39 values
Tesla Solar Panels
Anyone have any information on if the Tesla Solar Panels are going to be upgraded any time soon? It seems like with all the potential of solar that Tesla has fallen behind the curve in terms of panel quality and efficiency. It seems that with the limitations of solar roof tiles that they would still want to continue to push the panel envelope but maybe not. The only thing holding me back right now is the efficiency of the panels. I am space limited and am looking for 450 watt panels.
2019-11-12 18:26:55
I got Tesla sola reinstalled via purchase in July and they put on black on black 315s. They look fantastic. $2.85 w
2019-11-12 18:42:57
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
When will Tesla implement use of the EV battery for grid electricity peak and trough shaving?
It would save spending on infrastructure batteries. Would also make solar far more grid friendly.
2015-04-15 02:33:36
The cars can already schedule their charging for off-peak but load shedding would be really cool! It s perfectly matched for taking best advantage of renewables and Tesla would be ideally suited to coordinate it. More Level 2 chargers should offer this too but i guess the standards just aren t mature enough yet or something.
2015-04-15 03:18:24
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
I made an app to track your Tesla s lease
I ve been working on this for a while and I m almost ready to release it. I wanted to post it here and get feedback and see if anyone was interested in helping me test the app. The name of the app is TesLease and it is made for iOS. I did get this post approved by admins before posting. I ve used lease tracking apps in the past but I always forget to load the mileage in. This app is made specifically for Tesla vehicles and uses the Tesla API to automatically update itself so you don t have to. Because it uses the Tesla API you do log in with your Tesla account to get started. You don t enter your username and password into the app directly instead you log in on the Tesla website and we get a token that way. We don t want to be responsible for your Tesla account and your password and token are stored in your phone s keychain and never leave. I d love to get feedback from people using the app before I launch it. Here is a Test Flight link you can use to try the app feel free to sign up and give it a shot. [https: testflight.apple.com join K94Jw12L](https: testflight.apple.com join K94Jw12L) https: preview.redd.it 2huhx0toevx51.png?width=1242&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=eceee8e74e601cf6cd25fd7600a9a0334a9df1ef https: preview.redd.it it1gs7toevx51.png?width=1242&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=e6d1245cae0c774f8503f0f91c41ef1bc802d0b7 [A couple widgets also included](https: preview.redd.it qb12n8toevx51.png?width=1242&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=1c7c8143a5f3d1b7749749ad77fefefa79a8863f)
2020-11-07 19:43:47
Nice and clean UI well done
2020-11-07 19:51:46
Bestla Tesla Companion App
Buying a Powerwall without install
I m looking to buy a Powerwall without having Tesla install it for me. I essentially want to use it as a large UPS for a home lab setup but I don t own the property so I don t want to invest in having it fixed. Goal would be to essentially connect it corded to a 20A circuit and then have a hardwired gang box coming out of it for power. I m tired of buying and spending money on APC UPSes and the like with lead acid batteries and low run times. I m an electrical engineer so I can handle the connections and such. Anyone have any ideas how to get one? Edit: Just called to double check - I can t just buy one. They want to install it for me or use a Tesla certified installer.
2018-07-23 15:33:22
Did you try and call Tesla sales? The phone number is (888) 518-3752 [according to the Tesla website](https: www.tesla.com support).
2018-07-23 15:38:58
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
Regarding Autopilot “assertiveness”
I remember watching a Mobileye presentation where the speaker an esteemed researcher in the autonomous driving field talked about an “assertiveness” factor when it comes to self-driving cars. Take a taxi driver for example when they are able to time and drive themselves quickly for lane changes. In socially accepted places you would say they are being assertive and the aggressiveness is forgiven and not considered rude as they are simply asserting their urgency given the situation. Their directional movements have cue giving clues to the direction they wish to take and other drivers around them are able to flow with it. Take the other opposite where you have a hesitant driver and their indicisiveness is more annoying and disruptive to the flow of traffic. You can t tell what decision they will take. Assertiveness does not mean aggressive or rude. It s the skill to cue intent time movements decide space predict position and assert or make space. It s clear that Tesla s AP or any AP has no notion of assertiveness. It follows blind rules and follows its pacing indifferent to cars around it. If it were a human driver we d call it clueless or rather cue-less. What would it take to program assertiveness into AP? (If anyone has seen that talk please post the link.) Edit: if I may add technology is nowhere near the ability to have assertiveness. Humans can predict. We can see if other drivers are looking at us or if they are looking at all. We can see the subtle directional cues of other cars by how their wheels are turned or by the slight change in angle of the car preparing to change lanes. We respond to dozens or hundreds of cues going on around us constantly. Treat AP as an augmentation assistant not Automation.
2018-11-06 16:04:37
We should put things in context. AP and Nav on AP especially isn t finished. I suspect this first release of Nav on AP is sort of a safety trial. Tesla will surely improve the system which I suspect will lead to more assertive driving. Elon Musk mentioned there was a Los Angeles Traffic Mode they left out. Maybe that was a joke but at the least it s an acknowledgement that the system isn t up to snuff in heavy metro traffic.
2018-11-06 18:23:30
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Production ramp
FWIW... my friend works for a company that supplies a certain component for Tesla (nothing too exciting but would rather not say). Yesterday he asked me if I got my reservation called and said Nice. Apparently the tesla production ramp is real now. We re seeing it big time over here. . That s all...
2018-03-24 15:11:57
The rate is increasing massively. As a new owner they are barely responding on the phone. My dad took delivery on Friday and they did a group pickup. He was picking up a White LR and there were so many White LRs made that they didn t know which one was his in the delivery center.
2018-03-24 15:49:54
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
What do you not like about your model 3
I am about to pull the trigger. It s a very good car but I like to informed decisions so while I am well aware of great things about the car it would nice to see the other side of coin before making final decision. I am curious what do owners of model 3 don t like about their cars since that doesn t get talked about that much...
2018-11-19 01:05:15
After 11 mo: Phone is key is mediocre even when it works (which isn t often enough) because summon sucks via the app and opening the frunk is annoying. The fob doesn t improve things enough to be worth buying. Rear visibility isn t wonderful. Rear seat occupants rely on people in front seat for climate and seat heater changes. Armrest storage tray interferes with 12v outlet. No 12v outlet in trunk and no 110v anywhere. Bland exterior color choices. Piano black interior trim is worse than world hunger. No ventilated seat option. No ski pass through and rear seats can t be locked. Chrome is subdued compared to s&amp x but still ugh. Seats don t have enough lateral support. Door armrest is a bit too low. No heated steering wheel. No dedicated battery heater. Brakes are unimpressive. Functional but mediocre feedback and overall stopping power. Traction control and stability control are too intrusive and can t be disabled from menus. [Edited to add: Red rear turn signals are bad and they should be ashamed! ] There s a bunch of issues i have with the UX design and software feature as well but the above is mostly hardware. Nonetheless I do not think there is a better daily driver available on the current new car market at ***any*** price at least for my uses. If I had a billion dollars in the bank and had to replace my car I d order the same thing again except with AWD.
2018-11-19 01:20:34
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
How will they make the model 3 so mmuch cheaper than the model S?
I know they re building a Gigafactory which will lower battery costs but how else will they reduce costs with the model 3?
2014-10-12 03:58:56
-Car will be smaller overall (75%?) perhaps lighter as well (maybe not though because they won t be using aluminum). -At least 30% reduction in cost of battery packs maybe up to 40%. -Might trim some costs by making it not quite as luxurious. -Economies of scale. -Smaller profit margins. Just some random thoughts I had.
2014-10-12 05:43:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model S Owners Battery Survey (Battery Degradation)
Back in 2013 Plug In America published [a report that showed how slow the Tesla Roadster battery degradation was](http: www.pluginamerica.org surveys batteries tesla-roadster PIA-Roadster-Battery-Study.pdf). This report was used to refute the arguments of many EV and Tesla haters. I was searching for a similar report for the Model S with no luck. Instead I found the battery survey page on Plug In America s website. I also found their raw data that has not been compiled yet. Perhaps they want to do a longer term test with more data so I suggest all the Tesla owners here go over and take the battery survey. **[CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY](http: www.pluginamerica.org surveys batteries model-s survey.php)**
2015-02-17 01:50:56
Range degradation for the Model S (Dutch-Belgium data) http: stks.co b1Y7N At this rate &gt 80% battery capacity after 900 000 km
2015-02-17 02:01:36
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Just got my model 3 order updated to LR RWD in EU - NO AP INCLUDED
As the title says i just got my order updated and the painful surprise is in : no AP included on this version. What i thought to be a 5200€ difference between RWD and AWD has become a 2k€ difference only... I was quoted a price of 54150€ (France incentive deduced) and the final Price is 57350€. Tesla France is unable to change the Price as it s locked in their systems. Is there any way to contact a superior level to try to get the Price i was quoted ? Edit : i placed my order on April 18th way before any talk of LR RWD not including AP Edit 2 : just got a superior at Tesla France. Since i ordered before it was announced that LR RWD wasn t inclunding AP i will get the quoted Price with an updated order today or tomorrow. It seems that everything is going well.
2019-05-02 07:52:47
Same here (Netherlands). I had confirmation from multiple people from Tesla that AP was included in the 53k price but just by phone nothing written. When I heard that I jumped on it realising it was a great deal. I even added FSD because of the room in my budget. Today I called and they said I will get AP for free they ll change the orders from before 30th of april. That is pretty cool of them!
2019-05-02 10:48:24
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
TeslaOffer automatic truck
Hey everyone! It FINALLY happened I m getting rid of my Audi A4 and replacing it with a Model 3 thank god. I m looking into installing the automatic trunk from TeslaOffer. I wanted to know if anyone has experience with this system. How is it? How was the installation process? Thanks in advance!
2019-08-16 19:10:30
Ah automatic tru**n**k
2019-08-16 20:17:27
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tax credit vs AWD
Anyone else struggling with this decision? I reserved on April 1 and my estimate says jan-mar for the bigger battery which is what I want...but it also says oct-dec for AWD which means there s pretty much no chance I m getting the full 7500 at that point if I wait. This is a tough call...
2017-07-29 21:11:26
It actually simplified the decision for me. No way I can wait for AWD and miss out on the $7500 much to my dismay.
2017-07-29 21:20:55
EV Tax Credit Information
Model 3 tire rotation specs?
I m coming up on my first tire rotation. The nearest service center is about 30 hours so I m just going to take it to a local shop. I m wondering if there s anything I should be aware of? Also the specs? From checking Google it appears I should rotate front to back while keeping the tires on the same side. 129 LBS is the torque spec I can leave the vehicle in park and I have a set of jack pads. Anyone able to confirm that s correct and anything else I should look it for? Thank you! Edit: Model LR AWD (Aero wheels) (I already searched the sub before posting and couldn t find any posts similar)
2020-06-15 14:34:24
Also make sure they use some form of Jack pads or protector https: forums.tesla.com forum forums jack-pads
2020-06-15 14:39:13
Model Y Wheel Options
High pitched fan noise
I have a 2021 Sr+ and started noticing a high pitched squeak when the car is on and heater is running. It s not loud but definitely audible and as of right now mildly irritating. Is this normal or is it something I should get checked out?
2021-12-08 13:10:24
Mine has a high pitch noise when Preconditioning for supercharging is on. It s annoying enough for me to navigate to another map pin next to the supercharger so it doesn t make the noise.
2021-12-08 17:33:26
Tesla Noise Concerns
Looking for advice: Model S Suspension issue
Hey guys sad to share this but could use any advice y all might have. So last night while returning home from downtown i hit what looked like and felt like (and was) a small pothole but there was a loud THUD besides the usual noise of going over a pothole and then my car slowed down and i could hear the front right wheel scraping the body of the car. After stopping and checking i find my front right wheel literally hugging the top of the body of the car. After a painful 3 hrs uselessly dealing with my insurance decided to pay for one of the Tesla recommended towing companies and got my poor Model S towed to the North SC in Houston.Now my problem is i have no idea what the problem is or what exactly happened... i ve gone over bigger potholes before (this is Houston after all) and besides the bounce and regular thud this has never happened. A car savvy friend thought it either have come loose or broken from the suspension. To elaborate on the coming loose part after inspecting around the wheel i found this aluminum bearing(??) hanging loose and appearing to have broken off. https: i.redd.it jk50ilxpvjp21.jpg A couple of question for anyone here. 1. Has anyone experienced this (possible) suspension problem before and if so - what was the reason? and how much did you end up having to pay to get it fixed? I m hoping that since my car doesn t have Smart Air Suspension but the regular spring suspension instead it won t be too bad... 2. does anyone recognize the bearing?? like i said i found it loose near the back of my wheel after i got down to check. At the moment im thinking that this might be due to a defect improper conditioning done on my suspension of which i had previously expressed concern to the service center when i got my car and heard loud creaks at times when i turned the wheel but upon bringing my car in for an inspection and possibly repair one of the repairmen got in the car with me checked it and dismissed it as okay if that is indeed the case and its related to that i believe this should be covered under warranty due to negligence. Any input or advice any of you might have is greatly appreciated! Prepping to talk to the service center tomorrow. &amp #x200B UPDATE: A Tesla owner from my local group confirmed that the piece is indeed part of the suspension... I took delivery of this car 2 months ago and right then on the first day i hear some loud creaks coming from the suspension whenever i did a full turn twist of the steering wheel. I made an appt and asked them to please take the car in to take a look at it and fix it. The day of the appointment a mechanic asked me to drive it around we heard the creaks but he pointed out it was common because i had creep on and dismissed it. It seems to me that the suspension most likely had issues upon delivery and since it didn t get checked when i requested it the stress kept piling up until it busted the suspension on the front right wheel yesterday.
