Dragonbreath #5: No Such Thing as Ghosts
Ursula Vernon
Ursula Vernon ( lives, writes, paints, and firmly believes adults should still be allowed to trick-or-treat in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
1 Dragon+ 27 | Terror of Undermountain Terror of Undermountain Large monstrosity, chaotic evil Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 94 (9d10 + 45) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 21 (+5) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 4 (−3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Saving Throws Str +8, Con +8 Damage Resistances cold, fire Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages understands Common but can’t speak Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Magic Resistance. The Terror of Undermountain has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the Terror of Undermountain must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the Terror of Undermountain’s stench for 24 hours. Actions Multiattack. The Terror of Undermountain makes three attacks: two with
Savage Attack: A Player's Guide to Rage
Andrew Greenberg
Book by Greenberg, Andrew, Inabinet, Sam, Teeuwynn, Campbell, Brian
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
BARBARIAN PATH: PATH OF THE SAVAGE A squadron of well armoured soldiers with spears all trained on a lone human figure. The figure squats down and slices his hand on a stone and sniffs his own blood. The figure rises as the smell of iorn fills his nostrils, his eyes flash yellow. Hands become claws as the nails elongate. He smiles revieling a row of sharp teeth. With the speed of a wild animal he dashs into a nearby bush. A beastly howl seems to surround the squadron. Soon stifled screams are released and stifled as the squadron grows fewer and fewer leaving behind only scraps of armour, chuncks of flesh, and pools of blood. Primal Rage Beginning at 3rd level, in addition to your normal rage, you take on the aspect of the wilds themselves. Your movement takes on an additional 10 feet and you gain the two unarmed attacks: Attacks Claw +4 to hit (1d8 + 2) Piercing Damage Bite +4 to hit (2d4 + 2) Slashing Damage Roar of the Wilds Beginning at 6th level, you tap into your inner beast relea
Dark Swans and Painted Faces
John Schalestock
John Schalestock is a US Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam era. A thirty year veteran of the US Merchant Marine, he sailed all the oceans of the world, from the Arctic to Antarctica, as a Radio Electronics Officer aboard freighters, tankers, and container ships. He has sent an SOS from a burning ship, experienced storms at sea, and survived pirate attacks.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
GM’S MONTHLY MISCELLANY: RAGING SWAN PRESS JULY 2016 PATREON.COM/RAGINGSWANPRESS   YOUR TIME IS PRECIOUS MAKE YOUR CAMPAIGN PREP. EASIER JOIN RAGING SWAN PRESS’S PATREON CAMPAIGN GM’S MONTHLY MISCELLANY: JULY 2016 Featuring material from some of Raging Swan Press’s newest products as well as classic releases of yesteryear, advice articles and material from Creighton’s own Borderland of Adventure campaign, the GM’s Monthly Miscellany series is a terrific free resource for the busy, time-crunched GM. Design: John Bennett, Creighton Broadhurst, Jeff Gomez and Mike Welham Development: Creighton Broadhurst Art: William McAusland. Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission. Cartography: Dyson Logos and Tommi Salama Thank you for purchasing GM’s Monthly Miscellany: July 2016; we hope you enjoy it. If you did, please consider leaving a review. If you didn’t, did you know Raging Swan Pre
Pathfinder Item Cards: Reign of Winter Adventure Path
Paizo Inc.
<ul> <li>Claim the frigid power of winter, the stars, and realms beyond with <i>Reign of Winter Item Cards</i>. Among these riches wait all the rarest relics and most mysterious magic items of the <i>Reign of Winter Adventure Path</i>. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track the riches you recover in vibrant detail.</li> <li><font face="Calibri">&#8220;Price Includes VAT&#8221; </font></li></ul>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming", "Pathfinder" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your GP value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your GP value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING TU ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2: � Armband of elusive action (Adventure; MIC) � Boots of agile leaping (Adventure; MIC) � Hat of disguise (Adventure; DMG) � Pearl of speech (Flan) (Adventure; MIC) APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following): � Boots of stomping
World of Greyhawk, folio edition (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
Gary Gygax
This game supplement features a folder with coats of arms and map legends, a 32-page gazetteer, a 3-panel folding screen on weather conditions, a flyer on miniatures and 2 connecting full-color foldout poster maps. The gazetteer is the companion to the map of the eastern portion of the Oerik continent with dates, chronology, historical information and data regarding current government, population and recent events, along with notable geographic features. Also herein will be found an intelligencer of royal and noble titles and honorifics. Complete with a map legend and method of deducing the population of settlements. Having an appendix of the more important runes which are seen on maps and scrolls to give warning or convey special meaning. Suitable for use with Advanced Dungeons &amp; Dragons fantasy role-playing games.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. BIS3-06 Loyal to a Fault A One-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK® Bissel Regional Adventure Version 1.1 – Use at AnonyCon 2003 Premiere only by Adam Morse A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part
Blacksmith Metal: 120-page Blank Writing Journal for Blacksmiths with Hammer and Anvil Picture on the Cover (5.25 x 8 / Black and Grey)
Journal Jungle Publishing
Journal Jungle Publishing, an imprint of Engaged Living Publications, produces a wide selection of journals, diaries, logs and notebooks. Publishing in the self-help and personal growth sphere since 2007 through its journal of engaged living, The Mindful Word, we have the knowledge to bring forward the tools necessary to grow personally and collectively. Journaling is a big part of the personal growth puzzle that we focus our publishing efforts on. Read more about journaling in our journaling collection of articles.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help", "Personal Transformation" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Rite Publishing Presents Rite Publishing Presents Rite Publishing Presents Rite Publishing Presents F F F F F F F F F F F Faaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss ooooooooooooffffffffffff tttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee TTTTTTTTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd SSSS SSSSSSSSoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkk:::::::::::: Gobseck Vaultwright, Gobseck Vaultwright, Gobseck Vaultwright, Gobseck Vaultwright, Meister of the Golden Anvil Meister of the Golden Anvil Meister of the Golden Anvil Meister of the Golden Anvil By By By By Matt Banach and Matt Banach and Matt Banach and Matt Banach and Justin Sluder Justin Sluder Justin Sluder Justin Sluder Rite Publishing Presents: Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Gobseck Vaultwright, Gobseck Vaultwright, Gobseck Vaultwright, Gobseck Vaultwright, Meister of the Golden Anvil Meister of
Hydra and Kraken, Or, the Lore and Lure of Lake-Monsters and Sea-Serpents
Noel Peattie
Noel Peattie is editor of the twenty-five-year old review journal for librarians, Sipapu. With the late John Swan he published The Freedom to Lie: A Debate About Democracy (McFarland, 1989). This is his first published fiction.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science & Math", "Nature & Ecology" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
1 THE SEA DEMON’S PEARL TWR1 A MAZTICAN ADVENTURE AND SOURCEBOOK FOR FOUR CHARACTERS OF LEVELS 5-7 2 CREDITS: Lead Designer: Jon Hild Cover Art: Ekaterinya Vladinakova Interior Art: Thamara Gomez “Maztica Alive!” Logo: Cliff Wolter Cavern Map: Patrick E Pullen Special Thanks: “The Dark” DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
A Rich and Fruitful Land: The History of the Valleys of the Okanagan, Similkameen and Shuswap
Jean Webber
<b>Jean Webber</b> edited the journal <i>Okanagan History: The Annual Reports of the Okanagan Historical Society</i> for six years and has also contributed articles to <i>British Columbia Historical News</i>. She is the author and/or editor of several books including <i>Venture: The Story of the Okanagan Summer School of the Arts</i>, <i>Okanagan Sources</i> and most recently, Harbour Publishing's <i>A Rich and Fruitful Land</i>. She now lives in Victoria.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Photography &amp; Video" ]
Arts & Photography
S elvos castle is the seat of the Earl of Selvos in northwest Kanday. Seized in 695 from Rethem during Ezar’s War, it is a rich fishing port and one of the few safe harbors along the rugged western coast of Hârn. Although officially at peace with Rethem for over twenty years, raiding and skirmishing continues along the nearby frontier. Agents of Rethem, and political intrigue between hawks and doves of Kanday, make this a dangerous place for the unwary. HISTORY The Dureve Valley, bounded by the Peris Moor to the west and Tesien Moor to the east, is drained by the Eisma and Rosas Rivers. The valley is characterized by dozens of small streams, copses, and meadows, but the heavy clay soil is damp and poorly suited for agriculture. Jarin immigrants settled the upper valley around 1000 BT. Although not a seafaring people, poor crop yields and the rich fishing grounds of Deversh Bay encouraged some Jarin to settle at the mouth of the swampy Eisma River. For over a thousand years the Jarin li
Part-Time Magic: 7 Steps to Increasing Your Worth While Decreasing Your Work
Mario Price
<span>&quot;Mario Price has written the roadmap for all those excited about and engaged in direct selling. Part-Time Magic is your prescription for earning your fortune selling. The lessons, stories and solid step by step instructions will educate, inspire and empower you to succeed in spite of the odds. Selling is the best way to earn big money and profits, and thus earn your first, second and third fortunes. Read this book and become a champion by following a champion. Kudos to Mario T. Price ...&quot;</span><br> <div> <b><span><span></span>George C. Fraser</span></b><span><br> Author, <i>Success Runs In Our Race</i>, and <i>CLICK</i></span></div><br /><br /><span>"Mario Price provides a beautifully orchestrated marketplace game-plan perfect for anyone looking to elevate his or her income and impact.<span> </span>You could spend the next decade of your life trying to figure out how to create the life of your dreams...or you can start living your dreams now because this book already figures it out for you!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>Marshawn Evans<br> </span></b><span>Reinvention Strategist | TV Personality | Founder of & The Movement</span></div><br /><br /><span>"If you are READY for financial freedom, then this book "Part-Time Magic" is for you! The 7 steps that Mario Price gives will surely pave the way for unlimited success in your home-based business!<span> </span>There is POWER in doing your business part-time and this will show you how, so get it NOW!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>Melanie Bonita<br> </span></b><span>#1 Amazon Bestselling Author of <i>Daily Dose of Determination</i> and <i>Daily Dose of Decisions</i>, <br> International Speaker and Faith Coach</span></div><br /><br /><span>"If you're ready to achieve greater success, then read and absorb the strategies in this brilliant book by Mario Price!"</span><br> <div> <b><span>James Malinchak<br> </span></b><span>Featured on ABC's Hit TV Show, Secret Millionaire<br> Founder,</span></div><br /><br /><span>&quot;WOW Mario...what a thought provoking book!<span> </span>Especially in today's economy when people are looking for extra income.<span> </span>Your easy to read writing style packed with relevant examples, will really help people gain insight on one of the most misunderstood industries called Network Marketing.<span> </span>This book is definitely "a must read" for all ages and backgrounds because it tackles some of the myths and traditions about building wealth.&quot;</span><br> <div> <b><span>Cynthia Sligh<br> </span></b><span>Successful Full Time Entrepreneur for 18 years</span></div>
[ "Marketing & Sales", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Marketing & Sales" ]
Marketing & Sales
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found As an introductory adventure, this adventure offers no item access. Adventure Record# 597 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 450 xp; 450 gp
The Crown's Fate (Crown's Game)
Evelyn Skye
Gr 8 UpThough the Crown's Game may have ended in Book 1, there is still much in store for Vika, Nikolai, and Pasha. This title opens with Vika mid-evanescence, as she is performing yet another mundane task for the tsardom since winning the Crown's Game and the role of Russian Imperial Enchantress. Vika wants nothing more than to be reunited with Nikolai, her adversary-turned-friend, but since he sacrificed himself so she could live (and win the game), Nikolai has been trapped in a dream version of the Kazakh steppe. Motivated by revenge, Nikolai manages to escape his prison and return to Saint Petersburg. His plan? Kill Tsesarevich Pasha and take the throne. Vika tries to reconcile the demands of the state (Pasha) with the deeper ancient connection (the magical Bolshebnoie Duplo) binding her to outlaw Nikolai. With so much of Vika's energy devoted to empathizing with and reacting to the actions of Pasha and Nikolai, her boldness, so central to the first installment, is sadly missing. There are a number of underdeveloped side plots: Baba Yaga's chicken-legged house makes an appearance, and the Decembrist revolt plays a role in reuniting the trio, but their rejoicing at the triumph of the monarchy hits a sour note in hindsight. A tavern scene in which gamblers are briefly overheard gloating about sexual assault feels out of place for the series. VERDICT An uneven follow-up; consider only for fans of the first installment.Della Farrell, School Library Journal
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Literature & Fiction" ]
[ "Teen & Young Adult", "Literature & Fiction" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
CROWN An Old School Fantasy Roleplaying Game PLAYER RULES CROWN Editing & Words Mason Waaler Cover Art Storn Cook Interior Art Daniel F. Walthall Playtesting Greg Bulpitt, Vincent Cefalu, Austin Chester, Morgan Davis, Joey Galeziewski, May Grzybowski, Bradley Karas, Lesley Le, Wren K. Logan, Joslyn Lynch, Connell McCreary, Robert Rye, Conner Wareing, and Jon Yocky PLAYER RULES Introduction......................................................... 3 Character Creation ...........................................4 Attributes.................................................................4 Character Classes...................................................4 Wealth & Equipment............................................ 8 Adventuring Rules............................................10 Attribute Checks .................................................10 Downtime...............................................................11 Experience.....................................................
RELAX-QUICK! Simple, Effective Relaxation Processes You Can Do in Moments; Deep Relaxation/Meditation, Guided Imagery, Affirmations (CD)
Nancy Hopps
<b>ENDORSEMENTS FROM LEADERS IN THE FIELD</b><BR>&#34;Nancy's work is very impressive. Material of this quality and integrity is rare. I recommend it highly.&#34; <b>Jack Canfield</b>, author of <i>Chicken Soup for the Soul</i>and <i>The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be</i><P>&#34;Nancy's CDs are well-done self-help tools for relaxation, affirmation, and healing... (and Nancy, keep on inspiring life!).&#34; <b>Bernie Siegel, M.D.</b>, author of <i>Love, Medicine and Miracles</i> and founder, ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients) Center<P>&#34;I highly recommend Nancy's work as an excellent foundation for health and healing. Her warm, soothing voice, the peaceful music, and the skillful suggestions make her guided relaxation and imagery CDs among the very best.&#34; <b>Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.</b>, author of <i>Minding the Body, Mending the Mind</i>, and <i>Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive</i> --.<br /><br /><b>ENDORSEMENTS FROM THE MEDIA</b><BR>&#34;Nancy Hopps has the perfect relaxation voice to lead you into what could be the best moments of your day. Nancy's clear, comforting voice teaches you how to relax through a variety of breathing, sensory, and imagery techniques, with positive affirmations. The music sets just the right tone to zone into relaxation mode.&#34; <b>NAPRA ReView</b><P>&#34;Proven de-stressors...&#34; <b>Redbook Magazine</b><P>&#34;Nancy Hopps has a steady, reassuring style that encourages the listener to trust the innate wisdom of the body and breath.&#34; <b>Yoga Journal</b><P>&#34;Nancy Hopps' recordings are a must if you're serious about relaxing, healing, and affirming your inner being. They are unique and beautifully done.&#34; <b>Magical Blend Magazine</b> --.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help", "Stress Management" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
, ,  Exp.  Exp.  Exp.  Exp. Acrobatics  Comfort  Dook  Fix  Focus  Hide  Intuit  Musk  Scuffle  Soothe  Stash  Taunt  War Dance  +2 Impulsive -2 Considered +1 Impulsive -1 Considered +0 Impulsive +0 Considered -1 Impulsive +1 Considered -2 Impulsive +2 Considered +2 Empathetic -2 Confrontational +1 Empathetic -1 Confrontational +0 Empathetic +0 Confrontational -1 Empathetic +1 Confrontational -2 Empathetic +2 Confrontational
The Black Swans: A Tale of the Antrim Cycle
N. W. Moors
<div><div><div><b>2015 IndieB.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree, 2015 Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards Finalist, and 2015 Shortlist for Drunken Druid Book Awards</b></div><div>&apos;An intelligently written and totally unputdownable fantasy novel. A FINALIST and highly recommended.&apos; <b>The Wishing Shelf Book Awards</b></div><div><b>Other comments from The Wishing Shelf Awards:&#xA0;</b></div><div><div>&apos;A wonderfully written, fantasy adventure. The prose is perfect for a tale of this nature. I enjoyed it hugely.&apos; Female reader (professional editor), aged 33&#xA0;</div><div>&apos;A re-telling of Children of Lir. Perfect for any fan of the Irish fable. I particularly loved the character work. The author is fantastic at offering the readers complex characters to care for.&apos;&#xA0;Female reader, aged 54&#xA0;</div><div>&apos;I liked all the knitting. I&apos;m also a knitter and it was lovely to read a fun fantasy story with the elusive element of wool in it.&apos;<span>&#xA0; </span>Female reader (editor and publisher), aged 53&#xA0;</div><div>&apos;This author works so well with setting. She works very hard to describe her part of the world and then populate it with charismatic characters and a twisting plot. The ending was well worth it too. This is a very addictive author and one to watch.&apos;&#xA0;<span> </span>Female reader, aged 46&#xA0;</div><div>&apos;Bril&apos; book.&apos; &#xA0;Male reader, aged 18&#xA0;</div></div><div>&quot;The Black Swans&quot; is a charming and enchanting read that stays true to the tale it was based on, but keeps it fresh and relevant for the new generation of readers.&quot;&#xA0;<b>Markus Book Reviews</b></div><div><b>&quot;</b>It is a love story that all lovers of Celtic mythology will enjoy. The contemporary yet at the same time ancient feel to the plot makes it fresh and appealing.&quot;&#xA0;<b>Readers&apos; Favorite Book Reviews</b>&#xA0;</div><div>&quot;I love fairytales.&#xA0; It is one of my favorite genres.&#xA0; I especially like when the story has a twist.&quot;&#xA0;<b>Books, Books, and More Books</b></div></div><div><span>I enjoyed reading this novel,it&apos;s both fantasy and romance. Although a typical bloke and most of the time uncomfortable with romance i found Mrs Moors telling of it well done and not so soppy. It is indeed the love and determination of a woman that leads to the breaking of the spell.&#xA0;<b>Tony Duxbury, Amazon UK reader</b></span></div><div><span>I find Conn a great character and shy Taisie a perfect person for him. If you like romance with some Celtic stories this is your book.<b>&#xA0;I Feel the Need to Read blog</b></span></div><div><span>I wish N. W. Moors had started writing years ago so that I could have a whole shelf of her books to turn to when I want something magical and mystical that leaves me with that moonstruck lovey-dovey feeling. Maybe I&apos;ll just have to go and read&#xA0;</span><span>The Black Swans</span><span>&#xA0;again instead.&#xA0;<b>Bubble Bath Books blog</b></span></div><div><span>A romantic/fantasy/adventure, daringly conceived and brilliantly written by a woman who is at home in Ireland and in a universe of beauty. &#xA0;<b>Drunken Druid Book Reviews</b></span></div></div><div></div>
[ "Romance", "Paranormal" ]
[ "Romance", "Paranormal" ]
TOWN BACKDROP: RAGING SWAN PRESS DUNSTONE PATREON.COM/RAGINGSWANPRESS   YOUR TIME IS PRECIOUS MAKE YOUR CAMPAIGN PREP. EASIER JOIN RAGING SWAN PRESS’S PATREON CAMPAIGN TOWN BACKDROP: DUNSTONE Dunstone’s granite walls sprawl lazily across a hilltop south of the massive Mottled Spire. In bygone times, monsters sallied from the Mottled Spire’s twisted canyons, their onslaughts only stopped by the brave Dunstonian forces. Now after generations of quiet, the town’s once formidable moat is used by grazing sheep and playing children. The insular community has become peaceful but peace has led the town to become stuck in its old ways. A new ruler seeks to slough of Dunstone’s years of quiet and idleness to usher the town into a new era. Guilds practice their crafts, preparing to send their goods throughout the Duchy of Ashlar. Yet, the Mottled Spire and the environs beyond are never quiet. A vile creatur
Author to Editor: Query Letter Secrets of the Pros (Actual contract-generating book proposals, cover letters, and query letters from the files of successful children's book authors)
Linda Arms White
Well-known children's author Linda Arms White offers actual contract-generating query letters, cover letters, and book proposals from successful children's authors. You'll see complete proposals, along with the author's analysis of why it was successful. Along the way you'll pick up invaluable inside tips and secrets. It provides outstanding instructional chapters written by Ms. White, that make getting started on the perfect cover letter, query or book proposal a breeze.
