the O
anodes O
could O
be O
remotely O
disconnected O
. O
The O
control O
unit O
was O
from O
Electrotech O
and O
operated O
via O
a O
broadband B-Process
connection I-Process
provided O
by O
the O
contractor O
. O
An O
innovative O
sound B-Material
wall I-Material
system I-Material
was O
developed O
in O
the O
University O
of O
Western O
Ontario O
, O
and O
was O
examined O
to O
serve O
as O
a O
vertical O
extension O
to O
the O
existing B-Material
sound I-Material
walls I-Material
. O
The O
wall B-Material
system I-Material
( O
denoted O
as O
flexi-wall B-Material
) O
consists O
of O
stay-in-place B-Material
poly-blocks I-Material
as O
formwork O
, O
light B-Material
polyurethane I-Material
foam I-Material
( O
LPF B-Material
) O
reinforced O
with O
steel B-Material
rebars I-Material
as O
structural B-Material
cores I-Material
and O
polyurea B-Material
as O
a O
coating B-Process
of O
the O
wall B-Material
surfaces I-Material
( O
Fig. O
1 O
) O
. O
Poly-blocks B-Material
are O
interlocking B-Material