[ "The vast majority of trades will be priced at 20 cents per contract or less depending on participation in incentive schemes . \"", "Eurex said \" the vast majority \" of trades on Eurex US would be priced at 20 cents per contract or less depending on \" participation in incentive schemes \" ." ]
[ "Sebilangan besar perdagangan akan berharga 20 sen setiap kontrak atau kurang bergantung pada penyertaan dalam skim insentif. \"", "Eurex berkata \"sebahagian besar\" perdagangan di Eurex AS akan berharga 20 sen setiap kontrak atau kurang bergantung kepada \"penyertaan dalam skim insentif.\"" ]
[ "Brian Brabazon said his son would get upset but then turn around and befriend his taunters .", "Her son would get upset , his mom said , but then turn around and befriend his taunters ." ]
[ "Brian Brabazon berkata anaknya akan kecewa tetapi kemudian berpaling dan berteman dengan rakan-rakannya.", "Anaknya akan marah, kata ibunya, tetapi kemudian berbalik dan berteman dengan tauntersnya." ]
[ "Both devices use version 5.2 of the Palm operating system and feature a new design , which resembles a miniature notebook with a screen that swivels around 180 degrees .", "Both devices use Palm OS 5.2 and feature a completely new form factor that resembles a miniature notebook with a screen that swivels 180 degrees ." ]
[ "Kedua-dua peranti menggunakan versi 5.2 sistem operasi Palm dan mempunyai reka bentuk baru, yang menyerupai notebook miniatur dengan skrin yang berputar sekitar 180 darjah.", "Kedua-dua peranti menggunakan Palm OS 5.2 dan mempunyai faktor bentuk yang sama sekali baru yang menyerupai notebook miniatur dengan skrin yang berputar 180 darjah." ]
[ "Every day more American soldiers die .", "We 're losing one or two American soldiers every day ." ]
[ "Setiap hari lebih ramai tentera Amerika mati.", "Kita kehilangan satu atau dua tentera Amerika setiap hari." ]
[ "Under the legislation , a physician who performs the procedure could face up to two years in prison .", "Physicians who perform the procedure would face up to two years in prison , under the bill ." ]
[ "Di bawah undang-undang, seorang doktor yang melakukan prosedur boleh menghadapi sehingga dua tahun penjara.", "Doktor yang menjalankan prosedur itu akan menghadapi hukuman penjara sehingga dua tahun, di bawah rang undang-undang." ]
[ "The single currency dropped to 136.94 yen compared with its late U.S. level of 137.64 .", "Against the Japanese currency , the euro was at 136.06 yen compared with the late New York level of 136.03 / 14 ." ]
[ "Mata wang tunggal jatuh kepada 136.94 yen berbanding dengan paras akhir AS 137.64.", "Terhadap mata wang Jepun, euro adalah pada 136.06 yen berbanding dengan New York lewat tahap 136.03/14." ]
[ "The answer is clearly yes , \" said Dr. Larry Norton , deputy physician-in- chief for breast cancer programs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center .", "The answer is clearly yes , \" said Dr. Larry Norton , deputy physician-in-chief for breast-cancer programs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City ." ]
[ "Jawapannya jelas ya,\" kata Dr Larry Norton, timbalan ketua doktor untuk program kanser payudara di Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.", "Jawapannya jelas ya,\" kata Dr Larry Norton, timbalan ketua doktor untuk program kanser payudara di Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center di New York City." ]
[ "While Mr. Qurei is widely respected and has a long history of negotiating with the Israelis , he cannot expect such a warm welcome .", "While Qureia is respected and has a history of negotiating with the Israelis , a warm welcome is not expected ." ]
[ "Walaupun Encik Qurei dihormati secara meluas dan mempunyai sejarah yang panjang berunding dengan Israel, beliau tidak boleh mengharapkan sambutan hangat seperti itu.", "Walaupun Qureia dihormati dan mempunyai sejarah berunding dengan Israel, sambutan hangat tidak dijangka." ]
[ "And \" although the preconditions for recovery remain in place , \" it said the prospects for British exports were \" weaker than previously expected . \"", "\" Although the preconditions for recovery remain in place , the prospect for external demand for UK output is weaker than previously expected . \"" ]
[ "Dan \"walaupun prasyarat untuk pemulihan tetap ada,\" ia berkata prospek untuk eksport British adalah \"lebih lemah daripada yang dijangkakan sebelum ini.\"", "\"Walaupun prasyarat untuk pemulihan tetap ada, prospek permintaan luaran untuk output UK lebih lemah daripada yang dijangkakan sebelumnya.\"" ]
[ "Mr. Geoghan had been living in a protective custody unit since being transferred to the prison on April 3 .", "He had been in protective custody since being transferred to Souza-Baranowski in April , officials said ." ]
[ "Geoghan telah tinggal di unit penjagaan perlindungan sejak dipindahkan ke penjara pada 3 April.", "Beliau telah berada dalam tahanan perlindungan sejak dipindahkan ke Souza-Baranowski pada April, kata pegawai." ]
[ "\" It 's obvious I 'm not riding as well as years past , \" Armstrong said at a news conference .", "\" I think it 's obvious I 'm not riding as well as I have in years past ." ]
[ "\"Sudah jelas saya tidak menunggang dan bertahun-tahun yang lalu,\" kata Armstrong pada sidang akhbar.", "\"Saya rasa jelas saya tidak menunggang seperti yang saya ada pada tahun-tahun yang lalu." ]
[ "Random testing of security procedures should also take place .", "Security assessments of these facilities should take place every three years ." ]
[ "Ujian rawak prosedur keselamatan juga perlu dilakukan.", "Penilaian keselamatan kemudahan ini perlu dilakukan setiap tiga tahun." ]
[ "A DOD team is working to determine how hackers gained access to the system and what needs to be done to fix the breach .", "A DoD team is on site to determine how this happened and what needs to be done to fix the breach , the release stated ." ]
[ "Pasukan DOD sedang berusaha untuk menentukan bagaimana penggodam mendapat akses ke sistem dan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran.", "Pasukan DoD berada di lokasi untuk menentukan bagaimana ini berlaku dan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran, kata siaran itu." ]
[ "The court on Monday reversed the decision of that court , the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals .", "The court today reversed the decision of that court , the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ." ]