2019-04-01 00:53:36
It s an extremely common problem on the S (though this sub doesn t like to hear that.) ~~The lower control arm broke~~. (This break was upper knuckle thanks to r rex_regum for correction) $tslaq claims that the earlier S suspension were built with inferior aluminum. One of the law suits (that was recently dismissed) was from Cristina Balan and was about these parts. Google Tesla Whompy Wheels sometime. I can tell you that in ~20 years in automotive repair I ve never seen a car that has such a tendency to break control arms in any sort of collision or even off of potholes. My 2 cents - If I owned an S I would be replacing the lower arms every 2-3 years. Cheap insurance.
2019-04-01 01:13:51
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tell me about your interior options...
Next-Gen seats carbon fibre dash regular upholstery... tell me what you got in your Model S! Do you regret your decision or did you make the right one? Why?
2014-12-31 17:14:40
Got regular textile and piano black regular dash. No upgraded headliner either. Very happy with the seats. Wife has a bad back but on our cross country trip neither of us got uncomfortable and her back was fine even while sleeping in those seats. We get lots of compliments on the seats as well. The piano black interior dash shows finger prints easily which is a little annoying. If I had to choose again I d get the carbon fiber. I ve taken a ride in the P85D and the seats are nice. However to be honest I wouldn t fork out the extra money for them (at least at their current pricing) because I m very happy with the textile. Same goes with the leather - I wouldn t get it unless the price drops. I m not a big fan of leather since I live in SoCal. However if they added air-cooled seats if consider the upgraded ones. I d probably also get the black headliner if the price dropped but I do like the lighter standard that I have now. I would not get the leather dashboard cover I didn t like that on the P85D. I d stick with my standard dash cover (black). I d never use them in CA (which is why I didn t order the winter package) but if I lived up north I d like the heated seats in the rear. The heated seats up front are pretty awesome and the back doesn t get a whole lot of air to warm up unless you really crank up the heat fans.
2014-12-31 19:12:00
Model 3 Seat Impressions
Daily Discussion Question and Answer Experiences and Support Thread
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [About](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki about) and [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) pages to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. **Use this recurring thread for Q&amp A sharing your ownership service experiences general vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc.** **Links for answers to some of the most common questions!** * [**Displayed Rated Range**](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki range) **|** [**Tesla Support**](https: www.tesla.com support) **|** [**Winter Driving**](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) **|** [**Software Updates + Megathreads**](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** * [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Optiwatt](https: getoptiwatt.com ) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** * [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) * **NEW -** [**Model 3 Video Manuals**](https: www.youtube.com c TeslaManuals videos) **Resources:** * [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) \- Recent Highlights and Links * [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) * r AutoDetailing \- Cleaning detailing tips * [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) * [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) * [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) * Print a [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) made by u backstreetatnight \+ u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all). If you are new and your comments get removed due to low karma mods will often approve your comments to help you grow necessary karma. If you have any suggestions on how to enhance the daily threads resources or community as a whole please reach out to [Modmail](https: reddit.com message compose?to= r teslamotors).
2021-05-02 10:00:15
Ordered my LR blue model Y on April 5 (with tow hitch standard rims and black interior) and still eagerly awaiting getting my VIN. I ve seen a few people post here who ordered around the same time already get a VIN. Hopefully I get it soon. A few questions i had is it recommended to get a windshield sunshade to protect the dashboard and keep the sun out? Or is it pointless since the whole roof is basically glass? Any good ones you d recommend? Also will my model Y come with any adapters so I can charge at non-tesla electric vehicle charging stations?
2021-05-02 14:57:29
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] What would you like to see possibly with voice control?
As much as I love my Model 3 I am really disappointed by the sparse voice control functions. As far as I can tell there is navigation phone calls and music controls and that s it. I would love for Tesla to support CarPlay. That alone would at least add a ton of new features and better phone integration but that is a topic for a different discussion. I am curious what are all the things you think should be possible using just voice control. This is the car of the future after all. Considering how many controls are buried in menus in the center screen it seems like it would be a huge safety improvement to expose everything by voice control as well. Here is my current list. I think the best format would be the command you would speak and what that command does should be obvious from your words: * Adjust Mirrors * Fold Mirrors * Set Wipers to 2 * Turn on dome lights * Show me the closest supercharger * Turn on the rear left seat warmer * Engage Autosteer * What s my tire pressure? * Turn on child lock Looking forward to hearing other ideas.
2018-12-06 15:45:46
Read my f@$&amp ing text messages !
2018-12-06 16:48:49
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Roadside Assistance Fail
Come out this morning to discover my Model Y driver side rear wheel is flat. The car is parked in my driveway so I assumed I had picked up a small piece of metal and it had slowly leaked all night. That wasn t it it was slashed. I discovered this after I got my compressor and tried to refill the tire so I could limp to a tire repair shop only to find all the air hissing out of the very obvious slash in the sidewall. RIP tire. 3:06PM Use the Tesla app to start the roadside assistance process. Replacement tire is $462.50 okay I accept the charges. &amp #x200B 3:24PM: Mobile Tire has been dispatched to assist and will arrive on location in 60 minutes. A Technician will contact you directly prior to arrival. The technician will contact you once they re en route to your location. We will be closing out this concern. Further SMS messages will not be monitored . Okay no problem that s pretty convenient. 5:23 PM: Still have heard nothing (kinda sus at this point). Call them at (877)7983752 ask what s going on where is the repair tech? I m told they will contact me directly I push the issue and ask When? The tesla roadside assistance says he will check and puts me on hold for a few minutes. Tesla: They will call you in 5-10 minutes sorry for the delay &amp #x200B 7:04 PM: NOTHING! Call them back AGAIN. A little less happy this time. Explain the time line and the situation. Ask them what am I supposed to do? Agent puts me on hold and checks something. Tells me the roadside service tech is out of office until Monday. ... THE ONE AND ONLY ROADSIDE SERVICE TECH IS OUT UNTIL MONDAY?!? YOU HAVE ONLY ONE!? &amp #x200B Okay new plan: They will check and see if their third party tow company has a loaner wheel that has a tire on it. They put me on hold for 10 minutes and check in with the tow company. Good news! They can get me a loaner wheel tonight. The plan is a third party tow truck is going to show up with a wheel and a tire that isn t slashed. We ll take the slashed wheel off and stick it in my garage and put the new wheel on and I will be okay for the weekend. On Monday the well rested highlander service tech will come and replace the tire on my slashed wheel take the loaner wheel off and put my wheel back on with its new tire. Then he will take the loaner wheel with him. &amp #x200B Okay cool that will work. &amp #x200B 8:04 PM: Tesla calls me back... The third party tow company... doesn t have that wheel . We can have it towed to our service center tonight. &amp #x200B Me: Okay fine. Do they work tomorrow (which would be Saturday?) Tesla: No. They won t be open until Monday. I assume because that s when the only service tech is back from his well deserved break (I mean obviously he s carrying this entire Portland Oregon workload on his back alone). Me: Okay. How about we just leave the car with its slashed tire in my driveway until Monday then they can just come fix it like we had originally planned? Tesla: Ok. Me: ...thanks bye \*click\* &amp #x200B I m not cancelling AAA anytime soon that s for sure. I m really lucky that I m at home and my car is in my driveway and I m not stuck somewhere unpleasant counting on this service to get me home safe. &amp #x200B \*\*\*\*UPDATE\*\*\*\* Tesla just called me back it is now Sunday at 3:56 PM. Their one and only technician has called in sick and they are cancelling the appointment to come install the tire on Monday. They can reschedule for Tuesday... I m concerned their one tech might not make it in Tuesday either their tech might still be under the weather and then where would I be? I m in Portland Oregon. Not like I m in some remote area or something. I can t believe how poorly resourced they are. I asked them to just sell me the tire and I will handle towing and installation now. All I really need is to buy the tire that they have in stock that no one else has in stock. They say I can call back Monday they have no answers about tire inventory right now. I ve asked to speak to a supervisor who will call me back in 2-6 hours &amp #x200B \*\*\*\*UPDATE\*\*\*\* Still Sunday but now 4:20 PM. Tesla calls back: They don t have a supervisor to talk to me until Monday... Ok. We make a new plan: Tow the car to service center now (so it s there first thing on Monday morning). If they don t have a tire they are obligated to provide a loaner vehicle so that will allow me to get to work and live life normally while they deal with their obvious tire inventory staffing issues. Theoretically a tow truck is going to show up in &lt 90 minutes and take the car to service center. Monday morning I ll have more info and if they don t have a tire in inventory I can Uber down there and get a loaner car. &amp #x200B &amp #x200B \*\*\*\*FINAL UPDATE\*\*\*\*\* Monday 8:30AM They came and got the car got it to the service center where they had a tire and just finished at 1:44PM replacing the tire. They sent me a link for a free (to me) Uber ride down there to pick up the car. **So during the week the service is really good up to what I would have expected from Tesla.** I m glad this is wrapped up obviously I have to improve my home security and I ll be purchasing a spare front and rear tire to keep in my garage and have on hand so I don t get stuck over the weekend ever again. Cheapest prices I found for these tires online is Discount American Tire at $335.00 each I paid about $460.00 for Tesla to tow it and do the replacement. So I could have saved $130.00 if I d had a spare tire on hand and went to a local shop with my rim in hand. I m fine with this price today. All is well that ends well.
2021-03-06 04:48:22
2021-03-06 04:49:28
Model Y Wheel Options
2020.12.5 text message reading update
Has anyone else tried clicking a text to have the car read it and then swiping it to the right while reading since getting the 2020.12.5 update? Today I swiped to the right out of habit even though it used to continue reading the text and today it stopped reading after swiping to the right. I really appreciated this change and wanted to see if it was a glitch or an unmentioned update. Let me know if you ve experienced this too!
2020-04-14 01:57:30
I hope they fixed the issue with it reading directions instead of the text message! I have voice directions off (always). But if I m coming up to a turn and a text comes in it always read the next direction out loud instead of the text message.
2020-04-14 02:34:46
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Older Model S vs Model 3
I know that a new model S will be better than a new model 3 but how do the older model S vehicles (such as 2013-2015) fare against the proposed model 3? I ve been checking prices on a few older Model S vehicles since the latest news and found the prices to be a bit closer than I expected. I know I would be missing out on the rebate claim with purchasing the used Tesla (at least I assume I would be) but I haven t been factoring the rebate into my purchase as a safety precaution. Thank you for any information you may have! P.S. Does anyone have the spreadsheet with the tax rebate claim information?
2017-03-26 13:31:20
1. No Fed rebate on Used cars. 2. The biggest differentiation for most will be AP 2 being available on the Model 3. Currently you need to get a late 2016 Model S X or newer to get the latest sensors software. However the Model S is considered a higher end luxury car while the Model 3 is considered an entry level luxury car so Model S even an older one will have alot more bells and whistles. 3. The earlier (2012-late 2014) Model S does not have autopilot v1. So its a very nice electric sedan with no automation features (still light years ahead of the nearest competitor in the electric segment IMHO) 4. Late 2014-Late 2016 has Autopilot V1. This allows traffic aware cruise control Autopilot and autopark. Looking at used cars there s a pretty significant jump in prices between the pre AP1 and AP1 cars. Used AP1 cars are start in the 60s and Pre AP1 cars can be found in 40s-low 50s depending on options. Honestly as far as the features of the Model 3 we don t know the whole picture yet. What will AP2 convenience and full self driving COST on a Model 3? What options will be available? What is the maximum range? Is there going to be a high end performance model 3? We honestly don t know. My advice will be wait for a bit before making any decision. See the full pricing structure of the Model 3. Also if you didn t get your order in early for your Model 3....you might be SOL on the federal rebate entirely.