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
Page 1 Campaign Setting Head Writer: JP Chapleau Writers: Edward Karbara, Randy Price Additional ideas: Wesley Oar Cover Art: Blehc Commissioned Art: Blehc, Irene Campos Stock Art through Creative Commons: Anonamos701, Hoseyn, Emanuel Martinez Loma, McFle, Tomas Reichman, Rockmangurl, Tom Prante Maps: Caeora, Dyson Logos, JP Chapleau This book is dedicated to my three kids: Jojo “Princess Akat”, Kitty “Georget”, and ActionMan who play-tested and gave me tons of feedback. Special dedication my wife Julie who lost me for many a nights as I feverishly worked to complete this book. Special Thanks: Ed Karbara, Randy Price, and Wesley Oar who chipped in with ideas, critiques and helped me get unstuck when work slowed to a crawl. I wish to thank my home groups: Jean-Patrick Chapleau, Ashley Cook, Steve Edmonds, Nick Felix, Steve Lynch, Will Matthews, Wendy Matthews, Justin Robinson. Also, to the man
Aphelion Book One: The Adventure
William Dennis IV
William Dennis IV lives in Louisiana, where he enjoys pursuing his writing and a variety of other interests, including music, sports, and film, as well as spending time with this family and friends.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
t Adventure Record# 592 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 270xp; 279gp APL 4 max 450xp; 474gp APL 6 max 610xp; 639gp APL 8 max 810xp; 954gp This Record Certifies that _______________________________________________ Played by____________________________________________ Player RPGA # Has Completed Sheltering Wings A Regional Adventure Set in Furyondy Play Notes: � Gained a level � Lost a level � Ability Drained ______________ � Died � Was raised/res’d � Was reincarnated _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region______________________ Event: _________________________________ Date: ________ DM:___________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # Please circle the favors or effects gained and cross out those that don’t apply: � Favor of the Owls A beaded brown feather token has been given to the character in thanks for assis
The Samoan Pyramid: The true story behind an extraordinary mystery
Maya Lynch
Maya Lynch was born on the west coast of Scotland. She has worked as a musician, designer, deckhand and club promoter. She eventually trained as a computer programmer and worked for twenty years in the advertising industry, firstly as a digital creative promoting big brands and then later as a strategist advising politicians and NGOs. She is presently writing the Journey to the Heart of a Lost Empire series. Maya lives in New Zealand, with her partner and their two dogs. Connect with Maya here:
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "World" ]
                        URBAN DRESSING: RAGING SWAN PRESS DOCKS THE SUNKEN PYRAMID A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventure for 7th‐level characters by Creighton Broadhurst and Marc Radle    Only a few miles from a small seaside village, the mysterious underwater edifice known as the Sunken Pyramid lies hidden beneath the waves. The  handful of sages and scholars with any knowledge of this massive stone structure debate whether it is a completely natural rock formation, a  natural site that has been intentionally modified or something built long ago by human, or inhuman, hands.          Locals  and  ship's  crews  alike  report  signs  of  increased  sahuagin  activity  in  the  waters  around  the  Sunken  Pyramid.  Is  the  recent  rash  of  disappearances and abductions which have plagued the area connected in any way? Can these abductions be stopped before even more people  are taken? Can those already abducted be found and rescued? And what of the strange and often co
Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards: Receive Inspiration and Healing from the Angelic Kingdoms
Stewart Pearce
"Stewart Pearce is an inspirational force . . . he guides his students to experience their true creative potential." (<i>Peter Kyle, manager, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre</i>)<br /><br />"The inspiration and comfort coupled with the outstanding artwork is beyond inspiring! I highly recommend this deck to everyone who is looking for additional insights to the angelic realm." (<i>Susan Cotton, 20/20 Magazine</i>)<br /><br />"This is a beautiful deck with rich colors, beautiful drawings, and deep meanings. It will be a treasured addition to your path." (<i>New Spirit Journal</i>)<br /><br />"These cards are simply beautiful: to look at, to handle and above all to work with." (<i>Corrie Hams, Paradigm Shift</i>)<br /><br />"[The] <i>Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards</i> are a gift to the world." (<i>Alexandra Wenman, Prediction</i>)
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
3.5 SYSTEM COMPATIBLE LPJ9437 cold visitor NeoExodus legacies: cold visitor 2 When a high-ranking member of the Dominion asks for you to come and meet him, one does not make him wait. What he wants you to do appears quite simple but may require much more than a straightforward trip to Gavea. Short trips sometimes make for a long journey. An adventure for characters levels 3-5. History Before time began, a being of immense power named Pah’tharsus was cast out of its now-forgotten abyssal realm. Pah’tharsus found itself exiled to Exodus; naturally, it tried to conquer the world. It might have succeeded had it not been for the First Ones it encountered. The First Ones cast great wards, sacrificed thousands of souls and used mighty magic hardly ever seen in the history of Exodus. Using the lure of a vast trove of magical lore, the First Ones lured Pah’tharsus through a Nexus Gateway to a demi-plane called Praegelidus. Praegelidus is nothing but a frigid wasteland that had fr
Rivers of Shadow, Rivers of Sun
Norm Zeigler
"A beautifully written, utterly engrossing account of [Zeigler's] adventures. I couldn't put it down." -- <i>William Tapply, contributing editor, Field & Stream magazine</i><br /><br />"Norm Zeigler, like Hemingway before him, lays open the Old World for a new generation of American fly fishermen." -- <i>Patrick Hemingway</i><br /><br />"You will share the magic that fly-fishing, its fraternity, and its environs engender in a comtemplative, intelligent, and gifted writer." -- <i>Nelson Bryant, The New York Times</i>
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Hunting & Fishing" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
-Rohan- Brown Lands South Undeep North Undeep The Great River Sarn Gebir The Argonath E ~The East Wall E E Amon Hen Amon Lhaw Falls of Rauros Nen Hithoel Anorien Mering Stream Firien Wood E Halifirien Fenmarch Eastfold Great West Road Folde E Aldburg E Edoras River Snowbourn E Entwade Westfold Vale E E Helm’s Deep Frecasburg ~River Adorn West-march Lone-lands E Dinas Drust Gap of Rohan ~River Isen Fords of Isen E Isengard Nan Curunir Old South Road Westfold Westemnet Eastemnet Enedwaith E Tunum Dunland Fells River Entwash River Limlight Wold Field of Celebrant to Tharbad C Everholt ~Fangorn White Mountains Mouths of the Entwash ~Emyn Muil - -Rohan- Brown Lands South Undeep North Undeep a Free Lands c Border Lands n Wild Lands o Shadow Lands u Dark Lands Easy Moderate Hard Severe Daunting o o ~Emyn Muil The Great River Sarn Gebir The Argonath E ~The East Wall E E Amon Hen Amon Lhaw Falls of Rauros Nen Hithoel Mouth of the Entwash n Anorien c Mering Stream Firien Wood E Halifirien Fen
The Genesis and Geometry of the Labyrinth: Architecture, Hidden Language, Myths, and Rituals
Patrick Conty
"Patrick Conty's fascinating study brings us face to face with the enigma of unity and reminds us that its most archaic expression--the labyrinth--begins and ends in ourselves." (<i>David Appelbaum, editor, Parabola</i>)<br /><br />"Not only the most recent book to discuss this intriguing subject, but among its most clear and penetrating examinations." (<i>Frank Joseph, Fate, December 2003, Vol.56 No.12 Issue644</i>)<br /><br />"This book invites readers to explore the ultimate patterns of the universe." (<i>Nexus, May/June 2004</i>)
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Mythology & Folk Tales" ]
Literature & Fiction
11 For use with the Labyrinth LORD role-playing game Plot Hook: The Buried Temple once held a powerful divination artifact before the earthquake. The priests have urged the PCs to find it, and return it. Room 1. Entrance This room was trapped about 50 years ago with a persistent programmed illusion. The illusion is of a wraith, who rises out of some rubble and attacks anyone in the room. Those that fail a save vs. spells, will believe the wraith is real and will suffer the same damage as if it really attacked them. Those who make their save will not take non-lethal damage from it, but cannot convince those who failed that it is not real. Levels and Hit Points lost to the illusion are restored within 12 hours. Beneath the rubble the image rises from is a skeleton of a dead temple priestess. She was wearing bronze breast plate (AC 4, 400gp value) and was holding a mace+1. Room 2. the Lizard’s Lair This room is the home of a giant cave g
Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving--and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity
Dimity McDowell
Their funny, frank stories and tips for beginners and runners alike ... Will convince you that lacing up is one of the best things a mother can do for herself and her family in her daily race. --Redbook
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Health, Fitness &amp; Dieting", "Women's Health" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Metrognomes Metrognomes Metrognomes Metrognomes "Gee, I wish I had time to piss away my future riding motorcycles and yapping in flap rooms." "I got commitments. Responsibilities. Giri." "When's payday?" You've always been the responsible one. The best way you saw to make a contribution to your family's quality of life and well-being was to take up the slack. You babysat for your younger siblings, got up early to make breakfast for your parents before they had to go off to work, and when your family began to struggle to keep up, you got a job after school. Your Mom and Dad are very proud of you, or so they tell you in the notes they leave on the fridge. You don't get to see them much anymore. Your friends from school give you puzzled looks. They don't understand why you've given up the best years of your life to be a wage slave. They look at the corp that you work for as some sort of great evil, and at you as their puppet. They don't seem to realize that, at
Odhroerir: Nine Devotional Tales of Odin's Journeys
Laure Lynch
Laure Gunnlod Lynch is a dedicated priestess of Odin and a candidate for clergy certification in The Troth. She also serves as The Troths regional steward for Pennsylvania, and as President of the Philadelphia Heathen Association. She lives in Philadelphia, PA with her kindred sister Jolene, her daughter Alexandria, an abundance of pets (two dogs, six cats, and an assortment of birds), and a handful of Gods. Her work has appeared previously in Idunna and newWitch magazines, as well as in a couple of smaller publications and online. She can be reached at
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Mythology &amp; Folk Tales" ]
Literature & Fiction
SPOILER ALERT! This document contains numerous revelations regarding the Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns and is written for Game Masters only. If you plan to experience the chronicle as a player you really shouldn’t continue past this sentence. CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW 2 THE THRONE OF THORNS – CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW SPOILER ALERT! Again, this document contains numerous revelations regarding the Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns and is written for Game Masters only. If you plan to experience the chronicle as a player you really shouldn’t continue past this sentence. 3 THE THRONE OF THORNS – CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW THUS SPOKE AROALETA “… and at the dawn of days was Wyrhta, the power that creates. Where Nothing had reigned supreme, Wyrhta gave life to All; shaped here and there, spawned now and then, formed the one and in chorus the other. And where attraction arose, the wild thrived and multiplied … … but out of the untamed Wielda appeared, the power that rules: the power of wil
How To Make Luck: Seven Secrets Lucky People Use To Succeed
Marc Myers
If you want to be lucky, throw away that lottery ticket. <i>How to Make Luck</i> by Marc Myers lets you in on seven secrets of successful and lucky people, from former <i>Washington Post</i> editor Ben Bradlee and the <i>Today Show</i>'s Matt Lauer to money manager James O'Shaughnessy and poker champion Barbara Enright. Myers believes that people make their own luck. "The people we think of as lucky behave in ways that are so special and seductive that nearly everyone they meet feels compelled to offer them great opportunities. And it is this wealth of opportunities that allows them to continuously improve their good luck," he writes. Luck, advises Myers, means mastering one or two of these lucky behaviors: Make life look easy, but don't rub it in; make yourself appealing; be as curious as a child; improve the lives of other people; let power brokers own a piece of you; don't burn your bridges. The book includes chapters on each of these secrets as well as interviews with successful people and tips for limiting bad luck. Myers is a fortunate person himself, having risen quickly at the <i>New York Times</i>, <i>Adweek</i> and elsewhere. He is now editor of two national consumer newsletters, <i>Bottom Line/Personal</i> and <i>Moneysworth</i>. The book could be a lucky charm for anyone looking to get ahead, in business and in life. <i>--Dan Ring</i>
[ "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business &amp; Money", "Business Culture" ]
Business & Money
1 Feeling Lucky, Punk? Feeling Lucky, Punk? Feeling Lucky, Punk? Feeling Lucky, Punk? After 10 (?!?!) years of playing this game I've noticed that many a player will never use those floating bonus points provided by their luck stat they have during game play... At least, not until they get shot. Some players will then use them all on their Death Save rolls, while others will allow their characters with Trauma Team accounts to die and then spend all their luck on the resurrection roll. (Except for the character that Trauma Team never showed up for...) These rules provide for an excellent way to increase a player's willingness to use their luck points, as well as forcing them not to use all of them on death saves. This system introduces a deck of pre-prepared Luck Cards or a Luck Table. Each player draws one card at the beginning of a game session for every luck point their character has (or rolls once on the table if you are not using the cards). These cards can only
Magical Dimensions Oracle Cards and Activators
Lightstar is a High-Frequency Attunement Artist and Celestial Channel. Her artwork is infused with sacred color rays and light codes that transmit pure divine inspiration.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
t � � � � � DMG) AP � are, 5 charges (Adventure, Caster Level 3 rd, see above) APL 8: ing) Elixir of vision (Adventure, DMG) AP e rhomboid ioun stone (Adventure, DMG) AP Meta-magic rod: enlarge (Adventure, DMG) Adventure Record# 594 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 4 max 675xp; 600gp APL 6 max 900xp; 800gp APL 8 max 1,125xp; 1,250gp APL 10 max 1,350xp; 2,100gp APL 12 max 1,575xp; 3,000gp This Record Certifies that _______________________________________________ Played by____________________________________________ Player RPGA # Has Completed Losing the War We’ve Won A Regional Adventure Set in Highfolk Play Notes: � Gained a level � Lost a level � Ability Drained ______________ � Died � Was raised/res’d � Was reincarnated _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region______________________ Event: _________________________________ Date: ________
The Line: Combat in Korea, January-February 1951 (Battles and Campaigns Series)
William T. Bowers
"Finally, a long wait is over. This timely work on the military history of the Korean War fills a gap in the study of the American armed forces between their heroic operations in WWII and controversial mission in Vietnam. The book sheds new light on the Korean War and provides a military perspective. It will be a welcome addition to the literature on the history of the U.S. military and the Cold War."Xiaobing Li
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
1950–1953 CALENDAR Contents This PDF contains a Commanding Officer’s calendar for use with the MASHED RPG. The calendar runs from June 1950 to July 1953, covering the length of the Korean War. Advertisements Use the vintage advertisements and announcements to inspire new fiction for your game. For instance, a grocery store ad might inspire fiction involving a food shortage or excess, a black market deal, a letter from home, or more. Likewise, a holiday announcement could become a camp event. Phases and Events Because this is a CO’s calendar, it includes notes on phases and events. Only some of the most significant items important to I Corps and those who serve within it (like the 8099th MASH) are listed here. For a more detailed look at the Korean War and its events, see the References section of the MASHED RPG. Feel free to share the calendar with your players—unless they prefer not to be forewarned about specific historical events. Printing Instructions Print all pages in lands
Greyhawk Adventures: From the Ashes/Boxed Set (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed)
From the Ashes is a Dungeons &amp; Dragons gaming accessory for the games World of Greyhawk campaign setting. It was published in 1992 by TSR, as a boxed set of materials. The work was primarily designed and written by Carl Sargent. The accessory was the first major update of the entire campaign setting to be published after the first boxed set, World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting, was released in 1983. From the Ashes focuses on the situation on the Flanaess in the spring of 585 CY, in the immediate aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. TUS4-02 Grave Consequences A One-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK ® Tusmit Regional Adventure By Jason R. O’Gorman and Telquenariel Edited by: The Tusmit Triad Circle Edit: David Christ Blashikdur is harboring m
RuneScape: Legacy of Blood
T.S Church
&ldquo;A well written, well thought out book.&rdquo; &ndash; <i><b>Geek Life</b></i>
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
A 5E WARLOCK ADVENTURE FOR 1 PC OF 4TH LEVEL BY JONATHAN AND BETH BALL Lost and Found Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, sidebars, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) Open Game Content: The Open Content in this adventure includes the blood imp stat block. © 2020 Open Design have secured the talent of the savvy and enigmatic Romanja Silberhaar. They empowered her with the coin and authority to take whatever actions she deems fit to undermine the credibility of the church in Reywal
Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Appendix)
Tsr Staff
Prepare yourselves and your characters. Here come more monsters, this time from the Greyhawk Campaign Setting! These 64 pages are filled with beasties and creatures, from aspis to zygon-and everything in-between! Crystalmist dragons (yes, there are more-four more, to be precise), and plenty of deadly plants await entry into your campaign. As always, these monster descriptions are organized on separate pages, ready to be incorporated into your Monstrous Compendium binder.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
1 FIENDISH ASPECTS II A Web Enhancement for the Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss CREDITS Design: Robert Wiese Editing: Miranda Horner Typesetting: Nancy Walker Web Production Bart Carroll Web Development: Mark A. Jindra Graphic Design: Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege and Jen Page Special T h a n k s : Michael Donais, Skaff Elias, Rob Heinsoo, and Jonathan Tweet, for the original design of aspects picked up and amended from the Miniatures Handbook. Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison. D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DUNGEON MASTER, RPGA, EBERRON and FORGOTTEN REALMS are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The LIVING GREYHAWK, LIVING FORCE and the d20 logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are t
Art in Renaissance Italy (text only) 3rd (Third) edition by J. T. Paoletti,G. M. Radke
G. M. Radke J. T. Paoletti
Will be shipped from US. Used books may not include companion materials, may have some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include CDs or access codes. 100% money back guarantee.
