relationships I-Process
are O
similar O
for O
the O
measured B-Process
dielectric I-Process
range I-Process
in O
this O
case-study O
. O
Since O
both O
regressions B-Process
predict O
air B-Task
void I-Task
content I-Task
at O
a O
maximum O
difference O
of O
0.56 O
% O
, O
which O
is O
within O
the O
uncertainty O
of O
the O
core B-Process
measurement I-Process
precision I-Process
of O
0.7 O
% O
, O
use O
of O
either O
the O
initial B-Process
or I-Process
repeat I-Process
run I-Process
regression I-Process
predictions I-Process
are O
appropriate O
. O
MicroCT B-Process
has O
been O
applied O
to O
AM B-Material
parts I-Material
in O
various O
forms O
. O
Some O
preliminary B-Material
results I-Material
demonstrating O
the O
visualization B-Task
of I-Task
defects I-Task
including O
porosity B-Process
in I-Process
AM I-Process
components I-Process
were O
reported O
in O
[ O
6 O
] O
. O
In O
another O
study O
, O
the O
porosity B-Task
structures I-Task
in I-Task
parts I-Task
built O
with O
improper O
settings O
were O