Displaying 1 through 0 of 0 works, sorted by date, in ascending order.Filtered to show only the artist Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A., P.R.S.A. Home | Athenaeum forums
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Cochlea-Implantate Wie Gehörlose und Ertaubte wieder verstehen Die Elektroden werden in die Cochlea (Hörschnecke) eingeführt. Die Empfangsspule wird im Schädelknochen nahe der Ohrmuschel unter der Haut platziert. Die Sendespule des Prozessors haftet mit Hilfe der Magneten auf der Kopfhaut über der Empfangsspule des Implantats. Die Spannungsversorgung des Implantats erfolgt durch die Kopfhaut mittels elektromagnetischer Induktion. Die Signalübertragung erfolgt mit Hochfrequenzwellen. Manchmal wird nur das Implantat als CI, die komplette Anlage als CI-System bezeichnet. Eine CI-Versorgung ist dann angezeigt, wenn mittels bester herkömmlicher schallverstärkender Hörgeräte kein ausreichendes Sprachverstehen mehr erzielt werden kann. Das ist ab einer kritischen Anzahl zerstörter Haarzellen der Fall. Die elektrischen Reize in der Hörschnecke erzeugen beim CI-Träger individuelle Hörempfindungen, die anders sind als die von Normalhörenden. Der neuronale Mechanismus für die Verarbeitung von akustischen Reizen ist aber so flexibel, dass eine Anpassung an diese Empfindungen stattfindet. Ein intensives, langes Hörtraining nach der Operation ist erforderlich, um die neuen Signale den bekannten Hörmustern zuzuordnen. Die Therapie mit CI hat Ähnlichkeit mit dem Erlernen einer Fremdsprache. Der Zeitraum, der für das Sprachverstehen benötigt wird, ist individuell unterschiedlich. Für Kinder wird die Dauer auf etwa zwei bis drei Jahre veranschlagt. Erwachsene, die gerade ertaubt sind und frühzeitig mit einem Cochlea-Implantat versorgt werden, benötigen gewöhnlich eine kürzere Rehabilitationsphase. Beim Vergleich des Sprachverstehens durchschnittlicher CI- und Hörgeräteträger kann man feststellen, dass ein Sprachverstehen der Einsilber mit besten Hörgeräten von nur noch 30 % oder weniger bei normaler Sprachlautstärke (65 dB SPL) mit CIs wesentlich verbessert werden kann. Über 75 % der CI-Träger verstehen mehr als 30 % Einsilber, 50 % sogar mehr als 62 % Einsilber. (Quelle: Wikipedia) Sollten Sie Interesse oder Fragen über das Cochlear Implantat haben, geben wir Ihnen gerne Auskunft. Wir arbeiten seit Jahren eng mit den CI-Kliniken in Basel und Zürich zusammen. Ihr Albers Hörinstitut, St. Gallen Hörgeräte | Hörberatung | Hörhilfe | Schwerhörigkeit | Hörgeräte für Kinder | Hörgeräte Preis Die Welt verstehen! Albers Hörinstitut AG - Metzgergasse 6 - 9004 St. Gallen Marketing - STAPES
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Speed Ventures (auto track day ) Track: Streets of Willow Springs We'll be at Streets of Willow Springs on February 9th and 10th. This event is open to all cars and all drivers (beginners on Sunday, only). Saturday will feature the first event of the 2012 HFF Challenge for front-wheel/front-engine Hondas and Acuras. Sunday will feature the S2K Challenge and the Miata Challenge. link to registration>>>> http://www.speedventures.com/events/eventdetail.aspx?id=415 Admission Details: Track admission is $10.00 per person kids 8 and under are free!
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Attività in giornata Proposte di soggiorno Sportlifetravel collabora con Cà Bottura winery - Bardolino. Un ottimo vino è il risultato tanto atteso di un progetto... progetto che parte dalla terra, dalle vigne, dalla passione per il vino, ma soprattutto dalla pazienza. Salendo la strada che da Bardolino porta ad Albarè di Costermano, a pochi metri dal suggestivo Eremo San Giorgio, nel cuore della zona classica del vino Bardolino, si trova l’Azienda Agricola Cà Bottura, circondata da vigneti e oliveti. Maurizio Andreoli viticoltore, ha ereditato la passione per la vigna dal papà Romano ed oggi insieme al giovane figlio Andrea lavora in questo settore con devozione, diligenza e costanza, nel rispetto assoluto del territorio che circonda l’Azienda migliorando la tipicità dei suoi prodotti. Gli anni di esperienza acquisiti da Maurizio e la decisione del figlio Andrea, già da giovane età, di far diventare l’azienda agricola parte integrante anche del suo progetto di vita, hanno spinto loro ad intraprendere un progetto ambizioso. Dal 2016 infatti, hanno iniziato la conversione dell’azienda al biologico, modificando e perfezionando le tecniche di lavorazione in vigna e di conseguenza la qualità del vino Bardolino che troviamo in cantina. Maurizio e Andrea si occupano soprattutto della lavorazione dei vigneti e seguono tutti i processi di vinificazione fino all’ organizzazione delle varie fasi di imbottigliamento; mentre Fabiola, moglie di Maurizio, con passione, si dedica all’accoglienza degli ospiti per la degustazione dei vini. Cà Bottura non produce solo vino, ma la generosa terra ed il particolare microclima del Lago di Garda, consentono di coltivare piante di ulivo per la produzione di olio extra vergine di oliva. Inoltre, dalle vinacce del vino Bardolino Classico e del vino Bardolino Superiore vengono distillate speciali grappe, in grado di deliziare i palati più esigenti. I vigneti di proprietà dell’azienda Cà Bottura sono situati tra le colline di Bardolino, Costermano e Garda, nel cuore della zona Classica di produzione di questo vino; ancora adesso la raccolta delle uve avviene manualmente, al fine di ottenere prodotti di qualità nel rispetto della tradizione. Le dolci colline di Bardolino e del Lago di Garda, si sono formate a seguito dello scioglimento dei ghiacciai ed oggi questo scenario ospita un’estesa coltivazione di vigneti per la produzione del rinomato vino Bardolino DOC. Il vino Bardolino si produce nella zona sud-orientale del Lago di Garda, in quest’area il territorio è ricco, di scheletro ghiaioso caratterizzato da un buon drenaggio; le caratteristiche di questo territorio collinare che si affaccia sul Lago di Garda, l’ideale microclima, l’uvaggio e la meticolosa lavorazione, donano al vino Bardolino sapori freschi, e profumi delicati. La produzione del vino Bardolino è fondata sull’utilizzo di vitigni autoctoni: Corvina, Rondinella che compongono l’uvaggio tipico del Bardolino Classico DOC, Bardolino Superiore Classico DOCG, Bardolino Chiaretto Classico DOC (rosé) e Bardolino Chiaretto Spumante (rosé). La produzione. Policy sulla privacy online
{"url": "https://sportlifetravel.uk/it/pages/sportlifetravel-and-ca-bottura-winery-bardolino", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "sportlifetravel.uk", "date_download": "2021-04-16T10:39:01Z", "digest": "sha1:RZUKVYVPO5CVKCDQMBMOPU6ON77S426L"}
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1. Wer ist ein Kriegsgefangener? Personen, die in Feindeshand gefallen sind und einer der folgenden Gruppen angehören, gelten als Kriegsgefangene und sind durch das III. Genfer Abkommen geschützt: Mitglieder von Streitkräften einer am Konflikt beteiligten Partei sowie Mitglieder von Milizen und Freiwilligenkorps, die in diese Streitkräfte eingegliedert sind unter bestimmten Bedingungen Mitglieder anderer Milizen Mitglieder regulärer Streitkräfte, die sich zu einer von der Gewahrsamsmacht nicht anerkannten Regierung oder Autorität bekennen Personen, die den Streitkräften folgen, ohne in sie eingegliedert zu sein, sofern diese von den Streitkräften, die sie begleiten, zu ihrer Tätigkeit ermächtigt sind Besatzungen von Handelsschiffen und Zivilluftfahrzeugen, die keine günstigere Behandlung aufgrund anderer Bestimmungen genießen Die Bevölkerung eines unbesetzten Gebiets, die beim Herannahen des Feindes aus eigenem Antrieb zu den Waffen greift, um die eindringenden Truppen zu bekämpfen, sofern sie die Waffen offen trägt und die Gesetze und Gebräuche des Krieges einhält Personen, die den Streitkräften des besetzten Landes angehört haben und von der Besatzungsmacht interniert werden Personen aus einer der genannten Gruppen, die von neutralen oder nichtkriegführenden Staaten aufgenommen wurdcn und aufgrund des Völkerrechts interniert werden müssen. (Art. 4 GA III) 2. Wie müssen Kriegsgefangene behandelt werden? Die gefangen genommenen Soldaten stehen unter dem Gewahrsam des feindlichen Landes, das alles dafür tun muss, um den Soldaten trotz ihrer Gefangenschaft ein menschenwürdiges Leben zu ermöglichen (Art. 3 GA I-IV; Art. 12 I GA III). Sie dürfen nicht aufgrund ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit, Hautfarbe, Rasse, Religion, ihres Vermögens oder Geschlechts o. ä. benachteiligt werden (Art. 3 GA III). Nur Gesundheitszustand, Geschlecht, Alter, Dienstgrad oder berufliche Eignung können eine Vorzugsbehandlung Einzelner rechtfertigen (Art. 16 GA III). Sie dürfen nicht misshandelt oder verstümmelt werden; medizinische oder wissenschaftliche Versuche irgendwelcher Art, sofern gesundheitlich nicht gerechtfertigt, sind verboten. Verboten sind ferner Einschüchterungen und Beleidigungen sowie Vergeltungsmaßnahmen. Auch sind die Gefangenen vor öffentlicher Neugier, z. B. "Zurschaustellen", zu schützen. (Art. 13 GA III) Bei der Befragung von Gefangenen darf kein Zwang auf sie ausgeübt werden, und körperliche oder seelische Folterungen dabei sind ebenfalls ausdrücklich verboten (Art.17 IV GA III). Ob das Zeigen von Fernsehaufnahmen gefangener Soldaten und ihre Befragung gegen das III. Genfer Abkommen verstoßen, richtet sich nach der Art und Weise, in der Aufnahmen ausgestrahlt und Befragungen durchgeführt werden. Wenn Kriegsgefangene von der einen oder der anderen Konfliktpartei schlicht in Fernsehaufnahmen gezeigt werden, verstößt dies noch nicht gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht. Ein Verstoß ist erst dann gegeben, wenn die jeweilige Gewahrsamsmacht Gefangene so zur Schau stellt, dass sie der öffentlichen Neugier preisgegeben oder sie eingeschüchtert oder beleidigt und damit in ihrer Würde verletzt werden. 3. Was passiert mit den Soldaten nach der Gefangennahme? Wenn Soldaten in die Hand des Gegners geraten, werden sie Kriegsgefangene und dürfen nicht mehr angegriffen, verwundet oder getötet werden (Art. 3 Nr. 1 GA III). Sie haben Anspruch auf Achtung ihrer Person und ihrer Ehre (Art. 14 I GA III). Die Kriegsgefangenen sind dazu verpflichtet, Angaben über den Namen, Vornamen, Geburtstag, Dienstgrad und die Erkennungsnummer zu machen (Art. 17 I GA III). Zu weiteren Aussagen sind die gefangenen Soldaten weder verpflichtet, noch dürfen sie dazu gezwungen werden (Art. 17 I GA III). So zügig wie möglich sind sie in ein menschenwürdiges Lager zu bringen, das sich außerhalb der Kampfzone befinden sollte (Art. 19 I GA III). Sofort nach der Gefangennahme oder spätestens eine Woche nach der Ankunft in einem Lager haben die gefangenen Soldaten das Recht, die Familie und die Zentralstelle für Kriegsgefangene zu benachrichtigen (Art. 70 GA III). Danach ist es ihnen erlaubt, regelmäßig mit ihren Angehörigen zu korrespondieren und Hilfssendungen zu empfangen (Art. 71 I; Art. 72 I GA III). 4. Welchen Vorschriften und Gesetzen unterliegen die Gefangenen? Während ihrer Gefangenschaft unterliegen die Gefangenen den Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Anordnungen, die für die Streitkräfte des Staates gelten, der sie gefangen hält. Verstößt ein Gefangener dagegen, so kann er dafür bestraft werden (Art. 82 I GA III). Jedoch muss ihm in einem solchen Fall ein reguläres gerichtliches Verfahren und der Beistand eines geeigneten Verteidigers gewährt werden (Art. 99 III GA III). Insgesamt muss eine den Vorstellungen eines rechtsstaatlichen Strafverfahrens entsprechende Vorgehensweise vorgesehen sein. 5. Welche Maßnahmen muss der Gewahrsamsstaat zum Schutz der Gefangenen ergreifen? Die Unterkunftsbedingungen dürfen für die gefangenen feindlichen Soldaten nicht schlechter als die für die eigenen Truppen sein (Art 25 I GA III). Der Gewahrsamsstaat muss für ihren Unterhalt aufkommen. (Art. 15 GA III) Kriegsgefangene sind angemessen mit Nahrung zu versorgen. (Art. 26 GA III) Zudem hat der Gewahrssamsstaat die Gefangenen mit der Witterung und ihrer Tätigkeit entsprechender Kleidung auszustatten. (Art. 27 GA III) Der Gewahrsamsstaat hat für die nötige Hygiene innerhalb der Lager zu sorgen, um Krankheiten vorzubeugen. (Art. 29 GA III) Zudem hat er Krankenabteilungen für die Gefangenen einzurichten. (Art. 30 I GA III) Kriegsgefangene haben jederzeit die Möglichkeit sich ärztlich untersuchen zu lassen (Art. 30 IV GA III); mindestens einmal monatlich ist es zur Vorbeugung von Seuchen verpflichtend vorgeschrieben (Art. 31 GA III). Die Betreuung hat, sofern vorhanden, durch ebenfalls gefangengenommenes Sanitätspersonal des Herkunftslandes der Gefangenen zu erfolgen. (Art. 30 III; 32; 33 I GA III) Wird Sanitätspersonal einer gegnerischen Partei zurückgehalten, so darf dies nur zur Betreuung der Kriegsgefangenen oder Internierten geschehen. (Art. 28 I GA I; Art. 33 I GA III) Sie gelten nicht als Kriegsgefangene und sind so schnell wie möglich freizulassen. 6. Dürfen die Kriegsgefangenen ihre Religion ausüben? Gefangene Soldaten können auch in Gefangenschaft ihre Religion ausüben. (Art. 34 GA III) Ebenfalls gefangen genommene Militärgeistliche (Art. 35 GA III), sofern vorhanden, ansonsten Laien oder Zivilpersonen (Art. 36 GA III), sollen ohne Behinderung ihren Dienst versehen können. Gefangen genommene Militärgeistliche sind, sobald ihre Dienste nicht mehr benötigt werden, freizulassen. 7. Dürfen die Kriegsgefangenen ihr Eigentum behalten? Ihr persönliches Eigentum dürfen die Kriegsgefangenen behalten (Art. 18 I GA III). Den Soldaten dürfen ihre Geldbeträge und Wertgegenstände nur gegen eine Empfangsbestätigung abgenommen werden und müssen ihnen nach Beendigung des Krieges zurückgegeben werden (Art. 18 IV-VI GA III). Von ihrer militärischen Ausrüstung sind sie berechtigt, das zu behalten, was zu ihrer Bekleidung, Verpflegung und ihrem Schutz dient (Art. 18 I GA III). 8. Zu welcher Arbeit können die Kriegsgefangenen herangezogen werden? Gesunde Kriegsgefangene können mit Ausnahme der Offiziere zur Arbeit herangezogen werden. (Art. 49 GA III). Sie dürfen jedoch weder zu einer Arbeit militärischer Art, noch zu gefährlichen, ungesunden oder erniedrigenden Arbeiten (z.B. Minenräumen) gezwungen werden (Art. 52 I-III GA III). Bei allen Arbeiten sind ihnen die gleichen Arbeitsbedingungen zu gewähren wie den Angehörigen des Gewahrsamsstaates, die eine vergleichbare Tätigkeit ausüben. (Art. 51 I GA III) 9. Dürfen die Kriegsgefangenen mit der Außenwelt korrespondieren? Kriegsgefangene haben das Recht, auf dem Postwege mit ihren Angehörigen Kontakt zu halten. (Art. 71 I GA III) Sie können auch Lebensmittel, Kleidung und andere Gegenstände empfangen. (Art. 72 I GA III) Eine Zensur darf ausschließlich aus Sicherheitsgründen erfolgen. (Art. 76 I, II GA III) Ist ein direkter Postverkehr zwischen den Kriegführenden nicht möglich, kann das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz den Austausch der Post übernehmen. 10. Bei wem können sich die Kriegsgefangenen beschweren? Gefangene haben jederzeit das Recht, sich bei den Behörden des Gewahrsamsstaates, einer Schutzmacht oder dem Internationalen Komitee vom Roten Kreuz über die Bedingungen ihrer Gefangenschaft zu beschweren. (Art. 78 I, II GA III) Vertreter der Schutzmacht oder Delegierte des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz können jederzeit Gefangenenlager besuchen, um die dort herrschenden Zustände zu begutachten. Sie können dort ohne Anwesenheit von Angehörigen der Gewahrsamsmacht mit Kriegsgefangenen sprechen. (Art. 126 GA III) Festgestellte Mängel können dann mit der Gewahrsamsmacht vertraulich erörtert werden. 11. Wann müssen Kriegsgefangene heimgeschafft oder freigelassen werden? Wenn Kriegsgefangene schwer krank oder schwer verwundet sind, ist dafür zu sorgen, dass sie nach Hause gebracht werden (Art. 109 I GA III). Allerdings dürfen sie nach ihrer Heimschaffung nicht mehr zum aktiven Militärdienst eingesetzt werden (Art. 117 GA III). Soldaten, die weder krank noch verwundet sind, werden nach Ende der Kampfhandlungen freigelassen (Art. 118 I GA III). Dabei ist es ihnen erlaubt, ihre persönlichen Sachen, wie zum Beispiel Briefe, erhaltene Pakete, Geldbeträge, Wertgegenstände usw. mitzunehmen (Art. 119 II GA III).
{"url": "https://www.drk-solferino.de/das-solferino/inklusion/auftrag/genfer-abkommen/leicht-verstaendlich/schutz-der-gefangenen-soldaten.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "www.drk-solferino.de", "date_download": "2021-01-15T15:03:47Z", "digest": "sha1:DLNOUQTBVPBQQQIZY5WVLP5XVLFVWIXM"}
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MNL1-8TH Permissions to reprint documents can be acquired throughCopyright Clearance Center Visit Copyright Clearance Center Source: MNL1-8TH-EB TECHNOLOGY IS UNDERGOING ACCELERATING change. No longer do people have to wait months or even years for analytical methods to be submitted to ASTM International, tested, and voted for approval. The response of the various committees of ASTM International to new developments in the industrial and petroleum industries, and to unexpected occurrences in the field, is both swift and focused. It is because of this unprecedented and exponential increase in new testing methods that Manual 1 is being revised only 6 years after its prior publication. Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants has assumed the responsibility of revising Manual on Significance of Tests for Petroleum Products (ASTM Manual Series: MNL 1), although other national and international standards organizations contribute significantly to the development of standard test methods for petroleum products. These organizations include the Energy Institute (EI), formerly known as the Institute of Petroleum in the United Kingdom, the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) in Germany, the Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) in France, the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) in Japan, the CEN (European Committee for Standardization), and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Selected test methods from these organizations have been cross-referenced where relevant with ASTM International standards in selected chapters in this publication. There are discussions presently in progress to harmonize many standard test methods so they are technically equivalent to one another. The chapters in this manual are not intended to be research papers or exhaustive treatises of a particular field. The purpose of the discussions herein is to answer two questions: What are the relevant tests that are done on various petroleum products and why do we perform these particular tests? All tests are designed to measure properties of a product such that the “quality” of that product may be described. I consider a workable definition of a quality product to be “that which meets agreed-on specifications.” It is not necessary that the quality of a product be judged by its high purity, although it may very well be, but merely that it meets specifications previously agreed on among buyers, sellers, regulators, transferors, etc. The various chapters in this publication discuss individual or classes of petroleum products and describe the standardized testing that must be done on those products to assure all parties involved that they are dealing with quality products. Author Information:Rand, Salvatore J.Consultant, North Fort Myers, FL Committee/Subcommittee: D02.01 ISBN10: ISBN13: 978-0-8031-7001-8
{"url": "https://www.astm.org/DIGITAL_LIBRARY/MNL/PAGES/MNL11641M.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.astm.org", "date_download": "2017-04-24T03:40:35Z", "digest": "sha1:WS2ZX6FT33FX7KIW74LLTCKTLDAAX5YA"}
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Inicio NoticiasNacionales Exclusiva | Américo De Grazia reconoce que podría ser detenido al llegar a Venezuela: “Asumimos los riesgos de esta decisión” NacionalesNoticias Caracas, 9 de junio de 2021. El diputado a la Asamblea Nacional electa en 2015, Américo De Grazia, reconoció este miércoles los riesgos que podría generar su retorno a Venezuela –previsto para mañana a las 7:30 AM-, incluyendo, la posibilidad de ser detenido por la administración de Nicolás Maduro. “Ese es un riesgo que siempre va a existir, especialmente, con un régimen de la naturaleza de la de Nicolás Maduro, pero creo que están dadas las condiciones, para tomar una decisión como la nuestra y por supuesto, nosotros estamos abiertos a asumir los riesgos que implica esta decisión, como hemos asumido riesgos en otras circunstancias similares o peores que estas”, aseveró De Grazia en declaraciones vía telefónica para Punto de Corte, con nuestra periodista Nurelyin Contreras. El también candidato a la gobernación del estado Bolívar, en las venideras elecciones del 21 de noviembre, aseguró que la Plataforma Libre Guayana está preparada en el escenario de que él sea detenido. Sin embargo, dejó claro que igualmente participaran en la contienda electoral. “Eso ya está decidido. Américo De Grazia y la Plataforma Libre de Guayana, son el instrumento, no el objetivo. En consecuencia, son el objetivo para desarrollar una política, que es a todas luces, a nuestro juicio, la ruta correcta en estos momentos, implica regionales de carácter plebiscitario, con el esquema ni un solo voto para Maduro. El segundo paso sería el referéndum revocatorio y el tercero, presidenciales libres. Eso se tiene que desarrollar con o sin Américo”, agregó. Desde el aeropuerto Fuimicino, en Roma, donde De Grazia tomará un vuelo hasta Turquía para abordar otro avión hasta Maiquetía, Venezuela, insistió en que la ruta política “correcta”, es participar en los próximos comicios a desarrollarse en el país. A su juicio, la “dispersión” de la oposición venezolana, es lo único que le da ventaja al Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela –PSUV-, para ganar las elecciones regionales y locales en el país. “Ellos, el régimen, tienen el sol en la espalda. Tienen más del 80% del rechazo popular y su única ventaja es la dispersión de la oposición. Si lográramos ejecutar un plan maestro, que logre amalgamar todas las fuerzas, sería bien bueno y es lo que intentamos hacer en Guayana, que no tenemos la fuera para hacerlo en todo el país, pero tenemos el liderazgo, la estructura, organización y voluntad para hacerlo y es lo que estamos haciendo”, puntualizó el dirigente político venezolano. De Grazia cuestionó que la oposición busque sentarse a negociar con la administración de Nicolás Maduro, cuando la misma dirigencia política no han logrado llegar a un acuerdo entre ellos mismos. Sin embargo, señaló que está dispuesto a reunirse con quien sea necesario para avanzar en una ruta política. “Me voy a reunir con todos los que sean necesarios. Creo que hay que romper también, el celofán del oposicionometro, de quién es más oposición que otro. Pero si la oposición no es capaz de negociar entre sí ¿Cómo va a negociar con el régimen? ¿Cómo se sienta en México hablar de temas que se supone que no son comunes? Hay un problema de dirección y eso fue lo que motivó el lanzamiento de Plataforma Guayana Libre”, aseveró. Asimismo, De Grazia indicó que hace falta unificar la dirección política de la oposición, para hacerle frente a la administración de Nicolás Maduro. “Sería bueno crearlas y creo que el escenario de las regionales, puede ser el motivo para un centro de dirección política. Rompiendo el esquema, que ya basta, derecho de admisión, de derecho a voto, de la reserva de dominio. Aquí nadie es más que nadie si no hace más que otros y todos somos necesarios, pero nadie es indispensable, de modo que bienvenidas todas las reuniones que sean necesarias“, acotó. Américo De Grazia Venezuela riesgosExclusiva | Américo De Grazia reconoce que podría ser detenido al llegar a Venezuela: “Asumimos los riesgos de esta decisión”
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« 3 Ways Schools Can Use SMS to Reach Students During the Holidays by Ken Rhie Counting What Counts: Reframing Education Outcomes by Yong Zhao & Friends » Ways To Prepare Students For Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet by Catrin Cooper Ways To Prepare Students For Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet by Catrin Cooper will help students, parents, and anyone with a job at risk of automation understand the type of skills and knowledge they need to develop as old jobs disappear and new ones take their place. Educators should also pay attention to these concepts as they develop future lessons. A decade ago, social media manager was just an imaginary job title to most of us, and so was mobile app developer. With the increasing popularity of social media and the accelerating pace of technology, most of the children today will have jobs that don’t exist yet. This makes it difficult for kids to know what to study when it comes to future careers. So, how can you prepare your kids for a future career that no one can predict yet? The answer is to give young people the vital skills to adapt. Complex problem-solving skills Scientific knowledge and literacy, as well as numeracy, are still vital. However, executives from world’s leading companies think that complex problem solving is the number one job skill in 2020 and beyond. Kids with strong problem-solving skills can have a promising career. Problems are always the center of what people do at work each day. Being a problem solver is vital to your success. With this skill, you can solve a problem quickly and effectively. Students must learn how to use tools and techniques that can enhance their approach to solving the problems faced by teams and organizations. If you are more successful at solving problems, you will be more successful at what you do. It’s vital to build a reputation as one who can handle tough situations in a positive way. Can you analyze how you think and present evidence for your ideas? Mastering this skill will give you better control of your learning and empathy for other points of view. It is self-directed and self-disciplined thinking. It can help you in communicating effectively and solving problems more efficiently. Critical thinking is a vital skill so that you can think clearly and rationally. This skill is vital in research, blockchain in real estate, finance, and the legal profession. However, it is not restricted to these areas. If you can think well and solve problems, then you have an asset that you can use for any career that you wish to follow. This skill involves logic and reasoning. You need to use it to interrogate a problem, consider solutions to the problem, and weigh the pros and cons of every approach. A few years from now, organizations will see individuals with critical thinking skills as highly employable. How can critical thinking be integrated into a curriculum? Essay writing is a tried-and-tested method to help students engage in the critical thought process. But there are other more tools available. Collaborative skills Humans could not have risen to prominence by working alone. That’s why students have to learn how to collaborate with others and develop that skill. In a modern workplace, teamwork is increasingly vital. Having social skills is also critical. Over the years, companies have put more emphasis on the interpersonal skills of their employees. Learning how to collaborate with others is vital in any work environment, and it is a skill that humans are still better at than robots. Keep in mind that in a workplace, interaction is critical. Workers support one another’s strengths, and they adapt flexibly to various circumstances. This non-routine communication is always a human advantage. But to coordinate with others, you need to have strong communication skills. It is a skill that requires awareness of people’s strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, you need to practice working with different personalities. There are always new products and new technologies. Thus, employees will need to be more creative to benefit from those changes. Although robots can help us in getting what we want and put some at risk of losing their jobs, they are not as innovative as humans. In the future, creativity is a key skill when looking for a job. Just because you consider yourself as a non-creative person, you should remember that it is not exclusive to musicians, artists, and writers. Creativity means that you can connect the dots using diverse information to pull ideas together to have a new idea. Even though most tasks in the future are automated and utilize advanced AI, employees will still be a critical part of a company. That’s because humans are more creative than robots. They are better at reading one another. Plus, they support each other’s ideas and energy. Unfortunately, humans get sick and distracted. Hence, companies will need managers and team leaders who know how to motivate their teams and maximize their productivity. In that way, they can easily respond to their needs. To be a great manager, you need to enhance your emotional intelligence and learn how to delegate tasks. Furthermore, you should develop your management style. Consider taking a leadership course or two and pick up some leadership books. Ability to help people Having a service orientation is a skill that most companies will need today and in the future. If you have strong skills in this area, you can easily spot and anticipate the future needs of customers. Businesses in the energy department, for instance, would face consumer concerns about carbon footprints, food safety, and labor standards. Companies will have to learn to anticipate new consumer values so that they can translate these issues into product offers. With a service orientation, you can step into the minds of users and know what they value, dislike and fear most. From there, you can develop new products or adapt a service to future proof your brand. Being flexible This is about being a mental gymnast. Cognitive flexibility is about how quick you can swing and twirl back and forth from one system to another. You need to be limber to see new patterns and make a unique association of ideas easily. To flex your cognitive muscles, you should learn new things every day and learn new ways to think. For example, you can learn an instrument or try an art class. Or you can read The Economist or The Economic Review to know about financial markets. When you expand your interests and go outside your comfort zone, you are embracing people who are challenging your worldviews. Doing it every day will prepare you for a job that does not exist yet. And your brand will thank you for it. Robots may be good at automating jobs, but they do not have social skills, which will be a more important skill in the future. Humans are better at social interaction. We’re also better at negotiations than robots. Even if you are in the technical department, you need to show better interpersonal skills and be able to negotiate with clients, teams, and managers. Catrin Cooper Catrin is blogger and freelance writer from New York. She’s always ready to cover topics related to personal development, marketing, and education. Feel free to contact Catrin at catrincooper99@gmail.com. Her guest posts are free so don’t miss an opportunity to add some value to your blog. This entry was posted on Friday, December 15th, 2017 at 7:48 am and is filed under Guest Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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Alberuni's India Source: http://www.thehindu.com/thehindu/lr/2002/09/01/stories/2002090100300400.htm REPRINTS of classics are always welcome, and publishers who undertake these are to be applauded. Unfortunately, they often do not understand that reprints need as much editorial care as a new manuscript. The book under review is a case in point. One is delighted to welcome back this timeless classic — But: 1. The cover has a sketch of the five-storeyed Qutab Minar, with two gentlemen in shawls and turbans gazing out from the foreground. Alberuni and friend? Not possible. Al Hind was written in 1030, the Qutab attained its full height in the 1360s. We can now expect to see Bernier's Travels in the Mughal Empire AD 1656-68 with a view of Correa's LIC building on the cover; 2. Sachau's translation, published in 1910, was reproduced by a Delhi printer in 1983. It was entitled Alberuni's India, an accurate description of all categories of Hindu thought, as well those which are admissible as those which must be rejected. The present edition has reduced this to Alberuni's India, as will (sic!)those which are admissible as those which must be rejected! In the text, all marginal subheads have been inexplicably deleted. There are irritating abbreviations (e.g. "On Mount Meru according to the belief of the authors of the Puranas" has become "On Mount Meru according to the belife (sic!)"; 3. And this is really a disaster — over 150 pages which are unusable (p.165-320, "Annotations"). The 1910 edition was in two volumes, each paginated separately. The present edition has been typeset afresh, withcontinuous pagination. Result: Section II, p.3 corresponds to page 407, but the Annotations' page references have not been changed accordingly! Maybe the publishers could sell the book at Rs. 75 less than the marked price? Alberuni was a polyglot, as was his translator, fluent in Arabic, Farsi, and Sanskrit. Sachau translated Al Hind into German in 1884 and later into English. It is a sad commentary on Indian scholarship that there has been no new edition, no attempt to compare Alberuni's interpretation with the Sanskrit texts he used. This was a landmark manuscript, the first international encyclopaedia of the philosophical texts and scientific treatises of early medieval India. Alberuni, an astronomer-mathematician of Khiva, north of Afghanistan, was brought to Ghazni in 1017 as a prisoner of war. At the court of Ghazni he met poets and scholars, among whom was Firdausi, the greatest Farsi poet of all time. As one tries to visualise that world, where the hazards of travel and the vagaries of war did not constrict scholarship, one realises how inadequate it is to study South Asian history in isolation, how necessary it is to read it in conjunction with that of other regions, to appreciate the arts and knowledge-banks sans frontiers that flourished in a world of changing political frontiers. What for others would be a lifetime's work was achieved by Alberuni in 13 years. Europeans would call him a "Renaissance man." Curious not only about mathematics and astronomy, but also folklore, languages and geography, he was part of that tradition of transmitting South Asian scholarship to Europe via Baghdad. Thirty-seven chapters in Al Hindare devoted to astronomy and astrology. "The Hindus do not consider it wearisome to reckon with large numbers, but rather enjoy it" (p.405). Nine chapters are on aspects of religion, with sections on theRamayana, the Mahabharata, the Gita and the Puranas. Two describe, with some impatience, rather bizarre superstitions, concluding tolerantly "but tricks of this kind are common to all nations" (p.183). The 10 chapters on geography are inevitably all about north India. On Kashmir, he reports "(The inhabitants) used to allow one or two foreigners to enter their country, particularly Jews, but at present they do not allow any Hindu whom they do not know personally to enter, much less other people" (p.194). Twenty-one chapters are rich in sociological details. He sees the Varna system as something common to most societies. "The kings of antiquity — spent most of their care on the division of their subjects on different classes and order" (p.83). "Most of the Hindu festivals are celebrated by women and children only" (p.588). On Dipavali "people dress festively and give each other presents of betel leaves and areca nuts... (and) light a great number of lamps" (p.592). About Sati, "If a woman loses her husband, she cannot marry another man... she has either to remain a widow or to burn herself" (p.563). Beef eating had once been prevalent, but was now prohibited (p.560). After listing explanations for this, he himself inclines to an "economical reason" (the cow as provider of milk, the uses of dung, their use as draught animals) and is reminded of a similar prohibition in Babylonia. A compelling read, despite loads of awesome astronomical calculations. To end this review, the most well-known quote (p.6), "The Hindus believe that there is no country but theirs, no nation like theirs, no religion like theirs... If they travelled and mixed with other nations, they would soon change their mind, for their ancestors were not as narrow-minded as the present generation is." Jet-setting ministers, are you listening? Alberuni's India, Edward C. Sachau, Trobner & Co., London, 1888, Rupa & Co., 2002, p.820, Rs. 395. Labels: Alberuni, History, India The Ethics of Absolute Freedom Sign, Structure and Play: Derria What Path to Salvation The Works and Life of Shakespeare What congress and Gandhi have done to the Untoucha...
{"url": "http://literarism.blogspot.com/2014/09/alberunis-india.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "literarism.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2019-05-19T06:36:25Z", "digest": "sha1:66LVKOYHKIP7THSIGA3HUWWV3QUCSAZA"}
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Arts / Beaux livres Pochothèque ISBN :978-2-08-121433-0 Éditeur :Flammarion Collection :AU FIL DE L'HIS Nombre de pages :546 Langue originale : anglais Code Dewey :909 Une histoire du monde en 12 cartes De Jerry Brotton Traduit par Séverine Weiss Ce livre est en stock chez 1 confrère du réseau leslibraires.fr, Une histoire du monde en 12 cartes La carte n'est pas le territoire : malgré leurs visées scientifiques, les cartes sont toujours subjectives, et intimement liées au contexte dans lequel elles naissent. Les cartographes ne se contentent pas de représenter le monde : ils le construisent, à partir des idées de leur époque et de leur culture. Telle est la thèse de Jerry Brotton, et le point de départ de cet extraordinaire voyage à travers le temps et l'espace. En observant à la loupe douze cartes du monde, il ouvre autant de fenêtres sur des civilisations aussi différentes que la Grèce antique et la Corée du XVe siècle, l'Europe des grandes découvertes et celle de la Révolution française, jusqu'au monde globalisé d'aujourd'hui, placé sous l'oeil de Google Earth... À l'issue de ce périple aussi captivant qu'instructif, on aura appris une foule de choses : saviez-vous de quand date l'habitude de placer le Nord en haut d'une carte ? quel planisphère a donné son nom à l'Amérique ? et vous doutiez-vous que, malgré les apparences, les cartes d'aujourd'hui ne sont pas plus définitives ni plus objectives que celles d'autrefois ? Lecteurs de ce livre, vous ne regarderez plus jamais votre GPS de la même façon. Jerry Brotton (Auteur) a également contribué au livre... Le bazar renaissance, Comment l'orient et l'islam ont influencé l'occident Jerry Brotton Éditions Les Liens Qui Libèrent En savoir plus sur Jerry Brotton Séverine Weiss (Traduction) a également contribué aux livres... De sang et de fureur, Kit carson et la conquête de l'ouest Hampton Sides Retour à la case départ Stephen Mccauley Mister Caspian & Herr Felix Retour a la case depart La bibliothèque engloutie - La quête idéale du fils de Christophe Colomb Edward Wilson-Lee Le monde merveilleux de la femme au foyer Jason Hazeley, Joël Morris En savoir plus sur Séverine Weiss
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Santiago de Compostela is the medieval centre of Galicia and also the capital of the region. It has been declared Cultural Heritage of... Barcelona es una ciudad cosmopolita y el Hogar de Gaudí Obras Maestras En Esta excursión privada vas a visitar, los monumentos más... San Sebastian es un mosaico de la pureza natural y histórico pueblo. El arte se entrelaza con la naturaleza... Madrid es una ciudad que dicen nunca duerme. En esta visita nocturna privada va a realizar una visita panorámica de la ciudad. Luego de la... Temas de Tours Tipos de Tour Colecciones de tours Norte de España Slow Food, Vino y Camino Tour Rutas de senderismo por la Costa y la Región... Vigo: Rias Baixas Ciudad Costera Atlántica Foodie... Escapada en las Denominación de Origen del Vino y... Vacaciones Culinarias y Talleres de Cocina Enoturismo visitas a Bodega y Aventuras Culturales Viajes en Velero y Alquiler de Yates Tours a Medida e Ideas de Viajes Tapas Tours Tours Multi-Días para Grupos Pequeños Tour con Chófer Tour con Coche de Alquiler Tour Privado Día Completo Tour Privado Medio Día Tours gastronómicos de lujo en España y Portugal Tours Gastronomicos, vino y tapas en España Únase a nuestro co-fundador en un viaje gastronómico especial en pequeños grupos por el norte de España. Usted podría llamarlo un tour activo de comida gourmet caminando a través de algunos paisajes increíbles.... senderos de montaña, senderos costeros, caminos de vino, etc.... Hemos añadido una mezcla de experiencias que mantendrán sus papilas gustativas excitadas.... Galicia´s país del vino. Caminando por senderos costeros, viñedos y senderos a orillas del río, incluso cruzando un puente hacia el norte Portugal´s Región vinícola de Vinho Verde. La gastronomía cambia drásticamente de la costa a la Galicia interior. Abundancia de mariscos y pescados en la costa como; Pulpo, Vieiras, etc.... Luego, en el interior, podrá probar la anguila lamprea ahumada/seca, una técnica utilizada desde la época romana. Quesos fabulosos, carnes tiernas como el Porco Celta, que se alimenta de las castañas, o la Ternera Gallega, ¡elogiada como la mejor carne de España! Nuestro pequeño grupo de comida, vino y caminata comienza en la ciudad costera urbana de Vigo, Europe´s el puerto pesquero más grande del mundo y el segundo del mundo después de Tokio. Los primeros días exploramos las Rías Baixas, dando un paseo en barco hasta un pueblo de pescadores para dar un paseo por el mercado y aprender sobre las diferentes variedades de pescado y marisco que se pescan en la bahía. A continuación, una clase práctica de cocina costera gallega con un chef.... En este viaje, usted explorará los verdes valles de los ríos de la región vitivinícola de Galicia´s Caminando por senderos de viñedos y riberas de ríos, incluso cruzando un puente hacia la región vinícola del norte de Portugal, Vinho Verde. El paisaje no es el único contraste, la gastronomía cambia drásticamente de la costa a la Galicia interior. Tours para saborear un a gastronomía variedad y aprender en las clases de cocina con chefs, etc... Tours relacionados al enoturismo con visitas a bodegas e otros expierencias gastronomicos y culutrales. Viajes de vela únicos e incluso servicios personalizados de alquiler de yates por un día o semana (s). En adición algunos cruceros fluviales en el valle del Douro del norte de Portugal, etc... Una selección de tours a medida e ideas de viajes para tu próximo viaje. Tours en grupos pequeños en España y Portugal. Tours desde 3 días hasta más de 14 días descubriendo partes fuera de lo común de Portugal y España. Tours para grupos privados de 2 a 6 personas que quieran viajar con un chofer o conductor / guía que te llevará de un lugar a otro y no te preocupes por la conducción! Tours para grupos privados de 2 a 6 personas que quieran hacer una recorrido as su aire con coche de alquiler con la opción de incluir guias para visitas de día completa o de medio día a lo largo de su viaje. Tours para grupos privados que desean tomar un tour de día completo con un guía local privado y /o chofer. Tours para grupos privados que quieran hacer una excursión de medio día con un guía local y/o chofer. Lo mejor de los mejores Tours elegidos por nuestro especialista. Tours organizados por temas para encontrar las experiencias que son a su gusto relacionado de un tema determinado Tours organizados por Tipos eg: excursiones de medio día, día completo, tours privados, tours en grupo, chófer, etc... Ofertas especiales y colecciones de diferentes tours Todos los Top Tours Todos los Temas de Tours Todos los Tipos de Tour Todas las ofertas especiales Rutas de senderismo por la Costa y la Región Vitivinícola del Sur de Galicia Vigo: Rias Baixas Ciudad Costera Atlántica Foodie Escapada Escapada en las Denominación de Origen del Vino y Rutas Fluviales del Sur de Galicia Login cómo usuario Español Inglés SOBRE ALBACETE REGIONES: Información general y recomendaciones sobre el destino seleccionado Albacete: Sobre Albacete • Porque EATour • ¿Tienes Preguntas? • Agentes y TT.OO. • Reseñas • Afiliados • Proveedores • Blogueros • Empleo Nº de Licencia XG-504 Aviso de Renuncia ¿Qué es el SICTED? Desarrollado por Seoestudios Marketing Online Este sitio web utiliza cookies propias y de terceros. Si continúas navegando, aceptas su uso. 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Esta politica de privacidad se han generado en politicadeprivacidadplantilla.com.
