enormous drops, and others that hurtle you at high speed. For families and children there are a lazy river, a wave pool, and slides geared to small tykes. While its Denver counterpart might be more popular, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs is the most interesting Colorado zoo experience you’ll find. It sits about 6,800ft (2,073m) above sea level and features exhibits built into the mountainside. You can also feed the giraffes, ride an open chairlift over the zoo, walk through an aviary of free-flying birds and expect plenty of animal encounters. The Denver Art Museum is a world-class conservatory of over 70,000 works of art from around the world and in varied media. It has an excellent collection of American Indian art, which represents nearly every tribe across North America, and has the world’s foremost collection of American West art. Lovers of European art will be delighted by its inclusion of works by Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne, and Pissarro. Bishop Castle is an incredible feat of one man’s desire to singlehandedly build a fortress in the midst of the San Ysabel National Forest. Jim Bishop purchased the land in 1959 and began building his castle after he got married in 1967. He wanted to build a simple stone cabin for himself and his bride, but he never stopped building, and now the castle is a huge masterwork of turrets, crenellations, arches, and an enormous steam-producing dragon built from stainless steel plates. Whether fact or fiction, real or mythical, these events celebrate historic traditions. The West is Colorado’s culture and there’s no better place to soak that up then the Colorado State Fair. It’s an eleven-day extravaganza with rodeos, concerts, crafts, carnivals and livestock. Denver’s National Western Stock Show embodies the spirit of the west over sixteen days. Although it’s tucked away in Colorado’s southwest corner, Telluride parties so much its known as the festival capital of the West. One of its most well known is the Telluride Film Festival, which attracts celebrities and visitors from around the world. It also claims one of the country longest running film fests, the Mountainfilm Festival, held in late May. Carbondale showcases the 5Point Film Festival in late April, catering to adventure. Garden of the Gods is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A designated National Natural Landmark, the park draws in visitors from all over the country and many international travelers. These gorgeous sandstone formations were discovered by surveyors out from Denver; upon seeing the rocks merged with the Great Plains’ grasslands that meet the woodlands of the Southwest and mountain forests of Pike Peak, they declared it looked like a garden fit for the gods. Mesa Verde has been inhabited since 7500 BC by nomadic tribes, and the experts estimate that the first pueblos were built in 650 AD. The impressive cliff dwellings that still bring visitors to the park were built in 1200 AD. See the Cliff Palace and spend some time learning about these native americans at the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum. Don’t forget to explore the Mesa Top Loop Road for some excellent viewpoints and canyon overlooks.
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Historia Institucional Objetivo y áreas de trabajo I Congreso Nacional de Gestión de la Inversión Pública I Taller de Gobierno Corporativo: Brechas, Retos y Objetivos Diploma en Formulación, Evaluación y Gestión de Proyectos de Desarrollo Económico y Social Maestría: Executive Master in Public Administration Diploma en Gobernabilidad y Gerencia de Desarrollo Local y Regional Diploma en Buen Gobierno e Integridad Corporativa Entendiendo el delito de soborno en el marco de la ISO 37001 Derecho administrativo. Conceptos y procedimientos Gestión Integral de Riesgos Ética en la gestión pública Transparencia en la gestión pública Ética en las finanzas Control interno y gestión de riesgos Compliance penal en el marco del DL 1352 Online: Gestión de Proyectos en el Sector Público Online: Herramientas para el Mapeo y Modelamiento de Procesos en el Sector Público Seguimiento de mejora de Procesos en el Sector Público con Balance Scorecard (BSC) Artículos libres / casos Libros de IGG Entrevistas y Debates Conferencias del IGGC Diploma en Formulación, Evaluación y Gestión de Proyectos de Desarrollo Económico y Social Plana docente Cronograma/inf. Pre-inscríbete El acelerado proceso de globalización ha integrado las economías a través del comercio, la movilización de los factores productivos, las finanzas y la tecnología, lo cual implica un entorno de creciente competencia entre los países, los cuales buscan aprovechar sus potencialidades e insertarse competitivamente en este proceso irreversible. Todo esto supone cambios en los aspectos sociales, económicos, políticos, tecnológicos, culturales y en las formas de gestionar sus procesos de desarrollo. En este contexto, en el Perú se vienen dando procesos de reformas que, en concertación entre el Estado, la empresa privada y la sociedad en conjunto, permitan aprovechar las ventajas comparativas y competitivas con el fin de crear riqueza, generar valor público y privado, promoviendo la inclusión social. Esto implica, entre otros aspectos, implementar políticas de desarrollo que promuevan la inversión pública y privada para el desarrollo económico y social, así como para la explotación sostenible de los recursos naturales. Un aspecto muy importante a tener en cuenta, tal como lo han hecho otros países que han logrado niveles de desarrollo más avanzados, es contar con el capital humano con las competencias necesarias para llevar a cabo estas reformas, así como promover y gestionar políticas, planes, programas y proyectos de desarrollo acordes a la coyuntura y con una visión de futuro tanto a nivel local, regional y nacional. En este sentido, el Instituto de Gobernabilidad y Gobierno Corporativo (IGG) de la Universidad ESAN, que cuenta con un equipo con amplia experiencia en capacitar y brindar asesoría en proyectos de desarrollo, asume el compromiso de contribuir con la formación del capital humano que sea capaz de formular, evaluar y gestionar proyectos de desarrollo económico y social, incorporando nuevos conceptos y herramientas acordes a las exigencias actuales. El programa permitirá a los participantes adquirir conocimientos teóricos y herramientas para la identificación, formulación, evaluación y gestión de proyectos de desarrollo económico y social. Esto permitirá reforzar sus competencias para liderar y gestionar proyectos que se derivan de los planes y programas de desarrollo territorial o sectorial, ya sea en los ámbitos local, regional o nacional. Los objetivos específicos están orientados para que los participantes: Conozcan las políticas y estrategias de promoción y ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo, implementadas por el Estado, las empresas privadas o asociaciones público-privadas. Contextualicen los proyectos dentro de los planes y programas de desarrollo, con énfasis en sus ejes económico y social; tomando en cuenta las metodologías aplicadas a los proyectos de inversión pública, de la cooperación internacional, así como también las particularidades de los proyectos privados orientados a la promoción del desarrollo territorial. Conozcan los aspectos teóricos económicos y sociales que influyen en la formulación, evaluación y gestión de proyectos de desarrollo. Aprendan y apliquen conceptos y herramientas para la identificación, formulación y evaluación, tomando como base el Enfoque del Marco Lógico, así como distintos criterios económicos y financieros de evaluación privada y social de proyectos. Conozcan y apliquen los conceptos, técnicas y herramientas básicas de gestión de proyectos utilizando el marco de referencia y las buenas prácticas propuestas en el Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK©) del Project Management Institute (PMI®). trabajos grupales que integren todos los conocimientos adquiridos y concluir con una propuesta de proyecto, desde su fase de identificación hasta el plan de gestión del proyecto. Se familiaricen con el uso de tecnologías de información para la gestión de proyectos. Curso Nº Curso 1: Políticas, Planes y Programa de Desarrollo Económico y Social 8 Curso 2: Identificación y Formulación de Proyectos de Desarrollo 12 Curso 3: Evaluación Privada y Social de Proyectos 14 Curso 4: Planificación y Ejecución de Proyectos 11 Curso 5: Control, Monitoreo y Cierre de Proyectos 10 Curso 6: Microsoft Project 8 Taller: Negociación y Gestión de Conflictos 4 CURSO I: POLÍTICAS, PLANES Y PROGRAMAS DE DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL (8 SESIONES) Desarrollar en los participantes las capacidades para identificar y comprender los fenómenos del entorno y los procesos de reformas que tienen sus implicancias en la dinámica y alcances de las políticas sociales y de desarrollo económico. Se enfatiza en la articulación entre planes, programas y proyectos de desarrollo, así como de los proyectos enmarcados en los planes de competitividad sectoriales o territoriales. La propuesta e implementación de un plan de desarrollo territorial es visto como instrumento de gestión clave para pensar colectivamente y generar cursos de acción para promover el desarrollo. CURSO II: IDENTIFICACIÓN Y FORMULACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE DESARROLLO (12 SESIONES) El objetivo del curso es proveer conocimientos teóricos y herramientas que permitan a los participantes identificar y formular adecuadamente un proyecto, bajo los principios del Enfoque del Marco Lógico (EML), así como articular los distintos aspectos de la identificación y formulación del proyecto con la estructura de presentación y gestión del proyecto en su etapa de implementación. Se complementa con aspectos que son enunciados por el PMBOK® y por el EML, que puedan tener implicancias mutuas en las distintas fases de identificación, formulación y gestión de proyectos. Se analizan las normativas emanadas del SNIP y otras entidades que regulan la evaluación social y ambiental en proyectos de inversión pública, así como sus implicancias en proyectos privados. CURSO III: EVALUACIÓN PRIVADA Y SOCIAL DE PROYECTOS (14 SESIONES) El curso permitirá aprender y aplicar conceptos básicos de finanzas y las distintas metodologías de evaluación privada de proyectos, desde el punto de vista de un inversionista privado, así como la evaluación social de proyectos, es decir desde el punto de vista de la sociedad en conjunto. CURSO IV: PLANIFICACIÓN Y EJECUCIÓN DE PROYECTOS (11 SESIONES) El presente curso brinda aspectos conceptuales y procedimentales que permitan familiarizar a los participantes con los procesos de gestión de proyectos en las etapas de iniciación, planificación y ejecución, basados en los grupos de procesos y áreas de conocimiento del PMBOK®. CURSO V: CONTROL, MONITOREO Y CIERRE DE PROYECTOS (10 SESIONES) Los participantes aprenderán sobre conceptos y procedimientos referidos a los procesos de gestión de proyectos en las etapas de control, monitoreo y cierre, basados en los grupos de procesos y áreas de conocimiento del PMBOK®. CURSO VI: MICROSOFT PROJECT (8 SESIONES) El participante aprenderá a utilizar el Microsoft Project ® como una herramienta para la administración de proyectos. El curso comprende aspectos básicos que van desde la creación de un proyecto, pasando por la definición, asignación y vinculación de tareas, tiempos, recursos y costos, así como la optimización de tiempos y cargas de trabajo. El alumno podrá realizar el análisis y seguimiento del proyecto, utilizar las diferentes opciones de visualización que ofrece MS Project® y la creación de reportes del proyecto. TALLER: NEGOCIACIÓN Y GESTIÓN DE CONFLICTOS (4 SESIONES)) El taller permitirá que los participantes conozcan y apliquen aspectos metodológicos y herramientas para el diseño y ejecución de estrategias de construcción de consensos en diversas situaciones de conflictos derivados de la gestión de proyectos de desarrollo. ARTEMIO PÉREZ PEREYRA Master en Desarrollo Sostenible y Responsabilidad Corporativa - EOI, España. Master en Gobierno y Desarrollo Local - Universidad Oberta de Catalunya. Economista y egresado de la Maestría en Gestión Empresarial - UNSACC. Se ha desempeñado como Coordinador Nacional de programas de fortalecimiento institucional en CARE-Perú, Director Nacional del programa APODER (COSUDE), Gerente Adjunto de Relaciones Comunitarias en Cia. Minera Ares del Grupo Hochschild, Jefe