had O
previously O
lead O
to O
up O
to O
5 O
zones O
per O
beam O
, O
with O
multiple B-Process
layers I-Process
of I-Process
mesh I-Process
to O
achieve O
the O
design O
current O
density O
. O
On O
review O
of O
the O
data B-Material
the O
operating O
current O
density O
was O
similar O
in O
all O
zones O
and O
so O
this O
was O
reduced O
to O
a O
single O
zone O
per O
beam O
. O
The O
encapsulation B-Process
was O
susceptible O
to O
ASR B-Process
and O
contained O
post O
tensioning O
and O
so O
it O
was O
decided O
to O
use O
a O
galvanic B-Material
system I-Material
based O
on O
Galvashield B-Material
CC I-Material
anodes I-Material
from O
Fosroc O
. O
Our O
design O
did O
not O
include O
an O
option O
to O
allow O
depolarization B-Task
of I-Task
the I-Task
galvanic I-Task
system I-Task
, O
but O
the O
contractor O
supplied O
one O
, O
such O
that O