{"url": "https://www.eatourspecialist.com/es/espana/castilla-mancha/albacete", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.eatourspecialist.com", "date_download": "2019-12-05T16:00:30Z", "digest": "sha1:YEMSLXHQJJHPE5T7ZDH3WGCSHSTJUCFR"}
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[1774, 1817, 6.0], [1817, 1868, 7.0], [1868, 1905, 7.0], [1905, 1938, 7.0], [1938, 1950, 2.0], [1950, 1988, 5.0], [1988, 2004, 3.0], [2004, 2031, 5.0], [2031, 2057, 4.0], [2057, 2080, 4.0], [2080, 2129, 8.0], [2129, 2173, 7.0], [2173, 2545, 54.0], [2545, 3137, 93.0], [3137, 3623, 84.0], [3623, 3972, 58.0], [3972, 4071, 17.0], [4071, 4175, 14.0], [4175, 4368, 33.0], [4368, 4441, 14.0], [4441, 4588, 27.0], [4588, 4756, 33.0], [4756, 4965, 42.0], [4965, 5072, 20.0], [5072, 5174, 18.0], [5174, 5239, 10.0], [5239, 5353, 18.0], [5353, 5472, 18.0], [5472, 5525, 7.0], [5525, 5545, 4.0], [5545, 5570, 5.0], [5570, 5594, 5.0], [5594, 5623, 4.0], [5623, 5700, 14.0], [5700, 5759, 8.0], [5759, 5844, 15.0], [5844, 5863, 3.0], [5863, 5878, 2.0], [5878, 5893, 2.0], [5893, 5903, 1.0], [5903, 5971, 8.0], [5971, 5996, 3.0], [5996, 6012, 3.0], [6012, 6033, 3.0], [6033, 6052, 4.0], [6052, 6062, 2.0], [6062, 6074, 2.0], [6074, 6088, 2.0], [6088, 6100, 2.0], [6100, 6109, 2.0], [6109, 6131, 4.0], [6131, 6149, 3.0], [6149, 6168, 4.0], [6168, 6214, 5.0], [6214, 6308, 15.0], [6308, 6331, 4.0], [6331, 7010, 109.0], [7010, 7254, 34.0], [7254, 8099, 135.0], [8099, 8227, 20.0], [8227, 8308, 9.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 18, 0.0], [18, 43, 0.0], [43, 178, 0.0], [178, 317, 0.0], [317, 437, 0.0], [437, 574, 0.0], [574, 717, 0.0], [717, 857, 0.0], [857, 999, 0.0], [999, 1137, 0.0], [1137, 1271, 0.0], [1271, 1382, 0.0], [1382, 1524, 0.0], [1524, 1539, 0.0], [1539, 1553, 0.0], [1553, 1574, 0.0], [1574, 1620, 0.0], [1620, 1668, 0.0], [1668, 1721, 0.0], [1721, 1774, 0.0], [1774, 1817, 0.0], [1817, 1868, 0.0], [1868, 1905, 0.0], [1905, 1938, 0.0], [1938, 1950, 0.0], [1950, 1988, 0.0], [1988, 2004, 0.0], [2004, 2031, 0.0], [2031, 2057, 0.0], [2057, 2080, 0.0], [2080, 2129, 0.0], [2129, 2173, 0.0], [2173, 2545, 0.0], [2545, 3137, 0.0], [3137, 3623, 0.0], [3623, 3972, 0.0], [3972, 4071, 0.0], [4071, 4175, 0.0], [4175, 4368, 0.0], [4368, 4441, 0.0], [4441, 4588, 0.01986755], [4588, 4756, 0.01197605], [4756, 4965, 0.00952381], [4965, 5072, 0.0], [5072, 5174, 0.0], [5174, 5239, 0.0], [5239, 5353, 0.0], [5353, 5472, 0.0], [5472, 5525, 0.0], [5525, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5570, 0.0], [5570, 5594, 0.0], [5594, 5623, 0.0], [5623, 5700, 0.0], [5700, 5759, 0.0], [5759, 5844, 0.0], [5844, 5863, 0.0], [5863, 5878, 0.0], [5878, 5893, 0.0], [5893, 5903, 0.0], [5903, 5971, 0.0], [5971, 5996, 0.0], [5996, 6012, 0.0], [6012, 6033, 0.0], [6033, 6052, 0.0], [6052, 6062, 0.0], [6062, 6074, 0.0], [6074, 6088, 0.0], [6088, 6100, 0.0], [6100, 6109, 0.0], [6109, 6131, 0.15], [6131, 6149, 0.0], [6149, 6168, 0.0], [6168, 6214, 0.0], [6214, 6308, 0.0], [6308, 6331, 0.0], [6331, 7010, 0.0], [7010, 7254, 0.0], [7254, 8099, 0.0], [8099, 8227, 0.0], [8227, 8308, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 18, 0.0], [18, 43, 0.0], [43, 178, 0.0], [178, 317, 0.0], [317, 437, 0.0], [437, 574, 0.0], [574, 717, 0.0], [717, 857, 0.0], [857, 999, 0.0], [999, 1137, 0.0], [1137, 1271, 0.0], [1271, 1382, 0.0], [1382, 1524, 0.0], [1524, 1539, 0.0], [1539, 1553, 0.0], [1553, 1574, 0.0], [1574, 1620, 0.0], [1620, 1668, 0.0], [1668, 1721, 0.0], [1721, 1774, 0.0], [1774, 1817, 0.0], [1817, 1868, 0.0], [1868, 1905, 0.0], [1905, 1938, 0.0], [1938, 1950, 0.0], [1950, 1988, 0.0], [1988, 2004, 0.0], [2004, 2031, 0.0], [2031, 2057, 0.0], [2057, 2080, 0.0], [2080, 2129, 0.0], [2129, 2173, 0.0], [2173, 2545, 0.0], [2545, 3137, 0.0], [3137, 3623, 0.0], [3623, 3972, 0.0], [3972, 4071, 0.0], [4071, 4175, 0.0], [4175, 4368, 0.0], [4368, 4441, 0.0], [4441, 4588, 0.0], [4588, 4756, 0.0], [4756, 4965, 0.0], [4965, 5072, 0.0], [5072, 5174, 0.0], [5174, 5239, 0.0], [5239, 5353, 0.0], [5353, 5472, 0.0], [5472, 5525, 0.0], [5525, 5545, 0.0], [5545, 5570, 0.0], [5570, 5594, 0.0], [5594, 5623, 0.0], [5623, 5700, 0.0], [5700, 5759, 0.0], [5759, 5844, 0.0], [5844, 5863, 0.0], [5863, 5878, 0.0], [5878, 5893, 0.0], [5893, 5903, 0.0], [5903, 5971, 0.0], [5971, 5996, 0.0], [5996, 6012, 1.0], [6012, 6033, 1.0], [6033, 6052, 1.0], [6052, 6062, 1.0], [6062, 6074, 1.0], [6074, 6088, 1.0], [6088, 6100, 1.0], [6100, 6109, 1.0], [6109, 6131, 0.0], [6131, 6149, 0.0], [6149, 6168, 0.0], [6168, 6214, 0.0], [6214, 6308, 0.0], [6308, 6331, 0.0], [6331, 7010, 0.0], [7010, 7254, 0.0], [7254, 8099, 0.0], [8099, 8227, 0.0], [8227, 8308, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 18, 0.11111111], [18, 43, 0.12], [43, 178, 0.01481481], [178, 317, 0.05755396], [317, 437, 0.05], [437, 574, 0.01459854], [574, 717, 0.04895105], [717, 857, 0.01428571], [857, 999, 0.02112676], [999, 1137, 0.04347826], [1137, 1271, 0.05223881], [1271, 1382, 0.02702703], [1382, 1524, 0.02112676], [1524, 1539, 0.13333333], [1539, 1553, 0.14285714], [1553, 1574, 0.04761905], [1574, 1620, 0.15217391], [1620, 1668, 0.0625], [1668, 1721, 0.13207547], [1721, 1774, 0.0754717], [1774, 1817, 0.09302326], [1817, 1868, 0.07843137], [1868, 1905, 0.10810811], [1905, 1938, 0.12121212], [1938, 1950, 0.16666667], [1950, 1988, 0.13157895], [1988, 2004, 0.125], [2004, 2031, 0.11111111], [2031, 2057, 0.15384615], [2057, 2080, 0.17391304], [2080, 2129, 0.06122449], [2129, 2173, 0.06818182], [2173, 2545, 0.01075269], [2545, 3137, 0.03040541], [3137, 3623, 0.01646091], [3623, 3972, 0.02292264], [3972, 4071, 0.01010101], [4071, 4175, 0.00961538], [4175, 4368, 0.02072539], [4368, 4441, 0.01369863], [4441, 4588, 0.04081633], [4588, 4756, 0.00595238], [4756, 4965, 0.00478469], [4965, 5072, 0.00934579], [5072, 5174, 0.00980392], [5174, 5239, 0.03076923], [5239, 5353, 0.00877193], [5353, 5472, 0.01680672], [5472, 5525, 0.01886792], [5525, 5545, 0.15], [5545, 5570, 0.12], [5570, 5594, 0.125], [5594, 5623, 0.03448276], [5623, 5700, 0.07792208], [5700, 5759, 0.13559322], [5759, 5844, 0.09411765], [5844, 5863, 0.05263158], [5863, 5878, 0.13333333], [5878, 5893, 0.86666667], [5893, 5903, 0.8], [5903, 5971, 0.01470588], [5971, 5996, 0.12], [5996, 6012, 0.25], [6012, 6033, 0.0952381], [6033, 6052, 0.26315789], [6052, 6062, 0.1], [6062, 6074, 0.08333333], [6074, 6088, 0.07142857], [6088, 6100, 0.08333333], [6100, 6109, 0.11111111], [6109, 6131, 0.18181818], [6131, 6149, 0.11111111], [6149, 6168, 0.36842105], [6168, 6214, 0.08695652], [6214, 6308, 0.0212766], [6308, 6331, 0.17391304], [6331, 7010, 0.02061856], [7010, 7254, 0.02868852], [7254, 8099, 0.00828402], [8099, 8227, 0.0703125], [8227, 8308, 0.01234568]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 8308, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 8308, 0.00102162]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 8308, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 8308, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 8308, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 8308, -122.37823058]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 8308, 72.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Château Monbousquet, 2010, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé La robe est profonde, voire sombre, de bonne limpidité (voire parfaite), couleur cerise bigarreau. Le nez est intense, riche, sur les fruits noirs, encore avec des notes d’élevage mais dans le style du vin et absolument pas rédhibitoires. Il annonce une belle complexité à venir (le vin est jeune). La bouche est veloutée, corsée et se termine par une longue finale un peu tannique pour rafraichir l’ensemble. Le vin est équilibré. Sa puissance appelle un vieillissement dont il a le potentiel, quoiqu’aujourd’hui il procure le plaisir qu’on en attend si on est éclectique ou si on aime les vins au style plutôt moderne mais aussi classieux. Et dans ce style, c’est très bien fait (notamment la finale appréciée et sa jolie matière). Un beau vin de repas (certains vins livrés à la dégustation s’avèrent bien plus plaisants dès qu’ils évoluent dans le contexte pour lequel ils sont conçus ; bref, je n’oublie pas être un amateur). TRES BON RAPPORT PLAISIR/PRIX (32 euros lors d’une foire aux vins en 2012). Mots-clés :2010, Château Monbousquet, Saint-Emilion grand cru Vignobles des Fenouillèdes, Brut de Syrah, Rosé d’une nuit, pétillant bio (Jean-Louis Denois, vin bio) Domaine Binet Jacquet, Réserve, Faugère, 2012 (vin bio).
{"url": "http://escapadoenophile.com/chateau-monbousquet-2010-saint-emilion-grand-cru/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "escapadoenophile.com", "date_download": "2017-11-17T17:26:38Z", "digest": "sha1:7DPYBF6O7GMKUMOPE7VH4CHUDKROQEMY"}
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Ray Fisher And ‘The Flash’ Part Ways; WarnerMedia Stands With DC Films’ Walter Hamada Darkhawk Celebrates 30th Anniversary With Giant-Sized Anthology One-Shot Chris Evans Casts Doubt On His Return To Captain America Book Review: Amber Ruffin And Lacey Lamar’s ‘You’ll Never Believe What Happened To Lacey’ – A Personal Account Of Living With Racism A Rocky Magic Carpet Ride: ‘The Wonders Of Aladdin’ Reviewed by Rachel Bellwoar There are two kinds of people who get three wishes: the kind that can make their dreams come true and the kind that have to use up their wishes getting themselves out of scraps. Aladdin in Mario Bava and Henry Levin’s The Wonders of Aladdin is the latter kind of chap. Played by Singing in the Rain’s Donald O’Connor, it goes against every instinct to dislike someone O’Connor plays but his Aladdin is the worst. Movement-wise, the film plays out like a live action animated movie. Of course, there is a live action version of Aladdin now, but as a precursor to both Disney films the scenes at the marketplace where Aladdin gets into trouble and O’Connor is leaping on buildings feel extremely alive. It’s Aladdin’s personality that’s the trouble – his glee at escaping punishment and his self-congratulatory manner are severely off-putting. Heroes are supposed to be concerned when they cause destruction. No scenes of Aladdin sharing bread with children in this movie. Aladdin is also easily impressed by wealth. He’s supposed to be a street kid yet there’s a sense of privilege about him that O’Conner can’t shake. Instead Aladdin is determined to attend the royal wedding of Prince Moluk (Terrence Hill) and Princess Zaina (Michéle Mercier, in a wasted role) and while he has a girlfriend (Noëlle Adam’s Djalma) back home who loves him, his FOMO is too great for him to consider her feelings. Italian director, Vittorio De Sica, plays the genie and if you haven’t seen his movies there’s a Sophia Loren box set that’s one of Kino Lorber’s best releases. Usually genies are portrayed as being sticklers. They take their wishes seriously and will find any excuse to turn their wish caster’s words against them but de Sica’s genie goes out of his way to help Aladdin and is one of the most amenable genies I’ve ever seen. It’s a shame he appears so sparingly because that’s when you get a lot of the special effects. Also weird but I don’t think before The Wonders of Aladdin I ever saw a magic lamp used for its actual purpose, as a lamp. The male fantasy aspects of The Wonders of Aladdin are disappointing, and that’s not just a 21st century perspective. Film historian, Tim Lucas (whose biography on Mario Bava is available to purchase here), provides the commentary track on Kino Lorber’s release and reviewers at the time noticed the adultness of the movie, too, especially since it was supposed to be a family film, like The 7th Voyage of Sinbad. The production was not a happy one for O’Connor or Adam. O’Connor suffered multiple injuries. Adam was kidnapped, and that’s not even the worst thing that happened. Lucas also takes time to point out which scenes were only available in the Italian version of the film before and which scenes are still missing. The Wonders of Aladdin has a magic carpet ride but there’s also rampant sexism, a whitewashed cast, and a scene involving blackface. The fantasy elements don’t make up for the film’s shortcomings. The Wonders of Aladdin is available on Blu-Ray and DVD starting November 17th from Kino Lorber. November 9, 2020 November 3, 2020 Rachel Bellwoar 402 Views Blu-Ray, Kino Lorber, The Wonders of Aladdin ← Hiding From The Law: ‘The Magnificent Ms. Marvel’ #16 Previewed Preview: A Surprise School Visit Isn’t All That Welcome In ‘Iron Man’ #3 → Meet Our New Editor-in-Chief Erik Amaya & Senior Editors James Ferguson And Olly MacNamee November 1, 2019 Hannah Means Shannon 0 NYCC ’17: Pacific Rim: Uprising Trailer Bursts Onto The Scene October 6, 2017 Erik Amaya 0 Bring Home ‘Munster, Go Home!’ – A Review Of Shout! Factory’s New Blu-Ray March 21, 2020 Rachel Bellwoar 0
{"url": "http://www.comicon.com/2020/11/09/a-rocky-magic-carpet-ride-the-wonders-of-aladdin-reviewed/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.comicon.com", "date_download": "2021-01-15T14:34:07Z", "digest": "sha1:62IOINXV476A2XIN4RNNECZIZJGHK3YN"}
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U.S. sheds 21 excess military facilities in Europe The Defense Department is giving 21 small, excess military facilities back to six European nations and will save about $60 million a year.The sites include housing, a golf course, a hotel and a skeet shooting range.The moves do not involve a reduction in U.S. forces in Europe. They mostly affect unneeded property in Germany and Italy, along with a handful of sites in the U.K., Belgium, Greece and Denmark.The golf course, skeet range, General Abrams Hotel and a number of other facilities are at three U.S. installations in Germany.The Pentagon has been cutting the number U.S. troops in Europe. Currently there are 67,000 U.S. troops across Europe, including about 30,000 each for the Army and Air Force and about 7,000 Navy and Marine Corps forces. The Defense Department is giving 21 small, excess military facilities back to six European nations and will save about $60 million a year.
{"url": "http://www.navytimes.com/article/20140523/NEWS08/305230063/U-S-sheds-21-excess-military-facilities-Europe", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.navytimes.com", "date_download": "2014-10-20T04:28:19Z", "digest": "sha1:7NPPGFEVANO45SFDEM2FIC4OSQMYKFB3"}
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Piovese sport HomeSportPiovese sportTiro con l'arco Codevigo: riparte la stagione internazionale indoor Tiro con l’arco Codevigo: riparte la stagione internazionale indoor Riparte la stagione internazionale indoor del tiro con l’arco e Guendalina Sartori è già protagonista. Per la campionessa di Codevigo il 2015 continua a essere foriero di soddisfazioni. Dopo i tanti successi estivi, “Guenda” centra subito un altro oro. Questa volta il palcoscenico è stato quello di Marrakech, in Marocco, dove a fi ne novembre si è disputata la prima tappa della Coppa del Mondo Indoor. L’azzurra, portacolori dell’Aereonautica Militare, è salita sul gradino più alto del podio, conquistando punti preziosi in prospettiva della classifi ca fi nale. “Considerando che l’indoor non è la mia gara preferita” ha commentato Guendalina subito dopo la gara “non posso che essere contenta del risultato ottenuto in questa prima tappa. Ho posato il primo mattone verso la fi nale di Las Vegas. Continuerò a lavorare verso quest’obiettivo, senza dimenticare il grande appuntamento delle Olimpiadi di Rio. Ringrazio coloro che mi hanno fatto compagnia in questa avventura e gli sponsor che mi supportano in ogni gara”. Per l’Italia, complessivamente, è stato un vero e proprio trionfo. Dall’impianto marocchino i nostri alfi eri sono tornati a casa con un bottino di tre medaglie, di cui due ori e un argento. Con Guendalina Sartori, che nel torneo individuale di ricurvo femminile ha sbaragliato la concorrenza, da sottolineare anche il risultato di Rachele Lelli, la quale si è esaltata nel torneo, sempre di arco ricurvo femminile, riservato alle juniores. Nel torneo maschile senior invece, la piazza d’onore è stata centrata da Matteo Fissore, bravo a raccogliere così a Marrakech il suo terzo alloro consecutivo, dopo l’argento 2013 e l’oro del 2014. Il secondo appuntamento della Coppa del Mondo andrà in scena il 9 e il 10 dicembre a Bangkok, in Tailandia. La World Cup continuerà nel 2016 con la terza tappa in programma dal 15 al 17 gennaio in Francia a Nimes e si concluderà con le fi nali di Las Vegas, negli USA, in programma dal 29 al 31 gennaio. Alessandro Cesarato Codevigo sport Truffa on line: 8 indagati a Codevigo Festa al Palaverde: Nutribullet Treviso Basket vince la Gara1 contro il Lavrio per 87 a 72 Trevigiano Castelfranco Veneto, il Nightingale ha la sua palestra Calcio, si ferma anche la serie D. Stop per due settimane Chioggia Sport Calcio dilettanti, sospesa anche l’Eccellenza Carel sponsor della Pallacanestro Piovese Piove di Sacco saluta l’oncologo Adriano Fornasiero Piove di Sacco, si trasferisce il punto tamponi Coronavirus Piove di Sacco: scelto il palazzetto Borgo Rossi per la campagna... Edizione del PIOVESE
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Le Forestier Rue Haute 2 http://en.resto.be/restaurant/brussels/1000-brussels-center/5705-le-forestier/ The Belgian Comic Strip Center An accomplished attraction located in the heart of Brusse...
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President Barack Obama meets with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on the sidelines of the G20 Summit at Regnum Carya Resort in Antalya, Turkey, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. National Security Advisior Susan E. Rice listens at left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) A War Of Priorities In Syria – Analysis December 6, 2015 December 6, 2015 YaleGlobal Online 0 Comments By YaleGlobal Online The anti-ISIS coalition of many divided special interests will struggle to end the war in Syria. By Chris Miller* Recent weeks have seen jolting reversals in the world’s attempt to bring an end to the war in Syria: the horrific attacks in Paris and Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian bomber that crossed into its airspace threatening joint action against Islamic State. François Hollande’s shuttle diplomacy to Washington and Moscow underlined the fact the international community is more focused on Syria today than at any point since the UN-brokered deal to remove Syria’s chemical weapons in 2012. Yet a substantive diplomatic deal among the major players, the type of deal that would bring peace to Syria, looks far more difficult as each has contradictory security and political priorities that complicate the fight against the Islamic State. The war is driven by multiple, interlocking layers of conflict. There are disputes among different clusters of Syrian fighters, as Sunni rebel groups in northwestern and southwestern Syria fight government forces and fend off attacks from ISIS. At the same time, there is a regional dimension, especially a region-wide conflict between Shiite Iran and Sunni powers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Turkey, too, maintains it has critical security interests in Syria, above all in prioritizing that Syria’s Kurdish minority does not achieve an independent state, which would exacerbate the Turkish government’s dispute with its own Kurdish minority. Finally, outside powers such as the United States, France and Russia clash over the role that Bashar al Assad’s government should play in Syria’s future and the fight against the Islamic State. The terrorist attacks in Paris led many to expect that France would drop its longstanding demand that Assad must leave office and devote all its attention to fighting ISIS, perhaps even with the support of Assad’s forces. In such a scenario, many assumed, the West would have no choice but to come to terms with Russia. The Kremlin says it wants to fight terrorism, but has primarily focused its airstrikes not on ISIS targets but against the rebel groups around the northern Syrian city of Aleppo who are fighting Assad. Two recent events have made a “grand bargain” about Syria between Russia and the West less likely. First, Hollande’s week of diplomatic shuttle to Moscow and Washington underscored the vast gap that remains between how the West and Russia see Syria – and how two years of war in Ukraine have eroded Western trust in Russia. Even intelligence sharing between Russia and Western powers about ISIS is a complicated task because of fears about revealing sources. Second, Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian bomber has underscored the risk involved in military operations in Syria and the danger of miscalculations. Why did Turkey shoot down the Russian plane? Russian aircraft have violated Turkish airspace several times since Russian bombing raids began in October, at one time for more than two minutes, which Turkish and NATO officials interpret as a deliberate provocation. Turkish officials – who dislike Russia’s intervention in Syria, and who, unlike the Kremlin, want to see Assad’s fall – may have been looking to send a signal to Moscow about Turkey’s resolve. At the same time, Turkey’s action brings NATO more directly into the conflict over Syria. The United States, France, the United Kingdom and other Western countries that are NATO members pledged to defend Turkey against attack, and the Russian plane’s violation of the NATO member Turkey’s airspace brings Western disagreements with Russia back to the forefront of debate. The other major Western disagreement with Russia is Ukraine. Some analysts have predicted that Western countries would seek to “trade” Ukraine for Syria, giving the Kremlin some of what it wants in Ukraine in exchange for Russian support for anti-ISIS operations in Syria. Though some Western analysts and officials have considered the idea of cutting a deal with Russia, there is little sign of such a trade emerging in practice. The coalition in favor of keeping tough sanctions on Russia – including the US, UK, Germany, Poland and the Baltics – remains committed to that policy. Germany, a key player in Europe’s foreign policy, remains unconvinced that more airstrikes in Syria constitute a wise policy. Berlin, therefore, sees little reason to cut a deal with Russia. Meanwhile, renewed violence in Ukraine’s war-torn Donbas region has underscored the extent to which Western and Russia disagreements about Ukraine remain. Russia, for its part, would likely be pleased to strike a deal with the West about fighting ISIS. That would give Russia a powerful seat at the negotiating table that will decide Syria’s fate, bringing Vladimir Putin back into the fold. Such a deal would also likely preserve Russia’s naval base on the Mediterranean and other military installations in Syria. Turkey, however, has thwarted Russian hopes for a rapid deal with the West over Syria. Turkey has a complicated relationship with its southern neighbor. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan once had a close relationship with Assad, and the two governments even had joint cabinet meetings. After Assad responded to Sunni protests with a violent crackdown, relations rapidly soured, and Turkey’s government began supporting anti-government rebels. Today, Turkey has several goals in Syria. Most importantly, it seeks to avoid the establishment of an independent or autonomous territory in the northern Syria region that is dominated by Kurdish groups. Especially because Turkey’s relations with its own Kurds have soured since this summer, Ankara fears that an independent Kurdish region in Syria would further embolden Kurdish groups in Turkey. A deal directing the West’s focus solely toward ISIS, with the effect of reestablishing the legitimacy of Assad’s government, would contradict Ankara’s goals. First, a deal between Assad and the Aleppo-based rebels might lead to a decentralization of Syria’s government in a way that provided further autonomy to the Kurds. Second, Turkey fears the expansion of Russian and Iranian influence in Syria. There may be some scope for an agreement between Russia and the West about Syria. Hollande and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius have signaled that they are willing to compromise on their opposition to Assad, suggesting that they could back a process that led to a “credible political transition” – wording that suggests that Assad could stay in the short term before being replaced by a more representative government in the medium term. Russia, too, has repeatedly stated that its commitment is to Syria’s “legitimate government” rather than to Assad personally, which appears to encompass a similar possibility of a medium-term exit for Assad. An anti-ISIS coalition between Russia and the West would be more effective if fully supported by Saudi Arabia and Iran, two countries that have invested heavily in Syria. That looks unlikely. But even if such a deal is struck – and even, less likely, if such a deal includes most of the anti-Assad rebel groups clustered around the northern city of Aleppo – that would not stop the fighting in Syria. Nor would such a deal lead to immediate destruction of ISIS in Syria. ISIS forces are spread between Iraq and Syria. Rooting them out of their heartland in the river valleys that connect the two countries will take a more concerted military effort combining air and ground assault than any foreign powers have thus far been willing to commit. Deal or no deal, the ravages of war in Syria are unlikely to end soon. *Chris Miller is associate director of the Grand Strategy Program at Yale and a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He is currently finishing a book manuscript on Russian-Chinese relations. ← Labour’s Dilemma: What Should Be Done With 66 MPs Who Voted With Tories To Approve Airstrikes In Syria? – OpEd Finding The Next Flashpoint In US-Russian Relations – OpEd → YaleGlobal Online YaleGlobal Online is a publication of the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale. The magazine explores the implications of the growing interconnectedness of the world by drawing on the rich intellectual resources of the Yale University community, scholars from other universities, and public- and private-sector experts from around the world. The aim is to analyze and promote debate on all aspects of globalization through publishing original articles and multi-media presentations. YaleGlobal also republishes, with a brief comment, important articles from other publications that illuminate the many sides of this complex phenomenon. To the extent permitted by copyright arrangements, YaleGlobal archives such articles and makes them available for search and retrieval.
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Alimentation : la filière bio est mal partie Si les consommateurs refusent de plus en plus les produits altérés issus de l'agriculture conventionnelle et, en se tournant vers la bio espèrent, pour certains, contribuer à une meilleure rémunération des paysans, ils seront déçus parce que la filière bio est mal partie, selon notre enquête. Comment en est-on arrivé là ? « ... la politique de la baisse continuelle des prix agricoles a rejeté, progressivement, l'agriculture hors du champ de l'investissement capitaliste. Les capitalistes agraires sont progressivement éliminés avec les propriétaires fonciers, cédant la place à l'essor de la production paysanne familiale. Telle fut l'évolution de l'agriculture au XXe siècle. Par conséquent, il est clair que l'agriculture paysanne constitue, non pas un résidu précapitaliste, mais une forme recréée par le capitalisme moderne, s'articulant à lui de manière exemplaire. L'agriculture paysanne actuelle ne constitue pas une sphère non-capitaliste. Elle présente simplement l'insolite visage d'un capitalisme sans capitalistes. (...) En réalité, l'investissement effréné des paysans dans l'agriculture est appelé à assumer cette tâche : assurer une production croissante sans poser des problèmes ni de rente, ni de profit. » (1) En quelques lignes, Kostas Vergopoulos résume l'évolution de l'agriculture, avec une forte accélération après la Seconde Guerre mondiale : « Les efforts de remembrement, les contrôles rigoureux des transactions sur les terrains agricoles, les dispositions du droit de succession et les autres interventions ne visent que l'optimisation des structures agricoles, voire la préservation de l'exploitation familiale, en interdisant la propriété naine. » (2) Mais comme l'écrivait Claude Faure, « dans la production capitaliste, la circulation s'est en effet emparée de la production en ce sens que la production n'est plus qu'un moment de la circulation. » (3). Ajoutons avec Claude Servolin que du fait du développement du mode de production capitaliste (MPC) et de la division sociale du travail, « le petit producteur se trouve donc contraint de vendre sur le marché une partie croissante de sa production, alors que, comme nous l'avons vu, cette production commercialisée est nécessairement vendue en dessous de sa valeur. » (4) Avec l'hypertrophie de la grande distribution (les GMS), la dégradation s'est accélérée. Notre enquête porte sur quelques produits bio, notamment de maraîchage, vendus en circuit long. La collecte de prix publics, l'analyse sectorielle et l'examen des bilans de quelques acteurs significatifs de la filière bio permettent d'établir le tableau ci-après. Chou de Brux. Prix public ttc conseillé par unité de vente Prix public ht Marge commerciale détaillant PV ht du grossiste Marge commerciale grossiste PV ht du maraîcher (rendu clients) alors Coef. du producteur au public coût transport par unité de vente (U.V.) coût location palette IFCO par U.V. Prix vente ht du maraîcher (départ Ferme) Pour ces 2 légumes, en partant des prix publics cohérents sur la dernière saison puisqu'ils sont une donnée de l'ensemble du marché des légumes, et compte tenu du fait qu'une baisse de ces prix ciblés n'est pas souhaitable car elle ne se ferait qu'au détriment des producteurs, nous obtenons pour le maraîcher un prix de vente (HT) au départ de la ferme, après avoir retiré successivement la marge commerciale du détaillant, celle du grossiste intermédiaire, puis le coût de transport et celui d'une palette spéciale. Malheureusement, les maraîchers n'ont pas vendu à ces prix-là. Pour le chou de Bruxelles, le grossiste PRONATURA Provence payait 3,70 € un produit que nous retrouvions à Paris chez NATURALIA à 7,95 €, soit en dessous du prix conseillé, ce qui n'est pas surprenant puisque PRONATURA Bretagne se vante de faire le plan de production et les prix de ses maraîchers... qui ne seraient donc que des engraisseurs de végétaux, comme la filière porcine si décriée. Pour le poireau, BIOCOOP, distributeur de référence dans la filière bio, payait 1,40 €. Dans ces conditions, chacun comprend que la filière bio est déjà déréglée, au sens où tous les acteurs ne sont pas dans leurs justes positions. Il est permis de douter d'une amélioration prochaine, si on observe la filière céréalière bio en partant d'une exploitation. Située dans les Deux-Sèvres, cette ferme vendait sa production bio à la CAVAC (très grosse coopérative pas tout bio, d'envergure internationale ― pour exemple : contrat de 20.000 tonnes de blé dur signé avec la marque italienne Barilla), qui lui payait son blé 411 € la tonne en 2017 et lui garantit un prix mini de 400 € la tonne jusqu'à 2022 (4) ; l'excédent brut d'exploitation (EBE) de cette ferme s'élevait à 59 K€ en 2017, avec 48 K€ de subventions (5) : autant dire que la Subvention, c'est la rémunération de l'exploitant. Et sur les rayons BIOCOOP (6), vous trouvez le pain BIOFOURNIL, qui appartient à la CAVAC. Comme l'écrivait René Dumont à propos de l'Afrique noire (7) au début des années 60, la filière bio est mal partie. Pourtant, un homme politique très responsable avait dit : « La France ne doit à aucun prix devenir une poussière d'agglomérations urbaines dispersées dans un désert même verdoyant et même entretenu. Sauver la nature qui sera demain le premier besoin de l'homme, c'est sauver la nature habitée et cultivée. Une nature abandonnée par le paysan, même si elle est entretenue, devient une nature artificielle et je dirais une nature funèbre. Toute autre formule, d'ailleurs, serait non seulement déplorable, mais serait ruineuse. Et même sur le plan économique, il est à mon sens plus rentable d'avoir des terres habitées et cultivées par des hommes, même si on est obligé d'aider ces hommes, que d'avoir de vastes réserves nationales, entretenues, conservées et protégées fatalement par une masse de fonctionnaires. » Georges Pompidou (8) Et on a eu la nature abîmée par l'agriculture productiviste d'hommes subventionnés pour le meilleur profit du reste de la filière, la nature désertée par les paysans (fait sociologique majeur du XXe siècle : la fin de la paysannerie), et la masse de fonctionnaires qu'on veut maintenant "dégraisser", et les mégapoles (qui sont les uniques cibles du développement au détriment de la France périphérique (9) : l'effondrement est au bout de l'entêtement mortifère). Force est de constater le fiasco, l'échec économique, écologique et sociale des 60 dernières années. Nous nous gardons de toute prédiction. Ni pessimisme, ni optimisme : comme Pierre Bitoun et Yves Dupont (10), nous écrivons l'avenir en ... Soyons raisonnables puisque tout est incertain. (1) Samir Amin et Kostas Vergopoulos, La question paysanne et le capitalisme, éditions anthropos-idep, 1er trimestre 1977, page 266-67. (ouvrage réédité en 2016 par NENA en livrel) (2) Ibidem, p.217. (3) Claude Faure, Agriculture et capitalisme, éditions anthropos, 1978, page 22. (4) Ainsi que, pour information, 300 €/t pour le maïs, 1.350 €/t pour la lentille (mini garantis jusqu'à 2022). (5) Le lecteur intéressé se reportera aux statistiques issues du Réseau d'Information Comptable Agricole (RICA) dans les Dossiers Agreste (Ministère de l'Agriculture). (6) BIOCOOP a commencé un programme de boutiques boulangerie (la première a ouvert près d'Agen) : l'accès aux bons produits sera étendu, c'est le bénéfice des consommateurs ; pour celui du paysan, il faudra attendre, si on a la foi. (7) René Dumont, L'Afrique noire est mal partie, Seuil, 1962 (revue et corrigée en 1973). (8) Georges Pompidou, discours de Saint-Flour en 1971, cité par Pierre Bitoun et Yves Dupont (9), p.174. (9) Pour comprendre la situation française actuelle, nous recommandons vivement le dernier ouvrage de Christophe Guilluy, No society. La fin de la classe moyenne occidentale, Flammarion, octobre 2018. (10) Pierre Bitoun et Yves Dupont, Le sacrifice des paysans. Une catastrophe sociale et anthropologique, éditions L'Echappée, 4e trimestre 2016. Publié dans Notes économiques, Notes politiques Quand le professeur Pastré baffe le banquier Pastré Qui a livré à Microsoft les fichiers Santé des Français ? Face à Huawei, les européistes seront-ils röpkiens comme Donald Trump ? Macron, les retraites, BlackRock, Bolkenstein Pacte de l'ONU sur les migrations : qui est Louise Arbour ? Un gourmet at Ze Kitchen Galerie
{"url": "http://www.alexandreanizy.com/2018/12/alimentation-la-filiere-bio-est-mal-partie.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.alexandreanizy.com", "date_download": "2021-06-12T11:43:02Z", "digest": "sha1:56XTIYZTTGHCVULQGI6YFTZK4CYLHSEC"}
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Money & Medicine Living the tiny life Last modified: July 29, 2010 at 3:08 pm Tags: tiny house movement ABOUT NEED TO KNOW Need to Know is a production of Creative News Group (CNG) in association with WNET. Marc Rosenwasser is Executive Producer. Need to Know is made possible by Bernard and Irene Schwartz, Mutual of America, Citi Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation, Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS. © 2018 WNET.ORG. All rights reserved. pbs.org Terms of Use Privacy Policy
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Ordination Frère Jean du Sacré-Coeur Reportage photo de l'ordination de Frère Jean du Sacré-Coeur, le 3 juillet 2010 à Ars-sur-Formans Categories: Evénements, Portraits 3 juillet 2010 WW1-Le Collet du Linge Photogaphies aériennes et assemblages panoramiques du Collet du Linge (Bas-Rhin) réalisés au drone. Site de la Première Guerre mondiale, il est surnommé Le Tombeau des Chasseurs. Visite de travail de John Kerry au Luxembourg Photographe officiel pour le gouvernement luxembourgeois lors de la visite de travail de John Kerry, secrétaire d’état des Etats-Unis, au Luxembourg, le 17 juillet 2016 WW1 – Centenaire de la bataille de Verdun Reportage photographique lors de la cérémonie de commémoration du centenaire de la bataille de Verdun, le 29 mai 2016 à Consenvoye. Jean-Marie Pelt, pharmacien, biologiste, botaniste et écologue Portraits de Jean-Marie Pelt, pharmacien, écologiste, écrivain, né à Rodemack en 1933. Il fut président de l’Institut Européen d’Ecologie à Metz. Il est décédé le 23 décembre 2015 à Metz Centre commercial B’Est – Drone Photographies aériennes et panoramiques du centre commercial B’Est à Farébersviller (Moselle) pour le magazine Le Moniteur du BTP Photographies du Mont Saint-Michel en février 2016. Beauté du lieu au lever du soleil sous la gelée blanche. Ecrin de lumière à la tombée de la nuit.
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Canaldesarrollo Centros de Integración Local CIL Aguilar de Campoo CIL Arévalo CIL Benavente CIL Briviesca CIL Burgo de Osma CIL Cuéllar CIL Íscar CIL Ponferrada CIL Santa Marta CIL Trobajo del Camino Trámites de Extranjería Asesoría en línea Textos legislativos Inicio » Centros de Integración Local » CIL Arévalo (Ávila) Buscador | Avanzado CIL Arévalo (Ávila) Concluye el proyecto Construyendo Ciudadanía en Arévalo Volver Imprimir Recomendar 05/10/2011 - Actividades La Fundación de la Lengua Española y la Obra Social de La Caixa han formado a diez vecinos como mediadores en la resolución de conflictos locales de baja intensidad. Han pasado ocho semanas desde que se celebró la primera sesión del proyecto Construyendo Ciudadanía en Arévalo. Dos meses de reuniones semanales en las que diez vecinos de la localidad abulense se han formado como mediadores en la resolución de conflictos interculturales de baja intensidad. Si un rasgo ha caracterizado a este grupo es la heterogeneidad: los asistentes han sido siete hombres y tres mujeres, seis españoles y cuatro extranjeros; y de entre 15 y 51 años de edad. A la última jornada de este proyecto acudieron un total de 20 personas. Los diez voluntarios participantes en la iniciativa, estuvieron acompañados por representantes de las asociaciones FADEMUR (Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Rurales), ASODEMA (Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural de La Montaña y Tierra de Arévalo, o AMPA (Asociación de Madres y Padres del Colegio Público de los Arevacos). Los participantes en el proyecto Construyendo Ciudadanía han abordado temas relacionados con la promoción de la salud social, las técnicas de orientación laboral, la igualdad de género en ámbitos sociolaborales y culturales, o el desarrollo de la acción rural. También han establecido canales de comunicación para mejorar la coordinación con las instituciones locales, como el Ayuntamiento, los centros docentes o las bibliotecas. Ahora que el proyecto formativo ha concluido, los voluntarios pretenden aprovechar los conocimientos adquiridos y los contactos establecidos para fortalecer los tejidos y las redes sociales, y continuar celebrando encuentros y tertulias entre asociaciones y ciudadanos. Construyendo Ciudadanía es una iniciativa de La Fundación de la Lengua Española y la Obra Social de La Caixa para promover la integración cultural. En los nueve municipios de Castilla y León que cuentan con centros de la fundación se han celebrado sesiones semanales teóricas y prácticas para formar a voluntarios como mediadores especializados en la resolución de conflictos interculturales de baja intensidad que se desarrollen en el ámbito local. Participa comparte tus dudas y comentarios Por favor, activa JavaScript para ver los comentarios funcionando con Disqus. comentarios funcionando con Disqus Email (no será publicado) (requerido) Escribe la clave de la imagen (requerido) Cambiar imagen El envío de este formulario implica la aceptación de los términos legales El envío de este formulario implica la aceptación de los siguientes términos legales: De acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos de que sus datos personales serán tratados automatizadamente con la finalidad de darle contestación a su solicitud. Para el ejercicio de sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición deberá dirigirse al responsable del fichero, Fundación para la Difusión de la Lengua y la Cultura Española. C. de Fray Luis de León, 1, 1ºB, 47002 Valladolid (Spain). ¡CSS válido! ¡XHTML válido! Ir a cabecera de página
{"url": "https://www.fundacionlengua.com/canal-desarrollo/es/concluye-proyecto-construyendo-ciudadania-arevalo/art/3821/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.fundacionlengua.com", "date_download": "2022-01-16T09:44:41Z", "digest": "sha1:PL5T2YJSKYHULSKERFJZB4ESP56D2WM7"}
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Caro-materiali: in Gazzetta ufficiale il decreto Mims con l'aumento dei prezzi Home ▪ up-to-date ▪ Caro-materiali: in Gazzetta ufficiale il decreto Mims con l'aumento dei prezzi È stato pubblicato in Gazzetta ufficiale il decreto del ministero delle Infrastrutture che rileva l'aumento dei prezzi dei principali materiali da costruzione registrato nel primo semestre del 2021 rispetto alla media dei prezzi del 2020. «Le variazioni, elaborate dai competenti uffici del Mims, contenute nella tabella allegata, sono state approvate a maggioranza dalla 'Commissione consultiva centrale per il rilevamento del costo dei materiali da costruzione' composta da rappresentanti del Ministero, delle stazioni appaltanti e degli operatori di settore», fa sapere il Mims. L'allegato al Dm rileva i prezzi medi, per l'anno 2020, relativi ai materiali da costruzione più significativi, nonché le variazioni percentuali superiori all'8%, dei prezzi dei materiali da costruzione più significativi, verificatesi nel primo semestre dell'anno 2021, rispetto ai prezzi medi rilevati con riferimento all'anno 2020. Il Dm pubblicato in "Gazzetta" Sulla base del decreto, gli operatori economici titolari di contratti pubblici potranno chiedere alle stazioni appaltanti la compensazione per i maggiori costi sostenuti a seguito degli aumenti, indicando la quantità dei materiali impiegati. Le stazioni appaltanti dovranno provvedere al pagamento dei relativi oneri e qualora dovessero dichiarare di non disporre delle risorse sufficienti potranno usufruire dell'apposito Fondo costituito presso il Mims con una dotazione di 100 milioni di euro. Per alcuni materiali, come le lamiere in acciaio di qualsiasi spessore lisce, piane e striate e per i nastri in acciaio per manufatti o barriere stradali, l'aumento arriva rispettivamente al 59,37% e al 76,43%. In forte aumento anche il costo del legno e del rame. caro materiali Caro prezzi: dalle Infrastrutture le istruzioni per calcolare le compensazioniBonus edilizi diversi dal Superbonus: niente visto di conformità se la fattura è stata pagata prima del 12 novembre archivio up-to-date novembre 2021
{"url": "https://www.professionearchitetto.it/news/notizie/29210/Caro-materiali-in-Gazzetta-ufficiale-il-decreto-Mims-con-l-aumento-dei-prezzi?utm_source=pAtopNewsBox&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=paBox", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.professionearchitetto.it", "date_download": "2022-01-16T11:16:29Z", "digest": "sha1:VTOHKS7O3XGTKYHWY7ZNVBFP3PNTHAHV"}
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Tigers agree to terms with Anibal Sanchez DETROIT – The Detroit Tigers today announced the club has agreed to terms on a five-year contract, with a club option for 2018, with righthanded pitcher Anibal Sanchez. Sanchez, 28, compiled a 4-6 record with a 3.74 ERA (74.2IP/31ER) and 57 strikeouts in 12 starts with the Tigers during the 2012 season after being acquired from the Miami Marlins on July 23. He posted a 5-7 record, 3.94 ERA (121.0IP/53ER) and 110 strikeouts in 19 starts this past season with the Marlins. “Anibal pitched tremendously for us down the stretch and during the post-season,” Tigers President, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager David Dombrowski said. “He strengthens our starting rotation and we are pleased to have him back with the Tigers organization.” Over his final eight starts of the season with the Tigers August 22-September 30, he finished with a 3-3 record, 2.15 ERA (54.1IP/13ER) and 44 strikeouts. Sanchez limited opponents to a .227 batting average (46x203) during that stretch. Sanchez started three games for Detroit during the post-season in 2012, posting a 1-2 record, 1.77 ERA (20.1IP/4ER) and 18 strikeouts. He held opponents to a .192 batting average (14x73) during the post-season. A veteran of seven seasons at the major league level with the Marlins (2006-12) and Tigers (2012), Sanchez has posted a 48-51 record, 3.75 ERA (869.0IP/362ER) and 733 strikeouts in 145 appearances (144 starts).