[ "Mahkamah pada Isnin membatalkan keputusan mahkamah itu, Mahkamah Rayuan Litar Amerika Syarikat ke-9.", "Mahkamah hari ini membatalkan keputusan mahkamah itu, Mahkamah Rayuan Amerika Syarikat bagi Litar Kesembilan." ]
[ "\" Third . . . we are not allowed to kill women , except those who join the war [ against Islam ] . \"", "In jihad , we are not allowed to kill women , except those who join the war ( against Islam ) . \"" ]
[ "\"Ketiga... kita tidak dibenarkan membunuh wanita, kecuali mereka yang menyertai perang [berlawanan Islam]\".", "Dalam jihad, kita tidak dibenarkan membunuh wanita, kecuali mereka yang menyertai perang (berlawanan Islam)\"." ]
[ "The news came as authorities in Taiwan quarantined hundreds at two major hospitals amid fears of a widespread epidemic of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on the self-governing island .", "The threat came as Taiwanese authorities quarantined hundreds at two hospitals amid fears of an epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome ." ]
[ "Berita itu muncul ketika pihak berkuasa di Taiwan mengkarantina ratusan di dua hospital utama di tengah-tengah ketakutan wabak Sindrom Pernafasan Akut yang teruk di pulau yang memerintah sendiri.", "Ancaman itu berlaku ketika pihak berkuasa Taiwan mengkuarantin ratusan di dua hospital di tengah-tengah ketakutan wabak sindrom pernafasan akut yang teruk." ]
[ "About 22 % of twentysomethings are obese , which is roughly 30 pounds over a healthy weight .", "About 31 percent of Americans are now obese — roughly 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight ." ]
[ "Kira-kira 22% daripada twentysomethings adalah obes, yang kira-kira 30 paun lebih berat badan yang sihat.", "Kira-kira 31 peratus rakyat Amerika kini gemuk - kira-kira 30 atau lebih paun berbanding berat badan yang sihat." ]
[ "He also said he advised his grown-up children not to run up credit card debts .", "Barclays chief executive Matt Barrett also said he had advised his children never to use credit cards ." ]
[ "Beliau juga berkata beliau menasihatkan anak-anak dewasanya supaya tidak menjalankan hutang kad kredit.", "Ketua Eksekutif Barclays, Matt Barrett, juga berkata beliau menasihatkan anak-anaknya supaya tidak menggunakan kad kredit." ]
[ "One Republican sent out a flier this week citing a 3.8-percent increase in the S & P 500 stock index since passage of the tax cuts in May .", "One Republican flier cited a 3.8 percent increase in the S & P 500 stock index since passage of the tax cuts in May ." ]
[ "Seorang Republikan menghantar flier minggu ini memetik kenaikan 3.8 peratus dalam indeks saham S&P 500 sejak berlakunya pemotongan cukai pada bulan Mei.", "Seorang flier Republikan memetik kenaikan 3.8 peratus dalam indeks saham S&P 500 sejak berlakunya pemotongan cukai pada bulan Mei." ]
[ "Against the Canadian dollar , the greenback was trading nearly flat at C $ 1.3252 < CAD = > after the Bank of Canada kept key interest rates unchanged .", "Against the Canadian dollar , the greenback rose 0.15 percent to $ 1.3260 < CAD = > as the Bank of Canada kept key interest rates unchanged ." ]
[ "Menentang dolar Kanada, dolar AS diperdagangkan hampir tidak berubah pada C $ 1.3252 < CAD => setelah Bank of Canada mengekalkan kadar faedah utama tidak berubah.", "Menentang dolar Kanada, dolar AS naik 0,15 persen menjadi Rp 1.3260 < CAD=> karena Bank of Canada menyimpan suku bunga utama tidak berubah." ]
[ "\" We make no apologies for finding every legal way possible to protect the American public from further terrorist attacks , \" said Barbara Comstock , Ashcroft 's press secretary .", "\" We make no apologies for finding every legal way possible to protect the American public from further terrorist attack , \" said Barbara Comstock , Justice Department spokeswoman ." ]
[ "\"Kami tidak meminta maaf kerana mencari setiap cara undang-undang yang mungkin untuk melindungi orang awam Amerika daripada serangan pengganas yang lebih lanjut,\" kata Barbara Comstock, setiausaha akhbar Ashcroft.", "\"Kami tidak meminta maaf kerana mencari setiap cara undang-undang yang mungkin untuk melindungi orang awam Amerika daripada serangan pengganas yang lebih lanjut,\" kata Barbara Comstock, jurucakap Jabatan Kehakiman." ]
[ "The computers were reportedly located in the U.S. , Canada and South Korea .", "The PCs are scattered across the United States , Canada and South Korea ." ]
[ "Komputer-komputer itu dilaporkan terletak di Amerika Syarikat, Kanada dan Korea Selatan.", "PC tersebar di seluruh Amerika Syarikat, Kanada dan Korea Selatan." ]
[ "Under the 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling , before a fetus could live outside the womb , the abortion decision was left to the woman and her physician .", "Under the original Roe v. Wade ruling , the abortion decision was left to the woman and her physician before a fetus could live outside the womb ." ]
[ "Di bawah 1973 Roe vs Wade memerintah, sebelum janin boleh hidup di luar rahim, keputusan pengguguran itu diserahkan kepada wanita dan doktornya.", "Di bawah keputusan Roe v. Wade yang asal, keputusan pengguguran itu diserahkan kepada wanita itu dan doktornya sebelum janin boleh hidup di luar rahim." ]
[ "Other recommendations included a special counsel on oceans in the White House , creation of regional ocean ecosystem councils and a national system to protect marine reserves .", "Other recommendations included the creation of regional ocean ecosystem councils and a national system to fully protect marine reserves ." ]
[ "Cadangan lain termasuk penasihat khas mengenai lautan di Rumah Putih, penciptaan majlis ekosistem lautan serantau dan sistem kebangsaan untuk melindungi rizab marin.", "Cadangan lain termasuk penciptaan majlis ekosistem lautan serantau dan sistem kebangsaan untuk melindungi sepenuhnya rizab marin." ]
[ "Sgt. Ernest Bucklew , 33 , was coming home from Iraq to bury his mother in Pennsylvania .", "Ernest Bucklew was headed home for his mother 's funeral in Pennsylvania ." ]
[ "Sgt. Ernest Bucklew, 33, pulang dari Iraq untuk mengebumikan ibunya di Pennsylvania.", "Ernest Bucklew telah menuju ke rumah untuk pengebumian ibunya di Pennsylvania." ]
[ "The broad Standard & Poor 's 500 index slipped 12.27 points or 1.23 percent to 981.73 .", "The S. & P. 500 slipped 12.27 points , or 1.2 percent , to 981.73 ." ]