2017-03-26 14:07:44
EV Tax Credit Information
S with AP2 updated to firmware 2.52.36 observation
I picked up my AP2 Model S this morning from the service center. Had a small wind noise corrected. Asked them to update me to latest firmware which turned out to be 2.52.36. No auto pilot features were enabled and no mention of shadow mode being activated in the release notes. However I am now noticing what sounds like a new faint fan noise emanating from the dash. No climate control fan on. I m wondering if this is the AP computer I m hearing now working in shadow mode? Does anyone know where the computer is located? Can anyone with an AP2 car who has AP working chime in? Is this something you noticed during calibration and or notice now when you are using AP?
2017-01-12 19:40:00
The noise coming from the glove box is the new Nvidia chip. If you pop off the side panel there are some bolts to take the glove box tray and trim off to where you can see the new stuff. Pretty easy
2017-01-12 21:30:06
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Update: Tesla made it right with the inventory vehicle
I posted a thread about how Tesla wasn t honoring the features price listed on the inventory page for a new Sept Oct 2018 X P100DL. Basically the inventory page listed EAP but the build sheet they sent had the same vehicle price but AP instead of EAP (effectively making the vehicle worth $2 000 less than the price it should be). &amp #x200B The sales rep said he d work with operations to get it fixed but in the end said the upper managers refused. So they said I could take it with the reduced feature and same price or walk away. It was a heavily discounted vehicle so I still wanted it but bummed that they weren t honoring the features shown on the inventory listing page for that vehicle. &amp #x200B As a last ditch effort the day before my car was to be delivered (which was yesterday March 29th). I emailed my delivery specialist to express my displeasure at how Tesla handled the listing vs actual build sheet. To my surprise the delivery specialist agreed - and worked with the store manager and went up from there. By the end of that night they had corrected it and upgraded it to FSD for the inconvenience. &amp #x200B While this resolution might be unique due to the rush to deliver cars by the end of the quarter I m still hoping this story and resolution is helpful to anyone else having difficulty getting Tesla to honor the price options listed on the inventory vehicle pages. If your sales rep is saying something is impossible it doesn t hurt to ask anyone else you can get a hold of. &amp #x200B On a side note the demo vehicle with 50 miles on it was in absolutely perfect condition and delivered to my house to sign the paperwork. I could not be happier with either the delivery process nor the vehicle itself.
2019-03-30 16:30:01
Interesting resolution too. I bet they literally cannot activate just “EAP” anymore. So they had to give your AP + FSD to give you all the features you were promised and then you got some extra too.
2019-03-30 17:33:50
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Some Questions regarding the future.
Is there any information on how Tesla plans to stay competitive once established automakers bring their EVs to market? Is the assumption that these automakers will go through an iterative process (thus taking time) to reach the product quality of a MS MX M3 we see in 2017? And Tesla by then would have something more bleeding edge to offer? I mean just all the data collected via AP for all the millions of miles logged will hopefully make the product more accurate right? I m thinking the established supercharger network itself would be a big draw for owning a Telsa EV but then I found out about EVgo network that may grow in itself or partner with a number of automakers to give them a running start. Additionally do the established automakers have an advantage of the dealership network? I m assuming if there is an advantage Tesla can also adopt the dealership model when they need to ramp up and level the playing field. Today MS &amp MX benefits largely from being the only viable EVs in their respective segments but it would be interesting to see how the EV market responds to the release of EV versions of their existing ICE counterparts say for example a BMW 3 5 series or a Merc C E class Audi A4 &amp so on.
2017-09-06 01:02:49
* No * Yes * Sure * Yes * Yes
2017-09-06 01:09:09
Future of Electric Cars
Daily Q&amp A Discussion Owner Experience and Support Thread
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. **Use this recurring thread for Q&amp A sharing your ownership service experiences general vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** * [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** * [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** * [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) * **NEW -** [**Model 3 Video Manuals**](https: www.youtube.com c TeslaManuals videos) **Resources:** * [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) * [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) \- Recent Highlights and Links * [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) * r AutoDetailing \- Cleaning detailing tips * [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) * [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) * [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) * Print a [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) made by u backstreetatnight \+ u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all). If you are new and your comments get removed due to low karma mods will often approve your comments to help you grow necessary karma. If you have any suggestions on how to enhance the daily threads resources or community as a whole please reach out to [Modmail](https: reddit.com message compose?to= r teslamotors).
2020-09-27 10:00:10
Has anybody ever added on to a solar system? I did my back roof a few years ago with Tesla (right as they made the switch from SolarCity). Now that I m picking up a Model 3 in a few days I m wondering if I should do the front too. If I d be eligible for all the same credits again it might be worth it. In Maryland.
2020-09-27 11:38:31
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Those with CPOs: what was the variety like of cars that aren t listed online?
I m considering getting a CPO S instead of the 3 if cost would end up being similar (I was going to effectively max out the 3). I m just curious of what you encountered when saying what you wanted or what your budget was - what kind of variety was there and what was your process like when choosing? And if you re comfortable what were the average prices of the cars as opposed to those listed online? Would you say the DS provided you with a lot of options? I m going to assume there s even more cars hanging around now since the refresh.
2016-08-28 18:47:49
Avoid 2012 2013 cars
2016-08-28 19:49:25
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla needs a supercharger in north GA Eastern TN. People from Atlanta and Nashville can t hike there and get back on a single charge and they only have destination chargers up there
If you guys go on Google Maps and look around North Georgia and eastern Tennessee area around pigeon Forge there are no superchargers. This is a big weekend getaway area for people in the south east there are a lot of great hikes… And the inability to go up there and come back as an argument that my spouse is currently using the push for a gas vehicle
2020-10-22 19:23:08
Hey op co president of tesla TN here. We have poked Elon and gotten it is part of the plan response. When will pigeon forge get one your guess is as good as mine. We keep highlighting this as a strong gap. We 100% agree. Please tweet at Elon and tesla about it as well as fill out the suggestion form for where a charger is needed on the site. The more we let them know maybe they will take it under advisement.
2020-10-22 21:14:15
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Teslabjørn compares Model 3 Performance 2021 vs 2019 acceleration in cold climate at different charge levels
Teslabjørn just published a very interesting video showing how the 2021 Model 3 Performance loses tons of performance seemingly because it cools the battery way to much leaving it with a power output of just 120kW @ 10% charge compared to 230kW on the 2019 model after driving from a 90% charge. On the 2019 the battery temperature stays at around 28°C but the 2021 model drops all the way down to 9°C in the same conditions. The 2021 couldn t even keep highway speeds towards the end because of the insane power limit. Seems like a very weird decision to let it get that low when it loses that much performance but maybe this is by design just to keep the efficiency high is the answer to activate Track Mode to keep this from happening? Can be very dangerous not being able to keep the speed on a highway. Results table here [https: imgur.com a HWY0vqq](https: imgur.com a HWY0vqq) (All cred to Teslabjørn on YouTube) Check out the video here [https: www.youtube.com watch?v=C-2r4Y\_lUsk](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=C-2r4Y_lUsk)
2021-02-04 11:04:32
I think it s pretty crap that Tesla is making year to year changes that have huge ownership impacts with basically no transparency to the customer. We test drove a Model Y with low-regen and now our vehicle to be delivered soon will not have that option. No one informed us of this nor was any explanation officially provided despite many asking for a low-regen snow mode . Now the heat pump cars are displaying reduced winter charger rates regen and performance at low SoC due to siphoning a ton of heat from the pack presumably for efficiency. Is this expected operation? Who knows Tesla doesn t feel the need to explain.
2021-02-04 14:17:07
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Car not cooling the cockpit easy fix?
I noticed yesterday that Keep Climate On does not work. It says “to keep climate on battery level must be greater than 20%. I have over 80% battery. Today I noticed that the cooling dos not work either. I m on 2019.12.1.2. Is there an easy fix for this?
2019-05-17 14:02:23
If it were me I d schedule a service visit which can be done using the Tesla app.
2019-05-17 14:08:26
Tesla Climate Control Issues
How can I go to the unveiling of the new product line on April 30th?
Do you need tickets? Do you need to be invited?
2015-04-14 18:33:36
most events are invite only. Who or how to get on the list isnt exactly clear but its quite a large group of west coast tesla owners generally speaking.
2015-04-14 19:09:52
Tesla Factory Tour Restrictions
What s your sound check song when first introducing your friends to the Tesla sound system?
Mine is Stone in Love by Journey for those 40+ and Levitating by Dua Lipa for those &lt 40.
2021-11-16 02:57:52
For the first genuinely useful new thread topic that I ve seen in a LONG time take an Award and a bow. I m saving this thread to check back later for what everyone has suggested
2021-11-16 12:46:13
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
How would I go about renting a Tesla for 2-4 months?
I will temporarily be driving a lot more over the next few months and I d love to rent a Tesla to take advantage of the auto-pilot. This much highway driving makes me feel unsafe and I think the auto-pilot would be awesome for peace of mind. I d also like to buy one but am curious if driving it for a few months will get it out of my system. &amp #x200B Is affordably renting a tesla for this short of time possible or just wishful thinking?
2019-05-15 20:57:42
It will definitely not “get it out of your system”. You won t want any other car after driving one.
2019-05-15 21:03:43
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[UPDATE POLL] LTE Throttling Update from Tesla
Hey All Just a quick update here as Tesla called me personally this morning and I just got off the phone. Tesla is confirming that the regional data collection here and TMC combined with pulling my car s logs while I was doing daily speed tests lead to them identifying the bottleneck in their network topology. They immediately realized the significance of what they found which is why they were so confident in a fix for a large portion of the country. I am just passing along their thanks to the community on this one and for our patience with the issue. Please if you are still experiencing very slow connectivity streaming performance and cannot achieve a connection better than ~240kbps post your speed tests here! Otherwise I think ... **We did it Reddit!** edit: I just got my Service Invoice and this is the exact note on my record: &gt LTE coverage tests were performed over the weekend. The modem team was able to use &gt that data to nail down the cause of a problem that was causing LTE bottlenecks all across &gt the east coast since mid-November 2017. Those customers should now be getting 10x &gt data throughput. Customer is advised to monitor LTE and to contact service center is the &gt problem reappears edit2: Awww.. Tesla is sending me a gift for the help :D
2018-01-09 16:05:06
Thanks again for pursuing this for all of us and keeping us up to date. I was at 240 kbps a few days ago and yesterday I tested at 1.9 - 2.1 mbps. That s more than enough for Slacker Radio so it s all good!
2018-01-09 16:45:48
Car Software Update Connectivity
Smart Summon Not Working After App Refresh
Hey guys has anyone else had this issue where Smart summon no longer works after the app refresh cause I cannot get it to work for the life of me. Everytime i pull it up It either lets me go straight or forward Smart summon just gets stuck on warming up. If anyone has a solution or is also going through this please lmk thanks.
2021-09-12 04:44:57
https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments plvpan summon_issues ?utm_source=share&amp utm_medium=ios_app&amp utm_name=iossmf
2021-09-12 11:44:10
Issues with Smart Summon
CPO tax incentive of any kind?
Is there any kind federal or state for CPO cars? Just curious doing tax stuff today.
2017-02-21 13:25:51
Federal is just for the first owner.
2017-02-21 13:46:45
EV Tax Credit Information
Order changing and Q &amp A after The D-event
I was scheduled for a February delivery (in The Netherlands) of my newly ordered Tesla S85. My order was confirmed and fixed on October 8th. Then the *D* happened. So I had a couple of questions about my order and the ability to change it. I suspect some of you are in the same boat so I thought I de just put my questions and the answers of the Tesla delivery manager right here. I mailed these questions to him and he called me back *within 10 minutes*. Here s the Q&amp A: * Can I still change my order even after it has been fixed after the two weeks period? Yes you can. Just sent me a mail with your desired changes. A new order will be created and your deposit will be transferred to that order. Your current order will be canceled. If you change your order to a 85D your delivery will take place in April instead of February. * I have ordered the Tech-package but not the fog-lights. Will my Tesla now come with fog-lights? Yes all changes to the Tech-package are effective immediately. Current orders will get the new Tech-package. Including the fog-lights and auto-pilot update functionality. * On the Tesla configuration page it says the improved seats will come to the P85D first. If I change my order or place a new order and opt for a 85D will I get the improved seats as well? Yes The 85D s will all have the improved seats. The P85D will just be delivered sooner. * But I have chosen the fabric leather option on the seats instead of the full leather option. Will the improvements apply to these seats as well? Yes improvements to the seats apply to all types * If I go to the car configuration now I don t see an option for the 4 year Service plan anymore. Why is that? We are currently changing this plan but are not yet done. We chose to remove the option for now and it will return when we are finished. * Can I still cancel the service plan? Yes you can. The wait for me will be a bit longer now but I am not really bothered by that. I have not changed my order yet because I am having doubts about the fabric or full leather option. Re-reading some posts on that now like [this](http: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 1r9nfr can_anyone_speak_to_the_textile_seats_as_opposed ) one.