Corporativo de Relaciones Comunitarias en el Grupo Milpo. Actualmente es Gerente de Responsabilidad Social en Compañía Minera Milpo S.A. y profesor en ESAN y otras universidades del Perú. ADOLFO CENTENO ROJAS PhD(c) en Dirección de Empresas - Universidad Carlos III, Madrid. Magister en Administración - ESAN. Egresado del Magister en Finanzas - UPC. Graduado en Ingeniería Mecánica - Universidad Nacional del Callao. Especialización en Gobernabilidad y Gerencia Política por la George Washington University y la PUCP, así como en Planificación Estratégica, Proyectos de Inversión Públicos y Privados, entre otros. Con experiencia profesional en áreas de operaciones, finanzas, administración y gestión de proyectos en empresas mineras, eléctricas y otras industriales y de servicios. Ha gestionado programas de fortalecimiento de capacidades a nivel nacional, promovidos por la cooperación internacional, entidades del gobierno y la empresa privada. Actualmente es profesor y coordinador de programas en ESAN, profesor de postgrado en la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería - UNI y consultor y asesor de empresas privadas y entidades públicas. CARLOS AGUIRRE GAMARRA Magister en Finanzas - ESAN. Economista y con estudios de especialización en Finanzas, Regulación Económica de las Telecomunicaciones y Administración Bancaria. Más de diez años de experiencia profesional en áreas financieras de empresas industriales y de servicios y en asesoría en reestructuración empresarial, evaluación de proyectos, valorización de empresas, procesos de compra-venta de empresas, e implementación de sistemas de planeamiento y control de gestión. Ha elaborado y expuesto planes de reestructuración patrimonial en Indecopi y liderado la puesta en marcha de sistemas de planeamiento y control de gestión y/o de tableros de control estratégico (BSC). Es profesor del área de Finanzas, Contabilidad y Economía en ESAN. CARLOS BARRAGÁN CHUMPITAZ Magister en Administración - ESAN. Magister en Dirección de TI - ESAN. Egresado del post grado en Ingeniería de Sistemas - UNI y del programa de Alta Especialización en Gestión de Hidrocarburos - CENTRUM. Ingeniero Industrial - UNI. Experto en Gerencia de Proyectos (PMP®) certificado por el PMI®, certificaciones de ITIL y COBIT. Con más de 20 años de experiencia en gestión de proyectos en empresas industriales, financieras y de servicios en organizaciones privadas y públicas, Jefe de la División de TI de PERUPETRO S.A. Es profesor en Gerencia de Proyectos en la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería - UNI, en ESAN y otras entidades de educación superior. JUANCARLOS RAFAEL LANDAURE OLAVARRÍA PMP® - Especialista en Project Management, PMI. MSc Urban Management & Development, IHS – Erasmus University Rotterdam. MBA, ESAN. Magíster en Matemáticas Aplicadas a la Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Arquitecto, Universidad Ricardo Palma. Experiencia en gestión y desarrollo de proyectos urbanos, inmobiliarios y de construcción. Ha prestado sus servicios en Perú para el Ministerio de Vivienda, CESEL Ingenieros, International Finance Corporation - Banco Mundial, CIES, Proyecto Camisea, Fondo Mivivienda, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, Ministerio de Salud, Ministerio de Educación, Banco de Materiales, Constructora REMAR. Ha sido Profesor de posgrado en las Universidades ESAN, UNI, UPC, USIL. Actualmente es consultor en gestión y desarrollo urbano e inmobiliario y docente en ESAN RAFAEL PINNA VALERA Master en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos de EOI, España. PADE de Recursos Humanos, ESAN. Abogado de la Universidad San Martín de Porres. Coach y especialista en gestión de personas. Socio Consultor de Orbi Consultores. Se ha desempeñado en cargos gerenciales vinculad os a la gestión del talento humano en entidades públicas y privadas. Es docente del área del Área de Administración del ESAN y conferencista en liderazgo, gestión de conflictos, coaching personal y empresarial. Los participantes que cumplan satisfactoriamente lo estipulado en el Reglamento del Estudios, el cual será entregado al inicio del programa, recibirán el Certificado de Notas y el Diploma de haber aprobado el programa. La certificación es otorgada por la Universidad ESAN bajo la denominación de Diploma en Formulación, Evaluación y Gestión de Proyectos de Desarrollo Económico y Social. La inversión por participante es de S/. 5,800.0, monto que podrá ser financiado mediante pagos mensuales durante la ejecución del programa. Las condiciones del financiamiento serán consideradas en forma particular para cada participante que lo solicite. Existen descuentos especiales por matrículas anticipadas, así como por pago al contado y matrículas corporativas, según la tabla siguiente: Descuento por matrícula hasta el 20 de enero Pago al contado 5.0% 10% De 3 a 5 personas 5.0% 10% De 6 a 10 personas 7.5% 12.5% Mas de 10 personas 10% 15% Ex alumno de Esan 5.0% 10% Una vez que el postulante haya sido admitido, se le enviará las indicaciones para efectuar el pago por derecho de inscripción y la primera cuota, o según sea el financiamiento otorgado. Todo pago será directamente a través del banco en la cuenta de la Universidad ESAN o en la Oficina de Cobranzas de ESAN. Cronograma - informes e inscripciones Matrículas: hasta el 5 de febrero de 2016 Inicio de clases: sábado 20 de febrero de 2016¹ El proceso de inscripciones es el siguiente: Obtención de la ficha de pre inscripción, la cual puede ser bajada desde la página web del IGG o ser solicitada vía correo electrónico. Envío de la ficha de inscripción debidamente llenada y firmada, vía correo electrónico. Debe adjuntarse copia simple del grado o título universitario. Los expedientes son evaluados y luego se comunica al postulante sobre la decisión sobre su incorporación al programa. Al haber sido admitido, se le enviará las indicaciones para que efectué su matrícula formal y el pago por derecho de inscripción y la primera cuota. Existen descuentos por pago al contado, así como precios corporativos y financiamiento (ver Inversión). ¹ La institución se reserva el derecho de posponer o cancelar el inicio del programa, en función al cumplimiento del mínimo de participantes requerido Mayores informes e inscripciones: Instituto de Gobernabilidad y Gobierno Corporativo Alonso de Molina 1652, Monterrico Chico, Santiago de Surco Telefono: 317-7200 Anexo: 4763 Cel.: 980287762; RPM: *387915 pornolar - sohbet sex - porno izle Instituto de Gobernabilidad y Gobierno Corporativo Universidad ESAN Alonso de Molina 1652, Monterrico Chico, Santiago de Surco, Lima 33 - Perú Pabellón "B", sexto piso Central telefónica: +51 (1) 317-7200 Anexos: 4449, 4861 y 4060 Página web: http://iggc.esan.edu.pe/
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[12668, 12688, 0.0], [12688, 13178, 0.0], [13178, 13566, 0.0], [13566, 13820, 0.0], [13820, 13960, 0.0], [13960, 14005, 0.0], [14005, 14030, 0.0], [14030, 14057, 0.0], [14057, 14087, 0.0], [14087, 14114, 0.0], [14114, 14141, 0.0], [14141, 14448, 0.0], [14448, 14486, 0.0], [14486, 14528, 0.0], [14528, 14576, 0.0], [14576, 14621, 0.0], [14621, 14757, 0.0], [14757, 14908, 0.0], [14908, 15026, 0.0], [15026, 15175, 0.0], [15175, 15279, 0.0], [15279, 15430, 0.0], [15430, 15464, 0.0], [15464, 15515, 0.0], [15515, 15574, 0.0], [15574, 15605, 0.0], [15605, 15635, 0.0], [15635, 15670, 0.0], [15670, 15738, 0.0], [15738, 15813, 0.0], [15813, 15838, 0.0], [15838, 15875, 0.0], [15875, 15901, 0.0], [15901, 15937, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 23, 2.0], [23, 51, 5.0], [51, 106, 9.0], [106, 167, 9.0], [167, 258, 13.0], [258, 310, 6.0], [310, 378, 10.0], [378, 428, 7.0], [428, 489, 12.0], [489, 540, 5.0], [540, 568, 4.0], [568, 596, 5.0], [596, 632, 5.0], [632, 654, 4.0], [654, 691, 6.0], [691, 732, 8.0], [732, 782, 8.0], [782, 865, 13.0], [865, 948, 13.0], [948, 973, 3.0], [973, 987, 3.0], [987, 1009, 3.0], [1009, 1031, 3.0], [1031, 1068, 5.0], [1068, 1122, 8.0], [1122, 1136, 2.0], [1136, 1152, 1.0], [1152, 1167, 1.0], [1167, 1665, 70.0], [1665, 2194, 80.0], [2194, 2603, 68.0], [2603, 3053, 67.0], [3053, 3453, 57.0], [3453, 3524, 9.0], [3524, 3698, 23.0], [3698, 4053, 51.0], [4053, 4187, 19.0], [4187, 4428, 34.0], [4428, 4680, 36.0], [4680, 4859, 27.0], [4859, 4946, 14.0], [4946, 4955, 2.0], [4955, 5028, 12.0], [5028, 5096, 10.0], [5096, 5149, 9.0], [5149, 5200, 8.0], [5200, 5253, 9.0], [5253, 5282, 5.0], [5282, 5328, 7.0], [5328, 5413, 13.0], [5413, 6025, 91.0], [6025, 6105, 11.0], [6105, 6875, 116.0], [6875, 6941, 10.0], [6941, 7232, 47.0], [7232, 7295, 9.0], [7295, 7573, 41.0], [7573, 7637, 10.0], [7637, 7864, 35.0], [7864, 7905, 6.0], [7905, 8427, 80.0], [8427, 8485, 8.0], [8485, 8746, 37.0], [8746, 8768, 3.0], [8768, 9418, 89.0], [9418, 9439, 3.0], [9439, 10374, 128.0], [10374, 10397, 3.0], [10397, 11134, 105.0], [11134, 11160, 3.0], [11160, 11819, 101.0], [11819, 11856, 4.0], [11856, 12668, 110.0], [12668, 12688, 3.0], [12688, 13178, 75.0], [13178, 13566, 58.0], [13566, 13820, 36.0], [13820, 13960, 19.0], [13960, 14005, 8.0], [14005, 14030, 5.0], [14030, 14057, 7.0], [14057, 14087, 7.0], [14087, 14114, 6.0], [14114, 14141, 6.0], [14141, 14448, 54.0], [14448, 14486, 4.0], [14486, 14528, 8.0], [14528, 14576, 9.0], [14576, 14621, 7.0], [14621, 14757, 24.0], [14757, 14908, 22.0], [14908, 15026, 18.0], [15026, 15175, 26.0], [15175, 15279, 14.0], [15279, 15430, 24.0], [15430, 15464, 4.0], [15464, 15515, 6.0], [15515, 15574, 9.0], [15574, 15605, 4.0], [15605, 15635, 4.0], [15635, 15670, 5.0], [15670, 15738, 8.0], [15738, 15813, 12.0], [15813, 15838, 4.0], [15838, 15875, 5.0], [15875, 15901, 5.0], [15901, 15937, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 51, 0.0], [51, 106, 0.0], [106, 167, 0.0], [167, 258, 0.0], [258, 310, 0.0], [310, 378, 0.0], [378, 428, 0.0], [428, 489, 0.08333333], [489, 540, 0.0], [540, 568, 0.0], [568, 596, 0.0], [596, 632, 0.0], [632, 654, 0.0], [654, 691, 0.0], [691, 732, 0.1], [732, 782, 0.0], [782, 865, 0.0], [865, 948, 0.0], [948, 973, 0.0], [973, 987, 0.0], [987, 1009, 0.0], [1009, 1031, 0.0], [1031, 1068, 0.0], [1068, 1122, 0.0], [1122, 1136, 0.0], [1136, 1152, 0.0], [1152, 1167, 0.0], [1167, 1665, 0.0], [1665, 2194, 0.0], [2194, 2603, 0.0], [2603, 3053, 0.0], [3053, 3453, 0.0], [3453, 3524, 0.0], [3524, 3698, 0.0], [3698, 4053, 0.0], [4053, 4187, 0.0], [4187, 4428, 0.0], [4428, 4680, 0.0], [4680, 4859, 0.0], [4859, 4946, 0.0], [4946, 4955, 0.0], [4955, 5028, 0.02777778], [5028, 5096, 0.04411765], [5096, 5149, 0.05769231], [5149, 5200, 0.05882353], [5200, 5253, 0.06], [5253, 5282, 0.07407407], [5282, 5328, 0.02173913], [5328, 5413, 0.01219512], [5413, 6025, 0.0], [6025, 6105, 0.02564103], [6105, 6875, 0.0], [6875, 6941, 0.03174603], [6941, 7232, 0.0], [7232, 7295, 0.03278689], [7295, 7573, 0.0], [7573, 7637, 0.03389831], [7637, 7864, 0.0], [7864, 7905, 0.02702703], [7905, 8427, 0.0], [8427, 8485, 0.01818182], [8485, 8746, 0.0], [8746, 8768, 0.0], [8768, 9418, 0.0], [9418, 9439, 0.0], [9439, 10374, 0.0], [10374, 10397, 0.0], [10397, 11134, 0.0], [11134, 11160, 0.0], [11160, 11819, 0.00310559], [11819, 11856, 0.0], [11856, 12668, 0.0], [12668, 12688, 0.0], [12688, 13178, 0.0], [13178, 13566, 0.0], [13566, 13820, 0.02], [13820, 13960, 0.0], [13960, 14005, 0.04444444], [14005, 14030, 0.19047619], [14030, 14057, 0.26086957], [14057, 14087, 0.32], [14087, 14114, 0.25], [14114, 14141, 0.17391304], [14141, 14448, 0.0], [14448, 14486, 0.0], [14486, 14528, 0.12195122], [14528, 14576, 0.14893617], [14576, 14621, 0.0], [14621, 14757, 0.0], [14757, 14908, 0.0], [14908, 15026, 0.0], [15026, 15175, 0.0], [15175, 15279, 0.0], [15279, 15430, 0.00657895], [15430, 15464, 0.0], [15464, 15515, 0.0], [15515, 15574, 0.07142857], [15574, 15605, 0.40740741], [15605, 15635, 0.625], [15635, 15670, 0.0], [15670, 15738, 0.0], [15738, 15813, 0.08571429], [15813, 15838, 0.0], [15838, 15875, 0.3125], [15875, 15901, 0.52173913], [15901, 15937, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 51, 0.0], [51, 106, 0.0], [106, 167, 0.0], [167, 258, 0.0], [258, 310, 0.0], [310, 378, 0.0], [378, 428, 0.0], [428, 489, 0.0], [489, 540, 0.0], [540, 568, 0.0], [568, 596, 0.0], [596, 632, 0.0], [632, 654, 0.0], [654, 691, 0.0], [691, 732, 0.0], [732, 782, 0.0], [782, 865, 0.0], [865, 948, 0.0], [948, 973, 0.0], [973, 987, 0.0], [987, 1009, 0.0], [1009, 1031, 0.0], [1031, 1068, 0.0], [1068, 1122, 0.0], [1122, 1136, 0.0], [1136, 1152, 0.0], [1152, 1167, 0.0], [1167, 1665, 0.0], [1665, 2194, 0.0], [2194, 2603, 0.0], [2603, 3053, 0.0], [3053, 3453, 0.0], [3453, 3524, 