[ "Indeks Standard & Poor's 500 yang luas merosot 12.27 mata atau 1.23 peratus kepada 981.73.", "S&P 500 merosot 12.27 mata, atau 1.2 peratus, kepada 981.73." ]
[ "He told The Sun newspaper that Mr. Hussein 's daughters had British schools and hospitals in mind when they decided to ask for asylum .", "\" Saddam 's daughters had British schools and hospitals in mind when they decided to ask for asylum -- especially the schools , \" he told The Sun ." ]
[ "Beliau memberitahu akhbar The Sun bahawa anak perempuan Hussein mempunyai sekolah dan hospital British dalam fikiran apabila mereka memutuskan untuk meminta suaka.", "\"Anak perempuan Saddam mempunyai sekolah dan hospital British dalam fikiran apabila mereka memutuskan untuk meminta suaka - terutamanya sekolah,\" katanya kepada The Sun." ]
[ "Ms. Haque , meanwhile , was on her turquoise cellphone with the smiley faces organizing the prom .", "Fatima , meanwhile , was on her turquoise cell phone organizing the prom ." ]
[ "Cik Haque, sementara itu, berada di telefon bimbitnya yang berwarna pirus dengan wajah tersenyum mengatur prom.", "Sementara itu, Fatima berada di telefon bimbitnya yang mengatur prom." ]
[ "He was in Cincinnati helping another daughter move when the tragedy occurred , friends said .", "Rowell , 57 , was out of state helping his wife 's daughter move when the tragedy occurred , friends said ." ]
[ "Dia berada di Cincinnati membantu anak perempuan lain bergerak apabila tragedi itu berlaku, kata rakan-rakan.", "Rowell, 57, keluar dari negeri membantu anak perempuannya berpindah ketika tragedi itu berlaku, kata rakan-rakan." ]
[ "Defence lawyers sought to have those charges thrown out , claiming the Bali court had no jurisdiction over those crimes .", "Defence lawyers sought to have those charges thrown out , claiming the Bali court hearing Mr Samudra 's case did not have jurisdiction over those crimes ." ]
[ "Peguam pertahanan berusaha untuk membuang tuduhan-tuduhan itu, mendakwa mahkamah Bali tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa ke atas jenayah-jenayah tersebut.", "Peguam pertahanan berusaha untuk membuang tuduhan-tuduhan itu, mendakwa mahkamah Bali mendengar kes Samudra tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa ke atas jenayah-jenayah tersebut." ]
[ "Mark Kaiser , vice-president of marketing , and Tim Lee , vice-president of purchasing , were dismissed last week .", "Mark Kaiser and Tim Lee , respectively US Foodservice vice-presidents for marketing and purchasing , have been dismissed ." ]
[ "Mark Kaiser, naib presiden pemasaran, dan Tim Lee, naib presiden pembelian, dipecat minggu lalu.", "Mark Kaiser dan Tim Lee, masing-masing naib presiden Perkhidmatan Makanan Amerika Syarikat untuk pemasaran dan pembelian, telah diberhentikan." ]
[ "Tisha Kresler , a spokeswoman for Global Crossing , declined to comment .", "A Global Crossing representative had no immediate comment ." ]
[ "Tisha Kresler, juru bicara Global Crossing, menolak memberikan komentar.", "Seorang wakil Global Crossing tidak mempunyai komen segera." ]
[ "The company must either pay NTP the $ 53.7-million or post a bond with the court pending the appeal , Mr. Wallace said .", "RIM must either pay NTP the $ 53.7 million or post a bond with the court pending the appeal ." ]
[ "Syarikat itu mesti membayar NTP $ 53.7 juta atau menghantar bon dengan mahkamah sementara menunggu rayuan, kata Wallace.", "RIM mesti sama ada membayar NTP sebanyak $53.7 juta atau menghantar bon dengan mahkamah sementara menunggu rayuan." ]
[ "The Bluetooth SIG made its announcement at the Bluetooth World Congress in Amsterdam this week .", "A new version of the Bluetooth specification was officially launched today at the start of the Bluetooth World Congress in Amsterdam ." ]
[ "SIG Bluetooth membuat pengumumannya di Kongres Dunia Bluetooth di Amsterdam minggu ini.", "Versi baru spesifikasi Bluetooth dilancarkan secara rasmi hari ini pada permulaan Kongres Dunia Bluetooth di Amsterdam." ]
[ "In Somalia , only 26 % of adolescent females ( aged 10-19 ) have heard of Aids and just 1 % know how to protect themselves .", "In Somalia , the report says , only 26 percent of adolescent girls have heard of AIDS and only 1 percent know how to protect themselves ." ]
[ "Di Somalia, hanya 26 peratus remaja perempuan (berumur 10-19 tahun) pernah mendengar tentang Aids dan hanya 1 peratus tahu bagaimana untuk melindungi diri mereka.", "Di Somalia, laporan itu berkata, hanya 26 peratus remaja perempuan pernah mendengar tentang AIDS dan hanya 1 peratus tahu bagaimana untuk melindungi diri mereka." ]
[ "The shares represent more than half the 115.9 million shares Turner held at the end of April , according to Bloomberg data .", "The sale represents about 52 per cent of the 115.9 million shares Mr Turner held at the end of April ." ]
[ "Saham tersebut mewakili lebih daripada separuh 115.9 juta saham Turner yang diadakan pada akhir April, menurut data Bloomberg.", "Jualan itu mewakili kira-kira 52 peratus daripada 115.9 juta saham Turner yang diadakan pada akhir April." ]
[ "The 60-year-old millionaire hugged his attorneys , saying : \" Thank you so much . \"", "Moments later , he hugged his defense lawyers , softly saying , \" Thank you , so much . \"" ]
[ "Jutawan berusia 60 tahun itu memeluk peguamnya, berkata: \"Terima kasih banyak.\"", "Beberapa saat kemudian, beliau memeluk peguam bela beliau, dengan lembut berkata, \"Terima kasih, begitu banyak.\"" ]
[ "During the flight , engineers misjudged the extent of the damage , and even during that period they lamented that the liftoff photography was poor .", "During the flight , engineers underestimated the extent of the damage , and even then lamented that the liftoff photography was so poor ." ]
[ "Semasa penerbangan, jurutera salah menilai sejauh mana kerosakan, dan walaupun dalam tempoh itu mereka meratapi bahawa fotografi angkat adalah miskin.", "Semasa penerbangan, jurutera memandang rendah sejauh mana kerosakan, dan bahkan kemudian meratapi bahawa fotografi angkat itu begitu miskin." ]
[ "Air Transport Association spokeswoman Diana Cronan said that travel was down in May through July and that she also expected it to be off over Labor Day .", "ATA spokeswoman Diana Cronan said travel was down in May through July , and she also expects it to be down some over Labor Day ." ]