[ "Arts & Photography", "History" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "History & Criticism" ]
Arts & Photography
Creature Aliene, Cibernetiche e Meccaniche 2 Ideazione e Realizzazione Carlo Casagrande Raffi ed Alessandro Roncigli Hanno collaborato Edoardo Mei Copertina Patrizio Politi Layout e impaginazione Banshee, Carlo Raffi, Alessandro Zanin Illustratori Keith Parkinson Marcello Lott Fabio Ciceroni Patrizio Politi Niki Pancaldi Michela Da Sacco Max Bertuzzi Franco Colicchio David Grattoni Ciro Trezzi Un grazie speciale a Patrizio Politi, Ciro Trezzi, e David Grattoni per i loro bellis- simi disegni, e a tutti i membri del Dimensioni Fan Club I DISEGNI PRESENTI IN QUESTO MAN
Dragon's Gold ~ Serpent's Silver ~ Chimaera's Copper ~ Orc's Opal ~ Mouvar's Magic (Kelvin of Rud)
Piers Anthony
Dragon's Gold series paperback collection of 5 novels
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2 � wand of burning hands (Frequency: Adventure; CL 1 st; DMG) APL 4 (all of APL2 plus the following) � wand of magic missiles (Frequency: Adventure, CL3 rd, DMG) APL 6 (all of APL 4 plus the following) � elixir of fire breath (Adventure, DMG) APL 8 (a
Motocross and Off-Road Motorcycle Performance Handbook (Cyclepro)
Eric Gorr
Step-by-step for maintaining, modifying and setting up each component of off-road motorcycles. For all dirt bikes built since 1985.
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Automotive" ]
Engineering & Transportation
Chapter Approved – Codex: Armageddon Q&A (v2.0) Speed Freaks Q. Must Deth Kopta (or even ordinary bikers) use their psycho blasta attack on the first close combat round? Do they have to use it even when going up against vehicles? A. In answer to your question, the way I read it is that the warbikes' psycho blasta attack is a very extreme form of special close combat attack like a powerfist. Therefore, like a power fist, it can be eschewed if desired. Q. Can Speed Freaks use the normal Ork vehicle upgrades from the Codex Orks or are they limited to the ones in Codex: Armageddon? A. They can use both lists. Q. If you take a Battlewagon for your Speed Freaks Warboss, does this count as your one and only Battlewagon? A. Now it’s a transport option so it doesn't count against the limit. Q. So how many Battlewagons can they take? A. Six in total, one heavy support and up to five as transports. Q. Can a Warboss and his Mob ride in a looted vehicle instead of taking a Wartrukk or Battlewagon?
Rules Compendium (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Chris Sims
CHRIS SIMS is an associate editor who works in Roleplaying Games R&amp;D at Wizards of the Coast, Inc. His previous design credits include the <i>Secrets of Sarlona</i>(TM) supplement for the <b>Eberron</b>(R) campaign setting.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or u
AISC Manual of Steel Construction: Allowable Stress Design (AISC 316-89)
AISC Manual Committee
AISC Manual of Steel Construction: Allowable Stress Design (AISC) 9th Edition by AISC Manual Committee (Author)
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Engineering" ]
Engineering & Transportation
CONSEQUENCES Mild Moderate Severe 2 6 4 Mild 2 Mecha Design Sheet Instructions Create your mecha’s as- pects (pg.50). If you are not using optional rules your mecha is finished! Create your mecha’s weap- on (pg.52) or chose one from existing systems. Create your mecha’s armor (pg.59) or chose one from existing systems. If you have Construction Points left you may pur- chase additional mecha systems. If you are using the Size op- tion (pg.70) purchase your mecha’s size and note the modifiers in the appropri- ate box. If you are using the Super- structure option (pg.73) purchase your mecha’s superstructure and note the modifiers in the appro- priate box. If you are using the Power option (pg.68) purchase your mecha’s Power rating. Note the total amount of Construction Points at the bottom, then fill in your mecha’s total Physique score and bonus, total Stress Boxes, and total Consequences. ID Name Description ASPECTS Design Philosophy Glitch PHYSICAL STRESS Mecha Sys
Imaginary Castles: Understanding and Pulling Down Strongholds
Michael W. Davis
Author Michael W. Davis has taught on the subject of strongholds in churches, seminars and small groups, in the U.S. and internationally. He enjoys camping, backpacking, playing paintball, and praise music.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Christian Books &amp; Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
The Principality Of Innspa and The Adri−Marchland In the north of the former Great Kingdom, a nomination now claimed by Overking Xavener's United Kingdom of Ahlissa, lies the Principality of Innspa, formerly, prior to the devastating Greyhawk Wars, part of the Prelacy of Almor and for long an independent part of the Flanaess. Only recently has Princess Karasin of House Garasteth elected to give in to Xavener's advances and become a part of Ahlissa... not totally of her free will, some say. Facts about Innspa Innspa (pop. 12,200) is a unique city in Aerdy. It is located just within the edge of the westernmost border of the Adri, about five miles away from the fringes of the Forest. It has a walled core ("Old Town"), but the rest of the settlement, down the Harp River, is unwalled, with the outer dwellings protected only by a small, semicircular ditch. Most houses in Old Town are built of stone, and many reveal the handiwork of dwarven or gnomish stonemaso
The Mental Game of Poker: Proven Strategies for Improving Tilt Control, Confidence, Motivation, Coping with Variance, and More
Jared Tendler
It is the only book I recommend. My buddy Tony Gregg (The 2013 One Drop Champion) told me I should read The Mental Game of Poker on audio book, I downloaded it in the middle of June 2012 and listened to it every night over the course of the WSOP. I couldn't endorse it more, I've done interviews where people ask me what book I would recommend and that is the only book I would recommend. I couldn't agree with the philosophy of the book more. ~2012 WSOP Main Event Champion Greg Merson --The Mental Game of Poker Podcast<br /><br />My mental game is tough, and I ll tell you why. My mental game used to be terrible, I used to tilt, I used to go insane, and this is going to be a plug for Jared Tendler, he wrote a book called The Mental Game of Poker and I don t tilt any more. ~Justin Oliver, 2013 WSOP bracelet winner (Immediately after winning the $2,500 Four Max event.)<br /><br />The best poker book ever written, and it's not even close. ~Lex Veldhuis, PokerStars Team Pro --Twitter
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Fate Points: Refresh: Physical Stress: 1 2 3 4 Systems Stress: 1 2 3 4 Mental Stress: 1 2 3 4 2 Mild ( ) 2 Mild ( ) 4 Moderate ( ) 6 Severe ( ) Credit Stress: 1 2 3 4 2 Mild Cons ( ) 2 4 Moderate Cons ( ) 4 6 Severe Cons ( ) 6 CREDIT STRESS CONSTRUCT SHEET Superb (+5): Great (+4): Good (+3): Fair (+2): Average (+1): High Concept: Trouble: Cultural Aspect: Game Aspects: Other Aspects: Name: Culture: Tech Index: Scale: Type: Habituated Gravity: Occupation: Actual Age: Apparent Age: ASPECTS HALO STUNTS CONSEQUENCES SKILLS STATUS SCHEMATIC EXTRAS Mindjammer - The Roleplaying Game © 2014 Mindjammer Press Ltd. Permission granted to copy for personal use only. TM
The Engines of Our Ingenuity: An Engineer Looks at Technology and Culture
John H. Lienhard IV
Technology is not just a byword to refer to the sum of designs and applications that enable us to do things like open cans--or make cans in the first place. It is, writes engineer John Lienhard in this imaginative survey, an instrument by which we become more human, a means of interacting with and learning from the world. Technology mirrors humans, and humans mirror technology, and the question that remains is "whether we are to be lifted up or dragged down in the process."
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Engineering" ]
Engineering & Transportation
- 00 - Technology Tools are used to adapt, change, or control an environment. Tool-using cultures are groups of beings (not necessarily sophonts) with the ability to find or make tools. But, using tools is not enough: Technology is the ability to use tools to make other tools. When societies make the leap to using tools to make tools, they become technological. Technology builds on the successes of earlier tool-making experiences, and progresses to ever higher levels. Many beings (not necessarily sophonts) make and use tools. Technological cultures make the leap to intelligence when they discover how to use tools to make other, more sophisticated, tools. UNDERSTANDING TECHNOLOGY Technology’s value is three-fold: A person using technology can do more (often much more) than a similar person not using technology. Technology is a labor multiplier. A person using technology can achieve higher quality (often much higher) than a similar person not using
Pathfinder Item Cards: Reign of Winter Adventure Path
Paizo Inc.
<ul> <li>Claim the frigid power of winter, the stars, and realms beyond with <i>Reign of Winter Item Cards</i>. Among these riches wait all the rarest relics and most mysterious magic items of the <i>Reign of Winter Adventure Path</i>. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track the riches you recover in vibrant detail.</li> <li><font face="Calibri">&#8220;Price Includes VAT&#8221; </font></li></ul>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming", "Pathfinder" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2 � Elixir of truth (Any; DMG) � Boots of agile landing (Core; Magic Item Compendium) � Ring of brief blessing (Core; Magic Item Compendium) � Ring of four winds (Core; Magic Item Compendium) APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following) � Salve of slipperiness (Any;
Power Points for Increase
Bob Harrison
From the pen of Bob Harrison - a million-copy, best-selling author of success and motivational tools - comes this exciting book. With wit and wisdom, using penetrating insights and heartwarming stories, Dr. Harrison reveals the increase secrets and strategies of well-known and successful people. Now you can experience fresh power, new victories, and personal break-throughs in every area of your life by learning and applying the powerful strategies of super achievers that are contained in this book.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Christian Books &amp; Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
Dreadknights: For the Love of the Game (Volume 1)
Tony Breeden
4 Stars -<span>Solid book, good story line held my interest well, I enjoyed the process and the mystery behind the story. A few loose spots that seems to drift a bit but brought back well and contained. Great Read. [Scott Thomson - Smashwords review]</span><br /><span>(review of free book)</span>
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
Song Of The Petal Throne By Mark A. Siefert Version 0.XX Disclaimer: Tékumel and Empire of the Petal Throne with all its characters and concepts are the property of M. A. R. Barker. Song of Blades and Heroes and Song Of Gold and Darkness is the property of Andrea Sfiligoi. Song of the Petal Throne is free, fan-created supplement for Song of Blades and Heroes set in M. A. R Barker's Tékumel Empire of the Petal Throne. The author is in no way challenging or making any claims on Professor Barker's or Mr. Sfiligoi's copyrights. Introduction: Back in the dark yesteryear known as 2005 CE, during a weekly trip to my friendly local game store, a rather colorful-looking set of role playing rules on the "New Game" shelf turned my attention away from the latest issue of a certain gamer-themed comic book. Called Tékumel: Empire Of The Petal Throne and published by the late and lamented Guardians Of Order, the back cover blurb promised "a vivid science-fantasy setting with rich backgrounds
Greyhawk Adventures: From the Ashes/Boxed Set (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed)
From the Ashes is a Dungeons &amp; Dragons gaming accessory for the games World of Greyhawk campaign setting. It was published in 1992 by TSR, as a boxed set of materials. The work was primarily designed and written by Carl Sargent. The accessory was the first major update of the entire campaign setting to be published after the first boxed set, World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting, was released in 1983. From the Ashes focuses on the situation on the Flanaess in the spring of 585 CY, in the immediate aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
COU03-06 Flames of Ventnor A 1-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK® County of Urnst Regional Adventure Version 1.1 8/27/03 Round 1 by Ryan Wendling "The Dungeons of Ventnor..." No other phrase strikes more fear in the hearts of the good citizens of the County of Urnst. Now you've been ordered to wade through legions of infernals (where did they come from?), walk boldly into the dungeon (like you own the place), locate the most dangerous man in the County (just one guy), and bring him back. Yeah...right. A County of Urnst module for characters level 2-12. (Part 9 of the Lordmaker Series) DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Scenario detail copyright 2001 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. Flames of Ventnor Round 1 Page 2 The following guideline
The Adventurers Guild
Zack Loran Clark
Gr 58Ever since the Day of Dangers, when the land of Ferryn was attacked by monsters, the city of Freestone has been protected by wards of the Adventurers Guild. Zed and his friend Brock are anxious for the Guildculling, when those who have come of age will be assigned to one of the Guilds. Zed, who is an elf-blooded boy, hopes to be chosen as a Mage. Brock, whose parents are members of the Merchants Guild, expects to become a Merchant as well. Neither of them wants to be a Knight or a Healerand certainly not an Adventurer, the most dangerous job of all. But both find themselves chosen by the Adventurers Guild; Zed snatched from the Mages, and Brock pressed into spying for the Merchants. Along with Jett and Liza, their fellow apprentices, they face a daunting initiation: they must survive the night outside the protected city walls. The initiation turns dangerous when monsters attack and Jett is paralyzed, while Zed discovers he possesses an innate ability to sense and use magicand forbidden magic, at that. As the Adventurers' wards begin to fail, the apprentices must uncover the traitor and save their city. This first installment in a new series offers a solidly constructed world, endearing characters, and lots of fantasy-based adventure with fast-paced action. VERDICT Hand this to fans of Angie Sage's "Septimus Heap" and Brandon Mull's "Fablehaven" series; the ending will leave readers anxious for the sequel.Laurie Slagenwhite Walters, Brighton District Library, Brighton, MI
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Children's Books
Caravans are having a difficult time getting through to Parnast via the Black Road. Organized attacks by orcs and other monstrous humanoids working in concert with one another have folks baffled. Little do they know that an unusually intelligent hill giant, going by the name of Bad Fruul is to blame. SEER has sent her emissary Hsing, to task your group to accompany a caravan with a very special cargo destined for the Shrine of Axes in Parnast, and to figure out who is responsible. A Two Hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters Adventure Designers Adventure Code: DDAL05-02 Version: 1.0 Development and Editing: Claire Hoffman and Travis Woodall Organized Play: Chris Lindsay D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Pla
It Spells Z-O-M-B-I-E! (You're invited to a Creepover)
P.J. Night
A lifelong night owl, P.J. Night often works furiously into the wee hours of the morning, writing down spooky tales and dreaming up new stories of the supernatural and otherworldly. Although P.J.&rsquo;s whereabouts are unknown at this time, we suspect the author lives in a drafty, old mansion where the floorboards creak when no one is there and the flickering candlelight creates shadows that creep along the walls. We truly wish we could tell you more, but we&rsquo;ve been sworn to keep P.J.&rsquo;s identity a secret&hellip;and it&rsquo;s a secret we will take to our graves!