2014-10-13 14:32:32
I m curious to know what will happen with the service plan. Some people are complaining it is too expensive and it is something other brands offer for free the first years... Personally I would go full leather. You also have more color options. And I think that if you ever try to sell it full leather always helps to retain the luxurious feel.
2014-10-13 14:49:36
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Non-Responsive Service Center
Does anyone have any idea what could be going on with my Model 3? I brought it in Monday night as my car got an error Critical Failure Will Not Drive and had to be towed to the service center. I received a text stating it was having diagnostic s run and I would know more the next day same thing the next day. I called and they said by tomorrow on Tuesday and yet I got the same message again. I decided to try and call again today and it went to voicemail I called a second time and it was picked up then hung up. I ve emailed twice with no response within the past 4 days. Am I just being overbearing in not having a car all week and being curious as to what s going on? Texts and Error Code: https: imgur.com a Ldyngpc Edit Update: Via ihaveamodel3 s advice below I sent a text to the service center and received a response they ordered a rear drive unit but do not have an ETA as to when the unit will be shipped they have not responded to any questions in regards to a loan rental setup.
2019-08-30 20:58:40
welcome to the sad state of tesla customer service. it is a shame that they have not expanded their capabilities with the hundreds of thousands of new cars they ve put on the roads
2019-08-30 21:51:13
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Are repair shops still gouging?
I recently wrecked and essentially the panel above the driver side front wheel was peeled off and the driver door won t close. I was stunned to see that the estimate was only $4k. Has the initial gold rush by repair shops dried up or is this just the calm before the storm once the shop starts looking more closely at the damage?
2017-04-14 17:21:37
Unfortunately that s a shop by shop thing. Some places will always gouge others will do a proper estimate and quote you a fair price.
2017-04-14 17:23:01
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Am I thinking about this correctly? Input needed. Debating a Model 3 purchase
Hey Guys! My wife and I are thinking about purchasing a Model 3. I am taking a promotion which will require me to drive 35K-40K miles per year. My current vehicle isn t going to cut it particularly with the clients I will be meeting riding with - a little hatchback that gets 30 mpg. Because of the number of miles I will be putting on a vehicle and amount of time spent in a car I started looking at the model 3 and went on a test drive which was spectacular. According to Tesla s calculator - we d be saving nearly $15K over 6 years in gas savings and my company reimburses .60 per mile driven which equates to $21K per year in reimbursements. I figure we put that towards car payments and savings. It seems like a no brainer to me - we d be coming out ahead in the long run by purchasing the Model 3 due to reduced maintenance costs no gas costs and mileage reimbursements. Am I thinking about that correctly? I want to hear from those of you who live with the vehicle daily What else should i be thinking about? - where else do you see savings and or what am I overlooking in expenses as it relates to keeping this vehicle in good condition while putting this many miles on it? I appreciate all of the feedback given and look forward to reading!!
2019-03-18 15:20:20
Sounds like a no brainer. With that many miles you ll definitely want the long range battery and autopilot. I d simply suggest that you figure out your home charging solution early and if possible explore supercharger locations on your most commonly traveled paths. I d expect there will be plenty.
2019-03-18 15:26:38
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
While we re all focused on Base v Premium anyone notice that the chassis dynamics of the Model 3 is pretty advanced
Double wishbone virtual steer axis front suspension with coil over twin-tube shock absorbers and stabilizer bar Independent multi-link rear suspension with twin-tube shock absorbers and stabilizer bar Variable ratio speed sensitive electronic power steering Electromechanicallly boosted four wheel anti-lock disc brakes with electronic brake force distribution
2017-07-29 17:25:55
[MRW I read that](http: i.imgur.com 8vuviaY.gifv) as someone who s not a gearhead. Can you ELI5 the benefits there?
2017-07-29 17:42:04
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 charging door won t open
Edit (fixed!): Just tried prying it open (as suggested by u NoVA_traveler in my daily thread question). It made several rough clicking noises when I got about halfway so I let go. I tried opening the door as normal from the touchscreen and now it works fine (tested several times). (Original post): I received a few ideas in the daily thread for this problem but no success yet so I m hoping someone else might have another idea here. Starting this morning my charging door will not open on my Model 3. I ve tried: \--all the standard ways (on screen in the app physically pushing it using the button on the supercharging handle). \--the three reboots restarts I ve read about - holding the two steering wheel buttons (with and without pressing the brake) and turning it off on screen (in safety and security) and waiting three minutes. \--I called support and they recommended a lot of what I had already tried. They also said to try sliding a credit card under it which was supposed to pop it open and to try to use the manual release in the trunk (even though that s supposed to release the cable from the port not open the door). It has been somewhat cold (upper 20s to upper 30s) over the last day or so but it hasn t rained or snowed. I guess some moisture could have condensed in there even without precipitation but I would have expected it to melt in the \~40\* sun today. The service center closed before I could make it up there and they don t open again until Monday. I d like to try some other things before heading up there. I also only have about 65 miles of range left so that ll be a last resort. Anyone have any other ideas? TL DR: the charging door won t open on my Model 3.
2019-02-09 22:09:07
Just tried prying it open (as suggested by u NoVA_traveler in my daily thread question). It made several rough clicking noises when I got about halfway so I let go. I tried opening the door as normal from the touchscreen and now it works fine (tested several times).
2019-02-09 23:26:59
Tesla charging port locking
Customer deposits 853 919
What can we read into it? What can we read out of it?
2018-02-08 12:48:36
OP is saying that Tesla revealed in their filings that they re holding $850M in customer deposits. This figure has previously been used to extrapolate how many Model 3 deposits had been made (even though that number was mixed with S and X reservations at the time). Now that total number is S X 3 Semi and Roadster deposits. Consider how much Tesla has received in deposits for the Semi and Roadster in the past month. Does that really give us any insight in to how many Model 3 reservations are currently active? I personally don t think so.
2018-02-08 12:56:58
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Q&amp A Discussion and Support Thread - July 06
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **If you are a new owner and want to share your experiences look for our recurring Monday New Delivery Owner threads.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-07-06 09:12:12
Just took delivery yesterday and I m in love! Dumb question- how do I pay the auto loan payments? I financed through Tesla but dont see any options on the website to setup autopay or any due dates or any other guidance. Will I get something in the mail?
2020-07-06 17:37:54
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - May 15
Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-05-15 09:11:00
Just passed a truck with a load of model Y s. Will upload picture when I reach my destination. Fremont California[Pic 1](https: i.imgur.com WsrRPNr.jpg) [Pic 2](https: i.imgur.com CfUZBBU.jpg) I apologize for blurriness. Did not manually focus
2020-05-15 16:20:03
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 paint protection and ceramic coating in the Ottawa (Canada) area
Configured my Model 3 a while go and I m looking to get some paint protection film and possibly a ceramic coating of some kind. Can anyone recommend any shops in Ottawa (Canada)? Anyone taken their Tesla in for a wrap and coating? How does the wrap and coating hold up to the salt?
2018-04-26 19:28:27
Same situation as you. I spoke to someone at goldwing autocare on about this and they were really helpful. I was interested in paint protection film likely the whole front+mirrors and possibly tinting. The full front is $1550 but you can go as low as $300 if you just want parts of the front and everywhere in between. I did not inquire about coating. Tinting was ~$200 any shade for side windows and $280 for sides+rear. Apparently their only installer that handles the teslas lambo s etc is the number 1 ranked XPEL installer in Canada and #3 in the world. He also said they will happily take me on a tour to look at the shop the options they have and their personal cars for looking at levels of tint and protection etc. I haven t shopped around much but I feel like I hit the nail on the head on the first try.
2018-04-27 01:18:33
Ceramic Coating Application Process
Please stop trespassing for Model 3 shots Rule Input Changes
Good afternoon fellow Tesla fans owners investors etc Recently we have had quite a lot of Model 3 pics. These are great and thank you everyone for the contributions. And yes we know that those trespassing are not all Reddit users... but some are by their own admission. There are some legal and ethical issues to address: **First from a ethical standpoint: we don t want to encourage this behavior especially for silly internet points.** We have plenty of shots of the Model 3. I understand some people (*cough cough maybe a mod*) want battery pics or other hidden features pics. Those are not so important that we want anyone to be harassed kicked out of private property etc. **Second from a legal standpoint we also don t want mods making legal decisions without concrete proof.** Often this is very hard to get unless we get a direct message from Tesla Security. This has only happened once in the past where Model X design drawings were released by a supplier in violation of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (which Tesla security provided proof of and post was removed). We have to balance the legal ethical issues (which are not always the same) with freedom of speech. Often that falls into a gray area. Personally and as a mod team we are having a tough time making this decision. On one hand ethically we don t want to encourage the potentially illegal actions and allow user to post get karma etc. On the other hand people lie on the internet for attention... and if something was truly illegally obtained and company has a problem with it they should reach out and we d be happy to investigate. So rather than announce a new rule position **we d like your input.** Personally **my idea is that we remove any pics posts where user admits to trespassing being kicked-out as well as any pics posts where Tesla security contacts us directly and provides proof of legal violation.** Any other posts that do not fall into those categories (even if gray area and seem like they might) be allowed as we don t want to make assumptions and remove content. Note: I realize this will all calm down in a few days and we will change Model 3 sightings to weekly experiences thread. However Model Y Roadster etc will come out in the coming years and we might as well set up parameters now. [Let us know what you think in this thread. Thanks! -The Mod Team](http: vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net animal-jam-clans-1 images 7 70 Talk-amongst-yourselves.gif revision latest?cb=20150811170656) *edit* I have removed the Weekly Stickies thread temporarily for this discussion. It will be replaced in the near future and you can still access those from the sidebar
2017-07-25 19:22:44
To be fair I never got an even vague impression u 110110 was encouraging people to break into Tesla HQ and find the battery sticker. We just had 230983 images of these cars in public and no one had taken one you can get basically taking a pic of the wheel well (or at least thought at the time.) These seem like fair rules. You re not really obligated to make this an anything-goes place anyway free speech wise. If it s in private it s in private. If it s covered in public respect the cover. If it s just sitting there it s just sitting there.
2017-07-25 19:40:48
Growth and Moderation of r/teslamotors
Peak Demand Economics
I was wondering about potential savings of the stationary storage units for commercial customers : https: twitter.com TreeHugger status 471016621289373696 I looked into some peak demand rates for commercial customers and I found numbers ranging from $6-$12 per kW. Meaning the largest pack ( 200 kW and 400 kWh ) can provide savings of : 200 * $6-$12 = $1 200-$2 400 per month or $14 400 - $28 800 per year While costing at $200 per kWh ( could be as low as $100 ): 400 * $200 = $80 000 This seems too good why is it not being utilized more already? Do these numbers seem right? Anybody have info on peak demand rates? Also how does Tesla s use of an array of small batteries affect the power ( kW ) capacity ( kWh ) ratio they are able to achieve ( which seems to be an important factor here )? Do they have some advantage here? Thanks.
2014-06-02 20:26:40
Rather than every household have a battery to store energy at night (to help average out nationwide power) maybe it would be more economical to let the power plants do this and just store all the batteries at each plant. Distribution costs logistics house space etc. would be better. Power cuts being the fly in the ointment of course.
2014-06-03 01:29:36
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
Thoughts on flash drives for dashcam.
Since the announcement of the dashcam feature I ve been thinking about an easy way to automatically back up the footage it records to a USB drive. My first thought was to find a flash drive that will connect to WiFi and then set up an application on my network that waits for the drive to connect and then automatically pull the footage off it. Unfortunately I haven t been able to find any flash drives that will connect to a WiFi network. There seem to be plenty that will host their own network and allow a device to connect but not the other way around. Has anyone else had any similar thoughts on this? Any luck finding a device?
2018-10-02 04:19:50
Just got this one that another Tesla owner recommended: SanDisk 64GB Connect Wireless... https: www.amazon.com dp B00ZCFYF2W?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
2018-10-02 04:24:05
Issues with Sentry Mode
Spotify Issues
I have this strange issue since the app was introduced it s driving me mad. \-Doesn t remember where I left off so the playlist is usually blank when I get back in the car \-Plays one song then doesn t advance. Just spins hangs and I have to manually forward to the next (for every song) \-Often takes days for a new playlist or updates to a current playlist to reflect in the car UI I uninstalled the app off my phone thinking maybe there was some weird unseen comms going on (how the phone app tells you what s playing somewhere in range even if you re not playing things on the phone itself) but that didn t help. Worth mentioning I use Spotify on my PC regularly. It may have to do with them and their seamless playing between devices. Example: [https: gyazo.com 8f75e15a0b995c564b31e6a765c5d200](https: gyazo.com 8f75e15a0b995c564b31e6a765c5d200) With that\^ in mind I ve also gone out of my way to close Spotify on my PC and end all background processes before I went to use the car and it didn t help either.