{"url": "http://m.tigers.mlb.com/news/article/40685452", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "m.tigers.mlb.com", "date_download": "2016-02-06T03:07:33Z", "digest": "sha1:F7GTBAUTXAYLY2RUNEWZANK3VGOVRKBJ"}
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Student stories: The first few weeks in Melbourne are the hardest Posted by Meld Magazine on March 14, 2016 in Discussion · 0 Comments STUDYING overseas can be exciting but those first few weeks of adjustment can be tough and outright terrifying for many international students. Shaofei Xing speaks to Chinese international students about their stories of adjustment. Photo: Wan Shing Lang It is O-Week. On the South Lawn of the University of Melbourne, occupying the seagulls’ ordinary hangout, laid a row of white tents. Groups of students lined up and waited for their turn to talk to those inside the tents. Others meanwhile had their hands cupped to their mouths, yelling at the crowd to attract attention. “Two dollars for a lifelong membership!” “Five dollars to learn a new language throughout the whole semester!” “Join our club for ten dollars and you can get a chance to win a $1000 bonus!” Among them Xiao Qian, a Chinese student, in a green checked dress and red knit, asked every student passing by about the whereabouts of her valued pen. “Did you see a pen just now?” she asked students. “The upper part of it is pure white, and the lower part is like stardust which contains many shining tiny clear crystals.” In the midst of signing up to student clubs and societies, and chatting with new friends, Xiao didn’t notice she had lost her beloved pen – a sentimental gift given to her by her boyfriend as a birthday present. “I like it so much and bring it with me every day. And now it’s just gone,” she sighed. The first weeks Xiao’s experience of orientation week is indicative of the kind of dizzying environments many international students often find themselves in as they adjust to their new home away from home. It is at once exciting, stressful and chaotic. Other new international students may identify. Over the course of orientation, Xiao needed to enrol for her subjects, buy textbooks and take care of her social life by signing up to different clubs. She felt overwhelmed even before the semester had begun. For Accounting and Finance student Yuqing, her first experiences of adjustment took place before university. Yuqing came to Melbourne four years ago as an international high school student and studied at Alphington Grammar School. The first few weeks were daunting. She had difficulties starting conversations with others as she could not understand the Australian accent and way of greeting. She found cultural differences made making friends with local students difficult. It took her some time to get accustomed to her new environment but Yuqing wasn’t the only international student at her high school to have struggled. “One Chinese boy had real problems getting used to the new learning environment,” Yuqing said. “He spoke poor English and couldn’t understand [what was being taught in] class. Later, he refused to go to school and of course he failed most of the exams. He told me that he would have a video chat with his mother every evening, complain about the situation and say how much he miss[ed] home. Even if it was just a two-week break, he flew back home.” Beyond culture Adjusting to student life abroad isn’t just about becoming accustomed to the country’s culture and lifestyle, but also learning to adapt to a different education system. There can be a great deal of difference between how students study in their own country and how they have to study in Australia. In China, for example, most of the universities still have a set class schedule for undergraduate courses. Students cannot enrol in subjects based on their interests or choose their class timetables. However, when they come to study in Australia, students can independently choose their own subjects and preferred timetables. As such, taking initiative can pose a challenge to some international students who need to become more confident in thinking critically, discussing and being proactive in tutorials. Chinese students in particular are quite shy and don’t like to express their opinions in class, even if they have the right answer. Xiao said she seldom answered questions in class. “We like to keep our own opinions,” she said. How staff, students and others can help new students adjust Fortunately, schools do try their best to assist students to adapt to the new learning environment and culture. The University of Melbourne Student Union, for example, hosts information sessions where staff try and help solve students’ problems at the beginning of each semester. For Yuqing, it was her high school head teacher who helped her go through the most difficult time. “She was really kind-hearted and patient. When I asked her questions, she explained to me slowly to make sure that I could catch up with her. I [liked] talking with her very much [and] it was a good chance to practice my oral English too,” she said. Yuqing also sought advice from senior students when it came to course selection and other information relevant to her student life. She now hopes to go on a study exchange in Europe after choosing Spanish as her third language. Alongside staff and fellow students, homestay parents can also help international students feel more welcome and confident in their new home. Xiao said when she first came to Melbourne, her homestay parents took her to buy daily necessities, open her bank account and help her become familiar with Melbourne’s public transportation network. On the weekend, they would drive her around the city, showing her remarkable places in Melbourne like the State Library of Victoria, the Yarra River and the Shrine of Remembrance. They also took her to local events and festivals. Adjustments take time It will take time for new students to find their place in this new culture and environment. There will be times of success and hardship but the promise of a world-class education and the opportunities that arise from being an independent young adult in a new country can often make up for those difficulties. That said, it is important for international students to keep an open mind and a positive attitude during this adjustment period, and it could be better if local students understand how hard this transition is for their international peers and offer to help if need be. Studying abroad marks a new beginning for all international students and eventually most will learn to call this foreign land home. Tags: China, Discussion Previous Post Melbourne Queer Film Festival 2016 Comedy Zone Asia is back to bring you laughs close to home Student stories: Exploring Melbourne as a student journalist Student stories: Making a fresh start in Melbourne Student stories: “Studying in Melbourne changed my life forever” Student stories: Why I can never call Melbourne home (but that’s okay)
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Post > Campus News & Events > Campus Press Releases > CWP Press Release Oct 14 2011 C.W. Post Expert: Occupy Protests Seek Fundamental Change Sociology chair Eric Lichten: movement’s goals are beyond political process, could transform opinions about concentration of wealth and power Morgan Lyle,Assistant Director of Public Relations C.W. Post Campus, Long Island University morgan.lyle@liu.edu Brookville, N.Y. – The Occupy protests in New York, Boston and cities across the country could lead to a fundamental re-thinking of the distribution of wealth and power in society, according to an expert in economic sociology at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. Unlike the Tea Party movement, which sought to exert conservative influence over the GOP, the Occupy movement isn't geared toward participation in the two-party political process, said Eric Lichten, professor of sociology and chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at C.W. Post. “The Tea Party was interested in directly and indirectly negating moderate interests in the Republican Party,” Lichten said. “This Occupy Wall Street movement is not now interested in inclusion in the Democratic Party. It has the potential to be a transformative social movement; it questions the foundation of economic concentrations of wealth and income, the influence of the same over the political system and public policies of ‘neoliberalism’ (reliance on free markets and the private sector), and follows on the heels of four decades of dismantling those institutions that protected the middle and working classes while this age of growing inequality and corporate power extended its grasp on all of society.” Dr. Lichten's research interest include fiscal crises and public policy; hate, bias and prejudice in America (including hate crimes); inequality in America; social problems of American society; political sociology (politics and society) and public policy; war and peace issues (including military sociology). Posted 10/14/2011 Return to Press Releases About the C.W. Post CampusAdmissionsFinancial Assistance & ScholarshipsAcademicsStudent Life & ServicesAthleticsContinuing Education Campus Press Releases 720 Northern Blvd, Brookville, New York 11548 | Telephone: 516-299-2000
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Ellen Swallow Richards and female students, 1888 William J. Knox, Jr., ca. 1925 Wonder Woman #50: Ellen Swallow Richards, 1950s (-) School of Science (3) (-) Chemical Engineering (1) (-) Chemistry (3) Booker T. Washington (2) (-) Bridge Leaders (1) Ellen Swallow Richards (2) HBCUs (1) Howard University (1) (-) Order of Operations 1921-1945 (1) Potential Output 1946-1954 (1) Roots and Exponents 1875-1920 (1) (-) Tuskegee (2)
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To Begin the World Anew > To Begin the World Anew To Begin the World Anew Summary The five essays in this small book are based on various addresses to scholarly audiences—author Bernard Bailyn does not specify the occasions—which have been tailored to suit the needs of a more general readership. Two of them seem particularly suited to this wider audience. The first of these, “Jefferson and the Ambiguities of Freedom,” presents not just the ambiguities of freedom but also the ambiguities in the complex being who was Thomas Jefferson. Of course, the record of Jefferson’s life, unusually detailed for his time, has given critics ample opportunities to discover his inconsistencies. Jefferson furnished many of these opportunities himself by leaving behind no fewer than nineteen thousand letters and by aspiring to a career of political leadership. Social background and personal inclination made this gentleman farmer a vigorous proponent of states’ rights. The eight years of his presidency presented internal and external threats to the young nation that forced him to accept a degree of federalism that he must have found alarming. The growth of northern industrial and banking interests, which he hated and feared, drove him to abandon his former, and undoubtedly sincere, opposition to the expansion of slavery in the hope of maintaining the precarious balance of power between North and South. The actions of his presidency, often regarded as his best and worst, contributed to the image of hypocrite painted by his opponents, then and later. The Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the nation, rendered a great increase in federal power inevitable. Jefferson’s call for the Embargo Act of 1807 (devised, Bailyn argues, as an idealistic antidote to war with Great Britain) succeeded in benefiting the unscrupulous rich, injuring the poor whose plight Jefferson wished to ameliorate, and merely postponing the war that broke out five years later. His early role as articulator of American democratic ideals and his role a quarter-century later as president struggling with practical problems that forced compromise with those ideals left him perpetually exposed to hostile criticism. It is clear that the exigencies of eight years as chief executive forced Jefferson to trim his political sails. Bailyn recognizes, however, that the evidence does not account for the “peculiarly venomous” judgments by his harsher critics, a number of whom he quotes. In defending Jefferson against what he clearly regards as the unfairness of many of the charges in such works as Leonard Levy’sJefferson and Civil Liberties: The Darker Side (1963), Michael Zuckerman’s Almost Chosen People(1993), and Conor Cruise O’Brien’s The Long Affair: Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution, 1785-1900 (1996), Bailyn argues that Jefferson’s rare combination of political realism and radical idealism led him into “intractable dilemmas” that not even his brilliant mind could resolve. These intellectual polarities appeared early. Having been elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses at age twenty-six and chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence at thirty-three, young Jefferson was forced into an awareness of the complexities of reconciling idealistic theory and the demands of practical politics. In the short compass of the Declaration of Independence, for instance, magnificent political idealism consorts with unsparing fixation on the harsh realities of British colonial rule. In another essay Bailyn examines the illustrious collection of political arguments known as theFederalist papers, intended by its principal authors, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, to allay a variety of fears regarding a potentially dangerous document—the proposed Constitution of the United States—and permit its passage. In the minds of thoughtful citizens of the new nation (a remarkably numerous group, according to Bailyn), the central power represented by a federal constitution contained the threat of reestablishment of the old European tyrannies and the evisceration of the sovereign states that had formed the federation. Bailyn’s essay helps the present-day citizen, who tends to take the benefits of that document for granted, understand those fears and the achievement of the Federalist authors in convincing those earlier citizens that the system of checks and balances devised by the Founding Fathers offered them adequate protection. The Federalist papers are not just a historically... (The entire section is 1825 words.) to this To Begin the World Anew Study Guide To Begin the World Anew Homework Help Questions in regards to "To Begin the World Anew," what country's government was influenced by American... The premise of the American Constitution impacted many nations. Indeed, much of the French Revolution was inspired by the Colonists' actions and their drive for a Constitution. The... Ask a question Faces of Revolution The Peopling of British North America Voyagers to the West The Fall of the House of Usher The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas Toni Cade Bambara Ode to the West Wind
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Tell Me, Wave, Where Did You Come From? Who Made You? By Robert Krulwich Joe Munroe Library of Congress Originally published on July 7, 2014 10:27 am "I'm sitting next to a swimming pool and somebody dives in," says the great physicist Richard Feynman in a conversation recorded in 1983. Other people jump in as well. Could a really clever person, Feynman asks, just by looking at the waves on the pool's surface, imagine those waves rippling backwards and "figure out who jumped in where and when?" In other words, can somebody read a wave's history? As Feynman ponders his own question, he falls into a wonderful, deeply felt meditation on waves (hang on, you can it at the bottom of this post), and I thought, wait! I know about people who could 'read' waves — who could wind them backwards. They lived in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, on islands barely 3 or 4 feet above sea level, and performed miracles of navigation. I'm talking about Micronesian canoeists. They'd matter-of-factly jump into canoes and travel a hundred or 200 miles across empty ocean to get to another dot of an island, barely visible, and over and over, they'd find their target. They had stars to navigate by, but only some of the time. Often it was cloudy, or dark. So how'd they do it? In his book, The Wave Watcher's Companion, Gavin Pretor-Pinney says those Micronesian sailors could "feel" the waves telling them where there was land. The waves pointed back to land that was 30, even 40 miles away. The navigators wouldn't stare at the sea. Instead, they'd lie down on the boat's bottom and, resting against the wood, they'd tell their companions, "the land is behind us" or " I can feel the land up ahead." But how did they know? Pretor-Pinney tells us to think of an island in the ocean. Think of the current, or the wind, pushing the water in a particular direction. If there's an island in the current's path, the waves will be deflected, and there will be a zone of calm, in the island's wake. That "shadow of calm," Pretor-Pinney writes, can be detected. It will travel with the rest of the ocean and carry its calmness farther and farther offshore. That absence of ocean swells tells the navigator, "there's an island near here." In 1862, a missionary watched Micronesians learning to read the presence and absence of swells. He reported seeing one of the crew apparently "listening" to the currents below. Pretor-Pinney thinks the navigator wasn't really listening, but more likely was noticing, very carefully, which way the boat was rocking. "If the stern lifted before the bow, the swell was coming from behind," he writes. "If port lifted before starboard, it was coming from the left." According to David Lewis, in his book We Navigators: The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific, this skill was taught by parents to children with the use of tool. This is what it looked like. It's a chart (made of sticks) called a mattang. David Lewis writes: Made from strips of coconut-palm fronds tied together into a lattice, these showed how the swells were reflected off the islands and how they changed direction as they refracted and diffracted around them. Small shells attached to the stick charts represented the land. Since the swells tend to come from consistent directions, navigators could learn to judge the direction of an island from as far as forty miles away by the way it affected the wave paths. So yes, 200 years ago (and probably long before that) people matter-of-factly listened to waves and rolled them backwards to locate land. Could you do that in a crowded swimming pool? It would be hard, says Richard Feynman, in this rich monologue, recorded in 1983 by the BBC. We live, he says, in "a tremendous mess of waves." There are waves in our pools, waves in the sea, sound waves, light waves, radio waves, magnetic waves bopping us, moving through us all the time. We can detect some of them, but not all. So yes, Micronesian navigators were masterful at reading waves, but as you'll hear in this wonderful little monologue — so, dear reader, are you. Maybe you didn't realize how good you are, but let Professor Feynman flatter you for five minutes. It's nice to be complimented by a genius.Thanks to Lawrence Weschler for showing me Feynman's video. It is currently part of a fascinating exhibit at the National Museum of Mathematic, in New York, featuring the art work of Trevor and Ryan Oakes. Copyright 2014 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/. View the discussion thread. © 2015 KUVO/KVJZ
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Performance: Judy Russell presents Cabaret - This event has already occurred Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 22, 2018 8:00 p.m. Friday, February 23, 2018 8:00 p.m. Saturday, February 24, 2018 8:00 p.m. PG Playhouse 2626 RecPlace Drive, Prince George BC Arts, Culture, Concerts, and Festivals Judy Russell is thrilled to be bringing back Kander and Ebb’s Tony Award-winning musical CABARET to the Prince George Playhouse February 13, 2018 – February 24, 2018. Show starts at 8:00pm each night. Purchase tickets. View more info on event. Russell previously staged the production in 2001 at the Ramada and remounted due to overwhelming demand in 2002 at the Prince George Civic Centre. Proudly sponsored by Canadian Tire. Featured cast members in the 2018 Production will include Owen Selkirk as the Emcee. Selkirk is a former dancer with Ballet Kelowna and was last seen on the Prince George stage in The Producers in 2012 as ‘Leo Bloom’. Judy Russell Presents Alumni Shelby Meaney will play Sally Bowles, (previously Maria-The Sound of Music), and Catherine McCarthy as Fraulein Schneider. McCarthy played Sally Bowles in the 2002 Production. Additional cast includes: Franco Celli as Cliff, Gary Chappel as Herr Schultz, Adam Harasimiuk as Ernst and Sandra Clermont as Frau Kost. CABARET also features an amazing local dancing chorus and production crew. Musical Director Curtis Abriel, Band Leader Greg Prosser, Director/Choreographer Judy Russell. CABARET, takes audiences deep into the seedy nightlife of the Kit Kat Klub in Weimar, Germany on the eve of Hitler’s rise to power. Led by the enigmatic and dazzling Emcee, CABARET is an intoxicating theatrical experience, featuring well-known classics of the musical stage such as “Don’t Tell Mama,” “Maybe This Time,” and of course “Cabaret”. CABARET is a beloved and compelling piece of theatre and the winner of 8 Tony Awards and has characters that are not only complex and dark, but funny and delightful – all in all, deeply human.
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Home / poland / Krakow – the jewel of Poland Krakow – the jewel of Poland Jasmine Fernance September 10, 2015 1 Comment It had been raining on our last night in Krakow and as we walked through the main market square we were pleased to have it mostly to ourselves, in the middle of summer. Most people seem to be scared of the rain! Main market square As we wandered we came across a smaller square behind St Mary’s Cathedral where a stage had been set up and a choir stood upon it in front of a large crowd, singing Polish folk songs. There were booklets lying about with the lyrics to the songs and I had a hilarious time with my Polish cousin Krystyna as she sang along and I attempted to. Polish is not easy and I couldn’t seem to get my mouth around the unfamiliar sounds. I later found out that this phenomenon is called Lekcja Spiewania, or ‘Singing Lessons’, where thousands of people gather to learn to sing traditional Polish songs. The audience is the main participant rather than the performer. It was a memorable night. Lekcja Spiewania Krakow is the number one city on any travellers hit list in Poland, and with good reason. The buildings were remarkably untouched by the destruction caused to numerous other cities in Poland during WWII, and Krakow’s old town centre and castle remain intact and are wonderful places to visit. The same cannot be said of the people of Krakow, with Auschwitz only 70km away and the majority of Jews from Krakow sent there. Our visit to Auschwitz would come later though, and our first day was spent enjoying the city centre. Wawel Castle Wawel Castle is located on Wawel Hill, a 10 – 15 minute stroll from Krakow’s main market square, and was the residence of the kings of Poland from the mid-11th century until the capital was moved to Warsaw in the 17th century. I had basically no knowledge of Poland’s monarchy and a visit to the castle and cathedral inside provided a wealth of information and a fascinating insight into the history of Poland. Visiting the grounds of the castle is free, however if you want to visit any of the rooms and exhibitions inside (and believe me you do) then get there early. Tickets are sold based on a timed entry and they sell very fast. Royal Private Apartments These tickets are the first to sell out, and visit is by guided tour only. The private lodgings of the royal family, members of the court and royal guests, much was gutted during a fire in 1595. However there are still some amazing original wooden larch ceilings and wall friezes, and the rooms house many Italian Renaissance paintings. State Rooms These rooms re-create the appearance of the royal residence from the 16th and 17th centuries. The Deputies Hall includes some freaky looking wooden carved human heads staring down at you from the ceiling. The tapestry collections of King Sigismund II August is also on display here, along with royal portraits and Dutch and Italian old master paintings. Crown Treasury and Armoury Original Crown Treasury that has survived wars can be viewed here, including the coronation sword and royal heirlooms. In the Armoury section there are many weapons and armour dating back from the middle ages to the 18th century. The Lost Wawel An interesting archaeological exhibition where you descend beneath the castle to view an area of excavation, and where you can view items that have been discovered here, including some ornate stove tiles and many statues. Leonardo De a Vinci’s masterpiece can be viewed here, and unlike the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris, it can be viewed in complete isolation away from any crowds. The Royal Archcathedral Basillica of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslaus (or Wawel Cathedral for short) has been on Wawel Hill for over 900 years. It was the site of the Polish King’s coronations and is also where most of Poland’s monarchs are buried. Interestingly it is also where Karol Wojtyla was ordained as a priest. He later became Pope John Paul II. A large limestone cave beneath Wawel Hill, the Dragon’s Den is the home of the mythical Dragon of Krakow. Krakow Old Town In 1978 UNESCO approved their first ever sites for the World Heritage List, and Krakow was one of the areas named in that year. With the largest medieval market square in Europe, Krakow is often called Europe’s most beautiful city. It’s easy to see why. The Cloth Hall stands in the centre of the square and dates from the Renaissance. The inside is decorated with the coat of arms of different cities in Poland and it used to be the meeting place for international merchants trading in goods such as silk, spices, leather and wax. Today it is filled with souvenir stalls selling everything from Polish amber to traditional Polish costumes for children, bags, fridge magnets, postcards and more. It’s a great place to stop and browse for a while. Shopping in the Cloth Hall On the north-east corner of the market square stands St Mary’s Basilica, or Church of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven. Built in the 14th century, look out for the trumpet player at the top windows as he trumpets away on the hour. Be sure to wave back to him when he’s done. Inside the basilica is the most amazing altar I have ever seen, the Altarpiece of Veit Stoss. It was carved in 1477 and shows many scenes relating to Mary’s life including her death. The altar was stolen by the Nazi’s during the occupation of Poland and after the war was found in the basement of what was left of Nuremburg Castle. It is lucky to have survived. St Mary’s Basilica Altarpiece There are over 120 Catholic churches in Krakow, and another favourite to visit was the small church next to St Mary’s, Kosciol Sw Barbary. It is easy to spend a whole day, or even days, wandering the streets of the old town and marvelling at the beauty. Kosciol Sw Barbary Previous Article My accidental pilgrimage at Jasna Gora Next Article Why do we visit sad places? Hunting Dwarfs in Wroclaw Why do we visit sad places? My accidental pilgrimage at Jasna Gora Jeff Kaster Great write up Jas! Loved Krakow so much! xxx
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Cyclist critical after being hit by two cars Sun 7 Oct 2012, 10:27 AM AEDT A cyclist is in a serious but stable condition after he was hit by two cars in Sydney's south-west.Police say the 37-year-old was riding a motorised bicycle at Liverpool when a car knocked him off his bike last night.Detective Inspector Leo Pritannica says while the man was on the road, he was hit by another car and suffered extensive head injuries."It appears at this stage that the cyclist was having a conversation with the driver of the first vehicle when he was struck by the driver of the second vehicle," he said.He was taken to hospital and is in intensive care after having surgery.The drivers of the cars involved in the accident are helping police with the investigation. Sun 7 Oct 2012, 7:17 AM AEDT
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CP-SKY kommt aus Nigeria, wo er seine musikalische Haltung unter Reggae-Musik und Evangelien verwurzelt. Im sehr jungen Alter von 16 Er gründete eine Reisende Band, die bald erst an die Aufwertung der Leute überall, in Afrika, Wer kam massiv auf ihre live-Auftritte. Während auf dem Weg nach Europa, die Band ’ s-Line-up führte durch mehrere Änderungen, vor allem aufgrund ihrer Reisen. CP-Sky ’ s musikalische Produktion umfasst daher eine Reihe von Kooperationen und live-Improvisationen mit vielen (und vieles mehr) Künstler, nicht zuletzt Ashlo, Wer ist in featuring “After Me Na You” (play). CP-SKY ist heute ein weltweit bewunderten Künstler. Er lebt in Italien, wo er oft führt und wo er liebt es, seinen Urlaub zu verbringen.
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 293-307, 2015 https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-19-293-2015 Special issue: Predictions under change: water, earth, and biota in the anthropocene... Research article 16 Jan 2015 Research article | 16 Jan 2015 Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities A. Fernald1, S. Guldan2, K. Boykin1, A. Cibils1, M. Gonzales3, B. Hurd1, S. Lopez1, C. Ochoa4, M. Ortiz5, J. Rivera6, S. Rodriguez7, and C. Steele1 A. Fernald et al. A. Fernald1, S. Guldan2, K. Boykin1, A. Cibils1, M. Gonzales3, B. Hurd1, S. Lopez1, C. Ochoa4, M. Ortiz5, J. Rivera6, S. Rodriguez7, and C. Steele1 1College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA 2Sustainable Agriculture Science Center at Alcalde, New Mexico State University, Alcalde, New Mexico, USA 3Community & Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 4Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA 5New Mexico Acequia Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA 6Center for Regional Studies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 7Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Received: 05 Nov 2013 – Discussion started: 11 Feb 2014 – Revised: 19 Nov 2014 – Accepted: 21 Nov 2014 – Published: 16 Jan 2015 Abstract. Southwestern US irrigated landscapes are facing upheaval due to water scarcity and land use conversion associated with climate change, population growth, and changing economics. In the traditionally irrigated valleys of northern New Mexico, these stresses, as well as instances of community longevity in the face of these stresses, are apparent. Human systems have interacted with hydrologic processes over the last 400 years in river-fed irrigated valleys to create linked systems. In this study, we ask if concurrent data from multiple disciplines could show that human-adapted hydrologic and socioeconomic systems have created conditions for resilience. Various types of resiliencies are evident in the communities. Traditional local knowledge about the hydrosocial cycle of community water management and ability to adopt new water management practices is a key response to disturbances such as low water supply from drought. Livestock producers have retained their irrigated land by adapting: changing from sheep to cattle and securing income from outside their livestock operations. Labor-intensive crops decreased as off-farm employment opportunities became available. Hydrologic resilience of the system can be affected by both human and natural elements. We find, for example, that there are multiple hydrologic benefits of traditional irrigation system water seepage: it recharges the groundwater that recharges rivers, supports threatened biodiversity by maintaining riparian vegetation, and ameliorates impacts of climate change by prolonging streamflow hydrographs. Human decisions to transfer water out of agriculture or change irrigation management, as well as natural changes such as long-term drought or climate change, can result in reduced seepage and the benefits it provides. We have worked with the communities to translate the multidisciplinary dimensions of these systems into a common language of causal loop diagrams, which form the basis for modeling future scenarios to identify thresholds and tipping points of sustainability. Early indications are that these systems, though not immune to upheaval, have astonishing resilience. How to cite: Fernald, A., Guldan, S., Boykin, K., Cibils, A., Gonzales, M., Hurd, B., Lopez, S., Ochoa, C., Ortiz, M., Rivera, J., Rodriguez, S., and Steele, C.: Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 293-307, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-19-293-2015, 2015. Predictions under change: water, earth, and biota in the anthropocene...
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Harry Styles @ TD Garden in Boston, MA 18 Monday, 18 June, 19:00 Boston, Massachusetts, Boston Harry Styles http://www.bandsintown.com/HarryStyle... Kacey Musgraves http://www.bandsintown.com/KaceyMusgr... Buy Tickets: http://www.bandsintown.com/event/1478... Find Local Concerts: http://www.bandsintown.com/facebookap... beach club\\\\ qxt's
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Bill on Bankruptcy: Madoff Victims Rooting for Stanford Victory Bill on Bankruptcy: Unprecedented Actions by Two District Judges Bill on Bankruptcy: Detroit Judge Might Lose Grip on the Case Bill on Bankruptcy: Supreme Court Cases Will Have Wide Impact Bill on Bankruptcy: Easterbrook Turns the Tide on Student Loans Bill on Bankruptcy: Sigmund Freud, Marx Brothers, Bernie Madoff Bill on Bankruptcy: Secret Madoff Agreement May Harm Victims Bill on Bankruptcy: Rakoff Reverses Himself in Madoff Case Your Daily Dose of Financial News by Robins Kaplan LLP on 11/10/2017 AT&T’s chief is weighing in the DOJ’s call to sell CNN in order to make its deal with Time Warner go through, and, as Randall sees it, “selling CNN makes no sense”....more by Robins Kaplan LLP on 9/7/2017 Lots of Fed news this morning, and all of it on the administrative side. First, it now appears that a likely choice to replace Chair Yellen could be out before he was even in. 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FLEMING: Five Years Of Obama’s ‘New Normal’ It certainly didn’t take five years to find out that the Obama stimulus plan of 2009 was a failure, at a cost of nearly a trillion dollars. In January of 2009, when I voted against it, I said the Obama stimulus would fail at meaningful job creation and would increase the debt. We now know that it increased budget deficits by a staggering $830 billion, and that the real unemployment has remained in double digits. Remember those White House promises that the stimulus would boost the economy, stimulate the creation of millions of jobs, and lift millions of people out of poverty? Instead, poverty has worsened, the economic recovery has dragged, and the unemployment rate is nearly 11%, accounting for all of the discouraged people who’ve dropped out of the workforce and the millions who can’t find full-time work. We should not be content with this ‘new normal’ under President Obama. If the president wants to improve his abysmal record on jobs, he could start by approving the Keystone pipeline project. Getting serious about tax reform, cutting back on the unending creation of new federal regulations, and reducing the size of government would all be positive steps that would unleash the private sector and restore economic growth. Dr. John Fleming is Chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs and is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He is a physician and small business owner and represents the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana. Previous Article Rob Maness Is Right About Mitch McConnell Next Article VIDEO: Are Republicans Winning The Messaging War On Obamacare?
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Entrepreneur wins Cardiff Business Club approval Young entrepreneur Sarah McHarg has received a special award and bursary from Cardiff Business Club for her business, Massages for Pirates. Sarah established the business with support from our Enterprise programme in 2017. After losing her job and suffering a series of illnesses, Sarah, 28, wanted to explore self-employment but didn’t know where to start. The Enterprise programme gave her the confidence, guidance and support she needed to make it on her own. She says, I came to The Prince's Trust in search of some hope and inspiration. I’d had a few bad years and was unsure where my life was going. The Trust helped me to realise my dream, and I’m loving it. Sarah’s business, Massages for Pirates, provides a holistic therapy service inspired by buccaneers and the seven seas. Alongside traditional benefits of physical therapy, Sarah promises ‘banterous conversation’ and treatment at a reasonable cost, hoping to dispel the myth that therapy is unaffordable for the majority. To be nominated for the award, the business was required to demonstrate sustainability and have an element of community or social benefit. Sarah adds, Massages for Pirates is designed to make therapy accessible to people on a low budget. I’ve also volunteered at a homeless centre, providing treatment for those who have no budget at all. It’s so important to support other people these days, and I hope my enterprise can play its part. We are increasing our support for young people in Wales and encouraging collaboration across different sectors to ensure young people are at the heart of economic growth. Phil Jones, Director, Prince's Trust Cymru, says, It’s crucial we nurture the aspirations of young people and give them the backing they need to achieve success. Congratulations to Sarah who has demonstrated what can be achieved with the right support. Keep up to date with our work in Wales on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. #GrowingWales *photograph by Richard Bosworth Our Enterprise programme supports 18 to 30-year-olds to set up their own business. Tomorrow's Store Start shopping online!
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Zach’s Story: Little Boy’s Courageous Battle Against Old Age March 17, 2008 — flagranny2 FRANKFORT, Ky. — If he’s lucky, Zach Pickard will live past the age of 13. Zach, now 13 months old, suffers from Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, a disease that accelerates the aging process when the child is 18 to 24 months old. Children with this syndrome die of heart disease at an average age of 13 after aging at a rate six to eight times faster than an average person. About 100 cases have been formally identified in medical history, and the odds of being diagnosed with it are roughly one in 8 million. For now, Zach is like any other baby, learning to walk, say words like mama and papa and making his family laugh with funny faces. With his messy blond hair, big blue eyes and infectious smile, Zach attracts attention wherever he goes. Zach was 2 months old when his parents realized something wasn’t right. Click here for the full story which includes a link related about Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome Posted in blog, blogging, disease, General, general information, Health, healthcare, Kentucky, medical, Medical History, random, rare, rare medical, Tragedies, unusual, Zach Pickard. Leave a Comment » Florida Woman Who Lost Arms, Legs During Birth Works for Answers May 21, 2007 — flagranny2 SANFORD, Fla. — Claudia Mejia cannot give the hugs most mothers bestow on their children. Nor can she grab her 2-year-old son by the hand or place him on her lap. She cannot tuck her 9-year-old into bed or walk him to the school bus stop. Motherhood for Mejia, 25, was redefined two years ago when a medical nightmare left her without arms and legs. She contracted a flesh-eating bacteria around the time she gave birth to her youngest son, Matthew, at South Seminole Hospital in Longwood forcing doctors to amputate her limbs to save her life. The horror that began then still unfolds for the disfigured mother, who has pleaded with hospital officials for two years to turn her medical records over — something a judge just ordered. She and her lawyers believe she either got the infection — “group A strep” — at the hospital or its doctors and nurses failed to quickly and properly treat it. They are suing the hospital and its parent company, Orlando Regional Healthcare System, seeking unspecified damages. “I just want the truth,” Mejia said. Orlando Regional, however, maintains Mejia’s infection was acquired elsewhere and that she was treated properly. In 187,000 births since 1988 at the nonprofit hospital system, comprised of seven medical facilities, Mejia is the only reported case of invasive group A strep, Jennings Hurt III, the hospital’s attorney, said. “Thank God it’s rare,” Hurt said. “The hospital and everybody associated with the hospital have great sympathy for what happened to her. It’s truly tragic.” Invasive group A strep infects about three people in every 100,000 in the United States each year, said Dr. Dennis Stevens, chief of the Infectious Disease Section at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Boise, Idaho. Of those, about a third reach the flesh-eating stage, named necrotizing fasciitis, that often requires amputation, he said. The flesh-eating stage, which destroys muscles, fat, and skin tissue, is fatal in 30 to 70 percent of its victims, Stevens said. The three days following the April 28, 2005, birth of her son are troubling, Mejia said. After she checked into the Longwood hospital and gave birth to a healthy baby boy at 7 a.m., a fever set in, medical records show. A nursing document reveals her temperature was high throughout the day, reading 100.6 degrees at one point. Shaking and chills soon followed, and Mejia complained of severe pain in her stomach and a burning sensation when she urinated — all signs of a potential infection, her attorney, Ron Gilbert, said. The nurses and midwives deny Mejia ever reported any severe pain, Hurt said. “A 100.6 temperature is very, very, very low grade,” Hurt said. “A person with group A strep with toxic shock syndrome has very high, spiking temperatures. Ms. Mejia’s symptoms were inconsistent with that.” Diagnosing women with infection after childbirth can be a struggle, Stevens said. “Doctors have to be able to read between the lines to know if this is the usual pain from just having had a baby or whether there is something else going on,” he said. “One of the hallmarks of these nasty group A strep infections is severe pain.” As Mejia’s body tried to fight off the deadly bacteria, nurses treated her with minor painkillers Tylenol and ibuprofen, medical officials confirmed. The hospital’s care was appropriate and reasonable, Hurt said. The over-the-counter drugs, however, could not fight a disease commonly treated with an aggressive antibiotic regimen delivered intravenously. The hospital began the process of discharging Mejia the following morning, but her then-boyfriend, Tim Edwards, complained. “She’s too sick to come home,” he said. Mejia writhed in pain and began to vomit, still with nothing more than mild pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications, Edwards said. Doctors finally stepped in the next afternoon and ordered emergency surgery to remove her uterus, but the invasive bacteria had now entered her bloodstream. She went into toxic shock, her kidneys began to shut down and the blood flow to her arms and legs ceased, causing gangrene to set in, records show. She was rushed to Orlando Regional Medical Center where doctors informed her that she would die if her limbs were not amputated immediately. “I wanted to die,” she said. “I really wanted to die. I couldn’t go on living without arms and legs.” It was Edwards, 34, who spent an hour, racing against the clock, convincing her that she still had much to live for. Edwards recounts his plea to his girlfriend of two years and the mother of his son: “Keep fighting. And when you’re able, marry me.” Mejia said yes to life and marriage. Doctors amputated her legs above her knees, the left arm above the elbow and her right arm just below the elbow. Eight days later, Mejia and Edwards exchanged vows in the intensive care unit. She wears her wedding band on a chain around her neck. Two years later, their love and family remain strong. Edwards, a produce manager at Target in Sanford, begins each day at 4 a.m. He carries his wife, who without limbs weighs 84 pounds, and bathes her. Nine-year-old Jorge, a child from a previous relationship, cooks breakfast for the family — waffles “made with batter, not the kind you put in the toaster,” his mother points out. At an awards ceremony at Crystal Lake Elementary in Sanford on Tuesday, proud tears streamed down Edward’s face as Jorge, a third grader there, received awards for good behavior and straight A’s. Family suppers aren’t outdated either. “We always eat dinner all together. It’s never apart,” Edwards said. “We’re a family united.” Mejia has learned to brush her teeth, answer the telephone and surf the Internet. She eats by attaching a fork to a fabric band on her right arm above her elbow. She is motivated to walk again with the help of prosthetics. Edwards asked her to remarry him last year on Christmas Eve. “Next time she’s going to walk down the aisle,” he said. Source: FOXNews.com Photo: WESH.com Posted in amputation, disease, flesh-eating bacteria, Health, healthcare, medical, rare. 7 Comments »
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Double End Box Wrenches, 1/2" x 19/32", 9 1/2" L Opening Size [Nom]=1/2 in; 19/32 in
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More Thoughts On Recording In Dulcimer, Music The new album is coming along. I recently posted a rough mix of “The Seven Yellow Gypsies” for all to hear. My original idea was to record arrangements that are identical to what I do when performing live; no overdubs, no guest musicians, etc. On listening to some of the tracks I’ve recorded I’ve come to think that the act of performing live and the attention of the listeners adds a quality to a live performance that simply can’t be experienced when listening to a recording. The listener’s attention fills the spaces in the performance that may be sonically minimal. Perhaps more important is the “now” of a live performance, an immediacy of experience that is unique to the event for all involved. Dulcimers have no low end; the lowest note usually being the same as the D string on a guitar. This has never been a problem for me as it is simply the way things are; it is the nature of the instrument. However, after listening to 7 or 8 tracks of the new album I felt that adding a little aural color would be a good idea. I’ve decided to add a few overdubs to several tunes. I will still focus on keeping the performances pretty much the way I do things live; I will only record pieces I can perform solo in front of people. Learning From My Past - Dulcimer #24 From 1979 Chaos, Inspiration, and Dulcimer Making Happiness Is A Sharp Chisel! Reason Is Powerless in the Expression of Love A Winter Cold Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. — Francis de Sales
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Bipolar Disorder (2) Alcohol Abuse (1) Binge Drinking (1) Mental Health Screening (4) Drug Courts (1) Recovery Resource Library (1) Referral to Treatment (1) (-) Crisis Intervention (3) (-) Substance Abuse Screening (2) Systems of Care (1) Guidelines or Manual (1) HHS Staff (1) (-) Program Planners, Administrators, & Project Managers (4) (-) Child Care Providers (1) People with Mental Health Problems as Population Group (11) People with Substance Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group (11) People with Developmental Disabilities (1) People with Physical Disabilities (1) (-) At-Risk (5) Remove Program Planners, Administrators, & Project Managers Remove Child Care Providers Remove At-Risk Remove Crisis Intervention Remove Substance Abuse Screening National Strategy for Suicide Prevention 2012: Overview This report presents an overview of a national strategy designed to guide suicide prevention activities over the next decade. It describes the need for a national suicide prevention strategy, its overall goals, and objectives based on four strategic directions. National Strategy for Suicide Prevention 2012: How You Can Play a Role in Preventing Suicide This fact sheet offers strategies for suicide prevention. It provides facts about suicide, including its prevalence and at-risk populations. This resource also lists warning signs of suicidal behavior, and describes how to help someone who is at risk for suicide. Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools This toolkit assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. The toolkit includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students. Access the high school kit promotional flyer. Identifying Mental Health and Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Child-Serving Organizations This manual offers guidance and tools for identifying mental illness or substance use issues early in children and adolescents in various setting, such as in schools, the juvenile justice and child welfare system, and when receiving primary care.
