layer B-Material
also O
enhances B-Process
the I-Process
surface I-Process
resistance I-Process
of O
poly-blocks B-Material
against O
stone B-Process
impact I-Process
, O
weathering B-Process
, O
fire B-Process
development I-Process
, O
chemicals B-Material
and O
penetration B-Process
. O
LPF B-Material
is O
an O
expanding B-Material
liquid I-Material
mixture I-Material
which O
is O
injected O
into O
the O
poly-block B-Material
voids I-Material
and O
cures B-Material
within O
10min O
. O
Steel B-Material
rebars I-Material
are O
epoxied O
into O
holes B-Material
drilled O
in O
the O
existing B-Material
sound I-Material
wall I-Material
to O
connect O
the O
wall B-Material
extension I-Material
to O
its O
base B-Material
. O
Another O
important O
reason O
for O
the O
damages O
incurred O
by O
the O
buildings O
is O
workmanship B-Process
defects I-Process
. O
It O
is O
understood O
that O
granulometry B-Process
of I-Process
the I-Process
handmade I-Process
concretes I-Process
was O
not O
in O
compliance O
with O
the O
standards O
since O
the O
aggregate O
utilized O
in O
them O
was O
not O