[ "Jurucakap Persatuan Pengangkutan Udara Diana Cronan berkata perjalanan turun pada bulan Mei hingga Julai dan dia juga menjangkakan ia akan berakhir pada Hari Buruh.", "Jurucakap ATA Diana Cronan berkata perjalanan turun pada Mei hingga Julai, dan dia juga menjangkakan ia akan turun beberapa hari menjelang Hari Buruh." ]
[ "Officials said the data will be used to verify whether they had stayed beyond their authorized time .", "Officials said data will be used to verify whether travelers have exceeded their authorized stay ." ]
[ "Pegawai berkata data itu akan digunakan untuk mengesahkan sama ada mereka telah tinggal di luar masa yang dibenarkan mereka.", "Pegawai berkata data akan digunakan untuk mengesahkan sama ada pelancong telah melebihi penginapan mereka yang dibenarkan." ]
[ "The Institute for Supply Management said its index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 50.7 from 47.9 in March .", "The Institute for Supply Management said its index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 50.7 , bouncing back from a one-month contraction in March at 47.9 ." ]
[ "Institut Pengurusan Bekalan berkata indeks aktiviti bukan pembuatannya meningkat kepada 50.7 daripada 47.9 pada Mac.", "Institut Pengurusan Bekalan berkata indeks aktiviti bukan pembuatannya meningkat kepada 50.7, melantun kembali dari penguncupan sebulan pada bulan Mac pada 47.9." ]
[ "Meteorologists predicted the storm would become a Category 1 hurricane before landfall .", "It was predicted to become a Category I hurricane overnight ." ]
[ "Ahli meteorologi meramalkan ribut itu akan menjadi taufan Kategori 1 sebelum mendarat.", "Ia diramalkan akan menjadi taufan Kategori I semalaman." ]
[ "He added , \" I am not giving any consideration to resignation . \"", "I am not giving any consideration to resignation , \" Shumaker said in a statement ." ]
[ "Beliau menambah, \"Saya tidak memberi sebarang pertimbangan untuk meletak jawatan.\"", "Saya tidak beri apa-apa pertimbangan untuk letak jawatan,\" kata Shumaker dalam satu kenyataan." ]
[ "They named the man charged as Noureddinne Mouleff , a 36-year-old of North African origin who was arrested in the southern coastal town of Eastbourne last week .", "Last week , Nur al-Din Muliff , a 36-year-old of North African origin , was arrested in the southern coastal town of Eastbourne ." ]
[ "Mereka menamakan lelaki yang didakwa sebagai Noureddinne Mouleff, 36 tahun dari Afrika Utara yang ditangkap di bandar pantai selatan Eastbourne minggu lalu.", "Minggu lalu, Nur al-Din Muliff, 36 tahun berasal dari Afrika Utara, ditangkap di bandar pantai selatan Eastbourne." ]
[ "O 'Brien 's attorney , Jordan Green , declined to comment .", "Jordan Green , O 'Brien 's private attorney , said he had no comment ." ]
[ "Peguam O'Brien, Jordan Green, enggan mengulas.", "Jordan Green, peguam peribadi O'Brien, berkata beliau tidak mempunyai komen." ]
[ "Moore had no immediate comment Tuesday .", "Moore did not have an immediate response Tuesday ." ]
[ "Moore tidak mempunyai komen segera pada hari Selasa.", "Moore tidak mendapat sambutan segera pada hari Selasa." ]
[ "However , the Nasdaq composite index managed to eke out a gain of 4.64 points at 1,735.34 .", "The Nasdaq composite held on to the slimmest of gains , up 4.64 at 1,735.34 ." ]
[ "Walau bagaimanapun, indeks komposit Nasdaq berjaya mengatasi keuntungan 4.64 mata pada 1,735.34.", "Komposit Nasdaq bertahan pada keuntungan paling tipis, naik 4,64 pada 1,735,34." ]
[ "\" As a responsible leader we feel it necessary to make these changes because online chat services are increasingly being misused , \" Microsoft told the BBC .", "\" As a responsible leader we felt it necessary to make these changes because online chat services are increasingly being misused , \" stated Gillian Kent , director at MSN UK ." ]
[ "\"Sebagai pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab, kami merasakan perlu untuk membuat perubahan ini kerana perkhidmatan sembang dalam talian semakin disalahgunakan,\" kata Microsoft kepada BBC.", "\"Sebagai pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab, kami merasakan perlu untuk membuat perubahan ini kerana perkhidmatan sembang dalam talian semakin disalahgunakan,\" kata Gillian Kent, pengarah di MSN UK." ]
[ "For the third time in the past four years , wildfires are the problem .", "It was the third time in four years that wildfires forced the park to close ." ]
[ "Buat kali ketiga dalam tempoh empat tahun yang lalu, kebakaran hutan adalah masalah.", "Ia adalah kali ketiga dalam tempoh empat tahun kebakaran hutan memaksa taman ditutup." ]
[ "As part of the agreement to extradite the two best friends from Canada , prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty .", "As part of a 2001 agreement to extradite them from Canada , prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty ." ]
[ "Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian untuk mengekstradisi dua sahabat dari Kanada, pendakwa raya bersetuju untuk tidak mencari hukuman mati.", "Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian 2001 untuk mengekstradisi mereka dari Kanada, pendakwa raya bersetuju untuk tidak mencari hukuman mati." ]
[ "At least 7000 computers were affected by Parson 's worm , Assistant US Attorney Paul Luehr said .", "The FBI said at least 7000 computers were infected by Parson 's software ." ]
[ "Sekurang-kurangnya 7000 komputer terjejas oleh cacing Parson, kata Penolong Peguam AS Paul Luehr.", "FBI berkata sekurang-kurangnya 7000 komputer dijangkiti perisian Parson." ]
[ "And now it 's anything he wants to say , \" Alesha Badgley , Stone County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center social director , said this week .", "And now it 's anything he wants to say , \" confirmed Stone County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center social director Alesha Badgley ." ]
[ "Dan sekarang itu apa-apa yang dia mahu katakan, \"Alesha Badgley, Pengarah sosial Pusat Kejururawatan dan Pemulihan Stone County, berkata minggu ini.", "Dan sekarang itu apa-apa yang dia mahu katakan, \" mengesahkan pengarah sosial Pusat Kejururawatan dan Pemulihan Stone County Alesha Badgley." ]
[ "He was sent to Larned State Hospital , where he was evaluated and treated .", "He ordered him sent to the Larned State Security Hospital for continued evaluation and treatment ." ]
[ "Beliau telah dihantar ke Hospital Negeri Larned, di mana beliau telah dinilai dan dirawat.", "Beliau mengarahkan beliau dihantar ke Hospital Keselamatan Negeri Larned untuk penilaian dan rawatan yang berterusan." ]