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The Quintessential Quintuplets Tome 12 Negi Haruba Alors que l'été touche à sa fin, Ichika annonce qu'elle arrête le lycée pour se consacrer à sa carrière d'actrice ! C'est donc sans elle que Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki et Fûtarô reprennent les cours pour la dernière ligne droite, emplis de doutes et d'incertitudes pour leur avenir. Mais la fête de l'école se profile, et ils sont bien déterminés à en profiter jusqu'au bout car ce sera le dernier évènement de leur scolarité où ils seront tous rassemblés. L'heure des décisions a sonné... Par Negi Haruba Chez Pika Edition 0 Réactions | 21 Partages trad. Soizic Schoonbroodt Retrouver tous les articles sur The Quintessential Quintuplets Tome 12 par Negi Haruba
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5 jugos ayudan a retrasar el envejecimiento ¿Quieres vivir en España? Digital Nomad Visa se introducirá en el país en enero El futuro del trabajo Julián Licona diciembre 26, 2022 2 min read A partir de enero, España emitirá visados Nómada digitalPermite a los profesionales extranjeros vivir y trabajar en el país de seis meses a un año. Global Citizen Solutions dice que puede extender su estadía solicitando un permiso de residencia temporal renovado por hasta cinco años. Después de eso, cualquier persona que cumpla con los requisitos locales puede obtener la residencia permanente. EAU tiene los mejores pasaportes del mundo, según una consultora De Bali a Colombia: descubre 28 países que ofrecen visas de nómada digital Según el portal El tiempo ha terminadoEl nuevo esquema está dirigido específicamente a trabajadores autónomos, empleados pero que trabajan de forma remota y aquellos que obtienen al menos el 80% de sus ingresos de empresas en el extranjero. Uno de los atractivos es que el visado es válido para toda España. Esto significa que los interesados ​​pueden solicitar vivir en Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Ibiza, Islas Canarias o cualquier otra ciudad española. El informe de Timeout destaca que las nuevas pautas son parte de la ley de inicio recientemente introducida en el país. El proyecto, previsto desde principios de 2022, fue aprobado en noviembre y finalmente comenzará en enero del próximo año. El requisito de ingresos mínimos del gobierno para calificar para una visa aún no se ha anunciado, pero será de al menos 2000 € (aproximadamente R $ 11 000) por mes. Mira contenido exclusivo desde aquí horas de trabajo🇧🇷 Aprobado Versión digital Julián Licona «Típico defensor de la cerveza. Futuro ídolo adolescente. Practicante de televisión sin remordimientos. Pionero de la música». READ Atlético de Madrid vs Rayo Vallecano - En vivo - Liga española Previous Viny Jr vuelve a España en jet con Eder Militão Next Shakira fue acusada de seis delitos en España En un partido dramático, España venció a Noruega y avanzó a las semifinales de la Copa del Mundo. IPT Global es distribuidor oficial del Ajax en España
{"url": "https://www.moreloshabla.com/quieres-vivir-en-espana-digital-nomad-visa-se-introducira-en-el-pais-en-enero-el-futuro-del-trabajo/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.moreloshabla.com", "date_download": "2023-01-26T22:03:14Z", "digest": "sha1:5RAJBEXKMEJGP3QFLEU4PWROS7AOPWAY"}
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5th CEC Summer School on Human Rights July 8, 2018 From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Málaga, Spain Focusing on freedom of religion or belief and populism, the CEC’s 5th Summer School on Human Rights will take place from 8 to 12 of July in Malaga, Spain. The objective of the course is to help participants improve their skills, attitudes, personal and professional development when advocating for human rights especially related to freedom of religion or belief in the public sphere, and with international organisations like UN, Council of Europe, OSCE and EU. The program is designed to offer innovative perspectives to combat populist ideas in the public sphere and create solidarity among churches and religious communities in Europe. The participants will come from the CEC Member Churches, including pastors, priests, young theologians from churches, as well as representatives from other religious communities The Summer School is held in partnership with the Spanish Protestant Federation (FEREDE), the Spanish Evangelical Church and the Ecumenical Centre Los Rubios. More information about the Summer School Programme schedule of the event Registration form – Deadline to Apply: 27 April 2018
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> Devoluciones Caroube.net RESPONSABILIDAD DEL CLIENTE EN LOS ENVÍOS El cliente se compromete a estar presente en el momento acordado por la entrega o a autorizar a una tercera persona mayor de edad, encargada de recepcionar el pedido (no se entregarán productos en apartados de correos ni en lugares públicos). Caroube.net entiende que el cliente que ha realizado el pedido autoriza a la persona que en este momento está en el domicilio de la entrega a recoger el pedido en su nombre. Por tanto queda bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del cliente autorizar a un tercero para la recepción y aceptación de la compra en el domicilio de la entrega. Caroube.net no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad por retraso en la entrega de los pedidos cuando este retraso sea culpa exclusiva del comprador o de la persona autorizada. Si por cualquier circunstancia el cliente no pudiera estar presente en el momento de la entrega, en tal caso el cliente deberá ponerse en contacto con nuestro teléfono de información y atención al cliente: 958 509 709 o vía correo electrónico: atencionalcliente@caroube.net para acordar otro día de entrega. En el momento de la entrega, el usuario deberá firmar el albarán conforme el pedido ha sido entregado y aceptado, además deberá de comprobar inmediatamente si la mercancía está en perfecto estado y si es conforme a su compra, en el caso de que la mercancía estuviera en mal estado, el cliente deberá notificarlo durante las 24 horas de su recepción. Ver el procedimiento en la forma de entrega del pedido, dependiendo de la agencia de transportes que se elija. Según lo dispuesto en el artículo 4 del Real Decreto 1906/99, de 17 de diciembre, el cliente dispondrá de un plazo de hasta 14 días hábiles a partir de la recepción del producto, para resolver el contrato (compra), ya sea por reclamaciones o devoluciones. En todo caso se entenderá que el cliente ha conocido el derecho de desistimiento desde su entrada a la tienda online Caroube.net y en todo caso, desde que efectúe su pedido. Las devoluciones de los pedidos deberán tramitarse a través de nuestro teléfono de información y atención al cliente: 958 509 709 o vía correo electrónico: atencionalcliente@caroube.net, con el fin de gestionar y agilizar la recogida del pedido en su domicilio. Se le devolverán las cantidades recibidas mediante abono en un plazo no superior a los 30 días, una vez verificado el estado de los productos. Los productos objeto de devolución deberán entregarse en correcto estado y no se aceptarán devoluciones de productos en envases, si los hubiere, distintos de los que fueron suministrados o de los productos que hayan sido manipulados. Los costes de esta devolución correrán a cargo del comprador. Devolución MERCANCÍA en Mal Estado Si algún producto ha llegado en mal estado por el transporte, deberá notificarlo antes de las primeras 24 horas de su recepción a nuestro teléfono de información y atención al cliente 958 509 709, o por comunicar esta circunstancia vía correo electrónico a atencionalcliente@caroube.net. Se le devolverán las cantidades recibidas de los productos en mal estado, mediante un abono o vale de compra, en un plazo no superior a los 30 días, una vez verificado el estado de dichos productos nos pondremos en contacto con el cliente para gestionar el abono. Devolución por Ausencia Si la empresa de transportes tramita una devolución por ausencia, Caroubé no abonará al cliente el importe de su pedido, ya que el motivo de dicha devolución, ha sido la ausencia del propio cliente o de la persona autorizada para la entrega del pedido. Caroubé debe asumir los costes de esta devolución y otras comisiones que estipulan los contratos con las empresas de transportes. SI NO QUEDA SATISFECHO LE DEVOLVEMOS SU DINERO Si después de haber probado un producto, éste no le acaba de gustar y siente que no se ha quedado satisfecho, Caroubé le devuelve el importe que le ha costado y usted elige entre: *devolvemos el dinero. *vale descuento del mismo importe para su próxima compra. *un producto de similar importe que le agrade (solo para clientes que recogen en almacén). Tableta Algarroba Negro
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Estudiantes de la FACEA aprenden sobre economía colaborativa 19 / Abr / 2017 por UDLA Quito Hacer negocios solamente para ganar dinero ya no es una iniciativa brillante. Las nuevas y exitosas empresas rompen con lo establecido para avanzar hacia lo que se conoce como la economía colaborativa. De este tema hablaron representantes de Conquito y de OuiShare con los estudiantes de diferentes carreras de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas (FACEA) que toman la materia de Responsabilidad Social. En pocas palabras la economía colaborativa trata de buscar soluciones innovadoras a problemas existentes utilizando los recursos de manera distinta, explica Jonathan Lema de OuiShare. “Estas economías crean una disrupción en el mercado”. Empresas como Cabify, Airbnb, Uber, Creative Commons forman parte de este modelo económico que tiene diferentes aristas desde las cuales se puede abordar y aplicar como: desde el consumo, la fabricación, el conocimiento, la gobernanza o el sistema de intercambio. Por eso uno de los objetivos es generar modelos de producción alternativos a los que se desarrollan en serie y que generan mucho desecho. Se habla por ejemplo de ciudades donde se pueda tener centros con impresoras 3D de diferentes escalas en las cuales se podría lograr imprimir todo tipo de objetos en incluso una casa. Con ello se evitaría los costos y la contaminación ambiental que implica la producción e importación, explica Verónica Gómez de OuiShare. Las posibilidades con la economía colaborativa son múltiples desde los sistemas de bicicleta pública que promueven una movilidad más sostenible en lugar de la que se realiza en automóviles, o las posibilidades que ofrecen el crowdfunding y el crowdsourcing que se muestran como alternativas al financiamiento tradicional. El tema es motivar el trabajo en conjunto entre las autoridades, los ciudadanos y la empresa privada con el fin de generar propuestas de alto valor y en las cuales todos se involucren, destaca Jonathan. Los representantes de ambas organizaciones aprovecharon la charla para incentivar a los estudiantes a ser parte de la economía colaborativa y a generar innovaciones sociales que podrían ser las elegidas para presentar en París, Francia en el OuiShare Fest. Además, los estudiantes de la UDLA y el público en general que busque involucrarse con este tema puede tener un primer acercamiento en un evento paralelo, que se realizará el 20 de mayo de 2017 denominado “Quito Comparte”, y en la Semana de la Sostenibilidad que se realizará del 22 al 28 de abril de 2017. Ambos eventos se llevarán a cabo por la agencia de promoción económica de la capital, Conquito, detalló Andrea Cerón, que forma parte de esa institución. (DB) Estudiantes de Economía aprenden sobre inclusión financiera para pymes Estudiantes de FACEA aprenden de los expertos Estudiantes de Agroindustria aprenden sobre cacao en una cata ← Gestión de la innovación tecnológica → Alumnos de la UDLA ganaron premios en México por innovadores proyectos
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2021, July 6th-10th Motorcyclist Critically Hurt in Crash A Ninnekah man is hospitalized in critical condition after being injured in a motorcycle accident. 40-year old Brandon Mann was initially taken to Grady Memorial Hospital then air-lifted to an Oklahoma City Hospital. The accident happened just after 9 o’clock last night about a mile east of Ninnekah near the intersection of Peach Street and County Street 2860. The highway patrol reports that Mann failed to stop at a stop sign, laid his bike down, and was thrown from the bike. He was not wearing a helmet. The trooper on the scene reported there was an odor of alcohol at the scene. Man Faces Firearms Charges After Argument over Truck A Rush Springs man is charged with shooting with intent to kill following a dispute over a pickup. 64-year old Albert Leon Brookshire was arrested Monday afternoon after a confrontation at his home. A Rush Springs police affidavit indicates two men had gone to Brookshire's home to get a pickup that one man said belonged to him. Brookshire told authorities it was his pickup and that the other man hadn't paid for it. Brookshire had a gun and claimed he fired a warning shot at the two men and told them to get off his property. The two men went to the Rush Springs EMS building and called police. Authorities initially arrested Brookshire on a complaint of firing a weapon inside the city limits. Prosecutors have charged Brookshire with felonies that include shooting with intent to kill and pointing a firearm. Brookshire had a previous conviction for drug possession. He is out of jail after posting a $75,000 bond and is to announce his attorney on July 29th with a preliminary hearing conference set for Aug. 11th. DHS: Beware of Text-Messaging Scam Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) officials are warning of a text messaging scam falsely claiming that individuals may have been selected to receive $500. A press release from DHS says the text message specifically mentions the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Social Security (SSI). The message is coming from a random number, telling individuals that they have been randomly selected to receive the money, and asks individuals to click on a hyperlink. They are then taken to a website which appears to phish for personal information including Social Security numbers and banking information. Officials say to delete the text. Individuals who have gone to the link should contact their bank and take steps to address possibly identity theft - including freezing their credit - and to contact credit reporting agencies such as Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Talk Show Topics Here's what we're talking about this weekend. Chickasha Fire Chief Tony Samaniego is on our KOOL Konversation program and District 3 Grady County Commissioner Ralph Beard is on Real Estate Today. We have links to both programs under the Community tab on this website. Margaret Thornton Funeral service for Margaret "Nanny" Thornton, 84, of Marlow will be at 10:00 a.m. Monday, July 12th at Vimy Ridge Baptist Church. Arrangements are with Callaway-Smith-Cobb Funeral Home in Marlow. Jessie Bennett Funeral service for Jessie Bennett, 95, of Ninnekah will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 13th at Ninnekah First Baptist Church. Arrangements are with Sevier Funeral Home. Friday, July 9th Grady County Courthouse Re-Opens Grady County Commissioner Ralph Beard says the county courthouse is open today but that the cleaning needed due to a massive sewage back up in the building's basement is continuing. The courthouse has been closed for almost two weeks after last month's heavy rains caused sewer lines to back up. Beard said crews thought they had the problem taken care of several times but raw sewage continued to seep into the building causing a terrible odor to emanate to all three floors of the courthouse causing several people to become ill. Beard said at one time, there was at least 12 inches of raw sewage in Judge Joseph Young's courtroom in the basement. Beard said over the last couple of days a commercial cleaning company has been brought in and that crews have disinfected every room and are running a disinfectant through the heat and air system. While the courthouse will be open to the public only the first and second floors will be accessible with the basement closed off. The county commissioners have hired an Oklahoma City firm under an emergency request to install some one-way valves on the sewer line which are designed to prevent sewage from backing up. That company was scheduled to start today. Beard said the county's insurance company is going to send out an adjuster to determine how much damage has been done. Ninnekah Residents Meet to Support Alleged Victims of Girls Basketball Coach In Ninnekah, Grady County sheriff's deputies met with concerned parents, educators, and supporters of teenaged girls alleged to have been molested by girls basketball coach Ron Akins. In a meeting at the community center, organizers told our partners at KWTV-News 9 that they wanted to offer resources and encourage individuals to speak out at the next school board meeting which is Thursday, July 15th. Parent Shelby Ross said they wanted to show the victims that they believe them and they will do everything they can to lift their voices. Ross said had Akins been given more power there would be a lot more victims and they probably wouldn't have heard about it for years. No one from the Ninnekah school district was invited to the meeting. Organizers said they wanted to create a safe place to meet. Akins has been charged with four felonies after being accused of molesting and sexting players. He has been suspended with pay pending the outcome of the court case. A post on the Ninnekah schools website indicates the district has made arrangements for licensed professional counselors to be available Monday, July 12th to speak with any student or adult who wants to talk. City of Chix Won't Spray for Mosquitos The City of Chickasha will not be spraying for mosquitos. Chickasha Mayor Chris Mosley says the city doesn't have the equipment or chemicals needed to do so. Mosley said one chemical alone costs $80 a gallon and estimates it would cost about $20,000 for what they would need and the equipment costs about $8,000. The Mayor also said that the weather has to be just right in order for the fogging to work. It can't be too windy, or too humid, and they can't spray if there is rain. Mosley said he talked to Anadarko City Manager Kenneth Corn about borrowing that city's sprayer but they are using it over the next couple of nights. Mosley said he’s not aware of too many Oklahoma communities that still spray for mosquitos and that the only ones he is aware of are Anadarko and Lawton. Science and Arts Alumni Director Accepts Red Cross Post The director of Alumni and Community Relations at the University of Science and Arts is beginning a new chapter in her life. Misty McClellan is now the Chapter Executive Director of the Oklahoma and Kansas region of the American Red Cross. The Lawton Constitution reports that she will work with communities to build connections and administer any services that may be needed. McClellan said she wants people to know that Red Cross is more than just medical services. She said the new post checks off all the boxes of what she wants to do with her life and that it is the perfect opportunity for her. Janice Haney Funeral service for Janice Haney, 55, of Amber will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 10th at the First Baptist Church of Pocasset. Arrangements are with McRay Funeral Home. Thursday, July 8th Chix Inks Deal with New EMS Billing Contractor The Chickasha City Council gave its approval to contracting with a new company that is expected to improve the city's EMS billing services and collections. The council approved a new contract with a firm called Quick Med Claims which Fire Chief Tony Samaniego says could bring in an additional $100,000 to the city. Samaniego also said the firm’s rate is lower than the current contractor - just 4.95 percent compared to a 6 percent rate with the previous contractor. Samaniego said Quick Med Claims has worked well for cities like Anadarko and Ponca City and has a good track record of working with Native American tribes. $300,000+ Payment to Chix A 'Mistake' Now an update to a report we had yesterday about the Chickasha City Council giving back more than $330,000 that officials believed was from one of the city's Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Districts. Vice Mayor Zach Grayson told the Chickasha Express-Star that it was an accidental payment from Grady County. Grayson was quoted as saying the funds were designated as ad valorem taxes which actually go to school districts. Grayson said the city council was simply giving back money that wasn't the city's in the first place. Grayson said the city was only supposed to receive a percentage of that money which is then passed on to TIF District developers as a partial reimbursement for the costs of building within the TIF district. Suspect Accused of Terrorizing Neighbors A Caddo County man is accused of terrorizing his neighbors. 43-year old David Keith Gonzalez of Ft. Cobb had been arrested and charged with intimidating a witness and violating a protective order after the neighbors reported several perceived threats from Gonzalez. The Lawton Constitution reports that a woman asked for protective order against Gonzalez last month and while doing so, he took of photo of her at the hearing. Gonzalez is alleged to have continued to intimidate and harass the couple, to include shining bright lights into their home and playing predator phone calls on a loudspeaker in the middle of the night. Gonzalez had his initial appearance on the charges in Caddo County District Court earlier this week and a judge set his bond at $40,000. If convicted of the felony for intimidating a witness Gonzalez faces up to 10 years in prison. Anadarko to Fog Neighborhoods for Mosquitos Again Mosquitos have been a big problem over the last few weeks as a result of all the rain we’ve had. At least one community in the area will be going through neighborhoods with fogging machines in an attempt to reduce their numbers. The City of Anadarko has already been through neighborhoods once and announced on its Facebook page that crews will be fogging again tonight. The post indicates they typically spray at night because that's when the mosquitos are most active. It does say that the spray is only effective in open areas and does not do as well in areas with trees, bushes, or tall grass. The chemical kills the pests on contact but does not kill larvae in water. Officials ask residents to dump any stagnate standing water, dump and re-fill bird baths and non-treated swimming pools with fresh water often, and keep grass mowed. They also urge residents to have their porch lights on when they spray saying the lights encourage the mosquitos to be active and fly into the fog. There's no word if the City of Chickasha will be spraying for the mosquitos. We'll contact city hall today to find out. 4th Generation Joins Sevier Funeral Home A longtime Chickasha business will continue with a fourth generation of a local family joining the company. Austin Kile is now working with his grandfather Larry Sevier at Sevier Funeral Home. Kile recently graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma and earned his funeral director’s and embalmer's licenses. Sevier Funeral Home opened as the Chickasha Funeral Home in 1941 by Jodi and Virginia Sevier (Larry's parents and Austin's great-grandparents). The late Todd Sevier, Larry's son and Austin's uncle, also worked at the funeral home. Larry will continue as the licensee-in-charge and Austin's father, Jeff Kile, will continue serving as the office manager at both the Chickasha and Tuttle funeral homes. Permit for Cell Phone Tower Denied The Chickasha City Council unanimously voted against issuing a special use permit to build a cell phone tower in a residential area. Following a 24-minute public hearing during last night’s city council meeting, the council voted to deny the permit for Branch Communications. The company wanted to build a 150-foot tower near 9th and Dakota Ave. that would have been used by Verizon to improve cell phone coverage in the area. Officials said they looked at other proposed sites and believed they were not feasible. Many of the same residents who spoke out against the project at a city council meeting last month were back to let their feelings be known. Mary Francis Hathaway was one of them. Troy Williams with Branch Communications said the county assessor told them property values should not fall as his company and Verizon combined were going to invest nearly $500,000 at the site. In the end, the council voted 8-0 to deny the special use permit. Mayor Chris Mosley was absent from the meeting which was conducted by Vice Mayor Zack Grayson. City Council Pays Back TIF Funds The Chickasha City Council also settled a dispute over the amount of money the city received from one of its Tax Increment Finance districts. After about a 30-minute closed-door meeting City Councilman David Sikes made the motion to approve turning over more than $300,000 to the county. It wasn't clear what error may have occurred that forced the council to make that decision. It was a unanimous vote of the council to make that payment. Chix Ward 3 Meeting Scheduled Residents in Chickasha's Ward 3 will be able to meet their council representatives and other city officials to discuss concerns as well as ideas about making the city a better place to live. The third of four Ward meetings this year will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 12th at city hall. Ward Three council representatives Dr. R. P. Ashanti-Alexander and Oscar Nelson will be on hand. Residents can e-mail questions to info@chickasha.org or bring them to the meeting. Similar meetings have already been held for residents in Wards 1 and 2 while residents in Ward 4 will have their meeting next month. Cong. Lucas Co-Sponsors Broadband Expansion Plan Oklahoma Congressman Frank Lucas is co-sponsoring a bill in the nation's capitol to expand rural broadband service for rural states like Oklahoma. It's the Broadband for Rural America Act designed to bridge the digital divide nationwide by providing more than $7 billion for USDA broadband connectivity programs. The website www.okenergytoday.com reports that Lucas said the act provides important investments to USDA broadband programs which will in turn provide critical modern infrastructure to countless rural communities. The Broadband for Rural America Act would authorize $3.7 billion per year for critical rural broadband programs, including the ReConnect Rural Broadband Program, the Middle Mile Broadband Program, and the Innovative Broadband Advancement Program; it would target limited resources so assistance is focused on the most rural and least-connected residents, which are often the most expensive to connect; and it would promote borrower accountability and protects taxpayers with new tools to ensure promised services are delivered to rural communities. Billie Jean Griffin A memorial service for Billie Jean Griffin, 94, of Chickasha will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 31st at First Presbyterian Church. Arrangements are with Ferguson Funeral Home. Tuesday, July 6th Public Hearing Tonight for Proposed Cell Phone Tower A plan to erect a cell phone tower in a Chickasha neighborhood is getting some push back by residents in the area. The Chickasha City Council will hold a public hearing on the controversial issue tonight. Branch Communications wants to build the tower near 8th and Dakota Ave. Several residents spoke against the proposal at the June 21st city council meeting while developers were also on hand to support the project. The city's Planning Commission voted against the project earlier this year. The council is also to discuss a proposed Emergency Operations Plan and an agreement between Emergency Medical Services and the Grady EMS District Board of Trustees. The panel will also have a closed-door session regarding an investigation into the city's Tax Increment Finance District payments. The council meets tonight at 6:30 tonight at city hall. Courthouse Continues Dealing with Sewer Back Ups The Grady County Courthouse will be closed again today. The courthouse has been dealing with sewer back-up issues for over a week. The county emergency management office sent out a text last night saying the office would be closed today. This morning's regularly scheduled county commissioners meeting has been moved to the Grady County Fairgrounds community building at 9 a.m. In the meantime some meetings that were scheduled tomorrow at the courthouse have been canceled. The county excise board and the tax roll correction board meetings that were scheduled for tomorrow have been called off and have not yet been re-scheduled. Sheriff's Office Hopes to Add New Investigator A new fiscal year is underway for city, county, and state governments. July 1st is when those offices begin with new budgets for the next 12 months. Grady County Sheriff Jim Weir, whose budget is the largest of the departments at the county level, is asking commissioners and the excise board for a budget increase in order to hire a new employee. Weir said over-worked employees probably don't do as good a job as they could and that it's fair to the public to hire a new investigator as some cases don't get as much attention as they should. Area Lawmakers Honored by Children's Group State Representative Cindy Roe (R-Lindsay) is among several lawmakers named Children's Legislators of the Year. The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) recently announced that Roe and other lawmakers had made the group's Honor Roll for supporting children's issues at the state capitol. In a press release issued by OICA, Roe said there is no more important role of government than to protect and nurture children. Other regional state lawmakers recognized for their work for kids were Rep. Sherrie Conley (R-Newcastle) awarded with a Special Attention Award and Sen. Jessica Garvin (R-Duncan) who was named one of the Freshmen Legislators of the Year. The OICA is led by former state representative Joe Dorman of Rush Springs. He said he is already working with lawmakers on measures to consider for the 2022 legislative session. Albert Darnell A graveside service for Albert Darnell, 86, of Chickasha will be at 2 o'clock this afternoon (Tuesday, July 6th) at Fairlawn Cemetery. Arrangements are with McRay Funeral Home. Linda Jansen A graveside service for Linda Fay Jansen, 79, of Chickasha will be held at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 7th at the Erin Springs Cemetery. Arrangements are with Sevier Funeral Home. She owned and operated Lee's Beauty School.
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All posts tagged "La Roux" On January 9, Coachella announced its 2012 line up which will, for the first time, take place over two weekends. Across main stages Coachella Stage, Outdoor Theatre, Gobi Tent, Mojave Tent, and the Sahara Tent, the Black Keys, Radiohead, Dr. Dre,... Tags: Afrojack, Alesso, Avicii, Beirut, Black Keys, Breakbot, Coachella, David Guetta, Dragonette, Feed Me, Florence + the Machine, Flux Pavilion, Flying Lotus, Girl Talk, Justice, Kaskade, LA Riots, La Roux, Madeon, Martin Solveig, Miike Snow, NOISIA, Porter Robinson, Santigold, SBTRKT, Swedish House Mafia, The Weekend, Zeds Dead
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MAIN MENU: Bio | Classes | Teacher Training | BKS Iyengar | Yoga & Sanskrit | Shop www.kofibusia.com Iyengar Bio | “Iyengar: The Yoga Master” | Iyengar Yoga | Associations | BKS Iyengar Website (15) “Light On Yoga” Iyengar made his declaration of intent clear in the first sentence of his acknowledged masterpiece, Light On Yoga: The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to bind, join, attach and yoke, to direct and concentrate one’s attention on, to use and apply. It also means union or communion. It is the true union of our will with the will of God. … As if to further claify this, his second paragraph was: Yoga is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian philosophy. It was collated, co-ordinated and systematized by Patañjali in his classical work, the Yoga Sutras, which consists of 195 terse aphorisms. In Indian thought, everything is permeated by the Supreme Universal Spirit (Paramatma or God) of which the individual human spirit (jivitma) is a part. The system of yoga is so called because it teaches the means by which the jivatma can be united to or be in communion with the Paramatma, and so secure liberation (moksa). But when Iyengar tried to publish his work, he straight away ran into perhaps the biggest problem anyone faces in trying to present yoga and its core ideas to a Western audience: the Western predilection to (a) compartmentalize; and (b) see the world from a non-religious or non-spiritual perspective. When two out of Iyengar’s six original London pupils, Angela Marris and Beatrice Harthan, were on holiday in Switzerland, he asked them to help him with his manuscript. They were happy to help, but could only find continental European typewriters, with the letters in a different arrangement from the standard English ones they were used to. Harthan therefore took the manuscript back to the UK with her to correct the numerous errors she had made. She went straight to a Buddhist Society Conference from the airport, and so still had the manuscript for Light on Yoga in her bag. She happened to sit next to Gerald Yorke, a friend of hers and a reader and editor with the London-based publishers, George Allen & Unwin. As they were conversing, Harthan mentioned that she had just returned from Switzerland where she had been studying with her yoga teacher. Yorke then said that he was searching for a new yoga book to replace Theos Barnard’s Hatha Yoga, published by Rider and Co, a rival company. She immediately took Iyengar's manuscript out of her bag and showed it to him. As he thumbed, with sheer delight, through Iyengar’s text and photographs, he said “I have been waiting many years for a book like this”. Iyengar’s original manuscript for Light On Yoga had a very extensive introduction. In it he explained yoga’s philosophical and intellectual background. He also placed his own work, and his approach to yoga, firmly in that overall historical and spiritual context. But on reviewing the manuscript more closely, and particularly when looking at the photographs and their lucid explanations, Yorke told Iyengar that the unique part of the book lay in those photographs and the extensive accompanying descriptions of how to attain them. Those were certainly unique and had of course come directly from Iyengar’s own experience. When he had first started teaching, nearly thirty years before, he had had very much less confidence in his English. Added to that, his guru Krishnamacharya had never divulged any specific or systematic techniques for performing the postures. Iyengar had therefore found himself unable to explain to his students how the postures were to be done. Consulting Krishnamacharya on a regular basis was quite out of the question. In the first place, Krishnamacharya was now hundreds of miles away … but, and in the second place, the two had never had that kind of a relationship. That was why he had been quite happy to leave Krishnamacharya and come to Pune in the first place. Iyengar could also have tried to fulfill his duties as a teacher by reading whatever yoga books he could lay his hands on. He could then have memorized them and passed their contents on to his students. But the few books he could find were inadequate. They did not give sufficiently clear instructions. They were also contradictory. If, for example, one book suggested doing a headstand on one part of the head, he could be quite certain that the next book he would look at would suggest doing it on another part. It was in any case against Iyengar’s nature to pass second-hand information of this kind, not validated by his own experience, on to others. This left him with only one alternative: to instruct his students from direct personal experience. He therefore opted to practise with a renewed vigour and intention. The purpose of his new practices was simple: to gain as much first-hand information as he could, and as rapidly as he could. He could then pass that information on—with due clarity and conciseness—to those who came to study with him. Iyengar’s decision on how best to proceed was underlined by a deep desire again grounded in his own experience. He had found, in yoga, a deeply therapeutic and healing practice. It had cured all his childhood diseases and turned him into a fit and healthy person. And that, more than anything else, was the gift he wanted to pass on to others. He wanted to help any and all sick or injured people who came to his classes. Yoga had healed him … and it surely had the power to heal them, also. He had only to unlock the key—the method. BKS Iyengar took his responsiblities as a yoga teacher very seriously, and he set about gaining the first-hand and direct experiential information he needed to fulfill them. The intensity and devotion of his practice could not have been exceeded by anyone no matter what their field, be it art, music, sport, or anything else. For the next seventy years, continuing even into his 90s, Iyengar practised several hours every day, investigating and learning about the postures, their workings, and their effects on the human anatomy and its psyche. No matter what ailments his students might come to him with, Iyengar devised specific programmes to benefit them. He was able, through his insights, to bring relief to thousands sporting a bewilderingly wide variety of issues and disabilities. It did not seem to matter whether those ailments were physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual. Iyengar has set down all that knowledge—that plan of approach, those insights, and achievements. And … in the beginning, in his very first draft manuscript of Light On Yoga, it was to those early original insights and that method that his publishers were drawn. Those were the things they wanted him to send forth into the world. In his original introduction to Light On Yoga, Iyengar had quoted extensively from the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and various other such works. And on behalf of George Allen & Unwin, Gerald Yorke set about persuading him to remove all such traditional texts and commentary. Yorke made the point that those quotations and Iyengar’s accompanying analysis and argumentation detracted from the true virtue of the book. Dissertations on Indian thought could be read anywhere, including in academic texts. Iyengar’s description of these was, in the end, just another description. Many others of that kind were already available. They also made the book too much like an academic text. Iyengar might be able to justify his philosohphical approach to yoga and to asana, using such texts, but that was still only a description and justification, of “the Iyengar style”. Yorke felt that Iyengar’s Introduction, as it originally stood, did not have the power, the freshness and above all the originality that the rest of the intended book would then display. In Yorke’s opinion, the whole book would then suffer by comparison. He said: “Unless you manage to make something original from the Introduction, the book won’t have a second edition”. Iyengar could have objected but instead decided to take Yorke as, in his words, ‘my literary guru’. Guided by Yorke, Iyengar therefore rewrote the Introduction. But Yorke was still not satisfied and asked him to cut it and rewrite yet again. When he saw the second rewrite, Yorke was at last happy. The book then proceeded to publication. Yorke seems to have been correct. Light On Yoga has not been out of print since. It laid the seeds for Iyengar’s constantly growing and ever-lasting fame. NAVIGATION: Contents | First | Previous | Next | Last
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More Than Just A Place To Work There are no open positions at this time.
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Conocimiento e ingenio La Agencia Estatal de Investigación es un instrumento para la gestión y financiación de los fondos públicos destinados a actividades de I+D+i. Su finalidad es garantizar la rendición de cuentas, mejorar y extender el seguimiento de las actuaciones, racionalizar la gestión de los fondos disponibles, reducir las cargas administrativas y simplificar y estandarizar los procedimientos. Este nuevo modelo de gestión ha de permitir una mejora sustantiva en la planificación de las actuaciones y dotar a las convocatorias de la estabilidad que requieren las actividades de investigación. Real Decreto 1067/2015, de 27 de noviembre De creación la Agencia Estatal de Investigación y de aprobación de su Estatuto. Royal Decree 1067/2015, of 27 November, creating the Spanish State Research Agency and approving its Statute LEGAL DISCLAIMER This text provides just INFORMATION about the Royal Decree 1067/2015, of 27 November, creating the Spanish State Research Agency and approving its Statute. The ONLY TEXT LEGALLY VALID is that published in the Spanish Official Gazette (Boletín Oficial del Estado). Real Decreto 1/2017, de 13 de enero Por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1067/2015, de 27 de noviembre, por el que se crea la Agencia Estatal de Investigación y se aprueba su Estatuto. Real Decreto 932/2017, de 27 de octubre Por el que se articula la organización y gestión compartida de servicios generales y comunes entre el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Noticias de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación Pre-anuncio de la Convocatoria de Proyectos Transnacionales, con participación de la AEI, en el marco de la ERA-NET Co-Biotech El Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, a través de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), participa en la convocatoria de proyectos de investigación transnacionales sobre Biotecnología Industrial en el marco de la ERA-Net ERA Co-Biotech (Cofund on Biotechnologies Innovation for Europe – life science meets market application)”. Aquest contingut inclou: La Agencia Estatal de Investigación publica la segunda resolución de concesión de las ayudas para contratos predoctorales 2017 En el día de hoy, la Agencia Estatal de Investigación ha publicado, en la sede electrónica del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, la segunda resolución de concesión de ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores en el marco de la convocatoria 2017. Estas ayudas se conceden a entidades, previamente beneficiarias de una ayuda, para la incorporación de candidatos de reserva tras la renuncia de un candidato seleccionado en alguno de los proyectos que figuraban en la primera resolución de concesión de ayudas para contratos predoctorales de fecha 1 de junio de 2018. Abierto el plazo de solicitudes de las convocatorias 2018 de ayudas a Proyectos de I+D de Generación de conocimiento y a Proyectos de I+D+I “Retos Investigación”, y de ayudas a la movilidad predoctoral para la realización de estancias breves en centros de I+D Los plazos para la presentación de las solicitudes se pueden consultar en Proyectos de I+D Generación de conocimiento y en Proyectos de I+D+i Retos Investigación. La convocatoria de Proyectos de I+D+I “Retos Investigación” incluye, junto con los proyectos de I+D+i análogos a los de convocatorias anteriores, las modalidades de “Proyectos para jóvenes investigadores sin vinculación o con vinculación inferior a 1 año -Proyectos JIN-” y los proyectos RTA del sistema CCAA-INIA. Totes les notícies Tweets AgEInves
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Agentes coquetean con jugadores de la Sub-17 de Costa Rica Generan vínculos para buscarles contratos en el exterior Visores seguirán al equipo hoy a las 5 p. m. ante Francia, por octavos de final Por José Pablo Alfaro Rojas jose.alfaro@nacion.com Noticia La Nación: Agentes coquetean con jugadores de la Sub-17 de Costa Rica Eduardo Juárez e Ian Smith intentan quitarle la pelota a Alexander Lomovitskiy, de Rusia, en el segundo juego de la fase de grupos, el cual terminó igualado a una anotación. | AFP El buen desempeño de las promesas en el Mundial Sub-17 infantil hace que los agentes de futbolistas busquen la forma de crear un vínculo que les permita negociarlos en el exterior. Incluso, algunas agencias mueven sus cartas desde antes de la Copa del Mundo y a la espera de que el futbolista alcance un rendimiento alto en la cita. La mayoría de jugadores ticos llegarán al cotejo de hoy ante Francia por los octavos de final con algún tipo de vínculo, o al menos coqueteos con un mediador para que mueva su nombre en el balompié extranjero. Esto, pese a que en abril pasado empezó a regir un nuevo reglamento de FIFA para los agentes de jugadores, en el que se les prohíbe ganar dinero por la venta de una figura menor de edad. La Fedefútbol publicó en su sitio un extracto del documento: “Está prohibido que los jugadores y los clubes que recurran a los servicios de intermediarios para negociar un contrato de trabajo o un acuerdo de traspaso, realicen pagos a dichos intermediarios si el jugador es un menor de 18 años”, afirma. Michael Umaña desea quedarse en el país para estar cerca de la Selección Nacional Aun así, existen portillos para que las figuras mantengan una relación legal con los representantes. La más común es firmar un contrato privado con el responsable (padre o madre) del futbolista. Sin embargo, esto tendría un inconveniente, pues cuando el deportista cumple 18 años, tiene la potestad de invalidar dicho contrato. Ya hay contactos. Lo cierto es que los agentes de futbolistas encuentran la forma de conseguir la representación del jugador. La empresa Futbol Consultants informó en su sitio de Facebook de que mantiene un vínculo con Andy Reyes, Ian Smith, Alejandro Barrientos y Sergio Ramírez; incluso el agente José Luis Rodríguez publicó una fotografía con los futbolistas. “Orgullosos de nuestros jugadores por su buen desempeño en los dos primeros partidos del Mundial Sub-17 en Chile. Mucha suerte, fichas en el último partido del grupo contra Corea el domingo”, publicaron en el sitio de dicha empresa antes del cotejo que perdieron los ticos 1-2. Mientras, el francés Joaquim Batica mantiene relaciones con figuras como Jonathan Martínez, Eduardo Juárez y José Luis Hernández. De esta forma, el Mundial funciona como una verdadera ventana para que los agentes pongan sus ojos en futbolistas que, asesorados la mayoría de las veces por sus padres, buscan asegurarse un futuro profesional en el mundo del fútbol. Según conoció La Nación, todavía no se ha hecho una oferta formal por alguno de los ticos.
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The Flemish Government Architect is currently working on the Care Pilot Projects. This is a cooperative agreement with the Minister of Welfare, the Care and Health Agency and the VIPA (Flemish Fund for Person-Based Infrastructure). The intention, in five pilot projects, is to lay the foundations for a new, generous and robust policy for care architecture in Flanders.(1) The basis for these projects is the proposal for ‘invisible care’ drawn up by the Flemish Government Architect Peter Swinnen. The term is intended to provide for an appropriate architectural and spatial response to the new care relationships and care chains unfolding at the present time, partly influenced by Article 107. In this framework of the socialisation of care, the proposal defines seven rules of thumb – what are called invisibility factors: 1. Maximise collective housing: appealing to one another offers social, spatial and financial advantages 2. Create large scale: surplus space is essential to urban quality 3. Create small scale: intimacy, security and domesticity make it possible to live with dignity 4. Dare to programme in an urban manner: the elderly and those in need of care deserve a place in the centre of the residential district 5. Make use of the private market: real investors make for social capital and spatial quality 6. Develop intelligent rules: rules should not be based on minimum scenarios, but should generate innovative design intelligence 7. Take up the challenge of design-based research: design freedom enables ambitious initiatives to be accepted Obviously there is still little that can be said about the implementation of the proposal in the pilot projects. At the moment the question remains whether the proposal is sufficiently appropriate as a visionary framework for design and building assignments in the care sector. Another question is whether it will be able to command general legitimacy. For the time being the proposal appears primarily to have been written on the basis of a spatial reflex. Peter Swinnen starts with the observation that care is part of an industrial complex. Care institutions present themselves as factories that comply only with an internal logic and do not enter into any relations with the outside world. The response to this situation is: ‘Invisible care is care that is no longer isolated but is integrated into social and urban life’. The noble ambition becomes debatable when we read that the huge building programme in the care sector not only permits us to redefine care, but also to shape the town or city. This is very reasonable from the point of view of architectural or spatial policy. In Belgium’s tradition of liberal policy, a vigorous drive towards urban development is impossible without large scale programmes for public buildings. But the danger is that care issues become no more than an instrumental by-the-way in the context of lofty spatial aspirations. Further, it is also striking that the proposal for invisible care is framed on the basis of the rapidly-growing market for residential care for the elderly. The proposal starts with the projection that by 2050 Belgium will have two million more over-60s than at present. While taking account of the need for the ability to live independently, the Flemish Government Architect is putting his money on integrated residential care zones. This means that care for the elderly will be expanded into a natural part of everyday urban life. However, by focusing on so-called ‘grey gold’, the Flemish Government Architect is opting for the easiest route. How innovative will the pilot projects be in a sector that is generally quite normalised? A sector, moreover, in which the patient is emancipated – having now become a client – and, dependent on his own needs and desires, can choose from a varied range of possibilities. At present, it is above all service flats and secondary suites that minimise the clinical nature of care for the elderly. The proposal for invisible care has to be applied to a more awkward design assignment to prove its use and advantages. In this regard mental health care seems like a more challenging choice. For various reasons, mental health care is still housed in an industrial complex that turns away from the inhabited world. In the first place, from the patient’s point of view there is a need for low-stimulus environments. Integration of mental health care into the urban fabric is natural in volunteer aid and residential psychiatric care (PVTs). The question is whether the same ambition can be achieved in therapeutic and critical care – and whether it is also desirable. And what about the high-risk care in forensic psychiatry? Secondly, from the perspective of society there is little tolerance for mental health care. The spatial separation of mental health care is a historical consequence of political and social displacement to the outskirts of the city. And the integration of mental health care thus demands pioneering thinking on spatial planning in general – which has to be acceptable to the public at large. In addition, the dismantling of this segregated existence is not self-evident for the psychiatric institutions themselves. Their properties make up an exceptionally large financial and symbolic capital that cannot simply be thrown away. Scenarios for a spatial integration of mental health care should therefore also develop an outlook for the future of the institutions in rural settings. Lastly, the market has little regard for the mental health sector. Private contractors and capital groups have little interest in serious and long-term care, more so in patients with lighter profiles. For example, the private market is very active in building and running service flats for elderly people. In short, setting out a visionary framework for care architecture is best done in a sector that puts the listed invisibility factors to the test. This is the only way their application can lead to innovative design knowledge that can bring about a real and lasting change in the Flemish care landscape. (1) See www.pilootprojectenzorg.be (2) Published in the Bouwmeester Rapport 2010-2011, pp. 96-103, and elsewhere. Published in Psyche 25 (1), Maart 2013, quarterly magazine of VVGG
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Online Schools Home > In Focus > Special Ed Tech: How Digital Learning Tools Are Helping Reach Students With Special Needs Special Ed Tech: How Digital Learning Tools Are Helping Reach Students With Special Needs June 17, 2013 | By Michelle Filippini According to the latest reports from the U.S. Department of Education (2010-11), approximately 13 percent of students enrolled in public schools are served by special education programs, a figure that's remained relatively unchanged for the past 13 years (THE Journal, 2013). The tools special ed teachers are using in the classroom, however, are changing. Until recently, these teachers have been relying on what is termed "specialized assistive technologies," components of a field considered highly specialized. "Now assistive technology is blurring with educational technology," said Andrea Prupas, head of the special education and technology consulting firm inov8 Educational Consulting, in The Journal. The "mainstream" educational technology (or ed tech) tools now commonplace in general education classrooms include mobile devices, apps, cloud-based computing, and "flipped" and online classroom approaches, all of which are increasingly showing up in special ed teachers' tool kits. Learn about these tools and how they may be turning the special ed classroom on its head. Technology that's revolutionizing the special ed classroom Some ways that special ed experts are employing mainstream ed tech initiatives to aid their special needs students include: BYOT (bring your own technology) programs: The sense of ownership that comes from students' bringing their own devices to school results in their taking the devices more seriously and being more "engaged" in their schoolwork. Chris Swaim, an assistive technology facilitator for a Georgia school district, deems it a "tremendously positive thing" for her special ed students (THE Journal, 2013). Moving to cloud- and Web-based software: The move to cloud- and Web-based software is a natural fit for BYOT (see above). Students no longer need to be stuck on the one computer that's installed with special ed software, or working on a network system that can't be accessed from home. One challenge for companies such as Google is making sure cloud-based software adopted by schools is accessible to special ed students. To that end, the company recently released Read&Write for Google Docs to schools that cater to students with special needs, and this is expected to become part of Google's Chrome browser for PCs or Macs (THE Journal, 2013). Mobile learning and 1-to-1 (student-centered personalized learning): According to Valeska Gioia, an assistive technology specialist and autism consultant for the South Carolina Department of Education, mobile devices and the programs they run can save schools "thousands" of dollars in equipment. Generic devices can be customized quickly for special needs through the use of built-in apps, as well as such features as text-to-speech, magnification, and high-contrast functions. And, educators can swap out specialized equipment for mobile devices − where autistic students or students with speech disorders traditionally had to use communication boards, for example (the student would point to a picture and the board would "speak" it), special ed teachers can now set up students with an iPad or Android tablet that runs one of many voice output or communication board apps. For those students who are dyslexic or who have difficulty "decoding" text, digital books or text-to-speech programs can both read text to them and highlight each word as it is read, much as would a special ed aide. The 1-to-1 guarantee of student-personalized learning also has a dramatic impact (THE Journal, 2013). "Flipped" classrooms: Special needs students may also benefit from "flipped" classrooms, in which students watch instructional videos at home and then come prepared to do more hands-on work in the classroom, because, as some special educators have noted, students can repeatedly watch the recorded content until they grasp the concepts being taught. Others point out the advantages that come from the collaborative and active learning aspects that take place in a "flipped" classroom. A "flipped" approach generally takes into account student needs and is thus considered a personalized approach (THE Journal, 2013). Online classes: The Washington State School for the Blind implemented interactive, collaborative online classes in order to accommodate off-site teachers and blind and visually impaired students (THE Journal, 2013). And Louisiana hopes to benefit the state's 82,000 special-education students by offering courses online and through other innovative methods. A state law enacted in 2012 allows private firms, colleges and online groups to offer courses outside of traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms, and education leaders in the state are asking special ed advocates to encourage teachers and others to apply to offer such nontraditional classes for students with special needs (The Advocate, 2012). Other innovations in special education: Nicole Parlavecchio, a special ed teacher at the Frank K. Hehnly School in New Jersey, received an "Innovations in Special Education" award for her "Teaching, Technology, and the Tennessee Titans" program. The program is an interactive, intergenerational mentoring and Skyping program between the school's third, fourth, and fifth grade special ed students and the coaching staff and players of the NFL's Tennessee Titans aimed at "enhancing student self-esteem, providing students an intergenerational learning experience, and utilizing technology as a vehicle to deliver the grade and subject area curricula." In addition to learning the technological and communication skill sets they'll need throughout their life, the special ed students experience firsthand the importance that their football heroes place on the value of education (NJ.com, 2013). Special apps for special needs There are a number of software applications that can also help special ed students in the classroom, as well as benefit teachers and classroom aides in instruction. Avaz app: One innovation poised for rapid adoption in special ed classrooms is the Avaz app for autism, developed by an electrical engineer who wanted to duplicate the success of tablets being used in U.S. special needs classroom for an Indian market − minus the high price tag. The Avaz app was designed to help non-verbal children communicate by addressing their difficulty in processing such information as letters, words and sentences. It reworks the information in easily understandable pictures by rerouting through visual pathways instead of verbal ones. iPad apps: Apps tailored specifically to the needs of autistic students include speech, gesture, tone and visual elements to help bridge the communication barrier for autistic students (The Circuit, 2013). Neil Virani teaches in a self-contained multiple-subject special ed classroom in Los Angeles and recounts his experience with a student who had never written a word before because of his lack of fine motor skills and ability to control only one finger. The student wrote his first word on an iPad and then went on to create sentences and graphic organizers through the Popplet application. Virani's conclusion? "iPads transformed my special education classroom" (TakePart, 2013). Michelle Filippini is an editor and writer based out of Lake Tahoe, Nevada. She received her B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing and enjoys writing nonfiction as well as on issues in the educational realm. 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6727, 88.0], [6727, 7413, 105.0], [7413, 7640, 38.0], [7640, 7671, 5.0], [7671, 8556, 113.0], [8556, 8633, 9.0], [8633, 8642, 2.0], [8642, 8674, 6.0], [8674, 8733, 11.0], [8733, 8773, 5.0], [8773, 8812, 9.0], [8812, 8859, 7.0], [8859, 8892, 6.0], [8892, 8924, 4.0], [8924, 8941, 3.0], [8941, 8955, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 123, 0.0], [123, 213, 0.0], [213, 251, 0.17647059], [251, 1334, 0.01439539], [1334, 1393, 0.0], [1393, 1517, 0.0], [1517, 1913, 0.01052632], [1913, 2559, 0.00642055], [2559, 3754, 0.00693842], [3754, 4371, 0.00671141], [4371, 5075, 0.0248538], [5075, 5969, 0.00462963], [5969, 6000, 0.0], [6000, 6165, 0.0], [6165, 6727, 0.0], [6727, 7413, 0.01201201], [7413, 7640, 0.0], [7640, 7671, 0.0], [7671, 8556, 0.0], [8556, 8633, 0.0], [8633, 8642, 0.0], [8642, 8674, 0.0], [8674, 8733, 0.0], [8733, 8773, 0.0], [8773, 8812, 0.0], [8812, 8859, 0.0], [8859, 8892, 0.0], [8892, 8924, 0.0], [8924, 8941, 0.0], [8941, 8955, 0.0]], 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6727, 0.01601423], [6727, 7413, 0.02186589], [7413, 7640, 0.03964758], [7640, 7671, 0.03225806], [7671, 8556, 0.13107345], [8556, 8633, 0.1038961], [8633, 8642, 0.22222222], [8642, 8674, 0.15625], [8674, 8733, 0.01694915], [8733, 8773, 0.075], [8773, 8812, 0.07692308], [8812, 8859, 0.0212766], [8859, 8892, 0.15151515], [8892, 8924, 0.09375], [8924, 8941, 0.17647059], [8941, 8955, 0.14285714]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 8955, 0.03771323]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 8955, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 8955, 0.19578904]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 8955, -498.58302153]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 8955, -77.07633126]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 8955, 1.9456403]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 8955, 46.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Business Continuity Plan Account Services & Protection Mortgage Qualification First State Financial Management, Inc. 225 East Columbia Street Printed from: www.cfsfinancial.info What Is the Gift Tax? The federal gift tax applies to gifts of property or money while the donor is living. The federal estate tax, on the other hand, applies to property conveyed to others (with the exception of a spouse) after a person’s death. The gift tax applies to the donor. The recipient is under no obligation to pay the gift tax, although other taxes, such as income tax, may apply. The federal estate tax affects the estate of the deceased and can reduce the amount available to heirs. In theory, any gift is taxable, but there are several notable exceptions. For example, gifts of tuition or medical expenses that you pay directly to a medical or educational institution for someone else are not considered taxable. Gifts to a spouse who is a U.S. citizen, gifts to a qualified charitable organization, and gifts to a political organization are also not subject to the gift tax. You are generally not required to file a gift tax return unless the total gifts to a recipient exceed the annual gift tax exclusion for that calendar year. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law on December 22, 2017, increased the Gift tax in 2018 to $15,000.The exclusion amount is indexed annually for inflation. A separate exclusion is applied for each recipient. In addition, gifts from spouses are treated separately; so together, each spouse can gift an amount up to the annual exclusion amount to the same person. Spouses can also elect to split gifts so that all gifts made by either spouse during a year are treated as made one-half by each spouse. This enables both spouses' annual gift tax exclusion to be used. However, you must file a gift tax return to split gifts with your spouse. Gift taxes are determined by calculating the tax on all gifts made during the tax year that exceed the annual exclusion amount, and then adding that amount to all the gift taxes from gifts above the exclusion limit from previous years. This number is then applied toward an individual’s lifetime applicable exclusion amount. If the cumulative sum exceeds the lifetime exclusion, you may owe gift taxes. The 2010 Tax Relief Act reunified the estate and gift tax basic exclusion amount at $5 million (indexed for inflation), and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 made the higher exemption amount permanent while increasing the estate and gift tax rate to 40% (up from 35% in 2012). The latest major piece of tax legislation is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law on December 22, 2017. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the federal estate tax exclusion to $11.18 million in 2018 (indexed annually for inflation); in 2026, the exclusion is scheduled to revert to its pre-2018 level.This enables individuals to make lifetime gifts of $11.18 million in 2018 before the gift tax is imposed. Member: FINRA & SIPC FSFM is an affiliate of First State Community Bank due to common ownership. No bank guarantee ♦ Not FDIC insured ♦ May lose value www.fsfmonline.com
{"url": "http://www.cfsfinancial.info/Gift-Tax.c1285.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.cfsfinancial.info", "date_download": "2018-09-18T14:44:21Z", "digest": "sha1:RH2SGTIAQIDXSDRJHUEYQWVISWNBPQTA"}
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Canadian Dollar (CAD) to Australian Dollar (AUD) Historical Exchange Rates on 8th July 2020 (08/07/2020) On July 08, 2020 the Official CAD to AUD Exchange Rate: Invert? Australian Dollar to Canadian Dollar exchange rate on 8 July 2020 (08/07/2020) Compare various denominations for the Canadian Dollar / Australian Dollar exchange rate conversion on the 8th July 2020 using the data table below.
{"url": "https://exchangerates.org.uk/CAD-AUD-08_07_2020-exchange-rate-history.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "exchangerates.org.uk", "date_download": "2020-08-03T09:39:44Z", "digest": "sha1:RCG2ALNYVHEEWMV6RA5FALHCMUREI7H6"}
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Ancora sui problemi di comunicazione Cinque dipendenti che lavoravano negli uffici della Provincia di Forli usavano indiscriminatamente e durante le ore di lavoro FB. Chiaramente il danno oltre a peculato e abuso d'ufficio,andava a ricadere su i normali cittadini che vedevano il loto iter... Ho come la sensazione che alcune situazioni mediatiche facciano male pur essendo molto interessanti. Non so se è capitato anche a voi di assistere a programmi di interesse ,dove la documentazione e i dati di fatto raccolti parlano da soli che alla fine... In questi giorni di assoluta confusione e show parlamentari ( avete fatto caso che quando si avvicinano le elezioni tutti sono contro tutti e quando devono spartirsi il bottino,sono tutti amici?) ho notato che per molte persone le cose non sono cambiate.... Spiati "FACEBOOK è uno dei principali strumenti a disposizione dell'intelligence USA per spiare i cittadini " " Chi aggiunge amici su FB deve sapere che mentre lo fa lavora gratis per i servizi segreti USA" Julian Assange Informazione & distorsione Il grande film di Orson Welles, Citizen Kane è stato premonitore. L'informazione non hapiù la sua funzione primaria,ma viene distorta a proprio uso e consumo Nel corso del tempo questa tecnica si è raffinata e con l'ausilio della moderna tecnologia si... Bambini,genitori & Animali Qual'è il filo conduttore del titolo se non una forma di tolleranza che sfocia nell'ignoranza? Sicuramente NON per tutti ma certamente per molti. Ho notato che c'è una similitudine per coloro che decidono oltre ai figli di avere anche animali. Non li... Il 7 Maggio,sabato alle 0re 15,00 in Piazza Maggiore,io ci sarò. E tu? Ieri a Torino. Ma alla fine le responsabilità di chi sono? Siamo entrati in guerra ;quando un aereo militare con lo stemma sulla carlinga e sulla coda di una nazione ne bombarda un'altra,voi come la chiamate? Lo stesso presidente della Repubblica lo scrive come un'atto... sicuramente queste elezioni verranno ricordate per diversi motivi e fra i molti anche quello degli slogan che di fatto assomigliano sempre più a quelli pubblicitari. Non trovate? Cosa votare e perchè? Una signora di 77 anni molto acculturata,lucidissima, abbonata all'opera lirica da sempre e non priva di dialettica e buon senso,ha esternato con argomentazioni valide e senza farsi mettere sotto il suo diritto di voto . Voterà ha detto,per...