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
null Demon~marked ~ 1 ~ CCRREEDDIITTSS LLaaddyy BBllaacckkbbiirrdd ((JJoohhnn HHaarrppeerr)) SSoollaarr SSyysstteemm ((EEeerroo TTuuoovviinneenn)) AARRTTW WOORRKK JJöörrnn ZZiimmmmeerrmmaannnn wwwwww..zz--ggrroouunndd..ccoomm AAUUTTHHOORR CCOONNTTAACCTT && W WEEBBSSIITTEE ddaavviiddee..ppiiggnneeddoollii@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm wwwwww..ddaaiimmoonnggaammeess..ccoomm LLIICCEENNSSEE AAttttrriibbuuttiioonn--NNoonnCCoommmmeerrcciiaall--SShhaarreeAAlliikkee 33..00 UUnnppoorrtteedd ((CCCC BBYY--NNCC--SSAA 33..00)) VVEERRSSIIOONN 00..44 // JJuunnee 22001155 TThhiiss iiss aann aaggee rruulleedd bbyy CChhaaooss LLeeggiioonnss aanndd bbyy tthhee DDaarrkk OOvveerrlloorrddss,, wwhheerree nniigghhttss llaasstt lloonngg,, aanndd ddaayyss aarree ggrraayy aanndd sshhoorrtt.. IItt''ss aann aaggee ooff ddeessppaaiirr aanndd ddiivviissiioonn..
Forgotten Realms Adventures (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Hardcover Accessory Rulebook)
Jeff Grubb
Updates the Forgotten Realms campaign to AD&amp;D 2nd edition rules. Forgotten Realms, Post-Avatar. Gods and Their Specialty Priests. Magic and Mages of the Realms. Cities of the Heartlands. Secret Societies. Treasure.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
ORIGINAL OWNER - CHARACTER NAME ORIGINAL OWNER - PLAYER NAME ORIGINAL OWNER - CHARACTER NAME ORIGINAL OWNER - PLAYER NAME ORIGINAL OWNER - CHARACTER NAME ORIGINAL OWNER - PLAYER NAME Tome of Understanding DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu The cover of this iron-bound book is scribed with many swirling tentacles. A character carrying the book is always aware of eyes from a distant realm following them. Wondrous Item, very rare Please refer to the Dungeon Master's Guide for a full description of this item Tome of Understanding DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu The cover of this iron-bound book is scribed with many swirling tentacles. A character carrying the book is always aware of eyes from a distant realm following them. Wondrous Item, very rare Please refer to the Dungeon Master's Guide for a full description of this item Tome of Understanding DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu The cover of this iron-bound book is scribed with many swirling tentacles. A character carrying the book is always aware of
The Apocalypse Stone (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure)
Wizards Team
To everything there is a season. Every campaign has to come to and end sometime, so why not go out with a bang? The Apocalypse Stone is an epic adventure to challenge high-level characters, but beware - it will destroy your world! This adventure has it all: gods and devils, plague and pestilence, rains of fire, and world-shattering conflicts. Here is an opportunity for PCs to display undreamt-of heroism...or fall to ultimate defeat.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Reclamation SEER has been rescued along with Ulcaster, the infamous Archmage that founded a wizard’s school that is now in ruins in the foot hills of The Cloud Peaks. However, while leaving to get the two to safety a cloud ship arrived, unloading a shipload of pirates on the ruins. SEER knows what they are after and needs the heroes to stop them and their leader. A Four-Hour Adventure for 11th-16th Level Characters Cindy Moore Adventure Designer Adventure Code: DDAL05-15 Version: 1.0 Development and Editing: Claire Hoffman, Travis Woodall Organized Play: Chris Lindsay D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers Leag
Pride & Joy: LGBTQ Artists, Icons and Everyday Heroes
Kathleen Archambeau
"Archambeau certainly succeeded in her quest for diversity; <i<pride &="" joy<="" i=""> is <br /><br />remarkable for the scope of individuals it contains. There's a blind opera singer, a trans male choreographer, a Ugandan activist and a New Zealand athlete and parliamentarian. There's also a genderqueer scholar, lesbian tech stars, an immigrant baker and a gay sports executive. The uniting factor besides their sexuality is that all of the people are successful in their chosen field." - The Windy City Times<br /><br /><br /><br />Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has surrounded himself with shady figures fixated on pushing religious freedom as a means of suppressing LGBT rightsComing against this backdrop, Pride and Joy is a refreshing reprieve. Kathleen Archambeaus study profiles thirty individuals who represent the full spectrum of the LGBT rainbow. Each subject comes across as a complex person and not just a checked boxThis book would be especially appropriate for teenage readers in search of gay role models. -Gay &amp; Lesbian Review </i<pride>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics &amp; Social Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Alison W, David Taylor, Pablo Vazquez, and Victor Alison W, David Taylor, Pablo Vazquez, and Victor A. DeSena A. DeSena Compatible with Scion Second Edition Compatible with Scion Second Edition PRIDE 2020 PRIDE 2020 2 PRIDE 2020 CREDITS Author: Allison W. (She/Her, Pansexual), David Taylor (They/Them, Bisexual), Pablo Vazquez (Any, Pansexual/Queer), Victor A. DeSena (He/Him, Straight) Editor: Pablo Vazquez Cover Artist: Alexa Renée (She/Her, Asexual) [Website:] Interior Art: Public Domain, p. 25: Emercado2020, used unmodified under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license Layout: Chris Handforth (He/Him, Straight) SPECIAL THANKS TO Many thanks to the Scion community and Onyx Path Publishing for both being not only LGBTQ+ welcoming environments but also communities that do what they can to aid knowledge of LGBTQ+ history, myth, and creators. Without them, this project would not even be possible and we are all proud to be a part of these communities. T
Holidays and Holy Nights: Celebrating Twelve Seasonal Festivals of the Christian Year
Christopher Hill
Three of the 12 chapters of this illustrated guide deal with Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, while the others tackle different days of the Christian year, including Easter and Pentecost. Especially interesting are the chapters on various lesser-known holy days like Michaelmas, All Saints' Day, Candlemas, the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene and the Feast of the Transfiguration. Hill has his reasons for wanting to resurrect the rhythms of the liturgical calendar: "We are all Bob Cratchits these days, chained in our money-changing cubbyholes for hours that even Ebenezer Scrooge would hesitate to demand." This book is a call for experiencing sacred time, and recovering the drama of incarnation, liberation and rebirth. <br />Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used &amp; Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Mediaeval Holidays by Mark D F Shirley The copyright of this article remains with the original author. Articles may be copied or distributed freely for personal non-profit use, provided that the author is properly credited. Here is a list of holidays celebrated in mediaeval times. Most of these are from the Western Rite (a.k.a. the Roman Catholic Church). In addition to the Catholic ceremonies listed here, there would be a number of festivals celebrating the feast days of locally popular saints, as well as fairs, which would have been held in various locations throughout the year, particularly in summer. Vigils were held on the eves of the feasts of the Apostles except for Philip, James, and John I have also included some of the more popular Ancient Roman festivals, which may be of interest to magi. For example: a magus conducting a ritual spell designed to raise the shade of a dead Roman might only have luck during the Lemuria, the festivals in May when the Roma
Poker Tips that Pay: Expert Strategy Guide for Winning No Limit Texas Hold em
Jonathan Gelling
Jonathan Gelling was born and raised on Long Island, New York. He graduated from Binghamton University in upstate New York and earned his JD from Vanderbilt University Law School in Nashville, Tennessee. A long-time student of the game of poker, Jonathan specializes in online cash games and single table sit and go tournaments. He has won hundreds of online tournaments and has never had a losing year playing poker. His winning style of poker play is geared toward the everyman working their way up the low and medium stakes games. With the right effort and experience, anyone using these techniques can be a winning poker player.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
You: Skill: When invoked roll twice, take best. Style: Pick 1-3 adjectives that describe you. Stats: Rank your stats +3, +2, +1, 0, -1 Gumption: Start with 6 Max Gumption. Reduce when you ����������. At 0 Gumption you are Taken Out. Regain Gumption with a Long Rest. Current Max Gumption: Grit: Spend 5 Grit to turn a failed roll into a Standard Success. Heat Level 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20! How To Play: When Acting or Reacting, determine the ���������& Stakes then roll 1D20 + Stat vs. ��������. On a failed roll mark 1 Grit and face the music. When a Cost is rolled raise the Heat Level +1���������������������������� Costs. Roll on ��������������� table when consequence is unclear. Also Roll1D6 1-2 = ��������Cost 3-4 = Standard Outcome 5-6 = Gain a ������ Stakes: Answer before rolling... ��������� What do you risk? ������������� What happens if you fail? ������������� What
Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom
Andy Letcher
Elegant and authoritative (The Independent on Sunday)<br /><br />An extraordinary account...With its easy style and witty handling of scientific analysis, it makes a fascinating and satisfying read. (The Observer)<br /><br />An intelligent and well-researched book...Full of surprises. (The Guardian)
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science &amp; Math", "Biological Sciences" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
LamentationS of the Flame PrincesS Adventures LamentationS of the Flame PrincesS Adventures Writing James Edward Raggi IV Interior Art Jim and Josefin Magnusson Text © 2018 James Edward Raggi IV First Edition, First Printing 2018 Published by Lamentations of the Flame Princess Printed in USA ISBN 978-952-7238-17-2 (Print) / 978-952-7238-18-9 (PDF) Cover Art Yannick Bouchard Layout and Design Alex Mayo Editing Jarrett Crader CONTENTS Introduction to Shroomery . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Of Shrooms and Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Consuming Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . .6 Black Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Blue Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Green Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Grey Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Purple Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Red Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 White Mushroom Mans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Yellow Mushroom Mans . . . .
The Cyborg Handbook
Donna J. Haraway
One of society's oldest dreams has been to create a living machine. To most of us, cyborgs are Terminator or Robocop types who combine artificial robotic strength and firepower with human intelligence/cunning. Yet Gray, a 1994-95 NASA Fellow in Aerospace History, has collected writings that explore real cyborgs (or cybernetic organisms) as any entities that mix the mechanical with the organic. Thus, humans with prostheses or implanted pacemakers qualify as cyborgs. This fascinating assemblage of essays, short stories, and research findings covers the role of this incredible modern technology through its varied uses in medicine, space research, and military applications. Articles are written by experts in the field of cybernetics, including Donna Haraway. This unique work combines scientific fact and science fiction. The bibliography and filmography are invaluable additions. For large public and academic libraries.?Joe Accardi, Northeastern Illinois Univ. Lib., Chicago<br />Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Computer Science" ]
Computer Science
Better killing through cyber- netics. That’s what this PDF is all about. The standard rules provide you with a single way to outfit your cyborg warrior (see Ronin Arts’ Future: Heroes – Cyborgs): pick a weapon and put it on an internal or external mount. While that is okay, most people want a little something beyond mounting a generic laser pistol on an exter- nal mount or hiding a sword blade in an internal mount. 13 Cyborg Weapons by Michael Hammes Requires the use of the d20 Modern™ Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Future: 13 Cyborg Weapons is copyright © 2004 Michael Hammes. All text in this book is designated as open game content. You may not distribute this PDF without permission of the author. d20 Modern™ is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission. Wizards of the Coast® is a registered trade- mark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a sub- sidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with per- mission. AUT
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
� �������� � � � ��������������� ���������� � ���������������������������������� �������������������������� ���������� � � ��������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� � � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������� ������� ���� ������ ������������� ��� ��� ����� ��������� ��������� ����� ������� ���� ������� ��� �������� �������� ��� ���� �� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� � � � ������ ��� ���� ��������� ��������� �� ��������� ������ �������� ��� ��� ����� ������ ���� ����� �������� ���� ���� ���� ��������� �� �������� ����� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � � ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Guide to Spiritual Warfare
E. M. Bounds
Forget the image of the devil in a red suit carrying a pitchfork.Here is a very real portrait of a very real enemy, Satan. The Bible depicts the devil as a being of cunning intelligence who is out to derail your faith and your life. Read this book for your own protection so that you can recognize and defeat the strategies of the devil. Also find out...* Weapons that really work against Satan* How to defend yourself against the devil* How to expose the rulers of darkness* Your most vulnerable areas for attack* How to overcome the enemyRemember, Satan is a liar, and his main objective is to discourage and weaken you. Discover today how to fight the enemy and overcome him!
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Christian Books &amp; Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
CODEX TITANICUS ONLINE 1 CODEX TITANICUS Even though you called him friend, the Traitor has forsaken you. Show no mercy even if he begs it, for his soul is tainted and given the opportunity he will betray your trust. Those of you gathered before me have been chosen to reside within the mighty machines of the Adeptus Titanicus. Let their will guide you. Become one with them. And as they teach you, so you must teach them. May their armor protect your body from the heretics blasphemy, just as the litanies protect your soul. Remember as you enter battle, you are but a part of the whole. You are but one amongst millions. Remember that your weapons are more than metal; the flame of spiritual fire burns strong in your souls and adds power to your cause. Smite those that disbelieve, for they have turned from the light and fallen. Know that the prayers of delivery will protect you from danger, and that you have nothing to fear except misplaced mercy. Go forth with pride and glory. -Pa
How to Keep a Werewolf: And Other Exotic Pets Which May or May Not a) Exist or b) Eat You
Fiona Bowron
<div><B>Fiona Bowron</B> writes for a variety of dog and cat magazines, and is the author of <I>1001 Ways to Humiliate Yourself</I>.</div>
[ "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Humor" ]
Humor & Entertainment
you​ ​must​ ​break​ ​up​ ​with​ ​your​ ​werewolf​ ​boyfriend by​ ​caitlynn​ ​belle (​ ​//​ ​ it’s​ ​time​ ​to​ ​end​ ​your​ ​relationship​ ​with​ ​your​ ​werewolf​ ​boyfriend.​ ​why? - too​ ​clingy - not​ ​responsible​ ​enough - wanted​ ​by​ ​the​ ​wizard​ ​police,​ ​and​ ​you​ ​just​ ​can’t​ ​deal​ ​with​ ​that​ ​right​ ​now - bad​ ​argument - too​ ​many​ ​wolf​ ​puns - didn’t​ ​know​ ​he​ ​was​ ​lycan​ ​before​ ​relationship​ ​started - insulted​ ​all​ ​your​ ​favorite​ ​things - pees​ ​all​ ​over​ ​the​ ​house​ ​instead​ ​of​ ​the​ ​bathroom,​ ​and​ ​it’s​ ​like,​ ​come​ ​on​ ​dude,​ ​you’re​ ​27 - too​ ​many​ ​murders - (something​ ​else,​ ​your​ ​choice) even​ ​if​ ​there’s​ ​some​ ​murder,​ ​it’s​ ​cool,​ ​don’t​ ​worry.​ ​you’re​ ​safe​ ​-​ ​you​ ​can​ ​break​ ​his​ ​heart​ ​and nothing​ ​bad​ ​will​ ​happen,​ ​except​ ​maybe​ ​you​ ​won’t​ ​get​ ​some​ ​of​ ​your​ ​stuff​ ​back. to​ ​play,​ ​find​ ​a​ ​dog​ ​you​
The Anatomy of Martial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to the Muscles Used for Each Strike, Kick, and Throw
Norman Link
<DIV><STRONG>Dr. Norman Link</STRONG>, a 7th-degree black belt in yongmudo/hapkido, has over 30 years of martial arts experience. He also has black belts in several martial arts, including iaido, jujitsu, and taekwondo. <STRONG>Lily Chou</STRONG> is a writer, editor, and martial arts practitioner. They live and train in the San Francisco Bay Area.</DIV>
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
MODERN MARTIAL ARTS IS PRESENTED BY 12 TO MIDNIGHT AND REALITY BLURS, COPYRIGHT 2008, PERMISSION GRANTED TO REPRINT FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. By Clint Black First off , let’s clarify one thing. “Martial arts” tends to mean diff erent things to diff erent people. Th is isn’t wuxia or even Hong Kong Action Th eater. Th ese options are designed for people who have training (or are naturally skilled) in how to fi ght. You could just as easily add these Edges to the Combat or Professional Edge list without any mention of “martial arts.” Th e goal here is to be able to introduce martial arts into most settings without changing the balance of the system. Most skill at “martial arts” is just indicated by a higher Fighting die type. But the Edges here can help give characters a little more fl air and choice. Now, it will be a bit easier to diff erentiate your college wrestler (Grab and Hold) from your kickboxer (Unarmed Warrior). If you want to make these Edges more distinctive to a specifi
Picturepedia: An Encyclopedia on Every Page
Gr 47This volume is a playful compendium of facts, trivia, and history, just perfect for browsing. It covers everything from national flags and animal skeletons to gourmet cheese, from the Renaissance to fashion through the decades to just about everything else in between. There's no in-depth discussion in this book, which is touted as "an encyclopedia on every page," but it is copiously and colorfully illustrated, making it an attractive selection for fans of the DK single topic books. The 360 pages make for one heavy bookand its size may deter some younger readers and browsers. Like other DK offerings, it's thoughtfully laid out, with clean page layouts and excellent photos and indexing. But those looking for more information on individual topics won't find it here; rather, it's an ideal book for those looking to kill time in study hall or find a fresh topic for a term paper. VERDICT A fun read that aligns with Common Core, this title is a suitable purchase for larger collections and browsing tables.Sharon Verbeten, Brown County Library, Green Bay, WI
[ "Children's Books", "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Children's Books", "Education &amp; Reference" ]
Children's Books
1 Spacemaster: Datanet Issue #4 SPACEMASTER: Issue #4 Table of Contents Introduction Credits Author: Rob Defendi Editing: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch; Pagemaking, & Layout: Sherry Robinson; Proofreading: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch & Monica Wilson; Art: Steven Farris., Peter Bergting, Jon M. Holsten, Jeff Laubenstein, Jeremy Mohler, Tyler Walpole, Kevin Wasden; ICE Staff CEO: Bruce Neidlinger; President: Heike Kubasch; Editor/Jack-of-All-Trades: Tim Dugger; Pagemaking: Sherry Robinson; Web Mistress: Monica L. Wilson; Office Cats: Rajah, Pheobe, & Matsi; Corporate Mascot: Gandalf October 2006 WARNING! All Items in this PDF should be considered optional and completely unofficial. 1.0 The Culture of the ISC.......................................... 2 1.1 The Dragoons ................................................. 2 1.2 The Falar ......................................................... 2 1.3 The Humans ................................................... 2 1.4 The Kagoth .................