[ "Two brothers who were among seven Portland suspects accused of aiding terrorists have decided to plead guilty to conspiring to aid al-Qaida and the Taliban , officials said Wednesday .", "Two brothers who were among seven people accused of aiding terrorists pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of conspiring to help Al Qaeda and the Taliban during the war in Afghanistan ." ]
[ "Dua saudara lelaki yang merupakan antara tujuh suspek Portland yang dituduh membantu pengganas telah memutuskan untuk mengaku bersalah kerana bersekongkol untuk membantu al-Qaeda dan Taliban, kata pegawai pada hari Rabu.", "Dua saudara lelaki yang merupakan antara tujuh orang yang dituduh membantu pengganas mengaku bersalah semalam atas tuduhan bersekongkol untuk membantu Al Qaeda dan Taliban semasa perang di Afghanistan." ]
[ "The companies said \" it was not our intention to target or offend any group or persons or to incite hatred or violence . \"", "\" In creating the game , it was not our intention to target or offend any group or persons or to incite hatred or violence against such groups persons . \"" ]
[ "Syarikat-syarikat itu berkata \"bukan niat kami untuk menyasarkan atau menyinggung mana-mana kumpulan atau orang atau untuk menghasut kebencian atau keganasan.\"", "\"Dalam mencipta permainan, ia bukan niat kami untuk menyasarkan atau menyinggung perasaan mana-mana kumpulan atau orang atau menghasut kebencian atau keganasan terhadap kumpulan-kumpulan tersebut\"." ]
[ "SEA 05D is the Naval Sea Systems Command ’ s technical authority for surface ship design and engineering .", "The Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design Group is the Naval Sea Systems Command ’ s technical authority for all surface ship design and engineering ." ]
[ "SEA 05D adalah pihak berkuasa teknikal Komando Laut Tentera Laut untuk reka bentuk dan kejuruteraan kapal permukaan.", "The Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design Group adalah pihak berkuasa teknikal Naval Sea Systems Command untuk semua reka bentuk dan kejuruteraan kapal permukaan." ]
[ "Right now , only six states do : Arkansas , Michigan , Minnesota , New Jersey , Virginia , and Wisconsin .", "Manuals produced by only six states _ Arkansas , Michigan , Minnesota , New Jersey , Virginia and Wisconsin _ now have such sections ." ]
[ "Sekarang ini, hanya enam negeri yang melakukannya: Arkansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Virginia, dan Wisconsin.", "Manual yang dihasilkan oleh hanya enam negeri - Arkansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Virginia dan Wisconsin _ kini mempunyai bahagian tersebut." ]
[ "He took batting practice on the field for the second time Tuesday since his opening-day injury .", "Jeter , who dislocated his left shoulder in a collision March 31 , took batting practice on the field for the first time Monday ." ]
[ "Dia mengambil latihan memukul di padang untuk kali kedua Selasa sejak kecederaan hari pembukaannya.", "Jeter, yang melepaskan bahu kirinya dalam perlanggaran 31 Mac, mengambil latihan memukul di lapangan buat kali pertama Isnin." ]
[ "\" People who are high in positive emotions sleep better , they have better diets , they exercise more , they have lower levels of these stress hormones , \" Cohen said .", "\" Happy people sleep better , have better diets , exercise more and have less levels of stress hormones , \" Cohen said ." ]
[ "\"Orang yang tinggi emosi positif tidur lebih baik, mereka mempunyai diet yang lebih baik, mereka bersenam lebih banyak, mereka mempunyai tahap hormon tekanan yang lebih rendah,\" kata Cohen.", "\"Orang gembira tidur lebih baik, mempunyai diet yang lebih baik, bersenam lebih banyak dan mempunyai tahap hormon tekanan yang kurang,\" kata Cohen." ]
[ "The intelligence service , headed by Fujimori 's spy chief , Vladimiro Montesinos , was accused of torture , drug trafficking and disappearances .", "The head of the intelligence service under Mr. Fujimori , Vladimiro Montesinos , was accused of tortures and disappearances ." ]
[ "Perkhidmatan perisikan, yang diketuai oleh ketua perisik Fujimori, Vladimiro Montesinos, dituduh menyeksa, pengedaran dadah dan kehilangan.", "Ketua perkhidmatan perisikan di bawah Encik Fujimori, Vladimiro Montesinos, dituduh menyeksa dan kehilangan." ]
[ "Bond also voiced his disappointment that neither President Bush nor his brother attended this conference in Florida or last year 's in Texas .", "Bond voiced disappointment that neither President Bush nor his brother attended the 2002 conference in Texas or the 2003 meeting in Florida ." ]
[ "Bond juga menyuarakan kekecewaannya bahawa Presiden Bush dan abangnya tidak menghadiri persidangan ini di Florida atau tahun lepas di Texas.", "Bond menyuarakan kekecewaan bahawa Presiden Bush dan abangnya tidak menghadiri persidangan 2002 di Texas atau mesyuarat 2003 di Florida." ]
[ "Jordan Green , the prelate 's private lawyer , said he had no comment .", "O 'Brien 's attorney , Jordan Green , declined to comment ." ]
[ "Jordan Green, peguam persendirian prelate, berkata beliau tidak mempunyai komen.", "Peguam O'Brien, Jordan Green, enggan mengulas." ]
[ "About $ 250,000 worth of her jewelry was discovered last week at Kennedy International Airport , where it had up and disappeared before a flight to the BET Awards .", "An estimated $ 250,000 worth of jewelry belonging to the hip-hop performer was recovered Friday at Kennedy Airport , where it had disappeared June 20 ." ]
[ "Barang kemas bernilai kira-kira $ 250,000 ditemui minggu lepas di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kennedy, di mana ia telah naik dan hilang sebelum penerbangan ke Anugerah BET.", "Dianggarkan $ 250,000 barang kemas milik pemain hip-hop itu ditemui pada hari Jumaat di Lapangan Terbang Kennedy, di mana ia telah hilang pada 20 Jun." ]
[ "Analysts have estimated the worth of the core properties at $ 10 billion- $ 15 billion .", "Analysts have estimated that Vivendi Uni could fetch $ 12 billion- $ 14 billion for VUE ." ]
[ "Penganalisis menganggarkan nilai sifat teras pada $ 10 bilion- $ 15 bilion.", "Penganalisis menganggarkan bahawa Vivendi Uni boleh memperoleh $ 12 bilion- $ 14 bilion untuk VUE." ]
[ "Under state law , DeVries must be released to the jurisdiction in which he was convicted .", "Under state policy , DeVries was to be returned to San Jose , where he was last convicted ." ]