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Ok, here's my thought.... I am SO Glad that God thinks enough of me to let me start over every day... It's not like baseball where once you are out... that's it. I get to start a new game every day, and if I mess up, or miss it in the course of that day's game, well, guess what... I can start over. It's like the unlimited revolving mulligan! Now do I want to play just so I can take a mulligan.... absolutely NOT!!! I still want to win, but now there's a lot less pressure to get it perfect!!! Search Tags: *My Thoughts About..., life
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Tv Digital Divide - Articoli Postati nella Categoria " loredana capone " Switch-off Puglia: Regione in soccorso delle tv locali in vista del passaggio al digitale terrestre di Matteo Bayre in giugno 27, 2011 1 Comment «La Regione Puglia interverrà per sostenere il sistema dell’emittenza televisiva regionale sia per gli investimenti che per la tutela dell’occupazione. – ha dichiarato il viocepresidente della giunta regionale pugliese, Loredana Capone – Il settore richiede investimenti immediati, in mancanza dei quali soprattutto le piccole aziende corrono il rischio di uscire dal mercato». La Puglia infatti […]
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Home » Albo Pretorio on-line Organi collegiali - Elezioni Atti con data di pubblicazione scaduta In ALBO STORICO - Organi collegiali - Elezioni sono reperibili gli atti con data di pubblicazione scaduta appartenenti a questa categoria. Gli atti in fase di pubblicazione inseriti in questa categoria sono reperibili in ALBO PRETORIO - Organi collegiali - Elezioni Scegli l'anno - Qualsiasi -201120122013201420152016 Voci per pagina 510204060- Tutto - Numero di inserimento N. prot./Data In pubblicazione 2018000407 5029/A19 30/10/2018 Affissione deposito elenco elettori 2018 dal 10/11/2018 - 09:10 al 25/11/2018 2018000391 4885/A19a 22/10/2018 Decreto elezioni rappresentanti dei genitori provvisorio dal 22/10/2018 - 14:10 09/10/2018 DECRETO DI INDIZIONE ELEZIONI DEL CONSIGLIO DI ISTITUTO TRIENNIO 2018/2021 dal 09/10/2018 - 15:40 02/05/2018 Surroga Membro Consiglio di Istituto-BONINI Antonella dal 02/05/2018 - 17:10 29/03/2018 Surroga Membro Consiglio di Istituto-BARZAN Luigina dal 02/05/2018 - 17:00 08/03/2018 Surroga Membro Consiglio di Istituto-CASTOLDI Micaela dal 02/05/2018 - 16:50 08/03/2018 Surroga Membro Consiglio di Istituto-SIMULA Elisa dal 02/05/2018 - 16:40 09/11/2017 Decreto definitivo elezioni componenti genitori ottobre 2017 dal 09/11/2017 - 15:00 28/10/2017 Decreto provvisorio elezioni componenti genitori ottobre 2017 dal 28/10/2017 - 12:40 2017000119 int. 21, 23, 25, 26 04/10/2017 Elezioni componenti genitori 2017/2018 dal 04/10/2017 - 15:40 08/11/2016 Decreto definitivo elezione componenti genitori ottobre 2016 dal 08/11/2016 - 09:40 28/10/2016 Decreto provvisorio elezione componenti genitori ottobre 2016 dal 28/10/2016 - 14:00 04/10/2016 Elezioni componente genitori 2016/2017 dal 04/10/2016 - 10:30 2016000011 321/A19a 28/01/2016 Proclamazione eletti Comitato di Valutazione dal 28/01/2016 - 13:20 2015000199 4464/A19b 03/12/2015 decreto definitivo eletti Consiglio di Istituto triennio 2015/2018 dal 03/12/2015 - 16:00 24/11/2015 decreto proclamazione degli eletti nel Consiglio di Istituto per il triennio 2015/2018 dal 24/11/2015 - 13:10 17/11/2015 nomina dei componenti dei seggi elettorali dal 17/11/2015 - 17:00 03/11/2015 consigli di intersezione, interclasse e classe - genitori eletti a.s. 2015/2016 dal 03/11/2015 - 10:50 05/10/2015 decreto indizione elezioni Consiglio di Istituto triennio 2015/2018 dal 05/10/2015 - 17:30 2015000117 interna 13
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Home Virali dal Web Produrre energia per la casa grazie ad una bici (video) Produrre energia per la casa grazie ad una bici (video) 14 dicembre 2015 80 Una pedalata “energetica” in tutti i sensi. La novità per salvare l’ambiente è frutto dell’idea del miliardario statunitense di origini indiane Manoj Bhargava, che ha immaginato una bicicletta stazionaria per i tre miliardi di persone che nel mondo non sono ancora in grado di usufruire di energia elettrica. La cyclette , costa sui 100 dollari, è facile da riparare in caso di bisogno e produce energia pulita, evitando anche il rischio di rimanere senza elettricità in caso di blackout. Il progetto si chiama “Free Electric”, e i primi modelli verranno venduti in India a partire dal 2016, ma subito dopo sarà in programma la distribuzione anche in altri paesi. L’innovativa idea è stata progettata presso il laboratorio ‘Stage 2’ dell’imprenditore, dove un centinaio di ingegneri stanno lavorando anche al “Rain Maker” (un macchinario che trasforma acqua di mare o inquinata in acqua potabile, utile anche per le attività agricole) e al Renew, un dispositivo medico in grado di migliorare la circolazione sanguigna. I tre progetti sono illustrati nel documentario «Billions in Change”, prodotto con l’intenzione di dimostrare che è possibile realizzare progetti utili a migliorare le condizioni di vita dell’umanità. Diventato miliardario grazie a un energy drink, Bhargava ha già annunciato l’intenzione di donare il 99% dei suoi averi. “Se si dispone di ricchezza, è un dovere aiutare chi non ne ha», spiega il filantropo nel documentario. “La consapevolezza non riduce l’inquinamento e non fa crescere il cibo. Per fare ciò occorre agire” L’obiettivo, sottolinea, è «fare la differenza nella vita delle persone, non solo parlarne” Partecipa alla discussione. Commenta l'articolo su Messinaora.it TAGSbici per produrre energiaManoj Bhargava SHARE tweet Articolo precedenteTirrenoambiente: nominati i nuovi verticiProssimo articoloTve, Orchestra verso la stabilizzazione: accordo raggiunto Ente e sindacati. Renzo, "contare su gruppo stabile arricchisce la programmazione" Redazione Messinaora Video popolari dal web Messinaora.it è una testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Messina n. 12/2011 Natale col morto…ma è uno scherzo del nonno 2 dicembre 2015 Lily e il pupazzo di neve: dalla Francia un bellissimo corto... 24 dicembre 2015 Dalla Spagna un commovente spot natalizio 2 dicembre 2015 ');
{"url": "http://www.messinaora.it/notizia/2015/12/14/produrre-energia-per-la-casa-grazie-ad-una-bici-video/69001", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.messinaora.it", "date_download": "2017-02-19T14:15:56Z", "digest": "sha1:RRG7KIO2BWYXIQL25S34O3K2Z5XQJ324"}
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La luz en un lugar donde no pasaba la luz La luz en un lugar donde no pasaba la luz (Ernesto Moreno/ Drugstore) «No importa si se cumplen años de su nacimiento o de su muerte, de su primer o de su último concierto, no importa la cifra en el curso del tiempo. Billie Holiday se fue y se quedó para siempre. No envejece, por más que la vistan en cada aniversario con lugares comunes, con sus avatares cada vez menos definitorios. Habrá en la prensa reseñas exactamente iguales sobre su desaforada figura.» Publicado el 21 abril, 2016 por Pablo SaldañaPublicado en SociedadEtiquetado Billie Holiday. Anterior Entrada anterior: El cepo social: de los mayores a los jóvenes Siguiente Entrada siguiente: Gritos y susurros
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Observatoire européen des think tanks Think tanks and civil society : because ideas matter Equipe permanente Statuts et bilan comptable Brochure institutionnelle Conseil / formation Trophées des think tanks français Baromètre des think tanks Accueil > 404 Désolé, la page demandée n'existe pas... Cliquez-ici pour prévenir le webmestre Cliquez-ici pour revenir à une version rafraîchie de notre page d'accueil Philippe Leduc : « Il faut dépasser les lobbies, les corporatismes, et s’intéresser au parcours de soins pour avoir une vision transversale du système de santé ». Le statut juridique d’un think tank a-t-il une importance ? La France des think tanks 2016 Michel Payen : "Les francs-maçons sont un laboratoire d’idées pour la société dans laquelle ils vivent." Copyright Observatoire des think tanks - Powered by SPIP, Feat.B_HRO - Mentions légales
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LINDA + JOHN | The Clarke Estate Summer Wedding | Los Angeles, CA Posted by annaleemedia in Wedding - (0 Comments) The Clarke Estate in Santa Fe Springs was the historic backdrop for Linda & John’s outdoor, summer wedding! Anna Lee is a Los Angeles-based wedding and portrait photographer serving SoCal and worldwide. Website: www.annaleemedia.com Facebook: Anna Lee Photography Instagram: @annaleemedia Twitter: @annaleemedia Anaheim wedding photographer, historic wedding venue, john flores, latino wedding, linda rocio pulido, los angeles wedding photographer, lots of white, malibu wedding photographer, modern, orange county wedding photographer, outdoor summer wedding, san diego wedding photographer, santa barbara wedding photographer, santa fe springs, sequins, sunset, the clarke estate, ventura wedding photographer Select Month July 2018 (1) May 2018 (3) February 2018 (1) January 2018 (4) December 2017 (1) November 2017 (1) October 2017 (3) August 2017 (3) July 2017 (8) May 2017 (4) March 2017 (2) February 2017 (8) January 2017 (9) December 2016 (3) September 2016 (7) August 2016 (4) July 2016 (8) June 2016 (6) May 2016 (4) April 2016 (7) March 2016 (2) February 2016 (4) January 2016 (5) December 2015 (6) November 2015 (5) October 2015 (5) September 2015 (5) August 2015 (7) July 2015 (15) June 2015 (5) May 2015 (3) April 2015 (4) March 2015 (2) February 2015 (8) January 2015 (1) December 2014 (14) November 2014 (2) October 2014 (2) September 2014 (7) August 2014 (10) July 2014 (8) June 2014 (4) May 2014 (4) April 2014 (7) March 2014 (4) February 2014 (8) January 2014 (2) December 2013 (3) November 2013 (12) October 2013 (3) September 2013 (6) August 2013 (3) July 2013 (12) June 2013 (17) May 2013 (4) April 2013 (7) February 2013 (1) January 2013 (8) December 2012 (4) November 2012 (9) September 2012 (6) August 2012 (3) July 2012 (11) June 2012 (5) May 2012 (6) April 2012 (6) March 2012 (5) February 2012 (2) January 2012 (8) December 2011 (2) November 2011 (4) October 2011 (12) September 2011 (3) August 2011 (12) July 2011 (3) June 2011 (10) May 2011 (6) April 2011 (6) March 2011 (11) February 2011 (5) January 2011 (3) December 2010 (11) November 2010 (7) October 2010 (5) September 2010 (12) August 2010 (1) July 2010 (7) June 2010 (8) May 2010 (1) April 2010 (9) March 2010 (2) February 2010 (5) January 2010 (7) December 2009 (5) November 2009 (5) October 2009 (2) All photos and content © Anna Lee 2011. All Rights Reserved.
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Sunday-July-15-2018 YouTrade24 FOREX Trading Mussings The Bullish Thesis of Bitcoin (IV) The Bullish Thesis of Bitcoin (III) The Bitcoin Bullish Thesis (II) The Bitcoin Bullish Thesis Soros and Rockefeller already operate with cryptocurrencies. What do we do, we follow them? DAX – the Rebound Reaches 50% of the Correction from Historical Levels Crude Oil – Are all the Longs Exhausted? GBP / USD Close to their Highs for the year… Buyers increase in USD / CHF despite the escalation of the trade war They are watched from a distance by the drop in equities The evolution of money There is an obsession in the modern monetary economy with the role of money as a means of payment. During the twentieth century, states monopolized the issuance of money and continually undermined its use as a store of value, creating the false belief that money is primarily a means of payment (or “currency of exchange”). Many people have criticized Bitcoin because its price is too volatile to function as such, but that is putting the car ahead of the horse. Money has always evolved in stages, and the value deposit function precedes that of means of payment. One of the fathers of the marginalist economy, Stanley Jevons, explained that: Historically … it seems that gold has served, in the first place, as valuable raw material for its decorative utility; second to store wealth; third as means of payment; finally as a way to measure the value. Using modern vocabulary, money always evolves following these four stages: Collectable. During the first phase of its evolution, money is desired only by its particular properties, often being a mere whim of its possessor. Shells, beads and gold were collectable goods before moving on to fulfill the best known roles of money. Deposit of value: When a sufficient amount of people want to collect it, money begins to have utility as a means to treasure value in a lasting way. As the good is widely recognized as a good store of value, more people want it, and therefore increases its purchasing power (the value of the things we can buy with a unit of the good in question) The purchasing power becomes stable over time, when practically everyone already uses it to store their wealth and the influx of new entrants who wish to buy the good diminishes. Means of payment: When money has been established as a store of value, its purchasing power stabilizes. At that time, the opportunity cost of using the good to conduct business decreases to a level that allows it to be converted into a means of payment. In the early days of Bitcoin, many people did not understand the tremendous opportunity cost of using bitcoins to buy things instead of as a store of value. The famous story of the person who exchanged 10,000 bitcoins (approximately 11 million dollars as I write this) for 2 pizzas illustrates this confusion. Accounting unit. When money is widely used as a means of payment, all products and services have an assigned price in that money. That is, there is an established exchange rate for any good. It is a common mistake to believe that today there are prices in bitcoin for most of the goods. It is possible to buy a coffee with bitcoin, but its price is not in bitcoin; it is actually the amount of dollars that the seller wants to charge, “translated” into bitcoin using the current exchange rate in the USD / BTC market. If the bitcoin price fell against the dollar, the seller would ask for more bitcoin proportionally. Only when sellers accept bitcoins as payment without taking into account the exchange rate with fiat currencies (USD, EUR …) can we really think that bitcoin is an accounting unit. Monetary assets that are not yet an accounting unit can be considered “partially monetized”. Today gold fulfills that role: it is a store of value but has been stripped of its roles as a means of payment and accounting unit by government intervention. It can also occur in the case where a good fulfills the role of means of payment while a different one fulfills the other roles. This happens in countries with dysfunctional governments as in the cases of Argentina, Venezuela or Zimbabwe. Nathaniel Popper, in his book “Digital Gold”, says the following: In the United States, the dollar perfectly fulfills the three functions of money: it serves as a means of payment, as a unit to measure the cost of other goods, and as an asset to store value. As an opposite example, during the hyperinflation in Argentina, although the peso was used as a means of payment (for daily transactions), nobody used it to store value. Saving in pesos was like throwing money away. People changed all their savings into dollars that kept their value better than the peso. The weight was so volatile that people memorized prices in dollars, which served much better as a stable unit of measure. At this moment Bitcoin is in the process of transition between the first and second stages of monetization. It will probably take several years for Bitcoin to complete its evolution from an incipient way of storing value to becoming a true means of payment.The journey to get there is fraught with risks and uncertainty; It is surprising to think that gold took centuries to complete the same transformation. No living person has seen the monetization of a good in real time as is happening with Bitcoin, so it is difficult to predict what path that monetization will take. Dependence of the road A monetary asset in the process of monetization will see its purchasing power increase enormously. Many have commented that the rapid increase in the purchasing power of bitcoins seems like a “bubble”. Although the term is used in a derogatory way to defend that Bitcoin is an overvalued good, it turns out to be an appropriate description. A common characteristic of all monetary assets is that their purchasing power is higher than can be justified simply by their usefulness. There are many currencies in history that never had any use. We can think that the difference between the purchasing power of a monetary good and the value it would have exclusively for its usefulness as a raw material is the “monetary premium”, that is, the value that money has because it is accepted as such. As a monetary good evolves between the stages of monetization discussed in the previous section, the monetary premium increases. However, the premium does not move in a predictably linear way. A good “X” that is in the process of monetization can be overcome by another good “Y” more apt as money and the monetary bonus of “X” can fall or even disappear. The monetary bonus of silver disappeared almost completely at the end of the 19th century when governments all over the world abandoned their use in favor of gold. Even in the absence of exogenous factors such as government intervention or competition from other monetary goods, the monetary premium of a new currency will not change in a predictable manner. The economist Larry White observed that: The problem with the narrative of the bubbles, of course, is that it is consistent with any path that the price follows, and therefore does not provide any explanation for a particular path. Game theory proposes a model to understand the monetization process: each participant in a market will try to anticipate the aggregate demand of the rest of the participants in order to estimate the monetary premium. Since monetary premium does not depend on its intrinsic utility, market participants tend to rely on past prices to determine whether a good is cheap or expensive, or whether it is time to buy or sell.The connection between current demand and previous prices is known as ” path dependence ” (or historical dependence) and is, perhaps, the greatest source of confusion in trying to understand the price fluctuations of a monetary good. When the purchasing power of a monetary asset increases as its adoption grows, the subjective perception of the market changes over how expensive or cheap it is.Likewise, when the price of a monetary good collapses, expectations may change with the general perception that previous prices were irrational or inflated. The historical dependence on money is illustrated by the words of the renowned Wall Street fund manager, Josh Brown: I bought [bitcoins] like at $ 2300 and it immediately doubled in my hands. Then I started saying “I can not buy more” as I went up, even though that is an opinion biased by the price at which I bought. Then, when it fell last week due to the intervention of the Chinese in the exchange houses, I began to say to myself, “Oh God, I hope you annihilate it so you can buy more.” The truth is that the notions of what is “expensive” or “cheap” are meaningless when they refer to monetary goods. The price of a monetary asset is not a reflection of its cash flow or utility, but a measure of the adoption for each of the roles of money. To further complicate the nature of historical dependence on money we have the fact that market participants do not act simply as observers trying to buy or sell in anticipation of the next movements of the monetary premium, but also actively participate as evangelizers. Because there is no objectively adequate monetary premium, proselytizing highlighting the superior characteristics of a monetary asset is more effective than if it were another type of asset, whose value at the end of the day depends on its cash flow or demand and utility. The religious fervor of participants in the Bitcoin market can be seen in any of the many online forums where those who have Bitcoin actively promote the benefits of it, and the great gains that can be obtained by investing in it. Leigh Drogen says the following about the Bitcoin market: It can be seen as a religion, a story that we tell each other and with which we agree. Religion is the adoption curve in which we must think. It’s almost perfect, as soon as someone new comes in they tell everybody and they start to evangelize.Then his friends enter and also begin to evangelize. Although the comparison with a religion can suggest an irrational faith bias, for an individual who has Bitcoins it is completely rational to preach so that the whole society adopts this improved money as a standard. Money acts as the basis of trade and savings, so the adoption of a superior form of money has great multiplicative benefits in the creation of wealth for all members of a society Form of monetization While there are no pre-established rules regarding the path that a monetary good will take while being monetized, a curious pattern that has arisen during the relatively short history of Bitcoin monetization can be observed. The price of Bitcoin seems to follow a fractal pattern of increasing magnitude, where each iteration of the fractal resembles the classical form of Gartner’s cycle of euphoria (or overexploitation) but each greater than the previous one. In his article Speculative Bitcoin Adoption / Price Theory , Michael Casey argues that Gartner’s growing euphoric cycles represent phases of the classic S-curve of adoptionthat have followed many revolutionary technologies as their use is implanted in society. Each Gardner cycle begins with an outbreak of enthusiasm for the new technology;the price grows pushed by the purchases of the investors involved in that iteration.The first buyers of the cycle of euphoria are usually totally convinced of the disruptive potential of the technology. Over time the achievable enthusiasts in this iteration begin to be overtaken by the speculators more interested in quick benefits than in the transforming power of technology; the market heats up and the price shoots up. After exceeding the maximum, prices fall quickly and speculative fervor is replaced by despair, public derision and the feeling that technology was not so much. Over time, the price hits bottom and forms a plateau in which the new cohort of investors able to withstand the pain of price collapse joins pioneers convinced of the long-term value of technology. The plateau lasts a long time and forms what Casey calls “a stable and boring minimum” During this phase the interest of the public diminishes, but it continues to develop as the number of believers grows slowly. The foundations of a new iteration of the cycle of euphoria are forming as the market observers see that the technology does not disappear and that the investment may not be as risky as it seemed during the downward phase of the cycle. The next iteration of the cycle attracts a broader set of users-investors-believers and its magnitude is much greater. During the explosive growth phase of a Gartner cycle, very few people can successfully predict the maximum price that will be reached before the next fall. The price usually reaches levels that seem absurd for many of the investors who bought at the beginning of the cycle. When the cycle changes phase, the media look for a cause, a credible narrative. The “culprit”, for example the security failure of an exchange market, may have acted as a catalyst, but it is not the fundamental reason.The cycles of euphoria collapse because the market agents who are likely to participate in that cycle are finished. It is revealing that gold followed the typical pattern of euphoria of the Gartner cycle from the end of the 70s to the beginning of the 2000s. One could speculate that the euphoria cycle is a social dynamic inherent to the monetization process. Gartner Cohorts Since trading began in 2010, the bitcoin market has surpassed four major Gartner cycles. With the advantage of historical data we can accurately identify the price range of these cycles. We can also qualitatively identify the cohorts of investors associated with each iteration. $ 0 – $ 30 (2009-July 2011): The first cycle of euphoria in the bitcoin market was dominated by cryptographers, computer scientists and cypherpunks who were already prepared to understand the importance of the revolutionary invention of Satoshi Nakamoto. They were the pioneers, ensuring that the Bitcoin protocol did not have technical failures. $ 30 – $ 250 (July 2011-April 2013): The second cycle attracted both early users of new technologies and a steady stream of ideologically motivated investors excited about the potential of a free currency from state control. Libertarians such as Roger Ver were attracted by the anti-system activities that would be possible with broad adoption of nascent technology. Wences Casares, a brilliant and well connected entrepreneur, was also part of the second cycle of euphoria and it is publicly known that he evangelized Bitcoin to the most important technologists and investors in Silicon Valley. $ 250 – $ 1100 (April 2013-December 2013): The third cycle brought in the first retail and institutional investors, at least those who dared to navigate the complicated liquidity channels in which bitcoin could be acquired. The main source of liquidity during this period was MtGox, an exchange market based in Japan and run by the well-known incompetent and embezzler Mark Karpeles, who would later serve time for his role in the collapse of MtGox. It is worth mentioning that there is a correlation between the rise in the price of bitcoin during the mentioned cycles and the increase in liquidity and the ease with which investors could buy bitcoins. During the first cycle there were no exchange platforms and the ways to obtain bitcoins were restricted to mining or buying directly from someone who had mined them. In the second cycle, rudimentary exchange platforms became available, but obtaining and securing bitcoins in them was too complicated for almost everyone, except for the most tech savvy. Even in the third cycle there were significant barriers for investors who wanted to transfer money to MtGox to acquire bitcoins. Banks were reluctant to work with the platform and third parties facilitating transfers were often incompetent, criminal or both. To make matters worse, many of those who managed to transfer funds suffered heavy losses when MtGox was pirated and later closed. Only after the collapse of MtGox and a calm of two years in the market price of bitcoin were established deep and mature sources of liquidity; examples include regulated exchange platforms such as GDAX and intermediaries for large transactions (OTC) such as Cumberland mining. By the time the fourth cycle began in 2016, buying and securing bitcoin was relatively easy even for small investors. $ 1100 – $ 19600? (2014 – ?) : When I write these lines, the bitcoin market is going through its fourth cycle of euphoria. The participants in this cycle are mainly those that Michael Casey calls ” early majority” of the retail and institutional investors. With deep and mature sources of liquidity, large institutional investors now have the opportunity to participate through regulated futures markets. The availability of these futures markets paves the way for the creation of a bitcoin ETF which in turn, in the next cycles of euphoria, will attract the “late majority” and the “laggards” (” late majority ” and ” laggards ” ). “On the graph). Although it is impossible to predict exactly the magnitude of the current cycle of euphoria, it is reasonable to speculate that the cycle reaches its zenith between 20,000 and 50,000 dollars per bitcoin. A much higher price would mean that Bitcoin would have reached a significant fraction of the total capitalization of gold (for gold and bitcoin to have the same capitalization today, a bitcoin should cost about $ 380,000). Most of the market capitalization of gold comes from the demand of central banks, and it is not likely that these or the nation-states will still participate in this cycle of euphoria. The entrance of the nation state The final cycle of Gartner will happen when some nations begin to accumulate Bitcoin as part of their currency reserves. The capitalization of the bitcoin market is still too small for the option of adding it to the reserves of most countries can be considered realistically. However, as the interest of the private sector increases and the capitalization of Bitcoin approaches a trillion dollars, there will be enough liquidity for most of the states to enter the market. The first nation to officially add bitcoin to its reserves will likely unleash a stampede from other countries willing to do so. The states that adopt it before will be the ones that will see greater benefits in their financial balances if Bitcoin ends up becoming a global monetary reserve.Unfortunately, it is likely that the states with strong executive powers (dictatorships such as North Korea) are the fastest to accumulate Bitcoins. The desire not to favor the enrichment of the countries mentioned and the inherent weakness of the executive branches of Western democracies will cause a paralysis by indecision that will make them linger in the accumulation of bitcoins for their reserves. It is ironic that the US is currently one of the most open nations in its regulatory position towards Bitcoin, while China and Russia are the most hostile; The US is the one that suffers the most risk that its geopolitical position will be degraded if Bitcoin ends up replacing the dollar as a world reserve. In the 60s Charles de Gaulle criticized the “exorbitant privilege” enjoyed by the US for the international monetary order that originated from the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944. The Russian and Chinese governments have not yet realized the geostrategic benefits of Bitcoin. as a reserve currency and are more concerned about the effects on their domestic markets. Like de Gaulle, who threatened to restore the gold standard in response to US privilege, the Chinese and Russians will see, over time, the advantages of a long reserve position in a store of non-sovereign value. The Chinese state has a significant advantage in its potential to add Bitcoin to its reserves, and that is that the highest concentration of Bitcoin mining power is in China. The US prides itself on being a nation of innovators, with Silicon Valley being the jewel in the crown of the American economy. So far Silicon Valley has dominated the conversation about the position that regulators should take regarding Bitcoin.However, the financial industry and the US Federal Reserve have begun to realize the existential threat that Bitcoin represents for US monetary policy if it were to become a global reserve currency. The newspaper The Wall Street Journal, a well-known Federal Reserve spokesman, published the following comment on the threat that Bitcoin represents to the American monetary policy: There is another danger, perhaps more serious, from the point of view of the central banks and regulators: Bitcoin could not collapse. If the speculative fervor of the cryptocurrency is only the precursor of its wide acceptance as an alternative to the dollar, it will jeopardize the monopoly on money held by central banks. In the years to come there will be a battle between the entrepreneurs and innovators of Silicon Valley, who will try to keep the Bitcoin free of state control, and the financial industry and central banks, who will do everything in their power to regulate Bitcoin and prevent the The power of your industry and your ability to issue money are affected. The transition to means of payment A monetary good can not become a means of payment mostly accepted (the standard definition of money) before being widely valued, for the tautological reason that an unvalued good is not acceptable as payment. In the process of becoming widely valued, and therefore a store of value, a monetary good multiplies its purchasing power, creating an opportunity cost when using it as currency. In particular, a monetary asset becomes convenient as a means of payment only when the sum of the opportunity cost plus the cost of the commercial transaction falls below the cost of the transaction without using the good. In a society based on barter, a monetary good can be used as a means of payment even while the good continues to be appreciated, because the barter transaction costs are very high. In a developed economy, where transaction costs are low, the use as currency of a deposit of value in development and that is quickly appreciated as Bitcoin, is possible but in a very limited way. One example is the illegal drug market, where buyers are willing to sacrifice the opportunity to keep their bitcoins in exchange for minimizing the risk of buying drugs using fiat currency. There are, however, great institutional barriers for a nascent deposit of value to become a widely accepted means of payment in a developed society. States have a powerful tool called taxes to protect their monetary sovereignty from being displaced by the competition of a new currency. An official currency enjoys the advantage of a constant demand since taxes are paid with it, but in addition, the profits of other monetary goods that are appreciated incur taxes when sold. The latter causes a significant friction for the use of a deposit of value as a means of payment. However, this disadvantage of private monetary assets is not an insurmountable barrier. When people (the market) lose confidence in an official currency, their value collapses in a process known as hyperinflation. In this process, the value of the currency plummets first against the most liquid assets available in that society: gold or foreign currencies such as the dollar. When there are no liquid assets available or the supply is scarce, the currency will collapse in front of another type of property, such as real estate and raw materials. The image that best sums up hyperinflation is a grocery store without products on the shelves because consumers get rid as soon as possible of the state currency that loses value in their hands. In the end, confidence in the currency is completely lost, nobody accepts it and society will decline to barter if a different currency has not been implemented. The replacement of the Zimbabwe dollar with the US dollar in 2008 is a good example of this process. Substituting an official currency for a foreign currency is complicated if there is a shortage of the incoming currency and no international bank provides liquidity. Vijay Boyapati https://medium.com/@vijayboyapati USD / AUD USD / EUR USD / GBP USD / HKD USD / NOK USD / SEK USD / SGD Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Salient News by Salientthemes
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[276, 347, 0.0], [347, 388, 0.0], [388, 433, 0.0], [433, 502, 0.0], [502, 559, 0.0], [559, 582, 0.0], [582, 1226, 0.0], [1226, 1435, 0.0], [1435, 1510, 0.0], [1510, 1763, 0.0], [1763, 2289, 0.0], [2289, 2853, 0.0], [2853, 3652, 0.0], [3652, 4209, 0.0], [4209, 4830, 0.0], [4830, 5404, 0.0], [5404, 5427, 0.0], [5427, 6737, 0.0], [6737, 6973, 0.0], [6973, 7164, 0.0], [7164, 7816, 0.0], [7816, 8251, 0.0], [8251, 8627, 0.0], [8627, 8883, 0.0], [8883, 9718, 0.0], [9718, 10015, 0.0], [10015, 10411, 0.0], [10411, 10432, 0.0], [10432, 10895, 0.0], [10895, 11156, 0.0], [11156, 11660, 0.0], [11660, 12019, 0.0], [12019, 12587, 0.0], [12587, 13195, 0.0], [13195, 13440, 0.0], [13440, 13456, 0.0], [13456, 13735, 0.0], [13735, 14082, 0.0], [14082, 14678, 0.0], [14678, 15128, 0.0], [15128, 16074, 0.0], [16074, 16469, 0.0], [16469, 16500, 0.0], [16500, 16726, 0.0], [16726, 17118, 0.0], [17118, 17730, 0.0], [17730, 17763, 0.0], [17763, 18933, 0.0], [18933, 19995, 0.0], [19995, 20622, 0.0], [20622, 20947, 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[5404, 5427, 0.04347826], [5427, 6737, 0.01068702], [6737, 6973, 0.01694915], [6973, 7164, 0.0052356], [7164, 7816, 0.00460123], [7816, 8251, 0.01609195], [8251, 8627, 0.03191489], [8627, 8883, 0.0078125], [8883, 9718, 0.00958084], [9718, 10015, 0.01346801], [10015, 10411, 0.00757576], [10411, 10432, 0.04761905], [10432, 10895, 0.01079914], [10895, 11156, 0.03831418], [11156, 11660, 0.00793651], [11660, 12019, 0.00557103], [12019, 12587, 0.00880282], [12587, 13195, 0.00986842], [13195, 13440, 0.0122449], [13440, 13456, 0.125], [13456, 13735, 0.01433692], [13735, 14082, 0.01729107], [14082, 14678, 0.01845638], [14678, 15128, 0.02444444], [15128, 16074, 0.01057082], [16074, 16469, 0.03037975], [16469, 16500, 0.0], [16500, 16726, 0.02212389], [16726, 17118, 0.01530612], [17118, 17730, 0.00653595], [17730, 17763, 0.03030303], [17763, 18933, 0.01282051], [18933, 19995, 0.03013183], [19995, 20622, 0.0430622], [20622, 20947, 0.00923077], [20947, 21300, 0.01699717], [21300, 21335, 0.02857143], 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INCASSI USA, IN TESTA CANI SCIOLTI. WASHINGTON-WAHLBERG scalzano WOLVERINE, terzi I PUFFI 2 05/08/2013 - (ANSA) - ROMA, 4 Agosto - I CANI SCIOLTI (2 Guns) DENZEL WASHINGTON e MARK WAHLBERG, agenti federali in incognito nell'action movie di Baltasar Kormakur, conquistano subito la vetta del box office nord americano del week end, con 27,4 milioni di dollari, scalzando WOLVERINE, che ha rastrellato 21,7 milioni di dollari (95 milioni in totale). Al terzo posto un'altra new entry, I Puffi 2: l'esercito di mini elfi azzurri diretti da Raja Gosnell ha incassato 18,2 milioni di dollari nel fine settimana.
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CHINA, 20th century Porcelain baluster vase,... - Lot 27 - Rossini 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20-B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 68-B 69 69-B 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 101-B 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 114-B 115 116 117 118 119 120 120-B 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 184-B 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 CHINA, 20th century Porcelain baluster vase, gilded openwork handles, with polychrome decoration of women in a garden surrounding a deer decorated with longevity peaches. Inscriptions on the other side. H. 68 cm. Sale information - [CONFIRMED] Vente Civilisations Expositions - public limité dans le respect du protocole sanitaire Jeudi 10 décembre de 11h à 18h Vendredi 11 décembre de 11h à 12h Réservation de place en salle obligatoire pour la vente. Les places étant limitées, nous vous recommandons de nous laisser un ordre d'achat, une demande de ligne téléphonique ou d'enchérir directement sur Drouot Live ou Interencheres Live. Maître François-Xavier Poncet +33 (0)1 53 34 55 29 - astrid.desaintpern@rossini.fr ARTS D'ASIE 26, boulevard Poissonnière - 75009 Paris Daniel LEBEURRIER 01 42 61 37 66 - galerie.gilgamesh@wanadoo.fr 2, Avenue du Général Balfourier - 75116 Paris Sales conditions - [CONFIRMED]
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Five Year ProTeach Teach Well Voices of Students Voices of Faculty Graduate Certificate Programs “The graduate certificate you didn’t know you needed!” The Graduate Certificate in Disabilities in Society is a fully online certificate provides opportunities for students to enhance their knowledge of disabilities by deepening their understanding of implications of disabilities for professional practice. The focus is on how disabilities are perceived, ways people with disabilities are included, and legal aspects of disability policies within and beyond practices in education systems. Disabilities in Society Learn how to meet the needs of students with dyslexia. The Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia is designed to prepare practicing educational professionals and others interested in learning how to become effective interventionists for students with dyslexia. Through online training courses and practicum, general educators and special education teachers, speech pathologists, and school psychologists gain the knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based teaching for students with dyslexia. High quality early education is essential for young children to reach their potential. The Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Studies is designed for professionals and graduate students interested in gaining knowledge and applying their skills in the areas of developmentally appropriate curriculum and assessment, policies and trends, and facilitating meaningful engagement with diverse families. Early Childhood Studies Affiliated Centers:
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Mañalich no se retracta de acusaciones de lobby en el Congreso Este viernes en el Palacio de La Moneda, el ministro de Salud se refirió a la queja formal que presentará la Cámara de Diputados en su contra tras denunciar “lobby” en la Ley de Fármacos e incluso dar nombres de parlamentarios involucrados.
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2018-05-27 | Zahlreiche Podestplätze für Kanurennsportler bei Regatten in Mainz und Lampertheim Mainz/Lampertheim. Die Kanurennsportler des WSV Koblenz-Metternich zeigen bei den Regatten in Mainz und Lampertheim wieder tolle Leistungen. David Möntenich (17) erreichte bei der Regatta in Mainz im Endlauf der Junioren im K1 über 500 Meter einen hervorragenden zweiten Platz. Außerdem sicherte er sich im K4 200 Meter, K2 1000 Meter und K2 200 Meter insgesamt einen kompletten Medaillensatz. Er ist genauso wie seine Mannschaftskameradin Jil Rübel ein „Erstjähriger“, d.h. er gehört dem jüngeren Jahrgang von zwei gemeinsam startenden und gewerteten Jahrgängen an. Daher sind auch der zweite Platz im K4 über 200 Meter und die dritten Plätze von Jil Rübel (15) im K2 über 200 Meter, K2 500 Meter und K2 Langstrecke sowie das Erreichen der Endläufe im K1 über 500 Meter (7.Platz) und 1000 Meter (5.Platz) eine besonders gute Leistung. Simon Urmetzer (16) war stolz, sowohl im K1 über 200 Meter als auch über 1000 Meter den Endlauf B erreicht zu haben. Christian Homann (13) wurde im Endlauf B im K1 500 Meter Dritter. Auch er ist ein „Erstjähriger“. Daher sind auch der 5. Platz über die Langstrecke für ihn und der siebte Platz für den gleichaltrigen Vinzenz Zimmermann durchaus erwähnenswert. Jaron Schulz (12) wurde im K1 über 500 Meter Zweiter im Endlauf A, Julian Kaske (12) Zweiter im Endlauf B. Gemeinsam siegten sie im K2 über 500 Meter und im K2 Langstrecke. Zusammen mit Rasmus Schwandt (12) und Luca Wehler (10) gewannen sie außerdem den K4 über 500 Meter. Auch in Lampertheim gab es jede Menge Podestplätze. Aaron Pick (16) gewann im K4 über 200 Meter und 500 Meter in der RG Pfalz/Saar jeweils eine Silbermedaille. Im K4 200 Meter sicherten sich Jonathan Gregs, Niklas Ernst, Sebastian Schieder und Moritz Westerheide (alle 15) außerdem die Bronzemedaille. Christian Homann paddelte bei den 13jährigen A-Schülern im K1 über 200 Meter auf den zweiten Platz. Jaron Schulz (12) gewann im K1 über 200 Meter und 500 Meter jeweils Gold. Über 2000 Meter kam er auf den zweiten Platz. Weitere Goldmedaillen gab es für ihn gemeinsam mit Julian Kaske (12) im K2 über 200 Meter und 500 Meter. Gemeinsam mit Rasmus Schwandt (12) und Luca Wehler (10) mußten sie sich im K4 über 500 Meter nur einem Boot geschlagen geben. Julian Kaske und Rasmus Schwandt gewannen außerdem im K2 über 200 Meter eine Goldmedaille. Rasmus Schwandt und Luca Wehler paddelten im K2 500 Meter auf den zweiten Platz. Eine weitere Silbermedaille gab es für Luca Wehler im K1 über 500 Meter. Auch die anderen Sportler des WSV Koblenz Metternich zeigten gute Leistungen und die Trainer Werner Vogt, Uwe Henschke und Gabi Schulz waren mit ihrer Mannschaft sehr zufrieden. Jil Rübel zeigte auf der Regatta in Mainz tolle Leistungen. Veröffentlicht in Kanurennsport | Tagged Lampertheim, Mainz, Regatta 2018-05-18 | Wassersportverein e.V. Koblenz-Metternich gewinnt Robert-Krups-Preis beim Deichlauf in Neuwied 2018-07-08 | Kanuten des Wassersportverein e.V. Koblenz-Metternich erreichen Qualifikation zur Deutschen Meisterschaft in Hamburg
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Home / Cultura - Nacional / LOS SEDIENTOS JAMÁS RENUNCIARÁN A SUS SUEÑOS LOS SEDIENTOS JAMÁS RENUNCIARÁN A SUS SUEÑOS Por Jesús Campos Sarmiento México (Aunam). Obra para todo público, pero en especial para los adolescentes, es Sedientos, donde confluyen tres historias: la de Murdoch, Noruega y Boon, quienes tienen un sólo deseo: no renunciar nunca a sus sueños. La puesta en escena se presentará los días domingo en el Teatro La Capilla, ubicado en la delegación Coyoacán del Distrito Federal entre el 5 de octubre y el 14 de diciembre. Es una adaptación de la obra de Wajdi Mouawad “Assoiffés” por Hugo Arrevillaga Serrano, con la traducción de Humberto Pérez Mortera. La propuesta es pensada con el objetivo de que las personas no permitan ser sepultados al lado de los sueños no cumplidos, pues muchas veces dejan morir la belleza que existe para vivir con la fealdad que todos llevan dentro por delante; sin embargo, no ha que permitir que se apodere del control. Sedientos invita al público a disfrutar el vivir cotidiano, a encontrarle un sentido a cada día, realizar con plenitud cada actividad en que nos aventuramos, pues tal vez la vida sea aquella oportunidad para experimentar el misterio de la belleza, la cual se desaparece en muchas personas una vez que se llega a la edad adulta. A menudo las personas suelen enfrascarse en la cotidianidad –levantarse por la mañana, bañarse, desayunar y salir de casa- y se preguntan el para qué si al día siguiente habrá que hacer exactamente lo mismo y así por muchos años. Frente a esto, Hugo Arrevillaga dirige al público a hacerse la pregunta “¿Qué es aquello a lo que realmente deseo dedicar mi vida entera?”. Y a través de la obra es como intenta orientar a la respuesta, pues a partir de las tres historias muestra la importancia de no dejar nunca de creer en uno mismo, seguir los ideales a pesar de las críticas de otras personas y vivir plenamente. Sedientos habla de liberación de la cotidianidad, y de tomar la vida con fortaleza, esperanza y felicidad con el fin de darle un rumbo distinto. ▼ octubre 5 - octubre 12 (10) UN SOLO GRITO: ¡JUSTICIA A NORMALISTAS! “MIS PERROS SON MIS BEBÉS, MIS NIÑOS, MIS GRANDOTES” EL PAÍS, UN DIARIO ESPAÑOL EN PROCESO DE AMERICANI... PERIODISMO LATINOAMERICANO, A DEBATE CELEBRA ENTS EL FESTIVAL DEL DÍA DEL MAÍZ: DEFENS... HOUSE OF VANS: UNDERGORUND REALM NOSTALGIA EN CUATRO RUEDAS ENCUENTRO DE GARRAS Y COLMILLOS OFRECERÁ CONCIERTO LIRAN’ ROLL EN EL TEATRO DE LA ...
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Accueil du site > A la Une > Journée d’étude "Dans l’intimité des publics : appropriations et usages personnels des images audiovisuelles", 6 octobre 2016 Journée d’étude "Dans l’intimité des publics : appropriations et usages personnels des images audiovisuelles", 6 octobre 2016
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Kabuki dance Kabuki is a term used by American political pundits as a synonym for political posturing.[1] It acquired this derogatory meaning after drawn out peace-time treaty negotiations between the United States and Japan which had extended to 1960, and because Japan, in an effort "to shed its image as a global marauder" sent kabuki theater tours to the U.S. after World War II to sow the seeds of goodwill.[1] It first appeared in print in 1961 in the Los Angeles Times in an article written by Henry J. Taylor.[1] Outside the United States of America, analysts and commentators may refer to a similar phenomenon as political theatre.[2] In common English usage, a kabuki dance, also kabuki play,[3] is an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion, reminiscent of the kabuki style of Japanese stage play.[1][4][5] It refers to an event that is designed to create the appearance of conflict or of an uncertain outcome, when in fact the actors have worked together to determine the outcome beforehand. For example, Tom Brokaw used the term to describe U.S. Democratic party and U.S. Republican party political conventions,[4] which purport to be competitive contests to nominate presidential candidates, yet in reality the nominees are known well beforehand. A more recent example of the use of this phrase by popular media in a Wall Street Journal article on the Supreme Court nomination hearing of Justice Sonia Sotomayor.[6] Representative Rosa DeLauro, a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Connecticut, also used the term to refer to the Republican Party effort to repeal the 2010 health-care reform act, telling reporters, "It's a kabuki dance. The fact of the matter is we're not going to repeal it."[7] ^ a b c d Lackman, Jon (April 14, 2010). "It's Time To Retire Kabuki: The word doesn't mean what pundits think it does". Slate. ^ For example: Bennister, Mark; Larkin, Phil (2018). "14: Accountability in Parliament". In Leston-Bandeira, Cristina; Thompson, Louise (eds.). Exploring Parliament. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 149-150. ISBN 9780198788430. Retrieved 2018-09-22. Though occasionally the sessions are illuminating in the way they expose how much control of policy detail prime ministers possess, they are still political theatre in which MPs wish to make overlong statements, or, in the words of one Chair, 'give a PM a bloody nose' [...]. [...] Although the [Liaison Committee] sessions were initially mocked as 'bore-a-thons' that failed to deliver the headline-generating political theatre journalists may have hoped for, that is in fact the key point: the sessions can involve exchanges on broad government strategy and contemporary issues [...]. ^ Schechter, Danny. The kabuki play on Capitol Hill. Al Jazeera English, 31 July 2011. Accessed 1 August 2011. ^ a b Webber, Elizabeth; Mike Feinsilber (1999). Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Allusions. Merriam-Webster. pp. 300. ISBN 0-87779-628-9. ^ Mundy, Alicia (2006-06-13). "Budget's released: Everybody dance!". Seattle Times. ^ Greenberg, David (2009-07-23). "The Supreme Court Kabuki Dance". Wall Street Journal. ^ Altman, Alex (2011-01-05). "The GOP House's Opening Act: Making a Statement — or Making a Mockery?". Time Magazine. Retrieved 2011-01-05. This article about a political term is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kabuki_dance&oldid=931431034"
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Patologías / Psicología / Fisiología > Palpitaciones y sensación de estar acelerado (Leído 4638 veces) InfiniteSea : Martes, 27/10/15, 18:15 Primero debo decir que tengo algunos síntomas del síndrome de fatiga crónica, especialmente cierta fatiga post-ejercicio que dura hasta 48 horas. Hace un par de años iba a nadar cada día y tenía sesiones intensas aeróbicas, pero claro ya por entonces me quejaba de una fatiga que no era normal y que empeoraba cuando las horas de sueño eran menores de 10 horas. Por entonces no era consciente de que al contrario que en un sujeto normal mi adaptación al esfuerzo juega muy en mi contra o lo hace a consta de un alto coste en la salud, y cada sesión de natación se paga caro al día siguiente. Ahora sabiendo este mecanismo patológico, pues más que nada para fortalecer músculos de la espalda (escoliosis), pues voy 3 veces en semana y aun ritmo suave, dejando al menos un día de por medio de descanso. Aparte de la fatiga post-esfuerzo, justo después de nadar durante todo el resto del día noto de forma continua tengo una sensación subjetiva de "estar acelerado", especialmente el corazón, y sufro palpitaciones y un ritmo cardiaco ligeramente acelerado. Sé que se da el caso en algunas personas de un efecto rebote en las ppm del corazón después de una sesión de gimnasia o natación que dura un corto espacio de tiempo. Pero en mi caso estas son de entre 87-94 ppm y lo molesto es que se mantiene hasta la hora de dormir, y me molesta por ejemplo para echarme la siesta, pues me impide conciliar el sueño. Además tengo una sensación subjetiva de pérdida de capacidad de concentración y de comprender lo que leo, como si mi cerebro estuviera anóxico (que el ejercicio aeróbico lo deje tocado después de la sesión) ¿A qué profesional médico podría acudir para este problema? tengo pensado ir a urgencia al centro de salud o el hospital a que me hagan un electro; quizás también acudir a un médico especialista en medicina deportiva. La natación me va bien para mis problemas de espalda por un lado pero su contraparte tiene efectos secundarios indeseables sobre la salud que me preocupan. Te recomiendo que empieces por la base, el médico de cabecera, partiendo de una exploración física completa, un electro en reposo y una analítica completa, espirometria y posiblemente tengas que hacer prueba de esfuerzo,y a partir de ahí, valorar cual es el problema real y derivarte al especialista correspondiente. No vayas a urgencias con esto, aparte de no ser una urgencia, no te van a resolver nada, el electro puede ayudar pero no tiene porqué ser definitivo, ni para bien, ni para mal. Si tu médico de cabecera no te resuelve, opta por un internista, como opción más global, o sino cardiólogo.
