norec_sentence /
erikve's picture
5326d62 verified
  - nb
  - 10K<n<100K
  - text-classification
pretty_name: NoReC_sentence
  - config_name: binary
      - name: id
        dtype: string
      - name: review
        dtype: string
      - name: sentiment
        dtype: int64
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 504530
        num_examples: 3894
      - name: validation
        num_bytes: 90797
        num_examples: 701
      - name: test
        num_bytes: 76423
        num_examples: 583
    download_size: 419034
    dataset_size: 671750
  - config_name: mixed
      - name: id
        dtype: string
      - name: review
        dtype: string
      - name: sentiment
        sequence: int64
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 1069392
        num_examples: 8634
      - name: validation
        num_bytes: 192121
        num_examples: 1531
      - name: test
        num_bytes: 160492
        num_examples: 1272
    download_size: 833704
    dataset_size: 1422005
  - config_name: ternary
      - name: id
        dtype: string
      - name: review
        dtype: string
      - name: sentiment
        dtype: int64
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 914901
        num_examples: 7973
      - name: validation
        num_bytes: 165845
        num_examples: 1411
      - name: test
        num_bytes: 139828
        num_examples: 1181
    download_size: 745057
    dataset_size: 1220574
  - config_name: binary
      - split: train
        path: binary/train-*
      - split: validation
        path: binary/validation-*
      - split: test
        path: binary/test-*
  - config_name: mixed
      - split: train
        path: mixed/train-*
      - split: validation
        path: mixed/validation-*
      - split: test
        path: mixed/test-*
  - config_name: ternary
      - split: train
        path: ternary/train-*
      - split: validation
        path: ternary/validation-*
      - split: test
        path: ternary/test-*

Dataset Card for NoReC_sentence

Sentence-level polarity classification of Norwegian sentences from reviews across mixed domains.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

This is a dataset for sentence-level sentiment classification in Norwegian, derived from the fine-grained annotations of NoReC_fine. We here provide a version where the annotations have been aggregated at the sentence-level, by only keeping sentences that contain sentiment annotations of either positive or negative polarity (but not both), in addition to sentences having no sentiment at all (neutral). Note that sentences that contained mixed polarity are excluded. The data comes with pre-defined train/dev/test splits. The data comes in three different versions: binary (only positive or negative sentences), ternary (additionally includes neutral examples), and mixed (additionaly includes sentences with mixed polarity).

  • Curated by: The SANT project (Sentiment Analysis for Norwegian Text) at the Language Technology Group (LTG) at the University of Oslo
  • Funded by: The SANT is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR grant number 270908).
  • Shared by: The SANT project (Sentiment Analysis for Norwegian Text) at the Language Technology Group (LTG) at the University of Oslo
  • Language(s) (NLP): Norwegian (Nokmål and Nynorsk)
  • License: The data is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence (CC BY-NC 4.0). The licence is motivated by the need to block the possibility of third parties redistributing the orignal reviews for commercial purposes. Note that machine learned models, extracted lexicons, embeddings, and similar resources that are created on the basis of NoReC are not considered to contain the original data and so can be freely used also for commercial purposes despite the non-commercial condition.

Dataset Sources


The data is intended to be used for training and testing models for Norwegian sentence-level classification of polarity, either binary (positive / negative) or ternary (positive / negative / neutral).

Dataset Structure

The data comes in three different versions:

  • Binary: only includes examples with positive or negative polarity
  • Ternary: additionally includes neutral examples
  • Mixed: additionaly includes examples with mixed (i.e. both positive and negative) polarity

Each example in the data comes with three fields: a uniqe identifier ('id'), the sentence itself ('review'), and the polarity label ('sentiment'). Depending on the dataset version used, the label can be 0 (negative), 1 (positive), or 2 (neutral). For the mixed version the sentiment label is a list, reflecting the fact that a sentence can be both positive or negative. See examples below for each the three dataset versions.


{'id': '000335-02-01', 'review': 'Til tider ufrivillig morsomt .', 'sentiment': 0}
{'id': '704010-01-01', 'review': 'Ekstremt vitalt', 'sentiment': 1}


{'id': '000335-02-01', 'review': 'Til tider ufrivillig morsomt .', 'sentiment': 0}
{'id': '704010-01-01', 'review': 'Ekstremt vitalt', 'sentiment': 1}
{'id': '000778-57-02', 'review': 'Del dine synspunkter i kommentarfeltet .', 'sentiment': 2}


{'id': '000335-02-01', 'review': 'Til tider ufrivillig morsomt .', 'sentiment': [0]}
{'id': '704010-01-01', 'review': 'Ekstremt vitalt', 'sentiment': [1]}
{'id': '000778-57-02', 'review': 'Del dine synspunkter i kommentarfeltet .', 'sentiment': [2]}
{'id': '004702-02-01', 'review': 'Forviklingskomedie med brodd og bismak .', 'sentiment': [0, 1]}

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

The aggregated annotations of NoReC_sentence are primarily intended for benchmarking purposes.

Source Data

The sentence-level annotations are aggregated from the NoReC_fine dataset, which in turn comprises a subset of the documents in the Norwegian Review Corpus (NoReC), which contains full-text professional reviews collected from major Norwegian news sources and cover a range of different domains, including literature, movies, video games, restaurants, music and theater, in addition to product reviews across a range of categories. The review articles NoReC were originally donated by the media partners in the SANT project; the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), Schibsted Media Group and Aller Media. The data comprises reviews extracted from eight different Norwegian news sources: Dagbladet, VG, Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Fædrelandsvennen, Stavanger Aftenblad, and In terms of publishing date the reviews of NoReC mainly cover the time span 2003–2019, although it also includes a handful of reviews dating back as far as 1998.


The original annotations of NoReC_fine that the sentence-level labels here are derived from, were originally created by hired annotators who were all BSc- or MSc-level students in the Language Technology study program at the Department of informatics, University of Oslo.

Personal and Sensitive Information

The data does not contain information considered personal or sensitive.


Results obtained on this data might not generalize to texts from other domains or genres. Any biases in the sentiments expressed by the original review authors may carry over to models trained on this data.



  author = {Andrey Kutuzov and Jeremy Barnes and Erik Velldal and Lilja {\O}vrelid and Stephan Oepen}, 
  title = {Large-Scale Contextualised Language Modelling for Norwegian},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2021)}},
  year = 2021

  author = {Lilja {\O}vrelid and Petter M{\ae}hlum and Jeremy Barnes and Erik Velldal},
  title = {A Fine-grained Sentiment Dataset for {N}orwegian},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference}},
  year = 2020,
  address = "Marseille, France, 2020"


[More Information Needed]

Dataset Card Authors

Vladislav Mikhailov and Erik Velldal

Dataset Card Contact and