[ "Di bawah undang-undang negeri, DeVries mesti dibebaskan ke bidang kuasa di mana dia telah disabitkan.", "Di bawah dasar negeri, DeVries akan dikembalikan ke San Jose, di mana beliau terakhir disabitkan." ]
[ "The high Saturday is expected to be about 92 degrees , and it will likely drop to 90 degrees Sunday and Monday .", "The high today will be about 92 degrees and will drop to 90 degrees Sunday and Monday ." ]
[ "Sabtu yang tinggi dijangka kira-kira 92 darjah, dan ia mungkin akan turun ke 90 darjah Ahad dan Isnin.", "Tinggi hari ini akan menjadi kira-kira 92 darjah dan akan turun ke 90 darjah Ahad dan Isnin." ]
[ "\" We don 't have new places to check , \" said Steve Anderson , a Waco public-information officer .", "\" We don 't have new places to check , \" Waco public information officer Steve Anderson said ." ]
[ "\"Kami tidak mempunyai tempat baru untuk diperiksa,\" kata Steve Anderson, pegawai maklumat awam Waco.", "\"Kami tidak mempunyai tempat baru untuk diperiksa,\" kata pegawai maklumat awam Waco, Steve Anderson." ]
[ "President Bush and top administration officials cited the threat from Iraq 's banned weapons programs as the main justification for going to war .", "President Bush and top officials in his administration cited the threat from Iraq 's alleged chemical and biological weapons and nuclear weapons program as the main justification for going to war ." ]
[ "Presiden Bush dan pegawai pentadbiran tertinggi menyebut ancaman daripada program senjata yang diharamkan Iraq sebagai justifikasi utama untuk pergi berperang.", "Presiden Bush dan pegawai tertinggi dalam pentadbirannya menyebut ancaman dari Iraq yang didakwa senjata kimia dan biologi dan program senjata nuklear sebagai justifikasi utama untuk pergi berperang." ]
[ "Goldman also raised its quarterly dividend to 25 cents from 12 cents , citing the new tax law .", "Goldman decided to increase its quarterly dividend to 25 cents a share from 12 cents , citing recent tax legislation as a primary factor behind the move ." ]
[ "Goldman juga menaikkan dividen suku tahunannya kepada 25 sen daripada 12 sen, memetik undang-undang cukai baharu.", "Goldman memutuskan untuk meningkatkan dividen suku tahunannya kepada 25 sen sesaham daripada 12 sen, memetik undang-undang cukai baru-baru ini sebagai faktor utama di sebalik langkah itu." ]
[ "The panels picture the towers standing tall and outline their history , including their construction , the 1993 bombing and their ultimate destruction on Sept . 11 , 2001 .", "The panels outline the twin towers ' history , including their construction , the 1993 bombing and their ultimate destruction by terrorists on Sept . 11 , 2001 ." ]
[ "Panel-panel itu menggambarkan menara-menara yang berdiri tinggi dan menggariskan sejarah mereka, termasuk pembinaan mereka, pengeboman 1993 dan kemusnahan muktamad mereka pada 11 September 2001.", "Panel-panel itu menggariskan sejarah menara berkembar, termasuk pembinaan mereka, pengeboman 1993 dan kemusnahan muktamad mereka oleh pengganas pada 11 September 2001." ]
[ "Forty to 50 years ago , the ratio was 3 to 1 , Kessler said , and 10 years ago , it was 2 to 1 .", "Forty to 50 years ago , the ratio was about 3-to-1 , Kessler said , and 10 years ago , it was about 2-to-1 ." ]
[ "Empat puluh hingga 50 tahun yang lalu, nisbahnya adalah 3 hingga 1, kata Kessler, dan 10 tahun yang lalu, ia adalah 2 hingga 1.", "Empat puluh hingga 50 tahun yang lalu, nisbahnya sekitar 3-ke-1, kata Kessler, dan 10 tahun yang lalu, kira-kira 2-ke-1." ]
[ "Instead of remains , the Ragusas will bury a vial of Michael 's blood , which he had donated to a bone marrow center .", "Instead of Ragusa 's remains , his family will bury a vial of blood he had donated to a bone marrow center ." ]
[ "Daripada tinggalan, Ragusas akan menguburkan botol darah Michael, yang telah disumbangkannya kepada pusat sumsum tulang.", "Daripada sisa Ragusa, keluarganya akan menguburkan botol darah yang telah disumbangkannya ke pusat sumsum tulang." ]
[ "Market sentiment was subdued after International Business Machines Inc . IBM.N said U.S. securities regulators were investigating the accounting of the world 's largest computer company .", "Market sentiment was also cautious after International Business Machines Inc . IBM.N said that federal securities regulators had begun an investigating into its accounting ." ]
[ "Sentimen pasaran merosot selepas International Business Machines Inc. IBM.N mengatakan pengawal selia sekuriti A.S. sedang menyiasat perakaunan syarikat komputer terbesar di dunia.", "Sentimen pasaran juga berhati-hati setelah International Business Machines Inc. IBM.N mengatakan bahawa pengawal selia sekuriti persekutuan telah memulakan siasatan ke dalam perakaunannya." ]
[ "Many conservatives have staunchly opposed condom programs , saying they send the wrong message and encourage and enable teens to have sex before marriage .", "Some conservative groups have staunchly opposed such programs , saying they send the wrong message and in effect encourage and enable teens to have sex before marriage ." ]
[ "Ramai konservatif telah menentang keras program kondom, mengatakan mereka menghantar mesej yang salah dan menggalakkan dan membolehkan remaja untuk melakukan hubungan seks sebelum perkahwinan.", "Beberapa kumpulan konservatif telah menentang keras program tersebut, mengatakan mereka menghantar mesej yang salah dan sebenarnya menggalakkan dan membolehkan remaja untuk melakukan hubungan seks sebelum berkahwin." ]
[ "\" The numbers are starting to change very , very quickly , \" Dr. Julie Gerberding , the CDC 's director , told a news briefing Thursday .", "\" The numbers are starting to change very , very quickly , \" Dr. Julie Gerberding , director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , said Thursday ." ]
[ "\"Jumlahnya mulai berubah sangat cepat,\" kata Dr Julie Gerberding, direktur CDC, pada taklimat berita Kamis.", "\"Jumlahnya mulai berubah sangat cepat,\" kata Dr Julie Gerberding, direktur Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit, Kamis." ]
[ "On Monday , it also announced the resignation of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Phil Condit .", "The move came just hours after the company 's Chief Executive Officer Phil Condit resigned ." ]
[ "Pada Isnin, ia turut mengumumkan peletakan jawatan Pengerusi dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Phil Condit.", "Langkah itu berlaku hanya beberapa jam selepas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat Phil Condit meletak jawatan." ]