0.0], [3524, 3698, 0.0], [3698, 4053, 0.0], [4053, 4187, 0.0], [4187, 4428, 0.0], [4428, 4680, 0.0], [4680, 4859, 0.0], [4859, 4946, 0.0], [4946, 4955, 0.0], [4955, 5028, 0.0], [5028, 5096, 0.0], [5096, 5149, 0.0], [5149, 5200, 0.0], [5200, 5253, 0.0], [5253, 5282, 0.0], [5282, 5328, 0.0], [5328, 5413, 0.0], [5413, 6025, 0.0], [6025, 6105, 0.0], [6105, 6875, 0.0], [6875, 6941, 0.0], [6941, 7232, 0.0], [7232, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7573, 0.0], [7573, 7637, 0.0], [7637, 7864, 0.0], [7864, 7905, 0.0], [7905, 8427, 0.0], [8427, 8485, 0.0], [8485, 8746, 0.0], [8746, 8768, 0.0], [8768, 9418, 0.0], [9418, 9439, 0.0], [9439, 10374, 0.0], [10374, 10397, 0.0], [10397, 11134, 0.0], [11134, 11160, 0.0], [11160, 11819, 0.0], [11819, 11856, 0.0], [11856, 12668, 0.0], [12668, 12688, 0.0], [12688, 13178, 0.0], [13178, 13566, 0.0], [13566, 13820, 0.0], [13820, 13960, 0.0], [13960, 14005, 0.0], [14005, 14030, 0.0], [14030, 14057, 0.0], [14057, 14087, 0.0], [14087, 14114, 0.0], [14114, 14141, 0.0], [14141, 14448, 0.0], [14448, 14486, 0.0], [14486, 14528, 0.0], [14528, 14576, 0.0], [14576, 14621, 0.0], [14621, 14757, 0.0], [14757, 14908, 0.0], [14908, 15026, 0.0], [15026, 15175, 0.0], [15175, 15279, 0.0], [15279, 15430, 0.0], [15430, 15464, 0.0], [15464, 15515, 0.0], [15515, 15574, 0.0], [15574, 15605, 0.0], [15605, 15635, 0.0], [15635, 15670, 0.0], [15670, 15738, 0.0], [15738, 15813, 0.0], [15813, 15838, 0.0], [15838, 15875, 0.0], [15875, 15901, 0.0], [15901, 15937, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.08695652], [23, 51, 0.03571429], [51, 106, 0.10909091], [106, 167, 0.1147541], [167, 258, 0.08791209], [258, 310, 0.09615385], [310, 378, 0.08823529], [378, 428, 0.1], [428, 489, 0.06557377], [489, 540, 0.03921569], [540, 568, 0.10714286], [568, 596, 0.03571429], [596, 632, 0.02777778], [632, 654, 0.04545455], [654, 691, 0.02702703], [691, 732, 0.07317073], [732, 782, 0.1], [782, 865, 0.08433735], [865, 948, 0.10843373], [948, 973, 0.04], [973, 987, 0.28571429], [987, 1009, 0.09090909], [1009, 1031, 0.22727273], [1031, 1068, 0.08108108], [1068, 1122, 0.09259259], [1122, 1136, 0.07142857], [1136, 1152, 0.0625], [1152, 1167, 0.06666667], [1167, 1665, 0.00401606], [1665, 2194, 0.00756144], [2194, 2603, 0.00244499], [2603, 3053, 0.02888889], [3053, 3453, 0.005], [3453, 3524, 0.01408451], [3524, 3698, 0.01149425], [3698, 4053, 0.0028169], [4053, 4187, 0.00746269], [4187, 4428, 0.01659751], [4428, 4680, 0.06746032], [4680, 4859, 0.0], [4859, 4946, 0.01149425], [4946, 4955, 0.22222222], [4955, 5028, 0.09589041], [5028, 5096, 0.07352941], [5096, 5149, 0.09433962], [5149, 5200, 0.07843137], [5200, 5253, 0.09433962], [5253, 5282, 0.10344828], [5282, 5328, 0.08695652], [5328, 5413, 0.78823529], [5413, 6025, 0.00490196], [6025, 6105, 0.8], [6105, 6875, 0.02727273], [6875, 6941, 0.77272727], [6941, 7232, 0.00343643], [7232, 7295, 0.77777778], [7295, 7573, 0.02158273], [7573, 7637, 0.75], [7637, 7864, 0.02643172], [7864, 7905, 0.75609756], [7905, 8427, 0.01532567], [8427, 8485, 0.77586207], [8485, 8746, 0.00383142], [8746, 8768, 0.86363636], [8768, 9418, 0.11846154], [9418, 9439, 0.85714286], [9439, 10374, 0.06203209], [10374, 10397, 0.86956522], [10397, 11134, 0.03663501], [11134, 11160, 0.88461538], [11160, 11819, 0.12594841], [11819, 11856, 0.89189189], [11856, 12668, 0.12315271], [12668, 12688, 0.85], [12688, 13178, 0.0755102], [13178, 13566, 0.05154639], [13566, 13820, 0.01181102], [13820, 13960, 0.00714286], [13960, 14005, 0.02222222], [14005, 14030, 0.04], [14030, 14057, 0.03703704], [14057, 14087, 0.03333333], [14087, 14114, 0.03703704], [14114, 14141, 0.07407407], [14141, 14448, 0.04234528], [14448, 14486, 0.02631579], [14486, 14528, 0.02380952], [14528, 14576, 0.02083333], [14576, 14621, 0.02222222], [14621, 14757, 0.02941176], [14757, 14908, 0.01324503], [14908, 15026, 0.00847458], [15026, 15175, 0.00671141], [15175, 15279, 0.01923077], [15279, 15430, 0.00662252], [15430, 15464, 0.02941176], [15464, 15515, 0.07843137], [15515, 15574, 0.10169492], [15574, 15605, 0.06451613], [15605, 15635, 0.13333333], [15635, 15670, 0.0], [15670, 15738, 0.13235294], [15738, 15813, 0.10666667], [15813, 15838, 0.08], [15838, 15875, 0.02702703], 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Collections, Europe, Hotels, Norway 0 Best Hotels In Oslo Enclosed by mountains and sea, Oslo is a compact city with a blossoming contemporary cultural scene and an ever-evolving identity. Both old and incredibly new, Oslo offers history and heritage alongside modern art and contemporary architecture. Fans of Scandinavian noir crime thrillers can explore the well-documented neighbourhoods whilst others might explore one of the many vast green spaces the city boasts (it was named European Green Capital for 2019). The city has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world predominantly thanks to the renowned and brilliantly executed public transport system. Throw in some cracking culinary establishments (including the most northern three-Michelin starred restaurant) and an edgy nightlife and Oslo should be added to your bucket list right now. Here are our fav 5-star hotels in the city to get you started. The Thief Hotel Oslo has everything for the discerning traveller including the Thief Hotel (or Tjuvholmen) which is tucked away in the middle of downtown Oslo and really did used to live up it it’s name as it was a renowned hideaway for thieves, smugglers and assorted rascals! Today, the stylish boutique hotel is far removed from it’s murky past and is a top place to get away from it all and luxuriate in the spa and enjoy Norwegian food, great bars and top of the range designer furniture. Tjuvholmen beach is not far away, and the hotel is set on an islet which is connected by a footbridge. Check Availability & Prices Saga Hotel The Saga Hotel in Oslo prides itself on the homey and warm atmosphere that provides a relaxing haven after a hectic day in the city. The four-star hotel is based in Frogner, very near to the Royal Palace, and after a complete refurbishment in 2011 it now combines a modern and soothing interior with the retention of beautiful architecture dating back to the 1890’s. Bar Eilert serves a range of coffee and alcoholic beverages, and the hotel restaurant Fangs’ provides an intimate environment with a unique hybrid of raw Nordic and Japanese cooking resulting in a range of innovative dishes. Hotel Christiania Teater Built in 1918 by the architect Henry Coll, this hotel preserves a rich slice of Oslo history with the original arched doorways and is known for the theatre in the hotel, and has had a more recent upgrade by Annemone Wille Waage to give it a modern and sophisticated feel. The building is near to the Royal Palace and the parliament as well as Karl Johans Gate. The rooms are furnished in a warm ambience with feature Italian wallpaper, and all rooms have good lighting with large windows and spotlights for that evening glow. Scandic Vulkan Hotel The Scandic Vulkan is located close to Grunerlokka and has a cultured, designer appeal for those who like a luxurious, urban environment including ample helpings of nightlife and shopping. The hotel is situated next door to Mathallen which is a top venue for gastronomes who want to try both Norwegian and international cuisine in a buzzing environment, and even closer to home the hotel has an Italian restaurant on the ground floor. The river Akerselva is nearby, and Oslo city centre is only a 15 minute walk away so that you can experience everything that the city has to offer. Camilla Hus Hotel Located in an exclusive part of Oslo next to the Royal Palace Gardens, the Camilla Hus Hotel has 7 beautiful and unique rooms with a range of classical and modern furniture and fittings that provide a relaxing and luxurious effect. The hotel has a fascinating history and was built as a private residence in 1845 as part of a plan by the Royal Palace architect, Linstow. The hotel became the residence of author Camilla Collet who in addition to her writing career was a leading figure in her day as an activist for womens’ rights. Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz Right in the heart of downtown Oslo, the Rosenkrantz is only a few minutes walk from Karl Johan High street, and the hotel provides a modern and quirky blend of comfort and quality with pops of colour and interesting materials used as part of the furniture and decor. The hotel is situated right next to the Royal Palace, and the lounge on the eighth floor gives great views whilst guests enjoy meals, coffee and snacks. The hotel is centrally situated for Karl Johans Gate, all the city attractions, and has good public transport networks. Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara at Montecito, The American Riviera
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Camp Lejeune Marine Agrees On Return To Alabama To Face Murder Charge More Video... Posted: Sun 4:40 PM, Apr 07, 2013 | Updated: Mon 7:52 PM, Apr 08, 2013 A Camp Lejeune Marine today agreed on returning to Alabama to faces charges that he killed his wife. Lance Corporal Marquis Cheatham appeared before an Onslow County district judge this afternoon where he waived extradition. Montgomery, Alabama police say Cheatham, along with his girlfriend, Dominique Atkinson, are both charged in the March 31st death of Ashley Cheatham. Atkinson did not waive extradition, and it will now be up to the governor to force her return to Alabama. Ashley Cheatham was shot and found on the front steps of a home in Montgomery last weekend. It took police two days to identify her body. Alabama authorities will now come to Onslow County and return the Marine to Alabama to face charges. The Marine Corps says Cheatham was a personnel clerk at the Marine Corps Engineering School since February 2011. Marines say he joined the Corps in December 2009. Previous StoryAccording to NBC affiliate WSFA, the Montgomery Police Department confirmed late Friday afternoon that a second person is in custody and charged in connection to the city's 18th homicide of 2013. MPD detectives charged Dominique Atkinson, 21, of North Carolina with one count of capital murder in the March 31 death of Montgomery resident Ashley Cheatham, 21. Atkinson is being held by authorities in our state while awaiting extradition back to Alabama. Authorities describe her as the girlfriend of Marquis Cheatham, 23, the victim's husband. Earlier Friday Montgomery police confirmed that Cheatham, an active duty Marine, was taken into custody Wednesday by the U.S. Marine Corp at Camp Lejeune. He is accused of fatally shooting his wife while on a three-day pass. Mrs. Cheatham's body was found on April 1 on the steps of a home on Lower Wetumpka Road. It took two days to identify her body. When Atkinson and Cheatham are extradited back to Alabama, they'll be held without bond at the Montgomery County Detention Facility. According to NBC affiliate WSFA out of Montgomery, Alabama Police say an active duty Marine home on a three-day pass to see his family has been arrested and charged with the shooting death of his wife. Authorities say Montgomery Police detectives charged 23-year-old Marquis Cheatham with one count of capital murder in connection with the shooting death of his wife, 20-year old Ashley Cheatham. Marquis Cheatham was taken into custody on Wednesday by the U.S. Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune, N.C. where he was serving as an active duty Marine. "The Naval Criminal Investigative Service has provided great assistance throughout this investigation," said Montgomery Chief of Police Kevin Murphy. "I extend our appreciation for their efforts and support in this matter." Cheatham is currently in the custody of the U.S. Marine Corps awaiting extradition to Montgomery where he will be held without bond at the Montgomery County Detention Facility. Police and fire medics were called to a home in the 3700 block of Lower Wetumpka Road around 7 a.m. Monday April 1 on the call of subject down. When they arrived they located a female victim on the steps of the home. She had sustained a fatal gunshot wound and was pronounced dead at the scene. It took two additional days to identify the victim as 20-year-old Ashley Cheatham. Police believe Cheatham's death stemmed from on ongoing argument between the couple. Marquis Cheatham was home on a three-day pass when the shooting occurred. Ashley Cheatham's death is considered Montgomery's 18th homicide of 2013. A photo of the defendant is unavailable at this time due to his pending extradition.