2019-12-23 20:00:00
Spotify has been pretty glitchy since it s launch in the US. Hoping they are able to fix it up soon.
2019-12-23 20:01:35
Spotify Integration Analysis
Anyone buy a used model S from a car dealer before?
I noticed they are a good bit cheaper than the CPOs You still get the remaining 8 year unlimited mile warranty correct? Thinking this could work out better than a CPO makes me wonder why someone would have traded in a tesla though for a ICE car. Makes me think they could have had some issues with the car
2017-10-05 14:57:10
People sell their old tesla to whoever will give them the most tradein. Then maybe they end up at auction. Used car lots have no idea what they are selling. Even less in the case of a Tesla.
2017-10-05 15:33:06
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Looking for post from past month(s) containing DIY fixes for most common Model 3 issues
Dear Redditors I remember reading through a post article on Reddit containing all kinds of useful tips on fixing the most common issues with a Model 3 but I can t seem to find it. Does anyone know which post it was maybe?
2020-03-06 14:46:36
https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments ej7qgl how_to_fix_common_rattling_noises_in_a_model_3_in Here you go. Much easier than giving a completely non-helpful response!
2020-03-06 14:53:38
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
The Future is Now (a *very* old joke)
My model 3 just stopped charging and notified me via my smartphone. I had to go down and manually restart the charging. The console computer had unexpectedly rebooted a couple times. That s no big deal but it caused me to remember and look up this old joke from 1995 which is surprisingly relevant and forward thinking in some ways: &amp #x200B For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives read on. At a recent computer expo (COMDEX) Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1 000 miles to the gallon. In response to Bill s comments General Motors issued a press release stating: If GM had developed technology like Microsoft we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics: 1. For no reason whatsoever your car would crash twice a day. 2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road you would have to buy a new car. 3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason.  You would have to pull to the side of the road close all of the windows shut off the car restart it and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this. 4. Occasionally executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun was reliable five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five percent of the roads. 6. The oil water temperature and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation warning light. 7. The airbag system would ask Are you sure? before deploying. 8. Occasionally for no reason whatsoever your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna. 9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car. 10. You d have to press the Start button to turn the engine off.
2018-12-07 17:26:08
While it may be funny the attribution to GM is false. Bill Gates did make some passing comparisons between the computer and automobile industries but the joke take significant liberties on that point too. https: www.snopes.com fact-check car-balk
2018-12-07 17:29:21
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Nightmare dealing with service centers
Not a hater I love my model 3 and have been excited to drive it for the last year and a half. What happened did dampen my confidence with Tesla service. I had seen posts which outlined the difficulties people have faced with service and had been prepared for a less than exemplary experience when I had to take my car in to replace a cracked windshield. On the day of the appointment drive an hr to get to the the location and check in and go over what I was looking to get done and give the insurance details for which I had opened a claim. So far so good. I am told the work would be done by a external team who come in only on certain days of the week. Asked for the possibility of a loaner and turned down professionally with options of Uber credits to get me to work and to return at the end of the day to pick up. No complaints. Mid day I get a call saying there was scheduling issue and the work wouldn t be done for at least the next two days. Growing companies with resources focused on changing the world I can make adjustments for that. Uber credits meanwhile expired so paid $70 to get to the location to pick up. Checked out the work was happy and drove off after again confirming they had all the information they needed to deal with the insurance. All this happened on August 2019. Fast forward 4 months I am getting ready to prepare for the holidays and get an email from the service center saying that they were unable to get the money from the insurance provider an that I had to pay the full amount. No explanations on what happened. I see the claim was closed from my insurance called them to see if I could pay and get it reimbursed the agent who probably did not understand the scenario gave me a go ahead. I paid and sent the invoice out for reimbursement and promptly got the message “we have already paid the shop and you need to sort it with them for a refund”. After Back and forth with the service center I found that they had been provided with the Check and had been cleared but was not updated on their end. 3 weeks out I am still waiting on my refund for over a thousand bucks. The real kicker was that I found that safelite would have come to my workplace or home and done the work for $400 cheaper. TLDR: ended up paying out of pocket for a job that was already paid for by insurance because of a bookkeeping error Edit: grammar Edit2:introduced to the world of paragraphs
2020-01-08 18:11:10
Me thinking: can i climb this wall of text?
2020-01-08 18:30:46
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
First version of autopilot in a few weeks?
Did anyone catch that Musk said the first version of autopilot would be going out to early access customers by end of June?
2015-06-10 20:03:12
I suspect this means end of June for the Beta testers which probably means at least another month or two on top of that for release to all owners :(
2015-06-10 20:09:36
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
PSA: if you re waiting for AWD on your Model 3 update your preference on the estimate page
Not only will it help Tesla more accurately estimate delivery dates but if enough of us want it they may decide to move the timeline up somewhat (if at all possible). https: 3.tesla.com model3 delivery-estimate According to the page this won t affect your spot in line so you re fine if you change your mind (knock on wood).
2017-08-06 15:21:42
I keep getting an error when I try to save it. Your preference couldn t been saved
2017-08-06 15:26:55
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Speculation--Unlock Model 3 with smart watch?
I just realized something after reading about how phone Bluetooth will be the primary method of unlock for the Model 3. Will smart watches also be able to function as your car s key? I don t suppose anyone has heard confirmation on if the Bluetooth method requires the Tesla app to be set up or if it ll work off of any Bluetooth capable device? I would love having this feature available. Although I carry my phone most everywhere this would function as a solid backup just in case and would let me leave my phone locked in the glove box just in case. And it would just seem cool to be able to unlock a car with a watch just by proximity. Thoughts?
2017-07-31 21:23:44
This functionality already exists in an iOS app for iPhone and Apple Watch called Toolbox found [here](https: itunes.apple.com us app tesla-toolbox-remote-for-tesla id1109918474?mt=8). It works with my Model X just fine and sometimes connects to the car faster than the Tesla app on my phone will.
2017-07-31 21:41:29
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Chapstick fell into driver s side under-seat grate
So a tube of chapstick fell into the little grate thing under the driver s seat (picture below). I ve scoped it with a USB endoscope and it s about 1.5 ft from the entrance of the grate but I can t get to it. Any thoughts on how I can remove the tube? It rolls and rattles around while driving and it s driving me nuts. On a related note: who in their right mind would design a grate in the floor of a car without some kind of screen to prevent things from rolling into said grate? &amp #x200B \[EDIT 1\] Credit to [**naichalon**](https: www.reddit.com user naichalon ) for their suggestion to use a leaf blower! I was able to get the chapstick out. Sanity returns. [Air return \(maybe?\) grate under driver s side seat](https: preview.redd.it k7tmvgc0cua91.jpg?width=1696&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=fd293575933923815ede6b9c091e299c98f18738)
2022-07-11 01:23:53
I bought these the day I discovered those vents were uncovered: https: www.amazon.com gp aw d B08YDHBKWG?psc=1&amp ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
2022-07-11 09:36:34
Tesla Noise Concerns
[Help] Model S handle present failure
Hey all my 2015 Model S just decided to no longer present the driver s side handle. This happened suddenly while we were in a store—it had worked several times without issue over the previous stops. I don t know if something gave out or if someone did something to the car. Originally the handle simply didn t present at all and I didn t notice any movement or noise. I did some research and tried several tricks including pulling and re-setting fuse 41 for the driver s door. This didn t make the handle start working but changed the issue a bit. The current behavior is that the handle won t fully retract _or_ extend. And if the other handles are out you can hear the driver s door handle motor trying to push the handle out repeatedly along with a small amount of movement (more like a wiggle than anything). You can also pull the handle out (since it s only a spring holding it in) and the door does open. There s a faint clinking sound within the handle when I try to pull on it which makes me think something came loose. I can t hear any rattling in the door though so I don t think anything is fully broke. Has anyone experienced a similar issue? More to the point has anyone fixed something like this on their own? It s insane to me but the soonest ranger appointment they have isn t until the 24th and I d rather not be without a car for almost 3 weeks. I m really disappointed in the decline in Tesla s service as I know many are. When I got my car they had a local ranger I knew by name (I also knew our regional support rep by name) and they d usually be able to stop by within a couple days for issues. A 20-day wait for a ranger is just unacceptable. And just so you don t think I m being lazy it s almost a 2 hour drive to the nearest service center in Cincinnati and even they couldn t get to the car for nearly 2 weeks.
2020-01-05 00:49:41
Sucks that this happened to you and it s a textbook example of overengineering . I m thankful that the Model 3 and Y have manual door handles instead. Those aren t immune to problems (especially in icy climates) but at least you don t have to worry about malfunctioning motors. I wonder if anyone would accept a Model S X with manual door handles?
2020-01-05 08:10:46
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
New EAP Behavior Today!
I have a Model S 90D With AP2 hardware built April 2017. I m running software 2017.50. Today I was leaving my house to come to work. I happened to glance down and autosteer is available in my neighborhood. That s never happened before. I enabled it and it worked just fine. I had to disable it for stop signs and turns as you d expect. What s odd is that there were no lane markings. There are not now nor have there ever been lane markings in my neighborhood. Autopilot showed one or two blue lane lines on the display and was following them. This is definitely new behavior from the last couple of days. As a side note this was in a gated community so any map data Tesla has for these roads come from the three Tesla vehicles that live here. The roads are unusually wide in this neighborhood and I found after disabling autopilot that I had to go to the right side and let it lock on to the curb as the right-hand lane line. Then once I engaged autosteer it would find a phantom left lane line and use it too. I understand that the neural network might allow the use of a curb as a right-hand lane line but that doesn t explain where it extrapolated the left-hand lane line to be. I don t know if this is due to an ADAS map update where they finally got enough data to allow it to attempt these streets or something else but I thought it was worth noting for discussion.
2018-02-13 18:07:26
Please post a video if you get a chance at all. This is incredibly exciting if it s repeatable. Maybe the neural net is beginning to recognize roads and lanes contextually instead of just based on lane markers or curbs.
2018-02-13 18:29:50
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Gigafactory Operator Job
I saw Tesla has a posting for a [facilities operator](https: www.tesla.com careers job facilities-operatorgigafactory-62343) at the Gigafactory and I was wondering if anyone had any idea about pay and benefits for the job? I would absolutely love the chance to work for Tesla and wouldn t mind putting in overtime if need be (I ve got over 800 hours already this year) but I have a really good job with one of the largest chemical companies in the world right now and make over 40 an hour with great benefits. I don t mind taking a pay hit but I d like to know how much so I can plan. I ve got less than 2 years industry experience but I have an associate s degree in process technology so I was thinking I m pretty well qualified for the job but nothing s guaranteed I guess. Tldr: Does anyone have any details on the Gigafactory Facilities Operator job? Hearing from an employee would be ideal however unlikely that is.
2018-08-27 22:00:00
I would dig in to http: glassdoor.com to see if you find any reports from similar positions at tesla
2018-08-27 22:24:04
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
Rotten experience today
Vent warning: I want to love my Tesla I really do. But right now I type this with the largest headache because this thing will not move. I have a 2020 model X I purchased just 6 months ago. In that time I had a autopilot glitch for a week where it wouldn t show anything on the dash. I had a faulty AC system that wouldn t cool and needed replacement (in Florida mind you). And now my family cannot enter the car neither of the key fobs are being detected. I had to unlock the car through my app for them to even get in but the car is refusing to drive even when I enable keyless driving. “Key not detected drive not authorized.” All this among some other minor glitches in the past that resets were able to fix. I m being forced to accept the reality that this car has issues. This is just unacceptable for a vehicle I spent so much on. Edit 1: They picked up finally and said they don t know what the issue could be and will have to send for a tow truck. Edit 2: We were unable to acquire a loaner or a rental vehicle. Apparently Tesla does not cover enterprise in South Florida. The car is on its way to the shop and they will hopefully diagnose it today at least. Edit 3: Um so idk how to explain this sorry it s very anticlimactic. The tow truck guy actually stayed a bit and we talked about the issue and he opened up the black top above the frunk and moved around some wires and stuff basically doing a super hard reset of the car. The car turned back on and reauthorized the keys now it works like before. If this happens again I will recontact Tesla but for now it s working. He said a couple others he towed had the same issue and one of them explained how to do this trick. Edit 4: so apparently what he did was disconnect the battery (12v one I think) from the car to do a sort of power reset. Guess in a situation like this you could at least try it if anyone else has this issue and sees this post. Edit 5: [In summary. ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments hatpis rotten_experience_today fv91qji ?utm_source=share&amp utm_medium=ios_app&amp utm_name=iossmf)
2020-06-17 15:45:48
Keep putting in the service center until you ve reached the minimum lemon law period in your state then formally file the suit to have them swap your car out or fully refund https: www.tesla.com sites default files blog_attachments ownersrightsnotification.pdf
2020-06-17 15:52:24
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Can t stop charging from Tesla app
Since the scheduled charging features have been added I have been having issues manually stopping charging from the app. In the past I have scheduled my Model 3 to start charging at 12:00am and I would manually stop it at 8am each morning (I get rebate points each month for charging between 12-8am). However since 2019.36.2.1 when I use the Tesla app to stop charging the car will automatically start charging again within 10 seconds. I can repeatedly hit the stop charging button and each time it will keep restarting itself. The only way I can get it to actually stop is going to the car. Any suggestions? Is there an option I can turn on off to fix this?