Shark Wars 2: The Battle of Riptide
E.J. Altbacker
<b>E. J. Altbacker</b> is a screenwriter whose credits include work on various television programs including <i>Green Lantern </i>and <i>Spider-Man</i>. He holds an MFA in screenwriting from the American Film Institute and an undergraduate degree in Marketing from the University of Notre Dame.You can visit him online at
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up &amp; Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
CHARACTER Cards CREDITS Author: Karl Keesler Senior Editor: Christopher S. Warner Game Design Consultant: Todd Evans Layout and Graphic Design: Karl Keesler Cartography: Karl Keesler Cover Design: Karl Keesler Proofreader: Dana Warner Trailer Park ShARK ATTACK! A Disaster Shark Adventure for Savage Worlds This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Copyright © 2019 Dog House Rules LLC. Karl Keesler, Christopher S. Warner, Bradley W. Hindman, Thomas L. Gregory, Geoff Spakes. All rights reserved under international copyright conventions. Printing Instructions ....................................................................3 Trailer Park Manager..........................
Tome of Artifacts (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Keith Baker
Few elements of fantasy roleplaying are as rife with possibility and potential as are artifacts, those ancient and unpredictable items of potent magics. Travel in quest of mystic wonders, stand as civilizations only defense against villains equipped with horrific powers, or challenge the gods themselves. Within these pages lie sufficient ideas to inspire dozens upon dozens of quests, adventures and even entire campaigns.<br /><br />Tome of Artifacts includes the following:<br /><b></b> Each and every artifact within contains not only a detailed description of its powers, but also a rich and inspiring mythology, adventure seeds, and the various consequences and downsides of use that make artifacts such a mixed blessing. <br /><b></b> Provides new spells, new monsters, new feats. <br /><b></b> A tool to aid gamemasters in creating their own artifacts <br /><b></b> A random system capable of generating literally millions of unique artifacts!
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Von nils Marheinecke irst sla Dein Weg ins rollenspiel F Y iMpressuM Autor: Nils „Sphärenwanderer“ Marheinecke Lektorat: Christian Kennig, MH+ Dungeonslayers-Regelwerk & Spielbeispiel: Christian Kennig Herausgeber: Patrick Götz Covermotiv: Alan Lathwell Innenillustrationen: Stefan „Brotkopp“ Trapp Satz, Layout und Karten: Nils Marheinecke Copyright © 2014 by Nils Marheinecke. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, oder Verarbeitung und Verbreitung des Werkes in jedweder Form, insbesondere zu Zwecken der Vervielfältigung auf elektronischem, photomechanischem oder ähnlichem Wege nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung von Nils Marheinecke, Christian Kennig und dem Uhrwerk Verlag, Erkrath. Dungeonslayers.............................1 Spielregeln......................................5 Charaktere......................................6 Ausrüstung....................................8 Magie...............................................9 Abenteuer..............................
Spycraft: Modern Arms Guide
Chad Brunner
Book by Brunner, Chad, D'Allaird, Tim, Dake, Rob, Fish, Sean Michael, Hershey, Scott Gearin Owen, Kapera, Patrick, Petrovich, Michael, Wardrip, Jim, Wilcoxon, Stephen
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Undercover Arms Shooter’s Guide: Credits G-1 (AdministrAtion) Design: Keith Taylor G-2 (intelliGenCe) Copyright © 2009 by 93 Games Studio. Except for the purposes of reviews, reproduction without the written permission of 93 Games Studio is expressly forbidden. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of 93 Games Studio. Character sheets and other game aids contained in this book may be reproduced for personal use. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyright by 93 Games Studio. Twilight: 2013 is based on Twilight: 2000 by Game Designers’ Workshop, and is published under license. The mention of or reference to any company or product in this product is not a challenge to any trademark or copyright concerned. Spycraft and all related marks are TM and © 2006 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. and are used under license. All rights reserved. G-3 (operAtions) Written By: Clayton Oliver G-
The Quintessential Monk (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Patrick Younts
The square-jawed half-orc boxer, yearning to be a legitimate champion but beholden to the whims of a gangster cartel. The halfling acrobat, running up walls and tumbling from rooftop to rooftop as easily as he cartwheels across the stage. The serene elf bodyguard, slender and graceful but able to crush a giant's skull with a single kick. The wandering philosopher, slow to anger but an implacable defender of the poor. All are monks and all can be created using the rules and guidelines presented here, in <b>The Quintessential Monk</b>. With this sourcebook you will be able to create any sort of martial artist that you can imagine, as the rules presented within greatly expand the horizons of the monk, allowing him to become perhaps the most versatile and diverse class available.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
THE MONASTERY OF THE ORDER OF CRIMSON MONKS by Members of the Forums An Adventure Module for Original and First Edition Roleplaying Games & Their Simulacra Suitable for a Party of 4 to 8 Player Characters, Level 5 to 9 The Monastery of the Order of Crimson Monks (Building the Sample Dungeon) Revision 0.5 An Adventure Module for Original and First Edition Roleplaying Games & Their Simulacra Suitable for a party of 4 to 8 Player Characters, Level 5 to 9 A Brief Word of Explanation: It began as a challenge on the Dragonsfoot forums, posted by Distorted Humor on November 7, 2008: “As a fun entertainment, let’s fill out ‘A Sample Dungeon’ from the 1st edition of the DMG.” After many stops and starts, two years later it was completed. In February, 2010, I offered to compile all the posts into one document, edit it for consistency and clarity, and PDFerize it. Please enjoy the fruits of our labor. —Vlark --------------------------------------------------------------
The White Snake and Her Son: A Translation of The Precious Scroll of Thunder Peak with Related Texts
Wilt L. Idema
<DIV><P>Both by introducing the legend in such artfully rendered translations and showing its evolution over time, Idema has opened an extraordinary window on traditional Chinese popular culture.</P><P>In keeping with his record, Idema's scholarship is outstanding. His ability to translate popular texts into comparably idiomatic English is an outstanding achievement. An extremely valuable text for teaching. --Hugh R. Clark, Ursinus College</P></DIV><br /><br /><DIV><P>These are very readable translations . . . [this] book would serve well as a textbook in Chinese folklore or religion classes as well as a sourcebook for the comparativist who knows little or no Chinese. --David Elton Gay, Indiana University, in the <I>Journal of Folklore Research</I></P></DIV><br /><br /><DIV><P>This slim volume actually contains a microcosm of premodern Chinese literature in which we see the growth and transformations of a core theme through several genres. We thereby learn much about the story of White Snake, of course, but this approach also has much to teach us about the nature and dynamics of Chinese popular literature in general--and about the methodology of its study.--Philip Clart, University of Leipzig</P></DIV>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Version 1.0 @2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Storm King’s Thunder Storm King’s Thunder This document corrects and clarifies some text in Storm King’s Thunder. These changes appear in recent printings of the book. Chapter 4 Harshnag’s Sacrifice (p. 136). In the fourth paragraph, “Heka- ton Returns!” has been changed to “Harshnag Returns!” Appendix C Crag Cat (p. 240). The crag cat’s type has changed from “beast” to “monstrosity.” Additionally, its movement has changed to “40 ft., climb 30 ft.” Errata Errata
500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Super Fun Sheets: A Companion Book to the 500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Fun Deck Book
M.Ed. Becky L. Spivey
Expand your students vocabulary and improve test scores with 500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Super Fun Sheets. The best way to determine the meaning of a word you dont know is to break it down into simpler parts. If you know what the parts mean, then its easier to decode the definition of the full word.
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
Character Sheet for Player: Character: Campaign: Race: Class: Gender: Strength: Dexterity: Constitution: Intelligence: Wisdom: Charisma: Attributes Mod + modifier vs DC Blast: Death: Paralysis: Poison: Reflex: Spells: Saving Throws Climb: Force: Locks: Notice: Sneak: Traps: Dungeon Throws equal or greater In Six Chances equal or lower Languages Hit Die: Rest Die: Infravision ☐ Expertise: Identify: Other: Class Features Proficiences 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Known Spells Armor Class Hit Points / Current: Next Level: Experience Points Miscellaneous Notes Equipment To Hit Bonus CP SP EP GP PP Memorized Spells equal or greater Encumbrance & Speed Status Weight Exploration Combat Sprint Spells Per Day Elf Tiberia Callini Priest Female 8 7 11 17 12 13 -1 -1 +0 +3 +0 +1 17+ 13+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 15+ Salvation Divine Clubs, Flails, Maces Quarterstaves +0 11 6 6 0 1,000 +1 to surprise +1 to initiative 10 Belt pouch for coin : Morningstar (1d8) Studded Leather Armor (+2 AC, +2 Sneak) Spellbook tuck
L'anthologie des Histoires Dr&ocirc;les &Eacute;rotiques
Armand Isnard
L'rotisme pour rire, est-ce possible notre poque, dit l'auteur, o sous un profil libral avanc en matire de problmes sexuels, se reflte toujours et peut-tre plus que jamais l'hypocrisie tenace qui enveloppe les choses du sexe? La rponse appartient ceux qui aiment rire sans se poser de questions. Rire d' eux-mmes et des autres, des petits travers et des grands vices de tous et de chacun.
[ "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Humor" ]
Humor & Entertainment
1 Les Ailes Noires légende des égarés en Abyme Abyme est une cité tortueuse, labyrinthique, d'où certains visiteurs désespérés ne sont jamais parvenus à sortir... Car pour tout guide il faut payer le prix. Les Passeurs et leurs gondoles ne sont pas toujours abordables, et une fois offensés ils peuvent brouiller à jamais les chemins en Abyme. Ainsi trouve-t-on en Abyme des égarés, à la recherche d'une hypothétique sortie que la cité elle-même semble leur refuser. Les âmes perdues en Abyme, si elles ne disposent de volonté et de sagacité, resteront souillées à jamais par leur passage en cette cité si jamais elles s'en sortent. Car même pour ceux acculés aux dernières extrémités, haïs et recherchés par toute la population, il reste un moyen de se déplacer en Abyme, une voie qui se chuchote uniquement entre les égarés, et inconnue du commun des mortels. Quelle est cette ombre dans les Trabouliennes ? Quelle est donc cette voie mystérieuse dont le secret ne parv
Something in the Darkness: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Torchwood Series Two
Stephen James Walker
Stephen James Walker is one of the directors and co-owners of Telos Publishing Ltd. He started watching Doctor Who from the very first season, and soon became hooked! Stephen joined the original Doctor Who Fan Club in 1973, and has been actively involved in celebrating and writing about the series ever since.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
There are many tales to be told, too many for even one bard to recount. Sagas are third-party supplementary products and adventures for the Torchbearer RPG that have been reviewed and approved by Burning Wheel Headquarters. Expert-level classes, levels 1-10 by Jared A. Sorensen Illustrated by Todd James Credit Due Concept & Design Jared A. Sorensen Additional Development Thor Olavsrud Art Todd James Torchbearer Concept Thor Olavsrud Torchbearer Design Thor Olavsrud and Luke Crane Happy Halloween! Torchbearer © 2014 Thor Olavsrud. This game is based on previous work by Luke Crane. Denizens of the Dark © 2015 Jared A Sorensen / Memento Mori Theatricks. Torchbearer is published by the Burning Wheel, New York, NY 11102 | | Version: tb_dotd_r3_2015-10-26.pdf Torchbearer Sagas Commercial Term Sheet This is a plain language license for those who wish to create material for the Torchbearer rolepla
1 toon 3: A step by step drawing guide for creating innovative cartoon characters
Mr. Rene D Erazo
Rene Erazo was born in Los Angeles, Ca. on the day of June 13, 1979. After college completion, he continued on an exciting roller coaster ride of learning new things and innovating ideas by utilizing his skills as well as his animation expertise. Although his education prepared him to become a cartoon animator, he has broadened his capabilities by sharing his talent with a wide range of design industries. "Design can be expressed in many different ways. An artist can make a design that fits in any form of artwork as long as its embellished to fit into a theme, style or category which will help portray the main idea or provide a clear visualization to the viewer." -Rene ErazoThis drawing book is his first written and illustrated book published in the year 2011. This book has been made possible with all the guidance and support given by his family, friends and people that have been inspired by Rene's self determination. As a special thanks, he shares the following words of hope with his readers."My mission is to embrace the inner love that I have for cartoon characters by creating over 45 new innovative characters that I can share with today's generation of aspiring artists. One of my strongest beliefs is that growth is possible only if knowledge is passed from one individual to another, therefore; my goal is to produce a book showing all the steps that I know which are important in the development of new characters. My book has been designed to guide new talent through all the vital steps of character art. I hope my book helps reach into the minds of talented and striving artists in ways that will expand their cartooning and visualization skills, as well as their observation and practical skills. This book will also allow me as a toon animator, to share my professional art experience with those that desire be a great artist, too." -Rene Erazo Although drawing cartoon characters is his favorite past time, this talented artist creates many other visual types of concepts. Some of his other professional skills include: toy design, graphic illustration, floral, product development, and new inventions through layout of 3-Dimensional presentations. When not behind the drawing table, he spends his spare time collecting Disney collectibles and developing new displays of hand crafted art work or dioramas."I love Disney and my world literally revolves around Walt Disney and his inspiring art and characters, it's all so intriguing. , Thank you, Walt." -Rene Erazo
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography" ]
Arts & Photography
Design and Graphic Production Mark MacKinnon Artwork Niko Geyer Special Thanks To all the amazing Anime 5E Kickstarter backers who contributed to the campaign and unlocked this bundle as a stretch goal © 2021 Dyskami Publishing Company All rights reserved under international law. No part of this file may be reproduced in part or in whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. DYSKAMI Publishing Company GAME SCREEN ADVENTURE PRE-GENS – DIGITAL EXPANSION GAME SCREEN ADVENTURE PRE-GENS – DIGITAL EXPANSION ROBIN SMYTHE Race and Size: Medium (6’ 2”) | Half-Troll Level and Class: 2nd Level | Isekai Student 2 Movement: Ground (30’) An ideal pre-generated character for use in the scenario included in Dyskami Publishing’s Anime 5E Game Screen and Adventure KITAVIA SHADOWSBANE Race and Size: Medium (5’ 2”) | Asrai Level and Class: 2nd Level | Ninja 2 Movement: Ground (30’);
Classic Biblical Baby Names: Timeless Names for Modern Parents
Judith Tropea
Judith Tropea has written children's books, including <i>A Day in the Life of a Bee Keeper</i>. She lives in Princeton, New Jersey.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Christian Books &amp; Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
1 T he bent, wizened figure flipped back the infant’s leather blanket, and exposed the pale flesh to the cold air of his cave. The child gasped once at the shock of the chill, but did not cry out. It did squirm, more actively than most babes so young, and though it could not roll far enough to grasp the side of its cradle, it did not stop trying. Eadbeor peered into the child’s pale blue eyes. As spirit- talker of the Iron Claws, it was his duty to find a proper name for that energetic bundle. Rarely, spirits DID come and tell him a destined name, or suggest a title that would be pleasing to the gods. But that hadn’t happened in years. Most of the name he gave were taken from the old Sagas, or from Eadbeor’s memory of folk three and four generations back. He glanced at the child’s parents hovering at the entrance to his cavern shrine. The mighty Orica was not wearing her armor today, but there was no mistaking the corded muscles on her arms, or easy wear on the hilt of he
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
� �������� � ����������������� � ���������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ���������� � � � ����������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � � � � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� � � � � ������ ��� ���� ��������� ��������� �� ��������� ������ �������� ��� ��� ����� ������ ���� ����� �������� ���� ���� ���� ��������� �� �������� ����� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������
How to Stop Freaking the %#$@ Out
Erin Pash
<b>Erin Pash</b> is a marriage and family therapist. She was raised in the Twin Cities but prefers to stay in the suburban loop due to increased traffic anxiety (this book helps her to make it to things in the ''big city''). Erin is co-owner of Ellie Family Services, and her life's mission is to make getting help more fun, accessible, and creative. Erin does the whole mom thing when she's not working and has a flair for human anatomy, art, and golf. This book is very near and dear to Erin because if anything, at the end of the day, she wants people to feel better just the way they are.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help", "Success" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
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Survivors: Extraordinary Tales from the Wild and Beyond
David Long