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localité de la commune de Peel en Maas Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité néerlandaise. Limbourg néerlandais Indicatif téléphonique international +(31) Localisation de Meijel dans la commune de Peel en Maas Géolocalisation sur la carte : Limbourg Géolocalisation sur la carte : Pays-Bas www.meijel.nl Meijel est un village des Pays-Bas de la province du Limbourg, faisant partie de la commune de Peel en Maas. Histoire de la communeModifier Meijel a été une commune indépendante jusqu'au 1er janvier 2010 . À cette date, elle a fusionné avec Kessel, Helden et Maasbree pour former la nouvelle commune de Peel en Maas. La commune avait une superficie de 20,04 km2. Au 1er août 2006 , elle comptait 6 032 habitants. Portail des Pays-Bas Ce document provient de « https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Meijel&oldid=167402233 ».
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Inicio ¡Desayunando con Carlos Cuevas! 😍🎶 142749 Pasos para reducir la flacidez del cuello Es normal que con el paso del tiempo, la piel pierda firmeza, sobre todo en el rostro y cuello. Según una especialista, uno de los... Síntomas de la depresión femenina 😥 Amor | Sólo Música Romántica - 31 agosto, 2017 Es cierto que en muchas ocasiones nos sentimos tristes o melancólicos, pero son emociones pasajeras que desaparecen en días o por etapas. Descubrir que tienes... Según un estudio, tu mes de nacimiento determina cómo es tu vida Parece astrología, pero no lo es. Hay estudios científicos que demuestran que la fecha de nacimiento puede determinar cómo nos mostramos ante la vida. Que...
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You are here: Home Content, editing and renderingAssistance à la rédactionArchives - Outils rédaction pour avant SPIP 1.9 Recycler des documents Recycler des documents Published : 19 July 2005 – updated on 21 December 2021 – by mortimer – 10 All contributions published for previous SPIP versions Une fois un document associé à un article, il est copié sur le site, mais on ne peut le réutiliser qu’a travers une balise <docXXX|...>. Voici un petit outil qui permet d’associer des documents déjà sur le site à d’autre article, sans les introduire dans le texte. Avec les versions actuelles de SPIP, il est possible d’afficher des documents avec les articles de deux façons: - en les attachant à l’article (les documents sont alors juste affiché en bas de l’article [1]), - en utilisant les balises <docXXX|...> pour insérer un document directement dans le texte. Cette dernière méthode permet d’utiliser n’importe quel document, même si il n’est pas à l’origine attaché à l’article. Plusieurs contribs permettent déjà de parcourir tous les documents du site, pour trouver le bon ID. Malheureusement, il y a des cas où l’on ne veut pas insérer le document dans le texte. Dans ce cas, il n’y a pour l’instant aucun moyen de réutiliser un document déjà sur le site. Il faut alors le re-télécharger et avoir un fichier en double sur le serveur. Si l’on fait cela avec beaucoup de documents, le quota du fournisseur va vite exploser. Par exemple, sur mon site, je gère une galerie d’image avec le squelette qui suppose que les images à afficher soit associées à l’article, mais pas dans le texte — il n’y a pas de texte à une galerie. Si je veux donc avoir une image dans plusieurs galerie, je dois la télécharger plusieurs fois. Un deuxième cas est la gestion des traductions. Quand on fait une traduction sur SPIP, on aimerait dans certain cas utiliser les mêmes documents dans chaque langue de l’article. Si ces documents n’ont pas pour but d’être insérés dans le texte, alors on est encore confronté au problème discuté ici. SPIP gère l’association des documents à un article à travers une table mysql très simple: id_document id_article On peut donc facilement associer des documents à des articles en ajoutant une nouvelle ligne: INSERT INTO spip_documents_articles (id_document, id_article) VALUES ($id_document, $id_article) Cette nouvelle page s’intègre à l’interface privée de SPIP, vous pouvez y accéder à partir de l’adresse: votre_site.net/ecrire/associer_document.php une fois le fichier installé. L’association se passe en deux temps: choix des articles vous devez d’abord choisir l’article où vous voulez prendre les documents et l’article où vous voulez les mettre. choix des documents Ensuite, vous choisissez les documents que vous souhaitez associer et validez. Et VOILA. Il faut tout de même faire attention à deux choses: Les documents sont associés à d’autres articles et peuvent donc être effacé par d’autres personnes. SPIP est fait de tel façon que si l’on efface un document dans un article, il sera effacé dans tous les articles. Ces autres articles peuvent être mis à la poubelle. Ils ne seront pas physiquement effacés et les documents qui y sont attachés ne seront pas touchés. Vous pouvez donc mettre un article à la poubelle sans que les documents qu’il partage soient enlevés des autres articles. [1] en fonction du squelette. Les fichiers fournis en .php3 et .php marchent pour des versions antérieures à la 1.8. Ils ont été testés sur la 1.6, la 1.7 et la 1.7.2. Mais attention, pour ces versions, la contrib ne marche que si il n’y a pas de modification du prefix des tables spip. La version 1.8 fournie permet d’utiliser la contrib même si on a un autre prefix de tables. fichier extension {{.php}} pour les versions antérieure à la 1.8 (GZ – 3.6 kb) décompresser et installer dans ecrire (installation de spip avec extensions modifiées) fichier extension {{.php3}} pour les versions antérieure à la 1.8 (GZ – 3.6 kb) (installation standard de spip) fichier pour la version 1.8 (GZ – 3.9 kb)
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A Thirst for West Bank Water June 26, 2006 Issue Israel's "convergence" plan will maintain control over most of Palestine's water supply--dimming hopes for peace and a viable Palestinian state. By Fareed Taamallah June 9, 2006 During Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s recent visit to Washington, President Bush declared Olmert’s “convergence” plan “bold.” For Palestinians, however, it is disastrous, because it will annex much of the West Bank’s water and fertile land to Israel. Ad Policy Under Olmert’s plan, Israel aims to keep the two main Palestinian West Bank aquifers: the lower Jordan River basin in the east, and the eastern mountain aquifer, trapped behind Israel’s wall in the west. This will force Palestinians to depend on Israel for water, preserving the status quo, a dramatically unjust division of water resources. One example of this vastly unequal division of water resources is my West Bank village of Qira. Every summer the Israeli company that supplies water to our village and that provides about 53 percent of the total Palestinian domestic water supply deliberately cuts off our water, thus generating a crisis. Last year Qira, a village of 1,000 residents, had no water for more than three continuous weeks, despite the summer heat. Water reductions and total cuts force villagers to find alternative water sources. We collect rainwater in cisterns during the winter, but by the start of the summer, the cisterns, unfortunately, run dry. Palestinian communities are thus obliged to purchase additional water from expensive and unsanitary tankers. A high proportion of children in Qira suffer from kidney problems thought to be related to drinking stagnant water. My 4-year-old daughter was forced to have a kidney transplant. Across the main road from Qira, deep inside the West Bank, is the Israeli settlement of Ariel, where water is supplied to irrigate gardens, wash cars and fill swimming pools. The water in Ariel and other Israeli settlements is never cut off. Ironically, we feel lucky because we look out onto beautiful settlement houses with green yards, while Israeli settlers view the gloomy scene of our poor, parched community. The Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG), a nongovernmental organization, reports that there are .75 billion cubic meters of total groundwater potential in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are allocated only .25 billion cubic meters of that groundwater. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 100 liters of water per person per day as the minimum quantity for basic consumption, but many Palestinian West Bank villages have considerably less. According to the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, per capita water consumption for Palestinians in the West Bank is just seventy liters per person per day. In the nearby village of Kafr Ad-Dik, for instance, the allotment is but twenty-one liters per person per day. In contrast, Israel’s per capita use reaches 350 liters per day. The Oslo II agreement, signed in September 1995, stipulated “the equitable utilization of joint water resources for implementation in and beyond the interim period.” But in reality, this never happened. Instead, according to B’Tselem, a Joint Water Committee (JWC) was established to approve every “new water and sewage project in the West Bank. The JWC is made up of an equal number of representatives of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. All its decisions are made by consensus, and no mechanism is established to settle disputes where a consensus cannot be attained. This method of decision-making means that Israel is able to veto any request by the Palestinian representatives to drill a new well to obtain the additions stipulated in the agreement.” Additionally, if a well approved by the JWC is situated in Palestinian Area C, which is under Israel’s complete control according to Oslo, the Israeli Civil Administration must also approve the project and issue a permit to drill a well. This entails a lengthy, complicated bureaucratic process, and the vast majority of applications submitted are denied. The Israeli assumption is that Palestinians have only minimal water needs–less than the WHO’s minimum quantities, and a fraction of Israeli needs. However, Palestinians, like Israelis, need sufficient water to drink and bathe, to develop industry and agriculture, and to build a modern country. Until that happens, my fellow villagers will remain with their eyes fixed on the water-tower gauge. Israel’s planned annexation of West Bank aquifers will perpetuate high Israeli water-consumption levels while denying basic Palestinian needs, and will dim any hope for a viable Palestinian state and for peace. Facebook Fareed Taamallah Fareed Taamallah, a peace activist, works as the coordinator for the Palestinian Central Election Commission for the district of Salfit in the West Bank. Donald Trump Knows the Age of Reagan Is Over. Does Hillary? By Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener May 18, 2016 The Future of Fossil-Fuel Divestment By Chloe Maxmin May 18, 2016 Are Universities Actively Thwarting Efforts to Combat Climate Change? By Benjamin Franta Today 8:00 am These Grannies Are Helping to Plug the School-to-Military Pipeline at Its Source By Joyce Chu May 05, 2016 Is the American Party System About to Crack Up? By Danielle Allen, Rick Perlstein and Daniel Schlozman Jun 14, 2006 When Soldiers Shoot a War By Kevin McCarthy Jun 14, 2006 DeLay’s Mission Continues By Robert Scheer “AN INDISPENSABLE VOICE IN OUR POLITICAL DIALOGUE.”
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Inicio » Número de la revista » 99 Peinarse, o no peinarse Los rizos son ventajosos para la gente como yo que, por falta de tiempo o de paciencia, cree que “cepillo” y “peine” son malas palabras Esteban Salas: Maestro de la música Por sus logros indiscutibles es considerado el iniciador de la música culta en los predios de la isla mayor de las Antillas. Más de 400 jóvenes santiagueros se gradúan como maestros Cuatrocientos nueve jóvenes de las Escuelas Pedagógicas de Santiago de Cuba concluyeron sus estudios este mes de julio en Educación Primaria, Preescolar e Idioma Inglés. Promueve la FEEM cultura de rechazo a las adicciones Estudiantes guantanameros de la Federación de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media (FEEM) invitan a la reflexión con su proyecto “No seas uno más”.