[ "Smugglers in a van chased down a pickup and SUV carrying other smugglers and illegal immigrants , said Pinal County Sheriff Roger Vanderpool .", "People in a van opened fire on a pickup and SUV believed to be transporting illegal immigrants , said Pinal County Sheriff Roger Vanderpool ." ]
[ "Penyeludup dalam van mengejar pikap dan SUV yang membawa penyeludup lain dan pendatang tanpa izin, kata Sheriff Pinal County Roger Vanderpool.", "Orang ramai yang berada di dalam van melepaskan tembakan ke atas sebuah pikap dan SUV dipercayai mengangkut pendatang tanpa izin, kata Sheriff Pinal County Roger Vanderpool." ]
[ "Ghulam Mahaiuddin , head of administration in the southern province of Helmand , said the bus blast happened early in the morning , west of the provincial capital Lashkargah .", "The bus blast in Helmand happened early in the morning in Nadi Ali district , west of the provincial capital Lashkargah ." ]
[ "Ghulam Mahaiuddin, ketua pentadbiran di wilayah selatan Helmand, berkata letupan bas itu berlaku awal pagi tadi, di barat ibu kota wilayah Lashkargah.", "Letupan bas di Helmand berlaku pada awal pagi di daerah Nadi Ali, barat ibu kota wilayah Lashkargah." ]
[ "The technology-loaded Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC added 0.35 of a point , or 0.02 percent , to 1,662 .", "The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC rose 17.48 points , or 1.06 percent , to 1,661.51 , based on the latest available figures ." ]
[ "Indeks Komposit Nasdaq yang dimuatkan teknologi.IXIC menambah 0.35 mata, atau 0.02 peratus, kepada 1,662.", "Indeks Komposit Nasdaq.IXIC meningkat 17.48 mata, atau 1.06 peratus, kepada 1,661.51, berdasarkan angka terkini yang ada." ]
[ "When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , \" said Charles Weisselberg , a UC Berkeley law professor .", "When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , \" said Charles Weisselberg , who teaches law at the University of California , Berkeley ." ]
[ "Apabila anda melintasi garisan, anda melanggar hak perlembagaan, \"kata Charles Weisselberg, seorang profesor undang-undang UC Berkeley.", "Apabila anda melintasi garisan, anda melanggar hak perlembagaan, \"kata Charles Weisselberg, yang mengajar undang-undang di University of California, Berkeley." ]
[ "Medical investigators matched the body 's teeth to Aronov 's dental records this morning , medical examiner 's spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said .", "Investigators matched the dead womans teeth to Aronovs dental records Wednesday morning , medical examiners spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said ." ]
[ "Penyiasat perubatan sepadan dengan gigi badan kepada rekod pergigian Aronov pagi ini, kata jurucakap pemeriksa perubatan Ellen Borakove.", "Penyiasat sepadan dengan gigi wanita yang mati dengan rekod pergigian Aronovs pagi Rabu, kata jurucakap pemeriksa perubatan Ellen Borakove." ]
[ "Compared with the same quarter last year , Cisco earned $ 729 million , or 10 cents a share , on revenue of $ 4.82 billion .", "Cisco reported earnings of $ 987 million , or 14 cents a share , on revenue of $ 4.62 billion for the quarter ending in April ." ]
[ "Berbanding dengan suku yang sama tahun lepas, Cisco memperoleh $ 729 juta, atau 10 sen sesaham, atas pendapatan $ 4.82 bilion.", "Cisco melaporkan pendapatan sebanyak $987 juta, atau 14 sen sesaham, pada pendapatan sebanyak $4.62 bilion bagi suku yang berakhir pada April." ]
[ "In an interview , Healey , who is a criminologist , acknowledged that much of the sentiment among legislators here and across the country was wariness toward capital punishment .", "In an interview , Ms. Healey , who is a criminologist , said many lawmakers here and across the country shared a wariness toward capital punishment ." ]
[ "Dalam temu bual, Healey, yang merupakan ahli kriminologi, mengakui bahawa banyak sentimen di kalangan penggubal undang-undang di sini dan di seluruh negara adalah berwaspada terhadap hukuman mati.", "Dalam temu bual, Healey, yang merupakan ahli kriminologi, berkata ramai penggubal undang-undang di sini dan di seluruh negara berkongsi rasa waras terhadap hukuman mati." ]
[ "The problem likely will mean corrective changes before the shuttle fleet starts flying again .", "He said the problem needs to be corrected before the space shuttle fleet is cleared to fly again ." ]
[ "Masalah itu mungkin bermakna perubahan pembetulan sebelum armada ulang-alik mula terbang lagi.", "Katanya, masalah itu perlu diperbetulkan sebelum armada pesawat ulang-alik dikosongkan untuk terbang semula." ]
[ "In Nigeria alone , the report said , as many as 1 million women may be living with the condition .", "In Nigeria alone , the report estimated that between 100,000 and 1 million girls and women are suffering from the condition ." ]
[ "Di Nigeria sahaja, laporan itu berkata, sebanyak 1 juta wanita mungkin hidup dengan keadaan itu.", "Di Nigeria sahaja, laporan itu menganggarkan bahawa antara 100,000 dan 1 juta kanak-kanak perempuan dan wanita menderita keadaan ini." ]
[ "Mayor Mike Bloomberg weighs in former football star William ' The Refrigerator ' Perry for the 88th annual Nathan 's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest .", "Ex-Bears star William ' the Refrigerator ' Perry competes in the Nathan 's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest Friday ." ]
[ "Datuk Bandar Mike Bloomberg menimbang bekas bintang bola sepak William 'The Refrigerator' Perry untuk Peraduan Makan Anjing Panas Keempat Julai Nathan yang terkenal ke-88.", "Ex-Bears star William' the Refrigerator' Perry competes in Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest Friday." ]
[ "Siebel , whose fortunes soared with the tech boom , has cut nearly one-third of its workforce since the end of 2001 .", "With the purge , Siebel will have cut 2,400 employees - or nearly one-third of its workforce - since the end of 2001 ." ]
[ "Siebel, yang kekayaannya melambung dengan ledakan teknologi, telah memotong hampir satu pertiga tenaga kerjanya sejak akhir tahun 2001.", "Dengan pembersihan, Siebel akan telah memotong 2,400 pekerja - atau hampir satu pertiga daripada tenaga kerjanya - sejak akhir tahun 2001." ]
[ "He served as a marine in the Second World War and afterward began submitting articles to magazines .", "After serving as a marine in World War II , he began submitting articles to magazines ." ]
