design I-Material
( O
aggregate O
type O
, O
binder O
content O
, O
etc. O
) O
. O
Long B-Process
term I-Process
studies I-Process
in I-Process
Finland I-Process
concluded O
that O
this O
empirical O
fit O
is O
an O
exponential B-Task
relationship I-Task
[ O
1 O
] O
. O
The O
exponential O
fits O
, O
using O
a O
sufficient B-Process
amount I-Process
of I-Process
cores I-Process
, O
can O
be O
used O
to O
map B-Task
the I-Task
air I-Task
void I-Task
content I-Task
variation I-Task
in O
a O
similar O
manner O
to O
the O
dielectric B-Material
maps I-Material
shown O
in O
Fig. O
4. O
Only O
4 O
cores O
were O
feasible O
due O
to O
various O
factors O
involved O
with O
testing B-Task
the I-Task
final I-Task
lift I-Task
of O
an O
in-service O
pavement O
. O
More O
cores O
are O
needed O
for O
more B-Task
stable I-Task
exponential I-Task
coefficients I-Task
, O
although O
the O
limited O
cores O
show O
that O
the O
predicted B-Process