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2016 submission on S18C and Freedom of Speech in Australia December 9, 2016 | in Publications Submissions | The Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI) is Australia’s only Harm Prevention Charity dedicated to the issue of online hate. A large part of our work relates to identifying and combating cyber-racism against various parts of the community. In our work, we seek to strike a balance between protecting freedom of expression and protecting the right to human dignity. We have presented on this topic at international conferences, in published articles, through our website, and in the media. We have been cited as a leader in this field in two recent reports by UNESCO. We welcome the opportunity to make this submission. Our submission focuses on the first aspect of the consultation, namely, “Whether the operation of Part IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) imposes unreasonable restrictions upon freedom of speech, and in particular whether, and if so how, ss. 18C and 18D should be reformed”. We do so primarily with regard to the balance between the protection of freedom of expression online and the protection of human dignity through the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination online. Recent research by ourselves and others has highlighted a critical problem of rising online hate and Australia is not immune to this. In December 2015 I told the BBC that “2015 saw a greater normalisation of hate speech in society than in previous years… Where previously a person might make a vague negative allusion to race, religion, gender or sexuality, by the end of 2015 the comments on social media were blatant and overt… Where previously people hid behind pages and fake accounts, by the end of 2015 many people felt their hate was acceptable and were comfortable posting it under their real name or their regular social media account”. Evidence of rise in 2015 was supported not only by our own data, but also by data from DEMOS, a UK based think tank, which noted a 4800 per cent increase in hate speech in social media in 2015 compared to three years earlier – growth rate far higher than the growth of social media itself in the same period. A recent report by the International Network Against Cyber Hate, a European Commission funded organisation, repeats and supports these findings. While 2016 is not yet over, it is already clear that the title wave of hate, including online hate, has continued to grow. USA Today reports a “massive rise” in hate speech on Twitter during the US Presidential election, SBS reports that “more than 13,000 racist or xenophobic tweets were sent in the week following the [Brexit] referendum” and that DEMOS reported “60,000 tweets considered Islamophobic in the week after the Brussels terror attacks”. This surge in online hate poses a threat to freedom of expression. It has a chilling effect on participation in society and the expression of ideas by members of our indigenous, ethnic and culturally diverse communities as well as those who speak out against discrimination. This takes place not only online, but also when hate speech occurs in public spaces, in the course of employment, in trade and commerce, in education and in other facets of public life. The surge in hate speech is harming our society – we need to address this growing problem, not give it room for further growth. The Australian Courts have already investigated the law and found that it strikes the right balance between eliminating racial discrimination and protecting freedom of speech. The words “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” in S18C of the Racial Discrimination Act are given a technical legal meaning: it is not about the hurt feelings of individuals, but rather about preventing the sort of distress which damages the public good of an inclusive society. Change to the wording would force the courts to reinterpret the law, rending previous case law unsafe. Gaps in the civil law provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act will in the case of online hate be filled by S 474.17 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code. Efforts to reduce the scope of Part IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act will therefore harden Australia’s legal position on online hate. We believe this would be counter-productive. At a time of an unprecedented rise of hate globally, which is spreading internationally through the internet and inciting extremism and violence, creating uncertainty which may take decades to settle would be incredibly damaging to both our national security and our fundamental freedoms. Such a move would undermine, rather than advance, our core values as Australians. The detailed submission elaborates on the following points: 1.1 The operation of Part IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act is by current international standards overly favourable towards freedom of speech as it fails to criminalize hate speech 1.2 Existing criminal provision are broad enough to cover racial vilification and religious vilification online, but not offline such as on public transport. Reducing the scope of Part IIA would see a hardening of the legal position for online hate. 1.3 Alternative pathways to resolve less serous racial discrimination and religious discrimination complaints without court proceedings and the risk of imprisonment are needed. 1.4 A balance between efforts to eliminate racial discrimination and efforts to protect of freedom of speech already took place when the Racial Discrimination Act and S18C & S18D were created 1.5 The law is already balanced so far in favour of freedom of speech that any further tilting in this direction may undermine Australia’s efforts to meet international treaty obligations 1.6 Reasonableness of restrictions on Freedom of Speech and wording of S18C 1.7 Usefulness in protecting Australian values online 1.8 Hate Speech has a chilling effect on freedom of speech 1.9 Protecting freedom of expression of religious groups and ensuring antisemitism remains covered Access the full submission OHPI Submission on S18C and Freedom of Speech in Australia by Andre Oboler on Scribd
{"url": "https://ohpi.org.au/2016-submission-on-s18c-and-freedom-of-speech-in-australia/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "ohpi.org.au", "date_download": "2019-06-15T21:28:23Z", "digest": "sha1:SBV6ISK4ZP5VPF5VLL4ZEIPH22VLD2CS"}
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Greg Mulholland, as it happens my local MP in Leeds North West, is the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for older people and he has just sent me his official statement on the high court ruling on the DRA. " “I am very disappointed that the High Court did not seize this opportunity to abolish the mandatory retirement age. “It seems extraordinary that just because somebody reaches the age of 65 their employer is able to say that they are no longer fit for purpose. “The Judge recognised that there is now a compelling case for changes to retirement law and I am hopeful that there will be a more progressive review in the future." And the g'ments response is ............. age concern, default retirement age, greg mulholland,
{"url": "http://theplusesofbeing50plus.blogspot.com/2009/09/lib-dems-attack-high-court-ruling.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "theplusesofbeing50plus.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2017-07-20T12:34:08Z", "digest": "sha1:2Y2GDT6XNEX4AQVA7T7VZTODRF2OD5DR"}
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Un Coyote se Rend à Hollywood A Country Coyote Goes Hollywood Winston Hibler Un coyote du nom de Chico parvient jusque dans la ville de Los Angeles où il rencontre alors bien des ennuis avec les habitants. Il est finalement capturé et renvoyé dans la nature. Têtu, il entreprend une nouvelle escapade chez les hommes, à New-York cette fois-ci... Passionné de flore et de faune, Walt Disney peut être considéré comme le pionnier du documentaire animalier. Dès 1948, il met, en effet, en chantier la collection des True-Life Adventures dont les courts et longs-métrages seront multi-oscarisés. Cette série, inaugurée avec le mini-documentaire, L'Île aux Phoques, constitue d'ailleurs la première véritable incursion de la Compagnie de Mickey dans la production de films "live" . Elle comporte un total de sept courts-métrages avant de s'ouvrir, en 1953, avec Le Désert Vivant, au format des longs-métrages qui constitue, à partir de cette date, la norme de production des True-Life Adventures. La série des True-Life Adventures n'aurait, à l'évidence, jamais atteint un tel niveau de qualité sans son narrateur, Winston Hibler. S'il reste avant tout connu pour cette performance, il convient néanmoins de ne pas le réduire à ce seul travail tant il a, à son actif, de nombreuses autres belles réalisations pour Disney, durant sa longue carrière aux studios de 1942 à 1976. Il commence ainsi à travailler sur les courts-métrages de propagande pour se consacrer ensuite à sa première œuvre de divertissement. Il écrit, en effet, l'histoire de Johnny Appleseed, partie intégrante de Mélodie Cocktail sorti en 1948. Impressionné par le résultat obtenu, Walt Disney lui confit alors les scénarios des films, Le Crapaud et le Maître d'École, Cendrillon et Alice aux Pays des Merveilles. Il écrit également des chansons pour Peter Pan et La Belle aux Bois Dormant. Parallèlement, en 1946, le papa de Mickey lui propose d'être le narrateur de sa nouvelle série de documentaires, les True-Life Adventures. Il juge, en effet, sa voix, douce et pédagogue, parfaite pour le genre. Dès lors, il prend en charge le récit de tous les épisodes de la série. Il se voit également assigné la même tache pour la collection de documentaires de mœurs People and Places dont il réalise, en outre, l'épisode Men Against the Artic, couronné de l'Oscar du Meilleur Court-Métrage. Parmi ses autres travaux pour les studios Disney, il signe de nombreux épisodes de Disneyland dont Operation Undersea récompensé d'un Emmy Award. Il produit aussi des longs-métrages d'acteurs tels Calloway, le Trappeur ou L'Île sur le Toit du Monde. Il est également chargé de la production des quelques moyens-métrages de fiction mettant en scènes des animaux comme Amis... Ennemis ou Un Coyote se Rend à Hollywood. Un Coyote se Rend à Hollywood est remarquable à plus d'un titre. Il reprend tout d'abord tous les codes des docu-fictions dont les studios Disney raffolent depuis qu'ils ont choisi de délaisser le documentaire pur et dur à l’exemple du long-métrage Les Aventures de Perri. Désormais, le récit est scénarisé : le spectateur assiste, en effet, à un épisode romancé de la vie d'un coyote qui quitte les déserts de Californie pour se retrouver accidentellement dans la grande banlieue de Los Angeles. Les artistes s’attachent ainsi à rendre l’intrus terriblement attachant lui offrant des pérégrinations tout à fait passionnantes. Il s’essaye ensuite à un nouveau genre : la comédie de situation avec des animaux. Recul aidant, Un Coyote se Rend à Hollywood contient, il est vrai, déjà les prémices de films comme L'Espion aux Pattes de Velours (1965) ou Quatre Bassets pour un Danois (1966). Il y a d’ailleurs fort à parier que la séquence avec le danois dans le docu-fiction a sans doute été l'élément déclencheur du long-métrage de 1966. Ce moment est, en effet, hilarant avec le chien qui retourne tout le jardin pour tenter d'attraper le coyote. Bien que plus poussive, une autre scène lui fait gentiment écho quand il s’agit pour l’animal de perturber une partie de golf. Enfin, il regorge de clins d'œil vraiment sympathiques. Son générique d'ouverture est ainsi un hommage aux dalles cimentées et signées du Grauman's Chinese Theater sur Hollywood Boulevard ; nombre de ses séquences sont filmées au Griffith Park sur les collines d'Hollywood situées à quelques encablures des studios Disney à Burbank et, pour finir, ses scènes de l'incendie sont extraites de reportages réalisés lors d'un feu dans le quartier de Bel Air où 450 maisons sont réellement parties en fumée. Un Coyote se Rend à Hollywood est assurément un mélange réussi de comédie animalière et de docu-fiction. A découvrir sans hésiter. George Bruns Edition DVD Video Zone 1 Simple 2013 Zone 1 Simple 2013 Veuillez élargir la fenêtre du navigateur afin de pouvoir afficher le contenu. Zone 1 Simple 2013 Aspect Ratio(s) : Full Screen (Standard) - 1.33:1 Information Discographie : Anglais (Dolby Digital 1.0) • Sous-titres Anglais • Exclusivité pour les abonnés du Disney Movie Club
{"url": "https://www.chroniquedisney.fr/court/1965-coyote.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.chroniquedisney.fr", "date_download": "2019-03-18T14:18:25Z", "digest": "sha1:4PWGDIS5RAZNPKWIR56WKFDGVOS27LYA"}
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Florian Osuch – Artikel und Beiträge « Francos langer Schatten Sieg der »Volksfront« » Als die Volksfront siegte 16. Januar 2016 in Antifa-International, junge Welt und Geschichte 1936, 2016, Dolores Ibárruri, Franco, Frente Popular, José Díaz, PCE, PSOE, Spanien Vor 80 Jahren gründete sich in Spanien die Frente Popular. Die Wahlen im Monat darauf gewann sie. Vorausgegangen waren Streiks und Aufstände. Florian Osuch, junge Welt, 16.01.2016 Am 15. Januar 1936 schlossen sich in Spanien Sozialisten und Kommunisten mit bürgerlichen, republikanischen Parteien, unterstützt von der katalanischen Linken, zusammen. Der Frente Popular, so der spanische Begriff für Volksfront, hatte die Rettung der Zweiten Spanischen Republik gegen die aufstrebenden Faschisten zum Ziel. Und tatsächlich: Bei den Wahlen, die im Februar stattfanden, gewann das Bündnis eine Mehrheit im Parlament. In der Folge entfesselten die Faschisten den Bürgerkrieg – mit dem bekannten Ausgang. Was aber ging der Bildung und dem Aufstieg des Frente Popular voraus? Wie in ganz Europa entstanden auch in Spanien um die Jahrhundertwende Organisationen der Arbeiterklasse. Die sozialistische Partei PSOE war 1879 gegründet worden, damals noch unter dem Namen Partido Socialista del Trabajo, also Sozialistische Arbeitspartei. 