[ "Beliau berkhidmat sebagai seorang marin dalam Perang Dunia Kedua dan selepas itu mula menghantar artikel ke majalah.", "Selepas berkhidmat sebagai marin dalam Perang Dunia II, beliau mula menghantar artikel ke majalah." ]
[ "On July 3 , Troy is expected to be sentenced to life in prison without parole .", "Troy faces life in prison without parole at his July 30 sentencing ." ]
[ "Pada 3 Julai, Troy dijangka dihukum penjara seumur hidup tanpa pembebasan bersyarat.", "Troy menghadapi hukuman penjara seumur hidup tanpa pembebasan bersyarat pada 30 Julai." ]
[ "\" I love the Catholic Church with all my heart , mind , soul and strength , \" said Troy , who spoke quickly but in a steady voice .", "\" I love the Catholic Church with all my heart , mind , soul and strength , \" he said ." ]
[ "\"Saya suka Gereja Katolik dengan sepenuh hati, fikiran, jiwa dan kekuatan saya,\" kata Troy, yang bercakap dengan cepat tetapi dalam suara yang mantap.", "\"Saya sayang Gereja Katolik dengan sepenuh hati, minda, jiwa dan kekuatan,\" katanya." ]
[ "But he confessed : \" There 's total fear to start with because you are completely at the mercy of the winds . \"", "But he said there was a \" total fear to start with because you are completely at the mercy of the winds \" ." ]
[ "Tetapi dia mengaku: \"Ada ketakutan total untuk bermula dengan kerana anda benar-benar berada di rahmat angin.\"", "Tetapi dia berkata ada \"ketakutan total untuk bermula dengan kerana anda benar-benar berada di rahmat angin.\"" ]
[ "Moffitt said the results need to be replicated in another study before testing of individuals for presence of the long or short versions of the gene will be pursued .", "Professor Moffitt said the results needed to be replicated before pursuing testing of individuals for the presence of the long or short versions of the gene ." ]
[ "Moffitt berkata, keputusan itu perlu direplikasi dalam kajian lain sebelum ujian individu untuk kehadiran versi panjang atau pendek gen akan diteruskan.", "Profesor Moffitt berkata, keputusan itu perlu direplikasi sebelum meneruskan ujian individu bagi kehadiran versi panjang atau pendek gen berkenaan." ]
[ "Full classes of 48 are booked through September , he said , and the Transportation Security Administration plans to double its classes in January .", "Full classes of 48 each are booked through the end of September , he said , and the agency plans to double its classes in January ." ]
[ "Kelas penuh 48 ditempah sehingga September, katanya, dan Pentadbiran Keselamatan Pengangkutan merancang untuk menggandakan kelasnya pada Januari.", "Kelas penuh sebanyak 48 setiap satu ditempah sehingga akhir September, katanya, dan agensi itu merancang untuk menggandakan kelasnya pada Januari." ]
[ "The layoffs at Eddie Bauer headquarters were dispersed across the company and at all levels , spokeswoman Lisa Erickson said .", "The eliminations at Eddie Bauer come at all divisions and levels of the company , said Eddie Bauer spokeswoman Lisa Erickson ." ]
[ "Pemecatan di ibu pejabat Eddie Bauer tersebar di seluruh syarikat dan di semua peringkat, kata jurucakap Lisa Erickson.", "Penghapusan di Eddie Bauer datang di semua bahagian dan peringkat syarikat, kata jurucakap Eddie Bauer Lisa Erickson." ]
[ "PeopleSoft 's board now has 10 business days to evaluate the Oracle offer and make a recommendation to its shareholders .", "Nevertheless , PeopleSoft must review Oracle 's tender offer and make a recommendation to shareholders ." ]
[ "Lembaga PeopleSoft kini mempunyai 10 hari perniagaan untuk menilai tawaran Oracle dan membuat cadangan kepada pemegang sahamnya.", "Walau bagaimanapun, PeopleSoft mesti mengkaji tawaran tender Oracle dan membuat cadangan kepada pemegang saham." ]
[ "Law enforcement sources who spoke on condition of anonymity confirmed to The Associated Press that Limbaugh was being investigated by the Palm Beach County , Fla . , state attorney 's office .", "Law enforcement officials confirmed that Limbaugh was being investigated by the Palm Beach County , Fla . , state attorney 's office ." ]
[ "Sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan mengesahkan kepada The Associated Press bahawa Limbaugh sedang disiasat oleh Palm Beach County, Fla., Pejabat peguam negara.", "Pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang mengesahkan bahawa Limbaugh sedang disiasat oleh Palm Beach County, Fla., Pejabat peguam negara." ]
[ "Global HRT sales , which are dominated by Wyeth of the US , were worth $ 3.8bn in 2001 , according to Data- monitor , the London-based market research company .", "Global HRT sales were worth $ 3.8bn ( 2.4bn ) in 2001 , according to Datamonitor , the London-based market research company ." ]
[ "Jualan HRT global, yang dikuasai oleh Wyeth dari Amerika Syarikat, bernilai $ 3.8bn pada tahun 2001, menurut Data-monitor, syarikat penyelidikan pasaran yang berpusat di London.", "Jualan HRT global bernilai $3.8bn (2.4bn) pada tahun 2001, menurut Datamonitor, syarikat penyelidikan pasaran yang berpangkalan di London." ]
[ "The flamboyant entrepreneur flagged the plan after a meeting in London with Australian Tourism Minister Joe Hockey .", "Sir Richard was speaking after a meeting in London with Australian Tourism Minister Joe Hockey ." ]
[ "Pengusaha flamboyan itu menandakan rancangan itu selepas pertemuan di London dengan Menteri Pelancongan Australia Joe Hockey.", "Sir Richard bercakap selepas pertemuan di London dengan Menteri Pelancongan Australia Joe Hockey." ]
[ "Voyager 2 , also launched in 1977 , lags some 1.6 billion miles behind Voyager 1 .", "Voyager 1 was launched on September 5 , 1977 , 16 days after its companion , Voyager 2 ." ]
[ "Voyager 2, juga dilancarkan pada tahun 1977, ketinggalan kira-kira 1.6 bilion batu di belakang Voyager 1.", "Voyager 1 dilancarkan pada 5 September 1977, 16 hari selepas rakan sejawatnya, Voyager 2." ]
[ "For the weekend , the top 12 movies grossed $ 157.1 million , up 52 percent from the same weekend a year earlier .", "The overall box office soared , with the top 12 movies grossing $ 157.1 million , up 52 percent from a year ago ." ]
[ "Untuk hujung minggu, 12 filem teratas menjana $ 157.1 juta, meningkat 52 peratus daripada hujung minggu yang sama tahun sebelumnya.", "The overall box office soared, with the top 12 movies grossing $157.1 million, up 52 percent from a year ago." ]