2019-11-28 02:43:14
Why isn t it fully charged (to your set limit) after 8 hours of charging?
2019-11-28 02:45:58
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
How does autopilot actually differ from existing technologies from other manufacturers that do lane assist adaptive cruise control etc.?
Hi all - I currently have a Model S 70D on order and am hoping to prepare myself to explain how everything works to the inevitable number of newbies that I look forward to showing the car to. One thing I have seen mentioned in many articles is how Tesla isn t *really* doing anything new with autopilot they re just selling it better. Other manufacturer have had crash avoidance and lane assist and adaptive cruise control for years. So what s different about AP? I have never had or even driven a car with any of those features (except the Model S) so I have no firsthand experience to draw on. Your thoughts?
2016-05-23 22:17:21
Stealing this from an Ars Techinca comment list today: Differences between Q50 and Tesla: * - Four times more likely to need assistance vs Tesla when compared back-to-back * - Only works above 45 MPH * - Disengages if stopped for 2-4 seconds * - Only corrects steering to certain degree instead of fully * - No OTA updates * - No lane changes
2016-05-23 22:30:12
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Tesla Cyber Truck (CybrTrk) Unveil - Event Megathread - November 21 2019
https: www.tesla.com cybertruck Welcome to the Tesla CYBRTRK Unveiling Megathread! **November** 21 **2019**! **[8:00pm Pacific](https: everytimezone.com s e2c54a92)**: Click the time to find your local time. [Here s what we know](https: i.redd.it 3689jdsm5vz31.jpg) (thanks u Cyrusis). Time to get hyped with some [Cyberpunk Music](https: open.spotify.com playlist 3CX0RB8yumxky3Uw5AGCEM) (thanks u mrlewaynee)! [#CyberTruck Discord Channel](https: discord.gg gBaxJh) Some wisdom from u Altimas &gt Keep in mind this truck is going to look different . Many people complained about many of the aspects about the Model 3 when it was revealed. They hated the fact there was no instrument cluster. They hated the door handles. They hated the look of the front end. Don t jump to conclusions keep an open mind. https: livestream.tesla.com _________ https: imgur.com a 54XmJZh The above link will be updated as the photos come in. u SupaZT more [photos](https: old.reddit.com r teslamotors comments dzuegh tesla_cyber_truck_cybrtrk_unveil_event_megathread f8a7la4 ) ______ https: www.tesla.com cybertruck ________ [About Project Gary: Named after the Boring Company Snail we will be slowing down submissions on the sub. You may still post your content \(links images text posts\). We will be manually approving submissions to create a managable workload on us to reduce the number of reposts and user submitted enthusiasm.](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments dzm8bz tesla_cyber_truck_cybrtrk_unveil_preevent )
2019-11-22 02:27:31
oh my fucking god LMFAOOO
2019-11-22 04:23:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
So awesome
I have only just come across Tesla motors and everything they do looks so amazing can t a ford one at the moment but would love one in the future. I am just starting my electrical apprenticeship.
2017-04-18 12:11:58
&gt can t a ford one This is unintentionally hilarious.
2017-04-18 13:24:51
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Has anyone been able to consistently trigger the Patsy mode during Smart Summon
If you name your car Patsy in Smart Summon your car icon will show up as Patsy and you will see this in your Tesla app: [https: twitter.com capn222 status 1182380843026784258](https: twitter.com capn222 status 1182380843026784258) I was actually able to see it once but I didn t have a chance to get the car moving and check if the phone app itself produces the coconut sound. Has anyone been able to do this consistently before?
2019-12-15 22:10:54
With the pedestrian speaker on the new vehicles this should just play the coconut trot from the car!
2019-12-16 00:15:57
Issues with Smart Summon
Value of being a Tesla employee?
As Tesla begins a significant growth period for their sales and service teams I m curious if anyone in this sub could provide 1st hand perspective on where they find value in working for Tesla. Even as the company grows I ve heard stories of it still being run much like a start up with low to moderate benefits packages including healthcare and high moral reward for the mission. Do RSUs keep people around or is the mission itself enough? What about commission and stock bonuses? (And yes I ve looked through Glassdoor but that s not all that I m getting at here)
2017-06-09 12:24:13
For me personally it s the mission. My co-workers are fantastic people and when I went in for my interview with the store manager he said something that really stood out to me. He said: No one works at Tesla for the money because no one who works for Tesla doesn t love the company brand product mission. Tesla is very picky on that aspect. If you show a genuine love for the mission you will get hired. I get to go to work and talk about electric cars that do 0-60 in under 3 seconds that s not break time talk that s *my job*. I love it. Yeah the RSU s and the ESPP is nice but it s not the whole reason why I plan on staying for quite a while. Also at least CES s are non-commissioned based. I get a hourly wage. Which admittedly is much more than any of my friends make currently. (To give you an idea I m 19 years old and made almost minimum wage at my last job.)
2017-06-09 12:31:52
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
Tesla s open source patents strategy is great is it effective?
Some car companies might avoid using Tesla patents to protect their brand and maintain it s position and the perception of it in the consumers minds although the patents make Tesla cars reliable efficient and very different. If a company uses Tesla patents they might experience consumer divergence as when people associate a car company with certain features it might attract a different audience and so pressure the original consumer to change brand because they would t want to associate themselves with that new perception.
2017-04-18 12:41:39
I m still not sure if these requirements make it interesting for any other car manufacturer to use those patents... &gt A party is acting in good faith for so long as such party and its related or affiliated companies have not: &gt * asserted helped others assert or had a financial stake in any assertion of (i) any patent or other intellectual property right against Tesla or (ii) any patent right against a third party for its use of technologies relating to electric vehicles or related equipment &gt * challenged helped others challenge or had a financial stake in any challenge to any Tesla patent &gt * marketed or sold any knock-off product (e.g. a product created by imitating or copying the design or appearance of a Tesla product or which suggests an association with or endorsement by Tesla) or provided any material assistance to another party doing so.
2017-04-18 13:20:59
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla App Connection Issues (unknown error)
Today starting about 1:30 pm EST I began getting a “unknown error” in my Tesla app when attempting to connect to my Model 3. On checking the down detector website [here](https: downdetector.com status tesla ) it seems to have quickly climbed from 10 instances to over a 100. Just wondering if anyone else on the east coast is having this as well and if it might be a server outage or a app user error. This is the first time this has happened to myself so I m just interested in any insight as to if these outages affect just a specific model (S X 3) always affect regions or a combination of the two and luck? Edit: Tesla app connecting at 2:45pm EST. Down detector shows ~140 peak at time. (Adjusted post format for question)
2019-11-27 19:37:31
Toronto Canada - no issues
2019-11-27 20:00:43
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Panel Interview
So I am scheduled for a Panel Interview next week for a position in IT (at Tesla obviously). Any current former employees with any tips words of wisdom? ) Thanks! Update: Dammit...got the rejection email...now to wait and try again..
2016-03-24 19:25:51
I wish I had some tips or words of wisdom to give. Working there in any capacity would be pretty sweet. I doubt they have a need for IT personnel in Canada. Good luck friend!
2016-03-24 20:09:34
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
2019.8.5 Software Update Megathread (No NoA lane-change confirmation)
**2019.8.5** began its larger roll out on **April 4th 2019** Welcome to the latest software release megathread. This megathread was created because the current version of this release reached approx 5% of the general userbase on TeslaFi. Remember to turn off Sentry Mode before updating. If you want to learn more about Tesla updates how they work or more check out these links below: - [Software Updates Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) - Past Megathreads + other information - [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) - Track Deployed Software Revisions Discover anything? Such as new Autopilot capabilities minor changes in the overall UI or known bugs that have been fixed share your findings here!
2019-04-04 23:34:08
Just got my update. Autopilot can now make lane changes without requiring the driver to confirm the suggested lane change . Auto mirror fold based on location similar to location based suspension. Navigate on autopilot can now be engaged by default. Taking a drive now. Will update- Update: Lane changing without confirmation works well. Hands must be on the wheel at all times. Update: Interesting thing happened with Navigate on Autopilot engaged driving in right lane within 1.5 miles of my upcoming exit an on ramp was merging with my lane. The vehicle coming down the on ramp was behind me but gaining speed and it became clear that we would be next to each other when the lanes were to merge in 200 feet. My vehicle slowed itself down to create space between myself and the vehicle in front of me to allow the eventual merge. What s interesting is that it started creating the necessary gap while the vehicle was still behind me to the right in the offramp and speeding up. It appeared to be calculating 20-30 seconds into the future. I ve obviously witnessed autopilot reacting to many situations but this was a purposeful foresite around 20+ seconds into the future. I feel it was due to the merging vehicle itself and not just proximity to a merging onramp. Update:. Just drove 800 miles from Harrisburg to Wisconsin. Lane changing works remarkably well for the first iteration. It is sometimes too eager to get out of the passing lane when nobody is behind you just to move back over a minute later. The initial onramp prepatory spacing I mentioned earlier appears to have been coincidental. It does a good job of preparing for highway splits and off ramps ahead of time but not too early it starts about 1.5 miles away it will begin moving across lanes of traffic. It is also not shy about pulling in front of somebody who is attempting to pass you. I have had to stop the lame change a few times to allow another car to pass first to prevent the other driver from having to dramatically slow down. If it would change lanes and immediately supercede the other vehicles speed there would be no issue but it takes a few moments for the speed to ramp up and these little brake checks can compound into traffic jams eventually and should be avoided. I m sure it will be refined and become part of the next update. Overall smoother acceleration and braking as well as steering. Took 6 superchargers to reach destination.... Longest single drive I ve made in a Tesla over the last 4 years and this update has carried the majority of the mental burden. 18 hour drive and I m still going.
2019-04-04 23:37:49
Tesla Software Updates Overview
I made a Tesla app for iOS Android Bestla which provides most of the features of all of the top Tesla apps but at a fraction of the price and with modern design such as data graphs over time Siri Assistant support widgets tiles scheduled actions and more
I ve gotten some really positive feedback on the app in the month it s been out and I ve made sure to frequently update the app to support the most requested features such as adding Homelink support [this week](https: www.reddit.com r bestla comments mwxulf v120_is_out_with_homelink_support_close_windows ). [iOS app store](https: apps.apple.com us app bestla-tesla-companion id1551088174) [Android app store](https: play.google.com store apps details?id=com.appuccino.bestla) My goal here is for Bestla to be a companion to the main Tesla app providing as much functionality as possible that the main app doesn t support. And as the title says I m always going to keep it much more affordable (the main two Tesla apps that have a somewhat similar feature set are $45 or $10 **yr** \- this is $10 one-time or $1 mon) and *I will continue to work on it to keep adding more features with 5 updates shipped this month already*. I made the app free to try for 7 days and any support it gets will let me work on Bestla more often by taking more time off from my job (software engineer at a search engine you may have heard of). **Some key features:** * View vehicle data over time such as battery degradation odometer and temperatures * Many ways to use actions (ex. lock the doors open trunk) without opening an app * \[Android\] Google Assistant support such as “Hey Google open the trunk” with custom phrases * \[iOS\] Siri support such as Siri open the trunk with custom phrases * \[iOS\] Shortcuts support w home screen widgets and automation ( lock the doors when I leave the house ) * App Shortcuts: long press on the home screen icon to perform actions or press and hold to drag actions to their own home screen icons * \[Android\] Quick Settings tiles for quick access next to other tiles such as WiFi and Bluetooth * \[Android\] Persistent notification with customizable actions * Schedule actions (ex. warm the car at 8am on weekdays or lock the doors in 5 minutes) * Homelink support * More in the full list on the app store **App privacy**: The app does **not** store any login information. You can log in either with your Tesla account or your Tesla account refresh token - the app will use the credentials one time to talk to the Tesla servers to get the token so that the app can communicate with the vehicle and the login information is thrown away. The token is then stored encrypted so the app can continue talking to the vehicle. If you re interested in keeping up to date with app updates or feature requests be sure to check out r Bestla!