Throughout history, men, women, and children have battled the elements and lived to share their stories. Among the nearly two dozen subjects Long includes in this collection are 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke, who survived a plane crash in the Peruvian rainforest; Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton; and Aron Ralston, a hiker forced to amputate his own arm, an incident that inspired the 2010 film 127 Hours. Hyndmans grainy artwork depicts the survivors at the peak moments of danger19th-century trapper Hugh Glass lunges at an attacking grizzly bear with his knife, surgeon Leonid Rogozov peers down at his abdomen, giving himself a necessary appendectomy at a polar research station. While offering excitement and peril, Longs riveting narratives also provide insight into how these individuals used their skills, knowledge, and fortitude to survive. Ages 911. <b><i>-- Publishers Weekly</b></i><br /><br />"Gr 5 Up - Long compiles 23 harrowing true stories of men and women who survived everything from a plane crash to quicksand. The short vignettes span the 19th and 21st centuries, and some narratives are better known than others. Some tales convey hope, such as Anna Bagenholm's account of surviving hypothermia after falling into freezing water - an experience that led to discoveries about the human body and extreme cold. Themes of perseverance, inspiration, and interconnectedness ground the selections in reality and remind readers that those who survived often did so because others came to their aid. Some stories contain graphic scenes and death. Color illustrations accompany each selection and deftly capture the action. Hyndman portrays the individuals with few distinguishing features, allowing readers to imagine themselves in the survivors' tales. The absence of a table of contents and back matter makes this title better suited for pleasure reading than reports. VERDICT <b>Thrilling accounts of peril that are sure to draw in casual readers."</b><BR> <i><b> -- School Library Journal</i></b><br /><br />Quick! What do Juliane Koepcke, Poon Lim, and Mauro Prosperi have in common? Give up? Like the other 20 people profiled here, they are survivors of extraordinarily dangerous experiences. Koepcke survived a fall of more than two miles from a disintegrating airplane; Lim survived for 133 days on a raft in the Pacific Ocean; and Prosperi survived being lost in the Sahara Desert. Many of the survivors featured in Longs book are not well-known, but a few are: explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton; Aron Ralston, who famously cut off his own arm to release himself from a fallen boulder; and nineteenth-century trapper Hugh Glass, whose ordeal became the basis for the book and movie The Revenant. Each of the 23 accounts seems more jaw-dropping than the one before, and all are testaments to the human spirit. The handsome, oversize volume is enhanced by Hyndmans single- and double-page illustrations. While appealing to all readers, this will have special interest for reluctant ones." - Michael Cart, <i>Booklist</i>
[ "Children's Books", "History" ]
[ "Children's Books", "History" ]
Children's Books
SURVIVOR’S TALES OF RISEN AMERICA VOLUME ONE: WINTER’S STORY Refugee Station #008, Lubbock, Texas © 2007 UKG Publishing Part 1 © 2007 UKG Publishing Part 2 © 2007 UKG Publishing Part 3 © 2007 UKG Publishing Part 4 © 2007 UKG Publishing Part 5 © 2007 UKG Publishing Part 6 © 2007 UKG Publishing
Starship: Pirate (Starship, Book 2)
Mike Resnick
One of the characters in this sequel to <i>Starship: Mutiny</i> (2005) asks, "Whatever happened to heroes who didn't think everything through, but just walked in with weapons blazing?" The answer is "They're buried in graveyards all across the galaxy." This sums up nicely Hugo-winner Resnick's approach to military SF, which isn't so much about fighting and hardware as it is about strategy and leadership. Having busted their commander, Wilson Cole, out of the brig for disobeying orders that would have cost millions of lives, the crew of the starship <i>Theodore Roosevelt</i> find themselves on the run from their own fleet. The plan? Hoist the Jolly Roger! Since Captain Cole is a moral man, he must figure out a way to practice piracy without actually harming anyoneat least, anyone who doesn't have it coming. As he and the <i>Teddy R.</i> stumble their way through <i>Piracy for Dummies</i>, they make new enemies and find new allies that make the difference between real pirates and military professionals all the more apparent. Readers craving intelligent, character-driven SF need look no further. <i>(Dec.)</i> <br />Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Action &amp; Adventure" ]
Literature & Fiction
CLASSES OF STARSHIP DESTRUCTION Requires the use of the d20 Modern™ Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. By the time technology exists to allow a space- ship to travel vast distances on its own power, it is not just another vehicle or piece of technology. At this point it is a true starship, a location worthy of its own considerations, separate from those of science fiction concepts in general. A starship can be a base of operations, a weapon of war, or a backdrop for short-term adventures. Most importantly, a starship is an environment that requires specific kinds of characters to crew it, both as strong-jawed heroes and minor GM characters. Being part of a starship crew isn’t the same as being a generic space traveler. It requires the ability to be flexible, work well as part of a team, manage limited resources and remain calm in the face of unexpected threats. While it is certainly possible for characters to earn spots on a star- ship crew with m
Reap The Whirlwind
Robert Sells
Robert Sells has taught physics for over forty years. He has been a story teller for over fifty years, entertaining his children, grandchildren, and students. He lives with his wife, Dale, in the idyllic village of Geneseo, New York with two attentive dogs who are uncritical sounding boards for his new stories. He is intrigued by poker and history, in love with Disney and writing, and amused by religion and politics.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
Reap the Whirlwind An Adventure-Entertainment For Castle Falkenstein By Mr. Nicholas Impey esq. Sowing the seeds of the wind “With a whim I can rain lightning down upon their heads, up-root buildings, destroy entire harvests and sink whole fleets! I command the very power of the heavens. I am a God! And like all gods I will have my homage or they will be crushed beneath my heel!” A slighted madman holds Britain to ransom from his secret liar. Only a small band of Heroes stand ready to oppose him but can any mortal or Faerie triumph against a man who has yoked the power of the elements to his will? A Note from the Author “Reap the Whirlwind” is a fairly generic adventure in the “slighted-scientist-holds- the-world-to-ransom-to-prove-his-genius” style. It is set in England in the year 1871 but the date and location can be altered to fit the Host’s campaign. If Mr. Mycroft Holmes is used but at a latter date the Host is advised to increase
Licensing Art and Design: A Professional's Guide to Licensing and Royalty Agreements
Caryn R. Leland
A handy little reference work for a burgeoning, relatively new business: the creation of licenced products -- <i>Photo District News</i><br /><br />For those looking to negotiate their way around the $66 billion dollar merchandising market, Licensing Art & Design is a definitive map. It points out the pitfalls and offers sound advice to achieve success. It's one of the best-selling titles on the Graphic Artists Guild Bookshelf -- <i>Paul Basista, Executive Director, Graphic Artists Guild</i><br /><br />Leland, an attorney experienced in representing graphic artists, provides plentiful information on how designers, illustrators, and fine artists can increase their income by licensing their creative work -- <i>Publish</i>
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
Weekly Wonders Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback Product Identity: The following terms are hereby defined as product identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a, Section 1(E), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc) dialogue, plot, storylines, location, characters and trade dress. Artwork: All art in this book, besides the Necromancers of the Northwest logo, is either part of the public domain, or is used with the express permission of the creator. Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC claims no special rights or privileges to any art presented herein. Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity or Artwork (see above), the game mechanics of this Necromancers of the Northwest game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. C
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Games Master's Kit (Dark Heresy)
Black Industies
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Games Master's Kit (Dark Heresy)
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
Children's Books
Permission is granted to print this ebook. No site licence is given. This game refereNces The savage Worlds game sysTem, available from PiNNacle eNTerTaiNmeNT grouP aT savage Worlds & all associaTed logos & Trademarks are coPyrighTs of PiNNacle eNTerTaiNmeNT grouP. used WiTh PermissioN. PiNNacle makes No rePreseNTaTioN or WarraNTy as To The qualiTy, viabiliTy, or suiTabiliTy for PurPose of This ProducT. © 2015 Triple Ace Games. Hellfrost Rassilon Guides and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. Savage Worlds and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Used with permission. © 2015. All Rights Reserved. much has been said about the races and cultures of rassilon. The material produced, however, has been an overview, looking at the larger picture and most impor- tant aspects. This free document zooms in on some of the nuances and unusual customs of the various people. Arms & spell et
Rebel Queen (Dragonkin Chronicles) (Volume 1)
David Temrick
I've been writing for most of my life, though began putting together full-length novels in 2008. After I collected a fair amount of rejections from both agents and publishers, I decided to take the plunge and self-publish my novels. After selling 2,000 copies, I published the second one knowing that no one would want to publish a sequel. Despite having no flair for marketing, the first two novels sold surprisingly well while I was working on my third. I still wanted to have a professional looking product though, so I've hired artists to create the images I use as my covers and most recently hired a cartographer to create a map of Rouen for my latest novel; Daughter of Vengeance. Self-publishing has been one of the more challenging and ultimately rewarding decisions I've ever made and has freed me to tell the stories I want to tell and my fans want to read. The most challenging part of the process has been promotion, which I am horrible at. While I can tell a compelling story, I find self-promotion to be a nearly impossible task. My first two novels were distinctly fantasy. By that I mean that there were dragons, princes, swords and sorcery. While I enjoy those kinds of books, they're hardly unique in the genre. With "Daughter of Vengeance" I wrote a book predominantly from a female point of view about a young woman coming of age while apprenticed to a master assassin. While technically a steampunk fantasy, the genre is used to supplement the narrative rather than drive it. My strengths lie in compelling stories with a satisfying mix of action, dialogue and plot building. I don't believe in waxing philosophical to fill pages or fluff my word count, there will be not be entire paragraphs dedicated to the painfully long-winded description of a button. I have extensive martial arts and marksmanship experience and I use those to create believable and easy to follow action. Most genre fiction uses the genre to drive the story and this baffles me. A mystery is just a mystery, but a Holmes mystery is infinitely more entertaining. I use the genre to compliment my stories and my characters and because of this many people outside the genre I write enjoy my novels. Be that as it may, there are still inalienable requirements to any genre fiction and as I am a fan of my genre of choice, I'd hate those readers to put my books down unfulfilled. There's a delicate balance to maintain and I do my best to keep juggling.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Action &amp; Adventure" ]
Literature & Fiction
A Tékumel Netbook This is a netbook for the World of Tékumel, the creation of Professor M.A.R. Barker. Please support the Professor by purchasing your netbooks at The World of Tékumel For further information about Tékumel, the Professor suggests you visit the official Tekumel website at - this website details the world of Tékumel - steeped in history, hoary tradition, a complex clan and social system, with myriad flora and fauna. Zottola Publishing, Inc. The novels of Professor Barker and other Tékumel source materials are published by Zottola Publishing, - including Prince of Skulls, Lords of Tsámra, A Death of Kings, and Mitlanyál. Guardians of Order Forthcoming from Guardians of Order is Tékumel: Empire of the Petal Throne, a new role-playing game for the world of Tékumel. Visit for more information. Now Available At Game Stores Contact your Friendly Local Game Shop to purchase items for the World of Tékume
The Cyborg Handbook
Donna J. Haraway
One of society's oldest dreams has been to create a living machine. To most of us, cyborgs are Terminator or Robocop types who combine artificial robotic strength and firepower with human intelligence/cunning. Yet Gray, a 1994-95 NASA Fellow in Aerospace History, has collected writings that explore real cyborgs (or cybernetic organisms) as any entities that mix the mechanical with the organic. Thus, humans with prostheses or implanted pacemakers qualify as cyborgs. This fascinating assemblage of essays, short stories, and research findings covers the role of this incredible modern technology through its varied uses in medicine, space research, and military applications. Articles are written by experts in the field of cybernetics, including Donna Haraway. This unique work combines scientific fact and science fiction. The bibliography and filmography are invaluable additions. For large public and academic libraries.?Joe Accardi, Northeastern Illinois Univ. Lib., Chicago<br />Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Computer Science" ]
Computer Science
Page 1 METAMORPHOSIS ALPHA is a trademark of James M. Ward and is METAMORPHOSIS ALPHA is a trademark of James M. Ward and is used with permission. Th is volume is copyright 2016 Goodman Games. used with permission. Th is volume is copyright 2016 Goodman Games. Page 2 A Cyborg as a player character with artifi cal replace- ment parts for parts of his body. To be transformed into a cyborg the character must go to a medical unit oper- ated by white medic robots. The robots operate on the player character and there is a 100% chance that the operation removes body parts and replaces them with mechanical, highly useful parts. The fi rst thing that happens is the player adds a total of 6 ability points to his existing ability scores. This is from the medical bots boosting the capabilities of the character through science. The player can add all 6 points to one statistic like Dexterity. Or, the player can mix and match totals an
Game Ranger's Diary: Activities and observations of a ranger in the African wilderness
Victor Meyer
Victor W. Meyer, Ph.D.: Nature conservationist and professionally qualified scientist. Wide-ranging experience in game reserves of KwaZulu-Natal and other wildlife parks, incl. Kruger National Park, South Africa. Currently Habitat editor for Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science &amp; Math", "Biological Sciences" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
Ranger Features Favored Enemy. You have significant experience studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to dragons. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track dragons, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them. Natural Explorer. You are particularly at home in forest terrain. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to forest terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in. While traveling for an hour or more in forest terrain, you gain the following benefits: • Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s speed. • Your group can’t become lost except by magical means. • Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling, you remain alert to danger. • If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. • When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. • While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number,
Dungeon Module Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
David Sutherland III
The first of a new series of other-planar adventures, this module includes several new monsters, maps of the Web and lair of Lolth, and notes on eight alternate worlds, suitable for expansion and addition to existing AD&amp;D campaigns. 32 pages, plus 2 cover folders.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
1 | P a g e 2 | P a g e Introduction Little Shrine of Horrors is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed for a single session of about 6-8 hours play. The combat encounters have been calculated to present a tough challenge to four 4th level characters. They will present a less difficult, though still enjoyable, challenge to 5th level characters or larger parties. Before running this adventure, you should at least skim through the encounters and look up the relevant monsters in the Monster Manual. The statistics for any new monsters may be found at the end of this document. You will need to print the “handout” pages at the end of the document before play begins. Not every loose end is tied up in the following text, nor every possible reaction accounted for. Be ready to improvise, and do so with confidence! Unless stated otherwise, assume all NPCs have the stats of a commoner. Tomb Raiders! The party are drinking and gaming at the Gambling Golem
Advanced Lock Picking Secrets
Steven Hampton
Steven Hampton became interested in locks and electronics at an early age. At 14 he acquired a set of U.S. Air Force electronic training manuals and began building various transistor circuits by scalping radios and junkyard TVs. At 17 he was making his own lockpicks and was considered a master lockpicker, and by the time he was 18 he'd invented the magnetic padlock, which is still on the market today. After a stint in the navy, he studied digital electronics and worked in many technical fields. He also became interested in the martial arts, studying Tibetan White Crane kung fu, jujitsu and wing chun.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Thief Skills Path: ________________________________ Backstab When attacking target from behind or otherwise unaware, add backstab bonus to attack roll; if the attack hits, it automatically criticals Sneak Silently (Agi) DC 5 - Cushioned surfaces, such as grass or carpet DC 10 - Stone Surfaces DC 15 - Moderately noisy surfaces, such as creaking boards DC 20 - Extremely noisy surfaces, like crackling leaves or gravel Hide in Shadows (Agi) DC 5 - Dark night or in shaded/dimly lit area DC 10 - Hallway with moderate cover; night with full moon DC 15 - Daylight but in dark shadow or behind solid object DC 20 - Broad Daylight with minimal obstructions Pick Pocket (Agi) DC 5 - Unaware target with loose pocket and unsecured pouch DC 10 - Typical city dweller on a busy day DC 20 - Target actively watching and monitoring belongings Climb Sheer Surfaces (Agi) DC 10 - Normal stone wall DC 20 - Perfectly smooth surface with no visible handholds Pick Lock (Agi) DC 10 - Mundane lock DC 20 - Extremely
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
�������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������ ��������������������� ������������������������� ������ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������ ����� ������������������ ����� ��������������������� ����� ��������������������� ������ ���������������������� � � � � � ������������ ����������� �� ������ �������� ������ ������������� ��������������� �������������������� �������������������� �� ������ �������� �������������������� ������������������� ��������������� ������� � ������� ����������������������������������� � ������������������� � ��������������������� ����������� ������ ���������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Palmettos & Pluff Mud: Tales of a Lost Lowcountry Life