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Inheritance #4 Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, the New York Times bestselling Inheritance Cycle about the dragon rider Eragon has sold over 35 million copies and is an international fantasy sensation.Not so very... Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, the New York Times bestselling Inheritance Cycle about the dragon rider Eragon has sold over 35 million copies and is an international fantasy sensation.Fifteen-year-old... Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, the New York Times bestselling Inheritance Cycle about the dragon rider Eragon has sold over 35 million copies and is an international fantasy sensation.Darkness falls…despair... Brisingr Deluxe Edition Experience the bestselling phenomenon of Brisingr, now in a deluxe edition!This deluxe edition includes deleted scenes, never-before-seen art by the author, and a guide to dwarf runes. Following the colossal... Eldest Deluxe Edition This deluxe edition of the runaway international bestseller includes:·A sneak peek at Book III·An exclusive, full-color foldout poster of Glaedr by award-winning artist John Jude Palencar·A revealing excerpt... Inheritance Deluxe Edition This deluxe edition of the spellbinding conclusion to the worldwide bestselling Inheritance cycle includes: A glimpse at life in Alagaësia after the final scene of the seriesNever-before-seen art by the author... Brisingr Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, the New York Times bestselling Inheritance Cycle about the dragon rider Eragon has sold over 35 million copies and is an international fantasy sensation.Oaths sworn... The Inheritance Cycle Complete Collection: Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance The #1 New York Times bestselling Inheritance Cycle about the dragon rider Eragon has sold over 35 million copies and is an international fantasy sensation. For the first time, here are all four books in one...
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FC Cincinnati moving on from Emmanuel Ledesma Pat Brennan FC Cincinnati will embark on the 2020 Major League Soccer campaign absent its second-leading scorer from last season as the club is moving on from negotiations with Emmanuel Ledesma. Ledesma, who scored six goals and notched a team-high five assists in 2019, could not agree to terms with FC Cincinnati and is no longer in the club's plans. FC Cincinnati General Manager Gerard Nijkamp confirmed to The Enquirer the club's decision Friday afternoon. Nijkamp said an offer was extended to Ledesma in the autumn that ultimately wasn't approved. In the interim, the club also pursued players for the winger position, including the recently-signed Yuya Kubo. "His agent did not accept the proposal. We were moving forward at that time but said, 'OK, you can come back' because you did a great job in the club as a player and also with (building) the foundation," Nijkamp said. "Now, we are on a moment to sign other players for that position where Manu can also play, so we don't have the budget anymore to keep Manu in the roster." Nijkamp said the club has extended offers to multiple players but declined to characterize the progress the club's made toward additional signings. "I hope so. That is what we're working on and we've done some signing already that can play the position of winger," Nijkamp said, "and we'll do more signings, but I can't tell you if it's in the next 24 hours or 72 hours, but we have to move forward and Manu has to make his decisions. We've made already our decision in regards to him and we will see what will happen in the next week or 10 days." Ledesma and the club were initially negotiating a club option, the player stated following the club's final game of the regular season at D.C. United. Ledesma didn't immediately respond to The Enquirer's request for comment. But he did post to social media: "Is time to say goodbye. With much sadness, sadness that my children and my wife also have, I have to tell you that I will not continue at FCC during 2020. I want to make it clear that this was not my decision since my intention was always to stay in Cincinnati." He added in a later tweet: "The new GM sent me an offer that was much smaller than what was in my current contract and I think I worked hard to earn a little more than I earned. This is the pure truth and the reason why I am not in the club." Ledesma joined FC Cincinnati prior to the second-division United Soccer League season in 2018. He posted 16 goals and what was then a USL-record 16 assists, earning him USL Most Valuable Player honors. His time with FC Cincinnati in MLS started slow, but Ledesma found consistent minutes and goals in the second half of the season under interim head coach Yoann Damet and eventual permanent head coach Ron Jans. With 22 goals in his FC Cincinnati career, Ledesma leaves the club tied with Danni König as its joint-leading goal-scorer. [ SPORTS FAN? Subscribe today to get unlimited access to all of The Enquirer and Cincinnati.com's coverage of your teams.] [ TAKE THE GAMES WITH YOU: Download the Cincinnati.com Sports app. ]
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Venerdì, 30 Marzo 2018 11:23 Serravalle, fine vita e revoca del codice etico. Rifondazione punta il dito sulla Giunta-Lunardi SERRAVALLE - Nell’ ultimo consiglio comunale del comune di Serravalle, abbiamo assistito a un'altra dimostrazione di come è orientata la politica Serravallina. La precedente giunta Mungai, aveva istituito la raccolta differenziata e progressivamente ridotto le tariffe, favorendo le famiglie, l’attuale amministrazione, non solo non riduce un bel nulla, ma con un abile gioco riesce a aumentarle di un 8% a vantaggio delle imprese. Era auspicabile una diminuzione per entrambi, visto l’alta percentuale di differenziato, che consente un grande risparmio sul pagamento del conferimento in discarica. Questa non è la sola storpiatura , nonostante il sollecito di qualche cittadino interessato, l’amministrazione Serravallina, non ha ancora provveduto a istituire il registro di fine vita. L’assessore Gargini, ha risposto prendendo tempo sulle modalità possibili. Ma il fatto più grave, è stato la revoca del codice etico, in vigore dal dicembre 2012, dove era previsto anche la pubblicazione online dei redditi. La cosa bizzarra, che il capogruppo Bugiani, nel consiglio antecedente la sentenza del TAR ,sul ricorso delle elezioni ,aveva garantito che si sarebbe provveduto dopo tale . Cosa può essere cambiato, strategia politica, o altro. Le motivazione addotte sono incomprensibili , perché il codice è stato bollato come un feticcio inutile, atto solo a fare propaganda. Questo strumento è imposto per legge nei comuni sopra i 15000 abitanti, era stato uno strumento di controllo esteso anche a Serravalle, che adesso i cittadini non avranno più. Circolo Rifondazione comunista Serravalle P.se Pubblicato in La posta
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Quality Mall Department: State and Local Initiatives This department will include products describing state and local community initiatives aimed at making significant changes to embrace and reflect the principles of person-centered supports. These products might include broad-scale state and local system change/reform initiatives, government program redesign efforts and partnerships among stakeholders to promote person-centered support principles. A Better Bottom Line: Employing People with Disabilities Blueprint for Governors This report proposes what state governments need to do to increase employment among people with disabilities. Aging and Disability Information and Referral/Assistance Networks: Challenges and Opportunities A report of a 2012 survey of state aging and disability information and referral/assistance organizations. It describes the services provided by these organizations and presents four major themes from the survey. Alaska Service Principles Alaska has nine service principles to assure quality in community services. Funding is tied to these principles for each consumer. If the consumer is not satisfied, funding is not released to an agency. These principles are the foundation of all services. AT Act Data Briefs: Using AT Act data to understand, plan, and improve programs These short reports show how states are making assistive technology accessible for all people with disabilities. Becoming a Person Centered System This report explains a systems change initiative. It begins with training DSPs in Person Centered Planning, and leads to changes in how both agencies and service systems do their work. Biding time: Can Maine shorten its waitlists for disabled residents seeking support services? This newspaper article describes the need for more home and community-based service openings for people with disabilities living in Maine. Developing Provider Networks for Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs: Considerations for States This brief is about making sure Medicaid managed care programs are able to meet the needs of vulnerable populations, such as people who have disabilities. Expanding Specialized Transportation: New Opportunities under the Affordable Care Act This report is about using Affordable Care Act funding to provide transportation for older people and adults with disabilities. Information is provided online, through a web blog, podcast, or policy paper. Filthy Lucre: Creating Better Value in Long Term Supports This seminal article discusses issues of rate-setting and person-centered budgeting in support of self-determination Forging A Partnership: Individualizing Funding and Increasing Choices for People with Developmental Disabilities in Dane County, Wisconsin An overview of systems change that occurred in Dane County, Wisconsin designed to promote self-determination. It is now a historical document. Guidance to States using 1115 Demonstrations or 1915(b) Waivers for Managed Long Term Services and Supports Programs This document provides best practices guidance to states who are beginning to use a managed care model to provide long-term care services. Having It Your Way: Understanding State Individual Budgeting Practices: NASDDS Individual Budgeting Study This report summarizes the results of a study of state individual budget development practices conducted by the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS). How is the Affordable Care Act Leading to Changes in Medicaid Today? State Adoption of Five New Options This article talks about health reform and changes to Medicaid. How Managed Long-Term Services and Supports is Providing Coordination This report looks at how different states are including care coordination in their managed care Long Term Services and Supports. Illinois Guardianship Reform Project This report looked at the guardianship system in Illinois and found some problems. The report also suggested ways to fix them. Linking Youth Transition Support Services: Results from Two Demonstration Projects This research article describes two projects intended to help older youth with disabilities access adult services and supports. Managed Care Options for Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports This primer explains three of the options states have when using managed care to provide long-term services and supports. Medicaid Innovations— Meeting Summary Report This report summarizes a 2012 meeting in which state Medcaid directors asked for help from the Feds in managing their costs. National Goals for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities This book comes out of a federal conference that was held in 2003. It describes the current knowledge and national goals in areas that affect the lives of people with developmental disabilities in the United States. Person-Centered Supports -- How Do States Make Them Work? This report is a summary of an evaluation of person-centered practices in four leading states. You can download it as a PDF. Privatization of Welfare Services: A Review of the Literature This report reviews the shift in welfare and related services from public to private agencies. Promising Practices in HCBS: Massachusetts- Recruiting Direct Service Professionals in a Competitive Environment This article describes a collaborative effort in Massachusetts among community agencies to recruit community workers. Putting Consumers First: Promising Practices for Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports This report explains how managed care models are being used around the US to fund long-term services. It also offers advice for consumer advocates and state officials. Report on the Respectful Language Study S.90 A report on how the state of Vermont changed the wording in their laws to be respectful toward people with disabilities. You can download the full text as a PDF file. School Days to Pay Days: An Employment Planning Guide for Families of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities A booklet for families of young adults with disabilities to guide them on how to go from school to work. Self-Directed Employment for People with Developmental Disabilities: Issues, Characteristics, and Illustrations This journal article explains how to help people with disabilities be in control of where they work. Shared Living Guide The guide is about how to help people with developmental disabilities have a home and people to share everyday life with. It is written for states. Taking the Long View: Investing in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Is Cost-Effective This issue brief summarizes research and shows that, over time, states that invest in Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) experience slower Medicaid expenditure growth than states with low HCBS spending. The Growth of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Programs: A 2012 Update This report summarizes a study of how states are using managed care models to provide long-term care. Several states include people who have ID/DD. The report can be downloaded as a PDF file. The Seeing Is Believing Project: A "Lifeline" for Organizational Change in North Carolina A report on a 3‐year program in North Carolina that helped agencies provide more individualized supports for people with disabilities. Timeline for Developing a Managed Long Term Services and Supports Program This document provides a timeline for states to use in implementing a Managed Long Term Services and Supports program. This newsletter shares information about developmental disability service issues for people who live in Tennessee. Breaking Shells Breaking Shells is a film featuring two people with intellectual disabilities who show others how to speak up for themselves. Bridging the Aging and Developmental Disabilities Service Networks: Challenges and Best Practices This report discusses how systems can work together to support older adults who have developmental disabilities. Disabilityinfo.org This website has information about programs, providers, and services for people with disabilities living in Massachusetts. It is meant to help people take control over their services. Five Year Comprehensive Plan - New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities This plan set a five year vision for what the state of New York wanted to see in supports and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Guidelines for Successfully Enrolling People with Disabilities in Managed Care Plans These are for states to use in setting up managed care programs that would include people with disabilities. HCBS Advocacy This website offers tools and resources regarding the new regulations for home and community-based services (as of March 2014). The information is helpful for advocates. HCBS Clearinghouse This website helps states to share information, tools, and practical resources on how they provide supports to people with disabilities. Health Promotion for People with Disabilities: Michigan's Strategic Plan 2008-11 This report explains Michigan’s plan to improve the health of people with disabilities. Illinois Life Span Project This website is a central source of information about services available to persons with developmental disabilities in the state of Illinois. Long Term Services and Supports in Indian Country This website provides step-by-step information to create long term services and supports in tribal communities. Ohio Employment First Transition Framework Tools and Processes The website offers tools that guide multiagency teams through agency-neutral, outcome-focused and person-centered planning processes for transition youth. State Medicaid Integration Tracker This webpage keeps track of the chsnges each state is planning for its Medicaid programs. Understanding Community Poverty, Housing, and Disability This online report provides information about poverty and people with disabilities. It shows how poverty makes it hard to find a good place to live. 21andable.org This Pennsylvania organization wants to make sure people with disabilities continue to receive the supports they need after turning 21. Advocates Alliance A program in New Mexico to assess, and improve upon the quality of life of people with developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injury. Arkansas Disability and Health Program This initiative is working to improve the health of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Arkansas. It is also interested in preventing secondary conditions. Business Connections at VCU This supported employment service helps people with disabilities to find employment and provides ongoing support to those who obtain employment. It works in the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Warsaw, Virginia areas. Center for Persons with Disabilities This is Utah's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. It is located at Utah State University. Illinois Association of Microboards and Cooperatives An organization in Illinois that offers self-advocates, families and friends the opportunity to create Microboards and Human Service Cooperatives. Institute for Innovative Transition This agency works to make sure that youth with disabilities are able to move smoothly from high school to adult life. It serves Monroe County in New York state. It has information for agencies, families, and people with developmental disabilities. This program allows individuals to use public funds to create their own support and service plans. Kentucky Consumer Directed Option A program that allows Kentucky Medicaid waiver members to choose who provides their non-medical waiver services. Members can direct all or some of their waiver services. MN Region 10 Quality Assurance A person-driven quality assurance process operating in southeastern Minnesota to evaluate services for persons with developmental disabilities. Money Follows the Person Grants This federal government program assists states in helping create more opportunities for the elderly and people with disabilities to move from institutions to the community. Montana Disability and Health This program responds to the health needs of Montanans with disabilities across the life span. New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC) The DD Council for New York state seeks to improve the lives of people with disabilities in the areas of community involvement, employment, recreation and housing. OCALICON This annual conference has many good ideas for people interested in autism, assistive technology, and low incidence disabilities. It is held in Ohio each Fall. Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities A council that seeks to increase the independence, productivity, integration and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in Oregon. It has some unique publications. PA Waiting List Campaign This Pennsylvania program works to end waiting lists for people with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities who need community supports and services. Person-Centered Agency and System Design Projects This project helped agencies and community service systems as they helped people leave a large institution in Minnesota. Reinventing Quality Conference This national conference shares the best of what is happening in services for people with disabilities. It happens every two years and attracts a wide variety of audiences. State Disability and Health Programs This program helps states do a better job meeting the health needs of people with disabilities. It is offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) NCWD/Youth assists state and local workforce development systems to better support youth with disabilities with education and employment. The State Employment Leadership Network This is a network of 26 state developmental disability agencies that are working to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Abuse Reporting Procedures Mandated in California In 2002, a new law changed the way in which alleged incidents of abuse and deaths involving people with developmental disabilities were reported and investigated. Celia Feinstein Dr. Feinstein provides consultation and training at the level of local, state and national practices and policies in the areas of self-determination, leadership development, deinstitutionalization, quality management and waiting lists. She has work... Valerie J. Bradley My primary area of expertise is quality assurance and quality management at the federal, state and provider level. Val is the director of the Human Services Research Institute, which has conducted national and state evaluations and training in a wide...
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"rps_doc_frac_chars_top_4gram": [[0, 14781, 0.02258247]], "rps_doc_frac_all_caps_words": [[0, 14781, 0.01607585]], "rps_doc_frac_lines_end_with_ellipsis": [[0, 14781, 0.01449275]], "rps_doc_frac_no_alph_words": [[0, 14781, 0.10305029]], "rps_doc_frac_unique_words": [[0, 14781, 0.30578898]], "rps_doc_mean_word_length": [[0, 14781, 5.78851541]], "rps_doc_symbol_to_word_ratio": [[0, 14781, 0.0008244]], "rps_doc_unigram_entropy": [[0, 14781, 5.54331771]], "rps_doc_word_count": [[0, 14781, 2142.0]], "rps_lines_ending_with_terminal_punctution_mark": [[0, 53, 0.0], [53, 453, 1.0], [453, 534, 0.0], [534, 644, 1.0], [644, 740, 0.0], [740, 953, 1.0], [953, 979, 0.0], [979, 1235, 1.0], [1235, 1315, 0.0], [1315, 1428, 1.0], [1428, 1462, 0.0], [1462, 1647, 1.0], [1647, 1741, 1.0], [1741, 1880, 1.0], [1880, 1998, 0.0], [1998, 2153, 1.0], [2153, 2239, 0.0], [2239, 2445, 1.0], [2445, 2503, 0.0], [2503, 2620, 0.0], [2620, 2759, 0.0], [2759, 2902, 1.0], [2902, 3019, 0.0], [3019, 3158, 1.0], [3158, 3264, 0.0], [3264, 3466, 1.0], [3466, 3570, 0.0], [3570, 3634, 1.0], [3634, 3704, 0.0], [3704, 3833, 1.0], [3833, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3997, 1.0], [3997, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4208, 1.0], [4208, 4274, 0.0], [4274, 4396, 1.0], [4396, 4441, 0.0], [4441, 4566, 1.0], [4566, 4641, 0.0], [4641, 4857, 1.0], [4857, 4915, 1.0], [4915, 5040, 1.0], [5040, 5102, 0.0], [5102, 5197, 1.0], [5197, 5310, 0.0], [5310, 5428, 1.0], [5428, 5526, 0.0], [5526, 5694, 1.0], [5694, 5739, 0.0], [5739, 5906, 1.0], [5906, 6020, 0.0], [6020, 6125, 1.0], [6125, 6237, 0.0], [6237, 6338, 1.0], [6338, 6358, 0.0], [6358, 6506, 1.0], [6506, 6602, 0.0], [6602, 6811, 1.0], [6811, 6897, 0.0], [6897, 7089, 1.0], [7089, 7179, 0.0], [7179, 7314, 1.0], [7314, 7388, 0.0], [7388, 7507, 1.0], [7507, 7622, 1.0], [7622, 7638, 0.0], [7638, 7764, 1.0], [7764, 7862, 0.0], [7862, 7975, 1.0], [7975, 7994, 0.0], [7994, 8178, 1.0], [8178, 8284, 0.0], [8284, 8448, 1.0], [8448, 8533, 0.0], [8533, 8642, 1.0], [8642, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8826, 1.0], [8826, 8845, 0.0], [8845, 8982, 1.0], [8982, 9063, 0.0], [9063, 9151, 1.0], [9151, 9178, 0.0], [9178, 9320, 1.0], [9320, 9370, 0.0], [9370, 9482, 1.0], [9482, 9545, 0.0], [9545, 9700, 1.0], [9700, 9735, 0.0], [9735, 9825, 1.0], [9825, 9882, 0.0], [9882, 10031, 1.0], [10031, 10045, 0.0], [10045, 10181, 1.0], [10181, 10200, 0.0], [10200, 10342, 1.0], [10342, 10381, 0.0], [10381, 10560, 1.0], [10560, 10588, 0.0], [10588, 10803, 1.0], [10803, 10840, 0.0], [10840, 10959, 1.0], [10959, 11012, 0.0], [11012, 11159, 1.0], [11159, 11195, 0.0], [11195, 11443, 1.0], [11443, 11542, 1.0], [11542, 11576, 0.0], [11576, 11746, 1.0], [11746, 11777, 0.0], [11777, 11921, 1.0], [11921, 11953, 0.0], [11953, 12126, 1.0], [12126, 12156, 0.0], [12156, 12251, 1.0], [12251, 12317, 0.0], [12317, 12481, 1.0], [12481, 12490, 0.0], [12490, 12650, 1.0], [12650, 12695, 0.0], [12695, 12872, 1.0], [12872, 12897, 0.0], [12897, 13052, 1.0], [13052, 13102, 0.0], [13102, 13223, 1.0], [13223, 13254, 0.0], [13254, 13427, 1.0], [13427, 13464, 0.0], [13464, 13625, 1.0], [13625, 13703, 0.0], [13703, 13841, 1.0], [13841, 13881, 0.0], [13881, 14028, 1.0], [14028, 14078, 0.0], [14078, 14241, 1.0], [14241, 14257, 0.0], [14257, 14509, 1.0], [14509, 14528, 0.0], [14528, 14781, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 53, 0.0], [53, 453, 0.0], [453, 534, 0.0], [534, 644, 0.0], [644, 740, 0.0], [740, 953, 0.0], [953, 979, 0.0], [979, 1235, 0.0], [1235, 1315, 0.0], [1315, 1428, 0.0], [1428, 1462, 0.0], [1462, 1647, 0.0], [1647, 1741, 0.0], [1741, 1880, 0.0], [1880, 1998, 0.0], [1998, 2153, 0.0], [2153, 2239, 0.0], [2239, 2445, 0.0], [2445, 2503, 0.0], [2503, 2620, 0.0], [2620, 2759, 0.0], [2759, 2902, 0.0], [2902, 3019, 0.0], [3019, 3158, 0.0], [3158, 3264, 0.0], [3264, 3466, 0.0], [3466, 3570, 0.0], [3570, 3634, 0.0], [3634, 3704, 0.0], [3704, 3833, 0.0], [3833, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3997, 0.0], [3997, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4208, 0.0], [4208, 4274, 0.0], [4274, 4396, 0.0], [4396, 4441, 0.0], [4441, 4566, 0.0], [4566, 4641, 0.0], [4641, 4857, 0.0], [4857, 4915, 0.0], [4915, 5040, 0.0], [5040, 5102, 0.0], [5102, 5197, 0.0], [5197, 5310, 0.0], [5310, 5428, 0.0], [5428, 5526, 0.0], [5526, 5694, 0.0], [5694, 5739, 0.0], [5739, 5906, 0.0], [5906, 6020, 0.0], [6020, 6125, 0.0], [6125, 6237, 0.0], [6237, 6338, 0.0], [6338, 6358, 0.0], [6358, 6506, 0.0], [6506, 6602, 0.0], [6602, 6811, 0.0], [6811, 6897, 0.0], [6897, 7089, 0.0], [7089, 7179, 0.0], [7179, 7314, 0.0], [7314, 7388, 0.0], [7388, 7507, 0.0], [7507, 7622, 0.0], [7622, 7638, 0.0], [7638, 7764, 0.0], [7764, 7862, 0.0], [7862, 7975, 0.0], [7975, 7994, 0.0], [7994, 8178, 0.0], [8178, 8284, 0.0], [8284, 8448, 0.0], [8448, 8533, 0.0], [8533, 8642, 0.0], [8642, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8826, 0.0], [8826, 8845, 0.0], [8845, 8982, 0.0], [8982, 9063, 0.0], [9063, 9151, 0.0], [9151, 9178, 0.0], [9178, 9320, 0.0], [9320, 9370, 0.0], [9370, 9482, 0.0], [9482, 9545, 0.0], [9545, 9700, 0.0], [9700, 9735, 0.0], [9735, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 9882, 0.0], [9882, 10031, 0.0], [10031, 10045, 0.0], [10045, 10181, 0.0], [10181, 10200, 0.0], [10200, 10342, 0.0], [10342, 10381, 0.0], [10381, 10560, 0.0], [10560, 10588, 0.0], [10588, 10803, 0.0], [10803, 10840, 0.0], [10840, 10959, 0.0], [10959, 11012, 0.0], [11012, 11159, 0.0], [11159, 11195, 0.0], [11195, 11443, 0.0], [11443, 11542, 0.0], [11542, 11576, 0.0], [11576, 11746, 0.0], [11746, 11777, 0.0], [11777, 11921, 0.0], [11921, 11953, 0.0], [11953, 12126, 0.0], [12126, 12156, 0.0], [12156, 12251, 0.0], [12251, 12317, 0.0], [12317, 12481, 0.0], [12481, 12490, 0.0], [12490, 12650, 0.0], [12650, 12695, 0.0], [12695, 12872, 0.0], [12872, 12897, 0.0], [12897, 13052, 0.0], [13052, 13102, 0.0], [13102, 13223, 0.0], [13223, 13254, 0.0], [13254, 13427, 0.0], [13427, 13464, 0.0], [13464, 13625, 0.0], [13625, 13703, 0.0], [13703, 13841, 0.0], [13841, 13881, 0.0], [13881, 14028, 0.0], [14028, 14078, 0.0], [14078, 14241, 0.0], [14241, 14257, 0.0], [14257, 14509, 0.0], [14509, 14528, 0.0], [14528, 14781, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 53, 7.0], [53, 453, 49.0], [453, 534, 11.0], [534, 644, 16.0], [644, 740, 10.0], [740, 953, 31.0], [953, 979, 3.0], [979, 1235, 41.0], [1235, 1315, 14.0], [1315, 1428, 16.0], [1428, 1462, 5.0], [1462, 1647, 30.0], [1647, 1741, 13.0], [1741, 1880, 20.0], [1880, 1998, 14.0], [1998, 2153, 25.0], [2153, 2239, 10.0], [2239, 2445, 31.0], [2445, 2503, 9.0], [2503, 2620, 14.0], [2620, 2759, 17.0], [2759, 2902, 21.0], [2902, 3019, 17.0], [3019, 3158, 22.0], [3158, 3264, 13.0], [3264, 3466, 27.0], [3466, 3570, 18.0], [3570, 3634, 10.0], [3634, 3704, 9.0], [3704, 3833, 20.0], [3833, 3870, 4.0], [3870, 3997, 21.0], [3997, 4080, 10.0], [4080, 4208, 18.0], [4208, 4274, 9.0], [4274, 4396, 19.0], [4396, 4441, 5.0], [4441, 4566, 21.0], [4566, 4641, 9.0], [4641, 4857, 36.0], [4857, 4915, 8.0], [4915, 5040, 22.0], [5040, 5102, 9.0], [5102, 5197, 15.0], [5197, 5310, 13.0], [5310, 5428, 15.0], [5428, 5526, 12.0], [5526, 5694, 27.0], [5694, 5739, 7.0], [5739, 5906, 31.0], [5906, 6020, 17.0], [6020, 6125, 20.0], [6125, 6237, 11.0], [6237, 6338, 17.0], [6338, 6358, 3.0], [6358, 6506, 26.0], [6506, 6602, 13.0], [6602, 6811, 30.0], [6811, 6897, 13.0], [6897, 7089, 33.0], [7089, 7179, 13.0], [7179, 7314, 20.0], [7314, 7388, 11.0], [7388, 7507, 19.0], [7507, 7622, 15.0], [7622, 7638, 2.0], [7638, 7764, 20.0], [7764, 7862, 12.0], [7862, 7975, 16.0], [7975, 7994, 1.0], [7994, 8178, 27.0], [8178, 8284, 14.0], [8284, 8448, 28.0], [8448, 8533, 11.0], [8533, 8642, 18.0], [8642, 8656, 2.0], [8656, 8826, 25.0], [8826, 8845, 2.0], [8845, 8982, 20.0], [8982, 9063, 10.0], [9063, 9151, 13.0], [9151, 9178, 4.0], [9178, 9320, 21.0], [9320, 9370, 8.0], [9370, 9482, 15.0], [9482, 9545, 8.0], [9545, 9700, 18.0], [9700, 9735, 4.0], [9735, 9825, 15.0], [9825, 9882, 6.0], [9882, 10031, 25.0], [10031, 10045, 1.0], [10045, 10181, 20.0], [10181, 10200, 2.0], [10200, 10342, 23.0], [10342, 10381, 5.0], [10381, 10560, 25.0], [10560, 10588, 4.0], [10588, 10803, 30.0], [10803, 10840, 5.0], [10840, 10959, 17.0], [10959, 11012, 6.0], [11012, 11159, 19.0], [11159, 11195, 4.0], [11195, 11443, 40.0], [11443, 11542, 16.0], [11542, 11576, 4.0], [11576, 11746, 26.0], [11746, 11777, 5.0], [11777, 11921, 17.0], [11921, 11953, 5.0], [11953, 12126, 25.0], [12126, 12156, 4.0], [12156, 12251, 15.0], [12251, 12317, 8.0], [12317, 12481, 26.0], [12481, 12490, 1.0], [12490, 12650, 25.0], [12650, 12695, 5.0], [12695, 12872, 24.0], [12872, 12897, 4.0], [12897, 13052, 21.0], [13052, 13102, 6.0], [13102, 13223, 18.0], [13223, 13254, 3.0], [13254, 13427, 28.0], [13427, 13464, 5.0], [13464, 13625, 27.0], [13625, 13703, 10.0], [13703, 13841, 18.0], [13841, 13881, 5.0], [13881, 14028, 21.0], [14028, 14078, 6.0], [14078, 14241, 25.0], [14241, 14257, 2.0], [14257, 14509, 33.0], [14509, 14528, 3.0], [14528, 14781, 40.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 53, 0.0], [53, 453, 0.0], [453, 534, 0.0], [534, 644, 0.0], [644, 740, 0.0], [740, 953, 0.01913876], [953, 979, 0.0], [979, 1235, 0.0], [1235, 1315, 0.0], [1315, 1428, 0.0], [1428, 1462, 0.0], [1462, 1647, 0.0], [1647, 1741, 0.0], [1741, 1880, 0.0], [1880, 1998, 0.0], [1998, 2153, 0.0], [2153, 2239, 0.0], [2239, 2445, 0.0], [2445, 2503, 0.0], [2503, 2620, 0.0], [2620, 2759, 0.0], [2759, 2902, 0.0], [2902, 3019, 0.07017544], [3019, 3158, 0.0], [3158, 3264, 0.0], [3264, 3466, 0.0], [3466, 3570, 0.0], [3570, 3634, 0.0], [3634, 3704, 0.0], [3704, 3833, 0.0], [3833, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3997, 0.0], [3997, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4208, 0.0], [4208, 4274, 0.0], [4274, 4396, 0.0], [4396, 4441, 0.0], [4441, 4566, 0.03252033], [4566, 4641, 0.0], [4641, 4857, 0.01877934], [4857, 4915, 0.0], [4915, 5040, 0.0], [5040, 5102, 0.0], [5102, 5197, 0.0], [5197, 5310, 0.0], [5310, 5428, 0.0], [5428, 5526, 0.0], [5526, 5694, 0.0], [5694, 5739, 0.04651163], [5739, 5906, 0.0], [5906, 6020, 0.0], [6020, 6125, 0.0], [6125, 6237, 0.0], [6237, 6338, 0.0], [6338, 6358, 0.0], [6358, 6506, 0.0], [6506, 6602, 0.0], [6602, 6811, 0.0], [6811, 6897, 0.04938272], [6897, 7089, 0.0], [7089, 7179, 0.0], [7179, 7314, 0.0075188], [7314, 7388, 0.0], [7388, 7507, 0.0], [7507, 7622, 0.0], [7622, 7638, 0.0], [7638, 7764, 0.0], [7764, 7862, 0.0], [7862, 7975, 0.0], [7975, 7994, 0.0], [7994, 8178, 0.0], [8178, 8284, 0.0], [8284, 8448, 0.0], [8448, 8533, 0.0], [8533, 8642, 0.0], [8642, 8656, 0.0], [8656, 8826, 0.02439024], [8826, 8845, 0.0], [8845, 8982, 0.0], [8982, 9063, 0.07792208], [9063, 9151, 0.0], [9151, 9178, 0.0], [9178, 9320, 0.0], [9320, 9370, 0.0], [9370, 9482, 0.0], [9482, 9545, 0.0], [9545, 9700, 0.0], [9700, 9735, 0.0], [9735, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 9882, 0.0], [9882, 10031, 0.0], [10031, 10045, 0.16666667], [10045, 10181, 0.01492537], [10181, 10200, 0.0], [10200, 10342, 0.0], [10342, 10381, 0.0], [10381, 10560, 0.0], [10560, 10588, 0.0], [10588, 10803, 0.0], [10803, 10840, 0.0], [10840, 10959, 0.0], [10959, 11012, 0.0], [11012, 11159, 0.0], [11159, 11195, 0.0], [11195, 11443, 0.0], [11443, 11542, 0.0], [11542, 11576, 0.0], [11576, 11746, 0.0], [11746, 11777, 0.06666667], [11777, 11921, 0.0], [11921, 11953, 0.0], [11953, 12126, 0.0], [12126, 12156, 0.0], [12156, 12251, 0.0], [12251, 12317, 0.0], [12317, 12481, 0.0], [12481, 12490, 0.0], [12490, 12650, 0.0], [12650, 12695, 0.0], [12695, 12872, 0.0], [12872, 12897, 0.0], [12897, 13052, 0.0], [13052, 13102, 0.0], [13102, 13223, 0.0], [13223, 13254, 0.0], [13254, 13427, 0.0], [13427, 13464, 0.0], [13464, 13625, 0.0], [13625, 13703, 0.0], [13703, 13841, 0.0], [13841, 13881, 0.0], [13881, 14028, 0.0137931], [14028, 14078, 0.0], [14078, 14241, 0.025], [14241, 14257, 0.0], [14257, 14509, 0.0], [14509, 14528, 0.0], [14528, 14781, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 53, 0.0], [53, 453, 0.0], [453, 534, 0.0], [534, 644, 0.0], [644, 740, 0.0], [740, 953, 0.0], [953, 979, 0.0], [979, 1235, 0.0], [1235, 1315, 0.0], [1315, 1428, 0.0], [1428, 1462, 0.0], [1462, 1647, 0.0], [1647, 1741, 0.0], [1741, 1880, 0.0], [1880, 1998, 0.0], [1998, 2153, 0.0], [2153, 2239, 0.0], [2239, 2445, 0.0], [2445, 2503, 0.0], [2503, 2620, 0.0], [2620, 2759, 0.0], [2759, 2902, 0.0], [2902, 3019, 0.0], [3019, 3158, 0.0], [3158, 3264, 0.0], [3264, 3466, 0.0], [3466, 3570, 0.0], [3570, 3634, 0.0], [3634, 3704, 0.0], [3704, 3833, 0.0], [3833, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3997, 0.0], [3997, 4080, 0.0], [4080, 4208, 0.0], [4208, 4274, 0.0], [4274, 4396, 0.0], [4396, 4441, 0.0], [4441, 4566, 0.0], [4566, 4641, 0.0], [4641, 4857, 0.0], [4857, 4915, 0.0], [4915, 5040, 0.0], [5040, 5102, 0.0], [5102, 5197, 0.0], [5197, 5310, 0.0], [5310, 5428, 0.0], [5428, 5526, 0.0], [5526, 5694, 0.0], [5694, 5739, 0.0], [5739, 5906, 0.0], [5906, 6020, 0.0], [6020, 6125, 0.0], [6125, 6237, 0.0], [6237, 6338, 0.0], [6338, 6358, 0.0], [6358, 6506, 0.0], [6506, 6602, 0.0], [6602, 6811, 0.0], [6811, 6897, 0.0], [6897, 7089, 0.0], [7089, 7179, 0.0], [7179, 7314, 0.0], [7314, 7388, 0.0], [7388, 7507, 0.0], [7507, 7622, 0.0], [7622, 7638, 0.0], [7638, 7764, 0.0], [7764, 7862, 0.0], [7862, 7975, 0.0], [7975, 7994, 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La Embajada de EEUU en Moscú reanuda el trabajo consular La Embajada de Estados Unidos en Moscú ha reanudado este viernes el trabajo consular después de que el Gobierno ruso haya pospuesto la prohibición de emplear a ciudadanos no estadounidenses en la legación. En un comunicado, la Embajada estadounidense en Rusia ha detallado que la prohibición, que se orienta fundamentalmente a los ciudadanos rusos, entrará en vigor en otra fecha, por lo que se encargará de procesar visados y llevar a cabo otros servicios hasta el 16 de junio. La misión diplomática había reducido previamente de forma drástica su trabajo consular y también su personal, en concreto en un 75 por ciento. Así, pidió a los ciudadanos estadounidenses cuyos visados hubieran expirado que abandonaran el país euroasiático antes del 15 de junio. Estados Unidos impuso una batería de sanciones contra Rusia, incluida la expulsión de diez diplomáticos, por las actividades “nocivas” de Rusia, entre las que enumeró sus “esfuerzos” por socavar las elecciones democráticas y las instituciones democráticas de Estados Unidos o participar y facilitar actividades cibernéticas maliciosas. Rusia respondió con la expulsión de diez empleados de la Embajada del país norteamericano en Moscú. La relación entre Estados Unidos y Rusia se ha tensado en las últimas semanas, a cuenta de la situación en la frontera del país euroasiático con Ucrania o la situación del opositor ruso Alexei Navalni, que está encarcelado. Ambos países preparan un encuentro entre sus presidentes, Joe Biden y Vladimir Putin, para el que no hay fecha.
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Miguel Bosé vende en Londres cerámicas de Picasso Por un precio de 411,000 dólares, según la casa de subastas Christie's El artista español Miguel Bosé. MADRID, ESPAÑA | Sept. 9, 2017, 11:08 a.m. Miguel Bosé, pacifista y reivindicativo, llega a Sevilla SEVILLA, ESPAÑA | Sept. 8, 2017, 6:28 p.m. Antonio Banderas dará vida a Picasso ESPAÑAS | Sept. 7, 2017, 12:02 a.m. Londres, Inglaterra | El cantante español Miguel Bosé vendió en Londres 14 cerámicas decoradas por Pablo Picasso por un valor de 285,500 libras (411,380 dólares), confirmó hoy a Efe la casa de subastas Christie's. Entre los lotes que pertenecían a Bosé rematados el pasado viernes en una sesión dedicada al arte impresionista y moderno se encuentra "Gros oiseau corrida", un jarrón con motivos taurinos que se vendió por 128.500 libras (185.582 dólares). También se subastó "Plat aux oeufs", un plato de cerámica grabado con la reproducción de dos huevos, que alcanzó un precio de 104.500 libras (150.839 dólares euros). Una pieza con la cabeza de un toro grabada se vendió por 10.000 libras (14.434 dólares), mientras que un plato con el dibujo de un pájaro se remató en 5.225 libras (7.541 dólares). En una entrevista publicada en enero por Christie's, Bosé señaló que conserva "infinitos recuerdos de Picasso". El pintor "solía dejar que yo y mi hermana, Lucía, pintáramos en su estudio, y nos cambiaba nuestros dibujos por los suyos", relató el cantante. "Compartimos largas conversaciones. En aquel momento, nosotros no entendíamos nada, pero, por supuesto, con el tiempo dejaron una marca en nosotros", aseguro Bosé, quien dijo Picasso y sus padres, Lucía Bosé y el toreo Luis Miguel Dominguín, mantenían una estrecha relación. Además, aseguró que "de algún modo, para Picasso los toros eran su vínculo con una parte de la cultura española, estaba completamente fascinado con ellos. Solíamos pasar nuestros veranos en su casa de Mougins", rememoró Bosé. 1. Oliver Martínez Kandt: "El curador es el vínculo entre la obra de arte y el espectador" MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. | Feb. 10, 2016, 12:03 a.m. 2. Talento nica rumbo a Londres 3. Canta Claro ya tiene sus primeros seleccionados MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. | Feb. 10, 2016, media noche 4. Ryan Reynolds se reconcilia con los superhéroes 5. La Cuneta ya está en EE.UU.