1888 wurde der Gewerkschaftsverband UGT, 1910 die anarchistische Arbeiterkonferenz CNT ins Leben gerufen. Einige wollten an die Erste Spanische Republik (1873–1874) anknüpfen. Es kam zu Streiks und Aufständen. Nachdem viele Marxisten den PSOE verlassen hatten, konstituierte sich 1921 die Kommunistische Partei Spaniens (PCE). Doch König Alfons XIII. saß fest auf seinem Thron, er stützte sich vor allem auf das Militär, die Großgrundbesitzer und die katholische Kirche. Im September 1923 putschte sich General Miguel Primo de Rivera (1870–1930) an die Macht und errichtete für mehr als sechs Jahre eine Militärdiktatur. Nach deren Kollaps wurden Gemeindewahlen abgehalten. Anfang 1931 gewannen republikanische Kräfte 41 von 50 Provinzhauptstädten. Niceto Alcalá Zamora (1877–1949) rief am 14. April die Zweite Spanische Republik aus, und in Barcelona proklamierte Francesc Macià (1859–1933) die Katalanische Republik. Die Diktatur war gestürzt, der König verließ das Land. Bei konstituierenden Wahlen wurde der PSOE stärkste Kraft, gefolgt von Liberalen und Linksrepublikanern. Sie bildeten eine Koalition, an deren Spitze der Schriftsteller Manuel Azaña (1880–1940) stand. Spanien erhielt eine demokratische Verfassung, die u. a. das Frauenwahlrecht und Religionsfreiheit vorsah. Katalonien, Galicien und dem Baskenland wurden Autonomierechte in Aussicht gestellt. Eine notwendige Agrarreform wurde hingegen verschleppt. Die Macht der Kirchen und des Militärs blieb weitgehend unangetastet. Verbesserungen für die Arbeiter gab es keine, und so traten sie erneut in den Ausstand. Die Regierung ging hart gegen die Proteste vor. Derweil hatten die alten Eliten den Sturz des Königs verarbeitet. José Antonio Primo de Rivera (1903–1936), Sohn des verstorbenen Diktators, gründete im Oktober 1933 die faschistische Partei Falange. In der Rechtskoalition CEDA vereinigten sich Monarchisten, Nationalisten und Katholiken. Im selben Monat kam es zum Ausscheiden der Sozialisten aus der Regierung. Neuwahlen wurden ausgerufen. Viele linke und republikanischer Wähler wandten sich enttäuscht von ihren Parteien ab. Sie überließen einer erstarkten Rechten weitgehend das Feld. Entsprechend war das Ergebnis: 5,8 Millionen Stimmen für die klerikal-faschistische CEDA und andere Rechte standen 3,2 Millionen Stimmen für linke und republikanische Parteien gegenüber – wobei hier allerdings gilt: Es existieren durchaus widersprüchliche Zahlen zu den Wahlen. Die grobe Richtung, der Sieg der CEDA, ist jedoch unbestritten. Für den PCE zog mit Cayetano Bolívar (1897–1939) erstmals ein Kommunist in das spanische Parlament ein. Nun bildeten die Rechten unter Führung der CEDA eine Regierung. Enttäuscht setzten sich viele Sozialisten fortan für eine gewaltsame Machtübernahme ein. 1934 brachen Kämpfe aus. In Katalonien rief am 6. Oktober Lluís Companys (1882–1940), Chef der linksrepublikanischen ERC und Präsident der Regionalregierung, einen eigenen Staat innerhalb eines föderalen Spaniens aus. Die von oben dirigierte Sezession konnte ohne größere Gefechte beendet werden. Companys und seine Gefolgschaft wurden verhaftet und zu jeweils 30 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Bei einem Aufstand von unten hatten sich zeitgleich im nordspanischen Asturien die proletarischen Massen bewaffnet. In revolutionärer Einheit überwanden Sozialisten, Anarchisten und Kommunisten ihre Streitigkeiten. 8.000 Bergleute besetzten die Provinzhauptstadt Oviedo. Die Regierung ließ einen gewissen Francisco Franco die Revolte niederschlagen, 2.000 Arbeiter wurden getötet, 40.000 Personen verhaftet. Von den Rachefeldzüge des Regimes waren alle Formationen der Linken betroffen. Gemeinsam setzte man sich für die Freilassung der Inhaftierten ein. Einem Nationalen Hilfskomitee zur Freilassung von Gefangenen gehörten PSOE, PCE und kleinbürgerliche Sozialisten an. Der antifaschistische Volksblock griff auch die alten Forderungen der Zweiten Republik wieder auf. Der PCE wurde inzwischen von José Díaz (1895–1942) geführt. Für die Kommunistin Dolores Ibárruri (1895–1989) war der Faschismus in Spanien »zu einer unmittelbaren bevorstehenden Drohung geworden«, wie sie in ihren Erinnerungen schrieb. PCE-Generalsekretär Díaz rief zur Einheit aller Antifaschisten auf. Auch bürgerliche Republikaner traten dem Bündnis mit den Kommunisten bei. Die rechte Regierung geriet wegen eines Korruptionsskandals ins Wanken, für Februar 1936 wurden Neuwahlen angesetzt. Es folgte der Zusammenschluss der Linken zur Volksfront. Bei den Wahlen am 16. Februar konnte der Frente Popular einen historischen Sieg erringen. Begünstigt durch das Mehrheitswahlrecht, kam die Volksfront auf 263 der 473 Sitze im Parlament, rechte Parteien erhielten 132 Mandate, 32 Sitze gingen an das sogenannte Zentrum. Stärkste Fraktion wurde der PSOE (99 Mandate), gefolgt von CEDA (88), den Linksrepublikanern (87), der Republikanischen Union (37) und der katalanischen ERC (21). Unter den 17 Abgeordneten des PCE waren José Díaz und Dolores Ibárruri. Gemäß dem Abkommen bildeten nur die republikanischen Parteien eine Regierung – ohne Sozialisten und Kommunisten. Ministerpräsident wurde zum zweiten Mal Manuel Azaña. Die Regierung ging eine Bodenreform und die Entmachtung der Kirchen an. Vielerorts wartete das Volk nicht auf entsprechende Gesetze. Ländereien wurden besetzt und Klöster in Brand gesetzt. Noch bevor ein Dekret für die Freilassung von politischen Gefangenen unterzeichnet worden war, hatten Arbeiter bereits Gefängnisse gestürmt. Die Erfolge der Volksfront waren erheblich. Doch am 17. Juli 1936 putschten Militärs unter der Führung von Francisco Franco. Unterstützt von den faschistischen Regimen in Deutschland, Italien und Portugal, führten sie Spanien in den Bürgerkrieg. Auch die Bildung der Internationalen Brigaden konnte sie nicht aufhalten. Am 1. April 1939 erklärte Franco den Sieg über die Zweite Spanische Republik. Quellentext: Frente Popular in den Erinnerungen von Dolores Ibárruri Auf dem VII. Kominternkongress wurde unsere Einigungspolitik ebenso in vollem Umfang gebilligt wie die Bemühungen der Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs um die Verwirklichung der Volksfront; dieses Vorgehen unserer Parteien wurde allen kommunistischen Parteien als Beispiel hingestellt. Während einer Kundgebung, die in Madrid am 2. Juni 1935, kurz vor dem VII. Kongreß der Komintern, stattfand, rief José Díaz (Ibárruris Vorgänger als Generalsekretär der PCE, Anm. d. Red.) im Namen der Kommunistischen Partei mit klaren Worten und konkreten Vorschlägen zum Zusammenschluss der antifaschistischen Kräfte auf. Die Kommunistische Partei verzichtete nicht auf ihre Forderungen. Aber sie passte ihre Taktik – und das ist das Revolutionäre – der konkreten Situation in unserem Lande an. »Wir«, sagte José Díaz, »kämpfen für unser Maximalprogramm, für die Errichtung der Diktatur des Proletariats, und werden immer dafür kämpfen. (…) In diesen Augenblicken der Gefahr, da der Faschismus in Besitz der Schlüsselpositionen des Staatsapparates ist, erklären wir uns bereit, vereint mit allen antifaschistischen Kräften auf der Grundlage eines Minimalprogramms zu kämpfen, das verbindlich für alle sein soll, die sich an dem Volksblock, zu dessen Bildung wir aufrufen, beteiligen wollen. (…) Wir schlagen vor, eine provisorische Revolutionäre Regierung zu bilden, die die Forderung der Arbeiter, der Volksmassen, aller Antifaschisten befriedigt, die sich vor dem ganzen Volk verpflichtet, das vom antifaschistischen Volksblock gebildete Programm zu realisieren.« Dolores Ibárruri: Der einzige Weg. Erinnerungen. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1964, S. 237–238 1936 2016 Dolores Ibárruri Franco Frente Popular José Díaz PCE PSOE Spanien Sieg der »Volksfront«Rechte erinnern an Franco-PutschFrancos langer SchattenFrancos langer SchattenNeue Rechtsallianz in Spanien
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Zabic_Snezana.pdf (409.2Kb) Zabic, Snezana Broken Records combines lyric and narrative forms in order to counter persistent myths about former Yugoslavia and its violent break-up, and to complicate our standard vision of the traumatized Other. The text is preoccupied with the rarely asked question: when a country is gearing up for war, how do we explain why some courageous members of the population stay immune to the politicians’ manipulative appeals to their ethnic identity and refuse to die or kill for the cause at hand? A number of pieces in the book focus the lens on family lore and history related to World War Two, which in Yugoslavia was a complex war with one facet comprising the anti-Nazi resistance, another a related civil war, a popular uprising, and a revolution. The book is based on witnessing and recollection, with a strong realization about the unreliability and the fragmented nature of memory that can most appropriately be represented through a variety of literary forms. The speaker cautiously expresses her hope that art can give meaning even to gaps in the collective and personal memory. The title Broken Records is a play on words: on the one hand, it encapsulates the idea that almost any written record about the past is inevitably broken, incomplete, and perhaps even unreliable, and on the other had it refers to the motif of music that reoccurs in the text. Pop culture references also serve as signposts of the narrator’s diasporic identity. Former Yugoslavia
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anunda.com … home | about | map | support | contact e-lifeskills support and self-help notebook Home « Life Skills « Support « Self Help « Tools « …Often we do not take time for ourselves. We do not get time to marshal our thoughts and they get piled up on top of one another .. and we are underneath them. Sometimes we deny the thoughts we have, and often there are words we would like to say which we dare not for one reason or another.Cutting the ties letterThis exercise I have found beneficial in relieving guilt, grief, frustration and stress suffered by people in many circumstances, including relationship issues etc. It can be used to good effect to say goodbye to loved ones who have died. For those who choose to try it, this is the most effective method I have found. It simply involves writing a letter to the person at issue .. over a period of 4 days. At the end of the four days, the letter should be burnt and offered as a prayer of reconciliation to your self as well as the person to whom you have written. Remember, this letter is a personal communication between you, yourself and the other person. It should be shown to no one .. not even the other person. Releasing some of the hidden attachments and dependenciesThere are a few simple guidelines:This exercise is for your benefit only. It should not be used to manipulate or influence any other person in any way - even for what you consider may be their own "good". To do so is a violation of their integrity and this will be reflected straight back to you.If you are using the exercise to get in touch with inner child memories, or memories from a young age, it can be of benefit to write with your non-dominant hand. ie: if you normally write with your right hand, then use the left as well for this exercise as it will more freely release that which is beyond your conscious forgetting. Often it is possible to develop a distinct communication between the "personalities" that are writing through each hand.It can be beneficial to write at a regular time each day (once per day is sufficient, more often if you feel like it).A minimum of 10 minutes should be set aside for each session.A better result can be obtained by putting pen to paper rather than fingers to keyboard.If you can't think of anything to write, "I can't think of anything to say".. its surprising what words can come from this.Try and be honest. Allow yourself to express all your feelings - even those you have been told you shouldn't have.Make sure that all of the thoughts, feelings and emotions which come up are directed to the paper you are writing on, not to the other person. This is about your perceptions, and your unconscious memories. If you consciously or willfully direct them towards the other person, then they will be mirrored right back to you.Do not cross out anything you have written .. if you feel to do that, have a look at what you are in denial about.At the end of each writing session, put the pen/pencil and the letter away in a safe place.At the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th sessions, reread carefully what you have written in the previous session/s and add anything else you might feel to say.At the end of the 4th session, reread all that you have written, and then allow words of reconciliation/prayer whatever to flow. At this point you should burn all that you have written and allow the prayer/your breath to release the thoughts and feelings that have been bound up inside you.After burning the letter, it may be beneficial to have a drink of water or go for a short walk outside.This exercise has been taken from a standard counseling practice and modified slightly. It can be very powerful in assisting the writer to find a fresh outlook and a new courage in stressful situations Top | "Cutting the ties that bind and releasing hidden attachments" was written, published and © Transpersonal LifeStreams®, Tasmania, Australia. The URL of this page is http://www.anunda.com/support/letter.htm Home : About : Map : Search : Site Index : Support Index : Self Help Index The information in these pages is freely offered for personal use only. However, it is not specifically based on individual conditions or needs. Before you act on any advice, you should consider whether it is suitable for you.Disclaimer : Copyright : Privacy
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ANALOGIES & CORRESPONDENCES_001.JPG Exposition d’art – ANALOGIES & CORRESPONDENCES exposition d’art, qui présente l’amitié humaine et picturale de ces deux peintres au travers de plus de quatre-vingts œuvres figuratives, semi-abstraites ou abstraites, qui se dévoilent en binôme, dans leurs liens visuels, thématiques, ou de formes. Ces peintures racontent la vie, l’ile Maurice, la poésie, la douce indolence de ce que c’est que vivre ensemble, au bord des rivières, sur la plage, dans les rues grouillées de ce monde hybride et enivrant, dans ce Port forçant l’admiration du peuple qui sait qu’il est son début, son présent et son futur. Roger Charoux (1929) et Jocelyn Thomasse (1950), ont été (et sont toujours) des acteurs majeurs du groupe de peinture initialement commandité par Serge Constantin. IBL Together et Currimjee Jeewanjee, comprennent l’urgence de partager l’histoire et le patrimoine pictural de l’ile Maurice. IBL Together a été séduit par cette approche curatoriale originale qui mets en lumière, au-delà du talent de ces artistes, la transmission de savoir, le partage et l’amitié durable. Currimjee Jeewanjee a toujours eu à cœur d’œuvrer pour la protection, la transmission de l’héritage culturel Mauricien et le soutien à la création artistique. THE THIRD DOT : Le curateur de cette exposition est une plateforme de consultance et d’amplification créée par Alicia Maurel et Laetitia Lor. Elle a pour vocation de développer et de promouvoir des projets interculturels[...] © Copyright Karl Ahnee Art Curator THE THIRD DOT Exhibition Expo Master Patron IBL Together Painting Patron Currimjee Jeewanjee Port Louis The Third Dot United Docks
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Tag: Ray Romano CBS / by Supreet Bhatia - January 27, 2014 4:57 pm Everybody Loves Raymond goes to NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame Everybody sure loves Raymond, one of the most popular and favorite shows of all times, which is now going to be inducted into NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame. Lead cast…
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» » Noise/Experimental/PE - Contemporary » Recordings for the Summer Eric Boros - Hell’s Hollow CDR 27647 [Recordings for the Summer] "Hell's Hollow" is a collection of field recordings by Eric Boros, requested for this CD project by Michael Barthel. Barthel asked for recordings made within the vicinity of various locations Boros has lived in, and furthermore, that he not divulge the exact coordinates nor the nature of said places. With the inspiration and ideas from each audio piece, Barthel composed imaginary textile landscapes, photos of which are presented in the accompanying 8-page booklet. As of the first track, "Hell's Hollow", the listener is situated in a vaguely recognisable sonic territory, yet as it progresses the temporality of this space is broken. The following tracks, "Amphitrite Point" and "Green Lake", further this disintegration, providing a deeper sense of disorientation. An ominous level of risk and intense unease is present in these recordings, yet the specificity of each environment is left to the listener to interpret. Eric Boros is a multidisciplinary sound artist, known for his experimental underground cassette work under the name Hermit in the 1990ies, as well as with Vialka and various other international projects. This is his first release using only field recordings as a sound source. Edition of 30 numbered copies.