S. Guilds Hollowell Jr.
SAMUEL GUILDS HOLLOWELL JR., a native son of Charleston, grew up on Snee Farm which is now the Charles Pinckney Historic Site in Mount Pleasant. He is the Master Storyteller of Charleston Culinary Tours, as well as owner. This is his first book.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Americas" ]
                        SO WHAT’S THE RIDDLE RAGING SWAN PRESS LIKE ANYWAY? II A L S O A V A I L A B L E F R O M R A G I N G S W A N P R E S S T H E L O N E L Y C O A S T The  furthest  flung  outpost  of  a  mighty  kingdom,  turbulent  waters and forbidding, trackless forests separate the folk of the  Lonely Coast from the gaudy lights of civilisation. This free mini‐ campaign setting is easy to drop into any campaign.  Retribution  $7.99  print $9.99  � Road of the Dead  $5.99  print $7.99  � Swallowfeld  $4.50  � The Lonely Coast  Free!  � G M ’ S R E S O U R C E S GM’S RESOURCES reduce GM prep time.  100% Crunch: Liches  $6.99  � 100% Crunch: Skeletal Champions  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Skeletons  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Zombies  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Zombie Lords  $5.99  � All That Glimmers  $13.99  print $19.99  � Antipaladins  $3.99  � Bandits of the Rampant Horror  $3.99  � Barroom Brawl  $1.99  � Caves & Caverns  $10.99  � Cultists of Havra Zhoul  $4.99  � Dark O
Starlog #219 (NM) Deadly Games, Waterworld, Lost in Space, Babylon 5
Welcome to my Amazon storefront. All comics & magazines are bagged & boarded, and in near mint condition (unless otherwise noted). Standard shipping for one single magazine is $3.99, and only .25 more for each additional single magazine when you order at one time (the excess shipping is refunded after magazines are shipped). This listing is for Starlog #219 (nm)
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
Science Fiction
Version 1.3. Art CC BY BEEPLE. More 2400 at ►Operations 1 Avert mass-wipe by stellar magnetic storm 2 Capture sinister memory-hacker “therapist” 3 Claim unearthed alien artifact before corps 4 Deal with roving outlaw barge raiding ships 5 Divert deep-space swarm headed this way 6 Dr. Day raised an army of himself—stop him 7 Help/stop Cy, sleeved in Lima station itself 8 Investigate derelict archaeological vessel 9 Investigate “plague” making uplifts “revert” 10 Investigate plot to destroy a backup facility 11 Investigate sabotaged space comm relays 12 Neutralize source of massacre in Lab 223C 13 New Venus station is missing—where is it? 14 People are collapsing into gray goo—why? 15 Stop a freighter from crashing into a planet 16 Stop a vidcast that wipes AI minds on sight 17 Stop machines burrowing into colony world 18 Track down Null, a notorious sleevejacker 19 Who’s hacking androids to kill, and why? 20 Why didn’t you return from the last mission? ►Twists 1
Ship Models from Kits: Basic and Advanced Techniques for Small Scales
David Griffith
David Griffith builds models in many scales and materials, but has won many awards for his 1:350 and 1:700 scale resin warships. He publishes his own newsletter.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Metamorphosis Alpha © 2007 James M. Ward 1 NOTES ON METAMORPHOSIS ALPHA BY THE DESIGNER by James Ward From The Dungeoneer #7 March-April 1978 One of the questions I am constantly asked at conventions and the like is how I make up my levels. Players seem to have trouble filling up an area that is miles long and miles wide. The first thing that I think is important is: don't worry about proportion when it comes to making up your ship I use hex paper for the wilderness levels and each hex one mile long. I use ten squares to the inch graph paper for my corridors and technical levels and each square is 100 yards long. I have seventeen levels and I couldn't care less what the odd proportions do to the outer shape of the ship. The first thing I do with a wilderness level sprinkle a bunch of radiation areas on that level, writing in the intensities I then decide what the level was used for before the accident. In the case of the example shown in this article,
Scott Travers' Top 88 Coins to Buy and Sell: 44 Winners and 44 Losers
Scott A. Travers
<b>Scott Travers</b>, former vice-president of the American Numismatic Association, has served as a coin valuation expert for the Federal Trade Commission, and appears regularly on TV, radio, and in print as a coin expert in publications including the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, <i>Barrons</i>, and <i>Business Week.</i> He is president of Scott Travers Rare Coin Galleries, LLC, in New York City.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 10 � +2 Shock Quarterstaff (Any; CL 9th; DMG) � +2 bastard sword (Any; CL 9th; DMG) Adventure Record# 594 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 450 XP; 450 gp APL 4 max 675 XP; 650 gp APL 6 max 900 XP; 900 gp APL 8 max
Perfect Your Exit Strategy: 7 Steps to Maximum Value
Thomas Metz
Thomas Metz founded the boutique investment bank T.V. Metz &amp; Co., LLC in 1983 and has been an investment banker for more than 30 years. His primary focus is arranging the sale of companies in which the value is strategic, typically in the technology, software and service industries. Mr. Metz has closed transactions across North America as well as Europe and Asia. Mr. Metz has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Oregon. He holds an MBA degree from the University of California at Berkeley. He authored the book "Selling the Intangible CompanyHow to Negotiate and Capture the Value of a Growth Firm", published by John Wiley &amp; Sons in 2009. For more information see
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business &amp; Money", "Management &amp; Leadership" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Carry fallen hero: fail def rolls to retreat, take rear of march order If left behind, 5 in 6 chance his body is looted. Empty Room Search: 1: Wandering monster table 2-4: Empty 5-6: Clue, SecDoor, HT Secret door: 1-5: New room, surprises foes, 2x treasure; 6: New exit Hidden Treasure: 3d6 x 3d6, roll on HT Complications table Clue: 3 clues gets a secret, according to list on next page. Explosive Six Rule: Whenever you roll a natural six, roll again and add. Final Boss: Roll d6+num of bosses fought. 6+ is final. +1 life/attacks 3x treasure gp or 100 gp. 2x magic item. End of map=final boss Level up: once per boss, once per 10 minions at -1. No re-rolls. 2 rolls if final boss is a dragon. Max lvl is 5, 4 for dwarf, 3 for elf/halfling. Select one char, roll a d6 and get over current level. Chars cannot level twice in a row. Wandering Monsters Roll a d6 when going back through a room. On a 1, roll on this Table: 1-2 vermin 3-4 minions 5 weird 6 boss No drag
World of Greyhawk, folio edition (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
Gary Gygax
This game supplement features a folder with coats of arms and map legends, a 32-page gazetteer, a 3-panel folding screen on weather conditions, a flyer on miniatures and 2 connecting full-color foldout poster maps. The gazetteer is the companion to the map of the eastern portion of the Oerik continent with dates, chronology, historical information and data regarding current government, population and recent events, along with notable geographic features. Also herein will be found an intelligencer of royal and noble titles and honorifics. Complete with a map legend and method of deducing the population of settlements. Having an appendix of the more important runes which are seen on maps and scrolls to give warning or convey special meaning. Suitable for use with Advanced Dungeons &amp; Dragons fantasy role-playing games.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. PER4−01 Moradin’s Forge A 1-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK ® Perrenland Regional Adventure Version 1.0 by Patrick Williamson and Bob Beck Reviewed by Jason Bulmahn What is Moradin's Forge? Repo
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Official Strategy Guide
BradyGames, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House Inc., is the worlds leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games. BradyGames understands what gamersboth casual and hardcorewant and need from strategy guides. Every guide features in-depth content, detailed screen captures, quick-reference tips, and professional strategy. Prima Games is also a leader in the digital strategy realm, offering interactive maps, streaming video, searchable online guides and apps, and a full website at
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
Barrows & Wights by Z. S. Edwardson A bare-bones RPG in the classic 1970s style Version .01 Burrows & Wights By Z.S. Edwardson Author note: This started off as a challenge to make a old school RPG solely on memory, without reference to any rule books. It turned into a OSR system with the mantra of KISS (keep it simple) and the goal is to have a bare bones OSR system that can be used to run games with the minimum of prep time. This text assumes that you understand what Role Playing Games are, what the traditional dice are, and have some experience with gaming. Character sheet: This should be able to fit on a single sheet, or even a index card if using both sides. All the items are of the traditional sort except for H0 – which stands for Hit Zero, or your ability to hit something with a Armor Class (AC) of Zero. Str: Dex: Int: Wis: Con: Char: Class: HP: H0: XP: XP bonus: Gold: Equipment: Saving Throw: Weapon: Armor class: Spells: Character generation Steps: 1. Roll
Learn How To Read: level 1
j a is a website created by innovative writers that focus on educating the minds with very well written Urban, Children, Poetry, Educational and even Adult Books to influence in a positive way and providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of books to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come! This is a website that sells books to raise money to help support Charities such as Feeding The Children, Children's Hospitals, Diabetes Campaign, Bully Awareness Programs, Cancer Patients, Homelessness, Giving Clothes to the Poor and many other Charities. So basically each book you buy, you will be giving money back to one of these charities. All books are positive and fun to read that has a great influence on the readers. You can choose a category from "CHILREN'S BOOKS", OR "URBAN BOOKS", OR" POETRY BOOKS", OR "EDUCATIONAL BOOKS" AND EVEN POSITIVE "ADULT BOOKS". So there's many different types of books to choose from that which you may like. If you want to help support this website " succeed in raising money for charity, you can spread the message to as many people or friends you know and you can also donate money by contacting us and sending us information of how much you want to donate. If you donate more than $50, you can pick any item from the accessories on this website for free. You can also summit your own book on the website for only $10 as a promotion for your book that links to a online store that sells books such as and or any other online store that sells your book. And each book you sell you get 100% of the profit. For information on how to post your book on send a email to or contact us on our website Then we will give you the address to send the money so that we can post your book on our website. And your book will have more promotion and opportunities to sell and become more popular. The $10 that you pay to post your book will go to one of the Charities listed above. Thank You for your support
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education & Teaching", "Schools & Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
t Adventure Record# 593 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 2 max 450 xp; 400 gp This event can only be played by 1st level characters This Record Certifies that _________________________________________________ Played by_____________________________________________ Player RPGA # Has Completed ____________________________________________________ An Introductory Scenario Set in The Bandit Kingdoms Play Notes: � Gained a level � Lost a level � Ability Drained ______________ � Died � Was raised/res’d � Was reincarnated _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region______________________ Event: _____________________________ Date: ____________ DM:___________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # This area of the Adventure Record is used for new rules items such as new magic items, spells, feats, or other favors. As an introductory scenari
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons of Ships and the Sea (Dungeon Master Guide Rules Supplement)
Skip Williams
Rules for sailing ships to exotic lands, and two systems for conducting naval combat. The action extends below the waves, too, as this book also reveals the secrets of underwater adventuring and exploration - rules for traveling, fighting, and casting spells underwater, new spells, new magical items, and a new character kit, the fathomer.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Nautical Compendium A Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Supplement A Detailed Guide of Boats and Ships for Use with the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Role Playing Game Produced by Wizards of the Coast. By Christopher King for Implement Games, Inc. 2 Nautical Compendium by Chris King ©2009 Implement Games, Inc. Produced for use with the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition role playing game distributed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Compatibility Logo, D&D, PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the USA and other countries and are used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in this publication, D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission under the Dungeons & Dragons 4 th Edition Game System License. All 4E
The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints John Chrysostom: Slavonic-English Parallel Text
Holy Trinity Monastery
<DIV>The monks who came to Holy Trinity Monastery from Eastern Europe after World War II inherited a tradition of printing that stretches back almost to the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century. Through the fathers&rsquo; tireless efforts, the monastery has been printing and publishing Orthodox Christian books for almost sixty-five years. In keeping with the humble spirit required of a monk, books which are written or prepared by members of the monastic brotherhood are published under the general authorship of Holy Trinity Monastery.</DIV>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Church of Saint Cuthbert Version 6.0 Bringing wisdom, virtue, and practicality to all people. A Gran March Meta-Campaign Organization written by Jon Lillemoe, Dennis Waltman, and the Gran March Triad Organization Alignment(s) Clerics and Monks: LG, LN Paladins: LG Rangers: LG, LN, NG Druids: NG, LN Faithful: LG, LN, NG, N PC Organization: Yes “From the Three Towers in Barony Harvon, the Church of Saint Cuthbert seeks to bring the weal and truth of the Saint to the people of the March.” -Treatise on the Religions of the Gran March Armon Fethwick, Loremaster The Faith of Saint Cuthbert (Saint Cuthbert) has the third largest following in the March amongst the non- urban populations. It represents many, of the rural and townsfolk of the march, with its tenets of loyalty, honesty, and practicality. The faith’s militaristic aspect makes it second in numbers in the Gran March military. The faith’s emphasis on good and order gives many marchers the resolve to
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
� �������� � � � � � � � ��������������� � ��������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ���������� � � �������������������� � ������������������������������������ � � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ � ��������������� � ������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������� ������ �� ���������� ����� ������ �
Traficantes de Libertad: La Saga del Vapor Virginius
S. L. Lostal
S. L. Lostal lives in Lake Worth, FL with his wife and two children. "Freedom Smugglers" is his first novel.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
���������������� �������������������������������� �� �������������� ���������������� �������������������������������� �� �������������� ���������������� �������������������������������� �� �������������� La Grue La grue (tsuru en japonais) symbolise la longévité, on pourrait même dire l'immortalité. Les japonais lui attribue la capacité de vivre des milliers d'années. Le fait qu'elle puisse voler lui confère la possibilité d'atteindre les îles où vivent les Immortels. C'est un symbole taoïste des plus forts. Sa longévité lui viendrait d'une technique de respiration particulière que l'homme tente d'imiter depuis la nuit des temps. On offre souvent aux vieillards des tableaux avec une grue, une tortue et un pin, les trois symboles de la longévité. Elle est aussi un symbole de fidélité exemplaire en Orient. En occident elle est le symbole commun de sottise et de maladresse Lorsque la grue est blanche elle est synonyme de pureté et lorsque son bec et
The Gods of the Nations: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern National Theology
Daniel I. Block
A welcome addition for anyone interested in the Old Testament and comparative ancient Near Eastern materials. --Bill T. Arnold<br /><br />Valuable for both historical and theological studies. I recommend it highly to persons who wish to integrate history and theology in a meaningful way. --Paul R. House<br /><br />Of fundamental importance for those wanting to provide a context for Israelite religion. --Mark W. Chavalas
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Religious Studies" ]
Divine Domain In a pantheon, every deity has influence over different aspects of mortal life and civilization, called a deity’s domain. All the domains over which a deity has influence are called the deity’s portfolio. For example, the portfolio of the Greek god Apollo includes the domains of Knowledge, Life, and Light. As a cleric, you choose one aspect of your deity’s portfolio to emphasize, and you are granted powers related to that domain. Your choice might correspond to a particular sect dedicated to your deity. Apollo, for example, could be worshiped in one region as Phoebus (“radiant”) Apollo, emphasizing his influence over the Light domain, and in a different place as Apollo Acesius (“healing”), emphasizing his association with the Life domain. Alternatively, your choice of domain could simply be a matter of personal preference, the aspect of the deity that appeals to you most. Each domain’s description gives examples of deities who have influence over
Battle: A Visual Journey Through 5,000 Years of Combat
R. G. Grant
R.G. Grant is a history writer who has published more than 20 books, including titles on the Revolutionary War, World War I and II, and the Vietnam War. He's also the author of DK's <i>Flight: 100 Years of Aviation</i>.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
BattleCorps OTHER PERSPECTIVES Herbert A. Beas II BattleCorps Other Perspectives • Page  Tharkad City, Tharkad Protectorate of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth 8 May 2643 With an ominous clang, the massive cathedral doors parted be- fore Archon Kevin Steiner, revealing an expanse of marble floors, high vaulted ceilings, and timeless stone pillars engraved with the names of past Archons, all rendered in a tasteful yet understated combination of blues and whites, with just a little gold trim. As a pageboy announced his entrance and the gathered representa- tives and dignitaries applauded loudly, he marched forward with confident strides, his eyes once more taking in the chamber that had been home for more than fifty years. Frescos depicting great battles and other heroic moments in Lyran history adorned the high ceilings, painted in colors vivid enough to command the eye’s full attention, even at a casual glance. Dividing the room was a red carpet, trimmed in gold, which ran st
The Princess in Black, Books 1-3: The Princess in Black; The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party; The Princess in Black and the Hungry Bunny Horde
Shannon Hale
Shannon &amp; Dean Hale are the husband-and-wife writing team behind the graphic novels <i>Rapunzels Revenge</i> and <i>Calamity Jack</i>, both illustrated by Nathan Hale. Shannon Hale is also the author of the Newbery Honorwinning novel <i>Princess Academy</i> and others. About this book, they say, Sometimes our daughters wear princess dresses and play tea party, and sometimes they don capes and fight monsters. We wanted to write a character who does both, too!