{"url": "http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/variedades/384659-miguel-bose-vende-londres-ceramicas-picasso/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.elnuevodiario.com.ni", "date_download": "2017-09-19T12:02:27Z", "digest": "sha1:KCZDMNSVGR5YYQM6BNCMOPMGRUB3DUUK"}
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now reading: India's Puzzling MiG Deal With Malaysia India's Puzzling MiG Deal With Malaysia Some defense agreements make strategic sense from a long-term view, and some make sense from an immediate stop-gap perspective. Then there are others that are head-scratchers. On April 5 reports emerged in Malaysian media indicating that India seeks to acquire Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) 1990s-vintage MiG-29 fighters as part of a larger military cooperation agreement between the two countries. As per Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, the proposal would involve a quid pro quo whereby Malaysia would then accept spare parts from India for its Sukhoi Su-30 fighters. Whether these spare parts would be sourced from cannibalized Indian Air Force (IAF) Su-30MKI fighters or, more likely, from a Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) storage hub remains unclear. The comments made by the Malaysian Prime Minister regarding such a proposal are notable for the questions they raise. Why would India want to add fighters of a type it plans to retire from operational service in the coming ten years? More to the point, why would it wish to add fighters that must first undergo upgrades before entering IAF service - thus requiring capitalization funding that could otherwise be allocated elsewhere - and do little to upgrade existing IAF capabilities? While the IAF is certainly short of operational capacity adding the dozen used MiG-29s will do little to alleviate a looming fighter crunch as the 2032 target culmination point for the IAF's modernization plan draws ever closer. Currently, the IAF officially operates some 34 fighter squadrons, though that figure is in reality smaller. Perhaps of greater cause for concern in the larger picture is that 14 of these squadrons are to be retired by 2024, while several core future capability projects remain in various states of negotiation, development and have been reduced in size due to financial pressures. Under its long-term plans, by 2032 the IAF is required to field 810 fighters in 45 squadrons with which to conduct simultaneous operations on two fronts against China and Pakistan under a worst-case conflict scenario. Further, adding more MiG-29s will do nothing to rectify obsolescence issues across a fighter inventory that features three Russian MiG types (MiG-21 and MiG-27s, as well as the aforementioned MiG-29s), aging French Dassault Mirage 2000s, and Anglo-French Sepecat Jaguars strategic bombers brought into service between 1981 and 1985. At best any Indian acquisition of the used RMAF MiG-29s would serve as capacity backfill, as a replacement for existing IAF airframes lost to attrition, or to strip down and use for spare parts on existing platforms. Then there are the questions emanating from the other side of the proposal – the Malaysian side. Why would the Malaysian government be looking to sell off its remaining ten operational MiG-29N and 2 MiG-29NU trainers merely for spare parts and possibly some cash (the latter providing a better reason) in return? The RMAF has been waiting for the government to move forward on its premier project, the Multirole Combat Aircraft (MRCA), since an initial Request for Proposals (RFP) was released in March 2011. This proposal calls for the acquisition of 18 swing fighters (plus the option for an additional 18) that would serve as a replacement for the MiG-29 fleet. However, the MRCA project remains stalled due to Malaysia's economic and financial pressures, meaning that if Malaysia transfers its MiG-29 fleet over to India, it will leave the RMAF without an immediate incoming fighter replacement and lesser combat aircraft capacity. Though there has been a spate of recent reports regarding whether or not Malaysia has winnowed its favored MRCA bidder down to the French Dassault Rafale (over the Eurofighter Typhoon, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Saab Gripen), there appears to be zero government appetite for undertaking an expensive fighter purchase. The political timing and budgetary situations are simply not favorable for Malaysia to move forward with the MRCA procurement at this moment. The 2017 defense earmark alone represents a nearly 13 percent year-on-year nominal reduction – hardly indicative of readiness to move forward on an estimated $2 billion acquisition project. Yet there is a cost to maintaining the MiG-29 fleet that would be offset by such an exchange. The risk of having lesser fighter capacity over a 5-10 year period may be one that the Malaysian government is willing to accept in return for some financial relief on the operational maintenance portion of the defense budget. Ultimately, whatever small financial savings gleaned for Malaysia by no longer having to service and maintain the MiG-29 fleet would hardly be enough to strengthen the fiscal case for moving forward on the MRCA project before the start of the next five-year defense plan in 2021. While the RMAF would still have significant high-end fighter capability relative to its Southeast Asian neighborhood in its existing Sukhoi Su-30MKM and Boeing F/A-18 Hornet fleets, it would also lack capacity heft with just 26 of these combat aircraft. That might be a risk Malaysian defense planners, and government officials are willing to take with no immediate external conflict seen on the horizon. Should the proposed arrangement go forward – and that appears in question until more details come forth from the Indian side – then this deal represents a push in neither direction. As it does little to allay longer-term concerns for the Indian side, nor shorter-term concerns for the Malaysian side, it is beneficially neutral – and thus strategically head-scratching. Daniel Darling is an international military markets analyst at Forecast International Inc., an aerospace and defense market research company located in Newtown, Connecticut. A graduate of Kansas State University, Dan covers the Europe and Asia-Pacific Rim military markets for Forecast, and formerly was responsible for the Middle East as well. He has been quoted or his work cited in: Arabian Business, Defense News, The Financial Times, Flight International, The National, The New York Times, Bloomberg, National Defense Magazine and Small Wars Journal, among others. Related Topics: Indo-Pacific, Malaysia, India, Multirole Combat Aircraft (MRCA), Royal Indian Air Force, RMAF, Royal Malaysian Air Force, Su-30MKM, Su-30, Malaysian Prime Minister Show commentsHide Comments RCD Log In | Register
{"url": "https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2017/04/14/indias_puzzling_mig_deal_with_malaysia__111175.html?utm_source=RealClearDefense+Morning+Recon&utm_campaign=c266bd7323-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_04_13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_694f73a8dc-c266bd7323-81834289", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.realcleardefense.com", "date_download": "2020-02-16T19:51:23Z", "digest": "sha1:IKR7O2LZGKV3SEWR2IZVLW2NRN4DC756"}
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Rechercher Conference “From past experience to new approaches and synergies: the Future of Protection Heritage Management for Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis” 23-25 mai 2012 Cette page n'est pas intégralement disponible en français, vous pouvez la consulter en anglais. ICOMOS/Greece mercredi 23 mai 2012 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 États parties (1) Grèce Régions (1) Europe et Amérique du nord Activités (1) 40e anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine mondial Calendrier
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New Orleans, LA74° New Orleans October Weather New Orleans, LA Local Weather Lots of sun with a shower A thunderstorm in the area Partly sunny and humid A thunderstorm in spots Rather cloudy and less humid Rather cloudy 100 90 80 70 60 50 Today 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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A strong sense of urgency prevaded the inaugural meeting of the Frontenac's proprietors. The race was on. To overhaul the Americans, the steamboat needed to be "into play" the next year. Before the night was out they had authorized the purchase of the engine and were urging Commodore Owen to petition the Admiralty for "a preference with the Manufacturers in preparing the Steam Engine", as well as transport early in the season.26 This urgency is also evident in two rival accounts of the letting of the hull contract. According to an apologist for the proprietors, writing in the spring of 1816: "...[E]very effort had been made to procure Canadian shipwrights, but that unfortunately ... had proved unavailing. ...[W]hile engaged in this fruitless search after a person among our fellow subjects competent to conduct an enterprise of such importance, two Americans, on whom the greatest reliance could be placed, presented themselves before the committee, and offered to contract for the immediate construction of this large vessel on moderate terms. It is needless to add, that, as this was a business which would admit of no delay, their proposals were accepted." 27 From the distance of some years, a business associate of the two Americans, Henry Finkle, recalled the story much differently. In his account there were the successful American contractors, Teabout and Chapman, and a rival party, "a Scotchman, by the name of Bruce, from Montreal". Bruce was in Kingston several days before Teabout, in response to an advertisement for tenders. Hooker and Crane, two merchants of Sacket's Harbor later involved in the Ontario, contacted Finkle and his partner, Solomon Johns, and asked them to assist Teabout in his application. These being the only two tenders, the committee met to decide between them. The Scots voted for Bruce and the rest for Teabout, with the conclusion being slightly in the latter's favour. The proprietors then hired the disappointed Bruce to inspect the ship's timber where he became a thorn in the side of Teabout. 28 As the man who posted performance bonds for Teabout and his partners, Finkle should be a reasonably reliable source, but there are a couple of problems with his story. No advertising for tenders appears in the local newspapers. Nor were there more than two native Scots on the seven-man Committee of Management. On the other hand, John Bruce would have been a likely candidate for contractor. Bruce's experience with steam went back to the construction of the Accommodation and Swiftsure for the Molsons, and he had assisted in the work on the Malsham. Near the end of the war he had also had a contract for work in the Kingston naval shipyard and may well have known some of the proprietors.29 Certainly, there is a ring of authority in Finkle's exasperation with the "constant contest" between Bruce and Teabout.30 But who the successful contractors were, was less important to some critics than the fact they were Americans. Moreover, these particular Americans, less than a year before, had been in Sacket's Harbor helping build a naval force intended to crush that in Kingston. Henry Teabout, the senior partner, was a young man born in New York City and trained by Henry Eckford, one of the best shipwrights of the period. Teabout's partners included William Smith, another Eckford alumnus, and James Chapman, a block turner. After the war the three had teamed up to build the Kingston Packet which spent the rest of the season in service between Sacket's Harbor and Kingston.31 With a contract for �7000 in his pocket, Teabout spent a couple of days with Henry Finkle searching for a suitable place to begin construction. Not surprisingly, he settled on Finkle's Point, a gravelly piece of land on the edge of the village of Ernesttown (now Bath) owned by Finkle's mother. 32 Having established a site for the work, Teabout immediately left for New York to recruit forty to fifty ship carpenters and to buy the necessary supplies.33 It would have been December at the earliest before they could have gotten into the woods of Ernesttown township to begin hauling out timber. By mid-February, they had "timber sufficient to build a 74 gun ship" gathered on Finkle's Point, and the keel had been laid.34 That summer was one of the coldest on record, with the shipwrights working through a snowstorm in June. But by September, less than a year after the whole project had gotten under way, the vessel was ready to launch. The account of this event is perhaps the most widely quoted passage in Great Lakes history. "A numerous concourse of people assembled on the occasion. But by consequence of some accidental delay, and the appearance of an approaching shower, a part of the spectators withdrew before the launch actually took place. The Boat moved slowly from her place and descended with majestic sweep into her proper elements." 35 On reading that the machinery imported from England was "an excellent structure", some have concluded that the Frontenac was launched with her engines on board.36 Obviously these writers have not examined the next issue of the Gazette where the steamboat was observed sailing down from Ernesttown to wait for her machinery.37 The delay in getting the Frontenac into operation in 1816 was largely due to the subsequent problems in getting the machinery installed and working. As has already been noted, Gillespie, Gerrard & Co. had approached the firm of Boulton & Watt as early as January 1816. Boulton & Watt was the most important engine building firm in the world, controlling as they did Watt's father's patents. Fulton had used one of their engines for his first steamer, and all of the boats currently running between Montreal and Quebec used Boulton & Watt engines. 38 The company's detailed drawings are dated 15 April 1816 while the final accounting was submitted on May 20. This totalled �3354 Stg. for "Metal Materials of a 50 Horse Power Steam Boat Engine with Paddle Wheel Machinery, Duplicates of sundry parts, and an assortment of Tools & Raw Materials for the erection and repairs of the Engine, delivered at Liverpool". It was exactly the same price charged Hodgson for the Car of Commerce. At the same time, the Frontenac's agents arranged for an employee of Boulton & Watt to come out to Canada to set up and run the engine.39 The ship bearing the engine sailed from Liverpool about June 10 a month before the Admiralty finally responded to Commodore Owen's request for its transport. "Their Lordships are ignorant of the state of the Steam Engine preparing for the Company in this Country but are of opinion that every assistance should be given for conveying it to Canada." Somehow they had missed the pressing tone in Owen's request--but at least they authorized his successor to buy two shares in the vessel. 40 The description of the launch implies that the machinery had already been imported, and the expectation was that all would be in working order in a few weeks.41 In December the proprietors and Robert Hall, Owen's successor as senior naval officer on the lakes, petitioned the Lieutenant Governor for the remittance of �94.4.1 in customs duties which had been levied on the engine at Quebec.42 If the engine had arrived earlier in the season and they had wished to protest the duties, the presumption is that they would have done it sooner. In any case, it was May 23, 1817 before the steamer made her first passage across Kingston harbour. "She moved with majestic grandeur against a strong head wind" and then broke part of her machinery.43 Before moving discussing the operation of the vessel, a final word should be said about the total cost of the Frontenac. Several estimates exist with varying degrees of authority. The costs of the two principal components can be precisely established. Teabout and Chapman were paid �7000 for the woodwork on the vessel, and if Finkle is to be believed, made very little by it. 44 The Boulton & Watt engine cost �3354 Stg. or about �4192 H.Cy. The costs of shipping across the Atlantic and up the St. Lawrence probably brought this figure up to nearly �5000. In August 1817, John Spread Baldwin, one of the York shareholders, claimed that the vessel had cost �14,500. A little over a year later, in a petition to the Legislative Assembly, the proprietors claimed they had spent nearly �16,000 on her construction and outfitting.45 Did the Frontenac's owners pay too much for her? Nine years later, one authority claimed that "she was built at a time when materials were very high."46 Certainly, the evidence of capital invested in the next few Upper Canadian steamers indicates that the Frontenac's price was nearly three times that of the next most expensive steamer. But they were much smaller vessels, almost all of them with cheaper engines built by Ward of Montreal. A glance at >Table I indicates that if anything, the price per ton paid Teabout and Chapman was very competitive. The critical factors affecting its cost were the decisions to build a vessel on the scale of those running between Montreal and Quebec, and to equip it with an expensive English engine.
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Votre recherche : Labastide-d'Armagnac (40240) Consultez la liste des professionnels du funéraire de la ville Labastide-d'Armagnac (40240) Registre des décès Labastide-d'Armagnac (40240)Uniquement les avis de décèsUniquement les remerciementsUniquement les annonces souvenirs Madame Cécile GASPARINI de Labastide-d'Armagnac (40240)à l'âge de 95 ans
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Aujourd'hui, vue le climat social, il est nécessaire et essentiel pour notre survie comme race que nos nations deviennent des partenaires dans une organisation internationale vraiment efficace destinée à protéger les droits de l'homme, à développer notre sens de responsabilité collective et à assurer la survie d'un environnement saint. Pour que cela se fasse, nous n'avons pas d'autre moyen que de prier et d'ouvrir son cœur et son âme au ciel. La prière est un instrument qui est très et plus-que bénéfique pour la TERRE et pour éveiller nos consciences. Pour tous ceux qui veulent se joindre à moi, nous allons faire une petite prière pour les nations unies. Je bénis les Nations Unies en tant que terrain de rencontre positif pour toutes les nations. Je bénis les Nations Unies dans leur capacité à encourager un dialogue authentique entre nations, Je bénis les Nations Unies dans leur rôle essentiel de médiateur dans les conflits, Je bénis les nombreuses agences spécialisées des Nations Unies dans leur rôle consistant à développer des solutions efficaces aux problèmes du monde, que ce soit dans le domaine de l'environnement, de la santé, de l'emploi, du développement, des communications, du temps, de la finance ou autre secteur. Je bénis le personnel des Nations Unies afin que ses membres développent un profond sentiment d'être des serviteurs du monde et un profond engagement pour les objectifs des Nations Unies. Finalement je bénis les Nations Unies comme promoteur et défendeur planétaire des droits de l'homme, afin qu'à travers une conscience de ces droits nous puissions développer un sens plus aigu de notre dignité et de notre valeur. Je bénis les citoyens du monde que nous sommes tous dans notre capacité à encourager la vision d'un monde gagnant incarnés dans les idéaux des Nations Unies et nécessaire à la survie de l'humanité. Méditons sur cette prière importante pour l'univers et pour l'humanité. Avec tout mes vœux de Paix Profonde.
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virginie Houdet Pourquoi j’ai dessiné un jeu de cartes ? Jeu de 54 cartes franco-anglais, 2 dos différents. Chaque carte est un dessin original réalisé à l’encre de chine et à l’aquarelle. Grands Hôtels Palais rouges Monteuse La Favela Chic, Paris 15 - 24 septembre 2015 Accueil > Follow me > Biographie Virginie Houdet, née à Nantes, en 1957, est issue d’une famille d’artistes. Son grand-père Jean Bouchaud était académicien, membre de l’Institut des Beaux-Arts, France. Aujourd’hui, elle vit et travaille à Paris. Passionnée par les Arts depuis son plus jeune âge, elle commence par photographier son monde et explore le dessin, la 2D,3D, la gravure, la peinture, la cartographie, le dessin animé et tout ce qui tourne autour de l’image… Elle devient monteuse, truquiste, réalisatrice et finalement prend la caméra. Depuis les années 90, elle étudie la peinture avec Véronique Masurel aux Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, reconnectant avec son héritage familial et trouvant sa propre voie entre la peinture, le montage et la réalisation. En 2017, elle dessine un jeu de 52 cartes, alliant le travail du trait noir et ses recherches sur la couleur. Ses peintres abstraits favoris sont Malevich, Sonia Delaunay et Paul Klee. Le Louvre la nourrit, l’inspire, stimule sa créativité et son imagination. Elle y copie les maîtres et y découvre l’Art du Proche Orient. Sa première exposition a eut lieu à Paris en 2008. Ses oeuvres font partie de nombreuses collections en France ainsi qu’aux USA, en Angleterre, au Canada et en Chine. Nourrie par les anciens, elle s’embarque dans une aventure poétique pour ce qui est du présent. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris Atelier des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris Ecole du Louvre, Paris. EXPOSITIONS PERSONNELLES Septembre 2017-Janvier 2018 "Partie de cartes" Théatre de la Reine Blanche, Paris 18°, France 2017 en Résidence aux Ateliers40, 49 350 Les Rosiers sur Loire. 2016-29 Juillet PopUp show One day only @ Tom Robinson Gallery, Chicago,IL USA https://www.facebook.com/events/1227501903926559/ 23 Juin-23 Juillet 2016 Alliance Française de Chicago]-IL USA Décembre 2015 Au 760 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL-USA Septembre 2015 Pop-Up Gallery " La Favela Chic", Paris XI°. Avril 2015 "L’Hareng Crisse", Pouilly-sur-Loire, France. Août 2010 "Au toit bleu", île d’Orléans- Québec, Canada. Mai 2008 "La grosse Mignonne", Montreuil, France Avril 2008 "Premier jus", Paris, France. Octobre 2019 Portes Ouvertes de l’atelier " AndMax " Montreuil, France Juillet-oct 2018 CONFORT ET RECONFORT Chateau de Sainte Colombe en Auxois 21350 Ste Colombe en Auxois www.arcade-designalacampagne.fr Mai 2014 18 rue Bezout, paris XIV° March 2009 Expo week-end chez Frédérique Piot, Paris. vhoudet@hotmail.com © Virginie Houdet 2015 | Développement site : BL
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Nous avons la solution qu'il vous faut !
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I had a really lovely Easter, hosting dinner for a few friends. I baked chicken breasts with lemon and garlic, roasted some sweet potatoes, prepared a salad and invented two rather experimental home-made salad dressings, and made a slow-cooked lamb curry with spinach. Of all the dishes, the curry was by far the most popular. In all honesty, I will confess here that I made a few substitutions in the original lamb curry recipe. In particular, I didn't have any lamb, so I used chicken, beef, potatoes, and black beans instead. People brought wine, cupcakes, and flowers, which made for a festive occasion. It wasn't a very churchy Easter for me, as it turns out. I was on duty at church, but at the side door where one hears and sees nothing of the service. I was originally optimistic that I could nip into the "overflow room" in the chapel where they'd set up a little audio-visual system and maybe catch a bit of the music or sermon. But when I went over there, well... yes, there was a system set up... a nice big screen, and a projector showing live video of the goings-on in the sanctuary. But no sound. There were just a few people in the overflow room, and none of them complained about the lack of sound. There was a couple with a very small, fussy child they were tending to. There was a woman who was sitting there, silently wiping away tears (I am pretty sure she was not moved by our pastor's oratory). And there I was as well, thinking Uh oh! because messengers from the main sanctuary came bearing tidings that they were nearly at capacity in there, and I was pretty sure that the silent film in the chapel would not appeal to all audiences. Luckily there was no further overflow. Posted by LeesMyth at Sunday, April 24, 2011 No comments: I've been doing interval walk/run stuff on the treadmill. I set the walk to 4 mph, and then I gradually increase the speed of the run segment over the course of 30 minutes. Today, I kept the run segment at a brisk walk just short of a run for the first 10 minutes (4.3 mph), then up to 5.5 during the next 10 minutes and then 6+ for the last 10 minutes. I reached a new top speed of 7.5 mph!!! OK, yes, it was only for 2 minutes. So sue me. But still - it actually felt easier than I expected in my legs, though I was breathing very hard. Posted by LeesMyth at Saturday, April 23, 2011 No comments: Die Walküre I'd gotten burned out a few years ago from over-subscribing to opera in the Family Circle at the Met, but I ended up accepting a ticket this afternoon (Good Friday) to see the season premiere - and new production premiere - of Die Walküre. I got to Lincoln Center much more quickly than I expected, so I wandered around the entire Lincoln Center complex for half an hour admiring the lines of all the buildings in the beautiful soft pre-twilight of a bright but cloudy day. I finished with the north side, on the stairs across from Alice Tully Hall. I waited for a few folks to finish climbing the stairs so I could move over to my desired vantage point, where I could take in the wonderful angled roofs next to me (the Lincoln restaurant) and across the street (the at65 Cafe). A security guard came over to find out what I found so fascinating. I showed him. He was skeptical for a moment, then he said, "Wow, that is really fun!" (Needless to say, all this slow walking and admiration for the sculptures, architecture, reflecting pool, etc. took place to a nice soundtrack on my iPod. What a luxury!) This was my second time seeing Die Walküre, and I liked this production (by Robert Lepage) much better than the previous one (by Otto Schenk). Admittedly, I'd only seen it in its final season (i.e., in its 20-somethingth year!), which also happened to coincide with my opera-burn-out season. But my friends agreed they preferred this production as well. It somehow captured our imaginations better, and seemed far more alive and lively... even though we still did get the feeling that people were singing for a very long time about things that were very simple and obvious (e.g., Siegmund needs a weapon, and the sword in the tree is right in front of him, but the two love-bird siblings spell things out in excruciating detail before connecting the dots).* The set was phenomenal - long panels with video screens that rotated and separated to become a forest for the actors to wander through... or war horses for the Valkyries... or stayed together in a giant seamless screen in various formations (rocks with lava, a mountain top with snow or a ring of fire, etc., etc.) But also the music was thrilling this time. Absolutely loved Jonas Kaufmann as Siegmund, and Deborah Voight as Brünnhilde. (The singer playing Sieglinde did a bang-up job in Act I although she was apparently under the weather - but she had to bow out for the remainder of the piece.) The relationships between Siegmund and Sieglinde, and between Brünnhilde and Wotan, were quickly established, both compelling and believable in the context of the opera. I'd been kidding around with a friend who'd wished me a "happy Good Friday" that happiness is not one of the emotions ordinarily associated with the day - and that that was why my decision to attend part of the Wagner Ring Cycle (rather than a Good Friday service) was theologically appropriate. But the production was really good, and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. FN* Speaking of which, we had some ideas for adjusting the opera to meet the needs and interests of modern audiences. We concluded the entire story could easily be told in an hour or less, although it might be necessary to cut some of the singing. My friend Patricia also has plans to provide much-needed moral uplift by (among other things) removing the incest and splicing on a happy ending. I don't want to say any more at present, because these plans are obviously very much under wraps and we don't want anyone swiping 'em! Producers and directors will doubtless be knocking down our doors any moment now, but you saw it here first, folks! Posted by LeesMyth at Friday, April 22, 2011 No comments: An Afternoon in Boston I went with my parents to see a Boston Classical Orchestra concert this past weekend. Faneuil Hall was bright and airy and we snagged great seats (with cushions as well - my parents are pros!). The program focused on the change of seasons (there was also a change of sopranos, but that was not part of the program). HAYDN: Introduction to “Spring” from The Seasons oratorio GLAZUNOV: “Spring” and “Summer” from The Seasons ballet BARBER: Knoxville, Summer of 1915 BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 8 There were also some lush excerpts from Eudora Welty's writings (about summer, I think). Maybe the real highlight was the orchestra's special number welcoming the conductor to the stage - they played Happy Birthday for him! I like to think he didn't see that one coming (First! Time! Ever!), that it was "really" his birthday (rather than his birthday week or something), etc. The other fun unadvertised element was right after the intermission - the conductor went to the back of the orchestra, picked up an oboe, and played a little trio concertino type thing with two of his fellow musicians. Very cute - even when he turned that into a pitch (subscribe and support us, so you can get a full orchestra and not just a trio!). My parents pointed out that the even-numbered Beethoven symphonies are a bit more obscure than the odd-numbered ones. Not sure why - I certainly liked this one! Afterward, we enjoyed some Mexican food. It seemed like we spent most of the day eating rich food, actually - we went to an Indian restaurant just a few hours earlier for lunch. Bumpy skies on the way home, but everyone lived to tell about it. Posted by LeesMyth at Thursday, April 21, 2011 No comments: Oh, is THAT what we're supposed to do? I wondered why I kept getting stuck and dragged along whenever the train started up. Posted by LeesMyth at Monday, April 18, 2011 No comments: Here are some Easter eggs we decorated using oil and water: We didn't really mean to put the eggs on top of the lawn mowers, but it kind of works, doesn't it? Our intrepid rock climber: Mugging for the camera on a tire swing: My mom gave me a hyacinth growing kit for Christmas, and I followed the directions exactly. I put the bulb in the special glass container, just above (but not touching) the water line, and kept it in a dark room away from any natural light. Initially, a few rudimentary roots grew - maybe 2 or 3 mm. I checked on it from time to time, but the water level didn't really change, and it didn't sprout up as it was supposed to. Eventually I decided to try changing the water to see if that helped - and realized, with a sick feeling of disappointment, that the bulb was not growing. In fact, it was now covered with mold. I almost threw it away. After all, when a plant is dead, it's dead. Right? BUT... I decided to plant it in soil anyway. And I pig-headedly continued to water it. Every time I watered the barren pot with the moldy bulb buried in dirt, I felt really stupid. Until, suddenly, a succulent green double shoot appeared. In the empty-looking pot in the back right, next to the little clay pot, if you look very closely, you may see a little splotch of green. I am so ridiculously proud of this: Staying with the same picture (above), the plant on the left is a bonsai tree, a Christmas gift from my cousin in Texas, which is supposed to be outside (not gonna happen in NYC) but nonetheless seems to be doing OK. The plant on the front right is the lone survivor of the move from Brooklyn to Manhattan, and I'm happy about its progress too since I repotted it from plastic into a clay pot. In the picture below, the rhododendron on the left is one I liberated from an office after someone retired. On the right is some parsley I grew from seeds - a birthday gift from my mom back in October. Also very pleased with that! (And the planter is repurposed - it originally contained a Christmas gift of luxury toiletries from my uncle and aunt.) I recently went for a drink and light supper with a friend at the Union Square Coffee Shop. Afterward, we walked down to Houston Street. I liked this mural (person in a boat in a framed "painting"): Today was in the low 70's, and sunny at lunch when I went out for the reading program. Delightful! My reading partner looks less and less engaged in the books every week though. What a pity. She's even tired of the Goosebumps series. This, too, alas, is a sign of spring. Friday after work, I knew I needed a nap. I set my alarm for one hour, which would give me plenty of time to get ready to go out again. I woke up 2.5 hours later, when my phone rang. So that's what my life has been like recently. Luckily, I still made it to my friend's birthday party at Johnny Utah's, a Times Square tourist trap of a bar. Three of the gang tried out the mechanical bull. I'd heard of the bull, and had assumed it was like the contraptions outside diners, where you put in a quarter and it bounces around a bit. But no - there's actually a sadist at the controls who decides what kind of ride to give (mostly for humiliation of the rider and/or the entertainment or titillation of the crowd). I'm not quite sure why people obeyed his commands. Women were instructed to loosen or remove clothing (so that jiggling could be seen to better effect). One of my female friends was told to sit on the bull with a stranger, riding backward and facing him, and of course the movements of the bull were designed to put them in compromising positions with compromising vibrations. The guy was way more embarrassed than she was. Best description: "She looked like a koala clinging to a bamboo pole." Saturday, I helped out at the Tartan Day festivities at Stout and got to see a few Scottish bands. They had a dance-off between Brooklyn breakdancing boys and Scottish highland dancing girls (all to energetic highland jigs with a rock edge). The boys were amazing athletes, sheer muscle and very inventive, but the girls had, somewhat ironically, a home-field advantage with this particular crowd. There was also a scotch tasting in the VIP area, and as usual the most expensive one was the most delicious. For today's workout, I was inspired to stay on the treadmill a bit longer than I'd originally planned because BBC America was airing some Doctor Who episodes. (Top speed: 6.5 mph.) Once I finished, I could have made it to church on time... but that would have meant sprinting out the door. Instead, I decided to follow my pleasure, which was to enjoy some oatmeal, make a coffee smoothie (with plain yogurt, 1/3 of a frozen banana, fresh ginger, and cinnamon), and enjoy a nice hot shower. There was stuff going on after church as well, but when I really thought about how I wanted to spend my day, I realized that subway travel just wasn't part of it. So I walked over to Borders bookstore (everything 60% off or more) and browsed for a while, then went a bit further on for groceries. When I got home, I made crockpot lamb curry with spinach ... using beef, chicken, potato, and black beans instead of lamb, and a wok instead of a crockpot. It turned out really well. Spent some time napping, listening to RFI, and reading City of God.
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Firm News Couples Beginning To Include Social Media Clauses In Prenuptial Agreements June 16, 2014 – In The News CBS Philly Share This Page Aaron D. Weems was quoted in the CBS Philly article, "Couples Beginning To Include Social Media Clauses In Prenuptial Agreements." Full text can be found in the June 16, 2014, issue, but a synopsis is noted below. Social media clauses are becoming more common in prenuptial agreements. The clauses typically state that couples can’t post things that might harm their significant other’s reputation. “It’s just a way for people to really put down on paper what the expectations are that after you’re divorced or when you’re in the midst of a divorce that you’re going to treat each other with respect,” says Aaron Weems. “If you acquire this digital media over the course of the marriage, you have a responsibility not to expose it to any third party or take that and utilize it on any social media site that is going to get immediate exposure,” Weems says. Social media prenups are not just for celebrities and high-profile couples, Weems noted. “It’s for anybody that has a business that’s really built upon and relies upon their personal brand, whether it’s an interior designer or an attorney,” he says. “These types of things are important and can result in people losing their jobs and their livelihood.” While not every couple may need a social media prenup in writing, having a conversation to identify what can or cannot be posted may be helpful. “We don’t live in the age where you can just turn over the photos and burn the negatives and you’ve now prevented yourself from ever having to see something embarrassing exposed,” says Weems. “This digital media travels, it’s difficult to remove once it on the internet.” Associated PeopleAaron D. WeemsAssociated PracticesFamily Law
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Borgman, C. L. (2018, October). Open data, grey data, and stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier. Presented at the Berkman Klein Tuesday Luncheon Series at Harvard University. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2pb6k940. Video of presentation at https://youtu.be/DHDid-hHpZo Borgman, C. L. (2018, October). The invisible knowledge infrastructure of astronomy: A sharper focus on blurry data. Presented at the Seamless Astronomy Colloquium at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1mr727cw. Video of presentation at https://youtu.be/9pzzhSnNrtU Borgman, C. L., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2018, September). Big data, little data, or no data? Systematic reviews in an age of open data. Keynote presented at the Cochrane Colloquium, Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9wh1n7jn Borgman, C. L., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2018, September). How and why do scientists reuse others’ data to produce new knowledge? Background, Foreground, and Beyond. Presented at the Cochrane Colloquium: Fringe Event, Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6rx42812 Pasquetto, I. V., Mavergames, C., & Stewart, L. (2018, September). Beyond privacy: the emerging ethics of data reuse. Workshop presented at the Cochrane Colloquium 2018, Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/92k1b265 Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). Big data, little data, or no data? iSchools, scholarship, and stewardship. Inaugural iSchool Lecture, Linnaeus University, Sweden. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6cr4j32x Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Interdisciplinary Research. Keynote presented at the Data Theme Seminar Series, Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Sweden. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/82t0b4zf Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). Data sharing and reuse in interdisciplinary scientific collaborations: Challenges of heterogeneous practice. Presented at the The Pufendorf IAS Symposium on Interdisciplinarity, Lund University, Sweden. Retrieved from. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6tb5718z Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). The durability and fragility of knowledge infrastructures: Lessons learned from astronomy. Lund Observatory, Sweden. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/38s0438b Pasquetto, I. V. (2018, April). The Making of “Fungible” Open Data in Biomedicine. Workshop presented at the Fellows’ Meeting, UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics. Darch, P. T. (2018, March). Limits to the pursuit of reproducibility: Emergent data-scarce domains of science. Presented at the iConference, Sheffield, UK. Borgman, C. L. (2018, February). Big data, little data, or no data? Scholarship and stewardship to build the UC digital library. Keynote presented at the The Digital Library Federation X Conference, University of California, Riverside. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5tc1z9n9 Borgman, C. L., & Martone, M. (2018, February). Academic Senate and IT Leadership: Shared Governance in Practice. Presented at the University of California Information Technology Leadership Council, University of California, Irvine. Retrieved from http://christineborgman.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Borgman-Martone-ITLCTalk-Senate-EngagementFINAL20180207.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2017, December). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship and Stewardship. 2017 LISAA Fall Colloquium, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/36j367j9 Borgman, C. L. (2017, December). Data, Code, Algorithms, and Astronomical Knowlege Production. Presented at the Galactic Center Group Workshop 2017, Luskin Conference Center, UCLA. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2qr03471 Boscoe, B. M. (2017, December). Spacetime and codetime: 20 years of data reuse. Presented at the Galactic Center Group Workshop 2017, Luskin Conference Center, UCLA. Darch, P. T. (2017, December). Data Friction, Social Friction: Standardization Challenges in Emerging Domains of Science. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA. Borgman, C. L. (2017, November). If Data Sharing is the Answer, What is the Question? Information Access Seminar, Berkeley School of Information. Retrieved from https://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/events/2017/if-data-sharing-answer-what-question Borgman, C. L. (2017, November). Open Data, Trust, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier. The 10th Annual BCLT Privacy Lecture, Berkeley, CA. Retrieved from https://berkeley.app.box.com/s/v35vb4gee2iloxkxeu94l7a3it4wbx2y Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Traweek, S., & Golshan, M. S. (2017, October). Same Data, Differing Objectives: What Happened When Research Libraries Took on a Large Scientific Dataset? Presented at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2017, Washington, DC. Retrieved from https://www.asist.org/am17/sessions/organizational-and-institutional-work-in-data-infrastructures/ Pasquetto, I. V., & Mayernik, M. S. (2017, September). Decentralizing Climate Change Data while Preserving Scientific Value. Presented at the 4S Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, MA. Retrieved from http://tinyurl.com/lwxzfmj Randles, B. M. (2017, September). Spacetime and code-time: Astronomical algorithms evolving through dimensions of temporality and materiality as scientists change technological practices. Presented at the 4S Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, MA. Retrieved from http://tinyurl.com/mzlk8as Randles, B. M., Chen, H., & Chen, H. (2017, August). Citing the Jupyter Notebook in the scientific publication process. Presented at the JupyterCon 2017, New York, NY. Retrieved from https://conferences.oreilly.com/jupyter/jup-ny/public/schedule/detail/59835 Borgman, C. L. (2017, June). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Knowledge Infrastructures for the Earth Sciences. Keynote presented at the EarthCube 2017 All Hands Meeting, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from https://www.earthcube.org/2017-all-hands-meeting Borgman, C. L., & Kay, D. G. (2017, June). Faculty Engagement to Reduce PII (Personally Identifiable Information) Risk. Presented at the University of California Cyber Risk Governance Committee, Oakland, CA. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6sh2s3f9 Darch, P. T., & Borgman, C. L. (2017, May). The Challenges of Reproducibility In Data Scarce Fields. DataONE Webinar. Retrieved from https://www.dataone.org/webinars/challenges-reproducibility-data-scarce-fields Pasquetto, I. V. (2017, May). Research Ethics: The Use of Big Data. Panel Discussion, California Center for Population Research, UCLA. Retrieved from https://ccpr.ucla.edu/event/research-ethics-use-big-data/ Randles, B. M. (2017, May). Sharing your code: Factors on going public. Presentation presented at the Python in Astronomy 2017, Lorentz Center, Leiden. Retrieved from http://openastronomy.org/pyastro/2017/ Borgman, C. L., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2017, April). Why Data Sharing and Reuse Are Hard To Do? Presented at the BD2K Guide to the Fundamentals of Data Science Webinar. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Can1NYEhThQ Borgman, C. L. (2017, March). Making, Curating and Engaging Data (UCLA Digital Humanitites Seminar). Panel Presentation presented at the Big Data in Education and Information Studies: A Symposium by Interactions, UCLA GSE&IS Journal, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from https://gseis.ucla.edu/event/gseis-interactions-symposium-on-big-data/ Borgman, C. L. (2017, March). The Durability and Fragility of Knowledge Infrastructures: Lessons Learned from Astronomy. Presentation presented at the Astrophysics Journal Club meeting, UCLA Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics. Retrieved from http://www.astro.ucla.edu/content/astrophysics-journal-club Golshan, M. S., Borgman, C. L., & Sands, A. E. (2017, February). Users and uses of a digital data archive: A case study of DANS. Keynote presented at the European Cooperation in Science and Technology: KnoweScape 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria. Retrieved from http://knowescape.org/programme-knowescape-2017/ Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Golshan, M. S., & Traweek, S. (2017, January). From Sky to Archive: Long Term Management of Sky Survey Data. Presented at the 229th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Grapevine, TX. Retrieved from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AAS…22912801D Borgman, C. L. (2016, October). Motivations for Sharing and Reusing Data: Complexities and Contradictions in the Use of a Digital Data Archive. Quello Lecture, Michigan State University. Retrieved from https://works.bepress.com/borgman/395/ Pasquetto, I. V. (2016, September). Making “Open Data” Work: Challenges for Data Integration in Genomics Research. Panel Presentation presented at the SciDataCon 2016, Denver, CO. Retrieved from http://www.scidatacon.org/2016/sessions/17/paper/305/ Sands, A. E., & Borgman, C. L. (2016, September). Open Data in Astronomy Sky Surveys. Panel Presentation presented at the SciDataCon 2016, Denver, CO. Retrieved from https://works.bepress.com/borgman/392/ Sands, A. E. (2016, August). Data Management in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Projects. Presented at the IPAC LSST Weekly Team Meeting, Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC). Darch, P. T., & Sands, A. E. (2016, June). It’s about time: How do sky surveys manage uncertainty about scientific needs many years into the future. Oral Presentation presented at the 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016AAS…22831102D Sands, A. E., & Darch, P. T. (2016, June). What does it mean to manage sky survey data? A model to facilitate stakeholder conversations. Oral Presentation presented at the 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016AAS…22831101S Borgman, C. L. (2016, May). Data Sharing: Where Scholarship meets Policy and Practice – a symposium with Christine L. Borgman (University of California). Maastricht University STS. Borgman, C. L. (2016, May). Data, Scholarship, and Libraries. Presentation, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Borgman, C. L. (2016, May). Not Fade Away: Social Science Research Data in the Digital Era. Presented at the Sciences Research Council Meeting: Knowledge Rules: Curating Knowledge in the Social Sciences Social, New York Public Library. Borgman, C. L., & Scharnhorst, A. (2016, May). Big Data, Little Data, No Data – Who is in Charge of Data Quality? Presented at the World Data System Webinar 9. Retrieved from https://www.icsu-wds.org/community/webinars/webinar-9 Sands, A. E. (2016, May). Data Management in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Projects. Poster presented at the Cultural Patterns: Multiscale Data-driven Models, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA. Retrieved from http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/workshops/workshop-iii-cultural-patterns-multiscale-data-driven-models/?tab=poster-session Borgman, C. L. (2016, April). UCLA Center for Knowledge Infrastructures: If Data Sharing is the Question, What is the Answer? Presented at the Workshop on field studies of data and software work in science, Portland, OR. Darch, P. T. (2016, April). How scientists assess trustworthiness of data produced by others: Do practices shape infrastructure, or vice versa? Poster presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Pasquetto, I. V. (2016, April). The Data Are Open: Can We Reuse Them – Costs and Benefits of Open Data in Biomedical Research. Session presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Retrieved from http://zeeba.tv/costs-and-benefits-of-open-data-in-biomedical-research Randles, B. M., Sands, A. E., & Borgman, C. L. (2016, April). Too big to share? Scaling up knowledge transfer workflows from little science to big science. Poster presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Recognized for Best Poster. Sands, A. E. (2016, April). Data Infrastructures in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Projects. Poster presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3187625.v1 Darch, P. T. (2016, March). Many methods, many microbes: Methodological diversity and standardization in the deep subseafloor biosphere. Presented at the iConference 2016, Philadelphia, PA. Retrieved from https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/89330 Borgman, C. L., Golshan, M. S., Sands, A. E., Wallis, J. C., Cummings, R. L., & Randles, B. M. (2016, February). Data Management in the Long Tail: Social and Technical Opportunities. Presented at the 11th International Digital Curation Conference, Amsterdam. Retrieved from w.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc16/programme-presentations Sands, A. E., & Golshan, M. S. (2016, February). What is Data Management? Interpreting stakeholder expectations for archiving and serving research data. Presented at the DANS colloquium, DANS, The Hague. Sands, A. E., & Golshan, M. S. (2016, February). Employing Social Science Research Methods in the Study of Knowledge Infrastructures. Presented at the New Trends in eHumanities Meeting, Amsterdam. Retrieved from http://www.ehumanities.nl/ashley-sands-and-milena-golshan-university-of-california-los-angeles-ucla Borgman, C. L. (2015, December). When and Why Should Research Data be Sustained? Presented at the National Science Foundation Workshop, Arlington, VA. Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., & Traweek, S. (2015, November). Designing Data Infrastructures with Multiple, Disparate Networks. Presented at the 4S 40th Annual Meeting. Borgman, C. L., Scharnhorst, A., van den Berg, H., Van de Sompel, H., & Treloar, A. (2015, October). Who Uses the Digital Data Archive? An Exploratory Study of DANS. In Proceedings of the 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Vol. 51). St. Louis, MO: Information Today. Retrieved from https://www.asist.org/files/meetings/am15/proceedings/submissions/posters/217poster.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2015, October). Creating, Collaborating, and Celebrating the Diversity of Research Data. Invited talk; GSLIMS Special Lecture, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. Retrieved from http://www.slis.tsukuba.ac.jp/grad/assets/files/kyoumu/SL151026.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2015, October). Keynote, Data Citation Principals Workshop. Keynote presented at the International Series of Workshops to Implement Data Citation Principles: Japan, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. Retrieved from http://www.codata.org/news/59/62/International-Series-of-Workshops-to-Implement-Data-Citation-Principles Pasquetto, I. V., Sands, A. E., & Borgman, C. L. (2015, October). Exploring Openness in Data and Science: What is “Open,” to Whom, When, and Why? In Proceedings of the 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Vol. 51). St. Louis, MO. Retrieved from https://www.asist.org/files/meetings/am15/proceedings/submissions/posters/296poster.