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Únete gratis Programas de Máster Másters en Ciencias Másters en Humanidades Programas en línea New York School of Interior Design Estados Unidos de América › Lee la descripción oficial Acerca de la Escuela de Diseño de Interiores de Nueva York NYSID de un vistazo Total de estudiantes: 538 Graduados: 157 Pregrado: 381 Edad media de los estudiantes: 30 Tasa de Inserción para el año académico 2014-2015: 92% de nuestros estudiantes universitarios fueron empleados dentro de los seis meses de su graduación 95% de nuestros estudiantes graduados fueron empleados dentro de los seis meses de su graduación Estados representados: 22 Países representados: 35 % De estudiantes internacionales: 23% Número de programas que se ofrecen: 9 (3 con opciones de aprendizaje en línea) Estudiante - Relación de Facultad: 10: 1 Total de Miembros de la Facultad: 117 Tamaño promedio: 13 Historia de la Escuela de Diseño de Interiores de Nueva York Un récord de éxitos para un siglo El diseño interior ha evolucionado a lo largo del siglo pasado, y la Escuela de Diseño de Interiores-que fue fundada por el arquitecto Sherrill Whiton 100 años Nueva York hace-ha cambiado junto con él. En 1915, durante una desaceleración de la industria de la construcción, Whiton concibió la idea de un curso de estudio en las artes decorativas. A medida que más y más estudiantes estudio en el hogar comenzaron a visitar a su profesional de la oficina esperando encontrar una escuela, decidió abrir una en 1916. Él estableció la Escuela de Decoración de Interiores de Nueva York. En ese momento, el diseño interior estaba empezando a tomar forma como una profesión y uno distinto y reconocido que requiere una formación en todo, desde la historia del arte para el juego de luces en las paredes y otras superficies. En 1924, NYSID fue fletado por la Junta de Regentes del Estado de Nueva York. Desde entonces, ha crecido de un puñado de estudiantes y un solo curso de estudio en su primer año a más de 600 estudiantes y nueve programas actuales. Whiton literalmente escribió el libro sobre la enseñanza del diseño de interiores. Sus elementos de decoración interior se publicó en 1937 y se encuentra actualmente en su 6ª edición, ahora titulado Diseño de Interiores y Decoración. Todavía es una escuela de diseño estándar de hoy en día. En 1951, el nombre de la universidad se cambió a la Escuela de Diseño de Interiores de Nueva York, reconociendo que la educación que proveemos no lo hace solamente ocuparse de los detalles y acabados de un espacio, pero la arquitectura del interior, todo lo que no sea estrictamente estructural . Y por el tiempo Jacqueline Kennedy era primera dama, y ​​trajo por primera vez a la prominencia nacional el papel del diseñador de interiores con su renovación de la Casa Blanca -habíamos ya ha estado en la escena durante cuatro décadas. En muchos sentidos, es nuestro firme fundamento en la evolución de la historia del diseño de interiores que se nos permitió ser su precursor. En sus primeros días NYSID se encuentra en varios edificios en la avenida Madison y en el centro, el último, un sitio impresionante en East 56th Street, fue diseñado por el arquitecto y miembro de la facultad William Breger. NYSID finalmente se estableció en su actual ubicación en la calle East 70th en 1994, entre la parte superior de la bella arte de la ciudad y tiendas de antigüedades y museos de renombre. Una importante expansión y renovación a edificio tándem de NYSID en el este de la calle 69-siguieron a finales de 1990. Y, en 2010, el Colegio abrió su LEED Platino Centro de Graduados en Park Avenue South y la calle 28, donde se encuentra la facultad, personal y más de 150 estudiantes graduados. Hoy en día, creemos firmemente en la importancia de la sostenibilidad, en el fomento del diálogo entre los campos del diseño de interiores y arquitectura, y en el futuro de los estándares de acreditación en la educación y la concesión de licencias de los profesionales en la profesión del diseño de interiores. Gracias a los esfuerzos de nuestra facultad e igualmente estimados graduados de buen diseño interior estimado es un paradigma para el bien, la vida sostenible y saludable en el planeta. Y las habilidades de sus profesionales son, más que nunca, de la demanda. Misión y Visión de NYSID ESTADO DE LA MISIÓN: Escuela de Diseño de Interiores de Nueva York prepara aspirantes a diseñadores de interiores y los profesionales que trabajan para ser líderes en el campo, proporcionando un dibujo de diseño de interiores y de inmersión educación enfocada a profesores expertos, enfoques innovadores, y las relaciones industriales cercanos. DECLARACIÓN DE LA VISIÓN: Escuela de Diseño de Interiores de Nueva York es un líder mundial en la enseñanza del diseño de interiores, impactando la profesión a través de innovadores programas de estudios y colaboraciones estratégicas, con los graduados colocados en posiciones de influencia en todo el mundo. Escuela de Nueva York de los valores de diseño de interiores: La calidad de la vida humana en el entorno construido La "chispa" que se encuentra dentro de cada estudiante La rica historia de la institución y la profesión del diseño Las oportunidades especiales que ofrece la sede de Nueva York NYSID Un entorno que fomenta el pensamiento creativo, la colaboración y la colegialidad entre los estudiantes, facultad y personal Pequeñas y centrado entornos de aprendizaje, tanto digitales como experiencial La experiencia y el compromiso de la facultad y el personal Tanto el diseño conceptual y aplicada El respeto por el medio ambiente y las prácticas sostenibles Una sólida base en las artes liberales como una parte esencial de la educación de un diseñador Un fundamento del respeto a uno mismo, los demás y el mundo mayor Compromiso con las comunidades locales y globales Programas impartidos en: Ver programas de maestría » Esta universidad también ofrece: Cursos Ejecutivos (3) MASTER-MAESTRIAS Cursos para ejecutivos Master of Professional Studies in Healthcare Interior Design El programa prepara a los estudiantes para ser diseñadores especialista de la salud, instalaciones planificadores en las instituciones de salud, investigadores de apoyo e ... [+] La industria de la salud se está expandiendo rápidamente para adaptarse a las crecientes necesidades de la generación del baby boom del envejecimiento y la explosión de la población mundial. En respuesta, NYSID ha creado un programa innovador, interdisciplinario que ofrece la práctica de los diseñadores y profesionales de la salud la oportunidad de trabajar juntos y adquirir un conocimiento amplio de temas de actualidad, la investigación y la teoría en el diseño de interiores de la salud y aplicarlo en las experiencias de estudio enfocadas . Los cursos incluyen el conocimiento de los métodos de investigación, la historia y la teoría de la asistencia sanitaria, estudios ambientales y de comportamiento, y el diseño aplicado. Diseño e iluminación investigación Verde relacionada con la salud, la productividad y la precisión son partes integrales del curso de estudio. El programa está diseñado para estudiantes de diversos orígenes que entienden que en el campo de la salud, los negocios y el diseño están inextricablemente entrelazados.... [-] Estados Unidos de América , Nueva York Más información en español Master of Professional Studies in Interior Lighting Design El MPS en el diseño de la iluminación interior (MPS-L) es de un año, título de post-profesional que ofrece la educación profesional y riguroso en el ámbito de la iluminac ... [+] Master of Professional Studies in Sustainable Interior Environments El MPS en ambientes interiores Sostenible (MPS-S) es un programa de post-profesional estructurado para preparar a los profesionales del diseño para asumir roles de lidera ... [+] Destinado a aquellos que trabajan en el diseño o la arquitectura profesiones, el programa ofrece a los estudiantes una base sólida en las mejores prácticas en diseños ecológicamente fundamentada para el interior. Una vez completado el programa de MPS-S, los estudiantes están en una posición para sentarse para la Acreditación LEED AP - una credencial muy buscado. Los estudiantes están expuestos a una amplia gama de temas, métodos de investigación, metodologías de desarrollo de diseño integrado y las prácticas de gestión de proyectos sostenibles. También cubre la calidad del aire interior, así como textiles verdes, mobiliario y elementos decorativos. El programa incluye dos cursos de estudio diseñados para integrar los conocimientos adquiridos y la investigación mientras que la exploración tanto en entornos residenciales y no residenciales.... [-] Solicita información gratuita de
{"url": "https://www.master-maestrias.com/universidades/Estados-Unidos/NYSID/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.master-maestrias.com", "date_download": "2019-06-15T21:44:15Z", "digest": "sha1:JUQLUESAL7W5CEKFQXOAY4DDMMDZUXYX"}
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. Ya a 27 Con esto de operarme, recuperación, cambios, etc.… estas Navidades están siendo bastante extrañas y me sorprende que ya estemos 27, es decir, que se me va el año. Bueno, esperemos que el 2020 sea bueno, a pesar del PSOE, y no me refiero al Partido Socialista, que ese tiene derecho y deber de existir, sino al Presuntuoso Sánchez Oportunista y Embustero. Yo sobre eso, opino que deberían ser sus propios ¿compañeros de partido? los que deberían solucionar la crisis mandando a este figurín aprovechado y trapacero al desván… como mínimo. De fuera, la extraña noticia de la muerte del primer marido de la señora Marta Luisa de Noruega, que demuestra que en cuestión de gustos maritales es algo exótica. Este que ha muerto era un elemento extraño, pero el de ahora suena a ser otro fenómeno de la naturaleza. No quiero ni imaginarme si las andanzas de esta señora las hubiera hecho una Infanta de España. Ya aquí, del día de hoy poco que comentar, porque ya los medios del régimen se encargan de tamizar las aventuras y desventuras de la errática búsqueda de un gobierno, cosa que ya ha cambiado de fecha varias veces. Si hay algo extremadamente didáctico es el ejemplo vivo de la diferencia entre la empresa privada y la pública. Este; “La gestión de Rosa María Mateo lleva a los informativos de TVE a su peor dato histórico de audiencia”. En un año ha perdido 300.000 espectadores. Con una gestión así de exitosa, en la privada estaba tomando el sol hace meses, pero en esta pública de la Taifa sanchísta, lo más seguro es que le suban el sueldo. La única actividad de eso que pomposamente llamamos “gobierno en funciones” es allanar el camino a los indepes. Para empezar, están consiguiendo echar a la calle a los CDRs terroristas (el ultimo que ha salido tenía un “laboratorio” de explosivos y un objetivo previsto; la Guaria Civil). Pero los ponen en la calle para conseguir abstenciones. Las que lo llevan fatal son las Niñas de la Sección Femenina Sanchísta. A doña Nadia Calviño no le cuadran las cuentas, y el rescate de la CAM y las cajas catalanas (otro gesto de amistad) deja los fondos temblando. Otra, la de Trabajo, doña Magdalena Valerio tiene bloqueadas sus esplendorosa promesas; cambio en el SMI, pensiones y salarios públicos, etc… a los que no puede tocar por eso de no molestar y esperar el permiso de ERC, la CUP, JxCat, etc.… Lo que si consiguen, es que los papeles de los sumarios sobre la corrupción andaluza del partido, se vayan deteriorando o se los lleve el primero que pase; “caos en la cárcel de Badajoz: centenares de informes y confidenciales secretos de la corrupción del PSOE a la intemperie y al alcance de cualquiera”. Pero tranquilos han elegido a Rosalía como estrella mundial del año. Yo, como soy de los que opinan qué para cantar, cuanto menos ropa menos talento, no termino de entenderlo, pero es lo que hay. De las noticias locales, el sorprendente ahogamiento de una familia en una piscina en Mijas. La profundidad era de dos metros, y el padre medía 1,90… No consigo explicármelo. Descansen en paz. Lo último, una noticia espectacular; “Ronda multará a los dueños de los perros que no porten líquido para limpiar su orina”. Por lo visto, ahora para sacar al perro hay que ir en traje de campaña y bien pertrechado. Hasta mañana, Pepeprado