2021-04-26 16:59:52
This looks nice but dark mode please! Then you have my money.
2021-04-26 18:03:48
Bestla Tesla Companion App
PSA: you can link 1 key card to multiple model 3s!
This is something I asked here about a while back and no one knew the answer then I called service and they said it was impossible (gave some explanation about the handshake). They were wrong! With V9 we can now manage keys (in settings under locks) ourselves so I tried it. I linked my key to my girlfriend s 3 and she linked hers to mine. Both key cards now work on both cars. Thought this might be useful to all of you multiple-3 families out there!
2018-11-07 15:39:43
That s actually pretty handy for multi-3 households. Thanks for sharing.
2018-11-07 15:42:18
Model 3 phone key issues
We wanted to distract ourselves on election day so we re releasing our updated charging algorithm to support real-time electricity prices that will automatically charge your Tesla during negative electricity rates (get paid to charge)
&amp #x200B [Real-time plan with Optiwatt](https: preview.redd.it n7twryh562x51.png?width=1200&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=ce2b49910e67e6330fb53491789b9a1e9fc860eb) Hi Tesla Motors Optiwatt dev here. We really pushed hard to get this live today so hopefully this brightens up your election day. Optiwatt [www.getoptiwatt.com](http: www.getoptiwatt.com ) now supports real-time plans which allows Tesla owners with variable rates to automatically charge during negative rates and avoid peak pricing spikes. The hourly plan offered by ComEd (Commonwealth Edison) in IL will be the first real-time plan that we support with more on the roadmap. This feature and the whole app is 100% free and always will be! Big thank yous to u Big_pimpins and u thisiswhatidonow for telling us about ComEd s hourly plan and u gescarra for showing us the idea and taking the first initial crack at it in this post: https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments a4su3j tesla\_smart\_meters\_and\_automation\_via\_apis . Regardless of how today goes we promise to keep working on improving EV ownership and making charging RIDICULOUSLY cheap. I ll be responding to any comments here it ll be a nice distraction for today :)
2020-11-03 17:17:07
I want to live somewhere that has negative electricity rates. How many lambs did you need to sacrifice to get on that rate plan?
2020-11-03 20:31:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Map Update!
You guys see the map update last night? Now says Navigation by Tesla and Google Maps. Was a little bummed how crappy the navigation was when I picked up my new CPO yesterday. Hopefully this works better than the previous version. From my understanding this is the first map update since December 2015! I hope Tesla is more dedicated to keeping the maps updated on a consistent basis. Now if only they will fix the stupid XM Station listing bug...
2017-09-14 13:40:29
Now if only we could get a sweet little slice of Android auto on the screen! Edit: I know it s not going to happen. Still a damn shame that such a large beautiful screen in a prime spot will be less useful than our tiny phones charging on the console.
2017-09-14 14:00:33
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Diminished Value Offer
I was rear ended in February and finally got everything fixed (~8k in repairs). I am going through the diminished value claim with the drivers insurance company (Liberty Mutual) and they responded with a offer of $2100. From what I ve read the diminished value offer is somewhat subjective but has anyone been in a similar accident and does this seem like a reasonable offer? Curious if I should push back for more or for once an insurance company didn t try to completely low ball an offer. 2018 Model 3 AWD - 19k miles - Enhanced Auto Pilot Edit: I live in MA and the accident happened in MA
2020-07-14 17:33:21
I was in an accident with my M3 (BMW not Tesla). I got a diminished value appraisal from dvcheck.com . It cost $300 and the guy was awesome and super helpful... The appraisal was detailed and he walked me through what letters to send to the insurance company. I think they ll give you a free estimate and then you can decide if its worth getting the full appraisal to provide to the insurance company. My appraisal came back with $7000 in diminished value (my $42 000 vehicle was worth $35k after the accident). I presented this to StateFarm and they outright denied me. They basically refuse to believe that any amount of diminished value is legitimate even after showing them 3 written offers at below the $35k appraisal. I am suing them right now kind of a pain.. but I m also enjoying figuring out the legal system.
2020-07-14 18:14:24
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
[discussion] Where are the 1k model 3s a week Elon talked about by the q4 production report?!
There have been very few new model 3 posts vinbot has been inactive possible people don t care to post anymore for new model 3 s but seems like they might have hit another bottleneck. A customer reported a vin in low 4000 for early February which sounds like they ll be lucky for 2k produced in January more like 500 a week than 1k. Any thoughts?
2018-01-17 15:24:54
We are removing Model 3 posts and asking people to post in weekly experiences thread. There are lots of new deliveries you just aren t going to see them as a separate post here anymore. I remove a bunch each day along with a bunch of sightings.
2018-01-17 16:42:58
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
I feel like this truck was made for me...
First time here so apologies if I commit any faux pas! I ve been watching Tesla for all these years as they ve grown in the market since day 1. All of the cars I always really liked but never really saw myself in (except maybe the X but that was a bit out my price range). My biggest issue was always the size. I m 6 2 and I don t go much for low and or smaller cars. My old boss had a model S and while it was a blast to ride in I never wanted to be in it too long and get uncomfortable. I currently drive a 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek and enjoy it fine but now that I ve paid it off I was looking to get a pickup truck in 2020 or 2021 (probably a Tacoma). I had heard for a while that there were rumors of a Tesla truck but I was convinced I wasn t going to want to get in on day 1 with it. But that reveal... holy shit.... As someone who loves silver metal designs and loves cyberpunk this was an instant grab. Nothing was traditional and I loved it. The shape the design the bed the HEADLIGHTS! GOOD GOD THOSE HEADLIGHTS ARE LIKE A DREAM! In the last half year I started to dig around used car forums for a Delorean and thinking about investing in one. This feels like the best of all my interests Deloreans Blade Runner cyberpunk pick up trucks. I spent the last few days mulling over whether or not to pre-order as it would still be a big financial moment for me but for $100 right now I just decided to pull the trigger on the dual motor version (with self-driving). On top of everything else this thing is electric so now I don t feel as bad about the environmental impact as well! I just hope it fits in my apartment garage haha. I understand why some people might not like this I get it it s definitely not what I expected but that s why I love it. I think my only worry right now is how am I going to keep the excitement at bay so I don t go crazy in the meantime (oh god Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna make that worse isn t it?)
2019-11-25 22:45:54
Believe it or not this has pulled me away from a Challenger Hellcat. This will fit a few needs for me. Plus I can slap my business name on it and definitely get people to see it.
2019-11-25 22:54:49
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model Y Long Range RWD delivery time frame
Has anyone heard anymore on when the MY Long Range RWD will become available? The last I heard about it was three months ago from reports that Tesla was “finalizing” production for it. I just came back from a test drive yesterday and immediately fell in love with the car but it is just right outside my budget. I was hoping if there was any news on when the cheaper model would be released in the near future. Thanks!
2020-11-15 17:04:53
Probably when they catch up on production. Delivery times are still 3-7 week for the dual motor.
2020-11-15 17:25:27
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - April 11
Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [On your displayed range?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) - [Need Tesla Support?](https: www.tesla.com support) - [Winter Driving Tips?](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) - [Software Updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) - [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) - [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) - [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - r AutoDetailing for cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Communities: r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy - Print your own [Business Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) to share by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-04-11 09:10:18
Anyone who get the dashcam viewer update having issues with the dashcam recording after reformatting? **Edit: looks like only ‘saved dashcam and ‘sentry videos are available in the viewer. But normal ‘recent clips are not shown and still accessible by other means.**
2020-04-11 16:20:01
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Owners Can Edit Maps to Improve Summon Routes
[https: teslamotorsclub.com blog 2019 11 04 tesla-owners-can-edit-maps-to-improve-summon-routes ](https: teslamotorsclub.com blog 2019 11 04 tesla-owners-can-edit-maps-to-improve-summon-routes )
2019-11-05 03:45:17
I have been editing OSM for couple of years and all I will say is please follow the OSM map editing guide. There are rules to be followed when editing or creating new layers. Also if you find that your Tesla displays wrong speed limits than what is posted please update in OSM. And when in doubt ask someone to review your changes. OSM has that option when you are in the editing mode.
2019-11-05 14:48:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Daily Discussion - February 25 2019
**Use this daily thread for:** - Questions and Answers - General Discussion on today s topics - Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Shop Items Discussion (Toys Apparel Gifts etc) **Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you have a concern about a potential bug [try our new Support page first](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) and report results. Thanks! **Still need moar Tesla?** [Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) | [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) | r TeslaLounge | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaModel3 Please be kind [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Check out the stickied [Gigathread](https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2f6gl gigathread_of_resources ) and the sidebar for resources or recent highlights or share r TeslaMotors with friends or family to help them get up to speed. Also remember to update your [user flair](https: new.reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2thp3 friendly_reminder_to_reset_your_user_flair_even ) for the new design! Suggestions or could something be enhanced? Ping the mods!
2019-02-25 09:14:51
Took what I thought was a cool picture of the 3 during some inclement weather thought I d share https: i.imgur.com em7hLlN.jpg
2019-02-25 18:39:57
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Falcon wing doors groaning when opening
I have seen on some YouTube videos (can t find them again) and am experiencing it myself but when the FWDs fully open they groan . Has anyone else had this experience and if so what s the fix? Thank you
2017-04-02 04:06:13
Have had it happen on both doors. Service center fixed them easily enough. Service invoiced stated: Verified and isolated noise to right falcon door hinge cover. Found trim contacting hinge cover behind trim. Lowered headliner and clearanced trim to prevent contact during operation. Verified noise no longer present.
2017-04-02 04:39:18
Tesla Noise Concerns
Disappointment in Model X and Service
I have a 2018 100d model X. The car is fantastic but I m certain I got a bad unit. The car has been serviced 5 times since I have the car (4 in the service center and one at home) and the problems I have explained to the service center have not been fixed. Yes they were fixed temporarily when they demonstrated what has been fixed but when I drove the car out of the service center it suddenly breaks again. The falcon doors have been nothing but trouble. The drivers side door gets stuck half way every time I open the door. And the service center took 3 service calls to fix the door. The most recent problem is that the car takes around 30 seconds to start up. The screens stay black and the car is unable to be used while it starts up. Recently when starting up the car decided to open the frunk and trunk on its own. Pairing my phone has also been problematic since day one. I cannot unpair my phone from the car and I need to call people 2 times. This is because the first time they cannot hear my voice so I have to recall for it work properly. The push to talk button does not pick up more than half the time. I ve had bad sensors countless times with them giving me warning something is happening in my blind spot or bad tire etc.. They have been fixed but for $100k car this should not be happening. Finally the front windows don t automatically do up or down after 100+ days. I have an airplane like noise that occurred in the front driver side window where the car almost unusable as the wind noise was so loud it would give me a headache. It was fixed by the service center but has recently started happening again I love the model X but I am convinced I have a bad car. Service has refused to help and sent me texts saying that they can see the problem has been fixed when in reality its not even close to fixed. I ve tried restarting the car in every way Tesla says to and nothing has fixed these problems. I m not sure what my next steps should be as the car is super undervalued with tesla trade-in.
2020-10-29 16:17:18
I have a one month old Model X. It has been to the service centre twice already and just yesterday has been towed there because the car completely failed. It showed every error message possible and could not be put into drive. Like you say it s a $100k car this should not be happening. I ve got so little faith in it now.
2020-10-30 14:51:15
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 wheel sizes and range.
I keep seeing that the 18 wheels supposedly have 10% more range than the 19 s. I know that s yet to be really confirmed but is the general thought that the 19 wheels on a standard range model would only get 198 miles where the 18 s will get 220? Or do the 19 s get 220 and the 18 s get 242 on standard range?
2018-01-26 17:36:31
This is the real $1500 question
2018-01-26 17:44:15
Model Y Wheel Options
Model 3 refund requested and not received
Hi im not sure how im supposed to proceed. I made my reservation RNxxxxxxxxx on april 22 2018 for $1000 canadian (sorry) for a model 3 and had every intent on buying one until i had concerns that since i live nowhere near a service centre it would be a burden to have anything serviced and canceled my reservation on July 29. I paid the $1000 deposit using my credit card. After canceling i was reading online that it could take months to receive the refund so i patiently waited. on Saturday i called tesla and the CSR told me he saw the refund request and that it wasnt processed correctly and that someone from tesla would call me back in 24-48h. I didnt receive a call back 72h later so i called today and another CSR told me the refund was processed back to my credit card july 29 but was unable to provide me any of the card details. I confirmed with my credit card company that they see the charge of $1000 on april 22 but they do not see any refunds from tesla or any refunds on my account at all. They said since tesla is claiming the refund was issued over 90 days ago that there is nothing they could do to assist me. Since tesla says they credited my card back but my credit card company says they did not my credit card company said they cannot assist since its out of the 90day window I believe my only recourse will be to sue tesla in Ontario small claims court. Is there any other paths people know to escalate this issue without resorting to the legal system? what should i do next? Edit: It really matters which customer service rep you get on the phone the second guy i spoke with today basically self escalated and got my case started on a resolution process without me even going in to details. I think if anyone is having problems with these refund requests its a HUCA situation (hang up call again)
2018-12-12 20:00:27
Call again tell them what your credit card company said and if they can t help you ask to speak to their supervisor.