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2015, August). Data Citation and Scholarship. Remote introductory presentation presented at the International Series of Workshops to Implement Data Citation Principles: China, China, Lan Zhou. Retrieved from http://www.codata.org/news/59/62/International-Series-of-Workshops-to-Implement-Data-Citation-Principles Borgman, C. L. (2015, July). ACM Web Science 2015. Presented at the WebSci’15, University of Oxford by the Oxford e-Research Centre. Borgman, C. L. (2015, June). Data, data everywhere — but how to manage and govern?. Presented at the Berkman Luncheon Series, Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Retrieved from https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2015/06/borgman Borgman, C. L. (2015, June). Dataverse in the Universe of Data. Keynote presented at the Dataverse Community Meeting 2015, IQSS, Harvard University. Retrieved from http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/dataverse-community-meeting/people/speakers/speaker Borgman, C. L. (2015, June). Data, Management, and Digital Science. Digital Science hosted event presented at the Technology Trends in Research Management, Showcasing Outputs & Collaboration (LA), Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from http://www.digital-science.com/events/digital-science-showcase-los-angeles Borgman, C. L. (2015, May). Big Data, Little Data, Open Data, and No Data. Presented at the Honorary Schneider Colloquia Series, University of Texas, Austin, iSchool. Retrieved from https://www.ischool.utexas.edu/research/upcoming_events#e3f2fb7a27cf7bcd8ca49af4e85e0021 Borgman, C. L. (2015, April). Why data are not publications: Potential potholes for STM publishers. Keynote presented at the STM Publishers Annual US Conference 2015, Washington, D.C., USA. Retrieved from http://www.stm-assoc.org/events/stm-annual-us-conference-2015 Borgman, C. L. (2015, April). Why are data sharing and reuse so difficult to do?. Keynote presented at the Data Day 2015, Stanford. Retrieved from http://events.stanford.edu/events/490/49061 Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Big Data and Little Data Across the Disciplines. Invited Lecture presented at the Transdisciplinary Studies Program Invited Lecture, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA. Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Big Data, Little Data, Open Data, and Libraries. Inaugural lecture presented at the Inaugural Göttingen Lecture on Library Futures, Göttingen University, Göttingen, Germany. Retrieved from https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/3240.html?cid=4908 Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Creating, Collaborating, and Celebrating the Diversity of Research Data. Keynote presented at the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. Retrieved from http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/keynote-speakers/#borgman Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Data, Scholarship, and Disciplinary Practice. Keynote presented at the Herrenhausen Conference: Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective, Hannover, Germany. Retrieved from http://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/veranstdet/news/detail/artikel/herrenhaeuser-konferenz-big-data-in-a-transdisciplinary-perspective/marginal/4525.html Currie, M., Paris, B., Pasquetto, I. V., Pierre, J., Sands, A. E., & Lievrouw, L. A. (2015, March). Police Officer-Involved Homicide Database Project. Presented at the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. Retrieved from https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/ Darch, P. T., & Sands, A. E. (2015, March). Beyond Big or Little Science: Understanding Data Lifecycles in Astronomy and the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere. Presented at the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. Retrieved from https://ideals.illinois.edu Darch, P. T. (2015, March). From Seafloor to Onshore: Infrastructures and Laboratory Practices for Studying Subseafloor Microbial Life. UIUC Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Retrieved from https://www.lis.illinois.edu/events/2015/03/16/peter-darch-seafloor-onshore-infrastructures-and-laboratory-practices-studying Pasquetto, I. V. (2015, March). Open Data in Natural Science. Case Studies from Astronomy, Earth and Ocean Science. Poster presented at the Herrenhausen Conference: Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective, Hannover, Germany. Retrieved from http://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/veranstdet/news/detail/artikel/herrenhaeuser-konferenz-big-data-in-a-transdisciplinary-perspective/marginal/4525.html Traweek, S. (2015, March). Lecture on STEM gender & ethnicity issues. Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology (OIST), Japan. Traweek, S. (2015, March). Geographies of Gender, Militarism, and Climate Change: CSW Research Scholar Brown Bag Seminar. Discussant presented at the Geographies of Gender, Militarism, and Climate Change: CSW Research Scholar Brown Bag Seminar, UCLA. Retrieved from http://www.csw.ucla.edu/geographies-of-gender-militarism-and-climate-change Borgman, C. L. (2015, January). If Data Sharing is the Answer, What is the Question? ERCIM News, 100(Special Theme: Scientific Data Sharing and Re-use). Retrieved from http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en100/special/if-data-sharing-is-the-answer-what-is-the-question Borgman, C. L. (2015, January). Why are data sharing and reuse so difficult? Presented at the 2015 FaceBase Annual Meeting, Marina del Rey, CA. Retrieved from https://www.facebase.org/sites/default/files/annual2015/BorgmanKI-FaceBaseMtgRev2-20150108.pdf Sands, A. E. (2015, January). Managing Astronomy Research Data: Case Studies of Big and Small Research Projects. Presented at the The 225th American Astronomical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015AAS…22542204S Borgman, C. L. (2014, December). Keynote. Presented at the Data Rights & Data Wrongs, MPR, Student Community Center, UC Davis. Retrieved from http://icis.ucdavis.edu/?page_id=329 Traweek, S. (2014, December). Dark Data — Absence and Intervention (Interlocutor responses and general discussion). Session discussant presented at the Fifth meeting of the Knowledge / Value series (K/V5): Dark Data — Absence and Intervention, University of Exeter, UK. Retrieved from http://knowledge-value.org/kv5-dark-data Traweek, S. (2014, December). Data practices in contemporary physics and astrophysics. Presented at the ERC Exploratory Workshop: What Is Data-Intensive Science?, Exeter, UK. Retrieved from http://www.datastudies.eu/events/20-exploratory-workshop-what-is-data-intensive-science Borgman, C. L. (2014, November). Data, Scholarship, and the eHumanities. eMagazine, 4. Retrieved from http://ehumanities.leasepress.com/emagazine-4/visitors/data-scholarship-and-the-ehumanities Darch, P. T., & Borgman, C. L. (2014, November). Ship Space to Database: Motivations to Manage Research Data for the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere. In Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Seattle, WA. Retrieved from https://www.asis.org/asist2014 Borgman, C. L. (2014, October). Data Scholarship in the Humanities. Presented at the New Trends in eHumanities (eHumanities Group Research Meeting), Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/borgman/341 Borgman, C. L. (2014, October). The Knowledge Infrastructure of Astronomy. Presented at the Seamless Astronomy Lab, Seminar Presentation, Phillips Auditorium, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/seamlessastronomy/event/seamless-colloquium-christine-borgman-ucla Sands, A. E. (2014, October). How and Why to Manage Astronomy Research Data: Case Studies of Big and Small Research Projects. Poster presented at the 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Guarujá, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Retrieved from http://escience.ime.usp.br/events/ieee-escience-2014 Borgman, C. L. (2014, September). Data Data Everywhere, Nor Any Drop to Drink. Keynote presented at the Research Data Alliance, Fourth Plenary Meeting, Amsterdam. Retrieved from https://www.rd-alliance.org/christine-borgman.html Borgman, C. L., Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Wallis, J. C., & Traweek, S. (2014, September). The Ups and Downs of Knowledge Infrastructures in Science: Implications for Data Management. Presented at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL/TPDL 2014), London. Retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/borgman/321/ ; http://works.bepress.com/borgman/301/ Traweek, S. (2014, August). Anthropology and STS: Dis/Encounters and Potential South-North Exchanges II. Session Chair presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Retrieved from http://4sonline.org/files/program_abstracts.pdf Traweek, S. (2014, August). Excessive Meshworks. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Retrieved from http://4sonline.org/files/program_abstracts.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2014, May). Session: Bringing the Benefits of Paper to Electronic. Presented at the Legislative Data and Transparency Conference, Committee on House Administration 1309 Longworth HOB. Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). Big Data, Little Data, No Data: Scholarship in the Networked World. Presented at the Yahoo Seminar Series, School of Information University of Michigan. https://www.si.umich.edu/events/201404/yahoo-seminar-series-christine-borgman Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). Data, Metadata, and Ted. Presented at the Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson, Chapman College, California. http://www.chapman.edu/events/intertwingled/index.aspx Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). The Data Dance. Workshop presented at the Big: Culture and Data in the Digital Field, University of California, Irvine; Center for Ethnography and the Intel Science & Technology Center for Social Computing. http://www.anthropology.uci.edu/node/25539 Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). The Roles of Data Citation in Data Management. Presented at the Dealing with the Data Deluge: Successful Techniques for Scientific Data Management, NISO Virtual Conference. http://www.niso.org/news/events/2014/virtual/data_deluge/ Darch, P. T. (2014, April). Opening up a Dark Habitat and Opening up Data: The Co-emergence of Scientific Collaboration, Infrastructure for Data-sharing, and Data-sharing Practice. Presented at the British Sociological Association Annual Meeting, University of Leeds, UK. Darch, P. T. (2014, March). Ship Space and Database: The Co-shaping of Spatial Configurations Aboard Ocean Drilling Cruise Ships and Material Artifacts of Practice in Onshore Laboratories. Session 7 Materiality and Information presented at the Why Things Matter Conference, California State Fullerton. Sands, A. E. (2014, March). Scientific Research Data: Volume, Infrastructure, and Management Expertise. Session 5 Materiality of the Internet presented at the Why Things Matter Conference, California State Fullerton. Sands, A. E. (2014, March). Who will manage scientific research data? Poster presented at the Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2014, San Diego, CA. http://www.slideshare.net/asist_org/rdap14-poster Borgman, C. L. (2014, February). Big data, little data, no data: scholarship in the networked world. Plenary presented at the VALA 2014, Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from http://www.vala.org.au/vala2014-proceedings/vala2014-plenary-1-borgman Borgman, C. L. (2014, February). The role of data citation in scholarly communication. Panel presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA. http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc14/workshops#sthash.LwJdyAlG.dpuf Darch, P. T. (2014, February). Managing the Public to Manage Data: Citizen Science and Astronomy. Presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA. http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc14/programme-presentations#sthash.UWsfM9QB.dpuf Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Wynholds, L. A., & Traweek, S. (2014, February). “We’re Working on It:” Transferring the Sloan Digital Sky Survey from Laboratory to Library. Presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA. http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc14/programme-presentations Wallis, J. C. (2014, February). Data Producers Courting Data Reusers: Two cases from modeling communities. Presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA. http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc14/programme-presentations Darch, P. T., & Cummings, R. (2013, December). Buried deep: How data about subseafloor life becomes dark and why. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Cummings, R., & Darch, P. T. (2013, December). Between land and sea: divergent data stewardship practices in deep-sea biosphere research. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. http://works.bepress.com/rebekah_cummings/2 Wallis, J. C., Rood, R. B., Murphy, S., Cinguini, L., & DeLuca, C. (2013, December). Evaluation of the Earth System CoG Infrastructure in Supporting a Model Intercomparison Project. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Borgman, C. L. (2013, November). Big Data, Little Data, No Data: The Contested Landscape of Data Sharing and Reuse. Presented at the Trends in Society and Information Technology Seminar, University of California, Irvine. http://works.bepress.com/borgman/275 Borgman, C. L. (2013, November). Scholarship in the Networked World: Big Data, Little Data, No Data. Presented at the UCLA Department of Information Studies Colloquium, GSE&IS Building (north campus) Room 111. Borgman, C. L. (2013, October). Data Sharing: A Problem of Supply or of Demand? Presented at the IHC’s Machines People and Politics RFG, University of California, Santa Barbara. http://works.bepress.com/borgman/276 Borgman, C. L. (2013, October). Data Sharing and the Role of Libraries. Presented at the Open Access Week at UCLA, Charles E. Young Research Library Presentation Room. http://works.bepress.com/borgman/274/ Darch, P. (2013, October). Becoming “hyperdisciplinary”: the implications of increasingly hybrid collaborations. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Sands, A. E., Traweek, S., & Borgman, C. L. (2013, October). Co-Producing Knowledge: Scientific Research Data Practices and Workforce. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) annual meeting, San Diego, CA. Traweek, S. (2013, October). Roundtable: Disaster-STS. Session discussant presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from http://4sonline.org/files/program_abstracts_0919.pdf Traweek, S. (2013, October). Technoscience Epistemologies: What’s Next?. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from http://4sonline.org/files/program_abstracts_0919.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2013, September). Digital Scholarship and Digital Libraries: Past, Present, and Future. Keynote presented at the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Valletta, Malta. http://www.tpdl2013.info/keynotes.php Borgman, C. L. (2013, September). Why Are Scientific Data Rarely Reused? Keynote presented at the Information Policies in Science International Seminar, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Rome, Italy. Retrieved from http://www.ceris.cnr.it/Basili/IPS_programme.pdf Borgman, C. L., & De Roure, D. (2013, June). Data issues in the arts and sciences: commonalities and differences. Presented at the Wolfson Symposium on Digital Research: Crossing over Disciplines, Wolfson College, University of Oxford. https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/content/1738-digital-research-cluster-open-meeting Borgman, C. L. (2013, June). Scholarship in the Networked World. Oliver Smithies Lecture, Lecture Room XXIII, Balliol College. http://people.oii.ox.ac.uk/dutton/2013/06/03/scholarship-in-the-networked-world-professor-christine-borgman-6-june-2013-5pm-at-balliol-college/ Borgman, C. L. (2013, May). ADS, Astronomy, and Scholarly Infrastructure. Keynote presented at the ADS XX Anniversary, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. http://conf.adsabs.harvard.edu/ADSXX/ Borgman, C. L. (2013, May). “Problems of Attribution” Managing Provenance, Ethics, and Metrics. Presented at the Joint ORCID – Dryad Symposium on Research Attribution, St Anne’s College in Oxford, UK. http://www.slideshare.net/ORCIDSlides/borgman-orcid-dryadsymposiumoxford20130523 Borgman, C. L. (2013, May). Sharing, Reusing, and Repurposing Data. seminar, Oxford e-Research Centre. http://www.oerc.ox.ac.uk/events/sharing-reusing-and-repurposing-data Borgman, C. L. (2013, April). Response to “the Future of Research Libraries.” Response, Oxford Internet Institute. http://webcast.oii.ox.ac.uk/?view=Webcast&ID=20130425_497 Borgman, C. L. (2013, March). Beyond the PDF2. Force 11 Meeting Panelist, Copenhagen, Denmark. Borgman, C. L. (2013, March). Big data and the long tail: Use and reuse of little data. Seminar presented at the Hilary 2013 seminar series, Oxford eResearch Centre, University of Oxford. Borgman, C. L. (2013, February). Local or global? Making sense of the data sharing imperative. British Library, London. Traweek, S. (2013, February). Databases in Basic Research: Scale Matters. Colloquium presented at the UCLA History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, UCLA. http://socgen.ucla.edu/events/databases-in-basic-research-scale-matters/ Borgman, C. L., Sands, A. E., & Wynholds, L. A. (2013, January). Astronomy: On the Bleeding Edge of Scholarly Infrastructure (Poster). Poster presented at the American Astronomical Society, Long Beach, CA. http://aas221.abstractcentral.com/planner.jsp Stephenson, L., & Cummings, R. (2012, December). Data Management for Education Research. University of California, Los Angeles Urban Schooling Division. Traweek, S. (2012, December). Radiation, STS, and Epistemic Justice: 6 August 1945 to 11 March 2011. Presented at the Open Seminar, Pufendorf Institute. http://www.pi.lu.se/calendarium Borgman, C. L. (2012, November). Digital Scholarship: Three Decades in Internet Time. Presented at the Oliver Smithies Visiting Fellowship Inaugural Lecture, Balliol College, University of Oxford. http://www.balliol.ox.ac.uk/events/2012/november/28/oliver-smithies-lecture-christine-borgman Traweek, S. (2012, November). A culture-of-no-culture? Big Science, Gender, and Glocal Perspectives. Presented at the Gender and Technology Colloquium, Linköping University. Traweek, S. (2012, November). Meshworks and Faultlines in Data Practices. Gothenburg University. http://www.gu.se/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=460164&languageId=100001&contentId=-1&eventId=1779447968 Traweek, S. (2012, November). Workshop commentator. Presented at the Workshop on Ethnographies of Technoscience, Linköping University. Borgman, C. L. (2012, Fall). Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet: Three Decades of Digital Scholarship. Presented at the Oxford Internet Institute Seminar Series, University of Oxford. Borgman, C. L. (2012, October). Promises and perils of sensor networks. Session discussant presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Wynholds, L. A., & Traweek, S. (2012, October). Follow the Data: How astronomers use and reuse data. Poster presented at the ASIS&T 75th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. http://www.asis.org/asist2012/abstracts/341.html Traweek, S. (2012, October). Disaster Studies workshop. Presented at the Society for the History of Technology Annual meeting. Traweek, S. (2012, October). Glocal facets of big science. Keynote presented at the Symposium with the Vice Chancellor: The European Spallation Source and MaxIV in Lund: Promises and realities of large scale science facilities, Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies. http://circlelund.wordpress.com/2012/09/ Traweek, S. (2012, October). Legitimizing ESS I: the birth and death of large-scale facilities. Session discussant presented at the Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. Wallis, J. C. (2012, October). Increasing the Odds in Opportunistic Science (in the session Promises and perils of sensor networks). Presented at the Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. Wynholds, L. A. (2012, October). Temporalities of Mobility: When to assemble a sensor network and when to assemble a network of data. (In the session: Promises and perils of sensor networks). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Wynholds, L. A., & Traweek, S. (2012, September). Surf’s Up: Riding the Big Data Wave. Poster presented at the Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges?, Oxford Internet Institute (OII, University of Oxford). http://microsites.oii.ox.ac.uk/ipp2012/ashley-sands-christine-l-borgman-laura-wynholds-sharon-traweek-surfs-riding-big-data-wave Traweek, S. (2012, September). Anthropology and the History of Science and Technology – Studying Big Science in Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Retrieved from http://english.ihns.cas.cn/ns/es/201209/t20120914_91035.html Traweek, S. (2012, September). Astronomers and their Data Practices. Presented at the Third workshop of the Knowledge/ Value series (K/V3): Information, Databases and Archives, The University of Chicago Center in Beijing. Retrieved from http://knowledge-value.org/kv3-information-databases-and-archives Traweek, S. (2012, September). Lund University, Physics Department. Wynholds, L. A. (2012, June). Archiving Scientific Data on the Web. Workshop presented at the Exploring the WAC; Challenges in Providing Access to the Worl’d Web Archives, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. http://cs.harding.edu/wac-workshop2012/schedule.html Borgman, C. L. (2012, May). Data Citation and Attribution. Presented at the International Workshop on Contributorship and Scholarly Attribution., Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences at Harvard University. Borgman, C. L. (2012, April). Local or global? Making sense of the data sharing imperative (keynote). Presented at the The Fourth Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarians eScience Symposium. http://escholarship.umassmed.edu/escience_symposium/2012/program/7/ Borgman, C. L. (2012, March). Reproducibility: Gold or Fool’s Gold in Digital Social Research? Keynote presented at the Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights, Oxford Internet Institute. http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/events/?id=486 Borgman, C. L. (2012, March). Research Data, Reproducibility, and Curation. Presented at the Digital Social Research: A Forum for Policy and Practice, Oxford Internet Institute Invitational Symposium. http://works.bepress.com/borgman/255 Traweek, S. (2012, January). Funding for Research in Astronomy within and beyond Japan since WW II – 2012 HAD Meeting Abstracts. Presented at the HAD II Special: Funding Astronomy in the Post-World War II Era, Room 12A, Austin Convention Center. http://had.aas.org/meetings/2012Abstracts.html Traweek, S. (2012, January). Instabilities and Trust: Basic Research Data Under Construction. Presented at the Data2012: Coming Together Around Data, a PI Meeting for Datanet and INTEROP, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Retrieved from http://d2i.indiana.edu/data2012/Data2012 Traweek, S. (2011, October). Japanese Scientists and Global Science Policies: Building Trust, Commons, and Civil Society – Conference Dinner and Keynote Address Ohio State University Faculty Club. Mershon Center for International Security Studies 1501 Neil Ave. Columbus, OH 43201. http://history.osu.edu/east-asian-conference/cfp Borgman, C. L. (2011, September). Local or global? Making sense of the data sharing imperative. Keynote presented at the A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. http://webcast.oii.ox.ac.uk/?view=Webcast&ID=20110921_392 Traweek, S. (2011, September). Collaborative ethnography in search of big data practices in astronomy. Presented at the Seminar, Umea University, Umea, Sweden. http://www.org.umu.se/usste/eng/research/archive/ Traweek, S. (2011, September). Keynote Address, Program on Cultures of Science and Technology. Centre of Human and Social Sciences (CCHS), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, September 2011. Presented at the Program on Cultures of Science and Technology. Madrid, Spain. Traweek, S., & Elena Bougleux. (2011, September). Keynote Address, Symposium on Gender & Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden, Sept 2011. Presented at the Cultural Choreographies of Technoscience, Centre for Gender Research / Uppsala University. http://www.genna.gender.uu.se/conferences-events/conferences-workshops/physknowgender/ Borgman, C. L. (2011, August). Why are the attribution and citation of scientific data important? Keynote presented at the Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards An International Symposium and Workshop: US CODATA and the Board on Research Data and Information, in collaboration with CODATA-ICSTI Task Group on Data Citation Standards and Practices, Berkeley, CA. http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/brdi/PGA_064019 Borgman, C. L. (2011, July). Is data to knowledge as the wasp is to the fig tree? Reconsidering Licklider’s Intergalactic Network in the days of data deluge. Position paper presented at the Accelerating discovery: Human-computer symbiosis 50 years on, Park City, Utah, Argonne National Labs, ICIS. https://sites.google.com/site/licklider50/ ; http://works.bepress.com/borgman/246/ Borgman, C. L. (2011, May). How is research being made available in formal and informal ways and what can be done now to make it available for future scholars? Keynote presented at the Harvard Digital Scholarship Summit, Harvard Business School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. http://works.bepress.com/borgman/245 Borgman, C. L. (2011, April). Information, infrastructure, and the internet: reflections on three decades in internet time. Opening Plenary presented at the Coalition for Networked Information Spring 2011 Membership Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA. http://www.cni.org/tfms/2011a.spring/plenary.html#opening Traweek, S. (2011, March). Imploded in data: intersectionality, meshwork, and border crossings in astronomy. Presented at the NSF ADVANCE Talks, Anthropology Dept, Rice University. Traweek, S. (2011, March). NSF ADVANCE Colloquium. Rice University, Houston, Texas. http://cben.rice.edu/ Borgman, C. L., Bowker, G. C., Palmer, C. L., & Tenopir, C. (2011, February). DataNet: Collaboration, Curation, and Data in the iSchools. Conference Panel presented at the iConference, Seattle, WA. http://www.ischools.org/iConference11/alternative_events/ Traweek, S. (2011, February). Intersectionality and Border Crossings in Databases. Presented at the Information Studies Department Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles. Wynholds, L. A., Fearon Jr, D. S., Borgman, C. L., & Traweek, S. (2011, February). Awash in stardust: Data practices in astronomy (poster). Poster presented at the iConference, Seattle, WA. Borgman, C. L. (2011, January). Data, data, everywhere: How many drops to drink? Scholarly Communication: Changes, Challenges, & Initiatives Symposium panel presented at the A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. http://works.bepress.com/borgman/250/ Borgman, C. L. (2011, January). When do Observations Become Data? Lessons from Sensor Networks and Environmental Sciences. Presented at the Biostatistics Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles. http://www.biostat.ucla.edu/public/forms/Seminars/20110126.pdf Borgman, C. L. (2010, December). Symposium on Libraries, Librarians, and Data. Presented at the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from http://vimeo.com/17573454 Wynholds, L. A. (2010, December). Linking to Scientific Data: Identity Problems of Unruly and Poorly Bounded Digital Objects. Presented at the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/174 Borgman, C. L. (2010, November). Regulation of Scholarship in the Digital Age. Presented at the Complexity of Regulation: Annual Business Network and Board of Trustees’ Symposium, Santa Fe Institute. Retrieved from http://www.santafe.edu/gevent/detail/business-network/124/ Traweek, S. (2010, October). Gender and Technology Colloquium. Danish Pedagogical University, Copenhagen. Retrieved from http://www.ind.ku.dk/english/course_overview/iup/ Traweek, S. (2010, October). Studying Japan-US Collaborations – NSF Tokyo Regional Office 50th Anniversary Symposium. Presented at the Highlights of U.S.-Japan Collaboration: Key Achievements and Future Opportunities, Tokyo American Center. Retrieved from http://www.nsftokyo.org/Symposium_agenda.html Borgman, C. L. (2010, September). Research Data: Who will share what, with whom, when, and why? Presented at the China-North America Library Conference, Beijing. Retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/borgman/238/ Traweek, S. (2010, September). Keynote Address, Workshop on Scientific Collaboration, Interdisciplinary Pedagogy and the Knowledge Economy. Presented at the Interdisciplinary Pedagogy and the Knowledge Economy, University of Oxford. Traweek, S. (2010, August). Joint Conference, Society for Social Studies of Science and East Asian Association for Studies of Science and Technology. Tokyo, Japan. Traweek, S. (2010, August). Performing Trust at the Fault Lines of Glocal Science. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Tokyo, Japan. Retrieved from http://www.4sonline.org/meeting/10 Traweek, S. (2010, August). Why are social scientists interested in HEP? Presented at the Archives for Scientific Studies, KEK Archives Office- HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan. Retrieved from http://archives.kek.jp/projects/conferences/conf01.html Borgman, C. L. (2010, June). Why data matters to librarians – and how to educate the next generation. Presented at the Symposium on The Changing Role of Libraries in Support of Scientific Data Activities, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/brdi/pga_056901 Borgman, C. L., & Palmer, C. L. (2010, June). The Data Conservancy: Science-driven Information Science. Presented at the Berlin Research Colloquium / Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from http://www.ibi.hu-berlin.de/institut/veranstaltungen/bbk/bbk-material/ss2010_abstracts_bbk#palmer Traweek, S. (2010, June). Culture Clashes in Data Sharing. Presented at the AstroInformatics 2010 Conference – June 16, 3:30-5 Datacentric computing, Cahill Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA. Retrieved from http://www.astroinformatics2010.org/ Borgman, C. L. (2010, May). The Digital Archive: The Data Deluge arrives in the Humanities. Presented at the “Time Will Tell, But Epistemology Won’t: In Memory of Richard Rorty” A Celebration of Richard Rorty’s Archive, University of California, Irvine. Retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/borgman/235 Borgman, C. L. (2010, May). The Digital Future is Now: What the Humanities can Learn from eScience. Presented at the Libraries in the Digital Age, Zadar, Croatia. Retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/borgman/237 Borgman, C. L., Fearon, D. S., Traweek, S., Wynholds, L. A., & Fidler, B. (2010, February). Embodying Research Methods into Fields and Tables: A Process of Informed Database Design. Poster presented at the iConference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Retrieved from https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/15051
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18970, 0.0], [18970, 19404, 0.0], [19404, 19534, 1.0], [19534, 19876, 0.0], [19876, 20136, 0.0], [20136, 20390, 0.0], [20390, 20645, 0.0], [20645, 20824, 0.0], [20824, 21150, 0.0], [21150, 21428, 0.0], [21428, 21622, 0.0], [21622, 21927, 0.0], [21927, 22207, 0.0], [22207, 22538, 0.0], [22538, 22833, 0.0], [22833, 23062, 0.0], [23062, 23430, 0.0], [23430, 23713, 0.0], [23713, 23926, 0.0], [23926, 24126, 1.0], [24126, 24387, 0.0], [24387, 24596, 0.0], [24596, 24876, 0.0], [24876, 25137, 0.0], [25137, 25409, 1.0], [25409, 25711, 1.0], [25711, 25928, 1.0], [25928, 26138, 0.0], [26138, 26383, 0.0], [26383, 26625, 0.0], [26625, 26886, 0.0], [26886, 27200, 0.0], [27200, 27449, 0.0], [27449, 27652, 1.0], [27652, 27930, 0.0], [27930, 28208, 1.0], [28208, 28466, 0.0], [28466, 28676, 1.0], [28676, 28891, 0.0], [28891, 29097, 0.0], [29097, 29301, 1.0], [29301, 29527, 1.0], [29527, 29760, 0.0], [29760, 29992, 0.0], [29992, 30251, 0.0], [30251, 30517, 0.0], [30517, 30833, 0.0], [30833, 31104, 0.0], [31104, 31306, 0.0], [31306, 31588, 0.0], [31588, 31760, 0.0], [31760, 31933, 0.0], [31933, 32028, 1.0], [32028, 32216, 1.0], [32216, 32336, 1.0], [32336, 32568, 0.0], [32568, 32820, 0.0], [32820, 32973, 1.0], [32973, 33158, 0.0], [33158, 33449, 0.0], [33449, 33623, 1.0], [33623, 33821, 0.0], [33821, 33956, 1.0], [33956, 34151, 1.0], [34151, 34345, 1.0], [34345, 34592, 0.0], [34592, 34719, 1.0], [34719, 35030, 0.0], [35030, 35241, 1.0], [35241, 35470, 1.0], [35470, 35765, 1.0], [35765, 36150, 0.0], [36150, 36465, 0.0], [36465, 36768, 0.0], [36768, 36836, 1.0], [36836, 37097, 0.0], [37097, 37309, 1.0], [37309, 37594, 0.0], [37594, 37845, 0.0], [37845, 38083, 0.0], [38083, 38376, 0.0], [38376, 38679, 0.0], [38679, 39010, 0.0], [39010, 39320, 0.0], [39320, 39530, 0.0], [39530, 39814, 1.0], [39814, 40146, 0.0], [40146, 40590, 0.0], [40590, 40971, 0.0], [40971, 41280, 0.0], [41280, 41583, 0.0], [41583, 41764, 1.0], [41764, 41870, 0.0], [41870, 42126, 0.0], [42126, 42308, 1.0], [42308, 42498, 1.0], [42498, 42841, 0.0], [42841, 43106, 0.0], [43106, 43303, 0.0], [43303, 43573, 0.0], [43573, 43847, 0.0], [43847, 44018, 0.0], [44018, 44320, 0.0], [44320, 44535, 0.0], [44535, 44768, 1.0], [44768, 44932, 1.0], [44932, 45161, 0.0], [45161, 45469, 0.0], [45469, 45761, 0.0], [45761, 46092, 0.0], [46092, 46366, 0.0], [46366, 46672, 0.0], [46672, 46887, 0.0], [46887, 47214, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 299, 0.0], [299, 627, 0.0], [627, 873, 0.0], [873, 1154, 0.0], [1154, 1392, 0.0], [1392, 1608, 0.0], [1608, 1884, 0.0], [1884, 2188, 0.0], [2188, 2390, 0.0], [2390, 2558, 0.0], [2558, 2714, 0.0], [2714, 3007, 0.0], [3007, 3371, 0.0], [3371, 3576, 0.0], [3576, 3814, 0.0], [3814, 3980, 0.0], [3980, 4182, 0.0], [4182, 4425, 0.0], [4425, 4662, 0.0], [4662, 5035, 0.0], [5035, 5255, 0.0], [5255, 5538, 0.0], [5538, 5797, 0.0], [5797, 6047, 0.0], [6047, 6312, 0.0], [6312, 6524, 0.0], [6524, 6732, 0.0], [6732, 6938, 0.0], [6938, 7163, 0.0], [7163, 7506, 0.0], [7506, 7810, 0.0], [7810, 8110, 0.0], [8110, 8410, 0.0], [8410, 8651, 0.0], [8651, 8900, 0.0], [8900, 9105, 0.0], [9105, 9324, 0.0], [9324, 9638, 0.0], [9638, 9940, 0.0], [9940, 10121, 0.0], [10121, 10223, 0.0], [10223, 10459, 0.0], [10459, 10688, 0.0], [10688, 11072, 0.0], [11072, 11293, 0.0], [11293, 11498, 0.0], [11498, 11773, 0.0], [11773, 12018, 0.0], [12018, 12271, 0.0], [12271, 12526, 0.0], [12526, 12850, 0.0], [12850, 13054, 0.0], [13054, 13366, 0.0], [13366, 13517, 0.0], [13517, 13684, 0.0], [13684, 14047, 0.0], [14047, 14321, 0.0], [14321, 14671, 0.0], [14671, 14995, 0.0], [14995, 15324, 0.0], [15324, 15457, 0.0], [15457, 15699, 0.0], [15699, 15946, 0.0], [15946, 16279, 0.0], [16279, 16550, 0.0], [16550, 16817, 0.0], [16817, 17008, 0.0], [17008, 17217, 0.0], [17217, 17488, 0.0], [17488, 17738, 0.0], [17738, 18133, 0.0], [18133, 18386, 0.0], [18386, 18636, 0.0], [18636, 18970, 0.0], [18970, 19404, 0.0], [19404, 19534, 0.0], [19534, 19876, 0.0], [19876, 20136, 0.0], [20136, 20390, 0.0], [20390, 20645, 0.0], [20645, 20824, 0.0], [20824, 21150, 0.0], [21150, 21428, 0.0], [21428, 21622, 0.0], [21622, 21927, 0.0], [21927, 22207, 0.0], [22207, 22538, 0.0], [22538, 22833, 0.0], [22833, 23062, 0.0], [23062, 23430, 0.0], [23430, 23713, 0.0], [23713, 23926, 0.0], [23926, 24126, 0.0], [24126, 24387, 0.0], [24387, 24596, 0.0], [24596, 24876, 0.0], [24876, 25137, 0.0], [25137, 25409, 0.0], [25409, 25711, 0.0], [25711, 25928, 0.0], [25928, 26138, 0.0], [26138, 26383, 0.0], [26383, 26625, 0.0], [26625, 26886, 0.0], [26886, 27200, 0.0], [27200, 27449, 0.0], [27449, 27652, 0.0], [27652, 27930, 0.0], [27930, 28208, 0.0], [28208, 28466, 0.0], [28466, 28676, 0.0], [28676, 28891, 0.0], [28891, 29097, 0.0], [29097, 29301, 0.0], [29301, 29527, 0.0], [29527, 29760, 0.0], [29760, 29992, 0.0], [29992, 30251, 0.0], [30251, 30517, 0.0], [30517, 30833, 0.0], [30833, 31104, 0.0], [31104, 31306, 0.0], [31306, 31588, 0.0], [31588, 31760, 0.0], [31760, 31933, 0.0], [31933, 32028, 0.0], [32028, 32216, 0.0], [32216, 32336, 0.0], [32336, 32568, 0.0], [32568, 32820, 0.0], [32820, 32973, 0.0], [32973, 33158, 0.0], [33158, 33449, 0.0], [33449, 33623, 0.0], [33623, 33821, 0.0], [33821, 33956, 0.0], [33956, 34151, 0.0], [34151, 34345, 0.0], [34345, 34592, 0.0], [34592, 34719, 0.0], [34719, 35030, 0.0], [35030, 35241, 0.0], [35241, 35470, 0.0], [35470, 35765, 0.0], [35765, 36150, 0.0], [36150, 36465, 0.0], [36465, 36768, 0.0], [36768, 36836, 0.0], [36836, 37097, 0.0], [37097, 37309, 0.0], [37309, 37594, 0.0], [37594, 37845, 0.0], [37845, 38083, 0.0], [38083, 38376, 0.0], [38376, 38679, 0.0], [38679, 39010, 0.0], [39010, 39320, 0.0], [39320, 39530, 0.0], [39530, 39814, 0.0], [39814, 40146, 0.0], [40146, 40590, 0.0], [40590, 40971, 0.0], [40971, 41280, 0.0], [41280, 41583, 0.0], [41583, 41764, 0.0], [41764, 41870, 0.0], [41870, 42126, 0.0], [42126, 42308, 0.0], [42308, 42498, 0.0], [42498, 42841, 0.0], [42841, 43106, 0.0], [43106, 43303, 0.0], [43303, 43573, 0.0], [43573, 43847, 0.0], [43847, 44018, 0.0], [44018, 44320, 0.0], [44320, 44535, 0.0], [44535, 44768, 0.0], [44768, 44932, 0.0], [44932, 45161, 0.0], [45161, 45469, 0.0], [45469, 45761, 0.0], [45761, 46092, 0.0], [46092, 46366, 0.0], [46366, 46672, 0.0], [46672, 46887, 0.0], [46887, 47214, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 299, 35.0], [299, 627, 37.0], [627, 873, 33.0], [873, 1154, 35.0], [1154, 1392, 28.0], [1392, 1608, 25.0], [1608, 1884, 33.0], [1884, 2188, 34.0], [2188, 2390, 22.0], [2390, 2558, 25.0], [2558, 2714, 22.0], [2714, 3007, 38.0], [3007, 3371, 33.0], [3371, 3576, 26.0], [3576, 3814, 27.0], [3814, 3980, 25.0], [3980, 4182, 28.0], [4182, 4425, 25.0], [4425, 4662, 26.0], [4662, 5035, 43.0], [5035, 5255, 28.0], [5255, 5538, 34.0], [5538, 5797, 29.0], [5797, 6047, 32.0], [6047, 6312, 32.0], [6312, 6524, 21.0], [6524, 6732, 23.0], [6732, 6938, 26.0], [6938, 7163, 32.0], [7163, 7506, 40.0], [7506, 7810, 32.0], [7810, 8110, 41.0], [8110, 8410, 42.0], [8410, 8651, 30.0], [8651, 8900, 28.0], [8900, 9105, 26.0], [9105, 9324, 33.0], [9324, 9638, 43.0], [9638, 9940, 41.0], [9940, 10121, 26.0], [10121, 10223, 13.0], [10223, 10459, 36.0], [10459, 10688, 32.0], [10688, 11072, 38.0], [11072, 11293, 36.0], [11293, 11498, 30.0], [11498, 11773, 35.0], [11773, 12018, 39.0], [12018, 12271, 31.0], [12271, 12526, 28.0], [12526, 12850, 42.0], [12850, 13054, 29.0], [13054, 13366, 31.0], [13366, 13517, 22.0], [13517, 13684, 24.0], [13684, 14047, 46.0], [14047, 14321, 28.0], [14321, 14671, 33.0], [14671, 14995, 41.0], [14995, 15324, 31.0], [15324, 15457, 21.0], [15457, 15699, 29.0], [15699, 15946, 25.0], [15946, 16279, 36.0], [16279, 16550, 29.0], [16550, 16817, 31.0], [16817, 17008, 26.0], [17008, 17217, 28.0], [17217, 17488, 31.0], [17488, 17738, 26.0], [17738, 18133, 27.0], [18133, 18386, 33.0], [18386, 18636, 34.0], [18636, 18970, 29.0], [18970, 19404, 35.0], [19404, 19534, 18.0], [19534, 19876, 38.0], [19876, 20136, 27.0], [20136, 20390, 27.0], [20390, 20645, 31.0], [20645, 20824, 22.0], [20824, 21150, 41.0], [21150, 21428, 26.0], [21428, 21622, 15.0], [21622, 21927, 42.0], [21927, 22207, 34.0], [22207, 22538, 30.0], [22538, 22833, 38.0], [22833, 23062, 27.0], [23062, 23430, 45.0], [23430, 23713, 33.0], [23713, 23926, 24.0], [23926, 24126, 28.0], [24126, 24387, 29.0], [24387, 24596, 24.0], [24596, 24876, 37.0], [24876, 25137, 31.0], [25137, 25409, 37.0], [25409, 25711, 42.0], [25711, 25928, 29.0], [25928, 26138, 26.0], [26138, 26383, 27.0], [26383, 26625, 26.0], [26625, 26886, 27.0], [26886, 27200, 39.0], [27200, 27449, 27.0], [27449, 27652, 31.0], [27652, 27930, 34.0], [27930, 28208, 41.0], [28208, 28466, 34.0], [28466, 28676, 31.0], [28676, 28891, 29.0], [28891, 29097, 28.0], [29097, 29301, 27.0], [29301, 29527, 33.0], [29527, 29760, 26.0], [29760, 29992, 26.0], [29992, 30251, 31.0], [30251, 30517, 30.0], [30517, 30833, 35.0], [30833, 31104, 19.0], [31104, 31306, 22.0], [31306, 31588, 31.0], [31588, 31760, 15.0], [31760, 31933, 17.0], [31933, 32028, 14.0], [32028, 32216, 31.0], [32216, 32336, 18.0], [32336, 32568, 23.0], [32568, 32820, 31.0], [32820, 32973, 19.0], [32973, 33158, 24.0], [33158, 33449, 27.0], [33449, 33623, 21.0], [33623, 33821, 13.0], [33821, 33956, 16.0], [33956, 34151, 26.0], [34151, 34345, 29.0], [34345, 34592, 33.0], [34592, 34719, 18.0], [34719, 35030, 40.0], [35030, 35241, 30.0], [35241, 35470, 34.0], [35470, 35765, 47.0], [35765, 36150, 40.0], [36150, 36465, 38.0], [36465, 36768, 34.0], [36768, 36836, 8.0], [36836, 37097, 33.0], [37097, 37309, 27.0], [37309, 37594, 33.0], [37594, 37845, 29.0], [37845, 38083, 28.0], [38083, 38376, 41.0], [38376, 38679, 35.0], [38679, 39010, 40.0], [39010, 39320, 40.0], [39320, 39530, 23.0], [39530, 39814, 40.0], [39814, 40146, 31.0], [40146, 40590, 57.0], [40590, 40971, 48.0], [40971, 41280, 43.0], [41280, 41583, 35.0], [41583, 41764, 24.0], [41764, 41870, 12.0], [41870, 42126, 30.0], [42126, 42308, 22.0], [42308, 42498, 29.0], [42498, 42841, 44.0], [42841, 43106, 28.0], [43106, 43303, 24.0], [43303, 43573, 31.0], [43573, 43847, 32.0], [43847, 44018, 15.0], [44018, 44320, 33.0], [44320, 44535, 27.0], [44535, 44768, 28.0], [44768, 44932, 24.0], [44932, 45161, 32.0], [45161, 45469, 36.0], [45469, 45761, 39.0], [45761, 46092, 28.0], [46092, 46366, 33.0], [46366, 46672, 42.0], [46672, 46887, 30.0], [46887, 47214, 41.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 299, 0.03308824], [299, 627, 0.02970297], [627, 873, 0.03196347], [873, 1154, 0.03952569], [1154, 1392, 0.06635071], [1392, 1608, 0.04166667], [1608, 1884, 0.03187251], [1884, 2188, 0.03180212], [2188, 2390, 0.05464481], [2390, 2558, 0.02547771], [2558, 2714, 0.02816901], [2714, 3007, 0.0295203], [3007, 3371, 0.05438066], [3371, 3576, 0.07692308], [3576, 3814, 0.06481481], [3814, 3980, 0.06535948], [3980, 4182, 0.04255319], [4182, 4425, 0.03686636], [4425, 4662, 0.07476636], [4662, 5035, 0.03067485], [5035, 5255, 0.04568528], [5255, 5538, 0.03787879], [5538, 5797, 0.05726872], [5797, 6047, 0.05309735], [6047, 6312, 0.03361345], [6312, 6524, 0.02162162], [6524, 6732, 0.02185792], [6732, 6938, 0.06451613], [6938, 7163, 0.02985075], [7163, 7506, 0.01286174], [7506, 7810, 0.01428571], [7810, 8110, 0.04477612], [8110, 8410, 0.07224335], [8410, 8651, 0.03167421], [8651, 8900, 0.07555556], [8900, 9105, 0.06145251], [9105, 9324, 0.01941748], [9324, 9638, 0.06597222], [9638, 9940, 0.06884058], [9940, 10121, 0.0239521], [10121, 10223, 0.04545455], [10223, 10459, 0.01801802], [10459, 10688, 0.02970297], [10688, 11072, 0.01142857], [11072, 11293, 0.01932367], [11293, 11498, 0.04188482], [11498, 11773, 0.03212851], [11773, 12018, 0.0361991], [12018, 12271, 0.1], [12271, 12526, 0.07327586], [12526, 12850, 0.02826855], [12850, 13054, 0.02162162], [13054, 13366, 0.01433692], [13366, 13517, 0.02877698], [13517, 13684, 0.04761905], [13684, 14047, 0.04100946], [14047, 14321, 0.04098361], [14321, 14671, 0.02515723], [14671, 14995, 0.04642857], [14995, 15324, 0.02675585], [15324, 15457, 0.08264463], [15457, 15699, 0.0462963], [15699, 15946, 0.03587444], [15946, 16279, 0.01328904], [16279, 16550, 0.08163265], [16550, 16817, 0.05020921], [16817, 17008, 0.09356725], [17008, 17217, 0.02040816], [17217, 17488, 0.048583], [17488, 17738, 0.03555556], [17738, 18133, 0.02234637], [18133, 18386, 0.03738318], [18386, 18636, 0.03539823], [18636, 18970, 0.03947368], [18970, 19404, 0.02015113], [19404, 19534, 0.03448276], [19534, 19876, 0.01277955], [19876, 20136, 0.04424779], [20136, 20390, 0.09170306], [20390, 20645, 0.08085106], [20645, 20824, 0.04516129], [20824, 21150, 0.02006689], [21150, 21428, 0.024], [21428, 21622, 0.03571429], [21622, 21927, 0.03571429], [21927, 22207, 0.02713178], [22207, 22538, 0.01315789], [22538, 22833, 0.03690037], [22833, 23062, 0.01932367], [23062, 23430, 0.04416404], [23430, 23713, 0.02316602], [23713, 23926, 0.03125], [23926, 24126, 0.04255319], [24126, 24387, 0.04273504], [24387, 24596, 0.02162162], [24596, 24876, 0.03515625], [24876, 25137, 0.03375527], [25137, 25409, 0.01574803], [25409, 25711, 0.01730104], [25711, 25928, 0.02463054], [25928, 26138, 0.05291005], [26138, 26383, 0.07798165], [26383, 26625, 0.03211009], [26625, 26886, 0.03404255], [26886, 27200, 0.02517986], [27200, 27449, 0.03097345], [27449, 27652, 0.03243243], [27652, 27930, 0.02788845], [27930, 28208, 0.02390438], [28208, 28466, 0.02966102], [28466, 28676, 0.03626943], [28676, 28891, 0.03589744], [28891, 29097, 0.03763441], [29097, 29301, 0.02631579], [29301, 29527, 0.02487562], [29527, 29760, 0.04784689], [29760, 29992, 0.04807692], [29992, 30251, 0.04219409], [30251, 30517, 0.01646091], [30517, 30833, 0.02826855], [30833, 31104, 0.07758621], [31104, 31306, 0.02222222], [31306, 31588, 0.04633205], [31588, 31760, 0.02758621], [31760, 31933, 0.10067114], [31933, 32028, 0.08433735], [32028, 32216, 0.04571429], [32216, 32336, 0.03703704], [32336, 32568, 0.01941748], [32568, 32820, 0.03181818], [32820, 32973, 0.02898551], [32973, 33158, 0.09090909], [33158, 33449, 0.03816794], [33449, 33623, 0.02515723], [33623, 33821, 0.15606936], [33821, 33956, 0.03174603], [33956, 34151, 0.02209945], [34151, 34345, 0.02197802], [34345, 34592, 0.06161137], [34592, 34719, 0.03389831], [34719, 35030, 0.03436426], [35030, 35241, 0.02020202], [35241, 35470, 0.01860465], [35470, 35765, 0.01438849], [35765, 36150, 0.03636364], [36150, 36465, 0.07931034], [36465, 36768, 0.02166065], [36768, 36836, 0.06779661], [36836, 37097, 0.03361345], [37097, 37309, 0.02], [37309, 37594, 0.03448276], [37594, 37845, 0.030837], [37845, 38083, 0.03225806], [38083, 38376, 0.05147059], [38376, 38679, 0.06049822], [38679, 39010, 0.04220779], [39010, 39320, 0.05300353], [39320, 39530, 0.02139037], [39530, 39814, 0.03030303], [39814, 40146, 0.02693603], [40146, 40590, 0.02380952], [40590, 40971, 0.03179191], [40971, 41280, 0.02422145], [41280, 41583, 0.04347826], [41583, 41764, 0.0239521], [41764, 41870, 0.04494382], [41870, 42126, 0.02739726], [42126, 42308, 0.02339181], [42308, 42498, 0.02469136], [42498, 42841, 0.02229299], [42841, 43106, 0.04979253], [43106, 43303, 0.07303371], [43303, 43573, 0.03252033], [43573, 43847, 0.02788845], [43847, 44018, 0.02666667], [44018, 44320, 0.02150538], [44320, 44535, 0.03664921], [44535, 44768, 0.01809955], [44768, 44932, 0.02614379], [44932, 45161, 0.03317536], [45161, 45469, 0.05300353], [45469, 45761, 0.03703704], [45761, 46092, 0.02730375], [46092, 46366, 0.07228916], [46366, 46672, 0.02464789], [46672, 46887, 0.03589744], [46887, 47214, 0.04482759]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 299, 0.0], [299, 627, 0.0], [627, 873, 0.0], [873, 1154, 0.0], [1154, 1392, 0.0], [1392, 1608, 0.0], [1608, 1884, 0.0], [1884, 2188, 0.0], [2188, 2390, 0.0], [2390, 2558, 0.0], [2558, 2714, 0.0], [2714, 3007, 0.0], [3007, 3371, 0.0], [3371, 3576, 0.0], [3576, 3814, 0.0], [3814, 3980, 0.0], [3980, 4182, 0.0], [4182, 4425, 0.0], [4425, 4662, 0.0], [4662, 5035, 0.0], [5035, 5255, 0.0], [5255, 5538, 0.0], [5538, 5797, 0.0], [5797, 6047, 0.0], [6047, 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[24876, 25137, 0.09578544], [25137, 25409, 0.09926471], [25409, 25711, 0.10264901], [25711, 25928, 0.09677419], [25928, 26138, 0.07142857], [26138, 26383, 0.05306122], [26383, 26625, 0.07438017], [26625, 26886, 0.09578544], [26886, 27200, 0.09872611], [27200, 27449, 0.07630522], [27449, 27652, 0.09359606], [27652, 27930, 0.0647482], [27930, 28208, 0.12589928], [28208, 28466, 0.09689922], [28466, 28676, 0.13809524], [28676, 28891, 0.11162791], [28891, 29097, 0.11165049], [29097, 29301, 0.07843137], [29301, 29527, 0.11946903], [29527, 29760, 0.09012876], [29760, 29992, 0.0862069], [29992, 30251, 0.07722008], [30251, 30517, 0.09774436], [30517, 30833, 0.06012658], [30833, 31104, 0.0701107], [31104, 31306, 0.12871287], [31306, 31588, 0.11702128], [31588, 31760, 0.06395349], [31760, 31933, 0.0867052], [31933, 32028, 0.13684211], [32028, 32216, 0.06914894], [32216, 32336, 0.075], [32336, 32568, 0.09051724], [32568, 32820, 0.09920635], [32820, 32973, 0.10457516], [32973, 33158, 0.08648649], 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@BusyPhilippsFan Busy Philipps Fan your #1 fan site dedicated to actress Busy Philipps Welcome to Busy Philipps Fan, the web's largest and most comprehensive fan site dedicated to actress, writer, and talk show host Busy Philipps! Busy is known for her roles on the TV shows Freaks and Geeks, Dawson's Creek, Cougar Town, and Vice Principals. She has appeared in movies such as White Chicks, Made of Honor, He's Just Not That Into You, and I Feel Pretty. You can see the latest news, photos, and media featuring Busy here at www.busy-philipps.org and follow us on Twitter @BusyPhilippsFan for daily updates. Home > TV Shows: Other TV Appearances > Talk Shows > Late Night with Seth Meyers > 2019 - January 31st (Captures) Album name: Jennifer / 2019 - January 31st (Captures) URL: https://www.busy-philipps.org/pictures/displayimage.php?pid=121072 © Busy Philipps Fan (www.busy-philipps.org) 2009 - 2020 Established 2009, Re-Opened 2018 Theme by CWD
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Faites jouer la concurrence Mon espace Hyperassur pour retrouver mes simulations Responsabilité civile professionnelle Responsabilité Civile Décennale Dommages Ouvrage Assurance multirisques professionnelle Assurance voiture sans permis Actualités mutuelle Page actuelle : Santé : inquiétude des Français face à la baisse des remboursements Santé : inquiétude des Français face à la baisse des remboursements Publié par Damien Ruliere, le 10 novembre 2011 . Temps de lecture : 1 minute. Bien que l’emploi préoccupe davantage les Français, la santé et la qualité des soins arrivent en deuxième position des préoccupations des Français, d’après l’édition 2011 du Baromètre santé de La Banque Postale – La Mutuelle Générale- « La Tribune » réalisé par TNS Sofres. La satisfaction des Français vis-à-vis du niveau du remboursement de la Sécurité sociale baisse à 53 % en 2011 contre 59 % l’an dernier et 64 % en 2007. En outre, plus d’un quart des Français (27 %) avouent avoir reporté des dépenses de santé en 2011 faute de moyens (+ 4 points par rapport à 2010). La proportion allant même jusqu’à 40 % chez les employés. Craintes sur l’évolution des remboursements L’évolution des remboursements inquiète une large majorité des personnes interrogées (81% de pessimistes, contre 76% en 2007). La plus grande baisse de satisfaction provient du niveau de remboursement des médicaments (- 8 points à 59 % en 2011, contre 67 % en 2007). Deux Français sur trois désapprouvent le déremboursement de certains médicaments au « service médical rendu » jugé insuffisant. Malgré tout, les dispositifs gouvernementaux de maîtrise des dépenses de soins ont été compris. Près de 9 Français sur 10 déclarent ainsi accepter les médicaments génériques, et 86 % disent respecter le parcours de soins coordonné de la Sécurité sociale, gage d’un meilleur remboursement. Néanmoins, 56 % des Français considèrent que l’État « doit tout mettre en oeuvre pour que la Sécurité sociale rembourse le plus possible les dépenses de santé des Français, quitte à augmenter les impôts ». Damien Ruliere A l’origine journaliste spécialisé auto-moto, Damien évolue depuis 2013 dans l’univers de l’assurance. Une question sur un contrat, sur des garanties ou sur des remboursements… il met son expertise au service des internautes. Son objectif : que les assurés soient mieux protégés et deviennent des consommateurs avertis. Une question à nous poser ? Consultation d’un ophtalmo : veuillez patienter 87 jours ! 21/12/2017 Alan : l’assurance santé digitale pour les entreprises et les indépendants 07/11/2017 Des consultations à 46 € et 60 € chez les médecins généralistes 31/10/2017 L’homéopathie est-elle si bonne pour notre santé ? 24/10/2017 J’indique mes besoins Santé Je compare les tarifs et garanties Je fais des économies Vous ne trouverez pas moins cher en direct La télémédecine bientôt remboursée par la Sécurité Sociale ? Santé : le paquet de cigarettes à 10€ dès 2018 ? Et si les objets connectés remplaçaient un jour les médecins ? Quatre médecines douces reconnues bénéfiques pour la santé Un nouveau traitement grâce au Dragon du Komodo ? Comparateur assurance auto Comparateur mutuelle sante Loi Hamon Trouver un courtier dans sa ville Charte comparateurs assurance Avis Hyperassur 0 4.35 / 5 - 538 avis clients COPYRIGHT © 2007-2018 Hyperassur Les marques du groupe Comparadise Les données recueillies par Hyperassur auprès du consommateur peuvent être transmises à des partenaires commerciaux afin de vous proposer une offre adaptée à vos besoins. Si vous ne désirez pas être contacté par nos partenaires, cliquez sur désinscription. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter nos mentions légales. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies.OkEn savoir plus
{"url": "https://www.hyperassur.com/mutuelle/actualites/sante-inquietude-des-francais-face-a-la-baisse-des-remboursements/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.hyperassur.com", "date_download": "2018-02-17T19:20:49Z", "digest": "sha1:HBCNBRDLWP72IWAOK4DAQWXRYEWICNRC"}
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