{"url": "https://pepeprado.com/2019/12/27/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "pepeprado.com", "date_download": "2020-01-17T13:37:13Z", "digest": "sha1:IRXPIVXOOMF32HCHBMHNW34WRAF2EX7Z"}
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FrontlineSMS on the ground in the DRC Posted by Darren Bunton on November 5, 2011 at 7:37pm I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Chamath A. from our FrontlineSMS community. We had the chance to collaborate over lunch. We discussed the implementation of the Eway Foundation/Media and Global Tech's Ethical Citizen Media project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The project will officially begin next week with the training of our first group of "On-The-Ground" practitioners. The idea is to start with a basic mass-text messaging system for Ground Teams, and eventually equip several Lead Practitioners or Train-The-Trainers, with more capable smart-phones to record video to upload to currently operating social media sites. Obstacles exist in the consistent availability of a wireless internet signal. A milestone was figuring out how to conceal the smart-phone devices, as to prevent the practitioner from standing out in the crowd, or being a target. Through our partnerships with several NGO's in Kenya, and Bukavu, we will train practitioners via Web 2.0 and social media. Our second phase objective of the project includes the configuration of FrontlineSMS incorporating batch-coding and editing of data. Application features (quick subscriptions and group-hibernation, background apps, ethical procedures, and aggregate features), will be improved throughout implementation of the project. Personally, I am excited about the project starting. The integration of FrontlineSMS in other settings has proven to be effective, minus a few kinks. I continue to learn more about the operational use, and benefits of mass communication with FrontlineSMS. My plan is to arrive in Africa at the appropriate time, and assist practitioners with Web 2.0, FrontlineSMS, and Ethical Citizen Media training. Thanks to FrontlineSMS, the project is progressively doing what it was designed to do- empower people, and increase citizen participation. Views: 31 < Previous Post Comment
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Guarderias Villavieja Del Lozoya. Ahora puedes encontrar con facilidad guarderías Villavieja Del Lozoya. Las mejores guarderías en Villavieja Del Lozoya estan aquí. A continuación te mostramos las guarderias en Villavieja Del Lozoya. Pincha sobre ellas para ver sus datos. A continuación puedes ver guarderias de Villavieja Del Lozoya
{"url": "http://www.guarderias-infantiles.com/guarderias-madrid/guarderias-villavieja-del-lozoya/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.guarderias-infantiles.com", "date_download": "2017-10-16T21:58:26Z", "digest": "sha1:4RZ5Z3JMA2SL3WQR7LZFNZIIEK33MVVU"}
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Dès que vous arrivez sur la page d'accueil élégante et sexy, il est clair que les personnes à l'origine de ce site possèdent non seulement une grande expérience du monde des rencontres en ligne, mais également une grande connaissance de la création professionnelle sites Web à la recherche. La page d'accueil propose 25 sites dans le monde entier avec des options linguistiques respectives. Les pays actuellement disponibles vont de l'Amérique du Sud à l'Europe du Sud, en passant par l'Europe centrale et orientale. Alors, de quoi s'agit-il? Cela est clairement expliqué dès le départ dans l'excellente section d'aide décrivant clairement le site parmi toutes les fonctionnalités, afin que les membres potentiels puissent voir ce en quoi ils s'inscrivent, s'ils ont des doutes ou des réserves après avoir lu les deux pages. sous-titres qui annoncent “Sexy Love Affairs” et promettent que “Votre prochain rapport sexuel affaire est juste un coup loin. " La section d'aide au bas de la page d'accueil est très claire et utile. Il décrit exactement le site, son utilisation et les termes et conditions. Il y a beaucoup de détails ici, mais l'essentiel ici est que c'est aussi libre de rejoindre et d'utiliser. Qu'y a-t-il dans la boîte… pour ainsi dire? Il est extrêmement facile d’échanger des informations et il suffit d’ajouter des informations de profil et éventuellement des images. Une fois terminé, vous avez accès à d'autres utilisateurs avec lesquels vous pourriez être compatible, en fonction des détails que vous avez entrés. Le site ne déçoit pas et, une fois que vous êtes à l'intérieur, l'expérience continue d'être formidable. L'abonnement est très diversifié et les utilisateurs n'hésitent pas à préciser qui et quoi chercher. Il faut dire que ce n'est pas pour les feinteurs. Le professionnalisme du site se poursuit tout au long et la présentation est très facile. Il est également facile de modifier ou d’ajouter des détails aux informations de votre profil. Une section "portefeuille" vous permet de garder un œil sur le nombre de pièces que vous avez à tout moment. Comme son nom l’indique, la fonctionnalité de base repose sur le système de balayage, ce qui vous permet de faire défiler les dates potentielles, de les envoyer par message ou de les ajouter comme favoris pour les consulter ultérieurement. Il a également été conçu pour être mobile et compatible avec les tablettes afin que vous puissiez l'utiliser lorsque vous êtes en déplacement ou en voyage. Une autre caractéristique intéressante, qui est assez unique, est qu’ils ont inclus une section très utile "Conseils de rencontres" avec de nombreux conseils sur la façon d’utiliser le site et sur les rencontres en ligne en général. Cela le rend idéal pour les «débutants» à ce genre de chose qui peuvent encore avoir des inquiétudes sur ce dans quoi ils s'embarquent. Les utilisateurs sont très réactifs et lorsque nous l'avons testé, nous avons reçu beaucoup de messages et de contacts rapidement. Il est intéressant de noter que les utilisatrices étaient souvent celles qui établissaient le premier contact (avec notre profil masculin), ce qui est assez inhabituel de notre expérience. La section d'aide présente une description très détaillée de l'engagement du site à essayer de garantir un environnement sûr et convivial tout en préservant l'anonymat des informations des utilisateurs jusqu'à ce qu'ils choisissent activement de révéler davantage d'informations à d'autres membres. Les termes et conditions sont très clairs et le formulaire de contact est facile à utiliser si un utilisateur doit signaler quelque chose de répréhensible à l'équipe d'administration. Les principaux points à noter sont: C'est un site gratuit sans engagement ni frais récurrents, bien que vous deviez utiliser des "pièces de monnaie" pour interagir avec d'autres membres. Vous pouvez gagner des pièces par le biais de différentes actions, telles que des connexions quotidiennes, le téléchargement de photos et l'ajout d'informations de profil. Vous pouvez également acheter des pièces si vous souhaitez être occupé et contacter beaucoup d'autres utilisateurs. Le site est très sécurisé avec des fonctionnalités de confidentialité intégrées, des certificats SSL et des portails de cartes de crédit vérifiés Bien que nous ne soyons généralement pas aussi emballés par les sites que nous examinons, il faut dire que celui-ci se démarque vraiment de la foule et que nous aurions à lui donner tous les mérites pour avoir fait exactement ce qu'il se proposait de faire. Ce n'est peut-être pas le meilleur site pour trouver un engagement sérieux et une romance, bien que ce soit loin d'être impossible. Toutefois, si vous recherchez des rencontres flirtantes, amusantes et très sexualisées, ce site vaut vraiment la visite. Le seul inconvénient est qu'il n'est pas disponible dans plus de pays, même si cela pourrait bien changer dans un proche avenir. Swipe Affair Beaucoup d'opportunités de match et sûr et sécurisé. Processus d'inscription Qualité du profil 5.0 Évaluation globale Site recommandé par l'éditeur Avis sur le site de rencontre Évaluation 4,5 Un site de rencontres disponible dans plusieurs pays. Bien si vous voulez vous amuser avec des gens de votre région. Be2.com est complètement optimisé, utilisant son logiciel pour trouver les correspondances préférées. Vous devez être membre payant pour consulter les albums sur les profils. Guides de rencontres amoureuses Ami, collègue ou étranger: qui fonctionne le mieux pour une affaire? Avion forcé d'atterrir après que la femme ait découvert l'affaire de son mari Ce que vous devez savoir pour avoir une liaison avec une femme mariée Rappelez-vous cet épisode d'amis? 60% Say Ross Didn & #8217; t Tromper Rachel Pouvez-vous être amoureux de deux personnes en même temps? © Copyright 2020 Your Secret Love Affair - Sites de rencontres
{"url": "https://www.yourloveaffair.com/fr/reviews/swipe-affair/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.yourloveaffair.com", "date_download": "2020-07-02T05:02:16Z", "digest": "sha1:YW3R6GMHEX4EUQ7OGGTH7K4DR3QSQ6PG"}
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Published Date8 Months Ago - 874 Views Equifax Workforce Solutions will be performing maintenance activities on Thursday, March 24th 2022, from 10:00 PM to Midnight CST. These maintenance activities will result in service interruptions for the Tax Form Management application during this time. The maintenance is scheduled to occur during non-business hours in order to cause the least interruption to services. As the maintenance may result in temporary service interruptions, if you experience such an issue, please try again after a few minutes. scheduled maintanence
{"url": "https://status.equifaxworkforce.com/blog-home/-/blogs/equifax-workforce-solutions-scheduled-maintenance-notice-03-24-2022?_com_liferay_blogs_web_portlet_BlogsPortlet_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fstatus.equifaxworkforce.com%2Fblog-home%3Fp_p_id%3Dcom_liferay_blogs_web_portlet_BlogsPortlet%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dnormal%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26_com_liferay_blogs_web_portlet_BlogsPortlet_cur%3D6%26_com_liferay_blogs_web_portlet_BlogsPortlet_delta%3D10%26p_r_p_resetCur%3Dfalse", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "status.equifaxworkforce.com", "date_download": "2022-11-26T08:22:01Z", "digest": "sha1:QP6RGZNPEOFENRFAYXJFORUUACAXUSCV"}
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Aaron Baskin Born 9/20/1926 Died 2/6/2006 in Syracuse`, NY Veteran Birth: Sep. 20, 1926 Death: Feb. 4, 2006 Aaron Baskin, 79, died Saturday, February 4, 2006, in the Jewish Home at Menorah Park. Mr. Baskin was a life resident of Syracuse and the former proprietor of M/B Auto Service Center. From 1986 until his retirement in 1996, he was a purchasing agent for Onondaga County Water Authority. Mr. Baskin was a former member of Temple Adath Yeshurun, vice president of Temple Beth El and a member of the board of the Syracuse Cemetery Association, where he served as treasurer. In World War II, Mr. Baskin served in the U.S. Navy on a mine sweeper in the South Pacific and Philippines and was a member of Onondaga Post 131, J.W.V. Survived by his wife of 57 years, Lorraine Livshin Baskin; sons, Jeffrey (Arlee) Baskin and Michael (Donna) Baskin; grandchildren: Dara, Shelby, Benjamin and Noah Baskin. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday, February 6, 2006, at Birnbaum Funeral Chapel, 1909 E. Fayette Street. Friends may call between 1 and 2 p.m. on Monday at the chapel. Burial will be in Frumah Packard Cemetery. Contributions may be made to Temple Adath Yeshurun or the Foundation at Menorah Park. Published in Syracuse Post Standard on Feb. 5, 2006 Family links: Lorraine Livshin Baskin (1928 - 2014)* Section: A Lot: 41 Plot: 7 Lorraine (Livshin) Baskin
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