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up &amp; Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Black Dogs #I NOVEMBER 2017 Unofficial house-rules and materials for Lamentations of the Flame Princess Black Dogs is a dark fantasy collection of house-rules, materials, adventures and monsters, a toolbox to generate new content for OSR systems, particularly focused on Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Issue III contains: adventures’ structure tables to generate new adventures a few adventure hooks house-rules for combat and healing and creatures, creatures, creatures THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK It is not part of the printed material. It’s just here for viewing pages side by side. 1 Black Dogs #III APRIL 2018 Unofficial house-rules and materials for Lamentations of the Flame Princess This product is an independent production by Daimon Games and is not affiliated with Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a registered trademark owned by Jam
What Is My Clan?: A Study of Scottish Clans, Their Septs, and the Various Spellings
David W. McIntosh
Dave McIntosh lives with his wife, Meredith, and two dogs in California. He can be seen at the Scottish and Highland Games in Northern California in the Clan Mackintosh of North America hospitality tent.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Clan Cattail Version 3.0 The only real friends the Commandant has in the Rushmoors A Gran March Meta-campaign Organization written by Charles Millar, Ed Tostanoski, and the Gran March Triad Organization Alignment(s) Any good or neutral (chaotic preferred) PC Organization: Yes We of this clan know change. We live where even the very ground shifts. We live knowing the next threat to our lives could come with our next step. Yet, like the cattail, we bend in the breezes of fate. This is our strength. - Cattail oral tradition. The Cattail Clan is one of the oldest in the Rushmoors, located between Fort Tribulation and Shiboleth. They are particularly proud of their Flan ancestry. A relatively large tribe of about three hundred, the Cattail’s chief exports are soldiers and scouts who help the clan by sending back a Support Payment. This mercenary tradition has led to a strong collaboration with Gran March, and returning veterans have broadened the mind and cult
A Horse Racing System Based On A Statistical Approach To Selection And Staking: Horse Racing Selection and Staking based on Statistical Analysis
Mr Lucky Lew
The Author has been involved in horse racing for a long time and has looked at many systems. He failed at horse racing like many other punters but continued to look into ways to make it work. Eventually he found the one true issue with horse racing systems and developed an entirely new system using long term statistics which are known to many people in racing. This has helped him to become a profitable punter and he continues to use and bet this system for maximum profit.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Boot Hill Horse Record Sheet Name Breed STR ((+ 5))Value COR (+ 2) Traits INT (1/2) OBS (-2) LCK Gender Skill: Score Swimming Herding Cutting Gun Tricks Name Breed STR ((+ 5))Value COR (+ 2) Traits INT (1/2) OBS (-2) LCK Gender Skill: Score Swimming Herding Cutting Gun Tricks
Licensing Art and Design: A Professional's Guide to Licensing and Royalty Agreements
Caryn R. Leland
A handy little reference work for a burgeoning, relatively new business: the creation of licenced products -- <i>Photo District News</i><br /><br />For those looking to negotiate their way around the $66 billion dollar merchandising market, Licensing Art & Design is a definitive map. It points out the pitfalls and offers sound advice to achieve success. It's one of the best-selling titles on the Graphic Artists Guild Bookshelf -- <i>Paul Basista, Executive Director, Graphic Artists Guild</i><br /><br />Leland, an attorney experienced in representing graphic artists, provides plentiful information on how designers, illustrators, and fine artists can increase their income by licensing their creative work -- <i>Publish</i>
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
Weekly Wonders Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback Product Identity: The following terms are hereby defined as product identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a, Section 1(E), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc) dialogue, plot, storylines, location, characters and trade dress. Artwork: All art in this book, besides the Necromancers of the Northwest logo, is either part of the public domain, or is used with the express permission of the creator. Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC claims no special rights or privileges to any art presented herein. Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity or Artwork (see above), the game mechanics of this Necromancers of the Northwest game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. C
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
� �������� � � � � � � � � ���������� � �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������� � � � ���������������������� � � � � � � ���� �������� ��� ��������� �������� �� ������ ��� ����������� ���� ������������� ���� ���� ��� ���� ��� ��� ������� ����� ��� ������� ��� ������������������������������������� � � � � � � � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ � ���������� � ������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ��
Bouncing Back: Skills for Adaptation to Injury, Aging, Illness, and Pain
Richard Wanlass
&quot;A must-read for individuals adapting to any change in functioning due to injury, aging, illness, or pain and a valuable resource for clinicians...What makes this book stand out is the easily understandable step-by-step guide to changing behaviors that are obstacles to coping with loss of ability.&quot; --<b>Kathleen S. Brown, PhD</b>, <b>Past-President, APA Division of Rehabilitation Psychology</b><br /><br />&quot;Dr. Wanlass does a superb job of integrating his decades of clinical experience with scientific data to create a powerful and user-friendly guide. A must-read for anyone attempting to navigate the inevitable changes in health and wellness that accompany us in our journey through life.&quot;--<b>Ravi Prasad, PhD</b>, <b>Director, Stanford Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Pain Program</b><br /><br />&quot;Each chapter is peppered with creative exercises that are readily accessible. I especially loved Wanlass&apos;s empathy intermixed with humor that makes the examples come alive...I look forward to recommending this workbook to my patients.&quot; --<b>Ronald Ruff, PhD</b>, Clinical Neuropsychologist &amp; Rehabilitation Psychologist, <b>Past-President, National Academy of Neuropsychology </b>and author of <i>Effective Psychotherapy for Individuals with Brain Injury</i><br /><i></i><br /><span></span>&quot;A much-needed, powerful, user-friendly guide...Provides straightforward help patients and families adapt and even thrive in the face of major life-changing challenges.&quot; --<b>Gregory T. Carter, MD, MS</b>, <b>Chief Medical Officer, St. Luke&apos;s Rehabilitation Institute</b><br /><br />&quot;An encouraging &apos;must-have&apos; book, which will inspire empowerment and tenacity, as well as assist in optimizing quality oflife.&quot; --<b>Patricia L. Bach, PsyD, RN</b>, <b>Past-President, Psychologists in Long Term Care</b><br /><br />&quot;Heartily recommended.&quot;--<b>Michael Dunn, PhD</b>, Retired Rehabilitation Psychologist, <b>VA Palo Alto Health Care System Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Center</b><br /><br />&quot;This is a great book that will be of wide value--I can&apos;t imagine anyone who wouldn&apos;t benefit from part of it!&quot; --<b>Scott M. Fishman, MD</b>, <b>Chief, Division of Pain Medicine, University of California, Davis</b>,and author of The War on Pain and Listening to Pain<br /><br />&quot;Bouncing Back has been an essential component of my group therapy sessions for patients coping with pain and other chronic health conditions. This comprehensive handbook is written in a down-to-earth,easy-to-read format and has helped many of my patients move towards successful adaptation.&quot; --<b>Karen Freed, PsyD</b>, Licensed Psychologist, St. Cloud Hospital
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
NNNeeegggaaatttiiivvveee DDDeeessscccrrriiippptttooorrrsss by Ryan Chaddock Numenera is Copyright Monte Cook Games, LLC Clumsy You’re a klutz. What can you say? You’ve always been one. Things don’t always go bad for you, but when they do it’s usually because you dropped the ball (sometimes literally). Old Scars: +2 to your Might Pool. Skill: You are trained in healing tasks. You treat your own wounds often enough. Skill: You are trained in any non-combat task involved in dealing with physical consequences, such as tumbling to mitigate falling damage, recovering from diseases, or removing a limb from a trap. “I’m fine. Totally fine. Don’t worry about it. Happens all the time.” Inability: You suffer a one step penalty on non-combat Speed tasks involving manual dexterity, such as catching objects or avoiding pitfalls. Additionally your GM Intrusions tend to be about you dropping something, tripping, or otherwise making a fool of yourself physically. Ad
The Complete Gnomes
Wil Huygen
Text: English (translation)<br> Original Language: Dutch
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History & Criticism" ]
Literature & Fiction
Hex 14.22 The Lair of the Troglodytes Hex 14.22 – The Lair of the Troglodytes ©2020 Todd Leback. Some artwork © Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved. Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games. This product is released under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Please refer to the Open Gaming License included with this release for additional legal text and copyright information. Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. The trademark and Old-School Essentials logo are used with permission of Necrotic Gnome, under license. Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Hex 14.22 The Lair of the Troglodytes Credits Designer: Todd Leback Editing: Brian Johnson Layout: BJ Hensley Cartography: Todd Leback, Aaron Schmidt Cover Art: Jen Drummond ( Cave Map: by Aaron Schmidt (https://aarondayyanschmidt.
Punctuation Puzzles & Mazes (4-8) (Ready-To-Go Reproducibles)
Jim Halverson
High-interest language-arts lessons and activities are Jim Halversons specialty. With this book, he has created another wonderful collection of puzzles and mazes to teach and review punctuation and capitalization concepts. This book is a product of his teaching grades 4 through 9 at Saint Anns School in Brooklyn, New York.
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education &amp; Teaching", "Schools &amp; Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
!"#$%"&'(&!)"&*+,-%-,.& /0%!& !"#$%"&'(&)*"&+,-.%.-/&01%)!"#!$%!"%&'()*+&(',!$)-.%&*'.!/('!/(*'!('!0"-.!12$,.'#!(/!3#&42.-.2! +5$'$+&.'#!*#"%6!&5.!0"/&5!.)"&"(%!(/!&5.!7('2)8#!6'.$&.#&!'(2.12$,"%6!6$9.:! ;<!=>?@><!ABCDD>! 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Synopsis and Background 3 Mivvin’s Rest 4 Campsite Overrun 5 Recruitment 6 Into The Darkness 7 Raging River 8 Crumbling Temple 9 Bronze Arches 10 Rising Waters 11 Hatchling Grounds 12 Betrayal 13 Aftermath 14 Appendix A: Maps 15 Mivvin's Rest 15 Temple of the Basilisk Cult 16 Appendix B: New Monsters 17 Stone Warrior 17 Stone Shaman 17 Swarm of Fire Wasps 18 Basilisk Hatchling 18 Secret Lore 19 Acknowledgements and Credits 20 2 SYNOPSIS • The party begins at an archaeological dig site and camp in the jungle called Mivvin’s Rest. • The adventure starts when a group of cultists attacks Mivvin’s Rest and tries to steal a recently unearthed basilisk egg. • Through one of the adventure hooks, the PCs learn there is a temple rumore
Battletech: Record Sheets 3060
With the Truce of Tukayyid failing, the Inner Sphere seeks to end the Clan threat once and for all by destroying one entire Clan. To accomplish this goal, new 'Mechs mounting innovative weapon systems and new armored infantry designs are rolling off Inner Sphere production lines. The Clans are also developing new weapons for their war with the Inner Sphere: the heavy laser, the first new Clan weapon system in centuries, is making its presence felt, and the first of a new breed of Clan 'Mechs has appeared: The ProtoMech. The Clans hope these swift and deadly half-size 'Mechs will aid them in turning th tide of battle.<br /><br /><b>BattleTech Record Sheets: 3060</b> provides more than 240 filled-out record sheets for the BattleMechs, ProtoMechs, tanks, hovercraft, and VTOLs described in BattleTech Technical Readout 3060, as well as variants and alternate configurations from the Technical Readouts 3050, 3055, 3058 and 3060.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
t Play Notes: � Gained a level � Lost a level � Ability Drained ____________ � Died � Was raised/res’d � Was reincarnated _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region______________________ 592 CY A D V E N T U R E L E V E L O F P L A Y (CIRCLE ONE) APL 4 max 600 xp; 523 gp APL 6 max 810 xp; 638 gp APL 8 max 1,050 xp; 838 gp This Record Certifies that ___________________________________________ Played by______________________________________ Player RPGA # Has Completed Stomping Grounds A Regional Adventure Set in the Yeomanry Event: ________________________________ Date: _________ DM:___________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # � Tattered Map Fragment This is a portion of a larger map of some sort that is quite old. It is torn, stained, and barely readable. It obviously is incomplete. It appears
Deck of Wizard Spells (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: The Official Dungeon Master Decks)
Steve Winter
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition Deck of Wizard Spells
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
WizArd cArd deck SPeLLS * cAntriPS cLASS feAtureS * tALentS WizArd cArd deck Customizable Character Class Deck compatible with 13th Age™, and Th e Archmage Engine™ Wizard card deck Design by   Kazekami — Version    1.4 — April 2014 legal notice Th  is Wizard Card Deck uses trademarks and /or copyrights  owned by Fire Opal Media, which are used under the  Fire Opal Media, 13th Age Community Use Policy. We are  expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access  this content. Th  is Wizard Card Deck is not published,  endorsed, or specifi cally approved by Fire Opal Media. For more information about Fire Opal Media’s 13th Age  Community Use Policy, please visit: For more information about Fire Opal Media  and 13th Age products, please visit: and Licensed under the Open Game License. Wizard Spell Level 1 Acid ArroW Ranged spell daily Target: One nearby or far away creature Att
In Amazonia: A Natural History
Hugh Raffles
<b>"Co-Winner of the 2003 Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing, Society for Humanistic Anthropology and American Anthropological Association"</b><br /><br /><b>"Honorable Mention for the 2004 Sharon Stephens First Book Prize, American Ethnological Society"</b><br /><br /><b>"One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles for 2003"</b><br /><br />"A new classic of the Amazon. . . . In a sweeping panorama of the history of the Amazon . . . Raffles impresses with his enormous scholarship and lyrical language. . . . [T]he range of Raffles's knowledge is exquisitely broad. What we thought we knew of the Amazon and the reasons for its devastation will forever be changed by this rapturous soliloquy on the region." (<i>Choice</i>)<br /><br />"[It draws] upon a range of literature not typical of Amazonian studies. Specialists and general readers will appreciate the scope."<b>---Stephen Nugent, <i>Journal of Latin American Studies</i></b><br /><br />"A central challenge in studies of the Amazon region is apprehending its social and natural diversity. This book is amongst the most readable and penetrating analyses we have. . . . The tension between being in a place and always on the move, between dissolution and creation, are ambiguities this book manages to capture with deftness and subtlety. It would have been enough to write about this in one locality, but to have done so connecting up various places and people, and across time transforms the argument into a major achievement."<b>---Mark Harris, <i>Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</i></b><br /><br />"Without question this is the best book about the Amazon I have read in many years. It is a major contribution to the literature (in every sense) of the region, to the history and sociology of science, and to anthropology in general. Solid, beautifully written, beautifully judged and paced, it has a great deal to offer those knowing everything or nothing about the Amazon."<b>David Cleary, Amazon Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy, author of <i>Anatomy of the Amazon Gold Rush</i></b><br /><br />"Thoroughly researched and very riveting, In <i>Amazonia</i> is a lovely blend of personal experience and historical commentary about the making of place both in physical and ideological terms. Very rich theoretically, its lively and witty prose is mercifully leached of post-modern, post-colonial jargon, making it both accessible and clear. Not only will this book leap to the forefront of Amazonian analyses but it will certainly take its pride of place in studies of tropical development, ideologies of nature, and the history of ideas about the environment and tropical representation."<b>Susanna Hecht, University of California, Los Angeles</b>
[ "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science &amp; Math", "Earth Sciences" ]
Science & Math
DEEDS OF THE ANCESTORS by Christopher W. Dolunt The history of Nyambe-tanda has been blessed with the deeds of many great heroes. Three of those heroes, Amazonia, Kwo, and Bashar, are presented below. Amazonia Amazonia began her life as a slave in the outlying kosan city of Arabo. Along with many other Tisamban women, she was instructed in the arts of grooming. As part of her instruction, she was given access to magical- ly-sharp straight razors used for shaving thick orcish hair. By stealing these razors and mounting them on a curved piece of wood, she was able to improvise a deadly weapon. She practiced with her makeshift sword for years, and even took on students, instructing them her self-taught fighting style. Eventually, Amazonia and her followers (known as Amazons) rose up against their orcish captors, first liberating themselves, then the entire city of Arabo, and eventually all of Nyambe-tanda. Amazonia Female Human (Tisambe) 5th-level Gamba Fighter/10th-Level Nibomay Ama