2018-12-12 20:07:13
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Is the model S still the safest car on the road?
Safety is one of the main reasons i purchased my 2013 model S. If the model S is still the safest vehicle Im completely blown away. This car was probably designed 6-7years ago and other manufacturers should have take some notes by now. Tesla has a design advantage over others with theit arger crumple zone. Hopefully tesla never waivers from safety being their main priority.
2016-12-22 16:22:41
It was never the safest car on the road according to anyone besides Tesla. It s rated lower than several cars in its class by Euro NCAP even after adjusting for the changes Tesla has made.
2016-12-22 16:45:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Daily Discussion - February 07 2019
**Use this daily thread for:** - Questions and Answers - General Discussion - Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Shop Items Discussion (Toys Apparel Gifts etc) **Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you have a concern about a potential bug [try our new Support page first](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) and report results. Thank you! **Referral Program** We do not allow the public sharing begging of personal referral codes in comments or posts. Instead DM an owner in the community (look at their flair) whom you ve found to be helpful to you and request theirs! **Still need moar Tesla?** [Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) | [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) | r TeslaLounge | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds Please be kind [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Check out the stickied [Gigathread](https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2f6gl gigathread_of_resources ) and the sidebar for resources or recent highlights or share r TeslaMotors with friends or family to help them get up to speed. Also remember to update your [user flair](https: new.reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2thp3 friendly_reminder_to_reset_your_user_flair_even ) for the new design! Suggestions? Ping the mods!
2019-02-07 09:11:43
Good luck to everyone in EU NL BE hoping to get their deliveries today! Really curious to the rollout do keep us posted!
2019-02-07 10:21:30
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
In car stall recommendation
I was watching a [timelapse video](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=0OE4BnTh69c) of a busy 20 stall location. Wouldn t things run a lot smoother if the car told you the best stall to use (which empty stall is next to the person who has almost completed charging). That way you don t have to drive around finding the best stall to use for the quickest charge. This would help reduce congestion at supercharger locations. I was thinking it should show up on the screen (with a map) once you get near a supercharger even if you are not using the GPS to navigate to it. When there are 20+ stalls choosing the best once will make a big difference in charge time if you just want to park and go eat or something. I m sure many people still don t understand the A B situation.
2017-11-28 17:25:37
You are right and they probably don t but then again I am going to bet they don t care to much either... People that have gone from ICE to EV actually adopt a like for the forced break to charge. Quite alot of owners have said how it actually makes travel less taxing and alot less stressful.
2017-11-28 17:36:43
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Nearest competition to Tesla yet - the Mercedes B class electric
And [here it is](http: cars.chicagotribune.com fuel-efficient news chi-auto-review-2015-mercedesbenz-bclass-electric-drive-20140609). It s a great car sure but compared to Tesla things still seem a bit meh . 85 miles of range (I ve seen 115 miles stated elsewhere however) so getting gradually better. 0-60mph in 8s on its 28kWh battery. 100mph top speed. Price apparently starts at $42k so not quite Tesla pricing yet - but getting there. Oh aesthetically it doesn t look that great at all.
2014-07-26 14:36:48
It seems like more of a competitor to the Nissan Leaf.
2014-07-26 15:04:32
Future of Electric Cars
Model Y vs. Model 3 Seats Up Cargo Measurements (Pictures)
Someone asked for dimensions of the Model Y vs. Model 3 with seats up in a prior post. Here are pictures and measurements from both. [Model Y depth: 3 8\\ \(44\\ \)](https: preview.redd.it v7jaci4rmsz41.jpg?width=1366&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=f4f6f7ebe85434ef9ba4e1bd61e39d3e4acf18f3) &amp #x200B [Model Y width: 3 1\\ \(37\\ \)](https: preview.redd.it po4qtrtwmsz41.jpg?width=1366&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=e5fdc0b4c302b5a10f465557af46153d71147fda) &amp #x200B [Model Y height: 19\\ ](https: preview.redd.it mzgs6ozzmsz41.jpg?width=1366&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=9530d533b08d9dd7420754a04b32b59b3e2d4394) &amp #x200B [Model 3 width: 3 1\\ \(37\\ \)](https: preview.redd.it 4qt4agv2nsz41.jpg?width=1366&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=63f255de8af0707aefff2ad000f312579e099442) &amp #x200B [Model 3 depth: 3 4\\ \(40\\ \)](https: preview.redd.it am7ffb45nsz41.jpg?width=1024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=efb91ad1a55c81f1241fa2b580c2e0835df32f1c) &amp #x200B [Model 3 height: 15\\ ](https: preview.redd.it c5umhba8nsz41.jpg?width=1024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=8908c058448a591be2bcffb51034ffdc2186c2a5)
2020-05-19 21:59:51
I expected more of a difference. The 3 really uses space well.
2020-05-19 22:05:44
Model 3 Seat Impressions
Model Y: Amarillo TX -&gt Trinidad CO
Hey all I ve only had the car (long-range non-peformance) for a week now and I need to drive from Texas to Colorado soon. The majority of the trip will have good charger coverage but there s a particular leg that I m worried about. Amarillo to Trinidad via US-87 N. 3 hr 37 min (233 mi) https: maps.app.goo.gl KdXoYLZYrR65GGhe9 Concerning factors: 1. Temperature- we will be reaching this leg of the trip after dark so the temperatures will be around freezing for the entire leg. https: weather.com weather tenday l Trinidad+CO 2. Elevation- there is a steady climb throughout this entire leg for a net gain of 4000 feet. 3. Full car- we ll have 3 adults a dog and a full load of bags. The navigation software indicates it s possible but I don t know how much it s factoring in these points. The safer option involves a 2 hour detour. What do you all think? Is this a feasible stretch with 100% charge or should I play it safe?
2020-11-27 13:26:43
The nav only factors in # 2. Use ABetterRoutePlanner to include the rest.
2020-11-27 13:48:51
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Product Specialist wage?
Hey guys I was perusing the Jobs board on Tesla s site out of curiosity and found a part-time Product Specialist position at my local Tesla store. I was just wondering if anyone knows what the starting wage is for that position and if anyone has any experience with the job. It definitely sounds right up my alley for a summer job (getting paid to spend a day around Teslas and learning even more about them than I already know)!
2016-10-19 23:15:40
From Glassdoor its ~$14 on average.
2016-10-19 23:36:57
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
Tesla seems to have lower executive turnover than average
There is a widespread belief that executive turnover at Tesla is unusually high. This belief seems to result from a misleading inductive bias rather than from hard data. In fact the available data indicates just the opposite: executive turnover at Tesla appears to be lower than average. Google Tesla seems to have lower executive turnover than average for article. (link is blocked).
2018-05-24 05:52:02
This article has been removed due to an error in analysis of the data.
2018-05-24 13:07:19
Musk's Tesla Take-Private Saga
If you are thinking about long road trips with Tesla
If you are considering getting a Tesla but you are worried about long distance travel please read this and consider. I m a Model S owner and have taken several long distance road trips. The most significant change you will need to make is a mental change. You will have drop the concept of making good time For long distance road trips the only difference between stopping for gas and stopping at a supercharger is where you eat. With a gas car when you are trying to make good time you fill up go to the bathroom get your food to go and eat it in the car. In a Tesla you plug in to charge go to the bathroom get your food AND EAT IT THERE! By the time you have finished your car is likely charged enough to get to the next supercharger. This is the key to long distance road trips. You don t ever need to charge the car up to 100% you only need enough to get to the next supercharger. So relax a little bit. Take an extra 15 minutes. Spend the $3 on those massage chairs. Enjoy not being in a rush if you can. Stretch your legs. Throw the ball with the kids. Yes supercharging takes longer than filling up the tank but if you are prepared for that and embrace that you will find the experience more enjoyable. Especially that moment when you get back in the car and you remember its a Tesla!
2017-08-01 15:27:36
The other big factor that people don t mention much is what to do when you get somewhere. This can actually be a big problem when taking trips. Not every destination has a place to charge so you have to plan to have enough power to get back to a charger on your return trip. This can severely limit you and to me has been a huge inconvenience. It s pretty much why I ve given up on using the Tesla for road trips. I know everyone on this sub loves the Tesla and it can do no wrong but I wanted to offer others a different persepective. Still a fantastic car. Definitely perfect for daily driving around town. But for me it s terrible for road trips. Maybe once they get more super chargers in actual big cities it ll be better and they are expanding their network a lot.
2017-08-01 16:49:21
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Advice for FSD Beta settings
New to FSD beta and wonder if I should recalibrate my cameras or change any of my autopilot settings for a smoother ride and turns
2022-06-08 01:02:14
If you are experiencing a ride turns that aren t not smooth the reason is most likely because you are on beta software.
2022-06-08 03:16:58
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Model 3 Wireless Charging Pad - Prototype
I realize the Tesla Wireless phone charging pad has been posted here already but they ve sent out an email today with a picture of the prototype mock-up. https: gallery.mailchimp.com e9a6d7d401ad6d5531870d0a4 images 1531165e-9404-4f9c-a7aa-6fa907218d20.jpg “Final product will be better” says the email. Looks pretty good so far. [Tesla Model 3 Wireless Phone Charging Pad](https: vrlps.co a?pt=NTZUWIePqcvVXGIe-mE2LUnM5KI&amp referralCode=rJH8jZPLG&amp refSource=copy)
2018-02-17 22:09:17
&gt Technical slang aside 5V 2A is the regular current of most phone charger manufacturers. The Tesla Wireless Pad will charge as fast of this kind of charger which you are probably using. To me this says they have no idea what they are doing.
2018-02-18 02:04:23
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Any guesses as to when Model 3s will arrive at stores for test drives?
I m just curious if they ll be shipped out to US stores all at once right when production begins so Tesla can do test drives and clinch new orders ASAP or if they ll roll out in accordance with the geographically prioritized reservations (i.e. East Coast stores wouldn t see the Model 3 until later in the production ramp-up). Is there any historical indicator such as the Model S or X for new models showing up in stores?
2016-12-31 22:15:56
I know with model X it took a couple months for stores to start seeing any. Went to some stores in CA and AZ
2016-12-31 22:20:30
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
New Model 3 LR RWD are being produced
Got a message from my sales advisor. Apparently the factory just shipped a bunch of Long Range RWD Model 3s out to delivery centers. They aren t listed publicly on the site but they re **new** Model 3s that were made in the last month or so. They have no idea where the hell these came from or why the factory is producing discontinued cars. If I weren t picking up a P3D- on Thrusday I d be seriously tempted. &amp #x200B **EDIT: Price for the LR RWD with 19 wheels (including delivery fee) is 47-49k depending on the paint option. These are what s visible in their inventory system but that would mean about $45 000 base.** **EDIT 2: If you want my sales advisors info DM me she ll set you up if she can.**
2019-09-16 16:28:44
Classic LR model. I still think this is the best config.
2019-09-16 17:09:00
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
I like this sub but I have one small complain [Discussion]
I m using a throwaway since my IRL friend would make fun of me for taking this so seriously. In general I like this sub. Tesla is a company I ve been following for a long time. I think as far as a dedicated sub goes the quality of discussion here has been generally pretty constructive and I ve been learning a lot from everyone here. One negative observation however is how some unpopular opinions are treated here. Tesla is a company with a very fascinating history and I think it s completely reasonable to have a critical discussion with regards to both its products and even more so its business prospects as a company. I ve seen the term paid shill or similar being thrown around a lot especially at people who state negative opinions of Tesla. Some of them may be wrong some of them may be not some of them may have sounded rude but many of them were using reasonable tones as well. We all make mistakes and many of us have gotten emotional with these online discussions. However by throwing terms like paid shill around casually just doesn t help the community at all. I think it would be great if we can disagree without being disagreeable and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Even if you can t embrace or agree with a different opinion you should still try to tolerate it without automatically assuming the worst motivation. Just my $0.02 I apologize if this seemed trivial and unnecessary.
2016-09-06 05:38:57
Honestly people here are actually pretty good at accepting negative opinions when they are well-founded and expressed in a non-inflammatory way. I haven t recently seen many paid shill insults thrown around and I spend an unhealthy amount of time on this sub. Sure in some discussions that are particularly controversial it happens but not when people reasonably post their complaints or objections.
2016-09-06 06:06:10
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic