Scott Travers' Top 88 Coins to Buy and Sell: 44 Winners and 44 Losers
Scott A. Travers
<b>Scott Travers</b>, former vice-president of the American Numismatic Association, has served as a coin valuation expert for the Federal Trade Commission, and appears regularly on TV, radio, and in print as a coin expert in publications including the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, <i>Barrons</i>, and <i>Business Week.</i> He is president of Scott Travers Rare Coin Galleries, LLC, in New York City.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 0 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APLs 4-6 � Nil APLs 8-10 (all of APLs 4-6 plus the following) � +1 corrosive light crossbow (Adventure; DMG & MIC; 8,335gp) APL 12 (all of APLs 4-10 plus the following) � Huge composite longbow (Adventure; PHB) � Huge great
Part-Time Magic: 7 Steps to Increasing Your Worth While Decreasing Your Work
Mario Price
<span>&quot;Mario Price has written the roadmap for all those excited about and engaged in direct selling. Part-Time Magic is your prescription for earning your fortune selling. The lessons, stories and solid step by step instructions will educate, inspire and empower you to succeed in spite of the odds. Selling is the best way to earn big money and profits, and thus earn your first, second and third fortunes. Read this book and become a champion by following a champion. Kudos to Mario T. Price ...&quot;</span><br> <div> <b><span><span></span>George C. Fraser</span></b><span><br> Author, <i>Success Runs In Our Race</i>, and <i>CLICK</i></span></div><br /><br /><span>"Mario Price provides a beautifully orchestrated marketplace game-plan perfect for anyone looking to elevate his or her income and impact.<span> </span>You could spend the next decade of your life trying to figure out how to create the life of your dreams...or you can start living your dreams now because this book already figures it out for you!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>Marshawn Evans<br> </span></b><span>Reinvention Strategist | TV Personality | Founder of & The Movement</span></div><br /><br /><span>"If you are READY for financial freedom, then this book "Part-Time Magic" is for you! The 7 steps that Mario Price gives will surely pave the way for unlimited success in your home-based business!<span> </span>There is POWER in doing your business part-time and this will show you how, so get it NOW!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>Melanie Bonita<br> </span></b><span>#1 Amazon Bestselling Author of <i>Daily Dose of Determination</i> and <i>Daily Dose of Decisions</i>, <br> International Speaker and Faith Coach</span></div><br /><br /><span>"If you're ready to achieve greater success, then read and absorb the strategies in this brilliant book by Mario Price!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>James Malinchak<br> </span></b><span>Featured on ABC's Hit TV Show, Secret Millionaire<br> Founder,</span></div><br /><br /><span>&quot;WOW Mario...what a thought provoking book!<span> </span>Especially in today's economy when people are looking for extra income.<span> </span>Your easy to read writing style packed with relevant examples, will really help people gain insight on one of the most misunderstood industries called Network Marketing.<span> </span>This book is definitely "a must read" for all ages and backgrounds because it tackles some of the myths and traditions about building wealth.&quot;</span><br> <div> <b><span>Cynthia Sligh<br> </span></b><span>Successful Full Time Entrepreneur for 18 years</span></div>
[ "Marketing & Sales", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Marketing & Sales" ]
Marketing & Sales
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2 � Starmetal (Adventure, CA) (limit 2 ounces) � Masterwork large greatclub (Adventure, PHB) � Masterwork large javelin (Adventure, PHB) � Masterwork large hide armor (Adventure, PHB) APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following) � Masterwork large spiked half
Company of Heroes Official Strategy Guide
BradyGames, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House Inc., is the worlds leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games. BradyGames understands what gamersboth casual and hardcorewant and need from strategy guides. Every guide features in-depth content, detailed screen captures, quick-reference tips, and professional strategy. Prima Games is also a leader in the digital strategy realm, offering interactive maps, streaming video, searchable online guides and apps, and a full website at
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
quickplay pack 2 Welcome to the City of Heroes RPG Quickplay Pack. With the information provided here, you can sample of the game and play through an introductory adventure. Find out more about the City of Heroes RPG at the package The City of Heroes Quickplay Pack contains three sections. None are intended for players so if that’s you, get outahere. This first section covers the important rules of play. The second part presents a ready to run adventure following from the events in the Outbreak tutorial featured in the online game. The last section sketches out the members of the Vindicators Super Group. These should be handed around to your players. Don’t worry if you have fewer than six; just play with who you and the players want. If you have more than six, you can copy one or more of the sheets and some folks will have to play the same character. The Basic Roll In the Unisystem, players use dice to generate a random number when their characters
Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief
David Winston
"Adaptogenic herbs can be most useful in the quest for health in our stressful society. David Winston and Steven Maimes explain and champion the use and benefits of these important herbs." (<i>James A. Duke, author of The Green Pharmacy</i>)<br /><br />"This is a much needed book, an important update to the materia medica of North America, and constitutes important continuing education on a wide variety of new herbs entering into the North American herbal marketplace." (<i>Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalism, Winter 2007</i>)<br /><br />"It's about time a book took on the subject of immune herbs, and this one does an excellent job of explaining why they are so effective at combating stress-induced illness. The text is very easy to read and understand, but still contains the latest scientific research, all well referenced." (<i>American Herb Association, Vol. 23:1, April 08</i>)<br /><br />&ldquo;Brilliant! Fully researched, full of information not readily available, as well as being practical and easy to digest. The authors have managed to blend the traditional and recent scientific information into a fully comprehensive and informative text. This will become a classic, a definitive work on this most important group of medicinal plants.&rdquo; (<i>Rosemary Gladstar, founder of United Plant Savers and author of Herbal Healing for Women</i>)<br /><br />&ldquo;Essential reading for all involved with adaptogens, whether practitioners or consumers. This is the first comprehensive guide to adaptogens based on good herbalism, good science, and NO hype! A truly excellent book.&rdquo; (<i>David Hoffmann, BSc, FNIMH, author of Medical Herbalism and Herbal Prescriptions after 50</i>)<br /><br />&ldquo;With <I>Adaptogens</I>, David Winston and Steven Maimes have finally made this important healing concept accessible to a wider audience. We need adaptogens--gentle remedies that, over time, have the powerful effect of restoring and protecting our health on many levels. David Winston&rsquo;s vast clinical and practical knowledge of herbs adds tremendously to the value of the book.&rdquo; (<i>Christopher Hobbs, author of Handmade Herbal Medicines and Natural Therapy for Your Liver</i>)<br /><br />"There is so much valuable information packed into this volume that I am grateful to have my own copy and will keep it close by as a very handy reference" (<i>Marjorie Tietjen, Price-Pottenger: Journal of Health and Healing, Volume 34 / Number 2, September 20</i>)
[ "Medicine & Health Sciences", "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Alternative Medicine" ]
Medicine & Health Sciences
Expanded Cantrips A supplement for the 5th edition of dungeons and dragons By Abcras Shadow Why this supplement? If you have ever felt like the utility cantrips are lacking in flair and ability Then this is the supplement for you. In this supplement you will gain the tools necessary to let your players expand the power and utility of their choosen utility cantrips. This supplement will give you two distinct ways of handling the progression of utility cantrips. A simple scaling that increases the cantrips' power just like their damaging counterparts & points that can be distributed to empower your players' favorite cantrips. Different playstyles There are a lot of different ways to play D&D and this supplement aims to accomodate as many as possible. Below is listed a couple of different ways to handle the progression of utility cantrips and a guide to make the supplement easier to read. All cantrips are upgraded All of a character's cantrips are upgraded from the start. This means that
Rules Compendium (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Chris Sims
CHRIS SIMS is an associate editor who works in Roleplaying Games R&amp;D at Wizards of the Coast, Inc. His previous design credits include the <i>Secrets of Sarlona</i>(TM) supplement for the <b>Eberron</b>(R) campaign setting.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or u
Scott Travers' Top 88 Coins to Buy and Sell: 44 Winners and 44 Losers
Scott A. Travers
<b>Scott Travers</b>, former vice-president of the American Numismatic Association, has served as a coin valuation expert for the Federal Trade Commission, and appears regularly on TV, radio, and in print as a coin expert in publications including the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, <i>Barrons</i>, and <i>Business Week.</i> He is president of Scott Travers Rare Coin Galleries, LLC, in New York City.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 2 or 4 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found All APLs � Brooch of shielding (Adventure; DMG)HQ � Hat of disguise (Adventure; DMG)HQ � Ring of communication (Regional; MIC) Adventure Record# 597 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 450 xp; 450 gp APL 4 max 675
Lessons from Aesop: Elementary Print Copywork
Amy Maze
Hi, Im Amy! I am a homemaker, mother, child of God, blogger, and owner of Classical Copywork. I love to learn, plan, and create. When I am not teaching my children or spending time with my husband, you will find me blogging at Living and Learning at Home and creating new copywork packs like this one!
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education &amp; Teaching", "Schools &amp; Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
Ptolus Adventure Maps: Pythoness House contains 36 miniatures-scale map tiles depicting the fifty encounter areas covered in chapter 1 of The Night of Dissolution, a Ptolus adventure from Malhavoc Press. Pythoness House is a square keep with a tall western tower, an exterior walk- way connecting keep and tower, and an impressive gatehouse with twin guard towers. Although not really all that big, the complicated architecture pro- vides many little nooks and crannies to explore. These map tiles will take your players from the haunted upper towers to the hidden secrets deep within this former chaos cult front. Print: • Ptolus Adventure Maps are designed to be printed on your home printer. • Print all the tiles or only the tiles you need - it is completely up to you. • Each tile is offered on its own page so you can be selective and print only what you need. • When printing, make sure that the Print to Fit Page option is clicked OFF so that the tiles will retain their one
Curse of Strahd: A Dungeons & Dragons Sourcebook (D&D Supplement)
Wizards RPG Team
Adventure design and development by Chris Perkins and Jeremy Crawford.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
1 Self- fulfilling Prophecy? A short adventure for four 11th-level player characters CREDITS Design: Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel Editing and Typesetting: Sue Weinlein Cook Editorial Assistance: Penny Williams Cartography: Rob Lazzaretti Illustrations: Todd Harris Web Production: Julia Martin Web Development: Mark A. Jindra Graphic Design: Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison. D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL, DUNGEON MASTER, FORGOTTEN REALMS, and GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The d20 logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the U
Greenfire: the deep sacred mystery: An Intuitive History of the Fifth Century in Celtic Country
Pamela Coy
Pamela Coy studies and teaches spirituality from various perspectives, believing the spirit calls to the creativity and artist in all of us. She has a 2006 Doctor of Ministry degree from the University of Creation Spirituality, now Wisdom University, and a 1982 Master of Divinity degree from Iliff School of Theology in Denver and a 1972 B. A. in history from University of California, Los Angeles.<br /><br />Since 1982 she has been an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church in Northern California.<br /><br />Ultimately her home is in Oro Fino, in the far north of California, with her husband Earl. She is surrounded by, and often taught by, a dog, cats and wild creatures of all sorts.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Mythology &amp; Folk Tales" ]
Literature & Fiction
Secrets of Fire 5 Tethyn culture originated in what is now Spain. Had the people of this provincial and wooded land been more willing to cooperate with one another in the early days, Tethys might have rivaled Atlantis as a great nation of the mythic age. It was the first civilization of man to maintain a semi-feudal society, but more impor- tantly, it developed without the influence of fae, drag- ons, titans, or any other of the older races whose exis- tences or practices shaped the kingdoms of man. Their pride and racial unity allowed them to resist such inroads from other races, even subconscious ones, and so they clung to the cultural facets they had developed on their own. Some suggest that this independence led to the continuance of Tethyn language beyond the mythic age and into the modern, resulting in an island of linguistic inde- pendence in the Pyrenees of Europe. However, this same pride forbade them from bowing to Atlantis during its expansionist period; instead they attem
The World of Cities: Places in Comparative and Historical Perspective
Anthony M. Orum
<i>The World of Cities</i> is an intellectually strong andup-to-date synthesis, one that should prove useful to both studentsand sophisticated analysts alike. <i>Harvey Molotch,University of California at Santa Barbara and New YorkUniversity</i> <br />
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used &amp; Rental Textbooks", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
® ™ City Map Folio City Map Folio Cartography by Robert Lazzaretti #1438881, Demon Pirate <>, Jun 10, 2010 539947 ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. 2009 #1438881, Demon Pirate <>, Jun 10, 2010 539947 ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. 2009 ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. 2009 ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. 2009 ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. 2009 ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. 2009 SIX SISTER CITIES A necessity of all civilized societies, cities are the pride of any nation and the mark of an empire’s power. By a city’s size and prosperity can the traveler note a kingdom’s health and power, by the architecture of its buildings its culture and arts, and by the words and actions of its citizens the strength of its spirit. No two cities are exactly alike, and in a world as diverse as Golarion, these differences are nowhere more apparent than in the city’s shape and the layout of its streets. This map folio presents six such cities, each in the format of a
What the Bible Says about Angels
Dr. David Jeremiah
Dr. David Jeremiah is pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego and host of the nationwide radio program Turning Point. He is the author of several books, including The Power of Encouragement and What the Bible Says about Angels.<br><br><br><i>From the Trade Paperback edition.</i>
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "World" ]
THE ANGEL Print pages 5–6 When you’re lying in the dust of Apocalypse World guts aspilled, for whom do you pray? e gods? ey’re long gone. Your beloved comrades? Fuckers all, or you wouldn’t be here to begin with. Your precious old mother? She’s a darling but she can’t put an intestine back inside so it’ll stay. No, you pray for some grinning kid or veteran or just someone with a heartshocker and a hand with sutures and a 6-pack of morphine. And when that someone comes, that’s an angel. Angels are medics. If you want everybody to love you, or at least rely on you, play an angel. Warning: if things are going well, maybe nobody will rely on you. Make interesting relationships so you’ll stay relevant. Or sabotage things, I guess. THE BATTLEBABE Print pages 7–8 Even in a place as dangerous as Apocalypse World, battlebabes are, well. ey’re the ones you should walk away from, eyes down, but you can’t. ey’re the ones like the seductive blue crackling light, y’know? You mist
Rise of the Dungeon Master: Gary Gygax and the Creation of D&D
David Kushner
"The remarkable story of one of the most influential games in the world comes to life in this graphic novel. D&amp;D had a huge impact not only on my life, but also how I thought about engaging people and building community."<b><i><strong>Alexis Ohanian</strong>, cofounder of Reddit</i></b><br /><br />"The funny, touching, and altogether incredible origin story of one of the most important figures in twentieth-century fantasy. Gary Gygax opened a portal that will never close."<b><i><strong>Lev Grossman</strong>, author of <em>The Magicians Trilogy</em></i></b><br /><br />"Role-playing its way to the truth, shrinking the history of gaming to the tabletop, [this book] is a perfectly unclassifiable tribute to Gary Gygax, D&amp;D, and the countless adventurers they inspired."<b><i><strong>Hilary Chute</strong>, author of <em>Disaster Drawn</em></i></b><br /><br />"<i>Rise of the Dungeon Master</i>, beautifully illustrated by Koren Shadmi, is both a moving portrait of two creative outsiders and a chronicle of how a new kind of storytelling changed pop culture forever."<b><i><strong><em>Ars Technica</em></strong></i></b><br /><br />"A fitting tribute to those behind the early pen-and-paper games."<b><i><strong><em>Wired</em></strong></i></b><br /><br />"<i>Rise of the Dungeon Master</i> is a charming retelling of an origin story that is now practically a legend."<b><i><em><strong>National Post</strong></em></i></b><br /><br />"Although the story of Gygax and D&amp;D's tumultuous beginnings have already become the stuff of legend, <i>Rise of the Dungeon Master</i> recounts that history in a way that's authentic to the spirit of the game beloved by millions of people."<b><i><strong><em>The Columbus Dispatch</em></strong></i></b>
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics &amp; Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
Comics & Graphic Novels
Dungeon Master: The Life and Legacy of Gary Gygax By David Kushner 03.10.08 Gary Gygax was photographed during GenCon 2007. Image: Rainer Hosch Redesign the Logo, Dungeons & Dragons-Style Editor's note: Wired contributing editor David Kushner visited Gary Gygax at the Lake Geneva Convention last June. We were preparing a package of articles about the father of Dungeons & Dragons and the upcoming revised edition of the game he created when we received the sad news of his death. We are running this story now in remembrance of Gygax and in celebration of his staggering achievements. Later this month, we will run the additional articles about D&D as well as excerpts from the extensive interviews used in reporting this story. We extend our deepest condolences to Gygax's family. You arrive at a small town by a large lake. Down a road, there is a yellow Victorian house with an American flag. There are revelers here. They stand on the front lawn swilling ale and eati
Curse of Xanathon: Dungeons and Dragons, Expert Set Adventure Module, No. X3
Doug Niles
dungeons and dragons adventure module contains all relevant papers and cover.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
A 1st Level Dungeon Crawl Classics Adventure By Mark Bishop The Expedition Frost Fang © 2016 Purple Sorcerer Games II Be sure to check out the separate appendix PDF that comes with the Frost Fang Expedition. It's filled with tips for running the adventure, paper miniatures, patron spell sheets, and easily printable versions of all the maps and images included in the adventure! An Instant Acti on Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Adventure for 4-8 1st Level Adventurers By Mark Bishop Introducti on .................................................................................. 3 Running the Frost Fang Expediti on/History of Neverthawes .......... 4 Dagon’s Note ............................................................................... 10 People and Places ........................................................................ 11 Player Introducti on ...................................................................... 12 Rumors and Scu� lebu� .................................
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Old World Bestiary, Vol. 1
T.S. Luikart
<b>Green Ronin Publishing</b> was founded in 2000 by game industry veterans Chris Pramas, Nicole Lindroos, and Hal Mangold. The company has published over 50 books since then, establishing a reputation for innovation and quality that is second to none in the RPG industry. Its award-winning products include <i>Mutants &amp; Masterminds, Book of the Righteous,</i> and <i>Freeport: The City of Adventure</i>. Point your browser to for more info.
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Teen &amp; Young Adult", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
1 Sorcerers of the South A supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 2nd Edition, covering the magicians of the Southern lands of Tilea, Estalia, and Araby By Hectorius 2 This is a completely unofficial, fan-written supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition. All relevant trademarks and copyrights are used without permission and in no way intended to challenge their ownership by Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay © Games Workshop Limited 1986, 2005. This edition © Games Workshop Limited 2012. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the foregoing marks’ respective logos and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer World and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game setting are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 1986-2014, variably
Dungeons & Dragons: Rules for Fantastic Medieval Role Playing Adventure Game Campaigns
Gary Gygax
Early edition of Dungeons & Dragons, known as the "Holmes edition," edited, clarified, and condensed the rules from the little brown books.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
v1.0 Copyright 2003 by Trigee Enterprises Company. Lejendary Adventure is a trademark of Trigee Enterprises. All rights reserved under copyright and trademark. Welcome to the Lejendary Adventure™ Fantasy Role-Playing Game. The latest creation of Gary Gygax, the game allows players to engage in all manner of fantasy play, limited only by their imaginations. This special preview of the game offers an overview of the system, sample game characters, and an adventure that can be played in an evening. We hope you like what you read, and that you will continue to examine the whole Lejendary Adventure™ line from Hekaforge Productions. Downloaded from Dragonsfoot website - HTTP://WWW.DRAGONSFOOT.ORG Lejendary Adventure™ Quick Start Rules 2 THE LEJENDARY RULES The Lejendary Adventure game rules are designed to facilitate the creativity of the participants without shouldering them with a weighty body of rules and restrictions. The rules presented herein are streamlined and focused to provide y
The Goblin Companion: A Field Guide to Goblins
Brian Froud
Earthy, enigmatic, and--until now--elusive, the goblin is little known and even less well understood. Thanks to Brian Froud's discovery of the notebooks of Dashe, a goblin portraitist, this rare breed is now an open book. This is a definitive, profusely illustrated field guide to the goblin world, annotated by Terry Jones, Monty Python professor emeritus of Obscure, Absurd and Truly Hilarious Arts. Full-color illustrations.
[ "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Humor" ]
Humor & Entertainment
1 Goblins of the Faerie Woods Daniel J. Bishop 2 Faerie Wood 3 Goblins of the Faerie Wood A campaign element to help you create a rich campaign environment for use as a 0-level funnel or for 1st level characters. By Daniel J. Bishop • Cover Design by Brett Neufeld • Cartography by Paratime Design (Tim Hartin) • Editing by Perry Fehr • Interior Art by Gary Dupuis, Brett Neufeld • Layout by Mark Gedak Playtesters: Heather Bishop, Morgan Clayton, John Clayton, Jace Schultz, Bob Wolff. Introduction Any role-playing game session can take a left turn at Albuquerque, leaving the poor Game Master wondering what to do next. This is even truer for the dedicated Dungeon Crawl Classics judge, who discovers that patron quests, divine disapproval, and the requests of gods to pay back divine favor can make the game take incredible new turns with the roll of a few dice. Add to this the advice urging players to “Quest For It” when they want some- thing unusual for their characters, and you
The Crack Calendar By Eric Decetis 2018 Boxed/Daily Calendar (CB0241)
Sellers Publishing
Award-winning cartoonist Eric Decetis is the first to admit that he's a little cracked. With universal appeal Eric's single-panel cartoons are enormously popular, and The Crack Calendar features 13 of his funniest! We defy anyone to look through this calendar without cracking a smile.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Religion" ]
[ "Religion & Spirituality", "Worship & Devotion", "Inspirational" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. The Clockwork Laboratory Part Two of the Ruined Tower of the Tempest Mage Knock, knock, open the door. Tick tock, time is short. Stalk, stalk, it comes for you. How will you open the lock, once you can no longer wind the clock? A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters Design Jeremy Vosberg Art Ben Siekert Development Greg Marks Adventure Code CCC-CIC-02 Produced by Cold Iron Conventions Sponsored by Draxtar Games Organized Play: Chris Lindsay Version 3 D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon M
The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
Mark Cotta Vaz
Praise for <em>New Moon</em>: <br />-"Teens will relish this new adventure and hunger for more."--<em>Booklist</em><br />-"[A] near-genius balance of breathtaking romance and action."--<em>VOYA</em><br />-"<em>New Moon</em> will ... leave [fans] breathless for the third."--<em>School Library Journal</em> <br /><br />Praise for <em>Eclipse</em>: <br />-"Move over, Harry Potter." - <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on"><i>USA</i></st1:place></st1:country-region><i> Today</i><br />-"[Stephenie Meyer is] the world's most popular vampire novelist since Anne Rice" - <i>Entertainment Weekly</i><br />-"Meyer's trilogy seethes with the archetypal tumult of star-crossed passions, in which the supernatural element serves as a heady spice." - <i>The New York Times</i><br /><br />Praise for <em>Twilight</em>:<br />-A <em>New York Times</em> Editor's Choice<br />-A <em>Publishers Weekly</em> Best Book of the Year<br />-An Amazon Best Book of the Decade...So Far<br />-An <em>American Library Association</em> Top Ten Best Books for Young Adults
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College" ]
[ "Teen &amp; Young Adult", "Art, Music &amp; Photography" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Characters With Class Twilight’s Dawn Twilight’s Dawn Issue #1 [April 2011] Are you ready for Ragnarök? The Black Hand Strikes! Two distinct groups of characters are currently exploring (and play testing) the lands of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight. The first group meets locally (here in Kuwait) and the other group plays through less conventional means – using the ‘play-by-post’ method. Each issue, we will showcase one of their characters, complete with statistics and goals. The Campaign Journal: In our very first session, our heroes gathered – at the request of Misses Ari Naraheim – at her home south of the Westwald. Each, having received a letter of invitation, traveled for days to arrive her remote vacation home. The heroes arrived to discover that not only was Ari nowhere to be seen, but her once beautiful home was little more than a pile of smoking ruins. Most of her windows were broken and the sturdy lock that once barred her front door was smashed to
Dwellers of the Forbidden City: An Adventure for Character Levels 4-7 (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
David Cook
Somewhere in the heart of the steaming jungle lies the answer to the whispered tales - rumors of a magnificent city and foul, horrid rituals! Here a brave party might find riches and wonders - or death! Is your party brave enough to face the terrors of the unknown and find - the Forbidden City! Information is presented here to reconstruct this exciting tournament and even more has been given to expand play. Here characters may adventure several times in a unique and interesting mini-campaign. Included in this module are background and tournament notes, referee's keys, new monsters, pre- generated characters, and eight different maps.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
                        DWELLERS AMID BONES RAGING SWAN PRESS AN ADVENTURE FOR 5TH-LEVEL CHARACTERS G M ’ S R E S O U R C E S 100% Crunch: Skeletons  $5.99 � 100% Crunch: Zombies  $5.99 � Antipaladins  $3.99 � Bandits of the Rampant Horror  $3.99 � Barroom Brawl  $1.99 � Caves & Caverns  $10.99 � Cultists of Havra Zhoul  $4.99 � Dark Oak  $4.99 � Dark Waters Rising  $5.99 � Dungeon Dressing: Altar  $1.99 � Dungeon Dressing: Pits  $1.99 � Dungeon Dressing: Pools  $1.99 � Dungeon Dressing: Secret Doors  $1.99 � Dungeon Dressing: Stairs  $1.99 � Dungeon Dressing: Statues  $1.99 � Dwellers Amid Bones  $3.99 � Fellowship of the Blackened Oak  $3.99 � Frost Giant Pirates of the Icy Heart  $3.99 � Gibbous Moon  $2.99 � Portentous Dreams  $1.99 � Random Hill Encounters  $3.99 � Random Marsh Encounters  $3.99 � Random Woodland Encounters  $3.99 � Random Woodland Encounters II  $3.99 � Random Urban Encounters  $3.99 � Scions of Evil  $13.99; print $19.99 � Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands  $
Under the Witching Tree: A Folk Grimoire of Tree Lore and Practicum
Corinne Boyer
Corinne Boyer is a folk herbalist, teacher, and writer with a passion for traditions surrounding plants and folk magic. She has been studying and working with plants since 1998. Corinne has taught community herb classes since 2005 and teaches weekly classes out of her home with a focus on wild crafting, medicine making, plant lore, folk medicine and magic. She is most inspired by the 'old ways' of the village rustic, which included not only physical medicine but also magical medicine and a deep connection to the spirit world. Her first book is Under the Witching Tree, published by Troy Books. She is currently working on numerous writing projects that involve plants and folk magic. She lives with her family in the forest of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
  DUNGEON DRESSING: STATUES Creighton Broadhurst      R A G I N G S W A N P R E S S T H E L O N E L Y C O A S T The  furthest  flung  outpost  of  a  mighty  kingdom,  turbulent  waters  and  forbidding,  trackless  forests  separate  the  folk  of  the  Lonely  Coast  from  the  gaudy  lights  of  civilisation. This free mini‐campaign setting is easy to drop into any campaign.  Retribution  $7.99, print $9.99  � Road of the Dead  $5.99, print $7.99  � Swallowfeld  $4.50  � The Lonely Coast  Free!  �   G M ’ S R E S O U R C E S GM’S RESOURCES augment game play by reducing GM prep time.  Antipaladins  $3.99  � Bandits of the Rampant Horror  $3.99  � Barroom Brawl  $1.99  � Caves & Caverns  $10.99  � Cultists of Havra Zhoul  $4.99  � Dark Oak  $4.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Statues  $1.99  � Fellowship of the Blackened Oak  $3.99  � Random Hill Encounters  $3.99  � Random Marsh Encounters  $3.99  � Random Woodland Encounters  $3.99  � Random Woodland Encou
The Cinematic Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Blizzard Entertainment
Known for blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft and the Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo franchises, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software renowned for creating some of the industrys most critically acclaimed games. Blizzard Entertainments track record includes thirteen #1-selling games and numerous Game of the Year awards.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Other Media" ]
Arts & Photography
 Wolves i n t h e B o r d e r l a n d s B e a s t s & B a r B a r i a n s One Sheet #3 A Sword and Sorcery Savage Worlds One Sheet for Beasts and Barbarians By David thomas and Umberto Pignatelli  Cover by Jeremy Mohler, Standart Stock Art 02 by Empty Room Studios Publishing Layout: winnicki art studio | This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permis- sion. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Some artwork copyright Michael Hammes and Philip Reed, used under license. ©2011 Gramel Justyna Koryś, Beasts and Barbarians, Dread Star Dominions and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Gramel Justyna Koryś. All Rights Reserved. 3 “Nobody goes into Black Forest willingly. O
Art of Evil Within
Bethesda Games
"Bethesda's true-blood scare-'em-up is the headline act in PS4's horror show not just for the name attached to it, but for its ability to get under your skin and make you feel hunted, relying on your wits rather than your trigger finger." <i>--OfficialPlaystationMagazine</i><br /><br /> <br /><br />"The Evil Within will be a title where one of the originators of the survival horror genre returns to give a master class in making players squirm in their seats."<i>--Kotaku</i>
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Other Media" ]
Arts & Photography
O 1 Evil Beagle Games Presents Only the Worthy Written by Scott Corum Edited by Sean Patrick Fannon, Carinn Seabolt Graphic Design & Layout Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle Permission is granted to print this ebook. No site license is given. Shaintar is copyright 2008-2013, Sean Patrick Fannon. All rights reserved. Shaintar, Epic High Fantasy, and all associated trademarks and logos are the property of Sean Patrick Fannon DBA Evil Beagle Games. This material is protected under the Copyright Act of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of Sean Patrick Fannon. This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability,
Group Improvisation: The Manual of Ensemble Improv Games
Charna Halpern
Who would have thought that participating in group improvisation could be so enlightening and rewarding! Peter Gwinn has developed The Group Mind at Improv Olympic in Chicago to create a new awareness in the mind and spirit of acting students and professionals. Over forty improvisation games are included for developing group chemistry: creation, bonding, dynamics, energy, focus and more. Techniques are discussed for breaking the ice, agreement, listening and support, teamwork, quick thinking and having fun! The Group Mind, the holy grail of improvisation, is created by a synergy between improvisation participants. It is like ESP. It is the feeling of being part of a greater entity, a sense of excitement, belonging, importance that takes acting skills to a new level.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Performing Arts" ]
Arts & Photography
Circe Unmastered Rules for Random Play ������������� Role-playing games are meant to be run with an impartial referee who plans out adventures ahead of time and looks over all the myriad details of running the game. But sometimes the referee can’t run a game. Typically when this happens, the playing group either cancels the session entirely, or ends up playing a board game. But it doesn’t have to happen this way. The rules detailed in this document allow the players to run a session without a designated referee, and with no more than fifteen minutes of pre-game preparation. It gets around the DM problem by separating the DM’s work into six main tasks. Essentially, the game is run via a set of random tables, with each player using die rolls and their own common sense to carry out their assigned task. Each player is required to use a little discretion and a little impartiality, but only in one area of the game; and so they are still able to play and advance their charac
Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
Roger Moore
Extensive histories of the Flanaess and the Domain of Greyhawk. A place-by-place description of the City of Greyhawk. A 16-page map booklet with new and updated maps of towns and adventuring sites in the central Flanaess. Updates on famous people - good and bad. The seeds for thousands of new adventures.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
The Players Guide for UK Credits Design and Development: Creighton Broadhurst, Gerard Cummins, Paul Looby, John Leeper, and Sean Connor. Editors: Creighton Broadhurst, Paul Looby and Taz Graphic Design: Ian Richards Cartography: Simon Butler, Bill Howard, and Paul Looby Typography: Simon Butler and Taz Project Manager: Sean Connor Proof Readers: Gerard Cummins, Paul Looby, Ratty, Simon Butler, Creighton Broadhurst, Sean Connor, Taz and Stuart Kerrigan Special Thanks: Erik Mona, Denis Tetreault, Noel Graham Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker and Peter Adkinson. Based on the original GREYHAWK campaign by E. Gary Gygax, Carl Sargent and Roger E. Moore References: The Adventure Begins by Roger E. Moore Dungeons & Dragons Gazetteer by Gary Holian, Erik Mona, Sean K Reynolds, Frederick Weining From the Ashes by Carl Sargent Gr
How Belief Stories Matter / An Approach to Myth
Marcelline Krafchick
Marcelline Krafchick's new book is a riveting guide to global mythology for a 21st-century audience. This brilliantly executed study offers nothing short of an intellectual revolution proposed by a profound literary and philosophical sensibility. As the author reminds us, mythmaking (mythopoesis) is universal. --Dr. Suzette A. Henke, Endowed Chair, Thruston B. Morton Professor of Literary Studies, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY<br /><br />Professor Krafchick's book is thoroughly scholarly, as the Foreword and her bibliography indicate, yet she wears her scholarship lightly. . . . Ultimately, her book is testament to understanding other peoples and cultures, to go beyond the simplistic dismissals of past tales . . . .as primitive, unimportant because linked to pagan religions, or, most damning of all, different from what we believe and are familiar with. She does do comparative mythology, but subtly, respecting the wide range of belief-stories. . . . Her book would be a valuable addition to both mythology courses and religion courses. It s thoroughly masterful. --Dr. Peter L. Hays, Professor Emeritus, English Department at the University of California, Davis<br /><br />In addition to imparting much useful knowledge about myth and myths, Krafchick writes with clarity and beauty, breadth of knowledge, concise intellect, wit and wisdom. It is clear that she has thoroughly enjoyed her decades-long romance with myth and story: the storyteller and listener can enjoy the language that weaves the story. . . they savor the words. Indeed, so does Krafchick savor the words, as will we when we read her delightful weavings. --Dr. Miriam Robbins Dexter, University of California at Los Angeles
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
Mythos  Mythos​ ​is​ ​a​ ​new​ ​Skill​ ​representing​ ​a​ ​character’s​ ​knowledge​ ​of​ ​and​ ​exposure​ ​to​ ​the​ ​horrible realities​ ​of​ ​Thing​ ​That​ ​Mankind​ ​Was​ ​Not​ ​Meant​ ​to​ ​Know.​ ​Unlike​ ​other​ ​skills,​ ​characters​ ​without the​ ​Mythos​ ​skill​ ​are​ ​not​ ​assumed​ ​to​ ​have​ ​any​ ​significant​ ​knowledge​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Unthinkable​ ​at​ ​all, and​ ​thus​ ​this​ ​skill​ ​cannot​ ​be​ ​defaulted​ ​to​ ​or​ ​used​ ​in​ ​any​ ​way​ ​until​ ​it​ ​has​ ​been​ ​raised​ ​to​ ​at​ ​least Average​ ​(+1).​ ​Further,​ ​no​ ​character​ ​may​ ​begin​ ​play​ ​with​ ​this​ ​skill,​ ​nor​ ​may​ ​it​ ​be​ ​intentionally advanced​ ​at​ ​Milestones.​ ​Mythos​ ​is​ ​only​ ​advanced​ ​through​ ​confrontations​ ​with​ ​the​ ​Unknowable or​ ​through​ ​the​ ​careful​ ​study​ ​of​ ​a​ ​few,​ ​specific​ ​books.​ ​See​ ​the​ ​Advancement​ ​section​ ​below​ ​for details. ● Overcome:​ ​You​ ​can​ ​use​ ​the​ ​Mythos​ ​skill​ ​when​ ​forced​ ​to​ ​face​ ​the​ ​Unimaginable.​ ​Whe
A Dictionary of Similes
Frank J. Wilstach
Originally published in 1916. This volume from the Cornell University Library's print collections was scanned on an APT BookScan and converted to JPG 2000 format by Kirtas Technologies. All titles scanned cover to cover and pages may include marks notations and other marginalia present in the original volume.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Dictionaries & Thesauruses" ]
[ "Reference", "Dictionaries &amp; Thesauruses" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
acceptance of Simians, with some valu- ing them for their bravery and strength, while others seeing them as little more than animals. Alignment Many Simians follow a code of honor and follow some sort of lawful align- ment. A lawful evil Simian may be a cruel and cunning, while one that is lawful good might be noble and stead- fast. A Simian always seeks to prove themselves in their chosen profession. Simian Racial Traits • +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Simians are strong and agile, but their bestial appearance is met with hesitation by many other races • Medium: Simian are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. • Normal Speed: Simians have a base speed of 30 feet. • Climbing: Simians have a climb speed of 30 feet and gain a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks • Fearless: Simians code of honor gives them a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. • Intimidate: Simians receive a +2 racial bonus to intimidate checks. • Low-L
Bronze Dragon Codex (The Dragon Codices)
R.D. Henham
R.D. HENHAM is a scribe in the great library of Palanthas. In the course of transcribing stories of legendary dragons, the author felt a gap existed in the story of the everydragon: ordinary dragons who end up doing extraordinary things. With the help of fellow scribes and Sindri Suncatcher, R.D. has filled that gap with these books.
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Children's Books
i Codex Three of the Enchiridia Mysteria ii Legalese DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2018 by Mark Burton (a.k.a. Lord Rumfish) and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. Design: Mark “Lord Rumfish” Burton. Art: DMs Guild Creator Resources presented by Wizards of the Coast, Black and White Stock Art featuring David Lewis Johns and Luigi Castellani, Character Stock Art featuring David Revoy presented by Arcana Games, Character Stock Art II featuring Christof
Archangel's Shadows (A Guild Hunter Novel)
Nalini Singh
<b>PARANORMAL ROMANCE DOESNT GET BETTER THAN THIS. <i>Love Vampires </i><br /><br />Praise for the Guild Hunter novels of Nalini Singh </b><br /><br />A breathtaking journey.<i>Romance Novel News </i><br /><br />Powerful, raw, intense, darkand so intimate.<i>Smexy Books </i><br /><br />Amazing in every way!Gena Showalter, <i>New York Times</i> bestselling author<br /><br />Stuns with intensity.<i>Romance Junkies</i><br /><br />A roller-coaster ride of a series.<i>The Romance Reader </i><br /><br />Intense, vivid, and sexually charged.<i>Publishers Weekly</i> (starred review)<br /><br />MesmerizingFascinating world-building.<i>Bitten by Books</i><br /><br />Completely awe-inspiring.Fallen Angel Reviews<br /><br />Stunning, original, beautiful, intriguing, and mesmerizing.<i>Errant Dreams Reviews </i><br /><br />[Ms. Singh] has a knack for writing characters that are truly believable, and admirably strong and resilient.<i>Dark Faerie Tales</i><br /><br />World-building that blew my socks off.Meljean Brook, <i>New York Times</i> bestselling author<br /><br />A fabulous addition to the paranormal world.<i>Fresh Fiction </i><br /><br />Ms. Singh has a way of storytelling that reaches out and pulls you inIt keeps you coming back for more.<i>Night Owl Reviews</i><br /><br />[A] powerful, riveting novel. I found myself wholly absorbed.<i>Dear Author </i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Short Stories &amp; Anthologies" ]
Literature & Fiction
SHADOW & BLADE A GUIDE TO ASSASSINS IN TUNNELS & TROLLS BY SCOTT MALTHOUSE Shadow & Blade A Guide to Assassins in Tunnels & Trolls By Scott Malthouse Trollish Delver Games Written by Scott Malthouse Art by Kimagu and public domain This publication is copyright 2014 by Trollish Delver Games. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any fashion without the expressed written consent of Trollish Delver Games. Tunnels & Trolls was created by Ken St. Andre and is a trademark of Flying Buffalo. Trollish Delver Games and the Trollish Delver logo are trademarks of Scott Malthouse. Contents Assassin Orders 4 Crown and Thorn 4 The Order of Crows 8 The Fist 10 Assassin Characters 12 The Classical Assassin 13 Assassin of the Fist 14 The Toxic Assassin 15 The Mage Assassin 16 The Assassin's Test 17 1. Assassin Orders “Killing people is a lot like writing a book, and I've written a library's worth.” - Grieve Drakensong Crown and Thorn The most famous of orders, Cro
Rules Compendium (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Chris Sims
CHRIS SIMS is an associate editor who works in Roleplaying Games R&amp;D at Wizards of the Coast, Inc. His previous design credits include the <i>Secrets of Sarlona</i>(TM) supplement for the <b>Eberron</b>(R) campaign setting.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, Living Greyhawk, D&D Rewards, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthor
Math Games & Activities with Dice
Charles Lund
This is book is perfect for a Friday afternoon! I don't have to plan and my kids practice essential math skills while having fun! --Sue Rhan, 5th Grade Math Teacher
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
This section will introduce you to how the rules of this game work and what all the number-bits in this book represent. You can read the rules in detail in Chapter 5: Playing the Game and in Chapter 7: Running the Game. The Basics First and foremost, if you’re asking yourself, “What is a roleplaying game, anyway?” go to for an introduction. Back? Good! In the FATE RPG, characters, vehicles, equipment, and even scenes and locations that are important to the story are defined by three key terms: aspects, skills, and Gifts. Rolling Dice Many events in FATE—particularly the challenges that face the Strangers of the Kerberos Club—are resolved by rolling a few (usually four) special dice called Fudge dice. Each Fudge die gives you a +, -, or 0 result. Add one for each + and subtract one for each -. (The 0 are worth zero.) Get a high enough result and you rise to the challenge. Important characters and objects use skills to boost their rolls—and just a
Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition (Food Science and Technology)
Graham G. Stewart
"[provides] the reader with information on the latest scientific research on the health-promoting properties of these products. I highly recommend [this book] to anyone (i.e. students, scientist and manufacturers) involved in this field because of the wealth of information provided." - International Journal of Dairy Technology "an excellent resource for food science/microbiology researchers. This topic is very unique and there is not a comparable resource." in Food Allergy News
[ "Cookbooks, Food & Wine" ]
[ "Cookbooks, Food &amp; Wine", "Beverages &amp; Wine" ]
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
CONTENTS Preface 2 Principles and methods 4 Brewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Melting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Kneading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaporizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Distilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Essences 7 Ingredients 9 Basic ingredients by category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Basic ingredients by name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Exotic Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 List of Potions 16 Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Look Behind the Derleth Mythos: Origins of the Cthulhu Mythos
John D Haefele
"...a different and often enlightening this meticulous, scholarly riposte...Haefele cites abundant secondary sources to support his arguments and in many cases turns the words of Derleth's sharpest critics back against them...."<br />
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "History &amp; Criticism" ]
Literature & Fiction
This scenario pits the Investigators against a terrible and sinister plot instigated by a mysterious and possibly inhu- man power. Investigators with some prior experience of the Cthulhu Mythos will find their knowledge gives them a slight advantage. Little, however, will prepare them for the terrible awakenings that soon take place both within themselves and in a dark and hidden site unknown to man. The hideous events detailed herein are nominally set in Arkham and Boston during the Spring of 1928. However, the Keeper needs to change little to relocate the scenario elsewhere or to a different year. Keeper’s Information Half-remembered tales recall that in aeons long ago the Great Old Ones came down from the heavens to occupy our planet. These stories tell of hundreds of such creatures descending upon our globe, each a horribly individual and unique entity. Yet in the Mythos lore known to mod- ern humanity, a mere handful of such entities is thought to exist on the Earth.
Creative Campaigning (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition, Dungeon Master's Guide Rules Supplement/2133/DMGR5)
Tony Pryor
This book is loaded with ideas and suggestions that will make even the most jaded players sit up and pay attention. Everything from alternate settings to variant rules to really strange adventures is included.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
ISSUE #6 ◆ DECEMBER 2020 85-88 Economic woes - Increase all prices by 3d20 percent. 1 in 6 encounters in civilized areas will now be with either 1d12 beggars or 1d20 robbers/bandits. Each subsequent roll of this item increases both prices and the frequency of encounters. 89-92 Rival adventurers - Build an NPC party roughly on par with the PCs, then give them an additional 2d6 o-level soldiers or thugs to beef up their numbers. If possible, some of the party members should be malcontents from previous adventures. Until dealt with, these jerks will now show up in 50% of future adventures to cause trouble. Subsequent rolls of this item results in additional rival parties. 83-95 New class consciousness - Add one or more new class options for PCs that rely less on magic, such as Pat Mathis’s Pikeman
Tactical Strength: The Elite Training and Workout Plan for Spec Ops, SEALs, SWAT, Police, Firefighters, and Tactical Professionals
Stewart Smith
<b>Stewart "Stew" Smith</b> is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL, and author of several fitness books such as <i>The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness</i>, <i>The Special Ops Workout</i>, and <i>S.W.A.T. Fitness</i>. Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, and many other military, law enforcement, and firefighter professions. He is currently the Special Ops Team Coach at the U.S. Naval Academy that assists in preparing future candidates for SEAL, EOD, and MARSOC training and runs a non-profit called Heroes of Tomorrow which offers free training for people seeking tactical professions.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Health, Fitness &amp; Dieting", "Exercise &amp; Fitness" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Name Race Package STR DEX PHYS DIA CONC KNOW CHA COOL FLUX Squad Department Residence Origin Clan/family LAD Rank Strength skills Dexterity skills Physique skills Charisma skills Rank Diagnose skills Concentration skills Knowledge skills Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank SLA Industries character sheet • © Pitt Murmann Ebb skills Rank Formulae Blast Blue Thermal Communication Detect Enhancement Healing Illumination Protect Reality Fold Red Thermal Senses Telekinesis Gore Cannon Advantages/disadvantages Rank Reputation Rank SLA Industries Born Age Teint Eyes Hair Height Weight SCL SLA Industries character sheet • © Pitt Murmann Ranged weapon Size Type Dmg Pen AD RoF Range Clip Rcl Ammunition Melee weapon AD Dmg Pen Drug Effect Usage Doses Wounds Credits Units Flux Suite Equipment XP Spent Action phases 1 2 3 4 5 STR DEX PHYS Damage Total Torso Arms Legs Head Head Torso L-arm R-arm L-leg R-leg Location PV ID Armour Modifications to STR, DEX, PHYS Contacts Injuries Encumbrance Normal Half None 1 2
Witch's Brew: Good Spells for Healing
Witch Bree
Four wonderfully crafted, pocket-size spell books promise to offer practical assistance to practitioners of the Craft Good Spells for Healing, Good Spells for Love, Good Spells for Peace of Mind and Good Spells for Prosperity are short and beautifully packaged, with vellum paper, satin ribbon closures and collage-like illustrations. The covers are appealingly distressed, with faux tea stains and an aged appearance. The books' contents are a bit simple; the real enchantment lies not in the spells by "Witch Bree" (aka Brenda Knight), but in the series' lovely presentation. ( May) <br />Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
Forge Cleric Spell List Spell Save DC (8 + Wisdom + Proficiency) Spell Attack Bonus (Wisdom + Proficiency) Channel Divinity (Turn Undead / Artisan‘s Blessing) Total Used Maximum Spells Prepared (Level + Wisdom) Cantrips Known o Guidance© o Light o Mending o Resistance© o Sacred Flame o Spare the Dying o Thaumaturgy o Toll the Dead o Virtue o Word of Radiance 1st Slots Used Identify®, Searing Smite© o Bane© o Bless© o Ceremony® o Command o Create or Destroy Water o Cure Wounds o Detect Evil and Good© o Detect Magic©® o Detect Poison and Disease© o Guiding Bolt o Guiding Hand©® o Healing Word o Inflict Wounds o Protection from Evil and Good© o Purify Food and Drink® o Sanctuary o Shield of Faith© 2nd Slots Used Heat Metal©, Magic Weapon© o Aid o Augury® o Blindness/Deafness o Calm Emotions© o Continual Flame o Enhance Ability©
The Druid Magic Handbook: Ritual Magic Rooted in the Living Earth
John Michael Greer
John Michael Greer has been a student of occult traditions and nature spirituality for more than 25 years. He began following the Druid path in 1993 with initiation in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD). Greer is the author of numerous articles and ten books, including Paths of Wisdom, Circles of Power, Inside a Magical Lodge, Natural Magic, Monsters, and The New Encyclopedia of the Occult. He recently coauthored Learning Ritual Magic (Weiser Books, 2004). He lives in Ashland, Oregon with his wife Sara.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
Fyvrianism is the magic of the earth, of green and growing, of pale and dying things, of the cycles of growth and decay that underlie the natural world. The base of Fyvria is fertile earth, where life swarms in its endless struggle to survive and prosper. Fyvrian mages employ life symbols as foci: wooden staves and wands, bags of earth, even living familiars. A Fyvrian mage has a respect for life, and a profound understanding of the great, ineffable forces of life. This spell tomb was put together with the unwitting help of Patrick Nilsson’s Empty spell packs, and numerous Hârnicas who contributed spells to the HârnList. All spells marked with an * before the name are additions to those provided by Columbia Games. NOTE: When a mage of any convocation tries to use a Fyvrian spell to enchant a non-Fyvrian elemental object, his EML is penalized. -10 Secondary (Jmorvi/Odivshe) Object -15 Neutral Elements (GM discretion) -20 Tertiary (Peleahn/Savorya) Object -30 Diametric (Lyahvi) Object
Glass Walls: Reality & Hope Beyond the Glass Ceiling
Jean Rostollan
Corporate America is in need of an upgrade. The progress of women inside the halls of corporations nationwide remains a disappointment for many talented females. <P>Glass Walls: Reality and Hope Beyond the Glass Ceiling by Jean Rostollan and Rhonda Levene is an engaging look into the continued marginalization of women and presents strategies and tactics that women can use in today's workplace.
[ "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Business Culture" ]
Business & Money
The Circle Numenera is copyright Monte Cook Games, LLC Overview The Circle is a town built inside a massive circular wall of light green glass, seven meters tall and four meters deep. The wall has two long, gated, dirt ramps allowing travellers and townsfolk to come and go from the east and west ends of town where the main local road connects to town. The people of The Circle, called Circulars, enjoy much more protection than most of the towns and villages in the area due to their impenetrable wall. However the glass wall itself is a Numenera, and has a few strange effects. First, it conducts and conveys sound, light, heat, and other forces seemingly randomly, allowing people in town near the wall to see and hear each other from time to time as though they were in a neighboring room. This and the very nature of having a wall of glass in one’s home has caused many in town to give up on the pretense of modesty and privacy. It’s not uncommon to see vastly more nudity in
Hitler and the Occult (German Studies)
Ken Anderson
In this touching, if modest, memoir, Fuykschot recalls the daily problems her family endured during the WWII German occupation of Holland, which stretched from her 11th to her 15th year. She conveys the effect on the populace when Queen Wilhelmina fled to London?"We had lost our Queen, we were no longer a nation, we were nobodies..."?and the more devastating impact on the Fuykschot family when her father, an insurance inspector, was held in a hostage camp. After his release, the family suffered the increasing privation that was common across Holland: the absence of running water and electricity and the relentlessly diminishing food supply. During the grim winter of 1944-1945, children were sent into the countryside to beg for food at farmhouses. Fuykschot provides a dramatic account of the liberation of Utrecht by Canadian troops, who made such a favorable impression in ensuing weeks that scores of Dutch citizens ultimately moved to Canada ("Moving to Canada seemed to many like going to live with your big brother), including the author herself. Photos. <BR>Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Europe" ]
THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CONSPIRACY X 1933: Watchmaker 1947: Discovery and Betrayal 1950's: Smoke and Mirrors The MKULTRA Project Project Bluebook and Project Moondust The Majestic 12 Documents Groom Dry Lake Research Facility The Kennedy Assassintion The Challenger MKULTRA 1990: Shooting at Harper's Cross The Status Quo 1933: Watchmaker Walter Stein, a native of Venice and an British intelligence agent, spent many years studying the occult in Germany during the 1920s and 30s. There he became well acquainted with a fellow student of the arcane arts, Adolph Hitler. Stein followed Hitler's occult involvement very closely, schooled himself from the same texts. Hence, Stein became the world's foremost authority on Nazi Occult activity outside of the party itself. Stein soon became frantic over developments in Germany. Hitler's rise to power coincided directly with his initiation into The Secret Doctrine, a gathering of the most elite and powerful Mages in the world. Further, the core of th
Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook!
Steven D. Farmer
Steven D. Farmer, Ph.D., is a shamanic practitioner, ordained minister, and licensed psychotherapist. Hes the author of the best-selling Animal Spirit Guides, the Power Animal Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Sacred Ceremony, and the guided meditation CD Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides. Steven is also host of his own radio show, The Shamanic Hotline on
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
Warrior & Adventurer Saving Throws Level Poison Spells Paralysis Eyes 1-3 12 16 13 15 4-6 10 14 12 13 7-9 8 11 10 11 10+ 7 10 9 10 Priest & Magician Saving Throws Level Poison Spells Paralysis Eyes 1-4 13 15 14 14 5-7 11 12 13 12 8-10 9 9 11 10 11+ 8 7 10 7 Hit Dice - Humans & 1HD Nonhumans Pachi Lei, Pe Choi, Swamp Folk, Pygmy Folk, Tinaliya Level Warrior Priest Magician Adventurer I 1+1 1 1 1 II 2 1+3 1+2 1+3 III 3 2+1 2 2+1 IV 4+1 3+3 3 3+3 V 5+1 4+1 3+3 4+1 VI 6+2 5 4 5 VII 7+1 6 5 6 VIII 8+2 7 6+1 7 IX 9+3 8+1 7+1 8+1 X 10+4 9+1 8+1 9+1 Hit Dice - 2HD Nonhumans Hlaka, Hlutrgu, Hlyss, Shunned Ones, Ssu Level Warrior Priest Magician Adventurer I 2 2+1 2-1 2+1 II 3 2+3 2+2 2+3 III 4 3 3-1 3 IV 5+1 4 3+3 4 V 6+1 5 4+1 5 VI 7+1 6 5 6 VII 8+3 7+1 6 7+1 VIII 9+3 8 7 8 IX 10+3 9+1 8+1 9+1 Hit Dice - 3HD Nonhumans Shen, Ahoggya Level Warrior Priest Magician Adventurer I 3 3-1 2+4 3-1 II 4 3+2 3+1 3+2 III 5+1 4 3+4 4 IV 6+3 5 4+1 5 V 7+3 6+1 5+1 6+1 VI 8+3 7 6 7 VII 9+3 8+1 7+1 8+1 VIII 10+
Hack: The Complete Game
D.J. Gelner
"D.J. Gelner, author of the insanely fun novel <i>Jesus Was a Time Traveler</i> once again hits a home run with his newest series,<i> Hack</i>...Needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Once again, the author proves that he has what it takes to convince even the most skeptical of us of his literary genius." -Dennis Berry,, on <i>Hack: Innings 1-3 </i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
K&C2120A USD $7.99 CREDITS By Jolly R. Blackburn Cartography and Graphic Design: by Jolly R. Blackburn A Campaign Source Book for GameMasters for HackMaster:The Role-Playing Game 4th Edition G E Arweez WURLD A T L A S © Copyright 2003 Kenzer and Company.All rights reserved. With respect to trademarks: HackMaster, the HackMaster logo, the Garweeze Wurld logg, the Kenzer and Company logo,Gary Jackson, The Game Must Go ON, logo, and Hard Eight Enterprises are trademarks of Kenzer and Company. © Copyright 2003 Kenzer and Company. All rights reserved. Questions, Comments, Product Orders? Kenzer and Company 1912 Halifax Libertyville, IL 60048 Phone: (847) 540-0029 Fax: (847) 540-8065 E-mail: Visit our website: This book is protected under international treaties and copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, without the express written consent of Kenzer and Company. Permission. PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a w
Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk Adventures
James M. WARD
Official advanced Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk Adventures. Has 128 pages. Printed 1988 This book is for experienced role players looking for something exciting and original to use in their fantasy gaming. Its pages are filled with bold new gaming experiences. With this book, you join the ranks of the best role players in the world. Your search for glory and fame awaits the turning of a single page!
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
A One-round D&D 3E Dungeon Adventure Living Greyhawk Preview by Robert Wiese ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, GREYHAWK, and RPGA are registered trademarks of TSR, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Tournament detail copyright 2000 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. A Chance at Fortune Page 2 This is a RPGA Network preview adventure for the Living Greyhawk campaign. It is designed to take place in a four-hour time block, divided as follows: • One hour to generate characters and discuss initial rules • Two-and-a-half hours to play the adventure • Half an hour to wrap up, issue character certificates, and collect all 3E materials. It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag in front of him or her. The tag should have the player's name at the
Druids: A Very Short Introduction
Barry Cunliffe
<br /><strong>Barry Cunliffe</strong> is Emeritus Professor of European Archaeology at Oxford University.<br />
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
This PDF contains the endpapers from the printed edition of this book. These pages are provided to PDF customers for use as reference sheets. Text and design © Gavin Norman 2019. Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. Druid and Illusionist Spells Druid and Illusionist Spells v1.2 1st Level Druid Spells # Name Page Rev. Duration Range 1 Animal friendship 6 – Permanent 10’ 2 Detect danger 6 – 6 turns/3 turns 5’/level 3 Entangle 6 – 1 turn 80’ 4 Faerie fire 7 – 1 turn 60’ 5 Invisibility to animals 7 – 1 turn Caster/touch 6 Locate plant or animal 7 – 6 turns 120’ 7 Predict weather 7 – Instant 1 mile/level 8 Speak with animals 7 – 6 turns 30’ 2nd Level Druid Spells # Name Page Rev. Duration Range 1 Barkskin 8 – 1 turn/level Caster/touch 2 Create water 8 – Permanent Touch 3 Cure light wounds 8 Yes Instant Caster/touch 4 Heat metal 8 – 7 rounds 30’ 5 Obscuring mist 9 – 1 turn/level 10’/level 6 Produce flame 9 – 2 turns/level Caster 7 Slow poison 9 – 1 hour/level Caster/touc
45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters
Victoria Lynn Schmidt
Screenwriter Schmidt offers a book for writers struggling with characterization, emphasizing interesting, believable women characters. Looking to mythology for such types as Aphrodite, Artemis, and Zeus, Schmidt concisely outlines each type's cares and concerns, strengths and weaknesses, and likely reaction to common problems. She also gives familiar examples from TV, films, and books. For example, Sam Malone of Cheers is a "Joker," and the "Shadow" is all the terrified characters surrounding Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween. Most blocked writers will find useful leads here, but debating the examples do Lucy Lawless and Sandra Bullock both qualify as Amazons? could easily become one of the better teaching uses of this book. Recommended for creative writing collections and workshops. Robert Moore, Parexel Corp., Waltham, MA <br />Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference", "Writing, Research &amp; Publishing Guides" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
The HackMaster 1E to 4E Official Character Conversion System (Version 1.0) Developed by: Al Beddow (HMGMA# WA-03-00025-01) Joe Reimers (HMGMA# IN-01-00395-02) Anthony N. Emmel (HMGMA# TX-1-00162-01) Charles Boswell (HMGMA# IL-1-000766-02) Joe Stevenson (HMGMA# NJ-1-00632-02) Yves Larochelle (HMGMA# TN-1-00565-02) With Special Thanks to: Jolly Blackburn (HMGMA# IL-10-00001-01) Eric Engelhard (HMGMA# IL-MG-00020-02) Brian Jelke (HMGMA# IL-10-00003-01) Hendrik The Basic Conversion Process This conversion process covers taking an Original (1st Ed) AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) Character and converting it to HackMaster. This process is designed to create a "Sanctioned" HM (HackMaster) equivalent to the original character. The basic outline follows with more detailed explanations included afterwards. Outline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Ensure the race/Class combinations are permitted in HackMaster. 2) Convert AD&D Ability Sco
Mercenaries (d20 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Alderac Entertainment Group
Money is the only goal worth dying for; mercenaries know this, and have learned profit from their wisdom. This sourcebook is the perfect resource for playing mercenaries and running mercenary campaigns. Inside these 256 pages you'll find new races, classes, feats, and magic - everything DMs and players need for endless adventuring oppurtunities.<br /><br />The time for heroes is over. Pay up.<br /><br />ANY DEED, ANY PRICE
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
CCC-WWC-9 Defenders of Est'ellma Humanoid refugees have struggled to make Est'ellma a haven for all races. Sudden disappearances have disturbed their sanctuary. Will you go to their aid? A Two Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. Credits Designer: Eric Bohm Editing: Ginny Loveday D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster: Chris Lindsay Tactical Battlemaps: Eric Bohm using (commercial licensed) DUNGEONFOG Cover Art: Matthew Richmond Cover Art Direction: Dave Zajac D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Ari Levitch, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Alan Patrick, Amy Lynn Dzura, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, LaTia Bryant, Ma'at Crook Playtesters: Daniel E. Stekloff, Jonathan Beskin Stobbs and Est'ellma: Jason Etheridge's character and choices in playing through CCC-WWC-06-Fear of Fiends.
Cost Accounting (text only) 8th (Eighth) edition by C. A. Raiborn M. R. Kinney
C. A. Raiborn M. R. Kinney
Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions [Hardcover]Michael R. Kinney (Author) , Cecily A. Raiborn (Author)
[ "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Accounting" ]
Business & Money
*** Remember to register your character in the 2007 Meta-Org Database at*** GP Starting GP + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal – GP GP Fees Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU – TU TU Cost TU REMAINING XP Adventure Record# 597 CY O r g a n i z a t i o n LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION & FEES (CIRCLE All APPROPRIATE) Event: ________________ Date: ________ DM:_______________________________ Signature RPGA # This MR is only for Meta-Org costs and benefits: It can not be used to purchase or craft items and does not count as an AR when determining eligibility for – TU Added TU Costs FEES: Initial = paid when gaining the rank Annual = paid when join and with the first AR of each year. Obligations = spent by the end of the year. Tithe = spent from gp gained on each Org Notes: � First Joined AR # ___ � Fees Paid AR # ___ � Fees Paid AR # ___ � Ran
The Clock Doc: An Essence of Time Mended Properly!
Albert Haroutounian
Albert A. Haroutounian, compelled with much artistic imaginations, and armed with a great deal of self motivation, has enjoyed writing since a young age. English being his third language, he prefers using it best. Currently, Mr. Haroutounian resides in Southeastern Pennsylvania.<br /> Visit his website at <b></b>
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Children's Books
MECHANOMANCY REDUX Requires Unknown Armies (Third Edition) from Atlas Games. Distributed through the Statosphere Unknown Armies Creative Community at DriveThruRPG. MECHANOMANCY AKA CLOCKWORKERS, GEARHEADS The leftovers of modernist magick, the clockworkers are a dying breed. They once had a glorious history stretching back to the first century with Hero of Alexandria and his steam-powered aeolipile, but it’s all lost now, every bit as forgotten as their own memories. Because that’s the rub, isn’t it? Clockworkers create by using the detritus of old civilizations — old technology, old artifacts — culminating in them sacrificing their own memories to fuel their clockworks. And as the twenty-first century rolls forward, there are fewer and fewer of them. The gearheads from the old country are dying out, killed by the fallout of the Cold War and subsequent “ethnic cleansing,” n
Arcade Treasures: With Price Guide (Schiffer Book for Collectors)
Bill Kurtz
Bill Kurtz lives in Willoughby, Ohio and has written extensively on arcade games.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE This area is typically used to list the items found during the adventure that are now available for purchase. As an introductory scenario, this adventure does not contain any such items. However, the following items are available for purchase after any LIVING GREYHAWK event
Robots!: Draw Your Own Androids, Cyborgs & Fighting Bots
Jay Stephens
A cell-phone robot that flies? How about ears made from satellite discs? With simple detailed instructions, an inviting text, and entertaining cartoon scenarios on each double-page spread, Stephens explains, step by step, how to draw a variety of robots. He encourages kids to find inspiration in everyday things: a swing lamp can be the basis of a great mechanical arm. He also explains how to use a computer scanner to add details (steam irons make great monster feet). Puns, which abound in both words and images, add a little extra fun. Grades 3-6. --Hazel Rochman
[ "Children's Books", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Arts, Music &amp; Photography" ]
Children's Books
To find out who made your Android (or any Android really) roll d10 and read straight across (or roll 4d10 and mix it up). Example: (1d10: 7) THERMAPHYLL ARTISAN MANUFACTORY. Example: (4d10: 2-6-10-3) BIOSPIRE ADVANCED MINDSHARE. Android Origins D10 ORIGIN TRAITS 01 Repurposed Prisoner Firmware Installed, Partial Memories, Possibly Wanted 02 Vat Grown Webbed Digits, Unnatural Eyes 03 Robot with Synthetic Humanoid Shell Heavy, Cold, Confused by Sensations 04 Hastily Repurposed Cloning Project look like many androids, known bodily malfunctions, wish to meet progenitor 05 Military Attache Creche terrifyingly ruthless and tactical, spartan, coldly logical 06 Simulated Humanoid body ages gradually, uncanny valley 07 Poorly Understood Alien Technology idiosyncratic behavior, role confusion, strange dreams 08 Manchurian Candidate sleeper agent, activated to kill or deactivate by codeword, unaware 09 Bio-Organic Frankenstein unnerving scars, patchwork body, fragmented memories 10 Espionage Si
Short Walks in The Cotswolds: Guide to 20 Easy Walks of 3 Hours or Less (Collins Ramblers Short Walks)
Chris Townsend
<div><div><B>Chris Townsend</B> is&#160;the former&#160;editor of an outdoor leisure magazine. He now works as a freelance writer and walking tour guide. He is the author of a wide variety of walking guidebooks, including&#160;<I>The Backpacker's Handbook</I>, <I>The Backpacker's Pocket Guide</I>, <I>Crossing Arizona</I>, <I>A Guide to Hillwalking</I>, and&#160;<I>The Munros and Tops.</I></div></div>
[ "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "Travel", "Europe" ]
Geography & Cultures
© 2015 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC 1 Errata Despite my best efforts and those of the editors who work to make the games as good as they can be, errors happen. This document collects any bits of mechanics that are either missing information or do not work as intended. Shadow of the Demon Lord Movement by Pace table on page 37 The book cites 2 miles per hour and 3 miles per hour as the walking speed. The Movement by Pace table should be based on 3 miles per hour. Thus, change the minute entry to 90 yards, hour to 3 miles, and day to 24 miles. Crawl on page 47 If prone, you can only move by crawling. You crawl at half your Speed, which can be further reduced by difficult terrain or narrow spaces (to a minimum of 1 yard). Fight with Anything talent on page 66 Fight With Anything You ignore the 1 bane imposed by not meeting a weapon’s requirement or from making an attack with an improvised weapon. As well, when you attack with a weapon or an improvised
Soft Weapons: Nine - Section Whip and Rope Dart (Chinese Wushu Series)
Li Keqin
Soft weapons form one category of the weapons used in Chinese blue shoe. They were considered hidden weapons in ancient times and are ideal for self protection. The nine section whip and rope dart are two common soft weapons. Apart from giving a brief account of the origins, kinds, uses and development of soft weapons, this book is mainly devoted to the basic knowledge, routines and practice methods of the nine section with and will start. It is illustrated with more than 200 pictures. It is a good basic textbook for the use of the nine section with The rope dart.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
whip (One Handed) DAMAGE TYPE Slashing RANGE ---- DAMAGE (S) 1d2 DAMAGE (M) 1d3 CRITICAL x2 COST 1 gp WEIGHT 1 lb. WEAPON TYPE Exotic Weapon (Light Melee) WEAPON QUALITIES TO HIT BONUS SPECIAL disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip TO DAMAGE BONUS flail, dire (two Ha DAMAGE TYPE Bludgeoning RANGE --- DAMAGE (S) 1d6 / 1d6 CRITICAL x2 COST 90 gp WEIGHT 10 lb. W W (M WEAPON QUALITIES TO HIT BONUS SPECIAL disarm, dou trip TO DAMAGE BONUS chain, spiked (two Handed) DAMAGE TYPE Piercing RANGE 10 ft. DAMAGE (S) 1d6 DAMAGE (M) 2d4 CRITICAL x2 COST 25 gp WEIGHT 10 lb. WEAPON TYPE Exotic Weapon (Melee) WEAPON QUALITIES TO HIT BONUS SPECIAL disarm, trip TO DAMAGE BONUS axe, o DAMAGE TYPE Slashing CRITICAL x3 COST 60 gp WEAPON QUA TO HIT BONUS TO DAMA hammer, gnome hooked (two Handed) DAMAGE TYPE Bludgeoning, or Piercing RANGE 10 ft. DAMAGE (S) 1d6 / 1d4 DAMAGE (M) 1d8 / 1d6 CRITICAL x3 / x4 COST 20 gp WEIGHT 6 lb. WEAPON TYPE Exotic Weapon (Melee) WEAPON QUALITIES TO HIT BONUS SPECIAL double,
Control Your Fear: A Guide For Martial Artists
Keith Pascal
Keith Pascal is the author of several critically-acclaimed martial-arts books, including Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert, 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting, and Coin Snatching: The Reputation Builder. Keith also writes and edits Martial Arts Mastery, one of the longest-running martial-arts newsletters on the Internet.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Coaching" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
HORRIFIC FEARS Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. 3.5 SYSTEM COMPATIBLE LPJ9597 HORRIFIC FEARS PAGE 2 INTRODUCTION The core rules encourage a particular style of game play. You might not think of it that way, but consider some of the game’s rules and how they affect a session of play. Anyone who has played a fighter keeps a careful eye on her character’s hit point levels. When you have a lot of hit points you can take risks and charge into battle. When your character is injured, you need to fight cautiously and avoid prolonged battles. Spellcasters gain progressively more powerful spells, allowing them to easily destroy large numbers of weak creatures with a single fireball. The rules assume that characters ha
Tweaks: The Grey Ops (Volume 2)
Terry Deighton
Terry Deighton lives in Washington, the state not D.C., with her husband. Their six children are grown and gone, and pets tend to complicate life. When she is not writing and revising, again, she works as a substitute teacher. Mr. Goetz is wiser and cooler, but he's made up, so it doesn't count. After graduating from Brigham Young University, Mrs. Deighton started out to be a high school English teacher, but raising kids turned into a fulltime job. During those years, her dream of writing books for young people grew until she had to do something about it. This Tweak adventures are the fulfillment of that dream.
[ "Children's Books", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Action &amp; Adventure" ]
Children's Books
A NUELOW GENERAL ROLE-PLAYING GAME PRODUCT: "Horndogs!" Role-playing Adventures with Drunken Fratboys in the Age of AIDS NL04 *INSIDE FRONT COVER* NUELOW game products: "Fairies!" (Available Now) "Lust and Dust!" (Available Now) "Ugly Ducklings and Ice Queens!" (Available Now) "Horndogs!" (Available Now) "Stars and Garters!" (Available Soon) "Mechin' Out!" (Available Soon) "Phantom Lovers!" (Available Sometime) "Cyberpluck!" (Available Sometime) "Sea of Sinners!" (Available Sometime) The NUELOW Bedside Companion (Available Sometime) Dedicated to Steve's dorky Chevy Sprint, without which we'd be taking the bus. Lyric of the Month:"How can you ignore me when you know that I can't live without you? / I have to go through your garbage just to learn more about you." --"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Melanie," from Even Worse, Rock 'n' Roll Records, 1989 Published by Wordsmiths, 616 E. 700 S., Salt Lake City, UT 84102. (E-mail to or Text and NUELOW game, Co
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
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Shadowghast Manor - Dungeon Tiles: A 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Accessory (4th Edition D&D)
Wizards RPG Team
PETER LEE is a game designer at Wizards of the Coast. When not designing sets of dungeon tiles, he creates board games and other non-roleplaying games, including the <i>Castle Ravenloft</i> Board Game and the <i>Wrath of Ashardalon</i> Board Game.<br /><br />JASON A. ENGLE is the freelance illustrator and cartographer behind every Dungeon Tiles set to date. His contributions can also be seen in numerous other Dungeons &amp; Dragons game products.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Leomund's Misplaced Manor Home is what you make of it. Leomund's Misplaced Manor is a D&D 5th Edition adventure designed for use in any campaign. This standalone adventure can be inserted at any point in a campaign when you wish to reward the player characters with a permanent base of operations. Finding the Deed to the Manor can be an adventure or reward in its own right and the events in Leomund's Misplaced Manor can lead to still more adventures. Sessions: 1-2 Players: 4-5 Character Level: 5-7 by Michael J Winegar DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected unde
Handbook Of Pirates
Terry Deary
Deborah Schecter is a former elementary school teacher who writes and edits books for children and teachers. Deborah is the author of ScienceART and 30 Instant Collaborative Classroom Banners
[ "Children's Books", "History" ]
[ "Children's Books", "History" ]
Children's Books
For the Pirates of the Spanish Main® Roleplaying Game, by Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams. Savage Worlds, Deadlands, One Sheets, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Great White Games, and all related marks and logos are Copyright Great White Games. ©2008. Pirates of the Span- ish Main is ® WizKids. All rights reserved. WWW.PEGINC.COM Academy of Ungentlemanly Arts Requirements: Agility d6+, Smarts d6+, Fighting d6+ The Academy of Ungentlemanly Arts is another Italian school recently arrived in the Caribbean. Its sole office in the region in on Martinique. Fencing in the Age of Piracy is not governed by strict rules like modern Olympic fencing. Like the French National Academy, this one concentrates on trickery to secure victories. When a student scores a raise on a Trick against an adjacent foe, he may immediately make a free Fighting roll. This incurs no additional multi action penalties, though any which apply during the round also apply to this attack. For instanc
Kalahari Summer: In photographs and oils
Robert Grogan
"a coffee table book with a difference. The illustrations are...wonderful oil paintings, complemented by magnificent photographs. The landscapes and wildlife are all of the summer- a particularly rich season in this desert region.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Photography &amp; Video" ]
Arts & Photography
has received during the event GHUNUK Ghunuk is described in "Fury in the Wastelands: the Orcs of Tellene." This is a particularly pungent dose of the alchemical mixture. Anything attempting to track you using Scent gains a +10 circumstance bonus for the 24 hours after application. The following Living Kingdoms of Kalamar character known as: Baneta: City of the Whale Market Value: 50.00 Resale Value: 25.00 Tradeable: Yes Kingdoms of Kalamar and the Kingdoms of Kalamar logo are registered trademarks of Kenzer Company. Living Kingdoms of Kalamar and the Living Kingdoms of Kalamar logo are trademarks of Kenzer Company. © 2003 Kenzer Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. has received during the event GHUNUK Ghunuk is described in "Fury in the Wastelands: the Orcs of Tellene." This is a particularly pungent dose of the alchemical mixture. Anything attempting to track you using Scent gains a +10 circumstance bonus for the 24 hours after application. The following Living Kingdoms of
Talisman: The Magical Quest Game
Black Industries
CONTENTS * 1 enormous 6-fold board depicting the magical kingdom * Full-colour rulebook detailing game rules and additional rules for speedy play * 14 full colour Character Cards detailing special abilities, plus 14 matching playing pieces and bases to represent the Characters on the board * 104 full colour Adventure Cards detailing monsters, events, strangers and other items * 24 full colour Spell Cards detailing which spells may be cast * 28 full colour Purchase Cards detailing the items which may be bought * 4 full colour Talisman Cards, 4 slimy Toad Cards and 4 Alignment Change Cards * 6-sided dice for movement and combat * Piles of plastic Strength, Craft and Life Counters and Gold Coins!
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
By Alexandria Bustion Shadows of the Black Sovereign Shadows of the Black Sovereign PATHFINDER SOCIETY QUEST #8 TIER 3–6 Paizo Inc. 7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 Redmond, WA 98052-0577 Scenario Tags Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at This scenario has no scenario tags. Pathfinder Society Quest #8: Shadows of the Black Sovereign is a Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters (Tier 3–6; Subtiers 3–4 and 5–6). As a quest, this adventure is designed to take about 1 hour to play. It is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign but can easily be adapted for use with any world. For more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read the attached Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page at Path
Through Dungeons Deep: A Fantasy Gamers' Handbook
Robert Plamondon
At Norton Creek Press, we recognize that most of the world's best books are out of print and forgotten, but we're fixing that, one book at a time.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Programming Languages" ]
Computer Science
1 ©2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. The newest edition of the Dungeons & Dragons® Role- playing Game showcases an evolution in gameplay and puts an emphasis on fun. These quick-start rules provide an overview of the game so that you can play the Keep on the Shadowfell adventure. For the complete experience, including character creation and the full rules of the game, pick up the D&D® Player’s Handbook®, Dungeon Master’s Guide®, and Monster Manual®, and check out Dungeons & Dragons D&D is the original roleplaying game, the game that cre- ated a new category of entertainment. Set in a medieval fantasy world of magic and monsters, the game allows you to experience stories and adventures full of endless possi- bilities and amazing surprises. Playing D&D To play, you need a Dungeon Master (DM) to present chal- lenges, adjudicate the rules, and narrate the adventure. You also need players to run heroic char
O Guerreiro do Japo: O treino e os exercicios do samurai (Portuguese Edition)
Joaquim Coelho
Joaquim Coelho, foi redactor publicitrio e est ligado s artes marciais desde os 13 anos de idade, altura em que comeou a praticar karat. Criou o primeiro blog em lngua portuguesa dedicado ao kendo (Usagi San). Foi tambm o criador do Kendokan Clube de Kendo do Algarve e um instrutor reconhecido pela APK (Associao Portuguesa de Kendo). Achou que traduzir este livro seria a melhor forma de celebrar dos seus quarenta anos de paixo pelo budo.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Os Mandalorianos - RPG Resumo de Criação de Personagem Do Universo de Star Wars para o RPG Savage Worlds Coleção: Séries e Filmes Por Leandro Jardim, o Pensonalta – Boka 2 Por Leandro Jardim, o Pensonalta – Boka 3 Os mandalorianos - RPG para o RPG Savage Worlds – Resumo de Criação de Personagem Coleção: Series e Filmes ã ª çã -Livros sugeridos: Módulo Básico 2ed Brasileira, Compendio de Sci-Fi e Compendio de Super Poderes. -Livros suplementares: Weird Wars, Interface Zero, High-Space, Seven Worlds e Savage Force (Fanmade). - Totalmente em Portugues BR – versão 1.0 Aviso Legal: O conteúdo deste Netbook é para uso exclusivo dos bons momentos de diversão e não deve ser vendido, alugado ou usado para qualquer empreendimento comerc
Counting the Cost
Liz Adair
<i>Counting the Cost</i> is a novel that will break your heart and elevate your spirits. It presents a closely etched picture of life in a hard country in hard times, filled with memorable people and a love story as poignant as it is beautiful. --Ronald Shook, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Utah State University&#60;br /&#62;&#60;br /&#62;This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i>&#60;br /&#62;&#60;br /&#62;This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i><br /><br />This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 4 (all of APL2 plus the following) � Scroll of Alarm (Scenario, 4th Level caster; 100gp; DMG) APL 8 (all of APLs 2-6 plus the following) � Cloak of Charisma +4 (Scenario; 16,000gp; DMG) APL 10 (all of APLs 2-6 plus the following) � +2 Full Plate (Scenario; 5,650gp; D
Sin Eater: Poems
William Reichard
'Sin Eater' prepares for us a feast of words, lays it lovingly around the body of beliefs inhabitants of a contemporary world must mourn, and invites us to partake. Master of the terrifying understatement, Reichard gives us poems that walk us calmly toward the empty shell and demonstrate the utter pointlessness of imagining that paradise is anywhere but in the smallest details of the here and now. --Leslie Adrienne Miller, author of 'The Resurrection Trade'<br /><br />Exquisitely tuned and deeply felt . . . From a gorgeous everydayness, to desire for a seemingly ungraspable holiness and reality expanded and woven with the metaphysical and erotic . . . The swelling heart of these poems is musical and haunting: love and loss, family, doubt and faith, childhood pain and regret. 'Sin Eater' is a magnificent book. --Alex Lemon, author of 'Happy: A Memoir' and 'Fancy Beasts'<br /><br />The poems in 'Sin Eater' often have at their center a disarming modesty. Their narrator may be standing at a kitchen sink doing dishes or sitting on a tiny patio listening to the neighbors on their stoops. But somehow the neighborhood becomes the world and the quietness becomes a protected space which makes room for the mystery and longing at the heart of these poems. William Reichard's poems begin by charming their readers and end by compelling them: it's an enchantment that makes 'Sin Eater' a wonderful book. --Jim Moore, author of 'Lightning at Dinner'
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Poetry" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Poetry" ]
Literature & Fiction
The Sin Eaters or The Seven Deadlier Sins or Man – the Sinner or Adam’s Folly “He that is proud eats up himself. Pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own chronicle; and whatever praises itself but in the deed, devours the deed in the praise.” - The History of Troilus and Cressida (Agamemnon act II, iii), William Shakespeare All art by Banksy 1 What is Sin Eaters? Sin Eaters is a playtest document for Ron Edward’s Sorcerer. Owning the supplements Sorcerer & Sword and The Sorcerer’s Soul would help, but are not essential. This is being released as a playtest document simply because I haven’t gotten around to playing it. If you do, please share your experience through an Actual Play at any of the online rpg forums. Where did the idea come from? Sin Eaters are a historical phenomenon, where people would symbolically ingest the sins of others, particularly the dead and dying so they could venture forth to the afterlife with t
Combat Skills of the Soldier FM 21 75
Dept Of The Army
This manual is dedicated to the soldier, to be successful in the field.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
1 2 Super Happy Sent ai Hour - Char t s Weapon Charts Melee Weapon DF Ranged Weapons DF None (Hand to Hand) 0 Boomerang 0 Dagger, Improvised, Staff +1 Slingshot, Short Bow, Shuriken, Flame Thrower +1 Axe, Ninja-to, Rapier, Mace, Spear, Claws, Whip +2 Laser Pistol, Handgun, Submachine gun, Bow +2 Sword, Katana, Warhammer, Nunchaku, Lance +3 Laser Rifle, Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, +3 Maul +4 Rocket Launcher +4 Henshin Skills- This is a basic list of the skills available to the player. It is the GM’s prerogative to add to them if he desires. Acrobatics Boating Charm Climbing Computer programming Driving Guts Intimidate Notice Piloting Repair Riding Stealth Swimming Tracking Weapon Skills* Mecha Carrier- Derived Stats · Protection- is derived by averaging the Protection of all mecha it will carry · Offensive- is derived by averaging the Offensive of all mecha it will carry · Wheels- is derived by averaging the Wheels of all mecha it will carry All carriers have 30 points
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
��������������� ��������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ �������������� ��� ����� ������� ��� ����� ������������� ��� ���� ������ ��� ���� ������ �� ���� ������� �� ��� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ � ��������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������
The Last Grimm: Red's Hood
H. L. Wampler
Biography H. L. Wampler is a mom, wife, blogger, and now, an author. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pa with her family and absolutely loves the city. Which is why she bases her stories there. She became serious about writing about 4 years ago, and after a few failed attempts, she took the big leap off the deep end and published the first in her Last Grimm series, Reds Hood.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
Introduction The Lurker Beneath Red Larch is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed to be completed in about 4-6 hours of play. The combat encounters have been calculated to present a tough challenge to four 3rd level characters. They will present a less difficult, though still enjoyable, challenge to higher level characters or larger parties. Not every loose end is tied up in the following text, nor every possible reaction accounted for. Be ready to improvise, and do so with confidence! Unless stated otherwise, assume any NPCs are human and have the stats of a commoner. The Cast Following are the key characters in this adventure. Aleena Ironsky Aleena is the newly appointed Constable of Red Larch. She is just 21 years old, with fierce green eyes, shaggy blonde hair and a lithe build. She has struggled to assert her authority with the villagers, who don’t take her seriously because of her age. Grindol Farmoor Grindol is a carpenter who has lived in R
The Exemplary Tome of Gadgets: A handy pocket guide of Dungeon Master Gadgets
Chad Geary
From the creative loins of the voices behind the Exemplary DM podcast ( comes a 50-page pocket handbook of Adventure Hooks, Encounter Ideas, and Character Concepts for tabletop role playing games that you can bring to your table, tonight! William and Chad started the ExemplaryDM podcast in April 2010 as a way to discuss their favorite hobby. Running years of tabletop RPG's for their friends is their primary credential. Listen and read about the podcast at, where many of the book's gadgets originated from.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Okay, Dungeon Masters. You know the drill. The party has just successfully defeated the band of goblinoid brigands that ambushed them while on the old abandoned King’s Road. Now your players want to know what their characters find when they loot the pouches of the goblin and hobgoblin bandits. Besides the worse for wear weapons and tattered armor, the player characters recover a few pouches. But what do the pouches contain? You’re not just going to roll a few ten-sided dice to randomly determine how many silver pieces are within each pouch—are you? Of course not. That’s what hackneyed Dungeon Masters would do. Where’s the originality in a handful of silver pieces or a few gold coins? What’s that going to get the player characters? A tankard of ale or goblet of mead at the same ol’ run-of-the-mill tavern like the one they first gathered in to start this adventure. (We’ll shake up “tavern preludes” in another supplement.) If pouches are found with
Winter Carnival in a Western Town: Identity, Change and the Good of the Community (Ritual, Festival, and Celebration)
Lisa Gabbert
<DIV><P><I>&quot;A first rate ethnographic study . . . Whereas other folklorists have scrutinized festival in relation to cultural and social systems, Lisa Gabbert offers the first fully developed study of festival in relation to work and place. Her contribution is distinguished by its engagement with environment, the industrialized backwoods, winter, and tourism in the American West.&quot;</I><BR /><B>&mdash;James P. Leary, editor of <I>Journal of American Folklore</I></B></P></DIV><br /><br /><DIV><P><I>&quot;Without recourse to jargon, and always at a comfortable pace, the author takes us into the heart of McCall&#39;s winter festival yet always returns to key questions: how does community take shape or fragment around festive activity? How does festival respond to changing social environments?&quot;</I><BR /><B>&mdash;John H. McDowell, author of</B><I><B> Poetry and Violence: The Ballad of Mexico&#39;s Costa Chica</B></I></P></DIV><br /><br /><DIV><I>&quot;As an ethnographic study,&#160;</I>Winter Carnival in a Western Town<I>&#160;provides an informed look at a seasonal resort community. It provides unique historical and sociological insights into not only the community, but also the social construction of frivolity and its role in shaping individual and community behaviors. This well-written inquiry bridges the social sciences and folklore and is both scholarly and entertaining.&quot;<BR /><B>&mdash;Studies in Popular Culture</B></I></DIV>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Festival of the Migrant A Traveler’s Welcome By James Eck MindWeaveRPG The Purpose This is intended as a downtime activity for the party between adventures. It can serve as a way to introduce characters, supply mission hooks, give the party magical items, and/or take a break from serious matters with a game or two. I. The Festival The Festival of the Migrant is an elvish celebration of animals passing through elven lands during the migratory season. It is held over three weeks in the spring migratory season when animals are on their way to the cooler North ahead of summer. The timing is generally chosen to coincide with the last frost, a time when farmers not living nearby are not able to attend. This is by design, as the bulk of attendees are expected to be travelers; the festival is considered a fortuitous time to arrive from a journey or depart on one. The festival is traditionally held in a valley on the borders of elven lands to which traveler
Zom-B: Gladiator
Darren Shan
The sixth entry in the Zom-B series (with six more coming over the next 18 months!) continues the odyssey of the undead B as she tries to munch brains for good instead of evil. The return of American soldier Barnes leads to B becoming a gladiator for a boat full of the formerly rich and famous, who wish to enjoy some zombie-versus-zombie entertainment before they reassume control of the world. Shan introduces yet another chilling bad guythe babyish child-killer Dan-Danwhile making sure B never quite loses her malcontent edge. Both as a publishing experiment and as a genuinely unsettling, long-form drama, this is working. Grades 9-12. --Daniel Kraus
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
F forward B backwards no (k#) C chargue none X pause no (Q) SFL sidestep forward left SFR sidestep forward right SBL sidestep backwards left no (k#) SBR sidestep backwards right no (k#) S stumble only one (L) or (R) R recover weapon/shield only (L) or (R) KN kneeling not (Q) or (K#) RO-XX roll only (Q) FL FR BL BR standard actions Gladiator Play Aid by Manuel P. Ron Page 1 of 2 special actions quick move (Q) (L) left turn (R) right turn (TN) toss net 6 CF 2 3 1 lay net 2 CF (LN#) 5th 4th 7th 6th 3rd 1st 2nd 8th swing net 4 CF (SN) (RN) repel net (k#) kicking Gladiator Play Aid by Manuel P. Ron Page 2 of 2
Air Commandos Against Japan: Allied Special Operations in World War II Burma
William T. Y'Blood
William T. Y'Blood, a pilot in the U.S. Air Force and later in commercial aviation, served as a historian for the Air Force. The author of eight books on World War II aviation topics, he died in 2006, just after completing this book.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
Savage eXtraterrestrial-COMbat unit v0.5 A Savage Worlds Setting converted by DT Fidler Savage Worlds is Trademark 2003, Great White games. All rights reserved. I have no idea who owns the rights to X-Com. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have started appearing with disturbing regularity in the night skies. reports of violent human abductions and horrific experimentation has struck terror into the hearts of millions. Mass public hysteria has only served to expose Earth's impotence against a vastly superior technology. Many countries have attempted to deal independently with the aliens. Japan established an anti-alien combat force, the Kiryu-Kai. Equipped with Japanese made fighter aircraft, the Kiryu-Kai certainly looked like a powerful force, however after 5 months of expensive operations they had yet to intercept their first UFO. The lesson was clear: this was a worldwide problem which could not be dealt with by individual countries. Representatives fr
True Crime Japan: Thieves, Rascals, Killers and Dope Heads: True Stories from a Japanese Courtroom
Paul Murphy
"Murphy has an admirable desire to educate: the stories are interspersed with discussions about broader Japanese social themes, including a fascinating discussion of life in Japanese prisons." <b><i>Asia Review of Books</i></b><br /><br />"Murphy never exploits his subjects; instead, his deep research offers insights at times instructive, at others sobering into Japanese culture and how societal changes play out at the grassroots level." <b><i>Japan Times</i></b><br /><br />"What makes this book compelling are the portraits of human frailty that so often lie behind crime in a society not known for crime" <b><i>Global Asia</i></b><br /><br />"The cultural contrast between our legal system and that of Japan makes this book a surreal readMurphy has produced a vivid insight to crime and punishment in Japan." <b><i></i></b><br /><br />"Murphy has an admirable desire to educate: the stories are interspersed with discussions about broader Japanese social themes, including a fascinating discussion of life in Japanese prisons." <b><i>South China Morning Post</i></b><br /><br />"Murphy creates a winning mix of irreverent and earnest observations in this snapshot of the underworld in modern Japan." <b><i>Publishers Weekly</i></b><br /><br />"Paul Murphy's understanding of these processes shines through in his writing. He does not over complicate or throw statistics in to impress. He weaves such information effortlessly within the narrative resulting in welcome additions to case studies." <b><i>Crime Traveller</i></b><br /><br />"The non-fiction title is a fascinating compendium of crimes heard in a courtroom in Matsumoto, Nagano, over one year. The cases, including murder and serial theft, provide a glimpse into Japanese society and its judicial system." <b><i>The Straits Times</i></b>
[ "Biographies & Memoirs" ]
[ "Biographies &amp; Memoirs", "True Crime" ]
Biographies & Memoirs
GOT .......... By W Piedmont Summary: This is a scenario about affairs, blackmail, intrigue, and murder. The president of a company is murdered for insulting the honor of Arasaka and for control of his growing company. The path the party must follow is, I hope, a winding one. This scenario is broken into scenes and people. The scenes are what happens when the party goes to certain places. Then there are the people that the party will interact with and what information the NPCs have. Tom was killed on June 20th, 2020 at 3pm. SCENE 1: THE HIRING The group is call in by a man named William Davis. The party is to meet him at the Pocket Fluff Advertising Inc's office. When they arrive they are brought to Mumashi Takiko. She is a beautiful Japanese woman. She introduces herself as Mr. Davis's secretary and brings the party into his office. Mr. Davis is on the phone and quickly hangs up. "Hi, my name is Mr. Davis. I have a problem that I really don't wa
Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Wound Treatment
Department of Defense
The <strong>Department of Defense</strong>oversees the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. It is headquartered at the Pentagon.
[ "Medicine & Health Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used &amp; Rental Textbooks", "Medicine &amp; Health Sciences" ]
Medicine & Health Sciences
Permission given to photocopy. MECHWARRIOR® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation.© 1999 FASA Corporation Name Bonus Movement (W/R/S): Experience Points: Strength Body Dexterity Reflexes Intelligence Willpower Charisma Edge Social Standing Value Mod. Max. Name Affiliation Age Height Weight Weapons AP•Dmg Range Type Shots Notes Hit Location roll of 2 = Critical Hit AV–1 Fill in Armor Type (A, B, C, D) and Wounds per Location Type A: Type B: Type C: Type D: AV (M/B/E/X) AV (M/B/E/X) AV (M/B/E/X) AV (M/B/E/X) Fatigue Armor Wounds Fatigue² WIL +1 TN ea. +2 TN ea. +3 TN ea. Knockout +1 TN per Fatigue> WIL Grazing Wounds (WV 1): Minor Wounds (WV 2): Serious Wounds (WV 4): Critical Wounds (WV 8): Deadly Wounds (WV 16): Total Wound Value of all Wounds: * If total Wound Value > (BOD+WIL), Dying Unconscious if Fatigue > (2 x WIL) * C h a r a c t e r R e c o r d S h e e t ® T H I R D E D I T I O N ATTRIBUTES TRAITS SKILLS HIT LOCATION DIAGRAM COMBAT INFORMATION MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT
The Ancients: A Game (A TeamGlobus Adventure)
Bernard J. Putz Ph.D.
Bernard J. Putz, PhD devoted the past twenty-five years to change and learning, working with executives on how to transform organizations. Hes published several articles and two books. Encouraging others to adopt new practices is often a big challenge. Over the years he recognized the power of understanding systemic patterns and combining facts and data with effective stories. Given his multifaceted background in science, psychology, education, and business, his focus is now on helping young adults. With Amadeus Creative his goal is to develop fictional adventure stories that will excite, engage, educate, and encourage young adults to explore further; help students understand the big themes and patterns that shape our world; and encourage the development of critical thinking skills and a love of learning. He hopes that his readers will acquire these practices and interests, which are indispensable skills vital for success in the 21st century, all while enjoying a good story.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
Literature & Fiction
t � � � � � � � � � Adventure Record# 594 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 450xp; 450gp APL 4 max 675xp; 650gp APL 6 max 900xp; 900gp APL 8 max 1,125xp; 1,300gp APL 10 max 1,350xp; 2,300gp APL 12 max 1,575xp; 3,300gp This Record Certifies that _______________________________________________ Played by____________________________________________ Player RPGA # Has Completed A Nation Mocked – Part 1 A Regional Adventure Set in Perrenland Play Notes: � Gained a level � Lost a level � Ability Drained ______________ � Died � Was raised/res’d � Was reincarnated _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region______________________ Event: _________________________________ Date: ________ DM:___________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # � The Fools Option: You surrendered at the Ford of Nestor. Consequently you hav
Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk Adventures
James M. WARD
Official advanced Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk Adventures. Has 128 pages. Printed 1988 This book is for experienced role players looking for something exciting and original to use in their fantasy gaming. Its pages are filled with bold new gaming experiences. With this book, you join the ranks of the best role players in the world. Your search for glory and fame awaits the turning of a single page!
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. GRM4-02 On the Royal Road to Hookhill A One-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK® Gran March Regional Adventure Version 1.1 by P. John Freeman Playtested by Charles Millar, Jenna Moore, Jeremy H. Pace, Scott Tillotson,
Theory of Fun for Game Design
Raph Koster
"Does for games what Understanding Comics did for sequential art. You'll never look at fun the same way again." -- <i>Cory Doctorow, Author of Eastern Standard Tribe and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom; co-editor of Boing Boing</i><br /><br />"I expect this book to become an instant classic, fascinating to anyone who has ever made or played a game." -- <i>Noah Falstein, Freelance Game Designer/Writer/Producer</i><br /><br />"Raph Koster offers a road map for how to make games an even more expressive medium." -- <i>Henry Jenkins, Director, MIT's Comparative Media Studies Program.</i><br /><br />"Raph's focus on finding new ways to communicate complex design issues has been an incredible benefit to game developers" -- <i>David Perry, President Shiny Entertainment (Atari, Inc.)</i><br /><br />"You've written a wonderful starting point for research and many future dinner conversations!" -- <i>Cory Ondrejka, VP, Linden Lab</i><br /><br />A book about fun which is actually fun to read. It reminds me of Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics. -- <i>Henry Jenkins, Director, MIT's Comparative Media Studies Program</i><br /><br />A thoughtful take on how and why games are fun (and important)... chock full of insights, jokes and asides. -- <i>Robin Hunicke, Northwestern University</i><br /><br />Does for games what Understanding Comics did for sequential art. -- <i>Cory Doctorow, Author of Eastern Standard Tribe and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, co-editor of Boing Boing</i><br /><br />Everyone from professional game developers to those who want to understand why we play games will enjoy this book. -- <i>Cory Ondrejka, Vice President, Linden Lab</i>
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Programming" ]
Computer Science
A Cross-Genre Adventure Pitting Technology Against Sorcery! By Jeff “Bighara” Sparks • Design by Joel Sparks ©2011 Faster Monkey Games™ eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eALM of tHe eA
Curse in Reverse
Tom Coppinger
Kindergarten-Grade 2-Agnezza the Witch comes to the town of Humburg on a cold winter night looking for shelter. She is turned away first by an innkeeper and then by a wealthy landowner, and she curses each of them as she leaves. She is then welcomed in by a poor couple who feed her and even give her their own bed for the night. To their surprise, they, too, receive a curse upon her departure. They watch in horror as the other two curses are fulfilled, and their lives are filled with fear and trepidation as they anticipate their turn. When Agnezza returns, she explains that their curse was "a curse in reverse," and that if they look at the changes in their lives, they will see that they have actually received a blessing. The plot is thin and predictable, and the attempts at humor are strained. The theme of kindness rewarded is handled far more effectively in many other stories, including Joanna Cole's Bony-Legs (S &amp; S, 1984), also illustrated by Zimmer. In Curse, the artist's pen, ink, and watercolor illustrations are stylistically reminiscent of Edward Gorey's work in their settings and landscapes, although the people are cartoonlike. An additional purchase for large collections.<br /><i>Grace Oliff, Ann Blanche Smith School, Hillsdale, NJ</i><br />Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up &amp; Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Official Revisions to Adventure Record Items from YEO4-06 By Brick and Mortar August 9, 2005 � Cursed Item – Ring of Asberdies Effective immediately, the ring grants a small benefit to its wearer, a +1 deflection bonus to their AC. � Curse – Construct Contagion Effective immediately, the Fort save to resist the next stage of Construct Contagion for this PC is a DC 12 + the APL this adventure was played at. Furthermore, the third stage of the Contagion is revised to: -10 ft. penalty to Speed (-5 ft. penalty for Small PCs).
Amazing Friendships: How to Make and Keep Good Friends the Friendcraft Way!
Paul Barrass
Paul Stuart Barrass has spent more than twenty-five years in the British National Health Service as a mental health and personal development professional. Currently, he works with patients and caregivers and develops programs that demystify subjects such as dementia, coping with change, leadership skills, and personal development. He enjoys reading, steam railways, historical studies and meeting friends old and new as he travels widely teaching and writing more about the Friendcraft Way. He and his wife, Shirley, and their Jack Russell Terrier live in Derbyshire, England.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help", "Relationships" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
sd n eirF tse BBest Friends by Gregor Hutton A Role-Playing Game About Girlfriends And All Their Petty Hatreds Published by BoxNinja, Edinburgh, UK Best Friends gets my award for most awesome and elegant currency mechanic. —Paul Czege, author of My Life with Master My fave element of this is character generation. —Robin D. Laws, author of Feng Shui and Esoterrorists “ ” “ ” Price $7.50 A role-playing game for four or more friends. Discuss this and other UK independent games: A member of the Indie Press Revolution: Pages 64 System Diceless Genre Any Players 4+ Age 12+ BOX0001  Online Edition, Third Version, 2007 OK, it’s a game about being Best Friends and all the little hatreds that Best Friends have for each other. Oh, I know. You’re gonna say that y’all get along just peachy. Well, that’s fine too. No one said any of this was true… But, between you and me: it really is. sd n eirF tse BBest Friends A Role-Playing Game
City of Dreams & Nightmare: City of a Hundred Rows, Book 1
Ian Whates
"Adventures in a nightmare citadel - a story that hits the ground running and doesn't let up." - Liz Williams<br><br>"Born story-teller Ian Whates takes us on a gripping, terrifying trip-of-a-lifetime, through the heights and depths of the exotically grim city of Thaiburley, in this excellent fantasy thriller." - Tanith Lee<br><br>"[It] grabs you pretty much from the first page... Highly recommended." - <i>Fantasy Book Critic</i><br><br>"City of Dreams &amp; Nightmare is a brilliantly executed novel, perfectly paced, beautifully described and a true joy to read." - <i><br><br></i>"I have had The City of Dreams and Nightmare on my TBR pile since the date of release and now wish I had read it sooner, for I denied myself the pleasure of a thoroughly good book!" - <i>Temple Library Reviews</i>&#160;<br><br><b>Praise for Chris Roberson:<br><br></b>"...satisfying, well observed and entertaining." - <i>The Guardian</i> (reviewing "The Gift of Joy")<br><br>"As a collection, 'The Gift Of Joy' is certainly worth taking the time to enjoy." - <i>SF Crowsnest</i>, (reviewing "The Gift of Joy")
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
Literature & Fiction
1 CITY ADVENTURING While The Sunless Citadel and Forge of Fury led char- acters into dungeons, The Speaker in Dreams takes place entirely in the city of Brindinford. The characters still face terrible evil and horrible monsters, but the environment itself is less outright hostile—and some- how more frightening exactly because of that. In The Speaker in Dreams, the monsters are not tucked away in a remote dungeon. Instead, they lurk behind the everyday faces of an everyday place, hide behind the bustle of a street fair, strike when least expected, and transform the ordinary city into a place of terror. Events and Locations The Speaker in Dreams is an event-based adventure, and the main “map” of the adventure is actually a flow- chart of events. (See page 98 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more about event-based adventures.) However, three locations within the city serve as “mini- dungeons,” with their own map keys, to tie the some- what loose and unfamiliar structure of an event-based
Patriots of Ulek (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons #9385/Greyhawk Adventures Module WGQ1)
Anthony Pryor
The Great War may be over, but the battles continue. Rumors and facts are often confused in the aftermath. Depending on who you listen to, Prinzfeld is either under attack or perfectly safe. Turrosh Mak is on his way, with hordes of orcs at his command - ridiculous, he would never attempt an invasion at this time. Graf Twembly is being held hostage, and near death - no, he's just under the weather and hasn't felt like coming out of the castle lately. A dwarven prince has requested your party's aid in quelling the coming invasion (if there is one, of course). Do you take him at his honorable word, and gird yourselves for battle? Or do you listen to the street talk, and take the side of those who disbelieve the warmongering? Most importantly of all: what if you make the wrong choice?
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
ULP3-04 Wrapped in Death A One-Round D&D® LIVING GREYHAWK® Principality of Ulek Regional Adventure by Christopher Reed What dark secrets lie near the village of Cassius? Remnants of invaders and a mysterious mage have residents on the jump. Will you be able to unravel the truth, before being fitted for a burial shroud? A Principality of Ulek regional adventure for APLs 4-12. Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Willams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This Wizards of the Coast game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system License, please visit Wrapped in Death Page 2 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and
Fotograf&iacute;a y v&iacute;deo digital (El Gran Libro de...) (Spanish Edition)
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><B>Servilibro</B>, part of the Susaeta publishing group, is a publisher of books for both adults and children based in Spain.</P>
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "Photography & Video" ]
Arts & Photography
LIBIDOGAME libro-juegos eróticos ADVERTENCIA: EL SIGUIENTE RELATO INTERACTIVO CONTIENE UN EXPLÍCITO LENGUAJE ERÓTICO DESTINADO ÚNICAMENTE A MAYORES DE 18 AÑOS Las Flores de Violeta Versión 0.1 Redacción: Patricia C. Marín ( Dirección editorial: Jose Lomo & Sara Guerrero Diseño Gráfico: Jose Lomo Ilustración: Jose Ángel Ares ( Libidogame protege este libro digital bajo licencia Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 Unported License de Creative Commons. Libidogame, un proyecto de El Autómata Editorial. Contacto editorial: LIBIDOGAME libro-juegos eróticos TOMA LAS DECISIONES ADECUADAS Tienes ante ti un libro digital interactivo que te ofrece una experien- cia de juego en solitario. Comenzarás leyendo el relato de manera convencional, pero en algún punto se te pedirá que tomes una elec- ción entre varias posibles opciones. Al tratarse de un libro interact
Time: The Ultimate Energy : An Exploration of the Scientific, Psychological, and Metaphysical Aspects of Time
Murry Hope
An exploration into the scientific, psychological, and metaphysical aspects of that phenomenon known as Time.
[ "Philosophy", "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics &amp; Social Sciences", "Philosophy" ]
W W W . A t l a S - G a m e s . C O M The Domain of Time A Preview of The Tide of Years, a Penumbra™ Adventure Coming in March 2001 by Michelle A. Brown Nephew The Domain of Time Deity: Ras’Tan Favored Language: Temporal Granted Power: Clerics choosing the Time domain cast time spells at +1 caster level. Time Domain Spells 1 True Strike. Gain +20 insight bonus into your next single attack roll. 2 Haste. Subject takes an extra partial action and gains +4 haste bonus to AC. 3 Slow. Subject takes only a partial action each turn and suffers –2 penalties to AC, melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and Reflex saves. 4 Scry the Ages. You can see and hear some creature, who may be at any distance or in any time frame past or future. (See descrip- tion on page 10) 5 Hastening of Age. The subject loses Str, Dex, and Con levels as his body ages premature- ly. (New spell — See description below.) 6 Mass Haste. As haste, but it affects multiple creatures. 7 Wellspring of Youth. The subject gains
The Silver Way: Techniques, Tips, and Tutorials for Effective Character Design
Stephen Silver
After talking with Stephen I was reinvigorated and hungry to get back to drawing. . . . He is honestly only concerned with teaching and helping other artists improve. Stephens work has always inspired me to be a better artist, but it was Stephen himself who inspired me to be a generous one. <br />From Foreword Mike Krahulik, Cartoonist, Penny Arcade (Mike Krahulik)
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics &amp; Graphic Novels", "How To Create Comics &amp; Manga" ]
Comics & Graphic Novels
Introduction Chapter 0 Introduction Chapter 0 1 Random Character Creation Optional Rule When All Else Fails, Roll Dice! Pretend you’re a member of the writing staff for a comic book company and one of your fellow writers needs an idea for a new hero. What do you do? Roll dice of course. Well, likely not, but for CC&VF, that is what you can do if you want to throw some Gygaxian craziness into your game, or maybe if you are a fi rm believer in the Gods of Random, or perhaps you have a BIOGENETICIST background and think that what you are born with is what you get, so no more buffet-style superpowers. No picking and choosing optimal solutions. Let the d12s be your guide! Roll up a random character. How? Included in this supplement are twelve tables of Traits. Roll one d12 to determine which chart to roll on (top left), and roll a second d12 to get a Trait: Trait names are relatively generic, and players (and Editors if they choose to add some random Villains to the
The Coin Collector's Survival Manual
Scott A. Travers
<b>Scott A. Travers</b> ranks as one of the most knowledgeable and influential coin dealers in the world. His name is familiar to readers everywhere as the author of six bestselling books on coins: <i>One-Minute Coin Expert</i>, <i>How to Make Money in Coins Right Now</i>, <i>Travers' Rare Coin Investment Strategy</i>, <i>Scott Travers' Top 88 Coins Over $100</i>, <i>The Insider's Guide to U.S. Coin Values</i>, and <i>The Investor's Guide to Coin Trading</i>, and the forthcoming <i>Coin Collector's Survival Manual</i>. All of them have won awards from the prestigious Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG). In 2002, NLG awarded him its highest bestowable honor, the lifetime achievement Clemy. He was elected vice president (1997-1999) of the American Numismatic Association, a congressionally chartered, nonprofit educational organization. He is contributing editor to <i>COINage</i> magazine and a regular contributor to other numismatic periodicals, and has served as a coin valuation consultant to the Federal Trade Commission. His opinions as an expert are often sought by publications such as <i>Barron's</i>, <i>Business Week</i>, and The <i>Wall Street Journal</i>. A frequent guest on radio and television programs, Scott Travers has won awards and gained an impressive reputation not only as a coin expert but also as a forceful consumer advocate for the coin-buying public. He serves as numismatic advisor to a number of major investment funds and has coordinated the liquidation of numerous important coin collections. He is president of Scott Travers Rare Coin Galleries, LLC, in New York City. Please visit him online at <u></u>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found This area is typically used to list items from the DMG that are now available for purchase as a result of the adventure. As an Introductory Adventure, this event does not countain any such items. However, the following
Assault of the Friendly Fiends: Dinosaur Cove 12
Rex Stone
`Dinosaur Cove . . . has the potential to follow a Rainbow Magic-style trajectory. The slick, desirable packaging makes this stand out from the crowd. ' Becky Stradwick, Borders
[ "Children's Books", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Action & Adventure" ]
Children's Books
Siege of the Dinosaurs INTERACTIVE MAPS PART 4 OF 6 Cartography by Jason Juta Second Edition Second Edition Map Tags Off Map Tags Off Grid Off Grid Off WILLOWSIDE PIER WILLOWSIDE PIER 1 SQUARE = 5 FEET 1 SQUARE = 5 FEET DENSIRT FARM DENSIRT FARM PIER ROAD PIER ROAD Map Tags Off Map Tags Off Grid Off Grid Off FORTUNE’S HALL FORTUNE’S HALL 1 SQUARE = 5 FEET 1 SQUARE = 5 FEET A1 A1 A2 A2 A5 A5 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A8 A8 A12 A12 A7 A7 A10 A10 A6 A6 A9 A9 A9 A9 A3 A3 A13 A13 A14 A14 A15 A15 Map Tags Off Map Tags Off Grid Off Grid Off SEA CAVES SEA CAVES 1 SQUARE = 5 FEET 1 SQUARE = 5 FEET B1 B1 B3 B3 B2 B2 B4 B4 B5 B5 B6 B6 B7 B7 B10 B10 B8 B8 B9 B9 B11 B11 B12 B12 B13 B13 B14 B14 Map Tags Off Map Tags Off Grid Off Grid Off EAST ROAD BLOCKADE EAST ROAD BLOCKADE 1 SQUARE = 10 FEET 1 SQUARE = 10 FEET VERDANT PASSAGE BLOCKADE VERDANT PASSAGE BLOCKADE 1 SQUARE = 10 FEET 1 SQUARE = 10 FEET DINOSAUR CORRALS DINOSAUR CORRALS 1 SQUARE = 10 FEE
Greyhawk Adventures: From the Ashes/Boxed Set (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed)
From the Ashes is a Dungeons &amp; Dragons gaming accessory for the games World of Greyhawk campaign setting. It was published in 1992 by TSR, as a boxed set of materials. The work was primarily designed and written by Carl Sargent. The accessory was the first major update of the entire campaign setting to be published after the first boxed set, World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting, was released in 1983. From the Ashes focuses on the situation on the Flanaess in the spring of 585 CY, in the immediate aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
RTK[m]3-01 Scalphunt A One-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK® Ratik “MINI” Regional Adventure Version 1.0 Round 1 by Matt Lau Since Krevik Bredivan’s proclamation that his house would pay a bounty on the scalps of Orcs and Gnolls, a veritable war has been waging within the Loftwood. Groups of hunters, mercenaries, and adventurers battle fiercely against the orc and gnoll armies, hoping to collect enough scalps to earn a small fortune. But more and more groups return from their hunts with rumors of a third army within the Loftwood. An army that gives aid to the Ratikkan hunters yet has never been seen. Part one of the Loftwood Trilogy, for EPLs 2-6. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Scenario detail copyright 2001 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA
Making Dinos: an engineering adventure notebook
Rusty Nye
Iridescent is a 501(c)(3) organization that inspires and equips underprivileged children to imagine, invent, and engineer. Learn more at
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science, Nature &amp; How It Works" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
Issue # 14 Aug 2016 The Hex Map of Dinotastic Park! Hexes 100-134 are in this issue and the rest will be in issue #15! For the blank Hexes, use the random generator in this issue or make up your own mayhem! Crawling Under A Broken Moon Welcome to the fourteenth issue of Crawling Under A Broken Moon! The contents of this issue can easily be summed up in one word: DINOTASTIC!!!! This issue is the first part of a semi-hex crawl across the remnants of an abandoned, dinosaur live attraction theme park from another dimension. If that does not sound awesome, please contact your physician for immediate assistance. Still here? Good! Strap in for a wild dino-filled experience and do not forget to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Reid “Reidzilla” San Filippo This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games.
Power of the Fire Dragon: A Branches Book (Dragon Masters #4)
Tracey West
<div>Praise for DRAGON MASTERS #1:<br>"In this first of the Dragon Masters series, vocabularly is accessible; sentences, paragraphs, and chapters are short; and dialogue moves the story along rapidly. Black-and-white sketch-type drawings add depth to the story and feelings to the characters (both children and dragons). Emergent readers will find happy success here." -BOOKLIST<br><br>"The first of a new series of early chapter books, this entry is sure to attract fans. Brief chapters, large print, lots of action, attractive illustrations in every spread including a maplike panorama, an enviable protagonist -- who wouldn't want to be a Dragon Master? -- all combine to make an entertaining read. With plenty left to be resolved, the next entry will be eagerly sought after." -KIRKUS REVIEWS<br><br>"Each page features wonderfully detailed pencil illustrations which help to support the text." -LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION<br><br>Praise for BRANCHES books:<br>"These books should be considered for larger libraries wanting to enhance their easy-reader collections." -SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL<br><br>"A nice stepping stone to more advanced chapter books." -BOOKLIST</div>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
Castle Greyhawk Embedded the Dragon Gemstone (High Level) You have chosen to embed in your forehead a gemstone that was previously affixed to the forehead of the red dragon Cinderwing. Ever since doing so, the flames of fiery destruction have danced within your dreams, calling you to their burning embrace. Eventually, you heeded their call, and one morning when you awoke, you realized the newfound power within you. The gemstone cannot be removed except upon your permanent death, upon which it crumbles to dust. You gain the following: � You have a –2 circumstance penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Against red dragons or their agents, you instead have a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. � You have fire resistance 10. This is a supernatural quality. � Twice per day, you may choose a spell from the list below and cast it as a spell-like ability. Your character level equals your caster level. Spells: Resist energy (fire only), scorching ray, fireball
Dungeon Module Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
David Sutherland III
The first of a new series of other-planar adventures, this module includes several new monsters, maps of the Web and lair of Lolth, and notes on eight alternate worlds, suitable for expansion and addition to existing AD&amp;D campaigns. 32 pages, plus 2 cover folders.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
                        DUNGEON DENIZENS: RAGING SWAN PRESS EL 2 A L S O A V A I L A B L E F R O M R A G I N G S W A N P R E S S 100% Crunch: Liches  $6.99  � 100% Crunch: Orcs  $4.99  � 100% Crunch: Skeletal Champions  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Skeletons  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Zombies  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Zombie Lords  $5.99  � All That Glimmers  $13.99  print $19.99  � Antipaladins  $3.99  � Bandits of the Rampant Horror  $3.99  � Barroom Brawl  $1.99  � Caves & Caverns  $10.99  � Cultists of Havra Zhoul  $4.99  � Dark Oak  $4.99  � Dark Waters Rising  $5.99  � Dungeon Denizens: EL 1  $1.99  � Dungeon Denizens: EL 2  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Altar  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Archways  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Bridges  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Chests  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Doom Paintings  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Doors  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Double Doors  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Dungeon Names  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Pits  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Pools
Counting the Cost
Liz Adair
<i>Counting the Cost</i> is a novel that will break your heart and elevate your spirits. It presents a closely etched picture of life in a hard country in hard times, filled with memorable people and a love story as poignant as it is beautiful. --Ronald Shook, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Utah State University&#60;br /&#62;&#60;br /&#62;This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i>&#60;br /&#62;&#60;br /&#62;This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i><br /><br />This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2 � Healing Salve (Frequency: Adventure; 50 gp; Tome & Blood) � Vest of Resistance +1 (Frequency: Adventure; 1,000 gp; Tome & Blood) � Brooch of Shielding (Frequency: Adventure; DMG) APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following) � Pipes of the Sewers
Warrior Elite: 31 Heroic Special-Ops Missions from the Raid on Son Tay to the Killing of Osama bin Laden
Nigel Cawthorne
Serial Killers and Mass Murderers: Profiles of the World's Most Barbaric Criminals-NIGEL-CAWTHORNE -9781569755785-14.95-Ulysses Press-1/25/07-14000--<br />History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas-NIGEL-CAWTHORNE -9780785818564-7.99-BOOK SALES INC-6/1/04-43000--<br />The Mammoth Book of Inside the Elite Forces-NIGEL-CAWTHORNE -9780762433827-13.95-Running Press-08/05/2008-2000--<br />The Mammoth Book of Killers at Large -NIGEL-CAWTHORNE -9780786719747-13.95-Running Press-8/27/07-6000--<br />
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
GM Quick Reference Sheet Action Difficulty Action Diff / Extraordinary / Threshold Easy 3 / 10 / 15 Average 7 / 14 / 35 Hard 11 / 18 / 55 Formidable 15 / 22 / 75 Heroic 19 / 26 / 95 Incredible 23 / 30 / 115 Ridiculous 27 / 34 / 135 Impossible 31 / 38 / 155 Skill Levels Die Proficiency d2 Incompetent d4 Novice d6 Competent d8 Professional d10 Expert d12 Master d12+ Supreme Bonus Dice Plot Points Die Type Min Bonus 1 d2 1 2 d4 2 3 d6 3 4 d8 4 5 d10 5 6 d12 6 7 d12 + d2 7 8 d12 + d4 8 9 d12 + d6 9 10 d12 + d8 10 11 d12 + d10 11 12 d12 + d12 12 The Twelve Colonies Aerelon Aquaria Canceron Caprica Gemenon Leonis Libris Picon Sagittaron Scorpia Tauron Virgon Plot Point Rewards Frakking Awesome! 1 Complications in Play 1 - 3 Completing a Challenge 2 - 4 Personal Goal 3 - 5 Crew Goal 4 - 6 Plot Point Expenses Improving Actions Saving Bacon Staying Alive Assets Story Manipulation Plot
Port of Ravens Bluff (AD&D 2nd Ed Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Module LC4)
RPGA Network
Cast off for adventure with the members of the RPGA Network. Get to know one of the busiest ports of the Sea of Fallen Stars, where adventure awaits on land, at sea, and below thw waves. Pirates, honest sailors, smugglers, fishermen, and water creatures rub shoulders with stalwart adventurers bent on exploring the ships in the harbor, businesses on the waterfront, and a few mysteries less audacious locals prefer to ignore. This product contains new buildings and personalities for the Forgotten Realms Living City campaign settings, and your own 3-D fold-up ship.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
ONI 3−01 SSIIN NSS OOFF TTH HEE FFAATTH HEERR AA DD&&DD LLIIVVIIN NGG GGRREEYYH HAAW WKK M MIIN NII−−M MOODDUULLEE SSEETT IIN N TTH HEE FFRREEEE SSTTAATTEE OOFF OON NN NW WAALL Version 1 By Paul Looby and Stuart Kerrigan Just what is this ‘final card’ that the map you bear speaks of and what terrible secret is the legacy of a dead Brotherhood collaborator? An Onnwal regional mini-module for Levels 1-8. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Scenario detail copyright 2002 Paul Looby and Stuart Kerrigan. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. This is an RPGA Network scenario for the Dungeons & Dragons game. A four-hour time block has been allocated for each round of this scenario, but actual playing time will be
Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races (Star Wars Roleplaying Game Supplement)
Troy Denning
Features many assorted aliens, including information on their planets, cultures, life styles and tendencies.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Outer Space Raiders! Volume I: Classes A Supplement for Old School Space Opera RPG's Outer Space Raiders Volume I: Classes By C. Thorin Copyright 2015 Magic Pig Media White Star: White Box Science Fiction Rolelplaying, Copyright 2015 Barrel Rider Games; Author James M. Spahn. Art By Gary Dupuis, J. Scott Pittman, Emily Vitori, Stardust Publications Some artwork © 2014 Earl Geier, used with permission. All rights reserved. Some artwork copyright Ade Smith, used with permission. Some artwork copyright Art of War Games, used with permission. Art of War Games retains the right to sell the use of this image. Some artwork Copyright ©2013 Steve Miller. Used Under License. Special Thanks for your all their help and support. K. Howard Mike "Wrath of Zombies" Evans Jay Exonauts . And James Spahn for creating White Star. Table of Contents Alien................................................................................................................................................
A Pizza To Die For (Pizza Lovers Mysteries)
Chris Cavender
<b>Chris Cavender</b> is the pseudonym for an Agatha Award nominated author who has appeared on the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association national bestseller list nine times. Hes published <i>A Slice of Murder</i>, <i>Pepperoni Pizza Can Be Murder</i>, <i>A Pizza to Die For</i>, <i>Rest in Pizza</i>, and <i>Killer Crust, </i>also featuring Eleanor Swift; over 80 mystery short stories; and has been nominated for three Derringer Awards for excellence in short mystery fiction.
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Mystery" ]
The Pizza Problem By Rik Kershaw-Moore Ghostmasters Introduction This is a very basic Ghostbusters adventure that is nothing more than an excuse for you to get your Ghostbusters to run around the place destroying all sorts of expensive personal property and meeting some very odd people all of whom have one thing in common, a love of pizza. While I have provided a number of situations for the Ghostbusters to bust ghosts in this adventure really flies if you can introduce some of your own running gag situations and characters. Background: Papa Luca's Down a tiny back street in the seedier part of town is Papa Luca's Pizzeria. For sixty years Papa Luca has made the best damn Pizza in town, that was until three months ago when sadly Papa Luca was killed in a bizarre accident involving an alarm clock and a tub of anchovy paste. Following his tragic demise the restaurant was sold to the Pizza Qwik Corporation which carried a drastic modernisation of the place and Papa Luca became the 'Pizza
Part-Time Magic: 7 Steps to Increasing Your Worth While Decreasing Your Work
Mario Price
<span>&quot;Mario Price has written the roadmap for all those excited about and engaged in direct selling. Part-Time Magic is your prescription for earning your fortune selling. The lessons, stories and solid step by step instructions will educate, inspire and empower you to succeed in spite of the odds. Selling is the best way to earn big money and profits, and thus earn your first, second and third fortunes. Read this book and become a champion by following a champion. Kudos to Mario T. Price ...&quot;</span><br> <div> <b><span><span></span>George C. Fraser</span></b><span><br> Author, <i>Success Runs In Our Race</i>, and <i>CLICK</i></span></div><br /><br /><span>"Mario Price provides a beautifully orchestrated marketplace game-plan perfect for anyone looking to elevate his or her income and impact.<span> </span>You could spend the next decade of your life trying to figure out how to create the life of your dreams...or you can start living your dreams now because this book already figures it out for you!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>Marshawn Evans<br> </span></b><span>Reinvention Strategist | TV Personality | Founder of & The Movement</span></div><br /><br /><span>"If you are READY for financial freedom, then this book "Part-Time Magic" is for you! The 7 steps that Mario Price gives will surely pave the way for unlimited success in your home-based business!<span> </span>There is POWER in doing your business part-time and this will show you how, so get it NOW!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>Melanie Bonita<br> </span></b><span>#1 Amazon Bestselling Author of <i>Daily Dose of Determination</i> and <i>Daily Dose of Decisions</i>, <br> International Speaker and Faith Coach</span></div><br /><br /><span>"If you're ready to achieve greater success, then read and absorb the strategies in this brilliant book by Mario Price!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>James Malinchak<br> </span></b><span>Featured on ABC's Hit TV Show, Secret Millionaire<br> Founder,</span></div><br /><br /><span>&quot;WOW Mario...what a thought provoking book!<span> </span>Especially in today's economy when people are looking for extra income.<span> </span>Your easy to read writing style packed with relevant examples, will really help people gain insight on one of the most misunderstood industries called Network Marketing.<span> </span>This book is definitely "a must read" for all ages and backgrounds because it tackles some of the myths and traditions about building wealth.&quot;</span><br> <div> <b><span>Cynthia Sligh<br> </span></b><span>Successful Full Time Entrepreneur for 18 years</span></div>
[ "Marketing & Sales", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Marketing & Sales" ]
Marketing & Sales
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found As an introductory adventure, this adventure offers no item access. Adventure Record# 595 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 450 xp; 450 gp
Spell of Desire, Vol. 5
Tomu Ohmi
Tomu Ohmi debuted in 2000 with the supernatural Josei manga Kindan no Koi wo Shiyou. She is the creator of Midnight Secretary, available in North America, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand from Viz Media.
[ "Manga", "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics &amp; Graphic Novels", "Manga" ]
- + FI TU � L you. mag drai lasti you aid. the for t � T of th for a C P XP Starting XP XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal XP XP Gained INAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs U REMAINING TU Love’s Sacrifice: Y . Cross off the Lov gical and intellige ned from your w ing memento of he may use a standard When called upon holy, sacred burst, an the duration of one The Power of Lov he Song. This favo access to the Seeke This Character Name Player Name SHL8-04 A Regional Ad ITEMS FO Cross off all ite APLs 10 and � Boots of � Bracers � Caduceu � Huge +1 � Necklac � Scroll of � Scroll of � Scroll of � Scroll of APLs 14 and � Helm of � Rings of � Runesta � Wand o Your beloved is gon ve’s Price AR entry nt item qualities weapon, however, er love. In any futur d action to call on h n, Trys will grant y nd bane (evil outside e encounter. Cross ve: You have witnes r counts as meetin r of the Song Prest s
Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk Adventures
James M. WARD
Official advanced Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk Adventures. Has 128 pages. Printed 1988 This book is for experienced role players looking for something exciting and original to use in their fantasy gaming. Its pages are filled with bold new gaming experiences. With this book, you join the ranks of the best role players in the world. Your search for glory and fame awaits the turning of a single page!
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. URD-INT-01 No Holds Bard A One Round D&D Living Greyhawk Introductory Regional Adventure for the Duchy of Urnst by Warren Banks Editor/Triad Review: Matt Lovell Version 1.0 A young bard and his pseu
FUNGUS: The Unbearable Rot of Being
James Kochalka
James Kochalka (born May 26, 1967 in Springfield, Vermont) is an American comic book artist and writer, and rock musician. His comics are noted for their blending of the real and the surreal. Largely autobiographical, Kochalka's cartoon expression of the world around him includes such real-life characters as his wife, children, cat, friends and colleagues, but always filtered through his own observations and flights of whimsy. In March 2011 he was declared the cartoonist laureate of Vermont, serving a term of three years.
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics &amp; Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
Comics & Graphic Novels
Fungal Burns | EN World EN5idEr Fungal Bums WRITING Andrew Engelbrite COLOR ART Jeff Chen MAPS Dyson Logos EDITING Mike Myler LAYOUT Frank Michienzi A supplemental adventure for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–6th level. T hey say they’re only hitching a ride but can you really tolerate a grove of talking mushrooms sprouting from your back? It started as a little itch after defeating some mushroom beasts, an ailment no healer seemed able to cure. Then you started to feel stronger, better than before—so you’re rationalizing, thinking you should tolerate or even trust the little bums. After all, they are a part of you now... Fungal Burns | EN World EN5idEr Open Game Content | The game rule information in this article is designated Open Game Content. All other material in this article, including maps and illustrations (including illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- character narrative and descriptive text, character and place names, trade dress, “EN
A Guide To Treasure In Colorado, 3rd Edition: Treasure Guide Series
Waybill To Adventure LLC
Glenn Carson speaks... Our Waybill To Adventure site is here to help those who hope to hunt for treasure. None of our books have an X drawn on a crude map! Our books are there to motivate those capable and willing to seek out the clues that will allow them to ferret out the sites where relics, old coins, and other valuables may still lie hidden. Using a detector is fun! These days it can not only be fun, it can be a large part of building your retirement fund! Silver has risen in price lately to 36-38 cents per troy ounce. That beat up silver dime is now worth the better part of $4.00. Gold... should you find a $20.00 gold piece, it is worth $1700 or more. If you do some homework, locate a good hunting site, and recover the bag once lost by a fugitive from a Civil War skirmish, that would be a fine accomplishment! If that bag contains $100 in small gold coins, youd have more than a fine, fun day. That bag has $8510 or more in it. That sort of money adds to a persons retirement fund. Waybill To Adventures books have been put together to help those who would like to take advantage of such opportunities! Each of these books will help motivate a treasure seeker, and enable them to maximize their efforts. We have spent years into building this impressive list of books. We have made all of them as presentable as possible. We truly hope that our efforts will allow you to find old relics, many silver and gold coins... and a new, adventurous path, which is the best part of it! Your partner in grime :-) Glenn === A short word from Leanne... Whats left to be said after Dad talks? Well, I guess I will throw in a bit of bio. I grew up on this stuff. I paid the lunch lady with dirty coins found in the parks of Boulder, Colorado. We 5 kids earned a real reputation for dirty money! So I grew up and as an adult, was involved in every aspect of my parents publishing house. From writing to illustration to maps. And I think I may have been the one to lick the bindings! I have been on the computer since 1989 and am at a quite advanced level... and, am still illustrating, mapping, and writing! Our line of books my solo effort is taking on a whole new dimension, roughly doubling in size for each book. We are proud, proud of these books! If you have comments or questions, we will have a blog here on Amazon, as well as links to our sites. Contact me! Leanne The ornery, persistent daughter
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
This adventure is to be played with the 3.5 version of the Dungeons And Dragon rules by Wizards of the Coast. ADP-9-07 The Temple’s Tribute An adventure for our Home Greyhawk Campaign Set in the Amedio Jungle By Kameron M. Franklin The old painting is hideous, the sort of gift somebody might give to a person they didn’t like. But the map behind the picture could tell a different story, as long as you can work out where the treasure is. A two round adventure set in the Amedio Jungle for characters levels 2-7 (APL 4) ADP-9-07 The Temple’s Tribute Page 2 Introduction  This introduction is provided so that PCs gain the map indicated on page 15 of the module. The adventure can begin in any large city – however Hardby works best in this case. It is not every day that you are asked to the reading of a will. But in this case, you have been asked to attend the reading of the will of somebody you never knew. The room is filled with people that you have neve
The Difficulty Of Being
Jean Cocteau
Saint of the French avant-garde, Cocteau here reflects on many aspects of his life. These 26 brief observations include his thoughts on everything from his childhood, his style, and the theater to haunted houses.<br />Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Performing Arts" ]
Arts & Photography
Cossum, Human Variant ~ ​The “Empty,” refers not to the people but to the land from which they come: Barren, expired, stripped by hubris and greed. Such places bear toughened but world-weary souls. You may appear old for your age, worn down by the demands of your surroundings. The stress of survival may have made you hard-hearted and pragmatic. On the other hand, perhaps you are overly demonstrative, as you fight tooth and nail for survival, and pursue the fleeting pleasures of an equally fleeting life. Cossum Traits You begin the game with the following traits: Ability score increase: ​Your Constitution score increases by 2 point. You increase one other ability score of your choice by 1. Age: ​The responsibilities of adulthood are pushed on you somewhat earlier than other humans, and the stress of your surroundings decreases your life expectancy by roughly a decade. Alignment: ​Tribes of the Cossum are varied in their philosophy. Some embrace stringent social laws, while
History of the Most Noble Order of the Garter and the Several Orders of Knighthood in Europe
Elias Ashmole
Kessinger Publishing reprints over 1,500 similar titles all available through
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used &amp; Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Order of the Hart Squire The Knights of the Hart were founded a very long time ago, an exact date known to few. The Knights of the Hart were created to serve the needs of the lords of Furyondy, Highfolk, and Veluna. Although the Knights of Furyondy are the largest of the three orders, they lost many in the war with Iuz and now seek to recruit new knights without lowering their standards; hence the encouragement given to new squires. All Knights of the Hart must swear their undying loyalty to protect the lands of all three nations. Every single Knight of the Hart commands respect and it is rightly justified. They serve as arbitrators of justice in the lawless areas they patrol and over time have become involved in battles of politics not just war. Despite this, the Order’s ultimate goal is to expel Iuz from the Flanaess. The knights realize the severe importance of their allies in keeping not only the peace amongst the three countries peoples but the fragi
A Bond of Blood and Fire (The Goddess and the Guardians)
Karen Tomlinson
<span>&quot;</span><b>Spellbinding</b><span>! Edge of my seat gripping. This series just keeps getting better. A</span><b>brilliant</b><span>fantasy world with</span><b>compelling</b><span>characters. An</span><b>epic</b><span>good versus evil</span><b>adventure</b><span>. A must read.&quot; - USA Today Bestselling Author, J.A. Culican</span><div></div><div><br /><div><span></span></div><div><span>&quot;This is an excellent continuation from the first book in the series. It had me on my toes the entire time, waiting to find out what would happen. The dynamics between Hugo and Diamond were as amazing as ever, and once you add in the rest of the characters, it made for a great combination. The character growth was on point, and learning far more about the world&apos;s history and its characters left you wanting more even up until the very end. I would give this book six stars if I could. If you&apos;re looking for your next book boyfriend, look no further. Hugo is it. Dark, mysterious, and a whole lot more! Now to find my own fae warrior...&quot; - Heather Karn, Paranormal Author</span></div></div>
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
EN World EN5IDER | Priests of Elemental Power EN World EN5IDER | Priests of Elemental Power PRIESTS OF Elemental Power writing C. Richard Davies color art Sade editing James J. Haeck layout Eric Life-Putnam W hile the domains offered in the core rules can represent many kinds of divine powers, there is little support for clerics who worship the gods of fire, water, earth, and air. For campaigns that feature gods (or immortal Princes) of elemental power, the following divine domains might be just what you need. Priests of Elemental Power | EN World EN5IDER Priests of Elemental Power | EN World EN5IDER Flames Domain (Cleric Divine Domain) Fire is one of the oldest symbolic powers of mankind, a powerful friend or a terrible foe. It wards away the dark, makes possible the creation of weapons and armor, and destroys old life to make way for the new. This domain belongs to many deities, all of whom might have different perspectives on the meaning of fire, such
Higgs Force: The Symmetry-Breaking Force that Makes the World an Interesting Place
Nicholas Mee
"Higgs Force takes a new approach to contemporary physics, and makes notoriously difficult material accessible and approachable. The book is very readable and entertaining, and I will certainly recommend it to my first year undergraduates, to whom it will greatly appeal." Tony Mann, President of the British Society for the History of Mathematics "Higgs Force, by Nicholas Mee, takes the reader on a fascinating intellectual journey: our endeavours to uncover and understand the laws governing the universe, with particular emphasis on the beautiful ideas arising from symmetry. This is a remarkable story, and it is told here with lucidity and verve." --Jonathan Evans, University Lecturer, Cambridge University<br /><br />'Nicholas Mee ... is uniquely qualified to explain the mysteries of the Higgs force. Dr Mee provides an accurate account of the Geneva experiments with the Large Hadron Collider, provides his readers with some insight into the character of eminent physicists, and furnishes a lucid account of current theories ... [he dispenses], as far as possible, with complex mathematics and makes excellent use of interesting diagrams. He also inserts some problems for readers that prompt engagement in the text ... a most suitable text for sixth formers and first year graduates.' George Care in The Bookbag 09/02/2012 'Imagine my excitement when a copy of Higgs Force landed on my mat with the satisfying whump that only a book can produce ... I loved the easy-going mathematical angle that the sciency bits come from, and the historical commentaries do a great job of breaking these up to allow time for the reader's intellectual digestive juices to do their work ... it'd be a great book for the interested but less mathematically confident reader, too.' --T. K. Briggs on 02/09/2012
[ "Physics", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science &amp; Math", "Physics" ]
A Fork in Project FLIPSIDE A legitimate experiment in physics, on commission by Majestic 12. This scenario was written in late 2011, under news coverage of OPERA’s fast neutrinos, the E-Cat cold fusion hoax, and signs of the Higgs boson at the LHC. It’s about the idea of science running into Mythos phenomena, which are natural in the world of CoC. No scientist would accept the idea that a big portion of reality will always be ruinous. The private sector Ruby Oremus, 41, is a quantum physicist, just under 5 feet tall as the result of a mild bone-growth disorder. She’s best known for her work on CPT symmetry at the University of Maryland. Dissatisfied with the academic world, she heads Mirror-World Labs, a company owned and funded to 77% by the Bright Matter Investment Group. Its representative, Ashkon James, is generous in all things, except hiring. Mirror-World employs only nine. In a locked drawer, Oremus has twelve pages of abstruse theory and formulae, provided by James